#like I was a teenager once I know we read shit we shouldn’t have
area51-escapee · 10 months
YOU hate booktok books because you can’t conceptualize what a fantasy is and think these readers need therapy and professional help for enjoying dark topics in explicit material even though it takes exactly .2 seconds to understand the difference between something that is interesting and exciting in fiction and something that would be deeply unpleasant in real life. I hate booktok books because they all feel like overhyped copy and pastes of one another, the amount of bigotry that goes unchecked in these stories is astounding, and I also get tired of this attitude that if something isn’t 🔥spicy🔥 it’s boring and not worth reading. We are not the same.
#I am a hater through and through and mostly through the booktube community#I LOVE hearing slander on booktok books and authors#but people are forever like. appalled and horrified and disgusted that. adult women have fantasies#like bro I think this book is shit too. I don’t think the 34 year old office worker reading this wants an ACTUAL man to act like that#but fictional fantasies are fine because it’s not actually going to harm her#I specify women because I see this kind of thing most used against women reading these books#like people act like they’re stupid and brainless and saying they WANT to be abused#do you. do you know what a fantasy is#or a common one I hear is#‘what if a CHILD read this??? this would seriously damage a young girl!!!!!’#and the book in question is full of hardcore smut between grown adults by a grown adult for grown adults#like I was a teenager once I know we read shit we shouldn’t have#but as an adult author it is not my job to monitor other people’s children#and to be clear on that last point I don’t think there is anything wrong with reading purely for entertainment and enjoyment#and if you need smut in your fiction to enjoy it that’s fine#but I hate that it has to be a selling point in everything#I don’t care about these characters enough I’m not reading any smut of them#I read one (1) extreme horror book that had been hyped up by booktok people#it was okay.#there were some things in it I liked#some things I didn’t#but people were making it out to be the most disturbing and gruesome thing ever#and while I would by no means suggest it to anybody who isn’t comfortable with the subject matter#as someone who expected horrible and gruesome it was just. okay#it felt like a case of people being extra shocked and appalled#because they forget that main character does not equal Good Guy#so I didn’t find his actions particularly shocking. I just thought he sucked akdjahdkdk
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b0nten · 6 months
[SYNOPSIS] ˚⁀➷。 albeit rarely, rindou overthinks, and frequently, ran doesn’t think too much.
[NOTES] ˚⁀➷。 this is like the “backstory” for the ring. MAYBE i’ll turn it into a multiple part. i also put it in the timeline where everyone is happy because i really love everyone being friends. wrote it because rays’s version destroyed me !!!!!!!!!!!
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he spins the ring on his finger. he slides it off. he looks at it. he lets it hang from his neck, on the chain. he sighs.
“now what the hell is up with you?” barging in, ran asks. “who shat in your cereal every morning for the past two weeks?” he says, opening the kitchen cupboard to take — funny enough — some cereal out.
“i’m not in the mood, ran.” his younger brother spits back, head falling against the wooden table.
“hey now, there’s something really wrong with you if you’re acting like .. this.” pointing at him, he sits down, fat bowl of cereal clashing against the dark block, spilling some milk onto it. “now, spill.” with mouth full, he tries to choke out the words, spoon in his brothers face the moment he gulps down the first mouthful.
“you’re gross sometimes.” rindou just sighs, looking away.
“what’s with the ring?” ignoring the insult, the lanky haitani just continues his questioning. “by the way, the blue doesn’t look that bad on you.”
“it’s mine, and i got a matching one for y/n.” the other explains, “thanks, by the way. it was her idea to dye it like this.”
“you wanna propose to her?” his older brother asks, chewing loudly. “y’know we’re still just teenagers?”
“no shit, big head.” rolling his eyes, rindou feels the exasperation dig its roots deeper into his brain. “i’m not proposing. yet. but i don’t know if i should give it to her.” he finally says, letting ran in on his worries.
“and why not? what’s that? cartier, right?”
“no brand can escape your gaze, you’re really unbelievable.”
“thanks, bro, love you too.” as he swallows his last spoonful, ran winks.
“not in a good way.” the younger sibling announces, earning a displeased look from his brother.
“now you’re the annoying one. fuck’s going with you two?” ran finally snaps, trying not look worried. after all, he loves his brother, but they don’t do that kind of talking.
“she’s leaving next week” rindou finally manages to choke out.
“what? what do you mean?” his brother asks, taken aback by the sudden information.
“her student visa’s expired. she’s gotta go back home until gets it renewed.”
it pains him to even think about it. he hasn’t eaten in almost fourteen days, ever since he found out. but what pains him even more is how excited you are about going back home. about going away from him.
he thinks it’s selfish, because he knows how much you’ve missed your parents and how much you’ve waited for a holiday that’s long enough to return.
“if the flights take four days in total and i want to stay for two weeks, then i’d rather not go anymore.” you always said. “i want to spend as much time as possible, without having to rush anything, y’know?
but maybe sometimes love is all about being selfish, loving someone with your whole heart. maybe he wants to never let you leave without him. maybe he can’t let you leave without him because he can’t stand not being an 8 minute subway ride away from you.
“don’t tell me you got some of those control issues, the pretty tiktok girls say they’re not cute at all…” ran comments, dodging an uppercut by a mere second.
“can you take me seriously for once? i think she wants to break up with me, she called me over today saying we have to talk.” rin frowns, blond-blue bangs covering his tired eyes. “i shouldn’t have believed that tiktok reading that said good news are coming my way.”
“you’re so fucking dumb, lord have mercy.”
“excuse me, ran?”
“you’re excused. let’s get this straight: does it really matter to you wether she’s oceans away or in meguro? what do you think she’s gonna do, break up with you only to return in three months and see you everywhere? do you really think y/n’s that kind of girlfriend? throw away three years BECAUSE OF A VISA?! fuck outta here with that insecure crap, rin. i raised you better than that.”
on the inside, ran smiles. oh, how he loves knocking sense into his younger brother. truly the best activity.
“now go and talk to her.”
rindou hesitates.
“i won’t say it nicely the second time around.” the older one threatens, and rindou jolts up from his chair and bolts through the door, house slippers still on, door wide open. before ran can say anything else, rindou’s voice echoes from the staircase into the kitchen:
“i’ll buy a new pair when i get back, don’t start bitching, please! i’ve got a girl i have to convince not to break up with me!”
his older brother laughs as he pulls out his phone.
sister in law
(16:22) he’s on his way.
then, a ping fills the empty space.
sister in law
(16:23) already talked to mikey. everything’s going great.
(16:23) love you, big head
maybe ran’s not gonna tell you the reason rindou is running like a maniac through minato ward right now.
ugh, is his head really that big?
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tagging: @h4nman BECAUSE YOU MADE ME CRY😡😡😡 ; @sirachano0dles <3 i might start a taglist if i make this into a multiple part fic?!?
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starlightnorris · 10 months
unanswered questions - charles leclerc
synopsis: the one where you run into your first love and there's a ton of unanswered question and a whole lot of feelings there.
word count: 1k
read part two
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they say you never truly get over your first love. you believed them for a while, the first year or so after charles broke up with you, you were a mess. everything reminded you of him, from the places you used to go together, to the simplicity of seeing a car on the street. and it shouldn’t have hurt so bad, you were just teenagers, young love is always bound to crash and burn, but that first year was brutal.
but eventually you got over it. you moved to new york city to go to university, at some point meeting the person you wanted to spend your life with. it was funny, just how quickly your perception of everything changed. one day, it was you and charles together, only teenagers, but making small comments about the future. and you had believed that the two of you would end up together, but people change, plans change, and eventually, you move on.
there wasn’t a moment that you could identify that “ruined” your relationship with charles. it was just two people moving on from something that was once so real. it was weird to think about it now, you were 25 and that was nearly a decade ago. but there was always that nagging thought in the back of your mind that kept saying that if it could happen with charles, it could happen with justin. there didn’t have to be a big moment, one day he would just come to you and say that he didn’t feel the same anymore.
justin was lovely. talking about the future with him genuinely made you excited, but there was still a part of you that wondered what charles was like now. sure, you saw him on tv, and you still kept up with races, something your boyfriend took notice in. but he just thought you loved formula one, he didn’t know about the Ferrari driver who had once held your heart in his hands. but you didn’t know the charles of today. he seemed different, but he also seemed like the same boy you were in love with all those years ago. but that didn’t matter now, you’d moved on, even if your heart still yearned to know him.
“i think we should go out tonight,” justin says one day. it’s a friday, the two of you are already off work, both having left earlier than normal. “there’s a new restaurant i’ve been wanting to try.”
“yeah, that would be great,” you say, a soft smile on your face as he walks over to press a kiss to your forehead before the two of you start to get ready for the night.
you’re walking hand in hand down the street, a slight breeze in the air as you take in the area around you. moving from monaco to new york city was a big difference for you, being a place that was so small to a city that was constantly filled with so many people. but you loved it here, you loved to anonymity of being in the big city. monte carlo was too small, and when you were dating charles, people took notice of the two of you as it was becoming more clear that he was fully on his way to formula one.
but you didn’t want to think about that today. you were here with justin and as if he could hear your thoughts, he looks down at you, a soft smile playing on his lips as he looks at you. you could get lost in that smile and the way his gaze is so soft as he looks at you, so much love and adoration in the look. and it only takes you running into someone to take your eyes away from him.  
justin makes sure to steady you and you mutter a “shit, i’m so sorry,” before looking up to see who you ran into. and you know that moment in the romance movies where two people look at each other and everything around them stops.
that’s exactly what happened when you saw charles in front of you. everything around you seemed to stop. you were in new york city, a place that was constantly busy and alive, and all you could do was stare at the man in front of you. you’d imagined what he’d look like if you saw him up close again, were there any marks on his skin that you couldn’t see through a screen? were his eyes soft in the same way that they were when you were teenagers?
“holy shit, you’re charles leclerc,” you hear justin say from beside you, but your eyes still rest on charles, and you can tell from the look on his face that he knows exactly who you are. it takes him a moment to tear his eyes from you before they move to your boyfriend and then down to where the two of you are holding hands and you catch a flicker of something… regret, maybe? but no, he broke up with you. he had full control in that situation, he doesn’t deserve to have any regrets.
“uh, yeah,” charles mutters, his eyes snapping back up to your boyfriend. “yeah, i am.”
they chat for a moment, but you don’t hear a single word, especially when his eyes keep moving to where you are standing, a lifetime of questions swirling in his eyes. “it was nice to meet you both,” charles says after a bit, and his eyes linger on you for a moment too long, and you want him to say something. you want to take the time to talk about almost a decade of distance between you, but he gives you a small smile, continuing to walk in the direction that he was heading.
“that was so cool,” justin says, a starstruck look on his face as he looks back at you. “i can’t believe we just ran into him.”
“yeah,” you say, but your heart’s not in it. instead, you’re thinking about years of unanswered questions with charles. you’re thinking about all the things you never got to say, and you’re thinking about why the hell your heart is beating so fast for a man you don’t even really know.  
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piratefishmama · 1 year
For One Night Only | Part 2
Eddie remembered a lot about Steve Harrington, so to get this fresh new perspective on him… it was wild. He remembered a jock, the king of Hawkins High, the king of Hawkins in general, women wanted him, men wanted to be him, or in some cases men also wanted him. Rich, popular, kind of a jackass at times but never mean enough to warrant dislike. Would have never associated with Eddie’s kind, but yet there he was, comfortable on Eddie’s hotel bed, one long leg crossed over the other as they moved on from pleasantries to business.
Steve wasn’t there as a social call, no matter how fun it might have been to catch up. He had a job to do, and Steve was good at his job.
“Alright, considering our history, or what little of it we have, it might be a good idea to use it if asked on the carpet how we met, I can spin a story about us being secret high school sweethearts who recently reconnected as friends if you want, really big you up to the paps.”
“As lovely as that idea is since high school me would have been thrilled to have been your secret sweetheart” Steve grinned “shut up, I was a nerd with a crush leave me alone” the snigger that followed only made Eddie smile, it wasn’t a hurtful laugh, and Steve’s smile was just to radiant to be mad at. “I said shut up!”
“Shutting up” the smile stayed though as he mimed zipping his lips. Adorable bastard.
“Anyway, as lovely as that idea is, too many people knew us in high school, if the press got word that it was a lie from one of our mutual past acquaintances, eh it’s a hornets nest I don’t wanna poke. Too many what ifs, but we could say that we went to school together, it’s true, we could say that we reconnected recently and… y’know, hit it off…”
“We are hitting it off.” Steve mused, tapping his finger to his chin in thought. “I like it, easy, close to the truth, very little room for mistakes. So I’m to be your date, not just a friend joining you for the evening?” That was what the invite had requested but… Steve was clearly amusing himself by making Eddie squirm a little.
“Mmmhm, yep. Steve Harrington, my date, Can time travel just exist already?”
“Haha, why?”
“Teenage me could do with a visit right this second to tell him Steve Harrington is gonna be our date someday.”
Steve covered his mouth as he laughed so sweetly, the picture of perfection as always. His nose scrunching just a little as he laughed. “Were you always this cute, Eddie?”
“Mmhm, once upon a time, I was even cuter, I swear.”
“I’ll believe you.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“I know, thousands wouldn’t, but I’ve always been a sucker for cute brunettes with big ol Bambi eyes, can't help but believe everything they say.” Eddie hadn’t felt his cheeks warm in years and yet there he was, hiding behind his hair, his complexion turning as red as a fire hydrant, stupid pale skin.
Speaking of brunettes, and incredibly convenient subject changes for the safety of his own composure. “Wait, YOU’RE who Nancy knows!”
“You know Nance?”
“She’s our manager now, man, gets us all the best shit! I met her in a bar after she totally blew off the journalism thing, something about sexist work environments and bosses who wouldn’t know a real story if it slapped them directly in the face. They kept giving her fluff pieces.” Nancy Wheeler, a fluff writer, the audacity of anyone who ever made that assumption. “Now she’s the most badass manager in metal history. I swear to god she’s made many a producer pale in fear at the very mention of her name.” She read all the fine print, with a goddamn magnifying glass. She’d made a grown men cry multiple times, it was badass. “She’s the coolest.”
Steve’s smile was so fond Eddie could have swooned just having it aimed at him, even if the fondness wasn’t for him, it was beautiful enough for it to be swooned over anyway. “She is, cool. I’m glad she found her people.” Even if they no doubt made a funny looking group, little not so primp and proper Nancy Wheeler among a bunch of metalheads. It fitted, in a strange kind of way, she’d always wrangled Mike easy enough.
“How did you uhm… y’know… it’s probably none of my business and I keep changing subjects so stop me if I keep jumping around I’m still a little flabbergast from seeing you at my door but uh… how’d you—y’know… what’s this uh… the whole thing like?” Steve tilted his head like a confused puppy and Eddie just kind of wanted to melt into the floor. “The escort thing.” He added on, for clarification.
“Oh, uhm. Chrissy? Chrissy Cunningham, cheer captain of ’86?”
“I know her, she and Gareth have this—”
“Thing! Yes, she talks about him regularly with Robin.” Robin? He doesn’t think to ask, Steve and Robin, Robin… who would be associated with Steve a Robin whom Steve would just mention as if expecting him to know. He only knew one Robin from those days, and he didn’t even really know her.
Just kind of… existed near her in band for a few months until his style of music pissed the teacher off enough to kick him out. Couldn’t be that Robin, right? Not important.
“Oh my god don’t tell me that and expect me to keep it a secret that’s brutal of you.”
“God, tell him, please, I didn't even know who he was but she keeps talking about him and waiting for him to ask her out. Eventually she’s just going to pin him against something and kiss him so—”
“Tell her to do that but god wait until I have a camera please!” Eddie Munson was not against begging, his grin wide and eyes shimmering with gleeful mischief. “It’s reciprocated, totally and completely one hundred percent reciprocated, he is so gone on that girl, it’s adorable.”
“I will let her know, at least now I know he's one of yours and a good guy." Gareth was the best guy in Eddie's opinion, like a brother to him, not that the others werent too, but... Gareth had known he was gay since Hawkins High. Just him and Uncle Wayne in the know, and he'd always been there to support him, Gareth was good. "Anyway… we ran into each other in this café that I’d gotten a part time gig at in Indy, she looked good, healthy…” he didn’t need to say that Chrissy had had a problem. But she had, and that problem began with ‘M’ and ended with ‘other,’ hers to be specific. “She was already doing it, loving it, I was dubious, asked if she was okay, if she needed help, but no she was loving it, thriving actually, and well… I like making people feel good, both emotionally and physically” oof that was a tone that went straight to a place it shouldn’t do “why do it for free, y’know? She got me set up and the rest is history.” He enjoyed himself.
He loved his job, his love language had always been acts of service, he liked making people feel good, liked making them feel wanted, feel loved, feel seen and heard. Eddie couldn’t help himself “ever do anything… y’know…?” He really wished he could help himself sometimes.
“Sex related?” The red in his cheeks only deepened, Steve didn’t seem offended, or upset, in fact his smile only warmed, eyes crinkling at the corners, gods above and below he was beautiful, how did anyone survive after a night with him, having to let him go? “Sure, like I said, if I’m good at something, why do it for free?”
“Even with…” Eddie motioned to himself
“N-No! No, Men—wait sorry—that’s—that’s none of my business” he turned away to move, to pace, so much energy in his body suddenly there with nowhere to go “none of this is any of my business, I don’t usually ask these kinds of—I mean it’s really wrong of me to even ask this sort of—" Steve was just there so fast, hands on Eddie’s biceps, holding him in place, Eddie hoped he couldn’t feel him almost vibrating out of his skin.
“It’s okay, Bambi” Eddie’s eyes snapped up to meet Steve’s, his wide and unblinking, like a deer in headlights in the face of Steve’s so warm and understanding, Bambi really did suit him, Steve thought, his left hand lifting to rest on Eddie’s cheek as if to ground him, it worked. God it worked. “Ask all the questions you like, but maybe save some for later, we don’t have long before we have to go.”
