#leo on the other side of all this literally losing his mind trying not to tell roo to fuck off because he actually still does like roo 💀
youredreamingofroo · 2 months
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Obsession, Desperation
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Do you ever get so obsessed with someone that you dream of kissing them, proceed to call them as often as possible to try and talk things out with them and end up booking an entire flight because they won't talk to you? (/nsrs - don't actually do this 💀)
[ Transcript + Creds under the cut <3 ]
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Panel 1 : I've tried to call you, time and time again, i think you know this by now / I don't know what to say anymore... I don't know if you've even heard my voicemails / Listen, I just need to talk to you, talk things through, it's been so, so long, please
Panel 2 : I'm desperate for an answer / And like the rest of my desperation in my life, intrusive became impulsive / This is all very abrupt, but Rylan will look after my apartment in my absence
Panel 3 : I'll be back in a week's time
Panel 4 : - $158
Panel 5 : Cause I just hate the way you spoke / Green eyes make everything numb
Panel 6 : (I'm not writing everything that's on that ticket I'm sorry 😭)
Panel 7 : Gate 4 has just departed
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Scene 1 : Old Motel Room by Villareal Scenes Scene 2 : Mini Airport Lobby by Heritage
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dysfunctional-doodle · 6 months
One of my favorite scar headcanons is that 2003 Donatello got scars from the mind probe from the episode Space Invaders |||.
I have the exact same headcanon my dude.
Talking about 2003 alone (I describe this in Too Many Turtles but I’ll give a summary here) then my personal headcanons is that Donny actually has very little scars, only the mind probe ones, the cut on his leg that got him infected with the Outbreak, and a few chemical and burn scars on his hands from all the tinkering he does. He’s the most careful out of all the brothers, as seen in the show, and I can imagine the other brothers try to take hits for him in fights and generally are the most protective of him (especially after he tells them about the events of SAINW). Everyone also is protective of Mikey too, but Don is a special case. Mikey has the most natural skill and they know this, it’s actually very hard to get a hit on Mikey in a fight and is a formidable opponent (who is much more willing to use lethal violence than Donny, I mean the guy ran away giggling after pulling the pin of a grenade on a Triceraton). Donny, on the other hand, is less skilled at them in fighting (shown in the show, though trust me he’s still a very skilled ninja). I feel like all of his brothers have a priority to protect him the most in a fight, even if it’s subconscious.
Naturally Leo and Raph have the most scars, but they’re all pretty beat up. I headcanon:
Leo still has a chunk of his shell missing (I don’t care they removed it for an easier design later, fight me). He has numerous scars, mostly from his fight with the Shredder that lead to him getting thrown through a window. The glass left some pretty faint slashes on the backs of his arms and legs.
Raph has the most. I noticed in the show he is constantly throwing himself in front of his bros in a fight, and so I now have the headcanon that he has so many from doing this. He also has a burn scar on one side of his face, where an explosion was a little too close for comfort (inspired from an arc in the comics where half his face was literally blasted off).
Mikey also has quite a lot, mostly due to his reckless nature rather than fights. Like I said, he’s hard to actually hit but as a kid he would constantly end up with scrapes and scars from doing dumb shit. Most of these are very faded. And yeah, he’s got lots of scarring around his missing arm that also caught his face. I’ve already written about him initially losing his arm in my fic, All I Ever Wanted, but this is only the aftermath really. Donny was the only one that saw what happened, but it was basically torn off, poor guy. I’m keeping it mysteriously vague so I don’t spoil things, y’all gotta wait ;)
Mikey also has (as mentioned in Too Many Turtles) a lot of plastron scarring from Kluh in Grudge Match. His plastron, in my headcanon world, actually cracked under the beating he received, and now there are faint cracks webbing across the top area. He likes to cover these by painting on them, kind of like watercolour tattoos (Leo lets him do this to his shell too).
Anyway ramble over
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optimist-pine · 2 years
Rottmnt boys and splinter losing their home, exhausted and they all go to their crush for help (maybe April’s been kidnapped so she’s unavailable) and crush is like, you guys can sleepover and then we can sort your chaotic lives out tomorrow?
A/n: So first off, apologies. I believe this may have been in my inbox for literal years but on the bright side maybe it's a nice surprise?
Universe: Rise
Word Count: 887
Warnings: Sad feelings, anxiety, mentions of kidnapping
Leo needs a place where he can do something about it
They lost the fight, they lost April, and they lost their home
He wants to fix everything but he doesn't know where to start and neither does anyone else
When they get to your place he's unusually quiet, but his body won't stop making quick nervous motions
He's sitting, staring out the small gap in your curtains at the city lights in the night when your warm hand lands on his knee and his jumpiness fades
If there's one thing to be glad about it's that at least you're safe, and he can tell by the way your eyes won't leave his that his brothers told you what happened
You're the one who initiates the hug, but it only takes him a moment of hesitation before he sinks his face into the spot between your shoulder and your neck
You gave up your bed to Splinter for the night, so now the two of you lay side by side on sleeping bags and blankets murmuring fears and reassurances
In the lack of his usual wit and banter, you do your best to lighten the mood, striving to lighten his heart
They're going to be okay. Tonight they will rest, they will be grateful to you for taking them in, and tomorrow they will fix this
Raph needs a place that's safe
With April... captured... there's only one other place he can think of where he and his brothers won't be in danger
He's still in shock himself, trying to focus on here and now and not the fight they've just lost - everything they've lost.
Once they arrive at your house, panicked, he secures everything he can think of and his body refuses to relax
You manage to calm him from physically running around and securing every entrance and exit, but it takes you placing both your hands on his chest and literally pushing him to a gentle stop
Finally, he sits with you and explains everything, your hand gently and reassuringly squeezing his as he talks
His family needs rest, they'll have to wait until tomorrow at least before making their next move
Once the two of you make sure everyone is settled in for the night you realize the only reason he's still awake is that he's avoiding going to sleep - his worry taking from him the rest his mind and body need
In the quietest tone you can, you talk to him about anything and everything until you hear soft snores escaping his lips
You would set things right, you would rescue April. When the day is fresh again.
Donnie needs a place to think
Everything happened so fast - there's so much to process, everything they've lost, not to mention April... it's all too much in too short a time
A million ideas are running through his mind on how they can get April back, but without their lair - their home - it's all so much more difficult
Your place is calming, maybe that's why he's always liked visiting there, and there's space for him to step aside and breathe
You quietly bring him some coffee, placing your hands around his briefly, and that in itself is so comforting that his wheels finally slow down and start to turn in the same direction instead of fighting against each other
He knows he'll still spend half the night overthinking, but maybe he'll actually sleep some too
The two of you spend some time discussing different alternatives until eventually, you fall asleep and he's left with no choice but to give in as well, lest he risk waking you up
You had come up with some good solutions and one of them was bound to work. There would be no failing a second time if he had anything to say about it.
Mikey needs a place that feels like home - they all do
Of course, it's not quite the same but at least it's familiar
There are things he's left at your place over time, or maybe even things he's given to you that bring him comfort
Like that cute zebra-striped throw pillow that may be way outdated but is still perfect for squeezing out his stress like he's doing right now
He's the first to collapse into the corner of the couch, the others all quickly landing somewhere nearby
You're quick to show your concern, and Mikey appreciates the physical closeness of you as you sit next to him, placing a warm hand on his shoulder
When they explain what's happened Mikey can't hold back a few of the tears, and the two of you end up hugging for a long time
You both make sure everyone has something to eat - an empty stomach isn't going to do anyone any good even if they're not totally up to eating as much as normal
As everyone is drifting off one by one, Mikey asks you to sing to him
Whether or not you would usually be opposed, after the day everyone's had it's the least you can do
You sing until you can tell that not only Mikey has relaxed and most likely fallen asleep, but so have the others.
They were together, and they were going to save April.
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kursedmayo · 3 months
Story time. I think Donnie would also hate most lipbalm. They're so fucking greasy on the lips and good lord, I would rather feel the pain of dry ass lips than have it plump and moisturized but feeling like I just put cooking oil on, so with the power of headcanon on my side I'm inflicting this annoyance to him too.
I bet he takes like an obscene amount of time researching on lip products before realizing that there's no guarantee that they'll help all too much because he's half-turtle, his skin is different than a human's, which eventually compels him to go on a sort of lip care pilgrimage trying out all sorts of lip balm, like a lot of them. A LOT of them. He jots down the results in a fun little spreadsheet before he manages to narrow down to one brand which happens to be from a smaller, more ethical company than the rest. Even if that brand was much more expensive than others, its not as if he didn't have money that he stole to spend on quality products, so he managed to put his cracked lip woes to rest.
Unfortunately for him however, his brothers keep stealing from him so he barely even get to use the stuff he buys.
Mikey's the biggest culprit of this of course, he's one hell of a yapster (/pos ofc I love Mikey) his lips dry out easily, and he doesn't usually carry a lip balm with him (because he forgets to/keep losing them/keep eating them) so sometimes he just swipes on those bad boys off Donnie's pouch and he doesn't even notice and well, its not as if Donnie wants to take it back anyways. Its already got his lil bro's cooties all over it.
Meanwhile, Leo mostly just steals for funsies. He doesn't even use the ones he steals from Donnie, He's got like, a whole stash of flavored lip balms because he's the face man, he doesn't want chapped lips it'll ruin his gorgeous face! Anyways he gets a whole different bunch in case he loses one (which he never does) and keep buying some until he amassed a whole ass collection (which Mikey also steals from, not that Leo minds). He doesn't need to steal Donnie's, but its REAL fun to figure out how to. He'd literally figure out a whole ass 8 step plan in his head and even learn new tricks with his portals because Donnie literally had to resort to locking his lip balms up in a multi-password protected vault, only to end up not even using the damn stolen things because like Donnie, ew his twin's cooties.
Donnie's extra offended because of that cuz like, at least use the damn thing like Mikey does you heathen he paid 15 dollars for a tube!!
Anyways, since Donnie's no pushover he schemed to get revenge on Leo and begun to steal his chapsticks too, much to Leo's (hypocrital) annoyance and amusement, so now there's an unspoken war that's happening in the Hamato household at the moment which they both refuse to back down on.
Meanwhile, Raph's at the corner just shaking his head in exhasperation. He doesn't really care much about lip balms in the first place because he didn't really use those, but Donnie got disturbed seeing him walking around with El Niño on his lips one winter and begrudgingly gave him one to use, which Raph does use but only sparingly so he doesn't run out, though it's not like he doesn't have money to buy his own cuz he does off jobs in the hidden city then and again. Also he kinda gave up trying to stop the disaster twins from fighting over lip balm because they're gonna keep doing it anyways, so he kinda just kinda tune them out when something inevitably explodes in Donnies lab and Leo comes out running holding a lil tube. Mikey gets let off the hook though, lil bro priveledges you know?
So yeah.
Even if there's a huge L in Leonardo there's still two Ls in Donatello. He's gonna be having PTSD flashbacks whenever someone mentions chapsticks near him for sure.
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yes a thousand percent absolutely lets go
(firstly i am sorry my post put anyone to a point of feeling the need to apologize for or feel bad for being Very Into Leo’s character. as someone who is flagrantly Very Into Raph’s character, i promise i wasn’t trying to throw a stone in this glass house. i’ve gotten burnt out on a lot of fanon leo stuff but part of why im so !!!! about it is bc i too love leo’s characterization and potential.. i swear
catch me catching my brain and tone malfunctions behind dennys later, sorry again gang)
overall i honestly... totally get raph being hard to get a handle on in this respect. like it’s pretty difficult to pick where to start and how to express it even just in an informal tumblr analysis post, i still haven’t managed to put together any kind of fic myself LMAO. bear with me i will do my best!
so firstly there’s just the veritable gauntlet of “stuff raph experienced/was dealing with in the span of the movie” to consider, i think. 
- his fear and anxiety over his family’s safety, for which he always always feels personally responsible. when he called the retreat during that first fight with the krang, he was absolutely terrified-- and i can only imagine how much scarier it was after leo bailed on the escape pod. like, there’s no way raph was not hauling ass after leo the second he saw that happen.
= he takes a hit for leo, as in just barely stops it and loses a chunk of shell/plastron in the process. he sacrifices himself using his pod to get leo out of there safely (and there’s so much to be said about the fact that raph’s pod seems to be the only one that didn’t auto-activate. that only he and donnie seemed to know they even existed. there’s a whole talk they must have had right there, like raph would probably have had to ask specifically for this feature.)
- the krang try to intimidate answers out of him about the key, and when that doesn’t get them those answers, prime literally jams tentacles into his brain and roots around until he can find what they’re looking for. so that’s one bullet point on the list for outright mental violation. it looks/sounds very painful, not to mention terrifying. 
^^ and honestly, this point of suffering in particular is one that i think would be hardest for raph to actually bring up/talk about with his family. because none of them were there. none of them KNOW. and how do you explain that to them? how do you try to make yourself break that out when they’re already worried about the other stuff that happened to you and to everyone else? when part of you is guilty about it despite yourself, because so much of your identity is tied into being a protector that you can’t help but feel like you should have been able to wall that info off somehow and keep your family safe?
- gets infected by the krang and put into the big gross pod to... incubate, i guess? there’s so much unanswered about the point between brain torture and getting found by his family tbh. was he conscious and aware of being left alone in there? was that why he was so out of it even before the mutation?
- and then of course there’s said painful, grotesque body horror forced krang mutation that he has to go through once he’s out of the pod! thanks i hated it! like it seriously looks so gross and painful.
- ah yes and the mind control... being used as a tool and a puppet and specifically set out to hurt or even kill the family he loves and wants to protect. 
- the standard “we had our cool epic boss fight against the evil alien but he kicked our asses with one flick and then punched mikey and donnie all the way to staten island” physical roughage, too. leo portaled him after mikey and donnie so he could catch them. donnie took the brunt of the krang punch, and raph took the brunt of the hard landing (he is holding his side like he might have some rib issues, they all look rough af down there phew)
- leo’s sacrifice is leo’s sacrifice and definitely a leo development moment as an action itself, i’m never gonna say 'yep here’s how leo getting brutalized in prison dimension is all about raph’. i’m talking about the like, aftermath and pre-rescue emotional toll that that has etc etc etc. ftr.
point one there is obviously just the grief. like, raph is literally incapable of standing when it hits. he’s on all fours, he can’t open his eyes. i made a post comparing the caps of raph’s face getting stabbed and raph’s face when it was sinking in that leo was (apparently) Gone gone bc the expressions are nearly identical. like just. absolute agony. 
