#leviathan x m!reader
l3viat8an · 1 year
Soft Levi brainrot!!! again :))
Levi absolutely loves it when you fall asleep on him.
Doesn’t matter what position either!! You could be sitting side by side in his big beanbag chairs playing games until you fall asleep on his shoulder. or maybe in his bathtub bed with you basically on top of him snoozing away. or sitting in your room on the bed, laying with your head in his lap scrolling on your phone until you feel sleepy.
Levi loves any ‘n all of it!
After he’s sure you’re asleep he’ll play with your hair, brushing it back out of your face. maybe running his fingers over your cheeks and kissing anywhere he can reach!!!-
On your forehead, your cheeks, even little kisses on the tip of your nose. Always light, soft, touches that blend so perfectly into your sleepy mind as just part of another dream.
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anthracite-writes · 1 year
Obey Me! One-shot; Personal Maid Cafe Service
Leviathan x gn! reader || SFW || TW//CW: uses male termonalogy [ uses the term "Bulter" insted of maid and once use of the word "Handsome" but thats about it] - General Summary: Working your usual shift after school hours to earn a bit of grim on the side at one of the popular maid cafes in the Devildom, you are requested by one of the guest - not expecting who you would meet on the other side of the private room door.
NOTE // I want to shoot my shot at a one-shot fic so why not? Sorry in advance if the story seems choppy and doesn't flow correctly. It's my first time in a long time attempting at short fiction and writing in second person - this might be a one time thing for writing second person for one-shots. Let's just say I'm using this as a little exercise to ease myself back into writing these type of stuff. again, sorry in advance if this isn't a good one shot.
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You were in the middle of checking out a group of guests you were assigned to for the day, waiting for them to finish with their transaction at the counter, fidgeting with the sleeve of my uniform slightly as you started to zone out a bit - wondering what the brothers were up to back home. “Y/N, you got requested in private room 3B. It’s Party of one.” one of my co-workers said in a hushed tone, squeezing past you to grab a couple menus, “Well, not exactly requested by name - but they requested a ‘butler’ to serve them.”
“I’ll see to it then, thanks for the heads up.” You said softly as you heard the transaction go through. You flash a smile at the group of customers, handing them they’re recipe upon their request and wishing them on their way.
You step away from the counter and grab the menus and head to the hall lined with doors in the back of the cafe, straightening out the dress vest and fixing the tie of the butler uniform you had to wear in a subtle manner, occasionally greeting guests as they passed you. It wasn’t usual that a guest would request a butler as their server for their experience in this maid cafe, hence the lack of ‘butlers’ in this location. Or any other maid cafes for that matter. It was extremely rare for maid cafes in general to even have any other gender than female employees since more often than not these themed restaurants are more directed to the male demographic. It was extremely lucky you found this job listing on the bulletin in the House of Lamentation. And it did pay extremely well, which you was happy about as well, no longer needing to rely on the allowances Lord Diavolo gave you as the human exchange student at RAD.
I finally reach the room I was assigned to, closing my eyes and taking a breath as you hyped yourself up to entertain another guest. ‘okay… here we go again.’ You put your hand on the door knob, going in without even looking who you were serving though the fully glass door, just wanting to get this private room guest done and over with. Going into the room, you flash a smile at the guest. “Welcome home, masterrrr…” Your words dragged as eyes widen at the sight of the guest, the guest equally as surprised - hearing the Avatar of Envy start to stutter from his usual nervous habit.
“Y/N… I, um.. Er… H-hi…” Leviathan stuttered, his cheeks going red as he flustered up. Both of you were in the same boat, way too stunned to speak from surprise and shocked.
“Hi…” you’re voice trailed, closing the door and pulling the privacy curtain over it, “You can’t tell anyone I work here-”
“Please! You can’t tell my brothers, they won’t let me live it down!” Levi begged, cutting you off mid sentance before looking away from you as he fidgeted with the sleeve of his jacket you usually see him wear around the house when he’s out of his room.
The two of you stared at each other, awkwardness filling the air before you finally spoke, “Okay… I won’t say a word about you being here if you don’t tell anyone I work here."
Levi nodded feverishly in response, happily agreeing to those terms. You take a shaky breath and continue with your usual greeting, walking over to the table and putting down the menus.
“Welcome home Master. What can I start you off with for drinks?” you say, looking at him with a soft smile.
Leviathan’s cheeks became a darker shade of red as you spoke and only worsened when you smiled at him, “Please um… can you just call me by my name?” He requested, looking at you nervously.
“It’s kinda my job to call you 'master', Levi… you of all people should know that.” You say with a soft voice, trying to put the shut-in sitting in front of you at ease.
“I-I know that much, Y/N… it’s just…” Levi trailed off though, trying to find the words and trying to not mess this up, “It feels weird hearing you of all people saying that to me…” he averted his eyes from yours, focusing on the menu in front of him.
You couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh, “Well… I do remember you talking about how you want to have the full maid cafe experience one time, so allow me to help you with that experience. Again, it's part of my job. It’s kinda a requirement.” You reasoned with him, straightening out your uniform, fixing the gloves on your hands to make sure they were taut against the shape of your hand.
Levi bit his lip,  “F-fine… I guess it’s fine…” he mumbled, his tangerine orange eyes looking up at you, looking at your uniform then meeting your gaze. “Uh… I um…” He began to fidget, his eyes starting to avoid you and looking pass you.
“Levi, take your time. Don’t push yourself too hard. I’ll wait,” You say with a soft tone, folding your hands in front of you.
The demon nodded slightly as he took a breath, “Can I get water…? Please?” His voice trembled, looking up at you at the corner of his eye.
“Of course master, I’ll leave you alone with the menu and I’ll be back with your water.” You turn on your heels and walk to the door, looking over your shoulder as you take hold of the door handle, checking on the lavender haired male you were serving. He was looking down at the menu, occasionally looking up to see if you’ve left before averting his eyes back at the menu. You couldn’t help but just smile a bit, you can see he’s trying to push himself to be more social and you couldn’t help but feel for him, you take a breath before you exit the room.
“Um, Y/N…?” Leviathan chimed up, getting your attention, walking over to his side.
“What can I do for you, Master Leviathan?” You say, looking lean down slightly as you wait for his response.
Leviathan’s cheeks rosy up from how close you were to him, clearing his throat a bit before he spoke, looking up at you from where he sat, “I… uh… I just wanted to tell you that I uh… I think your uniform looks nice…” he said through stutters, “y-you look really handsome… I mean! I, uh…”
You felt your face heat up from his comment, letting out a soft chuckle from the flattery, “Thanks, I’m quite fond of the uniform myself.”
Levi cleared his throat again, “A-anyway, I figured out what I want to eat…” he said, showing you the menu and pointing at what he wanted, you can see that his hands were trembling from all the nerves he must be feeling. You simply responded with a nod, pulling out the pocket note pad and pen from your pant pocket, taking note of it. “I’ll be right bac-” “Y/N… can I make a request of you…” Leviathan cut you off, immediately getting flustered, “S-sorry! I didn’t mean to cut you off! I- um…”
“Leviathan… Master, it’s fine…” You say, looking at him with a soft expression, “You’re the one in charge here, remember?”
The demon gulped down hard and nodded, “R-right… well um… is… it possible if you can um… if you can stay here… with… with me?” he stuttered, his gaze averting away from you as he fidgeted the hem of his shirt.
“Of course master, I’ll just put in your order first if that’s okay. I won’t leave the room, I’ll do it remotely, okay?” You said with a smile, turning and walking away from him, making your way to the tablet on the wall next to the door, putting in his order as the room fell to complete silence - the sound of you tapping on the screen the only thing audible.
“Um… Y/N?” You hear the male behind you call out.
You let out a hum in response to let him know you heard him, “Yes? What is it, master?” you call back, sending the order off to the kitchen.
“Can… can you sit with me?” He requested, looking down at the table as his leg shook. You turned around, seeing how anxious he was. Without a word, you walk back to the table and pull out the seat across from the male, sitting straight up, hands folded in your lap. Levi looked up at you wide eyed as if he was a deer in the headlights, not expecting you to accept his request. “Are… you just doing this to make me happy…?” He mumbled, looking at you from the corner of his eye.
“No, I’m doing this out of my own free will. I don’t usually accept these kinds of requests when I’m on the open floor area of the café since it’s kinda against the rules. But in private rooms, those rules don’t apply but I still have the right to reject requests. Besides, I’ll happily sit with you. “Though, I do have something to ask you if you don’t mind.” You add.
Leviathan looked back at you, his eyes softening, finally relaxing his nerves after all this time, “S-sure… I don’t mind, what is it?”
“Why… Did you request a butler server? Were you aware I worked here?” You asked, seeing Levi immediately start to fluster up.
“No! It’s nothing like that, I knew you worked - I just had no idea you were working here!” He raised his hands in protest before sighing, putting his hands flat on the table’s “I-I was just curious is all… nothing else to it. I wasn’t expecting to see you in such a place… dress up like…”
“A butler?” You said through a chuckle. Leviathan lips curled slightly in a small smile as you finished his thought and nodded.
“Yeah, you can say that…” he said with a slight chuckle in his tone, “Is… it okay if I request something from you again, Y/N?”
“You don’t need to ask every time you want to give me an order, you know? You say though a chuckle. Leviathan’s cheeks turned red from your words, a slight pout on his lips.
“Well… Is it okay if I request that we share what I ordered?” The demon asked, looking away from you as his face deepened in colour.
“Like… you want to split your meal with me?”
Leviathan looked at you then looked away with a slow blink, “Yeah… I mean, there’s nothing to it! I… I just assumed you’re kinda hungry and dinner won’t be ready by the time you get off your shift.” He muttered under his breath, yet loud enough to hear his reasoning, “You can say no, I’d understand… why would you want to share food with a yucky otaku like me-”
“I’d be happy to take you up on your offer, Master Leviathan.” You say softly, cutting him off. He looked at you with pure shock, his orange hue eyes glistening with silent joy as he processed what you just said to him. After a while of silence he gulped, parting his lips as if to say something to you only to be shut down by your pager going off.
You step out into the busy streets of the Devildom, letting a sigh of exhaustion from finally getting off your shift, you sling your bag over your shoulders and turn in the direction to go back to the House of Lamentation, stopping in your tracks as you see the familiar otaku waiting outside the cafe, his back against the brick wall as he scrolled through his phone. “Levi?” You call out to him, getting his attention. A faint smile forming on his lips when his eyes meet yours.
“Hey, Y/N… you’re finally off the clock?” Levi says with a slight stutter, putting his phone away in his pocket and pushing his back off the wall and walk over to you, hands in his jacket pocket in an attempt to look cool.
“How… have you been waiting out here?” You said with a chuckle, seeing the shut-in’s pale skin slowly turn red at your question, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at the stone streets.
“I uh… don’t get the wrong idea, I was just passing by after visiting a couple shops to pre-order stuff and just window shop, ya know?” The lavender-haired male said through stutters, shoving his hand that he was rubbing against his neck into his pocket again. “I just… wanted to stop by, see if you were done with your shift and I um… I…” His eyes slowly drifted back to you, the small smile on your lips while you listened to him speak made his face heat up even more, and it didn’t help you were still in your work uniform - adding onto the cuteness factor to him. He takes a deep and shaky breath as he closes his eyes, trying to relax himself, “I… was wondering if you’d like me to walk back to the House of Lamentation… “But not in the cliche-normie ‘I want to walk home with you because I like you’ way… just for convenience sake! Since we’re both heading home now.” He added, eyes wide and cheeks red as he tried to reason.
“And what makes you think I want to go directly home?” you say in a teasing manner, Levi's posture stiffening up at your words at his face deepens with colour. Leviathan started to stammer and stumble over his words, unsure how to answer. You let out a soft chuckle, walking past him, nudging him playfully. “Come on, let’s head home.”
Levi’s eyes brightened and he swiftly joined your side without hesitation, keeping pace with your steps so the two of you were walking side by side. “It… it was nice to hang out with you after school. Just the two of us I mean, even if you were working…”
“I liked it too, it practically didn’t feel like I was working at all.” You said with a smile, continuing to look forward as the two of you walked down the streets leading back home from the shopping district of the Devildom. Little did you know, Leviathan was looking down at you from the corner of his eye, admiring how you looked in your uniform - reminding him of some animes and mangas he’s read, you looked almost like those characters to him.
“I… um… Maybe I can come by again, so we can spend more time together and all…” He suggested, scratching his neck out of habit when he felt anxious.
“Well, personally… I wouldn’t mind if we hung out after I finished my shifts and when I get days off.” You suggested in a casual manner, Levi taken back by your words.
“H-huh?! You would want to hang out with a boring shut-in like me?” He questioned you, looking at you in surprise with a hint of joy glimmering in his eyes.
You nodded in response, “I mean, yeah. I know that going out to a place like the maid cafe I work at is quite nerve racking with your social anxiety and all so… how about I suggest this. “I can let you experience a maid cafe in the comfort of your own room. I do know how to cook and make a couple things on the menu and I don’t mind wearing my uniform for you. That way we can spend time together and you can have the maid cafe experience whenever you want to. I’d be like… your personal butler in a way.” You looked up at the Avatar of Envy, awaiting his response. Levi’s face cheeks were dusted with pink as he thought, looking back at you with a slight smile.
“I.. I would really like that, Y/N. Thanks…” He said with a smile, “Well, as you are my ‘personal butler’, is it only to make a request…?”
You let out a soft chuckle as Levi immediately went with the idea, “Sure, go ahead.”