“…Later you’ll be leaving though...” he didn’t want Steve to leave. He didn’t want his next time seeing Steve to be part of a lottery, would he come next time? Would someone else who Eddie didn’t recognise appear in his place?
“We’re hitting it off, remember? I’m sure there’s going to be an afterparty we can both be caught sneaking away from to hang out, right?” Eddie kind of felt like he was flying. He felt like a teenager again, a nerdy, virginial teenager. He refused to acknowledge that little goblin voice telling him that Steve was actually probably just doing his goddamn job, he was on the clock dammit. He just wanted to have this. “You can ask me questions then, I promise I’ll stay.” He didn’t have anywhere else he needed to be.
“…Yeah… if that’s okay with you.”
“More than. Now how about you introduce me to the rest of Corroded Coffin, we all need to be on the same page before we get there.” Work now, catch up later. “Sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can ditch the after party to hang out.” Eddie giggled, an honest to gods little giggle. He really did feel like a teenager again, only Steve was looking at him. Holding him. Grounding him. Steve Harrington was seeing him.
Teenager Eddie would have shit a brick.
“Alright, I’m warning you though, I think you let Tommy H. stuff Jeff into a locker once so don’t expect a warm welcome.” Steve grimaced a little but nodded. He was a different person now, but that wouldn’t erase the mistakes he’d made as a stupid teenager. Plenty of bridges to rebuild and apologies to give. Jeff wouldn’t be the first or the last.
“Bring it on, Bambi.” Eddie could only hide behind his hair again, bashful and flustered.
Part 4
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goodnightmemes · 1 year
trigger warning for violence, foul language, and horror. feel free to change pronouns / terms / tense as needed!
❛ Only the evil book can undo what the evil book has done. ❜
❛ Please. I just want to go home. ❜
❛ [name]'s dead. You know that. You killed her. ❜
❛ No, why are you saying these things? ❜
❛ I'll rip your soul out, you pathetic fuck! ❜
❛ I will kill you like I killed your whore! ❜
❛ You were supposed to be here two hours ago. ❜
❛ I'll be damned. You actually came. ❜
❛ I know I look like road kill. ❜
❛ You're a charming liar, as always. ❜
❛ We always loved this place, didn't we? ❜
❛ I thought you didn't believe in that kind of stuff. ❜
❛ Promise me you'll stay with me until the end. ❜
❛ Looks like someone broke in. ❜
❛ Some teenagers probably just broke in here to drink beer and bump uglies. ❜
❛ Let's make this place livable. ❜
❛ I don't think you need sad memories in your head right now. ❜
❛ I wanted to be there. Okay? I did. ❜
❛ This time the only way is the hard way. ❜
❛ Look, we all need to be together on this. Otherwise it won't work. ❜
❛ I came here to make things better with my sister, not worse. ❜
❛ I can't stand that fucking smell anymore. ❜
❛ Withdrawal's kicking in hard. ❜
❛ Oh, is that blood? ❜
❛ Careful. These steps are old and rotten. ❜
❛ What the fuck happened here? ❜
❛ No, no, no. Voodoo is more about dolls and personal artifacts. This is something different. ❜
❛ You shouldn't have touched anything from that basement. ❜
❛ I'm going insane here. I feel like I'm losing my mind. ❜
❛ We can't lose you again. ❜
❛ Oh, my God. I'm such an idiot. To think for once in my life, I could count on you. ❜
❛ She's talking about a woman in the woods. How the forest attacked her. ❜
❛ Well, don't you think we should take her to a hospital? ❜
❛ I feel like we're in over our heads here. ❜
❛ If we leave now, all of this mess will have been for nothing. ❜
❛ Please. You have to get me out of here. ❜
❛ There was something in the woods. And I think it's in here with us now. ❜
❛ Look, you know it's all in your head. Just try to get it together. ❜
❛ Please, would you just get rid of that thing? ❜
❛ Open the fucking door! ❜
❛ Well, nobody could have known she would do something so twisted! ❜
❛ No, you should have known! We've all been following your lead since we got here. ❜
❛ We should have left when [name] wanted to. ❜
❛ Everything's gonna be fine. ❜
❛ I don't know if you've noticed this, but nothing has been fine. And everything's been getting worse every second. ❜
❛ Put the gun down, please. Put the fucking gun down! ❜
❛ One by one, we will take you! ❜
❛ You are all going to die tonight. ❜
❛ This is impossible. I just gave her enough sedative to put a horse to sleep. ❜
❛ I gotta get the shrapnel out of my arm. ❜
❛ I don't think a tranquilizer's gonna do shit. 'Cause I don't think we're dealing with a freaking panic attack here! ❜
❛ I'm scared that what's happening to [name] has something to do with the fucking witchcraft in the basement! ❜
❛ Oh, my God! Why the fuck did you do that? ❜
❛ I did something terrible. ❜
❛ That thing I killed was not [name]. ❜
❛ I read a passage from that book. It was... It was some sort of prayer. I released something. I released something evil. ❜
❛ Why did you lock me down here? ❜
❛ You got violent and we didn't know what else to do. ❜
❛ Look, something really terrible has happened and we have to get out of here now. Okay? ❜
❛ He's not gonna let you leave! And he's not gonna stop till he has you. Until he has all of you! ❜
❛ I can smell your filthy soul. ❜
❛ [name]'s not here, you fucking idiot! ❜
❛ I don't know why, but I thought this would end it. ❜
❛ There's some translations, but...just scattered notes. They all refer to some... evil entity. A taker of souls. A demon. ❜
❛ This thing is attached to [name]'s soul like a leech. It's becoming her. ❜
❛ If we want to stop this, if we want to help [name]...I think we're gonna have to kill her. ❜
❛ We're not gonna fucking kill anybody! Are you listening to yourself? ❜
❛ It doesn't matter where we go. If we don't do something right now, we're all gonna be dead by then! ❜
❛ We're gonna get you ❜
❛ I had to do it. And I feel much better now. ❜
❛ These inscriptions are confusing, sometimes contradictory, but they're consistent about one thing. In order to stop this, the possessed must be cleansed. Purified. ❜
❛ Am I sure? Of course not. This is not a science book! ❜
❛ If she dies, then this thing is gonna die with her. ❜
❛ You're just a fucking coward. You know exactly what we have to do, but you're too scared to go through with it. ❜
❛ I'm gonna burn this fucking place down. And I'm gonna end this nightmare. ❜
❛ Why don't you just run away? Go hide beneath some rock somewhere. You know you're great at that. ❜
❛ Why are you hurting me? ❜
❛ Don't die on me, please! ❜
❛ Dying wouldn't be so bad right now. I just don't want to become the devil's bitch. ❜
❛ I'm gonna do what I gotta do. Okay? ❜
❛ Why do you hate me? I know you do. ❜
❛ You're gonna burn in hell for trying to kill me, you motherfucker! ❜
❛ I'm so sorry. I should have been there. I should've been there for you. ❜
❛ I've had enough of this shit. ❜
❛ I will feast on your soul. ❜
❛ Feast on this, motherfucker! ❜
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uglypastels · 2 years
can you please do a part 2 to that blurb of eddie catching reader reading a dnd guide??! like with them going to his place or somewhere remote to make her character sheet or something and they get to talking and bonding and its all fluff!!
yess!! sorry it took me so long to write this haha. i absolutely love this story tho, and it still might need more but hey, let me know if you want it. i also didn´t include much of the character making since idk what you would actually wanna be, so leaving that up for interpretation mostly. PART 1
no explicit warnings. swearing. angry parents at the end.
Eddie Munson requests open // support your local writers and reblog+comment
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Chapter 2: Carmilla
You drove up slowly over the gravel, looking for the trailer that Eddie had described. “White and old as shit, like the rest of them, but we got a little porch going on up-front, with a brown couch. So just look for that.” And look for the brown couch, you did. You found it too, at the end of the road. There were maybe two other trailers next to it, completing the neighbourhood. You could hear a dog barking behind you when you got out of your car. 
Eddie must have heard you arrive, which would have been hard not to do since the car's noise on the road was most likely audible through the entire street. He opened the door wide for you as you neared the steps. 
‘Welcome, my fair maiden,’ He announced dramatically, ‘to my castle.’
You didn’t even bother pushing back the smile it brought to your face. Eddie let you walk inside. The trailer was, expectedly, small, but it had an incredible cosiness to it. It was messy in a lived-in way, and you could see that he had made an effort in his last-minute cleaning before your arrival. The pile next to the sofa, covered with an old blanket, was somewhat telling, and the dishes in the sink looked like they were quickly thrown in there. 
‘So, we can sit here, or in my room, whatever.’ He was still trying to finish up his tidying up, grabbing shirts from all around him. 
‘I’m dying to know what Eddie Munson’s room looks like,’ you admitted, so he led the way. You had no expectations of what it would be. In reality, it could be anything between a Satanic ritualist’s dungeon and your little sister’s play tearoom. What you walked into was… pretty much a typical teenage boy’s bedroom. Messy, a bit dark as his blinds were shut, posters plastered all over the walls. He had piles of books next to his bed, some you recognised, some you didn’t. It was your immediate go-to. Maybe a bit too excited, you sat down on the ground to inspect his collection of paperbacks. 
‘You’ve read Carmilla?’ You looked up at him.
‘Of course.’ Eddie sat down on his bed, the old springs creaked under his weight, ‘I got nothing against Stoker, but this is like, ten times better.’ 
‘I know, right!’ You practically squealed out before continuing your research. It was mostly fantasy and horror, with some books you also recognised to come from your English Lit curriculum. Once satisfied with that, you looked more around you, and your eye immediately caught the sight of a beautiful red guitar. It was hanging between two shelves next to his bed, almost sparkling in the room's dim light. 
‘You play?’ Perhaps it was a dumb question, but Eddie didn’t mind.
‘Yeah, got a band and everything. We play at the Hideout on Tuesdays.’ 
‘Oh, I’ve been there,’ you admitted but immediately realised that maybe you shouldn’t have. But Eddie didn’t miss anything. Instead, he looked at you, eyes wide open in amazement. 
‘You? y/n? Go to a dump like the Hideout? No way!’ He laughed. Not in a mocking manner, more in his usual enthusiastic and slightly chaotically unkempt way of energy. A spark in his eyes lit up, going unnoticed by you, though, about yet another shared interest between the two of you.
‘Why wouldn’t I?’ You sat down next to him, challenging him on his accusations against your character. 
‘You’re just so… you.’ He had leaned back on his elbow, so you mirrored his movements. ‘But you keep surprising me, so I’d say anything is possible.’ His voice had turned soft, intimate, sincere. It made heat rise up to your cheeks and made you turn to look away from his big brown doe eyes.
‘Right, so how does this whole thing work?’ You cleared your throat after a second, sitting up straight, trying to get the conversation back on track to what you had actually come for in the first place. Mostly, so your heart would stop beating so loud. 
‘It’s not difficult, but might take a while, depending on how thorough you want to be– and in my experience, the deeper you go, the better,’ he walked away to search through some of his stuff in a cupboard. As he did, you looked around a bit more and noticed the pair of handcuffs hanging casually on a nail in the wall. You quickly looked away, just to see Eddie turn back to you, a sheet of paper in hand. He must have had it prepared, you thought, considering how quickly he had made it appear. 
‘Here,’ he handed it to you. The sheet of paper was covered in little boxes and lines for you to fill in, making it look like a test you had not studied for, but Eddie had you covered. ‘I know it looks like much, but we’re just gonna go one by one. Start with your own name, on top.’ He handed you a pen. 
‘I get points for writing my name down?’ you smiled, remembering what your middle school teachers used to say before a quiz. 
‘Oh, for sure,’ Eddie grinned and watched you write down your name– well, tried to write it down. Holding the paper on your knee made it crumble up under the weight of the pen. So, Eddie quickly bent down under his bed and pulled out a thick folder– the same one you had seen him with in the drama room– and handed it to you. You placed the paper on top, which was much better to write on. 
‘We could get you to pick a name now, but I think it will be easier, unless you have one already, to do all the other stuff first. That way you’ll have a better idea of who you are, so the name will fit better.’ That sounded fair to you. ‘So we can start with race and class. You read about those, I assume?’
‘Uhh, yeah. Class is like your occupation, right? And race is like… a species?’ 
‘Yeah, exactly,’ Eddie smiled, and it quickly urged you on to join in. it was just that type of infectious laugh that he had. And it was pretty. That was the only word that you found fit to it. Pretty. The way he would look down at the mattress when you tried to make eye contact, and the dimples in his cheeks appeared, it made your stomach fill up with wild butterflies. You tried to control them, but it was hard when he was sitting so close to you. The only thing between you was that folder and the piece of paper. 
‘Do you remember the different classes? Did something stand out to you while you were reading?’ 
‘I think I kind of want to be a Thief,’ you considered, ‘What do you think?’ 
‘I’m just your guide through the vast unknown, milady,’ he waved his hands around mystically, ‘I can’t tell you what to do or not to do… unless you’re about to make some really dumb choices– but it’s up to you.’
His comment made you burst out laughing, and it didn’t really stop after that. You continued on filling up the spaces on your page, bringing your character to life. Eddie explained any term to you that you had not come across in your research. He helped you with tough choices, giving you the pros and cons lists of both sides. Just like that, hours went by. You hadn’t even noticed how much time had passed until you noticed the blackness behind the curtains. A panicked gasp escaped you.
‘Shit. My parents will kill me. I told them I would be home for dinner.’ The curses didn’t stop coming out of your mouth. How could you not have realised what time it was? 
You got up quickly and folded the page a few times so it would fit in your pocket. You had to get home, like right now, preferably, ten minutes ago.
‘I’m sorry- Thank you so much for everything, Eddie. I really had a great time.’ you rushed past him, too quick to let him say anything in response, but did leave a kiss on his cheek. It had been a spur-of-the-moment instinct. A moment filled with anxiety-fuelled adrenaline. Only once you were standing at your car door did it go through you what you had actually done. Had you just kissed him?
And then you turned around, and he was standing right behind you. 
‘You really got to stop running away from me.’ Well, he hadn’t been right behind you but was leaning against the railing of the steps at the trailer’s front door. Even in the evening darkness, you could see he was smirking at you. 
‘I know, I feel like a broken record,’ you laughed. You had your hand on the car door, and everything in your body told you to get in and drive home. It wasn’t that late yet, maybe your parents wouldn’t be too mad? But you stayed. You watched as Eddie walked over to you. 
‘Just don’t let it happen again, ok?’ He said once really standing in front of you. ‘I like you way too much to watch you walk away from me.’ And he leaned in. For a second you thought he would kiss you. A figment of your imagination even made you think that you felt his lips against yours, but that wasn’t true. It would be too good– no, what the hell. 
Eddie leaned over you to grab the car door and opened it for you. 
‘Your carriage awaits.’ 
‘Thanks,’ you said, now way too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. 
Any other night if you would have missed your curfew, you would have been filled with panic over your parents’ reaction, but not that night. You drove him with your head in the clouds. All you could think about was Eddie and how his breath tasted so sweet. Like those caramel candies, the ones he had offered you that one time in class. You had almost, actually completely, forgotten about that day but it brought it all back. 
It was a minuscule moment, a bit silly probably, and you couldn’t imagine him remembering any of it since it had happened months ago.
You were in Miss Click’s class, dozing off while someone was giving a presentation about god knows what. It was dark in the room, the only light source being the projector and the heat from outside was slowly creeping into the room, making it very easy for you to start to doze off. 
Psst, you heard coming from next to you suddenly, want one? And next thing you know, someone held up a hand full of golden wrapped sweets in front of you. You looked over to see Eddie, he had already been chewing on one, his big eyes nudging you on to take his offer. 
You can take two if you want, he whispered, and you remembered since you had been late that morning and been starving ever since you woke up. The lovely result of skipping breakfast. With a thankful smile, you grabbed two sweets and popped them in your mouth, savouring them throughout the rest of the class. 
The next time you spoke to him was in the drama classroom. 
But as you drove into your driveway, you realised that that had also been the moment that you had fallen for Eddie Munson. That was all it took. A small act of kindness led you on to start feeling an unconscious connection, that didn’t even brew properly until now. 
You grabbed the character sheet out of your pocket and looked at it, smiling like an idiot. For once you couldn’t wait to go to school next Monday, as that would mean you got to see Eddie again. Maybe you could even sit at their table? 
Although, that would be weird. What would your friends think? What would the Hellfire Club think? They had no idea who you were. Because how could you know that in the last week, they had spent all their lunch periods keeping Eddie from staring at you. It was enough that he was called The Freak, no need to add Creep to that now. They were waiting for you to join the club, even if only if it meant that, with you there, Eddie wouldn’t feel the compulsion to constantly talk about how pretty you were. 
How could you possibly know all that?  
You folded the paper up again, and stepped out of the car–
‘y/n! Where the hell were you?’ The front door of your house smashed open, revealing your angry mother, awaiting an explanation as to why you had been over two hours late.
part 3
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tagging: @stydia-4-ever (per request)
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unnervinglyferal · 1 month
Well Dad went to cut down dead trees on our property
The trees happen to be by one of our neighbors who I’m going to call Tod and Harmony
Tod and Harmony are older folk, they often have their toddler grandkids over, recently a teenager has been hanging out around there, he’s assumed to be the boyfriend of their teenage grandkid
Apparently Dad had already had some iffy interactions around that land near them before because he was already worried that they would get upset at him
Well he goes down there and he doesn’t even set down his tools before Harmony starts shit
Harmony doesn’t think that Dad’s on our land so he shouldn’t be cutting down all trees
Harmony doesn’t even think it’s her land by the way
She thinks it belongs to the people who own the semi abandoned house on our street
Dad tries to explain that it’s our land and he’s just cutting down the dead and diseased ones
Dad cuts down like four trees before he leaves because Harmony is just watching him and now it’s super awkward
He comes home and he’s annoyed and upset, his whole day has been thrown of course by this
He talks to Mom and they decide that he’ll go and show them the deed in a few days once they’ve calmed down a bit
Harmony gets our other neighbors Heath and Ann involved
We all like Heath and Ann, they’re good people and their dog Gunner is a sweetheart
Ann happens to have one of the owners numbers so she gives them Dad’s number
The owner, Caroline, texts Dad and is super confused
Pretty much everyone thought that land belonged to her family, including her family
It turns out that no, it’s likely they just had an informal agreement with Bob, the previous owner, so they could use the land
So yeah it’s ours
Dad’s all nice and says that if she wants she can grab some saplings because the trees over there have some sentimental value
Caroline’s all nice, she’s glad this is all cleared up because eventually she’s going to sell the house
The end right?
