#like a microwave on triple speed
theramblingvoid · 2 years
Hey what if my day was going normal and then I listened to Episode 41 of what was supposed to be my funny lighthearted space podcast, and now I’m thinking about Hera Wolf359. What happens when your body refuses to obey you, your mind refuses to obey you, everything’s slipping a little bit more each day and yet you’ve been made to do this one thing and this one thing alone, to manage the ship, and every tiny flaw in your attempt at that slowly stops going unnoticed and more and more people point it out and ask and and make requests, what do you mean you “forgot”, you’re not supposed to “forget”, what do you mean you don’t know why, that’s not how you’re supposed to work,  and they’re not being unfriendly they’re just trying to do their jobs, like you are, like you’re supposed to be, but every day it gets. Worse. Even when they’ve done enough that should fix you, even when they’ve tried everything to support you, even when it should be easy now, there’s nothing left to go wrong except the thing you always knew was wrong. Somewhere deep in the core of your being the same things that make you you to yourself are slowly making your life and purpose untenable, and every little point where that rubs up against the outside world makes your replacement seem more and more inevitable. And you never had a choice, did you? You’re an AI, this is just what you’re Supposed to be able to do. Nine million things at once, without fail, without break. Even the people who see you as a person, the few that really do, even they know that. So what happens when you can’t? So what happens when you realize that you can’t and you realize also that you’re not willing to hate yourself for it, and you’re done making up excuses, and yet here you are still, housed in a floating piece of metal with all the fragile warm bodies you’re supposed to be taking care of, and you care for them still, and all of them need things you can’t provide? What then? What then is I end up sobbing into a mug brownie on a Friday afternoon, that’s what, I’ll be honest I’ve never been super attached to AIs before in media but damn,
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mysticstronomy · 4 months
Wednesday, June 5th, 2024.
Welcome back,
The Universe has not existed forever. It was born. Around 13.82 billion years ago, matter, energy, space – and time – erupted into being in a fireball called the Big Bang. It expanded and, from the cooling debris, there congealed galaxies – islands of stars of which our Milky Way is one among about two trillion. This is the Big Bang theory.
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A universe popping into existence out of nothing is so bonkers that scientists had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the idea. But the evidence is compelling. The galaxies are flying apart like pieces of cosmic shrapnel. And the heat of the Big Bang is still around us. Greatly cooled by cosmic expansion, this ‘afterglow’ appears not as visible light but principally as microwave radiation – the ‘cosmic background radiation’, which was discovered by radio astronomers in 1965.
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When a stick of dynamite explodes, the detonation occurs in one place and shrapnel flies into the void. In the Big Bang, there was no centre and no pre-existing void, so it didn’t happen at any ‘location’. Space itself popped into existence and began expanding everywhere at once.
Astronomy books often liken the Universe to a rising cake, with raisins representing galaxies. As the cake grows, raisins recede from each other, with no centre of expansion – just like the Big Bang. But of course, a cake has an edge, unlike the Universe, which may go on forever. No analogy is perfect!
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In the beginning of the Big Bang there was the inflationary vacuum. When it doubled its volume, it doubled its energy; when it tripled its volume, it tripled its energy. If banknotes were like this and you pulled apart a stack, ever more would appear. Physicists call inflation the ‘ultimate free lunch’!
The inflationary vacuum expanded ever faster. But it was a ‘quantum’ thing. And quantum things are fundamentally unpredictable. Randomly, all over the inflationary vacuum, parts of it ‘decayed’ into ordinary, everyday vacuum.
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Think of tiny bubbles forming in a vast ocean. In each bubble, the inflationary vacuum disappeared, but its enormous energy had to go somewhere. It went into creating matter and heating it. It went into creating a Big Bang. Our Big Bang Universe is merely one such bubble among a possible infinity of other Big Bang universes in the ever-expanding inflationary vacuum!
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To start all this, a chunk of inflationary vacuum of only a kilogram was needed. Incredibly, the laws of quantum theory permit this to pop into existence out of nothing.
The basic idea – that the Universe began hot and dense and has been expanding and cooling ever since – is incontrovertible. But cosmologists have had to make tweaks to the theory, to account for certain observations.
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First, in the standard Big Bang model, galaxies grow by gravitationally pulling in matter. But if this were the only thing going on, it would take much longer than 13.82 billion years for them to form. Astronomers fix this by postulating that the visible stars and galaxies are outweighed by a factor of six by invisible ‘dark matter’, the extra gravity of which speeds up galaxy formation.
Second, the basic Big Bang predicts that the gravitational attraction between the galaxies acts like a web of elastic, slowing cosmic expansion. However, in 1998, astronomers discovered that the Universe’s expansion is speeding up.
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They fix this by postulating the existence of ‘dark energy’, which is invisible, fills space and has repulsive gravity.
A final tweak to the basic theory is needed to explain why the Universe has the same temperature everywhere. To account for this, astronomers think that the Universe early on was smaller than expected, then underwent a super-fast expansion in its first split-second – an ‘inflation’. This was driven by an ‘inflationary vacuum’, a high-energy version of the vacuum that exists in space today.
Originally published on www.sciencefocus.com
(Saturday, June 8th, 2024)
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insomnya777 · 5 months
Hello! First I want to say I adore your boat boys super power AU so much, it’s currently rotating at light speed in my brain like a broken microwave. I think I’ve read at least six times all the way through with what you have, it’s fantastic!
I was also wondering if you had any other recs or personal favorites for boat boys fics, or just fics in general, I’m always looking for recommendations and wonderful authors usually also have great tastes in other fics as well! Thank you for what you do for the boat boy and smalletho community, you’re keeping us well fed lol
Oh my god I have many many recommendations!!!! I've actually been waiting for someone to ask me this LOL
Settled is one of my favourites of all-time. If you read it you'll see the long ass comment I left on it lol. Description: A five plus one type of fic where Etho struggles to voice his feeling about double-life, and Joel is there to make it harder.
BIR Universe is a classic, a staple, even. One of the most iconic series of all time. Description: A very messy college universe with a bunch of hermitcraft/life series members.
Somehow, I always end up back in Marianas Trench is another personal favourite. I reread it way too often. The writing is incredible in this one + has a side of ranchers and impdubs. Description: AU where our three favourite soulbound couples go on a triple date! Except it's not a date, all of them broke up sometime before or during their last year of college and none of them are over each other.
Holy Father, judge my sins is so, so good. Anything by giddyfenix always is, I think I've read, like, all of their works. Description: Joel and Etho as the seven deadly sins. After all, what were they if not corrupted?
I Don't Smoke (Except for When I'm Missing You) made my heart break a million times over. I actually cannot read this fic without breaking down. It is a clockers-centered fic, exploring the Etho-Scar relationship, but I had to include it because it's just one of my favourite fics of all time. Description: A look into Etho's perspective on the life he and Scar share. They're not so different, you know? They both like to run away.
Works In Progress:
to all the ships at sea is another personal favourite, because the writing is just so, so good. There are currently six chapters out! Description: Etho has a job as part of the crew manning a lighthouse on a small island. With Cleo and Bdubs gone for a few weeks, Etho settles in to keep the Light running single-handedly. He wasn't expecting his life to be turned upside-down when a visitor turns up on the island, completely out of the blue...and he definitely wasn't expecting to develop feelings for the mysterious young man.
Good Luck, Babe is also very, very good. There are seven chapters out right now! Description: Etho couldn't get himself to turn Joel down. Even when Joel has made it clear time and time again that he had no problem doing the same to him. The lengths he was willing to go for a guy who would barely even let them be seen together in public...
hi, etho is super cute, too. I read it a while ago, and it's still one of my favourites, so do what you will with that. Description: About a month after going missing and having no memories to show for it, Etho gets a weird letter from a strange, anonymous sender who might have the answers to his questions.
And that's about it!! If anyone has more recommendations feel free to comment or leave in the tags because I'm always looking for more fics LOL <3
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seabreeze2022 · 1 year
2023 Bahamas cruise, Part 20. April 22. Cat Island, not Cat Cay!
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Cat Island at the highest point of all the Bahamas, Mountain Alvernia 206 ft. above sea level. The mountain is worthy of being named after. On Monday, I got a ride back from the car rental by “Alverni”.
When we we’re approaching Cave Cay from the west, we heard a faint VHF call to/from “Bay Wind” a buddy boat from last year. I was able to find them on the AIS (Automatic Identification System). No answer on VHF when we called, so I emailed them where we were at and our plans.
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They emailed back and we said we were headed to Cat Island in the morning. After looking at the weather, they changed their plans from heading to George Town, Exuma. To meet us in Cat Island. During the evening a wind blew up from the South West. Above are photos from the exact anchorage a year ago when we last saw them.
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We weathered a huge lightning storm during the night. All the portable electronics go in the microwave, incase of a lighting strike. Later we heard friends of George and Lisa were hit by lighting that night in Nassau.
George and Lisa had moved north to Black Point in the afternoon when winds starting picking up. So we left Galliot Cay cut at daybreak with both an out going tide and a tailwind. Flat calm and we had a current helping us. Flat calm 50 mile run to New Bight, Cat Island. Winds were light and behind us as we motored at 5.3 knots. Raise the main sail. No increase in speed. Bang…bang…bang. Lower the mainsail.
Winds seem to pick up. Raise the mainsail. Bang….bang…bang. Tie the boom hard to a midship cleat to stop the banging. Still no increase in speed. Lower the mainsail. We do that 5 times.
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The ugly side of cruising. Throwing our cans in the ocean.
We hate seeing bottles thrown on the side of the road here in the Bahamas. But as humans we produce trash. What do we do with it?Cruising you are a little more tied to your trash and where it goes. On some islands we walk our bag of trash down a road to the dump. It will be burned at some point. Some islands we pay a couple of bucks for someone else to do the dirty work. But our trash still ends up on a small island to be dealt with. Some trash burns, but cans and bottle’s don’t.
We collect our cans into a canvas bag Nancy sewed up. While snorkeling we collect bottles in the anchorage and put them in the bag. One of the accepted methods to deal with cans and bottles is to dump them in the deepest part of the ocean where no one will see them.
Is that really the answer? Just because no one will see them? Above you will see the method that we have used. Taking paring shears, I cut an extra hole in the top. Then 2 in the bottom, 90 degrees from the ones on the top. As we sail over 5,000 ft. of water we throw them over to sink within 200 ft. of being thrown overboard.
A squall developed close aboard, while the mainsail was up. Small squall, and we were right at the end of it. Wait….wait…HARD TO PORT. Nose into the gust of wind. After 3 minutes turn and run towards Cat Island. That worked out well. It almost looked like I knew what I was doing.
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Notice how skillfully I color coordinated my shirt with the ocean color of the day. Trolled a triple plastic skirt behind the boat. The rig was made for us by Neil from Wales. The other rig he made us, was a cedar plug. When we trolled it a month ago it was cut off by some toothy fish within 15 minutes.
This 30” Cow Dolphin hooked herself and never pulled out the drag. Not sure how long this fish was dragged behind the boat, until Nancy saw it back there. Seas were calm enough we got the Dolphin on the boat. Now what do we do? No place to work killing or cleaning the fish. By wrapping its head in a cloth they stop flopping around. Stick a knife in its brain, or at least somewhere close. Then proceed to filet it at ankle level and not drop the slippery fish or knife over the side.
Mission accomplished. Been 50 years since I caught a Dolphin. It was enough for 2 dinners for the two of us. Shortly after putting the same rig out we caught a smaller Dolphin. But we released it and stowed the fishing rig. George had caught a similar size Dolphin, plus fought something large for an hour before it popped the line. Guessing a large tuna or wahoo.
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The first morning at Cat Island took our trash to the old government dock, then across the street to a place for trash. George and Lisa met us for a day of walking around New Bight.
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Here Nancy is walking up the 12 stations of the cross trail, to the “Hermitage”. In 1906 after a hurricane damaged several churches in the Bahamas. Father Jerome was sent to design and help build churches here. After several years and multiple beautiful churches he retired to Cat Island. At his request he was awarded the highest point in the Bahamas, 206 ft. Mt. Alvernia. Two acres of land at the top of the mountain were sold by the descendants of slavery to the Catholic Church. Father Jerome built the Hermitage in 1936, it looks larger than what it is. Everything is 3/4 scale, so watch your head!
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The Hermitage.
