#lady handed me those two and i bought one then bought the other one immediately after finishing the first
rigelnetical · 11 months
if tj klune can do one thing its write a middle aged man whos unhappy with his job (but doesnt know it) has a lonely unfufilling life, and wears mostly suits; then send him to a completely new place where he meets a weird eccentric guy who has a weird house with a bunch of weird people in it (old man yaou)
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
ok so we all know Jake is possessive as shit but is it just me that can see him eventually getting to a point where he’s out with his girl and is like yeah baby get those free drinks
like he knows you’re going home with him and him only and he’s got an eye on you if the situation were to go south. but he just has to hold back a laugh when the guy who bought the drinks realizes you have a boyfriend/husband
wkfhskdjsk no, because i can see him getting there as well!! jake might be possessive as shit (because his), but i firmly believe he 100% gets to that point - just because he is there looking out for you in case anything gets out of hand, and c’mon he trusts you 100% - so it just becomes fun for him to watch.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
You are standing by the bar, tapping your card on the counter in habit while waiting for the bartender, Kevin, to finish up with the customer he is currently serving when you hear the voice sidle up beside you.
“Thanks, but I got it,” you take a glance towards the stranger on your right, flashing a polite smile. He is good looking no doubt, but you aren’t interested.
“C’mon, no lady should need to buy her own drinks,” the stranger tries again, while propping a forearm onto the bar counter, his body turning, stance open to face you in a casual confidence.
“What can I get you?” Kevin brings his attention to you both. You open your mouth to speak, but the stranger gets there before you do.
“I’ll have a beer, and whatever she’s having,” he drawls, confidently. You hazard another glance towards him only to receive a wink in return.
“I ca-”
“I insist,” he cuts you off almost immediately and you take in his stance, the insistence radiating off his being and you shrug, before turning to Kevin, whose lips now bear an amused quirk; something that one would think is a showcase of amusement at the scene unfolding in front of him, but you know better.
“The usual?” Kevin cuts in, his lips now split into a toothy grin.
“Sure,” you shrug, relenting and Kevin nods lightly, hand already reaching for the card machine, fingers punching in numbers, before he proffers the machine to the stranger who taps his card against the reader.
“So, you come here often?” The stranger asks, and you shrug nonchalantly,
“Now and then.”
“I’m Nick,” he introduces himself, body shuffling forward and closer to you. You smile to be polite, but don’t offer up your own name in response.
“So are you going to give me a name?” Nick asks, leaning forward slightly. It makes you slide back just an inch, “it’s the least you could do.”
“Alright, three beers,” you are saved from responding as Kevin thunks down the uncapped bottles down in front of you both, sliding one towards Nick, and the other two towards you.
“Your usual is two beers?” Nick tilts his head, eyes darting from the sweating bottles and back to you.
“Yup,” you pick the bottles up, one in each hand, nodding a thanks to Kevin, who you note has a lazy wide grin on his face of someone who had seen this happen one too many times “our usual is a beer each” you say simply, while tilting your chin towards the back of the space.
You watch it unfold, Nick’s eyes following the direction of the tilt of your chin, before landing on one Jake Seresin, lounging in his seat, back leaning against the wall, marinating in a quiet kind of smugness, his gazed fixed on you. 
“Thanks for the beers though,” you say, with a small upward curve of your lips, eyes taking in Nick’s jaw which has unhinged itself, as his mind whirls, no doubt the collect itself, “they are, very much appreciated.”
You clink one of the bottles you are holding in a hand against Nick’s own which is still standing on the counter before pivoting on your heel to pick your way back to Jake.
“Who should I be thanking this time darlin?” Jake greets you, his eyes dancing with mirth as you set both bottles down on the table.
“You’ve started to enjoy this a bit too much,” you say, as you squint up, eyes narrowing slightly, at Jake who pulls a bottle off the table and raises it in the air, no doubt at Nick, who you are sure, has post the thanks from Jake, scurried off in annoyance.
“It’s a treat,” Jake drawls, reaching over to slide his fingers beneath your chin, tiling your head up and towards him, before tugging your face lightly towards his own; you can feel the warmth of his breath fanning lightly across your own lips, “free drinks, and the knowledge that they’ll never have you because you’re mine,” he chuckles lowly, before brushing his lips against yours, the ending to his sentence something you feel against your own lips, “nothing more a man could ask for.”
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vox-ex · 8 months
supercorptober 2023
I′ve waited 'til the moment's right To look into those starry eyes And say the words That I′m thinking all the time - The Hunts, I Do
or Kara's plans to propose almost go awry, because of course they don't.
"Aunt Kara"
Esme whispered, tugging gently on her sleeve, her eyes round with worry.
"Yeah Bug"'
"Why are we breaking into Aunt Lena's office?" Momma says that's something robbers do."
Kara pinched the bridge of her nose, the two of them stopped just outside of Lena's office.
"Of course she does." She kneeled down in front of Esme. "Listen..."
Kara bit her lip, contemplating how to answer. They were just getting something back that wasn't even supposed to be in there. Something that belonged to her anyway. Something that no one but her currently knew even existed. But how could she explain all that to a six-year-old?
"Well, we're, uh, we're just entering, no breaking? So it's fine."
But Esme was clearly not entirely convinced.
"So why do we have to be all sneaky then? She rocked back and forth on her feet. "Is it because that lady at the desk doesn't like you?"
"Wh-what, who, Jess, no Jess, Jess likes me. I bought her a cactus." Kara insisted
"Gerald?" Esme eyes widened with curiosity. "She said you almost killed Gerald once."
Kara chuckled nervously.
"That was like more than a year ago, and, if anything, Gerald almost killed me!."
She looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was close enough to hear them.
She lowered her voice again just in case.
"Jess is just suspicious and very very protective."
But Esme had moved already on.
"Is it because we're on a secret mission then?"
"That"— she grinned, ruffling Esme's hair — "is exactly why."
Kara stood up and reached for Esme's hand, leading her into Lena's office.
"I left something super secret in Aunt Lena's coat, and we need to get it back."
Kara's eyes darted nervously around the office.
Her gaze falling on a coat draped over the back of a nearby chair just as Esme's hand slipped from hers, going straight for it without hesitation.
"I see it!"
So much for being sneaky.
"Great job, Bug
But Kara couldn't help but smile at her niece's enthusiasm.
Kara joined her on the other side of the room where Lena's coat, well technically her coat, was lying. She reached out tentatively, her fingers brushing against the soft material before slipping into the pocket, her breath catching when she found the ring box seemingly untouched.
She glanced at Esme, who grinned back at her, and slipped the box into her own pocket just as the door behind them opened.
She turned, heart pounding in her chest.
"Jess thinks you're in here planning a heist of some sort," Lena's voice filled the room, her smirking figure appearing in the doorway.
Esme immediately ran to her, arms wrapping around Lena's legs and head resting against her stomach.
"Hi, my love," Lena greeted warmly, her eyes flicking over to Kara with a raised eyebrow.
Esme smiled up at her.
"Don't worry, we're just entering, but not breaking."
"Well, that's reassuring; never can be quite sure about that second part with your Aunt."
"Hey!" Kara protested, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. "I don't think I'm the only one to blame for at least several of the things broken in this office."
She watched as Lena's cheeks flushed pink too.
"Uh-huh. Well, to what do I owe your entering?"
Kara nudged Esme gently, and she proudly grinned at Lena.
"We came to take you to lunch!"
"You did, did you?" Lena asked, amusement dancing in her eyes as she looked between them. "Hmm, well, I suppose I could do with some lunch."
As they prepared to leave, Kara noticed Lena picking up her coat, her heart fluttering when she paused with it in her hands.
"Well, that's silly."
"What is?"
Lena turned the coat back and forth.
"I must have grabbed your coat instead of mine this morning. Sorry about that. I was in such a hurry that I didn't even realize or apparently even bother to hang it up when I came in."
"It's okay." Kara shrugged her shoulder, gripping the box in her pocket again as if to make sure it was still her.
With the other, she reached out for Lena's hand, thumb subtly ghosting over her ring finger as she threaded their finger together.
"I didn't even realize either."
read and follow along on Ao3 too
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dreamstate4you · 6 months
Chapter 0.1.
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"So this crazy king is your old friend Bumi?' Katara asked curiously.
King Bumi turned to face the water tribe girl with an offended look, "Who are you calling old?"
"Okay, I'm old."
"Why did you do all of this instead of just telling Aang who you were?" Sokka still irritated by the fact that they were stuck in the rock Candy
"First of all, it's pretty fun messing with people." King Bumi snorted. "But I do have a reason." The atmosphere shifted to a serious tone.
"Aang, you have a difficult task ahead. The world has changed in the hundred years that you've been gone. It's the duty of the Avatar to restore balance to the world by defeating Fire Lord Ozai. You have much to learn. You must master the four elements and confront the Fire Lord. And when you do, I hope you will think like a mad genius." the kind looked around at his friend's "And it looks like you're in good hands. You'll need your friends to help defeat the Fire Nation." Bumi took a pause as Momo climbed on him. 
"Thanks Bumi." Aang replied enthusiastically with a smile.
"Oh and before you leave." Two neatly dressed ladies came out holding a plate." Take these"
Bumi took the papers from the two ladies, revealing them to be tickes.
" What are these?" Sokka asked. 'Where these slips of money used in omashu or what?'He thought to himself as his eyes shined with greed.
"They are VIP tickets to see the performer Venti. I bought some for myself ,but I guess I bought to much." Bumi let out a giggle. " Now please go, trust me you don't want to miss the show." Bumi waved his hands dismissing the group. He started walking back to his castle room. Laughing along and muttering words no one could hear.
The three teens were left standing together Wondering why they were given tickets to see a performer.
" Well we better get going the show is starting at noon." Katara said as he looked at the tickets they were given.
The three arrived just in time for the open festival , a moment could be spared to buy snacks from the vindors. Aang and Sokka immediately moved to the food section.
One particular food that caught Katara's attention was on shaped of a cloud and arrows coming from the four sides of the could, creating a star in the middle.
"Hey aang look." Katara called out to show aang the interesting food, while sokka was already with a crowd of people anxious eating the food he bought as he waited for the performance in the front row.
"Hey it kinda looks like Appa." Aang whispered as he was handed the cloud cookie, but still loud for katara to hear.
Before katara could answer, sounds of people cheering could be heard, as tall men in Earth bending uniforms came marching behind each other in a neatly formed like. Aang and katara both rushed to join the crowd not wanting to miss a second of the show.
The three men on each side started stomping each of their feet hard enough that the stage started shaking. The instrument started playing from each side of the stage. In the middle a tall, tanned girl dressed in luxurious silks of the earth kingdom emerged. Her long black hair put in an elegant braid that could almost touch the floor.
The moment in that instant, Aang felt the colour drain from his face. The clothes the woman wore were the ones that most women from the Eastern Air template wore. Sure the colour had been green ,but Aang recognized those clothes. The women of the eastern air temple would often visit the southern temple so Aang wasn't a stranger to them.
Questions started to gather in Aang's mind. He wondered how this performer manage to get such sacred clothes.
The voice of the woman brought him back to focus on what was happening.
" Aang are you okay?" Katara asked for Aang's weird behavior. She watched as he looked mostly zoned out.
"Yeah I'm fine" Aang dismissed Katara.
Bringing his attention back to the performance the girl danced with grace as the earth benders created temples and figures of people behind her.
Now that Aang focused on the background dances and not on the main performer he noticed how the temples the earthbender's were bending resembles that of the Western Air temples. The temples were hanging upside down and kept popping out of the sandy wall before being pulled back into the wall by the Ender's abilities.
"Wait this song." Aang jumped up almost airbendering into the air.
"Yeah?" Katara asked next to him " it is nice isn't it." She said with a smile on her face. Her face focusing back on the main dancer.
Aang screamed earning weird looks for the people around him. He know this song, the tempo and rhythm it had. The song would be hummed around the temples, it had no words so young monks would often make up their own words, allowing for creativity to form, but every monk and nun would always include a small line about the flying clouds that held the ability to fly and taught the Airbender how to fly
After the performance. The two immediately went to find Sokka who was on the front of the crowd and crying his heart out.
" That was beautiful." He said between sobs.
"Come on! I need to go talk to that Performer guys." Aang quickly walked infront of the group. Walking backstage to what seemed like a big white tent. He noticed the earthbender's who were in the background chilling on the side of the tent.
Before they could enter they were stopped ,by earth bending guards.
"Hey, what are doing. Let us through." Aang protested
"We can't let you through without a pass." One of the guards answered.
" Please this is very important, you see He is the Avatar and he needs to personally thank the performer for her amazing performance." Katara tried to reason with them earning no reaction from the gaurds.
"Hey!" Sokka shouted from the back. He walked towards the gaurds handing them the ticket that king Bumi gave them. The gurads inspected what Sokka was holding and let him pass.
