#lightsaber magnet cody
lbibliophile-sw · 9 months
Bringing a Lightsaber to a Duel
It’s unintentional, but Commander Cody, collects lightsabres. Jedi, Sith; somehow, they all end up on his belt.
So when Count Dooku corners him, Obi-wan still half-way across the battlefield, Cody draws his favourite sabre (Obi-wan's) to hold him off.
He doesn’t stand a chance. The Sith toys with Cody for a few minutes, then casually disarms him.
That's ok, he pulls out his next sabre. The duel resumes.
Disarm, replace, resume.
And again.
Disarm… Cody reaches for his belt, finding it empty. A Force push sends him flying. He rolls to his feet... with sabre in hand.
The duel resumes.
Almost half an hour an hour later, Obi-wan finally arrives to find his Commander panting and dusty but unharmed, facing off against his grandmaster who is nearly incoherent with frustration. At least half of what he does catch sounds suspiciously like advice on his technique.
Also on AO3
For: @codywanweek - day 1: Cody with a lightsaber @clonefandomevents - 212th Bingo: trading weapons
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inkformyblood · 9 months
i lose all (but not him) #1 CWW2023
Kamino, First Meetings, Slow Burn. Cody x Obi-Wan @codywanweek Day 1 prompt: Cody with a lightsaber. Ao3 link here.
It’s raining. Again.
CC-2224 jams his thumb into the door controls, forcing them open once more with a rush of frigid air that sends the hair on his arms prickling, the sensation crawling over his scalp in a bygone evolutionary tick that does nothing but irritate him. It had been several rotations since the pipes on the lower levels had broken and sent a tidal wave of coral and tiny lost insects into the corridors but the feeling of something crawling over his skin had yet to entirely fade from his immediate memory. It possibly never would. CC-2226 still woke screaming on occasions about the crash from sixteen rotations ago.
The treated canvas hood would do nothing against the rain but CC-2224 still pulls it over the thin fabric of his blacks, double knotting the trailing cords beneath his chin and tucking them away. His boots are soaked through already, but he still leans down and secures his laces. He can no more stop himself than he could pluck the moon from the sky and rearrange the constellations on a whim. He has been trained, sculpted, made for this. 
Query: is it going to stop raining soon?
Answer: no.
The thought isn’t his and yet it is, wired into his thoughts like an additional comm line. CC-2224 nods regardless, swallowing against the copper tinge that spreads over his tongue, and presses the door control once more. Water flicks against his face and he blinks, pulling in a deep breath through gritted teeth, and steps outside.
He regrets it immediately. Well, not regret it. The word doesn’t quite fit and CC-2224 turns it over and over in his thoughts to try and smooth over the ragged edges, to make it flat and smooth and as routine as everything else. He’d seen a piece of equipment fall from one of the higher platforms and become wedged between a barrier and the window it was attached to, too unimportant to warrant the slight inconvenience of lowering a magnet to retrieve it and so it had been left. He’d stopped by the window during his patrols, not for long and not with enough regularity for it to be a pattern and noticed, but enough times to track the decay of plastoid components to expose the fragile wiring beneath. That had only lasted a cycle before it had been torn free and lost, the outer casing following soon after. CC-2224 doesn’t regret having to perform maintenance on the filtration unit. It is a necessary task to prevent costly breakdowns in the future. It is a necessary task to keep the nutrients in their ration blocks from becoming altered due to their negligence. It is a necessary task to keep CC-2226 from being decommissioned. 
There is no room for deviations, no room for error, but CC-2224 will try for as long as he can. 
He is made for this task, just as he had been made for every task before. His genetic sequence had been meticulously hand-crafted, every base chosen and lined up where it was needed. He isn’t as much of a person as he is a tool, a weapon, whatever is needed for the situation at hand. He had been made for the Jedi.
He had been made for one Jedi.
CC-2224 raises his hand to his face, smudges at the sudden spike of pain in his nose. He’s already dripping, every step squelching through the scattered puddles that are only disrupting the rain in that they’re stopping the rain from immediately drenching CC-2224 to his skin, but he can see the dark stain of blood by the distant gleam of the landing pad lights from the platform above him. There’s no sky visible amongst the heavy press of the stormclouds, and the air is heavy with salt amongst the copper gleam of blood with every breath. 
He needs to move quickly. He has wasted enough time already and the unit needs to be fixed. 
The panel is clearly marked, the edges outlined in a mixture of scavanged armour paint by a previous batch and CC-2224 crouches next to it. He shivers, steadying himself on the slick metal and bares his teeth at the unforgiving sky. It doesn’t stop raining, but it makes him feel a little better. Stringing together a collection of scavenged curses at the panel as it refuses to budge also helps. CC-2224 stands, tugging at the tied cords of his hood. The outside is drenched through and there isn’t enough fabric for him to use it as leverage while he is still wearing it. Rainwater cascades over him as he pulls it free, his jaw clenched tight to try and keep his teeth from chattering. He is shaking and he will never be warm or dry again. He will rust and decay and the tiny nonexistent things that are crawling over him will eat his bones.
The panel moves. 
Somewhere, a door hisses open. 
Query: where?
Answer: Landing bay 4
CC-2224 stares up at the distorted lights above him. He can’t keep his eyes open long enough to pick out details, rain impacting against his cheeks and necessary instincts force him to blink. That landing bay is off limits for a reason. Jango had laid it out in his contract amendments when it had been decided for him to stay on Kamino. CC-2224 had heard whispers about how that had been decided, rumours passed between batches like treated water, only gaining speed with every retelling. The version he had heard first was the least fanciful and so the most likely to be true. There had been another man at the meeting, someone tall and dressed in a dark cloak with white hair, his hand heavy on Prime’s shoulder like he was steering him.
There are two, no, three people clustered on the landing bay. Their shadows bounce off of the walls, distorted as the rain floods over the bay lights, and CC-2224 frowns, cupping his hands over his brow as he tries to make out their size. He had done this training, passed it in record time, but the chill the rain brought with it is entirely new. He won’t mention that to the trainers, however, in case they decide to implement it to the extreme. Two are fully-grown trooper size, one standard and one possibly from an alpha batch, head and shoulders taller but not as broad as he would expect. Slight variations are expected so it must be factored in, but the final figure is cadet-sized, scurrying across the landing bay, and CC-2224 tracks his movement closely, mindful of the dual facts of a restricted area as well as the lack of barriers around the edge of the platform. Cadets think they know too much and could do everything, their confidence matched only by the shinies until they trip on their still-too-large boots. 
They’re one plan, one blueprint. Deviations are not tolerated for long. 
CC-2224 turns his head just enough to check the positions of the cameras, one above the door on his level and one above the door on the upper level. They wouldn’t be active, not at this hour, but he still swallows against the burn of acid in his mouth. It must be what one of the scuttling creatures that swarm over the lower levels feels like when a larger fish comes swimming past, infinitely too small with a blade hanging over his head, preparing to drop. The sounds of the ocean shift into something hungry, something focused on him with the salt tang of intention, and CC-2224 stands to the sound of a blaster.
Single shot. Deflected. (Deflected how? Something itches at the back of his mind, right next to wired-in thoughts.)
Second shot. Third. 
What the fuck is going on?
CC-2224 steps forward, cupping his hands over his eyes as he stares up at the platform. All three of them will be decommissioned, possibly himself as well just for being nearby in case he is involved somehow. So, he’ll get himself involved. 
The control panel for the camera is locked just inside the door controls, a neat little bypass loop to let CC-2224 take a peek and try and find spot any markings, maybe a batch symbol if he’s lucky. 
(What’s that sound?)
He doesn’t manage to make it back to the door before the ground trembles beneath his feet. Not a quake nor a wave. Not a test either. It is rhythmic, building, the slow roar of a ship beginning to take off. There is only one ship on Kamino that sounds like that, loud and insistent and demanding to be noticed because fear and notoriety are half the job, as Jango said during a training session. He had left recently, circling back a few cycles ago and now he was leaving again? The cadet should be Boba if the standard trooper is Jango. 
He hopes it’s Jango. If there is a trooper stealing his ship, they’ll all be culled, just to be safe. 
(There it is again. What is it? It sounds so familiar, like something he heard once in a dream.)
CC-2224 breaks into a run, heading for the railings between this platform and the next. The surface is old, pitted, with heavy data cords that run up the inside along with the structural supports. It’ll be difficult, but he should be able to climb up that way if he braces himself correctly so that he doesn’t immediately fall into the starving sea beneath him. It is a stupid plan. It is one of the worst plans that CC-2224 has ever come up with. It is the only plan that has a chance of working. 
He hopes CT-7567 will be okay, whichever outcome befalls him. 
(Catch it.)
CC-2224 obeys. He is a good soldier, afterall. He’s created to follow orders. 
The weapon is still warm, holding onto the touch of an unknown person. CC-2224 looks up, one boot resting on the decaying railing, his hand still outstretched over the scant gap between the landing bays. There is someone looking down at him, backlit as the ship roars into the atmosphere. 
“Hello there!” The stranger calls. Their accent is new, clipped at the vowels and made to carry. Even so, CC-2224 has to focus to hear them, blinking against the rain.A new trainer? Someone else? 
He knows who they are. He knows the weapon he’s holding. (He knows how to kill with the weapon he’s holding, knows how to fight the wielder.) ERROR. 
CC-2224 raises his hand in greeting, holding the tube between thumb and forefinger as he splays his fingers. He points towards the door, knowing that there is little use in calling back and forth and trying to make themselves heard over the storm. 
The stranger mimics CC-2224’s wave, their skin paler in the brief pulses of light from the emergency lighting than CC-2224’s. They are already beginning to shiver, their hand wavering before they drop out of sight. Blankets are stashed in a reclaimed supply cupboard, two corridors over with a right and a short left and CC-2224 pins the location in his mind as he turns his attention back to the open panel. A quick patch would keep it functional until the next cycle, nowhere near the full repair he was hoping to perform but it’ll do. 
The lower levels are quiet this time of night, but they aren’t deserted. CC-2224 slips into one of the supply room and knocks on the top of a crate. There is a moment before he hears the sleep-slow shift of fabric and a similar face appears in the slight gap between lid and side.
“We have a Jedi on Kamino. Have you still got your comm patch links to update everyone?”
CC-2224 barely waits to receive a nod and the fledging beginning of a question before he is moving away. There isn’t time for the endless supply of questions he would have to wade through once they start and there is already a headache pulsing on the left side of his head at the thought of all the curiosity to come. He taps the lightsaber — because what else could it be, documented in a thousand training sims and another thousand more forms and techniques they had learnt (but why, why did they need them ERROR) — against his thigh. The metal gleams beneath the pale internal lights of a sleep cycle, heavier than he would have expected for something so innocuous, and CC-2224 brushes his thumb over the switch just beneath the port. It is a slight stretch for him to reach, suggesting the Jedi is taller than himself or, at least, has a slightly wider grip. 
He’ll need to be mindful of the extra reach this could mean.
The thought is forgotten as quickly as it arrives, tucked away amongst the nest of wired-in instincts that haven’t been taught or bound into him but were somehow there.
The blanket he collects from the supply closet in one amongst thousands of the same grey material, the same durable weave, and he slings it over one shoulder as he walks, barely breaking stride as he leaves a trail of damp and squelching footprints behind him. They all knew of the Jedi (they had been made for them) but soaked to the bone and shivering is not how he thought he would ever meet one. In his half-constructed dreams, the ones that were usually filled with a nebulous future of things he had never experienced but they could be out there, somewhere, maybe, CC-2224 doesn’t dream of battle. He thinks about a street, about a blue sky above his head and walls that are stone instead of metal. He thinks about a chance encounter, about hands fumbling on a stack of forms or an accidental encounter with a mug of caf. He thinks about his Jedi and what they will look like. He wonders who this Jedi is.
Rounding another corner, CC-2224 hears a matching set of wet footsteps, an unfamiliar voice grumbling in a cascade of syllables that seem to be bundled together in a roll for easy transport only to be unfurled at what sounds like the weather outside, the ocean below, the walls for looking too similar and somebody named Quigon for somehow being responsible, ultimately, for all of this. 
The Jedi begins to look over his shoulder before he catches himself and turns to face CC-2224. He is pretty in a soaked to the skin kind of way, the water shining beneath the flare of lights as they hum into life at CC-2224’s approach. His hair is dark, made darker by the storm, but it is the shade that captures CC-2224’s attention first, red like the distant glimpses of sunset he can make out from the higher levels of the facility whenever the speciality training overran. 
“Hello again,” the Jedi says, his grin immediate and a little rueful. He bows, one shivering hand pressed into his chest. The leather bracelets around his wrist shift with the movement and CC-2224 flexes his free fingers with the urge to unfasten them. They could move and catch, irritating the skin beneath, and no other reason. None at all. 
CC-2224 holds out the lightsaber, flipping it easily so the handle is extended towards the Jedi. He is aware of the potential blade within in the same way he would be aware of the possible humming energy field of a vibroblade, the prospect of danger and death. “I believe you dropped this, sir.”
“Yes. I did, didn’t I?” The Jedi steps forward, tapping his boot behind himself as he reclaims his lightsaber and snaps it back onto his belt. “Thank you for catching it for me.” 
CC-2224 flexes his fingers, chasing after the scant memory of the handle still warm from another’s touch, and settles back into the correct stance before holding the blanket out. “For you as well, sir.”
“Thank you. And call me Obi-Wan, please. I don’t believe I’ve caught your name?”
CC-2224 twitches at the question, a momentary break in composure and his fingers bump against Obi-Wan’s. It is the barest instance of contact, gone in the same heartbeat, but he focuses on it regardless, something new to distract his racing thoughts with. He can’t answer. He has to answer. He—
“Jedi Master. I have been looking for you.”
Ice shears down CC-2224’s spine, stopping his heart and kickstarting it at the same time. His breath remains steady, his hands still as he drops into a waiting position at the Kaminoan’s approach. They didn’t venture down this far, preferring the drier floors high above, and she ducks her head beneath the sag of a broken strut before moving next to Obi-Wan. She doesn’t look at CC-2224. 
“I see you have encountered one of our units.”
“I have.” Obi-Wan glances at CC-2224, his expression unreadable. All warmth that CC-2224 had been basking in has been carefully hidden, akin to shoving everything that could be considered contraband into an air duct and pulling the paneling back into place leaving it sheer and blank once more. “He showed great initiative, I’m very impressed.”
The target slowly lifts from between CC-2224’s shoulderblades, a box in a system he’ll never be allowed to access remaining unchecked. He doesn’t move, keeps his face blank. He hasn’t been dismissed yet; one of the little games the long-necks like to play and some of the trainers too, the wait-there-because-I’ve-told-you, the pick-this-up-put-it-down, the go-stop-go-stop. 
He hopes the Jedi will be different. 
He is prepared if they aren’t.
“Do you require him for anything further?” 
“No.” Obi-Wan turns away from the scientist, his mouth still pressed into a thin line that speaks a rage brewing behind it, tightly leashed and called to heel, but his eyes soften as he looks at CC-2224. “You’re dismissed. I hope our paths cross again.”
“Sir.” CC-2224 salutes, regimentally perfect like he has been pre-programmed with the gesture, and turns on his heel. He’s been a drowning man often enough to recognise an escape when one is offered. 
Query: Who is Jedi Master Obi-Wan?
Answer: He is a Jedi. He is a target. (He has been made for you just as you have been made for him.)
Too many thoughts. 
Just one. 
Their fingers brushed. CC-2224 would like it to happen again. 
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literallyjustanerd · 7 months
Chapter 4! It's exactly 5000 words! It's Codywan fluff and angst! It's got a clone OC cameo!
Cody divider by @freesia-writes with gorgeous helmet art by @lornaka
Summary: Brothers, reunited at last. As Cody and Rex fill in the blanks of their time spent separated, memories from before the end of the war float closer than ever to the surface. Memories of his general. And though he's overjoyed to be with Rex again, all is not well, in a way Cody can't quite understand. Will he be ready, when everything that has been hidden comes to light?
Words: 5000
Read it on AO3 or below! Hope you enjoy. Any and all comments are loved and appreciated and metaphorically printed out and pinned up with heart magnets on the little fridge in my mind :)
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Obi-Wan moves like a ribbon through wind. Fluid and graceful, slick and sharp. Beautiful and devastating. The bright Kashyyyk sun turns his tunic translucent and sets his silhouette aflame as Cody watches and awes from below. It would be a death sentence to anyone else, yet Obi-Wan makes a dance of it. He’s an artist, each gleaming blue brushstroke leaving trails of elegant carnage in its wake. Around Cody the men cheer, an orchestra raising an accompaniment to their general's display. He loses grip on his saber when a droid knocks him forward, sends it plunging to the bottom of the canyon where his men had been cornered. Cody doesn’t fret, he has no need: it doesn’t slow his general in the slightest. Droidekas are airborne, then minced to scrap metal on the rock face with a regal wave of Obi-Wan’s hand. SBDs explode into blue and orange starbursts. They’re all but ignored by their destroyer, as though their purpose is merely to provide the gust of wind that artfully ruffles Obi-Wan’s auburn hair. He’s a poet. He’s a cyclone. He’s a force of nature. He’s Obi-Wan . 
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The last droid falls, tumbling gracelessly from the cliff face above. Obi-Wan descends after it to the whoops and hollers of the 212th. With impossible lightness and an ethereal calm, he meets ground, mere feet away from Cody. Close enough that Cody can see how his pale cheeks have pinked with exertion. It’s the only hint that he has expended any effort at all, and somehow it only makes him look more radiant. His breath still eluding him, Cody steps forward and presents Obi-Wan’s lightsaber to him like it’s an offering at an altar. Fingers brush with a jolt of electricity, and he isn’t ready for the look in Obi-Wan’s eyes when their gazes meet: he’s looking into a mirror, seeing his own awe and adulation reflected back at him. Obi-Wan looks at him like he’s the rising sun, like he’s the one defying odds, gravity, and logic. The smile on his face as he takes the saber lights a fire in Cody’s chest, his next words fuel to the flame.
