#lacking the quality it could’ve had
dykesbat · 1 year
I feel like the only art I’ve posted that feels like my current art is the bruce painting overlooking gotham which makes sense bc it’s also the first time I used the method I’ve been using more recently
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eetherealgoddess · 2 months
Can we get another hybird fic?
ꨄOur Pet Humanꨄ
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Oneshot - Yandere Hybrid Au
❦You’re a human surviving in the world of hybrids❦
Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
❣︎Also, the other bonten members (except mochi) are in this story❣︎
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Not fully proofread!
Japanese language is red
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Our Pet Human
You ignore the filthy fumes sneaking into your nostrils as you use your hands to dig through the piles of trash lying inside the dumpster. You tear open a bag or two as you go, searching for any kind of food you could get your paws on. You ignore the pain forming in your stomach from the lack of nutrients, sweat falling down your forehead as half of your body is hanging inside the compartment. The last meal you consumed was from the company you were transferred to, auctioned off to the highest bidder just for the cycle to repeat.
At the time you were so focused on escaping that you forgot to think about the long term effects like food supply, shelter, clothing, etc. You snatch the half eaten treat and push against the dumpster until you’re on your feet. You shove the delicacy in your mouth quickly before chewing fast, a few crumbs falling from your face. You wipe your mouth using the back of your wrist. You drop your body to the concrete next to the dumpster, pulling your knees under your chin. You lie your arms across as you lean your head over, face resting against your legs.
You reminisce about the time in which you lived normally when humans were at the top of the hierarchy. Hybrids were a recent creation, only having been a result of an experimentation your species studied. By chance, they were able to manipulate the scientists into believing that they would make the perfect pets. Time went on as the hybrids were bought and sold, mostly by the rich. Once there were plenty out of their cages, they took over by force.
Blood was everywhere as chaos filled the streets. One by one families and individuals who owned the species were slaughtered just as the hybrids figured out their own control system, mimicking the humans idea by selling humans to anyone who’d buy depending on the ‘quality.’ As a human, you could be sold as a pet, servant, maid, heat guide, or even food. You could’ve been sold as anything though after you were caught and switched from country to country, you had enough. You didn’t agree with the idea when humans ruled and you definitely don’t agree with how things are now.
You lift your head slightly before eyeing the bruises and cuts that lathered your arms and legs. There is a medium sized tear on your grimy shirt, displaying some of the marks on your torso. You sigh before brainstorming your next move. Pulled out of your head, you hear footsteps coming near. Your eyes widen as you cover your mouth. You look around swiftly, noticing your lack of escape routes as you use your other arm to tighten the grip around your legs, the feeling of being stuck prominent.
Fuck, why did my stupid ass rest here?
You could only remain stationary as the footsteps grew louder, indicating the close vicinity of the stranger. You make an attempt at making yourself smaller as you scoot closer to the corner where the dumpster and wall meet, your back against the large object as you continue to hold your knees against your chest. You were nervous of the hybrid’s ability to sniff out the prey, hoping that the garbage smell will cover your natural scent.
Your breath hitches as you look straight ahead, the footsteps halting in front of the dumpster, slightly diagonal to where you’re hiding. You hear a low hum before the footsteps return though the sound seems to shrink as a minute passes. You slowly peak from the side of the garbage and eye the figure walking back in the direction they came. You eye his tall torso and broad shoulders, the white leopard printed tail swaying behind him as he slowly strides away, a hand running through his short lilac locks, bringing your attention to the ears that have the same print as his tail.
You release a sigh before turning back into your position, only to release a gasp as sharp blue eyes fill your vision. The pink haired man snatched your arm before you could react, his blonde yet spotted ears falling back as his tail thrashed. His claws pierce your skin which caused a sharp pain to shoot up your arm. He pulls you to eye level as you grimace.
“What do you think you’re doing here, human?” The jaguar says in a language you don’t understand. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you explain, “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
He stares at you for a moment before a grin reaches his expression. The purple suited man drags you along, following the same path as the leopard from before.
You struggle in his grip as he pulls you along seeming to do no damage as he didn’t release his hold. You gasp as he squeezed your wrist painfully. You pull your other arm back and land a fist on his shoulder before aiming at his head, only for him to dodge it and grab your fist, yanking you to fall on your knees in front of him. He released you before grabbing your chin and pulling you forward as he leaned over.
“Behave.” He states in your language, giving you a stern look. His sharp gaze pierced your soul as you suck your teeth in annoyance.
“Then let me go.” You demand. An eyebrow raised on his face as he smirked.
“We’re gonna fix that mouth of yours.” He released your chin before snatching you by the collar and pulling you along once more. You allow him to act this time, not wanting to push your luck and become his next meal. You’re forced to head towards the large building. Once you enter, your orbs meet with purple.
“Hm. I thought I smelled a pesky little vermin.” A sly grin falls upon the familiar male’s face as he observes you. You glare at his insult, planning a retort though another hybrid beat you to it.
“All I smell is garbage. Is that where you found this thing, Sanzu?” The male standing to the right of the short haired man, his ears and tail matching that of the taller male. Purple bangs hover over his eyes as he gives you a blank stare, his hands hidden inside of his pockets. You eye the matching symbol on his neck and guess that the two purple eyed men must be siblings. He turns his attention to the pink haired jaguar after the last sentence, his tail hanging low, twitching at the end.
“I brought a gift for Mikey.” Sanzu gives a pleased smile as he walks to the elevator, continuing to force you along as the brothers follow along.
“Shouldn’t you give it a bath first? I’m curious to see it all cleaned up.” The taller man leaned his back against the wall of the elevator. You could only switch your gaze back and forth as you couldn’t decipher their conversation, giving up and turning away with your own arms crossed. After the shorter leopard pressed a button, you felt the room move upward.
Once you make it to the correct floor, you all walk off once the elevator doors slide open. The hand on your collar moves to one of your wrists as you’re guided to a door at the end of the hall, stumbling behind the three pigmented men. Just as the two brothers walked in, Sanzu halts before making an entrance, glancing at you before pursing his lips and turning around, walking in the opposite direction.
“Where are we going?” You question in confusion. He ignored you as you were dragged once more down the hall and back to the elevator.
Once you reach a floor higher, you’re forced out of the elevator as you take in the surroundings of what seems to be a common area. Once he reaches the bathroom, he places his hands on your shoulders and forces you to sit on the toilet. Just as you were about to question him, he walks out, slamming and locking the door behind him.
After a moment of silence, the lock is turned and a human woman walks in. You watch as she walks to the bathtub, turning the faucet on and setting all the necessities in place.
“H-hey I can bathe myself, you know?” You grasp her attention by tapping her shoulder after you had shot up from your seat. You pause when she turns to look at you with bloodshot eyes.
“P-please, just… j-just allow me to complete my task, Ms.” Her voice trembled as she eyed you with pure terror in her eyes.
You eye her for a moment with bewilderment. You observe the scars and bruises you hadn’t noticed when she first walked in. You know that hybrids are usually terrible when it comes to properly caring for the human species. You snarled as your hands turned to fists. You quietly nod and begin to undress once everything is ready.
She gives you privacy as you climb into the large tub, the suds covering your body as you lean against the back of the surface. Although you wished for a shower, you knew anything was better than wearing the same dirty clothes for any longer.
After the process was over, you were guided to a bedroom. Your eyes widen at the display lying on the bed. A black ruffled collar sat on the comforter as well as a black leash. On closer inspection the collar had a mixture of red and black ruffled lace as well as a red heart hanging as the identification tag.
“No fucking way.” You breathe out. You were upset and angry, not having expected any better from the hybrid species but also missed the sense of freedom you had for a while before getting caught once more. You went through so much just to return being some stupid pet for these abominations.
The woman flinched as you snatched the collar and leash, throwing them to the ground and releasing a few curses. You only stopped when you heard a whimper behind you, thinking you had accidentally scared the fellow human you turn your body around only to be met with an unfamiliar male. Your body jolted in surprise.
The man observes the situation as you return the same gaze, eyeing the tiger tattoo that caught your attention, your eyes moving up to his facial features that consist of a beauty mark right under his eye as well as large golden eyes boring into you. His hair falls down, two blonde strands in front of his face and black locks falling behind, slightly covering the tattoo. You glance at the tiger printed ears at the top of his head. He tsked after waving the woman off and slowly shaking his head, walking towards you, his tail high with a small hook at the end.
“That wasn’t very nice. Don’t you think you should be a little more grateful?” He placed his hands in his pockets as he awaits a response, shifting his gaze to the accessories lying on the floor. He crouched down and grabbed the items, placing them back on the bed.
You couldn’t fully read him. He seems as though he is a laid back guy but considering the reaction the other human had, you knew not to push your luck with your words. You knew it could get you in some trouble.
After silence fills the room, he gently taps his lap as one of his ears that stood up slightly twitched. He gives you a smile as he waits for you to move. You look down where his hand is before glaring at his face. You shook your head. An eyebrow raises as a frown falls on his face, his ears slightly pulled back before returning to their placement.
“What’s your name?” You pause in contemplation before answering.
“Y/n.” He hums as he nods. Suddenly, he seizes your wrist before pulling you on top of him, forcing your knees on each side of his lap as your weight sinks on the bed. You eye him with wide eyes as he gazes up at you, arms snaking around your waist as you're forced in place. Your hands meet his shoulders to steady yourself.
“I don’t want to be mean, Y/n.” He starts off, shifting his attention to the collar and leash before turning back to you. “You see, this kind of behavior is unacceptable.” You hold back a shiver as a cold hand places itself under your shirt and on your lower back.
“I’m giving you a chance to take your punishment like the good girl I know you can be.” One of his hands moves to your chin, claws poking your skin. He gives you a closed eye smile before saying, “So don’t test my patience, okay?”
You didn’t know how to respond, not wanting to conform and also not wanting to test this guy’s boundaries. It was at this moment you realized that you have no clue who these hybrids are and what they’re capable of. You gag on the inside as you obey, nodding in response to let him know you’re listening.
“Awe, you’re already being so good for me.” He beamed while caressing your cheek. “How about I let you off with a warning?” You hold back the disgusted look that wanted to fall on your face, thankful that you weren't going to receive whatever he had in store for you.
He grabs the collar before securing it around your neck, as well as hooking the leash. “My name is Kazutora but you’re gonna call me Master anyway. I just want you to know the difference between me and the others.” He pats your thigh before gently pushing you off of him, your feet connecting to the floor.
He pulls you along by the leash, walking to the elevator and entering once the doors opened. After you reach the designated floor, he pulls you down the familiar hall and to the door that the man you remembered to be ‘Sanzu’ hadn’t allowed you to walk into.
Once you enter, you see a long table in the middle of the room, along with six other men sitting at the table. You couldn’t help but feel intimidated when all the sharp gazes shift to you. The aura of the room was suffocating, your instincts kicking in as your body tightened up. You knew just by the look of everyone in the room, you were amongst some of the most dangerous hybrids.
A platinum haired male released a huff, his ears pressed against his head as well as his tail low though twitching at the end. His fingers meet his temple as he rubs along.
“Do you know how much this thing is going to cost to take care of it?” The cheetah hybrid growled, glaring at the pink haired jaguar who smirked in return.
“It’s not like we don’t have enough money, Koko.”
“That’s not the point.” He hissed, fangs bare as his tail slowly thrashed.
“I think it’ll be good having it around” The older Haitani states as he takes a sip of his glass.
“That’s because you only want to fuck it, you don’t have me fooled.” The man with a scar over his eye chuckled, a cigarette hanging outside of the corner of his mouth. You guessed his relation is somehow with the man with scars on his mouth considering the same pattern they have plastered on their ears and tail.
“So what, Takeomi? What else is it good for besides a heat guide?” The younger Haitani questions, one ear flat as the other sticks up as well as his cheek leaning on the palm of his hand. As everyone converses, Kazutora pulls you along to awkwardly stand next to his seat as he sits down at the table.
“It doesn’t matter what any of you think. It’s up to our boss.” The great dane says, a stern look on his face as he sits with a leg crossed over the other. His arms are crossed as he leans against the back of the chair, his black tail still as his ears hang from his head. His heterochromia eyes slanted as a look of irritation crossed his face. Once the boss was mentioned, everyone except you shifted their gaze to the white haired lion that sat at the end of the table.
You had no clue what was going on, having not understood a word though only understanding everyone’s tense body language when you followed their gazes to a short man with dark eyes. He stares ahead as you observe his features, his ears sticking straight up, though from your angle you couldn’t see his tail. Finally, his dark orbs meet yours, catching you off guard and forcing you to look away considering the eye contact.
Before he says anything, the door swings open, revealing a random man who resembles the features of a bear and the human woman you met earlier dragged in by the bicep. You watch with your eyebrows furrowed as he tossed her into the room, her hands stopping her face from meeting the floor followed along with a grunt.
He stood back against the door with his arms crossed as he eyed the situation, awaiting instructions. She trembles against the floor, looking back and forth between the men and you in fear. A look of confusion crossed your face as you watched the display.
“Ran.” The lion says, nodding over to the woman. A smile crossed the tall leopard’s face as his ears and tail perked up.
“Yes, sir.” He says, standing from his seat as an object in his hand is revealed. You eye the silver weapon that seems to get longer after he flicks his wrist.
“N-no, please! I-I’m sorry!” The woman cries out, crawling back as she cowers down. You gasp as the realization clicks on what he’s about to do with the baton.
You make an attempt to run towards her shaking figure, only to be reminded of the collar around your neck as Kazutora yanks your leash back.
“Sit.” He yanks once more, a harsher tug that forces you to fall backwards on your derrière.
“Fuck!” You hiss in pain only for a stinging sensation on your cheek to appear as your head is forced the opposite way. A hand on your chin pulls your face towards his as he leans over in his chair.
“I should hear no bad words coming from that mouth.” He gives you a bored look before returning his gaze to the display. You pant as you look over at the human woman in concern.
“P-please don’t do thi-!” A loud crack echoed throughout the room, followed by another and another along with the woman’s grunts. You stare wide eyed as his arm pulls back before slamming down on the woman’s back. She limps to the ground, barely awake as her body twitches. You watch as blood leaks out of her mouth, oozing on the floor as her head lies down.
He lands another harsh hit to her back using both hands on the handle before landing another once more. Your own hands shake as they reach your ears once you shut your eyes tightly. You hope that it’ll be over soon, though you don’t know if she’ll survive. With a last resounding crack, the purple eyed man finally stops his assault and steps back. He flips the body using his foot though she only fell back into place, the side of her face against the floor as her stomach is attached to the ground.
Just as you opened your eyes and removed your hands, you gaze at her lifeless form. A looming darkness hovers over you as your stomach feels itself drop, bringing your knees to your chest as a few tears begin to fall. Your lip quivers as you observe her still body.
To think that I saw her only just a while ago alive and walking.
Footsteps could be heard in the quiet room, the lion stepping forth and halting when he stood next to the corpse. He crouched down, grabbing the collar of her shirt and standing up, her body hanging from his hold. The platinum haired male shifted his gaze to you.
“Let this be a lesson, Y/n.” You glared when he dropped the body and walked to his seat.
You stared at the bowl sitting on the floor from where you sat in the dining room of their shared penthouse. It was supposed to be a full human meal but resembled the containers of wet food you’d get for your regular cats you had before the take over. This was a common way for hybrids to feed their humans. It depends on the owner whether or not you’re allowed to eat with your hands.
“Why are you not eating, Y/n?” Ran questions from where he sits on the chair next to you. Looking up at him and back to the bowl, you frowned.
“I can’t eat like this.” In fact, you never had to before. When you were with the initial abductors they would just throw a bowl in the cages but wouldn’t stay to watch so you’d just eat with your hands like a normal human.
“You’re lucky to be fed at all.” Rin rolled his eyes as he grabbed your bowl.
Ran tsked before leaning over, catching you off guard and pulling your body onto his lap. Rin passed the bowl to his brother and leaned back in his seat, using a lighter to burn the end of a blunt before setting it to his mouth.
You look at Ran with wide eyes as you shift uncomfortably on his lap. His chest rumbled from his deep chuckle.
“Don’t be so rude, brother. The kitty only wanted to be fed.” Your face heats up in embarrassment.
“That’s far from what I wanted!” A harsh smack on your thigh caused you to wince.
“Do we need to buy a muzzle for it?” Rin questioned as he pulls another hit before blowing the smoke out in your direction.
“That wouldn’t be a terrible idea.” Ran says as he uses chopsticks to pick up a piece of your food, bringing it to your lips.You hesitate out of pride, turning your head in the process as you couldn’t shake the feeling of humiliation.
“Should I use my baton?” Ran questions you. The memory of what the woman went through earlier crossed your mind, causing a shiver to slither up your spine before you parted your lips. Bringing his chopsticks to your lips once more, you opened your mouth wider to give better access before closing your lips around the utensil.
It had been a few weeks since you were taken in by Bonten as a pet. You lie still as you eye the ceiling, laying on your designated palette next to Mikey’s bed. Although you were able to adapt, you still couldn’t get used to their unpredictable and violent ways. At least you knew what you were getting when you were at the company before.
