#like he's not even a housewife . he's her dog
saionjeans · 1 month
i love how wakaba/saionji is normie4freak except you wouldn't ever expect which is which
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sickeninglyshoujo · 4 months
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a/n: i saw the renders (you know the ones) and became feral with need for dad!ghost, other cod dads coming soon, sorry to my friends for being forced to read me word vomit this in chat over four hours. ao3 link coming soon warnings: pregnancy talk word count: 1.8k
Simon doesn’t like when the baby wears the skulls but you do because it reminds you of him
When he grew up he equated the skull mask to terror, the baby only has positive thoughts about it and gets excited seeing it yelling out “daddy!” if she sees the motif in public, mortifying Simon and delighting you. Onlookers growing even more concerned when you coo back, “Yes, that is daddy!” pointing to the Halloween display of a grim reaper statue.
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I can tell you that Simon is a master at baby rearing
Simon would absolutely carry the baby under his arm like a football once her neck is strong enough even if you don’t like it because it’s more comfortable like that
It’s second nature to him somehow
Even when you’re stressed about the baby and can’t get her to stop crying somehow Simon just comes over and says the one thing you haven’t tried because he can differentiate between her cries
You were afraid about introducing the baby to Riley, but Simon wasn’t. “They live in the same flipping house, he has t’ get used to her!”
“But not when she’s newborn! Let her get a little bigger first!”
“No better time than now! She’ll never be afraid of him then and he’ll protect her!”
“They call them malingators for a reason!”
“Riley is a well-trained retired soldier. He’s not going to hurt the baby.”
The first meeting had Simon holding the baby in his arms and stooping down to Riley’s level, Riley nosing at the baby’s sock-covered feet hanging from Simon’s arms, sniffing excitedly. You stood above Simon, wringing your hands together, ready to jump in between the two at a moment's notice.
“This is your baby sister, Riley,” Simon instructed the dog whose ears moved, listening to his master’s voice, “She’s your new assignment, boy.”
“Bloodthirsty, isn’ he?” Simon asked you with a grin as the dog yawned and stayed calmly seated, beginning to lick at the baby's booties.
“Shut it, Si.”
Riley is the baby’s shadow. If she so much as sniffles he’s darting across the house trying to find out what’s wrong. It’s like Simon’s watching over her even when on missions 
Simon hates that the dog is named Riley because he thinks it’s stupid and is constantly begging to rename the dog. You refuse because you like the constant reminder of your husband. It doesn't matter that he shares the family name.
When you first bring the baby home from the hospital Simon is in constant awe at how tiny she is. Like a little doll he keeps telling you to the point he sounds like a broken record
Simon constantly worried about baby being cold 2k24 and always has a blankie in the diaper bag or draped over the baby carrier.
After missions he would look for you first when he came home before stripping off the dirt and grime of missions and now it’s the baby. He used to think you were his reason to keep trying to save the world and now it’s her. It only stings a little but that is soothed when you see the awe in his face when she coos at him from her crib
It isn’t long before Simon is trying to get you to agree to try for another “Jus’ one more love,” he'll mutter into your neck after the baby is put down for the night and you two have retired to your bedroom only to be batted away weakly
“Oh no, Si! No more babies and no more sex! Not if you’re going to talk like that!”
“But yer such a good mum. We should have a houseful.”
Simon would petition you to quit your job because it’s bad enough the baby has to deal with him being gone on missions they shouldn’t have their mum gone too
“I make more ‘an enough for you to stay home with her!”
“The money isn’t the point, Si,” You coo at the baby on your lap, “I don’t need to be a housewife and I like working!”
You giggle whenever the other 141 men are over because they will carry the diaper bag slung over their shoulder and completely at odds with their uniforms.
It heats your cheeks to watch your burley husband in full military uniform when you greet him on base, bouncing your baby on his hips, playfully pulling her hands away when she gets too close to a switch or something she shouldn't touch, particularly when other women notice him too
It would swell your chest with pride when you and Si were out with the baby and he’d get longing looks from women when he was doing dadly things like pushing the stroller or rifling through the diaper bag for her bottle or burp cloth. 
“You have to have seen the way women look at you when you’re carrying the baby.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“You’re practically tormenting them, Si! And me too! You’re all big and tough! You’re in uniform or in a compression shirt and then you’re holding onto her in just your arm while she can’t even wrap a hand around one of your fingers!”
Simon doesn’t understand your point, “I’m tormenting you?”
Heat flushes your cheeks, “I like watching you be a dad to our daughter.”
The baby has essentially four dads as all of 141 takes care of the baby when they come to visit on leave
You worry about them spoiling her, “She’ll get too used to being held Si!”
“Then damn well let ‘er!”
“What about when they leave!”
“You think they’re leaving?! Soaps brought a bloody duffel!”
Because when you have the baby Captain Price, Soap, and Gaz are all going to visit. Moving into your cramped guest room for easily the first month after the baby’s born, Gaz and Soap fighting over who gets the futon and who has to share the bed with the Captain.
They need to see the baby!
They never thought Si would settle down but that was before you and your endless patience with the grumpy military man set in his ways.
You didn’t miss when Price clapped him on the shoulder after Simon showed off the baby for the first time, “You did well, Son.”
“Thank god she got the missus’ looks!” Soap crowed, “I was worried she’d get L.t.’s ugly mug!”
“I was hoping she would Johnny,” you peer down at the baby in Simon’s arms and trace a finger down her cheek, “She did get his eyes though. You know those were the first thing I noticed when we started talking, Si? How sad your eyes were.”
“Don’ have “sad eyes”.”
“I thought you did. And you were wearing that silly skull balaclava too, so I couldn’t very well fall in love with your chiseled jaw or the cute scar on your lip,” Soap and Gaz howled in laughter, missing the dirty looks from Ghost (You did too, eyes entirely on your daughter swaddled in a soft terry blanket in her father’s arms)
“Hey L.t. let me give you a few more scars for the missus to kiss!” Gaz ribbed
You never minded patching Simon up after missions. It gave you an excuse to ogle your husband in detail. Even before you were married, he’d tried to wave you off when you’d dab at the blood encrusted cuts and then flush when after taking care of the ones on his arms, much less when he stretched and took off his shirt for you to do the ones on his chest too. Thankfully he didn’t notice your brain shorting as you forgot how to breathe when you saw how heavily muscled and tattooed he was, culminating in an audible gasp as your eyes took in his happy trail and Adonis belt. 
“You ok?”
“Y-yeah just banged my foot on the tub.”
He’d later recount this to Soap who nearly banged his head on the wall at how dense Ghost was being
“An’ you wen’ home after that!”
“Yes Johnny, I had PT the next morning and had to ship out that night.”
He let out a string of curses, “The lass likes you and probably was hoping you’d stay the night wi’ her!”
“MacTavish,” Simon warned.
“She let you take off your clothes in her bathroom and then cleaned you up! Lasses don’t do that for cheeky cunts they don’ like!”
You miss him when he’s on missions of course, but it’s easier once you have Riley and then the baby. It’s like you have piece’s of him with you
Si is a beige mom but instead of beige it’s gray. You try and explain the importance of the bright colors in developing the baby’s eyesight but Si just mutters something about no baby of his is going to look like a muppet
Riley used to sleep at the foot of your bed but now he sleeps by the crib. You don’t know when he learned how to work door knobs but it happened somewhere between the third trimester and birth. Now you have to coax him into your room if you miss Si and want to cuddle Riley
You’ve given up on trying to keep Riley out of the nursery and instead just tut when you find dog hairs on the baby. 
Riley is the ever-patient soldier with the baby, letting her pull on his tail and ears, tugging on (and sometimes removing) his fur, all while happily wagging his tail at being used as a jungle gym
When the baby starts toddling and skins her knees, Si can’t help but scoop her up before the first tear leaves her eye “Si you’re spoiling her!” “She hurt herself, I can’ just let her cry” “She hadn't even cried yet!” “She was abou’ to”
Simon is an over attentive dad because he doesn’t want his baby to suffer the same way he did 
Si rolls his eyes whenever you  tell him not to throw the baby in the air because he’ll drop her but he knows his reflexes are superhuman and he’d catch her
SI doesn’t baby talk and will discuss the finer parts of gun mechanics and maintenance with your infant as she gums on a teether.
When she’s older, Si buys her a pellet gun for Christmas and hides it from you until unwrapped on Christmas morning
By the time it’s in her hands you know you’ve lost
He ignores your dirty glance that says “We’ll talk about this later”
As she grows up she starts talking about joining the SAS like her daddy and you’re filled with fear while Si encourages it. Starts taking her training with him much to your horror, first on short jogs around the neighborhood, then to the gym proper to teach her how to throw a punch. She quickly becomes the star of the base, with all the men calling her “Recruit”
“Nothing dangerous yet Si I mean it!”
“She asks for it!”
“She is a child and you are her father! You’re supposed to be the voice of reason!”
“The voice of reason says she might as well be trained right if she wants it!”
a/n: likes/reblogs/comments appreciated please talk to me about dad!ghost i cant contain myself
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kteezy997 · 6 months
The Candy Man-Part One// W.W.
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Warnings: Smut, mention of masturbation, male receiving oral sex, virgin Wonka, cowgirl, missionary, some dirty talk, curse words, cream pie, female receiving oral sex, oh and cheating on spouse A/n: I have not seen Wonka yet, so there are NO spoilers here!
As a young housewife, there wasn't much for you to do. You had done the housework for the week and done all the grocery shopping, and it was only Wednesday. This would make for a long, boring week.
It would be different if you had a child to look after, but sadly, that hadn't happened yet. And it may never happen if your husband continues to show such a low interest in sex. Sometimes it felt like he forgot you even existed.
You wished he would just give you a baby, if he didn't want to give you attention. That way you'd have not only something to occupy your time, but you'd also have someone to love, and for someone to love you. You weren't even sure if your husband loved you anymore. Your relationship wasn't the same as when you were first married two years ago.
These days, all you really wanted was for him to come home, rip your clothes off, and fuck you like he hadn't seen a woman in years. You wanted to feel desired, so badly. You had recently picked up a habit of touching yourself sexually while your husband was away at work. You were so starved.
Autumn had come and gone by this time of the year and it was becoming quite frigid outside. With winter well on the way, you turned on your fireplace in the living room. You didn't really care for the bear skin rug that your husband insisted on having in front of the fireplace, but it wasn't worth the fight to try to get rid of it.
With the fire going, you snuggled up into a cozy sweater and put on some mindless radio station to fill in the silence of the empty house. As you listened to the radio and did some mild tidying about the room, you wondered if you should maybe get a dog, or maybe a cat.
Then the doorbell rang, that's weird. You thought. You seldom had any visitors during the day. You walked over and opened the door.
"Hello, Miss. My name is Willy Wonka! Would you care to sample some of my chocolate on this fine day?"
"Fine day? It's freezing out there," you said as you were awestruck by this man's beauty, his bright purple coat and milk chocolate-colored top hat added a sort of zany zest to his attractiveness. "um, would you care to come in and warm up for a minute?" you said politely, nodding to his briefcase that you assumed was filled with sweets, adding, "I do love chocolate."
"Why, yes, if you're sure you don't mind." he smiled, and his green eyes were dazzling.
"No, I don't mind at all, sir."
Willy took his hat off, and his curls fell downward in a bit of a mess as he stepped into the warm home. "Thank you, I didn't get your name."
"Oh, I'm y/n. Please, sit down, the fire is going."
"It is quite toasty in here, thank you, y/n." Willy said, taking a seat on the couch closest to the fireplace. “Very interesting choice of a rug, y/n.” he chirped.
“Oh that? My husband insisted on it, it’s so dreadful. But it is rather soft.”
“Hm.” he nodded looking at the luscious, dark colored fur on the floor. He then looked at her, cheerily, “So, would you like to try some?” He picked up his briefcase.
“Of course.” you said with a smile, truly wanting to try some of him instead, but you’d give his candy a chance for now. He was so damn handsome. His hair was gorgeous, you wanted to run your fingers through it, maybe even pull it.
He opened his briefcase in his lap, letting you choose which candy you wanted.
You picked a piece of chocolate, and he told you the name of it, and its special ingredients. You listened to him, but ultimately got lost in his innocent yet sexy eyes. You bit into the treat, and it was rich and velvety sweet as it melted in your mouth. It was absolutely delicious. The best candy you ever had in your life.
“Mr. Wonka, this is perfection, it’s absolutely divine.”
Willy smiled widely, “I’m pleased to hear it. I have only ever hoped that each person that tries my chocolate will have that same reaction.”
He was so genuinely confident and excited about his creation. The passion he had was evident.
“I’ll take every one of this flavor that you have, Mr. Wonka.” you said, taking another delicious bite.
“Wonderful!” he exclaimed, “And please, call me Willy.”
“Willy.” you said, softly. You wanted to moan his name. But how to get there? You improvised. “Um, why don’t you stay for a bit longer? I can put in a pot of tea, if you’d like.”
“That sounds lovely y/n, or should I call you Mrs…”
“Oh, it’s Mrs. Hudson, but you can just call me y/n.” you insisted, hopping up and going to the kitchen heating up some tea. You had to have this man. Cheating was wrong, but your husband would never, ever know. He never wanted sex anymore, but you couldn’t go without it like he did. You were so needy, especially now, after meeting the handsome Mr. Wonka.
You had plenty of time to have Willy fuck you and send him on his way with his payment for the chocolate, all before Mr. Hudson got home. You would have to make Mr. Wonka an offer he couldn’t refuse, much like you couldn’t refuse his delectable sweets.
You carried two cups of steaming, aromatic tea, one for you and one for Willy. You hoped it would warm him up properly.
“Here you are, sir.”
“Why thank you, very kindly, my lady.” he took the teacup from you, and you felt weak in your knees when your hand was briefly brushed by his fingers. You watched as he carefully brought the rim of the cup to his lips, taking a small sip. “Mm, that’s quite good. A perfect cup of tea, y/n.”
“Thank you. I’m glad you like it.” you said, sitting down next to him and taking a sip for yourself. You didn’t know how to get this man naked; you weren’t finding any viable option that wouldn’t be too crude or forward. You felt you were running out of time. You couldn’t let him leave with the risk of never seeing him again. This delightful, beautiful man could not escape you.
“Well, this has been quite the pleasure.” he said, in a farewell tone. He took one last sip of his tea.
You haven’t had the pleasure, yet.
“But I will get out if your hair,” Willy stood up, continuing, “and go about my merry way. Thank you for your-"
“Wait! Willy-" you shot up to your feet as you spoke but couldn’t finish a sentence. You just started into his eyes.
“Yes?” he asked, frowning at you, utterly confused by your behavior.
You didn’t have the words, so you threw yourself at him, kissing him hungrily.
He took ahold of you, and pulled away from the kiss, “Y/n, are you mad?”
“Oh, god! I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”
“No, it is alright. It was kind of…nice.”
“Yeah? Mr. Wonka, I had an idea of pleasing you the way you pleased me with your chocolate. If you’ll indulge me?”
He raised his eyebrows, “I have to say, I’m intrigued.”
You put your hands on his chest, making him sit back down on the couch. Your hands then went to his fly.
“Whoa! What are you doing?” he asked, panicky.
“Shh-sh. Relax, Willy. Do you like me?”
“Ye-yes.” he trembled with nerves. “I find you very pretty.”
“I really like you. Have you…ever been with a woman before?” You rested your hands on his upper thighs, dangerously close to his member. It was visible through his trousers although he wasn’t even hard yet.
Willy shook his head, “No, ma’am.”
“Awe, don’t be scared. I’ll take care of you, okay. Do you want that, Willy?” You ran your hands slowly around the outline of his cock.
He gulped, watching your hands on his pants, “Yes, I think I would really like that.”
“Good.” You beamed, unzipping his trousers, and pulling his cock out. He was much thicker and longer than your husband. You were excited about being Willy’s first. You wet his cock with your tongue, and sucked him, moaning and slurping as you did so. You wanted him so bad; you sucked his cock like your life depended on it.
A string of “oh oh oh”’s and “mmm’”s fell from Willy’s mouth as you worked over his cock. He writhed on the couch and placed a hand on your head.
He was hard as stone after a moment, and you had been wet since he sat on your couch the first time. “Oh, Willy. Do you feel good, my sweet?”
“Yes,” he panted, his eyes glazed over, “very good.”
You stood up, and dropped your underwear to the ground, kicking them elsewhere. Then, you mounted him. His hands instinctively went to your waist. You reached down, placing his member between your folds. You sank down on him, feeling the intense stretch of your vaginal walls. You moaned in a slight pain initially, because his was larger than your husband, and you had never been with anyone else.
“Are you alright, y/n?”
“Oh, yes, darling, just give me a moment.” you adjusted, and then started to bounce in his lap.
Willy watched you in wonder and awe, then he’d look down to watch your pussy envelope his cock. “Haa, this is incredible.” he moaned, gripping your hips harder.
You quickened your pace. Sinful wet sounds came from your pussy. God, you needed this. The friction alone was titillating, but the tip of his cock would hit your cervix every so often and it was bliss, the whole scenario.
"Oh, y/n!" Willy cried your name over and over again. His hands explored your clothed body, groping your curves.
Damn, it felt so nice to be touched, and his hands were surprisingly big, and he knew how to use them.
You held yourself up with your hands on his shoulders, and slowly rocked back and forth on his cock. You noticed him eyeing your chest. "Unbutton my blouse, Willy."
He bit his lip with an eager gleam in his eyes, and he opened up the front of your blouse, letting your breasts plop out in his face.
Willy's eyes widened, he took his eyes away from your tits to look up in your eyes, "May I feel them?" he asked with a soft whimper.
"Yes, absolutely." you huffed, taking his hands and clapping them onto your naked breasts.
He gently squeezed and kneaded your breasts, then rolled your nipples between his fingers.
He was so sweet, and so curious about your body. It was so hot. You wanted to get off, you hoped to cum all over his dick. You held onto his arms firmly and rode him hard. His cock pounded away at your walls wildly, and you contracted your pussy around his girth.
"Ah! Fuck this is so good! I'm gonna...I'm gonna come!"
"Oh, oh!" Willy held your waist, and you felt his cock twitch inside you.
Your tummy swirled, and your legs went limp as you came.
"What's happening?" Willy cried, "What is this?" You felt him shoot ropes of his milky cum inside of you.
You took his worried face in your hands, "You're alright, my candy man. You had an orgasm. It's a wonderful thing."
"Oh," he panted, "yes, I suppose it is. A fantastic thing! Gosh, y/n, that felt like chocolate tastes, and chocolate is the best thing in the world!" he was so excited, like he'd discovered something that no one else had experienced before.
You giggled, "Well, I'm flattered, Willy." you felt hot and sweaty, you ran your hand down the back of your neck. You felt Willy's eyes on your tits.
"Your breasts, they are absolutely beautiful." he took them in his hands, just admiring the fullness of them.
You felt your pussy throb at the sight. Your husband never paid much attention to your body, but Willy seemed to be enthralled by you. You noticed how the glow of the fire highlighted his cocoa-colored curls. It was so pretty, his hair looked like the work of a master chocolatier. You ran your fingers through it, feeling the silkiness of his glorious mane.
"Can we do it again?" he asked you, then nodded to the floor, "There? On the bear skin rug? It would be comfortable for you."
"You're so thoughtful. Fuck me again, Willy Wonka. Pound me into the floor if you must."
Willy smiled like a kid on Christmas morning and hoisted you up and then carefully placed you down on the rug.
The fur was plush and soothing on your back. You put your arms up by your head to get comfy.
Willy ran his hands down your body. He looked at you like you were a gift he had been waiting for. "You are so beautiful. Your husband does not know how lucky he is."
"That's sweet, Willy, but let's not mention my husband."
He nodded, "Right." Then, he dipped down, pressing his lips to your stomach.
"Mm." you moaned, rubbing your thighs together in anticipation. You could feel Willy's semen dripping out of you. You wanted more.
Willy left small wet kisses down passed your navel, lower and lower, and you couldn't help but push his head down where you needed him most.
"How do I do this, y/n? Is it like... licking a lollipop?" he asked, naively.
You smiled at him and said, "Yes, kind of. Like a sucker with a chewy center...but you're not in a big hurry to get to the center. You're just trying to enjoy the flavor on the outside."
He took a second to ponder over what you had said, then he nodded, "Okay, got it."
He was a quick learner. He lapped steadily on your clit; his pacing was perfect, not too fast, not too slow. He must have had lots of suckers in his life.
"You can use the tip of your tongue also, Willy." you whimpered through the pleasure.
"Oh, okay." he answered, his voice muffled as he didn't move away from your pussy as he spoke.
The vibrations from his voice sent tingles through your body. That coupled with Willy massaging your clit with his tongue and letting the tip dance between your folds, led you to your second orgasm. You cried out in ecstasy. "Willy Wonka, you are a god!"
"No, I'm just a chocolate maker." he said, nonchalantly. He then sat on his knees, his hand around his cock. He ran the tip of his cock along the joint of your wet folds, coating himself in your cum.
"Ooh." you moaned, tucking your fingers into the furry rug as firmly as you could.
Willy slid into you, then back out. "Ha, you're so wet."
"Fuck me hard, Willy." you purred.
With that, he shoved his cock into you, bucking his hips roughly. His hips smacked your skin with each thrust. He put his whole length into you. He gripped your thighs and started to get faster.
You squeezed him with your thighs, and he grew more confident in what he was doing and picked up a rhythm. You watched his handsome face scrunch up as he worked his hips, his thick brows furrowing in both pleasure and concentration.
You wondered what your husband would do if he knew that the candy man stopped by and made you come on the bear skin rug he loved so much. Oh, the risk was worth it! For Willy was perhaps better at sex than making chocolate.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss
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aledmorningstar · 3 months
╰┈➤Bad joke
Summary: Sukuna discovers that you don't like jokes.
Relationship: Ryomen Sukuna/Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Note: Slow updates, my editor and I are in a fight with my university administrators.
