#legit lets see you fight this logic
mixelation · 8 months
i know it wasn't the point of the post but i see the "naruto has a personal ANBU guard" thing a lot in fics and i always accept it, not bc i think he gets beat in the street or whatever, but simply because it seems irresponsible to leave the vessel of a chakra monster (whose containment relies on emotional stability) loose without supervision. it seems likely that they'd want at least one person knowing where he is at all times, both to keep the village safe from him and also to keep other villages from stealing him (that said, the sandaime had a crystal ball that he used as a monitoring device (???) so maybe thats how they did it lol)
listen i get you. i see you trying to apply logic. but also i need to point out that during the chunin exam they just let gaara kill people. like not even during his fights or during the invasion. he and orochimaru just killed random people and no one seemed to care. it is implied orochimaru and danzo just disappear people and no one does anything. kakashi took sasuke out of the village with no explanation about why or where they were going and they legit thought it was possible orochimaru had them and they continued to do nothing. i do not think that as a society they are capable of thinking that far ahead
also what DID happen to the crystal ball
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bibibbon · 7 months
MHA chapter 415 leaks
A lot of the problems I have with this chapter are already ones that I talked about in previous chapter posts which can be found here 👇
However I still wanna talk about things that I don't like in this chapter.
1) the memory sharing thing and how random it is. I stand by the point that this plot point came out of nowhere, is a speedy and cheap way to try and build up what little development izuku and shigarakis dynamic lacks. The memories that are being shared also seem very inconsistent like why did one memory trigger another? It makes no sense why Izuku's fight with todoroki would ultimately trigger the usj and why the fight itself would be triggered by a convo that stain and shigaraki have. In my opinion, this is also a very good way for hori to just show off how he has improved his own art and be like "oh look at how good my art is now" which kinda sucks because we don't get any story but just some cool looking manga chapters
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2) power of rejection?!?! Seems like a fancy plot armour for izuku not to lose all of his quirks to me🤷‍♀️. The power of rejection just sounds like such a cliche way to be like oh izuku won't lose his quirk to plot armour because he physically cannot lose his quirks since shigaraki is rejecting them. Like seriously what is it with Izuku not being able to keep his powers and we are just having him HAVE TO PASS DOWN HIS QUIRK FOR NO REASON?!?!?! you already passed down the quirk that caused the most distress aka kudos so won't izuku suffer even more if he passed down blackwhip which is the quirk that is keeping him both alive and is giving him the ability to move like why would izuku the and transfer that?!?! Seems stupid to me 😭 and low-key further reinforces the idea that the power of rejection is (A) there a plot point introduced to make it so that izuku doesn't lose his quirks and (B) so horikoshi can still create intense looking manga pages that he won't be able to create if izuku can't use his quirks anymore.
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3) The unnerving focus on the police officer who took Tenko home. This manga page low-key confirmed the one theory that was like the police officer is afo and that AFO gave tomura his quirk which if it is true just doesn't line up or make sense when it comes to canon. I see how this theory can help develop both the parallels further in fanon but in canon it just damages tomura's character and its like an excuse that we should pity shigaraki even more because this police guy who was supposed to help him was a villain who gave him a destructive quirk and made him go insane /cause his families deaths. This also takes away from the half baked plot point that the gene for quirks actually heavily influence behaviour but if this theory is true then shigaraki just wants destruction because he wants destruction 🤷‍♀️ nothing more and nothing less.
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4) Eri becoming relevant to the plot now? I have already said this and I will say it again Eri's quirk is too narrative breaking and too powerful. You literally cannot have the plot go on since we discovered that Eri can legit just rewind people to a time they were at their prime like she did with mirio. This brings up the question as to why she didn't do this with aizawa or all might and therefore her quirk could be used to make the series and characters have no long lasting concequences. Also how are the heroes so irresponsible thaT THEY COULD LET A CHILD SIMPLY RUN INTO A DANGEROUS AND TERRIFYING BATTLE FIELD LIKE WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ECTOPLASM DO SOMETHING YOURE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THE CHILD ARENT YOU?!?!?!!? also this is such a shame Eri could of actually been a very good character who symbolised the traumatic events that victims of hero society faced and how young children could be kidnapped and exploited for powerful quirks however instead of getting anything like that we just get Eri BECOMING A TOOL FOR THE HEROES WHICH IS SOMETHING THAT SHE WAS Traumatised TO DO DUE TO OVERHAUL MAKING HER A TOOL FOR HIM AND NOTHING ELSE?!?!? talk about double standards. This is also making the Eri will rewind shigaraki into Tenko theory much more plausible and I hate that theory for so many reasons. However, it's either this or the theory that she will have to separate Izuku and shigaraki BECAUSE FOR SOME forsaken REASON THOSE TWO ARE SOMEHOW MERGING AND BECOMING THE SAME PERSON LIKE THAT MAKES ANY SENSE
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5) where did the damage that kudos quirk was supposed to do to shigaraki go? Is it me but I seriously don't see shigaraki getting any damaged or recoil from kudos quirk like I could see some of it from the last chapter where shigaraki was somewhat struggling but that's it nothing else. Shigaraki can now fight perfectly fine and isn't getting the recoil hit if a nuke something that izuku was suffering with the majority of the fight which just seems unfair at this point like?!?! Its also another example of how hori fails at show don't tell
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Seriously I still don't like the leaks but at least we got my girl hatsume and la brava that's the only good thing I can think about when it comes to these leaks.
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The mess hall/food fight scene in "Aftermath" is legit one of my favorite scenes of the entire show, mostly because we learn SO MUCH about the characters in 4 minutes:
- The initial conversation with Tech being dry and logical, Wrecker being loud (and none of his teammates even bat an eye at this), Crosshair being a man of few words but bringing the snark when he does speak, and Hunter primarily being concerned with rumors that are likely to impact his team.
- Then Omega joins the table, all of them are varying levels of confused, Tech and Hunter are the first to recover enough to engage with her, but while Crosshair is in the background pretending to be disinterested he is still listening in closely.
(Also I can't help but giggle at the increasing concern in Omega's voice when she tries to get them to recognize her - I can only imagine her thinking "I know about accelerated aging but I didn't think memory loss started THIS soon!")
- "You WANT to sit with us? That's never happened before." In the intro story we get a good idea that the Bad Batch members generally don't fit in well with the regs; but this one line makes it clear that the Bad Batch members have ALWAYS been outsiders, shunned by the other regs, and have only really ever had each other.
Then we get more in-depth with each individual character based on how they react to Soup Clone's insults and the fight:
- Omega understands what it is like to not fit in, she's determined to take the opportunities she has to be with the Batch, and she's loyal and feisty: she won't just sit back and let others insult her friends.
- Wrecker starts out having no idea what to make of Omega, but immediately backs her up after she confronts the reg, and when the reg insults her ("Know your place, lab scrapper") he's ready to throw hands food.
- Hunter was shown in the intro story to pretty much be the intermediary between the regs and his squad, and here his default is still to try to defuse the situation; but as soon as the fight turns physical, he doesn't think twice about hitting the clone that's rushing Hunter's squad.
- Tech sees a fight going down and just jumps right in, no hesitation at all about defending his team.
- Echo's exasperated "Oh, not again" cements him as one of the most level-headed members of the group and reinforces the idea that the Bad Batch and the regs are almost always at odds (also makes me wonder just how many times this sort of situation has happened in the few months Echo has been with the squad); but despite the fact that Echo was a reg, he is still loyal to his current squad and is willing to fight on their behalf.
- Crosshair is interesting, in that I think there's a subtle detail underlining the effect of the inhibitor chip even before it was intensified: in the intro story, Crosshair was definitely the most openly antagonistic toward the regs, but here he sits quietly and doesn't join in the fight... At least, not until someone messes with him directly - and then it's game over for the regs as far as he's concerned. (Also the fact that he takes out 2 regs in one go will never fail to make me laugh.)
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
This is MHA though.
AKA, the series of constant fakeouts. So I'm going to go on record and say that these recent manga events are done for shock value and will be reversed. If Tomura actually stays dead and Izuku ends the series quirkless and armless, I'll happily look like a clown.