- and on top of that, i sincerely think that leo’s “you’re one to talk, hero moves are totally your thing” apparent last words are gonna stick with raph for a very long time. even after they save leo. the look on his face after leo says that... man. i think there’s a very real moment of raph going what have i done, what did i teach him? about the entire situation.
first and foremost. rip raph sufferer of some of the most intense eldest child syndrome i’ve ever seen. he feels bad that he got used to get his family’s location. he feels bad that he got used to harm and nearly kill his family. he probably feels bad that leo feels bad that his shell is damaged, smh. it’s guilt all the way down. the kind where he knows logically his family does not want or need apologies, that getting controlled was literally not his fault, but he feels bad anyway.
and like i said i get how it’s hard to get a handle on him for stuff, because raph is also... not super good at the emotional vulnerability sharing? it’s so wild because he’s very openly emotional and easy to read! he’ll cry during a sad movie scene and yell at a frustrating video game no problem, he’s very straightforward! but when it comes to sincere vulnerability and actually seeking comfort/closure about it, he has a big struggle vibe. good luck to the entire family bc every single brother is gonna be in a “oh but everyone else already has so much to deal with i don’t wanna pile more on with my problems” zone, i think. 
also just like. raph is a protector. that’s one of the core pillars of his sense of identity and worth. he takes care of his brothers. he keeps his family safe. and so so so much of what he went through or experienced in the movie went directly against that. raph, the big brother, the beating heart of the team, the one who takes hits, the overprotective mother hen, gets used to track down his family, and then gets used to hurt them. very nearly gets used to kill leo outright. isn’t there to take the hit for leo again at the end of the movie, is helpless as his little brother seemingly sacrifices his life to save them and the world. how does he come to terms with that? how does he feel like he still deserves the trust and faith that his family puts in him to keep being a rock? (they’re not scared of him, but he’s scared of him.)
and for real seriously how does he ever ever get around to dealing with that brain probe and the mutation specifically. his mind and his bodily autonomy got so deeply violated in the process of this movie. it’s scary! and painful! what kind of scenario would a writer even have to rig up to back him into enough of a corner to share those feelings with his family (who would absolutely want to comfort and support him)! it’s nightmarish stuff that’s gonna linger with him for the rest of his life. 
and in fact on the mutuation/mind control. i think the fact that leo was able to get through to raph just with words, that that was how he managed to break through the control, maybe means that raph was aware of what he was being made to do all along and just. unable to pull enough strength together to stop it before that point. woof.
idk idk if any of this makes real sense or helps for getting a handle on raph’s character at all tbh, it’s just a lot of me nonsensically putting him in a jar with a leaf and a stick for scientific observation ig. if ppl wanna hit me w questions or discussions about my personal opinions on my favorite boi feel free tbh
maybe the real raph character analysis was the hug and nightmare-free nap he probably desperately needs all along....... ah its too late hes dissociating on the couch. relatable.
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milks-thoughts · 7 months
Just to recap/finalize:
• A stormcutter
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• Protective, one of the main alphas in the nest (Donnie is the other)
• The third to accept MC as part of the nest
• Is twice the size of normal stormcutters
• His role as alpha is more to protect then provide
• Razorwhip
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• Analytical, the first, and the one who brings MC to the nest
• He’s missing a large portion of his tail and has extremely soft scales due to a birth defect, he wears armor made out of other razorwhip shedding
• He provides as an alpha and prefers to provide rather than protect. He goes and steals from islands until MC comes along and shows them FISH.
• A Death Song
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• when AU properly starts (HTTYD 2) he STILL doesn’t trust MC
• Missing a horn and his tail fin is torn up
• Helps keep the nest calm, the balancer of the scale
• a hobblegrunt!!
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• the second to properly trust MC
• blind, highly dependent on his brothers and MC
• dragon empath <3
The Nest:
In all honesty, I was having issues imagining the nest. My mind kept flip flopping from a scary inactive volcano like the Queens nest from the first movie, or a lush paradise from the second. I eventually settled on how New Berk looks from the third movie. The island itself is completely surrounded by tall rocks and deep forests that scare any Vikings away. Not to mention the constant dragon calls that echo out from anywhere. The deeper you walk the scarier it gets before finally…it comes to a lush paradise
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Side Characters (still Hamato family, just not the brothers)/New Things:
Monsterus Nightmare <3
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You gonna have to hear me out: Monsterus Nightmares are shown to be lazy but can kick ass
He’s more of a grandpa resting dragon, he rarely intervenes and trusts his sons to lead the nest
LOVES MC, especially when MC started to clean off his old shed and spend time with him
Deadly Nader
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From the show: “ The Deadly Nadder. Piercing spines, loyal, powerful...” “ Intelligent, and, of course, deadly."
Untrusting of MC but growing closer to them after seeing them try to treat all the bros with kindness
One of the main guards and hunters for the nest, she used to scout before getting injured by a Viking and having her wing torn
Night fury (yes I did use a picture of toothless)
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I immediately knew what to do for her, it’s just a gut feeling
Cassandra is the main guard for the nest, she’s larger then normal night furies
She doesn’t trust MC at all but respects MC because the Alphas say to
Casey Jr:
Night light
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I feel like he’d still be an egg when MC is introduced
I’ve messed with the timeline a bit so Cass has him when they’re all still younger (it’d make sense because they’re dragons <3)
He trusts MC and constantly is sneaking away from the nest, all the other dragon young following him
Screaming Death
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He was brought into the nest by Mikey after he got lost in the woods
In this AU he isn’t related to the bros (neither is splinter, they’re all adopted. that isn’t a excuse don’t be gross guys)
Literally hates MC, tried to eat them, 0/10
Night Terrors!!!
They’re so silly
Trusts MC with their lives
Hunts for Draxum
i fucking hate mobile Tumblr so I’ll post a picture of Night Terrors in the comments <3
When this au takes place:
So in the canon, it’d start at the beginning of the first movie, the entire first movie MC is at the nest and just trying to get comfortable. The second movie is when MC really takes an active role, during the Netflix shows timeline MC meets Valka and bonds over their nests. Valka calls MC for help during the second movie, causing MC to lose the nest and the boys. MC helps Berk move but when Hiccup told them to let the dragons go they refused and took the nest and left. Saying that Hiccup should never have asked that and they will aid Berk when they fail due to their loss (rough draft but the majority of the AU happens during the second movie)
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lake-archive · 8 months
A Cat In The Bag
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Disclaimer! While I wrote this and many other Izumi/OC oneshots to be able to be understood in a vacuum, I recommend reading Alte Liebe Rostet Nicht for further context!
Izuann Masterlist (!!-Era)
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Characters: Izumi Sena, Original Character, Original Non-Human Male Character, Ritsu Sakuma
Nyeli by @watersofcamelot
Summary: When wanting to check what the staff brought along for the beach trip Izumi finds an unexpected travel companion... (During 'Roaring Sea Marina')
Words: 2,211
AO3 Link
Tags: During Canon, Canon Universe, Sena Izumi-centric (Ensemble Stars!), POV Sena Izumi (Ensemble Stars!), Cat/Human Hybrids, No Romance, Established Relationship (OC x Canon implied), Platonic Relationships, Platonic Male/Male Relationships, Little Brothers, Sneaking Around, !! Era (Ensemble Stars!), Family DynamicsFamily, Major Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s)
Izumi had excused himself first for a moment, wanting to check what the group had been given as 'equipment', if one could call it that. Then again, it was equipment in the sense as this was going to be used for work, for the photos staff had asked them to take while being busy on the beach. So it had not been that inaccurate of a word perhaps. Well, first to find it in this bus, or rather walking right up to it. The bag had to be somewhere, certainly, and it shouldn't take too long to find it. Or bags perhaps. Didn't matter exactly what, did it? As long as he found what he was looking for, it shouldn't take too long. He will know what it is when he sees it.
Though he had to hold that thought as he felt something vibrating in his pocket. Ugh, who could it be at a time like this? Even though he explicitly said to only call him during emergencies when he was out doing his job. If it's Leo again asking how the microwave works because he somehow forgot Izumi was going to lose his goddamn mind here! In fact he was tempted to just hang up for a moment or leave it to ring… But it would annoy him in the long run so it was quicker to pick up. Maybe it was important.
Thus he put his phone out of his pocket, surprised to see whose name he read when he was about to pick up. That had him questioning, wondering what it could be about, perhaps somewhat concerned. After all, Ann was not someone to call without reason, at least during working hours. Sure sometimes she would just call in the evening just to mess with him yet that was more forgivable than during work. In fact, she had done so only once and that was when he was asked to return quickly to the office of NewDI and she was the person who happened to have had him on speed dial. So it was probably serious… She must have her reason, or so he was hoping. She wasn't unreasonable after all.
Thus Izumi accepted the call very quickly, then saying: "Hello. What's going on?"He was trying to stay calm, at least until he knew what the issue was… Then again he was forced to stay calm when hearing his girlfriend's voice all of a sudden, in a literal panic.
"Izuzu! Nyeli!" Were her first two words, nearly screaming in his ear. It made him almost fall to the side, onto one of the seats, yet he managed to keep his balance. "He– Nyeli– Not–" And whatever else she was saying. It was gibberish to be honest.
"What? Slow down for one moment!" He was trying to calm her down yet to no avail. She seemed to be in panic mode and anything someone could say was fruitless. No, seriously, whenever this woman panicked it would be useless. Anything would fall on deaf ears for that moment, as if not even her brain was registering anything properly. He couldn't decide if it also sent him into a frenzy or if it annoyed him to the brim. Maybe both at once. Yeah, both at once. She won't shut up after all and that sent him into an endless yet unnecessary spiral of panic.
Though this time there seemed to be that there was a savior, one way or another. Because out of nowhere Ann’s voice became more and more quiet, as if fading into the background. No, it was literal background noise at this point, becoming some not so audible nonsense by then. “Alright, I’ll take it from here~” A calm voice would announce before some rustling could be heard at the other end of the line, and then… “Hello Secchan~ We just wanted to ask you something~”
“Kuma–Kun? What are you two doing together?” It was the first thing Izumi just had to ask as this was the last thing he expected. But he knew that it must have something to do with Patch, mainly because his other name dropped in a panicked voice.
“Huh? Are you jealous that we might be on a date~?”
“Right… Date…” Was Izumi’s only response, his deadpan expression perhaps audible through the phone. This was not a very believable story to be honest, especially not with a screaming woman in the background.
“Aww, you’re no fun~”
“Seriously, what’s going on over there? What did Patch do?”
“Oh, right. He didn’t do anything except go missing.”
This made Izumi’s eyes go wide all of a sudden, having not expected to hear that. “Gone missing!? Why are you calling me then!?”
“We thought you might know something. Especially since Nyeli really wanted to come with you.”
“He— Wait right, he did express interest in that…”
It was that moment when Patch had heard that his older brother would be away for a few days, somewhere warmer on top of that. The kitty had gotten excited for a short moment yet his hopes would be crushed in an instant when Izumi said the following: “I’ll be leaving tomorrow. You’ll better be a good boy in my absence and not cause anyone trouble, got it?”
“Ny… Nye!?” It had shot right out of Nyeli’s mouth, the sound of shock yet disappointment before looking up at his ‘older brother’ with a pout, getting a little teary eyed in fact. That was the famous begging face, the pout so he can get what he wants. However, despite not being harsh towards Nyeli as he was still like a kid, Izumi couldn’t give the little cat what he wanted. Surely if explaining it he would understand, wouldn’t he?
“I’m sorry but I can’t and won’t take you with me Patch.” He responded, shaking his head, trying to keep a somewhat stern face. It was not as stern as it usually would be but enough to get his message across. “This isn’t some fun trip, this is part of work. I can’t take you with me.”
Then again, it was hard to accept for Nyeli as he crossed his nubs before sitting down, still pouting. He didn’t want to take this as an answer, not at all. “Nye. Brothnya nye!” He sounded as if he was protesting which only led to Izumi’s sigh and headshake. 
“This won’t get you anywhere. You can’t come along.” 
“It will only be a few days. I’ll come back. Now stop making that face already!”
“Nye!” Patch shook his head at that.
“Ugh… Fine, keep making it. You stay here and that’s final!”
“So? Is he with you Secchan?” Kuma–Kun asked, calm as he was waiting for an answer. Could he imply that—
“I’ll take a look, alright? Then again I dou—” Yet just as Izumi was turning around he spotted his own bag on the seat rustling, moving on its own. That was already weird, though it got weirder when seeing it move in place, the bag making sounds. It didn’t take long until he would connect the dots, leaving him with a rather unamused face. “Give me a moment…”
With that he moved the phone a bit away from his ear to walk up to the seat with the bag, first staring blankly. There was no way, was there? And yet he was expecting it in all honesty. Especially when zipping said bag open and making his free hand grasp right into it, then fishing out something. Or rather someone.
To no one’s surprise Izumi pulled out Patch with his hoodie, making the small kitty dangle  right in the air alongside a pair of oversized sunglasses he tried to not make fall off by holding onto them. His ears wagged before he turned his head next to his big brother, staring and wagging before letting out a: “Nye!” as if nothing was happening right now. 
However, Izumi only stared blankly at the kitty, having no words for this whatsoever. Patch snuck along after all. Apparently that had not been the first time he just snuck along. Originally he was not even meant to have come along to Japan and yet when sneaking into Ann’s luggage he just came along. It was too expensive to send him back to Germany or something like that. Not to mention that Patch would most likely shiver in fear, being alongside strangers in a tiny space while being in a cage or something. And he did it again, sneaking along without permission.
“What did I say?” Izumi began, about to go into full scolding mode and yet he tried to remain somewhat soft at least. Patch was still a kid, yes, but he had to hear it too it seems. Maybe Kuma–Kun and Ann were a little too soft on the kitty. That doesn’t mean the model and idol would yell at the small cat–like boy of course, but maybe be a bit more stricter sounding. “You were not supposed to come along, you know.”
“N… Nye! Brothnya nye nye! Nyeli nye!” Was the protest he heard, certain it had to do with Izumi having gone to the beach. It made the young man narrow his gaze a little.
“Again, this isn’t a trip for fun! And that aside, you just made people worry sick here!”
“Ny… Nye?” That seemed to silence Patch, at least for a moment, his ears drooping all of a sudden and the sunglasses nearly falling off. Well, it was a start. Now to soften the blow to not make him cry, only enough to make him understand.
“Look, this isn’t just about work. Consider how the others are feeling right now.” He reasoned, trying to deliver it as calmly and slowly as possible. “You didn’t tell them about this, did you?”
Though slowly and in somewhat of shame, the cat shook his head.
“See? They’re worried sick! You can’t just sneak off like that! They’re going to panic!” Well, at least one of them showed it openly… To the point she always seemed a step away from a heart attack. 
“Ny… Nye…” His mouth said, as if trying to apologize yet that apology only made Izumi sigh yet again. 
“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to the others.”
“Secchan? What’s going on?” Kuma–Kun’s voice would finally echo through the phone, something Izumi almost forgot about. Thus he pulled the phone closer to his ear finally, then responding while still having Patch in his other hand and looking at him. 
