#learn some fucking self restraint good god
labyrynth · 3 months
it’s always “harassment is bad” and “wishing violence/death upon people is terrible” until it’s someone y’all don’t like or think is Bad. then it’s “they deserve it” and “they can’t take a joke”
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salora-rainriver · 5 months
We're talking about Ads Again
Context for those followers of mine who weren't there: I made a post about tumblr ads being weird back in 2016 and it's literally still getting notes to this day. People responded GREAT to it. honestly, despite being like. ass old at this point and written by a literal high schooler, it's still pretty good! I thank my dad being in advertising helped significantly. I had an expert witness.
Tonight, I'm writing the sequel to that post. the sequel is this post.
let's just fucking dive into it or whatever.
why am I doing this?
okay for starters I made that post in goddamn 2016 and I refuse to believe my insights into the marketing world have not improved since then.
Also, the marketing world has CHANGED. Huge swaths of my old post are no longer relevant. What we saw with tumblr ads in 2016 was in some parts a passing fad, and in other parts the harbinger of a new wave of influencer marketing and corporate parasociality (I coined that term just now).
Honestly I've been thinking for a while that I should make an update post, but what with, yanno, adulthood, that's been kinda hard!
Well, I've missed a train, and it's Christmas, so I've finally found the time to do that.
What has Changed?
in my personal life... dad got fired! yeah it fucking sucks. the good news is he and his wife are working towards their retirement now, shifting away from the industry overall. Good news as far as life is concerned, but it does mean I no longer have as clean a connection to the Industry as I used to.
but more importantly, why he got fired. The fact is, dad's old! I know, shocker. More than just being old, though, his field (and my stepmom's field - they both did the same work) represents an older paradigm of advertisement. he did TV spots and posters, not ad reads for Raid Shadow Legends. He was great at his work, but we're in an era of data-driven, maximalist, google adsense, low-barrier-to-entry, super-fast and super-cheap digital advertisement.
Well, more specifically,
We're on the cusp of an extinction event poised to bring said era crashing to the ground.
Tumblr media
Pictured: the current vibes in the ad world
Siberia is on Fire and Everything is Dying
So given that my typical source on stuff like this is currently unemployed, I decided to hit good ol google (well, google and duckduckgo. fitting given what we're talking about) to see if I could get any insights into what the current state of advertising is.
and the short of it is that everyone says the end is nigh. check this out:
Digital is dead, and so is TV. God fucking damn. BY THE WAY, I loved these two articles. Chris Gadek, a man I only learned about today, is clearly an excellent writer and his professional insights are probably gonna be way better than my amateur synthesis of the half-dozen different articles I read today, including his.
blatant shilling for random article writers aside, let's get on to my half-baked synthesis, starting with:
What Set Siberia on Fire
In small part, it's the same issues facing most major companies and industries in our late capitalist world: Hubris.
As this New York Times article points out, we've got a low barrier of entry into a gargantuan industry that's increasingly pumping out slop to follow a strategy of 'more is more'. And we've all seen the bizarre mobile game ads and shady scams that have resulted from THAT.
On top of that, we've also got the fucking digital privacy issue shaking up the entire world as consumers increasingly don't like being spied on (imagine that), and the EU starts rolling out heavy restrictions on the data harvesting that was fueling a bunch of this advertisement bubble.
There's also the ad fraud. Oh, you didn't hear about that? Well, it's nothing much, just that lots of bots are clicking ads to falsify click metrics, artificially inflating the effectiveness of said ads. look, it even has a wikipedia article
oh and Facebook did it. Facebook did ad fraud. :)
and I'm not even getting into everything that works to shake up or demolish basically every advertisement channel out there - the decline of cable tv and print newspapers, the increasing use of ad blockers, the crisis of consumer trust, etc etc.
In short we are looking at a multitude of micro-crises all working together to make the environment unlivable for most current forms of advertisement.
in other words: an extinction event!
Who's Gonna Survive
And just like in a real extinction event, whether or not you survive depends on how good you can adapt to the brave new world you've found yourself in. Old school advertising needs to drastically rethink their everything if they're gonna stay afloat, and every field of the industry needs to recreate itself. As my new favorite writer Chris Gadek says,
"These crises show that there are no safe havens. You can’t substitute one advertising medium for another. Rather than pivot, the advertising industry must adapt and learn to effectively use the channels at their disposal (TV included), factoring in the seismic societal and technological changes that have occurred over the past decade and beyond."
and what is that going to look like? what's going to be the new face of advertising?
The field seems torn, at first... but also aligned, at least when it comes to the core principles:
privacy is a big issue. Seems like a lot of advertisers are seeing an end to wanton consumer surveillance, and looking into less invasive ways to gather important and meaningful data
companies that rely on selling ad space and propping up their engagement metrics are going to be relied on less, probably, because the metrics themselves are being seen as less reliable (for good freaking reason)
regaining consumer trust is going to be a massive priority in the future.
overall, we're probably going to look at a massive downturn in ads, as people turn to a quality-over-quantity strategy in an attempt to stop flooding the attention marketplace.
that's the gist I'm getting from reading oh so many different articles of varying quality from so many different sources.
So, yanno, there may be some hope out there. If smart people start leading this industry (lol), we may get to actually enjoy ads.
Yeah. Enjoy ads.
I know, it's crazy.
PS: if you start seeing affiliate links on mainstream TV ads, thank our lord of excellent business analysis Chris Gadek for calling it early. God, that's such a crazy left-field idea and I really want it to actually happen.
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
i see you have swk and mk thoughts swirling in your brain. care to share?
oh my darling dear, beware the flood from the gates you just opened
so why don’t we start with the monkey king :)
Communication issues???? Out the wazoo. He cannot say a single thing without accidentally making it sound condescending, patronizing, or have a double meaning. He can’t stop being vague about shit either because he forgets that maybe some context involved might be important OR if he explained everything it might add more worry or stress (to MK)
Guilt Complex? More like Complex Guilt (literally placing everything on him because he has to fix it or else he failed MK, because they’re were his allies/enemies first, because the burdens of saving a life was the lesson he had to learn the hard way (a vey fucking hard way), because it’s his problem and his plans, because he’s the strongest fucking being, because he won’t die so risk his life because—
Immortality? Fear of death? His search for power? All stemming from his desire to protect and persevere the home and people he loves. All stemming from his fear of what might happen if his mortality limited his usefulness. He cannot fail them. He’s witnessed it enough. He must get stronger. He must be unbeatable. He must be the best for them for him, to satisfy himself but nothing is working. Nothing feels like enough for him to settle down
He is the allegory of the untamed mind. He is the embodiment of all your impulses without restraint. He is terrifying. He is magnificent. He is horrifying. He is like a god
He fears love and attachment after centuries of getting burned (both from battles and from time he outlived them all) and yet he can’t help but care and protect and mentor and love. He fears for what it will lead but he also can’t help but hold on tightly
now onto MK :3
Innocence and ignorance he once believed held him back, but he now finds himself wondering why he was so desperate to leave them so soon. He was still so young that the idea of adventures and being a hero sounded like a dream and yet now he craves for when he could be that boy again. Maybe shake his shoulders, maybe scream at the younger self to warn him (though he knows himself too much to believe a warning would deter the boy from the past)
“And the boy who wished he was a monkey,” now cannot help but take that wish back. Why couldn’t he stay human? Why couldn’t one part of him feel normal? Feel like before?
Can you hear the boy plead? Can you hear how he begs for the return to when the horrors never reached him? When he still thought himself the heir of the Sage Greater than Heaven?
In his core there is kindness and love but somehow, at some point, he missed when to give himself that same kindness and love he gives to others
He is called Harbinger of Chaos. A harbinger is said to be “person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.” They are the ones who give warning for something to come. MK, they say, is the warning of Chaos approaching. He is the one to tear down the idealistic bars of orde people like the Lady Bone Demon and Azure held close to their hearts. His cries of war (are they full of rage? Of frustration? Of scorn? Of sadness?) the blaring horn for those who it approaches. The older gods who, in their hubris, neglected the well-being of the ones redeemed or desire to be redeemed
He is still so young, still so inexperienced, still finding his footing, and yet fate thrusts him into the fire anyway. Fate drops burden after burden, but thank goodness he is not alone (but he cannot tell them. They helped too much. They gained their own troubles and mustn’t be bothered anymore. He cannot get them hurt again)
In conclusion: 🫠
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whumperstorm · 8 months
Waiting is the Hardest Part
Written for @whumptober Day 12: Insomnia
Contents: Sleep deprivation, captivity, electrocution, self harm (kinda), stress position
Zephyr is gender-fluid and uses she/he pronouns!
Zephyr yelped when yet another jolt of electricity shot through her body. Her feet were submerged in water, and any attempt to transform caused her lightning to painfully rebound. Her own power turned against her so easily. It was maddening.
There was no escaping for her without transforming. The thick chains binding her limbs were pulled taut. She was forced to stand with her arms wrenched out to the sides and legs shoulder width apart. She couldn't even bend her knees more than an inch.
With a frustrated growl, Zephyr tried once more. The moment she initiated the change, the electrical discharge surged through her body again and she screamed. She tried to push through it anyway, muscles locked in agony. If she could just-
The pain became too much and she choked, throat seizing along with her limbs. She sagged into her restraints as the shock let up and what must have been her hundredth attempt failed. Her muscles twitched from the aftershocks for a good few minutes.
Eventually, she had to stop. It wasn't working and her body screamed it's disapproval. Her muscles ached, her skin burned in patches, and her head pounded in time with her heartbeat.
God, she was tired.
They'd have to come back eventually, right? They knocked her out with tranquilizers and locked her in here for SOME reason. Otherwise… she wonders if she would have woken up at all.
She'd thought she'd seen a glimpse of the Scientist, the woman who'd harassed her moms not long after her first transformation. She must be behind all this. The woman had tried to convince her parents that Zephyr was a danger to herself and others. Which… well, maybe she was right. But she'd wanted guardianship passed to her so she could help "cure" Zephyr. It was far too obvious that the "help" the Scientist promised was just a bunch of bullshit. Made extremely clear now with Zephyr's predicament.
No, the Scientist wanted to experiment on her. She was well known for her research on climate and weather. Zephyr learned about her in school, for crying out loud. Her moms were having none of it, but that was before Zephyr turned eighteen and before the government labeled her a terrorist because of her powers.
Yeah, ok. This was pretty bad.
The chains were not going to budge, so Zephyr moved on to shouting expletives, hoping to get someone's attention. It had to have been hours by now, just standing alone in this room. She strained her ears after every bout of threats for any indication of approaching footsteps.
Zephyr let out an angry hiss and screamed louder.
No one so much as peeked into the room the entire time Zephyr screamed his head off. At the very least, he hoped that even if they weren't giving him the time of day, they could still hear him and he was annoying the fuck out of them. He'd stubbornly gone on until coughs overtook him and then longer still just making animalistic noises of fury until his voice gave out completely.
Now, Zephyr was starting to have trouble holding himself up. His back hurt and threatened to cramp on him if he twisted wrong. His arms were unbelievably sore and his wrists felt raw at this point. He was hungry and thirsty. More so the latter, as his throat was raw from screaming. Who knew how many meals he'd missed? He originally left before sunrise, so at least breakfast and lunch by now.
Fuck, he hadn't even told his team where he was going. They probably woke up to his empty sleeping bag and were wondering where he was.
If they cared at all, that is.
Maybe he should just… bide his time. Yes, that might be a good idea. He'd get some rest while he waited here and then escape when the time was right. Yeah… Rest sounded really nice right now.
This must've been the longest Zephyr had ever gone without sleeping.
She didn't know that for sure, there was no indicator of time in here, but her fatigued body spoke for itself. She ached deep into her bones. Both from the earlier thrashing, but also just the stress of her position. She wished she could even just sit down. Her bare feet were pruned and numb from being submerged in the water for so long.
Her head pounded like a jackhammer and her eyelids were as heavy as lead, but still she could not sleep. Every time she felt herself drifting off, either the sharp pain in her wrists as her weight dropped, the sensation of falling, or the sudden terror of being asleep and vulnerable would startle her back to consciousness. Then after a moment, exhaustion would win over and the cycle would begin again.
Over and over and over. Somehow managing to reach new levels of misery every time she jolted awake.
Hanging there, fading in and out of awareness, she wasn’t quite sure where she was anymore, or why she hurt so much. She only knew how much she wanted to lie down. Her eyes stung and she groaned. She was too tired to even cry.
Exactly 24 hours after her capture, The Scientist finally entered Zephyr's cell. He didn't know what was in store for him, but at least maybe… just maybe, he could finally rest.
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What you thought was a one night stand with Bane turns into a two night stand. As per usual I can’t write summaries but yeah, this follows “Seeing Double.”
The usual warnings, F/M, P in V, P in A, just everywhere, dub-con (gotta throw that one in there), spanking, delay/denial, restraints,swearing, jealousy, toxic relationship, seriously not healthy, thank god for fiction, my lovely trash writing style, self-indulgent x100, minimal to no proofreading, written while sleep deprived, Cad’s an ass and I’ll stand by that.
This was actually inspired by an offhand comment from my husband, which made me feel a lot better about my figure. So I had to write it out.
As a side note, in no way shape or form is this body shaming on anyone. It’s more of a way for me to process and continue learning how to appreciate this body I have to pilot around.
The Duros is back.
You almost tripped and dropped the tray of clean(ish) glasses when you noticed the familiar broad hat, lean leather covered form, and long knobby blue fingers.
Remembering what those fingers can do…
Dazed, you freeze in the middle of the busy carina as memories from the last…encounter crash through your mind. The things he did your body again, and again, again.
Cad Bane tips his hat back, runs his scorching gaze up and down your frame, and smirks. One large hand reaches for a toothpick, places it between hairline thin lips, and gestures you over.
Taking a deep breath you carefully place the glasses down, card a nervous hand through your hair, and saunter over to the hunter. It doesn’t hurt to add a bit of swing to your step, a little extra sway to your hips, and his smirk broadens.
