#lemme know if you guys ever want to see the cards the gifs will be based on
kingofscoops · 2 years
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Stranger Things Tarot Cards (1/38)
The Fool
Upright: Will Byers never expected a late-night bike ride to lead him to an alternate dimension. Nevertheless, his journey began! The Fool portrays the start of a great adventure, and when it breaks through into your reading, it means you are about to set out on a new path.
Upside Down: It’s perfectly reasonable to fear the unknown, but it’s worth asking yourself whether what you’re really afraid of is not being in control. Life is filled with surprises - some larger than others - but you can’t let that prevent you from forging ahead.
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abbys-wifey · 11 months
penalty shot
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request linked here
pairing: jenna ortega x female reader
warnings: none
a/n: i think i’m also gonna start writing for arcane characters (mostly sevika) , lemme know what u guys want :)
Stress doesn’t even begin to cover the amount of anxiety I feel as I stand under the stadium lights readying myself to kick a penalty goal. My team may be up by one but missing this kick could ruin my chances at moving up the league ladder. Plus it doesn’t help that football fans are never lenient when it comes to penalty goals, miss it and your basically the worst player to ever walk the field.
Taking a deep breathe I glance toward the goalie who stands crouched in the middle of the goal side stepping from side to side ready to dive. With a clench of my jaw and a last glance at my team behind me I manage to calm myself as each member nods their head in encouragement. Finally I begin to run towards the ball, grass kicking up in my wake as I lift my right leg and make contact with the ball.
The stadium is silent, watching as the ball flies through the air looking as if it’s going for top bins. My hopes are quickly squashed however as the goalie manages to get a finger to the ball causing it to fly up and over the goal and straight into first row of the crowd.
An ooh echoes around the stadium as my ball smacks a brown haired woman dead in the middle of her face. Her hands immediately flying up to her nose as she winces in pain. “Shit.” I mumble under my breath seeing the woman on the big screen, my cheeks blushing red as I notice how beautiful she happens to be.
“Dude, you just hit Jenna Ortega in the face.” My teammate Sam whispers, her eyes not leaving the big screen either. “Of course I did. I’ll be right back.” I pat her on the back before heading over towards Jenna who dabs at her nose which runs red blood all down her chin.
“Hey, no you can’t leave the field.” The ref sprints in front of me, an arm extended out before me to prevent me from getting any further. “I just need to see if she’s ok.” I plead gently pushing the refs arm.
“Only time your leaving this field before time is up will be for a red card and if u keep behaving how you are it won’t be far away.” The refs eyes narrow before he picks up his whistle and blows it loudly in my ear.
“Get back on the field.” He seethes, a vein popping on his neck. Holding my hands up in surrender I head back to the field glancing over my shoulder to find Jenna already staring at me. I send her an apologetic smile to which she raises her eyebrows with a tiny smile she tried so hard to hide.
Throughout the rest of the match I can’t help but glance over at the brown haired woman who holds a cloth to her nose yet still cheers loudly. Even with the blood running down her chin and the large cloth covering half her face, her beauty still managed to force the blood to rush to my cheeks.
Finally only two minutes remain with the score now tied. The crowd fades into background noise as I slide across the ground successfully tackling a girl from the opposite team causing her to trip over my foot as it hits the ball from between her legs. Her arms extend as she gasps, glaring at the ref as if trying to force him to give me a yellow card.
Luckily the call never comes allowing me to take the ball that rolls down the field and dribble it towards the goals. Defenders come my way pausing my play as I somehow manage to manoeuvre the ball between their legs until it is just me and the goalie once again.
Kicking hard silence falls over the stadium as my ball flies through the air. Only this time the goalie dives the opposite way allowing the back of the net to catch my ball.
The stadium erupts into cheers and applause, my name echoing across the stadium as the buzzer finally sounds ending the match. I find myself surrounded by my team mates, each one wrapping their arms around me and slapping my back in celebration of our victory but I only have eyes for one person at this time.
“Guys, guys hang on I have to do something. One minute.” I force my way out the group and head towards the crowd once again, only this time no ref stops me as I lean against the barricade where Jenna sits.
“I’m so sorry for hitting you.” I apologise instantly, gently biting my lip as she sticks her tongue out to wet her lips. “You made up for it with that last goal.” She shrugs with a small smile. “Plus it’s not broken so.” Jenna pulls the cloth away from her nose for a second as if to show me her button nose is far from damaged. “Yeah still looks perfect to me.” I flirt holding eye contact with the girl who raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.” She fakes a pout and I let out a laugh before stepping backwards.
“Well then let me make it up to you.” I pull my jersey over my head leaving me in just a sports bra and shorts. “Got a pen? I can sign it for you too.” I chuckle as Jenna not so subtly eyes my stomach before reaching into her back pocket. “How do you even know I go for your team?” She teases watching me with a grin as I roll my eyes.
“Well the cheering and screaming of my name was a large sign.” I retort leaning my jersey against the barricade so I can write on it.
Signing my name and my number onto the jersey I place it in her hand, ignoring the tingling sensation as her finger graze mine. “Don’t sell it or I’ll have to change my number for the third time.” I playfully threaten. “Ooh I might just have to. Call it revenge.” Jenna chuckles before glancing over my shoulder.
“Looks like people are waiting on you. I’ll text you. Maybe.” She grins. I raise an eyebrow. “I’ll be waiting Miss Ortega. And I promise next time I see you there will be no blood noses involved.” I send her a wink before turning around and heading back to the field.
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onceuponastory · 1 year
protective - bucky barnes x reader
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Plot: Bucky gets protective over Y/N during a mission. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: A guy being creepy, reader being slightly uncomfortable and Bucky wanting to fight the guy. As always, if I miss any triggers please let me know! Notes: This is very loosely based on El Tango De Roxanne from Moulin Rouge because I love that scene & that song. Also I was thinking about a Moulin Rouge AU so lemme know your thoughts. Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own. Thank you to @staticscreenwriting for my divider!
“I don’t like this.” Bucky hisses, throwing a hard stare across the room. Nervously, he taps his feet. Although, when he sees Y/N standing there, leaning against the bar as she sips from her drink, his face softens ever so slightly, and a small smile grows on his face. But once he remembers what they’re doing here, his hard stare returns. He really doesn’t like this. Not one bit.
“Don’t worry Buck. She’s got this.” Steve’s voice crackles over the headset. “Besides, she has a wire on, so we’ll be able to hear everything, and we can step in if we need to.” Despite how his words are trying to be supportive, Bucky doesn’t feel comforted at all by his words. 
Tonight, they’re on another mission, ready to stop some corrupt agent intent on causing chaos. And Y/N was sent undercover to charm him and try to extract information because she’s not as publicly known as the other Avengers. It’s not the first time Y/N’s done something like this, but this time, Bucky hates the thought of sending her out there alone. From what Bucky’s heard, despite the man’s kind facade, he’s extremely cruel when he needs to be, and he has no issue with stepping on people to get what he wants. And no doubt he would do just the same to Y/N if she ever got in his way. Despite how experienced she is, the thought of Y/N stuck there with him alone makes his stomach churn.
“Sam, do you have visuals on Y/N?”
“Yes, Bucky. I did the first time you asked, and I still do now.” Before Bucky even asks his next question, Sam answers it. “Yes, I’m keeping an eye on her.”
Bucky knows his two best friends are worried about Y/N too, but he also knows that they think he’s overreacting slightly that Y/N is going to be perfectly safe. Bucky just hopes they’re right. Y/N is incredibly skilled at going undercover, and there’s no doubt she’ll do just as well today and get the information they need. It’s just that Bucky cares too much about her to let her go into these dangerous situations alone. At least not without her knowing that he’s there on the other end if she needs him. He’s been in love with her for as long as he can remember, and the last thing he wants is for her to be put in danger. His gaze goes back to Y/N, and he sighs. She looks gorgeous tonight, dressed to the nines. But that’s not too difficult. To Bucky, Y/N always looks gorgeous. Maybe one day he’ll actually find the guts to tell her the truth, instead of standing here all forlorn and lovesick, as Sam and Steve call it.
“Showtime.” Sam whispers, cutting through his thoughts. Bucky watches as the man enters the room, making a beeline straight to the bar. Y/N notices him too, and makes a point of brushing up against him slightly as she requests another drink. The man looks over her, pointedly staring at her chest and her ass. Bucky’s jaw clenches.
“Let me get that.” The man grins, placing his hand on Y/N’s wrist and reaching out with his card before Y/N can do anything. “Can’t let a pretty girl like you pay for your own drink now, can I?” Bucky suppresses a desire to vomit. Creep.
“Thank you.” Y/N smiles, batting her eyelashes slightly. The sight makes Bucky’s stomach flutter, the same way it usually does when he sees Y/N. Sometimes, Bucky likes to imagine that Y/N’s flirting is for him, and that she feels the same way he does for her. But for real this time.
As Y/N and the man find a table and start chatting, Bucky continues to watch, hating every moment. The way the man leers at her, a sick smirk on his face the entire time, makes Bucky’s stomach churn even more. He knows what assholes like him do, and he hates every part of it.
“Can you cool it with the glare, Buck? I’m not even in the same room as you and I can feel it burning through the wall.” Bucky ignores Sam’s comment and instead works through an action plan. A way to rescue Y/N in case she needs help. As he does so, he keeps a cautious eye on the pair, just in case. As she laughs along with the man, Bucky can pick up on the awkwardness in her laugh. He swears the noise makes his stomach twist. When the man presses a kiss to her cheek and a small flicker of unease crosses Y/N’s face, Bucky swears his heart almost stops.
In a moment, he jumps up, ready to charge in, to peel the man’s arms off of Y/N and drag him away from her. But before he can, Y/N takes control once more, changing the subject. Yet still, Bucky keeps a wary eye on the man. He flexes his metal arm, ensuring he’s ready to jump in and protect Y/N.
Whatever the cost.
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Thankfully though, only a few hours later (albeit longer than Bucky would’ve liked), the agent suddenly has to leave, bringing the mission to a halt. And soon, Y/N is back safe and sound in the compound with the others. 
“Well done Y/N.” Steve praises, and Sam nods.
“Yeah. Great job.” Bucky murmurs, his tone causing Y/N to raise a brow.
“Guys, can I speak to Bucky alone for a moment, please?” she asks. Glancing at each other, Steve and Sam nod and leave the room. “So. What’s up with you?”
“Nothing.” he shrugs. Scoffing, Y/N rolls her eyes. 
“Bucky, there’s no point in lying. I know you.” She’s right, she does know him really well. Sometimes, Bucky swears that Y/N knows him better than anyone else. Even better than Steve. There’s no way he could even try to hide his feelings from her. “And besides, you were staring daggers out the window the whole ride back. Now, tell me what the problem is.”
“I just… when you were with that guy, I was worried about you, okay?!”
“Aww Bucky, you really do care about me!” she grins, giggling like it’s just a joke. But little does she know, Bucky doesn’t see it that way.
“I do care about you! Fuck Y/N, I care about you more than anything in this world, and the thought of that… that sicko being anywhere near you, o-or laying his hands on you makes me feel sick!” He exclaims, the words slipping out without another thought. “I know how good you are at going undercover, but the last thing I want is you getting hurt.” Y/N’s eyes widen.
“Oh… oh.” As silence falls amongst the pair, Bucky’s heart pounds. Why did it all have to slip out like that? Maybe keeping it in for so long has finally taken its toll. Y/N stares back at him, still silent. Bucky blushes, his cheeks turning scarlet. Now he looks like an idiot. A total lovesick idiot. 
“I’ll, um. I’ll go.” 
“No, wait.” Y/N stops him as he starts to leave, reaching out and touching his arm. “I-I never knew you felt that way about me, Bucky. Thank you.” she smiles, and Bucky nods.
“Y/N, I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember.” he admits, chuckling slightly. “You’re very special to me, Y/N.”
“And you’re special to me too, Buck. I’m so glad to have someone like you looking out for me.” Before Bucky can even respond, she presses a kiss to his cheek, his stubble lightly grazing against her lips. This almost sends Bucky’s heart into overdrive, and he swears his skin tingles from where she kissed him. “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, and I had no idea you felt the same way about me.” she whispers, her words making Bucky’s mouth drop open. “I need to go type out my mission report, but maybe we can grab dinner afterwards? I think we have a lot to talk about.”
“Yeah, yeah, that sounds good.” Bucky nods. And then she heads down the hallway, waving goodbye. Even after she disappears from sight, Bucky still stares down the hall. He cups his cheek, still feeling it burn from when she kissed him. Still dumbstruck at how Y/N likes him back. A goofy grin overtakes his face. 
Despite how badly tonight started, he’s never been as happy as he is right now.
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blueballsracing · 5 months
Can u help me understand Lestappen please? I’m trying to get into it because it’s a popular ship and I don’t want to miss out on great fics and stuff.
But I see Tumblr posts of MV and CL that scream “HEART EYES” or “HUSBANDS” and…I don’t see it. I can’t suspend my disbelief. Like I get they’ve been competing for 20 years or whatever but I don’t get anything other than profesh respect. And when we regularly see how they are with other people, like MV with Daniel or Lando, or CL with Carlos, Lestappen looks even worse.
Can you please help me see the Lestappen light?
hi anon! lemme break it down for ya. the reason why lestappen is such a popular ship is bc not only of the mutual respect that they have for each other, but the history they have, and their interactions have been pretty cute and all.
even max and lando don't really interact that much, and lando goes as far as to say that "he's not my bff, don't ever say that again" when asked about him and max's relationship. and max with daniel–well, max has always loved daniel and had a crush on that man since his first days in f1 so... different dynamic for sure. charles with carlos interactions... they are cute and all but i think their racing dynamics are just so awkward? esp i think that the ferrari politics deffo affected their relationship and all. cross-team dynamics between charles and max have a nice dynamic, but i'll break down some of the key events
lestappen lore timeline!
2012 - when the inchident occurs - you just need to watch this video. it's just so funny. no words can explain this 😭
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2014 - when max essentially recommends charles to race for his old f3 team, van amersfoort racing, a dutch team. and the team boss had a lot of positive things to say about the two <3
2019 - the singapore flag incident... mr. i know geography and i love flags SOMEHOW doesn't know the difference between the singapore flag and the monaco flag
2019 - when we get to austria 2019. essentially, charles is about to win his FIRST ever f1 gp with 3 laps to go, and max pushes charles off track, overtaking him and eventually winning. charles is FURIOUS on the podium. and then they have to share a plane back home but max is all like "oh yeah we're good! 😊 he's talented and he will have his first win this year for sure! we have at least 15-20 years of racing together still! 😊" and then on the plane charles unfollows max. max does the same 😭
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2022 - jumping forward to austria 2022, when charles wins the race! and they have this GAY ASS PODIUM
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austria is lestappen holy ground.
2020 - when we get this wonderful clip of sebastian asking whether or not charles thinks max is pretty.
seb: is he pretty? charles: *giggles and then silence* OH WAIT. i thought you said 'is he british?' i was like, that's not physical... *panicked leg shake* i don't know!!! *laughs again*
charles not wanting to answer if max is pretty... we should take that as a yes <3
2021 - the year of their baku love tree <3 according to an old turkish custom, when a couple get married, they plant a tree together, and they water it to symbolize their marriage and their hope for leading a happy and beautiful life!
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and then jumping forward to 2023 in baku, they have the SAME IDENTICAL TIME during first runs in q3. only max is first bc he did his lap first.
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2022 - cota! before the press conference they talk and max goes "fresh again?" and charles starts GIGGLING. like yeah we know u were drunk celebrating 🙄
2022 - secret santa! when charles has max for secret santa and this guy just. gives him f1 2022. with THREE OF HIS FACES. and has a card and writes "one edition for my BIGGEST FAN." not normal about this at ALL.
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2023 - charles admits to drinking red bull after he couldn't say in an interview but then likes a tweet later 😭
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2023 - paddelgate. max loses to charles in october
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and then they're supposed to play together in december!
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but then... Max stays up until 4 am the night before the match (doing a 24 hour charity stream) and sleeps in and misses the entire event. 🙁
ok i could literally go on and on about them but i'm going to end it here with a couple quotes:
"Of course I have a lot of respect for Max. He has done very well and I have a lot of respect for what he has achieved. When we drove in karts, we dreamed of Formula 1 together and here we are now! He has the title I won and I have a lot of respect for that."
"I always thought that, if I'd make it to F1, Charles would also make it."
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thesupreme316 · 11 months
Can you write how the AEW guys would react to the reader playfully smacking their ass like Bucky did to Seth Rollins that one time (please include MJF hehe)
AEW Stars React To: Their S/O Smacking Their Butt
Pairings: MJF x Reader, Max Caster x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Nick Wayne x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, Hook x Reader
Word Count: 750
Supreme Speaks: hey yall, here you are and i hope you all enjoy it. I should have another react post by tomorrow. lemme know what else yall want to see. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: none i think, suggestive content
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @eddie-kingstons-wifey @triscillal @batzy-watzy @sheinthatfandom @cassie0sstuff
I think this is the most I have ever written the word ass
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Mans would feel accomplished
Like that finally, someone has acknowledged his ass is on another level
We all know how much pride he takes in his ass just look at the edits on TikTok
If you do it in private, he will definitely laugh and try to slap your back
(Honestly he might twerk like a drunk girl)
If in public, he might be embarrassed or confused for a split second…but he’ll go right back to being arrogant
He’ll tweet about it, tagging Max Caster so he can get jealous
Will start wearing more tight-fitting pants so he can tease you more
Eddie Kingston:
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Mans finds it funny but is always confused about why/how you do it before he can do it to you
Full-on laughs and cracks a smile when/after you do it
Now you two are in a competition to see who can smack the other’s ass more often
You typically drive-by slaps or wait until he’s reading/watching wrestling to slap it
He does it when you are on the phone or talking to friends
Eddie loves it because it’s y’all’s way of PDA or showing good vibes
I don’t think y’all would do it out in public like in front of fans
But the one chance you did…boi was he a mess
Christian Cage:
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Christian would just stare at you with no expression
He was just looking at you as if he was saying “Really”
OR he’ll stare at you in an offended way
He’s surprised that you did it
“How dare you?”
