#libra spread
yourelocalartist · 1 month
Hello, I am here to address the situation with the the Lunar and Earth show. If you don't know basically what happened is that a channel called Lunar and Earth show got terminated by YouTube. I'm not sure about what exactly it was terminated for but I herd it could have been eather from people selling Lunar plushies on temu and/or dew to a character called Dazzle Deer. Dazzle is a child within the show that was killed by another character called Bloodmoon,and the problem with this is that YouTube doesn't really like when there is anything to do with children and violence. For this reason the channel was terminated and the actors (Kat,Reed and Davis) have been trying to get it back. They have been sending appeals for around 3 weeks now and have been getting rejected. Right now they are on their last appeal and their last chance to get the channel back. There is a stream you can watch made by Davis if you want more information on the matter. If you see this and you have any social media accounts please spread the news! Do not harass or threaten any of the YouTube employees. Even if you are not a fan of the Lunar and Earth show please spread the word because there are hundreds and thousands of people to who the Lunar and Earth show means so much and that includes myself.
Thank you for reading.
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esoteriamaya · 3 months
What Will This Month Be Like For You?
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Pick a pile, any one!
From left (1, 3, 5) to right ( 2, 4, 6 )
What frequency are you tapping into? What's your focus this summer and how can you emit the best energy at this time?
Lets go!
Pile 1 : Letting Go, The Divine Carries You Home.
What you guys should remember is that the world is yours if you make it. You have gifts that draw people in to your every move, yet you hide your power and your shine falls away.
If you must know, the divine carries a mission for all of us in present time. With the knowledge you guys currently seek, you also carry within. You are a code to the matrix, an everlasting one at that.
This summer, your focus in your life's mission which falls into healing, serenity, and divine compassion. You're focus should be the clear the head of all of its impurities, and focus on more
Keywords: Angels, The voice, singing, dancing in nature, solitude, being alone. 333. 21. 36. 818. 222. 777. 919. 33.
Pile 2 : Me, Myself & I
You want it all, the relationship, the car, the house, the confidence. Everything. But you gotta wait on it just a bit longer. Right now, the time to focus on self is better, so that you can know whats in store for you so you can prepared.
You may be tired of being alone, depressed even. But what if I told you going out on a whim by yourself could be the best thing you could of did? Open up to a new world by just embracing the universes secrets and going out and seeing things from a new perspective. You are the it girl, I need you to be a star at this hour.
It may be time to cut off some stress by getting rid of people who no longer serve you. Your angels are with you, ask them to guide you into working on removing energies that aren't for you anymore.
You could be taken more pictures of yourself at this time, work on voicing your opinion and also embrace your personality as your energy is high and you are very beautiful.
Key words: Bunnies, Hats, Modeling, Modeling contracts, It Girl, Instagram Follows, Being a Light, Popular, Heaven, Most popular, Being who you are, Chocolate, Angel numbers like 711, 323, 222, 111, 808, 3, 88, 10, 11.
Pile 3: Hold Onto Me, I see into the future.
"I am an ocean of love, my essence is not attainable to just anyone. My body is my home, and I will not let anyone devour me whole. I am the universe in one soul."
You guys have to see beyond what people are showing you. You are not the one to play with, so dont let it be. Someone or something is bothering you from the surface, if you dont figure it out before it starts to pull its strings, it may start to eat away at you like.a parasite. And you my love, are not the host.
Juat like your friends in pile 2, you guys are going to have to pick your friends wisely. Focusing on what you want is easier said than done, but if no one is able to meet your standards, then baby they aint the one.
Gotta be who your mother brought you out to be. THAT girl.
Y'all need to move like you're the princess that you are, period.
Keywords: Angelic realms, pearls, diamonds, 333, going to places that make you feel good, movies, love/romance, energy shifts, ice cream sandwiches, cherries, sea salt.
Pile 4: Give It All To Me
Y'all have a desire to hold on to your wallets, but whats holding on to you? Money flows intentionally, not to just anyone.
You gotta make a way for the money train to come in and give you waht you need, or else you will bottom feed on pennies and crumbs and thats not the essence of a Queen. You got it?
Focus on your drive and what makes you feel something.
If money is the answer, than you gotta be an entrepreneur. You make the money, dont let it make you.
