#like he so often looks to women for wisdom and guidance and help
reikeip · 2 years
Crossroad ♱ Curse 8
Location: Hasumi Temple, Main Hall
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Keito: …And he’s gone. Listening to your free will as always, Sakuma-san.
Koga: Hey. What now, what should I do? Well, because Sakuma-senpai wanted me to, I guess I’ll be helpin’ ya.
Bein’ honest, I didn’t understand half the words that came outta Sakuma-senpai’s mouth. Did you make any sense of what he was tryna say?
Keito: Yeah… I can’t read his real motive, but I have a general idea of what he meant.
We’ve known each other for a long time, so I’ve come to understand his pattern of thinking, to a degree.
Koga: …You, are you and Sakuma-senpai really old pals?
I’ve been to a lot of his shows, but why haven’t I seen ya around~? Just what kinda relationship do ya have?
You two are often together at school though. Are you like normal buddies, which has nothing to do with your idol work?
Keito: That’s about right… That guy may call me his friend but, honestly, we aren’t that close. We’ve been involved with one another for quite some time, though.
The first time I caught sight of that guy, it was at a funeral home.
My home is a temple, as you can see. Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve frequently visited places like that to help with my parent’s business.
Back then I was a pretentious little devil, though I’ve been told I still am…
Now I can’t help but blush when I think about it, but I looked down on everyone my age, thinking they were a bunch of morons.
I didn’t fit in well with my surroundings, and became my parent’s work assistant…
In my spare time I’d read books, write, and play with the one childhood friend I accepted to be my equal.
Koga: Ha, you were a gloomy brat, huh? Well, I guess I don’t get along with those my age enough to talk.
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Keito: Mhm. Well, one day I, who had such a miserable childhood… happened to meet a demon.
Like a lonely kid hallucinating up some imaginary friend, I discovered that Sakuma Rei.
For some reason, that guy’s pastime seemed to be strolling through graveyards… Whenever there was a Buddhist memorial, I’d catch sight of him in the vicinity or funeral home itself.
At first, I thought I was just seeing things. Even back then, he had such beauty that it felt detached from this world. The first time I looked at him I screamed, and in my shock I found myself unable to stand…
I think that man will make fun of me for it until the day I die.
Anyways. No one could ignore such a beautiful boy as him, so anyone visiting the funeral home would often stop and chat with him.
And, without fail, they’d take an immediate liking to him.
To top it all off, everyone would go asking him for his take on things. All their problems would be unraveled by him, and they’d become eager to seek out his guidance.
That’s how intelligent he was, even way back then.
And not only that, he wouldn’t boast about it, just delightedly talk with others. Anyone would fall in love with someone like that.
Before you knew it, people with no business with any of the funerals would show up—these devotees would turn up just because they were itching to talk to him.
It was eccentric. Men and women of all ages would surround him, listening to the speech of a boy that sat atop a gravestone as if it were nothing.
Respected adults would bow their heads to this little boy and ask for his wisdom.
It was enough to be frightening. But I was childish back then, and believed I was the greatest of them all.
I was haughty—I thought that I was the smartest—that I understood the logic of this world.
For that reason, I’d often challenge Sakuma-san to verbal disputes. Whenever I struck upon something I’d head to the graveyard, telling Sakuma-san all about my new pet theory.
That guy, he listened as if he found it amusing.
In hindsight, I was like a little kid rushing to my beloved parents about some big discovery I’d just made… going listen, listen!
That guy, he’d take the entangled points of an argument I’d painstakingly built up and put them in order—where I was at a loss, he’d provide a breakthrough.
He’d present reference books, and in one fell swoop, a conclusion was bestowed upon me.
Talking to him like that, it gave me a peace of mind. I didn’t have to think for myself, I could ask that guy whatever I’d like and receive his teachings…
Having experienced that, I almost gave up thinking for myself altogether.
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But before long, I grew afraid. As long as that guy exists, someone like me isn’t needed.
There was a line between him and everyone else, it was obvious. He was transcendent, he was superior.
He was the sole omniscient and omnipotent god, and we were nothing but his extras.
Being near that guy, it degrades you to such a trifling existence.
I’d only just entered my adolescence when I realized that—I was terrified.
I met someone who reduced my life’s worth to zero.[1] To protect my self-esteem, I ran away…
From then on we didn’t talk much, and I grew up unconcerned with that person.
And then, in high school, we were reunited. Since that guy started up conversations so freely with me, we’ve reconnected, to the point where we started talking again…
But to this day, I haven’t been able to erase the fear I felt back then.
The main character of this story—of this world—isn’t me…
It’s a repulsive feeling when you realize that you’re just a minor character—no, that you’re nothing more than a backdrop who could be replaced by just about anyone.
It was as if I’d become empty. If the story, if the world doesn’t need me, then… Why was I even born?
Do you get what I’m trying to say, Oogami?
It seems like you wish to get close to that guy, but… a human isn’t strong enough to live alongside a god and survive with their sanity intact—it’s impossible.
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Okay. So what Keito says here is 零 (rei), which is Rei's name. If you aren't aware, it also means zero or nothing. So he's basically saying: I met someone who reduced my life's worth to rei (zero/nothing). Take it however you'd like to.
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Hi can i have a hcs of being the older sister of vivi killer drake and katakuri who is nice and compasionate please-Sarah
I'm sorry this took... embarrassingly long to complete. And I'm not gonna lie, it was rather difficult for me to come up with good headcanons for this request. I'm really not proud of this one, but... hopefully you'll like it at least a bit, dear ^^'
Having a kind older sister headcanon
Nefeltari Vivi
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Vivi absolutely adores and looks up to you!
secretly, she wants to grow up to be just as much of an amazing and kind person as you are
however she can also be a bit of a brat and a little rebel from time to time; especially in her younger years she would often switch between wanting to be with you and wanting to be left alone in a matter of seconds
sometimes, when she's in an especially mischievious mood, she even goes as far as to hide from you on the palace grounds all day long
seeing how your mother died when you and your little sister were still pretty young, your dad Cobra was initially the one who tried to take on both parental roles and raise you to the best of his abilities; but since he's also the King of Alabasta and has a lot of responsibilities to take care of, it didn't quite work out in the long run. Thus you jumped in for him, taking on both a sisterly as well as a motherly role for Vivi as she was growing up
still, Cobra is extremely protective of his two girls and therefore you're rarely allowed to leave his sight or the palace. But that ain't stopping you from occasionally sneaking out in secret, and once Vivi is old enough to accompany you, you bring her along. Those little 'trips' later on fueled her desire to sneak out on her own and make friends with the other children in Alabasta
every evening, when it's time for bed, she sits down with you and proudly tells you about the things she did that day while you brush through her hair
although she's eager to share most of her hobbies and adventures with you, the one thing that Vivi is extremely cautious about is letting you meet her friends. Grown people aren't allowed in their club, so when she finally decides to introduce you to Koza and the rest, you have to promise not to tell anyone
you're the one person Vivi can confide in 100% and she knows that her secrets are always safe with you- even from Papa Cobra
so it's only natural that you were also the first person she told about her plans to infiltrate Baroque Works
and while Vivi is away on her secret mission, you make sure to help your little sis from the inside by delivering informations about the current situation in Alabasta. All while keeping up the facade of the good older princess who believes that Sir Crocodile is a hero, of course
when she finally comes back home with Luffy and the Strawhats, you do everything in your power to assist them in their plan to get the country back from the Warlord. With an all-out civil war right around the corner Vivi especially needs you as emotional support and counts on your wisdom to help with her decisions. You're her big sister after all, and if there's anyone she needs to have by her side while she's facing all of the coming chaos, it's you.
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you know those rebellious teenagers that are always like "Moooom, don't tell me what to do!!!!"? That's Killer, but in little brother form
he definitely doesn't like being coddled or looked after. Yes, he gets into fights and danger regularly, but it's normal. He doesn't need you to chew him out for it every time
despite that, he really really does love you though. Hence why he's occasionaly pushing you away- as pirate he's living a dangerous life, and he doesn't want his nice and sweet big sister to get caught up in it
his way of showing apprecation for you has always been a bit unusual, even back when he was young. One time, when you were still living together, Killer tried to surprise you by cooking your favorite food for your birthday; but he ended up setting your house on fire instead, forcing you to move again
when you were still children you would occasionally babysit your little brother as well as his best bud Kid, and things often got out of control when you three were together
especially the little redhead seemed to be in a rather provocative mood whenever you were around. Sometimes Kid would declare that you'll be his woman one day, which always ticked off Killer and caused him to start fights with his friend
even to this day, Killer still tries to keep you away from Kid. He adores his friend and captain, but also really doesn't want him to try and get flirty with you... again. That's just all kinds of wrong
it's not just Kid though, no one else in the crew is allowed to comment on your looks/attricteveness/whatever either, or they'll have to deal with a pretty mad Killer
nowadays he's a lot more relaxed when it comes to you and your presence around the crew though. From time to time he still berates or tells you that you are too friendly for your own good, but deep down he's appreciative of your caring nature and how you always treated him with kindness
one thing that never really changed is Killer's desire to cook by your side and show off all the things he learned within the past few years
you're the only person he feels the need to impress and who's criticism actually matters to him even if he accepts it with a scoff
X Drake
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although he's the younger sibling, Drake is actually the protective one. Because of your kind nature he's always afraid that someone might try to use you
he's pretty clingy as a kid, and it honestly doesn't change much as he's getting older
you were the one that took care of him after your father died, so naturally he's always been looking at you for guidance and comfort from a young age on
as a result you're the only person that can claim to know Drake 100%. He can't keep secrets from you either, sometimes it's even as if you know him better than he does
although he knows he can always come to you with his problems and secrets, Drake is pretty hesitant to do so. Scared that you might get dragged into his dangerous affairs, he heavy-hearted decides that it's for the best to keep you in the dark about his life as double-agent
although he feels a bit guilty to keep you in the dark about his affiliations, it does have some perks as well. Thanks to his job he was able to secure you a nice house in a calm (and most importantly, protected) living area that's close to his marine base
you could say it's his way of 'repaying' you for taking care of him for so long. Drake loves you and can't help but feel as if he's in your debt
as long as his job allows it he makes sure to visits you at least once or twice a month to make sure that you're doing good
during those visits he often thinks back to what your life used to be like when you were kids, and the mood quickly turns sober as he remembers his abusive father. That's usually when it's time for you to step in and change the topic
just ask Drake about his crushes or if there is a woman he's got his eyes on and he'll turn all sorts of red again lol
huh, maybe there is someone he's interested in. But he can't tell you because you'd probably just offer to help him win her over, which is bound to end in disaster...
instead of talking about his preferences when it comes to women he'd rather tell you about the new limited edition Germa action figure he managed to get his hands on! And boom- just like that, your little bro is in a better mood again
can you imagine how excited Drake would be to tell you about his encounter with Stealth Black tho...? You'd probably have to calm him down during the call so he won't hyperventilate lmao
Charlotte Katakuri
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much like Killer, Katakuri also doesn't like being coddled
back when you were young and still sailing around with the family, it was usually your and Perospero's unofficial job to look after the younger siblings while Big Mom was doing... y'know, pirate stuff
most of the kids were doing fine under your watch, but Katakuri always had a strong tendency to get in trouble. You would often scold him for starting fights with others and tell him that he shouldn't pay any mind to whatever insults they throw at him; unfortunately though he hardly ever listened
and after the incident with Brûlée, he completely isolated himself from everyone- including you. He also felt a tinge of guilt for not listening to your advice, since it might have kept his sister from getting hurt
it takes years, almost decades until Katakuri feels ready to open up again- and if it wasn't for how compassionate you were and that you never judged or pressured him, it might have taken even longer
eventually he tries to mend your relationship by inviting you to one of his meriendas, where you finally get the chance to talk about everything
from there on out you two slowly get reacquainted with one another and become friends again
and this time, he actually listens to your advice and takes it to heart
Katakuri still keeps up the appearance of the strong and cold older brother around the other siblings, but when he's with you he's more relaxed and sometimes even okay with talking about his pent-up frustration
whenever he returns from a mission he checks in with Mama first (that's obligatory) and then gets some donuts, pays you a visit to see how you've been holding up during the days he was gone, and explains what he's been up to
he's always looking out for you and whenever Mama suggests that it's time for you to marry some crazy psycho for the sake of an alliance, Katakuri would do everything in his powers to help you convince her that it was a bad idea
frankly Katakuri respects you more than his own mother and is very glad to have someone who doesn't put him on a pedestral or holds him to some insanely high standards. It makes him feel a bit more... human.
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sjjdkdkwo · 4 years
Wong and Stephen don’t have fans like other superheroes. They’re names aren’t shouted at them whenever they walk out into the busy New York City streets, and people don’t have their faces on T-shirts or hung up in posters on their walls. No, Wong and Stephen work in the shadows, away from preying eyes and gone before civilians can even wonder if they imagined being saved at all. Neither of them minded though, they feel no indignation when they come back home worn and fatigued after a long battle only for the news to praise someone else. Alone in the Sanctum, together they find solace and praise with each other. It’s enough, and for many years it goes on that way, just the two of them hidden in a little corner away from the rest of the world. So when it changes they barely have time to register what happened.
 Wong spends a lot of his spare time looking for special offers, on food and toiletries mainly, more often than not with the help of Stephen. But ever since he’d found out that the other often missed roaming the vast and resplendent halls of New York’s many museums he’d added to looking for offers and special free
events on those too. They’re on their way back from a day trip to the MOMA— it had been kids get in free deal, and Wong hadn’t minded taking on the glamour spell as Stephen avidly explained each piece and the artist’s history to him — and had lost track of time. Between getting a late dinner from the dubious hot dog cart and the early darkening of the winter sky though, they both deem the bright and brilliant city night worthy of a walk home rather than their usual portaling. They’re a couple streets from home when they spot two older gentlemen arguing to each other garishly in the middle of the sidewalk. They almost walk away completely when they hear one of the men say they’ll never find their way back home now. Stephen sighs and looks at Wong who only nods in agreement and they make their way over. They learn that the men had misplaced their car, and could no longer find it and lived to far away to make it on foot.