“Wherever would I be without you?”
“Your message… I couldn’t believe it. Thought I’d–” Rex chokes on the last word, his smile trembling, fighting to stay on his lips. He breathes a slow breath, and finally, the giddy haze around them begins to lift. “When I heard you’d gone AWOL, I thought it was just another Empire cover-up. I… I thought they’d killed you.” Cody reaches forward again to grip Rex’s forearm. Their foreheads collide with a comforting bloom of pain, a few more seconds lost to silence as Rex’s words sink in. Cody means to speak again, he does. But he can’t seem to find enough air in his lungs for any of the things he wants to say, nor does he think his ears could stand to hear the answers to his questions. Seldom has he ever felt so weak, and the feeling grits on him, sandpaper against his skin. He shudders to imagine what his men would think of him, had they ever seen him in such a state. A man reborn, stripped of his rank, his identity taken with it. For the first time in Cody’s life, he feels nothing like a Marshal Commander. As disquieting as it is, as untethered and formless as it makes him feel, it does little to dull his joy at the familiar face before him. He may not be Marshal Commander anymore, but for the present moment, at least, he thinks he can settle for being a brother.
Cody and Rex stay on the floor of the transport, gripping tight to each other for longer than Cody cares to count. They’re both breathless through tears and laughter, their embrace so vigorous it’s almost violent. Cody doesn’t care: Rex could break his ribs and Cody wouldn’t blame him one bit. It’s a small eternity before either of them can speak. When they do, it’s both of them at once, their words tripping over boyish giggles, jostling and shoving each other playfully, like children.
“Where’d you get this bucket of bolts?”
“–missed you so kriffing much–”
“You looked like a maniac back there!”
“–can’t believe it’s really you –”
“You actually found me, you really–”
Both of them join for the final refrain:
“You’re here. ”
Rex stands, reaches a hand out to help Cody off the floor, then leads him down the short hall to the cockpit, all the while speaking with another clone through the comm, arranging a rendezvous point somewhere in a system Cody isn’t familiar with. At Rex’s order, the ship’s other crewmates clear the cockpit. Thoughtful of him, Cody thinks, to give them both some time alone. Once he shakes this strange feeling from his bones he imagines he and Rex will be up half the night catching up. He takes the co-pilot’s seat as his brother sets the navicomputer, watching him work. Pale, shallow shadows roam across Rex’s face from the console lights, dipping into and deepening the lines on his brow and around his jaw, his mouth pulled to one side in focus. Once their course is laid, he releases a breath, and his shoulders lax somewhat into the worn seat behind him. Only then can Cody, too, let his aching limbs go. 
Eventually, Rex breaks the silence, laying his words out careful and slow in a way that pricks Cody's ears.
“Cody,” he says, low, “brother, I have to ask.” Cody’s back straightens. “Your inhibitor chip. Do you still have it?”
Memories lurch into his mind, sick and burrowing like Geonosian brain worms. Rex’s grief and panic after Fives’ death. The frantic searching for what it could all mean. Feeling it all the while deep in his bones, knowing there was something big, dark and snarling waiting for all of them just out of sight. The incoming transmission on Utapau that day, and the phantom words that had haunted him, hunted him in every quiet moment since.
Execute Order 66.
Good soldiers follow orders.
In the end, all he can do is nod. Rex stands abruptly, hand moving to the commlink on his vambrace. Beneath him, the storm-grey durasteel presses just slightly colder through his threadbare trousers.
“It’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” Rex says, though Cody can’t be sure whether it’s directed at him or himself. His brother is a restless nexu pacing the length of the hold, turning sharply on his heel as he keys in a comm frequency. Each swift switchback coils Cody’s guts tighter, wringing a nauseating tension into his limbs. 
“I have a medical freighter on standby. We’ll get it removed.”
The questions begin.
It shouldn’t surprise him to learn just how vast the network is that Rex has built. He had read all The Empire’s reports on Rex’s activities, scoured them obsessively in fact, but in reality they barely scraped the surface of Rex’s operations. It seemed he had contacts everywhere, from covert agents lurking in the Coruscant underbelly to runaways-turned-pirates skirting the outer rims, Even on Nal Hutta, which, as it turned out, was the only reason Rex had been able to find Cody at all.
“Sent some men down to the bazaar where we traced your message. Had to bribe a saloon keeper to let us review their security holos, but we saw you leave with the scrapper crew,” he says. Cody nods along. Is it jealousy he feels at such a well-planned, coordinated team effort? “From there, we got in contact with a few clones in the scrapper guild, and managed to work out which crew it was and where you were headed.”
All those brothers. All living outside The Empire’s control. Just scraping by, yes, and by no means deluded enough to consider themselves safe, but out there nonetheless. Free, in a certain sense, certainly more so than they'd ever been under The Empire or The Republic. And all of them, even the ones not directly fighting, not only knew Rex, but respected his orders, trusted his advice, deferred to his command. A familiar pride swells in his chest when he hears Rex speak about it, the kind only a big brother can feel. 
It takes hours, or that’s how it feels to Cody: he hasn’t bothered to check the chrono. Rex tells him of their clone rebellion: Echo, Riyo Chuchi, all the missing or presumed dead clones that still have some fight left.
“It’s not easy going,” he admits, as though it bears saying aloud. “But we’ve managed to save a few. We’re getting stronger. Slowly.” Cody is struck dumb when Rex asks for inside information: the Kamino plot, the supposed pension plan, the rumoured clone decomissionings. The wounds of their recent past are even fresher than Cody thought, it seems: the salt of Rex’s questions stings more than he expects. He can’t bear not to be honest, though: he has no new information to share on the subjects, and in fact seems to know less than Rex himself. He had been kept even further in the dark than he’d known, moving hands passing him by in the dark corners his eyes had never adjusted to. A pawn in a game played just to kill time, to keep him busy while The Empire tightened their grip. Marshal Commander in name only, placated and too occupied with his own demons to question what was happening just out of view. The sharp breath punched from his lungs seems to fill the whole cockpit, the space around him shrinking to cage him in. The pains in his head have returned, to corral his thoughts away from where he tries to reach. Rex’s eyes are on him, he can feel it.
"It hurts, doesn't it?" he breathes. Cody doesn't reply. 
When his throat has turned scratchy from talking past the threat of tears, the river finally runs dry, and the questions stop, at least for the moment. Their journey is still far from over, and Cody suspects there will soon be more to talk about, once they have wrapped their minds around all they have covered so far, but for now there is peace. In the interim, Rex works a datapad at his side, brow furrowed over whatever report he’s reading. It's almost rhythmic, the way he keeps sparing glances in Cody’s direction. Every few minutes, attention shifting from the console, his head tilts over his shoulder to look surreptitiously over at his brother. Checking that Cody is still there, like they used to do before a drill test as cadets. A flicker of comfort warms Cody’s chest, fighting off the frost from deep within. It's a much-needed solace to know that Rex has felt Cody's absence just as keenly as Cody has felt Rex’s. It soothes Cody's mind, still aching from the sheer volume of information he's taken in over he and Rex's last few hours together. It’s hard not to ruminate, more on the subjects they didn’t cover than the ones they did, the unspoken questions that seem to take up more space the longer they’re left unsaid, their weight pressing on Cody’s chest as minutes scrape by.
He presses his fingers into his ribs, hard. It doesn’t do enough to hold him together, tendons and sinew unspooling themselves at his nape, in his stomach, through his feet. He answers each of Rex’s questions as plainly as he knows how, despite the growing fear of what Rex will think burrowing deeper into his brain. Each sordid detail laid bare in the harsh, blinding sun of his own words. Every order he followed with unblinking obedience, every awful act overlooked with play-pretend loyalty.
“I wanted to leave. I wanted to stop, I didn’t want to do any of it.” 
He speaks of the bitter jealousy that spurned him every time another brother came up missing on the morning ledger, even as he personally recited the warrants for their capture. The jealousy, sometimes, even of the brothers whose obituaries he had read. 
“I just couldn’t stop it. Whenever I tried, I– I didn't know where else to–"
Just when he feels he will lose his words altogether, Rex’s hand alights on his shoulder, cool water on a raw burn.
“I understand, brother. I know ,” he says. “We all do.”
When they finally lurch out of hyperspace, it knocks the question clean out of Cody’s lungs.
“What about the Jedi?” he blurts, and Rex’s hands freeze on the console. Both, Cody imagines, from the question itself and from hearing his brother sound so uncharacteristically fragile. His sigh is an answer of its own, in a way. Rex’s thoughts seem to press down on him until they drive a deep crease in his brow. Without the haloed light of hyperspace, the shadows have sharpened into a harsher relief, leaving jagged shapes carved into his face. His expression is resigned: he had been waiting for Cody to ask.
“We’ve… heard of surviving Jedi,” he says carefully. “But they’re few and far between. Most are just rumours. We’ve got almost no reliable intel on anything solid.” 
“But there are some reliable reports?”
A long pause follows. Cody gets the sense that Rex is debating with himself, whether or not to answer. Who is he protecting?
“Commander Tano was with you on Mandalore,” Cody presses, “wasn’t she?”
Rex nods, shakily.
“I read the reports. The venator crash… they said it killed everyone. Before they knew you were alive, your name was on that list. How–”
As weak as the shuddering breath is from beside him, it’s enough to cut Cody off. He hangs in the silence that follows, suddenly scared to even move.
“It was all Ahsoka,” he utters. His eyes won’t meet Cody’s. “Without her…”
It’s slow. It’s agonising. It’s like being frozen in carbonite piece by agonising piece . But Rex tells him everything. Every gut-wrenching detail of escaping the crash. And all the brothers who didn’t.
“She’s out there,” Rex finally says, once the storm lets up. “She’s… not ready. Can’t join the fight, not yet. She needs time.” His voice catches, quavering on his last words, and it sends a sharp sting into the corners of Cody’s eyes, too.
“She’s just a kid.”
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Seconds pass. Rex allows Cody time to try and voice the question it seems they both know comes next. It remains unsaid, but Rex answers nonetheless.
“I’m sorry, brother. We haven’t heard anything of General Kenobi.” Cody bobs his head in a nod. With searching eyes and analytical intent, Rex watches his reaction, measuring, gauging. Cody shrinks under the attention, unsure what Rex is looking to find and fearing every possible answer.
“It’s okay,” he says. “I wouldn’t have expected it.” What he had hoped , on the other hand… 
“And General Skywalker?” Cody says, suddenly as desperate to be off the topic as he had been to address it. Rex’s mouth twitches, head shaking.
“I used to hope…” He sighs. “The reports all had holes in them. Thought it might mean he’d made it out.” He turns his gaze out the windshield. “But if he had survived, he wouldn’t be hiding. He’d still be fighting with us. I’m sure of it.”
Kashyyyk sings at night. An orchestra of warbling birds, howling pack animals and croaking insects. Even the wind through the forest behind lays a low, haunting melody over the velvet-soft undergrowth. It’s nothing like the stifling soundlessness of Kamino, or the driving, demanding mechanical rhythm of Coruscant. Cody leans forward, knee drawn up, to poke at the fire, embers curling triumphantly upward. Obi-Wan sits beside him, legs folded neatly into his usual meditation stance. On haphazardly scattered bedrolls, their men surround them, sleeping sound. Peace, rare and precious. Especially for Cody.
“Beautiful night.” Obi-Wan keeps his voice hushed, pitched low and gravelly. Cody turns to him. The flickering of the fire throws dappled light over Obi-Wan, glints of light and shadow showering him like golden flower petals.
“It is.”
A particularly mournful bird call sounds from somewhere behind them. 
“After the war I should like to return here,” Obi-Wan muses, “and explore it freely. There is so much history in this place. It's a shame to have to see it in such unrest."  His words are poignant, he knows, but Cody can’t take in anything beyond the first three.
“Do you think about that often?” he asks, skirting his gaze around Obi-Wan. “About… after?”
Obi-Wan shifts, sighs, leans back on his hands to tip his head to the stars. There’s a faraway look on his face, the tiny creases at the corners of his eyes growing like spring seedlings when he smiles. One of his tabards is slipping free from his shoulder, leaving a pale collarbone uncovered to the night. He does not adjust it. 
“I have already picked every old text and scroll I will study, when I finally have the time,” he says in answer. “Perhaps eventually, I will even take on another padawan. But first, I will travel. Until I find somewhere quiet and peaceful to rest.” He pauses a beat before half-heartedly adding, “Should the council allow it, of course.” Cody ponders the words, turns them over in his head like a puzzle, but still he can’t make them fit quite right in his head. The life Obi-Wan speaks of is beautiful. It’s all Cody would want for him. But he’s still trying to cut holes in his own reality to make those words fit when Obi-Wan speaks again.
“And yourself, Commander?” Struck dumb, Cody can only blink. Obi-Wan straightens beside him and tilts his head. “What do you want for yourself, once the war is over?”
And what can he do but be honest, when he turns to meet those dizzying blue eyes?
“I imagine you in a cosy little place,” Obi-Wan tells him, shifting his legs and turning to face Cody fully. His cloak and tunic sway with him, leaves in a gentle breeze. “Somewhere peaceful and green. Somewhere you can make entirely your own. Your whole life, you have given everything you have to your men. It’s one of your most admirable qualities,” and oh, Cody is not ready for what Obi-Wan’s smile does to his chest, how his words reach through his ribs and wring his heartstrings to breaking, “but I wish to see you take care of yourself, too. I want for you to build yourself a home. And I believe I know you well enough to know that somewhere within you, you wish for the same. ”
“I’ve never considered it,” he says, tacking an awkward “sir” to the end. “I’m a soldier. We all are. We don’t know any other way. Without this war… none of us have a purpose.”
With the look that Obi-Wan gives him, Cody may as well have shot his general in the heart. Obi-Wan's mouth falls ajar, but he stifles his instinctual reply and seems to ponder Cody’s answer deeply.
“One’s greater purpose is rarely just to be all that their creator intended,” he says finally, speaking the words like a prayer into the night. “You are more than this war, all of you. You have given so much for The Republic, but that is not your worth. You deserve more, you should want for more than this.”
Insides twisting and pulse stuttering in his fingertips, Cody tries to speak, to give the answer he knows Obi-Wan is waiting for. The fire lends him tendrils of gentle warmth, but its comfort, and Obi-Wan’s raw, solemn sincerity are formidable opponents. When it becomes clear that words are beyond him, Obi-Wan continues in his place. Ever eloquent, ever earnest, ever considerate. Cody’s brow pinches with a soft, tender, beautiful kind of pain.
What was it he had said next?
The stars blur when Cody looks up at them, blinking back the mist that gathers in his gaze. His pulse beats like battle drums as he takes a breath, steels his nerves, and meets Obi-Wan’s eye with the resolve of something more than a soldier.
“Do you imagine yourself there, too?”
The simple, sweet curve of Obi-Wan’s lip tears Cody into shreds, burns him to ash and pieces him back together in an instant. He sighs, soft and perfect, and leans in close. Around them, Kashyyyk’s gentle hymn reaches a soaring crescendo as Obi-Wan presses a lingering, reverent kiss to the scar below Cody’s eye.
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Cody strains to finish the memory, until the now-familiar pain lances through the back of his skull. He flinches with it, lurching in his seat and drawing in a sharp breath, defences already worn down. A quick movement in the corner of his vision draws his attention, and when he looks toward it, his heart plummets through his feet. Rex’s eyes bore into Cody, wide, alert and searching. Rex tries to cover it up, to disguise it, but Cody had already seen: Rex’s hand had twitched toward his blaster. The curtain is pulled back, and the truth looms bright and terrifying behind it. 
Emptying the cockpit. Treating him so carefully. The reluctance to speak of the Jedi. The constant, furtive glances in his direction. They hadn’t been for Cody’s comfort.
Cody almost throws up on the spot.
Rex is scared of him.
He’s crushed by the weight of a dozen atmospheres as he realises fully just what his brother has been through, why he was so insistent on removing his chip as soon as possible. The rest of the journey, he can barely bring himself to breathe, determined to make himself as still and quiet as possible, desperate to keep from making things worse than they already were. He will get his chip removed, and everything will be okay. He won’t ever again have to see his brother look at him like an active landmine or a rancor set to charge.
They reach their rendezvous not a moment too soon.
Cody is brought on board, walking two steps behind Rex, nearly tripping on his feet. The waiting ship is as jerry-rigged and cobbled-together as its crew, and its medical bay is no different: all the supplies look stolen or salvaged, a far cry from the cold, pristine sterility Cody is used to seeing from medical bays. Needless to say, he’s apprehensive at the thought of surrendering his brain to the subpar equipment. But it’s easily overshadowed. For Rex. And for himself, as well. In truth, he’s been just as afraid of his mind as Rex for months now, and the thought of an end to the torment is enough to lure him through the seven Sith hells and back again. Rex explains the procedure as he half-listens, and as he’s positioning himself on the table, the doors hiss open and a medic enters. Much to Cody’s surprise, the clone’s scars and tattoos are familiar.
“...Lieutenant Finch?”
The clone above him meets his eye, then lifts his fingers to a lazy salute, grazing the winding serpent tattoo coiled at his hairline.
“Commander,” he says blithely. There’s a dry smile in his voice that just barely reaches his lips.
“You two know each other?” Rex’s voice rises, confused, from behind.