“We’ll hello dere li’l lady, looks like ya remember ol’ Cad Bane,” his deep modulated voice rasping around the breathing apparatus.
“You’re a hard man to forget Bane.” As a smirk of your own flits across your lips.
The Duros removes the toothpick from his mouth and takes another long look, his red eyes taking in your warm, mammalian curves, taking note of your flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips.
“Gotta’ be hard ta be good doll.”
You’re entire body warms under his scrutiny as you inhale sharply. Memories of his unique anatomy, and how it had fuzzed every coherent thought from your head, parade through your thoughts.
Bane grins. “How ‘bought ya close up shop early an’ let me remind ya how much ya like these Duros cocks.”
A blush stains your cheeks as your core clenches. But no, you tell yourself firmly, the money is more important than acting like some bounty hunter’s booty call…barely.
“Sorry Bane, but I need the credits more than I need dick. You’re going to have to wait, I’ll send one of the droids over with a drink.” You throw him a cheeky wink and saunter off, making sure your hips sway with every step.
Cad Bane growls around his drink. It’s a low noise, rattling deep from his chest. That little minx, thinking she’s got the upper hand. He gets what he wants, and right now he wants to fuck the smirk right off that pretty little mouth.
He watches her stroll away, watches every other eye in the bar take an appreciative glance at her plush hips, round ass, and deep cleavage. Hell, he can SMELL the arousal pouring off the cantina clientele as she walks by. He’s halfway tempted to take her now, on the bar, and let every sleemo in this joint know who she belongs to. Spread her open so every lowlife scoundrel can see her shudder and clench…dripping for him, ONLY him.
The doors open, breaking his train of thought, and a gaggle of tipsy females of various races stagger through the door. A lean Twi’lek, listing slightly, makes a beeline for the hunter’s empty booth. Bane watches her, appraising the situation. This could work well.
A cruel smile twists across his face, revealing sharp canines. That little minx is gonna learn some better manners.
Just an hour left to go. Just. One. Hour. Your mind is chaos as you attempt to keep up with the late night rush of inebriated customers and try NOT to think about what the bounty hunter will do to you after the last drunk is kicked out.
A shiver of apprehension rolls down your spine. Bane isn’t the type of creature you say no to. If he’s really pissed you might be spending the night getting yourself off. But he most of anyone should understand the need for credits…hopefully.
During a lull in the press of bodies at the bar you glance at the corner booth where the hunter was sitting and go rigid with shock.
The lanky blue Duros is still there, relaxing, with a thin Twi’lek practically sitting in his lap. Her hands trace lazy patterns down his leather trench and he dips his head, to murmur something in her ear. She giggles, it’s a high pitched sound.
Rigidly you tear your gaze away from the sight before you. You know he’s doing this as retaliation for turning him down earlier but it still hurts. Physically the Twi’lek is your exact opposite, all lean muscle and narrow hips. Exactly like Bane.
Cursing under your breath you resume your job, pointedly ignoring the dark booth and the asshole sitting there.
Bane watches her from under the brim of his hat while the Twi’lek prattles drunken nonsense in his ear. That minx behind the bar is pissed, that’s for sure. Her normally fluid movements are stiffer, the casual teasing and flirting with the clientele seems forced.
Perfect. Time to rile her up some more.
He pushes the body next to him roughly. The Twi’lek squeaks in surprise.
“Time ta go missy.”
“Where we goin’ big boy?” she slurs.
“I ain’t goin’ no where, you are.”
With that he pulls out one elegant LL-30 blaster and fires two shots above the crowd. The silence after is deafening.
“Everybody OUT” he rasps.
He meets your furious gaze “I’ve got business with tha bartender.”
That cruel smirk crawls across his face, fangs flashing in the dim light as he settles back into the booth.
He’s already hard.
You’ve never been so pissed in your life.
Pushing past the rush of bodies quickly exiting the bar, you storm up to the Duros reclining with his hat tipped back.
“You ARROGANT cocky son-of-bi…..all over some skinny ass Twi’lek….Why don’t you just fuck off with her and NOT WRECK MY BAR!” It’s hard to string a coherent sentence together.
Bane tilts his head. Interesting, he’d expected her to be mad about the blaster marks but she seems more riled up about the Twi’lek. She’s yelling right now, but not in the way he wants her yelling. Time to fix that.
Bane steps up to you and you meet his deep red eyes. Emotions boil over and you reach a hand back to slap him.
Should have remembered what happened the last time you tried that.
Quicker than humanly possible Bane catches your wrist.
“Bad move li’l lady.”
Before you have time to sputter out a reply the bounty hunter is behind you and has your wrists trapped in a set of his bracers behind your back.
“What the FUCK Bane! Not the fucking time for thi….”
A gag is forced through your teeth, cutting off your tirade.
“No more a that now.”
The Duros steps back around in front of you, grinning and the enraged expression in your eyes. He leans in, breath brushing against your neck.
“Gonna teach ya some manners princess, not polite ta ignore ol’ Cad Bane when he comes all this way ta see ya.”
You can’t do anything but glare at him. At least until he hoists you up and unceremoniously dumps you on the table. Your breath leaves your lungs in a huff as he arranges your body to his liking. Ass on the cold table, sitting up facing him, with your legs dangling towards the floor.
The Duros wastes no time, pulling down the straps of your dress and yanking the bottom up from under your ass. Now it’s just a wrinkled band of fabric arouind your middle. Your undergarments are next, torn if half in his haste to get them off. He steps back to admire his work.
You’re exposed, cuffed, and gagged glaring up at the hunter. He pushes your torso back until your leaning on your bound elbows.
You have never been so mad.
“Much betta’”
You have never been so turned on.
Cad Bane is not one to waste time. He looms over you, broad hat shading his face from the bar lights, and places one massive hand on each thigh, spreading them open. You clench your legs together, determined to make it as difficult as possible for him.
He chuckles and overpowers you easily, holding open your soft thighs.
“Well look at’chu li’l lady, already drippin’ fer me.”
Your feel your face flush deeply, humiliated at how your body responded to his rough treatment.
“Now princess, you’ve been a li’l minx tanight, flauntin’ that ass” he gives it a squeeze hard enough to bruise “those tits” he gropes your breast, engulfing it in one massive hand “that sweet, warm little body.” His right hand moves closer to your soaked sex.
“Gonna make sure ya got your priorities straight.”
He pushes two long, knobby digits into your soaked cunt. You’re wet enough where he slides in with ease, and a rattle emits from his chest in appreciation.
Every damn time. Those damn fingers get you every. Damn. Time. Your back arches and a moan vibrates against the gag in your mouth. Anger slips away and those thick digits send sparks up your spine as his fingers reach deeper than any other species has been able to.
Bane sets to work, pounding into you until white flickers at the edge of your vision and your arousal is pooling on the table. Your walls clench, and the heat in your groin coils tighter and tighter. A couple more thrusts, a couple more taps against that sweet spot deep inside your cunt and…
He pulls his fingers from you completely.
The needy whine you make around the gag is even more humiliating than your obvious arousal. He sneers at you as your cunt clenches on nothing. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
“Gonna be a good girl now princess?”
Shit. Good girl? Why does that cause your entire body to tighten up? You swallow the excess saliva dripping behind the gag. Wide eyed you nod.
“That’s right” he rumbles as he reaches behind your head to remove it.
The gag drops the the table and he shoves his fingers back into your throbbing cunt. Working his hand he pumps into you hard, while his thumb comes up to circle your clit. His other hand grasps and kneads the supple flesh of your breast.
Your climax hits hard and fast, swamping your body with pleasure as your cunt clenches around his pounding fingers. Back arched, braced against your still bound arms, a guttural moan is torn from your throat as slickness soaks your thighs.
Panting and whimpering you come down from your high and dimly watch the bounty hunter remove his blasters, unbuckle his belt and pull out his alien anatomy.
Those twin cocks, stacked one on top of the other, blue, and achingly hard. He begins to stroke upper one, mixing your juices dripping from his hand with the pre-cum leaking from the tip.
“I wanna see dat ass princess, roll over.”
Awkwardly, struggling with your bound wrists, you manage to roll over. Your face and chest are now pressed into table, legs supporting your lower half, ass presented to the hunter.
You spread your legs as wide as you can, exposing your dripping cunt and tight ass to him. The cool table beneath you feels divine against your overheated skin. It’s always like this, the little voice in your head reminds you, you’re always the one shaking and gasping and WET, exposed and presented to the Duros like a damn feast.
But somehow you can’t say no. Can’t stay angry.
“Good girl” he rattles behind you, and watches your cunt clench at his words.
Cool fingers trail through the slick leaking from your core and smear it around the tight ring of muscle. Your entire body twitches.
His other hand cracks across the meat of your ass, hard, as he slips one finger into your ass.
“That’s fer tellin’ me ta leave with a damn Twi’lek.”
You’d completely forgotten about the Twi’lek.
Another smack, another finger slipped inside.
“Ain’t gonna fuck no bony ass, I want it soft” Smack “thick” Smack “plusssssh” SMACK.
The last word comes out as a hiss, a warning. Your cunt throbs with every hit, and the slick between your thighs gets wetter.
One hand kneads the hot tender flesh of your ass while he starts to scissor his fingers, buried deep inside it.
“I like me a mammal li’l lady, curves and warmth. A nice pillow ta pound into.”
All you can do it gasp for breath.
The gasps become whimpers as he sinks a cock into your wet heat, still scissoring and slicking your ass. A couple strokes, just enough to get it wet, and he’s removed his fingers to press it against your now slick hole.
The long, agonizing stretch of him penetrating your ass releases enough endorphins to tranquilize a bantha. The cool feel of his anatomy soothes the burning heat of the intrusion and soon his hips are flush with the red, overheated skin of your ass.
He pulls almost all the way out, lines up his second cock, and slides back in.
You let out a long keening whine at the feeling, his twin anatomy stretching and stuffing your oversensitive sex to the brim. Completely drunk off the dizzying levels of endorphins flooding your body.
“Good girl.”
Your entire frame convulses at the praise. Bane groans behind you as you clench down on him. Mewling and writhing, you attempt to get a little more friction, another hit of the addictive hormones surging through your body.
The Duros starts to flex his hips, building up a rhythm that sends electricity singing down and up every nerve ending. There’s no more room for conscious thought, just the sensations rolling through your body and the whimpers pouring from your lips. Drool leaks down your chin.
A hand caresses your hair before strong blue fingers grip tightly near your scalp, arching your back towards the hunter. The painful sting propels your shaking body closer and closer to climax.
“So…sooo fuckin’ tight princess.” He snaps his hips harder and your volume increases. “Like ya made for this, bent over a table takin’ Duros cock so…so fuckin’ well.”
One hand fisting your hair, one hand pressed into the small of your back he relentlessly pounds himself into your wet heat, pulling and bending your body for his own pleasure and chasing his own release.
Obscene sounds echo around the bar, the slap of skin meeting wet skin, moans, whimpers, curses.
The Duros hisses above you.
“Manners princess.”
You moan, he really is an ass.
“Cad…fuck….Cad please” another mind breaking snap of his hips. “Cad PLEASE…ah….harder!”
“Dats a pretty way ta say my name.”
He grips harder and winds you up tighter. The hand in your hair arches your back, the hand on your lower spine presses into the curve and his movements become rougher, pounding your soft hips into the unforgiving surface of the table.
The wind up of your body matches the wind up of heat radiating from your core. Three hard thrusts later and it…snaps.
Pleasure floods your ass, cunt, everywhere as your climax wracks your body. White hot it burns down every nerve ending as your vision goes black. Wet heat gushes from your cunt, soaking the front of the Duros’s chaps as you scream out your orgasm beneath him.
It’s just like last time, Bane thinks, she’s like fuckin’ the inside of a reactor. Soft silky and scorching hot. The plush softness of her ass, beet red from his hands, is perfect for hammering his narrow hips into over and over and over.
When she cums beneath him he feels the slick heat coat his groin, his lower stomach…upper thighs.
“Fuck…ah….fuckin’ hot princess.”
The clench of her cunt and ass send him over the edge, one hard thrust later he’s pressed into that warmth as deep as he can go, growling and cursing as her tight holes milk every drop of Duros blue out of him.
You feel the chill of his cum, filling you up and leaving you mewling at the overfull sensation. His hips buck into yours as he pumps it in deep.
You both stay like that, locked together for a long moment, catching your breath as you ride out the aftershocks.
The sound Bane’s cocks make as he pulls out of you is positively filthy and leaves you feeling achingly empty.
Lukewarm cum slides down your inner thighs.
A gentle caress on your ass, the binders click and fall from your wrists and you scratch your sore shoulders forward. A towel is laid across your back. It’s oddly intimate.
“Fuck ya look good like dat, Duros blue leakin’ outta both holes.”
Nothing like ruining a good moment.
Standing is not in the cards right now, not with the way your legs are shaking. Tremors still wrack your body. Settling for sliding the towel on to the booth, you maneuver yourself on to it to try and mitigate the mess.
Finally you turn to look at the Duros. As expected, he’s already tucked himself away and looks just as collected as when he walked in. Jerk.
“You know Cad, I do have a bedroom here. We don’t have to fuck in the bar every time.”
He arches a brow ridge at you.
“Pour me a glass of dat stuff I was drinking’ earlier and we’ll put it ta good use den.” He smirks. “Ya said please just fine, but cha’ still gotta learn ta say thank you.”
It’s going to be a long night.
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dearamleo · 10 months
The Sinner’s Feast: New Chapter!
Chapter 3: Riding Into the Storm
“We got someone that specializes in classic cars. You’ll want him helping ya out.”
“Perfect, that’d be great.”
“Hey, Padfoot,” Pete called over his shoulder into the garage. “Get your ass out here!”
There was a loud slam of a car hood being shut followed by a few colorful curses. “One of these days, Wormy, you’re going to have to learn how to do something yourself!”
