#least is from 2020 lololol
rainhalydia · 1 year
Ten first lines game!
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
Thank you @jellybeanficwriter for the tag! I’m tagging @wynafryd-manderly, @evax3, @st-clements-steps, @thevagueambition, @togglemaps and @janiedean if they want to participate :D
From most to least recent:
1 - “Back when she lived in Essos, family gatherings were not something Dany looked forward to.” (dog with a bone, asoiaf, Jonerys, Throbb)
2 - “Stiles steps inside the house and puts his jacket on the hook by the door, as usual.” (what you do in Beacon Hills (stays in Beacon Hills), Teen Wolf, Sterek)
3 - “Robyn thumbs the grey piece of cloth with a frown on her pretty brow.” (follow the morning star, asoiaf, rule63!Throob)
4 - “Mo Bei’s phone, lying innocently on top of the glass table, rings in the middle of the most important meeting of the year.” (escaping is the national sport, SVSSS, Moshang)
5 - “The Red Kraken was known for his strength, as any true Ironborn should, but Dalton Greyjoy knew that to keep his conquests, cunning was just as important as power.” (Turning tide, asoiaf/f&b, Dalton Greyjoy/Johanna Lannister)
6 - “It's not like Theon has planned on it.” (it’s just a silly phase, aka MY MAGNUM OPUS, asoiaf, Throbb)
7 - “Jin Guangyao had gone to sleep and woken up on edge.” (from dawn to dusk, MDZS, suyao, wenyao, qinyao, sanzun)
8 - “Robb finds Theon not at the bus station, but at a cafe three blocks away.” (take your time, baby, asoiaf, Throbb)
9 - “The great old oak desk is covered in papers.” (dreams of naughtness, asoiaf, mostly Throbb)
10 - “The sound of thunder wakes Derek.” (the danger that you seek, Teen Wolf, Sterek)
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mittensmorgul · 5 months
2023 in Mittens Fic
It's once again time for the annual accounting of things I have written! I think this year's total fic count, at 4, is my lowest ever, but I still managed more words than my two lowest years (peak pandemic, i loathe you still).
For reference, past year end summaries can be found here:
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | the closest thing I have to a 2015 wrap up post is the lil bit of text at the bottom of 2016′s post… even though my two most popular fics were from 2015 lololol
So I guess my main writing goal for 2024, since I know I will never surpass my 2015 totals, is to just do better than I did in 2023. Here's to more fic!
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I managed a Pinefest fic, a fic I started for DCBB but didn't finish by the draft deadline and posted on my own, an annual destielversary fic, and an annual holiday fic. I think that's the bare minimum of what I try to aim for in a year, so even if I'm personally disappointed I didn't get anything else written in addition to that bare minimum, I'm glad I was at least able to hit that goal. Across this year's four posted fics, there's a total of 110,875 words.
Also, again slightly cheating, but since I've mentioned it for the past two years, I'm still making the @spngeorg podcast! In case the millions of words of meta I've written over the years aren't enough, and you want to hear me yell out loud about the show, you can start from the beginning on Spotify or wherever you enjoy podcasts! Or if that sounds daunting, since I just uploaded Episode 138, 7.12 Time After Time, which makes the backlog a lot to catch up on honestly, you're also welcome to just jump in now. Everyone please come yell with me! I swear, if you do start from the beginning, that I get dramatically better at this whole thing as we go on... at least, I think I have. If nothing else, episodes are far more manageably shorter now that I've developed a system. Only took 2 1/2 years, but here we are... :'D
With that business out of the way, let's break down those numbers! Presented in the order they posted:
Dear Western Red Cedar #2409 (63,433 words rated M) Written for @deancaspinefest with gorgeous art by @alexiescherryslurpy, and inspired by this tumblr post that had been plaguing my imagination for several years. It's a two person love triangle with Forest Ranger and secret bestselling author Dean and small town librarian Cas. Heck I want to go reread it just thinking about it now... this is a happy place fic for me.
one working part (40,051 words, rated E) I started this for DCBB, but failed to make the draft deadline, then finished it before posting began anyway... another canon finale fix-it fic, but this one is heavily It's A Wonderful Life flavored and based on a conversation I had with @greywrenn last year. This story picks up at the beginning of 15.19, and then slowly veers more and more from canon, running alongside canon and making rude hand gestures at canon along the way, because they all deserved to have nicer things than canon gave them.
all the time in the world (1,289 words, rated T) This is my annual Destielversary story, short and sweet. It's set immediately after the events of One Working Part, but you don't have to have read that to enjoy this one. Just know Cas is back with Dean, and they've got the rest of their lives stretched out in front of them.
Christmas, Present (6,102 words, rated T) My annual holiday fluff fic, this time set in an AU, since most of my past holiday fic has been canon universe. A Dean/Cas college AU, with Matchmaker Charlie who just wants her friends to be happy already!
And that's my year in fic (unless I manage to post something else in the next 33 hours or so, and lol no that ain't happening...)! As per usual, I've already written more than half of this year's word total for the 2024 Pinefest, which will post in March... or april... heck when is my posting date even... it's coming soon anyway! But it's all written! :'D
Once again, I've still got so many more stories I want to write. Even the To Be Written list has grown again. My idea list long ago surpassed SABLE status, and yet now there's even more on it...
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It's five pages, and two thousand words longer than it was last year. this just gets worse every year :'D
But that means I'll never run out of things to write, and that's always something to celebrate!
Thanks again to everyone who’s read, kudos’ed, commented, reblogged, liked, rec’ed, and enjoyed anything I’ve written in the last year. I love you all. <3 See you in 2024!
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hauntedfalcon · 1 year
oh this one is funny. sorry I'm late, I know AO3 just quintupled their donation goal yet again, but it took me this long to go searching for their famous ~~~transparency~~~
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hey, they did something over at Legal Advocacy!! I wonder what it was! let me go back and look at the budget update from late 2022--
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oh. apparently it was a thing they had not yet done by July 31st. and the latest post on the OTW blog under Legal Advocacy is from February 2022. so $244 sure did get spent on... something! we don't know what though! ~~~transparency~~~
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meanwhile, Legal Advocacy is now paying for a productivity tool. which is gonna look great for them because it means something will at least come out of their line item, with an explanation, every year! there's a first time for everything :)
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it seems the idea of investment portfolios languished so long (again, because they could not find an investment manager who would do it for free, lololol) that they decided to let it die.
but wait!! now the OTW's reserves are also there in case of legal contingencies. wowzers! so much money to not do anything with!!
and in case you need a reminder, here are the cash assets from the OTW's 2020 Form 990, the most recent one Guidestar has on file:
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this website has $1.7million dollars in ready cash and it does not need your money <3
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champagnepodiums · 1 year
on the prompt! Hi! Yes, definitely! I came from the hockey fandom (well i was in the hockey fandom until 2017) I then took a general hiatus from fandom life until i got into f1 in 2020-1. I know from other friends that the hockey to f1 pipeline is pretty popular especially because hockey is such a huge fandom.
I think it's definitely shaped how i see the sport and the participants in it. Going from a shit ton of players to only 20 drivers is a bit jarring, but also allows you to get more into specific drivers and by extension teams. At least for me in f1, i am a fan of the athlete first and team second, although in hockey it was somewhat similar but i followed specific teams because i liked the city/team first).
it's also 1000% shaped how i interact with the rpf side of the fandom and how i read and write fic is different from hockey rpf. there's many less AUs, less ships (partly because of having less athletes), less rarepairs for the same reason. I also think that rpf specifically in hockey has a ton of its own culture and specific tropes used in only the hockey rpf fandom that doesn't translate to f1. I know that when i first started reading/writing fic, i was very confused on why certain tropes like non-sexual D/s kneeling wasn't a thing in f1, but huge in hockey.
i hope this helps! i have lots more to say too lololol
Thank you for your perspective!!
I didn't realize how big the hockey fandom is but I did a little perusing and wow? I could definitely see how jarring it'd be to go from a whole league to 20 drivers.
OOOH I'm glad you brought up the rpf side of the fandom -- I didn't even think about how hockey has it's own subculture within their rpf community that is exclusive to them (and I'm guessing that f1 also has their own subculture as well but I'm guessing it's hard to see if you're in it?)
This is all so interesting, thank you for sharing, I really appreciate it.
This really helps, if you ever want to expand on anything of your thoughts, pls feel free!!
