#lara aimee
corruptedcaps · 1 year
Nailing it!
This is an unofficial, spiritual follow up / tribute to @misseviehyde and @amiee-bee’s wonderful 5 part ‘magic nails’ series. Hope everyone (especially Evie and Amiee) like it!
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Heidi stood in the school parking lot, alone after the bell had rang, watching the rest of the students file in. It was hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, her best friend Lara had been standing right next to her, giggling and gossiping about the other girls in their class. But now, Lara was gone. She had been sent to boarding school, leaving Heidi all alone in their small town high school.
Heidi had been a geeky freshman before she met Lara who brought out the mean girl in her. Quite literally. The two had become fast friends due to their love of math and reading and hung out all the time but it was Lara who suggested they go to the salon and get their nails done. Heidi had been apprehensive at first, hating the superficial nature of a salon, but Aimee the owner put her at ease with her almost trance like soothing words.
Unbeknownst to both girls, the salon specialized in magic nails and once Aimee had put on the first nail it had sealed Heidi’s fate of becoming a mean girl. Lara had watched in horror as her best friend transformed before her eyes into a beautiful but heartless bitch.
However after Heidi was done, it was Lara’s turn and Heidi made sure she got it done. Heidi watched with delight as Lara transformed into her bitchy besty. After that day they were unstoppable.
Heidi became the queen bitch of their school, and Lara was her loyal number two. Together, they controlled the school, teasing and tormenting anyone who dared to cross them.
But now, as she sat alone in her empty classroom, Heidi couldn't help but wonder who she was without Lara. She just wasn’t having as much fun bullying or teasing.
“Oh honey that’s because you need a beta.” Aimee said to her one day when Heidi spilled her guts to her over a new manicure session.
“You are meant to rule like a true blue bitch. But you need a beta bitch to laugh at your jokes, compliment you, gossip with. It’s what gives you power. Can’t you bring me a girl to make into a new bitchy bestie for you?” Aimee said but she knew the answer.
“No, you know I can’t even afford these. If I hadn’t got Lara to pay for these in advance I wouldn’t even have these maintenance sessions and I’d be back to being dorky and lame.” Heidi said with a shudder.
“Well you’ll just have to find someone bitchy enough then but good luck finding anyone who can match that creation of mine.” Aimee said thinking back on Lara. She had been a fun corruption to do and a profitable one as well. Lara’s dad was filthy rich and once Lara became a superficial mean bitch she embraced the stereotype of spoilt rich daddy’s girl.
Aimee finished up and said goodbye to Heidi who felt refreshed from her nail top up but also still unsure what her next moves should be. That’s when Evie, the salon receptionist pulled her aside secretly.
“I couldn’t help but over hear your dilemma and I think I can help. I’ve been working on a new set of nails and I need someone to test them on.” Evie said in a hushed tone that made Heidi slightly uneasy.
“Well you must have heard that I can’t afford anything new and besides I don’t like the idea about being your science project.” Heidi said coldly.
“Not for you silly, for your potential new bestie. You bring me a girl and I’ll make you a new BFF. For free. No cost and no risk to you. What do you say?” Evie said.
Heidi’s eyes narrowed as she thought it over. It did sound like it was all upsides so what did she have to lose? Heidi nodded and accepted the plan.
“Then it’s a deal. Find me a blank canvas and I’ll give you a masterpiece. Oh and don’t tell Aimee, it’ll be our little secret.” Evie said with a wink.
As soon as Heidi was in school the next day she got to work on finding a new girl to become her number two, but she quickly realized that most of the other girls were lacking. The problem was that most had already been through years of bullying from herself and Lara. None of them would believe that she wanted to be friends with them now. She could never convince them to come to the nail salon with her, they’d all believe it was a trap. She could force one of them but it was too risky.
That’s when Heidi's gaze settled on Mia, the bookish plain girl in her class who was practically invisible to everyone else. Mia was the perfect candidate, a blank canvas just waiting to be painted. She was smart, but shy and timid, with no real friends to speak of. Best of all, she had just moved there from another school and had no history with Heidi or Lara.
Despite this it wasn't easy at first. Mia was wary of Heidi's advances, and it took some time for Heidi to win her over. Heidi was patient, taking things slow and building a genuine connection with Mia. She listened to Mia's problems and offered advice, and before long, Mia began to open up and trust Heidi. It was the perfect opportunity for Heidi to make her move.
"Come on, Mia, it'll be fun," Heidi said, grinning at her friend. "We'll go to the city and get our nails done and have a girls' day out. What do you say?"
Mia hesitated, fidgeting with the edges of her book. "I don't know, Heidi. I don't really like long nails. They make me feel uncomfortable."
Heidi rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on. You're always cooped up in the library, studying. You deserve a little bit of pampering. And besides, the salon I'm talking about is different. They have these special nails. Trust me, you'll love them."
Mia's eyes widened as she looked at her phone. "How come this place doesn’t have any reviews? It also says it’s closed when you want to go. It all sounds a little sketchy."
"It's not sketchy at all," Heidi insisted. "I go all the time and they're amazing. They helped give me the confidence and assertiveness I needed to stand up for myself. You deserve that too, Mia. You deserve to feel powerful and in control. I asked them to open early just for us."
Mia looked uncertain, but Heidi could see the temptation in her eyes. She knew she had Mia hooked.
"Please, Mia," Heidi begged, giving her friend an imploring look. "Just give it a try. I promise you won't regret it. Plus you’re always saying how much your biting your nails, this way it won’t be your actual nails."
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Mia instinctively went to bite her nails out of nervousness and realized Heidi was right. She sighed and nodded. "Okay, fine. But if anything weird happens, I'm blaming you."
Heidi grinned triumphantly. "You won't regret it, I promise. Now come on, let's go get beautiful!"
Heidi and Mia arrived at the salon, a sense of excitement and nervousness in the air.
"Okay, so what do we do?" Mia asked, looking around nervously.
"First, we pick out the colors and styles we want," Heidi said, leading the way to the display of nail polish. "Then we sit down in the chairs and let the professionals take care of the rest."
Mia nodded, still looking uncertain. "And these nails, they're not going to hurt or anything, right?"
"Of course not," Heidi reassured her. "They're completely safe. And trust me, the benefits are worth it."
As they sat down in the chairs, Heidi secretly winked at Evie who was sitting at the station with Mia. Evie smiled back at her and replaced the nails Mia had chosen with a new set she had hidden away.
“Hey what about the set I picked out?” Mia said sounding concerned.
“I need to apply these first, these are what we consider a ‘foundation’ set. Once these have been placed on we can then add your selection.” Evie said with a smile that unnerved Mia slightly.
Mia looked over at Heidi, her hand already at her mouth biting her nails and a worried expression on her face. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
Heidi smiled and squeezed Mia's hand. "Don't worry, it'll be fine. Just trust me."
As Evie began to work on their nails, Heidi watched with a sense of satisfaction. This was it, the moment she had been waiting for. Soon, Mia would be a mean girl, and together, they would rule the school.
However as the magic nails were applied to Mia's fingers she was disappointed to see no change in Mia’s physical appearance. When Heidi had first put them on her hair grew thick and long, her breasts big and round and her skin smooth and tan. Mia looked the same with nearly all the nails on. Evie sensing Heidi’s disappointment launched into conversation with Mia.