Pete only rolled his eyes at Remus good naturedly as he tilted his head in the direction of where someone new was emerging from one of the bays. “Padfoot here’ll sort you out.”
Padfoot , as Pete called him, was several inches taller than Remus and built like a linebacker. His shoulders and biceps were so muscular they bulged almost laughably tight against his faded Eagles t-shirt. The muscles further accentuated as he reached up to pile chest length, curly black hair into a bun at the crown of his head. Seeming to spot a smear of grease on his wrist, he wiped it haphazardly on some of the most obscenely tight black jeans Remus had ever seen. Or maybe they only seemed to be because the man’s thighs were like fucking tree trunks.
Trying to stop himself from ogling the man like a piece of meat, Remus forced himself to make eye contact but that was nearly as much of a mistake when he saw the man’s face. Remus blinked twice, trying to gauge if he was actually awake at the moment or in an incredibly realistic wet dream.
“Afternoon,” Mr. Wet Dream said, grey-blue eyes gleaming impishly like he knew exactly what was running through Remus’s mind. “What can I do for you?”
“ Fuck me, ” Remus breathed, then startled in embarrassment that he’d said it out loud.
“Wrong business, darlin’,” he said, grinning. His teeth were annoyingly perfect, save for the slight inward tilt of his canines. His eyes roved over Remus for a moment before they caught on the car behind him and widened immediately. “Holy shit, this yours?”
Remus had to suck in a sharp breath as the man came closer to inspect the car. He smelled like leather and grease and something like sandalwood. Clearing his throat, Remus forced himself to turn towards his car as well. “Yeah, yeah she’s mine. Passed down from my dad.”
“1970, right?”
Remus used every ounce of self restraint he possessed to not lean over and stare at the man’s ass as he ducked into the open window to look at the interior. His shirt had ridden up over the small of his back showing dimples just above the low waistline. Clearing his throat, Remus somehow stuttered out a response.
“That’s right. 454, 4-speed.”
“God, that’s sexy.” The man leaned back out of the car, holding out his hand to Remus. “My name’s Sirius, by the way. Sirius Black”
Taking the calloused hand in his, Remus felt his mind short out for a second before he realized Sirius was waiting for a response. “Lupin- er Remus.”
“Nice to meet you, Remus .”
Blinking hard, Remus reminded himself to not act like an idiot. “You too. I just met another Black the other day. You wouldn’t happen to be related to a Regulus Black, would you?”
Sirius rolled his eyes, but his smile was still in place, turning a little fond. “Yeah, that’d be my little brother. Where, uh, where’d you run into him?”
“Hospital,” Remus answered, tilting his head a little at the hesitant tone Sirius’s question had been in. “I’m a trauma surgeon at St. Mungo’s.”
“No shit! You the one that patched up my other brother then?”
“I’m assuming you are referring to the enigmatic Mr. Potter?”
Sirius grinned at him brightly and Remus tried not to physically drool at the sight. “The one and only. Thanks for saving him, doc. I know he can be quite the handful.”
Remus had to snort at that. “Yes, my nurses have been grumbling quite a bit more, but I find him endearing. Your brother, on the other hand… Bit scary.”
“Scary, huh” Sirius chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that sent shivers down Remus’s spine. “That’s one way to put it. He’s a good guy, though, underneath all that… intensity..”
“Yeah, he is,” Remus agreed, his smile turning softer as he thought of the way James melted at the sight of his husband or the way Regulus would pluck James’s glasses off to clean them or kiss his knuckles as he slept. “I’m glad I was able to help out.”
“Me too,” Sirius said, his gaze lingering on Remus a moment longer than was necessary before he seemed to snap himself out of it. “Anyway, back to your car!”
Read the rest here!
Start from Chapter One
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bunny-priiince · 5 months
Tsk tsk, naughty rabbit, cumming before you're told. I'll just have to punish you, by edging you till you're a blubbering, incoherent mess. Till you're crying and begging for release, but you're so pent up you can't even form words. Then I'll hold you down and use your tight little ass hole, all the while threatening you that you'd better not cum. I'll take my pleasure while withholding yours, and pump load after load into your poor, abused hole. And when I'm thoroughly satisfied, and I've decided you've learned your lesson, I'll finally allow you to get off by fucking yourself back on my dick. You're gonna do all the work now if you wanna cum little rabbit. Maybe next time you'll have some self restraint. -H
Oh GOD I've missed you so much please I'll be a good boy I'll take it your cock feels so fucking good fuck I'll be good please break me
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scarasweetheart · 3 years
overstim w childe.
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character: childe
genre: SMUT 🗣
warnings: no prns used but he calls u girlie twice, afab reader; lots of overstim; breeding kink !!!!; semi-possessive childe ??; switch childe; vvv minor spit kink at the end but it's rlly just drool; these r so all over the place im sorry yall 😭
a/n: dedicated to @ajaxsbeloved 🥰🥰
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         ↬ LITERALLY his biggest kink. like. hands down, this is not up for debate. if u disagree, then there's the door 🚪👈
         ↬ IT GOES BOTH WAYS TOO oh my god he'll literally overstimulate himself fucking u he cannot get enough of it oh my god
         ↬ overstim w childe goes hand in hand w his breeding kink actually, they're synonymous. he just. he's addicted to you and ur pussy. loves how tight you are n he has such poor self-restraint whenever it comes to u :(( can u rlly blame him for fucking you all night long n pumping you full of his cum ????
         ↬ FUFUUUUUUCKCKCKKKKK THE WAY HE WHINES 😫😫😫😫😫 childe's v sensitive actually and he himself will tear up while fucking you but you'd be crazy to think that that's gonna stop him 😊🙏
         ↬ he fucks like he's trying to prove a point. and i suppose he technically is ?????? 🤨🤨 proving to everyone else that you're His and His alone. trying to prove to u that no one else will Ever be able to fuck you even half as good as he can
         ↬ ok anyway back on track 🚶
         ↬ he loves seeing you cry and shake beneath him n when you dig ur nails into his arms or down his back or pull at his hair whining that it's too much — all it does is encourage him to keep going bc thats how he knows hes doing a good job 😚😚😚
         ↬ childe fucks u stupid in every sense of the word. if ur eyes aren't crossed or if you're not babbling incoherently ab god knows what then he hasn't fucked you good enough — that's how he sees it anyway. what's that ?? u can still form proper responses ??? you aren't drooling n mindlessly reaching for anything or any part of him to try to ground yourself ???? then he's FAR from done w you
         ↬ will make you cum At Least twice w his tongue alone; probably more bc he literally loves to eat you out oh my fucking god he will happily stay in between ur legs all night and he can and will get off from eating u out alone
         ↬ all but abuses your poor clit :( he'll toy w it all night long until ur (trying to) smack his hands away n ur throat is raw from sobbing that it just hurts at this point, but he never rlly listens unless u use the safeword
         ↬ and what's worse ???? he's stupid good w his fingers (and tongue) and he's a vv fast learner so once he memorizes what u like. 😊😊 he Abuses It. he WILL learn how to make u cum in under 60 seconds !!!!! (and he 100% abuses this too) sorry i don't make the rules that's just how it is
         ↬ "awh c'mon baby, don't tell me you're tapping out already ?? :( i was just starting to have some fun" / "you can take a lil more, can't you, girlie? you're normally so eager for me to fuck you dumb so what's different this time ??"
         ↬ if ur giving him head 🧎 don't stop after he cums. i mean obvi give yourself a minute to swallow his cum or whatever (assuming u let him cum in ur mouth pls let him he loves cumming down ur throat), but do Not give him a minute to catch his breath 🧎🧎
         ↬ he'd be a headpusher initially whenever u give him head But !!!!! his grip loosens real quick after he cums for the second time so he'll jus end up stroking ur hair or whatever bc he jus doesn't have the strength in him to keep such a tight grip on u
         ↬ he's so loud oh my fuckinf god. ESPECIALLY if ur overstimulating him i 😩 whimpers n whines n chokes back sobs ab how painfully sensitive he is 🙏🙏🙏 (pls be mean and tell him to shut up and take it, he'll cum right then and there)
         ↬ PLEASE RIDE HIM U DO NOT UNDERSTAND HE LOVES IT SM specifically when he is the sub but 🧑‍🦯 he will grip onto your hips for dear life, as in there Will be bruises there tomorrow, and he'll whine and sob and Whimper ab how he can't take anymore (yes he can he's a filthy liar, feel free to slap him for it) and he'll def start drooling all over himself n it'll only get worse if u mock him for it <//3
         ↬ "haaa– god, fuck, girlie! 's too much! please!" / "c–can't cum again pl–please!!"
         ↬ poor thing :( his words'll get all slurred n his eyes'll roll into the back of his head and he'll bitch ab being way too sensitive, but don't stop unless u hear the safeword otherwise he'll get all pouty ab it
masterlist. | req rules.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA Vampire soulmate au: they feed off you for the first time.
They explain to you how blood tastes to them and enjoy a meal... 
Tw: Blood drinking, heavy petting
Hawks: It's been a year you and Keigo seem to be together, you've been talking about moving in together anywho, You got a paper cut and Keigo who was crashing at your placed smelled it from your living room, he nearly gave you a heart attack when you turned around to see him standing behind you, his gold eyes had red tinge as he eyed your finger like a like man who hasn't eaten in a week. "Ey, there I thought you've already had enough to drink today?" you were referring to the black and red sports bottle he'd brought with him. "I did, It's just- You have no Idea how hard I've been holding back, your blood it does something to me..." Keigo husked eyes locked on the crimson nectar dripping down your hand he was salivating and swallowed hard. "My blood...does it smell good?" you asked timidly.
The blond snapped out of his trance. "Petal, you smell like ripe strawberries and chocolate to me..." Keigo has already told you how smoker's blood smells and taste to him, well you now you were curious about non-smokers, and asked if blood type also has an effect on the blood's flavor? the winged vamp was happy to answer! 
Smokers: Charcoal/moldy bread.
Drunks: depends on how drunk they are, it's somewhere between hard soda and hard wine or liquor.
Drug users: no idea, he says they smell like rotten eggs, and he's seen how loopy other vamps act after feeding on them and stays clear of them.
Sick/injured: He stays away from sick people but they smell like a cross between a hospital or a funeral home.
Virgins: sweet/tart like fruit-punch.
regular folks: like Sangria the fruitiness is still there but it's mixed with bitter wine . 
"Blood types don't really change up the flavors, but I've noticed type As have a spice to them, Bs start off sour, and type Os are pretty mellow." You hummed very intrigued at what you were hearing then, noticed Keigo was still eyeing your finger, like a starved animal, you looked down at the cut then back Keigo and noticed his wings were tense and he was clenching his jaw, after some thought you sighed you held your hand out to him. "Go head before your jaw breaks" His wings bristled. "I'm not some desperate leech y'know." he huffed you shrugged and went to went to put a band-aid on, but Keigo stopped you.
"Let's not be hasty here..."  He stammered out at you cocked a brow at him. "Yer really giving me mixed signals here." you huffed did he want your blood or not? " Um... Are you sure about this?" he said blush adoring his cheeks. "I'm just letting you suck my finger...Why are you acting like I just asked you to pop my cherry?" Keigo's face was as red as a cherry as you said this. "Because you essenually are..." He explained the big difference between mates and prey, on instinct he wouldn't give a crap about some rando he picked up off the street or whatever mystery pack the commission gives him, but you... 
You're his soulmate, his fated one... and right now your pretty much telling him to make you his! He's not gonna stop at your finger, once he's had a taste he's going for your neck! And once he bites you that's it, you have his mark forever, You paused absorbing what the blond male just told you...Well, he hardly leaves you alone already might as well go all in? "Do it." Hawks's eyes were red now. "Come" he hissed sitting across from you and gesturing to sit in his lap.
You complied and watched Keigo warily as he brought your finger to his mouth, immediately you felt a shock go through you the second Keigo's tongue started lapping at the cut, he moaned tasting your blood for the first time. He was right you tasted every bit as sweet as he thought you would...*more...more...* his monster groaned euphorically he felt the cut on your finger close from his saliva's healing properties.
Keigo's eyes drifted towards your neck, You gasp feeling his grip on your hand tighten before his free hand found it's way behind your head, you tensed seeing Keigo's fangs elongate but before he could pierce your neck he smelled your distress.
His rough hold on you suddenly slacked and his hands lowered to your hips his thumbs gently rubbed you sides as he left little kisses and nip along your jaw before you calmed down enough to trust Hawks wasn't gonna tear your throat out. "Just relax." he cooed kissing you neck a couple more times like a countdown. one...two... three! 
You tried not to scream as you felt his fangs pierce your neck, your fingers gripped his jacket as you felt yourself be drained... then like a switch had been slowly tuned the pain tuned into pleasure? moans started sneaking their out from your mouth which confused you, the blond vampire groaned in ecstasy at how rich your blood tasted with lust mixed in he buck his hips against you, after what seemed like hours Keigo's fangs finally retracted from your flesh and lap at the two holes he left on your neck, they sealed as you whimpered weakly Keigo just shushed and you. "It's alright kid, you did good" he cooed kissing your head as you started drifting out of consciousness.   
When you woke up your head was pounding like a bad hangover Keigo was cradling you in his lap looking relieved and sheepish, he explained he went a little overboard with his drinking and venom dosing and you got drunk on him and passed out! you must've looked panicked cos Keigo assured you were completely fine, the venom isn't lethal... (To you anyways, one of the benefits of being a vampire's soulmate.) Though you might be a bit feverish and cranky for the next couple days.  
Dabi: You were on your period so yes Dabi's self restraint was breaking! you had no fucking idea what you blood was doing to him you smelled like a 5 star meal and all he could do was sit and drown in his own drool and watch you, like a hawk as you moaned and groaned about  cramps and ruining your pajama shorts when you woke up this morning! a low growl escaped the faux raven haired vamp when he saw you toss out a bag with said aforementioned shorts, it took every nerve in him not to run after the garbage truck like a starved dog! before something you said snapped him out of his trance. "hn...What ya say?" he looked at you drinking his third pack of cow's blood.
