#lego twin peaks
pleckthaniel · 2 years
yeah, i cried. laura palmer realizing that she is more than a fuckup and being given a glimpse of just how much she was loved only moments after she was killed got to me. okay
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rachelfawcettmp · 3 months
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i love my silly little autistic gay men
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shortandplastic · 10 months
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Still damn fine
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legoluckydip · 1 year
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Put together these Twin Peaks figures in anticipation of building a full black lodge.
Thanks for taking a look. I've got more custom figures and builds on my page if you're interested
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fast3ddie · 1 year
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more on my insta "monty.bricks"
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witherupinthepines · 5 months
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smilesatdawnmain · 4 months
Ultimate Au Guide (LMK)
All my Lego Monkey Kid Au’s in one big post. ( i don't wanna talk about how long this took me. don't ask me. I'll cry...)
Warning: this thing is huge
This consists of current Au’s, future Au’s, Au’s of Au’s, and anything in between!
Current Au’s;
Summary: Wukong and Macaque unknowingly have twins. Before they can realize this miracle, one (MK) is Taken away to the human realm by Nezha. All to prevent the Jade Emperor from killing this child and starting another war.
This story focuses on Qi Xiaotian, the Monkey Prince, and young “human” orphan MK as the two try to reunite while also avoiding every third party force trying to use the two for their own personal gain.
Fanfic: Yes here is the link
Red x Xiaoxiao (Xiaotian the twin, not MK) but… you know, there might be some MKxRedSon. (It’ll be dramatic, trust me)
FreeNoodles (Tang X Pigsy)
AzureLion x Ao Lie
My art:
First (From old account. It's crazy how much of a change my art and character design has come from this first post)
Older designs I really did love Xiaoxiao's outfit here though. I should bring it back. Maybe as his "he's discovered himself" outfit XD
This should lead to all art
litt1e-prince (Xiaoxiao's room!)
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6 or 7 /10
The Day the World Eclipsed
Summary: After losing his Mate and child 500 years ago, a miracle occurs when Sun Wukong is gifted with the return of his child, Qi Xiaotian. His little Star, his everything, Wukong dedicates himself to being a better Father and man. This is all tested when he is reunited with the reincarnations of his companions to the West and his long-lost Mate returned from the grave. Custody battles and shared parenting can be such a messy thing~
Fanfic: Yes, here is the Link
-Shadow Peach (past mention, and then very slow burn forgiveness)
Spicy Noodles (possibly future, still under debate)
My Art:
First Piece (Still on my old account)
If I had to pick a cover for this au, it would be this (also on old account)
Older MK sneak peak
This will lead to all other art
Fan Art
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4 or 5 /10
The First Gift
(One shot) (This does have a sequel underway)
Summary: A peek into Sun Wukong and Macaque's life before they join the Brotherhood to take down the Jade Emperor. Wukong's got a big plan under his sleeve, and Macaque has no idea. With the help of the Brotherhood, Wukong is positive his plan to ask Macaque to marry him will be flawless. (Spoiler; it isn't)
Fanfic: Yes, here it is!
My Art: Amazingly I've never drawn anything for this one
Fan Art: None
Status: Completed
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0/10 (it's super Fluff)
Tragedy of Six
Summary: The world was never the same when The Lady Bone Demon attacked. By her hands, many were injured, and many more were killed. The Brotherhood could not escape this touch, losing their children to her conflict. Yet unknowingly, these same children survived. They are being raised by The Lotus Prince Nezha, who is being forced to train and prepare these children to be soldiers for the Lady Bone Demon. (And inspired Fic on both Taken and "Blood and Bones" by EmerialynCodeVenice)
Fanfic: Yes, here is the link
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Sandy X The Huntsman Spider
Any future ships with the 6 kids are up for debate and what the audience likes best
My Art:
Link This should lead to all art
Fan art:
Status: Uncompleted
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 9/10
Fix and Mend
Summary: Macaque is trying to find his way in the world and his current place in life. Getting himself a part-time job at Pigsy's Noodles he discovered two very interesting facts. 1, Wukong clearly has the hots for him, and 2, MK is secretly dating Red Son. Now he just needs to figure out what to do with these two tidbits.
