#let me know if op is anti
wander-wren · 1 year
every once in a while i like to poke my head into "anti [x]" tags just to see what the other side thinks. recently i was looking through "anti ao3" and found a really funny post claiming that ao3 is not anticapitalist, but actually the Definition Of Capitalism, bc it relies on volunteer labor while supposedly having the money to pay a staff.
oh, honey.
but i am not going to make unsubstantiated claims on the internet, no, and this gives me an excuse to look at ao3's whole budget myself, which i've been meaning to do for a while. these numbers are taken from the 2022 budget post and budget spreadsheet.
ao3's total income for 2022, from the two donation drives, regular donations, donation matching programs, interest, and royalties was $1,012,543.42. less than $300 of that was from interest and royalties, so it's almost all donations. and that's a lot, right? surely an organization making a million dollars a year can afford to pay some staff, right?
well, let's look at expenses. first of all, they lose almost $37,000 to transaction fees right away. ao3 and fanlore (~$341k and ~$18k, respectively) take up the biggest chunks of the budget by far. that money pays for, to quote the 2022 budget post, "server expenses—both new purchases and ongoing colocation and maintenance—website performance monitoring tools, and various systems-related licenses."
in some years, otw also pays external contractors to perform audits for security issues, and for more servers to handle the growing userbase. servers are expensive as hell, guys. in 2022, new server costs alone were $203k.
each of their other programs only cost around $3,000 or less, and otw paid around $78k for fundraising and development. wait, how do you lose so much money on your fundraising?? from the 2022 budget post: "Our fundraising and development expenses consist of transaction fees charged by our third-party payment processors for each donation, thank-you gift purchases and shipping, and the tools used to host the OTW’s membership database and track communications with donors and potential donors."
then the otw paid an additional $74k in administration expenses, which covers "hosting for our website, trademarks, domains, insurance, tax filing, and annual financial statement audits, as well as communication, management, and accounting tools."
in case you weren't following all of that math, the total expenses for 2022 come out to $518,978.48. woah! that's a lot! but it's still only a little over half of their net revenue. weird. i wonder what they do with that extra $494k?
well, $400k of it goes to the reserves, which i'll get to in a second. the last $93k, near as i can tell, gets rolled over to the next year. i'll admit this part i'm a little unsure about, as it's not clear on the spreadsheet, but that's the only thing that makes sense.
the reserves, though are clear. the most recent post i could find on the otw site about it were in the board meeting minutes from april 2, 2022: "We’re holding about $1million in operating cash that is about twice the amount of our annual operating costs. There is another $1million in reserves due to highly successful fundraisers in the past. The current plan for the reserves is to hold the money for paid staff in the future. It’s been talked about before in the past and we’re still working out the details, but it’s a rather expensive undertaking that will result in large annual expenses in addition to the initial cost of implementation."
woah....they're PLANNING to have paid staff eventually! wild!
so let's assume, for easy numbers, that the otw currently has $1.5 million in reserves. before we even get to how to use that money, let's look at the issues with implementing paid staff:
deciding which positions are going to be paid, because it can't be all of them
deciding how much to pay them, bc minimum wage sure as hell isn't enough, and cost of living is different everywhere, and volunteers come from all over the world
hiring staff and implementing new systems/tools to handle things like payroll and accounting
making sure you continue to earn enough money both to pay all of the staff and have some in reserves for emergencies or leaner donation drives
probably even more stuff than that! i don't run a nonprofit, that's just what i can think of off the top of my head.
okay, okay, okay. for the sake of argument, let's assume there is a best-case scenario where the otw starts paying some staff tomorrow. how much should they be paid? i'm picking $15 an hour, since that's what we fought for the minimum wage to be. by now, it should be closer to $20 or $25, but i'm trying to give "ao3 is capitalism" the fairest shot it can get here, okay?
ideally, if someone is being paid to help run ao3, they shouldn't need a second job. every job should pay enough to live off of. and running a nonprofit is hard work that leads to a lot of burnout--two board members JUST resigned before their terms were up. what i'm saying is, i'm going to assume a paid otw staff is getting paid for 40 hours of work a week, minimum. that's $31,200.
at $400,000 per year, the otw can afford to pay 12 people. that's WITHOUT taking into account the new systems, tools, software, etc they would have to pay for, any kind of fees, etc, etc.
oh, and btw, if you're an american you're still making barely enough to survive in most places, AND you don't have universal healthcare, vision, or dental. want otw to give people insurance, too? the number of people they can pay goes down.
it's. not. possible.
a million dollars is a lot of money on the face of it, but once you realize how MUCH goes into running something like the otw, it goes away fast.
just for reference, wikipedia also has donation drives every year. wikipedia, as of 2021, has $86.8 million in cash reserves and $137.4 million in investments. sure, wikipedia and ao3 are very different entities, but that disparity is massive. and i should note that if you give $10 to wikipedia they don't give you voting rights, i'm just saying.
by the way, you may have noticed that i didn't mention legal costs at all here. isn't one of otw's big Things about how they do legal advocacy?
yes, it is. they have a whole page about that work. and i can't for the life of me find a source on otw's website (and i'm running out of time to write this post, i'll look harder later), but i am 90% sure i learned before that most, if not all, of otw's legal work/advice/etc is done pro bono. i've also seen an anti-ao3 person claim their legal budget is only $5k or so, but they didn't have a source. but keep in mind that if they don't have a legal budget, all the numbers above stay the same, and if they do, there is even less money available for paid staff.
you can criticize ao3 and the otw all you want! there are many valid reasons to criticize them, and i do not think they're perfect either. but if you're going to do so, you should at least make sure you can back up your claims, bc otherwise you just look silly.
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umbrace-rambles · 7 months
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My OPOC crew is finally finished WOOOOOO that took like. a week. but I am incredibly happy with them, they're finally real <3
Hope y'all like the blorbos, the start of their story is set around the current animanga situation. Post-Wano if you will. It gets kickstarted by the fall of Kaido and Big Mom and the consequences that brings to their territories and the world. They're going to have an extremely bad time starting out in the middle of the current world situation👍
They're mostly independent cause I don't enjoy canon and OC interactions all that much beyond using it as setup or for character development. That said, I do have an idea for one drawing/comic that is incredibly stupid and will likely do for the memes.
