#last night we had our closing night and we went to the diner we always eat at and i got voted cast babygirl and also 2nd place for
septemberpdf · 2 years
theater kid moment (i have cried 10 times today)
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literaila · 2 years
the waiter
tasm!peter x reader 
"the waiter was flirting with you"  
"he couldn't stop staring at you. i thought his eyes were going to fall out of his head." 
warnings: pure fluff, baby. 
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"hey," peter whispers to you, a bit urgently. 
you don't look up from your menu, thinking fanciful thoughts of bankrupting peter. "hmm?" 
"we have to go." 
you look up, frowning. 
peter's got an urgent look on his face. his frown matches yours. 
if he didn't look so disturbed you might take the moment to appreciate the shirt he's wearing, sleeves rolled up past his forearm. you might even stare a little bit. 
but peter is frowning. and there is something wrong. 
"what?" you ask him, looking around. "what's going on?" 
"we have to leave." 
peter does not elaborate any further, because why would he? 
"okay..." you drawl, blinking at him. "why?" 
you look out the window to your left for any incoming disasters. if there was a possibility that anyone in this restaurant were to get hurt, you're sure peter wouldn't be just sitting there, waiting to have a conversation about death. 
but there's no monster outside. no robberies. no impending doom that he might need to tend to. 
your brow furrows even deeper. you stare at him, expectant. 
"the waiter was flirting with you," peter mutters, casting a glance toward the man on the other side of the restaurant. 
the man who you thought was perfectly pleasant, thank you very much. 
"he couldn't stop staring at you. i thought his eyes were going to fall out of his head." 
you snort, a bit confused. "peter," you say, a strange sort of smile on your face. "what?" 
"if i have to watch him drool all over you again, i might spontaneously combust."  
you close your menu, staring at him. 
"i'm serious, babe, we have to go." 
"we already ordered bread. and drinks." 
"i'll pay triple however much that cost. the waiter gets no tip," peter furrows his brows, considering. "okay, fine. he gets fifteen percent." 
"how chivalrous." 
"baby," peter whines, like a child. you might find it a little bit cute. "please? i'm having a hard enough time already." 
"what?" you frown. "why?" 
he blinks at you. does a slow up and down your body, raising his eyebrows. 
you think back to hands that had lingered on every inch of skin they could find on the way there. about eyes that could've burned you to the core. 
"oh," you cross your arms, self-conscious. "i thought you were kidding earlier when you said that--" 
peter stares at you blankly. 
"okay. not kidding."
his head drops down to the table, and if not for his muffled voice you might hear him groan. 
"leaf pile," you coo, softly. "i think it'll be alright. i'll even hold your hand when he comes back over." 
peter does not budge at the nickname, but you snicker internally, reaching a hand out to mess up his hair. 
he sits up, fixing it with a frown--as if it's at all salvageable. 
"is this what we've come to?" peter asks you, shaking his head. "you have to bribe me with affection? you only want to hold my hand to turn away the poor waiter--" 
"it's always been like this." 
peter points a finger at you. "not true." 
you scoff. "on our first date you tried to get me to stay up all night so we could watch the sunset--" 
"--that would've been romantic." 
"--and i had to bribe you with a goodnight kiss. just so you would let me go home." 
peter smiles like he's still pleased with himself. "you didn't want to leave. i was trying to help." 
"you just wanted to make out on the subway." 
"that's disgusting," peter says, looking away from you finally. his menu is still open, on the table, waiting to be looked at. "we could go to the diner across from your apartment."
"we went there last week." 
"great service," peter says, nonchalantly. 
"this is supposed to be a fancy date, peter." 
"what's fancier than sharing a milkshake?" 
"crème brûlée." 
peter purses his lips, a hand going to scratch at his lips. there are about ten seconds of silence. 
you use it to stare at him and wonder how he could possibly feel intimidated by anyone else. 
"fine," peter says, "we'll order dessert to go. and then we'll go get pizza." 
you open your mouth. close it. 
"you like pizza," peter reassures you. 
"i also like having a nice dinner with my boyfriend." 
"that can be arranged." 
you sigh. "even if we order dessert to go, we'll still have to talk to david again." 
peter gawks at you. "you know his name?" 
"he literally introduced himself. it was the first thing he said." 
"you remembered his name?" 
you wave a hand. "peter. you don't need to be jealous. maybe he just saw something on my face." 
peter sits back and crosses his arms. he raises an eyebrow at you, to which you smile back innocently. 
he says i know what you're doing without the words. 
"there's nothing on your face," peter says, dryly. "besides pure perfection." 
you giggle. 
peter runs a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "you're right," he relents, sighing. 
"it's okay, baby, like i said--" 
"it doesn't matter where we go," peter interrupts. "everyone's going to stare at you anyway." 
"...not where i was going with that." 
"i guess i just need to accept reality." 
"i don't think--" 
"i mean," peter finally looks you right in the eye, a hint of a smile playing on his face. "how lucky am i?" 
your face goes blank, for just a moment. 
and then, completely despite yourself, you smile at him, skin tingling at the intensity of his stare. 
of his teasing and gentle laughter as he smiles back. 
and, really, it's not your fault that you have to lean across the table to kiss him. 
he's just so goddamn irresistible. 
after a couple of seconds--and an ahem from the table beside you--you sit back down, opening your menu once again. you smile while you try and decide what to eat. 
and try to come up with the perfect way to get peter back for all of that. you've gotten as far as thanking the waiter profusely when he comes back. 
it's only a minute later when he whispers to you: 
"can i at least order the most complicated thing on the menu just to mess with him?" 
my masterlist here.
tags: @moonlarking-blog​​ @v1ci0us​​ @preciousbabypeter​​ @alexxavicry​​ @directioner5life​​ @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah​​ @localrockstargf​​  
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allthingsfangirl101 · 4 months
The Reason I Quit – Steve Harrington
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I held the test in my shaking hands as I went over the possibilities of how he could react to this. Sure, Steve and I have been dating for two years and are in love. We've even talked about spending the rest of our lives together. But this is big.
About six months ago, Steve and I moved into his parents' house. They moved to California after the "earthquake". When they moved, Steve begged me to move in with him and I did.
This changes things now. A baby changes our situation.
I looked at the clock on the wall and took a shaky breath. Steve would be home in a little over an hour. Which meant all I had to do was distract myself until he got home. To do this, I cleaned as much of the house as I could. Before I knew it, the front door opened and closed.
"Y/N?" Steve called out from the front door. "Where are you, baby?"
I cringed at the last word. I walked out of the laundry room, nervously playing with my hands. I headed downstairs, holding my breath as I waited for Steve to come into view.
"There you are," he smiled. He walked over, took me in his arms, and pressed his lips to mine. He broke the kiss when he realized I wasn't kissing him back.
"What's wrong, gorgeous?" He asked as he studied me.
"I umm. . . I'm just not feeling that well today," I whimped out. Steve reached forward and felt my forehead.
"You don't have a fever," he noted. "Any nausea? Dizziness? Have you been able to eat anything today?"
"Just some crackers," I said honestly. "I feel like I have a rock in my stomach."
"How about this," he started to suggest with a smile on his face, "we order some soup from our favorite diner. I'll run you a bubble bath while we wait. When the food gets here, we'll sit on the couch and watch your favorite comfort movie. Then we'll retire early and you can fall asleep as I rub your back."
"I love you," I sighed.
"I love you too, gorgeous," he said with a small chuckle. "Let's get your bath started and then I'll order dinner."
* * * * *
I didn't tell him.
We went through the night just like he said and I fell asleep with the secret looming over me. The next day he went to work and I snuck to the doctor. Luckily, she didn't ask me who the father was, but she did clarify that I was pregnant. After she confirmed it, I knew I needed to tell Steve.
To keep myself calm while waiting for Steve to come home, I put my feet in the jacuzzi. I didn't bother to go inside and greet him when he got home. I knew he'd find me. He always did.
"Hey, gorgeous," Steve said as he walked over. "You feeling any better?"
"A little," I shrugged as he kicked off his shoes and sat next to me. I smiled when he reached over and felt my forehead. "I didn't have a temperature yesterday and I still don't have one today."
I giggled when he leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Just checking," he smirked as he pulled away. "Are you sure you're alright? You've been acting kinda strange lately."
"Just worried," I stuttered.
"Baby," he sighed, "we got rid of Vecna. It's been safe for almost a year now."
"I know," I said slowly. "I'm still. . ."
"Hey," he whispered, scooting closer to me. "You know I'll protect you from anything that comes our way. I love you, Y/N. Nothing is going to change that."
I really hoped he meant that.
"I love you too, Steve."
A little while later, we were still by the pool, but we were sitting in the pool chairs. I subconsciously placed my hands delicately on my stomach.
"I'm gonna have a cigarette," Steve sighed as he pulled one out and lit it. Without looking, he handed me the container. He looked over at me when he noticed me not taking one. "You're not?"
"No," I said slowly. He lowered his hand as he studied me.
"Is everything okay, babe?" He asked, his voice soft.
"I need to tell you something," I whispered. He placed his cigarette in the ashtray on the small table between our beach chairs. He turned toward me and grabbed my hands, turning me toward him.
"Talk to me, gorgeous," he whispered.
"I don't want you to be angry," I admitted under my breath.
"I promise I won't get angry," Steve said instantly with a small smile on his face. He reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "What's on your mind, gorgeous?"
"I'm pregnant," I blurted out, making Steve's hand freeze inches from my face. He stared at me as he slowly lowered his hand.
"Are you. . . Really?" He whispered. I bit back my tears as I nodded. With the hand that he had frozen in the air, Steve reached forward and caught a tear that had escaped. His voice softened as he asked, "Why are you crying, my love?"
"What are you thinking?" I asked, my voice breaking.
"I'm thinking how absolutely amazing this is," he chuckled.
"Of course," he said, his smile falling as he finally dropped his hand. "Why wouldn't I be happy? We've been together for two years, in love for most of that. We've talked about spending the rest of our lives together. Y/N, you're the love of my life and you're pregnant with someone that I'm gonna love just as much as I love you."
"It changes our plan," I whispered.
"I know that," he nodded. "But all it changes is now we're adding one other person to our future. That's an amazing thing."
"But Hawkins. . . A lot of crazy things have happened here in the past five years."
"And we will protect our child from all of it," he said instantly. "Or we could move away."
"You'd really move away from Hawkins? From those kids?"
"For you and our child? I'd go anywhere and do anything for our family."
I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. I felt him smile as he started kissing me back. He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. He looked away and grabbed his lit cigarette. I watched as he put it out.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm quitting."
"But. . ."
"You're not smoking because it's dangerous for the baby," he pointed out the obvious. "I'm not smoking anymore because I want to show you that we're on the same team."
I smiled as he stood up and pulled me with him. He started to walk inside but stopped when he noticed I hadn't moved.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"What if I can't do this?" I asked under my breath. Steve instantly pulled me into his chest.
"You can do this," he reassured. "You are going to be an amazing mother, Y/N."
"I'm scared," I whispered into his shirt. I felt him take a slow breath.
"I know, gorgeous," he whispered back. He pulled out of the hug and smiled down at me. "To be honest, I am too. But that's okay. We've got each other. And this amazing, awesome, badass baby has both of us. We're in this together. Every step of the way."
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inlovewhithafairytale · 6 months
01x01 Pilot part 2
Why I'm doing this....
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Yn waited for her brothers in the car as they went to talk with some police officers in a crime scene they had happened to drive bye.
She returned her eyes down to her book leaning back against te worn leather of the Impala. when she lifted her eyes up again she stiffled a laugh when she saw Dean slap the back of Sam's head s if Sam was still a kid under his care.
"What was that about?" Yn asked them when they climed in the car again.
Sam gave Dean a bit of a ressented look before answering "A teenager went missing on his way home last night"
"Creepy..." Yn says nodding a bit "so...you guys are sure that Dad would look this case up?" she asks leaning against the front seat poking her head between the two brothers.
"Yep" Dean answers starting the car "Now we're going to look at the guy's girlfriend up then we are gong to get something to eat"
"YeY! Hamburgers?"
"Defenitly" Dean smiles at her before pushing her face back "buckle up kiddo"
"Dont touch my face" Yn whined pushing his hand away and sitting back in the car seat again.
" You must be Amy?" Dean asks approaching a girl putting up MISSING posters of her boyfriend.
"Yeah Troy told us about you. We're his uncles. Dean. Sammy." he says pointng between himself and samearning a slight glare from his brother "and our little sister Yn" Dean points lastly at Yn who was standing a bit behind him hands in the pockets of her Jacket nodding her head in form of greeting.
"He never mentioned you to me"
"That's troy I guess" Dean says with a small scoff " we're not around much, we're up in Podesto-"
"So we're looking for him too" Sam cuts in "and we're kind of asking around"
"hey are you ok?" asks a girl nearing Amy, probrably her friend, Yn decides.
"Yeah" amy answers with a small nod.
"So...you mind if we ask a couple of questions?" Sam continues.
Yn sat between Sam and Dean in a booth in some diner listening to Amy tell her tragic story... honsetly, Yn was hungry, sleepy, and couldent care less about the information. Wich made her feel guilty, considering that the girl would never see her boyfriend again.
She leaned her head against Dean's shoulder zoning out of the conversation. so. Sammy was back. Maybe when he had to go back to Stanford he'd call, and let them visit him, Yn didnt really have it inherself to hate her brother for leaving. He found a chance to go. he went. but it still upset her that he didnt call. or write. or email.
Her ears perked up again when Amy's friend said something about a woman killing herself and her ghost hitchhiking on men.
Once biding thanks to the girls and goodbye. The siblings made their way out of the dinner.
"ghosts...creepy" Yn comments as they make their way to the car.
"and here one would have though you'd grown used to them" Dean teases ruffling her hair up.
"still creepy" Yn insints taking his hand and pulling it away from her hair "Its hair dean, not a mop" she glares slightly at him trying to set her hair back in place. Dean just messes it up again.
"DuDE!" The girl whines swatting his hand away. She slaps Dean's shoulder.
"ouch" he mocks.
Sam walked a little bit behind them. warching how his brother and sister had grown so much closer together in tose two years.Not like they weren't close before. Dean raised Yn the minute that Jhon placed her in his arms. He became the father Jhon wasn't. he had to clean up the mess Jhon made when he screwed with some woman in a bar and it git back at him. But there was always room for Sam to join in. to take part of their teasing and fights. Now not so much. He regretted that. and he made a silent promise not to lose touch of his siblings again when he got back to Stanfrord.
" I think youre writing it wrong" Yn said as she loomed over Dean's shoulder watching as he typed in the computer of the library they where currently in.
"Shut it"
"Let me try" Yn insisted. reaching her hand out to type something else.
Dean slapped her hand away. Yn gave him a resented look before sliding his chair away from the computer and settling behind it.
Sam laughed at Dean's face...
"so ghosts are violents deaths... Maybe its suicide" Yn said aloud typing down.
Indeed there was a news report to it.
dean gave her an approving nod and Yn gave him a small proud smile.
"I still dont forgive you for sliding the chair away"
Yn rolled her eyes and pushed his chair back again causing Sam to laugh.
"so...we're in the bridge where Constanence took the swan dive...in the night...wth Constanence ghost lurking around...do any of you know how creepy and risky that is? Couldent we have waited for tomorrow?"
"I have to get back to Stanford on Monday" Sam says giving her an apologetic look.
"quit yapping and come on...unless you want to stay in the car" Dean sauggests as he opened his car door.
"No thanks. ill go with you" came the instant reply from the teenage girl .
"I should have stayed in the car" Yn mutters to herself as Dean pushed up Sam against the bridge posts.
They where fighing about mom...well. Their mom.
"Dean..." Yn says quietly putting a hand on her older brothers shoulder
"Dont talk about her like that" dean said quietly to Sam before realising the grip he had on his collar and stepping back walking a bit away from them.
Yn looked after him and some movement caugh her eye "Dean..."
Dean's gaze moved to the ghost who was standing in the edje of the bridge, she loked at them and then jumped.
Dean and Sam ran to where she had jumped off from.
"Of course they're running toward the danger" Yn muttered to herself before running behind them.
"I really should have stayed on the car"
"Lord! Dean you stink!" Yn exclaimed when her Dean neared her.
"I know. Now shut it and get in the car or I'll hug you" Dean threatened making Yn run back to the car.
"Did you really have to jump off the bridge?" Sam asked with a tired face.
"The threat goes for you too" Dean answered gruffly as he walked back to the car.
"Is there anything about you that's real?" The officer asked as Dean and Yn stood in the parking lot of a motel.
"My boobs" "his boobs" Dean and Yn said at the same time with a poker face.
"I suppose she is your...?" The officer trailed off looking down at Yn.
"Daughter" Dean answered making the officer raised his eyebrows.
"You look a bit too young to be a father of a teenage girl"
"We all have our flaws officer"
"Adopted" Yn cut in continuing the lie.
As the officer guided them both to the police car Dean leaned in slightly "remember the protocol" he whispered
"Got it"
At the police station they wanted to take Dean and Yn into different rooms and Yn went into a frenzy crying and shouting for Dean as the officer tried to take her away.
