#lets talk about penguin docs
tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Could you do 1610 miles x masc reader going on a date to the aquarium :3
Let's Take a Break
Characters: 1610!Miles Morales x Black!Masc!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: (Requested) Thanks for the reqs love 💙
Warnings: none:)
Again so sorry, that this was late. But also, I never been to an aquarium before, like ever. This was cute nonetheless.
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You wait outside the aquarium for Miles. It was still a tad bit annoying to always wait for him but he was out saving people from the "villain of the week" as he called it so you didn't complain too much. But feeling the sweat on your back made you wish he'd pick up the pace a bit more.
Suddenly the world goes black and you feel someone's hands covering your eyes. In a split second, your heart beats faster and your hand reaches up until you hear the familiar chuckle and smell the laundry detergent.
"Guess who?" The person asks.
"Um, I don't know who you are but you best get your hands off of my eyes, sir." you responded instead.
"Huh? Dude quit playing. You know who it is," Miles argues back playfully.
"Hey man, I got a loud scream and sharp nails so if you know what's good for you," you threatened him again.
You heard him sigh and take his hands off of your eyes, “Why are you like this?”
You bear a sharp grin, “You love me like this.”
Miles rolled his eyes and walks in pulling you into the building, “Yea, yea. Whateva.”
You both walked into the darkened building, water tanks filled with schools of colorful fish and of different sizes.
“They are beautiful,” you marveled at them. You walked up close to the glass. You’ve always cared for the ocean and anything in them. “Miles, look that’s a stingray. Did you know that a group of stingrays are called a fever or that they are in the same family of sharks?”
You look back to see him staring at you weirdly, “What's up with the staring?”
He had that lovesick look on his face with his hands stuffed in his pockets, “Nothin’”
Rolling your eyes, you walked to a different section, dragging Miles along the while talking about sea animals. You went to see the jellyfishes, penguins, and sea lions.
Overall, you had a good time with Miles. You ate some iffy food at a fast food spot though that’s probably gonna make you regret eating it in the morning.
You two were in a park now, with the sun setting and a cool breeze. You were so, so tired. But happy as well.
“You enjoyed your day, Miles?” You asked while his head was on your shoulder, it was a comfortable weight.
“Yea, you?” He replied, softly. He looks minutes away from falling asleep.
“Yea, I had a good time too.”
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Tags: @butterfi, @justbeethings, @jam-skullz, @dreamxcollide, @shibble, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @somber-starz, @maypersonne, @hoeboat101, @rosebunny, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @mur-docs, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @sawi-06, @707xn, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @yourtsahik, @spider-bren, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @andhdi68a, @itstooearly-its3am, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @avatarl0v3r, @randomhoex, @nerdyparker616, @1uvvmi, @keawio, @centipider, @ellatienesuscosas, @gw3ndyswonderland, @jell0buss-37, @baddiebehaviourxx, @laylasbunbunny, @minimari415
Masterlist & Anonlist & Reqs Info & Taglist & 500 Followers Celebration!!
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waheelawhisperer · 11 months
I was thinking crackships dreamed up for shits and giggles, but like LapTex and Saria x Kirsten are kinda hard to decisively beat unless you get into like Suzuran x Lappland territory. Though on the same topic, what are some relationships you like seeing explored for non-fluffy reasons, whether that's toxicity or more how I like Muelsyse/Saria because they're so different and the barriers that raises are just *interesting* to me.
Let's not get into any territory where children are involved. People sexualizing Amiya in my inbox was bad enough.
Saria + Doctor is really interesting to me because her talk lines and appearance in Dorothy's Vision demonstrate the existence of a lot of trust and professional respect between the two, but Saria's also one of the few characters that actually treats the Doctor as a peer or near-peer (allowing for the restrictions of Rhodes Island's corporate hierarchy) and can stand toe-to-toe with them in pretty much any arena where they specialize. Doc is an accomplished research and medical practitioner? So is Saria. Doctor is a skilled and intelligent leader on the battlefield? So is Saria. Doctor has experience with corporate politicking? So has Saria. They have a ton in common and the rare opportunity to connect with a (rough) intellectual equal. There is really so much to explore with them.
Given that Indra's files say she supposedly embodies the ideals of chivalry better than most of the actual titled knights of Kazimierz, I am desperate to see her and Nearl interact, or would be if I felt more Nearl content was a good thing
I really want to see the Penguin Logistics folks and related characters interact with Rhodes Island, because there are a lot of textual indicators that they work more closely with Rhodes Island on a more frequent basis than we really see in the story (Texas in particular served as the Doctor's bodyguard often enough for it to make a positive impression). I want to see someone explain Rhodes Island's 401(k) matching policy to Lappland.
Honestly, I'd like to know more about the Glasgow Gang in general, but the story chapters they feature in will still be releasing at a rate of one a decade when I die of old age, so I've kind of given up hope on that
I like seeing Bagpipe and Ch'en play off each other. Ch'en needs someone who doesn't take her too seriously.
More Nearl Family content would be great except it wouldn't.
I want to see Schwarz again. It feels like the narrative forgot she existed after the Rainbow Six crossover. Would love to see how she interacts with other characters
I want to see post-Stultifera Navis Laurentina making friends and just chilling or getting into trouble because this shark is a mischievous little brat
All of Gavial's interactions with the Acahualla gang are funny as hell
I want to see more of the funny stuff Logos apparently gets up to in his spare time
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meenatranslates · 2 years
[R] Taichi | Emperor Penguin's Invitation
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I’d look cute if I wear ‘white’, but I’d also look cool if I wear ‘black’... Which one’s good for me...? I’m torn between these two choices~!
Lead Skill: Cool or Cute
Adlib Skill: Mr. Penguin Waving Hands
*Card and skill names may change
Starting the new year with a Taichi translation :D
From here on, I'm gonna combine two parts into one post, since it's easier that way to import the doc to here. im lazy
Translation under the cut
I Want to Keep Using This Forever - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
―Living Room (Day)―
Izumi: The shooting for “VELUDO” this time is in Hokkaido, so are you done packing for the travel?
Taichi: Not yet! But I was actually about to do it though.
I’ve already decided what to bring so I think I’ll be done with it pretty soon!
Izumi: Sounds like you’re gonna be fine, huh.
―Taichi & Omi’s Room (Evening)―
Taichi: Director-sensei will get worried if I delay this packing any later, so let’s get to it now.
Which bag to use...... Think I’ll go for the usual one.
Omi: Hm? Taichi, you’re going to use that duffel bag? I don’t think you can fit all your stuff in that.
Taichi: Huh? I use this every time I go travel so I’m sure it’ll be fine!
Omi: Really? If you say so...
Oh, look at the time. I better go and prepare dinner since it’s already this late.
Taichi: Okay, see you later~. I can’t wait to eat the dinner for tonight!
Omi: I’ll be making delicious dishes later, so look forward to that.
Taichi: Got it!
*Omi left*
Taichi: ...Right, let’s start packing our bag now!
Taichi: ...I’m finally done!
Man, I’m so hungry~. It’s already dinner time, so I better go eat now!
―Living Room―
Kazunari: Oh, Taicchan! You done with packing already?
Taichi: Yeah, but how d’you know that I was packing my stuff?
Muku: We heard Omi-san and Director talking about it.
Kazunari: We were wondering how you pack your luggage just by using a duffel bag~! (1)
Taichi: ‘How’ you say, like normal!
Muku: But still, you must be good at packing since you managed to fit all your stuff with just a duffel bag for going to Hokkaido.
I’m a bit curious to see how you did it.
Taichi: If that’s the case, I’ll bring it here after we’re done with dinner!
Muku: Thank you!
Taichi: Here it is!
Kazunari: Huh?! Seriously? You really gonna use this only?
Izumi: It’s smaller than I thought...!
Tsuzuru: You’re going to go Hokkaido with just this? That’s amazing.
Yuki: That’s not enough no matter how you look at it.
Taichi: But all the necessary stuff are in here! Look, here’s what I packed...
(1) May be or maybe not but seems like Kazu is using Shokotanese slang here. Near the end of the original line for this is “気になりまくりんぐ~!” (ki ni nari makurin gu)
りんぐ is a word in Shokotanese that is used like “verb” + “ing”.
I’m guessing the closer translation would be "I’m so curious-ing~”.
I Want to Keep Using This Forever - Part 2
Taichi: ...And that’s all! My clothes and even underwear is included too, so it’s all perfect~!
Muku: Um, it’s true that you’re not missing anything...
Tsuzuru: Don’t you think your clothes are too thin? You’re going to Hokkaido, you know.
Kazunari: You’re gonna catch a cold with just these, Taicchan!
Taichi: You think so? I thought it’d be fine if I just wear one more layer...
Izumi: Nuh-uh, it’ll be tough for you to handle the winter at Hokkaido with just these alone.
Yuki: I think so too. But if you don’t mind getting frozen, then I guess these should be okay enough.
Taichi: Uuuhh, I don’t wanna get frozen, so I’ll go back and get some thicker clothes!
Umph... Hnnngh...
No good~! I can’t close the bag at all! Winter clothes are too bulky~!
Citron: Taichi, you should use this at a time like this!
Muku: Is that a compression bag?
Citron: Yes, it is!
Yuki: Where the heck did you even get it from?
Kazunari: But hey, your winter clothes should be able to fit in this now!
Taichi: Yeah, I’m gonna try it!
Okay, so I put all these in, and zip it up...
Muku: Now we just need the air to get removed.
Taichi: Aight, gotta roll it and push out the air...... AH! The zipper’s opened up...
Izumi: Is it because there are too many clothes in it?
Yuki: Could be.
Kazunari: Let’s try lessening them and do it one more time!
Taichi: Right, let’s see... Gotta take out some clothes...
Zip 'em, then roll it...... Wait, huh?!
Muku: Oh no, the zipper...!
Taichi: It broke~!
Citron: Oh, was it a cheap item?!
Izumi: Hm, we can’t use this compression bag anymore...
Taichi: Yeah...
Tsuzuru: You’ll need it in the future too, so how about you buy a bigger one?
Taichi: I want to, but I’m out of money right now...
Yuki: *sigh* Can’t be helped. I’ll make a bag for you.
Taichi: EH! You will?!
Yuki: I still got some fabrics left, and I also have some time to make something like a bag anyway.
Taichi: Thanks, Yuki-chan. I’ll take up your words then!
―Next Day: Taichi & Omi’s Room (Evening)―
Yuki: Taichi, the bag’s done.
Taichi: EH?! Already?!
Yuki: Yeah, here.
Taichi: Woahhh! It’s so stylish! I really like it!
Yuki: That’s a given since I’m the one who made it. I went out of my way to make that bag, so you better use it a lot.
Taichi: Of course! I’ll use this for the rest of my life!
Yuki: You don’t need to go that far...
Taichi: This will last me a lifetime because you made it for me after all!
Thanks a lot, Yuki-chan! I’m gonna use it tons of times later, so I’ll take really good care of this!
Story Clear!
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frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
I rambled abt this on Discord to my friends, but, ironically enough, I hate the Discord/Tiktok-ification of everything.
I try to access information on some thing - but uh oh! I am linked to a Discord server to join, or a Tiktok account!
I don't use Tiktok, I am not going near that fucking app - and despite being a very, VERY active Discord user, I do not want to pointlessly join servers anymore! Especially if it's for one piece of info I just need about a game or a project!
And if I ask about this information elsewhere, or look up other people who are asking this question rather, they are often passively aggressively told "It's on the Discord just join it bro"
What if I don't want to? I shouldn't need to join a community intended for chatting just to access some information I may need once! I want websites back! I want custom WIkis back, because most Fandom Wikis on any topics are shitty and or extremely out-dated!!!
I hate this shit so much!!!
(More personal rambles about this below.)
This may be a personal thing, but for certain things I also hate getting my information off Youtube, but... This is a Roblox game fan specific issue for me, I think, and I shouldn't expect more from a community geared towards children, and we all know how many there views are from children.
But for other games, or projects, etc... I feel like we should just bring websites back for those. Hell... Even active blogs or Twitters may do, as long as they have actual, like, logs for longer things like accessible Google Docs with more info. Like, for example, I have gotten back into Club Penguin recently, and I have been playing on a nice private server, since the original game has shut down.
I really would like to meet the mascots - however, none of this info is listed anywhere! I remember there being fan-sites and other things dedicated to mascot trackers! Since this is a fairly small, fan-owned community - it surely wouldn't kill them to add trackers to their own site for the game?? Then again, even their community stuff isn't updated...
And guess what? The only place to access the time mascots may be meet-able in the game, are on a fucking Discord server! And for another game I was introduced to by a friend, which receives frequent updates - because it was first made popular thanks to Tiktok in the first place, a lot of information on it is there (in often, admittedly, hard to bear/annoying formats), and the only other place is a Discord server. Which I am actually a part of, even if I don't chat there, just because I had no other place for info to join. (Especially with the wiki updating very slowly for it.)
The community there does provide a bunch of info and their own stuff - and there is info on the game, though it is sometimes a bit hard to navigate through it. But, info in-game? Not much! But it does fit into the nature of the game, so it makes a bit more sense.
But what is no excuse is fully relying on your fans for info... Youtubers, Discord mods, and a shittily put-together, barely updated Wiki. My god, even on the Discord server there is basically ZERO proper update logs!! And often they just let fans hammer them on for the updates they put out, not to mention the mods there are fans, which are usually fucking teenagers. I know this is about a Roblox game, but it's ridiculous... But I won't ramble on it further, lol.
I do understand Roblox servers are easier to use than Forums, hell - despite joining some forums myself I... Am too scared to talk there. Well, same goes for Discord servers, but I am less-so scared I'll mess something up there. But still... That's for communication... There should be a separate place for information on things. Sure, info can be here, but like, the more fun, not extra necessary stuff, y'know???
I am not sure if I am the only one angry about this, but I am so annoyed I had to get it off my chest.
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Hi yeah I'd like to change my formal opinion of you: you scare the shit outta me. Jesus Christ. Drink water okay good night sleep tight dream of whatever makes you happy but also isn't violent or off putting unless ur into that sorta thing which I kinda hope you aren't cause at first you seemed kinda wholesome but that's also me ignoring that the first post I really interacted with of yours was the one with different states eyes. Which by the way I dont think i ever told you this but that ask that I sent asking about your Team spirit au, I had that typed out in a Google doc because I wanted to make sure it was perfect like I was so scared you wouldn't respond and then you did and it was like!!!! Omg!!! Someone actually answered my voice!! And that's really wild so like, thanks for that. Really makes me happy when I think about that. Also you changed your profile picture and it kinda caught me off guard. Did you change it bc it's better to have art instead of stock images or because we found the penguin. Cause like either one of those is valid unless it was some secret third option in which case I am Intruiged. It's 1 am and I have a headache I'm so sorry about this I just wanted to let you know I really like your art and your writings. They are very fun to read and sometimes I forget that a lot of my ideas that I have about the states started with you so just take this as a "hey thanks for being you" ask but also don't? Like I am just blabbing to you over the phone and it's been 6 hours and you really wanna hang up but I won't stop talki
Just a lil' goofin' and gaffin' on my part, some spooky to poke at the nerves with. @atomivet can run all he wants, gotta get that cardio in. He has very nice art, so I wasn’t gonna do anything anyway. I am just a lil' baby penguin after all~
You were my very first ask, so you made me very happy too! Someone was actually interested in my ideas! And then I spiraled into fandom stuff and now I'm here. I thank you, very much! I, too, have all my headcanons first written down in Google Docs before I make the Tumblr post to make sure that it's as good as can be. Though that still doesn't stop me from overlooking things sometimes...
As for my new face, drawing @atomivet's ask gave me the opportunity to make a pfp similar to the stock image I was using but in my style. So I made the shift. It's a drawn me now! And I see you! From my little window!
Don't ever apologize for talking to me, I always enjoy and appreciate the interaction. Hope your headache gets better <3
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esperata · 2 years
🛠⛔️💖👀🤗🤲💞💥🥰 (🧠 for any D.C. character)
🛠 What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
I write in google docs primarily for ease of sharing with beta readers. I’m old fashioned in that I make notes on actual paper which I organise in a file. For backing up my fics I save them in Word and store them on an extrernal hardrive.
⛔️ Do you have a fic you started but scrapped?
Only one I’d describe as ‘scrapped’. I was starting to write a trans Ed Arkhamverse fic but upon showing to my beta reader it was pointed out that I was making them a figure of victimhood which was not something I wanted to endorse. I may return to the concept but I’d need to revise my strategy so his trans nature is less of a focus.
💖 What made you start writing?
Short answer, a difficult childhood and writing was a form of escapism. The first story I wrote was for my favourite TV show of the time and explaining my favourite character’s absence. Even then I was writing fix-it fics.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please?
I’ve been in an Arkhamverse mood lately and came up with a simple idea for Oswald to phone Edward. Of course, them being them, they utterly fail to communicate properly and it turns into more of an argument before either understand whats going on. I just love how awkward they are lowering any kind of defences and how meaningful it then is when they do.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Ask yourself, what do I want to read? And then write that. Don’t worry about the ‘rules’, or whether its been done, and just go with what you want to do. If it appeals to you then you’ll be happy to have it written. Then if anyone else likes it too its a bonus!
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Oswald’s defences rose immediately but he managed to hold his tongue, only too aware of how much ammunition he’d already given Scarecrow. Instead he moved to holler at one of his men. “Fetch Nigma here,” he instructed. Crane’s posture indicated he was satisfied yet he clearly wasn’t done with his inquisition.
💞 Who’s your comfort character?
I find this difficult to answer because what makes a comfort character? There’s characters I enjoy; Penguin, Scarecrow etc but the way they’re handled means I don’t always enjoy their content. I’m not sure there’s any character I’d consistently go to expecting unproblematic content. Those that generally put a smile on my face though, in addition to the above, Jevil, Wario, King Boo, Doctor McCoy, Malcolm Reed to name a few.
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
This depends on context. Friends reading my stuff are welcome to give criticism, and I often ask people to beta read for this, but unsolicited feedback is rude imo. I have learned to try and treat it as if its well meaning but if the only comment made is pointing out what could be done better then I will feel hurt.
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I do love reader interaction. I’m happy to answer questions either through comments, asks or DMs. Talking about writing is the best way to get the creative juices flowing and I have been inspired with so many ideas through friendly chats.
🧠 I’ll tell you my favourite headcanon for any D.C. character
I’m not sure about favourte but one deep rooted headcanon is for Jervis Tetch. At some point I decided he was trans and that his dead name was in fact Alice. His obsession with finding an Alice was less about romance but more about finding a replacement daughter for his parents who refused to let go of their little girl. They were the ones who instilled the obsession with Alice in Wonderland, dressing him as the heroine and enacting the stories with him.