“Nothing really. I think I found the cat in question though.” 
“Nyeli? So he is with you?”
“Yeah, just now.”
A sigh of relief came from the other end of the phone. “Thank goodness… I can sleep in peace again.”
“I mean, he is in your hands, so he’s going to be safe. Nothing to worry about~”
“Wait you—” Yet a closer thought made even Izumi realize that this might be for the best in the end. It would take a bit too long to drive all the way back just to return Patch. So he had no other choice but to keep the kitty around for the time being. And there was not much time to waste to begin with. “Nevermind, I don’t have that much time to waste.”
“Right~? So why not use the chance and bond a little during free time. I’m sure Nyeli will like it.”
“You act as if I’m here for my own amusement.”
“Well, no, but having a little bit of fun never hurts, right?” A quick yawn echoed in between. “Either way, I will tell Ann–Chan and then sleep. Have fun Secchan~”
“Have fu— Ugh, thanks I guess… You be careful you hear?”
“Yes yes. As you say Mom Secchan~”
“I’m not— Whatever. Bye!”
“Bye bye~”
And the two quickly hung up, Izumi sighing as he looked back at Patch, the two coming eye–to–eye at this point. The cat had gotten his way again.. But at least it was out of his own effort so it’s not too bad. It could be worse. “Alright, you can come along. But we will establish some rules first, alright?”
Patch tilted his head at first yet was wagging his ears eagerly. As if he was looking forward to the time at the beach already and perhaps he was Either way, the ears said all they needed to say and Izumi wasn’t sure if the small cat was even going to listen at that point, especially since he will be able to play at the beach in this rather warm weather. He had looked forward to this moment it seemed and… Well, maybe this won’t be so bad with Patch around. A bit of bonding… Eh, why not, while they have the chance. That didn’t mean however that Izumi intended to go easy on the rules, much to Patch’s dismay. After all, if this cat sneaks away to get into a bag just like that, then the chances of him running wherever he wanted without supervision was very high. So he had Patch promise to follow the set up rules… Were they all kept though? Who knows for certain! Right?
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
so last night i was on twitter dot com and saw discussion in my feed on the difference between the 8H and 12H in dealing with mental illnesses. someone prompted that the 8H represents inherited mental illness issues (as 8H deals with inheritances) while the 12H represents environmentally-induced mental illness issues (the 12H deals with hidden or repressed things, ex: the subconscious). of course with these things, combining science with metaphysics, you have to be careful and keep an open mind always, but i find this to be on point. especially when i think of Mike.
if there’s a textbook example of a human being with an undiagnosed mental illness, it’s Mike. it should come as no surprise that not only does he have placements in those houses, but placements that are extremely telling. and it’s funny to me because he tried to act like he always had it together when in reality he never ever had his shit together in the first place. im not gonna talk about his 12H because we’ve talked about it before, so im only gonna hone in on his 8H.
he only has one placement in his 8H and it’s his asteroid Psyche in Scorpio; Scorpio is in its domicile house here, and i would go as far as to say Psyche is domicile here too, as this asteroid deals with psychology, much like Scorpio does. Scorpio is the darkest out of all the signs, ruled by Pluto, which is in Leo in his chart… which funnily enough his Psyche and Pluto square each other. must be hell knowing him as a person since he wanted to be in financial control so god damn badly and so obsessed that he’ll go as far as to commit fucking TAX FRAUD to do so!! calling that out financial insecurity from his past as to make sure poverty never happened for him again, but having an empty 2H made things more difficult as he didn’t have any of his own resources to fall back on, not at least until his eventual inheritance from his mom. and im still unclear on what his true feelings are about his own mother because he’s been moody about it many times, but being that his Psyche is in the moodiest water sign it doesn’t surprise me lol.
it’s important to note for comparison that Peter also has an empty 2H. unlike Mike, he used his Gemini 8H placements to communicate his struggles and reach out for help. on the flip side, Scorpio doesn’t really do that because of its trust issues. and with Mike’s Saturn Gemini 3H restricting his communication skills, it only made the whole talking-your-feelings more turbulent for him.
Scorpio is also promiscuous and the 8H also deals with sexuality, so… do the math. 🤦🏻‍♀️
basically, he utilized his Psyche for quite literally the wrong things whenever he was in a state of mental crisis. whether it be through greed, infidelity, drug abuse, you name it, he was trying to fill some sort of void, but he tried to snuff it out rather than face the music.
i do believe however with time and with good support he eventually discovered how to use his Psyche to proper use! at least i hope !!!
as always i can DEFINITELY see all of that in regards to mike. i do remember reading something that also implied the whole spending money super fast was a christian science thing, BUT as someone who also grew up very poor i believe the poverty -> wealth pipeline and just not knowing how to handle money makes so much more sense. it is SUPER common from what i’ve witnessed in my life for people without to kind of absolutely lose their shit when they do suddenly have a lot. also the whole materials to fill the void thing is very, very, very real. as for his mom it is safe to say their relationship was super complicated. in his book he mentions that he loved and respected his mom but also says he didn’t really like her. BUT it also seems like he felt she never really liked him either, so hi mike nesmith critical moment where i’ve been able to relate to you in the most uncomfortable way 👋
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mntalbrakdown · 3 years
Dreadful Energy
Sebastian Stan x actress! Reader
Requests open!
Mentions: of angst, and implied smut
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“Hello mama!” you say with a big grin Sebastian couldn’t help but laugh.
“That is y/n y/l/n, and I am Sebastian Stan”
“And we are doing the Wired Autocomplete Interview” you go on saying what you and your costar are about to do. You get a board from the workers behind the camera and say thank you.
“Ok, so the first question, is y/n dating Sebastian Stan," you said giving off a half-hearted chuckle.
"Straight to the point, I love it." you ignored the question and continued going on, "Also do you guys have a trash can, I don't want to throw it on the floor," they handed you a small trash can and you said thank you.
"Someone is a bit OCD" Sebastian joked
"It's not being OCD, it is being polite, continuing on, when is y/n’s birthday" you threw the paper into the trash can. "I am wondering you searched this up to find my zodiac sign, which means you want to know if we are compatible, which also means you like me, or you just wanted to know my birthday, well my birthday is on-"
"y/b/d" Sebastian cut you off, you looked at him and bit your lip, you nodded gesturing he was correct.
"what are some movies y/n will star in," you read aloud "Umm, there are a bit of projects coming up, not only films but some other things in the works, but for movies specifically, that the public shall now know, I'll be in the Black Widow movie and I'm actually starring alongside Anya Taylor-Joy which will be exciting" you can feel Sebastian's eyes burning into you.
"Ok, last one for me, what is y/n y/l/n favorite scent or smell? Great question, I hope Sebastian can answer this" you look over to him meeting his blue eyes.
"Easy, strawberry, she literally has her whole house smelling like strawberries, plus her perfume is strawberry, wait isn't strawberries your favorite fruit?" Sebastian asked
"Yes," you said through a laugh "May I break this?" you asked referring to the board, they said yes and you broke through it
“You did that so respectfully" you laughed at what Sebastian had said
"My turn! Thank you, hand me that trash can will ya'?" You put the trash can in between the two of you.
"Someone is a bit OCD" you mocked his previous words
"It's not being OCD, it is being polite, continuing on, is Sebastian Stan dating y/n y/l/n" he mocked you and then his face fell. "As much as she's a marvelous person, no," he said through gritted teeth, something in his demeanor changed, you weren't oblivious, but whenever someone says they like you, more than a friend, you always took it as a joke. He cleared his throat.
"How is Sebastian Stan so attractive" he read aloud and laughed, his laugh was contagious and made you laugh.
"Stop guys he's a Leo, you are feeding to his already enormous ego," You said while rolling your eyes. Sebastian laughed at you.
"Not everything is about zodiac signs y/n," Sebastian said with a hint of annoyance
"Of course, that's what a Leo would say," you said with a laugh, confused why Sebastian didn't take your sarcastic tone.
"What is Sebastian Stan's favorite song, umm that's a good question, I usually just listen to y/n's Spotify playlists, as much as she may be annoying, she does make a mean playlist," he said, not looking at you what so ever, he was ignoring you. He finished tearing up the questions and then later broke the board.
"Tom was right, those boards are annoying" the boards were made out of what seemed like styrofoam and you just couldn't handle the styrofoam sound. When you said that Sebastian let out a loud groan.
"Are you ok?" you asked, Sebastian of course ignoring you, you gave up on trying to talk to him, two can play at that game.
As the interview was going to a close, the air progressively got intoxicated with hatred and annoyance. You hated when people were mad when you didn't know why, especially when they don't want to talk about it.
"That was y/n y/l/n and Sebastian Stan doing the Wired Autocomplete Interview!" you ended the video off because you knew Sebastian wouldn't. You thanked everyone who was there and left, leaving behind Sebastian, after everything that happened between you and Sebastian the other day, you thought this interview would go great. Much to your surprise, all you did the night prior was talk and have fun. You got into your car, you gave Sebastian a ride to the interview, so he will need to find a ride now.
"Hey! Wait up" Sebastian said. "I thought you were going to leave me behind" you rolled down your window
"I was," you stated coldly
"Ouch," he said
"I'm not trying to waste my time on someone who is clearly mad at me" you looked at his eyes
"I'm not mad at you-"
"Oh but you are, I can read a room Stan" if words can cut deeper than a knife.
"Fine, I'll find my own way home," He said annoyed, he knew that you were right, he was mad at you. You rolled your window back up. Connected your phone to your car and started driving, you tried to distract yourself from crying.
buzz buzz buzz
"hello?" you answered your phone
"Hey, so I heard you and Sebastian are having some couple issues" Anthony joked and you rolled your eyes. "Did you find a brain in there?" Anthony joked yet again which made you let out a laugh. "Anyways going back to me, you were going to have an interview with him, but if you'd like, I can take it"
"Thanks, Mackie" you sighed hanging up
My loneliness is killing me (and I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) when I'm not with you, I lose my mind give me a sign hit me, baby, one more time. You sang along to the ...baby one more time cover by The Marias that was playing in your car. You didn't want to go home just yet, because if you did then you would overthink, and driving around is much more interesting than crying your eyes out. You stopped at a red light and waited for it to turn green. You looked at the sides of your car, your eyes met with a young man who had this look on his eyes that looked like he recognized you, but doesn't know quite where. You laughed and that's when the light turned green and you sped off.
After a while of doing this, you decided it would be a great idea to just go home. Still listening to your music and driving. When you arrive home you are greeted with rain. A bit confused as to why now it started to rain, but you took it You got your phone, got out of your car, locked it, and started to walk to your front door. To your surprise it was already open, when you walked in you saw the whole cast seated around your living room.
"Hey, how y'all doing?" you asked confused and in the middle of the circle, there was Sebastian sat. You scoffed grabbing his attention and shook your head. Running up your stairs.
"Wait y/n" Sebastian grabbed your arm making you stop, making you look at him in the eyes. Oh, those blue eyes staring deep inside you, knowing your deepest darkest secrets. They have seen it all, your cries, your laughs, the way your eyebrows knit together whenever you are confused, they have seen it all. Oh and don't get me started on those lips, they look so soft, but you will never know because you just can't bring yourself to believe he may actually like you. But that was all cut short with one simple word that leads anyone to a dead end.
"No," you said completely discarding what you have just felt by looking at the man's eyes.
"No?" he was confused the only time you said no to him was when he wanted to go on a ride on Disneyland.
"yeah, no" you confirmed your prior statement.
"y/n wait" but now it was Elizabeth
"I am not going to wait, I don't even know how you got it into my fucking house" you stated confused, everybody looked at Sebastian.
"Well, that's definitely not going to help my case anymore guys" Sebastian looked at them and then at you with pleading eyes.
"No those puppy dog eyes are not going to help you anymore, I am done."
"Why are you even mad at him?" Tom asked
"He never shows his feelings to me, he doesn't want to explain why he was mad at me when we were doing an interview, and acts like everything between us is ok. I am tired of it, and he of all people knows how frustrated I get when he doesn't talk to me. I am not a real-life Marvel character, I can't read minds, nor do I want to" You stated now looking at him. his face looked down.
"Well, fine my bad, I'm sorry that I don't know how to tell you how much I have feelings for you, how frustrated I get when any other person gets a bit too close to you that isn't me. The way I have kissed you more than once and yet you still can’t catch my drift. I thought yesterday I was finally getting somewhere and then all we did was talk and dance, don't get me wrong I love it, but I just wished you can actually read my body language to you and not just the room." He looked at you almost as if there was still much more to say but wanted to see what you had to say.
"Oh," was the only audible sound to come out your mouth and you looked around to see an empty living room once again, and a Tom at the door waving to say goodbye.
"So?" Sebastian looked at you.
"I caught your drift, or maybe I missed it, I don't know just yet, can you show me it please," you said leaning in for a kiss.
"Sure will, princess," he said and just like that, now you were his pretty princess.
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astralis01 · 3 years
Rivalry (Isn’t it Bitter Sweet): Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Your feud with Bakugou Katsuki only escalated throughout your years at Hogwarts; whether it was on the quidditch field or who would be the first to sit down in class, there always seemed to be some sort of raging competition between you two.
Read it here on AO3
You could feel his presence from across the dining hall, immediately dowsing you in a raging hatred that you only reserved for him. His arrogance mocked you as he basically danced into the Great Hall bathed in compliments.
The Slytherin quidditch team won against Ravenclaw the night before. You didn’t know why he had all of the glory… he wasn’t even the captain. Being a keeper had its perks, you guessed. You rolled your eyes and focused your attention on your food. You tried not to stab the plate as you heard the varying praises to the boy in green and silver.
And what annoyed you the most was the herd that he always seemed to have around the place he sat. Varying from girls to boys, from Slytherin itself to the other houses too.
Stab, you picked up a piece of broccoli from your plate as you heard, "Wow, Tsuki, the last save was so cool."
Pierce, “That last block was brilliant!”
And that was the last straw for you. Who had even given the very, obviously bright idea of making the Gryffindors and Slytherins almost sit together?
Katsuki Bakugou was simply not someone who deserved such compliments. He was vile, annoying, and did everything in his limited power to poke and prod at every single one of your nerves. You used to ignore the burning hatred that you harboured for him; but late in your second year, you had let it all out.
And, as it turned out, he wasn’t quite fond of you either.
It had been years since then, yet the feeling remained the same. It was just the start of your sixth year and you already wanted to gouge his eyes out with the pointy end of your fork.
Hanta Sero caught your eye from across the tables and gave you a cheeky smile in return and the rage which had simmered down a bit rose again with a vengeance. He was the captain of the other team and you wished you could hate him as much as him. But he was quite fun to be around when he wasn't hanging out with that loser.