“Ok Mia, we’re almost done with these, do you still want me to put on your choice of nails after this?” Aimee asked and Heidi watched with interest.
“Hmmm? Sorry I was a million miles away. The other nails? Ugh no I don’t know what I was thinking, these are perfect. I want to keep these.” Mia said in a slightly bratty voice putting Heidi’s worries slightly to rest.
“You just need to be patient with this new formula. It’s designed to release her ‘bitchification’ more gradual that yours or Lara’s did but should be more potent in the end. The slow release should also help her accept the change easier, if she figures out what’s happening too soon her body may reject them.” Evie said to Heidi alone as Mia waited outside after her nails were completed.
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Mia couldn’t stop looking at her nails, admiring how they looked, they almost looked foreign on top of her tomboyish body and dress sense.
“Nails like these should have some tight outfits to match, just imagine how good they would look against a sleek and shiny dress wrapped around your curves.” A voice whispered in her mind making her nod in agreement. A change was in order.
“Come on Heidi, I want to go shopping!” Mia shouted from outside in a commanding tone that made Heidi reflectively yell “coming!” back to her.
Heidi watched Mia with curiosity for the rest of the day. Mia seemed more assured of herself as she strolled around the mall and dipped into store after store. She also appeared to have a new fashion sense. She picked out quite the mean girl attire that was certainly an improvement on her baggy hoodies and sweatpants.
“This was great today Heidi, thanks for convincing me to get these hawt nails.” Mia said as Heidi dropped her off at her house after their day of shopping.
“No problem Babe, I knew you’d love them. It’s going to be so good showing you off tomorrow at school. See you then.” Heidi said driving off. Mia felt a surge of excitement for tomorrow. She had always been one to fade into the background at school but now was looking forward to the limelight. In fact it was making her kind of horny. By the time she was up in her room the wicked voice had returned and was whispering in her head once more.
“Wouldn’t it feel so hawt to finger yourself with your new claws? It would be even hotter if you watched yourself do it in the mirror.”
She shoved her hand into her jeans and went straight for her aching pussy. She moaned as she felt the delight of stroking her clit with her new long nails on her. She stared at her reflection, watching herself finger her pussy.
“You’re going to look so fucking good tomorrow, all eyes will be on you.” The voice said making a soft moan escape Mia’s lips as she began picturing the scene of her strolling beside Heidi taking in everyone’s looks.
“Yesss everyone won’t be able to take their eyes off me.” She moaned as she imagined the scene.
As she massaged inside her pussy over and over again the formula of the nails started to react with her wetness, stripping off the coating ever so slightly. She groaned as her body began to react to the direct absorption of the formula.
Her breasts seemed to grow fuller and more pronounced, and her lips became plumper and more sensual. Even her hair seemed to change, lightening to a dyed blonde and took on more body and shine. Mia gasped as she watched her body change before her eyes but far from being afraid of what it meant, she hungered for more.
"Yesss! Don't stop! Keep going!" Mia exclaimed, her eyes glowing with a manic energy as the previous fantasy in her mind changed. She wasn’t strolling beside Heidi, instead Heidi was flanking her like a loyal 2nd. It felt more natural that way in her mind.
“Yesss you’re not a follower, your a leader. You don’t share the spotlight, you own the spotlight!” The voice hissed.
As the transformation continued, Mia's personality began to shift as well. She felt more vain and cold, her once soft and gentle demeanor hardening into something sharp and narcissistic.
"Oh my god, I can't believe how good this feels. I’m so fucking hot," Mia said, her voice dripping with vanity as she climaxed. "I feel so bitchy and bad, I can’t wait to show off myself tomorrow!"
“Why wait? Your hot and horny now! The world deserves to see you. No it NEEDS to see you.” the voice purred in her head and a playful smirk played across Mia’s new pouty lips as she was compelled to agree. She had to get as many eyes on her as possible. She wanted to dance and drink and have a man’s hands all over her body.
As the light caught her nails she knew they were somehow involved with her transformation. It made sense why Heidi was so adamant that they got their nails done and why it was so secretive. What was Heidi’s endgame? Was it something to be worried about? If so why did it feel so good? Questions piled on questions making Mia suddenly anxious and she instinctively went to bite her nails.
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However as soon as they touched her lips and she tasted their coating she felt an immediate calm come over her body. A pleasure rippled across her body. Her posture changed making her stand up straight and push out her new bigger tits confidently.
“Why should I be worried? Look at how hot I am now. So what if I’m feeling meaner, more vain, more superior. Heidi clearly wants me to be like this, maybe everyone else will too.” Mia thought to herself while getting lost in her reflection.
Picking up her phone she called Heidi who answered promptly. “Hey babe what’s up?” Heidi asked with slight concern in her voice. She was in uncharted territories with these nails and so wasn’t sure what to expect.
“Let’s hit the club tonight babe, we’re too hawt to be wasted alone indoors.” Mia said as she looked at her nails with glee.
“Really? Tonight? Are you sure your, eh, ready?” Heidi said trying not to sound lame but also worried this was happening too fast and her body would reject the nails. Didn’t Evie say it would take weeks?
“Ugh fine I’ll go by myself if your going to be so boring.” Mia said snapping at Heidi.
“No! No I’ll come, I just didn’t know if you’d be tired after the day we had.” Heidi said trying not to get on her bad side.
“Cool pick me up in 30 minutes, and dress slutty.” Mia said and hung up the phone without saying goodbye. Mia didn’t need 30 minutes to get ready but bossing Heidi around started to stir up her engine again and she needed another go around with herself. She also had a theory to test out about her nails…
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Heidi arrived early at Mia’s house and texted her to say she was there. Mia texted her back to tell her to come in and have a pre drink as Mia’s parents were out of town. However as she knocked on the door, Heidi was met by a girl she barely recognized.
“Hey slut, about time you showed up, get a drink into you and let’s hit the club, I’m really feeling myself tonight.” Mia said as she primped herself in the mirror.
Heidi looked at Mia dumbfounded. She was staring at a blonde bombshell, one that looked like Mia’s hotter older sister rather than Mia herself. Her posture was no longer slumped and diminutive but instead she held herself with bitchy confidence. Mia seeing Heidi’s look on her face rolled her eyes.
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“You can drop the act now dummy, I know my transformation was all your doing, or rather due to these beauties.” Mia said lovingly showing off her nails which too looked like they had changed too.
“You’re not mad?” Heidi said preparing for the worst.
“Mad? I’m ecstatic! Look at the beautiful bitch I am now! I feel so mean and hawt, I love it! I can’t wait to get out there and show the world what I can do now that I’m not some loser dork anymore.” Mia purred with a glint of mania in her eyes.
Heidi beamed at her. She was certainly more sexy and confident than Lara ever was. Maybe she was ready for the world to see her.
At the club Mia was a sight to behold. She strutted into it like she owned the place. She basked in the lingering looks from all the men and women in the club. Pulling Heidi onto the dance floor she played coy with everyone, only focusing on Heidi.