Aang and Katara quickly did the same. Katara embarrassed about how she didn't think of that.
Inside the tent that was set up We're multiple papers and books scattered around. People inside were also chatting and laughing among themselves, but they weren't here for the after celebration. They were here to talk to the performer, Venti.
After the performance Aang started acting weird and had not said those many words to the two siblings. It seemed that the performance struck something inside him. Sokka too had the performance stuck in his head. He kept rumbling on about how he needs to fly on a magic cloud in the desert then his life goals would have been almost complete.
After some time of asking where they could find the performer. They finally found her.
She was inside another tent, a taller tent that resmbeled a watching tower from the outside, but her tent had no flooring. She was barefoot in the sand and stretching her legs.
"Ah, visitors." She quickly stood up properly. Her hands put to her side as she looked at the three infront of her. "You must have either paid a lot of money to personally see me or have good connections." She said with a hint of an accent.
"Yes, you see this is the Av-" Before Katara could finish Aang inturpted.
Aang put on his most threatening voice and face he could. ( Which just ended up making him look less threatening.)
... " I got them from... A vendor. Yes a seller-" before the performer could answer Aang once again disturbed.
" YOU'RE LYING. NO ONE WOULD EVER SELL THOSE-" This seem to be a trend to interfere with another persons conversation , because Katara softly pushed Aang to the side.
"Excuse us. You see he." Katara motioned to   Aang who was now on the floor. " He is the Avatar and we would really like to know where you got your knowledge from."
"HE'S THE AVATAR!" The young performer seemed to have lost any elegance she had as she figured out the new information. Reacting in the same way Aang was acting earlier.
The performer dashed to the boy on the ground at a ridiculous speed that shocked Sokka.
Venti bent down to help the young Avatar from the floor and looked like she was about to say something before she stopped.
"Wait, how do I really know your the Avatar?" She pointed at Aang.
Aang simply didn't respond and jumped high in the air touching the highest point of the tent and came down ,but not touching the grass, clearly still using his bending to keep him afloat.
The young girl gasped before she also jumped into the air, descending down at a slow rate, she also kept herself afloat for a few more seconds before finally reaching the ground with a smile on her face.
Sokka was the first to faint... Then Aang.
This performer is definitely an Airbender
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simpforrooster · 2 years
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Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x f!reader
t/w: age gap (two consenting adults here), making out? cursing. I think that all.
Maverick knows he shouldn't pursue you. You're one of his students. Surely you would want to date an old has been. He just can't help himself.
You’d caught Maverick’s eyes as soon as he saw you laughing with the other Top Gun graduates at the Hard Deck. He hadn’t expected to see Penny here, she all but wrote him off anyway.
“We’re not doing this again, Maverick. I met someone. We got married last spring,” Penny showed him the rock on her finger.
“Bradley!” your sweet voice calls out, making Mav turn his head so Rooster doesn’t notice him. Mav pretty much decides right then and there, your voice is the best thing he’s ever heard.
He also doesn’t miss the way Rooster takes you in, making a big show of checking you out. He watches Rooster pull you tight against him, and there is something deep in Mav’s stomach he knows can only be jealousy.
Jealous of his dead friend’s son. Jealous about one of his students. God, what a mess.
There is no way this could work. You were at least twenty years younger than him, and one of his students.
But, damn, he can’t take his eyes off you.
Maverick spends the time between now and him getting thrown out of the Hard Deck trying to stop himself from thinking about you.
It doesn't work.
From the moment you walked into the training room to when you went up in your jet, flying with such grace, Maverick couldn’t shake you.
After dogfight football, the crew talked Maverick into joining them at the Hard Deck.
“Here you go, Captain,” you tell him, handing him a beer.
Maverick hides the groan that slips out of his mouth at your use of his rank pretty well. He gives you a nod. “Thanks, Squish.” He uses your call sign, not trusting himself to use your rank, or hell, even your actual name.
Maverick found out they call you Squish as a call back to the stuffed animals you smuggled into basic training. Allegedly they’d reminded you of home, and you were known to lend them out to those who needed a little bit of home.
As if he couldn't fall more for you.
Your sweet heart, jaw-dropping good looks, and impeccable flying? Fuck.
If only he could get you away from Rooster. Mav and Rooster still hadn’t made up, and he was just going to add stealing Rooster’s girl onto the long list of reasons why Rooster hated him.
Maverick is pretty good at eavesdropping and learned that you and Rooster weren’t an item, but he’d heard enough from Hangman and Coyote’s conversation to know Rooster definitely had his eyes on you.
The only thing he doesn't know is how you feel about Bradley.
Maverick isn't worried, though. He may be older, but he hasn’t forgotten how to pull a lady when he needs to.
You settle onto the stool next to Maverick, and it takes everything in him to keep his hand wrapped around his beer and not around your shoulders.
You bought your instructor a beer. Your hot instructor. Your perfect in every way instructor.
What the hell are you thinking?
The grip on his beer bottle doesn’t go unnoticed by you. Does he think it’s inappropriate that you did that? You’re damn well old enough to go for him. Shit, Maverick could ram into the side of your jet and you would thank him.
Maverick looks over at you and gives you a smirk.
You pray the dim bar lights hide your flush.
“So, what’s the story between you and Bradley?” Maverick asks you, his voice neutral, but you can tell he’s fishing for information.
You could kill Bradley for the way he’s been hanging all over you lately. Bradley hasn’t said, but you know there is something in the past that has him and Mav rattled. You also know your best friend knows you better than yourself and could tell immediately that Maverick caught your eye.
“We’re just friends,” you admit, hoping you aren’t reading into anything. God, that would be embarrassing. “He’s like a brother to me.”
Did the side of his mouth just lift? You hope he caught on to you insinuating that Bradley was in the friendzone.
“Is that so?” Maverick gives you a stomach-flipping smile before bringing his beer to his lips. He tips it back, and you’re lost in what he’d taste like if you kissed him right now.
The tension between the two of you becomes so palpable, the next thing out of your mouth falls out with no consent.
“You know I’m not worried about the age difference, right?” Your voice is low. Almost so low you didn’t think Maverick heard you at all. He works his jaw, obviously battling some inner war. He squeezes his eyes shut, then reopens them. Maverick keeps his gaze forward.
“I am going to make an excuse to leave, wait five minutes, meet me in the alleyway.” His voice is hushed, and he speeds through the instructions, you almost don’t comprehend.
Your heart starts pumping overtime as he throws back the rest of his beer. He stands and feeds the gang some bullshit excuse about needing to head home to rest before training tomorrow. They brush him off, calling out his age. Mav holds his hands up in defeat and turns toward the exit. He doesn’t look at you as he slips out the door.
The next five minutes feel like five years.
When your phone finally shows that five minutes have passed, you put the device to your ear. “Oh hey, Mom! Yeah, I’m good. Let me step outside so I can hear you better.”
You follow Maverick’s path out the door unnoticed. In an instant, he has you backed up against the wall of the Hard Deck. One hand settles on your waist, the other above your shoulder, braced against the building. Maverick breathes you in, planting small kisses along your neck.
The butterflies ripping through your stomach are almost too much. Is this really happening?
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is kissing your neck. He runs his nose along the trail of kisses he left until his mouth is at your ear.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to get you alone,” he murmurs, his hot breath sending chills down your arms.
“Please kiss me before I wake up from this dream,” you sigh. That’s what this is. It has to be. There is no way Maverick likes you back.
“This isn’t a dream, Y/N,” he whispers. This is the first time he’s used your name, and it sounds amazing coming from him.
You grip his bomber jacket in your hands, pulling him closer to you. Maverick is objectively not the tallest guy, but he still towers over your frame.
“Please, Pete,” you almost beg. Hearing his name must be his undoing, because his lips are meeting yours in a greedy kiss.
Expert lips move against yours, and Mav’s other hand finds its way to your hip. His fingers slip under your shirt, burning into your skin, causing a soft moan to fall against his lips.
This makes the corner of his mouse rise, he knows exactly how he’s making you feel right now.
Of course he does. The man is just as egotistical as Hangman. All these naval aviators are the same, but that doesn’t stop you from wanting him.
Maverick has you right where he wants you, and you couldn’t care less. He could ask you to rob a bank and you wouldn’t think twice.
“Let’s get out of here,” he says in your ear. His voice is hoarse. You have the same effect on him as he does you. This makes you grin.
“Do I get to ride on the back of your motorcycle, Captain?” You test out using his rank again.
He pulls you in for one last kiss, before practically dragging you to his Kawasaki.
“Honey, you can do anything you want if you keep calling me that.”
a/n: phew. I couldn't let another day go by without writing for the man himself.
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eddies-perm · 2 years
𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
warnings. smut!!, some fluff, kinda cnc (consensual non-con), roleplay, bondage (handcuffs), dirty talk, some degradation, teasing/taunting in a playful way, fingering, P in V, unprotected sex, creampie, no use of y/n.
word count: 1.4k
** to celebrate Eddie’s graduation, you dress up like one of the ladies on the cover of ‘Heavy Metal’ magazine. **
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You’ve spent months getting this costume together. MONTHS. You bought some pieces, you’ve had to make some pieces but finally the ensemble’s ready. Just in time for Eddie’s graduation.
He’s been looking forward to seeing the surprise you have in store for him. He hasn’t been able to loosen your lips at all about it, so it’s a total surprise for him. And he couldn’t be more excited.
Eddie lays back on his bed at the trailer, lighting up a cigarette while he waits for you to come out of the other room. You brought a duffle bag of stuff over and insisted on changing in Wayne’s room because apparently you need ‘space’ for this surprise outfit.
He takes a long drag off his cigarette and unfortunately, he does it at the same time you push the door open and step into his bedroom. He immediately chokes on the smoke in his lungs, cigarette nearly dropping right out from between his teeth when he looks at you.
You’re dressed exactly like the woman on the fall 1984 Heavy Metal magazine cover. One of his favorite covers. You smirk softly as he coughs, trying to re-compose himself.
“Jesus H. Christ -- fuck -- where’d you...how did you...?” he doesn’t even know what question to ask first, all the blood suddenly rushing from his head down to more important parts. “Oh my god baby, you look...”
“Just like your favorite Heavy Metal cover? Believe it, baby.” You walk up to his bed, still wearing a smirk.
He’s been stunned into silence. Eddie Munson is not a man easily rendered speechless, but you’ve certainly done it with this outfit.
“Fuck,” he breathes, quickly stubbing out his cigarette and lunging forward, pulling you flush against him. “Get the fuck over here before I jizz in my goddamn pants.”
You pull him down and press your lips firmly to his, giving his hair a firm tug. His hips buck forward instinctively and he groans into your mouth, hands traveling straight down to your ass. He gives it a firm squeeze, then pushes you back suddenly, watching you gasp and fall back onto the bed with a small smirk.
“All the times I’ve fantasized about you, Princess,” he says, and you shudder. He’s talking about you as if you’re the character. He walks over to the wall, to the hook that’s holding his pair of cuffs. “I’ve imagined doing three things. Do you wanna guess what those three things are?”
As you go to answer him, he grabs the cuffs and walks back up to you slowly. You swallow. “Put me in handcuffs? Fuck me? And, I don’t know, fuck my face?”
“Mmm. Some good guesses.” He leans down and gives you a kiss. “Two out of three.”
Eddie lunges forward suddenly, climbing on top of you and pinning your hips between his knees. He grabs your wrists and quickly cuffs you to the headboard, then sits back, humming softly.
“Look at you, Princess, all cuffed up and at my mercy.”
“Let me go.” You tug at the cuffs half-heartedly, chewing the inside of your cheek. “Please, sir...”
“No,” he says. “You’re gonna lay here and you’re gonna take whatever I give you.”
A soft whine slips past your lips as you squirm under him.
“You...you cannot speak to me like that.”
He smirks, then grabs your jaw, giving it a firm squeeze. “I can do anything I want with you, Princess. You’re the one in handcuffs. Remember your place.”
You say nothing as he shakes your head a bit before letting go and dismounting in order to start undressing. He’s watched with hungry eyes as he does so. He grunts, desperately fighting with his jeans to get them open. “Fuck me...goddamnit, these stupid things...”
He yanks them down along with his boxers, then takes his hardened length into his hand, beginning to stroke himself while he lets himself fully take you in.
“You walk around in that s-slutty ensemble, teasing me, driving me fuckin’ nuts and you expect me not to do anything about it?” he growls, jaw tight. “You expect me not to have you like this?”
Eddie climbs back onto the bed and hovers over you, hand dipping between your legs, fingers tracing your slit. Your hips jerk and you draw a sharp breath as his finger pads circle over your sensitive bud.
“Already so wet, huh?” He grins. “You want this, don’t you? God, you’re soaked...”
Your hips buck up softly, seeking more friction as you grow more sensitive. He hums, leaning down to kiss and suck gently on your breasts where they’re exposed in the deep v of your top.