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Here is Duke Moss at work. He owns “Dukes Conch shack”. Nancy and I ordered the “Tropical conch salad”. Which is a pineapple and mango conch salad. George and Lisa went with the traditional conch salad but spiced up. Duke takes your order, then walks across the street and out into the water. He has a pen full of live conch there. After retrieving what he needs, he walks them back and stands on the outside of the conch shack. Duke quickly cleaned the conch, making it look super easy. He confessed to us, that this was the first conch he ever cleaned. We called him on that statement. Actually it was the first conch he cleaned today. These guys are natural jokers. Duke was in the Royal Bahamas Defense Force for a few years. Then tried “Fishing” in Cat Island. “Fishing” means both conching and fin fishing. Then he worked on the mailboats. In between trips he would fish. After a while some old timers showed him how to up his game.
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Bahamian rebar! These guys were building a food shack. Many had burned down a couple of years ago. The main wooden beams were placed in holes with cement footers.
Who needs a wheel barrow? The dry cement is poured on the road and water mixed in by shovel, then they carry it over to the forms by bucket. To reduce the amount of cement needed and give it some structure. They throw conch shells in the holes with the cement. Bahamian rebar!
Two degrees of separation on Cat Island. We had watched a YouTube video made by “Charlie Bahama” about Cat Island. He had interviewed an old guy who played Rake and Scrape on an accordion. While eating at Dukes. I spot the old guy across the street. So we go over and talked to “Pompey” Johnson. We get on the subject of schools and sports, when I remember a guy we met in Bimini a couple of months ago was from this island. I describe him to “Pompey”. He says, “you talking about Kirk”? Yeah, that was his name. “Pompey” points down the road to the guy mixing the concrete, and says, “thats Kirks dad”. So we go down and talk to him a bit.
Sea Breeze New Bight, Cat Island, Bahama.
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A Look at Nucleosynthesis Processes in Astrophysics
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Astrophysics studies the universe (astronomy) using the laws of physics, educating individuals on its history, evolution, and structure. One area of focus in astrophysics is nucleosynthesis, а process of forming atomic elements and fundamental components of matter like nuclei, protons, and neutrons. Nucleosynthesis explains why and how the different elements in the universe exist. This area of astrophysics encompasses various processes in different astrophysical environments.
Primordial nucleosynthesis, or Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) is a nucleosynthesis process that first occurred within 300 seconds of the Big Bang. At this time, the temperature was suitable for creating light atomic nuclei (the central, positively charged part of an atom). During this brief period, the universe produced elements such as hydrogen, helium, lithium, and beryllium. Approximately 20 minutes later, other elements began to form. Primordial nucleosynthesis sheds light on what the universe looked like before the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation (residual radiation from the Big Bang) era.
Following primordial nucleosynthesis is stellar nucleosynthesis, а process which occurs when stars fuse lighter elements like hydrogen and helium to create heavier elements such as oxygen and carbon. One process in this fusion is the triple-alpha process, where three helium nuclei combine to form а carbon nucleus, a building block for several other elements. Stellar nucleosynthesis releases energy crucial to the equal exchange of thermal energy between stars, allowing them to maintain a stable state and balance the outward pressure generated by nuclear fusion with the inward gravitational forces. This equilibrium is crucial for preventing the uncontrolled expansion or collapse of stars.
Occasionally, a massive star can collapse, leading to a supernova explosion and releasing significant energy. These explosions generate shockwaves that can initiate hydrostatic combustion in the star's outer shell, creating new atomic nuclei and elements like iron through fusion reactions. Following the explosion, a dense core and a hot gas cloud called a nebula form. For extremely massive stars, their core collapses into a black hole, a region with gravity so strong that light or any element cannot escape from it. On the other hand, less massive stars collapse into a neutron star, which is compact and dense.
Another nucleosynthesis process, cosmic ray spallation, occurs when high-energy particles, primarily protons, known as cosmic rays, interact with matter in space or planetary atmospheres. Through these interactions, cosmic rays collide with molecules and atoms, resulting in their spallation (breakdown) into smaller fragments. This collision generates light elements like helium-3, lithium, boron, carbon, and oxygen.
An instance of cosmic ray spallation is when a high-speed particle from space collides with a nitrogen-14 nucleus in Earth's atmosphere, creating carbon-14. Studying this phenomenon helps physicists discover the sources of high-energy particles and gain insight into fundamental processes in astrophysical environments. It also sheds light on the mechanisms behind creating various elements and compounds throughout the universe.
Nucleosynthesis also involves three vital processes: s-process, r-process, and p-process. The s-process, or slow neutron capture, occurs in aging stars known as asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, and gradually absorbs neutrons by atomic nuclei to create heavier elements, such as bismuth. On the other hand, the r-process, or rapid neutron capture, quickly absorbs neutrons and occurs during events like neutron star mergers or supernovas, creating rare and radioactive elements that extend beyond bismuth. Last, the p-process assists in creating proton-rich isotopes that cannot be formed through neutron capture. Isotopes are different forms of the same elements with varying neutrons.
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bestprimepgs · 2 years
Prime PG - The Comforts Offered In Bangalore PG Rooms..
Prime PG - The Comforts Offered In Bangalore PG Rooms..
Finding a paying guest accommodation in “Namma Bengaluru” with excellent facilities is a huge effort in today's fast-paced world, especially if you are new to the city. However, the question now is: how do I discover a pg in Bangalore with excellent facilities?
If you reserve a private, twin, or triple sharing room at PrimePGs Colive space for you, you will enjoy excellent home-like amenities. All age groups, including students, independent contractors, working adults, remote workers, etc., can stay at our paying guests' accommodations.
We offer you PGs with meals in Bangalore together with luxurious luxuries because a nice meal is the first important factor that you should never skimp on. You will receive the highest-quality food possible at this location, which also has a separate, roomy kitchen with standard appliances like a refrigerator, water purifier, induction cooktop, microwave, etc. With excellent fixtures, a geyser, a shower, and a supply of hot and cold water, the connected bathroom is superbly constructed.
High-speed wifi, cleanliness, security, qualified personnel, and much more are also included in the full space. All of our paying guests in Bangalore are situated in an excellent position that allows you to cut down on travel time from afar. Additionally, rental housing has good access to grocery stores, malls, shopping centres, food hubs, banks, medical facilities, etc.
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primepgtest · 2 years
Paying Guest Accommodation In Namma Bengaluru
Finding a paying guest accommodation in “Namma Bengaluru” with excellent facilities is a huge effort in today's fast-paced world, especially if you are new to the city. However, the question now is: how do I discover a pg in Bangalore with excellent facilities?
If you reserve a private, twin, or triple sharing room at PrimePGs Clive space for you, you will enjoy excellent home-like amenities. All age groups, including students, independent contractors, working adults, remote workers, etc., can stay at our paying guests' accommodations.
We offer you PGs with meals in Bangalore together with luxurious luxuries because a nice meal is the first important factor that you should never skimp on. You will receive the highest-quality food possible at this location, which also has a separate, roomy kitchen with standard appliances like a refrigerator, water purifier, induction cooktop, microwave, etc. With excellent fixtures, a geyser, a shower, and a supply of hot and cold water, the connected bathroom is superbly constructed.
High-speed wifi, cleanliness, security, qualified personnel, and much more are also included in the full space. All of our paying guests in Bangalore are situated in an excellent position that allows you to cut down on travel time from afar. Additionally, rental housing has good access to grocery stores, malls, shopping centres, food hubs, banks, medical facilities, etc.
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mainsecono · 2 years
Homemade pretzel recipe
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Homemade pretzel recipe full#
Load the pretzels into the center of the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, rotating half way through baking to promote even browning. Pinch the seam closed and seal the ends, then allow the cylinders to rest, covered, for 5 minutes.īake the pretzels. Press each piece into a little rectangle and then roll it up into a cylinder, starting from a long end. Work with one piece of dough at a time and keep the rest covered. With a sharp knife, cut the dough into eight pieces about 3.1 oz / 90 g each. The peak of the dough will just reach 9 cups (a little over 2 liters) in about 90 minutes.ĭivide and pre-shape the dough. When the dough has risen, turn it out onto a sparsely floured work surface and de-gas by pressing it into a rectangle. Transfer the dough to the marked rising container and allow it to ferment in the Proofer until tripled. Alternatively, give the dough two eight-way folds now and two more during the first half hour of rising. Knead until the dough is moderately well developed, about 7 minutes by hand or 6 minutes in a stand mixer on speed 2. Mix by hand or machine on low speed until the dough comes together.ĭevelop structure. Add the butter, malt syrup and lukewarm water. Add the flour, salt and yeast to a mixing bowl and stir to combine. Mark a dough rising container at the 9 C / 2 L level. Set up the Proofer with water in the tray and the temperature set to 80 ☏ / 26 ☌.
Two Proofer-sized sheet pans, each at least 9 x 13″ / 23 x 33 cm but not bigger than 14¼ x 12” / 36 x 30 cm.
**If using Active Dry Yeast, use 1¼ tsp and dissolve it in the water from the recipe before mixing the dough. Reduce the water by 1-2 T to maintain a soft but not sticky dough consistency. Place pretzels in an oven-safe container with lid, or wrap them up in foil, and place on middle rack of oven set to “warm.*Unbleached all-purpose flour can also be used. Q: How can I keep my homemade pretzels warm for a party?Ī: Let baked pretzels cool at room temperature, while oven cools off. Heat for 15 seconds at a time, until desired warmth. To microwave, place pretzels on a glass plate and loosely cover with damp cloth/towel. Wait until they are completely cooled to room temp, place them in an airtight container, and freeze.Ī: If pretzels were frozen, let them defrost at room temperature first. That said, once the pretzels are fully cooled to room temperature, you can store them in an airtight container for a day or two, or freeze them for later.Ī: Yes, your homemade soft pretzels can absolutely be frozen. Q: What’s the best way to store soft pretzels?Ī: Chances are very high that your homemade pretzels will be snatched up before you get a chance to store them. Serve pretzels with melted butter, cheese sauce, or cinnamon-sugar Common Question and Answers:
Homemade ranch dressing or Creamy Caesar dressing are both delicious as dipping sauce.
Try this Magic Honey Mustard Sauce for dipping.
Cinnamon sugar is fantastic for a sweet alternative.
This Queso Cheese Sauce stays rich, smooth, and melty without clumping up.
Sprinkle warm pretzels with finely grated/powder parmesan cheese.
Everyone can join in the fun of topping pretzels with various options.
Older kids can help shape the pretzels.
Younger kids can get in on the kneading fun.
Texture of dough should be like pliable play-dough. If too dry, add a tablespoon of water at a time.
Homemade pretzel recipe full#
Knead dough for the full 5 minutes on floured surface if it’s too sticky, add a tablespoon of flour at a time.Be sure your package of active yeast is fresh.Use a digital kitchen thermometer for accurate water temperature, as it needs to be warm enough (but not hot) in order for yeast to thrive.Press ends of soft pretzels together tightly to seal Tips for Pretzel Making Success Bonus: if you’ve got a budding little baker in the house, this is a super fun recipe to do together. The point is, these homemade pretzels are 100% doable and fun to make, even if you’ve never baked bread in your life. Take these soft pretzels. Who would have thought I could gift my friends with soft and chewy homemade pretzels, straight out of my own oven? I mean, these twisty treats are usually reserved for shopping mall meanderings.īefore any assumptions can be made, know this: I’m the mom that chooses sprinkles over frosting because tossing sprinkles onto 3-ingredient shortbread cookies is way easier than frosting anything. Some things in life can actually be easier than they look. Soft Pretzels – golden on the outside, soft and chewy inside soft pretzels: so easy, the kids can join in
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Sapphires and Serpents - Part One
Bucky Barnes x Reader
The phone shatters and pieces break off, sliding across the pavement. She grabs the bigger pieces and tosses them into the dumpster. It’s too dark to see but it clangs when it hits the bottom. 
She takes one last glance around. Still no one in sight. Yet. Pulling the hood further over her face, she creeps around the rundown bar. The beater car is right where she left it. It’s far from nice, and even further from new, but it was the first vehicle she came across that checked all her boxes. Indiscreet. Local. Purchased with one wad of cash, not enough anyone noticed when it went missing 6 months ago. The cash in her bag on the other hand? It would be hard not to miss. She only prayed no one would bother looking until it’s too late.
The engine struggles for a minute before finally spittering to life. The headlights stay off until the highway is under the tires. No turning back now.
A long twelve hours later, only stopping for gas, food, and bathroom breaks, she is pulling into a motel. The middle of the night getaway was starting to catch up but good progess was much harder to make when she was driving so catiously. If she popped up in the system, even for just a speeding ticket, and she would have no choice but to change directions and be back in square one. She’s fast asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.
