#let the battle of five armies commence
bluebellhairpin · 5 months
After I finish and post this chapter, there will be no more rewriting. All of it will be new. We will officially be farthest into this story than we ever have been.
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A Brief History of the Public Services of Gen. William Henry Harrison (Part 1)
This was published in the Rutland Herald on May 3rd, 1836. The second part was published in the May 10th issue of this same newspaper, and I did not have it in me to transcribe that article too. I likely never will have it in me.
I do not promise the accuracy of this transcription because parts of the scan were faded and I was typing all of this in one sitting (since I needed to use it as a source for an assignment). Any words in red are words that should especially be called into question, and there is one part of a sentence that was obscured altogether. Some of these typos are intentional however, to reflect the typos within the text (I do not know how to replicate upside-down letters however, because those do show up). If you have any corrections, leave them in the replies and I may or may not eventually get to them (though please assume I won't get to them and upload a corrected transcription of your own).
Anyway, if you want a summary of the article, it's basically just someone going "William Henry Harrison is so cool and epic and won a lot of cool and epic battles wouldn't it be nice if such a cool and epic guy became president?". Warning for period-typical racism.
    The distinguished patriot, soldier, and statesman, who is the subject of this notice, is descended from one of the most illustrious families of that mother of statesmen, Virginia. His father was one of the delegates from that commonwealth to, and a leading member of the memorable Revolutionary Congress. When John Hancock was elected President of that body, and hesitated, through modesty, to take his seat, Mr. Harrison, being a large man, seized Mr. Hancock, who was small, and carried him and placed him in the chair; observing, that they would “let Mother Britain know that Congress would have the man she proscribed to preside over them.” During the revolution he was chairman of the committee of foreign affairs, and was great among the great men of that day. In 1783, he was appointed Governor of his native State, and was one of the most popular Chief Magistrates that ever presided over that commonwealth. He died in 1791, leaving three sons, of whom the subject of this short biographical notice was the youngest.
    WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, was born at the family seat, called Berkley, twenty-five miles below Richmond, on James River, on the 9th of February, 1773; two years before the commencement of the American Revolution. His early education was at a Grammar School, and afterwards at an Academy in Southampton county, and at the College of Hampden Sydney. After the completion of his academical studies he was placed by his father in his seventeenth year, in the office of Dr. Leiper, a physician of Richmond, as a medical student. After remaining there one year he went to Philadelphia for the purpose of completing his medical studies. But before he reached the city, his father died;ーhe now resolved to quit the medical profession, having entered it only to gratify his parent. Being born and educated in the stormy period of the revolution, the stirring events of that day had made too strong an impression upon his ardent mind, to relish the routine of a profession.ーBut the small estate, which fell to him from his father, made it necessary for him to engage in active life.
    His father’s standing, character and public services secured him many powerful friends, among whom were Edmund Randolph, Secretary of State in the administration of Gen. Washington: Gen. Henry Lee, and Rotert Morris, the financier of the revolution. Mr. Randolph offered him a place in his office, and Gen. Lee proposed to him a commission in the army. He accepted the military offer, and lest his friends should disapprove of the choice attempted to conceal it from them, until all was settled. Mr. Morris,  however, heard of it by chance, and sent for him, in order to dissuade him from it. Young Harrison suspected the cause of the summons, and having made up his mind to enter the army, hastened to the War Office, received his commission, and then repaired to the house of Mr. Morris to receive his advice when too late, to enter the office of the Secretary of State.
    He received the commission of Ensign, in the first regiment of the U. States Artillery, then at Fort Washington, the site of the present city of Cincincati and immediately ret out to join the Army, and reached it a few days after Gen. St. Clair’s memorable defeat.
    He was at that time but nineteen years of age, tall, slender, and apparently wholly unsuited, from the tenderness and luxuriousness of his education, to brace the storms, encounter the hardships and perils, and battle with the beasts and savages of the wilderness. At that time the great valley of the Ohio and Mississippi, now filled with millions of civilized men, was roamed over by countless nations of hostile Indians and the mighty rivers now covered with a hundred steamers, were navigated only by the light canoe. The subdued and humbled red man, that has now reluctantly retired beyond the Mississippi, then stood in power up the banks of the Ohio, the Muskingum, the Sciota, the Miami, the Wabash and the Illinois. Gen. St. Clair’s army having been defeated and cut in pieces, the whole defence of this portion of the frontier devolved upon a small body of men. It was just at the beginning of winter, and such were the hardships in prospect, in this then distant wilderness, surrounded by an exasperated, victorious, savage foe, that the stoutest hearts might have failed, and the hardiest veterans turned pale. Some of his comrades advised, the youthful and unhardened ensign to resign his commission, and take to the civil life. But young Harrison’s was not a spirit to recoil at danger, The same persevering energy and boldness of character, that distinguished him in after times, was here displayed in his contempt of inglorious ease, and love of arduous enterprise. The first duty confided to him was to guard certain pack-horses, bound for Fort Hamilton. His duty was peculiarly uncomfortable, perilous, and difficult, leading to great exposure night and day, and calling for much sagacity, and far more skill than would be looked for in a mere stripling. This duty he performed in a manner, which proved that his abilities were equal to his spirit, and called forth the thanks of Gen. St. Clair.
    At this time intemperance destroyed a large proportion of the young men that entered the army. The hardships and fatigues to which they were exposed, and above all the fashionable custom of the day, reduced at last to the slavery of the bowl, many of the finest young men that entered the service. But our young Ensign strengthened by the advice of Gen. Wilkinson, who succeeded St. Clair in 1792, resisted temptation and laid the foundation of those habits of temperance, which have characterized him through a long life, and which undoubtedly enabled him, as much as any other cause, to undergo the privations of a frontier warfare, amid the heats of summer, and the frosts of winter, in the swamps and impenetrable wildernesses of the North West.
    In 1792, he was promoted to the office of Lieutenant, and in 1793, joined the army of Gen. Wayne. He was shortly after appointed Aid-de-camp, to that gallant commander. He acted in this capacity, in the battle of the 20th of August, upon the Maumee, which resulted the decisive victory over the savages; and his coolness, intrepidity and bravery, were such as to call forth from Gen. Wayne the strongest expressions of applause.
    In 1795, he was raised to the post of Captain, and on the departure of Gen. Wayne for the East, was entrusted with the command of Fort Washington. An end being put to the Indian War by the victory of Wayne, Captain Harrison married the daughter of John Cleves Symmes, the well known purchaser of the Miami country, and in 1797 left the army and was appointed Secretary of the North Western Territory. In 1799, he was elected as a delegate to Congress from this Territory, which then comprised Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and the whole country north of the Ohio, and east of the Mississippi river. While he was in Congress, he originated the present system of land sales, which has been of immense benefit to the whole country.
    Previous to the land system, planned and carried through congress by William Henry Harrison, the public lands were sold in tracts so large, that none but the wealthy could purchase. In some instances, wealthy individuals contracted with the Government for tracts containing from one hundred thousand to a million of acres. The poor man was, consequently, compelled to buy second handed, and at an advanced price. He was at the mercy of the speculator. Mr. Harrison had witnessed the injustice of the operation. He foresaw that it would build up in the west, a land holding arristocracyーa kind of feudal system of barons and vassals, and his republican principles prompted him to resolve to correct the evil. He brought the subject before congress, exposed the injustice and iniquity of the monopoly of the system, that excluded men of small capital from purchasing land, and obtained the passage of a law directing the lands to be sold in small tracts. That alteration placed the poor man on a footing with the rich, and peopled the new States with freeholders and independent farmers. If this had been the last act of William H. Harrison,ーif he had then been fathered to his fathersーhis fame would have survived as a public benefactorーand his country would have owed a statue to his memory.
    Gen. harrison is a Democratic Republican of the school of Jefferson. He has ever been an advocate of states rights and state sovreigntyーof limiting the action of the general government and all its departments, to the powers defined by the constitution and of the right of the people to instruct and control their agents. On this point, the following testimony of a late member of the Senate of the U. States from Ohio, is conclusive.
Extract from a speech of the Hon. Jacob Burnet at a meeting of the citizens of Cincinnati, Ohio, March 19, 1836.
    “Suffer me to notice a falsehood relating to this period of Gen. Harrison’s life, which his enemies have recently propagated. In use of the resolutione adopted by the Van Buren convention in Kentucky, they assert that ‘he is a Federalist of the black cockade cider, in the time of the elder Adams.’ A MORE UNFOUNDED FALSEHOOD WAS NEVER UTTERED. My personal acquaintance with him commenced in 1796, under the administration of Washington. The intimacy between us was great, and our intercourse was constant, and from that time until he left Cincinnati, I was in the habit of arguing and disputing with him of political subjects. I was a federalistーhonestly so, from principle, and adhered to the party, till it dissolved, and its elements mingled with other parties, formed in different principles. I can therefore speak on this point, with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY, and I affirm most solemnly, that under the administration of Washington, and the administration of the elder Adams, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON was a firm unyielding republican of the JEFFERSON school. He advocated the election of Mr. Jefferson and warmly maintained his claims again Mr. Adams.”
    When Ohio was made a State, Mr. Harrison was appointed Governor of Indiana by Mr JEFFERSON and removed to Vincennes in 1801. He continued Governor until 1812, and was then appointed by Mr MADISON Commander-in-Chief of the North Western Army.
    The following eloquent and able appeal to the patriotism of the West and the whole Union shows the principles, the talents, and the patriotic devotion to the country, of the man, who afterwards won the title of the Washington of the West.
Extract from Gov. Harrison’s Speech, while Governor of Indiana, to the Legislature of that State delivered on the 18th of August, 1807.
    “I should fail to do justice to my feelings, and perhaps disappoint your expectations, gentlemen, should I neglect on this occasion, to mention a subject which has greatly agitated our country, and called forth the warmest expressions of the patriotic ardor from every class of citizens.
    “The United States, true to the principles which ought to prevail in every Republic, preferring happiness to splendor, and safety to glory, have endeavored to abstract themselves from the entangling politics of Europe, an, by observing the most perfect neutrality to keep clear of those bloody wars, which have so long desolated the finest quarter of the globe. The justice and impartiality of her conduct towards beligerents, have not however, been reciprocated; and, from one of those powers, insult and injury have followed each other in quick succession, and promised satisfaction been anticipated by further outrage, The ships of our merchants, pursuing a legal commerce upon that ocean to which all have an equal right, have been captured and plundered, and their men impressed to serve a foreign tyrant, and shed their blood in battles, in which they have no interest. For these aggressions, our government without mingling with its politics those passions which agitate the breasts of monarchs and which produced the greater part of those wars which overwhelm their unhappy subjects in misery and ruin, have demanded redress but in vain. Still calculating, however, upon the existence of a better disposition, on the part of a power which had injured us, that last record, which is literally a ‘trial of who can do the other the most harm,’ was deprecated by the people as well as by the Government; and, so long as there remained the most distant hope of an amicable adjustment, argument and negotiation were thought preferable to war. This delusion has, however passed away, and given place to the opinion that moderation and forbearance, have mistaken for timidity and fear. Some nations like some individuals, will not profit by the lessons of experience. Great Britain might have remembered that the arms of America were not palsied by the previous use of remonstrances. A blind fatality hurries her on to that destruction which America had no wish te accelerate; and, an act of tyranny and injustice, surpassing any thing that can be found even in the history of her depresdations upon neutrals, has converted a useful friend into a foe, able to punish her for her multiplied aggressions.ーThe blood rises in my cheek, when I reflect on the humiliating, the disgraceful scene of the crew of an American ship of war, mustered on its own decks by a British Lieutenant for the purpose of selecting the innocent victims of British tyranny. But an act of this kind was perhaps necessary to convince all our fellow citizens, that they had nothing to expect from British generosity or justice, when they were opposed to British interests. The unheard of outrage has made a deep impression upon the American mind. Citizens of every political denomination are rallying around the standard of their country; and pledging their lives and fortunes in support of their rights.
    “I should do injustice to the well known patriotism of our territory, to suppose that either yourselves or your constituents, gentlemen, felt less on this interesting occasion than the rest of your countrymen.
    “We are, from our situation peculiarly interested in the contest which is likely to ensue; for who does not know that the tomahawk and scalping knife of the savage are always employed as the instruments of British vengeance. At this moment fellow citizens, as I sincerely believe, their agents are organizing a combination amongst the Indians within our limits for the purpose of assassiation and murder. And if these, their worthy allies, are not let loose to slaughter our women and children, it will not proceed from the humanity and mercy of a nation which vainly boasts of her attainments in every art and science.
    “At this important crisis but one sentiment should animate the breast of every true American; disregarding every personal consideration, he should think only of the tie which binds him to his country; confiding in the wisdom and firmness of his government, he should patiently wait the signal which calls him to the field. How deep the humiliation, how lasting the disgrace, how injurious to the cause of republicanism should the blood of our murdered fellow citizens remain unsatisfied or unrevenged. But it cannot be. Americans must prize too highly their dear bought rights, tamely to surrender them to the proud nation from which they were wrested. A benificent and discriminating Providence will make us the objects of its peculiar care. Another Washington will arise to lead our armies to victory and glory, and the tyrants of the world will be taught the useful lessons that a nation of freemen are not to be injured with impunity.”
    Thus spoke the patriot HARRISON, the very man who was afterwards called by the country to lead our armies to victory and glory.
    As Governor of Indiana he acted as agent for the Government, and in nineteen treaties with the Indians obtained by negotiation SIXTY MILLIONS of Acres of Land, of which he never reserved an acre to himself. At this time the celebrated Tecumseh, began to have great influence with the Indians, and threatened to kill all the Chiefs who signed a treaty by which an immense territory apon the Walarb was ceded to the United States, and declared that it should not be carried into effect.
    At this critical jun culture Gen. Harrison sent him word that if he would come to Vincennes, and sustain his claims, they should, if well founded be respected. 
    He accordingly appeared there, in August, 1810, attended by several hundred warriors.
    The scene is represented as one of intense interest. It is strange that no native painter has seized apon its incidents, and spread them on the never dying canvass. Imagine this athletic, and subtle chief, standing aside from the groups of his countryman, and with all the grace of a natural oratory, claiming the possession of these lands, as the gift of the Great Spirit, never to be alienated by any one tribe, being the common property of all. On this vague and general proposition, he alone rested his claims, when the General replied with argument based on the same mode of reasoning and to which the cunning savage could not reply.
    He asked the chief, if the Great Spirit gave these lands to the Indians as one entire community how it happened that the tribes had different languages and could not all of them understand each other, and why, as the whites where divided into different tribes and had different possessions, the Indians should not also be divided. The General then vindicated the title of the Miamis to the lands in question, and that of the United States, through them, and sat down that his remarks might be interpreted.
    The moment Tecumseh perceived their bearing, and the weakness of his own, he cried out “False, false,” and gave a signal to his warrious, who seized their tomahawks, rose on their feet, and were ready at the slightest motion, to massacre the Gen. and his attendants.
    His presence of mind did not forsake him at this awful moment. He disengaged himself from the arm chair in which he was sitting, and seized his sword, placed himself in an atitude of defence and though attended by a number of unarmed citizens only, he never quailed or blanched before the savages who now threatened his life. The Indians were astounded at his bravery and drew back before his uplifted sabra.
    A Sergant’s Guard of twelve men being near at hand were sent for, although the protection would have been inadequate, had hostilities actually commended, he boldly taxed Tecumseh with his treachery, and directed him to depart instantly for his home. The abashed savage sunk under the rebuke of the Governor and retired.
    Not another man in a thousand would have behaved with so much bravery and presence of mind. His death on that occasion would undoubtedly have led to a general rising of the tribes, and scenes of unmitigated distress in two frontier settlements.
    Before his appointment of Major Gen, as Gov. of Indiana, he commanded in person the troops raised for the defence of the frontiers and to avenge the Indian murders, which has been committed to British instigation, upon the inhabitants of our western settlements. When Governor he fought and gained the bloody battle of Tippecanoe, upon the Wabash.
    Tecumseh, and his brother the Prephet, had the address to bring about a combination of several Indian tribes against the U. States. A number of outrages had been perpetrated, and the most shocking murders committed. Gov. Harrison at the head of the Indiana militia, a small body of the U. States troop, and a detachment of the Kentucky militia and Volunteers, marched to the Prophet’s town upon the Wabash, in order to break up the Indian league, or chastise the savages into submission.ーThe Shawanoe Prophet, had collected a large number of warriors, armed with British muskets, and supplied with British powder, and inspired them with a belief of certain conquest, of the whites.ーBy a rapid march and somewhat circuitous route Gov. Harrison suddenly appeared before the Prophet’s town, and encamped upon the Tippecanoe, a tributary of the Wabash, on the sixth of November 1811. The troops were ordered to sleep upon their arms, and arrangements made in case of an attack in the night. At half past four o’clock in the morning of the 7th; Gov. Harrison, had arisen, and in two minutes more, a signal would have been given for the whole army to rise and form. At that moment the guard was killed by arrows, and the savages headed by the Prophet himself, rushed so furiously to the attack, with tremendous yells, that some of them entered the camp, before many of our men could get out of their tents. The troops were quickly formed, and Governor Harrison immediately, in person, repaired to the point of attack, and ordered two companies to the support of the assailed whose line had been broken. The Indians being repulsed in this quartered, commenced a heavy fire upon the left of the front line of the Infantry under the command of Major Floyd. In a moment Gov. Harrison thread himself at their head, and perceiving that the heaviest fire proceeded from some trees about twenty yards in front, ordered Maj. Davis, a distinguished lawyer and orator who volunteered for the expedition, to dislodge them with his dragoons. Maj. Davis gallantly advanced to the attack, but he was mortally wounded, and his party driven back. Capt. Snelling, at the head of his company, immediately moved forward, when they were dislodged and driven from their advantagous position. The attack then became general along the left flank, the whole front, the right flank and part of the rear line, and lasted until about day break, amid deafening yell and terrible carnage.ーGovernor Harrison went along the lines, encouraging the troops to hold out until daylight, to keep the lines entire, when an effectual charge should be made.
    On the right flank defended by the companies of Spencer and Warwick, the carnage was dreadful. Capt. Spencer and his Lieutenants were all killed, and Capt. Warwick was mortally wounded. Capt. Robb’s company had been driven from their post,ーGov. HARRISON, threw himself at their head, and led them in person to the aid of the gallant Spencer and Warwick, where they fought bravely; having seventeen of their number killed. While the brave Harrison was leading this company to the attack his Aid Col. Owen was killed at his side, and he was himself shot through the hat, and slightly wounded in the head.
    Foreseeing that the enemy would make the last effort upon the flanks he reinforoed the right and left, and gave orders for the charge as soon as morning appeared. As was anticipated, the Indians made just at day break, a desperate assault upon the right and left flanks, with a savage fury, uncommon even with them. The judgment and forsight of the gallant Harrison had prepared the troops for their reception at these points. Immediately after the assault, our troops were ordered to charge, when the Indians were routed with great slaughter being driven at the point of the bayonet, by the infantry, and pursued by the dragoons into a marsh, where they could not be followed. In this battle, which resulted in a decisive victory over a savage foe, nearly two hundred of our brave troops were killed or wounded. The Indians suffered still more. And many of the tribes, disappointed at the result, left the fortunes of the Shawanoe Prophet.
    During the time of the battle, the Prophet kept himself secure, on an adjacent eminence, singing a war song. He told his followers that the Great Spirit would render the bulletts of the white men harmless to the Indians; that the Red man would have light and victory, while their enemies would be involved in darkness and defeat. Soon after the battle commenced he was informed that his men were falling. He told them to fight onーit would need be as he perdicted, and then began to sing louder.
    Tecumseh was not present at this engagement. He was absent from his people, on a visit to the Southern tribes, whom he was endeavoring to unite in the league he was attempting to form against the U.S.
    The Legislature of Indiana and Kentucky, by the following, showed how much the services of this patriot were appreciated at the time.
The following is an extract from a communication of Gen. W. Johnson to his Excellency William H. Harrison, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Indiana Territory, November 1811:
    “SinーThe house of Rrepresentative of the Indiana Territory, in their own name, and in behalt of their constitutents, most cordially reciprocate the congratulations of your Exeleency on the GLORIOUS RESULT of the late sanguinary conflict with the Shawanoe Priphet, and the tribes of Indians confederated with him; and when we see displayed in behalf of our country, not only the consummate abilities of the general, but the heroism of the man: and when we take into view the benefits which must result to our country from those exertions; we cannot for a moment, withhold the meed of our applause.”
The following resolution passed the Kentucky Legislature, January 7, 1812.
    “Resolved, by the Senate and House of the State of Kentucky, that in the late campaign against the Indians upon the Wabash, Gov. William H. Harrison has behaved like a Hero, a Patriot, and a General; and for his cool, deliberate, skillful and gallant conduct in the battle of Tippecanoe, he will deserves the warmest thanks of his country and the nation.”