 So they follow them as they look at every individual car around the street, listening to them berate and reprimand each other the whole time. Eventually they move on to other topics, commenting on Stephen’s messy hair and Wong’s clothing of choice. At some point they even offer words of wisdom, and they both listen earnestly as words of guidance are never something to dismiss when given freely. Each one whispering to either Stephen or Wong not to forget to the smaller more subtle moments of life, nor company that is willing to remain through the many years that will follow them as each old man spares a sly glance at his friend. It’s far later and they both know they would’ve been home by then when they old men tell them they remember that they’d taken the bus. Stephen and Wong can’t even find it in themselves to be angry with them, not when they’re laughing so zealously together and instead offer to walk them to the bus stop. They wait the entire time with them, worried now that it’s so late, and just before they can get on their bus, quickly place a protective spell on each of the men, waving them off and saying their goodbyes. They don’t think much on the matter after, and settle back to their regular routine.
 It’s Stephen who decides to do something kind for Wong this time. After many years as his colleague, Wong had slowly become Stephen’s closest and most treasured friend. A sentiment that was returned, though neither of them had to say so, not really. And when Stephen finds out that one Misses Beyoncé Knowles is going to be in New York for a concert, he enters every single contest he can find knowing well he’ll never be able to raise enough money to buy even one terrible seat ticket for Wong. As each attempt turns up futile though Stephen begins to loose hope. He’d already promised Wong that he would take him to the concert though, and watching him dance around the sanctum singing all his favorite songs Stephen knows he has to find a way. They’re outside the MetLife Stadium when Stephen spots the scalper, and really he knows he shouldn’t but Wong is decked out in his signature Beyoncé T-shirt and hat and Stephen has nothing left to lose. But when the officer nears, the scalper is shoving all the tickets into Stephen’s hand with Wong next to him and all they can do is stand there dumbfounded.
 Wong refuses to speak to Stephen while they’re in the uncomfortable cell, arms crossed and head turned away even as Stephen jabbers on apologies the whole time. Stephen sighs after thirty minutes trying and failing to say he’s sorry before he slumps down next to him. He’s almost ready to condemn himself to a long night of silence when resolve and perseverance run through him and he gets up in front of Wong. The other man barely spares him a glance till Stephen opens his mouth. “You’re getting your concert, Wong.”
 Wong can only stare in horror and shock as Stephen opens his mouth, swaying his hips a little before muttering softly to himself, “Vishanti, please no.” More than a half-hour later and a questionable rendition of “Irreplaceable” Wong is hiding what can either be tears of endearment or discontent. They’re startled out their little moment when they hear awkward clapping from the other side of the cell. A young man, sitting with a look of somewhat disdain and question on his face. Stephen quickly clambers back to his seat and allowing silence to overtake them all. It’s also Stephen who has to break it not one minute later to make conversation because he’s still mortified at the thought of anyone else having watched him perform terribly. After the initial awkwardness they find that the young man had gotten caught hot-wiring a car. Really it had been a job for a so-called friend who knew he’d been in need of the money and threw him under the bus last minute. He tells them his mother is very sick and they could no longer afford her medicine and Stephen in particular feels an ache in his chest at the words. Remembering a time where he’d have scoffed at a so-called “sob story” like this one and feeling awful for the young man in front of them. So he offers to look her over and pay for the medicine, he aware he can pull a few strings-though he really will pay, knowing it would be unfair to other people if he only offered the advantage to the young man alone, no matter how long it took-and looks to Wong with a strained smile. Wong however his smiling back, and gives him a little nod of approval.
 The young man looks at them doubtfully for a minute, they’re appearance not helping, before agreeing. Once they’re all set free Stephen and Wong allow themselves to be lead by the young man to his apartment. True to his word Stephen overlooks his ailing mother and a few hours later resurfaces with the medicine in question. The man looks near to tears when he thanks them both, hesitating for a second before hugging them each quickly much to their surprise. Stephen and Wong wave him off, leaving the two to rest for the night and to get some sleep themselves. And later if the young man gets a random job offer as an assistant for Stark Industries, all he can do is remember the two odd men from the night in the jail cell.
 The next time Stephen and Wong find themselves taking a long walk in the New York night they’ve just come back from mission across town. Nothing big really, just a few lowly demons causing mischief at the docks. So easy in fact they hadn’t been tired after and decided to enjoy the cool night air. It’s barely past three in the morning when they make their way around nightclub. A block down they come across a small group of young women, clearly inebriated and they keep a close eye from afar for a minute as their nerves become unsettled for them. A few moments later they paranoia is gratified when two men make their way over to bother them. They waste no time making their way over to step in, and a pained trembling first and panting Wong later they turn to check in on the young women. They offer to walk them to their next location, much to their mistrust and Stephen and Wong can’t fault them. With some skepticism they finally agree, not without proudly displaying the small can of pepper spray first though. It turns out they’d been on their way back home, and Stephen and Wong walk ahead of them a little to allow them distance. As they make their way onward though the women find their way next to them and begin to make pleasant conversation, and Wong and Stephen can only nod as the begin to speak about anything that comes to their minds. Somehow their conversations become more intuitive and before they know it they’re discussing deep philosophical matters. They’re almost to the women’s home when they turn and tell Stephen and Wong not to forget the rest of the world, that they’re not alone. They barely have time to respond when they’re waving them away and clumsily making their way through the door of their building. The words follow them for a few days before other worries wash over them.
 It barely a few weeks later when Wong and Stephen are out for a quick lunch during a rather peaceful day for them. They’re stepping out of the small deli around the corner when they hear the cries of children. Quickly forgetting everything else they run toward the noise and find four children alone in front of a building. Hurriedly they ask them where their parents are and the children explain that they’d ran off and lost sight of their mother’s. Knowing well that they won’t leave them out here alone Stephen and Wong sigh and resolve to forget their peaceful day to instead help the children find their way back. To Stephen’s surprise, of the two of them, Wong turns out to be a natural around children. Knowing exactly how to answer their questions and speak to each of them. Later he explains that he’d often looked after the young one’s in Kamar-Taj.
Stephen can only walk alongside them awkwardly as Wong shows them a few effortless spells and tricks, much to their delight.
 He flinches when he feels a small hand wrap around his own and looks down to find one of the boys pressing close to him. Stephen does his best to offer a kind smile and tries to speak with the boy only to find he doesn’t say anything in return. Briefly he wonders if he boy is hearing impaired or non-verbal and awkwardly tries to sign with his free hand, his past injuries and lack of practice make it awkward though. But when the boy only tilts his head in question Stephen decides not to press further and instead continuing their silent walk. Somehow though he finds himself speaking again, something about the boy makes it easy, like he doesn’t have to worry about being judged or seen as boring. He mostly rambles on about Wong, how his friend always manages to surprise him as he watches the other man lift one of the other children onto his shoulders as the others jump around him. Stephen begins to share with the boy quietly how much he’s come to care for the other man, and how he cherishes him dearly and tells the boy that if he should ever find someone like that to keep them close. Before either of them know it a group of women are running up toward them fussing over the children and they run toward them as well.
 After receiving the women’s unalloyed gratitude for caring for the children and brushing off any compensation they try to offer, they turn to say goodbye to the group. The children practically pounce on Wong telling him they’ll miss him and Stephen can only look on with deep fondness. He turns though when he feels small arms wrap around him and looks down to see the silent boy clinging to him. Stephen’s heart does a little lurch as he gingerly places his arms around him as well. His face breaks out in a grin when the boy tells him a soft goodbye, along with telling him he’ll miss him. As they watch the group leave they can make out the children telling their mothers that their new favorite superheroes are Doctor Strange and Master Wong. When Stephen admonishes Wong about this though the other man only shrugs as they make their way back home. But not before letting Stephen know, “I care about you too, Stephen.”
 The next few weeks pass in a blur, with more monsters than usual and workload by the double. So much work in fact that they’d forgotten to go out for food. Much to their chagrin though they find they’re out of money and their last can of beans has expired. They’re just about to chance the rancid smelling beans when there’s a knock on the Sanctum door. Puzzled they both make their way to answer it and to their astonishment it’s the mother’s from a couple days ago. When they question how they’d found them they merely wave them off, on of them saying something about hearing it from someone at work. Stephen and Wong don’t further question the women though when they present them with a casserole and a peach tart. Grateful for the food they gracelessly offer the ladies inside for some tea. Once inside the women take in all the oddities around the sanctum commenting on their “nice décor” before making their way into the kitchen with them. Once there they can’t help but take in their empty cupboards and shelves and question them on whether or not they’re eating properly. Stephen and Wong can only flush as they try an explain the situation but before they know it the women have already decided that it simply won’t do and start working their way into including two more servings in their future meal preparations. After some pleasant conversation the women leave much to their surprising dismay. And the women don’t give them the chance to say no when they promise to come by in a few days with more food. As Stephen and Wong eat the tart later in the evening they can’t help but feel a little bit of joy fill them.
 The women’s presence becomes permanent from then on, so they can’t help but be confused when the knock at the door one day turns out not to be the women, but rather the ladies they’d helped from the club all those nights ago. With groceries as well, to their bafflement. They explain that they’d been looking for them, and coincidently ran into one of the mother’s of the children at a salon. Through talking they’d come to find where they lived and wanted to thank them for their help. So once again Wong and Stephen open their doors and allow them inside for tea and a little chat. And just like that they now have a new group of people who bring them groceries and sometimes merely stop by to check in on them. And if they stop fussing less and less over the kindness and company, no one says anything.
 When the young man from the jail cell makes his way to the sanctum next, with the two old men no less Stephen and Wong let them in again. The old men are holding bags filled with blankets and coats and the young man carries a tool shed. It seemed one of the women they knew worked with the young man, and had shared their location with him. She’d also told him they’d had a leaky room for weeks now and he’d come to fix it in thanks. The old men meanwhile, lived in the same apartment as him and they too began to talk amongst each other. And learning that the Sorcerer supreme and his associate couldn’t afford heating had come bearing the blankets to keep them warm for the winter. Stephen and Wong are at a loss as they ease in and make themselves comfortable in the sanctum, repairing the roof and settling a box of arancini on their counter for them to eat. But the warmth that spreads through them stops them from even thinking of kicking any of them out as they make tea for each of them.
 Just like that Stephen and Wong are no longer alone in their little corner of the world. Instead, they have Tuesday dinner with the Dian and the other moms, Sunday football with the old men, Monday book club with the Sherry and the other girls from the club, and Friday movie nights with Hector the young man from the jail cell. The routine never stays the same though sometimes even having to jumble them together into one big gathering. And after a few times having to save each of them they catch on to the fact that Doctor Strange and Master Wong aren’t just any old New York City residents, and they understand when plans are cancelled or moved. But Wong and Stephen no longer go hungry, and the sanctum is no longer as cold as it use to be, and though they care for each other they can both admit that the new people in their life are a pleasant change. One that they both enjoy.
 So no, Wong and Stephen do not have fans like the other heroes. Not by a long shot. They have something else entirely. Something that, in their humble opinion is much better. Wong and Stephen have friends, who care for them both dearly. And if they only add up throughout the years that follow, well, they’ve come to enjoy the company anyway.
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twopoppies · 3 years
Ok, I’m gonna ask something and I really really hope where I’m coming from translates because I know how this can look.
I’m asking this question because I often ask it to myself, and I don’t know that I have an answer to it, but I’m young and new and I see you as a fandom auntie imparting your wisdom so maybe you can help me? I’m in my head a lot, all the time.
What would it take for you to go “alright that’s it, there is no Larry/they’re not together anymore”? I know, I know this question is shady. I’ve seen it thrown around a bunch of times in the year I’ve been a fan and it always gets a snarky response (which I totally get because I don’t think it comes from a genuine place). But as I said, I keep asking it to myself and when that happens I get a little frantic. Does that make sense? Like, it kind of gives me anxiety to think about that.
I keep wondering, if 5 more years go by and Freddie is still around... how would I feel? I don’t THINK that’s gonna happen, but then again, there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight and he’s already 5, so who the fuck knows, you know? Would I be a firm believer on what I believe if I saw an 8, a 10 year old kid talk about Louis as his dad? I don’t have an answer... and it scares me, because it makes me feel delusional and I know I’m not.
What would happen if Louis and Eleanor got married? Do I think it will happen? No... but I mean, I also didn’t think they’d survive this long. When I first came into the fandom everyone was saying they’d break up soon and it’s been a year. How would I cope if that happened? If they had a kid? Would I patiently wait for it to be revealed that things aren’t as they seem? Would I give up?
What if Harry and Olivia become more serious? What if they date for years and he takes her to events or talks about her? Like, I know, I KNOW he’s never done it before, but I also know that he has never called any of his stunts “my ex girlfriend” before Camille, and he even included her voice in a song... so like, do we REALLY know? He hadn’t held hands with one of his stunts since Taylor, and he’d never taken them as plus ones to anything. He seems to be actively participating a lot more than with Camille. I did my research, they were seen together far less and mostly maintained it by her going to his concerts. Idk it just seems that he was so low key with stunts in the past and instead of taking steps to maybe come out, he’s taking steps to make his relationships look more serious. He “dated” those women for a couple of months tops, now he’s stuck in long “relationships” that have to involve his family and idk it kinda sucks. What’s the guarantee they won’t take it a step further? How would I react if they did?
These things are in my head constantly and I don’t know what to think. What WOULD I do? Would I get fed up and leave the fandom, regardless of what I believed? So many people have done that but I can’t see myself not supporting H&L, they feel like such an important part of my life.
God, I’m sorry for how long this was and how annoying it must be. I guess I just need a little guidance.
Hi sugar. Wow... there’s lots going on here and I don’t think I can actually address everything you’re asking. So, let me start by saying that I don’t have a set “if this happens, I’m out” line in the sand. For me, I imagine I’ll leave when fandom is no longer fun for me, but I don’t think longevity or mutation of the stunts would necessarily be the final straw.
The thing is, for those of us who’ve been here since the band was together, we saw how different Harry and Louis’ attitude was towards their closeting. They actively fought against it. Loudly. Somewhere along the way, after the hiatus, things seem to have shifted a bit. Not that they want to be closeted, but it feels as though they might have a different perspective on it these days.