While you’re focused on his mouth, two of his fingers suddenly slip through your hole and enter your waiting cunt. You gasp in surprise, back lifting up off the mattress.
“Master.” He says, curling his digits up in order to rub against the sensitive spot inside you. “It’s Master tonight, Princess.”
You shudder, nodding. “Yes, Master.”
Eddie groans under his breath. God, it’s even hotter than he imagined, having you call him that...
“Good girl.”
His fingers move in and out of your wetness quickly, not even giving you the chance to adjust to his thick digits. You’re a moaning, whiny mess within seconds, his fingers fucking you just the right way and at just the right angle.
“Mmm fuck, Master...” you moan softly. “Shit...”
His teeth sink into the skin of your breast just as his fingers curl up again, vigorously rubbing the spongey spot inside you. You groan, eyes rolling back in your head as your hips begin to jerk up.
Your orgasm comes rather quickly and just as you’re about to cum, he pulls away. You let out the most pathetic whimper at the loss, looking up at him while catching your breath.
“Why’d you--”
“If you’re gonna cum, it’s gonna be on your Master’s cock,” he whispers in your ear, kissing that spot just behind it. “I just wanted to make sure you were ready to take me, Princess.”
You chew your lip, nodding. “Yes, Mas--oh!”
He suddenly fills you, hips thrusting his cock deep inside you. You moan loudly, fingernails digging into your palms, jaw slightly ajar. His hips begin to roll, quickly speeding up until he’s pounding you into the mattress.
“Fuck yes, love this little pussy, mmmm...”
His head tilts back for a moment, a guttural groan rumbling deep within his chest. One hand grabs and holds your hip, the other reaches up to wrap around your throat, squeezing gently.
“Tighten for me, really hold my cock, Princess...ahh, there we go. W-What a good girl.” He groans, letting out a shaky breath as he fucks you. “Mmm, so tight...”
You clench around him as tightly as you can, although you get tired rather quickly. You switch to more of a rhythmic pattern, on and off, on and off...
It’s driving him crazy, pushing him closer and closer to his climax. You’re also getting close after only a couple minutes, still super sensitive from his fingers. He seems to feel this, feels your walls spasming around him, and he fucks you even harder. 
Eddie grabs your ankles and throws your legs over his shoulder, then leans down a bit, forcing your legs down against your torso. This position allows him to reach deep, deep inside you while also making things a little snugger for his throbbing shaft.
As soon as he starts tickling your clit with his well-groomed pubic hairs, you’re sent right over the edge. Your hips tweak erratically, eyes rolled back and jaw slacked.
“M-Master! Ohhh Master, ‘m coming!!”
His jaw clenches, trying to hold back his orgasm while fucking you through yours. He groans and growls lowly as he fucks you through your high, then his orgasm hits with a shattering intensity.
“Christ...!” he moans loudly, gasping with each sharp pump of his hips. “J-Jesus H. Christ, Princess...fuck...”
Feeling his warm cum paint your insides is a feeling you’ll never grow tired of. You sigh softly and let your body relax, arms a little numb from being forced over your head for such a long period of time. Your legs feel like Jell-o, trembling as Eddie pulls out slowly and kisses you while undoing your cuffs. 
He presses his lips to each of your sore, tingly wrists. You reach up and run your hands through his sweaty hair, smiling up at him.
“Happy graduation, Eddie.”
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~ masterlist ~
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Eternal Sleep- John Price
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F!Reader, loss of a child, stillbirth (I'm not sure if this is the correct term), angst, some fluff
This super short one is dedicated to all those mothers whose babies are in eternal sleep.
Inspired by: Sign Of The Times- Harry Styles
R/N and John, are a happy couple in their early to late 30s. They met when John was a lieutenant. Met each other's parents and decided to not get married simply because they weren’t ready to elevate their relationship to a legal one.  Or that's what John says. In reality, he's afraid of giving in and failing, but he really does love her. They've been together for over 7 years, Some may say it's been the best 7 years of these two love birds' lives, but we’ll leave that up to you. 
And nearly about 8 months ago they found out they were pregnant. John got a promotion as a captain and R/N got a promotion at her office. She's now a manager of a small but important team. They’ve saved up for their baby’s life, it's not much, but it's something! Jolene is now on maternity leave and John in about 3 weeks will be on leave too.
He decided to not get any vacations since the announcement of her pregnancy just so he could save the days for their baby’s arrival, he even works extra hours too.  R/N is now at their baby’s nursery, she's placing everything they might need for when the baby arrives. She holds her stomach and looks at the reflection in the window, She feels the baby kick her belly,
  “Just a little longer my sweet angel” she smiles. John arrives, he leaves his bags at the door and walks upstairs. “How is my pretty girl doing?” He walks behind her and hugs her. She never understood how a girl like her could be with a man like him, but she was lucky nonetheless. “Pretty good for a chilly October” She looks down and watches as the kids go by, running in costumes and candy in their bags.
“Soon our little angel will be running down the streets with a bag of candy,” he says, he walks back to the hallway and turns the heat on, “I don’t want the both of you to get sick darling.” he loudly says as he walks back down the stairs. “Promise we won't!” She answers back and walks downstairs too.
“How was work? Any new drama I can hear about?” she asks, sitting down on the sofa and smiling. He laughs knowing she lives for all the gossip he’s about to give her. “C’mere, my sweet sweet r/n” 
And for the remainder of the evening, he watched her as she gasped, laughed and even added comments to all the gossip he had for her. Once he finished his rant he leaned in and kissed her, Do her lips taste like heaven, pure heaven and I’m the one who gets this glory he thought.
“Marry me, R/N, marry me darling, please” he almost whispered his words. His face got warm. And when he thought she’d say no her smile creeped in and she looked him in the eyes, “The answer is yes, but are you sure? I know you have that issue and-”
“Can I kiss you? and give you this ring?” he furrowed his eyebrows, afraid of her response. “John? You don’t have to ask me silly” She placed her hand on his chest.
“Consent above all my darling”
She nodded her head. 
He was never the one people would think he'd settle down and start a family, but the dates and many days he spent with R/N he slowly and hopelessly fell in love with her. He never thought of another woman. In fact, when another woman would tell him they bought new perfume he’d ask which one they wore because maybe his lady would like the smell of it, anything that he would see or hear about he would immediately think of her and wonder if she'd like it. If she talked about a new makeup, jewelry or any sort of product he would write it down and take her to the stores that weekend. But she always felt bad and would only get one thing, just one. 
-3 weeks later- 
R/N slept on her side and John slept on a chair beside her, patiently waiting for her to get any sort of signal their baby was ready to be delivered. At around 2 a.m. she woke up and he jumped to her side, “You think it's time doll?”She nodded and he ran to the nursery and grabbed the bags they had prepared a few days before tonight, he rushed to the car and back to her, she was already sitting on the bedside. 
The entire way to the hospital he kept checking on her, he held her hand and would often kiss it. 
Once they got there a nurse rushed outside and took her inside in a wheelchair. He waited out in the hallway and paced back and forth. He had promised her he wanted her to feel free when delivering their baby. But curiosity kicked in, and he made his way inside her room. There she was, smiling through the pain. She reached her hand for him to take, and he walked to her side and held her hand in his, “You got this, you’re so strong” he kept whispering in her ear. The nurse gave him a towel so he would dry the sweat off his forehead. When he thought everything was going right he heard alarms going off and more doctors rushing in. They pushed him aside and took her elsewhere.
A nurse told him it was so they could focus on R/N and the baby. He stayed in the room alone. Walking through the room, he called his parents, and they called hers. He cried and even prayed. He hadn’t done that since he was nearly 6 years old. A kid praying for his brother's return now praying for his girl and baby’s life. He remembered all those moments of him and her dancing in the kitchen while they baked some food for Easter and running down streets drunk and messing around.
“I think I love you!” he said as she took her hand and kept running from their friends and she kissed him, and at that moment he knew there was no other girl for him. No one could replace her, she filled up his heart, and memories. To him, she had become his gold memories, the ones he went back to when he felt sad. 
A doctor walked in, his face told what his voice couldn’t say. 
“Doctor?” he walked up to him, “She is fine, you can come in now.” John still had doubts, why didn’t he mention the baby? “And our baby?”
“Looks healthy” 
Once he walked inside of her new room for at least the next day or three, he saw them. He felt all that weight gone from him. A tear threatened to fall down, but he played strong. “Hi handsome” she whispered, her voice sounded weak, like she was sick. But he understood that she went through too much pain to even mention this. “Hey, beautiful” his voice cracked. His hands felt sweaty, but when his eyes laid on his baby all that fear and nervousness left his mind. 
“Is this angel really ours?” a nurse walked back in, ready to poke another needle on the baby’s foot. R/N nodded. “You want to hold it?” He looked at her and nodded, his smile widened. “Please,” he answered. Thankfully her bed was pretty wide and he sat right next to her. She handed her their baby. He was afraid of hurting it, “W-wow, darling….you created this, thank you. Truly thank you. Now I have these two angels with me.” he kissed the baby’s forehead and smiled. “Thank you R/N for making me a father. I respect how strong you are, seriously babe.” 
But tragedy struck. The baby stopped breathing. The nurse rushed to their side and called for backup. She took the baby off his arms and rushed elsewhere. John walked into the hallway. A security guard kept him out there. About ten minutes later a doctor came up to him. A few nurses followed behind. “I’m sorry” he paused and looked down, “we did our best, Your baby fought for every breath left in their little chest, but it wasn’t enough.” 
John took a few steps back and shook his head, the tears now became a river stream. “Please tell me this isn’t true, Our baby can’t be dead, please.” he cried and at moments his voice would give up on him. “Can I see her?” was all he was left to say. “Please, I need to see my r/n” his voice felt weak, almost like a breaking point.
“My baby, where is it? I held it but they took it away, do you have it, John?” His eyes water and his skin shivers, how is he supposed to tell her this news? “Darling, our baby” he inhales and looks at her, Her eyes are filled with joy, but when she takes another look at him it all vanishes. “They did everything they could, they even gave us this.” he hands her a teddy bear, the weight of their baby. R/N held tight and cried. She shook her head and cried for so long that he walked out and into the hallway once more, he cried out there. Holding himself. Holding the pieces of a memory, the memory of a forever sleeping baby.
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oharamwah · 11 months
going to build a bear workshop with miggy !
♡ — day out : taking miguel out to spoil him quickly turns into miguel spoiling you. → 0.9k
boyfriend!miguel x gn!reader
contents : just fluffy boyfriend miguel not knowing how to enjoy himself
posted july 28th - to be edited !
© oharamwah, please do not steal my work.
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“ooh ooh, let’s go here!” you exclaim, dragging your boyfriend by the hand towards your favourite store — the build-a-bear workshop.
miguel knows very well that he could stop you from leashing him around the mall like you have the entire day, but he doesn’t. the excitement on your face prevents him from resisting.
“another toy store?” he groans, “i just bought you 5 plushy cats.”
“i won’t be too long, i’ll just look.” you say glancing over your shoulder.
he looks at you with a sweet smile. he really does enjoy being out with you, it’s such a contrast to being cooped up in his office all day.
“besides, this store’s special.”
the two of you prance in (though it’s mainly you doing the prancing) and you immediately let go of his hand, too excited to even think. you feel like a child in those commercial candy stores — all the bright colours and joyful music makes your heart beat out of your chest. you’re elated to be here, gasping every time you turn your head.
miguel recognizes this, and any underlying annoyance in his heart is replaced with pure love. the sight of you and your inner child heals a certain part of his heart, and all he can think is ‘how could anyone not love this?’
“look!” you squeal, holding up a black cat toy, squeezing it right in front of his face.
miguel caresses the back of your head, his hand leading down to your waist. “another cat?”
“but loooook,” you whine, “it has your teeth!”
miguel was too busy looking at you to process the toy you were holding. the teeth really did resemble his fangs.
miguel rolls his eyes, “very funny, babe.”
“i want this one.”
he sighs, “you’re serious?”
you nod enthusiastically.
“but you barely looked at the other options.”
“but this one reminds me of you!”
miguel chuckles, “i guess i can’t argue with that.”
you spend an entire half hour wandering the store and picking out accessories, miguel trailing behind you with a basket full of baby sized clothes.
miguel starts to think that maybe this isn’t so bad — he’s grown fond of this shop, mainly because it’s almost like a window into your future together, having your own children and all. he feels so fond of the moments you’re spending in a kid’s store.
by the time you reach the stuffing stage, miguel’s hands are full. you’ve picked out a multitude of cute clothing, hats, and silly glasses for the cat. ‘this can’t be that expensive can it?’ he thinks.
“hi there,” the worker greets you with a smile.
“hello!” you cheer, and miguel just smiles.
“i’d like to stuff this one, please.” you hand her the cat toy.