    After this battle Governor Harrison issued his proclamation for volunteers, and in a few days, more flocked to his standard than were wanted, and about 1200 from Kentucky returned home, but held themselves in readiness to march at a moment’s warning. [This is covered by a newspaper fold] says a writer at the time great numbers of mounted Riflemen joined him for a term of forty days, and found themselves with provisons. 
    It was the original design of the Government, that Gov. Winchester, & respectable officer and soldier of the Revolution, should have the command of the North Western Army. In consequence of which, Gen. Harrison, on his arrival at Fort Wayne, took leave of the army, in an affectionate manner, and set out for Indiana Territory, with a body of troops, to break up the settlement of the hostile savages. But President Madison, seeing the confidence that the western people reposed in Gov. Harrison, appointed him commander in Chiefーand his commission reached him in a few day after his resignation to Gen Winchester. From thence commenced one of the most difficult, important and finally successful scenes of operations, during the late war.
    In the spring of 1813, he commanded the army, and defended Fort Meigs upon the Maumee, successfully against a large British and indian force, with a garrison, wholly inadequate to the duty, and with a small supply of balls, which fact he kept secret. This defence, was amongst the most striking events of the war 1812, and inspired the Americans with confidence, from one end of the union to the other. Niles in his Register, in giving an account of the defence says, “We now begin to see the fruition of our hopes in the gallant exertions of the western people and their beloved cheiftain HARRISON, whose official despatch, will warm the heart of every American.” A series of disasters on the Canadian frontier, and the clamor of violent and unprincipled opposition, had caused some of the best friends of the country to begin to fear the result. But the gallant defence of Fort Meigs by Harrison, turned back the tide of war, loosened the bond of that unholy alliance between the British and the Indians, and gave hope and vigor to the friends of the republic. Gen. Procter the commander of the British forces fled, and 2000 of his Indian allies left the British service, in a state of dissatisfactiot, at the result. 
    The following is an extract from a letter from Col. Richard M. Johnson to Gen Harrison, dated “Lower Sandusky, July 4 1813,” which shows the confidence reposed in him by the army under his command.
    “To be ready to march with you to Detroit and Canada, against the enemys of our country, is the first wish of our hearts. Two great objects induced us to come, first, to be at the regaining of our own Territory and Detroit, and at the taking of Malden, and secondly to service under an officer in whom we have confidence. We could not have engaged in the service without such prospects, when we recollect what disasters have attended us for want of good Generals. We do not want to serve under cowards, drunkards old granies, nor traitor, but under one who has proved himself to be PRUDENT WISE, and BRAVE.”
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coffeebleeds · 3 years
A Letter to Canada, following the end of the war
April 25, 1865
XXXX ___________ St
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
To my Brother, Matthew Williams,
By this point I’m sure you’ve heard the news of the war’s end earlier this month, and of the dreadful loss of my President. I would like to assure you that the peace will be lasting, and that the Southern army has been defeated so completely that you needn’t worry for my sake. Even without Lincoln, though my grief is immense, I will carry on toward prosperity once again. My countrymen have been reunited, though significantly limited. Every man, excepting officers, relinquished their side arms at the surrender. While I expect it will be some time before the scars of this dreadful business heal, I have no doubt that they will.
My reason for writing to you, in addition to assuring you of my own safe passage through the end of this war, to bring news of gladder temperament. Though Ms. Caitlyn Montgomery has, for some time preceding The Disagreement, been cold and distant from me, she is no longer so. I will explain exactly what has happened since the surrender, but I will also caution you that you should probably sit down before reading further. The details are gruesome, though they end happily.
[Here, the writing on this page ends, and it continues onto the next]
On the 9th of April, the final battle between our armies commenced, very early in the morning. In this battle, Kitty was struck by the butt of a rifle, stabbed by bayonets, and trampled by horses. She laid as a corpse for several hours in the open field, where I found her. I went looking for her when her general appeared for the surrender and she did not. I took her back with me to the place of surrender, but she did not awaken. I can only assume that the dissolution of her polity left her soul in flux for several days, as she did not revive until after the death of Lincoln on the morning of the 15th.
Though my grief for my President tore at my heart, her revival softened the blow. To tell you the truth, I thought that I would have to bury her as well as Lincoln, and the thought of that, I’m certain, would have driven me to madness. Let us be grateful that such an unfortunate event did not occur!
But when she awoke, she had no memory of me, nor of herself. She was like a little child, entirely unaware of all that had passed. And since I had no intention of causing her (or myself) any pain, I fabricated a story of a happier existence. She now believes herself to be human, and believes that we have been married for five years.
She is a most wonderful wife! Without much further questioning, she has accepted the role joyfully. I never imagined that I would ever see her smile on me again, yet every day she smiles with such life and brilliance that I fall more deeply in love with her than I ever thought possible. While I know it is not the custom of our kind to marry and thrive in domesticity, I cannot endorse the practice any more strongly than I do now to you. I’ve never known love and joy like I have these past two weeks. She wipes away every worry that I’ve had. She makes me hopeful for the future. And I might add, though it may be crass to say, that I never considered how voracious a woman’s appetite for her husband might be, until recently. I will assure you that I have not forced myself upon her, as I am well-aware of the problems that might arise if I had - I am more often the one caught off-guard and unprepared. But that aside, she is healthy and happy, and I wish for nothing more than for her happiness to continue.
I do not know when I will next be able to visit you, as there is much that still needs to be completed here in DC before I even consider making trips abroad, but I hope that the day will be soon that I see you again. With the war’s end, I firmly believe that the darkest chapter of my life has closed, and all of history’s troubles shall cease.
Your affectionate brother,
Alfred F. Jones
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sneezy-cheeseloaf · 3 years
recounting the entire avengers: endgame movie, which i only saw once when it came out, from memory
because i just took the SAT and i want to do anything except think about that so get ready for a fun ride full of holes and my reenactments of scenes and quotes that i remember from however many years it’s been now since endgame came out. buckle the fuckle up
movie opens, clint’s whole ass family fucking dies. cue killing spree fueled by grief and anger. HashTag Relatable
tony is floating through space with nebula and teaching her how to play paper football
holy shit is this how tony dies
“pep” ouc h
oh hey he’s home, dope
The Gang (tm) learns where thanos’s farm is somehow i can’t really remember
“perhaps i judged you too harshly”
“???? thor????” “what? i went for the head”
“five” five what?? days?? weeks??? months???? oh boy i can’t wait to find ou- “years later” HUH???????
steve looks the exact same, so i guess he kept up that workout schedule even through the snap. i mean good for him honestly
and is also running a talk therapy group like sam did
a single smidgen of gay representation but it’s a good start ig
i don’t really remember what everyone else was doing, i just know that tony and pep have morgan now but idk if that gets revealed now or later
the only reason we had a movie is because of a rat. everyone say thank you to Rat for releasing scott lang, please. round of applause
scott’s daughter is all grown up and catch me sobbing over the fact that he wasn’t there to see it
somewhere in here nat is crying and eating a sandwich and honestly girl same
“hey!!! it’s me!!!! scott lang!!! ant man???? also what the hell happened???? lemme IN”
cue scott lang having a single brain cell and bringing up time travel. i think it was him that proposed the idea. maybe not. but imma give him credit
oh yeah bruce and hulk are besties now and bruce is just permanently Like That
and cue everyone being shook at the idea of time travel
time to go see Science Man at his house on the lake
“i wish you had come for anything else.” ouch
gang leaves dejectedly
peter. that’s it. and suddenly tony is all hands on deck
cue science mumbo jumbo in the middle of the night while he eats something out of a bag that i can’t remember
“shit!!” “sHiT!!!” “NO”
“i love you 3000″
Science Man reveals that he has, indeed cracked the code to literal time travel
cue nat, the only person with an umbrella, going to find clint who is busy with murder, as he does
“don’t do that. don’t give me home” stfu budapest man and get in the car.
thor has. enlargened. and is now playing fortnight with korg as a means to cope with what happened plus losing loki, as i think we all would
The Gang is back together and working (surprisingly) coordinately and throwing ideas around and it’s actually very cute. and it makes my heart very happy. and i want to cry every time i think about it because we all know what comes next
scott’s taco gets blown away. bruce gives him another. all is well in the world
and in this exhibit we see the only brain cell in the whole group, which is being used by rhodey at all times
“why don’t we just,,,, (choking motion)” “to a BABY???”
during the time tests someone gets reverted to a baby but i don’t remember who and it’s highkey disturbing
“i consider this an absolute win!!”
cue slo mo walk with the cool white time suits that everyone looks so good in
“see you in a minute” that smile. she looks so happy. sobbing
i think it’s in here that all the color go through steve’s eyes, so let’s just take a minute to acknowledge how pretty he is
“just for the record, that suit did nothing for your ass.” “i don’t remember asking you to look”
“that’s america’s ass.” yes it is scott you’re absolutely right
“i cOuLd dO tHiS aLL dAy” “yeah i knoOoOW”
time for tony to give tony a heart attack and then just stare in what i can only assume is amusement. i’m pretty sure that comes after america’s ass but maybe not
somewhere in here steve is just staring at peggy through blinds and it’s sad when you see it but when you think about it afterwards, it’s so funny for no reason
time to get whacked by a very angry hulk who was not allowed to use the elevator
tony goes flying. so does the tesseract. loki, in handcuffs, is like “oh bet this is mine now” and. Leaves.
i’m pretty sure it’s bruce who goes and gets schooled by The Ancient One on the multiverse, and i say it’s bruce because i think he’s the only one out of The Gang who could ever actually wrap his head around it
i don’t remember exactly how they get the tesseract but they do
thor and rocket are in asgard and thor has a panic attack, as I think we all would if we had to talk to our dead mother and pretend like we don't know what's going to happen
and remember kids, slapping someone is not the way to handle a panic attack. anyways
a mother always knows
"i'm still worthy!!!!" you always were, thor. you never stopped being worthy
and we have our hammer back
cue sobbing on vormir
“clint. it’s ok. it’s ok.” that smile.
nat’s fucking dead and i’m fucking dead inside let’s keep this party goin
other stones are recovered and i don’t really remember how but hey we got all six
“where’s nat?” cue more sobbing from me and from clint as you can see each and every team member’s heart drop to the fucking floor. especially steve
yeah maybe we’re doing this for half the universe and all the people we lost, but mostly for nat now
tony’s makeshift infinity gauntlet has entered the chat
Green Man is the only one who can physically take the power of the stones, so the fate of literally everything they have ever done up to this point is on him
snap rest in peace bruce’s arm
cue every single person in the theater holding their breath
“guys. it worked.”
cue explosion as their facility gets bombed and i am terrified that it has killed the entire gang
but it obviously has not and i am once again a Class A Idiot
i can't remember if it’s steve or tony who wakes up first but one shakes the other awake and is like “get the fuck up bitch idk what just happened but we got a problem”
everyone is mostly fine. but they’re all alive and that’s what matters
and now we have the setting for the entire rest of the movie basically
oh hey thanos. that’s uh. that’s a big army you got there
i don’t really remember everything that happened with The Past thanos, gamora, and nebula but i remember that gamora once again sees what a twat her adoptive father is and is like “oh hell na”
cue the gang fighting for their lives against Past thanos. literally
oh shit thor’s about to be killed????
cue the theater screaming as they should
hell yeah. bonk that giant space grape with the god of thunder’s hammer. you go steve. and look like a badass doing it as you should
shit’s still fucked and they eventually get their asses handed to them one by one
somewhere in here the shield breaks just like we saw in age of ultron. and like damn bro i liked that thing
steve stands up by himself because bitch. you cant kill him unless he says so. he dies on his own terms. he didn’t live for over a fucking century to die like this
our mans is standing up against a whole ass army knowing full well that he can’t win but damn if he aint ready to try
“ok listen strange. you have to open the portal to his left. his LEFT. you hear me???”
“steve. STEVE. on your left.”
cue the most goosebump-inducing scene that i have ever seen and probably will ever see. i would do anything to see that scene for the first time again. that feeling was like nothing i’ve ever experienced
the amazing symphonics are NOT helping my already-about-to-explode-from-excitement heart
now the gang’s ALL here. and we all cry because all of our peeps are back from the dead and we all missed them and highkey grieved for them after infinity war
i can’t remember if steve actually sees bucky yet but i think he does and i wanted to cry on the spot because not only did i miss bucky but man did i just want them to see each other again
cue sick pan of the whole ass marvel roster like smash ultimate, including howard duck somewhere in there
but we all know damn well that not a single person could hear him whisper that shit. like steve bro speak up a little
and the battle for the ages commences
we get to see all our favorite boys are girls fuck shit up and it’s absolutely incredible. wow it really feels like someone’s missing who could that be.
this is now a very elaborate game of keepaway
“catch” “Catch” “CATCH “CATCH”
“hey queens” he remembered. catch me cryin
“hey peter. got somethin for me?” god i love her. flew through a whole ass spaceship. no stoppin her
t'challa remembers clint's name. he did care
oh yeah scott is fucking humongous again, but third time’s the charm ig. maybe he won't pass the fuck out this time
somewhere in here, strange starts holding like. an entire ocean back and i dont really remember where it came from
we get a whole segment of marvel women kicking ass and taking names and i think i just need to take a minute. WE collectively need to take a minute
carol flies straight through a spaceship and everyone is like ???? hello????? where have you been?????????
carol gets literally headbutted by thanos and doesnt move a fucking inch. and that look of murder in her eyes. she could tell me to walk into a pit of lava and i would not question it. the power
“launch the missiles!!!” “but sir, our army-” “DO IT”
damn thanos our expectations for you were low but holy fuck
somewhere in here i think petter quill sees Past gamora and is like gamora???? and she like kicks him in the balls or somethin and is like “this is the ones i picked?????”
the fight continues and honestly a lot of it’s a blur but damn was it not the coolest thing i’ve ever seen. 
cue strange knowing exactly how this was gonna go down, and holding up a single finger
i dont think ive ever seen that look on tony's face before
oh shit thanos has the gauntlet and all the stones. fuck.
wait holdup that gauntlet looks a little funky
“i am inevitable”
“and i. am iron man.”
the theater, once again holds its breath
all is lowkey calm and everyone is shook
thanos’s entire army slowly fades away. including one of those big worm things that almost eats (i think it was) rocket but like. dusts right as it hits the ground and is a really cool shot
and thanos sits down on a rock. and finally is gone. and it's so cathartic
oh joyous day!! they’ve won!! they’ve done it!!! wait holdup where’s tony. i remember what happened to bruce where the fuck is tony
wait hold on
wait hold on a minute
“we did it. we won, mr stark. we won. please, mr stark”
“it’s ok. you can rest. you can rest.”
i have officially passed away and am a sobbing mess. you can’t do this to me. he’s gonna come back. there’s no way. tony stark doesn’t die. no.
this is a fucking funeral. i am going to combust into tears
“proof that tony stark has a heart”
i just wanted him to be able to see morgan grow up.
but him and nat are eating shawarma together in the sky now.
“i’m recording this in case something goes wrong, which it won’t.”
“i love you 3000.”
oh we’re still rolling. oh we don’t even get a minute to process
steve is leaving??? wait holdup we cant lose both. no
“are you sure about this?” “i have to”
“i’m with you til the end of the line” so that was a fucking lie
but steve deserves to do what makes him happy. so i can’t be too mad. actually, nah i aint even mad i’m just sad
bucky looks so dejected. so sad. someone please give him a hug. he desperately needs it
oh hey steve. but you’re old now. hey then, grandpa. how did you. get there
buck and sam go talk to him as they should
“you wanna talk about her?” “no, i don’t think i will”
“how does it feel?” “like it belongs to someone else”
sam has officially inhered the shield, and by extension, his very own bucky barnes. it’s a packaged deal
clint’s got his family back. and they can finally finish their picnic or whatever they were doing at the beginning of the movies
and steve finally got that dance. finally. and he looks so happy. so content.
and that’s about all i remember
i have not watched endgame since i saw it in theaters when it came out because i absolutely do not have the emotional stability to do it again. but damn the disney plus shows have been bangin
i hope you enjoyed the ride, thank you for joining me in my. whatever the fuck this is
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survivetoread · 3 years
Read With STR: मृत्युंजय - A Primer on the Mahabharata
Before we begin with reading मृत्युंजय [mṛtyuṅjay] proper, I thought it'd be good to have a primer on the Mahabharata. If you don't know anything about the epic, this should be handy. If you know but have forgotten much of it, this will also be handy.
The story of the Mahabharata is commonly known by most native Marathi speakers of India, and I imagine Sawant expects his readers to be familiar with it.
So here's a summary of what happens in the Mahabharata, followed by a quick summary of what you need to know about Karṇa going into the novel:
Summary of what happens in the Mahabharata
In the Kuru Kingdom of Northern India, with the elder prince Dhṛtarāṣṭra born blind, the younger prince Pāṇḍu takes the throne. He is cursed by a sage to die should he ever have sex, but his first wife Kuntī possesses a boon that will let her bear a child by invoking any god.
Kuntī births three sons by invoking three different gods. She shares the boon mantra with Pāṇḍu's second wife Mādri, who births two twin sons. Together, the five sons are known after their father as the Paṇḍava brothers. They are, in descending order of age, Yudiṣṭhira, Bhima, Arjuna, and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva.
Pāṇḍu has sex with Mādrī and dies. Mādrī commits suicide out of remorse.
Meanwhile, the blind prince Dhṛtarāṣṭra fathers a hundred sons with his wife, who are born after the eldest Pāṇḍava, but before the other Pāṇḍavas. This line of sons is named after the Kuru dynasty itself, and they are known as the Kaurava brothers. The eldest among these is Duryodhana, followed by Dushāsana.
As they grow up, the Pāṇḍava and Kaurava brothers maintain a steady rivalry that carries into their adulthood.
King Dhṛtarāṣṭra is swayed by his courtiers to make Yudiṣṭhira the crown prince over his own eldest son Duryodhana.
Duryodhana plots to get rid of the Pāṇdavas by deceitfully creating a flammable palace and inviting the Pāṇdavas to stay there. The Pāṇdavas are warned in advance and escape certain death.
While in hiding, they attend a contest for the hand of Princess Draupadī of Pāñcāla. Arjuna wins this contest and the brothers return home. They ask their mother to see what Arjuna has brought home, but Kuntī asks them to share whatever it is, thereby making Draupadī the wife of all five Paṇḍavas.
The Paṇdavas and Kauravas broker power and split the Kuru Kingdom in two, with the Pāṇdavas demanding only a wild forest, which they later develop into a bustling city named Indraprastha.
The Paṇḍavas invite the Kauravas to their palace, where Duryodhana is tricked into thinking a pond is a glossy floor, and he ends up drenched. The Kauravas are humiliated on multiple levels by this, and plan revenge.
Duryodhana plans a game of dice against Yudiṣṭhira, which Duryodhana wins with the aid of loaded dice. Yudiṣṭhira loses his wealth, kingdom, brothers, and wife. Duryodhana attempts to strip Draupadī before public assembly, but is thwarted by the intervention of the god Kṛṣṇa.
Following another dice game, the Pāṇdavas are forced into exile for 13 years. The Pāṇdavas serve out their exile, during which they get into many adventures and make many allies. Shortly after their exile is up, a disagreement about their re-emergence leads to war between the two groups of cousins.
Grand armies are arrayed at the battlefield, Kurukṣetra and battle commences. Over the following 18 days, many events play out, both honourable and dishonourable, including the entire contents of the Bhagavad Gitā.
At the end, the Kauravas are defeated, and Yudiṣṭhira is crowned king.
Many years later, the Pāṇdavas and Draupadī renounce the world and retreat to the Himalayas, where they die successively and are ferried to the Underworld.
Who is Karṇa in all this?
Karṇa is a side-character in the grand scheme of things, but he's very important in that respect.
When Kuntī is still a teenager, she tests the boon she had received by invoking the sun god Surya. This leads to the birth of her first son, Karṇa. Ashamed of this, she sets Karṇa adrift in a basket in the Ganga.
Karṇa is found by a 'sūta' couple ('sūta' is a term for mixed-castes, who practised poetry and bard stuff). Karṇa is raised as a sūta and the son of a charioteer parallel to his unknown half-brothers.
As an adult, Karṇa becomes an accomplished warrior and speaker, and becomes a close friend of Duryodhana, who appoints him the king of Aṅga, a kingdom in modern Bengal-Bihar.
Karṇa participates in the Kurukṣetra war on the Kaurava's side. He aims to kill Arjuna during the penultimate day of the battle, but is killed by Arjuna himself in the attempt.