So, I guess the question could be... do they want to come out anytime soon? And I really don’t know. Louis has barely gotten his solo career off the ground. Harry is doing extremely well with his extremely frustrating fence straddling. Would coming out soon hurt their career goals? I think babygate is an entirely separate issue and regardless of anything else, that just isn’t sustainable. There’s too much that’s shady there for me to ever think he had a baby with her. And I just can’t see the family agreeing to continuously lie to their child for an open ended amount of time now that he’s really old enough to understand. I mean, I guess I shouldn’t put anything past them, but that seems insane.
So if they’re not ready to make that big change, stunts could look different than they used to. Camille staying for a year and Eleanor coming back made it possible for each of them to write an album that included songs about long term love, and allowed them to talk about it during promo with as much honesty as they wanted/were able to share. Not everything has changed for the worse.
When I try to look at the situation from their POV, and assume that they have a bit more power than they did pre-hiatus, I feel less anxious about things. But more than anything, I think what helps is to remember that this is their lives. They know what’s best for them. We might not like it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re suffering or that you’re wrong about your assumptions about them. If you’re here to support them, then I think all you can do is just support them and remove any time frames and specific expectations. If it gets in the way of your mental health, please take a break. Fandom will still be here. I have good friends who are still ride or die Larries, but they just can’t handle being here right now.
Lastly, it sounds as though asking yourself these “what would I do” questions is a form of future worrying that is actually causing you some real anxiety. There really isn’t a point in wondering how you would react to something that may never happen. It won’t keep it from happening, but it is keeping you from enjoying where you are now.
I know this got long, but I hope there’s something helpful there. 💗
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suhyla · 3 years
For anon's question number one, regarding men and women covering differently, it's because we're biologically made different. Men and women are different in many aspects, mentally and biologically.
We often hear women are a man's weakness but never men are a women's weakness. It's because men are more naturally inclined to get distracted by women but not vice versa. Islam teaches us to cover more than men because... There's plenty of reasons, but one of it is because we're a community and we should help each other as best as we could. We're not excusing men's lust, but we should at least help them to follow their deen as part of the muslim ummah. And although not covering isn't a big sin for women if done in a short period time, if men doesn't lower their gaze, it can lead into a big sin. So since we're a community and we care for each other, we help each other in whichever way we can through the guidance of Allah.
Of course there are women who lust for men as well, which is why Allah told both genders to lower our gazes.
If there's anything that's wrong, feel free to correct me. Wallahu'alam
Jazakullah khair for all your answers mashallah, and may Allah allow it weigh heavily on your scale of good deeds ya rab 🙏🏻
I'd like to add that Allah favored women and men with different things. Hijab is something that Allah has favored women with. The hijab/veil is something that covers and serves as a barrier. There is of course nothing in the heavens and earth that compares to Allah سبحانه وتعالى, but Allah is also described as having a veil made of Light. How much love does Allah have for us that He chose us to honor us with hijab and be selective over who has access to us?
Moreover, Allah has honored us through countless other means - Jannah is said to be under the feet of a mother (as in striving to please your mother is a means to gain eternal paradise), a father who protects and raises his daughters well also goes to Jannah, a husband must spend on his wife, but a wife is not obligated to spend on or share her money with her husband, there is a whole chapter in the Quran dedicated to our rights, etc. We don't look at this and say "how come Allah gave us so many honors and rights, and He didn't give men the same?" Allah has wisdom in all He does, and all His decrees are made with love for those who believe. It's also beautiful because although this is an honor for us, we get rewarded every time we wear the hijab because it is following Allah's command. Blessings upon blessings inshaAllah!
The hijab also serves to highlight a woman's other qualities, such as her intelligence, manners, religion. In societies where women are often sexualized to the point where their worth is equivalent to their beauty, it is beautiful that Islam tells us that although Allah created us with beauty, that is not all there is to us.
It also serves as a sign - the hijab is an outward manifestation of our faith, just as a man outwardly displays his faith by growing his beard and dressing modestly in the tradition of the Prophet. But due to the physical changes between us (a man doesn't have the physique of a woman, and a woman doesn't have the physique of a man) our hijab looks different.
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goddessdoeswitchery · 4 years
Hellenic Polytheism 101: Hymns, Epithets, and Prayers A Transcript
Hello and welcome to today’s episode of Hellenic Polytheism 101, where we will be discussing hymns, prayers, and epithets. I’ve found that a lot of Hellenic polytheists tend to struggle with prayers, with hymns, and with understanding epithets. It’s incredibly common to go into any forum dealing with an introduction to Hellenic Polytheism and see example prayers, templates for prayers, or see a button saying something along the lines of “prayer requests here”. This button is not often used in the way you traditionally think of prayer requests, as way to request prayer for someone in support of something going on; instead, it’s used to request that the writer write a particular prayer to use in every day practice. An example would be, “Can I get a prayer to Apollo for good luck in my band try-out?” Prayers can be hard. We always wind up feeling like we’re being judged, like it’s not good enough, like it should be better. So, here’s a guideline on that, on how I started writing my own prayers, to try to combat that feeling.
I want to start out with epithets, mainly because they are an important part of writing prayers and hymns. An epithet is a title, meant to indicate exactly what domain of what deity you are calling to. Again, I’m going use Hermes as an example because if there’s one deity that you want to be clear with, it’s definitely the god of trickery. Hermes has a bunch of epithets, Keeper of Flocks, of the marketplace, of crafts, or wiles, of games, interpreter, Slayer of argos, son of maia, messenger, trickster, leader of thieves, giver of joy, luck bringer, giver of good things. Hermes is all of those things, at once. However, if you’re wanting luck and decent sales at the farmer’s market, you probably don’t want the leader of thieves to be by your side. Epithets help with prayers because they can help narrow the focus of the prayer. Every deity in Hellenic polytheism has more than one side and more than one domain. Sometimes, those domains can be conflicting, in a way, like with Hermes being god of the marketplace and god of thieves.
Epithets also help with the signing of the praises and the worship of the deity in question. Remember how I said one of Hermes’ epithets was “Slayer of Argos?” That calls back to the time when Hermes, using his wiles, slayed Argos as Argos watched over Io for Hera, to keep Io away from Zeus. When I pray to honey tongued Hermes, Son of Maia, Slayer of Argos, luck bringer, for help in reaching my marketing goals for the month for at work, each epithet has a purpose. Son of Maia and slayer of Argos is how I say “I know who you are, I respect you, I know what you’ve done, I know your greatness and I’m showing you the deference and respect you deserve because of these things which you are”. Every deity has epithets which are less about their domain and more about their greatness as a deity. Foam born, golden Aphrodite. Chaste Artemis, daughter of Leto. By using those epithets, you’re calling to their greatness.
Now, you’ll notice that in that little example I gave with Hermes, I used the epithet “honey tongued”. This isn’t, to my knowledge, an epithet that was used by Homer or any of the cults of Hermes. That’s because another fun thing about epithets is that you can make your own. I’ve seen some fun ones, like Aphrodite of the perfectly shaped buttocks, or Hestia of the perfectly cooked dinner. They can be fun, amusing, small things that you credit the Theoi with. They can also be more serious things. Artemis of the well placed shot. Demeter of a mother’s grief. It’s not only acceptable, but encouraged to come up with your own epithets.
Once you’ve settled on, or created, the epithets you want to use, it can help to look at hymns. Pretty much every Hellenic polytheist knows of Homeric hymns. Now, these hymns may have been created by Homer, of the Odyssey and Iliad, but they’re called Homeric Hymns because they’re written in the same meter as the Iliad and Odyssey. There are also the Orphic hymns, if you’re looking for hymns with historical use. And there are many, many hymns written by modern worshippers. Now, a lot of people have asked “What’s the difference between a hymn and a prayer?” Hymns like the Homeric hymns were often sung out in public. There’s a reason so many of them start with “I sing of” or “I tell of” or “I speak of”. They were performance pieces. They were used in competitions and in rituals and in public places. A lot of the modernly created hymns serve the same purpose. They’re used for public worship (in a way) and often serve to sing of the praises of our deities. When we put them out there for others to see, it’s saying “Hey, look at how amazing Apollo is!” When we use them in private worship, its saying to the Theoi “Look at how incredible Apollo is! Hear all the wonderful things he’s done! I just love him so much!”
But a prayer is more…..focused. Yes, prayers can be used to worship. They can also be used to request something, or thank the Theoi. They’re a little bit more flexible. Sometimes a prayer is to one specific Theoi. Sometimes, it’s to many of them. I’ve never seen one to all of them by name, probably because no one has that kind of time, but I have seen prayers addressed to “The Theoi” in general. About 4 years ago, when I still worked on overnights, I wrote the following prayer:
Artemis, great huntress, protector of women and children alike, thank you for your protection over me and mine during this night.
Apollo, musician, without your gifts of music, I would be lost all night. Thank you for the songs and playlists, and the strength and inspiration they give me.
Hephaestus, inventor, without your mind and your creations, my life would be much harder. Thank you for the many things I take for granted.
Hera, queen of the heavens, shining goddess, thank you for the strength you bring me and the peace you bring my relationships.
Zeus, bringer of justice, King of all, thank you for the opportunities you bring me to enact what justice I can on those around me.
Athena, of wisdom, glorious goddess whose mind never fails, thank you for helping me keep my mind and helping me find creative ways to do better. Without you, I would be lost.
Demeter, goddess of the harvest, I cannot sing your praises enough, nor can I thank you enough for the food that graces my family and feeds us all. Thank you, for always ensuring we are well fed.
Hestia, who protects and guides the home and those in it, praise be to you. I have a home and loved ones inside. I am blessed by you, glorious goddess, compassionate one.
Poseidon, ruler of the seas, shaker of the earth, father of horses, thank you for your protection over your realm which allows us to travel on it and get the supplies we need. Glory be, ruler of the ocean.
Ares, warrior and raging god, whose wrath is feared and well known, thank you for guiding me in my rage to use it to the best advantage.
Dionysus, who knows a good time and who knows the value of being free to be yourself, thank you for your guidance and the freedom you give me to be me.
Aphrodite, passionate one, lovely goddess who shines above all, revered beauty, goddess of love, thank you for the love you bring me every day. Thank you for the one I love who loves me in return. Thank you for guiding us to each other, bringing us happiness and joy.
Hermes, trickster, great messenger, merchant and traveler, who watches over all who appear at my job and who keeps my family and loved ones safe from harm, endless thanks to you. Talkative one, who keeps me entertained, and who brings my prayer to the heavens for all the Theoi to hear, I praise you.
Praise be to Theoi, who do so much to guide, protect, inspire, and care for humanity and those I love every day
Notice, I didn’t use any specific, historical epithets. This was a prayer specifically for the Olympians. Not every prayer has to be, but in this case, I wanted it to be. It was one I said, every morning, for about 2 years, when I got home and lit incense after work, before bed. If I were to write it today, I would obviously adjust it. I would adjust the bits about my job because it has changed. I’m not the person I was before. And that’s okay! Prayers can change. I’ve heard from a lot of people who have used that prayer as a template for their own. Every worshipper is different and so your prayers will be unique to you and your experiences.
They also don’t have to be that long. A lot of mine are not that long. “Fleet footed Hermes, guide, luck bringer, help me get to work on time, please and thank you!” is a prayer that is said with some regularity in my car, my fingers clutching the prayer beds hanging on my gear shift, because I once again got out of the house a little later than I should have. At meal times, my prayer goes “ Thank you, Great mother Demeter, whose bountiful harvests provided me with this food.” “Hades, bringer of wealth, careful planner, help this check stretch as far as it needs to” is one I’ve said more than once. “Lovely Aphrodite, glorious goddess of love, swift footed Hermes, messenger, traveler of great distances, help us find the time to meet” is a prayer I’ve used to ask for more time to spend with my girlfriend, as we both have busy schedules and live like an hour and half away from each other.
I know it can feel hard sometimes, to come up with a prayer that can meet the scrutiny of a deity who has been around forever. It can be harder to come up with one that meets the scrutiny of the internet. When you’re writing down a prayer in a devotional journal, its hard to find one that feels like it’s up to the challenge of being in there, forever. But we shouldn’t be afraid to pray, to sing out a hymn, to use a unique epithet we created. I’ve been a Hellenic polytheist for over a decade. There are a lot of prayers and hymns and epithets that I’ve looked back on and went “eesh” and stepped far away from, never to use them again. But it’s never stopped me from trying. And that’s really the lesson I want to leave you with today. Start trying, and don’t stop. Your prayers do not have to be perfect to be prayers.
So thank you for listening to today’s episode of Hellenic polytheism 101. Once again, if you want to find a transcript of today’s podcast, go to goddessdoeswitchery.com and check out the tags transcript or transcripts (plural). Along with the transcript, you’ll find a link to the sources I used today, which are the epithets section of Theoi.com pages for Aphrodite, Hermes,  and Artemis. Otherwise, it’s all just general knowledge I picked up who knows how long ago from books and blog posts whose titles I’ve long forgotten. The last episode of this year will be on December 27th and will be focused on how to create your own calendar for worship, including religious holidays like Noumenia. I look forward to seeing you all then.
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100talberts · 3 years
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(no POV. TW for homophobia. Super long, so TL;DR Pastor Bunch convinces Zinnia that Women Learning Bad.)
“...now, one of those secular, self-serving toilet paper salesmen out there may argue that, without official input from God, it would be improper to assume He doesn’t want men to wipe afterwards, but I believe my argument is stronger. Men, ask yourselves: why would you clean a part of you that doesn’t need to be clean if not so the Devil can use it as a gateway to sinful anal simulation like fingering and homosexual sex?! I rest my case. Before we go, I would like to announce the birth of my 37th grandchild, Sunday Bunch, who is the logical and physically adept 10th child of my son Joshua Bunch and his wife Mrs. Joshua Bunch. Haha, just kidding! Sunday is a girl, so as is God’s natural way she lacks an innate ability to think critically and is inherently weaker to the men around her! Praise the Lord for giving Joshua a gentle, submissive little blessing, and pray that she won’t be the last! Have a wonderful week, everybody. Ladies, you may now speak again!”