“I was decanted to the 212th,” Finch explains over his shoulder, foregoing eye contact and instead booting up and programming the surgical droid. “You know, before–”
“Before you deserted,” Cody finishes. Finch snaps his fingers into a point in Cody’s direction, giving a single, curt nod.
Breathe. In. 
Tension ekes into the room, like static electricity before a storm. Cody can feel Rex’s eyes on him. He can imagine how his brother’s mind turns, mapping out every direction this could go. Possibilities like trails of water carving a fractured, splintering path through dust. It was years ago, early in his career, but Cody can remember clear as day how he had felt when he’d received the report of the lieutenant’s desertion. All that hurt and righteous anger. The confusion as strong as the scorn at how one of his own could leave their ranks. He had felt so personally betrayed, as though the desertion was a black mark over his own head. In a way, he supposes, it was: never before had he been forced to confront the possibility that he and his brothers might disagree with their programming, were capable of taking their fate into their own hands. He’d blamed Finch for the fury that followed in himself. In retrospect, he’s not so sure that that is who, or what , he was really angry at. Cody lays his head back flat on the table. A sharp breath leaves him in what could almost be mistaken for a laugh.
“Guess you were smarter than all of us in the end, huh?” is all he says. 
There is no response from any of them, each listening in their own silent reverie as water trickles past them down an unfamiliar path.
A few minutes later, Finch has finished setting up for the procedure. Rex grips Cody’s arm tight before he goes under, tells him it’s going to be alright. As darkness seeps in from the edges of his vision and Rex’s voice grows distant and muddled, Cody tries to believe him.
Breathe. Out. 
Black. Thick, coddling, a woollen blanket muffling all his senses. Space, empty. Cavernous. The implication of an echo. No sound. Toes edge toward a precipice. Nothing, nothing, nothing, all the way down. A perfect nothing. A mollifying nothing. A final nothing. Toes over. Falling. Peace, relief, absolution. Mercy. Silence, finally, gods almighty, silence. Light on the horizon. It’s over. Rest. It’s done. Limbs move fluid, unchained. Unbound for the first time, feather-light and rejoicing. More light, bigger, brighter. Then colour. Shape. Then sound. Voice. 
Cody’s eyes open in small, seeking movements, attuned to absence. To beautiful, exultant, glorious absence. For the first time since Order 66, perhaps for the first time since the moment he’d been lifted from his incubation tube, Cody’s mind is utterly and completely clear, empty. Quiet. He wallows in it, drinking in the fleeting euphoria. A split second later, he hears it. Words unburied, memory unshrouded.
“Cody, my love… I can’t imagine myself anywhere else.”
To break that vow.
It’s only the first drop of the storm that follows, a single blade of grass in an endless, sprawling meadow. A million more memories follow in its wake: a private moment stolen together while working late, a surreptitious glance shared across the war room. A warm hand in his, holding tight but always gentle. His fingers smoothing through autumn-coloured hair. Tender words and hushed laughter. A single beam of light through a window, a single perfect morning. Waking slow, tangled in sun-warmed sheets, with the whole galaxy held sound in his arms. A whispered promise, a vow sealed with his lips against the gentle, curving valley between neck and shoulder.
His arm, heavy as stone, raising a blaster. To follow orders.
Great, flowered vines grow from the cracks in Cody’s psyche, probing, pushing at his mind. Too big, many for how small he has become.
His skull splits open. A sob tears itself from his throat, rattling his chest.
With graceless limbs he pitches himself upward, only to be held down by firm hands. He tries to cry out, but all that comes is the barest whimper.
“I fired at him. I tried to– Rex, brother, I– Maker, I ordered it all .”
He feels the embrace moments before his flagging senses catch up, vision plunged into darkness when he buries his face in Rex’s shoulder.
“Breathe, vod.” He obeys without thought or question. “Just breathe. It’ll pass.”
The sight of Rex still there, still by his side, barely disguising his concern, sets a fresh, raging flood over his mind, dragging more memories like driftwood to the surface. Every traitorous thought he’d ever had before the end of the war. Every restrained conversation he’d had with his brothers, with Rex especially, over what would become of them after the war. Every time they questioned The Republic, the Chancellor, the Jedi Council. Endless, circular debates always coming to the same dead end. Wanting to escape. Not wanting to abandon their men. The chilling, horrible dread in his bones touching down on Utapau, the foreboding feeling that it was already too late.
It’s a long while before Cody regains enough sense to sit and speak. Rex does not leave his side for a moment. He’s given a ration bar and a mug of caf. It’s bitter and burned. He drinks it to the last drop. Finally, mercifully, the silence begins to feel less like oppression and more like peace, as the pounding pressure in his head abates. His mouth quirks in a dry smirk when he finally raises his voice.
“Tell me I’m not the only one who took it that badly.”
Rex’s laugh is a balm to every wound he’s ever suffered, deep, full-chested and free. Leaning forward, he slaps Cody’s back, his shoulders hanging loose, at ease.
“You took it like a champ,” he chuckles. Cody wants to sing, to jump and cry for joy like a child. He has his brother back. But still, lurking behind his relief, the rest of his revelations threaten to drag him back under.
“Come on.” Rex stands and holds a hand out to him, his smile softer now but still stubbornly bright. As though he can read Cody’s mind, he says, “I know we’ve got a lot to talk about. We’ll get to it, I promise. But you need to rest.”
The doors glide open, and Cody doesn’t hesitate before stepping back into the world as himself once more.
“We’ve got our next heading. I’ll fill you in later,” Rex says, walking in step at his side. “For now, I think some of the boys have a game of sabacc going. It'll be a good way to introduce you.” 
He cracks a wide, teasing grin in Cody’s direction.
“You still a filthy cheat?”
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
Do you think we could get “ i guess somewhere along the way, i fell in love. and i don’t know how it happened, or when, but… “ with Rex, please? I read a really heart breaking fic with him last night and could just really use something sweet and fluffy with a happy ending. If not, totally fine! :)
@generaldumbbitch kindly asked: could i request rex x jedi reader with the prompt “I've been trying to talk myself out of it." "Then talk yourself into it."
Do I wanna know?
(if this feeling floats both ways)
Pairing: our precious blonde captain x jedi!reader.
Word count: 1,6k not proofread you know the drill.
Warnings: mutual pining and yearning come with their own warning. this is a lil bit of a slow burn I think ?? the use of sir is neutral in this house. mentions of rex touching himself 👀 but nothing explicit okay it's a safe space here.
It wasn't usual for Rex to get injured, but it hasn't been one of those days where he got minor scratches, maybe a few dark bruises here and there but most of the time he has been untouched.
Today, though, war has been rougher than usual, a deep cut was found on his side that he doesn't know how he got, face covered in small, little cuts and he could still taste the blood from his split lip.
Which had led him to you, in a way, as he looked for supplies he ended up finding you, and in your stubborn nature you had offered to help him clean his wounds, with a racing heart and fluttering butterflies he had no option but to let out a rushed "yes sir."
After properly applying bacta on his side, you take extra care with his face, skilled hands softly pressing the wet cloth on the wounds. He doesn't hiss, nor shows discomfort, only flinching occasionally, as if he was too familiar with the feeling, too used to the pain it brought.
Amber eyes find you sometimes, as he takes quick glances he hopes you don't notice. He takes a good look of you, the way you bite your lip in concentration, your furrowed brows, how your hair looks, the little necklace hanging from it's hidden place under your robes.
"Is there something on your mind, Rex?"
Sometimes he forgets you're a Jedi, a General, his superior, when he has you so close, this close, and when your hands brush together when he hands you whatever, his heart beating loudly in his ears, mostly when you touch him, your hand on his shoulder or back, on his forearm or waist when you pass by and to move him in the slightest.
He forgets the most at night, when he thinks on where else you could touch him, in how your lips would feel against his, your hands exploring his body and his name falling from your lips in a state of delirious bliss. Shame crawling back into his mind right after as he remembers again who you are, always out of his limit but he can't find it in himself to stop, not when you look at him like that.
"Nothing, General." He finally admits, a lie he hopes you don't sense but you do.
Pulling back to assess him, he already misses you, you give him a look, one that tells him you're not impressed.
"No need for formalities, I have already told you that." You give him an easy smile, one that feels like melting his insides and turning into a puddle.
Only you have the power to leave him nothing but helpless. He's not sure he hates it.
"Sorry, Ge–" your pointed eyes make him chuckle, quickly changing the rank for your name. You give him your most charming smile and he's left hypnotized, sucking a breath when you lean over again, going back to tend his wounds.
He's got it bad for you.
"So?" You ask, in the simplest of murmurs, as if speaking any louder would break your concentration.
"So?" He echoes, confused, warm eyes never leaving you and when your eyes meet, he blushes slightly.
There's something about the intimacy of it all that leaves him this I don't know what in his chest that makes him feel like a cadet all over again.
"The thing you want to tell me, what is it?"
"I don't–" There is something in your eyes he feels drawn to, magnetized by the color of your irises and the emotions they try to shield from him. Rex sighs, he knows there's no way around this, and he wonders if this was your plan all along, to corner him somewhere and casually urge him to confess. "I've been feeling something," he eventually mumbles, eyes looking forward to the door, he's not sure he wants to see your expression.
There's this little mhm that leaves your throat, and he can see from the corner of his eyes how your attention falls in the cut on his forehead. Your eyes flicker to his.
"I wanted to ask you..." he thinks, if you feel the same? "for an advice." He doesn't wait for you to answer, already knowing you're willing to help him out, like you have always been. "There's this– someone." You stop your movement, surprised for a moment and he finds that your unreadable expression makes him anxious.
There's no turning back now.
"And I'm not sure they feel the same, so I've been trying to talk myself out of it, and–"
"Then you should try to talk yourself into it."
You sound so sure, he's sincerely surprised. He watches you go back to the task at hand, the cloth trying to remove the dried blood from his skin.
"You think?"
"We need more love in the galaxy Rex, there's been too much pain these days to stop ourselves from feeling anything but something that resembles it, don't you think?"
He frowns, taking in your words and he supposes you must be right, you're a Jedi, at the end of the day, wiseness is something you have by default, isn't it?
"I guess."
There's a silence that follows, where it's just you working and the rumble of the machines. It's not awkward, per se, but it's not as comfortable as it was when you first begun.
"It's you," he says after a while in the most casual tone possible. He's got nothing more but his life to lose.
You take a step back, looking at him with confusion written in your face, and his hands are shaking with all the emotions he's trying to put at bay. He can't take it back. Not now. He's never been one to stand down from a fight.
"I–" he clears his throat, "the one I have uh, feelings for. I guess somewhere along the way, I fell in love." He finds your eyes, and there's nothing in them that calms him down. He panics, an awkward cough leaves his throat and he feels his neck and ears burning. "With you. And I don't know how it happened, or when, but I, I, I do."
Before he gives you a second to react, he's already standing up, probably opening the cut from his side with the action.
"I apologize if this is too unprofessional, I should probably head out and–"
"Wait," it's a whisper, and it could be humiliating the power you hold over him if it wasn't for the excuse in the back of his mind that reminds him he was bred to follow orders. "You don't want to know what I have to say?"
He hesitates, torn between wanting to know, if the gentleness in your tone and the barely-there smile you're giving him is something to go by, or not wanting to know for the possible consequences of whatever answer your might give him.
If you don't love him back, he doesn't think he'll be able to live with it, much less with how close you and his General are, always working together and Maker, Cody is never going to let him hear the end of it.
But if you do, he could be court martial if anyone finds out, but that's nothing compared to you being casted out from the order. He knows their ideals, he has heard enough from the Commander, you could be torn away from everything you know. He's not worth it, he knows. Compared to everything your life is, he's nothing.
Yet, he nods.
You walk towards him, closing the distance that separates you, Rex wishes you didn't, he can never think straight when you're so close, hence the predicament he finds himself in.
When your hand cups his cheek, he flinches, he has never felt anything close to soft against his skin, always the end of someone's knuckles, the steel of some droid, the heat of a blaster shot. Never something so tender as someone else's hand, slightly calloused by the arduous training of the art of holding a lightsaber and the constant firmness in your grip that these unrelenting times need you to have.
Your eyes fall on him, analyzing his expression that lays so vulnerable in his face when there's nothing that helps him mask it, he seems timid, and like he was about to brace for a punch that never comes.
"You know," your voice serene, warm, and he doesn't understand why, how in the middle of all this, buried in corpses and hands dripping with blood you still find a way to shine so bright, to illuminate a path for him in the chaos of everything and anchor him back. "If you weren't so ready to sprint back to your quarters, I could tell you that I'm in love with you too."
"You are?" You smile, warmed by his naiveness, and he gulps when he sees your eyes flickering to his lips.
"I thought I was obvious," you try to explain, the amused glint in his face warms his cheeks, "I've been flirting with you since I met you, Captain, what took you so long?"
"You were?"
You chuckle, pressing the lightest of kisses on the corner of his mouth, a peck, soft and sweet for him to crumble down at your feet. He feels light-headed and you have barely done anything.
"Are you going to kiss me, trooper?"
He nods, licking his lips with anticipation, taking a moment to learn by heart the gleam in your eyes, and the little marks of your face, and the shape of your lips, and everything that makes you, you.
Rex smiles lightly, closing the gap between your bodies with a single step, his own gloved hands cupping your face.
"Sir, yes sir."
taglist: @foodandbooksplease @dottiechan @ladykatakuri @tacticalsparkles @lightning-wolffe @hellothere-generalangsty @beskarprincessjenny @badbatch-simp24 @milppa @obi-bae-kenobi @rowansparrow @queencousland101 @dagobahbound @huntersbandana @kavecika @paige6768 @thetiredtoad0-0 @baroclinicinstability @murdertoothpick @ahsoka1 @kybacrystal @smoldjarin @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @amaryllis23
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing and was excited to see you're taking requests! Could you do 10 with majorly hurt Obi-Wan and the 212th like trying not to completely freak out?
Aww, thank you! <3 Happy to oblige darling. And ooooh, the underrated 212th! I’m so happy to write them. I hope this does them justice.
From this various prompts list.
“Cody! No! Pull the men back!”
A burst of flame that lit the world up in blinding heat. A strange echoing noise.
A scream.
Cody thought that he would see that moment burned behind his eyelids for the rest of his life.
It was still swimming before his eyes even as he frantically tried to deal with the aftermath, as he tried to force his brain to engage with the present moment.
Right now, right here, Obi-Wan was gasping for air, his whole body twitching and writhing beneath Cody’s hands, blood staining his face, his chest, everything. Everything was painted with hot, metallic red and Cody for the first time wanted to vomit at the sight of blood.
“Hold him still!” the medic beside him barked. Cody didn’t even know his name. He always knew their names, but right now nothing was lodging in his brain except General Kenobi and his ragged screams.
“I’m trying,” he snapped back. “Help him!”
The medic gave him a strained look and then returned his focus to the man bleeding out on their watch.
“Does he need bacta?” Cody asked desperately. This time the medic didn’t glance up at him at all absorbed in pressing down forcefully on one of the darkest red stains pooling across the pale tunics, his other hand searching far more gently along the other side of the torso.
The General groaned, his feet kicking involuntarily, scraping the dust.
“No,” the medic said brusquely. “Bacta is for repairing clean injuries and accelerating healing. The General has internal injuries that need to be patched before we dunk him in bacta.”
Dunk him in bacta? Cody had never heard of such a thing. Bacta came on swabs and patches and ointment jars, not tubs to throw a whole person in.
He pinned the Jedi’s shoulders more firmly in an effort to keep him — both of them — as calm and still as possible.
Leading his men up the gorge, with its dry soil and faded patches of grass, hoping to make it over the crest and down into the ravine before dawn.
Cody walked a little ahead of the others, taking point.
He heard the clankers first.
The Commander gestured back to his men, silently ordering them to take whatever cover they could while he crept onwards, keeping low. The enemy sounded few in number, maybe twenty, outnumbering them by only 2 to 1. That was easy. His men could take two droids each without breaking a sweat. The real issue would be keeping the fight as quiet as possible. Their approach still needed to go unnoticed.
Cody hesitated a moment, then shot forwards and flung himself behind an enormous old tree with withered leaves, pressing himself against the trunk.
Nobody had seen him.
Taking a deep breath, he peered around the edge and took in the oncoming droids. He had been right. There were only fifteen, in reality, even better than he had hoped.
Their behavior was odd, though.
They all walked close together, not in their typical line formation, but centered around one droid in the middle of the pack that he couldn’t make out clearly. It was a different model from the others, but not one he was familiar with.
Cody zeroed in on it. Whatever this was, that droid needed to be dealt with.
He retreated back to the other vode, who were awaiting his word. “Fifteen clankers,” he hissed. “One of them is different from the others. Leave that one to me.”
They all murmured assent, a few of them tossing a salute in his direction, and at his signals began placing themselves strategically along the path, concealed behind bushes and stones.
All fell silent except for the sound of the oncoming droids.
A dry breeze rattled in the sun-dried branches like a tired sigh.
“Cody! No!” the sudden shout shattered the silence, shattered the oncoming ambush, ruined Cody’s plans — but he looked around sharply, searching for the owner of that familiar voice.
“Pull the men back!” Kenobi roared out over the comm line, and still he was nowhere to be seen. “It’s a trap!”
“Where the fuck is that evac?” the medic muttered. Then he turned his head and screamed, “Where the fuck is that evac?!”
“Five minutes out!” a brother replied.
Cody looked to his medic companion for a reaction, waiting to see. Was five minutes good? Bad? Salvation? ...A death sentence?
The medic closed his eyes briefly.
“Keep him steady,” he said, “and either give him something to bite on or gag him. I need to remove some of this shrapnel before it penetrates too deeply.” He reached behind him for his bag. “And I may need to cauterize the wound to his thigh.”
