#laffayette x reader
knowltonsrangers · 1 year
Hey Sul! I hope you're doing well💜💜 Could I get an angsty Lafayette fic if you get the time?
TURN!Lafayette x reader
[a/n: hi glitch! Of course, I hope you are good as well! 💕]
He’s sat in the kitchen, lights off, and his knee can’t stop shaking. Hands clasped in his lap, all he does is stare directly at the clock in front of him, counting the minutes that have passed since you left.
In his mind, he’s decided that he’s giving you until quarter past until he’s going out to look for you. Angry or not, he is not about to let you go and walk around unsafely at two in the morning.
When he’s just about had it, her hears the door knob turn, and the hinges squeak as sniffling sounds come into earshot. Terrified, he stands abruptly, enough that the chair slides back across the floor, slamming into the wall behind him.
Try as he might, he cannot get that tremble out of his voice.
You, stop dead in your tracks. You were hoping he would have just went to bed, and you could table this for another day, but it seems that it wasn’t going to happen like that.
“I am in the kitchen, i…I wish to talk, if that is possible.”
Blinking away fresh tears, you set your bag down and make your way down the hall to the kitchen. It’s dark, nothing is illuminated, and it’s hard to bite back anything anymore.
You both stand in the kitchen, facing each other, but none willing to speak first.
“I…I owe you an apology.”
Lafayette finally says, and watches your dimly lit features by the window for any chance of an acceptance.
“I was too scared of what you might say, that I did not tell you. Now, I understand how harmful that was, and I now know that you were right.”
“Right about what, exactly?”
Okay, you’ll bite. If he can tell you, then maybe there’s some middle ground to be found here.
“Right about the false intentions, right about the lying—“
“I’m not here to be the bad guy, Laf. I’m not even expecting you to tell me that I was right, because I was far from it. We both were.”
His eyes jump wide, and he waits patiently for your next breath.
“I just…I don’t think this is working. I can’t imagine how much saying sorry and moving on will rectify the deeper issue.”
“What does that mean, y/n?”
When you don’t answer, and begin to turn away, Lafayette takes a brave step forward, breath hitching on his words.
“What does that mean?”
He reaffirms, trying to get your attention.
“Maybe we should just…stop.”
You don’t have the heart to say it, but if he’d catch on, you could save yourself the tears.
“You are not willing to work this out?”
You wouldn’t notice it now, but looking back, Lafayette was silently begging you to stay.
“No. It’s happened before, and times before then. I’m tired of it—“
“Let it go for tonight, we can discuss it further in the morning.”
Lafayette walks past you and into the foyer, no doubt heading straight for the couch.
Neither of you had the heart to say it, but one of you was going to have to.
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inknopewetrust · 4 years
Heyy 🖤 if u r still doing that pairing thing.. could u do hamilton and pedro characters for me 🥺 i'm 5'3. i have curly long brown hair and green eyes. actually i'm wearing glasses but i don't really like them :( i'm veryyy shy and an introvert but when i feel comfortable (which requires a bit time) i like talking about news or deep things 🖤 i really like stargazing. it's just so fascinating all these stars 🥺 i'm mostly serious and need someone to push me having fun 🖤
Hello! Thanks for being interested Anon, I hope you like them!!
The first pairing is...
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Lafayette! Laf is very different from you, but it’s a good thing! He is very outspoken and his favorite past times are those where he is in the spotlight. He understands your shyness and never tries to push you to be more comfortable in a situation where you clearly are not. He’s cheeky and can easily make you blush but when he isn’t being Lafayette, he adores simplicity and simply spending time with you. He likes sitting out on the porch at night and listening to you talk about the stars and what they mean, what they are, and your favorites. Although you hate your glasses, he finds them absolutely adorable and thinks they fit you perfectly. He loves the life you’ve built together and wouldn’t throw it away for anything (including France’s problems).
The second pairing is...