I just find it impossible to believe that the same series that let Gran Torino survive a fist through his torso would kill the main villain and also permanently maim the protagonist. No. The general lack of lasting consequences in MHA doesn't vibe with this. Because Izuku failing to save Tomura makes him the biggest loser in Shonen history. This would be like if Sasuke got killed by Madara and stayed dead, and Naruto ended the series in a wheel chair after barely surviving having Kurama ripped from him. In a shonen, when you pledge to do something, it has to come to fruition. Especially if it's an end of series goal. So that's why I genuinely believe this'll be undone.
Because the alternative is a worse ending than any other shonen in recent history. Shoto can succeed at saving Dabi. Uraraka can succeed at saving Toga (I don't believe MHA would kill Toga, again, because of a lasting lack of consequences in this series) but Deku fails. Completely and utterly. Imagine if they just kill AFO while he's using Shigaraki's body. What makes this even worse is the fridge logic of a world where they simply wanted to kill the villains. If Izuku hadn't gotten yanked away from the fight by Toga. If everyone went for the kill from the start. We have a "better" outcome in that fewer people got hurt or injured. Is that the message? That we should just kill our enemies, and that the product of a flawed society and failed social safety nets should be taken out back and shot like a rabid dog?
That's also an ending where they'd learn absolutely nothing and would ensure this probably happens again 20 years from now, except worse given the number of singularity quirks that will be running around. On a side note, you wanna know a practical reason for why they shouldn't ever kill Tomura? Because if he can be convinced to stop, he could go around and harvest dangerous quirks from people in the future, and thus save everyone. The quirk singularity isn't that big of a deal when we have someone who already has a singularity body and also can give and take quirks. He becomes a repository of all the powers that would destroy humanity in the future. Tomura is a very neat and tidy solution to a problem the heroes haven't put any effort into understanding or solving. It's an issue that we have definitive proof is a thing, and Deku can't punch it out. For utilitarian reasons, Tomura must live. What's a few of the hundred lives he's taken vs the entire world? They legit don't have any other answer.
Maybe. But even if it is for shock value and they undo everything, that's worse than it happening in the first place for me. Because then it was for nothing. I'd rather Horikoshi make a decision and stick to it, not just in this case but in general. Even if Izuku being armless and Tomura being dead is the last thing I want, him reversing it and putting them through that for nothing feels even worse.
(Also, this is Izuku and Tomura we're talking about. Horikoshi hates them I can definitely see him giving them a bad ending)
And no one in MHA- especially the so called geniuses- is smart enough to actually use him as a solution. Haven't they already decided it's better for him to die? Even if Izuku does manage to save him, he'll get locked away immediately.
It's a lose-lose situation
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hopeymchope · 6 months
(Yeah I probably misread something)
There is something I am curious about that I wanted to share with you
If I remember correctly (please correct me if I am wrong here) in the answer yukari becomes more antagonistic towards Aigis because she’s heartbroken over makoto’s death because she lost the guy she loves
One thing I want to bring up is in the kotone route some of the ship tease scenes with yukari are replaced with akihiko and as we all know all yukari’s scenes with kotone are mostly platonic along with her feelings so I doubt if there was a kotone version of the answer yukari would take it as bad as she did(not saying she wouldn’t but not as hard is all I’m saying)
So if we had a kotone version of the answer who would take yukari’s place
(Personally I’m leaning towards akihiko)
Yukari is antagonistic in "The Answer" because she wants to bring Makoto back to life regardless of what it would mean. From what I can recall (and this might be a little off the mark), they'd have to redo the battle against Nyx to try and destroy it completely OR they'd have to remove Makoto from his service the Great Seal to protect all life from Nyx — thereby endangering the world. But Yukari's so desperate to see him again that she (along with Mitsuru - who sides with Yukari for reasons left unstated) winds up fighting new protag Aigis (and whoever is with her party by then).
It's not explicitly stated to be romantic, but her desperate desire to see him even if it undoes the entire point of his sacrifice (...that he didn't fuckin' know he was making, I should note) definitely comes off that way IMO — regardless of whether you choose to believe Makoto returned those affections. After all, Junpei even compares it to how he'd feel if he could go back and save Chidori (which is sure an interesting bit of dialogue given that her survival seems to be canon in P4A). I guess you could argue that it's at least up to interpretation whether Yukari's feelings were a romantic love or something just intensely platonic.
The easiest and most logical answer here is to just say "Yukari gets that role in any version of The Answer." So whether that makes her bisexually in love with Kotone or just very emotionally attached to Kotone as part of her found family, she should probably remain the person who fights against keeping them gone, because that's just her character and because it reduces the amount of work a dev team would undertake.
But let's say we want to do something more radical and ensure that the person who fights back is a potential love interest with a legit romantic hangup on the protagonist. When you look at Kotone's potential love interests — Ahihiko, Theodore, Ryoji, Aigis, and even fucking Ken — who among them seems most likely to be so messed up over a (theoretical) Kotone death that they'd be willing to undo the purpose of her sacrifice for the chance to see her once more?
There are really only two options, because (A) Aigis is the lead protagonist of 'The Answer' and pre-determined to take the side of maintaining his sacrifice. (B) The velvet room attendants are established to be on the side of maintaining the sacrificer... although we do learn in Persona 4 Arena that Elizabeth leaves the Velvet Room to go on a quest to destroy Nyx and thereby release Makoto from being stuck as the seal, returning him to life. Maybe Theo could do the same in the Kotoneverse? (C) Ryuji is off the table for obvious reasons related to his identity.
That leaves just Akihiko and Ken. Akihiko would be a really dramatic interesting route to go, and I think I'd honestly prefer it? Because to see someone with his level of determination get so undone would be REALLY intense. But... I also admit that Kotone's worst romance option is the one that makes the most sense.
Because like I said, jst because The Answer strongly supports the idea that Yukari loves Makoto doesn't mean it ALSO supports the idea that they were canonically together. I will never support the idea that Kotone had any canonical feelings towards Ken, but regardless of that, I still feel like Ken is the obvious pick to take up Yukari's role as the one who has trouble accepting that Kotone's truly gone. It's easy to imagine him as the character who is nursing an unrequited love that's THAT hardcore, leaving him to take up his weapon against the squad.
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
Your CC Warfare fic legit had me stressing out so bad I thought I was feeling a genuinely new emotion, lol. That whole thing was like a really bad car crash: it's terrible what happened, but you can't look away. If Strongarm had just said nothing, she would've avoided putting her foot in her mouth and getting in trouble. With how tense everything was, I see no reason why she would jump in. I understand she was trying to help Sideswipe out of that situation, but she did it in like the complete opposite direction! She should've reared him in, not back him up. She said it herself that they were war veterans. Though, I suppose that's easier said. Strongarm may be intelligible of the war records and Autobot law, but truthfully, plain intelligence pales in the face of wisdom and actual experience. Intelligence says: this war could've easily been won because of xyz. Wisdom and experience say completely otherwise. And I guess that is one of the points Optimus is trying to make: that Strongarm and Sideswipe do not have the wisdom or experience to understand exactly why things played out the way they did. I have the feeling the two simply looked at the war records itself and not any history that came before, especially Optimus' involvement with Megatron's revolution. I don't know if that would make much of a difference for Sideswipe tbh but I think Strongarm would be able to see just a little why Optimus couldn't outright kill Megatron in the beginning like Sideswipe said he should've. Even so, going back to the records itself , it won't contain legitimately every single thing that happened. It probably only recorded decisive battles and notable events. Billions of people were involved, and with that many variables, it would be impossible to say that the war could've been won if only Optimus did something sooner. WHICH BY THE WAY MAKES THIS SO MUCH WORSE. Sideswipe (and by extension Strongarm) is basically saying that Optimus is personally responsible for dragging on an intergalactic war just because he didn't off one guy as if the most wicked bots in the face of existence werent out there making lives worse on purpose under the cover of the war and would help stretch it to continue their sick actions. As if there weren't a hundred other Megatrons ready to continue the war themselves the moment Megatron died. If I could write an essay on every reason why the war dragged on, I'll be writing until I die and never come close to finishing. Even within the small game Optimus planned there are obvious reasons why it wouldn't be a quick or easy victory if they even win: limited number of fighters (no guarantee they'd hit the max min bc rallying people to fight is difficult), no details until they got to Helex (you're not always going to know what your goal is when being sent out to fight), no resources from the state (war is expensive and getting funding is difficult). So imagine that plus way more reasons plus on a planetary scale. The scope is simply unfathomable. Anyways, I think this comment has gone on long enough lol. Excellent work as always and I'm excited but also incredibly nervous to see how this all plays out. Take care!
