#laser focus
rapidhighway · 2 months
Tbh I don't think the neurodivergent thing about having bad coordination applies to me at all I was a master at this I was the. Best.
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and this shit? ⬆️ If I got in the middle NO ONE would get their turn because I simply never lost I would do all the levels and the start from the beginning everyone hated me
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shirozen · 7 months
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Small brains think alike
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projectbatman193 · 5 months
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I'm taking a week off from training, but something I've noticed is how much meditating helps me set my day, both the eastern and western styles.
I usually meditate 20' when I wake up, that helps me keep my mind focused and clean, and I like to journal before I go to bed, write down things I have learned throughout the day, things I think I could handle better or adjust my perspective, things I've noticed I need to work on.
This gives me a clear view of what to pursuit, and what to let go.
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walkthevalley · 8 months
I've never been diagnosed with an attention deficit or compulsive disorder of any kind (heh, much less hyperactivity), but for all my friends who have and do struggle with it, lemme ask you some'm.
When you're cleaning and organizing, do you ever just sort of ... let your ADHD take over and reign supreme for a little while? Like instead of stacking boxes on a shelf in a cabinet however they'll fit and get the door shut, do you ever just, like, spend fifteen or twenty minutes Tetrising the same six boxes so they're not only space-efficient, but also aesthetically pleasing?
I dunno, guys ... I'm not claiming a cerebral superpower if I don't have it but dog GONE it that forty-five minutes I just spent in my tea cabinet scratched an itch in my nervous system that I cannot even begin to describe.
It's okay if I'm alone in this (r.i.p. me) but it would almost be kinda wonderful if someone else could kinda say "hey me too" or something. 'Cause here's why.
I'm trying very hard to declutter and organize my life, starting with my physical environment. This is such a huge job for me that honestly it's overwhelming to the point of action paralysis, but they say it's like any other elephant and can be eaten one bite at a time. However ... when I spent twenty minutes puzzling the same six boxes together in the most pleasing way to me, that's eighteen minutes I "should" have spent cleaning another area and doing a load of laundry too. So whenever I do this, even though there seems to be this massive sense of accomplishment within a six-cubic-inch space, it always comes with this guilt that I hyperfocused on one small area and didn't give any attention to any other areas that so desperately need it.
I know time management has always been a very weak suit for me, and I just sometimes deride myself for "poor time management" whenever I do things like this. But then I open my cabinet to get a teabag and oh it's just so ...... *chef's kiss* and I'm not even mad about how long it took.
Psych side of Tumblr, what say you? I'm genuinely curious. And if you're here from my Facebook, thank you, take your coat off, subscribe, and stay a while. I have plenty of aesthetically organized tea for you ...
Is wordiness also a trait of attention deficit? Because I feel like the time I spend crafting novellas in my social media statuses is anything but a deficit of attention.
Guys I might be losing what little of my mind 2022 didn't destroy 😵‍💫😭
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merlionkingdom · 2 years
I’ve realised that i put so much of my energy on the wrong feeling in the end of the week so i forgave my old self to behave like this and i wanted to do it again but now i want to focus on the amount of positive energy and see better results.
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vie1seitig · 2 years
Actually just spent almost 4 hours just making playlists
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mossmx · 2 years
looking a my old wips I was like “the poses are stiff” so now I’m getting more focused on gesture!
I can’t fix my wips, but I expect the exercise I’m doing these days will show off in a year or two 😆😆😆😆 💪💪💪
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accesesame · 2 years
Stay Laser Focused in a Distracted World
It’s hard enough to stay focused as it is living in this world when you take into account that every single thing, and person, is competing for your attention. Yes, that’s right, you are so important that companies spend tons to acquire your data. What’s worst, is that most of us, including myself, would gladly give it away for a gift card or discount. Nothing is sacred anymore. The nerve of…
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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I have many emotions about this man and most of them are: sobbing
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aerithisms · 1 month
i understand what people are saying when they talk about fandom overstating the importance of farcille to the dunmeshi narrative and that their frustrations are related to a larger frustration with fandom in general prioritising shipping over other relationships/narrative themes. HOWEVER i do find it a little suspect and annoying that the one time the Big Tumblr Thing Of The Month has a popular f/f ship that the fandom is over-extrapolating from in the same way that fandom usually over-extrapolates m/m relationships i'm suddenly seeing all these posts complaining about it
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purpleshadow-star · 1 year
You know when Andrew does the thing where he has someone pick a number, and then he lets the other team score that many times, then shuts them out? I imagine him just standing there in the middle of the goal, leaning on his racquet, motionless, then, after the team shoots around him and scores the number, he stands up straight, gives his racquet a little twirl, and takes a defensive position. It's at this moment that the other team knows they're losing.
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obsessedwithstarwars · 2 months
Danny makes jokes out of anyone finding out ghosts are real.
But only when it’s done through “accidental summonings”. In all fairness, if he hadn’t become a ghost at 14, he probably would have fuc-messed around with a ouija board too. So he can’t really blame them when the poor unfortunate souls happen to guess the correct phrase.
(And before you ask, it’s the ghostbusters theme song because of course it is.)
Instead of giving his victims summoners a heart attack, he decides to go for a more… Matrix approach. Incorporate a little humor into an otherwise terrifying experience.
Rather than a red pill and a blue pill though, he gives out a bright green glowing pill and piece of candy. He definitely gets annoyed more people don’t go for the candy. Just because it’s clearly the wrong answer doesn’t mean you should miss the opportunity for a delicious snack!
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respectthepetty · 2 months
God, I'm so in love with him.
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He's perfect.
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He's beautiful.
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He looks like Linda Evangelista.
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He's a (role) model.
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Murder them all, babe.
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It's what ALL of these bitches deserve.
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But who will be the one to pick up that axe from outside?
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*sign of the cross*
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chickenstrangers · 8 months
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Only Friends (2023) | Episode 6
Why would I want a relationship? It's annoying.
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katabay · 10 months
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1930s steve & bucky & a boxing match
it's stucky, but halfway through explaining the plot, I start talking about the history of boxing during the great depression and begin pulling academic articles and books out of my jacket
it's uhhhhh not the mcu for sure, and it's not really following any specific 616 canon because I don't care about that. I've read enough cap comics over the years, I've suffered through the marvel reboots, I've done my time.
with that said, the general ground work for this is that bucky's a highschool drop out who boxes as a side hustle and steve did a year of art school before dropping out, and also that I read non fiction for fun and I have a whole stack of material on the great depression from ten years ago that I'm cramming into this.
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seasicksilver · 1 year
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(work in progress) the lengths I go to for my blorbos....
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