Cody looked down at his Jedi, watching the blue eyes flutter open and closed, shockingly bright in the midst of all the red. Blood, and dirt, and burns.
Obi-Wan didn’t seem to be coherent enough to understand what was being said, but he was trying to speak, still writhing on the ground as much as his Commander tried to hold him still.
“It’s okay, sir, we’ve got you,” Cody said. He bent down lower to bring himself closer to the General, hoping to make himself understood. “We’ve got you, General, it’s going to be okay.”
“No,” Kenobi protested weakly, the words coming up with a cough and a hoarse sob. “No — it’s — have you — what —”
He dissolved into a fit of coughing. Tears sprang up in those blue eyes that had only ever smiled for them, and leaked down over the grime on his face, glistening in the blood, clinging to his eyelashes.
“Shhhh,” Cody hissed out in desperation. He didn’t know what to do. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.
General Kenobi was a magnet for trouble, but he always survived, always managed to keep a level head, to smile for his men. And they, in turn, protected him as best they could so that he could do all those things.
He was untouchable because he was a Jedi.
He was untouchable because he was their Jedi.
...He was bleeding out in their arms.
“Cody,” his General choked out, eyes fixing on his face, a look of relief dawning in them that Cody didn’t understand. “Cody?”
“Yeah, it’s me,” his Commander said earnestly. “I’m here. We’ve got you.”
“But — I...” the General’s face pinched with pain, but his eyes remained wide and desperate and so, so blue as he stared up at Cody, fighting to speak. “The others? I... trap...my men?”
“They’re all right, you — you saved them,” Cody told him, his voice breaking.
His General’s face looked confused, uncertain. Uncomprehending. “...I... where... the plan. The men. The... we...” More blood seeped between his teeth, and Cody wondered slightly hysterically if his reassuring smile would ever be the same after this. “My men,” whispered the General. “The plan. I have to, I have to—!”
“No!” Cody cried, and he saw his Jedi flinch. “No,” he repeated, a little softer, leaning forward to make sure those blue eyes were looking into his own. “Don’t worry about that right now, just hold on. Hold on.”
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to speak again, and then the coherency in his eyes was ripped away at the same time as his back arched off the ground; his shoulders strained against Cody’s restraining hands.
“Hold him!” the medic barked.
Cody tried desperately to comply, but the General was shaking so hard it felt as if he were about break.
And then Obi-Wan screamed — a ragged, uncontrolled wail of agony.
The Commander searched the area for his General, but there was no sign of him except the voice yelling in his ears.
“Stay back, Cody! They have a new weapon!”
“What?” Cody asked.
Obi-Wan’s voice was strained. “There! It’s— go! Get back, all of you, get back!”
Cody scanned the droids through the trees but saw nothing. His General wasn’t making much sense.
But Cody was trained to obey his Jedi, and more than that, much more, he knew he wanted to. He trusted Kenobi, more than almost anyone.
Or maybe it was just that he trusted his General more than anyone else, full stop, because he didn’t protest when the Jedi came hurtling out of nowhere, dropping from a nearby ridge, and put himself directly between his men and the droids.
And he didn’t protest as he kept shepherding his men back down the way, while Obi-Wan ignited his saber just as the droids created the slope.
And he didn’t protest as Kenobi let go of his lightsaber, his weapon, and used the Force to guide it through the air, cutting down fourteen droids in a matter of seconds.
Cody trusted his General implicitly right up until the point where he flung out his arms, standing still, like a human shield between himself and his troops, as the last droid, the strange droid with the odd markings, erupted in a surge of flame that swallowed the world.
Even as Cody was thrown backwards, he saw, as if burned into his vision, a glimpse of Obi-Wan standing with his arms outstretched like a sacrifice, holding the hellfire at bay as if by some unseen wall, his expression serene.
And then, as Cody hit the ground and struggled to regain his feet, that invisible wall broke, and Obi-Wan took the impact of the bomb.
His General’s scream went on and on for what felt like an eternity but which could only have been seconds, and there was blood on his lips and his side was torn open and there was shrapnel everywhere, and—
More hands joined Cody’s, gently but firmly taking hold of the General’s wrists and elbows, clutching his ankles, cradling his head and keeping it still.
Cody looked up.
There was Waxer, and Boil, Barlex, and Longshot.
He could see others framed in the background, shielding the General from view and from the dust and debris stirred up by the relief team. Wooley had crouched next to the medic and was handing him items from his bag as soon as they were requested.
Waxer had tossed his bucket aside and was looking Cody dead in the eyes.
“We’ve got him,” he said reassuringly. “We’ve got him.”
Cody chose to believe him.
To trust his brothers and his Jedi.
Obi-Wan’s gaze was unfocused, but he looked at each of his men in turn, studying their faces, searching for something. Bloodied lips formed their names, faint beneath his unsteady breathing and periodic coughs, the moans of pain triggered by the medic’s steady hands.
Each trooper murmured a response, something soothing, something far, far calmer than the worry in their eyes allowed for.
Lastly, General Kenobi looked at Cody.
“Evac is here!” a trooper nearby shouted. “Sticker, prepare him for a lift! Med team is prepped for emergency surgery during the flight!”
The medic — Sticker, Cody registered, relieved that his panicked unrecognition earlier was gone — breathed a sigh of relief, rubbing his eye. With his wrist, because the fingers were stained deep red.
“You’ll be all right now, sir,” said Longshot.
“Oh, I know,” the General breathed, a smile peeking through the blood. “I have all of you, don’t I?”
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megafrost4 · 2 years
The Slave Arc
Episode 11: Kidnapped
Where we are going always reflect where we came from
Dooku just takes all of those citizens as slaves! 😳😳
It’s been 10 rotations since then when Anakin, Obi Wan and Rex and Ahsoka arrive 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Ahsoka: No one's here…[yellow and green sabers]
Rex with that bazooka, yes bae 🙌
Obi-Wan: how we doing, Boil?
[idk if he said anything here, but either way, no response if funny]
Obi-Wan: Cody, any word from the Separatist commander? [FIRST NAME BASIS ALWAYS] ❤️❤️
Anakin: Zygerrian scum! I’ll handle that slaver 🤬
Obi-Wan so sassy! 🔥
Dooku: bring him to me…on his knees 😠
He has a cute little bird… 🤗🤗🤗
Kix! On the job! 🙌
Obi-Wan surrenders after they threaten to bomb everyone…he was bluffing 😳
Obi-Wan offers to fight him hand to hand, if he loses Dooku gets him in a cage 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Anakin just sliced the bomb 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Ahsoka: how’d you know that would work?🤨
…you guessed 😒 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Obi-Wan…oh goodness this fight is brutal 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Obi-Wan: shall we discuss your surrender…again? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Smirking with his lightsaber 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
YEET! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ahsoka: so, what’s your plan?
Anakin: I’m open to ideas
“young Jedi, you’ll learn your place” with his whip 😳😳😳😳
Ahsoka: I’m not so young anymore 🤬
Anakin’s interrogation tactics are…oof 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
PLO! To Yoda: what is it, Master?
Episode 12: Slaves of the Republic
Those who enslave others, inevitably become slaves themselves.
Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex are on their way to Zygerria
Anakin: well, with my magnetic charm, of course 😎
Ahsoka bows so awkwardly lol 🤣🤣🤣
They are awful actors, o m g
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This slave throws herself off the edge, the queen hardly disturbed…
Poor Obi-Wan has been through the ringer… 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Rex tapping that blaster just…🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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queen: “they have forgotten their ways and serve a corrupt republic”
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Anakin: looks like I have to rescue you again, old man
Rex! Gets electrocuted
Obi-Wan o m g it is burning his neck STOP IT PLEASE 😭😭😭😭
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Anakin is force choking the queen
“Where are my friends?” 🤬
Queen: continue to misbehave and they die 🤬
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can I just point out how CALM Ahsoka is right now? What does she do locked up? She MEDITATES...CALMS HERSELF...just, queen shit right here, and I admire her so much for this
Episode 13: Escape from Kadavo
Great hope can come from small sacrifices
Obi-Wan: no please, forgive me, Master 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Rex looks so sad and helpless
Sidious: he requires millions for his new plan…
Queen: obi wan Kenobi is growing in despair
Ahsoka: took you long enough
Anakin: well, I knew you had a nice view
Anakin: who said I was alone?
Wolf leader of Wolfpack…GO OFF, BAE
Ahsoka: we’ll need a bigger ship 😏
Warthog: I’m catching too much heat 😳
Plo drops back and ends that ship 🙌 FATHER OF THE YEAR ALWAYS
Warhog: that got em general good one ❤️
Plo: keep your focus Warthog ✊
Rex get em bae yes!
Wolffe!: Yes sir!
I know a Jedi won’t kill an unarmed man
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Wolfpack on jet packs yeah! Ahsoka just catches her like it was nothing 😱🙌
Wolfpack saving the day left and right 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥NEED MORE OF THEM, COME ON FILONI
Wolffe: that’s everyone we have to go, the facility is breaking up
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I wish we had more on Ahsoka and her people...they are proud of her. But that's just me wanting to see more of Plo, Ahsoka, and Wolfpack content...FILONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
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Plo putting his hand on Ahsoka's shoulder so proud of her! ❤️❤️❤️
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yodamn · 4 years
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This is something I just thought up, enjoy!
Thank God for your parents. Them having other children after you gave you the perfect amount of experience to handle the situation you were in. Your younger brothers, specifically, have helped you unknowingly.
There in front of you stands a Clone. But not just any clone. Marshal. Commander. Cody. THE Marshal Commander Cody. You aren't one of his brothers, you're just an officer delegated to Communications and occasionally getting one very finicky control console to work who, despite not being sentient, only works for you. Thanks Dad for teaching me some of your Mechanical Know-How. But anyway...
Marshal Commander Cody. SIC to General Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. A highly skilled man. Trained to be able to take droids, or people, down extremely easily. Even though some people look down on clones not ONE person can say something bad about Cody in front of his face. Hes intimidating. He commands respect from COUNTLESS clones and he.
Hes got the same look your little brother gets after a really bad day at school.
Eyes glazed with just enough water to seem wet but not to the point of tears, blank stare through time and space. His posture isnt different but he probably is used to having to hide in his helmet. The ever so slight quiver of his bottom lip, most people wouldnt even notice. But you do. You always do. Its the exact same expression. And you can read it like a book. That faces says that he really just wants to be hugged tight and told its gonna be okay and go to sleep but hes not gonna ask for it. Hes hiding it well but youre used to seeing the signs. Sometimes your little brother, Gil, doesnt know how to ask when he needs help. He pushes people away. And your parents do their best, but they've got four other kids and their jobs, they don't catch everything. So then it becomes big sister to the rescue. Who had the time, patience, and energy to help.
And it seems like noone else notices whats happening to the Marshal Commander. You pay attention to the briefing of course but also keeping an eye on Cody. After the briefing youre just close enough to hear Cody dismiss himself as well, saying that he needed to get some work done. At that the plan is set into action. First stop? The Officer Lounge. You grab a cup of caf and put a lid on it. You stop by the officer barracks and grab the nice blanket your mom sent in a care package and swiftly continue towards the Clone Barracks.
There are horror stories told about the Clone Barracks by officers. That they'll eat you alive. That once a new recruit wandered in and was never seen again. Stupid things. But that doesnt mean walking into a hallway of barracks where you really stick out isnt scary. Their gazes are burning into you at all angles, curiosity, confusion, the occasional glare. You finally found the Commanders door. Looking both way you knock first. No answer. You know hes in there because the light of the pad beside you is on. Indicating someone is inside. You knock twice more with the same result. A sigh leaves your lips and you weigh your options.
Open the door yourself and possibly get yelled at. Potentially invade his privacy. Or leave and forget any of this happened. The second option seems more appealing. But then you remember why you came. Seeing his face in your memory. The look of pain in his eyes. Seeing your little brother in him, despite the commander being three times his size and much more intimidating than your dorky little brother. Taking a deep breath to steele yourself you gently and slowly open the door. Hes sitting on his bed. Head in his hands. In the dark. Just like Gil. And a gruff voice calls out.
"What do you want"
"Commander Cody?"
Apparently not the voice he was expecting because his head shot up.
"Can I help you? Is there something you need? I'm sure that-" you cut him off with a wave of your hand.
"No! No I dont need anything, its just," you sighed, no going back, "At the briefing today you seemed a little off, I thought you might need a little pick me up?" You offered with the still hot caf held out to him.
"I brought you some caf, and my extra blanket, its weighted and it always helps me so if you wanna borrow it..." You trailed looking away and then back to see him still staring at you.
"But! Thats-thats only if you want to, you dont have to I just, it helps me and I wanted to..." you stuttered and rambled while flailing your own free hand around.
"Thank you"
You stopped and stared at the man. The look was back. And oh how it hurt.
"I-Thank you, that's very thoughtful" Cody furrowed his eyebrows and scratched the back of his head. You extended the caf to him again, he took it and just held it in his hands.
"How-how did you know? How could you tell?" He asked, oh so softly. Running a hand down your cheek you gesture to the bed next to him and he nods and scoots over.
"Uh, well" you start and sit on the cot, you place the blanket down next to him and think back to Gil, "I'm the oldest of 5 kids in my family, and my parents try their best. But they dont always catch everything, what with having five kids and my mom and dad own a business and other family issues" you explain.
"Sometimes I step in to help, I dont have to. But I care, and they are important to me", you smile thinking about your younger siblings. Your parents were always so adamant about you not having to help. But at one point your grandfather got sick, had to come live with you. You wanted to step in to alleviate the stress. You lean back against the metal walls and looked at Cody.
"And you, sir", knocking your hand against the plastoid of his armored arm you shift to fully face him, "You had the same face that my little brother makes when hes had a really tough day and just wants to talk about it"
Cody chuckled taking a sip from the caf.
"Sorry if its not all that good, its just the caf they supply officers and I also dont know how you like your caf so..."
"No, no its fine, thank you" he whispers, he's so tired. You can see it in the way his eyelids flutter. "I can't really talk about what I do, it's confidential" hes slouching where he sits, soon you can see his head slightly bopping up and down. Resisting the pull of sleep.
"That's fine, you dont have to" you reassure patting him on the arm, you lightly rub your thumb in the crease between the armor and his blacks.
"Can you tell me about yourself then? Whats your favorite caf? Do you like bolo-ball?" You ask quietly, you move to sit in front of him on the floor. By slowly lowering your voice you should be able to get Cody to relax and fall asleep, it works for your. The big commander humms and slowly explains that he likes his caf with sugar but never can find any so he drinks it black mostly. He, like most of the clones, are loyal to the Corosaunt team. His voice getting softer and softer with yours as he went on. You hummed sweetly and looked at his armor. That can't be comfortable to sleep in.
Tapping your finger on his knee plate, and unfortunately reeling him back out of the sweet embrace of sleep. You ask if you can remove his armor, following that you didn't have to if he didn't want you to . Cody nods drowsily and croaks a yes out. You perch on your knees and begin to fumble with his leg armor.
"Please Cody, tell me more about Waxer and Boil" you prod gently while slipping your fingers into the magnetic locks. You had a nurse friend who had often had to remove armor from the clones due to them being unconscious. He had complained about how sometimes the locks would stick and explained how to get them unstuck. Not that you needed to know at the time, but it was useful right now.
Cody rambled on about Waxer and Boil and how sometimes Obi Wan would loose his lightsaber in battle.
He pouted, "Its rich because he always, always says 'The lightsaber is your life' to Skywalker..."
You giggle and stand up, he sighs and goes to lay back on the bed. Drunk in exhaustion. You had removed most of his armor, him removing things you couldn't.
He inhales and looks back at you, having sat back down next to the head of the bed. Cody lets out a sigh and continues to ramble, at this point his words are getting mixed up and jumbled. He had begun to explain how he got upset at all the paperwork he had to do and battle plans to make and military personnel to kiss up to, but you stopped him.
"Thats confidential remember?" You whispered, brushing a stray hair away.
"Thas right, you" he clumsily pointed up to you, "youre a good person"
Smiling you grab his hand and bring it to lay on his chest, "Thank you Cody, so are you" you softly pet his hand.
He turns onto his side and ever so slowly you see him slip into a peaceful sleep. You stand and lightly laid your blanket over him. It was muscle memory. Remembering all the times your parents had to work late or were focused on helping a sibling or relative that was sick and you had to put the others to bed. You tucked Cody in and gingerly lifting his head to move his pillow under him. After making sure he was covered you laid a kiss on his temple. Youre eyes snapped open and you tensed your back.
Why did I do that? You looked down at the man and he was still peacefully sleeping. Shaking your head you sighed, stupid muscle memory. You moved the cup of cold caf further on the nightstand next to his bed just incase her flailed an arm and he knocked it over. You brushed hair from his eyes once more before moving towards the door. Opening the door just enough for you to slip thru you turn down the lights and leave, shutting the door on your way out. Turning you bump into Obi Wan.
"Oh! Im so sorry General" You quietly stutter before moving past him.
"Oh please, I shouldnt have snuck up on you" he assures, "I must say thank you though, I noticed what you did"
Flushing you nod and continue out of the barracks.
The next day you wake up and go through all your duties. You had to make the control console work three times because it decided today wasnt a good day. Some shiny bumped into you in the mess, spilling all your food over you. You had assured him it was fine. All of your clothes were dirty so you had to continue the day with slightly gravy soaked clothes. Over all the day wasnt very good, and you just wanted to go to sleep.
You walk into the Officer barracks stripping down your uniform and tossing it. You washed all of the sticky feeling off of you, changed, and went to just pass out. Once you reached your bunk you see a piping hot caf on the nightstand and her blanket folded on her bed. Laying neatly on the blanket was a card. Opening it showed a simple message.