This whole fic is one giant show. Optimus wants the idiots under Bee's control to LEARN. You've already picked up the logical reasoning behind the rules he's laid down so far. And let me tell you, its only going to get more complicated. War is a difficult and unpredictable thing. Optimus is going to make that as real as possible in this non-lethal scenario.
Is it overkill? Maybe. But if even those serving under Bumblebee don't have the barest inkling of the truth? It hints at a FAR larger problem. I am going to have so much fun writing this thing. I want to get a few chapters stockpiled and then I will post them on Ao3 and continue there :3
Thank you for enjoying my writing and giving this lovely analysis. This sort of things makes my dad and encourages me to write more.
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justatalkingface · 1 year
Unsure if I mentioned this here but I do think Izu and Shig backstory dont make whole lot sense.
Izu wants to be a hero bc...bc why not? I know you said how he may he brainwashed to propaganda but the thing is we dont know for fact. Yes, Izu saw one video of Am saving everyone but thanks to Hori...it seems only Izu is a fan of AM.
And he was abused for no reason. Now, I like heroes who come.from the bottom and work their way up but usually it has a sense, a logic here. For example. Naruto wants to be a hokage but the village hates him bc of the ninetail fox who is sealed in him. Its works as to explain people in the village dont like him and why he wants to be hokage.
Izu wants to be hero bc.....who knows?
Izu is abused bc .....why not?
Shig is the villain of the story. Was taken by afo and trained to be a big deal...except not. Afo gives 0 fucks about shig and seems to loathe Nana for some reason and he ignores Shig.
He let Shig lives in a bar(a seedy one) and we, as a reader dont get Shig. He speaks "I will end all the heroes" but we see him chilling and gamming. Why? Why not?!
He gets an army out of nowhere.
He has no real conviction and all he has is a sad backstory (which I think it is lazy) and a cool power.
Thats it.
I do see Shig in canon as a npc who waits for afo to follow instructions. The part I say it makes no sense is why Shig obeys afo and why he is so dead set in destroy all heroes. Why?
Why not?
And he has no real developement same as Izu but the villain stans love to pick fights with others fandoms to say "Shig is the most complex character ever"
(Legit! I'm not making this one up. Some fans do picked up with the JJK fandom bc of the Shig's speech in the war that was aired at the same volume as a character from JJK who made a speech akin to "I care for my friends")
Izuku wants to be a hero because a mess of things: part of it is he simply wants to help people. Part of it is that he wants acknowledgement from others, to be deemed as 'worthy'. I'd bet actual money that there's more than a few dreams of just being strong for once in his life there as well, as compared to feeling weak all the time, because the costumes we saw in his notebook were as much fantasy (all All Might, all the time!) than anything realistic.
All of these things are things that can be achieved outside of heroism, true, but there is where the propaganda kicks in (along with more than a little learned helplessness, more fantasizing, and so on): Izuku thinks, emotionally, that being a hero is the only way he can achieve them.
It's interesting, because that first chapter shows him putting aside those dreams, so he's intellectually aware of the impossibility of them, among other things, and since he's not an idiot he probably realizes that he can save people without being All Might, but it's clear that's settling for him all the same, and on some instinctive level those facts aren't clicking for him.
In all honesty, Early Izuku's dream of being a hero is just that: a dream. Something unrealistic, something that isn't going to happen.
(And, yes, I realized that with what we've seen of heroism for most of the story, a Quirkless person could actually perform all the various heroic duties as well as most Quirked individuals; that's not the point. The main reason he can't is the systematic prejudices about the Quirkless and heroes that say that they can't, to the point where such a thing is literally unpreceded. On top of that, said prejudices have been used to beat down Izuku so damn hard that he doesn't have the guts to actually try for it, which, again, isn't actually his fault; when the world tell you, 'fuck you for living', over and over and over and over again it makes it hard to do anything, but if Izuku was actually trying for heroism in a real way, he would have been in a lot better shape then he was at the start of canon.)
It's something he realizes, but the point of Izuku's dream of being a hero, for Izuku, isn't about achieving it, per say, it's about getting through the day. It's the fantasy he falls back on when his life is shit and horror and he has no real hope left, that dream of being a hero, of standing next to the greatest of all, All Might! It's not a goal, it's a mental escape.
All of this, of course, rapidly gets complicated for him when he meets the real All Might, who in the span of a few hours both destroys and then reaffirms said dream.
Shigaraki, on the other hand, is a completely different animal. It was complicated, at first, since we didn't actually know what AFO's end game was with him; he did seem to be pushing for him to be an actual successor there for awhile, and him ending up as insane all-destroyer if said plan failed probably amused AFO as a sort of back-up plan.
The thing is with Tomura, though, is he was never meant to actually stand on his own two feet and be a villain properly; he was there there to be AFO's vessel, with some snazzy upgrades. Thematically, he's supposed to exact opposite of Pinnochio: rather than a puppet raised to be a real boy, he's a real boy raised to be a puppet.
The reason why he's kind of a clusterfuck of a person, why he doesn't seem to know how to function normally, why he doesn't earn so many of the things he has rather than having them all handed to him, is because doing all those things right, achieving them, means he'd have a stronger sense of self, a will, a foundation to stand on as a person and a human being.
All For One doesn't want that; he doesn't actually want an heir, he wants an NPC, one who will mindlessly say, 'Yes, Sensei', and hand his body over when the time comes.
For almost the entire story, AFO has kept him in a very controlled environment, feeding him only the information he wants to grow his hate, strong and yet unfocused.... and this, admittedly, is where his plan's logic falls apart, because honestly the idea of, 'If I hate hard enough I can hoover up OFA' is kind of nuts in and of itself, and the idea this guy can no longer feel real emotions is a both a cop out and also nuts, but that is the stated logic of the plan.
I cheerfully ignore late-game stuff for my meta when it feels right, because so much of it is bad, but I'm keeping it here because it puts Tomura's entire situation in perspective in a needed way; I've never felt AFO raising him as his actual heir makes sense because, as you've pointed out, Tomura's situation is fucked up and ineffective for just about anything other than random violence and murder, much less a criminal overlord to rule over all crime and bring down society. His raising doesn't work for that... but at the same time, he also put a lot of work into developing Tomura emotionally, which, for a future vessel that he's supposed to inhabit, sounds.... unideal, to say the least. Giving your future body ideas is exactly the reason AFO is in the situation he's in in canon, after all, so it made me wonder; is he actually going to be his heir? Is this not a trick after all?
Trying to figure out what he/Hori was going for with Tomura is something that frustrated me with MHA for the longest time, you can't even imagine.
But, if he has a reason for that, it clicks: the idea behind how convoluted and bizarre Tomura's situation is is that AFO is threading that line; he needs that raw emotion, he needs it to be grown and to fester in on itself, so he can get OFA, which is something he apparently wants so damn bad he's willing to risk control of his future body over (and yet doesn't count for the emotional requirements...? Honestly, this shit sounds like something the Sith would do in Star Wars (and we know he loves Star Wars) (...or maybe Kingdom Hearts; this honestly gives me some real Terra and Xehanort vibes, if done by a fucking amateur), but Hori is trying to explain why the hate is needed without the Force... badly), but he needs a hate that's hollow, so there's no resistance to him.
Think of Tomura like... a bonsai. A bonsai is a fundamentally unnatural thing for a tree to be, but with careful, careful nurturing, and a lot of time and patience, you can get this tiny tree in a shape no real tree would ever grow into. There's no natural way to have a body that is both strong enough in desire to get OFA and pliable enough to be used to house AFO's mind, so AFO decided to make one instead, carefully growing and neutering him, while making sure he stayed within his designs.