Heidi for her part was captivated by Mia. It was amazing to see what a transformation she had undergone in such a short amount of time. Heidi knew the nails were amazing but something about this transformation felt different. Mia had a different energy. Heidi also knew that a new force had arrived and couldn’t wait until tomorrow for when they would have the real fun at school.
Mia spotted a group of staring men sitting nearby and broke off from Heidi to go talk to them. Well that’s what Heidi thought until Mia started to rub up against one of them. It was like watching a private lap dance at a strip club. The man was clearly enjoying it and tried to talk but with a wink to Heidi, Mia put a finger up to his lips and cheekily slipped it into his mouth. For a second Heidi could have sworn that she saw the man twitch for a moment before eagerly sucking her finger which turned into kisses down her arm and onto her neck.
Heidi watched as Mia straddled the man and kissed him deeply while the other guys watched and hooted. Mia broke off from the kiss to whisper something into the man’s ear, all the while having an evil grin on her perfect lips. The man nodded and gently slid Mia into the seat beside him before standing up and suddenly jumping on top of his friends, pummelling any of them within arms reach.
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Heidi and everyone else watched in shock at the explosive scene. Everyone that was except Mia who was watching the fight with joy playing across her face. Mia watched it unfold getting steadily hornier and hornier, stroking her tits with her nails. Grabbing a nearby guy she kissed him deeply while digging her nails into his neck. He recoiled just for a moment before being dragged willingly out of the club by Mia. Heidi tried to follow them out but by the time she got outside they were gone.
Heidi went home soon after that, mainly because the ruckus in the club made it hard to get back in. She texted Mia to see if she was ok but didn’t get a reply until the morning.
“Where the fuck are you?” The message from Mia read Heidi was about to leave for school when the message came in. Heidi panicking called Mia.
“Mia are you ok? Where are you?” Heidi asked worried.
“Where am I? Where the fuck are you? You’re suppose to be picking me up this morning.” Mia snapped back at her.
“Oh sorry I just thought because you left with some guy last night that-” Heidi began before Mia cut her off.
“Your not suppose to think! That’s my job. You’re just suppose to do! Understand? Whatever. Just get over here in 5 minutes or find a new friend to hang out with.” Mia said, her voice oozing with contempt and hanging up.
Heidi felt kind of pissed at Mia but still sped over as fast as she could and waited for Mia who, despite demanding Heidi get over quickly, took 20 minutes before emerging from her house. Heidi couldn’t believe it but she looked different again. She looked blonder, meaner, and hotter.
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“About time. Is that what you’re wearing to school?” Mia said getting into the car and looking at Heidi with mild disgust.
“Yeah? Is something wrong with it?” Heidi asked slightly nervous.
“Just don’t stand so close to me when we are in school.” Mia said touching up her makeup in the passenger mirror.
“Cute earrings though. Give them to me.” Mia said with a hand outstretched.
“W-what?” Heidi asked confused.
“Did I stutter? Give me your earrings. They’ll look better on me.” Mia said glaring at Heidi who felt her face flush. She awkwardly took off her earrings as she drove and gave them to Mia who put them on.
“They look great on you babe.” Heidi said trying to break the tension. She didn’t understand why Mia was acting so cruel to her. Lara never did this and yet Heidi was desperate for Mia’s approval for some reason.
“No duh. I feel great today too. After my night last night how could I not.” Mia said with a smirk to herself remembering the fun she had last night. She had figured out that her nails didn’t just effect her but had the ability to effect (or more accurately infect) others. Every time she used them she felt more cruel and evil as a result which only turned her on more.
At school everyone made whispers about who this new girl was, showing just how invisible Mia once was. Mia strutted down the crowded hallway of the high school, her designer heels clicking against the linoleum floor. She scanned the sea of students, searching for a target.
Finally, her gaze landed on a group of girls huddled around their locker. Mia smirked and approached them, Heidi following close behind.
"Hey losers," Mia sneered, leaning against the locker next to them. "What are you even wearing? Did you raid a thrift store or something?"
The girls looked down at their outfits, shame and embarrassment written all over their faces. Mia cackled with laughter as she sauntered away, leaving the girls feeling small and belittled.
Mia reveled in the power she held over her classmates now, enjoying the feeling of superiority it gave her. She didn't care who she hurt or what she said, as long as she was getting attention and causing chaos.
Heidi loved watching Mia at work but was starting to feel more and more on the receiving end of her wrath. She was feeling left out of the fun Heidi was having. Mia bossed Heidi around like she was some lackey but worse still was Heidi followed her commands obediently. Heidi didn’t want to get on the bad side of the girl who was clearly running the show now. That was until Mia started to make new friends.
It started small with a girl called Daphne, a shy, unassuming girl who Mia took an interest in one day. Heidi watched as Mia belittled Daphne like she had done to a dozen other girls that week but when Daphne failed to scurry away like the rest Mia smirked at Daphne and told her to come with her to the bathroom. Heidi naturally followed but Mia told her to wait outside.
They were in the bathroom for 10 minutes before re-emerging and when they did Daphne looked different. Mia had clearly shared her makeup and clothes with her but Daphne also had a mean glint in her eye that Heidi recognized from Mia. Daphne whispered something in Mia’s ear upon seeing Heidi waiting for them and Mia laughed deeply. The two girls walked off with locked arms like Heidi and Lara used to do.
And so it went for the next week where Mia would start collecting what she called ‘discarded girls’ and would bring them into the bathroom where they would emerge minutes later bitchier and hotter than when they went in. Mia now had a clique of sycophants praising her endlessly and laughing at her jokes. Mia roamed the halls with them flanking her at all times. Heidi was now bringing up the rear, sidelined in the school she once ran, constantly being belittled by the new queen she helped create. When one day Mia gave her a particular dressing down in front of her clique in the locker room, Heidi finally snapped.
“Who they hell do you think you are talking to bitch? Know your place!” Heidi said full of rage. Mia simply giggled at her, seemingly unfazed by her outburst.
“My place? I’m the queen of this god damn school and you’re barely even a blip anymore.” Mia said with a laugh that caused her gang of girls to follow suit.
“We’ll enjoy it while it lasts because those nails have a shelf life and you’ll be hitting your expiration date soon enough. I’ve seen your house and know you can’t afford another session, you can’t even afford a car to get you to school every day.” Heidi said with venom behind every syllable. For the first time in awhile Heidi saw the smirk be wiped from Mia’s face. Rather than feeling triumphant though, Heidi felt her blood run cold as Mia stared at her intensely.
Mia snapped her fingers and her clique rushed Heidi pinning her down on the locker room floor. Mia click clacked slowly over to her, savouring the moment.
“I’ve seen how you live too and it begs the question how do you afford to stay as powerful as you do but you’re going to tell me all of your secrets.” Mia said bending down close to Heidi.
“Like hell I am.” Heidi said still defiant but feeling like she had lost.
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“Oh dear you don’t really have a choice.” Mia said with a wink as she ran her hand up Heidi’s thigh, across her stomach and up to her neck where she dug her nails in suddenly. Heidi wanted to scream out but found herself unable to do so. She heard Mia’s voice in her head telling her to do things she would never do but was feeling strangely compelled to do so.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Aimee said on the other end of the phone not really believing what she was hearing.