"I asked if my blood smells good and what does it taste like?"
"I wouldn't know haven't tasted yours yet..."
"Well, what about anyone else's?" 
"Why are you suddenly interested?"
You huffed "Sorry for wanting to know you..." and were about to tell him to forget it, when the the undead cremator spoke up. "Mocha mixed wit' something spicy like cinnamon or rum" he muttered not looking at you. Of course you cocked a brow now intrigued, now that that was out of the bag he might as well tell ya the rest. 
Smokers: burnt rubber/earwax (eh, everyone was a kid once, had to know what that gunky crap in your ear tasted like.)
Drunks: Depends on how much they've drank, it could between hard water to straight up red wine.
Drug users: the one time he fed on one he thought they were just a pothead, but in turned out they had ate a few shrooms which made them kinda taste like... orange juice and black liquorice?... Honestly he can't give a straight answer, as he was too busy trippin out on another plain of existence to remember.  
Sick/injured: doesn't feed off the sick, but they smell like a hospital or a morgue.
Virgins: like apples and honey
Regular folks: they taste like Apple cider. 
Animal blood: kinda tastes like artificial cherry cough syrup, and he hates it!
"Then why do you drink it?" you gulped seeing his cerulean eyes flash red for a brief second as he locked eyes with you. "Why?...*growl* your standing in front of me smelling like a walking buffet and you have to gall ask me why I drinking this crap?!" he snapped crushing the blood pack in his hand as you started backing away, you were nervous that only fueled Dabi's sadistic side you learned early that he enjoyed agitating you via flashing his fangs, popping behind you out of seemingly nowhere, and faking you out.
I.E. making it seem like he was gonna bite you then blow air in your ears before walking away laughing at your reaction, something about putting you on edge and having your adrenaline pumping through your veins adds more "spice" to your scent, it happens so often that Dabi started noticing arousal was mixing in with your fear, you bet your ass he started mocking you for getting off on him scaring you. 
Of course right now you weren't sure if he was seriously mad, or making fun of you again? He was not making fun of you again he was seriously pissed off, The nerve of you walking around asking him about useless crap, and offering him nothing in return! Dabi had you backed against a wall face buried in your shoulder you felt him sniffing you and flinched you felt him nipping along your neck, and like all the other times he's riled you he smelled that that little speck of arousal through the fear. 
He let out a low chuckle causing you to to become fed up, you though he was screwing with you again! "Goddamm-.hm!" You were cut off by sharp yelp as Dabi's fang suddenly pierced your neck! oh god it hurt! you whimpered tried shoving Dabi off! he groaned pushing your back against the wall, suddenly your body felt weird... you moaned it was hot and and everything felt sensitive...
You barely registered Dabi lifting your legs up you instinctively wrapped them around his hips, he let out a low purr and his demeanor became less angry and forceful, his shoulders relaxed as his hands gently rubbed your legs, after what seemed like hours Dabi finally pulled away from your neck lapping at the pin holes he left on, he checked on you only to find you passed out his eye had a rare tenderness to them as he eyed your flushed appearance. "Well aren't you high maintenance." he cooed his thumb caressing you chin before taking you to bed.   
Bakugou: He didn't want say what you smelled like to him as it made him look soft, he finally cracks after more poking a prodding. "If I fucking do will you shut up and let me sleep?!" he hissed it was 8: 47 p.m. and he was tired which confused you, the sun was still out and you could hear kids playing in the streets outside. You heard a angry growl Katsuki's ears were pink. "S'mores...you smell like S'mores, happy?" he groaned when you started shaking him, no point in trying to sleep now that he's lit the fuse! He gave you the sum up of what blood tastes like to him.
Smokers: old news paper and figs.
Drug users: No clue stays clear of them, they smell like pickled eggs.
Drunks: Somewhere between hard water and flavored vodka.
Virgins: Why would you want to kno-... arhg! Coffee and vanilla!
Regular folks: Irish coffee and bitter mint.
Then you you started asking about blood types and what it was when he drank, Next thing you knew Katsuki let out this frustrated bellow! You yelped as he grabbed your wrists and pinned you under him. "You wanna know what it feels like?" you sheepishly mumbled a meek "yes" but the blonds red eyes narrowed. "Hah? say that again I couldn't hear ya?" he jeered trying to get you to use your voice, you repeated "Yes" again a bit more forceful as the ash blond unbuttoned the shirt he let you borrow exposing your neck to him. 
Katsuki frowned he could smell your reluctance, then grumbled in annoyance as he recalled Shitty-hair's advice ""Take it slow, be gentle..."" He took a deep breath and carefully buried his face in you neck, You flinched expecting him to clamp down, giving how much you annoyed him, but to your surprise; Katsuki instead opted to started leaving kisses along your jaw and collar bone.
You bit back a moan when he found you sweet spot and causing Katsuki to smirk if wasn't so hungry and tired right now, he might've taken this much farther, but the mouthwatering scent of your blood calling him was too much to pass up. "I'm gonna do it" he husked as you nodded and with that, Katsuki's fangs pierced your neck.
You gasped in pain felling them puncture your skin as Katsuki grasped your hand, the blond groaned in euphoria your blood tasted every bit as rich and sweet as he thought it would, he could smell your discomforted and on instinct inject a doses of his venom into your bloodstream in minutes your blood's flavor intensified with added lust, your tiny moans and whimpers were music to his hears, soon his instincts were warning him stop.
Katsuki's fangs retracted he lapped at the punctures he left on your neck, before pulling away to look at you and snorted you were a flushed out mess. "That sate your curiosity?" he huffed fixing your shirt you tried to say something but were too exhausted to say anything tangible, the ash blond chuckled and settled down next to you for the night.   
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rizubaby · 3 years
Danganronpa V3 Kinks & Headcanons (males)
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genre ; nsfw headcanons.
summary ; my interpretations / headcanons for the boys from DR V3; what they're like in bed and what I think their kinks are.
tags ; mentions of various kinks / vulgar language.
note ; these are just my personal interpretations of the characters. Some may not agree or have other headcanons, which is fine. To each their own. ♡
This is an 18+ post. Minors dni.
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Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi is definitely a switch. Nothing new.
He'd be shy at first, not really knowing how to let loose. I think once he's explored your body and himself a bit more, he can really be a great lover / sexual partner.
He quickly realises what turns him on; your thighs, your soft moans and god, your hands. Whenever you touch him, gently stroke his cock or run your fingers through his hair when you two make love, it drives him nuts.
When he's topping, he's very gentle and very careful not to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You'd have to reassure him he's doing great, and with enough encouragement, he'll let go of all his worries and listen to your begging for him to go faster/rougher/etc.
When he's subbing, he'll let you take the lead (which is most of the time anyway). He's well aware that you are crazy for him and that you love to tease. He loves when you're dominant and show him what you like. He knows he's safe in your hands, so he'll let you have your way with him.
Gonta Gokuhara
Oh, my sweet baby boy.
Gonta is truly a gentleman in bed, which is a surprise to nobody. Though he has a much darker, wilder side to him as well.
The first few times you two had sex he was extra careful not to hurt you in any way, keeping his impressive stature in mind. He'd be very patient and loving. He loves your little whimpers and the looks of lust you give him. It makes him so flustered and he'll only want to fuck you more.
After a while though, his wilder side will start to creep up on him. Being raised in the wild and all, it's hard for him to contain those primal urges, and they will inevitably come out. He'll want to make you his forever, and in nature there's only one way to do that: mating.
When you let him have his way, he'll turn into a completely different person, and there's no turning back. He goes absolutely feral, his primal sexual urges taking control and wanting to breed you until you collapse. He'll mark your entire body with hickeys and his strong grip will give you bruises that last for days. Seeing you writhing beneath him makes him lose his damn mind.
This fucking dude.
Kaito Momota
Foreplay usually doesn't last very long because this man doesn't know self-restraint. He just goes fucking wild, so much dirty talk and he's so fast and rough, my god. Just seeing how horny you get when he touches and kisses you in the right spots already makes him rock hard. There's literally no room for you to top him, he won't let you.
I imagine him to be very into quickies. Just taking you somewhere for a quick fuck and leaving you trembling, trying to hold yourself together afterwards makes him so satisfied it's actually mildly infuriating. Getting to destroy you with his huge cock anywhere and anytime he wants really strokes his ego and makes him grin from ear to ear.
Kaito's got a lot of stamina, so prepare yourself for that. With this guy, the sky isn't the limit.
Okay, hear me out.
I headcanon that Miu did some sort of modifications on him and he can now simulate lifelike male reproductive organs.
That being said, he really had to adjust and learn about his new features lol. He's learnt a lot about sex and everything that comes with it — he eventually even developed his own preferances, and dare I say, kinks?
I think he'd be fascinated with your reactions to all the pleasure he can give you, even if it's artificial. He loves being able to learn more about human desires and intimacy, and he's become much more human-like because of it.
His favourite thing is definitely that he can simulate his own cum. He knows how much it turns you on, so he gets very happy when you moan and beg for him to cum inside you (or anywhere else, for that matter). He loves intimate sex, because he feel like he can truly connect with you on an emotional level.
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro is one of those guys that everybody lusts after, and for good reason.
His whole demeanor is enough to make anyone weak to their knees. He's really chill, almost a tad bit sadistic with the way he looks at you. You can just tell he's planning to do all kinds of naughty shit with you, and it'll be a while before he's done.
This guy is into it all. Rough play, BDSM, edging, you name it. Whatever you're comfortable with, of course. He loves spanking you or holding you by your throat, his jewelry jingling while he does makes it even hotter.
I think he is a switch, but he definitely likes to top. He likes to order you around and call you all kinds of names. Just imagine him sitting in a chair with his legs spread apart, ordering you to suck his cock with that low, raspy voice of his. He lowkey likes to watch you struggle a lil' bit.
This guy knows how to pleasure you and he's very comfortable with himself. Don't expect to walk away from him without having had at least three orgasms and a sore throat.
Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi is a brat through and through. He likes teasing you A LOT, making you hot and bothered and then pulling away to leave you helpless and unsatisfied, snickering maliciously.
While he loves to tease and be flirtatious with you, he'll quickly turn into a little freak when he decides he's had enough. He's borderline sadistic and enjoys surprising you. Somehow he always manages to do something you weren't expecting, but it makes it all the more enjoyable.
He loves it when you do little favours for him, or when you act all submissive around him and he gets to have fun with you. He loves using toys on you and seeing your lewd and embarrassed face. His absolute favourite toy is a remote controlled vibrator.
He uses lots of dirty talk, loves degrading you and making snarky remarks when you're acting out his orders. Definitely into some sort of roleplay/power dynamic.
Korekiyo Shinguji
He's a fucking sadomasochist. Nothing new here folks.
He loves S&M, it's basically 90% of the kind of sex you two have. While he can be romantic too, he just loves to hear your cries of pain and pleasure. He won't go too far of course, he's still a man of dignity and he knows where your limits are.
He's great at aftercare. After such rough sex, there's NO way he wouldn't care for his queen. He gives you soft kisses and gets a damp cloth to put on your scratches and bruises. He'll praise you, telling you how much he appreciates and loves you and that you did very well. He really appreciates when you care for him too, and he'll shower you with love.
He owns lots of toys, which is fitting for someone with an S&M kink. He likes using a gag ball and handcuffs on you, so you are completely submitted to him. He can have his way with you all he wants, and hearing those muffled moans make him go into a state of pure bliss.
Loves using a whip, too. Seeing your ass turn red with joyful tears running down your face just makes him cum instantly.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
You need to see this first then this
The alchemist had been trying all remedies to shake off the stress and fatigue in his system and they all seemed to fail, no amount of sketching or discoveries can pull him away from it. So when you offered a solution he hasn’t heard, he’d jump at it immediately. “You know, some people say having intercourse with someone is a good stress-reliever.” “Intercourse? If it’s true, then please, I wish to have intercourse with you.” “Wha- wait Albedo, do you not know what that is? It’s only done between lovers!” “Convenient, I love you, anything else?”
Pairing -> Albedo x Female Reader
Word Count -> 2944
Themes -> Smut, PwP, PwF, Woohoo, the "thing", the "do"
Series -> #Bonafide Specials (100 followers event)
Warnings -> NSFW CONTENT, DO NOT READ IF YOU'RE UNDERAGED! (this is awkward because you two have no experience, jsyk)
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(Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate (TDA, also known as ZETA) are usually emitted by females to attract males for mating. Sex pheromones are defined as odors, produced by either males or females that stimulate one or more behavioral reactions in the opposite sex, bringing the males and females together for the purpose of mating.
The foldered papers at the mahogany desk met with a soft plop at its weight, and you noticed the Alchemist suddenly straighten his back from his spaced out daze on the noise, whipping his head towards where you stand. Albedo's teal eyes were wide from the sudden intrusion, but his eyelids drooped over them once again upon the realization that it was just you who entered as it loses its light once more. This worried you.
The Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius has been in a dilemma recently. And all of Mond knows of this.
Albedo naturally holds himself in a regal and composed aura that draws people to him in admiration and trance. But this Albedo lacks such gait, with shoulders tense and eyebrows furrowed, steps heavy and head hanging low.
He has hit a wall in his never-ending research. And the effect was obvious on him.
Days he'd be cooped up in his laboratory staring at nothing, glaring at his setup. Days he'd be gone beyond the walls with his easel and sketchbook, only to return with unfinished artworks meant to be forgotten. Sucrose had tried placing experiments that are easy to handle and give him at least a sense of self-confidence for solving, but even that cannot pull his mind away from his obstacle.
"You know," leaning on the table with arms crossed, you watched the Kreideprinz drag his foot to where you were, aiming to check on the folder that you just submitted, "Some people say having intercourse with someone is a good stress-reliever." Such words smoothly flowed out of your mouth despite the masked embarrassment you expertly hid through a haughty smirk.
That someone was Kaeya, and that Kaeya threw out that same comment next to you when you two saw Albedo walk through the headquarter's halls like a zombie a few days ago.