Though before you could get up from your place in the hall, Shouto Todoroki stopped you, holding your hands and preventing you from getting off your seat.
You turned to look at him, with the most terrible glare you could offer but he just gave you the most unimpressed look and pulled you down to sit beside him again, still holding your hand and preventing you from charging at the Slytherin table.
Then a young Slytherin, probably a first-year piped out, "Next week at the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match, you guys are sure to win."
Shouto's grip faltered and you grinned. One thing that annoyed Shouto the most, perhaps, after his father was the fact when someone insulted the Gryffindor Quidditch team that he was a proud member of.
And that was the moment you needed to charge towards the Slytherin table before any of your other friends tried to put an intervention to your actions.
"I wouldn't be too sure, you know, we have a pretty good team this year," you said, casually leaning on the table.
"And why would that stop us from winning, Captain? We have a pretty good team this year, perhaps the best," Sero drawled out, almost stretching onto the table like a tabby cat and you just wanted to slap the smirk off his face.
And before you could put that thought into action, Izuku Midoriya, came and dragged you away back to the table, so you yelled back, "Next week, we'll surely be the winners.”
"We'll see," Bakugou said.
Perhaps five years ago, you wanted to be friends with Katsuki, but now Katsuki and you were bitter enemies.
It started in the first year when you met with Katsuki and Izuku on the train.
As soon as Katsuki entered the train cart you sat in, he dozed off and Izuku came rushing in, apologizing for 'Kachaan's' manners. You laughed it off and invited him to sit with you and you two spent the train ride talking to each other, making friends when suddenly the announcement to be ready to get off at the station sounded off.
"Kachaan, wake up. We're here. We're here at Hogwarts."
"Shut up Deku."
You frowned at the interaction but you forwarded a hand towards him and said, "Hello, I am-"
"No need to tell me you shitty extra," and he walked out on the both of you.
Izuku tried to apologize for his actions but you shushed him and dragged him out with you to climb aboard the boats.
And perhaps, that was the start of your bitter rivalry.
The ending of the second year was when you finally cracked the nut in the middle of Charms class and told him off in the middle of class, in front of everyone. This is why you were put in Gryffindor, a small part of your mind thought.
(another part of your mind had thought that you shouldn't have done that and perhaps you might be at the very least allies today.)
"For Merlin's sake, can you stop shouting for a moment? This," gesturing towards his mouth, "is getting super annoying. Don't you ever get tired of shouting so much, all the time?"
And an awkward silence blanketed the class as everyone quieted down to watch the fight between you two.
Bakugou slowly turned red and then shouted, "This is getting annoying? Well, your presence is getting annoying but do you see me screaming at you to fuck off all the time, you prissy prick?"
You turned at him with the vilest look and said, "If you are going to be an idiot, you should actually try to be subtle about it."
Katsuki froze and said, "Funny you should say it."
“You’re so ridiculous.” You rolled your eyes. “Oh, I’m Katsuki Bakugou and I am a perfect student that can’t even properly pronounce a simple spell! But that doesn’t matter because guess who’s a keeper for the quidditch team when I’m only a second-year!! I am perfect!! Literally, no one likes you.”
“Trust me, no one likes you either.”
No one meaning, and translating to, I don’t.
Just to show off, you easily cast the charm that he had failed. Charms were your strong subject, so you only needed to say the spell and flick your wand before turning your attention back to him.
He was nearly smoking from his ears, he was both embarrassed and livid.
And you felt a satisfied smirk curl up on your face as you turned to Ochako to help her complete the spell.
You waved to Momo Yaoyorozu as you walked down the hallway to meet up with Shouto and Izuku. Even though she was a Ravenclaw, she was a close friend of yours through Shouto.
And you kinda owed it to your housemates for stopping you from embarrassing yourself multiple times to be nice to their friends.
“Hey, Yao-momo.” You said. “I wasn’t expecting to see you until classes tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah, I’m waiting for Kyouka.” She turned his body to lean against the wall. “We’re going to Hogsmeade today.”
“No invitation?”
She smiled at you and asked, “Would you like to join us, Captain?”
“I was joking, no need to sound so enthusiastic.” You chuckled. As you started to speak again, Kyouka Jirou left the classroom the two of you stood outside of. She smiled at you, her violet eyes gleaming at you, reflecting the sun rays.
“Captain!” Kyouka greeted, putting an arm around your shoulder. “Are you coming to Hogsmeade with us?”
“Be careful, your mortal enemies are coming.” Momo interrupted and warned, motioning over your shoulder.
You turned around to find Sero and Bakugou walking next to each other, laughing about something only the two of them knew. You had to hold back from commenting.
“Yoohoo!” Hanta Sero caught your eye. You sighed and turned back to your friends, sharing a look.
“Hello, Hanta.” You felt him beside you before you looked.
You purposely didn’t look at Bakugou.
“We’re celebrating our win tonight, you guys should join!” Sero invited. You heard Bakugou’s exhale of frustration, but you only rolled your eyes in an attempt to ignore his presence.
“You want a group of your rivals, plus one from the team that you beat today hanging out with you, celebrating your win, when Gryffindor go against you in less than a week?” Momo spoke up. Shee moved off of the wall. “No thanks. Come, Kyouka. Let’s go.”
Kyouka waved goodbye and followed her best friend down the hall. You pivoted to fully face the two Slytherins.
"What about the mighty Lion's Captain?" Sero asked.
"No, thanks, I have better stuff to do," you said, turning on your heels and waving at Sero.
Bakugou glared at your retreating figure.
It was the time of year just before winter, where the air starts to cool but the sun still warms your skin. You took a breath and held your broom at your side.
It was near minutes before the anticipated game against Slytherin, the two fated rivals, and you could hear the crowds already. The rivalry between your houses was something that everyone enjoyed; the rivalry between you and their keeper was all you.
“Alright team.” You pivoted to the team behind you. “We’re playing Lion first; and if we don’t get any points within the first two minutes, I’ll hold up the signal for Golden. Got it?”
“Got it.”
You had pretty much the best team between all of the houses in your honest opinion.  was perfect as your keeper, he was never one to let anything get past him. Your chasers included you, Shouto, and Eijirou Kirishima. You had Leon and Leo for beaters. Two-third years that showed a huge amount of potential. And, rather recently, you gained a new seeker named Izuku Midoriya. And Izuku being one of your old friends made your teamwork with him, flawless in games
The Slytherin team was not one to mess with, they had a nice team too. Bakugou as the keeper, the Idiots Monoma and Tetsutetsu as beaters, their new seeker Aoyoma… but the problem was their chasers: Sero, Kyouka, Mina. They were so quick on their brooms, it was like working against the wind.
But your team was faster than theirs.
Today was no day to lose.
“It’s our first official match of the year.” You encouraged. “Let’s show them who not to mess with.”
“Let’s absolutely destroy them,” Leon added.
You grinned.
As you headed towards the field, you could feel the adrenaline creeping into your bones. Quidditch had become routine, simple muscle memory as you moved to your starting positions.
The Slytherin team appeared, and you felt the excitement enter you in a rush of air.
And as soon as the whistle sounded, you all flew off in the air, fully intent on kicking Slytherin's butts.
In the air, Bakugou Katsuki felt at peace. He was very good at what he did, and he knew that, and the game was something he was passionate about.
He was also passionate about beating you.
You were the bane of his existence. You had never once sent him anything other than something bitter or sarcastic. You were an annoying pest that he simply couldn’t get rid of.
And as you threw the Quaffle into the goal just above his head, Katsuki felt his eye twitch.
And what even irritated him, even more, was the small smile that you shot at him as you rushed back for a high-five at Todoroki.
Slytherin won, Izuku Midoriya’s hand high with the Snitch inside.
You watched in triumph as the teams descended on the brooms. From the skies down, you cheered.
“Congrats, Gryffindor,” Sero said, though his tone was bitter and sour.
And it did not feel as the statement was supposed to be at all but you ignored it in favour of the elation.
You knew that he hated losing, so you didn’t push it. He was a friend, after all. Sending him just a small “I’m sorry you didn’t win” smile, you headed to your team. You gathered them into a hug, or rather– a huddle, and ruffled the hair on Izuku’s head.
You peeked over your shoulder to catch sight of Bakugou. He was standing, hands at his sides, red face and eyes blank of any expression other than anger.
You smirked at him.
And he snarled back at you.
Katsuki Bakugou was on the other side of the victory this time, silently brooding as he picked at his food in the Great Hall. The Slytherin table emitted zero volume.
He was pissed off the second you entered the hall, Deku and Todoroki walking beside you. The gold and red seemed to glow, mocking him in the worst way imaginable.
Sero tried to bring his attention back to the food, but Bakugou was focused primarily on you. You were gloating, relishing in his loss, taking delight in the compliments from your house. A Hufflepuff appeared at your side, and you smiled as you thanked them for their congratulations.
He felt sick.
And a small part of him felt angry. But that was well deserved by you, he supposes.
You could not help but drown yourself in the triumph. You walked on air, the feeling of superiority tickling every inch of skin it could touch.
You waved goodbye to a couple of friends, heading directly to the Slytherin table. You placed your hands on Sero and Katsuki’s shoulders, leaning to place your head right between theirs.
“I suppose we beat you as I told you.” You sent a wink to Bakugou, knowing full well how it would provoke him.
“Fuck off.” Bakugou shoved your hand off of his shoulder.
“To receive your praise at the Gryffindor table.” Mina shooed, fork in hand. “You won’t find it here.”
“Sore losers.” You mocked just for fun. You stood straight. “I imagine that I would be the same, given it was the other way.”
You basically skipped back to your table for breakfast.
You were absolutely elated for the rest of the day. It was quite similar to being on cloud 9, winning your first game of the year against your rivals. The look on Katsuki Bakugou’s face only added to the feeling.
You were walking down the hall, talking to Denki who had his arm wrapped in yours. He was going on and on about how he wished he could have imprinted Izuku's snitch catch to his memory. Or made it into shirts so he could sell it to his fan club and you laughed at that idea.
That was when your shoulder collided directly into a firm body.
Your arm was ripped away from your classmates, along with your bag that fell onto the hard ground with a loud thud and wisp of parchment and ink. Everything in your bag is now scattered on the ground, covered in dark ink and dirt.
Your mood was too high to get too angry. It was an accident; you would bite your tongue and clean up the mess.
Until you realized just who’s the shoulder you ran into Bakugou Katsuki. Your greatest enemy and now the destruction of your contents.
“Watch where you’re going next time, Bakugou.” You grunted, kneeling to save some of your parchment before the ink could reach it.
“Perhaps if you had your head out of your ass, you wouldn’t have run into me,” Bakugou responded. He had turned to face you midway through your fall.
“As if you didn’t feel this way a week ago.” You told him, standing up. Nearly everything that was in your bag was soaked, including the bag itself. You inhaled deeply. “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”
“Now, why would I run my shoulder into you on purpose hoping to ruin your mood?” He asked. “You must be very arrogant to think that everything must be about you.”
You clenched your jaw and closed your eyes. “I will not let a piece of shit such as yourself bring my mood down today. Today is a good day.”
You knelt once again to find the essay that you had written for Aizawa, searching your documents. Only to find it one of the few that were directly under the ink, completely doused in black.
“Actually, fuck you.” You lifted the paper. Ink dripped off and onto the ground. “Do you know how long I worked on this?”
“I don’t know, a couple of minutes?” Bakugou shrugged. “You aren’t exactly the best at your schoolwork.”
“You wish you knew me well, but you don’t at all.” You felt anger boil in your chest. “I worked very hard on this essay. Days, even. And you destroyed it in less than five seconds..”
“There’s the Gryffindor in you.” He let out a humourless laugh. “You think everything has to be about you, and if it doesn’t then someone is out to get you. Your ego is so fucking enormous that you can’t even muster the idea that maybe something isn’t about you. And then you shout at me for that. You didn’t even win, Deku won the game for you. God, why don’t you go make a friend instead of standing here arguing with me about an accident?”
"Fuck you, I actually have friends, unlike you, who only has followers," you answered back to him.
"Well, you have everyone hanging over you. You're just a slut aren't you?"
Denki's eyes widened and the small groups of people who were conversing around you stopped and for a moment you thought that the whole school had heard with the silence that spread.
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes. Yes, both of you fought in front of each other. Both of you told each other to fuck off or even curse out a few times but none of you ever shouted such vulgar words at each other.
It was one thing to make comments, to be bitter and roll your eyes at each other’s presence. It was one thing to bicker, to fight, to joke to friends about the other’s incompetence and purposely pull on each other’s strings.
It was something else completely to call you a slut in front of everyone in the middle of a hallway after a thread of insults.
The overwhelming force to cry was still there but you would not allow yourself to cry in front of him.
Right after he called you that.
You would not let him have that satisfaction.
So, you turned on your heels and said, "You're more than an asshole Katsuki Bakugou."
And your prompts hurried away.
Denki, who was still frozen on the spot after the volley of insults had to be shot and the worse had been done, shoved Bakugou aside and said, "You shouldn't have said that Bakugou," and rushed behind you, calling out your name.
"You shouldn't call anyone a slut, Katsuki. Those words are not meant to be uttered in a civil society. It's like calling you a pussy publicly," Mitsuki Bakugou uttered, with the most strict voice she could offer while Masuru Bakugou spluttered at the usage of curse words in front of their son.
Katsuki Bakugou did not think often before speaking. He was just so used to people either bowing down and agreeing to his demands or just ignoring them that when he meet you, someone he could neither affect with both of his options, he always blew up.
Perhaps it was the fact that you had such a kind heart that you shook the Giant Squid's tentacle when it came on your boat during your first year because you thought it was lonely.
Or perhaps it was how easily you made friends with people. Just collecting the lonely bits of a big puzzle and joining it together, seemed to be your speciality.
But perhaps the most infuriating thing about you was the fact that you just refused to bow down to his screams and shouts and temper. You rose to receive the challenge he posed.
That is why his heart tore and clawed its way in his chest when you had turned around and run away from him.
He supposes you had stuck beside him long enough.
And he could not ignore the way that your friends glared at him while sitting in the Great Hall, Todoroki being the most vocal about it.
Or the way, Mina made excuses whenever he tried to talk to her.
Or, how Kirishima had stopped trying to drag his butt to Hogsmead for a friendly meet during the weekends.
Yes, he could not ignore all that.
"Maybe you should apologize," Sero suggested one day after catching the solemn look on his face.
"Do what now?" he screamed at him.
"You know, apologize to them," he repeated, slowly.
"Why should I apologize to them?"
"Because you know that you went too far. I know you still have feelings and stuff that you seem to everyone else for it."
For several days Katsuki Bakugou did not see you anywhere. Not in the classes, not in the Great Hall and the weight of his deed was still there.
So he did the next best thing.