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Francisco “Catfish” Morales! Catfish is a simple man. He does his job and goes home and worries about his family and cares for them, deeply. He always makes sure before he goes away that you are comfortable and in a good position (everything wise, money, food, anything you could possibly want) before he leaves. He talks about you to the other men and while they might role their eyes about his puppy love, he knows it won’t go away and he’s gone for good. He thinks you are absolutely brilliant by the way you can look into the sky and name a star without a beat and how you may be shy, but you’re completely comfortable alongside him. He loves that you can beat someone against their knowledge on the news and the world problems and you are incredibly sophisticated when doing so.
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Poly hamilsquad quotes #15 ft Y/N!
Y/N:Let's get one thing straight. *points at herself* mom friend. *points at Herc* dad friend. *points at Laf* grandparent friend. *points at Alex and John* And you two are the trash babies.
Alex:Why are we the trash babies?
Y/N:Because we're the ones always looking out for you two to make sure you don't hurt yourselves. Now do you want a juice box or not?
John:Yes please!
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elvisimpliedit · 7 years
Hamilton imagines, drabbles, one shots.
I’m taking requests for Hamilton related content, send in requests please. I joined the fandom like 2 months ago and I was really inspired to write fan fic, so please don’t be shy, send in those requests:)
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bone-jenga · 3 years
No dumpsters are complete without a ton of raccoons.
But you could afford 2 million raccoons without a dumpster!
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tnystrk-exe · 7 years
Alexander Hamilton x reader
Warnings: None?
Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm clock screeched, disturbing any and all peace created in the room.
“Al..” you grumbled in hopes that he would shut it off.
Instead, the screeching continued. Annoyed, you rolled over his side of the bed and turned off the damned thing. For a second you just kept your face on Alex’s pillow, it was your day off there was no rush to do anything.
For the past three days, you had fallen asleep and woken up alone. Come to think of it, Alex hadn’t been seen at all. Needless to say some form of affection was overdue. You got out of the warmth of the bed and made your way to his office.
Of course he was there. He was looking at his essay frustrated, you went unnoticed at the door way. Usually you didn’t like to bother his writing, but you missed him. Crossing his office, you quickly took your place on his lap.
“YN, I gotta work,” he complained, but he set his pen down and pulled you closer.
“I miss you. Besides, it looked like you were having a writers block,” you said, pressing a kiss to his cheek before resting your head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry love, I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately,” he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “This doesn’t help at all. I’ve been at it for a week.”
“I know something you could do to help that,” you responded, winking at him.
“Oh, is that right?”
“Best home remedy. Hands down… cuddles.”
He looked at you for a second before laughing loudly. “I get it. I’ll take a break. The princess wants me.” He got up, carrying you bridal style back to your room.
“Sweetheart…are you okay?” You asked, playfully worried, “It usually, takes me dying to get you out of there.”
“Har, har,” he rolled his eyes as he sat you on the bed, “Honestly, I feel like I’m dying. For once, I think sleep is necessary.”
You pulled him down onto the bed. “Don’t worry, I got you. Alexander Hamilton isn’t dying of sleep deprivation today.”
He wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your chest. “Tell me a story?”
“Uh,” you thought for a moment, running your hand through his hair, “there was an evil wizard, that went by the awful, terrible name of…Jefferson.”
He faked a gasp, holding in laughter, “No!”
“Yes! He would spread his ideas everywhere, no one could stop him. Three brave nights had already faced him, but Jefferson kept them imprisoned in his cave. Now, Jefferson thought he was being kind, since he served them his favorite meal of macaroni and cheese.”
“I wouldn’t wish that on my enemy,” Alex shakes his head, “The stuff is terrible.”
“They people knew they needed someone brave. They needed an immigrant that was unafraid to step in -”
“It was the brave knight, Hamilton,” he cut in, looking at you proudly.
“Um, no, it was actually the knight Lafayette,” his face fell, “Fine! It was Hamilton. The king Washington decided that none other than his right hand could face the beast. Surely, his wit, charm, and bravery would prevail. It was certainly no secret that Hamilton was amazingly easy on the eyes.”
