#let’s keep the art train GOING (doubtful but hopeful)
starryluminary · 4 months
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I’m working on the next installment of this au (among other things) but it’s going.. slow. So for funsies here are some sketches of the Greece episode that didn’t make the cut, but are canon to the events of the episode
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doumadono · 7 months
<3 I have been having a hard time and was wondering if you could maybe write a short of Viking Dabi with a male reader?
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A/N: I apologize for the delay in addressing your request. I sincerely hope that you are in a better place now. Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs
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The training grounds were alive with the rhythmic clashing of weapons and the grunts of warriors honing their skills. Touya Endeavorson supervised the training session with an intensity.
"More! Concentrate! A single moment of distraction could cost you your life!" He bellowed, rallying the warriors and shieldmaidens for the challenges ahead.
Amidst the training, one of the warriors found himself struggling with the weight and technique of the battle axe in his hands. The metallic tang of fear hung in the air as doubt gnawed at his confidence.
Touya, keenly observing the training grounds, noticed the man's faltering moves and approached.
Dabi laid a hand on the man's shoulder, his turquoise eyes bore into the man's, piercing through with unwavering intensity. "What's going on, Y/N? You're better than this. I know you can handle an axe. I saw you doing it before."
The young warrior took a deep breath, summoning the courage to share his true fears. "I'm just afraid, my lord. Afraid I won't be good enough. I don't want to let you or the earl down."
Touya's expression softened, understanding the weight of the man's insecurities. "You're not here to impress us. You're here to learn and grow. Let's take a step back and figure this out, shall we?"
Dabi led him to a quieter corner of the training grounds. "Tell me, what's truly holding you back?"
"I've never been good at fighting. What if I'm not cut out for this?"
Touya's gaze bore into the warrior's. "Being good at something takes time and practice, trust me. Everyone starts somewhere. Even I had to learn. You don't need to be perfect from the start. Just focus on improvement. Now, let me show you a trick."
Dabi took the axe from the man's hands, demonstrating a fluid sequence of movements. His voice carried a casual wisdom. "It's not just about strength. It's about precision and control."
With patience, Dabi guided the young warrior through the motions, correcting his grip and demonstrating the finesse required in each swing. His movements were deliberate, showcasing the essential techniques in wielding an axe effectively. "See, it's not just about swinging. Precision matters," he remarked, emphasizing the calculated nature of each strike. "Your stance is crucial. Balance is everything."
Touya continued the demonstration, guiding the warrior through the intricacies of footwork and the art of anticipating an opponent's move. "Keep your focus. It's not just a weapon. You axe is an extension of yourself. Feel it."
Dabi then paused, his gaze meeting the warrior's. "But remember, this is only half the battle. In real combat, you'll have a shield in your other hand. That changes everything." He gestured toward an awaiting shield, heavier and more cumbersome than the axe. "You need to get used to the combined weight, the balance. The right moves with the axe might not be enough if you can't handle the shield. Training is what bridges that gap. It's what turns you from a warrior into a tactician."
With a final strike that echoed with precision, Dabi handed the axe back to the warrior. "Now, let's go again. And remember, it's not just about swinging metal. It's about mastering the dance of war. The axe and shield, an inseparable duo. That's what makes a true warrior."
Dabi then watched with an approving nod as the young man practiced, mirroring the moves demonstrated by the eldest son of earl Endeavor. "Good, just like that. Remember to keep your knees slightly bent and move your legs quickly. You'll get there, Y/N. It's not about being the best - it's about becoming better than you were yesterday," Dabi reassured, his eyes reflecting a shared understanding of the struggles inherent in learning the art of combat.
As the training continued, the young warrior found a renewed determination. Under the watchful eye of Dabi, the young warrior delved into the rigorous training, each swing of the axe becoming more calculated, every step more deliberate. Dabi's guidance molded the raw potential into refined skill.
After a while, the warrior paused, catching his breath. With genuine gratitude in his eyes, he turned to Dabi. "Thank you, my lord. Your advice has made it all seem so much more manageable. I feel the difference, indeed. I'm ready to keep learning."
Touya, pleased with the progress of the warrior, placed a commendatory hand on the man's shoulder. "Impressive. Your dedication truly shows. You're shaping up to be a formidable addition to our ranks." With a playful glint in his turquise eyes, Dabi continued, "How about we meet later in the tavern? A little toast for the upcoming raid, perhaps? You've earned it."
The warrior, grateful for the acknowledgment, nodded with a grin. "Sounds like a plan, my lord."
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goddessofroyalty · 4 months
Fandom: One Piece 
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji 
Tags: omegaverse, discussed-future-mpreg 
Someone shared a bit of non-omegaverse art in the ZoSan server of Zoro showering affection on Sanji’s stomach and it inspired me to write them talking about their future child in a verse where they agreed no pups until after they and Luffy achieve their dreams.
Sanji lets out a huff as Zoro lays his head down against his stomach, one of the swordsman’s callused hands resting against what might one day become the peak of it as the other supports Sanji’s back as he enjoys his cigarette, blowing a puff of smoke out over the alpha’s head. The break in Sanji’s heat is nice even if they both know it will only last for a moment.  
“There isn’t anything in there moss,” Sanji says as Zoro’s thumb tickles against his skin. The necessary steps have been taken to ensure that for all their fucking no pup will result from this heat.  
“I know,” Zoro grunts, twisting his head and pressing a kiss against Sanji’s hip bone.  
“Once Luffy’s the Pirate King and I’m the world’s greatest swordsman and we’re living on your ocean,” Zoro continues, trailing kisses along Sanji’s hips as he recites the dreams they swore to achieve. “You’ll give me pups then right?”  
“I didn’t realise we agreed to pups plural?” Sanji jokes, more to try and keep himself from giving into the fantasy of it.  
“You know I could never be satisfied with just one. Not when it’s with you.” Zoro says, resting his forehead directly onto Sanji’s stomach, leaving him looking almost as if he’s praying over it. “You’ll even let some get my green hair right? And they’ll all get your eyebrows.” 
Sanji doesn’t know the last time he heard Zoro that excited. It reminds him of the headstrong alpha second in command on the pirate crew he decided to throw his lot into who had matured into his steadfast mate.  
“Maybe if you’re lucky.” Sanji hopes they do inherit the alpha’s hair. Oh he’ll bitch about it when it happens. Can’t let the mosshead’s ego get too large. But he now can’t think about his future children without at least one of them having coarse green hair and a stubborn attitude.  
Zoro grins up at him.  
“You will,” Zoro says, ducking his head back down to press a kiss against Sanji’s stomach, his hands grabbing at the omega’s hips. “You’re gonna’ look so fucking hot while you’re growing them as well.”  
Sanji does laugh at that.  
“I’m going to look like a waddling land-whale.” He doesn’t have the delicate curves of a lady which are only accentuated by pregnancy. Lacks their soft plump skin that glows with the life they are carrying.  
Zoro snorts at that.  
“You will not,” he says with a nip at Sanji’s hip. “You are going to look so good. So strong. Fuck I don’t know how I’m gonna’ keep my hands off you. All full with my pup. Hell I’ll fuck another one into you before you’re even finished growing the first.”  
“That’s-“ Impossible. And the idea of having pregnancies that overlap giving his body no time without one of Zoro’s children growing in him should be almost repulsive. Sanji is going to blame his heat for the fact he finds it weirdly insanely hot.  
“You’ll be great with them,” Zoro continues, uncaring of Sanji’s broken-off attempt at interruption. One of his hands coming up to grope at Sanji’s chest. “Gonna’ be feeding them from the moment they’re born. They won’t know shit food until they move out to take the world for themselves.”  
Of course they will. No matter what they decide their dream to be their children are bound to achieve it. Will have grown up learning from the best in so many fields. Never once doubting on their parents support for them.  
“Moss-“ Sanji says, running a hand through Zoro’s hair. He can feel his heat stir back to life under his skin and he’s pretty sure it’s affecting the alpha too. 
“Shit. I’m going to fuck you so good. Fill you with knot and my pups. Our strong healthy pups,” Zoro continues to babble.  
Strong pups that will be trained by the world’s greatest swordsman and fed on the abundance of fish in the All Blue. Who will never know real hunger and know that love and care is as important as training at being your best. Will learn to cook at Sanji’s side and take afternoon naps with Zoro.  
“Fuck – I need you to shut up now,” Sanji says, his grip on Zoro’s hair tugging the alpha up off him.  
Zoro gives a questioning hum like he isn’t aware of what he’s fucking doing.  
Sanji pulls him up by the hair for a kiss before he can open his stupid mouth again.  
“You need to shut the fuck up and fuck me,” Sanji orders. Because if the bastard keeps going Sanji might not be able to stay strong on their agreement that they weren’t going to have pups until all their dreams were achieved.  
Zoro grins at him like he knows but his hands grab at Sanji’s thighs as he does as he’s commanded.  
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blackopals-world · 1 year
Shark in the Water part 1
Part 2 Part 3
OnsenOwner!femYuu x Azul Ashengrotto
Part 2 of the Onsen!Yuu series (part 1)
Azul isn't a fan of competition, especially when they steal away his best girls to work for them. He'll have to learn to share if he wants the benefits of having a business partner.
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It was a good day for business so far and the girls were drawing in a crowd. Not that Yuu was slacking or anything. Entertaining guests was something of an art and training up proper hostesses took time.
Honestly, these boys may not know much about women but even they know empty flattery and fake compliments. The Pomefiore trainees are too used to being praised rather than praising others. Some guys are into that but most aren't. The Octavinelle girls so far have exceeded expectations and their customer service skills are properly honed.
"Goldien fix your posture, " Yuu reprimanded "and Volx keep those ears turned up. If a customer sees those droopy fox ears then they might lose interest."
The firey fox strained to keep her ears perked as she continued her training.
Yuu sighed, tea serving was an art but it was lost on the trainees.
"Why does all this matter. If we are doing our job why do we have to be so stiff?" Volx asked indignantly.
Yuu narrowed her eyes at the impedance.
The fox's mind suddenly caught up with her mouth as she bowed lowly with her forehead to the floor.
"Sorry, Mistress! I didn't mean to insult you." She said meekly.
Yuu didn't give her permission to raise.
"I suppose that is a fair question. Do you think this Onsen runs on hopes and dreams? It runs on profit. The springs alone don't make enough to pay your salaries. We make money on our services and that requires labor. If you girls perform half-heartedly who would return? You need to charm them into coming back again and again. You need more than just looks. You need charm and you were chosen those unique charms. " Yuu explained but had to cut it short when one of the hostesses notified her of a guest.
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As Yuu made her way to her waiting guest she greeted customers. Each of the hostesses bowed their heads and acknowledged their Mistress.
Yuu asked one to bring her a bottle of umeshu.
Waiting in Yuu's office was none other than the Octavinelle Warden himself who was no doubt going through her things but pretending to be gazing at the decor.
"What a surprise I wasn't expecting a guest, let alone one that pretends to come alone." Yuu was no fool, Leech twins were here somewhere.
Azul shrugged, pretending to know nothing.
"Who knows, they were quite intrigued with your Onsen and wished to try it." He said taking a seat.
"Azul, you are not amusing. If you intend to intimate me its not working. If you are trying to shake down my girls I want you and your men out of my spa. If one of their hairs is out of place you have my word that this ends badly." Yuu didn't play with Azul of all people, not when the situation was dangerous.