He found out when you had booked the Quidditch pitch for practise of your team because he knew you wouldn't abandon them even in your worse days and planned to apologise to you there.
He had even practised it a few times in front of the mirror, "I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings by calling you a slut."  It was a small apology but he was hopeful that you would forgive him.
Yes. And you two could go back to the regular hating and biting remarks instead of the new empty kind of feeling that settled in his chest.
But the second he stepped onto the Quidditch, he was stopped by Shouto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya from going any further.
"Kachaan, you should not be here," Izuku said with more force than he had ever talked to with Katsuki and he wondered, what had you done that so many people were standing in defence of you.
"I know. I just came to apologize to them. Just move out of my way Deku."
Todoroki stepped in front of Izuku and said as bluntly as ever, "They don't want to see you. And I don't think your apology will mean anything to them except for sending them into a bad mood."
Before he could say anything, you came and said, "Zuku, Shou, the break is over. Get your butts moving."
Katsuki felt himself freeze in surprise. You had been at the practice for about two hours yet your voice was not hoarse from shouting. Even your energy levels seemed to be at the ever high.
Though before he could unfreeze and say his apology, you had already flown into the sky with Izuku and Shouto behind, in tow, leaving him behind in the dust.
The loneliness that you left behind with ignoring him was cold.
And his heart broke a little.
And he finally understood, all those years he thought he had the vilest hatred for you was just his stupid emotions trying to tell him that he liked you.
But he was too late now, he supposed.
How could he be such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love him?
Hanta Sero took a place beside you. It would have been normal if it were not for your avid avoidance of anyone with a Slytherin robe on.
“Hello, Hanta.” You said without sparing him a glance.
The thing was, you weren’t angry with him. You didn’t hate him, you hated his closest friend. And by association, you didn’t want to talk to him just as much. Sero had always been the middle ground between the doom and gloom that was the sandy-haired boy you hated.
“I think you should talk to Kats,” Sero said. Plain and simple, to the point.
“I think you should mind your business.” You retorted. “I never talked to him to begin with, what’s different now?”
“Because now is different.” He grabbed his book as the professor walked in. “Now, you won’t even say your smart ass remarks or tell him how fucked up his hair looks. Now he is just… boring and sad. And he mopes all the time. He isn't even playing his best on the field”
“So you want me to talk to the guy I hate in order for him to not be sad?” You scoffed and collected your things. “No, thank you. I've been keeping my distance, just like he wanted and I am happy to keep it this way.”
You stood up from your seat and sat beside Izuku just as the professor started talking, receiving a few stares in the process. It wasn’t as if you weren’t used to that.
You were walking with Ochako, laughing about the attempts everyone had tried to do to make Todoroki laugh when you committed the most horrific mistake of your life.
You caught the eye of Bakugou across the street who just had to look at you at the same moment.
You quickly averted your eyes but not before it caught his attention
It had been snowing, so most of the students were in their winter gear and warm clothes. You yourself had a hat and scarf on, gloves to cover your hands despite the hot to-go mug of cocoa in them.
Hogsmeade was quite busy with everyone getting last-minute holiday gifts and hurrying to hang out before the break. Yet, somehow, your eyes found the reds of Bakugou's.
You turned around, forcing Ochako to follow. The girl didn’t even have to ask about your change in demeanour, easily falling into place beside you.
You felt a hand on your wrist and heard your name being called. “Hey. Can I talk to you? I’ve been trying to apologize…”
You stopped dead in your tracks as if you were pulled on a leash. As if his bare hand touching your empty gloved one had scolded you. Bakugou stood before you, red cheeks from either the cold or from rushing after you. Either way, you wanted nothing to do with it.
He had spun you in his grasp, his jaw tight and eyes searching yours before falling to his hand around yours. His grip on your wrist was tight, and he swallowed as his eyes found yours again.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You snatched your arm away. “Have you ever considered that? I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want to see you, and I don’t want to hear your half-ass apology! What gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all the pain you’ve caused."
“I have been trying to talk to you.” He said. “I…” His eyes scanned yours. His tongue rolled in his mouth. “You mean to tell me that you don’t want my apologies?”
“You’ve made it very clear what you think of me, so I hope that I can make this very clear for you,” You took a deep breath. “I hate you. I don’t like you, I have never liked you, and I hope that whatever it is that is eating you up inside continues to do so.”
Katsuki Bakugou’s eyes twitched. He started to take a step towards you, but decided against it, falling back into the same step. “I don’t…” His voice was nothing as you had ever heard it. “You…” His eyes clouded with the emotions you were familiar with. “Fine.”
Bakugou faltered for a moment, his eyes held remorse and you almost wanted to forgive him but you remembered what he called you.
He quickly shoved a box of chocolates into your hands and said, "I brought this for you as an apology gift but you didn't want my words. I hope my actions will speak louder. And I hope that someday you will find it in your heart to forgive me," and he promptly left, leaving you flabbergasted in the middle of the streets of Hogsmead, with Ochako by your side.
It was a sudden realization. It was not something you had even considered before, not something planned or reasoned. It was much like a tsunami, a build-up of unrelated activity that brought something else entirely.
Emotions were unfortunate things. If you feel extreme emotions for someone, no matter what… they are still very strong feelings.
Hate to love, what a strange concept.
You held the potion below your nose, inhaling the scent.
“What does it smell like?” Aizawa asked.
“It smells like… caramel.” You distinguished the varying smells. “Apple. And… burning wood?”
You stepped back and hoped no one could see you connecting the dots through your eyes.
Hanta Sero was an observant person. He was known to be the person who knew the best for his team, easily finding the perfect techniques for each on the field and as encouragement. He was one for connections and relationships. He was the one who handled the emotional part.
This is why he knew that you were masking feelings of something else with this burning hatred. This is why he knew why you felt so bad after Kats called you a terrible name in front of an audience. This is why he knew who it was when you listed your amortentia scents.
He tried to send you a look from his seat across from you, classes later. He wanted to tell you that he knew; that he knew there was something more to what’s going on, and that something was Katsuki.
You just sent him a middle finger, knowing full well what he was getting at.
Your feelings didn’t just suddenly arrive. And you were full of confusion, disorientation, and most of all… anger.
For as long as you could remember, Katsuki Bakugou was supposed to be your arch enemy. He was your nemesis on a daily basis. He was the reason for your annoyance. He was the reason for your hatred for the colours green and silver. He was the reason you became the quidditch captain. He was the reason for the breath leaving your lungs.
And he was the reason for the breath entering.
You were pissed. You were pissed that you had unrealized feelings for the man you were supposed to hate, have hated for years. You were pissed that your love had been in a game of chess, where the only outcome is to win or forfeit. You were pissed that the entire time you had spent a vast majority of your time hating, loathing, rolling your eyes at… the entire time you had reserved space for hate when it should have been quite the opposite.
The luck must have been exclusively for someone else because it seemed as though whoever created you had decided to have a fun game.
You had punched Bakugou Katsuki once.
It was something you thought of a lot, and it was the main reason Bakugou chose not to test you too close to that day.
He was rolling his eyes at something Denki was saying when you walked by. You were heading to your quidditch practice, the captain not one for latecomers. And he caught sight of you. He quickly jumped from his spot and stopped you from passing.
“Out of the way, Katsuki, I have practice.”
“Oh, right, because you’re on the quidditch team now.”
“I am, thank you very much.” It was the beginning of the third year, and you were not only annoyed but you were also a Growing Person going through puberty. You did not have time to deal with a teenage boy pissing you off. “You forget that not everyone got on the team their first year of trying out.”
“Because we’re better than the entire Gryffindor team.”
“Talk to me when you win a house cup.” You tried to push past him, but he stood directly in front of you in one step. “Move, or be moved.”
“What are you going to do? Punch me?”
So, you did. Your fist collided with his cheek before you could even register that it had happened. Denki gasped out loud, it quickly turned into a laugh.
“They punched you! That was superb.” Denki laughed, grasping at his sides. “Ah, man!”
While Bakugou touched his cheek to check that— ah yes, you really did punch him— you were already walking away to the practice field.
Katsuki started t missed you if he were being fully and completely honest with himself.
It was right, you only miss something that is completely removed from your life.
He found himself searching for you in classes or in common areas, prepared for your snide remarks and bitter taunts. He found himself waiting for you to roll your eyes at his presence; looking for you to quip about the next quidditch game.
But when none of it came, he felt out of place.
He actually missed your annoying banter. He missed you shoving your middle finger in his direction. He missed the redness on your cheeks when you would try to calm yourself down. He missed the silence that would escape you if he entered a room and you were anything other than angry.
He missed catching you smiling at someone and watching your face change. He missed the arguments in class. He missed the little comments during eating.
Confused, he pushed those feelings down as he watched you eat with some Ravenclaws and a Hufflepuff that he had never talked to before.
And the empty space in his heart only grew larger in size.
It had been several weeks of silence from your end. You had thrown yourself back into quidditch before the break, happy to have a distraction from whatever the fuck you were feeling. You weren’t going home for the holidays, so you spent some time planning for the spring and classes.
You found yourself outside, sitting in the snow and writing a makeup essay for Aizawa. You had found a nice spot under a roofed area, so nothing smudged your writing (or, you know, covered it completely).
“Oh.” A voice said from above you.
You looked up to find Bakugou, hands in pockets and staring at you as if you had never existed and he was discovering you for the first time.
“I wasn’t expecting to find anyone here.” He said.
“Yeah, obviously neither was I.” You started to put your things away.
“No… no comment?”
“No… snarky comment? No, you look terrible to me?”
You shook your head. Mainly because you didn’t have the energy. You were content, bored, and just overall exhausted. You had exhausted yourself in thinking of every possible outcome to your love for the boy in front of you, none of which made any sense.
None of it made any sense.
It was as if one moment, you were standing on the ground. And the next, you were swept away by a giant wave that you thought was only an earthquake. You hated to love.
“Then, can I finally say what I have been meaning to?”
“No.” You finally got the last of your things into your bag.
“Why what?”
“Why can’t you just hear me out?” He stood in front of you, hoping to stall your leaving. “I’ve been trying to tell you that I shouldn’t have called you a slut, and I should have…”
“And I don’t want to hear it.”
You started to leave, but he jogged to jump in front of you again. Through the years, he had gained height compared to you. You weren’t necessarily kids anymore, you weren’t at eye level to just punch him in his cheek without reaching for it.
“God, you’re fucking annoying.” You shifted your bag on your shoulders. “You want me to call you a name so it can be even? Do you want me to tell you that everything is fine and we can go back to our constant fighting? What do you fucking want from me? Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?”
“What do I want from you?” He asked, voice rising to match yours. “What do you want from me? I’ve been trying to get your attention for over a fucking month and you have given me every reason to just stop.”
“Then why don’t you!” You dropped your hands. “Why don’t you just leave me the fuck alone?”
“Why what, Katsuki?”
“Why?” Katsuki let out a small breath, the grey cloud leaving his lungs. “Why won’t you just let me talk to you for five minutes?”
“Because I don’t want to! Because I don’t want to hear you make up excuses. Because I cannot listen to your voice for too long.”
Before you could stop yourself, before you could recognize your own voice, before any thoughts arrived, you said, “Because for some fucked up god awful reason, I’m in love with you!”
Everything froze all at once. The oxygen left your lungs, the snow stopped falling, and everything became so unbearably silent.
You stared at him, regret drenching you in an instant as if the tides of the ocean had risen and fell in one single motion. You couldn’t breathe, your heart seized in your chest and against your ribs. You couldn’t bring yourself to look into his face, fearing to find yourself lost and never found.
He let out a single breath. And you held yours.
He froze and then he leaned forward.
He remembered the last time he was too late to act.
His lips touched yours, gently and then suddenly was full of the fireworks that everyone had said about their first kisses. The fervent feelings that ran through your bodies, the anger and the misplaced love, all tumbling out in the biggest mess he'd ever seen.
But he continued. And then you broke apart.
Both of you had a lot of talking to do with each other but hopefully it would all turn out to be well.
"And so, we both are kinda dating now," you finished with an awkward look on your face, rubbing your neck.
A silence overtook your friends and Izuku whispered, "What the fuck?"
Shouto screamed at the both of you, "I fucking knew it." And then his voice slipped into his conspiracy theorist voice, "There was sexual tension between the two of you."
You facepalmed.
Katsuki turned red.
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nostalgiaruinedme · 2 years
So I have been listening a lot lately on rise Donnie’s song control by dark single and rise Leo’s two them songs and I have a theory that rise Donnie will be the first one to break free from the Krangs control instead of being knocked out to then be saved by the others. A while ago you posted out of content spoilers for everyone eyes to behold and on one of the pictures their is a image on one being torn between the heart and the brain and when I saw that I thought of rise Donnie being torn by his love for his family and the will to help the Krang. We might got a small hint of this when The two Donnies where writing to each other and Donnie asks rise Donnie if all he was helping the krang with was worth his own brother’s heart ace for him and Leo? He didn’t answer than and maybe that’s because he didn’t know what to answer. Sure when his mined is mind controlled he love helping them out with his inventions but is it really all worth it if it is the cost of his family. I think this will put Donnie in a torn position where he want to help the krang because you know mind control but deep down the love for his family and the lust to break free the real him is in their trying to break from this control. Speaking of control why I also believe in this theory is because in the lyric to the song it says:
“Wake up realize you're better
Than any made up solution
Who do you, who do you need to be
To be your own creator”
“Can I measure up?
Will I seal my fate?
The right chance to take
Can I make up my mind?”
It's over, take over, break out and gain control
You move on to live on till you find
“You've got something to die for, die for
It's like walking on fire, fire
Take a breath and you will see
You're so much more than memories
You're taking back control
You're taking back control”
These lines have me dead set that this song will be when Donnie break lose but will it be any negative effects when he dose like the device in his neck back fire?
When it comes to Leo’s songs I’m starting to like the song emperor’s new clothes more and more specially when I read the meaning to the song. What I have read the song is about revealing a true, dangerous, powerful self--the darker side of himself. A devil who takes over once the freedom-fighting, power-to-love-desiring side of him and now his thirsty for power. The core lyric of “Emperor’s New Clothes” is also the intro: “Finders keepers, losers weepers.” This is a song about power and the search for that power. “Welcome to the end of eras / Ice has melted back to life.” Ice represents being caught in something or being stuck, but things are heating up. Because this is the “end of eras,” whatever happens next will certainly be epic and beyond what has happened before.
He’s “done [his] time and served [his] sentence,” which seems to be a reference to having lived a life in which he wasn’t the best or the “king of the world.” Either he didn’t get what he deserved, or he got exactly what he deserved–he describes himself as a sinner in “Hallelujah.” Either way, it’s his turn to come out on top.