TLDR: the whole point of Tomura's everything is he wasn't actually raised to be a person, he was raised to be a mass of unfocused resentment in the shape of a person (which is why I'm inclined to give him a break the way I do no other villain when it comes to questions like, why don't you do literally anything else to achieve your goals, or why don't you approach things from a less aggressive angle, and so on: the man literally doesn't have any context for that kind of thing.)
(I'm going to digress a little here, because I've complained about how late-game Tomura worked, and yet here, I'm saying that it makes sense. Well, that's the thing: broadly, it works. But, with so many things, both in general and in MHA, the devil is in the details.
If the overall goal was always to make Tomura a vessel, than literally his entire arc after AFO's fall, until the War, doesn't make sense, because he was guided into all these situations, left alone to have confrontations and challenges, often in a controlled kind of way... but the thing is, all of those things helped him grow as a person. This is, remember, the exact thing AFO didn't want, and presumably Garaki knew about that.
This begs the question, then: why did it happen? Why did Garaki lead him to fight again Gigantomachia? Why did Tomura have all this time to roam about on his own, largely unsupervised beyond some doctor given objectives, if they didn't want him getting those pesky ideas?
If the goal was to give him hate, give him a stronger body, then yeet AFO into him, then after AFO fell they should have made plans to do that shit right the fuck then. If he needed to be stronger physically, rather than fighting a giant to get a minion, and again, being out and about, lock him in a training room somewhere and say, 'AFO said so'.
Tomura's situation before AFO fell makes sense for the Hate Vessel idea, mostly. Tomura's situation after AFO falls makes sense for the Heir concept. The fact they did development for the heir idea, only to pivot back into the vessel concept out of nowhere, is why it works so badly for me; they developed his story in the wrong way for that to make sense.)
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I will say I’m glad there is a balance of crazy because I ventured into the real blogs territory and it’s wild. They claim there was supposed to be some article about her and Chris in a new house last year that obviously never happened. Since his home has recently got on market, they now use this to claim with boldness that she’s pregnant and they are living in some house in NY or another part of Mass. yet we all know the troll and her friends are in Portugal. The real blogs have gotten fed info from a “source” or numerous sources since and before the wedding thus them switching from pr to real and let me tell you, they’ve been using said inaccurate info to rant and scream how this is legit and ignoring all the obvious holes everyone else points out. The only thing they’ve seem to have gotten right is the “marriage” taken place, but even then it doesn’t add up and why after decades of Chris being private and no one knowing his personal business would a fan blog get fed info at all, that’s eye opening, almost as if they need to prove the so called “weddings” actually happened because they didn’t. So if the crazy pr blogs sole purpose for being here is to show the crazy right back to them (not that I approve of either crazy), but like that other anon said…..let them fight. I’ll gladly sit back and watch to see who ultimately ends up being right.
I understand he says he’s married, I’ve seen the ring, but there is way too much logical evidence that suggests the complete opposite. 🤷🏻‍♀️ if this were real why are there so many questions with valid reason for questioning?
So yeah, not my business but once racism left me questioning what type of person he is based on who he chose to associate with, I’m here to really know what’s what and if I should continue to support him or not, it’s been on hold for the past few years. Haven’t watched most of his recent stuff for this very reason. Also I see his actions and it seems he’s just going through the motions. Something is obviously going on and I refuse to believe this man isn’t aware of this mess. The VF videos told the truth, they can try to sell whatever this is, but Chris we aren’t slow. 🧠
honestly i can't keep up with most of these blogs and don't really give it much effort. most everything i know comes from anons keeping me up to date. this sounds like frantic spinning of yarn in order to try to cover up some mislocated trolling?
i think many people are sticking with the story for similar reasons, anon. wanting to see what/how/when it ends. everyone is trying to gauge their investments when it comes to celebs and content and i fully support that.
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mental-mona · 11 months
Legit criticism of Israel vs. antisemitism: questions to ask yourself
What is antisemitism? | IHRA (holocaustremembrance.com) Let's start here. Does whatever you're saying, writing, or drawing go against the basic definition laid out here, or clearly fall into one of the examples given? If it does, you should almost certainly rethink your statement completely; even though this definition isn't legally binding, it's still a pretty darn good metric.
If you replace the word "Zionists/Israelis" in your statement with "Jews," does it sound antisemitic? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, even if it's wearing a dog costume. Your statement is antisemitic; please rethink it and probably also your general attitude.
Are you questioning Israel's right to exist? Sorry, antisemitic again, except maybe if you also question the rights of other religious and/or ethnic groups to their homelands. Jews have an archaeologically confirmed, continuous history in Israel going back 3000 years; they're not some random colonial upstarts. If you want to see former Soviet countries each stay independent and/or Tibet and Taiwan gain freedom from China, you don't get to turn around and claim that specifically Jews aren't allowed to have a homeland.
Are you implying that all Jews are responsible for things happening in Israel? If so, this is antisemitic. Diaspora Jews don't have much if any influence over Israeli politics, and plenty of them disagree with various Israeli policies and politicians. The word "Jews" simply refers to an ethnoreligious group with tons of variation in beliefs and practices, not some kind of powerful monolith. If you don't blame Chinese immigrants for the genocide of Uyghurs or all Muslims for Islamist terrorism, you don't get to blame all Jews for whatever's going on in Israel.
Do you view all Israelis as legitimate military targets for rockets & attacks? Even if you're going with the theory that they're all culpable because they all served in the military, you're still way off base. 1) They don't actually all serve in the army, and 2) by that logic, all veterans in your country are legitimate targets for nationalistic attacks. I'm pretty sure you don't think that. Also, you're forgetting about children and foreign workers; there are few if any places on Earth where those would be considered legitimate military targets. Rockets, bombs, and bullets don't discriminate in who they hit. There have even been cases, including in the current war, where they've harmed Israeli Arabs!
Do you have double standards? If your response to a resistance group, underdog or not, attacking civilians in another country is "that's bad" but your response to Palestinians attacking Israeli civilians is "it's complicated," or worse, "they deserve it," then you need to take a step back and ponder why you think that. It's once again antisemitic. If you believe that all resistance including harming civilians is valid in every region, no exceptions, then that would at least be consistent and therefore not antisemitic. If you think that Israel should just absorb the rocket fire and recent butchery without fighting back, would you say the same for your own country if it had a small neighbor shooting missiles at its major cities, especially if members of a leading faction in that country crossed the border and slaughtered your fellow citizens? If you don't think your country or other countries should just take it, anti-missile defenses or no, then you shouldn't expect it of Israel. Still antisemitic.
Are you viewing Israelis as a monolith? Israelis' views run the gamut on almost every issue you can think of. Just like there are differences of opinion regarding political, religious, and general societal issues in your home country, there are such differences in Israel. Heck, depending on your home country, Israelis' range of beliefs might even be broader than what you're used to! Unless you're affectionately joking about Israeli culture in the same way that you'd joke about American or British or whatever other country's cultural stereotypes, tarring all Israelis with the same brush is not a good idea. Taking a mean, "these people all believe/do objectively awful things" tone is downright antisemitic.
Are you confusing Israel's general population with its government? This should go without saying, but a government policy will never reflect the approval of all or even necessarily the majority of its citizens. There were ongoing mass protests for the better part of a year over the current coalition's controversial "judicial reform!" Just because you don't like something a particular group of politicians has decided doesn't mean that all Israelis agree with that thing and are therefore Bad.  If you wouldn't blame all of your government's unfortunate policies on your country's population as a whole, you don't get to blame all of Israel's. Also, please bear in mind that Israelis vote for parties not people, and then each party's leadership assigns members to the Knesset as it sees fit based on the number of seats it won. A voter can like a party in general, but then be horrified at what some of its members unexpectedly say or do later down the line.
Are you criticizing a specific Israeli government policy or action? If you're doing so without falling into "all Israelis are evil" canards or conspiracy theories, then criticize it all you want! That's the whole point of what you should be doing if you object to something! Feel free to put Israel on blast about how it shouldn't destroy terrorists' homes, or needs to make a nondenominational egalitarian prayer area at the Western Wall, or should handle ultra-Orthodox Jews differently, or needs to let humanitarian aid into Gaza, or whatever it is that's bugging you. Feel free to scream about a specific military incident, or warn Israel against repeating the mistakes of 9/11. If you'd say it about a similar thing your country did or is doing, it's probably fair game to say about Israel.
