#lady prince
prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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lady prince (1) | k. bakugou.
☆ tags ;; fem!reader, fluff, role-reversal, non-linear events, tsundere bakugou, reader is like.. a stupid prince charming and a pro-hero
☆ wc ;; 1k
☆ a/n ;; this will probably have more parts to it in like a non-linear way lol.
☆ summary ;; bakugou thinks his patrol partner is the worst.
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"Kacchan... I hate to say this but aren't you kind of overthinking this?"
"I knew you three wouldn't fucking get it,"
Bakugou groans, burying his face in his hands. Everyone around him is so useless it's frustrating. He takes a minute to compose himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. The mess hall at the agency is loud in the afternoon, and all the noise is making his head feel like it's full of water.
"I agree with Midoriya,"
"Me too. You're way overthinking this Bakubro,"
He slams his hand on the table, making all the cutlery rattle but no one even flinches. He doesn't even know where to start, nearly screaming. He would be screaming if the problem itself wasn't 50 away from them - smiling and laughing like everything is fucking fine.
"Overthinking, my ass. It's like she's trying to damage my fucking pride, that idiot,"
"Don't call her an idiot, Kacchan,"
"Shut the hell up! And why the fuck are you blushing nerd, I'll kill you,"
Kirishima laughs good-naturedly, picking up a piece of meat with his chopsticks.
"Midoriya has a crush on her like every other person in the agency,"
"Actually it's mostly women. Which makes sense,"
Bakugou looks over to the damn nerd, rage boiling in his body. He doesn't care, he doesn't care, he doesn't-
For the last 3 months, Bakugou Katsuki has been having a crisis.
When a new rookie hero joined the agency he interns at, he was pretty sure it was gonna be another useless extra in the long line of them that come and go. Most of the people who enter are gone before training is complete - the regiment is made to weed out the weak from the strong.
The first time Katsuki met you, he was sure you would be one and the same. You had the friendly smile and docile way of talking that he hated. To your credit, you were never timid but you didn't seem like someone who belonged at the agency.
In the end, he was wrong, and you became a promising contender in the league of young heroes and joined the agency. In that time, you seemed to make easy friends with everyone. Bakugou found that part of your personality abhorrent.
Your problem was that you were too charming. At least putting it bluntly. Bakugou has never really adhered to or cared about gender roles as he hated everyone equally and wasn't a scumbag. And caring about something like that always felt especially shallow. Strength is strength and weakness is weakness. There's no two ways about it.
But it's hard for Katsuki to overlook the discrepancy that you walk around like you're a part of some shitty romance movie. He doesn't know if you know you're doing it on purpose on not because you're dense as fucking bricks. And it never mattered before, not until he started paying attention to you and inadvertently became your patrol partner.
Being around you is demoralizing. It wasn't at first, but it became that way all because you were insistent on being his friend. That much he isn't surprised by his, his best friend being Kirishima. But as time went on and you spent more time with each other, Bakugou kept noticing something. One day on the field, you jumped in front of him like it was nothing and saved him. Only after being carried like a princess through the field did he realize you had a nasty habit of treating him like some kind of damsel in distress.
You did it all the time, actually. And it was also troublesome but it was never embarrassing until the realization dawned on him all at once.
Even still, he can't wrap his head around it at all. Of course, his reactions are always angry when the realization set in. The number of times he's had to shove you away because you were doing something embarrassing keeps growing in number.
The issue is it's humiliating because that's not what you're fucking supposed to be doing. Even in a situation like that, isn't he... that's... well, you know...
He closes his eyes. If he thinks about it too long his head starts throbbing in pain.
"Bakugou, may I suggest something?"
"Don't say something stupid,"
"Is the problem perhaps not with how she acts, but actually how you feel about it?"
His eyes widen in shock and horror.
"Yeah, dude. You're not the type to be bothered about stuff like that. Are you sure you don't just like that she's aggressive? Some people are into that,"
Bakugou feels his hands tremble in rage.
"Wouldn't that normally be Kacchan though?"
"Maybe that's why he's so conflicted,"
"Stop fucking talking about me like I'm not here, dammit! And there's no fucking way that—"
"Yo, Dynamight!"
He jumps in his skin, startled to see you running towards the table without a care in the world. He immediately ignores you, but it doesn't stop you from approaching. Fuming, he eats with his head down.