I can totally see him “scolding” you
Says his ass is off limits and promises to “punish” you the next time you did it
To test your luck…you did it again…and let's say you couldn’t sit down for a good while
Nick Wayne:
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Lil boi is so cute and he gets all shy
Immediately he blushes and gets all whiney
Face all red while saying
“I can’t believe you did that”
I think he would be too shy to smack yours back
Prolly would chase you around
Would stop after you smacked his ass twice more
Ever since then, he just accepted the smacks….with a red blushing face of course
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Nonchalant as a mothafucka
But to him, it’s a normal thing, so he doesn’t care
He just continues talking to his friends after he smacks yours as you walk away
To Hook…it’s equality
Mans just loves to have his hands on you in general
If you did it to him while y’all were in the ring…he would break character and laugh
The internet would have a field day with the clip, making it go viral
Now if you slap it extra hard, Hook would just simply pick you up and show you how a real master of the booty slapping arts does it
Ricky Starks:
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Alexa…play Bongos by Cardi B
Like Hook, Ricky’s not fazed
In fact, he eats it up and then some
I can see Ricky just winking at you..and ever so gently…SPEARING YOU ON THE BED
He slaps yours back twice as hard
In public….he would pull you towards him and tell you all the things he’s gonna do to you
Particularly finds it funny when you continuously smack his ass while ya’ll are laying down
I def see it as a postcard or a couple Christmas card (merry smackmas)
Max Caster:
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Would deadass put his ass out even further for you to slap again
“I can see you’re getting a little handsy”
Looks at you suggestively, probably would moon you
Probably would chase you down just to slap your ass back
If you do it in public, he’s throwing ass like a real one
Which causes you to become embarrassed and swiftly leave the scene
He would at the rest of The Acclaimed and wiggle his brows…looking for someone else to smack his ass
bonus: I truly think he would be like Richard from Wasabi Productions (back from like 2011)
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mitchywitchythings · 2 years
Some drinking headcanons with Todoroki Shoto!
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Summary: What’s Todoroki Shoto’s reaction to drinking?👀
Warnings: Drinking, underage drinking, partying, lime, spicy, no actual smut, puking, hangover
Paring: Todoroki Shoto X Reader
Word count: 843 words
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The first time you went drinking was when you graduated from Class 1-A to Class 2-A! The Bakugo squad decided it would be really cool to drink to your heart's content as a form of celebration
Mina your bestie for life, wanted you and your bf Shoto fucking hammered, seeing as it was his first time drinking
Your first time drinking was on your birthday last year, while Todoroki was doing his retake for his license
Safe to say Mina got you drunk so she was the one to take care of you the whole night
You guys drank at a club btw, Momo’s cousin was the owner so you girls had a night out, while a few guys from your class came. And by few I mean Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari
Someone had to distract Iida and lie about going somewhere else
Good thing Shoto wasn’t there or he’d freeze and burn the 5 guys who tried to flirt with you
Ok so you guys end up keeping the night a secret from everyone who was excluded from that night, which included Shoto😭
Well all of that was true up until tonight at the graduation party, when Kaminari was yelling for everyone to take advantage and drink while Iida and Aizawa were out
Bruh, Kaminari slung his arm around your shoulder and began recalling your birthday and how you drank at least 10 glasses of different cocktail drinks
Shoto was like 👁️👄👁️😐🫤😑😯
Asked you why didn’t you tell him, you said it was a secret from everyone who wasn’t included that night, Shoto was sad at first why you didn’t tell him but all of that was erased when you gave him a peck on the lips
After that Mina and Kaminari were behind you and legit made you drink
This was done by Kaminari grabbing your arms from behind you, holding you back and making you tilt your head back
Mina from in front of you quickly with ninja moves poured the whiskey into your mouth, straight from the bottle
Shoto stood there in shock and not sure what to do
But he was sure about one thing
Kaminari wasn’t going to hold his girlfriend ever again
Legit shoved off Kaminari and took his place, giving him a harsh death glare when Kaminari pouted, like his quirk, this boi literally bolted off to hide behind Kirishima
Midoriya who watched the situation unfold was like 😨😰
Uraraka was like 🫢🫣
Bakugo cackling on the ground- Bish can’t even breathe anymore
Mina made you down the whole bottle, getting you fucking hammered
Next thing Shoto knew was that you were on him
Nuzzling into his neck while whispering compliments and love confessions to him
He was turned on-
He was so smitten with you, he would do anything for you
And that’s how he ended up drinking, Mina passed you a very expensive whiskey bottle
Courtesy’s of Endeavours black credit card ofc-
You asked him with puppy eyes to drink with you, no questions asked. He just drank it.
Midoriya tried to get him to stop but Shoto just brushed him off
Bakugo was cheering for Shoto because he was also so drunk
Ok so you and Shoto being drunk together was chaotic. So fucking chaotic
Which made it so fun-
On the dance floor dancing to whatever song they were playing, didn’t matter what
Shoto can’t dance, we all know this. But lemme tell you this, this little shit. Was dancing like he was born for it, he freaking matched your energy
You guys took more drinks throughout the whole night but that’s fine
Class 2-B entered the dorm and brought more drinks! Yayyy!!
More drinks!!🥳🥳🥳
Mina suggested you guys play 7 minutes in heaven, good idea??
Hell NAH!! That’s cuz you landed on Monoma Neito from class B, Shoto legit picked you up and threw Monoma the middle finger, carrying you bridal style to the closet
So many hickeys were visible on you after that
Lots of moans and groans came from the closet- oops
Everyone was cheering from outside cuz they were all drunk, even the innocent ones like Midoriya😤
They recorded having to pull Shoto off of you, and drag you guys out of the closet-
Damn that vid could go viral yk and his dad would be pissed AF lmaoooo
You and Shoto ended up passing out together on the couch, with a blanket wrapped around you guys
Everyone else passed out on the floor-
Woke up around noon with a major headache, running towards the toilet and throwing up
Shoto was besides you in an instant and held your hair back, rubbing your back in comfort
His turn was next. He also puked like A LOT.
But yeah, that’s ok because you guys had a really fun night last night!
Aizawa walks in on the dorm with everyone passed out
Legit closes the door and walks away
Iida goes in and is pissed🤬
Everyone kicked him out for being loud- lolll
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How I think the Moon Boys would react to meeting Other Heroes
I want to eventually turn these into fanfics relaying the events in detail (and if you want to as well, please do and tag me in it, I'd love to see what you make!) but for now we just do meta :] I'm gonna do the OG 6 avengers first, but I'll likely reblog later with other heroes if people seem interested, so lemme know if you wanna see more!
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Tony Stark
Marc: Definitely assumes this guy is an asshole before ever meeting him. He's a billionaire, he's cocky, he built a giant tower with his name on it--he's got all the makings of a real asshole. Upon meeting him? Well, yeah, he has to admit the guy is smart and fights well. They can work as a team when in battle for sure. Still cannot stand his personality though, and it's in part because Marc can see some parts of himself in Tony. He really doesn't like the idea that he might relate to guy who used to be fine with building weapons for awful people.
Steven: Definitely hesitant about him, in part because Marc is so adamant about his assumptions. However upon meeting him, I think Steven could grow to like him in some ways. Sure he's cocky, and has a hard exterior, but it's not like he doesn't know how to deal with that, sharing a body with Marc and Jake. He likes to hear Tony explain science and machines to him, and I could see them talking about their weapons and armor, exchanging ideas. He too is fine to fight alongside Iron Man
Jake: He's also hesitant about Stark, both because of Marc and because of his role as the protector, but he can't help but admit... the guy has fuckin style. He particularly likes Tony's cars, and when he sees magazines in the store detailing all of Tony's cars, he can't help but snag one. And when he MEETS Tony? Well it takes help from Steven outright telling Tony that he'd love to see them, but Tony does show Jake his garage full of cars, and they chat about it for so long that Marc and Steven have to practically drag the body back home before midnight. Fighting enemies with him is an entire different playing field however. Jake really hates being told what to do, so generally he'll let Marc or Steven handle battles alongside Iron Man
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Steve Rogers
Marc: Mixed feelings about Cap before meeting him for sure. He was a soldier like Marc was, and for that Marc feels a sense of loyalty or comradery with him. Cap also fought in WWII and helped save a lot of Jewish people, which obviously puts him in a good light. But at the same time, he's named Captain America, the same nation that spit him out of the marines with no support, no option but to become a mercenary to survive. After meeting him though, he finds that he quite likes Cap. They bond over their pasts as soldiers, and exchange stories of punching fascists right in the kisser. He considers it quite an honor to fight alongside Cap in any battles
Steven: He liked Cap from the very beginning, since he was a kid. Not obsessed, he never collected cards like Coulson, but he always regarded him as a hero for what he did in WWII. He's never liked to be called Steve, always the full name Steven, but it still made him just a little bit proud to share the same name as Captain America. After meeting Cap, he found he appreciated him as a person as well, not just as a hero. He enjoyed hearing Cap's stories about what life was like in his time, and they exchanged song recommendations together often. He too finds it an honor to fight alongside Cap
Jake: Jake didn't think much about Cap before meeting him. Sure, he was glad for what he did in WWII, saving Jewish people and punching Hitler, but he kind of thought that should've been the standard anyways. He didn't feel the need to praise the guy just for standing up for Jewish people, if anything he preferred to praise the Jewish doctor that MADE the super soldier serum, he was the one that gave them this great hero after all. After meeting Cap he did find he warmed up to him though. He was a good man, even if a bit robotic at times. Again though, he cannot stand people telling him what to do, especially in the commanding, soldier-like way Cap does it. At least Tony makes a funny comment when he tells people what to do, Cap just orders you, and Jake does NOT like that
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Thor Odinson
Marc: VERY hesitant about this guy, as past experience with gods has not exactly gone well for him. Upon meeting him he realizes quickly that Thor isn't much of a threat (to him at least), and he gets less cagey. He doesn't exactly become friends with Thor, but they're nice enough to each other, and can fight as a team well. Secretly tho? He thinks Thor's whole lightning and thunder thing is pretty cool
Steven: Also again hesitant due to Thor's whole God-ness, but also realizes he wouldn't harm them. He is INTENSELY interested in Asgardian/Norse mythology though, and spends several evenings asking Thor a million questions about the different realms, the culture of Asgard and all the magic that exists there. Thor promises to one day show him the Bifrost and Asgardian palace library, as well as introduce him to Heimdall, who could tell Steven more about the realms than Thor ever could
Jake: AGAIN, not exactly excited about meeting another God, and even after meeting him, Jake is still unsure for a long time. He's always quick to remind Steven that Thor is a god and things could go bad with him at any time. With time he learns to trust Thor, and have a tentative relationship with him, at least enough that he's willing to fight alongside the god in battle
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Clint Barton
Marc: He'd heard of someone called Hawkeye fighting in the Battle of New York, and mostly thought he must've been insane (or stupid) for fighting aliens with a bow and arrow. However after meeting him he did find a new respect for him. I think of all the people to spar with, he'd often choose Hawkeye, both because they're similar in strength (without the suit at least), and because Clint has a similar fighting style to him. They both utilize rooftops, darts/arrows/grappling hooks, and hand-to-hand combat, so he's a great person to practice with. They work well in battle together.
Steven: He was impressed hearing about a guy fighting aliens with a bow and arrow for sure. After meeting him I think he does like Clint, but might feel intimidated by him. He doesn't seem to be the most open of people, and he can see why Marc enjoys his company because of that, but Steven himself just finds Clint a bit difficult to talk to. They work fine in battle, but not as well as Jake and Marc do.
Jake: I think of anyone in MK system Jake probably is the one that can talk to Clint the most easily. He's relaxed enough that he doesn't worry about Clint being cagey at times, and good enough at bantering and talking with people to get Clint to relax and open up more. If anyone is able to start a good friendship with Clint, it's Jake. This also makes it so they work well fighting together
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Natasha Romanoff
Marc: Absolutely just cannot vibe with this woman, at least at first. He could tell immediately that she was analyzing him and trying to get information about himself and his past out of him when they first met, and it just threw him off instantly. Something about the spy, manipulation tactics stuff, and honestly her being a woman, just reminded him too much of his mom. Over time he would learn to be less nervous around her, especially as he realized her analytical first impression was part of a mask she put on, but he couldn't say he ever truly relaxed around her. He doesn't enjoy fighting alongside her much, but he's willing to do it
Steven: He honestly thought she was fine upon meeting her, and that Marc was freaking out over someone just being friendly to him. It's not that he didn't realize she was analyzing them, but more that he understood quickly that it was a mask. She reminded him of Marc and Jake really, and similar to them, it was just a matter of being open enough that the other person felt comfortable taking of their mask too. I think they'd get along pretty well honestly, almost a grumpy+sunshine dynamic similar to him and his alters. They don't fight very similarly though, so while they get along, there's a lot more communication happening between them to try and fight better together.
Jake: Would also tell immediately that she was trying to analyze them upon first meeting, and I think that might actually trigger him to front when they first meet. She also reminded him of their mother, and Jake would immediately start handing that same energy back to her. I could honestly see a scene where she's asking them questions, and Jake starts to front and responds to her questions with his own questions. However, I think this would result in a friendship to be honest haha! I think through analyzing each other they would figure out they're similar in a lot of ways, and Jake would end up trusting her a lot. He would know that she understood what it was to have secrets and to be constantly striving to be better than the person you were in the past, and he would understand her for the same reasons. I also think they would bond a bit over their protective natures, with how she's protective over Clint and Yelena, and how he protects Marc and Steven. Oh and they would 100000000% dance together. It's basically their version of sparring haha, and in battle in makes it so they barely have to talk in order to coordinate seamlessly together, which works perfectly for him because he doesn't have to be told what to do but he can still work well with her
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Bruce Banner/The Hulk
Marc: He'd heard of the Hulk before, and wasn't really sure what to think of it. Some people said he was a good guy, some people said he was bad, overall Marc just kinda hoped he'd never be on his bad side. After meeting Bruce he found that he wasn't afraid of the Hulk at all when he transformed. Cautious of course, but not afraid. He liked Bruce, he kind of reminded him of Steven in his awkwardness and nerdy ramblings. He wasn't exactly close with either Bruce or the Hulk, but they gained a mutual trust
Steven: Steven was very interested in Bruce and the Hulk ever since he'd first heard about them, and at first thought it might've been a weird, magical, or mutated version of DID. Obviously he quickly found out that wasn't the case at all, but he was still very interested in the duality of Bruce and The Other Guy and he ended up having long talks with Bruce about it when they met. I think if they'd met back then, Steven might've been able to help Bruce a lot when he was trying to figure out how to find a balance between himself and the hulk, help him figure out how to merge the best of both worlds. Steven's interactions with Hulk weren't as amicable in the beginning though, because Hulk viewed him mainly as "Banner's Friend", but Steven was still kind to him, so eventually The Hulk grew to like him too
Jake: Jake thought the Hulk was really cool honestly, but he could understand why Bruce didn't like it, because he understood the frustrating feeling of switching when you didn't want to, losing control when things got too emotional. However he didn't really voice how he related to Bruce until much further into their friendship. He still liked Bruce a lot though, for the same reason Marc did, he reminded him of Steven. He likely gets along with The Hulk a bit more though, because of he enthusiastically encouraging he is of the Hulk. He's considered the Hulk's friend, and he fights well alongside him. Overall I also think the Hulk likes the MK system because he understands that they switch similarly to how he and Bruce do, and may actually think about them working together so well when Bruce proposes the idea of them merging and working together better.
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Loki Laufeyson
(this one I actually already have a fanfic for, which is why there's a link, though it's set in a sort of AU where the Mind Stone hypnotized Loki and made him more violent and evil than he actually is. Here I'll talk about a more canon-ish reaction)
Marc: Obviously, none of the MK boys are gonna like this guy initially. The man sent an alien army to earth, he's not made a good first impression. Getting to know him over time is where things begin to change. When Marc starts to figure out that his swagger and menacing personality is more of a persona than how he actually is, he starts to kind of connect the dots and figure out that this guy may have been manipulated in some way, and may be going through things similar to what Marc went through when he was a mercenary. However he doesn't dig much into it, because he really doesn't love the idea that he might relate to a guy who tried to take over the entire earth (similar to how he doesn't want to relate to Tony either).
Steven: Steven would again, not be a fan of Loki, but unlike the other two, he would be the one actively looking for any sort of redeeming quality in him. Steven would be the one to find out about Loki's father, and how poorly he was treated, and would be able to communicate that to Jake and Marc. He would be the gentlest with Loki, and would likely be able to see through Loki's mask much easier than Marc or Jake would. Whether this would result in a friendship is harder to say though. He would be happy to talk to Loki about his problems, but I can't see him easily finding something to connect with him about. Maybe through magic, and Loki talking about spells and things he knows, similar to how Steven bonds with Thor.
Jake: Again, not a fan at first, but that changes over time. Unlike Marc, Jake would likely trust Steven's ideas about Loki, and how he may not be as horrible as he seems, or at least, he may have been manipulated into being what he is now. Jake I think would be able to talk to Loki and create a stronger friendship with him than the other two, being the people person he is. He wouldn't be able to easily talk about the trauma-related stuff, that's more Steven's expertise, but he would be able to see what Steven does eventually, and realize Loki isn't so different. He'd be able to analyze him similarly to how he did with Natasha, and while he won't talk to Loki about what he realizes, his opinions will still change, and he'll see him in a different light.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! Lemme know if you want to hear about the MK boys (or Layla???) reacting to more heroes! Again, if you make anything based of of these ideas, definitely tag me, I wanna see what you made!!