'Thank you, if you ever need anything dont hesitate to let me know
- Marshall Commander Cody'
You smile and curl up on your bed with the caf and your blanket. You can tell this is the begining of a beautiful friendship.
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇʀᴇᴍɪᴀᴅ
“Anakin knew he had to set her free, this beautiful Sith of a woman.”
word count: 2731
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jer·e·mi·ad/ˌjerəˈmīəd/  jeremiad
a long, mournful complaint or lamentation; a list of woes."the jeremiads of puritan preachers warning of moral decay"
Anakin couldn’t remember when he first started loving you. He only knew that he had seen you at some point, and at some point became so infatuated, he kept an eye out for you at every turn. If you happened to be passing by while he was speaking to Obi-Wan, Anakin’s eyes were trained on you. If you fought together in battle, he would look to see you on the other side. Curiously enough, when he would get glimpses of you, you were always twirling your lightsaber after a kill. 
Anakin felt an enormous amount of guilt about this. He had been entangled with Padme for some time now, and had even married her after the Battle of Geonosis. He would’ve been foolish not to. Padme was beautiful and kind and diligent, and she would sometimes appear to Anakin in dreams like an angel. He felt an enormous wave of relief wash over him when he would meet his wife at the end of a long mission. 
But he didn’t love her. Not really. He loved you. He wanted to be with you, to snake his hands around your waist in the night. He always made an attempt to spar with you in the temple, or ask about any mission you might’ve been on. Anakin felt like a magnet around you, even though you hadn’t shown much of a mutual pattern in return. Anakin didn’t mind that much though- you were a busy person, he understood. If anything, it only made his desire for you stronger. A woman of few words, Anakin only further imagined what your moans would sound like in place. 
Eventually, however, you were gone. 
As clear and distant as the rising sun, and as quiet and hushed as the moon, you disappeared from the temple and the Jedi alike. There were no more glances to steal at you, no more glimpses of your elegant training to behold. The corner of the archives Anakin often saw you in now seemed empty and incomplete with your form. Even the Jedi council seemed like it was missing something, even though you had refused to be a part of it some years before. 
There were whispers, but none that Anakin ever got the opportunity to fully hear. Part of him knew that if he did hear them, he probably wouldn’t have accepted them. In truth, he refused to think that you were even dead, even though it was the far more likely answer to his questions. Anakin believed that you had suffered from some injury in your endeavors and had most likely become immobilized, instead. He didn’t want to know the truth. 
But did he have some semblance of it? Yes. He was the most powerful, in tune Jedi in the galaxy- he would’ve felt what had happened to you. He just refused to believe it. 
Sometimes, you would appear in Anakin’s dreams. 
Your two blue lightsabers would be at the ready in your cunning hands. Your most trusted trooper- Commander Nyx- would be at your side, awaiting instructions. Your dark Jedi robes would stand in contrast to the scene ahead of you, which consisted of crystalline buildings falling and gunships falling with green streaks. 
In dreams, Anakin would suddenly get confidence he could never muster in real life. He didn’t know it, but this was out of desperation. He wanted so badly to see you, to feel you if he could, that he wouldn’t mind risking how he appeared to you anymore. He just wanted you to turn around and face him. 
Tentatively, Anakin’s gloved, mechanical fingers would reach out to you. “Y/N?” he’d call out. You would give no reply. Your robes would stay swaying slowly in the wind, offering only a view of your back. Not even Commander Nyx would answer Anakin’s prayer of a whisper. But when the sky of the scene would darken when he drew closer to you, he had received a sort of response. Anakin didn’t care enough to acknowledge it. “Y/N...” 
This prompted you to turn to him. Like poetry, he caught your eyes. Even in sleep, he still felt weak and woozy in his stomach (in the best way, of course) and he couldn’t help but get lost in your orbs like a maze. 
You were still just as beautiful as he remembered, but different. Something was oozing, sinking, blackening your veins like tar and poison. Anakin could see this in the way you held your sabers. He wasn’t sure how, but your fingers seemed more hungry. Your lips were chapped and slightly paler, but no less attractive than he’d always thought. Jaw sharp, skin glowing faintly- your eyes were the main piece. They were so much brighter and more intelligent than he’d thought, although not in a good way. 
You were always a powerful Jedi, and this was common knowledge. You had specialized in the seventh and most deadly form of combat, taken your time to study ancient texts, and had gone head to head with several enemy forces during the War. Anakin could even recall a report of you surviving an encounter with General Grievous and emerging unscathed. But this was different. This was pure and untamed energy, an ultimate corruption as sweet as fine wine. 
In this dream, Anakin was too stunned to say anything. He could only stare in a mix of awe and disbelief. You, however, did not take too long to react. Your hand shoots out. Anakin trips forward, gasping at his own throat as he watches your lightsaber come closer and closer to him. 
And then he wakes up. 
The day of Kamino’s attack takes everyone by surprise. It had already happened recently, and nobody had fathomed the possibility of the Separatists forming such a similar attack so soon. Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and trusted Captain Rex all rushed to the scene in a gunship, with anxiety drumming in their hearts. 
Anakin’s hand tightened around the rope above. His grip became a hot, white, vice as he stared at the crashing waves below. The storm overhead was unending and surreal, but it did nothing to calm the warning in his heart. 
He hadn’t dreamed about you in a month by this point. He thought about you often, however. Even more so when he was laying by Padme who had her hand placed directly over his heart. He wondered if you were still out there in the galaxy, fighting monsters and exercising a patience he could only imagine. On good days, he could trick himself into believing that you were taking a long term holiday on some distant world. 
But now, it didn’t feel like you were on a distant world. It felt like you were on this one. You felt so impossibly close. Like the universe was shrinking up around the two of you and making his chest feel closed up. 
“Are you alright, Anakin?” Obi-Wan spoke out. His free hand came to rest on Anakin’s shoulder comfortingly, like he was about to pull Anakin out of something. 
“Yes Master,” Anakin promised in return, even though it was a blatant lie. Still, he managed to keep his voice steady, and that had impressed him enough. “I just worry what Commander Nyx will tell us when we meet him.”
Anakin knew Obi-Wan was unconvinced. He could feel it in the air and see it in the older man’s eyes. Regardless, Obi-Wan removed his palm from Anakin’s form and opened his mouth to spit the normal analytical nonsense. “Nyx and his men are already inside the main structure. They’re searching for our intruder while clearing a way.”
“I thought you said Grievous had already been seen,” Ahsoka questioned. 
“I did,” said Obi-Wan. “But that does nothing to help confirmed reports of a second party present.”
Anakin squinted at the water. Determination filled him up like it always did before a battle, but there was also an unquenchable need to make sure you weren’t this ‘second party’. He knew it would’ve been ridiculous to even consider that possibility- you were off on holiday! But something inside of him just wanted see it. It was probably just that witch, Ventress again. She did have the hobby of inconveniencing Anakin’s life more than you  ever had. 
Anakin was wrong. 
He rounded the corner with his lightsaber in his hand. His breathing came out evenly, just as he had trained it to do. Raising his right wrist to his mouth, he said the magic words. “Obi-Wan, I’m locking in on the targets location. No signs of Nyx anywhere.”
After a high pitched beep, blaster fire could be heard in the background of Obi-Wan’s scene. “Be ready, Anakin.”
With that, Anakin doubled down his speed and spurred himself forward. His brown eyebrows furrowed together, his fingers clutching the hilt of his weapon selfishly. There were people counting on him- the Clones and snips and Obi-Wan, even Padme. But more than anyone, he felt that you were counting on him. He just wanted to silence the anguish he was feeling. It was eating him alive. 
Anakin stumbled into a dark, circular room. It was empty, except for the bodies in white armor that littered the floor. He could sense other things too- two presences in the middle. He didn’t need to be so gifted in the ways of the force to know that, though. He could hear the little whimpers from the center in a voice he had heard thousands of times. It was identical to that of Rex and Cody and Bly, and that scared him somewhat. 
“Y-you can’t!” the voice pleaded. Anakin would’ve surged forward and saved the clone, if not for the silencing of him all together. With the swiftest of movements, the figure pulled both of their arms to their sides, and something heavy dropped to the floor.  The Crimson color of the blades answered a few of the Jedi’s questions. The face of the mystery killer, however, created more. 
It was you, in all of your glory. Your eyes piercing and calm, your features were striking. You, as always, were immensely beautiful to Anakin. You were like something that he would never see again if he looked away, and the fact that it was all too true was saddening. Although your skin had paled somewhat, you were entirely recognizable. The thing that had changed the most about you was your lightsabers, which had of course transitioned from pale blue to blood red. 
Anakin’s eyes widened as he looked at you. You. What kind of sick, twisted joke was the Maker bestowing upon him? This was the thing he had wished against more than anything else. It was terrible enough imagining himself fighting Obi-Wan, but this wasn’t Obi-Wan. This was the woman he had watched from afar, silently admiring and memorizing. And now the woman was a Sith- the thing he had sworn to fight against. 
“Master Skywalker,” you said coolly. You twirled one of the sabers in your palms just as Obi-Wan and other Jedi had done to loosen up their grips. It felt distant. “I had hoped you’d be the one to execute me.”
Anakin swallowed, but it didn’t help the feeling in his throat. “Y/N?” he asked hoarsely, almost like a beg. He wished so badly that you were Ventress, or even Count Dooku for that matter. 
You didn’t give him a straight answer, you were never known for that. “If you want me to be.” You looked the man up and down, taking him in. You could recall seeing him around the temple, fighting along side him. You couldn’t place any real conversations or formal meetings, although you would be damned before letting yourself forget the name Anakin Skywalker. He always had been the most fascinating specimen. “Shall we fight, then?” 
You poised yourselves on your toes. Your prey could never see when you did this, which gave you the element of surprise in combat. You knew that you were better than many of the Jedi in the Order. You had bested Luminara Unduli on multiple occasions, along with that Kenobi and Kit Fisto. You were never one to flash this, however, instead choosing to mask your growing contempt further and further. But Anakin Skywalker was not any of those Jedi. He was the most powerful force user alive. You were not entirely sure you could beat him. 
“What are you doing here?” Anakin asked. His question partially caught you off guard, but you were polite. 
“I’d like to think that defeats the point,” you quipped. 
Anakin opens and closes his mouth multiple times. Like a glitch, he can’t seem to find or form the words. “We- you were a peacekeeper! And now look at you!”
Your eyes narrowed at him. Anakin noticed this, but you were too much of a demanding sight to ruin his current view of you. He didn’t want to fight you. What if he killed you? What if you killed him? 
“Look at yourself,” you challenged. Anakin’s heart broke in his chest. You could see his eyes widen, and immediately a pang ran through you. It was the most of any emotion you had felt in a while- years, maybe. You didn’t know what it was, because it seemed to be a mix of guilt and anguish and longing. 
Slowly, like a scared child, Anakin presses the switch on his emitter and takes his fighting stance. His blue streak of light roars to life softly. The shade reminds you of your own weapons, before you had made them bleed and turned them red. The shade reminds you of many other things, however, like Anakin’s brilliant eyes and all the neon planets you had traveled to. 
Anakin doesn’t want to fight you. He doesn’t know if you can tell, because your demeanor is just as cold as always. His insides feel unnecessarily hot, and the hair on his arms stand on end with electricity. He’s only felt this way when he’s becoming intimate with Padme, but never like this. This is unsettling, uncomfortable, and he would even dare to describe it as traumatic. 
“I’d always hoped you’d be the one to come here,” you said. In that moment, Anakin jabbed his blade forward cleanly. The sky blue glow extended across the room, even shadowing itself onto your face and created purple against the red. You positioned yourself back on instinct, waiting for the weapon to enter through your chest cleanly. 
But it didn’t. 
Anakin tried to keep his face stern and angry, but he couldn’t. It kept falling short and returning to one of heartbreak. This made your eyes features fall. Anakin wasn’t going to kill you, and you weren’t going to kill him. You had never wanted to. 
“I have to take you into...” Anakin’s breath fell short. You had the opportunity to kill him right then, and you were doing nothing. How incredibly foolish of you. 
You pressed the switch on your blades. Both of them came to a close, leaving both of you drowned in the blue light and the blue light only. There was no competition anymore. You truly weren’t going to kill Anakin. 
Anakin lowered his own weapon as he looked at your face. You looked so much softer now. He memorized everything he could about you again, like he was seeing you for the first time, whenever that may have been. 
You took a single step backwards. Anakin did nothing. Another step followed. You had been ordered to kill both Anakin and Kenobi, should you stumble across them. Instead, you would cover for the man. You would tell Dooku and the other Separatists you had not encountered Skywalker. 
Similarly, Anakin did not follow you in your steps. He did not chase you as you turned and left the room. He only watched your form, wondering if he was truly going to let you go again. The answer, of course, was that he would. He would tell Obi-Wan he had no conception of this hidden enemy, and that by the time he had located Commander Nyx’s squad, they had already been dead. 
Still, the both of you dissipated into your respective nights, knowing your debt was settled, and wondering if it would ever return. 
Taglist: @omg-we-really-doo​
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phoenixhrt22 · 4 years
Just a thought because why not.....
That scene in Ironman 2 with black widow and happy I could kind of see some sort of team up potential in the Star Wars universe.
Imagine Anakin/501st and Cody/212th work together to free Obi-Wan from whatever shit show he got himself into, maybe pirates, maybe Dooku or maybe he just decided to piss off a few bounty hunters or crime syndicates.
Anyway Anakin and Cody manage to get ahead of the rest of their men. Anakin *loses* his lightsaber and is forced to use hand to hand combat. Maybe he and Cody are undercover and couldn’t take those specific very attention grabbing weapons in with them or the magnetic ceiling thing I don’t know but they are in that situation.
Anakin charges ahead and takes the first guy on hand to hand. Then Cody just calmly walks past him while he’s preoccupied with ONE guard and Cody (being a much better combatant than everyone else, I mean the guy roundhouse kicked a droid to death and punched grievous in the face) he then goes on to kick at least 8 more guards asses, finds Obi-Wan and carries him back out all while Anakin is trying to defeat the first guy.
Anakins all like: hey Cody come onnnn..... what the fuck!!
And Cody just calmly strides past him carrying Obi-Wan bridal style to the chorus of very badly broken groans from his victims.
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paleghost13 · 5 years
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I’m one chapter into Jedi: Fallen Order and I’m already convinced about Cal’s true heritage.
Cal Kestis Checklist
Red hair
Blue eyes
Sarcastic and snarky
Powerful force user
Trouble magnet
Skilled lightsaber fighter
Late teens or early 20s
Fairly short for a human male
Kestis. Riiiight.
Obi-Wan, is there something you want to tell us about? Hmmmm? And why do I have a feeling we’ll be seeing Anakin fairly shortly chasing after Cal (Kenobi) Kestis?
(And I’m REALLY wishing Cody will appear just for the look on his face at seeing Kenobi 2nd Gen.)
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wildedoves · 4 years
A Star Wars Story
Murphy’s Law with a Hint of Luck
Part II: Creature
“What is that?” With his metallic hand, Anakin poked the unknown green thing on the table in front of Obi-Wan, Rex, and Cody.
“We think it’s a tentacle sir,”  Rex responded. “General Kenobi and Cody found it along with some other down troopers near where the Senator was.”
“A tentacle?” Anakin gave it another poke.
“Yeah and that’s only a part of it. The rest of it is still over there but it’s damn long and heavy,” Cody added. “It’s body though, that’s a mystery.”
Anakin gave his master a questioning look. “And you brought it here why?”
“To study it.”
“But it’s dead.”
“So? As long as it isn’t on the bottom of your boot I’d say we can still study it.”
Ah, so he still remembers that. “To be fair I thought that worm was going to find it’s way up  your nose. I did you a favor.”
“Oh, Anakin.” Obi-Wan shook his head. Cody chuckled.
“Anyway, do you have any idea what creature has this thing attached to it?”
“Hmm. No, not of this kind. It’s bizarre and from the Twi’leks’ sheer look of terror, it’s not good Anakin. They’re—”
His master studied the tentacle more carefully and Anakin, curious as to why his master stopped his train of thought, looked at the tentacle as well. Twitch. All four men took a step back. Twitch.
“Was this thing actually dead before you brought it here?!” Anakin demanded as he swiftly reached for his lightsaber.
Rex and Cody had their pistols in hand, momentarily shocked, meanwhile Obi-Wan, the ever calm Jedi, stroked his chin in wonderment. The nearby troopers who were lifting/moving supplies and repairing starfighters stopped and watched them.
“Interesting?” Anakin repeated incredulously.
“Just say the word General,” Rex said.
Obi-wan waved him off. “No wait. I want to see what this leads to.”
The tentacle twitched again then violently spasmed, dropping any scattered tools it came across off the table. It contorted and smacked the counter...and if Anakin wasn’t mistaken, he could hear a faint screech.
His lightsaber hummed to life. That definitely did it. “Now’s not the time for your curiosity!”
“For once in your life be patient Anakin.”
They watched the tentacle angrily thrash, smack, and twist. A green discharge started oozing out from its skin and a horrid stench with such intensity soon followed. Anakin crinkled his nose and coughed a couple of times, truly disgusted.
“Ugh, are you satisfied yet? It smells.”
“Well, that’s certainly not what I expected,” Obi-Wan replied.
“Did you think it was going to talk to you?”
It gave a final squeeze before it suddenly went limp. Maybe this time it really was dead. The men relaxed and returned their weapons to their appropriate holsters.
“At least it didn’t pop.” Rex commented.