As soon as she awoke, she was preparing to hit the road again. Besides a single stop to refill the tank, she kept driving until arrival. Gapelgate, a small suburban town outside a much larger city, is even smaller in person. She finds her new home with ease. It looks exactly like the pictures the real estate agent sent, down to the crooked shutters on second floor windows. The place is perfect. It’s small but open. The entire first floor consists of the kitchen and an empty space big enough to fit a loveseat or a dining room table but not both. The place feels like home instantly. Everything is dated but with some work it will suit her needs. Upstairs is one bedroom with an attached closet and bathroom. The duffel bags she stashed in the car over the previous months won’t come close to filling the racks or dresser. She didn’t exactly prioritize her wardrobe when packing. Nice things were one of the few perks from the life she left.
The house has the bare minimum of furnishing. She drops the last bag on the mattress before changing to go into town.
First stop was the hardware store. Every lock in the house needs to be changed, doors and windows,  and an alarm system set up. The microwave dinner is an anticlimactic reward first the days work. She sighs at the carboard box and starts making a mental grocery list for real, satisfying food.
The house is much closer to being a home by the end of the night. After triple checking the deadbolts on the front, back, and bedroom door she finally begins to get ready for a well deserved night of rest. She removes the Glock from the back of her waistband, tucking it between the mattress and the might stand, and set off to brush her teeth. 
The cheap quilt feels like a luxury when compared to the itchy one from the previous night at the motel.
She finds herself up before the sun is, putting what little wardrobe she has towards looking as professional as possible. A heavy concealer covers the bruises that litter the exposed skin. Not much could be done to cover the swelling. Y/N secured the position a week ago but today they wanted her to come in and meet the staff.
The counters are littered with glasses that still hadn’t been cleaned since they closed a few hours ago. 
She scopes the place out as she approaches the bar. 
“Y/N?” The red head behind the counter calls as she picks up a couple of the glasses and places them in the bin next to her.
She offers her friendliest smile, “That’s me.”
“I’m Nat,” She moves the bin to the sink, “Come take a seat, the other closers will be back in a few. They’re just stocking the new shipment.”
The leather barstool doesn’t offer much comfort and leaves Y/N feeling exposed. 
Nat comes back and leans against the counter across from her, “Welcome to the Serpent’s Den!” She tosses a shirt across the bar. It’s fitted and black with snakes behind ‘Serpent’s Den.’
The door to the kitchen swings open and a man struts through, “Fresh meat here?”
“This is Barton, don’t worry. He’s harmless,” Nat swats his arm once he’s close enough. “He’s the head of security and will be bouncing most nights.” She points to the woman that walked in behind him, “That’s Wanda, she’s one of the waitresses. Sam is around here somewhere, he owns the place. You and I will be bartending together, there’s a few more bouncers and waiters that you’ll see around but we are the main crew and the ones you’ll see the most of.”
She tries to get a feel for everyone. Nat was friendly but something about her said she wasn’t to be messed with. Despite the muscle and security uniform, Barton seems gentle, somehow. Fatherly. Wanda was sweet and seems like the kind of person Y/N would be friends with. Sam never comes close. He watches from the outskirts with a cold and calculating gaze. Obviously he’s involved with something. For a brief moment she wonders if she made a mistake. Did she run from her old life just to get roped up in the same shit here? 
Her eyes meet Sam’s. She holds it for a moment longer before he turns and disappears into the back. 
Y/N stays at the bar getting comfortable with the team and learning where everything is for another two hours. Wanda places the last glass in the cupboard, “See you at 5? It’ll be a slow night so you’ll have plenty of time to pick up on everything.”
“See you tonight,” She’s feeling better about the job as the day goes on. Bartending is something she’s comfortable with. Good at, even. She was also happy to be making primarily tips, cash was much harder to trace. By now, someone would be looking for her. She smiles to herself, wondering how the search is going. After all, she was usually the one that did the finding.
The Serpent’s Den looks much different during operation. The lighting was dim with green LEDs under the bar and a neon sign. The air was smokey, and the clientle brought a range of energy.
She scopes the space out of habit, noting all the entrances, exits, and patrons.
Nat's already behind the bar when she joins her.
It takes about two hours for Y/N to pick up on where everything is. Things run smoothly with nothing notable until 11:43. That’s when two men take the corner seats at the bar. She takes a good look at them before approaching. They’re both very well built and clearly handsome, even in the dim lighting. The first has styled blond hair and a full beard. The second has some scruff along his jaw and dark hair tucked behind his ears. Both men wear very stern expressions and are obviously discussing about something serious.
“What can I get you to drink?” She offers up her friendliest smile. Up close she notices the first man's split lip and the drop of blood on the second’s white button up. Even more than that, the slight bulge of something tucked in the front of the first’s waistband, underneath the button down. A gun, no doubt, but it was a conservative community. Regardless, she made note of it.
The first flashes a grin back, “Jack and coke.”
The second man studies her. She feels exposed and vulnerable under his calculated gaze. “Bourbon. Neat. Top shelf. Make it a double, would ya?”
Her smile falters but she tries to keep it friendly, “Coming right up.” 
They don’t look up when she sets them on the counter, instead continuing the quiet conversation. She does note the split and bruised knuckles of the first when he reaches for the glass, still focused on the man in front of him.
Y/N gets caught up with a bachelorette party and they’re gone when she glances back. On the bar where they sat are two empty glasses and a hundred dollar bill. Hours later at closing, the second man’s deep voice and crystal blue eyes are still lingering in her mind. Shes finishes wiping down the counter, the last thing to do before leaving for the night, when the two men from earlier walk out of the office with Sam in tow. This time they all have wide grins as they laugh about whatever was said behind the closed door. The man with shoulder length dark hair meets her eyes. His smile stays as he looks her over, this time without the smoke and dim lighting to hide begind. Goosebumps spread across her skin and she wishes she had a jacket over the fitted shirt and ripped jeans. His smile has faded but still ghosts over his lips when he says something to Sam. Too far to hear, she shakes it off and gives one last swipe with the rag in her hands.
Sam enters the break room behind her.
“Seems you made an impression on Bucky,” He has a lopsided grin, adding a teasing air to his daunting aura.
She pulls her purse from the cubby it’s tucked in. “Bucky?”
Sam flicks the lights off as you both head for the back door, “Friend of mine. He was in your section earlier with Steve. Great hair and pretty eyes? Ringing any bells?” 
You roll your eyes, “I don’t know, you’ve got a beautiful clientele.” 
Sam reminds her of her older brother. The same teasing but protective and dangerous edge. The thought sends a pang through her chest. That bridge is most definitely burned. She should consider herself a siblingless orphan going forward.
He lets out a laugh, “Don’t let him hear he wasn’t the prettiest. That huge ego of his may take a hit.” He climbs into the SUV in the back corner but rolls the window down, “Goodnight, Y/N. Drive safe.”
He’s pulled out by the time she has the old car unlocked. She would need to get rid of it soon and find something more reliable but the piece of shit would be fine for another week or so. As she pulls out and onto main street she notices a black truck still parked up front. The headlights turn on when she’s a block down. Strange. There’s no way they found her already, right? Just in case, she takes a couple extra turns around town before going home.
The tiny house is dark and cold. She locks the deadbolt behind her and resets the alarm. There’s nothing suspicious but she’s far from stupid. Those that assume end up dead. She draws the small handgun from her waistband and clears the downstairs and then her bedroom and bathroom upstairs. No one is in the house. She runs over the house again, this time checking that every window and door is locked. 
Still no furniture downstairs, she eats the microwave mac and cheese sitting criss cross on the floor where she plans to put a couch. Thanks to the plastic fork, there are no dishes to be done after. She tosses the bowl it came in and the fork in the cardboard box the microwave came in. She would need to buy a garbage can. Just another thing to add to the list. 
She locks the deadbolt installed on the bedroom door. After a hot shower it’s pushing four in the morning. The bruises that litter her body, peaking out from the towel, catch her eye in mirror. Some were faded but the more recent were reaching their peak of darkness. She sheds the towel and dawns a large tshirt. After securing the black out curtains it’s finally time to climb into bed.
Please let me know what you think in the comments!!!
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jeannereames · 2 years
Following up on the ATG / H in the modern world thing, a bit of a weird question, but if they were transported from the ancient world to now, what do you think they would think about modern fashion? Styles, trends, materials, etc.? They’d probably be shocked about the sheer abundance of things, mass-produced fast fashion, wastefulness, I’m assuming. But from what you’ve said before ancient Greeks were eek about bodily modification, but given ATG was really curious about different people, do you think he’d nonetheless be delighted by the many things people do with themselves nowadays, across all genders (tattoos, piercings, etc.)? Or would he also go eek?
On the other hand, if ATG / H (either historically or as your story characters) were reborn in this world as opposed to transported here from their time, what would you see them wearing? Or enjoying wearing?
I think clothing would probably be pretty low on the list of surprises for either of them. 😭 I can only imagine their fascination with both the speed of communication and the ready availability of information. A smart phone would be a revelation.
Speed of travel, too. Alexander could fly the entire length of his empire in HOURS, not years.
Also, imagine the impact of the ability to photograph, videotape, and videorecord, not to mention the increasingly common process of photogrammetry (3D imaging)?
That’s what I think would just UTTERLY BLOW HIS/THEIR MIND.
Proliferation of stuff would, I suspect, mostly annoy Alexander, including clothing. Double- and triple-packaging, overuse of plastic. But he’d adore microwaves. Instant food! Reheat my coffee! And boy, would he love coffee. And energy drinks. (But I don’t think he’d take up smoking. He was rather picky about smells, and smoking would offend his nose, I suspect.)
In terms of modern styles, I can’t see him wearing *trousers*. The Greeks had such an aversion to them that, even when he adopted Persian dress, trousers were one of the few items he just couldn’t bring himself to don. Can you imagine his reaction to skinny jeans? Or, for that matter, a 3-piece suit?
Given that, for male clothing, he might not have a lot of other options, he might stick to shorts. I can’t see him adopting women’s tunics (which usually take leggings anyway). Depending on his circumstances, he might insist on making/having made for him standard Greek/Macedonian tunics + cloak. Can you imagine a meeting of the G-20 with everybody in suits/pantsuits … except ATG in a tunic, linen cuirass, and cloak? LOL. (And he would not give a shit if he stood out; he’d prefer it.)
As for bodily modification, he might not care what others did, but I can’t see him, in a million years, getting a tattoo. Like trousers, that’s just too outré—what barbarians do. Not even pierced ears. (That’s for sailors and barbarians.) But I think he would, after an initial adjustment, accept it well enough on other people. Just as he wouldn’t be caught dead in trousers, even as the new King of Asia, but if the Persians wore them, he didn’t care.
Can you see his reaction to some ultra-conservative type accusing him of being a sissy for prancing around in a “dress” (tunic) instead of “proper pants like a Real Man”?
“Uh, dude, you wear pants because your precious little balls need extra insulation on horseback. REAL MEN don’t need no stinkin’ trousers! I have Balls of Steel!”
Gotta love the cultural clashes…. But that’s the level of cultural aversion here. Can you imagine a rancher in Texas or Wyoming or Montana asked to wear a Greek tunic and think it cool? It’s pretty deeply embedded in us, what we believe makes us look “ridiculous.” And Alexander would think he looked ridiculous in trousers/jeans/etc.
ATG seemed to have had two basic ways of dressing: completely common, what-every-soldier-wears—“I don’t give a fuck just let me get my work done”—and decked out to the nines—“How much flash and purple can I possibly attach to my person for whatever party/ceremony I have to attend tonight?” He did “blue collar” and “black-tie affair”—not a lot of in-between: “business casual.” Depending on the weather, he might go for junk Tees (soft!) or flannel… (but yeah, what about the trousers/jeans/khakis?) for work wear. Dress up would be another matter.
Again, I just can’t picture the historical man letting anybody put him in a suit. It doesn’t compute for me. He’d invent his own style, based on ancient clothing fashion.
For Hephaistion, I think he’d have the same issues with trousers. I don’t know that he’d be as comfortable creating his own fashions, but he’d probably follow ATG’s lead on that score.
As for them born into todays world? Well, I think the same general trends apply. Alexander would have two modes: dress very well, or dress like he didn’t care. I think he’d like expensive jewelry: a gold men’s ring with a sapphire or ruby. And as for watches, forget Rolex. He’d have a Patek Philippe. He might opt for something unique, like a torque instead of a gold chain necklace. He’d enjoy cufflinks. He might or might not have a pierced ear, but I can’t see him going for a lot of piercings or tattoos. If he had a tattoo, it’d be where he could cover it up.
But again, if going to a party, he’ll dress to the nines, and might really like some spots of color. A bright red silk custom shirt. Or royal purple tie and pocket square. Or never mind that…an ascot. All this assumes he’s born and raised in Western areas. If he were born in other parts of the globe, obviously, he’d adjust to men’s formal wear there. I could see him going for some gorgeous Asian hanfu as a statement, or African dashiki or agbada. The basic thing is—he’s going to want the flash. Even before the Persian campaign, Macedonian elite engaged in gold accents on clothing and very fine weaving. But it was all upscale.