The contrast between some of their treatment and punishments were unsettling. Not to mention how demeaning it is to be treated as some animal when only just a few years back you lived a normal life. You look down and eye the fresh marks on your skin, remembering the baton making contact with your dermis as well as Sanzu using his katana. Kazutora usually spanks you and you’d think it wouldn’t be so bad, yet his hand uses so much force that it’s actually quite painful and makes it hard to sit for long periods of time.
Rin finds various ways to discipline you such as forcing you to kneel in rice, popping a joint or two out of place before popping it back, etc. You haven’t angered Mikey yet and fortunately the others leave you be so you don’t see them much at all.
“Y/n.” A voice took you out of your thoughts and caused you to eye the bed. “Come.”
Your eyebrows furrow at the demand. You’ve never been allowed in anyone’s bed up until this point so the command threw you in for a loop. Slowly sitting up, you picked yourself off of the floor and climbed on the bed, your own eyes meeting closed lids before you’re pulled into an embrace.
Your back meets Mikey’s chest as you both lay fetal position, him spooning you. You could only stare wide eyed across from where you lay when you felt a rumble, hearing a pur near your ear as his tail wraps around your thigh. Time passed before you both fell into a deep slumber, creating the unsaid habit as the cycle repeats.
A few months pass and a new human gets hired as one of the staff who are used to clean, cook, and complete the everyday tasks at hand. Because the majority of hybrids you were around, there were very few humans. Having been exhausted with your circumstances, you became a close friend to the new guy, creating a bond that you haven’t felt in a long time. Whenever the ‘masters’ would go on a mission, you’d be left on your lonesome until you would untie yourself from the post and leave your spot.
You would search for your friend, Eiichi until you found him and would help the male clean faster so you both could hang out as normal people, something neither of you had done in a long time. You began to spend so much time together that you would find yourself smiling at nothing whenever he was away, having to explain yourself as a result of your odd behavior, usually coming up with a lie.
You enjoyed each other’s company so much that you decided to brainstorm an escape plan together, ready to escape this world and live off grid. It was wishful thinking but the sooner you left this penthouse, the better. As you both leaned over the counter, caught the other’s eye as you stared for a moment. It had been a while since you had received genuine care from another human being. The gap in between both of you almost came to a close until you were yanked back by the collar of your shirt.
“So dirty.” The jaguar hissed before quickly stabbing Eiichi’s hand against the counter using a dagger. The human male yells out in pain as you’re grabbed by the neck and lifted from the floor. Rin’s eyes narrow as a smile appears on his face along with his ears flat against his head. His tail thrashes around violently.
“I just needed an excuse to go harder on you.” He says as you struggle to unwrap the fingers that are blocking your airway. Your feet dangle in the air as you hear another blood curdling shriek from Eiichi as Sanzu twists the weapon in the wound while glaring at the weaker man.
“Who said you can touch what belongs to Bonten, you fucking rat?” Sanzu growled before his claws protruded, pulling his arm back and slicing through Eiichi’s back.
Eiichi released a howl of agony as he leaned over the counter, his other fist connecting to the surface as his own nails dug into the palm of his trembling hand. Tears stream down his face as he looks up in your direction.
“L-let her go!” He grunts, his head hovering over his bloody hand. You struggle harder and you lose more air, your vision blurring out gradually as your body weakens.
“Since when did you call the shots?” Rin questions before he walks to where he’s standing across from Eiichi in a closer space. He released your neck, allowing you to drop. He snatches your waist before you could fully fall on the ground, coughing and chasing your breath. He eyes Eiichi before grabbing your chin harshly and forcing your lips to meet his. Your eyes widen as Rin’s other hand wraps around your bruised neck once more though to pull you into the kiss closer.
Once he was finished roughly kissing your lips, he moved the hand on your neck to the back of your head and wrapped the other arm around your waist, moving his head down your neck as you quietly pant while avoiding eye contact with the other men. You would’ve bit him if it wasn’t risking your life. His lips leave a tingling sensation to linger on each spot of your skin his mouth assaults. He stares Eiichi in the eyes the entire time, who could only stare back in agony and anger.
“See that?” Sanzu whispers near Eiichi’s ear. “See how she's taking it?”
When the human didn’t respond, Sanzu twisted the dagger once more before snatching it out, causing a drawn out grunt to leave Eiichi’s lips. You try to pull back but Rin’s hold was painfully tight.
“Answer me.” He hissed, his ears falling back as his tail mocked Rin’s thrashing. Eiichi nods violently, followed by a desperate, “Yes!”
“What’s going on here?” A voice came from the elevator, Ran walking in as well as Kazutora walking behind with their ears perked up. They had on amused expressions, staring at the display as they walked towards the busy executives.
“Tell em.” Rin demands looking into your eyes while your noses almost meet, pulling you back just enough to shift your gaze to the tiger and leopard.
“W-we were gonna kiss.” You say softly, nervous of the reactions considering how the first two executives responded. Kazutora sighs as Ran walks to the other side of you, opposite of his brother.
“Awe, kitty if you just wanted a kiss why didn’t you say so?” He cooed before leaning over and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I thought you were a good girl, Y/n.” Kazutora frowns before crossing his arms and walking around the counter to where Eiichi is leaning over.
He uses one hand to grip the back of Eiichi’s collar before pulling his arm back and landing a bone crunching punch on his face, causing the poor human to fall over on the floor, blood splattering everywhere. You gasp as you yell his name before Ran wraps a hand half way under your chin and neck and forces you to look up, your head resting on his chest as he looks down at you.
“All you have to do is ask, Y/n. I don’t mind being the human touch you need.” He chuckled as Sanzu and Kazutora took turns beating and kicking Eiichi. A fist connects with his face as a foot connects with his stomach and so on. The floor is a bloody mess as well as the granite counter.
“Stop fucking hurting him!” You push against Rin’s chest as Ran releases your neck. Suddenly the room goes quiet as a new set of footsteps could be heard entering the room.
The lion eases into the room with a blank look on his face, pondering the display as he motions for everyone to follow. Everyone begins to move towards their boss, you turning around to try and check on Eiichi, only to see Kazutora use Sanzu’s dagger to puncture it through Eiichi’s back. You gasp as you try to break free of the Haitani brother’s hold.
“N-no!” You shriek as tears stream down your face, Rin picking you up in the process and throwing you over his shoulder to force you along.
You all walk onto a large bedroom, one that you haven't seen before. Before you could get a good look, you were tossed on the bed. Mikey took his seat on one of the accented sofas across from the bed. Everyone else stood at attention while waiting for instructions. You made poor attempts to prevent yourself from crying considering the only human friend you had just got murdered by your recklessness.
“Since you found her, do what you will.” Your eyes widen at Mikey’s statement. Before you could react, you felt arms wrap around your waist before you’re pulled in between someone’s legs from behind, sliding you against their chest.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment, Kitty.” Ran whispers before he places kisses against your ear. The rumbling in his chest is evident of a pur causing you to jolt and try to remove his arms, only to get distracted by a force on your chin. Sanzu lowers his face, meeting his lips with yours as he kisses you passionately. His head slightly moves along with his lips as you feel a hand sneaking under your shirt.
Kazutora’s hand slithers up your stomach, using his fingers to caress your healing scars before slowly making his way to one of your breasts, all the while gazing at your face. You feel a squeeze on your thigh by Rin before he slides up to meet your core, only for you to move your legs and close his hand in between your thighs. You yank your head back from Sanzu.
“N-no! Eiichi!” You hear a couple of huffs before Rin tears your legs apart, Kazutora locking one in place with his arm. The older Haitani slides his hand down your thigh before diving into your pants. Sanzu moves a hand to lift your shirt slightly and places his hand on your other breast. You feel a finger sliding against your clit through your panties. It felt so conflicting to be horrified for your own safety, as well as mourning a death all the while feeling a sense of pleasure from the culprits who caused your pain in the first place. You truly didn’t know how to respond besides failing miserably at struggling against their holds.
One of the hands on your breasts disappears just as Sanzu reaches in his pocket. Pulling out a small baggie with a pink pill, he pours it in the palm of his hand before bending over on the nightstand and crushing half of it. He placed one on his tongue before grabbing your chin once more.
“Open up.” He squeezes your cheeks harshly to force your jaw open. He sets the last piece on his tongue before leaning over and connecting the slightly dissolved pill with your own tongue. Tightening his grip, he pulled you forward.
“Swallow it.” He released his tight grasp once you complied. A few minutes pass as they continue their groping, your body feeling the same as before until you begin to feel heavy. You could feel yourself leaning more against Ran as your body falls back.
“There ya go, kitty. Just relax.” His raspy voice purrs along with his finger making slow yet firm circles around your nub. A wet substance slowly oozes out of your vagina as the stimulation causes you to moan quietly. You lean your head back against his chest as sweat beads around the lining of your forehead.
“E-Eiichi…” You whine out as the memories overcome your mind, the drug in your system causing you to feel as though you’re flying through your mind, reliving the moment as tears begin to stream down your face.
“Hey.” You hear a soft voice as a palm covers your cheek, gently forcing you to make eye contact with Kazutora.
“Focus on me.” He all but whispers before he leans in, latching his mouth to yours as his lips move against yours. Feeling drowsy and drawn in, you return the gesture, lost in a trance and only focusing on him. The softness felt really nice against your own lips, the drug intensifying the motion. His thumb caressed your cheek as a purr rumbled from his chest. His claw lightly grazing your skin caused a shiver throughout your body.
You were so focused on the moment with Kazutora that you hadn’t noticed how Rin pulled your pants off or how Sanzu ripped your shirt and even pulled your arms out of your sleeves. You hadn’t realized that you were bare chested and only covered up with a pair of lace panties Kokonoi bought. It wasn’t until you felt movement against your clit once more, as well as something wet against one of your nipples.
Ran switched to rolling your other nipple between his index and thumb causing a shock throughout your body as you felt the pressure build from Rin intricately using his thumb to rub along your clit through your panties, his other hand spreading your left fold to gain better access, and Sanzu flicking his tongue against your nipple while holding it firmly, closing his lips around to give little sensitive pecks as well as sucking the bud.
It was overwhelming. Focused solely on their touches, you hadn’t heard your own moaning. You felt pathetic, coming undone and vulnerability revealed to all these beasts who treat you as though you're below them. It’s embarrassing. Your high made it all the more worse as you began to get distracted with your thoughts causing a bittersweet feeling to take on considering all the hands on you. The movement on your clit halts as a weight on the bed disappears for a moment.
“I’m going to try something.” Rin says as he walks from the nightstand to the bed, your half lidded gaze eyeing the suction vibrator in his hand once Kazutora released your face. Rin sets the object down before removing your panties, getting into position.
“Kinky.” Ran smirked, licking behind the rim of your ear before Rin pulled your body down slightly.
“Alright, Bunny open wide!” Rin beams with a closed eyed mischievous smile.
Kazutora and Sanzu take it upon themselves to pull your legs open wider. Rin leans into position before he presses the button until it reaches a medium setting. Using his index and thumb, he spreads your labia before setting the circular end around your clit. Your body immediately tensed, your hips lifted as your head fell back. You bite your lip as your hands grip Ran’s thighs.
“Damn, that’s so hot.” Rin breathes out, watching more juice flowing out of your vagina.
Mikey felt a tightness in his pants as he sat manspread while leaned back. His hand slowly slides over his own thigh before he palms his bulge, tightening his grip just enough to add a painless pressure to ease his throbbing erection. The whole display of you sprawled out naked between his men while responding to the sensual acts in such a filthy manner is enticingly sweet to his mesmerized yet tired gaze.
Rin removes the vibrator to allow you a small moment of relief, your breathing hard as you pant, limbs trembling. You watch as he turns the setting higher, shaking your head.
“No, no, no! Wait!” He ignored you and set the buzzing end back around your swollen bud. The buzzing sensation connecting with your clit could only be explained as an electrifying stimulation. It’s so intense that your body freezes as your hips lift once more, your nails digging through the fabric covering Ran’s skin as you grunt. Just as you thought it couldn’t get any more intense, the tiger and jaguar hybrids leaned over and latched their tongues against your nipples.
The drug heightened your sensitivity so you could barely think properly, your hips beginning to grind against the toy causing your clit to rub against the inside of the puckered end harder considering Rin moves the vibrator with your motion, meeting the base of your clit with the end of the opening.
“So fucking filthy.” Sanzu hissed after releasing your nipple.
“My king, can I?” His attention shifts to Mikey, awaiting permission to proceed with his request.
“You and Rin.” Mikey states considering they were the two who found her having escaped the bedroom and almost kissing Eiichi.
Ran and Kazutora groan before they pull themselves away from you. Their cocks are throbbing tight against their pants and they’re ready to feel your warmth engulfing them. It’s frustrating but at least it’ll be their turn at some point tonight.
Your body drops back on the bed as Rin removes the vibrator, edging you before setting it on the nightstand. Sanzu repositions you to where he’s lying under you, positioning his cock to your wet entrance. Lifting his hips, he used his hands to guide your hips down, your pussy slowly engulfing his thick girth, both of you releasing a moan as the head reached the g-spot as your thighs hit the base of his erection. The drug felt like an aphrodisiac, making everything feel ten times more intense though you knew that wasn’t its purpose.
He guides you to buck your hips against him slowly so you could adjust to his size to make everything easier. He pressed a hand against your upper back, pulling you to press your breasts against his chest. His legs spread under you, making space for Rin to crouch above you from behind. He rubbed the lube between his fingers against his cock, having already prepared while you and Sanzu became adjusted. You felt a firm pressure entering you from behind, your eyebrows furrowing as you grunt in pain.
“N-no! Take it out! I-it hurts!” You cry out, tears streaming down your face as you angrily fist Sanzu’s chest.
“Shh. Shhh.” He grabbed the back of your hand and placed it against his neck.
“Squeeze when you feel pain.” Your fingers wrapped snugly around his throat. You hadn’t wanted to comply, but the pain was so uncomfortable that you tighten your grip around his neck with a scrunched nose.
“Fuck.” He moans as a red hue appears on his face, his lips apart as his eyes flutter shut. He bit his lip right before thrusting into you deeper. His blue orbs bore into you with a glimmer in his eyes, his claws piercing the skin on your thighs.
His hips lifting caused a contrast between pleasure and pain. Rin pushes deeper as the pain of your tightness eases for him. He groaned before leaning over more and balancing himself against the bed. His hips move back before they push forward, repeating the process as his cock rubbed against your anal walls, creating a stinging fullness that added to the girthy cock inside of your pussy, rubbing along your vaginal walls as well as firmly kissing your cervix.
Your mouth hung open as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, using your legs to help push against their thrusts. Curses, moans, and whimpers echoed throughout the room as well as the rocking of the bed. The men on the side had their own hand wrapped around their cock, leaking because of the display in front of them.
The smacking of skin increases as they speed upthe pace, forming harsher thrusts as they all bring themselves closer to the edge. You couldn’t focus on anything but feeling full and being surrounded by breathy sounds of pleasure. Your eyebrows furrowed as the pit in your stomach rises, biting your lip as you all rutt harder against each other.
“Shit.” Kazutora hissed as his hand reached the base of his cock before pulling his hand around the head and focusing on the stimulation at the tip of his erection.
Ran’s hair falls on his face from sweat, his head lowered with his mouth parted as he rubs his closed hand against his throbbing length. He repeats the motion at a steady pace before speeding the process. Mikey has one hand flat on the base of his cock while the other one grips his girth, rubbing up and down but in a circular motion at a slower pace.
Finally reaching your peak, you felt the rise fall as your body convulsed, orgasming hard as a loud moan left your mouth. The men follow not long after, their loads releasing as they press themselves deep inside you before riding out their orgasms, moaning near your ears as they breathe heavily.
The men on the sidelines shot ropes as their own bodies tensed, rubbing out their orgasms as they made a mess on their own pants. Curses could be heard throughout the room as they finished up, their cocks re - erecting not long after.
“Y/n.” Mikey says as he pants. “Come clean me up.”
The night continued on as you had orgasm after orgasm from the men taking their turns with your body. The night was heavenly for your fix in the moment, lapping up the attention and pleasure desperately. It wasn’t until your collar was hooked around your neck, followed with a cuff on your ankle that you realized the reality of your placement here. It reminded you of how much of a worthless animal you are to them.
Who knew that one night of passion could turn into multiple nights of you becoming some drugged up sex toy for their own pleasure. Their heats were the worst, becoming so rough with you as if they’re releasing their pent up rage. You couldn’t stop thinking of Eiichi. The way he made you feel normal again and the haunting memory of how he died. You found yourself more and more depressed and eager for a chance of true release.
A year passed and there was a night where you found out about a type of drug from one of the human staff members. It used to be a legal medication specifically made for cat hybrids to consume and become less aggressive and more docile. It also helped them fall asleep faster. Whenever you received the medication, you gave it to the human cook you became friends with who dropped a pill in each of their drinks during dinner before they made it back.