“That’s true!”
“Honey, it’s a bed time story. You’re not supposed to get hyped.”
“It isn’t my fault. I get prideful when my wife’s talking about me.”
You rolled your eyes, “Alex, you’re prideful enough. Remind me to never say a good thing about you again.”
“I don’t think so,” he shook his head, “It’s a fate worse than spending the day with Jefferson. Besides they it feels great when you do.”
“I’m sure,” you yawned, “Conceited man.”
“I can’t contradict that,” he chuckled, “How about I’ll stroke your ego?”
“Alexander Hamilton stroking my ego for once? I think you really are tired.”
He shifted so that he was laying over the top of you. “Shut up. I’m trying to be nice to you. Now what can I say about YN? You’re beautiful, kind, sweet, I’ve never felt this much love for anyone in my life,” he gave you a soft kiss, “You’re the only person I’ve ever met that could keep up with my ideas, you’re the perfect editor, and, God, I love waking up in the mornings to your off key singing.”
You wrapped your arms around him and his your face against his neck. “I love you, Alexander.”
“I love you, too.” He moved to lay down, keeping you pressed close against him. “Best of wives and best of women.”
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hamiltrash-imagines · 7 years
I don’t know if this will work since I’ve never done one of these before but I guess we’ll find out if it links up correctly...
Alexander Hamilton:
Angry smol bean! Hamilton
Tickle Fight
Love and War
Cuddly Kitten
Thomas Jefferson:
The Reynolds pamphlet
Doctor’s Office (Modern AU) 
The Bet
John Laurens:
James Madison:
Sweet Dreams
George Washington:
Love on the Battlefield (Male reader)
Phillip Hamilton:
Seeing Clearly
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yae-lover · 7 years
Stop 😭
Me: You need to stop obsessing Hamilton. *Points to self in the mirror*
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blkgirl-writing · 7 years
The time has come! I’m accepting new requests. 
{List A}  {List B}  {List C} {List D}  {AU List}
Just say what Prompt from what list you want. Mix and match as needed! 
If you don’t know, I do Reader Inserts for Marvel (Avengers And X-men ), The HP Universe (All Eras), and Hamilton. Usually i only do Imagines and Drabbles, but i’m also cool with One-Shots and Multi Part stories. 
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mood because the wonder movie comes out November 17th! Daveed plays the teacher
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shakirawastaken · 3 years
hey everyone !
I know I mainly write for like mcyts and dsmp members.. but how would you feel if i wrote for other fandoms? perhaps harry potter? musicals????
what can i say, the release of in the heights made me want sonny fanfiction :)
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inknopewetrust · 4 years
Hi hon! If you are still doing the ships can I do one with ham, mcu, and Jake please? I’m an Italian girl, Aries, entp, and bi. I’m about 5’3” with light blonde hair and green eyes, I have a similar body type to those of Ancient Greek statues (kinda like Scarlett Johansson) and I’m 19. I also swear way too much haha
Hi Anon! Just started doing these ships today! Thanks so much for being interested!!
The first person I ship you with is...
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Lafayette! (I hope you read that in the only correct voice you should... aka LAFAYETTE!) Much like classic Aries, your relationship is fueled with passion and hot-headedness, but nevertheless loving and romantic. Lafayette loves to spoil you and fill your life with grand guestures, though you would be fine with the simplicity of his love. He is understanding and willing to learn more about your sexuality and wants to explore his own desires and wants when it comes to his own life, but also never wants to lose you of the love you share because you are perfect to him.
The second pairing I choose is...
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Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlett Witch! Girl is a force, let me tell you. She is passionate, loving, and creative, yet loves the simplicity of life and its pleasures. She loves your body and what you offer her, making her feel like a God with your love. She supports you through and through with your own goals and positions as you are not a superhero, but the Avengers treat you as so.
Wanda is private when it comes to your personal life, but loves you and worships the ground you walk on while staying fierce and kick-ass when it comes to saving the world.
The third pairing I choose is...
