#like brats or crotch goblins
washeduphazbin · 6 months
Omg, okay— my brain is spiralling. Adam, a washed up punk who plays in a small shitty local band, meets a successful elegant reader. She’s out of his league, that much is obvious.
Adam, desperate for cash to pay for his crappy studio apartment, finds a babysitting ad. The lister is a single mom who needs someone to look after her kid after school. The kid’s six, needs to be picked up after school at 3:45, and mom normally gets home at 10:00. Fuck, seems simple enough.
He calls the number, and sets up a meeting, and damn, he decides he NEEDS this job because this woman is a MILF. (Mom bod included. Adam’s a sucker for curves.)
Adam, by some miracle lands the job, but he’s shit at it. He’s never really liked crotch goblins, they’re sticky and annoying. He just has to make sure the kid doesn’t die, he doesn’t need to treat this rich kid like royalty. He’s picking the kid up in his shitty van, Dewy Finn style, the kid doesn’t need a limo.
“Can you read me a bedtime story?”
“Go read it yourself.” Says Adam, taking advantage of the big screen in the home theatre, his voice muffled with food.
“If you don’t read me a story, I’m telling my mom. Mom says if you’re mean to me I should tell her.” The kid is actually threatening him, and she looks confident that she can get him fired. She probably can.
Adam stares the kid down. He wants to win this battle, but if he’s gonna fuck that MILF, he’s gotta make sacrifices. “Fucking— Jesus, what do you wanna read?”
The kid looks satisfied, a smug smile on her face “Through the looking glass.” A fucking chapter book?! God, rich kids are annoying.
Adam slowly rises to his feet, grunting, unhappy that he has to give up his comfort. “One chapter, brat. Then lights out.”
Suffice to say, he may slowly begin to care for the kid and the weeks roll on. Not that he’d admit that.
(Job ideas include a fashion designer, or CEO of an ambiguous company that I have no ideas for. I’m up for other ideas for jobs.)
Let me write this full blown fan fiction with you PLEASE
I would write and read the shit out of this, because milf reader would laugh at Adam’s stupid jokes, and absolutely fight the dead beat bio dad to the kid.
And at first he only wants a lay and then he’s falling in love with her and tripping over his words and suddenly finds himself in love with reader and her daughter. SCREAMING
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
imagine a puppy love type crush between Cheka and Bitey! Child!Yuu like i think that would be adorable. like he shyly gives them flowers when he visits or small gifts or random things he finds that they would like and all the while his dad is like their number 1 fan. also "gotta bit them all NRC" in the tune of the pokemin theme came into ny head.
Puppy love hc with the bitey child!Yuu and Cheka.
Warning(s): cussing, not edited
A/N: ok... i don't rly see this happening but at the same time if it did happen,,, its rly fuckin cute!
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
first things first
he hated that your two were friends
but now he finds out from his brother-
cause we all know he's never actually kept an eye on you two
at least on that close of one
- That the little brat Cheka had a crush on the little shit Yuu
and he is not pleased at all!!
now- normally he wouldn't give a shit cause he couldn't care less what two crotch goblins think of each other
but now Cheka would be coming over more, and what's worse
Falena is going to come along too!
he wanted to see the small child and talking fire cat Cheka kept talking about.
Anyway, let's move on from Leona being placed in his own personal hell and go to the cutesy stuff.
As I said in one of my other hcs, Cheka comes over whenever he visits Leona
the ghosts make you three snacks and introduce you to a whole bunch of old board games
you show him all the cool old trinkets and clothes that are hidden in ramshackle
hide and seek is def one of your favorite games
you almost always win, knowing where all the crawl spaces and hidden rooms are ramshackle really gives you a one up.
He always sees his parents give each other presents so he wanted to give you some too
so you get a bunch of cute childish presents like some of his toys, some baked goods he made with his parents
omg! could you imagine Yuu and Cheka playing in the ramshackle garden during the springtime and Cheka shows Yuu how to make flower crowns
and they make them for each other all the time!!!
。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。
that's so f ing cute!!!
Before winter break he would insist on you staying with them
if you accept his offer he will literally jump for joy
sweet bby is so happy to have his bestie and crush staying with his family for so long!!
Leona is once again in hell
if you decline he's going to be sad but gets that ramshackle is your home and being away from home makes you sad
Leona just breathed a deep sigh of relief.