(This post is in response to this discussion prompt)
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bcofl0ve · 24 days
Last night I watched part of a livestream that DisInsider was doing. Watching that and the people on it made me realize they do not and I mean they do NOT receive insider info. Yikes
eh i mean you’d think you’d be surprised who people who find out shit are willing to blabbermouth at lololol. less so now on here but when i had my broadway blog (granted this was when you didn’t have to have an account to send anons- and i “marketed” the shit out of myself on reddit and instagram in a way i don’t now) i was a dumbass very online 21 year old with a temper and people would tell *me* things. including about disney shit! (though nothing super consequential bc it was about lin and/or chris jackson who the masses did not follow closely in the early 2020s the way i did). and an insider isn’t necessarily always an executive suite studio head. more often than not it’s the friend who heard from her brother that works at [] or knows [] about xyz. so not always iron clad but hey that’s gossip for ya.
all in good fun though! if it’s legit cool, if it’s not he has other fun stuff lined up. me personally i’ll take casting gossip of any kind bc i find it entertaining haha. gives us something to do while we wait for bikeriders press at least!
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literaphobe · 3 years
wait are ur followers from mcytblr or did you use this blog for other fandoms before?
ive gained from being a mcyt blog but i also lost a LOT. my follow count has only started ‘healing’ recently. i think this blog’s most successful year was 2020 actually. 2021 is the second most since this is still a p big fandom but i used to be like. considerably tumblr funny man. people used to reblog my non-fandom posts. i think there was a period of a few months where i went off my meds and was doing my last semester at my university where i was trying to change my major (they wouldn’t let me i ended up withdrawing) and it was so HELLISH that i kept making viral adhd posts that got me like. 10k+ note posts every two weeks or something. the most successful of those posts broke like 100k. if ur an active tumblr user you’ve PROBABLY seen at least one of my posts before, just under a different name
also during november 5th i was one of those ex spn fans who were like JFJSJDJDJ LMAOOOO about it and some of my posts blew up so i gained about 1.5k followers that day i think? kinda crazy lololol so yeah i’ve been between fandoms etc etc and every time i make a Major switch (which hasn’t been THAT often tbh) i do lose a lot of followers and it continues on in the long run ig? if i had to estimate i’ve gained anywhere from 1-2k followers from blogging about mcyt and i’ve lost… a lot but just Fewer enough for me to currently be at a net gain
i don’t think i’m like a SUPER big blog or anything esp in the mcyt space? like im sure most of my followers r inactive so it’s like nothing numbers. i would say i’m somewhat established tho bc ive been here for a few months now :) fun
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crossovereddie · 4 years
REMINDER: I am NOT a spoiler free blog
First recap of the season. My baby and my husband are asleep so let’s see how this goes
Love seeing Noel’s name and him in the intro
I forgot if I usually recap everything or just Gallavich/Mickey things
I’m already bored so it’ll probably be mostly just Gallavich and a sprinkle of others
Is that Ian’s ex filming Frank? Idk what his name was lololol but probably not because I’m pretty sure I would’ve seen a lot of pissed people
Okay I feel that whole scene with the baby crying
“Can you die from lack of sleep” I’ll let you know Tami
French press? Man I hate her all over again
Carl my sweet boy I hope they don’t fuck up your character but yikes @ his job
Man I miss weed 😭
Oh gosh why who wrote that awful dialogue
Let them improvise all their scenes instead
But my baby looks so cute I love him so much
I love when Ian holds his head :(
Why did wedding present money hit that hard?
Ice bath? Really? 🙄
Sandy leave Debbie and I’ll leave my husband and we can run away together
She’s so hot
This Debbie scene is making me uncomfortable
My sweet baby in the bath 😭😭😭
Omg imagine Mickey using a pink glittery bath bomb and leaving the tub all glittery and ian goes to shower and gets pissed but he keeps buying Mickey bath bombs with glitter anyways because he knows how much his husband loves them I hate myself
Okay ian has a right to be pissed over Mickey spending their wedding money
Hand holding with the ring :((((
“I’m good with spit” oh god
Wow first time I’ve ever been on Ian’s side what’s happening with me
I’m not even gonna get started on Tami because I remember y’all coming for me
Just know I still can’t stand her
I’m already annoyed with Carl’s storyline
I really love trainer kev
I’m so mad at myself and the writers for having me side with ian IM DISGUSTED WITH MYSELF
I cant focus on anything but how hot Sandy is
“I did not deficate. I took a shit” I laughed so loud thank god I didn’t wake the baby
“Squid pro what?” He’s so dumb 😂😂😂😂😂
Hi I love Lip and he deserves better :))))
Why does this b keep moving her mask to talk to kev??? I’m so annoyed lmao
Where’s Mickey? I miss him
Lip is the best big brother :(
“What the hell was that? Dr. Phil?” “Good housekeeping” lmao
Hi hot sandy 🤤🤤🤤
Y’all....she’s like really fucking hot
Sandy is the actual hot lesbian convict
What the actual fuck was that tommy Kermit scene???
To butt buddies amirite?
I love when ian just touches him
Okay so I actually like this scene and I see a lot of people didn’t
I think Mickey is nervous because of their past and how much ian cheated.
“I spelled monogamy wrong” 😂😂😂
Okay that was pretty funny
Some of y’all gotta lighten up and just enjoy the show/having Mickey back/having Gallavich together again
Mickey looks hot
His arms 🤤
“You don’t have a car dumbass”
Can I just say how proud I am of ian? He’s mentally stable and putting effort into making his marriage work
Is this gonna be a praising ian blog this season?!
“Ian’s married to a Milkovich” BITCH I CRIED
His arm around his husband :((((
Is this season gonna make me hella emo? Definitely
Oh my god Mickey and franny IM GONNA DIE
I’ve decided that I’m just gonna enjoy this season. I’m gonna watch the whole episode instead of just Gallavich scenes. I’m not even anxiously awaiting next week’s episode. Im just gonna watch when I have a chance and enjoy having new episodes for the last time. I’m not gonna get upset or let storylines ruin my days like before. There’s more important things in life than getting mad at a tv show. 2020 has really changed me hasn’t it? 😅
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hongssami · 3 years
°˖✧ content creator year in review (2020) ✧˖°
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i’ve been tagged by (a lot of people ;v;) @chaninfused  @stayndays @blueprint-han @sleepylixie @cotccotc​ @chogiwow​ @lixiefe​ @missinghan​ @meiiyue​ ily thank you all (sorry if i missed anyone ;-;) ♥♥♥
tagging @scriptura-delirus ​ @peaches-writes​ @ph0ebevix @thepixelelf and everyone else who would like to do this~!
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first creation and most recent creation of 2020:
this mingyu drabble was my first and this changbin blurb was my last c:
one of your favorite creations from 2020:
i want to say and july, but i really mean take me somewhere nice
a creation you’re really proud of:  
that time where i was Sad and wrote how skz hyung line would act around you when they’re upset
a creation that took you forever:
definitely and july, i started outlining that in 2019 and until now i still haven’t polished it yet hehe
a creation from 2020 that received the most notes:
surprisingly, and july
a creation you think deserved more notes:
hmm.... i think take me somewhere nice or let’s go d.d.d. could have done better but i think with the amount of notes i usually get per fic, they’re still up there heh
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it:
does biasing changbin this year count? hehehe but i got into steven universe but i haven’t written or made anything for that yet
a creation you made that breaks your heart:
i didn’t really delve into angst in 2020, but this i can’t carry you forever, but i can hold you now is the closest i can probably call angst lol
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love:
this word vomit about skz having a lazy summer day with you and sad hours with skz hyung line :’)
a creation that was inspired by another one:
uhhh... take me somewhere nice was inspired by on the count of three ig? hahahah, i got the idea to making the kiss kiss fall in love series after i wrote on the count of three; uhhh... and july was inspired by a song by the same name by heize ft. dean;  a lot of my other blurbs/drabbles were inspired by different songs!
a favorite creation created by someone else:
these are just from the top of my head but good god i have read quite a lot of amazing fics in 2020:
countless skies upon me by @missinghan
danse macabre by @chaninfused​
who you are, who i am by @jeonginks​
bloom by @scriptura-delirus​
enemies-to-lovers! bang chan by @taelme​
naturally by @peaches-writes​
the recovery files and bluff and nonsense by @thepixelelf​
reckless by @lveletters​
some of your favorite content creators from the year:
everyone i tagged on this post! and a lot of others as well , i can’t tag everyone from the top of my head but if you’re reading this and i’ve appeared in your notifs at least once, just know that your content made me smile at least once and that means a lot to me :’D
(special shoutout to hani imy so much i hope you’re doing well wherever you are ♥)
and for good measure, another couple more creations of yours that you love:
some eric sohn mermaid action, sleepy lixie, me losing my mind over hwang hyunjin that one time, kim seungmin brainrot 
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that’s about it lololol
thank you all so much for sticking with me this past year! Happy new year :’)
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mittensmorgul · 2 years
2021 in Mittens Fic
The annual summary of things I’ve written this year! I’m relieved and pleased to say that while I’ve accepted I’ll probably never hit 2015′s record word count again (sigh), at least I improved over last year’s record low. And this doesn’t even count the 54k words in my upcoming pinefest fic, since I only count posted works for this little summary. I finally feel like I’m making writing progress again! Yay!