"Officer you can't take her away...she is special with separation exciety" Dean told the police man.
The officer relented and they both where taken into an interrogation room and cuffed to the table. Dean gave her a questioning glance 'you alright' Yn nodded cleaning up her fake tears 'yeah'
The officer went in again and started asking Dean all sorts of questions and also confronted him about the credit card scams and about the journal that they had found in the motel room.
Dean of course was unwilling to answer and just gave the officer sarcastic remarks and cocky grins. The officer turned to Yn who acted the same way. Making the officer leave the room frustrated.
"Good job back there" Dean praised as they walked in the sidewalk making their way to a phone booth
"I really wanted hamburgers" Yn pouted.
Dean sighed correspondingly "Me too sis, we'll get them when Sam picks us up" he said putting his arm around his little sisters shoulder.
"Next time we have to check there are no police people around"
"Sam! Are you ok?!" Yn rushed to her brothers side after she watched in horror Constanence Welch scream and disappear into a puddle of the water in the floor of the abandoned house.
Sam groaned as he opened the door of the impala, a.k.a Dean's baby, he had drove into the house.
"Yeah im fine"
Dean in the other hand was looking worriedly at the car searching for any damage.
"Well...another mission completed" Yn sighed putting her hands to her hips.
"How many Times have I told you that's cringy?" Dean asked annoyed.
"Many. But im still gonna do it"
"You better call. And email me" Yn told sammy as she hugged him tightly.
"I promise I will" Sam told her softly.
"Come on booger time to go" Dean said as he claimed into the car.
Pressing a kiss on top of her head Sam let her go and Yn climbed sulkily into the car, waving Sam goodbye as they drove off.
Yn was quiet for a while until somehow she began feeling uneasy.
"Dean...turn the car around. Something's not right" she suddenly said making Dean turn to her with a frown, and seeing the look in her face spun the car around tires screeching.
They get there in time when Sam's apartment burst in to flames and Dean and Yn scrambled out of the car.
"Stay!" Dean ordered before he ran inside.
Yn watched in complete fear for her brothers. Only breathing properly when Dean re appeared dragging a crying Sam with him. One look at Dean and Yn knew... Jessica was dead.
Yn ran forward and wrapped her arms around her brother "Oh Sammy. I'm so so sorry" she whispered.
Sam hugged her back crying into her shoulder. Sobbs wreking his shoulders as he slowly fell to his knees and Yn held him.
She knew what it was like to lose someone.
Dean watched with tears in his eyes at his younger siblings. He put an arm around Sam's shoulders.
Sam tosses a shotgun into the back of the Impala, his face hard. The same thing that had killed his mother had killed the woman he loved.
"We got work to do"
Just like old times. Dean, Sam and Yn. Back in the hunt.
What could possibly go wrong?
Part 1
Flashbacks. A.k.a. younger years. A.k.a. part 3, kinda
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jimhopperlova · 10 months
- Power Damage (18+)
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18+ MDNI!!
Pairing(s): helping!jim hopper, helpless! fem reader
Summary: when reader comes home after a long shift at the diner, she finds her power is non-existent. she asks the local chief to help, but find out he helps in more ways than one.
Warning(s): large age gap (reader is 22, hop is 41), masturbation (f receiving), unprotected p in v.
i hope you enjoy! ive wrote something similar to this, but this ones a lot better. more love making than actual sex.
‘10 minutes and i can take a nice hot shower.’ you said to yourself, finishing up cleaning the tables you had. you had to be the busser and the server of course, cause why not? you sighed, continuing to look at the clock ahead of you. no, you can’t. the more you look, the more time went by slower.
it was nearing 10 o’clock, you of course having the closing shift. you didn’t mind as your boss was a nice gentleman. he always offered you free food, made sure you were comfortable in any setting, and if any customers got out of line, he was right there in tow. you couldn’t ask for a better boss.
“alright, looks like it’s your time to go. get outta here. get some rest.” speaking of, your boss had said to you as you finished your last table. you smiled brightly, the shower sounding more and more better as the day went on. you quickly put the dirty dishes and rags away where they needed to go, and quickly hung your apron up on the employee break room door. you hurriedly grabbed your winter coat, hat, and gloves. ‘warm shower, warm shower.’ you shouldn’t ask for anything too much, because then your hopes are shattered.
“what?! no!” you had managed to see that your power was off. the lightswitch didn’t work, and the oven didn’t work either. you wouldn’t be able to be warm. you did everything you thought you could to steer away from this very moment. you lived in the midwest, weather was always the worst. when people say it’s bad, it’s worse. and when people say weather is nice, its bad. there was no way of fighting off the inevitable.
great. now what? you weren’t about to sleep in your cold car nor your cold house. start a fire in the house? probably not the smartest idea. go over to everyone’s homes you know of and beg mercilessly to stay at their house until your power’s back on? better idea. but you knew that you would need to get the power back on, so you had managed to helplessly drive to the police station. you didn’t know of anyone capable of helping.. not even a handyman. maybe you can be desperate, especially when talking to the chief.
chief jim hopper was a regular at the diner. he stumbled across you one night when you were his server. clearly you made an impression on him, but of course, you are oblivious, so you didn’t really understand. until tonight when you are talking to flo, hoping the nice old lady would understand.
“listen, i.. i stumbled across a situation and i don’t know of any handyman in town. is there a way you guys could help me? i know you’ll probably tell to screw off and suck it up, but.. i really need your guys’ help. maybe give me a directory?” you asked flo in the most desperate voice you could. you were shaking of cold, and this situation just made things worse.
“ms, our hours are closed. we are only open for emergencies,” flo spoke to you, you looked at her in despair. but this was an emergency! you couldn’t be warm to save your life. maybe you could stay here overnight? pretend to be a criminal. break something. “but.. i can see what i can do.” flo then spoke. you looked at her with a smile, probably thanking her a million times. you sat down on one of the chairs, hugging yourself to try and keep yourself warm. you then watched as a door opened, and out came a tiring chief. you wanted to say hi, but things were more important right now.
“(y/n), what are you doing here? everything alright?” the chief had then asked you, and you could only smile lightly. things were alright you supposed, but you’re freezing in your boots. literally!
“oh, hey jim. yeah, uh.. everything’s fine. except my power’s out, as well as my pipes are burst. maybe i’ll just stay at a motel..” you told yourself. you hadn’t even considered that. you involuntarily facepalmed yourself at the thought of a motel. how dumb could you be?
“well.. i’m just headin’ out now. maybe i’ll stop by and check it out.” jim mentioned. you looked up at him with a wide smile. coming to the police station was the smartest idea you could have thought of.
“sir, you have a call waiting for you-“ flo started to interrupt, basically telling him not to help you. all hope was gone. he had a job to do afterall, not bother with your stupid pipes. oh. you didn’t think that could be dirty until you truly thought about it. your face emitted a deep blush, and tried your best to ignore it.
“it’s alright, flo. this shouldn’t take long.” jim said again, looking down at you as in a ‘let’s get out of here before i get pulled back into the office’. you smiled up at him and stood, leading him out to your car.
“thank you, jim. it really means a lot.” you told the chief who could only smile softly, heading to his blazer. you hopped in your nova and headed towards your home. you didn’t think anything would come between you and jim, so you only treated him as a friend. but you basically owe him a shit ton of favors for doing this for you. you didn’t know what you would do without the chief.
“yep. busted,” jim muttered as he looked underneath your home. you cursed to yourself, shaking your head. god damn it. curse your mother for having old pipes. your mother practically gave you this house in her will, and you had a three bedroom ranch house at the age of 21. being an adult sucks. “and the powerlines are froze. until they thaw out, you’re kinda stuck.” jim explained further, and you shook your head. of course. could this get any worse?
“shit. uh.. okay. i guess i’ll drive around town to see if any motels have vacancy. thanks for helping me, you didn’t have to.” you told the chief who could only shake his head and run his hand through his hair.
“save the gas. the one motel in this town is full. almost the whole town is outta power,” jim explained again, bearing the bad news. so the night really could get worse. you cursed to yourself about a million times before jim could only laugh. you looked at him in bewilderment, wondering what his problem was. “you don’t have any friends or somethin’ to crash with?” he asked you, his hands placed on his hips. you shook your head, hugging yourself again.
“nope. i’ve only been here for a year, if you can’t recall my sob story when you were last at the diner,” you explained to jim. you had a bad time shutting up about how you ended up in hawkins, especially when they ask you about how you ended up here. when someone was new to the town, it sparked up the whole entire town. you didn’t stop explaining where you came from for about a month. “i have coworkers, but they have kids and their house is full. that is if they have power. honestly.. i just need a warm shower.” you laughed softly, and jim lightly scratched the back of his neck, almost in thought.
“well.. my place is trashed. but if ya need.. you can stay. granted, i still have power and water when i get back home.” jim spoke. those were the words you needed to hear after a long debate in your mind of where to go. you smiled brightly and looked at jim with probably the biggest smile.
“oh my gosh, thank you so much! thank you, thank you, thank you!” you told the man and hugged him tightly, despite if he wanted to or not. you let him to and looked up at him. “i’ll go grab some clothes. i’ll be back.” you told him before heading inside your cold home. seconds later, you emerged with a backpack full of clothes for tomorrow and your pajamas.
“leave your car here, you’ll be safe.” jim told you. you couldn’t help but laugh and hop in the car next to the chief. the drive to his place was silent. you couldn’t quite place if it was a good quiet, or a bad quiet. but it was definitely an awkward quiet. meanwhile, jim was deep in thought. his mind continuously wandered about whether it was a good idea to bring you to his place or not. the last thing he wanted was to be judged, especially by you.
for some reason, you were never able to escape his mind. those small little talks and bright smiles at the diner did him dirty. maybe that’s why he continues to go there when he isn’t swamped with paperwork. your bright eyes and that widened smile pulls him right back into the diner, always making sure he left you a generous tip. you were young. and see, that was another problem. he was a 40 year old man, watching over the town, protecting it. you were merely 22, high hopes still ahead of your future. and maybe that’s why he has hesitated asking you out on a proper date.
finally, you two arrived at jim’s trailer. it seemed kinda homey on the outside. however, inside it seemed like a druggie’s fever dream. pill bottles, beer bottles, beer cans, dirty clothes, just.. everywhere. you weren’t expecting the chief to be clean by any means (he’s a busy man), but you didn’t expect it to be this dirty.
“s’cuse the mess,” jim spoke before he looked around and tried his best to move some stuff around so it wasn’t so messy. he didn’t expect to bring you to his trailer tonight, but if he had to be honest, he was glad he had the opportunity to. “you can place your coat and stuff on the couch for now.” he also instructed. you looked around and didn’t know what to say. nice place? nice.. bottles of beer? instead, you took the latter.
“uh.. thanks again for letting me stay. it was really nice of you.” you said awkwardly before disgarding your coat and hat and mittens. you placed them on the couch, feeling the warm air. finally.
“course. not a problem. uh.. bathroom’s over there. i’ll let you take the bed tonight.” jim spoke and you immediately looked at him. ‘i’m used to sleeping on the couch, anyway’ jim had said to himself internally.
“no, its okay. i can sleep on the couch, i don’t mind.” you smiled brightly before excusing yourself to the bathroom. you shut the door behind yourself, and looked in the mirror. you didn’t look too bad, but you didn’t look hot either. the stress made your forehead vein pop, and hopefully after the shower it would be alright. you sighed before disgarding your clothes you had on that day and grabbed the pajamas from the backpack, placing them on the bathroom counter. you turned on the water and felt the way the warm water graced your fingertips. ah. not enough hot water, though.
meanwhile, the chief was sat in his usual spot in the recliner. beer in hand, he channel surfed the tv. he was doing well, he thought. refraining from your good looks, doing his best to not stare too long. but.. could you blame him? it was you. and now you were in his trailer in the shower. naked. he tried his best to let the tv distract him from going in there and spying on you. he really was dirty.
finally, you came out of the shower. you were in a white plain t-shirt and some plaid pajama pants. the perfect outfit to keep warm. you noticed jim was sat in his recliner, watching tv. he was still in his police uniform, and obviously.. you thought the uniform was hot. his pants made his crotch area tighter, so if there was any chance he had any attraction to you.. you would know. the unform defined his muscles well, and he always demanded respect in it. you didn’t know, but you knew a power play was hot.
“i’m uh.. done. it was really nice, thank you,” you told jim softly, slowly reaching to couch and sitting down. jim looked over at you and nodded, going back to the tv. fuck, it was going to be awkward, wasn’t it? what could you do to break this silence thing? “uh.. how’s your job treating you? good, i hope?”
“what?” jim asked and looked at you. you shrugged and looked over at him, hoping to let him know you were just trying to start a conversation. “it’s uh.. same old song and dance. how ‘bout the diner?” he asked you, taking a drink from the beer can. he then reached for the pack of cigarettes, lighting one up. another thing you’re attracted to. the way the cigarette was in between his lips. fuck, you really wished you were that cigarette right now. “hello?” jim had piped up again, and you had to bounce back from your trance. you laughed and shook off the thoughts.
“sorry, uh.. was thinkin’. um.. it’s alright. i mean, it’s gotten better. i got a pay boost, and new clientel has been tipping better.” you told him. you smiled over at him, and jim couldn’t help but smile back at you softly. cigarette still in hand, he took another hit from the cigarette, letting the smoke exhale from his throat. he looked relaxed.. but stressed. you weren’t sure what that was, but you knew that he was kind enough to let you stay in his trailer. you shouldn’t pry.
“that’s good. glad you’re getting what you deserve,” jim spoke. a few more minutes and more staring at him smoking the cigarette, he finished what he was doing and stood from his recliner. he shut the tv off before turning to you. “alright, it’s ‘bout time i head to bed. please, just.. sleep in the bed. it’ll make me feel better.” jim ordered you. you sighed and nodded, standing as well.
“i’m sorry, i just don’t want to be a bother..” you said softly before jim could only think, ‘why would you be a bother?’ nope, personal feelings had to stay far away from his mind. “goodnight, jim. thank you again.” you spoke softly and slowly made your way to the bedroom. jim couldn’t help but watch as you walk to his bedroom. those pajama pants fit you well. he shook the thoughts away again and started to disgard himself of his uniform.
you fell onto his big bed. it was massive. it was cozy, and even smelled like him. despite the piles of dirty clothes and pill bottles everywhere, it felt nice. it would feel way better if he was next to you, though. you sighed and decided to try and fall asleep. an hour passes though, and you’re still awake. not only were you in a foreign place (you didn’t sleep well at places you never stayed at before), but your mind was wide awake. it wouldn’t shut the hell up. thoughts of jim coming in here and making sweet love to you wouldn’t leave. you did your darndest to not masturbate in his bed, but maybe it would relieve some pressure.
you sighed and slowly rolled out of his bed and slowly made your way out to the living room. jim looked asleep on the couch. you ducked behind the corner hoping to not wake him. he looked way less stressed. his eyes were closed, the way his belly went up and down from breathing.. at peace. but you could now get a better visual of him without his uniform on. and for some reason.. it turned you on even more. you swallowed past the lump in your throat and swaddled your way back into his bed.
thoughts danced in the front of your mind, not escaping the wandering of your eyes. what if jim came in here? what if he confessed his feelings and made sweet sweet love? you kept thinking of how he would taste on your lips. his beard would tickle you a little and he would taste of beer and cigarette smoke. but when his head ducked lower, the beard would tickle you even more. lower on your stomach, lower above your navel.. lower on your cunt that is aching to be touched. you swallowed and decided to give it a shot.
your hand ducked underneath your pajama pants, circling around the nerve that wanted to be touched the most. you imagined jim’s finger there instead, the thick digits circling around it. praising you on how good you were doing, confessing his love to you. you let out a soft moan, the thoughts swirling around in your mind. before you knew it, your finger danced around your entrance. you entered one finger inside of you, clearly that not doing much. thoughts of him telling you to beg for it, for him to add just one finger.
“please, please, jim..” you sighed out, begging jim in your mind. you didn’t think you would be loud externally, but it was loud enough for jim to stir in his sleep. he awoke to soft moans coming from his bedroom, curiousity getting the best of him. he stood slowly and walked over to his bedroom, almost forgetting you were in there. but the sight in front of him added a glow to his eyes he hadn’t seen in a long time.
sure, he has pleased lots of women in his spare time. but none of them could have compared to you. the way your hand was underneath your pajama pants, the way your eyes were closed with pleasure.. the way you moaned his name. and my, was that the sweetest way he could have heard anyone say his name. it was almost angelic the way you sounded. he had to palm himself at just the sight, but it came to a shock that he was already hard. what did you even do to him?
“please, i need you, jim..” you moaned out. fuck. jim was at a loss of words. he took a moment to run his hand through his hair, thinking what he should exactly do. he wanted nothing more than to replace your hand with his, whisper sweet nothings in your ear.. however, this was different. he had to remember his morals. “jim.. i’m- i’m gonna cum.” you shrieked out. he wondered if this was some kind of trick, and you weren’t really lost in your mind. except, you really were. you were oblivious to the fact that jim was spying on you. you know what? screw his morals.
jim slowly made his way inside the room, trying his best to not startle you. he wanted to surprise you if you really were about to cum to the thought of him. but when you heard footsteps, your eyes shot open. there was jim, standing there. right in front of the bed. had he been watching you? before you could make any excuse, his hand cupped your mouth. you looked at him with wide eyes, honestly afraid of what he might say. what he might do.
