#les Miserables hcs
fillsta · 1 year
Jehan and Feuilly forcing the entire group to watch Dead Poets Society.
By the end, most of them are crying, Bahorel is punching the wall, Combeferre hugging Joly who's literally sobbing, Courfeyrac is mumbling 'I'm never going to be happy again'
And then there's Grantaire with a beer in his hand saying "I don't get it!"
And Enjolras responds "I know right!"
And everyone just stops to look at them appalled.
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annachum · 1 year
Fantine is sometimes compared to marble Greek statues when she was alive as she grew
I think, through Cosette's real name Euphrasie being of Greek origin, that Fantine's birth mother might be a Greek immigrant herself
That may explain why Cosette loves reading about Greco Roman myths as she grew up
And why Cosette has impressive fluency in Greek
Okay, I have a new HC, that, in truth, Fantine is actually Greek - French ( with my HC of her real name Philomene being name inspired by St. Philomena, a Greek Christian Saint )
Making Cosette also of Greek - French descent
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magic-crazy-as-this · 2 months
Bruce takes the Batfam to see some live theatre, get some culture in them. And Les Miserables? I mean, that one's very popular, it's based on classic literature so Jason might dig it, it's pretty accessible as shows go. And hey, look, there's an adorable precocious street urchin character, aww, lookit how funny and tenacious he is and-
They make such a commotion trying to block each others' eyes and "protect" each other that they get kicked out of the theatre, but it's just as well. "Empty Chairs At Empty Tables" would be a rough go for these traumatised little gremlins.
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euphraisette · 6 months
Enjolras follows this blog about social justice that writes incredibly long, detailed, well-researched essays about the state of things, the history of political social rights movements, and well thought out and practical hands-on ideas for enacting change and he reads this blog every day, recommends it to everyone he knows, makes it required reading for the amis, and bases some of his community outreach ideas on what this blog suggests
it’s grantaire’s blog. he writes it when he’s sober but then gets so drunk he forgets to bring it up at meetings.
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transrevolutions · 2 years
I think enjolras is the kind of person who cannot fucking separate his moral convictions from his amusements. in canon he is "serious in his enjoyments". so basically whenever you play monopoly with enjolras he refuses to pay rent or buy any properties and tries to abolish jail. he takes the kings and queens out of the deck of cards. he liberates trapped minecraft villagers.
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uponthebarricade · 2 months
winter olympics au!!! pairs figure skating!!! enjolras and cosette VS grantaire and eponine!! featuring les amis competing in various sports and valjean and javert as their coaches because !!!!!!!!!
comedy!! drama!! suspense!! enemies to lovers!!
does no one else see the vision
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hamlet-not-hamnet · 9 months
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some exr for the soul but make it aristocats
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alilsakurablossom · 10 months
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batrachois · 8 months
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Mother Jehan
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fillsta · 10 months
Les Amis and how they'd decorate for Christmas
It's like, super late and I have tons of shit to do tomorrow morning but here we go
Enjolras & Grantaire
Enjolras is big on the whole "Christmas is just a capitalist propaganda" thing and Grantaire wouldn't really care that much, so I feel like there wouldn't be many decorations in their apartment. However I think Grantaire would still want to be a lil festive so he probably gets one of these tiny ass trees and some lights. And one of those elf pushes because "Look it's blonde, it looks just like you enj!"
