#lemme know if anything else needs to be tagged lmao
angelhummel · 2 years
Sort of a weird and random question but what do you think the glee characters’ weapon of choice would be
Oooohohohohoho that's a fun one. I actually made a Clue au post a while back where all my faves had a weapon assigned to them. So definitely check that out for one answer. But those are better for a quick surprise kill. So if we're talking about fighting...
Obviously we know what Kurt's is already
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I still want Tina to have an axe bc
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Plus she just deserves to chop into some bitches idc. Let her spill a little blood. As a treat?
I want Brittany to have one of those spiky balls on a chain like the girl in Kill Bill. The way Brittany twirls around and throws food during the food fight? Exactly that but with a flail
Puck canonically participates in knife fights/owns knives BUT also has nunchucks so... He can go ham with either of those his knife in s3 was fake but we see him with a real knife in s1 and s5 so
Hm maybe Santana should still have a dagger. You don't even know she has beef with you until it's too late. Sidles up to you all sweet just to poke a lil artery in your neck and watch you bleed out. She was also voted most like to poison someone (love that that was a category you could vote on at their school) but no I think that'd be TOO subtle for her. She'd want to spill blood and would want you to know she's the one that did you in
For Mercedes I would sayyy sword?? Like she's all "haha I'm not good at 1v1 combat I'm not moving park and bark etc" but she gets a sword in her hand and she's swinging it like you wouldn't believe. Plus it's dramatic and classic. Love it
Finn's are brass knuckles bc he's a punk bitch that's gonna jump you instead of giving you a fair fight
Mike.... I would like him to have a bow and arrow. He's super stealthy about it, you never hear him coming bc he's way over there. Could also see Quinn with the bow and arrow but she's also just as likely to yank the arrow out of you and stab you with it until it breaks/she knows you're dead
Kitten Kitty with a whip. Also semi canon bc her supersona had one. Plus it's dramatic and unexpected and she could fuck a bitch right up with it
Sam... I would like to see him launching a spear at someone. He's got the arms for it
Unique should have a Japanese war fan. Kind of a defensive weapon but very very dramatic
Blaine would have a rapier bc we know he's into fencing and that kind of fits the bill. Plus he would be all "we must have an honorable duel about this" but of course he also ends up going ham by the end of the fight. He also deserves it <3
I think Artie should have a harpoon gun. No reason, I just think he deserves it
I'll give Jake a war hammer. I think he'll have fun with it. Bonking people left and right as he rides through the battle on his noble steed (razor scooter)
Marley would use poison and feel really bad about it :( But she wouldn't want to get her hands dirty
Really want Rachel to have a flamethrower. No subtly, just melting your face off. She'd be so cute with it uwu she deserves to have some fun!
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aetherose · 2 months
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To Dearest Nim
—The recollections of the ethereal sorceress
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Spoilers for all of Baldur's Gate 3 and the Dark Urge storyline
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She knew from the start the ending that her road would lead her to.
To resist her nature, these wretched urges that tried so hard to control her...somehow, a part of her always knew something like her was doomed from the beginning.
At first, perhaps it was a mere hope. A hope to be released from these shackles her urges were, even if the release was death. She was a danger to all around her, and she believed salvation wasn't something she deserved, let alone possible. What she deserved, and what was more realistic to occur, was oblivion.
But it became clearer that her hopes weren't merely that, but perhaps shreds of her past memories tugging at her fractured mind and reminding her, even if only vaguely, of what she was, of the truth of her life.
A Bhaalspawn.
A pure-blooded Bhaalspawn with urges far more horrific and intense than any other whom preceded her.
An imitation of an elf predestined to either follow her father's wishes and paint the world red with the blood of its inhabitants...
Or to reject her father, and pay the ultimate price; her life.
A price her past self wasn't strong enough to pay, after killing every person dear to her, after suffering these urges since childhood.
She was tired of rejecting her true nature back then, and found a home amongst the Temple of Bhaal. Sceleritas was like another father to her and was fiercely loyal even when she may have done horrific things to him.
It certainly did help he never stayed dead when she killed him.
Meeting Gortash led her to have a companion who accepted her for all that she was, her urges and all. As long as she could control herself when necessary, of course, and at that time, she was able to, because she indulged in it otherwise regularly.
To be accepted and have a true home in such a way...
That was all she ever really wanted.
But she'd never admit back then she wasn't truly happy.
Or perhaps she simply couldn't realize it through the haze of pride, insanity, ambition, and supposed joy she felt.
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But her Orin-induced amnesia gave her another chance. Her personality shifted, and she became able to have a new start, even if it came with the caveat of having an illithid tadpole in her head.
At first, she didn't truly feel too bad about her urges or when she did something that was thought of as 'bad'.
She didn't fully understand the notion, and her urges were something she wished to disobey out of fear and spite. Fear of being abandoned and controlled, and spite for these rancid thoughts in her mind that compelled her to do things she didn't really want to do.
But her companions...changed her. From the first moment, she became attached because she had nothing else, and their views let her learn and grow.
And then, Alfira's death put it all into perspective.
Remorse weighed on her heart, alongside the true reality of Nimue's godsforsaken urges.
As time went on, she continued to change, as everything kept spiraling on her and her companions' journey to be cured of their parasites. She grew more...approachable. She found she was able to smile more and more. She began to loosen up, joking around and teasing more.
She still remained fairly mild-mannered and distant, but her companions still changed her.
But what didn't change was her fear of being abandoned by them, and therefore, her fear of her urges being discovered.
So she hid them until she couldn't anymore.
She refused to kill Isobel.
And then she was forced to try to murder the companion closest to her.
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She thought she'd be killed immediately. It's what she deserved. What she secretly hoped for.
But that wasn't what happened.
Instead, she was...accepted as word spread across camp of what happened. She was shocked, overjoyed, confused, terrified, so much all at once. But in the end, she was accepted.
That was the first time anyone saw her cry.
And they wouldn't see her do so again until after reaching Wyrm's Rock, and discovering she was behind the entire mess with the Cult of the Absolute, formerly working with Ketheric and Gortash to take over this world.
And to top it all off, it coincided with her vision of Orin and her remembrance of her nature as a Bhaalspawn.
It all made sense now, and all she wanted was to throw herself off a cliff.
She didn't deserve to lead her companions. She didn't deserve to even be alive. She was just a monster who hid underneath the skin of a beautiful High Elf woman.
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All of this was her fault. She hurt her companions in such an unfathomably large way, by being responsible for this oncoming catastrophe.
She normally hated being in the spotlight, the center of attention. But now, she couldn't stand that several of her companions couldn't even look at her. Somehow, being looked at with disdain was more bearable than that. She broke down crying, and ran off to hide from them all.
How ironic. Did the gods think this was funny? Did they think it was amusing, to let her be born and continue living a life drenched in so many sins, then proceed to make her lose her memory and come to realize the atrocities she'd committed in the past?
She didn't think it was funny. Not at all.
But...in time, they came to accept her again. She was so close to finally begging Jaheira to end her misery that day, but...in the end, they recognized she had no idea of this just the same as them.
She wasn't the same person that created this crisis anymore. She'd forgotten it all and changed. Even if fragments of memories were returning, they didn't feel quite hers anymore.
She almost broke down crying again, but simply hugged them all in gratefulness.
As she helped her companions tie up loose ends and progress was made towards obtaining all of the Netherstones as fast as possible, it was soon the day before her ragtag group of misfits was to head to Orin and return their stolen companion home.
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She knew she would die tomorrow.
Yet, she strangely felt...
At peace.
She stayed awake as her companions slept around her, and she simply walked around and gazed upon their sleeping faces with a look of fondness.
Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Astarion, Gale, Wyll, and Karlach. They'd been with her since the beginning, and they were especially precious to her for that.
Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc. They were newer additions, but ones she still cherished.
Scratch and the Owlbear Cub. She never accepted them being called pets; they were her friends, her companions, just as much as everyone else.
Alfira. She never got to adventure with them properly, but Nimue still kept Lihala's lute with her, and considered her an honorary member of their group, even after her death.
It wouldn't be long before Nimue would join Alfira in the afterlife, and she'd apologize to her properly then.