Overall I think yall are going to grow up besties for the most part, maybe when your older he'll realize his little crush and tell you but for now yall are just ganna keep being so freaking adorable!
oh yeah and obv Falena and his wife are all for this! in the lion king I'm p sure they were childhood friends so they this its so cute that history is repeating itself.
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Just a funny skit that popped into my head because my tiktok fup is blowing up on Sephora 10 yr olds.
Teen Allen: *storms through the house entranceway*
Me: Welcome home brat-
Allen: Ughh! Don't talk to me! *slams bathroom door*
Me: The fuck? *looks over at Lavi who strolls in after Allen* What the fucks wrong with him.
Lavi: Some little girls at Sephora called him old and he's having a mental breakdown...*calls out to Allen* Dude I already told you, you're fine! Those little crotch goblins don't know what they're talking about! You're 16! You don't have wrinkles!
Allen: No but I have gray hair!
Lavi: Al you always had it...well actually it's moreso depending in what light you're in- Dude come on, get out of the bathroom.
Me: Junior's right kid, you are wayyy too young to be worrying about looking old.
Allen: Says the guy whose bones creak and moan like an old house on a windy day!
Me: Oi brat! Just because my joints are noisy it doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!
Allen: Oh really!? You naturally go to bed at like 8pm now Peepaw!
Me: Peepaw!? That was like one or two times brat! Keep that up and I won't make you any dango!
Allen: *opens bathroom door a crack and peers at him in suspicion*
Me: *opens the door all the way and stares back at him skeptically*
Me: * arrogant attitude* I don't know what the fuck you're freaking out about. Taking shit from 10 yr olds, still wet behind their ears? Ridiculous. Besides, haven't I told you before. Only clean and beautiful things exist in my home. If you were some wrinkly old creature I would've kicked you out long ago.
Allen: *glare* You liar we all know you pulled Lavi out of the woods
Lavi: *huffed and crosses arms* Yeah and I had a great fort to old man!
Me: Bull, Bookman shoved you at me and took of running.
Lavi: I mean with how many books he had the amount of paper could've added up to a whole forest.
Me: *sighs* Whatever, not the point. You both look just fine the way you are. Those kids are just being assholes.
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irissuite · 28 days
idk what tipped me over the edge it was either getting blocked by 4 people in insta commenys for saying it's weird to refer to kids as "brats" n "crotch goblins" n "pet sperm" or if it was the fucking post that was like. "maybe its not that girls who wear makeup r insecure maybe youre just bad at it" which filled me w soooo much rage bc like. i hate everyone on instagram.
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Hi,do you think you could do some head cannons on what different mla members would do on halloween thanks!
(I’m not sure if this is with or without an S/O so I just did it without one! Hope that’s okay!!!!🎃)
~MLA Halloween~
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-ReDestro: Doesn’t do much himself for the holiday, but tries to make the company fun for his employees (this goes for every holiday). He think it builds morale and whatnot. Therefore he holds a competition for the best decorated floor, and the best costumes. The winners get a small raise on their next paycheck and a gift-card to a local restaurant. He also shells out some other small gifts here and there. He tries hard to be the best boss he can be, so that includes being fun as well. At the end of the day he doesn’t decorate his house much, but he DOES make sure he buys a lot of candy to pass out to trick or treaters. He doesn’t go cheap either. He’s the type of guy to hand out full sized candy bars! He sits at the end of his massive driveway and smiles as he hands out candy to the various kiddos of Deika. He’s like the nice old man in his neighborhood. It’s hard to hate that man. 
-Curious: Plans a party of course. She’ll go out of her way to buy a ton of decorations for her house. On top of that, she hires catering and gets a shit ton of drinks. I feel bad for the cashier since she does this all on the same day. She loves Halloween simply for the sheer chance at being able to throw an absolute rager. It’s not like any of the others will do it themselves! Skeptic and Geten hate having people come over. Trumpet is usually with her helping to set everything up, and for the better half of the evening Rikiya is busy passing out candy to kids before he comes over. She thinks it’s all up to her to handle things so she does!
-Trumpet: Later in the evening he’s with Chitose before her usual Halloween party. Earlier that day he’s just kinda sitting around doing his own thing at the house. He always takes Halloween off to do nothing. Honestly it makes him a little sad. He remembers being a kid and loving the holiday. He misses being small and dressing up in silly costumes to collect candy around the neighborhood. Sometimes he would go to pumpkin patches with his grandparents, and other times his parents would take him to fairs or festivals in town. He even remembers almost peeing himself in his first haunted house that his older siblings forced him to go to. He likely ends up calling home and checking on his family sometime during the day before he gears up to head to the party.
