usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Lancaster of No. 103 Squadron RAF pauses on the flarepath at Elsham Wolds, Lincolnshire, before taking off for a raid on Duisburg, Germany. 26th March 1943.
Image Repair & Colourisation - Nathan Howland @ HowdiColourWorks.
@WW2Airfields via X
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koszmarnybudyn · 7 months
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So i listened (basiclly binged in 3 days) find us alive, and it was great (i think i have 3 episodes left till i catch up), so here are my designs for the main cast :)
Also close up to that Harley drawing cause i think its neat:
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00katrinka00 · 5 months
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #60
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Dear Diary, I managed to get a job as a caterer. I'm not all that excited about it, but we need to pay the bills somehow. I'm planning to try busking in Ward Park later, so I'm really hoping I can make some money doing so. -Violet
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That morning, before Jenna and Lacy woke up, Violet decided to cook them some eggs and toast. She thought it'd be a nice little surprise after their night out yesterday. Little did she know, disaster was about to strike.
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A fire soon erupted from the stope and engulfed Violet. She quickly started to bat out the flames until Lacy came to the rescue. "What the hell happened?" Lacy asked panicked. "HOW?" "I don't know, it just happened."
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Jenna wasn't having anything to do with the fire and ran straight outside, clearly tense. After Lacy put the fire out, Jenna headed back inside and cleaned the floor up.
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"I was just trying to make breakfast," Violet said. "I didn't mean to set the house on fire. Now we have less money for bills." "We got insurance money from the damaged household items," Lacy tried to console her. "But it still cost more to re-buy everything." "Calm down."
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"I can't calm down!" Violet exclaimed. "We have bills to pay, you don't have a job, and Jenna isn't making much off of royalties from her SimTube videos, and I don't start work until later tonight and now I lit the whole house on fire. What do I do?" "Maybe start with a shower?"
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While Violet showered, Lacy managed to sign with a talent agency. Meanwhile, Jenna decided to try making breakfast herself. She opted to make salad, because it seemed like the best way to not burn the house down again.
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Jenna had the breakfast salad ready by the time Violet was done showering "Jen this is disgusting," Lacy grimaced "Oh, I'm sorry," Jenna said sarcastically. "I wasn't aware you wanted to starve." "Please stop arguing," Violet cut in. "We have more important things to talk about."
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"We're seriously short on money, and I need both of you to step up and help out," Violet told them. "I'm going busking later, hopefully I can make some money doing that." "I'll work extra hard on getting videos out," Jenna offered. "I can look into acting gigs," Lacy said. "Good"
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Violet made good on her word and headed to Ward Park to try her hand at busking for tips. It didn't seem to work too well, because she made absolutely nothing. Before she knew, it was time to head to her first catering shift.
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Jenna spent the day in her room recording, editing, and posting videos with the hopes she'd start receiving royalties soon. Lacy on the other hand, fell asleep on the couch instead of searching for open auditions, at least, Lacy didn't see any acting roles that she wanted.
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After waking from her nap, Jenna came out to take a break from editing. "So, what happened to that girl from the club last night?" "Oh, she left after we woohooed," Lacy said with a shrug. "You actually woohooed?" "Well yeah, why else would I have brought her home."
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"You're over Owen then?" Jenna asked. As Lacy opened her mouth to reply, Jenna's phone rang. "Holy watcher, it's Marcus." "Who?" "The guy from last night, hold on." Jenna went to her room to take the call. He was asking her on a date for the following day, Jenna happily accepted.
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kamen20ghost · 3 months
Landcaster Shenanigans
Weiss: That is strange... *glances at Ruby and jaune*
Ruby : What??.. Just because something weird and completely out of the blue occurs, doesn't mean one of us automatically have something to do with it.
Jaune: ya what Ruby said!
Weiss: *calming down* Did you two have something to do with it?
Ruby & jaune: Yes...
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dungeonmalcontent · 16 days
So I made a post a couple days ago about polling for some design elements for the Necromancer class doc. I was then promptly injured and unable to look at screens for more than a few seconds at a time.
Now that I have mostly recovered, I can actually grab screenshots and put the poll up.
For now I am looking at title page (and potentially general) header fonts. This poll is a general necromancer aesthetics question, I don't have final cover art pinned down yet (I usually use stock art). Ideally, the font is easily legible and has a gothic / old-timey / esoteric look. The selection I have for the poll isn't all encompassing either, so if you know a better font feel free to suggest one.