Be patient with your circumstances cause I know it aint easy, but being yourself is the creative ability you been needing to embrace for a while. You might not know what that means yet, try taking a risk and see where it goes. You never know ;)
Keywords: Mirrors, makeup, altars, roses, peaches, skin-deep, burlesque, making moves from a higher order, strippers, energy healers, restaurant, diy, 222, 777, 999.
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naisaspalace · 4 months
rules: choose the pile with the element of your moon or rising and enjoy :).
obs: contact info for booking readings are on the end. thank you )
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AIR Signs libra, aquarius and gemini
hii my air signs good morning so i am seeing that in the past you were experiencing a long period of torments where you may had faced major losses on your personal life yet those losses essential to you because now i see that you're feeling way better than before you had experienced a moment that allowed you to become free from major illusions even if it has made you feel so much pain in order to be able to be free from those illusions, and you also had hope for a better future yet you was not making any movimento towards achieving that goal…. and also lacked hope to do so. Now currently i see that you're still feeling without hope yet you understand that you have to make a move yet you are still fighting the situation, perhaps fighting alone. for the future i see theres a lot for you to do yet, you have to do some shadow work and it will be a intense moment of painful feelings yet i see that you must not lose hope and need to work thru your problems to be able to enjoy the beautiful ending you desire air signs, you will be able to suceded all you need to do is move towards it. good luck.
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WATER SIGNS - cancer, pisces and scorpio
hii water signs i see that on the past you were experiencing a deep moment of transformation and also a period of isolation as well and even tho was difficult to be isolated you made it, or at least attempted to be more alone during this healing time. I see that currently you are feeling so much emotional pain and i also see that you'll be able to recognize that you need to your emotions are you're power you just need to be able to handle them more and once you realize this your life will change 100% and this will be the perfect time to start engaging back to social situations again and i believe that until you learn this lesson its better to be alone and dont engage in arguments as well and then you will be able to see the fruits of your good work. for your future is that you will be having to do a hard choice because you will be stuck trying to decide between multiple choices yet i see here the you must really thinking about this and chose the right choice for your better future otherwise… you'll have to learn the same lesson again. a advice before you go is be careful about being too picky, learn how to proper communicate and then you will be able to see that the whole torment moment already passed and now you're better :). good luck guys
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earth signs - capricorn, virgo and taurus
hii my earth signs so i see that on the past you guys also have experienced a lot of painful moments it was a time where you experienced a deep pain on your heart, maybe a deep betrayal and had to learn how to become more isolated, which it was a hard time at the beginning i am assuming here by the cards, you had to learn also how be at peace and how to not engage in fighting and arguments, so it was a huge period of growth i am seeing here and i am proud of you guys :), yet i see that you might not have felt happy even tho you understood that you have became so much better. now i see that even tho a lot has changed and things are better there are still so much do to my dears and you now have to truly embrace the change, the new one that is coming or trying to happen at this moment, because theres a chance that you're refusing to change because you are believing that you already let go of the stuff that was making you feel bad but in reality you're trying to avoid to end this chapter because you're lying to yourself about it, be honest with yourselves write about it on your journal and also spend more time alone because i see that you are distracting yourself to much with others to even understand what is this transformation about in the first place.. please for the good of yourself be alone and journal and face the changes. for the future i see that things will be better and feel better yet you will have a feeling of "thats it? thats all i've got thats my reward?" when in fact you have to go after your dreams to be able to fulfill them you will no longer be stuck yet you need to move guys to use whatever is available to you in the moment to help you to grow more and more. the advice here that you need to see that you already have everything you need to achieve your goals you just need to use and then in the future you'll be able to harvest your rewards but you NEED TO PLANT THEM FIRST. good luck my loves <3
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fire signs- leo,sag and aries
hii my fire signs i see here on the past that you spend a lot of time alone and was able to learn so much stuff, specially about yourself and spirituality or any kind of subject you had interest about, and i see here that you also spent a time learning how to be more a private person you were privately fighting about your goals this time. currently i see that you feel that all of that effort wasn't enough for you because now are not receiving or enjoying what you thought you was going to be able to, i see also that you're loosing hope about such dreams and is not as emotional involved as before, maybe you're learning to move on from them, maybe its better to do so but even if you feel like its best to move on you are feeling so much emotional pain because you want or have a little bit of hope fo such thing, if you still would like to try then its better for you to start doing something about it and ignore what others say about your dream, because people might be lke oh move on its best its over etcc you're not going to get what you want etc…… if thats the case then dont listen to them. but make sure its the right thing and that you actually want it .. really think about it. for the future is you might have a time where you will be not communicating yourself right and also you will be not taking as many attitudes towards your goals because you will be stuck trying to choose between many things and i think you also might become to attached to your material stuff, and the advice about the future is to no be so attached because opportunities will come and you also need to work towards being able to recognize them as well. good luck.