-Skeptic: Does nothing. Can barely drag himself out of the house to be social and go to Chitose’s damn annual party she throws but shit it’s free food right? To him it’s just another day. The only upside is getting cheap candy a day afterwards. Good since he has a little bit of a sweet tooth sometimes.
-Geten: He’s basically the same as Skeptic honestly. If he’s feeling it then he’ll go to ReDestro’s house and help him pass out candy to the little brats and crotch goblins coming around. Rikiya simply chuckles to himself at this. “You’re quite young yourself! I’m not sure why you feel this way around the little ones.” Rikiya speaks while his eyes light up. It seems sometimes he can’t get over the fact that he took Geten in at such a young age. He forgets the man is grown. “Grand commander, I’m almost 21 years of age...” Even so, he manages to enjoy the holiday later on.
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littlewalken · 10 months
Dec 11
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After enough struggling I finally taped the paper to the puter screen and traced him. Tracing (not this early in the morning Jesus) photographs to art them is fine so you can work on the skills that aren't getting the nose in the right place. The pros and cons of the brand of pencils I used definitely shine thru. These are on the I would give to a student/improving artist but not a crotch goblin because I paid money for them list.
I paid for all of my pencils but y'all know what I mean where there's some shit you don't mind and some you paid 'good money' for and if you're going to just give them away they should go to someone who will put them to good use not just to shut some brat up because their parents don't care.
And I was concerned the list might be bigger than it is until I quickly figured out the one particular pencil sharpener I was using was breaking things.
Traced or not your true artistic abilities will come out in the end so yes, I can pull a rabbit out of my ass, I just haven't done it in awhile because life just does that.
I have a couple other pictures I traced for when I am ready to color again.
There's a picture of Thomas Bangalter I really want to do in mixed media with a combination of texture ink lines and watercolor blobs for his hair.
The last Moleskine art book went tits up, we were in mutual agreement on that, and I'll be where I can get another one today. I took a Strathmore 400 out of the stash to be the "coloring book" I project pictures on but its paper isn't as friendly to markers and damp like the Moleskine. Or I need to bite the bullet and use the larger grey Nova paper one.
I have a Moleskine mixed media, and some watercolor, but I want to use the MM especially for a specific water soluble graphite project.
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ladyof1000masks · 1 year
So this is going to be a post to vent about my dumb bitch drug-addicted neighbor and her contemptible crotch goblin. Yes, I know what a terrible way to refer to a child, but this child is a little demon.
He gets away with his horrible behavior and you could say his parents encourage it. Sometimes he goes outside at the break of dawn and runs around the yard screaming at the top of his fucking lungs. He's cruel to his cat. I watched him attempt to run the cat over with his bike while she was sunbathing. He breaks the decorative trees around the complex and steals other kids' toys off their porches.
His parents let him "play" with their car in a full parking lot and by play I mean hand him the keys to the car and let him drive it. Before we got new parking lots and a driveway he used to pick up large chunks of the asphalt and throw it parked or passing vehicles. Last week he was "playing" with another neighbors' little girls by swinging large branches and plastic bats at them and hitting them. One of the little girl's pointed her bat at him and told him to stop picking on them.
Guess who got in trouble? The little girl. The brat's dad yelled at her and told her to stick to her side of the complex and scaring the other girls off. He then told his wife that the girls struck first which got them in trouble with their parents.
Today I was checking the mail and he was bullying the girls again. One of the girls told him "My mom says if you hit me first I can punch you to defend myself." He looked at her and said, "My mom said I could punch you if you punch me." YOU ran after her and hit her FIRST you little brat.
So his mom is teaching him from a very early age that it's okay to beat women. It's not okay to beat anyone, but at this point, she's perpetuating the cycle of violence against women in our state. Today she screamed at the little girls from the top of HER lungs "Don't fucking hit my kid." Not once, but twice. Bitch, your son is as wide as a refrigerator that little girl is fucking tiny. He outweighs her by at least twice and some of that isn't just fat. He's very large and strong for a six-year-old. When I moved in I thought he was like 12.
They keep guns inside their apartment, an evictable offense as firearms aren't allowed in any complex in our state. They're teaching him to shoot and doing so out back at night.
In several ways, I feel pity for him because his parents basically let him run free, don't make him mind, and don't seem to care. They need to teach him to behave appropriately, make him go to school, pay more hands-on attention to him, get him mental/emotional help, and really just be parents.