1 - Black Chancery
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2 - Cardinal
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3 - Deadly Breakfast
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4 - Death Crow
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5 - Hallowed Ground
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6 - Haunting Attraction
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7 - Landcaster Castle
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8 - Medici Text
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9 - Mirage Gothic
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10 - Readable Gothic
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merdum7 · 11 days
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Joy Division at Landcaster Gate tube station in London, 11 November 1979.
Photo by Anton Corbijn
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ofcircusesandhives · 4 months
Hm.. question for our computerized assistant, what prison are they talking about in that first note?
Loading- Landcaster State prison- created in 1991. Track record- Poor. Inmates- Life sentences/death row highest %-
Warning-Warning- Alert Buddy receving news-
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tennantloki · 10 months
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this poem is titled “hazel grace landcaster” and is inspired by john green’s reasons behind the name for the protagonist of “the fault in our stars”
john green on the meaning behind hazel’s name: “hazel is an in-between color, and hazel is constantly walking the line between life and death.”
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rainbowriderjt · 7 months
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Landcaster Bomber & 2 Spitfires
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nitannichionne · 2 years
If He Was Your Fan (A Henry Cavill Fanfic), Chapter 75: American Lady
The minute you rise you feel like you are going to faint.
Weeks ago you were worth maybe a hundred thousand. Now you are worth closer to a hundred million. You look to your right and left at Graham and Wilson who are standing by the doors but on opposite sides of the room. They humor you and wear Christmas tree pins with their Men In Black wear.
You look down at Henry. How is he taking this? You look down at your hand and get a lump in your throat as you see he still has it, warm and strong as it envelopes yours. You sit and your eyes go straight to his.
“I have a lot of questions,” He smiles, shaking his head in disbelief as he takes both of your hands into his.
“It’s been an interesting few weeks,” you admit softly.
“I think it’s time we catch up,” he rises from his seat. He offers you your cape.
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He escorts you out on deck in the moonlight. “So, how did this start?”
“They found Al, my great great grandfather, buried at Edenvale.”
“He was buried not far from the house he was supposed to inherit,” You tell him. “He must have come to claim his birthright, and was murdered. The SIS found out before it could be taken or destroyed. Remember the Eden family was of some rank, so finding a missing heir was a bit of a cold case.”
“But how did you—” he pauses. “The DNA test.”
“Yes, London Grand Dame always wants to know if they have nobility or notoriety in their midst,” you exhale. “so…this year, the search proved successful?”
“So what’s been going on the past few weeks I’ve been gone?”
“A lot,” you confess. “First there was the matter of releasing funds. I was given the house and grounds right away. Landcaster and Devlin was about to put up a fight, but the DNA tests were so conclusive, especially when they compared Alden to Al then to me. They moved quickly on it, but I am not sure why. Then, I was introduced to the people of Edenvale-about eight hundred or so, at a village meeting.”
His look turned to one of concern. “Oh, how did that go?”
Your mind’s eye reflects on the meeting. “Some are curious, some are threatened. They asked if I wanted anything or planned to make changes. I have been.”
He went still. “You have?”
“Well, yes, I’m updating and expanding the library at our elementary school, and I’m reopening a business and turning it into a hostel with a library and all day café-nothing like the Red Lion. Just bunkbeds, tea sandwiches, soups and pastries all day, a collegiate feel. And I’m looking to open a clinic.”
“That’s a lot!”
“It’s what is needed,” you say. “The Red Lion is really nice, but if we want to catch the college students or their visitors this may work. Oxford isn’t far, you know, so I am in talks with Plantlet, our closest secondary school in the next town for some funding...I’m excited.”
He raises an eyebrow. “They want this—”
“They’ve been wanting to develop, and I can help.”
“So how are you paying for this?”
“Out of the money.”
His concern returns. “You really should try to—”
“The projections for all projects is less than five million, though I’m not planning on more than seven,” you shrug. “that’s more than the cost of your house in California, and about a tenth of my fortune.”
“You are going to make it home?”
“One of them, I think,” you nod. “There is still leadership and a council of sorts, and I am not disturbing it. I am reopening a business and establishing a small medical resource, building as little as possible, but reusing or repurposing buildings. I am not dangerous to them. They want a doctor here, they don’t mind rekindling a business, and I am expanding their educational resources.”
“You sound like you are going to run for office, love.”
“I have no desire to participate in politics of any kind,” you say quickly. “I am just respecting and investing in my ancestors’ birthplace.”
“Lady Edenvale?”
“Uh—” You turn slowly. “Yes?”
“Dancing is starting.” Graham nods respectfully.
Your eyes narrow at “Alright?”
“It seems that you have a dance card?”
Henry is as incredulous as you are. “A what?”