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God of War (PS4) Review: Kratos’ Postal Grief Beard Versus Norse Mythology
Once upon a time, a man was born by the name of Cory Barlog and thus a coin was flipped. Would he become a videogame developer or would he take up guarding the Mines of Moria by pulling wizards into a precipice? Those really are the only two options with a name like Barlog. Anyway, apparently the Mines of Moria were a bit of a commute, so the world gained a talented Auteur developer with a unique vision for a game series about going postal in ancient Greece. Fast-foward a number of years specifically calculated to make you feel old and ancient Greece is a distant memory. Norse mythology is where all the cool kids hang out nowadays, and that’s where we’re going in today’s review.
As you might have guessed, I’ve just finished playing God of War (PS4), which is fun to say because it rhymes. It’s a very good game that should be a very bad game. When considering modern media artefacts, I’m often prompted to ask the question ‘what went so wrong?’, but this may be the first time I’ve had to ask the question ‘what went so right?’.
Let me explain: God of War 4 (I don’t care that they don’t put the number on the box art, that’s what it fucking is) makes a single, monumentally stupid creative decision that should ruin the entire enterprise, but doesn’t. And that creative decision was- wait for it- a stab at maturity.
The last time we saw Kratos- the world’s angriest mythical being- he was finishing his battle with the Greek gods in God of War 3. There was a moment in that game which, to me, typified what was so great about the series. If I recall the sequence of events correctly, you kill your way through an ocean of expendable goons and critters who are just trying to defend their home on Mount Olympus, dripping with blood and screaming furiously, then wander into the bedroom of one of ancient Greece’s sauciest goddesses and play a sex minigame that you win by fucking her so well that her handmaids orgasm too. Then you toddle outside again and, head cleared, solve an incredibly complex and cerebral puzzle involving non-Euclidean geometry and perspective manipulation that takes bloody ages. That, in a nutshell, was the core identity of the original God of War: a gleefully unrestrained and immature approach to sex and violence coupled with a grouchy willingness to make unsuspecting players feel like fucking idiots for no reason whatsoever. It was awesome. In contrast, God of War 4 picks up many, many years later with Kratos hiding out in Midgard of the Norse mythos and, for once, he hasn’t got a nark on and he’s not trying to stick his cock in someone with cartoonishly huge knockers. He’s just sad because his missus has passed away, leaving him and their young, impressionable son alone in a big, scary world full of trolls and ginger psychopaths. ‘Sad’ isn’t a completely new emotion for Kratos, but, up until this point, he was usually sad in a way that resulted in five hundred people getting their spines broken in a very colourful manner. Now he just wants to cremate the remains of the woman he loved and carry her ashes to the tallest peak in the nine realms so he can scatter her in accordance with her final wishes. And that’s what he does, with son- Atreus- in tow. It’s a twenty-plus hour game in which the objective is very simply to honour someone’s preferred funeral rites- nothing more, nothing less. It’s very modest by Kratos usual standards. Remember that his stated goal in the previous game was to punch freakin’ Zeus so hard that his face would go all concave and then repeatedly stamp on his corpse.
We never actually find out much about what Kratos was up to between games or how he met his wife. However, he’s a bit thiccer than in previous instalments and seems to have lost the use of the ‘jump’ button outside of context-sensitive environments. On that evidence, I choose to believe he’s been running a small but successful family restaurant called ‘Kratos’ Potatoes’ and enjoying it all a bit much. And why not? He beat up Zeus- if he just wants to create and sample homely yet exotic Greco-Norse fusion cuisine while growing a ridiculous straggly dad-beard, I say let him crack on. Actually, is it a ‘dad beard’ or is it a ‘grief beard’? I think they send them to videogame characters in the post whenever a loved one dies so they can signal to the world how sad they are through the medium of angsty facial hair. But where was? Oh yeah: cracking on with it.
Y’see this is where the plot comes in: the Norse gods won’t let Kratos crack on. They’re determined to make him bow before Odin- especially Baldur, who is way too invested in having a fight with Kratos for reasons that won’t become apparent until very late in the game. They just keep turning up and trying to break Kratos and his increasingly like-him-but-not-as-good-at-it son Atreus. This time around, our heroes commit heinous acts of violence to defend themselves, not enact revenge, as they travel, inexorably, to the top of a lonely mountain through landscapes of stunning natural beauty and many, many hostile creatures.
Of course, Kratos taking his son on a hiking holiday with added troll-murder and the occasional slap-fight with Norse mythology’s biggest killjoys doesn’t sound as interesting as the original games. After all, those were basically a production of Kill Bill in which the part of Bill was played by a guy with the power to summon lightning bolts and access to a seemingly unstoppable army of monsters and demigods. The ‘fun factor’ even seems to have taken another downgrade, in that Kratos no longer operates with the entertainingly demented passion of the insane: he has been tempered by time and love and managed to turn himself into a paragon of serious self control. So why is God of War 4 so bloody good? Partly, I suspect, the answer lies in the constantly evolving relationship between Kratos and Atreus, which gives the story an unbelievable amount of heart and always manages to feel very organic. Kratos never learned how to be a parent, and we essentially watch him do it in real time, forming a bond with his son that seems impossible at the start of the game and inevitable by the end. Partly, the games greatness lies in the characters you meet along the way, who range from bickering dwarves to talking, decapitated heads who prattle on like laid-back tour-guides. Partly, it’s in the beautiful, epic landscapes that make the journey across the Realms to the highest peak feel epic and significant, even while it is small and personal.
But a videogame is nothing without gameplay, and it is here that God of War 4 really shines. I loved the original God of War trilogy (especially the third instalment), but I rarely felt like I was playing as, y’know, a god of war. Kratos might not be an uncontrollable whirlwind of fury any more, but he feels truly powerful for the first time in the ongoing series. In fights, every punch feels like it could crack stone; every axe-throw like it could rend the sky; every chain-whip like it could legitimately start a forest-fire. Out of combat, Kratos moves around the environment with the stolid grace of a man who knows his movements are inevitable; irresistible; an imposition on the environment that can’t be denied. You climb and complete elaborate, complex traversals knowing that the satisfaction you feel isn’t just the satisfaction of finding the correct route or solving an obstacle, but the satisfaction of a being forcing his way through a landscape that resists him at every turn but cannot stop him. The puzzles- of which there are many- strike the perfect balance between conceptual trickiness and ease of execution to remind you that Kratos is smart as well as determined; that his mind is as indomitable as his body. Then there are the little touches involving heaving huge stone pillars and similar unnecessarily over-the-top efforts. In short, the gameplay is interwoven with who Kratos is- with what he is in way that seems completely unprecedented. Even the RPG elements feel  appropriate: they reflect the protagonist’s growing confidence in a skillet he hasn’t used in a long, long time.
Do I miss the uniquely juvenile, over the top identity of the old games? Absolutely: I’m a great fan of gratuitous gore and scantily clad women with big fuck-off swords. Usually, I find the desire for maturity in games to be a silly, pretentious trend that foolishly eschews anything obviously ‘fun’ for no reason other than courting the respect of people whose respect isn’t worth having. But I don’t think that’s what’s going on here- at least, not entirely. The developers of the God of War games are clearly artisans and craftsmen of extreme talent: their attention to detail is superb and their ability to weave a good tale from a simple premise is actually a little daunting for someone who considers himself a bloody good story-teller. It’s worth remembering that the de facto head of the studio, Barlog, became a father himself before commencing work on this game about a father learning to bond with his son. It feels personal and meant because it is. Other games might reach for superficially mature themes like family and redemption for altogether cynical reasons. God of War 4 does it because such thoughts are clearly much on the developer’s mind. I asked already ‘Do I miss the identity of the old games?’ and the answer is still yes. But that question deserves a follow-up: am I willing to embrace the identity of this new, quieter God of War anyway? And yes, yes I am.
But if we could have a few more women with enormous knockers and Kratos going properly batshit just once or twice in the next sequel, that would also be welcome. I mean, let’s try to strike a balance here, people, for pity’s sake.
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 {𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫} 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈
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Part I : Growing Feelings
Request?: Liznix_
Character: Ran
Side Character(s): Technically the rest of TFTSMP The Pit Cast!
Story-type: The first part is platonic and a bit romantic at the end but the second part is romance and slightly angst
Story Length: 6450 words
AU or Not: Assassin! Ran AU! And a few of things would be different
Time Period: Future and technically the Subbin Empire
Plot Summary: hmm well i was thinking something like Ran is an assassin that infiltrated the games to assassinate the king (King Porkius VII) and the reader is someone close to the king, so ran tries to get close to them to get close to the king, but ends up falling for them accidentally and is conflicted about what to do.
Small Info: The Reader would be the king's younger sibling who is a few months younger than Ran who is 17 and the Reader is 16! Also instead of Jackie winning it would be Ran who would take John's place in fighting against Jackie!
Y/N = Your Name H/L = Hair Length H/C = Hair Color E/C = Eye Color
Trigger Warning:
- Mentions of killing and assassination - Falling into a huge conflict - Death - Slight blood and gore - Slight Catcalling
Normal Warning: Cringe writing cause yes- ✨
Third Person Point of View~
At this point Ran was thinking over what just happened. He denied the fact that he could have fallen for you and just stayed quiet. He had to do his mission for the sake of you staying alive and him as well. He felt very weak at this point.
Meanwhile, Jackie and Genevieve were fighting in the water dome thing and lastly Jackie won. You were pretty much not sure who to root for considering you liked them both and were good fighters but the boy won.
Porkius then told him to tell the three of them to come up for the Three Person fight. As Jackie went down he saw Genevieve being carried down to be healed. He felt bad but he didn't really have a choice.
As he went down he called, he found John and Bartholomew and told them that it was the Three person fight right now and told them to get ready. He saw that Ran wasn't here so he went to search for him only to find him in a corner putting his forehead against the wall.
"You okay Big Man?" Jackie asked which brought Ran's attention to him as he looked down.
"Yes and no." he responded to the shorter boy as he lifted his head from the wall.
"Well whatever is bothering you I hope you figure it out cause now it's your turn along with two others! Best of luck! I am rooting for you!" he said giving him a slight pat on the shoulder and running off.
Ran watched him go as he got ready to go through the water. He went up first whereas John followed him through the same one. They waited for a few for Bartholomew to get up from his side which he took a bit longer to come considering he is drunk.
After Bartholomew came up everyone was giving him a weird look considering he looked different. He technically said that you would have to look good if we had to survive in fights. Ran just shook his head at his words. He was too drunk for his own good. You on the other hand was thinking as to who left the alcohol downstairs.
The fight commenced after Porkius set off the zombies and made them literally swim through air to fight each other which was kinda difficult. At this point the entire thing was like a show until Porkius disabled the dive mode thing and now everyone was fighting like normal except zombies were chasing them.
Though the zombies were chasing John the most and Ran technically came out from the opposite area and started to attack John while Bartholomew was behind him. Before anyone knew it was Bartholomew and John fighting each other while Ran was using his strategy of being as isolate as possible.
"Ran is the only person here whose technique we have not witnessed yet. This is his first battle." Porkius said and as he did Ran took down Bartholomew.
Now it was just Ran and John who now had to fight each other to get the one spot in the Final Round.
"Oh my gosh! It's officially Ran versus Grievous." Karl exclaimed.
You on the other hand was amazed with his fighting skills and was quietly cheering him on. You were hoping for him to win at least.
"Oh he has he already has an entire army after him I think I am good." he said running the other direction laughing at his own words.
"No!" John wailed trying to attack Ran as he continued laughing.
"No I think I am I think I am completely fine actually I think I literally just have to keep on running away from that guy." Ran said continuing to run laughing.
This made Karl and you laugh at his words and what was going. To you he was actually pretty funny and to be honest this was the first time when you saw him goof off a bit especially here and his humor was pretty nice.
"I don't think that will work. The zombies are not very fast." Porkius said as Ran stopped.
"You're right they aren't." Ran said turning on his heels and started to fight John.
"You have to get much faster zombies next time king." Karl said turning to look back at the two fight.
You noticed that John was giving Ran way more hits than Ran was and was about to shoot him with an arrow but Ran quickly dodged it and lunged at him with his sword and struck a blow to John  making his fall unconscious as Ran stood victorious.
((Author: You really couldn't do what I just wrote here in the episode now could you Ran?! 🤦🏻‍♀️))
Ran literally thought he was going to lose and that rush of adrenal really nearly killed him. Luckily he was able to control himself from doing that. Karl was technically shocked along with Porkius with Ran's surprise attack. You were pretty much amazed at this.
He was quickly dismissed as John was taken away. God he felt about nearly killing him. He quickly went down the steps as everyone excluding John who was being treated right now looked at him as Watson and Jackie came up to him and congratulated him.
"Good job mate. You did well." Watson said to him while giving him a pat on the shoulder.
"Congratulations Big man! I will see you at our Final fight!" Jackie said with a grin.
At this point Watson was like a dad to him while Jackie was a younger brother.
"Your parents would be proud of you right now." Watson said which made Ran's eyes widen.
He slightly frowned as he looked down. He knew they wouldn't knowing what he was doing here in the first place. He had to quickly respond since he didn't want to them to get worried.
"Yeah they would be... if they still lived..." He said the last part a bit quieter which Watson was able to catch and felt really bad.
"I-I am sorry mate I didn't know." Watson said apologizing as Ran sighed.
"It's fine dad- I mean Watson. Sorry about that." He said quickly apologizing since he accidentally called him 'dad'.
Watson smiled. No one really called him dad that much but he was a pretty good fatherly figure towards everyone and Ran calling him dad was something he liked. He went to him and gave him a warm hug which surprised ran a bit. It has been a while since he got a hug.
"I don't mind you calling me dad ran, it's fine really. I am just letting you know I am here for you if you ever need me." Watson said.
Ran was shocked at his words. he felt like crying but he didn't want to seem weak. He wanted to tell Watson everything right now but he didn't want to knowing that it would ruin everything. He slightly hugged back as he thanked him.
After all that Jackie and Ran were now fighting in the Last Round though what Ran found out was how Jackie carried at least three Totems of Undying and he made a quick strategy so he doesn't use any of them and would able to kill him off without him coming back three times.
The fight didn't last too long Ran used his strategy and whenever he saw Jackie about to use a Totem of Undying he would simply somehow make it fall out of his hands whilst trying to use it and before he knew it he fell unconscious as ran won the event. The entire crowd was cheering for Ran as Jackie was carried down to be treated.
They had to wait for a few minutes for all the gladiators to come up. Once they all did Porkius literally told Ran to just kill them all of altogether. You knew well that this wasn't what was supposed to happen and you told Ran to just fight them unconscious and that's basically it.
Ran technically fought of all of them minus Jackie and Watson who were just keeping their distance not fighting at all. ran was able to make them all fall unconscious and was made General while Watson and Jackie ran off somewhere which the king didn't seem to notice nor care.
Oh and a Karl was basically able to take all the footage of the show which you were relieved since you didn't want him ending up like all the other ones which have somehow messed up. Then Karl just went somewhere and vanished which kind of made Ran suspicious but he shook it off knowing he had a mission to complete.
Ran's Point Of View~
I exited the stadium following Y/N. Technically the king was going to be here for a while and I had to go with Y/N which was okay for the time being. Before I could get down the stairs I heard a small 'psst' and looked behind me to see Watson and Jackie. Watson quickly came in and handed me a paper which looked like an address.
"This is my address if you ever feel like visiting me. Jackie is apparently planning in staying with me since he has nowhere to go now. I don't want to keep you waiting so bye Ran." Watson said as Jackie waved me goodbye.
I quickly followed up on the king and stood beside Y/n as we walked in silence. I didn't really know what else to say other than feel my heart beat really fast since I was somewhat close to her right now.
"So how are you feeling about all of this?" I heard her ask me.
"... You could say I am slightly nervous." I responded to her.
"That's understandable. How old are you anyways?" She asked yet again.
"I just turned seventeen last month." I said.
"Oh that's cool. I am sixteen and I will soon be seventeen in five months." She said as I nodded.
Before I could say anything else I heard a whistle and looked to my side to see a man was looking at Y/N which she seemed to notice but she was feeling pretty uncomfortable and to make things worse the man started to catcall her.
I took off my coat and draped it around her and gave a man a threatening death glare which seemed to scare him. Y/N looked surprised the fact that I gave it to her.
"Y-you didn't have to do that..." She said as I shook my head.
"It's fine really I couldn't really get him get away with that. Does this happen often?" I said and asked her as she slowly nodded.
"Sometimes not all the time." She said.
Timeskip to them reaching the palace~
We reached the palace after a few minutes as Y/N was leading me towards my room. As she was doing so I remembered what I had to do originally. I can't really get distracted right now. If I don't do this then I am dead and so is she. God I am just hoping these feelings go away. I noticed that she came to halt in front of a door which I presumed was my room.
"This is your room. I hope you like it. You can get settled in and I will come back after a few to give you a tour around the place." She said before leaving.
I entered the room and it was pretty decent. She did say she was going to come back later to give me a tour of this place. It was enough time for me to try and set my plan. I am basically given a month to do this and if don't do this by the end of the month I don't know what to do. I started to set a plan as I laid down on the soft mattress as I faced the ceiling.
I had already set up my plan on assassinating the king but I just need to find the right time. At this point I feel like my boss has eyes on me whenever I do missions or maybe I am just paranoid. I am just hoping his two men aren't watching my every move.
Right now I am on a tour with the princess, Y/N. I actually like her company. She's nice and very beautiful- okay Ran stop it. You can't get distracted. God I hate this. She showed me around the place. I clearly made a map of the place in my head as she took me down to different places.
The tour was pretty long but interesting. To be honest being a general is something I could have originally taken if I hadn't really been an assassin. After the tour was done I went back to my room after telling her. I was planning on using the training room later. I looked out the window to see it was evening already.
I decided to go to the training room after a few m minutes which I did. The room was a pretty god place for training and other combat practices such as sword fighting, hand-to-hand combat and others. The King had already arrived after I was done with training.
After I had freshened up I had a quick dinner which the maid had given me inside my room. It was a pretty decent meal i got for the first time. Normally I don't get stuff like this to eat but it was pretty good.
After I was done eating I didn't really know what else to do I just thought of going to the garden at the back. It was a pretty nice and well made garden. I headed towards the place as I looked about in my surroundings like it was all new to me which it was but I have seen it a few times already in like a few hours.
As I arrived I noticed a lone figure sitting on a bench and once I came a little closer I noticed that it was Y/N. She looked beautiful under the moonlight. A blush crept up on my face at the thought ad I looked away. God I need help. I just met her a few hours ago and now this. I was able to calm myself down and went to her.
"Y/N?" I said which snapped her attention towards me and he face turned into relief.
"Oh it's just you Ran. Sorry I thought you were someone else." She said apologizing.
"It's alright really." I said and she smiled with a nod.
"You can sit with me if you like?" She asked as I looked at her for a few seconds before slowly sitting down next to her.
"So you like coming out here?" I asked as she nodded.
"It's one of my favorite places to be most of my time. My brother knows I don't like social gatherings much so she just lets me off to be here or in my room most of the time." She explained to me as I listened.
"That's very nice of him. I like the outdoors a lot myself. It's pretty calming to say the least." I said.
Then there was a small yet comfortable silence between us as we didn't speak but the sounds of crickets didn't make it so awkward. I hands slightly shook but I was able to stop it from happening.
"So you love your brother a lot huh?" I asked as she looked at me and nodded.
"Mhm! He's really the only one I have. After my parents died he took care of me the most. He would always think of my safety before anyone else's." I heard her say.
I felt guilt building up in me. After hearing those I didn't feel like doing my job and just wanted to run away from all this yet here I am doing my boss' dirty work which I am not even fond of doing anymore.
"That's... nice. I think I am going to go now. Goodnight princess." I said as I got up and walked back in.
I felt bad for not letting her say anything as I went away bu I couldn't bear it. I thought of just sleeping through the weeks until the last day where I am supposed to set my plan into action. I know I am going to regret this but I already hate it but I have to do it. I can't get distracted at all.
Third Person Point of View~
The weeks weren't so good for Ran as it went by. Everyday whenever he would do his job of getting closer to you, his face keeps on heating up at times.
The first week went by pretty fast.
He would train and do whatever he had to do. He would notice how you and your brother would talk down the hallway. It made him feel more bad on what he was already planning and it just didn't get any easier.
He tried to block out all his feelings so he could focus on his mission. He didn't want you to get hurt but he knew you would be more hurt knowing his brother was killed by someone she and the king trusted the most.
He didn't want you to be stabbed in the back.
But he didn't really see any other choice.
The Second week went by a bit slow. Luckily for Ran it was pretty fine considering he didn't want the months to go away cause he didn't want to do this. His feelings for you at this point was huge. He knew it was pointless having feelings for you knowing you don't even feel the same way so what's the point in having them.
Plus he wasn't even sure how the king will react knowing the General he is, is in love with his little sister. What he didn't know was that you also were catching feelings for him and would sometimes blush whenever he called you princess.