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ok dillo hear me out bc this idea has been rotating in my mind way longer than it should;
the’s reactions to having to bail you out
That is all :)
A/N: Sophie you little genius, I loved writing these! Thanks so much for requesting!
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From the moment you make the phone call, to the moment he picks you up out of jail, you’re getting the disappointed mom voice
He just sighs and gives you that look and instantly, you feel like the biggest jerk in the universe
Doesn’t matter how pointless your crime may have been, Darry’s gonna make you feel bad for it
He’s got tons of practice and has really perfected the disappointed mom card when it comes to his siblings so he doesn’t even hesitate to use it on you
If getting hauled in and having Darry come to pick you up isn’t embarrassing enough, he will make you apologize to the police officers for your behaviour <3
If you don’t want to? Bam, he gives you the disappointed look and it’s all over for you 
Sodapop is going to giggle when he sees you in a jail cell and I mean full-on giggling, those pretty dimples fully on display <3
Will ask with all the feigned innocence in the world what you’ve done to find yourself in this position-
There’s a very high chance that he was also involved in whatever you got caught doing
Lucky for you, Sodapop is willing to give up part of his paycheck if it means you don’t have to spend the night in jail
He may be a little shit sometimes but he’s a good guy and won’t think twice about handing the money over so you can get out
Whenever you stop by the DX though, Sodapop might deny your privileges to free snacks because he paid your bail and he claims that he needs to be reimbursed 
It depends on what you got hauled in for that determines whether or not Ponyboy’s gonna show up with bail and how long he’s gonna let you rot in the jail cell- 
If it’s for something stupid that’s totally your fault, you’re gonna have to wait for a while before Ponyboy shows up
You’re gonna get that disappointed card pulled again, he stole that trick from Darry
Sodapop doesn’t do a convincing enough disappointed card but Ponyboy’s is just as bad as his older brother’s
If you get picked up for something that definitely isn’t your fault, Ponyboy’s a little quicker to bring in the bail and get you out of a cell
He’s a little snippy when you’re innocent, being a little ruder than is necessary with the officers when he’s getting you out
Lemme just set one thing straight here, okay guys?
Dally is not going to ever bail you out of jail, this man isn’t going to spend his money to bail you out (he has no money to bail you out either, but that’s not important right now)
The reason for that is because if you’re in jail, Dally’s gonna be sitting right alongside you
If you got in trouble, you were probably doing something with him and the cops know well enough to haul him in too
It doesn’t even matter if Dally’s completely innocent, they know he’s probably done something that deserves some jail time
So who do you call? It’s gonna depend on who owes Dally a favor and who you can manage to sweet-talk into bailing the two of you out  
Johnny’s probably the one that’s going to give you the least amount of trouble when it comes to bailing you out
He’d pay your bail, giving you this little smile that shows you just how amused he is by the whole thing
He’s one of the few boys who’ve never gotten hauled in, I have a feeling, so he thinks it’s funny you’re the one behind bars
Johnny is interested to know what exactly you did that landed you in the cooler and yes, as soon as he knows, he’s telling the rest of the gang before you can even try to downplay the story
There’s a very high chance that the money Johnny hands over to the cops isn’t his, and by that, I mean he’s managed to collect money from like everyone else to pay for you
A little bit from Two, some from Sodapop and Steve at the DX, maybe even a little from Dally if can convince the greaser, because let’s be honest, no one can say no to Johnny
Two-Bit cannot and will not stop laughing, he finds it so amusing to see you behind the bars of a jail cell
That being said, if Two-Bit has enough money in his pockets, he will bail you out!
But it’s like a 50/50 chance that he has enough money, this boy would seriously show up with no money in his pocket just to laugh at you
He’d be interested to know what you got hauled in for though, Two-Bit wants to hear all the details of your little felony <3
He may or may not bring one or two of the boys along with him so you’ve got a few of the gang laughing while you stand in the cell
If you’re together? He’d give you a quick kiss between the bars before leaving, you better hope that he’s going to get the bail and doesn’t get distracted by anything shiny-
As with Dallas, the chance that Steve is sitting next to you in jail is incredibly high considering he likes to lift hubcaps and drag race, neither of which are entirely legal
When that happens, one of you calls Sodapop and the other calls Darry depending on how the Sodapop call goes
But! On the rare chance that you end up in jail and not Steve, expect a very long conversation
Steve is going to tease you for getting hauled in, flaunting the bail money but not handing it over until he’s satisfied with how riled up he can get you
He calls you a jailbird for a solid week, forget about trying to keep your time behind bars quiet because Steve has no such intentions
Everyone will know, trust me guys, everyone 
Tim is kind of surprised when he gets a call from the station and not Curly or Dally or the boys from his gang
Lo and behold it’s none other you, little ol’ you, who’s asking Tim to come and bail them out of jail
You’re still on the phone and Tim’s already counting out the cash to come and get you
When he gets there, he’s gonna be such a jerk about it that-
Teasing you and acting like he’s so offended to have to come and bail you out while he’s got the bail money in his back pocket
Can I just tell you how shocked the police are when he waltzes in, smug and so sure of himself because this time, he hasn’t actually done anything wrong  
Once again, if you get hauled in, Curly’s getting hauled in right alongside you
I just have this feeling that whenever this boy catches wind of you doing something illegal, he’s running to join you
Partially because he wants to make sure you don’t get hauled in all by yourself cause he knows it really sucks and partially because he takes such joy in breaking the rules
Usually, your phone calls are spent on Tim, trying to convince him to shell out bail for the two of you
But, when Curly doesn’t get hauled in and you call him to bail you out, he can’t help but be a bother and annoy you
Where did little Curly Shepard get the money to bail you out you may ask? It’s better that you don’t know <3
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parker-razor · 3 years
show me, feel me, teach me - ch. 4
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series masterlist!
female!reader x mando
word count: 2.8k
series summary: during a drinking game, you let slip that you don’t know much about sex. mando offers to show you what you’ve been missing, and you happily accept.
warnings: smut that’s so filthy it’s insane (extended warnings under the cut), lotssss of fluff, mentions of insecurities
a/n: today’s the first day i didn’t have to work in awhile and i had to write some more... this chapter in particular made me all blushy so lemme grab my vibrator real quick
extended warnings: somnophilia, oral (m and f receiving), thigh riding, grinding, cum eating, masturbation, multiple orgasms
You watched Mando as he hauled the heavy, limp bounty up the ramp of the ship. You had offered to help, but Mando, ever the gentleman, refused. So, you and the kid watched him drag the lifeless body into the Crest, and into carbonite.
Apparently, Mando had gotten so excited to see you when he made it back to the ship last night that he abandoned the body at the foot of the ship and scurried inside and into your quarters. It wasn’t like the body was going anywhere, Mando had argued. He just needed to see you.
After your little… chat over the comm, Mando was still rearing to be with you. As soon as you had fallen asleep at the end of your call, he jumped to his feet and continued on his hunt at a speed he had yet to hunt at. He had thought that after getting some of his drive for you out of his system that he could rest for a while before he kept hunting. But just the opposite happened; hearing your voice, your moans, the way your words hit him right in the chest… Maker he just had to get back to you.
He couldn’t help himself when he saw you splayed out on your bed. Your tank top was almost see through, and you only had a pair of underwear on as bottoms. He just needed a taste.
After he quietly stripped his armor and clothes off him, he gently pulled your underwear down to your knees and knelt down on the bed. He must’ve not smelled too great after days of hunting, but he was too drunk on your presence to be self-conscious.
He couldn’t stop himself from delving between your thighs, making out with your dripping cunt. It must have still been wet from your earlier orgasm, or maybe you were dreaming of him. Maker, he hoped you were.
You were asleep, so it didn’t totally matter if he tasted you with any technique or rhythm. Flicking your clit with no real purpose other than to have your taste in his mouth, to have his tongue flooded with your essence. His cock hardened at an ungodly rate, and he couldn’t help but start stroking himself fast. He didn’t care about his pleasure, or frankly your pleasure; he just wanted to taste you.
All the sudden, he heard you speak up, and you were coming into his mouth with a vengeance, and he came all over his hand with you.
He didn’t want to bother you too much, so he figured one orgasm was enough (for now). He crawled up to you, kissing your shoulders and your neck and your cheeks. You had no doubt fallen back to sleep by then, and Mando was overwhelmed with sleep as well. He drifted off with his head rested on your chest, your hands carded through his curls as his breathing slowed.
Mando had never been with a woman like he had been with you. Sure, he hadn’t technically been with you in the biblical sense just yet, but this was so different. He had had one-night stands when he had time to spare on a hunt, some girl in a bar who gawked at his armor who he figured would be willing to let him get his frustrations out. A grateful damsel he saved, who was coincidentally being attacked by the bounty he was tracking. Not many women, but enough to know just what he was doing and just how to make someone writhe in pleasure.
But you… you were radiant.
Your beauty was unconventional; your skin rolled around your waist, your stomach hung over just a little with stretch marks littering your inner thighs and hips. When you slept, your neck folded into little rolls. But Mando adored all of it. Not in a patronizing way, but because you were truly just gorgeous. Not despite of your flaws, but because of them. They weren’t flaws to Mando, they were just what made you more and more perfect.
Many of the women he had been with exaggerated their pleasure. It wasn’t fake, just turned up a bit because they figured it would make Mando more confident. Mando hated that, when women would be dramatic when displaying their pleasure. You never did that, though. Your sounds were… primal. Like you were trying to hold them in, but you felt so good that you couldn’t help it. They were involuntary grunts, yells, and gasps. Just the memory of it made Mando hard under his armor.
Not to mention, you had never felt this way before. You didn’t know that there was an expectation for women to be loud and exaggerated in bed. The sounds you made were all you, and that is what got to Mando most.
Mando was pulled out of his daydreams as you approached him, feeling around his arms and shoulders.
“Do you have any cuts? What do you need treated? We don’t have a ton of bacta kits left, but if you really need it then-“
“I’m okay, I’m not hurt. Just a little bruised. All I want is some food and to hang out with you and the kid.”
You and Mando had grown accustomed to eating or drinking back-to-back since the drinking game that started all of this. It was better than Mando locking himself away in his quarters; he hadn’t shared a meal with someone in years. But being able to chat with you and enjoy his food was a luxury.
“What did this guy do?” you asked as you munched on some bread and cheese.
“No clue. They never really tell me, which I kinda get. A lot of these guys are scum bags, they should be ashamed,” Mando responded, taking a sip of water.
“Did this one put up a fight?”
“At first, but then he realized he couldn’t beat me.” You shivered for a moment, thinking about Mando’s strength. You knew the armor added another layer to make him seem bigger and stronger, but even without it he was built. He didn’t have a six-pack, he wasn’t totally shredded, but Maker, was he strong. His arms, his chest, his broad fucking shoulders, they made you needy. You had seen him knock out a man in one punch, some guy who had grabbed your ass at a bar. You didn’t know at the time why you felt an ache between your legs when you saw that, but now you do after your lessons.
After you had both eaten and fed Grogu, Mando decided it was time to depart to catch his second bounty. You grabbed any gear still lingering outside the ship, secured any loose weapons, and in no time Mando was preparing to take off. You were off to Naboo this time, a planet you had been dying to visit. Almost all of the planets Mando had taken you to were either barren or covered in buildings, large urban areas. Naboo was green, apparently, with beautiful buildings and cascading waterfalls. You couldn’t wait.
Mando sat in the pilot’s chair as you sat behind him in the passenger’s seat. Grogu, still exhausted from the three-day strike on sleep, snoozed in his enclosed pram in the captain’s quarters. So it was just you and Mando…
It was a bumpy takeoff; although Mando was a great pilot, the Crest wasn’t exactly shiny and new. The ship left Tattoine’s atmosphere, and after a few minutes of cruising in empty space, Mando put the ship into hyperspace.
It was quiet as Mando hit some random buttons and you watched the stars fly by you at an insane speed. You thought about last night, not remembering much other than coming hard. Were you dreaming? You remember waking to Mando’s arms around your waist and his face buried in your chest, but everything during the night was a blur.
“When… when you came back last night, did you fall right to sleep? Or did you-“
“Eat your pussy? Yeah, I just wanted to taste you. I hope that’s okay.” You gulped, slightly shocked at Mando’s bluntness. You were only really used to hearing him talk dirty while in the act, not him bringing it up so casually. You squirmed a bit in your seat, causing Mando to turn back to look at you.
“What, you like that? You like that I couldn’t wait for you to wake up before I tasted your cum? Yeah, I bet you do, pretty girl,” he rasped, making you whine and your legs clench together.
“Why don’t you come sit?”
“I’m… already sitting, Mando.”
“No, come sit over here, with me. On me.” Stars.
You rose from your seat as Mando turned his chair to face you so you’d have room to sit without the control panel in the way. His legs spread, and he sat back in his chair with his arms resting on his knees. Kriff, he looked so fucking good.
You weren’t sure how Mando wanted you to sit on him, so you straddled one of his thighs, gasping as the hard metal plate met your core.
“Oh, is that what you want, sweet thing? You wanna sit on my thigh?”
“Yeah Mando, can I please?”
“Of course, baby, just wasn’t expecting you to sit on me like that.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself in closer to him. As you moved closer, you couldn’t ignore the way it felt when you rubbed yourself on his armored thigh. It felt fucking good, the same friction you felt when Mando would use his fingers on you. Out of instinct, you couldn’t help but do it again.
“Oh fuck, is my good girl gonna grind on my thigh? Does that feel good?” You whined, Mando’s hands grasping your hips to encourage your movements. “Go ahead, baby, get yourself off on me. Take what’s yours.”
“M-Mando… feels s-so good…” Your hips sped up as the friction continued to nurse the ache growing in your cunt.
“Want it to feel better, honey? Here, let me show you,” Mando groaned, lifting you so you were planted not on his thigh, but directly over his crotch. He wasn’t wearing a codpiece, you didn’t expect him to when all he was doing was flying. So you gasped when you felt his hard cock rub up against you cunt.
“Oh, s-stars, Mando, I like this a lot…”
“Yeah? You like feeling my cock rub on you? Go ahead, grind on it, make yourself feel good.” His grip on your hips were bruising as you ground your pussy hard onto his crotch. The head of his cock nudged itself right against your clit between your clothes, making your eyes cross and hands grasp at Mando’s shoulders.
“Oh, I bet that feels s-so good, pretty girl, it feels good for m-me too… Fuck, I can feel how wet you are, it’s seeping through my pants. Keep going, you’re doing so good for me.”
Your moans got louder and louder, sounding out as “uh uhs.” Your eyebrows creased together, and Mando grabbed your cheeks to tilt your eyes down towards his.
“Look at me, baby, let me see you when you cum. Let me look into your eyes. Maker, your p-pussy is so wet, I can feel it. Come on baby I know you wanna cum, go ahead and cum.” You were shouting now, your moans echoing in the cockpit. This was the closest the two of you had gotten to fucking, and the idea of Mando’s cock being so close to your cunt sent you over the edge.
Warmth flooded you, and your legs shook violently as you came. Your thighs clenched over and over around his hips, keeping your eyes right on his visor.
“Fuck, Mando, fuck fuck, Mando, Mando!”
“Yeah, that’s it, good girl. So f-fucking good for me.” As you came down, you noticed Mando was still hard. And you still wanted him.
“Can… Can I have you? In my mouth?”
“Shit, baby, you want me to cum in your mouth?”
“Please, Mando, want you to feel good. Want your cock down my throat.” You shakily climbed off his lap and knelt to the ground. Your hands trembled as they came up to his pants, tugging at the waistband until his cock sprung up against his armor. You looked at the thigh you had just been grinding on, and saw there was a wet spot staining his armor. It made you want to cum again.
“I’m not gonna last long baby, already so close,” Mando rasped out, his chest heaving up and down in anticipation.
“I don’t care, I just need you to tell me what to do.”
“Gladly, sweet girl. Start by licking the tip, yeah just like that.” You flicked the bead of precum leaking from Mando’s cock, his taste flooding your mouth. You swirled your tongue around the tip, eventually licking down his shaft. You had almost forgotten how big he was… almost.
“Fuck, you’re doing so good. Y-You want to put it in your mouth now? You got this, baby, take it nice and- oh f-fuck me.” Your actions interrupted Mando’s train of thought, his cock entering the warm wet of your mouth. You weren’t totally sure what to do from there; Mando had just said he wanted his cock in your mouth, so now what?
“Okay, baby, you know how you stroked my cock with your hand the other day? Just do the same with your mouth, and suck while you do it. G-gonna do so well for me, I know it.” You did as he said, and his reaction was instantaneous. He moaned out so loud you’d think the whole ship could hear it. It finally hit you that Mando’s cock was in your mouth, and stars if that didn’t make a new wave of wetness flood your inner thighs. You couldn’t stop yourself from pushing your hand down your pants, rubbing your clit like Mando taught you as you sucked on him.
“H-Holy shit, baby, are you touching yourself? You rubbing that little clit? Do I make you that wet, pretty one? F-Fuck you’re doing so good, feels so good. Y-You’re a natural…” His words made you moan around his cock, the vibrations making his hips buck up into your mouth. For a second he was worried he’d gone too far, until you pushed your head down even further.
“Fuck, such a g-good girl for me, g-gonna cum in your m-mouth, d-don’t stoppp.” You sucked hard at the tip as your fingers circled faster on your clit, and you were already falling over the edge. Mando’s cum flooded your mouth as he moaned out your name, and his taste made you writhe on your fingers, white flooding your vision. The whines around Mando’s cock as you came made his orgasm last even longer, leaving him totally breathless. It took him a moment to realize that you were still probably holding his cum in your mouth, causing him to jump up and come to your aid.
“Shit, baby, here’s a rag, you can-“ He was stopped short when he noticed you breathing heavily below you, mouth agape and… empty.