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Women aren’t allowed to speak during active church sessions at Light of God church, so Zinnia is only too eager for Pastor Bunch to finally shut up. As soon as she can, she stands up and approaches him.
“Pastor Bunch!”
“Hello, Miss Talbert!” Like most people at church, Pastor Bunch had no fucking idea which of Jeb’s daughters he was talking to.
“Pastor Bunch, may I speak with you personally? I need guidance.”
“That’s some bold phrasing coming from a woman! When addressing your superiors, you should be gentler and less aggressive with your speech, so that His natural roles for you and the men around you are honored. You don’t ‘need’ guidance, you ‘would like‘ guidance, or ‘may I have some’ guidance, so that the men you speak to understand that you’re a Godly and submissive woman, making men more inclined to want to help you.”
“You’re right, Pastor. I apologize. I would like to humbly ask for your guidance.”
“See how much nicer speaking femininely is? When you’re soft and subdued, you make yourself like a lamb, and will bring out men’s natural desire to be leaders and, like a shepherd with his flock, men will guide and lead you to where you need to be. Follow me, Miss Talbert, because right now you need to be in my office. We’ll speak and pray more there.”
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The office is much more lavish than Zinnia would have thought. She and Pastor Bunch sit on a comfortable couch and, as taught, Zinnia waits for Pastor Bunch to speak first.
“Did you know the Devil was the first to desire for so-called ‘equal rights’ when he tried to become equal with the Almighty himself? It’s a heinous idea that upsets the natural order of His universe, and that wasn’t enough for the Devil, no, he went on to say that mankind should be equal to the Lord! God is mightier than we will ever be, which is His perfect design - you wouldn’t want any of us on Earth to have the power of God, especially in these sinful times! Today, Satan is embraced and nurtured by the feminists demanding women be equal to men, usurping His natural order in a perverse and diabolical manner. Woman was created for man, and any attempts to change this will fail, as you cannot change nature. It would be like purple apples: an abomination unto God, because He designed it a certain way and man meddling with it is raw blasphemy! First we have purple apples, then blue, and then a rainbow of apples to hide homosexual chemicals in! The gay agenda is to infect as many children as possible, and rainbow apples are the perfect ammo, as an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and with no doctors there can be no cure for gayness! It’s the perfect crime, and that’s why we must never eat apples, for they’re genetically modified by the gays to give you perverted desires! Apples were chosen by the gays as their sin fruit because it was the original forbidden fruit, the original sin, and gays love poetry. What’s more poetic than taking the original sin fruit and using it to create sinful fruits?”
Zinnia nodded. “You’re so wise, Pastor Bunch. My question isn’t quite one of equality or homosexuality, it’s one of learning. The Bible says women are to learn quietly and with submission. Does this mean women can learn? Can she seek education as long as she remains silent and obedient?”
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Pastor Bunch laughs so hard Zinnia worries he’ll die of hysteria. “My child, don’t be so ridiculous! 2 Timothy 3:6-7 says that lovers of pleasure and self, who are not lovers of God or righteousness, have among them 'those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.’ That is not a good thing. Sin and passion often go together, so anything that you feel passionate about is likely sinful in nature, as God put us here on Earth to suffer, and as emotions are the Devil’s silly putty. God wants us to be as logical as we can be, which is best achieved by an objective analysis. Do you know what that means? Of course you don’t. We’ll look at facts without feeling, which the over-emotional atheists on the left will tell you is abhorrent, but only because it proves that their so-called ‘feelings’ are actually lies from Satan! Modern scientists are lying pawns of the devil, but back when this was God’s country you could trust them, as they believed in and followed the Lord. Back then, it was proven that women have smaller brains than men. Why? It’s a reflection of her having a smaller mind. Women have these small minds - both physically and spiritually - because they only need to know Godly truth and feminine duty, and the Lord doesn’t want us to have space we won’t use! The Lord hates excess, of money and of food and of space, so He wouldn’t have given women larger minds when they won’t be using it. Titus 2:4-5 says that younger women should be taught to be sober, to love and be obedient to their husbands, to love their children, be discreet, chaste, work at home, and that the word of God be not blasphemed. There is nothing about learning maths or science, and that was deliberate, for it is not His will for Godly women to learn. If you want wisdom, marry a wise man and bear him wise sons that can learn where you cannot. I must be going now, Miss Talbert, as I am a busy man with much to do. God be with you.”
“Thank you, Pastor.” It wasn’t what Zinnia wanted to hear, but it completely convinced her to stay at home and be a Godly baby factory. Of course, at 14 it isn’t hard to change her mind.
“Of course. Goodbye, Miss Talbert.”
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wendydarling1400 · 4 years
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Jane Eyre, throughout the novel is completely devoted to her principles and beliefs. Although quiet and isolated Jane is not afraid to express her true opinion and judgments. When she observes Mr Rochester alienating Adele she gently teaches him that Adele should be treated with respect; Jane shows that she has strong empathy and will not accept people talking down to children “Adele is not answerable for either her Mother’s faults or yours (...) forsaken by her Mother and disowned by you, I shall cling closer to her than before”; Jane is stubborn and unmoving in her moral judgments in which she pulls from her internal beliefs (this is evident in the fact that these views are deeply against the social norms of the time). As Jane moves from place to place the things she clings to is her sense of self and her determination to be happy with her moral actions, this brings her great comfort in her circumstances  “I can live alone if self-respect and circumstances require me to do so”; Jane leaves Thornfield on the pretence that she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she were to stay and be tempted into living a bigamous marriage. Mr Rochester recognises that Jane is innocent and “untainted” leading him to ask Jane continuously if the actions he has taken are morally right to which Jane happily and honestly gives advice “you would in time find it possible to become what you yourself would approve”.Although Jane expresses to the reader that she loves Mr Rochester “while I breathe and think, I must love him” and is completely loyal to him, she will not act immorally for him “I like to serve you in all that is right” again proving that her principles are the most important thing to her and that she constantly evaluates things from an Fi perspective. Jane longs for love and affection which is what makes following her principles even harder as they often cost her the gateway to that in which she is seeking “to the crib I took my doll. Human beings must love something.”  
After establishing her principles and gaining all she feels she can from Lowood, Jane decides to move on. Although Jane is in search of a place or someone she belongs to, she easily becomes bored with the mundane and longs for deeper conversations and interactions finding  Miss Fairfax, though kind, does not satisfy Jane in this way. Jane is intrigued and drawn in by Helen Burns and Miss Temples conversions as they discuss the bigger picture, she sees this as meaningful and interesting. Jane attaches herself quickly to Helen who is at first not particularly welcoming to Jane “you ask too many questions, I want to get back to my book” although this interaction could have put Jane off, she enjoys Helen’s insights and wisdom “Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs”; Helen is wise and unlike other people around her, she talks about deeper matters of life in which Jane asks many questions about and seemingly absorbs the answers to (her Ne feeds her Fi); it is clear that many of Helen’s teachings are absorbed by Jane and brought into later life. Jane’s Ne lives for the excitement of deeper conversation and a thirst for diving into multiple hobbies including, painting, writing and playing the piano. It is this saviour function that ironically actually works as a saviour for Jane in her life, as a child she is told that she has ‘bad blood’ due to her emotional responses but her Ne and openness to new information (Helen and her teachings) transforms Jane into a principled and responsible young woman. In Mr Rochester Jane finds another person who enjoys deeper topics of conversation, he is also out of the box and strange, before Mr Rochester returned to Thornfield (before they met) she begins to find as months move pass by that she is becoming restless and again thinks of finding herself a new situation. However it is Mr Rochester and his company who keeps her at Thornfield. Jane also possesses a vivid imagination as she constantly invisions ghostly experiences in Gateshead, down the path whilst posting a letter (Gytrash), and most obviously at Thornfield hall; she expresses that as a child she only enjoyed reading stories about “fairies” and “genii”, and in later life is constantly told by Mr Rochester that she is like numerous different fairytale creatures and that she is“Unearthly.”
Sentimental and comfort seeking, Jane moves from place to place in search for a home and love. Jane consistently looks back over the past romanticising elements and also feeling upset over others. Though the book has to recollect her past, Jane has very strong feelings and statements to make regarding it. Jane reviews her past deeply and, remembers in great detail how she categorised each person and event she encountered. Jane has a Fi-Si loop which pulls her back in her personal journey; she has at times an unhealthy look on the past as she jumpes from one extreme view on the past to the other (pain and romanticism). After meeting the aristocratic group in which Mr Rochester brings to Thornfield one of the women automatically reminds Jane of Mrs Reed, Jane begins to sink into some of her past experiences of Mrs Reed and then forms somewhat of a disliking for the woman because she looks like her. When Jane returns to Gateshead to see Mrs Reed, memories flood back hitting her hard showing the power that Jane’s Si holds over her hitting her Fi at times very harshly. Obviously, we can all have bad memories but Jane is strongly guided by them and refers back to them many a time throughout her life, sometimes strongly living in the past “Old times crowded fast back on me”; “the inanimate objects were not changed; but the living things had altered past recognition” Jane clearly remembers Gateshead vividly as she travels back there in her mind frequently. It is clear that Jane’s Fi is strongly attached to her Si and is sometimes fed negative thoughts “I did not need directions to the well-known room, to which I had so often been summoned for chastisement in former days”; “the recollection of childhood terrors and sorrows revived”.  Even the physical places in which Jane lives mean a lot to her as she categorises each place as a new stepping stone in her life. 
Jane has a quiet and gentle nature however at moments during the novel her Te shows in a direct and passionate way; when Mr Rochester first talks about sending Jane off to a new place/situation, Jane quietly digests it trying not to show her grief, but over time Jane feels she cannot hold in her emotions anymore and speaks directly to Mr Rochester in an effort to get her views across which she had previously kept to herself “Do you think because I am poor, obscure, plain and little that I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! - I have as much soul as you - and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you." Mr Rochester is shocked by this side of Jane as it is rarely shown. Jane also speaks to the ‘gypsy lady’ directly as the interview she conducts feels uncomfortable, making Jane feel on edge and as a result she has a sharper tongue than usual “ ‘Why do you not consult my art?’ ‘because I am not silly.’ (...) “‘You are cold and you are silly’ ‘prove it’; Jane is more blunt and short when put on the spot by someone who is trying to read her deep emotions; making her defensive. 
One of Jane’s main traits is loyalty, she is loyal in many ways; Jane is loyal to her principles sticking to them strictly, she is loyal to Helen and her guidance, and she is most obviously loyal to Mr Rochester. Jane has no idea what Mr Rochester’s big secret is and doesn’t try to force it out of him or investigate herself (by perhaps going up to the tower), instead she trusts him and does whatever she can to serve him as a friend; “Can I help you, sir? - I’d give anything to serve you”, Jane earns the trust of Mr Rochester very quickly despite the fact that he is deeply secretive, as he sees that Jane is loyal and honest and would keep his secrets not wishing to harm him “ ‘my little friend!’ Said he, ‘I wish I were on a quiet island with only you” Mr Rochester knows that Jane does not easily judge or cast aside people and that if everyone else around him were to hate him, she would not. Jane is forgiving, even though she feels great sorrow in regard to Mrs Reed she forgives her “a strong yearning to forget and forgive all injuries- to be reconciled and clasp hands with amity” this shows that Jane is caring and not prideful or bitter, she has true Hufflepuff traits (wanting peace and harmony). As Well as this Jane is also hugely modest and uncompetitive in nature “I will do my best; it is a pity that doing one’s best does not always answer”; “If he expects me to talk for the sake of talking and showing off, he will find he has addressed himself to the wrong person”, Jane is disinterested in gossip and being boastful and competitive, when Jane and Mr Rochester plan to get married Jane refuses to have anything big and over the top wanting only the simple things in life, the simple things strongly include love for Jane; “There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow-creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort”. When she learns that her uncle died and left her a huge sum of money, Jane’s initial reaction was sadness as she had never met her uncle, and not excitement towards the money that would mean a different life for her. Jane holds love above everything else. Jane is a Hufflepuff because she values, loyalty, kindness, modesty, fair-play and hard-work.
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skinfeeler · 3 years
on spinoza and his contemporary courtiers
benedict spinoza, to any cosmopolitan with any academical acumen at all, reads as extremely normal. for the time however, he might well be called prescient. in a sense, he did nothing special: he simply steadfastly and without apology applied all methods of histiography to religious texts considering them as sources like any others, and it could be said that he helped pioneer the idea of a text as not simply containing itself but also everything about and around it. i’ll spare you the derrideanisms and the pithy barthes quotes, but this unfettered approach of what real scholars now consider self-evident was enough to unify the contemporary organised religious societies against him both in terms of shunning and censorship. if there is such a thing as an atheist virtue, i believe it must be ‘irreverence’: when they insist something is special and beyond the regular methods of philosophy (that chief of sciences), we must deny them. i believe that spinoza exemplified this.
the unfortunate thing is that he first laid this out in his tractatus theologico-philosophicus, a work in which he perhaps optimistically believed that if the authorities at the time could respect philosophy being utilised in service of religion — as descartes, who simply believed his philosophy to make a more robust foundation of religion than ‘aristotelean’ scholastics — they could respect it for its own sake. to this end, he still spoke of ‘god’ when in his ethics, he spoke of ‘god or nature’. the entire work is an extremely obvious double-layered obfuscatory work, and those who believe that it’s a ‘theological work’ should maybe learn what a determinate negation or sublation is— the thing is, given that maybe now, aspects of his thought have (in some locales, conditionally) been integrated in some strands of religious thought, the fact is that at the time he was universally reviled as an atheist, and in many communities (across all religions) in which the disenfranchised (including all children) have no access to, way of knowing about, or are taught faculties to engage with and ‘progressive’ and philosophically ‘sophisticated’ attempts at theology like those based on spinoza’s philosophy, he still is reviled as such, so he’s ours, you can’t have him, fuck you.