Fanfic: Yes, here is the link~
My Art:
I amazingly only drew one thing for this one so far
Other Art:
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 1/10
Choose Your Own Adventure
Summary: This is a Tumblr-focused Choose Your Own Adventure. Completely decided by the votes of the audience. The first two are basically a test to see how well I can do something like this.
Fanfic: No, but it is here on Tumblr
-First Adventure (Completed)
Second Adventure (In Progress)
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
Future Au’s:
Fading Moon
Summary: MK believes he is a normal human boy, with a normal human Dad, and normal not ancient Uncles. That is until he meets Red Son, the Demon Bull Prince, and the truth of his heritage starts to unfold. As well as discovering the unfortunate fate of his Baba, a person MK had never had the chance to meet until he was 19.
Fanfic: Not yet? A have a lot written for this though
Traffic Light Trio~ (Red Son X Mei X MK)
Sandy X The Huntsman Spider
ShadowPeach (Past mention)
Macaque X Erlang (Not sure what this ship is called. Present mention.. and.. toxic version of it. This story is a whirlwind people)
Free Noodles~ (Slow burn~)
My Art:
I do have a master post just for this au since I plan it to be more tumblr focused for now Link
Fan Art: None currently
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6/10
The Second Gift
(Squeal to The First Gift)
Summary: Being together with Wukong could bring Macaque no greater joy. No means or way could make his life better than where it was. After a strange occurrence with his magic, Macaque realizes happiness can always grow.
Fanfic: Not yet but it is slowly getting there~
Shadow Peach
Gajasimha shipping (Azure X Yellow Tusk)
My Art: None yet
Fan Art: Nada~
Status: Still in progress
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0/10 FLUFF BABY~
Missing the Then and Now
Summary: Macaque wakes up with no memories of where he is, or WHO he is. The explanation for this is a large and very deep injury that wraps around his entire skull. Almost like something squeezed until he popped. Now, however, he finds himself on a ship with some Monkey Kid, his family and friends, and a sun-kissed Monkey King who won't stop looking at him. And what is worse, none of them want to explain how he got this way.
Fanfic: Nothing yet. But man the word doc is getting pretty hefty
Shadow Peach (Past mention)
Shadow Peach (Slow burn/One-sided for a time?)
Macaque X The Mayor (past Mention) (this one is really wild guys.)
My Art: None so far
Fan Art: None so far
Status: It's on it's way
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6/10
Summary: When Macaque was killed, he expected his soul to be taken to the Diyu. Instead, he finds himself stuck to Wukong- the very man who ended his life. When Soul collectors come to see what the hold up is, they inform him that as the two had been tethered in life, so too are they in death. Macaque will only ever be free when Wukong has found peace and moves on. This goes on for a long time, yet when Macaque feels the tether start to loosen, he panics and realizes- he doesn't want Wukong to let him go.
Fanfic: I have too many Word docs and this is one of them~
Ships: ShadowPeach
My Art: None yet
Fan Art: None Yet
Status: Stuck in the world doc abyss
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 7/10
Torn Between A Star
(A sort of alternate direction for "The Day The World Eclipsed)
Summary: Macaque survives the fight against Wukong, forced to return home. Terribly weakened and knowing he could not defend the egg that housed Wukong and his child, he flees to his Sister- Princess Iron Fan. Together they live there until the child is born. 5 years later, Wukong's Journey To the West is done. Returning home to no mate or child, he is desperate to track them down and bring them home. A certain Bull King and Iron Fan stand in his way.
Fanfic: So... Word doc. Big one. Real sad.
Ships: Shadow Peach (Past mention and struggling with current romance)
My Art: There will be some
Fan Art: Maybe one day?
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 5/10
When Lions and Dragons Meet
Summary: Taking place in the years of Wukong's Journey Westward, Wukong stumbles upon his Brothers. Wanting to settle things Wukong meets up with Azure Lion to find peace- and surprisingly finds it. For a second. That is until he finds out that Azure Lion has had... relations, with a certain Dragon that currently accompanies Wukong and the other Pilgrims in the form of a horse. And is not keen on letting Azure continue this courting.
Fanfic: I swear guys- I got- I got soo many words docs. There aint a fanfic but there will beeee one day.