When they consumed the drug, it was quite entertaining. You sat on the couch in the living room instead of the floor while Mikey rubbed his face against your neck as he straddled you, nuzzling against your skin with his ears forward. Sanzu sat beside you sniffing the opposite side of your neck, ears straight up as he licks the skin. You feel Kazutora nuzzling against one of your legs with his arms wrapped around the limb. Ran is knocked out next to you, sleeping in a fetal position with his feet closest to you, tail lying over his own hip. Rin sits with his legs wrapped around your other leg while licking the skin on the back of his hand, grooming himself.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at their clinginess though when you realized your reality you began to think that there was nothing funny about this situation. You called one of their oblivious guards, who thought they just took a new drug they had provided themselves, to walk in to help you remove themselves so everyone can go to bed. When the hybrid snake tried to grab your arm, Mikey’s eyes sharpened before he hissed and used his claws to scratch the snake’s face. His tail rattled in response as he hissed in pain, his hands holding his bloody face as you eye the display in bewilderment.
This will definitely make it easier to escape.
Ran woke up from the commotion just as all of the cats bared their fangs ready to attack as their tails thrashed and ears flattened on their heads. Narrowing their eyes they all dash away from their spots, pouncing on the guard as he yells out in pain. You eye the display but don’t bother to help, waiting patiently as they finish though you look away from the disturbing scene and cover your ears. After they slaughter the man to death, they sleepily walk away, walking with you as you guide them to each of their bedrooms.
After all was done, they were knocked out cold from the drug. You gathered a random bag with necessities and threw the collar you had set on the nightstand in a trash can. You climbed out from the back of the first story’s window, beginning the journey to your new life.
The next day came crashing for the men, Sanzu being the first to know of your absence. Chaos reigned throughout the morning meeting as they took their rage out on irrelevant staff members and guards, wreaking havoc on those who let you slip from their radar. The other executives only stared at the display with blank looks as they watched, only thinking about their next move to find you for the sake of their boss’s and fellow executives’ sanity.
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obsessedwithceleste · 3 months
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The Slytherin Boys
As Deadly Sins
Ft. Draco Malfoy, Lorenzo Berkshire, Theodore Nott, and Mattheo Riddle
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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Pride (noun) often a quality of extreme arrogance or dangerous overconfidence.
Pride was something that had been drilled into Draco from a young age
Take pride in your blood status
Take pride in your wealth
Take pride in the name Malfoy
And as an only child, Draco was treated as though he were a god among man
When Draco arrived at Hogwarts, his pride was perceived as arrogance by many, and as confidence by others
Not that he cared
He was above it all
In fact, Draco thrived on the attention, the whispers about him only feeding his ego
He had a constant need for validation, to prove that his pride was not misplaced, and to defend the things he was most proud of
Hogwarts was the first place Draco felt as though he was at risk of blending in
While he felt at home in Slytherin
(As if his parents hadn’t groomed him specifically to end up there)
He couldn’t help but begin to see clones of himself among the sea of green robes
While he enjoyed being part of a group for the first time in his life, he realized it also came with the threat of not being the best
Not being the center of attention
His legacy being lost within a sea of other students
Friends came with the risk of being overshadowed
And if there was one thing Draco knew, it’s that the Malfoy name would not be overshadowed
Because he was the best, and he’d be make sure everyone knew it
They were below him
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Envy (noun) a feeling of desire to possess what others have, often leading to resentment.
Envy was not a term most would associate with Lorenzo Berkshire
Many people were envious of him, sure
But what could someone who has it all
The looks, the Gringotts account, the status
What could they possibly be envious of?
Even Enzo himself didn’t really consider himself an envious person
Growing up he knew he had it better than most, not the perfect childhood by any means, but he knew it could’ve been much worse
It isn’t until reaching Hogwarts that the green tendrils of jealousy first began to seep in
It starts out slowly as he meets his first real group of friends
It doesn’t take long for him to be slotted into the role of the sweet one of the group
Though, given the group of boys he hangs around, it can be debated how much there is to be said about the title
Nevertheless, Enzo often hears the comments made by his classmates
Enzo is the nicest of the group, the most innocent, he wouldn’t hurt a fly, just a pretty boy
The weak link of the group
And compared to boys like Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo- ever stoic, unfeeling
He realizes his kindness had been perceived as weakness
And that’s where his jealousy stems from
His desire to be seen like his friends
Tough, intimidating, powerful
His friends are the textbook definitions of a Slytherin, allowed to be mean, to be apathetic, because that’s what people expect from a Slytherin
But not him
No, he’s the nice one
That’s it
He wants to be taken seriously
And while he would never say it to his friend’s faces, Enzo is constantly watching, listening, as the bitterness slowly grows
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Sloth (noun) a lack of any feeling towards yourself or others, often giving rise to apathy.
Theo learned from a very young age that the best defense mechanism one could have, was to simply not care
Don’t care that your father ignores you
Don’t care that your mother is too weak to get out of bed
Don’t care that you’re alone
Block it out
No one could disappoint you if you didn’t care, and more importantly you couldn’t hurt yourself
Expectations only set one up to fail
Feelings would get you hurt
Theo brought this mantra with him to Hogwarts
Stone cold, emotionless
It was something his friends came to expect from him
And something that Theo learned to embrace
Because when you removed emotions, consequences didn’t seem to matter all that much
Sure he cared about his friends
At least he thought he did
But when it came down to it he couldn’t quite find it in himself to care
To really form connections
Why would he?
Alliances were fine, some could call it friendship
But truly caring about people? That made you weak
That was asking to get hurt
Why put in the effort to open yourself up to disappointment?
Simply existing was fine in Theo’s book
Don’t care about others, don’t let others care too much about you
Simply exist
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Wrath (noun) extreme anger.
Anger was all Mattheo had ever really known
Anger, rage, fury
Didn’t matter what you called it
All Mattheo knew was that it boiled inside of him
He’d never been the best at expressing himself
Bottling up his emotions until it felt as though he would suffocate under the weight of them all
But he knew how to express anger
Anger was fast, violent, easy
And he let it consume him
There wasn’t a week that went by where Mattheo’s knuckles weren’t bruised, bloodied, or both
His anger was his release
He used to let the rage simmer, slowly waiting until it all exploded out of him in a flurry
But now it seemed he was a ticking time bomb
Just waiting for something to set him off
He didn’t think of himself as a bad person
Maybe he was
But it was as if he couldn’t control it
The fury simply taking over until suddenly he was calm again
He knew it scared a lot of people
His anger instilled fear
And for some reason, he liked it
His rage gave him power
Maybe not the kind he would’ve once liked
But power nonetheless
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I tried to be serious and angsty with varying degrees of success
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damned-punk · 4 months
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Situations (Kidd x Reader x Killer)
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Content Warning: none ♡
Content Description: gn!reader is in an implied poly relationship with Kidd & Killer who are feeling clingy
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You’d been sleeping peacefully in your cabin when you heard the door open and close. It was still night as indicated by the lack of sun in your port window and you couldn’t even begin to guess the time. As you turned to face the intruder, you heard the door open and close again. Much to your surprise, both Kidd and Killer were awkwardly standing over you. The scene was very amusing, they both wore only pajama pants and Kidd was munching on something rather loudly.
“Can I help either of you?”, you laughed a bit, pretty confident in knowing what they wanted.
“Sorry for waking you, Kidd couldn’t sleep and then we missed you.”, Killer spoke as Kidd finished off whatever he was eating.
“Actually, Killer missed you. I was fine in the kitchen until he found me.”, Kidd playfully nudged Killer with his shoulder while he gave you a grin.
“Alright then, you go away so Killer and I can have some peace.”, you bickered back with him, causing his grin to fall.
“What the hell? That’s not how this works.”, he stepped forward and climbed over you to occupy the space on your right side while Killer filled the space on your left.
Just like that, your suspicions were confirmed. This had happened many times before, you weren’t even sure how it had started in the first place. This little situationship was like an unspoken agreement between the three of you, a shared affection that didn’t need to be defined. You shifted underneath them in order to accommodate their size. Kidd positioned himself with his head on your chest while Killer shared in the comfort of your pillow, intertwining his legs with your own.
Light conversation ensued but ended quickly as Kidd’s snores filled the room. He was usually the first to fall asleep, always gripping or pinning you in place so you could act as his personal pillow. You glanced at Killer who was already admiring you. You couldn’t see it, but his face had grown a bit red at being caught. It was such an interesting contrast to see them being so affectionate as it was in stark comparison to how they usually behaved.
The more you reflected, the clearer it became that a lot of the crew was the same way. They were caring and devoted to their friends but were so ruthless in the face of others. It was one of the Kidd Pirate’s most endearing qualities, their unwavering love for one another. Of all the rumors and stories that you’d heard prior to joining the crew, nothing could’ve prepared you for how genuine these people were. A found family, through and through.
“Get some rest.”, Killer interrupted your thoughts as he pressed a light kiss to your forehead, prompting you to close your eyes.
The following morning, loud banging on the door woke the three of you. Heat and Wire popped their heads in and apparently, you’d slept in and the crew was hungrily awaiting Killer to make breakfast. He groaned and reluctantly slipped from the warm bed in search of his mask but just as you went to follow, Kidd tightened his grip around you.
“Just come get us when it’s done… and shut the damn door.”, Kidd sleepily stated as he chucked a pillow directly at Wire.
“What if I wanted to get up?”, you teased, running your fingers through his hair as he drifted back off.
“Don’t care.”, he nuzzled himself into your warmth further.
As Killer headed to the kitchen to tend to his duties, you pondered on how secure you felt with them. Even as Kidd fell asleep in your arms, you couldn’t fathom just how lucky you were. Whatever this was, you hoped it would never end.
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theweeklydiscourse · 7 months
Sometimes I think about the way that the Darkling is openly distrusted and perceived as a dark and shadowy figure even within the little palace. To me, this detail undermines one of the messages the story attempts to communicate about how looks can be deceiving and how powerful (good-looking) men can get away with abuse.
It is important to consider the contents of Shadow and Bone prior to the reveal and subsequent descent into cartoonish villainy that occurs in later chapters. The early chapters should be establishing the Darkling as someone who can exploit and manipulate with impunity due to either privilege, a good reputation in the community, or his role as an authority figure. However, you get the impression that the Darkling isn’t well-liked or even trusted enough to accomplish such a task.
This is in part due to the lack of details provided about the culture and social aspects of the Little Palace, but readers are frequently shown examples of the Darkling’s reputation as a dark figure. He is shrouded in rumours of the occult (ex. When Genya informed Alina that there was a rumour that he had fed her his blood) which speaks to a sense of uneasiness felt by those around him. When Alina tells him that she thought the meeting she would have with him might involve torture, he frowns and tells her that he’s not a monster unlike what she “might have heard”. A line that implies that this is a view held by individuals other than Alina.
On paper, the Darkling has qualities common amongst abusers. However, the story fails to use these qualities in a subversive way that would accurately convey the insidious nature of abuse, and what it takes to get away with it. You see this on display when you place him beside the likes of villains like Makima or Akio Ohtori, two villains who were trusted by most people around them barring a few exceptions that knew the truth. Both of these examples manipulated more people than just the main characters of their respective stories, and that is essential to understanding why Shadow and Bone failed.
If his good looks play a role is his ability to manipulate, then the text needs to actually show me that through character interactions rather than inserting that meaning retroactively. Does he seduce people? If so, who is it that he’s seducing or swaying with his charm? What is he accomplishing by using his beauty as a tool to achieve his goal of power and control?
If he’s an authority figure with a lot of influence and power, show me how he uses or abuses that authority. The minute that Baghra started raising objections to his plan regarding the Stag, he should’ve removed Alina from her student position immediately (something he would’ve had the power to do). He could’ve moved Alina closer to him so he would have more access to her and be able to exert his influence over her.
There were possibilities, they just weren’t acted upon.
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nkirukaj · 3 months
The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe
Hey y'all! I love writing fics and I love making OCs! So, please enjoy this Hazbin Hotel fanfiction as well!
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing and depictions of violence?
Genre: Angst?
Word Count: 2.1K
1. Welcome to Hell
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She had never fallen for anything as hard as she fell into Hell. Free falling however many feet only to face plant into a concrete barren street is not how she imagined her day starting. Was this the start of her day? What had she been doing before this? Certainly not jumping off a building or out of a plane. She stood slowly, many loud sounds abound while she reached for her now shattered glasses, before realizing that without them, her vision was perfect. 
“What the fuck?” She blinked once, then twice, then 15 more times before she concluded that her vision was finally 20/20. Clear enough to see the crimson sky above her, all the buildings around the same shade of red. Some roads cracked and broken even more than a neglected Brooklyn neighborhood. Suddenly, the sound of an approaching car broke her out of her trance, and she jumped out of the way, barely avoiding getting hit. 
“Get the fuck outta the road ya stupid bitch!!”
Instantly her middle finger was up and she was shouting right back “Fuck you, ya decrepit piece of shit! I do what I fucking want!!!” Well, she didn’t want to be standing here in the middle of an unfamiliar street, but nobody told her what to do. She could’ve left her frames in the middle of the street where they’d landed, but without thinking she placed them in her pocket. She wasn’t going to get any answers just standing in this one spot, so she started walking. The red in the air had to be due to terrible air quality, but she could breathe just fine. 
It was a very strange adjustment, being able to see clearly without her glasses, she kept reaching to push them up on her nose, only to realize every time that they weren’t there. She didn’t know how long she’d been walking, but the sounds of a city were growing louder as she kept on in this direction. City sounds she knew well from living in the Big Apple. 
There were many others scattered around, none of them looking quite human. Some had human-looking bodies with inhuman additives and some were just straight-up nonhuman, be they animals or monsters for lack of a better term. The buildings were bright and the people were loud, adding to the TVs in windows and the cars, trucks, and buses all running concurrently. Denizens fighting and screaming, tearing up roads and buildings as she walked aimlessly in the same direction. The building lights grew brighter as the noise levels built up. Everything was so much louder than usual, she had become accustomed to complex noise, but these made their way through her ears, down her spine, and into her stomach. She didn’t have her headphones, she’d left them at home. 
She bent over and closed her eyes, trying to steady herself enough to keep walking, at least enough to get away from this noise, but she was caught in the middle of it. The last building she saw was a large tower with glass windows all around it, and the tall letters “vVv” plastered on it for all to see, before she crouched down, feeling physically sick from the commotion. 
That is until she felt arms dragging her up. Her eyes shot open, to see some beings that looked a lot like sentient hyenas dragging her away from the busy streets. Their touch was wildly uncomfortable, not only because they were strangers, but because their appendages were digging into her skin quite painfully. She tried to stand and hold her weight, but the way she was building held did not allow it. She began squirming to get loose, the restriction of her body movement and the vast amount of sound combined to make a very unpleasant experience in her body. 
“Stop squirming, you’re making this harder than it needs to be.”
She started kicking and squirming even harder, as though she was trying to escape her own body. 
“Hey! Stop moving!” Yelled another directly into her ear “Grab her legs” he spoke to another. When they went to grab her, she let out an inhuman screech, startling her would-be attackers into letting her arms go. When they attempt to recapture her, she lets out all the pressure built up in her chest, screaming at the top of her lungs. Out of her mouth came blazing flames hitting the faces of her would-be captors, screaming until she couldn’t scream anymore.
When she finally opened her eyes, the entire area was now engulfed in flames. It didn’t seem too out of place with the rest of the streets. The charred corpses of the hyenas were all around her on the ground, still flaming. She stood there and caught her breath. Once she was able to breathe steadily, she finally looked up at the sky. Standing in full sight of anyone who happened to look up, was a casino-like sign, reading “Welcome to Hell”.
Hell? Like the place, Christians are always screaming about? This is what they were all afraid of? It looked like an ungoverned city. Broken windows, trash on fire, broken-up roads, dead bodies strewn all over the place. Falling lampposts, guts all about the streets. People killing each other all over, while she just walked right on by. There were many large buildings like skyscrapers clearly in view as if the wealthy were flaunting over the regulars. The majority of the light in the city came from these towers and buildings. Their area was cleaner and sleeker, more modern.  The class distinction was obvious. Like it wanted to be near them, but not part of them.
So if she was in Hell, were these demons? Was she a demon? Why was she in Hell? She couldn’t think of anything she had done in life that would get her sent down here. Was this even real? She knew when she was dreaming, and this felt like real life. She was still a bit in shock about the fire that came out of her mouth, but at this point, she was running on adrenaline, her legs carrying her somewhere, anywhere that wasn’t here. She starts playing with her fingers and staring at all the lights. The brightest lights surrounded a large billboard reading, “You Are Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel” with directions listed at the bottom. The words were next to a picture of what she guessed was a demon girl, with a white face, red circles on her cheek, and a long ponytail that went down her back. She cocked her head at the sight, the demoness’s face was quite striking and burned itself into her memory. 