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Morf Vanderwalt! As an art critic, Morf knows what he likes the moment he lays eyes on it and that certainly was the case with you. Your eyes captured his heart and soul and your body entranced him like a Greek Goddess. Morf is also bisexual and is able to connect on another level with you other lovers had never been able to, both for himself and you. He also has quite the mouth when it comes to language so when your both in public, the first one to slip up puts money in the swear jar that is quickly growing in the apartment.
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Poly hamilsquad x reader elemental witches au
Pairing: poly hamilsquad x reader
A/N: I came up with this when I was having hallucinations due to lack of sleep.
♡each of you have different elemental powers
♡alex has the power of fire
♡John has the power of earth
♡Herc has the power of water
♡Laf has the power of air
♡ and you have the power of light
♡you all use your powers and magic during daily life
♡Alex cooks for everyone because food tastes better with fire magic
♡John has his own shed in the backyard where he makes his own ecosystem
♡Laf uses his air magic as a cooling system during hot summer days
♡Herc can turn the backyard into a pond in minutes if he wanted to
♡you often leave little balls of light floating around the house that whisper encouraging things to you and the boys
♡Alex is the hottest of the ground while you and Laf are the coldest
♡you can dim the lights in the house with the wave of a hand
♡You all have pets that correspond with your powers
♡Alex has a phoenix
♡John has a 1000 year old earth turtle
♡Herc has a water fox (picture it as a vaporeon)
♡Laf has a flying dog (Just go with it)
♡And you have all kinds of animals made out of light
♡Alex is the one you want to cuddle with on cold winter nights
♡You all live in a cabin in the woods, away from disapproving eyes
♡You and Laf usually make the journeys to town to get things because you two look the most normal
♡Every two years is a large gathering of all the witches in the country
♡You and your boys make the long trek there without the humans spotting you
♡Speaking of humans, you and your boys have at least a few human friends who know of your powers
♡Alex being friends with George and Martha Washington and aaron burr
♡You and John being close to the Schuler sisters
♡and Laf and Herc being best friends with Thomas and James
♡Alex almost got caught using his powers in public once
♡he was shopping for food when he accidentally set a box of cereal on fire
♡luckily, Herc was there as well to quickly put out the flames
♡You are all a family and care deeply about each other
A/N: yayy! Another thing done. Now I get some sleep
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jumpingjackets · 7 years
Coming Home (Alexander Hamilton x Reader)
Anonymous said: OKAY so ive had this idea for a while, but i dont think i could do it justice. So Gwash (or ham, whoever you prefer) and the crew™ get back from the war and reader greets him with a huge hug and a kiss and tears but no one knows that hes in a relationship so theyre all #shook
Word count: 1.1k
A/N: I’m so sorry I took so long. Been having a really bad few days, today was no different, but this was so fluffy that I just had to do it. I’m still practicing on the canon-era language so it might not be great there, but still, I hope you like it and that I didn’t butcher your idea!
You had been waiting on that shore for hours now. They told you the soldiers would be back via a ship through here, and you were going to wait for them in this very spot. You hadn’t received a letter from him in two weeks, but couldn’t bring yourself to believe that something had happened.
No. You couldn’t think like that. This is Alexander Goddamn Hamilton. He survived through so much as it is, a little war with a few men would be nothing for him. Yet, the feeling was still at the back of your mind and it didn’t let you rest. That’s why you were here, waiting, hours before they were set to arrive.
You saw a few other families arrive to the location. A few wives with a few children. A few older couples (probably parents) with dogs close at their sides. Everyone here was crying and trembling.
The sun was beginning to set and a wave of panic ran through you. Does this mean that they won’t get here? Your mind raced so much that you almost missed faint hint of a ship in the horizon had the children beside you not pointed it out so loudly. You bowed your head to pray to whatever God was out there that your Alexander was aboard. The sobs that racked your body were almost pitiful, and you felt a few people stare. You didn’t care and kept on praying.
You heard the boat crash into the shore and set. You didn’t have the strength to look up, even when you heard screams of joy around you.