Harmony somehow gets Caroline to text Dad again asking him to hold off cutting down the trees because Ann and Harmony are really really upset over it
Dad’s now super upset because:
1. What the fuck Ann
2. What the fuck in general
So he goes down to show Tod and Harmony the deed
The deed that clearly shows that it’s our land
Tod’s just kinda confused and starts to say that he’s worried about some trees falling on their house
The trees he was talking about were his trees
Not ours
But Harmony is pissed
She’s yelling, she keeps repeating that for FOUR YEARS people have told her it’s Caroline’s land, she refuses to even look at the deed saying that she can’t read that
The deed is literally a map
She doesn’t have to read
It’s a map
So they’re yelling and then some fucking kid tries walks out and tries to fight Dad
Tod is literally having to shove the guy back inside
Eventually and I don’t know how Dad gets them to calm down
He makes them give him hugs goodbye and goes across the street to talk to Heath and Ann
Turns out Ann had nothing to do with it
She literally just contacted Caroline to get her talking with us
Anyways me and Mom have to walk by their house to go on our walks
And Dad’s really worried about the teen just starting shit because he’s mad so I asked them both to let me handle him if it gets physical
Because I probably have like thirty pounds on him and I’m not in my mid fourties’ so I’m less breakable and also won’t get in as much trouble for doing it
Such a mess
From the bottom of my heart:
What the fuck?
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Chapter 6
Series Masterlist
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A/N: Hi! It ain’t a sweet chapter, sorry:( but it’ll get better soon! Promise! I’m also thinking about posting one of the smut one shots that I’ve already written…about our sweet Stevie wearing a bunny costume and…a cute bunny tail…if you know what I mean👀
Warnings; heartbreak </3
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You took out your phone, to Steve; I’m sorry, I can’t do this. It’s over.
It was over.
Steve looked down at his phone when he heard the ringtone he had just for you. A smile crept onto his lips, but it quickly disappeared. “What is it?”, Bucky asked next to him, trying to peek at his phone. He immediately showed Bucky the message, since he had to listen to Steve’s rant about you for the past few hours, so he knew everything about your situation. Maybe more than he’d like to…
But it was interesting, he had to admit. So he had listened and imagined how it would be to have a woman in charge. It sounded really…appealing. The whip? Just wow.
After reading the message he looked back at Steve, as confused as the blonde, but less hurt. “I don’t know what happened? I didn’t do anything-I mean- I…I told her I loved her but…but I thought she felt the same. Do you think it’s because of that? Because I said I loved her? God did I really mess it up so soon? Was it my fault?”, he started rambling, making Bucky shake his shoulders forcefully. “Shut up, it’s not your fault. You have to ask her. Do it now-text her-call her or god, I don’t know, go to her place. Talk to her. There has to be a reason-maybe she’s scared of the age difference? Maybe…maybe…I don’t know”, Bucky tried to think of a reason, not even suspecting Steve’s father being the cause of all this.
Steve wiped away a single tear from his cheek, that he hadn’t even noticed falling. “You’re right. I’ll drive to her place. And I’ll buy flowers-maybe chocolate? I don’t even know what flowers she liked-god maybe I shouldn’t be her boyfriend. Maybe I’d be a shit boyfriend who treats his girls awfully-“ “Steve, alone that you’re thinking and worrying about it shows you’re great. Let’s not jump to conclusions…it’s probably a misunderstanding…”, Bucky tried to calm his best friend down.
It didn’t work. Steve started sending one text message after the oh they, but none of them were delivered. Fuck.
They only had a few minutes left and as soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of classes, Steve stormed out of the room.
He drove faster than usually, pretty sure he also missed a red light, before stopping at a flower shop to buy you roses. Roses were good, right? It’s what they always buy in movies.
He felt pathetic. Not even knowing what kind of flowers to buy for a girl. Maybe you were right with ending this…relationship or whatever it was between you two. You had been right about him. He was too young. Just a teenager without any experience in…anything, really. He was still in high school. He never had a job. Barely passed maths…god, he can’t even grow a fucking beard. How could he even think he’d be good enough for you?
Was he stupid for feeling so deeply connected to you? Naive? Was it because you were the first girl he had kissed? The first sex he had? The first…person he ever loved? But you knew all of this. You wouldn’t have used him just for fun, he knew that. So what changed?
Steve looked down at his phone, then back to your building and once again to the messages.
What did I do wrong?
Why are you ending this?
I'm coming to your place so we can talk this through.
Don’t leave me. Please.
Please answer.
Tell what I did wrong. I’ll do better.
I promise.
Is it because of what I said? I didn’t mean to.
I mean, I did mean what I said but I didn’t mean to say it in a rush. I’m sorry.
I’m such an idiot.
Please text me back.
Did something happen?
Are you okay?
Wait…it’s not delivered?
Did you block my number?
Steve wiped away a few stray tears, quickly trying to pull himself together. Just in time for an older man to open the door, Steve quickly left his car and entered after him, walking right to your door.
Taking a deep breath he knocked at your door and waited. His hands sweaty and shaking. His breathing heavy. His vision still blurry from the previous tears. Was he weak for crying? But on the other hand he was in love for the first time. He had his first time with you…just yesterday…maybe you didn’t like how inexperienced he was? Maybe you thought he wouldn’t be good enough with all the…bdsm stuff? That’s what you called it. But he’d learn…why wouldn’t you give him a chance?
Nobody was opening the door, so he knocked again, louder. “He-hey it’s me. Steve. Can we talk?” his voice was trembling, so he tried to clear his throat, only to feel even weaker than before. His hands started shaking even more, the roses rustling against each other, some leaves falling to the floor. “Please open the door…we can talk it out. I’m sorry. Whatever I did to upset you, I’m so sorry”, he mumbled, leaning his forehead against the wood. Still no answer.
After listening for any movement he came to the conclusion you weren’t even home. His head thumbed once again against the door-then he heard a knob turn, but it wasn’t from your door. The older man from before, who apparently was your neighbor, opened her door. "Stop banging on her door! Didn't you do that enough last night? Ugh kids these days..." But seeing Steve’s swollen and red eyes with roses in his hands, he understood something had happened. “Young man, you’re a bit too late to apologise. She packed her belongings and left, not looking back”, the man looked at the heartbroken boy. Behind the thick glasses his gaze softened, while a sob escaped Steve’s throat. “But I didn’t do anything-she-she just sent me a message-didn’t even explain anything-she just left. Just like that”, Steve explained to the guy, not even caring if he was interested in listening or not. He just needed to talk about it.
“Come here, boy. I’ll make you tea and you can tell me what happened.” Steve hesitated for a moment but followed the man in his apartment, feeling incredibly safe around him, even though he was a stranger. “Now sit down at the table. I’ll make some chamomile tea. Call me Stan and who are you boy?”, said Stan, filling the kettle with water. “Steve”, he answered quietly, looking down at the roses in his hand.
Stan held out his hand for them, Steve not thinking twice before giving him these, the older man putting them in a pretty vase. “Maybe she’ll be back. We don’t want the flowers to wilt, don’t we?” Steve shook his head slowly, his shoulders slumped making himself look small.
“I’m sorry to tell you this, but she didn’t only left with a suitcase but also with another man…“, Stan said, his voice calm but sympathetic. He patted Steve’s shoulder. “It’ll be alright. You’re young. You’ll meet another girl. Or boy. Everything is possible these days. Enjoy your youth as long as you can…besides…aren’t you a bit young to bring this woman flowers?”, asked Stan, curiously but still friendly.
Steve sighed quietly. Was it really that obvious?
“I’m 18…she’s a bit older but I don’t mind. She’s amazing…she…she’s intelligent. And funny. And so good in maths…”, he mumbled, looking down at his steaming tea. “I…I really love her.”
Stan squeezed Steve should, taking his hand from him and drinking from his tea, nodding for Steve to do the same. After a few moments Stan stood up, taking cookies out and putting them on the table. “Have a cookie.” Steve did as told, mouching on the sweets. “Maybe she wasn’t meant for you, Steve. I had met my true love closer to thirty than your age. And maybe it’s just not your time yet. Sometimes we meet people for the sake of meeting and experiencing. Not for them to be a part of our life forever…they’re just in a few chapters and then…disappear. If she treated you like that, she clearly wasn’t a good person. She didn’t care about your feelings. If she did care about you, you’d find a way to be together. Age difference or not, love always finds a way”, Stans words made Steve’s heart ache. The butterflies he usually felt thinking about you made him feel sick. He could puke. He could scream. But all that really happened was more tears leaving his eyes.
With a trembling lip he looked up at Stan.
“So…it’s over?”
While Steve was spending a few hours pouring out his heart to Stan, you were at Jake's place, changing out of your wrinkled office clothes. He was calling his friends to ask about the job offer they had a while ago-and maybe someone had a place for you to stay. At least for a while. Fortunately Aisha's roommates moved out recently, so she immediately offered the room to you. And you took it. You had no other choice…
Or did you? Not if you wanted Steve to have a future. He was intelligent, a really smart and hardworking guy who deserved to go to college…you wouldn’t be the reason why he wouldn’t do it. If it meant you’d have a broken heart…then be it. He’d be happy. Steve was a sweetheart, girls loved him. And he’d find a girl that’s perfect for him. Maybe one, that is his age.
Sighing you looked at yourself in the mirror. Was it noticeable how much older you were compared to Steve? It wasn’t that much…why are you even thinking about it? It doesn’t matter anymore. It was over. You had to accept that.
You had to accept you lost Steve.
Probably the love of your life.
Doesn’t matter.
You’d get over it.
At some point…
Or not…
Head shaking you brushed your hair out of your face, your neat hairstyle from when you did it this morning completely messy and tangled. The makeup you wore totally smudged.
You didn’t only look like a mess, you were one. You had no idea what would happen next. Within only a few hours everything had broken apart. Especially your heart.
And even more when you saw the few messages from Steve.
What did I do wrong?
Why are you ending this?
I'm coming to your place so we can talk this through.
Don’t leave me. Please.
Please answer.
Tell what I did wrong. I’ll do better.
I promise.
Then you had blocked him. The few messages broke your heart and you felt awful. Especially since he thought it was his fault. Of course the first thing Steve thought about was being at fault. That he did something wrong…
God, you were an awful human being.
“Are you hungry?”, Jake's voice brought you out of thoughts, making you look back at him. His gaze softened even more seeing your teary eyes. “It’ll be alright”, he whispered, pulling you in the hundreds hug today. Immediately more tears started pouring from your eyes.
“It won’t be, Jake…not without him.”
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Thank you for reading!:) I hope you enjoyed reading, the next chapter will be out soon! I think the series till be around 9 (or maybe 10) chapters long!!^^
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Tags: @inlovewithchrisevans
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The Adventures of Lee and Gracie - BONES AND ALL : part 2
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The Adventures of Lee and Gracie - BONES AND ALL : part 2
Warnings and such: some angst, especially sibling, talks about shitty past, stalker?, mentions of scars, jokes about dying and poor driving....?
“And yesterday I met you. I think that’s all there is to tell.”
I don’t know why, but opening up about my life and talking to Lee felt like second nature, like the easiest thing to do in the world. It shouldn’t be, I don’t think. Despite feeling like I had known him for years, it had hardly been 24 hours. Maybe it was in the way he listened, how his eyes constantly flickering between me and the road. Or how he’d smile and nod along as I spoke, interrupting to ask questions or confirm that he was still following along with the people and places I spoke about. I never imagined people like that actually existed, not outside of the books I read at least. 
“That’s some heavy shit, not going to lie.” He chucked, pulling into a gas station. “But you seem to be handling yourself well, I’ll give you that much!” 
“Thank you? I think?” I laughed, getting out too. I watched him, again, as he got gas and walked circles around the parking lot. He was easy to watch- in a non-stalkerish type of way. 
“You hungry?”
Lee laughed, pointing to a dinner behind me. “I know better.” The idea of Lee eating regular food seemed like a foreign concept. I don’t think I can ever recall a time where my mother ate “people food,” outside of coffee and some junk food she had shoved in the back of the kitchen cabinets. I was learning, at an alarming rate, that I knew nothing. 
“You’re turn,” I smiled as we sat down to dinner.
“My turn?”
“Lee! Come on, tell me about you.” He chewed his food slowly, avoiding eye contact with me as he did. 
“Can it wait? Until we’re back on the road.” I tried to glare at him in a non-threatening type of way, if that was even possible. He smiled, holding a pinky out towards me. 
“Fine.” I turned his hand over, taking in his tattoos for the first time. “How about those? Can we talk about those now?” He laughed, taking his hand back.
“Honestly, there’s nothing to tell. I did them myself. When I was younger. For no reason at all…I was just bored. Why? You want one?” 
“I’ve thought about it…”
So we talked about tattoos, and hair and piercings…all the things teenagers toyed with and were typically done with by our age. As it turns out, the pink hair was actually supposed to be red, but he could never keep up on maintaining the color. ‘So pink it is.’ 
I learned 3 things about Lee over dinner;
The first was that he had an appetite. This boy could eat, and would eat, anything you put in front of him. He must have the metabolism of a God. He was probably, what? 140 pounds, soaking wet?! 
The second was that he was an absolute riot. He wasn’t loud, per say- quite soft spoken and monotone actually, but he could find a way to crack jokes at every word that came out of my mouth. Some of them were great- we were doubled over in laughter, drawing attention to ourselves a few times over the two hours we sat inside. Other times, the jokes were really, really lame. I’m talking kindergarten level knock knock jokes, but the way he told them…you had to laugh. And boy, did he have a beautiful laugh! 
The third was that he was unfavorably kind. This was more of a judgment call on my part, I don’t know that he would ever admit to being a kind person, considering what he was, but I thought he was kind. He held doors for me, let me order first, and asked if I had enough to eat more than once. He was overly pleasant to the waitstaff, though I saw nothing wrong with that, and he even asked the entirety of the dinner if anyone wanted the last piece of peach pie before he took it. I mean, who does that?!
“Alright mister,” I turned my full attention towards him once we got back in the truck, back against the door, feet on the seat. He turned down the radio and cleared his throat. 
“There’s not a whole lot to tell, I’m just going to say that now.” I nodded.
He talked. It was a drawn out story with bare bone details, and I could tell he was reluctant to share anything too personal, but in the moment it didn’t seem to bother me. I didn’t push him for details- I was just happy to hear him talk.
His voice stirred confusion throughout my body. Lee was human, of course he was, but I think he went his whole life believing he was a monster, or at least that’s how other people would see him. I couldn’t bring myself to see him that way though, outside of the cannibalistic tendencies, he and I shared very similar experiences growing up. The monsters I’ve read about in stories, the real ones you heard about on the news- they all had tragic backstories of abuse and neglect and abandonment. Lee didn’t get along with his dad, but he had a sister, a mother, aunts and uncles…never any real friends to speak of, but I didn’t either. I don’t know if any of that made it easier or harder on Lee to be ‘what’ he is, but I thought him to be far from a ‘bad person.’ 
We rolled to a stop at an intersection in the middle of nowhere. The red glow brought me out of my thoughts, my attention back to the boy at my feet. He yawned, looking around. I don’t think either one of us had realized how late it had gotten, and we didn’t make plans to stop somewhere. We’ll have to get better at that. Lee stuck his head out the window, like a dog, and smiled. 
“How do you feel about sleeping outside?”
“There’s nothing here, I’m not sure where else to stop. We could find a nice spot to park, sleep under the stars?”
“Okay…” I hesitated, not sure if he was being serious or not.
He was serious.
We found a quiet spot at the edge of a field a few miles up the road. We pulled out our bags and the few small blankets we’ve collected and piled into the bed of the truck. Lee handed me the keys and a flashlight. 
“Gracie?” He muttered, trying to get comfortable. 
“Do you think we could stop in Kentucky? I promised my sister I would teach her how to drive…”
“Of course we can!” He smiled and rolled over without another word. 
I sat on the tailgate and tried to read. There was only a few chapters left in my book, but it was my last one and I wasn’t sure how long it would be before I’d find somewhere to get another one. The stars were beautiful. I was beginning to regret not sleeping in the bed of my truck before tonight, I had always slept in the cab, too scared to be out in the open and by myself. But I wasn’t alone anymore. I had Lee. 
“How long will it take to get to Kentucky?” I asked, watching as Lee’s fingers traced over the map. 
“If we don’t stop anymore than necessary, we could probably make it by tonight. Or tomorrow morning if you wanted to raid a bookstore along the way.” I smiled at him, eyes returning to the road.
The drive was long, but otherwise easy. Lee sang to every song on the radio, belted at the top of his lungs to his favorites, and groaned at every commercial. It reminded me of a road trip with a small child, except this was far more enjoyable.
We had to stop for gas one more time before the sun went down, and decided that this would be it for the day. We found the cheapest motel and walked across the parking lot to a convenient store for dinner. 
“You know, this is considered a delicacy in some areas.” Lee grinned, holding up a can of spaghettios. 
“In this area, we respect spaghettios!” I beamed, snatching the can from him and tucking it under my arm.