The sudden pound of fists on the table at either side of you startled you, expertly caging you in as you looked up. Albedo loomed over you with eyes brightly catching the sun, giving it the luminosity that carried the same curious look he had when faced with the unknown. "Intercourse? If it's true, then please," oh no, "I wish to have intercourse with you."
Excuse me? "Wha-" suddenly, you were hyper-aware of just how close you are to one another. You slightly hiked yourself up against the table, as to preserve what little distance you have. "Wait Albedo, do you not know what that is? It’s only done between lovers!”
And without skipping a beat, he mused, "Convenient, I love you, anything else?" That familiar smirk displayed on his face.
Contrary to his face tho, you greatly contest to Diluc's hair. Really a normal reaction- to this guy suddenly confessing! Your head is already whirling around in confusion and your eyes couldn't set itself straight at him, still mindful of the distance of which reminded you why you were in this predicament in the first place.
Albedo attentively watched your eyes stray to the side as he stands there in silence, seeing it land at the entrance to his laboratory. Ah of course, he thought he'd made a discovery, as he leans away from you to make his way towards the door.
And shut it with a click.
"Wait, wait, why did you lock the door?!" You finally mustered up the courage to speak (breaking away from the shock of his confession) as he finds himself where he stood over you, eyes filled with confusion.
"You were quiet after my confession. I know such moments of romance are intimate and with your eyes, I only wanted to give us privacy," his brows furrowed with confusion before his shoulders dropped, a sharp sigh escaping. "Normally people would express their reciprocation by now," he breathed as he starts pulling back and away, "but voicing your rejection would have been appre-"
Quickly with a yelp, you reached out for his departing form, pulling him back by the grip on his shirt. Albedo's eyes only widened a little as he was quick to grip the table's edge to stabilize himself, one arm wrapped around your waist to ground you. "No! I do- do love you too!" You finally squeezed out the embarrassing confession, "You were just so sudden, it surprised me so much!"
And suddenly he was laughing openly, full of relief and humor, as his shoulders slackened at the validation. The heavy weight on his shoulders eased as if a physical matter left it, the bout of removed tension making him slump on you.
You cradled the tired Albedo in your arms as you let him place his chin on your shoulder. This man is your lover now, you thought as the fact finally dawned on you. The brilliant and most loved in Mond now tied down to you.
Basking in the presence of a person now his, Albedo found himself breathing in. There was a scent to you that always soothes him which now feels emphasized at the closeness. His pupils dilated as his face buries itself closer to the junction where your neck and shoulder meets.
Ah, what was this? Was this the pheromones you once talked about in your research on zoology that attracts those to them? He mused in his mind as those teal eyed fluttered shut, nose brushing at your neck for another whiff.
While Albedo indulged himself with the natural scent of you, you stood there with weak legs, trembling and red from the notions. Oh gods, you whimpered at the feeling of his lips brushing at your skin, you're whipped for this man.
"I'm waiting," you had to hold the shiver when his words vibrated against your neck, "for your answer on my offer, I think it would be good to try." Ah the 'intercourse'. You placed your hands flat on his back as he leans away to stare in attention, and then you finally explained to him what you meant, what you'd do, and what it entails to.
Albedo nods in understanding at your every clause and explanation. And his bright mind understood far too easily how it would help. "We are lovers now," his eyes twinkled at the cute scrunch of your nose upon the embarrassment of the fact, "sooner or later we'd end up doing it anyways. When shouldn't be a matter."
Albedo always make a good point.
With your consent, Albedo slowly lays you on the surface of the table as his other hand makes quick work to swipe away the items that would be in the way, thankfully the carpeted floor prevented anything from breaking. His lips found yours almost naturally as you urged him to take off his coat and you worked on your own, the thoughts spiraling in your head for every clothing that is shed:
Albedo has little to none idea on how sex works between humans, and you had your base knowledge from the things you learned from academics; in short, you're both inexperienced and you are his anchor.
How funny how the master role quickly switched, you thought with an inward laugh before it died in your throat at the sight— he stands there with his undershirt unbuttoned, belt and shorts caught by his knee, and his apparent bulge outlined by his boxers. Your thighs instinctively closed, you don't know what's considered average in size for such things, but you know for a fact there's gonna be some difficulty.
"Is something wrong?" His raw and calloused hands (gloves long gone) softly landed at your squirming thighs, the contact sending a shiver all over. "Am I doing something wrong?"
No, you breathed as you urged him to step closer and settle between your legs at the edge of the table, his form forcing you to spread your limbs apart.
The intoxicating scent that Albedo indulged in earlier was stronger now, drowning him and clouding his thoughts. The waft plunged through his senses so forcefully that he stumbled a bit on you, hips hitting as he grips your sides to keep him steady.
Next came the warmth that touched his sensitive length as it laid between you, the contact had forced out a cute squeak from you and an airy groan from him. His hips buckled to catch the sensation as he finds himself rutting between your folds with ragged breathing.
So good, it felt so good. Albedo finds himself struggling to keep his eyes open from what he now identified to be pleasure, and as he looks up to check on you, you were struggling just the same. Your chest rises and falls in quick successions as you covered your eyes with an arm, whimpers coming out of your slightly parted lips.
Fuck. If only he wasn't so engrossed, he wanted to capture this image through painting. "Am I-," he cleared his throat of the hoarse voice, "Am I hurting you?"
You gasped at the cold and wet feeling swipe from your chin to the corner of your lips, licking the trail of drool you didn't even notice when you opened your eyes to see Albedo's up close. With a shake of your head, you gripped the ponytail of his braid to pull his head for a sudden kiss.
Staggering over your form as your legs hiked up to hook around his waist, you guided the tip of his length to your entrance as he ravaged your mouth without restraint. Lips bruising each other, tongue tracing the underside of yours gingerly before it licks at the roof of your mouth— all the sensations had fogged up your consciousness so badly that you didn't feel an ounce of pain when he finally entered into you, guided by a shy gentleness to his ministrations.
It is only when his tip finally touched the opening of your cervix did you whimper; the way you're being stretched and the fullness of his length in you making you writhe under and around him, the friction only making rousing him more.
Albedo produced a low growl against your lips as he bit down on the bottom one, his trimmed nails digging to your soft-skinned hips as he pins it down. "Stop- nghh- stop moving around so much," a sudden warmth pooled into your stomach as you tightened around him.
Mistake number one: You didn't expect for his gentleness to be gone.
Spurred on by your tightening grip and the pleasure shooting up him everytime his tip came in contact with your edge, Albedo went into a relentless pace, pounding straight into you to hit that spot. Your pants turned into breathless chokes everytime he comes in contact, forcing your raw moans out of you. There's a dull pain by your entrance everytime he grinds against your walls, and he whimpers your name in pure ecstacy every stroke.
Your back arcs as he smacks into you, pulling back halfway through before burying deep into your hole once again. His brutal pace gets sloppy at times, before his strength comes back again to pull you closer. Halfway through Albedo produces a feral growl as he grips one of your legs behind the knee, pushing it closer to your body and slightly angled to the side.
And the moment he thrusts in with the new position, you cried out his name. The tip of his length reached far deeper with this new angle, and had plunged the top right into your cervix— your hips trembled as Albedo's whole body shivers at the new sensation, fingernails digging into your thigh as his other hand intertwines with yours, pinning it down on the table as leverage.
"Ahn," he whispered your name tiredly with tears pricking at the edge of his eyes, for the first time staring at your eyes after he had started, "How are you? Is it okay? Is it..."
Good, you mumbled with a tired smile at his consideration, bumping your hips to emphasize on it- which drew a sharp gasp from the both of you, he was already in so deep, your hips bruised and touching.
He rolled his hips to test out, his thickness rubbing at the walls as he stirs your insides. The sweet moan you produced spurred him on, and he was once again staggering into you, his hips slightly elevated in an angle meant to pierce through you.
The sound of flesh smacking against each other overpowers even your loudest moan as Albedo pleasured himself inside you desperately, the smell of sex filling your sense of smell. He chases the way your hole drips and wafts with the scent, drawing in a huge breathe whenever your mixed cum spills past his tightly locked dick in you.
And soon his pace became more desperate and short, as he makes quick work at hitting you in your most sensitive part to barely give you time to gasp for air. Your walls clenched down on him so tightly as you came, a cry of his name passing your lips as your back arched—
the pressure made him buckle and he thrusts in deep one last time, tip breaking past your cervix, as his climax enters you in thick strings of warmth.
That was mistake number two: you didn't bring protection with you.
But at that moment you couldn't care less (your cycle just ended anyways, you should be fine), watching him whimper your name in full pleasure as his teeth grinds against each other, his forehead and eyebrows knit and furrow as he releases before it relaxes after he is done.
And then he falls face first to your chest, the renowned Alchemist running out of the minimal stamina he had with him. Buried between the valley of your breast, Albedo had the most serene (almost drunk) expression on his face, lips pressed against the skin over your heart where it beats with fervor from your activity.
He tested another experimental thrust, lighter this time, as he felt your mixed fluids moved around the tiny space. You gave a wailing moan at his action, and he breathlessly laughed at your reaction.
Albedo stayed in you and on you for a few more minutes after that. Still trying to regain strength as your tired pants became the white noise that night.
"Albedo..." he hums against your chest as his arms tightened around your waist, enjoying the peace your hands brought to him as you stroke his cheek. "Albedo, I need to clean up." He jests that you should just keep it in you and you responded with rapid pats, whining at the notion. He chuckles.
It took him a lot of willpower to get up and he made it obvious as hell, taking his time to remove himself off your chest, grumbling that his bed was complaining too much. You let out a cute snort before smacking his arm. Albedo grips your hips as he gently pulls out when he stops suddenly, realizing that the liquids would pour out and make an obvious mess if he were to do so.
His head passes around the immediate area as he pinpoints a peculiar object, plucking it from its plastic package, still new from the bubble wrap. A sharp gasp suddenly comes by you at the cold and hard sensation that replaced Albedo inside you, only a few inches deep as the Alchemist walks off to get tissues. Wary, you looked down to see the object, choking out when you saw its end sticking out past your crotch:
A test tube, pristine and clean, was preventing the fluids from dripping out of your hole.
When Albedo came back with the tissues and spare cloth in hand, he muses at how your deep red face was smacked tightly against your palms. He offers to clean up, a gentle hand carefully pulling out the tube, but you refused and got quick work on yourself. That was enough embarrassment for tonight.
Unbeknownst to you with your busied self, Albedo held the glass vial in close inspection and curiosity. The translucent white liquid barely blocks the night light and produced the same strong scent he'd been chasing the whole night— he sticks his tongue out to taste, ah, slightly salty and sticky.
Albedo wonders what kind of experiment he can do with this.
The obvious lift on the shoulders of the Chief Alchemist was greatly acknowledged by everyone in town who were aware of the impasse the young man had troubled himself with for the past few days. The bags under his eyes were gone, and the tealness he has shined with newfound vigor. Besides the mood shift, many of the knights had also noticed the time spent between the two of you. Missions and expeditions were always coinciding with each other and people barely saw you separated, giggling and smiling to yourselves in your pink world.
One day they finally found out about your relationship when a knight barged in to his laboratory for an urgent matter. Blurting out the Chief Alchemist's name before he realized that you were there, lips locked against each other.
The news spreads fast with that little detail and everyone congratulated you on your relationship.
Behind your bashful smiles, you and Albedo sighed in great relief, thankful to the archons that the knight didn't took notice of your hand under his big white coat that time.
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This turned out like this cuz alchemy boy very new to things u_u and little stamina, he needs to exercise more ehe-
@creation-magician @dandelion-dreams @zelos-simp @struggljng @youroffical-weirdo @your-local-venti-simp @indigodreamtime47
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
punishment games
natasha romanoff x reader
synopsis; in which your efforts to get back Nat’s attention leads to a much different result than expected 
warnings; smut obvi, use of strap ons, degradation, light impact play, use of restraints
a/n; so recently i’ve been on a binge of reading nat fics and goddd did i miss her!! anyways this idea came to me last night so i wanted to get it out asap before i forgot lol as always i hope you enjoy!!
also fuck the marvel timeline but if you place this around age of ultron it works
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You were being testy. And you knew it too. You also knew it was wrong to push blame onto someone else but technically Natasha started it. (no she didn’t)
It was another Stark party, a night of drinking and loud music over a meaningless celebration. However you loved them nonetheless, being able to smother Nat and taste the vodka on her lips while you both watched the boys goof off as if they didn’t normally.
However that was all pushed to the side when you saw some random blonde chatting it up with her. Usually you weren’t the type of person to be upset over someone talking to her but the moment the unfamiliar hand reached forward to tuck away a strand of loose red hair, no offense to Bruce but suddenly you were seeing green.
It was at an instant the gears in your head started spinning. Making your way to the small section where you were all sitting you marched right past her, adding a little sway to your hips before approaching the key to making this little plan work. Thor.
Ever since you had met him you had a little tiny crush on him. Who wouldn’t he was a god for fucks sake, 6’4 and sculpted to perfection. While yes, Natasha was your soulmate and only had eyes for you, she understood the appeal.
“Is this seat taken?” you asked twirling a piece of your hair leaning in for him to hear you over the bass pounding. 
It was as if he knew exactly what thought was swirling in your head just by taking a look past you to the sight on the leather couch parallel to him, he met your smirk as he responded, “Always a place for you my pretty little mortal.”
You giggled as his hands went to your hips pulling you down onto his lap. Your arm went around his neck, fingers running through his golden locks.
Turning your head you looked back at Natasha who was suddenly no longer interested in the woman sitting next to her.
Y/n: 1, you thought in your head. 
The next hour was spent still in Thor’s lap. As bold as you two were being he never let his hands steer any lower than your hip or waist. He caught you up on Asgard business. Even promising to take you someday. As intimidating as he seemed deep down he was nothing but a puppy. 