"You have my word that they mean no harm." He said with little sincerity.
"Your word means little to me," Yuu said coldly.
There was a crash from down the hall. and girl's cry.
Yuu immediately bolted to see poor Tilly sprawled out on the floor, a bottle of umeshu shattered and Floyd standing over her.
This looked bad.
"Out! Out! All of you, out! You are banned from stepping foot on my property again!" Yuu screamed as she help the mouse girl up.
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The tweels felt a cold chill crawl up their spines after the long quiet walk back to their dorm. Azul was silent the entire time.
"So," the warden began as the doors to the lounge closed "What part of just look around don't you get? We needed information and you got the bright idea of just tripping a girl?!"
Floyd threw his hands up in surrender
"I swear she tripped on her own! It's not my fault she's clumsy." Floyd whined, for once he was innocent.
"Might I add, their boss seemed pretty upset already. Azul might have already ticked her off." Jade said
Azul sighed, either way, they could no longer investigate the hot spring themselves and the girls they sent there were tight-lipped. Leave it to Octavinelle students to look out for their best interests first.
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The next day an apology letter fell on Azul's desk. The misunderstanding was cleared up and while Yuu was willing to have another meeting it would have to be somewhere on neutral ground. Like a nice Italian restaurant in town, tonight at 8.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
What’s All the Buzz About?
@r0-boat‘s BeeGearStation AU has had me in a vice grip for w e e k s. I decided to take a shot at writing for the AU myself (❁´◡`❁) It’s heavily inspired by their AU, so please check them out! R0′s writing and ideas are so good! The design for Bee Hybrid Emmet was also heavily inspired by @antidotesprout designs for them. Please check them out as well! Their art is amazing! I hope you enjoy the start of this new series, and have a happy Halloween! Summary: After ending up stuck and injured in the old abandoned Nimbasa City subway tunnels, you don’t have much hope in escaping. Despite the odds, you try to push onward anyway, only to meet someone verrry interesting. CW: Description of leg injury (though not too graphic), broken leg, anxiety attack, slight dark thoughts, cave in, minor claustrophobia, (It all gets better at the end, I promise), Beehybrid!Emmet, King Bee Emmet, Implied King Bee Hybrid Ingo. Word Count: 4138 words! >Next: Link -----
Today was just not your day Well, that wasn’t entirely true. It really just hasn’t been your week, let alone year. But this… This certainly topped everything that has happened to you yet. “Of course. Of all things to happen. Of all things!” You grumbled to yourself as you pulled your leg out from a pile of collapsed rubble. You hissed in pain, but managed to pull your leg free. Scooting away from the fallen debris, you shone your flashlight to get a better look at your leg, and winced at what you saw.  “Well… that isn’t good.” You hissed through grit teeth.  Your leg was covered in bruises, and was certainly swelling a bit in a few places. You would be surprised if it wasn’t broken. No doubt a cave in partially falling on your leg like this caused a break of some sort, even if it looked okay(ish) now.  
Most of the skin was intact, thankfully. Just a few scrapes on top of some fresh bruises. You at least wouldn’t have to worry about bleeding out all alone in a dark cave. Silently, you thanked any gods out there listening for your higher pain tolerance, and the adrenaline running through your veins.  You sighed, feeling overwhelmed, and fought back hot tears that threatened to fall. You knew going into the abandoned train tunnels would be a bad idea. Why did you let them convince you? You blew a tuft of hair out from in front of your face. Right. To keep your boss placated. Look how wonderful that turned out. Bastard. You took a moment to get your bearings. Panic was threatening to seep through your chest. “Calm down. Deep breaths. Panicking will get you nowhere,” you told yourself. It was certainly true. You had read plenty of stories about hikers and cavers panicking when they became stuck in caves, only to make things worse by doing so. That being said, you never anticipated getting stuck in a tunnel like this. Not immediately panicking was a lot easier said than done. You were beginning to see why even experienced folk were able to become so easily distraught. Your heart rate was already beginning to spike. 
You took another deep breath. Hyperventilating would only make things worse. Biting the inside of your cheek, you flashed your light over the fallen rocks, and cursed From the looks of it, the way you came in was completely blocked off. Attempting to dig through this mess might just make things worse. Not to mention, the rocks still looked loose. One wrong move, and more might come caving in on top of you. “...Well, no use going back that way, I suppose.” You mumbled, sounding a lot calmer than what you felt. Oh how you desired to scream. Shuffling a bit, you leered behind you, further into the tunnels. Your flashlight could only light the way so much, but it was better than nothing. Better than wobbling around completely in the dark having a panic attack. At least you could fight your panic attack in some form of light. “Positive. Just think positive.” You mumbled as you hobbled to your feet. You let out a pained yelp as you tried putting pressure on your left foot. Yup. Something was most likely broken. This hurt like hell. Grabbing the nearby wall for support, you placed the flashlight in your jacket pocket, and fished around your other pockets for your phone. Finding the device, you unlocked it, only to let out a shaky sigh. No service. Fucking figures. “That’s… fine. I can just… make my way through the tunnels. I’ll either find an exit, or a spot for cell phone service. It’s okay. I will be okay.” You weren’t okay. But at least you could lie to yourself until the shock wore off. Shoving your phone back into your pocket, you took your flashlight back out, and eyed the tunnel ahead of you. “Well… no time like the present…” you spoke, swallowing down the urge to cry. Reluctantly, you began making your way down the tunnel. It was slow, and painful. Your leg may not be as bad as it could have been, but it most certainly was giving you trouble. Several times you thought about stopping, only to shake your head and press on. You had to get out of here as soon as possible. You feared if you took a break, your thoughts would begin to spiral, and you would lose the will to continue. A bit dramatic, but given the circumstances, well… You didn’t trust your brain at the moment. Not with the fear in the back of your throat. Slowly, you pressed onwards. Thankfully, limping down the subway tunnel surprisingly helped keep your mind a bit busy. The despair really didn’t hit you until you came across a fork in the road ahead. In front of you were two tunnels, where the tracks converged into one, leading back the way you came. You stood there, almost dumbfounded. Of course a subway would have diverging tracks. Why wouldn’t it? It was designed to take people to many different places across Unova, after all. 
Still, seeing the fork in the road did little to help you. If anything, it made you this much closer to losing your shit. You really wanted to cry right now. You had been walking for at least two hours. You were tired, scared, and in immense amounts of pain… All you wanted was to go home, and crawl in bed. Oh how you wanted to strangle your boss for putting you in this position. Who knows? Maybe if you make it out alive, you’ll get the opportunity to do so. The thought of murdering your boss briefly helped against your growing nerves. However, you still had a choice to make. Left, or right? For all you knew, one was just a couple of miles to a dead end. Choosing wrong could potentially keep you here longer, and may even be a death sentence. Your hands shook as you looked between the two tunnels. Even if you weren’t injured, this was still a big choice to make. You only had so much energy, and you doubt you’ll be able to easily turn around and walk back the way you came if you choose wrong. So right… ...or left? Time was ticking. You couldn’t afford to sit and anxiously fight with yourself. Every moment you wasted was a moment you could be using to get out of here. That thought only made the knot in your stomach worse. Taking a deep breath, you decided. Just as you began to make your way left, you froze. It was faint, but you could have sworn you heard a noise coming from the right. Almost like a muffled tink of some sort. Whatever it was, it had to be far away, judging from the small echo, and how faint it was. But it was a noise. You couldn’t move, your heart racing. Thoughts were flying through your head a mile a minute. Down here in the tunnels, one little sound could be anything. From a stray animal, a rock falling from the structure shifting… ...Or even a person. The thought made you anxious. You would think the idea of finding anyone down here would give you hope. But why would anyone else be down here? Surely not someone up to anything good. Even you weren’t supposed to be here, only having been coerced to come by your boss and coworkers. You licked your lips. But if it was a person, they might take pity, and help you. But they could also hurt you and kill you as well. It was a gamble. And for all you knew, it might not even be a person. It could be a wild animal that would attack you for entering its territory. You wouldn’t even be able to run or defend yourself, no matter the case. You took a shaky breath. Quite the gamble indeed. You silently weighed in your options. Go left, and head into uncertainty. Or head right, and possibly get help. Your leg ended up helping make the decision for you. It was beginning to really hurt, especially after limping on it for so long. Any chance to receive aid was a chance you were going to have to take. The longer you were stuck here, the higher the chance of your leg becoming permanently damaged. And, y’know. Possibly dying down here alone from starvation. “Positive thoughts. Think positive thoughts.” You mumbled out through gritted teeth. With that, you forced yourself to move. Despite the circumstances, you tried to remain hopeful. Both for your own health, and peace of mind. You couldn’t afford to drown in despair just yet. The walk down the tunnel was slow, and it ate away at your nerves. Your flashlight could only illuminate the path ahead of you so much, and the anxiety of not knowing what you’ll find ate away at your mind. Every little noise, or odd looking object in the distance had you on edge. It also didn’t help that the further you walked, the more you began to hear noises. Strange noises. You couldn’t place what they were. Sometimes it would be tinks far off in the distance. Other times, you would hear what sounded like rumbling in the walls. Your light was no help. Whatever it was making such sounds was still too far away to be seen. Or again, in the walls. These were not comforting thoughts. You couldn’t tell if you wanted these sounds to be real, or a figment of your imagination. Going mad wasn’t exactly something you wanted to deal with this early on, but… ...You weren’t sure if you wanted to see whatever was making these noises at the end of the tunnel, either. In fact, you could feel yourself beginning to wonder if this was a choice you were going to regret. The thoughts weren’t sitting well in your stomach. The further you walked, the more you were fighting the feeling of being watched. It was silly, you know. There was no one in sight. No matter how many times you looked behind you, you never caught sight of anyone. Regardless, you still felt your hair stand on end.
“It’s just my nerves. No one is here but me. I’m okay.” You tried to assure yourself. Speaking it outloud helped a little bit, at least enough to keep you grounded. You could at least pretend to be okay a little longer if you could fool yourself. However, there was one thing that was beginning to distract you. There was an odd scent in the air. Several odd scents, in fact. The further you had walked, the sweeter the air had become. You knew this scent, but couldn’t quite place it. The air was pungent with it, almost humid in a way. Another scent in the air confused you. It was almost waxy. It didn’t make any sense to you. This was an abandoned set of train tunnels. Why were there these specifically weird smells? That, and it’s not like someone could grow a lot of flowers down here. Sure, some might survive in the dark, but you couldn’t help but doubt it was flowers causing the weird scent. It was heavy. Whatever it was, there had to be a lot of it.