The king may have already noticed how his sister looks at the general. He smiles knowing her sister had maybe found love but he really didn't know if the general felt the same. He didn't want his sister to be hurt.
The third week went by slowly. Ran was right now in a huge problem. More like a huge conflict he wouldn't be able to get out of anymore. He has so many regrets right now. Yet here he is doing this crappy job he has fallen into.
If he had to end a person's life right now it was going to be his but he felt weak to do any of that. He just wished things would get easier for him for the next six days. Though he knew very well that wouldn't be happening.
Six days of the fourth and final week went by. Ran knew his feelings for you were strong. He loved you. A lot. Everything about you was just wow. If he had to describe anything beautiful it was going to be you.
This was now a huge problem. He didn't know what to do. He was just in a huge problem. Either way of doing things would just lead to death. He couldn't do it. But he had no choice. At this point he didn't care. He didn't care if you hated him after all this. She deserves better.
He had an event tomorrow to join the king for dinner with other kings and generals across the kingdoms and empires and he will be poisoning the king's drink. There was no turning back.
"I am sorry Y/N for what I am about to do tomorrow. I hope you one day forgive me." he said wiping his face which were covered in tears.
Let's see how things go tomorrow.
Timeskip to the last day of the month~
Ran's Point of View~
I walked down the hallways with my head lowered as I looked at the ground. Today was the day I would be putting my plan into action. Did I want to do this? No. Did I have a choice? No. Do I hate myself? Yes.
If god plans on sending me to hell for the things I have done then I would be happy. I deserve this anyway. As I walked I stopped for a bit and looked to my side to see the entrance to the entrance to the garden. I took a deep breath and headed towards the garden.
It was a pretty nice afternoon which was going to turn bad sooner or later thanks to me. I let out a huge sigh as I walked around until my eyes landed on a single bright pinkish-red rose. I slightly bent down and slowly plucked it out. Luckily it didn't have any thorns. I picked it up and put it i the inside pocket of my coat.
I then heard a faint voice. I think someone was... singing? I headed towards that direction and soon saw that it was Y/N who was singing. God her voice sounded like an angel. To be honest she looked like an angel who was sent in this world.
I swear I sound like a hopeless romantic at this point. I was about to move away when I accidentally stepped on a twig which stopped her singing as she looked in my direction. God spare me from this embarrassment.
"S-sorry about that Y/N." I said apologizing.
"Hey Ran and its fine really. But how much did you hear?" She said looking a bit nervous as she fiddled with her fingers.
"Um well I think I heard all of it? I am not really sure but all I can say is that you have a nice voice." I said as I went to her to sit down next to her.
"Thanks. You are really kind." She said as I shrugged.
"I guess so." I responded.
There was a small silence between us yet again. I couldn't really believe what I was going to do tonight. God I just hate this. Y/N is so nice and here I am just straight up going to kill her only family.
"So you are going to have dinner with my brother and the people from the kingdom am I right?" She asked which brought me back to reality.
"Yes I am. Are you going to be there?" I asked as I saw her shake her head.
"No. Even if I was I wouldn't be able to go since it's not something I should be there for. Are you nervous?" She asked.
Nervous? Yeah pretty much and not because of the many people going to be there but because of my plan of killing her brother.
"You could say that." I said.
"You don't need to be nervous. Everything will be fine. And here have this." She said and soon enough I felt her hugging me.
"This is for good luck." She finished saying as she released herself from it.
I smiled as I nodded. I noticed that it was getting late and I should get ready. Y/N seemed to notice it too. We both got up from the bench and were about to head off but then I remembered the rose in my pocket.
"Wait! Before I go, I want to you to have this." I said as I took out the pinkish-red rose from the inside pocket of my coat and handed it out to her. "It's for you."
She was slightly shocked but she gently took it from my hands as she smiled.
"Thank you Ran It's very sweet of you." She said.
Before she could do anything and before I could even think, I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. I quickly pulled away. God what was I thinking. She looked pretty shocked that I did that and was technically blushing mad.
"S-sorry. I will be heading off now." I said as I took out an enderpearl and teleported myself to the entrance of the garden.
God I think I just made this even more difficult for myself. Before i could head in, I heard the rustling of a bush. I looked behind me but I saw nothing. Strange... I thought there was something. I shrugged it of thinking it was just the wind. I let out a huge sigh and went to my room to get ready and to poison the drink.
Y/N's Point of View~
I stood there shocked, still not letting go off the fact that Ran just kissed me?! God I am such a blushing mess right now. I am just hoping he isn't beating himself up for doing that. I really like him as well.
I want to tell him but I don't think he is able to now since he has a dinner to attend to. My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of rustling bushes. I looked to my side to see no one. But I didn't feel like sticking around right now so I just headed for the entrance of the garden to go to my room.
But I just felt like someone was following me. God I think I am just paranoid. But this time I am actually getting the feeling I am being followed or watched. I quickly entered my room and closed the door and shut the windows.
Eventually I calmed down and sat on my bed thinking as I put my fingers on my lips. I blushed at the thought. I liked him a lot. Way more than friends. I decided that I will tell him after this. But for some reason i still felt like I was being watched...
Ran's Point of View~
I wore a decent formal outfit which all generals wear . Of course I still had my white Victorian shirt on me but my coat was a black coat with a green stone on the side like my usual maroon coat.
I was able to poison the drink which was laid at King Porkius' table without anyone present in the room. Though it did make his drink's color change a bit lighter color but I don't think he would notice.
I went out of my room and headed towards the dining pavilion. As I entered I noticed a few kings and generals have already arrived. Slowly and gradually all the guests were here and I was getting even more nervous.
I was introduced and greeted everyone as we all sat down. The king didn't seem to notice the wine was slightly discolored from everyone else's. I was thinking if I should let him have it or take it out right now.
After a few minutes the king was about to start drinking his wine. The glass was inches away from his lips and before I could think of anything I quickly knocked the glass of wine out of his hands and it landed onto the floor. The other guests gasped as King Porkius in shock. I knew I made the right decision.
"What is the meaning of this General Ran?!" King Porkius yelled out.
"Your majesty I can explain! Your wine was tainted and looked different from all of ours. I could tell that it was poisoned." I said immediately which shocked him and the other guests.
He looked at our wine glasses and his one on the floor which was sizzling. He then noticed that he was about to be killed if it wasn't for my quick thinking. Then the next thing I heard was a scream.
Not just any scream. It was a girl's scream and it belonged to Y/N.
I quickly got out of my chair as the king and a few guards followed me into Y/N's room to see that she wasn't there and instead it was pieces of broken glass on the floor with the window broken. I went over to see anything to help me find and so did a few guards.
I found a scrunched up piece of paper whose hand writing I knew very well.
It read,
You knew the consequences Ran. I sent two of my men look at you do your job to see if you would do it yet you failed me. Now your little princess is with me. If you want her to live then come after me. Then we will see what happens next. Oh and here is the location for it. You better hurry cause your princess wouldn't last forever.
- anonymous
I saw the location was written here. I scrunched up the paper and stood up and bolted out the door. I felt eyes on me as I ran out of the place and the palace altogether. But I didn't care. I had to find her. I can't lose her. I just can't!
As I entered the forest area I was straight away ambushed by his two men. They thought they could take me down this easily. God they seriously don't know that I have done my years of killing and stealth. I was able to take them down and killed them. Luckily I was wearing gloves so my hand-print doesn't get on the dagger.
I was glad to be done with those two and won't be seeing them for like ever. I ran as fast as I could until I reached the location but I didn't see where they were until I heard a faint cry and yelling. I went towards the direction of the clearing and found. I was finally able to find them but what I saw made me livid. He was hurting her and this made my blood boil.
"Leave. Her. ALONE!" I said which made my boss turn around to face me with an evil grin.
She was holding Y/N by the neck with her arms and had a knife in his other hand. I looked at her and she looked so scared and I hated to see this.
"Ah! Ran I am so glad to see you." He said with an evil smirk forming on his face.
"Leave her out of this Nicholas!" I said as he laughed evilly.
"Oh this is funny considering you were about to kill the king." He said which made me freeze as Y/N looked at me confused and scared.
"W-What...?" I heard her say.
"Tell her Ran! tell her how you were about to kill her brother tonight but decided not to and you just joined the Gladiator Event just to get close to her in order to do this job!" I heard him yell.
I didn't hear a response from Y/N. I could tell she was angry but when i saw her face, all i saw was how scared she was and the fear in her eyes. I had an idea on how to get out of this but it was going to be risky.
"Now Ran you either join me and kill the king off or I kill your little princess over here." He said.
"Ran don't- hmph." I saw my boss cover her mouth.
I already had my plan set in motion and I was hoping it would work.
"Alright... I will join you but please... let her go." I said.
"Good." I heard him say as he dropped her harshly on the ground.
"Now come here Ran." He told me as I looked at him as I came close to him.
"You know..." I started as he looked at me slightly perplexed as I took out my enderpearl. "I still remember how you always told me to never let my guard down." I finished.
I looked at my boss's face as it his realization of what I meant and before he could react I teleported behind him and was quickly about to stab him but he countered back but he didn't know I had another dagger and drove that straight in the heart.
I took out the dagger as he dropped dead on the ground. The dagger had blood. His blood. I looked at my now dead boss on the ground with his own pool of blood.
I panted as my heart raced. This was a close call. I looked over at Y/N who was also shocked and surprised. I dropped the blade next to my dead boss' corpse as I helped Y/N up. I expected her to slap me and hate me but she just hugged me. I slowly hugged back not sure what else to do.
"Let's get you home princess. Your brother is worried sick." I said as I led her out of the forest as we walked towards the palace.
Third Person Point of View~
The entire walk was silent as none of them said a word. It was not until that much until you started to speak.
"Why didn't you do it?" You said.
They both came to a halt as ran looked down at the ground. His messy black hair slightly falling over his eyes as he tried to find the right words.
"I never wanted to in the first place but I was threatened to do it. He said that if I didn't he would kill you and your brother which also included me as well." He stopped saying as tears welled up in his eyes eyes as it flowed down his cheeks.
He explained how he got himself into this mess and how much he hated this job he was stuck in. he even mentioned how he never wanted to do it in the first place. He even mentioned how he was supposed to get close and befriend you only to fall in love with you and how she had said his brother was someone who was her only family and that this made him think about his choices of doing it. He never wanted to hurt you in anyway possible.
You looked at him as you felt pity and bad for him. You still loved him and you couldn't hate him for this but the fact that he didn't do it was because he fell in love with you. This made your heart skip a beat. You didn't know what to think.
"Ran I could never hate you. I forgive you okay?" You said as you embraced him in another hug.
He didn't know what to think. You had forgiven him and that shocked him the most. He hugged you back slightly crying. He finally felt free. All the burden he had were now gone. Yet he knew those would still remain but he felt free. After a while you both released from the hug as Ran wiped his face.
"Ran?" You spoke up yet again.
"Hmm?" he hummed in response.
"Did you... regret falling in love... with me...?" She said.
Ran was surprised at her words. He didn't think of anything else as he put his hand on her chin and lifted it to make her look at him. Ran looked at E/C colored eyes. He could get lost in them for days.
Ran didn't hesitate and slowly leaned down and kissed you on the lips. This time you kissed him back while standing on your tippy-toes to slightly reach his height as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck while one his hands caressed your cheek.
The kiss was long and passionate and had to pull away for air. Ran pressed his forehead on hers as his hand was still on her cheek as his thumb rubbed on it. They both had a smile on their faces.
"I never regret falling in love with you Princess." Ran said as your giggled.
"I love you too Ran." He heard her say.
"I am glad. In case you are wondering I will still remain a General for your brother I am also planning on visiting Watson and Jackie sooner or later and they will be glad if you came along." Ran said as you smiled and nodded.
"I would love to." She said as ran gently picked her up in bridal style and kissed her on the forehead as he chuckled while you giggled.
"Come on now love let's get you home." He said as he started to walk while you held onto him close.
You both reached home safely as King Porkius was glad to see you safe and not harmed or hurt in anyway. He was very grateful towards Ran for protecting you and bringing you back here safely. He felt happy for saving you and him and forever grateful to have him.
Eventually you both did visit Watson and Jackie. They didn't live very far from the Subbin Empire which was fine knowing you could visit them any time. They were both happy to see you two and what you liked was how Watson treated Ran as his own son and Jackie treated him as a big brother.
But Ran was a different case.
He didn't care about his dark past and was finally able to start anew by being a General and having family like figures like Watson and Jackie.
He was finally happy to be with you.
His light in the dark.
The love of his life.
11 notes · View notes
multiverseforger · 3 years
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Selene is the oldest known human mutant. Functionally immortal, her millennia-long life is attributed to her ability to drain the life essence from other beings to extend her own existence indefinitely. Her name derives from the ancient lunar deity Selene, daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. Claiming to have already been old when modern mankind was just emerging, Selene was born over 17,000 years ago somewhere in what is now Central Europe, "after the Oceans swallowed Atlantis and before the rise of the Aryas". Her tribe's elders recognized her for what she was and commanded the entire tribe, including her own mother, to sacrifice their lives to feed her.[3]
Hyborian AgeEdit
Selene was revealed to have been an old enemy of the sorcerer Kulan Gath.[4] Kulan Gath was active during the Hyborian Age (before any recorded civilizations) and is known to have faced both Conan the Barbarian and Red Sonja. In fact, Sonja reportedly managed to kill him and his spirit would not manifest again until the modern era.[5] Thus, Selene was active at least as early as the Hyborian age.
Rome and EliphasEdit
Selene came to reside in Rome during the height of its empire. She approached Eliphas, a well-respected senator whose wife had left him for a general named Mascius. Selene offered him immortality in exchange for helping her kill and absorb every soul in Rome. Eliphas went about drawing pentagrams and performing rituals at several locations in the city, but warned a small girl to get her family out. The girl's father alerted the authorities and Eliphas and Selene were captured before the spell could be carried out. Just before they were burned at the stake Selene killed the guards. She then cursed Eliphas for his perceived betrayal with an eternal life of torture, transforming him into a vampire-like creature. Eliphas was buried alive for 700 years until a farmer discovered him in his field.[6]
Nova RomaEdit
In relatively recent times, Selene was trapped for centuries in the Amazon in the Romanesque town of Nova Roma. She was worshipped as a goddess and worked to maintain the isolation of the town so she could maintain control. Eliphas, having at some point in time changed his name to "Eli Bard," finally locates Selene in Nova Roma. Still in love with her despite her curse, Bard realizes that he must make an offering to her before he approaches her. She also was able to marry several times and have descendants, including Amara Aquilla. Her most recent known husband was Marcus Domitius Gallio, a senator of Nova Roma.
In Nova Roma, Selene attempted to kill Amara Aquilla. She knocked Amara into a lava pool, thereby releasing her latent mutant powers, as Magma. Selene fought and defeated Magma, and plotted to turn Danielle Moonstar into a psychic vampire like herself and conquer the world. Selene fought the New Mutants, and was cast into lava and buried alive.[7]
Becoming the Black QueenEdit
Selene directed her worshippers to undertake tasks that eventually allowed her to leave Nova Roma. She made her way to New York City, where she encountered Juggernaut at a bar. Selene planned to seduce and murder him, but was prevented when Wolverine manipulated a bar-room brawl between Juggernaut and Colossus. She then discovered the existence of Rachel Summers, whom she sought to turn into a slave only to be defeated by the X-Men. Prior to the X-Men saving her, Selene had tracked Rachel down to the home of a young man named Nicholas Damiano who had let the homeless Rachel spend the night at his place. Selene savagely murdered the young man, resulting in Rachel swearing revenge against Selene.[8]
With help from one of her worshippers, Friedrich Von Roehm, Selene made contact with the Hellfire Club and forced the group to take her on as the new Black Queen. She became critical in the X-Men's attempt to stop Kulan Gath, after he conquered New York City with a reality-altering spell though she ultimately attempted to doublecross the X-Men in order to steal Gath's talisman of power.[9]
Selene's time with the Hellfire Club was a turbulent time, due to her contempt for Sebastian Shaw and quite open desire to rule the Hellfire Club as its sole leader. This led Shaw and Emma Frost to conspire to kill Selene by manipulating and training the young mutant Firestar to assassinate her. This failed when Firestar realized what their plan.[10]
Selene and the Hellfire Club's relationship with the X-Men came to a head with Rachel Summers making an unauthorized assassination attempt on Selene. Wolverine felt honor-bound to prevent Rachel from becoming a murderer, and so, saved Selene's life by severely injuring Summers. Selene herself was enraged, and used the incident to force the Lords Cardinal to agree to hunt and kill Rachel. A battle over this issue immediately commenced between the X-Men and Lords Cardinal, but it was unexpectedly halted when it drew the attention of Nimrod, the super-sentinel who had murdered Selene's assistant Rhoem,[11] and was as bent on killing the X-Men and the Lords Cardinal. The Lords Cardinal and the X-Men hastily agreed to a truce, fighting well-enough to cause Nimrod to flee.
After this battle, in the pages of New Mutants, much was made about Selene having secret plans involving Nova Roma and Magma. Due to her love for Empath, Magma left the New Mutants to join the Hellions, only to be called home by her father to enter into an arranged marriage with a resident there. Magma's escort back home to Nova Roma turned out to be Empath, who ultimately decided to stay in the city with her. The two became lovers and Magma was freed from her arranged marriage plans so that she could be with him.[volume & issue needed]
Writer changes and the book's transition into X-Force caused the storyline to be aborted.[citation needed] Furthermore, it was revealed in New Warriors #31, via Empath, that Nova Roma was nothing more than an elaborate lie, concocted by Selene several decades prior. In a desperate bid to relive happier days in which she lived in ancient Rome, Selene arranged for hundreds of people to be kidnapped and taken to the jungles of the Amazon, to a city constructed per her designs. There she was somehow able to utterly brainwash her prisoners to believe themselves descendants of ancient Romans living in the Amazon. Magma was one of these kidnapped and brainwashed souls, according to Empath. The city was disbanded and the residents returned to their regular lives across the globe.
Years later, due to Chris Claremont wishing to undo writer Fabian Nieciza's dismantling of the concept of Nova Roma,[citation needed] Claremont ignored said story and wrote Magma as she had been originally. He later had Magma make cryptic references to having been manipulated into believing Nova Roma was a lie by parties unknown that sought to hurt Magma. Furthermore, the five-issue mini-series "New Mutants Forever" revealed that Claremont originally planned on revealing Magma to be Selene's granddaughter. This family connection would be stated as well (with no build-up) in New Mutants V3 #6-8, which had Selene resurrect Magma's teammate Cypher to try to kill Magma. Furthermore, it was strongly implied during "Necrosha" that Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost manipualted the Empath/Magma relationship in order to get Empath inside Nova Roma.[volume & issue needed] In the event that Selene struck first and eliminated both, Empath would then use his powers to dismantle the city via convincing the residents that their lives were lies concocted by Selene.