(No offense intended towards larger people at all. This is in no way intended to stereotype overweight or portly people because I've met my fair share of shitty people in every shape, size, and gender.)
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on-a-lucky-tide · 2 years
All my friends are on a Bombard kick, and I got inspired.
Tags: selkie-ish AU, magical curses, beginnings of 'enemies to lovers', Jaskier is a dickhead and has a lot of growing up to do; side character death.
Lambert stared at the troubadour, his mouth slack, his eyes burning with barely contained fury. Lithe, spindly fingers held his pelt tightly, clutched to a chest embellished with silk frills and glossy buttons. His feet wouldn't move because he had been ordered to 'stop'. It was such a vague fucking order. Stop. And the curse always interpreted such commands in their worst light. Sure, stop didn't mean his heart would stop beating, or his blood would freeze. But stop did, ap-fucking-parently, include the rise and fall of his chest. His vision edged in grey and orange before his captor remembered himself.
"Oh, yes, sorry, how forgetful of me, uh…" the troubadour cleared his throat, "you may breathe, but you will not harm me or allow me to come to harm, physically. You can move now. Move all you like."
Lambert tried not to give the arsewipe the satisfaction of a gasp, but he sucked in a huge lungful of air and staggered. As his vision cleared, he lifted his head to level a fierce gaze on Jaskier. "Henselt will have your balls for this, then feed them to you while you're choking in a noose."
The troubadour looked perplexed. "How would that–'' he shook his head, long pheasant feather fluttering over the puffy sleeves of his shoulders, "nevermind, it doesn't matter. Anyway, you would fell every guard that attempted to come near me. Not allow me to come to harm, remember?"
Lambert's jaw creaked as he clenched his teeth, fingers twitching at his sides. There was a knife in the back of his belt. He wanted nothing more than to ram it through the fop's stupid face. He couldn't so, instead, he lashed out with his only other weapon. "So what now, numb nuts? You have my pelt. Want me to go and slit the throat of a man you cuckolded?"
"Nothing so pedestrian," a flap of one hand, the other clutching Lambert's pelt close, "I have a far bigger target in mind."
Lambert's eyes narrowed. "If you order to me to assassinate a king, I'll be sure to tell them who had their hand in my fur when I got the idea." It wasn't unheard of. A few hundred years ago, there had been a spate of political assassinations. Kings sending Witchers after each others crotch goblins to destabilise the kingdom. It had devolved into a clusterfuck and a treaty had been signed at Loc Muinne–the Witcher Accords. No monarch would use their Witcher for anything other than to protect their personage. And yes, that didn't include pre-emptive strikes. Lambert was glad. He didn't much have a taste for murdering kids, even shitheels like Henselt's brats.
"Oh pssh! Not that big. No. You will come with me to Oxenfurt where you will not hurt or harm me, either on the journey, or while there, and then you shall slay one Valdo Marx, slanderist and imbecile."
Lambert rolled his eyes. He should have fucking known. The troubadour had arrived in court two months ago. He introduced himself as Jaskier, with a bow so low that his nose, in addition to the poncy fucking feather on his beret, brushed the floor. Henselt had quartered his last jester for spying, so Jaskier had slotted right into the bloody hole left behind. He was pretty good. A few shanties snuck out in between the courtly ballads. If it was for his penchant for sleeping with every hot-blooded creature on two legs, Jaskier might actually have been fairly tolerable. Voltehre had joked that Lambert was just jealous he hadn't got his dick wet yet. Asshole.
"And then what? You going to post the pelt back to Henselt with an apology letter and a bouquet of flowers?"
"Do you think he would accept such an offering?" Jaskier shot back, lower lip jutted, petulant. "No. I intended to hand it to you. A life for a life, a debt for a debt, I believe that is the motto of your kind, is it not?"
Lambert hadn't been expecting that. He paused long enough for his cynicism to correct the spark of hope that dared flicker in his chest. "Yeah, right."
"I mean it!" Jaskier said, his brows knitting together. "Upon my honour, I shall set you free."
"And why doesn't that fill me with confidence?"
"You'll see. Now, fetch your belongings. You speak to no one, do you understand? Not until we are safely at the border into Lyria. Meet me in the alcove behind the stables."
"Where you fucked the nursemaid last night?"