For reference, past year end summaries can be found here:
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | the closest thing I have to a 2015 wrap up post is the lil bit of text at the bottom of 2016′s post... even though my two most popular fics were from 2015 lololol
Starting the year off writing a finale fix-it I could live with really helped me get going this year, even if it meant this was the first year I failed to finish a pinefest fic. I did manage to finish the fic I’d started for that (in March 2020 lol) for the dcbb, which was a process that renewed my belief in my own ability to write long fic again.
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I did manage to outdo my 2020 total fics posted, with six, and beat my 2020 total wordcount by more than 8k, for a total of 111,806 words! Thrilling!
(tries not to think about 2015′s 250k+ total lolol)
At some point recently, I also crossed the 2 million words total posted on AO3, but about 800k of that is the tumblr tittyban meta dump, and none of that really counts as fic. I’m leaving it all there anyway. It’s still stuff I wrote, and honestly if the meta count counted toward fic writing totals, I’d probably have a million words a year, easy. :’D
And if meta counts for anything, I started the @spngeorg​ podcast this year in an attempt to organize all my thoughts on this show. It’s just me talking through every episode of the series one week at a time, but I’ve kept up with it, which I’m super proud of myself for! Thank you to everyone who’s listened, liked, subscribed, commented, and engaged with me about it this year. Episode 39 of the podcast-- 2.17 Heart-- will drop later tonight, and if you’re interested you can start from the beginning on AnchorFM or wherever you enjoy podcasts! The fact I’ve now spent a decade with my eternal rewatch, seen the entire series at least 30 times all the way through, at least this podcast gives me a weekly reminder that I haven’t just poisoned my entire brain for nothing. :’D 
With all of that out of the way, let’s get to the fic! Presented in the order it was posted:
Revenge of the Text (25427 words, rated T): Begins right after Jack takes off after defeating Chuck in 15.19. This is my best case scenario for how the show should’ve ended, and I needed to write it so I could continue to engage with the series I love. I wrote it as if it COULD have been an episode of the show, hence the rating. Though if it WAS an episode of the show, I would’ve included a lot more of Sam and Eileen’s POV, and in an ideal covid-free world, a lot of other characters in general. This is just the beginning of what I would’ve hoped for an ending, though.
what goes around... (468 words): a “what if” alternate version of a fix it, with Dean waiting in the meadow where Cas had come back from the empty before, only something sinister is waiting there with him.
Just Another Morning (1166 words, rated T): the annual DeanCasVersary fic. Pure Fluff.
You Held It In Your Hands (73239 words, rated M): my dcbb, with amazing art by the wonderful @solstheimart​. It makes my heart so happy! AU medical residents!Dean and Cas, they’re roommates!, and the powers that be at the hospital where they’ve both found themselves seem to be doing everything imaginable to keep them apart. Fluff and feelings-- revealed through notes left for each other, music, and food-- ensue.
For The Best (4912 words, rated T): annual holiday fluff, Dean and Cas end up snowed in together in the bunker. Technically in the same ‘verse as Revenge of the Text, so everyone’s happy and nothing hurts.
Haunted Heart (5594 words, rated T): Despite having written this waaaaayyyyy back in 2019, in collaboration with ArtSynk, for the To Hell And Back Anthology, we’ve finally been cleared to post them to AO3. So just under the deadline for this annual list, I had a happy little bonus story (with gorgeous attendant art!) to add to this year’s totals. I’m so thrilled to have been included in this project, so thrilled by the fandom’s (and the actors!) reception to the book, and thrilled to be able to share even my little contribution to it with everyone else now. <3
And that’s my year in fic. I’m amused I’ve already got nearly half this total wordcount written for 2022 already, and so much more waiting to go. At this point my biggest obstacle to writing is the sheer overwhelming quantity of ideas on my To Be Written list. And yeah, I think it would be hilarious to share the stats on that doc here too. Ahh, to the good old days when this list was ten pages long... Why do we get new ideas faster than we can write the old ones? 
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which, at least means I’ll be writing fic for years to come... gotta get through this list, at least! I think I’ll save that for 2022 lol!
Thanks to everyone who’s read, kudos’ed, commented, reblogged, rec’ed, and enjoyed anything I’ve written in the last year. I love you all. <3 See you in 2022!
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Pinch Hitter
Written for @codesecretsanta 2020!!
Hey, @nemesisadraste!! It’s me, your secret santa!! I heard you wanted a slice of samodd so I was ofc 100000% down to clown. Hope you enjoy!!!! It’s a little group chat heavy and I apologise, but there’s some actual prose around the halfway point haha
Can also be read here on AO3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28323549
ngl I would actually recommend reading it on ao3 because of formatting hahaha but anyway enjoy!!
Pinch Hitter
DIRECT MESSAGE: Odd Della Robbia
(11:43PM) Odd Della Robbia: SAMMMMMM
(11:45PM) Sam Suarez: yyyyea?
(11:46PM) Sam Suarez: sure thing sure thing go save the world n shit 👍👍
(11:46PM) Sam Suarez: was only going to stay up late rewatching good omens anyway
(11:47PM) Odd Della Robbia: hero. incredible woman. love of my life
(11:47PM) Odd Della Robbia: and say hi to you know who for meeeee 😻
(11:48PM) Sam Suarez: crowley is a fictional character odd, he cant hear you
(11:48PM) Odd Della Robbia: but he's so sexy and strong 😻😻😻
(11:48PM) Odd Della Robbia: not as sexy and strong as you, ofc ofc
(11:49PM) Sam Suarez: jesus odd go save the world already and leave me alone
(11:49PM) Odd Della Robbia: SO COLDDDD 🙀🙀🙀
(11:49PM) Odd Della Robbia: still love you tho
(11:49PM) Sam Suarez: still love you too ok NOW GO
DIRECT MESSAGE: Jeremie Belpois
(1:24AM) Jeremie Belpois: Samantha?
(1:27AM) Sam Suarez: sup belpois
(1:27AM) Jeremie Belpois: Motion sensor went off. Pretty sure Jim is out and about. Try to buy us some time?
(1:28AM) Sam Suarez: shit alright. i'll see what i can do. b-team already know???
(1:29AM) Jeremie Belpois: They do. The four of you work something out, please? Thanks.
(1:30AM) Sam Suarez: ofc. hey btw hows odd doing??? ok???
(1:30AM) Jeremie Belpois: 80 life points and going strong, Sam.
(1:30AM) Sam Suarez: sweet 👍👍
(1:31AM) Sam Suarez: what's our plan then home slices!!!!!!! 💪😤
(1:32AM) William Dunbar: Still don't know why I'm considered a b teamer but okay 😒
(1:32AM) Sam Suarez: don’t fucking complain william at least you get to be in the main group chat, 🙄🙄
(1:32AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: ^^^^^^
(1:33AM) Laura Gauthier: Try getting added, then removed, and still being on the waitlist to rejoin
(1:33AM) Sam Suarez: ouch lol
(1:33AM) Laura Gauthier: ANYWAY, we need a plan of action. Jim’s doing the rounds. Any thoughts?
(1:33AM) William Dunbar: I’ll go stuff Jeremie’s duvet 🙋♂️ Laura you go to Aelita’s, Sam come up with some sort of distraction 👉
(1:33AM) Sam Suarez: hold on WHY DO I GET STUCK WITH THE HARD JOB?? 😠😠
(1:34AM) William Dunbar: to prove yourself, young one. how else do you plan on getting into the lyoko warriors group chat?? 🤷♂️
(1:34AM) Sam Suarez: SHIT U RIGHT… 👀
(1:34AM) Sam Suarez: its my chance… to shine
(1:34AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: Why does everyone forget im fucking here?? Give me something to do????? 🙋😤🤦♀️
(1:35AM) William Dunbar: nobody forgot you sissi, shit 🙄 take odd and ulrichs room, if u think u can wrangle kiwi 🥝
(1:35AM) Sam Suarez: i would like it on the record that i did in fact forget about sissi 🙋🙋
(1:35AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: FUCK NO. THAT DOG DOES NOT RESPECT ME 😤😤😤😤😤
(1:35AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: Also RUDE..