Obi-Wan stroked his beard, studying it. Anakin really didn’t care for it at this point and very much wanted to toss it out of his sight. Kriff! That thing should be thrown outside where it belongs.
Now now Anakin, Obi-Wan spoke to him through the force. That’d be rude to our partial friend here.
Which part? The fact that it stinks or that it's ugly?
Obi-Wan shook his head. Aren’t you curious to know what this is? Why are the Twi'leks so frightened by the mere sight of a tentacle? What was its purpose near the village? And where’s the rest of its body? Not to mention what does  it look like in its entirety?
During their exchange, Cody and Rex gave each other that look. The Jedi weren’t vocally speaking and they wouldn’t have realized they were speaking through the Force if it weren’t for their facial expressions and body language. If Rex was able to do this with Cody, he would have Force spoke, they’re doing  it again but the mere look from his comrade suggested he knew as well. And so they stood there watching them and, occasionally, at the limp tentacle.
Master, it belongs to a creature that’s likely native to this planet and, if memory serves me right, usually native creatures aren’t friendly.
Yes but—
Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows as the thing suddenly expanded on one side then the other, each side growing larger and asymmetrical with each second, the table sustaining it collapsing underneath.
“Uh, Rex? I think you spoke too soon.” Cody said, backing away from the tentacle. Rex, Anakin, and Obi-Wan did the same.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Anakin looked at Obi-Wan. “I think that’s all you’re going to study Master.”
“Anakin don’t!”
Anakin raised his arm and force lifted the contorting thing and pushed it quickly out of the hangar onto the other side of the magnetic field. The tentacle kept disfiguring itself as it grew nearly to the size of a vulture droid before it burst. Steaming bright gray green fluid and chunks of the tentacle oozed all over the field and onto the platform outside.
“You were saying?” Anakin glanced at Obi-Wan who was apparently quite disappointed by the thing’s...final form? End result?
“Nevermind that. It’s quite unfortunate I won’t be able to study it any further. Look at it,” Obi-Wan gestured to what was once the tentacle. “It's just a blob now.”
“Come now Master, you can still study whatever’s left on the floor.”
“That’s so reassuring Anakin.”
Padmé awoke to the medical droid bringing her another round of IV medications and informing her the severity of her injuries. She had manageable lacerations of  her spleen and liver as well as a couple of fractured ribs besides the abrasions on her face, arms, and legs. They took care of most of her injuries here but for full recovery, Padmé needed to be evaluated at the hospital in Coruscant. They did have the best medical staff there after all.
She was feeling slightly better despite the horrible events she went through earlier that day— the bombing, the cascading rubble, the piercing screams, the image of Anakin sweetly smiling at her before everything went black. The enveloping darkness was horrible. There was nothing there except for her limp self struggling to breathe for air that never seemed to reach her lungs. For what seemed like an eternity in that dark world, Padmé was finally brought out of that void. A medical droid had hovered over her, cleaning some of the facial abrasion she sustained while also scanning for other injuries. Fearful she was on an enemy ship, she attempted to get up from the bed and oh dear that hurt. She sucked in her breath, her legs wobbled, and her entire midsection felt incredibly heavy. She doubled over and groaned. The droid had tried its best to encourage her to lay back down but due to her persistent and outright refusal, it made the decision to sedate her. “Probably for the best” she had heard it say before she lost consciousness.
Anakin was no longer in the room and after the droid had left, she decided to try and sit up at least. She winced and gasped, her body aching as she worked to push herself up from the bed. A fiery pain spread throughout her and so, not being able to withstand such a sensation any longer, she carefully laid back down. Not much of a success.
Ahsoka walked in just then and smiled. “I saw that but don’t worry, I won’t tell.”
Padmé sheepishly chuckled at being discovered. “Ahsoka, it’s so good to see you. How are you?”
“You know, the usual. Keeping Master out of trouble, fighting droids, learning how to negotiate per Master Obi-Wan’s encouragement.” She shrugged. “But what about you? Are you okay? I heard what happened to the village…I’m so sorry.”
“I’m feeling better Ahsoka, thank you. I really do appreciate you coming here.”
The padawan reached for her hand and comforted her. “It’s no problem. I’m just glad you’re safe now.”
Padmé’s heart warmed. Ahsoka truly was a sweet and kind girl. She watched her as she started taking a look around the room, as if in search of something.
“Is something wrong?” Padmé asked.
“Well, we’ve been having some weird malfunctions around the ship since we arrived and we’re not sure what’s causing it. So I’m scanning the room to see if there’s anything out of the ordinary.”
“That doesn’t sound good. Will those malfunctions prevent us from returning to Coruscant?”
Ahsoka looked back at Padmé. “As long as the main reactor isn’t disrupted, we should be en route soon. We don’t think it’s anything serious but I’ve been checking different locations and so far I haven’t found anything wrong.”
The lights above them flickered. Both ladies looked up. A couple of seconds passed before  the lights flickered again.
“That’s not a good sign,” muttered Padmé.
“No, it’s not,” agreed Ahsoka.
All the monitors in the room powered down, the lights following soon after. They were in the dark now.
“Ahsoka, come in. Where are you?”
“Master, I’m with Senator Amidala in the medbay. Did the lights go out in your position too?”
“Just now. Is Padmé safe?”
“Yes, she’s safe.”
“Good. I’m heading over there right now. Make sure to—”
A loud creak surrounded them and the room began to tilt.
“What’s going on!?” Padmé cried out. She tightly clutched the bed and held on for dear life.
“I think we lost power!”
Padmé felt herself tilting further onto her left side and grimaced. Her strength faded with every second she held on and soon she would be falling off the bed. Ani! Please hurry!
“Padmé hold on!”
“I can’t!”
Her grip loosened and she felt herself fall.
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dendral · 7 years
@generallkenobi this is primarily your fault. @darthluminescent because I said I’d tag you.
AO3 Crosspost
Summary: In another universe, Obi-Wan Kenobi falls to General Grievous’s blades. In another universe, Obi-Wan Kenobi does not live to see the end of the war. In another universe, Anakin Skywalker hunts down General Grievous, intent on revenge.
someday when i’m gone away we’ll be all okay
The Force goes frighteningly silent.
Anakin doesn’t know what to make of it. He feels numb, empty, as though his insides have been scooped out and thrown away. The sounds of the dogfight taking place around him are muffled, like someone is covering his ears with cotton.
“...ght! Bank right, General Skywalker, bank right!” breaks through to him over his comm, and without thinking he obeys, jerking the yoke of the starfighter hard. His starfighter turns, slamming him up against the side of its interior. He barely avoids smacking his head against the transparisteel.
“General, are you alright?” asks Ropes.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Anakin says. “Just… something strange happened in the Force, just now.”
“Try to keep your head in the now, sir,” Rex says, and his starfighter pulls up to Anakin’s right side. “I’d prefer it if you didn’t get shot down, and I’m certain General Kenobi wouldn’t be too pleased either.”
“Have we had any word from Obi-Wan on Grievous?” asks Anakin as he moves left, avoiding an oncoming hail of blaster fire. An awful feeling slithers into his gut and churns like a writhing nest of profoggs, all pointy teeth and sharp claws.
“Negative, sir,” Tulip replies, and the feeling gets worse.
With a growl, Anakin jerks his starfighter up and over the wreckage of an exploding droid. He tries to keep his tone light when he says, “It’d be great if he could hurry it up. I’m getting bored out here.”
“How about a little friendly competition, General?” Ropes asks.
“No, absolutely not,” Rex replies, and Catchall and Tulip laugh boisterously as they form up behind Anakin.
“Can’t we, Captain?” Catchall says. “After all, we don’t want the general getting bored, do we?”
“It does sound like it could be fun,” Anakin says.
“I can’t believe you all,” Rex grumbles.
Anakin’s ship comms beep, and a text message is outputted in bold green letters on the screen. He frowns as he reads it, brows furrowing. “Looks like our competition is getting postponed, men. We’re being ordered to retreat.”
“Retreat?” Tulip asks, skeptical. “But we’re winning. Why would we be retreating?”
“Are you questioning orders, Lieutenant?” Rex asks.
“No, sir,” Tulip replies. “Just curious, is all.”
“The order’s from Commander Cody,” Anakin says, feeling the bottom of his stomach drop out. The silence in the Force is overwhelming. “Something’s gone wrong.”
It’s while she’s in the lower levels of Coruscant, trying to figure out where she’ll go next now that she’s not a Jedi—now that she has no home—that Ahsoka hears the news.
She’s walking past a club—some seedy place that smells overwhelmingly of sweat and alcohol—when she overhears the tail-end of a news report. The uproarious laughter and chatter dies for just a moment, enough that she can catch what’s being said.
All she manages to catch is that something big happened, something so big the future of the Republic is now in question. She doesn’t know the context, though, so she enters the club to find out. The bouncer doesn’t even check her for ID, eyes transfixed on the nearest screen.
Every monitor is playing the same channel. The holonews reporters are repeating the report. Both are sullen; one looks like she’s been crying for hours, eyes red and swollen, a pile of tissues next to her on the table she’s sitting at. The headline fixed in the bottom of every screen says the same thing in bold, white letters atop a blue background: GENERAL KENOBI FALLS IN BATTLE.
Her heart doesn’t stop, but it’s a near thing.
“What?” she asks aloud to no one and pushes past unmoving club goers to get closer to the monitors. She blinks once. Twice. A third time, but the image in front of her doesn’t change, and the headline doesn’t disappear, and the droning of the reporters doesn’t cease.
Eventually, the channel changes, and the club goers return to their previous activities of dancing and drinking, though subdued. Ahsoka stands frozen in her spot, staring blankly at the podrace being broadcast. The world around her feels slowed. She feels like she’s floating, like she’s in some awful dream because only in a nightmare could Master Obi-Wan be gone.
She wishes. She hopes. She prays to the Force that it’s not real, that she’s dreaming. She pinches herself. She leaves the club and wanders aimlessly, wondering if it’s another fucked up mission like Rako Hardeen. She finds another monitor playing a holonews channel and stands inside the damp shop, watching as the story continues to unravel, feeling her throat close up. People push roughly past her—some almost knock her over completely—and she still stands there, unable to force her legs to move, and she hopes desperately that she’ll wake up in her cheap, shitty motel room with its lumpy mattress and its hole-riddled blanket. She hopes desperately that, given enough time, Master Obi-Wan will come back, just like he did before, and he’ll reveal it was all a ruse to fool the Separatists and save lives, and the public will herald him as a hero, will praise him for being willing to do such a terrible thing for the Republic’s sake.
Time moves without her. She wanders to Dex’s place for information, but he has the same thing to tell her every day she goes: it’s real, kiddo. It’s real. He’s gone.
She doesn’t want to believe him.
Two weeks go by and the dream never ends.
Ahsoka realizes with a horrible, aching emptiness in her chest that she’s already wide awake.
Anakin watches the recording obsessively. He spends hours in the war room, watching it in wrathful silence, pushing back the tears that threaten to spill over. No one bothers him, not even Master Windu or Master Yoda. He doesn’t know if they’re just giving him space (how couldn’t they?), if they’re worried for him (how could they not be?), or if they are afraid (why should they be when they aren’t the ones who killed him?). Anakin notes every detail, memorizes every second. If asked, he could parrot back the entire message that Grievous sent, every inflection of his voice and every emphasized word, every time he coughed and uttered Obi-Wan’s name as though he had any right to do so.
But he’s not interested in that.
He’s not interested in anything Grievous even has to say.
All he cares about is finding him and killing him, and rewatching the recording keeps the anger alive and burning like a wildfire behind his ribs.
It’s like some sick joke, Anakin thinks. He’d been so angry at Obi-Wan before they were shipped out again. The last handful of things he’d ever said to his former master had been full of venom and accusation; he hadn’t had a single word of kindness to give. And Obi-Wan had taken it like he always did, quietly and with a sad look on his face, like he thought he deserved exactly what he was being told.
He had been cruel to his old master. And now he’s dead.
Anakin slams a fist on the war room table. He wishes he could go back. He wishes he could apologize. He wishes—
He wishes Obi-Wan had died like he was supposed to, fighting side-by-side with Anakin. That’s what Anakin had always thought would happen—that they would die together, and their bodies would be laid to rest next to each other in the crypt in the heart of the Jedi Temple.
Instead, there’s not even a body to bury. There’s a body somewhere, maybe, in the wreckage of the battle where Obi-Wan died, but they haven’t found it. Anakin fears they never will.
Perhaps it’s fitting. Perhaps that’s the best place for Obi-Wan now—at rest among the stars because he was nothing less than a star himself, overwhelmingly bright in the Force, so full of Light that sometimes Anakin had to squint just to see him, or else look away to shield his eyes.
But there’s nothing to remember him by. No physical evidence of his time in the galaxy. Not even his lightsaber.
Grievous has Obi-Wan’s lightsaber. A trophy for his collection. A trophy for him to use against the Jedi.
Anakin’s grip on the table tightens. His metal fingers leave indents. The thought makes him feel sick. Obi-Wan’s lightsaber, being used to kill Jedi. Being used to kill innocents, to spill innocent blood. It’s a desecration of everything Obi-Wan held dear and all the ideals of peace and justice he fought for.
He starts the recording over from the beginning.
He will kill Grievous, no matter what it takes.
(Your name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is how you die:
You catch up to Grievous in the hangar of his ship. It’s a wide, open space. The magnetic shield is already down and predictably, Grievous runs to his personal vessel to make a hasty escape, like all the previous times you’ve faced him. He is beaten but he will not get away. You refuse to lose him again.
You will capture him this time.
You force shove his vessel into the hangar wall and it crumples into a heap, sparking. Grievous skids to a stop and growls. “There’s nowhere to run this time, Grievous,” you say.
Eyes narrowed, Grievous turns to you and ignites his four lightsabers.
You battle. It’s a familiar dance and you’ve fought Grievous enough times that you know how he moves, know what tricks he likes to pull. He can’t break through your defenses and you begin to push him to the back of the hangar.
You swing down and Grievous blocks your blade with two of his. He ducks under his own guard and snags your ankle with one clawed hand. He pulls, sweeping you off your feet, and throws you across the hanger. You hit the ground hard and roll. Your lightsaber slips out of your hand and you slide away from it. Dazed, you push yourself up onto your elbows, then to your knees.
Grievous is already upon you. He grabs you by the neck, hauls you up, and slams you into the ground. The breath leaves your lungs in a rush.
He grabs you again, this time by your tunics. As he walks over to the opening in the hangar, he picks up your dropped lightsaber.
Grievous holds you up against the containment shield that protects the hangar from the vacuum of space and its endless silence. You struggle against his grip but cannot break free.
“Count Dooku wanted you alive,” Grievous rasps in his rattling voice. “But I’ll just tell him you were more trouble than it was worth.”
Pain burns across your chest in a straight, diagonal line, stretching shoulder to hip. It feels like your flesh is on fire and you flail, kicking out and gasping as your vision tunnels. Grievous drops you and you collapse to your knees.
“Any last words, Kenobi?” he says.
You look up and push the smell and feel of your skin cooking to the back of your mind. You reach for the Force and it whispers around you, embraces you. The Force will be with you, always and forever, and it tells you not to be frightened; it will take care of you.
You smirk. “I hope the Count will finally respect you more than he respects me,” you say.
Grievous growls and jams a lightsaber through your chest. You choke on pain as it fills your throat until you cannot breathe, can barely think. You don’t know how to describe how much it hurts; you no longer need to. Dying is more horrifying and more painful than you could’ve ever thought possible, but you aren’t afraid.
You are merely disappointed to realize that you are not dying while fighting by Anakin’s side.
Grievous pulls the lightsaber out of you. Places his foot on your face and shoves.
You fall through the containment shield, your body passing through as though there was nothing there at all.
You’re gone before you can even feel the cold.)
There are memories everywhere and Anakin can’t escape them, not for long, anyway. He tries—he tries his damndest to stay away from the Temple. He takes mission after mission that sends him far away, far away from the halls that Obi-Wan no longer walks through and the rooms Obi-Wan no longer meditates in and the salles that Obi-Wan no longer trains in because Anakin cannot imagine a Jedi Temple without Obi-Wan.
So he takes himself far away from Coruscant, from his wife’s warm embrace, because even she cannot make the memories of Obi-Wan go away.
At least on missions, on the hunt, the memories leave him alone for a little while.
He obsesses. He watches video after video of Grievous’s fighting, looking for weaknesses in his four-armed technique. He even finds some of Obi-Wan fighting Grievous, his impenetrable defense only broken with a trick or a distraction.
They were always at a stalemate, and Anakin’s own fighting style is woefully unequipped for facing Grievous. If even Obi-Wan couldn’t win, how could Anakin hope to?
So he trains on the ship, against his men, against holograms, against the air. He goes through form after form until his legs and arms are shaking and he’s soaked through with sweat. Sometimes he goes until he collapses and opens his eyes to the glaring lights of the ceiling, Rex kneeling over him with a worried look on his face.
The fifth time it happens, Rex drags him over to a bench and forces a bottle of water into his hands. Rex stands in front of him with his arms crossed, inclines his head at the bottle. He doesn’t move or speak until Anakin has sucked all of it down.
“Permission to speak freely, sir?” Rex says suddenly.
“Of course, Rex,” Anakin replies, and waves a hand. “Go ahead.”
“He wouldn’t want to see you like this,” Rex says bluntly.
“What’re you talking about?” Anakin asks.
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know,” Rex accuses. “You know who I’m talking about, sir.”
Anakin looks away, feeling his face heat up with shame.
“You’re killing yourself,” Rex says. “He wouldn’t want that for you. He wouldn’t want you to do this to yourself.”
“How the fuck would you know, Rex?” Anakin growls. “You think you knew him better than me?”