“shh..” jim shushed you, his eyes dancing down to where your hand rested. it was still there, but paused. he looked disappointed. “keep goin’. it’s okay.” he had whispered, and you looked at him confused. you didn’t dare question what he just told you to do. your hand started to rub circles at your clit again, that feeling of cumming being lost. you were startled, and you didn’t think you could muster up that feeling again. especially when he was watching you now.
“jim.. i need.. your help..” you whispered at him, looking at him with doe like eyes. the glow in them.. jim couldn’t resist. he slowly took your hand away, and instead replaced it with yours. his large fingers started to dance around your clit, adding that pressure you were so desperately after. you hummed softly, your eyes shutting softly. the same thoughts filled you, but with the man that was doing this to you, it made it all that much better.
“feel good?” jim whispered in your ear. you nodded desperately, your hands gripping at the sheets. you couldn’t control your moans at this point. you opened your eyes and looked at jim.. he was mesmerized by the way you reacted to his touch. he was curious to see how you would do with himself inside you. he slowly laid down next to you, so he had better access. the motions continued, but you needed more.
“jim.. i need your fingers.. inside me..” you spoke desperately, looking up at him. jim could only accept and nodded softly, one finger sliding inside of you. you moaned softly at the way his finger already managed to find your g-spot, it feeling all too good. he thrusted his finger inside of you, of course slow. he wanted you to be prepared for his cock.
“want another one?” jim asked you, and you nodded. he smirked softly before he looked down at you. he was simply drunk off the way you moaned for him. the way you yearned for his touch. “beg for me..” he instructed and you immediately obliged.
“please jim, i.. i need another finger.. need to feel you..” you moaned out, looking up at him. the two of you locked eyes, and you felt like you were about to cum. that familiar feeling was started to rise, but you needed just a little more to help. “p-please. need your finger to cum..” you begged once more, and immediately he obliged. the second finger added more than what you bargained for. you practically came immediately. “f-fuck, jim- i’m.. cum-cumming..!” you shrieked out, your hands gripping at the sheets on his bed. you were full of him.. his bed, his scent.. his cologne.. and now his fingers deep inside you.
“that’s it. you’re doing so good..” jim praised in your ear. he felt himself get even more hard at the way you spasmed around his fingers, if that was possible. his cock now ached for you. he wanted to be deep inside you, claim you as his. he didn’t care how young you were.. at this very moment, you are all he wanted. and will continue to be, no matter what anyone had thought. once you finished on his fingers, he slowly slid them out of you and licked up the juices. he looked down at you, and noticed how relaxed you were. normally, he would just stick his dick inside and be done with it. but it was.. you. no, he was going to savor this.
“jim.. need.. more of you..” you had managed to whisper out, despite how exhausted you were. you really did want more of him. no matter how overstimulated you got, you needed him inside of you.
“don’t worry, it’s comin’ sweetheart. just need.. to savor you..” and before you knew it, his lips captured yours with his. it was deep, hard, passionate.. and he tasted just like you thought he would. except, a more.. whiskey taste. you were drunk off his lips, the two of you moving in sync. your hand had then palmed at his boxers, feeling the way his cock ached for your touch. you were in heaven. “shit. don’t do that. i need to be inside you..” he hummed against your lips, not wanting to stop. your lips were so addictive. they tasted of coffee.. not only were mornings for coffee and contemplation, it seemed nights were too.
you moaned softly against jim’s own, your hands traveling from his boxers to his chest. hairy. but you didn’t care. he was groomed exceptionally well. his hairy chest fit him, and you were glad for that. eventually, jim took things to the next level. he laid you down fully onto the bed, him on top. he broke the kiss to look down at you, his blue eyes meeting yours. you looked absolutely beautiful.. he wanted you to know this.
“so.. beautiful..” jim hummed out softly before his head ducked down to your neck. he left feather-like kisses, before he left some on your collarbone. you moaned softly, before his hands had found the bottom of your shirt. you helped him take it off, and you didn’t think jim could look more happy until now. his head ducked down to your breasts now, twirling one nipple with his tongue. he made sure the leave equal attention to the other as well, making sure you were left satisfied.
finally, he was getting somewhere. you watched as he started to slide down your pajama pants and underwear. he flung them somewhere in the room, looking down at you. you looked up at him in wonderment, hoping he would do more. you nodded up at him, in hopes he would.
“please, jim.. please.. need to feel you..” you spoke softly, and this was all he needed to hear. he disregarded his boxers, leaving him naked in the moonlight. you watched as he stroked at his cock. it was thick, veiny.. it looked like the perfect puzzle piece.
“i got you. you’re all mine,” jim whispered out before spitting on his hand for lubrication, and then slowly thrusted inside of you. your eyes got big, and he wasn’t even fully inside you. “oh.. fuck. i’m not gonna last long.” jim admitted with a soft chuckle. you fit him so well. so wet, so tight.. it was fucking perfect. you are perfect.
“oh.. jim..” you moaned out softly. you looked up at him, watching the way he shut his eyes softly. when he felt you were well adjusted, he slowly thrusted in more. and eventually, slow thrusts in and out. he then leaned lower down at you, hitting that spot so.. perfectly. “mm.. jim.. it feels so good..” you moaned out, his lips captured onto your neck. his thrusts were gaining at a decent pace now, but he didn’t want to just fuck you. he wanted to make love with you. his hands found yours, and he gripped them tight. your eyes were now shut softly. you then realized.. this was the best sex you have ever had. it was more emotional, more intimate.. chief jim hopper really did have a thing for you.
“fuck.. baby, you’re so.. good. so fuckin’.. perfect..” jim moaned in your ear, getting high off of your own moans. the way you called out his name. the way you accepted his cock inside you. the way you wanted him, and the way he wanted you. with these thoughts in mind, he was getting close, and you were too. again. “i can feel you gettin’ tight.. you gonna cum for me?” jim had asked you, and you immediately nodded.
“y-yes, jim.. i’m gonna cum for you.. fuck it feels.. so good..” you had moaned again, feeling that familiar feeling in your tummy. before you knew it, you were spasming around his cock, you milking yourself on his cock.
“shit, baby. so good, so fucking.. good. can you take my cum?” jim had asked you, and of course you nodded. you wanted his seed deep inside you. you wanted to be his, and wanted nothing more than for him to claim you. with that, he felt himself become undone. your scent, your moans, the way you fucking breathed.. it was over. he emptied himself deep inside you, spasming around your own aching cunt. after he was finished, he laid on top of you, but not fully. he didn’t need you to be struggling to breathe.
“jim.. that felt.. so good.” you managed to break the silence after a few moments, and all jim could so was chuckle. he placed a kiss on top of your head, making sure that you knew you really were safe. with him.
“you’re more than welcome to stay again, y’know. anytime you want.” jim had whispered in your ear. that was his way of telling you his true feelings about you. he wanted you. and you were now grateful for those old pipes your mom put on the house.
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
You brought the light I needed in my life
Part 1
Samantha Carpenter x GN Reader.
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New York City has always been a bustling hotspot for restaurants, opportunities, and some “night activities.”
And yet Samantha Carpenter can’t shake this emptiness she feels everyday in her life.
(Sam’s Pov) It was a busy friday evening and I had just gotten off my shift at the diner. The Manager let me go home early with my regular pay as a reward for working hard.
Truth is. There’s a reason why I don’t take days off and constantly work.
I wrapped up my leftovers in a bag for dinner later and walk back to the apartment since the gym was closed today ‘that’s where I usually spend my time’.
New York being the big city it is, I had to bump through crowds, junkies and greeted some couples. When I got to my complex, some people were already shooting looks at me, one threw a paper ball at me.
‘Looks like our neighbors know I’m the daughter of a small town serial killer.’
After getting past the death glares, I enter my apartment and put my leftovers in the fridge. Then I pour a cup of whiskey, sitting down to collect my thoughts, not bothering to turn on the tv.
I hear the door open a half hour later “Sam! Im home” hearing that voice always brings a little smile to my face.
Tara sets her shopping bags down and sits on the couch next to me, turning on the tv. I felt a bit of joy knowing I’m giving Tara what she always wanted. A degree, a boyfriend, and freedom to live her life provided she be careful of the dangers.
I took a sip of my drink “So how was your date with Chad?”
Tara jumped in excitement “Amazing! We went to a nice restaurant that had an open mic. You should have seen Chad try to sing “All of me” he did it a little off key but reassured that it was a “song picked just for me.” Tomorrow we’re going to an arcade that just opened. Want to join us?”
I felt an ache in my chest and it wasn’t the whiskey “Thank you Tara….but I don’t want to impose. Especially since I’m letting you live your life freely.”
Damn. I didn’t do much to hid my emotions and Tara was quick to notice.
“Is everything ok?” She asked putting a hand on my shoulder. Normally, I hate being asked that but this is my sister ‘sigh’ “I guess….I guess I’m just lonely to tell you the truth.”
Tara was confused “Lonely? Aw don’t be silly, you have me and the twins.”
I sipped my drink once again “I mean you know….lonely.” Tara playfully slapped her forehead. “Ohhh I see. I mean, I can try to help you find a date.”
I smiled a bit. “That would be nice, I just hope I find one. It’s not that easy when you’re the daughter of the first Ghostface.” Tara nodded “If that worries you, I can take a break from Chad and spend some time with you.”
“But Tara, you love him.” My sister nodded “I do. But you’re my sister and I love you more. All you have to do is say the word.”
I sniffled heavily before wrapping my arms around Tara “Oof. How can a (Guy/Girl) not love a woman with big muscles?” I laughed a bit.
(1 month later)
(Tara’s pov) True to my word, I spent more time with Sam. Even though she assured me that it was ok with me bringing Chad to the apartment or going on dates with him.
Since Chad is still asleep from finishing that assignment, I’m eating breakfast with Mindy and Anika. They were surprised that I chose to eat at the place Sam works at.
“I think I know what i want.” I said as Mindy looked up from her menu “T. Did you choose this place because it’s that good?”
“Or did you want a free meal from your sister?” Anika finished, laughing.
I rolled my eyes “No….I’m going to pay for-“ I felt my pockets “Shit! I forgot my wallet!” Mindy shook her head “Didn’t you forget it the last time you went with my brother to that restaurant.”
I blushed from embarrassment “Y-yes but I gave him the money back when I got paid.”
Anika nodded “What you really need is one of those wallet chains so you never have to lose it again. Plus it would look hot on you.”
Mindy playfully smacked Anika’s arm as Sam came by to take our orders “Now, now. Don’t kill each other until AFTER you eat.” As we took our orders, I picked mine which was a bit pricey ‘Sorry Sam.’
“Umm big sis. You think you can spot me for this one?”
Sam rolled her eyes “Again? How many times do I have to tell you to stop forgetting your money?” I smiled playfully “Pleaseeee. I won’t forget next time and I will pay you back, I promise.”
(Sams pov) I shook my head, not wanting my sister to throw a tantrum or steal somebody else’s food “Fine. I’ll hold you to that.” I gathered up the menus and took the orders to the kitchen. After that, I decided to wipe down the counter since it was a slow morning.
I was finishing the display case until a new customer walked in. “Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like
I looked up from the case and was at a loss for words when I set my eyes on the person that walked in.
(Sorry I had to. Lol)
Their (gothic/eccentric) attire was stunning enough to make a lot of heads turn. I shook my head, hiding my blush “ ‘Ahem’ Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like a booth or a table?”
(He/She) requested a booth saying they have a friend meeting them here for a class assignment. My shoulders tensed as I dropped the menu on the floor, running to get new one “Sorry about that”
I took a quiet breath and awaited their order.
(Tara’s pov) Another waitress brought our food and we were in the middle of a feast until I spotted Sam making eyes at the new customer that just walked in. I tapped Mindy on the shoulder “Ooh! Direct hit Cupid.” Mindy whispered.
“I’ll say. I think this is the first time I’ve seen my sister as a drooling lovesick puppy.” I nearly laughed when she dropped the menu and went to snatch a new one off another table “Smooth move Casanova” Anika whispered.
After Sam took her potential lovers order and brought their food out, she stepped outside telling her boss she was taking her fifteen. “Looks like someone needs a little push Tar” Mindy said.
I nodded as I went outside to find Sam with a hand on her chest, trying to control her rapid breathing.
“Someone’s got a crushhhh. Someone’s got a crushhh” I said in a singing voice, handing Sam a water bottle from my bag.
Sam wasn’t amused and showed her blush “Look. Try to talk to them Sammy. This is your chance to finally get a (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
She took a sip from her water bottle “B-but what if they don’t like me? What if they find out who I really am and never talk to me again?” I gently squeezed her shoulder
“Sam, you won’t know if you don’t try. I’ll be right there to comfort you if anything happens. Just introduce yourself and ask if you can sit with them until their friend shows up, make some small talk my hot sis.”
(Sam’s pov) I shook my head, smiling “I’m not really that hot but I’ll still make small talk with them.” We both head back inside the diner, seeing that the new customer is already eating their food.
I check my watch “Ok still on my break, time to make my move” I whispered.
I walk over to their table “Hi. Um, do you mind if I sit with you? I’m currently on break and my coworkers are having a football debate back there.
The customer looked up and smiled “Sure. I could use the company, seeing my friend is running a bit late.”
I hid the excitement in my stomach and sat down. “I’m Y/N by the way Y/N L/N.” They said extending their hand “Samantha….Carpenter. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’ll say. It’s not often I see a pretty girl wanting to have lunch with me.”
I was flattered “So you think I’m pretty?” Now it was their turn to blush “Um s-sure? I mean I would really like to get to know you more.”
I felt my phone vibrate. I open it to see laughing emojis from Tara saying we are “Both hopeless with the small talk.” I shot a look at her, shaking my head.
I took a breath and engaged in a conversation like our favorite hobbies, movies, latest tv shows. I was amazed by how much we have in common unlike Ritchie who never liked almost all my hobbies. Sometimes I question why I got with him in the first place.
Anyways we talked a bit more along with me complementing their outfit, saying it “Makes them stand out and look more attractive.” I didn’t realize how long we were talking until I realized I was five minutes over my break.
I quickly jumped from the booth and back to my station in a flash but not before leaving my number on the receipt if they want to talk more.
(One shift later)
(Sam’s pov) This day was very slow and tiring. I was anxiously waiting for the time to fly by and luckily it did. But earlier, Tara didn’t help by eating loud and throwing trash on the floor. I swear my sister has the manners of a child. I rest my case when she let out a loud belch which ‘sigh’ everyone heard!
“Sorry! Excuse me!”
I cleaned the rest of the floors and whatever trash was on the tables as the last 30 mins approached. When it was time, I clocked out and said bye to my coworkers and boss.
Heading outside, I put my apron away and check my phone for any new messages. I got one from Tara who once again teased me that I was in a rush to see my new “lover.” I rolled my eyes and left that on read.
The next message was from….Oh Y/N and they asked if I wanted to watch a movie together. I responded back to it being a plan. We’ll watch a movie at my place and I’ll make the best dinner.
(Tara’s pov) I sat on the couch waiting to go to the arcade. Chad really needs to stop staying up late and sleeping in late. It’s getting pretty hectic but I still end up dealing with it.
I check my phone “Hm, still got an hour left” I turn on the tv and snack on a few corn chips.
I got halfway through an episode of South Park until Sam came by with a hand vac, “Tara! I just cleaned here. Must you always be so messy.”
I scoffed “Looks like someone’s eager to keep the place clean for their new (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
Sam snatched the chips away from me “They’re not my lover. I just want spend time with a new friend, and that is making sure this place looks presentable.”
I nodded “Sure and I’ll be a millionaire one day. Look I get it. You want to make a first impression and that’s ok. No more lone wolf tonight Sam, it’s time for a new chapter, go get (him/her) tiger!”
(Sam’s pov) After cleaning Tara’s mess for the second time, I take a long needed shower and put on something simple. An hour later, the doorbell rings. “Y/N! Nice to see you again. It’s me uh Sam….from the diner” We both shared a hug before they went to the living room to pick out the movie.
Tara left for the arcade but not before ripping into me again “I swear you have no game sis. How did you even end up with Ritchie?” She whispered, laughing as she closed the door.
Damn it Tara! Why do you have to be such a gremlin? Though she’s not wrong, I really need to work on my pull game.
‘Just be yourself Sam, just be yourself.’
As I got the cooking utensils ready, I called from the kitchen island “So baby. Did you choose a good movie for us to watch?” I slapped my mouth
‘Of course! Leave it to Sam Carpenter to find a way to fuck a simple question up!’
Y/N smiled, laughing a bit “Hmm not yet. Maybe you should pick, baby.” They said, winking.
‘This is gonna be a long night…..good, I hope it never ends’
After Y/N selected the movie to watch, (he/she) joined me in the kitchen to help prepare the food.”
“Ok let’s make some of my famous pasta. Normally we charge $19.99 for this at the cafe.” Y/N was shocked “$20 for pasta?!” I nodded “It’s a family recipe, my um….father knew the right spices to use.”