What if he wasn’t there? You wouldn’t know what to do, how to react. Life would not be the same without him.
You were so nervous that you didn’t realize you had sunk to the ground. You felt a strong hand grip your shoulder and it made you look up. Teary eyes met another set of soft, loving ones. He wore such a gentle smile that he almost looked like an angel.
You opened your mouth to speak but could only muster up sobs as he knelt and enveloped you in a tight hug. You were glad you were on the ground because your legs couldn’t have held you up. You cried into the crook of his neck, inhaling the familiar smell that always lingered around him. He held you even tighter as his own tears stained your dress, but that was the least of your worries.
You pulled back only to check that it was actually him and that you weren’t dreaming. God had heard your prayers, because you were met with the face you had fallen in love with so long before. He rested his forehead on yours. His eyes were closed as more tears fell down his cheeks. You cupped his cheek to wipe them away with your thumb and your heart skipped a beat when he leaned into your touch. He leaned in and placed a kiss to your lips, almost experimentally, almost to check that it was you.
In that moment, it was just the both of you. It was just you and this man, together, crying and holding each other. You hadn’t realized just how much you longed for his lips, his arms, his presence. The feeling inside your chest was mind numbing, so full of love.
When Alexander pulled back, he never let go of you. He pulled you closer to his body and you rested your head on his chest. You felt the thumping of his heart where your ear was.
He was alive. He was here.
You were like this for a few minutes when he pulled back to stand up, helping you on your feet as well. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you settled yours around his neck.
He gave you a warm smile, the same one you could never resist to kiss. And kiss him you did. He pulled back with soft laughter and you laughed as well.
He was still the same Alexander from before. In that second where you looked at his eyes shining with love, you knew that this man could survive anything.
As you two shared a moment, you looked over Alexander’s shoulder to see three men looking back at you with wide eyes and half opened mouths. You thought it was strange and a tad bit uncomfortable.
“Yes, my dear?”
“Why are the three men behind you staring at us?”
He turned his head back, and you noticed his cheeks redden. He took your hand in his and led you to these three men.
“Mon chéri, who is this?” A tall man with curly hair and a very distinct French accent looked up and down at you.
Alexander smiled at you reassuringly, which you returned.
“Gilbert, John, Your Excellency, meet the woman who owns my heart.”
You felt a heat run to your cheeks as you rested your forehead on Alexander’s shoulder.
“Son, you never told us you were with someone.” A man equally as tall said, almost in disbelief. When you looked up to see him, his eyes met yours. He had an intimidating stance but his eyes only looked kind and gentle, like they have seen many wars that had worn them down. You almost didn’t feel worthy of him looking at you. You looked up at Alexander, and it was clear that he held high respect for this man.
“I guess I didn’t, I’m sorry.”
“What is your name, mon ange?” the French man now spoke to you directly.
“Oh, uh, Y/N, sir.” You responded. You felt Alexander’s eyes on you, and you looked up. He wore a smile as he looked down at you, eyes filled with love and admiration.
God, you loved this man.
“My love, this is John,” he motioned at the smallest of the three men. A young man with a face filled with freckles, and he shot you a kind smile and a wave.
“This is Gilbert,” He motioned at the French man, and he took your hand in his and placed a kiss in the back.
“Lovely to meet the woman who kept Alexander alive in such a terrible war.” He said. His words ran through you like a bullet. Alexander’s grip on your hand now felt heavy, and you squeezed fit to come to your senses. You had been so happy to have your Alexander back that you hadn’t even realized what was really happening.
He survived the war.
“And this is George Washington.” He said before you could dive into your thoughts any further. The General extended his hand, and you took it in a firm handshake.
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/N.” He said. You simply nodded.
The sun had set long ago, and a cold air hit the five of you. You all shivered and let out a laugh.
“It’s time to go home, boys.” The General said, addressing mostly the soldiers.
You looked up at your Alexander, and you couldn’t agree more.