“Oh yes Aimee. I’m moving away and it’s only right that someone gets my lifetime of nails. I can’t think of anyone more suited than Mia. You’ll love her.” Heidi said as Mia watched on approvingly. Heidi loved that Mia was making her give up her power. Heidi knew now that she didn’t deserve them. Not like Mia who did. She deserved everything.
“Ok if you insist. I look forward to meeting her.” Aimee said scratching Heidi out of her client book and replacing her with Mia.
“Just one other thing. She has requested that Evie do her nails. Is that ok?” Heidi asked.
“Well Evie doesn’t do nails anymore after an… incident we had but if your friend really wants her I guess we can make an exception this one time.” Aimee said while looking over at a bored Evie working reception. Maybe it was time to bring her back into the fold.
“Great. Thanks for everything Aimee!” Heidi said before hanging up.
“Was that to your liking Mistress?” Heidi asked eager to please Mia now. Mia for her part looked satisfied if a little diminished. Turning Heidi against herself proved to be very draining for Mia and she would need a nail session very soon. But she knew she still had a little time and figured the best way to spend it would be watching Heidi willingly remove her own magic nails.
“These are gorgeous, I feel refreshed. Thanks Evie.” Mia said as Evie finished putting on a fresh set of nails for her. They looked even stronger and bitchier than before, Mia couldn’t wait to try them out.
“Don’t get into too much trouble now.” Evie said with a smirk to Mia who returned the smile.
“You ready girls?” Mia said to her friends who had just finished getting their nails done too. Of course Mia’s set was unique to her but she made sure her girls got some cheaper beta nails to save her having to infect them every time her power was warring off.
“What about her over there, she hasn’t had her turn yet.” Evie said pointing to the corner when a somewhat homely girl stood holding everyone’s bags.
“Who? Hedy? No she won’t be getting any. She won’t until she’s learned her lesson isn’t that right Hedy?” Mia called out to the girl once known as Heidi.
“That’s right mistress.” Hedy replied cheerily. One by one Aimee watch the transformed girls take their bags from Hedy and leave the store. Of course she was happy for the business but something wasn’t sitting right with her about Mia and her friends and something was so familiar about Hedy.
Mia left the salon her head held high and her chest sticking out as her friends waited for her orders. She loved being the queen and no one was taking that away from her now. How could they when she was nailing it?
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192 notes · View notes
asixteenthrosecc · 2 years
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All 200+ CHILDREN HAIR from my latest video! (I do not claim rights to any of these CC items!) Watch Here  
1. Meda Hair (girls)- Not available anymore
2.Elise Hair (girls)
3.Simplicity Hair (girls)
4. French Braid Over Shoulder (girls)
5. Morgyn Hair (boys)
6. Floral Hair Conversion
7. Anna Hair (girls)
8. Longer Bob (girls)
9. Navana Hair (girls)
10. Marium Hair (girls)
11. Ember V2 (boys)
12. Bob (girls)
13. Short Curl Conversion (unisex)
14. 90′s Wavy Wolf (girls)
15. Crew Braids (girls)
16. Crew Braids V2 (girls)
17. Tammie Twists (girls)
18. Tammie Twists Buns V1 (girls)
19. Tammie Twists Buns V2 (girls)
20. Tati Twists (girls)
21. Tay Tay Twists Buns (girls)
22. Emory Hair (girls)
23. Sporty Twintails (girls)
24. Noemi Hair (girls)
25. Lovey Dovey Looped Braids (girls)
26. Tegan Twists V1 (girls)
27. Mischievous Pigtails (girls)
28. Low Double Buns (girls)
29. Playful Braids (girls)
30. Sporty Twintails (girls)
31. Low Double Buns w/Bangs (girls)
32. Amy Hair (girls)
33. Mischievous Pigtails w/bangs (girls)
34. Aimee Hair (girls) 
35. Playful Braids w/bangs (girls)
36. Lovey Dovey Looped Braids w/bangs (girls)
37. Tegan Twist V2 (girls)
38. Lisa Hair (girls)
39. Tegan Twists V3 (girls)
40. Chevron Hair (girls)
41. Fiji Hair (girls)
42. Tegan Twists V4 (girls)
43. Tera Twists (girls)
44. Rowan Hair V2 (girls)
45. Twyla Twist V2 (girls)
46.Tymisha Twists (girls)
47.Faded Hair(boys)
48. Mica Hair (girls)
49. Bound Up Bows (girls)
50. Lana Hair (girls)
51. Juene Hair (girls) [EA colors]
52. Juene Hair [extra colors]
53. Oscar Hair(boys)
54. 1989 Hair (girls)
55. Cynthia Hair (girls)
56. Marcel Hair (boys)
57.Leon Hair (boys)
58. Sarah Hair (girls)
59. Maddie Hair (girls)
60. Get Famous Conversion (boys)
61. Lorelai Hair (girls)
62. Get Famous Conversion (boys)
63. Get Famous Conversion (boys)
64. Lucy Hair (girls)
65. Madison Hair (girls)
66. Alyssa Hair (girls)
67. Jenna Hair (girls)
68. Wendy Wavy Buns(girls)
69. Lara Hair (girls)
70. Magic Braids for girls
71. Paranormal Waves Fix (boys)
72. Lily Hair(girls)
73.lil thing hair(girls)
74. Hot Days Conversion (girls)
75. Makenna Hair (girls)
76. Aurora Hair (girls)
77. Mali Hair 1(girls)
78.Makenna Hair(girls)
79. Mali Hair 2(girls)
80. Mali Hair 3(girls)
81. Helena Hair (girls)
82. Stacey Hair (girls)
83. Aurora Hair(girls)
84. Britney Hair(girls)
85. Girl Half Bun
86. Bobbi Hair(girls)
87.Olivia Hair(girls)
88. Magic Curls(boys)
89.Isabelle Hair(girls)
90. Serena Hair(girls)
91.Topsy Tail(girls)
92. Molly Hair(girls)
93.Ashley Hair(girls)
94. Olivia Hair w/clips(girls)
95. Rachel Hair(girls)
96. Pia Hair(girls)
97. Dutch Braids(girls)
98.Pleasant Child-couldn’t find link /:
99.Jess Hair(girls)
100. Ness Hair(girls)
101. Hayley Hair(girls)
102.Adeline Hair(girls)
103.Chunli Hair(girls)
104. Lexi Hair(girls)
105. Trisha Tresses Hair(girls)
106.Betty Hair(girls)
107.Myriam Hair(girls)
108.Simple Ponytail(girls)
109. Simple Ponytail w/bangs(girls)
110. Perennial Hair(girls)
111. Pina Front Curls(girls)
112. Tafty-top(girls)
113. Lili Hair(girls)
114. Helen Hair(girls)
115. Summer Breese Hair(girls)
116. Child Almond Conversion(girls)
117.Meghan Hair(girls)
118.Milo Hair(boys)
119. Jonas Hair(boys)
120. Curly untamed Conversion(boys)
121.Jonas Hair V2(boys)
122.Half Shaved Ponytail(boys)
123. Long Waves Messy(girls)
124.Short Tossled Hair(boys)
125.Space Buns Half-up(girls)
126. Short Curls for boys
127.Slick Back Shaved for boys
128.Pixie Curly for boys
129. fae Hair(girls)
130. Sydnie Braids V3(girls)
131. Rachel Hair(girls)
132.Stacey Hair(girls)
133.Regina Hair(girls)
134.Cosmic Love Hair(girls)
135.Sasha Hair(girls)
136.Passionfruit Hair(girls)
137.Dorothy Hair(girls)
138.Olivia hair(girls)
139.Ophelia Hair(girls)
140.Candie Hair(girls)
141.Inselin Hair(girls)
142.Emma Hair(girls)
143.Azure Hair(girls)
144.Katie w/bangs(girls)
145.Mischa Hair(girls)
146.Diwara Hair(girls)
147.Soleil Hair(girls)
148.Naomi Hair(girls)
149. Angel Hair V1(girls)
150. Angel Hair V2(girls)
151.Yumi Hair(girls)
152.Jennie Hair(girls)
153.Arianna Hair(girls)
154.Double Dutch Braids(girls)
155.Ndidi Hair(girls)
156.Valerie Hair(girls)
157.Pearl hair(girls)
158.Brooke hair(girls)
159.Bangin’ Bangs hair(girls)
160.Larni hair(girls)
161.Side Bangs Braids(girls)
162.Homemade bubblegum hair(girls)
163.Milkway hair(girls)
164.Honeybun hair(girls)