Lee continued looking up and down the aisles, but I could tell that he wasn’t excited about anything. There was something else on his mind. I could see it, the way he watched everyone who walked past him in the store. I’m not sure how often eaters eat, but maybe that’s what it was? Lee and I had been together for almost a week…
I slipped around the corner, gitty to find the last box of exactly what I was looking for. I returned to Lee, who was still watching someone at the front of the store. I stuck the box in front of his face and smiled. 
“Really?” He laughed. I nodded excitedly. “Will you do it for me?” The question caught me by surprise, it was an innocent request but seemed so…personal? Intimate almost? 
We perused the store for a little while longer, but Lee seemed to be more distracted than he had even when we walked in. I figured I would ask him about it later, when the only people who could hear us were the ones on the other side of the paper thin walls of the motel room. Strangers. People we would never meet face to face. Who cares what they thought. 
I noticed an old man who was watching Lee and I intently as we checked out. Lee must have noticed him too, because as we were leaving and the man made a step towards us, Lee put a hand at the small of my back and rushed us across the parking lot.
“Go. Go.” he whispered. The door slammed behind us and Lee locked it quickly, peeking behind the curtain.
“That guy…” he started, dragging a hand through his hair. “I feel like I’ve seen him before.”
“Like, recently?”
“More than once. I can’t be sure though. He’s one of us- he’s like me, I mean. I could smell him.”
“Lee…” He began pacing in front of the door. He took a deep breath and stopped. “Do you think we should leave?”
“No,” he sounded much more confident this time. “We’re almost to my house, if I see him again…we’ll deal with it.” 
I nodded…not knowing what else to say. I tried to recall if I could smell someone like that too. I could smell Lee, he smelled nice… but I’m not sure if that was the same thing or not.
“Ready?” He asked, taking the box and walking towards the bathroom. I jumped up in excitement. 
“Look down, you’re too tall.” I laughed, reaching for the top of his head. 
“Have you done this before?” He walked away, sitting on the closed toilet seat. 
“It’s hair dye, not rocket science!”
“That’s a no!” Lee laughed. I looked around the bathroom, everything was smeared with a bright red hue, like someone had been- I stopped that thought, turning my attention back to what I was doing. 
“I think that’s all of it.” I smiled, taking a step back to look at him. 
“Are you sure? There’s still some in the bowl…” 
“There’s always extra, you should know that!” 
He chuckled softly, standing to look at himself in the mirror. He looked rather impressed that I didn’t get any on his face. I was impressed too. He smiled at me in the reflection, watching as I took off the cheap gloves and tossed them in the trash. 
I looked up. Lee was standing within arms reach, the rest of the hair dye on his fingers. I nodded, feeling a blush rise in my cheeks. He stepped forward, and grabbed a strand of hair from the underside of my head, fingers ghosting against my skin. He smeared the chemicals in, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. There was more left over than I thought there was, so I allowed him to dye a section in the front of my hair too- a section that would be more visible. 
He looked so proud of himself. 
We sat down to dinner and a movie, the comfortable silence engulfing me like a fire. I was starting to love it… I checked my watch and nudged Lee towards the bathroom to wash out his hair. He took a shower, emerging a short time later with the ends of his curls now a bright shade of red. 
“Not too bad!” He smiled in the mirror. 
“Oh my god!” I stumbled to my feet, walking towards him. 
“What?!” He immediately tried to look at the back of his head. I reached him and grabbed his arm.
“Adam, Eve and Steve?!” I laughed at the tattoo on his shoulder. He stilled for a moment under my touch. “I love that!” 
Until now, I hadn’t seen Lee shirtless. Not that I thought it was a big deal, but it let me find my new favorite tattoo of his. I could guess that it was a jab at sexuality, his or otherwise, but it was funny. A continuation of the jokes he loved to make. My fingers trailed lightly down his arm, not realizing that I was holding onto him the way I was. I selfishly let my eyes wander over his body, a well healed, but good sized scar on the left side of his chest. A bite. I reached to trace it, stopping when Lee took a deep, shaky breath. 
“Sorry.” I whispered, hands dropping from his body entirely. 
I tried desperately to peel my eyes open, the sun pouring into the room was overwhelming. There was rustling beside me, Lee was peeking out the window again. I watched him, assuming he didn’t know I was awake. This was quickly becoming my favorite way to pass the time. 
“You could take a picture, it would last longer.” He smiled, looking at me over his shoulder. 
“Sorry,” I yawned, looking around the room. Lee’s bed hardly looked slept in, or on. I worried that he had spent the whole night in front of that window. 
I stumbled to my feet, crossing the room without an ounce of grace in my body. Oh, the irony. I smiled at the new red strands in my hair. I quite liked them, actually. Not to sound all metaphorical and english-teacher like, but it felt like something that sort of…tied…Lee and I together. One in the same, but still different. 
“We should go, when you’re ready.” Lee spoke, standing behind me and pulling me from my thoughts. 
We only had a few short hours until we got to Lee’s house, nothing in comparison to the hours we had put in over the last two weeks. I was worried that things would be awkward, or that he would bring up the small moment we shared last night, but he didn’t, and I think I was grateful for that. 
“This is my aunt's house,” he said, pulling into the driveway. “She died a few months ago, so it’s empty. We can stay here. I live just on the other side of that plant, but my mom she’s…” He shook his head and smiled. 
“Say no more!”
“I’m going to go take Kayla driving…hopefully I don’t die!” 
“She can’t be that bad!”
“You’re right, I survived your driving-”
“Lee!” I swatted his chest playfully. 
“Any requests for dinner?”
“Are you cooking?” I raised an eyebrow at him, looking towards the kitchen.
“Absolutely not! But we got about everything in town. Just can’t be seen hanging around…do you need to know why?”
“Surprise me?”
Lee smiled. “Lock the door, keep the lights off! Snoop around if you want, fuck if I care. I’ll see you in a bit! Hopefully!” 
I snooped. I didn’t see any reason not to. It was clear this was something that didn’t bother Lee, he snooped through people’s things all the time- dead people for that matter. The more time I spent with Lee, the more questions I had about being an eater. My mind was still unwavering, there wasn’t a single part of me that wanted to experience any of that for myself, but I had questions nonetheless. I wondered how much Lee would be willing to divulge, if it wasn’t anything “personal.” 
I found a box with old photos and sat on the floor to look through it. These were all strangers, I didn’t recognize anyone in the photos, but they seemed to have a happy life. About halfway through the box I found a photo of a little boy, his smile screamed familiarity. Baby Lee! There was a stack of photos of him at Christmas and his birthday parties, at halloween and on a bike. He didn’t look much older than 10, but after that they stopped. No pictures of him at any other family events, school functions, carnivals…nothing. Maybe it all started around that age. Does his family know? They must know…or they don’t and that’s why he still sees them?
“Gracie!” Lee called from the door. I had lost track of time, the sun was setting and the street lights were coming on. “Food’s getting cold!” 
“How did it go?” I asked, watching him pick at his food. 
“Minimal deaths- could have gone worse.” He smiled. “Actually Kayla-”
There was a loud banging on the door, followed by a woman yelling.
“Lee, I know you’re in there! Open the fucking door.” I looked at Lee who simply rolled his eyes and stood up from the table. “Come on you asshole. Open the goddamn door!”
“Speaking of the devil!" He whispered. "Kayla, fucking chill!” He opened the door and a short girl with bright blonde hair came barreling in, shoving him back until he hit the wall. I stood in the doorway. 
“I found the note you left me, you’re leaving already?!”
“It’s just for a little bit, I’ll be back. Chill!”
“Why the fuck do you do this!” She continued to yell. “You’re just like dad you-” She stopped, finally noticing me. “Who are you?”
“Kayla, this is Gracie. Gracie, this is my sister. Kayla.”
“Fuck you, Lee!”
“Outside, Kayla.”
“No! You-”
“I wanna talk to you outside.” Lee sighed through gritted teeth. “Please, just go outside.” 
My mind flashed back to the night I met Lee. To the drunk man in the grocery store and everything that followed afterwards. I could hear them arguing outside, but couldn’t make out what was being said. I sat down and waited, not knowing what else to do. 
“Fuck you, Lee!” Kayla yelled, and I could see her storming off towards their house. 
Lee came in, stress and frustration radiating off of him. His body temperature alone raised the temperature in the house a few degrees. He shed the button up he was wearing and I could see him sweating. His sister must really get under his skin. Either that, or just being back here was a lot. His leg bounced restlessly as he sat and tried to steady his breathing. 
“I think we should go…” he sighed. “She’s probably going to tell my mom I’m here and I just…I don’t want to deal with that right now, you know.” 
Dinner was abandoned, Lee grabbed a few things from the house and we set off once again. His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, sitting idol in the driveway for a moment. I slid closer to him, hand resting on his. 
“It’s okay,” I tried to sound reassuring. “Siblings are supposed to get under your skin.”
Lee chucked softly, relaxing his shoulders. “Can we make another stop? Before we go?” 
“Of course.”
We drove to the far part of town, to a slaughterhouse. Lee smiled, parking the truck and turning off the lights. 
“What are we…”
“I used to work here over the summers. I wanna show you something.”
I followed him, over fences and railings and through doors. Lee knew this place like the back of his hand. He didn’t seem worried about getting caught. I guess there was only one security guard and he was old. ‘Deaf in both ears,’ as Lee put it when I asked. We ran down a few dark hallways until we reached a cafeteria. 
“I can’t get into the safe, but they keep petty cash in the lockbox. Stand guard?” He ran through the back, returning a moment later with a good size stack of money and handed it to me. “You’re the bank.” He smiled breathlessly. 
“Is this what you wanted to show me?”
“Of course not! Come on.” He grabbed my hand and we were off again.
In the back of the plant there was soft music playing, and the distinct sound of cows. It was sad to think about, but otherwise peaceful. We climbed to the top of the walkway and sat, our feet dangling over an empty pen. 
“I used to hide up here a lot.” Lee smiled, looking around. I could see why. 
Comfortable silence. 
“What’s on your mind?” 
“You look like you wanna say something- ask something, so speak.” 
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to…” 
“What’s it like?”
“To work here?”
“No,” I laughed, picking at the skin around my nails. “Eating…to have to do the things you do.”
“I guess I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
“I wouldn’t know…”
“It’s kind of like predator versus prey meets natural selection. I can’t speak for other eaters, and maybe your mom did it differently…but for me…I try to only pick the people who aren’t worth saving.”
“Yeah. Like the guy in the grocery store when we first met? No one’s gonna miss him.” Lee laughed. “Only men, not married, no kids…”
I nodded. There seemed to be a method to who Lee “picked.” It wasn’t just a random, spur of the moment decision, but something he calculated meticulously in his mind. He didn’t want to hurt anyone- he didn’t want someone’s wife waiting for him at home, or some kids wondering where their dad was. Lee was kind like that- if there was a way to be kind in all of this. 
My hand found Lee’s, lacing our fingers together carefully as I found the courage to ask the next question. He seemed to sense this, and squeezed my hand gently.
“Do you remember your first time?”
“Yeah, it was with this girl when I was like 16? She was hot-”
“Lee!” I laughed, leaning into his shoulder.
“I was…10? Maybe? I don' t even remember if that was the first, but it's the first I remember. It was a babysitter. I don’t remember why I did it, or how it started…but I remember feeling this kind of rush- the blood vessels popping you know. I felt like a superhero. Until it was over anyway. I remember knowing what I did was wrong, but I wasn’t sorry…if that makes sense. I think I was upset that it was a girl.” Lee sighed, “I liked her too- she was good with kids!”
“So, do your parents know?”
“My dad does. He's one too, but I didn’t know it at the time. He umm,” He reached for the scar on his face, stopping himself and hoping I didn’t see. I did. “He made sure I wasn’t going to tell anyone. And I didn’t. For 12 years.” He smiled at me before chewing on his bottom lip. 
I let go of Lee’s hand, offering him my other one as I reached up to card my fingers through his hair. I tucked a few pieces behind his ear before he finally looked at me with the softest expression I had ever seen on a person. 
“Do you think I’m a bad person?” he spoke, barely above a whisper. I smiled but shook my head. 
“No, I don’t think you’re a bad person.”
My fingers rested on the back of his neck, eyes glancing between his and his lips. I pulled him gently towards me, waiting for a sign of protest. There wasn’t one. It felt like an eternity before his lips ghosted against mine, the faint smell of his last cigarette on his breath. He was…intoxicating. I gave him one final tug towards me and with it, time stopped. He kissed with such caution and softness. Nothing was rushed or ravishing and breathless. I supposed I had expected something more, but found myself much preferring this than the visions I had of how this was going to happen. 
Everything I knew about him, and all that I thought I knew came to life in that kiss. I wanted this feeling for the rest of my life-
Oh, shit!
Lee pulled away, his forehead resting on mine, eyes still closed. I didn’t have to look at him to see the smile on his face. I could feel it radiating off of his body. Our fingers were still intertwined, squeezing each other carefully. There was a loud ‘moo’ from one of the cows below us, causing both of us to jump slightly. He groaned, staring at the ceiling for a moment as if trying to commit this to memory. 
“We should go,” he finally sighed. 
“Where to next?”
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soap-lady · 6 months
My writing is silly but read it anyway
@tenebrare @idreamtofmanderleyagain @angelqueen13art
Thank you for your continued support. I think once I write about ten of these I'm going to post them on AO3.
Tiffany’s first (double) date
Kirsty hurried down the stairs and gave Elliot a stern look. “Tiffany and Callie are coming downstairs now. Compliment their looks but don’t overdo it. And please don’t embarrass them when their dates get here.”
He frowned. “I would never do anything to deliberately embarrass the girls, especially Tiffany.” He was very fond of her and would dote on her more often if she would let him. He couldn’t help a little sigh escaping. “But really, don’t you think she’s a bit young to start courting…er, dating? Also, isn’t Callie’s beau…boyfriend sixteen? That’s old enough to start driving in this country yet he’s dating a girl two years younger. Don’t you find that a little suspicious?” He drummed his fingers on the arm of the couch. “Really she shouldn’t be allowed out this young without a chaperone. In my day, girls didn’t go out alone with boys.”
Kirsty crossed her arms, rolled her eyes and sighed. Loudly. “ In your day, herrings walked on dry land. Elliot, we’ve been over this. Tiffany’s smart and mature for her age. She’s been through shit no one her age could even conceive of. She deserves to do things other girls her age get to do. Besides,” she reminded him. “She and Callie both have phones. They’ve promised to text us every thirty minutes to an hour. They both know their curfew is ten o’clock. We have both Callie’s and the boys’ parents’ numbers.” She walked over to him and rubbed her hand across his shoulder blades to soothe him. “They’re going to be alright.”
Elliot shrugged away from her touch, refusing to be placated. “I’d still feel more at ease if Tiffany had a weapon with her. A penknife, or that pepper spray you were talking about.” He snapped his fingers. “Ah! I should have been teaching her hand to hand combat all this time. You as well perhaps. Callie could join us; every young woman should know how to defend themselves in a world like this.”
Kirsty nodded and patted him on the back. “Good idea. We can all start tomorrow.”
He gave her a pleading look. “Really, are you sure we shouldn’t follow her?”
She frowned. “Both she and Callie would recognize my car and we’d stand out. Besides, if she spotted us at the mall or the movie theater she’d be hurt that we didn’t trust her.”
He blew air out of his lips. “I trust Tiffany with my life and Callie is a nice girl. It’s the boys I don’t trust,” he muttered. He gave her an intense look. “Please remember that I was once a teenage boy. I know how they think. And what they think about.”
She raised an eyebrow and gave him a saucy look. “Do tell, Captain Spencer.”
Her tone became suggestive and he rolled his eyes. She wasn’t taking him seriously; she thought he was being overprotective. Again. Well, perhaps he was and it was his right. He swore to protect Tiffany as if she were a blood relative. And Kirsty too, as much as she would let him.
He gave her a glare from under his lashes and his no-doubt sarcastic reply was cut off when the teenagers came down stairs. He rose from the couch and stood next to Kirsty.
Kirsty looked them over and gave them enthusiastic smiles and double thumbs up. “You girls look amazing!” She turned to Elliot and while she smiled he could read the message in her eyes. Don’t fuck this up.
“The brightness of their cheeks would shame the stars,” he told the girls with a smile and they giggled, flattered.
And it was true; the girls looked lovely. Callie wore a red cable-knit sweater and denim jeans that had been razored here and there to look distressed. She wore black ankle boots and a matching purse. Her gold hoop earrings might get caught on her sweater if she tried to take it off, so Elliot hoped she wouldn’t. She’d gathered her long auburn hair into two space buns. As unusual as it was for him to see young women in trousers, it would make it difficult for anyone trying to take advantage of them.
Tiffany had clearly coordinated her outfit to match her friend. Her sweater was a pale green with cream trim and she wore matching cargo pants with large pockets. Her purse was small compared to Callie’s because she hated large bags. She wore cream-colored sneakers and small post earrings taken from Julia’s collection. They were green and generic looking so Kirsty didn’t mind her wearing them. Her hair was braided on both sides and then gathered into a bun on the nape of her neck. It was simple yet cute.
Kirsty whipped out her phone. “Do you mind if I take a picture?”
The girls shook their heads and posed, Callie putting her hand on Tiffany’s shoulder. They both smiled and waited as Kirsty took two pictures “just to be sure”.
Kirsty grinned and said, “I should make this my new lock screen.”
The teens groaned and mock protested but Elliot saw how much they appreciated being valued by their “Cool Big Sis” and hid a smile. He knew nothing of Callie’s home life but she clearly was starving for a positive female influence.
“Could you…text that to me as well? I might want to make it my lock screen as well,” he teased and the girls groaned again.
A sharp honking noise interrupted the family bonding moment and the girls started. “That’ll be Josh and Chad.”