“For charity?” Graham says. “And besides, it’s impressive. Important people, people who can help with your projects for Evendale, milady.”
“I haven’t even—”
“Word got around quickly,” Graham chuckles softly. “The second your name was entered in the book of Lords, everyone got an announcement.”
“But I’m not a member of parliament or—”
“Maybe not, milady,” Graham nods. “but your fortune was untouchable. That is no longer the case now that you are here.”
“I don’t like the way that sounded.” Henry’s voice is a growl.
“Please, milady,” Graham looks around. “for charity?”
“I guess…I should go?” you say to Henry, pleading for understanding.
“I guess I’d better find that dance card,” Henry gives a small smile.
“I think it’s full,” Graham says apologetically.
“Save the last dance,” Henry tells you.
You nod. So much unsaid, you think as he walks away, noting his step is all business. What to do now? “Alright, Graham, let’s go.”
Just as you go back inside, you see none other than Lara Winters. When did she arrive? Was she here the whole time? Your stomach turns, and you fight your inclination to go back to Henry. Truthfully, it wasn’t much a fight, with Graham pushing you along and advising about alliances and such. At the moment you couldn’t care less.
The night becomes an endless dance on the floor. You barely get to talk to your friends, and Henry appears and reappears. He offers dances to help at the charity, and you see he is watching you a little every time he is on the floor with someone. You only feel upset when Lara buys a few dances but Chiru and Sophie work up a dance card for him and cut her off, stopping Sara from making selections of her own, saying it’s only fair to have a list. Thank goodness for friends. Graham gives you a quick “who they are, where they’re from, what they do, and why they are interested in you” rundown before they come to claim you from your chair, which never gets warm. They are surprisingly young to unsurprisingly old, but all well-mannered.
The last song played is supposed to be a jazz version of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas,” but then Henry goes to the DJ and talks to him.
“One more song,” The DJ smiles. “I am in the spirit and truthfully, I just looked outside and it fits.”
Henry walks to you and offers his hand. You stand up and he gently leads you to the floor.
“What did you do?” you giggle, almost ready to outright laugh at Graham’s outrage and Wilson’s amusement as Henry rocks you to the beat.
“I told you I’d have the last dance,” Henry tells you, and kisses your forehead right on the floor.
You swoon against him as others join in. “It feels like they don’t want us to be together, love. It feels like they’re trying to pull us apart.”
“Only if we let them,” he nods. “So, are you coming home with me for Christmas?”
Your eyes drop. “I want to.”
“I am supposed to be in Edenvale for some activities on Christmas Eve Day and attend mass.”
“And you’re free after?”
“Perfect,” he smiles widely. “We’ll drive back to London after.”
“But Henry—”
He kisses your forehead again. “Let it snow, darling.”
“Don’t you mean let it go?” you joke in reply.
“Eh, snow, go,” he rolls his eyes and whispers, rubbing noses with you. “the cold doesn’t bother us anyway.”
You laugh at that, and though you want to really talk about your relationship-where it was when he left before the junket-you just want to enjoy tonight, the holidays. You just want to be in his arms.
@mistress-of-ward​  @nuggsmum​  @messyinsomniacbookgirl  @jencanbeyouryengeralt​  @sweetdreamsofgelato​  @mary-ann84​  @omgkatinka  @the-soot-sprite​  @viking-raider  @keanureevesisbae  @henryobsessed​  @summersong69​ @kinbhot4henners  @sunshine96love​  @michelehansel​  @radofrivia  @thelastsock​   @defffcc  @tenaciousneckpartypainter  @rn7rocksn @mrskikirazz  @daydreamin83  @ruthoakenshield  @musicartmayheminmyheart  @michelehansel  @tumblnewby  @defffcc @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocksn  @daydreamin83 @ruthoakenshield  @forallthebrokenheartedthings  @alphacancrii @liquorlaughslove @designerewriterchic @sofiebstar @tamychm  @nikkilynn303 @circesgirl @aaescritora @xoxohannahlee  @pixie88 @fckdeusername@maan24@rn7rocks @kaatelyyynn  @october505 @absentmindedreader @introvertedmouse
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Spare a thought tonight for the exceptional precision flying by the Lancasters of 617 Sqn who flew this complex pattern, dropping ‘Window’, off Pas de Calais to create the illusion of a large invasion force heading towards Calais on 5 June 1944. This superb drawing by Ian Bott.