She felt Scratch's eyes on her as she turned back to return to her bed. She gave him a pet, alongside the Owlbear Cub who slept beside him, and whispered softly, with a mixture of fondness and sadness, "I'll always be here for you two in spirit. Live on the best you can."
Her only regret...
Was that she wouldn't be able to witness her companions continue to endeavor to the very end.
For the first night in a very long time, she slept peacefully...
Knowing it would all be over soon.
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At last, the end of her long, arduous journey arrived, as she was finally face-to-face with her father, the God of Murder himself, Bhaal, after killing her very own 'bloodkin', Orin.
Some part of her felt bad for Orin, she had to admit. Orin...never had another chance like Nimue did. Never had companions who could lead her down a different path. Or amnesia. Ironically, Nimue owed her for giving her this chance.
And some part of her had to wonder...
If their roles were reversed, would things have turned out the same way?
But...there was no time to contemplate it.
For at the finale, there was a choice to be made.
To be a god's puppet and destroy this world in Bhaal's name...
Or to die, finally being able to rest, and saving the world from herself?
It wasn't even a question. It was a choice she'd long anticipated. And she had already decided her answer every time she pondered it.
'I will die for their sake. I will die to be free. It's what I deserve.'
And so, she refused her father's gift. Refused to return to her role as his Chosen. She chose to defy a god, knowing what the consequences will be.
"Your life is mine. Accept your inheritance, or I will reclaim it."
Her last chance to reconsider; but even knowing that, she didn't falter. She merely took a deep breath, and she turned back to her companions with a sad smile.
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"...I'm sorry. And I...love you all."
And she turned back to her father, accepting her fate with a smile, ignoring her companions' voices filled with concern at her words.
'Let me be free. Let me rest.'
"...Then reclaim it."
Even through the pain of every drop of her blood being drained from her body, she continued to smile, and one final thought crossed her mind...
'Farewell, my dearest friends. Thank you...for everything. May we meet again...in another life.'
And all became black.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
(extremely tw blood & gore below, also bkmn spoilers)
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you know what they say about making an omelette
[Image ID: A digital illustration of Mr. Neighbor from the comic "Be Kind, My Neighbor". He is standing in the middle of the frame staring straight ahead with a haunted expression, tear tracks running down his face. He is cradling Wegg's limp, headless body in his arms, with eggshell fragments all over and blood streaming down from the stump of his neck. Additional Wegg bodies surround Neighbor, all headless, bloody and covered in eggshell shards, some sitting limply around him, others grabbing onto his shoulders and covering him in blood. There is a deep red blood splatter covering the background as well. End ID.]
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eleemosynaries · 2 years
i have many thoughts on the finale but for the most part i just wish that when c!tommy was sympathizing with c!dream it was more in a "you were happy once. and we all could have been happy if you hadn't cut off all your attachments. if you hadn't sought out power over life and death. we could have been friends, but you were so adamant to have control over the server that you wouldn't allow it. you pushed everyone away. you did horrible things. and maybe i hurt you, but you did this to yourself. i'm sorry you turned out this way" instead of whatever that was. does anyone hear me-
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the-lonely-catt · 6 months
Pinned Post Time 💙:
Most of the important info is in my bio, but hello!! I'm Catt, sorry if you're here cause I spammed your notes, I promise I'm not a bot, just easily excited XD I have a few blogs and tags I use to kinda sort things, so I'll keep them all here for convenience :3
@cattaliatayuun for FFXIV posting! Uses #[expansion] spoilers if you're still getting through msq and want to stay spoiler safe :3
@rogueoftime1 for homestuck posting, no tags unless Im rambling cause I'm a feral beast
Tags that I usually remember to use:
#cattposting.myart for my art, of course
#cattposting.original for my posts
#cattposting.tagged for tag games :D
#cattposting.tagtalk for especially chatty tags
#cattposting.addition for a proper addition to a post
#cattposting.faves for the funnies or things I really want to come back to later
UH I think thats everything, I'll try and keep this up to date now that it's here but ye! Hello world :D
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wylansworkshop · 6 months
y'all, when I realized I was nonbinary I did not expect getting gender dysphoria from buying vitamins
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universalcarnival · 2 years
You forgot to add vapid, inconsiderate cunt to your about!
Anon? You okay? Need nap time?
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vngelicc · 6 months
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⋆ TAGS — really soft and domestic, TW: this deals with postpartum depression, baby daddy!jk, soft lil kisses, insecure!oc, angsty as hell, this is more of a comfort fic, mentioned baby, oc rlly struggles but jk is super supportive, mentioned past pregnancy, this made me cry, soft hours, jk pampers his lovely gf, CANON AUUUU JK’S JUST JK HERE LMAO
⋆ WORD COUNT — 2.4 k
“vámonos a comer un heladito, tu princesita, cómprame cositas. en mis tacones casi todo el día, dame un foot-rub and ice out mi tobillo,”
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Your eyes fluttered under the feeling of lips sliding across your forehead, eyelid, and nose. You hear Jungkook laughing quietly as he envelops you in his strong arms and tugs you close. His murmurs and pestering have you pulling a face in your sleep, nose scrunched cutely given the way he coos teasingly.
“What time is it?” You mumble softly and blankly stare back at him, eyes heavy from sleep.
“Noon.” This has you going stiff, “Relax baby, he’s okay your mom came early to pick him up.” He comfortingly strokes over your side and backside.
You sink back into the sheets and nod, “Why didn’t you wake me?” You mumble under your breath as your eyes flutter shut.
Jungkook pressed more gentle kisses to your forehead with a low rumble, “You need a break, figured maybe we could go out–do some shopping, go to that sushi place you’ve been dying to try.. That sounds good, yeah?” He murmurs.
You hum, “It does, feels like I haven’t been out in forever.”
He waits with a bated breath and smiles softly when you open your eyes and stare back with more clarity, all traces of sleep etched away. “You’re so pretty, y’know that?” He brushes a strand of hair out of your face.
A subtle heat rises in your cheeks as you smile back, “Even with baby barf and spit all over my shirt?”
“The prettiest.” He leans over to kiss your nose, looking into your eyes with a twinkle in his own. He looks at you like you’ve just hung the stars for him.
Shyly, you press a soft smooch to his lips before flopping flat on your back with a sigh, “The fridge’s nearly empty isn’t it?” You mumble, “I’m sorry, I meant to go the other day but I ended up—”
“You’re fine, it’s okay. You know I’m here too right?” Jungkook reaches over to hold your hand, “Don’t worry about it baby, you’ve got your hands full right now and I get it. ‘s okay to ask for help too.”
You look at him with a soft smile, “I love you.” You lay a quick kiss on his cheek and roll out of bed to head to the bathroom.
Jungkook huffs, “Only one? On the cheek too..” He grumbles like a petulant child, sitting up in the messy sheets tangled around his hips and his bare chest out for your viewing.
“Get ready, it was YOUR idea to go out too so don’t make us late.” You fondly roll your eyes, you can hear him whine about something else behind you as the door shuts.
“…..” You pass in front of the body length mirror, pausing for a moment to observe your appearance. Your hands come up to rest over your tummy as you stare long and hard. “…”
You better get ready.
You snap out of your daydream and look over at Jungkook curiously, “Yeah?”
“I asked if you wanted to check out the fruits, it’s strawberry season and I’m sure they brought out all the fresh stuff.” Jungkook doesn’t seem at all bothered by the fact that you’ve spaced out for a second time since entering the store.
You shake your head, “I don’t like strawberries.” You say disinterestedly.
‘But you ate them your whole pregnancy, what’s wrong now?’ Your brain is screaming at you to just say yes and deal with it but you can’t.
He gives a soft hum, “That’s fine. Is there anything you wanted to get?” He steers the shopping cart away from the fruits, leading you down an aisle filled with spices and other cooking ingredients.
“Um, what was that thing you bought last time? When you made that white stew.” You scrunch your nose, “Ugh I forgot.”
“Ohh, you mean the cream stew mix? Uhh I think it’s down this aisle lemme check.” Jungkook leaves the cart with you as he trails down the aisle looking up, down, and around.
You pick out a few things to try out later on and happily make your way over. “Did you find it?” You curiously peek over his shoulder, damn near yelling because he shoots back up with a ‘ah-ha!’.