“Can… can I hold your hand while we walk home?” He said, his voice trembling before he shook his head, “forget I said anything, why would someone like you want to hold hands with an otaku like me? It was a dumb question, you don’t have-”
Without saying a word, you bushed the back of your hand against his before taking it gently in yours, gently lacing your fingers in the spaces between yours. You felt Leviathan stiffen up slightly then relax, his hand gently taking yours in return, a small smile forming upon his lips, knowing this was just the start for you two. The start of a friendship about to bloom.
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I really love you're writing💞
I would really like to ask a request(if you don't mind,I hope you don't,everyone's been ignoring me😭)Obey me brothers reacting to a Mileena Mc from Mortal Kombat.If you don't know Mileena than It's ok.
Obey me brothers reacting to a maneater or femme fatale Mc with her playful,blood thirsty and powerhungry personality.
I hope I didn't bother you.Have a nice day,Ty🥰
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Mileena Reader | Yandere Obey Me!
To say you're eccentric is an understatement. You brandish your sai(s) with ease, when you're not wearing the uniform your wearing your typical tight-fitting assassin attire. You often keep a mask on your face only ever revealing it when you feel your getting too attached:
“You scared of me, boys?”
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“I’m sure you’d like it if I was.”
He’s genuinely worried 
Not about his brothers about you
He sees you often put up this act of confidence gained by scaring others or tricking them
In the rare moments he sees you, the real you, he wants the moment to last forever
“(Y/n) I love you for you.”
“Even with a face like this?”
“Especially with a face like this.”
“You’re a fool, then I could eat you alive if I willed it.”
“I’d let you.”
“Pftt whatever.”
He knows you put up a front and he doesn’t mind
But he wants the real you
So he kind of backs you up even when your crossing lines left and right
“Ahhhh Lucifer that human transfer actually tried to cut me!”
“I see.”
“Are you going to do something!” 
“It means she likes you…don’t get too cozy though.”
“Oh, Maaaammmoooonn?”
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“I-I am not!”
He’s certainly not lying
But he is the first to go from running from you to shyly turning on his back for you
Scary and loving are closer than you’d think for the avatar of greed
He knows you play him like a fiddle
Changing your playful voice to something warmer when you cuddle into him
Before switching back to your playful side again
“Now come on Mammon don’t you want this amulet? It's worth what again?”
“I-its priceless! A-a fashion time-piece that is going to sell for thousands no millions.”
“Then. Come. And. Get. It.”
“B-but you p-put it in your–next to your–”
“Are you rejecting my offer?”
“No! I’m coming!”
He’s the puppy you love to chase around and pulling on his leash is a part of the fun
Even when you reveal your face he’s not as phased as you’d hope
“Eh, I’ve seen worse.”
Take that as you will but he’s fighting anyone with something to say
“Oi. Don’t you dare talk about my human! If you do it’ll cost you.”
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“Y-yes b-but will you do that voice of that character I like?”
Similar to Mammon you scare him and make him feel amazing
Somehow you show up in his room when he’s locked the door
Laying in his tub/bed when he goes to end the day
But he loves it more than he’d like to admit when you do step on him
Or tease him
You remind of a character from a battle game he plays
A Scarleena from Immortal Combat
“I’ve never heard of such a thing…are you enamored by her?”
“Well duh, I wouldn’t have bought her limited edition figurine model if I wasn’t.”
“Then do you like her more than me?”
“Uh-uh n-n-no. Y-your hands–ack–t-touching me!”
“Good. I was starting to think you would have hated me. Won’t you show me how much you care?”
“O-okay! Y-yes!”
He’s not as reliant on you as Mammon but he still relays how he feels about you when you play
“You look just like that character!”
“Sorry, b-but I still think you are pretty…for a real-life, anyway.”
“Ara ara and I thought you were only into 2-D?”
*blushing fiercely* “W-well I can make an exception…only cause it's you.”
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He’s intrigued by you
He’s not on the run from you but he certainly doesn’t understand you at first
You are his newest investigation
“So you're interested in knowing about me?”
“Yes. Any siblings?”
“Ugh yes, but I’d sooner kill her than see her again.”
“Well, we might have more in common than I originally thought.”
He’s right your help in his pranks against his brother is greatly appreciated
And he finds himself smitten when he sees you past your playful power-hungry actions
“(Y/n)...did you truly think I’d no longer be interested in you after seeing your face?”
“It’s not a bizarre thought, for you.”
“Then you must not know me well enough, dear.”
“Oh? Are you doubting that I know who I’m speaking to?”
“No. I’m doubting how thoroughly you investigated. Especially with a subject as willing as I.”
“Then don’t mind if I do.”
“Go ahead. I promise to be gentle.”
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“Oya? I’ll be really scared if you pin me now!” 
So dramatic it almost throws you off 
But on the best of days you both keep each other on your toes
“Promiscuous as always, Asmodeus?”
“You know it, darling! Now about showing me what’s under that mask…”
“Didn’t I tell you? I’d eat you if you saw.”
“But that’s exactly what I want!”
“I think there's been a misunderstanding.”
Now unlike the others who either don’t care or don’t mind Asmodeus does
“Oh…oh…my that is awfully….gnarly.”
“See. Now that you’ve seen I will–”
“Now hold on, don’t misunderstand you will always be pretty because it's you….but we need to figure out how kissing is going to work…hmm.”
“I see no reason to discuss something so pointless.”
“Nonsense, it should probably be fine if we stole the pair from that one model…it’d be convenient for the upcoming make-up launch.”
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*Munch Munch* “Huh? Did you say something?’
The answer is no
You can threaten him all you like or try to seduce him but he’s not budging 
“You’d do best not to hold me if you don’t want to have a chunk eaten off of you!”
“If that's what it takes to make you eat then so be it.”
“Stubborn, I’ll tolerate it if you can defeat me.”
“You want to fight? Fine but you have to eat first it's not healthy to do lots of exerting yourself without eating.”
“Grrrrr I’ll gut you for your incompetence!”
*Shifts to demon form* “If you're going to refuse me I will use force.”
You two don’t really get on the same level on your own 
Someone (Belphegor) has to mediate so you can clear up the misunderstanding
Its a wonder how you two still end up clashing at least on your end anyway
No one knows if he’s really seeing you or just putting his own thoughts on you
“So that's why you weren’t eating around me. Don’t do that again, I was worried.”
“Worried? For me? Best be careful your sentimentality may lead to your doom.”
“If it's really embarrassing for you we can eat away from everyone, I’m sure Lucifer won’t mind.”
“Are you deaf?”
“Nope but if you do have a taste for demons we can take a trip to the slums.”
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“Only as scared as you are of me.”
“That would be none.”
You so easily affirm his dislike for humans
But more than he likes to admit he enjoys it every time
And so he fights with himself about what it is he likes about fighting you
The actual fighting or you
It turns out to be the latter as he finds himself waking with anger when you're antagonizing some other demon
“Don’t do that again.”
“What? Leave your side when you slumber? What am I? Your teddy bear?”
“Heh might as well be with how much I think about you.”
“What’s that? Are you admitting a surrender to your teddy bear?”
“Hah never!” 
To the naked eye, your relationship makes no sense 
but it doesn’t matter 
not to him at least
All that matters is that when he sleeps that your in arms-length
“From this point on, you're my human. *Yawn* So no picking fights without me.”
“And who are you to demand this of me?”
“Your demon Belphegor.”
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
Seeing M!MC with facial hair
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Summary: You forgot to shave and frankly you don't care. Now the others get to see you with facial hair.
This is the Demon Brothers version, if you like to see with the "Dateables" feel free to ask :D
Note: This is my first time making a headcanon with an male!mc in mind so I might get some things wrong.
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The first time Lucifer saw you is with a five o' clock shadow when he was getting his morning coffee.
He ask why you have it and you were blunt and say you were just lazy. (He blames Belphie's influences on you)
When he ask you to shave. You said no, and if he keeps telling you you'll refuse to do so. (Again thanks Belphie)
So the past two weeks your five o' clock shadow grow into a beard.
Though during the first week you try and nuzzle your face on to Lucifer's cheek when you got the chance just to tease him.
He said it's a like rubbing his face on a itchy blanket.
Eventually he stopped telling you to shave, on which it kinda makes you want to shave now.
Though Lucifer does say you look handsome with a beard, causing you to blush upon hearing that from him.
He smirk but he does mean it.
He even suggest that he'll love to give it a trim and even style it. (From a distance Asmo's heart shuttered)
Was put off at first.
He was so uses to seeing your smooth babyface and upon seeing your five o' shadow making you look more mature and hot. But pretend that you didn't hear the last part.
when you two are alone, he loves when you snuggle with your on the crook of his neck and he can feel your whiskers rubbing against his skin.
He was glad that there wasn't a rule at RAD against having beards. He kinda convince you to grow it out a bit longer.
You agree since you can't say no to your first man.
By the end of the week you grow a beard and Mammon love seeing it.
Since he did trim it so, it has this style. Though he had to fight Asmo about the style.
He was thinking of doing some couple pics with you.
Of course they were job theme.
This almost convince him on growing one himself.
Was put off at first.
Like why seeing you with a beard is so off putting?
Maybe because he wasn't uses to seeing characters with no beard and that beards is a sight of maturity/aging.
Though he eventually gets over that.
He was at awe when he saw day by day your facial hair grew into a beard.
He subconsciously start looking into anime characters with beards and start to appreciate them more.
When kissing you, he was taken aback by feeling the beard.
When laying in bed or tub, he loves running his finger down your face and feeling your beard.
But all things had come to an end when you two realize how hard to maintain a beard.
He's not Asmo.
Facial hair isn't new to Satan, since he met with some of his connection who has beards.
But seeing you with "Whiskers" at first was surprising at first.
But when you let it go, just to defy Lucifer which he support.
He start to like seeing you with facial hair.
More so it kinda makes you look more mature than you already are.
One time you and he were at the park feed the stray cats. You took a sit by the bench.
He turn to you, and find to cats on your lap and shoulder while you were asleep.
One cat start playing with your beard.
He took a chance to take a pic and eventually get the cats off you.
When you suggest that you want to shave off the beard.
He'll gladly help you out, even though you know how to.
Hates it.
It more so reminds him about you are aging and eventually- No he doesn't even want to time about it.
Plus it removes your youthful look.
You can't blame him, but you do however send some cold glares at his way.
His excuses it gives you a rough look, which he help to connect to a dirty look.
But you made him rethink this point of view when you shown him hot actors who rock the beard and five o' clock shadow.
Plus you shown him that these days humans made having a beard as an art form where they can style beards.
Soon he learn to appreciate facial hair.
Maybe developing a taste for "DILFs"
His favorite part of you having a beard is that he get to help you trim and shave it.
It turns out it's like cutting your significate other's hair. It's a fun healthy bonding experience.
Barely notice it, he just said something along "Did you cut your hair" comment and kept on eating.
Two days later, you gave him a special cake you bought when you saw it on sell.
He smile and thank you before capturing in his arms hugging. He felt your O' clock shadow around his neck and cheek and it tickles him.
Soon he saw your facial grew into a beard.
He was worried about food getting stuck in it.
And he watch as some did get caught on your beard, bread crumbs, a bit of sauce and sees your beard getting wet with the soup you were having that one time at lunch.
As much he like you having a beard, he suggest you shaving it.
You genuinely don't have a problem, you understood and at best he was right. It was hard to eat with a beard.
He tease you when he notice you grew a five o' clock shadow.
And when you two are alone and start feeling it and said the he like how it feels. Even going so far is to start scratching it and loves the sound it makes.
And in fact you too. No wonder there are ASMR with just the sound of fingers scratching beards.
When your Shadow grew into a beard, Belphie can't get enough how it feel.
It kinda reminds him of his tail.
Often he lays on top of you with his head turned to you his side of his face is next to your jaw.
He frown the whole time you shaved it off.
Why? Well, it was getting too long to maintain and manage, and more so it was hot to have on your face.
Belphie tried to guilt trip you but you ain't falling for it.
Eventually he dropped in and is just satisfied feeling your smooth face again.
But he does mutters that if you grew it out again, he'll be staying in your room.
Note: I wanted to change up Asmo's part. I don't like the idea he "Always" like what MC has. He does always learn to like and even love it. Plus he would be the character is a bit nervous seeing a beard on MC since in some people having a beard is a sign of maturity and age. And we all know that Asmo don't like aging especially when it comes with the reminder of MC being a human and mortal.
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or reblogging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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autism-corner · 1 year
The Seven and a Half Morningstars
AO3 || 2.1K words || you/yours pronouns || Masterlist
Levi and Lilith have something in common. Something none of their brothers have. They both are the reason that 'the morningstar/demon brothers' doesn't really apply anymore.
transfem sisters figuring themself out together. although, not at the same time or without severe loss (and gain). <3
ft. you loving levi (either romantically or platonically)
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Levi knew. She’d known for a long time, but she was content with the way things were. Until you came around. She could handle everyone seeing a gross guy otaku. She could not handle you, seeing her in a way that wasn’t her true self. It felt like lying to you, and that's the last thing she’s ever wanted. Part of her thought it was selfish, but she wanted you to love her. Not him.
It all began way back in the celestial realm. Back when they were known as the seven brothers. Ofcourse, everyone was siblings to each other in that place, but everybody could tell that these seven had something special between them. Lucifer, the morningstar, had basically adopted the younger boys, and it created a bond that few, if any, could break. While every one of them looked up to Lucifer, each angel was also steadily growing attached to the other 5. Mammon and Asmo were both extremely extroverted and found common ground there, and the twins were already close as could be. Lilith and Levi were both outsiders, and that’s where they connected.