(1:35AM) Sam Suarez: priorities babe or the fucking world ends. your call tho!!!!!! ✌️🤪
(1:36AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: ………………. F I N E 🤦♀️
(1:59AM) William Dunbar: @Sam Suarez What did you tell Jim?????? He’s 100% doing head counts now you dumb fuck 🤦♂️
(1:59AM) Sam Suarez: don’t take that tone with me dickbar, he’s looking for a sick GIRL. if you stuffed the fucking duvets properly we won’t have a problem, he’ll only be peeking into rooms anyway 😠😠
(2:00AM) Laura Gauthier: And what do you suppose happens when he finds NOBODY and comes to the conclusion that you lied to him? You have to think these things through, Sam, Jeremie’s not planning on doing any return trips if he can help it.
(2:00AM) Sam Suarez: yall are jerks, YOU put me up to the task of cooking up an excuse, don’t complain that it was shit!!!! geez!!!!
(2:00AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: God you’re all useless. I can fake-cry, I took a drama workshop over summer. I’ll take the hit but you OWE ME. 😤
(2:01AM) Sam Suarez: there are no favours in this sissi, we took an oath. we are heroes of justice now and you don’t get compensation for saving the world, its superhero 101
(2:01AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: Shut up Sam, you’re buying me dinner tomorrow. Take me somewhere nice 💅🙆😘
(2:01AM) Sam Suarez: but i don’t date girls who only save the world to reap the benefits, this simply won’t work out 😔😔
(2:01AM) William Dunbar: Take your flirting to private message, I don't want to be implicated in this sordid affair if Odd finds out
(2:01AM) Sam Suarez: ahahahahahahaahahahaha we got a funny man over here
(2:02AM) William Dunbar: Lololol
(2:02AM) Laura Gauthier: SHUT UP ALL OF YOU.
(2:02AM) Laura Gauthier: I can hear Jim coming, play it cool
(2:02AM) William Dunbar: Hahahaaha good luck 😂😂
(2:07AM) William Dunbar: You all alive……………..? 👀
(2:07AM) Sam Suarez: we sure are, listen to this
(2:07AM) Sam Suarez: sissi fake cried, told Jim she was having the worst cramps of her life and started listing off the side effects of the birth control she’s on. It was the greatest thing ive ever heard and im absolutely buying her dinner tomorrow, and yes it will be candle-lit 🍽️🍷💍
(2:07AM) William Dunbar: Holy shit. 👀 My deepest respect. 🙏 I will put in a good word with Master Belpois Himself, she deserves a seat at the grown ups table for this 🤷♂️
(2:07AM) Sam Suarez: no doubt no doubt
(2:08AM) Laura Gauthier: That was a close one. Sissi’s methods are unorthodox but hey, it worked. Next time find an excuse that doesn’t create more work for us, all right, Sam?
(2:08AM) Sam Suarez: shit you’re ungrateful as fuck. Damn . 🙄🙄
(2:08AM) Laura Gauthier: I’M JUST SAYING
(2:08AM) William Dunbar: Come on, lets not fight, I’m too tired for this shit 😴
(2:09AM) Sam Suarez: so go to bed, dumbass
DIRECT MESSAGE: Odd Della Robbia
(2:59AM) Odd Della Robbia: guess who just got DEVIRTUALISED!!!! 😹😹🔫🔫
(3:02AM) Sam Suarez: oh no, poor baby, you were doing so well
(3:03AM) Odd Della Robbia: right????? fucking megatanks, im telling you, they suck so much 😿
(3:03AM) Sam Suarez: well, if you’re out of points now, come by my room and we can play animal crossing together
(3:04AM) Odd Della Robbia: would that i could, sam, would that i could
(3:04AM) Odd Della Robbia: but theres a fucking building contractor lurking somewhere in the factory, xana-possessed, trying to take me the fuck OUT 🙀🙀🙀
(3:04AM) Sam Suarez: just tell him you’re not interested????? Its what i told sissi earlier
(3:05AM) Odd Della Robbia: ahahahahahahahaha
(3:05AM) Odd Della Robbia: first of all, WOW WE GOT A FUNNYMAN OVER HERE
(3:05AM) Sam Suarez: lololol
(3:05AM) Odd Della Robbia: second of all, i demand to hear that story as soon as i get back. Nobody turns sissi down and gets away with it 👀
(3:06AM) Sam Suarez: well, i cant help it
(3:06AM) Sam Suarez: my heart… belongs to another… a mr odd della robbia… im in the throes… of love… 💓💓
(3:06AM) Odd Della Robbia: OH!!! SAM!!!!!!! 😻😻😻💓💓💓
(3:06AM) Odd Della Robbia: luv u. So much
(3:06AM) Sam Suarez: same same lololol
(3:07AM) Odd Della Robbia: when i get back we ca
(3:07AM) Sam Suarez: ????
(3:07AM) Sam Suarez: odd????
(3:07AM) Sam Suarez: come in, funny man????
message failed
(3:08AM) Sam Suarez: odd if you die i will be so mad
message failed
(3:10AM) Ulrich Stern: Hey Sam, it’s Ulrich
(3:10AM) Ulrich Stern: Einstein has another favour to ask
(3:11AM) Sam Suarez: first of all you dont have to tell me its you, the app TELLS me whos messaging me, this isnt a text
(3:11AM) Sam Suarez: second, tell me my boyfriend isn’t getting fucking murdered by a building contractor 😠😠
(3:11AM) Ulrich Stern: Huh???
(3:11AM) Ulrich Stern: Oh yeah. He’s holding his own but there’s not much time. You need to go keep watch outside Jeremie’s door while Laura transfers some files. If we get busted and she can’t complete the file transfer… well. The world does actually depend on it, so. Yeah
(3:11AM) Sam Suarez: isnt william the better option anyway?? Isnt he only like 3 doors down from you 🙄
(3:12AM) Ulrich Stern: He’s not answering. Probably asleep already, he’s a dumbass. Please, you’re our only option, Sissi isn’t answering either
(3:12AM) Sam Suarez: oh theres a GREAT story behind that but i’ll let her tell it tomorrow
(3:13AM) Sam Suarez: and fine, but seriously is odd okay?? If this dude is more than 5’5 he’ll have a problem taking him down, you know how scrawny he is
(3:13AM) Ulrich Stern: He’s tougher than you think, Sam. Trust me on that one.
(3:14AM) Ulrich Stern: (Also I am about to go save him from getting his ass beat)
(3:14AM) Sam Suarez: all right all right
(3:15AM) Sam Suarez: but hey stern, when this has all blown over, we’re having a serious talk about promoting me to the big leagues
(3:16AM) Ulrich Stern: ...Big leagues?
(3:16AM) Sam Suarez: im talking main group chat, my guy. MAIN. GROUP CHAT. 👏👏
DIRECT MESSAGE: Odd Della Robbia
(3:30AM) Odd Della Robbia: im coming mi amore… i beat up a fully grown man with my bare fists… pushed him down some stairs… it was amazing 😼💯
(3:31AM) Sam Suarez: please say you didnt break any bones, belpois isnt planning on reversing time right???
(3:31AM) Sam Suarez: like even if was going to kill u he was only possessed by xana
(3:32AM) Odd Della Robbia: heh i broke nothing!! Im a hero of justice after all 💪😼
(3:32AM) Odd Della Robbia: ulrich may have given him some bruises tho 😹
(3:32AM) Sam Suarez: ehh i’ll take that over this guy waking up with fucked up limbs and shit
(3:32AM) Odd Della Robbia: no doubt no doubt
(3:33AM) Odd Della Robbia: …
(3:33AM) Odd Della Robbia: anyway, night sam 💞
(3:33AM) Sam Suarez: oh, ok 🙄
(3:33AM) Sam Suarez: night, stupid. love you ❤️
Despite his parting message, Odd shows up anyway.
He slinks into her dorm room as it draws to 4:00AM, half-heartedly kicking off his shoes at the door and closing it with a softness that’s surprising given how exhausted he looks; almost as though it is second nature at this point to keep quiet, avoid drawing more attention. Her boyfriend is a professional, after all, when it comes to saving the world on the down-low.
Samantha watches Odd from her desk, where she is sat up browsing Twitter and waiting for the inevitable ‘we need you to do something else before the night is through’ messages from Jeremie. She’s been listening to the same Jay Som song on loop for over an hour now, and it leaks quietly from her laptop speakers, a strange extra layer of ambiance to the puzzle that is the hour before birdsong begins. A Baymax-patterned blanket is thrown around her shoulders for warmth, and there’s an empty can of energy drink within arms reach.