You wanted to have hope, and say it was perhaps a flower shop above ground, but you doubted that would be the case. You were far enough underground that you wouldn’t be able to smell a flower shop. Nor would one be this… pungent in a specific scent. Swallowing thickly, you carried on. Surely, something this sweet smelling couldn’t be bad, right? It didn’t ease your rising heart rate, or the feeling of eyes on your back. Then there were the ominous sounds. Not only were there rumbling in the walls, but the further you walked, the more it sounded like it was all around you. You idly wondered if you were going to die today. You already almost died once in these tunnels. Maybe whatever god was out there wanted to finish the job? ...You really needed to get out of here. Walking further in though, you couldn’t help but feel the urge to just turn around, and head back the way you had come. Each little noise, the scents, and the feeling of being watched only made you yearn to the other path you could have taken. But it was so far back, and you had already walked for so long. You were getting really tired… You stopped for a moment, and leaned against the wall. It had been hours. You were tired, hungry, in immense pain, and your nerves were shot. You wanted to rest. “I can’t. I need to keep going…” you tried to reason with yourself. You can’t rest just yet. It isn’t safe here. But your body was beginning to feel heavy and sluggish, despite how anxious you were. You imagine a part of it had to do with how much you’ve been fighting your leg. Otherwise, you’d be able to easily keep moving. Shaking your head, you gripped the wall to press onward, only to pause when you heard a loud noise up ahead. You don’t know what it was, but it was loud. Loud and big enough to shake the tracks on the ground, which vibrated with a hum, before slowing to a stop. Then you heard it. A loud buzzing sound coming from the end of the tunnel. Multiple buzzing sounds. Eyes wide, you could feel yourself shaking again. That… was not human. You didn’t know what was down there, but all your instincts were screaming to turn around, and hightail it out of here. You didn’t belong here, you needed to leave. You began to walk backwards, but before you could turn around- Your back ran into something solid. The blood in your veins ran cold. It took all of your will power to gain the courage to turn around. Slowly, you turned around, and saw you were face to face with a chest. You hadn’t been alone. You felt tears prick your eyes. Blood was rushing through your ears. 
Hands shaking, you tilted the flashlight upwards. After a few beats, the light landed on a smiling face. You let out a shriek, and stumbled backwards, falling in the process. Your flashlight tumbled out of your hands, rolling away towards the tracks. You couldn’t think, you couldn’t breathe. You were starting to hyperventilate. Oh gods, you were going to die, weren’t you? This guy wasn’t human. From the quick glance you got, his skin(??) was yellow? And his eyes were black and silver… You swore you could still see them watching you, even though the light was no longer on its face. You were shaking, and you could hear his footsteps getting closer. Desperate, you began to crawl backwards, only getting so far with your broken leg. In your panic, you barely registered the footsteps veering off to the side. You only became aware the being hadn’t been walking towards you when it picked up your flashlight. Freezing up seemed to be the only thing your body was capable of doing as it got closer. They stopped right in front of you, and must have watched you curiously for a few moments. A beat passed. Neither of you moved. You heard an odd buzzing. You could briefly see the figure lean down, and you flinched, tears threatening to fall. When the being began to lean down, you closed your eyes and shook, fearing what may possibly come. …Only for nothing to happen. After a few moments, you cracked an eye open, and saw the figure holding the flashlight out to you. Staring for a few moments, you shakily reached out, and grabbed it. Were they not going to hurt you? Hesitantly, you shined the flashlight upwards, and fought back a gasp that threatened to leave your lips. “Hello! I am Emmet!” he spoke, a smile wide on his face. You were speechless. A hybrid…? Yes, he was definitely a hybrid, now that you were getting a good look at him. His face was golden, but he had silver hair, hair that almost looked like fuzz. And then his eyes… They were silver, though where the whites would be, almost seemed black. Then you noticed the… Antenna? Antennae? And the faint buzzing… Looking behind him, you could faintly see what appeared to be bug-like wings. It hit you, just what exactly kind of hybrid you were looking at. “You’re… You’re a bee hybrid.” You spoke in awe. Insect hybrids were incredibly rare. Not many existed, and most that did, stayed with a hive or a colony. Other independent bug hybrids tended to stick to themselves. You swallowed nervously. He was very pretty. And also very huge. You don’t think you had ever seen a hybrid this size before… His smile only seemed to widen at your awed expression. “Yup! I am a bee hybrid, and you are a human!” He gazed down at you. You seemed at a loss for words. “Are you alright? That leg doesn't look very good.” His words brought you out of your daze. Eyes flickering down, you noticed your leg, and the throbbing pain suddenly became a lot more noticeable. You bit your lip. Walking as much as you had no doubt had put a lot of strain on it. You would be lucky if it didn’t have irreparable damage. You remained silent for a moment as the thoughts ran through your head. Thankfully, the hybrid, Emmet, you think was his name, was patient. “I… Got injured in a cave in, near the entrance down that way.” You told him, pointing towards the way you came. He glanced where you gestured towards, an odd look on his face. He turned back to you, and you nearly felt your heart jump in your throat from how fast he was. “I see. What was a human doing, entering these abandoned tunnels?” he asked. You felt a bit nervous, but decided to answer anyway. What could you even do? Run? Lie? Even if he seemed nice so far, there wasn’t a lot you could do for yourself. “...I came here with my boss and coworkers. They wanted to explore the abandoned tunnels. I didn’t want to go but… I was coerced into doing so, or deal with my boss’ temper, and risk my job. Said it would be a fun ‘bonding’ activity for the office…” you grumbled. You were still very much upset about this. All of this. You were exhausted, tired, and in a lot of pain. Your nerves were shot, you were alone in a tunnel with a stranger, and as far as you knew, he could kill you at any moment. You were tired. At this point, you weren't even sure if you could cry. Emmet looked at you, a calculating look on his face. You felt a spike of anxiety in your chest. 
If there was a single bee hybrid here, did that mean…
You felt your stomach drop. 
If a bee hybrid was underground, it wasn’t because they were lost or looking for flowers. The tunnels must be their hive. You were trapped in a tunnel leading to a hive. That explained the odd noises, and all the buzzing, you supposed. You felt a bit sick. You had been this close to presumably walking into a live hive. No doubt the drones inside would not take kindly to an intruder. Hell, the Queen would probably have had your head. Maybe it was a blessing this guy found you first, even if you weren’t sure of his intentions as of now. He was at least kind enough to listen to how you got here in the first place. Maybe he’d take pity on you and let you live? Or at least he could point you to where you need to go, so you could get crawling. In your internal musings, you were unaware of the internal debate within the hybrid’s mind. This was a golden opportunity! If you proved to be a nice fit, you had potential to solve all his hive’s major problems. If you proved unfit, well… Depending on how you act, they could either drop you off outside the city, or easily dispose of you. But he couldn’t let this opportunity pass! The hive was in too rough a position not to try. He was sure Ingo would agree, after listening to reason! However, he had to gain your trust. You were very much stressed and afraid. He felt for you, he really did! Being injured, and left alone in an abandoned tunnel with a different species was probably terrifying. He would be stressed if he was in your position too. He briefly looked over your leg, and fought back a wince. Sure, there wasn’t a lot of blood, most of the cuts having scabbed over. However, the skin was badly bruised, and there was swelling in a few places. Emmet didn’t need to be knowledgeable on humans to know that probably wasn’t good. And yet, he could help but admire this small human he had just met. From what he gleaned from your story, you’ve already been through a lot! Being betrayed by your boss and their drones? And to try and persevere by making your way through the tunnels, all while in immense pain? All for survival? He wouldn’t lie. You appeared to be very strong, mentally and emotionally at least. Even physically too! It was almost as if he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He had been watching you for a while, ever since that fork in the road. His wings buzzed behind him for a moment in awe and excitement. Yes! Those made great qualities for a Queen of a hive! You could be a perfect fit! Plus, you were a verrry cute little human. He had seen plenty of your kind out and about, albeit hidden from their sights. You were way more cute and regal than any of those humans he had seen in the past. Now, he just had to convince you to try and take the role… …It wouldn’t be easy though, he’d imagine. Humans had their own lives, after all! They seemed to be verrry independent, and liked it that way, not wanting to be involved in other things unless they simply desired to. Not only that, but from what his hive has seen, humans were not huge fans of sudden change. Taking over a hive as a Queen no doubt would count as one of those sudden changes. So he had to make it tempting. But where to begin? His eyes landed back on your leg, and his antenna twitched. “Would you like help with that?” He asked you suddenly, and you nearly jumped at his sudden eagerness, hovering over your leg. “Huh?” You dumbly asked, not expecting the question. Help? What did he mean by help? “Your leg. You have put a lot of strain on it. It doesn’t look good. Let me help you.” You could only stare at him, trying to process what he said. “You can stay at the hive until you are well again!” He assured you, his smile seemingly growing excited. You couldn’t help but look at him a bit confused. “But… Won’t the uh, the Queen not like that?” You ask, slightly fearing for your life. If you ended up stuck in the hive with an angry Queen Bee Hybrid, you doubted you’d make it out alive. Especially if they were territorial. Emmet shook his head. “Our hive has no Queen.” Ah. His face almost fell as he said so. Well, that was one thing you didn’t have to worry about, but…
“What about the drones? And the other bees? Won’t they not take kindly to a stranger?” You asked, a bit hesitant. Not having a Queen made things less difficult, but that didn’t mean the drones and other bees would just accept you- “They’ll be no problem at all, I promise.” He spoke, confident as he attempted to assure you. “But-” “They will listen to me. I promise they will not hurt you. They will help you recover.” Silence followed his statement as you weighed in your options. Still, you couldn’t help but wonder… “Why would they listen to you?” It came out a bit more rude than you had intended, though he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, his grin grew incredibly wide. He leaned down towards you, almost like a bow, his wings buzzing behind him. “Because I am one of its Kings.”
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animeomegas · 2 years
Oh my god Im not sure if you have written this before, but Royal AU headcanons where (sasuke, neji, shino, naruto, and itachi) are super scared to meet emperor/empress alpha after finding out they’re engaged, but the alpha takes the omega out on a date and it’s super cute and now they are excited to get married ?
Cute request! So, I decided to write the moments each of them figured out that their royal future spouse wasn't as bad as they were worried about :D
I didn't do them all because it got a bit long, hope that's okay!
"So, what hobbies do you enjoy?" you asked lightly, taking a sip of your tea.
This was it. This was when you were going to realise that Sasuke wasn't the perfect little cookie cutter mate that you might expect from a family like his. He didn't care though; he was going to be himself no matter how much shit you gave him for it. No alpha was going to control him.
"I like training with swords," Sasuke said, voice firm and with a hint of a challenge in it. He looked you dead in the eyes as he spoke, watching your reaction. "Although any kind of blade is something I enjoy as well."
Sasuke wasn't expecting you to brighten.
"That's great!" you said. "I was asking to see if I needed to bring any new hobby things in to the palace before our wedding, but the palace already has a state of the art training facility with plenty of weapons and grounds to practice."
Sasuke blinked at you. Was this a joke?
"And hey, I used to train with swords as a kid, it would be fun to spar, if you're okay with that."
"You... want to spar... with me?" Sasuke felt like his brain was malfunctioning. Were you really okay with his 'alpha' hobbies?
"If you're okay with that," you rushed to say. "And I doubt I'd put up much of a fight if you've been training a lot, but it could still be fun anyway!"
You not only seemed to have no problem with his hobbies, but you wanted to do them with him...and you admitted that Sasuke would probably beat you with no hurt ego...
"Hnn," Sasuke agreed, embarrassed. He picked up his tea cup to give himself something to do.
Maybe... maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he thought.
"This is the final date before your wedding," one of his family's elders whispered in his ear, tightly gripping onto his shoulder. Neji didn't give him the satisfaction of flinching though; he was more than used it. "If you mess this up, I can guarantee you will regret it."
Neji kept his face impassive. He'd heard this speech four times since this morning. So far, he'd only met his future alpha in group settings but today would just be them (and a chaperone of course.)
"You're hurting him."