I don't know if I will end up sharing more of them than this but feel free to ask about them if you want to? Individual info cards of each of them below:
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Me when an article says that “stud” is for “Black and Latinx(sic) lesbians”: 
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aro-ortega · 10 months
im going to bed but i want to say something real quick. idk if this is an opinion that any if you have, but i just wanted to be clear: i do not think Gd is the villain in vanyas story, i dont even think Gd is necessarily involved w vanya (or anyone) much at all, but vanya believes that He is involved and so when Gd "abandons" him he does feel a certain way (bad, anxious) about that
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vulpinesaint · 2 years
saw this post a little while back talking about all the unreasonable things someone had seen people say to make different fanfic tropes problematic. nd obviously all the examples given were very virtue signal-y illogical stuff but then they went "and even the wholesome stuff got cancelled!" and had this as an example:
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which. uh. hey. king. queen. legend. a soulmate au is like. the Definition of amatonormativity. the idea that you have a single person out there who will complete you in a romantic means is not only exactly the kind of thing that amatonormativity describes but it's amatonormativity taken to a whole other level. that's compulsory romance babe.
like i get that their point is "aro people are complaining about nothing" which. yeah. hi. eat shit and die whatever whatever but it's also soooo stupid to put this down as a "look what these sjws were saying!!" example because you're just listing a term that accurately describes the trope in question. to say that it's amatonormative is a) not inherently a complaint, it's a perfectly valid observation and b) a very valid complaint. seeing the rhetoric of "everyone belongs with a single predestined romantic partner" when you're aro is both hurtful and alienating. nobody's saying you can't write soulmate aus. they're just expressing how the popularity of that narrative convention affects them.
also LOVE the reported complaint of "supports predestination". some REALLY angry anti-calvinists in the comments section of soulmate fics. "how DARE you suggest that god decides your ultimate fate before it happens." absolutely hilarious.
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autisticsupervillain · 7 months
Someone needs to do a thing about Phoenix Wright becoming a Tumblr celebrity/meme in universe, getting treated in a similar way to how we treat Hbomberguy irl. You cannot tell me that Tumblr wouldn't see a lawyer solve a fifteen year old cold case by cross examining a parrot and not immediately declare him our king.
On trial rn and my defense attorney seems to be lowkey flirting with the prosecutor and it's really killing the mood ngl.
OP, your attorney is Phoenix Wright. He's been married to that Prosecutor for fifteen years. I even credits him for inspiring him to take up law in the first place.
Aw, that's actually really sweet.
Didn't that guy once solve a fifteen year old cold case by cross examining a parrot?
Newbies discovering the pure insanity that is Phoenix Wright's career will never not be funny. Your trial is gonna be legendary.
Did you really not do any research on your attorney before hiring him?
Doing research rn. This guy's career is insane. Listed in no particular order, my attorney, Phoenix Wright has apparently:
Needed to have evidence law explained to him mid-trial
Proven the existence of ghosts to win his trials(?????????)
Defended an orca in court.
Only lost three times in his entire career (absolutely fucking insane if you know how Japanifornia's legal system is. Tbh, defendants are screwed in our current system.)
Successfully proven that the prosecutor committed the crime his client was accused of by checking him with a metal detector.
Claims to have a magic necklace that can let him see lies??????
Was once nearly taken out by the mafia.
Once got impersonated by a dude with a cardboard badge.
Repeatedly been assaulted by witnesses and even prosecutors? Like, one of them straight up tazed him and he was once apparently whipped unconscious in court???
Survived getting hit by a speeding car and being sent flying, falling through a burning bridge, and all the times he got assaulted.
Also, that description of his relationship with the Prosecution really doesn't do any justice. Apparently, Phoenix only started practicing law so he could meet this man in court again.
Who gave this indestructible homosexual a law degree? He clearly has too much power.
Actually! Phoenix Wright is a fraud who got disbarred for forging evidence! I'd really appreciate it if we stopped ignoring all the bad things he did just because he's gay.
#anti-pw #freekristoph #antijurorsystem #anti-matt engarde
Of all the Gavins, why'd you decide to simp for the one whose a creepy lawyer serial killer? The other one's the one with the band ya know.
Your name is literally Engarde-Simp.
Wasn't Phoenix blackmailed into that trial and that's why he lost.
Yeah, apparently Matt hired an assassin to kidnap his girlfriend or something.
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Googled it. Apparently it was his co-council. They're just friends from what I can tell.
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Got declared not guilty btw. Apparently the real killer was the Judge.
Official Phoenix Wright post.
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germiyahu · 9 days
Republicans are absolutely 100% manufacturing consent for pogrom-like violence against immigrant communities, specifically Haitians. That is true. Haitians keeping their children home because of increased threats and harassment is a cause for alarm.
But seeing people already call it a pogrom... nobody has been chased out of their home, nobody has been murdered, nobody has been raped, nobody has posed with the bodies for grizzly photo-ops. I don't know, this all fits into the larger narrative of liberal~leftist apathy toward anti-Jewish violence, taking it and washing out its historic Judenhass connotations, and applying the term to anyone even when the conditions haven't been met yet. At the least, there's a lot about historic pogroms that the general American public just don't know about. They're not aware of just how brutal and swift they were. All it takes is a little education, but clearly it took me wanting to become a Jew to even try to learn more about Jewish history so I don't have a lot of faith in the vast majority of gentiles.
It's a complicated mix of emotions where like, it's appropriate to be nervous and scared for these communities, but I find myself annoyed that most of these accounts just don't care when entire Jewish communities are harassed and have libel spread against them. A lot of online leftists certainly didn't care, in fact celebrated, the October 7th pogrom!
Let's hope nothing escalates further, but it is not appropriate to just take terms from Jewish history, not understand the actual implications of these terms, and throw them at the nearest Republican politician. It's just like invoking Hitler. And when you also apply these terms to Jews, I know you are not operating in good faith.
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burins · 2 months
Other Appalachias: A Booklist
As requested, the anti-Hillbilly Elegy booklist, plus annotations! When possible I tried to include books that were by Appalachians and got at lesser-known aspects of Appalachian life and identity, especially modern Appalachian life. When creating the original list I was also limited by books that were in the library network I work at, which is a) a public library and b) not actually located in Appalachia. Y’all get some bonus titles that weren’t in my library - hopefully they’ll be in yours.
A note: I have not read every single book on this list! This is the nature of creating booklists as a librarian. I trust the sources I used to find them, but if there’s something on here that you’re like “oh I read this and it sucks actually,” let me know. And if there’s a particular aspect you’d like more books on, also let me know!