-‘๑’-: No curses au, uni au, sfw, humor, fluff, slight angst
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The terrible hours of class had finally ended, the hard day of university had culminated its torture at 6:00 pm, every day you reconsidered the idea of ​​continuing studying so intensely, did you really need that university degree?
Without a doubt, life sounded more beautiful in an imaginary world, being a pretty housewife who patiently waited for her millionaire husband who loved her madly, your days would be spent helping your children with their homework and wasting an unreasonable amount of money on any whim.
“We've told you to stop daydreaming, it could be dangerous in the wrong places.”
Your daydream was interrupted by one of your best friends, it seemed like your group of friends had already finished putting away their belongings and were just waiting for you to leave the classroom.
"Oh I'm sorry. I was just thinking about the future."
“Is the young lady returning to the fantasy of married life with her impolite boyfriend?”
"Hey! I already told you not to talk about him like that."
You argue while you put your notebooks and computer in your bag, the one that your boyfriend Ryomen had given you on your birthday even though you told him that a gift was not necessary, you knew how difficult it must be for him and how limited which can sometimes be the money in your situation; his mother, playing the role of both parents and trying to provide a bright future for her children; Yuji, his twin who had to complete several courses to be a firefighter and also study a Bachelor's degree in automotive mechanics; and finally Ryomen himself, who had to complete his university career as a lawyer.
It was definitely not easy for him or his family, unlike you, who had lived the life of a princess in an imaginary bubble impenetrable by the dangers and worries of reality. Even though you had insisted on helping that modest family financially, you were not allowed to do so. Both Sukuna and his brother and mother refused to accept a cent of your generous support, saying that they did not want to take advantage of your kindness. That did not stop them from you gave expensive gifts to each one on special dates.
Maybe that was the reason behind that expensive gift from your boyfriend, one day he simply listened to you talk about that beautiful designer bag that was going to become fashionable with its next release on sale, he used all his savings and even did part-time jobs, washing cars, walking dogs, helping model clothes for the fashion design department; just to be able to see a cute and excited smile on your face.
You are a princess, the most beautiful flower he could find and of course he would give you everything you deserve, everything that fine society has given you and he does his best so that you do not have any lack by his side, to be worthy of you.
You didn't have the heart to tell him that you had pre-ordered that bag thanks to your father's contacts and that you had to refund it, angering some merchants for their wasted efforts.
“Hurry up, if we don't get to the cafe on time the tables will be full.”
Like every Friday you and your friends got together to talk about the latest news in your lives, your social circle was mostly made up of girls just as privileged as you, it wasn't difficult for your father to convince you to choose a career in law, much less make you enter one of the most demanding and prestigious schools in the country.
Your friends are good girls, you knew that otherwise you wouldn't have even looked at them; However, like you, they were overprotected and followed the sophisticated rules that society had imposed on them. This was one of the reasons why they didn't quite agree with your relationship with Ryomen Sukuna, a commoner in their eyes.
Like any conversation between friends, the topic of boys and relationships could not be avoided, a topic in which you came to light with your strange relationship of “opposite poles”, the little princess of the city and the delinquent of the campus, it was the funniest and most interesting experiment your friends could witness.
“So… How is our little princess's relationship going? Did he already ruin it?”
Of course there were going to be silly comments that doubted that your relationship was authentic and that waited for the slightest mistake from your boyfriend to shout in your face “I told you so.”
"No and he won't, you don't know my 'kuna"
“We know his history”
Even though all your friends were always supportive and kind to you, there was one in particular who wasn't very nice. Ann, always making sarcastic comments and believing herself to be better than everyone, everyone could see how jealous she was of you; She had been the last to join the group, one day you saw her alone and decided to integrate her into your group, unfortunately you never found the words to tell her that you no longer wanted to be her friend.
“Come on, darling, everyone here remembers how your relationship began.”
“He has changed, he is not the same person he was before, he is a new man”
Sure, your relationship may not have started off in the most convincing way possible, there were lies, misunderstandings and a lot of tears, but everything is different now. Now you have the romance that any girl could dream of, one full of love, affection and trust of those you only find in books, you would have your happily ever after.
“Well, I'll wait for your bad boy to do one of his things and don't say I didn't warn you.”
"When pigs fly, that's not going to happen"
The atmosphere had frozen in an awkward silence as you and Ann exchanged a big forced smile, it was strange to see you angry because of your sweet personality, but it would certainly be even stranger not to see you jump into an argument that included Ryomen Sukuna's name, you are his unofficial lawyer.
“Okay girls, let's talk about something else…”
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You love Fridays, the best day of the week, since you could sleep over at your loved one's house and enjoy the weekend in his arms watching movies, doing puzzles, taking photos, listening to music, talking, watching videos, going out on dates, ordering takeout or even when he played a video game on the console and you were left coloring the pictures he printed for you (sometimes he needs his space).
That Friday the drawings were finished quickly, so you decided to watch some videos on your tiktok while Sukuna played a video game that you only knew had weapons because of the shots. The videos on your fyp were about pranks between couples (something that amused you), some light and others a little harsh.
Sukuna was someone who was a joker, someone who liked to make jokes but couldn't stand having one played on him; However, you were a couple, a slight joke between you could be kind of funny, it wasn't even a funny joke you just wanted to see how funny his reaction could be.
A message made Sukuna's phone ring, you thought it was the perfect time for your little act as you held back your laughter.
“Who is sending you so many messages? You have another girl, right?”
Your comment surprised Sukuna slightly, you weren't the jealous type, he looked at you for a split second and that was enough for him to know you were joking, he can play too.
"Oh my love. It's not even one girl, they´re five precious ones."
The amused smile that adorned your face disappeared in an instant, being replaced by a strange grimace, your eyes glistening from the tears that formed and that you refused to let go as you bit your trembling lower lip, preventing any sound.
“Of course, pretty. I'm too cool to stay with just one girl."
Memories of your conversation with Ann invaded your mind, Sukuna Ryomen had a past that was difficult to overcome, would he really change overnight for you?
Your boyfriend quickly realized that you had started packing your belongings back into your suitcase, why would you do that? The plan was that you would stay with him like every weekend, what was happening?
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”
Well, you had dropped a little bomb that exploded in your face and you didn't like it, but you wouldn't let him notice that it dealt a low blow at least for you.
“I'm just putting my things away. “Can you pass me my colored pencils?”
Sukuna decided to make the difficult decision to abandon his game and pay attention to the seemingly serious situation that was occurring with his beloved.
He did as you asked, you put away your colored pencils next to your other belongings with quick movements and finally wrote something furiously on your phone.
“I asked you a question, what are you doing?”
“Nothing… I'm asking my driver to come pick me up.”
“Yes, now. In fact I'm writing to him 'Please hurry up, I want to leave here right now, come as fast as you can'”
You could barely feel the force and speed with which Ryomen snatched the phone from your hands, he stood up and placed your phone on one of the highest pieces of furniture in the living room.
"Why would you do that?"
"What do you mean why? Did you hear what you said earlier?”
The hardest question you can ask a man, ask him the reason why his girlfriend was angry. The pink-haired man's reasoning quickly went to work.
Connect the dots, you had gotten angry within a period of 5 minutes, you weren't angry with him before that time, all he had done was play video games. Had that bothered you? No, he had given you drawings of your favorite characters to entertain you, the only thing he had done besides playing had been answering your joke... Oh.
“Ah, that's it.”
“Is that all you will say?”
Okay, a mental note for Sukuna: You like making jokes, you don't like having them made or returned to you. You're a crybaby, but he still loves you.
“Sorry, love, it was a joke. You know that I only love you, you are the only girl who occupies my heart, the owner of my soul and my body, I would kill for you, ask me to kill for you."
Ryomen approached to hug you from behind, he placed one of his hands on your abdomen and one on your shoulder, crossing your chest to bring you closer to him, you could feel his breath on your neck and after a few seconds you shivered from the kisses he gave you. he left on your cheek.
“I didn't find your joke funny.”
“In my defense, you started joking that I had another woman. You’re a baby, jokes aren’t your thing, darling.”
The look on your face made him feel like he had just kicked a puppy, his solution was to carry you back to the couch and hold you in his arms.
"I'm sorry baby. You can choose the movie we watch today, deal?”
⋆·˚ ༘ *🔭 master list is here
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 month
How would Price act as a kidnapper?
He is...professional. Efficient. An unmovable mountain of experience. You just look at his guy and know that he kidnapped people before you. Probably would continue to do exactly that after you. If you're lucky, not in the same way as he does you. It's all very strict with him. He doesn't want a girlfriend, doesn't have time for puppy romance and some sweet feelings. This guy needs to feel like he has a wife of 10 years without actually spending years to find a woman and then courting her enough for her to put up with him for a long marriage. He doesn't treat you like a girlfriend - it's either his unruly housecat(the dog status reserved to his boys, not you) who is being sprayed with water every time you beg him to let you go, and then hosed down with water spray every time you forget any of many rules he has set for you, or you're his pretty housewife who has to cook dinner for him and his flock of teammates. Nothing in between. It's not all bad. Price can be nice - when he is longer at home, when Kate isn't giving him many missions, knowing he just found himself a pretty kitten to take care of. Price settles into a routine when his life allows it. Takes you out of the basement if you were good, rubs the bruises and scratches at your shackles ankles. Dresses you up in nice summer dresses and watches as you make lemonade, your hands trembling. He lets you use the knife - mostly because he fucking knows you don't have it in you to actually stab him. This dress of yours allows easy access for his cock - so he just lifts the skirt up, kissing your neck while getting your pussy slick enough for him to push it in. You hate admitting it, but you do like this side of him more. Both of settle in something domestic, something nice. You cook for him and he cleans the dishes. You settle into a couch while he turns on some comedy - lets you choose since he is just going to doze off. Even while your hands are chained to the couch. You are a pretty happy family.
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bettysupremacy · 1 year
please please feed into my obsession with lovesick, heart eyes, deadly smitten, will trip over nothing just by looking at you, steve. he knows he’s hot. trust me he knows. but he also doesn’t even notice the girls that will come to family video and check out anything just to talk to king steve. he can’t even care because he’s so so antsy to go home and literally be YOUR housewife. he just is like a dog in human form, a golden retriever, he wants so badly to love and please!!
This is so so true, and I think we need to spread more lovesick Steve agenda. Thank you for the request ml!!<3
A girl stands in family video, nearly ready to check out a copy of A Christmas Story. It sits on the counter, waiting for her to pick it up again, for her to hand it to Robin so she can ask Would you like a bag with that?
This is normal. That is, when it’s not June.
Robin rolls her eyes. It’s pathetic, really. She has no doubt the girl hasn’t even looked at the movie in front of her, tempted to ask “Christmas in July early?” But she won’t. Instead she’ll watch. Even if that’s a little mean.
Steve bounces on his heal. He clocked out ten minutes ago, and normally that means he would’ve been gone nine minutes ago, but you were picking him up today. And oh did he miss you.
It was heavy pounding heartache in his chest. He hadn’t seen you in a week, schedules clashing meanly, and he’s just about had enough. Enough of the turmoil that resides in his belly when he thinks of missing you.
His heart nearly bursts when you walk through the door.
He maneuvers around the counter swiftly, past Robins annoyance, past the girl with the Christmas movie, who he still hasn’t noticed. Scooping you up into a hug, he sighs into the crevice of your neck. The warm air tickles you and you giggle loudly. It’s the sweetest thing he’s heard in a week.
“Stevie, baby, it’s been a week.”
“Tell me about it.” Always with the dramatics. He gripes at the way you laugh. “You’re so mean to me.”
You gasp. “Get away you jerk.”
“Please don’t push me away, I love you.” His large hands fumble for your arms.
“Get away, I’m serious, you smell like VCR tapes.” You giggle again, palm to his cheek.
He stops, gaping. “I do not.”
Your chest aches in the most pleased way, thrilled to see him. “Yes, you do.”
Feeling sticky with love, you take a moment to look at Steve, brushing hair out of his pretty eyes. His face something funny. Pleased, but funny.
“They don’t even have a smell, dweeb” He flicks your shoulder.
“Oh, yes they do.” You nod solemnly, “and it’s all over you.”
“Shut up.” He laughs, pulling you in. His smile so close your head feels a little dizzy. “Gimme a kiss.”
“Ok, VCR boy.”
He ignores the nickname, the kiss too important to lose. You feel his grin against your lips.
Robin looks to the girl still standing hopelessly at the register. “Good choice.”
The girl deflates, walking out the door, indifferent to the movie she leaves on the counter.
Steve looks up for the first time. “What’s her problem?”
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ratcash-wasgud · 5 months
Farmer!Mizu x reader headcanons!!! (yay)
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About Mizu:
Hence living in the countryside her whole life, she grew up with a small accent, but since Akemi didn't have one, she secretly practiced to speak withouth it.
She grew up alongside Eiji, who owned a farm, and her mother who sometimes visited, but not really out of love.
She never really had friends, since the farm was kinda isolated, exept for Ringo was the son of a noodle shop owner, and bought supplies from the farm.
Akemi moved down to the country side when Mizu was already 17, and she was the first "city-person" she interacted with.
Taigen was the son of the sheriff of the town, who loved to accuse Mizu to be a criminal or low life of some sorts, since she was usually covered in dirt from helping Eiji.
Mizu inherited the farm from Eiji, who just randomly decided to retire one day and move to small cottage. That man does whatever he wants.
Mizu quickly got the hang of the farm life, and by 22 she became used to everything and learned to love the hard work too.
She keeps chickens, cows and horses on the farm, along with a dog.
The dog's name is Stew and she got him from Ringo, claiming she needs someone around to not feel lonely. Nowadays Mizu talks to Stew about random things when she feels bored.
She also got a favourite chicken named Braces. She named it that because of it's crooked beak.
She also has a guy who reguralry comes back to the farm to train the horses she keeps, named Mikio. Her mother really likes nagging her about marrying him, since "she needs a husband soon and he's a man with money", but Mizu isn't really interested.
She doesn't like the idea of being a housewife. She likes doing the hard work herself, and caring about her farm.
She also mostly grows corn, carrots, tomatoes, and pumpkins. She can get really excited when it's time to harvest, and always brags to Stew about how good her crops look.
You and her:
One day though, a random van parker just outside of her yard, and stayed there. And a big one at that. Big enough for someone to live in it.
Mizu usually knew how to mind her business and enjoyed doing it too, but this time she got pretty curious.
She stayed outside longer that needed, fixing a piece of fence that could've held out even withouth repair, just to catch a glimpe of this mysterious new neighbour.
And there she saw it...you.
A woman who was very obviously from the city, wearing hipster clothes (or that's how she'd call them) and a having weird haircut.
She then, after thinking she calmed her curiousity, shrugged and went inside.
The problem was that she caught herself staring at her ceiling at night, thinking about how much she doesn't care.
The next morning she decided to put out this itching feeling in her brain about this mysterious person, and cut out a generous piece of cheese out of a big wheel she just finished and walked to the van.
You opened the door casually, and the smell of hyacinth punched her in the face. She had to blink a bunch to pull herself out of her head.
"Hey there. Uh...can I help you?" You ask, casually leaning against your van's door. Mizu had to quietly clear her throat before she spoke up after shoving the cheese into your hands.
"Here. Take it." She says, a little harshly, even if she didn't mean it like that. "Name's Mizu. I live in the farm next to ya. We're neighbours." She said, deadpan. You nervously accepted the girft with a chuckle.
"Well, thank you." You smiled at her. "That's very generous of you. How should I thank you?" You ask, casually putting the cheese on the counter next to you.
"No need...is' just cheese." She mumbles She can't help but feel a little nervous. You seem very carefree, and casual...but you're also very different from what she's used to. She likes looking at you, and hearing you soothing voice...and that hyacinth isn't a bad smell either.
"Oh, come on, don't be like that." You playfully bump her shoulder with your fist. "Come in, at least let me make you coffee."
Mizu then withouth even notcing it, walked inside the van, following you. She took in it's cozyness, and also...your form from behind too.
Through her time of sipping some "machine made coffee", she managed to have a nice conversation with you.
She learned that you've been hired in the town's saloon as a singer, and you sing there every other night. It pays well. plus at least you're living your dreams even if you live out of a van. You're an artistic spirt.
She also learned that you are indeed from the city, and you left behind everything to come here, which she admired. She had this stable life on the farm ever since she was small, and she could never imagine just leaving it behind.
She observed you during that conversation, noticng the little chime of your giggle, and the way you lean onto everything that's next to/behind you instead of sitting down, for some reason.
And somehow...she just felt drawn to you.
After she finished her coffee, she bid you goodnight and returned to her farm.
When she arrived she kicked off her boots on the porch, and took off her big hat as she simply sat down on the steps, staring into nothing. Stew came running to her, making himself comfortable on her lap.
"Ya're not gonna believe this." Mizu started to Stew. Ringo was right, Stew was indeed very nice to talk to. "The girl who moved there, in that van...she's pretty nice." She says, petting Stew as she stares at the sunset. "Did ya know she likes music with like...noise in it? That's crazy. She sings at the bar too." She murmurs. "Maybe I should visit one night?" She looks at her dog, who just nudges her head with his nose. "Ya're right, that would be too forward... Ya think she fancies ladies though?"
The way your lives melted together (nsfw warning!):
After that, Mizu started bringing you her produce every other day, varying from cheese, eggs, milk, to even mayo and oil.
She noticed that you never let her leave withouth something in return, let it be a cup of coffee, or even a whole slice of pie, maybe a discount ticket for the bar.
She thought she was laying it on thick, even though was just shoving stuff in your hands with a deadpan expression, then listening to you talk about random things and your day.
Until one day, she decided to get a little bold. While you were cooking pancakes, and she was sipping her coffee just a meter away from you, she suddenly stood up and hugged your waist from behind, pushing her hips against yours.
You didn't say anything, but you didn't push her away, and she could see your cheeks reddening too. That was enough for her after months of pining.
Things let to eachother, and somehow you ended up sitting on the counter, with Mizu standing between your legs, agressively making out for the last thirty minutes.
Her hands kept feeling your body up through your clothes, grabbing at everything that's soft, while your hands slowly wrapped around her neck, slowly untying her bun.
"I'd be so good for you...I promise." She whispered breathlessly into the kiss. She sounded depserate, and honestly? She was. She was pining after this woman for months now, not having the guts to even imagine them being together, so now, that she had opportunity take her, she needs to give everything she's got. "I'd take good care of you...you'd love it on the farm." She says, as she pulls away lightly to start kissing your neck. She slowly lifted your shirt, letting her hands snake inside your bra too, feeling herself melt into your skin. You were so warm and welcoming, like your body soft body was made to be touched.
Made to be touched by her calloused hands though? That one she wasn't sure of. But she wanted it to be like that. Her rough hands grabbed at your soft breasts, kneading them while she listened to your gasps. The only thing you said during the whole eccounter was her name, and "please". Oh, and pleased you got.
"I know, I...I don't have one. A...dick, I mean, but believe me..." She started a little nervously, looking longingly at you as she started to pulls off your pants. "But I could make you feel good withouth one..." She says, and you can feel her calloused fingers on your abdomen, crotch then folds. You body shook a little when you felt her teasing your entrance with her index, and clit with her thumb. You reached out in an attempt to try and undress her too, and maybe give some pleasure back, but she gripped your wrist with her other hand.
"No...I don't want you to. I want to focus entirely on pleasing you now..." She says, and you can feel her almost playing with the juices that dripped out of you. After she made sure her hands were wet enough, she started to slowly push her finger inside, and that alone drew a moan from both of you.
"That's so nice...you feel so warm. You're squeezing me." She whispers right into your ear, as she gently kisses your earlobe, using her other hand to support you, and not letting you just simply slide off the counter. She started slowly moving her fingers in and out first, but only a little, to let you get used to the feeling.
Mizu wanted to do this for a while, and she always imagined what i'd feel like, so she practiced on herself a couple times. She wanted to learn how to please a woman, and she was the closest one to herself, so...
When she heard you whisper her name once again, she started to curl her fingers inside, managing to perfectly rub against your g-spot. She went deeper and deeper, and just like that, the louder you became too. She herself started to pant a little...it felt so good to feel you like this. When she physically started to feel you throb around her fingers, she pushed in as deep as she can, and moved her fingers in a way that could've sent you into a coma.
As she felt you nearing the edge, she pushed her lips against yours, invading your mouth once again, her brain melting as you came on her fingers while moaning inside her mouth.
After that, you fell alseep in her hands, and Mizu carefully set you down on your bed before she left in silence.
She went home, absolutely giddy, and gushed about it to Stew, whispering the lewd parts, as if anyone else besides her dog could hear it.
She even added "It's a secret though" at the end.
In the following days, when Mizu brough over the produce she sually does, somehow you always ended up sleeping together, and Mizu sometimes even stayed the night.
You both knew it wasn't just about the sex though, since you needed to talk about something for at least two hours before every session, and Mizu always remembered everything new she learned about you.
After thinking about it for weeks, and having two silent breakdowns in front of your door, she asked you to come live with her. The answer was an obvious yes.
You parked your van in her yard, and moved your more important things inside the house.
When anyone asked why Mizu suddenly started supsiciously living with the city girl, Mizu just said things like "Out of conveniece, since she loves to cook and I don't have time for it", mainly to her mother, and mainly to just brush her off. Only Ringo knew the thruth.
And they were roommates, lmao.
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 14
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: ⚠️smut 18+⚠️ murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, homophobic slang, explicit boyxboy, oral (male and fem! receiving), fingering (fem! receiving), the word "rapist" is used once as a joke by Stu way before any smut begins, p in v, safe sex, foul language, voyeurism (?)