even so i must ruefully acknowledge that he still took on one facet of contemporary organised religious thought both before and after he started to strategically align himself more with protestant interests: while he rejected supernaturalism, he never really rejected the clergy, which manifested in one specific idea: he posited that while the truth is complicated, the masses (the laity, if you will) ultimately need guidance and simple truths that apply most of the time, and that spiritual impetuses are good enough for those who can’t do better, that it’s not necessary try to make them think for themselves. this much was the ineluctable product of his prior and lasting belief in the necessity (and thereby authority) of clergy and meant to validate it. maybe this was a tactical consideration, but it was a poor one, because his thought endures: i have had many people say the same to me. “oh, skinfeeler, people crave frameworks and not all of them can do what you can.” no note of what might happen if we might all try and emancipate people into postmodern notions of thought which may be a bit more difficult but will ultimately not leave the most disenfranchised of us behind, or of the fact that maybe many people are incapable of thinking in abstract, complicated ways exactly because organised religions have damaged them in that regard or punished them for trying, of course. no, it’s all spineless lack of ambition and a barefaced denial of epistemic injustice.
the thing is, these people when they speak to me never imagine themselves as the hapless laity. no, they are speaking to me cleric to cleric, sage to sage. they imagine themselves the parent, not the child. the thing is that even children are so much smarter than we give them credit for. someone who thought themselves a pedagogue told me that in their field it has become so obvious to me that children can ‘reason like adults’, just with a lot more glitches and heuristics in their thought. on the nose this looks very charitable and egalitarian, but why that second clause? do adults not have glitches and heuristics in their thought? what nonsense to insinuate they don’t. i have spoken to so many adults in my life, especially female family members who were never even given a chance to articulate what they meant to in discussions or to formulate their thoughts into something tangible and real. when i speak to them, however, explain certain methodologies of thought with patience, eventually they can work with them. what i like even more, though, is when they speak to me in their own language, their own philosophies defined on their own terms that reveal themselves as they manifest through such conversations with me: and in my experience, just about anyone can do this, the masses have wisdom if only you’ll let them. those spinozists i speak of are simply the other coin of the people who tell them they aren’t fit to work with the book, and they are just as wrong.
it’s superiority in the cloak of benevolence, pure and simple. i’ll admit to having been seduced by it myself at points: should we be surprised when all my arguments for people’s emancipation are met with lavish and glib praise of my ostensibly unique and special faculties? here i’ll say, now and forever: i’m not. i’m not special. there are, of course, people who are so broken that they can no longer work with anything but truisms, people who are stuck in feedback loops of the psyche from existential fear, internalisation of bigotries, the works, where they are not able to escape and use that which all of us have been endowed by, but this is not a transcendent or qualitative issue, it’s circumstantial and contextual: it was caused by something. this, however, tends to form the second line of defense of religious spinozists: “yes, what these people do to each other, their women, their children is horrific, but they don’t do it because of their faith, they do it because of the ways they have been damaged and what they may or may not rightly fear to happen if they neglect to speak as they speak or do as they do unto others and especially those they are in power over, such as parents unto children.” (which is to say, abuse those their religion has put them in a position of power over, impress them into their religions, dominate them.)
this obviously ignores the fact that even such things as defense mechanisms and threat models are codified in a certain way and not only of traumatic but also intertwined ideological nature as of course, exploited by those who are most powerful and least in danger in these communities. following from candid sociological analysis to real and actual values, you can never excuse the entanglement of personal anxiety about faith and existence with the practices of say, child abuse, such as the account of that one mother i read who admitted that when she saw the ‘spiritual hollowness in her son’s eyes’ her own faith was fading away for her— what a horrific and unforgivable thing to say about your own apostate child for not going along with the song and dance that you believe he must, even if ultimately she realised that to integrate others into her own sense of safety and certainty like that was unconscionable. unfortunately, most parents will never be allowed by their congregations to come to such conclusions about their families that make up these congregations, or in the case of the congregation that expelled spinoza and had him shunned, not by the religious state that needed the congregations that made it up to not allow behavior that disturbed larger and common religious precepts that bound together the contemporary civil religion.
regardless, respecting those objections i have compromised, at times, to paraphrase across various conversations i’ve had:
“if you say so, very well, but then decisions on what should happen in the future with regards to nations, and congregations, and families should be in the hands of the disjunction of those sets of people who we regard as qualified, with our conversation left without (but about) those others, with the hope that neither civil religion or more conventional organised religion will eventually be undone and unable to produce such tragic cases. we will respect their pain and lot in life and seek to understand where it comes from to be able to undo it and not have it be visited unto others, but we won’t factor it into our ultimate understandings and judgements, since as you say, they are unable to partake. of course, none of this requires ‘repression’ and in fact that is more often than not counterproductive and sociological considerations of what cause such outcomes are paramount before any particular action taken, with absolutely none of this belonging to the state or any other organised repressive organ as working through clerical or parental authority, as with any form of disenfranchisement.”
this is never taken well— i suppose there is some incredible nuance somewhere i must have been missing when i still entertained such deeply dehumanising, nonsensical, and unambitious notions at the behest of my religious contacts, or maybe they just didn’t like what they saw in the mirror.
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onewaytawheed114 · 4 years
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📍 Reviving Our Sense of #Gheerah
We live in societies in which most men and women have lost their sense of modesty, women are obsessed with their appearances and wear clothes to be seen by others and to attract the attention of other men even if they are married! They have lost their sense of shame.
Marriage is often looked upon as old-fashioned and short term affairs and frivolous relationships are the norm, everyone waiting to attract a better partner and feeling totally justified to dump one partner for another at the drop of a hat. Feminism too has reached its peak and men and women are told to suppress their natural emotions.
Men are not even embarrassed when their wives are dressed up and attract the attention of other men, they don’t mind if another man sees, chats, laughs and even dances with their womenfolk and if they do mind, they are told not to be so possessive!
In Islam we have a concept of Gheerah. Gheerah is an Arabic word which means protectiveness or jealousy. It is a good type of jealousy, like when a man feels jealous or protective over his wife or sisters and other-womenfolk and doesn’t like other men to look at them. It is a natural inbuilt feeling Allah has given men and women.
The Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam had the most Gheerah for his wives and all of the companions were known for their Gheerah. All Muslim men should have a collective sense of protectiveness for Muslim women as Allah says in the
Qur’an, the meaning of which is:
“The Men are the protectors and maintainers of women…” (Surah An-Nisaa, Ayah 34).
Men who do not care about how their women behave and appear in front of other men and don’t enforce hijaab upon their wives or women-folk are called Dayyooth. Being a Dayyooth is a major sin and a detailed description of this evil characteristic can be found in adh-Dhahabee’s book of Major Sins (Kitaab ul-Kabaa’ir).
A Beautiful Story Of Gheerah
To further understand the quality of Gheerah, we can look at an incident that Asmaa’ radi allahu anha the daughter of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq radi allahu anhu and sister of Aisha radi allahu anha relates about herself. Abu Bakr was a wealthy merchant and he married his daughter Asmaa’ to the great companion Az-Zubayr ibn al-‘Awwam radi allahu anhu who was a very poor man but a man of great piety and one of the companions who were promised Paradise. Asmaa’ relates:
When az-Zubayr married me, he had neither land nor wealth nor slave…”, so Asmaa’ had to work very hard kneading dough, going far off to get water. “And I used to carry on my head,” she continues, “the date stones from the land of az-Zubair which Allah’s Messenger sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam had endowed him and it was a distance of two miles from Madeenah.
One day, as I was carrying the date-stones upon my head, I happened to meet Allah’s Messenger sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam, along with a group of his Companions. He called me and told the camel to sit down so that he could make me ride behind him.
I felt shy to go with men and I remembered az-Zubair and his Gheerah and he was a man having the most Gheerah . The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam understood my shyness and left. I came to az-Zubair and said: “The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam met me as I was carrying date-stones upon my head and there was with him a group of his Companions. He told the camel to kneel so that I could mount it, but I felt shy and I remembered your Gheerah.”
So Asmaa’ declined the offer made by the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam. Upon this az-Zubair said: “By Allah, the thought of you carrying date-stones upon your head is more severe a burden on me than you riding with him.” (related in Sahih Bukhari)
Look at the sense of dignity and modesty of Asmaa’! See how she felt shy in front of men? See how careful she was about her husband’s feelings? She knew that her husband had a lot of Gheerah so she didn’t want to upset him by accepting the Prophet’s sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam help even though the Prophet was the purest of men and even though it meant bringing hardship on herself! And look at az-Zubair radi allahu anhu, even though he had a lot of Gheerah, he didn’t want to inconvenience his wife. What a beautiful relationship they had!
Nurturing our sense of Gheerah
Sometimes Muslim women don’t understand if their men folk want them to cover their faces or if they ask them to change something about the way they dress or speak in public, thinking that the men are being over-protective. But my dear sisters! If your husband asks you not to wear a certain colour of khimaar because it brings out the beauty of your eyes, or if he wants you to cover your face – by Allah, be thankful! Be proud of the fact that your husband has a sense of Gheerah for you and that he values you and cares for your hereafter.
He knows what men can be like more than you do and so never try and suppress his Gheerah in these types of matters. And his concern for you should incite your own sense of honour! Why should any man be able to see your beauty and think indecent thoughts about you? We must nurture our own and our menfolk’s sense of Gheerah by behaving and dressing modestly ourselves and paying attention to their valid opinions. We expect certain behaviour from them and they expect it of us. And besides, if our husband asks us to do something that it not Haraam, we must do it.
And Brothers! How can you allow your wife or sister to walk around attracting the attentions and evil-thoughts of other men? How can you not mind if she smiles as she talks to other men. Nobody has the right to enjoy her and her company but you and her Maharim men.
You are not being overbearing if you first encourage and then enforce the hijaab on your womenfolk because YOU will be asked about it on the Day of Judgement and it is also a major sin upon YOU! It is upon the men to enforce these things in their homes and you cannot use the excuse that your wife didn’t want to. Women need a firm, balanced, guiding hand from their men, so with wisdom you must enforce hijaab in your home. You are a shepard and are responsible for your flock!
👉 ALLAH reminds us all in the Qur’an, the meaning of which is:
“Oh you who believe, Protect yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones.” (At-Tahreem, Aayah 6)
There is a big difference between how Islam values and protects women and how cheaply women are treated outside of Islam! As Muslims we have to be careful that our Hayaa’ (sense of modesty and shame) and Gheerah don’t wear out in a society in which people have lost it.
Yaa ALLAAH protect our loved one with in your #guidance #Ameen
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Dorm Keys & Crests
“Witches are territorial and elusive creatures, but this you must already have noticed. The eight witches themselves were said to rarely consult with mortals or even among themselves. It is in our nature to safeguard against prying eyes and hungry minds. ‘Bearing your soul like that will only invite trouble’ is what my own grandmother used to say when I was a child. 
This is why our institute is such as it is with locked doors and secret passages. Visitors call us ‘paranoid’ and ‘theatrical’ when they see the lengths to which we go to ensure that access is limited, but they do not understand. Our knowledge is a fragile thing and allows no fraternization. The world is changing and in its wake our traditions disappear. Soon enough even the teachings of our founders will become obsolete. It is our duty - my duty - to keep them alive for as long as it’s possible.” - Ursa Astoria, Headmistress of Walpurga Nacht Academy
While other schools might not consider it an issue for students to freely travel between dorm buildings, WNA is different. Dorm visits are a highly regulated affair whose restrictions are implemented directly by the students themselves. Not even Prefects have access to other dorms and in order for any student to be allowed to visit they must check in with the Prefect herself. The manner in which this is achieved is with the help of dorm keys.
Made from pure silver, much like the brooches, the keys contain magical properties that allow the girls to open the assigned ‘door’ to their dorm. Each key can be easily differentiated by the crest on the handle that makes reference to the dorm’s founder.
Rosenhex (Scallop Seashell): The chosen crest for this dorm is the seashell. A symbol of feminine beauty and love, it was said that the Lady of Beauty emerged from a seashell before the Witch of the Rose in order to impart her knowledge of charms and hexes when the witch was looking for a way to enact her vengeance on the man who had betrayed her. Heeding the Lady’s advice the witch brought about a curse on him during his wedding night, transforming him into a bush of roses, and her fury was sated. Following this event, the witch engraved the cover of her volume with the same image. In history, scallop shells were often used as decoration or as chalices and vessels for love magic. As a dorm that prizes beauty above all, the scallop shell perfectly embodies the image of witches as seducers of mankind and influencers of love affairs.
Grimmaire (Wings): The chosen crest for this dorm is a pair of wings. It was said that when the Witty Witch had reached a crossroads in her research the Lord of Wit had sent a dove carrying in its heart his knowledge so that it may aid her. When she had finished writing her volume she engraved the cover with the same symbol to show her respect. In history, wings have many different interpretations, but are usually regarded as a symbol of the world above and spirituality. Pictures of dead humans are often shown with wings on their backs as a way of symbolizing their ascension to a different plane of existence. As a dorm that prizes wit above all, a pair of wings perfectly embodies the image of witches as educated women who were involved in occult societies and desired to transcend the human condition. 
Kriegskald (Shield): The chosen crest for this dorm is a shield. Legend says that before a great war the Witch of the Shield had been visited in her dreams by the Lord of Conquest. He warned her that her death was near and in order to prevent such an event from happening she should engrave her shield with his knowledge. Just as the Lord had prophesied the witch would have died during the struggle had her shield not caught the blow of her opponent’s mace. In order to show her gratitude, the witch engraged her volume with this image. Though shields might come across as a primarily masculine symbol, one could argue that their function is in many ways the same as a veil: to protect and to ward. During history women often wore veils in order to protect themselves from unwanted gazes and a witch’s hood often has the same role. It is an object used for escaping recognition. As a dorm that prizes the preservation of old artifacts, the shield perfectly embodies the image of witches as protectors of mankind against evil forces. 
Galdtrea (Cornucopia): The chosen crest of this dorm is a cornucopia. During a great drought, when the plants had died and the earth had become barren, the Witch of the Harvest had called upon a higher being for help. What she received was not her Master’s aid, but rather the visit of the Lord of Rulers who bore a cornucopia with him. Imparting his knowledge the Lord showed the witch how to once again make the land prosperous. When the witch had finished her volume she engraved its cover with this symbol as a means to show her allegiance to the Lord. As a symbol of abundance and nourishment, the cornucopia is perhaps best known as the horn broken by Jupiter from his she-goat nurse which then provided unending sustenance. The object is also a symbol of the harvest, which in ancient times was a symbol of power. A lord’s or ruler’s authority was often equal to the mass of land that he owned. As a dorm that prizes knowledge of nature above all, the cornucopia perfectly embodies the image of witches as female practitioners of herbal medicine and healers. 