Are you criticizing a specific Israeli politician? Again, this is totally fair! Feel free to post about how a politician is corrupt and horrible and really needs to leave politics and hopefully face legal consequences. Feel free to express skepticism that a politician will do what they say they will, or that they actually have anyone's best interest in mind besides their own, or that they even have a decent idea of how to do their job. If you'd say it about your own country's politicians and it's not a conspiracy theory about them, the criticism is fine to lodge about Israeli politicians.
Are you criticizing a specific aspect of Israeli politics? You're welcome to say that Israel's current Knesset makeup is messed up, or that the ruling coalition has serious viability issues, or even that something about the whole Israeli political system is deeply flawed. Again, if you'd criticize your own country's equivalent without going into wild conspiracy theories, it's fair game to criticize Israel for it. However, I will point out that it's generally a good idea to know more about a country's political system than an average current events article tells you before you criticize it.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I'd love to know your thoughts on member dynamics during any Jikook dust ups over the years. Note: I believe Jimin is the original OT7er, and I agree with you that he probably put the group's needs ahead of their relationship. Every relationship has growing pains, though. Anyway, I tend to think Tae would side with whoever he thought was right in that moment. He definitely didn't like JK's tendency to be possessive of Jimin's time, in my opinion, and I think all the members probably checked JK on that at some point. I flip back and forth with Hobi b/c I think he's a peacemaker and probably wouldn't take sides. I'm not sure about Namjoon and Jin. Namjoon, being leader, I don't think he'd pick sides, but he did push back on JK's possessiveness in terms of skinship. I think Suga wouldn't give a flip.
Added bonus: this edit which I find funny though I haven't seen the original interaction to see where the creator took liberties, if any. I've seen Tkkrs use this clip as a "hey, Taekook approves of Yoonmin" moment, but, LOL, how? To me it reads more like Tae acting as a Jeon satellite assistant moment. Anyway, it's a cute edit. (I'm getting that error message that it's not a complete link.)
Oh no. Couldn't get the link 😪
Tarheeeeeeel. This is one hell of a question. But since you didn't say a break up i think it's quite easy. I believe all the members would listen to both sides and support the one they think is right. It wouldn't be about Jimin or JK it would be about reason. I think the Tannies are adult and mature enough to do this. So that's my answer. They would go by logic. And I can see RM and Jhope not even picking sides but rather talking to them and trying to get to the root of the issue.
So All would go by logic.
Except Suga.
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U knew this was coming. C'mon. I don't even think Suga needs a reason; he is supporting Jimin no matter what.
Listen. Yoonkook are not close. 🤭🤭 How many ships are there in BTS? 22? 24? And out of all of them I would put Yoonkook at the bottom. Whatever number is last that's where I'm putting Yoonkook.
Disclaimer: Suga and JK love eo like all members love eo. At no point should you think I'm insinuating otherwise while you read this post.
But yeah. If I was to rate JK's ships I would put Yoonkook last. If we thought tkk was boring as a unit what about ykk? We all watched Irish bomb, come on now. There ain't no chemistry there either. This TT i shared here i would swap Tkk for Ykk. I mean, we talked about GCF Helsinki and Suga is the only one who remained dull and uncoloured.
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And you know what? I don't blame JK. If someone kept looking at my boyfriend's ass and drooling over him plus checking him out when he showed a little skin, he wouldn't be my favourite member either. 🤷🏽‍♀️
So that's which side members are taking when Jikook fight or argue. I wanna talk about if God forbid there was a break up. Simply because I wanna hear what you guys think also.
So if Jikook were over (not gonna happen but if they were) and it wasn't amicable and members were forced to choose sides,
Let's start from the top. Who gets RM during the divorce? What do we know about RM and Jikook? We know Jimin is his confidant. We know he goes to Jimin when he's stuck and doesn't know the way forward. We know he and Jimin are always having heavy in depth talks and Jimin is always there for him. So I think Jimin gets RM during the divorce. Minimoni are legit.
Jin. We know after Jimin, JK is closest to Jin. The oldest member basically raised him. JK is Jin's baby y'all.❤ Tom and Jerry, they get along splendidly and there is never a dull moment when Jinkook are together. Even though Jimin has been there for Jin emotionally too, I personally think JK gets Jin in the divorce.
Suga. Do I need to say it? 😂😂 This dude is a no brainer. Of course Jimin gets Suga during the divorce.
Jhope. Another no brainer. This is Jimin's person. His best friend. His soulmate. His roommate for life. He knows where all the bodies are buried, Jimin trusts him explicitly. When JK messes up Jhope cannot wait to tell Jimin so yeah, I think we know who's side he would be on. 😂
Last but not least, V. Hmm... Kim Taehyung is a wild card. With him,
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If you had asked me this before recent developments, I would have said Jimin gets V in the divorce. Easy. But now? Now Idk. He could be team Jimin, could be team JK, could refuse to pick a side and go wooga squad away. Who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️ As it stands I just dk who V would choose. Would love to hear y'alls thoughts though...
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simcatcher-ts2 · 2 days
In a nutshell:
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i forgot to turn jaloosy off (oops, my bad!) so ACR let Timu flirt with Vhra right in front of Iva. let's say she made it right right away, and Timu's cheek will keep an everlasting memory of that moment.
-also i checked if Vhra was interested in woohooing him, given the circumstances, turns out she's not, proof top right of the screen. lmao basically he's all yours Iva you can keep him!-
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Poor kids (Iva ans Timu's twins from legit 8 years ago) couldn't bear the sight of their parents fighting. Jealousy's off now though.
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That's some hard, unprocessed feelings over there.
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'Oh hey there, pretty. don't mind my woman over there yeah? Hello.'
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i just had to make it right and cheat, because... technically they're not married and that's where i usually draw the line. makes you think, the sims making it legit to throw a tantrum (and a pair of slaps) at your crush for cheating on you.
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Iva still had to go hunting to clear her head though.
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She left as Rhan came back, empty-handed but in a good mood from that body point she gained. Yay girl!
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Iva gone, Timu gave in to temptation, giving way to a -very glitchy- woohoo session.
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That's how you do it!... Or is it?...
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at least one of them has a big smile plastered on their face.
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uh oh!
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conveniently enough, Iva arrived a minute after the deed was done- and because silly me only turned jealousy down a fair while later, i can proudly say she's just the same amount of mad as she was when she left! Also she came back empty-handed too.
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i have to learn what to do with kids when they're home all day cause... i'm not used to having them around at all times. The painter's Hapu, btw, and the other's Kiya. I like to emphasize that they both were born in game 8 years ago, which makes them 8 irl, which is not too far from their ingame age. Pardon my ramble i should go to bed.
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All my - and their- energy was then directed on: fixing their feelingsTM. And!... tadaa!
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aaand she didn't turn that hug down. good thing, i thought!
Why am i so shallow. The whole household was starving out, think i'm in need for a priority check. Once these two made peace i realized removing the social worker was an excellent idea. All needs in red and all, kids and grownups alike.
i, humble simgod, had to take action.
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So i took Vhra to the Gatherer's Garden -or whatever i named this lot- so she could fill her pockets with berries and/or vegetables and legit save her clan from starvation, thanks to the great mods at the PlumbobKeep! Bestest of plan.
ô genuine, demure me. Of course nothing was yet harvestable, but because i am indeed resourceful, i had her fish the night away.
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She caught 3, fell a couple times and all of a sudden, it was 5am.
When she's back home it'll be 9PM of the previous day, thanks to game logic >:) I sure would make a good use of these few hours. Feeding my starving family, for starters.
Que nenni. Totally forgot i had this mod installed, so the sims would get back home at the exact time they left the community lot.
I had a popup telling me sth along the lines of, 'Vhra is due at home in 9h' and i was like qué? she preggers??! did i miss more than just a cheek caress? (that'd tote justify Iva's burst in my book)
Turns out she was not (that i know of at last), and there would be no sight of Vhra for the next 9h. SO the household was basically left to starve, to death. To think Vhra had not less than 3 fishes in her pockets... sigh.
