#leech devil
skeletonfumes · 2 years
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Chainsaw Man
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mechadeimos · 2 months
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samaeldire · 8 months
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Chainsaw Man flash 💖
I’m especially proud of the Power bc that wasn’t just a direct ref from the manga or anime !
I can’t do totally original compositions for every design on my flash sheets, but it’s nice to pop them in here and there when I have the time :3
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aucasaurus · 7 months
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togatafffire · 10 months
Chainsaw Man x Gurren Lagann
Eye-Catch intermissions
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mojo72400 · 2 years
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It makes sense, doesn't it? Can she pull the voice though?
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eggs-and-cigarettes · 2 years
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finally seeing some of my favorite panels from the manga animated has me so hyped, y’all don’t even know
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eyecantread · 2 years
Worm Girlfriend
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
Yandere would never let leech darling Crawl and possibly hurt their precious legs, they'll definitely be picked up 24/7 -🦊
Leech Darling acts like they despise being carried, but the second the dentist pulls out another alternative they suddenly have a different attitude-
Yan Dentist, pushing a wheelchair up to Darling's tank: Angel! Look what I've brought for you! Hopefully you won't mind me escorting you around from now on?
Leech Darling: ....[sad croaking noises]
[The leech climbs out of their tank, shoving the wheelchair out of the way as they place their head on the dentist's hip - motioning for their human to pick them up]
Yan Dentist: Darling..... [scoops Leech Darling off the floor] Were you just playing with my feelings this whole time? You're so cruel! You're lucky you're so cute. Does this mean you'll humor me with a kiss now??
[Leech Darling hisses.... slowly pressing their mouth to the dentist's cheek]
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blind0raven · 2 months
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I knew the peace between Azul and Azul tsum was too good to be true XD
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ramshacklerumble · 4 months
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my favorite kinds of floyds are the ones where he’s like 80% mouth and 20% eyes.
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demonichikikomori · 2 years
I hate jade leech and his stupid sexy Halloween card especially the pre-groovy art I HATE his dumb face and how his thighs are spread like that and how every time I look at it all I can think is haha boy I sure want to sit in his lap this man isn't a mummy he's an INCUBUS
untitled.01 - jade leech x gn!reader
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He had been watching you all night, waiting for the chance to steal you away from the others. 
And with the chaos of the parade, he took the chance to momentarily borrow you from the rest of the student body. 
“Trick, or Treat?” He asked innocently as he pulled you towards the small patch of woods near the main entrance. His hands were behind his back and expression appeared sweet. Did he swipe you some candy? “Treat.” You answered, not in the mood for any more tricks tonight. But it looks like your ‘treat’ was something you weren’t expecting. Your ‘treat’ was him taking a moment to show you what those tassels and straps on were capable of. 
You tried choking back your moans as you were held captive by Jade Leech. Tucked away from prying eyes behind trees and bushes, not to far from the school’s main entrance where the parade was being held. Your wrists were bound behind your back with the soft white cloth from his outfit, the longest piece was like a form of leash wrapped around Jade’s fist. Your knees dug into the chilled earth as Jade kept you held up with a smile. His hips rocked into you at a punishingly slow pace and you could feel the drool pooling into the dirt below. Soft wet smacks of skin and an occasional groan from Jade filled the empty air in the small wooded area. Your ass is in the air for him to pinch and slap, as he whispers in your ear sweet nothings that only make you clench around him. 
What a lovely treat indeed.
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devils-wonderland · 2 years
Like Vargas Camp, but it's just regular camping, with the big shocker, a serial killer on the loose in the woods. Think of Friday the 13th basically. Deuce definitely dies first, Ace runs into a barn full of machetes instead of the clear path, Jade and Azul simply make it out alive.
Floyd insists you two should makeout while everyone else is dying, actually, he scares the murderer off himself, pulling out his own chainsaw. Floyd becomes the killer.
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vera-deville · 1 year
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Pairing: Azul Ashengrotto x Reader
Word Count: 976
Warnings: None that I can think of!
Gender: Gender Neutral
Tags: @rose-the-witch1
In which Grim is a poor unfortunate soul.
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"My dear sweet child. That's what I do. It's what I live for~" Y/N sang, sending shivers down Grim's spine.
All he wanted was a can of tuna. Not whatever possession this was. It was a Tuesday. Why in Twisted Wonderland was his henchman acting weird? (Weirder than usual, anyways).
"And I fortunately know a little magic" Y/N continued, throwing in a wink for no good reason. "It's a talent I've always possessed, And dear Grim, please don't laugh! I use it on behalf of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed." Grim wondered what Y/N was on about now, and could have sworn that they'd muttered "pathetic" off to the side, and was highkey offended at being called miserable, lonely, and depressed.
Y/N switched on the lights to the kitchen in a dramatic flourish. They then grabbed the opened can of tuna, as well as a bunch of other ingredients and pots and pans and ladles and other things that suspiciously looked like potions.
They started cooking up a storm, and Grim could only watch in horror as they continued their singing about poor unfortunate souls. Grim messaged the first year's group chat. He asked Sebek if he could hide out in Diasomnia, but of course, the ever upstanding retainer of the infamous Malleus Draconia denied his request.