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qitwrites · 3 years
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Some people like to keep up with sports, others love reality TV with a passion, some people voraciously consume anime, and some don’t care much for television.
Kouda is a nature documentary fanatic. The Discovery channel and National Geographic is his shit, his domain, his absolute favorite. He follows plenty of nature related content on YouTube as well, and all the accounts he follows on social media are nature and animal oriented.
He cried so hard the day Steve Irwin died.
The thing is, he’s never met anyone that likes it as much as he does, and that’s honestly ok. He talks to animals and understands them and others don’t, or rather, can’t. They don’t know how sassy pigeons are, how much fish shit-talk amongst themselves, how bugs are actually really smart, or how dogs truly are too good for humans. They don’t know animals and nature the way he does, so he doesn’t mind being alone in this.
He’s used to watching documentaries alone, so when the common room is blissfully empty one weekend afternoon, Kouda pulls up a penguin documentary on Netflix and gets comfortable on the green couch. The documentary is super informative, and the visuals are stunning, especially on the big flat screen with it’s 4k HD resolution. There’s also a side story about a gay penguin couple that he thinks is really cute.
His phone vibrates in his pocket, and he pulls it out to find a message from Satou.
>> What’s up?
                    I’m watching the penguin documentary in the common room! << 
>> Oh sweet! I’ll be there in a sec
Kouda smiles at his phone and goes back to the documentary. He likes Satou, likes being friends with a guy that always smells like a bakery and doesn’t force him to talk or prod about his shyness. They often hang out in each other’s rooms, and it’s always super comfortable.
Satou is down 10 minutes later, a tray of fresh cookies in hand. Kouda offers him a wide smile when he plops into the seat next to him, and they watch the documentary in silence, munching on cookies.
A few minutes later, Kaminari happens to walk by. When he spies the cookies, his face breaks into a wide smile.
‘Satou, can I have one?’
Satou doesn’t even look away from the screen, simply picks up the plate and holds it in the relative direction of the voice. Kaminari grabs a cookie and bites into it, making an appreciative sound.
‘So good,’ he mumbles. He peers up at the screen. ‘What are you guys watching?’
‘Penguin documentary.’
‘Huh.’ Kouda distantly waits to hear the sound of Kaminari’s footsteps as he walks away, but to his surprise, the man takes one of the recliners next to the couch and gets comfy.
Kouda shrugs to himself and goes back to the documentary. When they start doing the migration bit, he gets really into it, and when the segment is over, and none of the penguins have strayed from the pack and died tragically, he releases a breath of relief, and startles when he hears several others.
When he looks around, he finds Tokoyami in the seat next to him. Sero is sitting by Kaminari’s feet, leaning into the blonde’s legs. Uraraka has taken another recliner next to them, and Aoyama is on the other long couch. He hadn’t even realized they were here.
There’s still an hour left on the documentary when Satou gets up and stretches. ‘I’m going to get some snacks, you guys want anything?’
Shouts of just some juice please and more cookies if you’ve got them and chips all the way bro are thrown around, and Kouda just watches everything happen. Satou looks over at him and grins.
‘And you?’
Kouda thinks it over. He finally makes a motion indicating he wants chips too, and Satou gives him a big grin and a thumbs up.
He comes back a few minutes later, arms full of food and passes it around. There’s chatter in the room now, but not so loud that you can’t hear the TV. Things eventually pipe down, and everyone watches the breathtaking ice, the eggs hatching, the penguins swimming and weaving between massive glaciers.
When Kouda looks around again, he sees Bakugou sitting next to Aoyama, Kirishima on the floor between his legs. Even Todoroki is here, sitting next to Sero, while Midoriya sits by Uraraka’s feet. They’ve all got some kind of snacks in their hands, and it’s all warm smiles and wide eyes and soft whispers.
The documentary reaches its climax with more impressive drone footage and some great music, and when the credits start rolling, everyone groans and sits up together, stretching out their joints.
‘That was awesome!’ Kaminari says with a huge grin.
‘Yeah, when you texted Guys gay penguins come to the common room on the group, I was really confused,’ Kirishima laughs.
‘I’ve read about the gay penguin couple in New York that are currently fostering a new hatchling,’ Midoriya pitches in. ‘They’re doing really well apparently!’
A few more people join in that conversation, and Kouda is just… baffled. He’s never had people talk so much about his favorite thing, never had people show this much interest in a documentary he watched. Because nature documentaries don’t have big explosions and fight scenes. They aren’t super romantic or filled with drama or very trendy. They were informative, and visually stunning, and calming.
‘Put it on the group next time,’ Uraraka says to him, ‘so we can all prep some snacks and join in from the beginning!’
Even Bakugou says, ‘Oye, send me the name of the documentary, I want to catch the parts I missed.’
Kouda nods and puts it up on the group immediately. Everyone slowly starts trickling away, and Kouda needs a minute to just process.
‘You good?’ Satou asks, holding up a glass of water. Kouda accepts it gratefully and takes a few careful sips.
Because for some reason he really wants to cry. For some reason his heart is so full.
And when he puts up a tentative message 2 weeks later saying There’s a new documentary on snow leopards on their group and Kaminari replies with Dibs on the single couch and half of Satou’s cookies his heart squeezes in a way he’s never felt before.
He thinks its honestly quite nice.
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vaspider · 3 years
I'm getting married Saturday! Any words of wisdom to impart for someone starting that new chapter (if you're comfortable with it)? Thanks for being a parent figure to so many of us on here. Goodness knows lots of us need someone like that.
In any case, Shana Tovah, and many blessings to you and yours!
First of all, mazel tov! So much joy and happiness to you both. 💓
I had to think about this for a bit. @dadhoc and I have been together for 17 years and married for 12, and we've been with @apocalycious for 2.5 years, so I think we're doing something right. In no particular order:
Know when you need to be Right and when you'd rather be Happy. If your spouse wants to build a house with a Jell-O foundation, keep arguing/discussing/etc. bc you need to be right - it could hurt you both if you don't! If you're arguing over which one of you said what when you clearly had an unfortunate misunderstanding and accidentally hurt each other's feelings... wouldn't you rather be happy than right? Take a deep breath, apologize for your part in the misunderstanding, and figure out how to not have it happen again.
Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Don't go to bed angry with each other or actively arguing. That kind of stuff calcifies.
Figure out how the other person expresses love and says they're sorry, and honor that. Communicate how you need to be loved and apologized to. @dadhoc doesn't always say "I love you" out loud, but they make the leftover challah into French toast on the weekend, and they work really hard on NerdyKeppie stuff. I write poems and make art for people and get silly little presents, like an enamel pin with a red panda or a penguin on it for my boos. If you mention something you might like to do someday offhandedly, or a question you wonder about, Evie will remember that and research it for you! Steve also often doesn't say "I'm sorry" out loud - they will go wash the bedding and clean the bedroom so we can all spend time watching TV and snuggling together when the argument is resolved... but I need to hear "I'm sorry" out loud. So I acknowledge and appreciate the things they did, and they say the words out loud.
Respond to what your partners say, not to your baggage or to what you expect them to say. This becomes more of a Thing the longer you're together: you have so many conversations and talks and arguments that you fall into a comfortable groove with each other. That's great! But. Make sure when they're talking that you're not responding to something your dad said that hurt you 20 years ago, or to your ex who was hypercritical of you, or to who your partner USED to be, 6 years and a bunch of discussions ago.
Celebrate each other's successes, even the little ones. Get ice cream together when you finish a project at work. Take each other out for self-care time. You're together because you're each other's biggest fans, after all, but also...
You don't have to be each other's everything. I'm fact, you shouldn't. Make time for yourself. Spend time with your friends. Cultivate your friends, not just our friends. (Evie is friends with people I can't stand, and I'm happy they get along!) Have your Own Things that you do and are.
Spoil each other just a little. If you won't do it, who will?
Laugh with each other but never at each other. Human beings are ridiculous!
Go to therapy. It's preventative maintenance for your brain.
Find something you enjoy doing together that has a finished product at the end. Build a model, bake a cake. Evie and I really like cooking together. Even cleaning is nice if I'm doing it with my partners.
Don't stop going on dates, even if a date means eating dinner outside instead of in your kitchen.
Speaking of which: try to make Family Dinner a thing. Sit at an actual table presuming you have one, trade off making food, put your phone somewhere else while you're eating, and talk to each other without distraction for at least that long every day. I know I sound like a mom in a Pixar movie, but I'm serious, this works! When I was sick, we stopped having a dining room table really bc of how our house got rearranged, and we didn't eat together at a table for years. Now our Family Dinnertime is sacrosanct. Even if we're all eating leftovers, we eat at the table right around the same time every day. It makes a difference in our ability to connect with each other. Eating together is an important human bonding activity.
You're going to change. So is your spouse. That's not just okay - that's great! Life means growth. I'm not who I was in 2004, thank G-d, and neither is Steve. I'm not who I was in 2019, for that matter. That change and growth is who you're becoming together, so honor and celebrate that. You can't grow old together if you don't grow old, after all.
If you're so inclined generally speaking, never stop looking at your sexy-ass spouse with the same wide-eyed delight you do now. Just... enjoy it when they're getting changed in the room with you. If I ever stop saying "... butt... " dreamily when one of my partners is changing, or informing one that they're missing out on seeing the other's butt, just bury me, I'm dead. Appreciate them out loud. They're cute!
Smooch daily.
Take care of yourself. You can't be a good spouse if you're not eating food food, getting enough sleep, etc.
Even in the shitty parts, which will happen, remind yourself that you've got backup. From now on, you've always got backup, and it's much easier to go through crises with your biggest fan by your side. It'll be a great story on the other side, right? I'll forever tell the one about how when Steve was in the hospital for afib, and the docs had to knock Steve out to shock their heart into behaving, they woke up and started immediately asking "where's my [husbutch]?" They got so insistent about it - still loopy on the anesthesia - that the nurse came to get me. I called from the doorway and Steve calmed down... for 5 seconds, and then their short-term memory cycled, and they started asking for me again. This happened half a dozen times until I asked "do you want me to just ... squeeze in?" bc Steve's insistence was slowing the doctors down, the docs said yes, so I worked my way up to the head of their hospital bed and said "here I am, please calm down so the doctors can work." Steve said, "oh! My [husbutch]. Hello, [husbutch]!" and took my hand and calmed down. It was a TERRIBLE day but I LOVE that story in retrospect.
Smooch lots.
Mazel tov! Love each other. Building a marriage is work, but anything worth building takes effort. It sounds cheesy but it's so true. 💗
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} - Law x Fem Best Friend ♥ CH. 5 – FINAL PART
♥ Daily living with the Heart pirates crew AU. ♥ Spoilers after Dressrosa Arc. Law´s backstory. Wano kuni arc.  ♥ Female reader. Little physical description. Everybody is 18+, canon ages.  ♥ TW: NSFW, violence. Drama (a lot of it), some broken bones. And fluff, a lot of it. No further warnings. If you think I should include some feel free to tell me ♥A/N: thank you so so much for reading until the end of this story. I enjoyed writing these chapters so much! I hope you enjoyed it as much as me. I’ll be pleased to accept any request or commentaries on this or other fics.
Word count: 5.0K
» List of parts: {CH1}  {CH2}  {CH3} {CH4}«
 Chapter 5
Next thing I remember was opening my eyes and seeing Law’s face. He was carrying me in his arms, my hearing went from a loud buzzing to his voice. “Y/n-ya, answer me, come back, are you with me??”, my best friend kept asking me while running. I gave him a smile, and the only thing I could say to him was, “I’m sorry”, until I passed out again. 
The night sky was deep blue, full of stars and a big moon that enlightened the whole room. I recovered my senses a few hours after, since Law has saved my life, once again. He was next to me, brushing his hand over my forehead, looking straight at the door with his katana on the other hand. I was lying on my bed. Around me, a whole disaster, everything I owned was scattered over the floor. 
Once again, the first words that came out from my mouth were “I’m sorry”. I have put my whole crew, Law, and even my life in danger just because of my stupid pride… My personal doctor smiled at me and told me to shut up. He began to cry, openly, looking directly to my face. He was not hiding under his hat, not even over my chest. He was showing me how hurt he was, and this was for sure the very first time I’ve seen him cry like this. “I am the one who should be sorry. I left you alone, I abandoned you. Everything because I was scared, because I didn't want to accept how much I love you, I was afraid of changing, of putting you in danger. Look how you’ve ended because of me, they were searching for me…” he said, hitting his chest with his hand in a fist. He continued, “That’s the reason I wouldn’t really admit that the love I felt was more than just caring for a friend… I’m sorry Y/n-ya. I’m sorry… everything I said, it was a lie… I’ve loved you since...forever. You were always my star, the only person I could look at, when I was in the dark, you shine so bright, you light up my soul…”. I tried to get up from bed, but a throbbing pain on my ribs stopped me from it. “ugh… Law…”, he told me to remain still on bed, and informed me that 5 of my left ribs were broken. I wanted to say so many things, to tell him it was alright, that I wanted to go back to the polar and resume our journey as if nothing happened, but… it wasn’t that easy, I was hurt too. I remained silent, looking through the window, searching for the best words to say, to express everything I had inside my chest. 
I finally decided to speak. Law was still crying, but he wouldn’t guard down, he was protecting me. I said, “Oi, dumbass… how did you find me?”, “I followed your vivre card, of course” he answered sobbing. “Yeah, but… how did you get here so fast? where were you?”, I asked. I guess his cheeks turned to red, he seemed as if he was blushing, and after stuttering a little, he confessed, “I.. we.. I stayed in the submarine on the other side of the island, I was scared. Everybody agreed on waiting for you…”. 
He was always here?... of course, he was, his vivre card would always point to the same place. And... that time I went exploring the whole island, I thought I saw the guys in the distance, on the shore… I... thought it was just my imagination… I began to cry and laugh at the same time, covering my eyes with my hands. “I love you, dumbass. I love you more than anything, you were always here, you didn’t abandon me”. Suddenly I was so happy, I knew he wouldn’t leave me, I knew he would always protect me... I knew it. I was full of joy...  
Law laid next to me in bed, softly because he knew how hurt I was, hugged me and kissed my forehead. He had the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. He looked so relieved. The warmth I felt on my chest when I had his vivre card over, I was now feeling it all over my body. 
We stayed like this for a few minutes until Law said, “You need to rest, and I need to be alert in case some more bastards come”. I calmed him, “they won’t come here, they think we are on the submarine, leaving this city… Do you remember your vivre card?”. He looked at me, worried. I continued, “I’m sure you think that yonkou’s subordinates have found and stolen your vivre card from here, right?”. He nodded and said, impatient, "yes, when I was beating the shit out of them, I heard that they have finally found it, how come they don't have it?". “If I have learned something from you throughout all of this years is to plan things out… Yesterday morning, before leaving home I got the feeling that I should carry your vivre card with me…” I slowly pulled the little paper from my bra and showed it to him. He widened his eyes and was about to say something, but I resumed speaking like a smart detective, “Yet, a few days ago I thought of how dangerous it was that someone could find your vivre card, my dear ex Shichibukai…so, I made a fake one, I used some fish scales that I took from a fish of the river to make it, write your name on it, and leave it on that little box you now see empty over the dresser. So, I think they might be following that fish...”. Law’s face was priceless, at first, he was dumbfounded, but a few seconds later we both burst into laughing. 
Despite how painful it was to laugh with a few broken ribs I couldn’t help it. It was too funny, and it was the first time I laughed since a long long time. I missed those days when we were younger, had no place to stay and even if the cold was getting into the bones, a few stupid phrases of Bepo or Penguin made us laugh uncontrollably. It was, after all, our "Laugh Tale".
“Oi, you should eat something, are you hungry?”, asked my doctor, to which I replied with a sexy smile “I am hungry for you, doc”. “I’d love to fuck you right here, right now, as hard as I want, but It wouldn’t be ethic, you’ll be in pain…” he said straightforwardly to my face. I gasped; I love how Law gets when he is horny… “Now, tell me where the food is, I’m going to cook something”, he said and I pointed to a few groceries that were still on the counter. 
Law gathered a few of the things that were scattered all over the floor and promised me to clean everything up tomorrow. He was acting like a husband, how cute.
I contemplated how he focused on cooking frowning. The last time I saw him cooking was when we were little, sometimes he woke me up with breakfast, sometimes he would broil some potatoes, but somehow every time he did, his eyes got sad. So, before Penguin, Shachi and Bepo arrived I normally cooked for him.  
“Here, let me help you sit on the bed”, he said, bringing two plates of some risotto he made for us. He left the plates over the floor, hugged me, put a pillow behind my back and sat me on the bed. 
“Mmmh, where did you learn to cook risotto, Law? This meal is delicious!”, I said, delighted with the taste of the food. He looked at me with one of his cheeks poofed with food and smiled with his eyes. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that smile, I’m so in love with him, damn it…
The foliage of the trees that surrounded my little room began to move every time the autumn breeze blew through them. Everything was so calm. I felt as if no more danger was around me, as if nothing that could happen from now on, could be worse than being apart from Law. 
We chatted for a little bit while eating, we were happy, no worries, Law never stopped smiling and neither did I. He helped me to lay down on bed again, and he did the same next to me. “I love you”, Law whispered to me while grabbing my face with his hands, softly caressing my cheeks with his thumbs. Our noses touching, both smiling. “I love you too…”.
Morning came and a sweet smell of honey woke me up. Law was softly kissing my forehead with a cup of tea on his hands. “Good morning darling, I made you a green tea with honey”. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh, but it was impossible. I broke out laughing. Don’t get me wrong, I thought that what he did was the most cute thing ever… but… can you imagine Trafalgar D. Water Law being all cute and romantic? “This is the first time you call me “darling”, I’m sorry”, I said and kept giggling. His face changed to a poutier one so I stopped laughing, “I’m sorry Law… I mean… babe?.” I said and took a sip of the tea. 
He gave me a little smirk, and directed his sight to the floor while saying, “I’m ok with any name you call me, I like “babe”, It makes me happy”. This was the first time I saw him in love, and it was… with me. 
After breakfast, he washed the dishes and called Bepo. “Aya aya, Captain!! how are you? is Y/n with you? is she ok?!”, screamed the polar bear on the other side of the line. “Oi Bepo, yes, she is with me, she is ok. Are you ok? did you notice something suspicious or any movements last night?”. Ah… Law, always talking like he is some sort of a secret agent of the marines…. “Captain, Penguin speaking. We saw two ships leave the coast at night, they got the Beast pirates flag. They didn’t see us; we were hiding as you told”. “Perfect, Y/n-ya has five broken ribs, I put them in place, but she will have to rest on the mainland for a few days, the pressure of the submarine could make the pain worse if she goes immediately underwater. Please, keep informing me at any suspicious movement. And don’t worry, they aren’t following my vivre card”, Law informed my nakamas and hung up the den den mushi. 