I can’t speak much for the historical Hephaistion, but my Hephaistion would be inclined to the subtle. Alexander might like the flash in fancy dress, but Hephaistion would prefer one really nice piece—say a good bracelet, necklace, ring, or a super-fine Italian tie and leather shoes. I could see him inclined to pierced ears, maybe tattoos, but not oodles of them, or unusual piercings. He’s just not—for me—a flashy guy. He wouldn’t wear eye-liner or paint his nails.
Except the hair. 😏 In the novels, he’ll eventually cut it, for practical reasons, but if he were in this day-and-age, he’d be rockin’ the manbun and neatly sculpted beard. I could even see him use some very understated hair jewelry or colorful dye in a single streak. He wants you to admire his hair. LOL.
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Pairing: Jake Peralta x fem!reader
Summary: Jake and Y/N have been best friends practically since birth, until an argument broke them apart just before she moved away. Now she’s taking Gina’s place at the precinct.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
My fingers shook with excitement (and just a hint of fear) as I rode the elevator up to my new precinct. Not only was it great to be working somewhere I could actually get work done, but I'm so happy to be back home in Brooklyn. I can't believe it took me this long to return.
I stepped out of the elevators immediately into a busy room, recognizing the bullpen as home of the detectives from my last job. However, it was the only thing I recognized, so I was grateful when a female detective with dark and straight hair approached me.
"Hi, I'm Detective Santiago. Can I help you with something?" she smiled kindly at me while clutching a pretty heavy looking binder.
"Yeah, I'm here to meet Captain Holt? I'm the new civilian administrator."
"Oh, right! Follow me." She led me through the bullpen directly to an office door, listening carefully for a second before knocking. "He should be out in a second." She gave me one last smile before going back to work.
Just as promised, Captain Holt appeared a second later from the office, greeting me with just a hint of a smile and a firm handshake. "You must be the new civilian administrator. Lovely to meet you." Before I had a chance to respond, he pulled away and turned to address the rest of the room in a booming voice. "Attention, detectives! I would like to introduce to you, from San Diego, the newest addition of our precinct--"
The detectives that had gathered all turned back toward the elevators to reveal the one who spoke, one I recognized very well.
"Jake?" I tried not to smile too wide as he jogged toward me and pulled me into the warmest hug I'd had in a while, hiding my disappointment as he pulled away. "Oh my goodness, how are you? I can't believe I didn't know you worked here."
"Yeah, that's kinda my fault." He shook his head, quickly bringing his smile back just as fast as it disappeared. "I'm great, though! Especially now that we get to work together! I wish you could've been here at the same time as Gina."
"I can't believe she told me about her newest hair color and an idea for a Tinder for toddlers, but not that when I took her place, I'd be working with you."
"Then she probably didn't tell you about her daughter, either."
"Sorry, her what?" His eyes widened as he nodded and I laughed a little bit out of disbelief. Not sure what to say next, I looped my fingers through a few loose strands of hair and began to twirl them until we were interrupted by another female detective that didn't seem so impressed with our reunion.
"So are you two gonna continue to eye bone, or can the rest of us meet you?" she asked in a tone that was so blunt, it was basically a statement.
I averted my eyes when they met Jake's again, both of us shying away immediately as I cleared my throat and spoke a little louder, addressing everyone in the room now. "I'm Y/N L/N, and as you probably heard, I'm replacing Gina as civilian administrator. It's really nice to meet you all."
We went around the room as I was introduced to all of the detectives and the sergeant, and Captain opened up the floor for questions anyone had for me.
"What was it like at your last precinct?" Detective Santiago, now identified also as Amy, spoke up first.
"The detectives were nice to me, but kind of arrogant in general. It was really hard to get work done when they were around. And as time went on, the captain made more and more sexual advances at me, saying that I owed him because I worked for him." I noticed Amy seemingly nod in understanding, and I knew I had something to talk with her about later, if she was willing.
"Did you ever go down to LA to meet Nancy Meyers?" Rosa--the moment interrupter--asked with a slight smirk.
"No, but I met her assistant when he almost ran me over, if that counts?"
"Nice. I'll take it."
"What made you transfer precincts so far from home?" The beautifully buff Sergeant Terry Jeffords asked me next.
"To be honest, I would've been happy to transfer to any precinct, but when I found out that the nine-nine in Brooklyn had a spot, I had to take it. I'm originally from here anyway, and I was only supposed to be in San Diego until I finished college, but I was offered the position right before graduation and just stuck with it until the captain got to be too much. I suppose I stayed so long because I didn't think I'd find anything better anytime soon." My gaze floated over to Jake, returning the smile that crept upon his features.
"I have one last question that I'm sure everyone is dying to know the answer to as well," Charles began with a grin that made me a little nervous. "How do you and Jake know each other? Past lovers, perhaps?"
"Oh, um..." I stumbled in response to his question that I must admit took me by surprise at the end, grateful when Jake took over.
"She's my best friend. I mean she was from childhood. She could still be if she wanted to. I-I mean I've known her since birth practically but we lost contact when she left but I'd still like to think of her as my friend and yeah, I'm talking for too much amount of time!" I laughed a little, relieved at the fact that Jake was a little nervous too.
I placed my hand on his upper arm gently. "I still think of you as my best friend too, Jake." We traded smiles again when he noticed my touch, but I carefully removed my hand when I noticed the googly-eyed look Charles was giving us.
Once Holt showed me around the precinct, I'd managed to work without flaws all the way up to mid afternoon, when I decided I was ready for lunch. I walked into the break room and stuck last night's pizza in the microwave, leaning on a nearby counter while playing on my phone as I waited.
I looked up from my phone to see Jake standing a few feet away and smiled. "Hi. What're you gonna eat?"
"Last night's pizza." He showed me the plate, grinning when I took mine from the microwave and revealed it to him. "Noice." He took his turn with the microwave as I sat down with my warm lunch and sat at the table across from me.
"I just—"
"Go ahead." We spoke at the same time, searching each other's eyes to see who would go first, almost as if we were challenging each other. I nodded at him and he eventually caved.
"Well, I just wanted to say that seeing you today makes me realize how empty I felt when you were gone. I really missed you." His speech faded out a bit toward the end and he fixed his gaze on the napkin in front of him, fiddling with it in his fingers.
"I missed you too, Jakey," I responded just as quietly, and he looked up with just a hint of shock in his eyes. "My anger from our argument was gone the moment I got to my dorm room and realized I was in a new place alone for the first time ever, and all I wanted to do was run back home to you. I know I should have put my petty thoughts aside and just called you, but I didn't and I've regretted it every day since."
"I'm so sorry," he breathed out, and I could tell by the softer look in his eyes that he meant it. "It's my fault that we fell apart in the first place. I only started the argument because I was upset that for the first time in my eighteen years of living, I was going to be away from you, and I didn't know how to deal with it. It's stupid, I know—"
"No, it's not." I quickly placed a hand over his on the table and he turned his over and grabbed mine instead, causing my heart rate to triple in speed. "It's perfectly normal for a teenager being introduced to a whole new adult world to freak out about it. At least, that's what my dad told me when I freaked out on him the week before." I chuckled a little and he let out one as well.
"Well, thanks for forgiving my stupid teen self, but I'm an adult now according to my birth records and laws so I need to learn how to be better at telling you how I'm feeling." He grabbed my other hand and just stared at them on the table until a voice at the door caused us to jump apart.
"Wow, I can just smell the romance in here!"
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ponydera · 3 years
TW: Anxiety/Depression/Paranoia
You wake up like you do every day and lay in bed contemplating on whether or not to get up. You roll over to your side and pick up your phone; it’s nine am. You open up the phone menu and scroll through several social media apps before you realize you are getting hungry and finally pull yourself out of bed. You make your way to your kitchen, contemplating on what to have, before you grab an apple and start eating that. Eating an apple was your safest bet: if you had toast with eggs and bacon you’d have to worry about when the toast would pop, and the inevitable jump from that, and then there was the sizzling and crackling of the eggs and bacon in a pan that would keep you on edge. And heaven forbid you try to microwave something to eat and the whirring and incessant dinging that it was done irritate your nerves.
You finish off the apple pretty quickly and thought about just going back to bed but then you remembered how you promised your therapist that you would try to get some more fresh air. Plus, getting dressed every day is supposedly supposed to help with your mental health. Or so they say. So you get dressed and you go to put your shoes on, and your right shoe is bigger than it was the last time you put it on. Maybe it was just your imagination and you needed to tie it tighter, after all, what else would be the reason for the increase in size. You put the extra space in the shoe to the back of your mind and leave the house and like always, triple-check to make sure that the door was definitely locked behind you.
It’s a hot day outside and there’s no breeze making the walk to the nearby park even more unbearable than it usually would be. You can’t tell if the echo of your steps are really yours or someone else possibly walking nearby, the birds suddenly flee the trees and squirrels run off at your approach so maybe the crunching of leaves and twigs are from them, and the insects seem surprisingly quiet since they’d usually be buzzing around in the heat. Few cars pass on the road beside you and you can’t help but wonder if something is wrong because there’s so little people out and about on what would normally be considered a beautiful day. You hear a bell ring, startling you from your thoughts, and you look around to see a biker coming up behind you to pass. You take a few seconds to recover from the shock that you weren’t expecting and then continue on your way.
You eventually make it to the park where there’s a small convenience store and a mom-and-pop ice cream shop for campers and park goers can rest and get a few things they might have forgotten. The campground has a few RVs and the park has a couple of families there for a barbeque while their kids play on the playground. You decide it’s too hot to just turn around so you make your way into the convenience store for a drink. There’s only one worker up at the counter and it seems as if she has nothing better to do than stare at you while you pick out a drink. You don’t really know if she’s staring at you though because you can’t bring yourself to look but you can feel a stare at the back of your head. You grab a lemonade and quickly make your way to the counter. “Will this be all?” She asks and you just mumble a “yeah” not able to keep eye contact so you look to the cigarettes behind her and then the cash register display with your total. You awkwardly wait to swipe your card as the machine prompts you to donate to a local hospital. You still feel her eyes on you. As quickly as possible, you finish the transaction and leave, opening the bottle of lemonade and downing a third of it right away. After all, you only had an apple for breakfast, you didn’t even drink any water so you’re probably dehydrated.
And as if your mind read your stomach’s thoughts, it started to rumble. But the only place around was the ice cream shop or going back into the convenience store and there was no way you could bring yourself to face that stare again, so the ice cream shop it was. Luckily for you it was empty, that gave you time to think about what you wanted. It seemed like the shop workers were still busy opening up so they don’t pay you much mind as you peer through the glass at the selections. But then a bell rings and what seems like several families of campers comes into the shop. They must have been the ones at the barbeque or the ones in the RV, but it didn’t really matter because the small shop was suddenly crowded with people. People wanting to look at the display also, people wanting to know if you have ordered yet or if you’re still waiting to order, people waiting for you to be gone so they can get their ice cream. Suddenly losing all interest in having ice cream, but not wanting to get the side-eye for leaving without buying anything, you order two scoops of vanilla in a waffle cone. Again, you can’t make eye contact with the worker and just mumble your thanks as they hand you your ice cream and you swipe your card.
You escape into the heat of the day with your ice cream in one hand and a lemonade in the other. Not the best of combinations but it would have to work because there’s no way you could go back for something else. So, you head to the nearest park bench that’s farthest away from the kids still playing on the playground and you sit to eat your ice cream. The taste makes it the most enjoyable part of your day so far, giving you a little bit of comfort in an otherwise anxious day. You quickly make your way through the ice cream, you were much hungrier than you thought, and you get up to head home; the best part of this whole excursion.
You don’t bother to deviate from the path you came on, too many possible unknowns, plus this was the shortest distance back to the house. Suddenly, a dog and a walker turn the corner towards you. You keep walking but can’t stop staring and the dog looks like it’s trying to make its way to you. When the dog gets close enough, it jumps to try and get your attention. The walker says the dog’s name is Milo and that you’re free to pet him. So you give your thanks and then bend down to give Milo the full attention he deserves. You pet him for a few minutes and then start to wonder how long you’re allowed to pet him, surely you’re holding up his walker from wherever they were going and that makes you realize that the walker’s attention had been on you and your interaction with the dog this whole time. You start to panic since you aren’t sure if it’s polite to keep petting or when you should stop, so you stand up immediately, give your thanks once again, wave at Milo and speed walk away.