Ofcourse, Lilith had the twins as well, but Lilith tended to wander around more, and he kept feeling like he didn’t really belong in heaven anyway. Ofcourse, Lilith loved his brothers, but sometimes he longed for a different life. A more free one. That’s why he drifted towards Levi. Leviathan always seemed to be in his own little world, and Lilith wanted to join him. So the two hung out a lot together, slowly creating a world away from everyone.
Lilith laid out on Levi’s bed. His arms reached out towards the roof, seemingly grasping the words to explain his thoughts. “You know,” He began. Levi sat in his chair in the corner of his room. Even though he seemed to be reading a book, Lilith knew Levi would listen to him. “I wish things were different. You understand, right?” A vague ‘hm’ came from the corner. Lilith sat up. He only ever did that when things got serious. “I don’t mean here.” A sigh. “I’m talking about like. Feelings and stuff.” This made Levi pause. Levi knew that he wasn’t the best with feelings or expressing things. But he also knew that Lilith understood that. He closed his book and waited. Clearly, Lilith had a lot to say about this, and the only thing Levi could do was wait and hear him out.
“I’m also not talking about struggling with feelings like you are. This is…” Hesitation. This was definitely a difficult subject for Lilith to talk about. He’d started biting his nails again. “More personal, in a way? I think.” He fell back down on the bed, still fidgeting. Levi slowly looked up.
This was so different from the usual Lilith. Lilith is often so full of energy that Levi could barely even keep up. This Lilith is trying to be calculated and calm, and it’s worrying Levi. “You should stop biting your nails.” A quiet response from Levi. A silent way that tells Lilith that he cares about him, and that he’s paying attention to him.
“Can you come here for a second? Just lay next to me. Please.” To many others this would’ve sounded like a simple request. But Levi picked up on the desperation that was hidden behind it. He slowly got up and walked up to Lilith, who was now curled up on his side. Levi joined him, laying, although stiffly, beside him. Levi wasn’t sure yet how to approach the situation, but he would stay and listen to anything Lilith had to say.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lilith's hand move. An invitation (request?) to hold his hand. He sat aside the discomfort he might feel with physical touch, and joined their fingers together. He’d do anything to comfort Lilith.
“I don’t want to say it this bluntly, but I can't figure out a better way.” Lilith had pulled up a pillow and was clutching it against his chest. “I don’t think I’m a guy.”
It wasn’t often that people would see Lilith cry. Lilith often had a way of life that would brighten up every room, conversation and face. The ways that Lilith broke that day, in front of Levi, showed the weight of this issue. Clearly this had been bothering Lilith for a long time now.
Lilith began explaining to Levi about all the things she’d wish to be different. And Levi listened. What else could he do? Lilith explained that she didn’t necessarily want her name to change. She’d grown up with this name and had so many memories with it, it was impossible to be complete without her name. But she did want people to refer to her differently. She wanted to be called pretty and cute and beautiful. She wanted to be a little sister.
Levi listened and understood. Levi helped her alter her clothes, helped her pick out new ones. Together with Levi, Lilith became who she wanted to be. And together with Levi, she explained it to everyone else. Thanks to Levi, she became her full self.
Things were glorious for a couple of centuries. Everyone lived and laughed, now being known as ‘The Seven Morningstars’, rather than 'The Seven Brothers'. Everything was perfect.
Until she fell.
Desperation broke out. How could Father do this? How could He break up their family, their comfort. How dare He take away their little sister. It was unfair.
They had to keep living.
Dark times turned darker upon their arrival in the Devildom, strangers in a new world. But with the darker times, aside from the anger still flaming within everyone, new forms of warmth began to rise as well.
Lilith’s replacement, set free by the anger she caused, came to them. Ofcourse, no one but himself saw Satan as Lilith’s counterpart, but that didn’t soothe his anger. He raged and rampaged wherever he could, but slowly gained comfort in the sister he never had. He finally settled with a piece of Lilith in his heart, allowing himself to release the anger she could never express.
Like before, they started being known as ‘The Seven Brothers’ again.
All the struggles they went through together made them that much closer, now only having each other to depend on. Bond’s grew again and strengthened, setting them up for their new life. A new life that is better than they could’ve ever imagined back in the Celestial Realm. A life with freedom. A life that Lilith gave hers for.
Levi had taken it hard. Her fall. Even though the relationships with his brothers improved, to levels never even achievable in the celestial realm, an important part of his life became irreplaceable. Someone to actually talk to, someone who got him, someone who was like him. He never got the guts to actually tell her. How he related to her. How he too, wished to change.
It caused a silent suffering.
Until you came. Even though things hadn’t been all that bad, he viewed you as his saviour. The one who brightened up his days again, gave him everything they could. But most importantly, someone who understood him. You made him better. Like his sister had before.
That’s when Levi started to question things again. You were able to give him his confidence back. When you were together, it felt like nothing could tear you apart. It was a mutual understanding between the both of you. It felt like Levi was back with Lilith again, but improved. Ofcourse, nothing could replace Lilith, not even you. But you gave him back his feelings, familiar yet somehow more intense. More worth the risk.
During the healing you were the cause of, Levi began to find their truth again. The truth that they had always already known, but often pushed back, was being indefinitely resurfaced by you. You reminded Levi of her. And now, finally comfortable, she could rise & remain.
Lilith was the one to tell Levi about this. Levi was never good with her own feelings, after all. If she hadn’t indirectly told Leviathan that being like this was okay, that things could change for the better, that life doesn’t have to be a struggle, Levi might’ve never even known. And now, it’s time for her to tell you.
She wasn’t as brave as her little sister. She couldn’t possibly tell you this straight to your face. Praise to the devildom and its better developed technology. A voice message it’ll be. A regular text message did feel a little too impersonal for something like this.
“Hey. uhm. Right.” A clear fumble with paper can be heard. The clearing of a throat. With a robotic voice, certainly reading a script that’s been spent hours on, Leviathan started. “I don’t know how to properly tell you this. It’s hard. But very. very. important. To me. I. I am not. who you think I am. But I want to be. And I know you want me to be myself as well. You have told me that plenty of times. And I am grateful for that. It is because of your continued persistence in being comfortable with myself that I bring you this. That I trust you with this. Because I don’t think I can continue being a guy.”
It was a sudden and unprompted message to you, with an even more abrupt ending. Upon finishing her script, Levi pressed the send button immediately and directly shut off her phone. She couldn’t bear the thoughts about your response, but knew she’d have to.
It hadn’t even been a minute when you knocked on her door. Within that time, you had listened to the message, sent her a streak of five different messages in response, and raced through the entire HOL to her room. It only took two unanswered knocks for you to barge into her space, where you hurried to her bed to find her already sobbing.
Her emotional state, and her body finally being engulfed in your arms, made her spill everything. About Lilith, and how she was the one that planted this idea in her head in the first place. How hard it had been without her. How regretful she is for never having been able to tell her little sister.
She told you about how much you mean to her, and how she kept thinking, no, knowing, you only loved the wrong version of her. You loved the version of her that kept wishing he was different, that forced himself to be someone he only partly was. You loved someone that was not her. And she told you about how hurt that made her feel.
But she also talked about how loved she felt by you. How despite the rude comments Levi made, both towards Levi’s self as to others, it never made you love Levi any less. She talked about how lovingly and calmly you always handled her meltdowns, how you asked permission for every touch, how you didn’t grow annoyed anytime her energy was too low. She talked about all the things she would miss if she lost you. Things only you could give her. Things that made her feel like she was worthy of love, things that made her believe being herself might be worth it. You make her believe suffering doesn’t have to be.
It was an emotional and extremely draining rant. Many tears were shed, from both sides. At the end, you had simply kissed her head. It was enough for Leviathan to feel at peace. The mentally taxing questions could come later. For now the two of you would cuddle and rewatch TSL. No need to talk. Now was the time to simply lay embraced and at rest, as the both of you slowly drifted off thanks to the comfortable atmosphere. It somehow felt an impossible amount more loving than usual.
It was amazing to see her flourish. Huge bits of her anxieties were visibly taken away as soon as she grew comfortable in her new out and proud identity. She smiled and laughed more, talked more enthusiastically in her higher trained voice, and was more excited for the mundane joys. Life was easier. Life was better. Alongside you, thanks to you, she grew into herself. Nothing else changed much. She kept being her otaku self, she kept sneering comments anytime her envy flared up, and she kept the same bond with each of her brothers like she always had. Loving in their own special way.
Although, admittedly, one sibling-relationship did change. Anytime she found joy in her womanhood, there was a little part in her that felt more love, more similarity for her sister. A connection that was evergrowing. Despite never being able to tell Lilith, Levi knew she had known. Lilith had always had her way with people like that. Levi knew that somewhere, Lilith was smiling down to her. The exact same way she had once she started living her full life as herself.
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falconflight123 · 2 years
Stuck In Doors (Obey me)
You find yourself introducing Levithan to a new human world game called Doors on Roblox, what you don’t know it that thing were about to get a lot more spooky then just playing the horror game.
No warnings really. This idea came to mind when I was watching some random person speed run doors. I was supposed to fall asleep but then got this idea and woke right up. So I hope you enjoy it! ~♡
word count: 578
Not proofread, excuse any errors
   You slammed opened Leviathan's door with your D.D.D in your hand, excitement fizzing in your chest. Leviathan almost leaped out of his skin when he heard his door open. He turned around ready to yell at whoever it was, but quickly stopped in his tracks when he saw you.
   “Y/n?” He asked, taking off his headset and placing his controller down. “Whats going on?”
   You wasted no time plopping down right beside him and explaining this new game you found called Doors. His eyes lit up in curiosity when you finished explaining all the rules.
   “It sounds fun right?” You asked with a smile. “I was wondering if you could play it with me?”
“Me?” He asked. “Are you sure?” 
   Before he could go on rambling about how he was a yucky excuse of an otaku, you shushed him and nodded. 
   “Your the only person here who would most likely understand the rules” You explained. “And plus, your great at games, I can rely on you to help me.”
   Levithan was now a blushing mess and you couldn’t help but smile. What he didn’t know though, was that you were mainly trying to test something that he didn’t know. Your smiled turned into a wicked one when he wasn’t looking. Oh how fun this would be.
   “We should invite one more person.” You suggested. “It’s better to play together.”
   Before Levithan could protest about it, Mammon suddenly burst through the door with a huge bang which startled you both. He scrambled to your side in an instant.
   “Where were ya?” He demanded. “I’ve been looking all over for ya and your here with him!”
   “Quit being clingy Mammon.” Levithan sighed. “It’s cringe. And what gives you the right to burst through my room like that?”
   “What do you mean?” he hissed. “I’m not clingy! I’m just looking out for Y/n!”
   As you could clearly see, Mammon was now clinging to your waist with a glare. You just chuckled. 
   “Here’s the deal.” You suddenly spoke, getting their attention. “Whoever makes it to the end of this game first gets a kiss from yours truly!”
   At the sound of that, Mammon and Levithan both looked up in surprise. You knew this would only fuel their motivation to play this game with you, so what better way then to give them a prize.
   “A k-kiss??” Levithan stuttered. 
   “I’ll play, but it’s not like I want it or anything!” Mammon mumbled. They both were clearly blushing furiously but you paid it no mine at all.
   “Alright! Get your D.D.D’s ready!”
   You watched as they pulled out their D.D.D’s, their gaze turning to a determined look. You were glad they were about to experience this with you. 
   “I’m sure you’ve played horror games before.” You suddenly spoke. “I’ll explain more of what happens when we’re in the game.”
   “Ha! Like a silly horror game could scare me!! Mammon declared.
   You only nodded at his comment. He was bound to get scared at least twice. You turned to Leviathan.
   “Your not scared are you?” You asked, He almost flinched from your voice.
   “N-No! I’m not!”
   When you finally saw everyone in the elevator, stifling a laugh at Mammon’s character, you watched as the doors shut. Suddenly you felt really nauseous. You looked around dazed before the light on your phone flashed upwards out of the screen. Leviathan let out a gasp when his and Mammon's did the same. So it was working!
   “Mammon! What are these recent payment-”
   You faintly heard Lucifer's voice boom throughout the room as the sound of the door slammed open before your vision blacked out.
Honestly, what? Why did I write this? I have no clue. If you wanna see more uh I might do more. I honestly was just bored at the time but yeah I might make more ^^
I don’t know what to put, should there be a tag list or something? I don’t know i’m new to all this technically. But i hope you enjoyed!
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loreleilarai · 2 years
Ramblings of mine that I pasted and copied from discord about a possible subnautica au
So, I've been thinking about a subnautica Au. And I know there are a few like that, but I've noticed that all the ones I've seen have been about the reader falling into B4546 after the Aurora crashed and taking many factors out of the game. So I want to take the Below Zero DLC as a base and slide to the end of the first game.
The reader steals a ship, and is basically a fugitive from the law and might not be able to have a normal life on earth because of it, but they doesn't care and goes to B4546 to find out what happened to his research team. Basically the reader studied all his life and investigated from earth that planet along with other humans that were on that alien planet, but suddenly they gets kicked out of his job and the whole investigation is closed, throwing all their life away as if it was nothing. For a few years they go from one lab to another but find nothing that interests them, only thinking about why the research was shut down. So they ignore Alterra's warnings and go off to investigate.
What happened was simple, a couple of sibling specimens were captured, and the older brother went to rescue them, tearing down all the foundations and the few who escaped were contaminated with the toxin of that leviathan and other substances that were in the lab, creating a deadly disease not only in B4546, but also on earth that was brought by the few members who returned.