“Dress me up and watch me die” this is a reference to his preparation to become something else, something new, his old self dying away as his hunger for power takes over. This person will claim things that “[feel] good, [taste] good”–seeking his own pleasure and having the power to take them. His old “dynasty” is “decapitated” and listeners “might see a ghost tonight”–the ghost of his past as he moves on to what comes next.
This song really has me excited for Leo’s arc and I think the blue lite devil will real life chess master his way to power
Shout out to @geekgirl24 for predicting Rise Donnie would be the one to break free of the Kraang's control after his mind was torn between his loyalty to the Kraang and to his family. You caught onto almost all of the hints I laid out literally like ten chapters ago so GOOD JOB
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moxfirefly · 3 years
1. After an injury for Raphael please!
👀 ok I’ve got an idea for this
Let’s get some steamy after an injury
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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The backdoor to your home opened with a thunderous smack and in stumbled you and Raphael. He grunted and made for the sink, you closed the door and bolted it. You breathed hard against the wood, the sound of running water bringing you back to the right now.
Tonight had been a shit show. Not only were you literally at the wrong place wrong time but you had found none other than Raphael fighting off at least ten Foot soldiers. In the haste of seeing him being ganged up on you had taken out your taser and took off like a bat from hell. Knowing that he wasn’t in top form to fight back in the midst of it he grabbed you and the two of you retreated.
It had been a whirlwind, the image of Raph being beaten hadn’t left your minds eye. As you turned around and rested against the door you took stock of him. He spat some blood into the sink and washed away some of the blood on his face. Bruises, cuts and more than anything a wounded pride. “Why were you alone?!” Your hands shook, Raph breathed harshly and shook his head. “Split up to cover ground, Don and Mikey are in Yonkers, Leo’s in Hoboken” He grabbed a dish rag and wrapped it around a cut on his forearm.
“Jesus Raph you could’ve gotten killed!” You weren’t reprimanding him to spite or bruise his ego further, the fact was that Raph had said that patrol would be simple. He had, well, he had lied to you and that was digging a little ice pick into your side. “You didn’t say anything about flying solo, you told me you were doing a regular patrol” You tossed your bag to make for the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Raph followed suit.
“Y/N, listen I know-“ Raph backed up from the entrance when you stormed out, kit in hand. “I hate that, I fucking hate when you say one thing and do another, c’mere” You opened the box and took out a few things mostly to cover the cut on his forearm. Reluctantly he let go of the rag and allowed you to work on it.
Once you had cleaned a few more of his cuts and taped up his forearm you had allowed a silence to rain down on the situation. Raph sighed as he sat at the kitchen table. You were cleaning your hands in the kitchen sink, defenatly brewing some anger. “If I told ya what I was doing ya woulda freaked, which yer already did”
You turned and gave him an incredulous look. “Of course because something like tonight can happen, the guys weren’t going to get to you on time!” You wanted to scream, Raph’s stubbornness surely was a feature you had to withstand. He stood and approached you, frown on full gear. “And you stormed in with a dumb little taser! Ya coulda gotten hurt! Then what?! Ya think I’d live with myself if something had happened to ya!” You rubbed your temples trying not to lose your cool more so than it already was lost.
“I wasn’t gonna stand and watch my boyfriend get potentially killed! I’m sorry I jumped in but I would do it again” You looked up at him, it took all your resolve to not stomp your foot in defiance. “I was gonna get it under control!” He huffed out and you scoffed crossing your arms. “Says the man with all the cuts and bruises!” Raph growled something deep in his throat.
Then he crashed his lips against yours.
There was frustration in that kiss, you could taste it, it rolled off of him in waves. You also tasted desire, anger, want, a long list of emotions that were all very much Raph. You kissed back with equal feelings, you yanked him further into you by his mask tails as his tongue fought with yours. He tore at your shirt and jacket, fabric tearing and being tugged with no hesitation. You made for his own gear, pushing or shoving or tearing at whatever your fingers felt. His sais fell with a loud thud and the sound startled you enough to stop your frenzied kiss.
That only served better for the red clad ninja. He swept whatever was on the counter, picked you up and sat you on the counter. He was pressing up against your spread legs, mouth nipping at your throat as he angrily tugged off your underwear. “I’m so mad at you, fuck don’t stop” The logical part of you didn’t want him to further agrávate his injuries but Raph was a man a possessed right now. “Nothing a good dicking won’t fix” He growled at the nape of your neck.
This felt necessary, as in it was the only way to handle the emotions running through both your bodies. The fear of the attack, the worry of Raph’s wounds, the anger over his lie. You came back down to planet earth to the image of Raph kneeling between your spread legs.
The spark behind those green eyes left you wobbly. His lips bit and kissed the inside of your thigh. A shudder ran through you as he shoved a leg over his shoulder and buried his face against your core. Your head met the cupboard behind you but honestly you didn’t care.
Not when Raph was licking a fat stripe between your slit. The instant he tasted you he churred, it was deeper more gutural. It took all of your resolve to not jump out of your skin with such a frightening sound.
“Fucking hell!” You moaned as you felt him flick his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves. That all but made you cry out and grip the back of his head. “Don’t you stop!” You we’re sure you’d have a bruise on your thigh from the way he was gripping it. Raph groaned what you assume was his affirmative to your requested.
He attacked that spot with his tongue until you felt your legs shake and your eyes rolls back into your head. Your vision left you briefly before it came back to sight of Raph cleaning up your mess, each stroke of his tongue sending overstimulated shocks.
He stood and the size of him never seized to rob you of your breath. He had already dropped down and was lazily stroking himself to the debauched sight of you. The arrogance in his moves indicated he knew he had you more than ready. Once more between your legs he entered you slowly, stretching you in such a burning delicious way. There went another one of those gut deep churrs. “Take me like a champ baby” He nosed your ear, letting another one of those churrs escape him.
He thrusted into you with need, need to claim you, a desire to state what was his. He hooked those strong hands on the backs of your knees and lifted and spread you to his liking. The change in itself caused you to mewl, a delicious tightness and burn with each stroke. “R-Raffff” You were unable to form coherent words. Each sound that escaped you was nonsense combined with moans and Raph ate it up.
It hit you just as Raph started to cum, his own desperate groans mixing with your sudden scream. He didn’t slow down, always one to lose himself in your wet warmth till you were begging him to slow down. He stayed like that, hands bruising up your legs as he slowly pulled out, enjoying the new mess that seeped out of you courtesy of him.
You nudged him down with what little strengh you had and kissed him longingly.
For now the anger, the unease and difficult night could be discussed later.
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virghogh · 3 years
NCT Dream Birth Charts x Hexaco Results Analysis pt. 3
recently NCT Dream were on a new reality show called Mental Training Camp where they are doing a variety of activities and all of their behavior and interactions are being analyzed by professional psychologists
ofc my virgo sun mercury ass was thrilled and I had their birth charts pulled up the whole time to cross reference.
I wanted to share some of my personal thoughts on how the 2 might connect!
Thank you for all the support on the previous parts <3
part 1 // part 2 // part 3 
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**key: in the hexaco charts the blue represents the Dreamies, the orange is an average result of 300 college students who took the same test**
Haechan - “Popular and Ambitious” 
✨gemini sun // leo moon // cancer mercury // gemini venus // gemini mars✨
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they started Haechans analyses by labeling him as popular and ambitious, and even without looking at the hexaco or his birth chart these 2 traits are very easy to see in him. Haechans birth chart and hexaco are really interesting and almost refreshing to me because everything is so straightforward. I honestly think Haechan is a very what you see is what you get kind of person. I think the psychologists on the show were feeling some of that interest and refreshing feeling too because they described him as being very different from the rest of the group (and the college students), and kind of special. A somewhat rare personality.
the first thing they talked about was his insane level of extroversion. I have to say when I first saw that I choked on air a little. Not only is it just ridiculously high, but it’s also so obvious given his birth chart too. looking at the hexaco chart, the focus on extroversion and then how the other areas are either just around the average or below is very interesting to me. we saw something similar in a few of the previous dreamies too. Some of them had highly above average scores for one area and to me that says a lot about the dominant parts of their personality. 
Looking at haechans birth chart, we all know he’s practically on par with Seventeens Hoshi for being an iconic gemini. Having such a social, extroverted and excitable sign in 3 different planets will certainly make someone extroverted, but charts have to be looked at as a whole as well and he’s also fortunate to have a leo moon because it doesn’t add any kind of introversion. He is a pure excitable, affectionate and social extrovert. His extroversion can be seen in the ways he’s very interested in whats happening “out there”. Gemini’s are very curious and restless and like to explore the world and environment around them, and have a lot to gain from connecting with people. 
Right after they mentioned this though, they quickly added that it’s actually somewhat rare for highly extroverted people to be highly conscientious too. If you look at his hexaco his next highest scores are conscientiousness and openness. Even though gemini is a mutable sign and likes to try new things and stay entertained, they are some of the most determined people I’ve ever met. You do not want to get in between a Gemini and their work. Gemini is a very mental sign as well, they’re good with tasks and enjoy getting them done and focusing on their work. As well as his firey Leo moon. Leo is a sign that I often think can change quite a lot depending on the chart and houses but his with the gemini, is creating a highly focused, ambitious and driven person. 
they described him as the “relief pitcher” for the team when in crisis. He’s the one that comes into the game for a round or 2 when things aren’t going well to secure their win, then steps back out. If this isn’t the most accurate description for haechan and gemini/leo?! Leo and Gemini are both highly intelligent signs, I feel like people don’t talk about that a lot with leo but it’s true! Also his combination of leo with gemini is interesting because sometimes people have drive, ambition and passion, but there are other placement that kind of complicate how it gets expressed. And they can’t always fulfill all of their desires and passions. But having all gemini and that one leo is really in his favor, he’s very “this is what I want, so I’m going to get it”. It’s easy for him. He can easily bring his ambitions to fruition which is why he’s the “relief pitcher”. It’s gemini magic and leo talent honestly.
this was the extent of what they said for Haechan but I have more I’d like to add! 
his openness is on par with his conscientiousness and that is also no surprise because even though gemini gets a rep. for being “detached” it’s actually a fairly open sign too. What gemini is open about depends greatly on the other placements, and in haechans case with his only other influences being leo and cancer, he can easily be open about those traits and desires. The attention, validation, love and affection. They are all very big parts of him, and he also has no problem speaking his mind. But he also isn’t as obsessive as other leo and cancer combinations because of his overwhelming gemini. It’s very “in this second I want affection” and then the next second he’s over it. With haechan I’ve always found it interesting how he is so openly affectionate but it never seems like an unhealthy attachment thing? he isn’t reliant on it, and can easily go from wanting it, to not. It’s very uncomplicated. This is also part of the Gemini rep. they are very flighty and their minds change by the second, but are also very self-reliant and independent. This is also why his emotionality is low even though his openness is high. Again, I don’t think he’s an emotionally driven person, he’s just open with his desires. 
tldr; talented, confident, skilled, self-sufficient and independent. He is driven by exploring the world and people around him, he enjoys making connections. Very open about his thoughts and needs, but emotionally uncomplicated. His drive and ambition is bottomless, never-ending. What he wants, he gets. 
Jaemin - “Optimistic My Way”
✨leo sun // capricorn moon // leo mercury // virgo venus // leo mars✨
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I would like to start by saying that Jaemin is the sole reason that it took me so long to get this post out. This boy has always, and probably always will, confuse the hell out of me. And I’m sure he likes it that way. Actually, I’m confident he likes it that way because he admitted to the psychologists that on the test they took he answered number 3 for every question, so he wouldn’t have to reveal too much about himself. This is why they labeled him as “my way”, very “do what I want” kind of person. They said he really made them use a lot of brain power, and I relate lol. Even outside of this post every time I watch nct dream I’m always trying to understand Jaemin. So here goes my best shot at understanding this man. 
they mentioned jaemin is difficult and complicated, he’s hard to read, and he’s someone that cannot be perfectly described with one personality test. I agree, which is why I hope one day we can get those house placements please! 
The first thing that caught my attention based off his chart is how small his blue hexagon is. I actually had to double check that the blue was him and not the average😅 because of how he answered the test I don’t know how accurate the hexaco is? they didn’t really comment on that but they did continue to reference it. 
the main thing they talked about with Jaemin was about how he is very aware of what he does and doesn’t like, he knows who he gets along with and who he doesn’t, he has no problems showing when he doesn’t like something, and he is very uninterested and borderline apathetic when it comes to things and people he is simply not interested in. 
I think where I get really tripped up with Jaemin is because he has 3 leo placements, yet I feel like he doesn’t act much like a typical leo in my opinion? At least not to the cameras. I honestly think Jaemin might be someone who is very different off camera and at home. When I see jaemin I see flashes of it, but I get a lot of his earth influence. 
I want to start with his capricorn moon because I feel like it’s something i see the most in him. For starters, it is literally why he is so private. Even before this show, it was a well known thing amongst NCTzens that Jaemin is a very private person. He also comes off as very reserved, in control and calm. Jaemin answering every question with a 3, so that it neither over or under represents him, but puts him in the questionable middle, is very capricorn moon. Not wanting to be understood. Not wanting to appear as having any exact problems. They’re practical, controlled, level-headed... right? They’re not the ones with messy emotions, couldn’t be them.... That’s the whole capricorn struggle. The moon is put in a very tough spot with Capricorn. Scorpio moons are in fall and Capricorns are in detriment. But it works very differently. Scorpios have wickedly intense emotions that they are kind of scared of, so they hide them, but they want to be understood and feel safe enough to express them. Capricorn moons straight up deny their feelings. 
On the bright side though, I feel like his Capricorn moon is also responsible for the other part of his personality which is: how weird he is. Capricorn moons are also known for being ridiculously funny and weird. Very weird. I think this is also where his Leo comes in and kind of teams up with his moon. Leo’s are natural performers and sometimes when I watch Jaemin I find myself being like “he is really putting on a show right now” but not in a bad way, I’m always highly entertained lol. He is a natural performer.  
In haechan’s section I mentioned how, to me, leo is one of the signs that can change so drastically depending on the other planets and houses. I think jaemin is a really good example of this, because even without his hexaco chart we all know Jaemin is a huge introvert. He is actually a self-proclaimed introvert. He is open is the way he shows it, and he even said in a show that talking with people is hard because he loses so much energy. I think his Capricorn and Virgo play a big role in this and it’s why I’m so curious what his houses are and where that leo is. Because even though our moons affect us a lot, with 3 leo placements i would expect someone to be a little more extroverted. 
