#lgbtiq+ reads
thelibraryisquiet · 1 year
What’s your favorite LGBTIAQ+ book?
I’m looking for new books to read so I’d like to know your recommendations!
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evilluzdoppelganger · 4 months
All I wanna do is write about gay vampires and it's ruining meee
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crossdreamers · 3 months
UN organization for women condemns gender-criticals and other transphobes
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UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women have published a statement where they condemn anti-transgender activism, including the "gender critical" "radical feminists".
UN Women outlines five key points about the growing anti-rights pushback against LGBTIQ+ communities globally:
Anti-rights movements are on the rise, UN Women points out, exploiting instability to bring reactionary beliefs into the mainstream and reverse gains for marginalized groups. Hate crimes against LGBTIQ+ people have increased significantly in recent years across multiple regions.
UN Women writes:
"While the contexts and motivations of these movements are distinct, they often overlap in retaliation against what they view as 'gender ideology': a term used to oppose the concept of gender, women’s rights, and the rights of LGBTIQ+ people broadly.  There is a long tradition in which anti-rights movements frame equality for women and LGBTIQ+ people as a threat to so-called 'traditional' family values. Movements encompassing 'anti-gender', 'gender-critical', and 'men’s rights' have taken this to new extremes, tapping into wider fears about the future of society and accusing feminist and LGBTIQ+ movements of threatening civilization itself."
2. These movements play on stereotypes and engineered anxiety, falsely associating LGBTIQ+ people with mental illness, perversion, and indoctrination of youth, UN Women argues. They particularly target transgender women.
3. LGBTIQ+ rights are being wedged into existing "culture war" narratives, framed as competing with women's rights or as a generational dispute. The push for LGBTIQ+ rights is falsely portrayed as a Western agenda, ignoring diverse gender identities across cultures.
4. LGBTIQ+ organizations and human rights defenders face defunding, exclusion from civic spaces, and restrictions on operating. Anti-rights groups receive increasing private funding compared to LGBTIQ+ movements.
5. Working for LGBTIQ+ rights is indivisible from gender equality, UN Women argues. Feminist movements must push forward collectively to protect LGBTIQ+ equality, countering disinformation that divides marginalized groups
Read the whole text here.
See also:
UN Women Calls Gender-Criticals An Extremist Anti-rights Movement
"The TERFminator" – Lesbian feminist LGBTQA-activist puts "gender critical" transphobes in their place
An ex-TERF writes about misogyny in “gender critical” feminist culture
Photo: UN Women/Felix Maia
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allthegeopolitics · 5 months
A new law in Spain allows people to freely change gender from age 16. Euronews reports on what this means for the children, adults and families concerned. A new national law for "real and effective equality for trans people" came into force in Spain on 2 March 2023, allowing a person to change their gender identity in the civil register without undergoing a two-year hormonal treatment or obtaining a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria, as required by previous legislation. Euronews reporters Valerie Gauriat and Davide Rafaelle Lobina travelled to Madrid to hear the testimonies of those who are affected by the law.
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Daniel Villarreal at LGBTQ Nation:
The parliament of Liechtenstein just passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, making it the 22nd country to do so among Europe’s 37 nations. The bill goes into effect at the start of 2025. The country’s parliament, known as the Landtag, voted nearly unanimously in favor of the historic bill, as 24 of its 25 members supported it, the Liechetensteiner Vaterland reported. In a congratulatory social media post, the Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein to the United Nations wrote, “Just in time for [the May 17th International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia], the LI Parliament approved same-sex marriage in its final reading today – an important step for equal rights of LGBTIQ+ people in Liechtenstein! [rainbow emoji] #MarriageEquality #HumanRightsForAll.” Wedged between Austria and Switzerland, Liechtenstein is Europe’s fourth-smallest country, measuring just 62 square miles with a population of 39,790. It has offered registered partnerships for same-sex couples since 2011. The new law will allow these partnerships to become marriages through a simple administrative process.
Add Liechtenstein to the list of nations that legalize marriage equality. Beginning January 1st, 2025, it will become the law of that nation.
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 6 months
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Farm witch friends, you have done the coven proud.
We've got so many good recs it's going to take a few weeks to share them all!
Starting with these that were recommended more than once, if you haven't spend some time with these fan favorites, you should check them out now! And leave the authors some love, of course.
Everyday Magic (houdini74/@mostlyinthemorning)
Each magic story is so unique, so sweet, so... D&P! 
I couldn’t pick just one of these wonderfully variable scenarios that all include just a little (or maybe a lot of) magic added to the perfect scene setting and banter. 