165.Winter hair(girls)
166.Darcy Hair(girls)
167.Lizzie hair(girls)
168.Brianna hair(girls)
169.Cloe hair(girls)
170.Quartz hair(girls)
171.Ellie Hair(girls)
172.Cherry picked ponytail(girls)
173.Ellie Hair solids(girls)
174.Mars hair(girls)
175.Minnie hair(girls)
176.Gwen hair(girls)
177.Jess hair(girls)
178.Skydance hair(girls)
179.Lila Hair(girls)
180.Bob bow hair(girls)
181.Anne hair(girls)
182.Anna Hair(girls)
183.Annie Hair (girls)
184.Absolution hair (girls)
185. Creative Braids(girls)
186. Kelly Hair(girls)
187.Sean Hair(boys)
188. Pacific Hair(girls)
189.Rowan Hair(girls)
190.Sapphire Hair(girls)
191. Matthew Hair(boys)
192.Abby Hair(girls)
193.Olympia Hair(girls)
194.Barbare Hair(girls)
195.Florence Hair(girls)
196.amber hair(girls)
197.Angelina hair(girls)
198.Sidney hair (girls)
199. Lana hair(girls)
200. Maki hair (girls)
201.Gloria Hair V1(girls)
202.Opal hair(boys)
203. Corneila Hair(girls)
204.Adriana Hair(boys)
205.Sasha Hair(girls)
206.Madison Hair V2(girls)
207. Madison Hair V1(girls)
208.Rizal Hair(boys)
209.Fox Hair(girls)
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New to Hallmark Movies Now - November
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Redemption in Cherry Springs (2021)  Starring Rochelle Aytes, Keith D. Robinson, and Frankie Faison.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries 
Murder, She Baked: A Deadly Recipe (2016)   Starring Alison Sweeney, Cameron Mathison, Barbara Niven, Lisa Durupt, Gabriel Hogan, Juliana Wimbles, Toby Levins, Kristen Robek, and Viv Leacock.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Movie 4 of 5 
Garage Sale Mysteries: Murder in D Minor (2018)  Starring Lori Loughlin, Sarah Strane, Steve Bacio, Eva Bourne, Connor Stanhope, Kevin O’Grady, and Matthew Harrison.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / movie 15 of 16 
Garage Sale Mysteries: Search & Seized (2019)  Starring Lori Loughlin, Sarah Strane, Steve Bacio, Eva Bourne, Connor Stanhope, Kevin O’Grady, Matthew Harrison, Johannah Newmarch, and April Telek.  Movie 16 of 16 
Baby, It’s Cold Outside (2021)  Starring Jocelyn Hudon and Steve Lund.  Hallmark Channel 
Mystery 101: An Education in Murder (2020)  Starring Jill Wagner, Kristoffer Polaha, Robin Thomas, Preston Vanderslice, Caitlin Stryker, David Jame Lewis, and Steve Bacic.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Movie 5 of 7 
Just in Time for Christmas (2015)  Starring Eloise Mumford, Michael Stahl-David, Christopher Llyod, and William Shatner.  Hallmark Channel / Hallmark Hall of Fame / Countdown to Christmas 
The Christmas Secret (2014)  Starring Bethany Joy Lenz, John Reardon, and Susan Hogan.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / The Most Wonderful Movies of Christmas 
Paper Angels (2014)  Starring Josie Gresiuk and Matthew Settle.  UPtv 
A Holiday in Harlem (2021)  Starring Olivia Washington, Tina Lifford, and Will Adams.  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
November 2 
Roux the Day: A Gourmet Detective Mystery (2020)  Starring Dylan Neal, Brooke V+Burns, Matthew Kevin Anderson, and Bruce Boxleitner.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Movie 5 of 5 
Our Christmas Love Song (2019)  Starring Alicia Witt and Brendan Hines.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Miracles of Christmas 
The Perfect Catch (2017)  Starring Nikki DeLoach and Andrew Walker.  Hallmark Channel / Spring Fling 
Christmas Encore (2017)  Starring Maggie Lawson and Brennan Elliott.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / The Most Wonderful Movies of Christmas 
Trans-Siberian Orchestra Presents: the Ghosts of Christmas Eve The Best of Two and More 
A Cookie Cutter Christmas (2014)  Starring Erin Krakow, Miranda Frigon, David Haydn-Jones, Jill Morrison, and Lara Soltis.  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
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November 3 
Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday (2021)  Starring Kimberly Williams-Paisly, Ashley Williams, Mark Deklin, Keith D. Robinson, and Kevin Nealon.  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas / Movie 1 of 2 
Christmas in Dollywood (2019)  Starring Danica McKellar, Niall Matter, Krystal Lowe, and Dolly Parton.  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Very Foul Play (2019)  Starring Candace Cameron Bure, Niall Matter, Lexa Doig, Marilu Henner, Peter Benson, Miranda Frigon, Dylan Sloane, Ellie Harvie, Catherine Lough Haggquist, Kristen Robek, and Matthew James Dowden.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Movie 12 of 18 
Once Upon a Christmas Miracle (2018)  Starring Aimee Teegarden, Brett Dalton, Lolita Davidovich, and Steve Basic.  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Miracles of Christmas 
A Gingerbread Romance (2018)  Starring Tia Mowry-Housley-Hardrict, Duane Henry, and Giles Panton.  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Three Weeks, Three Kids (2011)  Starring Anna Chlumsky and Warren Christie.  Hallmark Channel 
Holiday Engagement (2011)  Starring Bonnie Somerville, Jordan Bridges, Shelley Long, Sam McMurray, and Haylie Duff.  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Love, Of Course (2018)  Starring Kelly Rutherford and Cameron Mathison.  Hallmark Channel / Fall Harvest 
November 10 
Christmas in Harmony (2021)  Starring Ashleigh Muray, Luke James, and Loretta Devine.  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
November 17 
Under the Autumn Moon (2018)  Starring Lindy B both and We Brown.  Hallmark Channel / Fall Harvest 
A Christmas Melody (2015)  Starring Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott, Kathy Najimy, and Mariah Carey.  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
The Christmas House 2: Deck Those Halls (2021)  Starring Robert Buckley, Ana Ayora, Jonathan Bennett, Brad Harder, Treat Williams, Sharon Lawrence, Michelle Harrison, Matthew James Dowden, and Teryl Rothery.  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
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shinesato · 2 years
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[ 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘤 ]
✧ Hair // Doux // Hanni Hairstyle @Level ✧ Outfit // Little Fox // Aimee Collection (Lara/Petite/Legacy/Perky/Reborn+Juicy) ✧ Tattoo // Minimalist // Sweet | BoM | 3 Shades ✧ Lyrium // Taking Notes - Notebook Set [Flickr | Mainstore | Marketplace]
💎Flickr link 💎FB link
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declaredmissing · 1 year
wanting someone older and wiser to save me
There was a night I fell asleep crying and heard my sister’s voice in my head, “it’ll be okay, little moon.” I realized how much I missed the best friend I used to have in my sister. That relationship is lost, and I don’t know how to recover it or where to go from there. When I find myself missing ‘my sister’, I wonder if I’m really longing for an older figure to reassure me that everything would be alright. I don’t know how to be that person for myself. There’s a person I’m afraid of becoming, and I don’t know why.