“What?” He innocently says after noticing the scowl on your face.
“You scared me.” You huff and punch his arm gently, “C’mon, I wanna get some chips and the aisle is back that way.” Jungkook happily trails after you, telling you all about his upcoming Calvin Klein campaign.
“Look,” Jungkook snorts as he holds up a pair of lace g-strings, “you mean to tell me this tiny triangle covers your entire pus–”
“Jungkook!” You hiss quietly after noticing a few older women turn their heads, “Put those down.” You snatch the panties away and toss them back into their respective drawers.
He cheekily grins and picks up another pair of underwear, “What? I didn’t do anything, I was just asking.” He chuckles.
“You are so dumb.” You giggle quietly, “Stop!! You’re going to get us kicked out, I thought I had one baby not two.”
“But babyy this is so boring, jus’ a bunch of girlie stuff and these women keep lookin’ at me like I’m a creep but I swear I’m just trying to help you.” He pouts.
You shake your head fondly, “Here, go find something to buy or do while I finish up here.” His eyes light up and he presses a messy smooch to your cheek before practically sprinting out.
Your eyes slowly turn over to the mannequin sitting tall on the platform donned in a new lingerie set. You stare at it for what seems like eternity while the world goes on about their day around you. Eventually a staff comes to break you out of your bubble.
“Is everything okay miss? Were you interested in our new spring collection?”
“Oh, um yeah, well I’m trying to surprise my boyfriend you know? I don’t know if he’ll like it ‘n stuff.” You murmur softly, eyes lowered and averted from the mannequin.
“Mmm.. what do you like?”
“Silk, maybe a babydoll or teddy..? I think.” You can’t stomach the idea of wearing a two piece, because then that means your….
“We have just the set then, we got a ton of new items for this spring. ” She grins while leading you away.
When you come out of the store, Jungkook’s barely walking back. He has this goofy little smile on his face as he stops in front of you, barely containing his excitement. “Guess what.”
“What did you do?” You giggle softly and eye the bag in his hand.
“I got this for you.” He brings out a large shirt and holds it up proudly, “It says: Best Milf Ever.”
You stare at the words with disbelief and then you’re breaking out into uncontrollable laughter. People around you look in curiosity but you can’t stop, you feel like you’re about to pee from how hard you’re laughing.
And Jungkook?
He stands there with a fond smile, gazing at you lovingly as he puts the shirt back, “You like it?”
You haven’t laughed nor felt this much joy in a while. “I love it.”
After having dinner Jungkook takes you out for ice cream. You were a bit burnt out from being out all day so you waited in the car while he went inside to buy the ice cream.
You think back to everything that happened today, it feels nice. You make a mental note to ask Jungkook to take you to a cat cafe sometime later on in the week. “Oh my god.” You mutter in embarrassment.
Jungkook’s walking back with a monstrosity of a ice cream sundae and then your perfectly NORMAL scoop of sherbet with gummies on top. “Jungkook what is all that mess?” You whine.
“What? I wanted triple chocolate with sprinkles and fudge.” He slips into the car and hands the small bowls over, “C’mon you gotta try it.”
“Hell no! This looks like it can either send me to do number three or I’m gonna puke my guts out.” You hiss.
“Number three doesn’t exist, nice try.” Jungkook scoffs softly while pulling out of the parking lot.
“It does now.” You mumble, ignoring his loud laughter.
You can’t hide the face you make while Jungkook eats that horrendous dessert. He doesn’t even care that you’re judging him as he happily watches his little Netflix show he’s been yapping about as of lately.
“I knew it, it was her all along..” He mutters to himself as he eats a large spoonful of ice cream.
“I’m going to the kitchen, you want anything?” You can’t take it anymore as you stand abruptly and pass by.
You put your ice cream away and drink a glass of water in the kitchen. You enjoy the peace and quiet, it’s been a cool minute since you’ve had some time to yourself. Between caring for a newborn and balancing your everyday life, shit’s been hard.
Not that Jungkook doesn’t help, but sometimes you feel like you put too much on him. He says he doesn’t care but.. you do.
With a heavy sigh you leave the cup in the sink and trail over to your bedroom. The dainty lingerie bag sits on the corner of the bed, you have yet to try it on but you don’t know..
“Fuck it.” You mutter while stripping down and slipping on the pretty babydoll top and matching thong to go with it.
The soft pink and silky smooth feeling of it has you smiling to yourself over how pretty it is on you. The set even came with a robe so you slipped that on too and tied it securely around your waist before heading back out to show your lover.
“Jungkook.” You call out, “What do you think?”
He pauses his show and looks over, his eyes visibly glaze over as he takes you in from head to toe. “Pretty, I like it—pink suits you.” He beckons you over.
Right, he thinks it’s just a robe.
You walk over with a soft hum and stand between his legs, “I got something else, it’s under.”
His eyes darken and he licks his lips, “Can I?” His hands hover over the sash. You can’t help but shiver with the way he looks at you like he wants to eat you alive. Makes you feel hot.
“Yeah..” Your voice comes out breathier than usual, a hint of excitement underlying your tone.
Jungkook unties the knot and slowly pulls your robe off. “Fuck.” He whispers when he sees the pretty babydoll underneath, he gets a peek at your thong too and he’s nearly drooling.
“Shit baby you look so fuckin’ pretty, look at you,” he gently twirls you around with a low whistle.
His hand hovers over your ass, not quite touching but there. You gently pull his hands closer with a soft, “You can touch.” You murmur.
Jungkook audibly gulps and grabs a fistful of your babydoll, he lifts it up enough to slip his hands around both cheeks. He gives both doughy cheeks a tight squeeze before he’s jiggling it in the palms of his hands.
“Can I baby?” He asks softly, “I wanna take you to bed.” To that you nod.
Before you can get another word out, he abruptly stands and hauls you up into his strong arms. You squeal in shock and hit his shoulders, “Jungkook..! Put me down!” You whine.
“No.” Jungkook smirks as he lands a sharp smack to your ass, “Let me take care of you yeah? Just sit ‘n look pretty for me.” He carries you down the hall and kicks the door open, gently tossing you onto the center of the bed.
You bounce back on the mattress with a soft ‘oof’, he doesn’t let up because he’s already crawling over you and landing a sweet yet heated kiss on your lips. You wrap your arms around him and hug him close, enjoying the soft touches.
Jungkook takes his sweet time kissing you, the kiss is slow and his touches are light and feathery. He holds you like you’re made of glass or something, gently cupping your hips and massaging them. It tugs on your poor heart strings and you find yourself tearing up for no reason..?
He pulls away with a soft pant, pressing his forehead to your own as he stares into your eyes with devotion. “Why are you crying baby? Hm? Why’s my pretty girl sad?” He wipes your tears with his thumbs.
“B-Because, you’re so good to me.” You softly hiccup, “Feel safe with you.”
He brushes your hair out of your face and smooches your nose, “Yeah, what else baby. Talk to me.” He murmurs patiently while cupping the side of your cheek.
“You don’t make me feel alone.” You whisper, and his heart breaks seeing you this vulnerable, “I-I know I haven’t been there for you b-but with the baby and–”
“And who said you needed to take care of me? You already have enough with the baby, you spent nine months carrying our baby and you worked hard to bring him into the world my love. Makes me proud of you baby, strongest girl I know.” He softly smiles.
Your heart races and you feel a knot in your throat as you continue listening to him, “You’re going to be okay—we’re okay. You know I’m always going to be right here for whatever you need, you’re doing so good my love.”
You let out a soft sob and bury your face in his shoulder. These past two months of silently struggling with coming to terms of your newfound motherhood and changes with your relationship finally come to a stop. You feel good knowing that Jungkook is so understanding and supportive.
For a while you thought you were going insane, that it was your fault and you were a horrible mother for feeling so…bad.
Even when you were bedridden for days, void of any life and emotion, Jungkook is still here.
“I love you.” Jungkook whispers.
“I love you too.” You sniffle.
Jungkook helps you slip into one of his shirts as the two of you cuddle for the rest of the night watching silly rom-coms. You know the future will be okay.
Everything is okay.