Favored Nations (@blueink3)
ALL OF IT! It’s my go-to when I’m feeling down, when I need to revise our boys. The characters, writing, and plot are all amazing. 
Amazing world building, very in character slow burn.
The ultimate slow burn, the perfect love story set amongst the wonders of Broadway and NYC.
It’s just so, so good!  I am a sucker for secret romance fics, and this one has that and so much more.  Add in some Shakespearean theater with a twist and just the right amount of angst and sexiness, it’s just perfect! I love it so much.  
This author knows David, Patrick, and the NY theater world inside and out. The volume and level of specificity, volume, tenderness, anxiety, and love of these characters and worlds is astounding. The characterization is so vivid, it's the easiest fic to forget isn't canon.
Fifteen hundred miles (morehuman)
I go back to this fic a lot! I just love the idea of them both challenging themselves and finding out what they are capable of.
The most incredible journey, a gift to go along with them in it.
I carry these heart-shapes only for you (@ladyflowdi and @ships-to-sail)
I love this transportative, visual feast of historic fiction. Luscious WW2 Paris is so vividly portayed and David’s wild, wealthy, LGBTIQ+out flamboyance juxtaposed to the farm-boy turned military-man Patrick is sexy and sweet. It undoes me every time. I actually first came to the piece via FairManor’s outstanding podfic. Both the text and the podfic are high art. It’s not just one of my favorite fan-fics. It’s one of my favorite stories of ALL time in any genre. I read/listen and I am at the Gaston, riding on the back of Patrick’s motorcycle, kissing in windmills, eating crepes, touring junk shops & dancing naked to 40’s blues. I’d give anything to see this as a film with Dan & Noah & cast. I want a leather bound print copy of it. Also - The epilogue is progressive, heartbreaking thoughtful genius. I’ve just finished rereading & listening to it again. Each time there are new Easter eggs to be found. Joyous. 
It's just the most beautiful piece of writing ever written. Descriptive, lyrical, hot, stunning, heartbreaking. It has everything. 
I’d swing with you for the fences (@nontoxic-writes)
Achingly sweet and fluffy all set in the perfect baseball/famous AU with secret relationship AND musician Patrick. I come back to reread this one a lot!
What isn't there to love?  Baseball, long distance relationship, sex, songs, coming out to the parents, coming out to the team, coming out to the world, excellent use of side characters....I could go on and on.  There are so many amazing fics out there, but I've read this one at least a dozen times! 
Incorrect (@lisamc-21)
You can hear David saying it, but now picture the Maldives.
A beautifully written story of our boys meeting on vacation. Their trip is so sweet and so hot, and when they say goodbye, it's heartbreaking. The twist- they are both famous in their own worlds but don’t recognize each other so don’t realize who the other has hooked up with. When their week ends, they try to maintain a long-distance friendship as they learn who the other is. What was a hot hookup becomes a slow burn, and it’s amazing!!
The Last Rose Video (@distractivate)
Gorgeous writing, the perfect mix of canon and AU, clever plot, great dialogue.  The fic I read over and over.  It’s as comforting as a warm blanket. 
Swoon. SWOON.
Strike Anywhere (@madlori)
Hot firefighters. Hot sex. Hot romance. But like in a Sandra loves Keanu sliding out of a speeding bus kind of way.
Hot hot hot!  That’s the first work. Then- the author developed a prequel that is also hot but is also funny, loving, sweet. Love fireman Patrick!
This enemies-to-lovers-to-secret-husbands story featuring Patrick Brewer as a firefighter, is deliciously tropey and blazing hot, but also it’s written with such authentic emotion and perfect banter that it keeps me coming back to read it whenever I need a mood lift. 
Such great heights (@likerealpeopledo-on-ao3)
Great story, the very best jokes, and the wedding date chapter is so good it would work as a stand alone fic. 
It's got the mother of all fake dating scenarios, and Stevie in this in among the best I've ever read her. It's also very very funny. All the times when they say Feel The Air crack me up every time!
Sustineo (@rockinhamburger)
This is a perfectly paced one-shot AU that builds a world in which David is a brilliant, stormy, reclusive artist whose whose treatment by the press (and one Sebastien Raine) has made him unwilling to engage with the world…. Until he meets an intuitive and kind art writer who sees him for everything that he is (and can be). All of characters here are perfect and I love the descriptions of David’s art. 
Incredibly hot art fic.
You can fall (sweetsirius/@wordthieve)
It takes the David and Patrick rescue each other theme of the show and makes the stakes even higher. Plus it's just a genuinely beautiful piece of writing.