Combeferre & Courfeyrac
Courfeyrac absolutely LOVES tacky Christmas decorations and he fills the apartment with glittery shit every year. Their Christmas tree is huge and has literally everything imaginable on it. They probably invited les amis to decorate it with them, so it's messy. Combeferre just goes with the vibes and rocks that Christmas sweater Bahorel knitted him all winter long. (I'm,also 1000% sure they even have one of these Christmas toilet seat covers or whatever they're called)
Feuilly & Bahorel
Feuilly just has a box full of handmade decorations so their tree has some a-list ornaments on it. Apart from that, the rest of their place isn't really decorated. Maybe some lights on the windows. Anyway, Bahorel probably printed Feuilly's face and put it on top of the tree because "he's a star✨" and Feuilly just went with it
Bossuet, Jolly & Musichetta
Either did one of those creative alternatives to a Christmas tree or have the most chaotic decorative situation going on. I'm talking randomly placed fairy lights, weird ass tree ornaments, and one (1) Christmas themed candle that Bossuet made in high school and is still around for some reason
No one does Christmas decorations better than them. Pretty lights on the windows, candles, cookies always on the counter, red and green couch cushions etc. I have a feeling they decorate their plants instead of a tree because they'd rather DIE than have any sort of fake plant in their space.
Marius & Cosette
Marius unironically bought one of those god awful white trees, thinking Cosette will like it. She absolutely did not, but she worked with it and made it look decent. She even made a gingerbread house, which pissed her tf off.
Marius decorated the balcony and it ended up being a bunch of random lights placed awkwardly on top of each other, no plan at all.
Eponine, Gavroche and Azelma
A fairly small tree, nothing more nothing less. Eponine let her siblings decorate it and it shows, but she loves it because "it has personality". Azelma decorates her room with garlands and stuff.
Bonus: Montparnasse
Straight up doesn't decorate. Bitch barely has his own apartment
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"She adheres to an inflexible code of Justice -good is always good and bad is always bad, and that’s it. If she can cling to this comforting way of thinking/being, then she doesn’t have to address where things might not be so black and white i.e. her gender. Perhaps if she could come to terms with being trans she would would not pursue Valjean so mercilessly (as the symbol of her hidden self). It would also literally save her as she would not be shaken to the core the first time she encountered a moral quandary. I think it would heal her relationship with her mother and with her own femininity, as her view on women is somewhat skewed due to being born in prison. Plus Enjolras has already been submitted and we must trans Paris 1832 in its entirety." - @jamjarmusch
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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lenievi · 4 months
Looking at the Medal of Honour on his nightstand, Javert felt a hollow emptiness.
There was a time, once, when he could feel pride in his achievements.
Looking at the medal, he could think only of his failure to catch that man, of denied pleasure, of denied peace.
There was a time, once, when he dreamt of gaining respect and recognition. 
Now, the thoughts and memories of that man devoured him, haunted his waking hours and dreams, stole his sleep. And as long as that man evaded chains, Javert would never be free.
He should have never received the medal.
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euphraisette · 5 months
i just need us all to talk about cosettes trauma and how that probably manifests itself in her as an adult more!! cosette who has panic attacks!! cosette who gets scared and can't stop apologizing when she cries!! cosette who has a hard time trusting people!!! cosette who masks!!! cosette who picks at her fingernails and bites her lips!!!
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jolybossuetrsblog · 2 years
Okay but speaking of modern AU Les Amis—
We can all agree that joly&bossuet&R would hold the BEST karaoke nights, right?
no bc Eponine and R are definitely singing “you belong with me” at the top of their lungs
Bossuet and Joly would re-enact whole musicals (just the two of them at first, R is occupied recording them, Courf and Bahorel join later.) trying to rap guns and ships as fast as humanly possible.
Jehan would spend days in advance to prepare the most sappy, cheesiest love songs ever created, Only for them to be in Italian, So he’s the only one singing,
mabye Combeferre sings along with him (courf soon follows after, blabbering into the mic, trying to follow the rhythm, not knowing a single word in Italian)
(Jehan only actually chooses sappy-Italian songs or mitski. No inbetween)
Also Enjolras refuses to show up/partecipate,
He says he’s busy, but everyone knows he only does this because he’s tone deaf.
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nezoriy · 2 years
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reposting my silly little valentine's day les mis arts for a fandom event from a couple of years back 🥰
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hamlet-not-hamnet · 6 months
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working on smth ✨bigger✨ rn so have this little sketch in the meantime
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