Elliot was surprised. “Aren’t they going to come in and fetch you personally? Pardon me for being old fashioned,” he softened his critique with a smile. “But a gentleman escorts his lady, he doesn’t honk at her like she’s a hound blocking the road.”
“It’s okay!” Callie waved her hands around as if to dispel the harsh words. “The movie is starting in twenty minutes. They’re probably just in a hurry.”
“But-” he tried to say but Callie was already running out the door. Tiffany gave him an apologetic glance and then followed the other girl outside.
Kirsty and Elliot walked out the door and watched as the girls piled into the car (in the backseat, together and not sitting with their dates). Neither boy even got out to open the doors for the girls. Elliot just glared but didn’t say anything else as he was clearly trying to kill Josh and Chad with his thoughts.
Kirsty slung an arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer in a side hug as they watched Josh’s car drive down the street. “It’ll be fine,” she told him.
It was not fine. Kirsty did her best to keep Elliot occupied by having him chop vegetables for soup “because the girls will be hungry for real food when they get home.” He grumbled that she was just trying to keep him from pacing the rug in the living room but he complied. He felt a bit of satisfaction as he imagined the carrots and potatoes were the boys’ faces and a small part of him longed to wear his tools again.
Kirsty looked at him as she was kneading bread dough. “Would you like to talk about it?”
“No,” his answer was short and to the point and while the British gentleman in him despaired at his lack of manners he was still cross.
“Fine,” she shrugged her shoulders as she continued to work the dough. “I won’t make you. Make sure you rinse the vegetables in the colander. I’ll let this rest and then I’ll saute the onions and garlic.”
She waited five full minutes before he spoke again. “It’s just…I know Tiffany isn’t helpless but I don’t trust those boys. Even with all your modern advances accidents still happen and sadly, human nature hasn’t changed in a century.” He set the colander on the counter and fetched some beef broth from the pantry. He watched as Kirsty browned the onions and garlic and then added some cubes of beef. “Really. Why didn’t you download that…tracking app…onto Tiffany’s phone?”
Kirsty suppressed a sigh. “It’s just a movie date. They’ll be out in public the whole time. The mall has surveillance cameras all over the place and they both have phones. “ As if on cue, Kirsty and Elliot’s phones dinged and they both pulled them out to check them.
“Aha!” Kirsty’s expression was triumphant. “ ‘Went to the concession stand to get a refill and text you guys. Movie is dumb boy fun but me and Callie are fine. Josh is kinda loud and talking over the movie. Chad seems okay so far and hasn’t tried anything. Will text again before we leave. Gonna grab some burgers and fries on the way home. Ask El if he wants chicken nuggets. Ha ha, love Tiff.”
Elliot put his phone away and stared at Kirsty. “If you tell me ‘I told you so’, you’re finishing supper yourself.”
She laughed and held out her hand for the carton of broth. He handed it to her and she poured it over the meat mixture before adding a few herbs. “I’m going to let this simmer a bit and then you can add the veggies.”
He nodded, but then realized she couldn’t hear him so he said, “that’s fine.”
Kirsty grinned at him. “Family teamwork.”
The soup was finished and the bread was baked but neither of them felt like eating. They kept listening for Tiffany’s key in the door and checking their phones.
“It’s only nine. She has another hour,” Kirsty tried to sound reassuring but she was checking the window and her phone just as much as Elliot. Thunder rumbled overhead and rain began to fall. Despite her worry she hoped Tiffany and Callie weren’t getting soaked. Neither girl had thought to bring an umbrella.
He frowned at the flat rectangular device as if it had personally wronged him. He felt as if he was letting Tiffany down. He should have insisted on a chaperone. He should have insisted on meeting her date. He shouldn’t have compromised or had blind trust in a random teenager. He was failing someone who had put their lives in his hands because they trusted him. Again.
There was no way in hell Kirsty wanted to tell Elliot he was right about Josh and Chad but she hadn’t heard from Tiff or Callie since they sent a brief text saying they were leaving the theater and heading for a local burger place. She was starting to worry but it wasn’t ten o’clock yet. She silently cursed Elliot for infecting her with his paranoia. She checked Tiffany and Callie’s socials. Aside from a brief picture on Instagram as they stood in line to see Helicoprion vs Kronosaurus 7, there was nothing.
Nine o’ clock slid slowly into ten and still no girls or even a text. Kirsty and Elliot sat across from each other at the kitchen table. Their emotions cycled between anger, concern, fear and back again. At ten thirty Elliot stood up and all but knocked his chair down in his hurry. He grabbed his phone and began pressing buttons. He held the phone up to his ear and waited.
“Tiffany?” Kirsty asked but he shook his head. “No answer. I’m going to try Callie next.”
He sighed after a few seconds. “No answer. What kind of teenager doesn’t answer her phone?”
Kirsty thought about it. “The kind who prefers texting.”
He nodded. “Right. I’ll try texting.”
His fingers flew over the phone’s tiny keyboard. He frowned and stared in shock as a full minute passed. “Nothing. The texts are going through but no response.”
Kirsty shook her head. “That’s not like Kirsty or Callie.”
He looked at her. “Do you have either of Callie’s parents’ numbers?”
She stood a little straighter as if that hadn’t occurred to her. “Yes. Moira, that’s Callie’s mom, gave me her number once Tiffany and Callie started hanging out. I’m going to try calling her.”
“Ask her if she has the numbers for Josh or Chad’s parents while you’re at it,” he suggested and she nodded frantically as she punched in the number.
They both paused as they waited for Callie’s mother to pick up. Kirsty assumed her best phone voice.
“Hey, Moira? It’s Kirsty Cotton. Sorry to bother you so late but have you heard from Callie or Tiffany? Did they decide to stay over at your house tonight?”
Elliot could hear the other woman talking but couldn’t make out her response. Kirsty’s eyes widened so whatever Karen had said could not have been good.
“Okay. Thank you, Moira. Let me know if you hear from them. I’ll do the same. Oh,” she continued before the other woman could hang up. “Do you know the numbers for Josh or Chad’s parents? Yeah, text them to me. Thanks.”
She pressed the “End” button and looked at Elliot, the horror on her face worrying. “Moira said the last time she heard from Callie was right before they left the movie theater.”
“Blast it!” he began to pace. “So either something’s happened to both their phones or they’ve gone off somewhere they shouldn’t and lied to us!” Neither scenario was making him feel any better about this modern courting but he would wait until Tiffany was home safe.
Kirsty checked her phone. “She sent me the numbers for Chad’s mom and Josh’s dad. Do you mind talking to the mom? Women respond better to you.”
He didn’t react and punched in the number once she’d texted it to him. “Hello, so sorry to be calling so late. This is Elliot Spencer, Tiffany’s guardian. Listen, it’s late and we were expecting the girls to be home by now. Have you heard from your son?”
Kirsty was talking to Josh’s father and neither was listening to the other as they walked in a circle around the living room. They stopped and stared at each other, shocked at what they were hearing. They simultaneously thanked the parents and hung up, continuing to gape at each other owlishly.
“Josh’s dad said he got home a little after ten. He said Josh told him the girls wanted to end the date early and got dropped off at the burger place. Josh claimed the girls told him they’d just call us when they wanted a ride.”
Elliot’s eyes widened. “Chad’s mother told me the same thing.”
Kirsty’s expression mirrored his own. “That’s not like Tiffany. She’d text if plans changed. I don’t think Callie would make her mother worry about her either.”
They looked at each other and said together, “Where are the girls?”
They were putting on their coats and about to retrace the girls’ steps when they heard a soft knock at the door. They rushed to open it and threw it open, ready to give whoever was on the other side hell, whether it was the girls or a home invader.
“Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been-” they said as one and then stopped abruptly, staring at what was there.
Standing on the doorstep were Callie and Tiffany. They huddled together, trembling with fear or cold. Probably both.
Tears and water streamed down their faces as their lips trembled with emotion. Their legs were caked in mud and they clutched their purses like they were talismans to protect them from evil.
Neither girl spoke as Elliot and Kirsty stared in shock. Finally, Tiffany managed to stammer out, “C-can we come in?” She looked up at her “guardian”. “You were right,” she admitted to him. “Josh and Chad are assholes.”
“Oh, my poor babies!” Kirsten gathered both girls into a hug, not caring that she was now wet too.
Elliot didn’t even chide the girl for cursing. “Let’s get you girls inside and we can discuss what happened. “Kirsty my dear,” he didn’t take his eyes off Callie or Tiffany. “Could you fetch the girls some blankets? They need warm baths without dripping all through the house. I’ll warm some soup for them and put the kettle on.”
Despite the seriousness of the situation Kirsty couldn’t help her snark. “The kettle? How will tea help?”
He didn’t notice her tone or seemed not to. "This is how you deal with a crisis when you're British. It doesn't matter if it's a broken heart or a death in the family."
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loganlostitall · 9 months
10 Questions Game
Tagged by: @murdadixon 🙄🖤
1. What is your phone background?
Lock screen - Negan Smith
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Home screen - Andy Biersack
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2. Who is your favorite singer?
My favorite stand-alone singer is probably Post Malone but this is such a difficult question. I know this wasn’t asked but my favorite rapper is, without contest, Eminem. Always has been, always will be. Yk who’s growing on me as a singer, though? Ricky Montgomery. He’s slowly climbing my Top Listened!
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3. Favorite Band?
Also difficult. I love so many. I’m currently hyper-fixated on Black Veil Brides once again, for the millionth time, so I will tentatively list them as my favorite band for now with the begrudged knowledge that this answer is subject to change at any time. I have been listening religiously for a decade, though.
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4. Who is your favorite character of all time?
I hate you for asking me this! I have so many favorites but after sitting here and grueling over an answer, I have decided that it’s an impossible call-off between MCU Thor and Lip Gallagher. I have characters that I love a whole lot and go in and out of having a special interest on, such as Spider-Man, Batman, Deadpool, Moon Knight, Jason Todd, but they’re not at the top. I can’t even say that my current favorite character is actually my favorite character because I’d be lying. But my favorite character as of right now is Negan.
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5. What is your favorite book?
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Until the day I die. I read it and it completely changed my life, seeing a book with stories so similar to how I’d grown up. I wrote passively, as an interest, but after reading this in 2 days (when I was supposed to read it with the class over the course of a month) I decided then and there that I wanted to actually become an author.
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6. What is your favorite movie?
It’s been Avatar by James Cameron for almost 14 years now, since the day it first came out, but I think that the original Scream is finally starting to try and take its place as my fave. I suppose we shall see! 😩
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7. Favorite Actor or Actress?
Ummmm, shit. Can’t choose. Jeremy Allen White, Chris Hemsworth, Matthew Lillard, Evan Peters. It’s an extensive list but they’re the ones who come to mind first. A lot of my favorites have already passed, like Heath Ledger, Chadwick Boseman, Robin Williams, Cameron Boyce, Angus Cloud, etc.
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8. Favorite YouTuber?
I don’t really watch YouTube anymore—in fact I never got into YouTuber’s the way everyone else my age did, so all I can tell you is that Dan and Phil were the only people I watched on YT when I was younger. I think a little tiny bit of their gay rubbed off on me 🤔
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9. Do you drink?
Errrmmmm. Not often. I used to drink way too much as a teenager and had a problem so now I really only do it if there’s some kind of occasion. Scared for my 21st birthday in November if I’m tbh with y’all.
10. If you were an animal, what would you be?
A few of my friends and I came to the conclusion that I’m a raccoon, but that I shouldn’t say that because it would be too easy for ppl to call me a POC slur (I’m Mixed) and I thought that was hysterical LMAO iykyk
Tagging @hopefulatrocity @lanadelnegan and @sonsofnight y’all are legit my only Tumblr friends
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mirsvintagesonytv · 2 years
AU where The Flags are sent to infiltrate a government facility to steal records on a new weapon being created to harness the power of abilities. Except they break in and go to all the trouble to find a seven year old kid being held in the facility. It’s Chuuya lol. (i put a read more link for ur convenience this ones long boi)
And once Pianoman realises “oh shit the kids the weapon we came here to steal” they just kinda take Chuuya and run, but instead of taking him back to the port mafia (because they feel bad also it’s literally a kid they’d have to be pretty fucked up to let the mafia have him) they burn the lab to the ground and lie to Mori saying that the “cloned ability weapon” was already destroyed. So it’s just the gang of teenage flags adopting traumatised child Chuuya who has no memories and or recollection of how he got there in the first place other than the fact that he’s dangerous/possesses Arahabaki. And the flags all get really attached to Chuuya really fast bc he’s this adorable little kid who can’t control his ability and pianoman ends up having to make one of his wire weapons into a leash instead bc Chuuya will randomly float off after activating his ability like a balloon and they’re scared he’s gonna float off into space.
(One time he gets excited at something and floats upwards and gets stuck on the ceiling where none of them can reach him, and the entire time is just the flags panicking because HOW THE FUCK DO YOU RAISE A SUPERPOWERED CHILD THAT FLOATS??!)
And chuuyas never had positive human interactions before since he can’t remember his childhood and from the ages of 5-7 he was being experimented on by N, so he immediately like imprints on the flags like a baby duck and just follows them around everywhere (especially Pianoman, being their leader he’s the most responsible of them and yeah Chuuya calls him Pianodad a few times) And originally the plan was to just find the kids family and then give him back to his parents, but they know almost nothing and by this point when they actually find some information Chuuya has already decided that THIS is his family now and so the flags just adopt him instead.
And at some point like a year after they initially rescue him from the Lab, Verlaine comes looking for Chuuya, expecting like this fully grown teen or whatever but is met with eight year old Chuuya who still can’t speak Japanese fluently let alone control his mess of an ability. He takes one look at Verlaine and just starts crying and Verlaine has no clue what to do bc he’s trying to kidnap this kid but the little shit won’t stop screaming and floating away. Like Pianoman teaches Chuuya about stranger danger and Verlaines like "I’ll get u some candy" and chuuyas like “no my dad said not to take candy from weird men in suits who break into our house. >:[“
Also Lippman likes to dress Chuuya up in clothes that definitely shouldn’t be worn by a kid like cute little suits and hats. And chuuya absolutely hates this bc he just want to play but actually ends up keeping one of the hats lippman puts him in bc he likes it. He’s also definitely tried playing with Doc’s IV once or twice and Doc is there like “this kid fucking terrifies me he’s gonna pull the plug on me one day by accident”
Iceman and Albatross have both definitely played peekaboo with him at some point when they first took him in and made him cry bc Chuuya had no clue what object permanence was. And then as he gets older they try to entertain him the same way and 11 year old Chuuya is like “…what are you doing”
When the whole Verlaine thing happens the flags have to come clean to Mori that they’ve had this kid that was the weapon for like a year, and that now Verlaine is kinda on a war path bc of said kid. And Moris like “Lmao I knew but what am I gonna do with a seven year old I just let you handle it.” And so when he gets old enough Chuuya joins the mafia/knows other mafia members and is basically the golden child that everyone loves/dotes on. Pianoman has definitely forced both Kouyou and Hirotsu to babysit at some point to which they struggled bc this child is a menace and CAN HE NOT FLOAT OFF THIS IS SO INCONVENIENT. But Albatross taught him the art of puppy dog eyes, so Chuuya basically gets away with everything and nobody can tell him off because he’s too cute. Like he breaks one of Kouyous favourite vases and just pulls out the puppy dog eyes and wobbly lip and kouyous like “ugh fine I cant shout at that face” he’d also gatecrash Hirotsus missions when he gets somewhat older (maybe 12,13) and then avoid trouble by preying on hirotsus weakness for the eyes. Chuuya is an absolute menace.
When Dazai joins the mafia the circumstances are very different since in this Au chuuyas been in the mafia since day one basically. And Mori partners the two bc he sees potential in Dazai and Chuuya is literally begging at this point for missions and they’re both the same age. Which is funny because in the beginning everyone is much more worried about chuuya getting hurt than dazai (Kouyou and Pianoman definitely had a few talks with him that if he let Chuuya get hurt they’d kill him) but then Chuuya is like a public menace who’s committed so many crimes instead of the sweet kid they all think of him as. The flags and Hirotsu definitely take every opportunity to embarrass Chuuya in front of dazai by telling embarrassing stories about him as a kid too and Kouyou also likes to embarrass him in front of his subordinates when he eventually rises through the ranks to which Chuuya is like “I fucking hate all of you” to which all of the executives will tease him and chuuya can’t even threaten them because they don’t take him seriously.
Iceman definitely used to take photos whenever chuuya would float off using his ability, so now there’s just an entire photo album of Chuuya as a child floating in obscure places. This is like the bible to dazai he’s dead set on finding it so he can embarrass chuuya and chuuya wants nothing more than to find it so he can burn it. Also the flags get living privileges I let them live bc I can. Verlaine is in France living his best life with his boyfriend Rimbaud and Pianoman is an executive because I SAID SO. BECAUSE I SAID SO. LET ME HAVE THE SILLY LITTLE FAMILY DYNAMIC. the executive seats are so funny because it’s basically just Chuuyas adoptive mafia family + his boyfriend. Dazai walks into meetings like “woah am I interrupting a family reunion?”
Dazai leaving isn’t the big mess is was in canon, he even asks Chuuya to leave with him but Chuuya declines because the mafia *is* his family and despite Mori fucking them over with Oda and various other instances he can’t leave the flags or Kouyou. Dazai tells him they could find out about his past but. Chuuya still refuses because he doesn’t care anymore now that he has people he wants to protect. They’re on good terms when dazai leaves (Although the car still gets blown up lol) and they still keep in touch/on good terms when dazai joins the agency.