Appalachian Reckoning: A Region Responds to Hillbilly Elegy (Anthony Harkins and Meredith McCarroll, eds)
What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia by Elizabeth Catte
If you read any two books on this list (especially if you aren’t from Appalachia!) make it these two. The first one is a collection of essays and photographs, the second by a single author, but both are fantastic for the basics of “hey was your entire idea of a huge stretch of the US defined by Deliverance and some NYT op-eds? perhaps it should not be” 
Appalachian Fall: Dispatches from Coal Country on What's Ailing America by Jeff Young
Leans a little more “plight of the white working class” than I absolutely love, but this talks a lot about contemporary workers’ rights and local activism in Appalachia and is a good counter to Vance’s narrative of “everybody sits on their ass all the time.”
Belonging: A Culture of Place by bell hooks
Hey did you know bell hooks was from Kentucky? bell hooks was from Kentucky! As always her writing is deeply insightful about who is allowed to claim a place and what it means to have roots. 
Rx Appalachia: Stories of Treatment and Survival in Rural Kentucky by Lesly-Marie Buer 
The opioid crisis has defined the region (much as alcoholism came to during Prohibition); unlike a lot of writing on the topic, this lets people tell their own stories. 
Race and Sexuality
Another Appalachia: Coming Up Queer and Indian in a Mountain Place by Neema Avashia
Excellent counter to the narrative of Appalachia as unrelentingly white, and also painfully good writing on what happens when the folks you grew up counting on let you down. 
Loving Mountains, Loving Men: Memoirs of a Gay Appalachian by Jeff Mann
This 2005 memoir got a re-release in 2023, and thank god because it makes me cry. Really beautiful writing on what it means to come back to a place and carve out a space for yourself.
Y'all Means All: The Emerging Voices Queering Appalachia (Z. Zane McNeill, ed.) 
Another essay collection! There will be more; I like an essay collection for getting a sense of a subject beyond a single voice. Touches on everything from disability to race to Mothman. 
Deviant Hollers: Queering Appalachian Ecologies for a Sustainable Future, Zane McNeill and Rebecca Scott, eds. 
This wide-ranging collection of essays wasn’t on the original list because it’s pretty hard to come by (academic queer theory is not a bastion of your average public library collection.) Just based on the table of contents I am going to try and get my hands on a copy ASAP. 
Gone Home: Race and Roots through Appalachia by Karida L. Brown
Focuses specifically on Harlan County, Kentucky, drawing on a ton of oral history interviews of Black residents to talk about the Great Migration, Blackness in Appalachia, and identity formation in the region and beyond.
Beginning Again: Stories of Movement and Migration in Appalachia, Katrina M. Powell, ed. 
This just came out in June! In a place so often defined by how many generations of your family have lived there, it’s worth considering who gets removed from that story.  
Their Determination to Remain: A Cherokee Community's Resistance to the Trail of Tears in North Carolina by Lance Greene
The history of Appalachia is pretty obviously incomplete without talking about the policies of Indian Removal. Greene tackles a tangled story of assimilation and cultural survival. 
Even As We Breathe by Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle
The only fiction book on this list, but the main goal of the list was to let Appalachia speak for itself. Clapsaddle is a member of the Eastern band of Cherokee; the novel, set in western NC during the 1940s, talks about (in)justice, assimilation, and belonging. 
History, Labor, and Environment
You can’t talk about the history of Appalachia without talking about coal, and you can’t talk about coal without talking about labor, and you also can’t talk about coal without talking about the environment. 
Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia by Steven Stoll 
An economic/environmental overview of Appalachia covering the shift from homesteading to resource extraction. To understand what’s happening economically in 2024 you need to understand what happened economically in 1750-1850, and this gives a general and fairly accessible throughline. 
The Battle of Blair Mountain: The Story of America's Largest Labor Uprising by Robert Shogan
An older book on the most famous event of the West Virginia Mine Wars, but is a very readable narrative that also touches on Blair Mountain’s wider context.  
Written in Blood: Courage and Corruption in the Appalachian War of Extraction, Wess Harris, ed. 
A much more in-depth look at specific aspects of the Mine Wars and labor history, rather than a general overview, but worth reading for its coverage of more recent events (it didn’t end with Blair!)
To Live Here, You Have to Fight: How Women Led Appalachian Movements for Social Justice by Jessica Wilkerson
Focusing on the 60s-70s and LBJ’s War on Poverty, a good discussion of historical grassroots organizing.
Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners & the Struggle Over Black Lung Disease by Barbara Allen Smith
Seminal text! First published in 1987, with an updated edition released in 2020. 
Soul Full of Coal Dust: A Fight for Breath and Justice in Appalachia by Chris Hamby
After being mad about black lung in the 80s, you can also be mad about black lung today, because it didn’t go anywhere. 
Desperate: An Epic Battle for Clean Water and Justice in Appalachia by Kris Maher
Very “legal thriller focused on one guy,” but extremely readable. A great book to get your liberal mom fired up.  
Mountains Piled upon Mountains: Appalachian Nature Writing in the Anthropocene, Jessica Cory, ed.
This list has been almost entirely nonfiction, so here is some lovely prose about what folks love about the region with both literary nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. It’s got a wide geographic focus to boot. 
Food and Culture
Appalachia on the Table: Representing Mountain Food and People by Erica Adams Locklear
Great deconstruction of how we talk about mountain food and culture (scandal! Sometimes great-grandmas used Bisquick.) Will make you hungry and also question what authenticity means and where your family recipes actually come from. 
Making Our Future: Visionary Folklore and Everyday Culture in Appalachia by Emily Hilliard
West Virginia state folklorist Emily Hilliard talks about pro wrestling, Fallout 76, songwriting, and coal camps. Appalachia in the 21st century. 
(Finally, a shoutout to the various bookstores whose lists I used as jumping-off points, especially Appalachian Mountain Books, City Lights Bookstore, Firestorm Books, and the Museum of the Cherokee People.)
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nomisong · 10 months
1977 dashboard simulator
💐 scarygirl56
anyway carrie from carrie (1976) dir. brian de palma was right btw
#hhing discourse what hhing discourse all i know is carrie
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🎹 mistymemories
sound of the summer for the 5th year in a row now let's go
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🪒 ilovemiddleagedmen
anyone else think the 2 guys from the odd couple should fuck nasty
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🌁 onlylivingboy
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Simon & Garfunkel, 1970 // Fleetwood Mac, 1977
#good god when the breakup album hits #fleetwood mac #simon & garfunkel
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🌟 nerdynerdynerd
ik it's a popular ship right now but i really don't vibe with luke/leia idk why
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🚌 daisy-flower64
i didn't wanna get into the hitchhiking discourse but i'm so tired of seeing victim blaming on my dash lmao so if you're an anti-hher/adjacent activities unfollow me
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👔 leatherfacefucker
this is so funny you're literally still into 60s hippie shit in 1977 the call is coming from inside the house girl
🚌 daisy-flower64
ok but you literally run a blog about how much you wanna fuck leatherface
📼 i-feel-love
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yeah idk if you have room to talk OP
🐸 jollyparton
anyone else in this thread smoke weed
#this post is a train wreck #i respect none of you
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🕺 discoinferno
saturday night fever fucking sucked
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📺 dustinhogman
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do you think they ever explored each other's bodies
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beemochi-art · 8 months
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The great Optimus prime.