“Wrong room,” she says in a low voice, expecting him to jump anyway; he doesn’t. Instead he squints at her in the dim light, leaning back against the door with a weary sigh. “Didn’t think you were coming.”
“Wasn’t, but… here I am.”
He doesn’t really elaborate further than that.
“Ulrich know you came this way?”
“He stayed behind to talk things over with Jeremie. The overbike got fucked up in Lyoko and they’re gonna upgrade it or something. Jer-bear needed to know the specifics about his experience driving it so they can do some fine-tuning, I think. Y’know, so he doesn’t drift too far and plunge into the digital sea. Shit can get real bad, real fast.”
“I’ll bet. So, you triumphed over evil tonight?” she guesses, shutting her laptop lid and rising to her feet. Her blanket trails behind her as she does. “XANA can’t attempt to destroy the world for another 24 hours?”
“You know it,” he says, yawning. “And now, it’s bedtime.”
Thank fuck they don’t have classes tomorrow. She’ll happily lie in til noon with Odd, catching up on these lost hours.
Sam steps over her skateboard and some laundry she kicked aside earlier, a little embarrassed that her floor is so messy, but she knows Odd is too tired to even comprehend the state of her room right now. As it is, he’s swaying a little while standing, stifling a yawn against his hand - it’s only a matter of time til he crashes.
“All right, guess you’re here to stay. Hop in.”
“Did you know? You’re a goddess. An angel. A truly spectacular woman among women,” he mumbles.
“Flattery won’t give me back the hours of sleep I lost sending Jim on that wild goose chase earlier,” Sam muses, wiggling under her covers, still bundled up in the blanket like a crepe. She doesn’t know the full story, nor does she imagine she’ll get it until tomorrow when the group meet up for lunch - something about XANA threatening to blow up a reactor on some nearby building site, creating some devastating damage to the local area - but at this point she’s too tired to listen and Odd is too tired to explain.
Odd flops down on the bed beside her.
“Thank you for helping us out,” he sighs, too tired to even look at her. His limbs are all floppy. If she nudged him off the edge of the bed now, he’d probably just fold up like a pair of pants and stay there til morning. “What did you do, exactly?”
“Told him I heard someone crying in the bathroom and thought maybe someone was unwell,” she says with a shrug. “Jim checked the girls bathroom and did room checks, which gave me, William and Laura some time to sneak into your respective rooms and act as extra head counts. Just being under the covers was enough, I don’t think he was doing anything more than cursory peeking into rooms with a tiny flashlight. Wasn’t the most innovative red herring to give him, but it did the trick.”
“If it keeps them off our backs, the creativity isn’t worth factoring in,” Odd murmurs, tugging off his jeans and chucking them at the wall opposite. The impact scuffs the wall slightly, but Sam doesn’t care. Delmas doesn’t give them shit about damages to the room unless it makes the room completely uninhabitable anyway, which is why there’s a literal hole in her wall through to the room next door that she’s had to artfully cover with a Front Bottoms poster.
“Anyway, Sissi distracted him. I’ll let her tell the story herself, it was fucking hilarious. Then Ulrich messaged to say he needed me to keep watch while Laura sent over some files from the computer in Jeremie’s room to the supercomputer, which - I mean, in this day and age, why the fuck doesn’t he keep everything on the cloud anyway? So I was stuck doing that, because apparently, William had already fallen asleep again, the fucking lug. Can you believe that? You’d think, being your Lyoko pinch hitter and all, he’d be better at staying awake.”
“Oh, I can believe it,” Odd drawls, tugging off his shirt and balling it up, sending it to land atop his crumpled jeans with a flourish. He rubs his eyes and peers around. “Got that old shirt for me to sleep in?”
Rolling her eyes fondly, Sam reluctantly peels back the bedsheets once more and pads over to her wardrobe, pulling it open and sifting through until she finds what she’s looking for; an old Hootie & The Blowfish T-shirt, handed down to her by one of her older brothers. It always hangs right off of her, so on Odd’s scrawny frame, it’s basically an Ebenezer Scrooge nightgown.
“Here.” She tosses it over to him and he wriggles into it happily. “You might as well keep it, these days you wear it more than me.”
“If I walked around in a band shirt that hangs off me like a smock I’d never hear the end of it from Ulrich,” he says with a laugh, flopping back against the covers and sighing deeply. “He makes fun of my little chicken legs enough as it is.”
“Well, I love your little chicken legs, so he can keep his opinions to himself.”
She slides into bed beside him and he’s cold to touch; the freezing factory, coupled with walking back in the chilly night air, must have really done a number on him. He snuggles against her happily, mumbling, “Can I warm my feet on you?”
“Will you respect my wishes if I say no?” she retorts. He grins as she sends him a knowing look, before placing his feet, two tiny, stinky blocks of ice, against her shins. They both pull the covers up over their noses, staring at the ceiling in dazed silence for a few moments, before she adds, “He won’t miss you when you get back?”
“Not likely, I don’t fucking spoon him to sleep, Sam,” he snorts. “He’ll be too tired to care where the fuck I’ve snuck off to, and he can handle anything Kiwi throws his way, so it’s fine. I’m sure he’s capable of connecting the dots.”
“Fine, shithead, I’ll drop it.”
She continues to stare up at the ceiling, but she can feel his keen gaze on her, and rolls over to face him. He watches her carefully.
“Are you mad at me?”
“What? No.”
“Even though it’s nearly four in the morning and you spent the whole night covering for us?”
“It’s what happens when you agree to saving the world, isn’t it?” she points out. Sam’s eyes adjust to the darkness, and she notices for the first time that there’s the beginnings of bruises around his neck. She reaches up to trace them with her fingers, and he instinctively wriggles away. Her breath catches in her throat. “…XANA did this to you?”
“Actually, it was a building contractor,” he corrects. “He started to choke me, but then Ulrich got him in a headlock and next thing you know… we pushed him down some stairs.”
“It must have been scary,” she mutters. At that, his face melts into a smile, and he prods at her face.
“You’re so serious! Sam, trust me, this happens all the time. I’m indestructible, so it’s fine.”
“How else am I supposed to react, huh? My boyfriend comes home with strangulation marks on his neck and you want me to be all cavalier about it…”
“Because I’m used to it.” Odd pauses. “Well, not strangulation in particular, but getting hurt on the job is kinda everyday stuff.”
Sam scowls. “You're not supposed to pretend like this is normal, Odd.”
“What, you want me to cry and be vulnerable on you?”
“You do.”
“Okay, fine, I do! What about it?!” She fixes him with a stern look. “You have to be careful! What’s the point in me staying awake and making distractions and shit if you’re just going to fucking die at the end of it, huh?”
“I’m not going to die.” He cups her face in his hands and fixes her with his own stern look. “Look. I know you haven’t been doing this long, but this happens, okay? Not always, but it does. I mean, you remember the kind of fights you used to pick with me when I would come over with these bruises without telling you why.”
She thinks back to the months leading up to him finally telling her the truth. How scared and hurt she felt, seeing him with these cuts and scrapes, bruises, occasionally even a sprain. She’d gone through all the possibilities in her head - bullying, hate crimes, mugging even. Still, he refused to budge, until one day he just… stopped pretending it was all some big coincidence.
“It was scarier not knowing,” she decides. “At least this way I know what you’re up against, but… I don’t know.”
He leans forward and kisses her on the nose. “I promise you I’m fine. But look, part of being a Lyoko pinch hitter is knowing things get hairy sometimes. I’m gonna get hurt from time to time but if I don’t, the whole world explodes. Or, okay, maybe not literally , most of the time, but I’m like, a drop in the bucket.”
“Well, you’re a drop in the bucket who matters to me,” she reinforces. Staring into his eyes, she can feel her body relax slightly. “Look, I’ll drop it. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Good. Now, can we please sleep? I am so tired, I’m starting to forget who I am. You’re about to encounter Grinch Odd, and he’s no fun whatsoever.”
“Oh, is he the one who said my face looked like a beet that one time?” she wonders, raising her eyebrows at him. He groans and pushes her away, covering his face with his hands.
“How many times do I have to tell you XANA fucked with my speech?” he grumbles. “Completely scrambled my words. I was going for beautiful.”
“Sure, sure. When in doubt, blame it on XANA?”
“I mean it! I would never call you a beet! A potato, maybe…”
She shoves him and he both winces and laughs. “Oof, that guy did a number on me.”
“Yeah, well, I’ll beat him up for you then.”
“You’re going to beat up XANA?”
“Sure, how hard could it be? I’ll just like, reach into the supercomputer with my full fist-”
They both burst out laughing and fall back against the pillows.