@1940Andy via X
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knightinink · 1 year
My Oc’s! & Some Backstory
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For one of my animation classes, we had to create an original IP for our final, & so these guys were created. The story is called “Withering Hellfire” & follows the lives of Dyssius Verbeq, Herdmaur Landcaster, & Charlie, alongside other angels & demons that are engaged in a war that has raged on for centuries. The angels currently have the upper-hand, & the demon’s numbers are quickly dwindling. When their village (dubbed Ludicreese) is being attacked, Herdmaur & Dyssius board a getaway boat & make their escape into the night. As they travel, one particularly pesky angel won’t leave them alone, this being Charlie.
Dyssius has recently been made an orphan, thanks to the war. He’s scared & nervous but has a big heart that he wears on his sleeve.
Herdmaur is a retired veteran of the war (due to a bad injury) & now lives at the edge of the town of Ludicreese, alone, in his forge (he’s a weaponssmith). He has recently taken Dyssius in.
Charlie is a big unknown danger. That smile is never gone from his face, & he feels no emotion. He has no sense of morals or ethics & will kill on sight. 
I’ve taken the trope of “evil demons & good angels” & flipped it, so the angels are the antagonists in this world. It was really fun making this, & during the creation process I’ve become very attached to Charlie, he’s my current favorite of the three!
(expression sheets & concept art below the cut because I think it’s cool)
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valerie-bon · 7 months
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The first week of spring has come in Moonlight Falls. Chiara and Terry had their honeymoon. They decided to live in Torreses' house for the first time, because there was more space than in Landcaster's, but they already started to search for a new house of their own.
Justin continued his school term. Despite the fact that he reconciled with Julia, their relationship remained to be complicated. She still was jealous of their schoolmate Maria.
Gwenny visited Noemi's home party and they had a lot of fun.
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00katrinka00 · 5 months
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #59
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Dear Diary, Today is moving day. Jenna's nana was willing to rent us a place in Del Sol Valley, and I can't wait until we get there. I know with hard work and dedication I will be able to become the absolute best signer in the save file. -Violet
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As soon as Violet stepped downstairs, Grandpa Matthew pulled her in for a hug. "I'm going to miss you so very much," he told her. "Oh, Grandpa, we'll be fine." "I know you will be; I'm not worried about you. Make sure you watch that great great grandmother of yours though."
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"Haha, Matthew," replied Lacy and she pulled her Grandson in for a hug. "This isn't my first time living in Del Sol, remember." "I'm only teasing," Matthew assured her. "I'm ten times more responsible than Violet, you should be having me watch over her." "I don't think so."
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After goodbyes were said in Copperdale, Mads and Ethan helped the girls move their things to Del Sol Valley. "That looks like everything," replied Ethan. "Thanks for everything, Dad," said Violet. "Just make good choices," he told her. "I know you're going to do great things."
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"Oh, Lacy," Mads began to say. "I know these last few months have been hard on you, but feel free to call whenever." "Thanks, Mads," replied Lacy. "Seriously, if you just need someone to talk to, if you want meals prepped, anything, just call." "Will do."
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Hugs were exchanged. In the moment Mads wasn't feeling too emotional, but she knew that would change as soon as she and Ethan left. As soon as it fully hit her that half of her children were out of the house. What would she do now? Mades contemplated going back to work.
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While Lacy bid her goodbyes to Ethan, Violet stood with her mother. "I love you so much sweetheart." "Love you too mom." "You're probably tired of hearing this but make good choices. You have so much potential to do wonderful things, and I'm proud of you." "Thanks mom."
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After Mads and Ethan departed, Violet turned to Jenna and Lacy. "Okay, so why did I get stuck with the smallest room?" "Um, maybe, because I'm the one who got us the house," Jenna said. "I was forced to room with you for 4 years. I deserve the larger space," replied Lacy. "Ugh!"
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"We should start looking for jobs," Violet changed the subject. She knew their bedrooms wasn't going to be a topic she'd win. "It's our first night in Del Sol," complained Lacy. "She's right though," Jenna agreed with Violet. "We will need jobs to pay rent."
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After their conversation, Jenna headed to her room to film a video in the hopes she might finally be able to receive some royalties. Violet began her job search online. She was really willing to take just about any job out there, at least until her music career took off.
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After she finished filming, Jenna headed out into the living room to watch TV. Meanwhile, lacy was checking herself out in the mirror, and very much so NOT looking for a job. "You look amazing," Lacy told herself, and then an idea popped into her head.
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"We should go out to the club tonight!" Lacy exclaimed excitedly. "But what about work?" asked Jenna. "It's still our first night, we should go out and celebrate. We can deal with the job thing tomorrow," Lacy tried to convince her. "Okay fine!" Jenna agreed excitedly.
