#lamp theory
castielsprostate · 9 months
another thing i love about the lamp theory in regards to castiel supernatural is that you never really think about lamps until you need them. they only have one specific purpose, to illuminate. they're only useful at specific times and otherwise they don't get used eventhough they're there, they're always there, they're just only used. never loved. in this essay i wi
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destiel lamp to buddie couch pipeline but this time the main defender of the furniture metaphor is one half of the ship himself
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mother-fluffing-queen · 9 months
I just recently finished supernatural for the first time, and I didn't look at anything on hellsite before finishing it just in case. But I do have a question. What the hell is the lamp theory?
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convenient nests
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rayjeff · 3 months
I would like to apologise for my previous statements as they do not seem to be a great reflection of who I think you are.
You instead a lot like an unkempt cat in the middle of Paris, Texas, owned by closeted lesbians couple in the middle of a drama show about discovering themselves and running away to Europe.
That is all. Stay beautiful.
That's.... oddly specific
So basically I'm a homeless catgirl adopted by gay people now ',:^
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i-read-by-lamp · 9 months
I’d just like to once again pose the concept that Anger fucks with Logan specifically because anger blinds logic which is why his eyes glow when he gets mad at Remus after being ignored by Thomas all day. Idk if I believe that Logan Is Anger^tm but I could see a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation since generally when you’re angry logic goes Out The Window.
Tbh though I really hope they’re separate entities because we haven’t seen a different side have such total control over Logan the way Janus and Remus could control the others. Logan isn’t really affected by Janus outside of the hand over the mouth, and he isn’t afraid of Remus. Do you know how fun it would be to have a completely new side just be able to nerf Logan and make him lose his common sense? And it’s not a “oh his dark persona that shares his body” situation?
Like imagine a side that shows up and just completely knee caps Logan. Logan can’t see it but there’s a side behind him feeding into his frustrations, a whisper in his ear when the others try to confront him about it. Because the second logic loses its grip in conflict it opens the door for anger to take the wheel. Anger possesses you and overwhelms you. Maybe Logan is just particularly vulnerable to the manipulation right now because of his repressed emotions.
I just can’t see this going any other way except it all blows up and logic is no longer in the building all we have is A Very Angry Side being boosted in his anger by a side he can’t even *see*.
Even better is if everyone else can see Anger but Logan is just Mad^tm and can’t see anything.
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soylent-crocodile · 5 months
Lamp of Desire (Item)
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(Luna Luna by FrostAlexis)
Aura- Strong Enchantment, Strong Illusion, Weak Evocation CL- 8th Slot- None Price- 64,000gp Weight- 8 lbs
This well crafted lamp has entrancingly organic shapes and a warm, welcoming glow. 
Creatures that see it must succeed a DC15 Will save or stare at it continuously, as with the spell Lock Gaze. Every 10 minutes a staring creature gets another save with a cumulative +1 bonus to break the enchantment. Creatures who succeed their save do not need to make it again for another 24 hours. A creature gets an additional save when jostled or disturbed by an outside force, such as an enemy’s attack or the aid of an ally. 
Additionally the lamp may sometimes choose a mature being with intelligence 3 or higher who is either romantically available or unfaithful to their current spouse as their “seduced”, as a permanent Charm Monster. The creature gets a DC18 Will save to avoid this effect, and, once a day, may gain an additional save at a -2 penalty when an ally explains to them that the lamp is merely a very nice lamp and not a person. This effect can not be dispelled by Dispel Magic but can be broken by Break Enchantment.
The seduced perceives the lamp to be of great romantic value and attempts to woo it, slowly going through the motions of “meeting”, “asking out”, “dating”, and even trying to “marry” the lamp if the enchantment is not broken. If the lamp is moved or taken by another, the seduced will often go to great lengths to “rescue” the lamp, treating it as though their spouse or a particularly attractive person had been abducted. Similarly, when another person is seduced by the lamp, they may act as the cunning and cruel kidnapper who steals it and tries to make it their love. 
The lamp, when turned on, also emits light like a torch. 
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completeoveranalysis · 11 months
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Chapitre 197 - Two Lives
Oh mister imbalance himself! No thank you take it back. 
The splash text reads:
My indecision and my hesitation I discarded long ago
So that I may obtain one singe thing
And yeah I guess that does sum him up pretty well.
The pose is frankly incredible, I don’t think he deserves it. 
This is the giant oil painting of himself he hangs in the break room of his evil organisation. He has smaller poster versions he puts up in all the hallways. He also has bookmarks made as well. He loves this version of himself dearly. It’s the way he really sees himself. It’s the way he assumes he is. 