Once it trickles out, she blinks sleepily at the ceiling.
“I never really thought about how long you guys have been going without us, though.”
Odd quirks an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Us. The B-Team, the Pinch Hitters. The Lyoko Warriors’ freaking PR Team! Without someone pulling the strings you must have run into all sorts of trouble, right?”
“Oh, yeah,” Odd laughs. “We used to have the authorities trying to invade the factory. Almost got expelled by Delmas. I almost got sent to a psych ward before, that was fun.”
“Jesus, Odd. Why did it take you so long to introduce other people to the fray?”
He shrugs. “No clue, really. One day we just kinda realised… sometimes it’s better to have people around. No man is an island. That can apply to groups too, I guess.”
“And why would you trust me?” Sam presses on, arms folded over her chest. “Sure, I’m your girlfriend, but I’ve hurt you before. I mean really fucked you over. That whole thing with William…”
“You had no way of knowing,” he says firmly. “It was stupid and immature, sure, but how could you have known?”
She shrugs. “I’ve just been thinking about it, I guess.”
They both lapse into silence, but beneath the covers, Odd reaches for her hand.
“I trust you because I trust you,” he says eventually. “And because if we need some big Lyoko Warriors PR Team, I’d want you at the helm. Who else is going to keep William from swaggering off the side of the planet? He can be kinda self-absorbed.”
“Sissi,” Sam deadpans.
“And who else is going to keep Sissi from turning every XANA distraction into a fucking performative art piece?”
“...Okay, fair.”
“By the way, you still taking her out to dinner tomorrow?”
“Apparently. You should tag along as my date.”
He laughs. “No way, I’m no third wheel.”
Sam leans forward and kisses him gently, before muttering, “By the way, I told Ulrich to get me in the main group chat. Think he’ll do it?”
“Absolutely not,” Odd says cheerfully, kissing her back. “But nice try. Here’s to next time.”
GROUP CHAT: Into The Lyokoverse
(9:48AM) Jeremie Belpois added Sam Suarez to Into The Lyokoverse.
(9:48AM) Jeremie Belpois: @Everyone Look who decided to show up!
(9:52AM) Yumi Ishiyama: Oh Hi Sam
(9:59AM) Aelita Schaeffer: hey, look who made it to the big leagues!!
(10:10AM) Odd Della Robbia: SAMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!
(10:12AM) Sam Suarez: !!!!!!!!
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Mankai Stage Winter 2020 Part 1
So I’ve been procrastinating on this because I wanted to finish all the translations before I did this. But due to that, the play is not as fresh in my mind so this review might not be as detailed as it could be...
But I do plan on buying the DVDs when it comes out on February, so maybe I’ll update this then when I rewatch it! But I definitely wanted to get these done before I watch Four Seasons 2020, which I’m going to do tomorrow!
So without further ado!
The Master Love’s Mystery!
Just like how Akigumi’s opening number was very... rock-ish? Fuyugumi’s also had their own spin in the song. It’s very... ballet-ish? I’m not sure how to describe it, but, very graceful?
Lololol, it’s just funny because yes, the elegance totally fits Fuyugumi, but there’s also like. TASUKU. Granted, Tasuku’s actor is very great. He’s hot and can pull of these graceful dances. But just thinking of Tasuku the character, it’s always very hilarious to me. 
During Autumn 2020, you can see the effects of Covid-19. The cast couldn’t go out to the crowd and give out their usual fanservice during the finale. And it only gets worse, because for this play, all the actors had to wear face shields. And it’s. So sad to see how this rampant disease is just effecting everything.
So A+++ for safety. And once you get used to it, the face shields kind of don’t register for you anymore. And the actors did such a fantabulous job working through this, because they did not look comfortable at al..
But he’s also extra as hell. During the song and dance where he’s basically singing about his greatness (I think?) and the rest of Fuyugumi were moving his boxes, his dances moves. OH MY GAWD. They had me cringing so hard. As a dancer, it hurt me, and I was dying from the second-hand embarrassment, lololol.
Kazunari and Citron as a pair were such a riot.
They were absolutely adorable. These dorks. I just love them so much.
SoCiaL DisTancE!
Since Fuyugumi’s second play is a mystery, of course Kazunari and Citron had to play detectives! So cute!
For each season specific play, there was always at least one other a3der that helped out that troupe’s leader, but in this one Tsumugi was alone. Instead, he got his help/encouragement from Omi. 
And in all honestly, I wasn’t 100% sure what Tsumugi was struggling with, but I think it had to be that Fuyugumi wasn’t as close as the other troupes? That because they were adults, they had a sense of distance? I think.
Homare’s detective song and dance, where he’s trying to figure out who stole his pocket watch was really fun. I really liked how they choreographed it.
I really really like how they did the flashback scene for how Hisoka found Homare’s watch. Also, that skateboard scene was so random but so cute.
Usually, Mankai Stage would have the actors that didn’t have their main characters on stage play as an extra, but they didn’t do it for Homare’s grandmother. Instead, she was this big looming shadow, and as weird as it was, it worked. Homare seemed to get a lot of... er... trauma isn’t the right word. Nor is burden. But his grandmother’s words really struck him when he was little, to the point that it still effected him even until now, and that looming shadow kind of did a really good job on illustrating how looming of a presence Homare’s grandmother was to him.
On to the actual play portion of this stage play.
Even when I was playing the game, I thought that even though Homare was supposed to be the lead, Hisoka seemed to be more of the lead. And watching it in play form, it still felt that way. Maybe because Homare was always behind Hisoka, lololol. 
It was interesting to watch Tsumugi be the bad guy though, lol. 
I wish I had more to say about the play, but I can’t remember it 100% since it’s been a while. But they did a good job! And it was fun to watch! I think you guys could probably watch it on billibilli since I’ve noticed that people tend to post the play portion of Mankai Stage on there.
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bunny-hoodlum · 3 years
Thank you @dayseternal-blog for the tag! Lolz at my lateness!
Favorite Anime: Naruto, YuYu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Paranoid Agent, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, One Piece, Casshern Sins, Soul Eater, Space Dandy, Made in Abyss, Your Lie in April, ERASED, The Ancient Magi's Bride, Somali and the Forest Spirit, Asobi Asobase, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, Deca-Dence, Sleeping Princess in The Demon's Castle, Beastars, BNA, Wonder Egg Priority, Heaven's Design Team, ODDTaxi, My Hero Academia.
(I still haven't seen To Your Eternity yet, but I know it's going to be a new favorite. Oh crap, The Great Pretender is another one on my list. Also, I still need to see HunterxHunter (2011), Bungo Stray Dogs (s1), Violet Evergarden, Baccano!, Durarara, 91 Days, Tatami Galaxy...)
Least Favorite Anime: Lord Marksman and Vanadis. That's about the only anime I've actually watched that I hated throughout. (My SO was into it back when he was a baby weeb lmao. I'm still trying to show him the way). Otherwise, for anime that I've never watched but know I wouldn't like or others that were okay but just not for me, that would require a whole-ass essay and I won't get into that nonsense lol.
Last Anime You Watched: Demon Slayer! Ep 15! It's super cliffhanger-y though. :( The pacing feels kind of floaty. Idk if that's just me. XD
Favorite Anime Movie: Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, Laputa: Castle In The Sky, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Steamboy, Ghost in the Shell, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, From Up On Poppy Hill, Trigun: Badlands Rumble, Naruto: The Last, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars, The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl, The Boy And The Beast, (spot reserved for Wolf Children), (spot reserved for Satoshi Kon's films), Ride Your Wave, Weathering With You, A Silent Voice, Kick-heart, Tekkonkinkreet, MFKZ, and that's all I can think of right now.
Anime You Cried Hardest At: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Ride Your Wave, Your Lie in April. I recently broke down over the first episode of Let's Make a Mug! (embarrassing in hindsight lol, it's not angsty at all. I'm just a 'broken' artist who doesn't make art anymore, so something like that hit me lol. I could relate to the MC's late mother who apparently became so obsessed with her craft that her health failed. #artgoals lololol!) I'll report back when I watch Violet Evergarden and Blue Period. ;P A Silent Voice made me FEEL things, but I think I froze my heart during the moments that should've gut-punched me the most, tehe. :P
Your Comfort Anime: Heaven's Design Team was my winter 2021 comfort anime. Asobi Asobase was another one early 2020 for me, but I can't get that first time feeling back. XD Sleeping Princess in the Demon's Castle is my other one right now, though I only have 2 episodes left, and now I badly want the manga. T_T I think ODDTaxi is a comfort anime as well. The banter-heavy dialogue is amazing, the opening theme is just the best. Everyone just has chemistry, I love it. And of course, it's an Urban slice-of-life with a slowburn corruption plot, so like, it's just really fun and interesting.