“Y/n-ya... darling… I should change your bandages and treat your wounds, are you up for it?”, he asked like the good doctor he is. “Yes, honey, let’s do it. I’m sure you already know, but there are some supplies in the bathroom, but If they aren’t enough, you could go and ask Dr. Saturn, I’ve been working with him as his medical assistant”, I told him. He looked at me, and suddenly his eyes turned to fire. Law rarely loses his taciturn countenance, but that time his face transformed into pure hate. “What is it?”, I asked him without any clue of what was happening. “That bastard, that “doctor”, he sold you to the pirates”, he almost shouted. Profoundly shocked, I mumbled “What? how… how did you know?”. “I investigated while we were apart, I didn’t mean to follow you or else, but… I was worried, I wanted to protect you… even though I let these things happen to you”, he said now with a guilty tone, while unfolding the bandages. “It’s ok, it’s now over, from now on we will be together to protect us” ... I told him with a side smile that soon turned into a little wince. 
Soon I was left with no bandages on my body, my torso naked, covered in bruises and scuffs. Law softly brushed some cotton embedded on alcohol over the scuffs, he was so delicate that It felt almost as a tickle sensation. His hands always worked as stethoscopes because of the Ope Ope no mi, so he then placed a hand over my heart and checked my heartbeat. The cold breeze and the soft touch of his hands over my nipples made them turn hard, and a little gasp slipped out of my mouth. The touch of skin over mine lit a fire inside of me.
Law looked at me top to bottom, finally worshipping with his intense grey eyes, my boobs. Licking his upper lip, he slowly approached his mouth over one of my erect nipples. He licked it from bottom up, fixing his eyes on mine, smirking sexy. My body squirmed as the sensation of his wet tongue struck me with a wave of pleasure. Even if It hurt, even if I had a few broken ribs, that little action made me wish he fucked me hard, I needed to, I had a real lust for him. 
He kept on using his mouth, he would lick, softly bite, suck both of my tits, gently enough to avoid my ribs hurt. 
“Oi, let me put you some bandages, if not… we can’t continue…”, he said. And I, that I was lost in the arousal that Law was producing on me, agreed. He started folding my torso with the elastic bandages, the pressure over my skin that sometimes hurt, also contributed to the heat of the moment. “Imagine if instead of bandages, I used some ropes…” he softly whispers next to my ear from behind. 
I turned my face to the side and reached for his mouth. We kissed passionately, lustfully, erotically. 
The bandages were so tightly snuggled that I couldn’t feel any pain. Law managed to tight them perfectly so they could be holding my ribs but letting my breasts free of them. 
My lover delicately laid me down on the bed, took off his shirt and settled over me. Law ran his hand over my face, caressing my skin, while maintaining his weight with the other arm at the side of my head. I kissed his palm with the side of my mouth. This moment felt magical for us, our eyes interlocked with pure love for each other, it was more than just pleasure. He was making love to me, and I did too. 
His fingers travelled from my face to my sex, getting moistened with how wet I was. His tattooed index finger lingered over my clit tracing circles around and over it. A few moments later he put the finger on my mouth requesting me with a “taste your flavour” to lick his finger. I sucked it so lewdly, that made him groan loudly. 
He knelt in front of me and used his middle and ring finger with a “come hither” motion inside of me, spotting the G point, making me arch my back and moan loudly. And as if that pleasure wasn’t enough, he also used his tongue over my pleasure button. I cummed so hard, squirting his whole hand. 
Far from being exhausted I invited Law to release the bulge trapped into his trousers and to come near my mouth. “I want you to jack off and fuck my mouth, babe” I asked him with an inviting obscene tone. The surgeon gasped and as fast as he could took his pants off. I opened my mouth with my head over the pillow sticking my tongue out, awaiting to taste his sweet member. 
First, I licked it, then I grabbed it with my hands and placed it inside of my mouth. Law was so heated that couldn’t resist himself and hold my jaw in order to fuck my mouth, first cautiously, but then violently as he left himself go with the desire and the pleasure he was experiencing. I fixed my teary eyes on his, choking with the length and width of his hard rock pennis. He didn’t finish, but instead, went straight to fuck me. 
Again, he was settled over me, delicately penetrating me, with soft thrusts at first but increasing the pace with every pounding. He strongly held my wrists over my head while fucking me. 
Letting me go he approached his body to mine, letting the side of his abs slightly rest over my stomach in order not to put so much pressure over my ribs. He charged all of his weight over the right side of his body and his elbow on the bed and kept on fucking me. The penetration was slowly just for the both of us to feel every movement in detail. Law stroked my hair as I whined more and more with pleasure. We both came almost together, with our mouths pressed moaning “I love you”. 
Three days after, I felt better enough to take a walk, so after the guys confirmed that the city was free of dangerous enemies, we left the house for the first time. The fall had fully arrived at the island, warmth colours, chilly breeze that softly made some far away sunflower fields dance, the floor covered in dry red and brown tinted leaves, a few pumpkins that the citizen had on their porches, some shop owners already putting up Halloween decorations and a few kids playing on the street were part of the scenery of our walk. Law didn’t speak much as always, and I was enjoying how his tanned skin got bathed by the orangey tones of the afternoon sun. 
Eventually, we arrived at the city centre, where the local producers market was taking place. I told Law that I wanted to buy some flowers from Mrs. Ann stand at the fair as I always did. He smiled at me, showing he agreed, and I started almost running. I recognized that I could be a little childish and impulsive sometimes, especially for someone like Law. “Oi! don’t run babe!!” he warned me and grabbed my hand in order to stop me. I looked back at him; my hair got blown by the wind as well as my skirt. I gave him a wide grin, slid my arm so that he could now hold my hand and pulled him towards me. The very first seconds he looked so mad at me, but then he let himself go and followed my pace with a big smile. We were almost running, holding hands, making the crows and larks fly off the streets scared of us. 
“Hello Mrs. Ann, I’m here to buy you some pretty flowers, what bouquets do you suggest?” I asked the florist. “Hello, my dear! you seemed so happy today! who is this handsome young man that joins you today?!”, she said curious. My smile quickly faded, and I realized that we still haven’t talked about what we actually are, so, “Uhm… he is…”, “His boyfriend, I’m his boyfriend”, Law ended my sentence with a straight face. I blushed and giggled, I felt as if a hundred butterflies were flying inside of my stomach. Mrs Ann smiled at us, with genuine happiness, and said “So, this time we should let him pick the flowers for you, right young man?”. Law pointed to the sunflower’s bouquet and timidly said “Those, her favourite flowers are sunflowers, so I guess I’ll take those”. “Good choice boy, you know why sunflowers are so special? They usually face the sun, but whenever it is cloudy, they face each other so they get enough energy… Same goes with couples, whenever there are clouds in the sky, they should count on each other, until the sun comes back again, and both can enjoy it together”. Law smiled at her and then at me, I know for sure that we both count with each other, I know we do.  We bought some more groceries and ended up having a picnic on the fields. This life was somehow better than I thought, but soon our couple time should be over. Our journey must continue, our missions should be complete, and we were young, we would have plenty of time once we achieve our goals to grow old together. 
Two days after we returned to the submarine, and despite spending the last two days thinking of a better way to communicate with our crew that we… were dating, we couldn’t find the perfect way. Law was mortified, he hates to show emotions, and whenever our crew knows the big news, the amount of energy it's going to be too much to handle. 
We could sight the Polar Tang that was moored on the coast, everybody was on the deck waving at us, shouting our names. Law was slowly hiding under the coat collar with every scream, and I was waving at them. I have missed them so much. “Guuuuuys!! guuuuuys!!! oii!!” I screamed, Law grabbed my hand and said, “be careful, you are not fully recovered yet”. “I’m sorry doc, I’ll behave… I promise. That means also no more sex until I get fully healthy, right?” He looked at me with a “how dare you?” expression but I kept talking, “fufufu… don’t worry I was joking, I couldn’t say no to getting railed by you, babe…”. I winked at him and he smirked saying “You are a lost cause…”. 
The whole crew hugged me, expressing to me how much they have missed me, that I shouldn’t ever leave again and asked me why the hell I had left the submarine in the first place. I told them that tonight we should have a party and that Law, and I would explain everything in detail. My nakamas agreed on such a good plan and began to prepare everything to set sail. 
I saw Law carrying my stuff inside, so I followed him. He entered his room with my baggage, and I stopped at the door… “Law, why are you putting my stuff in your room?” I asked, a little confused. “We are going to sleep together from now on, this should be your room too, right?” I widened my eyes, what have I done to the cold emo boy I once knew? I was pleased but surprised for sure. “Well, I’m fluttered, are you willing to hear me snore every night from now on?”, I asked, mocking him. “I’m ok with hearing you snore, if that is the price I have to pay for fucking you every night and cuddling with you”, he said, with a calm attitude. We both laughed and he helped me to unpack everything. While putting everything in place I saw an old polaroid we took back at Dressrosa after the big fight over his nightstand, and over it there was the necklace I had returned to him last time I was in the submarine. “Oi, babe, can you put me the necklace back, please” I said, holding it in my hands and showing it to him. Law smiled, approached me, and while he passed the chain on my neck, he said “Next jewel I’d like to put on you will be a ring…”. I giggled a little and kissed his cheek. 
The night came and we were already in the middle of the sea, the sky was garnished with little stars that lit up our party, and the guys were drinking, dancing, and shouting.  I decided that I’ll never leave them again, whatever comes to us, whatever happens between Law and I, this was my family, and I would be always with them no matter what. 
I went inside looking for a blanket because the night breeze at the open sea could be quite cold. We usually keep some blankets in a little room next to the kitchen for easy access in case we emerge, and someone has to guard on the outside. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind. I instantly recognized my beloved sweet scent. He placed his chin over my shoulders, and his hands wrapped around my low stomach. We remained like this for a few moments, enjoying our company, dancing to the music that came from outside. We began to kiss gently, and Law closed the little door. We laughed while our lips were still pressed and then with our foreheads also. The joy and intimacy I experienced was so cute, as if we were just married… "stop, let me help us with something, SILENTO" I said, and snapped my fingers, creating a safe space where nobody in the submarine could listen to us with the power of my Nagi Nagi no mi. "Nobody can hear us now, we can be as naughty as we want'' I told him with a lascivious expression while grabbing him by his chin. That probably fanned the flames even more, so he pushed me against the wall and while kissing me, he started unbuttoning my trousers, and then almost ripping my panties off too. He put 2 fingers on my mouth for me to suck on them just to made them wet with my saliva. He shoved them into my pussy and moved them as he only knew how to. While he was fingering me, with the hand that until then was on my breast, he took off his pants revealing a huge erection that was about to be inside of me. 
He grabbed one of my thighs, holding it up, just to spread my legs even more so he could fuck me even deeper, right there, standing, with my back pressed against some sort of metallic wall. I wasn't able to think anything besides how I wanted him to fulfill me with his hard cock. He fucked me so hard, I almost lost full control of my limbs, thank God he was holding me as If I weighed anything less than a feather. Damn, how strong he is. We let ourselves go, and after lustfully enjoying our fleshly lusts, we decided it was time to come back to the party. We were unaware that we climbed the leather to the deck holding hands and smiling at each other, so all of a sudden, the music stopped, as well as the murmur of the crew. Shachi shouted, “I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! of course everything that happened was because of this!” I closed my eyes, waiting for Law to shout and order them to shut the fuck up, but instead he said, “Of course it was because of this, it doesn’t take too much to come up to the conclusion… you idiot”. I started laughing, followed by my nakamas. The whole night came by with us celebrating my return to the submarine and the new couple...
 A few adventures and two years after. End of the Grand Line, Laugh Tale Island…
I could still hear Mugiwara and Law laughing, we have achieved the last island, and you won't believe what the “One Piece” was, but that is  just a whole different story that maybe I’ll tell you about it other time. 
I was over the deck of the Polar Tang, admiring the beauty of the island that left the horizon back at us… I was thinking how many things we have been through to finally get here. Life hasn’t been easy to none of us, but surely, we made it happier, together. I wonder what our future has prepared us from now on. 
A strong wind blew my hair, and I could sense as if someone was behind me. I thought it was Law, but when I turned around, I saw a blond man, wearing a blue feather coat, a heart patterned shirt and a hat that I could recognize real fast. His image wasn’t clear, but I could see him though. “Hello, Mrs. Trafalgar, please don’t freak out. I’m sure you know who I am… I came here to thank you. Thank you for taking care of my little boy, how big he got…”. I knew he was “Cora-san”, I wasn’t scared, I knew he was the kindest person in the world. “Thank you, Mr. Rosinante, you saved Law’s life, I’ll always be grateful for what you’ve done for him. He is who he is for you”. The guy with a blue mark under his right eye, and some lipstick that made his smile even bigger, nodded and said, “by the way, congrats, Rosinante could be a great name, plus it goes well with the D…”. Next, I heard Law calling me “Y/N-ya, what are you doing here all by yourself?”, I turned around and he was coming my way, with a confused expression. I looked back at where Rosinante was, but he had already disappeared. 
 Law hugged me, he was happy and placed his head on my chest. “Did I tell you how much I love to hear your heart beating?”, he asked me still with his head over my chest. “You did, darling, it won’t ever stop beating for you”. Law smiled but suddenly his face turned to a more serious one. He stopped hugging me, and asked with a worried face, “Babe, how many hearts do you have?”, “You are a cardiac surgeon, I’m sure you know how many hearts I have, Law”, I said laughing. “Yeah, because I know that people normally have one, it’s not normal that I hear two hearts beating inside of… wait…” He stopped talking, looked at me and concluded everything in no time. “Babe… are you?... Am I going to be... a father?”, he said with tears on his eyes. “Congratulations, daddy”, I said, and Law hugged me so tight, holding me up in the air crying with pure joy in his heart. We remained hugged until a little bird flew past over us and a blue feather felt over us… 
The End ♥
Thanks for reading! I’m open for requests, so if want me to, just ask ♥ 
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thepenguinclub · 2 years
3am on a School Night is the Best Time to Summon Satan
Co-written with @rozhanelle.
romantic analogical, everyone and everyone, analogical week 2022 (@analogicalweek), somewhat crack, text fic, groupchat.
raccoon boy: u dont need to be nervous L
raccoon boy: Ure super smart
raccoon boy: ull do really good. u know all the stuff
Logan: Thank you, Virgil. That’s kind of you.
Princey: This is really heartwarming.
Princey: Which pentagram should I use? Greek or Babylonian?
raccoon boy: isnt it latin?
raccoon boy: or is that the stuff u say
Logan: What are you talking about?
raccoon boy: romans being stupid
Analogical Week 2022
Day 7: Free Day
day 7: free day
Penguin: Day 7!! It's over! *cries* We both put so much work into this week and I'm so happy and proud of what we accomplished. This has been a rollercoaster of many, many, different emotions, but it was worth it and now we are free to work on our various WIPs. Thank you everyone for reading and commenting, every single one makes our day.
This was something that Rozh and I worked on a while ago, and it's still one of my favorite things I've done. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as we have!
Rozh: this is our baby. we worked on this about a year ago, when i sent a photo of a broken down house nearby where i lived, and Penguin revealed A New Side of herself and said: "oooh summoning satan time!!" me, an anxious enby: "no. i have seen movies. i know how this will end." penguin: "yess but think of all that you can do!" me: "yes but think of *your life*" penguin: "I feel like this is a conversation Roman and Virgil would have." my mind: akdjakdj yes then: we were sharing a doc and just typing. so. here this is. [heart eyes] i love this, and i hope you all enjoy reading it too :)
Roman: Princey Virgil: raccoon boy/Stormcloud Logan: Logan/Loganberry/Starlight Patton: pattoncake Janus: Snek Boi Remus: Trash Man
Warnings: swearing - bad typing from Remus, but we have written it clearly next to it in parenthesis and italicized - anxiety - mentions of the devil - mentions of blood sacrifice - mentions of explosives - crude language - ingesting potentially poisonous materials (not poisonous, but don’t drink soap kids)
Virgil’s Phone
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
raccoon boy: why are u awake? its three am
Princey: Thats not important
Princey: Are you gonna ask what i found
raccoon boy: no
Princey: >:(((((
raccoon boy: deal with it
Princey: Im gonna tell you anyway
Princey: Deal with it
raccoon boy: im sighing at you so hard right now
Princey: [image.jpg]
[Image description: abandoned wooden house, frames are broken down. Windows are cracked, there are black burn marks covering a good bit of it. There are trees surrounding the area/clearing. The sky is dark.]
raccoon boy: why the fuck r u outside
Princey: Thats also not important
raccoon boy: wtf roman what r u doing
raccoon boy: r u near that house
raccoon boy: roman istg
Princey: Unrelated to the house, I need to go and get Remus
Princey: Hes still at your house, right?
raccoon boy: no i refuse to let you and remus get together and do some stupid shit that will burn down the world.
Princey: Hes my brother, I can do what I want to with him
raccoon boy: y do u want him??? u never want him around
Princey: ….
Princey: No reason
raccoon boy: bullshit
raccoon boy: wtf do u want roman
raccoon boy: why do u want remus???
Princey: He won’t mind
raccoon boy: he doesnt mind anything
Princey: thisll make him happy ! Don’t you want him happy???
raccoon boy: that doesnt make me feel better
raccoon boy: remus would be happy if someone sacrificed him to satan
raccoon boy: it isnt a high bar
Princey: Exactly!
raccoon boy: ….
raccoon boy: exactly what
Princey: He would be happy if someone sacrificed him to Satan XD
raccoon boy: roman wtf ypu are not sacrificing your brother to the devil
raccoon boy: *you
Princey: I am not!
Princey: Not yet, because he isnt here!
Princey: This is his choice, Virgil. You can’t come in between true love
raccoon boy: what part of this is love?????
Princey: Remus would love this. And you are stopping him from being happy!
raccoon boy: i hate u
raccoon boy: so much
Princey: Oh please.
Princey: We all know yo love me.
Princey: you*
Princey: And you cannot stop this!
raccoon boy: i can do whatevr the fuck i want thank you very much
raccoon boy: especially if it means remus stays alive
Princey: But do we really want that?
Princey: Satan would love Remus.
raccoon boy: and patton loves ice cream
raccoon boy: that doesnt mean he should ignore his lactose intolerance
raccoon boy: just like remus shouldnt ignore life
Princey: You never let me do anything fun! Come on, Virgil! Live a little. Embrace danger!!!
raccoon boy: i am the reason you are still alive dipshit
Princey: Alive and bored! And I shall not stand for it! Not anymore
raccoon boy: oh my god why are you like this
Princey: Practically perfect in every way? It’s a question no one has been able to answer
raccoon boy: maybe because theyve been asking the wrong qs
Princey: Quiet.