“sure thing, hun.”
the two of you watch as the lady stuffs the cat with the stuffing machine. you’re hand is firmly squeezing miguel’s forearm, smiling as if watching your actual child being made. miguel laughs.
“did they have to use the most phallic machine to stuff these things..” he mutters and you slap his arm. “miggy.” you scold, laughing with him.
the lady finishes up and gestures you to come closer.
“here, sweetie, now pick out a heart.”
you let go of miguel’s arm and look at the small basket full of red and pink stuffed hearts, a small gasp escaping your mouth.
“can i pick two?” you ask. the lady glances at you, then at miguel, and then grins.
“of course, go ahead.”
you step toward miguel and grab his hand, bringing him over to the heart basket. “here miggy, pick one.” you say. he follows your orders with a small smile on his face.
miguel takes a second before picking up a small red heart and handing it to you.
“no no, you have to kiss it first.” you explain.
“kiss it?”
“uh huh,” you say, kissing the heart you picked out, “like that.”
miguel scoffs, ‘i can’t believe i’m doing this.’ he thinks. but does he do it? of course he does.
he presses the heart to his lips, his eyes locked on yours, then he smiles at you. “like that?”
you nod. miguel hands you the heart and you place both hearts inside the cat. the lady begins to seal it.
miguel can’t take his eyes off of you. he’s got this terribly smitten look on his face; his gaze is so soft and his cheeks are starting to ache from smiling at you all day.
the worker finishes up the cat and hands it to you, guiding you to the birth certificate station.
you find a seat on the child-sized chairs and begin typing out the certificate, and miguel who is too big for the chairs is kneeling right beside you.
“what are you gonna name it, angel?” he asks, his chin rested on his hand, that same lovely look in his eyes.
you think, then you realize,
“awww, angel would be perfect. or princess miguel?”
he looks unimpressed, “your options are angel and princess miguel?”
“mhm, but i like princess miguel better.” you nod, already halfway through typing it out. all miguel can do is sigh and shake his head.
now all that’s left for you to do is pay.
you already had your wallet out and ready to sacrifice a fraction of your recent pay check, but miguel refuses.
“i got it, sweetheart.” he says, slightly egotistical. but all colour washes from his face the cash register reads $104.
“you still got it?” you ask, and miguel looks at you, then closes his eyes before tapping his card.
miguel spends the rest of your trip at the mall a little poutier than usual, but the delighted smile on your face as you cuddled “princess miguel” close to your chest was all he needed to know that any price is worth paying for his favourite person.
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a/n : thank u anon for this absolutely adorable request, i rly enjoyed writing it !!! ♡ and once again, if there are any issues with the gendering or racial descriptions (though i try to avoid those) pls let me know ! hope u guys likeeee
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selesera · 4 months
I’ve got nothing to believe unless you’re choosing me
hello! I go by Sel here and I am sharing my first piece of writing with you, tumblr. I want to dedicate this to @the-lonelybarricade because she is the kindest person online and she immediately saw my other post saying I was proud of myself for writing this and said she -sobs- wanted to read it 🥹
This is a short drabble that came out a little sad and angsty but I am a diehard elucien so have hope dear reader! This was inspired by You're losing me by my queen and saviour tswizzie. I'm so sorry in advance for any typos!
Lady Elain, 
I write this in the hopes that you will agree to speak with me upon my next visit to Velaris.
It is important and urgent.
Elain smoothed out the folded lines of his letter again. Her fingers lightly brushed the letters of his elegant penmanship, terrified of blurring the ink and erasing the way he had written her name. She knew what his “important and urgent” topic was. He was tired of being shackled to her. She could feel his exhaustion, his self hatred, his desperation. Not through the bond, no. She kept her side of that golden string firmly closed. No…she could see his dreams. 
She saw night after night how he confronted her, told her she had to choose. Begging her to choose him. To love him. Or to free him.
Some nights, he would dream that she accepted him and the dream would devolve into a flurry of kisses, wandering fingers, moans and sighs of pleasure. 
Other nights, he would dream she rejected the bond. In those dreams she would stare at her own face, hardened by indifference and disdain. Watch herself coldly stand by as he wept at her feet. Scream at herself to comfort the man - male - that loved her.
She wished she could say those were the worst dreams but she had had the misfortune of seeing his other dreams too. His nightmares. Beron beheading a beautiful fae named Jesminda, wearing an expression on his cruel face much too similar to her own. Hot spikes descending on him. Standing firm against the whips against his back. Screaming as blood red nails dragged down his face. 
The truth was that Elain didn’t know how she felt about being able to see his dreams. On one hand, she felt lucky that she could see the pieces of his history that influenced who he was but that he did not let define him, even as her heart broke at the horrors that he had endured. On the other hand… if she was being honest with herself… it made her angry. 
How dare he make her care about his future? How dare he make her want to soothe and heal every jagged wound to his heart? She was independent. She was not his keeper. She was not the plaything of the cauldron. She would make her own life or die trying! 
At least that’s what she kept telling herself she would do. 
Truthfully, she was scared. How could she be independent in her baby sister’s house? Enjoying all the luxuries that her money bought? She loved Feyre. So much. Had finally created a true relationship with her sister but she still felt stifled. Bored. She couldn’t help thinking that a little distance might do them some good...
One of these days she was going to be able to control her traitorous thoughts… one of these days in her interminably long life.
This is why she hated thinking about him. He always made her question everything about herself, about her life.
Elain looked down again at the letter in her hands. The time had come to respond.
Two pathways emerged in front of her. The first, a path where she chose to stay in her quiet life and let her fear win. The second where fear was still present but sunshine and wildflowers lined the path and a love like no other awaited her.
She put her pen to her paper.
Please accept my regrets. I will be unavailable during your next trip to Velaris. 
I will endeavour to make myself available on your next visit.
Elain Archeron
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Dracule Mihawk's older sister headcanons (part 2)
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This idea was born from a conversation with @giurochedadomani, as well her amazing blog. This is part two of two, part one is here.
If you're expecting an happy ending, please go read somewhere else.
Dracule Mihawk x sister!reader
🗡️ The lord dies unexpectedly, a sudden heart attack as he sleeps. Informed by his sister, Mihawk returns immediately; they haven’t seen each other in two years, and as they embrace, she marvels at how much he has grown up, how tall and strong he has become. He is still her little brother, quietly affectionate and attentive to her needs, who kisses her hand and holds her against him as if never wanting to let go, but there is a new inflexibility in him, the steel-like determination of a man who goes his own way, content with his own company and leaving everything and everyone behind him, because he respects few and has patience for even fewer. She doesn’t fully know whether this is a new facet of his personality, born of the solitude and the hardship of his life as a pirate, or something that has always been part of him, and the last two years simply brought it to the surface; what she is sure of is that she doesn’t like it.
🗡️ They take part in the lord’s funeral, standing arm in arm, both all too aware of the gossip fluttering around them. She looks straight ahead, simply but elegantly dressed, making sure to offer her condolences to the lady but otherwise avoiding small talk; she knows they are talking about her, her impoverished background, her time as a maid for the lady during which she waited on some of them, and their improved situation thanks to her brother’s piracy. She ignores them; she has nothing to be ashamed of and she knows, and why should she care for those people’s opinion when none of them ever cared for her and hers?
🗡️ Mihawk utters maybe ten words in two hours; he stands for a while in front of his old teacher’s grave, aware that the man had nothing more to teach him, but also of everything he owed the lord, who gave him the chance to become the man he is and to take care of his sister, who cared for him when no one else did. Their relationship was close but formal, he wouldn’t say he loved his master like a father or that he was loved like a son; but Mihawk mourns him, and I’ll never forget what you have done for me, he promises in the privacy of his heart. I swear I’ll make you proud.
🗡️ Mihawk should technically sleep in the master bedroom, the one that once belonged to their father, but his sister knows him and has prepared his old one - after having a bigger bed moved in. Mihawk promises to stay until her upcoming birthday; he’s happy to see her, and relieved to see her happier and more confident than two years back. She has made friends with some women in the nearby town, she excitedly tells him, and has started helping one of them who owns a photographer’s studio, having developing an interest in the art; one day, perhaps, they can formally start working together, because while it is a relief she doesn’t need to worry about the future or that her leg will prevent her from earning her living, she needs to keep herself occupied. She offers Mihawk to discuss their expenses, because she wants him to know she’s not wasting his money, but he assures him there is no need, because he has full and complete trust in her and actually would be happy to know she can now afford whatever she wants, be it a new dress, a lady’s maid (ah!) or a palanquin to ride around. That is a sort of life he could never be happy, or even just content, with, but she is, and Mihawk is proud he can now repay everything she has done for him, taking care of her as it is her duty as a brother.
🗡️ Before he leaves, she takes a picture of the two of them together, makes two copies, one the size of the pretty bedside frame she has bought recently, to keep next to their mother’s old painting of the two of them, and the other small enough to be carried around, and gives it to her brother. “I know we have no need of tangible tokens to remind us of each other, and you are not the sort of man who wears a locket, but please, keep this with yourself. And remember you can always come back, no matter where you are, no matter what you have done. I don’t care about the money, or the house; I just want to know you are safe.” He promises; he gifts her a ridiculously precious necklace for her birthday, with a gem carved in the shape of a rose, and two days later she sees him leave once more, and she misses, and fears for, him again before his little ship has disappeared beyond the horizon.
🗡️ Years pass. Mihawk’s name is now known all over the four seas and the Grand Line, and many are the swordsmen who both fear and admire him, but Mihawk’s mind is focused on two goals. The first is to find a sword worthy of him, one capable to channel his strength and power without breaking; like any swordsman worth his salt knows, though, the best swords are conquered, not simply bought, and while he wouldn’t be against killing a fellow fighter to take their sword, were it worth the effort, for the time being he resigns himself to wait for the right weapon to come his way. His second objective is to find the greatest swordsman in the world and defeat them to conquer their title and have the whole world witness his strength. His sister, while aware that ambitious outcome is well within her brother’s abilities, suggests him to wait, since he is still so young and still hasn’t found a sword worthy of him, but Mihawk is determined: his opponent, a man whose name is not spoken but whispered all around the world and who even the most veteran Marine officers fear to face, is getting on in years, and unlike what many others would do in his place, he plans on facing him before he starts losing his strength and Mihawk’s victory is devoid of any value.
🗡️ The man, mainly known by the moniker The Blue Crane, doesn’t bother to hide his whereabouts, aware that only a fool would search for him with the intent to cause trouble. Mihawk (the fool) easily finds him. He challenges the Blue Crane to a fight to the death. The man accepts. The fight is hard, brutal, bloody, several centuries-old trees felled and enough blood lost to support a whole transfusion centre, but in the end the result is the one any witness aware of the history of the two opponents would have expected…
🗡️ … Mihawk has been defeated. Soundly, unquestionably, and sustaining injuries serious enough to make the doctors doubt his survival. His sister is called, and runs to his bedside; for ten days (and nights, so much that the doctors start worrying about her) she watches over him, thinking this cannot be the end, not for him, not for them, not when he is still so young and she has barely had the time to learn to miss him while he’s gallivanting around the Grand Line. She doesn’t pray, she never has; but she talks to him, even though he remains unconscious for days and she doesn’t even know if he can hear her; she begs him to be strong, to return to her, because he has a whole life ahead of him and can’t leave her alone…
🗡️ In the end, he wakes up; the recovery is long and slow, which is frustrating for a man who has never idled a moment in his life, even more because he knows he has been lucky and he survived only because the Blue Crane thought he had already killed him and let him be. It is not the first, but it is the bitterest defeat of his life; he was able to hold his own against the strongest swordsman in the world, he should be proud of himself, but he is not and, he swears, one day he will regain his honour by killing his opponent, even if it means losing his own life in the process.
🗡️ He doesn’t share his intentions with his sister, but she has expected it ever since she was informed of what had happened; she knows how important it is for Mihawk to conquer the title of the Blue Crane, and that he would let nothing and no one stop him. She has always promised herself she would never get in the way of her brother’s dreams, because he must be free to live his life as he wishes to and she doesn’t want to clip his wings, but she is exhausted, still scared and already convinced that no matter how powerful he becomes he is destined to lose his life before he gets his first grey hair, either because of an opponent’s stroke of luck or the Marines who have sent a whole platoon to capture him (they have already tried. Thrice.) or whatever danger he may encounter in his life as a pirate.
🗡️ For the first time since he was a child, and for the same reason as the other, they fight; bitterly and loud enough the whole hospital hears. Mihawk tells his sister she doesn’t get to mollycoddle him, because he’s an adult and he will not let her stop him from achieving his full potential; she calls him a conceited egoist, who thinks being able to wield a sword gives him permission not to care about everything else and who has never matured beyond the child who was abandoned by his father. They are both hurt; they both forgive. Mihawk recovers, goes back home for a while (because he has missed his sister and does need to rest, but most of all to please her and because he knows he owes it to her) and promises that he will not challenge the Blue Crane again before he has improved sensibly. It is quite possibly the least reassuring promise he may have made; but she accepts it, and never speaks of it again. 