A traitorous voice in the back of his mind whispers that Anakin barely knew Obi-Wan at all, but he pushes it away stubbornly. Of course he knew Obi-Wan. They were a team. The Team.
“That’s not what I’m saying, sir,” Rex says, and he sounds exasperated. “But you seem to have forgotten you’re not the only one who lost him.” Rex spreads his arms out, palms up. “All of us did. The entire damn 212th is lost. Cody’s falling apart and thinks his brothers can’t see it happening. We’re looking to you for guidance and reassurance and… not finding it.”
Rex sighs, drops down on the bench next to Anakin and leans forward, holding his forehead in his hands. He sighs again, a weary, sad sound. “General Skywalker, sir… He’d want you to move on,” Rex murmurs. “You know he would.”
I can’t, Anakin doesn’t say. I can’t forget him, he doesn’t say. I’m afraid if I move on I’ll forget the way he smiled, he doesn’t say.
“I know,” he says instead, and stares at his lap. “I know.”
(This is how it feels to be Padmé Amidala:
Your husband has left again. He comes and goes like the wind. He stays for a night, wrapping you up in his arms and holding you close as you lay together in bed, then he goes away to fight, and you never know if this will be the time he doesn’t come home. He never smiles anymore. You find it hard to smile too, these days, and you think there was a time when both of you smiled frequently and freely, but those days have passed.
It’s hard to find reasons to smile, nowadays.
The Senate is in disarray still, weeks on. With the loss of Obi-Wan, the Republic is more fearful than ever. The war’s stalemate has broken and the Republic is on the losing side. As senators scramble to reassure their people and prevent uprisings on their own planets, the GAR tries to replace an irreplaceable man.
You had never liked the idea of making the Jedi fight for the Republic. They weren’t military leaders, never had been. The moment Palpatine had gotten emergency powers and declared the war was the moment the Jedi’s fate was sealed.
And look at what it’s cost them, you think.
Look at what it’s cost you.
You miss your friend. You miss him dearly. You miss Obi-Wan’s dry wit and his effortless charm and his steady companionship. You miss the way Anakin would complain about him in one breath and praise him endlessly in the next. You miss sharing cups of tea with him in Bail’s office as you discuss legislature and exchange political gossip. You miss the way Bail would light up before a visit from Obi-Wan. You miss the ease you felt in his company, how weightless his presence made you feel, as though all the problems of the Senate were far away, and it was just you, Obi-Wan, and Bail laughing over plates of Bail’s homemade Alderaanian kärleksmums and cups of tea made from Obi-Wan’s endless collection.
In the silence of your office and your home, you feel heavy.
The future feels that much bleaker without Obi-Wan to help light it up.)
Anakin catches up to Grievous eventually.
Predictably, Grievous escapes. He always escapes in the end. The frustration makes Anakin angry, makes the Force around him feel thick like sludge.
He finds Grievous again, and again Grievous escapes. Like in a game of lothcat and mouse, Anakin feels as though he’s being played with, except he’s the lothcat and Grievous the mouse that keeps slipping through his claws, taunting.
The Council doesn’t disapprove of his hunt—if they do, they don’t let it show. They let him take the missions he chooses without complaint. They ask how he is, occasionally, but Anakin has nothing to say to them. He hasn’t had anything to say to them since Ahsoka’s trial.
It takes months, but Anakin finally corners Grievous. They duel on the bridge of Grievous’s flagship, surrounded by smoking, sparking droids resting in pieces on the floor.
Grievous is using Obi-Wan’s lightsaber. Their ‘sabers collide and Grievous leans in, laughing, pressing down against Anakin’s guard. “How does it feel, Skywalker,” he rasps, “to fight against Kenobi’s blade?”
Grievous shoves and Anakin is pushed back. He flips and lands, changes his stance to a guard. He tries not to let the well of rage bubble up and overtake him, but he feels darkness nipping at his heels and it would be so easy to just give in.
“How does it feel,” Grievous says, and he starts spinning his blades, whirlwinds of light that Anakin can’t track, “to fight against the blade that killed him?”
Anakin screams. He screams out all his pain, all his anger, all his grief. His vision goes red and he jumps in, striking and lashing and chopping. None of his blows land and he feels angrier, feels more hopeless as he reaches for the Force, feels the darkness of his soul screeching for release. Grievous’s own blades land blows on him, slicing his robes and cutting his skin.
This isn’t how it’s supposed to be, Anakin thinks. I’m supposed to be winning, he thinks. I’m supposed to avenge Obi-Wan, he thinks.
Grievous’s claws lash out and catch him by the throat, constricting his breath. Anakin turns off his lightsaber and grasps at the metal arm, tries to pry pointed fingers from his skin but he’s held fast, airways restricted. Dark tendrils claw at the edges of his vision. Grievous throws Anakin against the transparisteel and he collapses against the floor, coughing, sucking air into his lungs.
“How fitting that you should die as your master did,” Grievous chortles. “On your knees, at my feet.”
I can’t win like this, Anakin realizes slowly as Grievous stands over him and raises Obi-Wan’s blade. Its hum fills the air, and Anakin remembers when Obi-Wan’s lightsaber hadn’t been raised against him but for him, and he thinks of Obi-Wan standing over him on the battlefield, deflecting blast bolts and protecting him because Anakin needed protecting. He remembers Obi-Wan doing the same for countless other beings because he believed in giving his own life to protect someone else’s.
He thinks of how bright blue Obi-Wan’s lightsaber was when he wielded it. Like Naboo’s skies on a sunny, cloudless day.
Obi-Wan wouldn’t want vengeance. He wouldn’t want Anakin to defeat Grievous for him. He’d want Anakin to do it because lives would be saved. Because they’d be one step closer to ending the war.
Because it’s the right thing to do.
Anakin closes his eyes. He reaches for the Force. He raises his lightsaber, feels hands over his and a presence just over his shoulder, like when he was a child and Obi-Wan was showing him the proper way to hold a training ‘saber in the salles.
“Have faith,” he hears, and he does.
He slices upwards.
Grievous yells. Anakin opens his eyes. One of Grievous’s arms—the one that held Obi-Wan’s lightsaber—is on the floor, still twitches as the last impulses shoot through its wires. Anakin reaches out and calls the lightsaber to his hand.
It feels familiar. Its weight, its worn grip, its shape.
He could never forget it, even if he tried to.
Last time he used two lightsabers it hadn’t went well, but—Anakin must try.
The fight doesn’t last long. Anakin doesn’t know what he expected, but he wins, and the killing blow is with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber, like it was always meant to be. Grievous falls before him and takes his last, shuddering breath at Anakin’s feet before going still.
The victory feels hollow.
“I’m not giving it to you,” Anakin says, standing tall in the center of the Council Chamber, glaring defiantly at the Council members present.
Master Windu raises a brow. “Not giving what to us?” he asks.
“Obi-Wan’s lightsaber,” Anakin says, lifting his chin. He wants to dare them to challenge him. Dare them to try and take it from him.
Master Koon looks surprised. “We weren’t going to ask for it,” he says.
That isn’t what Anakin expected. Shocked, he asks, “Wait, why?” He then wants to punch himself for asking.
With a grunt, Master Yoda gets out of his chair and walks up to Anakin, each step punctuated by the tap of his gimer stick. He stops in front of Anakin and smiles up at him.
“Think of no better place for young Obi-Wan’s lightsaber, we can,” Master Yoda tells him, then hobbles through the doors.
Master Windu sighs. “Meeting adjourned,” he announces, and gets up. Anakin is rooted to the spot, staring at the place Master Yoda had been standing in front of him, brows furrowed in confusion. He looks up when Master Windu pauses next to him. Master Windu rests a hand on Anakin’s shoulder for just a moment before nodding and following Master Yoda out the door.
It feels a little bit like benediction.
The war ends.
The news breaks alongside the news of Chancellor Palpatine being a traitor. He had been feeding information to the Separatists, the news reports, and the Hero with No Fear brought the traitor to justice himself. He is to stand trial. If past trials are anything to go by, he will be executed.
Ahsoka doesn’t know the full story, but she knows enough to know that the news doesn’t have it either. She wonders what the truth is, and she has her suspicions, but she decides she doesn’t want to know, not really. All she knows is the repeated times Master Obi-Wan had said, “something feels wrong,” after being in Chancellor Palpatine’s presence and how much it must be crushing Anakin to know one of his closest, most trusted friends was betraying them all along.
She wants to see him. Talk to him.
Before, she was too afraid to reach out. Before, she feared what would happen if she did. Mostly, she was too afraid to go back to the Temple; too afraid to see her former home, too afraid of the ghosts that would haunt her there.
But now, the war is over. Anakin is home on Coruscant.
The war, she has to remind herself, is over.
Ahsoka calls Padmé and asks her if she can meet up with Anakin at her apartment. Padmé readily agrees, tells Ahsoka that he’s missed her, he’ll be glad to see her. They set up the meeting for two days from now and Ahsoka promises to be there.
Two anxiety filled days pass. Ahsoka finds herself standing at the door to Padmé’s personal apartments, debating whether or not to knock.
But she promised. She promised she’d be here. She wanted this.
Ahsoka knocks.
The door opens and standing there is Anakin, looking disheveled. Ahsoka cracks a weak smile. “Hi, Skyguy,” she manages before he scoops her up into a bone-crushing hug, lifting her feet off the ground.
“Hey, Snips,” he says, voice muffled in Ahsoka’s shoulder, and she wants to laugh, but mostly she wants to cry, because he’s alive, she can still feel his love for her in the Force, can feel how happy he is to see her. She’s happy to see him too.
He sets her down and ushers her inside, leads her over to a lavish dinner table and sits her down in one of the cushioned chairs. “Wait here, I’ll get us something to eat,” he says, then vanishes into another room before she can get a word in.
She folds her hands together on the table and bounces her leg, tries not to feel horribly out of place among the expensive decor and the elaborately stitched tablecloth when she’s wearing clothing she haggled for and repaired on her own.
Anakin arrives with plates with pastries, probably from Naboo. The smell of them makes her mouth water. He sets a plate down in front of her and takes his own seat across the table from her. She nods her thanks and picks what she wants from the selection.
Anakin doesn’t say anything for a while, merely watches her as she eats.
When she finally finishes, he says, “I’m glad you stopped by.”
“Yeah,” she says. “Me too. I’ve missed you.” And Master Obi-Wan, she doesn’t say.
“I’ve missed you so much, Ahsoka,” Anakin says, his voice thick. “And I want you to know, I’m really, really proud of you. And… And Obi-Wan was too. Still would be, if he could see you now.”
Ahsoka stands. She walks around the table to his side and wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. She shudders. His arms come up to clutch at her shoulders, curling solidly around her back.
“I didn’t want to believe it,” Ahsoka says. “But I kept going to Dex’s and asking and it was the same thing every time.” She takes a shaky breath. “He’s really gone. I can’t believe he’s really gone. I didn’t even get to… I didn’t get to say…” She breaks off with a strangled noise.
She had wanted to say thank you.
She hadn’t even known she wanted to until he was already gone.
“Yeah,” Anakin croaks, and Ahsoka starts crying. “He’s gone. I still can’t believe it either.”
“It’s not fair,” Ahsoka sobs. “He was supposed to make it. He was supposed to see peace.”
“I know,” Anakin replies, and it sounds like he’s crying as well. “I wish he could’ve.”
“Master Yoda,” Anakin greets. “May I speak to you privately?”
Master Yoda glances up, then nods. “Of course, young Skywalker. Come, come.” He gestures for Anakin to follow him. They make their way through the halls—still more empty than they should’ve been, and Anakin wonders if they’ll ever be as busy as they were before the war—and to the gardens. Master Yoda takes a seat on the steps in front of the Force tree. He pats the space next to him and Anakin takes a seat.
Anakin had rehearsed what he wanted to say in his head for days, but now that he’s going to say it, he doesn’t remember the words.
“Retire from the Council, I will,” Master Yoda says.
Anakin glances over at the old master. “Really? May I ask why?”
“Old, I am,” Master Yoda says. “Planned to retire years ago, I did, but needed, I was, when the war started. Asked to stay, I was.” He hums and lays his gimer stick across his lap.
“Rest, I need,” he continues, and looks up at Anakin with a smile. “Grown much you have, young Skywalker. Offer you a place on the Council, I would like to.”
And Anakin understands the gravity of the request, how important such an offer is, but…
“I am honored, Master Yoda,” he says and looks away. “But I cannot accept such a position.”
Master Yoda’s ears quirk. “Reached an important decision, you have, hm?”
“Yes,” Anakin admits. “I wish to leave the Order. I have realized my path is not with the Jedi.”
“Hm,” Master Yoda grunts. “Disappointed, I am, but understand I do. Not for everyone, the path of a Jedi is. Came to this conclusion long ago, you did, yes?”
“I did.”
“Honor your vows to Senator Amidala you will, then?”
Anakin starts. “Wait. You knew? How did—”
Master Yoda starts laughing. “Knew, I did. Subtle you are not, young Skywalker. Knew of it, Obi-Wan did as well, from the beginning. Hoped, we did, that realize two different vows you could not keep. Too important, each are, to split your loyalty between.”
Then he sighs, a sad sound. “Selfish, we were. Needed you to fight, we did. Broken our vows all Jedi have in this war.”
“I’m sorry,” Anakin says. “I would stay and help rebuild, but…”
“For what is in your heart, do not apologize, young Skywalker,” Master Yoda says, smiling again. “Beautiful, young love is. Take our vows, we do, so that others may exist in peace. But jailers, the Jedi are not. Free to leave, everyone is.”
Anakin doesn’t know what to say. He’d been prepared for disappointment, resentment. He expected to be thrown out. He hadn’t expected this. “Thank you, Master Yoda,” he says, and means it. He unclips his lightsaber and Obi-Wan’s and gives them to the old master. Master Yoda holds them up, investigates them.
He lifts them with the Force and opens them up, extracts the kyber crystals, then seals them again. The crystals fall into his outstretched claws. “Keep the frames, you may,” he tells Anakin. “With a crystal, a weapon the lightsaber is. But without a crystal, merely a shell, it is.”
Anakin accepts the lightsaber frames, cradles them in his hands with reverence. He stands and bows deep. “May the Force be with you, Master Yoda,” he says.
“May the Force be with you, Anakin Skywalker,” Master Yoda says.
(This is how you, Anakin Skywalker, finally make peace with Obi-Wan’s death, mere weeks after the war ends:
Out of the blue, you decide to give meditation an honest shot. You want to honor Obi-Wan's teachings, try to do the one thing you always stubbornly refused to all your life.
You go to the Room of a Thousand Fountains and sit under Obi-Wan’s favorite tree. You sit in silence for a while and work on clearing your mind, on calming the ever-present noise in your head. You focus on counting your breaths: inhale one two three, exhale one two three. Repeat. You go through your tumultuous emotions and you analyze them; you search for where they came from and you find their causes and you accept how and why they exist, and then you let them go. It’s a struggle, but you manage it.
With your mind now quiet for once in your life, you tap into the Force.
You open your eyes to a field. The sky is bright, blinding blue and long green grass spreads out for miles and miles around you, ebbing back and forth in the wind. The air smells sweet, like flowers, and you inhale and think of Padmé and her expensive perfume.
“I’m so proud of you,” a voice says at your right, and you turn to look. Obi-Wan sits next to you, cross-legged and palms open upwards, fingers curling loosely. He looks relaxed, the lines in his face smoothed away. There’s a small smile on his lips as he gazes out across the open field in front of you both.
“Obi-Wan,” you say, your voice cracking. He looks at you with those gentle blue eyes, eyes you haven’t seen in forever and you choke out a sob, reach out with a shaking hand to touch his face.
He lets you do so and cradles your palm against his cheek, and he feels warm, feels alive.
“I’m proud of you,” he says again. “And I’m sorry for what happened.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” you say. “You didn’t know.”
“I’m sorry nevertheless,” he replies.
You take him in, scan your eyes over every inch of him, try to burn this image into your brain forever: Obi-Wan smiling, no longer weighed down by exhaustion and grief, no longer sad in the eyes. Obi-Wan, with a fond expression on his face, hair greying at his temples, looking content, looking rested. You don’t want to forget this—don’t want to go the rest of your life without remembering how Obi-Wan looked when he was finally at peace.
“It hurt, didn’t it?” you ask. “Dying, that is.”
One corner of Obi-Wan’s lips quirk up. “Of course it did,” he says.
“Were you afraid?” you whisper.
Obi-Wan tilts his head. Hums. “No,” he says. “I was disappointed.”
“I didn’t get to die fighting by your side.”
Your heart stutters. Your throat closes up. You feel tears in your eyes, hot and burning.
“I'm glad to have lived and fought alongside you,” Obi-Wan says. He moves so he faces you, kneeling, and he gently leads your hand away from his face. He clasps it between his own hands in his lap, warm and reassuring. “Thank you for all you've done, and all you will do. I'll always be with you, Anakin—just look to the Force, and you will find me."
“I love you,” you say, frantic and desperate, because you need him to know. You need him to know before he’s gone forever, before you lose your chance. “I love you, Master. I did. I still do. I will, no matter how much time passes. Thank you. For everything.”
Obi-Wan smiles again. “I love you too. I always have, and I always will.” He stands and your hand slips out of his. “May the Force be with you always, my friend.” You reach for him again, not quite certain what it is you want, and you watch as Obi-Wan’s body breaks apart, shattering into thousands of vibrant blue flower petals, blue like Naboo’s cloudless skies. The petals scatter, dancing across the endless green grass.
“May the Force be with you, Obi-Wan,” you whisper to the wind.