The building was in the middle of nowhere. She had to take about 10 breaks just to get there. In front of the building was a large pentagram and the hotel itself was propped up on a hill. After 4 more breaks just to climb the hill, she reached the door. She wondered why the hotel had a marquee. She knocked once quietly, then thought for a moment and knocked again, louder. The demoness that was on the billboard was the one that opened the door.
“Awww you are so cute.” The blonde demon cooed over her appearance 
“I know right?” She brightened up at the compliment
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!”
“And who are you?”
“I’m Charlie! And this is my girlfriend Vaggie!” She gestures to another woman who walks up to the door with grayish-purple skin, long hair, a bow, a large spear, and an eyepatch over her left eye. 
“Okay, so I have a question,”
“Yes?” Charlie bats her large eyes
“This is Hell? Like, I am in Hell? Like the place Bible thumpers are always telling everyone else that they’re going? Like, fire and brimstone, eternal punishment for sinners? That Hell?”
“Yes.” Charlie’s smile doesn’t falter, she looks quite pleased 
“And I am here because…?”
“Well…chances are that you’re here because you’re a sinner. Meaning you did something wrong in your life. Unless you’re a fallen angel, but I think you would know if you were.”
“Is it possible that there was some sort of mistake? Because I was awesome.” 
Charlie and Vaggie look at each other, unsure of how to answer the question. “Um I don’t think there’s ever been a mistake,” Charlie responds, unsure. She looks off to think about it.
“First things first,” Vaggie spoke sternly “Our mission is very important to us, so do you plan on staying here or not? If you are, that means that you are agreeing to do your best to be redeemed. Which includes daily lesson plans, trust exercises, interacting with other guests and staff as well as doing your part around here. Do you accept?”
She squints in confusion “Why is all that necessary?”
“Because!” Charlie piped up, back from her existential thoughts “We believe that it’s easier to make strides towards redemption when you feel like part of a community! Usually, we suggest that each new guest finds another guest that they’re similar to. Although that may be difficult for you.” She strokes her chin “I don’t think we have any other guests that are deer.”
“Wait what?” She breaks up Charlie’s thoughts “What do you mean?”
“Well, when building a community, it’s easier to start small-“
“No! I mean like…other deer? What do you mean by other deer? Who’s a deer?”
Charlie glances at her girlfriend to make sure she’s seeing the same thing as her. “Um..you are,” Vaggie informs her
She tilted her head to the side in confusion. Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other before parting to let her in the hotel. There’s a large mirror in the common room wall, she approaches and looks in it; unable to comprehend what she sees. The first thing she noticed was that her dark locks were now fiery red curls. Her nose was black and the holes were larger, her lips were two different colors; the top one black and the bottom one pink. Her face was slightly more angular, with white spots all over, and two big brown deer ears sat atop her cranium. And her irises were now a deep blood red. 
She stared at her reflection, with no sound or movement. Other guests were passing by as if she was strange. Charlie stood behind her, she could tell she was getting worried, stepping out to approach the doe, but Vaggie put an arm out to stop her. She slowly reaches up to touch her face, to make sure that what she was seeing was real. She opened her mouth to speak, seeing four fangs, two on each of the sides of her mouth. She picked at them for about 5 minutes straight. They were real too. This was all real. She was a deer, specifically, a doe. 
Vaggie cleared her throat, “Don’t forget um…on the back.”
She turned her head to see what she was referring to and shot Vaggie a confused stare. Vaggie took her by the shoulders, causing her to flinch. Vaggie retreated a bit before slowly replacing her hands on the doe’s shoulders, turning her backside towards the mirror, bringing to her attention, a tail. Brown on top, white on the bottom. She looked back towards the girlfriends. 
“It can be a big shock,” Charlie looked apologetic “but at least you’re adorable!”
She turns back to the mirror, looking at herself once more, then turning back to them. 
“Yeah, I guess I am cute.” She states bluntly
She backed herself up, hitting something hard and solid. She finds herself frozen for a moment before feeling a slight weight on either side of her. Long, slender, and sharp red fingers covered her shoulders, holding her up from falling backward. She steps forward and turns to see who they belong to. She was greeted by the sight of an extremely tall demon, with a fancy red coat, a cane with a microphone on it, and red hair with black tips, that gathered on top of his head in a similar shape as the ears she had on her head. A large grin took up the majority of his face and his bright red eyes were quite a sight to behold. She stared, unable to form words at the moment, and his grin got even wider before he spoke. 
“Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart.“ he takes her in, noticing her form, ears, and face. He hadn’t seen another deer down here before. Quite interesting to say the least. He brings an arm from behind his back, takes her hand, and pulls it up to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of it. “Quite…a pleasure.”
Chapter 2>
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ediewentmissing · 1 year
Hiii!! Could you write an angst/fluff eddie fic based on a bad habit of mine? 😬 I have this habit of using things like using the bathroom or eating as a reward for finishing a task 🥴 I won’t use the bathroom even if I have to go bad until I finish an assignment or something. I’d love to know how he would react to reader doing that 🫶
this is such an adorable thought. i wish i could’ve done this better but i have a shit ton of work to do so i had to smash this out in 10 minutes 😭 so sorry for the lack of quality here but hope it’s up to standard ❤️
you’re scribbling away at your desk, filling out an important stack of sheets for mr. higgins to review tomorrow. your wrist aches from writing and your stomach is growling at you for not feeding it.
you look over at your alarm clock on your bedside table. 1 PM. shit. you haven’t eaten anything since yesterday night’s dinner. you look back at the incomplete papers miserably and continue jotting.
“hey, sweets!” eddie bursts through your bedroom door. he flashes you a smile and stands in front of you, rocking excitedly back and forth on his feet, hiding something behind his back.
you giggle at him, “what have u got hidden back there?”
“well, y’know that vinyl at camelot that you were obsessing about?”
“appetite for destruction?” you ask, “yeah, i remember. why?”
he pulls the shiny new vinyl from behind him, waving it in both hands, “i brought it!”
“eddie! i told you not to!” you laugh as he hands it over, “it was expensive!”
“hm, well i may or may not have done a massive deal with one of the tiger’s basketball players and earned a fuck-ton of cash,” he smiles, “so how ‘bout we get up and dance…” he wiggles his brows, “and relax for a bit, yeah?” he holds out his hands to lift u up from the seat at your desk.
“yeah, that sounds good,” you wave his hands away, “but i’ve gotta get this done. maybe later, ‘kay?”
“later?” he frowns, “you’ve never said later to music before, babe. what’s up? have you miraculously decided that music isn’t good enough for you anymore?” he crosses his arms.
“no, music is life, and as much as i love the idea of jamming out, i have to get this done. shoo, shoo,” you wave a hand at him, but of course he doesn’t plan on going anywhere.
“what are you doing that so important, huh?” he questions, leaning over your shoulder to take a look at the important work in question. “wait, wait, wait,” he says confused, “weren’t you doing this this morning, like, before i left?”
you nod timidly, and his mouth opens to protest, but you speak quickly, “yes, but it’s really important! it needs to be done, eds!”
“okay! okay!” he puts his hands up, mock surrendering, “well have you taken a break since you started?”
“uh…” you hesitate.
“have you eaten?” he asks, concerned. you don’t say anything. “right, that’s it,” he claps his hands together and hauls you up from your seat, “i’m going to make you a signature gourmet eddie munson special. extra special for an extra special lady, yeah?” he smiles as he drags you down the hallway to the living area.
“now sit,” he says, promptly pushing your shoulders down so you sit on the springy sofa in front of the tv. he turns it on. “watch,” he points to the tv, “relax,” he pulls your feet up to rest on the coffee table, “got it?”
you nod, closing your eyes and lolling your head back on the couch, finally relaxing. “mhmm… i can’t feel my butt.”
“probably because you’ve been sitting on that same fucking chair all day,” he chuckles from the kitchen. you can hear food bubbling.
after a couple minutes he comes back with a bowl, setting it down beside your feet, “there ya go, babe.”
you pick it up and giggle, “is your ‘signature gourmet eddie munson special’ really spaghetti?”
“ah, ah, ah,” he tuts, “canned spaghetti,” he says, as if it makes it even more special.
you’re about to eat it before you stop the forkful of spaghetti from entering your mouth. “hang on. since when did we have canned spaghetti?”
“dunno,” he shrugs, “found it at the back of the cupboard.”
“at the back of the cupboard?” you repeat, “pass me the can.” he gives you a confused look before darting to the kitchen to grab the empty can from the counter.
he passes it to you and you read it aloud, “use by the fifteenth of april, 1984… eddie your supposedly ‘gourmet food’ is expired by three years.”
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dr3amlab · 1 year
6. wicked games
SUMMARY. Y/N Gorgon and Draco Malfoy have a long history of mutual hatred. You see, the two of them have been pulling pranks on each other since their 1st year at Hogwarts, to the dismay of their close friends and supervisors. However, after a prank left Y/N completely out of her mind, she decides that she'll pull her cruelest prank yet on Draco by pretending to be his secret admirer.
PAIRING. Draco Malfoy x reader
GENRE. series, enemies to lovers, rival, comedy (?)
WORD COUNT. 1894 words.
AUTHOR’S NOTE. hey y'all.... I'm back for now. So turns out this isn't the last chapter 😭 Anywho, I hope you like this chapter because I'm not too sure of its quality!, and please give me feedback! I wrote this in a sitting so I didn't proofread (sorry)
PARTS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 finale
TAGLIST. @hopefulfuturenovelauthor​ @charlenasaxen​ @johnmurphys-sass​  @alittlebitofinsanitea​ @islayedyourmom @dramatic-long-coats @slashermadness @marplest @whosyourgnomie4 @makhaia @louieblue2 @born2222die @nikki-89 @jamlessgucciswegsunshineot7 @rachelccollier @imwaysthelastchoice @dracosgrf @vinkiesz @sleepinmoonbean @skiejustskie @hxl06
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You were walking in the hallway with messy hair and an uniform so wrinkled that it could get you a week of detention from McGonagall. But, truly, who cares? It was Monday and, as far as you know, the teachers should be grateful to have you in their class on this beloved day.
Last week hasn’t been easy on you : between draco finding out about your little scheme and realizing your true feelings for the blond boy, let’s just say that your conscience didn’t let you close one eye to sleep. And so, naturally, it was with pure bitterness that you dragged yourself to the first class of the already endless day.
As you begrudgingly made your way to class, you felt like you heard someone say your name. You stopped dead in your tracks and turned your head towards the source of the sound but there was no one with you in the hallway, not even a ghost, "Have I gone mad?" you whispered thinking that your lack of sleep was playing tricks on you. After standing still for a few seconds to make sure you actually heard a voice, you shrug your shoulders dismissing any possibility of another person or entity being with you in the grand hallways of Hogwarts, and so, you continued your journey to class.
"— Y/N—." You stopped again. This time you heard it clearly, there’s no way in hell you could’ve hallucinated. Someone was talking about you, and naturally you just had to know what they were saying. Quietly, you walked close enough to hear their conversation and hid behind a wall, "If what Fides was saying is true, then Y/N’s a complete fool. How could she think that she would be able to pull draco with that stupid scheme of hers?" A brown haired girl whispered not-so-quietly to her friend, "she really thought that she’ll get draco’s attention by merely pretending that she hated his guts! She’s a stupid pick me with nothing but a pea-sized brain in her head, " the other girl replied.
You felt your heart sink, was that what people thought of you? Although you were not the type of person to hold to heart whatever judgement others had of you, hearing those words come out of their words made you want to cry. You took a deep breath to stop the tears from falling on your cheeks. Just when did you get so sensitive?
The thing is, the hatred that you had toward draco was mutual. He also made you go to hell and back with his stupid pranks and yet, you were the only one depicted as being a stupid dumb girl whose only goal was to make draco fall in love with her. What about him? Wasn’t it only fair of them to also insult him with such words? Or were they too mesmerized by his pretty grey eyes? How stupid of them to think like that. How hypocrite.
You plucked all the courage you had to put yourself in a position that revealed yourself to one of the girls, « oh ! well let her be, she thought it will be quirky to not be like the other girls and—. » The girl stopped mid-sentence when she saw your face. You smirked
"No, go ahead! I did not mean to eavesdrop. What were you about to say—" you looked at her name tag, "Isis?" you read before flickering your eyes back to the embarrassed form of your fellow student. "Y/N! W-we didn’t expect to see you here!" Isis’ friend replied. "It’s funny, right? What a coincidence!" you clasped your hands, "Though, i have to say, I’m quite sad for you girls," you pouted, "are you both that bored to worry about my supposed scheme to make draco fall in love with me?" You asked, "How pathetic! Please, I beg you, go get a life and keep my name out of your mouth. Gosh, I don’t even know you and yet, you are worried about what im doing."
You looked at their embarrassed faces and a gracious smile find itself on your lips, "but, do not fret girlfriends," you started, "i think my stupid little plan have worked." You looked behind you to see if there was anybody other than the three of you in the hallway. Upon seeing that the coast was clear, you ushered the girls to come closer with both of your hands, "I think draco might ask me out soon, but shush! It’s a secret," you winked at them before going back to your initial path to class.
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You slammed your books on the table making Athena wake up from her nap, startled, " Merlin! What the fuck is wrong with you Y/N?!" she scowled, "Athena, if you wanted to sleep you should’ve slept last night instead of staying up ’til the crack of dawn to read an erotic book," You pulled out your chair and sat down while Athena was looking at you up and down with a horrified look, "Salazar, y/n! I know you hate Mondays and all but, please do not bring that up in public, Merlin." your best-friend exclaimed with flushed cheeks as she looked around to see if anybody was eavesdropping on your conversation.
Realizing what you’ve just said, you looked at Athena with a soft gaze, "Look, I’m really sorry but I just had a really bad morning," you apologized, "oh what a surprise ! Y/N is having a bad Monday!"she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
You put your hand on hers, "Athena, it’s worse than usual," you said as Athena looked at you curiously, "I heard two random girls talking about how I was an empty headed bimbo with an agenda to get draco to fall in love with me, can you believe that!" By the end of your sentence, Athena’s mouth was open wide, "who said that? Why would someone spread lies like this?" Athena said with a slightly loud voice with her eyebrows so frowned that creases were starting to form on her forehead.
You smiled warmly as it felt nice to have someone that cared about you, someone on your side. And so, you squeezed her hand, while you started to think about how lucky you were to have a friend like Athena in your life. It’s true.
For as long as you can remember, it was her and you against the world and you wouldn’t change that for all the money in the world. As you finally gathered all of the beautiful words you had in your mind to express your gratitude towards your lifelong friend and to tell her to not anger herself on some baseless rumors, an excruciating voice had to ruin the lovely moment your best-friend and you shared.
"What if it was true?" Pansy slammed both of her hands on your desk while she tilted her head and drew a mischievous smile on her lips, "What if our dearest Y/N here is doing everything to get draco’s attention?" pansy repeated her question but this time louder with the intention of getting the attention of the entire class, which worked. "Well, I’m sure you all heard the rumors that have been circulating around the school lately," she broke eye-contact with you to give all of her undivided attention to the other students who were listening to her eagerly, waiting to hear the latest scoop.
Pansy turned back to look at you as if you were a mere prey, and she was a ruthless predator, "you had been hiding your little act for so long, thinking that nobody will see through it. But thank Merlin, the truth has finally been unveiled. In case nobody told you yet Y/N, you’re nothing but a worthless muggle-born gold-digging bit-" Athena cut her off, "Pansy, I know damn well you’re not talking," she retorted as she got up to get closer to Pansy.
You wished you said something, anything, to defend yourself against Pansy’s venomous words, but you felt powerless. Why was everyone so against you all of a sudden? You weren’t a bad person, all you did was pull some childish pranks on some random boy, and yet, you were insulted as if you committed a crime against humanity.
Before the situation escales, you grabbed Athena’s arm, "I appreciate you defending me Athena, but let’s go. It’s not worth it to get in trouble because of a bitch with no common sense," you said with venom laced in your voice.
As Athena and you were about to leave the classroom, Draco was entering it with Theodore,"I’m glad you’re here, Draco. Go outside, I need to talk to you," you said seriously, "you can do it here," he replied, "I already know what you’re going to ask me," he smirked.
You raised an eyebrow, "oh, do you?" Draco smiled smugly, "you were about to ask to the ball since you’re so in love with me, aren't you Y/N?" You tried so hard to suppress the ugly laugh that was begging hard to get out, but, alas, you couldn’t help yourself, "Malfoy, that was not what I was going to ask you! Have you been daydreaming about this moment or what?" you pretended to wipe fake tears, "besides, I’m already going with someone," you said.
Athena widened her eyes, "you are?" you elbowed her, « yes, Athena. I already told you, have you already forgotten? » you gritted your teeth, "Ow! yes, yes you did. It’s true, you told me you were going with someone," she laughed nervously. "Then who are you going with?" he asked with a hint of suspicion in his voice.
You were sweating bullets. Yeah, who were you going with? Your eyes scanned the class nervously, "he’s not here yet," you said as confident as you could, "I’ll wait until he’s here then," he crossed his arms.