“Wait, what did you do with…”
“I swallowed it. I like how you taste,” you whined, totally out of breath and fucked out. Mando’s head hit the back of his seat in awe of how hot you were, swallowing his cum the first time you took him in your mouth, just because you liked it.
“Fuck, come here, baby. Come sit in my lap, let me love on you.” You clambered up into his lap with shaky legs, overwhelmed with the amount of dopamine that flooded your brain. You were still trying to catch your breath as you rested your head on his shoulder as he rubbed your back. These were the moments you held with you when Mando was gone; his comforting touch, how gentle he was despite the damage you knew he could do. You kissed the sliver of skin that peaked out between his collar and his helmet, at which he pulled you in closer to his chest.
All the sudden you heard a crash from below the cockpit and a loud wail… Grogu.
tag list: @niiight-dreamerrrr @ajeff855 @ohhersheybars @sleep-tight1 @jefferson-in-the-tardis @constanzee @halerune @liltangerineart @thewintersoldierswife @ah-callie @witchy-ana @chibi @greyteacup @justanotherblonde23 @hotsauceonabiscuit @pcrushinnerd @altarsw @nerd-without-a-cause @yajairaholmes @stardust-kenobi
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
First Impressions: Part 2
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Part 1 can be found Here
Warnings: just fluff and a nervous Juice
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Been marinating on the request for a second part for a while now. I love Juice and it’s so hard for me to turn away any kind of request for him lmaooo. Hope you guys enjoy!
SOA Taglist:  @garbinge​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @masterlistforimagines​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @punkgoddess-98​ @paintballkid711​ @black-repunzel99​ @jitterbugs927​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark
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You were getting ready to leave work when your phone vibrated on your desk. You paused, looking down at the number. It wasn’t in your contacts, but you picked it up anyway, having a very singular hope for who it was.
“Hey, it’s Juan,” he paused for a beat, “From T-M?”
You chuckled, “I remember. I was hoping to hear from you,” you spun slightly from side to side in your desk chair, “Was starting to worry you took off with my car.”
He laughed, “No, no, nothing like that. It’s, uh, it’s good to go, though.”
“Really?” they’d had your car for a couple days, and you were on the brink of losing hope that they’d be able to fix it.
“Yea. So, uh, if you wanna come and pick it up, you can.”
“Holy shit,” you laughed in disbelief, “Alright, yea. I’m just getting ready to leave work. I’ll be there in thirty? Is that alright?”
“I’ll be here,” there was a softness to his tone and you could almost picture the smile on his face.
“Perfect. See you soon.”
You hung up the phone and finished packing up your things as quickly as you could. Tucking your bag onto your shoulder, you made your way towards the front doors of the building. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect—right before your phone call you’d gotten the notification that your ride was ready for you. Hopping into the car, you gave them the new address, relieved that they didn’t seem bothered by the last-minute changes.
When they parked outside the compound, you thanked them once more and gave them an extra tip before hopping out of the car. You walked onto the lot, and it all felt much quieter and emptier than when you’d been there a few days before. It was technically after business hours, sure, but not by much. You spotted all the bikes lined up and you assumed that that was the reason for it being so quiet, not the fact that it was after five o’clock.
You made your way towards the garage bays, one of them housing your car. You looked around but there were no mechanics in sight. You gnawed at the inside of your bottom lip as you scanned for Juice, or really anyone who could help you out. When you saw that the garage was truly empty, you made your way over to the office. Rapping your knuckles lightly on the door, you waited for a response.
“Come in,” you recognized the woman’s voice from your last visit.
You peeked your head inside, a sheepish smile on your face, “Hey. Sorry, I know it’s after hours but—”
“You dropped your car off the other day, right?” she gestured vaguely at you with the glasses in her hand, “Juice took care of you?”
“Um,” you fought the urge to stammer, “yea. He called me a little bit ago, said my car was good to go?”
She nodded, “It is. Let me go grab him—the boys yanked him aside for some other business,” she gestured to the chair, “Take a seat. I’ll be right back.”
You did as she said, holding your purse in your lap as you looked around the office. You knew that there must’ve been a method to the madness, but you were truly surprised by how many forms and business cards covered what seemed like every inch of wall space. There were a few stray papers still on the desk, and you wondered if any of them were for you. Just as you were about to try and take a look, you heard the clicking of the woman’s boots as she walked back into the office.
“Juice will finished getting you squared up,” she tucked a few papers away, and handed the rest to Juice, who had walked in a couple steps behind her with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Thanks, Gem,” he said, his voice a little soft as she grabbed her bag to leave.
“Don’t mention it. Just make sure the guys don’t yank you away next time you’re supposed to be doing shit,” she turned to you and smiled, “Have a good night, sweetheart.”
You nodded, intrigued by the entire interaction, “You too, thank you.”
There was a nervous smile on Juice’s face as he sat down across from you, “Sorry.”
“For what?”
“I was planning on being out here when you got here. But the guys needed help with some stuff.”
You chuckled, shaking your head, “It’s really not a problem,” you paused, “Am I gonna cry at how much this is gonna cost me?”
He laughed, shaking his head, “No, no. I got you a good deal on parts and shit. And, uh, I didn’t get you for labor.”
“What?” you shook your head, “Juan, no, come on. You, you can’t do that.”
“Sure I can,” he smiled, “Really, it’s fine.”
You hated the feeling of accepting charity from someone, especially someone you didn’t really know all that well. It was one thing if he was just getting you a good deal on a couple parts, but this was different. Accepting help with anything had never been easy, let alone when it came to money.
He saw the hesitation on your face and waited for you to meet his eyes, “Hey, think of it this way,” he chuckled as he slid the paperwork over to you, “It’s about what you saved me in bail charges when you found me on the street.”
It got you to laugh, and the playful spark in his eyes was difficult to turn away from or say no to. Finally, you gave a slight nod as you handed over your card and started to sign the papers. His eyes didn’t stray from you as he ran your card. He knew that he should reel it in, but he also didn’t know if this was going to be the last time he ever saw you. The fact that he ever ran into you again after that day on the street was nothing short of a miracle. He wondered when his luck was going to run out.
“Alright,” he forced himself to think about the situation at hand, “I think that means you’re all set.”
You slipped your card back into your purse, “I really can’t thank you enough.”
“No need to thank me,” he smiled as he stood up from his chair, “It’s what we do here.”
The two of you walked out of the office to see that someone had already moved your car out of the garage bay that it had been parked in. You didn’t think much of it until you saw the confusion etched into the features of Juice’s face. His eyes immediately went to the other building on the lot, and your gaze followed. You saw a few men sitting out on the picnic table—you recognized two of them from your previous visit, but one of the faces as new to you. Juice shook his head slightly as he continued to walk with you to the car.
“So you should be all good to go,” he smiled as he leaned back against your car, “but if something else goes wrong just, y’know, give us a call.”
“Do I need to use the T-M number? Or do I get to use your personal hotline for that?”
He couldn’t meet your gaze as he let out a nervous chuckle, “Either one will work,” he cleared his throat, “Lemme get your keys.”
He opened the driver’s door, expecting to find the keys under the visor where they always put them if they had to leave the keys with a car. When he didn’t find them there or in the console, he let out a sigh. Knowing exactly where they were, he cast a glance over at the men sitting on the table.
Jax had the most satisfied grin on his face as he twirled your keys around his finger, whistling and gesturing for Juice to come over, “I got ‘em.”
Juice rolled his eyes, knowing that he was getting set up to get you roped into something with them. He didn’t know what, exactly, but he had no desire to find out. He offered you an apologetic look, “Gimme a sec, I’ll go grab your keys.”
You laughed, nodding, “Whatever you gotta do.”
You watched as he jogged over to the men at the table. You couldn’t see the look on his face, but the satisfied grins and smirks of the men facing him were enough to tell you that they were definitely giving him a bit of a hard time about something. More likely than not it had to do with the puppy-dog look in his eyes whenever he was looking at you.
“Y/N,” Jax called over to you with a slick smile, “c’mere!”
You could only imagine the look on Juice’s face. But still, you obliged to see where exactly this was all going. You tossed your purse into your car before walking over. Juice was shaking his head apologetically at you as you approached, which provided a stark contrast to the looks of glee on Jax and Opie’s faces.
Tucking your hands into your back pockets, you offered them all a smile, “Hey. Something I can do for you?”
“Nah,” Jax rested his elbows on his knees, “just wanted to say hi, make sure your car is alright.”
“Hard to tell that if I can’t put the keys in the ignition,” you quipped with a smile, “But I’m sure it’s fine. I did leave it in the hands of Charming’s Intelligence Officer, after all.”
Juice looked over at you, and you could tell that he was caught between laughing, and melting into the floor. Jax still held your keys securely in the palm of his hand, and you wondered what exactly he was waiting for to relinquish them. Part of you wondered if they simply wanted to watch Juice squirm a little bit more under the microscope before letting you go on your way.
“Juice mentioned that there was something he wanted to ask you,” Opie spoke up with a smirk as he lit a cigarette.
You raised your eyebrows, clearly knowing that they were throwing him under the bus for something, “Oh, really?”
Juice shook his head, “No, no. It’s not—it’s nothing.”
You weren’t going to push it, knowing that there were enough people doing that already, “Right. Well, if no one has anything to ask me,” you glanced back at Jax and put your hand out, “I’d really love to have my keys back.”
“You got plans tonight, dalrin’?” Jax asked as he tossed your keys over to you.
You caught them, shaking your head, “No, I don’t think so. Why?”
“Want some?” Opie asked.
You chuckled, not missing the expression on Juice’s face, “Depends on the offer.”
Jax smiled, “We’re havin’ a party here tonight. Nothin’ crazy, just the guys and some friends.”
“Oh,” you tossed the keys back and forth between your hands, “I’m some friends now?”
“Well,” he chuckled, “I figured you were, especially based on the way Juice ta—”
“You don’t have to,” Juice cut him off, trying to come to his own defense, “It can be a lot, so, you know, don’t feel like you have to.”
You smiled, finding his nerves endearing, “Right. Well, I’ll think about it.”
Jax nodded, a smirk still tugging at his lips, “You know where to find us.”
“I sure do,” you looked to Juice with a soft smile, “Walk me to my car, Juan?”
He nodded, eager to get both of you out of the current conversation, “Yea, sure thing.”
As the two of you walked away, you could hear the murmurs and laughs between Jax and Opie, and you didn’t miss the fact that Juice shot them a look over his shoulder as you made your way towards the car. You lightly bumped your shoulder against his own in a playful attempt to get him to loosen up a little bit.
“You really, uh,” he nervously scratched the back of his head, “don’t feel like you have to show up or anything because of Jax. He’s just, you know…” his voice trailed off.
You smiled, leaning back against the door of your car. You waited for him to meet your eyes, “Do you want me to stop in tonight?”
His eyes grew a little wider at the question, “What?”
You folded your arms over your chest as you watched the shifts in his expression, “I’d be more than happy to stop by later. But only if you’d actually like that. Because, and correct me if I’m wrong,” you chuckled, “I have the feeling that Jax’s invite has nothing to do with him actually wanting me to be there tonight.”
Juice’s heart sped up inside his chest as he tried to formulate a response to what you were saying. He swallowed hard, slowly nodding his head, “Y-yea. I’d…I’d really like that.”
You smiled, nodding, “Then I’ll see you later.”
You went to open the door and he reached out, gently grabbing your hand to get your attention. You could see the nerves in his eyes still, “They’re probably, uh, they’re probably not going to let up,” he nodded towards the men at the table, “You know that, right?”
You laughed, “That doesn’t surprise me,” you gave his hand a light squeeze, “I’ll see you later, Juan. Okay?”
He nodded, his shoulders relaxing slightly, “Okay.”
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gra-sonas · 3 years
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the malex scene if you don’t mind! I am completely obsessed with it and I have this thing where I love to read people and blog’s I respect opinions on stuff and sometimes I see different moments through a different lense and realize something I didn’t pick up on before. Did you have a favorite moment or facial expression or anything like that??
"Obsessed" is putting it mildly, IT'S SO GOOD!!!
Okay, lemme see. [this got LONG, sorry]
So, Michael is convinced that he's the one who's going to be killed, and since he's learned that he's likely the offspring of a "genocidal maniac", he's probably convinced himself that he actually deserves to die, bc his life's been a shit show most of the time anyway, and better get rid of him before he can hurt anyone, right? But since he's Michael, he has to make it a joke, and pretend like it doesn't actually bother him all that much. COWBOY SWAGGER
And instead of being devastated about the news, or confirming that yes, Michael is indeed an awful person and deserves to be murdered, Alex laughs!
He knows Michael so well, and he's like "dude, you're not even trying, that's not the Michael Guerin I know."
Oh, but two can play that game, right? "Well, you always did see the violence in me, didn't you," Michael throws at Alex. And while, yes, Alex struggled with Michael getting in fights all the time after the shed incident, I don't believe for a second that he ever thought of Michael as a violent person.
So, Alex is like "WTF are you talking about???"
Ohhhh, now Michael's firing (ha!) on all cylinders, he's serving Alex a double-whammy:
"I could never do the right thing" (i.e. 1x03 "Guess you're still the guy just looking for any excuse to walk away, huh?")
"Turns out neither could my father." THE DADDY CARD! Bc if anyone would know about having a shitty dad, it would be Alex.
Alex is mildly irritated about how Michael would know about his father, but Michael won't go into how he found out, all it matters is that Alex gets it. Fast. "He was a killer. Genocidal maniac, actually." That should do the trick of shocking Alex, right? It should make him stop being amused and so fucking nonchalant about Michael's struggles.
And what does Alex do? He laughs. Again! How does he not take Michael seriously? How dare he? Michael's so full of rage, and he wants to fight now, but Alex doesn't do what he's supposed to do, and Michael doesn't know how to handle it.
Alex sees right through Michael. And he's clapping back.
"Wow, you must've loved that." Hitting the bullseye with that one.
"You've been looking for proof that you were worthless your whole life." BAM, this one's also spot-on!
But Michael still has a lot of fight left in him. Self-deprecation FTW! "What can I say? I had a hunch."
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Surely, now Alex has to understand what Michael's telling him, and show some goddamn compassion, or leave (which would give Michael the ultimate excuse to explode and be even more mad).
Alex is just setting up the ultimate trap tho. "Look, if you're your father, then I'm mine. Which means I have a lot of torturing to do before the end of the night, so excuse me."
Even a genius like Michael will get the ~logic of this argument.
And Michael's like
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"It's not, it's not the same," Michael says, because, HELL NO, of course, Alex is NOT his father.
"No, it is. I hate to break it to you, Guerin, but there's not some special set of rules that applies just to you. You decide who you are. If you give up, it is on you." Alex beats Michael with logic (and also tells him to stop with the self-loathing and self-pity), and damn if that isn't the most beautiful thing.
🤯 << Michael's brain after this. All the anger that had been fueling him mere moments ago, seems to have left his body in that moment.
He looks at Alex, who's getting into his car to drive off while mulling over what Alex just said. He turns around to leave and...
Alex tells him to wait, and Michael's curls are getting whiplash from how fast Michael turns back around to Alex. He's ready and willing to let Alex continue with hammering home some truths to him.
A "Wait. In Maria's vision, I say that I am covering up a murder, right?" M "Yeah." A "It's not you." M "You can't know that."
Uhm, hello, have you met Alex Manes? He wouldn't say that it's not Michael if he wasn't sure of it. But Michael's certain that there's no way it isn't him, so really, what proof could Alex possibly have?
"Yes, I can. If it were you, I would not cover it up."
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The face of a man who can't believe what Alex just said, trying to swallow around a huge lump in his throat. 🥺
And then.
And then.
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"I would burn the entire world down first."
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HE'S CRYING OMGGGGGG 😭😭😭😭 (Damn you, Vlamis for acting with your face like that 😭😭😭)
That's as close to Alex saying I LOVE YOU (present tense) as they've ever come [on screen], and Michael knows it. And fuck, if that doesn't hit him deep down, to the very core of him. (It's also a signal that there's probably still hope for them, and maybe, just maybe their time has finally come)
And the other thing is: Alex just made a point in telling him that A/ children are NOT their parents (unless they want to), and B/ there's actually a good chance that it's really not Michael getting murdered.
So, yeah. I want a gravestone that can play videos, and I want it to play this scene on repeat for all of eternity. Please and thank you!
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kj-1130 · 4 years
Feelings Suck
Uswnt x reader
⚠️T/W: implication to emotional/verbal abuse? Bullying, lil bit of self-harm maybe? lemme know if it’s something else.⚠️
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Main Masterlist
Your first call up to the national team came when you were 16. This had been your dream since you first started watching and playing soccer. Being able to train with such inspirational and empowering women was amazing.
When you arrived, you were kind of shy at first. You honestly didn’t expect to be called up again, so you figured there was no point in trying to get to know everyone and develop relationships.
Much to your surprise, you had been asked to attend another camp. Then, you started to get to know the ladies more and you learned that they were amazing people.
The women were so understanding and just nice in general. If only the media and your classmates had been the same.
Before you had been called up, you weren’t very popular at school. Many didn’t notice you were there; you were essentially invisible to everyone even some teachers. But after you made your debut, things started to change.
You had never yearned for popularity, but hoped it was the good kind if it ever did come to you. But when it came to you, it came fast, hard, and unexpected yet not the way you hoped.
People started pointing out flaws; saying you weren’t good enough to be playing with such great athletes or that you didn’t look like other soccer players.
Not only that, but the media had ripping your ass as well. Almost every time you looked, your social media was full of your mistakes. From compilations of your greatest fails to commentators.
The supposed fans of the Uswnt, were absolutely ruthless to you. Always saying that you didn’t deserve your spot and anybody was easily ten times better than you.