Then, the reader arrives and meets Sun and Moon, when they finds the laboratories are contaminated with a disease and neither Sun or Moon knows what is going on other than that their human is sick. The Leviathan are immune thanks to an antibody, but they are too young to expel it and heal the reader. And that's where Eclipse comes in, who doesn't trust the reader but tolerates him because his siblings are fond of him. The older leviathan at a certain point will give the reader the cure, but he has to help him find a way to distribute the cure to his dying planet.
I'm thinking of adding an AI, maybe Gramrock freddy, who will be connected to the reader's brain in a similar way to how Al-An connects to Robin, but instead of an alien it's an AI left behind by his fellow researchers at one of their facilities. And eventually he will get a robotic body and help the reader find a cure along the way.
Needless to say, the reader stays with the boys, in deep areas where Alterra will never find them. They meets Vanessa, who plays the role of Marguerit. Eventually she will become like a sister to the reader, but at first she will be unwelcome.
Actually forget about Eclipse asking the reader to help him spread the cure, Eclipse is on a continuous journey to do it himself and that is why it is difficult to find him. What Eclipse asks the reader to do is to find the leviathan that were kidnapped when they were just eggs, since their species is very small and when the humans kidnapped Sun and Moon they also took many offspring. Only the hatchlings went to a different facility and could never be found. Eclipse will save the reader's life if the reader saves the life of the youngest of his species, then a search will take place similar to the case of Emperor Leviathan asking for help for his children to be born. The reader finds the base in very low areas and there are a couple of dozen eggs of celestial leviathanes, gets what is necessary for them to hatch and guides them to a portal to be free. Sun and Moon do their best to help the reader in his quest but are separated for a moment there, and Eclipse later sees the hatchlings and gives the reader the cure.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 months
Listen. Listen. Hear me out.
I beg you, almighty gator—Gambit(Remy LeBeau) x M/FTM reader(ur choice i like both :)) where reader is a mutant that has some kind of power that has to do with sea monsters, and loves tarot cards so Remy does card tricks for him while reader is in a pool.
When I was a kid I called Gambit “Magic Man” and I had to hold myself back from screaming that in the theater when I was watching D&W a few days ago and revived my non-understandable fanboying of him. (Sorry for the rant)
You can change the fic anyway you want, I’ve got no problem as long as Remy is as silly as he normally is(can evolve into smut or whatever cause I’m freaky like that 😏)
Gracias Gator!!
Remy Lebeau x mutant male reader
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I love Remy SO much its insane. I can’t write accents, so it’s there in spirit. Haven’t read the comics, so im basing this off of is wiki. no smut but i had fun writing this.
i loved seeing Remy in the movie, i just wish theyd given him his eyes, you know?
How you two met can be a mixed bag. Maybe you met in the x-men, maybe you met in the thieves guild before every crossing paths with the x-men as a whole, or maybe somewhere completely third. I enjoy the idea of the thieves guild though, so ill go with that.
You both had different reasons for joining or doing what you do, but being two mutants amongst a lot of other non-mutants meant you felt some kind of kinship with each other, even if you didn’t really get along in the beginning.
Especially with you two being visibly mutants. With Remy’s eyes and you having scales on different areas of your body, gills on your sides, what others would refer to as “monster eyes”, so on and so forth.
This resulted in you two preferring to work together when you got the chance, you trained together, ate together, slept together (not like that), so on and so forth. It also meant you two got a very deep understanding of each other over time.
It also meant that Remy got to see just how stupidly powerful you were. In the beginning you just thought your powers involved controlling water and being able to breath underwater. Who’d have thought you could do crazy stuff like controlling typhoons, rain, lightning, so on and so forth, like some kind of biblical being.
This was how you gained the name leviathan. You didn’t really like the name in the beginning, since you hadn’t really picked it yourself and it felt almost insulting with your appearance. But Remy was so supportive you ended up coming to like it, even though it took a long time.
In the end you two split apart as you leave the guild, going your separate ways but still keeping in contact in small but safe ways. With a power like yours it was hard to stay under the radar, and many wanted you on their side, even if it meant by force.
Time passes, Remy joins the x-men, you travel on your own and discover yourself and the world. Remy gets kicked out of the x-men when they learn of his past, you two meet up again and travel together for a while.
Its during this gap in Remy’s place with the x-men that your relationship became something more. He tells you about Rogue, and how he at first thought he loved her, only to realize what he felt for her wasn’t near as strong as what he felt for you.
And of course, during this confession, Remy tries to lay on the charm and act like it isn’t a big deal, but you can easily see through him and notice how anxious he is about it. in the end you just have to grab him and kiss him to shut him up, which yes, does shut him up, but also leads to you guys falling back into the water you’d been sitting by when he lunges at you to kiss you again.
Hes a charming guy yes, Remy has such a way with his words, how he carries himself or how he touches you. But underneath all that he also cares so deeply, to the point of being willing to die for you or those he cares about, which makes you lose scales from stress at times.
So, if you place protection spells on him that you got from the deepest part of the sea by the people who have started to worship you like a god, then only you have to know. That Namor guy is pretty swell, when he isn’t being a bit arrogant. He even taught you how to use a spear, so you guys are kinda brothers in spirit now.
At some point Remy does return to the x-men, somewhere you don’t feel ready to join him yet. So, a lot of kisses are shared, and a few tears a shed. And yes, of course you give him jewelry made from your scales. And a dagger made out of your larger teeth when you transform into a more serpentine form, because yes, you can also do that.
Remy doesn’t feel much need to tell the x-men about his relationship. Sure, he keeps flirting but that’s just because that’s how he is. But it never goes further than that. Some of the members that can read minds know about it though, since he thinks about you regularly.
In the end the relationship is exposed when the x-men find themselves in quite the pickle near the ocean. And Remy, knowing he can get them the upper hand, is able to snap one of the sigils you placed on him.
Rip to whoever they were fighting, since the sea lashes out and swallows them whole, followers by a giant feral looking sea serpent, you, rise from the water. Yes, you teleported there. What else were you supposed to do? You thought your boy was in danger!
Cue the x-men just being stunned or confused when Remy calls out the cheesiest pet names, almost kicking his feet in happiness at seeing you. It makes a bit more sense when you transform into a more human form, it still takes some explaining though.
In the end you don’t end up fully joining the x-men. You doing that would place them under a lot more danger than usual, since you had your own enemies and alliances, and you’re pretty sure Namor would get butthurt if you did. But you become something of an ally. Which means you hang out on Krakoa on the regular.
It becomes a very regular sight to see a giant serpent lazily swimming around the island, or resting half on the beach as Remy sits and shows you his different tarot readings. Of course, you also spend time together with you in a more human form, but seeing such a big sea monster also makes any baddies keep a distance.
There are also of course pools set up on the island, not just for you, but they’re accessible for you as well. Remy is regularly seen in the pool with you, or just sitting with his feet in as you two talk or whatever else you guys do.
You end up becoming something of a swim instructor to the youngest mutants, or just those that can’t swim in general. This is something Remy finds extremely entertaining and he’s always teasing you about it. luckily its easy to shut him up with a kiss, or by knocking him into the pool. Or both. He doesn’t mind.
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aestrayla · 9 months
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cherries or peaches? ft. obey me! brothers
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summary: do they prefer ass or boobs? ft. obey me! brothers x f!reader
cw: highly suggestive, mdni, fluff??, pet names (darling, sweetheart), fondling, groping, MY HUMOUR..
word count: 1.5k
a/n: sorry for some of them being so short, it was actually kind of challenging trying to elaborate on the ideas rather than just plainly stating them out as they are, but i hope u still enjoy them just as much as i enjoyed writing them ^^ also, don't mind my shitty humour in the last two + i haven’t written for most of these characters before so they might sound off idk??
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at first, it was hard to tell whether lucifer preferred ass or boobs.
he would always reply to you with a, "i prefer them both, equally," or a, "why should i choose when i can like them both?"
it drove you crazy because you clearly asked him to choose either one or the other. he was always dodging the question and at some point, you even got the brothers in on this, some bets were made too.
"it's obvious he likes ass more, have you seen the way he looks at y/n when they're wearing that skirt he bought for them?"
"nah he totally like boobs more, he can't keep his eyes off ‘em whenever they're wearin' a tight shirt!"
soon you started to take these signs into account, wearing much more revealing things to try and catch a reaction out of him, but to your demise, he never seemed to crack.
after weeks of bet-making and skin-revealing lucifer had finally had enough. the two of you were both lying in bed, facing one another while his arms were wrapped around your waist.
"y/n," he whispered.
"mhm?" you hummed in response.
"isn't it obvious i like these better?"
he pulled himself closer to you as his face buried against your chest. oh you thought. he had always found comfort sleeping against you like this, his head stuffed between your boobs while his arms wrapped around you tightly, that it became natural and you had almost forgot he did it.
"shit— you should've told me earlier! now we've all lost our bets to mammon!" you whined.
you could hear his muffled chuckles vibrate against your body as you wrapped your arms around his head, squeezing him closer.
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mammon is 100% an ass-loving guy, no questions asked.
with mammon, no matter what you're doing, what you're wearing, where you are, or who you're with, he just loves touching you all the damn time.
whether you're walking through the halls of RAD to your next class or taking a stroll through the devildom while window shopping, he won't hesitate to sneak his hands up your skirt to feel your plump ass.
"mammon stop, we're in public!" you glare as you swat his hands away.
"’m sorry can't help it, just gotta have my hands all over ya!"
oh well, maybe next time he’d be lucky enough to sneak his hands further down your skirt and— who knows, you might just find yourself begging him for more.
and if it's just the two of you in your own company, you'll always find that his hands like to slip past the waistband of your panties just to lay onto your cheeks, rubbing and squeezing at the plump flesh. always smiling in delight as you squirm under his carnal touch.
as much as you like to complain, he always swears that "it's just comfortable!" or "my hands were just cold!"
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there is no doubt in my mind that leviathan wouldn't be on team cherries.
he always lets you sit on his lap whenever he's grinding a video game or on an anime-watching marathon. a recent occurrence you've taken note of is that, almost as if it's a reflex, he'll always end up having a hand or two resting on your boobs, casually squeezing at it as if he owns the thing.
"you must be real comfortable there, levi." you teased, motioning to where his hand laid.
"huh— OH! um, I-I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" he shot his hands up in defense. "it's just really soft… and warm... I'm sorry y/n." his face was bright red.
"it's fine, i was just teasing you, silly!"
there was also a time where you scolded levi for owning one of those mouse pads where ruri-chan’s the characters boobs would be squishy.
in desperate need to make it up to you, he custom ordered a version with you on it, only because he swears out of all his waifus, you're his absolute favourite.
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it was a rainy night, and in the comfort of the library beside a crackling fireplace, you were messing around on your d.d.d while satan was next to you, reading what you assumed to be a mystery book.
"hey satan?" you put your d.d.d down for a moment, turning to look at him.
"hm?" he hummed, while keeping his eyes glued to the page.
"do you prefer ass or boobs?"
he pauses to look up at you and closes his book, placing it beside him, all while sighing.
"what does it look like i prefer?" he deadpans.
you break his eye contact as you look down to see his left hand buried under your sweater, which was fondling with your boob this entire time.
"so... boobs?"
he replies while picking his book up again, "yes darling, don't ask such foolish questions."
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asmo loves boobs. your boobs to be specific.
don't blame him, your boobs are just so pretty and he loves pretty things.
the way they sit when you're wearing a low-cut garment, or the way they shine when you're having a bubble bath together. he loves it all.
as you know, asmo loves pampering you and surprises you with random gifts whenever he finds something that he'd love to see you in.
one night as he's doing your hair after a bath, he suddenly remembers something and stands to walk to his closet.
"the other day when i was shopping at majolish, i found this super pretty bra i thought you'd look just gorgeous in!" he approaches you with a box wrapped neatly with a ribbon.
as you open the box, you set your eyes on a beautiful red laced bra.
"are you sure i'd look good in this?"
"you look perfect in everything sweetheart, you know i’d never lie about that."
he's always buying you pretty things to wear, and trust me when i say, this definitely isn’t the first bra he's ever gotten you.
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beel could not care less about choosing between your ass or boobs. they're both squishy and feel nice in his hands so it didn't really matter to him. well, not until today.
getting up from the edge of the bed and turning your heel to face him, you asked, "did you know a new cafe opened up in the devildom recently?"
"really? what food do they sell there?" he asked, his eyes looked as if there were stars in them.
"well apparently their cakes are a specialty, they're pretty popular for it."
"cake?" he drooled, "i love cake! hey we should go to the cafe right now, i'm starving." he sat up from the edge of the bed, drooling like a puppy dog.
little did he know, you decided to be a little jokester today.
"oh you're starving right now? then here," you turn around, bending over.
"what are you doing y/n?"
you turn your head back to look at his confused expression, "you said you were starving right? the cake's right here," you pointed to your ass.
he stares at you for a moment. then at your ass. then back at you again.
"so there's no cafe, is there?" he wipes his drool away with the back of his hand.
"nope. but there sure is cake," you smile cheekily while shuffling closer.
he sighs while grabbing ahold of your thighs, dragging you just inches away from his lips, "you're lucky i like this kind of cake too."
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as long as he can sleep on them, belphie will like them no matter what. so when it comes to choosing between your ass or boobs, it can be a hard decision just to choose one.
belphie's "sleepability" criteria is: soft, warm and comfortable; and your boobs and ass were equal competition.
he sighs, "if i have to choose one over the other, i'd rather sleep on your ass all day" his reasoning being because your ass has more of an "even surface" compared to your boobs.
if you're ever just lounging around the house of lamentation, on your stomach specifically, within seconds you'll feel belphie's arms wrap around your legs while he lays his head onto you.
its crazy how instantly he falls asleep on you. he'd stay like that forever if you didn't have to get up to pee or because your legs fall numb.