Monarchia (Monarch Butterfly): The chosen crest for this dorm is the monarch butterfly. Having angered her Master through insubordination, the Wicked Mistress of Beasts had taken to hiding among the monsters of the forests and savannas as a means of escaping his wrath. Yet, his power was great enough that he could find her even in the farthest corner of the world and thus her fate had been sealed. Or so it might have been had the Lord of Revelry not sent the monarch butterfly her way and taught her how to disguise herself just like the creature did. Escaping the detection of her Master, the Wicked Mistress of Beasts received the knowledge of the Lord and engraved the cover of her volume with his symbol. The butterfly symbolizes rebirth and personal change in particular, though it could also be considered a symbol of death. In the animal world the cycle of birth and death is perhaps most obviously represented by these creatures. As a dorm that prizes integration with the animal world, the monarch butterfly perfectly embodies the image of witches practicing animism or shapeshifting. 
Oraluna (Crescent Moon and Star): The chosen crest for this dorm is the crescent moon and the star. Legend says that the Witch Who Dreamt of the Endless Sleep was a prophet who could foretell the fates of mortals and immortals alike and in her dreams she saw the fall of her Master before it even happened. Spurned by the whispers of the Lord of Stars, the witch had in secret adopted his knowledge and soon her prophecies began to emulate the pattern of the stars and the phases of the moon. Though this sudden shift had caused her followers to accuse her of insanity, she had nevertheless engraved the Lord’s symbol onto the cover of her volume. The moon is strongly connected to the notion of lunacy and female energy, as many women who refused to adhere to the standards of femininity imposed upon them in the past were often accused of suffering from insanity. As a dorm that prizes abstract thinking, the crescent moon and the star perfectly embody the image of witches as prophetesses of future events.
Eliksia (Poison Bottle): The chosen crest for this dorm is a poison bottle. Legend says that the Witch of Poisons was known far and wide for her expertise regarding poisons and elixirs and that many had come to seek her help whether for a noble or macabre reason. The witch herself did not care for the morals of the mortal world and simply dreamed of enriching her knowledge and mastery. She consorted with the Lord of the Sea whose dominion reached such depths that the plants who grew there had never even graced the eyes of mortals. After she swore her allegiance to him, she engraved her volume with this symbol. It is often considered that poison is the traditional weapon of women and many famous poisoners have indeed been female. However it is also important to note that though the god of the sea is male, water is traditionally considered a female element. Water symbolism is often dominated by the notion of grace and wisdom, but it is important to remember its chaotic properties too (“waters of chaos” and Charybdis). As a dorm that prizes innovation, the poison bottle perfectly embodies the image of witches as poisoners.
Noctasis (Skull): The chosen crest for this dorm is a skull. It is said that when the Witch of the Night would visit the resting place of the dead she was visited by a strange apparition which took the form of a flaming skull. The creature presented unto her the knowledge of the Lord of the Underworld in exchange for her own soul upon death, and the witch willingly accepted this offer. Up until her death she had kept the skull close by and consulted with it on numerous occasions seeking her new master’s advice and guidance. Once she had finished writing her volume she engraved the cover with this symbol. Skulls are traditionally a symbol of mortality and death. It is associated with the Grim Reaper, the collector of human souls, and thus it could be argued it is also emblematic of the notion of knowledge beyond human wisdom. As a dorm that prizes knowledge of the arcane and pushing the boundaries, the skull perfectly embodies the image of witches consorting with spirits and devil for greater knowledge of the afterlife.  
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(AN: I FINALLY FOUND THE ISSUE! I had a rogue mod that was causing the game to go haywire, so I went through every single mod [which just showed me I have WAYY TOO MANY] and finally got my game up and running again. Here’s the last official day before the behind-the-scene post and intros to the different families we met over the past 5 days!)
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It’s the final day of camp! It’s been a great 5 days full of fun and fellowship, but all good things must come to an end eventually. The official program only runs for the morning, so there was only one event in the main hall.
The program started with a performance of ‘I am saved’ by the FCLL choir, made up of various unmarried young men and women who have shown their dedication to the Lord and his message. They sang an extended performance of the song
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Branden Collins then led the next part, which was a sit down session with 2 couples to discuss ‘Homeschooling - Why and How?’ CFLL produces a homeschool curriculum that helps parents to train their children for the Lord, having a hand at writing a few workbooks himself, Branden sits down with Colt & Pearl Powell and Barrett & Kyleigh Collins to discuss why and how the 2 couples use(d) the CFLL materials with their children.
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Branden started with Colt & Pearl Powell, he started by asking the couple to introduce themselves. 
[Colt] “Well, my name is Colt and this is my wonderful wife Pearl of almost 30 years. I pastor a church in our hometown of Appaloosa Plains and I’ve been on the CFLL Board of Directors for almost 15 years, and have been thoroughly blessed by the Lord in my life.”
[Pearl] “We have 11 wonderful children who have given us 10 grandchildren and counting! Each year brings us new change, but who doesn’t like having new things to thank the Lord for?”
[Branden] “Why did you choose to homeschool your children?” 
[Colt] “We were high school sweethearts, we got married while I was in college and she was in secretary school. We both grew up going to the same church, and so we had the conversation that we’d be open to as many children as the Lord wanted for us, and that we’d school them ourselves. Our parents both told us, and we ourselves experienced the immoral atmosphere of the public school atmosphere and realised we didn’t want our future children to be exposed to that, we wanted to be able to shape our children's minds and mould them into soldiers for Christ.”
[Pearl] “A few months after we married, a traveling minister told us of a conference happening near us that was put on by this wonderful organisation. We had a great time and learnt so much, and learnt we were pregnant with out first soon after, so we started attending as many sessions as we could before baby came. There were this brand new homeschool curriculum that had been released, and after reading through it we were to excited to be able to try out with our children when they were old enough.”
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[Branden] “How did you homeschool?”
[Pearl] “As the mama, the home was my domain, so while daddy was the Principal, I was the Vice Principal of what we called ‘Powell Academy’. Since I was having a child every 2 years, we needed a system so make sure I didn’t lose my mind with the children *laughs*. Our first 4 went boy, girl, boy, girl, and I’m thankful that my girls had (and still have) such servants hearts and were always looking for ways to help me. When a new baby would come home they’d constantly beg to take care of them, so when it came time to do school in the morning, after I did their lessons with them, they’d help the younger ones with their letters and numbers. As they got older they were my right and left hands and helped with running the house during the day. I’d wake up with the youngest 2 whilst they worked with the other 7 to get everyone dressed, fed, and school work started. We’d gather round the table and I’d supervise them doing their work, whilst doting on the youngest, with the delivery of our youngest there were complications and he was born a bit early, so as he grew he was my main focus to make sure he got what he needed. I loved using CFLL’s materials for our kids, I didn’t feel the need to supplement with other curriculums, there was everything for every age group that the children grew into. When the kids started to graduate and pursue their future goals is when we really saw the value of our choice in homeschooling them. Both our boys and girls were sure in their identity as soldiers of Christ and set their goals based on that - our boys are great leaders, most with their own families who are benefiting from their leadership skills; our girls were able to learn how to run a household and to set their sights on being a good wife and mother. We also encouraged our children to use their musical talents to serve, with them traveling with others in a music ministry. Now that they’re giving us grandchildren, I’m excited to see my grand babies learn using the same curriculum that we used on their parents, and imagine what great people they’ll be.”
[Branden] “Thank you two for your wonderful testimony on homeschooling your children, you’ve blessed them greatly with your efforts and in turn have been blessed.”
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Branden then welcomed Barrett and Kyleigh Collins to the stage 
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[Branden] “Hey you two, why don’t you introduce yourselves”
[Barrett] “My names Barrett Collins, and this is my wife Kyleigh Collins, we’ve been married for almost 10 years and have 8 children together. If the last name is ringing a bell, it’s probably because you’ve watched my parents handle a few parts this past week, and if you’re really with the times then you know of my grandfather. This guy right here *points at Branden* is also my uncle *laughs*”
[Branden] “Great introduction, let’s jump right in: Why did you choose to homeschool?”
[Barrett] “I grew up homeschooled, both of my parents were homeschooled and when they got married they made the choice to homeschool us as well. It was great having all of us at home all of the time, and since I’m the oldest it was our mother who did all of our schooling until we were old enough to work on our own. Being homeschooled gave me the freedom to do what I wanted, even though there was required work I had to do, my parents used the CFLL curriculum for all of us and it’s helped all of us branch into the people that we have become or are becoming for my younger siblings still in school. When I met Kyleigh - which was here, many summers ago - one of the things we talked about while courting was what we wanted for our children, and we both agreed that homeschooling them was the only option.”
[Kyleigh] “Like Barrett, I was also homeschooled by my parents but unlike him I was an only child. Being an only child meant that my mother was able to tailor the work to what I wanted to do, and she’d add in things or take out things that she didn’t find necessary. I loved all that time I spent with her, it really cemented our mother-daughter bond and I really learnt so much wisdom and guidance from her in those formative years. When I look back on the relationship I had and still have with my mother, I can’t help but get excited about the relationships that I’m building with my daughters now as they grow.”
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[Branden] “How does homeschooling fit into your day?”
[Kyleigh] “Our schedule is that we’ll both wake up, one of us will handle the baby and the other will deal with the toddlers who have most likely woken up early, since I seem to be having a baby every year it’s a great system for us.
[Barrett] “Often times I’ll deal with the baby because I do the night feedings, I’m thankful that our newest baby Olivia doesn’t fuss as much during the night as her siblings did. 
[Kyleigh] “I then handle breakfast whilst the younger ones play and Barrett gets ready for work, the older kids usually wake up by then and are dressed and ready for the day. Barrett leaves for work whilst the kids are eating breakfast and after the kids clear up the table is when we start with their school work. Our oldest 5 are triplets and twins, so we have 3 eight year olds and 2 six year olds, which is slightly easier because they can work together to get their work done rather than having 5 kids in different grades. Once I’ve got the triplets on track with their work, I can sit with the twins and do their work with them as they need more hands on teaching. We all sit at the table doing work for an hour and a half before we break for snacks and the kids can play a bit before we do verse memorization. I like using hand motions to get them to remember the words, and it’s been great to hear them sing and act out the songs that they learnt at the Children’s Academy this past week that they’ll no doubt be singing for a very long time. We also work on our manners during the day, and my older kids love ‘teaching’ the toddlers their manners - they say it makes them feel smarter *laughs*. Three times a week the kids head over to their grandparents house for their music lessons, they’re all learning the violin and piano, so I’m thankful that I married into a very musical family since all the siblings at home can pick a child and focus on them and their lessons. Right now with young kids we don’t spend the whole day doing work, but I’m assured that as they age that we’ll be able to adapt and change as necessary. Probably the kids’ favourite time of day is when Barrett gets home, it’s play time so he gets to blow off steam with the kids before dinnertime.
[Barrett] “I come home and play with the kids, we’ll then eat dinner and do nightly devotions as a family before putting the kids to bed. We go in reverse age order, so the toddlers head to bed first, followed by the twins, then the triplets, we like doing it that way because then we have time to sit down with all the kids and bond with them individually. Sometimes I’ll sit and think of my childhood when my parents would do the same things with us, and I thank the Lord for all the effort that my parents put into raising us as it had led us to this great life that we’re living now.”
[Branden] “Thank you both for your wonderful testimony on how homeschooling helped you, and how you’re working on changing your childrens lives for the better.”
The choir then closed out the programe (and the formal part of the conference) with a 20 minute performnace of a h hymn medly which was arranged by Claire Paulson and her advanced hymn writing class.
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It was the perfect end to a great week of faith, fun, and fellowship! 
There were some official portraits done for the Children’s Academy and the Youth Choir!
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Back Row (L-R) = Aaron Leonard, Aria Townsend, Tobias Duke, Melissa Sherman, Lester Paulson, Lyric Warner, Leroy Mitchell, Shania Crawford, Johnathan Herrington
Front Row (L-R) = Allan Collins Jr, Chloe Collins, Benjamin Collins, Rose Collins, Noah Leonard, Violet Collins, Luke Leonard
These young children are the building blocks for the next generation! They’re a testament to the benefits of moulding a young persons mind and training up a child in the way they should go! They’ve spent the last few days proving that their parents efforts in raising them have not been wasted, no doubt that as they age out of the children’s academy, they will grow and continue to be young Christian soldiers.
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Back Row (L-R) Annette Collins, Jarrod Paulson, Sadie Berges, Willie Murray, Amira Collins, Jimmy Crawford, Celeste Paulson, Charles Collins, Delaney Mitchell, Tucker Crawford.
Front Row (L-R) Parker Collins, Priscilla Collins, Jolene Crawford, Fredrick Herrington, Lorilee Mitchell, Kellie Moyer, Zachary Paulson, Sabrina Paulson
Here are the wonderful youths that make up the choir! When not singing together, they’re all musicians in their own right who have shared beautiful music to the Lord, as you’ve seen over the past week! 
That makes it the end of the official program, the rest of the day was up to the attendants to use as they wished. Some headed to the lake whilst others headed to the volleyball courts for a tournament.
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The children enjoyed swimming in the lake together, Macie taught them all how to swim, so it was great for them to be able to use their skills at the lake since none of their houses have pools! (AN: I spent almost an hour looking for lifejacket cc for kids, because in my mind gen 3 isn’t that clueless and know that you need lifejackets for young kids swimming in a large body of water - but that’s something the game lacks, which I might attempt to make some day)
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Kyleigh and Casandra got a selfie in while at the lake, it’s been a tiring but rewarding week and they’re happy that they were able to relax by the lake on their last day. They don’t get to go to many pools and beaches due to the immodest outfits of other beach goers, but since everyone at the lake has the same (high) modesty standards, everyone was able to enjoy in peace.