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe @maddkitt @tvse @ohjeon @teteswtnr @jkslovey12 @kelsyx33 @milfpo1ice @sluttydidi @ztyur @beomgyuult @shescharlie @sweet-sourhotcoco @lalita-7 @hazzzelsdimension @p34rluv @kook-net @bonita0-0 @vmapy @dahliadaenerys @frieschan @lilyflowerguk @sayokodiary @babycandy111 @looneybleus @ash07128 @gyukookswhore @rrosiitas
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kyojurismo · 1 year
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# sub!kyojuro rengoku x fem!reader
summary : your behaviour is starting to change towards him, but kyojuro fears this is only his imagination and that you’re simply lonely and finding a way to enjoy yourself. is there a possibility that you’re actually attracted to him?
chapter tags : sfw, mitsuri makes an appearance, mention of rengoku family, i can’t think of anything else so lemme know if i missed something, 1.6k words — i’ll try to write more for future chapters, pray for me lol.
series masterpost
a/n : hello! i’m both excited and scared to post this lol, writing series and longer fics in general it’s not my forte, so please please please be kind and keep in mind that english is not my first language. i know there’s nothing spicy or truly entertaining — i was lowkey testing the water lmao — but i hope you guys enjoy it anyway <3 ps. lemme know if you wanna be added to my say yes to heaven taglist to be sure to not miss something.
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a young, rich woman without a husband? of course people would speculate about it. that’s what your mother used to repeat. because rich women were always seen under a different light.
but, you didn’t care. you never searched for a husband, you knew your worth and that you didn’t need a man to take care of you.
the only man you were able to tolerate was your precious servant, kyojuro rengoku. kyojuro had been working for you for almost three months now, he was a loyal, caring and educated young man. he was working hard to help his family, and nothing seemed to distract him from work.
at least for now.
the fact that you could work from home was a real blessing. you weren’t a lazy person, you just enjoyed being around him most of the time.
kyojuro was a simple guy. he was always smiling and his voice sounded so comforting and soothing whenever he spoke, whatever the topic. he would be able to smile back at a bully and kindly ask him to not vent their anger on others. that was truly amazing.
his personality was able to overshadow his appearance. no doubts he was an attractive young man, but the moment he started interacting with you – oh, you completely forget about his pretty face. you could ask anyone, they would all reply with the same thing.
you were sitting at the table in your dining room, patiently waiting for your usual breakfast. your eyes were scanning the first pages of the newspaper, devouring the fresh news for the day, when the doors opened. he walked in and served you quietly, before bowing and taking a couple of steps back so he could stay close enough to you if you needed anything, but not that much close to disturb your peaceful breakfast.
“did you sleep well last night, kyojuro?” you suddenly asked him, keeping your gaze focused on the page as you took the first bite of your food. “yes, ma’am,” here came his voice. “i’m glad. as you know, we had to move your room closer to mine for a couple of electrical issues,” from kyojuro’s perspective your tone showed a bit of annoyance, but in reality a part of you was glad that side of your house had been left without light until someone could come to fix the cables. “i understand, but you don’t have to worry about me, ma’am,” he smiled even though he was standing behind you. “i’m happy with everything you decide.”
oh, really?
“now that i think about it, i have a bunch of commissions in town. i’d like for you to accompany me, if that’s alright,” you let a small smirk curve your lips when he hesitated; it was the first time you asked him something like that, after all. could it be a challenge?
“m-ma’am, i’d gladly accompany you but—” you interrupted him, knowing that he was gonna explain he had to stay here since it was his role in the first place. “kyojuro, i’m not really asking for you approval,” your tone sent a shiver down his spine and he cleared his throat. “i will gladly come with you.”
“good boy,” you turned your head to glance at kyojuro and show him a smile, before turning to finish eating your breakfast. that caused you to miss the faint blush appearing on his cheeks at your praise. it was the most casual thing to say, but somehow kyojuro found very pleasurable to hear you say it.
one thing for sure, you weren’t that dumb. you noticed that after such period of service, kyojuro craved your praises whenever he did something for you. it made him feel good and sent a pleasant feeling through his whole body. all this from just the thought of making you feel satisfied with his work.
would you be able to get something more from him at this point?
you were staring out the window quietly, watching with little interest the people and the buildings passing by. “i’ve never been in this part of the city,” you heard kyojuro’s comment and turned to look at him, catching him staring out with a sweet smile on his face. “i realise you rarely leave the house…” your voice is low but it still reached his ears.
“ma’am, there’s no need for you to feel bad. that’s just my job,” he tilted his head to the side and smiled at you, a warm feeling spreading through your chest. he looked so… adorable.
“i’ll let you come with me more often,” you assured with a smile then grabbed a little notebook with a pen, handing them to him. “you can write down the places you want to visit next time.”
kyojuro was surprised but nodded eagerly, genuinely appreciating it. he indeed wrote down a bunch of places, but the dream of coming here again felt distant to him nonetheless.
when the car stopped, you jumped off followed by him and started walking towards your usual clothes shop. kyojuro glanced around curiously while you looked around for a new elegant dress. “what do you think?” he turned his head to look at you, noticing you were holding a sleeveless dark blue dress into your hands. “u-um, it looks good.”
were you really asking him for advice?
“i’ll try it on then,” you smirked at him and walked towards the dressing rooms section. kyojuro followed you swiftly, in case you would need something.
“i need help with closing the back!” you called from behind the curtain. you waited patiently for him, since he seemed to be quite hesitant to enter inside. it was the first time you asked for something like this. “kyo– oh, i thought you left without me,” you chuckled and watched him from the reflection.
his hands were warm against your skin, as he helped you close the dress. his cheeks were slowly turning red as he timidly glanced at your reflection, your cleavage more visible than usual now. “it looks beautiful,” his smile showed he was a bit embarrassed, but sincere. you turned to face him and smiled, watching him scan your figure. “yeah… really beautiful.”
you laughed before patting his arm playfully. “relax! you’re so tensed,” you exclaimed while turning around. you glanced at yourself into the mirror, it was indeed a beautiful dress. “i’m gonna buy this one then,” you announced, satisfied.
you then started taking the dress off before catching his eyes into the mirror. “are you waiting for a show?” you smirked at him and kyojuro’s eyes widened while his whole face turned red, quickly followed by his ears. “i-i’m sorry!” he was quick to exit and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
you found yourself enjoy teasing him. his reactions were cute. in fact, you kept doing it for the whole day. the mischievous touches whenever you were sitting next to each others, the compliments clearly going further that of a friendly relationship between a servant and his madam. kyojuro was left speechless most of the time, with red cheeks and his heart close to jump out of his chest.
but was it real or was it all in his head though?
“no way!” mitsuri jumped in her seat, looking at her friend. “oh, kyojuro!” she grabbed his hands, making him gasp. “what are you gonna do about it?” he frowned at her words. “nothing?”
it was his day off work and kyojuro always tried to meet up with mitsuri, one of his childhood best friends.
mitsuri glared at him, almost offended. “what do you mean by that?!” she hit his chest, exasperated with him. “she’s clearly enjoying your company and there might be something more going on between you and her. take this opportunity!”
“i would never take advantage of her like that,” kyojuro’s tone was serious. “i work for her, she probably just feels lonely and that’s her way to have some fun. i can’t blame her at all. plus…” his voice trailed off. “plus??” mitsuri waited expectantly for him to continue. “i like getting her attention, so i don’t really want to ruin anything,” he confessed it in a very low tone, mitsuri had to lean closer to hear him clearly.
“ooh, i knew it!” she clapped her hands happily and smiled sweetly at him. “alright, do as you please… but lemme know if something changes!” she made him promise, showing him her pinkie. “don’t worry, nothing will happen between me and her,” he said while raising his own pinkie, locking them together. “a girl can dream!”
kyojuro found himself smile then while listening to her rambling about some sweet guy working with her, as they kept sitting at the restaurant table enjoying their lunch together. she was a very lively person and was usually seen smiling most of the time. he enjoyed her company and was happy to be her friend.
after that, kyojuro would usually visit his family and give them his monthly payment, making sure they could easily afford any kind of costs. he was mostly working to help them, after all.
you never took advantage of his need to work, you actually admired him. not many would do the same and kyojuro was really a son to be proud of. you hoped his father was aware of such thing. you were for sure and, deep down, a part of kyojuro wanted you to be proud of him…
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taglist : @vampcubus @naomi-nana @stuckinthewrongworld @doumadono @unear7hly @frickinsleepdeprived @roseofthevolturi @mioblobby @thedevilishlyangelic @ilysm-akari
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soobberries · 2 years
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Edit: this is a repost from my old blog including the little description below and I decided to not change anything about it. The blog I tagged below doesn't seem to exist anymore. :( also lmao I already started working on a part 2 xD yay!