"Why are you so interested in seeing who’s going with me? It’s none of your business," you replied, "Don’t I need to see my competition?" he said in a way that only you could hear. With your cheek flushed, you pretended to ignore what Draco just said. You were desperate to get out of this embarrassing situation.
For that reason, you decided that whoever entered through that door next was going to have the extreme luck of being your date to the ball. "So, where is he?" draco asked eagerly, "he’s coming soon," you forced a smile. "Is he?" Athena whispered to you, "yes, he is," you smiled even harder, making Athena horrified of your weird demeanor.
After what seemed like ages, someone finally came through the door and it was Harry, "ah! There he is," you beamed, "See, here’s my date for the Ball!" Harry was confused so you rushed towards him quickly and grabbed his arm to pull him closely, "play along," you whispered subtly. "Are you serious? You're going with Harry?" Draco asked, "Harry Potter?"
You thanked Salazar that Harry wasn’t as stupid as he was depicted to be for he got the hint quickly, and grabbed you by the waist, "You heard me, Harry is my partner for the ball!" you said while looking at your alleged date who was bearing the most convincing smile as he nodded to confirm your statement.
"Also, on a less joyful note." you let go of Harry and approached Draco, "What I was going to demand from you is to ask your fangirls to leave me the fuck alone." Draco clenched his jaw, visibly annoyed about the turn of the events .
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merbear25 · 27 days
A still beating heart
Dread and turmoil mix into a deadly elixir which is drunk by the masses. Whilst two wandering souls seek out refuge in this unforgiving world, finding each other by chance feels too good to be true. You’ve started crumbling at the feet of your health complications, and although you are in need of his support, distrust deludes the gift of his companionship.
a/n: This is heavily inspired by the movie Repo! The Genetic Opera because it’s a masterpiece and Caesar would thrive in this world. Divider made by me.
CW: Repo man AU, gn!reader, angst, horror themes (mentions of gore, murder), yandere undertones (kidnapping, possessiveness, Stockholm Syndrome), reader has health conditions, some romance and fluff, no sexual themes.
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The city bathed in the moonlight, but even still there were crevices that remained absent from its rays. Having been traced and hunted down, the shadows were the only things to bear witness to the woman’s pleas. Choked cries painted the cold bricks, now weeping for her when no one else would, for the hands that played as judge doubled as her executioner. The predetermined verdict being brought on by a lack of funds had sealed her fate after contracting her life in the hopes that something more would come of it.
Others shared the same lack of foresight: choosing to turn a blind eye to the repercussions if they failed to keep their end of the bargain. Even so, they all willingly gave these cosmetic corporations an ungodly amount of power, which in turn had these lost souls collapsing like dominos—each spreading the word of such wonders being gifted to them all while deluding the dangers which came with it.
As the sprouted weeds in the pavement drank the spilled life, the blood would only stain the hands of the reaper who’d slain and even then, the deed would bear little weight on his conscience. With the sobs of the recently departed fading into the late hours of the night, they received no pity as the man’s hands collected the organ for bounty money.
With such negligence making these companies swell to the brim in cash, it was no wonder why they relied on repo men such as him; casting down on them swiftly while also being morally numb to the horrors they were unleashing were qualities scarcely coupled. However, once found, they would be cherished, perhaps flourishing under the watchful corporal eye.
Trudging through the bleak city, even the sun peeking over the buildings did nothing to relieve this world of the melancholy plaguing it. With such a tarnished reputation, there were few other prospects residing outside this one, whether career wise or personal.
Finding yourself in an elongated hallway, the lights above were dim, just barely giving you leverage to see what lurked beyond. Calling out, there was no answer—there never was, and yet you kept trying to connect with someone, anyone.
The chill pricked at your exposed flesh, making you wince. As you wandered down the hall, you noticed the walls were bare—stripped of the potential portals you could’ve unlocked. With only being given two possible directions, the gravity of the decision was weighing you down, sinking you into the floor. The further you sank, the dimmer the lights were. Isn’t there anyone there? Despite all your might, your words fell silent.
Couldn’t there be a reason for this? Why were you given the short end of things time and time again? The self-loathing only pulled you down deeper into the floorboards, making you gasp for air as you dipped below them.
Drifting in the void of your own dismay, you made one last attempt to cry out, “Who am I meant to be?” The doubt of being able to live in this world without acquiring the essential brutality cascaded on you, further forcing you into the depths of your awaited despair. In a shrill voice, you shrieked, “Isn’t there anyone who can tell me who I am?” Although faint, your desperation made its way to the surface.
A beacon of light lifted your head, enticing you to follow, but the closer you got, the top remained out of reach. With your arms tiring and your will running on fumes, you debated whether or not to push forward. Before being given the choice, your eyes shot open.
Parting your curtains, you were met with thick clouds of smog obstructing your view of the park, albeit the grass and flowers had browned and wilted long ago. Despite promptly reclosing them, it didn’t change the dread that awaited you. No matter how many times you shielded yourself from the reality you were born into, the cruelty of the world persistently seeped through the paned glass with doubts of it ever changing poisoning your already rocky optimism.
In spite of the climbing bills regarding your medication, it was still better than opting out for a heart transplant. After all, going without your medication could be risky, but it paled in comparison to the organ being ripped from your chest. With that in mind, today of all days when the smog seemed to be the thickest it’d been all month, venturing to the pharmacy to retrieve your medication was a necessity.
Even with taking precautions, the polluted air restricted your breathing, tightening your chest as your heart struggled to fight against the harsh conditions. Pushing forward, you kept reminding yourself that the pharmacy wasn’t far, meaning you’d be able to regain your composure once entering. However, upon reaching the door of your temporary sanctuary, the bolt was fastened and no one was inside.
Panic at the unforeseen turn of events set in, looking around in a frenzy made matters worse, as your breathing grew more shallow. Clenching helplessly at the fabric around your form only further drilled hopelessness into you. Staggering along the walls, you stumbled to your knees. Tears beaded at the corners of your eyes as you huddled in a ball on the pavement. As you laid there clutching at your chest, a robed figure came into view before the bleak city surroundings dimmed into a haze.
A barely audible voice crept in as you came to. “What to do, what to do…” Shuffling could be heard in the distance which was then followed by clinking glass. When your eyes fluttered open, the light shining down on you was unpleasantly bright. Squinting from the abrasion, you caught sight of a tall figure in the shadows.
Scanning the surroundings of which the light touched, the understanding that someone had dragged you back to their home jumped out at you. With such a conclusion, other more frightening ones followed suit. Kept for ransom, sold on the black market or forced into slavery: all seemed plausible given the hard times everyone was continuously finding themselves in.
Even when gingerly shifting yourself, creaks of old springs sounded under your subtle movement. Although the figure blended into the dark, the outline was still jagged enough to separate itself from the still backdrop.
As the stranger’s hand eased its way onto the counter top, their head shifted and even though your vision was obstructed by the fluorescent bulb, the dreadful feeling of eyes being on you was unmistakable.
Restraining yourself from shouting for help, demanding answers, and bursting into tears was whirling within you, pulling you in too many directions to focus on one tactic to break free. Instead the trembling dread was kept bottled up, making you shake from the building pressure.
“Don’t get so worked up,” his voice alluded to a disinterest in your wandering thoughts.
“Who are you? Where am I?” Your assertiveness prevailed over quivering lips.
Tilting his head back and forth as if contemplating whether or not to answer, he remained silent.
When you failed to coerce an answer from him, your chest heaved from the burdening assumption that you’d found your eternal resting place. Putting your trust in a higher power that would somehow pull you out of this was like grasping at straws. Such powerful beings had never casted their grace on you before, but they appeared to be the only ones in whom you could place your faith.
Closing your eyes to the terror surrounding you, you said a quick prayer, mumbling your pleas in hope that they’d reach the ears of some pure entity. “Please,” you begged to yourself, “Is this really how I’ll die, Lord?”
A curious smile stretched his lips at your increasingly labored breathing. Turning slightly towards you, he couldn’t help but chuckle at your feeble attempt at appealing to the heavens. “Do you honestly think anyone is listening?”
Refusing to acknowledge his obvious attempt at getting under your skin, you irked him. However, it led him into thinking of your tenacity as a challenge. Inching out of the shadows, his unconcealed contempt burrowed into you.
Leaning down, his words dripped with anticipation of you admitting your lack of faith. He spoke just above a whisper, “Tell me, what kind of God would bestow such hardships onto one as frail as yourself?”
With contorted lips, you failed to stop the tears from streaming down your face. Pressing your forehead against your laced fingers, you were tempted to fall victim to the seeds of doubt he was planting. “There must be someone out there who cares.”
Furrowing his brow, he huffed a bit at your self-pity. “The sooner you realize there isn’t, the happier you’ll be.”
Wiping the stinging sorrow from your eyes, you cautiously asked, “Why did you bring me here?”
Looking down his nose at you, he wondered that himself. “Why indeed.”
Risking a glance, you hastily averted your eyes. His golden orbs were burning into you with searing intensity. His sudden reach made you flinch. He paused briefly before fully extending his arm to the end table. With a soft clink, he retracted from you, yet his eyes held on, studying each subtlety you exuded.
“Drink it,” he commanded. However, his tone shifted slightly when your eyes held distrust. ‘It will help you feel better.”
Seeing as he wasn’t going anywhere until you downed the liquid he gave you, gulping it down left your tongue coated in bitterness. Pleased with your compliance, he allowed you time to rest, giving you some much needed solitude. 
Once he left the room, your ears followed his footsteps through the wooden corridor. He hadn’t locked the door, though taking it upon yourself to leave felt more like bait if anything. Instead, you held tight, looking about the room you found yourself in.
With the muffled sounds echoing throughout the house, your curiosity got the better of you. The walls were cool to the touch, leading you to believe you were in the basement and although the room was seemingly empty, there were drawers in the disheveled desk.
Poking around, you dared to uncover any shred of who this man was. Stumbling upon a collection of documents, you unfastened the folder securing them. Thumbing through them carefully, the names of their faceless owners were becoming overwhelming. “Why would he have such papers within his home?” you muttered to yourself.
There were papers containing medical information, addresses, places they frequented, all of which were filling your head with the glaring truth as to who this man was.
Thuds traveled down the hall, alarming you that they were marching your way. Fumbling with the evidence stacked against him, you shoved them into the folder and quietly shut the drawer. Jumping on the sofa, you were just able to control your racing heartbeat in time for him to enter your dwellings.
Closing the door behind him, his gaze was fixated on you as he approached. Before he could get a word in, you spoke out against him holding you there. “When can I leave?”
Stopping in his tracks, he was less than pleased to be greeted with such an ungrateful attitude. “If you want to leave, there’s the door.”
“I can just go? You won’t stop me?” Your questions held your disbelief. When he nodded, something about the situation chilled you to your core.
Smirking at your hesitation, he asked, “What’s wrong?” Watching your eyes dart between the exit and him, he informed you, “There’s no trick, no trap.”
Smiling down at you - as unsettling as it was given the circumstances - gave you an ounce of courage to motion off the sofa.
“If you’re sure in your abilities to find your way back without any help or medication, then by all means, you have my word to let you go.”
The fact of the matter was you were in no position to go anywhere, and he wanted you to understand that. Pulling your knees to your chest, you rested your forehead against them.
With triumph wafting off of him, he glided towards you, requesting you to tilt your head up. He patted your knees, signaling you to put them down to allow him an easier time checking your vitals. Checking your eyes and pulse, his hands then wandered over the sides of your ribcage.
Inhaling sharply, he asked if the pressure hurt. Truth be told you weren’t quite sure if the gasp was brought on by pain or the sudden touch. Letting him know that there was a slight pain issued for more probing: his fingers pressed at the front and back of you in an attempt to find any other pockets of discomfort. When none were left, he leaned back to fully take in the marvel you were presenting yourself as.
With a slight nod, he whispered, “Good.” Getting up, he looked back at you. “If you’re in no hurry to leave, you can either spend the rest of your time down here or I can show you where the spare bedroom is.” 
Despite his gracious offer to extend more of his home to you, the aura emitting from him gave you reason to proceed with caution.
When you absentmindedly bit your lower lip, he shrugged off your doubt. “Stay in this room, don’t stay in this room, it makes no difference to me.”
“No!” Your own burst of enthusiasm made you recoil. “I-I’d be grateful for a room.”
Ushering you to follow him, his chuckles trailed alongside the both of you. Reaching the top of the stairs, the lavish style all but took your breath away. The embroidery along the ceiling and the fine details on the furniture had you awe-struck.
“Who’d you have to kill to be able to afford all of this?”
“You’d be surprised how easy it is. Well, so long as you know how to play your cards right.”
Leading you to the door you’d be calling yours for the time being, he followed on your heels as you aimlessly sauntered into the room. A sense of pride swelled within him, while he watched you stand there mouth agape. 
The ivory window sills complimented by the forest green curtains suited the cream-colored carpet and speckled bits of gold across the wallpaper. Sitting yourself down on the bed, comfort and serenity dispersed around you, having you pondering if you ever wanted to go back to your decrepit apartment.
Folding your hands in your lap, you looked at him with a sincere smile. “Thank you for letting me stay here.”
The gentleness to your demeanor pierced his once thought to be dead heart, reigniting the life lying dormant within it. In a meek attempt at hiding his contentment from your appreciation, a short nod was all you were issued as he swiftly left you alone with your thoughts.
Grinning, you threw yourself back on the clouds surrounding you. Being under the crushing weight of the world for as long as you had, there’d been little to dream about. However, this was the first moment in perhaps a decade or more when fresh air was allowed into your life, soothing your woes.
Such ease washed over you, their waves carrying you out to sea. Although the tide started out calm, the storm clouds on the horizon were cause for concern. The rough water crashed into your boat, forcing you to brace yourself against the oncoming malice.
Pouring rain blinded you to the tidal wave gaining speed in the distance. The full weight of it submerged you deep beneath sea level, forcing the air out of you on impact. As you thrashed your way towards the surface, your body gave out, going limp in the storm ridden waters.
Lifting your eyelids, you stirred under the covers. The streetlamps were shining through the crack between the curtains. Wiping the sleep from your eyes, you looked around for a clock. Carefully making your way down the steps, there appeared to be no sign of your host anywhere.
Stumbling around to the front windows, headlights bathed the parlor. Thinking it must be him, peeking out came instinctively. A long black latex trench coat was cloaked over him, his long hair partly matted to it after having fallen out of the ponytail it was thrown up in.
There was no denying who those uniforms belonged to—the repo men who stalked the streets.  The nail in your coffin was being hammered in as he stepped across that threshold.
For a moment, he hadn’t even noticed you standing there. Taking his coat off gingerly so as not to loosen any missed droplets of blood onto the floor, your trembling form caught his attention.
“What are you doing awake?”
“I was just…I couldn’t sleep is all.”
Folding his coat over his arm, he sauntered across the arch way, keeping his eyes on you. “Shouldn’t you know it’s bad manners to snoop in your host’s home?”
“I wasn’t snooping, I promise!”
Him disappearing around the corner caused the hair on the back of your neck to rise. His footsteps were no longer audible and the still of the night was deafening.
“What are you most afraid of at this moment?” His voice seemed to be everywhere at once, leaving you feeling completely surrounded.
“I’m afraid of dying,” you choked out. With the room closing in on you, you were backed into the corner. 
“And what is it that you want most of all?”
The tightening in your chest was making you dry heave from the stampede of terror trampling you. While you struggled to control your breath, you sank down to the floor. His stoic form stepped into the night’s rays peeking through, his golden eyes being illuminated by the cross light.
“I don’t want to think about the pain I’m feeling anymore.”
“Then why not let me lighten your load?” You showed a shred of reluctance, which invited him to kneel down by your side. “You can either accept my help and my conditions, or you can become another forgotten name lost to time.”
Offering you his hand, you saw no better option waiting for you, even if placing your faith in this man was contractual.
“Why did you help me?”
“It was a lapse in judgment.”
“But why do you continue to do so?” 
He did not answer, only letting the air between you grow stale. You were being given the opportunity to interpret the nonsensical ways of his generosity, although this wouldn’t go without pitfalls of suspicion.
Looking at the hand he was still offering you, you threw caution to the wind and placed your hand in his. When your eyes met, a somewhat genuine smile stretched upon his face while he gently eased you up from the floor.
With the days and nights spent with him on seamless rotation, the unknown reason of him permitting you to stay with him burdened you. There were times that you wondered that perhaps the logic behind it was lost even to him. But the longer you remained with him, the more uneasy you got. Not understanding why, you were there left questions to build up in the darkest corners of your mind: “When could he lose interest?”, “What could make him lose interest?” and the grave reality of “What will happen to me if he loses interest?”
Dark clouds swirled above from the lack of clarity of where you stood with him. As bleak of motivation as it was, it made you contribute around the house, trying to add to whatever worth he originally saw in you, eventually leading him to taking you under his wing of professional guidance. 