🗡️ He has known Shanks since they were boys; Mihawk has told his sister about the red-haired pirate, and she was happy to learn her brother has something akin to a friend, but Shanks knew nothing about her until one day he found her and Mihawk’s picture, fallen from his jacket’s inside pocket. “Who is this pretty lady with you, Hawkie? Is she single?” he asks; Mihawk knows he’s merely joking, and in any case Shanks is not the sort of man who bothers women, but he glares at him with such ferocity the red-haired pirate raises his hands and swears he meant nothing by it.
🗡️ Their father dies. Neither cares.
🗡️ Mihawk’s sister starts working in her friend’s photographer’s studio; she doesn’t really need the money, but enjoys it and soon becomes good enough at it her services are requested for private events and newspapers ask to print her pictures. At a party given by her friend, she meets the hostess’s brother, a man who is as different from Mihawk as he could be: shy, a bit awkward, but friendly and openly kind and who is content with a tranquil, predictable life, with his job as an accountant and, one day, a family. Their eyes meet across the room; he smiles; she waves, but neither has the courage to approach the other until the hostess takes both out of their misery and introduces them. When at the end of the night he shyly asks for her company at dinner, she is flabbergasted: she is well beyond the usual age for women to be courted, and considering she has been called bland in the best of cases and the situation with her leg has not improved since she was twelve, she never expected someone she just met to be impressed with her. But he is; and she says yes, and this is not the sort of exciting, thwarted love story teenage girls like to read about, but it is theirs, and it is true, and it makes her happy.
🗡️ Exactly ten years after Mihawk has taken to the sea, both siblings experience a turning point. Mihawk finally finds the sword he had spent a decade waiting for; it is the fruit of the work of a famed swordmaker, an old woman who had disappeared years before and who everyone thought dead. Mihawk meets her by sheer coincidence, and immediately asks her to forge a sword for him, whatever the cost may be; the artisan replies that she cares not for money, but will only put her art at the service of a man who deserves it. She puts Mihawk to the test, some terrible endeavour that brings his strength as a man and as a fighter to their limit; still, he succeeds, and true to her word, the swordmaker gifts him a huge black swords: it is her masterpiece, that she has spent months creating a decade before, after her own master had come to her in a dream to tell her she would one day find a man worthy of it. 
🗡️ The sword is beautiful, huge but light in his hands, as if it were really made for him specifically; Mihawk likes the black blade and the gemstone-ornated hilt. This is no cutthroat dagger, nor simply one of the greatswords some try to use in the hopes the length and weight make up for their lack of talent; it is precious like a jewel, beautiful to look at, but severe and forbidding, openly dangerous enough anyone would think twice before approaching it - not unlike Mihawk itself. This is his sword, and he is its wielder; a perfect match, the sort of feeling other people experience about a soulmate.
🗡️ He’s so satisfied he decides to show the sword to his sister, returning home for a surprise visit; she welcomes him with open arms, and is happier than ever to see him, and impressed by his new weapon, which is way bigger than her. “They say the best swords have names.” she points out “Any ideas?” Mihawk shrugs; he’s content with simply having conquered a weapon worthy of him, and doesn’t feel the need to name it as people do with a lapdog or a country house. He is more interested in his sister’s own news: her gentleman friend has asked for her hand, and she has accepted. “He is a good man, and he loves me very much; he treats me very well. I love him too, Mihawk, I really do; I am not asking for your permission, like you wouldn’t have to ask for mine, but it would mean the world if you approved.” The dinner during which he meets his future brother in law is slightly less tense than they all expected; Mihawk finds his sister’s fiancé a bit insipid, not to mention he is already losing his hair, but he must admit the man does seem to treasure his sister, and the research Mihawk has charged a detective to do on him, to make sure the man is not a fortune hunter or in the habit of hitting or cheating on his partners, yields reassuring results. He gives his sister his blessing; he accepts to give her away (actually, he would have been offended if she hadn’t asked) and only asks her to write a prenuptial agreement with her fiancé, to protect her interests in the event things go bad. He still thinks she deserves better; but she is happy, and so he is as well.
🗡️ They decide for a spring wedding, and the ceremony is just a month away when Mihawk receives the Marines’ proposal to join the newly created Warlords of the Sea. As they have always done when one of them is faced with an important decision to make, he asks for his sister’s opinion, but she is unsure: knowing her brother no longer has an enormous bounty on his head would reassure her (even if bounty hunters have never been a danger for Mihawk and the few who have challenged him quickly learnt that he may not be the greatest swordsman in the world yet, but he’s already too superior to be bothered by people of their sort) and the alliance would give him more leeway to pursue his business as he wants. On the other hand, joining the Warlords could do more harm than good. “They may need you, but you don’t need them; this simple fact suggests you have nothing to earn from allying with the World Government.” she points out one day as they enjoy an evening stroll, walking leisurely close to the rose garden that is her pride and joy “I know you are too strong and clever to let the Marines order you around; but why should they send you to deal with their problems?”
🗡️ As usual, even though she’s not a pirate herself, she has understood the matter perfectly, giving him valuable insight while leaving the choice to him; Mihawk doesn’t need his sister to decide for him, but he values her opinion and knows she is cleverer and more capable than her gentle disposition and reserved nature may suggest. Whatever decision he may take, he promises herself, her security will be his first priority: what if, once he joins the Warlords, the Marines look for something to use against him should he refuse to do as he is told, discover her existence, and threaten her…?
🗡️ Mihawk has always done his utmost to protect his sister, even since he was still a child, and especially after he took to the sea; the small, sleepy town she lives in is a safer place than most, and she knows better than to wander about after dark by herself, but he has hired three guards to ensure the safety of the house, and who escort her every time she travels by carriage - a precaution she deems excessive, but she has accepted for his sake. He has made good on his promise to provide her with a cane with a blade hidden inside, even though they don’t have much time to practise its use together; she makes sure to have all doors and windows bolted at night, as well as the main gate.
🗡️ All those precautions are put to the test exactly once; and they prove futile.
🗡️ Mihawk has never forgotten the promise he made to himself, as well as to his sister, to wait before challenging the Blue Crane again, and he feels the moment has come to reclaim his honour and conquer the title he has desired since he was still a child. His abilities have improved enormously since their first, disastrous fight, and he has not met an opponent worthy of him in years; almost as important, he now owns a blade capable of withstanding any attack and to channel his full strength. He is ready, he feels it in his bones, in his blood. He decides to wait until after his sister’s wedding, to make sure she is not alone in the event that the fight claims his life; once she has settled in, he will go meet his destiny, and this time he knows he will emerge victorious. 
🗡️ What Mihawk doesn’t know is that the Blue Crane has also been obsessing about him, and their duel years ago. The greatest swordsman in the world is all too aware that advancing age has been sapping his strength for years; no challenger has defeated him yet, but it is simply a matter of time, and he, the man whose name has made any fighter in the world quake in their boots for decades, will be disgraced, bested not by a superior opponent but by the simple weakening of his muscles and reflexes. Nothing in his life has ever mattered but his title, and soon, maybe in a matter of months or even weeks, some callow youth who simply had the good fortune of being born a few decades after him will take it, and the Blue Crane’s name will be forgotten…
🗡️ … and then the man opens a newspaper, sees the picture of a familiar hawk-eyed man, and his heart sinks.
🗡️ No one in maybe thirty years has been as close to defeating him as that young man; no one’s ferocity and disdain for his own safety and life if it meant emerging victorious from the fight has scared him as much as his. The Blue Crane might have admired and even liked him, if that young man, that Mihawk, hadn’t forced him to use all of his strength and ability in order to win - in order to survive. The young swordsman’s strength and willpower had been like nothing he had ever seen; the Blue Crane, who in his life had defeated and killed hundreds of opponents, had known in his heart that had Mihawk been just a little more mature, just a few years more experienced, the outcome of their duel would have been very different. That thought alone had made him feel ashamed of himself, and he had made sure to kill his opponent, to avoid the risk of a more mature and fulfilled Mihawk returning to ask for a rematch.
🗡️ Or at least, he was convinced he had killed his young opponent, even though the newspaper tells a different story. How could Mihawk have survived his wounds? And why did he simply leave, without checking to make sure his opponent was actually dead? Is old age making him lose his wits, as well as his strength and speed? The Blue Crane reads of Mihawk’s exploits in the newspaper, and his fears are confirmed: the young swordsman has come into his own, becoming a feared pirate and an even formidable fighter. Why hasn’t he returned to ask for a rematch? He doesn’t seem the sort of man who would be cowed by his past defeat, and the danger of losing his life. Is Mihawk still training, aiming to further hone his skills before challenging him again? Or does the young man consider him too old now to represent a worthy opponent? The thought makes the Blue Crane seethe with anger and helplessness; but whatever the truth, he decides, he has to do something, to prevent his honour from being besmirched by that bird-eyed man. He can’t help ageing, with all the consequences the process entails, but he is the strongest swordsman in the world, and he wants to die with the title grasped in his hands, which means… that he has to kill Mihawk before Mihawk comes to kill him.
🗡️ Finding where Mihawk lives is harder than he expected, but the Blue Crane is able to call in a few favours, and to track the younger swordsman down to his old family house where, he hears, Mihawk is expected to return soon for a family wedding. He arrives at night; he makes quick work of the guards standing outside and penetrates the house, hoping to take Mihawk by surprise, and unharmed - the only way, he must admit, he is sure to win. Unfortunately Mihawk is not at home, his return having been delayed because of the bad weather; but his sister is, sitting at her desk despite the late hour and busy organising the RSVPs she has received for the wedding, her white dress hanging from the wardrobe’s shutter, ready to be worn on the next morning. She hears a noise coming from the corridor, but before she has time to reach for her cane and go check, the door opens, and an older man appears in front of her; she has never seen him, but he is holding a sword in his hands, which explains everything - or at least most of it.
🗡️ “Mihawk is not here. Whatever you want, coming here without his permission is the stupidest thing you could have done.” she calmly states “Now you need to leave; return in two days, and you can challenge him…” The Blue Crane doesn’t listen; he understands this woman, whoever she is, is trying to protect him from Mihawk’s ire, which from his point of view is so offensive it hurts physically. If the younger man really doesn’t consider him a worthy opponent anymore on account of his age, he reasons, maybe he should prove the master of the house he’s still as dangerous as he was twenty years ago, and that it would be highly unwise to take him lightly. He’s usually not the sort to harm innocent civilians, especially women, and he realises that harming a relative (or fiancé? No, it can’t be his wedding as well, the Blue Crane reasons, this woman is too old) would make Mihawk even less merciful than he normally is, but he is not afraid (really, he’s not!), and this will at least mean his opponent will take him as seriously as he had on their first fight…
🗡️ To her credit, as she realises the man intends to hurt her, maybe to send a message to her brother, Mihawk’s sister reacts quickly; she grabs a heavy paperweight from her desk and throws it towards him, hoping to distract the man at least for a moment, and then quickly reaches for her cane, at the same time filling her lungs to scream. “Help me!! Please, help…!” Neither attempt yields results; the guards are dead, and even if she could reach her weapon she is no match for the Blue Crane, for his resentment and shame and hopeless rage. He grabs her by the hair; she can feel the gelid kiss of the blade across her naked throat, and a moment later a waterfall of blood is splattering over the front of her dress. She stammers, trying to ask for help, to ask for her brother to save her like so many times he has promised to do, even if it meant dying himself; she had forgotten how helplessness felt, and being reminded like this, now, is terrifying. She knows she is being killed for something Mihawk has (or hasn’t?) done, but feels no anger or resentment towards him; only sadness, and regret, they won’t have more time to spend together, and she won’t get to marry, and be happy with her husband, and perhaps even though she’s probably too old they had been planning to have…
🗡️ It’s brutal, and excruciatingly painful, and somehow dispassionate, the man not even looking at her as he robs Mihawk’s sister of the gift of life, as if he were carrying out a task he finds no interest or pleasure in, because he doesn’t care for her, who is simply a means to an end, a message he wants to send. But at least it’s quick, and a minute later, as he cleans his blade on the skirt of her dress, the Blue Crane is contemplating whether he may as well wait for his opponent or it’s best to leave and return once he’s sure Mihawk is at home, when suddenly he’s not alone anymore. Mihawk has returned; he has been hit by a sense of foreboding the moment he stepped on land, back from one of his first raids as a member of the Seven Warlords, a full hour later than expected and inexplicably sure something terrible was about to happen, and he has run home, fearing to find out his sister had been cheated on, or even beaten, by her fiancé, or that she had had an accident.