Then we set the noodles and water to a boil. As it was cooking along with the sauce, we took the opportunity to take some silly pics together then post them. When the food was done, we set the plates and ate on the coffee table (Sam made sure it was clean after her sister put her bare feet on it recently. She really let Tara have it afterwards)
“I hope this isn’t a gory movie. I don’t want to lose my dinner.” Y/N shook their head “No this is more of an action movie. It’s called John wick.” I smiled “I don’t think I ever heard of that movie.”
A few hours into the movie, I was blown away by how ruthless this man was all over a car and…well I guess it makes sense with the dog.
(Y/N’s POV) After the movie was over and we cleaned up, I got my jacket and was about to head out seeing it was late. I said my byes but right as I was about to leave, I felt a hand on my arm “Stay with me….please?”
I smiled ‘How can I say no to that face?’ “Alright but um….I don’t have any sleepwear. I might have to sleep in my underwear if you don’t mind?”
I saw sweat pouring down from Sam’s forehead “N-No…I don’t mind at all.” I gave her a kiss on the forehead ‘probably shouldn’t have done that’ but she shrugged it off and led me to her room.
As Sam was in the bathroom, changing into her night clothes, I stripped down to my underwear. I put my clothes next to the bed on the floor. Few minutes later, Sam came back wearing said night clothes but she stood like a deer in headlights.
I was confused for a minute but then realized “Ah, you like what you see here? I said, showing off my body a bit.
Sam swallowed “Mmhm” was all she said before pulling me into bed with her.
Sam had a tv in her room so we watched a show just to fall asleep to but mostly talked a lot rather than watch the show or even drifting off to sleep.
I decide to try my luck “Snuggle me?” Sam was hesitant “Y-you want me to snuggle you?” That got me nervous, hoping I didn’t push things too quick besides the kiss of course. “Yes…but I understand if you don’t want to. I’m not here to make you uncomfortable.”
I felt some relief when she giggled “Come here.” She said extended her arms which I fell into perfectly. I felt butterflies in my stomach as she nestled next to me. “Sorry I was a little confused at first because no one I dated asked me to be the big spoon.”
I faced her a bit “Hm? Who wouldn’t want a woman with big biceps wrapped around them so safe?” Sam smiled “Probably because, they were jealous that I was more fit and muscular than them.”
I shook my head “I guess they forgot the definition of “Exercise” and “Workout” I said. “I do workouts myself but I been meaning to find a partner to go to the gym with.”
Sam rubbed my arms sounding a bit tired “I’d be happy to fill that role and go to the gym with you.”
I felt myself blush ‘Part of me really wants to kiss Sam for real this time but I don’t know if she wants a relationship now…or one with me. That might not be true, maybe just maybe I might have a chance at love again….I hope.’
I stayed awake for a bit hoping to ask Sam if she’s interested but I didn’t realize that sleep has taken her until I heard a snore from said girl. “Maybe tomorrow….yeah tomorrow’s ‘yawn’ a good day to tell her.” I felt my eyes get heavy, then fell asleep into Sam’s arms, holding me in place.
(Later on into the night when the pair were fully asleep, Tara came home and went to check on her sister. She had to stop herself from squealing at the sight that had emitted her eyes.
“This is definitely going on my page.” Tara said as she snapped a quick photo then left, closing the door.
“Goodnight Sam….Goodnight Y/N. I think you just brought the light my sister needed in her dull life.”
To be continued
Btw there’s the idea of the reader but the choice is still yours if these pictures don’t cut it
You got the gothic(eh maybe) or the elegant reader lol.
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stillfoodforguys · 1 year
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My friend Sean’s appetite had been out of control recently. Even before he started eating so much, the fact he was at least a foot taller than me with a generally broad, muscular build made me feel small and insignificant next to him. Now he’d started to have a big round gut to match the rest of him, which he always seemed to be able to fill indefinitely with whatever he deemed delicious enough. Perhaps I should have taken it as a more serious warning when he joked about being big enough to eat me in one bite, but I stupidly laughed it off at the time.
One night we decided to check out a new ramen place that had opened in our town, obviously Sean’s first choice after he heard about their massive portion sizes. It was almost hypnotic watching him slurp the thick noodles down his throat, so much that I even handed my leftovers to him just to keep him going for longer. My curious arousal at his sucking ability aside, it became ridiculous when he decided to order another full bowl and forced me to stick around until he was done. I could sense the gaze of all the other diners at the tables around us; their reactions were a mixture of awe and disgust as my friend lifted the bowl to his face to guzzle down every last drop of flavourful broth, gasping for air once he had finished.
To save us any further embarrassment, I had to call for the bill quickly and drag Sean out of there before he ordered more. Unbelievably, even all that food I’d watched him consume apparently wasn’t enough for his insatiable appetite, which he made me aware of after a hearty belch on the walk back to his car. “Man, I’m still hungry. I don’t know what’s been wrong with me lately.” I told him he should probably lay off the massive dinners for a while and placed my hands either side of his bloated belly, secretly enjoying the feeling of it’s curve and weight as I rubbed it gently.
“I just need one last snack, I think. But it would have to be substantial, a nice chunk of meat that’s big enough to keep me going for a while.” Since I was already so close to him, Sean went right ahead and took hold of my waist as he spoke, a strange gleam in his eyes that I’d never seen before. He licked his lips as he watched a bead of nervous sweat roll down my face, and I shuddered knowing exactly what he was about to say next. “Something about as big as you…”
Sean mouth widened from a sinister grin to a gaping, monstrous maw that descended over my entire head. In the absolute darkness, the sound and sensation of his tongue sliding around my face was intensified, making me squirm uncontrollably in the first moments he spent tasting me. I was soon lifted off the ground, my fists hammering against his chest but doing nothing to stop the powerful man from swallowing my head and stuffing my shoulders past his lips. My arms were crushed tightly together as they slipped into his throat, the muscles inside forcefully dragging me towards his stomach.
After pulling my pants off to make things easier, Sean continued to maneuver his wet tongue through my crotch and along my legs as he took in their flavour. Meanwhile I was uncomfortably curling up inside his tank, my body slowly filling up the sweltering space deep inside him. With a final greedy gulp, my feet went sliding down his gullet and fell into his stomach, the entrance sealing tightly behind them to secure his meal.
I struggled and begged for Sean to let me go, but all I got was a short, quiet refusal that he barely managed to fit between his satisfied belching. “So full, you really *urp* hit the spot. Really tasty too…” Being eaten alive was already scary, but what made it even worse was the fact that there wasn’t a solid piece of food siting in his gut, already having been turned into a bubbling soup. If his metabolism was that powerful, it was a clear sign that I was in for an intense and painful experience.
Sean tossed my clothes onto his passenger seat and sat down in his car, rubbing his belly while I was agonisingly melted down and my consciousness quickly dissolved away along with my physical form.
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kendallroydefender · 2 years
Shared beds and confessions (Mulder x fem!reader)
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Summary: the young detective Y/n has to go on a work trip with her co-worker to investigate a x-file when they turn to a motel for the night they find out there’s only one bed available.
Wordcount: 2.5k
You opened the door to the passenger seat of Mulders car. "Where’s Scully?“ you asked noticing that the agent wasn’t in the vehicle "She needs to finish some work here she’s flying in tomorrow.“ Mulder told you as you fastened your seatbelt. "Didnt knew flying was an option here, why am I driving with you again?“ you quipped at him with a smile "Going on a roadtrip with your favorite co-worker what do you want more?“ He shrugged "Presumptious of you to assume you’re my favorite.“ you told him while getting something out of your back before dropping it in his hand. Mulder looked at the bag and recognized it instantly, a bag of sunflower seeds - his favorite brand. A smile ghosting his lips "Why thank you.“ he said a little surprised, ignoring the flutter near his heart he hadn’t felt in a long time.
The drive was actually fun. You and the male agent always got along and considered each other close friends. You started working alongside Scully and Mulder about six months ago and were close to both of them. But you had started to grow some feelings for Mulder. Working late into the night on some cases in the office that lead to chinese take-out dinners afterwards and long talks getting to know each other more. Unknown to you the male agent had also developed some feelings.
Mulder would drive the first three hours and then you would switch. The first hours went by smoothly and at noon he pulled into the parking lot of a diner. Mulder bought the food and looked at you with raised brows when you wanted to pay. "This is on me y/n.“ he said "But you paid the take out last time too.“ you answered, he shrugged before handing the money to a bored looking teenager. "And you paid the time before that., that’s how our deal here works so well“ he told you before saying thanks to the teen that handed him the food.
"No way that movie is totally unrealistic! Everyone knows aliens wouldn’t behave like that!“ Mulder exclaimed with his mouth full of food "Yeah well not everyone can be an alien expert.“ you answered him taking a bite of the burger you had just bought at some fast food restaurant at the highway. "An alien expert? y/l/n are you flirting with me?“ Mulder said and you rolled your eyes at the man "You wish.“ wich earned you a grin from him "Maybe.“ he shot back with a shrug.
When you returned to the car Mulder closed his eyes while you drove, humming along softly to the radio. A smile on his lips as he listened to your voice. He opened his eyes for a moment to look at you. The sun was setting and left you in golden light. Mulder thought about how fitting it was - golden like some kind of jewelry, something to admire, something beautiful.
The drive went on until you noticed how it got slowly harder to see anything on the road through the thick fog that had appeared. A few minutes later you luckily saw a sign indicating a hotel a few minutes away.
"Why are we stopping?“ The brunette man asked a little sleepy while rubbing his eyes. "It’s almost two and I can’t drive anymore and you can’t either also it’s really foggy.“ you said as you parked infront of a small hotel. "We will get there Mulder, we can start tomorrow morning but-" you started to reason with him but he shook his head "it’s okay y/l/n. It’s a great idea actually.“ he answered and let out a little yawn after. He looked adorable with his hair a bit tousled and blinking tiredly. Before you could stop yourself you found yourself fixing his hair. When his green eyes met yours you noticed what you were doing and retracted your hand, your face growing warm. You hurried to climb out of the car. Mulder sat looking after you.
Mulder held the door to the small motel open for you. It wasn’t bad at all, a little old and outdated but clean and not creepy. Behind the counter sat an elderly woman "Hello there! You two are so lucky!“ she said as she noticed the new arrivals "We only have one room left.“ she announced and you and Mulder exchanged a look, he pulled his eyebrows up and you gave a small nod. You didn’t wanted to drive anymore tonight and the prospect of a hot shower and a bed was like heaven even if you had to share with Mulder. But you would be a liar if you said there weren’t some butterflies erupting in your stomach right now. Because yes you had a crush on your colleague for some time now. "This must be our lucky day then.“ Mulder answered with a smirk. "Oh I’m glad that such a great couple is staying with us!“ she smiled at you. You and the agent glanced at each other for a second before Mulder smiled at her.
You gave the lady your information and she handed you the keys. "Have a good night you two!“ she wished. You walked towards the stairs and felt Mulders hand ghost over the small of your back. The room had a small table, two chairs and a bed. The bed was a double, big enough to hold two people but there wasn’t enough space to not be touching the other.
Mulder groaned as he laid down on top of the bed with his coat still on. "Okay I need to take a shower, is it okay or do you want first?“ you asked and he opened one eye "No, no go.“
The hot water had relaxed your tense muscles you had after driving for hours, you changed into an old oversized shirt you brought with you to sleep in. You opened the door to the small room wich was dimly lit and Mulder was still laying on the bed but he had taken off his coat and hung it over the back of one of the chairs. "How sleazy would it be of me to ask you if you would share the bed with me?“ Mulder asked and you pulled your eyebrows up "Did you really thought I would let you sleep on the floor?“ He shrugged "Come on Fox.“
He came back to the main room after he had also taken a shower and brushed his teeth. You already laid in bed and shuffled a bit to the left to make more room. Mulder laid down next to you and turned off the lamp beside his bed. You laid stiffly next to him for about five minutes before you heard him say your name you hummed as a sign for him to continue "Relax.“ he told you before his arm carefully wrapped over your waist "it’s just me.“ you let out a breath you didn’t knew you were holding and sunk a bit more into the bed. Closing your eyes and breathing evenly you laid your hand atop of his, that were resting on you. Mulder smiled to himself when he felt your hand on his bigger one. "Goodnight Fox.“ you whispered and he noticed the usage of his first name "Goodnight y/n.“ he said back his thumb gently moving over your hand.
You woke up a few hours later. You must have turned in your sleep because you were now laying on your other side, Mulder also turned and was on his back, with his arm around your shoulder and your head resting on his chest and leg resting over his. You could hear his heartbeat and feel his chest rise and fall under your head. You noticed how safe you felt like that but you were also aware how inappropriate it was to cuddle your co worker like this even if you were friends. So you carefully and slowly tried to free yourself from his arms. This didn’t worked because soon he stirred and mumbled "Just stay.“ with a voice laced with sleep. "You weren’t supposed to wake up Fox. This is already embarrassing enough.“ he opened his eyes and looked at you "Being close to me is embarrassing?“ he asked with raised eyebrows "No- no I mean embarrassing because I’m basically
"S‘alright.“ he said pulling you closer you huffed but laid your head back down on his chest. His scent and warmth enveloping you making your eyes tracing the features of his face being only illuminated by the moon and you couldn’t help but imagine how it would be if this was your life - falling asleep and waking up next to Fox every night. And that was all it took for you to feel overwhelmed. You pulled away from him "I’m sorry Fox I- I can’t.“ you sat up in the bed. "What do you mean?“ he asked you and you turned your head to look at him "This!“ you gestured between the two of you. "Hey im sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable.“ he tried to apologize to you. "No- no, you haven’t and that’s part of the problem.“ you said and looked at your knees. "I can’t follow.“ Mulder offered back. "Let’s not talk about that right now okay? Just go back to sleep.“ He lifted his hand but before it could make contact with your back he halted, unsure if it would make you more uncomfortable. "Talk to me, please.“ he offered instead. You took a deep breath before saying "It’s just that I can’t keep my feelings down when we do stuff like this.“ you went silent after your confession. It was silent in the room for a few moments wich made your brain jump to the worst conclusions. That was it you ruined everything, Mulder wouldn’t want to be friends with you anymore.
Rustling of sheets could be heard as Mulder sat up, he cleared his throat before he spoke up "What if I don’t want you to burry these feelings?“ and it felt like your heart would simultaneously stop and explode. "You don’t mean that.“ you shook your head as you felt him look at you but you’ve stared at your lap. "Hey look at me please.“ Mulder said in a low tone, when you didn’t he softly moved a strand of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered on your cheek for a second "Do you remember the time we met with the man that worked for this lab and said that I was delusional and should be fired for believing in the things I do?“ you nodded while still avoiding his eyes wondering where he was going with this story. "You told him to shut his mouth. To say politely… That’s when I knew- well I guess I knew before but that’s when I was sure that I had at least somebody on my side, someone who believed me.“ he told you and went quiet for a moment before continuing "Somebody that was there for me in many ways. Somebody I want to keep around. Somebody that I could spend forever with.“ and your eyes finally landed on his. "What?“ he nodded "In other words I have some feelings for you too.“ he said and you shook your head in disbelief. "Scully told me i was being obvious, said I was gazing at you.“ he admitted sheepishly you smiled "I had no idea. But she said the same thing to me.“ he smiled too. "Really? Come on you’re the only person I let call me Fox.“ he chuckled. He was right - no one else could call him by his first name except you. Your eyes met his and he looked between yours for a moment. His hand came up to softly Rest against your cheek before tucking you a little forwards. He stopped again waiting for you to do something. You swallowed before nodding a little.
His lips met yours in a kiss. It was careful at first just just testing the waters but after reality set in it became more firm. The kiss turned more passionate, held back emotions finally being set free. You laid your hand in his neck weaving your fingers through the hair at the back of his neck as his hand rested on your waist pulling you closer. When you had to break the kiss to breathe you stayed close to each other. Faces only inches apart, your hand still playing with his hair while his thumb caressed your cheek and the other stayed on your hip. You opened your eyes to find him smiling at you and you couldn’t help but mirror his expression.
"Come on let’s go back to sleep.“ Mulder said softly after you parted. Laying back down, in the same position as before you cuddled up to each other. Your fingers traced patterns on his chest lazily and he pressed a kiss against your head.
The car came to a stop in front of the airport "How long do we have?“ Mulder asked, you looked at the clock "Her airplane lands in 5 minutes.“ you answered and looked at the man behind the steering wheel. A smile grew on his face "Good then I can do this.“ before he cupped your cheek and kissed you. The kiss was soft like the first one but this one was more playful, you could feel him smile into it. Before you could get too lost in it, in him, you gently pushed his chest. Eyes bright and shining looking at each other with so much affection. He leaned in to steal a quick kiss once again "Fox come on, as much as I’d like this to continue…“ he let out a long breath leaning his forehead onto your shoulder for a moment "I know, I know but as soon as I can I’m stealing you away.“ he promised wich made you giddy hoping for the evening to come as fast as possible. "I’m taking you up on that.“ you smiled back at the agent, pecking his lips once again before you got out of the car to wait for Scully. "God i feel like I’m 16 again.“ you muttered to yourself
"Hey Scully.“ you smiled and quickly hugged the woman. "Hey Y/l/n How are You?“. You climbed into the backseat and Mulder started driving to the crime scene. After a few minutes Scully kept looking at Mulder. He had a grin on his lips while he kept driving.