When Kyouka joins the mafia Chuuya goes big brother mode because fiNALLY there’s someone younger than him around for them to dote on. Kouyou takes her in and often asks him to babysit and chuuya will help her with her hair and buy her snacks etc. he’s just enjoying being an older brother. And because he was also a kid in the mafia he understands her to an extent that Kouyou and the others can’t, and Kyouka finds him to be her favourite in the mafia because of this. Chuuya is actually one of the ones to push for Kyouka to leave the mafia, because although he has the flags and everyone he’s still horribly adjusted to the world growing up around violence and a part of him wishes he could’ve been a normal kid and now he wants that for Kyouka. Kouyou is set on bringing her back but Chuuya sits her down and convinces her to let Kyouka go and live a normal life. Dazai receives a lot more messages and phone calls from Chuuya from that point on whenever he wants to check in on Kyouka and make sure she’s okay. During the guild arc he’s blowing up Dazais phone like “how could you let her get caught I’m going to kill you” and Kyouka often complains about missing Chuuya which leads to him visiting the agency quite a bit whenever this happens. (LOOK I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY IM COPING RN LET ME COPE)
Hc that Chuuya is really dramatic about “passing down the mantle” of big brother to atsushi and threatens to set Akutagawa on him if Kyouka so much as even gets a scratch on her because of him. He also complains a lot because he wishes Kyouka could’ve gone to school after leaving the mafia instead of joining the detective agency since he wanted her to have normalcy but this way she still faces danger. But after she assures him she’s happy and okay he backs off.
It gets to the point that the entire ADA just don’t see chuuya as a genuine threat to them bc he’s so friendly with them almost. And Fukuzawa offers him a job at some point which chuuya again declines. Of course he’s still a threat to them but his existence alone is like a buffer between full out war between the organisations since the mafia wouldn’t do anything to anger him and that includes hurting the ADA. The mafia knows that Kyouka and Dazai are off limits to them because those are both people that Chuuya cares about. And the ADA know that the flags are off limits in turn. Like the easiest way for the ADA to win a war against the mafia would be killing Doc or the other flag members who are close to the executives, but they know that if they do that the invisible truce would be broken and chuuya would probably kill them because that’s his family and the people that raised him. Cannibalism arc gets a bit messy in that sense that the mafia disregard the whole “don’t touch Kyouka or dazai” thing and the ada in turn get antsy about whether they should break their side of the unsaid rule and go after Doc (who’s the mafias doctor and an executive bc fuck Ace I actually don’t care about him) and chuuya is in the middle of it trying to protect all the people he cares about simultaneously when half of them are on the opposing side.
Anyways that’s my rambling for today bc this was bouncing around my head all night like I love the flags sm I need more content. And found family with Chuuya is just the single most best thing to exist. The au where Chuuya gets the love and care HE RIGHTFULLY DESERVES. and I selectively get rid of characters I kinda don’t care about (cough cough ace) also I just thought the premise of Verlaine trying to find Chuuya only to realise “this is a child what am I meant to do with a child I can’t mansplain my evil plan to him he won’t understand!!” and "Why wont he stop crying why is kidnapping actually kind of difficult??" so he just gives up and ships himself back to france.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku Fanfic Recommendations
De-Aging Quirk Accident
archive of our own
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Read tags on AO3. Art by @capsulect .
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Sugar and Spice Cake by bi_focal
Summary: When Izuku wandered down to the common room, he had expected to get himself a glass of water and then return to his homework. He did not expect Kaminari to be screaming in the doorway while a toddler pulled at his hair and the rest of Kacchan’s friends attempted to separate the two.
“Just put him down!” Mina yelled, “He obviously doesn’t want to be held!”
“DIE!” the kid yelled, and Izuku’s jaw dropped as a tiny explosion went off from somewhere within the group of struggling teenagers.
— — —
OR Katsuki gets de-aged for a few hours and certain things come to light.
{One Shot}
Back to the Beginning by lucifer_nocturnal
Summary: “I need to find Kacchan! He’s going to be upset!” The tiny Midoriya says and takes off back into what’s left of the smoke.“Deku-kun! Get back here!” Uraraka shouts after him, stumbling to follow.“It’s okay, Kacchan! I’m here now!”She gasps where she hears another child’s voice response grumpily. “You were gone, Zuzu! And there were all those people, they could have kidnapped you! I outwitted them and they didn’t get me and I was going to come rescue you! You shouldn’t run off without me, dumb Zuzu!” … Zuzu?!
Bakugou and Midoriya get hit with a de-aging quirk and become 4 years old again. Class 1-A gets put in charge of them and learn how close the two really used to be. How will this change their relationship once they turn back?
Complete | 7 Chapters | SFW
Go Go Babygou! by artindistress
Summary: Kirishima and his friends, which they fondly dubbed themselves the BakuSquad, had been minding their own business, just hanging around the mall one afternoon after class had let out, when, suddenly, Bakugou had gotten into an argument with someone. It wasn’t too surprising, considering how hotheaded he was, but what was surprising was when he suddenly turned into a toddler.
One Shot | Female Deku | SFW
Big Issues by Mikacrispy
Summary: Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki are hit by a quirk that transforms them in 5 year-olds for a couple of days.
Aizawa isn't amused, but Class 1-A is.
One Shot | SFW
Kid Katsuki by bkdkwritingsdump
Summary: A quirk reverts Katsuki into his younger self - so young that he doesn’t have his quirk yet, which means he still thinks he and Izuku are best friends and future hero partners. But, when he reveals his complete life plan, Izuku realizes that Katsuki might… maybe… possibly like him back?
One Shot | SFW
Who We Were And Who We Become by hazecraves
Summary: Tranquility is just not a common occurrence in U.A. Especially not when it came to Class 1-A.
A peaceful Sunday evening in the common area of Dormitory 1-A in Heights Alliance is ruined when members of their class rush in with an unconscious Izuku and Katsuki. The two rivals were caught up in a quirk manifestation accident during an ordinary outing and no one knows what to expect.
They definitely have no idea what to do when Izuku wakes up crying for his mother. Or when Katsuki wakes up convinced that he's been kidnapped.
Complete | 15 Chapters | SFW
the one where bakudeku are cute little kiddos by Kasplode
Summary: Katsuki and Izuku had internships this morning. They should be back at the dorms by now. And yet. The wailing child has familiar green hair and freckles, though they’re almost hidden by the redness of his face. The other is swearing loudly, with spiky blond hair, blazing red eyes, and explosions sparking off his palms.
“Uh. Katsuki? Midoriya?” Denki asks.
“Wow, Kacchan, UA shudents! So c- cool! I wonder what quirks they got.”
Well. That answers that. Holy shit.
Complete | 2 Chapters | SFW
Feel Real by ElStark
Summary: “Are you okay?” a voice like a distant dream asked; water sloshing around them. Katsuki realised only then, the unpleasant feeling on his lower body was caused by his pants being completely soaked in. “It would’ve been bad if you’d hit your head,” the familiar voice continued.
Katsuki raised his eyes from his soaked lap to the hand offered to him, to finally the face that had been carved on his heart for the past decade.
Four-year-old Izuku gasped, “Kacchan! You got so big!” he hopped from foot to foot, splashing water everywhere. “Is that your hero costume? Are those grenade hands? That’s so cool!”
One Shot | SFW
Help! Japan's N 1 and N 2 Heroes turned into toddlers! by ElStark
Summary: Haruki kneeld beside his sister, “What is it?”
“Papa got small.”
Haruki inclined his head, in the way dad always said made him look the spitting image of papa, “Huh?”
And then there was a loud high-pitched yell. “DEKU!”
A small blond child streaked in front of him, his tiny feet stumbling on – Haruki blinked – the bottom of the shirt his dad was wearing, as he climbed on the couch to shake his pa – Haruki blinked again.
Instead of his papa there was another child; this one dark-haired, eyes round and already wet.
Aiko grabbed Haruki’s face so that he’d turn to her. “Dad got small, too!”
Haruki made a sound, between a whimper and a laugh.
“Dad? Papa?” he called out, tentatively.
The two kids turned to look at him at the same time.
“It’s okay, baby.” The green-haired one said with a wobbly smile.
“HOW IS THIS OKAY, DEKU?” the blond one yelled. “WE TURNED INTO TWO BRATS!”
Complete | 3 Chapters | SFW
Pro Hero AU | BkDk as parents AU
Series: Little Sh*t (Kidfic) by SaysiWrites
Series Summary: A series of fics in which various members of the BNHA universe are hit by a de-aging/Age Regression quirk and the others are left to deal with the aftermath.
crayola crisis! by pinchingzuku
Summary: Izu's been so nice to him! He's a nice man who gave him sugary snacks his mama would never let him have, and he didn't even yell at Katsuki! So why did he mess up Izu's house with his dumb, tempting crayons? He's gonna be so mad this time!
— — —
or De-aged Katsuki couldn't resist drawing on Izuku's large white walls, and when he returns, Katsuki is ready to be met with a punishment. It's only right, right?
One Shot | Quirk Accident
Rated - General Audiences
No matter when by CrunchySnow
Summary: Katsuki’s and Izuku’s daily life at UA is disturbed by a younger Bakugou Katsuki suddenly showing up in their common room. While they’re trying to figure out what happened and how to return him to his own time, the younger blond’s behavior towards Izuku reminds them of their dark middle school-years. Both of them – older Katsuki and Izuku – are confronted with different feelings and are handling the middle schooler their own way.
Complete | 8 Chapters
Rated - General Audiences
Miniature Boyfriend by Ana_Writes
Summary: Miniature /ˈmɪnɪtʃə/(noun)
a thing that is much smaller than normal
"What do you mean 'Kacchan got turned into a child'?!" Izuku almost screamed.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
A Little Surprise by justateenyproblem
Summary: “Wait! Lemme show you my quirk! It’s super cool!” Yuki exclaimed and reached his hand out towards Katsuki’s knee.
“Yuki no!” His mother reached for him, but it was too late. Katsuki hadn’t even thought to move, thinking it’d be some minor quirk since the kid didn’t have any quirk nullifiers on him. Yuki’s quirk activated upon contact, and Katsuki found himself very confused as to what was going on.
“Where’s Izuku!?” He demanded, glaring at the teenagers around him.
“Put me down!” Izuku’s head whipped to see a tiny Kacchan practically screeching in Ashido’s arms. He attempted to climb out of her hold, and poor Ashdio struggled against the kicks and punches.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
sixteen by orphan_account
Summary: Izuku’s mouth opens. Somewhere behind him, Tenya tries to explain something to him.
Kacchan got younger, that enough is visible. He has no idea what the hell happened but the Kacchan sitting in front of him is without a doubt the one who entered UA with him when they were 16.
“K-Kacchan?” Izuku screeches.
There’s an explosion and everything dissolves into pure chaos.
One Shot | Third Years au
Rated - Mature
Ambient Temperature by s_the_queen
Summary: His eyes widened as the wailing continued and he heated up his palms just enough to blow up the door handle. The wailing grew louder and more alarmed—terrified even. Katsuki stuck his head in the door.
There, sitting on the bed, naked as the day he was born and terrified out of his tiny little toddler mind, was Shoto Todoroki.
What the fuck.
- or -
Shoto gets turned into a toddler and before he can be put in Endeavor's inadequate care, the Wonder Duo volunteer to babysit.
What could go wrong?
Incomplete | 4/? Chapters
Rated - General Audiences
132 notes · View notes
ipsen · 11 months
Blank Canvas, Chapter 3
Some CW that you can, well, see: gore, blood
Read on AO3
Summary: Kaneki’s interview isn’t quite over yet.
Word count: 4362
Chapter 4 Chapter 2 Master Post
“Eyes, like tainted diamonds, cross the expanse. They pierce inky tendrils of hair, reaching out for something they will never have. Grasp, miss, grasp. Like children swiping at the ceiling. Delicate fingers dig into their master’s scalp, and they fabricate a mockery of reality with the blood. A third option to escape memories and reality both. ‘Foolish,’ they all think. ‘Meaningless. Worthless.’ Yet they do not stop. They reach out and fabricate and dream. Spilling wine can still be beautiful.”
— excerpt from Sen Takatsuki’s notebook
This world is…
Flashes of red and blue lit the dark alleyway. Glimpses of the scene were made plain for moments at a time.
A body, slumped against the wall.
Bloody hands.
A body, halfway in the dumpster. Broken. Stomach sliced open.
Guts, guts, guts, blood, torn, bleeding.
What had she done?
Whimpering noises. Trash, trash, trash. Fool.
Cuts. Bruises. Sobs. The overwhelming silence left behind when screams died.
Footsteps. Sirens.
“We have eyes on the target.”
“Papa, wake up! We— We have to go—”
“Hands up!!”
Too late.
“Are you deaf?! I said hands up!!!”
“We’ve got a teenager covered in blood at the scene. Taking into custody now.”
“Wait, no, y-you don’t understand—!”
“Hands. Up!!”
“I— Shit, I—!”
Hands stronger than hers gripped her wrists. Something pushed her against the wall and bruised her skull against the cold, wet surface. She begged, she screamed, and it only made it worse.
Blinding lights, shifting bars, glares that told her she was wrong. Her actions were wrong. Choosing to live was wrong. Choices were wrong. Everything about her was—
… wrong.
“Takatsuki, um…” Kaneki said carefully, trailing behind the green storm that was his companion. She had a surprisingly fast gait, now that he was actually walking with her for once; then again, Ayato, the late bloomer that he was, had been the same way.
“Yes, Haise?” She took a bit to glance behind at him.
“I don’t want to be rude, but where are you taking me?” Kaneki gestured behind him. “We passed by the terminal to Shoeisha a while ago…”
He had assumed that to be their destination after the park. That was what she meant by ‘ironing out the hiring process’, right? He’d finally meet Mr. Shiono, Takatsuki’s boss, and some other people, then they would get started, right? So where exactly—
“I know, and we will go there,” Takatsuki assured him with a smile. “But I have a friend I want you to meet first.”
‘Friend’? Well, he supposed it made sense; maybe it was a fellow author? A coworker? Takatsuki’s social life was a complete mystery, so it could be anyone, really. He just hoped it was someone he could get along with. That shouldn’t be too much to ask.
“I texted him ahead of time to let him know we were coming.” She marched ahead, leaving Kaneki to chase after her. “We have a reservation at White Blades, if that’s okay with you?”
He tilted his head. That… was a seafood restaurant in the 18th ward, if he remembered correctly. Highly reviewed, too, if a little niche. “I’ve, um, never been, actually,” he admitted. “So yes…?”
She beamed. “Great! Come on. They serve a mean lobster stew.”
He wet his lips at the prospect, and hoped he would agree; if her friend wasn’t the best, then at least the food would be good. 
There was a bit more eagerness to his gait as she led him to their destination. He hadn’t had lobster in a while; it was way too expensive, usually, and he couldn’t tell Hide that he was craving it because then he’d just pay for it. Kaneki didn’t like the idea of someone else paying for his own meal.
Speaking of— “Takatsuki.”
“Um, I’ll pay for my share of the meal.”
He expected some form of token resistance, but he didn’t expect her to laugh at him. “No, you won’t. You don’t seem like you go outside a lot, so I’d feel bad if you didn’t get a free meal out of being out all day.”
“B-But I—”
She turned on him and stuck her hand out. His chest bumped into it, making him stop. “You won’t,” she repeated. “Your friend, Hide, was kind enough to tell me about your financial situation. Not a single yen’s leaving that wallet of yours, got it?”
When had Hide gotten— He must have memorized the number last week when Kaneki handed him her card. He sighed, nodding in defeat. He was so useless compared to someone like her, huh? Can’t even pay for his own meals.
But before he could truly spiral, Takatsuki sighed too. “Alright, why don’t we make a deal?”
He tilted his head. “What kind of deal?”
She folded her arms and looked around, her body language shifting from that of a free bird to something a bit more caged. She took a deep breath, and didn’t reply immediately. Kaneki shuffled his feet, keenly aware of the unpopulated street they were on. He thumbed the strap of his satchel, as the distant sound of the train they would have taken to Shoeisha sounded its whistle.
“How about this,” she spoke slowly, way slower than he was used to, “once Shoeisha starts paying you…”
She trailed off. His brow furrowed as her hands steepled around her nose and mouth, hiding her expression. What kind of deal was— She suddenly balled up her fists and turned around.
“Actually, never mind!” she declared a little too loudly. “We’ll be late; my friend doesn’t like to be kept waiting!”
Before he could ask her anything else, she took off, forcing him to chase after.
The White Blades restaurant was the result of a merger between two local businesses, the White Suits and Triple Blades, following the untimely passing of the White Suits founder, Yakumo Oomori. His successor, Naki, and Miza Kusakari, the owner of the Triple Blades, fell in love, and the rest was history.
“Miza’s a good friend of mine,” Takatsuki explained as she opened the door. “And Naki’s a total sweetheart, if a little rough around the edges, so I can always snag a table even on their busiest days.”
It was getting close to dinner time, so the place was healthily packed. People from all walks of life gathered under the medium sized roof, crowding around bar set-ups, tables, and booths alike as their conversations bled into one another to create a melting pot of senseless noise. The day’s gossip, family troubles, tragedies, joys, secret outings, not-so-secret outings— the oscillating states of the world could always converge in a conflagration of colors around the one thing anyone could enjoy: food.
Kaneki felt cramped. He was never good with crowds, and even following Sen Takatsuki into this place didn’t change that fact. People were just so loud, and talkative, and they stared. Sometimes it was intentional, other times it wasn’t, but Kaneki despised it all the same. Being seen meant people expecting things of you, after all, and he often felt he could provide nothing.
He stayed close to Takatsuki, trying to fight those thoughts off for once, and scanned the tables with her. Near the back, there was a particularly tall, pale man in a white trench coat seated at one of the tables, with stark white hair, narrow eyes, and a scarlet face mask. It seemed like he was looking right at them, and Kaneki prayed to any god that would listen that the man was not Takatsuki’s friend.
Takatsuki shot her hand up in the air and waved. “Tatara! Hey!”
Well, to be fair, Kaneki had never been the religious type.
“Sen,” the man greeted in a deep voice when they approached. Great. “I assume that’s your artist?”