The story arc and pacing are fantastic. I love how David and Patrick's relationship develops and how Patrick learns to open himself up again after grief. It's incredibly well written. I've read it so many times, from full read thrus to dipping in and out of my favorite moments and chapters.
Patrick is so heartbroken, but then he meets David. So romantic, and feels lived in.
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jstor · 1 year
hello hello hello!! tysm for this website, i love it so much! for my question - do you have any articles on fandom history, especially on the making of ao3, slash fanfiction, stuff like that? ty!!
Hi! You may be interested in these:
"The Reading Habits and Preferences of LGBTIQ+ Youth"
"Shared Narratives: Intermediality in Fandom"
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anxious-witch · 10 months
Here's some more JO positivity ❤️
I love how much they are not afraid to care about things, show that they care, and invite others to share in that, in a completely genuine way. In this day and age, when cynicism is often upheld as 'realism' and showing genuine emotion is often scoffed at as being naive, trite or silly, because people become closed off to survivey, to me it feels like they and their music are saying 'actually, you know what, feeling deeply is what makes us human, feeling deeply and owning it is what makes us invested in the people and the world around us, and that's the only way forward because if we want a life and a future worth living, we need each other and we can't be scared to show that we care'. Once again, ESPECIALLY as 5 young Balkan men, I know this gets repeated, but it's really an extra layer because the social programing was definitely against them when it comes to this.
The thing that drew me the most to them is how much joy and love they have for each other and what they do. And you can't really fake stuff like that, because it's not an 'image' you create, it's real energy you invest. They feel like a group that understands that nothing is more important than taking care of each other, because that's the basis of everything else.
I, as someone who's been in activism for almost a decade, really love the underlying message of their songs and their concerts, which to me reads as 'actually, love and joy are radical acts in a world which constantly tries to tear them away from you or shame you for them'. And they don't do it in a way that's trivialising. It's not the ignorant 'oh, you should ignore that stuff is bad, just be happy'. It's 'yeah, the world is often a horrible place, but one of the ways of surviving that and not only surviving, but really living, is turning to each other, refusing the narative of being doomed, and finding love and joy where you can'.
It's no wonder to many LGBTIQ+ folks and others who have experiences of being marginalised are drawn to them, our communities know a thing or two about the radical power of joy.
And all the effort and attention they put into everything they do makes me think they are something much more substantial than 'nice' - they seem like genuinely kind people.
Love and joy are radical acts ❤️ I couldn't have said it better myself. In a world that tells us not to care about anything because everything is temporary and destined to fall apart, they say "I will care for this until it does" and I think that's so, so brave.
Thank you for this ask, I don't have much more to add because you said pretty much everything. Part about activism is so important
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netherworldpost · 2 years
I’ve been crying over this ad for, like, 18 hours.
I realized “oh wait I used to work in advertising I bet I can find an article written about it with more detail”
I was right!
There is a bit more detail about the grandfather (it’s a good thing, and I’m not going to spoil it, read the article). It’s a small thing; I enjoyed reading it.
From the article: “We want everyone to feel free to celebrate the holidays, giving visibility to a reality that thousands of people face, including the LGBTIQ+ collective who seek a safe space to be and show themselves openly.” -- Úrsula Mejía-Melgar, marketing director for South Europe at Diageo
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starstruckbaby · 10 months
so i was just contacted by someone who lives in the kakuma refugee camp, they contacted me letting them know what the conditions are like for the LGBTQ+ people in the camp and the conditions are horrific for them. They experience police brutality, torture, persecution and other terrible things because they are queer or trans.
There are lesbians who have to sell their bodies basic needs such as food due to how terrible it is over there. While i may not know every detail of the situation i am still determined to raise awareness about the situation. I know i am not going to be heard by all butif at least one person reads then that is one person more who is aware.
You can help by donating to the gofundme page here
for more info you can visit the blog @stupendousanchorpirate and ask questions.
If you are unable to donate then reblogging or sharing in general would still be helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading.
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calvinphil · 3 months
**Help Needed: Support LGBTIQ+ Refugees in Gorom Camp, South Sudan**
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Hi everyone,
I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out today with a heartfelt request for assistance.
I was wondering if anyone could help me open a GoFundMe page. The goal of this campaign is to raise funds for 300 LGBTIQ+ refugees currently living in Gorom camp, South Sudan. These individuals, who were initially living in Kakuma camp in Kenya, faced severe challenges and had to make the difficult decision to flee to South Sudan. This followed Kenya's refusal to expedite their cases and instead began arresting them, leading to our relocation.