To kill time, i bought a fruit each (cheaaaatttt i knowwww well i'm just getting used to playing again ok? what if they were all dead, would that make you happy? Me, NO) and saved the day.
So, to kill time... >;)
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Well she REJECTED him! after all the cheating and resetting i put them through to save their relationship- well actually THAT'S ON YOU TIMU! You unfaithful piece of pixel.
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So that's when the game crashed.
See you next ;)
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clueless-fan-critic · 2 months
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Deadpool and Wolverine: Fox's Marvelous Weapons for the MCU
Okay. This movie was made as a cash grab for Deadpool and Wolverine fans. And it's exactly what we all hoped for!!!
These two characters are the most iconic superheroes that FOX has ever greenlit and now they can finally work together as a team... sort off... if you ignore continuity... or not... But it's still pretty great huh?
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Moving on...
Let's not beat around the bush and say this isn't technically our Deadpool and Wolverine because of the Multiverse complexity. Like the last time we saw Deadpool, he was time-traveling willy-nilly, not caring about continuity. And Wolverine, well, uhh... he died as an old man. So clearly, the movie is gonna explain this or straight up ignore it.
Honestly, I'm just happy that Deadpool and Wolverine are back in this new adventure from FOX to the MCU with a lot of violence for everyone to enjoy.
Deadpool, Deadpool, What'chu Gonna Do?
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We start in the typical Deadpool-style of movie openings: fourth wall breaking, references, and inappropriately awesome lines and fights. The most morbid and hilarious part of the scene was Deadpool digging up Logan's very clearly dead skeleton and using it as a weapon against the TVA agents. But it's those "let's rewind" parts of a movie where the character explains how they got to the point we saw.
The plot is Deadpool feeling he has no purpose and gives up his life as a superhero (but not before reversing time, saving everyone, and leaving things in Deadpool 2 up in the air like where Cable is). He then gets captured by the TVA as his universe will die off because of Logan's death as Logan was an Anchor Being that kept it alive. Deadpool attempts to find another Wolverine to become an Anchor Being, ending up with "the Worst Wolverine." We then go through this journey of self-actualization as Deadpool and Wolverine fight to make themselves matter no matter what the TVA says.
I honestly loved the movie! It felt exactly like the previous Deadpool films without being repetitive and actually elevated and explored Deadpool's character even further. Even if you never seen Loki, it's not needed to quickly understand what's happening: Deadpool is part of MCU or "Sacred Timeline."
The Cameos... Oh, the Cameos!!!
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Cameos in this movie not only feel natural to both the story and its in-universe logic, but also satisfies strong nostalgia feels and references galore. Deadpool's trip to find a new anchor shows up various Wolverines from different comic storylines. Even showing us height-accurate Wolverine, Wolverine vs Hulk, and one played by Henry Cavil minus CGI lips.
There are even cameos from past Fox/Marvel properties. Thus, Jennifer Garner's Elektra and Wesley Snipes' Blade return. Because the setting is the Void, a multiversal Mad Max-style world, it makes sense they would be here. Even Chris Evans reprises his role as Johnny Storm/Human Torch. Only to get defeated, humiliated, and killed within a couple of minutes. The cameo characters also drive the plot where it needs to be, especially X-23 who has a convo with Wolverine about being always the wrong person, but always showing up when it counts.
People will argue that this serves as forced fan service, but Deadpool was always a fan servicey character since his first legit movie. But actually seeing Mutants in the MCU has really got my ideas pumping for what might come in the future.
Mutant Saga Begins
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It's quite possible that Deadpool and Wolverine will return in some way, shape, or form to explore the MCU's take of Mutants and the X-Men. Sure, Cassandra Nova won't be coming back, but there are plenty of villains to pit against the X-Men.
The Krakoa Era may definitely be the answer to revamping the X-Men in the MCU, acting more as heroes to mutants and villains to the heroes we've known.
Here's to hoping Disney and Marvel get the idea that we want movies which care about the audience instead of pumping them until they're full.
What I Hope...
Honestly, as a fan of superheroes and an off-and-on MCU fan, I had a lot of doubts about the sheer complexity and magnitude the MCU must deal with. But watching Deadpool and Wolverine actually made me go back to that point where superhero movies felt fresh and exciting. I really hope they do movies like this in the future.
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minalblood · 2 years
Ok so my brain decided to deepen its own damage last night as I was rewatching The Winchesters (season 1) finale so buckle up it’s a long one fellas.
So I was listening and when I heard Keep on Rambling come on during the bar scene with Joan, my mind went huh, I wonder where this is placed in the album. So I went and checked. Mainly I was curious cuz usually an album tells a story and Jensen made it pretty clear that unlike the previous two albums where they were just trying shit out, this one was meant to be more consistent and have a clear throughline. So as I said, I checked.
It’s the 6th song btw, the 1st of the 2nd half of the album. I kind lost it after that tbh. Let me explain why ok:
So if we go by the logic that the album tells a story and we tie it to Dean (and destiel cuz duh tbh) we have this shit happening: Right Kind of Trouble - you can tie this to SPN directly, this is Dean realizing that Cas is basically it for him despite the constant fights they’ve been having and more so allowing himself to acknowledge that. Basically this is the Purgatory apology. Like legit this song is to me what Dean really wanted to tell Cas, that Cas didn’t allow him to. This is a love confession itself, one that says I know I fucked up, but If you give me a chance again I will do so much better cuz you’re it for me, we match. Like look at this shit guys:
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Like this is pure divorce era Deancas and you can’t tell me otherwise, but more specifically, Dean thoughts as he eventually apologized in 15x09 The Trap.
Then we got Forever ain’t Long. This for me can of course still be about the divorce era, sure, but more so it feels like 15x18 Despair and regretting having gotten to this point and now it being too late to change anything cuz Cas is dead. Like how much clearer can it be? Like it’s literally a plea for time to turn back and for the relationship to go back to being as it was before all the mess Chuck and just the divorce era caused, but cannot since Cas is dead (Take me forever/forever ain’t long). And also, just this song screams Despair to me, it’s one of the saddest ones on the whole album, it reeks of grief. And it’s a direct call for Cas with the heaven line off the bat:
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Also this part? This is mindspace for sobbing on the floor and 15x19 vibes for me.
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Next is Every Light, the ultimate Dean song right? Well specifically this ties into 15x19 - telling Chuck he can just have his ending, just bring Cas back - and more importantly, and it’s also something I think we all heard, it’s about what shall not be named, the fucking 15x20 finale. I don’t need to bang on too much here but like, it’s even more than that. Because with TW 1x13 we find out he decided to stray from heaven while we were still mid ep 15x20 which means these are him going, hey I need to do sth about this, I need to figure out what’s wrong here, make sense of it and make it right cuz fuck this, I ain’t just taking this shit hand I’ve been given. Like I could literally put the whole song here but like imma put just some:
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This is pure intergenerational trauma banging around in his head.
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Ain’t no telling is next on the list and this is now heading into Winchester territory a bit, but not quite fully there. I see it as a continuation of the above aka I don’t want to go, but now that I’m gone and it’s not good, why is it not good, who am I after all, does anyone really know and does it really matter? And by anyone I do mean Cas tbh cuz like yea, it would make sense. The song literally says hey, you love me through all of it, despite me not always being sure who tf I am or how far away from each other we are, but we are still going to take advantage of every second we have. Basically this to me feels like a retrospective of the divorce arc put into context by the confession and this restlessness and need to find something Dean gets while in heaven. Like the 1st verse if soooo Dean I just can’t.