Guys ahsdgajha. Lmao please I need to provide background for this post. I read @atiny-thingz Dilf!Ateez post and lemme tell you, I screamed. It brought back the memory of this running joke my friends and I used to have in 11th grade about this really hot dad that everyone crushed on. So in honour of the post that inspired me and my real life experience, I decided I would write this.
It is only a headcanon/au thing, but let me know if I should perhaps do a part 2?
Edit: here's part 2
This is the first time I’m writing kinda suggestive content and I’m pretty new to it so go easy on me, but I would love some feedback. It’s only suggestive at the end though lol.
Warning: Despite this technically being based on a legal reader, since there is a somewhat large age-gap - thought I would clarify:
Please be aware that I do not condone any type of relationships between minors and adults, nor do I encourage the idea of being a homewrecker. This is all just fiction! So without further ado, let’s get started!
Genre: Doesn’t exactly have one but has elements of crack and is suggestive.
Age: This is written for a somewhat mature audience so please, no under 16s. Stay safe younglings <3
Ah yes, another day, another random school fundraiser.
Your mom got you to look after one of her colleague’s daughter, Nila, for the week while they went on a business trip.
It was the middle of the week and, while this kid was adorable, you’d literally do anything else then go to this weird fundraiser on such a beautiful afternoon.
Oh well, duties are duties.
So as this cutie kid drags you along throughout the whole school, showing you all the stalls and requesting that you buy her some food before she has her ‘shift’, you can’t help but notice that there are only parents here. No other students, siblings - nothing.
A deep exasperated sigh left your mouth because you were here for a good three hours, and quite frankly, despite this little fundraiser having some talks you could attend, you really had no idea how you would busy yourself since the talks offered were a bit boring and you had to pay a large chunk to get a space. Bummer.
Anyway after sharing some mouth-watering cookies with the little girl she asks you to come with her to her stall where she and her peers would be selling cold drinks, and of course you couldn’t say no because this kid was actually a sweetheart and you had it nowhere in your heart to do such.
So obviously you proceed to accompany her there.
It’s a cute stall, and you smile at the youthful, yet ignorant excitement shining in the little girl’s eyes as she exchanges the ‘duty cap’ that one of her classmates had on just prior.
Oh if only they knew what a real job was like.
It wasn’t until after the other girls left, that you realised she was alone, causing you to enquire about her job, wondering if she’s working the shift by herself.
“No, don't worry! Yerim is also doing the job with me. I’m sure she’ll come soon. See? That’s why there’s two hats.” She said, gesturing towards the other cap on the counter.
You nodded quaintly and silently decided to wait with her until her friend came.
“Daddy! Look! Nila is working with me!” A shout came from behind you and a little girl came running to bear hug Nila, causing the both of them to burst into a fit of giggles.
You smiled at the pair and watched mindlessly as Nila got Yerim her hat.
“Oh? Are you looking after Nila?” A voice called out.
‘Oh boy, here we go. Time to get out the speaking to parents voice’
Those were your thoughts as you dreaded having to act somewhat proper so the snobby parents around you wouldn’t undermine you. You took a quick millisecond to gather yourself before turning to face th-
Holy shit.
A blessing.You’ve been blessed. You can die happily now.
This man’s smile-
It’s shining. Blinding you and you do not care, he can have your eyesight.
Cue the slo-mo scene in the movies where everything looks ethereal and suddenly you picture him taking your hand, giving you flowers, and asking the same thing he just did in a softer more seductive tone.
AHaha but it’s not a movie so get yourself together you thirsty piece of flesh.
“Uh yeah, I am, her mom is away on business.” You said smiling, dying inside at the realisation that today was the day you decided to wear such a boring outfit.
Oof pain.
“Oh? I don’t recall Shannon saying she was going away,” He said furrowing his eyebrows, before staring at you,
“nor that she would be leaving such a cute babysitter in her place.” He chuckles nonchalantly.
How is he so calm after saying that like it’s nothing??? Tf???
Fine, two can play this game sir.
“Well she didn’t tell me she was acquainted with such an attractive man either.”
That wasn’t the strongest comeback but like you're nervous okay?
He smiled at the remark, seemingly about to say something, only to be interrupted by his darling daughter.
“Daddy you have to buy something ya know!”
He let out a chuckle that you could only describe as handsome.
“Mhhmm! You too y/n” Nila said toward you with such bright eyes you couldn’t bother saying no. [as mentioned earlier, this cute kid has you weak.]
“Hmm okay you two, since you're all grown up, tell us the prices of your drinks.” You say egging the two girls on, to the man beside you’s amusement.
As the two little girls hurriedly tried to find the price list and decide who’s speaking first, Mr. handsome man turned to you.
“I like that name, Y/n,” He reached out his hand in front of him, “I’m Seonghwa. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Hehehehehehehe play it cool.
Daintely placing your hand in his and gently giving him a small squeeze as you do so, you let out:
“The pleasure is all mine.”
The two of you end up buying water bottles, him insisting that he pays for you so the girls have less to work out in terms of prices (apparently)
You greeted the girls, leaving them to attend to their shift, and discovered that Seonghwa was going to be here a while as well, in which the two of you concluded it would be a good idea to talk off the hours rather than wandering around alone.
You both wander around (a little awkwardly in silence mind you) until you find a table made to look like a wine barrel for a rustic vibe with two high chairs beside it. It matched the theme of this area which was made to be like an expensive barnhouse.
Now lemme tell you, water ain’t as classy as wine but that didn’t stop Seonghwa from calling over one of the workers serving cocktails, and asking for two empty wine glasses.
He then elegantly poured the water into both wine glasses.
“I suppose it’s too early to be drinking but never too early to stay hydrated in a classy way.” He said.
LMAO this guy has dad humour or very dry, dead humour.
You let out a genuine giggle since that was such a dorky thing to say.
“My peers would probably disagree with you as most of them pop out a beer by 9:05.”
“Yes of course, around your age, you don’t quite have the same responsibilities as I do.”
“Oh? Such as working and taking care of a kid? Because it would appear that I have to worry about that too” You replied cheekily even though you probably know he’s living a bit more of a tiring life by the way he spoke.
He let out a heavy sigh which you didn’t expect after your poor attempt of making the convo entertaining.
“Well yes that may be true, but at least you aren’t dealing with a toxic relationship - Only staying and sucking it up for the sake of your child.”
Oh. well that’s quite the share.
“I’m sorry to hear you're dealing with some hardships.” You utter out, genuinely sympathetic.
“But in my opinion, regardless of the child, you should make a decision that makes you happy. You can raise Yerim with no issue even when separated. Rather that, than letting her grow up in an unhappy home, no..? Then again what do I know?” You say while spinning the water in your glass as if it really was wine.
He paused while circling his pointer finger around the rim of his glass. His head resting on his other hand, seemingly in deep thought.
He looked towards you with an intense gaze. One that made you feel small and had your body urging you to run away. But it also captivated you, so you fought your body and held your breath instead to calm down the intimidation you were feeling.
His whole aura changed for some reason...
“You’re not wrong in what you're saying,” he leaned over the barrel, a little closer to you, “But what if the decision that makes me happy is looked down upon?” He said lowly, looking you up and down once again.
This shouldn’t make you nervous. In fact nothing could be considered remotely inappropriate and yet your breath was hitching and your stomach was churning.
Why? Why is this random man making you feel, for lack of better words, so weird.
Bad brain! Bad!
You must be looking too much into his words to think he could be insinuating something...right?
You wanted to back up a little, and lean away from him, feeling as though you needed to gather yourself, but as you leaned back the wine glass full of water was knocked over, splaying it’s contents over you.
The glass was saved, thankfully landing on some grass, protecting your wallet from a potential bill from the school or whoever owned this damned glass.
Your clothes and dignity however?
