#like how one of the characters stole some candy
pawnshopbleus · 6 months
𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬
abby anderson x fem!reader
summary - twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. or in simpler terms, abby licks your pussy like it's a candy cane.
contains - smut, oral, fluff, no outbreak, mentions of gay awakening, a sprinkle of overstim, not beta read
author's note - this is my wife (real)
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THE night started out really simple. You and Abby in matching pajamas cuddling on the couch. A small tartan blanket draped over the two of you as you watched the best Christmas movie in existence, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It was a classic Christmas movie and your favorite.
It got to the point where Cindy Lou Who interviews multiple people about the Grinch. Your eyes stay transfixed on the screen when Martha May Whovier comes on screen. She was the reason why you found out you liked women. At the ripe age of six, you felt a thrumming in your chest every time that woman came on screen. With her exquisite outfits and beautiful expressions, everything about her screamed lesbian awakening.
Abby was bored. She loved spending time with her wife, but they weren’t really spending time. You were fully focused on the movie and you weren’t focusing on her. After a long day at the office, all she wanted was for her wife to dote on her like she usually did.
Was Abby jealous? No, there was no way that Abby was jealous of a fictional character that subsequently led her wife to her. No way…
Okay so maybe Abby was a little jealous, but she loved you and wanted to be with you. If she could mend your two bodies together forever, she would.
Mend your bodies together…Now, that’s something she could do.
Abby started by kissing your cheek, watching as you melted into her embrace. Your focus wasn’t completely on her though. Your eyes were still glued onto the screen. Now, that just wouldn’t do. She took your chin in between her fingers and kissed you on the lips. The kiss was soft and warm, like the hot chocolate the two of you made earlier. She could still taste the faint chocolate flavor on your lips.
“Abby, what are you doing?” you whispered as you gently pulled away from the kiss.
She didn’t answer you. She simply asked, “want me to stop?”
You shook your head. You didn’t want her to stop in the first place. Her strong arms caged you under her. The couch wasn’t big enough for the two of you, which meant that Abby had to settle in between your legs. Abby looked down at you, causing soft blonde waves to form around you.
She pressed her lips against yours again, relishing in the way your lips felt against hers. You were her wife: so soft, so pretty, so perfect.
She trailed her lips along your cheek, down your neck, and settled on the fabric draped on your chest. The matching pajamas were cute, but they were obstructing the view of her beautiful wife, and that just would not do.
Sensing some hesitation, you begin to undo the buttons on the front of your pajamas. Abby watches as your fingers slowly move to unhook each button. Her eyes flick up to your face and she sees the small smirk painted on your lips.
She smiles softly at you, relishing in the fact that this was her life. After her father died, she gave up on all hopes of finding “the one” and focused on her work. Now, four years later, here she was. Looking down at the woman she loved while some Christmas movie was playing in the background.
You tossed your top to the side, leaving the top half of your body in nothing but a plain white bra. The fat of your boobs spilled out of your bra. Abby’s hands trailed along your collarbones, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Abby asked. No matter how eager you seemed right now, she always wanted to make sure that this is what you want. She needed you to know that even if you gave consent right now, you can always back out later on. “Yes,” you breathe.
Abby’s strong hands kneaded the fat of your boobs, slowly sliding your bra down your chest. Your boobs bounced out of your bra as Abby unhooked them. Your bra found its place on the floor next to your top that you had forgone earlier in the evening.
The cold December air filled the living room and caused a chill to run down your spine. The fire Abby lit earlier did nothing to warm you up. Abby’s fingers teased around your sensitive nipples already hard from the cool air. Abby’s mouth encased your nipple, the heat of her mouth causing you to arch your back. She switched from one to the other, giving each of your tits the same love.
Her hands were warm now, each of them trailing up and down the sides of your body. They traced the outlines of your body. One hand traced the expanse of your stomach all the way down to the waistband of your pants. Abby’s hand teased the skin of your hips. She traced shapes on them as she kissed her way down to the front of your pajama pants.