Princey: Why isn’t remus answering his phone?
raccoon boy: he chugged a bottle of shampoo and has been out ever since
raccoon boy: not poisonous
raccoon boy: hair products always makes him sleepy
Princey: Do you think red paint is okay to use?
Princey: To draw the summoning circle
raccoon boy: black would be less noticable in the dark
raccoon boy: especially if its on that burned wood
Princey: I thought you said you were against this!
raccoon boy: ys the deals always have a catch and ull prob die in 10 yrs
raccoon boy: but i cant stop u
raccoon boy: so im gonna make sure u dont piss off the demon king
raccoon boy: its good to be on satans good side
Logan: What is going on? I have almost 80 notifications.
Logan: Also, it is four in the morning. Both of you should be asleep.
raccoon boy: so should u
raccoon boy: i get prince moron, but y r u awake, lo?
raccoon boy: dont u have an exam?
Logan: I was asleep. Until the incessant buzzing from my phone woke me up.
raccoon boy: ...oh
Princey: Why do you know he has an exam tomorrow?
raccoon boy: shit L im sry
raccoon boy: sorry
Logan: It is of no importance now, Virgil. I wasn’t sleeping well anyway.
raccoon boy: why not?
Princey: Do yall want a room or…?
Logan: I find myself slightly apprehensive about tomorrow.
Logan: And I do not see why we would need a room, Roman, seeing as we are texting.
raccoon boy: u dont need to be nervous L
raccoon boy: Ure super smart
raccoon boy: ull do really good. u know all the stuff
Logan: Thank you, Virgil. That’s kind of you.
Princey: This is really heartwarming.
Princey: Which pentagram should I use? Greek or Babylonian?
raccoon boy: isnt it latin?
raccoon boy: or is that the stuff u say
Logan: What are you talking about?
raccoon boy: romans being stupid
Logan: Well, in that case, the most common incantations are Latin, you are correct.
Logan: The best pentagram would most likely depend on what type of demon you plan on summoning.
raccoon boy: how does that work? is it like, stronger demon, stronger pentagram? or is the difference in smt else?
Princey: How are you turning this into a classroom?
Princey: Oh, so now you’re all for it, V?
Princey: I see how it is
raccoon boy: stfu
Logan: Anywhere can be a place of learning, Roman. Although, seeing as we are still texting I don't know how this could be a classroom.
Logan: What part of communicating through instant messaging are you not understanding?
raccoon boy: jdkfjvjfkbef
Princey: -_-
Princey: So? What pentagram for Satan, pocket protector?
raccoon boy: and how is satans pentagram different from low level demons?
Logan: Well, it depends what legends you are going off of. Typically, they aren’t. Pentagrams are classically a star shape in a circle, and the only reason is to focus the energy of summoning the demon in question, so the summoner knows where the demon will appear. The more complicated designs are actually usually demon traps, to bind the demon.
Logan: Will you be binding the demon? I suggest you do so, as it can be a protection against the demon harming you. It will also stop the demon from being able to exit the circle. If you bind it, all you will need to do to dismiss the demon is a simple command, instead of a full ritual dismissal.
Logan: The demon is unable to hurt you, and you are unable to hurt it. Any physical, magical, or spiritual object crossing the circle will break the wards and the binding.
Logan: Make sure to have wards in place as well. And make sure they are not disrupted. They must be a part of the circle. If you are incapable of exerting your will unto the wards- by falling unconscious, going to sleep, or leaving the area, the wards will very likely fail, and let the demon loose.
Logan: Also, you said you were summoning Satan? Typical binding spells use substances that oppose the type of demon you are summoning. A fire demon would be sand or water, a messenger demon would be scribbled words and burned books, etc. Satan would be much more difficult, because he is much more powerful than an ordinary demon. Roman was correct, though, a sacrifice would be a good place to start, to appease him, and a blood sacrifice is as good as one could get.
Logan: However, I’m going to let personal bias in and I’m going to tell you not to sacrifice your brother.
Logan: When it comes to negotiating, it is best to ask for simple things. As it is Roman who is attempting this, I don’t have much hope. The only advice I can offer is to be sure to be very clear and precise about what you are asking for, as demons are known to purposefully misinterpret requests. Also offer realistic gifts in return. If the demon is appeased, then everything will go by much smoother. If the demon is unhappy with the deal, dismissing it can be quite an ordeal.
Logan: Do you need more information?
raccoon boy: ….
Princey: ….
raccoon boy: ….
Princey: ….
raccoon boy: im in love with you
Princey: Why do you know these things?
Logan: Well, you asked.
Princey: I didnt expect an answer like that!
raccoon boy: im not kidding right now
raccoon boy: im very in love with you
Logan: Thank you, Virgil. I appreciate your eagerness to hear my rants. You are a very good friend.
Princey: Oh my God
raccoon boy: course L. u know i like listening to u
Princey: Wait no. You have to be joking right now
Logan: Joking about what? I just told Virgil I appreciated him as a friend.
raccoon boy: yeah roman whats wrng
Princey: What the heck-ity heck? five abs and a peck?
Princey: Am I dying? I think Im dying
Private Chat: Starlight
Stormcloud: this is so funny
Starlight: I do admit, Roman is being quite entertaining
Stormcloud: “ a very good friend”
Starlight: Well, you are a good friend.
Stormcloud: u r smt else, Lo.
Stormcloud: smt out of this world
Starlight: :|
Stormcloud: ;P
Starlight: I love you as well, Virgil.
Stormcloud: sfut up
Stormcloud: *shut
Starlight: I don’t think I will.
Starlight: <3
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Princey: I need- I need someone to tell me if this is real?
Princey: Why is no one else awake?
Princey: What could people be doing at this time of the morning?
Princey: Did they just-
Princey: What are you people doing?
Princey: Oh my goodness.
Princey: Oh dear Disney.
Logan: Seeing as it is five thirty in the morning, I assume that they are all asleep.
raccoon boy: ROMAN!
raccoon boy: r u still out?
raccoon boy: ohmygod ure gonna freeze what is wrong with u
raccoon boy: why tf wold u b out
raccoon boy: roman what
Logan: Roman, I do hope you are inside and somewhere warm.
Princey: …
Princey: Sure, Im inside.
raccoon boy: r u iside the fucking house of doom roman
raccoon boy: thats not warm
raccoon boy: or fucking safe
raccoon boy: roman what is wrong with u
raccoon boy: i dontt think
Logan: Virgil. Virgil?
Logan: Virgil, you need to breathe. Roman is going to be fine.
Princey: shit.
Logan: Roman, go somewhere warm and safe. Preferably your house.
Princey: Yeah, on it.
Princey: Come on, Doom and Gloom. No need to worry. Peoplell think you care.
Princey: Look here, I’m in my car. I’m turning it on. And I will start driving as soon as you txt me back, okay? I’ll go home. Just let me know you’re okay.
Princey: V?
Logan: Virgil, please try your best to breathe.
raccoon boy: it’s janus, he’s calming down.
Logan: Thank you for informing us, Janus.
raccoon boy: give me a moment
raccoon boy: virgil has calmed down. he is breathing slowly and he is much calmer
raccoon boy: he says not to drive, roman. and to get out of the car
raccoon boy: also you are an utter moron.
Princey: Alright alright whatever
raccoon boy: did. did v say he is in love w/ u and u said he's 'a very good friend'
Logan: Yes.
Logan: I don't understand why this is a confusing thing to comprehend.
raccoon boy: he said he's in love with you logan.
Logan: Are you referring to the 'in' before 'love'?
Logan: It does create a difference of meaning, I admit, but I don't see why this is confounding you and Roman.
Logan: Virgil has expressed his enjoyment of things in this manner before.
Logan: "I am in love with coffee."
Logan: "I am in love with Patton and his cookies."
Logan: "I am in love with My Chemical Romance/Evanescence."
Logan: He seems to enjoy it when I provide explanations. And this was a topic which he enjoys.
Logan: His admiration was expected.
raccoon boy: did u just logic your way out of this?
Logan: There was nothing to “logic my way out of”, Janus.
raccoon boy: for someone so smart you're such an idiot
Logan: That is unnecessary.
raccoon boy: is it? i mean. you just friendzoned him!!
Logan: Janus.
raccoon boy: okay, fine, sorry.
raccoon boy: but did u seriously just do that??
Logan: If there is anything Virgil wishes to tell me, he will.
raccoon boy: riiiight. sure. of course he will.
Logan: I am glad you see reason.
raccoon boy: 🤦🏽
Princey: What should I do??
raccoon boy: well, V says no taxi cause they can be a murderer. no walking hime cause you might get attacked by a dog. no getting in your car cause you might explode
raccoon boy: home*
Princey: Thats all very helpful.
Logan: Janus, please give the phone back to Virgil.
Incoming call: Starlight
Call accepted: 6:14 am
Call ended: 6:32 am
Logan: You may drive your car back home, Roman. Please send a message as soon as you reach your destination.
Princey: Ok
Princey: Sorry V
raccoon boy: sorry
raccoon boy: i didnt mean to freak out
Logan: There is no need to apologize, Virgil.
Logan: You have anxiety. You just experienced a minor panic attack. It is natural to worry about your friends, and as a person whose anxiety is somewhat heightened it is completely understandable that you would feel a great deal of worry. You do not need to apologize.
Princey: At home.
Princey: Also yeah what the nerd said.
Snek Boi: Lo is right Virgil. You don't need to say sorry.
raccoon boy: y r u texting me we r right next to each other
Snek Boi: I don't want to wake up Remus.
Private Chat: Starlight
Starlight: Are you okay?
Stormcloud: yeah im fine
Stormcloud: thanks
Starlight: Anything for you, love.
Stormcloud: sshhhhhh no
Starlight: I love you, Virgil.
Stormcloud: i hate u
Stormcloud: j is right next to me stop
Starlight: I am merely telling my boyfriend how much I love him.
Starlight: Any of your reactions are completely out of my control.
Stormcloud: go away
Starlight: As you wish, my love.
Stormcloud: omfg
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
raccoon boy: he wont wake up if u blow smt up
Princey: Its true we tested it once
Logan: I don’t want to know.
Princey: I wasnt offering to tell
raccoon boy: of course u were ure dying for a chance to be dramatic
Princey: How dare you
Snek Boi: We all know hes right
raccoon boy: i can hear the offended princey noises from here
Princey: ….
Princey: Shut up emo
raccoon boy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Snek Boi: I cant believe that remus had the healthiest sleeping schedule between us
raccoon boy: he drank shampoo i dont think hes healthy J
raccoon boy: do u think hes ook? maybe we should hv stopped him
Snek Boi: V this is not his first time chugging shampoo
Princey: Yeah he’ll be up and awake and bothering us bright and early
Trash Man: YoU cAlLeD??
Trash Man: why did u screeem so loud vv
Princey: Speak the devil's name and he shall appear
Snek Boi: wtf is wrong with you
Trash Man: do u watn teh list alphabetivally or choronolgoically (do u want the list alphabetically or chronologically)
Logan: I will never understand why you have to type like that.
Logan: Autocorrect is a thing for people who don’t know how to spell.
Logan: You should try using it.
Trash Man: tihs is so mch morre fun tho it anoyys u so mch (this is so much more fun tho it annoys u so much)
Logan: I hate you.
Trash Man: i lv u 2 lolobear
raccoon boy: yeah lo lo bear
Logan: No, no, no. Please don’t.
raccoon boy: y whats wrong lo lo bear
Logan: You are lucky you’re adorable, otherwise I would be tempted to hurt you.
Snek Boi: are you talking about Virgil or Remus?
Princey: please be talking about the Emo Nightmare
Logan: I was complimenting Virgil.
Logan: Remus can go die in a hole.
raccoon boy: tnx for the compliment lolobear <3
raccoon boy: u’re not too bad looking
Logan: I appreciate the compliment.
Princey: Im dying
Princey: Im dead
Princey: This is what it feels like to die
pattoncake: oh no!!! Why does it feel like you’re dyiiing, Roman???
pattoncake: Oh. Right.
pattoncake: Good morning everyone! Looks like you were having a party
Snek Boi: You arent dying roman
Snek Boi: (Logan and Virgil might be pushed down the stairs though)
Snek Boi: Good morning Patton
raccoon boy: morning pat
Logan: Good morning, Patton. How did you sleep?
Logan: Why would Virgil and I be pushed down the stairs?
raccoon boy: theyre jealous of our friendship lo lo bear
Logan: Please cease calling me that, Virgil, or I will be forced to do something drastic.
raccoon boy: oooohh what lo lo bear
raccoon boy: what r u gonna do
Logan: While you are incredibly brave and witty, you are also as sweet as honey.
raccoon boy: what
Logan: You are the kindest person I’ve ever met and your loyalty to your friends is one of the most admirable things I’ve ever seen.
raccoon boy: waht r u doing
Logan: You are absolutely adorable when you’re sleepy, and the most gorgeous when you’re in the moonlight.
raccoon boy: shut tf up
pattoncake: oh this is so sweeetttt !!!!! me too😆
pattoncake: Vee, you are the bestest friend ever 💜💜! you’re super brave and funny and you hug me when im having a bad day and you love drawing little things and putting them in our bags which is so sweet and i feel so happy wehn i see them 😻😻
pattoncake: when*
Logan: You are incredibly intelligent even though you don’t think so, and you are an amazing musician. Your dedication to the arts and your drive to be better is motivating and I love watching you do what you love.
Snek Boi: [image.jpg]
[imagine description: Virgil in a dark room looking at his phone. The phone light shows that his face is bright red, and he is pressing a hoodie covered hand to his mouth.]
Princey: Im crying how do they not know
Trash Man: tehyre so oblivoisous its so funny (they’re so oblivious it’s so funny)
Princey: It’s torture.
Private Chat: Starlight
Starlight: You’re beautiful. I’ve been in love with you for longer than I can remember, and every day I fall more in love with you. I’m extremely happy that you feel the same way about me, and the time that I spend with you is the most important and I treasure every second of it.
Starlight: You are the most important person in this world to me and I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable for me to say that I would be delighted to spend the rest of my life with you.
Starlight: I love you, Virgil.
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Snek Boi: Virgil just threw his phone across the room
Logan: Ah. That would explain the lack of response.
Snek Boi: And he has decided to hide in his hoodie. Hes making a very high pitched noise.
Trash Man: im recorndin tihs (im recording this)
Princey: I cant believe two of my best friends are two of the DUMBEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD
Princey: I want a copy
Trash Man: 600 dolars
Princey: …
Princey: Does monopoly money work
Trash Man: then imma need 600 1$s
pattoncake: I hope yall remember that we have school???? And are ready????
pattoncake: And Roman are you still picking me up???
Princey: …. Of course I remembered. I’ll be there in aohdaipoajdila
raccoon boy: did he die
Logan: I’m glad you’re back with us, Virgil.
raccoon boy: ….
raccoon boy: you know L u like to preten that u dont hav any feelings but really ur the sweetest most compassionate person ever
Princey: Omg its happening again
raccoon boy: and like u always know how to help me and i really appreciate that. ur super awesome and smart and thebest person
raccoon boy: and speaking of smart ure crazy smart and brilliant and the way u light up when u talk about the things u like is amazing to watch
raccoon boy: and speaking of things u like, ur obsession with crofters and the berry jam is so cute and its just anothe reason ur amazing L
Logan: ….
Snek Boi: I cant believe Ive been watching this happen for years
Snek Boi: This is ridiculous
pattoncake: its so sweet!!! 🍬🍬
pattoncake: i would compliment you too logan but roman just got here so ill be right back
Private Chat: Starlight
Stormcloud: ur so fucking pretty its a crime and the more passionate about something u get the more i fall in love with u
Stormcloud: and i am in love with u. god logan ur the most amazing person and i dont deserve u
Stormcloud: ur smart and loyal and talented and amazing and so fucking gorgeous and ur just perfect
Stormcloud: i love u more than anythign
Stormcloud: *anything
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Logan has changed his name to Loganberry
pattoncake: awwww for the berry in loganberry in the crofter jam u like!!!
pattoncake: and virgil said it was cute!!
pattoncake: y’all are so adorable!!!!! 😻😻
pattoncake: roman says to tell y’all that “you’re disgusting and he hates you”
pattoncake: roman doesn’t care that that isn't nice so im saying sorry for him
raccoon boy: im not surprised
raccoon boy: roman has no manners
pattoncake: now kiddo, that isn’t very nice.
raccoon boy: sry pat j is being a bitch gtg c u
Snek Boi: @Loganberry, where tf are u?
Loganberry: I apologize. I was getting my bag ready.
Trash Man: srue (sure)
Loganberry: I’m getting in the car now, I have to go.
Snek Boi: Mhm
Snek Boi: we’re waiting at the doors for you three, and its cold.
Snek Boi: were going inside.
Snek Boi: Virgil has disappeared.
Snek Boi: I hate you all so much, where did he vanish to?
Snek Boi: that boy needs a bell
Snek Boi: I swear he can teleport
Princey: Janus? Not like you to stop complaining so suddenly
Princey: You good?
Operation: Make LV canon
Trash Man: [image.ipg]
[image description: Virgil and Logan kissing against what appears to be the wall of the school.]
pattoncake: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Princey: Holy shit
Snek Boi: I hate them
Snek Boi: I hate them so much
Trash Man: in skool!!! Scanadaolus!! Perfekt boy Lo lO Ber is k-i-s-s-i-n-g -ing bad boy VeeVee!! (in school!! Scandalous!! perfect boy Lo Lo Bear is kissing bad boy VeeVee)
Princey: How long has thi been happening??? Are they together??? Is this the first time???
Snek Boi: How tf are we supposed to know
pattoncake: they were throwing compliments at each other like confetti!!!🎊🎊
pattoncake: maybe they realized? finally!!!
Snek Boi: Did you really just call Virgil a bad boy??
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Loganberry: Where are you guys?
Princey: Do you have smt you want to share with us??
Loganberry: …I will not be giving you the answers to whatever paper you decidedly were not writing during the many hours you were awake this morning.
raccoon boy: L no give him whatever he wants he has the coffee
Loganberry: I will not help your incredibly unhealthy caffeine addiction.
Snek Boi: Oh my god, they're married
Loganberry: Ah. Okay.
Princey: OKAY?????????????
raccoon boy: r u ok roman
Snek Boi: What the fuck
Snek Boi: What the fuck
Princey: NO?????????????
pattoncake: i think what they’re trying to say is that we’re all a little surprised, kiddos.
pattoncake: happy for you!!! but surprised.