🗡️ The truth is immensely, irremediably worse, and he is more and more worried (more and more scared) as he finds no trace of the guards patrolling the house; he enters, and the Blue Crane is looking down on him, literally since the older man is standing at the top of the long staircase leading to the upper floor where the bedrooms are, and the man is not known for his violence towards women and civilians, not to mention his sister would pose no danger to him, but Mihawk just needs to look at the older man, at his gelid and triumphant expression, to feel his legs give way under him. What have you done to her, you bastard?!, he’s about to ask, a moment before realising he doesn’t need to.
🗡️ He doesn’t ask why; he doesn’t need to, and he doesn’t care. If only I hadn’t waited, he thinks, and a moment later he has grasped his sword and launched himself towards his enemy. Not a word is uttered. Swords clash; Mihawk’s fury is terrible, merciless and bloodthirsty, and the Blue Crane has barely the time to realise how big of a mistake he has made before Mihawk kills him, not using one his most sophisticated techniques, like most swordsmen would deem appropriate when facing a worthy opponent, but with a brutal, simple lunge at the heart - and through his back. He lets the body of his opponent fall tumbling down the stairs as he runs towards his sister’s room, abandoning his sword unheedingly on the floor and hoping against hope it’s not too late, that there’s still time to save her, but there isn’t, and while her body is still warm and the blood still dripping from her wound, Mihawk knows she’s already gone. He cries, holding her in his arms and kissing her brow, and remains by her side for what feels like hours, feeling himself victim of a terrible nightmare he cannot wake from and at the same time all too aware what has happened is true, real, and is only his fault.
🗡️ He doesn’t cry at the funeral, even though he knows his broken heart will never feel whole again; part of him wishes he could, even though it wouldn’t make him feel better, so much that he looks with envy at his sister’s friends (she has so many, she who had long thought she was too shy and demure and uninteresting to be liked) who weep openly, unashamed in their pain. He has informed his sister’s fiancé of the identity of her killer, as well as the fact he has been punished, but the other man doesn’t blame him, doesn’t accuse him of being the reason of the death of the woman they both love; part of Mihawk wishes he would, and while he has never particularly liked or respected his former-future brother-in-law, he now feels a kinship between them, and when the other man says he will never stop loving her, Mihawk believes him. They mourn her together; but in his heart, Mihawk also knows he’s saying farewell to the best part of him, the one capable of kindness and compassion, and that after spending his whole life despising their father for abandoning them, he has now committed an even more unforgivable sin.
🗡️ She is buried in the rose garden, her engagement ring on her finger and her favourite necklace on her breast. Mihawk plans on closing the house as soon as he can, without putting it on sale, to make sure nothing and no one will ever disturb his sister’s sleep; he has never felt so guilty and ashamed, and most of all so alone, in his life, but he knows he deserves that pain, he accepts and even relishes in it. He has let her down, he thinks as he looks at the casket being lowered in the grave, leaving her alone when she needed him the most, and even if he could he wouldn’t ask for forgiveness because he knows he doesn’t deserve it. He is now the strongest swordsman in the world, uncontested, but he feels no joy; he feels the weight of his sword on his back, thinks back to a brief conversation he had with his sister years back, and the hint of a joyless smile appears on his lips.
🗡️ There are roses on her gravestone, their beauty as eternal as her kindness and grace deserved to be, and then the date of her birth and of her death, and an epitaph Mihawk has carved himself…
Lady Dracule Yoru. Beloved sister. Wherever I go, I will carry you with me…
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reimagine7 · 1 year
Pretend girlfriend (Emily Sonnett x reader)
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Lindsey pov
We were all laughing and mocking Emily right now.
An hour ago we had just ended the gym session, when she said she had to go to the market before the movie session the team had. No one wanted to go with her, so of course she went to make Y/n go with her.
“Please, Y/n/n. For me. I don’t want to go alone.” “But Em, we have to be here in an hour.” “See, plenty of time for us to come back. Pleeease!” Emily was now hugging Y/n and pouting, while looking at her with pleading eyes. We all know Y/n couldn’t say no to her. “Fine, but if we get late for the film session you’re the one doing my laps.” Emily made a ‘yeah’ sound and kissed Y/n’s cheek, holding her hands and taking them toward a near market. 
“I don’t know why Y/n even try to say ‘no’ in the first place. Everyone knows she can’t deny anything to Emily.” Tobin commented after the duo got out of the room. 
And that’s how we got here now. Emily came back, with some bags, but by herself. She arrived here saying she couldn’t find Y/n and for one of us to inform Y/n that she was already here, because she left her phone with Y/n so she couldn’t inform. 
Of course we would mock her, she begged the girl to go with her and then left her there.
“Stop mocking, it’s not funny.” “Of course it is, you lost a person.” I answered her. “And not any person. Y/n. How is that even possible, you both never unstuck from each other.” Caitlyn mocked her. “And why is your phone with her?” Tobin asked. “It wasn’t the plan. But I asked her to go see if they had some lactose-free milk and I couldn’t find her anymore. She always carries my things, you know that.”
Before we could say anything more, Y/n entered the room with a bag in her hand and with an angry look toward Emily. But we could all see she wasn’t actually mad.
“You left me there? Really? I agreed on going with you and that is what you do?” Emily now had a guilty look. “Sorry, I couldn’t find you. You went to look for the milk and never came back, I went to look after you but you were nowhere. So I came back.” “You couldn’t find me, so you abandoned me there? I was in front of the cashier waiting for you.” Emily didn’t answer, just shrugged her shoulders. So Y/n continue. “And I, the idiot and stupid that I am, even bought an açai for you.” Y/n got out of the back two cups of açai. Emily's eyes immediately widened and she spoke. “No, and I swear that I also bought you açai.” We all laughed at the duo, especially after Emily took from her bags another two cups of açai. “If you're an idiot, I am as well, because I bought you açai too. There were only four, so I bought two.” “And I bought two.” Y/n answered. 
“And I went to the cashier and said ‘Lady, I’m not finding my best friend. But I will take this for her.’ and came back.” Emily said, trying to explain herself. “And I went to the cashier and stayed there in front of it, waiting for you. And then the lady came and asked if I needed help because I was just standing there. And I said ‘I’m waiting for my best friend, because I know she wouldn’t just leave me here.’ Well, I was wrong.” “But I'm a good friend as well, I remembered you.” Emily was now pouting at Y/n, being sorry for what she had done. “But I’m a better friend, because even with you abandoning me there I bought you this.”
“Okay, okay!” I intervened. “Both of you are good friends for each other. Now, we have to go to the film session and I will accept one of those.” I grabbed one from Y/n’s hand and she just rolled her eyes. “Next time, ask first. Come on Em, before she also decides to steal our seats.” Both of them got out of the room together, chatting about something else.
“Their sync is so good, that even when they do stupidity they do it together.” Caitlyn spoke and we all laughed. “Right?! They work together better than a lot of married couples.” Tobin was the one who commented now. So I have to give my thoughts. “Well, if you think about it. They are basically a married couple already, but are the only ones who can’t see it.” 
Y/n and Emily are always together, even though they don’t live in the same house, you can be sure to always find one sleeping or hanging out in the other place. Y/n is whipped for Emily, she can’t say no and if Emily says she wants something Y/n is there getting it for her. Emily is not far behind, she is not a big surfer fan, but it’s been some time that she is going with us to get some waves, just so she could stay close to Y/n. Last week Y/n got sick for three days and Emily slept the whole week at her house, just so she could take care of Y/n. They are always cuddling and whispering to each other during film sessions or team bonding nights. But according to them they are just friends.
You pov
“Y/n! Sonnett! I need your help.” Lindsey yelled, running to our direction. Practice has just finished and we have the day off tomorrow. So we were planning what we were going to do. “What happened?” Emily asked. “I have a date tomorrow, with this guy I met a few nights before.” “Okay… and what do you need our help with?” I was the one asking this time. “Well, I barely know this guy, and I don’t want to go alone there. So I told him that we were going on a double date.”
I looked at her confused. “I still don’t get it, what do you need our help with?” “Isn’t it obvious? I’m asking you to go on the date with me.” “Me? I think that ruins the double date thing, with only being one couple and a friend.” “Not only you, both of you. And then you pretend to be a couple and we go together. The plan is that if during the middle of the date he seems like a nice guy, then you both get out and leave me there.” “Lindsey! What were you thinking?” Emily was surprised with Linds’s idea. “What? You’re my best friends and are the only ones who I think could pretend well enough that he won’t get suspicious.” “So you don’t only want us to go on the date with you pretending to be a couple, but you are also kicking us out of it if it is great? That’s rude.” “ Come on, I can pay you dinner another time.” 
I looked at her and then at Emily. I don’t know if this is a good idea. Emily and I pretending to be a couple, things won’t end up okay. I have already watched movies like this before. “Only if you are comfortable with that. Don’t do it if you don’t want to.” Emily spoke, getting me out of my head. “And you want to?” “I mean… I wouldn’t mind being your girlfriend…” I look at her surprise with what she said. “... for the night, for the night of course. And pretend, pretend girlfriend.” She corrected herself, rubbing the back of her neck. “Okay, we can do it then. But I will charge you the dinner.” Lindsey smiled and hugged me. “Thank you!” 
The next day arrived, and it was time for the date. Emily was getting me in my house and we were going together to the place Lindsey told us. I heard a knock on the door and it was her.
“Wow, you looked beautiful.” Emily said, giving me a single rose. “Thanks. You are as well. A rose?” “Well, I know you don’t like flowers that much, so I thought a bouquet was gonna be too much. So I got a rose. I was gonna bring you a sunflower, I know it's your favorite, but the flower shop didn’t have any.” “The rose is beautiful, Em. Thanks. But you remember this isn’t a real date right?” I don’t think I imagined it, but I swear I could see a little disappointment in her eyes. “I know, but I’m getting in the character.”  
We got in the car and went to the restaurant. Arriving there we told the reservation names and we were taken to our table. But there were only two chairs. “Sorry, but I think there was a misunderstanding, the table was supposed to be for four people.” “No, the woman who called said it was a couple.” I looked confused at Emily, she only shrugged and asked the waitress. “Two couples, no?” “No, I’m sure it was only for one.” “Maybe she called before inviting us. You think you could add two more chairs?” “I will see what I can do.”
The waitress left and I looked at Emily. “I think I will text Lindsey, see if she is arriving already.” I grabbed my phone and texted her. A few minutes later came the response.
“I promise, I will kill Lindsey tomorrow.” “Why?” Emily gave me a confused look. I showed her the text. “She canceled the date and didn’t think about warning us?” Emily exclaimed. “Should we warn the waitress and get out?” “Why don’t we stay here and have dinner? We are already here anyway, we should just keep the act.” Emily suggested it to me. It wasn’t a bad idea. “We can do that.”
We sat on the table and waited for the waitress to come back. We let her know that the other chairs wouldn’t be more necessary and order our food. “So what do we do on a fake date?” I asked Emily joking about the situation. She smiled at me but it didn’t reach her eyes. We kept talking and acting normally, enjoying each other's company. 
“This fake date is being nice.” I told Emily after a while. “Yeah.” She didn’t look at me this time. But before I could ask if she was okay the waitress came and asked if we needed anything else. “Sorry to interrupt. But the couple wants to order a dessert?” “Yeah, want to share a Petit Gateau?” I asked Emily, we always share the dessert. “Of course.” The waitress took our order and left. “I think this dinner is going well, even the waitress believes we are a couple. We are great pretend girlfriends.” “I need to go to the bathroom.” She didn't even wait for me to respond, she just stood and walked away. Okay something is wrong.
Emily pov
I needed to go to the bathroom. It was getting too much. I just needed a breath and then I could go back and keep the acting. I started washing my face, when I heard the door opening. I didn’t pay much attention to it, since it was a public bathroom, but when she spoke I knew immediately who it was.
“Okay, what is happening?” I finished washing and drying my face and answered. “Nothing, I just needed to go to the bathroom.” “Come on Em, you know you can’t lie to me.” “You’ll be surprised.” “What do you mean with that? What is bothering you?” 
Okay, this is it. “Why do you keep saying and emphasizing that we are pretend girlfriends, that we are on a fake date?” She looked surprised with my outburst. “Because we are on a fake date, we are pretending to be girlfriends. Aren’t we?” I rolled my eyes. “The idea of dating me is too repulsive for you?” “Em, what are you talking about?” “What if I don’t want this to be a fake date? What if I don’t want you to be my pretend girlfriend?” “I don’t get it. You were the one who said first you were okay with coming on this date.”
I lowered my head and shook it. “I know. But I don’t like the idea of us getting out of here and I don’t get to hold your hand anymore and calling you babe.” 
She was in silence, she didn’t respond and for the first time in a very long time, I couldn’t read what she was thinking.
“Please, tell me something.” I begged. “Do you want to know why I kept saying this was a fake date and that we were only pretending?” I just nodded. “Because I have to keep reminding myself that this wasn’t real, that you were only my best friend, that you didn’t want this. Because if I didn’t say so, I would get fouled by thinking it was all real and I don’t know how I would recover when this was all over.” 