And the moon he reaches towards is so beautiful, but I think there’s a little bit of actual moon nonsense I don’t quite get with him yet. The full moon appeared in the reflection of the water that one time, out of sync with the time around it, and I’m not sure if that’s if further significance to Evil Wolverine himself or if it was more of a warning of the time of his arrival. 
But either way It’s so interesting that he could be just be standing by the moon, but instead he’s standing in front of a roughly hewn out poor imitation of the moon instead. It’s not even exactly the right shape, and you can see the broken base at the bottom, still jagged. And IS it the moon, or is it a leftover fragment of that statue Sakura that was praying at? Is it an echo of Evil Wolverine hacking away at the universe and taking the remnants proudly for himself? 
Is it a continuation of how he hacks away at everything he touches in service of his own wish, leaving everything else around him a broken ruin that suits him perfectly? How he not only doesn’t care about the lives he ruins but ACTIVELY aims to do it in order to get what he wants? 
Is it a peek into the fact that he wants "the moon", but all he’ll ever be able to achieve is an ugly simulacrum of it? How he’ll never get exactly what he wants, but thinks that ruining the universe until he can get something close enough is good enough for him? That it’s some incredible and worthy goal worth looking forward to, but in reality it's just a shambles of broken rock, battered and stolen and only a fraction of what it might have been without him? 
Is the fact that it’s all Rock a sign that Evil Wolverine’s wish is essentially just a barren landscape, a lifeless universe that roughly looks almost like what he wants if you squint a bit?
And yet he thinks he’s pulling it off masterfully the entire time. 
Also there's a JUICY, delicious morsel in the fact that the splash text refers to him leaving behind "hesitation" specifically - and it was Lava Lamp's hesitation that ultimately lead to him missing Sakura's hand and being unable to save her. It shows the parallel between the two (that Evil Wolverine himself is so thrilled by) and also demonstrates why Evil Wolverine thinks he's right. It's almost like he's experienced the exact same moment already, or something very similar to it. If he ever does hesitate he'll have the same result - he'll lose the person he's fighting to save. So he's decided to go Full Speed in the other direction and never hesitate or let anything else ever hold him back again, and this has lead to him full on slaughtering countless worlds without ever thinking twice.
It's a great reflection on what Lava Lamp's own dedication could turn into - and he's from the same bloodline, so the parallels write themselves. If pushed in the same directions WOULD Lava Lamp end up as the next Evil Wolverine, or will his heart let him grow in ways that Evil Wolverine cut out of himself a long time ago?
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sarcophagid · 3 months
the one deduction about ithaqua not believing in supernatural things is kinda funny bc he's like "magic is fake i dont subscribe to that" anyone else can say this i will believe them but you literally tornado people with your mind
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upsidedownlurker · 8 months
So we all know that the DnD games are used as foreshadowing alllll the timeeee. WELL, LET'S TAKE A LOOK AT THIS~
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In Hellfire's final DnD session, Vecna didn't die so the Party has to fight him again. They need a substitute for a missing member, so they look everywhere, but come up squat. (Sidenote: the people Mike asks for help have similarities to Will! Artists, nerds...) Finally, they find an unexpected sub: Erika. An OG party member rolls an 11 and misses– but the sub rolls a nat 20 and defeats Vecna.
Who fails to defeat Vecna first?
It's pretty clear that Eleven will be the one to try and fail to defeat Vecna. Her powers have been heavily leaned on for help in every Season– this time, not even Eleven can stop Vecna.
But the substitute can.
Who could be a substitute for Eleven?
Who is capable of fulfilling her role?
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Who has been as integral to the overarching story as Eleven has?
Who has been compared to Eleven time and time again across the series?
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Which character has been denied autonomy throughout the show, constantly being kidnapped, possessed, hurt and forgotten?
Which character deserves to fight back against the force that has terrorised them for so long?
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Who did the series begin with in the first place?
That's right...
It's Steve. Steve's going to defeat Vecna, and he'll do it in those sweet-ass sunnies.
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I’ve realized something, in Dhmis red sure is associated with phones a lot. Like he’s the one to call duck, in the jobs episode he’s the one to pick up the phone. Again in the Jobs episode when he gets teleported for the rest of the song he asked where his phone is even though it’s shown he doesn’t really do anything, not even make the phone calls. I wonder why his phone is so important to him. I wonder if he’s expecting a call from someone.