This led to him begging all the others in the group chat to allow him asylum, but of course Jack wouldn't let him in his house for no good reason, and Epel didn't want Vil going off again about Grim and his usual...Grimness.
So who was left? Ace and Deuce.
After much begging (Grim was not too proud of that), they finally gave in and let him escape to Heartslabyul.
In the meanwhile, Y/N was still not done cooking up...whatever they had been cooking up. Throwing in this and that, they added in a few jigs here and there, thoroughly enjoying themselves.
The infamous Octatrio were making their way to visit the Ramshackle Prefect, as over time, they'd made good friends (one of them in particular). Just before they entered Ramshackle, Grim ran past them in a tizzy, somehow not even noticing them.
This worried Azul slightly. What had Grim done this time? Jade and Floyd half expected to hear Y/N yelling at Grim inside the dorm, but to their surprise, they didn't hear any yelling.
They heard singing.
The prefect was saying, "The men up there don't like a lot of blabber. They think a girl who gossips is a bore!" Floyd, now more curious than before, followed the sound of Y/N's voice, Jade and Azul following closely behind.
Azul found Y/N's words rather weird. What did she mean that the men "up there" don't like a lot of blabber? Did someone say that Y/N talked too much? And gossip could be really helpful in a bunch of situations. It's somewhat a form of gathering information, after all! But Y/N didn't sound too sad when they sang out the words, so maybe that's not it.
"Yet on land it's much preferred for ladies not to say a word! And after all dear, what is idle babble for?" Y/N continued.
"Is Shrimpy depressed?" Floyd asked unhelpfully. Jade considered his question. Humans were much different from them after all, and Y/N wasn't even from this world.
"Maybe they're stress cooking. I've heard that it is something that humans tend to do as an outlet for their stress." Jade added. Azul shushed Floyd as the three listened to Y/N continue their frantic cooking and song.
All of a sudden, Y/N belted out, "Come on you poor unfortunate soul! Go ahead! Make your choice!" It startled poor Azul out of his skin, and he bumped into Jade. Muttering an apology, Azul refused to take his eyes off the sight in front of him.
Y/N was holding their ladle in a way that no one would wish to be in a 7-feet radius of them, and with the way they waved it around blindly, Azul definitely did not want to be the one to bring them out of their concerning reverie.
It was when the Ramshackle Prefect sang, "I'm a very busy woman, and I haven't got all day. It won't cost much, just your voice~" that the Octatrio finally recognized the song. Everyone from the Coral Sea knew the song.
"If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll. Take a gulp and take a breath, and go ahead and sign the scroll!" Y/N mimicked their signature in air as they began plating the tuna food they made for Grim. "Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got-"
And it was at this moment that Floyd decided to make their presence known.
"Shrimpy~ You never told me you could sing!" Floyd practically jumped towards said shrimp. Finally acknowledging the Octatrio's existence, Y/N put down their ladle, and ran over to Azul, intent on hugging their boyfriend.
"Oh, I just sing a little here and there! You guys came at the right time! I made some dishes out of tuna for Grim, and you guys can taste test!" The Ramshackle Prefect exclaimed.
Looking back at the array of dishes Y/N had placed on the kitchen island, Azul, Jade, and Floyd looked at each other. It looked...edible. So it wouldn't kill them, right? It didn't smell terrible, but Grim running for his life did have a slightly unsettling feeling.
Azul, deciding to be brave, took the first bite.
"So how bad is Shrimpy's cooking?" Floyd asked.
Shooting him a dirty look, but nonetheless awaiting Azul's answer, Y/N sat down opposite to him.
"How much?" Azul asked in all seriousness.
"What do you mean?" Y/N asked.
"How much for the recipe?"
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Author's Note: So, I'm working on this month's entry for the @briarvalleyarchives, but, I haven't finished it yet. Part of the reason is because some time through that fic, I suddenly had the idea to write this one.
...So I did. I though it would be funny to spook Grim.
Lately, I've felt that my writing style is kind of bland, so I've been trying to level up that aspect. Still have a long way to go-
Keep in mind that this is not the entry for the @briarvalleyarchives. It was just inspired by this month's prompt.
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aucasaurus · 7 months
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misakidraconia · 9 months
Hai richieste?
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Hi dears, I'm Misaki and I decided to write for these fandoms
.❥Twisted Wonderland
.❥Paradox live
.❥Hazbin hotel
.❥Tgfc(Heaven official blessing)
For now I could add something else later
If you have any requests please come forward I accept both sfw and nsfw꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
I will not write incest, things with milfs or sugar daddies, abuse of any kind However, if you have any fantasies, don't hesitate to ask, in case I could tell you if I feel comfortable or not Both
.❥headcanons and mini stories are fine
Headcanons a maximum of 3-4 characters
I will write mostly with fem readers but if requested I could also do gender
I will try to be as constant as possible as much as the school allows me 😂
Minors should not interact with content +18 I warned you (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠)
And give space to your imagination and make me a request, what are you waiting for?(⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Advertise me guys 🥰If you like and if you like what I will write
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