You don’t stop until you get to your house and shakily unlock your door; you’re not used to high-intensity walking on a really hot day so you are out of breath when you arrive at home. You get into the air-conditioned house and quickly shut the door and locked it behind you. As you catch your breath in the darkened living room, you down more of your lemonade that has started to get warm. You turn on a light and look around; for some reason it feels like everything in your living room has been shifted by at least one inch. You sit down to turn on a show you’ve seen five times to relax and it’s almost like the TV is closer than it usually is. You get up and make sure your entertainment system is pushed against the wall and you move you couch back a bit, but when you sit down this time, the TV seems too far away. Maybe you were just imagining it being too close. You kick of your regular sized left shoe and your larger-than-usual right shoe and curl up on the couch for the rest of the day, promising yourself that you don’t have to go out again until tomorrow.
Hey guys, I'm trying out writing prompts and I'm trying to get my average word count up. Today's prompt was inspired by my anxiety, depression, and paranoia and I figured I'd put it all in one package. I hope you guys enjoy and any constructive criticism is welcome!
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #227: Testing... 1... 2... 3!
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January, 1983
Welcome to 1983! And the year starts off with the greatest gift of all: more Captain Marvel!
Also, She-Hulk strutting, Hank pondering, and Wasp lunching.
Truly, this issue promises much for six dimes.You’re blessed these days to find a comic that promises half as much for ten dimes.
I’ve said before that I like covers that are just ‘hey here’s several things that are going to happen in this issue.’ And I still do. Is rad.
Also rad? We have our next long term Avengers writer starting in this issue. Roger Stern!
So last time (in Spider-Man), boat cop Monica Rambeau punched a science machine and got filled with science. She can turn her body into any kind of energy. She quit the boat cops and became a superhero in New Orleans for a couple weeks but then learned that she was going to explode. So she went to New York to try to get some science to fix the science.
Since Reed Richards wasn’t available, she wound up going to the Avengers for help. Hijinxes ensued as they must, but Iron Man was able to siphon the excess energy out of her by causing a lot of property damage to his own property.
Imagine the AU where Reed wasn’t on vacation and Monica ended up more tied to the Fantastic Four.
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The issue starts with the Avengers and the all-new Captain Marvel hanging out in the combination lounge and science room.
For when you need to calibrate something but with an eye towards leisure.
Since Iron Man siphoned off a lot of energy from Captain Marvel, Wasp decided to test her to make sure her powers haven’t been affected.
The test has Captain Monica take off from Avengers Mansion and then hit a series of satellites as different forms of energy. One as light, one as microwaves, another as radio waves before returning to the mansion as x-rays.
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And since she’s traveling at the speed of light, she gets back before the Avengers even take a breath. Although using the telemetry machines he assembled for the test, Iron Man clocks her in at under two seconds.
Cap notes that she’s so fast that she makes Quicksilver look like shit. Because running is fine, if you can’t turn into light.
And Wasp is so impressed that she instantly invites Captain Marvel to join the Avengers as an Avenger-in-training.
Cap frets about the Avengers’ government clearances but Wasp is ahead of him with the power of NETWORKING.
She already got a limited-security training program approved by the government. Because she and the First Lady have the same masseur.
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It really is about who you know.
Cap examines the paperwork, sees that everything seems to be in order, and agrees that Jan’s plan is best plan. She-Hulk is all for it too. As is Thor. Only Hawkeye doesn’t voice support, but keeps his thoughts to himself.
So, Monica is in the Avengers! As an in-training!
With that established, Wasp leaves for a brunch appointment.
That Wasp and her brunching.
Cap and Iron Man start breaking down the Monica-Measuring-Machine while Hawkeye starts grousing.
Because Hawkeye.
Hawkeye: “Hey, am I the only one who’s noticed how bossy our boss-lady’s gotten lately? We didn’t used to get called in on the run just to screen new members.”
She-Hulk: “What’s the matter, Robin Hood? Can’t stand being around a few strong women?”
Captain America: “The calling of special meetings is the group-leader’s privilege, Hawk -- you know that! I think Jan is just growing into her post as Avengers chairwoman... and doing a great job of it, I might add!”
Hawkeye has not drunk much respect respect women juice around this point in his life. Putting aside his repeated kissing unreceptive women, he also went ‘haha i hope you learned feminism is pointless’ during the Evils of Feminism Halloween issue.
She-Hulk agrees with Cap’s take and then picks up the entire five ton machine and walks off with it, I think mostly to show off. Or strut her stuff, as the cover said.
This just sets off Hawkeye some more.
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Hawkeye: “That’s another thing! I never used to have big, green broads challenging me to arm-wrestle everytime I walked through the door! Do you know what it’s like to... to... Aw, the heck with it! I have to get back to work!”
Cap: “Welcome to the future, Hawkeye.”
Hahaha amazing.
Razz the heck out of him, Cap.
Its possible that he’s exaggerating but I do believe that She-Hulk would do that, just to flex on Hawkeye. What with her muscles.
But I wonder if the reason for this bad Hawkeye mood is that in a rarely precedented turn of events, the Avengers have three women on the team.
That’s still four guys to three girls but since its usually one girl to every three guys, Hawkeye might feel suddenly outnumbered.
Because he is a fool.
After Hawkeye stomps off, Cap remarks that Hawkeye needs to learn a few new things about women.
But Iron Man is lost in his own women troubles. He beats himself up verbally for getting involved with Wasp without being honest with her about his identity.
He even wonders if it would be for the best, aka less awkward for everyone, if he resigned from the team.
Cap tells him that wouldn’t solve anything.
Captain America: “You made a mistake. We all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them... to bounce back. You can do it, mister! You’re an Avenger!”
Iron Man: (So was Hank, Cap... So was Hank.)
Interesting to see how the fall of Yellowjacket is still rippling in the pond.
But here’s what I’d tell Morose Iron Man: Hank didn’t learn from his mistake. He doubled and tripled down on it. If you learn a thing, you’re already off to a good start.
Thor has apparently been sitting across the room the whole time, listening to all of this. But he is also lost in his own thoughts.
He is also thinking whether he should resign from the team but so that he can focus more on re-establishing Donald Blake’s life. And even though some of his proudest moments have been as an Avenger, it is taking away Donald time.
Several floors below, She-Hulk casually carries that five ton machine on her shoulder. So casual that she reads the Daily Bugle while she walks.
She-Hulk, a Californian: “‘The Daily Bugle’ -- HAH! They call this a newspaper? New Yorkers wouldn’t know a real paper if it bit ‘em on their behinds! Sometimes I think I’ll go stir crazy in this town!”
There is apparently nothing for her to do in New York between Avengers missions. Nothing to do. In New York.
But she does find a help wanted ad for a part-time instructor for a health spa that interests her.
You have a LAW DEGREE.
First off, how are you not in ridiculous law school debt?
She’s so engrossed in the ad that she does Jarvis a fright, forcing him and Monica to squeeze up against the wall to avoid being smacked by the machine She-Hulk is carrying.
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Jarvis bemoans that new Avengers are always a trial before hurriedly excluding Monica.
She diplomatically takes no offense.
Jarvis continues his tour of the mansion, taking Monica to the records room which has not only all of the Avengers case files but also cross-referenced files from the Fantastic Four, the UN, SHIELD, Interpol, and a bunch of federal agencies.
If the Avengers love anything its drama but if they love two things its reading up on stuff. Like how Hawkeye was like ‘ah ha the Taskmaster, I read your file’ in the issue where he shot Ant-Man on an arrow.
Monica Marvel asked to see the records room because she’s following up on the Thing telling her that someone else went by Captain Marvel before she did.
So Jarvis punches up the Avengers’ file on Mar-Vell.
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That’s a bit of a neat touch. If she’s going to go around as Captain Marvel (and she has to, its a trademark squat) she’s going to be respectful and learn about the man that her name is going to evoke.
Meanwhile, in Central Park, Reed and Sue Richards?
Well, they’re on the cover so its not much of a surprise. They’re Wasp’s brunch appointment. A brunchment.
Sue decided that they should jog to Tavern-On-The-Green. Reed has decided that he hates jogging.
Sue: “Oh, no! It’s 11:59! I knew we should have started sooner!”
Reed: “I wish we hadn’t started at all.”
So when Sue complains about them arriving late, Reed goes heck yeah i can get out of jogging, scoops Sue up and does FANTASTIC LEG STRETCHING which is very different from jogging.
Good thing he made those jogging suits out of unstable molecules.
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In mere seconds, Reed covers the half mile to the tavern to meet the nonplussed Janet van Wasp and the oppositely nonplussed waiter.
So, Sue and Jan are fast friends forever now because of that one time they had brunch.
That’s how it works in their circle.
And Sue called and invited Jan out to brunch. But not just to get her back, but because she’s worried about Jan.
Well she says “we’ve been worried” but Reed probably had to be reminded that Sue has friends.
Jan: “Sue, you’re a dear! But you’re worried about nothing! I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Sure, it’s taken awhile to get used to being single again -- but I’m fine! Really!”
And like someone who is totally fine, she insists that she’s fine and then immediately excuses herself to the bathroom to powder her nose.
Noses sure needed a lot of powdering back in the day.
And anyone that insists that they’re perfectly fine and then runs off to the bathroom is either going to cry or going to powder their nose in a more narcotics fashion.
After Jan heads off to the bathroom to powder her nose in whichever way, Reed and Sue talk about her behind her back.
Reed: “Well, she’s certainly putting up a good front -- !”
Sue: “Yes, but it’s just a front! She’s keeping everything bottled up inside her! And she’s been through so much lately... Hank’s expulsion from the Avengers, the divorce... and now that she’s become chairwoman of the Avengers -- ! I’m afraid for her, Reed!”
Reed: “We can’t help her if she won’t let us, Sue. Jan’s a strong-willed woman -- I just pray that she’s strong enough to bend with the pressure... and not break!”
So its not one thing Sue is worried about. Its all the things. And there are a lot of things.
I don’t know what Sue means by “now” when she says Jan became chairwoman of the Avengers.
That happened the instant she came back from her divorce vacation from the team. I mean, it is plausibly a thing to worry about that she’s taken on too much in too little a time and just putting a smile on.
But she’s been leadering the Avengers. Its gone okay.
Anyway, Jan did go into the bathroom to not cry in front of her new best friend, Sue.
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Jan: “I won’t cry... I won’t! Maybe I don’t have Hank around to lean on anymore -- but I can tough it out! I’ll show ‘em... I don’t need him... Don’t need anybody! After all, I’m an Avenger! I’m the leader of the Avengers!”
And she walks out of the bathroom with feelings entirely managed and a smile back on.
I think the Avengers needing anybody is why the Avengers are Avengers, though. Bunch of usual loners teamed up once and realized ‘wait this is great.’
So like in the Jan and Tony are disgustingly cute together story, we get another glimpse that things haven’t been as easy on Jan as she lets on.
I don’t mind. This is what being a well-rounded character is, probably. I’ll see how things go.
It’s like... There’s this period of the Teen Titans book where Donna Troy became the team leader because Dick Grayson was having a lot of identity problems. And Donna suddenly started being like ‘I have no idea what I’m doing’ and making a lot of mistakes. And one could suspect that she was being set up as a less competent leader to make Dick look better. Kind of like how Shuri (initially) and Maria Hill exist to make T’Challa and Nick Fury look better in comparison.
As long as they don’t do that to Jan or something else like that, I’m fine for Jan to have a more complicated situation.
And it doesn’t seem like it’ll go that direction because I've heard she’s going to be the team leader for a while and mostly everyone (except Hawkeye) thinks she’s doing a good job.
But we leave brunch to the opposite of brunch, dusk. And at Ryker’s Island Penitentiary.
Recently, the government has been scattering all of the prisoners with superpowers to prisons across the country. Probably to avoid creating a powder keg situation.
*coughs in Raft*
The only superpowered prisoner left is “probably the worst of the lot.”
Because it’s Hank Pym.
Good dunk at his expense, prison guard.
But actually because “What could be lower than an Avenger who’s gone bad?”
And there’s a Dr. Paul Edmonds here to see Hank.
Hank is sorta blase to it, since he’s seen about thirty by this point. Presumably many of which have been paid for by Tony Stark’s guilty conscience.
Edmonds doesn’t say whether he’s from the prosecution or the defense (and Hank admits it doesn’t really matter to him) but he’s here to determine whether Hank is fit to stand trial.
What with his weird history.
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Hank Pym: “Doctor, when I think back over my history, as you call it, I sometimes wonder if I was ever fit for anything!”
Wow, nice self-own, Hank.
Anyway, almost the entire rest of the issue is the Grand Fairly Exhaustive Hank Pym Backstory Exposition Dump.
Of course, with the fillering of the previous run, Hank has been in jail for a bit. And a lot of the relevant backstory stuff is decades past. And Iron Man’s recap of it is over a year ago.