A voice suddenly interrupted them. It was your voice, coming from the doorway where you had appeared as if by magic.
The elder let go of Neji as though he were burning, laughing awkwardly. Neji rolled his shoulder gently, encouraging blood flow where it had been cut off by the tight grip.
"Ah, my apologies, sometimes I forget my own strength," he laughed nervously. "It comes with old age."
You only hummed, clearly unimpressed, but you let the matter drop and turned your attention to him.
"Come darling, let's not delay our date any longer," you smiled at him and held out your arm for him to take. "I'm most anxious to give you your gifts."
"Gifts?" Neji asked bashfully, walking with you and away from the elder.
"Yes, after our discussion last time on the books you wanted to read but that your family did not allow, I took the liberty of ordering them for you," you spoke easily, as though you weren't shattering his whole entire life into pieces in the best possible way. He didn't want that life anyway, he would hardly mourn for it.
"You didn't have to do that," Neji said politely, trying to keep his strong emotions off of his face.
"Of course I did," you denied, squeezing his arm in yours lightly. "You are to be my husband, spoiling you is my job. Now then, how would you feel about a stroll in he gardens?"
Yes, Neji thought, following you into the gardens, his old life could shatter, because for once, he was looking forward to the future.
"How are you enjoying the boat ride?" you asked him, jolting him from his thoughts.
"Huh? Oh! Yes, it's great! Thank you for taking me!" Naruto wasn't lying, the lake was truly gorgeous, but he had to admit his mind was elsewhere.
Before arriving, he'd been worrying nonstop about meeting you and making a good impression, but the journey here had made him realise how far from home he was going to be... Would he be lonely here without his friends? How often would you let them visit before you had enough?
"What's on your mind, Naruto?" you asked softly, taking his hands. "If you don't like the boat, it's no big deal, we can head back and spend the afternoon doing something else."
"No... it's..." Naruto hesitated. He could feel his etiquette teaching crying at what he was about to ask. "When I move in here..."
"When can my old friends come to visit?"
You blinked at him as though you found his question confusing.
"What? It will be your home too, Naruto. You can invite whoever you want, whenever you want, as long as you let the guards and staff know in advance so they can prepare."
"Really?" Naruto asked, feeling his heart swell.
"Yes, of course! As long as you avoid massive parties close to other big events, there's no problem with you having guests."
Naruto grinned and, again hearing his etiquette teacher crying in his mind, threw himself at you for a hug. The boat rocked slightly at the movement, but you caught him easily, and although you seemed shocked for a moment, hugged him back before long.
He really had the best future alpha ever!
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cAn you do a jealous richie Rozier x Male reader when someone keeps flirting with the reader and it ends with reader comforting richie at home if you can it be older richie
Only Him
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pairing: older!richie tozier x male!reader 
summary: there’s no denying that your boyfriend, richie “trashmouth” tozier, is a flirt. in fact, it’s one of his many talents. due to this, he can appreciate the art of flirting but when it comes to others trying their luck with what’s his? that’s something he can't appreciate nor agree with and you’re left to pick up the pieces of the insecure man. 
warnings: legal consumption of alcohol, heavy swearing (it’s richie, what did you expect?), angst with fluffy ending, self doubt, reader gets hit on by a woman, brief hints to homophobia, bisexual reader if you squint and look into things 
word count: 1.7k 
a/n: ok so this turned out to be more soft than anything else. richie doesn't get very mad per say, just very insecure and upset? i hope this was fine anon. 
just a disclaimer, i’m not the most experienced with m!reader so please let me know if this is alright or if there’s anything i could do to make it better. your input is really appreciated :) love you all and enjoy 
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loud music blares throughout the entire club as you lean against the bar counter, a half drunk beer in hand. your eyes are trained on your boyfriend who seems to be in his element, hair wild and glasses foggy from dancing most of the night. you chuckle as you think of the hangover he’s bound to have in the morning whereas you’ve been mindful to not have too much alcohol, knowing that at least one of you had to be sober enough to drive home. 
you idly take a sip as your hand pushes your hair out your eyes which still follow richies every move. however, your moment of admiration is interrupted by a hand which wraps around your bicep. glancing down, you see the slender hand of a woman, nails manicured and painted a vibrant red which contrasts the black button up you’re wearing. 
your eyes lock with hers and she gives you a smile, her eyes shining with what appears to be excitement. “may i help you?” you ask half heartedly, already having a pretty good idea as to why she has approached you. “i’m sure you can.” she answers playfully, releasing her grip on your arm. 
you don’t reply, choosing to look at her expectantly with a raised brow as you await her next words. “mind telling me your name? or am i going to have to call you handsome the rest of the night?” her tone is a perfect balance of teasing and curiosity and even you are impressed with her confidence. 
“y/n.” you reply after a while. she smiles brightly at you and slowly nods her head. “y/n…” she almost purrs, “it suits you. a charming name for a charming man.” she furthers her appreciation of your, in your opinion, bland name. 
you down the last of your beer and place the empty bottle on the bar counter, ready to get away from her before her lighthearted words turn into anything suggestive. “well, as much as i’d love to chat more, i should be going. enjoy your night.” her small hand grasps at your bigger one as you turn to leave. “what’s the matter honey? you wouldn’t leave a lady all alone now would you?” 
you gently take her hand out of your own, trying your best to be polite about it. “sorry but i don't need company.” you reply simply, not wanting to bring attention to the fact that you have a partner - a male one at that - afraid of the repercussions which come with openly admitting to being in a homosexual relationship. 
“oh come on, live a little, why don't you?” her gaze is sultry and her words seductive as she steps closer to you and presses her chest against your own. you look down at her nervously. “listen lady,” your words are strained as you try not to get annoyed, “i appreciate the offer but i'm good.” 
little did either of you know, a certain glasses wearing trashmouth was silently watching the exchange from the crowded dance floor, his drunken state not helping him to recognise the uncomfortable look on your face as the woman continues her advances. 
“you’re so adamant on saying no but you haven't even considered my offer.” she leans up to whisper, her breath tickling your ears which causes a reflexive and visible shiver to run down your back. a shiver which, to the woman in front of you as well as your boyfriend, looks like a pleasurable action. 
richie’s head is filled with doubts as he watches the two of you, his own insecurities causing his eyes to water and the alcohol in his body making him act impulsively as he marches over to you. 
just as you're about to push the woman away once more, you hear the familiar voice, “what the fuck are you doing?” 
the woman leans away from you and her eyes land on the shaking frame of richie who is clearly, not only drunk, but fuming and bothered. you make eye contact with him and send a silent plea for him to help you get away from the persistent lady but he doesn't seem to get the message. 
“and who are you?” his eyes snap to the small woman when she almost hisses her words at him. he smiles mockingly at her before looking back at you while replying, “well i was his fucking boyfriend but it seems that the two of you are seconds away from banging each others brains out so i’ll be taking my leave now.”
with that, he storms away and you're left standing there in embarrassment, confusion and annoyance. 
the woman looks at you shocked. “boyfriend?” her tone carries across her judgement perfectly and all you can do is nod. “you're gay?” she says condescendingly with a raised brow. you nod again but choose to reply verbally too. “yes i am. that’s why i don't want company. now politely fuck off while i go chase my boyfriend.” 
you quickly walk away and she continues to stand there in shock, her reaction replaying in your mind as you step outside the club to try find richie. you knew being gay is considered ‘taboo’ but you still aren't used to the open criticism which comes with the title. 
walking to where you parked your car, you notice that it's not in its spot and immediately panic, knowing that richie has the keys and that probably means he’s driving to your house completely intoxicated and hotheaded. 
breaking out into a run, you head towards your shared home not wanting to leave him alone (if he makes it back safely that is. he was a terrible driver when he’s sober, you didn’t want to imagine him behind the wheel while drunk.)
you finally reach the driveway and sigh in relief as you notice the cat parked in it. you walk slowly up the driveway to the front door while you try to catch your breath. turning the door handle you notice it's unlocked. 
‘he either left it open for me or forgot to lock it… again’ you think absentmindedly as you close and actually lock the door behind you. your eyes adjust to the dark house and blindly make your way up the stairs, heading to your bedroom with the hope of richie being there. 
your wish is granted as you spot his figure laying on the bed. making your way over to the still man, you quietly kick your shoes off  before sitting on the opposite side of the bed. richie’s back is towards you so you aren't sure if he's sleeping or not but your confusion is cleared up when you hear a hushed mumble come from your boyfriend. 
“what are you doing here?” you frown at his harsh tone and place a gentle hand on his shoulder. “where did you think i was going to go?” you ask rhetorically in an attempt to lighten his mood but it doesn’t appear to work. he shrugs your hand off him before spitting out, “somewhere else to fuck the chick from the club.” 
his blunt words never fail to catch you off guard and you gape at him, not sure how to respond or go about fixing the issue at hand. 
“why would i be doing that?” you manage to say after a few seconds. “cause you seemed to be getting real close earlier. she was all over you and you didn't do shit about it.” his voice wavers slightly and you realise that he’s fighting back tears.
“i wasn't getting close with her and you know it… i would never do that to you rich.” you try make your words as sincere and soft as possible, hoping to calm down the jealous and hurt man in front of you. “then why the fuck was her hands all over you, huh? she was throwing herself at you and you didn't seem to mind.”
you frown and place your hand on his shoulder again, this time in an attempt to roll him onto his back so that you can see his face but he resists and you sigh in defeat. “you seem to think you know exactly what happened and if that is the case, then  you should know that i turned down her advances multiple times but she wouldn't  take no for an answer.”
his tense body visibly relaxes a little at your words but you know richie and he’s a stubborn man. “i tried to get away but she wouldn't leave me alone. she was quite persistent and you interrupted as i was going to tell her to kindly fuck off.” 
a small but noticeable chuckle escapes his mouth and you smile to yourself, knowing that you’re close to breaking his jealous act. 
“and you know what? even if we weren't dating, i wouldn't  go for her. she’s not my type. i prefer obnoxious trashmouths who can make me laugh without even trying.” you slowly rub his arm, your touch comforting and reassuring. “i like people who know what i'm thinking even when i don't know myself. people who look at me like i'm everything to them.” you gently pull his arm and he rolls over to look you in the eyes. “people who see my flaws and insecurities yet love me regardless… people like you richie. only you.”
you notice tears in his eyes and your hand comes up to cup his face, thump smoothing over his cheek as you gaze at him lovingly. “i love you. not her, not anybody else, you. you are my life and i wouldn't trade you for anything.” 
he smiles as tears escape his eyes. you lean down and your lips brush against his. “you mean everything to me tozier.” you mumble before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. you can feel him smile against you and when you pull away, you can see relief and pure adoration in his eyes. 
“i love you so much.” you say before pulling him into your arms, letting his head rest against your chest, doing everything in your power to let him know how special he is to you. 
“i love you too, y/n… more than anything.” he whispers and you know right there that this man means the world to you and you do to him. you look in his eyes and you see your future with him. you see the life you’ve always wanted. judgement and criticism be damned, you’d marry him one day. 
you would make him the happiest man alive and he’d do the same to you. you would make him yours for life and for whatever comes after it. 
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First of all, I love your blog. I am so happy to see you active.