Part 1
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The car purred as they drove down the highway. You were cuddled up in the back with Stu as Billy drove home. "Do you love me?" The question was so random Billy almost thought he was hearing things. "Huh?" Stu patted your hair as he looked out the window. "It's fine if you don't, I just wanted to know." It wasn't fine if he didn't. Stu knew he loved Billy unconditionally. It was almost obsessive the way he adored that boy. As Stu looked at your sleeping form he started to think about how he felt like he loved you. It wasn't the same sort of love he had for Billy. No, he hadn't known you long enough to feel that way. Stu would kill for you but that didn't mean much coming from him. He knew if a car was coming towards you he'd push you out of the way even if it meant killing him. Was that love or just being suicidal?
Billy looked at his friend in the mirror seeing his gaze focused outside. "Why would you ask that?" Billy wasn't mad or upset by the question just startled. He didn't do feelings. Sure, he had them but he wishes he didn't. They tend to overcomplicate things.
"I don't see how this relationship is going to work out if you don't love me. I've seen the way you look at her. Tonight when we were playing games at the arcade you stared at her like she was the only person on earth. You don't look at me like that. I-I just need to know if it's because I'm not new or you don't love me."
His words were strange to Billy. Never in their expansive time of knowing each other did they have heart to hearts. Billy was raised not to cry and not to reach out. Being upset meant you were acting like a child. "To be honest I don't know." Billy tried to pick his words carefully not because he was trying to manipulate but rather because he was trying to tell the truth. After so many lies he found it hard to understand what the truth was. "You don't know?" Stu couldn't grasp how someone couldn't know if they were in love or not.
"I don't know. I thought I loved Sydney but maybe I did get bored. You know that scares the shit out of me. Getting tired of you and Y/n? What if I wake up one day and the smell of her cooking disgusts me? What- what if I can't stand the sound of your voice anymore? I don't want to lose this. I had the best time of my fucking life tonight but oh it might not matter down the road because I got too comfortable." Billy's hand hit the steering wheel in anger. The more Billy talked the more he pissed himself off. Stu tilted his head like a dog processing everything he just learned. "You love us." Stu said a smile playing at his lips. Billy's face contorted in confusion. He just hit the steering wheel in anger but Stu was in the back seat blushing.
"How do you know?" Billy turned the corner focusing back on the road. "If you're worried about losing us then obviously you love us at least a little bit." Billy doubted it was that simple. Nothing ever was. Stu was always an optimistic person. He thought everything would work out eventually. That's not how life worked. "If you say so." The car pulled into the driveway and then the garage. "She's still asleep should I wake her up?" Billy shook his head. "No she's been taking care of our asses all week she needs the rest. Just pack her upstairs and put her to bed." Stu gently pulled you out of the car carrying you like a bride into the house.
Carefully he made it up the steps watching so he wouldn't accidentally hit your head. He nudged your bedroom door open with his boot trying not to make too much noise. Stu laid you in bed as comfortably as he could. You looked so peaceful to him. He pulled the covers up over you making sure to tuck you in. Stu pressed a kiss to your forehead before he left the room shutting the door behind him.
"She still asleep?" Billy asked as he folded up the basket of laundry you left out. "I thought she was dead for a second." The joke went over Billy's head causing concern. "I'm kidding she's fine. She drools in her sleep." Stu said making Billy laugh. "Did you have fun tonight?" The dark-haired boy was trying to make this work. Stu sat on the couch leaving Billy to fold up clothes. "I had a wonderful time especially since I absolutely demolished your ass in Mortal Kombat." Billy just rolled his eyes telling himself he let his partner win. "You looked good tonight." Stu glanced up in shock. He wasn't the complimenting type and he sure as hell never complimented Stu.
Billy kept his eyes on the clothes not wanting to make eye contact with Stu. This was what actual couples did right? "Thank you." The room was silent. Stu thought of his words before he said them. "You looked handsome tonight too." Handsome. The word made something turn inside Billy. For a second it felt like he couldn't breathe. Maybe he was going to vomit? "Thanks." Was all Billy could come with. It was unbearably awkward but Stu couldn't help but smile. "Do you need help folding? I can't do shirts but I can do pants."
You woke up in a hot sweat. It felt like you had died. If someone asked what year it was you couldn't tell them. The last thing you remember was eating food at a restaurant with Billy and Stu. "Damnit." You rubbed your eyes trying to see in the dark room. The clock said it was 11 o'clock but it felt like you'd been asleep for days. You threw on an unflattering nightgown before you headed downstairs. The boys laughed while watching some loud TV show.
"She's alive!" Stu exclaimed like he was Dr. Frankenstein. "How'd you sleep?" Billy asked looking at your disheveled state. "Water." You rasped walking like the grim reaper over to the sink. Cold tap water seemed to coat your throat helping you wake up just a little bit more. You walked over to the couch throwing yourself on top of the men. "What are you watching?" You asked as Stu giggled at some guy getting hit over the head on screen. "The Monkees! It comes on your old lady channel. I haven't seen it since I was a kid." You looked over at Billy seeing him shrug his shoulders. "He's been laughing for the past 30 minutes."
"You're not hard to please huh?" Stu pinched the tip of your nose. "Obviously not, I'm with you aren't I?" You faked a laugh as you stared at the tv. Stu's hand ran up and down your leg just like it had the first night they came over. His eyes were glued to the TV laughing every time something even remotely funny happened. Billy would chuckle just because his friend was laughing. There was something different between them but you couldn't put your finger on it. The date night you had might've had some effect. All three of you felt closer, it felt more normal if that was even a possibility.
"I think I want to have sex with you two." You blurted making both men freeze. You immediately covered your face regretting speaking. "Like right now?" Stu asked ready to strip. "No, well, oh I don't know." You groaned with embarrassment. Billy stayed quiet letting you say everything you wanted to. You sat up on the couch looking at the two men sitting beside each other. "Couples have sex right?" They nodded in unison. "We're like a couple right?" They nodded even quicker trying to fill in the blanks for you. "So we should have sex-" Stu reached to take off his shirt but you stopped him. "At some point." You finished making the boy frown.
"Why'd you bring this up?" Billy asked. Between you and Stu randomly bringing up touchy subjects he was liable to get whiplash. You rubbed your face with your hands trying to get a grip. "I was just thinking about it. I have been... thinking about it." Stu knew if anyone could overcomplicate sex it'd be you. "Guys I'm scared."
It was the honest truth. You were terrified. "Of what?" The tone Stu had seemed to dismiss whatever emotion you felt. "Nothing it's dumb." You stood up only to be pulled back down by Billy. "No talk to us. What are you scared of?" Billy made demanding eye contact with you just to show he took this conversation seriously this time. "You?" The word came out like a question. That question seemed to negatively affect both boys. Stu was gutted that you were scared of him even worse that it was sex-related. You grabbed Billy and Stu's hands not wanting them to think it was all their fault. "Men in general are scary. I'm not scared of you exactly more of what you could do." That somehow made less sense to them both.
"Stu, do you remember the other night when we were wrestling?" He smiled remembering how funny that whole thing was. "Yeah, I beat your ass." He said proudly. Billy seemed to understand what you were getting at by Stu's response. "I could give it my all and you both could still trap me. I don't stand a chance and it's frightening. What if in the middle of it all you decide to-" Billy moved forward putting both of his hands on your arms. "We would never do that." Stu scoffed sitting up next to you. "Yeah we may be killers but we're not rapists." Billy looked at Stu like he could kill him making the boy sit back and shut up.
"Y/n I'm really trying," Billy spoke as you nodded. "I've noticed." He smiled continuing his speech. "I don't and would never want to hurt you. That night that Stu's place I couldn't put you through that pain." He gestured to your closed-up wound. "I know but I joke around a lot. I say I'm into chains and whips but I'm scared of all of that. I don't want to feel like I'm stuck and with two of you it's pretty damn intimidating." You had got this idea in your head that anything intimate with the men would leave you used and torn apart.
"I joke around like crazy you don't think I'm being serious do you?" Both you and Billy looked at Stu. "Wow tell me what you really think." You laughed making Stu smile at his accomplishment. "Hey." Billy's hand rested on the side of your face pulling your attention back to him. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Do you understand?" The words were sharp but they weren't angry. Billy meant what he said. As long as he was living no one would lay a finger on you besides him and Stu. You nodded as he smiled. "Wait so are we sleeping together or?" Stu was just really confused. Before Billy could smack him you stood up. "I'm going to take a shower and freshen up. You two can do whatever you want." Without looking at the men you walked upstairs heading to your bathroom.
Billy jumped off the couch making Stu sit up. "What? What's wrong?" Stu asked looking up at the man. "She said she's going to freshen up." Billy shook his hands for emphasis. He could see Stu simply wasn't getting it. "That's like the universal term for "we're going to have sex." How do you not know that?" Stu stood up a small "pfft" leaving his mouth. "No the universal term for we're going to have sex is "Hey we're going to have sex."" Billy's palm slapped his forehead before dragging down his face. "Listen just go clean up and change I'm going to take care of a couple things." With a nod, Stu went off to his room.
Billy waited on the stairs till he heard the water start to run. Your room was empty but the record you played was loud. The Smashing Pumpkins vinyl spun around letting Billy's favorite song play. He could barely hear you humming the words in the bathroom. You remembered. That fact made his heart seem to swell. It wasn't what you normally listened to. All he heard the past week was what you called "classics." Now there you were in the privacy of your room listening to his favorite album. With a smile, he got to work. The first thing he did was make your bed. Once it was neat he made sure the room looked comfortable. He noticed the candle you had sitting on your dresser. Billy headed downstairs to ask Stu for his lighter.
Stu's bedroom door opened hitting Billy with a cloud of cologne. "Jesus fucking Christ!" The boy cursed waving a hand in front of his face. "Too much?" Stu asked innocently. Billy huffed not having time to deal with him. "She's not going to let you in the room let alone her bed smelling like that." Stu thought he smelt good, you had complimented him on his cologne before. "Change your shirt and pants and air out this damn room." Billy was about to leave before remembering why he came down there in the first place. "Oh, I need your lighter." Stu dug through his dresser tossing the skull-covered lighter to the man. "What do you need that for?" Stu pointed towards the object. "I'm going to light a candle." Stu held up his hand covering his mouth with a laugh. Billy's face dropped at his friend's laughter. "Shut it fuckrag." Billy pointed at Stu but it didn't stop him from laughing.
Upstairs you had already stepped out of the shower pulling the cap off your head. You hung the shower cap up before wrapping a towel around your frame. You didn't know what to expect. Billy's little speech downstairs did wonders for your nerves. Were you still terrified? Yes but for some dumb reason, you trusted them. You had this nagging feeling you'd regret it. You willed yourself to believe in the fantasy land you've created. Sex wasn't something you'd grown accustomed to. That day playing truth or dare barely felt real. There wasn't much emotion behind it just teenage hormones. You weren't upset about it you just hoped this would be different. As your skin dried off you slipped a pair of underwear on covering them with one of Stu's shirts.
Billy sat at the edge of your bed biting his nails. He had to repeatedly tell himself he was trying to be better, to do what you asked. As you walked out of the bathroom he stood up. You could tell he was nervous by the way his eyes darted back and forth between you and the door. "I thought we could talk. You like talks right?" His smile was tight as he raised his eyebrows. You saw your bedroom door was closed completely leaving Stu out of the conversation. "I'm fine with talking but we made it a rule to include everyone when we talked." Billy watched as you walked over to your record player. The way you took care of the fragile vinyl said something about your character, at least he thought it did. "I know but I already asked Stu if it was okay and he said it was."
"I get that but we should have conversations together." Billy grew impatient. "Just!" The word was loud scaring him when he said it. You looked at him waiting for him to fix his tone before speaking to you. "Just.. please? I need to talk to you alone." You put the record on the shelf debating on talking to him in private. Billy was a complicated man. You didn't want to throw away the chance of getting him to open up. "Okay. What do you need to talk about?" You walked over to Billy's side sitting down with him at the foot of the bed. "You want this to be equal. Meaning this is a group effort right?"
"This?" You asked as Billy's leg bounced with anxiety. That little voice in his head told him he couldn't do this. "Sex." Was all he said. "I would like it to be that way, yes. I don't want anyone feeling left out." He nodded understanding what you meant. You couldn't begin to grasp how difficult this conversation was to him.
"Look if you want us to sleep with you that's fine but I don't want this thing me and Stu do to disturb you." His wording was intentional. To him sex with you was normal but sex with Stu was just a "thing." It was shameful to him. "I-I um..." He ran a hand through his hair keeping his eyes on the ground. "I don't want you to look at me differently after this." You didn't know what to say to make it better. There was no easy fix. Billy raised his arms in surprise as you wrapped your arms around him. His arms slowly found their way around you hugging you back. It was comforting. Billy didn't like hugs. This one however made him feel safe. You had him and you weren't letting go. Who he is didn't seem to bother you and knowing that lifted a weight off his shoulders. "Should I let Stu in now?" He spoke gently.
You nodded pulling back from the boy. Billy stood up opening the bedroom door. Stu came tumbling into the room. "I didn't hear anything." He swore picking himself off the ground. "Not for lack of trying." You smiled knowing Stu was eavesdropping. Billy made sure to close the door behind Stu locking it in place. The action wasn't lost on you. Something was different. Billy had no problem with what happened in your living room just weeks ago. The fact he was locking your bedroom door knowing no one else was in the house was odd. It was for security you supposed. The reassurance that no one could walk in. Your curtains were also closed but you knew you left them open just a few hours earlier.
"Here ya go." Stu pitched Billy a small bottle. "What's that?" You asked getting a quick and easy answer from Stu. "Oh, it's lube." He pulled two condoms from his pocket sitting them on your nightstand. You were out of your element. "If you don't want to do this I need you to let me know." Stu said wanting your full consent. This was a first for all of you, he didn't want to mess it up. "I want this, it just feels like you're both prepping for surgery."
Billy held the bottle in tight hands hoping to warm up the cold liquid inside. Stu chuckled finding his spot next to you on the bed. "I get that trust me but none of us here want kids yet and the lube is just to make sure you're comfortable."
Yet. The word pulled at pieces of Billy's brain. The thought of having kids was not something he wanted to worry about right now. With a shake of the head, he walked over to both of you. "Listen, we don't have to do this." Billy still had this unremitting feeling that things would change. You'd see him as some perverted homo and wouldn't want him near you again. He was ashamed of who he was and what he did but if you wanted this he'd do it. Both men looked at you trying to pick up on any signs of hesitation.
Stu was careful about consent the last time anything happened between the three of you. His behavior hadn't changed any. Billy's new behavior was something to get used to. His nail-biting, soft-spoken nature was different than the rude and demanding one you had got to know. "I want to do this but if one of you is uncomfortable we can just go to bed. You don't have to sleep downstairs." The promise of just sleeping next to you was tempting for Billy. He knew this would have to happen sooner or later. "I'm ready whenever you two are." Stu said as he peeled his shirt off. Billy slipped the bottle into his pocket before leaning down to you.
"I need you to say it."
His face was serious but not cold. "Say what?" The air between you two was nearly suffocating. Billy's voice was low as he spoke. "I need you to say you want this, you want me." Billy's hands rubbed the soft skin on your thighs as Stu stripped down to his underwear. You looked at his hands the eye contact quickly becoming intimidating. "I want-"
"Look at me, please." With a shaky breath, you looked back up meeting Billy's eyes. "I need this. I need you, Billy." There it was. That possessive glint you'd seen before. Any minute now he'd be demanding and rough. His lips softly pressed against yours. The kiss was slow and careful. Billy tried to remember the way your lips felt in case you threw him out after tonight. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip signaling your lips to part. Billy pulled away smiling at the love-drunk look on your face. "Let me help with that." Stu helped pull your shirt over your head leaving you in just your panties. "I was right. You look even better out of my shirt." Stu said making your cheeks heat up. Billy's shirt was the next to go. Stu cupped your chin before leaning in to kiss you. It was hungrier than the kiss before.
Billy watched his two partners with some semblance of pride. They were his. For how long he wasn't sure. In the end, it didn't matter because right now in this bedroom, he had them and for some reason, they agreed to have him. Stu squeezed your breast making a small noise leave your lips. Billy went back to work pulling down the fabric that hugged your hips. You raised up just enough to make his job easier. He tossed the underwear in the same spot his shirt had landed.
Stu laid back on the bed taking you with him. For a split second, you forgot Billy was even there. He made his presence known by pressing a kiss to your abdomen. Then another on your hip. Stu broke the kiss watching the scene next to him. You looked down at Billy as he littered your skin with kiss after kiss. He eventually made his way down pressing a kiss on your folds. Stu saw the way your chest jumped ever so slightly. He wondered if he told you how beautiful you were today but even if he did it wasn't nearly enough. As Billy's tongue ran up and down your folds, his eyes flickered up toward Stu. Your soft moans accompanied by Billy's gaze made his cock twitch. Stu picked your hand up moving it where he needed you most. Softly you began rubbing him through his boxers feeling him strain against the fabric. The moan that came from Stu made you continue your movements. It was hard to focus with Billy going at you like a man starved. Billy's eyes would go back and forth mainly focused on the man you helped please.
Being watched stirred something in Stu and Billy noticed. The short-haired boy removed his underwear with haste needing to feel you against his skin. Your hand wrapped perfectly around his cock. The pumps were gentle at first not knowing what Stu liked. His moans and the quiet chant of your name kept your hand moving. Billy pulled your clit between his lips making your back arch off the bed. Stu let out a lustful cry at the feeling of your hand squeezing around him. You didn't mean to do it at first but the new information only helped you tease him. Every few pumps you'd gently squeeze his cock earning a beautiful sound from Stu each time.
Billy's tongue continued its assault as he slowly pushed two fingers into your cunt. Hearing the sounds you made mixed with Stu's was enough to make him cum right then and there. It took everything in him not to. Billy smiled against you feeling your hips try to meet the thrust of his fingers. He doubted you were even aware of what you were doing. Too busy pleasing the man next to you. Your free hand tugged on Billy's hair needing more of him. Billy pulled out his fingers before moving to stand up. You groaned at the loss. With his eyes on you, Billy sucked his fingers clean of your slick even a soft moan could be heard like it was the best thing he's ever tasted.
"We've got to take turns right? Everything has to be fair and equal?" He teased moving in front of Stu. The boy looked at Billy silently asking him if he was sure he wanted to do this. Billy motioned his head upwards telling Stu to sit up. The boy complied sitting on the edge of the bed. You sat up making sure you didn't miss anything. Billy took a deep breath seeing you watch him. He knelt in front of Stu grabbing the man's erection. "Ah!" Stu exclaimed looking down at the man in front of him. With a trained hand, Billy stroked Stu's cock.
You squeezed your thighs together at the sight. Billy leaned forward spitting on the tip letting the liquid run slowly down the veins. Using his hand he pumped Stu's cock the spit making it easier for his hand to slide up and down. He knew what spots to pay attention to. Stu's moans were louder than before. His abs were prominent as his muscles tightened. Billy with a sly grin licked a stripe from the base to the tip. He kept his eyes on Stu not being able to look up at you. Stu turned his head pressing his lips to yours. He moaned into your mouth as Billy wrapped his lips around the tip of his cock. His tongue swirled around making Stu's hips jerk. Stu's breath was uneven as his chest heaved up and down.
"Fuck." Stu cursed against your lips as Billy slid his mouth over the man's length. With a moan, Stu's head fell back leaving you to watch them without interruption. Billy could feel your eyes burn into his skin. That insecurity slowly started to creep back up distracting him from the man under his touch.
Stu grabbed your hand squeezing as his orgasm rapidly approached. "I-I'm going to cum." Stu warned with a whine. Billy continued sucking knowing if he didn't there would be a mess to clean up. His eyes closed tight as Stu cried out. Stu chanted a mixture of your and Billy's names. Billy let Stu ride out his orgasm before he looked to the floor swallowing the evidence of the sinful act. Stu laid back on the bed letting the newfound clarity wash over him. Billy's lips were swollen and his cheeks were red. You'd never seen him look like this until now.
Billy didn't dare look up knowing he'd see the disgust in your eyes. "Billy?" Hearing his name made him feel sick. You waited for him to look at you but he refused. He rubbed his eyes wanting to erase everything that had just happened. Billy looked up immediately apologizing for something he didn't need to. You cut him off grabbing his face and pressing your lips on his. You could taste Stu on his lips and it spurred you on more. Billy was shocked. You broke the kiss to look at him. "I need you." Your hands tugged on the waistband of his jeans greedily. How was he supposed to be calm and careful when you acted like this?
"Say it again." His voice was low and demanding making your cunt throb. "I need you." You happily repeated yourself seeing the way it brought his confidence back. Billy stood up unbuckling his belt right in front of you. You focused on the way his hands pulled the leather off with ease. He grabbed the bottle of lube tossing it on the bed. His jeans were quickly discarded along with his underwear.
You looked at Billy's naked form growing embarrassed by the view. "Baby throw me one of those." Billy pointed towards the condoms. Stu was happy to toss the package over. He was well aware of how hard it was for Billy to do what he did. Stu no longer felt like a dirty secret. You crawled up onto the bed as Billy opened the black wrapper. "Here lift your hips up." Stu grabbed a pillow slipping it between you and the bed. The feeling of your hips in the air was odd but you figured Stu knew what he was doing.
Billy slid the condom over his length with ease. The man debated on asking you once again if you were alright with this. You wiggled your hips impatiently. That small gesture was all Billy needed. Stu grabbed the lube squirting a little in his hand. He kissed your neck as his fingers smeared the jelly over your entrance. Billy crawled on the bed settling between your legs. Stu's eyes watched as Billy lined himself up with your cunt. You closed your eyes scared of the pain you've heard so many people talk about. Stu continued to smother you in affection as Billy slowly pushed into you.
It wasn't near as bad as you expected it to be. You tried not to focus on the stretch as he bottomed out. Billy cursed trying to hold still. "You okay?" Stu asked and you nodded. Billy's hips started to move to find a rhythm you were both comfortable with. Stu wrapped his lips around your nipple getting hit with a feeling of deja vu. Billy held onto your hips as he thrusts into you. He had to remind himself over and over that he needed to be gentle. Stu was used to his partner's fast and rough routine so seeing him struggle was almost humorous.