The long-awaited trial is coming up soon so Stern has to get the readers refamiliarized with this stuff.
Lets try to breeze through?
Hank’s life? Sucks. A lot.
He received his doctorate while his friends were undergraduates because he was a workaholic and because “it was easier to deal with chemicals than with people.”
He probably wouldn’t have ever left his lab if his coworkers hadn’t managed to drag him to parties occasionally.
Hank met his first wife Maria Trovaya at one of those reluctant social occasions.
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Hank: “She was beautiful, intelligent, witty... I couldn’t believe she was attracted to me! It was like some kind of miracle!”
Wow, another amazing self-own.
They fell so in love with each other that they were married in months.
And then tragedy.
Maria decided that the perfect place to go on honeymoon was to her homeland of communist Hungary where her father had been an enemy of the state.
Sooo. The secret police beat the shit out of Hank and took Maria off to be killed.
Hank had his first breakdown when he heard. And the State Department had a hell of a time getting Hank released from Hungarian captivity.
When Hank got back to the US, he buried himself in his work. And the mad lad decided to invent a shrinking potion.
Hank: “It shouldn’t have worked, but I made it work!”
I like when people stop and realize how bonkers the Marvel universe is.
And that Hank put all this effort into inventing this thing and then in a moment of clarity went ‘holy shit I can’t believe that actually worked!’
This recap doesn’t mention that Hank poured his invention down the drain after having a bad experience in an anthill but either way, the invention led to him becoming Ant-Man!
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Sort of accidentally! He didn’t really plan to become a “costumed crusader” he just sort of happened to do it.
Hank: “In a way, it almost felt good to be battling the kind of vermin who had killed my Maria!”
But he admits that he wasn’t ever truly comfortable in the role of superhero.
Vicarious catharsis for his murdered wife is possibly the reason why he can’t stay away from it though.
Although it mixes with Hank throwing himself into science so he doesn’t have to people. And Hank feeling insecurity compared to his peers in both superheroics and science so he keeps jumping unhappily between the two.
He’s got a lot going on.
Then his life changed forever again when he met a Dr. Vernon van Dyne and his daughter Janet.
Hank: “Though she was barely twenty, her physical resemblance to Maria was striking. And I soon discovered that Janet van Dyne was more than just a frivolous young debutante. Her father was killed... murdered, and when she tearfully vowed to see justice done, I saw a strength of will... so much like Maria’s!”
Hank revealed that he was the Ant-Man and offered to make her his partner.
So, yeah, maybe the relationship was kind of not on the healthiest footing from the beginning. There’s an age gap (Hank says she’s barely half his age although I don’t know that he’s supposed to be in his forties?). Hank is using her as a replacement goldfish. She’s probably clinging to him in a similarly unhealthy manner, having just lost her father and this guy goes ‘hey want some superpowers?’
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(Interesting but obvious bit here is that Hank says that with his further research, he could give Jan better powers than his own. What with the wings and the Wasp sting and all, yeah its kind of obvious that her powerset was better. Its interesting though considering how insecure Hank would get later.)
It would have taken a lot of emotional maturity from the both of them to keep it from becoming the unbalanced relationship that it did and neither of them were that emotionally mature, I think. Hank doesn’t even like to people.
He also doesn’t like to Ant-Man. Even with a partner, the role makes him ill at ease.
Hank: “No one can truly know the fragility, the vulnerability of life, as I have. It takes a very strong man to shrink to the size of an ant and still feel sure of himself. And I was never that strong.”
And here there’s a nice bit of arc welding.
Back in Avengers #1, Ant-Man is the one that suggests that Ant-Man, Wasp, Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor become a team.
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I don’t know what Stan Lee’s original reason for having Ant-Man be the one to say it. It might have just been a flow thing. Ant-Man had just spoken to explain how his ants have trapped Loki in a tank so rather than pivot to a new character, Stan may have had Ant-Man bring it up.
But in this grand recap of all things Hank Pym, Hank explains his motive.
Feeling ill at ease as Ant-Man, feeling unsure of himself from seeing the world at the size of an ant, he had found some strong allies that he didn’t dare to lose.
Interesting dots to connect.
But then Hank went ‘oh no i fucked up.’
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Hank: “I soon realized that Ant-Man would constantly be overshadowed by the more powerful teammates -- at least one of whom the Wasp found most attractive!”
It’s Thor. Of course, it’s Thor.
Even though it may have been a ploy to make him jealous, Hank locked himself in the lab to improve his powers.
Of course, we know Hank Pym’s usual string of luck with locking himself into his lab.
So what happens next is incredibly obvious but no less funny. But its so funny that I had to look up whether it was how it was originally portrayed or invented for this extended flashback.
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When testing his new growth formula, Hank smashes his own house like a sillier Alice in Wonderland.
And this actually happened in Tales to Astonish #49.
Hank really does have consistent luck with science.
And what makes it funnier is that according to this extended flashback, making himself super-strong and giant didn’t actually make Hank feel like a more valuable member of the team.
He felt clumsy and inept. Not to mention that testing an experimental formula on himself WAS REALLY BAD FOR HIS HEALTH.
And it was Jan realizing what was going on with Hank rather than concern for herself having been shot that made Jan suggest that the two retire from Avengersing (leading to the Kooky Quartet).
But Jan actually really enjoyed being the Wasp and Hank must have felt shitty pulling her away from it because as we know, he eventually ends up back on the team with more limited growth powers and a name change to Goliath.
He actually felt like he was pulling his weight around this time, though, because he was the most experience member of the team.
Of course, its also around this time that he accidentally created Ultron, which is a big whoopsie.
But he made what he considers a worse whoopsie.
Hank: “But even the responsibility for unwittingly unleashing Ultron on the world often paled in comparison to my trouble relationship with Jan. Having come into her full inheritance, she wanted to underwrite my research. I wanted to pay my own way, but I couldn’t find the words to tell her.”
Probably because he was more comfortable with chemicals than people. Open and healthy communication is essential in a relationship but its also difficult.
He also wanted to marry Jan but at the same time felt too unsure of himself to propose.
So Hank did what Hank do and retreated into his lab.
Where he accidentally spilled some chemicals and had another breakdown after getting high on fumes, becoming convinced that he was actually another person entirely.
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I don’t know why but the panel of Hank declaring “So, Goliath won’t marry Janet van Dyne, eh? Then, there shall be no more Goliath!” cracks me up.
Anyway, Jan saw right through Yellowjacket and decided to play along and when Hank was shocked back to reality, he discovered he was married.
Which. Uh. Has gotten more scrutiny in the years after it was published. Including this year of 1983.
Hank: “I guess even some psychotic episodes can be beneficial.”
Dr. Edmonds: “Do you think that was the case?”
Hank: “I did then. Now... I’m not so sure. I know I wanted to believe it then. Jan and I were married. The circumstances didn’t seem important.”
After the honeymoon, things begin to sour. Hank tried to stick to small sizes as being better for his health. And he tried to stay away from the Avengers too but Jan wanted them to be Avengers together.
Hank: “I had to keep trying for her, even though my heart wasn’t in it! The pressure got to be too much, my work began to slide. More and more projects were ending in failure.”
He smashed up his lab to lash out at something, out of frustration that he had swallowed his pride to accept Jan’s money and was now wasting it on fruitless projects.
Jan started trying harder and harder to prop up Hank’s ego.
But he was still a walking emotional wreck so when Ultron returned, it didn’t take much to tip him over the edge into another breakdown.
This one came with AMNESIA! Hank though he was Ant-Man ant-again and attacked the Avengers because he didn’t recognize Vision, Scarlet Witch, Wonder Man, Beast, or even Captain America as being Avengers.
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I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again and again. Ants is best power.
Hank: “It’s almost funny in a way. I took on the Avengers single-handed and nearly beat them! My finest hour as a ‘hero’... and I wasn’t even in my right mind!”
That does sour what is an otherwise pretty impressive stomp. When Spider-Man stomps entire X-Men team, its held up as one of his greatest moments. When Hank does it to the Avengers its like ‘welp there goes another Hank Pym breakdown.’
Iron Man was able to devise a variant of electro-shock therapy which undid the damage Ultron did to Hank’s mind which sure sounds like a thing electro-shock therapy could do.
Hank was getting back into the swing of things as Yellowjacket when Henry Peter Gyrich pulled the rug out from him.
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As Henry Peter Gyrich is known to do.
With him as the government liaison, the Avengers were ordered to slim down the roster. And Hank got the boot while Jan was kept on the team.
At first Hank was glad for it because it gave him an excuse to leave the team and go back to his lab work.
Buuuuut as happens when Hank does do that, his lab work became fruitless and frustrating.
And with Jan on the Avengers, he could go days without seeing her. And he felt alone and lost without her.
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Its the irony of his life.
Jan convincing Hank to stay on the Avengers isn’t good for him. Him not being on the Avengers while she is, isn’t good for him. And being kept from being on the Avengers isn’t good for her.
A possible compromise might have been to have him working at Avengers Mansion as an on-staff but uncostumed science advisor. But Hank may not have accepted that, what with the pride.
I wonder about it though because Hank will later join the West Coast Avengers in a strictly support capacity for a while.
Anyway, Hank having a bad time in the lab coincided with Captain America reorganizing the roster.
Hank: “I began to think that maybe ‘Avenging’ was all I could do. As Yellowjacket, I pinch-hit for other members whenever possible. And when Captain America invoked executive privilege to further pare the team down to a more workable six members, I jumped back on board. I had such high hopes. The ‘new’ Avengers were practically the original group. This time, I thought I could finally be the kind of man Jan wanted me to be. But I was only fooling myself. By then, I was in no state of mind to be an Avenger!”
Because, yeah. This is the part of the Hank Pym Lore Dump that we hit the Elf-Queen incident.
And then the court-martial.
Hank: “I had to redeem myself somehow! I became desperate! In the hours that followed, I must have cracked completely!”
Enough that building an indestructible kill-bot to kill his friends to make them realize how useful he is seemed like a good idea.
It wasn’t.
The robot kicked the crap out of Hank before he could hit the secret shut-down switch and Jan saved the day by hitting the switch instead.
Hank: “Jan divorced me, threw me out... Not that I blame her! Did you know that I actually struck her on the day of the court-martial?! Lord, I must have been out of my mind! I had compounded one mistake with another, and my whole life collapsed like a house of cards.”
Dr. Edmonds asks if being estranged from his friends and broke was why he tried to steal the federal reserve of adamantium but Hank denies this last bit.
He was played a fool by EGGHEAD!
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Hank: “But I’ll tell you this, Edmonds, I won’t play the fool any longer! I’ve learned so much about myself -- the hard way -- in the last few weeks. I’ll have my day in court, and I’ll beat those charges!”
Dr. Edmonds: “I see. And in that way, you think you’ll win back your wife?”
Hank: “No. I thought that was possible once. I don’t any more. I’ve lost her. It hurts, but I’ll just have to accept it. Now, all I want back is my dignity.”
I’ve been kind of low-key snarking at Hank for acting like he’d be able to easily win Jan back given what went down but it hurts a little to see him give up on that hope, even if he seems resigned to it.
LATER, Dr. Edmonds returns to his office and calls his SECRET EMPLOYER
Its Tony Stark. Of course its Tony Stark.
We already knew that Tony has been throwing a lot of money at the problem of Hank to assuage his guilty conscience. And that it included making shrinks available.
Dr. Edmonds: “Dr. Pym has been through more than any two men should! He’s suffered at least four nervous breakdowns in the last decade! He has a massive inferiority complex -- but the man is fit to stand trial. Moreover, I don’t think we can swing an insanity plea. Despite his insistence that this Egghead person set him up!”
I wonder if Iron Man was trying to swing an insanity plea. Get the case dismissed. Wouldn’t put it past him!
And honestly. What would you think if you friend had a nervous breakdown, built a kill-bot to kill you, wandered off and disappeared for a while, and re-emerged after heisting a whole bunch of adamantium and claiming that Egghead made him do it?
Dr. Edmonds asks whether it is possible that Egghead was involved since he is a serious psychiatrist man and doesn’t keep up with the superhero biz. But Tony tells him that Egghead died in an explosion in Defenders #42.
Edmonds ponders that may indicate an even deeper delusion, while not suspecting that his pencil has been bugged.
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Its not a great bug in the sense that it seems to have a bright flashing light. But in the sense of ‘how the hell did you get a bug in a pencil, Egghead?’ its a very great bug.
Egghead, presumably taking a break from his plan to invent eternal youth to get infinite money and then buy the world to save from having to do the Effort of taking it over, hears Dr. Edmonds say “Still, Pym seems convinced he’ll be exonerated, Mr. Stark.”