Second of all, I agree with that anon about finding Jimin fascinating. I have never been this intrigued by any other celebrity. I find him different but I don't know why. He is good looking but so are other idols. I mean it's Kpop. Most have to be good looking to make it. It's just such a weird thing. Like you can't help but notice him. Everytime I watch a BTS related content, he is the first person I notice. He isn't even my favourite but my eyes will instantly see him before anyone else. He also somehow leaves the strongest mark in any mvs or performances or even simple content. It's weird. I don't get it.
Hi Anon, 💜
I saw your ask come in days ago, just as I was logging out of the app and felt a bit bad because I knew I wouldn't have any time for Tumblr for the next few days. Lately, I've actually wanted to remain active here, but life keeps getting in the way. I know it's not a big deal but I really am thankful that so many of you understand that I'm active here only when I can afford to be. 💜
On to more interesting topics, yes to everything you said about Jimin. There's no other member I write about here more than Jimin and it's something I don't ever feel like apologizing for because that man is infinitely captivating.
It's rare to see someone who recognizes exactly what he is, as young as Jimin did. There are many points over the years that Jimin has done something, and it registered in my head that this man is different. It's human to be a bit self-indulgent, to be a little self-absorbed, a little self-deception is a very natural mechanism that sometimes shields us from other people's projections and malicious intent. And so it struck me as almost inhuman in how acutely aware Jimin was to recognize his need to be seen, heard, in the most audacious format available to him as a 13 year old boy in Busan, South Korea.
His depth of self-knowledge, indicative of his unusually high intelligence, is at the source of his magnetism and charisma. In my opinion. You can see it in his eyes and it amplifies his already unnatural beauty.
I recently started speaking with a Jimin-bias on Twitter and we've become good friends. She described Jimin like this (and I've linked in sources):
"Jimin of BTS is the man who wrote a detailed essay that convinced his parents to let him study dance over science or law, who landed an esteemed dance and martial arts scholarship, who went against his teacher (Lee Hwa Sung’s) wishes of going the more secure route excelling as a professional modern dancer given his talents, to instead pursue his dream to become an idol, who called his dad once a month as a trainee of a nearly bankrupt agency saying “don’t worry dad. Even if I don’t make it this way I’ll make it another way”, who debuted as main dancer and lead vocalist with what is now the biggest group in the world despite having the shortest training period in Big Hit’s history and one of the shortest training periods in all of kpop to date."
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That is one reason I am ecstatic about FACE. The music itself is one thing and we'll deal with that when we get there - I may or may not like the music (though given what he's released so far, the fact he's in BTS, and him working with RM and PDogg, I doubt it). But the subject matter of FACE: Park Jimin, would interest me even if I was on my death bed with only 10 KB of data available for me to use one last time.
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I'm not very good at explaining what I mean, but I hope those who love him don't take offense when I call Jimin a freak. Because that is what I'm absolutely convinced he is. I don't know how else to express just how beastly I think he really is. Looking at him for me is like looking at one of those lenticular prints that shift into different things depending on lighting - like you turn your head one way looking at Jimin and you see a panther, turn your head another way and you see a dove, turn yet another way and you see a snake. And each animal is the most perfect expression of its form. He hones every quality he expresses with a meticulousness that scares me sometimes, because every example of that sort of personality I've seen in music has burnt out or passed before 40 (Prince being the only exception). The rapline have an identical quality but they seem less volatile than Jimin to me for some reason.
Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm excited about FACE and Anon when I saw your ask come in days ago, I suspected you were fishing (lol), but also I love Jimin and will take every excuse to talk about him. It's also way easier to talk about him than it is to talk about Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok for me lol.
Speaking of which, it goes without saying that Jimin's evolution in self-awareness is also a result of his relationship with the rapline in BTS, as well as some other members. Jimin's comments about how he relies on those three, of what he thinks of their characters, and about how those three have assisted and influenced him, are consistent with how I see them too.
Back to Jimin, he's a once in a lifetime personality and there's nothing wrong with admitting it.
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(Me too, Jungkook. Me too.)
Make sure you've pre-saved FACE, stream On The Street, and stay hydrated. 💜
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hollysoda · 10 months
I might be losing my fucking mind over the Servants of the Springs = Zonai theory, and have spent the day trying to draw them and failing badly because heavy detail in art is my weakness
So fuck it we ball
Here is my interpretation/FULL theory on what I think is going on with these dragons
Although they are named after the Golden Goddesses, they’re not necessarily goddesses. Yes, they came down from the skies like the other Zonai and were revered as being deities but they didn’t create anything like in the original myth from oot. The description of the dragons never mentions anything godlike about them and instead they’re called servants. That kinda makes me think that they simply took care of their respective springs; perhaps they were priestesses, and the Frostbite, Ember and Charged sets are their respective religious clothing. Also I should note here that they are sisters!
Obviously they have secret stones, and despite not being called them they are essentially sages (also I would love if these secret stones are actually triangle shaped but I might be wishing for too much). Naydra is the Sage/Priestess of Wisdom, Dinraal is the Sage/Priestess or Power, and Farosh the Sage/Priestess of Courage.
Naydra is the eldest of the three. She is calm and level-headed, and loves her sisters dearly. She is a source of knowledge for Zonai kind. Her secret stone amplifies her ability to calm her surroundings, easing anger and causing threats to forget what even made them attack in the first place (known as Naydra’s Aura)
Dinraal is the middle child. She is stubborn and snarky, but still has the heart to hear people out. Along with spring duties, she is also responsible for overseeing Zonai warriors and their training. Her secret stone amplifies her overall fighting prowess; increasing strength, speed and agility as well as dealing fiery damage (known as Dinraal’s Blaze)
Farosh is the youngest. She is lively and curious, but still manages to take her job seriously when she has to. When she isn’t caring for her spring she is busy exploring Faron and everything else Hyrule has to offer. Her secret stone amplifies her ability to shield herself with electricity, shocking anything that attacks her and allowing her to plough through enemies (known as Farosh’s Spark)
As for why they ended up as dragons in the first place it’s kinda hard to say, but I have a couple of theories
Theory 1: they were under threat, and consuming a secret stone was the only way to protect both themselves and their springs. Zonai are revered as gods and no doubt, as we see in totk, the people of Hyrule upon hearing of these Secret Stones desired the power they could bestow on the wielder. Perhaps Ganondorf made an earlier attack on the Zonai, and before going for Sonia he made an attempt on the sisters (he seems to know of draconification, even though we don’t see him ever learn of it). Either way, the sisters know that they can’t let their Secret Stones land into the hands of evil, and there’s no way they can survive against an army while keeping their springs safe. So, as an ultimate sacrifice to save Hyrule, they eat their stones at their springs, and the entirety of the land quakes as three dragons rise into the sky.
Theory 2: Zonai extinction. By totk we know the last two living Zonai (in Hyrule, at least) were Rauru and Mineru. Something had to have wiped out all of the Zonai that first came to Hyrule. Perhaps it was disease? Or maybe an ancient war, before Rauru rose to the throne? I’m leaning towards war. Consuming a Secret Stone seems to be something that one would only do if they were desperate. Zelda was desperate to help Link and return to him, Ganondorf was desperate for power. Naydra, Dinraal and Farosh were desperate for the Zonai to live on and protect an ounce of their culture; their springs. Maybe they even hoped that one day they would be able to come back as Zonai? (Both theories are assuming they even knew about draconification before swallowing their stones. Can you imagine swallowing your secret stone, thinking it won’t do anything but then suddenly you’re a dragon?? Scary)
Mineru was a close friend of the sisters. They all came down to Hyrule when they were young and grew up together. She was forced to watch her friends turn into dragons and couldn’t do anything to stop them. Thats why she is so upset when Zelda ultimately decides to swallow her secret stone. Zelda is, possibly, her last surviving friend, and even though Mineru is close to death in that memory she dies knowing she once again failed to save a friend
If Nintendo were to make a dlc of this I think it would be similar to Champion’s Ballad. Kass returns after researching and learning ancient Zonai songs and many of them are about the dragons. Link travels Hyrule and new sky islands, doing shrines inspired by the three sisters and uncovering some of their final memories. He never gets to meet the sisters, nor wake them from their eternal slumber (mostly for the sake of the game being able to continue afterwards, imagine doing the dlc and not being able to see the dragons afterwards lmao) but he manages to ensure their springs are safe and bring some peace to the dragons.
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substantial-exposure · 3 months
Happy Bad Batch Eve! It's blurb time!
Here's Crosshair trying to mediate with Omega and his wife shows up🤭
Omega sat down on the rocks and guided her brother to do the same. The sunsets on Pabu were nothing short of beautiful. Crosshair hadn't really taken the time to notice. He'd been so wrapped up inside his own head, he never cared to looked anywhere but a foot in front of him. For the time being, it was all he could stand to manage. He took a deep breath.
"What are we doing?" Crosshair had asked her. He glanced over to his sister and to Batcher just a few feet away.
Omega didn't open her eyes. She sat with her legs crossed and her hands resting on her knees just as she had watched nearly a hundred times by now. She answered him simply. "It's meditation. It'll help you heal." Omega told him. "Not just your hand, but your mind too." She clarified. Finally opening her eyes, she looked up and over at him.
However Crosshair only arched a brow. "I doubt that." He mumbled tiredly. Meditation was for Jedi, Crosshair was no Jedi. He had seen them, trained with them, learned from them. He had even loved one of them. He still did of course. But right now, sitting here. It all felt so silly. What was the point?
He tried to keep his shaking to a minimum but his hand wouldn't cooperate. What was this going to? It certainly wasn't helpful that his fingers twitched and shook with their tremors. He closed his fist tightly, as always hoping the tight pressure and pull of his muscles would drain them and tire them out. It was what he always did, not that it worked. He figured if he tired the muscle out, stretched it, flexed it, whatever it may be, it would tire out and stop eventually. It hadn't worked yet.
Omegas hand came to lay over his. The gentle touch moved as she helped him flip his palm over, helping him rest his hand where it needed. She spoke to him calmly. "Now adjust your position." She corrected him. "And just breathe." The girl instructed, retreating her own hand and correcting her own stance. She had learned the art of this, heard every trick, she wanted to do this right. Omega kept her eyes closed.
Crosshair looked over at the horizon for only a split moment. He had a feeling he knew the answer to his question before he even asked it. "Where did you learn this?" He asked her, eyes narrowed slightly.
"I have a feeling that it's a bit obvious." Omega responded with a small grin. "I used to watch Dasibri every morning, she let me try it with her a few times" she told him calmly. "But I picked it up from my friend Gungi and the other Wookiees on Kashyyyk too. He taught me too." Omega hummed.
Crosshair tensed the slightest bit. He had to force out his words. "You've been to Kashyyyk?" He has asked to clarify. He blinked dumbly for a moment.
"Uh huh." Omega said in agreement, her tone was feather light. Her words seemed to disappear with the breeze around them. "You missed a lot" she began to say.
Through their conversation neither had paid enough attention to notice the third party joining them. She joined silently, almost surprised to find two people intruding on her meditation spot.
Crosshair let out a sigh and glanced over to his sister. "I know." He muttered sadly. As soon a he heard the sound of ruffling fabric, he turned his head, standing in the same usual light robes was Dasibri. She sat down beside him silently. He looked back over to Omega. "I know." He repeated.