Supreme emperor of Cybertron. Leader of the autobots. Loved by his people and feared by his enemies.
Surely they aren’t putting in the history books that he was ran off his planet by some thug and his cronies with his tail tucked in between his legs.
Hm? -what? that’s exactly what they are putting? Ok.
The reality is that Optimus is a shy and all around awkward person. But most people mistake his anti social personality as being all wise, stoic and mysterious. Don’t get me wrong he still is all those things but sometimes it’s just him being nervous.
He’s angry too. Mostly at himself. Not bring a strong or good enough leader, that sort of thing. He isn’t immune to losing his temper tho.
He tries not to loose his cool in front of his friends, usually opting to go into his room then lose it. Because of this, his room is mostly empty so he doesn’t break anything important. His hab giving off loony cell vibes. Ratchet made him get a comforter, so at least were making progress.
Speaking of Ratchet. His two closest friends, Ironhide and Ratty! Ratchet knows Optimum best. They we’re friends when he was Orion pax. Ratchet takes care of him cause primus knows he can’t. Ratchet is the only one Optimus is comfortable taking his mask off in front of. Ironhide seem to know how Optimus is feeling no matter how hard he tries to hide. So op can’t help but be honest with him. Optimus let’s his guard down majorly around these two. The same goes for them as well. Maybe not Ironhide cause he is most comfortable around his wife. But that’s a story for a different time.
Op is crushing on Elita and she knows it. That’s all I’ll say about that.
Op is the type of guy to lay in bed looking at the ceiling waiting for his alarm to go off. He still gets up before anyone else tho. Except Ratchet he has never seem to beat Ratchet In the waking up early game. If Op is standing behind Ratchet he’s nervous.
All these numerous flaws he can’t let other know about. But there still is one more thing. The worst one. He is scared. and sure who isn’t? But he is scared of Megatron. He’s so scared of this mech, he can’t eat, sleep or enjoy anything without thinking about him. But he knows he has to fight him again.
No one can know this about him.
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ferritins · 1 month
SUMMARY: Simon takes a step you never thought he would, in a way you’d never imagine.
NOTES: the endearment ‘pet’ is used once, in an “author grew up in The Midlands City God Forgot AKA Leicester” way, not the kink way. credit for the idea for this piece goes to @bleuu-moon, who’s post about Simon letting you take off the mask has been living in my head rent free bills and utilities included for ages.
disclaimer; whilst I’m down bad for fictional men who are taller than me, I also an anti-militarism pro disarmament pacifist. COD and other military games a recruitment tool for the armed forces, and PMCs are just a way for governments to outsource war crimes to avoid The Hague. do not enlist; big oil and genocidaires are not worth dying for and armed service will chew you up and shit you out to die as soon as you are physically or psychologically incapable of dying for the sake of capital.
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You come home to Simon illuminated by your television, scant blood splotches blackish on his fatigue sleeves.
“Um. Is any of that yours?” You venture, dropping your keys in their designated dish, casting a careful eye over your lover. “I thought we had come to an agreement about you actively bleeding all over my sofa cushions after last time.”
Simon grunts.
You roll your eyes.
“Words, love.”
“Just got back from Santo Domingo.” You hiss a quiet breath through your teeth, wincing as you turn to hang your coat; the boys had been following an organisation of information brokers trading in NATO military intelligence, the kind of people with whom contact was both rare and in its eventuality, incredibly bloody.
Nevertheless, Simon has never been someone who is particularly receptive to sympathy; by the time you turn back around to face him, your face is carefully neutral.
“Did you achieve your mission objective? Wait, more importantly, you didn’t answer my question; are you bleeding?”
There’s a bitter little chuckle. “Affirmative to the first, negative to the second.”
The air sits heavy as you and Simon watch one another, flashes of colour and light bouncing off the skull of his mask like a nightmare in Technicolor.
Just when the tension reaches the point of being unbearable, Simon speaks.
“They knew your name.” He says, voice basso profundo with his gathering fury.
A frisson of fear runs down your spine — not at Simon, not after all this time, but at the information — before dissipating like cigarette smoke in a hurricane.
It’s a target on your back, sure, but it is one of dozens. Your career has made you many enemies.
“They trade in military intelligence, Simon, which is pretty much my entire area of specialty.”
“Do you think this is a joke?”
“Do you think I’m a shrinking violet? What, should I give up my Lance Corporal’s stripe and my job? You met me when I was working signal intercept radio intelligence on RAF Ascension Island, for God’s sake.”
“You’d be safer.” Simon’s voice has taken on as much of a pleading tone as he’s capable of.
“I’d be miserable.” You retort.
“Fuck.” Simon snarls, a savage sigh of breath leaving him. “You know I’m not gonna leave your side after today, pet? Gonna get sick of my face.”
“If this is supposed to irritate me into obscurity, it’s not going to work. I like the mask, and having six foot eight of perfectly built spec ops soldier at my back isn’t exactly a hardship.” You snarl.
“Simon’s head tilts, predatory.
I”I said my face, lovie.”
Your heart starts hammering.
“”Simon, you’ve not been barefaced in front of someone in nigh on a decade. Your personnel file doesn’t have a photograph of you, and the only one that exists of you is redacted so far only His Maj can see it. For fuck’s sake, you’ve torn men’s throats out for so much as touching your mask.”
“Simon hums an affirmative, a mocking note under the tone of it.
“So now you’re scared of what intelligence gathering can lead to? Scared I’ll tear your throat out, hm?”
“Fuck you.” You snarl. “I’m not scared of you. I’m not going to let you violate your own autonomy and boundaries to prove a point, you supercilious son of a—“
“You’re the one taking it off.” Simon interrupts.
“You’re insane.”
“If you’re not going underground to wait this out, I’m gonna be living in your fucking shadow, sweetheart, breathing in your every exhale, and I can’t do that when all they know me for is the mask. The next person to so much as look at you sideways is going to die, slow and bloody, and my face is going to be the last thing they see.”
Your next inhale is shaky. Simon, sensing blood in the water, goes for the kill.
“Either you can look me in the face, acknowledge what you’re dooming anyone who hurts you to, or you back down.”