Despite the unwavering gratitude you had for him, being in his debt had hooked into your immortal soul. With the metal having sunk into your flesh, you were being brought down to the brimstone lined caverns where he was.
Through the anguish you kept secret from him, you persevered, allowing an unwanted yet natural talent you held to unearth itself.
As your lack-luster eyes fell on the fading life sprawled at your feet, he sensed you pulling away from the life you were building together on the backs of those who closely resembled yourself.
“Do not pity those who knew the risks, yet did nothing to prevent them. Time eats all his children in the end, my dear.” His words, albeit cruel, rang true. With each moment shared together, his disdain for the world and those in it wore off on you more and more.
Self-loathing emitted off of you and was misplaced onto him, souring the air. “I cannot help it, but when I look at you, I grow distasteful. The ruthlessness you cast is only seen as mercy to yourself.”
Taken aback by you bearing such a festering grudge against him - the man who’d shown you the utmost kindness - made him grind his teeth. Frowning at you, he spoke without having first collected his thoughts. “And yet here you are by my side. Here you are soaked in the blood of the less fortunate, and you have the gall to throw blame onto me?”
Closing the gap between you, his breath was hot against your ear. “You’ve willingly shredded any ounce of innocence you held over me long ago. Tread lightly, for you’re beginning to reek of self righteousness.” His warning lingered in your ears.
Maneuvering through this minefield was wearing on you. Caught up in your own self-indulgent pity party, you nearly missed glimmers of him being heavily affected by such barriers separating the two of you. Even if his demeanor was rigid and his stare cold, there was a sense of feeling isolated emanating around him.
He sat in his armchair, while he mulled over the precarious justification of having dragged you here all those months ago. Following your descent down the stairs, he drummed his fingers on his pursed lips, leading himself to believe this was to be your farewell to him.
Ignoring the daggers behind his eyes, you kept in mind that he was just as damaged by this world as you were. “I’ve come to apologize.”
Cautiously lowering his guard, you’d piqued his interest. “I see how my behavior has been unjustifiably disgraceful towards you and the second chance you gave me.” 
Seeing his eyes wandering over you, you proceeded. “You’ve helped me understand that in this world, one must take center stage and you can either steal the spotlight or fade into the background.”
Choking back the rising emotion, you divulged your soul to him, “I don’t want to fade with the others.”
“You won’t have to.” Easing out of his chair, he opened his arms to you. Holding each other tightly, it dawned on you that this was the first embrace you ever shared.
While his hands caressed your emotionally drained form, your frets were plucked out of you, leaving behind tranquility. “This feels nice,” you admitted in a hushed tone.
Humming at the comfort you found in his touch, such affection was surreal for the life he led. As your arms wrapped around him, he smirked at the resolution to the issues you shared. Looking up at him, his thumb stroked your cheek. His words carried such delicacy, “I trust this means you have no intention of leaving me?”
“I’ll stay for as long as you’ll have me.”
“Two souls deemed undesirable by society.” Leaning down, his lips briefly ghosted yours. “What better match could I have asked for?” Sealing your union with a long-overdue kiss, any lingering doubts of who you thought you were supposed to be dissipated. The ash of your former self, along with your prior morals, circled you as your kiss deepened. Collecting at your feet, you paid them no mind. 
The man who’d brought forth a new perspective on this dreary world captivated you. Together you would stay in the spotlight, sharing it as you danced under its beam. Your devotion to each other would keep the shadows at bay, for your adoration would outlast their persistent attempts at tearing you down with the others who were being forgotten to time.
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magpod-confessions · 25 days
i think too much time was dedicated to the stranger, and not enough to other entities like the dark. there were a lot of fascinating threads and stories that could’ve been elaborated on, and it would have been interesting to see more of the contrast between opposing powers. i get that the stranger was implied to be the eye’s opposite but i don’t really agree with that. the uncanny valley and paranoia really aren’t too far apart. the only opposing qualities they had were lack of identity versus exposed identity, and even those are still centered around knowledge relating to someone’s secrets and self. also, the skin thing seemed much more flesh-y to me. basically i think that since the show had fourteen/fifteen fears, and the big plot twists were about the ways all those fears were entangled and parts of a whole, the others should’ve been more significant.
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wildpeachfarm · 29 days
Hi, Moku!
It’s been a while. Life has been a whirlwind of hurricanes and tornadoes mixed with occasional sunshine and rainbows recently, and I’ve been tackling everything I can. (Congrats on making it through another academic year, and for completing finals).
Not to beat a dead horse here, but I just wanted to input my thoughts on the q.smp bs happening.
Obviously, I hope all the workers who were wronged and never fairly compensated for their free labor, win their lawsuit and get more than what they’re owed for dealing with that narcissistic, egotistical, clout-chasing fuck. Now that I’ve said that, moving on to my thoughts.
I’ve seen discussion on how many servers are popping up post-dsmp era, and I have some thoughts on that.
Pre-dsmp, the only other SMP I heard of was Hermit-craft SMP. Then, we went through a deadly, lengthy, life-altering, and generational changing pandemic, which forced the world inside. The dsmp arose out of that, cause with everyone being at home, there wasn’t much to do. The gaming sphere/streaming sphere was dominant in a way I’d never seen it before, and it was incredible to witness. Minecraft especially experienced a resurgence, and Mr. Greenman himself was a huge part of that-through manhunts and the dsmp.
Unlike the nature of the q.smp, and some of these other short-lived smps, the dsmp started authentically. It was originally a server meant for Dteam to play on together and just have fun with each other. Then Dream added some of his friends and those friends knew people who they thought would enjoy the server and it just kept growing. Eventually, when all these people were added, the lore started, and that took the server to new heights and popularity (everyone loves a good story, regardless of the method of storytelling).
Dream himself never streamed his perspective, so as not to take away viewers from the notably smaller streamers on the SMP (which is opposite of a certain duckwhodoesntquack who only streams his perspective). He was also an active member in creating the lore/storylines of not only his character, but others as well (a certain unapologetic abusive cc was a big part, as well but we don’t talk about “Bruno”). Again, this is opposite of the q.smp, as the owner had people write the lore for him, and then was also never satisfied with what was written.
I think one of the biggest differences was the dsmp wasnt meant to be a roleplay server. It happened cause the people occupying the server wanted to do it, and made that decision on their own. It wasn’t marketed as a “passion project” so there wasn’t much build-up and hype for its release/existence (until after the lore started, and then it became more hyped). There was no competing server of its kind, cause the only other one that most people knew about had long since been established-the notoriety, popularity, and clout was already there, and didn’t need to be earned.
And the biggest difference of them all, no one got payed. There were not “workers” meant to move the server along; everything happened via the streamers themselves. So although there were some communication issues, there were no legal issues cause no one was being payed, unless you streamed playing it on a streaming site and made the money through donos.
It breaks my heart watching the q.smp play out like this, cause if it was done in good faith and genuineness, it could’ve been so good-bridging language barrier gaps and creating endless opportunities to learn a language you don’t know, and/or a culture you also don’t know-but it fell victim to a greedy owner and all good qualities were made null. I hate that this is how it transpired, especially for those that were working for free, and everyone who got doxxed/swatted over this.
TLDR; dsmp’s authenticity, genuineness, lack of greed from the owner played into what made it so successful. They’re also the reason it can’t be replicated, because it wasn’t manufactured- it just happened. And that’s why all these other servers have failed before they started, only lasted a bit of time, or ended up buckling under the consequences of the decisions of the owner. Dsmp is THAT girl and she will always be.
I’m sorry this was so long; has a lot of thoughts. Thanks for reading this anyway, and I hope this finds you well.
Have an amazing day, and don’t forget to be kind to yourself!
-L :)
Yeah I 100% agree i think something that a lot of newer servers lack is genuine authenticity that isn't built off of an expectation or hope of fame. the dsmp was never even supposed to be something other than a chill server between the dteam so obviously their intentions when just starting out were nothing but pure. However, there is no denying that anyone who made a server after that had the fame of the dsmp in the back of their mind- it's just impossible with how famous the server got.
And with how sterile the qsmp felt with how much the rp was pushed onto the streamers and the fact that there was essentially a business being run through the server, it killed the authentic feeling of everything (if it was even there to begin with)
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vigilskeep · 8 months
also have you ever talked about your quibbles with leliana's writing in dao? got curious, i love reading your thoughts
i have a little, yes. um mostly i just find it deeply confusing what they were going for. her bard backstory just doesn’t tally with her painfully naive dialogue, i don’t really find her compassion convincing so as a “good companion” she just doesn’t land for me, and her faith doesn’t really land either... she never has anything interesting to say about it and it doesn’t feel like the writers really care that much lmao. then there’s the whole baffling thing where they couldn’t decide if morrigan or leliana was the more traditionally feminine one so they commit to neither and both have weird moments jumping between complaining about each other’s gender conformity or lack thereof. there are huge missed opportunities to actually make her relevant to the plot: leliana’s mixed orlesian and ferelden identity could have fixed a massive hole in how dao lands emotionally by making the past conflict with orlais relevant, and yet it’s discussed exclusively in banter with loghain, who most people never recruit. and they cut late game chantry involvement in the landsmeet so that’s nothing
to me frankly it feels like they made up the bard backstory and then decided they had to offer a “nice girl” romance to counter morrigan and just sort of frantically smashed the two together and imo it rarely works. it’s obvious the bard character was something they really wanted to do and they had various thoughts on how to do it, because they put another one in the stolen throne. the lack of real sharpness of characterisation for leliana means that for me when you’re selecting your party she just can’t remotely stand up in dialogue quality to our other available rogue option. leliana needs a really good banter partner to sort of lift her up and i’m always disappointed by her plot comments i’m like... wow... you’re glad we could help some people... again... riveting... could’ve brought Anyone Else... like it’s mesmerising that she has a whole mechanic where you can ask her about locations while you’re walking out and about and she never once has anything really fresh and interesting to say. how are you a bard. as an aside, i really don’t care for the VA work and i’m mesmerised to have just discovered on a google search that the actress is actually french. i was really going to say with my whole chest that maybe she just had to devote all her effort to maintaining the accent but no! wild. it feels deeply unconvincing to have this be the skilled voice of the subtle bard when claudia black is doing her thing thirty feet away
I FEEL LIKE I SOUND RLLY MEAN... whenever i talk abt this... idk i can never decide whether there’s really something wrong with the writing quality or if i simply personally Don’t Get It and am self-consciously trying to justify that. perhaps both. i seek to convince no-one, this is just how i feel. and it’s not character hate i swear i do not mean to attack anyone’s girl and she’s probably the thing i most enjoy in what i’ve played of inquisition
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xiaojunsdiary · 9 months
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yoon jeonghan x male! ftm! reader
prompt: you’re the newer member added onto seventeen around aju nice era and you have a secret that you’ve done a pretty good job hiding until someone finds out
warnings: minor transphobic comments ONLY because jeonghan doesn’t get that you’re trans right away but he’s really sorry about it, jeonghan is NOT transphobic!!! angst, body dysmorphia, body image, insecurity, me projecting, i accidentally switch between 2nd and 3rd POV, slight suggestive at the end
word count: 896
mn had already felt like an outcast when he had joined seventeen. he wasn’t completely fluent in korean, could barley hold a conversation but that could be delt with. what really made him feel like an outcast was the lack of a certain body part.
the members didn’t know this. no one really did except your parents, the company, and best friend back home. and you planned to keep it that way. the company required you to get top surgery before you could join in seventeen. you didn’t mind, in fact you were thrilled. they paid for it as well as your testosterone.
but that didn’t stop the thoughts that filled your head all the time. from being around so many beautiful attractive men made you feel so insecure.
especially jeonghan, who while carried feminine qualities, still looked masculine. like a man should.
the members never treated you differently, they didn’t even tease you about your smaller frame. they didn’t have any reason to. especially woozi.
but the thoughts never stopped flowing through your head.
“why can’t i gain muscles as easily as them? why can’t i have a naturally masculine physic.
why couldn’t i have been born male?”
it hurt. a lot. knowing that even when the bottom surgery could’ve been provided, you still could never be fully satisfied. you had to wait a little while before you could get it done. and while you longed for a penis, the thought of truly changing your identity scared you.
while removing your breasts was scary, you were 100% sure about it. but your vagina…you weren’t. and that had caused a second wave of thoughts to go through your head as you turned the shower handle off, cutting off the endless stream of hot moisture.
as you got out of the shower, you tried not to think about the internal battle your mind had just went through and grabbed a towel to wipe off any access water.
while you were drying off your back facing the door, your worst nightmare happened:
the door began to open.
how could you not remember to lock the door?? the one rule you had bestowed upon yourself and you manage to break it. your eyes shown true panic as jeonghan opened the door.
“hey, mn, do you want-“ his words were cut off as he stared at you. he didn’t immediately look away as normal men wouldn’t,
“we’re all guys, why does it matter?”
they would normally say only you weren’t. or you didn’t feel like it.
“j-jeonghan!! can’t you ever knock??” you exclaimed wrapping the towel around your lower area quickly, a blush appearing across your cheeks.
“you’re a…woman?” he asked. he cocked his head to the sign as he examined your face for a reaction. your eyes glossed over after his accusation.
“no! i’m not! i’m a guy, j-just like you!” you pitifully stuttered.
“yes, you are. you have a vagina”, he continued, not understanding the power that sentence had on you.
“but i a-am”, you cried, a stray tear cascading down your right cheek.
“then how do you explain-“, he says while walking towards you, closing the door. he cuts himself off mid sentence as his eyes fall to your chest. a very faint line of a scar, underneath where your absent breasts once were. his eyes widen a little at his sudden realization.
“ohhh, you’re…” he trails off as he looks into your face for conformation. you nod your head weakly as the tears you were holding it release themselves.
“you c-can’t tell anyone, hannie, please” you begged, “please don’t out me. i love seventeen. i don’t wanna get kicked o-out.” your sobs getting mildly louder as your begging continued, the sound breaking his heart, as well as your own in a way. your knees gave out as you collapsed to the ground covering your chest.
“i won’t, i promise,” he said as he kneeled down with you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, squeezing you tighter.
he removed it only to bow all the way down to the ground.
“i’m so sorry, mn. i didn’t mean to misgender you. i’m so, so sorry. please, forgive me. i’m really sorry. i’ll do whatever you need for me to make you feel more comfortable” he said while continuing to face the ground.
you quickly pulled him back up off the ground with a fierce blush on your face.
“th-there’s no need for all that, hannie. your apology was enough.” you state fixing his long hair.
he stared at you closely, really looked at you. he put his hand on your thigh that was midly exposed, the other hand on you right arm.
“are you okay? like do you feel okay now?” he asked, softly rubbing your thigh in a comforting manner.
you nodded.
“are you sure?” he pried.
you let out a small laugh at his urgencry.
“i am as of right now, hannie. thank you” you gave him a bright smile with a small bit of pink dusting your cheeks.
“you’re welcome,” he said, analyzing your face with a matching smile. his hands found their way onto your waist with a gentle grip. you could feel your face heating up.
“can i show you how much i adore you and your body?” he said, rubbing your sides softly.
you looked away, shy, and nodded your head.
if i do a part 2, it’ll be smut. y’all want that??
started: 09-24-23
finished: 09-24-23
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saltysplayt00ns · 5 months
FlameGuard Tribe Reworked
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I had more writing involving them but ya know, It got lost somewhere, but its also good cause I have a fresh mind to write better. Take note that anything most is going by concept and not 100% fully of cultural accuracy and may lean into animal similarities and/or mindset. If I recall what I wrote from the past, I wanted to rework on Flametribe cause they could’ve been a nice add in of the story; HOME, since they can easily interconnect with the others in some way. I do not like the fact the author just randomly has a blatant  culture without respect nor branching out to flesh the ethnicity, it’s no different when media/companies use ‘ tokens' or checkmarks to fill in, and to avoid being blacklisted. Doesn’t help that the tribes are all cookie-cutter, copy-pasted format.
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A mix AWD x Dingo breed Called Emberkin or Caniflamma Nexus
Flame tribe or As I edit their names to Ignisylvan Enkindlers Or Emberfang Tribe for remembrance later, is a AWD and Dingo mixed themed pack around Africa/Australia? They prefer dense forests, and more open terrain with tall grasses.
Instead of muskrats because ‘teehee funny.’ Laughing at others' beliefs  is funny right? Look, I made a joke?…guys…seriously, this could have executed Better on the jokes - it gets cheap and just - lacks taste. Worse it's Rhovanion, a character that is less likely to make jokes like this, Axilyah I would not be surprised.
 Their  belief revolves around the idea of a sacred bond between the members of the pack, a belief that through their bond, achieving the collective omnipotence and immortality through unity, not for personal gain but for the collective well-being of the tribe and their offspring. This belief emphasizes the importance of a harmonious pack, with leaders serving as immortal parental figures, guiding the tribe through a shared legacy. Rituals and ceremonies reinforce this commitment, celebrating the pack's unity and the perpetuation of their unique cultural tapestry across generations.