(AN: ignore the horrendous editing, someones swimsuit didn’t have all the LODs and half their body disappeared😂)
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There were many sandcastles made along the shores of the lake, the children practiced their diving skills using the diving platform, and loads of family and friends were able to catch up and reminisce on a great week together.
Meanwhile on the volleyball court...
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The Red and Orange teams battled it out in a series of 5 matches to see who would be pronounced the winners, in the end the Orange Team won 3/5 matches, winning the tournament.
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The Red Team consisted of: Jarrod Paulson, Charles Collins, Lorilee Mitchell, Annette Collins, and Celeste Paulson
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The winners, the Orange Team, were: Parker Collins, Zachary Collins, Tucker Crawford, Sabrina Paulson, and Amira Collins (She was a last minute addition and didn’t get an orange shirt 😂)
The evening ended with everyone meeting at the mess hall to eat dinner before getting together for some fellowship before everyone leaves for their homes the next day. After a long, but refreshing week, everyone was sad to leave their friends, but was excited to get back to their respective homes!
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Huginn and Muninn
Whether Odin is presiding over a grand banquet or galloping into the fearsome battle of Ragnarök, where he must meet his doom, he is always attended by Huginn and Muninn. These powerful ravens are much more than servants to Odin. Day after day, battle after battle, they prove themselves as trusted allies and inseparable friends.
What Are Huginn and Muninn?
Huginn and Muninn are a pair of ravens who, according to Norse mythology, are enlisted in Odin’s service. The birds depart every morning at dawn to fly around the Norse world, Midgard. At dinner, they return to their perches on Odin’s shoulders and tell him what they have seen.
Physical Description
Physically speaking, Huginn and Muninn don’t have much to set them apart from your garden variety raven. They are large, ominous looking birds with inky black feathers and big, sharp beaks. Their powerful wings can lift them high into the sky, while their beady eyes allow them to make out the landscape below in vivid detail.
Special Abilities
Although Huginn and Muninn might look like common ravens, they have been endowed by Odin with wonderful powers. First, the birds are able to fly the entire world of Midgard in a single day. Second, they have the ability to understand, and even speak in, the language of men. Third, they have extremely shrewd minds and wonderful powers of observation. The ravens are no mere spies for Odin; they are important advisers and confidants too.
Huginn and Muninn can also accompany Odin into battle, where they inform him of his enemy’s movements and help him guide and heal his horse.
Relationship with Odin
Some scholars interpret Huginn and Muninn as projections of Odin himself, rather than common ravens whom he has blessed with special powers. In Norse culture, it was common for shamans to enter a trance-like state, during which they sent their consciousness to probe the world and bring back information. Odin’s ravens’ names (Huginn meaning “thought” and Muninn meaning “desire or mind”) support the idea that they are projections of his consciousness. It’s no great stretch of the imagination to believe that Odin, the leader of the gods, could project his “thought” and his “mind” in the same way that a shaman could and that the ravens are simply symbols of his omnipotence.
Other scholars believe that Huginn and Muninn are Odin’s fylgjur. In Norse culture, spirit animals, called fylgjur, are commonly seen in the company of great men and women. These animals are manifestations of the person’s character. Someone with a fox as a fylgja is sly and cunning, while someone with an ox as a flygja is strong but tame. Ravens embody wisdom and guidance in Norse culture, so a god with two ravens as his flygjur would be a wise guide—just like Odin.
Fylgjur are often tied into a person’s fate as well; they tend to show up just before a climactic moment in the person’s life, and they are often omens of death. Huginn and Muninn frequently appear in depictions of Ragnarök, the great, apocalyptic battle where Odin is doomed to die. The ravens warn him of the event and remain on his shoulders during the battle.
Finally, some scholars believe that Huginn and Muninn are Odin’s hamingja, a physical embodiment of his luck. In Norse culture, the spirit is made up of many, separable parts that can be sent on different errands. The hamingja is one of those parts, and because it is not one of the most essential parts of the spirit, it is often deployed on small missions.
Archaeological Record
Ravens litter the archaeological digs that have given us much of our knowledge about Norse culture. Across nine centuries and four countries, these birds have reigned supreme as Norse symbols, flying around Odin’s head or perched on his shoulders.
The ravens appear in golden amulets, helmet plates, and shoulder brooches, dated back to the fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries. They grace the Oserberg Tapestry, which was found aboard a ninth-century Viking funeral ship, and they perch on Thorwald’s Cross, a rune stone from the eleventh century. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and even England have all yielded evidence that local people called upon Huginn and Muninn for power and guidance.
Huginn and Muninn appear in some of the earliest, definitive texts on Norse Culture. Their black shapes can be found soaring through the Poetic Edda, a 13th century compilation based on traditional folklore, as well as The Prose Edda, the Heimskringla, and the Third Grammatical Treatise, where they are seen cozying up to Odin on his shoulder.
Explanation of the Myth
It’s no coincidence that Huginn and Muninn, a pair of almighty ravens, were hatched from Norse culture. Not only are ravens powerful and common symbols in Norse folklore, they played an important role in the everyday life of Norse people, too.
Perhaps the first link between Norse people and ravens was their eating habits. Early Norse people were hunters and gatherers, while ravens were carrion feeders. A clever raven might trail a hunter for a day, and when he made a kill, invite himself to the feast. Likewise, a hungry hunter might notice a raven circling in the sky and follow it to a ready meal. In this way, a primitive bond may have formed between Norse people and ravens.
As time went by and Norse civilization advanced, people began embarking on the famous sea voyages that would win Norse culture a glorious place in history—and they took their allies, the ravens, with them. Just as ravens once guided the Norse people to food, they were now relied upon to guide their boats to land. The mighty birds were carried in cages on Viking ships. At regular intervals, they were taken from their cages and tossed into the sea breeze to scout out the boat’s surroundings. If the bird found land, it would head that way instead of returning to the ship. If it didn’t find land, it would return to the ship.
Because they played such an important role in the everyday lives of Norse people, ravens began to be revered by the people. After guiding hundreds of Norse people to food and safety, it’s little wonder that these great black birds found their way onto Odin’s shoulders!
I am currently giving continuation to my project where i edit all mythological creatures that i can find day by day, all edits are mady with:
:: btw it really sucks that tumblr doesn’t let people upload gifs with less than 3mb
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
05/12/2021 DAB Transcript
1 Samuel 12:1-13:23, John 7:1-30, Psalm 108: 1-13, Proverbs 15:4
Today is the 12th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is a joy and a privilege and an honor to be here with you today as we move through the center of a week together. It’s been quite an adventurous week in the Scriptures. We’ve kind of changed eras in the Old Testament. We now have a king in Israel, the very first king to unite the tribes together under one ruler. The prophet and priest and final judge of Israel Samuel has anointed this king and his name is Saul and we’re starting to get glimpses of Saul. He…he is an imposing figure according to the Bible, a very handsome man, taller than anybody else. So, he looks the right part. He looks like a king. He…like he fits the imaging that they're looking for but he kinda has an Achilles' heel that we’re beginning to see, and he’s really, really concerned about what people think. And that's okay, like to be aware, but he's like really trying to find his identity. Like, he’s kind of afraid, kinda timid in that area, which is a difficult characteristic to carry with you if you’re…if you’re a king, like if you…the power of life and death is in your hand and you lead a nation. So, let's dive back in. Let’s continue our journey as we get to know Saul because in getting to know Saul, we also see a mirror and we can see a lot of these different characteristics in our motives and some of the things that we do. And Saul then becomes an example to us, a teacher to us that shows where the pathways go. So, we’re reading from the Voice Translation this week. First Samuel 12 and 13 today.
Okay. So, in the book of first Samuel we’re…we’re nearing the end of…of Samuel's life. And, so, he's brought all the people together to basically…like he's basically putting himself out there saying, “if I have anything against anyone…if anyone has anything against me let’s settle this. Like, let's get all of our accounts in order. I don't want anything between me and anybody else.” And the people absolve him. They say, “you’ve never done anything wrong to us.” And, so, he's clear and he's clean and so we’re kind of seeing a resolution of Samuel's life and ministry kind of moving its way to a conclusion, even as king Saul begins to establish his reign. And, so, they're working together. Samuel's the prophet, Saul’s the king. There's some situations going on with their enemy the Philistines. There’s a battle that's gonna happen and the Israelites are very outnumbered, and Samuel’s supposed to come offer a sacrifice and we…we just read all this. In the end it's king Saul that does the sacrifice and just like that, Samuel arrives, and the kingdom is stripped away from Saul. So, it’s like, it's going to take some time for Saul to lose his grip on the kingdom. And he's gonna basically be losing his grip on his mind in the process. But this is the beginning of the end, even as it just gets going. Saul was afraid of the circumstances. He was outnumbered by an army. He was afraid of his reputation. The people were slinking off away from the battle lines while they waited for Samuel. We already saw Saul hiding in the baggage at his…at his coronation as King. So, we’re really seeing these characteristics emerge. There…there just right there in front of us in the story and we can sort of see why things are beginning to fray for Saul. What we…I mean…we see a number of different kinds of behaviors and situations here but what we’re ultimately talking about is the fear of man. Like, Saul is exhibiting that he fears man more than he fears God and God's instructions to him. And there's plenty right there just in that one concept alone for us to do some examination of our own hearts and lives because what we fear, like what we revere and fear, this creates our motivations, which eventually creates our actions, which eventually creates our life. And, so, as we continue this journey through First Samuel and the story of Saul, let's…let's do the work. Let's consider, let's examine ourselves, let's observe ourselves. How are we being pulled in different directions? What is causing that? What are we afraid of? What is pulling us toward situations where we are compromised because we’re afraid of what people are gonna think or what it's gonna look like?
Holy Spirit, we invite You into that because yes, indeed it is important that we pay attention to the needs of others around us, that we are aware, like that we’re not just self-absorbed and only paying attention to ourselves in complete selfishness. Yes, our impact on others does matter just like their impact on us does matter. But this is deeper than that. This is where our allegiances, this is who we’re going to obey, this is who we fear. And often, and we have to confess, often it's anything but You. Often like what we were talking about from Proverbs yesterday, often we’re not slowing down enough to even pay attention to what we’re fearing or where our allegiances are. We’re just…life is moving so fast; we’re just trying to get everything done and communication is so fast that we are almost only ever reacting when…we don't…it doesn't have to be that way. We can choose another path, which is exactly what You came to show us Jesus, is that there is another path, a narrow one. Help us find it Holy Spirit, we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what's up, what's happening around here. It's how you stay connected to each other and what's going on around here as we make the journey through the Bible.
If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app that works as well. There is little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and that will get you to places like the Community section. This is where the Prayer Wall lives. It is also how to get connected on different places on social media where we are also connected. And that's a good idea in case we need to put an alert out or something like that. So, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this…if this mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and delivered to the world freely for whoever will listen to it wherever they may be on this planet any time of day or night…ahh…and to build community around that rhythm so that we’re on a journey together and we know that it's not solitary, and we know that we’re not alone. Yeah, that's the mission here. That's the Global Campfire. And if that makes a difference in your life than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello this is Catherine from Maryland calling for a couple of things today. Number one, Walta I join you in praying for the people of Chad for the challenges in Africa with Bocca Huran or other conflicts or other instigations of conflicts and we just pray for peace. We pray for provision, we pray for calm, and for protection, especially for all the Christians there and…and peace across…across faiths. So, I join you in that and then I wanted to say it was great to hear your voice Alexander son of Annette Allison. We have heard of you over the years and have been praying for you. And I…I…I love hearing you I loved hearing your story about the funny Sneezing Jesus Brian story. And…and you…you definitely sound like your mom, you have the…her same laugh. So, anyway, it was wonderful to hear from you. I think you are now out if…if I remember some of the prayers directly. So, we just pray for you too as…in your reentry and…and every day to come...
Hi, I’m calling for Maya, from Palm Springs California. You called in seeking guidance and wisdom concerning your unplanned pregnancy. And hon, I just want to let you know people are praying for you. I heard this on the community prayer for DAB. And yeah, you know, when these kind of things happen it changes your whole life. And, so, you just have to be open to that. So, whether you choose to keep the child and raise the child yourself or whether you put the child up for adoption, having children is a precious and a valuable thing and something to be very, very highly regarded. Maybe the most important thing or highly regarded thing that’ll ever happen in your life. And of course, I would encourage you not to…not to terminate the baby, of course. So, sweetheart, just want…just want to let you know that people are praying for you, that the Lord would give you great wisdom and peace. And you…yeah…you are not alone in this. Alright, God bless you sweetheart.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. It’s Mother’s Day. It’s a beautiful day. Thank you, God for giving so many of us the privilege of being a mom and I lift up all the women who want to be a mom and haven’t…haven’t been able yet, like Hannah. I pray that you would bless their wombs. And that you would give them children Father God. And also, all the…the moms that have lost their kids and that are really hurting today and the moms that are dealing with kids that maybe are in a place of struggle, that you would speak to those kids in those places and bringing them out of the darkness into your marvelous light and let it be a blessing to them. Because you’re the one…you’re the one true God and God you’re amazing because you’re like a mom and dad all together, cause wherever we hurt you’re there for us to love us, to be stern like a dad and loving like a mom. And I’m also lifting up all of the people that are dealing with kids on the autism spectrum today, that it may be really hard for you and your kids may not be able to show up the way that you would like but just…I want you to know that they love you and they appreciate you and you are amazing even if they can’t say it. So, I love you all. Blessings to those daughters and sons that are watching over their moms that are not able to care for themselves. God bless you moms, Treasured Possession.
Good morning siblings it's your little sis His Little Cherry in Canada and I'm praying for a Pew…a pew…haha…pew, pew, pew. It's not even the 4th today. Sorry. Let's begin again, shall we? I'm praying for a few people this morning. And first of all I'm grateful to Mike in North Carolina for calling in and just revealing or exposing the elephant in the room, which is in the Old Testament, is it not so cringey when God commands the annihilation of the people in the promised land including men, women, children and animals. I don't have an answer that for that. I don't have any argument that will settle that question. I mean my three-pound brain has trouble with these cosmic issues. But what I do know is that I've decided to trust Daddy's heart. Scripture tells us that God was in Jesus reconciling the world to Himself. So, Jesus is the revelation of God's heart. His motivations from the very beginning has been to give Himself to save us, to sacrifice Himself so that we can have internal life. And that was His motivation every step of the way. So, I don't understand it, but I believe that…that in Gods big brain, much bigger than three pounds He figured it all out. And Jesus died for each one of those people that were killed in the Old Testament as much as He died for me.