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bonniebird · 4 years
As long as she needs me
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Alcide x Reader
Requested by @human-and-angel-2​
Alcide hugged you as soon as the door was opened. “Alcide! It’s nice to see you too.” You said. Your voice was muffled against his shoulder as he squeezed you. Eventually letting you down.
“It’s been so long! You said you had an emergency.” He explained and smiled when you nodded.
“It’s a werewolf problem.” You said as you glanced around and pulled him inside. The last thing you needed was the nosy old bag from next door overhearing.
“Like, you’re a werewolf now or…?”
“Oh! No, not me. My nephews. They’re real little but apparently. One the last full moon. They turned into wolves and my sister is sending them here. I don’t know if they’re werewolves or shifters or… oh gee they could be anything I guess. I would ask Sam but he’s away and, well, Sookie has all those vamps around her. I suppose. Well I just thought maybe you could help for a while, just a few days. Until they settle in.” You explained and Alcide smiled.
“I don’t mind helping you pup sit. It’ll make a nice change to the usual favours people ask me to do.” He said cheerfully.
“Oh Alcide you are a lifesaver. They’ve already eaten me out of house and home, they were running rings around Arlene. You know how my sister is. She just turned up at the crack of dawn, unloaded them, no shoes still in their pajamas and started hollering about werewolves. I don’t have a phone number for her or an address or anything. The last time I saw the youngest he was newborn.” You started blabbering on until you paused and your eyes went wide. “They’ve gone quiet!”
Alcide hurried after you as you rushed to your yard. Jason Stackhouse had built a fence all around the yard one summer way back when you were in school with Sookie. Your sister had tried to run off with him that same summer and Sookie had told you that she was surprised to find anyone more of a flake than Jason.
“They couldn't have got out! The yards fence in!” You said quickly as you started looking for them.
“They probably squeezed through here.” Alcide said. He pointed to a small hole he’d crouched next to. “If they’re turning into wolves like your sister said they couldn’t be very big, they’re young.”
“What’re the chances that all three with different fathers are all werewolves?” You asked uncertainly.
“Maybe it’s on your side?” Alcide offered as he started stripping. You turned away, catching the clothes he tossed at you as he shifted.
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“I know we have two witches and a psychic. No wolves or shifters though. Unless my sister has a type.” You said to the wolf that was now looking up at you. He sniffled softly before heading to the back gate. You unlocked it so he could squeeze through. “I’ll wait here in case they come back and I’ll leave the back gate open for you.” You called after him.
“(Y/N)!” Sookie said as she let herself into the house.
“Sook! I need your help for a second.” You called from upstairs. You heard her running up the carpeted stairs and she reached up to grab some of the blankets that had been in your arms.
“You said your sister abandoned the boys again!” Sookie said as you climbed down from the airing cupboards top shelf with a few pillows.
“Well Mom and Pop aren’t around anymore so they’re stuck with me. Apparently they started turning into wolves and she couldn’t cope.” You explained. “All three. Did you call Sam?”
“Yup, all three. I tried but he won't be back until the end of the week, which totally sucks but, luckily Alcide came. He’s out looking for the boys, he’s been gone a while. I’m sure they’re all fine but I’m starting to worry.” You admitted. Sookie sighed as she followed you, letting out a low whistle letting you know she didn’t envy you one bit.
“I’ll call Sam later and see if he has any advice for you. Arlene said the boys were wild earlier.”
You hummed in agreement as she helped you set up the spare room for Alcide. Your sister’s old room would have to squeeze in all three of the boys for now. “I don’t mind looking after them. I don’t. I’m sure we’ll all figure out how to deal with whatever this wolf thing is, which, i might add you. I have yet to see with my own eyes. I just hate to let them down. I’m gonna have to juggle working and then tracking down their mom. Poor Alcide came down here and I’m sure he was hoping for a quick punch up and a scenic trip home.” You said to Sookie who gave you a sympathetic hug.