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Shadow Peach (Kind of a mention?)
My Art You are getting some art. It's cute
Fan Art: ...I mean... if ya want to?
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
Seen Through My Eyes
Summary: Wukong thought Macaque had abandoned him when he was trapped below the mountain. His Mate never visited, never once showed his face. Then, many years into his imprisonment, someone stumbles into his cave. They blindly feel around, unable to see anything in front of their face. To Wukongs shock, it's Macaque. His Mate's pure white fur is tainted black, his ears bigger than normal, and his eyes- his eyes are gone. He smiles, however, hearing Wukong's heart. "I finally found you".
Fanfic: None yet
My Art: I personally drew some stuff but never posted it
Fan Art: I dare you all XD
Status: Sitting in a Google doc, festering away from the angst
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 8/10
The choices we make, and the regrets we take with us
Summary: Lady Bone Demon had whispered a secret into MK's ear just seconds before Wukong arrived. Now safe from her clutches and seeking the Samadhi fire, surprisingly with Macaque helping them out, Wukong notices that MK can't stand to look at him. What had that Witch whispered to make MK's gaze so steely?
Fanfic: Nope~ Not yet~
ShadowPeach (Past Mention)
My Art: Maybe one day.
Fan Art: None
Status: In my Google Docs and covered with sobbing emotions from the one person I let read it
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 9 or 10/10
Au’s of Au’s:
I'll have you all know that ALL of these were given to me by YOU GUYS. You are to blame for putting these in my head! XD
Summary : A "What if" to my Taken Story. What if MK was never Taken and actually got a chance to grow up with Xiaoxiao and his parents? Xiaotian would probably be called Xiaohua in this one, and MK would go back to being Qi Xiaotian.
Fanfic: No, but it's on its way
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Red Son X MK? Maybe Red Son X Xiaohua? Maybe they both fight over him?? Maybe they share him?? I dunno yet.
Tang X Pigsy
My Art
This will lead to all art
Fan Art: Would be cute but none yet~
Status: Tumblr grown so far but I got a good amount of stuff written in a google doc
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0 or 1 /10
Taken Apprentice
Summary: Based on Taken once more, but with the twist that instead of taking MK to the human world, Nezha took MK with him to the celestial Realm. From there he raised MK himself as his apprentice. Hiding him with a glamor and instilling a misguided loyalty to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor is insistent one of the twins must still die, but agrees to keep MK around, hoping to find a chance to kill the other twin instead and keep the loyal MK as his own bodyguard.
Fanfic: I... I don't think it'll be a fanfic. Like- Oh my gosh, so much writing. I wouldn't know how to stop.
Shadowpeach, of course.
Probably Red Son X Xiaoxiao again
Some Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Uuuuuuuuu- other wise I dunno?
My Art
Only one thing so far
Fan Art: I would die if you did
Status: Tumblr based so far. I haven't written anything for this. I will only if begged and bribed.
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4/10
Taken Reverse/Swapped
Summary: Another Taken Au. XiaoXiao and MK are born, but instead of MK being taken Xiaoxiao is instead. He would be Xiaohua in this one. Xiaohua, who is abandoned at an orphanage, winds up being taken in by the Spider Queen when he shows promise as a thief. Xiaohua is iving the life of crime, while in return MK (Xiaotian) is being raised to follow in his Father's footsteps as a hero. The two eventually meet and clash.
Fanfic: I haven't even finished Taken there is no way XD
Hmmmmmm. Mabe MK X Red Son?
Maybe Enemy to lovers Xiaoxiao X Red Son? I dunno
Sandy X Huntsman Spider
My art
The start of the madness
Fan Art (looks into your very soul)
Status: It exists in tumblr and thats it right now
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4/10
Parent Trap
Summary: Based on Taken once more. Isn't quite like the normal LMK lore. When MK and his twin brother Xiaohua were babies, their parents separated, each taking one of the infants with them. MK went with Wukong, and Xiaohua with Macaque. When the two get older, they manage to miraculously meet at a Summer Camp and discover the truth. Now these two working on a plan to reunite their parents.
Fanfic .... T-There might be one in the future... maybe...