“Yes!” Her hand— it was softer than the last time. Was that lotion?— gripped Kaneki’s wrist and dragged him to her side. “This is Haise! Haise, this is Tatara!”
Tatara rose slowly from his seat, holding out his hand. “A pleasure,” he greeted, though his tone suggested anything but. It was like ice, if Kaneki was being honest; the way Tatara stared down at him with his rigid posture that made sure Kaneki knew that he was the shorter one told him a lot. Too much, if he wanted to be honest.
He just nodded and shook Tatara’s hand without a sound. He winced slightly at the force of the grip, but bore it while Takatsuki was there.
“Tatara and I go way back,” she explained to him. “He’s part of the Chì Shé Theater Company! He’s one of their lighting directors, so sometimes I’ll go to him to see if something of mine’s ‘visual’ enough.”
Kaneki had heard of Chì Shé. They were one of the bigger names in theater, but Kaneki wasn’t familiar enough with them, preferring the structure of books and comics to the ones offered by scripts.
“I-It’s an honor,” he managed, thinking it an apt statement. It wasn’t every day he met someone like this.
Tatara practically scoffed as he took his seat.
“Oh, I gotta use the bathroom,” Takatsuki said, palms pressed together in apology. “Tatara, get me the usual?”
‘Usual’? They came here together? And often? Alone— shut up, creep.
“Of course.” Tatara’s voice, which had been like ice against his skin until that point, suddenly became smooth velvet.
Ah. Well, then.
But, if Kaneki was right about this, then why did Takatsuki bring him along? This had to be related to work, right? Maybe a second opinion of him personality-wise? It had merit. Kaneki barely knew her, after all, and he knew Tatara even less. Given how far this meeting was going— He should just take a seat.
He set his bag down near his chair, making sure to entwine his leg with the strap so it wasn’t an easy grab. Glancing up at Tatara, Kaneki noticed his gaze lingering on Takatsuki as she weaved through the crowd toward the bathroom.
That look reminded Kaneki of a time he’d rather forget. Hide would tease him all the time about how stupid he looked staring at that head of violet hair from afar. And Touka— Ugh, Touka was so terrible about it. She hadn’t yet experienced the hellhole that was college as a biology major, so in her attempt to dissuade him from persuading, she’d accidentally done the opposite. Then again, he was often caught up in his own mind and assumptions about others, as she would never tire of telling him. He shuddered to think where he might be without that revelation.
Tatara sat down, and the squeak of the leather brought Kaneki out of his thoughts.
“So, um—” Kaneki began. Maybe Tatara wasn’t as bad as his demeanor suggested; he certainly had a soft spot somewhere. Touka and Ayato hadn’t been very sociable, either, when they first met.
“You’re the twelfth one.” Tatara cut him off.
“I-I’m sorry?”
“You’re the twelfth artist she’s brought,” he clarified, scowling. “Do you know what that means?”
Kaneki pursed his lips, looking anywhere except at Tatara; regardless of his answer, he was going to be told anyway. “Er…”
“Eleven artists that are better than you have failed.” Ah, so that’s how this was going to go. “Eleven artists with industry experience. Eleven artists with proper published work.”
A waiter— a large individual in the restaurant’s signature white suit— brought three glasses of water to them and menus. Tatara, as though a switch had been flipped, was kind and accommodating toward them, before going right back to glaring— squinting? No, no, he was definitely glaring— at Kaneki once they were gone.
“So, Haise Sasaki—” the way Tatara said it made it sound like an insult— “what makes you think you can compete with them? Actually, what makes you think you’re better than them? What do you have that they don’t?”
Kaneki looked down, unable to answer, because Tatara was right. What did separate him from actual, experienced professionals? His art was middling at best, and it wasn’t like his commissioners had large social media presences either. So what elevated him above others so that Sen Takatsuki wanted to work with him?
Tatara clicked his tongue in the silent noise. “This is ridiculous,” he muttered, opening the menu. “Why’d you even come here?”
Kaneki froze. Him, not Tatara. Why did he, Ken Kaneki, come to this restaurant? Well, because Takatsuki asked him to— That wasn’t the question. This was Tatara, Takatsuki’s friend, here, talking about previous candidates, meaning he was informed about the situation. He was her accomplice in the search for an artist.
Kaneki was still being interviewed.
Tatara’s question was deeper than a simple ‘why’; he wanted to know the factors that led Kaneki to making the choices he did that put him in this moment. Why Kaneki thought that, however small the chance, he, of all people, could be a good fit to write a story alongside Sen Takatsuki. What sparked that feeling? What pushed him forward through the doors of that coffee shop?
What drove him?
His fingers brushed against his satchel, where the sketch of Takatsuki lay unseen by the rest of the world. They then tightened around the bag as he built his resolve for the hundredth time that week.
“I’ve always been inspired by her— Takatsuki, I mean,” he answered carefully and evenly. “I want to return her kindness for giving me the chance to make something with her, and I want to make sure that she doesn’t regret it. And, if someone like me can be inspired by her, I think about how many more people she has yet to inspire with this next work. If she thinks I’m the one to illustrate her story, then I have to believe it.”
Tatara’s eyebrow raised ever so slightly as he listened, but before he could respond, the large waiter from before came back and asked for their order. Kaneki scrambled to look at the menu while Tatara ordered first.
“A-And a lobster steak,” Kaneki said just in time. “Er, stew! Lobster stew, sorry.”
Tatara rolled his eyes while the waiter walked away. After a moment, he spoke. “What’s your handle?”
Kaneki tilted his head slightly. “You… mean online?”
“No, I mean—” He huffed, and took out a sleek black phone. “I want to see your work.”
“Oh, of course! My handle is—”
At least he hadn’t asked for Kaneki’s sketchbook; the satchel was kind of a dead giveaway. The last thing he needed was for Tatara to start asking why Takatsuki’s face from all angles was plastered all over the pages.
Where was she, anyway? Was she okay? He couldn’t exactly check, but hopefully it was just trouble with the bowels…
Kaneki glanced back at Tatara, who seemed to have found his online portfolio. He scrolled… a lot faster than Kaneki thought he would. Takatsuki had taken the time to admire his work while Tatara seemed to be skimming it at best. It must have been that business mindset, Kaneki thought: he wasn’t looking at quality or heart, but rather how eye-catching it could be, as well as how quickly it could be replicated.
Or maybe he was completely wrong and Tatara was just fast at analysis.
“I see.” Tatara put his phone away and folded his arms.
Kaneki pursed his lips, twiddling his thumbs. Okay… Was that it?
A few moments passed. Then some more. Someone in the back of the kitchen dropped something, and it shattered. Some heads turned, including Kaneki’s, but not Tatara. The moment passed.
“Um, Tatara?” Kaneki said, treading cautiously. “Have you… read Takatsuki’s works?”
Tatara raised a brow again. “I have…”
Okay, great, common ground! “W-Which one’s your favorite?”
“… Industrial.”
“Oh, her fourth work! I like that one too.” Kaneki gave his best smile. “I got into literature through mysteries myself, so I was ecstatic when she released one! My favorite one, though, is—”
He stopped, however, when he saw Takatsuki suddenly slide back into her seat, silent as a mouse. He noticed she’d undone her braid, and now her wavy green locks fell freely in a chaotic harmony of curls and tangles around her face. His breath hitched at the sight, and Tatara’s grip on his sleeve tightened.
She glanced between the pair, either unaware of or indifferent to the change in atmosphere brought by her presence.
“Well?” She settled on Kaneki, grinning. “Don’t leave him in suspense.”
“I-I—” he stammered. “I, um, well, you see, m-my—”
He was saved by the sound of footsteps and the smell of a freshly made lobster stew, and yet he didn’t feel saved, even as his mouth watered while he stirred the soup. He felt her still watching him as he did so, and only felt shame for his own embarrassment.
He screwed his eyes shut. “My favorite one is Dear Kafka.”
A knowing smile crossed Takatsuki’s face, hidden from Tatara. It was almost like a secret between her and Kaneki, and his stomach lurched at the prospect.
Tatara just hummed. “I see,” he uttered, squashing the conversation flat.
She rolled her eyes. “He’s always been like that,” she whispered to Kaneki conspiratorially, though probably loud enough for Tatara to hear. Not that he seemed to care. “He takes a lot in, but not a lot gets out, you know what I mean?”
A cursed memory of fleeting violet hair crossed Kaneki’s mind. “I know the type,” he replied just as low.
She giggled, delighted in his participation, and was about to say something else, but Tatara interrupted.
“Sen,” he said. “Wanna tell him why he’s here?”
Her eyes shut, and she slowly turned toward him, her expression unseen.
“Because this is another interview?” Kaneki blurted without thinking. He covered his mouth immediately. “Sorry…”
Takatsuki turned back to him, eyes shining with that implicit praise he was beginning to crave. “Oh, you figured it out?”
“I-It’s not that amazing…” He scratched his cheek. “Mr. Tatara was… very honest about his intentions.”
“We can drop the pretense, then,” Tatara spoke, drawing Kaneki’s attention again. “Yes, Sen wanted a second opinion on you, and I’m the one she goes to for such things. Shiono picks out the ones for Takatsuki to meet, and then she brings them to me for further evaluation beyond her own.”
Kaneki glanced at Takatsuki, who was unashamedly digging into her order of lobster stew. With her free hand, she picked up the instant ramen Tatara had gotten her for her side and plunged it into the soup. Kaneki quickly realized that Tatara hadn’t ordered a dish for himself; both plates had been for her.
Tatara continued as though she wasn’t there. “The work you’ll be illustrating has been ‘finished’ for the past two years, did you know that?” Kaneki was barely given an opportunity to shake his head. “Of course you didn’t. And yet she’s still looking for an artist to transform it into something beyond words on a page. Do you know what that means?”
Kaneki furrowed his brow, confused. “That… it’s important…?”
“That it’s important,” Tatara emphasized, as though Kaneki were completely clueless (which, arguably, he was). “The artist that illustrates the story will either make or break it. I’m here to make sure the former happens.”
Takatsuki stirred the noodles now that they were softened by the soup, humming an unfamiliar song. She’d also gotten a plate of miniature takoyaki that she was devouring like chips from a bag. Kaneki waited for her to say something whenever she swallowed, but no such thing came.
“If you’re chosen,” Tatara’s voice commanded Kaneki’s gaze once more, “you will be responsible for the enjoyment of tens of thousands of readers, old and new, for years to come. The first thing they will see will be your art next to Sen’s name.”
Kaneki thought about it. His art, never even printed except online, suddenly on a bookshelf in his local bookstore.
Almost a Masterpiece, Except for One Problem Written by: Sen Takatsuki, Best-selling Author Illustrated by: Haise Sasaki, Loser Nerd and the Problem
It certainly put things into perspective. Kaneki had been so focused on creating and the fact that it would be a job, he hadn’t even considered the prospect of selling. Would he have to draw extra art for marketing? Was there a marketing team he’d have to consult with? More people like Tatara? He seemed to know his way around a business, and given how this ‘conversation’ had been going for the past few minutes, Kaneki was disinclined to believe Tatara wanted to work with the likes of him.
And who would want to work with him? Taking a chance on a fresh face, especially when such a high-profile figure like Takatsuki was involved, was unrealistic because of the risk. The newbie had no experience, so training might be in order, and training meant time, and time was better spent making money. Time was money. Money was time.
His expression must have said a thousand damning words in his place, because Tatara stood up and fished around in one of his coat pockets. “Alright, I’ve said my piece.” He pulled out a wad of cash and set it on the table. “For dinner, Sen.”
Takatsuki gave a thumbs up in his general direction, too busy slurping her ramen to do anything else. Tatara waited for her to finish, but when she burped out loud, he just turned and left.
Kaneki stared at the tall white figure, a hole in his stomach. He completely blew it. Any minute now, Takatsuki was going to break the news: factoring in Tatara’s eye-opening questions, she could not, in fact, be seen in public with him ever again. A week of being strung along by strings fashioned of his hopes and dreams, only for the cruel scissors of fate to cut them down to his fingers.
He scooped up a spoonful of soup, then dropped it into the bowl as he sighed. He wasn’t that hungry anymore. He was better off starving anyway; justice demanded proper punishment for the sin of hubris.
Meanwhile, Takatsuki dabbed at her mouth with a napkin, having finished her meal. “I’m sorry about that, Haise,” she said, sighing. “Tatara’s a lot, as I’m sure you know by now.”
“N-No, it’s okay…” he mumbled back, shuffling in his seat and blinking back the tears pricking the corner of his eyes. “He made a lot of good points…”
“Is that what you think?” She paused to look at him.
“Well… I never even considered the business side of it.” He took a drink of water to reorient himself. “I let my excitement cloud my judgment, when I should have done something to try and circumvent it, see the bigger picture. Instead, I—”
“Haise.” Takatsuki put up her hand to stop him. “Tell me: why do you create art?”
Kaneki blinked, forcing down a kneejerk spark of hope.
“Is it because you want to sell your art?”
He shook his head. Hide had been the one to suggest opening commissions. And while the extra cash was nice, that wasn’t the reason Kaneki continued to keep slots open.
“Is it because you’re following a trend?”
He shook his head again. He didn’t even know what trends were going on at the moment. Even if he did, he wouldn’t dare follow them unless they were his own interests: a matter of coincidence.
Takatsuki’s eyes glinted with familiar curiosity as she put her chin between the valley of her knuckles. “Then why?”
He pursed his lips and answered honestly. “Because I want to.”
He wanted to put his feelings into his art. He wanted to tell a story through his art. He wanted to create. He wanted to get better. He wanted to work on bigger things not for the sake of money, but to challenge himself. Better himself. He wanted to keep moving forward with this useless, stupid career that he had a knack for. He wanted this.
Takatsuki grinned. “And that’s why I’m hiring you. You’re passionate, intelligent, and your art is stunning. I don’t want all that skill to go to waste without doing something about it.”
It was the highest praise he could receive. Kaneki didn’t know whether to cry or laugh or blush or all three. Just a week ago, he was practically nobody, and now Sen Takatsuki wanted to work with him. 
But he had another question. “What about Tatara, though? He said—”
“Is Tatara the one writing the story?”
“Then there we go. No problem.” She leaned back in her chair, hands tucked behind her head. “Shiono’s the one who technically hires you on paper, but you’re drawing my work, so it won’t be an issue.”
Kaneki imagined Shiono to be a much easier coworker than Tatara, based on that.
“Oh, and one more thing—” Takatsuki leaned forward to whisper to him— “that story Tatara mentioned being done? I’m scrapping it.”
Kaneki blinked. “What?! B-But— All that hard work—”
“Oh, I’ll keep it on the backburner probably, but for this graphic novel, I have a new story in mind.” She grinned. “You wanted to create something together, right? It’s hard to do that if you’re drawing something with only my words on the page.”
It was sound logic, but— “Why? I really don’t mind not working on the script…” It was an honor just working with her, let alone actually having any input at all.
She took off her glasses, folded them, and tucked them away into a case from her bag. Her eyes were even prettier beneath the lenses, Kaneki thought. They were more like jades than emeralds, now that he looked at them— a darker, deeper color, like lakes under the moon versus the sun.
She rested her cheek in her hand, head tilted so that her hair fell over her shoulders. Clumps and curls of varying, imperfect lengths. Natural chaos, he idly thought, truly like the storm of energy she already radiated. Something that swept through the area, scooping up the strays, all the while completely indifferent.
“I’ve been inspired,” she stated simply, with a smile as soft as velvet.
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livingkore · 2 years
The Perfect Girl (Part 4)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
TW: drugs, mention of miscarriage (not reader’s though), curse words, silly grammar mistakes ‘cause English is not my first language.
Notes: “A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.” said Gandalf once. Are you excited for vol.2? This chapter is all conversation but it will pay off, I promise.  Also, it goes without saying but check out the songs mentioned down below, they are great. Thank you so much for reading!
It's common knowledge that you can't scream inside your head. It's your own brain manipulating you into believing that your thoughts have a volume you can turn up, but the truth is that there is no sound at all. 
So why did Y/N felt like she would go deaf by the sound of the grandfather clock behind Eddie, when she knew it wasn't really there.
She knew, right?
She just saw a teenage boy floating up in the air the day before. It seemed like she couldn't trust the things she thought to obviously be true. But then, that meant she could only trust her senses.
And the damned clock was there.
She could see it, and she could certainly hear it.
So what did it matter whatever Max had said about Vecna's illusions?
Why was that an illusion and not Chrissy's death? Did that mean she would end up like her friend? Like Patrick?
If they saved Max, they could save her too, right?
What was her favorite song?
"Earth to Y/N!" Eddie exclaimed moving his hand in front of her face. "There you are, are you okay?"
The girl looked at him like she had just smoke the biggest joint ever.
She put her hands on his shoulders and remained there a second too long, staring at the spot where her skin ended and his jacket began.
That was real, right? Y/N couldn't see it, but Eddie was escaping the stare of his new friends like it was the plague. He looked at the trees and then searched for an invisible bird in the sky. She could, however felt his body tense when she finally gave him a hug.
Well, 'hug' has more like a poetic ring to it, it's ambitious, it got an intention. In reality, the cheerleader just threw herself into the boy's arms and let a sob that progressively became a scream of lament.
The others understood.
They all understood what it was to have reality turn upside down in a matter of hours.
Max understood what it was to have someone you care for die in front of you a a bizarre death. She even knew what it was to think you got your days counted. And yet the others understood that she needed Eddie's hug.
Just like the boy needed her touch to convince himself he wasn't guilty of surviving Chrissy, she needed his to convince herself that it wasn't a nightmare and therefore or despite that, she wasn't alone.
Eddie didn't know what to say, nor what to do. He hushed her softly. 
There were moments like that, when he realized he was just a kid deep inside. That all he wanted to do was play D&D with his friends and smoke a joint and perhaps if he had the courage, ask a pretty girl out to a concert or maybe to hang out in the abandoned cabin in the woods if he couldn't sell anything that day.