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i hope it resonated with someone and i was able to help <3
readings are open. contact info here. direct link for linktree here.
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tarotofzhivamoon · 10 months
Pick a picture reading
What is blocking reconciliation?
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Hi! Thank you for stopping by and reading my work. I hope that you’re going to find the guidance that you need🫶🏻 You can now book a reading with me! Visit my services here and just message me if you are interested in booking any reading.
Pause and take a big breath in, then choose the pile you feel the most drawn to🦋
Masterlist • P@tr30n • Personal readings
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Pile 1
Some of the main blockages for this reconciliation are indecision and a whole lot of lack of clarity, accompanied by feelings of isolation, of not being supported and needing to deal with everything on your own because emotionally and mentally you know you can’t depend on the other person for help. This knowing doesn’t necessarily have to be true though because in the past either you or your person, or both of you even, have dealt with experiences that were sort of unpleasant and your minds have stored those unpleasant experiences to a point in which it makes it really easy for you to categorize, label and compartmentalize all these other experiences that happened after those moments. There are associations of new experiences with memories of similar past experiences that have really made it hard for the both of you to actually believe that you’re there for each other and that you want to offer and show support, but due to what you have gone through in the past, it was really hard to believe at the time, maybe it’s hard to believe now as well. It’s very easy for human being to just assume what the other person is feeling or thinking about us, it’s easy to feel like you rightfully know everything about them and about what is going on within them and that’s what gives it some form of realism, it seems like that’s actually what is happening, when in reality the other person could feel completely different than what we are assuming, but instead of asking or clarifying, we continue on believing the story that our minds have painted based on their behavior and comparing it to past experiences that go way deeper than romantic love or friends, down to the relationship we had with our caregivers and what we have seen around us along with what beliefs have been passed onto us. There could’ve been moments in which the support wasn’t there, where it was actually how the other person showed up, but it wasn’t all the time either; that lack of clarity has truly made you both go to really difficult mental and emotional places when it came to each other and your relationship and it has caused a whole lot of baggage; this is the root issue that —
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
Likes and rbs are appreciated🦋
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Pile 2
The main root blockages for this reconciliation are definitely well represented by either you, your person or both of you just effortlessly wallowing in such an unhealthy self-pity, refusing and clinging to move on from the past and just letting go of what has happened which results in you both beating yourselves up over past mistakes that you have made and taking those on as your full identity. Not only this but also not taking on a whole lot of accountability within the connection which has made it very easy for the both of you to simply allow this fear of failing each other to just limit the effort that you have been putting into this relationship when you were together. This is how the dissolution of the relationship started and how it’s been for a whole lot of time, until one of you actually started to see things for what they are and actually put some of that mindset behind, trying to guide the other towards doing the same thing in attempt to save this relationship but it just was too late. The two of you just couldn’t move on from that fear of disappointing the other, maybe it was warranted to be afraid of that due to some criticism or an issue in communication that has caused the both of you to take things personally, to feel like you were being blamed for everything that was going wrong in the relationship almost like you were passing blame from one to the other back and forth, but it’s also been something that you have heavily experienced before in other relationships too. There might’ve been small mistakes that lead to bigger problems or even past criticism, small experiences that have had such a big impact on the both of you and made you believe that it’s so easy to disappoint another, that if you can’t meet their expectations, then you are just doomed because you messed up so badly to a point in which you lost value, the other person might not want anything to do with you anymore. There’s a sense of catastrophizing everything, but it doesn’t seem to be directed at each other or when the other messed up, it wasn’t such a big deal compared to when you both individually messed up and the other would speak up for themselves, in however way they knew best at the time. If you messed up, it was like it was the end of this relationship and those mistakes kept daunting you both until —
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
Likes and rbs are appreciated🦋
Dividers by Kawaii-Lau on Tumblr🦋
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highpriestess13 · 6 months
Keeping up with the Collective Reading!
