#life or death yk yk?
theofficialuriel · 2 months
RIP Kim Namwoon, your love story with Lee Jihye would’ve been glorious
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justaz · 19 days
king merlin after meeting lady guinevere and sir lancelot’s baby and falling in love: arthur. i want a baby.
king arthur, not looking up from his paperwork: …what?
merlin: give me a baby.
arthur, sighing: merlin, you studied to be a physician. i don’t think i have to be the one to tell you how impractical that is.
merlin, rolling his eyes: this is why i’m the brighter side of the coin
arthur, finally looking up: wha-
queen merlin using magic to transform her body: i. want. a. baby.
arthur: *stands up from his desk so fast his chair topples over, multiple parchments flutter to the ground, his tunic is already off*
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sillyfairygarden · 21 days
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the first star to fall into the night sky
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dophaminezest · 5 months
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Here are my favorite (rushed) designs that I made for my latest krew x life series animatic
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funforahermit · 7 months
I think these are the finished Stede inspired bracelet arrangements that I'm gonna wear!!
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iconic season 1 aqua/turquoise/whatever that colour is called costume
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season 2 cursed suit (the red is darker than it looks!)
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mermaid x)
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season 2 leather trousers and dark teal shirt <3
They're not perfect, but I did the best I could with what I could find :)
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gog-urt · 2 years
thinking about how the only way we ever see neil being shown love pre-foxes is his mother keeping him alive and safe. she died while trying to protect him and i think that shows a lot in his actions. he repeatedly throws himself into the line of fire for the people he cares about because that is love for him before the foxes teach him there is more to it ):
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andpierres · 1 year
hiiii guys not to ebeg but i have two very big bills coming up (my car registration + my yearly phone bill) right in the middle of me moving and! well! i like to think ill be fine but the reality is that i won't be getting another paycheck until the third week of may and that's all gonna go towards rent and other bills & my online store can't be open while i move, so... 💔
it's rough! i hadn't realized these two big bills were both coming up so soon (esp my phone bill, which i need for work), which def is poor planning on my part, but ya live and ya learn ig!!!!!
anyway. if anyone has a bit to spare my pp is paypal.me/nicodraws & my kofi is ko-fi.com/andpierres (& linked in my desc) 🥺 thank u sm boosting is also lovely if you can!!!!
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why yes, voices in my head, i Will take a nap at 3 pm
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pzyii · 7 months
(for @foolforbuffy || further explanation about this post)
So first things first, Willow ressurected Buffy which ended up leading to Warren trying to kill Buffy, and with that Tara died. This doesn't mean Taras death is Willows fault, it just kinda happened, like Tara would've survived if they had decided to go out for icecream, they were both just really unlucky.
When Buffy was shot things weren't looking that good for her. Like she may have slayer healing but she was shot in the chest. Slayer healing probably only really kept her alive for as long as she did so she didn't die imediatly like Tara.
Because Tara died, Willow absorbed all the books and went dark. Now more powerful than ever, she saved Buffys life, since we've espablished Buffys life was actually in serious danger.
Meaning if that bullet had missed Tara, Buffy might've died instead. And Willow would've lost one of them either way. But since Buffys ressurection ultimatly caused Taras death, Taras death also then ultimatly caused Buffys survival.
Its a life for a life.
And Willow accidentally ended up chosing Buffys life over Taras that day when she ressurected her.
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softlysunrays · 28 days
whos gonna tell my moots on tumblr that i passed away when i died in the future?
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merlucide · 2 days
I’m gonna yap
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artemx746 · 10 days
What I think the Ta characters (+extras) would be in the atla universe
Disclaimer - I have not watched Lok because I hate love triangle plots and I've heard that that show has a really bad one
Ethan: Water bender (look I know I compare him to Zuko a lot but do you hear how much the waterbenders talk about balance). I feel like he would either be a southern water tribe boy and go to the Northern to train only to realise how much sexism there is or he was there from the start, either way he would hate the Northern water tribe
Alabaster: Fire Nation. Idk if he would be a bender or not but he definitely has an unrelenting loyalty to the fire nation, (Maybe he'll get lightning scars from trying to leave 👀👀)
Luke: Non-bender. Living in Ba Sing Se and trying to plot a rebellion. (And we know how well that ends for people)
Silena: Non-bender living in the northern water tribe. (The vibes are just there)
Chris: Also a non-bender in Ba Sing Se but probably a merchant having a weird romance with the aggressive ex-fire nation girl who frequents his shop
Clarisse: Ex-fire nation firebender now living in Ba Sing Se and getting increasingly more annoyed with the weirdly cute merchant who keeps trying to talk to her
Drew: Water tribe non-bender (again like with Ethan i'm not sure which one she'd be but she and Ethan are friends.)
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klartzzie · 1 year
Thinking about a scenario where Theo ended up being one of the teenagers that Derek turned in season 2 bc Theo could just so easily fit in that storyline and you wouldn’t even have to squint to see it.
Something so consistent about people manipulating and promising Theo power for personal gain. Even in au’s. Sigh.
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 9 months
there’s something so inherently wrong with me when i tick to include major character death in the warning for ao3
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thejasontoddarchives · 10 months
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Always the hero, never rescued.
Batman: A Death in the Family (Batman #426 (1988))
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yutaleks · 3 months
But that's why it's NOT a FWB thing. Yall are madly in love with eachother, 110% committed to eachother, but Kento is scared of his Job and making you suffer if he dies so he refuses to put a Label on yalls relationship, dispite the fact we all know this man be lookin at rings, ya feel me?
This is about this post
Ahhhh yes the relationship without the word relationship LOL
Im not a nanami girlie (gn) by any means so take this with a picogram grain of salt but. I feel like he’s someone who’s very direct with communication… I feel like this dynamic would fit like a gojo or a megumi who are less straightforward or verbal with their actual true feelings… like if nanami liked you I think he would just straight pretend he didn’t and not even engage with you at all… but that is just how I see him
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