Omnipotent Unity:
The heart of the Ember-Fang tribe lies in the concept of omnipotent kinship. The pack believe that by harmonizing their strengths, skills, and unique traits, they can achieve a state of collective power that transcends the abilities of any individual. This union is not just physical but extends to the emotional and spiritual realms, binding the pack members in a profound connection.
Immortality through Legacy:
Unlike the traditional notions of immortality, the Canid union emphasizes achieving a form of everlasting existence through the perpetuation of the pack's legacy. Leaders are considered immortal in the memories of their descendants, as they become the guiding spirits, watching over the pack and guiding future generations.
Parental Figures:
The pack's leaders are revered as the ultimate parental figures, embodying the qualities of both motherhood and fatherhood. They are responsible for nurturing and protecting the younger members, imparting wisdom, and ensuring the well-being of the entire pack. This parental role extends beyond biological relations, fostering a sense of communal care and responsibility.
Generational Tapestries
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The generational tapestry woven by the canids holds immense significance in preserving the collective wisdom, history, and cultural values of the pack. It serves as a living testament to the shared journey of the tribe, highlighting the contributions of each generation and reinforcing the ideals of the Canid Covenant. Through intricate patterns and vibrant colors, the tapestry becomes a visual representation of the pack's unity, strength, and the eternal bond between its members. How do the dogs make the tapestries with the limitations?
Communal Weaving: The pack engages in communal weaving, where each member contributes by using their teeth to manipulate and intertwine the fibers. The collaborative effort from all members not only strengthens the bonds within the pack but also compensates for the lack of individual dexterity.
Natural Material Adaptation: The canids select materials that are more manageable with their paws. Flexible vines, grasses, and strips of bark become the primary elements, chosen for their pliability and ease of manipulation. The pack members use their teeth to tear and strip these materials into manageable sizes. additionally, they have contractions that are used by paw and jaws for protection and to make working the material capable.
Terrain Utilization: Rocks and natural formations are employed as makeshift tools. Canids use flat stones to press and secure woven sections, ensuring durability. They may also utilize tree trunks or the uneven ground to create tension in the fibers, aiding in the weaving process.
Tail Assistance: The members cleverly employ their tails to hold and stabilize certain sections of the tapestry as they work. allowing for a more controlled weaving process and prevents unraveling.
Layered Approach: Understanding their limitations, the canids adopt a layered approach to tapestry-making. Instead of intricate, fine details, they focus on bold patterns and larger motifs that can be achieved with their paw-centric techniques.
Natural Dye Techniques: The pack extracts colors from local flora and fauna, crushing berries or plants to create pigments. The canids use their paws to apply these natural dyes, embracing the imperfections and variations in color as a testament to the wild and untamed essence of their craft.
Guidance from Elders: The older, more experienced members of the pack take on leadership roles in the tapestry-making process. They guide the younger canids, sharing their wisdom and ensuring that the traditional techniques are passed down through generations.
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Example tapestries, each tribe has their own distinctive theme and style that makes them unique.
The colors usually being Earthy browns and greens, Bold red and blues and Golden hues. Having symbolic significance to each of these colors. The red and blue are used for important events; successful hunts, important rituals and birth of new leaders while gold is reserved for representations of the leader’s legacies.
Patterns and Differentiation:
Patterns within the tapestry play a crucial role in differentiating between pack and family lines. Each pack develops its unique set of symbols and motifs that reflect their particular strengths, challenges, and cultural nuances. Families within the pack may have individual patterns, creating a subtle but distinguishable thread within the broader tapestry. This visual language enables The Emberkin to identify their own and fosters a sense of belonging and continuity.
As the tapestry grows over the generations, the patterns evolve, incorporating new elements that represent the changing dynamics of the pack. The elders, keepers of tribal wisdom, guide the younger members in maintaining the integrity of these patterns, ensuring that the tapestry remains a vivid reflection of the tribe's endurance through time.
Paint & Scarifications
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Different ways of painting the fire for either members or tribe.
The Fire color, a vibrant and intense hue, represents the fiery spirit of the pack, embodying qualities such as passion, strength, and the unwavering commitment to the embers. 
Members of the pack adorn themselves with Fire-colored paint markings during important ceremonies and rituals. Often take the form of bold streaks or intricate patterns across their fur. The Fire color serves as a visual representation of the pack's collective strength and unity, reaffirming their commitment to the community.
Paint is used mostly on members but leaders are given scarification for identification along with imbedding their beliefs of the pain they’ll  endure to protect, nurture and guide the pack and family while also given the blessings from the spirits/gods to guide and protect them after passing the ritual.
The paint contrasting with the Mottle patterns or any in general have a harmonized contrast; bold hues of vivid oranges, deep blues, and radiant yellows are strategically chosen to create a visual contrast against natural tones. The tribes honor their ancestral roots by incorporating patterns reminiscent of ancient symbols or motifs passed down through generations. It is a visual tribute to their cultural heritage and the enduring legacy of the Emberkin.
Scarification practice involving intentional scarring of the skin, is adopted by the canids as a physical manifestation of their endurance, resilience, and commitment to the pack. Scarification patterns are created using sharp rocks or bone implements, leaving lasting marks that tell a story of hardship, perseverance, and integrity.
Parental Leaders' Scarification:
The parental leaders, embodying the ideals of the Covenant. These scars, etched with precision and purpose, symbolize the challenges they have faced and overcome for the greater good of the pack. Each scar carries a specific meaning, representing a lesson learned, a trial endured, or a sacrifice made. Aligns with the pack's commitment to facing challenges, persevering through hardships, and upholding the integrity of the pack.
The use of Fire color in paint markings and scarification reflects the intense energy and enduring nature of their beliefs.
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Pack Name: Azuflare & Emberfang Family
Within this big Tribe of mixed packs forming one big congruent; Ember and Azu is has the highest amount of living members integrating and contributing to the diversity of a larger community.
Hierarchy and Role
Parental Leaders: Osiris and Kellan, as the parental leaders, hold the highest rank, making crucial decisions for the combined Family's survival and well-being.
Elders: Elders provide wisdom and counsel to the pack, offering valuable insights based on their experiences. Their role is respected, and their guidance influences major decisions.
Huntmaster: The Hunt masters oversees the pack's hunting endeavors, ensuring a stable food supply. This role is crucial for the Emberkin Family's survival in the harsh wilderness. They're also the one's to defend the tribe and be sent to battle, for many members take this role if not an artisan.
Artisan: The Artisan is responsible for preserving cultural traditions and crafting essential items for the pack. This role upholds the Tribes identity through artistic expression and practical skills. ____________________________________
Leadership Structure:
The Emberkin and Azuflare Family operates as a close-knit pack descended from their sole leaders, deeply loyal and bound by strong family ties. The parents, as the pack's leaders, hold a revered position, and abandonment by parental figures is considered a severe transgression.
Attitude Towards Betrayal:
Betrayal is taken extremely seriously within the tribe. The consequences are so profound that they may extend to wiping out an entire bloodline, holding a deep-rooted grudge against any surviving children. Leaving the pack without proper permission and introduction can lead to tensions within neighboring packs, emphasizing the tribes commitment to respect, etiquette, and preventing unnecessary conflicts.
Grudge and Retribution:
The Emberfang tribe carries a deep, guttural grudge, and those who abandon their own are not only ridiculed but also hunted down or forced out of the area. Packs or alliances harboring such traitors face similar condemnation until the grudge is resolved.
Cultural Traditions:
Within the tribe, outside marriage is uncommon for those without ancestral connections. Arranged marriages are prevalent, especially when forming alliances with other packs. The Tribes, with the ancestral syllables, represents separate family lineages arranged by tradition.
Alliance and Disapproval:
The Emberfang Family values alliances but is cautious in forming connections. Packs harboring traitors are deemed as traitors themselves until the matter is resolved. This emphasizes the Emberfang commitment to loyalty, respect, and preserving the integrity of their lineage.
In essence, the Emberfang and Azuflare Family is a deeply rooted, conservative pack that values family, loyalty, and respect. Betrayal is met with severe consequences, reflecting their commitment to maintaining the honor and unity of their bloodline. The ravel cultural dynamics, arranged marriages, and the cautious approach to alliances underscore the tribes' adherence to their unique traditions.
Brief Backstory 
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They were originally Azuri/Azura but changed to Emberfang Tribe
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Osiris exudes a fiery and passionate demeanor, driven by a deep sense of loyalty and protectiveness toward her family. Her emotions can be intense, especially when the safety of the pack is at stake, leading to fiery outbursts that reflect her protective instincts. Osiris is quick to respond to threats, sometimes allowing her emotions to momentarily blind her to reason. Despite this, her heart is steadfastly devoted to her family, and she possesses a fierce determination to ensure their well-being. Osiris values tradition but is willing to challenge norms for the sake of her family's survival.
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Kellan embodies a calm and composed nature, providing a stabilizing presence within the Emberkin Family. He is slow to anger, thoughtful, and methodical in his approach to challenges. Kellan's phlegmatic temperament makes him a patient and understanding mate to Osiris. While he may not share the same intensity of emotions as Osiris, Kellan's steadfastness serves as a crucial anchor for his mate during moments of fiery outbursts. He values harmony and balance within the pack, often playing the role of a peacemaker. Kellan's wisdom and measured responses complement Osiris's fiery nature, creating a dynamic partnership.
Dynamic and Contrast:
Osiris and Kellan's personalities create a dynamic contrast within the Emberkin Family. Osiris's passionate and impulsive nature contrasts with Kellan's calm and methodical approach. While their differences occasionally lead to conflicts, their individual strengths complement each other, forming a powerful synergy. Osiris's fiery emotions are tempered by Kellan's calming influence, and Kellan finds strength and purpose in Osiris's fierce determination. Together, they form a united front against threats to their family, becoming a formidable duo that outsiders and enemies approach with caution.
Summary: Emberkin's Descent into Deception
In the heart of Emberfang traditions, Osiris and Kellan's union emerged from the intricate tapestry of predetermined matches between packs. Osiris, with her fiery spirit and unwavering loyalty, represented the Emberkin Family, while Kellan, known for his composed nature, stood as the chosen mate. Their union, crafted for strategic alliance, initially bore the strain of their contrasting personalities.
As Emberkin parental leaders, Osiris and Kellan faced a medical crisis as Osiris was a soon mother to be, prompting an alliance with the Capitol despite it not favored by their culture. the decision that would unravel and crumble in the face of a brutal wolf attack ( Jahla & Thakir ). Among the losses were family members, including Osiris's brother Taku and Anzi, the daughter of an artisan. Nursing emotional wounds, Osiris and Kellan severed ties with the Capitol, forging a path marked by unconventional alliances.
The emotional toll of family losses tested Emberkin resilience, propelling Osiris and Kellan and surviving member's to hold through on their own. With Osiris's fiery determination, a force driven by her loyalty to family, found balance in Kellan's patient guidance. Together, they navigated the aftermath of tragedy, seeking now vengeance against Jahla and Thakir, wolves responsible for the massacre.
In a morally complex choice, the Emberfang tribe aligned with Ranach, an exiled outsider with selfish motives. While Jahla and Thakir fueled the Emberkin's quest for justice, Ranach's manipulation threatened the family's integrity. The Capitol's favoritism towards wolves added another layer of complexity in their journey.
Osiris and Kellan's love, born from a predetermined match, evolved beyond tradition, becoming a testament to unity and the strength found in embracing the hardships. Their journey, marked by challenges, alliances, and love, painted a tale of survival, deception, and the resilient spirit of the tribe.
Emberkin Coat Variations and Markings
[ Pic ex ].
Inheriting a default black hue, Emberkin coat genetics showcase a diverse array, including liver, darker tan, and red variations. Pups with ginger and yellow coats often thrive in desert and plains territories. The rarest hues, such as diluted blues and faded Isabellas, add a touch of uniqueness.
Emberkin coat patterns draw inspiration from African wild dogs and Australian Dingoes. The base coat's darker tones serve as an ancestral foundation, aiding in the prominence of distinctive markings. Mottled, tricolored, or two-toned patterns embellish the coats, manifesting as either subtle fades or bold, pronounced blotches.
The choice of darker base coats among the Emberkin is not merely aesthetic; it serves a practical purpose. These common coat patterns contribute to the perception of health and provide effective camouflage during hunting, particularly in the dim light of dusk and nightfall. The mottled, tricolored, or two-toned markings enhance their adaptability in the wild, allowing the Emberkin to blend seamlessly with their surroundings.
Page Edit
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Script Rewritten
It's more better and correlates to the information here;
Scene: EmberFang Family Confronts the Capitol
The Emberkin Family, led by Osiris and Kellan, confronts the Capitol officials, expressing their discontent with the perceived favoritism towards the wolves and unprofessionalism.
Osiris (fiery determination):
"We did not forge alliances and shed blood to be treated as expendable pawns! Our family suffered losses, and what did the Capitol do? Turned a blind eye, favoring wolves over our kin!"
Kellan (composed but firm):
"We seek unity, not divisive favoritism. Your actions endanger the delicate balance we've strived to maintain. We won't tolerate such disrespect to our family or any other tribe."
Capitol Officials, taken aback, attempt to explain their decisions.
Capitol Official (defensive):
"It's a matter of strategy. Wolves provide a different kind of strength, and we have to make decisions that benefit the Capitol and tribes as a whole."
Osiris (indignant):
"You speak of strength, yet you disregard the strength forged through generations of our unity. We won't stand by and watch our family's sacrifices belittled for political convenience."
Kellan (calm warning):
"Spread the word to your superiors. The Capitol's unprofessionalism won't go unnoticed. Favor wolves if you must, but know that other tribes will hear of your betrayal."
The Emberkin Family, fueled by a mix of anger and determination, leaves the Capitol, severing ties that were once deemed essential for survival. As the Emberkin Family readies to leave the Capitol officials, Jahla, Thakir, and a rabbit happen upon the scene, drawn by the outcries and angry growling. The leaders stop for only a moment, but a moment enough for the Capitals last whine of intervening.
Capitol Official (pleading):
"Leaders, please see the reason! The wolves, in their instinctual defense, are willing to compensate the tribes for any losses through alternative means that avoid bloodshed. Moreover, the Capitol is prepared to contribute their own compensation to ease the burden. Please, Consider the greater benefits!"
The Capitol's words like a slap, anger and baffle the leaders even more, intensifying the confrontation.
Osiris (furious):
"Benefices? Compensation? Your blindness astounds me! We won't be swayed by your audacity!"
Kellan (disgusted):
"You speak of reason, yet you fail to recognize the pain and loss inflicted upon us. Your ignorance is intolerable!"
Osiris (sensing the haunting echoes of the past):
Despite the Capitol and others not smelling the iron scent, Osiris pinpoints and familiarizes with the old blood of her dead family, lingering through the air like an ominous taunt. Osiris sharply locates the smell to Jahla and Thakir. Them.’ How dare they show their faces after the murders have they no shame’,  It took every fiber of her being to hold herself back. Resolving to leave with her mate, Kellen, both simmer with a quiet rage, their departure laden with an unsettling discontent.
Jahla (shivering with fear and sadness):
"What have we walked into, Thakir? Their anger is...overwhelming."
Thakir (solemn):
"We are witnesses to a storm, Jahla. A storm we might get caught in if we're not careful."
Rabbit (eyeing Jahla wearily):
With weariness, the rabbit observes Jahla, sensing the impending turmoil.
As Osiris and Kellan leave, the Capitol Officials, saddened by the loss of the alliance, reflect on the consequences of their decisions. Jahla shivers with fear, Thakir remains solemn, and the rabbit watches Jahla with a wary gaze.
Thank you everyone who made it this far, and Hope you enjoyed this meaty blog and that the rewritten tribe adds more depth and interests.
Ps...if this ends up being snuck into home, just so you know, I'm the OG that did it.
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rosemariad · 4 months
Supernatural season 14
Oh boy!
So Alt-Michael has taken over Dean’s body and absconded to parts unknown - what an unprecedented plot twist who could’ve possibly seen this coming, certainly not Dean, the one guy who doesn’t trust angels and has a history of being short-sighted & making shitty deals.
Since this is season 14, and there’s only 1 more season after this, I presume Dean will never grow out of these bad qualities 🤦🏾‍♀️, so…moving on.
Check you out Sam, leading your new band of hunters, like some sort of Hunters Incorporated©️. I’m glad Sam gets to spend more time with his mom, but he won’t let her take care of him 😔😭
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Was it me or did that Michael & Anael scene feel like Jensen x Danneel role play 🤣 - at least when he caressed her face. Like really bro? I don’t think the scene would’ve played out that way if the actors weren’t actual husband and wife 🤣
Shoutout to Supernatural for keeping Mark Pellegrino employed lol 😂😂 cuz I don’t see Why the fuck he’s still around if the devil is supposedly dead - wasn’t Mark P. also doing 13 reasons why around this time?? Anywho, Nick, luci’s longtime vessel, isn’t dead???? What does Nick have that jimmy novak didn’t (or literally any other angel vessel for that matter) — plot convenience? That must be it 🤣🤣🤣
Cas honey, why are you letting these demons beat you up? Cuz Dean is gone on your watch? cuz im sorry there’s no way im believing Cas was weaker than all them demons. That’s also plot convenience IDGAF!