A few more minutes of laughing it up and he tapped on your thigh, “If you’ll excuse me my dear but I need to make a quick trip to the gentlemen’s room. However I will pass you on to my friend here,” he said pushing you onto another lap. 
You waved goodbye before turning your attention back to the newest player in your little game, “Hey there soldier,” you said with a smile. 
“Hey Y/n,” Steve said with a playful roll of his eyes. 
“So how’s the party been for you,” you asked before he cut you off. 
“Cut the shit Y/n.” 
“Woah Steven! You kiss your mother with that mouth?” you said with a laugh. 
“I just wanna know why you’re here instead of oh I don’t know hanging around your girlfriend.” he said nudging his beer bottle in Natasha’s direction. 
“Well when mommy’s and daddy’s get in fights-” Steve’s groan cut you off, “Anyways. She’s caught up in her own conversation.” 
“Really because it looks like she wants to bite someones head off.” 
This time when you turned around, dark green eyes were glaring right into yours. And they said the winter soldier stare was scary. However instead of fear it was nothing but pure heat shooting straight to your core. 
Looking back at Steve you played with the buttons on his blue, size smedium button down “Listen all you gotta do is sit here and look pretty, maybe give me a good squeeze once in a while. Nat’s not gonna hurt you.” 
The blonde scoffed, “Why do I find that hard to believe.” 
“I don’t like this attitude on you Steven,” you said playfully furrowing your brows, “did your little boyfriend Sam teach to act like this.” 
Steve lifted up his finger like he was about to scold you when a cold hand on your shoulder made you both freeze up, “Don’t bother Stevie, I know just how to put her in her place.” 
Natasha: 1
Her hand went down to your wrist pulling you along down the hallway and into an elevator, “Nat-” 
“I don’t wanna hear a single fucking word from you. Got it?” she said facing the metal doors. You gulped seeing the way her jaw clenched. Nodding your head knowing she was watching from the corner of her eyes. 
Once in your room she wasted no time in shoving you on the bed. Her lean frame over yours, trapping you under her. 
“Do you think it’s funny to act like a little slut in front of all our friends?” 
“No Nat-” your sentence ended before it started when a slap was landed on your cheek. The impact making you moan out. 
“Is this what you wanted princess? Did you need me to bring you back here and use you like the little fuck toy you are?” she said lips mere inches away from yours. 
Learning from past mistakes you kept your words to yourself and eagerly nodded your head, panting from the steady ache between your legs. You whined as she got up, watching as she walked to the little chest where you kept all your toys. 
“Get to the center of the bed and put your arms up,” she said without looking back at you, “clothes off, except your panties.” 
Instantly you followed her request going as quickly as you possibly could. She made her way over with metal cuffs, locking you in place before going back to the chest. You watched as she turned and made her way to the bed again, a long red toy attached to a strap was in her hands. 
She let out a mocking laugh as she noticed your eyes get wide when she lifted your legs to put on you instead of herself, “aw you didn’t think I was gonna reward you did you angel?” 
“Natty please I’m sorry,” you whimpered out as she moved to straddle your hips. The material of her jeans rubbing your legs made you painfully aware of you state of undress. 
She reached forward to squeeze your cheeks in one of her hands, “You should’ve thought about that before you wanted to whore yourself out to the boys.” 
“Now you’re gonna lay back and watch me fuck myself. And just maybe if I’m satisfied enough I’ll think about fucking you,” she said stripping herself of her clothes. 
You watched as she settled between your legs, one hand on the silicone cock and the other on your thigh, making you jolt. Her pink tongue licked a strip up the toy before she took it in her mouth. Never once did her eyes leave yours. 
It was as if you could feel her actions, the way she moaned around the toy bobbing her head. You knew it was nothing more than just to tease. The drawer full of lube suddenly forgotten about. 
Once she was done you watched as she settled herself on the tip of the toy, slowly lowering her self down. One hand squeezing on her breast, fingers rolling her perky pink nipple. You mewled at the sight, hips rising and digging the toy deeper inside her. 
“Oh look at my cute little toy just aching to make me feel good,” she said as she started moving her hips in slow circles. 
All you could do was dumbly nod in agreement. Your hands ached to touch her soft skin. Imagining the sight of little crescent marks on her hips as you fucked into her had you going crazy. 
“You know this could’ve been you malysh,” she said with a swift roll of her hips, the soft coo of her accent going straight to your core, “I would’ve even settled for a double ended toy, but from what I’ve seen tonight you don’t deserve any relief.” 
She picked up her rhythm, palms steady on either side of your head as she bounced up and down on the silicone cock. The sounds of her juices and moans drifting through the room was like music to your ears. 
You swore you could’ve cum on the spot. The sight above you was nothing short of heavenly, “Nat please let me help you,” you said breathlessly. 
“Please let me touch you! ‘M sorry,” you slurred out. 
“Aw my pathetic little baby,” she said leaning forward to wrap her hand around your throat. The slight amount of pressure making you gasp.
“I haven’t laid a single finger on you and you’re already so mindless,” said finally letting her lips touch yours. You moaned at the familiar taste of her favorite alcohol. 
It was almost embarrassing how on edge you were. Her words alone could make you finish. And you wouldn’t have been upset about it. 
She pulled away and reached up to undo the cuffs. Your hands falling limp to the side before you grabbed onto her face. Pulling her lips back onto yours like you had been missing all night. 
“Wanna make you cum,” you said against her lips. With one hand on her hip the other went to rub on her aching bud. Her head fell to your shoulder, leaving bites to muffle her mewls and whimpers. 
“That’s it princess, make me cum for you. Such a good little fuck doll for me to use, baby,” she heaved out. 
“Just for you Nat!” 
With a few more rough thrusts of your hips and figure eights just how you knew she liked them you felt her body spasm over you. Soft lips forming a perfect O as she let out a silent scream. Her ragged breathes warm against your skin as she rode out her high. 
Once calmed down she got off the toy, helping you take off the strap and tossing it to the side. You were about to sit up when she pushed you back down into the sheets, leaning over to grab her phone from the bedside. 
“Nat what are you-” A quick glare from her was all you needed to shut yourself up. 
“Hey Thor? Yeah I’m gonna need a favor, and bring Steve with you.” 
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meltwonu · 3 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [Chapter 2]
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, dom!wonwoo, some soft ‘woo too, restraints, panties as a gag, dirty talk, degradation, name calling, oral(fem receiving), cum eating, sir!kink. My god it has been a week, a WEEK i tell you 🥲 Ldfkjdf I hope the lot of you are taking a big deep breath this weekend and doing something to relax or doing some self care cuz baby we all need it!💕 Treat yourself to something good! Take that nap! Buy that album! Get that coffee! I’ll try to bust out some thirst posts this weekend(i think we all deserve some, eh?🥴) should tumb1r not hate my blog and as usual, inbox round up tomorrow! 💕💕 For now, de-stress with ch 2 of UIMY, and have a great weekend! I love you!! 💕💕💕💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - x - x - x
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You only get about 4 hours of sleep, if you’re being honest.
You won’t tell when asked because quite frankly, you’re a little embarrassed at how giddy you are to see Wonwoo today. You eagerly attend your morning class - panties already wet and mouth watering with the fantasies playing out in your head throughout the entire lecture.
“Hey, study buddy!”
Minghao slings an arm around your shoulder just as you turn to make a beeline towards the library, almost directing you into a different direction. “Where you headed off to? You wanna grab lunch?” Shit.
In the time that Wonwoo was gone, you’d spent a lot of time hanging out with other people trying to fill in the gap where, normally, you’d be spending underneath Wonwoo.
“I, um…” Going to get lunch with Minghao was one of the things that had become a normal thing after your morning classes and you hadn’t had the chance to tell him that your ‘usual’ schedule was back. “I--I’m gonna go study at the library for a bit! I’m really sorry! Can we go another day?” You pout at him which quickly melts off of your face when he shoots you a knowing smile.
“Gonna go ‘study’ Wonwoo-hyung, huh?”
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Minghao lets you go - telling you to let him know when you weren’t busy.
You all but tear the front door open once you reach the familiar library; sheepish smile when it makes more noise than you anticipate.
“Careful, wouldn’t want you to pay the price of breaking the door.”
Wonwoo smirks at you from behind the receptionist table; familiar and warm when you step closer to the counter. “Maybe I do? What do you know?” You quip back, cheeks warm and head fuzzy at the sight of Wonwoo back in his usual sweater vest and slacks.
He leans in closer to you over the countertop, gesturing to you to lean in close as well. His lips ghost across the shell of your ear as goosebumps rise on your skin and shivers roll down your spine and the familiar thrum of arousal pours over your body.
“I know you were probably thinking about me all morning, sweetheart. Thinking of all the things I’d do to you.” Wonwoo chuckles under his breath, “Your panties are probably already soaked, hmm? Like my good little slut always ready to take my cock.”
His filthy, whispered words are enough for you to whimper quietly - eyes downcast as you only lean in closer. “Y-yes… Wonwoo, p-please, I--”
Wonwoo leans away from you and you find yourself letting go of a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“You’ll have to wait. I need to file these late slips and sort these books.”
There’s a teasing smile on his face as he watches your lips part in shock. “But you can do that, right? Be patient?”
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You pick a table far from the others as you watch Wonwoo roll the cart with books into another row of bookshelves.
It felt a little odd to you now that you thought about it - waiting so patiently for Wonwoo when you were used to him caging you in against a bookshelf with his fingers knuckle deep inside of your cunt or even just tugging you straight away into an empty study room on days when neither of you could wait to get your clothes off.
There was a certain softness that he seemed to show with you now; one that you appreciated and made you feel things that you’d never felt in any relationship before.
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Wonwoo would admit he wasn’t always good with showing his emotions with other people.
“He only shows it sometimes,” Jeonghan had said, “Usually to his hyungs and usually when he wants something.”
Which was true.
He struggled with letting his guard down and a lot of the time felt shy about voicing his emotions.
But with you, he felt differently. He wanted to show you that he was capable of letting his guard down and capable of showing you the affection and care that you deserved - even if the relationship the two of you had started was only physical at first. The time away from you only proved to him that he definitely cared about you more than he had initially thought too.
While his semester abroad was entertaining and educational, he found himself thinking about you often in the midst of his excavations and lectures. Wondering about what you were doing and who you were with; if you really thought about him as often as you had messaged him so.
“Um, excuse me?”
“O-oh, huh?”
He’s pulled from his thoughts just as another student steps in front of him in the aisle of books. “Sorry, I don’t remember where this book is from. Is it okay if I just give it to you?”
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It takes twenty more minutes of you pretending to study before Wonwoo’s legs step into your periphery.
You open your mouth to speak but Wonwoo is quicker.
“Miss, I’m sorry, but I need to speak to you regarding some books you failed to return.”
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You try to hide the wide smile on your face when Wonwoo leads you down the familiar, lonesome side of the library.
“I’ll have you step into this room, miss.”
“Wonwoo, there’s literally nobody here…” Chuckling, you step into the empty, cleaned room that Wonwoo had painstakingly made sure was dusted before you came. “Unless we’re roleplaying, ‘cause then, I’m sorry, sir…”
Wonwoo rolls his eyes, locking the door behind him before easily walking you backwards until the backs of your thighs hit the desk.
“You should be sorry, sweetheart. First, slamming the doors earlier and now overdue books? Tsk, when will you learn.” He easily slips into character, fingertips already ghosting against the exposed skin of your thighs before playing with the hem of your short skirt.
“How are you going to pay back what you owe, hmm? The damages might be irreparable.” He drags his hand up and under the flimsy material; appreciating the way your legs part a little more for him. A quiet moan floats past your lips just as his fingertips press gently into the growing wet patch of your panties.
“Already wet, too? Why exactly is that, sweetheart?”
“A-ah, ‘c-cause I want--want you to fuck me, s-sir… Been thinking a-about it all day… Just--just like you said...” You clench around emptiness, already impatient now that he had his hands on you.
“You have, huh? I bet you played with yourself last night, didn’t you? Fingered your slutty ‘lil hole and filled it up with a toy just to prep yourself for me.”
“Y-yes, sir…” Your guilty eyes avoid Wonwoo’s stern gaze, “I’m s-sorry… I--I couldn’t, ah, wait... Just t-talking to you, yesterday, I....”
Wonwoo’s fingers press hard against you, immediately rubbing your clit through your soaked panties as you mewl and lean into his warm chest.
“P-please… punish m-me…”
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You can only whine around the fabric stuffed in your mouth; hands tied behind your back with Wonwoo’s belt keeping them bound.
Your body jerks against the small desk as Wonwoo fucks you from behind in the small enclosed space you were used to and a certain warmth pours over you knowing that nothing really had changed since he’d left.
“Shit, I really missed cumming inside your tight lil’ pussy and making you walk home with my cum dripping down your legs.” There’s a soft chuckle under his breath; cock curving right into your g-spot as you whine and squirm underneath him.
“Bet you missed it too, huh? Getting home and fingering your filthy ‘lil cunt, fucking my cum deeper inside of you ‘cause you couldn’t get enough of me. Fuck, and when you’d send me pictures of your cute ‘lil fingers covered in my cum…”
Wonwoo smirks at your back, placing a hand on your bound arms as he uses it for leverage to fuck you deeper and harder.
“I’m back for good now though, sweetheart. Let’s see what else your cute cock starved body can take.”
You can only moan back in return - spit soaking into the wet fabric in your mouth as Wonwoo only fucks you harder. “God, your cunt is so fuckin’ perfect. Made to take my cock.” When you clamp down onto his cock tighter is when Wonwoo realizes he misses hearing your voice - chuckling softly as he leans over your trembling body.
“I think you’ve learned your lesson, huh, sweetheart?”
He reaches around, tugging the soaking material from between your lips and placing it next to your head before he straightens back up. “Ngh… I, ah, s-sir…” You turn your head to the side, watching the wall as your body jerks atop the desk. “P-please… I--I wanna see y-you, hah, when y-your fuh--fuck me…”
A soft blush coats Wonwoo’s cheeks as he halts his movements. 