I dreamed last summer of a human rights lawyer walking into the house with the broken refugee family, taking the little girl away and saving her when the girl was about to jump. How explicitly my subconscious was telling me I long for a mother, for a hero, for some magic person to provide me unconditional love and protection and kindness. A dream showing me how I wanted to rescue others before myself. I wanted someone else to rescue me, because I didn’t trust myself to be there for me.
There’s a little girl, standing at the edge of a window, about to jump in the pool, and she wants someone older and wiser and kind to sweep in and save her. She’s my daughter, and she’s me, and she’s the little girl inside my mother too, inside probably every woman I’ve ever known.
Self-destruction used to be the only language I knew when I needed help. In times I felt the most rage, I felt driven to prove I was more willing to destroy myself and go further than anyone else would. Dumping my journals and writing in the trash can, letter opener to my skin, to my paintings. Ending friendships, cutting my ties to the world. Erasing myself was the only way I felt I could exert control in a life where I otherwise felt helpless. It was my attempt to speak, to beg people to see that I wasn’t okay, to ask them to care, but in a manifested in a cry for help that didn’t speak at all. I wanted someone to stop me. To tell me I was too valuable to be lost. But there’s no wiser or older figure who’s going to sweep in and reassure me of my value. Realizing that left me with a deep and aching loneliness, but instead of turning others, I decided to contain the pain, and this reduced me to being isolated and weaker. I searched for security by deciding to enter a ‘men’s world’; safety in self control and self restraint.
In response to my own fear, I decided to develop a tough skin to protect myself. I found myself looking up to fictional figures with traditional masculine traits – self control, determination, cool, emotional discipline, and mastery. Self-sufficient, independent women, who are fucked over in many ways but refused to be helpless. Alienated with no support system, but plenty of rage to fuel them. Aimee, Lisbeth Salander, Aomame, Lara Croft. They had a voice, and they had power, even if it was in a sense dressing over deeper wounds, to protect the softer parts of their underbelly. I thought rescuing myself meant being untouchable. Being able to defend myself. To not be scared anymore. I wanted to be both weapon and armor itself. The kind of girl who could walk home alone at night and have nothing to be afraid of.
Emma Berquist in her article True Crime Is Rotting Our Brains observed, “So many true crime shows advise women to trust their instincts, but how can we trust instincts that have been hijacked by induced anxiety?” She worried that being primed to read danger in innocent situations “are not sensible reactions, they are the thoughts of someone who has been deeply traumatized.” I wonder how much of my instincts for survival are led by misreading the world. Defaulting to believing this world is a dangerous place, and in my body, I am not safe here. I often think of the police officer I dated, who was alert and guarded and could sense in every gesture or open space, the potential for danger. I related to him. I understood him. I wanted to become what he did in his response to fear.
Much of the criticism against women’s self-defense are objecting to how women must prime themselves to signals of danger. How we must be the ones to train and protect ourselves, instead of questioning society and demanding that society as a whole must become a safer place. It skews our perception of danger.
We are primed with our hands holding our keys in the the way that alert, vulnerable women do walking alone at night.
Many of my heroines are driven by anger, of experiencing women in their lives being abducted or murdered. Who they become is from the effect of these stories on their psyche.
Our very culture skews crime and violence to embed fear within us. I’ve been thinking of other insiduous ways it does this, encouraging us to mistrust each other, read danger into each other, in the name of encouraging safety, being alert. As a smokescreen to distract us from the deeper causes of violence. Heightened fear became the underlying landscape driving me to muay thai, combat sports, self defense. When I walk alone at night, every stranger could potentially whip out a knife. They warn of this in kali, demonstrating how casually one could stab you, as if it were a normal thing to expect. If, according to Berquist, “crime stories are a fundamentally conservative way of looking at the world,” what would a radical way of looking be? What would be the opposite of ‘fear-stoking propaganda’? What would it mean to practice self-defense as a way of truly finding power in oneself, rather than it being a reactive way of seeking power, like a man buying a gun?
I’ve been thinking about it what it means to take agency for my own life. There are days I feel like I’m just barely threading myself together; that I’m only just holding on to the strands that bind me. I think of how I’ve grown, since I first commuted to Brooklyn to learn Muay Thai, wrapping my hands on the train. Looking for courage. Looking for armor. Combat sports has become my lifeline when I don’t know what else to do with myself. It’s hard earned confidence. Focusing on the bag is a way of channeling my anxiety to a certain outcome–I know how to practice. I know that this isn’t wasted effort. The concentration and energy feel productive. There’s no confusion. Each strike is its own reward.
I found some kind of fulfillment and reward through the repetition of kicking a bag. Driven to perfect my roundhouse kick, fueled by the thrill of a perfectly executed kick. I learned to build habits and structure through long term persistence and self-forgiveness. It was the best thing I did for myself at that time in my life where I was going through a personal crisis.
I found survival in the drive to keep working, with a laser-like intensity, on something even after I’ve lost immediate interest. Learning what rules I do want to form for myself. Reward in my tenacity in itself; not to be recognized or to feel safer, but in the sheer joy of seeing myself improve. Survival in discovering my ability to stick with something even when it was hard.
Turning to martial arts and starting to fully grasp just how powerful I can be – how overwhelming it is to lean into something new, to be bad, to persist–and then to be truly whole-heartedly empowered by the results. Training myself to not be disappointed so easily by my failure or clumsiness, at how my body simply did not know yet. To not feel frustrated that I was getting it wrong, or that it wasn’t coming together or feeling easy yet. Enduring hardships and learning the grace to bear them well.