Your breath hitched as Stu tugged at your breasts. His teeth teased your skin making goosebumps flood your flesh. Billy watched as his partner left small hickies in places no one but the two of them could see. "Faster..." You moaned one hand squeezing Billy's wrist. The man's pace quickened making the sound of skin on skin even louder. It seemed the faster he got the tighter your muscles became. Stu abandoned your side sitting up to kiss the man between your thighs. Billy's free hand wrapped around Stu's throat squeezing just enough to keep him still. You moaned watching the men as Billy's thrusts continued to knock the air out of you. Billy's borderline whimpers did nothing but fuel your arousal. "Don't stop!" You cried out making Billy hold off his orgasm just a little longer.
Both men watched as you came undone around Billy's cock. It was one of the most beautiful things they'd ever seen. Billy's thrusts became rough and erratic as that familiar white-hot pleasure twisted inside of him. With one final thrust, his body trembled. Your name like a prayer was said over and over like it was the only thing he could say. For a brief moment, it was the only word that existed.
You winced as Billy pulled out. Stu fell next to you pressing a kiss to your cheek. "How was it?" He asked knowing the answer from previous experience. Billy tied off the condom before disposing of it in your bathroom. "I can't feel my legs." You giggled making Stu laugh. A warm fuzzy feeling covered your naked body. You weren't sure if it was the sex or the overall love you felt from both men. Stu helped move the pillow out from under your hips. Your legs and arms felt like jelly as you moved to cover yourself underneath the blankets. Stu followed suit huddling up next to your naked frame.
Billy left the bathroom grabbing his underwear from the floor. You groaned as you rolled out of bed needing to use the restroom. "Do you need help?" Billy asked seeing your wobbly legs. "Don't get cocky." You said with a laugh walking toward the bathroom. "I wasn't trying to-" You pressed a kiss to his lips silencing the boy. "I'm just messing with you."
He smiled watching your ass as you walked into the bathroom. The door shut behind you leaving both men to themselves. Stu grinned seeing the look on Billy's face. "You love us." He said feeling that bubbly feeling once again. Billy laughed to himself. "You know, you might be right."
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Taglist (closed): @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @zeysartzone @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666 @billyloomiswhore4 @holyladyofsorrows @megluv1 @ellieswifeiya @yoluvrz @forallthstarsinthesky @madsothree @youcantbesirius @lubunnii @captainhowdysseptum @geekygremlin @madneedshelp
Part 15
A/N: Sorry that this chapter took so long to unload. Theres some serious character development happening and I wanted to make sure I did the characters justice. Hope you're enjoying the series so far!💕
(if your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you.)
1K notes · View notes
misshoneyimhome · 1 month
Inexperienced reader marked up Willy's neck while sitting on his lap. His desperate groans forced her to bite down harder than she had before as they grinded against one another. She felt her heart rate speed up as her breathing became shallow. Willy's body began to tense up as he let out a loud moan. She released her grip and pulled away, her cheeks burning. Are you gonna try & hide them?" You say, pulling away with a pout on your lips. Willy shook his head, a mischievous smile on his face as he pointed his index finger at her. "No way," he said, his voice a low whisper. "I'm gonna show them off." They are both possessive in their own right.
Mmm yes, they're definitely possessive babe! And we them for it 😉
So, this chapter turned out to be rather soft, yet still filled with loads of smut - and I just hope you all enjoy it 😊🤍
[casual outing] [Hair tucking]
Tropes & warnings; jealous!Willy, Jealous!reader, Smut 18+; fingering, handjob, penetrative sex (p in v), hair pulling, light spanking, cum inside, oral sex (m receiving), more penetrative sex (p in vi), cum shot, praise!kink;
Word count; 5.6K
"God morgon, prinsessa," = Good morning, princess
"God morgon, min prins," = Good morning, my prince
「Inexperienced!reader x Willy」
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50 @findapenny @Fortheloveofnylander @justwanderingbutneverlost
All good boys go to heaven - But bad boys bring heaven to you pt XV I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️
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Navigating life as an NHL girlfriend always came with its share of highs and lows. And as the regular season drew to a close and the playoffs loomed closer, you found yourself experiencing the bitter side of the journey.
Your feelings for your boyfriend William Nylander remained steadfast regardless, yet the strain on your relationship was becoming palpable.
Describing the final weeks of March as tough felt like an understatement; victories against the Oilers followed by losses to the Hurricanes and the Devils, then another win against the Capitals and the Sabres. It was an emotional rollercoaster for everyone involved.
And after each game, you did your utmost to either console William or provide him with unwavering support. But it wasn't always a straightforward task.
While William typically kept his emotions in check in public, behind closed doors, he was gradually becoming more open. The topic was somewhat delicate, with several small discussions sparked by his seemingly too calm demeanour, yet you encouraged him to let it out.
As you'd discuss the games on your way home, he'd often brush it off, insisting that everything was fine, and they simply needed to perform better next time. And he wasn't entirely wrong. It was perhaps the healthiest mindset to maintain mental stability. Yet, beneath the surface, you sensed there was more to the story, something simmering beneath his composed exterior.
But when William avoided delving deeper into the matter, you decided it was best to table it, at least for the time being.
As April began, the stakes grew higher than ever. The Toronto Maple Leafs teetered on the edge of playoffs, demanding undivided attention to games and training. Consequently, you found yourself inadvertently assuming the role of a housewife, managing grocery runs, meal preparation, and dog-walking duties, especially when William's trainer couldn't spare the time. And balancing your own work responsibilities with being a supportive hockey girlfriend was gradually becoming overwhelming.
Just weeks ago, amidst some wonderful moments shared with William, discussions ventured into territories like finances and the integration of your lives, leading you to make the decision to give up your apartment and fully commit to living with him.
However, as tensions simmered within the walls of your spacious condo, each evening seemingly hotter with unresolved arguments, you reached a breaking point. So you opted to spend a few days at your own place. It wasn't about avoiding William but rather acknowledging the toll these conflicts were taking on you, and recognising you needed a breather before it got too tense. 
You knew the conversations weren't too bad, at least not as per what some of the other girlfriends and wives had shared with you. It was simply around this time of year when the players tend to turn everything into a debate at home. Yet it felt as if the world would come crashing down if you kept it going. 
It would typically start with you attempting to console William, and then it’d escalate. 
"Come on, Willy, just talk to me – that's what I'm here for,” you spoke firmly. 
"There's nothing to talk about. Just leave it, y/n,” he avoided your attempt for a conversation. 
"Look, it's obviously bothering you – I can sense it..."
"Oh, so now you can feel what I feel? Great talent there, y/n..." William almost snorted. 
"That's not fair, Willy... All I want is to try and help..."
"But there's nothing you can do to help! It is what it is."
"Stop saying that! All I want is to support you – there's no need for you to be a dick about it!"
"Well, that's just how it is! You knew that when you got into a relationship with me..."
"Yes! I knew this would be a challenging time, and I was prepared for it – but you also knew you were getting into a relationship, so now you have to accept that you're not alone in this anymore. I'm here to support you, William Nylander, whether you like it or not!"
And with that, the discussion came to a close. It was a delicate balance, wanting to show support while giving William the space he needed. Meanwhile, he needed to understand that you would always be there for him, ready to lend a listening ear, and he couldn't simply push you away when he didn't want to confront his emotions.
So, after a few trial-and-error attempts, you somewhat figured it out.
Yet, stepping into your familiar home brought a sense of relief. Within your own walls, away from the chaos of hockey and media scrutiny, and the unanswerable questions at work about the team's performance, you found tranquillity.
Being apart from your boyfriend for a few days, even though you were in the same city, wasn't easy. But it felt necessary.
And for William, it did provide some focus on his training and the upcoming match against the Canadiens.Deep down, he understood that you weren't trying to leave him, though a part of him feared it. He recognised that you needed time and space, just as he often did, to concentrate on matters beyond the minor disputes at home.
And as the Leafs returned from Montreal, having officially secured their place in the playoffs, it felt like things were returning to normal. Back in your shared home, wrapped in each other's arms, it was pure celebration. You were practically inseparable upon his return, elated from the victory.
Sunday was solely dedicated to celebration, and in his role as a gracious host and teammate, Mitch had extended an invitation to the team for dinner at his restaurant. It was meant to be a relaxed evening, bearing in mind the upcoming game against the Penguins the following day, and with the tense and challenging times ahead, everyone saw it as an opportunity to enjoy some calm before the storm.
However, as you moved about the condo, getting ready for the evening proved to be a bit of a challenge.
"Willy," you giggled as you struggled to put on your outfit, standing in the walk-in closet wearing nothing but your underwear. "You really need to let go so I can finish up."
"Hmm," he hummed as he embraced you, burying his face in your neck and planting kisses while his hands wandered over your body, eventually settling on his favourite spot: your ass. "But then you'll just put on clothes... and I prefer you without..." he teased, pulling back to meet your gaze with a mischievous grin.
"Well, I'm sorry, but that would be highly inappropriate for a restaurant outing," you chuckled as you gently wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your body lightly against his.
"Or... maybe we skip the dinner... and just stay in here, where we can both be naked," he suggested seductively, and you couldn't help but smile and shake your head gently.
"You can be such a brat sometimes – this is your team, Willy, and we both know you'd love to be with them for dinner," you reasoned with a playful glint in your eye. While the idea of staying home, naked and cuddled up with William was tempting, you also recognised the importance of gatherings like tonight's.
"Hmm," William merely hummed. "I suppose I'll have to... maybe then, try and persuade you."
William's chuckle was nothing short of cheeky and seductive, and you couldn't help but emit a squeak as he hoisted you over his shoulder, carrying you to the bedroom where he playfully tossed you onto the mattress. It was a typical Nylander move, and once he had that dark look in his eyes, there was no stopping him from giving in to the sexual tension, from feeling him inside you as he elicited cries and moans from your lips.
And tonight, even before dinner, was no exception.
As William captured your lips with his, you were immediately drawn into his touch, completely captivated as his tongue danced with yours. Your lips moved in sync, your hands clutching his blonde locks tightly as his body pressed against yours, igniting a hunger and intensity filled with raw lust and desire. And before long, he freed his already hard member from his boxers, discarding your lacy underwear in the process.
You knew this wouldn't be one of those drawn-out sessions where William took his time eating you out, ensuring you reached climax multiple times before satisfying himself. Instead, it was a quick, eager, and playful encounter, where you started out by stroking his shaft, eliciting moans from him, while he moistened two fingers with saliva and inserted them into your core.
The kisses were fervent, occasionally interrupted by moans and heavy breaths. Hands explored each other's bodies, drawing each other closer until William abruptly pulled away. And in one swift motion, he turned you around, knelt behind you, lifted your ass, and entered you.
"Fuck yes..." he groaned deeply as he effortlessly filled you, hitting all the right spots with ease.
"Mmm, yes, Willy..." you moaned in tandem with his deep sounds, quickly succumbing to primal passion. Your fingers gripped the sheets beneath you, while William's hands firmly grasped your hips as he thrust into your warmth. It was far from romantic; it was raw, unbridled passion as William intensified his pace, his hips colliding with yours, his heavy breaths mingling with your loud cries.
William was simply overcome with desire for your body, but knowing he wasn't one to climax too quickly, he also knew he had to exert force to prevent the encounter from dragging on.
And caught in the heat of the moment, he couldn't restrain his actions. His thrusts were powerful and unrelenting, his hand finding your long hair and gripping it tightly as he increased his speed.
"Fuck... Willy!" you cried out as he piston deeper and faster with each thrust. Pleasure surged through you, tears threatening to spill from the sheer intensity as your body surrendered to his forceful advances. Your core clenched around his relentless shaft, your walls overstimulated, and your cunt dripping with every movement. "Shiii- Willy... Oh god, I'm gonn—"
You couldn't even form coherent words as he pulled your head back, intensifying his movements even further. And you were certain his thrusts would leave a mark on your skin, yet in that moment, you couldn't care less.
William's actions were so fierce and dominant that you had to close your eyes and surrender to him completely. Your body belonged to him, and you had no desire to challenge his power. Instead, you allowed ecstasy to consume you entirely, your moans growing louder and louder as your orgasm surged through your body, mind, and soul, causing you to scream his name for all to hear.
"Fuck, yes... that's my good girl," William praised, maintaining his movements as he felt his own climax nearing. "I fucking love this ass..." And with a swift motion, he let go of your hip to deliver a firm smack to your cheek.
Your wet core seemed tailor-made for his cock as he pounded into you with incredible force, his shaft drenched as it slid in and out of you, the sound of skin meeting skin echoing in the room. With each thrust, he increased his speed, pushing himself closer to the edge, and his deep grunts filled the air as he shut his eyes and moaned deeply, releasing himself into your depths.
The experience was nothing short of amazing and intense. It took a few minutes for both of you to catch your breath and regain your strength before slowly disentangling yourselves from the position. No words were necessary. Your core was sore and tingling, coated with William's release as he withdrew, yet your mind was in a blissful state, completely consumed by the rush.
And William couldn't help but admire his handiwork as he noticed the slight redness on your skin from his actions. With a playful grin spreading across his lips, he gently caressed your cheek before placing a tender kiss on it.
"Fucking love this ass," he repeated, this time softer and filled with desire, causing you to look back at him with a chuckle.
"You're a real problem, Nylander..."
"What do you mean?" he chuckled darkly.
"Look what you've done. Now we both have to shower again and get dressed, meaning we'll be late for dinner..."
It was a familiar scenario. William was notorious on the team for always being late, and for the past four months, you had been one of the main reasons for that. Your sex life had always been adventurous, but it was the spontaneity that made it even more fun. And William made no effort to hide it from anyone.
"Well, then we better get moving," he simply chuckled before getting off the bed with a wide grin.
"Finally, you guys decided to show up!" Auston exclaimed as you entered, everyone already seated.
"Still running late, Willy," Mitch chimed in with a chuckle.
"Yeah, but I bet it's not entirely his fault this time," Järnkrok added with a grin and a wink, causing you to blush slightly as you couldn't deny the truth. Yet, you were quick with a retort.
"Well, at least he's getting some action, unlike some others," you said with a cocky smile, eliciting loud 'oooohhhh's from the players, with William laughing loudly beside you.
And the evening unfolded beautifully, as always. Mitch and Stephanie were excellent hosts, and the upscale restaurant buzzed with nothing but laughter and conversations. The delicious food delighted your taste buds, and the atmosphere was overall filled with joy.
And as everyone anticipated the approaching game, it was evident that everyone needed this evening to unwind and simply enjoy each other's company. Yet, one small detail disrupted your comfort.
"Hey, are you okay?" William whispered as he noticed your slight movements in your seat.
"Hmm," you simply nodded before leaning closer to him. "Though... I'm a little sore, Willy," you whispered, unable to suppress a chuckle.
"Really?" he raised an eyebrow, flashing a satisfied smirk that earned an eye-roll from you.
"Yeah... you were a bit rough, mister," you smiled.
"Hmm, thought you liked it when I'm rough," he grinned, a statement you couldn't really refute. A significant part of your sex life often involved dominant and submissive play, and truth be told you had no complaints.
"Hmm, maybe I do," you softly admitted. "It's just... not easy to sit when your lady parts have been pounded like that..."
Biting his lower lip, William couldn't resist voicing his naughty thoughts. "Well, then I suppose we'll just have to keep practicing until you get used to it."
Even among close friends and their families, the two of you couldn't control your banter. However, as the night progressed, there was a subtle shift in the atmosphere.
After the third course, you joined a few of the ladies in the bathroom, engaging in heartfelt conversations and sharing experiences from the past few weeks.
"Don't worry, y/n," Aryne spoke sweetly. "It's just the playoffs weighing on him. William will be back to his usual self in no time – it just requires a bit more patience from our side this time of year." The other girls nodded in agreement.
Their words were comforting and reassuring. Being your first time dating a professional athlete, you needed their encouragement and support. And after all, most of them had dealt with their husbands and boyfriends throughout their careers.
"How about a drink?" Tessa then suggested with a smile, earning enthusiastic agreement from the group, including you.
And as you all headed to the bar for drinks, any worries seemed to fade away. Amidst laughter and playful jokes about how the ladies needed drinks to cope with their men, you felt completely at ease and comfortable.
That was, until you suddenly felt someone's gaze on you. And it wasn't your boyfriend's.
A few feet away, a rather handsome man was looking in your direction. Though he could have been staring at any woman in the group, you couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine as you turned your head and met his eyes, and he offered you a smile. It wasn't overly direct or forward; just a man trying to flirt with a woman from across the room.
However, almost instinctively, while trying not to consciously reciprocate the flirting, you soon felt a pair of hands on you. And this time, it was your boyfriend's.
He didn't say a word. William's hand simply found its way to your ass, where it belonged, as he stood close to you, flashing you a sweet smile before planting a kiss on your cheek. You didn't even have to look to know that he was eyeing the man who had been attempting to flirt with you, sending him a clear message with a look that said, 'she's mine,' while discreetly giving your cheek a gentle squeeze.
And you couldn't deny how good it made you feel. Knowing that William was boldly asserting your relationship status to the world had you feeling captivated. Especially since you were aware of the numerous girls who longed to be with him, fantasising about your breakup so they could swoop in. But William didn't hide the fact that he was taken, and that made you smile.
Yet, a small part of you felt the temptation to play with fire.
"Feeling a little jealous, are we?" you chuckled lightly as you sipped your drink, William's hand still firmly on your cheek, while more people joined the group at the bar.
"Mmm, he wants what's mine, and I don't like that," William huskily whispered under his breath.
"Yours? Willy, I'm not anyone's property," you raised an eyebrow, but he simply chuckled darkly.
"Yes, you are," he smirked. "It's part of the deal of being with me. I give you a place to stay, and in return, this belongs to me."
His words ignited another arousal within you, despite having just experienced a wonderful orgasm a few hours earlier.
"Oh, so that's how you see it? Hmm, then maybe I should reconsider giving up my apartment," you challenged him, and it seemed to awaken something primal within your boyfriend.
"No - you can't back out now. I've claimed your ass, and now you're mine."
There was a silent exchange of glances as the intensity of the moment lingered, William's hand remaining firmly in place. However, when Mitch announced the arrival of the next course, you both silently agreed to set aside your playful banter for the time being.
It was all fun and games between you and William. Well, most of the time at least.
He'd assert his possessiveness over you, you'd playfully challenge him, and then he'd assert his dominance in a sexual manner, reminding you that you did, in fact, belong to him. However, as Monday rolled around and it was time for the Leafs to face off against the Penguins, the dynamics seemed to shift.
The game was nothing short of exhilarating, but it was almost too intense for your liking. After Pittsburgh scored the first goal in the opening period, Kniesy retaliated in the second, followed by Auston putting the Leafs in the lead in the third. But just when victory seemed within reach, the Penguins fought back, forcing the game into overtime. Fortunately, McCabe saved the day, securing a 3-2 victory for the Leafs on home turf, boosting their confidence before their upcoming trip to New Jersey.
But despite the win, a slight unease lingered within you as you prepared to meet your boyfriend in the hallways after the match. Normally, you prided yourself on not being the jealous type of girlfriend who felt insecure when her boyfriend talked to other girls. However, there was something about this particular girl that set your mind spinning.
She was undeniably stunning, her smile radiant and her eyes sparkling as her brown hair cascaded gracefully down her back. And seeing her laughing and chatting with William sparked a small wave of guilt within you.
Nevertheless, you maintained your composure. Slowly, you approached your laughing boyfriend and gently wrapped your arms around his sturdy frame.
"Oh, hey babe," he chuckled, still engrossed in his conversation with the beautiful girl, only briefly acknowledging your presence.
"What's so funny?" you smiled, trying to join in on the conversation.
"I was just telling Willy here about some of the comments people have left on his Rogers' commercial," the girl explained with a sweet tone and smile. "They're just hilarious."
And William continued to laugh, his signature laughter filling the hallway.
"Oh yeah, those were indeed funny," you tried to laugh along, though the amusement quickly faded.
"Anyway, I better get going," the brunette smiled before bidding farewell to William.
There was a moment of silence as William's laughter subsided and he turned to face you.
"What?" he asked innocently.
"What what?" you replied, feigning ignorance of the fact that he had caught on to your jealousy.
"You know what... you're being jealous," he pointed out with a smirk.
"Well, of course I am," you retorted, your voice firm as you gently crossed your arms over your chest. "My boyfriend's chatting with a gorgeous girl after a win, smiling like he's a teenager seeing boobs for the first time, and acting as if I didn't notice."
"Oh, come on, she's just a journalist, babe," William chuckled nonchalantly.
"Well then why isn't she asking you questions along with the other journalists over there?" you pointed to the station where players usually gave their post-game statements.
"She just came up to me and asked me if..." he trailed off, stopping himself before he dug himself deeper.
"Asking you what?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing..." he tried to brush it off, but he knew it was futile.
"Well, if it's nothing, then why can't you tell me?" Your voice softened, tinged with vulnerability as you were reminded of other girls who were interested in your boyfriend.
And letting out a deep sigh, William knew honesty was the best policy. "She asked if I wanted to grab a cup of coffee together..."
"Oh..." you paused for a moment. "And you said yes?"
"Well, yeah, I mean, it doesn't mean anything - she's just doing her job," he chuckled lightly.
"Right... her job... so that means she's also getting coffee with all the other players?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Um... no, I don't think so... but that's because she was there when I did the commercial thing... and she's just... I don't know, catching up, I guess."
You tried your best not to let your frustration show, but William was already aware of your feelings.
"Hey, babe, it's not like she's making any moves - I mean, she's a journalist, she knows I have a girlfriend..." he flashed you a confident smile, and though you didn't trust the journalist's intentions, you trusted your boyfriend.
Just as you expected him to trust you despite other men hitting on you.