Trash Man: were a lil mre thn surrprisedd we jst saw u sucking facces so what is goingg on i wold lik to kno (we’re a lil more than surprised)
raccoon boy: why are u surprised?
Loganberry: I, too, am curious to know why you were surprised by this.
Snek Boi: What the fuck
Loganberry: Exactly. I don’t understand why you are surprised when you have been watching us ‘flirt for years’.
raccoon boy: i thought it was pretty obvious
raccoon boy: i guess u guys can be pretty oblivious
Snek Boi: What
Snek Boi: The
Snek Boi: Fuck
Trash Man: tihs mihht be teh funienst tihng ever (this might be the funniest thing ever)
pattoncake: kiddos i mean this in the nicest way possible cause you know i love yall
pattoncake: but what the fuck
raccoon boy: i just screenshotted that
raccoon boy: i plan to frame it and hang it on my wall
raccoon boy: aww ure a fan
Loganberry: Dedicated to us? For what?
Trash Man: getig you 2 togerher to make out of corse (getting you two together to make out of course)
Snek Boi: What the fuck
Trash Man: i tinhk yuo broke janny  (i think you broke janny)
raccoon boy: hey L
Loganberry: Yes, my love?
Princey: omg
raccoon boy: do u remember that one time they all said we couldnt act or lie to save our lives
Loganberry: Why yes, actually, I do remember that. Funny.
Snek Boi: i will hunt you down and kill you.
Trash Man: jannys not brokn!!
pattoncake: that’s… not very nice, guys.
Princey: If I had known it would cause me to suffer thos much i wouldn’t have said it!!!
pattoncake: i get why ud be upset at the others, sure. but i mean…
raccoon boy: sorry pat
Private Chat: Starlight
Stormcloud: we made Patton upset
Stormcloud: what do we do
Stormcloud: do we bake cookies for him
Stormcloud: or should we get him a hypoallergenic cat
Stormcloud: logan what do we do what do we do waht do we do
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Loganberry: We apologize for deceiving you, Patton. We intended to get back at what the others had said, and we did not realize how this would affect you.
Loganberry: If there is anything we can do please don’t hesitate to tell us.
Loganberry: Your hurt is very understandable.
raccoon boy: im really really sorry pat
pattoncake: i know you guys couldnt have told me! I would have given it away because i would have gotten so excited.
pattoncake: i guess you two can tell me all the details and buy me ice cream
raccoon boy: deal
Loganberry: you’re allergic to lactose.
raccoon boy: we’ll find him ice cream without lactose
pattoncake: 😋🤗😆💙💜🍦 🍨 🍦
Snek Boi: How long has this been going on
raccoon boy: believe it princey
Loganberry: I hate to interrupt, but class will be starting soon.
Princey: You expect me to be able to pay attention to class when this happened????
Loganberry: This has been going on for quite a while, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to pay attention to your very important classes that are happening now.
Loganberry: We can continue later, although I’m not sure there’s anything else to talk about.
Snek Boi: how long is quite a while?
raccoon boy: peace out :P
pattoncake: bye virgil!!👋👋👋👋
Loganberry: Farewell.
Snek Bo: I hate you both. So much.
pattoncake: bye lolo! 😄😄
pattoncake: Imma go too guys, class started. Bye!!!😁👋💕💕😻
Trash Man: byyyyyyeyeyeeyetee
Snek Boi: They left
Princey: I KNOW
Snek Boi: I hate them
Princey: I know. Me too
Snek Boi: Happy for them tho
Princey: I know
Princey: Me too
Private Chat: Starlight
Stormcloud: that was amazing
Starlight: I do admit, it was very funny. Although I didn’t expect to get caught.
Stormcloud: i think we played it well
Starlight: Are you still worried about Patton?
Stormcloud: a little
Stormcloud: i know he'll forgive us
Stormcloud: but i still feel bad
Stormcloud: and i cant belive i didnt think about how hed be upset
Starlight: He doesn’t seem too upset about it. And I’m sure the ice cream will cheer him up.
Stormcloud: he can act pretty well too
Starlight: I don’t believe there’s anything to worry about, Virgil. But the fact that you are worried means you’re an incredibly good friend.
Stormcloud: i guess
Stormcloud: you always know what to say
Starlight: I love you, Virgil.
Stormcloud: i love u too logan
Penguin: Thanks for reading! Whether you came from Rozh, from me, or because the title looked moderately appealing, I'm grateful you're here. If you haven't already, be sure to check out both of our other works for Analogical Week 2022 by clicking into the series' that this work is in! You can read my stuff on my ao3 (@/thepenguinclub)! Have a great great rest of your day, drink water, go to bed at a good time, and know that you look amazing today and that you're loved. <3
Rozh: and this wonderful (and anxiety inducing) week comes to an end! i had fun writing these up and talking them over with Penguin. you can find me on ao3 if you like. sleep if it's past midnight and you're awake only because you're reading fanfics. they shall still be here in the morning. hydrate, stay safe, snack, nap, and much love to you all <3
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princessphilly · 4 years
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All Bets Are Off Chapter 3
@whatishockey did the damn thing with the banners
Cw: bad language, kissing, pining
Word count: don’t know because I’m pasting this from google docs mobile
Tag list:
@ohpuckyeah, @joelsfarabee
@besthockeyfics @Defiant-Mouse
@linkingdolans @chicagostylehockey
@heatherlcrosby87 @hockeywocs
@shortstacks-blog @heatherawoowoo o
@newlibrary @iangiemae
@puckbitchesgetmoney @Missymore
@himbos-on-ice @fiveholegoal
@pagirl6866 @willieshakesqueer
@nazdaddy @alphalib22
@romanseggy @laurenairay
@cutiesara23, @myhockeyworld87
“Why is Sidney Crosby and the Penguins staring at us?”
Nina turned around and smirked as she saw Sid, Tanger, Geno, Jake, Murs, and a couple of guys that she couldn’t place. “Sometimes I work with the team. They are probably wondering how I got into here.”
It had been over two years since Nina had started working with the team and she had fallen into a routine. Work on the guys, give them routines to help ease the pain and heal their injuries, rinse and repeat. Well, sometimes it included some flirting but that had ended once Nina heard about the woman named Kathy.
“I’m not really a Pens fan but it’s cool that they keep winning their championship,” Ron remarked. “It’s some kind of cup.”
“It’s the Stanley Cup,” Nina replied.
“Yeah, whatever.”
As Ron, her date, made excited talk about the Steelers, Nina sipped her wine. She had attended a game with Lauren, taking advantage of discounted tickets when Lauren pointed her out. Nina was glad that she could keep a straight face when Lauren told her that was Sidney’s girlfriend. Lauren had added that they were off-and-on but Nina didn’t care. Of course he had a girlfriend while flirting with her. Ever since then, Nina kept her interactions with the captain strictly professional.
It didn’t help that Sidney looked good. His hair was cut short and he looked like expensive whiskey mixed with heartbreak. As Ron kept talking, Nina interrupted with a smile. “Let’s not keep talking about the Pens. What do you do?”
Ron explained, “I teach at St. Dominic’s. Fourth grade, I love it.”
“That’s cool,” Nina replied, “Teaching is a gift, you must have a lot of patience.”
As Ron shared stories from his work, Nina felt bored. He was her first date so far and he spent more time talking about himself and what he liked more than letting her attempt to talk. save me, Nina texted Lauren. Her phone then rang and Nina gave Ron a smile. “Oh that’s my babysitter. I gotta go see what’s going on.”
Nina hurriedly got up and ran to the far wall by a less populated bar and snapped Lauren never again with this 1. Try again
Sidney wasn’t having the greatest time. Nina had been quietly ignoring him for a while and now she was out with some guy, giving him starry eyes. As soon as she excused herself from her table, Sidney made his own excuses. He thought Nina was going to the bathroom but she had gone elsewhere. Luckily, this restaurant had it’s bathrooms close together and after taking care of his business, Sidney strolled out. He was ready to wait to see if Nina was coming this way but he saw her over on the far wall, on her phone.
“Hi, pretty girl.”
Nina rolled her eyes as she stood on the wall. Sidney was right in front of her, ignoring the gawking eyes of everyone around them. Normally, Nina would be dreading this because it would be gossiped all over the internet. But, from working peripherally with the team, Nina was very aware that the team’s PR ruled the team’s branding with an iron hand. There may be whispers but Nina didn’t have to worry about people trying to stalk her. “I’m here with someone.”
“Your friends?”
Sidney leaned closer, his breath rustling her hair. He touched a curl, noticing Nina’s shiver. Her hair was out of her customary braids, curled into waves that begged to be touched. Maybe it was the beer and cognac in his veins but Sidney was ready to throw it all to the wind to dance with Nina. Then a guy came towards them, a wary expression on his face. Nina smiled at him and Sidney felt his heart plummet to his feet. “This is Ron, Ron, this is Sidney, one of the Penguins I sometimes treat at work.”
Putting his best PR smile on his face, Sidney shook his hand. He was taller than him, and Black like Nina. Of course Nina would be dating him.
“Wow, I’m a huge fan,” Ron exclaimed. Nina gave Ron a what the fuck look and Sidney inwardly smirked.
“Have you been to a game?”
Sidney put his hands in his pockets as he waited for that guy, what was his name, Rob or something to answer his question.
Ron shrugged. “A couple of times. Nina was telling me that we should go to a game sometime together.”
“Um, I did?”
Sidney wanted to sign with relief when Nina looked at that guy with a puzzled expression. From years on the ice, Sidney had learned how to read people’s body language and expressions. Even though Nina now had a pleasant expression on her face, she was definitely not into this guy at all. As Nina pulled the guy away from him, Sidney thought, ‘Maybe tonight isn’t so bad after all.’
“Nice guy.”
Nina smirked as she looked at Jake. “You saw what happened last week?”
Jake sighed as Nina flexed his foot after using a TENS unit on it. “He was a real winner. Sid said something about him saying you were going to bring him to a game.”
Nina rolled her eyes as she said, “He was talking shit on the team before he met Sid. I made sure to block him from everything after I told him I was interested. He’s a clout chaser.”
Geno had wandered into the treatment area and sat in the chair across from where Nina was working on Jake.
Jake explained, “Some guy looking to brag that he met Sid through Nina.”
“One of them.”
“I blocked him ASAP.
Geno gave Nina a knowing look as she shrugged. “New boyfriend? Maybe Sid?”
Nina grinned at Geno and Geno asked, “Yes, you and Sid?”
“My Tinder account says….. no,” Nina replied, earning groans from both men.
“Need to take my friend out of his misery,” Geno stated.
Jake laughed, “I’m actually enjoying this shit.”
“Enjoying what?”
Tánger walked in and Nina quickly said, “All done, Jake. Just keep doing your exercises when you can and your foot should stop cramping. I gotta go.”
“Go? Just started,” Geno yelled and in a moment of unprofessionalism, Nina gave him the finger.
“You know we can’t be together right now.”
Nina gasped as Sidney pressed into her. It was another night out, her first night out after dumping Greg. Steely did not like him and Greg was trying to move into her place after only being together for two months. The minute he mentioned that “they” would have to get rid of Steely if they were going to live together, Nina told him it was over by text. After blocking him on everything and a week of moping, Nina had gone out with Lauren and Karesha. Of course, Sidney and some of the boys were at the same bar they were.
Sidney bent down and kissed her neck. Nina groaned. It was obvious that The Kid was definitely not sober and while she was a bit tipsy herself, Nina could sense the mistake waiting to be made. Pushing him away, Nina took in several shaky deep breaths. “Don’t think you can play with me while you have a girlfriend.”
Nina rolled her eyes before she noticed Guenzy and a couple other players. Gesturing towards them, she moved away from Sidney.
Jake grinned as he said, “Hi Nina. Fancy seeing you here.”
“I was here for a girls night out before this person decided he had to talk to me. He’s a bit drunk, make sure you get him out of here before anything happens to him,” Nina replied.
“I’m not drunk,” Sidney protested as Jake dragged him away.
Nina fluttered her fingers at him as Karesha came over.
“You just turned down Sidney Fucking Crosby? He’s not my type but I would make an exception for him. He’s looking good, even with that gray.”
Nina exclaimed in mock-shock, “Karesha, you have a man and kids at home!”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t look. And I will look because I can.”
As Nina scrolled through her phone, Karesha continued, “Nina I knew growing up would have already fucked him.”
“I’m a professional now.”
“That man wants to fuck you into the bed and those ass and thighs say he can,” Karesha persisted. “Let me guess, you don’t want to ruin your work rep.”
“Yes and no,” Nina replied. She was getting closer to saying fuck it. At first, she was feeling strong, felt that she could do it. But the more she interacted with Sidney, seen him do the charity work, etc., the more Nina was losing the will to say no. Only time she got a break was the off-season but her dreams were still starring an all-time pro center more than anyone else.
“Then maybe you need to start thinking about looking for another job, girl, because then you can finally get fucked like you want without having to wonder about what will happen.”
Nina scoffed, “Naw..”
“So, I just wanna know when you gonna finally get me my Tanger jersey?”
Nina rolled her eyes as Jason, her little brother, pestered her again. Jason was the biggest Pittsburgh sports fan in the whole family and ever since she started working with the Pens, he’d been begging her for a Letang jersey. Not just a Letang jersey, but Jason wanted a game-worn, autographed jersey. It didn’t matter that Dad had bought Jason an authentic jersey last year. He wanted a game-worn jersey.
She replied, “You know I don’t work with the team like that,” as she stirred the spaghetti. Her mother had to work an overnight shift so Nina had her little brother and sister stay with her in her Lower Lawrenceville apartment. It was a tiny place but Nina loved it. Right now, she was wishing she didn’t have Jason and Aryanna with her so she could think about her feelings about what happened a couple of weeks ago.
“Maybe I’ll get it for your birthday though,” Nina conceded. “If you keep your grades up.”
“Ninaaaa,” Jason whined.
“You know mom won’t let me get it for you if your grades are bad anyway.”
Jason explained, “I have to keep my grades up, I can’t play football if I don’t anyway. Plus, I’m trying to get invited to The Opening. Nina whistled, The Opening was an elite football camp for college juniors: kids who get in usually got to go to their pick of universities for college football.
“Good luck with that,” Nina commented as Terrible Tess jumped into Jason’s lap. That reminded her of how Terrible Tess tried to claw her date a week ago.
Aryanna piped up, “Maybe you should become friends with the pens, Ni-ni.”
Jason snickered and rolled his eyes while Nina explained, “I don’t work with the team like that, Ari.”
Aryanna pouted. “I want to tell all my friends that you know the penguins. They don’t believe me that you work with the team.”
“Like Nina cares about what a bunch of little kids think,” Jason jibed.
Before Nina could reprimand her brother, the door to her apartment opened. “Mom, you’re done early.”
“No. I got back early from my trip.”
“DADDY,” screamed Aryanna as their father came into the kitchen. Nina smiled and gave her dad a hug while Jason gave him a pound.
Vernon replied,”Hi Yanni and Ni-ni. How are my sweet tarts? And how are you doing, little man?”
“Nina still hasn’t got me my Tánger Jersey, Dad,” Jason complained.
“I may not be working there that much longer,” Nina absentmindly replied as she turned off the warmer for the pasta.
“WHAT?!?,” Nina’s father, brother, and sister all exclaimed at the same time.
“I’m thinking of maybe going somewhere else. It’s been almost three years.”
Jason groaned, “I’m never getting my Tanger jersey!”
“Are you sure, sweet tart,” Vernon asked, taking off his jacket.
Nina bit her lip as she nodded at her daddy. Her parents had worked hard after having her in their early twenties so she could achieve her dreams. Vernon was a long haul trucker while Tracey worked as a RN. Nina was the first one to go and graduate a four-year university. Vernon gave Nina a look and nodded.
“Anyway, let’s eat while I tell y’all what I saw on the road this time,” Vernon said as Jason went to grab plates. Nina gave her dad a grateful smile but she knew that he would want to talk about it.
“Who did you go out with last night?”
Just like a man to barge into her room, asking questions. Nina kept her eyes down on the chart she was updating as she replied, “Good morning, Mr. Crosby. How are you?”
Sidney moved to where he was in front of her desk, putting his hands on it but averting his eyes from her paperwork. “Who were you with last night?”
“Is that any of your business?”
Nina calmly closed the chart and stared coldly into Sidney’s eyes. “Do you have a reason to visit me this morning, Mr. Crosby?”
Sidney growled and Nina was thankful that he at least had the brains to close the door before having his tantrum. “Who was that guy you were with last night?”
Sidney blinked, running a hand through his hair. “Was he you boyfriend?”
“Hmm a boyfriend, you know when a girl likes a boy and they go out together and become a couple,” Nina sarcastically answered. “Kinda like you and your on and off girlfriend.”
“Kathy isn’t part of this conversation.”
Sidney glowered at Nina. Geno mentioned he had seen Nina out on a date at a Russian restaurant he frequented often with Anna. There had been this guy Ron but he hadn’t lasted long. Now, there was a new one and Sidney was annoyed and pissed.
“Why so angry, Mr. Crosby? Am I supposed to be single forever and pining for you because we can’t be together?”
Before Sid could answer that, Nina continued, “I don’t know if you have spies on me or something, but if you had asked nicely instead of bursting into my office, I would have told you that I went out with my father last night.”
Sidney felt sick to his stomach as Nina glared at him. Nina was irritated as hell; it seemed like everyone here knew what she was going and what she was doing and now, that was confirmed.
Last night, Nina and Vernon had a father-daughter dinner at a hole in the wall Russian restaurant. Over blini and borscht, Nina gave her father a general explanation of what she had been thinking about with work and maybe going to work somewhere else. Vernon listened to his daughter with interest as she explained her plans. Her father had simply said, “Maybe wait until you have all your plans figured out before you put your resume out there.”
Right now, as Sidney talked, Nina tuned him out. Once there was a break, she said, “ You can go now,” before turning her back
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gojology · 4 years
Clubs Aren’t My Thing. (1/2)
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𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | i’m REPOSTING this because my already bruised ego absolutely rejects the fact that my writing got 33 notes, that, and i just don’t want to continue this if it doesn’t get any traction. i’m not good at nsfw, so i feel like if not a lotta people wanna read my work, why try hard on something i’m bad at? anyways, this whole club concept is totally from @/mystic-sky or skyfelt on ao3. pls check her out. if anything is inaccurate its prob bcuz the only reference i have is the club penguin dance club teehee. 
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | mentions of sex, drinking, you’re literally at a club.
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Gojo x Female Reader
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 2847
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | You’re alone, at a bar, waiting for the end of the night to come. Then again this was bound to happen, as clubs weren’t really your thing, but promises of snacks and money from your friends were really what you came for. A mysterious, yet intriguing white haired man approaches you, and eventually he piques your interest. Little do you know, you had piqued his as well, and he’s having a hard time trying to hide it.