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Channeled song: “Be the vibe” by Sahara Rose
515/ 55 is confirmation for this reading. A lot of healing and light work for the collective at this time. A lot of you are being called to celibacy and stepping into your divine feminine energy (gender doesn’t matter). You gotta be the vibe, gotta hypnotize 👀. You’ll magnetize once you compromise.. hmm I feel like there’s many things you’re letting go of, needing to or the chance to do so is coming up very soon! Many of you are aligning with your soul self (if that makes sense) 22 or 4 is significant. Many of you are allowing the flow of love, life, healing, abundance, divine messages and many more flow within and through you or this may be what you’re being called to do at this time. The title of this message was specifically chosen from spirit, the feel I kind of get from the title is you may have people around you that may be trying to keep up with you… this may even be past people too! It’s time to live freely and break away from things that are putting you in mental conflict even if it’s your own doing. Something may be or feel challenging to you rn but you’re needing to not go against this experience(s) you’re needing to go through it in order to grow and free yourself. If a person or situation is putting you in a tough position then it’s time to rethink and reflect and choose what’s best for YOU! Listen to more conscious music and let the rhythm of the songs flow through you, listen to the words, meditate to it if need be. The minute you release yourself from the constant pain and suffering is the minute you allow the universe to guide you… there may be tears involved as well but it’s all for the best and greatest good. You have many paths/ options/ opportunities before you, there may be some confusing or illusions around some of them but you’re needing to just… live. There’s no right or wrong, this choice is up to you but it’s also to use your discernment as well as not everything that comes to you will be forever in your favor. However, don’t look at it as a bad decision but look at it as a chance to grow within that situation. You’re very wise and you have many elders around you guiding and protecting you at this time. There’s no wrong or right answer… I’m getting a “test” type of energy. A test of will… free will. Are you going to hold back or are you going to do something different? Are you going to stay stagnant in illusions or are you going to explore? “Worth” is what I’m hearing. You could be testing your own worth or this is spirit. Don’t fear indulgence, but instead embrace them! You have many chapters to explore, all it takes is that first step… 123! No more holding onto things, people and self sabotaging beliefs that’ll only continue to hinder and cause more harm to you than good. Step into your willpower and by this you’ll learn the meaning of freedom. Lions are significant too. You’re gaining a fresh new perspective in life or will be. You’ll soon realize that some things have to fall in order for something new, bigger and better to be built that’ll last for eternity. Butterflies, squirrels, chestnuts, black birds and crows are signs that you’ve been seeing a lot. You’re going to realize that the light you’ve been searching for has always been within you, and it’ll continue to be within you but the question is… are you going to allow out to shine? Are you going to allow yourself to shine? You’re a star (could be a star seed too) it’s your destiny and birth right to shine like a bright little star 😭! Water and the color blue is significant. The old version of you is dead and gone, the past is dead and gone, all that was and used to be is GONE! Relinquish all fear and any hidden subconscious thoughts and feelings that are keeping you from reaching the surface. You’ve been hiding from the world and now it’s time to shine. You were also hidden from the world for higher reasons but now it’s time for you to show up and show out my loves. You’re the co-creator of your world and we (your team) want you to create this world for yourself. It’s time to step into your power babes and do what you gotta do!
You’re valuable, worthy and good enough for everything positive thing(s) that comes to you. All that no longer serves must go it must come to an ultimate end, don’t go against it…flow with it, grow with it, heal with it, and shine with it. Master the earth… master self and set yourself free. Anubis and Lord Lucifer are very significant. Be wary of what you’re manifesting at this time as your thoughts are rapidly shaping your reality. I also see a manifestation coming in quickly as well however being ungrateful blocks this energy for you. Living in apathy blocks this flow for you. Worrying about what happened in the past blocks this energy for you… it’s time to forge a new path… your own path! You’re in charge and responsible for the path you’re wanting to forge for yourself.
If you’re wanting to book a personal reading, my cashapp is:
All readings are $35 (only 1 question per reading)
**Please message me before sending money! Thank you! 🙏🏾
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hermitsmirror · 6 months
Spreads: Full Moon in Libra & Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
This season we have the Full Moon in Libra (5º Libra 07') happening March 25, 2024 (3:00AM US Eastern Time). But you can use this spread for any Full Moon in Libra. The fundamentals are the same. 
We also have the penumbral lunar eclipse happening then, so you may want to use my Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread (below) for that instead or in addition!
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Resetting the scales of Self and Other (Full Moon in Libra)
Fuel: What everyday burdens help me identify what I need from others?
Magical peak: Where in my life is harmony ready to blossom?