Can’t really say the same thing…
You stand up immediately picking up the glass and placing it on the table.
Only then do you tense up at the sudden coldness against your skin.
“Oh dear, are you alright, should I get you some paper towels or maybe a napkin?” Seonghwa stood up immediately at your side.
Even though this was painfully embarrassing and the looks you were getting from others didn’t help, you wanted to play it cool.
“No, no, don’t worry. I should’ve been more careful.”
You decided to look inside the little bag you had brought with you, trying to see if you have any sort of tissues with you.
What an awful day to be wearing a shirt that becomes somewhat transparent when wet…
As you're searching, you fail to realise just how transparent the shirt is, obliviously just trying to find an easy solution.
You may have been oblivious, but Seonghwa was not. He couldn’t help the large gulp he took as he saw the shirt stick to your skin, basically exposing anything underneath for everyone to see.
He had a few intrusive thoughts but he shook them off, instead, taking his jacket and placing it over you.
“What are-”
He takes your arm in his grasp and your bag in his other hand, leading you away from some of the snobby parents who had the audacity to still be looking at you in disgust because of your now ‘revealing’ shirt.
We don’t stan those parents alright?
Anyway he knows this school well and so he leads you towards a much more empty area and opens a door to what you’d assume is to be a guest restroom since it looked pretty fancy compared to the normal trashy bathrooms you see in highschools.
He placed your bag down onto the sink and locked the door behind him.
It wasn’t as small as a cubicle, but it was still a very small space to be in, not leaving much room to move around too much.
“Sorry, I just thought it would be more convenient if you cleaned and tried to dry up here.”
Oh? Well yeah this works you guess…
Then you see the mirror.
Cue heat rising to your cheeks and your breath hitching a little.
Oh that’s why he thought it would be a good idea…
Bro your torso is on display. Like, deadass.
Mental note: don’t wear white shirts and be a clumsy dumbass simultaneously in the future.
As you’re staring in the mirror in a small state of shock and further embarrassment, Seonghwa mindlessly grabs the towel next to the sink in the small cubicle, and tugs up your shirt a little bit so that he can place the towel on top of the wet mark a bit more easily.
Haha what?
It’s only when he notices that you’re extremely still, that he realises he shouldn’t just be wiping down a stranger’s shirt for them…
He immediately comes to a halt, while awkwardly glancing at you with the same slightly panicked expression that you held on your own face.
However, Seonghwa realised that, your face, flushed out a little, is frustratingly endearing to look at.
He almost felt the urge to just cradle your face in his hands right then and there...Maybe pulling you in closer
Mr. Park NO!
He shakes his thoughts away, immediately apologising, slowly retracting his arm.
But you know what your dumbass did?
Held his arm in place.
You don’t know why, but it’s like your brain was straight out malfunctioning.
Body, actions, thoughts, rationality - all of it was not communicating with each other and you couldn’t logically explain your actions.
It just felt like maybe you should keep him there and let him take care of you, no matter how strange that may seem. It seemed right…
Either way this is just awkward and now there’s just so, so much tension.
The air is literally weighing on you a bit, especially since Seonghwa went silent after you instinctively grabbed his arm.
It was still, silent, and it felt as though if you moved, reality would break into pieces.
Dramatic way to explain the situation? Maybe. But it really did feel close to that.
“I uh...It’s okay. You can continue.” You let out shakily.
I’m literally getting second hand embarrassment lmao, moving on.
He just adjusted his throat and gave a quaint nod before continuing what he was doing.
The issue was that now he was hyper focused on trying to not make any direct contact with your skin. His touches are so light, that it’s obviously ineffective, and you and him both know that, but no one wants to say anything.
He’s keeping his eyes glued to the wet patch on your shirt and as you look hopelessly at the soggy thing, you can’t help but let your eyes wander to his arms.
Holy shit his arms. You were already flustered, and now you have to sit still knowing his arms look so good? No way. It’s over for you.
His biceps bulged a little since it was bent, and the dress shirt he was wearing tightened around it, only accentuating how firm he was.
If he’s just that firm on his arms...Imagine what he’s like everywhere else…
Great… Now your feeling heat rush to more areas than just your cheeks.
Look away Y/n. Look away. Literally anywhere but there.
Ah yes, look at the ceiling.
You bit at your lip nervously, and in hopes that it would be a gentle reminder to restrain yourself from looking over at him.
“Can you-”
Your eyes meet his, and he darts his eyes elsewhere almost immediately.
He straightens himself up, letting go of your shirt and placing that hand now on the towel.
“Can you not bite your lip like that..?” He steals a glance at you before sighing.
His ears are definitely a shade of pink and it doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
Honestly you couldn’t help but feel a bit prideful and more confident knowing that you weren’t the only one being flustered here.
You felt like you could breathe a little now.
Maybe your brain did a 180 a bit too quickly, since now you decided to lean closer to him, ensuring that your head popped up within his eye view, which was predominantly the floor at the moment.
You tilted your head tauntingly.
“Why? Does it make you nervous?” You said with a playful undertone in your voice - the seemingly newfound confidence urging you on in your antics.
He let out a scoff, turning his head to the side in disbelief before turning his head to look at you with his eyebrows raised, ready to challenge you.
He now leaned closer, clearly asserting a dominant aura with a small smirk graced on his face.
“Trust me, if I wanted to see you wet, this situation would be a lot different.”
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
That was unexpected.
No you won’t back down. You’ve been flustered too much today and you’re tired.
Game face: on.
There’s no time to let the wet shirt of yours get the best of you. It is now no longer your priority in this moment.
[A/N: let’s go Y/N, show ‘em what you got]
You saunter close to him, pushing your hands on his chest causing him to lean back into the wall.
“Is that so?” You chuckle, reaching for his tie, tugging at it a little, before busying yourself with tightening it and making it look a little neater.
“And in what ways, would that situation be different?” you uttered out in the most seductive voice you could muster.
You held back a smirk as his breath audibly hitched.
He found his hand, crawling to grip your hip. Pulling you a bit closer towards him - bodies just touching.
“Well for starters, you wouldn’t have a shirt that would be able to get wet in the first place.”
You flattened out the tie, coming to a halt, taking time to gaze at him.
“Oh? And why’s that?” You said lowly, acting dumb.
His grip tightened around your hip, finally pulling you into his chest.
The slight dampening of his shirt didn’t bother him as much as his urge to touch you more did.
“Because, Y/n,” He spoke, leaning in so that you could now feel his breath fan your lips,
“In an ideal situation, you and I would both be naked.”
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oleander-nin · 8 months
Hi again, I'm that same person that sent that long ask earlier lol
Okay ESPECIALLY after the poll you put up, I wanna say again that WE ALL LOVE YOU STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP /p
I'm stuck between wanting to be heartfelt and encouraging or just shaking you by the shoulders and scream at you /aff /pos
Ollie, genuinely, don't push yourself too hard. Yeah we love what you write, but we understand that you're a person with a life. You do not owe us anything.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, or maybe looking too far into this, but I feel like you're a perfectionist? And that you feel you have to crank things out quickly and it all has to be perfect. Maybe you feel somehow indebted to give us things to read. and lemme tell you, it's very easy to get stuck in a loop of "do the creative thing for your followers or else". That is, if you aren't in that loop already. I'm sorry, know I'm assuming a lot, and I'm not meaning to pry.
I just say this because I recognize the way you talk in your tags or authors notes. I'm not an author, but I used to post art. I kept getting more frustrated with myself, (and I can definitely tell you are too). I lost motivation, and it stopped being fun pretty quickly because I kept thinking "it needs to be perfect" or "I need to create faster" all for the sake of an audience. So when you apologize, or seem to value your writing so little, it just makes me worry that you're in that same loop. Heck, I mean, I still don't make art often, I still have perfectionist issues and worry about how fast I can create. But it's becoming fun again, slowly.