Where I also see a lot of his Leo though, is of course, with how affectionate he is. he’s also very creative and a huge provider. A big misconception with leo is that all they do is take. This is one side to leo, and Haechan is a good example of that side because he has the gemini and leo moon, but Jaemin is a really good example of the strong provider and caretaker side of Leo. With his earth placements too. he is definitely someone who prides himself on taking care of people. 
now to compare his hexaco to his birth chart, his extroversion, emotionality, agreeableness and honesty-humility is lower than average. Sure, part of that could be the way he took the test, but I also think it can be seen in his very controlling earth placements. Having earth in 2 of the planets that hold a lot of our emotions and expression, and the fact that it is virgo and capricorn and not taurus, is making him very in control of his emotions and expression, and he has strong boundaries. It also makes him more introverted. The low agreeableness is just his whole chart honestly. Leo is a fixed sign, and even though virgo is mutable, they still have very particular ways they like to do things, and capricorn is a leader and takes charge. 
His openness is interesting to me and I wanna say that I think it’s very similar to what I wrote for haechan. He’s open, but not necessarily emotionally driven. He is open about the things that drive him, so not emotions, but something else. Work. His morals and values. His boundaries. Things he does and doesn’t like! lastly, his conscientiousness also fits into this, virgo capricorn and leo are all extremely driven, passionate and hard workers and we know work and stability is a high value and priority of his.  
tdlr; hard to read, very private and likes it that way. He is driven by work, ethic, stability and providing. He knows his values, and has little interest in things he doesn’t care for. Optimistic, weird, funny and a natural performer. Likes to be in control and needs to recharge a lot. Probably the most different off camera and at home. 
and that’s part 3! Thanks you to everyone that has tuned into this series it was so much fun. Thoughts and feedback are always welcome <3
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fruitcoops · 3 years
did i miss something or when did Hestia tape loops’ face back together? i would read the heck outta that
Hello anon! One of my first fics was called Blood On the Ice, and it was about Remus getting injured in a game when he got hit in the face with a stick. It ended before I went into specifics about the recovery, so here’s a sequel to clarify! Hope you enjoy! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for blood, bruises, swelling, mentioned panic attack (previous fic)
“Easy, Loops,” Hestia murmured as she carefully taped the gash on his lip. He clenched his jaw to suppress a wince, but that just made it hurt more. His whole face throbbed with pain and he really couldn’t feel where she was touching him anymore—his left eye was completely swollen shut, and the right was on its way to join it.
“No concussion, right?” he managed around his puffy lip as she pulled away.
“Didn’t think so.” Remus tentatively prodded his cheekbone and flinched at the swollen heat. “Oh, ouch.”
Hestia batted his hand away and handed him an ice pack. “Don’t poke it, dummy! You know better.”
“I do. Thanks.”
“Drink water. I’m going to get a snack and then load you up with tylenol, alright?”
“Sounds good.” His jaw was starting to ache from moving it so much, and he still tasted blood whenever his tongue touched his lips. The TV was too far away for him to make out much more than vague shapes, but the reddish blobs seemed to be doing well. “Are we winning?”
“Yep. Sirius is one away from a hat trick.”
“Mhmm.” Hestia pressed an open packet of goldfish into his palm. “You can still chew, right?”
“Yep. Teeth all feel fine, it’s just my…” He gestured to his general facial area and she laughed.
“Good to hear. Eat, you’ll feel better.”
He cracked a smile, or at least his best imitation of one. “Hey, that’s my line.”
Hestia kept a running commentary on the game like the absolute angel she was while he ate and took his medicine, then changed out his ice pack and made sure he didn’t accidentally fall off the PT table as he laid down. “If you wake up with anything more than a moderate headache, or if you start feeling nauseous, tell me immediately. No toughing this out, Remus.”
He gave her a look out of his less swollen eye. “Come on, H, I’m the last person—”
“You are the first person who would try to shake off a stick to the face.” She flicked him playfully on the shoulder. “I’m not falling for any of your bullshit.”
The relief was instant and magnificent as she guided the ice pack over the upper half of his face once again. “You are literally my favorite person ever.”
“That’s the tape and Tylenol talking. Take a nap. I’ll wake you when the game’s done.”
“No, you won’t.”
“True. You need rest, so go to sleep.”
He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and settled back against the soft pillow, letting the rustling sounds of her moving around lull him into drowsiness. The smell of the PT room was familiar and comforting, if a bit different than before; he couldn’t smell much, though, so it may just have been in his head. Easy does it, Loops, he reminded himself. You’re going to be fine.
The panic attack had been embarrassing, to say the least. His shoulder was completely untouched, but the adrenaline and dull ache radiating through his head set his whole body on fire. His nose still pulsed with pain if he concentrated too hard.
But Hestia had been kind, and careful, and smart. She worked quickly, taping up the scrapes and his split lip before feeling for any breaks. She gave him another piece of gauze for his nose, though he didn’t really need it. First rule of PT: keep the patient’s mind off their injury. When he started hyperventilating again, she stopped working and held his hands until it passed.
Something warm laid heavy in his palm when he dragged himself back to the land of the living; his vision was still blocked out by the ice pack, but he could tell it was someone’s hand. “You’re the best PT,” he said, giving it a squeeze.
There was a low laugh. “I’d be a terrible PT.”
“Sirius? Hey!” Remus tried to smile, but stopped as soon as his face screeched in protest and the cut on his lip began to sting. It was at a horrible in-between point of numb and prickly still. “Hey, baby, did we win?”
“We did.”
“Did you get a hat trick?”
“No, I was one off.” He folded his other hand over Remus’ and rubbed his fingers gently. “You sound like you have a cold.”
“Just my nose. And cheeks. And everything else.” They both laughed and he waved toward his face. “Could you take the ice pack off? I wanna see you.”
Sirius paused. “There’s no ice pack, sweetheart. Your face is just really swollen.”
“Did Hestia do a good job?”
“Of course she did,” Remus scoffed. “She’s Hestia.”
“True. Did you lose any teeth?”
“Not even one. My only badge of honor is a face full of bruises.”
“It’s quite the badge,” Sirius said under his breath. One of his hands disappeared and Remus felt something brush his cheek a moment later; he turned into it, pressing against the familiar warmth. “Can you get up? I think we should go home.”
“Yeah, for sure.” Sirius gently held on to his forearms as he sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Remus stumbled a bit when he stood, but Sirius was steady and pulled him close to his side.
“Alright, this way.”
“Is Hestia in here?” Vague shapes of light made their way into his vision.
“I’m over here,” she said, touching his elbow.
“You’re the best PT ever.”
“Thanks, Loops.” He could hear a smile in her voice and gave her hand a quick pat.
Two steps later, Sirius let go of him. Startled fear bolted through Remus; the world wasn’t much more than black and blobby colors, and while the floor was solid beneath his feet, he had no guide wall. “Sirius? Where’d you go?”
“Shit, sorry.” His hands returned to Remus’ arm and waist in a smudge of motion. “I was just opening the door.”
“Don’t let go, please,” he said quietly as they walked into the hall. He was tired, in pain, and completely disoriented—he didn’t want to be alone as well.
“Hey, Loops, how’re you—holy fuck.” Kasey. Rapid footsteps and a new blur of lighter colors came closer. “Shit, man, are you alright?”
“Never better.” There was a beat of silence and he sighed, reaching out to smack Kasey on the arm. “You guys can stop talking about me while I’m right here, you know. I’ll be fine in a couple days, tops.”
“You do realize half your face is taped together, right?”
“It’s not half­—”
“It’s enough,” Sirius and Kasey said in unison.
“Hestia said two weeks.” Sirius wrapped an arm further around his waist and began walking again. Not having peripheral vision was making Remus dizzy and he pressed a hand to Sirius’ chest.
“Slow down a bit, babes.”
“Sorry.” A door opened up ahead and he heard a few new voices whispering.
Remus sighed. “Hey, guys.”
“Hey,” James said tentatively, drawing out the word. “You okay?”
“If one more person asks that, I’m going to throw something,” Remus grumbled. “Yes, I’m fine, just bruised.”
“Do we need to go beat up that rookie?”
“Please don’t, I’m sure it was an accident.”
“Alright, drive safe.”
One, two, three, four hands landed on his shoulder as the group walked past, murmuring well-wishes and clearly sending Sirius looks. He caught a flash of red and some blond—Finn and Leo, and maybe Kasey if he hadn’t left. The last person was just a blob, but Remus didn’t have the brainpower to play ‘Guess Who’ with all the brunets on the team.
The cold of the outside world was a welcome reprieve; he took a deep breath and let the chill soothe his skin, lacing his fingers with Sirius’ as they crossed the parking lot. “Sorry I’m so slow,” he said as the car’s lock clicked.
“You don’t have to apologize, mon loup,” Sirius half-laughed. “I’m just glad you’re up and moving.”
He carefully buckled his seatbelt and leaned his head back in the seat. “I look like a mess, don’t I?”
“Pretty much. You’ll heal, though.”
“Thanks for being honest.” He fumbled a hand over the gearshift and rested it on Sirius’ thigh.
“Sugarcoating never helps. Do you want your ice pack?”
“You carried it?” Remus asked, surprised. Sirius turned his hand over and placed something cold in his palm. “Thank you.”
“Ne rien.” There was a shuffle, and then the soft brush of lips over his cheekbone.
“Kissing it better?” Remus teased, pressing the blessed cold against his eye.
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ackercrushing · 3 years
A Little Wager
Ok, I don't usually write. If I do, I rarely complete it. I either have grand ideas that just don't come out or I read something similar that scratches that itch and I don't have to write anymore. But this little fluff nugget has been my constant daydream for a while. There are no warnings for this. It's lighthearted and fun. I suck at writing smut so I doubt I'll continue it. If someone wanted to pick up where I left off and do a shower scene, I would LOVE that! Anyway, here it is. Be gentle :)
It was mid afternoon when you and your squad made it to the training grounds.  Captain Levi’s squad was supposed to be done in the next half hour. You like to get your squad there early when the special forces are training to provide a little inspiration.
You choose Emily to lead the squad in stretches before they hit the course.  All the while, they’re watching Levi’s soldiers expertly soar through the air completing maneuvers it will take years for your squad to accomplish. While stretching, you hear the oohs and aaahs, sometimes shocked gasps as another soldier completes in flight stunts that look impossible.  You notice Levi, arms crossed, watching them intently.  He never has to yell out instruction or commands.  His squad is a well-oiled machine.
“Alright guys, what’s the bet today?” you ask your team, breaking their reverie.
“Isn’t it your turn to pick, Captain (y/l/n)?” asks the unofficial leader of the squad, Leo. “Besides, every time we come up with a bet, it’s almost guaranteed defeat.”
“I’m not stupid guys. The tasks get harder depending on what we bet.  If you bet I walk topless through the mess hall at dinner time, Malcolm (glancing over to the brave boy who dared make that wager), you better believe I’m giving you a nearly impossible task.” Malcolm blushes.
“It was worth a shot.” He says sheepishly. Amelia punches his arm playfully saying “That’s gross Malcolm, she’s our squad leader.”
“Anyway, I think you’ll like this offer.  How about you nail all your maneuvers I assigned last week and two more surprise tasks, and I’ll do all your laundry for a week?”  While this bet wasn’t as exciting as a topless Captain at dinnertime, it did get the squad’s full attention.  You knew some of them were wearing clothing for the second, maybe third time between washes and they stunk!  This bet was more for you than anyone.
The slight turn and side eye from Levi let you know he wasn’t watching his squad as intently as you thought. He was eavesdropping.
“But you have to land properly.  No biffing the landings!” You add, hearing groans from some of your soldiers.  More groans when you tell them the surprise maneuvers they are to complete.  They’re difficult but not impossible for their skill level.
“All right guys, I think this is doable.” Leo chimes in, pumping up his squad mates.  Some were already looking defeated, having the most difficulty with their landings. They all circled up and started motivating each other.  Levi might have the elite group, but no one could rival your squad in the heart department. These guys gave it their all every time, training or battle.
You had a way with these “kids” as you called them that few squad leaders did.  They loved your inclusiveness and your no-blame leadership style.  You made sure they knew they were a team.  Mistakes were learning opportunities, even the fatal ones. Those most of all.  And they did happen to all Scout squads.  It was just the nature of the job.
“OK Captain (y/l/n), we accept the bet!  Get the soap ready!  Let’s do this!”  The whole squad was pumped and ready.  You couldn’t help but grin and hope that you had a lot of laundry to do this week.
“Alright, it’s on.  Keep stretching and warming up!” you say as you walk over to join Levi and watch the last of his team’s maneuvers.
“Well, your team is certainly inspiring some young ones today.” You grin and bump his shoulder.
“Is that why you’re always early?”
“Yes sir, I’ll take all the motivation we can get.”
“So what’s up with that bet? Sounds like a recurring thing with you.” He asks, never taking his gaze from his flyers.
“All the motivation I can get, right?  They really respond well to the bets we make.”
“Did I hear mention of a bet that would have had you walk topless through the mess hall at dinner time?” This question did pull his gaze to you with raised eyebrows. You couldn't help the blush that stained your cheeks.
“That was never going to happen.” You outline the tasks you gave your squad that day.
“Yeah, that would be hard for my group to accomplish.” Levi smirks. “Would you like to join us during our next training session? Maybe my squad would like to try betting on something.”
“That would be amazing! Thank you!” You are beaming. Training with the elites will certainly boost your squad’s morale.
“Alright, day after tomorrow at 1pm.”
“It’s a date.” tumbles out of your mouth.  Levi briefly side eyes you with a slightly scrunched brow at your choice of phrase but continues walking to his squad for their debrief.  You are blushing thinking he might have taken that the wrong way.  Oh well, nothing to do now but show up at 1pm in two days.  Your squad was going to freak out!
The joint training sessions became a regular once a week thing with the two squads.  The bets initially started out pretty tame.  Levi and you lost several but when they were “Do 100 push ups” or “Clean all the floors in the barracks”, it was ok.  Neither of you minded losing those.  But the soldiers started getting braver with their wagers.
You knew something interesting was in the works when you see Sasha Braus bouncing on her heels and clapping her hands before you both even make it over to them.
“Alright Sasha, what do you have for us today?” Asks Levi, arms crossed and one eyebrow raised.
“Ohhhh, this is a goooood one!”  Her voice quivers with excitement.  “If we complete all our maneuvers flawlessly, landings included, Captain (y/l/n) has to do 10 push ups.”  She’s so excited, she can hardly continue.
“Sasha, that’s not a challenge.” You add, knowing there has to be more to it. You notice Jean, Conny, and Eren look slightly uncomfortable.
“That’s not all!  With every push up, you and Captain Levi have to KISS!”  She literally squeals. Your eyes grow large.
“Sasha, that only works if both parties are consensual.”  You roll your eyes, knowing Levi will not agree to this.
“What do you mean Captain (y/l/n)?  You wouldn’t consent to that?”
The phrase you could hear a pin drop is very apropos in this moment as all eyes are on Levi with gaping mouths.  You could swear you heard the wind of heads turning.
“You mean to tell me YOU consent to that?” You ask incredulously.