Purging: What ties do I need to cut to rebalance my own life?
Clear mirror: Where am I called to establish my choices more decisively? 
Dancing luminaries: How do my relationships reflect how I want to present myself?
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When the Earth takes center stage (Full Moon Lunar Eclipse)
Grounding: How does my purpose in this lifetime help me find meaning in everyday experiences?
Capturing Light: What am I empowered to complete during this cycle?
Revitalization: What needs to be replenished before I start something new?
Embodiment: How can I embody my spirit more fully during this cycle?
Earthly Gift:What will be made possible by aligning my external actions with my internal feelings?
For the how and why of creating the spread, along with 50 or so other spreads, see my musings over on HermitsMirror.
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ch4os4virgo · 5 months
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POTENTIAL NEXT BF/GF — Libra, Gemini, Aquarius
Monday, May 6
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⤷ I see trees and plants; therefore, you might run across this guy while jogging. If you enjoy running and happen to pass by a waterfall or fountain, water features are also appearing frequently! I also see a swimming pool. 
⤷ The Eight of Pentacles appeared, which is related to the sun. Their zodiac sign can be Virgo or any earth sign. Your person may have dark hair (brown or black) and a dark complexion, but they can also be fair-skinned and have brown eyes.
⤷ Your person is doing well, but they may be concentrating on bad aspects of their life that are or will affect their mental health.
⤷ I'm feeling euphoric. You're full of excitement, and you can't wait to see what the future holds for your partnership. You will have a very positive and high opinion of them.
⤷ There will be certain anxiety for them as they enter this relationship, but you will transform their outlook on love.
⤷ There isn't much exhibited other than their particular anxiety. They will be in their heads a lot, so plenty of reassurance will be required.
⤷ Because of your person's worry, I believe you can foresee the worst possible outcome. Don't forget to protect your heart during this relationship since people tend to make mistakes "overkill" (cheating isn't involved). Your person will be so focused on protecting their heart from being broken again that this relationship can fail.
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thedarkmaidenn · 6 months
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n3xii · 2 years
The Ace of swords -  overanalyzing tarot pt 1
the the suit of swords in tarot entails the exploration of the mind; the different ways we engage with ideas, concepts, principals and the different ways we go about communicating thoughts to other people. naturally we should begin with the ace of swords.
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One of my fav books on tarot which actually happens to be a guidebook to its corresponding tarot deck, Tarot Apokalypsis, written by Erik C. Dunne and Kim Huggens, had this to say about the ace of swords:
‘‘What must come before word, what must come before thought? What must become before memory? what cannot be seen, yet must come before seeing? I am speech, but i am silent I am spoken of yet I am ineffable. I am the most basic principal necessary for the step from nothing, to choas to something.’‘
The ace of swords is the abstract coming in the form of a thought, its takes the messy, fragmented parts of an idea and gives it the structure to be formed into an idea. Results from a 2020 study showed that people may have 6,000 thoughts per day, yet not all of those thoughts are given meaning. Not all of them get the chance to develop into something, but the ones that do form the basis of a belief.
The ace of swords represents the thoughts we give power to over others. the crown the ace of swords is often paired with throughout different decks is supposed to signify victory, but in this context it represents the status we give thoughts as opposed to the 6,000 other thoughts that pass through our mind a day. 
Divinatory meaning- upright and reversed
reflect on the thoughts you give power to every day. what ideas and thoughts do you give meaning, and how does the meaning you attach to these thoughts impact you. how do your fleeting thoughts form the basis of a belief? this card appears when you’re starting to understand something for the first time, when you’re building the foundational knowledge to understand a larger concept or idea.
in reversed, it gives me the impression of failing to understand the thoughts that pass you by or lacking the foundational knowledge of a concept or skill. it denotes that you’re needing to get back to basics of something and ensuring understanding of it before continuing. 
The ace of swords as a unifying principal
tarot of apokalpysis attaches the ace of swords to the idea of cosmology and how we individually understand how the world came to be. it says;
‘’this assumption of cosmic order is necessary for further assumptions to be made, and its upon this foundation that we build everything else. This refers not only to religion or myth, science to too must build its own cosmology, (or more appropriately, a paradigm) within which is may refer to the laws it has set and decide upon the questions it wants to answer ’’
The ace of swords being connected to this idea of a cosmology or paradigm gives it a more sophisticated interpretation, allowing us to understand the cards that follow the ace of swords. For example, if the ace of swords is a paradigm that sets the basis for understanding a larger topic, then the two of swords is differentiating between ideas and comparing different paradigms to one another. allowing them to compete for accuracy. 