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Ok now we get into shady waters a bit because You make me Blue is a bit of an outlier tbh, which considering I think this was written just by Steve, it makes sense, buuut I can still fit it in here seamlessly like this: this is sung to Chuck. This is the realization or resolution to the question posed by Ain’t no telling essentially. This unsureness of self isn’t lying with Dean alone, this was brought on by Chuck and his machinations so the anger in the song matches perfectly. Again, all of this til now has been gearing up to leave heaven but still on the road so to speak, still matching the 15x20 set of events, but his mind is running and trying to make sense of things. And what do we get with this song? We get “I’m finally happy being free/me”. We get a concretised sense of self once it’s been made clear in Dean’s mind just how much Chuck fucked with him (and if you’re a Chuck Won truther like me, how much Chuck is still doing, has the realisation that maybe Jack isn’t quite Jack here cuz sth is clearly wrong, but it doesn’t matter anymore, he knows who he is so Chuck/Jack’s influence can’t affect him anymore). And again this is the one song that matches least, but if we take it to be Dean having trusted Chuck to not be the villain (see him going to shoot Jack for that and promising to bring Mary back), then this still fits for me.
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And now that we close this chapter we get to our 1st offender again: Keen on Rambling and the 1st one that is without any doubt taking place during The Winchesters. Like the whole song states everything that we’ve just been told happened throughout season 1. Like ok, verse 1 is deciding to leave heaven even though heaven is meant to be a place to rest (find peace whatever). Then verse 2 is giving the AU he finds himself in with the Akrida a nudge in the right direction (I’m sorry with the calvary in tow??, headed southbound for the season???)  And finally we get to the last one which to me is meeting the Core 4 but especially Mary and John and giving them the journal (I have a story to tell — do tell). So yea, but he’s not done tho. The song is constantly saying to keep on rambling so there’s more to do to get to where he needs to be, he’s still restless. But it is the beginning of this next chapter and the beginning of the second half of the album like I said. It matches soo fuckign well tbh and I’m going a bit insane here so take all this with a grain of salt tbh.
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Ok so now that we’ve reached the current point in the Dean story we have 4 more songs. Which to me is basically where Dean needs to get to. 
And honestly a bit of Sweet Escape still fits into the finale for season 1 of TW so let’s get to it. This one is very much saying I’ve been caught red handed and people are trying to keep me contained but I refuse to stay put cuz there’s still shit I need to do/find. Like this is where my Chuck Won truthing hits worst tbh, but it could just be the Jack’s non interference thing too as well tbh, but the other voices that need to be drowned out are def Jack here, who took him back to heaven at the end of 1x13 of TW so this is basically saying you may have gotten me back here, but I’ll break outta the inclosure anyways, you can’t stop me, I’m not done. And with the 1st verse’ ending it feels like not only is he not done, but there’s a plan in motion here. Also I CANNOT overstate how much the 2nd verse makes me think of the Empty.
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Return to Me is self explanatory tbh, but I’ll ramble a bit here too. This one answers the question of what he’s searching for, why he can’t stop moving, what’s missing for him to be happy. And what’s missing is a person that he lost aka Cas. Like I really don’t even need to say much here, this song is literally Dean going hey this is what I need to be happy, this is how that can happen. It fucking has the lakeside and raincoat mentions, it’s blatant tbh. And moreso, the last verse is just a reiteration of what we all lost our shit about with Watching over Me aka how did I not know you loved me back, how did I miss that until it was literally too late. 
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Restless Man is a prayer to me basically and also the song I relate to the most tbh. So I’ll try not to get lost in the meanings here. But basically it’s Dean asking Cas to give him the space and reason to slow down. Not stop, because it’s still Dean and he can’t do that, but to give him a place or person where he can feel safe to take a break, where he can just be, where he can learn how to just be instead of constantly needing to do everything for everyone else. To have a place where he can just focus on himself a bit and what he needs and wants and how to embrace being happy. And more than just that, it’s saying that he’s finally ready to allow someone to take care of him for a bit, to have a place where he doesn’t need to be constantly on guard.
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And it wraps up with Velvet Sky which in this case is the happy ending. Happy not because there’s “peace when you are done” like Jack says, but because now they have a place of their own to go to whenever they are weary of the road. The 1st verse to me is referring to Dean travels through the multiverse - literally seen all the land, every beach and grain of sand  because he literally went and saw all the possibilities for things, saw the wide expanse of the multiverse in search for this place and this person that he can now be with. And it’s not peace here, the sea is angry still, but it’s what works for them. It’ll never be perfect and it doesn’t need to be, Dean just needs this place and person to be free to just be himself and that no one else can reach or affect again, have his story be his own. 
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So yea, this is the insanity my brain concocted last night after rewatching The Winchesters season 1 finale and having a random thought about Radio Company. And like I could’ve left it be and not traced any connections, but they fucking used the song in the show and then used Ramble On as the song to send the episode off. I couldn’t just ignore the relevance of that. 
But anyway, none of this could be accurate at the end of the day, but I had to get it out cuz it was stuck on repeat all night. Let me know what you guys think.
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beevean · 2 years
Honestly, the Hector fic I'm working on made me even more bitter against N!Hector, because, on paper? His concept is sound. Not only in S2 he had the potential to be a very creepy anti-villain, with his complete lack of feelings towards humanity (not disgust like N!Isaac, nothing at all, he just thought of them as another species of animals)... but his superficial traits would have been nearly perfect for another version of a pre-betrayal Hector.
Lacking of empathy towards humans but not to the point of wishing them to suffer? Sure. Hector in the MF manga mostly talks about his refusal to be used as a tool, and a neutral stance on genocide, as horrible as it sounds, means that Hector could both go through with it and then reason himself out of it, at first for pragmatic reasons. I also appreciate that N!Hector deliberately killed his own parents as a child, showing that he always had the capacity for murder, and I wish that was canon.
"Unlike humans, vampires see value in Hector's knowledge and forgemastery. The vampires are his natural social group." From the wiki, and this can apply to Dracula in particular. Of course Hector would at first gladly serve Dracula, when he's the only one who "gave him a place where he was allowed to exist". I don't think this would extend to every vampire, though.
Animal lover? It's canon that Hector has an affinity for animals, in both prequels.
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Not too hard to make the jump that Hector prefers animals to humans. It's not even hard to make the jump to "Hector loves animals so much that he compares other creatures to them as a compliment".
Sheltered? Nowhere near to the point of trusting an obviously evil vampire lady, but if Hector lived in Castlevania ever since he was a child/teen, he can't have developed great social skills. I imagine Hector has trouble with talking and also with understanding others' body language, taking things too literally.
Cute, gentle demeanor? Nnnnnno... but also yes-ish. Kinda. The thing is that Hector can be legit cute when he wants to: he can go from this
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to this
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and there is no contradiction. he's a babyfaced gigachad :P
What N!Hector lacks is the first part. The rare times he fights back, it's only to emphasize how weak he is. Had the writing combined his soft attitude with more showings of his power and ruthlessness, it would have worked perfectly, and it would have justified why Carmilla wanted him so badly for herself. But oh well :^)
Love-starved to the point of overriding his logical part? Oh yes. Hector is very much love-starved and he becomes completely devoted to Rosaly simply because she's nice to him. She lets him stay with her, and he's all "I’ll do anything for you, I’ll give you my arms and my eyes, I’ll give you my life without forgiveness or atonement". She says "thank you for being born" and that is enough for this battle-hardened ex-general to burst into tears. When Hector falls in love, he falls hard. The idea of someone pretending to love him only to betray his trust, hitting in his weak spot, would be soul crushing if done well :(
It's just. I vehemently reject the notion that Hector could ever be a manchild: it would have been perfect if this was teen Hector, and then he grew up into the coldy proudful Hector we see in the MF manga, to then become the sensitive empathetic Hector of the PtR manga once he's with Rosaly, to then finally transition into his cursed and belligerent CoD self. You know. A character arc, which N!Hector lacks until S4 suddenly turns him into a sassy bitch?
But of course, it's not just that: it's the fact that N!Hector was purposefully stripped of his agency; his growing moment of realizing that no, he doesn't have to kill innocents, he can affirm himself, he can leave, being turned into "sexy vampire lady sweet talks him until she beats the shit out of him"; and also, well, Season 3 was too busy jerking off and coming all over N!Hector being tortured and raped by deception to give him a personality; and as the cherry on top of the shitcake, N!Hector is theoretically turned into a badass in S4, but 1) he still doesn't do much compared to Creator's Pet N!Isaac, and 2) nothing he went through matters because they had a Lenector agenda to push.
What a waste of a very intriguing character. Insulting writing for many more reasons than "but hector is supposed to be a chad".