Finding agency through martial arts hasn’t solved my life problems, and it doesn’t make the world objectively less dangerous.
Now, I just want to live from joy and wonder; to run towards, not from.
But with tenderness and infinite patience, I’ve learned, along the way, that no one else is going to do it for me. It’s a hard lesson to accept. I grew armor as a kid, learning to rely on myself, but at heart, hoping someday someone would care for me. I held on to that fantasy, and my anger came from the injustice of feeling that was withheld from me. I struggle to accept that no one else is going to tell me the words that I want to hear, but it’s hard for me to feel like it’s okay to say those things to myself. But I hope to let go, to accept with grace that my belief in myself should not be dependent on others believing in me. There will be people who love me, who treat me kindly, generously, but if I’m able to unfailingly protect myself–be sacred to myself, treat myself like I would be my own daughter–then I’ll never be breakable.
focus on the evolution in my perception of/relationship to martial arts.
The moment I decided to box was when I watched Tomb Raider, and Vikander, the underdog, was hurling herself at her opponent and refusing to give up. And I thought, maybe I could have it in me too. Croft, or the way Vikander played her – was vulnerable but also tough. She was someone who chose the hard path. Scrappy and resourceful and uncertain. And I identified with her. There is something triumphant and hopeful to be found in a character who, at the end, discovers just how truly powerful she is after emerging through crisis.
0 notes
aeontriad · 6 years
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"Diaphanous" - "The Eden Project" Model - Lara Aimee Official Posture Hood - Karolina Laskowska Hair - Julia Lion Hair Photography - Studio Sheridan's Art
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glass-cemetery · 7 years
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Lara Aimee
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machinefairy · 7 years
The steam room. 2.
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Model: @machinefairy Designer: Rosies art Photographer: Patrick Kaas Make up: Lara Aimee Click to Post
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nofatclips · 6 years
Buried by Ché Aimee Dorval from the album Between the Walls and The Window - Director - Lara Blacklock
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slickcrust · 3 years
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lara aimee
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vintagelacerosette · 2 years
222 ask game
I was tagged by a beautiful bunch, thank you so much for thinking of me! 🥰😘 @whatwouldmickeydo @howlinchickhowl @gallawitchxx @xninetiestrendx @lethargicmick @shameless-notashamed @arrowflier
2 Fictional Characters to describe yourself: Lara Jean from To all the Boys I've Loved Before & Aimee from Sex Education
2 Songs stuck in your head: We Don't Talk about Bruno & What Else Can I Do from Encanto ✨
2 Shows you could Rewatch forever: Yuri on Ice & What we do in the Shadows
2 drinks you order at starbucks: I actually don't drink much starbucks but I do want to try it more. I've enjoyed their green tea & strawberry & cream frappuccinos
2 Movies you know by Heart: Parent Trap & Mama Mia
2 Concerts you’d like to go to: My Chemical Romance but I am seeing the 2023! 😆 So for artists I haven't gotten tickets yet but I wish to see Doja Cat & Black Pink
2 things you want to do in 2022: Create more art & fics and get a new job
2 things about yourself that may surprise people: I preformed in a music concert of young Filipino kids singing showtunes & I'm not embarrassed by it haha and I swear a lot in excitement & anger (it's the aussie in me lol)
2 random pictures from your camera poll:
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Tagging @doodlevich @darthvaders-wife @eddito @winged-fool @notherenj-nowherenj @ghostlit-faerie @ianandmickeygallavich @halehathnofury @tectonicduck @tomorrowillmissyou @gallavichismyjam @suzy-queued @gallavich1012
if you guys want to 💖💖💖
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
Harry Potter Golden Era MC Profile
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Name: Mariko Krei
Gender: Female
Age: 16 (year 6)
Birth Date: April 2nd, 1980
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half Blood
Sexuality: Lesbian
Ethnicity: Japanese/Caucasian mix
Nationality: Japanese, American, British
Residence: Cambridge, England
The Mage
Wand: Beech wood, Phoenix feather core
“The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. Such wizards and witches, having obtained a beech wand without having been suitably matched (yet coveting this most desirable, richly hued and highly prized wand wood), have often presented themselves at the homes of learned wandmakers such as myself, demanding to know the reason for their handsome wand’s lack of power. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation.”
Animagus: None
Misc Magical Abilities: Talented in wandless magic
Boggart Form: Being all alone without a family
Riddikulus Form: All her family and friends suddenly jumping out from hiding places and yelling surprise
Amortentia: Tea, parchment, rain, cherry blossoms, a perfume that seems familiar that she can’t place
Patronus: Red Crowned Crane
Patronus Memory: Walking down a street in Japan as a child with her father as cherry blossom petals fall all around her, with vague blurry shapes of two other people nearby
Mirror of Erised: A hazy silhouette of what looks like a woman and a teenage boy who she doesn’t recognize
Specialized/Favourite Spells: She loves practicing wandless magic in combination with her martial arts skills. Specifically using wingardium leviosa to make leaves and flowers float in the air. She does it as a sort of meditation
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Faceclaim: Sakura Heffron
Game Appearance: N/A
Height: 5’9”
Physique: Tall, athletic, graceful
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: She has freckles mainly on her nose and a few on her cheeks.
Scarring: N/A
Inventory: Some Japanese ink brushes she uses instead of quills, her wand, keys to her 1966 Arcadian Blue Mustang (when old enough), a tiny cherry blossom branch encased in resin she can’t remember when she got, biker jacket
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Mahoutokoro House (if she went): Shunrai
Dumbledore’s Army
Professions: unsure yet
Hogwarts Information
Quidditch: Keeper
Extra Curricular: Chess club, Frog choir, Martial Arts
Favourite Professors: Flitwick, Mcgonagall
Least Favourite Professors: Snape obv
Father: Dorian Aloysius Krei
Fc: Robert Downey Junior
-Half Blood wizard
-Works as a Chemistry professor at various Muggle Universities
-Has taught in Japan, San Francisco, England
-A huge nerd
-Kind and goofy
-Supportive of his daughter
Mother: Ume Nakai
Fc: -
-House: Seiran
-Works as a Samurai/Hit Witch for the Japan Ministry
-Uses magic and martial arts to track down and handle dangerous dark arts users
-Upholds the Japan Ministries Codes: Don’t use dark arts, don’t break the statute of secrecy
-Very skilled in martial arts
-Protective of her family
Brother: Jomei Nakai
Fc: -
-House: Yosamu
-Older than Mariko by 10 years
-Decides to join his mother as a Samurai/Hit Wizard when he graduates Mahoutokoro
-Gentle and intelligent
-Good at reading others emotions
-Looks after his mother because he knows she misses her husband and daughter
-Good magic dueler
Love Interest: Luna Lovegood
Dormmates: Padma Patil, Sue Li, Cho Chang
Pets: A bowtruckle she found in a tree by the lake. She named it Kijin meaning tree spirit
Closest Canon Friends: Luna, Ginny, Hermione, Neville, Fred & George
Closest MC Friends: Lara Fairbourne, Mal Ridley, Aimee Alice
Dorian Krei got a job as a Chemistry professor at Tohoku University after graduating from Ilvermorny. He was interested in alchemy but wanted more knowledge so he decided to get a Muggle job and education. Living in Japan he eventually met Ume Nakai and after a few years they got married and had Jomei. Ume was the Japanese equivalent of a Hit Witch. Her job was dangerous and their family was usually at risk from vengeful dark wizards. They decided it was best to not have any more kids. However, 10 years later they accidentally had Mariko.