Even as you’re swinging a leg over both of Simon’s to situate yourself in his lap, you’re aware of how hideously stupid what you’re doing is.
Bolstered my nothing but bravado and an inkling of curiosity, and with your pulse rabbiting, you slowly pull up his balaclava, revealing his face to you piecemeal; a strong jaw, a bottom-heavy mouth, a patrician nose broken thrice and healed right only twice, whispers of long blonde eyelashes, and brown eyes, dark as bitumen.
On anybody else, the features would be discordant, too much dissonance to be cohesive; on Simon, they work.
His face is arresting, more than handsome; you can’t help but look at him.
His top lip is pulled up into a perpetual snarl on the left by a long deep furrow of scar tissue that starts just under his eye.
There’s a silvery scar about a half-inch long from his hair line, and his cheeks are dotted with faint demarcations; nicks from shrapnel and knifepoint, you assume.
All flat eyes and scarring, this is perhaps this most dangerous Simon has looked to you in a while.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You say, referring to both your job and Simon’s unmasking. “I’m not backing down.”
Simon is a big man, and has a surprising amount of heft to him, even when he's not trying.
His hands are large enough that even the love tap to your rump has you tipping into him. Your front is pressed to his, and you're looking up, up, up into his eyes, bearing witness to the way hunger floods them, a hungry kind of dark pouring into his gaze like an oil slick in the Mediterranean Sea.
“And I’m not backing off. Hell or high water, death or desertion; we’re in this together for good now, you and I.”
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: this has been in the development hell folder of my Google docs for like two months so if it’s shite that’s no longer my problem I’m afraid 😭🙏🏽 thank you for reading! please do not recommend/repost on TikTok.
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neroushalvaus · 10 months
Tumblr in the 60s – deleted posts
Some people requested a sequel to this post so I thought I'd post these drafts that didn't make it to the original. Maybe doing more at some point if the inspiration hits me but I hope these bring you some joy.
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🚀 starrfleet Follow
HEY GUYS!! We're buying The Beatles so John and Paul can finally get together!! Who's in
🎹 nixonsafascist Follow
Call that... Beatles for Sale
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Dude this is serious. We want to free them. Why is homophobia so very funny to you?
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Didn't The Beatles start managing themselves after Mr Epstein died? So you plan to buy them... From themselves?
🚀 starrfleet Follow
Oh so the george harrison vampire mpreg blog is going to preach to us now.
92 notes
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📻 lesbianbobdylan Follow
"Let men have short hair!!" "It's okay to not agree with the civil rights folk" "Don't let tumblr tell you that serving your country is bad" You are all so chronically online and convinced your little hippie bubble represents the world that you have the worst takes. Conservatism is alive and well, us hippies are the fucking minority. The outside world is perfectly okay with all the anti-mlk short-haired men who are happily getting drafted. You are not counterculture.
15,5 t. notes
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☁️ ankin-vaimo Follow
Tumblr is so US/UK centric. Scrolling through this site you'd think there were no other tv shows than star trek and no other bands than the monkees and that the stonewall riots were the only meaningful political activism that has ever happened. There's so much great culture elsewhere. I bet you have never even heard of Tapani Kansa.
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial
#shhh don't tell Tumblr that other countries exist #they couldn't even admit Please Mr. Postman was originated by black women (tags via @marvelettesofficial)
peer reviewed tags
#sorry for going through your tumblr marvelettesofficial #you're just so funny #hope i'm not annoying you
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🌼 andpeoplesaywebeatlearound Follow
People really like to pretend us Beatles girlies hate Y*ko for being asian and a woman like she didn't literally make John cheat on his wife and leave his young son
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
don't talk like us beatles girlies are all the same, i personally want to fuck her on a canvas while we're both covered in menstrual blood, creating modern art by making love
✝️ jesusrevolution Follow
Op is this you? ↓
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🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
Also like, "made John cheat on his wife and leave his young son", did John himself have nothing to do with that decision or..?
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
do you guys think she and john do mommy play
🎶 mclennstarrison Follow
I appreciate the input @prostitutesandlesbians but we're trying to call the op out for being a racist misogynist
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians Follow
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🤪 thekinkykinks Follow
Why is there even discourse about this... Yeah, the folks at Stonewall could have been more respectful towards the police officers who were just doing their jobs, but why are we acting like throwing some pennies at the police officers and calling them "Lily Law" is the worst type of oppression
🥿 trustnobutch Follow
You know what? No. Fuck you. I'm tired of you all talking about these people like they were your poor little meow meows. Have you read about this at all? The raid did not happen because the police "hates gay people wah wah". Stonewall Inn was run by the mob. The. Fucking. Mob. Would you rather have the police not protecting us from criminals, huh??? And the rioters were nothing but a bunch of attention seekers. I heard that a guy from the fucking Mattachine Society phoned newspapers and took pictures of the riot. I'm so disappointed, that was the only gay group that seemed to care about looking respectable in the eyes of the heterosexuals. People who were there made us all look bad and set our movement back like 50 years. Fuck you for supporting them.
🍊 kissmemissoklaholma Follow
Yeah. I heard someone threw a brick.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
??? Nobody threw bricks, where the fuck do you get your information ??
#they should have tho #chilling at the stockholm airport finding the weirdest takes
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🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i'm sharing a joint with this cute ass butch with the cutest curliest hair ever guyyyyssss I think i'm falling in love
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
she plays the harmonica for me i want to fuck her to the mattress
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
i don't have any idea what she's singing about but i think she likes the rolling stones too, we have so much in commonnnn
🧸 teddyboyfemme Follow
So it turns out that was Bob Dylan.
70,9 t. notes
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rrcenic · 10 months
if they had tumblr on the lotf island simulator bc silly :))
🐚 thechief Follow
God I love him so much. Every time we kiss I feel so alive.
🔥 csharpmf Follow
🐚 thechief Follow
…this is literally about us
🔥 csharpmf Follow
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🦎 helloitssimon Follow
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found a ton of these beautiful leaves and made a flower crown!!
🦎helloitssimon Follow
so. piggy has informed me that the rash on my arms and head is due to the posion ivy ive been wearing for a week.
#everything itches :,(
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🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Greetings and salutations! This is my first official Tumblr post. My name is Peter. I use primarily he/him pronouns but do not mind they/them.
If you’re a supporter of J*ck or The H*nters DNI!!! I am a Ralph supporter!!! You choir boys make me sick!!!
I have asthma and I am gay. If you insult me, or call me fat, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!!!
If you are anti-Ralph, I’m not afraid to call you out as the CONCHPHOBE you are!