Levi takes your arm and pulls you aside.  “The task fits the bet, right?  Here’s what we’ll have them do.”  He outlines his plan and the butterflies in your stomach still. But you’re not sure if you’re relived or disappointed knowing your squad will definitely not be able to pull this off. Were you hoping to lose this one?
“Perfect. Let’s tell them.” You grin.
You both walk back over, and Levi lays out the maneuvers they’ll have to perform in order to win the bet.
They are obviously shaken but the elites take the young ones aside, and after a 10-minute pep talk and possible strategy session, they return and accept your conditions. Is this task as difficult as Levi thought? They seem pretty confident. "We accept!" Sasha yells.
Levi looks at you and winks. “Alright, get going then.”  In pairs, the two squads enthusiastically enter the training arena.
The last teams are nearly finished.  You look over at Levi nervously.  All the pairs assigned to you were flawless.  How could that be?  The elites really were inspiring, but you realized you might have been going a little too easy on your team.  What a sight to behold.  And your squad was so proud of themselves.  You would have made a bet to kiss a titan for this!
Levi’s mouth is agape as he slowly turns his head to look at you.  You both just stare at each other in disbelief, his expression saying everything you needed to know.  His group was flawless as well.
“Holy shit.” You mumble under your breath, heat now creeping up your neck, your palms sweaty already.
Levi regains his composure, that cool mask of confidence back on his face and in his stance.  He strides toward you looking way more collected than you feel.
“Alright, new strategy.” He says, a sneaky glimmer in his eye. “They didn’t say what kind of kiss, right?”
You pause for a second, realizing what he’s saying and your breath that you didn’t know you were holding is released in a relieved sigh. Is relieved the right word?
“I know where you’re going with this.” You say shaking your head.
“Every time you lower yourself, I’ll turn my head and you kiss somewhere on my face.  Forehead, cheeks, nose.  We’ll keep them guessing.”
“They’re going to be so mad!”
“They should have thought of all the loopholes before they finalized the deal.” Levi stated coolly with a shrug.
Sasha, back to bouncing and clapping, yells “Ok you two!  Assume the position!”
"This is stupid.”-Conny
“I don’t think I can watch this.”-Eren
"Why does Captain Levi get to do the kissing?" -Jean
Meanwhile the girls are giggling messes of anticipation.
Levi lies on the ground, hands casually behind his head like he’s relaxed and getting ready for an afternoon nap. Huh, to feel that relaxed right now. You crawl up his body, your knees straddling his hips and your hands to either side of his neck. Hoots and hollers from the two squads do not help the blush on your face. You raise to plank position, then slowly lower yourself.
Levi’s head remains still until the last second, then turns to the right, offering his cheek for the first kiss.  You lightly feather his skin with your lips before returning to plank.
“Hey, that’s cheating!” Sasha sounds so defeated.
“You didn’t specify what kind of kiss Sasha.  Let this be a lesson to you.  Negotiate better next time.” Levi says smugly. “I want to hear you count!  That was 1, 9 to go!”
The next 4 kisses were met with increasingly under enthused counting as the cheek, nose, and forehead barely-there-pecks were administered.
At the start of the 6th, Levi says to you “My turn.”  Your eyes narrow in confusion and he clarifies “I’m going to kiss you now. Move however you prefer.”  You nod, really just wanting this to be over with. You agree with the squad that this is underwhelming.
You move your head so kisses land on both cheeks, your forehead, and your nose.  Time for the final kiss.  As you start to lower your body, Levi removes his hands from behind his head and places them on either side of your face.  Your eyes widen when he says “Let’s give them a little something more, huh?” You feel those butterflies again as you nod your head in agreement.  And time passes in slow motion.  You continue lowering until your lips meet Levi’s.  At first, the kiss is just a brushing of your lips together.  Levi gently pulls your face away just a bit to look you in the eyes, then lowers you again, this time kissing you properly.  You can’t feel anything else.  Your body feels weightless.  His lips part and his tongue grazes your bottom lip.  You open your lips to him and the kiss deepens, tongues swirling and gliding together.  There’s no one else here but the two of you.  The gasps and cheers from the combined squads don’t reach your ears. You have no idea how long this kiss lasts but you can honestly say you don’t want it to end.
The only thing to break the spell is Eren saying “Geez, are they going to come up for air?”  Levi reluctantly pulls away after a few more brief kisses.  You slowly raise your body, as your eyes open and lock with Levi’s.  “Damn” he mutters softly.  You can’t help but grin a little as you complete your final plank.  You blink your eyes a few times, trying to rid yourself of the spell Levi’s put you under.  You push up to your feet, face flushed and lips swollen.  You offer a hand to Levi, who takes it, even though he doesn’t really need it to get off the ground.  Once vertical, you expect him to release your hand, but instead, he intertwines his fingers with yours and says “Ok kids, show’s over.  Hit the showers.”  The soldiers don’t miss the fact that you’re still holding hands as they depart.  Sasha and Mikasa keep looking over their shoulders, hoping they won’t miss anything else.
Levi whispers in your ear “What do you say Captain?  Ready to hit the shower too?”
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So @billy-baby mentioned That 70’s Show and Harringrove, and it reminded me of a *whole ass* set of hc’s about a 70’s/Stranger Things AU that has been sitting in my notes for literal years collecting dust, so here it is:
-Billy & Hyde would be besties, probably neighbours in the same shitty neighbourhood
-They headbang to hard rock and metal, jam to 60’s & 70’s rock while drinking TONS of beer and hotboxing the Camaro and El Camino, respectively
-Bands they’d have in common: AC/DC, Black Sabbath & Ozzy Osbourne, Scorpions, KISS, Judas Priest, Van Halen, and Led Zeppelin just to name a couple
-Hyde always gives Billy shit for like, never wearing a shirt, Billy gives Hyde shit for his ever-present sunglasses & sideburns
-They know each other’s parental problems, and take refuge in the Forman’s basement/the empty Harrington house (yes, we’re talkin’ a Hawkins, Indiana/Point Place, Wisconsin mashup here)
-Billy still has a major crush on Steve (Harrington that is, Steven Hyde will only be referred to as Hyde [and that possible name mix-up could cause some hilarity whenever anyone calls out “Steven”, and some embarrassing rumour drama for Billy, Steve, & Hyde (or omg a block party at the Formans where Kitty calls out “William! Steven! Michael!” And she turns around and has Billy, Will, Hyde, Steve, Mike, and Kelso starting at her expectantly)])
-Billy probably also thinks Eric and Kelso are kinda cute, but total dumbasses, they both definitely annoy him
-Fez would have a totally awkward and hilarious crush on Billy, and you just know Billy would flirt with him on purpose just to make him nervous (this might make Steve a lil jealous and annoy him to no end)
-Jackie would have the BIGGEST crush on Steve, after Kelso, and drag him around to go shopping and shit, he would tolerate it but Billy would absolutely hate her as a “bitchy rich entitled snot-nosed brat” cause she would be vocal about him being poor and he’d have to be calmed down by Hyde and Steve all the time
-Billy would give Hyde an unimaginable amount of shit for going out with Jackie, hooo boy!
-Steve would get a kick outta Kelso, but I think he and Eric would be pretty close friends, with Steve always pushing to hang around at the Forman’s cause Eric’s parents are always present, as opposed to his empty house (he adores Kitty Forman for SURE as the mother he never had)
-But the gang would surely hold parties at the Harrington’s....and only sometimes get away with it (both these groups are known for their KEGS! and the 70’s teens would lose their damn minds over Keg Kings Billy & Steve)
-Billy would put the charm on for Kitty sometimes just to see her blush, and Red would get annoyed and just a little threatening saying something like “Like to see how charming you are with my foot up your ass” and Billy being the abused kid that he is automatically takes it a little too seriously- probably flinches, goes a little pale, stutters out a “Yes sir, sorry sir”
-This would make Kitty and Red a bit concerned, pay a visit to the Hargrove household- I wouldn’t be surprised if they experience Neil putting Billy down or catch a glimpse of a smack or something and they would for sure take action with Red intimidating Neil cause you know he could
-Anyway! Girls. Robin and Donna would be THE BEST FRIENDS EVER, cause Donna had no other cool girl friend to hang out with and you just KNOW Robin might have an “itsy bitsy” (huge) crush on Donna, cause she’s Hot Donna, also they’re both super into female empowerment (and honestly, when Donna/Eric break up I could see her maybe falling for Robin too)
-Donna and Billy would be buds, she might like him for a hot minute but be cool with him being gay (Out of everyone in the 70’s gang, I think he’d most likely share this with her - cause she’d probably figure it out - even if it’s just to gush about their dumb, brave, pretty brunette boys to each other)
-Max would LOVE Donna, not just because of the hair (but also redhead solidarity is important), but because they’re both badasses and would totally vibe together- Max, Billy, and Donna would be an unexpectedly fun trio (and Billy would complain about having to drive the “GingeTwins” around all the time or something to that effect)
-And Jackie having to babysit Erica (because Donna does it sometimes, but she’s out for the night) would be the best thing ever good lord, Erica would put Jackie in her place, but they’d probably make up some schemes together too
-Also Erica would be absolutely appalled at having a similar name to Eric, she’d probably call him something along the lines of “Supreme Nerd” or “King of the Nerds” and have an endless supply of unimpressed looks for him during their debates of whose name is better
-Eric would totally join Mike, Will, Lucas & Dustin in their nerd exploits (STAR WARS!) And he and Dustin would get into loooong nerd debates
-I think Kelso would join Dustin & Lucas (and maybe the other boys too) in doing mischievous experiments including but not limited to: pyrotechnics, wrist rockets, radios and electronics... He’d begrudgingly listen to the scientific explanations of the boys (which would all fly right over his head) and they would have a moderate success rate, but also have to run away from the trouble they’d get in
-Lucas and Hyde would always be cool, but after finding out about Hyde’s biological dad they could become closer (Hyde’s dad and Lucas would have the best banter)
-Will and Eric would geek out over comics, and I think Eric would be super nice/supportive about seeing Will’s drawings
-Jonathan would be pretty quiet at first, but might talk to Fez since they’re both kinda the odd man out in each group (and he’d be genuinely NICE to Fez, *side eyes 70’s teens*)- then he’d be roped into doing random/stupid/mildly illegal stuff with the gang
-And despite Billy & Hyde being besties, I think Jonathan would bond with Hyde over shitty dads (plus I think Hyde would love Joyce, and she’d be another offer of refuge for him & Billy) and WEED WEED WEED
-Actually that might definitely be a sub-trio: Jonathan, Billy, & Hyde- they’d all have each other’s backs when it came to family drama (and later on when Hyde gets his record store, he’d offer them both jobs and Jonathan would be over the fuckin’ moon and work there)
-Billy would for sure work for Red in his muffler shop, and Red would take him under his wing, probably unwittingly become the father figure Billy never had.
-Nancy, hmmm, well she’s on the richer side of town so her and Jackie might be friends? but she’d for sure get annoyed with Jackie’s shallow bullshit
-OH and Robin would also hate Jackie I think, ‘cause of her entitlement and relentless obsession with boys (poor Jackie, I’m not setting her up for anything great here huh)
-So that’d be why Steve is friends with her, if only ‘cause he feels bad when she alienates herself from the rest of the teens, they (and I hate to say this) *could possibly* date for like 5 minutes, it’d be a REALLY hard time for Billy...and Kelso. And those two would probably come up with some hairbrained scheme to break them up (and succeed, but each get ripped a new one because of it)
-But at least the group of teen girls would be bigger if Donna, Robin, Jackie, and Nancy all hung out together sometimes (and if they tried to have a sleepover or something there would be toooo many idiot boys trying to creep on them, I think Billy would be the voice of reason and tell them they’re all being dickheads)
-And he’d give Fez a fuck ton of shit for being such a voyeuristic creep, probably make him stop hiding in people closets (wait what? Fez is like constantly coming out of closets in that show?! hello?? is that a thing??? Oh ho-ho they’d have a whole talk about that)
-Steve would get a kick outta Fez, probably think he was the funniest dude on the planet, as I’d say they’re the goofballs of the group (and yes, I am mostly excluding the King Steve narrative from this and using only cool mom Steve, cool? cool.)
-Steve might also have a lil crush on Donna, (‘cause a strong personality and blue eyes is like his kink, we all know this) but Eric would throw a fit about that and then they’d be all buddy-buddy discussing Donna & Billy (I think Eric being kind of a dumbass about his own gay kiss might put Steve off for a bit [and make Billy super hesitant and real pissed], but I also think Eric would be cool with hearing Steve out about his big bisexuality-discovery-adventure)
-Donna and Eric trying set Steve and Billy up by saying they’re all gonna hang out, and then like locking Billy/Steve in a room together or something and leaving😈
-When Billy/Steve’s relationship comes out, Hyde’s reaction is probably “That’s cool, man” Kelso would make some corny statement about how hot *he* is, Fez would probably fangirl over it with big ole heart eyes, Jackie would be like “weird, whatever”, Kitty would get flustered and then overly excited about it after a while, Red would be uncomfortable but okay with it saying something like “I better not catch you two dumbasses doing anything in my house”
-Ohmygod, Red as a father figure to Billy, Kitty as a mother figure to Steve, and they end up being so supportive of the boys ‘cause they have to put up with so much parental shit (say what you want, but the Formans have compassion) and they convert their house/backyard into a little private prom for the whole gang just so Billy/Steve can dance together and be themselves
-Billy, Steve, and Robin would die laughing every time they saw/talked to Leo. And I feel like Robin would talk her way into a job at the Photo Hut and then just end up being the manager and hires Jonathan herself to do the developments
-And you know how Hyde is always punching Kelso in the arm? Well he’d always get one, and Billy would punch the other arm as he’d classify Kelso a special kind of idiot, they’d always be teasing Kelso together, but Billy (and Steve I’m sure) would have some wicked BURNS that Kelso would love
-Steve and Kelso as friends? Sure, pretty boys gotta stick together~ especially when Steve gets called that by Billy, and then Kelso insists he’s a prettier boy, and Billy either rolls his eyes or flirts aggressively cause Kelso doesn’t understand WHY that’s Steve’s nickname, and it’s a whole can of worms you guys
-(And I didn’t forget about El, I’m just not quite sure where she fits in this AU... she probably doesn’t have powers and is the new kid who moves into town cause of a bad home life, she’d befriend Max in school and then I think Donna would take her under wing, then she’d be a hit with the teen gang cause she’d break her quietness with witty comments/one-liners, and since she’s very intuitive still, she gravitates towards Billy & Hyde and there would be some touching heart-to-hearts about shitty parental situations followed immediately after by inappropriate offers of beer to which she responds with a firm “gross”)
-And finally, *the Circle* would be so much bigger and funnier with the Stranger Teens in it
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