Hey y'all this is momma Dee from Indiana calling in. And I'm just listening on this cloudy rainy Mother's Day. I'm just listening to the prayers from this past week, and I was just really touched by Tamika. Lord, I just ask You right now in Jesus’ name, Lord I just lift Tamika up to You. I don't know what has gotten her into the situation. I don't know what has happened, but Lord she's touched my heart and I know that she is somebody that You love so dearly and so desperately Lord. And, so, I just ask You Lord to touch her. I ask You to touch her situation Lord. I ask You Lord Jesus to bring in the funds, to bring in the finances, to bring in the change that is needed in her life. And Father You know exactly what that change looks like. And, so, Lord, I just ask You to do it right now in Jesus’ name. You are a supernatural God, and You can turn everything on a dime. And Father God I'm just believing and You right now in the name of Yehshua Hamashiach to do just that, to touch her in Jesus mighty name. And Lord, I also want to lift up the man who is sitting in the hospital with his wife. I think her name was Jesse and he's just wanting her to…he's believing in supernatural healing and wanting to be able to enjoy their grandchildren some more. And Lord, I ask You to touch her body, her mind in Jesus’ name. Just touch her. I ask You to bring new life. I ask You to bring health and healing to her Father God so that she can enjoy…joy the grandchildren, the grandchildren can enjoy her, and that she can be there to teach those sweet grandchildren Father God about You, to grow up…that they will grow up and love You through her example. Father God, we just love You and we praise You in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
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mizzprouds · 4 years
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Get to know PENELOPE “PENNY” PROUD who is often mistaken for DIAMONTE “SAWEETIE” HARPER. People say she reminds them of PENNY PROUD from THE PROUD FAMILY. 
the little things. 
hometown: wizville, corona
birthday: august 12 / 25 (leo) 
occupation: employee at the sugar rush arcade, aspiring singer/rapper & soon to be ceo of viperion records. 
education: senior at corona college
extracurriculars/things she’s a part of: member of the roller derby team. on the soccer and basketball teams. the first girl to be on the varsity football team. part of gaming squad. prescott’s acting class 
Penny first starts dancing when she’s seven years old. She signs up for a talent show at the Wizard Kelly community center. Another group of kids were thinking of doing a dance to Independent Woman by Destiny’s Child and she joins their group. They lose the talent show in the end but she had fun. 
Shortly after this she begs her parents to sign her up for dance classes. At first Oscar is adamant that he’s not wasting money on dance lessons, even when her mom tries to reason with him. In the end Suga Mama ends up paying for the dance classes. 
It’s no secret that Penny is extremely close to her beloved grandma. Often times when she couldn’t see eye to eye with her parents she’d go to Suga Mama’s house for some clarity. Suga Mama always found a way to meet Penny in the middle and provide her with the guidance and wisdom she needed to make the right choice. Suga Mama’s house was also the birth place of her love for music.
Uncle Bobby, who still lived with Suga Mama after his own music career failed, would never know what to do with his frustrated niece when she’d come by looking for a reprieve from her parents. All Bobby knew was music and the way it healed, and so he’d put on his old records and they’d dance around the house until there was nothing but smiles and good vibes.
Bobby insists on teaching Penny how to play at least one instrument. She initially has no interest in learning the guitar or piano. The music she likes is heavy with bass and 808s. But then she hears Fallin’ by Alicia Keys and she changes her tune. Penny dedicates every bit of free time she has to learning how to play. She never gets to be as good as Alicia Keys, but she can read sheet music and has an easier time composing because of it and that’s helped her exponentially in her studies. 
The first song Penny ever performs by herself is One, Two Step by Ciara. She choreographs a dance to it with the help of some of her dance class friends, and she even copies Ciara’s outfit from the video. Her mother loves to show everyone the tape of the performance any chance she can. If you’re invited to the Proud house chances are you’ve seen that video and Penny hates it. 
Avid Hip Hop Helicopter fanatic. It being the island’s version of TRL, Penny would rush home so she could catch the video countdowns and special performances. She rewatches her favorite videos and tries to mimic everything the artist does. One time her father caught her trying to do the ‘Check On It’ choreography. He took away her TV privileges for five months. 
Growing up in the Proud household was never easy. Penny and her father have never been able to see eye to eye on literally anything, and Trudy could be just as hard to deal with as Oscar at times. Penny often felt trapped under her parents set ways, and there was never any chance of expressing those frustrations out of fear of her parents taking it as disrespect. What her parents didn’t seem to understand was the tighter the leash the more willing she was to pull on it. Penny knows she gave her parents their fair share of headaches with how often she snuck out of the house and disobeyed their wishes, but she just couldn’t help it. She was young and curious. Hell, she still is. She was always a good kid at her core though, and she tried her best. Her dad just never seemed to see it that way. 
Their fighting turned to near radio silence over the years, especially now that she’s away from home. She understands his feelings ultimately, and misses him of course, but she’s not necessarily sure she wants to be the one to make amends. Or even how to go about it. Penny feels as if she’s always the one bending over backwards for her father and he never once tries to see things from her point of view. She’s a little tired of constantly being the bigger person in their relationship.
Penny and Oscar are cut from the same cloth. Theyre both hard headed, passionate, persistent and stubborn. It’s the main reason why they can’t see to eye to eye. She thinks he’s overbearing, annoying and unbearable, and no matter how much she loves him she can’t change the fact that in the end she can’t stand him most of the time (when she’s not getting her way.). Trudy has once implied that Penny and her father have a hard time with each other because they’re so similar and Penny did not take it well. So, never compare her to her dad. Ever.
Boy! Crazy! Mostly when she was a teenager. Oscar banned her from dating until she was his age, and Penny never listened to a single thing he ever had to say. You could always catch her chatting up the cutest boys at the mall or at school. She’s still a little stuck in the habit of having to keep her relationships a secret. It takes her a while to feel comfortable posting a significant other on social media out of fear her father will see. 
Penny was originally on the high school cheerleading team, but she realized she much rather preferred football. Getting into football was literally just because one of the boys said girls are too weak for football, and if there���s one thing about Penny; she’s not going to be underestimated. 
Not the best driver. In fact, one would argue she’s a terrible driver. She failed her drivers test three times. She’s easily distracted. If the radio is on she can’t focus, and Penny is almost always listening to music. 
Her brief brush with fame was humbling. LPDZ’s (and more so her own as a solo star) failure made her re-analyze what she wanted out of the industry in the first place. She and Luka are currently working on starting their own label together, but in the meantime she’s focusing her efforts on perfecting her own sound. Penny would best describe her sound as undefinable. She doesn’t want to be classified as a rapper or an R&B singer. She just wants to make music. Women are often put in a box when it comes to the entertainment industry as a whole, and Penny doesn’t care much for the idea of playing by the rules. Because of this she is willing to try her hand at everything, experimenting with anything new at least once. 
The rise to fame is moving slow without the backing Wizard Kelly Records anymore. She kind of hates it. In an effort to keep herself occupied and build a name for herself independently, she utilizes social media. She has a YouTube account where she posts covers of songs bi-weekly, as well as the new music she’s been working. She also has a YouTube series called The Icy Life, which is literally just her vlogging about her stupid ass life. The channel is doing extremely well, thanks both to her bright personality and her proximity to various celebrities from the island (The Muses). She also livestreams on Instagram a lot, sometimes she writes songs on live but mostly she just interacts with her fans. She’s content with her 600k followers but she personally won’t stop until she has millions of followers. She wants to be as big as Beyonce. 
Penny, while focused on achieving her goals, is still the fun loving girl she’d always been. You can’t keep her from a party and she’s easily spotted on the dance floor having the time of her life, or hanging with friends.
Penny has always been understanding and passionate, and she likes to think that she will always stand up for/do the right thing in the end. She’s the queen of the pep talk and long winded speech about what’s right. She’s a leader and doesn’t even really realize it.
Penny’s biggest musical influences include: Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Lil Kim, Lauryn Hill, Beyonce, Rihanna, and Missy Elliott.
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transamorousnetwork · 4 years
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Trans attraction is an adventure
I spoke with a man this weekend in the early stages of the trans attraction–transamory journey. At his wits end, he contacted me hoping he'd get relief.
He didn't get any. Instead, he got clarity about what lies ahead: an awesome adventure.
Steven (not his real name) wrote me the following email:
"I think I may be a tranny chaser because I fantasize about them. I have only told a few ppl about this and I don’t want to keep it a secret from people. Although I don’t know if I want a relationship with a trans woman. Can you help me?"
When talked on Skype, Steve was tied in knots.  He hoped other people's opinions might help ease anxiety, fear and insecurity he felt. But when he asked others' their opinion he got more anxiety, fear and insecurity.
Rationalizing heterosexuality
Steve started watching porn when he was 16. Now in his mid twenties, he recently found trans porn transfixing.
"Something about women with penises I find attractive," he said. Steve only watches trans porn featuring trans women masturbating. I asked if he imagined being the woman.
"No," he said.
Porn can introduce a man to his trans attraction. It's not the only way men do it though. Some find their attraction meeting a trans woman for the first time. Some find it through bars or sex workers. Porn is common though.
The more Steve watched porn, the more Steve found trans women alluring. They compelled his attention so much he felt near addicted to it. When not watching, Steve thinks about trans women all the time, he said. One day he figured he should try "experiencing" a trans woman, but the thought scared him.
Steve considers himself heterosexual. His arousal for trans women threatens this label though, and, like many trans attracted men, that real perceived threat causes fear and anxiety.
"How could I be heterosexual and like this kind of stuff?" he asked in resistance to his trans attraction.
I asked, "Why do you feel fear? What would happen if you explore this that scares you?"
The crux of many men's fears about discovering their natural attraction to transgender women lies in Steve's answer. Men worry about what others are going to think about them. So they feel insecurity, fear, anxiety and uncertainty in their budding trans-attraction.
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^^The crux of many men's fears about discovering their natural attraction to transgender women lies in his answer. Men worry about what others are going to think about them. So they feel insecurity, fear, anxiety and uncertainty in their budding trans-attraction. Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
Focus on that too long and these men get taken over by their fear-producing thoughts or stories. They can't stop thinking about these scenarios. Insecurity grows so big, they think their stories are happening against their will.
The only thing happening though is momentum. Repeatedly telling their fear-filled stories, these men give more life force to such stories. They've told such stories (entertained such thoughts) so often, those stories themselves become alive. If men continue telling these stories, they will become their reality. The negative emotions these men feel indicate they want something different than the reality that's coming.
It's not that they want to not be trans attracted though. It's that they want to feel strong, confident and certain in their trans attraction. But their fears block that clarity.
Steve was no different. He said his thoughts about trans women and the anxiety he felt returned to his mind unbidden, at all times, throughout the day. He worried something was wrong.
"I worry what others might say and think about me, too" He said. Then he quickly added: "I want a woman and want to raise children".
I know this common excuse used to deny one's trans attraction. Wanting a family masks illogical conclusions drawn from fear and insecurity. I pointed this out by sharing two scenarios with Steve, one in which he's married to a cis-woman, who, down the line somehow loses her child-bearing ability.
"What would you do in this situation?" I asked.
"We could adopt, or get a surrogate," Steve said. I nodded.
Then I told the other scenario, one where he and a trans woman are together and both want a family, but the woman has a penis. I asked the same question. Steve got the point.
But here's the strange thing about some men, including Steve. Men will sometimes turn to the very same people they fear rejection from, for advice. That's exactly what Steve did. He asked relatives, friends, girlfriends.
Not surprisingly many of those people said Steve should avoid these thoughts and this interest. Steve's reality already started matching his fears. Standing in insecurity, fear and self-shame, he got advice matching his worries.
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^^Not surprisingly many of those people said Steve should avoid these thoughts and this interest. Steve's reality already started matching his fears. Standing in insecurity, fear and self-shame, he got advice matching his worries. Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash
Trans attraction runs deep. It's not something one can ignore once it gets triggered. I don't recommend trans attracted men seek answers from other people, especially when first discovering their trans attraction. Everyone creates their reality through storytelling. So stories conjuring fear, anxiety and insecurity are bound to create people and experiences reflecting those negative emotions.
When a trans attracted man seeks advice from others while feeling insecure or shame, they're going to get advice that's not helpful. They'll get unhelpful reactions too. For the people they'll ask will be people matching the fear and insecurity the man feels.
Same goes for trans women, by the way. Which is why a trans woman who is insecure  will usually meet equally insecure men. There are no "tranny chasers". There are insecure trans women projecting their insecurities which create realities wherein they meet insecure men, i.e. perfect matches.
If it feels good, it's right
Instead of looking for advice in others, it's better to nurture one's inner wisdom, then rely on that for guidance. Living life from here changes life experience too. There are a lot of insecure people walking around. Trans attracted men do better when they rely on their own inner guidance direction. But first, they must nurture that connection.
All these insecure people are looking to other insecure people for their answers not knowing the only real answers are within. Why on earth do we seek answers from fellow humans, many of whom are insecure at one level or another, when we all have secure, confident, clear inner selves guiding us all the time, if we'd only take time to nurture that connection then listen?
That's what I told Steve. I suggested he look to himself for his answers because he knows better than anyone else what's right for him.
"What feels good is right," I said. "Follow that. Your trans attraction feels good. It's your negative stories that feel bad. Follow what feels good and see where it leads you."
Steve let out a heavy sigh. I asked what that was. He said he wasn't ready for the "heaviness" of what he knew he had to do. I agreed with that. He looked like the weight of the world sat on his shoulders. I told him it wouldn't stay that way.
For Steve and all trans attracted men: Trans attraction is an adventure. It's part of the bigger adventure called life. You came to explore all your life offers. In that exploration you become more authentic in you and help others do the same.
Trans attraction can be a path of perpetual delight, but if you're looking to others for their opinions about what and who you are and what you should do, you're just making that adventure harder than it needs to be.
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