"c'mon belphie, i needa pee so bad!" you squirm.
"mmmphh," he grumbles, half-asleep, while hugging onto your legs even tighter.
"hurry up or i'll fart on your face!" you threaten him jokingly.
"OKAY, OKAY!" he shoots up from his position and is scrambling to the edge of the bed. you laugh in response because it works every time.
"and i was having a good dream too!" he scowled, while rubbing his left eye from sleep.
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lmk if u guys want a part two ft. the datables!
©2023 aestrayla. do not modify, copy, translate or share.
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
Sigh. Okay. Here's the Levi demon form smut. I don't think it turned out very good, but I'm tired of messing with it. And I spent time writing it, so I figure I might as well post it. I'm sorry, Levi, I swear I'll do you justice one day~
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: penetration (reader receiving), Levi being silly and blushy and anxious, demon form, tail stuff (I'm struggling with how to label this - the tail wraps around MC, MC sucks on the end of it, and it also stimulates MC but doesn't penetrate... okay that'll have to do I guess), sexy potion (briefly mentioned and Levi drank it lol), cockwarming, biting, man I hope that's it
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Leviathan was already bright red. He kept his eyes squeezed shut, but the blush covering his face was so sweet. He was in his bathtub, back against several pillows and you in his lap. Two piles of clothes were on the floor nearby. He'd been nervous from the start, even though you had done this before. You tried to get him to relax, but it was clear that most of the things you did only made it worse.
You ran your hands over his chest as you pushed back against his erection.
You put your hand on his cheek. “Please, Levi?”
“M-MC!” he protested.
You had asked him if he would shift into demon form and the idea of it flustered him so bad he couldn’t look at you.
You kissed his warm cheeks. “I just wanna see you,” you said as you trailed your lips down his neck.
Levi shivered at the light touch, but he still couldn’t open his eyes.
You sighed and sat up a bit, so you could cup his face with both hands. You rubbed your thumbs across his skin. “Look at me, Levi.”
Obediently, Levi opened his eyes, but it was still difficult for him. He turned his face away, like he was trying to only see you in his periphery. You turned him back to face you.
"Whatever you think about yourself doesn't matter," you said. "I want to see all of you. You can do that for me, can't you?"
Something seemed to shine in Levi’s eyes. Not tears, but a confidence you knew he often didn't feel. And then he was in demon form, confirming that your words had boosted him enough to feel comfortable granting your request.
You watched as the complex horns emerged and the black and indigo coloring splayed across his neck and shoulder. You could feel the tail wrap around your waist. You shifted slightly so the scales rubbed gently across your skin.
You traced your fingertips across the pattern on his neck and the way he whined in response filled you with satisfaction. You leaned back down to press kisses along where your fingers had touched, enjoying the way he began to squirm beneath you.
You rolled your hips, grinding yourself down on his erection, making him cry out.
“A-ah!” Levi’s fingers were suddenly digging into your arms, a sensation you found you liked. His tail tightened around your waist. “MC! Please!”
You smirked and looked down at him. “Please what?”
But Levi couldn’t say it. You knew he would be too embarrassed to. He squeezed his eyes shut again, pressing his lips together and shaking his head.
You laughed a little because his reaction was so cute. You ran your hands through his hair, letting them slide gently up his horns, enjoying the way he shuddered in response. Then you kissed him, running your tongue along those tightly clamped lips in an attempt to get him to relax. It worked. He opened his mouth for you, letting out a little gasp as your tongue slipped inside.
Your kiss became sloppy fast, your hips occasionally rolling languidly downward. Every time you did this, the tail around your waist twitched and tightened just a little.
You pulled away to look down at him again and while his expression was a little more open, the anxiety was still clearly written there.
You pressed kisses across his face, pausing by his ear to whisper, “You’re safe with me. It’s okay to let go a little.”
It was like you had unlocked a secret level. Levi’s hands moved from your arms to your hips and he bucked up into you, letting out a whine that was so needy you couldn’t help but smile.
You rearranged yourself a bit, then sat snugly on his cock. You went slowly, inching down bit by bit so you could hear his noises.
As you went, Levi’s tail wrapped even more circles around you until the tip was brushing against your cheek. You smiled as it edged along your lips then opened your mouth to let it inside.
As soon as the tip of Levi’s tail was inside your mouth, you clamped your lips closed and sucked. You were rewarded by the sight of Levi’s eyes rolling back into his head as he moaned and bucked beneath you.
You steadied yourself with your hands on his chest as you moved your hips, setting a decent pace. Every time his cock was fully inside you, it sent spikes of pleasure through your gut. You moaned around his tail, but didn’t let it out of your mouth. Your tongue was too busy exploring the unusual feeling of his scales.
Levi was a mess beneath you, his hands gripping your hips so tightly you knew there’d be marks later. He couldn’t stop himself from meeting your movements and the lower part of his tail that was wrapped around you seemed to be moving you, too. You found you barely had to do any of the work yourself. You still maintained the pace and position, though, and Levi seemed to be content to let you.
Your heavy breathing filled the room along with the sound of skin smacking against skin and Levi’s soft whines. You decided you wanted to hear a little more, reaching out to pinch one of his nipples.
Levi cried out and you laughed softly around the tail in your mouth. Levi pulled his tail out as it squeezed around you even more. It was almost painful but not quite. You knew he didn’t even realize what he was doing and that made it all the more enjoyable.
“Sorry,” you said between heaving panting now that your mouth was free. “Did that hurt?”
Levi whined. “D-do it again-“
He didn’t have to ask twice. But you decided this time it would be more satisfactory to use your teeth. The tail around you slackened just a bit as you moved your body forward and bit down on the sensitive skin.
Levi was squirming hard beneath you now and you knew it was only a matter of time before he came. You increased your pace, letting your arms rest on his shoulders, pulling him into your body as you focused on your movement.
Everything around you tightened - Levi’s tail, his hands, even his eyes squeezing shut - as he came inside of you.
Levi cried out your name so beautifully as his tail went limp, falling into a heap around you.
Levi kept his eyes closed tight as your pace slackened. You were about to stop when you felt the tip of his tail, still wet from your mouth, finding its way between your legs, just barely touching your most sensitive spot.
It was so unexpected, you gasped.
Levi peeked at you, opening one eye just enough to register the look of surprise on your face. “D-don’t stop,” he said. And his hands gripped your hips hard again, keeping you moving.
“But-!” you protested. “How are you still-?”
The blush that alighted on Levi’s face made you smile. You were about to ask him how he was still hard after he came only seconds ago. There was something going on there, but you felt too good in that moment to pursue it further.
The tail between your legs seemed to have a mind of its own. It was only moments before you weren’t able to form full sentences anyway. You barely registered the look of adorable determination on Levi’s face before you felt that tightening in your gut.
You ended up leaving light scratch marks across his chest as you came, his tail continuing its ministrations as you rode out your orgasm.
You drew in some heavy breaths as you collapsed against Levi, letting your head settle in the crook of his neck. His arms moved to wrap around you, hugging you close to him, and his tail did the same, but not too tightly.
“You’re still hard,” you said, pressing light kisses to his neck.
Levi groaned. “Asmo gave me this potion…”
You laughed softly against his skin. “Oh, was it more potent than you thought it’d be?”
“D-don’t laugh, MC!” he said even as his grip on you tightened.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “Do you want me to help you out?”
Levi was quiet for a long time before he finally said. “A-actually, if you could just… stay like this…”
You were more than content to stay in Levi’s arms and cockwarm him all night if that’s what he wanted. You both fell asleep soon enough, though it would take some time for the potion to fade.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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chrollogy · 4 months
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— satan x f! reader MC feat. lucifer
syn: The Avatar of Wrath knows just what would infuriate the prideful demon the most—that is, fucking you against the door to Lucifer’s secret office, all while he’s inside it.
18+ MDNI; nsfw, smut, exhibitionism, semi-public sex (inside the HoL library), unprotected sex, creampie, masturbation (m), horny luci, satan being a lil shit to lucifer, pet name (darling), not proofread.
word count: 1.9k
notes: divider: cafekitsune. hello! this is a repost. this fic was previously posted on my old deactivated account so i’m not plagiarising anyone. enjoy :>
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this was wrong. sinful. lewd. hell, those words were far beyond what you and satan were doing right this very moment—there weren’t any words to describe how naughty your actions were but with every single thrust of the fourth-born’s hips, those thoughts of hesitancy slowly slipped from your mind. buried with the surge of lust clouding your thoughts as satan’s pace didn’t let up, not even once. his hips pushing into your own with such drive, and desperation that your lower back painfully digs further into the edges of the shelves.
that’s right. you were inside the library, most importantly, your back flush against the door to lucifer’s secret office—satan made sure of it. the worst part wasn’t even having sex in the library, it was the fact that you two were doing it right outside lucifer’s private study while he’s inside. oh, satan has seen the way his eldest brother looks at you with intent. the way lucifer’s scarlet eyes hungrily trace your figure with each opportunity he gets, not even trying to hide the fact that he’s practically eye-fucking you. satan still remembers the swirling storm inside him, the anger that bubbled at the pit of his stomach from the way his older brother eyed you. now, he just can’t help but remind lucifer who you belonged to.
the soft ember glow from the fireplace cast the side of satan’s handsome face, sweat glimmering from the fire, painting the colours of the sunset upon his fair skin—golden hair that stuck to his forehead tinged with streaks of reds and oranges; emerald irises full of lust mixed with a scarlet hue, his features fading into an angry red. wrath. you were sure that’s what he was feeling, he always did. your nails dug into the fabric of his shoulders, legs wrapped around his slender waist tightening with every jolt of your body. “s-satan—ah!” you moaned, heated and desperate just how he liked it. the corner of his mouth tugged upward, satan was sure that your erotic sounds were loud enough to reach the other side of the door. enough to disrupt lucifer from his work.
satan bit his lip from the way you felt around him, your warm walls hugging his cock so tightly, so deliciously that it made his emerald eyes roll to the back of his head. he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer with how you squeezed him, and that was fine but he needed to make the most of it—he needed you to be louder. satan’s nails painfully dug into the edge of the bookshelf, heavy balls slapping your ass with every thrust of his hips. arousal dripped down to his balls, creating wet noises that filled your ears—a white ring forming at the base of his cock. fuck, it was naughty. the vast library was filled with your’s and satan’s sounds mixed with wet squelches, and the crackling of fire. you didn’t need to worry about being caught by the other brothers; belphegor was up in the attic, fast asleep, and leviathan was having a TSL marathon while the rest of them had gone out, leaving satan and lucifer down here.
thud. thud. thud. the door to lucifer’s secret office cried from satan’s unwavering pace. inside the private study, a blanket of blush covered lucifer’s face, cheeks heating up from the obvious activity happening outside the room. he didn’t know whether to curse his younger brother for vexing him like this, or to feel flustered at the lewd noises coming from your throat—the way you cry out satan’s name every now and then with such desperation, such passion that he almost wished it was his name rolling off your tongue. that he was the one making you feel pleasured. lucifer’s free hand curled into a fist, the papers beneath his palm crinkling at the movement. the tent in his pants grew with every sound you made, erotic images of you clouding his mind; imagining the way your brows furrow in pleasure, lips parted, completely lost in lust.
lucifer’s heart pounded against his chest, the half-done report before him sprawled on his desk, already forgotten. “satan. . what will i do with you. . ?” his voice was quiet but it seethed with fury. he knew his younger brother disliked him but not to the extent of fucking you right outside his private study. lucifer didn’t exactly know what satan gained from . . this but he wasn’t surprised with how territorial his brother was. especially when it came to you. the thuds of the door mixed with your heated moans engulfed lucifer’s ears. he didn’t even notice his eyes were closed—relishing in your sounds—until he snapped them open, startled from the wooden ink pen breaking in half from the tight grip.
dropping the broken pen on the desk, he leaned back into his chair, placing a forearm atop his closed eyes while the other rested on his thigh. it tingled. his palm tingled against his clothed thigh, as if urging him to do something about the growing problem at the apex of his legs—urging him to relieve himself with the help of your sounds. it wouldn’t hurt anyone, right? merely fisting himself at the thought of you wasn’t going to be the most sinful thing he’s done. lucifer had already committed the gravest sin of his life, it led to his downfall. this is nothing.
back in the library, your soft moans didn’t satisfy satan, he needed more from you. removing his hands from the shelf behind you, satan snaked them down to your ass, palms flat against the heated bare skin. a string of loud moans and curses left your parted lips as he bounced you on his cock. “o-oh my—fuck . .! aah! just like that, satan!” “y-yeah? you like that?” satan’s lips ghosted over your own before sealing you into a kiss. the kiss was messy, spit coating the corners of your mouths, teeth clashing—he chased your parted lips with every bounce of your body. satan made sure not to swallow your whimpers down, he needed lucifer to hear how good he was making you feel. he needed lucifer to know that he’s the only one who can make you moan like this.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head, bottom lip trapped between your teeth from pure bliss. the slight change in angle enabled his cock to reach much deeper into you, allowing you to feel every ridge when you clenched around him. satan’s cock had a slight curve to it, and the way it repeatedly hit your cervix over and over again made it more pleasurable—sending electrifying shocks up your spine. goosebumps formed under the fourth-born’s lips as he pressed open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, and down the side of your sweaty neck—sucking and biting at the supple skin, leaving a hues of dark red and purple. satan marvelled at the masterpiece peppered on your skin before licking a long, flat stripe up your neck and nibbling at the lobe of your ear.