Abby looked up at you for a few seconds, giving you time to rethink your decision. You nodded your head, giving her the okay to do whatever she wanted to you. Tonight and every night, you were hers to love extensively.
With that, she shimmies your pajama pants down your legs. Her strong hands now caress the soft flesh of your thighs. She uses this opportunity to slowly part your legs, relishing in the fact that you're wearing red underwear. Simple and festive, but also sexy and tempting. Abby kisses the exposed skin on the inside of your thigh. Her fingers trace the waistband of your underwear, teasing you. It gets to the point where you’ve become impatient. You buck your hips, causing Abby to pull her head away. Her eyes narrowed at you as you smiled innocently at her.
“Stop being a brat,” she huffs.
You raise your brow, challenging her demand. “Stop teasing,” you reply.
Abby shakes her head in disbelief. She isn’t mad, she’s more amused at your defiance. She resumes her place at your center, this time taking off your underwear in one swift move. Now, you’re completely bare. The cold air does nothing to quell your shivers, but when Abby’s mouth finds its place on your sensitive clit all is forgotten.
She starts off slow, savoring the way you taste. No matter how many times she goes down on you, she’ll never get tired of your taste. It’s utterly feminine: soft, and warm. It almost tastes like home.
Abby traces circles along your clit with her tongue. She watches as your breathing becomes ragged, the way your chest rises and falls. You're so lost in the pleasure that you barely notice that Martha May is still on screen, this time she’s dressed in the Holiday Cheermeister outfit - your favorite. Abby’s eyes scan the rest of your body. The lights on the Christmas tree reflect off of your skin and create an ethereal glow around you. Once again, Abby can’t believe that you are real. In her eyes, you were a goddess: so beautiful, so brave, so confident. Her, a measly mortal unworthy of your love.
Back in reality, Abby’s index fingers teased your entrance. Already wet from her incessant lapping at your clit, your insides welcomed Abby with little protest. Abby stopped her lapping at your clit for you to completely feel her fingers inside of you. They brushed up against your G-spot, causing you to let out a silent moan.
Your hands found solace on your breasts, pinching and kneading them like they were dough. Abby continued pumping her fingers in and out while also tracing circles on your clit. You were close, you could feel it, and so could Abby. Your nostrils flared as you tried to hold it for as long as you could. You wanted this to last forever, but all good things come to an end.
Your entire body tensed as your pussy spasmed, releasing your juices everywhere. Abby’s fingers traced light circles around your clit, guiding you through your orgasm. Your hips twitched from overstimulation, and Abby slowly took her hand off your pussy.
Abby licked her fingers clean, tasting all of your essence. You watched as she did so. Her eyes closed in delight at the taste of you on her tongue.
Abby left you alone for a second, but only a second as she came back with a small piece of cloth and a water bottle. She made you drink the water as she cleaned you up. Your sensitive pussy was coated in your arousal. “Damn girl, you made a mess,” Abby smirked as she threw the piece of cloth on the floor. Speaking of, she helped you redress in your pajamas.
The two of you continued the night as planned. Both of you on the couch, blanket on top of you, and your favorite Christmas movie. You couldn’t have asked Santa for anything better.
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inbarfink · 9 months
Okay, so here is my Thought…
It’s already being established that the majority of worlds in the AT Multiverse are born from wishes granted by Prismo. I mean, we know there are other types of alternative universes (Like Flapjack’s universe) - but Prismo’s exposition implies they are the exceptions and not the rule. And we already know the Wish that birthed Farmworld, and we even got a Word of God about Babyworld (a Wish made by BMO) but… 
Was Winterworld also born from someone’s wish?
While first watching the episode, I was wondering if that was a universe born from Ice King’s wish to, like, make Princess Bubblegum madly in love with him or something. But after all of the reveals at the end of the episode and thinking about it a bit more - I feel like this is unlikely. 