"What's going on down here?" Dasibris voice carried. There was an air of amusement to her words. She was smiling and seemed to be quite happy. Crosshair had never told her about his appointments. He hadn't spoken to his wife since he'd left that morning
Omega piped up happily, her hands relaxed and her eyes opened. "I'm teaching Crosshair what you taught me." she smiled looking over to the Jedi that had joined them. "Everything about meditation and how it can help you clear your mind."
Dasibri nodded and looked from the girl to her husband, she smiled rather amused. "I've tried many times to get him to try it. I'm impressed you even got him to sit down." She joked. She could hear the small scoff and shuffle beside her. It was clear Crosshair was about to storm off back inside to the Marauder and wait out his mood. "You've heard me talk about it... but have you ever experienced it? Or tried to?" She asked him. She let out a sigh.
Crosshair would never meditate with her. That was perfectly fine. She never expected him too, however she did think their could be some benefits. Dasibri knew the good that could come from it. "Relax." The Jedi mumbled. "Quiet your mind, silence everything and just feel" she began to trail off...
hehe ik i kinda popped off last week but I hope this suffices!
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nighthoundsworld · 3 months
As I now feel like the main pioneer for the Next Avengers fandom I’m gonna start something (that’s probably not gonna be consistent) called Head-canon that’s probably 1000% true and todays Topic is on the very awkward subject for our Next Avengers ✨PARENTS✨ specifically Mothers
#1 James and Francis are complete Mamas Boys without a doubt so this post will be about them. Now not saying they don’t love their dads because they do………but come on now if I had a mom that looked like this I’d be a mamas boy as well
#2 James wears a Red hourglass necklace around his neck and never removes it because it was the last thing Natasha gave to him before she went to fight Ultron and ultimately died (This is the new canon because I said so, so if our Next Avengers come back in mainstream media expect this to be a thing)
#3 The Day Steve and Natasha left to fight Ultron which lead to their deaths Natasha was forced to inject James with a syringe that had sleeping medication because he wouldn’t stop screaming and crying and wouldn’t let go of Natasha mind you that at the time James was only 3 which grew his fears of Needles
#4 The only Picture James has of his Parents is them dancing at their wedding, it’s the only picture he has and he stops himself for looking for more because every second he spends looking at that picture reminds him of what he lost and what he’s never able to get back
#5 Although James is Captain America’s son and he’s held at such a high regard and given such respect he acts more like Natasha. His hairs the same shade of red, He leans more towards the spy in him than the goodie two shoes solider, his hero costumes primary color is a red and Black jacket with a star etc overall he leans more towards Natasha in the personality department
#6 James biggest secret that no one knows but him is he knows Ballet, he practiced in secret for years and perfected the craft and everyday he ends his day by looking at a Russian Ballerina Music Box and watches it twirl as he thinks about her
#7 let’s get this out the way right now Francis was not planned 😂 LOL He was an accident Baby that Clint and Bobbi made on their 3rd Honeymoon but never the doubt the idea of Abortion never once crossed their minds as they agreed that little Francis was gonna be there’s 100%
#8 Francis being the only one who actually was able to live a portion of his life with his Parents Bobbi tried her hardest to give him some sort of normalcy in hiding with the Freedom Fighters (or whatever they were called) she taught him all the basic things and even made a small area for him where she’s read him bed stories every night and promise him a better future
#9 Bobbi’s nickname for Francis was “Her Little Birdy” or “Franky”
#10 evidently when Bobbi’s death came Francis was 10 years old. A group of Ultron bot’s found their base and she led the fight to stall while Clint helped everyone evacuate. She gave Francis her Goggles and made him promise that no matter what never loose hope in fighting to save the day before Eventually Clint was forced to carry Francis away leaving the boy to watch as the last time he saw his Mother she was fighting for her life in which she ultimately lost
#11 Francis keeps a picture of Bobbi in his pocket at all times so he never forgets his Mom’s face along with the fact that he never takes off his goggles the least he’ll do is just rest them upon his head hiding them within his hair
#12 he customized his Bow so that it can turn into a Bow Staff along with two separate Batons the same Bobbi used as he trained himself with the art of the Bow Staff in honor of her. He also carved out a small Mockingbird within his Bow for her
#13 every year on her Birthday he leaves flowers and one of the children’s books she read to him at her Grave where he talks to her and gives her a recap of what happened in the past year promising her he’d never give up fighting for what’s right
Overall these two are complete Mamas Boys and again like I said I don’t blame them look at who their moms are
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deathisararemercy · 1 year
Hey new follower here :D
I really liked the death x ghost! Soulmate! Reader you wrote and I would like to make a request if it is no trouble
So I had this idea of like a puss in boots x kung fu panda au (since they are both from dreamwork) Anyway, what would think Death would act around a reader who is just like Po and also has similar powers as him (Po)
It would be cool if you could write an headcanon of it but ofc you can also just ignore this if you feel uncomfortable or bothered by this request
Have a great day!
Death x Reader | Puss in Boots x Kung Fu Panda AU
A/N: Hello lovely anon! Thank you for sending in this request! This was no trouble at all. And I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the Death x ghost/soulmate!Reader AU! I might have gone a bit overboard with this, but I hope it's to your liking! Due to my poor memory of the other films, this will based on the events of the first Kung Fu Panda movie.
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swanpit made a post with concept art/behind the scenes things that included how Death would look in Kung Fu Panda. Feel free to imagine him wearing that.
You two met when you were chosen as the Dragon Warrior and were nearly blown to bits. (Listen, you had to see that ceremony somehow.)
He definitely face palmed as he watched you soar above the sky. He had to hand it to you, that firework chair was a clever idea, but- how in the world did you not die?! And then you were chosen as the Dragon Warrior?!
He was willing to place bets on how long you'd last with the Furious Five. During your first few days of training, he was always in the shadows. Observing. Waiting.
But he was pleasantly surprised when you showed some competence. You had boundless enthusiasm for kung fu which he found very endearing.
He lurks in the shadows as you train, and over time, it's less of him waiting there to take your soul and more of him just watching you with fondness in his eyes.
He sees that you have an interest in food. Then learns you're a really good cook. He's been around since the beginning of time, sure, and he's had all sorts of food before. But he desperately wants to try some of your food.
Honestly, he really wants to talk to you, something Death definitely shouldn't do, but...
That first night, after doing...not great at training, you're asking yourself if you can really be the Dragon Warrior. Self-doubt weighs you down, welling up in a tight knot in your chest. You go out to get some fresh air and think (maybe stop by the peach tree?) when you see red eyes in the darkness. "Hello?" They blink rapidly and disappear. You feel a bit unsettled but decide to shake it off. Then a huge wolf is in front of you. You scream before settling into a very cool and very suave "AAAAAAAaaauhhh- Uh. Hi. Hi there." The wolf laughs a bit. When he smiles, you notice how his teeth are very sharp. "Hello, Dragon Warrior."
He gets you to tell him what's bothering you. He looks at you intently throughout, frowning when you finish. "You want to be a kung fu master?" "Yeah! Just like the Furious Five! I just...I keep messing up. What if it was a mistake? What if Master Oogway was wrong?" He scoffs with a smile. "Whether or not life is a series of events by fate or chance is up to you to decide. But I don't think Oogway made a mistake. You have the passion and drive. I believe in you, Dragon Warrior." You smile. "Thanks." But then your eyes widen. "Wait. I don't even know your name! Who are you?" The wolf hesitates for a moment before solemnly saying: "Someone I hope you won't have to meet again for a long time." You see the pin on his robe. "'Death'?" He smiles and whistles. You rub your eyes and when you open them again, he's gone.
He watches as you keep training with more enthusiasm. He's silently praying to himself that you don't get killed. Getting kicked down the stairs though...ouch.
He meets you at the bottom. "Hey..." you faceplant in the ground. "Are you really going to let him do that to you?" "It's Master Shifu! He's just helping me train hard. I gotta to get back up to the Jade Palace!" He offers you a hand, and you reluctantly take it. He's looking at you with a perplexed expression. "What?" He's just asking himself how you're still alive, but he laughs to himself. He just walks away, "Have fun training, Dragon Warrior," and whistles.
Misc thing but meeting Oogway before he dies and: "Ah! You're right on time." "I always am. Are you ready to go?" "Let me stand here beneath this beautiful peach tree for just a few more minutes. I have the sneaking suspicion Shifu will be here shortly, and I need to tell him something...isn't life beautiful 死 (Sǐ)?" "...yes. Yes it is."
When you head back into town to help back up at your parent's business, you are very gloomy. But there in the crowd- he's back again! That wolf! You don't know his name and you just say the first thing that comes to mind: "Death!" He stops walking and looks at you with those red eyes. He's a bit shocked- he didn't actually know whether or not you knew that was his name. But you were there, calling to him.
He is the one who gets you to realize the secrets of the Dragon Scroll. Your eyes light up, and he watches as you race back up the steps to the palace. Death really hopes that you'll be alright, and decides to follow from afar.
He is amazed and so so proud of you tapping into your power. A little terrified but mostly just. Amazed. "They're really something..." he whispers to himself.
After you reunite with the Five and Shifu, Death reveals himself to you. You're ready to fight him to protect Shifu, but Death insists he's not there to take him. You throw the first punch and you don't even see him move. But just before your fist meets his muzzle, he just grabs your fist, clicking his tongue. "Come on. Really?"
The Five spring into action, ready to defend Shifu and fight alongside the Dragon Warrior, but he just plants a small kiss on your hand. And everyone just freezes. "Whaaaa-" "Well done with Tai Lung, Dragon Warrior. I just came to congratulate you. And to ask for some takeout." "Oh, thanks- wait, what?" "Doesn't your parent own a restaurant?" "Oh- ohhh. Yeah."
Death wanted to confess to you, but there was a crowd he hadn't expected. That'll come later. He just says "I'll see you again..." and whistles as he walks away.
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General Post Kung Fu Panda 1 Things
Death knows better than to get directly involved in attacks and fights in the town. His presence could bring more harm than needed. But he's always watching.
Whenever you get into a fight defending the town, you run into Death after. You'd think he was a doctor or something, and not literally Death with how tenderly he holds you and treats your injuries. You're usually fine and he knows you can defend yourself. But that doesn't keep him from worrying.
Yeah, he knows acupuncture. He bonds with Mantis about it and the two of them use it on you, given your consent.
He loves it when you cook. Your food is made with so much love, and it's absolutely delicious. He chats with you as you cook, looking at you with an absolutely adoring gaze.
He confesses his love to you when you two are sharing a meal. And his tail is wagging like mad when you reciprocate.
Sparring practice, sparring practice, sparring practice-
Death's fighting style is really similar to in TLW. Yours is a bit more spontaneous.
Death loves fighting with you. The practice and training is good for you, and you are a challenging opponent for him.
He definitely has a bit of banter with you, grinning when you bite back with punchy quips. "So the Great Dragon Warrior thinks they can beat Death?" He manages to knock you down or pin you against a wall, stealing quick kisses that make you lose your focus. "That's cheating!" He just laughs and does it again.
Whenever you accidentally break things out of strength or clumsiness, he's there to first make sure your okay then figure out how to fix the thing.
Death gives you stern talking tos when you're being too reckless though. "Just because you're the Dragon Warrior doesn't mean you can't die. You have one life, just like anyone else."
WILL GIVE YOU COMPLIMENTS. All the time. Self-deprecation is a no. If you show any signs of insecurity regarding anything, be it your physical appearance or your skill as a fighter, he listens then tells you all of the ways you're incredible and what he loves about you. More kisses.