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obeymeow · 1 year
nightbringer lesson 14 FUCKED ME UP in several ways but primarily I've spent the last 48 hours making myself sad over the solomon backstory we got. specifically I have, for no reason, latched onto that one chapter in the Kids event where baby solomon cried because he felt so guilty over being responsible for that spell. and that just feels a touch more depressing in context
#nightbringer spoilers#obey me on side#went back and unlocked the event again because i could not get this out of my brain i know it's probably not that deep#but it is that deep TO ME. okay#baby solomon has been on my brain since thirteen told that story so that's probably why it's sticking in my brain so hard but whatever#in case anyone was wondering the other things to make me sad are:#he has such a deeply excessive amount of lights in his room in purgatory hall there are SEVERAL chandeliers and lamps#there's a good handful in his room in cocytus hall too (his horror dg showed it) if a more normal amount#but that with the 'dim and gloomy' detail. ☹️#i've also always thought that solomon's loneliness wasn't all about the immortal angst but like.#having it confirmed that he's had reason to be lonely since he was a child- before he was old enough to know he was using magic-#totally crushed me girl why can't I be wrong#had emotions about lesson 14 in general but solomon backstory steals the show every time for me so i haven't gotten around to the rest#i'm enjoying the nightbringer story so much (not talking about the game design. that's a different thing entirely) but man#the pacing is WILD it feels like every lesson could be a whole lesson block at the least. it's giving me a lot of room to speculate#which I always love! but i do wish they would slow down a little and expand on some of these concepts they're bringing up#because the basic idea of the game alone is REALLY INTRIGUING and it'd be a shame if they raced back to the present imo#what was i even talking about. sorry my brain fast forwards as soon as i get into the tags there is not one sequitur to be seen#so curious about solomon's friend now too. like my guess is it's going to be lilith (and hopefully not in a popular fan theory kind of way)#because it's more than a little suspicious that they expanded on lilith's views on humans the way they did#in a way that SO PERFECTLY lines up with the expansion on solomon's views on humans#WHICH I HAVEN'T TALKED ABOUT YET BY THE WAY BUT LIKE. HE IS SO RIGHT AND REAL FOR THAT#it's beyond stressful to me that I think solomon is completely justified in his views and being completely reasonable about it#but that it would also mean war between the worlds presumably while the brothers are still recovering from THEIRS#you cannot give me that choice man. not even sure that the human world would be ABLE to win that fight if we're being real#solomon's 72 pacts are a lot yes but he's still only one guy who is NOT on good terms with the sorcerer's society#and mc is powerful but so so inexperienced. and that's IF they choose to side with the human world which#really i don't think the canon mc is likely to do. but anyway i guess solomon's friend could also be adam maybe?#that could be wishful thinking because i like adam though. even if his hair SUUUCKS#deeply offended by everyone thinking solomon got the fucked up hair when all signs point to adam be NICE TO HIM he's ugly already
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destielfandomlore · 5 months
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autumnsorbet · 2 years
Cinder lied about the relics
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She didn't add more fire to atlas,I think cinder use the staff to make the real relics small some how and all so make 2 fake relics and gave the fake relics to Salem it's why we see Salem in the trailer looking
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upset the relics she has don't work and cinder will lie and say there out of uses, so she will send cinder to vacuo to help get the sword,well Salem use her grim pools to make more grim for her last stand at vale so she can get the last relic
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Lucid: “Ah! I like your lamp!”
Lucifer: “My lamp? Lucid, that’s the Rings of Hell.”
Lucid: “…Can’t it be both?”
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blee-bleep · 1 year
How does somebody whose only shipped lesbian ships before become so obsessed with Erehisu?
Y'see, anon, it's a little something called "bisexuality"
#i actually watched aot becuz of yumihisu but then i read the manga and i slapped my head and said#'shit why did they cut off so many scenes of them together'#them being erehisu#and then ymir fritz dropped and THEN i listened to that Linked Horizon song where a baby wailed at the end#then im like yooooooo fcuking hell theyre future parents to this poor girl omggggg#honestly i stumbled into erehisu by my own becuz after reading the uprising arc in the manga i felt like i had to do the ship justice#just cuz how overlooked it was and how i realized that they probably had the better chemistry#the more i looked into their characterizations and parallels to each other#like them being burdened putting up a fake facade just for others and having to come to terms to it#as well as the way their family shaped them (carla frieda and freckled ymir are the goats)#it wasnt much back then BUT THEN i read apple and lamp theory#and its soooooooo fucking beautiful it just seared into my mind forever.#Enemies To Humanity is something so unbelievable yet fascinating to me as a dynamic but it all clicked the moment i put it in its context#i dont support whatever the fuck the alt-right part of the fandom has of it thats another ball game#i ship erehisu in the way i percieve it to be the most fitting to the mature themes of the story#its not the first 'straight' ship i liked but it IS the first ship where i think it's ultimately superior to others including the wlw ships#thats why im so obsessed with them
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