I mean for once, there is the question of how the ‘One Wish Per Person' rule works with the existence of a multiverse. Because we know our Simon also tried using his Prismo Wish
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(And from their interactions in Episode 4 it seems like Prismo considers Ice King and Simon to be the same person, So a Wish made by Ice King would also count as the one Wish for Simon)
So like… if Ice King made a Wish with Prismo and then got teleported into Winterworld where his wish was granted and then like… a duplicate of him keeps going in Mainworld Ooo and that one’s actually the Simon we follow… would that Simon get his own Wish from Prismo? Or would the Winter King count as the separate Simon who didn’t waste his Wish yet? Finn has already used up his own Wish but his situation is kinda unique cause he, like, came back from being Farmworld Finn. I’m not sure about the rules here but I’m feeling like it shouldn’t work, Simon used up his one Wish failing to bring Betty back so that means he probably didn’t wish up Winterworld.
I don’t feel super-confident about that, but I feel a bit more sure of this next observation; Prismo says that the Wishes he grants, whatever he wants them to or not, always have some sort of a Monkey’s Paw or ironic twist thing going on. They never go quite right for the Wisher. And the Winter King was doing extremely well until our Free Radicals came along.
I mean… maybe the fact that Pre-Curse Simon would’ve been disgusted with the Winter King’s actions counts. Or maybe the implication is that with the Candy Queen’s recent ‘escalation’ he would’ve been killed sooner or later even without the Multiverse Trio’s intervention.
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But… compared to how throughly and how quickly Farmworld went badly for Finn specifically- that honestly feels like a stretch. I think that if Winterworld was born from the Wish of any character - it was most likely Marceline.
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She has all the motivation to Wish for Simon to have his memories and/or sanity back - and had it for the longest time out of all of his acquaintances. And if it was her Wish - then it sure as hell has gone extremely wrong for her. 
The woman that she loves has been doomed to the same torturous existence Simon has been trapped in alongside her entire kingdom. And Simon might have his sanity and identity again, but this vile man who willingly and knowingly condemned PB to a life of suffering in his stead is so much farther away from the kindly father figure Marceline remembers than Ice King the crazy old Wizard ever was.
And then he also stole Marceline's most beloved personal possessions and like… probably killed her and definitely replaced her with an icy duplicate who is forever the child he wants her to be. If this Wish is some sort of Ironic Monkey's Paw to anyone, I think Marceline makes the most sense. 
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(I will give an honorable mention to Betty, because she also very much has the motivation and it is kinda weird we haven’t seen her try and save Simon with a Prismo wish. But I think that while, like, dying in the Mushroom War unmourned and unremembered by the man you did all of this for is a pretty miserable fate.... I still think that Marceline’s narrative fits the idea of cruel irony a lot better)
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lowkeycasanova · 4 months
Valentine's Day- what he does for you
Characters: Monster Trio + Usopp and Law
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He assembled a gift basket. To someone else, it might have looked like he just grabbed a bunch of random items that he thinks you would like. But no. Each item he picked out held special significance, and he's picked up on things over your time together. See? He does listen.
His little basket predominately boasted an array of candy, but he did make a point to get those cookies you said you really like, along with some of your favorite fragrances and a plan to revisit Sabaody Park, a place you reminisced so fondly about. He vividly recalled your excitement as you spoke about the park. Bringing you back was a no-brainer for him; after all, he too wanted to relieve those moments.
Nami helped him make your gift look more presentable, but he'll never tell you that. Your face it up when he handed it to you, as did his. His smile was probably bigger than yours to be honest. He was so proud and he was happy that his efforts brought you joy. You weren't the type of person that needed anything extravagant. Your appreciation was geniune as you examined each item. You couldn't help notice the container of cookies. The sticker sealing it closed had been tampered with.
"Did you eat one?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know I get these all the time? I know how many are in here." You proceeded to count them. One, two, three...
"You ate three of them!"
Valentine's Day has swiftly become his second favorite holiday next to your birthday. Yes, he considers your birthday a holiday. You should have known he would be over the top on the actual day because his enthusiasm for the occasion mirrored that of a marriage proposal when he asked you to be his valentine.