ShadowPeach (Past Mention and reunion)
Ao Lie X Azure (Slow burn)
Macaque X Mayor (The kids are trying to end this one)
My art:
Only this so far
Fan art: None currently
Status: This one is in a word doc, okay?? There is writing on it!
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
The cancelled Au’s??
Strange title I Know, but it’s the best way to describe this section
-The Day the World Eclipsed (the Original Plot)
-most may know this, but I changed the plot of the Story within the first few chapters. When Wukong left to head to the City, intent on finding a new home for his son… he was originally intended to go through with that.
I have Many MANY chapters of this unfolding- of Wukong actually going through with abandoning MK.
It was farrrr different than what the story has changed to now. And I love the direction the story is now going, but I had a lot of angst planned for the original :)
One day I might even post what originally was intended to happen.
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 10/10
You did it! You are at the end! Feel free to either comment here or ask in my ask box about any of these~!
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martybaker · 8 months
So many interesting options in your WIP List. I thought abt asking after the 'Wise' one or the DnD AU....but im perhaps more curious for the babysitter Dream AU? and maybe a sneak peak of the Stabbed Hob ficlet 👀👀👀
Dnd au from my WIP list answered here :)
Babysitter Dream fic lives mostly in my head and it’s not actually an au 🙈 it’s this:
Hob is looking after his colleague’s twins when Dream visits, an emergency comes up and Hob has to rush out, leaving the twins in Dream’s care
I hc Dream to be excellent with kids, treating them with outmost seriousness like the little marvelous beings that they are. Kinda the approach I believe he shows later in the comics with Delirium? (I havent myself read that far yet though)
Anyhow if this ever gets written it would include in no particular order: meowpheus, a raven with a foul mouth, fantastical lego bricks and rapunzel hair
You’re in luck with the Hob gets stabbed ficlet though - also called The Risks and Perks of Immortality - A Robert Gadling Testimony is one of the fics that will most likely get finished as the first draft is all written. So I can definitely share a snippet :)
The premise is that Hob’s immortality works in such a way that he dies for a few seconds when he gets killed before he comes back - Dream knows this, but knowing it and seing it firsthand is a wholly different matter :)
Dream says “Hob,” and the way he says it is wrong. It sounds like he’s pleading.
Oh right. Dream’s never personally seen Hob cross the threashold of death and back again before.
“No worries love, I just…just gotta take a lil nap and I’ll be-“ the room before his eyes wobbles, his vision smudging, “I’ll be, uhm, I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere,”
Hob slurs, and then he passes out.
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cheerful-sixears · 6 months
Intro Thing ─ ⋅ ✕ ⋅ ─ About
[[I have not made one of these, yet so here we are.]]
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ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅I have a few many faces I call my own.
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅name: Keely, Keebs, Papillon [are a few]
**even when spoken in the third person for both.
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅other [good] names: Keebers, Poe, Killian
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅age: 30
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅pronouns: he/him/his
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅neos: dread/dreadself; monkie/moonself; daes/daemonself
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅gender: xenogender; trans man
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅mbti: infp-t [turbulent mediator]
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅social[?]: ambivert
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅moral alignment: neutral good
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅astrology: capricorn || rooster
─ ⋅ ✕ ⋅ ─
♡ ¦ Therian || Alterhuman || Otherkin ¦♡
♡ ¦ Furry Enthusiast || Artist || Writer ¦♡
♡ ¦ Neurodivergent || Healing || petre|dreamer ¦♡
♡ ¦ Gray-Ace/Aro || Sex-ambivalent ¦♡
─ ⋅ ✕ ⋅ ─
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅Active Realms:
♡ ¦ JttW AU/LMK AU || Still a HUGE wip... ¦ ♡
♡ ¦ [LMK AU [X]  ¦ ♡ ♡ ¦ JttW AU [X]  @journey-thru-six-ears¦ ♡
─ ⋅ ✕ ⋅ ─
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅My beloved worlds to humbly exist within, mostly is: ☾☀︎︎--Sun Shadow Peak-☾☀︎︎ The universe that houses Papillon and his descendant, Keebs, The Lunar Chrysalis and Devin-Jiang with his descendant, Devvie, Duke of the Sun. It's a divergent, Journey to the West inspired universe with many different creative narratives and themes. It's our world that we share, and we heal within. You're welcome to peek inside, if you'd be ever-the-willing or wanting?