Eddie knew since he was little that life was unfair, he shouldn't have dare to ask how unfair it could get.
He had to be strong, though. If Harrington could do it, hell -if Wheeler and Henderson were into this mess, he had to be there for them.
"I'm sorry, I'm better now." said Y/N with a dry voice before pulling apart from the boy.
"It's... cool" Eddie raised his hands. 
"We've brought you some chips." Nancy extended a yellow bag "sorry we didn't have money to--"
"Fuck yeah, Wheeler" he released half a laugh, half a sigh in relief "Thank you so much, you could've brought me shit and I'll still eat it, I'm starving!"
"Oh..."the former student frowned trying to be polite "yeah, no problem."
For a moment, all that was heard was Eddie munching on the chips, and Dustin pacing around with his compass and his map murmuring something incomprehensible.
"What are you saying now, Henderson?" Steve asked a bit annoyed but also worried.
"It's impossible, it can't be."
"What's impossible?" asked Max.
"Steve's right the compass is wrong."
"Oh, that's music to my ears." Steve said.
"Is that all you care, huh? Being right?"
"Wait a minute, you didn't left your compass next to a magnet all night, did you?" asked Lucas.
"No..." the boy with a hat suddenly stopped pacing around and shared a look with the young basketball player.
"Okay, so the compass is wrong, I'm right. So what? We should be focusing on Vecna--"
"So what?" repeated Dustin exasperated "If you were more worried about your education rather than just making out with Nancy, you would have known that compasses don't go wrong just because, Steve!"
"Hey!" The eldest Wheeler exclaimed embarrassed.
"The last time it happened, the compasses guided us to the Hawkins National Laboratory."
"But it can't be, right?" Mike asked. "The gate is closed."
"So it means there is another gate open" said Nancy.
"Where Vecna gets out" added Robin.
"And what if..." began Dustin. "... every time Vecna attacks, he opens another gate?"
"Wait--" Eddie frowned confused.
"Then the nearest one would be in the Lover's Lake." informed Y/N.
"Wait a minute, is anyone gonna explain what the fuck is going on?" almost yelled the Dungeon Master.
The younger teenagers shared a knowing look.
"We'll explain everything along the way, we're going to the Lover's Lake." said Dustin. "Are you in?"
Eddie sat down next to his stuff contemplating his answer.
"Hey, hey, hey." stopped them Steve "Munson is still a wanted man, we can't just go for a hike in the woods!"
"Well we gotta stop Vecna somehow." said Lucas.
"I say you're asking me to follow into Mordor" observed Eddie "which -I'm totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea. But ah... the shire... the shire is burning" he stood up "so Mordor it is."
"What's Mordor?" Y/N could barely hear Steve whispered to himself.
"...and so we almost lost Max." Concluded Dustin.
"Shit, that's... man, that's a lot" said Eddie while they walked towards the lake.
"It was easier when we had Eleven." commented Mike.
"Yeah, it was" nodded Max.
"Who's Eleven?" asked Munson.
"She's our friend and she has superpowers." explained Dustin once more. "Can't wait for you two to meet her and Will. Oh, you're so gonna like Will."
"Wait--" interrupted the metalhead. "When you say superpowers... you mean like...?"
"Oh, no -yeah, definitely, she can levitate stuff and shit. She's so cool."
Eddie went to look at Y/N in confusion, only to find her leading the way alone, lost in her thoughts.
"I know that look." sighed Dustin.
"What are you talking about?"
"For fuck's sake, Eddie. You're like days away from being search by the whole State, we're literally killing a monster from another dimension and you still manage to fall in love!" whispered the boy with the hat "Teenagers, huh?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, Henderson."
"Oh come on, man." Lucas entered the conversation.
"You didn't ask her out, yet?" added Max exasperated.
"I-" frowned Eddie. "I don't... like her?"
"Is that a question?" Mike raised his eyebrows.
"No? We-- we've been through a lot together, that's it."
"Is that why you're walking up to her?" asked Dustin.
"No!" Yelled the Dungeon Master leaving the youngest of the group behind.
By the time Eddie got to her, his hands became sweaty. He just wanted to be by her side, but he didn't know what to talk about.
He was right. They went through a lot together. All they seem to share was a couple of traumatic experiences and weed.
What if she didn't want to talk about it?
He didn't have weed on him, what else did he have to offer?
"Y/N..." he began.
What if she associated him with all the bad stuff that ever happened to her?
Could he blame her for it?
He would leave her if that meant she got out of trouble. Could he?
"Hmm? Yeah?" slowly blinked Y/N.
"I-- I forgot what I was about to say." He smiled shyly and so did the girl. "Penny for your thoughts?"
"Oh..." Y/N looked at the path in front of them. "I was just thinking... you know, about life... do you?"
"Do I what?" he opened his eyes confused.
"Do you think about life in general?"
"Sometimes... always? Especially when it's three in the morning and I ran out of beer, I guess."
Y/N smiled amazed that she could relate so much to someone that until a month ago was a complete stranger.
"I think about it a lot, especially since we’ve met."
"Do you? I mean-- why? Not that it isn't cool, it's totally fine if you--"
"Stop! You're rambling" she managed to giggle.
"It's okay. I mean, I knew my world was going to collapse the moment I find myself staring at your Ozzy Osbourne creepy poster, but I never thought it would led me to this."
"Sorry again." He began to think that running away from Henderson was a bad idea.
"No! Don't be." She stared at him worriedly. "I-- I know-- I-- I'm having the time of my life, Eddie."
"Maybe I'm still in denial and I cannot fully comprehend what has happened at the Lover's Lake, and I cannot start to fully miss Chrissy either because there's a part of me that still believes she will be at our next sleepover -but in the meantime, I learned so much. What is like to have a solid group of friends and have a nice time, and I have to thank you for that."
"Yeah, well..." Eddie searched for the right words. "I thought cheerleaders were boring"
"No way, did I change Eddie Munson's opinion on cheerleaders?"
"You wish. Cheerleaders are boring, but you're not, by the way."
"Oh that's charming." He covered his face with his hands and looked elsewhere. "I thank you for our friendship and I get a 'you're not boring, by the way'?" Y/N put a hand on her chest, a gesture she learned from the boy.
"I only have a bag of chips on my stomach, alright?"
They laughed and the conversation stopped.
They looked like they were sharing an silent understanding of each other conscience. But they weren't, because all Y/N felt was guilt about talking with the boy.
She didn't know if she was going to die, but if she were -she felt like she was stealing Eddie's future happiness by her selfish desire of having a last laugh.
He didn't need that.
He didn't need to know.
He would eventually, but he didn't need that burden right now.
No when all was so knew to him.
Hopefully she would be worrying in vain, but she didn't want to worry the others in vain when they had such a responsibility.
"You know..." Y/N broke the silence. "I've always meant to ask you what's the name of that Cure cassette you have."
"Kiss me, Kiss me, Kiss me?"
"Is that what is called or..." she raised her eyebrows.
"Yes it is called like that!" He gasped audibly "Why are you suddenly so upfront, is this what you get from hanging around Harrington?"
'Because there's literally nothing else I could loose' she thought.
"Are you jealous?"
"Why would I--" he pinched his nose in frustration. "Are you looking for more Cure stuff to listen to?"
"No... well maybe -I mean they're cool. But I wanted that cassette because I miss listening to The Perfect Girl."
"Ugh... such a good song!" Eddie yelled. "You're such a strange girl, I think you come from another world..."
"Right? I think it's my favorite song." 
"Nice choice."
"What's yours?""
My favorite song... I don't know..." he thought for a moment. "Fuck, I think I forgot all the songs in the world." Y/N giggled. "Can I say The Perfect Girl?" asked Eddie.
"Of course not!"
"Well in that case, do you happen to know Alice Cooper?"
"Can't say I had the pleasure, no."
"He has this song 'School's out', such a headbanger. Can't wait for you to listen to it."
"Yeah, me neither."
"Dude, what if we're going back to town?" Robin suddenly asked loudly.
"We're not." assured Nancy.
"But what if we are" insisted the blonde girl. "It's already nighttime and we've arrived nowhere."
"We would've hit the road." said Mike.
"Relax, we've been walking this place for years." said Lucas.
"Yeah, Eleven used to live in a cabin more to the left." added Max
"To the north, you mean." corrected Dustin.
"Whatever, nerd."
"Aha! There it is!" yelled Steve at seeing the end of the forest. "Goddamn, I feel like Alexander The Great or some shit, fuck yeah."
"Alexander The Great?" asked Nancy confused.
"The one that discovered America?"
"That's not--"
"Don't bother, Y/N." interrupted her Dustin. "It's a lost cause."
"I'm right here, you know?." said Steve.
"Yeah, I know."
The sudden space of the clearing, made Y/N feel the familiar pain in her head. Or maybe it was because she remembered running away in shock. Or Patrick's deformed face.
Now all it was left was the moon illuminating the lake and a cold feeling in her bones that made her shiver.
Did the authorities find the body?
"Look there's a boat. We're all set." announced Mike.
"There's room for four people." calculated Steve.
"I'll go, I know the way." informed Eddie getting on the boat.
"You're not going alone." said Y/N while sitting next to him.
"I'll go with you" said Robin. "What? You haven't heard what happened to that couple in this lake like a century ago?"
"We're not--"
"I'm going too." said Nancy rolling her eyes.
"Right so we wait for you and--" began Max.
"I'm going too." announced Steve with a smile.
"What? But you've just said four people!" exclaimed Dustin with frustration.
"Oops. I lied." Steve said sitting on the boat and pushing it towards the center of the lake.
Steve and Y/N rowed and that was all that was heard for a while.
"I think... I think it was here." Y/N said out of breath.
"Do you need some help with that?" asked Robin but the cheerleader denied it with her head.
She knew for a fact that Steve and her were the only ones that had a muscle in their body.
"Yeah... maybe try more to the left?" Eddie squinted his eyes. "I don't know man, it all looks the same."
"You were the first to get in the boat saying you knew the way." sighed Nancy frustrated .But the boy shrugged dramatically.
"Well, technically we're here." the cheerleader put the oar aside.
"Great, so now what? I can't see anything" said Robin.
"Now" explained Steve while he clumsily stood up and took out his shirt "I go down and check out if Henderson's stupid compass is broken for real or if there's a gate."
"What? No!" Exclaimed Nancy.
"Have you lost your mind?" asked Y/N.
"Don't worry about it. I'll go check it and be right back. It won't take me more than -what? thirty seconds? If I'm not back by then, get out of here."
"What do you mean--" began Eddie but he got interrupted by Steve moving the boat by jumping into the water.
They got silent after that.
Nobody would admit it but they were all counting inside their heads at a different pace.
Y/N wanted to count to thirty and see his friend, or just curse to the sky, tell the universe she was right and call for the others. At that point anything would be better than waiting in the middle of the night in a poor old boat, in the place that brought her so many memories.
A sudden splash startled the teenagers.
"I- It's there, it's there" Steve repeated out of breath.
"Steve, are you okay?" asked Y/N and he nodded.
"The gate is there. It's pretty damn big--""And then in a blink of an eye, he disappeared to the bottom of the lake with a violent speed that made the others scream.
"OH MY GOD, STEVE!" yelled the cheerleader.
"FUCK WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?" also yelled Eddie.
"Why is he alwa-- whoa, whoa, whoa -Nance what are you doing?" Robin asked her friend who was already taking her jacket off.
"I'm going in." she plainly said.
"Wheeler that's the worst idea you could have." commented Eddie.
"See ya." 
"WAIT NANCY NO--" Screamed Y/N but it was too late as the boat moved again from side to side when the girl disappeared into the water.
"Fuck!" exclaimed Robin "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
"Hey, they'll be back--" began the Hakwins sweetheart trying to smile in vain.
"No, they won't!" answered the blonde girl with anxiety on her voice "They won't and I'm so fucking tired of these people playing heroes all the time!"
"I'm going in." she concluded.
"What?" Eddie asked as confused as Y/N.
"They won't be able to win a fight on their own, they'll need me."
"Wait, Robin. Can we talk about---"
But again the boat moved and the blonde girl was gone.
"I hate this place so much" Y/N put her face in her hands and closed her eyes tiredly.
Whenever she did, she began to feel dizzy. No matter how many problems may had arise, how many nice conversations she could have with her new friends or how many joints she could smoke with Eddie, the throbbing headache was always there, as a reminder that she couldn't escape the future nor the past.
"I can- you can go to the shore and I'll return here for the others, if you want." the metalhead suggested.
She looked at him and smiled.
She realized he was the only one who could get her to do that, even in the worst place at the worst time. 
What an effect he had on her.
It was crystal clear what she had to do.
"You know..." she began "When we stopped talking -it wasn't the weed what I missed the most. Nor our daily music sessions, although I did miss them a lot "she grinned "I -I may sound crazy but I missed when you used to invite me to your D&D campaigns."
"You... did?" Eddie raised his eyebrows.
"Yeah..." she looked at the moon "You knew I don't get all your nerd stuff and you still wanted me in and I never had that. It was so scary and now, look at us, huh? We survived death who-knows-how-many times."
"It all looks so different, does it." The cheerleader looked at him again.
"It does.” she smiled. ”Anyway, I wanted to say sorry."
"It's okay, I get--"
"I'm sorry, Eddie but I'm going in."
"You don't have to--"
"No, no, no, no. You" he pointed at her with his index finger "You're not going in, Y/N."
"I am. We don't know what they are going through in the other side--"
"Exactly! It's a TERRIBLE IDEA!"
"I can't just sit here doing nothing but being selfish!" she stood up and made sure she had one layer of clothes.
"So you'll go and kill yourself? I don’t know but that’s sounding pretty selfish to me!"
"I'm so sorry, Eddie. I always seem to ruin everything." she grimaced.
"Y/N NO!"
She took a long breath and dove into the cold water.
All her senses suddenly woke up, the adrenaline running through her veins made all the pain go away.
She opened her eyes and almost could make the shape of some rocks thanks to the moonlight.
Then she saw it.
A red light that wasn't coming from the sky. She felt her lungs starting to sting so she swam towards the gate hoping she made the right choice.
(Please don’t be like Steve going around saying Colombus discovered America as if there weren’t people already living there when he arrived. We still love Stevee, tho byee)
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ihavenocluedude · 2 years
The Visits ~ Planning (part 1/?)
Eddie Munson x Fem!reader 
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A/N - This first part is hella short but it’s mostly sort of a prologue ish thing? All of the other parts are going to be much longer though. The plan was to start posting this once I’ve officially written it all but I desperately want to get this out before volume two comes bc I am so not ready for vol.2... Jfc.
Summary - Eddie’s been your best friend for as long as you can remember. Even nowadays when you’re at college several hours away he wants and makes the effort to visit. And now he wants to visit for a whole week. 
The last part(s) are planned to be 18+ so... I recommend not reading this if you’re a minor but if you want to read the chapters leading up to it then fine but dni with the ones I actually warn are going to be 18+ thnks. 
Word Count - 689
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Spring, 1986
”I want to visit.”
”A week. Start of summer break.”
”A week? You’ve only been here like a day at most before. Are you sure you’re not going to get sick of me?” Well, that maybe wasn’t completely true. But the first visit had just been a weekend, where he got there late on Friday night and left mid-Sunday. And the second was just one night.
”We literally spend almost every day together when you’re in Hawkins-”
”- and I would like to get there and not have to drive home the day right after or to just have one single day of not being on the road.” He explained, his voice sounding rushed but trying to talk slowly as to let every ’argument’ settle in, and sighing before he added ”And… I miss you.” He did have some very good arguments. And having Eddie in your apartment for more than just a day, in the city you honestly loved more than you’d ever loved Hawkins? That would make the city infinitely better. After all, Eddie was one of the factors that made Hawkins way better.
”You do know you’re just going to sort of delay my arrival to Hawkins if you visit when summer break begins?”
”Perfect, I can drive you back so you don’t have to sit on that fucking bus again.”
”Eddie. The bus is fine.” It was expensive, uncomfortable, and had once caused you to get sick for two weeks because someone with a cold they shouldn’t have been traveling with sat right next to you. So it wasn’t great but it was fine.
”But it would cost way less to just come with me. The trip would be almost completely free in fact.”
”Almost completely?”
”Well I do expect you to pay for snacks.” Eddie scoffed with a laugh with a tone that told you that it was clearly obvious. You loved those kinds of moments where you could hear the grin on his face through the phone. The sort of moments where you could just picture him.
The grin on his face, his jacket thrown just somewhere on the floor, him laying on his bed, probably smoking, and some music playing way too quietly for being metal music in the background. You missed laying there beside him, sharing the smoke or just talking shit, feeling the warmth of his body next to you.
”Of course…” You chuckled in response before letting out a sigh and continuing, ”Fine Eddie. I’ll let you drive me back. So, when are you visiting?”
You’d known Eddie for longer than you could remember.
Which meant that you remembered the fluffy-haired child who’d smile at almost every person he met. That you remembered the more sheltered kid who’d buzzed his hair one day impulsively. That you remembered the teenager who’d rant to you about music and almost force you to all of his band’s performances. And that you know the Eddie who still reminds you so much of that fluffy-haired kid.
But all of this also meant you had seen him through the process of him building up the walls to try and protect himself from others. Seen him stop being that child who’d smile at everyone. Seen how it affected him when the kids at school first started calling him a freak.
It wasn’t like any of it affected your friendship, not in a bad way anyway. It was all just cruel kids, or just in general cruel people. You were just happy you were there for him. That you could be the person he’d biked to in the middle of the night when he was 12. Scared shitless because of a nightmare he’d had when his uncle was working his regular night shift. Or be the person who’d constantly shout back insults at the bullies whenever they called him a freak until he pretty much forced you to stop doing that.
Eddie Munson might just be one of the most valuable people in your life. And that is scary as fuck when you’re both still growing up and currently not even doing it together anymore.
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