Lyria. Lambert knew it well. The King of Lyria and Rivia had Geralt and Gweld. Lambert had been hoping to whatever cunt of a deity that liked playing with mortals that the recent diplomatic situation between Kaedwen and Rivia cooled off. The last thing he wanted was to meet Geralt on the battlefield. It would be the first time they had seen each other in fifteen years; Meve didn't bring her Witchers to many official events. She preferred to leave them at home, keeping an eye on her brats.
Lambert headed off to his sparse quarters and gathered the few belongings he had. A battered old journal written by the bastard that had trained him, his sketchbook, his bestiary and his two clean shirts. With his pack and sword on his back, he met Jaskier. The bard had fashioned Lambert's pelt into a cloak, with a bronze clasp at his throat like some fucking parody of a hunter. Maybe he was. Wasn't he wearing the pelt of a wolf, after all? Jaskier flapped his hands once his lute was secure, "Right, you take the dappled one, I'll take–"
The blood in Lambert's veins ran cold. Voltehre. Fuck, fuck. He shouldn't be here. Shouldn't fucking be here. He was meant to be out hunting with Henselt. Lambert could smell the copper tang in the air–deer blood–as he turned. He locked eyes with Voltehre just as his partner of twenty years realised what was going on. Someone other than the King had Lambert's fur. Someone was trying to steal him. And what did your best friend do when he saw you in danger? He reached for his fucking sword. No, no, no, no!
Let no harm come to me.
Jaskier's eyes widened, his words froze in his chest, garbled by fear and shock. The curse took hold. Voltehre was a quick draw, but Lambert was quicker. He always had been, ever since they had sparred as children in the courtyard of Kaer Morhen, training to be the perfect bodyguards. Voltehre had always preferred books to fighting, although he could throw a mean right hook in a tavern brawl. In another life, he would have made a great scholar, perhaps even a fucking bard. It didn't matter now. The throwing knife whistled through the air and lodged itself in the only fatal gap in Voltehre's armour. His throat. His steel blade didn't even leave its sheath.
The copper smell intensified and Lambert choked. He watched in mute agony as Voltehre crumpled to the floor, Jaskier's orders ensuring he said not a word. Voltehre's hands scrambled at the hilt sitting between his raised collar, his crimson-stained lips opening and closing as his lungs filled. His blood trickled into the crevices between ancient flagstones, staining the straw and framing his golden curls in a macabre halo.
"Lambert–on the horse, get on the horse! They're coming. We need to go!" Jaskier's voice was shrill, and he shoved at Lambert with shaking hands. Clearly he didn't have quite the appetite for murder as he had indicated, because Lambert could see the terror in his eyes.
Lambert felt numb. His body obeyed even though his mind was paralysed. He swung into the saddle and spurred the unruly beast into a gallop. They cleared the gates in moments. Lambert made himself twist to look back at his friend, witnessing the last fitful twitches of his leg as life drained away. When Lambert turned back to face the green slopes beyond the castle walls, he stared at Jaskier's back and urged the sorrow into anger.
Tonight, he would mourn his friend. He would hide his tears in his jacket. Tomorrow, he would start counting the days until his freedom.
A life for a life.
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megagallade · 7 years
honestly I have no clue if that last post specifically used “breeder” to demonize bi people and POC or if it’s just some weird “trendy” word someone used without realizing its past context but uh. maybe don’t call people “breeders” it’s dehumanizing
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There’s an Impostor Among Us
(A starter for @sunflowerhope where Sab has Illusion Powers)
It’d be easy... Just impersonate one of the little brats, go up to him and stop him. Nothing to it, the worst thing that could happen is he would be discovered for attempted murder, espionage... He and his parents could share a cell. Mineta was a disgusting little crotch goblin, nobody would miss him and people might think he had a miraculous personality change. Stalking the grape-headed pervert, he extracted his weaponized parasol and used the hollow blade in the tip to inject whiskey straight into his bloodstream, making Mineta very, very drunk very fast. “What’d you... do?” He asked sloppily, Saburo batting him away with his pink parasol before throwing him in the bin like the garbage he was. Using his Quirk, Infinite Imagination, he soon became an identical duplicate of Mineta, after robbing him of his personal effects. Walking into the famous UA, he felt that hatred bubble up in his heart. He wasn’t suited for combat so why would they notice him. He wasn’t a brawler like precious Deku, he was an assassin. And Saburo was here to settle a very old score, one that was ten years in the making.
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dearmrsbitch · 3 years
July 21, 2021 - It’s not yours!