“Me and Jason will help out, Bill too, once the wolf thing is under control you just know Tara will be happy to help too, she just loves the oldest two and she’ll be dying to meet the little one. He hasn’t been round here since your momma made your sister come home to have him.” Sookie said as she pulled away.
You both hurried to the window when you heard a ruckus outside. Jason was walking up the drive, Alcide chasing two smaller pups that were darting all over the place. The youngest sat on one of Jason’s shoulders, wearing his shirt like which fell long past his feet. “There see, they found them. One less thing to worry about.” Sookie said encouragingly.
“Oh my stars! You were all gone for so long I was worried.” You said as you rushed down the stairs, taking your youngest nephew from Jason who was promptly tackled by a pup. Alcide sloped off to excuse himself, dragging his pile of clothes with him.
“Yeah, this one ran in front of my car starkers. Had the fight of my life. Then I saw these two chasing him. Then I recognised the big dog that followed. Sookie said something about them being shifters or whatever. What’d your sister get into?” Jason said as he ruffled the fur of the largest wolf who was sniffing at him.
“Who knows.” You sighed and thanked Sookie who had hurried into the hall to fetch a bag of kids clothes Arlene had gathered for you from people around town.
“The oldest is definitely a were.” Alcide said as he came back, now dressed. “The younger two could just be shifters that imprinted and seem like werewolves because they’re mimicking their brother.”
“How do we figure out… what they are?” You asked nervously.
“We wait until they’re older and ask Sam.” Alcide said quickly. He started wrestling with the small wolf pup as he took a seat on the sofa.
“Well, how do we turn them back? We can’t just have a bunch of wolves running around in broad daylight.” Jason pointed out.
“You’ll have to wait for them to want to turn back.” Alcide explained and you nodded.
“I have just the thing.” You said decisively. You hurried out of sight and came back with three chocolate bars. Immediately the boys changed back and Sookie helped you wrangle them into the new clothes.
“Thanks for your help today.” You said to Alcide. He paused, having been washing up the dinner plates. Sookie had insisted on take out, when Laffayette and Tara heard the boys were back they wanted to see the rascals for themselves. It had ended in a family style dinner, with take out from all the places that were open.
It took two and a half hours and a phone call from Arlene to get the boys to sleep. By the time that was over everyone was ready to get home and rest up for work the next day. “It’s no problem… but I do have to run back home for some things.” Alcide said quickly.
“Oh! You don’t… don’t have to stay if you… There’s a room made up but…” You started saying and he shook his head.
“I’ll be back, I just packed for… Well I didn’t pack. I figured I’d be running an unwanted wolf out of town. I um. I figured I’d stick around for as long as you’ll have me. It’s hard enough for a pack to deal with lots of pups. Never mind one human. Not that you couldn't handle it alone. I just.. What kind of friend would I be if I abandoned you now.” He laughed a little and smiled at you as you started helping him clear the dining room.
“Thanks Alcide.” You said and hugged him quickly.
“I shouldn’t be long, I’ll just need a few tools and clothes, it should only take an hour or so.” 
“You should take these. House keys, Sookie left hers. She said she’d share Tara’s copy so we don’t have to cut any extras.” You explained quickly as you held out a set of keys on a keychain with a sparkly pink heart.
Once Alcide was gone you finished tidying up, setting things in piles that you could deal with the next day, you finally decided you had done enough and flopped down onto the sofa. You knew you should trudge up to bed but now you’d sat down you couldn’t be bothered to move. “A few minutes with my eyes closed won't hurt.” You mumbled to yourself.
Alcide had taken longer to pack up than he’d meant to. He was overthinking and he knew it. He’d met you through your sister. More specifically. He had met you when you turned up in a werewolf bar when you were all younger and had dragged her out. He’d dropped her home a few times after that. Your father hated him and decided he was the reason for your sister running away for days on end and dropping out of school. Your mother was more than happy that someone was willing to run her back home every time your sister passed out in a bar she’d managed to sneak into.