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅a couple other worlds/fandoms to actively explore are: Monkey King: Great Sage Returns(Hero is Back), Lego: Monkie Kid, Nezha: Reborn, Monkey King: Reborn, etc. etc. [more coming soon.] ─ ⋅ ✕ ⋅ ─
🦋-Macaque is my main F/O
[[As of now, I'm non-sharing; I'm fragile & unable to interact with mutual f/o havers of him at this time. So, please DNI if you do.]]
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─ ⋅ ✕ ⋅ ─
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ My Twin Brother!: [ @sun-uwu-kong ] (aka, Sun Wukong's Husband)
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ My IRL Roommate & Best Friend [ @evil-dad-evil ] (aka, Kain's Husband)
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ TOS/Masterlist: HERE [outdated]
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ Commission Prices [OPEN] : WIP
─ ⋅ ✕ ⋅ ─
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ My Art tag is literally: #my art
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ My Writing tag is literally: #my writing
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ Rambles and Updates under: #cheerfulchatter
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ Various Visuals of Papillon, Keely [Me], and my Macaque tags:
Keebs refs/art/posts - Under #keebs monkey
Papillon refs/art/posts - Under #Papillon the Macaque
Mac's tags are all under - #Macaque my Beloved
Ship tags are: #moonlitshadow, #moonlittides,
─ ⋅ ✕ ⋅ ─
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ Six-Eared Macaque blorbo page: @journey-thru-six-ears
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ My AO3: [xXx]
ˏˋ ☾ -⋅⋅ My Furaffinity [18+] [Cheerful-Sixears]
─ ⋅ ✕ ⋅ ─
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pinkeoni · 2 years
Okay I'll make a masterpost
Orange=Major Theory Red=Trigger Warning
Will Byers is Jesus Christ and Other Biblical Stuff
What Exactly Do I Mean When I Say Will is Jesus Christ? (read first)
Christ Figure Will OG Post
Christ Figure Will Part II ft. Mike & Judas
Will as Jesus Actual OG Post?
Will's Cleric Robes
Is Will Actually God?
Will/Jesus Shot-Reverse-Shot
Is Henry the Antichrist?
Hawkins & Sodom & Gomorrah
The Sacred Heart of Will Byers
Will-El-Vecna Christ Figure Triad
The Red Dragon and the Beast From the Sea
Revelations 1:8
Will as a Vessel for God/One
Will Byers Has Powers
Will's Creation Powers: A Man, His Dog, and a Baseball Bat (TW)
Will Can't Remember His Childhood Very Well (TW)
The Upside Down is Will's Original Hiding Spot (TW)
Will’s Birthday: Clowns, Fathers, Baseball & Powers (TW) Part 2
The Dragon Represents Wills Self Harm (TW)
Is It Too Late to Reveal Will's Powers?
Will the Wise Weirdness
Vecna Creates Flesh From Flesh; Will Creates Flesh From Dust
Will as the Creature With a Gaping Mouth
Hinting at Will's Powers Through Dialogue
Will as a Source of Energy
Puzzle Game Powers Hints
White-Haired Will
Was Will a Mistake By the Lab?
Does Will Have Soteria in Him?
When Did Will and Vecna Create a Connection?
Why Did it Take Two Extra Days For Particles to Come Through?
El's Arc vs Will's Arc
Peter Pan: Is the Upside Down Neverland? Part 2
Will's Shadow Walking and Joyce's Vision
Will's Powers Could Be Activated With Drugs
Will Cloned Himself in the Upside Down
Will Transformation Theory
Lonnie Byers Your Days Are Numbered
Figuring Out Lonnie’s Deal
How Much Does Joyce and Jonathan Know About Lonnie's Abuse?
The Importance of Lonnie Byers in Season 5
Will Probably Misses His Dad
Lonnie Phone Weirdness
Lonnie/Lab Hypothetical
Lonnie & Editing
Lonnie/Chester/Bat Demomonsters
Will Might Kill His Dad?