Dear Prudence,
The community pools are not open yet. We are in a heat wave. One family on our street has put in a pool and is lording it over the rest of us. They have a teenager and a little girl “Bea.” Bea acts like the little queen of the neighborhood and doles out her favor to the few chosen capable of earning the right to swim. Bea is only “allowed” to invite a few kids over at a time because her sister doesn’t want to “babysit the entire street.” All the girl does is sit in a hammock and play on her phone while the kids swim.
Our three daughters constantly want to swim, but our oldest one made the mistake of pushing Bea into the pool after an argument over a toy. No one was hurt, but you’d think Bea had been beaten bloody. Bea’s mother has banned our girls from coming over because our oldest was “too violent.” We got into an argument where I told her it was just roughhousing and maybe if her daughter had been actually watching the kids instead of her screen, it wouldn’t have happened. I should have kept my mouth shut.
Bea’s mother went on social media and put up the Pool Rules and the diatribe about community values, personal responsibility, and how she wasn’t going to stand by and watch one daughter get “physically attacked” only for her other one to be verbally. She will close the pool gates otherwise. She didn’t name my family, but everyone figured it out.
The heat index keeps rising. Help please.
— Pool Exile
Dear Exile,
Well, go buy a fucking pool then.  Or look up community pools.   Or when the school pool is open for public swim. Or rental a cheap hotel room just to use the pool.
Have you figured out yet that IT AIN’T YOUR FUCKING POOL, MORON?
Look at yourself, you’re in a pissing contest with a child because you’re so entitled that you can’t see how your daughter’s actions might not want to make Bea play with her?  
Maybe Bea is a little Bitch, but Bea got that water you want.  You either teach the kid to go along to get along when they have what you want, or this happens. 
You’re the entitled parent.  Your kid is the crotch goblin.  It doesn’t matter if she’s really a brat, she shoved another kid and this is what happens.  Even if the mother overreacted, guess what.  IT’S HER POOL.   No one can make her let anyone else swim.  She can erect a big fucking sign saying “Bite me losers” and you can’t do shit.
And that teenager you bitch about doesn’t have to do shit, she’s not obligated to watch your semen demon so more kids can come over, for no pay especially. 
Yeah you should have kept your fucking mouth shut.  Suffer in the heat, because this is what you get. 
Or go groveling, but unless you have a sit down with your daughter about not acting out, this will probably happen again.
Mrs. Bitch
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What it's like living with brats part 2
I have never thought about just how often I'd tell these crotch goblins not to lick shit to "claim it as theirs". It has now become a game for them to see how quick I'd notice them trying to lick something weird/gross.
They do it to watch me squirm I swear. They're little demons in disguise. Well I know one is at least, the other one is just feral. (Take a guess at which brat is feral and which is the demon I dare you).
Don't let their cute faces fool you.
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littlexstarlightx · 3 years
I’m so upset right now ..... my fiancé's  sister is officially dead to me any person that’s this cruel to animals is dead to me! Her shit kids made their kitten 'mean' by picking on him and so he's aggressive and anti social. Any cat would be growing up with brats! He was playing with the other cat and she 'picked him up ' violently and he...shocker.... attacked her.. So now she's putting him down. I told my mother-in-law that's not fair and for her and her crotch goblins to be so mean to that cat , all that chaotic energy is stressing him out!  I bet if he was in a loving home he wouldn't be like that at all. I said she ' Deserved to be attack’ and was yelled at that ‘that cat can’t be save’ . YES HE CAN!  If those little shits get another cat after this i’m going to be SO PISSED! i'm so fucking pissed.
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lupusxdei-a · 4 years
twisted nails of faith | daehyun x babylon
The pungent smell of Lucifer’s children was not something they could miss easily. It attacked the senses, penetrated deep to one’s core and threatened to remain there should one not be swift enough to pluck it out timely, like the poisonous weeds that they were, and discard them away to be forgotten. Fortunately for Mystery, however, the stench was not something that they needed to deal with so frequently: their reputation was enough to keep away even the oldest of the spoiled, winged brat’s crotch goblins, including but not limited to the Cardinal Sins whom, albeit Babylon was indiscriminate in their dislike towards the Fallen’s progeny, they could at least tolerate to a certain extent.