So, you let it go and simply let out a calm sigh. "Right, how about we go home then, and I'll remind you just how much I love this relationship," you smirked up at him, gently wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.
"Mmm, I don't think I can say no to that," William chuckled, before bidding goodbye to the others and leaving.
You already started the foreplay in the car, teasing his thigh higher and higher until you were close to his groin. Then, in the lift, he couldn't resist, eagerly kissing you as he pressed you against the wall. So, when you entered the condo, you took charge, grabbing him by the collar of his jacket, flashing him a lustful smirk as you pulled him towards the bedroom.
William didn't resist; he enjoyed your attempt at dominance. But as soon as you were both in nothing but underwear, he reclaimed his dominant role.
And of course, there was no other way for you to express your desire for your boyfriend than by kneeling in front of him in your fine underwear, opening your mouth as your eyes pleaded for him to feed you with his hard cock.
With you kneeling before him, eager to take him deep into your throat, William felt like he was in heaven. Your warm mouth worked wonders around his throbbing cock, and the small gagging sounds you made whenever he pushed a little too far only added to his pleasure.
You were his submissive, and your sole desire was to please him.
"Mmm, baby, you're so good," he hummed under his breath as you continued to bob your head, focused solely on breathing through your nose as you took him deeper and deeper. Occasionally, you glanced up at him through your lashes, watching as his muscles tensed under your hand, which you used for support while the other stroked his length where your mouth couldn't reach.
But as you pressed yourself further, your nose hitting the pubic hair of his crotch, and you gagged around him, saliva drooling from the corner of your mouth and trailing down your chin, William found it incredibly arousing. He held significant power over you, and the sight thrilled him.
However, as he felt his climax approaching, he knew he wasn't ready to finish just yet. So, instead, he withdrew himself from your wonderful mouth. 
"Such a good girl…" he praised softly, before gently guiding you to the bed. But as you moved towards the mattress, you signalled your desire to be on top, and William happily granted your wish.
After removing your underwear, he lay down on his back, and you couldn't help but smile as you straddled his hips. He was already dripping with precum, mixed with your saliva, and your arousal was evident, making it effortless for you to sink down onto his cock and let him fill you up.
"Oh yes, Willy," you moaned as his thick member stretched your entrance, stimulating your walls with every inch.
"Mmm, baby, you feel so good around me," he moaned in harmony, his hands instinctively gripping your hips.
And as your bodies connected, you began to sway your hips, rocking back and forth in sensual motions, your hands finding support on his chest. With each movement, allowing his hardness to glide in and out of your wet core, your moans grew louder. Pleasure rushed through your body, and you increased your pace, your breaths heavy and your mind consumed by sensation.
Then as the intensity grew, your bodies became sweatier and hotter, your vision blurring with each thrust. Addicted to the pleasure, you increased your speed once again, seeking that euphoric high.
"Mmm… shit, Willy," you moaned in a soft cry, your hips moving desperately as your thighs pressed against the man beneath you.
"Yes, älskling… you're such a good girl," William muttered. "Fucking ride me, baby… fucking cum on my dick…"
In the heat of the moment, his words worked like a magic spell, and with a forceful motion, you panted and gasped for air as you reached climax.
You even had to pause your movements, filling your lungs with air as you shut your eyes and cried out his name in pleasure. Your tight muscles pulsed around his shaft as you calmed from the high of your orgasm, your legs trembling from the intensity.
And as you slowly came down from the euphoric state, William sat up, gently pushing his cock a little deeper inside you as he grabbed your hair and pulled you in for a messy kiss.
"Hmm, fucking love it when you make yourself cum on me," he spoke huskily under his breath, and with a smirk adorning your sweaty face, you then started to slowly move your hips again, rocking gently as you kissed his bearded chin and neck, occasionally biting down with your teeth before pulling back.
The room was hot and steamy, and as he felt your cunt pulsating around his member, he felt the need for his own release stirring. So, taking a firm hold of your body, William then turned you both over and pushed your back into the mattress.
In one swift movement, he seized your hands and held them above your head as he began to thrust into you, while your legs instinctively wrapped around his lower body, heels pressing into his skin as you surrendered to his actions. His movements were powerful, yet this time, he attempted to maintain a sense of romance as you exchanged deep, passionate kisses.
Your bodies moved in perfect harmony, allowing him to thrust mercilessly and deeply, pushing you to the edge of overstimulation as he approached his climax. William's grip on your wrists was strong, and as he pounded even faster, you knew he was nearing completion.
"Oh, yes, Willy, cum for me…" you moaned loudly, gasping for breath as you became undone for him.
"Yeah... baby, I'm so close..." he breathed heavily in response. So, with a few more intense thrusts, William withdrew abruptly, knelt back, and ejaculated onto your lower stomach with a deep grunt. "God...," he moaned huskily as he reached a more intense climax than expected, his sticky white cum covering your skin like a canvas.
It was messy, yet incredibly arousing. Your body still trembled as you recovered from the intense sex, and your legs shook as you gradually regained strength. Meanwhile, William caught his breath, admiring his handiwork.
Your body was undeniably stunning, but what he admired most was how well he knew it and how effortlessly he could please you, eliciting loud moans and squirms with his touch.
And as the two of you gradually returned to reality, smiles graced your faces, unable to contain the sense of satisfaction. Additionally, William naturally assisted in tidying up the aftermath by leading you to the bathroom, where he tenderly and leisurely washed your bodies with lukewarm water cascading over the two of you, sharing deep kisses and reaffirming the connection that had united you from the outset. It was the bond that held you together through the peaks and valleys, through all the challenges you encountered as a couple.
As morning broke and William's alarm shattered your peaceful sleep, you couldn't help but smile as you turned to see his serene expression, while William, true to form, didn't immediately wake from the alarm; he was a dedicated snoozer. Yet, what always brought him to full consciousness was your kiss. You ran your fingers gently through his hair, planting soft kisses all over his handsome face until he slowly opened his eyes.
"God morgon, prinsessa," William murmured huskily, still half-asleep.
"God morgon, min prins," you smiled in return.
Despite the early hour, it was a cosy morning, with the passionate warmth from the night before still lingering between you. Any lingering traces of jealousy were overshadowed by the depth of your relationship, dispelling any intrusive negative thoughts.
As you exchanged lazy morning kisses, William's embrace tightened around you, drawing you closer to his body, the warmth emanating from him as you felt his morning hardness pressing against you. And with a smile of your own, you summoned the strength to position yourself on top of him.
William sat up straight, his bare chest pressed against your breasts as he drew you even nearer, deepening the kiss. However, you pulled back slightly, biting your lower lip before licking them seductively, trailing your fingers along his neck where you admired the faint marks from the night before.
Yet, not entirely satisfied with your handiwork, you returned your lips to his skin, your fingers tangling in his hair as he leaned back against the headboard. Despite the early hour, William could already feel himself responding to your touch, the anticipation of being apart from you again igniting a primal craving.
And his desperate groans only spurred you to bite down harder as you allowed your hips to gently grind against his lap. Your heart rate quickened, breaths becoming shallow, while William's body tensed, releasing a loud moan. Then pulling away from his flushed skin, you felt your cheeks flush with heat.
"Hmm," William muttered. "Leaving your mark, are you?" he chuckled mischievously, earning a light nod from you.
"Can't have you walking around without people knowing you have a girlfriend, can we?" you spoke seductively, your fingers delicately tracing the marks you skilfully created.
"And why's that?" William grinned, rhetorically acknowledging the possessiveness stirring within you, mirroring his own.
"Well, maybe there's going to be another journalist trying to grab coffee with you…" you playfully smiled.
"Hmm, yeah, we can't have that, can we," William chuckled, merely acknowledging the playful banter.
There was a brief moment of silence as you both admired each other in the soft morning light, knowing you would only be apart for the day, sharing a tender kiss.
"So," you spoke, pulling away with a pout on your lips, "Are you going to try and hide them?"
But William simply shook his head, a mischievous smile on his face as he gently rubbed his index finger across your lower lip. "No way," he said, his voice a low whisper. "I'm going to show them off."
It was a simple moment, yet it emphasised the possessiveness you both held for each other. Though you trusted each other implicitly, there were still lingering worries in the back of your minds.
You always harboured a nervousness that William might grow bored of you, drawn instead to the other incredibly beautiful women who seemed to appear in his life. Meanwhile, William feared that you might tire of his lifestyle and one day simply decide to leave in pursuit of a more conventional life.
Yet, neither of you had any intentions of parting ways.
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darknight3904 · 2 months
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November 4
The light is the first thing you can register when your eyes open again. You want to yell at Satoru for not shutting the curtains before falling asleep. Of course, you can't, the room you wake in is foreign yet familiar at the same time.
"Jeez, finally." An all too familiar voice says
"Where am I?" You mumble while the voice laughs at you
"What's supposed to be our shared room after we marry."
Your eyes snap open immediately. you know that voice, how could you ever forget it?
"Naoya." You greet, sitting up from the futon you had been tucked into
"Good, you have your memories." He smiles from his seat across the room.
"Why wouldn't I have my memories?" You roll your eyes
"Dunno, that doctor said the meds she gave you were heavy. I thought you might've been on death's door or something." He shrugs
Naoya is surprisingly calm. What the hell was up with him? He still hadn't attempted to insult you.
"You should thank me." He says
"Excuse me?" You ask baffled
"Those higher-ups wanted to execute you for being a collaborator for whatever happened in Shibuya." He explains
"Why the hell would I be a collaborator?" You ask
"Your relationship with that white-haired fool must've tipped them off." Naoya says, "Don't cut me off again"
You want to tell him to shove his words up his ass but he seems deadly serious and your head is hurting terribly, you doubt could take him in a fight right now. So, instead, you just roll your eyes and he seems content with that.
What even happened? The last thing you remember was Nanami pushing you away from that curse...
"I stepped in of course. Our engagement contact came in handy for once, by the way. I said you'd retire from being a sorcerer and marry me. Pop out a few brats and live the housewife life."
You want to run across the room and tackle him out of that dumb tatami chair he's sitting in.
"Before you freak out, don't worry I didn't marry you in your sleep." He smiles, "Now can I get a thank you? After all they wanted to appoint that Yuta Okkotsu kid as your executioner. He's stronger than you if I'm correct?"
"Yeah, he is." You admit, thinking of the kind-hearted dark-haired boy who had been sent off to Africa with Miguel.
"Right, so a thank you then?" Naoya smiled
How annoying he was today. Of course, it could've been worse, He hadn't insulted you or called you any rude names, yet.
"Whatever. Thank you." You say quietly
Naoya smiles with glee, and then motions for you to join him at the table.
You shuffle your way across the room to him. Your body was incredibly sore. He said Shoko had given you medicine but they didn't just use her technique to heal you? You felt like a bus ran you over.
"That doctor wasn't allowed to use her technique on you. The higher ups were hoping you'd die of your head injury. I had her cook up some drug cocktail and the Zenin doctors have been in to see you and to stitch up that stomach wound," Naoya says as he watches you stiffly sit next to him, "Attendants have been feeding you this disgusting soup that's supposed to help you recover quickly. I tasted it earlier, its basically dog shit."
"Alright, cut the bullshit." You glare, "Why're you in such a good mood?"
"Me? I'm always in a good mood." He says, " Although I guess I am being nicer than usual."
That was the understatement of the year!
"My father died last night."
Naobito? Didn't that mean Naoya was officially the head of the clan?
"The injuries he got from Shibuya were too much for him. And the reader of his will is due to arrive soon. I'm certain I will become head of the clan." He smiles at you
Naoya reminds you of a child, giddy for a present like it was Christmas morning. Except the present is his father dying and the fortune that the family sits on.
"Why should I care about any of this?" You ask, wanting to lay back down
"Once I'm clan head my first act is to dissolve this stupid contract," Naoya says, pushing a folder to you
You don't even have to open it to know what's inside. You know it's the engagement papers both of your fathers drew up years ago.
"I'd do it now but only the contract signers or the clan head legally have the power to end it. I doubt your dad will be interested and mine just kicked it." He explains
"Why do you want to do this? I thought there was some genetic advantage to us having kids." You say, skeptical
You remember the night you were told that the engagement was finalized. Your mother had sat you down and told you that because you and Naoya were the strongest sorcerers of the family, you'd most likely create amazing kids.
You had stopped speaking to her after that night, not interested in a mother who would sell you like a piece of meat.
"Oh, there is. But I don't want to be chained to you for the rest of my life. Even if it does mean my kids would be amazing. You're disgusting. I doubt you'd walk three paces behind me and your ass certainly isn't big enough. Not to mention you've been broken in by Satoru Gojo of all people."
His words are wildly insulting and normally you'd want to punch him in the face for his insults. But, for once your imperfections are paying off.
"Thank you." You say "For letting me go."
"I'm not doing it for you, woman. I'm doing it for myself." He says
Before you can tell him to die, a knock sounds and the door slides open. Ogi and Jinichi Zenin enter. Ogi is sporting a long ponytail that seems to have doubled in length since you last saw him on a visit to Maki. As for Jinichi, he's as rough-looking as ever, the whispers about Toji being the better-looking son were certainly true.
"You've been sitting around with your fiancee instead of mourning your father? What's wrong with you?" Ogi scolds
"Why would anyone want to mourn him?" You say
"You haven't taught her to hold her tongue? I'm surprised Naoya." Ogi says, ignoring you
"She doesn't listen to me. She's right though, why would I want to mourn? I'm the next head of the clan. You haven't amounted to anything, Ogi." Naoya laughs, "As for you Jinichi, you're just..."
Naoya trails off like he isn't quite sure what to say.
"You're too ugly." You blurt out
Oh crap. You shouldn't have spoken up.
Jinichi grunts out of anger, and you see him lunging for you. Your instincts are dulled. You're reacting slowly, a side effect of all the medication from Shoko? Ah, he's going to tackle you to the floor. Jinichi's smelly self is going to crush you.
"Now can't we get along? What if she's the one sitting by my side? Don't you want to get along with my wife?" Naoya says, easily pinning Jinichi to the floor before he can reach you.
Jinichi's ugly face is a few inches from your feet and your brain says to step on him. Something wasn't right though. Why did he decide to stop Jinchi? And why was he pretending he planned to marry you?
A clink of a sword is heard as Ogi draws his blade to press it to Naoya's throat.
"I'm in mourning! You wouldn't kill a man whose daddy just died would you?" Naoya smiles, sitting back down next to you, a bit closer than last time.
Your eyes widen as he reaches and pulls you close so his lips tickle your ear when he talks. To the two old men in the room with you it probably looks like two love birds whispering to each other.
"Keep your mouth shut. These two will kill you if they find out I'm not interested in you. The higher-ups put your execution notice out, if you're not with me you're dead. I don't think you're in a condition to fight, Miss Special Grade."
Of course, he tells you that now...
Sure, he was right about the whole not being able to fight. You're pretty sure even Miwa from Kyoto could knock you out right now. God you wished you could figure out reversed curse technique.
"Flirt on your own time, Naoya." Ogi scolds as a small man with glasses enters the room.
"Oh, I plan to." Naoya smiles, tossing a big arm over your shoulders, which you shrug off and shoot him a glare that could kill him.
"Good, you're all here. I am Furudate. I have Master Noabito's will. I will read it now."
Naoya's lips quirk up in a triumphant smile as Furudate delivers the news that he is to be the head, and is set to inherit every asset the Zenin family has.
"Freedom awaits." He says, with a whisper to your ear
So close. You wished he'd back off, of course, you understood he had a role to play. You weren't interested in fighting Ogi or Jinichi.
"However, if Satoru Gojo has become incapacitated in any way...A written agreement concluded with Toji Fushiguro will welcome Megumi Fushiguro into the Zenin Clan...where he shall become head of the Zenin Clan...and all assets shall pass to him."
Oh shit...
You quickly scoot away from Naoya, suddenly more interested in the floor. Ah, what a lovely shade of brown!
"Where is Megumi?" Naoya asks
"He is searching for Yuji Itadori in Tokyo." A female attendant says
"Who's that?" Noaya asks
"Sukuna's vessel." She says
Please do not let this be going in the direction you think it is...
Naoya shoots a glance to Ogi and Jinichi and motions for you to follow him out the door.
Who does he think you are? A dog?
You follow him anyway though, worried about his sudden interest in Megumi and Itadori.
A beat of silence follows as you fall into pace with an angry Naoya. You have no interest in following his stupid three-step rule like the attendant does.
"Tell the higher-ups that I will kill Sukuna's vessel for them...I'll kill both of them." He says and the attendant nods.
"They're kids, Naoya. Megumi doesn't even want to be the clan head. I'm sure he will hand it over willingly if you just talk to him. " You try to reason with him, worried for the kids' safety if he goes after them.
"Make sure she doesn't leave my quarters. There's the drugs from that woman from the school. Give them to her on schedule until I return." He says, before grabbing you by the arm and dragging you down the hall as you trip on your feet in the long traditional garb you're wearing.
Naoya pulls you along until you're in another room on the other side of the estate. This one is tastefully decorated, more lived-in than the last one.
"You'll stay put if you know what's good for you." Naoya says as he tosses you onto the ground.
You might be a match for him when it comes to techniques but physically he's bigger than you and easily stronger.
"Stay put while you kill the kid I helped raise and his friend? You must be delusional." You laugh, standing back up
"You'll lose if we fight right now." He chides
"Maybe, but that doesn't matter." You huff, ready to activate your technique
"I'm not interested in fighting a weak version of you. If we fight, I want you at full power, so that when I beat you, you'll know I'm truly better." He says
"Then stay. We can spar like we used to when we were kids." You tempt him with nostalgia
"That wasn't sparing. That was you beating me every day so I could go to dinner and listen to my father mock me." He glares
"Prove you're better then." You smile
Perhaps you can get him to forget about Megumi with a little healthy competition. You don't want Naoya messing with Megumi or Itadori. After Shibuya, there was no telling what condition either of them was in. If they weren't at their best, he'd win and kill both of them.
You weren't interested in burying either of them. Megumi meant more to you than you had ever thought he would.
"Our little blessing."
Satoru's teasing voice echoed in your brain. He called him that as a joke but it was true. Megumi and Tsumiki were one of the most important things in your life.
"You're injured. You won't be healed for another few days. Plenty of time to kill the kids and then spar." He says, beginning to walk for the door
Shit. You couldn't let him run off!
"Fine then, no sparring then..."
If there was a God, you prayed that he would step in before this went too far. You slowly cross the room to where Naoya is. Your hands gently tug at your robe, pulling it so your chest pops into his line of sight.
"Instead of sparring, why don't you stay here with me..." You put on your best smile, hoping you don't gag as you speak, and press yourself against him, "Aren't you interested in why Satoru has kept me around for so long? I'm good with my mouth..."
You'd do anything to keep Naoya away from Megumi. Even sleep with him if that's what it took...
"Looks like I was right, you're nothing but some cheap whore." Naoya laughs, pushing you off of him "Cover up. Maybe when I'm back I'll take you up on your offer. I'll bring you Megumi's head, too. He can watch as we fuck."
His words are so crude you activate your technique, hoping you have enough in you for a duplicate or two.
"Stop that." He smiles, mockingly
A flash of color from Naoya's clothes floats in front of your face and a hard fist is the last thing you see.
March 1995 (You and Naoya: 4)
"Naoya, you could've dodged that!"
The angered voice of his father's voice carrys across the training grounds.
What the hell did he know? It wasn't even fair for him to be fighting, after all his technique hadn't manifested yet so how come he was fighting some girl who already had hers? Did his father like watching him get sent flying by her or her stupid doubles?
"Can we stop now? My mom is making rice balls at home and I want to help her!" The girl who stands above him asks
"No! I don't care about stupid rice balls, we're sparring until I beat you!" Naoya demands, brushing dirt from his pants as he stands up
"But aren't you tired of getting punched?" She asks him innocently
Sure he is, but he's more tired of listening to everyone blab about this girl across from him and her technique and skill. He was born a week before her so why was she so much better than him? It wasn't fair!
"We're fighting until I win!" He demands
July 1997 (You and Naoya: 6)
"Has anyone ever told you you're a terrible person, Naoya?" You ask as he pulls you through the maze of hallways that was the Zenin estate
"Huh? What are you blabbing about now?" He asks, clearly uninterested in what you had to say
You wouldn't venture to say that you were friends with the dark-haired boy. More like both your parents were constantly pushing the two of you to spend time together. Whether it was training or school work, or even just a normal day, you were stuck with Naoya Zenin. Why? You weren't quite sure yet.
"You're dragging me to go see someone who doesn't have any cursed energy just so we can go make fun of him. That's rude don't you think?" You ask
"Why does it matter? This man must be pathetic anyway. Just some weakling." He responds but his voice falls quiet at the end as you both reach your destination.
The man Naoya had dragged you around all day for was right in front of you. Messy dark hair was on his head and a healed scar adorned his face right where his lips met.
You glance at Naoya who seems frozen by the sheer intimidation the man, Toji Zenin puts out. He passes by silently, one big arm suspended by a sling, the other resting idly by his side.
"Still think he's pathetic?" You ask once Toji is out of earshot
"Shut up." Naoya commands
September 1999 (You and Naoya: 8)
"You're crushing me!" You gasp as Naoya tries to use you like some ladder and sits on your shoulders
"You're the one who was saying that you were stronger than me the other day during training. Suck it up." He says
"I didn't think I was going to have to lift you up to a window like a personal step stool." You groan
"Shut up. Someone just opened the door to the room." Naoya says
You roll your eyes but stop speaking anyway. Besides, you were interested in what was happening too. Rumors had been swirling the past week that members of the Gojo Clan would be visiting the Zenin Estate.
Apparently, the new clan head was a child, only a year older than you and Naoya. Satoru Gojo was supposed to be in the room Naoya was trying to peer into atop your shoulders.
"Lift me higher." He whispers
"I can't! You gained weight since the last time we did this!" You say, trying to straighten your knees so he could be taller.