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inchidentally · 6 months
more tricky asks! again, bl 'wank adjacent' to not see these <3
(gonna lump these all together since it's the same topic)
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I had no idea that leap was even made aslfgslajfgajsl yea it's just Lando being Lando! but hopefully if ppl know they're just being silly about rpf then that's fine. only a problem if they're truly thinking it's real.
these posts are also infamously bat signals that pro athletes do to let hookups know where they are
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again like, I'm gonna assume that the dando ppl I follow are all fully aware that rpf is just for fun and not real. but yea those people you linked to (from what I remember, you sent this weeks ago I'm sorry!) are actually insane. even ignoring that Lando and Daniel choose to not see each other or interact for months ?? Lando literally went out of his way to say that he and Martin wanted to get out of Bali (do NOT quote me but I saw some ppl say they got robbed again? or their friends did?) and their Finland trip wasn't due to start yet so they decided to spend a day and night in Perth with Daniel. this was very much a Lando and Martin thing and it's funny and slightly tragic for ppl who keep trying to write Martin out of this.
there was also an entire group of Daniel's friends staying with him as well lasfljsagf how is any of this romantic or sexual unless Lando was the party bottom
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honestly this is why I was surprised to find out there were dando truthers at all ?? when he does the exact same act with most of the men he meets why randomly decide that him doing that with Lando makes it a legit gay relationship alsfgsjlagflagf. I'm also not heterosexual so I cannot convince myself that Daniel's "gay" stuff is actually gay ! that man couldn't be more typically Aussie straight guy who almost veers homophobic with doing the gay shtick he does for laughs.
it's also where Martin has clearly struck a chord of unwelcome reality with the carlando and dando rpf truthers bc oops here's an example of someone who could in every way actually be a secret gay relationship of Lando's based on what they consider to be "evidence". I do not think they necessarily are in a relationship and will not makeassumptions about sexualities etc. but Lando, Carlos and Daniel literally friendzone each other and see each other as bros who pretend gay shit for a joke. they're also happy to not so much as think about each other for months on end let alone even see each other for anything other than F1 travel or group trips. but Martin? is in Lando's life significantly bc he actively chooses to be! when the season ends, for two years now he and Lando have done the thing all the drivers do with gfs and wives and spend almost every moment with each other on getaways! Lando liked a comment calling Martin his wag and didn't make a joke about it! they don't do anything bromancey or fake gay together! Lando genuinely gets bashful and quiet when asked about Martin! they're not bound together by work responsibilities and most of their time together is created in the small spaces their different careers allow! they're both actually single!
again, I am not wanting anyone to actually push this ship directly onto Lando or Martin or their personal content anymore than they already are. but I do have to laugh when I see two rpf ships fighting it out for who Lando wants more when like. if you apply real life logic and not manufactured bromance, Martin is the only candidate !!
and can I just say again thank fuck landoscar fandom doesn't do any of this shit and loves Martin and norrix and can multiship for fun godddd
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I have a totally innocent and casual habit of reading gossip pages and let me tell you the rpf truthers revealing themselves when they push the "PR" and "beards" angle to try and get rid of Heidi and Rebecca lasgflsagfjagfsa. then the wailing when something inevitably destroys their conspiracy theories !! what's even funnier is that on multiple occasions Lando is found to be happily hanging out with Carlos and Rebecca and Daniel and Heidi. almost as if he's just a mate of theirs can you imagine ????
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re the submission: I'm leaving those links up bc I know those ppl aren't taking any of this seriously and are just posting cute content - which it is! <3
but yea sadly there's people who see guys like Oscar and Martin as a "threat" to their rpf ship for various reasons (ironically, one of the main reasons being they don't play gay for a joke or do bromance stuff with Lando) and invent entire narratives around it. as you said, believing those narratives would mean believing Lando is the absolute worst of the worst and would paint him in a terrible light ??? even apart from it being wattpad levels of absurd
it's also just funny bc Oscar's Lando fanboying on social media included him liking carlando and dando content as well as Carlos and Daniel content. our boy was chronically online between karting and F1 and he was agreeing and playing along in both the circumstances you listed alhfalfhsafhsa literally why do ppl want this stuff to be so angsty for no good goddamn reason it's intended to be fun by all involved
and the second ask oh fr, even just bringing up maxiel it's like damn that shits all over dando alfhsalhflasfhal. ironically norstappen shits all over dando as well. but even apart from rpf Daniel is so in the public eye that everyone already knows who he considers his true closest friends and that Lando and the F1 drivers are all firmly in his work friends group.
side note you do wanna ask the ppl who are actively hating on Martin how they explain Daniel being tight with him before Lando was ???
I totally get needing to vent babes but my constant reminder will be to use this kind of stuff as a means of pruning your fandom experience. blockity block block anyone being this unhinged. Lando is on Raya, Daniel is in a ltr with Heidi, Carlos' family are welcoming Rebecca in more and more and Martin is... someone extra special to Lando. what that is defined as is known only to them &lt;3
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klonoadreams · 2 years
Quick question but have you seen the picture of Arven down at Sada’s lab? Cuz when I first found it in game I legit just sobbed because I felt so bad for Arven.. also if it isn’t spoilery, could you give ur thoughts on the Professors?
Since I have now finished the main story and it's been an entire month (i'll still tag it as spoilers), I can go all out here.
I saw it - IN FACT, when I first went into the lab where you first met Arven, I was looking around, and noticed there was a photo frame that was empty there, I was like, "HELLO????"
And later on, when I went back to the lab in Area Zero to check out everything else, I noticed the picture of Arven and Maschiff there and I just about went, "OH NOOOOOO"
That's all Sada (since I had Scarlet) had to keep her motivated since she was focusing so much on her work, LIKE...the way she said she needed more time, that she couldn't focus on her work and also keep an eye on Arven. Not to mention, the Koraidon she had in her possession sometime before Arven's birth. AND THEN HER HUSBAND JUST LEFT HER. LIKE....bro, what the hell. (just reverse everything in Violet so you can apply it to Turo - and it's still the same situation)
Nothing really excuses Sada/Turo from neglecting Arven, but it certainly does explain the circumstances that led to this, especially when you have the system in place to prevent the time machine from being shut down. Like, of course the AI would see more logic instead of letting emotions control them as Sada/Turo have, given their circumstances and (possible) desperation.
I truly believe it was only until after they protected the passive Koraidon/Miraidon from the aggressive one and took a mortal wound from it to realize that they made such a serious mistake. But by then, it's already too late. Nothing can be done about it, because they're dying.
So the AI is left with the aftermath, since by this point, they have their own sentience that leaves them conflicted. Again, the AI sees things more logically, and Sada/Turo's first personal experience with Koraidon/Miraidon was with one that was docile and smaller (when you compare it to the more aggressive one).
My personal headcanon at this point that is starting to ring more and more truth is that the Koraidon/Miraidon first caught was a baby, which allowed it to effectively get domesticated without any issues. Like a feral kitten having an easier time getting socialized, versus a feral adult cat.
Honestly, I just think it's tragic, because Arven is left with the entire burden of dealing with all this, without any way of getting full closure, beyond finding out that yes, his parents did in fact love them. They were absolute idiots and their parenting was terrible, but that doesn't change the fact that they loved him.
And if they had the chance, they would've gone back to him, but they can't. They're dead. He's alive - this is what he'll have to deal with the rest of his life. Things happen, I'm sure Arven is just relieved to know that he wasn't hated despite it all. But obviously, he's going to need a lot of support and therapy (like the rest of us, GOD DAMN).
Anyways, Arven deserves better, I still want to fight Sada/Turo, but I don't outright hate them. I genuinely like the angle the story went with, because you don't HAVE to be evil to do shit like that. Sometimes, things happen, and it just sucks.
But at least Arven isn't alone, and we were able to help out his Mabosstiff. And honestly, I'm good with that in the grand scheme of things (in terms of the experience I had with Scarlet).
(keep in mind Black and White is still my favorite game, and N Harmonia is my first crush, so I already know what the other end of terrible parenting and hatred looks like, and that's Ghetsis)
(I am honestly glad that despite the similarities, Arven doesn't have the exact same backstory as N)
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