Selene ultimately was the deciding vote to vote Sebastian Shaw out of the Hellfire Club, when tension between Shaw and the newly recruited White King Magneto came to blows.[12] Unknown to Magneto or Emma Frost, however, Selene had decided that she no longer had any need for the Club and began plotting its destruction by gathering an army of young mutants, with help from the mutant omnipath known as the Gamesmaster, calling them the Upstarts. Under her authority, the Upstarts engaged in a killing spree that led to many presumed deaths (Magneto, Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, and the Reavers), mortal injuries (Emma Frost), and outright deaths (the Hellions). Selene manipulated her young followers with the promise of a game, where each murder committed would land them points that would ultimately lead to them being granted a prize, described as "being the next best thing to immortality" by the Gamemaster. However, with another writer change, Selene's involvement with the Upstarts was cut short as she herself was betrayed by Trevor Fitzroy. Selene was kept in a torture device that repeatedly ripped her flesh from her body (to attract the attention of the Gamesmaster, who took advantage of the situation to proclaim himself the new leader of the Upstarts). She would be freed by Amanda Sefton, though the torture left her weak and scarred.[volume & issue needed]
Needing to replenish her power, Selene first attacked and killed the other surviving Externals. Though she was opposed by X-Force, she managed to complete the slaughter and knock out the mutants, until Cable arrived. Selene's attempt to absorb Cable's life backfired when she touched his techno-organic arm and she was forced to flee to maintain her power. Shortly afterwards, she tried to access the power of a mystical convergence using a Runestaff made from the roots of Yggdrasil, the Norse World Tree. She came to the Exploding Colossal Man festival in New Mexico, but was again opposed by X-Force, who managed to wrest the Runestaff away from her and destroy the Colossal Man mannequin it activated. Selene missed her opportunity for ultimate power and vowed vengeance on X-Force.[volume & issue needed]
She next appeared back in Brazil, where she had tracked Sunspot, along with Deviants posing as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. She lured Sunspot to her defense, and offered him a position of power in the Hellfire Club, which he refused, regardless of the illusions with which she tempted him. However, Sunspot went along with Selene to stop the Deviants in the Damocles Foundation from activating a Celestial Gatherer. Selene herself was attacked by the Sword strike team, but she managed to cast a spell that devolved them back to lizards. Along with the rest of X-Force, Selene was able to usurp control of the machinery that activated the Gatherer, but Moonstar and Arcadia destroyed the Celestial artifact before Selene could access its power.[volume & issue needed]
Selene then returned to her post as the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club, after striking a deal with the demon Blackheart and seemingly throwing out the rest of the Inner Circle. She offered Sunspot the position of Black Rook, which he initially refused but then accepted when Selene and Blackheart revealed that his doing so would allow them to resurrect the spirit of Juliana Sandoval, the girl who died saving Sunspot's life when he first joined the New Mutants. Sunspot had no choice to accept and become Selene's protégé.[volume & issue needed]
However, with Sebastian Shaw's return to the Hellfire Club, Selene was somehow trapped inside the catacombs under the Club. However, she gained limited mobility from an alliance with Donald Pierce. When the X-Men, including Rachel Summers arrived, during a membership change in the Hellfire Club, Selene plotted to use Rachel to completely free herself. She followed Rachel to Hong Kong via a transport portal and saved her from being corrupted by a telepathic agent of Courtney Ross, who was trying to become the next White Queen. This move was only a prelude to Selene taking over Rachel's mind, but Marvel Girl was too strong for Selene and expelled her, keeping Selene trapped for a time beneath the Hellfire Club headquarters.[volume & issue needed]
After M-DayEdit
Selene was one of the few mutants to retain her powers after the events of M-Day.[13]
Selene, disguised as an old woman, befriends Wither and they live together in Mutant Town.[14] She encourages him to use his powers and not be afraid of his natural gifts. She then asks him if he would use his powers to save his or her life. She had been killing a large number of people by draining their life-forces, and during her last feeding her disguise was spotted by a witness. She reveals to Wither that Laurie has died, while he was away. Later she is attacked by the police and managed to kill two of them before being shot multiple times. Wither arrives and kills the other two officers, only for Selene to drop her disguise, telling him she is immortal and that they are two of a kind and should be together. She tells Wither that she will be his queen if he agrees, then kisses him, and he consents.[15]
Eli Bard's offeringEdit
Selene's relationship with Eli Bard is explained by Warpath to the other members of X-Force. It is revealed he had originally planned to sacrifice the Purifiers to Selene but changed his plans upon seeing Bastion reprogram an offspring of Magus. Using the Technarch transmode virus he reanimated the corpses in the burial grounds of the Apache tribe that he had decimated decades earlier along with Caliban. He presented them to Selene for the purpose of finding other dead mutants and resurrecting them by the same means, so that Bard can sacrifice them and their powers to her.[16]
Main article: Necrosha
One week before the event of Necrosha, Selene has the recently resurrected Destiny brought before her where she asks what her future holds.[17]
Selene returns to the place of her birth in central Europe, accompanied by new Inner Circle, consisting of Blink, Senyaka, Mortis, Wither, and Eli Bard. She sets her plan into motion of becoming a goddess with her Inner Circle; they go to the New York branch of the Hellfire Club, where they slaughter everyone present. Selene then targets others who she feels have obstructed, or otherwise failed, her in her quest for divinity, namely Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Emma Frost (against whom she especially holds a grudge because of Frost's use of the "Black Queen" codename when working for the Dark X-Men), the X-Men, and Magma. Caliban and Thunderbird then lead her to the ruins of Genosha. Selene dubs the ruins Necrosha and swears that her journey will end here.[18] While most of the resurrected mutants attack the X-Men and Utopia, Selene is seen with Eli Bard resurrecting the massacred residents of Genosha, with Cerebro detecting the rise of mutant numbers in millions (the first life-signs detected by Bastion's computers include Spoor, Katu, Unus, REM-RAM, Static, and Barnacle).[19] There is a major problem though: a lot of the deceased have been depowered, despite having been killed BEFORE M-day. Wither and Mortis explain what happened and the Coven begins to set up base at Necrosha. It turns out that Selene can't do the ritual yet, because Eli Bard lost the knife that was required to do it. She then dispatches her crew and they end up taking the knife back, capturing Warpath in the process. Once Bard gives Selene the knife and proclaims his eternal love for her, Selene stabs Eli, killing him (much to Wither's delight). Warpath is eventually rescued by the Vanisher but Selene absorbs the many souls around her, turning light blue and growing in size. She finally becomes the goddess she had sought to be for so long. Turning to her followers, she commands them to get her more souls.[20] Warpath was able to destroy Selene by plunging his dagger into her chest, after teaching X-Force the Ghost Dance, a ritual meant to kill evil spirits such as Selene. Shocked that her moment of godhood was taken away so quickly, Selene explodes into rays of light.[20]
Sometime after Selene's death, Blink attempted to resurrect the Black Queen. Blink was eventually stopped by Emma Frost and a small team of X-Men (consisting of Blindfold, Pixie, Husk, Warpath) along with former Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange who managed successfully to purge Blink of Selene's corrupted influence.[21]
It was later revealed that Selene's body and soul had been preserved as airborne particles and somehow stored in stasis in a vault located somewhere in New York City. Lady Deathstrike and the Enchantress gained access to the vault and through the newly enhanced magic granted to her by the sentient virus, Arkea, she was able to fully restore Selene to physical life for the purpose of adding her to the newly formed Sisterhood of Mutants.[22]
Power EliteEdit
In the aftermath of the "Secret Empire," Selene has publicly become head of the White House's "Task Force of Faith-Based Initiatives", and joined the "Power Elite", an alliance of powerful people including Thunderbolt Ross, Baron von Strucker, and Alexa Lukin.[23] She also assisted in the resurrection of Alexa's husband Aleksander Lukin who also joined the Power Elite. Though the side-effect also revived a remnant of the Red Skull's mind that was in Aleksander.[24]
Dawn of XEdit
Selene was eventually welcomed to the new mutant island of Krakoa, created by Xavier, Magneto and Moira. She entered through the teleportation gateway alongside other villainous and fractious mutants, who had been invited to join the nation in order to heal mutantdom and start over as a whole species together.[25]
Selene alongside Emplate, had been tasked by Xavier with measuring the amount of psychic energy that Krakoa would take from its inhabitants. A similar protocol was put in place for them both as they also need to nourish on mutants for survival.[
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wizardofrozz · 3 years
The Perfect Pair
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Warnings: swearing, violence, angst, blood and gore, character death
Pairing: Loki x OFC
Chapter 18: Hello Brother
I shot up into a sitting position gasping for air despite the burning in my lungs. Slowly, breathing became easier, suppressing the spike of anxiety but only momentarily as I stared at Violet’s unmoving body; I dropped my head, rubbing at my eyes, waiting. I heard a gasp then coughing a few feet away; quickly, my mind caught up, and I crawled across the floor to Violet.
           “Hey, you’re okay,” I soothed, rubbing her back as she choked on fresh air.
           “That was fucking miserable,” she hacked, pressing a hand to her chest. I burst into a fit of laughter, sitting back on my heels, and dropped my head onto her shoulder to steady myself.
           “Gods, I love you,” I managed through giggles.
           “And don’t you forget it,” she shot back, snickering. “Now, where the hell are we?” I lifted my head, breathing through the last of my laughter to look around the room but still having no answer.
           “No idea,” I shrugged. “Doesn’t matter; missiles are probably already flying towards the Avengers compound.”
           “Son of a bitch. Odin really couldn’t make that any less uncomfortable?” Violet swore, rubbing her chest.
           “Come on, you pain in my ass,” I laughed, getting to my feet. Violet grumbled in protest but grabbed my outstretched hand, gingerly getting to her feet. “Get changed, and we’ll go.” I took a deep breath and my simple attire started to morph; green and black leather crawling over my skin, my cloak fluttering down behind me, the familiar weight of my helmet settling on my head. I looked over at Violet, watching her armor materialize; her raven black hair braided tightly, charcoal breastplate swirling with purple accents appeared along with rich black cloak that fell around her. “Add some new designs?” My eyes followed the soft swirls of purple that littered her cloak.
           “Shut up, plain black is so boring,” she mumbled.
           “Ready, my love?” I reached for her hand, smiling softly; she thought for a moment before meeting my eyes.
           “Almost,” she whispered. I raised an eyebrow, but my silent question was answered when her lips met mine. “Now I am.” I laughed, shaking my head as my eyes fell shut; I reached for my brother, magic tendrils flowing in all directions in hopes of finding him.
           “There you are, brother,” I whispered, teleporting us with ease.
           “Oh gods,” Violet gasped. I opened my eyes slowly and was met with a sight that could only be described as apocalyptic; the compound was in shambles, falling in on itself, smoldering debris everywhere.  
           “It doesn’t even look like we’re on Earth,” I whispered, squeezing Violet’s hand.
           “Are you scared?” she asked suddenly.
           “Thank god I’m not alone,” she whispered. I looked down at her, fear creasing her beautiful features, only adding to my panic. “We have to get moving. Do you know where Thor is already?”
           “Not exactly. I followed him to this point, but I didn’t try for an exact spot,” I explained. Violet and I jumped when a blinding bolt of lightning exploded a few hundred feet below us, signaling we found Thor.
           “Safe to say we found him,” Violet laughed. Her laughed died off when Thanos slams Thor on his back, beating down on him repeatedly. “When are we supposed to step in!” Violet whispers harshly.
           “When we can get to Thor without running face-first into Thanos. Even with five of us, we can’t beat him,” I bark.
           “We may not make it to Thor,” she gasps. I snap my gaze to my brother to see Thanos leaning over him, pressing an ax into his chest.
           “We have to help.” I grabbed Violet’s arm, but she ripped away, her eyes still glued to the scene unfolding.
           “Look,” she mumbled to the left. I flicked my gaze away from her in time to watch Captain America catch Mjolnir; I almost choked on my own saliva, causing Violet to snort. Thanos kicked Thor through a pile of debris before facing Captain America; Thor tumbled a few feet away, landing with a thud on his back.
           “Now’s our chance,” I stated, grabbing her hand. When I opened my eyes again, my beaten and bloody brother lay unmoving a foot in front of me; Violet pulled me closer, nudging Thor’s leg.
           “Hey! Get up!” she half-yelled, kicking him harder. I ran my eyes over Thor, noticing his larger body shape, thick braided beard, and dreaded long hair.
           “I didn’t know we were taking on the likeness the Vikings imagined,” I snorted, keeping my eyes on his face. Thor’s forehead wrinkled, his eyes moving under his eyelids before a deep groan escaped his lips.
           “I was thinking the same thing. The beard is pretty impressive though,” Violet added, raising an eyebrow.
           “Usually, he keeps it short, makes him look younger,” I snickered.
           “W-wha…” Thor tried, his arm shifting at his side.
           “Come on, big guy, open those pretty blues,” Violet called, kicking his leg again.
           “Hey!” I protested, slightly hurt.
           “Are you really going to doubt me now? I’m your wife that came back from the dead to rule with you,” she deadpanned.
           “…alright, got me there,” I admitted, rubbing my neck. Thor screwed his eyes shut tighter, his arm finally moving, very slowly, towards his face, rubbing between his eyes.
           “I’m losing it,” he whispered, scrubbing at his face. “I'm still hearing their banter from beyond the grave.” Violet glanced over at me, raising an eyebrow as she tried to hold back a laugh; I covered my smile with the back of my hand, moving my gaze back to Thor.  
           “Can you lose your mind later? We have shit to take care of,” Violet grunted, shifting to place her hands on her hips. Thor froze, his eyes flying open, trying to adjust again; his eyes slowly grew wider as he looked back and forth between Violet and me.
           “What the fuck…” he whispered, his eyes still moving.
           “Woah, he uses that word?” Violet laughed.
           “But…” Thor tried again, only to fall quiet.
           “Listen, Lebowski, if you yell that we’re alive again, I’m putting you back to sleep.” Violet popped a hip out, her hands still resting on them as she glared down at Thor.
           “Lebowski?” I asked, my face scrunching in confusion.
           “What, I’ve watched movies before,” she shrugged.
           “How did you escape? I-I watched you both…” Thor stumbled over his words, tears forming in his eyes.
           “Come on, let’s get you up,” I offered softly, reaching a hand to him. I pulled Thor to his feet, throwing his arm over my shoulder to steady him; Violet wiggled her way under his other arm to help him walk.
           “To answer your question, you should probably thank your father for sending us back,” Violet said, smiling up at Thor. He turned to look down at her for a few seconds before turning his gaze to me again.
           “Odin did this?” he mumbled, supporting more of his weight on his own the longer we walked.
           “Yes, but we can discuss this later. We have a Titan to take care of.” I smacked Thor’s back, stopping in my tracks, not wanting to get too close before Thor could hold himself up.
           “We can’t win,” he groaned. Thor straightened up, rolling his head on his shoulders, stretching his arms; he already looked better than a few minutes ago. “Five of us isn’t enough.”
           “Good thing there are more than five of us,” I smirked, pointing towards the growing portals. I stepped behind Thor, resting my hand on his shoulder and grabbing Violet’s hand, teleporting us next to where Captain America stood.
           “Thor,” Steve said with a relieved sigh. “Wait, I thought you two were….dead,” he stumbled.
           “Doesn’t stick,” Violet joked, jabbing me with her elbow.
           “We’re here to help,” I added, glaring at Violet, who only smiled back sweetly.
           “Thank you,” Steve said with a smile. “I mean it.” Steve turned to look at the growing army but turned back to us. “You’re going to need earpieces.” Then, with a flick of my wrist, I felt a pressure in my ear and noticed Violet flinch, touching her ear.
           “Done,” I chirped; Steve smirked, shaking his head. I looked over my shoulder, noticing more people pouring out of portals, getting closer; a Pegasus circling overhead, caught my attention.
           “Hey.” I nudged Violet, pointing above our heads; Violet’s face lit up when she recognized the flying animal.
           “Bea? Bea!” she screamed, waving her arms. The winged horse descended, landing gracefully a few feet away, trotting towards us.
           “No fucking way!” Bea shouted, a huge smile spreading across her face. Violet blew her a kiss then turned back towards Thanos’ army, taking a deep breath.
           “You ready, trickster?” she asked, looking up at me.
           “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I sighed, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. Violet twirled the impressive long sword that materialized in her hand, squaring her shoulder. I sucked in a deep breath, deciding to use a long sword as well, and relaxing slightly when the weight settled in my hand.
           “Avengers!” Steve screamed. I chanced a glance back, swallowing a gasp at the sheer number of people filling the space behind us. “Assemble.” The misfit army erupted, battle cries filling the air as everyone took off towards Thanos’ army. Chaos commenced as the armies clashed, bodies slamming together with loud thuds; Violet was thrown back into my chest, roaring in anger.
           “Throw me up!” she yelled. I responded without hesitation, launching her in the air and using the momentum to throw a ball of magic at an approaching Chitauri. My sword materialized in my hand again as I slashed through an Outrider, pushing closer to Violet, who was jumping and spinning like a deadly dancer. I jumped out of the way of a giant fist as a man, who I assume was the Falcon, slammed into the massive creature’s chest, stabbing his metal wings into the gorilla.
           “Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?” Hawkeye’s voice erupted in my ear.
           “Get those stones as far away as possible!” Steve answered. I ducked, dodging another large punch, knocking the gorilla back with another blast of magic.
           “No! We need to get them back where they came from,” Bruce shouted.
           “Bruce!” I heard Violet’s voice next.
           “Violet?! You’re alive!” Bruce exclaimed. “Loki?”
           “Hello, Bruce!” I yelled, grunting as an Outrider slammed into my chest.
           “No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel,” Stark’s voice cut in, interrupting our greetings. I struggled against the weight on my chest, holding back the creatures snapping jaws; suddenly, the weight was lifted, and the Outrider was knocked away.
           “Now’s not the time for rest, brother,” Thor laughed, pulling me to my feet.
           “Hilarious,” I snorted, shaking my head as he flew off again. I shook my head, landing a kick against the chest of another Outrider, sending it flying back. I heard the faint sound of music from somewhere off in the distance.
           “Anyone see an ugly, brown van up there?” Steve’s voice came through again.
           “Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!” Bea shouted. Ignoring the intercom system, I glanced around, catching a glimpse of Violet, eyes glowing an unnerving bright purple before a blast of magic burst from her chest, knocking numerous Outriders back. I tore through the few Chitauri between us, almost stumbling into her from the force of ramming my blade through one a Chitauri.
           “Hey baby!” she yelled, yanking her sword up through the upper body of an Outrider. I noticed her cloak was gone, and she was covered in gore but smiling so brightly, it could put the sun to shame.
           “You’re incredible,” I laughed. Violet winked before yanking me forward, twirling to bring her sword down on another creature. I regained my footing and fell into a rhythm with Violet, gracefully moving around her as we tore through the endless hoard of creatures. When the first cannon exploded from above us, Violet and I froze, watching missiles rain down on the battlefield.
           “Well shit,” Violet grunted. I huffed a sigh, close lining a passing Outrider before stabbing it in the chest then spinning to avoid being tackled.
           “What the hell is this?” Falcon’s voice erupted in my ear. I backed up into Violet as I looked at the ship, seeing the canons changing direction.
           “What the hell?” she mumbled, narrowing her eyes.
           “F.R.I.D.A.Y., what are they firing at?” Stark said this time, but I didn’t hear the answer.
           “Something’s coming through the atmosphere,” Violet said, pointed at the crackle of light flying through the clouds. A figure emerged from the clouds, bursting through Thanos’ ship, tearing a hole through it, causing an explosion.
           “Oh yeah!” an unfamiliar voice screamed.
           “Danvers, we need some assistance here,” Steve’s voice cut in.
           “Danvers?” Violet mumbled, raising an eyebrow at me; I shrugged. “I think it’s time,” she says, nodding over my shoulder. I glanced back, realizing how close we got to the van everyone was looking for and catching a glimpse of the Titan stalking through the battlefield.
           “Go, I’ll watch your back,” I stated, ushering her forward. Violet jogged towards a group of three women I didn’t recognize, stepping into Thanos’ path; I couldn’t fight the terror that seeped into my bones as I watched her face off against the Titan again. I fought off two Outriders, catching a glimpse of the blast that threw Thanos back as a streak of light flew past. I jogged closer to Violet, meeting her halfway, only to be knocked back slightly by a wave of energy.
           “What do we have here?” Thanos laughs, his eyes falling on Violet and me. I closed my eyes, forcing as much of my magic as possible into a compact ball between my hands; quickly seeing Violet mimicking me, I nodded, pushing the magic forward. The green and purple wave of magic launched Thanos back, sending him skidding through the dirt; I tried to step forward, only to fall to my knees, head spinning. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Violet is bent at the waist, close to falling too.
           “Brother!” Thor yells, wrenching me to my feet, smacking my face.
           “Go!” I yelled, pushing him forward when I noticed Stark slamming into Thanos. Thor hesitates for a second longer before attacking Thanos with help from Captain America. “Vi?” I called, still a little unsteady on my feet.
           “I’ll be okay,” she pants, swaying as she stood again. We tried to move forward, only to notice a second too late that Thor’s body was flying right for us, knocking us off our feet; the three of us rolled a few times, landing in a heap.
           “Damnit, Thor!” Violet cried. I tried to blink away the black spot in my vision to find her; I shouted at the sharp kick to my kidney. Well, that’ll clear my vision.
           “Hold still!” Thor yelled at Violet. Thor gently rolled onto his back, relieving the pressure from my chest and the weight off Violet’s legs.
           “Everyone okay?” I panted, pulling myself into a sitting position.
           “Wonderful,” Thor grunted, sitting with his back to me.
           “I’ll live,” Violet groaned, getting to her knees next to me.
           “We should go….” Thor vaguely gestured towards Thanos. “It’s-“A blinding white light cut off Thor. “No…” Thor blanched, snapping his head towards me, scrambling to his feet.
           “Thor!” I called desperately, reaching a hand towards him. Thor pulled me to my feet and reaching down to yank Violet to her feet by her arm.
           “No, Odin told us how it should go!” Violet whispered harshly, jogging after Thor. I stopped as I rounded the corner of the debris, causing Violet to run into my back. “What…” she broke off.
           “It did,” I whispered, slowly dropping to one knee next to Thor. Violet followed my lead, dropping her head forward, sighing raggedly. Thor sniffled next to me, wiping at his face aggressively; I threw an arm over his shoulder, pulling him close. He froze for a moment before sagging against me; Violet crawled around to his other side, rubbing circles on his back. Thor wrapped an arm around her, letting her head fall on his shoulder while he rubbed her arm.