The situation here in Gorom camp is dire. We are struggling to meet our daily needs, particularly food security. Additionally, we face flooding due to poor shelter conditions, which worsens during the rainy season as water enters our shelters.
Your support in helping to set up this GoFundMe campaign would mean the world to us. It will provide much-needed resources to ensure we have enough food and improve our living conditions.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any assistance or advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
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radicalreports · 1 year
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Morning Briefing: Proud Boys Planning Disruptive Protest During Pride Month
The Proud Boys, the far right violent extremist street gang, are planning disruptive protests during the 'target rich environment' of Pride month celebrations.
Morning Briefing: The Proud Boys, the far right violent extremist street gang, “are now more active than ever, and are busy planning disruptive protests at Pride month celebrations across the country in June.”
The Ohio chapter of the group has reported called the upcoming month of LGBTIQ events a “target rich environment.”
The Countering Extremism Working Group was formed to combat extremism within the ranks of the U.S. military, however, two years since the establishment of the working group “the effort has vanished virtually without a trace.”
Shane Lamond, a Lieutenant and the head of an intelligence unit within the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., “faces criminal charges after allegedly warning the leader of the far-right Proud Boys group about an arrest warrant and leaking other law enforcement information.”
The New Hampshire attorney general’s office met with Task Force Butler, an organization of military veterans that recent published a report on the activities of a neo-Nazi group throughout New England, and “state officials encouraged the veterans group and others to report hate crimes to their office.”
Read more here.
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commajade · 30 days
Hiya! You totally don't have to answer this if you don't know or don't want to, but I was just wondering if you knew the phrase people use to describe trans rights in Korean? For example, I've noticed that sometimes the terms "트랜스젠더", "FTM", and "MTF" are used however, I only saw this in some vlogs I saw on YT. And I can't seem to find what word is used specifically to describe the rights of trans people or supporting the rights of trans people. I want to do some research and read some books, and if they exist, watch some documentaries about the history of trans folks in Korea as well as financially support as many good trans orgs that I can find but to search properly I want to make sure I have the right terminology that people actually use in conversation.
i'm not an expert on this but generally korean lgbt groups use english transliterated terms for transgender, nonbinary, queer, etc along with korean terms for human rights and social justice. just start with wikipedia honestly there's no special terminology. the only org i'm familiar with is the ddingddong lgbt youth center and they always have a fundraiser going afaik.
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qnewsau · 18 days
Over 100 orgs call on government to count all of us in census
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/over-100-orgs-call-on-government-to-count-all-of-us-in-census/
Over 100 orgs call on government to count all of us in census
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Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is being asked to allow the Australian Bureau of Statistics to “do its job” and ask all three new questions on gender, variations of sex characteristics and sexual orientation in the next census.
The federal government caused national outrage last week after dumping three new questions on sexuality, gender, and intersex status from the next census.
On Friday, the Prime Minister said the government would allow one of the questions, on sexual orientation only.
But the government still hasn’t committed to the other two questions, to count Australia’s transgender and intersex populations.
Explanations from government ministers, including that the questions were scrapped to avoid a “divisive” debate and that the questions were too complex, caused further anger and backlash.
On Sunday, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese suggested the proposed questions weren’t “appropriate”.
“Quite clearly, there should be common-sense questions asked that are quite easily understood,” he said, per ABC News.
“The ABS was going to go out and test some questions on Monday [last week]. That’s why we put a pause on that so that we could consider appropriate questions easily understood by people when they get the census.”
On Sunday, Albanese refused to commit to supporting all three of the questions. He said the government would “work with” the ABS on the issue.
‘End the uncertainty’ and include all three questions
Now, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and over 100 peak bodies, community organisations and health experts have signed a joint statement on the census.
It calls on the government to “end the current uncertainty and unhelpful discourse” and give the green light to all three questions in the next national survey.
“These questions are not complicated. [They] are already being used in some government and non-government studies and data sets,” the statement reads.
“The absence of relevant Census data for LGBTIQ+ populations means that health policy, programs and services cannot be accurately targeted. This leads to increased healthcare costs and inefficient use of public resources.”
To address this, all three questions – not just sexual orientation – are necessary for the next census, the joint statement says.
“In the same way that asking a gender question will not collect information on sexual orientation and vice versa it is not possible to collect information on people with innate variations of sex characteristics through a question on gender or sexual orientation,” it reads.
“We ask all MPs to set aside political differences and focus on prioritising health and wellbeing above all else.