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Bright, flickering vivid lights was all the human eye could see from where you were sitting.  You’re sitting at a bar, legs restless and rhythmically bumping against the table. You had come here for a “fun night”, even though they promptly ditched you for the lively dance floor afterwards, you assumed to pick up guys and have some encounters in the bedroom.  It wasn’t quite your thing though, well, you didn’t know yourself, you were far too shy to find out, though.  That’s how you found yourself alone, at a bar, completely sober.   Your friends pushed you, (which was a bit weird since they were no where near you now- so really now, what was the point?) luring you with yummy snacks and treats to come out of your house for once. Hesitantly agreeing, you didn’t expect to have them dress you up as well.   Fighting them off and running for the bedroom door, you hated the very idea of even interacting with anyone. Moaning and groaning like a child that you weren’t getting enough for going to a social event, and not wearing your beloved baggy hoodies and sweatpants.   “Okay, okay!” your friend stood up, hands above her. Shaking her head and letting out an exasperated sigh.   “We’ll add on a free dinner- on us.”   Raising an eyebrow, you scrolled through your phone. This wasn’t a bad deal, not at all. You decided to not reply, though.   “Ugh, (Y/N), Okay. A 50 DOLLAR GIFTCARD TO YOUR FAVORITE STORE. Do we have a deal?” Your friend blurted out, sitting down on her chair with a huff.   The girl clearly wanted you to go to the club.  You grinned evilly, realizing just how much you can get.   Of course, you wouldn’t spend the money without spoiling some of your girlies, but you had gotten even more then you asked for, and well- sure it was a bit mean, but you figured afterwards you could go out with them without the bargaining.   And so, facepalm after facepalm ensued, offering you more and more unnecessary amounts of money and food, you finally broke under the pressure of being a tad too mean. You weren’t planning on torturing your friends for life.   At that point, who could really resist?   Now, enthusiastic with your eyes only on the prize, you allowed yourself to be dressed up just this once. Your friends had whipped up the nicest outfit they could without it showing very much skin (per your request!).   Your friends had let you borrow a rather short white plaid skirt they had paired with a casual simple t-shirt. Slightly sheer, and a warm, yet soft cardigan that was kind of scratchy. Donning a pair of tights that you had picked yourself and your favorite pair of beaten up Doc Martens. You realize that it didn’t look half-bad on you.  For once, you thought you looked nice.   However, it seemed to pale in comparison with the scandalous outfits your friends seemed to prefer. Dresses hugging their curves, showing as much of their skin as possible without being full-blown naked, you wonder how one can hold so much self-confidence. But you ignore the feeling, repeating to yourself that you looked good in your own ways.  You wave for the bar tender, feeling a rush of self confidence as you glance down at your outfit. The rather disgruntled man eyes perked up at the request, rushing over.  “May I offer you something, ma’am?”  You gulp, the self confidence rapidly crashing back down, almost as soon as it had come up. You weren’t quite the drinker, and you weren’t looking to find if you were. Running a hand through your already tousled hair, you stutter out a short sentence.  “Can I have some.. Water? With, uh, ice.”  He nods, seemingly shocked that you weren’t ordering any alcoholic beverages before turning his back on you and quickly whipping up the rather simplistic drink. Well, then again, judging by the outfit, one glance would be enough to tell him that you were forced to come, or shy.    Shocked by how comprehensible you had been when speaking to him, your lips curve slightly into a warm smile. Working around your fear of talking to people in unusual places was good.   Handing the glass of water to you with cold fingertips, you nod back. Skimming his hand as you did so. You grimace, contact felt weird.   Taking a sip, you looked away and hoped not to make conversation.  You heard a rather loud laugh, which was an understatement, because you could hear it even through the mass of chatter and movement of the club.  Curious by who could possibly be louder than the sheer deafening cheers of a drunken crowd, you look towards the other direction, before setting your eyes on a ridiculously white haired man.  He was laughing again now, and your eyes immediately drift over to his very defined jawline. No wonder so many girls were around him, by the looks of it, he looked like a famous model.  His head high above all the females crowding around him, you notice the man next to him. A disgruntled, yet polite looking individual you assumed to be his friend sat next to him.   He was also towering over the women, nodding and smiling at the many girls tempting him with their bodies, but he seemed so clueless that you doubted he even had a clue of what was going on.   Fidgeting and playing with his hair, he was clad in an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. The crowd of women around him wasn’t as large as the white haired man, you noted, but still large nonetheless.  “Oh, him?” the bartender blurted, you turn to face him again, cursing yourself for being so obvious in your endeavors.  Wiping a cocktail shaker down with a towel, he ducks his head, studying the remaining water droplets. You stare daggers at the bartender for interrupting your train of thought, before cursing yourself for being so mean.  “He’s a regular, gets drunk quite frequently, and he’s Prince Charming to the ladies.”  Rubbing the back of your head, you stare back at the bartender. Unsure what to make of his approach on conversation.  Reconsidering like the good person you are, you thought about how annoyed the guy got talking to a bunch of drunk college kids. He seemed like he had good intentions, and talking to someone that was sober was sure to be refreshing.  “Yeah, I can tell, the guy has a lot of girls around him. He looks really... Lively. To put it simply.”  The bartender laughed, relaxing himself as soon as he heard the friendly words leave your lips. He finished wiping down the cocktail shaker and proceeded to the neatly stacked cups which had just been washed.  “No, the guy’s just friendly. Real hit with the ladies, especially his.. Uh, physical attributes. See his friend over there? Lil bit more modest, he started coming here recently. Don’t let that good natured face fool you though, they’re both the same..”  You rolled your eyes, Typical. Taking the last few gulps of your water before you slammed it back down. The bartender took the cup, refilling it hastily and giving it back to you.  You heard several girls giggling, and you glanced back in the direction of the men. The long, raven haired man had his arms wrapped around dozen or more girls, swarming him as if he was a celebrity.  The bartender was right, he looked so bored when you had studied the two, but here he was now with the same army of girls heeding his every call.  That left the white haired man alone.  Shaking his head with a small chortle, he took another swig out of his drink before looking down at the empty glass, he stood up, and by God were those legs long, before walking to the empty stool next to you.  “Yo. Bartender. Refill?”  The bartender set down the cup he was scrubbing down, rummaging his hands through various shelfs, filled with various drinks and add-ons, before taking the mysterious man’s glass.  Curious, you take a small peek at the man, almost jumping back when he was staring unflinching at you, too. Taking this as an invitation to gape at such an incredibly well-fit body. Your eyes stare up at what you could; starting with his collarbones.  Paired deliciously with a simple gold chain, you had to admit, it was a good touch. The simplicity of the chain was enough for you to gape dumbly at anything else that was interesting, and was left dumbfounded by the sheer hotness of... Well, him, and those incredibly prominent collarbones.  You look downwards, and he’s wearing a black, simple t-shirt. Not a wrinkle, nor specks of lint in sight.  Well toned arms, and incredibly strong looking ones at that rested idly against his sides. An expensive watch glinted in the light.  He hadn’t quite said anything yet, so you look down even more without hesitation. Almost like you couldn’t control yourself.   Tucking his shirt in neatly was his belt, you could easily tell it was a high-end brand. Casual, wide flared black jeans, the guy really loved black you noted. The accessories made up for it though, various chains were lazily thrown in, and it made the outfit so much more hotter, especially on him.  “My eyes are up here, girly.”  Feeling your cheeks become full to the brim with warmth, your hands fumble about, words formulating at the tip of your tongue to apologize profusely, you look up.  Circular black shades concealed the white haired man’s eyes, and your heart pounds more. Something about him was so intriguing.  About to blurt out nonsense about actually being very interested at a wall, he held his palm up, a large toothy grin gracing his features.  “It’s okay, I’m into hot chicks ogling me. Especially hot chicks with cute outfits.”  Everything on your mind was suddenly wiped clean, you open your mouth before closing, unsure about what to say.  He thought you were hot?   He thought your outfit was cute?  He laughs, and you snap out of your daze. Muttering a quick thanks when the bartender handed his rather sugary exotic drink to him.  “Saw you looking at me earlier, sweetcheeks.” he hums before tipping the glassware near his glossy lips, sipping the drink, looking down at you as he did.  “No, I think you saw wrong... Are you blind?” you asked, still recovering from the compliments you hadn’t ever received in your life prior to this strange encounter. Desperate to get out of the advancingly awkward conversation, you had never been placed in such a weird setting.  He snorts, taking another deep sip of his drink.  “Nah. People think that, though. People think I’m... Old, for some reason?”  “Hm, I wonder why.” replying sarcastically, you felt yourself jolt up, a mix of uneasiness and excitement bubbling up inside of you. By your experience and tips from your friends, these type of guys seemed to like sassy, teasing girls.  Whipping out your phone from your bag, you try to appear casual, even though your excitement was starting to die down by his silence, turning into dread.  Whistling, trying to look like you didn’t have a care in the world, you physically wince as you realize how stupid you potentially look. Wondering what your friends would say about such an attractive guy seemingly hitting on you, then again, they didn’t seem to really care.  No new notifications, and no familiar faces running up to you with open, friendly arms.  He chuckles again. “I like your style, missy. You come here alone? That’s a shame, pretty girls like you deserve to have someone to come with.”  You look down, struggling to contain the growing smile. Doing a small little victory dance in your head as you realize that he had literally stated that he liked your style.   “I did come with someone, my friends.”  “Where’s your friends?” he inquired.  “Partying at the dance floor, flirting with guys probably.” you nonchalantly reply, struggling to hold your tone, but even then it wavered. You didn’t get hit on often, and when you did they were there to help you.  “That makes two of us, my friend Geto pulled all my chicks, and my pussy for tonight.”  He said it so nonchalantly, you almost spat out your water.  “What are you here for? Some good dick?” he shifted his arm to rest against the table, his hand against his head, lazily looking at you.  You study his figure once more, ignoring his previous question. He looked like he came straight out of a magazine, or a movie. Broad, yet strong looking shoulders.  He looked straight up fake.  He towered over you, and you estimated that he was over 6 foot. His hair seemed soft, and manageable, and so, so fun to play with. A Deep, yet playful voice that would probably make everyone within a 6 mile radius instantly melt.  “Hm, cute. I like straight-forward girls.” he poked fun at you, grinning carelessly.  “I’m not being straightforward in any shape or form, what do you mean?” you flutter your eyelashes innocently at him, knowing damn well what he meant.  “You’re fucking studying me like a textbook before finals.”  “You still haven’t told me your name!” you shot back without thinking, you didn’t want to be caught doing something so scandalous. He winked, you took this as a sign of him following suit.  “That’s what makes it fun, baby.”  “Here, lets trade.”   You had decided that you really liked his style, after letting you off the hook so easily like that. He was shrouded in a cloak of mystery, and you found it hot. That, or maybe he wanted to just fuck around and have one night-stands, which wasn’t your style at all, but you still wanted to see where this would go.  “Tell me your name, and I’ll tell you mine. Fair right?”  He stroked his chin with his unoccupied arm, contorting his face and making you giggle a little, even though it wasn’t very funny. With him, you felt like you could strangely be yourself.  “Hmmmmm....” stroking his chin more, he began to pick up and sip his beverage as if it was a tea cup, holding opposite ends of each other and deeply drinking. He set the cup down.  “Nope.”  Exasperated, you slam your cup down.  “That aside, let’s get back to the point!,” he leaned closer into you, smiling a little as you jumped back. Your confidence when you talked with him had dissolved into thin air.  “You’re really cute.”  Frozen in place, you gawk back at him.    He was straightforward, no doubt it, but you didn’t think he was this straightforward. Most men you knew played a game of cat and mouse, only if you caught them you were rewarded.  Opening and closing your mouth, no sound came out. He snorts, taking another sip and waving the bartender to come back, who was now washing cups awkwardly on the other side of the bar.   You almost pitied the bartender, the guy had ordered so many refills at this point, you wouldn’t be dumb to assume he was either a raging alcoholic or another dumb college kid.  “Refill, again.”   The bartender nodded solemnly in reply, swiftly taking the cup. You realize how overworked the poor guy was, wondering how many refills the mysterious white haired man had gotten before you had even step foot in the vicinity.  “I’d love to take you to the bedroom, baby.” he nods as the bartender returns, sipping and looking back down at you.   You bolted upwards, cursing as you realize you’re slouching, not very attractive. The straightforwardness from him was, though. No doubt it, but you were really not looking to break your heart over a fuckboy.  “Uh, um.”  He tips your chin upward, and your heart leaps out of your throat. There was something so undeniably attractive about this act, maybe it was the way he knew how to make you into pudding, or maybe it was the aura of dominance.   Haughtiness literally radiated off of him, as if he knew he could pull a girl in under 1 minute. Well, then again, he probably did know.  Fuck, what were you thinking, this was a complete stranger that could probably pull chicks more attractive then you, times 100.  “Aw, shy? Cute. Don’t worry, you’re intriguing, and if you’re bad at sex, not to worry. I’ll do it all, and I’m good. Maybe give you a few lessons here and there.” he chirped, tilting his head, curiosity evident.   “But, it’s all up to you, sugar. I’m not trying to force you into this.” the man added.   He did seem hot, and this was really a one-in-a-million chance. No one had really looked at you that way at the level of attractiveness that he had. You didn’t want to regret anything, and getting out of your shell was good right?   What could go wrong?   “...I wouldn’t mind.”   A crooked smirk spread across his face.   “I’ll call an Uber.”
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idontlikeem · 3 years
okay, so i'm still working through the fic trope mashups; i saved all of them as screenshots in a google doc so i could write them and then just paste them into tumblr, and the weirdest thing happened—one of the asks completely disappeared? so...
Tumblr media
you can find the fic tropes mashup game here!
sorry, anon, i don't know why your ask disappeared; i'm so glad i got the screenshot though, because i was really looking forward to this one!
Zhenya’s just settled in with his coffee, tucked away in the corner of the bakery and out of the view of the general public, when the chair across from him slides out and someone sits down.
Zhenya sighs and puts his book back on the table, looking up with a fake smile already plastered on his face. He loves the fans here in Pittsburgh, really he does, and normally he’s happy to pose for pictures and sign things and even talk hockey strategy with a few of the more informed fans, but...when he’s sitting in the most isolated corner of a room, with a book and his hat pulled down low, that’s normally a signal for even the most go-getter Penguins diehard that he wants to be left alone.
And most fans don’t usually just sit down at his table, sheesh.
He opens his mouth, but the man—the handsome man, Zhenya notes abstractly—leans over the table and rests his hands on top of Zhenya’s. “I’m very sorry to do this,” he says softly, looking up at Zhenya through his lashes. “I don’t mean to take up your time, and I’ll be out of your hair shortly; I just need to use you as a distraction. In a minute, someone’s going to come in looking for me, but they won’t be looking for someone who’s out on a date.” He puts a coy smile on his face and tilts his head.
Zhenya pulls his hands free. “If you want...hide, you know, in public, sitting with me, big mistake,” he says curtly, looking around them warily. He can’t be seen holding hands with a man in public. He’s spent years keeping that part of his life hidden, and he’s not about to ruin it now because some random person with a super-sketchy story is in some sort of trouble.
The man frowns, staring at him. His lips are very, very pink. “What—” Zhenya can see when the penny drops. “Oh, Christ, I am so sorry, you’re—” He’s getting flustered, Zhenya notes, watching as the man’s cheeks flush. It’s a very pretty sight; if he’d met this man in one of the discreet bars he goes to when he can get away, there’s no doubt he’d have him in a corner already, maybe even spread out in his bed.
Zhenya leans back in his chair and picks up his latte, taking a sip. “Sorry for wreck plan, you know, but—”
The man’s back straightens, and the shop’s door opens. Three uniformed police officers spill in; one’s holding a walkie-talkie, and the other two are alert, hands on the guns at their hips. They scan the shop, and one of them does a double-take when he sees Zhenya, but when Zhenya makes eye contact and lifts an eyebrow, he looks away hastily. They leave soon after.
“Wow,” the man says. Zhenya glances at him; he’d been watching the police in the reflection on the window, but now he’s staring straight at Zhenya again. “That actually worked better than I thought. They didn’t even come over here, they were too embarrassed at getting caught ogling.”
Zhenya can’t help the chuckle that escapes him. “That not ogle,” he says—Kris taught him that word, right after Zhenya took the C and started getting eyed up everywhere he went, even in places he’d been able to slip under the radar before. “Ogle is, you know—” He flounders, though, because ogling is what the man had been doing to him before, even though it had been for show.
The man smiles slowly. He’s got sharp canines, and his grin is lopsided and predatory. Something in his eyes...Zhenya feels pinned, all of a sudden, for all it’s clear this man is much shorter than him. “Oh, I know. You know, I’m a huge fan of yours, and I’d love to be able to repay you for helping me out just now—can I make you dinner?”
He doesn’t ask to take Zhenya out, which already makes him smarter than 70% of the men he’s hooked up with in America. And the way he’s looking—
Zhenya thinks briefly of the police officers, the tension they’d all carried, the way they kept their weapons close at hand, and shrugs to himself. He’s a professional hockey player. He gets in fights as part of his job. Whatever bullshit graffiti or whatever it was this man did, Zhenya can take care of himself. He extends his hand across the table. “Evgeni Malkin. Can call Geno, easier for mouth.” He lets his eyes drop to the man’s lips.
“Oh, I don’t need easy for that,” the man says, biting his lower lip in what can only be a purposeful provocation. “In fact, you could say I prefer it hard. You can call me Sidney.”
Even on days off, Zhenya can’t really sleep in any longer. He leaves Sidney snoring in his bed and shuffles down to the kitchen to start the coffee and put together something for breakfast.
He puts the television on for some background noise, already thinking of how he can entice Sidney to stay longer—he’s sore in a deep, pleasant way that he hasn’t had in a long time, and Sidney had said he’d let Zhenya come on his face if Zhenya wanted.
The news is droning on about a spate of recent murders, five over the last three days, all prominent local politicians, all names that Zhenya’s seen in the papers before, for their donations to charity and their civic spirit, and then their money-skimming and fraud and extramarital affairs. The police, the broadcast is saying, had a lead they’d been chasing down the day before, but they’d lost it, and are warning Pittsburgh residents to exercise caution when they’re out alone.
Zhenya doctors both mugs with cream and sugar and heads back up the stairs.