I just hope that writing is still something you like to do. I would hate for your passion for writing to be squandered by the pressure and expectations of an audience. I know you have a lot going on right now, even if you try and act like you should be able to push through it and write, but please take care of yourself. If the February challenge is getting too difficult, please don't feel like there's any shame in limiting your workload. We'll be happy with whatever you make, and I'll be even happier if I know you actually enjoyed writing it. /gen
WOW this is long I'm sorry lmao. I've been at this for like half an hour. (Do asks have a word limit? Oops I hope not ahshjsk)
Oh also, don't worry about responding to this is an "appropriate" way. I know that this would be hard for me to respond to, so don't feel pressured to say anything at all. Even if you delete this, I'll be perfectly fine with it. /gen I just hope you read it and understand that we care about you. Please feel better <3
Breaking this down paragraph by paragraph cuz you deserve it💪(also I'm avoiding responsibilities rn shhh)
Okay first of all, thank you a lot. This entire thing kinda helped me realized just how bad I was letting myself get. In the back of my mind, I know I don't have to write, or that I shouldn't be doing it the way I am, but it felt like an obligation at some point, both from trying to repay you all in the only way I know how, and from trying to catch up with everyone else. Sometimes it feels like I'm falling behind, and if I don't keep going, I'm just going to lose everything.
I forgive you<3/lhj, but you're not technically wrong. While I'm not in the perfectionist in the sense I won't post something unless I deem it perfect and have checked over 8 times(what I used to do), I still tend to pick apart everything I've made and found every flaw. I realize this is a problem, and have been yelled at by many a teachers for it lol. But yeah, a lot of the time I do feel indebted, and I probably am stuck in that loop(Which is why I'm so bad at actually taking breaks). Don't feel bad for assuming, nothing you could say would really offend me, and you've been dead on this whole time.
I've been meaning to stop talking about how much I hate certain parts of what I write in the tags+A/N's, because I know listening to me whine and cry about something that doesn't matter gets annoying, but I'm not good at that either I guess lol.
I'm fairly certain that writing will always be fun for me, as I'm still looking forwards to doing a lot of the requests I got and one set of ideas I have, but finding the will to write it down seems impossible right now. It's like I'm stuck at the bottom of a sheer cliff and I can't start writing until I read the top. The main reason I'm so mad at myself for flopping so bad with this challenge is because I was able to do the Horrortober one just fine, as well as maintain a schedule for a while. It feels like I'm getting worse rather than getting better, and It's just making me frustrated with myself to the point of just wanting to quit(not that I think I'd be able to if I'm honest. I tried once, yet here I am, only 3 years later.)
Anyways, I'm just going to start putting more time into the writing instead of trying to force a deadline. I want to be able to make longer fics again, and to start TWOAL back up(I've been avoiding it because I want the chapters to start being 4000+ to mimic actual books). I want my writing to seem like it has care and quality, and not like it was produced by a factory. I have once headcanon style fic about the Vamp turts in the work I was spending days on to make sure it was decent, and it alone is better than a lot of stuff I've put out recently.
Thank you! I appreciate your words, sorry for the vent. I'll probably just delete this half later lol, but I needed to get some stress out.
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inferencesarchives · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a Valentine’s Day themed scenario with Almond Cookie and reader? One idea I have is a party/dance and they obviously wanna ask each other out but are too nervous to until others play matchmaker to help them!
Operation Matchmaker
almond cookie x gn!reader fluff
summary: you were invited to a party for valentines day, and, even though you were a bit nervous, you decided to go. but when you see your long-time crush there, and he begins to approach you, just what will happen?
warnings: a little bit of self-doubt, kissing
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You weren't sure what you were expecting when you decided to come to this Valentine's party, but it sure as hell wasn't this.
You see, you were in a... predicament. You sat alone at a table in the corner, and across the room stood your friend and long-time crush, Almond Cookie, and next to him was a smaller cookie who you didn't recognize. You desperately wanted to approach him, but you doubted that you could even work up the courage to just approach him. So, instead, you just sat in the corner, silently hoping he wouldn't notice you staring.
He couldn't help but feel enchanted by you.
Everything about you intrigued him. He studied you intensely, memorizing every little detail about you. He had long known of his feelings for you, but chose not to voice them in fear of losing you. So, he simply continued to admire you from afar.
"Well, SOMEONE has a crush!" Walnut Cookie said as she snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Wha- No!" He looked in the opposite direction, baffled that his daughter had noticed him staring at you. "Oh, really? Well if you don't have a crush, mind telling me why you were too busy staring at that cookie over there to pay attention to what I was saying?" She vaguely gestured to you before poking him in the chest. "I.. Well, I... Um." He sighed, giving up on protesting his daughter's claims. "Toooold ya! Say, why don'tcha go over and talk to them, eh? It's not good to keep your feelings to yourself, ya know!" Despite only knowing you existed for about five seconds, Walnut Cookie trusted her father and wanted the best for him, so she decided to play matchmaker for the two of you. "Wait, but-" "GO." She managed to push him in your general direction before he could say anything else.
Too busy being lost in thought, you failed to notice Almond Cookie walking over to you until he sat down at the opposite side of the table. "Oh, um, hi!" Snapping back to reality, you barely remembered to greet him. "Ah, (Y/N) Cookie, hello. I, uh, didn't expect to see you here tonight," He said, avoiding your gaze. The two of you sat in awkward silence for a few minutes before Almond spoke up again.
"I'll get straight to the point. You might hate me for what I'm about to say, but I need to get this off my chest," he took a deep breath before continuing, "(Y/N) Cookie, I am in love with you. Everything about you makes my heart go crazy, and I just can't imagine a life without you. And, I understand that you probably don't share these feelings, but-" You cut him off with a kiss to his cheek. "I love you too," you confessed with a shy smile. He looked dazedly at you for a few moments before grinning. "Well, then. I guess we're a thing now?" He asked, wanting to make sure that you were really okay with getting into a relationship with him. "Mhm!" You confirmed while reaching to hold his hand. Slowly, he leaned over and kissed you, and at that moment, the two of you knew you wanted to stay together until the end.
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a/n: i love him so much aaaa- also i hope im not the only one who imagines walnut cookie as adorable but also chaotic at the same time lmao ty for requesting i loved writing this sm <33
thanks for stopping by!
want to request something? see my requesting rules here. (pls request smth i love writing reqs even tho they take me a bit of time to complete and also i need help in defeating writer's block in an epic anime duel thx)
want to be tagged? lemme know :)
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amourlyns · 2 years
hii! i went through the whole windbreaker tag and saw that you're the only person who has written about harry. so i would like to request smth about him. literally anything u have in mind would do. i have mixed feelings about him but recently my obsession with him is growing💀💀💀 also if u have any recs for fics or other of him (if there's actually any) feel free to share <3
‧ 🧟🪦💀
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𝓢𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒 ⌕ If he’s trynna tell the truth, it’s all bad. Hell, the proof is there.
𝓜𝖺𝗋𝗅𝗒𝗇𝖾 𝓣𝖺𝗅𝗄𝗌 ━━ HUUH? LMAO, no way.. 😭. Well lemme supply you with all the Harry goodies! And no, I don’t know any fics for him.. sorry 😓 inspired by All bad by JID & Mereba ➜    masterlist
𝓦𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 ━━ Harry cheats on you!!
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⠀ | YOU NEED TO START BEING MORE.. honest with yourself. It really was all bad, and there was no denying the truth when it was right in front of you. In your heart, you knew that Harry Shepherd cheated on you.
So why wasn’t it clicking yet? What would it take for you to understand..? The evidence and proof and evidence was all there. So here you were, standing in front of Harry’s apartment with a vacant stare and heavy heart.
Why didn’t he just tell you from the beginning? Was he just playing with you from the start or— Did he fall out of love? You weren’t sure what was worse in this situation. But shit, it hurt so fucking bad. You knew him since was young, since he even started biking— you were his girl. His rock. What happened?
So when he opened the door with his towel around his waist and his hair in a towel on the phone with some other girl..? you froze. He was a shameless bastard and— his face fucking drops. What, he wasn’t expecting you? Well you weren’t expecting him to be a cheater but here we are!
So you’d let yourself in, waltzing into the space like you owned it. You might as well, you guys considered it— well. Did consider it. Harry followed you with his eyes, never following you physically. Typical.
The more you thought about the situation, the more pissed you got. You could almost cry. When Harry finally gets off the phone and pays attention to you it’s almost.. artificial. It too bitter— maybe it’s because you know the truth.
It’s hard for him to make eye contact, he knows that you heard the rather intimate phone call, but what else do you know? if only he knew.