Favorite Anime Character: Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga and Hanabi Hyuuga, Dola (from Castle in the Sky), Haruka Haruhara, Mamimi Samejima, Usopp, Vash the Stampede, Maka Albarn, Riko (Made in Abyss), Legoshi, Kanamori/Venus and Unabara/Neptune (Heaven's Design Team), Tsuyu Asui/Froppy and Ochaco Uraraka, Nezuko. I should have more, but that's all for now.
Shoujo or Shounen: Shounen. (But tbh, Seinen > Josei > Shounen > Shoujo)
If You Could Shift Into An Anime Universe, Which One?: As a kid, I always wanted to live inside of Kiki's Delivery Service or Pokemon. As an adult, though? I'm pretty boring right now, haha. I wish I could be a club member inside of Let's Make a Mug! I've tried googling where I can do pottery for funsies, but all I find are Adult Classes. Like... that's not the same thing! T o T
I tag @spaciousignatius!
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Plant,OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I was curious to see if YouGov had updated the Polls after with the latest Statements,so I checked YouGov Twitter ''Harry and Meghan are set to lose public funds and their royal titles'' has the survey link,has the Poll from January 9-10,Camilla is with 42% and MM with 38%(The Duke and the Duchess has seen their rating drop by 16-17pts. Meghan is now less popular than Camilla,Duchess of Corwall,who has been typically been the least popular of the major Royals)LOLOLOL
Thanks for letting me know. The Twitter has a log of interesting polls.
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silversprit · 3 years
me reacting to danganronpa shit with no context
includes all 3 main games! ask for context if u want heeheh
FUCK YALL ITS CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BRO ITS LITERALLY THERE ITS ALL THERE (referring to leosaya of course)
i also love how everyone else hates him, though him and mukuro junko coudlve been really intriguing
kyoko doesnt even waste time speaking
CELESGAMI CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW IT WO- maybe not maybe im reading too deep “he and i are of a kind” WINK WONK
toko pleeeease stop obsessing ove rhim hes so bad
ishimondo canon i think that ones actually canon someone on the dr crew said it i think
fuck you byakuya “don’t breathe until i tell you to” shut the fuck up
i would say band-aid confirmed but honestly? it already was MONOKUMA HUH WHAT
hm comparing gundam to komaeda… is that a good comparison? idk much about sdr2 i cant say for sure SONDAM CONFIRMED again it probably already was
sodddaaaa dont beat him up
i love you twogami you are so good HAJIME NOT KNOWING WHAT YAOI IS JUST… MMM FEELS RIGHT
TERUTERU GAY FOR HAJIME CONFIRMED also kazuichi/hajime but thats more believable… wait “come and be my worthy partner” TWOGAMI/HAJIME EVERYONE IS SO HORNY FOR THE PROTAGS
“she’s in the wild ‘n wet world of yuri now!” IBUKI WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ARE YOU DATING HER WAHAT i mean i do think it could be cute also hajime’s was surprisingly calmer than i thought it would be
WOAH HIYOKO WHAT THE SHIT DID YOU JUST SAY KOMAEDA WAS INTO LOLICON WHAT honestly im glad no one trusts komaeda (this will get me murdered)
SONIA KNOWS KUZUPEKO CANON EHLL YEAH ibuki was friends with him? i dont remember that
everyone is being angry at ibuki gonna kms /j /j /j shes just playin her death metal HIYOKO NOOO WHY ARE YOU THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES IT
F-FUYUHIKO BLUSHING AT CHIAKI??? NO. I CANNOT ACDEPT THIS ibuki is so gay i love her she is best girl for a reason
i dont trust most of the people’s reactions to her thats weird
akane just confess to nekomaru already damn you dont gotta keep innuendoing ooookay is teruteru bi cause hoyl shit these reactions make me think so thats actually p cool
ibuki keeps referencing that one scene in chapter 2 and i love that
hajime says “stop talking about your panties”…. bro shes- you know what nvm he can figure it out on his own
ibuki being gay for peko feeds me i love them together but like kuzupeko but like peko has two hands! gundam just laughing.. imposter sus
glad none of the dudes (except for teruteru rolling eyes emoji) is being horny for hiyoko and monokuma calling her a loli is. technically correct? shes an adult if the dr timeline is right
love that ibuki still goin on about that scene girl… same also love that kazuichi and gundam bonding over loving sonia
ibuki rejecting soda like that… good for her. hajime yes you’re soul friends geeez it snot that hard to understand
havent played v3 so my opinions might be stupid (you have been warned)
wow these are surprisingly boring also whats with the talk of ghosts thats weird
miu dont diss tsumugi like that i thought she was cute also yeah okay maki you dont need to be like “im not interested” okay we know u straight baby its ok /hj kaito wanna see her cosplay (lenny face)
angie finds keebo attractive you say? and tsumugi asks if he knows romance? and shuichi calling him a dryer? fascinating
angie calling gonta a grandma is both cute and kinda odd. why is kirumi calling him mother? my god miu can you not be horny for 5 minutes
ohhh i get it now nvm gonta asked if she was the mom of the group AND KOKICHI ASKING HER TO BE HIS MOM HAHA KOKICHI MOMMY KINK LOLOLOL tsumugi drooling ooh
OHH GONTA CALLED ANGIE THE GRANDMA OF THE GROUP WHILE BLUSHING WHAT angie is honestly so cute shes obsessed with atua and sacrifices but shes cute
kaede asking why korekiyo wears a mask… sadge if only she knew what awaited her in 2020 also maki asking who his sister is is
aw kaede called tenko cute. also kiyo just straight up being like “yeah imma kill her” is so brave
shuichis is so boringgigig
im crying i cant find the ultra despair girls one
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
New here, sorry if it's a question you get too many times. What exactly happened between you, seekingxanadu and super/ claire person? If I look you up her long post about you two and her calling each other out comes up but there's no mention of fandom or what the reason for that calling out was? I don't want to assume anything or judge any of you when I don't have the context or even an inkling of what it's about.
LOL, s/uperohclair (think that’s what her URL was) has a call out post about me? I can only imagine what it says.
*Shrugs* It wasn’t that big a deal tbh. I made one of my aggro posts about STOP WRITING JASON HITTING DICK IN EVERY FIC LIKE ITS NO BIG DEAL, she hopped on it to say this was me bullying the fandom - yes, all of fandom - and I reacted with a vent post about how ridiculous I found that logic. As well as the fact that a paragraph she’d written was virtually identical to an anon I’d gotten barely a month before, giving me grief about something I said about Ao3. So I also griped about the fact that I was pretty positive she was the author of the anon I’d gotten, and that I suspected her issue with me and opinions of me had more to do with that than the actual post she’d responded to given that half her post segued into that topic even when it had nothing to do with “stop writing Jason hitting Dick in every fic like its no big deal.” 
All of this was one, two posts tops on my part, not even addressed directly to her but rather about the situation as I saw no point in engaging further after my first back-and-forth response to her response. 
Oh, and in the interests of full disclosure, I also in response to her ‘you’re bullying fandom’ accusation briefly wrote a post I put under a cut that was basically me just venting about how much being accused of bullying by shouting at her by typing stuff in all caps in a generic post that wasn’t even aimed at anybody specific, least of all her, like...that got under my skin because I haaaaaate when people pull shit like trying to act like they’ve been personally attacked when they’re literally approaching me for the first time and before that I’d never heard of her in my life (And you’ll notice I type tons of stuff in all caps, and its not even usually that Im mad, its usually just to emphasize anything from me being excitable, thinking something is ridiculous, pretty much a dozen other things aside from just “IM ANGRY AND YELLING ABOUT IT). Anyway, I deleted that post ten minutes after I made it because it was literally just one of those ‘need to get it out’ things so I didn’t steam about it all day, but apparently that was enough for her to make a thing about how I was playing the martyr. 
(Basically the whole Ao3 thing and what I still suspect was the real root of her issue with me is I’m a rape and abuse survivor and I often make rant/vent posts about how much fic about fetishized rape, incest and pedophilia there is in fandom. And I happen to think I have every right to express this sentiment on my own damn blog, and about the fact that people are often more bothered by me doing THAT than apparently I’m allowed to be bothered by how prevalent that content is. 
