lifepro-tips · 1 month
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10 Best Stuffed Mushroom Recipes: Elevate Your Culinary Game!
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meyouit · 1 year
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forgeyourownpath97 · 4 months
Words to Live By
Never spend your money before you earn it;
again, never buy what you do not even want
just because it is cheap.
Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold combined.
In its shadow, blood curdles, tears fall, and friendships unravel.
Choose today to embrace humility and compassion, and spite pride.
When angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.
For that matter, always give yourself three ticks before you respond.
Speaking coldly on impulse could cost your life.
We never repent of having eaten too little.
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love-and-hex · 1 year
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Love and Hex #75: Strawberry Season
It drives me crazy when people just slice the tops off, so this comic is mostly an excuse for me to teach people the right way to hull strawberries.
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vilestardustvial · 1 year
Life pro tip, if you have mail you aren't ready to deal with, you can put it in the freezer. The cold will delay it's due date, sometimes by up to several hours!
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thisghost · 1 month
I got nothing going on rn so imma just go to prison and bank some time now so I can do some crimes later
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checkappliance · 7 months
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A quick and easy way to repair a kettle that doesn't switch off when boiling - without messing with electrics. Simply open the lid, locate the small oblong-shaped opening near the top on the opposite side to the spout. Soak a cotton bud in descaler and push it into the hole, letting it work for a couple of hours. Rinse with wet cotton buds 3 times, then boil the kettle. If the automatic cut-off works, you've fixed it. If not, time for a new kettle. But first, check if it's still under warranty.
Learn more: https://checkappliance.co.uk/kettle-not-switching-off-when-boiled/#google_vignette
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talktothenation · 8 months
“We should be seeking discomfort and making THAT comfortable.” 🙌✨
Thank you Charles Mance for sharing your wisdom on Talk to the Nation! 🙏
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lifepro-tips · 6 months
When starting a new job, find out how long your coworkers have been there. If no one has been working there for very long, and it's not a new company, that may be a red flag.
Source: reddit.com/r/LifeProTips
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thefurbyddenfruit · 1 year
You know that moment when you texted someone but they haven't responded yet and you wanna ask them something but also don't want to double text?
Yeah... so I started messaging the same person about different topics I wanted to talk about on different platforms to avoid something getting looked over.
So now I'm talking to them on WhatsApp about plans for the weekend, on Snapchat about life struggles and on Instagram about some random stupid meme all at the same time ldkskdlls
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healthai24 · 1 year
LifePro Waver Vibration Plate Exercise Machine
Are you looking to take your fitness routine to the next level? Look no further than the LifePro Waver Vibration Plate Exercise Machine. This state-of-the-art exercise equipment is designed to enhance your workouts, achieve your fitness goals faster, and provide a variety of benefits for your overall well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss the LifePro Waver’s features, benefits, and functionality in detail, so you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. See More
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forgeyourownpath97 · 3 months
Unleash Your Inner Warrior
The path to unshakable self-discipline is paved with beads of sweat, unbendable resilience, and an unwavering commitment to personal growth. It's a journey that demands you embrace discomfort as a catalyst for transformation. Are you ready to embark on this exhilarating quest?
The core tools you shall wield are:
Energizing Movement: Imagine your body as a finely-tuned instrument, yearning to be played with vigor. Lace up your sneakers and let the rhythmic pounding of your feet against the pavement become your battle cry. With every stride, you'll feel the surge of endorphins coursing through your veins, fueling your determination.
Sacred Self-Care: Treat yourself as a precious vessel, deserving of tender nurturing. Indulge in soul-soothing rituals that replenish your spirit–savor the rich aroma of a steaming cup of tea, melt into the embrace of a warm bath, or bask in the tranquility of nature's symphony.
Habits of Steel: Craft a tapestry of daily practices that fortify your resolve. Envision the warm satisfaction of a job well done, invigorating sting of an icy shower, or calming rhythm of deep breaths–each habit a brick in the fortress of your self-mastery.
Delaying Gratification: Embrace the delicious anticipation.
Most know the path, but few have the courage to tread it. Are you willing to do what others won't? To push past the boundaries of your comfort zone and emerge as the ultimate architect of your destiny? Shed the shackles of procrastination and complacency. Drop to the floor and give me 20 soul-stirring push-ups – a declaration of your commitment to self-mastery. This is just the first step on an exhilarating odyssey of personal transformation.
Embrace discomfort, for it is the crucible that forges an unbreakable spirit. Let the fire within you burn bright, illuminating the path to a life of unwavering self-discipline and boundless potential.
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whatislifeman · 1 year
Life pro tip for people with anxiety (doesn’t work if your always around uncool people)
If you would like to appear to be more cool than you feel, learn to feel cool with how you appear. The cool people will notice and appreciate. Don’t worry if someone you think is cool doesn’t seem to notice, it can take some time. But the cool people will notice, even cooler people will take action to let you know how cool you are.
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asillylittlemoth · 1 year
Life pro tip:
Cut up a hard boiled egg
Put it in your hot dog
Think about your peasant ancestors scoffing at your decadence
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