When you were all younger he’d daydream about what it’d be like to end up with you. When you’d invited him to a party and introduced Jason as your best friend’s brother, he assumed that you’d end up dating Jason. He felt nervous. More nervous than he had the night he’d almost kissed you for the first time after you snuck him into your house to celebrate your graduation.
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By the time he’d pulled himself out of his head Alcide had realised he’d packed up everything in his apartment into his truck. He repeated to himself that he was helping you because he was a good were, no human could handle three growing pups alone and Sookie meant well but you needed his help. It didn’t mean anything more. He would be a good friend, no feelings mixing things up. 
He would help you handle the mess your sister had dumped on you and when Sam Merlotte got back into town you wouldn’t need him anymore and he would step aside. Because he was your friend, he’d been your best friend at one point, you’d told him everything. He let himself into the house as quietly as he could and paused in the hallway, setting down the few bags he’d need in the morning. He smiled as he saw you, asleep, uncomfortably sprawled upright on the sofa. After looking at you for a moment he sighed. Crossing the room he lifted you into his arms and carried you up to bed. He set you down gently and kissed your forehead as he pulled the blankets around you.
“Only as long as she needs me, nothing more, no feelings just helping your friend.” Alcide whispered to himself under his breath as he pulled away from you and shuffled out of the room, closing the door as gently as he could.
He looked up to see three curious faces starting at him from round the doorway down the hall. “Alright, let's get you back to bed.” He said with a fond smile.
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hamilbroke · 7 years
Mornings(Lafayette x Reader)
You cuddled to the cold space beside you, expecting Gilbert to be there. Groaning, you lazily picked yourself up and grabbed the nearest shirt you can reach. Realizing it was his shirt you grabbed, you inhaled the scent you always loved about him. What happened the night before might explain why all your clothes were in a shitstorm on the floor.
You got out of the bedroom and went immediatly to the kitchen, hearing some cooking going on. From behind, you wrap your arms around Lafayette, who’s intensely focused on his cooking.
“What are you cooking, babe?” You ask, nuzzling your face between his shoulder blades.
“Breakfast, mon amour. Last night must have exhausted you.” He chuckled, placing a soft kiss on your temple. His morning voice was just one of the reasons why you love waking up.
“Uhuh. Still amazing though.” You say, now walking towards the refrigerator. You hear him chuckle again, slightly shaking his head.
“You did phenomenal as well.” He answers. You walk back to the counter beside him and jumped on this. Watching Gilbert cook made him 10 times hotter than he already is.
“Y/N, what are you eating?” He asks, noticing the small bucket of ice cream in your hand.
“Breakfast.” You smirk, mocking what he said earlier. You slowly put the spoon with ice cream in your mouth.
“It’s early morning. That’s bad for your health, mon ange.” He says, glancing back at you, not wanting to ruin his cooking.
“I don’t want you as my nutritionist, Gilbert. Being my boyfriend is enough.” You smile, knowing that disobeying him annoys Laf.
“Y/N.” Gilbert says, showing a stern expression on his face.
“What are you gonna do about it?” You tease him once again. Lafayette turns off the stove and moved in between your legs. His face dangerously(or not) close to yours. He examines you from head to toe, finally looking back to your eyes with a smirk on his face.
“You’re wearing my shirt.” He whispers, placing his hands on your thighs.
“I don’t care.” You put your arms around his neck.
“Yeah keep it on. My shirts look hot on you.” He says, before finally placing a passionate kiss on your lips. You grab the nape of his neck and move to the edge of the counter to deepen the already hot kiss. You hear him moan softly making you smirk into the kiss. He places his hands on your back, pulling you closer.
After a few minutes, which only felt like seconds to both of you, he pulled away. He softly placed his forehead on yours.
“Coffee crumble tastes better when it’s on your lips, amour.” He chuckles. You lightly slap his shoulder.
“Jesus fucking christ, Laf. You’re disgusting.” You push him away. He kissed you again, sweeter and less intense than the last.
“And yet you love me.” He winks, continuing his cooking.
You couldn’t help but agree. You wouldn’t want anyone else except him.
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