You open your eyes to the Room of a Thousand Fountains. Your cheeks are wet. You wipe your face with the backs of your hands. You feel more tears stinging your eyes, but you don’t feel sad.
In fact, you’ve never been more at peace.)
“C’mon Luke, Leia. Not much farther to go,” Anakin calls and adjusts his grip on his satchel. His children sprint up the hill after him, faces pink with exertion and laughter. They’re five, now, and their faces are still squishy and their bodies are wiry and thin and full of energy, and sometimes Anakin doesn’t think he can keep up with them. He already misses the extra pairs of hands Ahsoka and her girlfriend provide.
“Dad,” Leia says, grasping his hand and tugging, “where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
“You said that a hundred times!” Luke complains. “I’m tired.”
“Well, I’ll carry you, then,” Anakin says and crouches down to pick Luke up, but Luke crosses his arms and pouts.
“No!” he protests. “I can do it by myself.”
“Suit yourself,” Anakin shrugs. “Leia, do you want Daddy to carry you?”
“Yes!” Leia says. She giggles as Anakin hefts her up and settles her on his shoulders. She grips his hair and yanks, but he doesn’t mind. He’s gotten used to it.
“I wanna go up,” Luke says and points at Leia.
“I thought you wanted to walk on your own,” Anakin replies. “Leia’s already got your spot. Guess you’ll have to be faster next time, Luke-y.”
Luke glares up at his twin from the ground. “Fine,” he huffs and crosses his arms.
Anakin laughs and offers a hand to his son. Luke begrudgingly takes it and follows his father along the path.
They enter the gardens, a ways off from their estate on Varykino, and go into the cemetery. It’s not too severe a hike that Anakin is worried about getting both of the kids home safely, and Padmé had insisted he take them by himself. “Go spend some time alone with them,” she’d said. “They need quality dad time.”
Anakin leads them to a blank marker in a secluded corner, surrounded by bushes of blue flowers, and sets Leia down on the grass. She runs to Luke and they start a conversation that Anakin pays no attention to. He puts his satchel down and pulls a blanket from it, settles it over the grass and lays out the sandwiches and snacks. The kids have wandered off, reading off the words etched onto other gravestones.
“Lunch is ready, kids,” he says, and they come running over and flop onto the cloth.
“Why are we here?” Leia asks.
“See this grave?” Anakin asks, pointing to the blank marker.
“Yeah,” Luke says. “Why’s there no name?”
Anakin smiles sadly. “It’s for your Uncle Obi-Wan. You remember the stories I told you about him, right?”
Leia nods. “He was the bravest person ever to exist ever,” she says.
“Yes,” Anakin laughs. “He was. He isn’t buried here, but I still wanted to bring you here to say hello to him.”
“If he’s not here, how will he hear us?” Leia asks, ever perceptive.
“Don’t worry,” Anakin says. “He’ll hear you.”
Luke crawls over to the empty headstone. “Hi, Uncle Obi-Wan,” he says. “I don’t know you but I’m glad you were friends with Daddy.”
“Daddy told us all about you,” Leia adds. “He told us all the stories, but my favorite is the story about…”
Leia launches into a retelling of a mission Anakin had told her about, one of the many kid-friendly and epic adventures in which Obi-Wan had been the hero of the day, and Anakin can’t help the grin spreading across his lips.
Obi-Wan would’ve loved them. Anakin knows he would’ve. And he knows Luke and Leia would’ve adored him too.
If this moment is anything to go by, they already do.
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lego star wars iii the clone wars 3ds
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for Nintendo 3DS (3DS)
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Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo 3DS (3DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
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Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 3D Platform
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Lucas Arts
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: March 27, 2011
How To Kill The Droidekas Easily With Jedi
It’s pretty easy to kill a Droideka (The droids with shields) with a Jedi. Just do a Jedi Slam and his shield will go out. Then just hit it with your lightsaber.
Cheat Codes List
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574226 – C-3PO
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gafzud – Geonosian Guard
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9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
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hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
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7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth
Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
Darth Maul: Rookies
Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror
Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids
Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom
Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence
Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis
Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth
Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous
Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth
Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace
Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
lego star wars iii the clone wars wii
lego star wars iii the clone wars wii
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Wii cheats we have available for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
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Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 3D Platform Developer: Traveller’s Tales Publisher: Lucas Arts ESRB Rating: Everyone-10 Release Date: March 22, 2011
Holding A Saber Hilt
NOTE: THIS CHEAT REQUIRES VADER’S APPRENTICE AND DUAL WIELD! First, turn into Vader’s apprentice. Then turn on his saber and then turn it off and right before he puts it away pause the game, then turn on “Dual Wield” and un-pause. He should have a Lightsaber Hilt in his hand with no saber extended!
3 Blades
The first thing that you need is: Darth Maul or Savage Oppress. Next, go on the level called “The Hidden Enemy” and when you go to face Ventress in the room with three sets of stairs, be either Savage or Maul and Dubble-jump and Slam. Then take the other one of her Light sabers and Maul or Savage will have a Daul saber and a single bladed Lightsaber.
Password Cheats
EDENECGeonosian Starfighter unlocked. qd2c31Character Studs 2d7jnsRegenerate Hearts 6mz5chStud Magnet n1ckr1Score X10 byfsaqScore X8 sebhgrScore X6 43t5e5Score X4 yzphuvScore X2 b1d3w3Super Speeders csd5naMinikit Detector j46p7aInvincibility gchp7sFast Build x1v4n2Dark Side 3F5L56Perfect Deflect bs828kSuper Saber Cut c4es4rDual Wield 4gt3vqGlow in the Dark
Cheat Codes List
3F5L56 – Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2 – Dark Side
gchp7s – Fast Build
j46p7a – Invincibilty
csd5na – Minikit Detector
b1d3w3 – Super Speeders
yzphuv – Score X2
43t5e5 – Score X4
sebhgr – Score X6
byfsaq – Score X8
n1ckr1 – Score X10
6mz5ch – Stud Magnet
2d7jns – Regenerate Hearts
qd2c31 – Character Studs
bs828k – Super Saber Cut
c4es4r – Dual Wield
4gt3vq – Glow in the Dark
5u9fjk – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dw – Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824q – Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyj – Anakin Skywalker
8x87u6 – Padme Amildala
smn259 – Commander Cody
csqtmb – Yoda
3neuxc – Lieutenant Thire
ayrec9 – Jek
4ptp53 – Rys
2vj9th – Ahsoka
mespts – Jar Jar Binks
mw3qyh – Captain Rex
rctflv – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
aka9bb – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
bnje79 – Waxer
q5q39p – Boil
8nvrwj – Mace Windu
jrpr2a – Commander Ponds
hgbctq – Ki-Adi-Mundi
pywj6n – Kit Fitso
5xzqsv – Commando Stone
2vg95b – Aayla Secura
c7m3du – Republic Gunship
7cb6ns – Commander Bly
vruvsz – Wag Too
mkuyq8 – Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5 – Barriss Offee
np5gtt – Clone Trooper
z87pau – R3-S6
rz5huv – R2-D2
bud4vu – Plo Koon
l4lcdv – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
574226 – C-3PO
zkxg43 – Nahdar Vebb
u25hfc – Commander Fil
wxutwy – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
eub8ug – Hevy
jb9e5s – Echo
g2bfen – Adi Gallia
wufdya – Eeth Koth
nhme85 – Cad Bane
m2v1jv – Aurra Sing
2klw5r – Robonino
g4n7c2 – Shahan Alama
4axty4 – HELIOS 3D
eabpcp – IG-86
qegu64 – Commando Droid
2kef2d – MagnaGuard
ewr7wm – Count Dooku
ng6pyx – Admiral Yularen
5kzq4d – Jango Fett
5mxsya – R4-P17
bjb94j – Neimoidian
5y7ma4 – Battle Droid
mjkdv5 – Super Battle Droid
c686pk – Gonk Droid
sm3y9b – LEP Servent Droid
2c8nhp – Gold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3 – Captain Typho
zqrn85 – Queen Neeyutnee
j2jndd – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4lj – Battle Droid Commander
5a7xyx – Hondo Hohnaka
bh2ehu – Pirate Ruffian
ea4e9s – Senator Kharrus
t4k5L4 – The Twilight
fyvshd – Tee Watt Kaa
hebhw5 – Turk Falso
j3mfjz – Republic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4sp – Probe Droid
r35y7n – Lurman Villager
pe7fgd – TX-20
gafzud – Geonosian Guard
mp9dre – Workout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwr – Republic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvd – Clone Pilot
s6grnz – MSE-6
hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
pg73hf – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5m – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3b – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnk – Rebel Commando (Classic)
drglws – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byj – Bobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2 – Greedo (Classic)
qh68ak – Darth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xn – Darth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfbl – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4v – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgd – Imperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room: Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus Darth Maul: Rookies Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush! Greedo: The Hidden Enemy Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Yoda’s Lightsaber Walking Stick Glitch
NOTE: THIS GLITCH REQUIRES DUAL WIELD; CHEAT CODE = C4ES4RFirstly, go into Extras and make sure Dual Wield is turned OFF. Now change into Yoda and make sure your light-sabers are away. Next, simply turn Dual Wield ON and half of Yoda’s walking stick will be a light-saber handle. This is a really cool glitch and I use it every time I play this game.
General Grievous Or Asajj Ventress Lightsaber Glitch
NOTE: THIS GLITCH ONLY WORKS WITH GENERAL GRIEVOUS AND ASAJJ VENTRESS. Firstly, change into General Grievous or Asajj Ventress and make sure your lightsabers are away. Next, go into an elevator and just as the screen goes black, hit Z to get your lightsabers out. If timed correctly, and depending on which character you’re being, General Grievous should only have one green lightsaber out and Asajj Ventress should only have one red lightsaber out. This may take some practise to get the right timing, but it is a really cool glitch and I use it every time I play this game.
Rapid Fire Glitch
You’re going to need 2 players for this glitch. First get player one (or 2) choose a custom character that doesn’t have a machine gun, but he has to have a gun , choose him then have player 2 go to the custom character place on the good ship, go to the character that player 1 is, then have player 2 switch player 1s gun to machine gun, go back & if you hold the attack button player 1s gun will start firing real fast! Its really helpful for getting rid of retards that attack you. (Note: I’ve only done this on Wii).
Yoda Floor Slam Glitch!
NOTE: THIS GLITCH REQUIRES DUAL WIELD, YODA AND TIMING SKILLS! Firstly change into Yoda and go next to any elevator. Next, turn on dual wield. Then go into elevator ( With Light sabers off ) and as soon as the lights go black, press the Z Button. If done correctly, Yoda’s Light saber blade should not be attached to his Light saber hilt ( You shouldn’t see the blade at all ) until you move. Once you are out of the elevator Yoda should have only one light saber. Then, Dubble-jump and press the B button or swing the remote ( While in the air ) and Yoda will do a Floor slam.
Currently no guide available.
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
lego star wars iii the clone wars xbox 360
lego star wars iii the clone wars xbox 360
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
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Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 3D Platform
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Lucas Arts
ESRB Rating: Everyone-10
Release Date: March 22, 2011
How To Unlock Classic Characters
This is how you unlock classic characters. You have to play any mission and collect all minikits on that mission. Then when you complete the mission you should unlock one of the classic characters and as a bonus, 100,000 in studs.
Easy Way To Get
To get this achievement you must kill 100 druids with a clone chain gun. I suggest on the mission “rookies” when you have to get all the explosive things, when doing the first one as heavy unlimited druids come out of the transport, stand at the top of the stairs and fire away after a while you should get the achievement.
How To Survive With Low Health
When you are in battle, you can easliy loose health BUT say you have only 1 or 2 hearts left and all kinds off enemy are around, as a jedi just keep pressing the lightsaber atack button with this most enemys drop hearts and it can help block while grabbing studs or breaking stuff for studs.
Easy The Force Is With You Achievement
This is an easy way to get the “The Force Is With You” achievement. This achievement requires you to complete any mission without dying (without the invincibility cheat). The easiest way to get this achievement is to unlock the cheat regenerate hearts and go through any mission and you shouldn’t die at all. I did it and it works perfectly so there is to confirm.
Cheat Codes List
3F5L56 – Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2 – Dark Side
gchp7s – Fast Build
j46p7a – Invincibilty
csd5na – Minikit Detector
b1d3w3 – Super Speeders
yzphuv – Score X2
43t5e5 – Score X4
sebhgr – Score X6
byfsaq – Score X8
n1ckr1 – Score X10
6mz5ch – Stud Magnet
2d7jns – Regenerate Hearts
qd2c31 – Character Studs
bs828k – Super Saber Cut
c4es4r – Dual Wield
4gt3vq – Glow in the Dark
5u9fjk – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dw – Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824q – Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyj – Anakin Skywalker
8x87u6 – Padme Amildala
smn259 – Commander Cody
csqtmb – Yoda
3neuxc – Lieutenant Thire
ayrec9 – Jek
4ptp53 – Rys
2vj9th – Ahsoka
mespts – Jar Jar Binks
mw3qyh – Captain Rex
rctflv – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
aka9bb – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
bnje79 – Waxer
q5q39p – Boil
8nvrwj – Mace Windu
jrpr2a – Commander Ponds
hgbctq – Ki-Adi-Mundi
pywj6n – Kit Fitso
5xzqsv – Commando Stone
2vg95b – Aayla Secura
c7m3du – Republic Gunship
7cb6ns – Commander Bly
vruvsz – Wag Too
mkuyq8 – Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5 – Barriss Offee
np5gtt – Clone Trooper
z87pau – R3-S6
rz5huv – R2-D2
bud4vu – Plo Koon
l4lcdv – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
574226 – C-3PO
zkxg43 – Nahdar Vebb
u25hfc – Commander Fil
wxutwy – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
eub8ug – Hevy
jb9e5s – Echo
g2bfen – Adi Gallia
wufdya – Eeth Koth
nhme85 – Cad Bane
m2v1jv – Aurra Sing
2klw5r – Robonino
g4n7c2 – Shahan Alama
4axty4 – HELIOS 3D
eabpcp – IG-86
qegu64 – Commando Droid
2kef2d – MagnaGuard
ewr7wm – Count Dooku
ng6pyx – Admiral Yularen
5kzq4d – Jango Fett
5mxsya – R4-P17
bjb94j – Neimoidian
5y7ma4 – Battle Droid
mjkdv5 – Super Battle Droid
c686pk – Gonk Droid
sm3y9b – LEP Servent Droid
2c8nhp – Gold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3 – Captain Typho
zqrn85 – Queen Neeyutnee
j2jndd – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4lj – Battle Droid Commander
5a7xyx – Hondo Hohnaka
bh2ehu – Pirate Ruffian
ea4e9s – Senator Kharrus
t4k5L4 – The Twilight
fyvshd – Tee Watt Kaa
hebhw5 – Turk Falso
j3mfjz – Republic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4sp – Probe Droid
r35y7n – Lurman Villager
pe7fgd – TX-20
gafzud – Geonosian Guard
mp9dre – Workout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwr – Republic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvd – Clone Pilot
s6grnz – MSE-6
hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
pg73hf – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5m – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3b – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnk – Rebel Commando (Classic)
drglws – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byj – Bobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2 – Greedo (Classic)
qh68ak – Darth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xn – Darth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfbl – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4v – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgd – Imperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth
Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
Darth Maul: Rookies
Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror
Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids
Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom
Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence
Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis
Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth
Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous
Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth
Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace
Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Achievement List
This is just the beginning! – Complete Geonosian Arena.
That’s no moon – Complete Battle of Geonosis.
The pleasure is all mine my dear – Complete The Hidden Enemy.
Follow me, boys! – Complete Duel of the Droids.
Me’sa rescued you – Complete Gungan General.
Okay clankers, suck lasers! – Complete Ambush.
Are all Jedi so reckless? – Complete Jedi Crash.
Torpedoes away! – Complete Shadow of Malevolence.
Oops. What happened? – Complete Blue Shadow Virus.
There goes my promotion – Complete Defenders of Peace.
Abandon ship! – Complete Destroy Malevolence.
You can have my ship! – Complete Storm Over Ryloth.
Tank ‘n’ Spank – Complete Weapons Factory.
Another bug hunt – Complete Legacy of Terror.
R6 take me home – Complete Lair of Grievous.
Time to take the capital – Complete Innocents of Ryloth.
Not so tough now are ya Sparky? – Complete Rookies.
We live to fight another day – Complete Grievous Intrigue.
Liberation! – Complete Liberty on Ryloth.
Great shot kid – Destroy an enemy building with a proton torpedo
Cheat! – Collect all Red Power Bricks. (Single Player Only)
Zillo Tolerance – Complete Zillo Beast.
What a Rotta! – Complete Castle of Doom.
The Force is with you – Complete a story level without dying (and no invincibility cheat).
Attack of the clones! – Deploy 500 Clones.
We really did say no prisoners – Destroy 100 Droids with the Clone Chain-gun.
Got a bad feeling about this – Land on the Invisible Hand.
Saberang Master – Use Yoda to defeat 5 enemies with one lightsaber throw.
Finders Keepers – Hijack 20 enemy units in Ground Battles.
The dark side I sense in you – Free all villains from the Resolute brig. (Single Player Only)
Jedi Master – True Jedi in every level. (Single Player Only)
Sure, as long as I get paid – Complete Hostage Crisis.
It ain’t like dusting crops boy – Complete – 5 Loop the loops, 5 Back flips, 5 corkscrews.
UH OH! – Using the Force, take control of a Super Battle Droid and destroy 50 other Droids.
Admiral of the fleet – Convert every system to the Republic. (Single Player Only)
Twice the pride, double the fall – Defeat Anakin with Count Dooku
Jango’s army! – Unlock/purchase all ‘Clone’ characters. (Single Player Only)
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