"Hey, guys," You say, cheerful as ever. A chorus of hellos greets you.
"What are you here for?"
"I just wanted to ask Bakugou if we'd still be going to investigate that case later,"
After he manages to work up some nerve, he turns his head stiffly to look at you. You're fucking beaming, like the sun or some shit. He hates it so much.
"Just check your calendar next time, idiot,"
"But if I did that I wouldn't get to see your face on break," Your hand reaches out almost incidentally to touch his face. He doesn't even flinch, too shocked to say anything. Your thumb brushes under his eyes "You should wear waterproof eyeliner so it doesn't smudge."
"I already told you I would when I fucking finish this one,"
"Oh, that's right. I'll miss seeing it kinda messed up though."
You remove your hand and then give him that familiar empty-headed smile as his whole body lurches from a delayed reaction. A woman calls out to you, probably a friend of sorts.
"Gotta go! Nice talking to everyone! See you at 6, Dynamight."
You disappear without another word. For a minute he sits there before slamming his head down on the table, forehead hitting it hard. He can feel himself blush, the tips of his ears and the back of his neck going completely pink. You're definitely a fucking idiot, what the fuck.
"... So she's definitely spoken for,"
"Better luck next time, Midoriya.
"All of you, shut up!"
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demaparbat-hp · 6 months
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Forget about canon, I want Kyoshi Warrior Ursa.
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mayskalih · 3 months
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the night they pretended they didn't know the face behind the mask.
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neottia-orchids · 3 months
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Back to my brief Zutara phase
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melonsharks · 2 months
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rewatched a court of fey and flowers and god i LOVE this season. squeezed out a lineup to figure out how to draw the pack of pixies!
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2ghosts · 8 months
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Marveling at his own boldness, he said softly, “I would enter your sleep if I could and guard you there, but I cannot come in unless you dream of me.
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caitmayart · 1 year
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You’re telling me there’s TWO OF THEM NOW?!?!
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They always say if u love smth then let it go 😔 as a long-standing Sidon girlie I was struggling w coming to grips I fear (which ended up not being all that hard to do bc Lady Yona is so cute I love her.......)
Before that happened I did manage to snap some photos mid-fish domestic. In case I had one last fighting chance
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septembersart · 11 months
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A Court of Fey and Flowers
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kenneduck · 1 year
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Here’s Sidon with his wife and boyfriend! 💕
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id-f87 · 1 year
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Sorry Sidon fans you lost big time
Edit bc people can't be normal: I actually like Yona I just thought this would be funny
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demaparbat-hp · 6 months
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ghostbsuter · 6 months
"You're not supposed to be here." Peching on the roof edge is batman, staring down at the child crouched.
The child, blue-eyed and black haired, looks up at him with wide eyes. There is this weird but familiar feeling to the boy, like he'd know him, of his existence and his face– those eyes.
They remind him too much of Dick and Jason, have a hint of Tim as well, Damian's greens shining through the blue.
His hair has some blond spots, Stephanie his mind connects, and Batman shakes his head, denying these similarities.
The child is still watching him, head tilted and listening.
"Brother," Lady Gotham's voice echoes by his side, Bruce gives her an acknowledged nod.
"This one," she appears around the child, something Bruce has never seen his sister do before. Closer than any civilian she'd ever protected.
Batman re analyses the moment, finally taking the similarities to his former partners/children and tensing.
"Is mine." Her hands, borderline claws, hold the child gently, Lady Gotham is careful in her handling, crooning.
Bruce nods slow, accepting. "What's his name?"
"He prefers Danny." The shadows flicker around Batman's feet, unbothered.
"Is there a reason he shares the features of every Robin?"
Lady Gotham smiles knowingly, picking up her boy with bright eyes.
"Just as I am created by people's beliefs and wishes," she pets the unruly black hair. "So is he when you first got Robin."
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hyruleairbnb · 2 months
A very tiny Zora cryptid Collection
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Very spooky ⬇️
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It's not just her head the rest of her is in the water don't worry ❤️
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melonsharks · 2 months
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best laid plans.
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clemtiness · 7 months
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Idk what to say except acofaf is so pretty (in aesthetics and message) and makes me want to draw pretty art
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