This was different, however. As fingers typed away the pin code that would lead them into Nam Hyuntae’s office, Babylon kept in mind that the person waiting for them inside did not smell just like mister Morning Star. No, there was something else in there as well, something delectably mortal and Babylon found themselves with a watery mouth and a tongue smoothing over their lips as the door beeped and they walked into the dimmed office. The clock, though they did not need to glance at it, was soon to strike midnight, and it was mere boredom that had brought the creature to the office. Lo and behold, however, that same boredom must have been inspired by the universe itself for seated in their rolling chair was a youth they had never seen before and that was an exciting thought in itself.
“I thought I knew all of you lot and yet here I am, surprised. It’s quite an accomplishment,” Babylon spoke, waiting for the door to close before they felt for the light and turned it in, eyes squinting at the sudden attack of illumination coming from the flickering bulbs on the ceiling. “though I don’t feel inclined to applaud you. You smell just like your creator and let me tell you - you ought to do something about that,” nose wrinkled as Babylon’s hand swayed before their face, pretending to try and do away with an unpleasant smell. “You stand out too much.” They took their coat off and then hung it, turning towards the fiery-haired youth that watched them from the comfort of the seat. “Well? To what do I owe the beautiful presence of His Highness’ offspring? Has he finally decided to offer truce? That feels somehow unlikely but I’ll bite, for the time being.”
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trans-boy-diaries · 5 years
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And? What's your point?
I get it "it's not the kids fault uwu"
But I dont care.
The dumb questions, the rude staring, the thing where it screeches like a banshee, the mommies who think the world revolves around their little disgusting brat. If there was a place where people like me could just exist without dealing with drooling, sticky, loud ass crotch goblins, that would be awesome.
It's not like its gonna happen anyway, it's just a fantasy, its fictitious, fake, a dream, not everyone gets enjoyment from seeing the byproduct of broken condom, some of us just want some peace and quiet.
Y'all seriously get so offended over a fictional idea, you act like I'm saying we should murder everyone under the age of 18.
So what is I use less that appealing language when I refure to someone's snot nosed brat, I hate them, and I refuse to be polite about it.
And shitty parents who spoil said brats are just as obnoxious if not worse.
God forbid I don't give two shits about mommies little mistake, it's not mine, why the fuck should I care?
I'll be polite in public, but online is a whole nother story, the worst I'll do in public is side eye the shitty parent(s) but after that, I don't care, raise your little shit stain to be a spoiled brat, it'll only backfire on said parents.
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
khkt 19.09.19 lb
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how the fuck has this fool gotten away with multiple affairs if he's this bad at sneaking around? lol, what a loser.
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"tu iss waqt yahaan?”, he asks his brother standing in front of his own damn house. mensa candidate of the year, this one.
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"main bohut confused hoon."
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"aaaah. join the gang."
lol. idiocy runs in the sippy genes.
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"karne KUCH gaya tha; ho kuch AUR hi gaya." trollolololol i am really enjoying this.
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not so subtle warning that rohit will absolutely not stand for fuckery within marriage.
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"loyal hoon main." yeah, to your dick maybe.
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yessssssssssss sumannnnnnnnn, go offffffff ma.
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woooooooop. i'm not for hitting your kids irl, but tellywood mein chalta hai. especially when your crotch-goblin, like this one here, really deserves it.
also lmao, suman ne aisa lagaaya ki pari got sent to the shadow realm.
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waah kya safaai se jhoot bolti hai even under the influence. she’ll make a fantastic actor!
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i mean she's not wrong, and suman needed to hear it that she can't be controlling grownass adults, but i also feel like this is just gonna go on to reinforce suman's belief that controlling a kid's life makes a good girl like sona, whereas giving free rein creates this kinda monster.
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lo gir gayi.
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suman's chickens have come home to roost. isse kehte hain karma.
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this is his romantic life analysis spot. whenever something momentous happens regarding his relationship status, it's on this balcony.
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lmaooooooooo he really cannot close his eyes anymore without having a powerpoint slideshow of sona run.
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ofc his alter ego is a SMUGGER bastard than he is.
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"tv nahi dekhte ho na, iss liye. apni sona se pooch lo; usne toh badi badi problems solve kiye hain, apne aap se baat karke." bwahahahahahahaha.
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"don't! overreact!" HELLO KETTLE, THIS IS POT, YOU'RE BLACK.
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alter ego is not only smugger, but also bougier; the deliberate, accented mispronunciations of the dramatic hindi words like "dhoka". i can't stop cackling like an insane person.
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"itni simple si baat samajh mein nahi aati tumhe? doctor kisne banaaya?"
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"bohut hi rude ho yaar!" 