The last time you had held The slightly shorter than you Naoya like this was in July. His mother had yelled at him for eating too much sugar and you helped him steal a bag of sweets he knew she hid ontop of the refrigerator.
"What are you doing?" A voice asks
"Shit..." Naoya says
Yor turn your head slightly to see where the voice was coming from but Naoya interrupts.
"Put me down!-" Naoya commands, struggling
"Wait! I need to-"
You don't get to finish as you lose your grip on him and the two of you fall backward.
"Idiot!" Naoya scolds as you try to ignore the pain in your back as he gets to his feet first
"It's your fault!" You argue back looking at the hand Naoya has extended to help you up.
A soft laughter fills the air and you look up to the person who had snuck up on the two of you.
Hair whiter than snow glitters in the sun as you watch as he covers his mouth while laughing.
"You can't laugh at me! I'm the heir of my family!" Naoya says, angry that he fell over.
"Naoya I think that's..." You trail off as the white-haired boy opens his eyes
Dazzling blue meets your eyes and Naoya freezes next to you. Satoru Gojo is just six feet from the two of you. The boy you had heard about for so many years was looking right at you.
Suddenly, a bustle of female attendants interrupted whatever this was and Satoru Gojo was led away.
"What an idiot." Naoya deems as he watches the other boy who disappears into a room.
"So rude. You know, no girl will want to date you if you're mean like that." You say
"Good!" Naoya scoffs "Let's go get some ice cream, I'm hungry.
June 2004 (You and Naoya: 13)
"Mom, where is Naoya? I thought we were supposed to train today. I got stuck with one of the other guys and he smelled like old fish." You groan
"Noabito-san has sent Naoya away. He's spending some time training with the Hei." She responds "I heard he'll be gone all summer."
"What? No fair! I'm better than Naoya is at everything! How come I didn't get to go?" You whine as you enter the kitchen
"The training was set up just for Naoya. Besides, I think it's a men-only thing. You understand right?" She says as she cuts vegetables for dinner
You let out a scoff at that. Men only? Naoya hasn't won a single fight against you yet he gets special time with the Hei!? Whatever. Once he comes back you were going to beat his ass into the ground for leaving,
November 2004 (You: 13 Naoya: 14)
Cold wind threatened to knock you over as you ran from the car to the house. When the hell did it get so cold so early?
"I'm home! They didn't have any white onions so I got some yellow ones!" You yell toward the kitchen where your mother was surely awaiting your arrival with the extra things she needed for the food.
"You got taller."
You turn from where your face was buried in the overflowing coat closet where you had shoved your coat.
"Naoya!" You greet
He certainly looked different...dyed hair, piercings...shit was he actually taller than you now?
"Looks like you actually have to wear a bra now. Guess your height isn't the only thing that's changed. " He mocks, staring at your chest
Your face heats up with embarrassment as your mother urges the two of you to come sit down.
"Would you like tea?" Your mother asks
"Yes," Naoya says he seemed almost bored
"How were your private tutoring sessions with the Hei? Think you're finally strong enough to beat me?" You tease, hoping he'll fall back into your usual pattern.
Maybe that bra comment was just a fluke. He was 14...your mother had said boys got like that as they got older.
"Shut up. I didn't come here to be insulted by a woman. Go help prepare tea if you're going to run your mouth. I'm not interested in answering questions from you. I don't have to tell you anything."
What. The. Fuck.
You're sure you scare your mother half to death when she opens the tatami doors to find you wrestling with the heir of the clan. She tries to peel you off him but you're set on pounding his obnoxious face into the floor.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You yell when she finally is able to move you enough that Naoya scampers out from under you
"Your daughter has become an animal!" Naoya shouts to your mother and father whose hands are full with the rest of the groceries, Naoya's hand is clutching his injured eye, "If she ever presumes to lay a hand on me again I'll kill her. I don't care about the potential she has, she's just a stupid whore who can't keep her hands to herself!"
You watch an enraged Naoya storm out of your home, brushing past your father, who rushes after him.
The way he carries himself is starkly different than the boy you grew up with. His words hurt your heart as your parents yell at you for what you've done but you can't bring yourself to care, you're mourning the loss of a childhood friend tonight. Sure he wasn't the best but he was the only one you had to begin with and now he was gone, buried by blonde hair and a confusing persona you thought he'd never develop towards you.
November 8, 2018
"Did you OD while I was gone?" A voice asks as you're shaken awake
Naoya sits next to you on the floor as a doctor is looming over you. Your shirt has been pushed up and you can just barely feel some pinching on your abdomen.
"Master Naoya. Removing stitches can be rather graphic. You may want to wait outside." The doctor suggests.
"Just get it over with. I have business to attend to with my future wife here." He grumbles
"Of course." The doctor says, "You'll just feel some light pinching."
A few moments pass and you don't miss the way Naoya looks away when the doctor goes to work. You want to tease him for being a wuss but your brain feels a bit foggy, most likely a side effect of whatever drugs are in your system and the fact that Naoya knocked you out before he ran off.
Wait a moment...if he was back, then where the hell was Megumi?
"Where is Megumi?" You ask, fearing the worst.
"He's alive. Yuta Okkotsu killed Sukuna's vessel though. Megumi never showed up so I came back here." He says
Itadori was dead? Sukuna just let Yuta kill him? That didn't sound right...
"Alright, I'm done. Keep the area clean and take it easy for a day or two." The doctor says as you sit up.
"Thank you." You say as you fix your shirt
Naoya waits for the doctor's departure to speak again.
"Megumi will turn up eventually. If not I'll get ahold of Maki or Mai and then he'll have to show." He says
"They won't come back here willingly." You say
"No? What about when Maki needs a cursed tool? We cleared the stock that we kept at the school. If she wants one she'll have to come here." Naoya smiles
He's probably in the right for once. Megumi would show up if it meant danger for another. Not to mention if Naoya said that you were at the estate as well...
"Stop thinking so hard, you'll hurt yourself," Naoya says before grabbing your arm and hauling to your feet
"You promised a sparring match." He says as he leads you down the hallway
The scene before you is oddly familiar. Naoya has dragged you to the training grounds against your will and is now preparing for a fight he expects to go his way. It's nostalgic and makes you feel like a child again.
"Before we start...I want to ask you something." You say
"I'm not pulling my punches. This is our first match since we were 14, I intend to go all out." He glares
"I know that. I wanted to ask why you bothered saving me from execution and from Jinichi. Letting me die would be easier and it would get you out of the contract easily." You say
"You're smart for a woman. I kept you alive because I wanted to be the one to kill you. I can't let you go to the grave without having won a fight against you, simple as that." He shrugs
You should've known it was something as petty as that. Of course, Naoya only cared about his ego.
"So is this my death sentence then?" You ask warily
"Sure. After you it'll be Megumi and then Maki and Mai. I can't have any competition for the clan head. I'm the sole heir." He says
"Yeah those 15-year-olds, they pose a big threat, huh?" You laugh and pick up the training staff that rests on the stand of weapons
"Shut up." He says
"So are we using techniques? Or just hand to hand like when we were kids?" You ask
"Both. I want to beat you at your best. Besides we already know I'm physically bigger than you. I don't want to cheat my way to victory."He says
"Right. You're a Special grade one right? Last time I checked that means I still rank higher than you." You smile
"Do you ever stop running your mouth?" Naoya groans
"No, I in fact quite enjoy hearing the sound of my own voice."
You're taunting him and he's falling for it like he always does. It sucks you never got married, the fights would've been legendary!
Naoya makes the first move, and like always he swings right for your head.
"So predictable." You huff and easily jump back.
The medicine that was clogging your brain has worn off and you feel better than ever. Perhaps it was that strange soup the attendants had fed you as you drifted in and out of consciousness waiting for Naoya to return from his murder mission.
"Head of the Hei, and I can still read your every move." You say
"Shut up!" Naoya yells and stomps his foot like a small child
"I don't think I will." You say
Perhaps you should start with four duplicates. One to hold each of Naoya's limbs.
"Activating your technique so early? Are you scared?" He asks as he swings at you again
"Nah, I'm interested in wrapping this up quickly. I wanna go see Megumi, make sure you're telling the truth." You say
"You leave me and the higher-ups will have you killed. Can you truly win against Yuta Okkotsu?' He asks
"Probably not. I don't mind dying though, just as long as it's not by your hands." You say honestly.
A loud bell interrupts Naoya before he can speak again.
"The alarm?" You ask dropping the staff
"What the hell is going on?" Naoya asks looking at you for an answer
"You seriously think I'd use a cheap distraction to beat you?" You roll your eyes
"You've become quite the conniving bitch over the years, I wouldn't put it past you." He snaps "Come, let's see what's going on."
"I'm not a dog, Naoya." You scold
He doesn't reply as you walk next to him, interested to see why the alarms would be ringing, Has Megumi come to challenge Naoya? Was he seriously that stupid?
You're nearly mowed over by Ranta, another member of the Hei as he turns a corner.
"Master Naoya! Its Maki! She's gone mad!" Ranta says "She killed Master Ogi!"
Maki killed her father? What the hell was she doing? More importantly, how did she do it?
"She killed Ogi..."Naoya asks slowly
"The Kukuru are off to confront her," Ranka says
"Good. Bring her to me when they get her." Naoya says, cooly
"She's a kid, Naoya." You say, "Ogi must've provoked her if she went after him."
"I won't let your student run around murdering members of the clan. You can either hold your tongue like a woman should or die with her. I've already been lenient with you, even now you're standing next to me like you're my equal. Don't forget what you are." Naoya says
You think of Satoru, Megumi, and Tsumiki...was it worth it trying to resist Naoya for your own pride?
"Fine. But once Maki is here I expect you to talk to her, not just cut her down right away." You say
"It's a deal," Naoya says
Loud shouts are coming from across the estate, none of them sound promising as Naoya paces in anger.
"Where the hell is Jinichi and Ranka? They should have grabbed her by now." Naoya says
You follow him towards where Maki is supposed to be. For once you listen to his three-step rule, after all, being behind a person is the best way to get the drop on them.
Your eyes widen when you see what is taking place, Maki has cut down all of the Kakuru and she holds Jinichi's head in one hand, a cursed tool in the other. Ranka is there as well, blind from who knows what.
A smile streches arocss your face when you see what she's doing. How she's doing it, you're not sure but right now she's fulfilling everything you saw in her all those years ago.
You have potential to be amazing,
Looks like you were right. Maki's moving at a speed that rivals most special grades as she cuts through the last of the Kakuru and sets her sights on Ranka.
"Looks like my student won't be dying today." You laugh as you quickly deliver a kick to Naoya's back.
"What do you think you're doing? You're a member of this clan. Go down there and stop her, special grade!" He says pointing at Maki.
"Nah, Don't want to." You say
"You'll become an exile then." Naoya seethes "And just when I was beginning to think you weren't so bad."
"You talk a lot." You point out and activate your technique, "Think you can beat me and Maki?"
Naoya seems slower than usual or maybe he was just slow in general as your four duplicates grabbed him on all sides.
"Maki?" You call to the girl who readys a finishing blow
Naoya lets out a loud call, he reminds you of an animal who know's its trapped.
And then suddenly a blade is in his hands and he cuts through your unsuspecting duplicates.
"I hate sorcerers who only rely on blades." He declares " I'll be beating the two of you without this."
You watch as he discards the once-hidden weapon. Naoya easily closes in on Maki and sends her flying with a good punch. Ah, so that wasn't his top speed.
"You. I can't believe you're betraying your entire bloodline for a teenager." He says
"Believe it. I don't feel any allegiance to the Zenin. Why should I? I haven't felt welcome in the clan since you came back from that training when we were 14." You say blocking the punch he sends your way
"You're still upset about that? What a stupid woman you are. Fawning over the past." He berates and slaps your arm to activate his technique.
Dammit, his technique was so annoying.
He easily kicks you through a wall or two and you stand up, your duplicates are back running behind him, ready for an attack.
"Looks like this is our final act then, Naoya." You say
"Let's make it a good one, then." He grins
He's a blur as he sends a barrage of punches to you. Your duplicates take some of them and melt away as you think of a way to stop him. You can hear Maki fighting again, the rest of the Kakuru must have come after her.
"You're weak. I don't know why I wasn't able to beat you before." He says when he finally stops
You're out of breath and bloody from his well-timed hits. He targeted the spot where your stitches had just been removed and the blood was flowing from it again, staining the concrete of the walls the two of you had broken through.
" I'm not the weak little boy you used to beat up on the training ground anymore. Too bad my dear old daddy is dead. He spent a lot of time comparing me to you when I was young, Made me sick listening to it all." He says
"Yet you spent how many years by my side?" You laugh, ouch that hurts your stomach
"It wasn't voluntary." He dismisses
"You're a piece of shit, Naoya, I didn't know you were a liar though." You say "I know you didn't mind being around me when we were kids."
"You spend too much time mourning for the past." He says
You were right. That's all you need to know as you let more duplicates out. Naoya is nothing but a kid who views you as a rival. Perhaps that's all it ever was, maybe you were wrong for thinking he was a friend all those years ago. Oh well, it doesn't matter now.
None of it ever has.
You smile as your duplicate grabs Naoya from behind, pinning his arms against his back. Another grasps his legs and you get ready to finish him for good.
"No." Naoya orders, his technique doesn't work on the new duplicates since they weren't active when he slapped your arm earlier, "Stop it, now."
"Why should I? You're nothing to me. After all, you just said you didn't want to spend time with me. Why should I want to spend any more time around you after that confession?" You ask
"We have history. You don't want to let it go. You're sentimental." He says
He's trying to weasel his way out of this, he must be scared of death.
"You're right, I am sentimental. Just not for you." You say, "Getting rid of you means getting rid of everything I've hated for so many years."
A discarded knife sits on the ground. It's not a cursed tool, just a normal kitchen knife and it'll do just fine.
Naoya lets out a string of pleas and struggles against your two duplicates. He even calls your name for the first time in years. Not whore or bitch, or even woman. He's scared and he's calling to your humanity with your name.
Too bad for him though. he doesn't matter to you anymore.
You ignore his words and pour your cursed energy into your duplicates, strengthening them both tenfold.
"I'll see you in hell, Naoya." You sweetly say into his ear
There's a slick slicing sound and warm blood pours onto your hand and down your arm as you slowly slit his throat.
You release your technique and your duplicates are gone. Without them, he collapses and claws at the wound.
You watch as Naoya Zenin, your wonderful fiance, drowns in his own blood, clawing at his throat like an animal. His last words are a gurgle of unintelligible sounds. A smile is tugging at your lips as his hand reaches for your ankle, his blood smearing across your skin.
What a wonderful sight. You can taste the freedom already.
I didn't really spend too much time editing this one. If you saw a typo, no you didn't.
More to come! Comment to be tagged!
@laviefantasie @kiya-things @dann-acalle @bakedpotato12 @pweewee @lysaray @midnightwriter21 @exprimidordefresas @ariiiii0938
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bigfatbimbo · 4 days
Hello, my dear~!
Also, I, uh, I didn't realize I had fans now, hi dearies! 👋👋
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I've been really hooked on a variety of doms/scenarios for the vees with their collective dom + wanting to combine several ideas into one, like:
Influencer/Content Creator Dom
* Perv!Vox would definitely and quite literally buy second hand things. His obsession will be x5 worse because he knows he has to share them, but at the same time, he does get A LOT of content to jack off to.
* Just a silly little scenario that I imagine, what if the reason that cunt!vox was born because he saw the dick imprint (strap/real/packer/etc.) on influencer!dom during in an interview and thought, " I want that in me in ways that I cannot explain," and made his cunt in literally a week LMAO
I would also like to introduce the idea of Perv!Velvette to the scene because I bet Velvette shows most of how she feels through clothes.
* I feel as though she would show her admiration through some some... special... ways, like see through fabric, clothes that barely cover anything, skin-tight pants/shirts, you know? THOSE things.
* Just imagine their dom being a dancer, she'd fucking INSIST that she'd be their designer. Imagine Velvette's face when she sees them perform in this flowy, semi-see through blouse with matching pants? Imagine how her she reacts when catches those peeks of skin underneath the clothes that SHE made.
* She'd be literally behind the camera of every single photoshoot, just watching them pose in her designs. God forbid that you don't take her with you, she'll blow a nerve.
Celebrity dom
I am desperate for the scenario of the vees fangirling over a celebrity, and literally acting like idiots tripping over themselves just for a autograph or selfie with their celeb crush.
I'm aware of the dom that plays musical instruments from a post that you wrote (and I loved, btw) and I wanted to add some variations to it:
* Masked DJ Dom (the face reveal is gonna be lit fam 💥🔥 Vox's already glitching, I can feel it)
* Cover Singer Dom (singing songs from Vox's and Val's era anyone?? Dom!Reader covering Careless Whisper and Val literally throwing and ripping his clothes off once he hears them singing???)
* Pop Idol Dom (imagine them commenting under posts that you should do your next concert in pride ring, amongst other... things... if you know what I mean. Also the amount of merch that they have? Both custom and mass-produced? Would have any sane person cry from how much money was thrown.)
Last but certainly not the least, the one that I drool over the most, Mafia Boss Dom. This combines everything that I could ever want for Sub!Vees. Powerful? Yes, Influential? Yes? Built? Yes. This goes so well with Vox and Val (aesthetic + time period of gangsters), and Velvette (aesthetic + the pull of scary dog privileges)
(Don't imagine human!vox having a mafia leader for a partner that helps with his televangelist power and image. Don't imagine human!vox being televangelist by day, and slutty housewife by night. DEFINITELY don't imagine human!vox getting dizzyingly aroused by how taboo/humiliating it is to get railed by his strong partner)
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Thank you bigfatbimbo (you really did start my ask/ramble journey when I saw that you matched my freak 🔥), and all, for liking my rambles. Really appreciate it! 🥺❤️
Might drop some sub!Val and Vees with their dom exploration next time! Lowkey kinda wanted to start another blog just so maybe I can start writing fics, and reblogging additional info from my previous asks 👀😅
Lots of love, everyone!
- 🍆 anon
oh my god, PENIS ANON, YOU ANSWERED THE CALL, LETS FUCKING GO! Also, just touching on your last note here, if you started a blog I would cream my pants, and honestly you already have fans soooo 🤷‍♀️
Also, DEAR GOD, let me unpack the things I was really fucking with here, because it was a lot.
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Pervy!Velvette? I don’t know how I haven’t considered this… I mean, she would so try to act like she had more self control than Vox and Val (she does) but when it comes to you?
And a famous reader absolutely helps with that, i’ll stay on that topic because I might actually want to expand this on a different post, but you will receive the skimpiest clothing to wear on stage, during an interview, etc. But I also think she’d be so slick about it, see you couldn’t see it in the mirror of your dimly lit dressing room, but when the light hits that shirt just right: Titty city. Completely see-through!
Alright, I know this one was probably just an off handed thought, but with the musician reader singing cover songs from the Vees time periods... you guys do not understand how much I think about this. Your Song by Elton John for Val (He definitely fucks with Elton John), watch him light up, probably slide some of his clothes away, make himself look far more arousing for when you come back stage. Honestly, I think he’d be actually giddy, not just turned on, like you know the happy face he makes while he was dancing with Vox in episode eight?
And for Vox, singing like I’m in the Mood for Love (Julie London) or god forbid ‘Why Don’t You Do Right’ (Peggy Lee), that last one would genuinely give him a boner if you play it up right. You know that Jessica Rabbit scene in the club? Yeah 😊. I mean, if you do go with the first one, he’d probably just fall the fuck in love to be honest. OH, you guys DO NOT wanna know what ‘Way of Life’ by Frank Sinatra would do to this man. HE’D FUCKING DIE.
And… mafia boss reader. KILL ME. FUCK. THAT’S GOOD SHIT????? Imagine Velvette or Val sitting on your lap while you shoot someone in your office, and like… que intense makeout sesh?
See… the little note at the bottom about human Vox. That is genuinely such a good idea. Cult leader and Mafia Boss? Maybe someone’s onto the weird aspects of Vox’s business, well he can always call on his good friend the feared mafia leader to take care of business. What a perfect alliance.
Do you guys understand how DESPERATE the power struggle would be the first time you two fucked, like your both incredibly powerful people, and Vox being a wealthy white bitch-ass man from the 1950s, there’s obviously a complex when it comes to control. Like I think he’d still be a brat when he’s blind with pleasure. But despite his utter reluctance to give into a submissive role, he knows what he’s doing. Waiting in your office room with two glasses of wine laid out. Only to ‘discuss business’ of course. Maybe deep down he knows what he’s doing.
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
The Way of the Househusband: Lookism and HTF hc
You, the working spouse. Them, trying to be the best malewife.
(Making up for my Eli crap).
Throws money at the problem
Look. They did not work their lil bussy off to build up an empire then to spend it all day looking after the household. You will be employing help around the house, that is non-negotiable.
Expect a half burnt, hand made lunch most days though. It's the thought that counts, you tell yourself as you swallow down a lump of charcoal.
+ Eugene
+ Goo Kim
This idiot. Tries his best until he gets bored. And he gets bored very easily.
Half mopped kitchen, half made bed. Everything he does is done well until he just. Nah. Cannot be bothered anymore.
Good job you have a routine cleaning service and whatever other help you need as he takes instead the title of trophy husband.
Greets you coming home like an overexcited puppy. Lord bless him with some other social groups and hobbies so he doesn't rely completely on you for all his interaction needs.
+ Samuel Seo
If our Sammy isn't in therapy already, then get him in. Starve if you have to, just get him on his journey.
There is no way this man would be happy just being a househusband with his inferiority complex, slight delusions of grandeur and ambition.
When he eventually comes to terms with it, will always have little side projects going on to keep his inferiority/superiority at bay.
Likely one of those bastards that power trips from heading up some sort of Househusband/housewife social group, PTA, or on the board of a charity (he's in it for the power, not the cause) in his spare time.