You had your teammates and surely they’d understand what you were going through. The thought of asking for help had crossed your mind multiple times; when you saw Christen just watching television the first time you were roomed together. Or when you and Tobin had spent the day together going to get lunch. There were plenty of times you could’ve reached out, but the constant overthinking and weight you had on your shoulders told you otherwise.
You tried not to let it get to you, but when you hear something so much you start to believe it. If being on the national team gave you this much baggage, you’d rather be invisible like before.
You always thought that you’d burden people with your problems. Everybody has issues of their own that some didn’t know about, but they carried on. That’s what you thought. If people can get through their issues then so can you.
Day by day, the team noticed that your behavior had changed. You didn’t talk as much and you weren’t as chipper as usual.
You didn’t do your daily morning yoga with Christen often opting to do some light training instead. You no longer went skateboarding with Ash and Tobin, but spent your time in your hotel room looking at stats or ways to improve your play. It didn’t matter to you how much time it took.
You just wanted someone to recognize that you’re something; that’s what you always longed for. Each time someone said something about your horrible play, your parents were only being proved right. They always told you that you’d never get anywhere with the sport; that there were athletes much better than you. But you always pushed past that, desperate to show them that you could and would make it. Yet now, it just seems like they were just telling the truth.
You had gotten off the phone with your parents not long ago. Both of them screamed at you for a good thirty minutes, complaining that you had wasted their money on soccer. Complaining that you had no right to be such a bad player when they gave you everything you needed. Of course you felt guilty; they manipulated you to think it’s your fault.
So here you were once again, sitting at the hotel’s desk trying to get it together. You had training in an hour so you had to suck it up.
Before you could start getting ready, Alex, your roommate, came in with Kelley, Allie, Christen, and Tobin.
You quickly wiped away your tears and hoped you didn’t look like you were about to breakdown. Thankfully, luck was on your side today.
Alex came over and sat on her bed along with Kelley and Allie, “Hey kiddo, we’re just gonna hang out for a bit til training. What were you up to?”
You hadn’t really been doing anything since the phone call so you just came up with a lie, “Nothing much. Just on my phone.”
The women had started engaging in conversation, so you decided to just get ready.
Grabbing your clothes, you went to take a shower. Once you stepped inside, you tried avoiding the mirror all together, but it was so hard. It was right there; right in front of you. It was impossible for you to ignore.
When you turned and got a glimpse of yourself, all you heard were your classmates. ‘You’re too big to be a soccer player.’ ‘You’re never gonna make it big.’ ‘You’re worthless, whatever you do is for nothing.’
You blocked out their voices, but soon came your parents’. ‘You’re wasting our money.’ ‘You’re not good enough’ ‘We should’ve given you away when we had the chance.’
Those had been things you’d heard before; the last one always hitting you the hardest. Maybe they were right. Maybe you were just a nobody with no guaranteed future with this sport. Maybe you should just quit it all...
Christen had gone quiet after you made it into the bathroom. She noticed some of your odd behavior especially quick since she didn’t have her yoga buddy anymore.
The others kept talking but the more the forward thinks about it, your mood has surely been dampening. You hadn’t spoken to her about anything, but she hoped that you did feel comfortable to speak to her when you were having problems.
Christen speaks up as she no longer can keep this to herself, “Has anybody else noticed (Y/n)’s been acting weird lately?”
The other athletes in the room contemplate for a second before nodding their heads, already trying to figure out what was wrong.
Kelley had been scrolling through social media at the time and happened to come across some comments, “Uh, guys? I think I have an idea of what’s going on.”
Everyone in the room immediately snapped their heads over to the defender and crowded around her. Allie was the first to see and started reading one, “‘(Y/n) (L/n) honestly needs to be removed from the team. Literally anyone would be a better choice, like come on.’ That has over one hundred likes. There’s no way she hasn’t seen any of these.”
The women all shared sad looks. Christen was about to say something but you opened the door, having finished getting ready.
Everyone scrambled back to their respectful spots and you raised an eyebrow at their frantic behavior.
Shaking your head, you decide to go down to the lobby to be alone and hopefully clear your head.
Before you could even make it to the door, someone had called you, “Hey (y/n)?”
You sighed before answering, “Yes, Alex?”
“Where you going?”
You just wanted to go somewhere without being questioned for once. You understood that you were the youngest, but the level of overprotectiveness these women have is off the charts.
“No, I’m not leaving the hotel. Yes, I have my phone. Yes, I have my key card. I’m just going to the lobby to chill for a bit before practice.”
You had been through the exact same interrogation almost every time you wanted to leave your hotel room.
Luckily, before Alex could grill you any further, Christen stepped in, “It’s fine (y/n), just go ahead.”
You muttered a small bye and walked out the door. When you were halfway down the hall and heard the door close, you let one of your tears fall.
When it was time for practice, you had just been off your game. You were missing shots you normally wouldn’t, your tackles were messy, and everything was just an overall mess right now. And everyone else could tell.
Every word read or that was spoken to you were just in your brain, making themselves at home. They were right there, always reminding you what a failure you are and that you’ll always be one. They were there letting you know that your parents were right all along. They were there making themselves known in any way possible.
You were so close to breaking down at this point. Vlatko took you off the field and told you to get yourself together. You honestly didn’t know if you could anymore.
You were so close to breaking and didn’t know if anyone could pick up the leftover pieces.
Sitting down on the sidelines, you immediately put your knees to your chest and tucking your head in between them. You tried to calm down, but it was so hard. Your senses were dialed to 11 and everything was too much. You decided to get up and go to your bag where you kept your phones along with your earbuds.
You quickly scrambled to get them on; anything to block out the chaos of your brain was good at the moment. All unaware of the worried eyes on you.
In that moment, the team had decided to get to the bottom of this and help you.
You shouldn’t have expected to be able to hide this forever. You shouldn’t have expected to be able to use homework as an excuse to not hang out forever.
When there was a mandatory team bonding called in your and Alex’s room, you knew something was about to happen. Whether that something was about to benefit you was the question.
When you got to the hotel, you expected that you’d be able to shower then relax a bit and prepare yourself for the inevitable conversation you were about to have with all 20+ women on the team.
So when you did step out of the restroom, you absolutely did not expect over 40 eyes already on you.
“Ah, ah, ah, no,” Ali said while walking over to you, dragging you with her to her spot and pulling you onto her lap. Your eyes widened slightly and you immediately moved yourself to the spot next to her.
Everyone was thinking similar things. You usually loved your cuddles and they’d always make you feel better if you were stressed because of school or anything else.
“So,” Ash said, “you wanna tell us what’s been going on?”
You simply looked down at your fidgeting hands and shrugged your shoulders. “What’s there to tell?”
Ali shrugs her shoulders as well, “Oh I don’t know. Maybe how you were off your game today.”
When have I ever been on my game?
“Or how you’ve been distancing yourself from everyone.”
I don’t deserve to be here anyway.
“Okay, okay. I don’t know what you want me to say,” you muttered.
You were panicking. This is overwhelming you and you didn’t really want to have much human interaction after training.
“Look, you don’t have to go into detail,” Tobin said. She was always chill and her demeanor relaxed you a bit. “You can just give us a gist and let us help you. Please, (y/n). We care about you and your behavior shows something is wrong. Let us help.”
And there was the guilt trip.
Tobin’s words started to make you tear up.
After much hesitation you decide to say something (more like mumbled).
“They say things.”
Ali takes your face in her hands and lifts it up, forcing your bloodshot eyes to make contact with hers.
“Can you speak up sweetie?”
“They say things,” you spoke with a tremble in your voice.
“Who says things?”
“Everybody. They all do.”
Every woman in the room shares glances. They knew you were still going to school when you didn’t have camp so hate could be extended there too.
Christen decides to contribute to the conversation, “You know what anyone says isn’t true, right?”
You shrugged again.
“(Y/n),” Kelley spoke sternly.
“What?” You finally snapped. Every word after this just spilled out of you like a dam.
“I’ve been hearing it for the past 17 years, do you not expect me to believe it! I see it everyday, there's no hiding it.”
There it was. You snapped. Everything was coming out. Your body shook from sobs and Ali quickly pulled you closer into her embrace.
There was no dry eye. No one knew of your home situation and now the cat’s out of the bag.
“(Y/n),” you were pulling your hair; the pain always grounded you.
Ali grabbed your wrist and gently yanked them from your head.
“You’re having a panic attack. Breathe.”
You were shaking your head, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”
It took at least 10 minutes to calm down. The team gave you a few more minutes to regroup.
When you became more aware of your surroundings, you realized how much your head was hurting.
While you were hiding in Ali’s shoulder, everyone asked questions.
“What do you mean 17 years, (y/n)?” Casey asked.
“My parents. They say stuff too. I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s just go to sleep, alright?” Ali always knew how to calm you down.
You nodded and hummed into her neck and fell asleep soon after.
From then on, the team was going to protect you. How? They didn’t know at the moment, but they were absolutely determined.
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spvce-cowboy · 4 years
drivers license
francisco morales x f!reader - oneshot
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rating: mature
3.1k words
warnings: drug/alcohol use, reader is a dealer, age gap, so much YEARNING!!!
summary: a surprise visit from an old friend
a/n: 100 follower celebration!! partially inspired by this post but also the fact that i have been sing-screaming “drivers license” for oh about four days straight now. thank you guys so so much for all the support so far ! 💕
A fist slamming against your front door wakes you from a dreamless sleep.
You push yourself off your mattress, blearily checking the time on your phone and cursing under your breath when you see that it’s almost 3am. You sit up all the way, blinking as you wait to see if what woke you up was something you’d imagined or if it were real.
It’s real. It starts again after a second, three sharp raps against the door, followed by some kind of muffled talking. Your heart rate picks up in your chest, you grab the baseball bat you have leaned against the wall as you reach your apartment door. Squeezing one eye shut, you look through the peephole.
The good thing is that it definitely isn’t the cops. You take a relieved breath, leaning away from the door.
The bad thing is that whoever is knocking is hunched on his knees, just outside of the peephole’s line of sight, so you have absolutely no idea who the fuck it is.
“Please open the door,” the man’s voice begs from the other side of the door. You’re about to yell at him to fuck off, but he interrupts you before you can even open your mouth. “Little flower, it’s me, please.”
The nickname makes your heart go to your throat. The bat in your hands falls to the floor.
You rub a hand over your eyes, huffing an exhale in a vague attempt to prevent your heart from ricocheting against your ribs. It doesn’t work. Because as soon as he says it, as soon as you realize who it is, it brings everything back with him.
A set of sturdy, tanned fingers cupped against the knuckles of your grandfather’s hand, the voice went low in a warm but respectful greeting. You didn’t realize how gnarled your old man’s hands had gotten until you had someone else’s to compare them to. You looked back down at the crumpled up dollar bills you’d just been handed, one of them still rolled. Turning to find your bag on the coatrack, you stuff the money in your back pocket.
“My little flower, this is a good one,” your grandfather told you with a small hum that signifies whatever he just said must be set in stone. You hear the sound of him heavily patting the hand cupped over his own in that way he does when he appreciates the presence of something. “He has a decent head on his shoulders, no?”
“Little flower?” You can hear the boyish smile in that all too familiar voice before you even turn back around. “That suits you well, I think. Florita. I like that.”
“Christ, Frankie, what are you doing here?” You rest your head against the doorframe, heart sinking in your chest. You don’t open the door, to protect him or yourself you don’t know.
“I need—”
“You’ve got a kid now, Frankie. I told you I’m not going to sell to you anymore.”
“Ever the moralist,” the bite to his words is so uncharacteristic you can’t help but flinch. He seems to realize this, too. His apology is nearly immediate. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. You’re right. I… It’s not…”
You swallow, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around yourself for some bare semblance of comfort. “Please go,” your voice is so quiet you’re not sure he can hear you through the layer of wood separating the two of you. “You’ll wake the neighbors.”
It’s quiet for a long time. Long enough that you nearly think he’s left. Long enough that you don’t know why you’re still standing at the door and not back in bed.
And Frankie says your name, voice cracking. Your actual name. It’s been so long since you’ve heard it come off his lips you can’t help sink into the door.
A held breath leaves you in a shuddering sigh. Your shaking hands open the door.
The man who spills onto the ground before you is a stranger, yet, heartbreakingly, just as he had been when you first met him. Messy hair, worn blue jeans, gray button-down stretching over the perfect expanse of his back. All that is missing this time around is that lazy smile, that easy, Hey, darling.
In a bar. Right when your grandfather started getting sick.
“Eighty,” you said without him having to continue his sentence beyond his syrupy greeting, eyes trained on the shelves of liquor in front of you instead of having to meet his gaze.
He copped an eighth, tucking the little baggie in a pocket on the inside of his jacket. You went back to your drink, angling your body away from him again and expecting him to return to his table of friends. But then the knuckles of his hand nudged the side of you elbow. He gestured to your beer, the neck of the bottle clasped between your thumb and the hook of your middle and index fingers.
“Lemme buy you your next one, yeah?” He had a hunched lean to his posture, in that way that men do when they want you to feel like you’re the only person in the room. You were mad that it worked. He extended a hand. “Frankie Morales.”
The truth of it was that the two of you became friends, after that. Nothing more. Regardless, it was too close for you to get to someone you dealt to, but you were so lonely at that point in your life—taking care of the old man by day, GED classes at night--that meeting Frankie was a small blessing. Nothing ever happened between you two but God you wish it did.
To describe what you felt towards him as a crush didn’t really cut it, but you were fine with friends. Being completely fair, he was definitely one to send mixed signals—Christ, your weekly tradition of driving to an overlook to split an order of fries and milkshakes on the hood of his truck just about screamed every romcom you were raised on. But despite the occasional prolonged touch, the hand he would place on the small of your back to move you out of the way or guide you forward, nothing happened.
You dealt with it. Tried to be supportive as possible when he met his girl. Frankie broke the news that she was pregnant. The two of you saw each other less and less frequently. Sometimes he would call to catch up. Eventually, you stopped answering when he did. Your grandfather died. You got into a local art school.
It was sad how quietly it all faded. You didn’t know it could, but it did.
And now here he is, literally crumpled at your feet.
Frankie messily pulls himself up off the ground and onto his knees. He reeks of booze and old cigarettes. You freeze as his hands wrap over your hips, as he presses his face into your stomach and murmurs an incoherent apology—for what, you’re not exactly sure.
And when you finally processing what’s happening, what you had begged the universe for years, you can’t help yourself. Your card your fingers through his hair, gritting your teeth and squeezing your eyes shut.
“Frankie,” it’s a warning. It’s a reminder. “You’re drunk. You need to go home. Your girlfriend--”
“She left a week ago,” he speaks into the fabric covering your belly. The words burst forwards as if not even he was expecting to say them. It’s a confession. His hands flex from where they hold onto you. “She’s gone.” Your heart drops to your gut, your chest aching. “I need… Just for the night I… Little flower, the house is so empty.”
You keep petting back his hair until his breathing quiets. He keeps holding onto you, even then. The two of you stay like that for a long time.
“Why don’t,” your voice comes out too shaky. Too unsure of itself. You clear your throat and try again. “Why don’t you take a shower, I’ll get you some water and we can sober you up a bit. Okay?”
He tilts his face up at you. It’s the first time you’ve seen him in well over a year.
And he hasn’t changed. It’s all there—the soft mess of shaggy hair, dark but kind eyes, the beloved hook of his nose.
One sun-sick evening, you rode your bike to the beach just to get out of the apartment. You need somewhere to sit and think for a while, just until your head feels more clear. There’s enough of a chill in the air that you have to throw on a jacket, it’s nice. It’s like you can feel the wind moving through you. Past you.
When you arrived at the beach, you got off your bike, leaning it against your hip as you scoped out a spot to sit in the sand. You were about to wheel it over to the rack when--
Someone pinched your elbow in greeting. Their steps were so quiet you didn’t even register their approach. It, obviously, startled you, and your hand immediately flew to the keychain in your back pocket. The knife you had attached to it.
When you turned, and it was Frankie’s familiar face, his hands raised in joking surrender.
In that light, with the sun still flirting with the horizon, it rendered his face into shapes and shadows you had only previously seen in the old oil paintings of long-dead greats. You thought it was in the deep bourbon of his eyes, soft when illuminated by a tangerine sky. It was him. All of him. Slightly breathless, hair ruffled by the wind.
“Hey, hey, sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you,” he sounded genuinely apologetic. You released a relieved huff of air.
“Fucking Christ, Frankie. A little warning would be nice next time.”
“Did you bike the whole way here? From the apartment?” He asked, there was a tinge of concern to his voice.
You shrugged, trying to hide your embarrassment by lowering your kickstand with the heel of you boot. “It’s not that far.”
“Don’t you have a car?”
“Can’t drive,” you wrinkle your nose. “Never needed to.”
He looked you for a moment, if you didn’t know any better you’d say critically.
“I was just about to get something to eat, if you wanna join me,” he tucked his hands in his pockets as he spoke. “There’s this overlook nearby that has a way better view of all of this.” He motions to the ocean with the tilt of his head. “I can drive us there.”
You regarded him as he spoke, cautiously looking him up and down. And you nodded, smiling slightly. He smiled back, it was big and crooked. It made something in the pit of your belly feel warm.
You step away, holding out your hand to help him to his feet. He complies, stumbling slightly and rubbing his hand over his face as he does so. He disappears down the hall without having to ask where the bathroom is.
Sighing, you go back into your room, pulling out a shirt and a pair of oversized sweatpants for him to change into. You knock on the bathroom door on your way to the kitchen. The apartment’s walls are so thin you can hear the hiss of the shower from all the way down the hall.
“Come in,” Frankie’s voice barely rises above the sound.
You crack the door open, keeping your eyes trained to the floor as you place the folded clothes on the sink’s counter.
“Here’s something for you to change into,” you tell him. He thanks you, the shower turning off right as you close the door behind you. You walk back down the hall and into the living room, making two glasses of water before settling on your couch.