With cooking being his main love language, he got up extra early this morning to prepare three meals and a dessert for the day. The effort was more than a gesture. He did it so that he would spend less time cooking throughout the day and savor every moment with you.
Your presence occupies his mind incessantly, the anticipation of being together heightened his excitement. The mere thought of spending this day together induces a joy in him that sends him into a fit of giggles and has him kicking his feet with the same exuberance of a teenage girl who has her first crush.
The aroma wafted through the air, and you found yourself drawm to the kitchen where Sanji, with his classic cigarette, was putting this finishing touches on breakfast. The table was set with meticulous detail and a bouquet of flowers took center stage. Ever the gentleman, he pulled out a chair and gestured for you to sit. His eyes never left yours, his unwavering gaze conveying a depth of emotion that words could scarcely convey.
When you told him you didn't want anything, he raised an eyebrow. Surely, this was a trap. It wasn't. You were being serious. You weren't big into Valentine's Day and you didn't want him to feel obligated to do or buy anything. He simply shrugged and said “okay”. When the day came around and you treated it like normal, he can admit he’s still puzzled by your lack of expectations. But decided to honor your wish nonetheless.
You two did a workout together on the deck of the Sunny like you normally did. The the crisp sea breeze provided a refreshing backdrop as you lifted heavy weights. Sweating side by side, the two of you engaged in a series of exercises. No words spoken as you simply basked in the comfort of each other's prescence.
Afterwards, Zoro suggested something out of the ordinary- a relaxing hot bath. The thought of indulging in a calming soak together appealed to him as a way to unwind after the physical exertion. You filled the tub as steam rose around. Zoro joined you, easing himself into the borderline hot water. With his arms wrapped around your waist and your back pressed to is chest, he stole glances at you, appreciating the way the water droplets clung to your bare skin. There was something a little more vulnerable about him this way. Despite telling him you didn’t want a gift, you could tell he was loving up on you a little more today. You'd be lying if you said you didn't love it.
He talks a big game leading up to the 14th. He doesn't mention any plans in detail to keep it a "surprise". With each mention of "It's gonna be awesome" and "You're gonna love it", it stirred a sense of excitement in you. But to be honest, he wants it to be that way. However, deep down, he grappled with the challenge of living up the expectations that he himself had set. While he reveled in the thrill of anticipation, the truth was that his imagination seemed to hit a roadblock when it came to the actual gift. He didn't want to succumb to the cliche arrangement of flowers, candy, and a card.
As the pressure mounted, his creative spark finally mounted. He would devise a plan that blended the cliche gift with his storytelling and touch of uniqueness. The morning of, you received a map illustrated with details that only he could conjure up. Nami helped him draw it, lets give her credit. The map led you on a journey through various locations on the island, each marked with a clue or riddle. You followed the trail, anticipation in each step, with the promise of an extaordinary surprise at the end.
The first stop revealed a bouquet of flowers carefully hidden behind a statue accompanied with a note that read, "A bloom as resilient as our adventures". The second clue guided you to a candy shop where he had arranged for a selection of your favorite sweets, each with a personalized touch. The final destination unfolded at a scenic spot overlooking the ocean, where he awaited with a heartfelt card expressing his love.
The metallic hum of machinery echoed through the corridors of the Polar Tang as Law moved about, seemingly engrossed in his daily tasks. As mid-morning approached, a subtle feeling of anxiety gnawed at you at his apparent oversight. Did he…forget? Was it wrong to assume that he’d do anything for today? You wanted to give him your gift by now, but it seems silly and kind of embarrassing given the fact that he hasn’t acknowledged anything yet.
Casually striking up a conversation, you probed him with careful questions, trying to discern any hints. His nonchalant demeanor remained. He responded with indifference, giving away nothing. Disappointed clouds your features as you observed his apparent obliviousness. Guilt tugged at him because not only did he feel terrible, but he was also wrestling with his own impatience. Behind closed doors, he was diligently crafting his gift. During the process of creating it, everything that seemed to go wrong, went wrong and it has taken him much longer to perfect it. The realization that he’s upset you weighed on him but he still wanted to keep it a surprise.