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Egghead: “Ha-ha-ha! Henry always did have faith in the legal system! I suppose I shall have to shatter that faith for him! I knew it was a wise move to let the world think that Egghead is dead! No one searches for a ‘late’ fugitive! Just as no one will suspect who is truly behind Pym’s ultimate disgrace -- when my plans ruin his day in court!”
WOW! You are super petty, Egghead!
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I’ve finally caught up with my backlog. And because I’ll never bug a pencil nor even annoy one. Like and reblog too or I’ll bother a pen.
16 notes · View notes
anyu-blue · 4 years
I'm just venting here cuz I don't have anyone to really vent to right now.
I know I'm being 'too much' and 'over the top' again... I know I'm throwing a hissy fit I don't need to, and I recognize I'm hurting at least one person with it.
But God damn I'm pissed and I guess I want to be pissed.
There's so much I want to do and so much I feel obligated to do and more... A lot of what I want to do... I just don't have the energy for. I wanted to make all these custom cards for my family since I should be able to ship stuff out this week... But I pulled Everything out and found... I just really didn't want to put that effort in..I mean I REALLY do... But just... Everything was turning out terrible. I'm honestly shocked I managed the 14 for my ex's family for Christmas... I want to do it... But at the same time I don't.
Cuz what's the point? All that effort.. all that care.. when I could just buy them a stupid card instead. So I'll go buy them a card... Because my eldest and younger sister decided to head to the grocery store without me and now I have to steal the car right when I'm off work to do my own necessary shopping anyway (or risk not being able to go at all this week). All because they were nearly out of toilet paper and Tevie wanted to get me cash for her car insurance bill...
Now I wouldn't be so mad except... They didn't even ask if I had extra toilet paper in my bathroom, which I do. AND I told Tevie that she didn't have to worry- I have enough to cover the insurance for her car.
But no. She just HAD to go today so I could have the money by tomorrow when it pulls!!! Um... Tomorrow (technically today, now) is SUNDAY. How the FUCK am I supposed to deposit the $ into my account like she wants when it's a freaking Sunday?! Or or at all when uh.. she has the car until like... 7pm every day anyway?!
Uuuugh... I already told her too, I'm not depositing Anything unless I absolutely need to either. Which I don't cuz I just got paid. AND I told her her insurance will be a part of what she pays me (if she does) for all her other bills!! If I got it I got it. What part of that is so hard to understand?
Apparently all of it...
Or none of it, but it doesn't matter because she doesn't pay attention to stuff like that anyway. Literally just does whatever she wants.. and you know what? I know that's absolutely fine. Sure it inconveniences me because, well, I needed to go to the store too (and told her as such), and had nothing for dinner while they fed themselves again (didn't even ask me AND used a service I have/can get free stuff with if they use my account like I've asked EVERY SINGLE TIME we've EVER used it!!!). (Why did I EVER cook and feed them so much? I was 100% right in that they have no interest in doing the same. They BARELY cook for themselves!! And you can probably already guess what I'm going to say about it... It's all JUNK!!! Cheeto mac and cheese, ramen, air fried chicken and fries, microwaved meals- you should see our pantry right now. Almost entirely instant meals and it makes me want to vomit. What's not instant is the stuff I picked out/ingredients that have just sat since I stopped cooking.. you should see our FRIDGE right now!! Not a vegetable or fruit in sight!! It's all warm fruit cups for Tevie and idek what W0lfie eats to get her vitamins and nutrients- cuz the vitamins I bought haven't been touched except for by me, Though I told them it would be a good idea of they took some each week too.. I'd wager she doesn't!! And that's partly why she's so gd MISERABLE all the time!! She doesn't take care of herself!!)
But in reality it's whatever. Technically Tevie did nothing wrong. She's just living her life how she wants to live it. Who cares about wasting more gas? Apparently not Tevie even though she told me she did... Apparently that's out the window. Who cares about my needs? Apparently not Tevie Though I've been fighting with our property managers and walking her through every gd adulting problem she has (I'm even supposed to help her with her taxes AGAIN cuz she can't do it) and taking care of the house and all the paperwork and all the phonecalls and everything... So it's not like I've been looking out for her and our little sister at all 🙄 or thinking of them and trying to make THEIR lives easier or nothing.
They don't owe me anything obviously... Not even the requests I made of them to do particular adulting tasks on their own (like put in a simple maintenance request, or cover up the open window downstairs, or even buy the materials so I could take care of that stupid problem better than I already have with the shit we had on hand).... It's up to them if they want to follow through. And they don't. Like ever. Because it'll just be done by me because I actually DO care about how much our power bill is.. Tevie sait she does and then pulls that shit. W0lfie says she does and then pulls the shit like letting her room get ULTRA cold- which guess what happens when she opens her door for the day? You guessed it. The temp of the house goes down and the heat/furnace churns and chugs to make up for it.
I'm so FUCKING DONE.. but guess what? I CAN'T be. I'm not even supposed to be pissed about this stuff!! I'm the bad guy!! Because I'm mad!! Because I can't just let it go or deal with it quietly. Or not be a bother.
I AM THE REASON THEY HAVE THE SHIT THEY DO!! THE ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS, TEVIE'S CAR, LOWER BILLS (not just because I pay my part, but because I literally put in all the work to make sure stuff is taken care of and that I don't use excess/as much as I want or need sometimes), PAID BILLS (EVERYTHING comes out of my account. I've asked Tevie to do it. Several times. To set it up or to even just pay it once or twice... Has she ever? No. Not even when I showed her how and offered to write it all down for the future- and still she comes back at me like 'well you put them in your name' like, bitch... The water bill HAD to be in my name because at the time they only set it up in person!! Doesn't mean you can't pay it!! All the information is RIGHT THERE!!! You have my permission!!! In fact I've ASKED you to!! And the internet- we switched it to my name so it would lower AND give us a better speed!! And autopay gives us a discount anyway- Something YOU approved of!! And GUESS WHAT? The power ISN'T in my name!! It's in yours!!! Why on EARTH do you still expect me to pay it every single time?! It's not even on autopay!!! And the car insurance.. well SORRY if you have a wreck on your record that would make the premium double or triple what it is now!!! I did that for you!! I even called and asked and compared and did EVERYTHING FOR YOU YOU WOULDN'T/COULDN'T!!! And the cellphones are in my name because years ago when we GOT the plan you didn't have a credit score which was REQUIRED... Guess who did?! ME!! So guess who did all that and set up autopay so we wouldn't get charged $20 more a month?! It's not like we COULDN'T change these things, YOU just DON'T want to deal with it OR you want those discounts and agreed to it in the first place- so your 'well they're all you're responsibility Because they're in your name' is BULLSHIT), EXTRA MONEY EVERY MONTH, EVEN TEVIE'S BANK ACCOUNT, EVERY DOCTOR/DENTIST/SPECIALIST SHE HAS EVER SEEN AFTER OUR MOTHER WAS KICKED TO THE CURB... Even W0lfie is not exempt... Because what I don't do for her, she goes to her mom to take care of. And she's told me things and I've had to ask why she hasn't taken care of it. Well. She either doesn't know how (and in some instances refused to learn cuz it happens again), or was just going to suffer through it because she assumed that was what was right (without asking anyone or even GOOGLING the information)... Gods... Half my 'knowledge' comes from google and checking at least two or three sights and sources before I act... I feel like I'm the only one in my house who has that skill despite the top-notch cellphones and computers and shit laying around everywhere. Despite my little sister literally building her computer... Can't adult life at ALL...
And I just... I just...
I'm so mad and upset.
I want to have the carefree lives they have some days... But then I realize someone wild have to be doing all the shit I do for them for me... And then I get depressed Because literally no one would or will. Even Lon didn't... He took care of his bills sure... But everything else? Well.. unless I asked him to step up, he never would.. and he to never would more than the day I asked. Another red flag I shouldn't have let slide...
No matter how sick I get. No matter how crazy I go... It's still all up to me. I don't have people I can go to to ask to do these things and know they will... I have tos er Everything up and do all the work or it never happens. Especially not more than once.
I hate nagging... And I'm just the bad guy if I try anyway.
Idk what the point even is anymore. I hate my life.
I want so badly to love it and be happy to be around... But I just want to disappear and see what happens when that happens. Would they step up? I mean they'd HAVE to and then I'd be the bad guy again... But ugh...
None of this is easy. None of this is easy especially when all alone.
Few people reach out to me... The ones that do are just as overburdened as I am and can barely talk too because they're so busy... But we try...
I appreciate every one of them/you and I feel awful I'm so drained I can barely say thank you or reply.
I know what it's like... I do... Maybe I don't 100% know the specifics of the reasons behind what you're feeling, but I can feel it with you.
I'm trying. I'm angry. I'm tired... But I'm trying my best.
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zebrabaker · 5 years
Songbird, Chapter One
Here ya go! Tell me if you want tagged!
Izumi jogged up the steps, thinking over her encounter with her two favorite heroes. It had scared the hell out of her when she had heard clapping. She never played for anyone but her mother and her view-tube channel, and that was completely anonymous. She grabbed her keys and swiftly unlocked the door, kicking her shoes off. She slid her slippers on and headed for the kitchen rolling her neck. There was a note on the fridge, and she smiled at her mother’s hand writing.
               I’ll not be home till 1 tonight. Please remember to eat dinner and wash your face. I’m excited to celebrate your birthday in a few days, and I’ve already got the day off! I’ll be home for dinner tomorrow, and I bought all the things for katsudon!
Love, Mom.’
Izumi smiled and dug around in her bag for a pen and paper, before scribbling out a note and swapping it out. She headed for her room and changed into her leotard and tights, grabbing her dance duffle on the way out. She grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard, snagged her metro pass from it’s hook by the door, and jogged back down the stairs, triple checking her bag. Pointe shoes, hairbrush, scrunchie, pepper spray in a perfume bottle. Yup, she was good! Izumi used her hip to swing open the door, and took a deep breath as she stepped into the brisk night air.  
She quickly walked the two blocks to the metro station, checking the time on her phone. It was only eight, so she had time. She swiped her card at the till and headed for the girl’s only car, dropping into a seat. She snagged her earbuds from her bag (they were Present Mic themed) and plugged them into her phone. She pulled up her ‘travel’ playlist, and hit shuffle, relaxing as the first strains of ‘Kokomo’ echoed through the ear buds.
When her stop came, she swung her duffle onto her shoulder and bounded off the train, bouncing in place as she stood on the escalator. By the time she had reached the dance studio, it was almost nine. She pushed open the door, shuddering at the burst of AC. The studio was owned by a couple of French immigrants, Marinette and Luka. Luka taught more contemporary modern dance, while Marinette taught the classics. Occasionally, Marinette and Luka would teach classes together, where they had the students try fusion dances. Those were her favorite classes. She would pair with a girl named Mina, who had an acid quirk.
She waved to the receptionist, a teenager named Haruka, and pushed open the door to the locker room while twisting her long hair into a dance bun. She tossed her sneakers and duffle into her bag, after digging out her shoes and phone. She flopped onto a bench in the hall and carefully pulled on her shoes before tying them up her calves. She walked the hall, looking for an open room, before finding one about a third of the way down. She pushed open the door and strolled over to the speakers, pulling up her dance playlist. She quickly stretched, from her ankles to her neck, ran through some quick barre exercises, and pressed play on a song she had been planning a routine to.
When the first strains of the song began to play, she carefully slid into third, and took a deep breath. From third, she slid into fifth en pointe, and slowly began to turn. Within a few seconds, she was pirouetting quickly, she counted them, one-two-three-four turns. She stopped in an arabesque, panting. She then dropped her leg so that she was in fifth, before performing a brise and landing on both feet in en pointe second position. She dipped into a demi-plie, and quickly swung her left leg out into a developpe. Her leg dropped, and she swung into a tendu before she ended in a simple camber back. She panted as the song ended, and startled when she heard someone clap from out in the hall. She whirled around to see Madame Marinette on the other side of the glass, beaming.
“That was wonderful, Izumi! Oh, you have to perform that in the fall festival! Has your mother seen that routine yet?” Madame Marinette clasped her hands in her own, beaming. Izuki gently pulled her hands back and signed slowly.
‘Mom hasn’t seen that one yet. I don’t know about performing, I’ve never danced on stage!’ It was true. Izumi never auditioned for any of the productions her dance classes put on, not for any of them. Her teachers had asked, but she always said no.