Once, after a night out, the two of you were too drunk and too broke to afford separate taxis home. He proposed going back to his house, split the cost, grab a cab for you once it wasn’t so late and the rates went down.
You agreed, as you did anytime he extended the offer to spend time there. There was something about the quiet, tucked-in nature of the suburbs that was so novel to you. So calming.
The two of you settled on the couch. Feeling bold, you lay your head in his lap and kicked your socked feet up on the opposite armrest as you describe to him the gallery opening you’d snuck into. How you successfully schmoozed to the owner as well as one of the artists.
He asked you if you had heard back from any of the scholarships you’d applied to. You hadn’t, but you’d only just submitted the applications, so it would be at least a few months wait.
You tell him your dreams of becoming an artist. A real one. He already knew that, but you really tell him this time, all the details you usually keep to yourself, too special to you to have the courage to voice aloud. The fantasy of moving out into the mountains, getting a cabin just big enough for a hotplate and a bed and a studio. You’ve lived and breathed LA for your entire life and you were tired of the city. Tired of every street corner baked with the memories of high school and the listless years that followed, of the small humiliations you had to succumb to in order to survive.
Frankie listened and nodded enthusiastically at all the right parts. It was only then that you realized his hands smoothed over the top of your scalp as you talked. You let it continue, it felt too nice not to.
He told you that you should, and if you needed help finding the money he could always--
You cut him off before he could finish the thought, shaking your head. Responsibilities came first, you had people who needed you. A degree to finish. Savings to maintain. You asked him about the new girl he’d been seeing and he eagerly launches into a story about a different, wild night out. You smile and laugh throughout the whole thing, trying to ignore the pang it gives you when he describes the dress she was wearing. He fingers continued to brush over the crown of your head as he talked.
You fell asleep there, on his lap. You woke up before the sun rose, hot and sweaty and still a little drunk from the vodka Redbulls that never agreed well with your heart.
It took you a second to realize you were in Frankie’s bed, alone. When you padded back into the living room, he was passed out on the couch, a throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders, using his arm as a pillow.
You left after helping yourself to a shower, texting him a sarcastic good luck with that hangover. You’re about to call a taxi home but something stopped you. You thought it might be the way the sun was barely breaking over the cusp of the smoggy horizon, the sky reduced to pale shades of violet with the coming dawn.
The quiet neighborhood Frankie lived in is all the more beautiful, like this. Subdued, empty, houses in winding but even rows that scale up the mountainside like sets of bad teeth. You decided to walk, just until the sun got a little brighter. Until the people started to shake themselves awake for a new day.
You got a text from him as you were making breakfast, back at your apartment by then. Thanks. Hope you slept well, little flower. Something about the small missive kept you smiling the whole day after.
You mess with your phone until Frankie returns.
“I’m sorry, for showing up like this,” Frankie says as he hovers over the living room’s threshold. The clothes you leant him fit well enough, only slightly oversized on his frame as opposed to how they generously drape off of you. He holds his towel in his hands, looking down at it instead of you.  “I honestly don’t have an excuse and you… you shouldn’t accept any. But I thought I should still tell you.”
You look at him for an extended beat, knowing he’s being honest. You’re at a genuine loss as to how to handle the situation.
“We can deal with it later,” you settle with that. It sounds good enough to you, and when he finally meets your eyes again he looks a little relieved. You nod you head towards the glass of water you placed on the coffee table, he takes your lead and settles on the opposite side of the couch, leaning over to take his own glass.
“So um… how are you?” He asks you earnestly, angling his body towards you.
“Okay,” you take a sip of water, trying to keep it casual. “Cleaning up my act a bit, you know? Going to school, picking up jobs here and there. Trying to figure out what I want to do. Oh! I uh… I learned how to drive--impressive I know.”
“The city flower herself, operating a vehicle?” His face breaks into a familiar, goofy smile you can’t help but reciprocate. “I’ll add every pedestrian in LA to my prayers.”
“You should,” you shake your head as you laugh, leaning into your corner of the couch and pulling your knees up to your chest. You finally relax, giving yourself the small allowance of settling into the comfort that inevitably comes with his presence.
And it really is just as easy as it always has been between the two of you. The conversation naturally ebbs and flows, neither of you bother to broach the heavier stuff. For now, just this it’s enough.
It’s enough to see the spark in his eyes when he tells you about his daughter, how bright she is, how much trouble she gets into—just like her dad. It’s enough to hear about his friends, all those names and backstories that you still vividly remember. It’s enough to bask in the feeling of how he leans into you with laughter, a hand lingering on your knee for seconds longer than it probably should have, as he always tends to do.
It’s enough to see him grin when you tell him about the scholarships you got, how weird it felt being the oldest person in all your classes, even if it was only by a handful of years. He doesn’t ask how your grandfather is, the living room being cleared of all the heart monitors and breathing machines is enough to answer that question. You’re grateful he doesn’t. You’re not sure you’d be able to keep a brave face if he did.
You don’t want time to pass. You want to stay here, with him, like this, in that perpetual state of catching up, in that breathless deluge that has the not-so-subtle undercurrent of this is what has happened since you left. I wish you would have been there. But I am so happy you are here now.
When you can no longer stifle your yawns, you stand to refill your glass of water, speaking on your walk over to the sink.
“I’d love to keep talking but I honestly don’t think I can keep my eyes open much longer,” you tell him as you turn the tap off. “I can make up the couch for you, if you’d like.”
When he doesn’t immediately respond, you turn to look back at him. He’s staring at you from where he is seated, eyes dark with something that isn’t just from the low light of the living room.
“What?” You ask after a few more seconds of him not responding. He looks away from you, shaking his head.
“Yeah, that would be great.”
Your eyes search his for a moment, positive that that was not at all what he was turning over in his head during those few seconds of silence. You’re too tired to press, so you gather a spare set of sheets for him. He stands when you come back into the living room, holding out his arms to take them from you. You wave him away, setting up the pull-out bed yourself. You’d grown up sleeping on this thing, tucking the fitted sheet into the corners was always tricky, and he didn’t know where the bolts of the couch’s frame would cut the shit out of his hands if he wasn’t careful.
Throwing a pillow down, you turn back to Frankie. He’s standing closer to you, now. You have to tilt your head up slightly to meet his eyes.
“All set,” you tell him. He nods, eyes searching your face for a moment. Your brow furrows. “Frankie, you’re being weird. Stop it.”
His chuckle breaks the tension.
“Sorry—I’ve been saying that a lot tonight, haven’t I?” He takes a deep breath. You’re smiling again, about to agree with him, and without warning his hand is comes up to cup the side of your face. You still, lips parted in an unasked question. “Thank you, little flower,” his voice goes rough again, as it had when you were speaking to each other through the door. “I really mean it.”
Frankie’s hand drops when you nod, lips pressed together. He sits back down on the pull-out. You wish him goodnight quietly and return to your room.
Leaving your bedroom door cracked open, you climb back into bed. With everything in you, you hope he’s still there when you wake. He will be.
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ryvgvji · 4 years
Surprise! | Eijirou Kirishima
Happy late birthday to my baby boy Kiripima!!❤️✨
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genre: fluff with slight smut
warnings: lap dance? light cursing, suggestive writing (this falls into the fem.reader region, but all are welcome to read. i tried my best to not make it steer toward writing for women alone)
summary: you decide to throw your boyfriend a surprise birthday party and invite some old classmates and friends over to celebrate all together.
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this is probably the longest post i’ve ever made. i really hope y’all enjoy
(apologies for any grammar errors)
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today was a special special day. it’s your boyfriend Kirishima's birthday. for your boyfriend of many loving and happy years, you decided that you wanted to show him your appreciation for him. with him being a pro hero and you working as a first responder, you never got to celebrate special events like this with him because he’d often be caught up with patrols and saving civilians. but this year you were determined to change that. last week you contacted your old classmates and close friends of you both and let them know you wanted to throw him a surprise party, instantly they said they will be there. so you rented out a VIP section in the most famous club in Japan and contacted the club’s manager to let them know about the event and asked if you could give a playlist to the DJ. it was an easy process and everything was set.
you had woken up early enough to make Kirishima and yourself some breakfast. you made waffles with bacon and sausages. almost finished with breakfast, you heard someone’s feet dragging across the floor from around the corner. you saw a messy-haired Kirishima rubbing his eyes yawning with a slumped over posture. “‘g’ morning baby, how come you up so early?” he walked into the kitchen, coming up behind you placing his head on your shoulders kissing your cheek. “good morning handsome. i’m just making breakfast for the best birthday boy in the world.” you say as you place the food into plates and turned off the stove. turning around you faced your boyfriend who still had some drool on the corner of his mouth. you placed a kiss to his lips and smiled. “y/n you didn’t have to do that.” he pouted. “but i wanted to. come on, let’s eat.”
picking up your plates, you guys walked over to the dining table and took a seat beside each other. no wasting anytime Kirishima picked up his fork and started to eat. he hummed out in approval as he swilled down the food. you smiled at him before picking up your fork. “i’m glad you enjoying it Kiri.” you guys are together, occasionally having small talk about work and such.
“you know, i almost forgot that today was my birthday.” he laughed as he gulped his orange juice. “man you're getting old, baby.” you teased him. he laughed leaning his head back slightly, “please, don’t remind me cutie.” you smiled looking away feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach. Kirishima notices this and turns to you taking your face into his hand so you look at him. “what’s up cutie?” his eyes focused on your face. you smiled once again. he was so breathtaking that you couldn’t help it. “what?” he’s also smiling showing a couple of sharp teeth. “your amazing.” you sighed looking into his crimson eyes. a light blush spreads to his cheek and he leans in only inches from your face. “not as amazing and perfect as you though better half. you make everything better in life since you walked into it. you make me feel like the best man in the world. you make me wanna work hard, be the best version of myself, y’ know? i love you cutie.” you could see your vision getting more and more blurry with each word that he whispers to you. you let the tears slip down your cheek as he quickly wipes them away with his thumb. “Kiri, i’m supposed to be sweet talking you, not the other way around.” you chuckled holding your hand on top of his. he kisses your lips, laughing. “oh please. go and fresh up for work, i’ll take care of the dishes.”
you now at work you were working on some paperwork as the day started to slowly end. many patients are seen and a few lectures with your colleagues are held. you had received a couple of cards from the small kids that came in for a check-up to give to Kirishima. it was such a cute interaction with them. it makes you smile when you think about all the little kids your boyfriend has inspired and encouraged to do their best in everything. he was just perfect. simple as that. the alarm on your apple watch went off signaling that it’s time for you to go back home. at the same time, you received a call from your good friend Mina and your best friend. “girl, we’re about five minutes away.” your best friend spoke. “okay. i’m just logging out now. i’ll be there soon.” “okay, cya, much!” you hung up that phone then packing up your stuff and exiting your office. “bye guys, i’ll see you next week!” you called it to the others in the office. “bye y/n!” they chimed. “be sure tell Kirishima happy birthday for us and give him a treat.” one of your acquaintances said. “sure will!!” you laughed and waved hopping onto the elevator.
you walked out of the establishment saying goodbye to the security guards. you saw your best friend’s car right in the front and hurriedly walked over. “y/n!!” they exclaimed. “yes?!” you giggle, mocking their tone of voice. “you ready to surprise your man?” “yes, i am!!” “then let’s go!” Mina cheers. your friend put the car in drive and start your journey home.
arriving at your apartment building, you park at the front and get out of the car. straight through the front entrance into elevators, you press on your floor number and go up. you open your apartment door, stepping inside and turning on the light with your friends close behind. “okay lemme go and take a shower. you guys can do whatever you want.” you put your keys and bag down on a chair nearby then proceeding to your bathroom.
after a nice good shower, you walk into your shared room to see Mina and your bestie sitting on the bed watching TV while chatting. “you guys know what are you wearing?” you asked them as you apply lotion to your body. “yeah i have it with me in my bag.” Mina spoke as she looked through her phone. “same here. lemme go get it.” your friend exits the room before turning with all your bags at hand. “your bags were out there so i just picked them up.” she hands Mina her bag and places yours on the stand by your TV. after putting on undergarments you went through your bag to see a message from Kiri. you slide it open and read it.
My Hero 💫❤️ - hey cutie, i’m almost finished with patrol i’ll be home in an hour and a half ❤️
you smile and text a quick “okay❤️” then shutting off your phone. “y’all it’s time. he said he’s leaving work in an hour and a half.” “alright! let’s get this show on the road.” your friend unpacks her bag taking out her clothes and takes out some makeup. Mina does the same. you go into your closet reaching for your outfit. for a little more fun you turn on your TV to YT and play some music while getting ready. you tell Mina to shoot Bakugou a text and tell him to get ready and your friend starts on your makeup. “yes ma’am!”
as your friend put the finishing touches on your eyebrows and lips, you hear your phone ring. Mina reads you the caller ID telling you that it’s Bakugou. you take the phone and answer. “hey Bakugou, wassup?” “yo y/n, i just finished my patrol and i’m in the office. Kirishima is still on patrol so i’m waiting for him. you guys almost finished?” he questioned you. “i just finished my makeup so now i’m going to get dressed. do you know how longer Kiri will be patrolling?” on the other end Bakugou let’s out a sigh. “i don’t know maybe about 20 more minutes.” he grumbles. “but I'm gonna go and take a shower and change. i guess you lemme know when you guys are finally finished painting your faces with clown makeup and are going to leave.” you laughed. “it’s not clowning makeup! aight bet i’ll text you.” “m’kay, bye idiot.” “bye nasty.” the call ended and you got up from the chair to go look in your mirror. “this is good! you should do this for a living!” you praised your best friend’s work of art. “oh stop it. i’m glad you like it.” you nod and smile. “okay now i’m going to do my makeup, you go get dressed up.” she rushed you. you took your clothes and entered your bathroom.
“are y’all ready?” you come into the room in your outfit. you had on a deep blue, almost black like a strapless dress that was open through in a V shape with a string looped in it. you paired that with a denim distressed crop jacket, some black heels, and your rhinestone purse that had a strap. to top it all off you wore the matching earring and necklace that Kirishima had gotten you for your anniversary gift. “damn girl!! looking like a million fucking dollars!” your friend exclaimed checking out your outfit. “thank you.” walking over to look in the mirror you spray some good smelling perfume on and touch on up your hair. damn, you do look good. “alright. we all ready?” you asked your best friend. “mhm, Mina is all ready and is in the living room talking with Sero, Kami, and some others.” “okay, let’s get going now. Kiri should be finished with patrol now so im gonna text Bakugou and tell him that we’re leaving. you guys can go along, i’m gonna take my car cause i still gotta pick up the cake.” you reassured her. “alright. see you in a bit hon, bye.” she leaned in and gave you a hug then leaving.
you just picked up Kirishima’s cake and was on your way to the club now. you’ve been calling all the guests and let them know that they should be at the club now and answered any questions that. as you are a few blocks away from the club, you get a call from Bakugou saying that Kirishima got out of the shower and changed into new clothes. “okay, i’m just pulling up to the club. you gonna drive here?” “yeah. also, i’m gonna pick up the extra idiots Kaminari and Sero on the way.” he explains to you. “bet. i already told Denki and Sero that when you guys are getting close to blindfold him.” “okay. see you in a bit.” with an approving hum you hung up the phone. after shutting on the car, you got out and walking into the club. instantly music fills your ears and your eyes slightly strain from the lowly dim room with different colored lights. moving deeper into the club by the VIP, people start acknowledging your presence cheered and wooed for you.
“you're finally here y/n, i was wondering what was taking you so long.” your best friend comes and takes the cake from you set it on the big table in front of you guys. “sorry, it was but if a drive.” you put your phone in your purse and onto your shoulder. walking closer you see many familiar faces. Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka were chatting when they saw you and waved to you. you saw Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Jirou and Hagakure sat next to each other on their phones. glancing around more you notice Shinsou, your old teacher Aizawa, Hawks, Tetsutetsu all spread out minding their own business. walking into the booth to say hi to everyone, you see two people who you haven’t seen in so long. you other two besties. you grinned and slightly jogged over to them pulling them into hugs. “it’s been way too long. i’m so glad that y’all could make it!” you smiled. “of course!” one of them spoke. “anything for you y/n.” the other said. “i think this is gonna be a great night. this was a good idea y/n.” “i know right, this night is gonna be legendary.”
after a long chit chat and catching up with your besties and classmates, you moved to talk to the manager about the situation and thank them once again for this being able to happen. “sure thing Ms. y/n. Mr. Eijirou is a very lucky man. i hope he enjoys his time.” you thanked them before ending the conversation and walking to the DJ to make sure that they had your playlist set. once they started to play the music you headed over to the bar to order some drinks for everyone. you return to VIP with two trays of multiple mixed drinks. “thanks.” they each mumbled as you passed them their drinks. “y/n.” you turn around and see Momo and Aoyama walking in the club. “hey!” you walked over to hug them. “how’s life been treating y’all?” “amazing. as you can see i still look good.” Aoyama playfully winked at you making you giggle. “yes, i can. what about you Momo?” “i’m just here. i recently got engaged to the love of my life.” she smiled revealing to you the ring on her finger. “oh my god, congrats girl. i hope i’ll be invited to the wedding.” you poked her sides. she laughs, “yes you are dear, don’t worry.” “okay. well, go ahead and settle in the booth over there with everyone else. i’ll take care of drinks.” “thank you y/n.” they walked to the booth and took a seat.
after a couple of minutes and you were now dancing with some of your friends, your phone went off in your purse and you took it out. it was Bakugou calling you. “hey Bakugou.” “we’re here and he’s blindfolded.” he told you. “okay. you guys can come in now.” “alright. bye.” the called ended. you hurried over to the DJ requesting that you could have the mic. “hello, everyone. Bakugou is here with Kirishima. do you think we could be extra quiet and surprise him?” you questioned everyone in the club. they all cheered and stopped their chatter. the DJ turned down the music as you gave them back the microphone. just then the door for the club opened letting in the cool breeze of the evening as four men walked in all laughing and slightly pushing each other. they quickly silence themselves due to enter the room.