"Okay what’s up with you?“ Scully asked Mulder with a suspicious look "Nothing.“ he shrugged she narrowed her eyes "Then what’s up with this smile?“ he shrugged again but his green eyes flickered to the mirror for a moment and found yours. You couldn’t help but smile back at the man what made his smile grow even more so he covered his mouth with his hand. Scully, having seen the way he looked, turned around to find a similar expression on your face.
"Oh i think I just solved this mystery.“ she smiled at you.
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
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Authors Note: So I went to a K.flay and Grandson concert last night and came up with a few Leon headcanons if you were to go to a concert with him...so enjoy!
Warnings: None! Mentions of the warped tour which for those of you that don't know is basically like Coachella but for punk rock. They toured all over America and Canada during the summer. It began in 1995 and ended in 2019
-> Re2! Leon was definitely in the metal/rock/ punk rock scene he surely went to warped tour every time it came into town.
-> Re2! would try to drag you with using every tactic in the book
"Come one loveee. I'll pay for the tickets, food, and even gas." His soft red lips formed a pout.
-> You would eventually cave letting out a big sigh and slight shake of your head.
"Fine. But I choose what we eat."
-> You guys would make a tradition of this till Warped ended
->Any Leon would always prepare. He is the type of believer that if you are on time you're late. Especially if you had a long drive. You best believe you are leaving at least 3 hours early. (even if he tends to be late for most work events.)
"I know love but we have to account for traffic and our food stop on the way."
-> If it's a late concert he will stop at some run-down diner after the concert for food before you go home.
-> If it's an outside venue he will be ready too. Sunscreen, cold water,a jacket, gloves, scarf he will have it.
-> He will bring ear plugs, he does not want his ears to ring for days on end.
-> If you're on the shorter side he will try to push up as close as possible so you can see. Which won't be hard, he buys fast pass every time.
-> From the warped days he stays in the habit to keep you against the guard rail while he cages you in from behind. Always wanting to keep you safe.
-> Before you guys leave he always loves to see and double-check your outfits. He might imply for you to change, but he means well when he does. People can be creeps! He just wants to keep you safe,
"Are you sure your feet won't hurt in those shoes?" "Do your shorts ride up? That might be annoying if you want to dance." "Are you comfortable wearing that?"
-> Moshing is a big no-no if you go to a concert where that happens. It's wayyy too dangerous for you.
-> He will always lean over to kiss your cheek or neck and then check in on you.
"You doing ok?"
-> If you're not he's splitting the crowd and getting you out of there. Stopping by the bar to get you some water.
-> When you guys leave he will have you hook onto his belt loop or keep a vice grip on his hand.
-> He would also wear your bag for you if you get tired of it, he won't care.
"I love you," Leon leaned over your body and kissed your cheek. Turing around you yelled. "WHAT!?" Leon only laughed and shook his head. "I SAID I LOVE YOU!" "OH, I LOVE YOU TOO." You kissed his cheek and continued to dance.
Taglist: @hermizery @alewesker @ballorawan740 @lastaceylia00 @chunnies@d10nsaint @darklinxx
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britany1997 · 1 year
Dine N' Dash pt. 2
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So excited to share the smutty part two to this collab with @misslavenderlady We put equal work into this so show some love by liking and reblogging both of our posts! Lave is such a queen and I really enjoyed working with her on this series, it was so much fun:):)
Warnings: SMUT minors DNI, cunilingus, p n v sex, nipple play, first time, semi public sex
Tyler x fem reader (implied plus size reader)
Coming to the diner with his buddies was the best decision Tyler had ever made. Back at the beginning of summer, he had fallen hard for you. The beauty who served them all lunch prepared by a short-order cook. Ever since that fateful day, he made a point to come by and get seated in your section whenever he wanted to visit and get some grub. 
The two of you always shared some kind of dessert whenever he came by. Ice cream, pie, cake, whatever delicious treat was on the specials menu for the day. You both giggled and flirted over your treats and when it was time to call it a day, he promised to come by again soon.
During your off time, the two of you went on dates full of excitement and fun. Whether it was skating together at the rink or just walking side by side on the beach, Tyler had the time of his life with you. 
Even if you two had only been an item for a few months, he knew he was falling in love with you. You found yourself feeling the same way. There was just something about Tyler that was absolutely enamoring. It made him incredibly easy to fall for.
You could tell he cared deeply for you. When he picked you up for dates he was a mess of compliments and adoration. He’d babble on about how pretty you were, how perfect your hair was, how amazing your outfit looked. If there was something Tyler liked about you, he never hesitated to tell you exactly how he felt.
He was such a gentleman, always offering you his jacket when it was cold out, or holding doors for you whenever you entered a building. And he always wanted your hand in his. The feeling of your fingers laced with his made you feel close to him, and you knew he felt the same. You loved kissing him. He was somehow simultaneously passionate and gentle. Like he wanted to show you how much he adored you but didn’t want to break you when he did.
Every moment you spent together was better than the last, but lately, you’d found yourself wanting even more, wanting to be even closer to him.
You had that thought on your mind when Tyler came to visit you during a graveyard shift. Today had been surprisingly quiet, as some kind of event on the opposite side of the city had lured all the patrons away. That didn't bother you though. At least the two of you could spend more time flirting. 
"Can I pretty please get another coke from the most beautiful waitress in the restaurant?" Tyler cooed, holding up his empty glass. 
"I'm the only waitress in the restaurant, you goof," you teased him as you poured the pitcher of soda over the cup. 
While your coworkers were pretty much done for the night, you had been given the job of closing up after all the cleaning was done. Time just seemed to fly by whenever Tyler came to visit. He was also a generous tipper, but you adored him for plenty of things that had nothing to do with money. 
“What you up to after this, babe?” he asked as he helped you wipe down tables. Whenever Tyler came by to see you during late shifts, he always helped you close up. You’d never ask him to clean for you, but you’d never have to. 
“I don’t know, maybe I’ll go over to my boyfriend’s place, and see what he’s up to,” you teased as your cheeks flushed pink. 
Tyler smirked, “so this boyfriend, babe, is he cuter than me?” he asked.
Your face twisted in mock consideration. “Hmmmm~ Well I’d say you’re about the same.”
He inched closer. “Is he as good on a board as me?”
You shrugged and fought a smile. “You’re about the same.”
He moved even closer until he was standing right in front of you, his blue eyes gazing lovingly into yours. 
“Is he as good at kissing you as I am?” he whispered as he leaned in. Having him so close made you sigh dreamily.
“Only one way to find out,” you whispered back before pressing your lips to his.
With just one kiss, you were already relaxing into him. He was just so warm and inviting, it made you feel incredible. The sweetness of his drink was on his lip, and it only made you want to kiss him more.
You threw your arms around his neck, completely forgetting about your cleaning duties. All you could focus on was running your fingers through his blond hair. The sunkissed locks were so soft to the touch. You found yourself twirling a strand around your finger as you kissed him deeper. 
When you finally broke free for some air, you both were slightly out of breath. Kissing Tyler made you dizzy in the best way possible. 
"So…" Tyler sighed. "Am I better than this boyfriend of yours?" 
A snicker fell from your lips as you embraced him tighter. He was such a ham and you loved it. 
"Oh he doesn't even compare to you, cutie," you teased. 
Something familiar was tugging at you. A need. A want. A craving for something even sweeter than just smooches. Something that made you squeeze your plush thighs together and squirm as warmth started to build in between your legs. 
He was just holding you so close and he smelled so good. That cologne he doused himself in after skating was so delicious. You wondered if he could tell what he was doing to you. Tyler sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. 
“For the record babe? No one compares to you either.” 
You could have melted in his arms right there. He pulled back, one hand still around your waist, the other sliding up to cup your cheek and caress your skin with his thumb. 
“You’re so pretty, baby,” he chuckled to himself in disbelief. “My pretty baby.” 
Your lips parted in surprise at his words, what was meant to be an innocent kiss had turned into something a bit more…intimate. 
“Tyler…” you breathed as you bit your lip. 
“Yeah, baby?” he whispered as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
For a moment you weren’t sure exactly what to say. Words were failing you, all because Tyler was staring at you with those gorgeous baby blues. They made you feel dizzy. You just wanted to fall into his arms and let him take you wherever he wanted.  
By some miracle, you got yourself to gather the strength you needed. While still watching him with desire, you slide a hand over his chest, caressing the muscles underneath his t-shirt. He really was so sexy. 
“I want...I want to do...more with you...~” you admitted.  
His head tilted to the side in curiosity. Between the pose and the blond hair, it reminded you of a golden retriever. How fitting considering he was your golden boy.  
“Yes, more,” you said, cheeks growing warmer. “I wanna....do it...with you...~”
Tyler’s breath caught in his throat. Every day when he woke up he had to convince himself he wasn’t dreaming. Remind himself that you were real and you were with him. 
Now with you standing in front of him, asking him for more, he struggled not to pinch himself. Visions flashed through his head of your plush thighs wrapped him, your pretty lips parted in soft moans, you hand held in his as he pressed into you. His cheeks reddened as his jeans tightened.
“Baby, you’re my whole world,” his eyes flickered back and forth as he sputtered out his feelings. “I want that too I um- I wanna make you feel really good babe.”
He laced his fingers through yours. “Wanna do that when you’re really ready, baby. Don’t wanna pressure you into anything. You’re sure you want that? With me?” 
You blushed, the corners of your lips turning up in a nervous smile. “I’ve never been more sure of anything Tyler.”
He could have swooned and melted into the diner’s linoleum floor right then and there. God you were perfect. And you were his.
There was a newfound hunger growing inside you. Seeing him so eager for such an idea was making you feel all warm and tingly. You brought him close so you could press your pillowy soft lips to his, moaning as your deep kiss enchanted him. 
Ever the one to be good at multitasking, you untied your apron and tossed it aside while you kissed Tyler some more. One hand caressed his stubbled cheek while the other began to undo the buttons on your work dress. You wanted to give your boyfriend all of you. 
"Tyler~" you sighed into his mouth. "I don't think I can wait. Please…please touch me"
The skater's cock was getting harder and harder by the second. Seeing you get so hot and bothered here and now was driving him wild. He longed for this day for so long. 
"Fuck, baby," he moaned. "Right here? Right now?" 
You giggled, pressing your bra-clad breasts up against his strong chest once your dress was opened up. It was always fun to get him all flustered.
"Why not? We have so many sweet memories in this diner. Let's make a very special one to add to the list~"
As you shed your dress, Tyler groaned with anticipation. “Shit babe hold on,” he reluctantly pulled away from you to lock the diner’s front door. He flipped the switch on the open sign off, killing its bright neon display. He pulled the screens down on the windows, keeping your perfect form from prying eyes. 
When he’d finished he eagerly returned to you. He gripped the counter behind you, his hands on either side of your waist, boxing you in. 
“God you’re beautiful,” he breathed as his mouth watered at the sight of your full chest.
His hands traveled from the counter to wrap around your waist. “Hop up for me, yeah?” he asked.
You nodded shyly as he lifted you up to seat you on top of the counter.
Tyler took the elastic of your panties between his fingers and rolled them down your legs. A blush rose to your cheeks as you were left on the counter in only your bra and Tyler stood before you fully clothed, and eyeing you hungrily. 
You expected him to pull his shirt off or roll down his shorts, but your lips parted in a gasp when he instead sunk to his knees and shimmied in between your parted thighs.
Never before had you ever been so excited for something in your whole life. Your heart was pounding as you watched your boyfriend licked his lips with ravenous need. He gently pushed your knees further apart so he could fully see you. 
"Fuck, look at you. Such a pretty pussy for a pretty girl~"
In that moment you opened your mouth to express how embarrassed he made you when he said such things. But you didn't get the chance. Any control of your voice was lost when Tyler dove in.
His tongue slipped from the bottom of your pussy to the very top of your clit. The shriek that came from you was so sudden and loud, showing off how utterly surprised you were. 
"OoHH!" you squealed out. 
"Fuck, I KNEW my girl was gonna be so yummy," Tyler said with a smirk. His lips glistened from your wetness, already making such a mess. He went back in for an even deeper taste of you. It was like watching an addiction build up within him. 
“Mmm babe, how’s it feel knowing you’re the tastiest thing that’s ever been on this counter,” he spoke into you as he lapped at your folds like a man starved. 
He pulled soft mews and moans from your full lips as he devoured you. His lips pressed against your clit, kissing it softly. His hands wrapped around your doughy thighs, kneading the flesh with his hands as he sucked your clit into his mouth. Your thighs squeezed his head at the feeling, prompting him to moan into your sopping heat. 
He moved one hand from your thigh to press two fingers into moving them in and out slowly as he continued to suck. He crooked his fingers, rubbing you in just the right place. You felt your orgasm threatening to burst out as you moaned at his repeated ministrations. 
“Tyler,” you whimpered. “Gonna cum!”
“Cum on my tongue, babe. Bet you taste so sweet.”
His words pushed you over the edge. Your thighs squeezed him tighter as your release soaked your boyfriend’s pretty face.
"H-Holy shit!!" you cried out. It wasn't the first time you'd orgasmed, but it was certainly the most intense one. Your legs trembled around him, the aftershocks rendering your body to a weakened state. 
Meanwhile, Tyler was looking pretty damn proud of himself. He smirked playfully up at you as he slowly ran his tongue across his lips, savoring every last drop. Seeing him so cocky from making you cum on his mouth was only turning you on more. 
"Aww baby, look atcha. So hot and bothered and ready for more," he cooed. 
The two or you watched each other carefully as he tugged his shirt over his head. Seeing his perfectly toned body and full chest of hair reminded you of how lucky you are. You had the sweetest, funniest, most jaw-droppingly gorgeous man in all of Cali as your boyfriend. 
Tyler leaned over you, pressing you down against the counter more as he kissed you. The intoxicating taste of your juices was lingering on his mouth, and it made you shiver with delight being reminded of what he did to you. 
Your hands traveled up his back, caressing every inch of his muscular body while he moved in closer. The thick, hardness of his erection was pressing against your bare thigh. Fuck, he was so big~
He pulled his pants and boxers off, allowing his cock to spring free. You drooled at the sight, it was pretty, just like everything else about him. 
Tyler gently positioned you how he wanted before climbing over you on the counter. He took your hands in his and threaded his fingers through yours, pinning them on either side of your face. He loved holding your hands. Even now, he wanted to be close and connected to you in every way possible. It had you swooning. 
He pressed a kiss to your lips, then to your cheek, then to your neck before moving down to pepper kisses along your chest. Still hungry for more, he sucked your nipple into his mouth as he massaged the other. 
“God, you’re so gorgeous,” he whispered in between smooches. “I musta been a saint in a past life to deserve an angel like you, babe.” 
You gasped and arched your back into his touch. All of this pleasure had you wishing you two had done this much sooner.
“Love these perfect tits baby, they’re so soft,” he released your nipple with a pop, moving to suck the other. He moaned as he caressed you. Tyler was making it quite clear he planned on being a very giving lover to you.
“Tyler,” you mewed. “Aaahh….this feels amazing…mmmh…so good Tyler, so perfect.”
His heart leapt at your words and he felt himself harden even further. He would do anything to hear more words like that fall from your lips again. He wanted to please you, he wanted to love you, he wanted to worship you.
"I got something just for the occasion, baby," Tyler said, releasing you for just a moment in order to grab something from his pants pocket. He fished out his wallet and plucked out a foil-covered item from the inside of it. 
He tore open the material, revealing a clear condom. 
"Right after you and I met, I was tellin' the boys about you. Corey slipped my one of these in case I ever got lucky. I was embarrassed at the time, but now I wanna thank the guy."
You giggled at the story, amused by the others being so enthusiastic about Tyler's love life. With burning anticipation for what was to come, you watched him carefully slip on the condom, making sure it was secure. It was all really happening. You were going to go all the way with Tyler. 
He smiled sweetly as he wrapped his big hands around your hips and gently tugged you closer to him. His cock was throbbing hard as it teased your entrance. Feeling the length rub against your folds but not yet enter was making you squirm. 
"I'll be gentle, honey. Just lie back like a good girl and let me take care of you, okay?"
No words came from you. Just a simple nod and a soft smile. You trusted him with all your heart.  
Your breath caught in your throat as you felt the tip of him press in slowly. He bit his lip as he restrained himself from just plunging right in. You felt so warm, so wet, so tight, so absolutely perfect. He inched in slowly, allowing you to adjust to his size as you stretched around him. Your hands wrapped around his back, gripping him close as he slotted himself between your legs.
“God, you feel incredible, honey. Squeezing me so tight, like you were made just for me. Mmmm can’t believe you’re mine, baby,” he moaned as he bottomed out.
You gasped at the feeling of his hips pressing against yours and his length filling you to the brim. “I am yours, Tyler. All yours completely.”
He growled at your words, leaning forward to capture your lips in his as he began to move slowly. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he thrust into you in long, slow strokes. You were as close as humanly possible, but you wanted to be even closer. You wanted to melt into his embrace.