❛ Why are you here so late babe? ❜ Harry would question, you could feel the couch shift with his weight. He would scoot closer, and you would scoot further. ❛ Why didn’t you tell me Harry—? Why would you..❜ by now now it clicks for him. He’s no longer playing dumb, and he can see the tears that well up in your eyes.
He’s silent.
And he can’t say anything but 〞 I’m sorry. 〞 you couldn’t handle this anymore, you needed a break. A break from him— a break from this damn city.
It was just all bad
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ladyimaginarium · 8 months
Free General Collective Reading !!
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Withdraw: You're being told by your spirit guides to please take the time to relax if and/or when you can. It's the weekend, after all! Take the time to have a nap, too !! Sleep is very important !! Foxes or some kind of fox spirit or a deity related to foxes may be significant to you; I'm specifically getting Inari and kitsune specifically. Maybe you watch Naruto ( iconique !!) . Either way, please rest. Good luck w/ everything !!
Surrender: This pretty much echoes the previous card. You're being asked to surrender anything that stresses you out for the time being. Literally just chill tf out. Prioritize you first and foremost (unless you have, like, a kid or something, then obviously prioritize them but even so take care of yourself too, though I'm getting the feeling this is just probably going to be for very few people)! Very straightforward !!
Confidence Is Your Key To Success; New Moon In Leo: Something big in your life may be happening considering this card is upright and the bright golden colors illuminating the card and Leo energy practically radiating from it. It's pretty straightforward, whatever you're working on, whether it's yourself you're working on or maybe a project you've been thinking of working on, it's going to be okay !! Leo rules the Strength card in Tarot so Leo could be significant, whether you have those placements or someone who's important to you has those placements, Leo Season ( July 23rd-August 22nd ) could be significant, too. Whatever this is that you're working on, I'm& wishing y'all the best in whatever you decide to pursue, SLAYYYY !!
You & Your Loved Ones Are Safe; New Moon In Cancer: What a lovely and perfect card to end your reading !! Generally speaking, if you're reading this, you and your loved ones are safe and you don't need to worry about it so chill out & have fun !! Cancer may be significant, whether you have those placements or someone else you know does, it also rules The Moon card in tarot and Cancer Season so that may be significant. These are all straightforward messages which I'm& grateful for !!
Shufflemancy Song: Cruel World — Lana Del Rey.
Additional Notes: omg.. have some of y'all cut sb off ?? Looking at the shufflemancy song I& can't help but be curious LMAO lemme know y'all's situation if that is actually the case I& wanna know the tea !! Regardless tho your cards here look really good for you so good for y'all !! If any of this resonates with you, you can reblog it & add it in the tags or comment how it resonates, I'm curious to see how this resonated with you !! All really straightforward messages g-d bless !!
Disclaimer: take what resonates & leave the rest, keep in mind that energy and outcomes can always change & nothing is forever set in stone, you have free will in every choice you make !! as a general message: my readings are for entertainment purposes only and don't replace professional medical/legal/business help. feedback and a review after a reading is given, whether public or private, is obligatory. you can do that by reblogging ( only if the reading was made for you specifically ), dming or emailing us privately on the matter. if you do not provide this, you will be added to my greylist and won't be given anymore readings, free or paid, until you give feedback.
decks used: Threads Of Fate Oracle; Shadow Edition & Moonology Oracle.
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gu6chan · 8 months
I decided I'd make this blog for things I'm excited about or put a lot of hard work into, but don't have anyone/anywhere to share with otherwise. Mostly personal things like musings, drawings, personal OC's and their stories, and other hobbies like writing/RP or games. I may also talk rarely about mental health issues as well, specifically dealing with things like intrusive thoughts or derealisation, so keep that in mind. If there's ever something you'd like tagged, lemme know.
Some notes:
This is a heavily NSFW blog where I get way too thirsty over fictional hermits so please do keep that in mind!!!
I'm very liberal with my blocking but at the same time very lax with discussion, so please don't take it personally if I block you and don't be shy about being upfront and honest if you have any questions! Nothing's off the table here :)
DO note I commonly block anyone who posts/reposts content from Drakengard 3 or the Nier series, which may include friends or acquaintances I've been chatting to for a while. Unfortunately just filtering the tags and blocking everyone else means next to nothing on this site, and I want to focus on crafting my own little space away from those things while I'm here. No hard feelings, and apologies in advance if you end up blocked!
I run on a somewhat inconsistent schedule between work and college so I might be quick to reply one second and take ages the next, I really do apologise.... (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
I don't mind reblogs! It makes my whole day of anything, so please don't feel worried I won't take kindly to it :3<
Importantly, this IS actually a sideblog, so while I tend not to follow back, I see y'all and it means a lot to me that you follow me!!! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ I didn't think I'd really pick up any interest when I first made this blog, so I apologise for the lack of foresight :') Additionally, I rarely DO like posts from my main, but I'm a bit shy so I usually opt just to reblog... Please don't take it as any insensitivity on my end! I see y'all, I'm just a bit hard to show it... (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Currently you might expect to see primarily Drakengard 1 and 2-related posts, though I'm in a few different fandoms so there might be a couple of things relating to those as well??? Infrequently. Everything I put on this blog means a great deal to me personally so if by some chance anyone might interact, be respectful please!!! :,) im fragile lmao
I love yapping and talking and being shamelessly horny about my faves and ships, so on the off-chance we share faces and you have any thoughts you'd like to share with someone, consider me that person :3 I LIVE for yapping and rest-assured, I do NOT kinkshame here 🫡 please tell me your thoughts i need more degeneracy in my life lmao
This will be up for the meantime until I get an actual pinned post around. If anyone happens to see this please do stop by, a lot isn't established yet but I hope to get it around in the morning. I love small talk and all manners of discussion and conversation, so again, I'll be happy just to see these little things of mine meaning anything to anyone who sees it!!
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teaveetamer · 2 years
raxis has now decided to just name the person he has been harassing and block evading, fantasyinvader, and claims it's because you "Edelcritics" already mentioned him so he doesn't need to pretend anymore
Lmao, really? Of course he is. I know I said I was done with the guy until he went and harassed again and he's back at it literally not even two days later.
It is extremely telling that his takeaway from being told "hey, that person you've been screenshotting and reposting explicitly has you blocked, has had you blocked for months, you could not have possibly missed that you are blocked, and you are engaging in unwelcome and harassing behavior by continuing to do this. You're too old to not know what boundaries are so could you please respect some." was not "oh damn, maybe I went too far."
No his takeaway was "oh, good, someone else mentioned their name so now I can amp up my harassment further by explicitly name dropping him! I'm not responsible for anything because Vee is the one who revealed their identity, not me!" (Ignore the fact that he was encouraging people to go find FantasyInvader before he name dropped him, he was just being slightly less explicit about where to find him). He took me calling him out for his harassment as an invitation for further harassment. Like, honestly I don't even know what to say that could make the problems with his behavior any more clear.
Lemme spell this out clearly: MFer, I name dropped FantasyInvader so people would know how explicitly unwelcome your continued interaction with him was, not so you could gleefully abdicate your conscience and responsibilities for your own actions onto me. The difference between me saying his name and you saying his name is that I am attempting to act as an ally to someone you have been harassing relentlessly, and you are amping up harassment you already got the ball rolling on.
Also, inb4 raxy accuses me of harassing or being a hypocrite with this: I haven't even checked his blog since Saturday night, which I only did to see if he actually blocked me (and at that point I was still not blocked, by the way). Anyway, I'm very sorry that you're so horribly inconvenienced by me asking you for the fourth fucking time to respect other people's boundaries by not screencapping their posts and sending harassment their way just because you don't like their opinions about Edelgard von Fire Emblem. I would have stopped talking about you entirely if you'd just listened on the first attempt. I'm not sure why you think block evading to harass people over a video game character is the same as me explicitly calling out your actual behavior that actually constitutes harassment and is actually extremely harmful to actual real people.
Anyway, again, don't send harassment to his inbox. Keep all criticisms to his abhorrent behavior (or explaining how tag functions work, good lord I still can't believe he's trying to pass off a search function as a shadowy cabal of evil Edelhaters), please and thanks.
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