Will's Fear of Clowns is Related to His Dad
Lonnie Byers is Bones
Was Lonnie an MK ULTRA Test Subject?
Larry the LEGO Man Analysis
Lonnie Wants a Family Just Not Will
Stranger Things x Twin Peaks
Will Byers & Laura Palmer Part I Part II
Joyce Byers & Sarah Palmer
Will & Laura Dancing on Video
Joyce & Sarah Hallucinations
Episode One Similarities
The Secret Diary of Will Byers
S2 & FWWM Similarities
Will & Laura Visual Parallels
"I held a mirror up to them"
Character Analyses
Mike & the Word "Girl"
Dustin's Absent Father and the Effects on His Character
El's Dresses
Has Mike and El Ever Had a Mutual... Anything?
El's Monster/Superhero Dichotomy
Mike Wheeler and Audience Perception
Will Byer’s Coming of Age Horror Story
Sam Owens: Playing Devil’s Advocate
The Effect NINA Actually Had on El
Willel Narrative Duality— With Charts!
Willel Narrative Mirroring: Presenting Themes of Sexuality (TW)
“And yet you still have a C in Spanish.”
Max is El's Mentor
Other Theories
Vecna the LEGO Man
Will Vecna Try to "Combine" With Will?
Reagan/Bush '84 and the Looming Danger of Homophobia
No Longer Will
The OTS Shot
"It Was a Seven" & The Seventh Seal
Will's Missing Left Hand
Will "Creature With a Gaping Mouth" Visuals
Is Vecna Absorbing Will's Memories For Strength? (Birthdaygate)
Will & Hopper Parallels
Color Stuff
"Love, Mike"
Collar Theory
Max Could Activate the Doomsday Clock
Thoughts on Will's Scrapped Letterman Jacket
Sam Owens Fishiness
Henry as Will's "Good Angel"
Mike and El Confession Parallels
Mike & El + Steve & Robin Parallels
On Character Biases and Parallel Storylines
Is the Upside Down a Living Thing?
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battle-of-the-bobs · 1 year
Here’s the matchups
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Bracket 1, Round 1 matchups:
Snail Bob (snail Bob) v.s. Bob (lab rats)
Bob the minion (despicable me) v.s. Bob-omb (paper Mario)
Robert the Bruce (braveheart) v.s. Bob the angry flower (Bob the angry flower)
Bob (slime rancher) v.s. vs Bob (twin peaks)
Bob the service drone (invader zim) v.s. Bobby singer (supernatural)
Bob (animal crossing) v.s. Bob Bobowski (SMG4)
Robert chase (house md) v.s. Bob Kelso (scrubs)
Bobby (qsmp) v.s. Renbob (hermitcraft)
Sideshow Bob (the Simpsons) v.s. B. O. B (monsters vs aliens)
Bobby (company) v.s. Bob Hale (horrible histories)
Bob (the copypasta) v.s. Bob (marvel comics)
Bob Duncan (good luck Charlie) v.s. Bob Heeler (bluey)
Bob Jonson (sesame street) v.s. Bob the skull (Dresden files)
Bob (Microsoft bob) v.s. Bob the titan (heroes of olympus)
Robbert Parr (the incredibles) v.s. Bob the builder (Bob the builder)
Bob Crachet (a Christmas carol) v.s. Bob Belcher (bobs burgers)
Bracket 2, Round 1 matchups:
Bob (a street cat named bob) v.s. Bobby Goren (law and order)
Bob Barker (real life) v.s. Bob Smellanor (real life)
Bob from accounting (magic the gathering) v.s. Bob (animation vs animator)
Bobby C (Saturday night fever) v.s. A bob (the dance move)
Robert Johansson (we are bob) v.s. Almighty Bob (mostly harmless)
Janitor Bob (portal 2) v.s. Bob (kindergarten 2)
Silent Bob (various movies) v.s. Bob (Casey and Andy)
Bob (bob: a life in 5 acts) v.s. Bob Steckler (UHF)
Bob (idw 2005 transformers) v.s. Planet bob (titan AE)
Bob Zannato (phsyconauts) v.s. B.O.B (overwatch)
Bobby Buell (titanic) v.s. A Bob (the haircut) 
Bob (hearthstone) v.s. Bob
Bobbie Fulbright (ace attorney) v.s. Bob (Steven universe)
SpongeBob (SpongeBob) v.s. Bob the tomato (veggie tales)
Bob the bull clone (Lego monkey kid) v.s. Bob (shaman king)
Bob Ross (real life) v.s. Bob Iger (real life)
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
Oh I knew this movie was going to upset me
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catboywrites · 8 months
sweet tea & energy drinks chapter 8 sneak peak
Pulling away from Harry's hug, Regulus looked down at his son and reached out to brush his hair from his face, a soft smile gracing his lips. He was pointedly ignoring James, which from where he stood a few feet away, James could only accept. Even if it hurt. "Did you have fun with the Weasley's today, love?"