           “It’s over,” Thor whispered.
Series Masterlist | Chapter 19
@criminalyetminimal​ @marvelfansworld​ 
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Okay I know everyone is sick of hearing "this is how I woulda done the sequel trilogy" but listen up cause now it's my turn to say some dumb shit
So as previously established Kylo Ren is just a worst version of Murtagh from the Eragon series well why not go the whole hog and restructure the plot of the movies to match the plot of Eragon if you're already taking Murtagh
The Force Awakens: Rey, Finn, and Kylo are force sensitives as running from the First Order who are kidnapping Jedi to brainwash them into Sith, they meet Poe, he says he can fly them to the Republic/Resistance, Kylo Ren knows he's the grandson of Vader but he's not into it (Rey is the granddaughter of Ki-Adi Mundi cause he had five wives and was a nobody so it just works ok Todd), during the big climatic space battle at the end they get split up and Kylo gets napped
The Last Jedi: the Resistance take Rey and Finn to meet Luke Skywalker (or another old Jedi it's less important) the Jedi master explains the Resistance needs to find a weakness in the First Order before they can commit to an attack, Rey trains lightsaber so she can free Kylo and the other force sensitives, Finn finds out First Order raiding parties are abducting people from his home planet to be stormtroopers so he trains force nonlethally so he can stop it without killing them, big Climatic space battle, SUPRISE Kylo shows up and he's evil now and he beats Rey but let's her live for old times sake (Luke dies maybe? Idk)
The Rise of Skywalker: Rey and Finn train to combine their techniques, Poe does a good scout mission and finds the First Order main base, ITS PALPATINE AGAIN
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Somehow Palpatine came back and he's pissed, the Resistance commences a big space battle but there's too many stormtroopers and everyone's like oh no there's too many but then Finn shows up and he's like hey everyone calm down (but he still fights Phasma in a cool duel, Phasma has replaced Hux in everything by the way) and a bunch of stormtroopers switch sides or surrender, then Palpatine makes Rey and Kylo fight cause he likes to do that, but Rey uses what she learned from everyone to beat Kylo (nonlethally) and Palpatine's like Good, Rey, Good, Now Finish Him! but instead Rey uses what she actually learned and summons a ghost army and the Anakin ghost raises Palpatine up and fucking back breaks him like Bane did to Batman (hence the Rise of Skywalker) and they win and Palpatine loses cause he just fucking sucks
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leahxx129 · 4 years
Tragedy of Butterflies (Peter Quill x Reader)
Hi there. Quick personal note: it appears that the personal thing I’m struggling with at the moment will go on for around another month, but I have lots of story ideas and will try to write & post some. 
As for the story... I feel like that Chris Pratt is the most underrated Chris from all the MCU Chrises, so I wanted to show a little love for him & one of his more famous character.
Summary: As a result of the Snap, Peter Quill dies in your arms and your heart shatters to pieces since you’ve been secretly in love with him for quite a while now. What happens 5 years later when everyone is brought back to the battle field, including some very unexpected people? 
Warnings: cursing 
Word count: 1.630-ish
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You have no idea how much time has passed since the wizards brought everyone to the field and the guy with the shield commenced the battle against Thanos, but you’re pretty sure about one thing - within the next couple of minutes you’re going to suffer an excruciating death.
The creature knocked you over in a blink of an eye, you never even saw it coming, and both of your machetes flew out of reach. You can brush one’s handle with your fingertips but it’s still a far stretch... You desperately try to take in a few punches, but the damn thing is clawing at you with a foaming mouth, wanting to tear your throat out like a freaking otherworldly Cujo, so the majority of your energy is invested in self-defense. Even through the beast’s grumble you can hear the battle screams and death rattle of warriors trying their best to defeat the other army and fail at it.
Your arms are getting numb and a strange mixture of calmness and serenity dazes your mind. Maybe death wouldn’t be the worst-case scenario. You’re tired and you’ve certainly done your fair share over the years… Then his face flashes before your eyes and you relinquish every single thought of surrender in an instant.
He always demanded everyone to call him Star-Lord, but to friends he was Quill and to you, only Peter. You can’t just go down like this, you owe putting up a real fight to him. That’s the least you could do since you were unable to save him the first time you all faced Thanos…
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You’ve known Peter since you were a little girl. You happened to be in the hospital when his mom died and followed him outside just to accidentally be snatched by Yondu as well...
He was nothing but a silly boy to you for a very long time – he would pull your hair, try to frighten you by telling ghost stories or play mean pranks on you... Then one day you suddenly realized he became so much more, and the mere fact that you had no clue how it happened scared the crap out of you.
Naturally, this escaped his notice, so every time he obtained a new notch in his belt, you died a little inside and swore an oath that you’d never be one of his conquests. An oath you broke not long after having sworn it... You fell so miserably in love with the man that you let yourself turn into his occasional bed warmer because even a relationship like that was more than nothing. At least that’s what you made yourself believe to help you sleep at night...
His lips felt incredibly soft as he peppered your neck with featherlight kisses in the dark.
His fingertips almost made you catch on fire when they traced your skin under the covers.
And the way he whispered sweet nothings into your ears when nobody else was around brought you to the verge of losing your goddamn mind every single time.
You found him completely and utterly intoxicating. Peter was addictive like a drug. And you lived for the high.
For a short period of time it looked like as if he was beginning to return your feelings, but then Gamora showed up and shattered every illusion to a thousand pieces. You couldn’t blame her - it’s not like she demanded Peter to shower her with his attention. But you couldn’t blame Peter, either, because Gamora was close to perfection… so, all you did was blaming yourself and pretending to be happy for the slyest thief in the galaxy day after day.
Truth be told, every night when you closed your eyes you imagined how it would feel like if the Zehoberei woman just simply got out of the picture, but with God as your witness, you never wished for her departure to be this way. When Thanos revealed on the Titan that he’d murdered her, the confession broke Peter and seeing him like that broke you.
Then came the Snap.
Peter pulverized in your arms and you would have given everything in the entire galaxy to trade your life for his. Later on, you joined Rocket and you’ve been by his side ever since as he appeared to be the only one to share your grief and understand your pain, but more importantly, he was the only other remaining member of the guardians and being close to him reminded you of better times.
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Your fingers inch a bit closer to the machete’s handle but when you try to flick it in your direction the only thing you manage to do is just push it farther away.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” you yell as a generous amount of the monster’s saliva lands on your neck a second later. “Could this situation get any worse?”
The answer comes right away when the thing overpowers you and you feel a set of razor-sharp teeth sink into your shoulder. The scream ripping from your lungs makes your own blood run cold. You close your eyes and await the next – and probably the last - lash out but it never comes. Instead, you hear a gun shot and the beast collapses onto you. Realizing that you’re still alive and kicking, you push it off and freeze at the sight of your savior. He’s standing far away, face not visible, but you could recognize that stance anywhere.
“Peter?!” you scream his name and hope he heard it through all the turmoil.
The stranger touches the side of his mask to reveal the face you haven’t seen in the past five years but dreamt of every single night.
Not minding the shoulder wound you jump to your feet and start limping towards him, picking up the pace when you see him do the same. Within a couple of seconds, the distance is closed, and you fall into his arms, tears streaming down your face. The familiar minty scent invades your nostrils and you can feel his stubble tickle your face. It’s him. It’s really him. You hug him even tighter.
“Peter…” you lean away a few inches to be able to look into his eyes but before you can say anything, he crashes his lips onto yours, leaving you completely dumbfounded. You kiss him back, nevertheless.
“What was that for?” you ask after breaking apart, shielding your genuine curiosity with a small smile.
“I love you.” He breathes against your lips, panting heavily.
Your eyes widen.
“Okay, I must have a little monster saliva clogging my ears because what I heard was that you love me and that cannot be the real reason.”
He lets out a chuckle.
“I don’t know about the saliva sweetheart, but you heard me right.”
You eye him suspiciously.
“I don’t get it.”
His signature lopsided smile appears on his face, but his gaze radiates sadness. You remind him of what his mom used to tell him about the tragedy of butterflies. Their wings are exquisitely beautiful and yet they can’t see them, just as you can’t see your own beauty and worth.
“I’ve loved you for quite a while now, Y/N.” he caresses your cheek with his thumb. “When we became friends…uhm… with benefits… I-I thought it was better than nothing, so I went along. But deep inside I knew it was not enough for me. And I couldn’t imagine a galaxy where someone like you would seriously be interested in someone like me. So, when Gamora showed up I decided to move on and try to develop a healthy relationship with somebody else… so much for that, huh?”
“Oh, Peter…” you begin but he hushes you.
“Ssshh, okay, just let me finish please.” He takes a deep breath, obviously struggling to hold back tears. “I cared for her. I really did. But when I woke up in that strange place, do you know who’s name I was screaming for hours? Yours. I loved her but I’m in love with you. Promise you’ll never leave me, please.”
You open your mouth to respond but a series of gunshots rip through the air missing your head just by inches and one of Thanos’ mutant soldiers collapses behind your back.
“I’m really glad you two idiots have finally figured your shit out but we’re on a battlefield right now and I can’t keep on saving your asses while you’re having a heart-to-heart!”
Nebula’s familiar voice provides an explanation for the shots but when you both turn to her direction, she’s not alone. You can feel a knot form in your stomach.
“Gamora?” Peter asks incredulously.
“Who’s this guy?” the person in question turns to Nebula with a clueless facial expression.
“He was hitting on you in an attempt to forget how desperately in love he was with the girl he’s holding right now.”
Gamora’s eyebrows fly up.
“Wow… and the me in this dimension didn’t see through the situation? No wonder she’s dead.”
“This dimension? What’s going on? Is she from a different one?” you find your voice and address the question to Nebula.
“We don’t have time for this. I’ll tell everything after this is over... you know, on the off chance we survive...” She flashes a mechanic smile and disappears with her sister.
Peter is still staring at the place where they stood just seconds ago. You gently put your palm on the side of his face and make him look you in the eyes.
“I promise!” you vow and kiss him hungrily.
There are two things you’re hoping for at the moment - you want to survive this battle more than anything so you could be with Peter and you also pray that Gamora’s return won’t affect a single thing.
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🍂Yazid’s forces gather at Karbala 🍂
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Ibn Ziyad had given strict orders to surround and compel Imam Husayn (a.s.) to proceed to Kufa where a large army was assembled. However, Imam Husayn never allowed them to succeed in their plan. He proceeded to take a different route and arrived at Karbala. On the second of Muharram, the year 61 AH when Imam Husayn pitched his camp at Karbala, al-Hurr also pitched his camp a little distance from Imam Husayn’s camp. Al-Hurr wrote to Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad stating that Imam Husayn (a.s.) had finally pitched his camp and settled at Karbala and appeared to have no plan to proceed to Kufa. Had Imam Husayn (a.s.) proceeded to Kufa, it would have been construed as his seeking to fight the forces of Ibn Ziyad who had already gathered there. By pitching his camp at Karbala, Imam Husayn (a.s.), forever, removed even the remotest chance of an allegation that he was the aggressor since he sought the stationary army of ibn Ziyad. By making ibn Ziyad to change his plans and send his army to Karbala, Imam Husayn (a.s.) showed who was the aggressor and who was after whom. Secondly, by avoiding going to Kufa, Imam Husayn (a.s.) forestalled the possible allegation that since he knew that a huge army had gathered and was for him at Kufa, it was suicidal to proceed to Kufa. Lastly sitting at a neutral place, Imam Husayn (a.s.) kept the door for negotiations open, as could be seen in the following pages.
If at all it can be called a ‘battle’, the battle of Karbala was extremely unequal and one sided. On the one side, when Imam Husayn (a.s.) pitched his camp in Karbala on the second of Muharram the year 61 AH, there were only few hundreds of persons, including ladies, children, teenagers, old men and only a few able (to fight) persons. According to some historians, there were five hundred cavalry and about a hundred infantry in the camp of the Imam Husayn.1 Some companions of the Imam (a.s.) suggested that it was possible to defeat al-Hurr’s army of the thousand men before any additional forces arrived. The Imam (a.s.) refused, saying that the Ahlul Bayt never commenced any hostility. Instead, Imam Husayn (a.s.) wrote and sent letters to Sulayman bin Surad, al-Musayyab bin Najaba, Refa’ah bin Shaddad, Abdullah ibn Wal and other known adherents of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.).
The letters were identical and were as follows:
“Those who do not stand up to a tyrant and transgressor of the faith will suffer in this life and the life to come. You are aware that the Banu Umayya are impelled by their satanic desire, have perpetuated corruption, usurped the treasury for themselves, transgressed religious injunctions and permitted what is prohibited and prohibited what is lawful in Islam. You will recall that you wrote to me complaining that you are left without a guide in religion and had invited me to Kufa. Now, I am besieged by Yazid’s army. If you still hold fast to the pledge you made and the affection you promised to show me, know that at your instance I have come. I will not be surprised if you retract from your pledge, for, you had betrayed my father Ali and my brother Hasan.”2
Imam Husayn (a.s.) gathered his small group of companions and said to them,
“The course which affairs have taken is manifest to you. The world has changed its colours; virtue has almost vanished. This is the age of Wrong and the followers of Right have passed away. A time has come when the true believer has to separate himself from the mischievous mutineers and turn towards his Creator. Do you not see that the Divine Commands are neglected and what is forbidden is practiced with relish? Life under tyrants is hard to live and I consider death a great honor.”3
Hilal bin Nafi’ got up and said, “I would prefer to sacrifice my life than to live after you.” Zohair ibn al-Qain said, “If I were to be killed in defending you and then raised to life again a thousand times, I would still defend and not desert you.”
The battlefield chronicler Abu Makhnaf records that on the other side, in the course of two days, between the third and the fourth of Muharram, the plains of Karbala were filled with over a hundred and forty thousand warriors from Syria, Iraq, Iran and other countries to oppose Imam Husayn (a.s.). Umar bin Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas brought an army of six thousand soldiers, four thousand men were headed by Shibth bin Rib’iy, various contingents of between ten and twenty thousand men each headed by Urwa bin Qays, Sinan bin Anas an-Nakh’iy, Hussayn Bin Numair, Shimr bin Thil Joushan, Mudha’ir bin Raheena al-Mazini, Yazid bin Rikab al-Kelbi, Nadhr bin Harasha, Muhammad bin al-Ash’ath, Abdullah bin Hussayn, Khouli al-Asbahi, Bakr bin Ka’b bin Talha, Hajjar ibn Abhur4 besides the warriors under the command of Umar bin Hajjaj.
On the fourth of Muharram, Umar bin Sa’d wanted Urwa bin Qais a prominent figure from Kufa to go to Imam Husayn (a.s.) and inquire why he had come. Urwa was one of those who had repeatedly written to Imam Husayn (a.s.) inviting him to come to Kufa. He made a lame excuse from the task of meeting Imam Husayn, as he felt ashamed to face the Imam (a.s.). Ibn Sa’d tried to persuade other prominent personalities of Kufa to go on the errand, but they refused out of shame as it was they who had written letters inviting Imam Husayn (S) to come to Kufa.5 Then, Katheer bin Abdullah agreed to go to Imam Husayn’s tent. He was stopped by Zohair ibn al-Qain or by Abu Thumama according to some sources, and asked to remove his weapons that he did not agree and went back.6 Umar ibn Sa’d then sent Qurra bin Qeis al-Handhali. Imam Husayn (a.s.) asked if anyone knew Qurra. Zohair ibn al-Qain said that Qurra was his sister’s son and belonged to the clan of Tameem. Qurra agreed and deposited his weapons with Zohair and was allowed to meet Imam Husayn (a.s.). To Qurra’s question, Imam Husayn (a.s.) replied that the people of Kufa wrote letters inviting him to come to Kufa and guide them in religious matters as they were without an Imam. Imam Husayn (a.s.) further said that in those circumstances, as an Imam, it was his divinely entrusted mission to come and guide the people of Kufa even at the cost of his life. Imam Husayn (S) then said that if the people of Kufa had changed their mind and they did not want him to come to Kufa, he was ready and willing to go back. Zohair told Qurra that it was unfortunate that Qurra was with the opponents of the grandson of the Prophet (S).7 On hearing this, Qurra replied that before taking any decision he would first prefer to convey the reply of Imam Husayn (a.s.) to ibn Sa’d and watch his reaction.
On the nights of the fourth and the fifth of Muharram, Umar bin Sa’d wanted to meet Imam Husayn (a.s.). Arrangements were made in an open space between Imam Husayn’s camp and Umar’s army when a long conversation ensued during which Imam Husayn (a.s.) showed hundreds of letters written by the people of Kufa. The next night a similar meeting took place in which Imam Husayn (a.s.) explained that he had come only in response to the invitation of the people of Kufa; that it was his Divinely entrusted mission, as an Imam, to guide Muslims and that he had no other aspirations.8
Umar bin Sa’d wrote to Ibn Ziyad, “By God’s grace, an inevitable conflict and unnecessary bloodshed has been avoided in my dialogue with al-Husayn. He showed me over twelve thousand letters written by the people of Kufa inviting him to guide and lead them in religious matters. Al-Husayn has not come with any ulterior motive of grabbing power, but only to perform his religious obligation as an Imam. If, however, the people of Kufa say that they do not need him, he intends to go back to Medina or to any far-off place or even to any foreign country. As a last alternative, al-Husayn suggested that there should be a meeting between him and Yazid and the matter of leadership of the Muslims should be decided by public choice. Let me know what you propose to do in the matter keeping in mind all the alternatives, so that the matter may be resolved peacefully, without hurting the Prophet’s grandson.”9
Khouli, who was inimical to the Ahlul Bayt, wrote to Ibn Ziyad that Umar ibn Sa’d appears to have been impressed with Imam Husayn’s reasoning and mellowed and hence might not carry out the purpose for which he was given the command of the army. On hearing this, Ibn Ziyad said sarcastically, “Look, here is an advisor and well wisher of Muslims.” Ibn Ziyad was enraged by the attitude of Ibn Sa’d and he called for Shimr bin Thil Joushan to whom he gave a letter to be delivered to Umar ibn Sa’d. Shimr gleefully took the letter to Karbala and gave it to Umar bin Sa’d on the night of the sixth of Muharram.
The contents of the letter were recorded by Abu Makhnaf as well as A’sam al-Kufi, and translated into English by Mirza Ghulam Abbas Ali as follows:
“O son of Sa’d! I have known that you spend whole nights out of your camp along with Husayn near the bank of the Euphrates. You hold friendly discourses with him on various topics and show him mildness. Now as soon as this reaches you and you read it, see that no drop of water is carried to Husayn’s camp, if you mind your own welfare. Post your men between the Euphrates and Husayn’s soldiers. Attack and destroy them. I allow the use of water of the Euphrates by Christians and Jews, but refuse it to Husayn, his relatives and friends. Guard the banks, so that they may not be able to take any water in return for what they have done to Uthman who was so badly treated. I know that harming dead bodies does no good or evil, but I command you to trample their dead bodies under the hoofs of horses after you will have killed them. If you are reluctant to carry out my orders, hand over the charge of my forces to the bearer Shimr bin Thil Joushan and come to me to wait for my future orders. As soon as you receive this letter, seal the banks of the river and see that not a drop of water reaches Husayn’s camp.”10
Umar bin Sa’d realized that Shimr had always carried a grudge against him for being preferred and given command of the army and that he was overlooked; therefore, he incited Ibn Ziyad against him. The possibility of losing his command of the army as well as the riches promised by ibn Ziyad, was enough to, once again, blind Umar ibn Sa’d from the reality placed before him by Imam Husayn (a.s.) during the preceding nights. He forthwith ordered the closure of the banks of the Euphrates by posting several battalions under the command of Amr bin al-Hajjaj, and Hussayn ibn Numair with strict instructions not to allow anyone from Imam Husayn’s camp to come near the river and take any water.11
🍂🥀🍂 al-Islam.org 🍂🥀🍂
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kaiju-z · 4 years
Seon Adventures: Episode 32 - Chain of Command
There was a victory. A bitter, bitter, ugly victory, from wherein our heroes were left amidst piles of bodies, surrounding the lake of Stren.
From hundreds, if not thousands of dead, there were 34 survivors. Among whom were Dak and Kit. We come back to the scene as our heroes get their bearings of this ordeal...
Bodies. So many corpses. And among them, the party of five stand. Tired. Weary. Hurt. Covered in blood, gunk and lake shit. Stren’s gook sticking to the soles of their footwear as they ponder on where to carry on to from here.
A decision is raised. While half the party ;Belli, Jun and Mournimar go to the nearest town to get help with the bodies, Luctan opts to join Malak on the daunting task to bury the fallen. As long as it’ll take.
From Bavorum, the elite guard make smoke signals, signing that they are drawing near to the scene as the less armored trio, followed by the trusty Morgan go off, carrying Kit to the town of  Askrivium.