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
You’re gonna go far, kid [Punk! England x reader]
Synopsis: Ever since coming to England to study, you haven’t had the time to do what made you come in the first place--tourism! The only friend you have is an exchange student from Russia, Ivan, so why not kill two birds with one stone? He schedules a little playdate with Arthur, a local, so he can show you around the hottest spots in London. You two immediately hit it off. Ivan is quick to notice his interest in you, so he starts teasing the poor man and making things hard for him. Camden is the last destination, and there’s no saying when he’ll ever see you again. Will he be able to get over himself and ask you out before the night ends?  Note: Attractions are italicized and have a link to a picture. Wordcount: 4,641 The reader is referred to as she/her.
This was the day you had been dreading, and yet, looking forward to. The first part was easy to explain. Picking up your hot latte, you set it down after a quick sip. You didn’t even have time to enjoy it. Not when you were typing away at your keyboard like a speed demon. You promised your friend you would finish your assignment before today’s meet-up, but your procrastination habits were a bitch. Nevertheless, you were eager to uphold your side of the deal, even if it meant stressing your hair out to get it done. 
So long as he didn’t show up before you were done, right? 
After burning your tongue for the second time that morning, you let out a small groan at the sting you felt but gasped at what you saw outside the window. It was a sound made from genuine terror--rather than the quiet streets of London at seven AM, you spotted a man pressing his face right up to the glass. And he was staring at you, menacingly. 
Anybody would’ve been creeped out by the sight, but you knew the guy. “Aha--Ivan! Hey! Morning?” You began rather awkwardly. 
He waved in response, and his glower melted away in exchange for a childlike smile. “Dobroye utro, (F/N)! I hope that’s not your assignment you’re doing.” He hummed, placing two hands on the glass to peer at your screen from outside. Oh shit. Glancing briefly at said screen, you turned it away before clicking the upload button. 
“Of course not.” You grinned, shutting your laptop immediately after. “I was just... Surfing the net. Checking Instagram. You know?”
“Is that so? I’m gonna check.” He made his way inside. And in no time, he was looming over your shoulder to start browsing through your internet history. You, on the other hand, were sweating balls. 
“You’re so funny, (F/N). Who checks Instagram on their computer?”
It seemed like only yesterday he was the oblivious exchange student from Russia who had no concept of social media. He had been a country bumpkin through and through, but a few semesters after befriending you, your influence rubbed off on him. Even you had no idea what went through your head when decided to talk to him, the intimidating new kid who spoke broken English, but there was no turning back now. He was attached to you by the hip and picked up on your habits faster than you could deal. 
He only became more of a menace when he discovered Twitter.
A displeased expression contorted at his expression when he saw that there was no evidence of you ‘surfing the net’. Google Docs couldn’t possibly count, after all.  “... Hm... Apparently, not you. Why didn’t you finish this yesterday, sunflower? Remember our promise?” 
You sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. I passed out last night. But hey, I technically finished it before you came, didn’t I?” 
He craned his head from side to side in thought. “Maybe. But if you hadn’t, you know what that means.” Ivan coiled his arms around your neck and a sickeningly sweet smile curled up at his lips. 
“You will come with me to Moscow for Christmas!” 
A chill ran down your spine at the thought. Going to Russia was bad enough. But during Winter? You were never good with the cold. If you could barely handle London, Moscow was out of the question. “Oh God, please no.” He nodded giddily. “I’m never going to Russia. Maybe I’d consider it during Summer, but--anyway, that’s not the point here! I didn’t break any promises so I won’t be turning into a popsicle this year. Got that?” 
He pouted. “Aw...” 
“You damn sadist.” 
“I wonder how you even became friends with him. Arthur, was it? Poor dude.” You mumbled, but he didn’t look all too offended. 
He tapped his chin and hummed. “Now that you mention it.” Then, he let out a short laugh. “It’s a long story. Let’s just say it was a happy little accident.”
“But don’t worry! I don’t plan on bothering you as much as him today.” Ivan clarified, earning a slow nod from you. Phew. The clock was inching closer to eight and you weren’t much of a morning person, so hearing that was like music to your ears. “That’s why I wanted you to finish your work yesterday. I want him to be the only one making mistakes! It’s interesting to see him mess up and get embarrassed.” 
You had to wonder if he was using ‘interesting’ as a synonym for fun because he was clapping. “... Ivan, you really are a sadist.” 
The two of you stayed in that café for another hour or so, ordering some breakfast during your stay. Once the table was cleared and the bill was paid, you and he caught a bus to the London eye. You could marvel at the iconic ferris wheel for a few minutes as you walked up to the London aquarium next to it, your first stop. The building was huge to start with, and it didn’t look like they’d be storing fish in there considering how fancy it was. But wasn’t everything in England fancy? 
“He should be waiting in the front. Look for a short grouchy man with a bad taste in fashion.” You shot him a weird look, beckoning him to elaborate. 
“... And blonde hair.”
“Alright. I guess I’ll try my best.” Glancing around the sea of people filled with tourists, couples, and families, you skimmed the crowd for someone who fitted the description--but to no avail. It was only when they walked up to you both did you find the guy. He had short and choppy blonde hair that framed a heart-shaped face, and under his fringe was a pair of lime green eyes staring on with a neutral expression. And did Ivan say he had bad taste?
You couldn’t agree. Yes, his charcoal pants were ripped and he had a bandana tied around his neck with a Union Jack on it. But he still had a kind of style you liked. Under his black leather jacket was a gray shirt, and combined with the piercings in his right ear, you couldn’t help admiring him for a second. 
“Arthur! I was wondering if you were trampled because we couldn’t find you.” Ivan began, causing the said man to furrow his brows. And boy, were they thick. 
“You just arrived, so don’t start now you twat.” He grumbled. Ivan never teased you for your height, even when you were a little shorter than the Brit. He always found it cute, but you figured it was only because you didn’t care. The Russian always found amusement in poking fun at others, after all. “Anywho, I’m glad I won’t be spending the whole day alone with you.” 
Turning to you with a soft smile this time, he held out a hand for you to shake. “Kirkland. Arthur Kirkland.” 
You shook it, but not without a laugh. It hadn’t even been a minute since meeting him, and his personality seemed to clash violently with his appearance. He sounded so prim and proper, but his outfit screamed punk rock. 
“(L/N). (F/N) (L/N).” 
He released you from his grip. Placing his hands on his hips with an accusing stare, he felt a grin upturn his lips. “Are you copying me, (F/N)?” 
“I don’t know. Do all British people introduce themselves like James Bond?” 
Arthur clicked his tongue. “... Not all of them. Just a force of habit.” 
“Mhm. Right, right. Well, it’s nice to meet you, Arthur. I’m a student here too and I could only imagine how busy it gets for you--so thanks for coming out today!” He didn’t respond to those comments and simply nodded. 
Ivan stayed quiet in the back, but he was probably reading the atmosphere like he always did when he didn’t speak. 
“It’s nice to meet you too.” The blonde turned on his heel and closed his eyes. “As much as I’d like to stay out here and chat, we can do that in the aquarium. Wouldn’t wanna waste our tickets, do we?” 
While the group of three wandered slowly through the establishment, Ivan lingered in the background while you walked in the front with the Brit. For the first ten minutes, you’d look at him expectantly, gesturing for him to join in the conversation. As the mutual, wasn’t he supposed to be the icebreaker? He’d shake his head every time, offering you a smile as if to say, go and make some friends. But soon, this brief spell of irritation morphed into gratitude.
“I’ve been here probably a hundred times, so don’t take it personally when I don’t seem as excited as you.” Turning to him to watch his face as he spoke--which was filtered through a bluish tinge from the Antarctic setting-- you only caught a brief glimpse of it before he turned away. Huh. Maybe it was just you not paying enough attention. 
Either way, what came out of your mouth next would surely grab his. 
“Don’t worry about it. But hey, this is the first time you’ve been here with me, so look alive, won’t you?” It happened to be a slip of the tongue, something bold and improvised, but luckily, he reacted fairly quickly before the regret set in.
“Oi, you better not be flirting with me already,” Arthur grumbled, feeling another smile come as he heard you chuckle. Since when was he this expressive? He pinned it on the fact that he was starting to have a little fun himself. 
“Couldn’t imagine it.” Before he could add anything else, you hopped in front of the penguins and started waving your friend over with great gusto. “Ivan, c’mere. Arthur, mind taking a photo of us?” Once he joined your side, the two of you held up peace signs for the Brit to snap a photo. 
“Ivan, change your pose. We can’t have both of you doing the same thing.” 
The said man moved his peace sign to the back of your head so he could stick two fingers over it. “Is that better?”
“... Better.” Trailing his emerald eyes to you, he felt his cheeks heat up a touch at the sight of you grinning ear to ear. What the fuck, Arthur. Just take the damn photo. And that was exactly what he did, showing you both right after. Whatever just happened, he boiled it down to him idealizing a stranger. That was right. He had yet to get to know you, so his perception of you couldn’t be any better at this stage. 
But there was one thing he couldn’t deny.
“Damn, I look really ugly in this. You two better not post this anywhere.” You settled a hand over the screen to lower it with a nervous laugh. Then, you looked away, and what was that? You looked a little flustered. 
You were cute.
Hanging his head to look at the photo, he knitted his brows together. You? Ugly? He couldn’t imagine it. 
“... I bet I could take an even uglier one of you.”
Spinning back to him, you folded your arms. “What did you say?” 
“Nothing.” He shook his head slowly, and the amusement in his voice made it blatantly obvious he was lying. 
“That’s what I thought.” 
Walking off at that, Ivan followed. Because he was behind him, he could brush his shoulders against his. Arthur looked up at that, but almost wished he didn’t. Ivan was smiling down at him so shrewdly, it was threatening. Then, he raised a hand to his mouth so he could laugh softly. “Huhu. You like (F/N)~” 
His eyes flew open and blood rushed up to his face. “What the hell gave you that impression? I literally just met them!” As adamant as he sounded, he knew deep inside he liked you, but only platonically. Your personality was refreshing, and talking to you was as easy as breathing. Even if it wasn’t platonic attraction, he was endlessly frustrated the other figured it out earlier than he could. 
Whatever it was, he was certainly more sociable than usual, even to the point of being a tease. And not to mention the rosy cheeks. Maybe he should’ve just kept his trap shut--otherwise, his huge outburst let Ivan milk the obvious. Fuck. He even started to giggle like a schoolchild. 
Giving him a rough shove, he muttered a string of curses under his breath.  “I bloody hate your arse, you know that?” He hissed, his face now redder than a tomato. God, why he did have to be born so pale? Every slight change to his complexion was jarring, and it was embarrassing. 
“Don’t hate me because I’m right,” Ivan hummed, joining his side as your back came into view. “Once you realize, it’ll be too late. I’m not letting you have (F/N). I will always be (F/N)’s number one.” Lighting up at that, he skipped off to you in the front. “Wait for me, sunflower! Don’t leave me alone with Arthur!”
Arthur stopped in his tracks and clenched his fists. How annoying. If he was going to continue being a little tyke, then he figured he’d up his game as well. He didn’t know what that exactly entailed yet, but he’d do it. Ivan didn’t even sound like he wanted anything more than friendship, so what was with that? Pointing a finger at him as he walked off with you, his face scrunched up. 
“What did you even call me out for then, you idiot? I’m supposed to be guiding you both!” Picking up his pace at that, he slotted himself between you and him. Flashing you a brief smile, he gave Ivan another push without breaking eye contact. “It’s a tight fit for three, so he’ll stay in the back.” 
“Hey, no fair!” 
By the time the whole aquarium was toured, you and Arthur were laughing to yourselves while leaving through the exit. 
But the joyful atmosphere was short-lived. 
The Ferris wheel just outside was the next stop, and the Brit offered to splurge a little to have a carriage without strangers. That way, you could run around as much as you wanted, even if that meant leaving the two men to sit in their lonesome. While Ivan was sitting on the bench in the centre out of his own volition, the same couldn’t be said for him. 
Sitting back to back to the other, he pressed his legs firmly together and leaned over in a hunch. Then, he dug his hands through his hair, all while keeping his round eyes fixated on the ground. His heart couldn’t stop pounding, and his head was spinning like a carousel. What was he thinking, taking you here? That was right. This was an iconic destination you couldn’t miss, that was why. He was initially planning on staying back there on the ground, but you were so excited, he couldn’t help but hop on with you. 
Fuck. Maybe Ivan was right about him. But he wouldn’t let him know it. Speaking of the guy, he didn’t know if he was sitting there by choice, or just rubbing it in. While he was incapacitated by fear so he couldn’t even stand, he was sitting there because he wanted to. 
“You should’ve stayed on the ground if this was going to happen.” 
Arthur screwed his eyes shut and tightened his arms around his stomach. “... Shut up.” 
“I was just saying.” Ivan murmured, looking at him over his shoulder. Poor guy. He really was down bad, wasn’t he? Down bad for you, that was. Too bad Arthur was hoping he wasn’t convinced--but it was too obvious. So all Ivan wanted was to prove his point, and later on, keep you away from him. But maybe he’d save it until after the ride was over. “... This ride is thirty minutes long. You’ll live.” 
He heard the other groan. “Thirty minutes? How long has it been?” 
“Mm... Ten.” 
“Fuck me.” 
Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be long before you would pull away from the railing and return to the company of the two. Arthur had been praying that somehow, you’d leave him alone sitting there, pathetically, but he couldn’t expect something so cold from you. So while he hung his head, he wasn’t surprised to feel your hand on his shoulder. 
“Hey, you okay?” He heard you ask, but he never looked up. 
“... Yeah. Just give me a minute.” 
“I have. Ten, actually.” Taking a seat beside him, you leaned down to peer at his face, which was a few shades paler than normal. He didn’t even have the energy to respond, and kept his eyes fixed to the ground. Concern immediately contorted at your features, especially when he looked so shaken. “Arthur, you look a little sick. What’s wrong? Can you talk?” 
He shook his head slowly before managing a weak smile at you. “Sorry, love.” It didn’t even faze him he just called you that. He was far too uncomfortable to feel the embarrassment from a nickname he should’ve saved until a little later. 
“I’m not... Too good with heights. Never have been... I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.” His voice was slow and faint, and you were beginning to suspect he was having a panic attack. “... Sorry if I seem a little lame.” 
“No, of course not.” You frowned. “Things like this happen. Just breathe with me, okay? You can do it. Just count to ten.” 
Arthur took a deep inhale. “... Okay.” 
Around ten minutes later of these exchanges, he calmed down some, especially when you kept on reminding him that the carriage was finally descending. Once the ride was over, you had to help him up and walk him out. Now that he had his two feet planted firmly on the ground, it didn’t take long for him to recover. Even then, you remained rather cautious and stuck with him on your journey to Soho. By the time everyone took their seats in Circolo Popolare, a beautiful Italian restaurant Arthur so kindly booked, you were still looking out for him.
Leaning over to rest your head on the table, you glanced up at his face with a soft smile. “... You okay now?” 
A light blush dusted his cheeks and he nodded. You didn’t need to be this observant with him considering he was well now, but he loved your attentiveness. It wasn’t something he was used to. “Yeah, I’m fine now. Thank you. Now quit worrying about me, alright?” Rubbing the nape of his neck at that, you couldn’t help lingering on his body language for a moment.
It didn’t matter what he dressed like, or what his personality was. He could be endearing when it came to it, and a total softie too. And the thought made you smile even wider. If he thought you were cute, then you thought he was adorable. “Fine. I’ll leave you alone.” You slowly turned to Ivan, the action making Arthur tense up a little. 
Reaching out to your hand, he took it. “I didn’t mean it like that.” 
The feeling of his warm fingers around yours made your heart skip a beat. Did he just? Your thoughts manifested into your look of shock, and you darted your eyes over his neutral expression to try and decipher it. Before you could come up with anything, there was a phone in your face, followed by a flash. 
He turned the screen to you to reveal a photo of you, and in your opinion, it was the least flattering picture anybody had ever taken of you. “I said I’d take an uglier photo of you, didn’t I?” Arthur grinned, the words acting like a cold splash of water to bring you back to reality. 
“... You sneaky little shit.” You growled. “Delete that right now!” 
“How about no?” 
“I’ll never forgive you for this, Arthur.” 
“I think you already have, love. You’re smiling right now.” 
You stared at him wordlessly for a few seconds. Then, out of nowhere, you reached out to snatch his phone right out of his hands. Tapping furiously on the screen to get rid of it, you heard his chair scrape back violently as he tried to retrieve it. “Why, you--” 
But it was too late. Gone forever. Lost in the abyss of cyberspace. And so, he immediately channelled his frustration by jabbing his fingers into your sides. “If I can’t have that photo of you, at least let me do this!” You burst into a fit of laughter so loud, nearby patrons turned their heads. Only then did he pull away, leaving you to recover through breathless wheezing. 
“Fuck you, Arthur.” You whispered, but it was on an affectionate note more than anything. As you glowered at him from your seat, you never noticed Ivan doing the same thing, but he was glaring at the Brit for an entirely different reason. Arthur had to be the most self-aware person out there, and to make a scene in a restaurant like this? He really fell for you, didn’t he? 
When he realized Ivan’s scorching gaze burning into him, he froze. 
Not just out of how intimidated he was, but the epiphany that he was right all along. Why else was he acting so out of character? The only explanation was this--in the short time of being with you, he may or may not have developed a little crush. But that was no problem, right? 
All he needed to do was to ask you out. 
But that would prove a task easier said than done, especially when Ivan decided to attach himself to you by the hip after that stunt. That cunning bastard knew what he was doing. After a little window shopping around Bond street and Mayfair, he stuck to you like a tattoo, and kept it up until night fell. While the group walked around Camden, Ivan kept you by his side with a firm grip on your hand. 
When you asked why he was suddenly so clingy, he simply justified it with, “It’s dangerous for small people like you to wander around at night!” 
But Arthur called bullshit. Especially when the other went ahead and smirked at him right after saying it. Maybe he liked you too, but was refusing to admit it. How hypocritical. If not, then he probably didn’t want you making friends when you were the only friend he had. Whatever it was, he wasn’t about to back down so easily. Camden may be the last destination for the night, and perhaps, the last time he’d see you again for God knows how long, but it was his trump card.
If this didn’t sweep you off your feet enough to get you to pull away from Ivan, nothing would. 
As a town famous for its thriving nightlife and punk culture, it encompassed everything he was passionate about, and he’d give anything to show it to you. So he included a visit to the bar here on the agenda today, one that hosted live music. While you and Ivan got comfortable in your seats, Arthur never made a move to sit down. 
It was already dim inside, so you never noticed him leave. The next time you saw him, it was a few minutes later when he was on stage with a few other musicians. Leaning forward with surprise, you watched him strap on a bright red electric guitar. Walking up to the microphone, he adjusted that. No way. 
You were still trying to process him being a professional performer, but a lead singer as well? 
The second he strummed the strings to start a guitar riff, he opened his mouth to start singing.