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
lmaoooo kys piggy
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
#I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW #YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF #tw h*nters #tw conchphobia #tw j*cks tribe
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👬 sam-and-eric-the-twins-alt-account Follow
#we’re personally more ralph-leaning #but not picky
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🔳 mulberry-boy-deactivated
t hebeasty i know it’s there i lnow the hel p help theyre is a beastie pleas
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
hey op are you ok
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
(40k notes)
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🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
brooo my homies @xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx and @csharpmf were talking about their kill streaks and i said “do you play on an open server or a private world” and they just looked confused 😭😭😭 like bro did. were. were you not taking about minecraft????
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
girlie help?????
#ur so silly like wtf
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🔥 csharpmf Follow
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bro check out this fire art i whipped up this afternoon 💪💪💪 nothin much just a quick doodle 💪💪💪
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Hey OP. Maybe do some research on famous art before attempting to plagiarize the Mona fucking Lisa. You disgusting credit thief.
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
maybe you should learn what a joke is lmao
(31k notes)
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🐚 thechief Follow
This is your daily reminder to take care of yourself! Drink water and eat some pig! AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT LET THE SIGNAL FIRE GO OUT!!!
🔥 csharpmf Follow
…i forgor
🐚 thechief Follow
#literally so pissed /srs
(2,176 notes)
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🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
i am #strong. i am #emo. i listen to #mychemicalromance. i am #dark
*lifts black hair off face, revealing black eyeshadow* i cannot feel love. i care about no one. because i am #EMO!!!! /srs
🦎 helloitssimon Follow
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
no!!! don’t be sad- *bites black lipstick covered lip and glances away* i… i love you
🦎helloitssimon Follow
🐷 ralphsnumber1stan Follow
Oh my God. And you call ME cringe.
#no hate on Simon even though he’s a weirdo #but Roger is like a different breed of freaky #tw h*nters #tw j*cks tribe #tw conchphobia
(865 notes)
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anxresi · 2 months
She's already been punished enough...
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...By being part of one the worst shows of all time, dufus.
A few points here, in the order of the OP presented their dubious 'case' (though I suspect this isn't actually how they feel and this is a somewhat disingenuous attempt was to provoke a reaction from a lot of others when they sent this to Reddit, in which case... JOB DONE).
1. Bullying, as bad as it can be, is not a jailable offence. especially the relative mild incidences we've seen in the show (up till S4 that is, which we'll get to later) Next.
2. As every right-minded person knows, this is 'New Chloe' e.g Chloe specifically created by Mr Astruc for the S3 finale onwards which bears no relation to 'Old Chloe'. 'Old Chloe' actually had personality, layers, humanity, humour, was a great super-anti-hero, the stirrings of redemption in her.... 'New Chloe' is just an out-and-out psychopath with no depth to her whatsoever apart from to be as ineptly evil as possible and increasingly embarrass herself with every tortuous appearance so Thomas can get his sick jollies, so this doesn't count. Sorry.
3. See: 2. Also, Zoe shouldn't exist... so, there's that. If you want to know why, please see my other posts... as I am saving up all my ire for something far more important as you'll find out below...
4. Now this is the one that REALLY boils my piss. How can I put this politely... Fuck off, you fucking cunt. Chloe's fucking father ENABLED her fucking behavior for fucking years by fucking throwing his money at the fucking problem instead of paying for the fucking psychological help she clearly fucking well needed and fucking IGNORED everything when her fucking mother regularly left Chloe alone, told her she was fucking worthless, didn't bother celebrating her fucking birthdays, forgot her fucking name time and time again...
I could go on. And you're telling me Andre is the FUCKING victim instead of Chloe, this FUCKING corrupt mayor. this FUCKING waste of space, this FUCKING pathetic excuse of a man who as her FUCKING FATHER could've put his FUCKING foot down at any FUCKING time and simply said "No?" What kind of a fucking 'mature' adult is he, anyway?! I suppose the OP also thinks fucking Gabriel deserved his fucking statue as well, in fact they should've hung fucking garlands of flowers from it whilst someone played fucking panpipes and everybody else fucking danced around. Fuck you.
Also worth noting here that Chloe fucking ADORED her father until the exceedingly unwelcome S4 'reboot' where she suddenly saw him as a fucking walking piggy bank (I won't even mention how they purposefully ruined her relations with Adrien, Sabrina, even her own butler... Chloe can't have any happiness in her life. It simply ISN'T ALLOWED).
Then they have the cheek to let his daughter be 'disowned' by him in the S5 finale and banished to London as if he fucking did nothing wrong in facilitating her attitude whilst failing to defend her against her despicable mother's abuse. (Yes, I said ABUSE I know the creator doesn't view it as such, but he's a fucking moron so what can you do?) Bullshit. Complete and utter undiluted diarrhea dripping from a bull's anal sac... that's what this is. I hope I painted an accurate picture for all of you. Sorry if you were eating.
So, it was supposably a happy ending that Andre got to fucking adopt another man's child without any reprecussions for his past actions, as he embarked on his new career as a fucking film director. What? You think that wasn't ENOUGH punishment for Chloe, OP? You think she should go to fucking jail as well, for DARING to be a child victim of incessant abuse, both in-canon and in-writing? I never thought I'd meet a person who's more radicalised in their blind hatred of Chloe than fucking Mr Astruc, but here we are. I tell you, some people on this exploding planet of ours scare me. Legit.
5. See 2 again. This huge disparity in writing between the two Chloes is getting stupid now, and anyone who can't see the contrast between now and then... I really can't help you. Either take off your Chloe-hating goggles to smell the coffee, or go read someone that agrees with you 100% and won't pop your tiny safe-space bubble with indisputable facts. Goodbye.
6. I think Chloe is more 14... but it doesn't really matter. Still a child, still should be treated as one. Which makes Astruc's obsessive loathing of her even more disturbing... and even more so this dude's.
That's it. This was probably an entirely unnecessary pot-pourri of hot topics I've regurgitated before, but as soon as I saw this article (particularly Pic 4) I just had to jump on my soapbox once more to regale the world about the kind of arrant nonsense I see about Chloe sometimes online, particularly regarding the subject of parental abuse and whether her treatment by the show's narrative was justified (SPOILER: It wasn't, and if you disagree I need you to fuck off RIGHT NOW).
Because if people like me don't defend her and the terrible writing she's been subjected to for the last few seasons (at least she's in good company there though), who will?
Not the person who made her, that's for sure. She may be a fictional character but... I get the feel her situation is similar to a lot of other neglected and mistreated kids out there who lash out at others for obvious reasons. And by handling her arc (if you can even call it that) in this inexcusable way... I don't just think the show has just done her a disservice. I think they've outright destroyed her and the hopes of many others watching.