Kit, who had been one of those luckily spared by the death curse. Kit, was slowly coming to, in her own cheeky way. Much to the amusement of Jun, who watches the half-orc bard bicker at the “sleeping” changeling rogue.
And while their group head for Askrivium, the two changeling having a little back and forth, the armored duo of Luck and Malak get to work. Steadily, taking shifts, on agreement, to do this deed.
2 hours pass. A large shadow comes over the horizon. That of the Darksbane Army, finally arriving at the scene, led by Laila Duststone. Joined by Terrowin the Half-Orc and Kraag the Orc Barbarian. Full force and mobilized, they approach the scene and one after the other, Terrowin and Laila talk with Luck and Malak.
Mournfully, Luctan retells the story of what happened, first to Terrowin, then to Laila. Each of whom at the very least are glad that the party is in full form, having lost no one among them. Laila encourages Luck to not blame himself over what had transpired, even as he does so.
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Laila explains that the people, who touched the crystal orb will be gathering within a week to discuss what’s happening. Savron included. So it’s serious. Laila had come into contact with the crystal and born witness to what would happen.
Luctan wants to join them, if possible. But Laila declines, as they had done enough. She hands him a note with a certain number. A collective 25,000 Gold for the party, should they travel east next, before their work up north.
Still, the two holy fighters carry on with what they decided upon the end of the battle.
Among the bodies, a pondering Luck finds a familiar face. But it’s not who he was expecting. It’s one of the younger priests in the temple of Sa Doma. A tiny little Halfling woman.
The boys bond over sadness and emotions. Luck’s always here if Malak wants to talk.
Malak will remember this.
Luck tries to heal Malak. Nothing happens, but it’s the thought that counts.
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Fastforwarding to Ascrovium!...
The squishy half of the party, and honorary member Kit, enter the grounds and... It’s a small town, definitely more of a stopping point for travelers than anything else. What’s shocking about the town, however, is the amount of people that are currently gathered.
The town is remarkably packed. These are families of people, who walked off in the middle of the night. Partners, etc .Everyone seems particularly tense, no one is sure where everyone is. 
It is at this moment that Belli decides to bring out her Thaumaturgy stone and get everyone’s attention...
Without mincing words, she tells everyone what happened. How their loved ones were gathered at the lake. How tragiclaly most of them met their end there, if, but for 34 among them. A small light of hope in the constricting darkness.
Most of the crowd is in shock. Some just start running. 10-15 minutes later, the town is cleared from the exess folk, everyone that could afford to make a run, heading there immediatelly.
“This broughtcast was brought to you by Peppery Pete.”
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Jun commends Belli for her way of handling the encounter. Belli thanks her, attributing her skill to it either being her maturing or adding another layer of trauma to herself.
... yeah....
They check for a possible morgue and find a thin Half-Orc girl, who guards the graveyard with a pike, for her aunt, who had gone to find her father. Possibly among the people, who met their end.
The party quickly assess that the graveyard is too small for the capacity of bodies.  10% of the bodies seen at lake Stren could probably fit in and that’s probably without counting the ones, already occupying the dirt.
Their group end up heading for the nearest tavern, discussing Ficus’ relationship status as Jun finds him handsome, but Belli protects her brother, claiming he is “spoken for”. Which brings Jun to ponder on Ficus’ thoughts on relationships of a kind.
As they take to a tavern, get cleaned and find their rest in their own respective way, the armored boys are still at it. 1 AM. They are still working. Aided by the army, but are still going about it and watching out, just in case someone tries to nick something from the bodies. Which almost happens. But Malak’s stern fatherly disapproval brings Kraag to return the watch.
Morning comes. One half of the party wake up and have breakfast. The other has been working all evening, through the waking hours and have exhausted themselves physically. But by gum, so much work had been done.
As Jun gets the diggers food in a basket, Belli checks with her brother, updating him on Kit.
Ficus had been running all night, after what Belli had told him previously, making his way to lake Stren. Which. Is probably a long way, given that he probably started off at a different location.
“Welp. I’m sure that won’t come back to haunt me!” - Belli says, before burrying her face in Orion’s fur. (gross cat noises commence).
The party reconnects at the lake, where Luctan and Malak finally get to eat, while catching up their party on what had occured, while they were gone.
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Once done eating, they gather their things and travel by carriage eastward. Luck gives Malak permission to take the holy axe from the bag of holding and Malak attunes to it on the travel. While the boys have themselves a good long rest after what they had been through.
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(Also Belli is Stress Knitting. Headcanon time: The reason why the party’s clothes tend to look mostly fine after battle, is because Belli fixes the cuts).
Over the next couple of days, the party bond over battle strategies and counters to what they had just witnessed and Malak learns about a bit more about the battle axe he now has in his possession. The axe, a union of Radience and Hellishness carries celestial runes, speaking of holy vengeance.
On the 3rd day of our travel, the group take a different road, ‘cause for some of them this has been a familiar road already. Along the path, they notice stables. 2 men posted outside the door. But it’s just some stables.
Suspicious, the group stops as night approaches.
And, while Mournimar speaks with Morgan and Orion, this is how the Cultbusters would meet Henry and Ronald, a cute couple, doing some sort of business (speaking in heavy New York accents)
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Henry, the beefier of the two and Ronald, an orange haired man with freckled cheeks.
The two sides come together and agree on casting Zone of Truth on each other, as a means to learn about one another, so less suspicion could be had.
They are here to guard the room and it’s contents. They won’t say what the room they guard holds within it, but they  won’t hurt the adventurers, if they don’t mess with the room.
The truth is being said. And Belli creatively speaks what she has to say. “You’re a tricksy little bitch and I like you!” one of the men admits, under the effects of the spell and Belli just has a laugh. She wants no drama.
Also, like it has to be said, but Henry finds Malak a pretty man. (We all do, but come on).
Once everyone gets coasy with one another, the party and the couple of Henry and Ronald join together for a happy dinner together.
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The food is nice. The mood is high. Henry and Ronald seem to be delightful. Complimentary as heck about Belli’s cooking. The lads are the poifect gentlemen, basically.
Once the dinner is done, the party find places to spend their longrests in, but before the actual long rest occurs, Luck pulls Belli aside and suggests she send a bug-shifted Orion into the couple’s room. Just to be sure they were on the up and up.
Something felt off this night and he wasn’t sure what.
That was the gameplan!
And as the night progresses...
Luctan goes into his dreams again. Like multiple times before.
And... things happen. Sad things. And he sleeps.
In the meanwhile, Jun also has a dream of her own. Whether it’s anything like Luck’s is it’s own story.
In the middle of the night, something happens. 6 hours in, as the party have had their full rest, the flutter of wings awake Henry and Ronald, the latter of whom silently calls over Belli to witness what they were seeing.
.What Belli joins in on watching...
Is 5 imps.
Carrying Luck away. Each holding a limb, the 5th his head.
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And Luck is sleeping.
Belli gets Mournimar’s attention and the digitigraded tiefling  bolts through the door, upon hearing that. Screaming his loudest “WTF?!”
Which wakes everyone up.
Belli wastes no time. And casts Sleep on one of the imps, causing it to let go of one of Luck’s arms as it drops on the ground.
All the commotion that follow  brings a red flash behind the board.
Just behind said board, a red creature with curled horns and 4 chains being wrapped behind it appears, hovering behind the imps. Glaring at the group.
Belli casts Polymorph on Luck. But Luck, sleeping, unfortunatelly counters it.
Annoyed, Belli chants a Vicious Mockery on one of the imps, while Chain Devil takes a stance.
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Moves in close and attacks most of the party with his chains.
One chain smacks Jun and she gets restrained, grappled. Unable to move form her spot as the sickle at the end of the Devil’s chain stabs into her.
Another chain grapples Malak and a third misses Mournimar, which luckily takes the tension off of Belli as the 4th chain goes for the archer, stabbing hinto him like with the other two.
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Jun uses all her acrobatic skill to free herself and do so easily from the chains. All her time as a dominatrix pays off as that is an easy feat for her. She immediatelly Hexes their attacker and moves in, ready to attack with her Gambler’s Blade.
And Luck’s still asleep.
Sadly, Mournimar isn’t as flexible as Jun and can’t find freedom from the chains. So instead, shouts at the Fiend in Infernal. He DEMANDS to know where they are trying to take Luctan.
This distraction gives Malak the chance to attack the imps, without having to move. Malak casts Toll The Dead on the imps on the right. While one is more stable, the other’s head outright explodes.
Because... “For Whom The Bell Tolls, Time Marches on.”
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And before you ask, YES! THIS IS A DBZ REFERENCE!
Luck’s leg is free as Malak brings out his Spiritual Weapon. And smashes it into the nearest imp he can see, the sleeping one, messing him up visibly.
As the remaining 3 Imps try to escape with Luctan, Belli runs around from the other entrance of the barn and casts Dispell Magic on Luctan, putting all her Arcane skill into it.
And Luck wakes. glaring at his captors.
Your friends don’t care about you, they only like what you can offer them.” She gives an imp Anxiety. How much anxiety? Well, it straight up dies. So that’s the amount!
The Chain Devil attacks Jun again. Misses. Then grabs her and pierces her body with his thick hook again, causing bodily harm to the changeling. As she, Malak and Mournimar take continual damage from the chains wrapped around them, Mournimar’s pain response kicks in and he casts Hellish Rebuke at the Fiend.
Much to his shagrin, however, that doesn’t work out. As the devil is not even tickled from this effort.
It’s form starts to shift. It’s face taking a resemblence to Harker, Mournimar’s father, as he had last seen him. Face mangled. Burned. Aching.
The stress seems to be too much... but Mournimar steels his mind to the mental attack of the Devil. He will not be fooled by the mental projection of this Fiend!
Jun escapes. Again. Takes her rapier and dramatically cuts her thigh open. 
After last night she got brave. Bringing forth an electric stabbing upon the Devil with the power of her Blood Rites.
Luctan Teleports behind the devil, swings twice, misses. But then strikes a gash at the back of the creature.
And Luck heals Jun some. In Infernal, he tells the Devil to leave.
Mournimar struggles to free himself and Malak acknowledges that, casting Freedom of Movement on Mournimar. And then attacks the Devil with the Spiritual weapon, clobbering onto him.
The imps try to attack Luck from behind. But neither manages quite to get purching on the fighter/sorcerer’s armor, pathetically gnawing at the material. But nothing much else.
Belli attempts to dispell one of the chains, the one holding Malak. And succeeds, after which she mocks again. “You’re a cowardly little cunt. You will die alone and no one will love you.” sending waves of psychic damage to the fiend.
Frustrated, he looks between the two tieflings.  It looks between Mournimar and Luck and finally speaks, determined: “ He’s coming home. Now!”
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As Malak gets freed, Jun gets snatched up again and soon Luctan catches the bane of the chains on his body.
Unlike Luck, however, all the pain causes Jun to go limp and unconscious in the grasp of the metal, much to Luctan’s shock.
The Devil shifts his face again, glaring at Malak. Taking the form of one of his late comrades.
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But Malak is used to this sort of thing by now. He’s seen far worse in his nightmares. So he keeps his mind strong and defended.
As the two get carried away, Luck notices life in Jun’s unconscious frame, giving him strength to free himself from the chains, one of which goes limp. Then Luctan wakes her up again, wishing some vitality into her form, while Mournimar brings out his arrows and Marks the devil for the Hunt.
Fires, misses twice, but that’s quite ok.
Malak attacks, but misses by a few inches as his powerful Guiding Bolt blasts elsewhere.
He still has an attack, however, splatting one of the remaining imps.
Scared and alone, the singular awake imp turns invisible. And the party knows not where it’d go. (DAMN YOU, COTTON EYE JOE!)
Which is bad, because it stings Jun. Who almost drops again.
Ah. But in this moment you forget about the bard.
With Jun’s consent, Belli transforms Jun...
Then she mocks the Devil. “Luck’s our friend. If you’re that lonely just drill a hole in the wall.” But the Devil takes it in stride.
“He’s not my friend. I serve him. He just doesn’t know what’s best for him right now.”  Luck gets smacked around. Hard! And this chained hellman starts to chant in a mix of Infernal and Arcane.
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As the Devil tries to teleport away with the grappled Luctan, a thick shadow comes from his left. And before he can react, the Chain Devil gets chomped on by a monochromatic Spinosaurus Seonipticus.
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As Belli draws closer, Jun gets the HDYWTDT with her Jawsy-Wawsies. And she tears him to shreds.
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Very easily she shreds this Devil and gently plucks the chains off of Luck’s body. And puts him down on the ground. The duality of Jun. She will tear you asunder, but she will also bleed on you and be nice.
As for the last of the awoken imps... Jun distractedly swings her tail and the Imp just gets punted into Hell. All that is left is a splatter on the wall, before Belli turns Jun back to her general fine self.
As Luctan and Jun catch their bearings,Malak and Mournimar join the bard over the body of the sleeping, if fucked up, imp. Deciding on a gameplan on questioning him, Belli stabs it through the foot.
Which. Um. Unfortunately kills it?!
Moments pass. Henry and Ronald still inside, the group convenes around Luck to get a better idea of what just happened. Jun asks the disguised tiefling if he’s ok, keeping an eye on him as she asks. He is. Feels oddly free. And he heals Jun once again as he confirms.
When asked to explain what this was all about, how the Devil knew him, where it was planning on taking him, a tired and less reluctant Luck encourages them to think of what he’s already said about himself.
“I’m not from Seon. I ran away from home after freeing my mother’s slaves. A Chain Devil and Imps tried to take me “home”.”
Belli and Malak begin putting two and two together real fast. They would know that the things the party just saw and dealt with were and are devils, not demons. Devils serve Potencia. Demons serve Quorrin.
With a tired smile, Luctan admits it.
“I guess, I’m the son of Potencia.” and he says this, his gaze never faltering from Malak’s face.
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He proceeds to give them the briefest description of his recent interaction with her, in his dreams. Meeting her in her office. In a form he hadn’t often seen her in. Her disappointment in him for not allout killing the Traveling Gentlemen. Having expected “better” of him.
Wanting him to become an Arch Devil to one of the hells, who’s leader was missing. His refusal. And then, her doing something, before he woke up, being carried away.
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And he looked at Malak, the whole time, having taken off his ring during the talk.
Whatever Malak was thinking, he was keeping inside and away from any insight that could be made on him.
Jun acts very flustered at first, when Luck spills the beans as he does. She had seemingly been in contact with someone and mentions “The Evenchord Boy”, something that subtly catches Luck’s attention...
As Luck takes a moment to catch his breath again from what happened, he takes a seat on the ground. Mournimar and Belli, surprisingly, were encouraging of him. Rather than judginess from Mournimar, given said Ranger’s history with the cult of Potencia and Luctan’s heavy connection... He had expected an earful. At the fucking least. But that hadn’t happened.
Luck could all but laugh. Pitifully laugh and ponder. More surprisingly, Jun would kneel beside him, arm over his shoulders and offers him an ear to listen to his troubles if he needs it. Somehow she understands. However that works, she understands and makes it a point to tell him some important words:
“Your roots don’t make you. You make you.”
Then he receives a kiss on the forehead from the changeling woman as he slowly realizes that he may have human relatives somewhere...
After a night of devilry and a slight argument with the duo of Henry and Ronald, the party finally get their second long rest. It would become revealed that Henry and Ronald were actually clerics, possibly of Dyunificus, who were protecting a bunch of kids and silver foxes and were keeping them secret from the party (understandably so) as Adventurers came in many moral colors.
Belli would pay them to ease their tensions, too tired and frustrated from the combat to argue with the men.
Some time passes again as the party carries on on the road. Luctan often looking to Malak, but giving him space.
Eventually they’d draw near to Crystalgate.
And take shifts in a campsight of their making.
1st Luctan, 2nd Jun, 3rd Malak, 4th Mournimar. All this to help Belli have a full rest to prepare meals in the morning.
Sure enough, the night is peaceful and when Belli gets her turn, she makes a perception check... She sweeps the area and-
She feels pretty alright, as she cooks. “These times are easy to appreciate the world. All six of us are safe.”
Wait. Something’s wrong. She looks and at the fire is an half-elf man with strong black curly hair. Deep brown eyes in the campfire light. Dark skin? He’s relaxed and casually pokes at the fire with a stick.
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“Oh, Morning.”
“Oh, you can wake the rest of your friends, if you’d like. I believe we have some catching up to do.”
“Who are you?”
“My name is Akar’niel.”
Belli wakes the rest of the party and, well.  He introduces himself to the group.
For the most part, it seems that he knows the names, though he’s not quite as familiar with Jun and Malak, nor does he seem to be aware of Luck’s true name.
He knows what the party have been doing and have been up against. He represents a higher power.
Before he disappears in purple smoke, he whispers something.
Luctan would look at his journal and read the mantra that he had sewn into the pages: 
“ When the Western Fields lie sundered, blackened with ash.
When Lake Stren turns red with the blood of your allies
When brother turns against brother in the North
When the Giants of the East flee from demons bigger than they
When the Council lie with their throats slit
That is when I will come for you. And it will be the End."
And as the episode ends, the party levels up.
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
Rule The World with Me-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Thirty-Seven is here...
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Last Battle
Word Count 1.7k
Warnings: death, gore, angst, mentions of blood.
It is the morning of the day you have to travel to Kattegat for battle. You cannot take your son for obvious reasons, so you leave him with your closest friend to watch over him. You and Ivar hold him one last time before your departure.
"He has gotten so big, hasn't he?"
Ivar "He sure has. I can't wait for him to get older so I can teach him so many wonderful things."
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"I can't wait either, my love. But we have to take it all in because he will grow up right before our eyes and very quickly."
Ivar "I know, my sweet." You hand him to Ivar and you and him just take in every last moment of peace before all hell breaks loose.
Ivar "I just love you both so much."
"And we love you just as much, Ivar. You are our world."
Ivar "And you are mine, kitten-"
Hvitserk "The people want to see you before we go." Your best friend enters the room.
Ivar hesitantly hands Baldur over to her, "Take care of my son."
"I will, I promise." You walk over and hug her and give him one last kiss goodbye. 
"I will see you soon, sweet Baldur. Please take care of him." 
"Of course, he is safe here. You both need to come home…"
Ivar "And so we shall, come on my sweet." 
Warrior "Are we ready, my queen?"
"Yes but we need to go over everything one more time."
Ivar "I want to say a few last words. Your queen is fighting today. I am leading you all but I need you all to keep your queen safe. Whatever it takes, I need my wife to live through this battle, are we clear?"
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Everyone "Yes!" 
Ivar "My son needs his mother. So please, I will ask you all one last time. Protect your queen."
Hvitserk looks down at you where you stood right beside him and puts his arm around your shoulder. "He loves you a little too much, little sis."
"I think that you might be right, but it is okay. At least he cares about me enough to order my people to protect me."
Hvitserk "He will always make sure that you are safe."
"I know, I just wish he didn't have to worry so much...everyday."
Hvitserk "He won't have to after today passes. The gods are with us, I can feel it." You nod in agreement.
Ubbe comes in from outside with Torvi, "The horses and wolves are ready, brother. It is time to go."
Torvi watches all of you start to leave.
Ubbe "I'll see you soon, my love." She smiles and nods. She almost regrets not fighting alongside her husband today but at the end of the day, she is on no one's side.
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When you get to Kattegat, her army is at every entrance. Her army is big but not quite as large as yours. 
Ivar looked at you one last time before you went with Ubbe and Hvitserk to your positions. He raises his hand and you wrap your pinkies around each other and he kisses you softly.
"I'll see you soon."
He nods and watches you leave. You get to the treeline and wait for the battle to commence.
Hvitserk "What is taking so long?"
Ubbe "I don't know."
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Lagertha emerges from her army and walks straight up to Ivar.
Lagertha "I will propose a truce. You are a father, Ivar. I can't get that image of that out of my head, I still have a heart believe it or not. So, if you apologize for killing my only son then, we can all go home." Ivar snickers. He can't believe his own ears.
Ivar "You really think that I trust you? Huh?! You killed my own mother when she had her back turned. You killed my mother when she retreated and gave you what you wanted! And you threatened my wife, yet you come to me today when you see how large my army is and ask for me to apologize to you..not going to happen." 
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Lagertha "Very well, Ivar. If you want a war, then you will get a war." A few moments after, you hear the war drums and the battle commences. 
When the warriors got too close to you for Hvitserk's liking, he would yank you by your arm and took care of him or her. Ivar gave commands to our warriors and shield maiden's. Ubbe was killing warriors with such ease, that it took you by surprise a little. At one point, you spot Ivar and you get distracted. A warrior comes at you full force and knocks you to the ground. You scream when you hit the ground and Ivar heard you. He looks out to where he heard you with tears in his eyes.