"Oooooh God, yes~" you sighed out. Your head fell back, your muscles relaxing all over from the absolute bliss that he gave you. 
Tyler was filling you so easily. His cock stretched and throbbed inside your cunt, rubbing every sweet spot within. Many a night had been spent with you touching yourself to the vision of what your first time with him would be like. 
Safe to say it was better than anything you could have imagined. 
His hand grazed over your bare skin, dancing over your body before settling on your hips. Strong fingers wrapped around you and pulled you in closer, holding you still as he fucked into you. Every time he touched you it made your heart beat faster. 
"Look at you~" he moaned, rolling his hips into you. "So fuckin' gorgeous. Wanted this….mmmh..for so long~"
"Really~?" you cooed. 
A newfound fire was burning in his eyes. The passion was completely taking over your boyfriend, and it only fueled your excitement more. He spoke again, his voice going lower than before. 
"The day after we met I went home and stroked my dick to the thought of what we're doin' right now. I've wanted you more than anything….fuck~"
“Never wanted anything as much as I wanted you,” he breathed deeply as your orgasms built up together. “How could I not?”
You shivered at his words. “I wanted you too, Tyler. You’re so handsome, so sweet, so perfect for me.”
You cried out in pleasure as he hit your deepest sweet spot. A deep moan fell from his lips. 
“Baby, you’re so amazing, I care for you, I- I love you,” he confessed as he reached his peak. 
His confessions threw you over the edge, and you came all over his cock. He held you close and peppered kisses all over your face as you road out your highs together.
“I love you too, Tyler,” you said breathlessly. “I….I love you….so so much.”
He smiled blissfully as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. “You make me so happy, babe. You have no idea.”
The two of you were practically swimming in the dopamine caused by your afterglow. Tyler gazed at you with such intense love and you were sure to return the look. 
You held one another closely. He was snuggling up with you while you slowly ran your fingers through his hair. Every once in a while you would share a kiss with Tyler. Soft and sweet, just like him. It was pure heaven. 
After a little bit of relaxation, he reluctantly pulled his softened cock out of you. He slipped the filled condom off, tying it and grabbing a nearby napkin to wrap it up before tossing it into the trash like he was throwing a basketball. It made you giggle. 
"As much as I love admiring how perfect and smokin' hot you look naked and spread across the table, I can't imagine we can spend the whole night here."
That was certainly true. You let out a sigh before getting off of the surface in order to find where you had discarded the work dress.
"I gotta clean up the mess we made before we head out, baby~" 
Tyler’s lip turned up in a half smile. “In that case, let me help you, honey.”
You blushed and thanked him as you pulled your dress back on, sliding the buttons back into place. Tyler pulled on his shorts, electing to forgo his shirt, much to your delight. He picked up a cloth and spray bottle and began to wipe down the counter. You joined him, your own rag in hand.
He kissed you in between lazy swipes at the counter. Since you’d told him you loved him, a soft smile had been etched onto his handsome face, and his newfound joy didn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.
After a while, you were left with a sparkling clean counter top and a fully clothed boyfriend. He slipped an arm around your waist as you headed out the front door, switching off the light and locking up as you left.
He pulled you towards his car. “You taking me home?” you asked.
“Actually,” he said, “Was kinda hoping I could take you to my home? If you don’t mind, of course.”
“Already thinking about round two, baby? You’re insatiable,” you giggled.
He gave you his boyish grin in return. “I just can’t get enough of you, honey,”
Tyler kissed you as he held the car door open for you to slide in. This really had been a perfect night. 
@bloodywickedvamp @6lostgirl6 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @pixielostboy @anna1306 @solobagginses @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @paulxbathbomd @peachpixiesstuff @vampirefilmlover @warrior-616 @flower-crowned-lady @ria-coolgirl @dwaynesluscioushair @its-freaking-bats @feardot-com @lostboys1987girl @cherryfrostbites @consuming-karma
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misscinnamonroll16 · 8 months
Brozone diner au: the day John Dory took off part two
"We're talking about forcing John Dory to take a day off. Like an actual day off. Even when we're closed on the mandatory holidays, he's still here doing something. Cleaning, stocking, rearranging, all kinds of stuff. He needs at least a day to just relax and probably catch up on sleep.” Bruce answered, waving his hands about as he talked. "Ah, ok. Yeah that's gonna be hard. We need to come up with a plan before we do anything else. We need to think of every possible outcome and prepare for it." Branch said, already writing down outcomes. “Or, or, hear me out, we play the health card." Floyd said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. The rest of them gave him a confused look, unsure of what he meant. “We play the health card, the card he plays with me when he thinks I'm ‘working too much’. He says I need to take time for my health and take care of my body. Pull a uno reverse on him. He needs to do the same so when he tries to wiggle his way out of it, we can point out all the things that are causing him stress, anxiety, high blood pressure or anything else. Like working a dinner rush causes high anxiety and stress. Constantly lifting trays full of dishes can cause carpul tunnel. Not to mention the toll it takes on one's mental health. I very rarely get angry customers, he seems to get them all the time, which causes more stress. We just say we're worried about his health, he can't refuse because then he'll be brushing off our worries and he doesn't want to do that. Boom, full proof plan.” Floyd said confidently, crossing his arms. "That's so smart, I'm surprised I didn't think of it first.” Clay said, staring at Floyd, a bit dumbfounded. Floyd was about to stand up and argue with Clay about what that was supposed to mean when Bruce held up his hands.  “Ok but when should we do this? We can't just go out there without an idea of when would be a good time to do this." Bruce said, thinking aloud. "Sunday. Probably in the evening. That way he can't argue about taking Monday off. It's our slowest day. So he won't have to worry about us being busy and can actually relax." Branch said, the plan coming together. The brothers quickly went back to work to avoid alerting John Dory to their plan, playing it off as if they were killing time. 
Sunday evening comes and all of them are beat, it was the busiest day they had had in a while, making several thousand dollars worth of sales. After closing up, the younger brothers give each other a nod, silently saying it's time to put their plan into action. They went to the office, standing in the doorway as John counted their registers and safe with Clay (Clay just double checking JD's work). "How you doing John Dory?" Floyd asked nonchalantly. “Good." John replied before continuing to count. “You sure? You seemed a bit tired today. Like you needed a break." Bruce said, leaning his back on the door frame casually. “Yeah I'm fine. I guess I didn't get very much sleep last night." John Dory said before handing a stack of cash for Clay to count. Clay barely looked up, they added more details to the plan, like who was gonna say what and in what order. John wrote down the numbers and entered them into the system, a few seconds of silence passed before Branch butted with his own line. “Do you ever get enough sleep? Always seems like you're here late and open early. When do you sleep?” Branch joked, shooting John a cheeky grin that was met with a stern look. "Well I sleep after I clock out and close up. Then I wake up to come open this place up. Some nights it's takes longer to close up. Like today, that was the busiest we've been in like, a month.” John said, taking all the money from Clay and putting it in the safe.  "Maybe you should take tomorrow off then.” Branch said sincerely, subtly giving JD the puppy dog eyes. They could see the hesitation in John's face, that was Floyd's signal to go in for the kill. “He's right. It's not healthy to overwork yourself. We worry about you sometimes. It's only because we care about you and your health. When was the last time you had a day off?" Floyd's voice was sweet and gentle, asking a question they all knew the answer to: never. John Dory looked like a deer in headlights, unsure of how to respond. “When was the last time you had a day off John?" Clay questioned, knowing where this line of questioning should go. John Dory got very quiet and tried to avoid eye contact with his brothers. “When was it?" Bruce said directly. John mumbled out an answer, prompting a ‘hmm?’ out of Bruce. “I don't remember." John said quietly but it sounded deafening in the silent office. “WHAT?!?" the younger three said, being a little overdramatic. “John, working non stop is not healthy. You're gonna get burnt out. You should really take a day off at least. You make me worried, man.” Clay said worriedly, causing John to cringe a little. "Clay's right, John. We worry about your health sometimes. You should take the day off, if not for yourself, for us at least.” Floyd said gently, coming over and placing his hand on John's shoulder. They had him right where they wanted him. The office got quiet again, the seconds passing felt like hours. They continued to look at John expectantly until he finally caved. Alright, fine. I'll take tomorrow off. But you guys call me if you need me. And Clay, you're opening, Branch you're closing.” John Dory said defeatedly, Branch and Clay groaning in annoyance. They knew they couldn't openly cheer for their success but opted for teasing their brother about what he was going to do on his day off. As John locked the door, Bruce cleared his throat, catching John's attention. “Oh and John?" “Yeah?" John said as he put his keys back in his pocket.  “Stay out of the diner tomorrow. A day off is not meant to be spent at your place of work." Bruce responded in a no nonsense kind of tone. John Dory rolled his eyes, pissed off a little that his baby brothers were trying to tell him what to do. “We're serious John Dory. You don't see us in there on our days off. And the only time we are is when we're with friends. So just take a day away from the diner. I promise we'll call you if we need you.” Floyd said, placing his hands on John's shoulders, letting him know how serious he was. The others looked at John with the same serious look, he inwardly groaned annoyed with his baby bros.  
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dollywheeler · 1 year
September 29th, 1996
And I say hey-ey-ey-ey-ey, hey-ey-ey I said "hey, what's going on?"
I've had this song stuck in my head all morning, still dancing along to it as if I'm still in the gymnasium, my gold dress swirling around me. I don't know why this song - it's not particularly romantic, or fitting to the occasion, doesn't sum up how the evening had felt. Yet, it had been the most magical moment of the entire night.
One moment, dancing with Daniel to Duran Duran, then this song came on, the slow start meaning we didn't break apart yet, trying to stay close as long as possible, but when the chorus hit the entire hall threw their heads back, screaming along in a messy harmony. It felt like a dream, didn't feel quite real, like some kind of movie, when your heart feels full even though you're just watching it play out in front of you. Except, this time I was in the middle of it, screaming along with everyone else, and it felt like I was floating, wishing the moment could less forever.
That's not to say the rest of the evening wasn't just as wonderful. Daniel took me to an actual restaurant, which was a nice change of pace from the dinner, but I honestly can't tell if the food was even worth it. My stomach was too busy swirling with nerves, and I could barely get any food past my lips because we were too distracted talking and laughing. It was wonderful - he was wonderful, looking dapper in his suit and glinting golden in the candle light. As far as first dates go, I'm sure it couldn't have gone any better. Not that I'd know, as this was my first first date, but it felt like a dream, like something that couldn't possibly be real.
It was the perfect blend between familiar and exciting - the comfort of someone you already know, someone you already love spending time with, mixed with the nerve-wracking thrill of a new context, of possibility.
We were having such a great time that we were late to the actual dance, having lost track of time completely during our conversation. Whitney gave me this knowing look about it - I don't think she would have believed me if I'd told her we'd just been talking.
Anyway, we danced and we laughed and gossiped and I didn't even care that Mike and his 'party' or whatever was there. I'd already realised I'd have to get used to them being around the school in every facet - that includes chaperoning school events. The night was too perfect though, and I was not going to let anything darken my mood.
I did get to talk to Max though, and thank her for the birthday gift. She said she'd mostly just said 'yes' or 'no' to things Mike had picked out and it was no big deal but that she was glad I liked it. I also used the moment to ask about everything else - I realised that if Mike won't call to tell her things, I might as well ask someone else for intel. Apparently, Lucas and her still live in Chicago, and she works as a counselor at the blind school she went to after whatever happened had happened. Everyone is always so vague about the details, but I didn't want to ask her directly and force her to relive it. That's one thing that actually is none of my business anyway.
Erica is living with them while she is going to college - she got her Bachelor's last June but just started law school. I can't imagine moving in with Nancy while I'm in college. Don't get me wrong, Nancy's great, but it's college! You're supposed to go out on your own and become independent and stuff. I said as much to Max, but she just shrugged and smiled to herself. She said Erica was happier with them than she'd been at the dorms.
I didn't know how to go from there so I just asked about El. I knew she still visits Hawkins a lot, because opposite to the others, I see her around town sometimes. At Melvalds with Joyce or in the diner with Sheriff Hopper, or alone around the library in the center of town. But there's also stretches of time when I don't see her at all. According to Max she takes a bunch of classes at the community college, but also travels a lot - bouncing between Chicago and San Fran and New York. Max said that whenever Dustin or Jonathan and Nancy have to travel for work, she usually tags along too. I don't know why or how she does all of that, but it sounds like a dream. Yet, at the same time, I think I'd personally hate it.
She seemed happy enough though, and it's obvious she is happy. From across the room I could see that, as always, her smile was wide and her skin warm with a tan, her hair pinned back with clips that clashed with her new pink highlights. Most of the chaperones hadn't bothered dressing up, but she had clearly thought about her outfit, each item carefully picked out to form a particular look, even if it was just jeans and a colorful sweater.
I didn't want to outright ask about Mike or Will, mostly because I know what they're doing right now and asking about Mike felt too much like snooping. Max didn't seem like she was going to mention it on her own, and before I could make up my mind on whether I really wanted to know, Dylan came to drag me back to the dance floor.
It was only after we were taking another break some time later that I realised I still didn't know what Dustin or Lucas are doing. I assume Dustin lives in San Fran, as that's the only reason El would go there as often as Chicago or New York, but I don't know what he does there. Probably some kind of tech company or whatever. And I'm pretty sure I heard Mrs. Sinclair talk about Lucas following in his father's footsteps but honestly I don't even know what he does so that doesn't answer any questions.
Might be something to talk about on Friday to fill awkward silences.
Anyway the dance was amazing, and someone must have succeeded in smuggling in alcohol because there was a girl puking in one of the bathroom stalls before 9 pm. She was nice though, told me she liked my dress. Even that felt magical, despite her smudged make-up and loopy expression, the entire night like a daydream where I was floating on air and nothing could ever be wrong.
There was an after party at Selena's house - I swear kids of divorced parents are raising themselves because somehow their houses are always empty at the most opportune times - but Danny and I decided not to go. I didn't want to risk ruining what had been the perfect evening, and I knew I'd only get more tired and everyone else less sober. It also kept the evening quiet, just Daniel and I in the car as he drove me home, drunk on happiness and singing along to the radio. Last night, it seemed, for once, I hadn't cared about missing out. I still don't.
I mean - nothing could have topped Daniel dropping me off at home, getting out of the car along with me as if he didn't know what he was doing either but had seen a few movies, and walked me up to the front door. I knew dad would already be asleep, but mom would be sitting up in the sitting room like she'd done so many nights before, for so many years on end, waiting for her teenager to get home safe.
I had my jacket draped over my shoulders because it wasn't too cold yet and I liked the air against my arms after the crowded gymnasium. Daniel pretended to pull it tighter around me, only to use it as leverage to draw me closer and kiss me. It feels silly writing it down because there's nothing I can say to really describe it. No words that feel right or do it justice, that explain how I'm blushing all over again just thinking about it, my stomach swirling at the recollection.
All I know is that I wish I was still in that moment, still holding his face in my hand, gently scratching my nail over his cheek, submitting the feeling to memory. But I didn't mind when he pulled away, his face flushed and dark eyes shining in the porchlight, because I got to smile at him and he smiled back, blush deepening as he stepped away and muttered a goodnight, dimples digging into his cheeks where I'd held him.
I watched him go before getting back into the house, finding mom asleep on the couch. It was late for her, I realised, even though it was only a little before twelve, and considered the fact she hadn't had to stay up in a long time - not since Mike had left. I didn't want to wake her but knew I had to - if just to let her know I was home and she wouldn't wake up worried.
I still can't quite believe the night was real.
I really should get the reading done for tomorrow, but I don't want to stop thinking about yesterday. Or tomorrow, when I'll see Daniel again.
Love, Holly <3
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cornerofhell · 4 months
Andy and Nica reminiscing over their moms
The night was an unexpectedly quiet one, but it was welcomed. The pitter patter of New Jersey rain that would soon be sleet filled the apartment, a white noise for the end of a quiet day. But that wasn't really focused on right now.
Nica Pierce sat upon her boyfriend's lap, as said boyfriend, Andy Barclay leaned back upon their comfortable, shared couch, his arms wrapped around her like one would a precious gift.
Theses snuggles were a comfort for both of them as their birthdays approached, almost on the same day. Tomorrow would be Nica's, and after that, Andy's. The days their lives were changed forever.
They both knew the days were coming. Neither of them needed to remind the other, all they could do was prepare for what memories the days would bring, and be each others' rocks for it, as they always were.
"When was the last time you celebrated it?" Nica's voice finally broke the silence.
Andy thought for just a moment, before he shrugged. "The year before... You got taken from the ward. I still had... It, locked in my safe. Went out to eat with my mom, Kyle, and Mike. Texas Roadhouse. They got me some kind of ice cream thing. I think it was vanilla? I dunno. Mom tried to ask if they had birthday cake flavor for me." Nica noticed the tiniest twitch of a smile on Andy's lips as he thought of the memory. One of the few good ones of his birthday he had.
The man's eyes wandered down to his girlfriend, brushing some strands of hair behind her ear so he could get a good look at her. "What about you?"
Nica hesitated for a second, almost as if she was trying to remember all those years ago, before she finally nodded.