*Shrugs* Its my blog. I’ll say what I want to, about whatever I want and am thinking or feeling, and I don’t actually do anything to stop people from writing whatever they want, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have opinions about it, and I object to people giving me shit for just....doing that in public, lol. As far as I can tell based on the one or two posts I saw on her blog that same day, the real reason she thinks I’m a bully is because when I go on these rants about this content, THIS is what’s bullying her because its me making her feel bad about liking something and....I’m sorry, but that’s just not what bullying is, and also hilariously ironic considering it displays zero awareness or concern about how the thing she likes makes me feel so why should my reaction prioritize how she feels? I don’t get that logic, and I’m not here for it, but whatever.)
Anyway, all of that actually happened within just like....the span of maybe five posts, in less than a single day, and was my literal only interaction with her outside of the anon ask and answer I suspect was her the month before. Then I blocked her and said that was the last interaction I intended to have with her, so she couldn’t possibly feel bullied by me, and unless I’m forgetting something, I’m pretty sure that’s the literal last I’ve mentioned her til now. 
*Shrugs again* That’s it, that’s the whole story, that’s all it was, and I have no idea what she’s said about me since or how frequently, but tbh I don’t really care. Seekingxanadu weighed in on the vent post I wrote to express they’d had some conflict of their own with her that she was holding a grudge over, but tbh I have no idea what it was and has nothing to do with me beyond the fact that I guess she still hates us both or whatever. Idk.
I’m fine answering this once because I don’t feel I did anything to be ashamed of, all the posts other than that read more that existed for all of ten minutes are still up (I believe this was back in February but I’m honestly not sure, it feels like it was longer ago than that but I have zero sense of time in 2020 lololol) and I can understand not knowing what to make of a public dispute between two people where you don’t know whose version to believe, so this is my take on it, and the only one I care to make. 
As far as I’m concerned, the matter is done and dealt with and I have no desire to expand or dwell on it further, so make what you will of this post and anything else you find about it in my archives. That should be enough for you or anyone else to determine how you feel about me based on that and whatever it is she has to say, especially considering that’s literally all that exists on the matter or my interactions with or opinion of her. At least on my side of things. *Third Act Shrug and Scene*
But yeah, there’s the answer to your question and if anyone else was wondering about that or does so in the future, I’ll just refer them to this post because tbh that’s really all I have to say on the matter.
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The 100 Final Season Speculation Tag
Thank you for the tag, @bellarkes-hope​! This is fun to think about and I like reading everyone’s answers!
1. Which character are you most excited to learn the endgame of: I’m not sure if “excited” is the word - more like ANXIOUS! Ha! But, no surprise here - I’m most interested in Raven & Murphy’s endgame
2. Which character are you most excited to learn the backstory of: I definitely would love more backstory on Becca Franco, which would then lead to Cadogan & Second Dawn, all of which I’m interested in. But I also want to know what Diyoza’s been up to in the Anomaly. 
3. One character who deserves a new look: Diyoza! Let’s have her come out of the Anomaly (or when whoever goes IN) looking kind of fresh and fancy. Also, same for Indra, honestly! I love Indra’s awesome look but I would not be upset to see her updated for the last season. 
4. Two locations you want to revisit: Becca’s Lab for sure! I find everything there interesting and think there’s a lot more to explore. Also lets go back to Cadogan’s Office/The Office in the bunker - there’s some FASCINATING photos behind the desk and that seal on the wall that MIGHT be “Becca’s Crypt” still seems relevant...
5. Three brotps you hope get more screentime: I would like to see Octavia & Diyoza, Raven & Diyoza and probably Murphy & Jordan (although I was amused at Murphy & Gabriel’s interactions too)
6. Who will get the happiest ending: Oh man... this question haunts me. I don’t know if anyone is going to get to be “happy” but I really would like to see hopefulness at the end of the story. I could be satisfied if Raven & Murphy die as long as they actively choose to die together. Do I want that? Not really, but it would give them autonomy over something that happens to them and characters in this world rarely seem to get that. I would very much like for Raven to be happy but I’m not sure the writers know what that IS for her any longer. A new rando dude that she’s known for 12 days doesn’t feel like happily ever after to me, soooo....
7. Which minor or new characters you want to see more of: I don’t want new characters. Let me say that again. I DON’T WANT NEW CHARACTERS. Yes, I know we’re going to get some but I don’t want to focus on them AT ALL. Now that said - we’ve already got Russell & Diyoza and I think that the two of them going up against each other would be fantastic. Also, give me Becca always and jeez can we get some more Jordan?!
8. Who will eventually snap Jordan out of the funk we see him in, at the end of 6x13: Personally I would like this to be Murphy. I think it definitely needs to be a member(s) of Spacekru
9. Who will be the first to tell Bellamy he can’t immediately run into the Anomaly after Octavia: Well if it happens right away, then probably Echo, since that’s who he was with at the end of s6. But if they go back to Sanctum to report on what happened and how Octavia disappeared, then maybe it could be Clarke. 
10. To reference Monty’s ‘do better’ mantra: Raven would be a good choice, Echo too
11. To say 'go float yourself’: Would love this to be Jordan, LOL
12. Random object or prop you would bring back for Season 7 if you could: Ohhh... well I definitely think we’re going to see more of Becca’s Notebook, and I’m here for whatever esoteric info is in that sucker! Raven is on the case! But also - man man man I really wanna see the tattoos of this world come to MEAN SOMETHING! Lemme see more of Gaia’s Flamekeeper tattoo and how it connected to Titus and the seal in the Second Dawn bunker! Lemme see if the leaf jewel Simone wore in her hair is actually the reference to the Broadleaf clan in Grounder history that I want it to be. I want to know what all those tattoos on McCreary meant and how about Shaw too. I have THOUGHT about this stuff and I wanna know SO BAD! Also - I would NOT be mad to see the soccer ball make yet another appearance! 
13. Book One storyline/reference you want to see back for Season 7: Well it isn’t a broad storyline but I really loved the Raven part of the story where she accepted that Finn wasn’t right for her because he didn’t love her “the way I want to be loved” in 1x10. That was a tough conclusion for her to come to and I really appreciated that she was acknowledging her self worth at the same time she was choosing not to hate Finn or really even to blame him. But since then she’s had a lot of self doubt, hasn’t felt like she’s that worthy of being happy, and has struggled with her capabilities (ie guilt from not being able to get Spacekru off the Ring/being willing to die because of it). Feels like s6 brought so many of the s1 personalities back (yikes) so I’d love to see Raven get her confidence back and recognize that she’s more than worthy. Heck, this isn’t a bad storyline for all the characters, really. 
14. Dead character you would like mentioned: I’m always thrilled with a Sinclair reference, but really Harper and Monty should be mentioned along with the other delinquents who died too. Also it was rad to see Pike in s6 so heck add him in and while I’m at it lets talk about Luna and “it’s not your blood that defines you, it’s your heart”! Hello, that’s relevant with all our new nightbloods, isn’t it?!
15. How do you think Hope and Octavia know each other (from season 6): Definitely seems like Octavia helped raise Hope during her time in the Anomaly. Maybe when Octavia came back to Sanctum, could be that Hope was like 12 or something, so seeing Hope come out of the Anomaly as an adult made Octavia feel so emotional. The idea of Octavia & Diyoza as either co-parents or honestly with Diyoza as pseudo-mom to both of them pleases me. 
16. How do you think it all will end?: I’m struggling not to just post a photo of that dumpster on fire that’s going around about 2020, LOLOLOL. But I mean... I’ve been burned by other shows so I don’t have a lot of confidence here. I’m really hoping for both an ending that feels at least a bit hopeful but also is true to CHARACTER arcs through the series, not simply whatever the plot of s7 turns out to be. Call me Fox Mulder but I WANT TO BELIEVE - I want to believe that humanity isn’t just some plague across the universe. So... I’ll speculate that a group of survivors is either landing back on Earth or at least heading there at the end of the show. I think we need to fix what we break, and of course that means going back to our own planet. This would not be disappointing to me, so maybe the view of a renewed green Earth is the last shot we get, but instead of just being one or two people looking down, it’s everyone who has made it back. I dunno... FWIW I haven’t rewatched shows that have ended poorly, so I hope t100 doesn’t have me abandoning the world they created. 
(Don’t freak fellow Murven fans - I will never abandon THEM! And whatever ending we get, I’m sure I’ll have some stories in response to it!)
Tagging - literally ANYONE who wants to play! And feel free to tag me because I like reading these! @osleyakomwonkru @hopskipaway @ghostmontygreen @raveniisms @jarleene @beesreadbooks @mobi-on-a-mission @arkadiaschancellor @the100-theories @kinetic-elaboration @awesomenell65 @star-sky-earth @tracylorde @johnmurphysass @mamabearsdontthink
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