Natural born homemaker
Natural may be a stretch for some of these boys.
Whether by choice or as a victim of circumstance, they have had to pick up very quickly how to be completely self sufficient. So stepping into house husband role? Easy!
+ Jace Park, Warren Chae, Jibeom Kwak, Daniel Park, Hudson Ahn, Baek Seongjun
+ Eli Jang
Oh my god. There is nothing that he loves more than being a househusband.
Never in his wildest dreams thought he would end up in this position.
Creating a loving home for you and Yenna, being the caretaker and provider. By far the best and most favourite role he has undertaken.
Joins in on the gossip at the school gates, with the other parents fawning over him. Melting hearts when Yenna toddles out and gives her dad a smooch.
Makes the absolute bento lunch bar none. Wakes up at the crack of dawn, practically leaping out of bed to make something delicious, healthy and cute for you and Yenna.
+ Johan Seong
Clueless vibes but that is absolutely wrong.
With his mother and leaving home from a young age, he has absolutely had to be self-sufficient.
In addition to taking care of two dogs too, this guy knows how to run a household and how to run it with 100% efficiency.
Knows the best time to visit the market for the freshest meat and veg to cook dinner. Also will visit 10+ stores to make sure he gets the best deal for his money. It's a matter of pride.
+ Ji Yeonwoo
Never had to really lift a finger around the home, instead dedicating all his time to studying. Vibes that his father also thinks housework is woman's work.
But not this guy! Whatever you need, he will make sure he fulfils it to the best of his abilities.
Study scheduling skills carry over to running the household. Runs an extremely tight ship, and meticulously plans everything. You want a doctor appointment? Dentist? Plumber. He is ON it.
In between sessions of Kyokushin Karate training of course.
+ Han Wangguk
Um hello? Does this even need explaining? It just fits.
Forced into being the carer and head of the household from a young age after his home life completely went to shit. Looked after Gyeoul to the best of his ability until he couldn't. Tried to be the best big bro/father figure since his stint in juvie.
Absolutely perfect as a househusband. Nothing to fault.
Will spoil you too. Small gifts he has come across that reminds him of you - a snack you like from the store, booking movie tickets for a lil date night together, a book he thinks you'd be interested in.
Clueless idiot tries their best
It's a 50/50 chance whether you will have a home and a husband to return to at the end of a day. It's also a 50/50 chance whether your home made lunch will give you food poisoning.
Sure, it's gotten better the longer they've been at it, but you're still wary. Especially since they have also gotten better at hiding any messes they cause too.
You can never stay mad though, especially when they get so cute when they're frustrated at having failed you as a househusband. Which is complete nonsense, by the way.
+ Vin Jin, Jihan Kwak, Jay Hong
+ Vasco Tabasco
How can this category exist without our resident cinnamon roll?
Fortunately for him, Jace has added himself onto Vasco's speed dial. Unfortunately for Jace, he gets 20+ calls and frantic messages a day asking how to get things done.
Nonsense includes asking how to revert the clothes after accidentally dying them pink. Can he put out a frying pan oil fire with water. How burnt can something be before someone will likely get food poisoning.
It gets better over time. Lucky for you and lucky for Jace.
COMPLETE househusband Tatsu vibes. Everyone is terrified of Vasco, intimidated by his thuggish looks and tattoos. (Until they find out he is the biggest sweetheart and himbo ever.)
+ Ryuhei Kuroda
Relishes being a househusband! Like a silly little roleplay and doesn't get tired of it. After, all it took him so long to find someone that keeps the interest of Ryuhei and lil Ryuhei.
A shameless flirt with the ajummas and all the other housewives. Getting the best gossip, the best offers and deals, best tips.
Unfortunately, his attention span is short. Listens with good intentions, then starts daydreaming about when you get home and how he will ravish you.
In the end, he falls short in some aspects of being a househusband, but will make it up to you in the bedroom.
Bulldozes their way forward until they are Househusband Extraordinaire
You cannot fault them for their effort.
Initially a struggle at first for them to come to terms with being a househusband. Look at this list for crying out loud. Consisting of killers and fighters and crime bosses.
But if they commit, they're going to give it all. Their tenacity means they will absolutely get things done. Every time they fail, they will keep trying over and over again. Whether that's to make you happy or for their own pride, they will keep going until it is perfected.
+ Xiaolong, Zack Lee, Xiaolong, Sinu Han, Seong Taehoon, Kim Munseong
+ Gun Park
There is nothing Gun Park cannot do if he sets his mind to it. That includes whatever the hell is his life right now.
Which he doesn't mind, per se. It's just... unexpected.
And he never thought there would ever be anything in his life that matches the thrill of fighting to the death.
But getting the pick of fresh fruit and veg when he's first at the farmer's market? Beating some old ajumma (almost literally) to grab the best head of lettuce? Unveiling your dinner like he used to with his masterpiece?
Ok. It's not bad. He'll still sneak off to beat up minors when he has spare time though.
+ DG/James Lee
Drops the K-pop persona pretty damn quick, reverting back to James Lee.
Because can you imagine how little he would be able to get done if people saw DG around trying to run errands?
But honestly. Look at him. This man, like Gun, does not have a domestic bone in his body.
He's not a genius for nothing though.
Dishwasher? Washing machine? Tumble dryer? How to iron in the most efficient way? He will work it out, don't worry.
+ Jake Kim
Anything, anything to make you happy.
As the Big Deal no.1, worrying about the street running smoothly is only his problem in so far as the protecting, the fighting, the money.
Clothes used to just turn up washed and ironed. Would live on a diet of ramen or just eating at one of the restaurants.
Jake is not initially cut out for being a househusband... But he learns quickly.
Eagerly gets to any household chores and errands with gusto. Sometimes even recruiting the Big Deal boys to help out when things get a little too hectic and out of hand.
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coeurify · 1 year
hand stitched. | ellie williams
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pairing & word count: ellie williams x gn!reader (use of word housewife tho.) wc: 1.6k
description: this is basically a drabble based on this concept. sewing your inital into ellies jeans. also refrence to thst one gossip girl blair sleeve scene.
warnings & tags: none except tooth rotting fluff and shitty sleepy writing. forgive me not proof read.
It had started as a joke. An innocent one at that. Just a small way of having yourself a laugh when you caught sight of your girlfriend during a cold winter day in Jackson. A way to see the wind bitten rosy cheeks of Ellie’s only redden more when you would point it out.
You had gotten almost that, only much better.
The idea came to you with a thread needle between your nimble fingers, working on closing a hole that had ripped open on Ellie’s favorite jean pocket.
The auburn haired girl wouldn’t admit it.. but she had eaten shit on the way home from a particularly muddy patrol with Jesse and fucked them up. Jesse had mumbled that to you as they handed over the horses you had to get to the community stable. It had made you laugh so hard you fell against Shimmer when your girlfriend handed her over, your toes curling in your boots with the humor imagining the sight. You shooed Ellie’s curious glares off, promising it was just some awful dad joke Jesse had made.
Later that night she handed you her ruined jeans, all puppy eyed as she asked you to patch them up. Her apparent reason for the rips were getting through a few too many crawl spaces that snagged the denim.
What a loving girlfriend you were, not calling bullshit and instead letting your girlfriend find her way to bed as you washed the dirty jeans. A glass of wine from a bottle you had found in sheer luck on a supply run last summer sat beside you as you had stitched together the now dried and cleaned fabric. The sweet wine sat low in your belly that whole night, causing a slower fix to the denim and a hazier stream of thoughts.
You did most of Ellie’s laundry, you remember thinking. Honestly, you did most of her chores. You didn’t exactly mind the little housewife act, it made you feel wanted and loved in a domestic sort of way.. watching Ellie leave the house with the cookie you made her between her teeth.. jacket you cleaned hung on her shoulders. That thought process had brought your wine drunk actions to other places.
Places like ending up with a cracked lip pulled between your teeth, a little red string threading through the right side of one of the pockets of Ellie’s jeans, stitching the little shape of your initial into it. lt was just a joke, one you didn't tell Ellie about the neck morning when she pressed obnoxiously loud kisses to your blushed cheeks as a thank you for fixing the jeans, watching as she hopped around to pull them over her figure and shove her converses on and out the door.
You didn’t see her until much later, during a walk through the main street of Jackson. You had been tasked with carrying supplies from the gate to the make-shift kitchen down the street. With hands full of old cans and eggs from a chicken coop outside Jackson, you had caught sight of Ellie for the first time that day. Her head was turned back to scowl at Jesse, who had been laughing at something he obviously did not key Ellie into. You had an idea about what, which was confirmed when Jesse shook his head and pointed to her jeans.
“You their bitch or somethin, Williams?” Jesse had snickered as you stepped closer— a cheeky grin on your lips when the man met your eyes.
The whole ordeal was a good laugh for all of you, well.. for Jesse and you. Watching as Ellie turned around in a circle like a dumb dog chasing its own tail to see what he meant. “What are you even talking about, dick?” Ellie huffed, only stopping when she saw you. “Babe is there somethin’ on my pants?”
You had bit your lip so hard to stop your laugh that it actually hurt, a red mark left in its wake when the lip fell out of your mouth. Your finger that wasn't busy holding supplies poked her ass where the small letter of your name was, still intact after Ellie’s day. “Put my initial on your pocket, guess everyone but you noticed,” you admitted.
It went just like you thought, your too easy to embarrass girlfriend flushing like she just pressed her face into one of the icy snow piles next to your feet, freckles even more pronounced as her nose crinkled.
But what you didn’t expect was the smile that tugged at her lips, embarrassed and enamored all at the same time. “Oh- oh, cute,” was what Ellie said before telling you to get back to your work, obviously too embarrassed to get into it in front of the mutual friend.
When she walked away, Jesse shoved her shoulder and repeated profanities about you owning her. Ellie just hiked up the jacket she wore slightly, showing off the pretty red thread. The sight made something soft inside your chest grow, butterflies trapped inside your tummy and spouting out your mouth with an airy giggle. You had walked back to the kitchen a little more skippy that day— many residents asking what had you all perky.
After that it became a little routine. Ellie asked a favor of you to fix some of her clothes or wash them.. another pair of jeans ended up with your neatly stitched letter on the pocket. On a rare occasion you had even left a pretty pink version of your initial on the sleeve of one of her flannels. That one was also done drunk, just on something a little stronger than the pink colored wine.
When you saw the pink poking out from the blue fabric bunched around her elbow the next morning.. she had missed her shift by about an hour due to your shower of kisses and hugs, giggling against her ear as you proclaimed she, “had your heart on her sleeve.”
It made your heart swell in your chest that she wore them so proudly. The ice in Jackson melted away a little more each time she wore you around town with her, and you liked to think it was all from your own duing, the warmth in your chest heating the place you called home too.
Ellie cherished the small momento, even if it was a bit embarrassing everytime Dina heckled her for it, or Joel whistled in that old man way she hated when he heard Jesse make a remark about it. She likes the way everyone knew what the different color letters on her pockets meant. Likes when she takes them off at night and can run her finger over the bumps of the string while her legs sit on the bed, your body pressed behind her.
“Sorry I did it again, it’s just too cute els,” you always mumbled, causing her to shrug and press a kiss to your cheek, promising she didn’t mind.
You couldn’t help but watch Ellie from behind to catch a glimpse of the stitch during the days she dawned one of the branded jeans. Your heart skipped a beat whenever her fucked up converse pressed her onto her tippy toes to grab something from a shelf or push up through a window when a door was locked, letting her shirt ride up enough to see your handiwork.
Maybe it was embarrassing to admit the way your stomach turned over and over in a small uncomfortable rhythm when Ellie was focused on taking down a clicker that jumped at her, scrambling back to stand after wiping a bloodied hand across her shirt. She looked at you, equating the glazed over look to the dead infected at her feet, and not the way the red thread had been perfectly on display when Ellie was leaned over.
When she was crouched down to look at a map or something— stretching the fabric of her jeans against her body, your eyes always fell to that one little spot, pressing a cold hand to your cheek to cease the ache there.
When she lounged against the bar in town, it wasn’t only your eyes that fell to the small stitch. It always made your skin prick with confidence.
Ellie would often come home at night all dirty and sore, kicking her shoes off and swearing about a horde of runners or group of violent passer throughs. Her auburn hair was always messy and whipping around her angry face as she hastily pushed it away. You always helped her out of her clothes, admiring how the patch was always still there as you shoved it into the hamper of clothes you needed to clean. No matter what shit the clothes had been through, your little letter was always still there, pristine and glowing.
Maybe there was some metaphor in there, one that would make Ellie scoff and roll her eyes if you ever said, turning her head to hide the smile it would bring to her face. Somewhere in a deep, cheesier pocket of your brain it whispered something about the threads being a testament to the two of you. Never worn down by any storm, any fight. The one thing in a sea of ripped and ruined fabric still standing.
You had scribbled something along those lines down in a little notebook tucked away in your closet, a memory for only your heart when you were missing Ellie extra bad during a long trip. One look at the words, one memory about how you were walking with her even miles away, even when you were sitting on the bed you shared with Ellie and she was somewhere completely else, pressing her way through groups of infected. You were still with her.
Ellie never stopped wearing those pants, and you never stopped finding new places to hide the sign of your commitment to each other with a small threading needle and a string.
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fatallyfalling · 6 months
Strawberry Wine ~ 𖤓
“ safe & sound “
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{{ Peeta Mellark Headcanons }}
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warnings: mentions of alcohol, canon Hunger Games violence/trauma, wholesome fluff, etc.
{{ word count }} 487
{{ prompt }} fluffy headcanons for our beloved bread boy !!
{{ a/n }} this is short & sweet while i test out Peeta’s character! I’m not sure what i exactly want to write with him since i’ve adored everlark for forever but for now please enjoy my silly happy thoughts! Some of these i’ve heard around the internet i think but i can’t remember where :[
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Peeta Mellark, the ashy blonde from District 12 who stole the hearts of the Capital with his charms and sweet, boyish nature while also managing to tame a stubborn Mockingjay - Katniss Everdeen, and poured out his heart and soul to get back to her any way he could.
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- Peeta is a morning person. He'll get up early and have breakfast ready by the time Katniss pulls out of bed (she learns to sleep in post-rebellion).
- His favorite type of bread/pastry is croissants. The tedious labor of laminating the cold butter block into the fluffy dough is cathartic in a way.
- Once, he tried to teach Katniss to paint. Once. Her attempt at trees looked more like crazy brown and green spiders but he still kissed her temple and had the painting framed, much to the girl on fire's dismay.
- Peeta doesn't like hard liquor - he never did. Effie hooks him on a strawberry wine made special in what used to be District 11, he's gifted at least one bottle every birthday or holiday.
- He's such a housewife no questions asked, hands down. Hungry? He'll cook. Thirsty? Anything you want. This man has to be physically removed from the kitchen during friendly gatherings so he can actually relax and enjoy the company.
- Also, his Dad lore is insane.
(speaking to his kids when they're older) "Oh yeah, your Mom tried to kill me once. but it's okay I made it even the next year so we're good now."
"One time I almost got eaten by a monkey in a fight to the death."
"Another time I took a spontaneous road trip, got held hostage, and then led a rebellion to victory alongside your Mom."
- Peeta teaches himself guitar so he can play along while Katniss sings. His chords are wildly out of tune at first, but he gets it eventually.
- Peeta doesn't like store-bought bread, saying his homemade loaves taste better (they do).
- He's a hugger, every hello and goodbye is met by a bear hug. His hugs are amazing as well, nice and tight but also comforting and warm.
- For a while after the war Peeta kept a journal on his nightstand to record his dreams/nightmares. Even if the text turns out to be chicken scratch in the morning Katniss still helps him decipher and work through it to solidify reality.
“What does that say ?”
“Uh… I think… no - wait, I have no idea,”
- Effie and Peeta definitely have wine nights to talk about their scary guard dog partners and how much they love them.
- Speaking of paint - it’s everywhere, all the time, mainly his hands. Oil paint is next to impossible to clean so almost all of Peeta’s shirts have some amount of color speckled on the sleeves or the thighs of his pants.
- Peeta also keeps a cookie jar of homemade cookies in the kitchen, they’re replenished every week with regular flavor swaps.
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silassinclair · 2 months
Hello there! So this is my first time requesting since i just started following you. So let me tell you, your Yandere Wild West Outlaw got me absolutley smitten and obsessed! i love your writing so much!!
Anyway back to the main subject and on with the request.
What about Maddox with an EXTRA Sassy darling. Like, full of and fluent on sarcasm (the kind that makes you go: DAAAAMN). The darlin' has a sharp tongue and retorts for any kind of bad words might be thrown towards her (and maybe, way later in the relationship, towards Maddox too). From really polite f-u's to tge sthraightfoward ones, she can reply and roast anyone.
Oh and a bonus head cannon (a little something that came to mind) after reading about the wedding rings. I can totally imagine the darling going from questioning about where Maddox "buys" all the weird gifts to just becoming immune, later in the relationship. Let's say Maddox comes back (to the temporary) home with a very strange object, like A very expensive porcelain/china vase and the darling just goes: "oh thank you. Please put it on the table. I'll be done with the soup and then take care of it"
Yea anyway i'll stop rambling now.
Sorry for the bad english. It's not my first language and it is past midnight here.
Have a great day/night ✨
We love sassy girlboss Y/n’s here. Thank you for submitting this request anon!! Hope it is to your liking <3
Yandere Wild West Outlaw x Sassy Reader
CW// Y/n is a bully, Maddox gets his ego hurt, Maddox gets angry, Maddox is dumb
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Maddox immediately knew that you were a spitfire when he first had a conversation with you. You weren’t the typical damsel in distress who when captured by the evil outlaw you’re forced into submission.
Oh no. There’s not a drop of submission in your body.
Maddox thought you would be useful to have around. You’d be his own personal maid! Maybe even like a housewife. But no…
“Clean my laundry if ya’ wanna live to see anotha’ day.”
“Alright alright, calm your tits. What should I clean first? The shirt with sweat marinated into the fabric or the undies with shit stains?”
You’re a total pain in the ass. Whenever he tried to act cool or intimidating you’d immediately shoot it down with your words.
He hates it when you ruin his moment in front of other people.
He got really pissed after you made a jab at him in the middle of a duel.
“It’s just you an’ me boy. But we both know who’ll be standin’ by the end of this.”
“Hopefully it isn’t you.”
Punishes you by tying you up and leaving you outside for the night.
He ignores your complaints about coyotes or rattlesnakes. He needs you to shut your mouth and give him some peace.
After that night of punishment though he noticed how you wouldn’t really talk to him often.
“Go shine my boots. And I don’t wanna hear a single complaint outta ya’.”
Okaay so he fucked up.
The days drag on so slow without your quips and jabs! He never realized how funny the things you said are now that you’re gone.
Well you’re not gone, just more closed off now. But you may as well be gone. This isn’t like you at all to be so quiet and reclusive!
Maybe he was too rough in you? He did kill your Father and force you to be his housewife maid.
So doing what he does worst, he apologizes.
“Hey, ‘bout that one time I left ya’ outside. I realize that was silly of me cus ya’ coulda gotten eaten. So that was my bad.”
“So you’re sorry?”
He’s brushing Jasper’s fur, telling the horse how good he is. Cleaning Jasper is the only chore Maddox likes to do himself.
You’re sitting on a tree stump watching the man talk to his horse.
“You know Jasper’s a horse right?”
“Oh really? I thought he was a dog.”
The small smirk on your face after his little quip made Maddox feel like a million bucks.
That’s when he learned that he likes seeing you happy.
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After the “Marriage”: (Read about it Here)
“Uhm what’s all this?” You ask your unofficial husband.
He puts a brown sack down on the table. The sound of the contents inside clang together as he dumps it all out. A dozen chipped fine china plates come out.
“Is how we make our house a home sweetness. I hear housewives go crazy over fancy dishes n’ shit.”
Maddox stands there with a proud grin underneath his masked face. (He still hasn’t showed you his face yet btw.) He was like a dog showing his owner how good he is at retrieving sticks when playing fetch.
You look at him with an unimpressed quirk of your brow. “And where did you happen to come across such fine china may I ask?”
He shrugs and comes around the table to wrap his arms around you from behind.
“A buddy gave em to me.” His deep voice reverberates in your ear.
“Did you hold your so called buddy at gunpoint?”
“Would you be mad if I said yes?”
You groan and shakes your head back and forth. “Maddox you know you can’t just go around taking people’s stuff! Now the sheriff was probably alerted and is looking for you now. And why did you steal a bunch of plates!? Jasper can’t carry all this shit! We should only have what is necessary for survival you brute. Are you even listening to me!?”
But he only looks at you with lovesick eyes as you complain about how stupid he is.
“Princess did I ever tell you how sexy you are when you’re mad at me?” His hands go lower down your waist.
Rolling your eyes you smack his hands and leave his embrace, leaving him standing by himself like a kicked puppy.
“I have a meal to make so set the table with those plates you got. And no more stealing people’s things!”
“Yes ma’am.”
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I appreciate all the requests that come in!! But I just want to remind all of you about my rules and that I do NOT write Y/n as a specific race. My writing is for everybody to enjoy!! She’s race ambiguous. Many people request that I write a Black Y/n but I’m not black so I won’t be doing that. If I write for a specific race then I feel like I’d just be stereotyping what black people are supposed to act like. So please don’t ask me to write for a Y/n that is a specific race. Thank you.
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Reader being Pedro’s co-star (maybe along Bella in TLOU or if not in another show/film) and him basically taking her in after finding out she’s not being well taken care of in her home, so he becomes her surrogate dad
It's Gonna Be Okay (Pedro Pascal x Teen!Reader)
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Word Count: 5,091
A/N: I may have took this request and ran with it.... but uhhhh I hope this is somewhat what you least expected... enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of neglect and abuse.