“bro, what the hell. where did y’all bring me?” Kirishima spoke. you walked over to him. from your heels clicking on the wooden tiles he could tell somebody was around. “who is that?” he asked. smiling you reach up and pushed the makeshift blindfold that around his head up to on his forehead. immediately his eyes widen. “y/n?” “surprise!” you shouted along with everyone. Kirishima was so astonished. “w-wha- how?” he looks around seeing familiar faces. “this is for you baby.” you reach and wrap your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. he wraps him around you at the same time kissing you back deeply. pulling away you could see tears on his cheek as he looks you in your eyes. you use your thumbs to wipe them away. “baby doesn’t cry. it’s okay.” you softly massaged his cheeks. “y/n i wasn’t expecting this. y-your too good for me.” “aww, Kiri. come on, some people want to see you.” you lead him over to the VIP booth to see everyone.
so far the night was going great. many drinks and shots were ordered, some people already slightly tipsy. others just enjoyed the free chips that were passed out. you though. you were celebrating yourself. a whole lot. you and your besties along with Mina and Hagakure were all on the dance floor. y’all are dancing around having fun. then the song Instruction challenge that was on your playlist, starts to play. you get so hype and your besties know what’s about to happen. because you guys were being loud, you guys earned the attention of a couple of other people on the floor and they started to spread out making space for you. you also caught some of your friend's eyes like Todoroki, Iida, Hawks, etc.
as the beat played you slowly removed your jacket as you move your hips slowly whining before going into position to twerk. Mina and your best friend took their phones out to record. you also removed your heels and handed it to one of the girls. this drew even more attention from people and including your boyfriend. “what is she doing?” he eyed you in curiosity. “oh i know.” Momo and Aoyama laughed to themselves. even more confused, he moved closer to get a better look.
when the song said “just sit down, just bounce pon de dick.” everyone's eyes went wide, some people face like Midoriya, Kaminari and Shinsou got a bit red. they were not expecting that. to make circumstances even worst for them, you started to twerk. you moved your ass up and down to the beat of the song. your dress moving against you adding that extra jiggle from the slightly loose fabric.
your friends sang along to the lyric hyping you up so much. “so manage it, manage it!” they cheered as you threw it in a circle. “pon de one side, pon de one side, kotch pon de one side, one side.” you bent over bending your right knee to support yourself as you stretch your left leg. you reach for your left ankle to grip onto it as you moved left ass cheek. you moved it to the beat of the song.
at this point Kirishima was at a loss for words and a bit turned on the least to say. this was new to him. you could move like that? then straighten your leg so your bent over, you shake your ass when the song said “move de batty jaw now.” one of your friends started to throw money onto your ass and smack you on your ass. “oh my god y/n.” Sero laughed, totally unfazed by what’s happening. when they thought it was the end, “knock de pussy pon de damn concrete.” played. you went into a split and did exactly what they said, you knocked it on the concrete. twice. when the song ended your friend cheered for you and the other on the dance floor clapped. you smiled and thanked them before beginning to gather your stuff together and walk over to the booth.
“whew, that was a lot.” you breathed dabbing your head with a napkin before taking a sip of the water Kirishima was drinking. “you have no idea.” Shinsou spoke scratching the back of his neck with raised eyebrows. you laughed knowing exactly what he meant. “my bad. that’s just my song.” you shrugged with a smile. you look at Kirishima who was watching you. “yes Kirishima? your staring” you taunted him. “huh? oh, uh. nothing.” he frantically explained. laughing at his cute response you place your hand in his hair giving him little pets. “come on, let’s have some fun!” Mina exclaimed to everyone. Uraraka, Tsuyu, Aoyama, Momo, and Kaminari get up with no hesitation, following over to the dance floor. others like Todoroki, Shinsou, and Tokoyami stayed sitting down and watched. “would you like to join me, birthday boy?” you smirked as you outstretched a hand towards Kirishima. he accepted. “yes i would!”
you’ve been dancing for a while now with everyone and having the time of your life with your boyfriend’s arms around your waist, not letting up. dancing from songs like the Cha Cha Slide and teaching Kirishima how to Kontrol by Maleek Berry and whining into Kirishima as he matched your movements going low to the floor anytime you got lower. you even danced to La Romana by Bad Bunny with the Latino king himself Sero. you even caught one of your friends going crazy throwing it back on him as he caught it. everyone went crazy videoing them and hyping them up. the club was hype, and the excitement was far from ending as you had something planned for Kirishima at the end.
now back at the booth, telling Kiri that you need to go to the bathroom you excused yourself and went for the cake that you had bought. with the help of Todoroki, you successfully got to bring the cake to the table. you had placed the candles on it and lit them with a lighter. you placed the cake in front of Kirishima and placed a kiss on his cheek saying the words, “happy birthday baby.” he smiled as everyone cheered for him and wished him well. “go on! make a wish!” Aoyama urged him. taking your hand in his, he closed his eyes then blew out the candles. “thank you.” he kissed your hand. you smile, “anything for you baby.” “alright let’s have some cake!!” Tesutesu cheered. you feed Kirishima the cake, teasing as you smeared icing on his nose.
it’s been a while since you guys been sitting and chatting. you decided it was the best time for your surprise now as it was well close to 3 am. some people like Bakugou, Shinsou, and Deku were sleeping. some chatter was still going on but it was minimal. so you inquired of Mina and Kaminari to help you out with setting up. you told Mina to take care of the song with the DJ and Kaminari to place a chair in the middle of the dance floor for Kirishima to sit in. you woke up those how were sleeping and explained to everyone that you had something in store for Kirishima. “what else is there to do idiot?” Bakugou grumbles, upset that you woke him up from slumber. “promise me, you’ll want to see this.” you walk to the bathroom to get yourself ready and wait for your cue.
“what’s happening?” Kirishima asked his friend Kaminari as he was nudging him to the chair on the dance floor. “sh, just enjoy bro!” he gave him a thumbs up and went back to where everyone else was. “can i please have everyone’s attention.” Mina called through the mic by the DJ station. Kirishima landed his attention on her. “Kirishima, today’s a very special day. and we all have that we were able to spend it with you.” she started. Kirishima leans back in the chair with a smile on his face mouthing a ‘thank you’ to her. “and as the night is coming to a close, your sexy ass girlfriend named y/n has a show for you right now.” now everyone has their phones out at recording. “performing to Ride by Ciara, the big booty, big titty, make you cream your pants, y/n y/l/n!!!”
the song starts and you walked out of the bathroom that was by the bar. Kirishima turned to see you slowly walking out. your hand grazing against the counter as you seductively watched him walking down the bar. taking a strawberry that was in a cup, you placed it in your mouth bit sucking on the juice that was in the fruit. you placed the stem in the glass before slowing walking over to Kirishima, right leg in front of the other. the sound of your heels against the floor echo in the room with music.
reaching to Kirishima, he looks at you with wide eyes. you go behind him, you move your hand to grip his face in place a kiss to his lips then walking around in front of him. “i can do it big. i can do it long. i can do it whenever or however you want.” you lip-sync the song as you parted Kirishima’s leg placing yourself in between them. you continue to sing. “i market it so good, they can’t wait till you try me.” knelt, lean your face dangerously close to his crotch and roll your body before standing up straight. you turn around to face the crowd and you walked a few inches from him. you bend over with your back arched and your hands on your knees. you whine your hips being sure to slowly move in circles occasionally toking your hips to the side. sliding down to the floor with your ass in the air you continue to circle your hips. “they love the way i ride it. they love the way i ride it.”
Kirishima watching your every move, feeling very hot now having a full view of your ass in his face. his bottom lip found their way between his teeth as he didn’t let his eyes off you like your hip land flat on the floor in a fast motion causing your ass to jiggle. you turn around on your back, slowly moving your upper half off the floor until you sat up. with your arms grazing over your body brushing over your breast. you give them a slight squeeze and made a lewd face that makes Kirishima’s head loll back to the side as he made a pained expression showing his desperation. you stood to your feet and took your shoes off as a part of the dance. “i do it to him right, it’s like mmh-mmh good.” you bend your knees going down so you're on your toe and open your legs so Kirishima can see. you go into a split from here and move up and down.
“yes y/n!!!” Mina cheered for you. your eyes stay on Kirishima as you blew him a kiss. he smiled and motions you over to him. you crawl on all fours you stop before Kirishima. you move your hands up his body to his neck as he tilts your head up and looks at you. “baby, i need you.” you settle both your hands on his arm and take his fingers into mouth humming around them. “shit.” he swears.
pulling away you inch away a bit before putting your head down to the floor. using your arms to brace yourself, you use your legs to push off the ground so that you are on your head. you open your legs and move them gradually making them wave. leaning back you rest your legs on Kirishima’s thighs. he comes down positioning a hand behind your head and one around your waist pulling your body up. you encircle your arms around his neck having him extra close to your face. “Woo!!!” Kaminari and Hagakure shouted for you two as everyone roared as well.
“he love the way i ride it. he love the way i ride it.” you sang to Kirishima as you move your hips against him. you grind onto him. Kirishima lets out a groan. “holy fuck baby.” he pulls you closer by the arm around your waist and bucks up into you, using the hand on the back of your neck to pull you into a needy kiss. you kiss him back moving your tongue against his. you could feel his dick cock hardened through his jeans. it pressed right against your now soaked panties under your dress.
you move legs so that your feet were also set on his thighs. moving your lips down to his neck you still grind against him. you hear him let out a breathy moan and lean his head back, eyes squeezed shut. “y/n... i-i can’t.” he whines and moves his hand down to your ass. you twerk your ass against his hand. he smacks your ass and grabs it, using it as leverage to grind you harder down on him and buck up into you.
“you like this?” you could hear him whimper out a ‘yes’ as he still grinds your down onto him you pull away so that you sit upright on his hard member. you twerk your ass and smile at him. you lightly bounce on him causing him to slightly set off his quirk. pulling you back into him, he places your head on his shoulder and moves his hands under your dress.
without even thinking he moves your dress up so that your ass is on full exhibition for all to see. “YESSSS Y/N!!!!” Aoyama cheers for you. Kirishima lands a hard smack to your ass feeling the skin jiggle and you flinch in his lap with a moan in his ear. he bunches your panties and pulls it between your ass. “this is all mine. tonight you’re gonna get it.” he says. you lean into his lips giving him a faint kiss.
you fix yourself and moved so that you were standing again. swiveling around you strut away before coming to a stop. you reach under your dress and removed your panties. you threw it towards Kirishima and walked away. everyone went wild. then the music ended. “give it up for y/n!” Mina spoke through the mic. everyone clapped for you and you gleam taking a bow. “thank you all for making this night a memorable and happy night for my sexy warrior Eijirou Kirishima.” you direct toward Kirishima who hand your panties in hand and watching you with hooded eyes. “i love you baby.” you said to him.
“y/n that was fricken amazing! look.” Hagakure showed you her phone. you watched as you and Kirishima grind against each, kissing and moaning. you felt your face heat with embarrassment. “oh my god. i did that.” you laughed and hid your face in your hands. “girl there’s nothing to be afraid of, we all know what goes on behind the close door.” Aoyama leaned in his hands and winked at you. “and from the looks of it, Kirishima appeared to be enjoying himself as well.” your friend implied at the phone to when Kirishima had rolled your dress up and slapped your ass. “by the way, nice ass.” Mina winked at you.
“Kirishima bro how does it feel?” Kaminari and Sero surround Kirishima as he walked back to the booth. “you have no idea bro.” he smirks looking at you as you talked with your friends. “dude you were going all out. grabbing her ass like it’s no one’s business.” Sero shows him the video. he watches as his hands grabbed on your ass grinding into you. he could feel his dick twitch against his thigh from the view of your ass. “you look a bit excited there shitty hair.” Bakugou spoke suggestively. Kirishima moved his hands to cover his prominent boner. “oh, he’s ready.” Jirou laughed. “Kiri’s gonna get some tonight!” Tetsutetsu chimed.
“babe, you ready to go home?” Kirishima came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. you shiver as his teeth rake against your ear. “oop, y/n. looks like you won’t be able to walk for days.” your best friend wooed. you only laugh, jokingly telling them to shut up. “yeah. you ready?” you replied to Kirishima. he nods his head nuzzled into your neck. “okay. lemme get my panties to put back on.” you ran your hands through his hair. “no i’ll think i’ll keep it. makes things more interesting.” he says to you. your friends hear and squeal. “y/n is getting fucked senseless tonight!!” Mina hollers. he looks at her from your neck. “you have no idea.” turning you around his arms, he picks you up and wraps your legs on his midsections. he slaps your ass and kisses your neck. he gathers your belongings and says goodbyes and goodnights to everyone, walking out the door with you.
you all know what happened after that
part 2
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Parallels | Chapter 18
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Characters: OC! Violet Grace Dawson, Luke Patterson, Julie Molina, Carrie Wilson, Bobby Wilson, Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer, Flynn nolastname, Willie nolastname, Nick Danforth-Evans, Dirty Candy 
Guideline: Sunset Universe is the universe in which Sunset Curve is famous and Violet is friends with Carrie, Julie and Flynn. Candy Universe is the universe in which Dirty Candy is more famous and Sunset Curve has broken up. 
Song(s) used: When The Sun Goes Down - In The Heights | Make You Believe - Little Mix 
Warnings: Lots of crying, bit of angst, goodbyes
Words:  3,983
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The tension during the rest of rehearsal was real. No one really knew what to say, so they just kept themselves busy with the music they were making together. Today might just be the very last time they’d be able to do this with Violet. 
That same night, Violet had dreamt about a song. Something in the pit of her stomach told her it was Rose’s song, but she wasn’t certain anymore. It was a hazy dream. As though the connection she had with her universe was fading. 
“Can’t believe I didn’t notice it wasn’t actually you,” Luke said when he and Violet were the first ones in Julie’s garage. He knew she was going to be early, so he had come early, too, as he wanted to have a chance to talk to her, alone. 
He’d startled her ever so slightly as she was busying herself with the song she had written with the memory of the hazy dream in the back of her head. Though hearing his voice and seeing his gorgeous face and bright eyes immediately calmed her down. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Violet replied softly whilst Luke took a seat next to her on the piano stool. A spot they’d found themselves in a lot of the time. 
“It’s okay,” he said. “I understand it wasn’t easy to tell anyone. I probably wouldn’t have believed y–” A soft jolt went through Violet again, shutting him up straight away. “Sorry.” 
Violet shot him a smile, telling him it was all good. She didn’t quite know what to say to him. Today was their last day together, she could sense it in the pit of her stomach. And there was so much she wanted to say before she went away for good. There was so much she wanted to tell him. 
“Have you figured out how to get back yet?” he then asked solemnly. He didn’t want her to leave, he liked this version of Violet a lot better than the bitchy, sassy girl he’d had a crush on since Middle School but wasn’t reciprocated. 
She softly nodded her head and showed him the song in her notebook. “I think it came to me in a dream, but I’m not sure anymore. My connection with the other universe seems to be getting weaker…” 
“Make you believe again?” he asked, scanning the paper. 
“Mmh,” she hummed. “I think because my unfinished business was getting the band back together, I made you guys believe in music again…” she trailed off because there was more to her theory, more than she wanted to say. More than she could say. 
Luke let out an airy chuckle, “Well, you made me believe something else too.” His eyes landed on Violet with that sweet, tender smile plastered on his face. She had been wishing for Luke Patterson to look at her like that for years. 
His eyes then flick down to the piano, that same smile playing on his lips. Violet could swear there was a slight blush coloring his cheeks. Then, as Violet felt her heart clench, Luke’s voice floated through the garage. 
“When the sun goes down You're gonna need a flashlight You're gonna need a candle”
With a small smile on  her lips, Violet responded. 
“I think I can handle that”
Luke chuckled at this, looking back up at Violet. 
“When you leave town I'm gonna buy you a calling card”
As the next words rolled off Violet’s lips, Luke felt his heart beat faster. 
“'Cause I'm falling hard for you”
Violet let her eyes fall on the garage door, reminding herself of what was awaiting her. The two of them then bounced back and forth, responding to each other’s sentences. 
“I go back today”
“And I will try to make my way”
“Out west to California”
“So we've had this summer”
“And we've got each other Perhaps even longer”
Luke suddenly got up from the stool, capturing Violet’s attention again. His voice sounded stronger, more powerful. So powerful, it sent shivers down Violet’s spine. 
“When you're on your own And suddenly without me Will you forget about me?”
“I couldn't if I tried”
Luke grabbed Violet’s hands, pulling her up from the stool as well and guiding her towards the middle of the garage. 
“When I'm all alone And I close my eyes”
“That's when I'll see your face again”
“And when you're gone You know that I'll be waiting when you're gone”
Violet pulled him closer, to make sure the message she wanted to convey came through to him. 
“But you're here with me right now”
“We'll be working hard, but if we should drift apart”
Tears pooled Violet’s eyes, thinking about not seeing Luke anymore. Not this Luke. 
“Lemme take this moment just to say”
“No, no”
“You are gonna change the world someday”
“I'll be thinking of home”
She took a step closer towards him, their chest pressed together as their voices blended together into a gorgeous harmony. 
“And I'll think of you every night At the same time”
Not being able to withhold himself anymore, Luke’s hands reached up to Violet’s cheeks, pulling her closer until their lips collided in a passionate, long-awaited kiss. The world seemed to spin around them as their lips moved in sync. Her hands had to grip at his shirt as she was afraid she’d fall if she didn’t. 
As they came back up for air, Luke pressed his forehead against hers. Their voices floating through the garage once more in a soft mumble. They only had eyes for each other. As though they were the only people in the world. 