The big bang theory is an example of a paradigm, it allows us to understand how the world came to be. The creation story told in genesis, the norse myth and saga of creation, these are all ways in which people form their basis of understanding of the world and our purpose in it. 
The ace of swords could be the assumptions we have that allow other assumptions to be made on top of that, forming a foundation for an opinion or paradigm. It’s the pre-requisite understanding of a concept, for example, to understand algebra you would have to understand multiplication, division, adding etc. To understand chemistry you have to understand an atom, its qualities and the various forms matter takes. 
Ace of swords paired with other cards
The ace of swords is a hypothesis in early stages, not yet tested or verified. if the ace of swords becomes paired with the ten of swords, its a hypothesis thats been prematurely dismissed or falsified before it had the chance to grow. 
if paired with the 7 of swords, its a person selectively taking what they feel is true about an idea or paradigm, and leaving what contradicts their ideas, instead of adopting and integrating the whole idea to fit the truth. for example, Christians using the bible only when it fits their worldview, not when it contradicts it. 
when paired with the tower, its an idea that disrupts an existing structure or assumption. Think Kepler revolutionizing how we understand the planets orbit around the sun, developing the three laws of planetary motion. 
Astrology of the ace of swords
the ace of swords refers to gemini, libra and aquarius. All three signs interact with the development and communication of ideas in interesting ways. All three signs are constantly thinking, analyzing, comparing ideas, and creating new ones. Aquarius is innovative and wants to disrupt models of how we think, gemini allows space for several ideas to exist at once, and libra wants to be able to choose between ideas without hurting anyones feelings. 
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themagikmirror · 3 months
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💌🪞Book Spiritual Work for ALL THINGS LOVE 💕🕯️
💕Introducing a new spiritual product you can book with me! Look for the "💌Next in Love Session" in my services by hitting "Book Now" at the top of my Facebook page—link in bio—or DM me! Most of my readings are open for whatever intention you wish to set and unlock information on. However, as I mentioned in earlier videos this year : LOVE is big topic for 2024 and when it comes to spirituality, it always has been and will be! I am opening up a space to intentionally get you aligned with all things LOVE! Don't hesitate to book your next love reading with me!
I can't wait to meet you💕
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manifestdestinytarot · 6 months
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full moon eclipse in libra ritual ✨
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lightningwildflower · 2 years
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Happy New Moon in Libra!
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lovepropaganda · 8 months
double capricorn??? idk how to feel about that
i'm a Capricorn stellium too BTW
do you want to see my whole chart? 😌
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tarot reading for libra 2024 ( and other)
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link her
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highpriestess13 · 7 months
Libra Reading
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Libra, what’s going on? There seems to either be confusion or blockages. It’s like you’re looking but not looking at the same time. There’s something right in front of you, this may be a very good and stable offer that’ll set you up for life OR just abundance in general. You’re being mighty overalls protective of yourself/ your energy or your just on defense. The cards are showing that something is coming… matter of fact it’s already here but you have this huge barrier around you that’s stopping you from truly embodying a certain energy. What is already here, is already yours and ONLY yours. It’s protected just as you’re protected. You’re failing to see something and the keyword is “SEE”… look and pay attention! This is the new beginning you’ve been looking and searching for! This is the opportunity that’ll guide you into birthing either a new you OR just newness altogether. Let go and live in the moment, this is the time for you to let it go and let it flow! Yes, everything took its time (possibly 8 years… more or less) but it’s finally here! I feel this is more of your higher self communicating to you. Hope this helps!
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hermitsmirror · 1 year
TAROT SPREAD: Full Moon in Libra
Resetting the scales of Self and Other
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This season we have the Full Moon in Libra (16º Libra 07') happening April 6, 2023 (12:34AM US Eastern Time), but you can use this spread for any Full Moon in Libra. The fundamentals are the same.
Fuel: What everyday burdens help me identify what I need from others?
Magical peak: Where in my life is harmony ready to blossom?
Purging: What ties do I need to cut to rebalance my own life?
Clear mirror: Where am I called to establish my choices more decisively?
Dancing luminaries: How do my relationships reflect how I want to present myself?
Read the concept behind the design on my blog:
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