Disaster struck when Mariko was 6. In the middle of the night a Dark Wizard that Ume had arrested broke out of prison and into their house. He tried to kill the family but Ume and Jomei fought him off, being forced to kill him in front of Mariko and Dorian. Afraid it would happen again, Ume tells Dorian to take Mariko and move away to protect them as Dorian isn’t a fighter and Mariko is too young. Jomei refuses to leave his mom all alone and decides to become a Hit Wizard as he had just graduated from Mahoutokoro and was a very good fighter.
Mariko was too young to understand and was very upset when told she had to leave with her dad so Ume obliviated her memories of herself and her brother. Dorian was against this and tried to argue but Ume said it would help protect her. Dorian moved back to his hometown San Francisco and transferred to the University there. He raised his daughter as if her mom had died when she was a baby. He despised lying to her but knew she was happy and healthy. Before Mariko turned 11, Dorian got a job offer at Cambridge and they moved to England. Mariko started school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991, the same year as Harry Potter.
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-She’s very kind and warm to people
-Curious of the world around her
-Intelligent and seeks to learn new things but doesn’t like to show her intelligence off
-Helps others
-Will fight for her freedom to choose and have control of her own life
-Admires her father but doesn’t want to take over his business
-Won’t be told how to be or what to like
-Loves excitement and adventure which can get her in trouble
-Feels like she needs to keep her dad happy because he’s sometimes quiet and sad
-Active and trains her body as well as her mind
-Mariko means “truth”
-Mariko names her bowtruckle Kijin. Ki means “tree” and Jin means “spirit”
-She’s born in April when cherry blossoms bloom
-She was brought up bilingual and knows both English and Japanese
-Mariko can see thestrals and it scares and intrigues her because it means she has seen death she doesn’t remember
-She doesn’t know that Dorian and Ume keep in contact with letters
-She will eventually run into her mom and brother during the Battle of Hogwarts and have her memory restored
-Dorian and Mariko use Dorians last name while Ume and Jomei use Umes last name
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159sutton · 2 years
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 Community Quilting Bee: Our Envisioned Futures
Opening Friday May 6, 2022 5-8PM
The Community Quilting Bee, organized by Rachel Silver & Laub, seeks to weave a multitude of visions around an annual theme.   The 2021 theme, Our Envisioned Futures, was inspired by a use of science fiction, fantasy, and visionary fiction alongside radical organizing to think about how to build liberated futures as an activating process.   This quilt will be shown alongside the previous two quilts: Digital Connectivity (2019) and Dear Diary (2020). Our Envisioned Futures:   David L. Bell, John Berpel, GK Bigler, Ohan Breiding, Quinn Corey, Laurie Deakers, Laura DeVeber, nicole dimarco, Aimee Goguen, iris yirei hu, Mary Beth Johnson, Laub, Martha Laub, Finn Paul, Eddie Sierra Pollock, The Revolution, Lara Salmon, Rachel Silver, Jennifer Steverson, Cedric Tai, kayla tange, and Frankie Toan
Dear Diary:   Alex B, Carole Bell, David L. Bell, Quinn Corey, Ian Cozzens, iyh & pjw, Laub, Mike Leslie, Lara Salmon, Rachel Silver, and jackie small Digital Connectivity:   Johnny Bird, Ari Blum, Ian Cozzens, Alice Hall, iris yirei hu, Laub, Dre Mendoza, Finn Paul, P. Sazani, Shley1, Rachel Silver, Malcolm Stuart, Frankie Toan
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Word Search
Thanks for the tag, @pheita and @enchanted-lightning-aes!
Laughter (Among the Stars)
She needs another moment. “…Give me a moment.” Before Kate can protest, Clara hangs up. Lara takes this opportunity to burst into laughter. Despite the internal confusion she feels her lip quiver.
Blink (Heartbeat)
Liza blinked. “I was in a traumatic incident where it was very lucky that they didn’t have to remove a section of my brain. Now I deal with chronic migraines and literally a week after I got my license I got a migraine in the middle of driving and nearly crashed. So,” She unbuckled herself and hopped out. “Neither I or my family really trust my driving.”
Table (Human Not Gold)
The door Aimee had opened led to what looked like a lab from those pictures of etchings her World History textbooks had. It was a large room, one corner being taken up by what looked like an oven and several braziers scattered about. Dried plants and animal bones were either hung or placed on shelves. A large table was cluttered with tools, matching the several smaller tables. A desk was in another corner, several pieces of paper scattered across it.
Water (Heartbeat)
When she died, that dream slipped from her memory like a drop of water in the sea.
Can’t (Among the Stars)
“Yep, lass. West elevator’s busted again on level 8 so we can’t call it up.”
Kidding (Among the Stars)
Voska woke up with a splitting headache and tied to a chair. When he looked up, it was to the princess walking back to stand next to Lowe. His cheek throbbed- she must’ve slapped him to wake him up. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
Era (Bad End: Burning Bright)
Mabel blinked. She recognized the blue Regency era nobleman’s coat. “Dainty Highwayman?”
Official (Heartbeat)
The duo clambered out and headed for the back door. Liza pulled out her keys that she had forgotten last night when the animatronics decided to lock her out. (The keys were completed with a very official I’M A STAR! keychain that Anne, one of Tio Rafael’s foster kids, had made for her.) She came to a thought and whirled on her heel. “You carry spare change, right?”
I’ll tag, with no pressure, @blue-kyber, @sleepyowlwrites, @blueinkblot, @thatprolificauthor, and @rach-lisbeth to find: secret, uncover, unlike, hint, space.
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crucgone · 2 years
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yellow you are really just a bundle of sunshine aren't you? your joy and spirit brighten up every room you walk into, and your kindness inspires everyone who knows you. you may come off as naive, but you know exactly what you're doing and how to help those you care about. remember to let others help you from time to time, your selfless nature is powerful, but may hurt you if you can't accept help. examples of yellow characters include rapunzel (tangled), padme amidala (star wars) , cher (clueless), and aimee (sex education)
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red wow, you're a spitfire! you're incredibly passionate and aren't afraid to stand up for others, even if you sacrifice your own reputation to do so. with your fierce loyalty, strong sense of justice, and incredible persistence, there's nothing you can't do. don't forget to be gentle with others, not everyone can be as strong as you. red characters include wanda maximoff (mcu), katniss everdeen (hunger games), maeve wiley (sex education), and zuko (avatar the last airbender)
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pink you are kind, sweet, and so so so very loving. you may have a very feminine energy and you can often tell what those around you are thinking and feeling. empathy is your superpower and your caring nature brings comfort to everyone around you. don't forget to extend that kindness to yourself, and let people in your life who are going to make it better, not worse. some pink characters include lara jean (to all the boys I've loved before), jules (euphoria), jackson (sex education), and amy (little women)
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glass-cemetery · 7 years
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Lara Aimee
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