He clears his throat, pulling his cock out of you before stepping back and giving you space to readjust yourself. And with your arms still bound, you struggle slightly but manage.
This time, you sit atop the desk, spreading your legs wide for Wonwoo who licks his lips at the sight of your slightly mussed hair, blown out pupils and soaked cunt.
“That’s my good ‘lil slut.”
He positions himself between your legs, wrapping a hand around his cock and rubbing the head on your sensitive clit as you whimper. He circles the nub with the head of his cock, teasing you and himself as you squirm. “I take it you’ll be at the party tomorrow night, right?” His question catches you slightly off guard as you nod shakily.
“Good. ‘Cause I got you a present that I want to give to you tomorrow.”
Wonwoo sinks his cock back into you; cock curving into you perfectly as you cry out in return. “O-oh, god, s-sir--Wonwoo, I--fuck…” A choked sob bubbles up your throat at the feeling of him starting a harsh and quick pace, just how you liked it. “Mmh, my t-toys don’t feel as, hah, g-good as you… Fuck, you feel s-so good inside me…”
You wrap your legs around his waist, digging your heels into the small of his back to push him in closer to yourself. “Use m-me like I’m your little cumslut...” The desperation sets in; tears freely falling from your eyes as the urge to cum on his cock becomes unbearable from the hellish months without him.
“Please, p-please… Harder, fuck me harder! I n-need it!”
He grins, knowing just how you felt but keeping his composure as he doubles his pace. “So fuckin’ desperate for me, sweetheart. You sound so pretty begging for me. Is that what you sounded like when you were touching yourself too? Begging for me all night long?”
“Y-yes, fuck! Ngh, fucking my ‘lil holes with my t-toys all night j-just to be satisfied… Oh, god, Wonwoo!”
You can’t stop yourself from cumming - toes curling and thighs shaking as your walls flutter around his cock. Wonwoo only fucks you harder as soft growls fall from his own lips.
“Fuck, I missed this, missed you. Missed your tight ‘lil cunt cumming around my cock, sweetheart.” He mumbles soft praises to you, although you can barely hear it in the midst of your orgasm; ears ringing and head feeling hazy at the intensity.
Wonwoo fares no better - cock throbbing inside your warm walls as his orgasm hits him hard only after a few more quick snaps of his hips.
Your bound arms behind you do little to keep your tired body upright atop the table but you do your best as he rides out his high. “Mmh, I can feel y-you cumming inside me… Fuck, it feels soooo gooood.” Drool pools in your mouth at the feeling of his cock throbbing inside of you for the first time in months and you mentally tell yourself to never let Wonwoo disappear for that long of time ever again.
“Ah, I feel so f-full…” Whining, you squirm as he continues to thrust into you, fucking his cum deeper into your pussy as you throw your head back at the fullness and wetness you feel. “Oh… Wonwoo…”
He lets out a deep breath before he slowly starts to pull out of you - cock covered in his cum and your wetness as he watches his cum drip from your spent hole. You slowly unhook your quivering thighs from around his waist as he steps back slightly.
You watch as he drops down to his knees, face right in front of your dripping cunt before he leans in.
“Oh, Wonwoo--” His tongue peeks out, lapping at your soaked folds before he drags it down and starts licking up the cum. “Fuck, oh, fuck…!”
Wonwoo dips his tongue into your hole, teasing you as your legs tremble and you try your hardest to not clamp your thighs around his head between your legs. You start to fight your restraints; fingertips wanting to thread through his hair as you grind against his skilled tongue.
 He licks up more of the cum before dragging his tongue up to your overly sensitive clit; rubbing soft, slow circles on the nub until you’re a whining mess above him.
“A-ah, I--I can’t, mmh, ‘m too sen--sensitive, sir…”
He takes his as his cue to stand from his position, standing quietly before leaning over you. He threads a hand through your hair, tilting your head up and kissing you on the lips as you melt into his gentle touch.
Your eyes flutter shut at his soft kiss, lips parting slightly for him as he uses his tongue to push cum into your waiting mouth.
The kiss turns hot and heavy as he moves the salty, sticky substance from his mouth to yours - lips covered in a combination of your wetness and his cum when he pulls away.
“So pretty for me, sweetheart.”
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When the two of you are somewhat cleaned up and ready to leave, Wonwoo stops you before you can get your hand on the doorknob.
“Hey, you okay?”
You shoot him a confused look, head tilted slightly at the bespectacled male that only looks mildly disheveled. “Um… y-yeah? Why?” His hand on your wrist makes your heart do backflips in your chest as he looks you over once more.
“I should’ve had some water for you and done proper aftercare since it’s been a while. I might've hurt you? Are your wrists okay? I can--”
“Whoa, hey, slow down! You’re, like, freaking out, ‘Woo.”
A pale blush coats his cheeks, “Sorry, I’m just trying to… be more… Expressive? I don’t know. It’s been a while. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” He laughs lightly, somewhat embarrassed himself. “I don’t want to be weird but, y’know. I want to take care of you properly, sweetheart.”
“I--yeah, I understand! But I’m fine, I promise!” You beam up at him - happiness evident in your eyes and your smile. “Thank you… for making an effort, Wonwoo.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” 
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xseaxwitchxkpop · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet: Sub!Seonghwa Edition
A/N: idk anyone in Ateez who pushes the catboy agenda more than hwa and this precious soul just makes me have cute aggression. Lemme just remind everyone that stage presence ≠ bedroom preference, so he might be a demon on stage but I personally think he's very far from dominant in the bedroom. Also this is framed for a femme!presenting reader.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
A very clingy baby! Even though he's the sub, he would want to hold you instead of the other way around; when you're cleaning up, give him a plushie to snuggle because he just feels very happy holding something. He would also have the most sparkly eyes ever, looking at you with pure love and adoration. He'll also be very hungry, so always have some food on hand and be prepared to be fed by him because "you need it, too, I don't care if you're my domme, lemme feed you and show you my love!"
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's fave part on himself is probably his eyes because he knows how expressive they are for him and how transparent they are -- his eyes always betray his true emotions and considering he's a more private person, he likes this. His fave part on you would be your breasts, but not in a sexual way; whether you're part of the itty bitty titty committee or big titty gang, he likes them as a comfort thing, groping them or sucking on your nipples, it's very calming and relaxing for him!
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves his face to be covered in either pussy juices/"cum" (since, ya know, pussies don't ejaculate lmao anyway) or use fake cum (or real cum if you have an actual dick) to cover his face and/or inner thighs, it'll get him going like nothing else. He also loves seeing his midsection painted with his own cum and also eating his own cum.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Every once in a while, he likes to fuck his plushies. No one would suspect this because he takes much care in cleaning them immediately afterward, so they keep their softness and hugability. He's recorded himself doing it a few times but always either deletes the videos or keeps them in a separate, unsuspecting folder in his phone; he's thought about sending them to you but never could bring himself to do so.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's had a few hook ups but most of them have been pretty vanilla as many hook ups tend to be, he knows what he's doing especially with that tongue of his.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Probably missionary, with you on your back and him fucking you. He can easily kiss you, suck on your neck or nipples, and you can easily grab his hair roughly, pull him in closer, scratch his back with your nails, and you two can make intense eye contact. Yeah, that's his favorite position.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He's more passionate about it than anything. He likes it rough but not necessarily fast, and he likes it soft but not necessarily gentle. It's a very delicate balance that he prefers most of the time and can be difficult to pin down when the mood has to be forced from either of you -- when that happens, he rather not have sex at all.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Trimmed, doesn't bother to shave and he doesn't care what you do; bush, no bush, trimmed, shaved, waxed, whatever. However, he likes it when you shave for him down there as a sweet bonding experience, nothing kinky or sexual.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's very sincere and very intense during sex, especially with someone he's romantically involved with because he's not the most open person and, like Yeosang, takes some prying open emotionally so when he shares that emotional part of himself and trusts that other person, that translates directly to the bedroom. He can be a little goofy if he's particularly happy that day, like giggly kisses n' shit, but otherwise very sincere, very intense.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
If he jacks off, you know about it because he sends you audios of himself getting himself off, complete with moans, whimpers, groans, muffling himself, and him cumming in the end of it. He never sends videos, though, because his ass has a voice kink. He masturbates semi regularly just because he has a high sex drive and you're not always available so he temporarily satisfies himself.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
So, this man, has some kinks that get me thinking. He has an oral fixation for sure, so anything involving his tongue; he definitely has a breeding kink like hard-core "let me breed you, mommy/daddy, I wanna give you babies" breeding kink, more so than San; temperature play; pegging/anal play; cock rings; nail scratching; biting/marking; kitten play; shibari; restraints; voice kink; ASMR kink.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Hmmmm, maybe the bedroom? He doesn't really have a favorite place to do anything because each place brings a different kind of thrill for him, so anywhere he can look at and easily imagine you commanding him to take you or you taking him is his favorite place. His least favorite place is the shower because the water washes away the lube and is just generally an annoying interruption.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Doing a sexy, feminine dance for you. Sexy girl group concepts? He learns the choreo and dances it just for you; turns him on because he enjoys you intently watching him while being just out of reach. Rubbing your hand up and down his thigh, no matter how innocent, will also turn him on greatly. Also if you cook for him -- it can be as simple as ramen but as soon as he sees that you cooked for him, he's ready to pounce you and be at your every command.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don't think he would be into piss play or scat play (absolutely no hate to people who are into this lol) but I think he wouldn't like them just because he's a bit of a clean freak and all he would see is a mess to clean up and that would definitely ruin the mood for him. Another definite turn off of his is extreme pain; he likes a little bit here and there, like slapping his ass and thighs, nail scratches wherever you scratch him, but flogging and riding crops are a no go for him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He LIVES for giving oral and that's directly from his oral fixation. It keeps his mouth busy plus he gets to please his partner. Again, he also loves his face covered in cum and/or pussy juices, so oral is definitely such fun for him!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Moderate. He likes it a little faster than slower, but not exactly fast, if you get what I'm saying. He likes to feel you and you to feel him, so he wants it on the slower side of things but a slightly fast pace will be suitable for the most part. Only every once in a blue moon would he want you to fuck his brains out or to fuck yours out.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Quickies involving penetration? Nah, not a fan. Quickies involving oral? Sign him the fuck up. He wants to see how fast he can get you to orgasm with just his tongue and since you derive such pleasure from it as well, you let him take on this challenge.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As long as extreme pain is not involved, he's game for a lot of things. He's always wanted to try semi public sex, voyeurism, and submissive cuckolding, but he would only try this with one of his members since he trusts them quite a lot.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
I think he could probably go two, three rounds, maybe four if he has a crapton of energy for God only knows what reason. He has experience, jacks off sort of regularly, so he can last a good while in bed while being pounded into or pounding into you.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He's got dildos of varying sizes because he, like San, is also a size queen. He has a couple of buttons plugs and some vibrators, along with handcuffs and bondage rope. He has a couple pairs of kitten ears and a matching choker and butt plug.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease, but not in a bratty way. It's a very sweet way, like poking your cheek and rubbing it like a cat as he strokes your inner thigh and ghosts your genitals, teases you with food like "hey if I make this dish, maybe you can fuck my ass tonight" and he'd act all cutesy about it, he'll make suggestive comments while making direct eye contact, and wiggle his butt sometimes.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's a happy medium between San and Yeosang. Hwa makes noise - groans, whimpers, moans, mewling - but he isn't loud with them per say, they're very throaty noises and he uses his chest to make them so they're low in volume but frequent.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He quite prefers the natural noises of sex between you two rather than having a playlist or any other background noise going. He's sensitive to noise in the first place and the background noise could overwhelm him in a bad way.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's average. Nothing too long, nothing too girthy, but boy does he know how to use his average dick regardless.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a bit of a high sex drive. Think like smack in the middle of average horny and extremely horny and that's Hwa. He can go like three days without sex with no complaints but coming up on a fourth day may be a little bit hard for him.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He becomes quite sleepy afterward, wanting to snuggle you to fall asleep while you rub his back up and down and he holds you and squeezes you like his personal plushie. It takes a while for him to actually fall asleep, but that's because it takes him a while to calm down enough to lull into a peaceful state of rest before succumbing to sleep.
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spencersmagic · 3 years
Middle of Adventure - 505 series.
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(found on pinterest).
masterlist // 505 series // taglist
summary: a part two to "greet me with good bye" (found here)
couple: fem reader x spencer reid
category: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: general criminal minds violence, mentions of guns, curse words (f*ck/f*cking), crying.
words: 1.8k
time to read: 10 minutes.
It was quite ironic.
The space between them had never felt as empty, as ruined, as it did right now. It felt like the love, the care that they had had for each other all those years back, all the patience and truth they had shared, had been stolen. The woman in front of them had done it for them.
The last two years seemed empty now. Emotionless. Worthless.
The feelings they had for each other had always been unspoken. Excluding a few instances, core instances that needed verbal confirmation, they had always understood each other without having to share a word. They were both profilers, for God’s sake.
Spencer’s fidgeting in the plane rides on the way back from a tough case was always understood by Y/N. She had always made sure to hold him, caress his hair or read to him when he was feeling anxious. Similarly, when she was feeling weird after an uncomfortable encounter with a disgusting unsub, closing in on herself, carrying herself differently, he would always pick up on it. He’d cover her with a blanket and tell her random facts about the stars, or lemons, or the first shoes discovered… Anything that could get her mind away from the filthy words he had spewed at her.
There were no words exchanged between. Because they always knew what the other needed.
Because they cared. And they wanted the other to be okay.
The lack of words didn’t mean a lack of communication. There was constantly a line of communication between the two of them, established through body language, looks and short beginnings of sentences right before the other picked up on what they wanted. Everything was clear between them. They always just knew.
This had taken time. Of course, it had. At first, they were clumsy. Y/N’s anxiety attacks had gone worse once when he had tried to distract her by talking about the climate crisis (a horrible idea, if you ask me). Similarly, she had learned that after Spencer’s rare, but long talks with Hotch weren’t the moment to make sarcastic comments about, well, anything.