"A couple of months before. My mom... Had started getting better. Before, my birthday had caused her to get even worse depression. She was still pretty bad, but... She was trying. She got me a new laptop with more space for classes, and she even tried to make a cake. I had to help, but I could tell she was trying."
Both of them sat in silence before Nica smiled a bit in remembrance. "It was a red velvet cake, one of the box mixes. I was at the table with my laptop, testing it out, and all of the sudden I hear a crash and my mother saying the first cuss word I'd ever heard from her in my years of being her daughter. " The woman's smile had grown a bit now, a bit of a chuckle in her voice. Andy began to smile a bit as well as he watched his girlfriend tell her tale.
"I roll into the kitchen and- oh my god, it was a mess. Mom had accidentally dropped the rest of the eggs from the carton on the floor. Oh sure, she had the eggs for the cake, but the floor was just COVERED in yolk and mess, just everywhere! Poor mom was just standing there, holding the carton, with the most embarrassed face and says "Sorry honey, I'm rusty." And I just BUSTED out laughing. She tried to scold me but she just lost it. We both did! I don't think we grabbed a towel and mop for like, ten minutes. She never even explained how it happened! It was just there on the floor!"
The couple's chuckles and giggles now filled the apartment as they both imagined the situation. Something neither of them expected to do so close to their birthdays. Andy caught his breath a bit, to tell his own tale.
"That freaking reminds me of a story- My mom got out around my 21st birthday, and to celebrate her leaving and my day we went out to eat at some diner. Me, Mike, her, and Kyle. My mom told me I'd better get a huge meal because it was my birthday and I told her only if she got one too. Well, our waitress takes our huge order, but when she had, she'd interrupted a conversation between Kyle and my mom. And right as the waitress starts to walk away-" Andy was snickering at this point. "My mother turns back to Kyle and says "-And then there was the time someone stole my pills and jello." And this waitress just STOPS midstep to just - comprehend. She tells that story every year on my birthday, and we all still die laughing."
Nica had was in hysterics at this point, leaning on Andy for support as she tried to calm herself, but the thought of the poor waitress just made her lose it more, especially with how long SHE'D lived at an asylum. "I-I'm sorry- what your mom went through is fucking horrible bu-" "No no! Like I said, my mom laughs her ass off at this story! It's in her nature, to make good things out of bad. Even if she didn't like it, she'd still try a way to make it good for my day."
This comment helped Nica calm down a bit, enough for her to think about her own mother. For years, her mother had been so mentally wrecked, overprotective, everything. But the last memories she had of her- her painting, talking more, going out more, trying more... Finally getting some help... It showed that she was trying, and she TRULY cared. Sarah Pierce's entire life had been trying to make good out of a bad situation, to her death, her mother had tried. Not well enough in some spots, but she had tried. And Nica had a lot of respect for that. Especially now. She wanted to honor that.
Andy too was thinking about his own mother. Her trying, even on the day she was released for him, ever since he was little, getting that bastard doll when they had no money and she was a single mom. She always tried to the very end. Always tried to make every birthday a distraction from the past, always showed her love, always listened. She asked his permission to marry Mike, she tried so hard to sue the makers of that stupid movie. She always made him her top priority, especially on one of the worst days in his life... And she'd want that day to be good.
The two sat there, cuddling close as they thought of the different sacrifices and memories of their mothers, the good, the bad, and what they represented... Especially for the next few days.
"Hey babe?"
"Wanna have a birthday party?"
Sorry this took me so long!!!!
This was so fucking fun to write, holy shit, I love these two dorks
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woedidt · 2 years
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warning: fluff
Second part to It started of easy
The insufferable pains of love, like anything else in life, does get better with time. It was one of those things you didn’t think would or could happen, but it did. You trained, played, hung out with her and weeks after weeks your heart hurt a little less.
The first time you noticed was at a team game night, you’d arrived quite early, spent a couple hours laughing with your friends and having fun, you only noticed Leah didn’t show up when you were about to live. While walking back to your place, you noticed your chest didn’t feel as heavy. You went to sleep and the next morning, still, your heart felt lighter. This break that your heart caught, felt like breathing again after having your head underwater. It was even harder getting back to reality (your reality) when your heart went back to hurting at the view of Leah at training.
Over the next month, your heart caught a break more often. You could even say, they were days you barely felt any pain. You felt a bit lost for two reasons.
First, you didn’t change anything, so you didn’t understand why your feelings change. Also, you did notice that didn’t catch yourself staring at her as often as you used to.
Second, as sad as it is, that pain had become your standard. With it being gone more and more often, you felt like you were missing something. You felt crazy for missing one of the things that had hurt you the most, but it’s not like you could talk about it with anyone.
With that being said, you’d still had moments were you breath got caught in your throat or were you cried yourself to sleep. But the pain was slipping away, somehow and once again, you didn’t completely realize it. That last part could be attributed to the fact that you were, as your friends liked to say, ‘very much dense’.
That’s what you were absolutely astonished when Alessia asked you out. You had always been close and had gotten closer after Alessia joined the national team back in 2020. If you weren’t so caught up with yourself (or more exactly with Leah) you would probably have notice how you two got even closer, how you always paired up at training, sat next to each other in bus rides, or lunch, talked over the phone multiple times a week when you were back in your respective clubs. You’d been at camp for three days and you barely spent more than 2 hours apart.
But you didn’t notice. That’s why after she finished her sentence, asking you out, oh so eloquently:
"Would you wanna go out tomorrow? With me? Like on a date?’". She looked so vulnerable, you were left mouth open, no sound getting out.
Your head was rushing, trying to remember moments together, to figure out if there were any signs. And it hit you, there was so many signs.
Her head hung law. She looked at her feet and continued ‘forget it…it was dumb’, turned around before you could reply.
In a matter of seconds, you had to decide if you were ready for anyone to see your heart right now, hurt and all. But it wasn’t anyone, it was Alessia.
So you caught up to her, pounding heart and shaking voice.
"Yes?" she looked back at you, trying to hide her expectations.
"Yes!" you responded, a smile drawing itself on both your lips. Yours quickly fade away.
"But…can we talk first… I just… there’s things we should talk about first, things you should know first." She looked at you, unsure of what to say
"About me, there’s things you should know about me. I don’t want you to regret anything."
A little more confident she said "I could never regret anything related to you. But okay, tonight, after diner in our room?"
You expected and feared the moment she’d let herself in your shared room. You went back before her, to let yourself some time to overthink. Now that you think of it, you should totally have seen this coming. You had crossed that line between friends and whatever you called people that are more than friends but to chicken to call it anything else.
Before you could overthink it, Alessia had arrived and changed into a big t-shirt that she had stolen from you a couple of weeks ago. She then sat down next to you, on your bed, probably leaving a little more space than usually. You let out a shaky breath, tears in your eyes. She instantly took you in her arms.
"Hey, it’s okay. Whatever you need to tell me, it won’t change the way I see you." She said, trying to reassure you.
"How can you say that, when you have no idea what I’m about to tell you."
"cause I know you. I know you and I like you."
You looked at her, trying to distinguish a form of lie in her eyes. You couldn’t find any.
"What I’m about to tell you, no one knows it. At least I’m pretty sure no one knows. Or maybe she does, but we never talked about it. And I need you to let me say it, entirely without interruption. If you stop me, I don’t think I can finish."
She nodded at you expectantly.
You looked at her one last time before talking. You tell her everything, how you’d been hurt by love in the past, how you fell in love with Leah so quickly, without wanting to, how much you had hurt because of it and how you were starting to heal, somehow.
And she listened attentively to every word you said, conscious of the secrets you were sharing with her and of their importance.
And when you were done, you let out a breath, one you didn’t know you were holding, and you looked at her, expecting to have ruin everything.
"Wow" was her first reaction. She carried on with a mocking smile,
"Yeah… so Leah?? Really?" That smile belonged to your friend. It eased you, to face her as a friend first.
"So does it mean you don’t want to go on a date with me?" There was the more than a friend.
"No!" you hurriedly responded
"It’s just… You still want to? After everything I just told you?"
"I still want to after everything you just told me. Like I said earlier, you’re still you and I still like you"
You blushed. Alessia made you blush.
"Ok then, a date sounds good." you finally said.
"But?" She knew you and knew a but was coming.
"Can we go slow?" You asked, unsure of why you felt so insecure.
"As slow as you’d like" She reassured you.
As everything else before, the healing started off easy, took months but got easier every day after your first date with Alessia.
Days off after friendlies were your favorites, and that’s when you first went out. Alessia had planned the whole day, stating that days off were a rare occasion and that you needed to make the most out of it. She had woken you up at dawn, and drove the two of you on the cost, knowing how much you loved the sea. You’d spent the day visiting the city and eating. But in all honesty, when your friends asked, you couldn’t really tell them anything about what you did. You had been too focused on each other to remember anything else. It was already dark when she drove you back to your place, that’s why and for absolutely no other reason like cuddling you told her to spend the night at yours.
That night marked a shift in your healing. You couldn’t say all the hurt had left your heart, but you didn’t need that. Soon enough you realized that there was always a little bit of hurt lingering in most people’s heart, not just yours. You also realized that to heal, you needed Alessia by your side. And like love always had, needing her scared you.
You spoke every day and met as often as you could. And for now, that was enough, you had just started dating and didn’t want to rush anything. Especially when you felt like you were using her. This scared you, even more than being vulnerable. You felt selfish, using her and her love for you, to heal yourself from a past heartbreak. Alessia, like always, was quick to notice your unusual quietness and to reassure you as soon as she figured out the reason. That’s when you knew you were falling for her.
After months of hurting, the healing started off easy but ended in completely different way, with butterfly in your stomach every time you kissed.
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
Dine n' Dash: Pt. 2 💋
Tyler/Female!Reader (implied plus size reader)
Summary: You and Tyler are the happiest couple in all of California. One night after closing up the diner, you decide it's time to make a big step in your relationship~
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This is the second part of a collab series with @britany1997. We put equal work into this so show some love by liking and reblogging both of our posts! Seriously, she's the sweetest. She deserves the love 😍
Part 1 HERE
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, flirting, undressing, semi-public sex, cunnilingus, nipple play, counter top sex, protection, first time, vaginal sex
Credit to @lostboysluvr for the Tyler gif!!
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Coming to the diner with his buddies was the best decision Tyler had ever made. Back at the beginning of summer, he had fallen hard for you. The beauty who served them all lunch prepared by a short-order cook. Ever since that faithful day, he made a point to come by and get seated in your section whenever he wanted to visit and get some grub. 
The two of you always shared some kind of dessert whenever he came by. Ice cream, pie, cake, whatever delicious treat was on the specials menu for the day. You both giggled and flirted over your treats and when it was time to call it a day, he promised to come by again soon.
During your off time, the two of you went on dates full of excitement and fun. Whether it was skating together at the rink or just walking side by side on the beach, Tyler had the time of his life with you. 
Even if you two were an item for only a few months, he knew he was falling in love with you. You found yourself feeling the same way. There was just something about Tyler that was absolutely enamoring. It made him incredibly easy to fall for.
You could tell he cared deeply for you. When he picked you up for dates he was a mess of compliments and adoration. He’d babble on about how pretty you were, how perfect your hair was, how amazing your outfit looked. If there was something Tyler liked about you, he never hesitated to tell you exactly how he felt.
He was such a gentleman, always offering you his jacket when it was cold out, or holding doors for you whenever you entered a building. And he always wanted your hand in his. The feeling of your fingers laced with his made you feel close to him, and you knew he felt the same. You loved kissing him. He was somehow simultaneously passionate and gentle. Like he wanted to show you how much he adored you but didn’t want to break you when he did.
Every moment you spent together was better than the last, but lately, you’d found yourself wanting even more. Like you wanted to take the next step in the relationship.
You had that thought on your mind when Tyler came to visit you during a graveyard shift. Today had been surprisingly quiet, as some kind of event on the opposite side of the city had lured all the patrons away. That didn't bother you though. At least the two of you could spend more time flirting. 
"Can I pretty please get another coke from the most beautiful waitress in the restaurant?" Tyler cooed, holding up his empty glass. 
"I'm the only waitress in the restaurant, you goof," you teased him as you poured the pitcher of soda over the cup. 
While your coworkers were pretty much done for the night, you had been given the job of closing up after all the cleaning was done. Time just seemed to fly by whenever Tyler came to visit. He was also a generous tipper, but you adored him for plenty of things that had nothing to do with money. 
“What you up to after this, babe?” he asked as he helped you wipe down tables. Whenever Tyler came by to see you during late shifts, he always helped you close up. You’d never ask him to clean for you, but you’d never have to. He was just happy to lessen your workload.
“I don’t know, maybe I’ll go over to my boyfriend’s place, and see what he’s up to,” you said, blushing lightly. Tyler smirked at that. 
“So this boyfriend, babe, is he cuter than me?” he asked coyly.
Your face twisted in mock consideration. “Hmmmm~ Well I’d say you’re about the same.”
He inched closer. “Is he as good on a board as me?”
You shrugged and fought a smile. “You’re about the same.”
He moved even closer until he was standing right in front of you, his blue eyes gazing lovingly into yours. 
“Is he as good at kissing you as I am?” he whispered as he leaned in. Having him so close to you made you sigh dreamily.
“Only one way to find out,” you whispered back before pressing your lips to his.
With just one kiss, you were already relaxing into him. He was just so warm and inviting, it made you feel incredible. The sweetness of his drink was on his lip, and it only made you want to kiss him more.
You threw your arms around his neck, completely forgetting about your cleaning duties. All you could focus on was running your fingers through his blond hair. The sunkissed locks were so soft to the touch. You found yourself twirling a strand around your finger as you kissed him deeper. 
When you finally broke free for some air, you both were slightly out of breath. Kissing Tyler made you dizzy in the best way possible. 
"So…" Tyler sighed. "Am I better than this boyfriend of yours?" 
A snicker fell from your lips as you embraced him tighter. He was such a ham and you loved it. 
"Oh he doesn't even compare to you, cutie," you teased. 
Something familiar was tugging at you. A need. A want. A craving for something even sweeter than just smooches. Something that made you squeeze your plush thighs together and squirm as warmth started to build in between your legs. 
He was just holding you so close and he smelled so good. That cologne he doused himself in after skating was so delicious. You wondered if he could tell what he was doing to you. Tyler sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. 
“For the record babe? No one compares to you either.” 
You could have melted in his arms right there. He pulled back, one hand still around your waist, the other sliding up to cup your cheek and caress your skin with his thumb. 
“You’re so pretty, baby,” he chuckled to himself in disbelief. “My pretty baby.” 
Your lips parted in surprise at his words, what was meant to be an innocent kiss had turned into something a little more…intimate. 
“Tyler…” you breathed as you bit your lip. 
“Yeah, baby?” he whispered as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
For a moment you weren’t sure exactly what to say. Words were failing you, all because Tyler was staring at you with those gorgeous baby blues. They made you feel dizzy. You just wanted to fall into his arms and let him take you wherever he wanted.  
By some miracle, you got yourself to gather the strength you needed. While still watching him with desire, you slide a hand over his chest, caressing the muscles underneath his t-shirt. He really was so sexy. 
“I want...I want to do...more with you...~” you admitted.  
His head tilted to the side in curiosity. Between the pose and the blond hair, it reminded you of a golden retriever. How fitting considering he was your golden boy.  
“Yes, more,” you said, cheeks growing warmer. “I wanna....do it...with you...~”
Tyler’s breath caught in his throat. Every day when he woke up he had to convince himself he wasn’t dreaming. Remind himself that you were real and you were with him. 
Now with you standing in front of him, asking him for more, he struggled not to pinch himself. Visions flashed through his head of your plush thighs wrapped him, your pretty lips parted in soft moans, you hand held in his as he pressed into you. His cheeks reddened as his jeans tightened.
“Baby, you’re my whole world,” his eyes flickered back and forth as he sputtered out his feelings. “I want that too I um- I wanna make you feel really good babe.”
He laced his fingers through yours. “Wanna do that when you’re really ready, baby. Don’t wanna pressure you into anything. You’re sure you want that? With me?” 
You blushed, the corners of your lips turning up in a nervous smile. “I’ve never been more sure of anything Tyler.”
He could have swooned and fallen onto the diner’s linoleum floor right then and there. God you were perfect. And you were his.
There was a newfound hunger growing inside you. Seeing him so eager for such an idea was making you feel all warm and tingly. You brought him close so you could press your pillowy soft lips to his, moaning as your deep kiss enchanted him. 
Ever the one to be good at multitasking, you untied your apron and tossed it aside while you kissed Tyler some more. One hand caresses his stubbled cheek while the other began to undo the buttons on your work dress. You wanted to give your boyfriend all of you. 
"Tyler~" you sighed into his mouth. "I don't think I can wait. Please…please touch me"
The skater's cock was getting harder and harder by the second. Seeing you get so hot and bothered here and now was driving him wild. He longed for this day for so long. 
"Fuck, baby," he moaned. "Right here? Right now?" 
You giggled, pressing your bra-clad breasts up against his strong chest once your dress was opened up. It was always fun to get him all flustered.