“So what about we stop pretending, and make it all real?” I grabbed her hand and we were looking at each other’s eyes very closely. “That depends.” Y/n told me. “Of what?” “Will you ask me on a real date this time?” I laughed, leaning in. “Definitely.” “And you won’t leave me behind this time?” “Come on, it was just one time. And I said I was sorry.” “I know, now come here.” She pulled me by my shirt and we kissed. God, I love this girl!
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 6 months
Today marks 7 years since the reawakening of my Captain Underpants hyperfixation, which had been asleep for a very, very long time.
I had first discovered the books much like any kid in the late 90s/early 2000s; at the Scholastic Book Fair. If I remember correctly, the first one I had found was the second book, Attack of the Talking Toilets. I remember thinking how silly the cover looked, and it drew my little elementary school self in like a moth to flame.
I had quickly read it and absolutely loved it, and like discovering a new favorite treat for the first time, I immediately wanted more.
I was able to find the first book in my school’s library so I was able to get the full story on the two best friends who pulled the ultimate prank by hypnotizing their grouch of a school principal, and how it immediately became the worst decision they ever made. And I loved every second of it.
As the years went on, I eagerly anticipated the Book Fair’s arrival at my school and would beg my mom for a few dollars extra, just so I get my hands on the newest adventure.
I devoured every single story I could find and bought as soon as I could, and each one was more entertaining than the last. From alien lunch ladies and zombie nerds, to a megalomaniac professor with an incredibly silly name in a giant robot with charts that you could use to give yourself a silly name (mine is “Poopsie Bananachunks” BTW), to an insane hypnotized woman with Medusa hair that gave atomic wedgies.
The more I read and reread these stories, the more I couldn’t help but think that it would make a pretty fun movie, or at least a tv show.
These stories had been with me through a lot of ups and downs in my life, the biggest being my parents’ divorce. They were there to remind me that even when times could be tough, you can make it through and still be able to laugh at even the silliest of things, no matter how old you got.
By the time I was 10, I got my hands on the latest book in the series, The Big Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy Part 1. I loved it as always, but was shocked to see it ended on a cliffhanger. This had never happened before. I was anxious to see what would happen and how George and Harold would get out of this mess.
But… it would be some time before I got those answers.
Time went on, and my attention went to other things. I found new hyperfixations over the years, and while I didn’t have the 7th book at the time, I was eventually able to get answers thanks to the internet.
Eventually I entered middle school, and I found myself drawn to new book series that I grew to love, but Captain Underpants remained a big part of my childhood and some of its happiest memories. And for a while, I thought that was all it would be; memories to just fondly look back on.
But that all changed the winter of 2016.
It was the halfway point between Christmas and New Year’s, and I was gonna be 24 in less than a month. I was spending my downtime between holidays like any other bored 20-something year old; scrolling through Tumblr, of course. It was during that time that I stumbled across this post by @mondentertainment. It was photos of posters from a Licensing Expo, showcasing upcoming animated projects, be it films or series.
Among them were a few that sounded promising, others not so much.
But what caught my eye was this.
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A poster from DreamWorks with a very familiar face on it.
I could barely believe what I was seeing, and from the comments and reblogs on the post, neither could a lot of other people.
It was like a door that had been long locked in the back of my brain finally burst open, and all those memories came flooding back, particularly of a reoccurring thought that ran through my young mind whenever I would look at those illustrations every time I turned the page.
Could it really be true? Was one of my favorite childhood books finally getting a chance to truly come to life on the big screen?
It had already happened once before after I read Coraline in middle school, so there might be a chance.
As you could probably imagine, I poured my thoughts of hope and excitement into the tags as I reblogged the post.
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And when the trailer finally dropped three months later, it was like meeting that one childhood friend you never truly forgot all over again.
So much happened after seeing the movie on opening night, including meeting Dav Pilkey himself!
And all the great memories and friends I’ve made since rediscovering the fandom all lead back to that one moment on December 28th, 2016.
And I couldn’t be more grateful for that.
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sseastar · 2 years
pairing: stray kids ot8 x reader genre: fluff, established relationship warnings: none, me living vicariously in my fics as usual, not proofread listen to: (I Left My Heart) In San Francisco by Tony Bennett
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방찬  、BANG CHAN !
chan was determined to see the painted ladies from full house because he wanted to see what they looked like in person. the two of you packed a bunch of sandwiches and fruit into a little wicker basket for a picnic in the park across the famous houses! the sun was shining but it wasn’t too hot, and he gladly took pictures of you as you playfully posed in your straight jeans and bright red crewneck sweater that you had put on to match the vibe of the sitcom. he kissed the pout on your lips until he finally agreed to you taking pictures in your vintage outfits together. you and chan found yourselves wandering towards the cable cars, and though the line was long, chan didn’t hesitate to buy tickets when he saw your eyes shine with interest towards the ride. he was glad to offer you the only seat left and ended up in the standing area, one hand holding onto the railing, and the other playing with your fingers throughout the ride. the tour of the city ended near ghiradelli square, where he bought a bag of chocolate to take home to his members and ice cream for you to share at the shore nearby.
민호  、LEE MINHO !
i had too many ideas for minho but i got soft for going on an evening date at fisherman’s wharf! imagine when it’s sunset and you guys are walking by all the stores and restaurants and seafood vendors hand in hand. it’s getting chilly so you guys buy these touristy half zips with little embroidered golden gate bridges. he’d have you pulled close to his body since there’s a lot of families out, and he’ll pull your hand wordlessly into his pocket while rubbing soft circles into your palm as you walk towards the beach with a folded blanket tucked to your chest. when you set up your area, minho pulls you between his legs for you to lean against his chest as you sit and watch the sun set, talking mindlessly and teasing each other as you usually do. your boyfriend doesn’t forget to steal a few kisses here and there to make you giggle, and when you get hungry, he pulls you up to your feet so you can grab some seafood at the restaurant overlooking the bay.
changbin, ever the active boy, would have woken you up early so that you could hike up at land’s end early enough to see the sunrise. it’s romantic (after you get over the fact that he had woken you up at the buttcrack of dawn) and he doesn’t hesitate to wait for you if you ever needed a little snack or water break. changbin takes photos of you when you’re not looking, then pockets his phone to bathe in the early morning light with his arm wrapped around your shoulders. somehow, you end up at the point bonita lighthouse and he’s clinging on to you as you cross the bridge to get to the scenic area. changbin expresses how proud he is of you as you go on your little adventure, not forgetting to pinch your cheeks whenever he feels suddenly affectionate for you. the two of you get takeout (of your choice, of course) and he drives the two of you to treasure island to eat in the car, overlooking the city’s skyline.
hyunjin seems like the type of guy to want to have those cute date photos on his instagram, so there is no doubt in my mind he would take you somewhere where you can take cute couple photos in front of a nice scene. so, he takes you to the conservatory of flowers in golden gate park (early in the morning so that you can get parking) and immediately whip out his phone as you wander ahead of him through the greenhouse. you visit the japanese tea garden after, taking even more photos together then grabbing a snack and some tea before heading to japantown for lunch. you walk by the waterfront near ghiradelli square and wander about until it’s night time, and he takes you to the palace of fine arts. hyunjin has your hand in his coat pocket as the two of you take a stroll through the large structure, taking photos near the water and basically in all the spots where there’s any light shining.
inspired by real life events (aka my parents), han jisung would take you on your first date to alcatraz and the exploratorium. these two places (both historical and scientific) would be perfect to fuel this boy’s curiosity all the while being something pretty engaging so as to lessen the possible awkwardness that might come up between the two of you (the awkwardness never happened, the two of you were too busy having fun with the displays at both museums and flirting with each other to let any silence fall between the two of you). jisung would be initiating the most flustering skinship with you, his hand on your waist when you were taking photos on the ferry, brushing your hair behind your ear when you took off the tour guide audio headphones at alcatraz, or his chest being right at your back as you looked at all the displays in the exploratorium. the two of you would go to the ferry building to grab something to eat for lunch. he’d pay for dessert as well, then take you by the hand to pull you towards the salesforce tower with a big smile on his face. jisung would take you to the rooftop garden to walk off all the food you eat. it’s really sweet because he keeps his fingers entwined with yours as the two of you walk slowly on the path through the trees (and maybe he even stops and turns to face you to press a kiss to your lips).
빌릭스  、LEE FELIX !
idk why felix gives me the total disney lover kind of guy. over the years that i have ulted skz, felix has made so many pop culture references that involve things from my childhood, disney being one of them. so correct me if i’m wrong, but felix would totally take you to the walt disney family museum. the two of you would have so much fun dragging each other to all the different displays in each of the rooms, getting extra excited when you see the giant disneyland model replica room. you’d be totally engrossed in seeing all the old sketches and drafts of some of the most well known characters in the world, and felix would be totally engrossed in taking photos of you in your element. my guy would totally buy the two of you matching enamel pins from the gift shop and after, you would take the (long) trek to the areas overlooking the golden gate bridge. did he expect the two of you to end up hiking? nope, but he makes it up to you when you both reach the view overlooking the bay - not that it mattered because he distracts you with the most knee-weakening kisses anyway.
i was torn with a sightseeing trip so he could take pictures or him taking you to a giants game but the giants fan in me took over. he’d pick you up in the afternoon on a friday night, and you guys would drive to the city a few hours before the game actually starts to find parking and grab some dinner at amici’s across the ballpark. he’d be holding your hand tightly as you walk through the crowds of giants fans after you eat, passing time as you buy matching giants baseball caps and walk by mccovey cove. when the line starts to form, seungmin excitedly leads you to the end and wraps you in his arms to warm you up as you wait your turn, and when you reach your seats, he immediately starts to take pictures of you. the two of you are totally engrossed in the game, and when the kiss cam fails to reach you, seungmin kisses you anyway. the two of you share garlic fries and a ghiradelli hot fudge sundae, and when your favorite player happens to hit the walk-off home run, you jump up to cheer with him and hug him tight before you leave the stadium. you hear the sounds of a saxophone softly playing covers of songs as you head towards the car, but not before grabbing a dirty dog from one of the vendors outside. 
for your date, jeongin took you on a morning to afternoon date at pier 39. jeongin’s growing up so well and he’s looking and getting more and more mature, but i can’t say that he’s not a kid at heart! he’d be so excited to see all the quirky stores and he’d want to do the laser maze and 7d experience shooting games and want to buy candy from the store near the heart statue. bonus points if you eat at bubba gumps and go to the aquarium!! can you imagine how excited he would be spots the sea lions on their little platform? “look at those two,” he would say, leaning in towards your head to talk to you over the loud noise of the excited little kids next to you. his hand is holding yours, warming them up from the cold of the slight breeze of the water. “they’re kissing so we should too.”
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⌕.  author’s note ;     yes, this was completely self indulgent because 1) i miss san francisco so much even though i go there very often and 2) i’d love to go on a date there. so here’s an impulse stray kids reaction because i suddenly thought about how cute it would be to do some touristy things with them. did i get carried away with min because i’ve thought about this happening too much?? that’s for you to decide LOL.  update: i went to san francisco today T-T i was so happy hhh omg but i want to go back already shfalchsaj i kept thinking about this and i was like i want to be here on date with them too. update 2: i’ve had this in my draft since the summer after senior year…i’m in my third year of college now but i have yet to go on these dates. 
⌕. taglist ; @enhacolor @soobin-chois @koishua @iwonzzi
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tintedpages · 3 months
Today I shall present to you my first ever story series. I hope you all will like it🎀
Love, Amelio🪷
A Tale Retold
Chapter 1:
A stop at crystalvale
"So you're telling me you and your brother are those very special survivors of the magical war?" The old lady said
"Yes, and that is completely why we had to flee from that kingdom to take refuge here."
"Well ofcourse I won't have any problem if you both stay here, afterall I have no grandchildren nor any children. My husband and I will be more than happy to take you both in!"
"Thank you so much, we both are very grateful to you for all the kindness you showed us"
"Um, I didn't catch both of your names quite right, what was it again?" The old lady said
"I am Amber and he is Louis..."
                             This is the story of Amber and louis, the survivors of the magical war of the kingdom of mystical. What kind of a kingdom is it you ask? This is where, all the mystical beings resided. A kingdom of their own. Fairies, wizards, witches what not! They all co-existed within themselves, as for the royal family they were the strongest fairy species between them all. They could even outwit the other creatures. What made them more special was an characteristic that only their blood carried.  White hair which looked silver when it glistened under the sun and green eyes which were comparable to an emerald. Yet, this beautiful and happy kingdom was destroyed by rivals, who knew they could take down such a powerful kingdom that easily? And who were they exactly?