All they had was silence and the promise to love the other if they needed it.
But right now, as they stood in front of the unsub, then woman who had been tormenting Spencer for the past few months with little letters, threats and promises to hurt everybody he knew and loved (or at least everybody who was left), it felt like nothing could ever be the same.
She had called herself “The Woman”, which Y/N understood. She wanted to be everything to Spencer.
She stood still, calmly, knowingly. Because nothing he did could change the course of action that was about to occur tonight. The stillness in the weapon she had aimed at Y/N made sure to make that clear.
“Why would I need to break up with her, Clara? Y/N and I aren’t together” Spencer repeated calmly, trying to focus on his training so he could try to ignore the soft sobs that Y/N was letting out.
The gun rattled as Clara shook in anger.
“Bullshit! I’ve seen you together. For God’s sakes, I’ve seen the way you fucking look at her. You-“she laughed manically “You look at her like she’s hung the fucking stars – like you’re supposed to look at me! So don’t you dare fucking lie to me “. She was met with silence.
“You know…” tears welled in her eyes, strong façade faltering. “You were going to come back. We were supposed to meet, and you were supposed to love me like I have all these years. You abandoned me!” she screamed. “And now you’re with-with her”.
“Do it or I will shoot her!” she screamed, sending spit flying around. Flinching, she shakily repeated Clara’s words.
“Do it, Spencer. I can take it” she spoke clearly, forcing her voice to sound unworried.
It was quite ironic. Because they had been in a similar situation at the beginning of their relationship. And it would end like this, too.
“I can’t, Y/N. Y-you know I can’t! Why are you making me do this?!” he raised his voice suddenly, ripping his lungs open as he sunk down onto the floor. He crumbled upon himself as he sobbed. “I can’t. I can’t do it, Y/N.” he repeated over and over, the last bit of self-restraint leaving his body. “I can’t do it. You are everything. I c-can’t hurt” he hiccupped.
Y/N’s eyes absorbed Spencer every little movement and tremble. She felt as though he had kept her heart right up until this moment, bubble wrapped and intact, but now he was crushing it as he hugged himself tightly. It was too much to bear.
“Spencer, if you don’t do it, I will” she whispered. He looked up, tear eyed, and looked at Clara. Her smile was wide now, red nose, enjoying the scene that was unfolding in front of her. Spencer stood up shakily.
“Clara, you were my classmate in school. Having the chance to go to university, don’t you think I had to take it? Did- Didn’t you want what’s best for me?” he tried to reason. “You love me, right? Don’t you want me to be happy?”. She smiled sadly at him.
“I do. But not if it’s with her”.
He turned to Y/N, eyes filled with tears. “Y/N” he requested. Still, she couldn’t bear looking at him. “Y/N! Y/N. Please look at me” he shook. She turned.
“Y/N…” he whispered, taking a look at her, bloody and beaten. “Y/N, I can’t live without you. Since I met you, I haven’t been able to.” He paused. “You’re everything. I don’t how to live without you”.
“Spencer, you will have to learn. The middle of an adventure is such a perfect place to start” she whispered back. His face changed completely, eyes wide and surprised.
“Oh god! This is so tedious. When can we leave?” had whispered Reid, curling a lock of her hair around his finger.
“We’re here as guests, Spencer. It would be rude of us to leave” she had reprimanded him, seemingly unaltered by his puppy dog eyes.
“But-but my love” he all-but-whined. “I wanna go home”.
“Yeah? You “wanna go home”? Or are your pants getting a little bit too tight from staring down my top?” she shot back. He didn’t dare reply.
“Do you want to play, or not?” Y/N clarified. He nodded eagerly. She grabbed him by the hair as they slow-danced in the middle of the lounge with the other couples at Rossi’s new wife’s mansion.
She pulled him close, lips close to his ear in such a way that appeared innocent to outsiders. Her words, though, were another story.
“Okay, love. “Adventure” is our safe-word. I’m going to tease you and, the moment I bring up that word in conversation that’ll mean that you’ve done well and should now play along. I’ll make up some excuse and we can leave this god-awful party. Sounds good?” once again, he nodded eagerly.
“You know, Clara. Maybe you’re right” Spencer begun, looking into her eyes. “If she’s so okay with letting me go, she clearly doesn’t deserve my time” he swallowed his tears, hoping he was being convincing.
Clearly, Clara didn’t need a lot of convincing. After all, she had been looking for every single indicator in his words and looks in front of the camera to believe he was madly in love with her, and seeking her out.
She lowered the now-forgotten weapon, throwing it on the ground and herself on Spencer.
“You really think so, my love?”
A pet name Spencer had heard coming from Y/N, and had never felt as disgusting as it did in that moment. Spencer couldn’t even think about what it was doing to her.
He just nodded, hugging her back as convincingly as possible.
Sometimes, we do what we can to make our loved ones happy. Sometimes, we stay. Other times, we leave. We give and give for them. At the end of the day, it’s human nature to want to created strong bonds with those you love the most.
Spencer and Y/N weren’t an exception. They gave so much to each other – to their relationship. They loved with such a love that is only seen in movies, with a passion that only occurs during the darkest hours, and a heart that has only been broken and mended over and over.
In retrospection, Clara is no different either.
As Spencer pushed her off, Y/N threw herself to the ground to grab the gun, did a somersault and pointed it at her. Right on cue, Morgan and Prentiss burst into the old warehouse, pointing their guns at Clara.
“Step away from my boyfriend, you bitch”.
It felt almost surreal.
Especially to Spencer, who had been battling with the thought of her for the past three months. It felt like this moment would never come – like a breach in the space-time continuum had been formed and he was now experiencing a reality parallel to his own.
But feeling Y/N’s touch, hearing their mutual comforting words, stumbling like their relationship had been, was grounding. Perhaps not comfortable, or stable, of secure just yet. But it sent a message to both of them. “No matter what happens, no matter how many variations exist in your life, I will never be one. I’ll always be here”.
“You were supposed to come back! You were supposed to love me, and give me a beautiful life. Why didn’t you?” they heard Clara screaming. Tears were streaming down her face as the cop sat her down.
“You could’ve sent a letter, Clara” he reached to grab her handcuffs, which were clasped behind her. Y/N watched the entire scene unfold before her eyes, tears still cascading down her cheeks.
“Would that have made any difference?”
“It’s time to go, Ms. Sondermann”.
“Would it? Or would you have stayed with her?”Spencer stayed silent. “Don’t think you’re anything better than me. You did everything for her! Just like I did. You’re no different than me.” she screamed, as Prentiss pulled her away.
Spencer turned to look into Y/S’s eyes. She looked so different when the fear of losing her wasn’t looming around. Tired, of course, from the three day search, but hopeful.
He hadn’t seen her hopeful in so long.
As he closed in on her, looking so purely loving, she immediately understood. the dust settled and she realized just how much he had been through.
She suddenly understood.
The lack of words never meant a lack of communication.
There were no words exchanged between. Because they always knew what the other needed.
She spread her arms, ready for his embrace at the same time he ducked his head to hold her around the waist. His lips twitched, all the unspoken words at the top of his tongue.
“i-i know, love. i know” she spoke between sobs.
Everything was clear between them. They always just knew.
guys that's the end of the 505 series!!! i hope you liked it.
i'm super sad that it's ending, but the fics i've got in mind are really cool, and i can't wait to write them + share them with you all <3
(im lowkey feeling nostalgic - i've fallen in love with this take on the characters and their dynamic).
taglist: @lady-anon-x @username2002 @eoupe @galaxydefenderjulia @spencerreid-mgg @spenxerslut @urie-bowie-mercury @onyourfingertips @big-galaxy-chaos @fiftyshadesofspencerreid @tbuhgs @exhaleli
tags not working: @huntheimpossible @idontwantyourcookiesthanks
you can join my taglist on the link at the top
happy reading. i love you. stay safe and happy <3
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sophiamcdougall · 4 years
So, there’s something I think is missing from the Booker Discourse and the focus on anger vs forgiveness, and whether Booker’s “punishment” is too harsh and who’s responsible if so, and its absence is beginning to slightly disturb me and it’s this: They don’t punish Booker. At all. 
No, really.
It’s one of the things I really like about the film -- how compassionately it treats Booker, both on a narrative and on an inter-character level. In most genre films wrongs against the good guys are usually settled with riproaring vengeance, even if in some the hero conveniently gets not to be the one to enact it directly.  But in the moment Booker’s betrayal becomes clear, character beats we have taken for mere melancholy click into place as heartwrenching grief and suicidal depression. We’re encouraged to grieve for him. We see Andy and Nile’s empathy for him. We see Nicky urging Joe to stop shouting at him even before they yet have any hope of escape. We don’t see a  moment of explicit compassion/restraint from Joe, but he does instantly put aside his anger to accept Andy’s decision that Booker’s coming with them, and does nothing to sabotage that choice. (In fact, it’s unthinkable that he would, but in plenty of action films it wouldn’t be.) And I agree with some of the arguments I’ve recently seen – the intensity of Joe’s fury isn’t necessarily a measure of how long it would last.
And then, as I say, they don’t punish him.
They don’t beat him up. They don’t work off steam killing and re-killing him. They don’t leave him for Kosak, or for the police. Of course they’d never do a full Quynh on him but putting him a box for ... a year? Six months? A week? It would be an option. They don’t do that, either.   
They simply stop hanging out with him. And they have the extraordinary grace to promise this won’t be permanent. And Andy, whom he shot in the back, sees him off with a goodbye hug.
I’m seeing a lot of debate about whether Joe (hotheaded, passionate) vs Nicky (still waters run deep) is The Angry One and which one of them might, by contrast, have been totally fine letting Booker back into the group immediately. I think you can plausibly headcanon the first part of that various ways. Personally I think Nicky would take a more severe line than Joe, although, as I’m about to argue, I don’t think that necessarily has to mean he’s “angrier”.)
What I don’t think you can plausibly headcanon is that either would actually be “fine” taking Booker back immediately, or any time soon.
Now I want to preface this with pointing out that anger is a completely natural and appropriate response to being hurt and whoever is The Angry One out of Nicky and Joe, has every right to that feeling. And to be fair I don’t think that’s really being disputed. But there does seem to be the idea that The Situation  – Anger = Everything’s Fine Now! And I do think it’s slightly ... victim-blamey, like the barrier to HEA isn’t what Booker did, it’s how long the people he hurt retain one specific emotion about it.  Whoever’s angriest is being staggeringly generous to Booker, and the result is 100% compatible with their not being “angry” at all. It’s compatible with “forgiveness” having already taken place. Just for a minute imagine writing to ... Captain Awkward, or Dear Prudence or Reddit Relationships. And explaining that your friend placed you in the power of people who wanted to hurt you, deliberately exposed you to very serious danger and your worst personal fear, and caused you to watch your partner trapped and in pain for somewhere in the ballpark of 48 hours ...  BUT, he is going through some very bad shit, guys, and you really do feel for him. Imagine what the response would be.  (”My friend wanted to commit suicide-by-cop, so he planted weed/guns in the car with me and my husband in it and called the police, although he knows we both have a particular phobia of cops after what happened to another friend who was arrested a while back. Oh and he attacked our other friend, because he wanted to be totally sure the cops would come for him, but he only meant to knock her out not to nearly kill her and he’s depressed and very sorry. I still want to put our friendship on a break. AITA?”)  They would yell at you to oh my god get away from him WTF how is this even a question please get some therapy learn to love yourself. 
And if you repeated that he’s really sad! And it went down worse than he thought it would! And you don’t want to hurt him! they would yell that it’s not about hurting him it’s about protecting you.   Just ... think about it. Imagine you’re either Joe or Nicky. Assume your anger has already completely evaporated, whether you think that’s in-character or not, and imagine you feel truly sorry for Booker. Take the most generous stance on what he did that you can. Fine. But every time you turn your back on him, or see him go off on a mission alone with one of the others ... how do you feel? Even if you don’t think he’d actually do this again, do you feel safe? 
 And imagine trying to recover from the trauma of what just happened to you. Imagine how much it would help to take refuge in all the soft, “family” touches which were also such a refreshing distinguishing feature of this film. Gift exchanges and bets and TV and hugs. Imagine trying to do that with the person who put you through it right. there.
 Nicky and/or Joe could honestly wish Booker no suffering at all, nothing but recovery and healing and peace, and Booker would still be a walking PTSD trigger and working/socialising with him would be downright self-destructive. 
Now, of course this is unpleasant for Booker because he’s already lonely and self-hating and it’s difficult -- though not necessarily impossible! -- for any of them to form a support system outside the group. But that really isn’t the team’s responsibility and, what is really the alternative? 
Maybe it’s being framed so much as “punishment” because Andy says “there has to be a price.” And there does; the consequences of Booker’s choice will unfold in some way whatever they do. The team do not have the option of simply resetting to normal, even if they wanted to. The only question is only who carries the weight of those consequences and how. Should Nicky and Joe have to pretend to feel comfortable around Booker, should they force themselves to go through the motions of friendship – hug him, smile at him, pass him a coffee – while their shoulders go up around their ears whenever he’s in the room, regardless of what that means for their own healing?
The injustice of that should be obvious but even if they did it, even if they made that colossal sacrifice for the person who just hurt them, would it really help Booker? Imagine being him and settling down to watch the football beside Joe and knowing what he likely remembers whenever he looks at you. Honestly, I don’t see that being a healthy path to recovery for him either.
Or OK. Maybe they don’t put on an act. They  keep spending time with him, but they don’t try to hide the nightmares and the flashbacks or the way their smiles drop whenever he comes into the room. Maybe they flinch whenever he gets too close and sometimes they yell at him but they all have to put that on hold every time there’s a mission and somehow they also they try to be his therapists?
I don’t know, it sounds a lot kinder to everyone to just get some fucking space.
Not hanging out with someone who gravely hurt you isn’t punishment, it’s basic boundaries and self-care for you and I’m beginning to worry about what it means that many of you don’t seem to know that.
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