What a great message to send to every youngster who could relate. I hope the makers are proud of themselves. Fucking idiots.
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crippleprophet · 1 year
rules of engagement before we begin: do not seek the original post out to interact with it negatively or harass op in any way. if i find out about anybody doing that sort of shit i’ll block them so quick it’ll be the fastest i’ve moved all year. ok thx here we go
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[image description: three screenshots of a post with the username blacked out. the introductory & closing paragraphs are as follows, & the bullet points will be listed within the body of this post. the introduction reads:
nobody warns you this but addiction happens without you noticing and one of the first things that it attacks is your ability to care. if you find yourself using recreational drugs every day, stop and take one day a week sober. if you struggle with this or if you don't see the point of the exercise, you are likely already addicted and you need help.
nobody ever taught me the warning signs for drug addiction, only that "it costs lots of money and destroys your life!!!1" which is not helpful if you can't recognize a developing addiction in yourself. so here's some things to watch out for with recreational drug use.
the conclusion reads: yes this applies to weed. weed is a drug and you can get addicted to it like any other substance. addiction is not the same as physical dependence; it is psychological and it can happen to anyone. you are not immune to addiction. end image description.]
now! fundamentally why i will never align with this kind of perspective is that i affirm addiction as a social construct, like all so-called mental illnesses, & the psychiatric institution which invents & reifies them as a fucking sham.
answer quickly:
what substances is it possible for one to become addicted to? does this include caffeine? why or why not?
is the claim of sugar addiction legitimate or anti-fat pseudoscience? what, if anything, differentiates this from other addiction science?
what is the harm of the so-called opioid epidemic: access to a safe supply of narcotics, or the lack thereof?
can an autistic person who eats the same dinner every night, for example, be said to be “psychologically addicted” to it if they have a meltdown & subsequent ongoing distress + disinterest in food when it is discontinued?
can you be addicted to psychiatric medication? immunosuppressants? why or why not?
my point is less that these behaviors are not indicative of addiction but rather that that wouldn’t inherently make them harmful. fuck it, let’s take it point by point!
planning your day around drugs e.g "i'll give myself an extra half hour before heading out so i can get high first"
this whole post had me asking “literally what is the problem with this,” starting with this first bullet! why does someone need to leave for the grocery store at 5:30 instead of 6, or whatever? and the other recurring theme: what happens if you replace “drugs” with “pain management”? (chronic pain is not the only valid reason to get high—all reasons for drug use are equally value-neutral—but it certainly still is one.) “i’ll give myself an extra half hour before heading out for my pain management to start working” is the kind of calculation familiar to most people with chronic pain. “stop and take one day a week without pain management” is not a test of whether you “need help,” it’s torture.
now, disregarding one’s priorities or commitments to other people in favor of drugs can happen, & in many circumstances it’s harmful to the other people impacted. that’s not what was said here, & stopping that behavior does not require getting sober.
rapidly switching emotions around drugs. you love them but you hate that you love them so much. you hate the way you feel on them but you hate being sober. feeling guilty after using even when you didn't give a crap beforehand.
do you know what else i love but hate that i love, what else i hate using? my fucking bed. three years ago, my mobility scooter. this is not a logical argument, this is a bullshit argument. my feelings about something do not inherently reflect its harm to others – or to myself, even, though i firmly argue for the right to make “self-harmful” decisions regardless.
you know what people hate being on but hate worse being off? the vast fucking majority of medications.
why might a drug user start to feel guilty when they previously didn’t? being shamed by friends, family, or a fucking tumblr post; surpassing a constructed threshold of “acceptable” use they didn’t know they’d internalized; experiencing new or greater access issues; beginning to probe their morality around drugs & unpack things they were taught; experiencing consequences of criminalization; getting triggered.
caring less about spending money. if you are budgeting for drugs like they are food, you are likely prioritizing them more than is healthy.
“if you are budgeting for pain management like it’s as important as food, you are likely prioritizing it more than is healthy.” health is absolutely useless as a value for me anyway, but: the food’s no good if i’m too nauseous or too dead to eat it.
prioritizing drugs over other people’s financial needs is harmful! this wouldn’t happen if food & drugs were provided to people; some people wouldn’t need as many drugs if their needs were met otherwise; people’s needs being met shouldn’t be dependent on their parent / partner / self not using drugs; this harm is not what the bullet says.
getting high to do household chores and other unpleasant things because it would suck less and be more bearable on drugs
“things should suck. because god wills it i said so.”
feeling anxious or restless while sober, not knowing what to do with oneself, feeling lost or ungrounded.
again just. what’s the problem with that. so what if being sober sucks or is boring or stressful or demanding. so what if someone decides to deal with that sober or decides to use more because of that. who gives a shit.
thinking about doing drugs constantly even while sober. maybe it's the first thing you think of when you wake up. maybe when you're bored or otherwise have free time, drugs are one of the first things you can think of to occupy yourself with.
“thinking about getting better pain management constantly when you’re in pain”
i feel like you’re gonna tell me the only thing that can really take my pain away is jesus
again like. what is the problem with doing drugs because you’re bored. why do i need to occupy myself, what, fucking productively?
going to work or school while under the influence, especially if it happens regularly and if you're seeing your performance suffer as a result.
what’s wrong with going to school high. derailing a class discussion is a dick move, maybe, but that’s not inherent to being high. work & performance are both very broad terms – a surgeon or someone operating heavy machinery not being sober is putting others at risk of harm in a way a cashier is not.
the idea of taking a 'tolerance break' sounds good to you until it's actually break time, at which point you can come up with 20 very reasonable sounding points to explain why it wouldn't benefit you actually and you should just keep doing drugs regardless.
y’all think this is incredibly circular logic too right? “drugs are bad, so telling yourself drugs are not bad is proof that they’re bad.” took me right back to the sunday school classroom and i wish i was fucking exaggerating. it’s an argument founded upon the inherent wrongness of trusting yourself – what you want to do must be wrong because you want it. this is one of the points that’s a more solid indicator of, like, “congrats! you’re now in circumstances doctors are salivating to psychiatrize as XYZ Use Disorder,” but that doesn’t make it any less nonsense as a moral argument.
even if you succeed at quitting the drug, you keep your dealer's number on your phone "just in case"
so what. what’s wrong with giving yourself the continual autonomy to choose whether or not to do drugs. what’s wrong with quitting drugs for a while and starting using again.
you pretend to be sober when you aren't. you worry about other people noticing how much time you spend high. you make efforts to hide your drug use or minimize how much other people think you're using. you're scared of other people's judgement if they were to find out.