“When the sun goes down When the sun goes down When the sun goes down”
The loud, ear-piercing squeals erupting from the garage doors caused the two of them to snap up out of their dream-like state. At the door stood all six of their friends. Alex and Bobby had their hands pressed against Reggie’s mouth while the girls were jumping up and down in excitement. 
The leather jacket-clad boy pushed the hands of his friends off him, “FUCKING FINALLY!” he screamed out, flailing his arms in the air. “Pardon my French,” he then added, a little more subdued whilst straightening his jacket. 
A blush spread across Violet’s cheeks. She hadn’t wanted to kiss him. She did. But she also didn’t. She was leaving today and she wasn’t going to see him again anytime soon. This kiss was going to haunt her for the rest of her life, knowing she wasn’t going to kiss him ever again. 
“I found a way to get me back,” she then said, moving away from Luke and back to the piano where she had left the notebook with the song scribbled down in it. “I think – the dream was a bit hazy. But I do believe this was a song Rose wrote to get herself back.” 
Julie perked up at this and made her way to Violet, who showed her the song. “My mom wrote this?” she asked in a whisper. Violet nodded. “Would you mind if I kept this? You know, after…?” She didn’t even have to finish that sentence for Violet to hum in assent. 
“So, guide us through it,” Alex told her, climbing behind his drum kit. 
She had to heave in a deep breath before she could start explaining the song. She started with the beat, then the rhythm, then the melody and then she went through the lyrics with the girls. 
“How does this work then?” Flynn questioned after they had received the information. “You’re just gonna disappear and the Violet from this universe is just gonna appear?” 
“I don’t know,” Violet sighed. “We’re gonna have to let the universe do its work. All we can do is try…” 
“Can I… say something, before you go?” Julie asked solemnly. After receiving a nod from Violet, Julie continued. “I wanna say thank you… You brought me closer to my mom, in a way. You brought me and Carrie back together. You gave me the best summer ever, since my mother died last year. You made me believe in the power of music again. So, thank you, Violet.” 
A teary smile etched its way to Violet’s face. She didn’t quite know what to say to that, so instead, she wrapped Julie up into a tight hug. “You are amazing, Julie Molina. Never stop shining,” she whispered before the two broke apart. The both of them had tears streaming down their faces. 
The next person to wrap her up into a hug was Flynn. It was abrupt and Violet didn’t have enough time to register who had scooped her up, but the cotton candy perfume that wrapped her up was a dead giveaway. “Thanks for bringing my Julie back,” she whispered. 
“Thanks for bringing me back,” Violet whispered back and then it was Carrie’s turn to hug. “Thanks for this crazy adventure, Care.” 
“Thank you,” Carrie responded. 
Then, Bobby, Reggie and Alex hugged Violet at the same time. “Thank you for bringing the band back,” Alex said before pressing a kiss to her hair. The boy had always towered over her, which she had loved. Especially when he hugged her. Because he’d always kiss the top of her head. 
“You guys gonna continue as Sunset Curve again?” Violet asked when they pulled away. 
“No,” Bobby replied. “We’re gonna go on as Violet Sunset. You’ve brought us back together, it’s only right we honor that.” 
A wide smile broke on Violet’s face whilst tears rolled down her cheeks. “Take enough breaks from each other, yeah? And talk to each other when something’s bothering you. I don’t wanna be hearing you breaking up again, okay?” 
The three boys nodded their heads, all three of them with tears pooling their eyes. 
“We’re gonna miss you, Violet Dawson,” said Reggie, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his leather jacket. “A whole lot.” 
As the boys stepped aside, Luke moved over towards her. He was already crying, which had Violet crying even more. “You’re gonna change the world someday,” he whispered with a small chuckle while grabbing her hands. “Like you changed mine.” 
“I’m gonna think of you every day, Luke Patterson. Don’t ever forget me, okay?” 
He smiled, “I couldn’t if I tried,” he responded before dipping down and kissing her. The saltiness of their tears mingled with the passion and love in their lips. It was a bittersweet feeling. Kissing him. Saying goodbye to him. 
“Shall we do this?” Luke then asked when the two pulled away again. 
Violet gave him a nod before he pressed a kiss to her forehead and grabbed his guitar again. The others took their spots again, ready to start playing this song. They didn’t even know if it was going to work, but even if it didn’t, they had another great song they could add to their setlist for the next gig. 
Violet counted the girls in as the first part would be a capella. Their voices blended together perfectly, bouncing off these garage walls for the very last time. 
“Ah ah ah Ah ah ah Ah ah ah I'll make you believe again”
The boys then chimed in on their instruments whilst Julie took the first verse and made it hers. 
“Down on your knees She made you feel like you're worthless You just don't deserve this, no no How does it feel? To think that you gave all you could Wish you did but you would”
Carrie then took the pre-chorus for her account while Violet prepared herself for the chorus by wiping underneath her eyes. She probably looked like a raccoon by now, but she wasn’t sure if she cared.  
“I'll be the ears you talk to The doors you walk through The arms to hold on to You're safe with me”
Flynn and Violet joined in with Carrie and Julie on the chorus. While Julie interacted with Reggie and Flynn with Bobby, Violet focused on the space ahead of her. She couldn’t look at Luke. Not right now. It would hurt too much. 
“Your hearts been stolen Eyes weren't open Trust is broken But I'll make you believe again Make you stronger So we'll live longer You've lost your faith in love But I'll make you believe again”
In a moment of weakness, she turned her head to her left, where Luke stood. His eyes flickered with both love and sadness. She finally grabbed the mic from its stand and turned towards him completely, singing the next verse. 
“Where do you run? Who do you turn to, it burns you cause you though that she was the one She threw it away Left you with nothing but pain You won't feel love again”
Leaving this universe was going to burn. This was her place, these were her people. It made her realize that she had been born in the wrong universe. A universe where she felt out of place all her life. While this universe was one where she felt right. She felt great. She felt at home. 
This wasn’t the right thing to do for her, but it was for the other Violet. They had to restore the balance. They had to switch back. There was no going back now. 
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 A knock to his bedroom door caused Alex to startle a little. He was working on a song by himself, being inspired by Violet’s songwriting and felt the need to create something himself. And then the angel herself stood in his doorway. 
“Am I interrupting something?” she asked with a smile. 
Alex smiled. “No, not at all, come in!” He patted a spot on the bed as an invitation for her to sit down. “I’m working on a song,” he said proudly. “Would you mind checking it out and bestowing me with some of your wisdom?” 
Violet smiled and leaned over, so she could read along with him. 
Tell mе, am I broken? I can never lеave Biting on my tongue and Checking if it bleeds Oh, is it lost on me? All the things I believe Something like an omen I can never keep Moving on and on, so very bittersweet Is it lost on me? All the things I don't need
“This is amazing, Lex,” she whispered. “It’s raw, it’s real. Definitely has a ton of potential to become a big hit.” 
The smile on Alex’s face was wide and bright and warm. “Thanks, but I don’t think it’s something we’re ever gonna  be allowed to put on an album.” 
Violet knew immediately what he meant. Their management was shit. Neither of them was allowed to come out, all four of them hiding in the shadows without ever being able to completely, unapologetically be themselves. 
“You need a new manager,” Violet told him matter-of-factly. 
Alex chuckled. “I don’t think –” he started his sentence, but Violet didn’t let him finish. 
“No, Alex, I’m serious. I know you guys tried really hard to get a manager in the first place, but this isn’t what a manager should be like. You should be able to live your life the way you want to, with Willie. Being out and proud to the world because that’s who you are. And who you are is fierce and amazing and fantastic.” 
A single tear rolled off Alex’s cheek. “I’m gonna miss you, Violet,” he whispered before wrapping his arms around the girl’s body. He buried his face in her neck whilst she rubbed soothing circles on his back and tried not to cry herself. 
“I’m gonna miss you too, Alex,” she whispered back and then, “Promise me you’ll talk to the boys about finding a new manager? About coming out to your fans? About being the authentic you?” 
The boy nodded his head while disentangling himself from the hug. “I promise. Thank you… For making me believe there’s still good in the world.” 
Violet smiled at this. That was exactly what she needed to hear. 
“Let’s get to the music room, yeah? Time for this bitch to get back home.” She proudly pointed at herself at the word ‘bitch’ before getting up and reaching out a hand towards Alex. 
Intertwining their pinkies together, Alex and Violet made their way down to the basement where everyone else already was. A nervous flutter went through her stomach. She was going to have to say goodbye to this lot. The people she had come to love. The people that had become her best friends. Even more so than the people in her own universe. 
“Hey guys,” Violet started, capturing everyone’s attention. They all looked at her with interest and solemn flickers in their eyes. Except Luke. He was scowling. She knew he hated her for having to leave. He hated her for lying to him. For keeping a secret. For making him fall in love with her and then disappearing. “Before I go… I just wanted to say thank you for making me feel at home here. Especially you girls, I know I said some things that I didn’t mean and that it wasn’t easy for you to believe me. So, thank you for making this adventure a little more bearable.” 
“Thank you for giving us the best summer ever,” Julie replied before leaping up towards Violet and wrapping her up into a hug. Carrie and Flynn followed her example, throwing themselves into the group hug together. 
Giggles filled the space while tears rolled down their faces. These girls had found a special place in Violet’s heart and she was going to miss them even though they were back home, too. It wouldn’t be the same. 
Violet carefully pushed the girls off her, facing the boys now. “I just wanna say one thing to you boys: get a new management team. Stay true to yourself. Be yourself. Keep writing absolute tunes and travel the world. If I ever do get back here, make sure you’re on your world tour, yeah?” 
The boys chuckled and even Luke let out a small huff. 
“We’re gonna miss you, Vi,” Reggie stated and opened his arms for her to walk into. He wrapped her up into a hug, then took a step aside for Bobby and Alex to do the same. When they broke apart, the boys stepped aside and Luke appeared in front of her. 
Her heart skipped a beat upon seeing him. He still looked angry. He didn’t even look at her. This wasn’t how she wanted to say goodbye to him. Not with him being mad at her. 
“Luke,” she started softly. This was the other’s cue to move to the other side of the rehearsal space, just so the two could have some sort of privacy. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. I’m sorry for all the hurt I caused. I’m sorry for–” Luke swallowed her last words by pressing his lips to hers. 
It was sudden and Violet wasn’t sure what was happening at first until his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. She melted into the kiss. She melted in his arms. She completely melted into him. 
All the sexual tension, the jealousy, the daydreaming about him,... it all washed away with one kiss. 
“I had to do this once more before you left,” he whispered, pressing his forehead to hers. “I know you can’t stay, but please, come back when you can?” he asked but his voice could barely carry. These were words just for Violet. No one else should be hearing them. 
“I’ll try,” she whispered back and wiped the single tear off his cheek before it could fall. 
There was so much more they wanted to say to one another, but no words could ever possibly describe it. So instead, Luke wrapped Violet up into a hug. Her arms snaked around his waist, her face buried in his neck as did his in hers. She inhaled his scent one last time. He pressed his lips in her neck to taste her one last time. 
Soon enough, the others engulfed the couple into a group hug. All of them were crying. All of them felt the pain and sadness of a goodbye. This was the hardest goodbye they ever had to endure. Harder than saying goodbye to family before heading off on tour. 
This was goodbye forever. 
“Okay, let’s do this,” Violet whispered, disentangling herself from her friends. 
Wiping at their eyes, everyone took their spot and their instruments. Violet guided them through the song a few times. Explaining the chords and notes. Explaining which verse was whose. All while her chest hurt and she felt like crying even more. 
This was the last time they were ever going to sing together. The last song as a band. The last song ever. She didn’t want it to end, but as they went through verses and choruses, the end came nearer and nearer. 
“I'll be the ears you talk to The doors you walk through The arms to hold on to You're save with me”
Violet felt a tingle in her toes. Would this be the feeling she felt before zapping back to her universe? 
“Your hearts been stolen Eyes weren't open Trust is broken But I'll make you believe again Make you stronger So we'll live longer You've lost your faith in love But I'll make you believe again”
The boys slowed down with the instruments as Violet’s voice chimed through the amps. The girls quickly joined into a beautiful harmony that sent shivers down everyone’s spine. 
“I'll give you the strength that you need to forget I'll be the last thing that you would regret Make you believe in love again”
The tingling feeling in her toes rose up to her legs, then her stomach to eventually nestle in her chest. It felt as though Violet was floating through the air and she had to shut her eyes. She was scared that if she kept them open, everything would disappear in front of her. 
“Ah ah ah Ah ah ah I'll make you believe again”
“Oh oh oh Oh oh oh”
“I'll make you believe”
The tingle in her body disappeared and when Violet opened her eyes again, she wasn’t in Julie’s garage anymore. She was in a spacious room, surrounded by the people she knew best; Flynn, Julie, Carrie. Even the Sunset Curve boys were there. The actual Sunset Curve boys. She knew she was back. Luke wasn’t wearing his comfort flannel anymore and wore a sleeveless shirt instead with the orange beanie she had come to love. 
“Oh oh oh Oh oh oh I'll make you believe again”
The confused looks on their faces told her they weren’t sure if it was really her or her parallel self. They exchanged glances with one another, trying to figure all of it out. 
“Your hearts been stolen Eyes weren't open Trust is broken But I'll make you believe again Make you stronger So we'll live longer You've lost your faith in love But I'll make you believe again”
“Oh oh oh Oh oh oh I'll make you believe”
“Oh oh oh Oh oh oh I'll make you believe”
The boys quit playing their instruments, so it was just the girls’ voices that carried through the room. The four were facing each other and judging from the way Violet was looking at them with that proud, ‘I missed you’ smile on her face, they were pretty certain it was her. 
“Ah ah ah Ah ah ah I'll make you believe again”
Violet lowered her microphone and panted from exhaustion. “Gosh, I’ve missed singing with you.” 
“It’s really you?” Carrie asked. “Our Violet?” 
“Yeah,” Violet whispered. “It’s me, it worked. It actually worked.” She was a little surprised herself. 
“Welcome home, Violet,” said Alex from behind his drum kit. 
Home. She was home. 
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kfczeppelintorres · 3 years
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Wanted Connections & Plot Ideas in the Forms of my Lyrical Mind.
✘ Friends & Other Supporting Roles ✘
Stuck On You by Lionel Richie & Darius Rucker - “ Stuck on you. I’ve got this feeling down deep in my soul that I just can’t lose, guess I’m on my way. Needed a friend, and the way I feel now I guess I’ll be with you ‘til the end, guess I’m on my way, mighty glad you stayed. “ - Limited spots, two people that Luciano lets into the some of the ( not all ) deepest depths of him and would stick around through the beginning to the end. - Open & Open. 
Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne - “ You’re not alone, together we stand, I’ll be by your side, you know. I’ll take your hand. When it gets cold and it feels like the end, there’s no place to go, you know I won’t give in. “ - Depending on the muses that feel like they can connect I will leave this as a free range, a person or people that Zeppelin can lean on, but in turn be there for that knows what it is like to have lost someone they love/loved. - Open. 
Blame covered by Boyce Avenue - “ Can’t you see it? I was manipulated by it. Too little to the dawn. Ohh, I had no choice in this, I was a friend she missed. She needed to talk. So blame it on the night. Don’t blame it on me. Don’t blame it on me. Blame it on the night. “ - A friend that blames their problems on anything and everyone else but theirselves. Zeppelin tries to help them see the bigger picture and love them in the progress of coaching them through it. - Open. 
My Hands by David Archuleta - “ But it’s harder to hold on to your hands, than the hands of time, I need a hand, girl, I’m trying to hold on. Losing strength in these hands of mine, I’m standing here, open hands, and I know I can’t do this alone. Hold on, hold on, lemme hold on, hold on to my hands, don’t let go. “ - The one person that became a person to pushes him to be who he is and knows what he went through. A person that could sit there and talk or complete silence, the only person he would only consider going to for advice. - Reese. 
Ten Feet Tall by Wrabel - “ I’ll be careful, so don’t be afraid. You’re safe here, no these arms won’t let you break. I’ll put up a sign in the clouds, so they all know that we ain’t ever coming down. “ - The four that Zeppelin feels the need to protect. - Open & Open & Open & Open. 
I’ll Be There for You by The Rembrandts - “ So no one told you life was gonna be this way. Your job’s a joke, you’re broke, your love life’s DOA. It’s like you’re always stuck in second gear. When it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, but I’ll be there for you ( when the rain starts to pour ) , I’ll be there for you ( like I’ve been there before ) , I’ll be there for you, cause you’re there for me too. - A guy squad consisting of three or more. - Open & Open & Open. 
✘ Romance & Heartache ✘
Leave Before You Love Me by Marshmello feat Jonas Brothers - “ Dancing on the edge, ‘bout to take it too far. It’s messing with my head, how I messed with your heart. If you wake up in your bed, alone in the dark, I’m sorry, gotta leave before you love me. “ - The one where Zep bails on a girl before anything can happen because he’s into guys. - Open. 
We’ve Got Tonight by Kenny Rogers & Sheena Easton - “ We’ve got tonight, who needs tomorrow? We got tonight babe. Why don’t you stay? “ - The one where Zeppelin loses his v-card. - Open. 
Better by Jordy Searcy - “ The crazy part is that I tell myself it don’t hurt, but the truth is. I love you ‘cause I don’t love me, I love you ‘cause I don’t love me, I love you ‘cause I don’t love me. I don’t think I deserve better. I can feel it when you touch me. We’re not fooling anybody. I love you ‘cause I don’t love me. I don’t think I deserve better. But we deserve better. “ - A not so happy ending or very long lasting relationship. Zeppelin might have believe he loved the guy to move on past his grief and just wanted to be loved. No bitterness on his end perhaps a point of avoidance for a moment of time. - Open. 
✘ Roommate ✘
✘ Updates ✘ 
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