"Why not? We have so many sweet memories in this diner. Let's make a very special one to add to the list~"
As you shed your dress, Tyler groaned with anticipation. “Shit babe hold on,” he reluctantly pulled away from you to lock the diner’s front door. Hd flipped the switch on the open sign off, killing its bright neon display. He pulled the screens down on the windows, keeping your perfect form from prying eyes. 
When he’d finished he eagerly returned to you, gripping the counter behind you, his hands on either side of your waist, boxing you in. 
“God you’re beautiful,” he breathed as his mouth watered at the sight of your full chest.
His hands traveled from the counter to wrap around your waist. “Hop up for me, yeah?” he asked.
You nodded shyly as he lifted you up to seat you on top of the counter.
Tyler took the elastic of your panties between his fingers and rolled them down your legs. A blush rose to your cheeks as you were left on the counter in only your bra and Tyler stood before you fully clothed and eyeing you hungrily. 
You expected him to pull his shirt off or roll down his shorts, but your lips parted in a gasp when he instead sunk to his knees and shimmied in between your parted thighs.
Never before had you ever been so excited for something in your whole life. Your heart was pounding as you watched your boyfriend licked his lips with ravenous need. He gently pushed your knees further apart so he could fully see you. 
"Fuck, look at you. Such a pretty pussy for a pretty girl~"
In that moment you opened your mouth to express how embarrassed he made you when he said such things. But you didn't get the chance. Any control of your voice was lost when Tyler dove in.
His tongue slipped from the bottom of your pussy to the very top of your clit. The shriek that came from you was so sudden and loud, showing off how utterly surprised you were. 
"OoHH!" you squealed out. 
"Fuck, I KNEW my girl was gonna be so yummy," Tyler said with a smirk. His lips glistened from your wetness, already making such a mess. He went back in for an even deeper taste of you. It was like watching an addiction build up within him. 
“Mmm babe, how’s it feel knowing you’re the tastiest thing that’s ever been on this counter,” he spoke into you as he lapped at your folds like a man starved. 
He pulled soft mews and moans from your full lips as he devoured you. His lips pressed against your clit, kissing it softly. His hands wrapped around your doughy thighs, kneeling the flesh with his hands as he sucked your clit into his mouth. Your thighs squeezed his head at the feeling prompting him to moan into your sopping heat. 
He moved one hand from your thigh to press two fingers into moving them in and out slowly as he continued to suck. He crooked his fingers, rubbing you in just the right place. You felt your orgasm threatening to burst out as you moaned at his repeated ministrations. 
“Tyler,” you whimpered. “Gonna cum!”
“Cum on my tongue, babe. Bet you taste so sweet.”
His words pushed you over the edge. Your thighs squeezed him tighter as your release soaked your boyfriend’s pretty face.
"H-Holy shit!!" you cried out. It wasn't the first time you'd orgasmed, but it was certainly the most intense one. Your legs trembled around him, the aftershocks rendering your body to a weakened state. 
Meanwhile, Tyler was looking pretty damn proud of himself. He smirked playfully up at you as he slowly ran his tongue across his lips, savoring every last drop. Seeing him so cocky from making you cum on his mouth was only turning you on more. 
"Aww baby, look atcha. So hot and bothered and ready for more," he cooed. 
The two or you watched each other carefully as he tugged his shirt over his head. Seeing his perfectly toned body and full chest of hair reminded you of how lucky you are. You had the sweetest, funniest, most jaw-droppingly gorgeous man in all of Cali as your boyfriend. 
Tyler leaned over you, pressing you down against the counter more as he kissed you. The intoxicating taste of your juices was lingering on his mouth, and it made you shiver with delight being reminded of what he did to you. 
Your hands traveled up his back, caressing every inch of his muscular body while he moved in closer. The thick, hardness of his erection was pressing against your bare thigh. Fuck, he was so big~
He pulled his pants and boxers off, allowing his cock to spring free. You drooled at the sight, it was pretty, just like everything else about him. 
Tyler gently positioned you how he wanted before climbing over you on the counter. He took your hands in his and threaded his fingers through yours, pinning them on either side of your face. He loved holding your hands. Even now, he wanted to be close and connected to you in every way possible. It had you swooning. 
He pressed a kiss to your lips, then to your cheek, then to your neck before moving down to pepper kisses along your chest. Still hungry for more, he sucked your nipple into his mouth as he massaged the other. 
“God, you’re so gorgeous,” he whispered in between smooches. “I musta been a saint in a past life to deserve an angel like you, babe.” 
You gasped and arched your back into his touch. All of this pleasure had you wishing you two had done this much sooner.
“Love these perfect tits baby, they’re so soft,” he released your nipple with a pop, moving to suck the other. He moaned as he caressed you. Tyler was making it quite clear he planned on being a very giving lover to you.
“Tyler,” you mewed. “Aaahh….this feels amazing…mmmh…so good Tyler, so perfect.”
His heart leapt at your words and he felt himself harden even further. He would do anything to hear more words like that fall from your lips again. He wanted to please you, he wanted to love you, he wanted to worship you.
"I got something just for the occasion, baby," Tyler said, releasing you for just a moment in order to grab something from his pants pocket. He fished out his wallet and plucked out a foil-covered item from the inside of it. 
He tore open the material, revealing a clear condom. 
"Right after you and I met, I was tellin' the boys about you. Corey slipped my one of these in case I ever got lucky. I was embarrassed at the time, but now I wanna thank the guy."
You giggled at the story, amused by the others being so enthusiastic of Tyler's love life. With burning anticipation for what was to come, you watched him carefully slip on the condom, making sure it was secure. It was all really happening. You were going to go all the way with Tyler. 
He smiled sweetly as he wrapped his big hands around your hips and gently tugged you closer to him. His cock was throbbing hard as it teased your entrance. Feeling the length rub against your folds but not yet enter was making you squirm. 
"I'll be gentle, honey. Just lie back like a good girl and let me take care of you, okay?"
No words came from you. Just a simple nod and a soft smile. You trusted him with all your heart.  
Your breath caught in your throat as you felt the tip of him press in slowly. He bit his lip as he restrained himself from just plunging right in. You felt so warm, so wet, so tight, so absolutely perfect. He inched in slowly, allowing you to adjust to his size as you stretched around him. Your hands wrapped around his back, gripping him close as he slotted himself between your legs.
“God, you feel incredible, honey. Squeezing me so tight, like you were made just for me. Mmmm can’t believe you’re mine, baby,” he moaned as he bottomed out.
You gasped at the feeling of his hips pressing against yours and his length filling you to the brim. “I am yours, Tyler. All yours completely.”
He growled at your words, leaning forward to capture your lips in his as he began to move slowly. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he thrust into you in long, slow strokes. You were as close as humanly possible, but you wanted to be even closer. You wanted to melt into his embrace.
"Oooooh God, yes~" you sighed out. Your head fell back, your muscles relaxing all over from the absolute bliss that he gave you. 
Tyler was filling you so easily. His cock stretched and throbbed inside your cunt, rubbing every sweet spot within. Many a night had been spent with you fingering yourself and picturing what your first time with him would be life. 
Safe to say it was better than anything you could have imagined. 
His hand grazed over your bare skin, dancing over your body before settling on your hips. Strong fingers wrapped around you and pulled you in closer, holding you still as he fucked into you. Every time he touched you it made your heart beat faster. 
"Look at you~" he moaned, rolling his hips into you. "So fuckin' gorgeous. Wanted this….mmmh..for so long~"
"Really~?" you cooed. 
A newfound fire was burning in his eyes. The passion was completely taking over your boyfriend, and it only fueled your excitement more. He spoke again, his voice going lower than before. 
"The day after we met I went home and stroked my dick to the thought of what we're doin' right now. I've wanted you more than anything….fuck~"
“Never wanted anything as much as I wanted you,” he breathed deeply as your orgasms built up together. “How could I not?”
You shivered at his words. “I wanted you too, Tyler. You’re so handsome, so sweet, so perfect for me.”
You cried out in pleasure as he hit your deepest sweet spot. A deep moan fell from his lips. 
“Baby, you’re so amazing, I care for you, I- I love you,” he confessed as he reached his peak, spilling into the condom. 
His confessions threw you over the edge, and you came all over his cock. He held you close and peppered kisses all over your face as you road out your highs together.
“I love you too, Tyler,” you said breathlessly. “I….I love you….so so much.”
He smiled blissfully as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. “You make me so happy, babe. You have no idea.”
The two of you were practically swimming in the dopamine caused by your afterglow. Tyler gazed at you with such intense love and you were sure to return the look. 
You held one another closely. He was snuggling up with you while you slowly ran your fingers through his hair. Every once in a while you would share a kiss with Tyler. Soft and sweet, just like him. It was pure heaven. 
After a little bit of relaxation, he reluctantly pulled his softened cock out of you. He slipped the filled condom off, tying it and grabbing a nearby napkin to wrap it up before tossing it into the trash like he was throwing a basketball. It made you giggle. 
"As much as I love admiring how perfect and smokin' hot you look naked and spread across the table, I can't imagine we can spend the whole night here."
That was certainly true. You let out a sigh before getting off of the surface in order to find where you had discarded the work dress.
"I gotta clean up the mess we made before we head out, baby~" 
Tyler’s lip turned up in a half smile. “In that case, llet me help you, honey.”
You blushed and thanked him as you pulled your dress back on, sliding the buttons back into place. Tyler pulled on his shorts, electing to forgo his shirt, much to your delight. He picked up a cloth and spray bottle and began to wipe down the counter. You joined him, your own rag in hand.
He kissed you in between lazy swipes at the counter. Since you’d told him you loved him, a soft smile had been etched onto his handsome face, and his newfound joy didn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.
After awhile, you were left with a sparking clean counter top and a fully clothed boyfriend. He slipped an arm around your waist as you headed out the front door, switching off the light and locking up as you left.
He pulled you towards his car. “You taking me home?” you asked.
“Actually,” he said, “Was kinda hoping I could take you to my home? If you don’t mind, of course.”
“Already thinking about round two, baby? You’re insatiable,” you giggled flirtatiously.
He gave you his boyish grin in return. “I just can’t get enough of you, honey,”
Tyler kissed you as he held the car door open for you to slide in. This really had been a perfect night. 
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Tag List: @vampirefilmlover @american-idiot-jpg @6lostgirl6 @anxiouslittleweirdkid @ghoulgeousimmaculate @bloodywickedvamp @silvermaplealder @michael-after-hours @legal-lost-boy @auntvamp
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artsy0wl · 1 year
Public Display of Affection? More Like Personalized Dragon Affection
Yes, tis my attempt to make a pun out of PDA. But a funny punny. Truerivalshipping is still helping me out of a writing slump. This time with Sonia, Ash, and Goh popping in to say hi, Hop being sick, and Leon worrying.
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“Sorry I missed the rest of your match.” Leon apologized. “Mom called me.”
Sighing, Leon leaned against Raihan. He hugged the dragon master, melancholic and deflated. It was a match Leon didn’t want to miss. It was to see who would qualify for a tag team tournament at the end of the month. The winner, got to team up with Leon. Which Raihan did, but Leon wished he could have seen the battle all the way through.
“It’s okay.” Raihan assured with a smile as he pat Leon’s head. “We both knew I was going to win anyways. I couldn’t let some pink haired punk with a Wobbuffet steal my partner.”
“Still… I should have been there to cheer you on.”
“Pfft, you can pay for dinner this time and we’ll be even.” Raihan chuckled, before shifting his focus elsewhere. “Besides, it’s your ma, so I completely understand. Is she okay?”
Leon sighed, tilting his head. “Mom’s fine. Hop… not so much.”
“Oh? What’s wrong with our little champ?”
“Pneumonia. Mom says he got it real bad.”
That made Raihan wince. Returning the hug, Raihan exerted sympathy and concern. “Will he be okay?”
“He hasn’t been hospitalized… yet, but the doctor said he would have if they waited another day or two. They prescribed bedrest, fluids, and some antibiotics. And if he gets worse, bring him to the hospital.” Leon sighed, hiding his face in Raihan’s coat. “I’m worried.”
He couldn’t blame Leon for that. Being a champion kept him away from his family on a regular basis, so worrying was natural. Besides, Leon always made an effort to be there for Hop despite the hectic schedule of championship.
“What caused it?”
“Mom says he got caught up in a storm while training in the wild area.” Leon relayed. “Which probably did, but I think depression and stress worsened it. That Bede fellow did a number on him after a battle. Said some pretty nasty things.”
“I see.”
Raihan vaguely remembered Bede. The kid was Rose’s recent choice for a sponsorship. Though it would seem that it didn’t really last as long as Bede hoped. The kid certainly had an air of arrogance and pride to him. One that the kid could hopefully change as he got older.
Not that it made how he treated Hop right, just what Raihan had observed and inferred. Hop’s enthusiasm and determination was a lot like Leon’s. An acquired taste for some, but ultimately harmless and admirable.
“Why don’t we go visit him?” Raihan offered, stroking Leon’s hair. “I have one last challenger today and my last before the tournament is in two days. We can grab dinner on the way.”
Leon nodded. “I’d like that. Thank you.”
Emerging from the gym, the duo were holding hands. Leon was grinning widely and proudly. Raihan had beaten the challenger without much issue. Saving for a Machamp and Froslass that gave his Sandaconda and Gigolath a run for their money.
Waiting at the train station, Leon rested his head against Raihan’s shoulder. Sitting on a bench, they took a moment to breathe. They decided to hit the diner in Motostoke before catching the next train to Postwick.
From there, they’d check up on Hop and stay the night. Leon’s mother knew they were on the way. Which she promised to keep a secret in order for them to surprise him.
Amber eyes flashed, as he watched for the next train to come in, realizing something. “Oh, I almost forgot.” Leon kissed Raihan’s cheek. “That’s for you win in the exhibition match.”
“You sneaky little Vulpix.” Raihan chuckled, shifting slightly. “The least you can do is give me two. Double battles and all.”
Grabbing Leon, Raihan set the champion on his lap, stealing his hat in the process. Cupping the side of Leon’s face, using the other to hold him in place, Raihan went in deep. Legs bent as Leon welcomed the kiss. Amber eyes closed, ignoring the world around him, including the train coming into the station.
A small gasp escaped Leon as Raihan freed him, kissing him again. This time on the forehead. Giggling, Leon stretched out, legs resting on the bench as he leaned back, using Raihan’s arm as a cushion. His face was now an adorable shade of red as he stared at Raihan fondly.
“I love you, you know that?” Raihan asked.
Leon nodded. “The feeling’s mutual.”
The sound of a throat clearing distracted them as they realized they were being watched. Sonia, wearing a soft smile, stood beside Ash and Goh, who were curiously confused. Scooting off of Raihan’s lap, Leon sat next to his partner with a playful smile.
Ash and Goh had never seen them acting this way before. They had such a competitive dynamic that seeing them so domestic was odd. Not that Leon nor Raihan were looking to hide their relationship. It was just a first for the young duo.
“So you see, dragons don’t normally like knights.” Sonia playfully narrated. “But every now and then, they fall in love with the most charming and pure of knightly princes.”
“And I’m stealing this knightly prince for a nightly adventure.” Raihan stated, playing along. “Catching a train?”
“Yeah. Showed the boys the mural in Stow on Side and they offered to join me in my journey to Hulbury. I am dropping off a little gift to Nessa.”
Nodding, then stretching, Raihan stood up. He helped Leon up, wrapping an arm around Leon’s shoulders. Sensing Ash and Goh’s confusion, Leon stepped in.
“We’ve been together for a while now.” Leon stated, wrapping his arm around Raihan’s waist. “We haven’t gone public with it yet, and only close family and friends know. But we will when we’re ready. I hope you understand.”
“Of course.” Ash confirmed. “I’m surprised, but it makes sense. I’m happy for you.”
“Me too.” Raihan agreed, side hugging Leon tighter. “Since we’re all going the same way, why don’t you join us?”
“It took you long enough.” Leon’s mother stated, welcoming the pair in. “I almost thought you got lost… again.”
“Sorry.” Raihan apologized as he took his shoes off. “Ran into Sonia, and we ended up grabbing dinner in Hulbury.”
“How’s Hop?” Leon asked, eyeing the stairs.
“He’s okay.” His mom confirmed. “He should be awake if you want to peak in.”
Leon nodded, walking upstairs. They watched him, not saying anything until he was upstairs. His mother sighed, looking at Raihan with a tired smile.
“Thank you.” Leon’s mother said. “Hop needs it.”
“You’re welcome.” Raihan sighed. “Leon did too. He’s… Leon. Worrying like the lovable airhead he is.”
She chuckled. “I got Leon’s bedroom set up for you guys. Do excuse any mess. It’s been a while since Leon last visited.”
“We’ll manage.” Raihan assured. “Thank you for the accommodations on such short notice.”
Excusing himself, the dragon tamer followed after Leon. When he got to the top of the stairs, he spotted Leon in Hop’s room, both beaming with smiles. Standing in the doorframe, Raihan smirked.
Regardless of cause, they needed to see each other. Hop needed to see his brother. Leon needed the break and relief. Both needed the quality time.
And as any dragon would, Raihan was going to take care of his treasure. His knight. His prince.
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