“Data is imperative for evidence-based policy, leading to better outcomes for all Australians.”
Read the joint statement in full here.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia CEO Nicky Bath said signatories span mental health, suicide prevention, social services, disability, ageing and aged care, sexual, family and domestic violence, human rights, and research.
“This demonstrates the broad cross-sectoral support and need for collecting this data,” she said.
Separately, seventy LGBTQIA+ organisations have also signed a statement by Equality Australia. It also calls on the next census to count all LGBTIQ+ Australians in the census, which is the most comprehensive snapshot of Australia.
Read that statement in full here.
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Equality Australia (@equalityaustralia)
PM slammed for exclusion of trans and intersex Aussies
LGBTQIA+ advocates called out the federal government for “picking and choosing” which queer Aussies to count in the census.
Trans Justice Project director Jackie Turner said removing the gender question broke a Labor party promise.
“The government needs to re-commit to their own party platform and support these common-sense changes,” Jackie said.
Jackie Turner said the decision sends a message that “our communities, our families, and our friends don’t count.”
Transcend CEO Jeremy Wiggins said trans, gender diverse and non-binary Australians are “systematically erased in too many areas of our lives already.”
“We face disproportionately poor health outcomes as a result. We exist across tens of thousands of households across Australia,” Jeremy said.
“If the census does not accurately capture our identities, then the data will be extremely poor. It will lead to years of ongoing health and policy failures for our communities.”
Intersex advocate Tony Briffa said the census must count Australians with innate variations of sex characteristics too.
“Governments need reliable data to make decisions about the delivery of vital health and community services,” Tony said.
“And yet the census doesn’t capture even the most basic information about how many people in Australia are born with biological variations of sex characteristics.
“This impacts policy and service delivery on everything from health, family support and participation in sport.”
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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Hello Tumblr!
Hi Tumblr, here's some things about me!
I am diagnosed ADHD and in general neurodivergent
I am a minor, so be safe and all that!
My pronouns are she/they
I am lgbtiq+ - I'm a demigirl and eh sexuality schmexuality idk
I am currently obsessed with Gravity Falls, Percy Jackson, the Marauders fandom & more! (:
I love to read and I sometimes write and draw!
I like to sing and play music!
I have another blog where i post incorrect marauders quotes from things my friends have said, @marauders-quotes-bymyfriends
@purple-phesh-and-cheps is my bro, you should check out his blog!
Reality is an illusion,
The universe is a hologram,
Buy gold,
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sisi-chan-draws · 3 months
. . .
Oh, someone arrived!
Shoot, I knew I should've learned the script...
Ahem ahem...
Welcome, fellow user!~✨
You have arrived to my small tiny little blog. Yeah, it's pretty messy around here, but I can asure you that I post interesting stuff from time to time!... Maybe.
But anyways, this is an:
✨~Introduction Post~✨
To get yourself in context, yeah? I'll try to be quick about it!
What can you find in this blog?
This blog will mostly be filled with drawings, fanarts, Original Characters and Fan Characters from the current fixation I am.
Some of the things supported in this blog are:
OC x Canon
Self Insert x Canon
LGBTIQ+ Community
Alternative Universes
And many more!
Things that I will NOT be supporting:
Animal Abuse
Any kind of Political Topics (Srry but this blog is to keep your mind away from the real world for a few minutes. Reality sucks so bad)
And pretty much any other common sense stuff that is considered immoral
Note: My current fixation will always be stated in my blog's description, and will vary depending on which fandom I'm in at the moment.
Also, English is not my main language so I apologize for any misspellings.
When will you be posting?
Only God knows. After a couple of tries of coming back to Tumblr (Each of them failing misserably), I've come to the realization that I will post whenever I feel like it.
I'm awful when it comes to managing my time and schedules, so you can expect a post coming out of absolutely nowhere in the least expected time.
Did I read "Social Anxiety" up there?
Yes you did, my friend. I really need to state this and it's quite important for anyone who wishes to interact with me at some point.
I suck at social interaction
That doesn't mean I don't want to make friends tho.
I just really need everyone to understand that I will not always be avaliable to interact, or that my brain tends to overwhelm so bad that sometimes I tend to leave the conversation.
This has been a trouble I've had for so many years now. And although it's theorically easier for people to interact via internet, for me that's not the case. I really hope everyone understands this, and I'm so sorry if I cause any trouble in the future because of this.
Take in mind it will not be your fault, but mine.
And... I think that's all I have to say for now! ✨
I really hope this time everything goes well for me in Tumblr.
Guess I'll see ya' around!
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