The hours ticked by and it was finally completed. Upon entering the bedroom later, your heart rate picks up at the sight of a small box on the comforter. You tentatively open it to reveal a handcrafted necklace that probably took him forever to make. In that same moment, Law silently appeared in the doorway before speaking. “I’ve been working on it for some time. I’m sorry I couldn’t get it to you earlier.” He says, confirming your thoughts. “It’s beautiful.” You breathe with tears forming in your eyes. You gave him and he steps closer, taking it gently from your hands, turning your back to him, and securing it around your neck.
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happy valentine’s day ♡
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1-800-local-slut · 4 months
My Crazy Wife and Kids
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Rio x Black! Fem! Reader
Warnings: bad parenting (not outrageous, they just don't know what their really doing), reader had a hard childhood, light child endangerment, arguing between reader and basically everyone, angst with a fluffy ending, the reader is Caribbean because I really understand the struggle of trying to understand Caribbean parents, mentions and allusions of smut, mentions of cancer, reader works as a pimp under Rio
Guess what's harder, raising three girls vs running a drug empire? Rio and his wife are the proud parents to three girls and struggle to raise them and change the way they were both raised
Please let me know if you enjoy, likes and reblogs are appreciated! Also I'm taking request for Rio and every character I write for, I wanna write more stuff for my baby daddy! <3
This is a long one lol
Important info: The oldest daughter is nine, the twins are seven
The car was silent. The twins sat beside their oldest sister, Valentina. Amancia and Alvita squirmed in their seats while Valentina stole glances at the front of the car. Her father, Rio, kept his hands gripped on the steering wheel and his eyes glued forward as he drove them home from church.
Their mother had their iPads sitting in her purse. She'd taken them as punishment the moment they got back in the car. It felt like riding to your doom, sitting in the car with two angry parents like hers.
The sun beaming outside did nothing to ease her nerves, and the thought of winding down the window and risking sending her mother into a lecture was not one she was willing to act on.
Don't get it twisted; the girls were by no means treated awfully by their parents. But when you have an old-world Caribbean mother who still 100% believed in spankings, there's no telling what you're in for after a day of acting up.
The more familiar the streets got, the more anxious she got. Sure, she was supposed to just go to the bathroom and take the twins with her. But how could she resist taking a little walk outside? And how could she resist going to the corner store?
When they got back with bunches of (stolen) candy and got caught by a deaconess, Amancia decided that was the best time to bust out that swear word she heard their mom call some lady on the phone.
Amancia called her a cunt, and Valentina could feel her ass start to throb from the spanking they were about to get. Alvita bit the deaconess the moment she tried to grab the three of them.
It was over then.
They were sitting in the driveway now, and Valentina realized that Alvita had snot running down her nose and her hair that their mom perfectly styled that morning, and Amancia was staring off into space as if she accepted her fate.
Her mother cleared her throat as daddy turned off the car. He let out a weary sigh and ran a ringed hand over his face. Her mom cleared her throat and turned back to look at them.
"Go take a shower. Valentina, you first."
"Why on God's green Earth did she call that woman a cunt? I don't know," his wife sighed as she wrapped the scarf around her hair.
"Because she heard you call that lady a cunt on the phone last month. I knew something was up; I saw her little ass twitching to use the word," Rio chuckled, opening the sheets for her to come into his arms.
"You think this is funny? I had to be the bad guy again," she asked as she crawled into his arms. The silk of their red sheets covered her, and the TV played Empire in the background. Rio reached over and turned off the bedside lamp. The large room was dark now and was only illuminated by the glow of Cookie Lyon beating her son with a broom.
"It's funny because that woman is a cunt. You know it, I know it, and Vita just said what we were thinking," he yelped, the pinch getting him hard.
"Yes, Sister Jefferson is a cunt. Our kids will respect authoritative figures." She was getting upset now. She shifted away from him slightly, and Rio didn't miss it. Rio wasn't sure what to say next, so he figured it was best to just agree.