he didn’t shy away from groaning directly into your ear, harsh pants escaping his parted lips, mixed with broken, endless praises. satan knew the effect his voice had on you, especially when he sung praises to you—he didn’t miss the way you squeezed around him with every praise muttered into your ear. he cursed at the pleasure, a heated gasp and a desperate whisper of your name coming from him. this spurred him on, harshly bouncing you on his cock with all his strength—you swear he’s about to leave handprints on your ass with how hard he’s gripping them.
it was getting too much, you could feel the coil deep in your stomach beginning to unravel. your body grew limp from pleasure, simply leaning onto satan’s front and letting him have his way with you. all you could really do was cry out his name and run your nails down his clothed back. satan groaned, relishing at the way your moans travelled straight to his ear—specs of white slowly clouded his vision, and his fingers dug into the supple flesh of your ass. he was close. “s-satan—ngh! fuck fuck fuck! ‘m cumming!” broken shallow pants left your lips. holding his emerald gaze, lids heavy with lust, “that’s it—haah! let go for me, my darling.” satan breathed out, knees buckling from pleasure. he was close too.
leaning against the other side of the door was lucifer, pants unbuttoned, and pulled down just enough to take his cock out. his wrist between was between his teeth to muffle moans as he fisted his cock to your sounds. it was heavenly, even the angels up at the celestial realm couldn’t compare to the way your voice sounded. he let out harsh breaths, each one shaky from how his fingers curled around his hard cock. lucifer teased the sensitive slit with his thumb, knees almost giving in from the immense pleasure. with his back against the door, he could hear things much better—the skin slapping, the wet noises, the heated gasps, all of it. how lewd but lucifer didn’t care, he had one thing in mind: cumming. he sped up the pace, synching it with your shallow pants and hoping to reach his orgasm the same time as you.
both of you sung in unison, cries of pleasure filling the entire library as you reached your orgasm. your legs tightened around satan’s waist, every muscle in your body turning taut as shocks of hot, white pleasure ran throughout your body, making your toes curl. satan let out one last cry of your name before sheathing his cock deep inside you and letting go—thick ribbons of white shamelessly painting your insides as he came. he rode out both your orgasms by giving you shallow thrusts, fucking his cum deeper, and earning a small whimper from you.
lucifer couldn’t believe himself—he came to the sound of you desperately moaning his younger brother’s name. white, hot liquid dripped coated his digits and down to his wrist; chest heaving up and down, attempting to catch his breath. lucifer stayed that way for a while, leaning against the door to try and compose himself as his head spun with pleasure. his lust-clouded mind soon cleared, pleasure that coursed through his body faded into fury. he was seething with rage—enough for satan to smell the scent of wrath. his brother dared to disrespect his private space, not only that but also by performing such a brazen act.
he knew. lucifer knew this was just to spite him, that was part of satan’s personality—to defy, and vex him. it was fine, he handled everything satan threw his way but using you? oh, that’s a whole different story. lucifer felt like satan has got him wrapped around his finger with how he practically jumped at the opportunity to fist himself to your sounds. it mocked him—putting him in his place, and letting him know that he was never going to experience the pleasure of being inside you because you were satan’s.
satan smirked into the kiss as he caught a whiff of the familiar smell that emanated from the other side of the door—the smell of wrath. the essence that he was more than familiar with; the essence that embodied his very own existence. pulling away from the kiss, his emerald eyes traced your features, giving your sweaty forehead a chaste kiss, “you did so well.” satan breathed, eyes glimmering with adoration. you didn’t miss the hint of mischief behind it, though.
but before you could reply, satan parted his lips to speak once again, a smug look on his handsome face,
“isn’t that right, lucifer?”
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summary: the types of kisses the demons like to give and receive
pairings: demon brothers :: barbatos x gn! reader
warnings: i totally never play favourites ever
obey me! masterlist || similar post: hold me close
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Lucifer takes great pride in being able to make your heart soar and head spin. And what better way to do that than stealing all air from you with a passionate kiss to the lips? But he also has his softer moments filled with only praise for you and he can’t stop himself from holding your jaw between his fingers and pressing a sweet peck to your forehead.
He is frankly a little awkward with receiving affection, being more used to facing either admiration, fear or annoyance. Yet, he cannot suppress the warmth spreading through his chest if you try to pull him away from work with a kiss to his temple and a hushed whisper to come to bed. Although Lucifer may not admit it, when you lean in to flutter a kiss to his closed eyelids it symbolises the ultimate trust to him.
You already know, this snowy-haired tsundere will absolutely deny enjoying your affection. Pfft, you really think he needs some human’s love and care? (Yes, he does. And everyone knows it too.) Mammon would kill for a sliver of your tender affection, only to curl up on your lap and bask in your touch; he thrives with your attention on him and only him. Normally pretty chill and laid back, he’ll get really pissed if someone interrupts your one-on-one quality time.
Mammon, being the Avatar of Greed, obviously wants all of your kisses! Give him all your love and affection, human! There is, however, a comfort that comes with pressing a lingering kiss to the crown of your head while he has you wrapped up in his arms (and wings on occasion). Not only can he hide his glowing cheeks from you but he also feels like he’s protecting you and keeping you safe.
Your kisses? Again, he wants them all! Of course you want to kiss the Great Mammon, ya can’t seem to get enough of him, ain’t that right? Kiss the area peeking out from the collar of his shirt where his neck meets his collarbones, that’ll shut him right up. And lord help him if you ever kiss the marks on his chest when he’s in his demon form… Please pretend not to notice his reddened face or ears.
Leviathan is… freaking out, to put it lightly. His heart and mind are racing!! Not only do you want to hang out with him, no you also like like him. Him!! Not one of his stupid brothers!! Is he back in the Celestial Realm? It takes a while for him to show affection at all and not immediately self-deprecate afterwards if you don’t initiate it. But after enough reassurance from you, he learns that you really are okay with having him touch you. 
He’s still a shy baby though and something so bold as a kiss to your cheek or lips is way too high-level normie stuff (although he really wants to kiss you)!! The genius solution? Kissing the palm of your hand!! Whether you’re watching anime or you’re sitting in his lap watching him game, chances are Levi’s fiddling with your fingers anyway once his hands are free. (Jealous Levi is a different kind of monster though…)
If you ever kiss his cheek, Levi.exe will stop working; a kiss to the lips would take him straight out. Whether it’s just because you want to be cute or if it’s a little thank you or you’re excited he won a game, it doesn’t matter and you can basically see the blood rush to his face. If he’s ever in his demon form with you, consider giving some love to his non-human traits too; he’s very insecure about them and it’ll help him greatly.
Satan is a true romantic at heart. Whether it’s all the romance novels he absorbed, if he’s just naturally like this or if he’s trying to cover his reputation as the Avatar of Wrath, he is a gentleman either way. And a gentleman kisses the beloved’s hand right? As cute as the basic is, Satan prefers pressing his lips to the inside of your wrist. It feels way more intimate and the trust you have in him, one of the most dangerous demons, to let him so close to a sensitive area of your body sends his mind reeling. 
Your every kiss will bring a fond smile to his face, so he’s not picky. That being said, there’s a special place in his heart for the times you lean in to place a kiss to the tip of his nose. It’s playful and endearing and the spark in your eyes so close to his captivates his whole being.
When it comes to affection, Asmo might as well be the Avatar of Greed. Give him all of your love, he deserves it! In turn, he will smother you in as much attention as you can take. It’s no secret that Asmo is as shameless as a demon can be when it comes to sneaking a kiss here and there, and he’s not picky about the place. Whether it’s all over your face, up your thighs and to your hips or a cheeky little kiss to the back of your hand, Asmo is the demon to fulfil whatever your heart desires. 
If he were to pick his personal favourite though, it would be your spine. Not only is he delighted to see your bare back, he can also watch you shiver as the ghost of his fingers grazes your skin. For him, the space between his shoulder blades is very sensitive as it sits right where his wings sprout. So to see you expose such a vulnerable spot to him makes his heart beat faster and head spin if he thinks too long about it. You do funny things to him, you know that, darling?
Again, Asmo being Asmo, he welcomes all your kisses gladly, but not equally. Sure, connecting your lips is delightful and the way you sensually move to his neck makes him all giddy. Yet, in a very un-asmo-esque fashion, what excites him most are the most innocent of gestures. Case and point, the blush that settles on his perfect skin when you kiss the back of his hand. Do it after he finishes a manicure, when your hands are interlocked or just casually when you see him. This demon is all yours now.
Beel loves you very much and he shows it pretty openly, no beating around the bush here. It might not be as refined as writing a poem or what the films always show but he shares his food with you, which is a dead giveaway about how serious he is. Consequently, he’s very concerned about your health and making sure you’re taking care of yourself. So if he presses soft kisses to your stomach when you cuddle after a meal, not only can he express his affection but he can also make sure you’re eating regularly.
Every time you kiss the corner of his lips, Beel’s absolutely stunned for a few seconds, eyes adorably wide as his brain catches up. Not only is he happy you are initiating affection but when you get so close he can pick up on your scent so effortlessly. Not to mention, the fact you didn’t quite meet his lips leaves him wanting more and there’s a high chance he pulls you back in for a real taste a second later. You know, suddenly he’s hungry again…
Belphie might not be as over the top with his affections as some of his brothers but there’s no doubt to be had that he is absolutely smitten with you. To outsiders it might not be as obvious but to those who know him, it’s clear as day, really. The way he’s trying to hide his blush, subtly show off or try to stay awake for you really gives him away. Plus, he’ll put up with any of your nonsense and will also put in the effort to care about and for you.
On that note, finding you two together isn’t always as easy though because Belphie will steal you away for a nap at any given time of day. No matter how long you’ve been in the Devildom already, Belphie is still insistent that he has to make up for lost time.
Whether you’re just his favourite pillow or if you are wrapped up in his arms, he wants to be as close to you as possible for a good night’s (or day’s) sleep. Whatever the case, the youngest is a lot more likely to press a half-asleep kiss to whatever part of skin he can reach while curled up next to you. If he could choose one, it would have to be kissing your neck while holding you from behind. Not only does he get to hear your pulse, he can also get a rise out of his brothers if he accidentally happens to bite down just a little…
Good thing Belphie is lying down most of the time because whenever you kiss his forehead, his knees go weak. Your hand gently pushing his hair out of his face before your lips flutter against his skin in the softest of touches could send him straight back to dreamland with how much comfort it provides. It doesn’t even matter when you do it. Whether it’s to wake him up, give him a good night’s kiss or to display how proud you are and how much you love him, Belphie could never get enough of your kisses. 
Barbatos lives to serve and there’s nobody he likes to please more than you. Life can get tough, especially since you do so much for the people around you, so Barbatos would love nothing more than to be a place of comfort for you. Besides making tea for you and listening intently to what troubles you, Barbatos would also like to alleviate some of the physical strains. And what would be better suited for that than a massage provided by your partner?
As skilled fingers knead away the knots and stress of your everyday life, Barbatos will sneak in a few affections just for you. Whether it’s the small of your back, your shoulder blades or the back of your neck, expect them to be lavished in the gentlest attention as you melt into his touch. But your demon is always very keen on pressing soft kisses along the skin of your shoulders, from the moment he slips your clothes off for the massage to the moment he helps adjust them again. Also, if you ever find yourself in a situation where Barbatos has some free time to step away from his job for a while and just be himself, he’ll take every chance he gets to slip the collar of your top out of the way and indulge a little.
There’s no doubt that you are Barbatos’ favourite way to wind down. Just being with you recharges his energy fully and reminds him he’s more than just his job. That’s why it means so much to him when you carefully work off his gloves like he’s a delicate porcelain cup and place a lingering kiss to each pad of his fingers. The first time you do it, he’s very much taken by surprise but after recovering from his shock he’s already fond of the gesture. Even after he slips his gloves back on, he feels as if your touch still tingles underneath the material, the urge to feel your skin on his again burning bright under his composed façade. 
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kittievampire · 1 year
Leviathan Domming reader after he ate some aphrodisiac snacks while games??? 🫢
(Not to mention he has two cocks)
Duuuude I've been waiting for someone to request double-dick Levi so I'd have an excuse to write abt it
Lemme see what I have in my bag, my dear~
Click here if you wanna request!
Gamin Snacks
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Warnings: Smut, Cursing, Diphallia (Levi has 2 pps), Dom!Leviathan x Fem!Reader, No prep (for 1 pp. He preps you for the second), Hair pulling, Teasing, Praise, Dub-con, Use of aphrodisiac
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You probably should've known better than to trust any snack Asmodeus gifted you. The mischievous smirk that was on his face was overlooked, as you figured that he was just being overly hyper and ecstatic; The usual Asmo.
Though, you probably should have expected that something was up when you took the first bite.
Asmodeus had given you a small pack of gummies, that of which were concealed in a bright pink plastic bag, and tied with a hot pink ribbon. You hadn't gotten the chance to try them the day he gave them to you, as you were quite busy. However, Leviathan would occasionally invite you to his room to play video games, and, during your sessions, there would usually be a lot of junk food and drinks for the two of you to consume. You figured that it'd be harmless to bring along the pack of gummies.
Your situation with Leviathan was always a bit confusing to you. You were convinced that you had a crush on him, and he'd invite you to hang out with him privately, but then he'd avoid you any other chance he got. While you'd concluded that it was most likely due to his introverted nature, it still hurt whenever he'd run away from you at RAD, or when he'd ignore you at the House of Lamentation. Then, he'd turn around and invite you to a marathon of watching anime, playing video games, and eating junk food all night.
It was all so confusing.
A part of you wished that something would happen. Something that would make his feelings for you more apparent.
"MC! I'm in the middle of grinding this tower, I need your help!" The Avatar of Envy spoke excitedly as you entered the room. "What's that?"