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Lacy headed to Violet's room to invite her. "It'll be so much fun, Vi." "Lacy, no, I have songs I have to write, demo music to record, and a filler job to find. I simply cannot go gallivanting around the city drinking in clubs all night." "You used to be fun." "Lacy, NO!"
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While Jenna and Lacy got ready, Violet decided to try writing some songs, so she headed to the piano. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" asked Jenna. "I'm sure," Violet replied "You're just going to sit around the house all night?" "Pretty much." "See you later then."
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Jenna and Lacy immediately headed to the dance floor. After a few songs, Jenna spotted a very attractive stranger at the bar. "Lacy, do you see that hot guy over there?" "Yeah." "Should I go talk to him?" "I don't see why not," replied Lacy. Jenna headed for the bar. "Good luck!"
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While Jenna chatted up the attractive man at the bar, Lacy spotted an attractive sim of her own. "Hey there," Lacy greeted her. "I couldn't help but notice you." "Same to you," the women replied. "I'm, Carla." "Lacy." "You come here often?" Carla asked.
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Carla pulled Lacy over to a much quieter part of the club. They spent a bit of time talking, and flirting with one another, but all the talking very quickly subsided.
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"You want to head back to my place?" Lacy asked. "Absolutely," Carla replied Lacy headed over to where Jenna still sat with the man at the bar. "You ready?" "One sec," Jenna then turned back to the man. "We're going to head out, but I did give you my number. Make sure to use it."
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Once home, Jenna headed to bed, and Lacy brought Carla back to her room. "It's nice to be alone, somewhere quiet," she muttered. "I know what you mean," replied Carla.
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kamen20ghost · 3 months
Clingy Landcaster
Weiss was visiting jaune and Ruby place to see how they where doing.
Ruby:*Hugging jaune looking up to him.* Stay a while
Jaune: I can’t
Ruby: Why do you hate me?
Jaune: I don’t hate you. I just have to go
Ruby: But why?
Jaune: Because I have to
Ruby: But you don’t.
Jaune: But i do
Ruby: You don’t
Jaune: I do!!!
Weiss: *Worried a bit* Y’all okay over there
Jaune: *Looks over to Weiss and whisper to her* Help me
Weiss: What
Ruby: *Quickly moves to holding on to Weiss and looking her dead in the eye.* my bubble berry little chewable button is leaving.
Weiss: Your what?
Jaune: *Looks and sees Weiss has Ruby full attention and makes a break for the door.*
Weiss: *A bit freak out she looks over to jaune for help.*
Jaune:* Looks over to her and mouth please pleassse just distract her. He then leaves the room with a plan.*
Weiss: *Looks back to Ruby.* Tell me more
Ruby: They’re always leaving me and I don’t know why
Weiss: B-but I mean you’ve been together like all day shouldn’t y’all just have a little bit of space.
Ruby: No!!!!
Weiss: *A bit scared.* Oookay
Ruby: He must be with me always. *Felt something was off and looks behind her.*
Weiss: *Trying to stop her form looking back.* You you were saying
Ruby: *Look back to Weiss with a glint in there eye.* where’d he go.
Weiss *Very afraid and moves back a bit.* What happened to your eyes.
Ruby: Where did he go
Weiss: *Very afraid and mumbling*
Ruby: *Threateningly* tell me!!!
Jaune: *Whistles*
Ruby: *Look in the direction of the whistle*
Weiss: * Whimpering slightly*
Jaune: baby I got something to show you. Just come over here ok.
Ruby: *Looks between Weiss and door way as leans close to Weiss.* I’ll be back
Weiss: Please don’t be.
Ruby: *Let’s go of Weiss as she makes her way to the door.*
Weiss: *Panting and still afraid*
Ruby: *Look at jaune as he standing by a door.*
Jaune: *Standing by the front door of their home.* come girl come on.
Ruby: *Make a b line to hug jaune and then leaps toward him.*
Jaune : *Quickly moves out of the way and opens the door for Ruby having her land out side.* There you go *Close the door quickly and pants as he leans on the door in relief.*
Weiss: *Both confused and very afraid.* what just happen?
Jaune: *Panting* she get very clingy. When she has nothing else to do. So you just leave her outside and let her get all her energy out. She’ll be fine.
Weiss: *shocked* Is this how you handle her.
Jaune: you got a better idea
Weiss: nope no
Jaune: *Going to lay down for a bit.* ok
Ruby: *Looks around the open space happily, and starts running around the area.*
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poshasauruss · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mid century Lancaster & Sandland ware ceramic trinket dish set.
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