You're quicker to forgive and a bit more kind than Death. You're usually the one who has to talk him out of going after people you've fought or those who are particularly rude to you.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
any thoughts abt self aware akatsuki? they seem to be very devoted to their goals and the ones they cherish, while also being especially dangerous at times so im curious as to how you can basically approach the super yandere side of them n all, they seem like some real awesome guys ngl.
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Starting this off by saying that I haven´t read too many stories featuring Akatsuki so some of my ramblings may be a bit out of character! I hope you still enjoy this though!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, mention of violence
Self-aware Yandere! Akatsuki
I think I mentioned it before in an ask that talked about sticking to Kuro and Souma before but you´d definitely be kept safe from any physical harm if you stuck around Akatsuki. Souma has his sword that he wouldn´t hesitate to use on anyone that threatened you, Kuro who is trained in martial arts and had a delinquent phase, and even Keito was the former captain of the archery club.
They´re all very protective of you and while Keito is more-so the type that wards off the other characters with his words and frequent scoldings, he would be willing to use his bow to eliminate a target if he felt like it was the only option.
Keito is usually pretty strict, even with his fellow members in Akatsuki, so it´s even more noticeable when he gets soft around you. It´s like he´s a completely different person and even though he would occasionally scold you when you got into trouble or were hanging around other idols too much, there would be no bite in his words.
He tries to keep his infatuation hidden from you so he mostly acts on his own urges by instead drawing or writing out the scenarios that he wishes he could enact with you in real life. His stories just happen to be romances where the two main characters strongly resemble both of you. There he can let his thoughts run wild and he can imagine holding you close or kissing you as much as he likes. He wouldn´t admit to doing this, especially not to you, but soon Keito gets commissioned by other idols to draw the same kind of scenarios for them.
He doesn´t like doing it, no doubt about it
Kuro is very caring towards you and doesn´t want you to be scared of him because of his outer appearance. He loves sewing new clothes for you and he also loves seeing you wear them because it´s almost like you´re wearing a part of him. He spends so many hours sewing these outfits too, he´s not sparing any efforts. Also, his little sister probably knows of you from how often Kuro talks about you at home and has more than once asked if you two were dating or when you would finally get married.
Kuro is a very protective yandere, wanting you to be safe at all times, which is why he would stick around you a lot. It´s the best way to make sure nothing happens to you, right? Honestly just having someone strong looking like Kuro standing next to you is probably enough to keep most strangers from ever approaching you. He´s usually not fond of how different his appearance is from his true character, but he feels like in this case it´s very beneficial. For the most part, he doesn´t need to lift a finger to keep you safe.
Of course, that doesn´t work with the other idols that know what Kuro really is like, they´re still going to want to talk to you. So it´s only in these moments where Kuro would actively shield you from “harm” by standing right between the both of you and telling the other person to leave. He doesn´t really want to get violent in front of you, so he holds himself back if he can help it. He´s more likely to “visit” the person later and throw a few punches there where you can´t see what he´s doing.
Souma is probably the one most likely and prepared to commit violence in your honor. He comes from a proud samurai family and so he holds ideas like honor in very high regard. He always carries around a sword and he´s determined to use it to protect the people that he thinks are worth protecting. Naturally, you are one of these people. He looks up to you for all you have done for Akatsuki and him specifically while you were still playing the game and possessing Anzu. You always knew exactly what to say and do to make sure things move along well and Souma greatly admires you for that. It´s no surprise that he puts you on a bit of a pedestal. In his eyes, you can do no wrong and so anyone that opposes you is automatically wrong. His old-fashioned ideals don´t really help him with this black-and-white thinking either.
Souma is also very emotionally driven which only further urges him to protect you from any perceived harm. He´s another one that wants to be around you at all times to make sure that you´re safe. He can´t bear the thought of anything happening to you, the kindest and most gracious person to ever exist. Anyone that disagrees must simply meet the end of his blade.
Different from Keito for example, Souma wouldn´t try to hide the fact that he´s pretty obsessed with you. He´s honest to a fault and thus likes to proclaim how important you are to him and how he would do absolutely anything if you asked him to.
The serious tone in his voice tells you that he isn´t joking around.
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kavtari · 5 months
Inner Peace
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(( What I was listening to while writing this: Eternal Blossom by karasu. ))
The harsh voice rang out across the gardens, bouncing off the near low walls and rippling the lilies upon the brook. It belonged to a war-aged Pandaren man whom stood upon a short stage. He performed the sweeping kick again, nearly identical to the last one, and landed perfectly to watch his students do the same.
Among them, Kav wasn't the worst. Sweat gently beaded on her forehead and collected in her headband. Her shoulders, arms, and legs showed the signs of hours of training in the sunlight. The muscles cried out, begging to stop, but Kav wasn't ready to give up yet.
Since the slow rebuild of Pandaria during the peace, more peoples from all over had taken up residence upon the lands. Kav didn't live there, continuing to roam as she pleased to avoid being tied down to any one place, but at some point she found herself among the students multiple times a week to practice self defense and the many forms of martial arts.
It became a sort of rhythm. The master barked and order and the students had to follow through at the right time or get called out. Kav's mistakes did not go unnoticed and more than once she felt the thwap of reed on thigh or back or shoulder or arm. It didn't matter anymore. At first she feared it - the sudden sting of punishment for repeat failure - but it was all a part of the experience now.
A year ago she would have abandoned it at the first sign of pain, at the first bloody nose, or at the first sparring session. As she stuck with these stances and practiced balance, however, the memories slowly revealed themselves and her skills began to return. The bard had been decent acrobatics and blades before, but those skills had been repressed. As they surfaced in pieces over the months of classes, Kav found herself spending sleepless nights wrecked by the thoughts of what she had been through and what she had done to survive.
The students, exhausted from the steady constant of movement, turned in unison to see the distant rain clouds closing in. With an honorable bow they finished their session with slow breathing and a reminder to find peace even through the mental and physical pain.
Kav didn't hurry to gather her things as the others did. Rain could calm down her swelling muscles, her puffy eyes, and hide the tears. Instead she settled upon the creek bridge with her little voice box and sent out a message.
"Today was better than yesterday. I think I am getting better at the technique. It ... it still hurts though. Surfing really never prepared me for this. Not that I've surfed much as of late." She scoffed at herself, rolling her eyes. "I hope you and yours are doing well. I will visit again soon, or you can always visit me. I know you love this place...."
She let that drift off before before she disconnected and shook her head. It was so stupid, her thoughts. Nothing had changed, yet she was still doubting. The elf slid her communicator back into her pack, keeping the channel open just in case, as the first raindrops hit the waters below her.
"Doubt, little one, must be balanced," the master's voice sounded in Kav's mind clearly. She slowed her breathing, closed her eyes, and allowed the rain to cool her warm skin and heated mind. The tears that gently flowed down her cheeks mixed with the waters, then dropped away. The elf calmed herself as she slowly moved her body into one of the many balancing poses. She wasn't a monk and definitely didn't plan on being one, but she could at least understand this teaching. Inner turmoil did her no good, but neither did running away from it.
After a time, balanced in the rain, Kav finally straightened and made her way to the inn she was to stay at that night. The next day she went to Stormwind with a purpose and enjoyed her night drinking and laughing, held steady right where she wanted to be, before she went on yet another long adventure away from her heart's home. Valdrakken sounded good.
(message to @elovir )
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snurtle · 2 years
idk if you're still doing these but i'd love if you do a character opinion bingo on orihime and/or renji. i saw your bleach red au art a few months ago when i was reading ahead before the anime premiere and i've been Rotating It In My Mind ever since, i just love your take on both characters
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First off, this is just such a nice comment! :D So nice, in fact, that I drew a doodle for it. I'm always surprised when other people engage with my silly AUs. Rotate away! Let's play in this space together! I've actually got a couple of short scene comics in the works for RED that will probably be done around January if I'm being honest with myself. (I’m busy, I’m slow, and comics take a long time!)
Originally, I wasn’t going to do the rest of the bingo memes that I still have asks for- (sorry!!!) it’s been a while and it felt like the general Vibe of things had moved on, but you’ve shot a friendly arrow into my ass about it so PERHAPS I will! 
I’m choosing to just do Orihime for this, because I ended up writing an Essay and Renji... I don’t know if I’m coherent enough about Renji to do a bingo on him without breaking down into garbled eldritch signs and scratched pictograms on cave walls. Orihime is the safer choice. Less of a cognito hazard. More legible. So under the cut she goes! I hope this suffices for you anon.
[Edit: 5/6/2023 cut removed by request for record keeping! <3 ]
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I’d like to preface this by saying Orihime was not one of my favorite characters the first time I read Bleach. What can I say? We are all a series of nesting dolls, and the things we relate to change as we add layers to our hearts. With age, experience, and another read, she is ABSOLUTELY one of my favorite characters in anything period. I have a lot of feelings about her, and a lot of them are “oh god why did you get married so young” and “while I understand where this narrative train is heading I want to get off!!!” So like any good AU fantasizer... complicated! :D 
So let’s just take the bullets in order, shall we?
they are soooooo cool looking:
Orihime (circa Soul Society Arc to a vague point somewhere in the Arrancar Arc) has a very unique facial structure! She’s got a large forehead and downturned eyes that make her seem a little mournful even when she’s smiling brightly. Honestly, it’s a VERY neat bit of character storytelling through design, and while I could never beef with an artist for style creep, I’m sad that her unique features seemed to even out and become more standardized as the manga grew loooooooonger and Kubo aged everyone up.
Beyond that, my girl is ADORABLE and I like her slightly off kilter fashion choices; they really speak to someone who both
- had few/strange/ill-equipped adult influences in her life to guide her early clothing choices
- has to tailor her own clothes to fit a body out of place.
It’s just.. I could just go on forever about this! Orihime’s design isn’t complicated, but it’s informative, and that’s not something I can take for granted in a visual medium. The choices Kubo made in those areas of her design give us a window into her personality.. Which is to say, a lonely, grieving teenager who’s had to teach herself to Person while hanging onto the razor wire of societal expectation and threat. (not unlike our other protagonists, no? Ha. Our poor Karakura kids.) You can tell something is a little off about her. Her hair is wrong, her face is wrong, her clothes are...wrong. Ish, if not skillfully amended. Like she’s not doing great at camouflaging, but she’s existing in the shadow of the benefit of the doubt and that will just have to do before her star really starts to shine.
wasted potential:
“I reject your version of reality and substitute my own!” -Orihime at some point, probably. 
That’s insane. That’s mindbreakingly, hand-twirlingly eye poppingly FUN. In a world full of near misses, sword skill expositions, and by-the-skin-of-your-teeth victories and losses, ONE imaginative girl can just go. “Uh. Y’know, I don’t like this very much. Nope. Nope nope nope.” And the world reorganizes itself to fit the shape of that NOPE. Her ability to reject the consequences of actions and events she wasn’t even there to witness is just.. Game breaking. But ultimately, those powers are the expression of a personality, and the personality belongs to a person who... really doesn’t care much about power at all- at least, not for its own sake. Orihime is a healer, a time bender, a bastion, a judge who can interact with the binary of the universe at large-- aaand that’s never really expanded on.