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"tumhara hissa hoon na, rude toh hoonga hi!" askldjksjlskjfdsfj
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alter!rohit is so much smarter. can we have him instead of this other fool?
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omfg is he comparing raima to a plant? rude.
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"kabhi kabhi lagta hai ki raima nahi, tum coma mein ho."
gotdamn. this one dropping truth bombs like an american drone over a brown country with oil reserves.
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"sirf rearview mein dekh ke gaadi nahi chala sakta koi. ayeeee, tumhe toh gaadi chalaani nahi aati." LMAOOOO OMG THE WAY ALTER!ROHIT IS ROASTING HIM.
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alter!rohit is like bohut ho gayi bakchodi, i have a life unlike you, soooo.... chalo rapid fire.
"fiqar hoti hai uski?"
"of course, haan."
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"apne aap se zyaada?"
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"ABSOLUTELY." my god the conviction with which he said that!!!!!! rohit, you absolute moppet.
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lo ji, ho gaya issue ka samaadhaan.
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"i love sonakshi????????"
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lmaoooooooooo the dramatic asshole, echoing "accept it! enjoy it! accept it! enjoy it!"
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mum-daughter bonding timeeeeee!
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"nashe mein hi sahi, lekin bilkul sahi baat boli hai woh. woh meri sona nahi hai."
lmao pari take zimmedaari for the house. ho hi chuka.
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protip to all girls, via sona and tt: marry a dude who makes your family a priority, instead of subscribing to that shaadi ke baad, sasuraal hi tumhara ghar hai bullshit.
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ooooooooh, mummy has prepared for eventuality that rohit will be the ladka.
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aankh milaake toh bolo, saaf saaf dikh raha hai ki jhoot bol rahi ho.
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mummy knows best. also i like how she said "emotionally involve". it's more accurate for what's happening here than just "pyaar".
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notice how she specified that sona should end it *IF* it's "ek tarfa pyaar". not the same tune she was singing an hour ago about never marrying sona off to a sindhi.
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yup. end this shittttttttttttttttt. good call. get some me-time; ask star plus to send parvati off to switzerland like they did prerna. aaraam se ghoom phir ke aana.
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look at this cheesyass mfer.
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"i love sona."
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ohhhhhhhhhh boy.
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.... this is 4 years back right??? why is she dressed like aishwarya in action replayy, like it’s the 70s????
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ugh ok i don't like her immature ass. is she the same age as rohit? max 2 - 3 saal choti hogi? why she acting like a fucking teenager?
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arre waaaaaah, coma gave her ESP, she knows that rohit's moving on without her permission.
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i propose a steel cage death match: the annoying senguptas. raima and her mom fight to the death so that we have to tolerate only ONE of their annoying asses in the show instead of both.
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guess tanaaz is off to shoot something else?
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small mercies: akash is finally over his petty little grudge with nishi.
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is the rest of the episode just this??? saying bye to nishi????
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ouff fwding.
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"agar tumne roya, toh tumhe airport drop karne suman rastogi aayegi." lmaoooooooooooo i love yk.
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oh hooooooooo, new watch.
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ouff shut up naren.
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mummy is having a shipper moment.
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lol look how happy she is. and his face, knowing that she already knows what's in it.
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the music is too sappily senti, middle class types, for a super rich dude putting on a watch that costs a minimum of 5 lakhs.
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purest mom. so much softness between the two of them. ugh i wanna squish them both in to a nice hug sandwich.
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"chariyo! aath laakh ki ghadi thi!!!!!!!!!!!"
aslfkdjdlfjdslfjdslk i am veena. BITCH OLX NAAM KI BHI KOI CHEEZ HOTI HAI.
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i don't really think he threw it away. he's just doing it to get a rise out of his mom, the brat.
but also my question is this; raima looks to be from a pretty middle class family, and she wanted to be an air hostess. HOW THE FUCKKKKKKK DID SHE AFFORD A WATCH THAT COSTS EIGHT FUCKING LAKHS?!?!?
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no i have no such advice for you. jo plan hai, woh achcha hai. friend-zone his ass for a while.
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"yeh naatak sirf naatak nahi hai, taqleef hone lagi hai mujhe." ouch. my poor girl.
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lol pulki wants internship with rohit. great. WILL YOU PPL LET THIS POOR GIRL LET GO OF THIS GUY?!!?
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either sonakshi ran her the fuck over, or raima too is a KPK fan, even though she's been in a coma for the whole duration of its run. SUCH IS THE POWER OF PARVATI!
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