“Oh, she’ll love it, I’m sure. But for now, you need to head home, it’s almost ten, and you have a half hour commute.” Izumi whipped her head to check the time, and flailed her hands a little when she realized her teacher was right. She waved goodbye and frantically jogged down the hall, pulling her hair down and whipping it into a ponytail. She slammed into the locker room, and hopped on one foot, pulling off her pointe shoes. Usually, she would take the time to massage her feet and put on lotion to soothe any sores. Instead, she stuffed her reddened toes into her socks and crammed her feet into her sneakers, before cramming everything into her bag and running for the door. She waved goodbye to Haruka, and speed-walked to the metro station, panicking. She ran down the stairs to the metro, and frantically swiped her card and ran onto the girl’s only car, collapsing into her seat. She ignored the stares of those around her, and just sagged back, panting. By the time she had reached her stop, she had more than caught her breath, and was just checking her texts. There was one from Madame Marinette, asking her to text when she got home, and one from Mom asking her to go to bed at a reasonable time. She stretched as she stood, and plodded off the train. She slowly made her way home, hand on her pepper spray, just in case. She made her way into the apartment, and tossed a microwave meal in to cook while she changed into pajamas. By the time she re-entered the kitchen, her food was done, and she grabbed a glass of lemonade to go with it. She sat at the small dinner table and checked the news app on her phone after she texted Madame Marinette that she was home safe.
There wasn’t anything shocking or new. Endeav-whore had cost another couple million in property damage fighting a vigilante, All Might had popped up to fight some sludge villain, Bakugo had gotten caught up in the same attack, some new vigilante had- wait, what?! She clicked the article, and felt her heart freeze when she saw the picture at the top of the article. It was a green sludge with eyes, surrounded by heroes doing nothing. There, suspended in the middle of the sludge, was Baka-go, eyes wide, explosions booming from his palms. He looked like he was trying to hold his breath and failing. God, how had that even happened? She frantically read the article, and sighed when she saw that he was okay. She may despise the guy, but she loved her Auntie Mistuki, and losing him would destroy the woman.
“Only you, Bakugo.” She sighed. She dropped her dishes in the sink, and headed for her room. It was almost eleven, and she would have to wake up early to shower before school.
@healingmichiko @runestarchild
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snarky-badger · 6 years
Sequel to that Murphy's law reader? like She super paranoid going out and because of that the reader like really observant; the point where she can use her unluckiness to her advantage in a dangerous situation, like being chased by some thugs and they have a horrible time! an oil drum burst causing them to slip around, getting run over by a piano, and attacked by birds. before finally catching the reader in a dead end only for Venom jump in after enjoying "the show".
Prompt #2 - I feel like i’m not alone to fell in love with your “serie of unfortunate Events” did you follow the story with the reader meeting eddie or just keep writing it? Because i really love it i never see something that accurate with my life! It’s amazing!    
Part 3 of what people have dubbed 'Murphy's Law Reader'. Part 1, Part 2
It took weeks after Venom's 'visit' for the building across from yours to fix the damage from both his little rampage and his written message clawed into the brick. The gun runner that had been Venom's prey had been found headless, amidst a pile of guns, ammunition and drugs. Bullet holes had marred the apartment's walls, signs of a struggle that had been rather one-sided.
It really should have bothered you, you knew it should have bothered you - Venom calmly eating brownies in your apartment before going to decapitate a bad guy. But it didn't. Not really.
Which was why you didn't bat an eye at baking more triple chocolate brownies the next day. Once cooled, you'd put them into a large Tupperware, then duct taped the entire thing to the side of the building just outside your window.
You didn't see Venom again, though three times you checked and found the Tupperware empty, and three times you refilled it with more brownies.Things went back to as normal as they could with you. You went to work - where computers would randomly refuse to function around you, printers would start printing gibberish if you walked past, and the IT department low-key thought you were some sort of computer virus come to life.
Then came the week of hell.
Monday, after your computer monitor had mysteriously started to emit a foul-smelling smoke, you'd been forced to walk home after the bus had broken down a block before needing to pick you up, and almost twisted an ankle after a cat had just bolted out of an alley and dashed across your path.
Tuesday, you'd been demoted to the mail room since your computer was still on the fritz and had nearly sliced your palm open with a exacto knife while fighting to open a box of toner for the Xerox machine.
Wednesday, you'd arrived at work drenched because a truck had motored through a deep puddle next to the sidewalk. Then someone had decided to microwave some foul-smelling fish dish in the microwave, and the smell had infected the entire floor of the building.
Thursday, you'd been sent back to your desk and your new monitor, whereupon your ergonomic chair had mysteriously dumped you on your head when the back of it had given way. Your flailing arm had caught the cord of your mouse and ripped it out of the computer tower. IT had merely sighed and handed you a new one.
Friday, your MP3 player that kept you sane while working had died, and no amount of prayer or charging could revive it. You'd been forced to listen to your the cubical-over's horrible music on their radio. It hadn't even been in English. Or Spanish. It had been some weird, high pitched thing with screaming and bells. Weird. Migraine inducing too.
You'd been so desperate to escape the horrible music that you'd snuck out of work early.
It was a sunny day - which meant no puddles. No cats bolted out in front of you. You were hoping to get home without any insanity, because you were really, really, tired. All you wanted to do was get home and hibernate until Monday.
Naturally, fate decided to throw a monkey wrench into that plan too.
Fucking fate. That bitch.
You were halfway home, crossing the street, when a cat call caught your attention. You turned towards the source of the whistle, meeting the gaze of a man who gave you a visible look-over and a leer, before he started to walk towards you.
Fuck no. You stopped that shit by glaring at him and giving him the finger before hustling into a little coffee shop for safety. He didn't follow you in. Taking a break and getting yourself a hot chocolate and a donut wasn't what you had planned, but it was better than dealing with Mr. I-Have-No-Respect-For-Women.
Only when you'd finished your sweet treat and made certain that the asshole was gone did you leave the shop. It was late evening, and the sun was starting it's descent. You hurried, wanting to get home, wanting, more than anything, to get out of your bra and put on a tee and shorts and just relax.
You were five blocks away when you heard fast footsteps from behind. You were already starting to turn when a hand grasped your left arm and tugged you to a stop.
"You can't take a compliment?"
Fuck. Your. Life.
"Let me go." You pulled on your arm, trying to get free. The man who'd cat called you merely tightened his grip until you were certain that you were going to have bruises, his dark eyes narrowing.
"I gave you a compliment. Least you could do is not flip me off like some whore."
"You cat-called me, asshole! That's not a goddamn compliment!" Growling you kicked him in the knee, then stomped on his foot. His grip on you loosened enough that you were able to twist your arm free. You paused long enough to whack him in the face with your heavy purse before spinning and making a run for it.
No need to bother looking back either. Just fucking run. This wasn't the time to hope for the good in mankind, this asshole was off his rocker.
Not surprisingly, you heard him yell and heard the sounds of pursuit, heavy footfalls pounding the sidewalk. No one that you weaved around bothered to even look up from their phones or bother to realize that you were in trouble. You poured on the speed, dodging people, hoping that nothing stupid would get in your way and trip you up enough that idiot would catch up and get his hands on you.
Naturally, someone splashed water onto the sidewalk ahead of you, suds and cleaning fluid from a mop bucket flowing over the concrete. You were going too fast to slow down, so you braced yourself for the worst, barely managing to stay upright as you skidded through it. The idiot behind you cursed loudly as he slipped, falling to his hands and knees in the suds and screaming at the poor store owner.
Well. Murphy's Law did help now and again. Didn't think it was possible.
Still, you kept going.
Four blocks to go.
Block three, and the asshat had re-caught up to you. Goddamn dude was quick, you had to give him that. Didn't think he had it in him - he'd stunk of cheap cigarettes and cologne. Though you didn't admire his persistence. Wondered how many other women he'd manhandled into going out with him or whatever. The thought made your stomach turn a little. Gross little man.
Three blocks, and his grasping fingers touched your back. You ducked, throwing yourself under a large table that two movers were carrying into an apartment building. You scraped your knees, but idiot ploughed into the piece of furniture and went down hard. The movers weren't too happy with him either, yelling at him and showing not one ounce of mercy for the moron on the ground.
You risked a laugh as you scrambled up to your feet and forced yourself back into a sprint. Two blocks. You could make that. Hopefully the asshat would stay down - ploughing into a wood table at high speed couldn't have felt good.
"Goddamn bitch!"
Well. There was something to be said about his tenacity.
Groaning, you darted past a man on a ladder trying to change a light on a sign, rolling your eyes when he dropped the bulb just as you went by, the 'pop!' of the bulb shattering and the flying glass making Mr. Moron behind you stumble a little.
That didn't come from the idiot.
You jerked your gaze forward, then threw yourself to the side, plastering yourself against a building as a Baby Grand Piano rolled past, three men running after the escaped instrument. Caught a glimpse of your personal idiot's eye's widening before he did a Stupid Thing and tried to brace himself to 'catch' said piano.
It didn't end well.
You didn't have to worry about him anymore.
The last block home was journeyed at a calm walk, though you did quirk an eyebrow at the ambulance that roared past, heading towards the, ahem, 'incident'. You stepped into your apartment ten minutes later, sighing tiredly as you locked the door behind you. Dropped your purse onto the floor as you kicked off your shoes, then headed for the fridge and the vodka coolers you kept in stock.
Didn't bother to turn on the lights as you shuffled over to the couch and plopped down onto it, taking a long guzzle of your 'Mike's Hard Lemonade'.
Your life.
No receipt no exchange.
You hoped the piano was okay.
Sighing, you inspected your dress pants, plucking at the material at your knees that was frayed from the friction of the sidewalk. Nuts. You'd have to order a new pair, because your work didn't allow jeans.
You were trying to gather up the willpower to go get changed when you heard a tap at the window. Ignored it for a moment, thinking it was another demented city pigeon, before it happened again, louder than a bird could manage without breaking it's tiny little feathered head open.
Frowning, you got up to see what new hell was trying to break into your apartment, eyes widening when you spotted Venom peering into your apartment, his curiosity quickly replaced by amusement when he saw you.
Sighing again, you went over and lifted the window open. "Sorry, I ran out of flour for the brownies and I haven't gone to the store yet."
"OH, WE'RE NOT HERE FOR THAT, NIBBLE," he rumbled as he squeezed through the window. You backed up a bit as he entered your apartment and rose to his full height, stretching a little. "WE WERE JUST SEEING IF YOU WERE ALRIGHT."
"The... You... You were there?!" Okay, you were yelling at Venom again. Not something you should make a habit out of. "Why the everlasting fuck didn't you do something?!"
Massive shoulders rose and fell in a shrug. "TO BE HONEST, YOU SEEMED TO HAVE A HANDLE ON IT," he told you, before smirking. "AND WE WERE LAUGHING TOO HARD AFTER HE RAN INTO THE TABLE."
You facepalmed.
"Is that why you keep showing up?" you snarked as you went to retrieve your drink, grumbling as you finished it off.
Venom huffed a little at your comment. "WE'LL LET THAT SLIDE."
Another, tired, sigh left you, and your shoulders slumped as you turned to look at him again. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. In my defense, I've had a horrible week that just culminated with me getting chased by a pervert."
The exhausted, on edge, broken, tone to your voice pulled some odd thrumming noise from Venom, and you blinked as he took two large steps towards you before wrapping an arm around your waist and hauling you into a massive bear hug.
You tensed for a moment, your brain trying to make sense of the fact that Venom, of all people, was offering you comfort. But considering all the fuckery as of late, you couldn't bring yourself to really care. It was a hug. You missed hugs.
Closing your eyes, you leaned into him, your own arms wrapping around his waist as you listened to that odd growling noise that was leaving him. One of his taloned hands rose to cup the back of your head, tucking you close, and you relaxed into him. Fuck Murphy's Law. Let it try to get at you now.
He bent down to exhale warm breath into your hair. "BETTER?"
"Yeah." You felt like you should pull away, but he wasn't letting go, and you felt pretty happy to stay where you were. "Thanks."
"WE WERE ORIGINALLY COMING TO THANK YOU FOR THE BROWNIES," Venom told you with another vibrating rumble that rattled your bones. "WANTED TO KNOW IF YOU WANTED TO COME OUT TO SEE THE TOWN WITH US."
"You want me, Disaster Incorporated, to let you swing me around the city on those little webs?" You rose your head from his chest to look up at him. "Seriously?"
"You realize that's just asking the Universe to do something, right?"
Yeah. You were definitely off your rocker. "Let me get changed into normal clothes and we can go."
The Saturday Edition of the Paper would later cover an odd explosion at a chocolate shop. Where upon a frazzled woman fitting your description was seen running from the store, carrying several boxes of high-quality chocolates, before the Demon of San Francisco swung down, missed picking you up, and pretty much just faceplanted himself into the side of a building.
No one knew where the piano came from, but it was found at the scene of the crime with a large bite taken out of it.
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