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If it were up to you, you wouldn’t have taken up acting when you were younger. You were forced into it at a young age, it was so you could help pay bills because your father was on disability and your mother didn’t want to give up her position as a housewife. You eventually fell in love with acting, being able to just escape your life and family and just be someone completely different. 
You’d had been getting bigger roles now that you were older. At only age fourteen, you had gotten many roles in shows and movies. You were proud of yourself. Someone had to be. You were currently working on another film after just finished working on the Prospect, which starred Pedro Pascal as Ezra. You played Cee, a girl who is traveling planets with her father. This film you were starring in now was a small indie film, which had been something different than what you usually worked on. That didn’t mean that you didn’t like it, you liked the challenge. 
You walked into your trailer after shooting a couple of scenes. Your mom was on the phone with god only knows who. For the longest, you wished your relationship with your parents was better. You wished they could be proud of you and that maybe they did this because they wanted a better life for you. But that wasn’t the case, they were only thinking for themselves. 
Your mom hung up the phone, “your father and I were thinking about buying a new house.” 
“We just bought a house,” you stated as you began to undress from your wardrobe for your character and into some regular clothes. 
“Well, I think we could use something new. Plus with the money you made from your previous role, we can afford it?” 
You let out a deep sigh, “but that’s my money, shouldn’t I have a say?” 
“Your money? Sweetie, it’s our money.” 
“I was the one who did all the work, my name is on the checks!” 
“Don’t raise your voice at me, you know the money goes to an account that has me and your father as the trustees.” You couldn’t take it anymore. You’ve taken it for years and years, them using you to get money and you knew eventually you would be left with nothing. 
“It’s my money, that money is supposed to be left untouched.” 
Your mom let out a deep breath, “Well, it’s the least you could do for all we do for you.” 
“All you do for me? What? Sit around and not do anything!?”
She began to rub her temples, “sometimes I wish I never had you,” she spat. 
“If you hate me so much then why did you ever have me?” You asked, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
“We had you because we thought you could fix us!” 
“So what I’m just some kid you have when your marriage is falling apart? So if that doesn’t work you can blame the kid? You were better off getting a dog!” 
“Maybe we were better getting a dog! At least the dog would listen and be more appreciative! And you know what? You shouldn’t even be talking to me like that, I am your mother!” 
“Barely! I only see you when it’s convenient! All I am to you is an ATM!” 
“You are so ungrateful, you have no idea what we do so you could be some superstar!” 
“You didn’t do shit! I did this! I walked myself to auditions! I took the bus to film locations! I did it!” You yelled, allowing yourself to finally yell out everything you had been holding back. 
“Fuck this,” she said as she walked away to grab her bag. 
“I’m not going home,” you said. 
“Ni te quiero ahi de todos modos,” (I don’t want you there anyway) she hissed as she walked out of the trailer. You didn’t know where you could go if you couldn’t go home. If you could even call that place home. 
You felt the warm tears make their way down your cheeks, and you were quick to wipe them away, “I don’t need them,” you said to yourself. You grabbed your backpack of essentials, you usually carried it around because it was stuff you needed for before and after shoots and now it was convenient because you couldn’t go home. 
When you walked out of your trailer, almost everyone had gone home for the night. Most of the shooting took place in Los Angeles which was where more than half the cast and crew lived. The others rented places to live in until the end of the shoot. 
You didn’t know where to go, but your feet seemed to lead you the way to the bus stop. It was almost like you were on autopilot to the only place you knew you’d welcomed. 
Once you had gotten on the bus, you noticed dark clouds beginning to cover the sunset sky. Usually, you would be happy to see that it was about to rain, but since you were stuck in a bus and would eventually have to walk the rest of the way to your destination, you were feeling the opposite to see the clouds. 
You had ridden the bus for a good twenty minutes, this was one of the routes you got to know over the past couple of months since filming. You’d ride the bus for twenty minutes and then walk the rest of the way, which was another twenty minutes. 
It only sprinkled during the walk to your destination. But it didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. The whole walk to the neighborhood, you couldn’t help but wonder what life could have been if maybe your parents actually cared. What will life become if this continued? You couldn’t handle the way they treated you as if you were just an employee, you yearned for that feeling of being loved by your parents. 
You couldn’t quite remember when exactly it started, you thought it could’ve been when your dad got injured at work, but even then you felt it was before that. You admit, that the words your mother said hurt. You were only created to fix their marriage and even that couldn’t fix it because it was obvious to everyone that it was falling apart day by day. 
Once you had gotten to the neighborhood, you were glad that they didn’t live in a gated community or else this walk would’ve been for nothing. You ran the rest of the way to the house, running up the steps, and knocking on the door. 
You stood in silence for a few seconds until the door opened, “Y/N? What are you doing here?” Pedro asked in shock, “Mija, you’re all soaked, get in.” Pedro pulled you into the house, before running off to grab you a towel. 
“I’m sorry, I should’ve called,” you began to say. 
He chuckled, “Yeah, I could’ve gotten you a ride.” 
That was true, but part of you just wanted to be left alone. “Sorry,” you said again. 
Pedro wrapped the towel around you, “Take your shoes off, make yourself at home.” You never understood that phrase, maybe because you never knew what a home should feel like. You cleared your throat as you took your shoes off, placing them by the door. You followed Pedro into the living room, “You came just in time, I was gonna start a movie marathon…” Pedro looked over at you standing by the couch. “Pues, mija sit down.” 
“I don’t want to ruin the couch,” you gestured to your wet clothes. Pedro could care less if you got his couch a little wet, but he probably thought you felt uncomfortable in wet clothes. 
“Hold on,” he said as he ran up to one of the rooms. He came down a few minutes later, “I remembered one of my little cousins left some of their clothes here the last time they came to visit. These pajama pants should fit and I have one of my old Fleetwood mac tees here.” He handed you the clothes, giving you a grin. 
“Thanks,” you said with a smile. 
“You know where the bathroom is,” he gestured towards the hallway. This wasn’t your first time in Pedro’s house, in fact, you came over to his house pretty often. Since being in the Prospect together, you have developed a strong bond with Pedro. You still hung out with him whenever he was in town and you even went to visit him in New York a few times. This house has become like a home to you, a true home. One in which you could actually be yourself, when you came here you never wanted to go to the one where your parents were. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t as surprised to see you, just more surprised you didn’t call him. You quickly changed in the bathroom, and when you walked back out to the living room, Pedro had microwaved some popcorn. He pats the spot next to him for you to sit down. 
You rolled your eyes and sat down beside him, “What are we watching?” 
“I’ll tell you if you tell me what’s going on,” he asked in a serious tone. 
You sighed, “don’t want to talk about it.” 
“Do your parents know you're here?” 
“All they know is that I’m not home and they’re happy with that,” you picked up some popcorn and began eating. 
“Now why would you say that?” At this point he turned the T.V. off, giving you his full attention. 
“My mom and I got into this big argument,” you said, hoping he would drop it and you could just go back to ignoring the situation. 
“About?” But part of you knew he wasn’t going to just drop it. Pedro was a good listener and for some reason, he had done more for you in the little time he has known you, than your parents ever have. 
“Money,” you began, not even trying to hold it in anymore, maybe he could help you do something about it. “They’ve been spending everything I’ve earned like it’s no tomorrow and now I’m scared that that’s all they care about.” 
“What?” Pedro sat up, “They can’t do that, it’s your money,” he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he knew he had to be somewhat illegal. 
“I know,” You sighed, “but they're my parents” 
“Mija, they signed a contract. Only a certain percentage of that money goes to an account that they could spend for you, the rest has to go to a savings account for you.” 
“It’s all in one account,” you responded. “I don’t know what to do, I’m too young to get emancipated, and even then… I have no other family I can stay with.” 
Pedro got up, he knew he had to talk to someone about this, maybe one of the directors or even your manager. He just knew this wasn’t right. He grabbed his phone from the counter, Pedro hesitated for a second, what was he doing? The choices he made right now could change your life either for the better or for the worse. 
He went into his contacts, tapping on his phone a few times before pressing it to his ear, “Pedro?” You called out, walking in the direction he went. “What are you doing?” You asked as soon as you saw him. 
Before he could respond to you, someone had picked up, “Hello?” 
“Chris,” he began, your eyes widen, you couldn’t believe he had called your manager, you had forgotten that they had been good friends. “It’s Pedro.” 
“Pedro, what are you doing?” 
Pedro didn’t respond to you again, “Pedro, what’s up?” 
“Any chance you can come by my place? Y/N is here and we have something to talk to you about.” 
“Um, yeah, I can be there in like thirty minutes, sound good?” 
“Yeah, see you then,” Pedro hung up the phone, looking over at you, “It’s  gonna be okay.” 
“How do you know that?” 
He sighed, “because I’ll be there to help you, okay? You’re not alone, Y/N. Do you trust me?” You didn’t trust a lot of people, but Pedro was one of the few you did trust. He had shown you that you could trust him time and time again. You gave him a small nod. He smiled softly at you, “you hungry?” 
“I don’t think I can eat at a time like this,” you said nervously. Pedro understood he didn’t think he could eat either, but he knew it was rude to not offer. 
When Chris arrived, Pedro did most of the talking. You sat on the couch, nodding every once in a while or talking when things needed more clarity. But for the most part, Pedro was your advocate and you were content that you didn’t have to deal with it. Chris was overwhelmed with the information he was given, but he knew what to do in these kinds of situations. 
“I can get you a lawyer,” he began, “but I’m letting you know now, it’s gonna get messy. We’ll have to find a family for you to stay with-” 
“I have no other family,” you confessed. 
“Well, they might have you-” 
“She can stay with me,” Pedro blurted out. “If she’s able to.” 
“It’s possible. We’d just have to provide evidence that temporary guardianship is needed in this case,” Chris stated. 
“I have evidence,” you began, “just do whatever is needed and I can provide the evidence.” 
Chris sighed, “alright. I’ll keep in touch and It’s probably best if Y/N goes home tonight.” 
“My mom told me not to come home.” 
Chris glanced at Pedro before looking at you, he didn’t know what to say, “then I guess you’ll stay with Pedro for the night.” He didn’t say anything else before leaving. 
“You think it’ll work?” you asked Pedro, he had sat down next to you once Chris had left. 
“I like to think it will,” he gave you a reassuring smile before pulling you to his side. 
“Did you really mean it?” you asked, receiving a confused look from Pedro. “When you said I could stay with you.” 
“Of course I meant it,” he said. “You’re like a daughter I’ve never had, in just a few months we’ve known each other you have brought me so much joy and I have to admit, seeing you shoot your scenes, makes me feel so proud.” 
You felt tears begin to well up in your eyes. Someone who didn’t even know you for your whole life was proud of you, more than your parents ever could be. “What’s wrong?” Pedro asked as he wiped away a tear off your cheek that had managed to escape. You shook your head, “Something has to be bothering you, muñeca, what is it?” 
You let out a shaky breath, “it’s just… I wish my parents could say that they’re proud of me. I wish they could at least act like they loved me.” 
“Oh, mija,” he cooed. 
“You know what my mom said to me today?” you sniffled, “she said that they only had me because they thought I would help make their marriage work. What kind of person says that to their own kid?” You let out a soft sob, “Do I even matter to them? To anyone?” 
Pedro held you tight, “you matter to me.” He placed a small kiss on your temple, “they may say all these awful things but you are here for a reason.” 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “Sure.” 
“I’m serious, Y/N. You’re like a daughter to me and I believe you were brought onto this earth to shine some joy into my life,” he gave you a reassuring smile. “Okay?” You gave him a nod, “Now let’s watch our movie marathon, we’ll worry about everything else tomorrow.” 
You laid your head on Pedro’s lap, watching as the opening credits began to play on the screen, but you couldn’t help but wonder if everything was going to be okay. When you woke up that morning you didn’t imagine this was how you were going to end your day, but then again, no one ever really imagines how they would really end their day. 
You wondered if you’d need to move out and if so, how would everyone take it? Did that really matter? No, it didn’t. You know Pedro said he’d take you in, but would he be true to his word? You couldn’t help but think about all these intrusive thoughts, all you wanted to do was watch the damn movie, but your mind was so loud. 
The next day came and no word from Chris. You went back onto the set, your mother was there too. You played your best role yet, the obedient daughter. You sat and listened to your mother as she lectured you for not coming home last night, even though she had told you not to. 
Days went by and only one call from Chris, he was working on it. That’s all he said. You visited Pedro a few times before he went back to New York. 
Then weeks went by and eventually you finished filming. You hated when you weren’t filming, it meant you had to go home and spend most of your time there. 
It wasn’t until a month after the whole talk with Chris was when your parents received the knock at the door. You were at the kitchen table when your mother answered the door, you could hear the shock in her voice when the gentleman said the four magical words, “You have been served.” 
Your head the door shut, and the smile on your face only lasted a few seconds before it was met with anxiety. You heard the sounds of the envelope being torn apart and then complete silence. You were beginning to regret everything that had just happened, maybe it was just all a big mistake. Suing your parents was a big deal, accusing them of stealing was another big deal. 
You heard footsteps inching closer to where you sat. Then silence. You looked up at your mother standing at the doorway, It was at that moment you knew that it was probably best that she was served the papers when you weren’t there. Because up until that moment, you had thought that all your mother would do was mentally and verbally abuse you, or steal from you. 
“You bitch,” she spat as she threw the papers onto the table, “after everything we did for you!” She smacked her hand across your face, your hand instantly touching the spot she had slapped. “This is how you repay us!?” 
You felt tears well up in your eyes, you got up from your seat to leave but your mother quickly blocked your way, “move.” 
“This is how you repay us?” She asked again. You remained silent, not daring to look at her. It was all quick, her hand on your throat pushing you against the wall, “I’m asking you a question!” Her grip was strong, you scratched at her hand, hoping that it would pain her enough to let go. 
It felt like you were against the wall for minutes. Her phone began to ring, allowing you to break free. You fell to your knees as you attempted to catch your breath. “Leave,” she began. “No te quiero ver en esta casa nunca mas, no me importa donde vas.” ( I don’t want to see you in this house anymore, I don’t care where you go) You remained silent as you got up from the floor, “Me oiste?” You didn’t say anything again as you grabbed your phone from the kitchen table. “I asked you a question!” 
“Yes! I fucking heard you!” You yelled. 
Your reflexes weren’t quick, maybe it was because you were still trying to recover from being choked, or maybe it was because your nerves were everywhere. You weren’t quick enough to dodge your mother's fist, and you stumbled back. Quickly covering your eye, you groaned as you felt it throbbing. 
Your mother shook her hand, “Leave before I do something I’ll regret.” 
“You’re fourteen years too late for that,” you muttered. 
“Eres una disgracia, no eres mi hija. Quiero que todos que sepan que no tengo hija.” (You’re a disgace, not a daughter. I want everyone to know I don’t have a daughter) she muttered as you walked out of the room. You walked into your bedroom, and quickly looked at the damage to your eye, it didn’t look too bad but you knew it would bruise, not to mention the red marks on your neck. You couldn’t worry about it right now, you had to pack what was important and the essentials. As looked around your room, you couldn’t think of anything you wanted to take, just things you needed. 
As you began to pack things, you decided to call Pedro, it had only rang a few times before he answered, “Hey, Y/N! I was just about to call you,” He began to say. “I was gonna surprise you, but I might as well just tell you, I’m in LA! I have an interview tonight an-” he had rambled on, but you had to interrupt, or else he wouldn’t have stopped. 
“I need you to pick me up,” you cut him off. 
Pedro went silent for a moment, “Everything okay?” 
“My mom just got served, Pedro.” 
“Shit,” he mumbled, “I was hoping they’d tell me before they did anything, that way…” Pedro hesitated, he didn’t want to think about what could have happened. “are you okay?” he asks instead. 
“Can you please pick me up?” You asked shakingly. 
“Of course, Mija, I’ll be there right away, okay?” He said. 
“Don’t hang up,” you pleaded. 
Pedro’s heart sank, he could hear how torn you were, “okay, I won’t hang up.” You could hear car keys jingling on the other side of the phone, “I’m gonna connect the Bluetooth to my car, okay?” 
“Okay,” you had zipped up the last of your stuff into one of your suitcases. 
Pedro stayed silent for a few seconds, “are you still there?” 
“I’m here,” you said. You began to make your way out of your room, and you spotted your mother still in the kitchen, phone pressed against her ear. You walked out of the house, without saying another word to her. You didn’t know how your father would react and you didn’t want to know. “I’m outside,” you said into the phone. 
“I’m only a few minutes away.” 
It felt more than a few minutes, it felt like hours. You stood at the driveway, anxious that you wouldn’t leave in time, you wanted to make sure you weren’t home when your father got there. 
“I’m down the street,” Pedro announced. 
You quickly spotted his car and you ended the call once he was close enough. Pedro parked at the curb, quickly getting out to help you put your stuff in the car. Before you could get in, he grabbed your arm, placing a hand on your face, “Mija,” he began as he noticed the marking on your neck and the swelling of your eye. “Did they do this to you?” 
“Let’s go,” you pleaded. He sighed, he knew you were anxious to get out of there. He glanced over at the house you had come out of as you got in the car, he closed the door for you before getting in the car. 
The car ride was silent, which was different. Usually, the car rides with Pedro were filled with music and laughter, but this time there was no music and no laughter. You stared out of the window for most of the ride. Once you got to the house, Pedro took your bags and you followed him inside. 
“I need to make a phone call,” He informed you as he walked into his office. 
You walked over to the window, looking out at the scenic view. Were you making a big mistake? Was he beginning to realize it? 
You did the right thing, right? 
You took charge of your life and you did the right thing, right? Even if it feels completely wrong and you feel so much guilt. Is it wrong to feel a little relief? Usually, relief meant a good thing, so did this mean it was a good thing?
You felt something on your shoulder, you jolted a bit at the sudden touch. 
“Sorry,” Pedro apologized. You calmed down when you realized it was him, “I was on the phone with Chris and the lawyer.” 
“What they say?” 
“Well, I told them what happened and the lawyer is attempting to get an emergency temporary custody agreement from the judge so you could stay with me. He said he’ll be coming over to take pictures for evidence, but for now…” He sighed, “are you okay?” you shook your head. You didn’t need to say anymore, Pedro pulled you in for an embrace and you allowed yourself to feel everything. 
For once you felt like you were able to feel everything without feeling guilty for doing so or even wrong to think such horrible things. But now that the truth has come to light, you were able to feel. 
In most cases, this process would have taken days, but somehow the lawyers your manager hired made the process go by fast. Within a couple of hours, Pedro received the call that he was able to get temporary custody, but that’s all it was. Temporary. Eventually, you would have to go to court and maybe end up in foster care, but you didn’t want to think about that now. 
“Let me see,” Pedro said softly as he joined you on the couch once again, he had been making some phone calls for the past twenty minutes. “Fuck,” he said softly, “They really hit you pretty well.” 
“It hurts,” you groaned. 
“I know,” he had a frozen pack of peas in his other hand, along with a small towel. He wrapped the bag of peas in the towel before gently placing it on your eye, “leave this on for twenty minutes, then rest it.” You gave him a nod as you took a hold of the bag of peas. “You want to talk about it?” 
You shook your head, “not really.” 
“That’s fine,” he said, trying not to push you into talking. 
But that’s the thing, you wanted to talk about it. You wanted to cry it out, you just didn’t want to feel like a burden, especially not to him. Not after all he has done for you so far. 
Tears began to well up in your eyes, Pedro quickly took notice, pulling you back into an embrace. “I thought that I would be happier,” you cried. “They’ve always treated me so terribly and now that they’re no longer a part of my life… I don’t get it.” Pedro rubbed your back, “Why does it hurt so much? Why does it feel like-” 
“Like you’ve lost your parents?” you nodded. 
“Even if they never acted like parents.” 
“I don’t know, grief is funny like that,” he said softly. “Some people don’t deserve to be parents, Y/N.” 
You took in a deep breath, “you know what she said when I left?” he hummed in response, “Quiero que todos se sepan que no tengo una hija.” Every girl needs a mother, you needed a mother, and you had one. You just didn’t have the one that was portrayed in movies or the ones that your friends had. And you were always envious of that. You wished you had a mother that truly loved you and took pride in being your mother. Maybe you didn’t understand, what it was like to be a mother, but you think you could. 
Because if you ever had a daughter, you knew you would love that person unconditionally without hesitation. So, why couldn’t she? 
Pedro couldn’t understand it because like you if he had a daughter or even a son. He would love them unconditionally, just like he had tried to do with you. Like he was doing with you. Right now there was a hurting child in his arms and all he could think to do was comfort them even if he was fighting everything inside him to go punch your parents. He knew what he had to do at that moment, he had to comfort you because you needed him. 
He kissed your temple, “She doesn’t deserve such a beautiful, intelligent, talented daughter like you and it hurts that she can’t see what I see.” He leaned back from the embrace, holding your head in his hands. “Just because someone shares your DNA doesn’t mean that they are family. If there is anything you have shown me in the time I’ve known you, it’s how to be a father to someone who isn’t even my own kid.” 
You gave him a small smile as he wiped away a tear from your cheek with his thumb, “from here on out, we’re in this together, mija, okay?” you nodded.
Yeah, you really couldn’t understand it, but you didn’t have to because DNA didn’t mean they were truly your family. If there was anyone who actually knew you like the back of your hand, it was the man that was sitting beside you. The man who took time to be there for you when they couldn’t. 
The man who knew what to say on your bad days and what not to say, who knew your favorite foods and knew your pet peeves, just like a father would. He knew what time you should go to bed for you to be not grumpy in the morning and he knew what subjects in school you needed help in the most. 
And he mostly knew all of this in a short period of time. He spent time with you and not because he needed to, but because he wanted to. It didn’t take him long to create a bond with you and it didn’t take you long to consider him like a father. 
“Okay,” you said softly. The pain would only be temporary, you knew that and you allowed yourself to feel it. You were still nervous about the outcome of the future, but you knew you had a small support system and that was all you needed.
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @Sophieelizabeth01  @tracysnook  @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r
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