Harry bounced up and down excitedly in Regulus' lap, nodding his head. "Yes! Mrs. Weasley made blueberry pancakes for breakfast! And then me and Ron played race cars up in his room. And then Mr. Prongs came by and he sang for everyone and Bill sang with him. And then we played legos!" His eyes were sparkling from behind his glasses as he went over his day in energetic chatter, Regulus listening to every word.
"That sounds like fun. Was Mr. Prongs nice to you?" Regulus looked over Harry's head to glare at James as he spoke, his voice catching on 'Mr. Prongs' with a cold tone that was no better than ice. If words could be deadly, he likely would have killed James several times over with just his intonation alone.
"Yes! He was super nice! He even made me a promise!"
James immediately paled. He was so fucked. He opened his mouth to protest but the tense smile that Regulus shot him from over Harry's head stopped him in his tracks. Oh, he was dead. He was so fucking dead.
"How nice. Well, you stay here for a few minutes, alright? I'm going to go make sure Mr. Prongs gets a ride home." Regulus kissed Harry's cheek and pulled his son off his lap, setting him back up properly on his feet.
Harry nodded obediently and looked up at James, his smile so innocent and unaware that he had signed James' death warrant. "Bye bye, Mr. Prongs! Don't forget your promise!" And with that, he toddled off back to Ron and the twins, plopping down to return to the task of legos, which was very important to a five year old.
James took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, accepting his fate. Regulus' hand darted out to curl around his wrist, his nails digging into his skin painfully as the front door swung open and he was dragged out to be slaughtered, the door slamming behind them a bit more forcefully than he expected it to. But Regulus was pissed, so that was to be expected. There was no use in even trying to open his mouth and speak for his innocence, because Regulus didn't want to hear it. Instead, he wanted James spit-roasting over a fire. The only question was if Regulus was going to mercy kill him or not first.
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shortandplastic · 10 months
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Agent Dale Cooper
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legoluckydip · 1 year
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What characters should I add?
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*beats down your door like weirdo Big Bird* SPEAK TO ME OF YOUR SITH!LUKE AU, LAY IT ON ME, go Charlie conspiracy from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on me
OH MY GOD you know EXACTLY the image of how I've been feeling for so long about this especially in the past week you are IN FOR IT
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Since your question is so broad, I'm just going to dump all the very basics, the core of the AU in my mind if you will, which honestly might be the best starter for anyone who's interested in this concept that's been rattling around my brain.
I started making the AU in 2021 mostly as a joke or fun concept, and the Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales of that year that had a bit of Luke joining the Empire just added to the flames.
Soon I was thinking about that "what-if" thread -- what IF Luke was a part of the Empire? What if he grew up there? What WOULD his relationship with Vader be like? What about everyone else? What about the Force?
I based a lot of the story on my head on the canon events of the Original Trilogy and Mandalorian (mostly season 1-2). I pull a little bit from Legends (especially since I've been reading through Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy) and from my own Dinluke obsession because -- uh this is MY AU and if I want Dinluke to happen it'll happen. I've even thought about where the AU would go in the Sequel Trilogy timeline because I do like the Sequel characters, and by then the AU has changed so much that I basically do what I want.
A lot of what I think about has less to do with the trajectory of the war in the galaxy and more about who Luke Skywalker would even BE if he were raised to go down the path of the Dark Side -- and how his relationships with his friends, family, etc. would change or stay the same.