You looked down to where his line of sight ended, the pack of gummies in your hand being the captor of his attention. "Oh! I've got a little snack here," You say with a smile, closing the door behind you and walking over to the purple-haired demon. "I haven't had any yet. I figured that you'd like to try them with me while we play."
Leviathan's breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief. "R-Really? You want m-me, a yucky otaku, t-to share your snack?" His voice quivered, and his gaze shifted downward, beginning to twiddle his thumbs. Noticing his self-deprecating tendencies through his body language, you deadpanned. "Levi," You said with a sigh. This immediately made him stop to look up at you, his amber eyes meeting yours. "Let's just play. I've been waiting to hang out with you all day, so spare me the 'yucky otaku' talk, okay?" You sat down beside him, offering a small smile as you opened the pack of gummies and set it on the floor between the two of you.
The demon beside you was silent for a moment, trying to process how comfortable you were sitting next to him, and how you wouldn't allow him to degrade himself any further. A small smile tugged at his lips, and he nodded. "Of course! Whatever my Henry wants!" He exclaimed excitedly, firmly holding his controller in his grip.
About an hour into the marathon, Leviathan started to feel an odd, tingling sensation in his body. He'd eaten twelve of the fifteen gummies, but it never occurred to him to correlate the snack with the feeling. You were unaware as well, having eaten three of them yourself.
However, you noticed how quickly he was dying in-game, as well as the dark blush that was forming on his face. There was an unfamiliar glint in his eyes, and a single bead of sweat trickled down the curve of his face. "Levi?" You called out softly, placing your hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Your voice.
It sounded so sweet, so pure, so alluring. It was proving increasingly difficult for him to stop thinking of you in positions he'd only seen in the middle of the night on a hentai website.
Your voice and your touch made a lethal combo. It would have surely killed him if he weren't immortal. He didn't have the high-level gear required to handle your oblivious actions that made him feel so hot.
Levi flinched at the sound of your call, immediately snapping his head toward you. "Y-Yes?"
Your brows were furrowed with worry as you took in the expression that his face contorted into. You had seen him flustered and stuttering before, but that dark shadow in his half-lidded eyes was unfamiliar to you.
He looked hungry?
"Hey, what's up with you?"
He didn't answer. He couldn't. How the hell was he supposed to tell you that he's suddenly thinking about you squirming and whimpering under him? In a quick attempt at saving face, he wracked his brain for an excuse. Anything that wouldn't make the situation worse. "N-N-Nothing! I'm j-just... cold!" After that statement, he wished that the Devildom could split open and swallow him whole.
Cold? That's the best he could come up with? He was sweating, yet the first thing he thought to say was that he felt cold?
"Very... Cold..." He paused. Now, he wasn't able to control his words, but he was very surprised at what he was saying. "Come here, MC,"
Seeing you furrow your brows in confusion, yet hesitantly crawl toward him obliviously made his throat constrict for a moment. As the heat that pooled in his gut grew worse, he found it difficult to breathe for a moment. Without thinking, he pulled you towards him, ass to crotch, in a warm embrace. Leviathan buried his nose into the flesh between your neck and shoulder, closing his eyes as a delightful shiver shot up his spine.
It wasn't until his tail brushed up against your thigh that you realized his demonic form was emerging. "Levi-" "Shhh," He hushed you softly, the sound of the controller falling to the ground acting as your final warning.
"I-I feel so..." Leviathan trailed off as he pushed his hips forward, his crotch grinding so deliciously against your rear. He hissed in pleasure, gripping your hips tightly. "I-I don't know w-what's wrong with me," He murmured as he tugged at your shirt, the fabric being pulled down just enough so that he could get a better view of your neck. As soon as he caught sight of your skin, smooth and unmarked, he attacked your neck with his mouth. Sucking and nibbling, he held onto you as you writhed and made the cutest of noises. "Levi," You whined softly as he started grinding against you once more.
That's when you felt the bulge in his pants. It was so huge. Was it natural for a demon to be this big? If it felt like that while confined in his pants, how would it feel if he...
You froze, vision blurry as Leviathan started to slide his hands up your body, your shirt being lifted slowly. "L-Levi, wait-" You were cut off by your own moan as he bucked his hips, that huge bulge now making contact with your clothed cunt. That's when the heat that you'd been ignoring for the past few minutes began to pool more noticeably. "Can't," He whined, finally pulling away from the patch on your neck, which was now coated in saliva and adorned with a bite mark. "Want you, MC."
Leviathan was very disappointed at the fact that you were wearing a bra, expressing his disappointment through a low growl and wrapping his tail tightly around your thigh. "S-Sorry, I can't-" He let out a soft moan as he ground his crotch against yours, causing jolts of pleasure to course through your veins.
Suddenly, you felt yourself being pushed to the ground, a fistful of your hair in his hand as he pinned you down. His tail kept your legs at a shoulder-length distance, and his free hand slid up your back to unclip your bra. "MC, I want you," He whimpered as he pushed his crotch against your rear again, the straps of your bra beginning to slide down your shoulders. "P-Please say you w-want me, too."
Hearing him plead wasn't exactly out of the ordinary for you, but to plead in such a lewd manner was so odd. Not in a bad way, that is. However, you found it nearly impossible for you to speak. For whatever reason, your brain started to become foggy, and had your arm not been there to brace you, you would have been drooling on the floor. "Levi," You whimpered softly, pulling your arms through the straps of your bra, and allowing him to slide the cups off of your chest and out from under your shirt. "Fuck, just take it off!" He raised his voice to a volume you'd almost never hear unless he was genuinely frustrated. Suddenly, your bare breasts spilled out into the chilly air of his room, the remnants of your shirt now below you in torn scraps. Levi hooked his fingers around the hem of your shorts, fiddling until he got hold of your panties as well, and yanked them down.
You let out a sharp gasp as your dripping cunt was hit by the cool air, the wetness making it feel a lot colder. Then, you heard a shuffle. His hands were pulled away from you, but his tail kept your legs spread in position. You lifted yourself up a little, now annoyed that he wasn't touching you. "Leviathan?" Suddenly, your head was pushed down against your arm. "Don't!" He yelped out.
That's when you felt it. Or, them.
At first, you thought you were just going crazy; That maybe it was the air or a piece of clothing pressing against your clit, but when you felt the tip of his cock against your entrance, you suddenly regained consciousness.
There were two. One of them pushed against your drooling cunt, and the other teased your clit. "I-I know it's a bit... Weird," He murmured among heavy pants. "I can't-" His cocks both twitched at the same time. "I want both of them in you," He growled out, clearly restraining himself from acting on what his body was screaming at him to do. "But I-I don't wanna hurt you, MC." His other hand was planted on the floor near your waist, the one in your hair keeping you from looking at him.
Leviathan didn't exactly look presentable at the moment. He was in his demon form, his face flushed a deep red, beads of sweat running down his body, and his cocks hard and weeping. "But-" His cock suddenly started pushing into you, the tip stretching the tight muscles of your cunt. "You'd... You'd still take me, right?" He asked through gritted teeth. You let out a soft mewl as he penetrated you, your walls welcoming his cock with a tight constriction. "Levi-!" You were cut off by a sudden buck of his hips, pushing more of his length inside of you. He shuddered at the warmth he so badly desired, his second manhood twitching against your lower abdomen. "You'd take all of me... Like a good girl... Right?" He moved his hand from your hair to your mouth as he buried himself inside your quivering cunt.
It felt like your breath was punched out of you. To be empty one moment, then feel so full the next, the stimulation of his manhoods along with his hands made your body shudder in ecstasy. His second cock pressed against your stomach, making your walls flutter against his length.
He started to slowly pull out of you, amber eyes shifting down to see how your fluids clung to his cock. This made him groan, his hands clenching your hips tightly, as he slammed himself back into you. Your body jolted, and you let out a high-pitched whine. "Just for me, right?" He asked, repeating his movements experimentally before his instincts took over, and he set a brutal pace.
Still somewhat conscious of your volume, you bit down on your arm to keep your sounds quiet and muffled. "You'll take it just for me. No one else." The way he said it made it sound more like a demand than anything. You'd hear him get possessive, and, as the Avatar of Envy, he was quick to get jealous, but this was different. There was also the fact that, when he would shove himself so deep in your cunt, the tip of his cock would nuzzle that sweet spot near your cervix. The stimulation was driving you crazy, and you could practically feel your brain getting foggy.
Leviathan was getting drunk off of the odd feeling in his gut paired with the warmth of your body. His heart was beating ten times as fast, and his thrusts were unrelenting. The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin made his lower cock twitch against you. He stared down at your cunt, watching how it sucked him in deeper with each thrust, how the lips spread to accommodate his girth. He began to wonder just how much you could take. "You'll... Be a good girl for me, right?" He asked, voice now gentle as he moved his hand from your hair and trailed it down your back, making a shudder crawl up your spine.
His pace slowed, and he slowly dragged his fingertips down your thigh, before gently caressing where the two of you connected. Then, he slowly began to push his finger inside of you, the digit sandwiched between his cock and your walls. You shot up at the feeling, turning your head to look over your shoulder. Attempting to protest, you whined out his name, but you were promptly interrupted by his pace quickening. His finger started to thrust as well, and that's when you realized what he was trying to do.
"L-Levi, I won't be able t-to take both!" You mewled out between heavy pants and whines of pleasure. Tears were slipping down your rosy cheeks as you felt your cunt beginning to stretch even more.
One finger became two.
"Yes you can," Leviathan purred out softly, his tail slithering off of your thigh and up your abdomen, circling your breasts. "Because you're my good girl, aren't you?" The tip of his tail flicked one of your hardened nipples, making you, and your pussy, shudder.
Two became three.
It was a stinging sensation, but the stretch was just too delicious to despise. How your body was accepting his administrations without protest somehow managed to turn you on even more. The odd feeling in your gut, the lust that pooled in your cunt was driving you mad, making you intoxicated.
Intoxicated was an understatement for the third-born above you. The feeling that made his body sweat and his cock hard was making him wasted. Not being able to think straight, he wasn't exactly patient with the rest of the prep.
He'd made it to four fingers before he pulled out, his hand and his cock, and used both hands to stroke his two manhoods. You whined at the loss, but once you were flipped over, you could see the Avatar of Envy more clearly. Covered in a thin sheen of sweat, cocks rock hard and standing at attention, tail sliding off of you and swaying slowly behind him— much like a predator on the hunt—, and those eyes. They burned a dark orange, staring at you similarly to how the sixth born would stare down a Devil Cheeseburger.
You keened as the demon grabbed your hips, pulling you toward him. "I-I like you, MC!" He confessed, his hands sliding down toward your thighs and grabbing them firmly, a dark blush dusting over his face. "I like you a lot, okay? So..." He pushed your legs up a bit and spread them apart. "Take me like a good girl, okay? All of me."
Leviathan moved one of his hands down to take both of his cocks into his grip, hissing once both the tips made contact with your cunt. Rather than protest it any longer, you found yourself wanting to try. After a few moments of prodding, both tips of his cocks managed to push into your cunt. With an arch of your back and a cry of pleasure and pain, your legs spread a little wider, in hopes of reducing the sting of the stretch. The demon hushed you as he began to slowly sink in more of his lengths.
The demon threw his head back, his hands moving to grip your hips in an attempt to keep himself somewhat grounded. The way your pussy was constricting around him so tightly, the way your body was instinctively welcoming both of his cocks, as if you were made just for him.
"You're my Henry." He suddenly shoved himself all the way inside, one of his tips pushing against your cervix while the other nuzzled your G-spot. You pulled away from your saliva coated arm and squealed, nails digging into the tile floor. So full. You felt so fucking full. Full of him.
Levi stayed still for a moment, but then he started to thrust. His hips rocked, clapping against your ass and thighs. "M'gonna ruin you for everyone else," He continued grunting out, once more grabbing a fistful of your hair. He pulled you up this time, wrapping his free arm around your waist as he latched onto your shoulder.
He changed the position, sitting down with you in his lap, his hands sliding down your hips and spreading your thighs open. Your gaze immediately shifted downward, and you saw how his cocks went in and out of you. Leviathan pressed wet kisses up your neck, smirking as he saw you watching how you were being fucked. "I think you like that, don't you? You're so wet, MC." He moved his hand up your thigh before beginning to play with your clit. "I can go in and out so easily. Your body didn't even put up much of a fight."
Your face flushed a deep shade of red, and you nearly screamed when he pinched your clit at the same time he buried himself so deep inside of your little cunt. You leaned against him, arching your back and gripping his shoulders. "Leviathan!" You moaned out, only to be silenced with a passionate kiss.
Hungry, and obviously desperate, he started pounding into you. His cocks bullied your cervix and G-spot, one of his his hands trailed up your body to squeeze your breasts, and his tail wrapped around your thigh to keep you spread open for him. His rough fucking, along with the way he played with your breast and your clit, made your walls start to build up around him. You felt a different kind of pleasure, a different need filling your core.
The need to release.
You needed to cum, and with how he was handling you right now, you were definitely going to cum soon. You broke away from the kiss. "Levi! Levi- M-M'gonna-" You clenched your teeth and leaned your head against his shoulder, letting out loud mewls in pleasure.
Leviathan didn't respond, he only started going faster. Harder.
Then, you saw white. Your scream was muted as your senses shut down, your orgasm racking through your body in delicious waves of pleasure.
Levi grabbed onto your hips and pushed you down onto his cocks, keeping you in place as he came. Spurts of cum shot out, the duality causing your cunt to overflow.
As you came down from your high, you could faintly hear him whispering sweet nothings into your ear, all while gently nibbling on your jawline.