Everyone who sees her Do Her Thing universally goes “what in the bugfuck is this” because it Just Does Not Compute. It’s not supposed to be possible! And conveniently, no one ever has to dig into that because Orihime does less on-screen exploration of her abilities and more just... Yaknow. Standard heal-y forcefield-y stuff. Occasionally, resurrect-y stuff. Which is fine I guess because it serves the story’s focus, but for a person who is name twinsies with [VEGA]:
> Vega has been extensively studied by astronomers, leading it to be termed "arguably the next most important star in the sky after the Sun"
HMMMMMMM. The sun, you say? The sun, which serves an important symbolic role in Bleach, The Sun, and The Moon, and -The next most important STAR in the sky- HUH?? HUH???? YOU’RE TELLING ME THESE CELESTIAL SYMBOLS CAN TRIO? IN THIS ECONOMY?
and the mythological figure of “the daughter of the king of heaven”
Orihime (織姫, "Weaving Princess"), daughter of the Tentei (天帝, "Sky King", or the universe itself) [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanabata] 
they’re deeper than they seem:
Okay look this is a pet headcanon of mine, but I think Orihime isn’t actually a Fullbringer in the normal sense. Rather, I think she classes closer to Ywhach, Gerard Valkyrie, Ukitake, and Aura as in “bearer of [a] legacy of the Soul King.” As in a significant chunk to full-organ, or some kind of convoluted lineage/heir thing. It’s the only thing I can think of that makes Her THING make sense to me, unless her personality, her attachments, and the influence of Whatever Hollow Nyoomed by her in utero just... lined up perfectly to create a cosmic loophole big enough to string the Milky Way through. Which would also be cool! I love dark horses yanking the rug out from underneath “places where the cool powers are SUPPOSED to come from.” And we see that Nel, the Hollow most closely associated with Orihime, has healing powers via her ... uh. vomit, so it’s not as if there isn’t precedent for a healing-ish factor to come out of Hollow power, but STILL.
(I’m also not touching the whole ‘The Hyogoku and/or Ichigo gave them powers part of canon. I recognize it. I also think it’s intentional obfuscation of where her powers ACTUALLY come from because Bleach isn’t afraid to give characters conflicting sources of information.)
And also, Uh. I feel like this bingo square may have been referring to personality, perhaps, in which case I suppose I could have been talking about Orihime’s rampant trust issues. She feels so intensely the weight of mutual burden that the moments where she’s open about her problems are vanishingly rare, and then covered up by jokes, minimized. Sometimes- sometimes often- she performs cheerfulness like a thank-you card in exchange for that burden of care. (It’s expected. It’s all she can do. Isn’t it?) IIiii COULD talk about guilt, and envy simmering below the surface, or an aversion to conflict that is 75% moral pacifism, 25% fear (sometimes. percentages are as wiggly as hearts.). And all of that being under the hood of someone who looks like she’s daydreaming mid conversation, when she’s actually clocking 95mph on the Advanced Interpersonal Risk Calculus Highway.
 Or I could keep yelling about cool powers, because I think I’ve said this all before?
Unfortunately, Orihime’s proximity to Ichigo’s sun (especially in a romantic context) means that her fine details are sometimes blown out or overlooked in favor of making sure everyone knows that here’s a SEXY FEMALE TITS BIG ONES (urahara), but she’s also classical, she’s a moral center, she’s so powerful and tragic and accepts so much sacrifice so gracefully as is her duty and speaking of duty she gets married right out of highschool and has a kid almost immediately ayoo--
And yk. Some of those things are endemic to shounen manga, or are just kind of common in portrayals of Women Who Elevate Those Around Them (much like Masaki, or Kanae). It’s not like those things are inherently bad. But I don’t have to like them either. Weird Girls becoming Mature Women(tm) is something that will never interest me and actively repels me on most days because of the rote, tired way I’ve seen it written. I like messy women and disaster people and complicated, unusual lives. You can be happy without even the semblance of Destined Nuclear Family normalcy and frankly, I’m less interested in Punks And Weirdos becoming well-adjusted and accepted than I am in Punks and Weirdos clawing out a space for themselves and everyone being very uncomfortable but unable to coerce them otherwise. (This is a power fantasy.)
So while I’m (shrugs) on Orihime’s fairytale ending in canon, it’s not my bag, it gives me the heeby jeebies, and I don’t really want to work within the framework of that ending for my fan stuff!
I like them enough to project my own issues onto them:
Ah, to fear and envy those who can excel in the system designed around you all as if it’s as natural to them as breathing. Ahhh, to feel like the one bright blue piece in the milk puzzle. (Also, if anyone was going to get some of that good ol’ fashioned MORAL SCRUPULOSITY PANIC, it’s going to be Orihime. It has to be her.)
they got done DIRTY by fans:
Must I recite the old magic once again? The ancient curses? The shipping wars of yore? Those ancient battlegrounds of “girl-ed power” and “to be feminine is to err?” Nay, I wish it not upon anyone. The only dirt upon Orihime’s name was that of conflict between humans, for how could anyone say that another person’s work made in joy was wrong? I refuse to deride the work of my fellow fans... u_u ✨ ✨
(Which is to say in normal talk, what I hate most about Orihime Fan Zones isn’t any of the art or fic or headcanons people have of her! How could I possibly hate that? It’s just how much damn controversy she stirred up by existing in perceived conflict to Rukia. Waugh!)
i’m mentally ill about them:
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And I’m not even done yet!! If you’re still reading this, brava!
they work better as part of a dynamic:
This is a funny one. Orihime is actually one of a few characters that I think would stand perfectly well on her own- she’s not a bit character, she doesn’t really rely on any gimmicks for her place in the story- her personality is well-faceted and we’ve seen plenty of her internal workings. But the thing is, Orihime’s weirdness is more vibrant when she has someone next to her who has a more rigid sense of propriety. The same is true in the opposite scenario, in which, instead of a straight man to her comedy routine, she has a co conspirator to hype up her shenanigans.
they’ve never done anything wrong in their life <33:
This is derogatory.
I want to see Orihime fuck up, BAD. The bad things around her happen TO her, pretty much universally. Even her social flaws are both relatable and normal and don’t really cause any conflict that isn’t internal and localized to herself. If someone rallies her or rags ON her in a way she can’t relate to, she flinches or stonewalls. She’s harmless. I would like to see her bite. Or . Step on a bug. Or snap at someone. I’d like to see that fear response cause something to break, irreparably. SOMETHING. PLEASE!!! PLEASE.... But no one really blames her for anything, even avoidance. No one really beefs with her on anything besides propriety, that I remember. Her fighting is a silent resistance. Unfortunately I think this response puts me on a psychic wavelength with Ulquiorra, and now I’m going to go wander the desert about this while I try to recover. (Wait, was that slap she gave him the only time we see her snap?)
Which is mostly just to say, she’s a perfectly nice normal girl, and she’s lovely, but anything I write with her is probably going to explore the consequences of severe avoidance and silence, rather than the virtues of them. Because in a story about ghosts and supernatural powers, I don’t really need my gals to be blameless, and I like to think about how people deal with guilt when it’s actually warranted, rather than self inflicted. Ideally, I’d also like it to be more severe than a slap, but you know.
And that’s a bingo!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming to my mental illness ted talk about my 1# ANGEL ORIHIME INOUE, MS. STAR ABOVE THE WELL OF TRUTH, BEST GIRL 10,000 HOURS PLAYED!
Please remember that I treat all my favorite characters like chew toys, I enjoy shredding them, and don’t forget to grab your belongings on the way out! Thank you again for the nice comment and bout of motivation anon~
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nimata-beroya · 9 months
MY THOUGHTS ON AHSOKA- Part 3 "Time to Fly"
My first thought: it was much better than the first 2. Altho, I wish it had been a tad longer, even if the length is somewhat consistent with the Mandoverse shows.
As a Rebels fan, I feel fed. I finally got to see 1 character out of the 4 I want to see, so there's hope that soon I'll see the rest. Right, Filoni? RIGHT?!!
Hopes aside, let's get to the details of this episode.
I loved Sabine's training session, both with Huyang and Ahsoka. It reminded me a lot of The Trials of the Darksaber. The constant callbacks are impossible not to have them. And Huyang, please!! 🤣
Also, I loved the music during that scene (and throughout the whole episode). Well, is Kevin Kiner, what else could I have expected but greatness?
Honestly, I knew that the meeting with the senators and Mon Mothma was going to go as exactly as it went. I knew Hamato Xiono was going to be that jerk, and the rest of the senators wouldn't be any better. What I did love was Mon asking for Jacen (!!! which gave me hope to see him soon) and joking about the chaos the kid and Chopper surely were causing. My headcanon is that Mon is just remembering their shenanigans in Yavin 4 or Hoth or whatever else Hera has been stationed since then.
And I'm glad that they pointed out that even Hera believed Ezra is dead, she still looked for him. As I said in my review last week, I think Hera made herself believe that, otherwise she couldn't have lived her life, and raise Jacen and fight in the rebellion and now help with the new republic. The uncertainty of someone's disappearance is much harder to bear than their death.
Oh my gosh! The scream I let out when Jacen appeared!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭 He's so precious!!! With his green hair and saying Aunt Sabine (that means he calls Uncles Zeb and Alex/Sasha/Kallus, right?) and wanting to be a jedi just like his dad was (Would have been too much to name Kanan, just once??!!) Anyway... we got live-action Jacen!!!!!!
I love the conversation about the force between Ahsoka and Sabine. It put to rest some of my doubts about the whole Sabine being Ahsoka's padawan thing. How they explained it is pretty much how I think the Force works, so it felt good to have it explicitly confirmed in canon. And like it has been said, just talent isn't enough, just like in real life. Some people have a natural talent for an art or anything really, and if they cultivate it, then they'll excel at it. But that doesn't mean that other people less talented cannot reach the same level of excellence; they just need to work harder to get there.
And the opposite is also true. If a talented person doesn't work on their talent, it can become stagnant or even lose the ability altogether. With the Jedi, we've seen it with many Order 66 survivors. Obi-Wan, Kanan, Cere, Cal, Grogu, etc., they cut themselves from the Force either on purpose or as a trauma response, and all had to work to gain the control of his powers back.
Also, I think seeing the Force this way, it recognizes the different religions and presentation of the Force throughout the galaxy. People like Sabine or Chirrut Imwe or even Han Solo, or entire species like the Lasat or Chiss that for whatever reason the Force works different for them.
About the comment about the standards that Jedi had to accept younglings in the Order, I mean, I get it. The jedi couldn't accept everyone. They had to focus on those who had better chances to keep up with the training. Not just that, those were also at a greater risk to misuse the Force if they managed to gain some control over it on their own or under bad influences.
Huyang mentioning the disaster lineage was the best!!
The dog fight was great. Marrok finally spoke, and as expected, the baddies in fighting couldn't be left out. And I love that when Ahsoka and Sabine started to work together is when they shot down the fighters. And Ahsoka going outside in a space suit felt taken out of an episode of TCW. Really cool!
PURRGIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have Purrgil!!!!!!!!!!!! I love those space whales/squids things so much. My only complaint is that they should've destroyed at least one of the fighters. I mean, aren't the Purrgils famous for destroying ships that come in contact with? I'm just saying!
Like I said in the beginning, I love this episode, and it has my hyped for what will come next! 👉👈 Is it Tuesday yet? 🥺
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