Play this while you read
Show me how to lie, you're getting better all the time
And turning all against the one is an art that's hard to teach
His fingers never stopped moving as he belted out note after note. His voice was so different to how he talked, you had to do a double take. He sounded a little more rasp, a little more punk. To say you were impressed was an understatement. 
Now dance, fucker, dance, man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew it was really only you
While he jammed out on stage, he was electric. The energy in the bar exploded, and he had everyone singing along. You could almost see the confidence in him shoot up from the excitable crowd, because he was smirking. 
Nice work, you did. 
You’re gonna go far, kid! 
Turning his head to you as he sung that line, you raised a hand to your mouth. Whether he did that on purpose or not was a mystery. But no words could describe how attractive it was. Hell, it even made you mind blank for a few moments. This was Arthur? He was like an entirely different person! Needless to say, you were completely star struck. 
You couldn’t even make out what Ivan was telling you when the music was blaring in your ears. But you didn’t care. Arthur had you caught in a trance with his voice and guitar all until the end. When the song finally ended, the band bowed graciously and threw up hand signs as the audience erupted in applause and cheers. 
When he stepped off the stage, you didn’t hesitate to run up to him. There, you practically pounced on him for a tight embrace. “Oh my god, you were amazing! I didn’t know you could play so well! And sing, too! Why didn’t you tell me!?” You exasperated, pulling away to be met with his dazzling smile. It was the first time you’ve seen him so energetic, as if performing sparked a fire inside him that burned with youthful intensity. 
“I was dying to show you all day. I wanted it to be a surprise, and I had to save the best til’ last, didn’t I?” He grinned, feeling his heart swell up with warmth as he watched you light up. 
“Well, good on you! I loved it!” Squeezing him again, you felt his chest shake under his laughs. When you pulled away, you reached up to cup his face. But it felt so natural in the spur of the moment, even he didn’t seem to care. 
“Thanks again for today, Arthur. I really appreciate you taking us out today. You completely blew me away.”
The way how you phrased it reminded him of why he was here in the first place. That was right. He still had to ask you out. And with Ivan watching on from afar, this was his chance. The thought reddened his cheeks, but while you had his face in your hands, he couldn’t feel more comfortable. “Is that so? If that’s the case, how about I take you out again?” His expression grew serious. “A proper date, I mean.” 
It was your turn to blush, but you managed a quick answer. 
“No need to look so serious, love. Of course I’ll go on a date with you.” 
He chuckled and leaned in to peck your lips. “Stealing my vocabulary now, are we?” 
“Stealing kisses now, are we?” 
Now a third wheel of the group, he breathed out a soft sigh and rested his cheek on his hand. “I guess my job here is done.” It didn’t really look like it, but he had been trying to play the wingman all along. Arthur was always one to go a little crazy when he wanted something, and only more so when he was desperate. So all he gave him was a little push in the right direction. 
Maybe he would thank him later, but for now, he’d leave you two be. 
This is a request. Thank you for requesting.
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sparkadream · 3 years
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This is not meant to rush replies, just merely serve for organization purposes/reminders about threads! 
Lemme know that everything looks good by hitting the ♥ or let me know if you would like to drop anything as well!
*Note: All threads listed as Waiting On are linked to the current reply in case it may have gotten lost! :3 Also, for the time being anything that was listed as ‘On Hold’ prior to this list have been dropped. However if you would like to pick it back up let me know, I’d be happy to talk to you about it!
Docs Version (Includes Twst Multi Threads)
Waiting On: 39
My Turn: 15
On Hold: 2
Dropping: 0
Questioning: 7
Starter Pending: 0
Wrapping Up: 0
Total: 63
@amorevoices​​ - 8
Visiting w/Lucifer & Charlie - On Hold
Mother to Son w/Zel & Arianna - On Hold
Where’d They Come From w/Jack & Octavia - Waiting On
Confronting a Broken Heart w/Marius & Cadence - Waiting On
Holiday Traditions w/Holly & Elsa - Waiting On
Commission w/Jack & Dr. Facilier - Waiting On
Grim Reaper? w/Death & Spectra - My Turn
Make ‘em Speechless w/Malleus & Faybelle - Waiting On
@burglarlotus​ - 2
Green Hair w/Tatiana & Gumi - Questioning
TBD w/Izayah & Vincent - Questioning
@curaidh​ - 2
An Old Friend w/Sophie & Cullen - Waiting On
Cold Day w/Miles & Gwen - Waiting On
@diiscordandstriife​ - 6
Picnic w/Fluttershy & Andy - Waiting On
Fate and Fay w/Mercy & Arlana - My Turn
Lost Doll w/Jack & Angie - Waiting On
Sunburn w/Veillios & Daniela - Waiting On
A Light Smack w/Jessica & Jonathan - My Turn
A Moment’s Respite w/Hestia & Zagreus - Waiting On
@deathxdefied​​​ - 1
Murderous Creature w/Jack & Angie - Waiting On
@derreisende​​​ - 1
Dance w/Chesh - Waiting On
@dreamsofahero​​ - 1
Comfort w/Sisora - My Turn
@elfaeba​​ - 1
Strange Shadow in the Sky w/Merlin - Questioning
@entornbed​​ - 1
TBD w/Aurel & Laith - Questioning
@galeslament​​ - 1
Fashion Opinion w/Diamond - My Turn
@iclaim​​ - 3
A Gift w/Tanjiro & Nezuko - Waiting On
Something Wrong? w/Veillios & Alex - Waiting On
Have We Meet? w/Veillios & Tsugumi - My Turn
@lcfttolose​ - 3
Sudden Stop w/Marius - Waiting On
Dying Fur w/Blue - Waiting On
Is It Safe? w/Zel - Waiting On
@merveiilles​​ - 3
Really Real w/Ariel & Su - My Turn
Fresh Pies w/Sisora & Snow White - My Turn
Holiday Cookies w/Luitger & Holly - Waiting On
@mozaikrolez​​​ - 1
School Halls w/Kat & Kokichi - Waiting On
@multiicolor​ - 2
Bringing Gifts w/Snow White & Grimhilde - Waiting On
By Firelight w/Zel & Eugene - Waiting On
@ofvcrpalandpcems​​ - 5
Wrong Turn Down the Rabbit Hole w/Nizsm - Waiting On
On the Run w/Veillios - Waiting On
Another Wrong Turn w/Nizsm - Waiting On
Happy Halloween w/Veillios - Waiting On
Here’s the Book w/Kimono - Waiting On
@pastelponyparade​​ - 1
Magic of Nature w/Wysteria & Bramble - Waiting On
@redemptioninterlude​​ - 2
Forest Wanderer w/Chesh & Alice - Waiting On
Ghosts of the Past w/Zakaria & Alice - My Turn
@shxrikenjxtsu​​ - 1
Tea and Knives w/Avery - Waiting On
@soulsxunbound​ - 7
Is It A Game? w/Chesh & Santa - My Turn
Queen’s Wrath w/Marius & G’raja Tia - My Turn
Sleepy Alleycat w/Dodger & Lycus - Waiting On
Favorite Part w/Zel & Ashe - Waiting On
Dark Forest w/Luitgar & Sorey - Waiting On
Unexpected w/Veillios & Riku - Waiting On
Encountering a Myth w/Cang Yan & Lycus - Waiting On
@strcngered​​ - 1
Taking a Break w/Avery & Trevor - My Turn
@suizokukans​ - 4
Penguin w/Jack & Julius - Questioning
Hunting w/Adam & Xaviera - Questioning
Caught in the Rain w/Dodger & Kiyoshi - Questioning
Little Favor w/Jack & Julius - Waiting On
@thercvenswritingdxsk​​ - 3
Set a Fire w/Adam & Angel Dust - Waiting On
Aftermath w/Zakaria & Lambert - Waiting On
Learning the Webs w/Miles & Peter - My Turn
@ultrahoped​​ - 1
Startled w/Chihiro & Geocide Jack - Waiting On
@worldsflipped​ - 2
Treasure Hunt w/Ariel & Amelia - My Turn
Unexpected Team Up w/Sango & Asukirimaru - My Turn
8 notes · View notes
theyneedtobangstahp · 4 years
Stray kids reaction to their girlfriend getting her wisdom tooth removed
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This may not be realistic because I haven’t experienced this but I tried my best so I hope you appreciate it ❤️ I also really had fun writing this :>
Genre: Fluff and crack
Requested by uwu anon ❤️
` C H A N ▪
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Chan would be there next to you. He knows how scared you were when you were told you needed to get your wisdom tooth removed. If he could, he would be holding your hand throughout the entire procedure, but he can’t. All he could do was sit at the reception, leg bouncing because of how nervous he was for you. After 30 minutes or more, he was called inside by the dentist. 
“She is still under medication so she might be a little loopy. Are you her boyfriend?” The dentist asks Chan. “Yes. Why do you ask?”
“Well this is the best time to record her because she might spout out nonsense.” The dentist says while chuckling a little. “will do doc.” Chan says while shaking hands with the doctor and thanking him. He walks into your room and sees your face stuffed with cotton. 
“Hi baby, are you feeling okay?” Chan asks sitting down next to you and holding your hand. 
“What baby?”
“I can’t feel my mouth... Do I still have a mouth?” You say panicking while touching your face with you free hand. 
“Yes, they’re there. If they weren’t how are you able to speak babe?” 
“Ohhhhh.... You’re right. Wait are you my boyfriend?” You ask.
“Yes baby I am. I’m also here to take us home so you can rest.”
“Woah, we live together?” You say, your eyes comically wide. Chan laughs at your reaction.
“Yes, for 2 years now actually.” He says while helping you stand up. 
“Wooahhhhhh..... That’s so cool. Like my parents approved? I didn’t have to run away or anything right? Like they know that I’m with you?” Chan laughs at your question. “Yes, they know. They are actually going to visit us today because you had your wisdom tooth removed.”
“Dang.. Thats so cool.” You say while staring off into space. Chan really wished he recorded you now.
` M I N H O ▪
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I see Minho as teasing you a lot when you got your wisdom tooth removed. But he would be sweet about it. He would talk to you a lot just so he could see your confused face every time he asks a question. 
“Babe, did you know that dogs live on until 10 to 13 years?” 
“What? But thats so short. I thought dogs lived forever? Like they grow old with us?” You say as you get teary eyed. “Oh no baby don’t cry.” He says while reaching over to the passenger side of the car. “Dogs live a short life, but they live a happy life! So no need to feel sad okay?”
“They do? Thats so cute though. Can we get a dog?” You ask him. “Oh, we’ll see about that baby. It’s cause we have cats at home, and you know some of them don’t get along so well.” He says. 
“Well, how long do cats live?” You ask him.
“Like 16 years at most?” Minho answers you. “How old are our cats?” Minho looks at you disappointedly. Almost offended that you forgot about the age of your cats. “Wow, how could you y/n, their own mother, not knowing how old they are.” 
“Wait no I remember now don’t worry.” 
“So how old are they?” 
“They are new borns. Easy. They have a whole 16 years or more with us!” Minho glances at you and sees your happy face and decides not to let you know that they are not in fact new borns. The drive home was silent. When you guys got home he let you rest on the sofa while he got a new set of clothes for you. While looking for a tshirt he heard you crying really loudly. He rushes down, concerned of what happened to you. When he sees you hugging all of the 3 cats with tears streaming down your face, he was confused. 
“Why are you crying y/n?”
“You lied to me! They aren’t new borns! They’re big and fluffy!” You say while hugging them more. 
` C H A N G B I N ▪
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With Changbin, I see him being really amused and really concerned. You weren’t talking nonsense after your wisdom teeth got removed, you were kinda sensitive after. 
“How was it pumpkin?” He asks while on the drive home. 
“It was great. They were talking to me a lot when they were doing it. I didn’t know how to answer though, there were a lot of things on my mouth.”
“Do you feel okay? Do you want anything?” 
“Can we get Mcdonalds? I really want to eat something right now.” You say.
“Okay we can. But you can only eat soft foods. Is ice cream okay?” 
You get teary eyed when he says that. “But, I want a burger and fries.” You say looking at him with a tear going down dramatically down your cheek. “Oh no, don’t cry pumpkin. We can order a burger in the next few days okay? You can have ice cream then I’ll cook you porridge when we get home.” 
You nod at what he says and wipe your tears. He orders ice cream and hands it to you. “What about you? Aren’t you going to eat?” 
“I’m good pumpkin. Enjoy your ice cream, okay?” He says and continues driving home. You look at him then at the ice cream. You take a scoop then put it near his mouth. 
“here, share with me please.” You say as you put the spoon closer to his mouth. “I’m okay baby. You eat it okay?” He says refusing your scoop of ice cream. 
You get teary eyed again. “Why don’t you want ice cream? Ice cream is the best.” Two tears roll down your face.”Okay, okay. If I eat the ice cream will you stop crying?” 
“Yes!” You say smiling at him and put the spoon near his mouth again. 
` H Y U N J I N ▪
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Hyunjin would be really caring towards you. Would also definitely tease and record you because you were just so cute. Like yeah you were kinda acting high, but he found it really cute because while you guys were in the car, you were touching everything like it was your first time seeing it. So when you guys got home he practically dragged you to the bedroom because you had the attention span of a goldfish today.
“Okay stay on the bed. I’ll go get you yoghurt or something because the dentist says you can only eat soft foods.” He stands up then leaves the room, he hears shuffling when he was going to close the door so he peeks inside. You were trying to remove the blanket from your legs, them getting tangled more because of how you were trying to remove them. He came in again. 
“What did I tell you y/n?” You stop what you were doing and sit up straight. 
“You told me you were going to get food.” 
“Before that.” 
“Oh. Uhm, Wait I know this.” You say thinking really hard. 
“I told you-” 
“No! Don’t tell me! It’s on the tip of my tongue. It, it was, to stay on the bed!” 
“Okay good and what were you doing?” 
“I was getting the blanket off me because it was hot.” You say while pouting at him. “I wasn’t getting off the bed. I promise!” You say while making a cross on your heart. 
“Okay I believe you. Now, I’ll get your yoghurt. Stay on the bed.” 
5 minutes later Hyunjin returns and sees an open purse and you putting lipstick on your cheeks. 
“y/n! I told you to stay put!” 
“You told me to stay on the bed! I’m still on the bed!”
` J I S U N G ▪
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Jisung would also tease you a lot. Almost like Minho. He was very curious to how you would react to all the nonsense he says and he would be very amused as to also how you answer with nonsense. He would also be the one to record you. Just so he could make fun of you after.
“You know when we came here I was really nervous.” You say to him.
“Yeah I know sweetie, you were holding my hand so tight while we were on the parking lot.” He says while pressing record on his phone.
“But then they started doing it. And, and I didn’t even feel anything! It was like I was just there , you know?” You say looking at him. “I think I fell asleep when they started. All I remember is seeing Shrek sat on that chair.” You point over to a table. “And then he was waving at me then when I blinked you were standing where he was!” 
He was laughing so hard now with what you were saying. Then it dawned on him.
“Wait, did you just indirectly say I looked like Shrek? I was the one sitting on the chair next to the table.” He says. 
“No, no. The one I saw was Shrek. Not you.” You pause then your eyes get wide. “Woah he’s back! Hi Shrek!” You say while waving and smiling at the door. Oh he was totally sending this to the boys and your parents when you got home. 
` F E L I X ▪
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Felix would be so cute :< Always tending to what you need or being concerned if something hurt. He would pay attention to you the whole time you were recovering. 
“What do you need y/n? Does it hurt a lot? Do you feel weird?” He continues asking you all of these things. And you are just there, staring at him. “Why are you looking at me like that? He asks, very confused. 
“Woah you have stars on your cheeks.” You say while poking his freckles. He chuckles at you and lets you poke all his freckles. “How.. How did these get here?” You ask while looking at his freckles in amazement.
“And you have the whole galaxy in your eyes babe. I could stare into them all day.” He says. You don’t mind what he says cause you were kinda high as kite right now. 
“Are you done babe?” 
“No, wait wait. I lost count. Don’t distract me.” You say and poke his freckles more. 
“How many freckles do you think are on my face y/n?” He asks while admiring how your eyes really do sparkle when you look at him. 
“I don’t know bro, maybe 5 at most.” He bursts into laughter when you said that.
` S E U N G M I N ▪
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Seungmin would be very patient with you. Unlike to the other members where they are almost always on thin ice. He would be very sweet and caring when you get your wisdom tooth removed. Even if you keep talking to him about anything even all the theories or nonsense you have to say, he will listen to everything. 
“Did you know that dogs understand some english?” You say to Seungmin. 
“Really? How is that?” He asks truly wanting to know your answer. 
“Well, I don’t really know. But can you just imagine, saying I love you to a dog and then it wags its tail so much because it knows you’re saying I love you to them?” 
“That’s so cute honey. What else do you know?” He asks hoping to keep the conversation going. 
“Well, did you know that most penguins only have one mate for life? They spend all their time together and if one dies the other one gets really depressed and doesn’t want to find another one to love?” 
“That’s really romantic and sad at the same time. We can just hope that the penguins that do find their mate live together until they die right?” Seungmin says to you. 
“Yeah. I hope they do. What was that one animal that finds the most perfect stone and gives it to their mate?” 
“You mean, a Penguin?” 
“Yeah! A Penguin! Speaking of Penguins, did you know that Penguins only have one mate for life?” You say to him again. Seungmin laughs at you, and yet replies.
“Really? Thats so sweet!” 
` J E O N G I N ▪
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Jeongin would actually not know what to do. Like yeah he would take care of you and make sure you were okay. But when it comes to you saying how you saw a horse just outside your room, he wouldn’t know how to react. He will just know that you need all the love and cuddles he can give. 
“What did you say?”
“There was a dinosaur by the window. It was like this big.” You say pointing at the pillow by your side. “It was kinda small. I’m kinda disappointed that it wasn’t as big as a T-rex. Look there are fishes on the floor!” 
He looks down and then looks back at you. 
“Fishes? Where?” He takes a step towards you and you scream at him. 
“No! Don’t move! You’ll step on them if you move!” Then not a second later your head falls back on the pillow.
“What did they inject you with? You’re saying stuff and seeing things that I can’t see. I’m getting really concerned.” He says while laying down next to you. He hugs you and he thought that you were fast asleep. 
“Innie, the fairy is talking to me. She says that you’re really cute and she wants to steal you away from me! You won’t leave me right?” You look at him with big eyes and pouty lips. You were really scared that the fairy was gonna steal him away from you.
“Well, tell the fairy that I’m taken by the most beautiful angel there is. Even though right now the angel has a bleeding mouth, she is still very beautiful.” He says and kisses your forehead. 
“You heard that? He says he’s taken, and I’m his!” you give him a questioning look. “You were saying that I’m the angel right?” 
“Yes Angel. That’s you.”     
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