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After yet another demon-hunter showdown, Mary and Bobby are spotted sharing a beer & flirting…I wish John were around to see this AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Oh Jack, poor guy feels worthless for having no power. He should’ve been like ‘Castiel what’s it like being worthless?’ since that was Castiel’s arc for a minute too, which again fuck Supernatural for. Cas had like 1 badass moment last season when he fried Donatello’s brains but that’s it. Meanwhile Nick totally called Cas out, bringing up Jimmy again and driving that guilt straight into Castiel.
Alt-Michael is recruiting?? Brief Dean cameo in 14x02, you give him like 2 lines, wow 😒. Even Sam got more screen time in 5x22 swan song…but Dean suddenly comes back at the end of the episode???? Nah, bullshit!
Also lol karma for Dean in 14x02 when Jack is like, ‘Dean doesn’t matter’, Michael has to be stopped. Ahahahahahahaha. He was the so called pragmatist when it came to Jack, now it’s Jack’s turn. Castiel’s face when jack said it tho…
Dean got stabbed by AU Kaia? What?? Oh look yet another instance of Dean running away from his problems and pain and being a dick to Kaia (though she's technically a different person) again! Good for you tho AU Kaia for giving Dean a taste of his own medicine and telling him off.
Bobby leave Sam alone, I’m here for his captain my captain era. The lovable giant is doing his best!
So some necromancer gets away from Jack & Dean but we’re not gonna see her again, right??? There’s just a little over 30 episodes left in the show at this point. They probably didn’t know that at the time though.
Shoutout to the devil for basically condemning his child to die from a lack of grace :/ while Cas was able to survive (cuz plot convenience most likely) Jack as a nephilim was unable to do so. Gabe’s spare angel grace couldn’t help (I wonder if he were still alive in canon, if it would’ve made a difference. Oh well).
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So this is where Cas made the deal with the empty (yes I know about it, how doesn’t everyone that shit went viral the very night it originally aired amidst the infamous nail-biting 2020 election week), tumblr is still serving the memes to this day.
Cas doesn’t want the Winchesters to know cuz Dean 😭 idc, if I was Jack I would NOT keep that secret. Dean would know IMMEDIATELY.
I think more angels died, but heaven hasn’t fallen yet…right? They keep coming back to that. Hm…
Nick’s arc is…bleh. Pretty sure in his desperation he just brought Luci back from the empty…welp. I guess when you’re an archangel who was predestined by God to fight in a fateful epic battle against your big bro, you just get certain perks in the afterlife 😒
Sam doesn’t want Alt-Charlie to go when its like bro! She. Is. Not. Charlie!!! For fuck sake guys SMH, let her live her fucking life! God forbid she want to run away to fucking safety and not die bloody like her counterpart 🤬
Bobby and Mary run off to a cabin for weeks on end 😏😂 to recuperate, sure Mary 🤣
Garth is back! Working as a spy for the Winchesters, oh dear Lord no. I know he makes it to season 15 but maaaan I don't like this….
The nerve of Dean to challenge Alt-Kaia to either hand over the weapon or kill her. What if she just killed him? Also, can't they just replicate the weapon for their own uses? All they would need to do is ensure they're using the same materials Kaia did when she forged the weapon in her own world.
How many hits to the head is Sam supposed to fuckin' take? I feel like it's happened more in this season alone than the entire show so far? He should probably be dead at this point 🤣
Jack got taken, oh no! why didn't Michael kill him? To take him as a ward? Seriously? Whatever.
And it turns out the past episode was a long con to get Dean right where Alt-Michael wanted him. I know there was a catch to him letting Dean go in 14x02.
So Alt-Michael chose to trap Dean in…contentment? With Pamela Barnes? And they weren't even a couple, just friends. She called him out on something.
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Why not have him be with a real girlfriend of his, like Lisa or even Cassie? I’m supposed to believe Dean's dream is an unsuccessful bar living out his days with a platonic lady friend??? Really??? Bullshit!
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John returns for the final time to go back to 2003? Okay. His hair is cut and grayish. Lol so I’m gonna see that as John gained some weight (from food/drink or muscle training idc) and dyes his hair black but the root are grey and come out every so often 🤣 but yay JDM I wish you had been in more episodes! Oh well.
So no one’s gonna talk about:
a) Adam’s existence
b) Bobby X Mary or how Bobby essentially replaced john as the father/husband by getting involved with Mary AND being a surrogate father to Sam & Dean (with a clear preference to Dean but whatever)
I’d care more about Sam & John’s convo if we had more time with them together on screen. But it was nice to see them squash their beef.
Dean & John’s convo was faaaar too brief. But insightful to their relationship. John wanted dean to have a family, echoing his wishes for his eldest in season 1 in his convo w/ Sam.
But Dean was like I have a family 🥺 my emotions!
Back to the Michael bullshit – a fight with a gorgon fucked up his containment so he literally broke out of Dean's body and killed all the hunters who were conveniently at the bunker when they brought an unconscious Dean back there. Even poor unfortunate Maggie. For a second I thought Mary would be there since Maggie mentioned she was on her way back but no, he ended up possessing Rowena.
Then they bring the old angel torture device of disabling our heroes' ability to breathe, like in the season 5 premiere, making them blind (that's new) and making them hurt.
Jack gets his chance to take Michael down, and takes his grace??????
Oh Sam bby, it's not your fault. Those people were doomed no matter what. TBH I'm surprised they lasted this long. But cuz he's a Winchester and he was raised by Dean & they've rubbed off each other too much at this point (nobromo), he decides to focus on yet another case even when Dean himself isn't willing since big bro has pointed out they have done 3 cases back to back. They're not the young men they used to be lol.
Cas goes with Sam to a milkshake town and given his legendary levels of awkwardness he's immediately seen and called out for his inherent queerness by the townsfolk (in all senses of the word).
Aw Sam wants to stay, ofc he does. This town is simple and peaceful. He could use some of that. Too bad this place is making people's heads explode.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Ah subtle there Supernatural, making Jack, a Nephilim who's the offspring of the devil himself choose between angel and devil food cake 🤣 Dean why would you put him in that position?
Cas why you gotta be snitching on Sam to your boy bestie like that 🤣 – typical boyfriend tomfoolery
Oftentimes since Jack started in this show, he's felt like an intern and 14x16 is one of those times. They don't wanna bring jack along so they think to leave him alone doing chores. Good Lord.
Oh honey Sam you didn't have to tell the sheriff you're not FBI, just stick to the monster stuff. He knows what's up.
And Jack sweetie pie you don't need to impress those kids. He should be hanging out with kids his own age. Just Jack with a bunch of babies 🤣. So cute! My headcanon is that he can actually talk to them. At least then it wouldn't have ended with a stabbing. Thankfully he cleaned up his mess, even though the local kids are terrified of him. It’s a shame he doesn’t have friends. If only he was allowed to have Claire in his life.
They finally resolved the Nick storyline (I hope) by killing him off via Jack but Mary is not happy. She’s concerned. She’s been concerned about him the whole frickin episode since he sassed her as they tried setting up a game night with Dean.
It’s like these people keep forgetting what Jack is capable of.
He didn’t have to relish the kill though. On the other hand, it felt like Mary’s concern was a bit much — if it were me I would’ve kept my mouth shut as to not upset a powerful fledging being into killing me by accident.
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So Mary dies…again.
This is also why we can’t have nice things. I know Dean’s never gonna let this shit go. Sure Cas has fucked up a bunch, but killing a direct blood relative of Dean’s…nope. That’s unforgivable. I know they’re not gonna let Dean kill off a kid but I know he’s NEVER ever gonna forget Jack’s role in Mary’s (second) demise.
Why couldn’t you leave the boy alone Mary?!?!?!!?!
The boys show up, did they not circle back to pick up their mother? Seriously? Goodness Lord. So depressing watching the brothers just assuming their mommy’s coming back 😭
Cas (cuz of course this shit went tits up while Daddy was away) calls Dean to get caught up on what happened the last episode and is concerned that the Winchesters left their mom alone with Jack. Then why did you leave him Cas? You could’ve taken him with you. Like it would’ve been better if one of the brothers was alone with Jack? Badasses they may be, but they would’ve ended up just like Mary let’s be honest. The only difference would’ve been whichever brother got got would’ve come back. Mary will not be getting that special treatment…
Jack is tripping out since he murdered his foster G-maw - ends up flying all over the world (so his soul is definitely gone? But if it were gone, would he even care about killing Mary? everyone’s trying to track him down IDK why he doesn’t just destroy the phone he has. We get flashes of Mary & Jack’s time together and technically I believe she spent the most time with him (at least in season 13)
They’re still giving Mark P work on this show making him the manifestation of Jack’s subconscious cuz the kill is driving Jack insane 😭🥺 He’s reacting so much like a little boy who knows he fucked up it that makes this so much sadder 😭 Jack’s being driven mad with grief.
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Oh fuck they’re going to where she died. Oh fuck.
WTF is wrong with these people! He’s a fucking boy! A super power nuke of a boy, but still a fucking boy! Like the Winchesters never made a mistake! What about the nurse who got killed in 4x22 by Sam? All the people Dean slaughtered under the MoC, as a demon! That’s just off the top of my head! No but cuz they’re the fucking protagonists 😡🤬
Samuel Winchester you know manipulating this child Is 5 different kinds of fucked up!
Jack why did you call it an accident! Did you not want to use the words murder? Destroyed? Obliterated?
Dean you piece of shit, why are you lying to this boy!!!!!! You know Jack’s desperate to make peace with you, and you lead him to a grave he’s never supposed to escape?! Poor thing Jack was sooo scared!
Sam, the regret is gonna eat you alive! Sam, for fucks sake, SPEAK THE FUCK UP! You clearly got shit you wanna say, fucking say it!
Dean you’re surprised Jack’s going along with it?! Of course he’s gonna go along with it, he wants to please you, you shady, manipulative BASTARD!
That’s right Castiel stand up for Jack since nobody else is willing to!
Oh boy, the celestial boy is freaking out. Claustrophobia was kicking in, this shit ain’t gonna end well. It’s a dark day when a psychological manifestation of Satan is making sense more than everyone else.
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I’m not surprised Jack got out though. That box was made for an archangel and he isn’t that. He’s a nephilim, technically a different entity, right? now, the Winchesters have a pissed off mega-powerful creature on their hands. Great job team 🤣
that’s right Jack, give them a piece of your fucking mind! Fuck ‘em up queen.
Oh shit! I’ve watched this part a dozen times on YouTube, the part where jack makes the whole world tell the truth no matter what! Donald trump is canonically Crowley’s bitch! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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All hail the stapler queen! Iconic!
And God reveals Himself, what grand timing! He says He came for Cas’s prayer (but Cas prayed to Him in season 6 too, no?) but then He states the real reason for His arrival — Jack.
Meanwhile Jack went to see his real G-maw, not a good plan Jackie boy. She’s put 2+2 together that her daughter Kelly is NOT ok and now Jack has to confess the truth. (Where’s the dad? Was the actor unavailable or dead at this point?)
Sam was outed to love Celine Dion (I love her two Sammy it’s ok, her songs are AMAZING! My favorite is it’s all coming back to me now, I crush that shit in karaoke.) Dean follows a mommy blog 🤣 of course he does, probably cuz he identifies with her more & loves that her life is so full of shit (like I said, he identifies with her).
God don’t sanction lying, the real God would never do such a thing. Isn’t it like the 6th commandment, thou shall not lie? Like dude, the fuck?!
And no, writing means telling stories that are often made up but it’s not meant to deceive anybody. But Hollywood on the other hand…yeesh.
Dean breaking Chuck’s guitar 🤣
Chuck saying ‘DON’T!’ Having Dean shook 🤣
Why are you asking them how things are, like you don’t know?! You’re omnipotent!
They canonically made the British queen a lizard? Damn. These old Americans (the writers) are dicks!
Finally Sam is speaking up! Thank God!
Dean stop blaming people, Jesus, it was an accident (Jack you phrased it sooooo poorly though)! shout out to Sam for taking it this so well cuz he’s been through too much this season alone. He lost a whole fucking army, then his mom after he got to know her this time! And the concussions! So many concussions.
Angry Cas is sooooo fucking hot 🥵 when he slammed that truck with his fist 😏
Awww the first thing he does when he sees Jack is hugs him. Jack needed that so bad!
The biggest travesty is we never got to see the SquirrelVerse!
When Sam asks if God is watching them — Sam do you even know what omnipotent means?!
It’s just like I said in season 11. God doesn’t owe anyone anything. But everyone owes Him everything. He gave everyone the freedom to choose, for better or worse. But this iteration of who God is seems to watch what people and creatures decide to do with their lives. He made the weapon to see who among Sam, Dean or Cas would take it and strike Jack down.
So ultimately when Dean tracks Jack down and Jack throws Cas into a tombstone and Sam is running dramatically to stop it, Dean ultimately decides not to kill Jack. But why though? He kept talking shit about how Jack needed to be dealt with, but when the moment comes, he won’t do it?! I mean I’m glad but it doesn’t really make sense?!
Was it the puppy eyes? Did Sam teach Jack that trick? But Jack closed his eyes at the last second???
Oh Dean, you’re such a fucking softie. That’s on you God. You made him softer than Mr. Pillsberry.
If anything, Dean is the step daddy. Cas is Daddy. And then there’s Uncle Sam 🤣
Sam is many things, but stupid is never one of them. Naïve maybe, trusting, desperate. But not stupid. And not crazy, this time 🤣
I will say what makes this story compelling is the fact that the Winchesters find themselves locked in a cycle of violence at the hands of their Creator, and they’re refusing to commit further acts of violence in effort to stop it all and rebel against their cruel, dispassionate maker. But they have no means to back it up…today.
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Not the Burger King catchphrase🤣🤣🤣
Not Jack being…smote?
Not Dean being yeeted into another tombstone?
Sam, why did you think that was gonna work on God? He made the weapon. You really think He’d make something that could kill Himself? Nah bruh.
So we’ve approached the ending of the penultimate season. 20 more episodes to go! Ah!!!! I’m excited but also not since the ending is what I know (mildly).
Side note - Sam & Dean still don’t know about Castiel’s bargain with the Empty (kinda seems pointless since God killed Jack anyway…Cas basically fucked himself for nothing 🤦🏾‍♀️ [I know how it ends but yeah still])
It’s not about the destination though, it’s the journey (I keep telling myself that).
God said fuck y’all. Shouldn’t’ve poked the bear…now these poor innocent people gonna die like sheep to the slaughter. Y’all got a lot of cleaning up to do and with so little people to help you.
So did God undo all the killings the Winchesters did? Cuz damn….that’s 10+ years of work undone. In 1 moment.
They’re not getting out of the cycle anytime soon.
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regrator-the-ninth · 1 year
Why Muzan’s “natural disaster” line was kind of accurate, actually
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This Muzan line is so interesting to me because it’s the closest the manga comes to ever saying the quiet part out loud. There was nothing Muzan could’ve done to change what he became.
By the time he killed his doctor, he was already in the middle of his human to demon transition. He had pursued a cure to his illness (reasonable), his doctor had done his best to make an experimental cure for him (reasonable), the cure had unintended side effects (reasonable), and side effects had included amplified anger and murderous intent (unfortunate).
Natural disasters just happen. They don’t have agency. The reason you don’t take revenge on an erupting volcano is because it didn’t make a conscious choice to kill people. No one is to blame for the disaster. Likewise, Muzan had absolutely no agency against his fate. Even if he had started out as the world’s nicest human, even if he made exclusively good choices considering the information he was given, he would’ve ended up becoming a demon and eating people. The only immoral “choice” he made was killing his doctor, but if the medicine he was given was making him a demon anyway, the likelihood of that occurring during his first demonic rampage was extremely high. Regardless of whether he conquered the sun, whether he took his medication as prescribed, whether he was a good or bad human, he would’ve ended up with a near insatiable taste for human flesh. With no support network to hold him back from his urges until he was capable of settling down, his evil was essentially inevitable.
A lot of people say that Muzan is interesting because he’s one of the only pure evil villains with no redeeming qualities, but I disagree. He’s interesting because he’s one of the only villains who became evil by accident, in the process of pursuing something good.
On a more critical note, I think that the fact that this line from him is so clearly meant to be seen as inaccurate or bad speaks to the author’s lack of consideration for the moral implications of their plot. The moralization of illness in KnY has always bothered me. What, in the eyes of the author, should Muzan have done as a human? What is the moral of his story? Simply don’t be chronically ill? That seems a bit ableist. If you are ill, accept that you’re ill and just let yourself die as god intended? Also seems a bit ableist. Only take proven, known cures that are guaranteed to not have side effects? A little anti-science, or, more charitably, a misunderstanding of how the scientific process works... so what should Muzan have done instead? Much to think about.
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