"You did so good for me," Levi whispered, slowly pulling out of you to see his fluids gush out of you. You flinched when one of his cocks rubbed against your folds, letting out a soft whine.
"But, MC, I'm not done. You'll let me play with you a little more, right, My Henry?"
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Hope you liked it, Anon!
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sapphireneil · 6 months
His special Gift // Demon!Leviathan x sub!m! Reader NSFW
CW: frustrated Levi, Demon form, tail shenanigans (tail fucking), *unprotected* anal sex, teasing, marking, usage of petnames for reader, dashes of praise and degradation, breeding kink mentions, established relationship, implied pet play
Obey Me! Leviathan x sub!m! Reader
In honor of his birthday <3 - dedicated to Noé
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You watched in frustration as Levi stormed out of the living room, off into his own. You and the brothers had wanted to get get him a signed edition of the Ruri☆Tunes game which had been a limited edition on Akuzon. Unfortunately they were sold of in a few seconds, making it impossible for either of you to get one and since they went on sale the night before Leviathans birthday, all of you were left empty handed… almost.
You get up, leaving the living room and paying no mind to the dirty comments the brothers were making. Heading to your lovers room, you fumble a bit at your clothing, adjusting your uniform so the suprise you had prepared, wouldn‘t be spoilered.
That done, you knock at his door, allowing yourself in, as he didn‘t respond, seeing your lover curled up in his favorite gaming chair, gaze fixed on his DDD. „Hey…“ you spoke, with caution, as you spotted the horns on his head and the tail that had wrapped around the chair he sat in. You knew that he would never hurt you, and that you could avoid it even if he'd try, considering the pact you'd made, but to provoke an already hurt demon, never was a good idea.
So all you did was unbuttoning the upper part of your uniform, revealing the seams of some velvety lingerie top, which left your collarbones bare, a light purple dog collar lying smug around your neck. Attached to it, was a small metal plate, heart shaped, the engraved letters reading your beloved's name - Leviathan. The metal made a slight jiggle sound, causing the purple haired male to look up at you, finally, his pupils widening as he processed what he was looking at, blushing, mouth agape.
"Whoa-" Levi gasped, blinking in disbelief, putting his phone down without a second glance at it.
You took this reaction, and his fixed gaze, as an invitation to undress yourself further, eventually leaving yourself in only the top and some brief underwear, which did absolutely nothing to conceal your already raging boner. With curiosity you gazed into Levis eyes, watching contently as his split tongue darted out briefly to wet his lips, eying you up and down. There's silence between the two as his gaze grows more lustful with the second.
Before you could speak up, his tail wraps around your waist, pulling you to him, with more force than actually would've been necessary, but it only illustrates his need for you, so you weren't going to complain as you comfortably settled into his lap, the black tail still snug around your waist as he tilted your chin up, forcing you to look in his eyes. Where frustration was just a second ago, now glistened want.
"Thats the best surprise gift I have ever received ~" Levi murmurs, his tone hushed, lower than usual, as he finally brings his lips to yours.
You sigh into the kiss, parting your lips as he hooks a finger under the collar, pulling you closer. A few moments its just tongues battling for dominance and small moans of desperation until you need to part for air, lips all red and puffy.
"Awww, won't you look at that, so eager to please me puppy~" he coos, making you whine and thrust your cock against his, the precum already staining your pretty underwear, as you whine, desperate for friction. Levi just chuckles, his tail loosening around your waist, just to sneakily make its way into your panties, making the fabric rub against your already painfully hard cock. Swishing, his tail made way to your hole, showing how exited your beloved was. Very exited.
You gasp, hands grasping your beloveds thighs as you felt the tip of his tail inside of you, moaning at the sudden stretch, your back arching, as a signal for him to proceed, eager to feel these parts of his tail inside you which would make your panties burst at the seams. As if he had heard your thoughts, Levis tail retracts, leaving you empty and whining from the loss of touch. „Take these off for me okay baby,?“ he whispers, right next to your ear, shivers going down your spine, as you remove yourself from your lovers lap to oblige to his request.
beautiful Lingerie joins black clothing on the floor, now only the collar was left on your body, the metal plate clattering slightly, as you move to settle back down in your naked boyfriends lap again, straddling his thighs with yours and hooking your feet behind his back. „Such a pretty puppy… all mine“ Leviathan whispers, barely loud enough for you to hear, and yet it causes the butterflies in your stomach to spark.
The purple haired quickly kisses your flushed cheeks, before his mouth makes its way to claim you as his. In a matter of seconds, your neck and shoulders are plastered in bite marks and deep purple hickeys, his forked tongue apologetically gliding over your irritated skin, making you whine and buck your hips up in desperation, your cock rubbing against his. This made your boyfriend whine in response, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss, swallowing your moans as you felt his tail inside you again, stretching your insides. „Feels good…“ you whine, in an desperate attempt to fuck yourself even deeper onto your lovers tail. Leviathan did nothing but visibly enjoying the obscene picture in front of him, which only added to the sensations his tail could feel when you clenched around him, wanting him even deeper inside your womb. Levi let out a low hum as he pressed one hand on the bulge that his tail left in your womb, right over your neglected dripping cock, where you wanted him most. Desperately you whine, burying your head in the crook of his neck, as you try chasing your orgasm on his tail. „Look at you my dirty little pup, fucking yourself stupid on my demon tail… but it isn‘t enough, is it?“ he coaxes, his voice way too gentle for the dirty words that left his mouth. You let out a moan at the embarrassing words, inching yourself closer to him, your dicks touching, just for Levi to breathily moan in your ear and pull back his tail, now the scales were wet and sloppy. Whining in protest, as you now felt incredibly empty, but before I could even question the cause of his actions you were cut off by his tail lifting you onto his cock.
Levis hands now on your waist, forcing his entire length deep inside of your womb, deep enough to almost kiss your cervix. You squirm and writhe in pleasure, begging for him to move. "You're such a pretty boy, aren't you? Mhhh im gonna make sure to breed you all nice and full~ so that everyone knows you're mine and mine only~" he says, his voice almost dangerously low, etching into a growl. His hands still stayed flush on your waist, keeping you in place as he started thrusting into you at a steady and fast, causing you to wrap your arms around his neck, as if anchoring yourself onto sanity. He bounced you on his cock like a helpless little fucktoy, and yet your hole kept sucking him in greedily as he penetrated that sweet spot inside of you, making your legs shake and moans spill from your lips. "L-levi~" you breathe out, signaling how close you were to your release. That was all he needed to steady his pace, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he got close too, the end of his tail now pressing both of your cocks together, jerking them off in a pace that matches his thrusts of his second cock. You can only hear him moan out your name before his spills from your lips as well. You fill his hot thick cum fill up and paint your insides in white, the rest of the seed painting Leviathans chest.
Both of you need a while to catch your breath, slowly coming down from your high when Levis hands release you, and you fall forward into his chest, lacking the energy to hold yourself up any longer. Carefully, Levi pulls out, not wanting to hurt you, before wrapping you up in his comforting embrace. Just before you slip into dreamscape, you hear Leviathan mumble something in the crown of your hair
"I don't need birthday gifts as long as I have you, my love."
Whoaaaa, that was another long one- this originally was supposed to be just a short drabble, and it sort of escalated into...this
Hope you enjoyed :)
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bomber-grl · 11 months
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Last updated: September•22•2024
Fem!Reader/masc!reader will be specified, otherwise it’s all gender neutral
Hiro Hamada
Hiro Hamada relationship hc
Hiro + easily flustered reader
Hiro Hamada + Artist reader
❤︎₊ ⊹Hiro fluff alphabet ❤︎₊ ⊹
Hiro Hamada + tall reader ❤︎
Hiro Affection Headcanons
Hiro Hamada x ADHD! Reader
Hiro x musically talented! Reader
Hiro x cosplayer! Reader ʚ♡ɞ
Hiro Hamada x low self esteem! Reader
Hiro Hamada x depressed! Reader
Hiro x Reader who can travel through time ❤︎₊ ⊹
Hiro x drop dead gorgeous!reader
Hiro Hamada x Reader w superhuman regeneration
“You’re part of bh6?”
Hiro Hamada x Reader w total Blindness
Hiro x “Bimbo”!Reader ❤︎₊ ⊹
Hiro x reader w mommy/daddy issues
Hiro x Reader w extreme/unique haircuts!
Hiro Hamada x Teasing!Reader ʚ♡ɞ
Getting Kidnapped and Hiro having to deal with it
“Don’t listen to him!”
There’s this river in Egypt-
Hiro Hamada x Reader with a terrible brother
Valentines Day with Hiro!! °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Hiro x Lolita fashion! Reader
Hiro + Fanfic reader/writer
Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne relationship head-canons ♡
[jealousy head-canons]
What being best friends with Damian Wayne would be like
Date night
A winter night with Damian Wayne
Justice league conference
Just friends..? (M!reader)
Secret Identities ♡
New years kiss
“Wanna get married?”
Feeling the waves
Damian Wayne x Flirty!Reader (M!Reader)
Damian x Fem!Crossdresser!Reader ❤︎(M!Reader)
Gwen Stacy
Gwen Stacy dating hc ❤︎₊ ⊹
Percy Jackson
Cuddle/Sleep Headcanons 💤🌙
Percy Jackson
General Percy Jackson dating hc⋆°🌊
Percy Jackson x Child of Apollo ☀️
Grover Underwood
General grover dating headcanons ⋆°🌱
Nico DiAngelo
Nico Di Angelo fluff alphabet
General Nico Di Angelo dating hc ☠︎︎
Enemies to lovers with Nico Di Angelo
Encounters with Circe and Lamia
Nico Di Angelo x Child of Hypnos ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
Nico Di Angelo x Son of Hecate ☾
Nico Di Angelo x Son of Persephone
Nico Di Angelo x Child of Hades💀
Nico Di Angelo x Son of the fates ♾️
Nico Di Angelo x Son of Nemesis 🥀
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devildomwriter · 9 months
Believe In What Your Heart is Saying | Leviathan x Reader
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.6K Words | GN! Reader | CW: none
Leviathan struggled to calm his heart as he paced his floor, occasionally bumping against the jellyfish lights as he did so.
Henry watched from the aquarium concerned. Leviathan didn’t usually get like this over anything other than his anime and idols and this time Leviathan mouthed the same thing over and over again. The red shade on his face didn’t dim no matter how many times he practiced.
“___, will you, b-b-be, be-b-b-be! Aaaack I can’t say it! Why can’t I say it!?” Leviathan bemoaned and turned to Henry. He placed his hand against the tank and asked Henry for help but the fish did not know how to respond.
Leviathan nodded. “You’re right! I’m too pathetic. They’ll just say no, so why bother?”
Henry blew bubbles at Leviathan trying to communicate he’d said no such thing and Leviathan continued to belittle himself until the clock struck eight and he jumped to his feet, panicking.
“I-is it already time!?” He gasped and quickly requested the password.
“The Christmas password is Ruri’s Santa uniform is the cutest in the worlds!” You called from the other side of the door.
Leviathan swallowed the knot in his throat and opened the door with a shaking hand. He had to keep it together, he couldn’t let you notice anything was different.
But when he saw you in your cute Christmas sweater with a bucket of popcorn to share with him, his blush deepened.
“What’s up with you, Levi? You’re redder than Rudolph’s nose.”
Leviathan laughed awkwardly at your Christmas reference and gestured to the beanbags in front of his TV.
“L-let’s sit down n-now.”
You raised a brow at him curiously, knowing he was acting oddly but agreed. You sat down on the beanbag and Leviathan rushed to grab a throw blanket for you. He wrapped it around you and you beamed up at him.
“Thanks! You’re the sweetest.”
“Wh-huh? Like lol…no j-just…being a good host!”
Leviathan sat down next to you but not as closely as usual.
“What happened with you? Did I finally lose to Ruri-Chan?”
“Huh!? What? Like that’s even possible you’re a million times cuter than Ruri!”
You weren’t expecting that direct of an answer and blushed. As soon as Levi realized what he’d said his face turned even redder than it had been all day.
Henry watched in anticipation from the aquarium as Levi hid in his sweater and tried stuttering an excuse.
“Wh-wh-what I meant was—“
“You’re cute too Levi!” You exclaimed.
“C-cute…?” He didn’t seem too enthused at being called cute although he was still blushing.
“Yes. And handsome.” You said matter of factly.
“Huh! N-no way. Not some gross normie otaku like me!”
You shook your head and glared at him and he gulped in surprise.
“Stop putting yourself down. Are you saying I’m a bad judge?”
He looked shocked and shook his head. “N-no. Everything you do and say is perfect.”
“We’ll I wouldn’t go that far…”
“Oh no, did I say something stupid? Ugh!”
Levi tried to back away but you didn’t let him and wrapped your arms around him. “Don’t worry. You didn’t say anything wrong. Now come on. We’re watching Christmas movies, aren’t we? I’ve been really excited about this.”
“M-me too. I’ve been excited too…B-Because…” he whispered the last part too quietly for you to hear so you leaned in face close to his.
Leviathan blinked in surprise. Assuming you’d heard him confess his feelings, he leaned in to meet your lips.
You were surprised he’d be so bold and realized what he must’ve said as he cupped your cheek with his hand. You blushed and grinned into the gentle touch of your lips.
The kiss was a little awkward but it meant everything to you. He finally pulled away, red and you’re face matched his. You weren’t expecting him to finally confess, it caught you by surprise.
“Hey, Levi…”
“Tell me again.”
“What? Like, do you want me to want me to have a heart attack? Lol.”
You shook your head and batted your eyes teasingly. His demon form slipped out in his excitement and nodded.
“Then I’ll tell you as many times as you want! I-I love you!”
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