                            Amber and louis, the siblings who had fled away from their kingdom under disguise, never really disclosed who they were exactly. The only thing they had ever said was they were from the kingdom of mystical. They both looked quite identical and had very sharp features with brown hair and blue eyes.  They wandered all the way here to stumble upon the kingdom of the hunters aka the humans. Hunters are what the civilians of mystical call them. They made their way through the crowd with mices running around inside each of their stomachs due to hunger. At last when they had reached the dock they saw a fish store with a variety of fishes lined up in an aisle. An old lady then came by with her both hands occupied due to two very heavy looking bags she was carrying. Those two bags were full of fishes bought off of a fisherman. 
"Who are you both? Also, where are your parents?" She asked
Amber hesitant at first then went on to tell her how she was from the neighbouring kingdom of mystical and how they survived the war and fled from there before their rivals could catch them. She even asked the old lady is she would mind taking them in and the old lady replied immediately and assured her that she and her brother can live here as long as they want. Keeping their origin a secret they took refuge there. For the first few years they led a happy and full life. But a thing that the old lady always found odd was whenever she asked a question to Amber, she replied with a very twisted answer.
                   Moving on, days, weeks, and months passed by and still both the siblings worked with the elderly couple at the stores and back at the house. They led a very simple life yet a very happy one. The siblings went to a public school, they kept a very low profile there. Aware of the fact that even if by mistake somehow they do reveal the fact that they both are magical beings can lead to their death and also could lead to harm to the couple. As you can see in this period of time, in the kingdom of the humans, also widely known as Crystalvale still haven't accepted witches or any other beings with magical powers into their society. Yet, Amara and Mateo, the old couple had made an exception and accepted them into their household. As days went by Louis, the younger sibling grew curious to see how the kingdom of mystic was doing. This was because no news came in and out of Crystalvale about mystical, only if it did maybe Louis wouldn't have felt this impatient.
So, one night he decided to discuss about this with his sister.
"Sister, can't we just go and take a look at our kingdom for once?" Said Louis
"Louis, only if it was that easy and I don't want to leave grandma and grandpa here. They are growing old and weak it will be quite impossible for them to run the store alone." Explained Amara
"Oh sister, can't we just go and take one look at our kingdom for the last time. Also, grandma and grandpa still haven't grown that old. Can't we just head out before times worsen?"
"I quite agree with what you said Louis but I'm not sure whether grandma and grandpa will agree or not."
"I'm sure they will! If they don't maybe we just won't be ever able to go back to our kingdom..."
Said Louis
"Louis, who will even travel with us my powers have gotten weaker so have yours and we can't protect ourselves from the hands of the creatures living out in the forest. We barely made it that day!"
"I know but why don't we ask Alejandro to send us there then, you know that boy who buys fishes almost everyday." Again said Louis
"Maybe we can, he does have a horse cart we can actually request him for this favour. So before informing him we will ask grandma and grandpa about this, first thing in the morning" Amara said
"Ok then sister, let's call it a night!"
With that Amara switched off the lights, and both drifted to deep sleep.
To be continued...
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shizuokadivision · 13 days
The Kito-gumi’s headquarters was a fortress of tradition and power, its walls echoing with the whispers of a thousand secrets. Tonight, however, it was the site of a rare celebration — the birthday of Sakura, the revered and feared leader of the Yakuza family. The members gathered, a mix of hardened faces and sharp suits, their conversations a blend of reverence and revelry. Tonight, all of the family was in attendance, especially those in Kito Sakura's, the birthday woman herself, inner circle.
...Well, almost everyone. A certain gambler by the name of Lucille "Lucky Lucy" Takara was, unfortunately, running late to the event, which didn't go unnoticed by the other members of the group. It was 45 minutes later when the woman in question finally slipped through the door, her arrival like a stone cast into a still pond, rippling through the room. She was late, and the package she carried seemed to weigh heavier with each step under the scrutinizing gaze of her comrades.
"Why the delay, Lucille?" sneered Fengzhui Liu, her arms crossed as she appraised Lucille with a critical eye.
Before Lucille could reply, Sakura’s voice cut through the tension. "Enough. Lucille, explain yourself."
Lucille bowed deeply, the package held out before her. "My apologies, Sakura-sama. I was detained by my boyfriend, Zakari. He insisted on sending these gifts for your birthday, from himself and his parents."
Sakura’s stern facade cracked, curiosity piquing as she took the package from Lucille’s hands. The room leaned in, the collective breath of the Kito-gumi held in suspense as she unwrapped the gifts:
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Inside was a full deck of playing cards and casino chips with a Chinese dragon and cherry blossom motif on them. And beside them was an authentic Japanese katana, also with a dragon motif on it.
There was also a blank CD taped off the side that only had 'By Renegade' on it.
A letter lay nestled at the bottom, Zakari’s bold script a stark contrast to the delicate treasures above. Sakura read aloud, her voice betraying a hint of warmth that seldom graced her lips.
"Happy birthday, Dragon-Lady! Lucille mentioned last week on our date that today was your birthday, so I had to hurry and get these to hear so she could deliver them to you. Sorry if I made her run late, but I hope you like the gifts! The cards and chips are from my mom, the sword is from me (I bought it at a pawn shop and it remade), and the song is from my dad. I hope you like them! Happy birthday again on your special day!
Sincerely, Zakari Hiroya."
P.S. Be sure to give that song a listen to! You sounded awesome, by the way!
P.P.S. You and the Kito-gumi should think of coming to Gypsy's Palace. My parents would love to have you!
P.P.P.S. Tell Lucille I love her, and I'll see her tomorrow night for our weekly get-together!
As she finished, the room erupted in murmurs of approval. Hikaru Kayama, the flirty head of the Prostitute Branch, leaned over to Irina and whispered, "Seems like Lucy's got herself a keeper, eh?"
Irina, usually as cold as the Russian winters, allowed a small smile. "Da, and one who knows how to charm a dragon."
Giving a scowl to the two heads, who immediately clammed up, Sakura looked at the CD and handed it to one of her underlings to play. She couldn't recall any song she had made recently. She wondered what it was.
The answer became obvious as the beat of the song played throughout the speakers, making Sakura's eyes widen, along with everyone else's...
Sakura smirked as the song ended. She had forgotten that she had recorded the song for Kai and as always the DJ did not fail when it came to producing music.
“My my Boss It’s always a treat to hear you rap,” Hikaru praised. 
“You say that as if we didn't just drop a whole album a while ago Hikaru.” 
“I won’t lie it was quite fun. Far different from what we do normally.”
“Nurarihyon wants to do another one soon!”
“I’m amendable to the idea of doing another one given the profits we’ve acquired so far from the current album.” 
“My point still stands” Hikaru rolled his eyes. “Especially since the Boss has truly got a powerful voice for it.” 
A murmur rippled throughout the room as many of the men agreed that the Boss was easily a powerful rapper. They had better agree Sakura hadn’t spent days being tossed around by Kanon as the scientist had taught her to rap and use a Hypnosis Mic. She would have to thank Zakari and his family for the gifts in return one day perhaps when their birthdays rolled around. 
“Lucille,” The room immediately fell silent as Sakura spoke. The aforementioned blonde gambler jumped at the sound of her name. “Next time you see Zakari give him my thanks and tell him to extend it to his family.” 
“Yes Boss!” Lucille saluted.
“Zakari says “Love you” and he’ll see you tomorrow.” Sakura laughed as she saw Lucille turn bright red at the message the other members even teasing her for her lover boy. 
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mumblemoose · 9 months
So I'm going to post about an ongoing project of mine even though it's probably a bit premature. I call it the Princess Paper Doll project although it involves a fair number of not princesses. It technically started as the Disney Princess Paper Doll project but it stopped being Disney about ten minutes after I conceived the idea. Anyway, it's gonna be a long one so if you're at all curious it's under the cut.
About a decade ago now (I think) my mom bought a set of Disney Princess paper dolls for my niece. This delighted me, first because I had Disney paper dolls as a kid, and second because of a unique feature of this particular set.
See, in this set, all of the princesses were in the same pose. Like so:
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And I immediately thought that was pretty cool because they could all wear each other's clothes. I also thought that because they were all posed the same and they could therefore all wear each other's clothes, it would be fairly easy (for a moderately savvy artist) to copy the base and add other characters to the lineup and even if it took longer to make their outfits, they wouldn't have to be naked in their underwear. The Princess and the Frog being the last movie that Disney had released at the time and my niece being from New Orleans and some of her family being kinda grossly racist I decided to begin with Tiana:
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However, the more observant among you may notice, as I did not for a while, that they cannot all wear each other's clothes. Tiana here, along with half of the other princesses, is wearing a wide skirt. So none of them can wear anything designed for Jasmine. Also, the set kind of sucks so Aurora up there can't even keep one of her own dresses on, there are just not enough tabs to defy gravity.
So I started over with a new base and tried again.
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I worked on that long enough to get most of the bases for the Disney Princesses done, decided I didn't like the pose, I think, and set it aside.
Time for version 3.
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I apparently did not get very far with this one. I only made 4 bases this time (Anna, Ariel, Pocahontas, and Mulan). But I made an entire dress for Anna (her coronation gown) and all of the outfits for Mulan. Then I started drawing clothes for Pocahontas and realized that I'd made a terrible mistake. See, Pocahontas, in the sequel, wears a ballgown and full cage crinolin and they weren't going to get along with that hand on the hip. So time to try again.
Version 4 is where I start gaining some consistency. The model here is mostly what I stick with going forward and I made some pretty good progress.
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I did eventually scrap this one too, because I was having trouble navigating some of the skirts on the wide stance as evidenced by Charlotte (I do not profess to be a master artist).
So version 5.
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You'll note that aside from Chel they are all only in Kida's underwear and that's because I decided fairly quickly into the clothing process that these ladies were too damn skinny. I'm not actually sure why they got so much skinnier from v4 to v5 but it had to go.
Version 6. Actually, I'm going to skip version 6 entirely here. It is identical to version 7 (the current version) except that I decided their busts were a little too big to accommodate everyone (and even the ones it seemed to accommodate looked better with the adjustment). Luckily this is the point where I started using Illustrator for the lineart so it was fairly easy to make the adjustment on the wealth of clothes I had already finished in v6. Anyway, now I've made most of the bases I have planned and at least one outfit for each (except Rapunzel because there is soooo much detail that after I did the rough sketch I was not prepared to do the clean lines). I started experimenting with how to make the different hairstyles work with Belle and Anastasia (why those two? who knows) so they have all of their hairstyles to go with their bases, and Tiana and Pocahontas have all of their clothes (and almost all Tiana's hair, though I haven't fixed it for actual interchangeability when printed).
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These do have tabs, by the way, they're just hidden unless I'm running a test print to make sure they work.
Now, full disclosure I mostly traced their heads from screencaps. I am not sufficiently versed in animated women that I can confidently draw all of those faces. I drew the base and I'm drawing the clothes.
Nothing is shaded partly because I'm not great at shading and partly because I've learned the hard way that it sucks to do all the shading and then make a minor adjustment and have to do it all over again.
Also I say Tiana has most of her hair because I want to include her Wreck-It-Wralph 2 hair (you'll note the outfit is there) but I am shit at drawing hair in general and worse at drawing curly hair (you'll note Merrida) and I can't find any 2d art of her with that hairstyle that I can use either to trace or as reference.
Incidentally, as much as possible I am trying to make each piece separate so the aprons come off of the Duke's and Cal's diner dresses for Tiana, Anna, Ariel, and Aurora are wearing a blouse, skirt and corset, so on and so forth. It allows for a lot more mixing and matching and it creates a more 3d effect that's kind of neat.
The full list, in case you can't recognize everyone or read their name on the base is: Anastasia (Anastasia), Anna (Frozen), Ariel (The Little Mermaid), Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Charlotte (The Princess and the Frog), Chel (The Road to El Dorado), Cinderella (Cinderella), Elsa (Frozen), Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), Giselle (Enchanted), Jane (Tarzan), Jasmine (Aladdin), Kayley (Quest for Camelot), Kidagakash (Atlantis), Marina (Sinbad), Megara (Hercules), Merrida (Brave), Moana (Moana), Mulan (Mulan), Nani (Lilo & Stitch), Odette (The Swan Princess), Pocahontas (Pocahontas), Rapunzel (Tangled), Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs), Thumbelina (Thumbelina), and Tiana (The Princess and the Frog).
I'm planning on adding Amalthea (Last Unicorn) at some point. I also keep waffling about Mirriam and Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt) because they are awesome animated women who deserve to be included but also I am not Jewish and I worry it's disrespectful somehow (although Pocahontas is in there so that ship's kinda sailed, hasn't it?). I'll probably try to add Mirabel (Encanto) eventually. I ought to add Nancy (Enchanted), but that's still a big question mark. In the theoretical grand plan I'm going to do the fellas eventually to, though that may be a bit more complicated. I'm also open to suggestions. However, I'm probably gonna try to get more of these ladies finished before I add to the roster.
By the way, do not come on this post to complain about women's body types in animation. This is for fun. I'm having fun with it. I worked really hard to make this work at all. Just don't.
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