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The warrior disarms you but you take out your dagger and slits the warriors throat. Hvitserk comes to your aid and gets the weightless warrior off of your chest.
Hvitserk "You okay?!"
"Yeah." Ubbe looks at you and nods. 
You, Hvitserk and Ubbe take care of the warriors that attacked the woods where you were located, and make your way to where Ivar is commanding. As soon as you get over the hill, Ivar spots you and smiles. 
Ivar mouths, "I love you."
"I love you."
You can see his game face emerge and he spots Lagertha struggling with our army. She is old and gray, weak and struggling to stay on her feet. 
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Hvitserk "She is getting weaker."
Ubbe "It is only a matter of time, come on brother. Let's go finish them off." 
Hvitserk "Y/n, you get up on Ivar's carriage and wait with him until the battle is done."
"Okay, be safe."
Hvitserk "Always." You get up on your husband's carriage and grab his hand. He looks over at you and then gets back to watching everyone die right in front of his eyes. The fields and the gravel of Kattegat is covered in blood and dead bodies of both armies. 
What feels like forever goes by and Lagertha retreats her last few soldiers. Ivar chuckles and growls in victory. Lagertha stands alone in front of you and your family. She has her shield in hand and she drops her sword and kneels in front of Ivar. 
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Ivar "What do you want hmm?"
Lagertha "I-I am tired. I am tired of fighting."
Ivar chuckles, "You asked for this! You came into our kingdom, declaring a war and that is what we gave you."
Lagertha "Please-"
Ivar "Take her, we are bringing her back to Novgorod."
"Ivar, what are you doing?"
Ivar "Trust me my love. She will get what she deserves."
Once you five get back to Novgorod along with many of your survivors, Ivar gets down and gives you his hand. 
Ivar "My people, what shall we do with this murderous bitch, Lagertha!" Torvi comes out of the palace and runs to Ubbe in relief that he is home with her. 
"Burn her alive!"
"Sacrifice her to the gods!"
And then an idea came into your head, "Ivar, what about Messiah?" He looks over at you and smirks.
Ivar "Shh shh, my good people. Your queen has proposed a possible way of ending her life. What do you say that Messiah takes care of her..?"
Hvitserk smirks at Ivar and runs to get Messiah out of the house. As soon as Messiah is loose, he runs to you and Ivar. You kneel down to pet your beloved wolf as he whimpers from happiness to see his owners. Ivar clicks his tongue and Messiah walks alongside his owner, straight up to Lagertha.
Lagertha "Please, Ivar. I am sorry for what I did to your mother-"
Ivar "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" She flinches and the guards tighten their grip that they have on her. "How dare you! You do not mean a word that you say! Everything that comes out of your mouth is just what you think that we want to hear. You," he gets in her face, "killed my mother. You threatened my wife and you belittled my only son. How dare you expect me to give you mercy? You didn't show my mother mercy did you, hmm? Hmm?! ANSWER ME!" 
Lagertha "No. No I didn't. I regret it deeply." Ubbe is now chuckling while Hvitserk is scowling. He just wants to see her die for everything that she has done to him and his brother's, and now his sister-in-law and godson. 
Ivar steps away from Lagertha and takes one look at Messiah and he latches his jaws around Lagertha's throat. She gurgles and suffers until Messiah completely rips her throat out. The crowd cheers but Torvi does not. She looks away and starts to leave the scene. 
Ivar takes it all in and enjoys every second of her death. It is more than justified and more than revenge. All that is left of Lagertha the great shield maiden, is a head and body: her throat is in Messiah's gut and all that is left is her spine. Hvitserk is laughing evily and clapping in victory.
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You walk over to Ivar and grab his shoulder, "It's over, my love."
Ivar "It is time to clean up this mess and burn the body. After that is done, we all will feast and I...want to show you how proud I am of you, kitten."
You smirk and kiss your husband's lips. You don't stay for the burning, you run to your palace, get cleaned up and see your son. 
"Can I see him?"
"Y/n!! You are home!!" Your best friend runs to you and gives you a huge hug.
"I told you that I would! Now, where's Baldur."
"In here, he just got fed so he is very sleepy mind you."
Once you open the door, you see your perfect little baby boy in his bassinet. You wrap your arms around his tiny figure and bring him up to your chest.
"Oh my sweet little Baldur. Mommy and Daddy did a good thing today, you will be so proud of us one day. As we will be about you, my little viking."
@hvitserkmarcosource @ivarsgoddess @youbloodymadgenius @ivarthebloodyking @desiredposion @readsalot73 @evanstanwrites
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razieltwelve · 4 years
The Kid (Fate/Stay Night x Final Rose)
Rin covered her face with her hands. “I can’t believe it. I summoned a child.” She looked at the scrawny, ragamuffin of a child that was apparently a Berserker. “Who even are you?”
The girl stopped emptying Rin’s kitchen long enough to reply. “I’m Diana.” She paused. “You don’t really have a lot of food in your house.”
“You’ve eaten enough for four people already!” Rin wailed.
“Yeah, but my house always had more food than this.” Diana frowned. “And you don’t even have Gary in this world either. What kind of world do you live in? It must be awful.”
“What is Gary?”
“The greatest thing in the universe.” Diana nodded sagely. “I’ll tell you all about him.”
Five hours later, Rin could only conclude that there were things in the world worse than death: like listening to a painfully detailed description of episode after episode after episode of a cartoon about fluorescent animals.
X    X     X
“Why do I have to carry you around on my back?” Rin whined. “You’re my Servant. If anything, you should be carrying me.”
“But that wouldn’t make sense at all,” Diana pointed out. “Because you’re way bigger than me. If I put you on my back, your legs would just drag on the ground.”
And wasn’t that pathetic? She still hadn’t worked out exactly what her Servant even did. True, her Servant seemed to be skilled at working with electronics - she’d turned a toaster into a holographic display of some kind - but how was that going to help them win the war?
She got her answer a few minutes later when she was attacked by Lancer. As she desperately rolled out of the way, Diana hopped off her back.
“I don’t like you,” Diana said, and there was something vaguely unsettling about her voice, something faintly inhuman. But it was getting stronger, whatever it was, by the second, and goosebumps broke out across Rin’s skin. “I really don’t like you at all.”
“Heh.” Lancer shrugged. “Sorry kid, but I’ve got my orders. I’ll make it quick.” His spear blurred forward, and Rin screamed as the weapon impaled Diana through the heart. “Damn,” Lancer said, shaking his head. “My master really is a  monster, making me kill kids and...”
He trailed off as Diana reached up and grabbed hold of the spear. There was a creaking sound, and Rin’s eyes widened in disbelief as orange energy flared to life around her Servant. Cracks began to spread up the spear, and Lancer yanked it free and retreated.
“What the...?”
Diana stepped forward, the wound in her chest already closed. The energy around her flared, and she transformed. Gone was the little girl. Instead was a small, humanoid creature with a long tail and a mane of flame-like hair. Diana bellowed, and a wave of pure, unadulterated fear washed over Rin. She’d never been so scared. It was like she could die at any moment. Abruptly the feeling vanished, but she saw sweat break out across Lancer’s brow. Maybe Diana could direct whatever that ability was.
“Well, well, now,” Lancer drawled. “This isn’t what I was expecting at -”
Had he been an instant slower, he would have died. Diana blurred forward, and her claws were wreathed in glowing energy. The streetlight beside him toppled to the side, the pole torn apart. With a flick of her tail, Diana seized the pole and hurled it at Lancer like a toy car.
The other Servant leapt over the makeshift projectile, but Diana was on him a second later. Bellowing in rage, Diana simply ignored the wounds the spear left as she attacked with unbridled savagery. A near-miss ripped a gash along Lancer’s side, and the blue-clad Servant staggered for a moment. His spear streaked forward, but this time, it simply glanced off Diana’s skin. Rin’s eyes narrowed? Her skin looked different. Had she somehow adapted to the attack?
“I don’t know who you summoned,” Lancer bit out as he knocked down another street light and kicked part of it at Rin. “But that’s no kid.”
Diana intercepted the attack, and Lancer used the momentary break in the battle to flee. When she was certain Lancer had gone, she transformed back into her usual self.
Rin looked at her. What was she supposed to say after seeing that?
“I’m hungry,” Diana said. “Let’s stop at a convenience store on the way home.”
“Okay. Okay.”
X    X     X
Author’s Notes
Well, Rin managed to summon Ragnarok... just the miniature version. Now, this version of Diana is the tiny version, which means her version of Ragnarok is nowhere close to full power. She actually can be killed at this level, and it does take her a bit of time to adapt and evolve to counter her opponents. She couldn’t simply wade through the attacks of someone like Saber Alter. Instead, she’d have to fight more intelligently, or try to take a bit of damage here and there to adapt before fighting in earnest. 
That said, even at this stage, Diana’s transformation makes her extremely deadly. She can regenerate at great speed and adapt to things that don’t outright kill her. She can also enhance her attacks with destructive energy that allows them to inflict far greater damage than they should be able to. Physically, she is a threat to just about any Servant she encounters in hand-to-hand combat due to the strength and speed her transformation gives her. Unfortunately, her status as a Berserker and her lack of mastery over Ragnarok means that she can’t fight as cleverly as her older self can.
What Noble Phantasms does she have?
The most obvious one is Ragnarok herself. However, she does have two other Noble Phantasms:
Gary World. This is a reality marble that drags everything within its range into a Gary-themed amusement park where everything tries to murder the enemy (e.g., killer roller coasters, Gary characters with bazookas, etc.). It’s based on Diana’s idea that Gary goes after bad people using the power of friendship... combined with her observation that the best way to go after bad people is superior firepower.
Stop Picking On Me. This Noble Phantasm can only be used when Diana is on the verge of defeat. When activated, it allows Diana to summon a grownup version of Averia for a short period of time. Averia will remain until the danger has passed or the threat has been neutralised. Diana designates the target by pointing and telling Averia “They were picking on me!” at which point, Averia will commence her attack. Averia is typically summoned as a Saber or Lancer type with access to the expected abilities.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here. I’ve recently released two stories, Attempted Adventuring and Surviving Quarantine, as well as two audiobooks, Two Necromancers, a Bureaucrat, and an Army of Golems and Two Necromancers, a Dragon, and a Vampire. If you like humour, action, and adventure, be sure to check them out.
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sabineelectricheart · 4 years
The Dull Shine of the Blue Sea Star
Summary: After the Immaculate One dies, Byleth’s Crest Stone heart disappears. Her biological one does not kick up.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 2300
Notes: This was experimental, I swear. Hopefully a successful one.
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Her soft green hair fell back from her shoulders, the wind causing the locks to brush against his cheek. Their hands squeezed together and their fingers stuck in a tight bond. It was a cold, dark evening in Fhirdiad, and everything was silent, as if preparing for the vigils that would inevitably come.
They knew, from monitoring the roads linking the city to the plains inland, that it was not evacuated. If there were no ferries out, which was unlikely due to being only the beginning of Spring and the waters were still too tempestuous, almost all residents were in their homes.
The Emperor stood in front of them, selecting those who would invade the city with her. Sylvain knew the choice was already made, and it was not Edelgard who decided it. This was pure theatre, but he did not mind, or rather, he preferred it so. Such a situation made his girlfriend less of a target for political murder, and he does not feel any particular devotion to his adopted sovereign.
The Black Eagle Strike Force would invade the castle, while him and a few other mages would help evacuating the civilians and fighting any militias that appeared in the narrow, uneven streets. No surprises there.
Ostensively, the redhead was left out of the main attack because he was the one who knew the city best, but he knows the truth. The Emperor does not trust him, and so it would be preferrable if he just kept out of the way while the elites handled the dirty work.
Sylvain had not seen Gautier in over five years. He spent all his time in Adrestia as military police, trying to keep the peace in the home front and order in the army. Faerghus is, effectively as of last night, part of the Empire. Yet, after all this, he is still seen as a foreigner in the Imperial Army, and most importantly, amongst the Black Eagles he risked his life to protect.
Oh, he gets along swimmingly with Dorothea, and has a strange but highly-functioning relationship with Bernadetta, but he absolutely loathes everyone else there. From Ferdinand’s incessant self-aggrandizing to Linhardt’s nonchalant demeanour, he finds his commanders to be absolutely nightmarish.
Though, to be fair, every friend he ever had was now dead and rotting in the Tailtean Plains, so perhaps he was right in following his brain rather than his heart on that one.
He did not follow his brain, did he? He followed his girlfriend. Byleth Eisner was the professor of the Black Eagles, their very beating heart, which was rather ironic, as she did not have a heartbeat of her own. She knew the Church the best, and if she says they are rotten to the core, then he believes it. No questions asked.
Considering Rhea’s behaviour these past few years, the nobleman wagers he was also right on that front.
Byleth’s position amongst the Black Eagles was incontestable. It was clear to see how much the Emperor adored her professor, and most of her former students love her just as much, but this does not translate in her fitting in with them. They were traditionalist nobles, focused on politics and etiquette. They were lovingly dismissive of the simple habits and preferences of a girl that was birthed into bloody militia conflicts.
He gets that, as he did not fit in the ideals of martial grandiose that permeated so thoroughly Faerghus culture. This is why, in fact, they became so attached with one another. Just a pair of misfits banding together. When it came time to transfer classes, he knew he would not feel comfortable amongst the Eagles, either, but he preferred the mercenary over the creepy Crest scholar as an advisor.
The invading strike force was saying their goodbyes to those who would stay behind when the fire broke out. Her heart dropped when she heard an unknown voice speak up.
“Your Majesty!” A soldier alerted them suddenly. “There's smoke coming from every corner of the capital! It seems they've set fire to the city!”
“What?! Damn it, Rhea. There really is no depth you wouldn't sink into.” The Emperor barked. “Everyone, we must commence our attack at once. Are you ready?”
Byleth felt his grip on her hand loosen before completely disappearing. He stood there for a moment, looking down at the girl he was so in love with for the past five years of his short and miserable life.
“I am sorry…” Sylvain whispered. “It is going to be alright. I love you, Byleth.”
Before she could say anything, the nobleman kissed the top of her head before making his way through the crowd. He directed the mounted soldiers to various neighbourhoods, in sights to save as many people as they could. The bugle calls of distress were sounded through the city, as citizens ran towards the invading army as a liberation force.
Fhirdiad was in the middle of a plain, between Tailtean and Itha, but the castle was located on a steep hill on the far northeast side of the city. The tall watching towers of grey stone were visible everywhere from the estuary harbour to the southern gates leading to Arianrhod and Gaspard.
As such, all the people in the city could see the large, grey dragon howling and the large golems that emerged in the upper neighbourhoods. If the invasion was lost, it was clear for all who wanted to see that the Church of Seiros was a monstruous cabal. The war was won either way.
The investiture towards the dragon was slow and painful. The fire was out by three hours past midnight, but by the time the strike force was able to reach the steps to the castle, the morning sun was peeking timidly from the Ogma Mountains.
Sylvain managed to cross the mostly cleared battlefield with rather ease while mounted on his steed, even if the area still mostly burned. Eyes danced along the scene in front of him, deciding to jump into action. He yanked his lance from the holster, trying to assure the retreating Black Eagles a safe escape.
From a few yards, as he fought desperate Church soldiers ready to die for their cause, he could see Edelgard dealing the final blow to the Immaculate One, who fell spilling rich and sickly green blood on the stone paved floors of the formerly Blaiddyd castle.
Before he could ride ahead, though, Sylvain saw as life left the body of his intended, as a spirit that left her body into the skies, fear and dread rupturing through his chest.
It all felt like time froze right then and there for the redhead. Hubert rushed to grip his arm, no doubt wondering that, now that the professor is dead, Sylvain is a terrorist in potential. The cavalier, however, was much stronger than the sickly-looking warlock, and so managed to slip out, running straight towards his lover.
Gripping Byleth in his arms, he dropped to the ground with her, eyes brimming with pain and sorrow. Tears rolled down his cheeks, dripping into her hair as he shook his head. To his side, Edelgard was also crying unconsolably, hanging on to a piece of lace as if it held the deed to the Empire.
“No, you are not allowed, professor.” He bawled like he had not ever since he was a three-year-old boy. “You are not allowed to leave me here like this. I need you. You are all I have and I cannot just let go like this.”
Each hectic battle around them seemed to disappear as they spent their last few moments together. The Gautier heir cried out in genuine pain, watching as his lover’s eyes fell closed in a permanent slumber. Nobody had ever quite seen the young man that deeply hurt, he was not one to ever show his real emotions. A deep feeling of defeat rushed through him, sobbing into the girl’s chest. He hoped he would hear a breath, but the silence only broke him more.
As Hubert rushes ahead to console his sovereign, Sylvain is left alone in the courtyard. He does not know for how long he is there crying, for a moment or for hours, until a warm hand holds his shoulders.
“Come on, Sylvain.” The voice was clipped and restrained, as if holding in deep sadness, but no less melodious. “You need a bath. The soldiers will carry the body inside, and we will be able to give her the proper rites this afternoon.”
“I can’t, Dorothea. Not right now.” He said between hiccups. “Just leave me here for a while, will you?”
“Very well, but don’t mind if I stay with you.” She conceded, wrapping an arm around his broad shoulders and letting the tears fall from her shiny eyes.
Sylvain looked up, the dark clouds over Fhirdiad fading away. The war was over and the Church was banished forever. He clung to Byleth’s body, rocking her back and forth as soft begs for her to wake up spewed from his chapped lips. He pulled back for a moment, glancing over her motionless frame when his eyes caught sight of something sticking out of her corset. His fingers slipped into the fabric, pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper, stuffing it into his own pocket.
Weeks and Moons had passed Sylvain by. He returned to Gautier, to claim his territory back, finding little on the way of resistance. His parents fled to Sreng, and it seems they were not going to be back anytime soon.
By decree of the Emperor, the great commander of the Unification Wars would be memorialized on a monument in Enbarr, where she would have her final rest in august adoration of the subjects.
As such, Sylvain moved to the capital and spent as much of his time in the city as he possibly could. He would visit Byleth’s grave every day late in the afternoon, just before the sunset, leaving a single valerian flower at the headstone.
Sylvain still had not opened the paper he had found in his intended’s clothes, but he often would stare at it at night before he went to bed. Something about it all seemed different one very specific night.
It was the 27th of Horsebow Moon, Byleth’s twenty-seventh birthday and the two had plans to celebrate it in the Goddess Tower at midnight with a dance before sneaking down to the lawn to stargaze. His arms rested against the railing that went along the burial monument, clutching the paper in his hands.
With shaky fingers, the redhead nobleman unfolded the paper, smiling sadly when he saw her beautiful handwriting. He had become so accustomed to her writing, since she would always write him letters, in place of the speech she felt so impeded with at times.
Sucking in a deep breath, Sylvain began to take in each word neatly etched onto the paper.
28th of the Great Tree Moon, Imperial Year 1186
I hate that I am writing this, but there is always the instance of a defeat against Rhea. If I am being completely candid, I do not think I will be walking out that castle tomorrow morning. Rhea created me, surely she knows of ways to dispose of me just as swiftly.
That being said, I cannot in good conscience leave you empty-handed if something happened to me, could I? I plan to burn this missive if I somehow live, so I must assume something has happened if you are reading this. I feel ashamed to say that the thought of you getting over me makes me sick to my stomach, but I also would feel absolutely devastated if you are sad forever and I do not want you to spend all of your life mourning me.
Smile because it happened, Sylvain, do not cry that it is over. The time we spent together has meant the absolute world to me and I would not trade a second of them for anything in the universe.
Never forget that I loved you more than life itself and I always will. You, Sylvain, will always be the forever owner of my heart. Do not hold yourself back, do not let your heart grow cold. Find someone and love them the way you loved me for all these years. Do not spare your happiness.
With all the love in the universe,
Hot tears welled in the man’s eyes, picking up a small locket on his coat, the locket that Byleth had gifted Sylvain that first Saint Seiros Day, when he promised to be a better man to deserve her affections.
Opening it, his heart warmed at the small tuft of azure blue hair tied in black lace preserved with care inside. His intended had not sat for any portraits, and the Emperor refused, with Sylvain’s support, refused to memorialize her likeness in the tomb. This small relic is all he has to remember the love of his life. This, and now this letter.
Closing the locket and siding the chain around his neck, Sylvain looked down at the pendant resting on his chest. A soft sigh fell from him as he looked out along the large and empty square by the soft rolling of the rivers draining Enbarr, silence surrounding him as he wiped the tears from his eyes.
The young man stepped back from the railing and wrapped one hand around the pendant, holding it close to his heart.
“Happy birthday, Byleth.” His voice was soft as his amber eyes settled on the brightest star up in the sky.
Whether or not they actually killed the Goddess, he knows not, but he hopes he is able to meet her in the Blue Sea Star someday.
Fire Emblem Masterlist
Three Houses Masterlist
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