The point in time where the AU basically starts is when Luke is taken by the Empire as a baby and raised by Darth Vader to become his apprentice. Luke spends his life idolizing his father, almost to an unhealthy amount. He's a mold of Vader and JUST VADER, and yet, somewhere down the line, Luke begins to carve out his own destiny, his new sense of self creating tensions with his father.
These tensions meet their peak when Luke and Leia cross paths. Their meeting sets them both off on journeys of self-discovery, of questioning what family is, of finding their places in the galaxy's war, and of their relationships with the Force. The Death Star funnily enough is what brings them together and drives a wedge in their relationship from the very beginning. Luke for a while had been growing a disdain for Palpatine and his idea of "might makes right", his interpretation of the Dark Side of the Force that Luke fundamentally disagrees with -- because at the core of him, despite the changes, Luke still is an idealist at heart, he still has HOPE and trust in the Force that no one else has. When he finds his lost sister, sees that Palpatine uses his power to destroy Alderaan, all that Leia had, it's the final nail in the coffin for him. Leia grows up very similarly the way she had in canon, though meeting with Luke leads her to question what family is meant to mean to her. She gains an intense curiosity of the Force, of the powers she has, because she sees how it affects Luke's perspective, a way of seeing the universe at war that she can somehow understand. Because she eventually walks the path of the Jedi, alone, she struggles with the responsibilities of holding the New Republic together, protecting her friends/family like Han and Chewie, and finding herself and her part in the Force in the midst of ALL of that, mirroring the same kind of struggle that Luke goes through as well. It's VADER in particular that keeps the twins at arms length. To Luke, he is the man that is everything Luke looked up to his whole life, the only family he had, and a victim of Palpatine's control, who he knew they both hated. To Leia, Vader is the man that willingly acted as an arm of power for Palpatine's war, the man that held her back on the Death Star as it destroyed the only home and family she knew.
Luke spends a lot of time trying to fix the wrongs of the Empire against Leia, and Leia sees this, and she knows that Luke has a core of GOOD in him somewhere. However, he can't let go of Vader, he can't let go of the Dark Side of the Force, and Leia cannot sit well with that.
After that, a lot of what I'm interested in is post-Palpatine's defeat, when Luke takes over and makes a new empire from the ground up (The Neo Galactic Empire). He's fixated on renewing the Sith religion, in negotiation versus acts of force, in finding more of his family history, in letting the Empire heal as the Force intends. He wants to be a conduit, not a controller, of the Force, even from the Dark Side. He becomes attached to all of it, and slowly, it consumes him. This is basically the part in the story where I make a lot of stuff up as I want to, like with Din and Grogu becoming a part of Luke's life, Leia's journey as a Jedi and Council-Member of the New Republic, and the outlying Imperial Remnant that remains a threat to both the New Republic AND the Neo Empire.
Through all of this I'm also interested in dissecting the Dark Side of the Force itself, how someone as idealistic as Luke Skywalker would interpret or mold its ways, especially when it comes to power and attachments, and how Luke uses this knowledge in his rule, his relationships, and later, his own teachings.
Later in his life Luke really starts to become a whirlwind of questions of who he is. How much of himself is the Force? How much of himself is Vader? How much of himself is that undying light that lays dormant inside of him, the light that Leia continuously reminds him is there somewhere?
I've compared Sith Luke Skywalker multiple times to a red giant star, a star that quickly grows, trying to give off as much light and warmth as possible, but that scorches everything it touches, before its life ends in a destructive supernova and supermassive black hole. I'm tearing Luke Skywalker apart piece by piece, rebuilding him, seeing how much of him changes, what is left, what causes everything else to break down. It's also me having fun with what-ifs, with angst in relationships, with cool ideas with the Dark Side that I don't think normal Star Wars likes to touch.
I'm really slow at writing all of this in fic form proper, but I am glad I got around to putting everything down in an outline. I draw here or there too, anything that's creatively more my jam than writing just to get concepts out and formulate my ideas better.
BUT PLEASE--I always want to just talk more about it if anyone has any other specific questions or curiosities! And if anyone does want to read what I have gotten down so far, that's over HERE.
And again thanks for the ask @kuiilandtorch -- I haven't gotten an ask yet and I've been itching for one all week!! Hope you liked my lengthy overview!
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