this one might be the most ludicrous to me, which is really saying something. “if other people being bigoted towards drug users makes you pretend to use less than you do, that’s your fault & not theirs.” cool! thanks for the quick heads up to not believe a word you say!
you have mood swings laced with self-hatred, regret, financial worries, and guilt. these mood swings are then very quickly wiped away by feelings of "but it doesn't matter, i can do what i want, and clearly i'm doing just fine while using drugs frequently". news flash, if you are rapidly switching between feeling numb-ok and hating yourself more than anything because of your drug use, you are mentally ill.
again, “the norm knows you better than you know yourself, you can’t listen to yourself, the body is wrong, wanting is wrong, pleasure is wrong, you are wrong wrong wrong.” but god, what a beautiful example of how oppression is psychiatrized: it’s not enough for the oppression to have worked, the system must then convince us that the effects of it working are our own fault. it’s not enough to just kill us with us fully aware of the knife, it’s gotta convince us we’re bleeding out for no reason. if you want any moments of pleasure during your miserable godforsaken little life you’d better put your nose back on the goddamn grindstone and repent. everything around you for your entire life has told you to hate yourself for your drug use but if the combined force of that violence works you are mentally ill, and that is the worst crime of all.
according to this post, when is it okay to use drugs, then? well, not planned into your day, and not at work or school, but not when you’re bored or have been thinking about it too much, and not if anyone who’d judge you or you don’t trust knowing you’re high or you just don’t want knowing is around, and not if you don’t want to quit, but also not if you’ve quit already. you have to hate your drug use otherwise that’s proof it’s attacked your ability to care but hating your drug use is proof you should stop. #JustSayNo
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kiefbowl · 17 days
so I just made a couple posts about this post, and rereading it I am going to try to be charitable as possible to everyone involved, but the vibe of this post really bothers me. but op deleted the post so I'm blocking out all the names out of respect for that, but I want to talk about this post
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I think this is a very normal ask. It's literally just "hey, what are your opinions" and I don't see why that shouldn't be welcomed in a supposed feminist space. questions drive conversation, and not everyone is of the same opinion, life experiences, or knowledge, you know?
To be charitable to the green poster, they're just answering. I do think the "is literally the most anti-punk and anti-feminist thing you can do without genuinely hurting other people" is a bit much, and I also think she's misreading the op. I read Op as asking "if you're a feminist, what are some of your general opinions on subversive make up, and here's a list of examples: goth punk emo" and green is saying "conforming to patriarchy is never punk, and make up is patriarchal."
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So I think the next response from Op shows that she took it a little personal as if being called out for doing the most "anti-feminist thing you can do without genuinely hurting people," which to be fair I'd probably be a little miffed too on a first read. And I think she's trying to pull out her question a little bit more, trying to re-contextualize it so that green gets what she actually meant. But this is a casual social media site so she's being casual and social. She's saying "okay, sure, but I'm asking about make up trends that are outside of what's commercialized" but I guess the big no-no is that she said "not male fantasy." Because yes, I ultimately agree, just because it's a more subversive culture, doesn't mean it's specifically feminist, or that the trends with-in aren't dictated to some degree by male fantasy. And then of course she asks: "If a woman wants to, isn't it regressive to say she can't?" So, to be fair to Op, she never specifically asked if make-up was specifically feminist or punk. But to be fair to green, green never specifically said a woman can't wear make-up.
But this is when it goes a little sideways, because frankly neither of them were being rude-rude. But green's next response is pretty rude imo. I think the subtext is "you're a big dummy." Op is not, and Op's first ask is what actually could be a very interesting jumping off point to discuss a variety of intersecting interests for feminists. Because I'm going to be real with you, there is no "The Answer" to make-up. Just because make-up and consumerism is never specifically feminist, doesn't mean it's always specifically anti-feminist. Sub cultures like Goth can be multiple things at once - subversive, and conforming. They also don't exist solely in one way. Copse make-up isn't feminist not because it's make-up, but because it's just make-up. But, like, yeah there's an element of subversiveness within western culture. There's also an element of acceptance, as long as it stays in the agreed on designated zones. A tee-shirt can't be feminist, either. Even if the tee-shirt says something feminist-y and subversive, like idk "I hate men and I love to abort their children" or w/e. Like okay, it's just a tee-shirt. And if you didn't make it yourself, it was probably made with slave labor, anyway. So you can wear it to the feminist poetry open mic at the local coffee shop, and you can wear it to a conservative's house, and the reactions in either place don't prove much about it's effectiveness. But it is a form of self expression, it's a form of participating in our culture(s) one way or another, and women are people they do participate. They can't not. So participating with some level of intention is better than her letting life passively happen around her. It's just not one thing, which makes it interesting.
So with all that being said, I think op's response is a sassy response to feeling like they're being spoken to rudely, which I think is fair enough.
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This is not fair enough, and I find it bizarre. Maybe I missed something in another comment or post, but Op didn't 1. talk down to anyone and 2. didn't insult anyone who disagreed with them. But, to be charitable to pink - I understand why some women are on edge with the proliferation of troll accounts. But my ultimate advice to any women, young or old, trying to participate in a feminist space is to know that feminism is not a "solved" thing. Women have a variety of ways to think and approach a problem, and just because two ideas are conflicting doesn't mean they can't both have some merit. And since I think Op is a genuine person, this comes across as ostracizing a woman for asking a good natured, good willed question towards feminists to incite some discussion. A thing that should be welcomed if anything.
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And then this response tries to be fair to Op, but also seems completely tone deaf to what she ever said. When in any of this exchange did Op ask for validation on anything? She admitted she is in a sub culture that both men and women use make up in, didn't specify what the subculture was, and then asked "hey, what are your opinions on this situation a little outside the norm of how we normally criticism make up." Then reacted to what one person's responses were, which the first response was simply direct but the second one was dismissive and rude.
So my point is, in order to be a successful feminist, I think you need to be able to navigate conversations with women that involve thinking outside the bun without devolving into sassiness when they aren't in complete lock step with you and have a predictable amount of curiosity. Feminism is a living discipline, and this could have been a moment of a meeting of the minds and a moment of cooperation to consider multiple sides of a question. That should be the ultimate goal.
And, to circle back to complete fairness of green's first response: when women are being direct with you, and maybe even misreading you a bit, it's worth taking a beat and thinking "can I read this in a kind tone at all? and if yes I'm going to assume that was the intention" because it can help get these conversations moving in the direction of cooperation rather than fighting.
And ultimately, have fun out there :)
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