"You're right."
"So why don't you act like it?" Silence.
"What do you want from me?" He asked after a moment.
"I want you to stop leaving me to punish our kids all alone. I know I pushed them from my pussy myself, but I didn't put them there alone. You just stood there like a fucking idiot while I dealt with them, and I'm sick of being the bad guy." During their confrontation with their three daughters and forcing them to call Sister Jefferson to apologize, Rio more or less stood there. In the past, she did ask him to not just be the fun parent, but sometimes it still slipped his mind.
"So you're mad I didn't yell at them? You're mad at me because I didn't chase them down with a stick or make them write out sentences 100 times? Don't piss me off." It wasn't that serious, was it? An annoyed huff was his answer.
"Yeah. The girls adore you, and I'm just the bitch who takes their shit and sends them to bed. Then you have the fucking audacity to say it was my fault she called that woman a cunt. What about you? You remember teaching our kids Spanish, yeah? So when you're going on and on swearing in a way that would kill your mother, you think they don't understand you. Come off it, you prick." She rolled even further from him now. He had a feeling she was pissed off earlier at dinner after she called the girls down and even after she tucked them all in.
"You wanna call me a prick louder, ma? Maybe Amancia will hear you and use that one next Sunday." It was a mistake, and he wanted to suck the words back into his throat. It was an intrusive thought that he didn't have time to stop from slipping out.
He could hear the craziness turning in her brain. He didn't just marry her for no reason; he married her because she could hold him down. And to hold Rio down, you have to be a bit crazy in your own right.
He was on the ground with a thud, and the TV was off.
"Did you just fucking push me?!"
She was silent now, the way he had been during the confrontation earlier.
"Hello? I know you hear me? Did you really just throw me onto the floor?" A pillow slammed into his chest, and he knew it meant he was not welcome back in this bed.
"So now we're just throwing each other off things, right?" More silence, as she pulled a pair of headphones onto her head, and he could hear the sound of the ocean bleeding through. Pulling an eye mask over her face, he just huffed and headed to the door.
The sun shone through the kitchen as she chopped up sausages to make breakfast. It was 5:30 now, and the girls would be up soon. Where her fucking idiot of a husband was, she didn't really care. How dare he! Leave her alone with the kids?
It had been a while (nine years) since her first pregnancy. He wasn't as useless back then. And she knows she was not alone in that bed making that baby. She didn't want to do things the way she did.
Yes, she struggled at times to show affection, but that wasn't her fault. She didn't have a mom to show her how to hug or any older sisters to teach her how to be a girl. She had to learn about femininity from watching the older girls around her shitty neighborhood. Hell, until she met Rio she wasn't even sure about having kids.
When they asked where grandma was, the last thing she wanted was to explain was that her mom killed four people in a gang fight and that she herself was born in jail before she was released to her grandma who was hardly around. That she spent one day every weekend driving to a prison to see her mom. That even as a grown adult, she still gets collect calls from her mother and her husband sends money for her books and does whatever her can for her in jail.
It wasn't entirely her choice to keep the girls from their grandma. Grandma expressed no desire for them to know that she sold her whole life to kill four people.
Growing up the way she did, why did everyone just expect her to be a model mother over night? Good at all the emotional shit that came with kids? She wasn't and it was fucked that her dickhead of a husband may as well be a totem pole the way he just stands there sometimes. Behind her the fridge opened. Speak of the devil she supposed. Still she ignored him.
Since she was a fuck up, since everything he said was bad for the girls then it was better she didn't speak to his dumbass at all.
"Good morning baby." After 13 years of marriage his voice still made her wet. Still she relented.
"How did you sleep? It wasn't the best for me, my back hurt and I had to sleep on the couch. You wanna rub it out for me baby?" He was testing her, testing the waters to see if she was still steamed. He was very close to getting slapped with a pan.
Nothing from her as she poured three cups of lemonade for the girls who she heard moving around upstairs. Returning to the stove, she started scraping the food into three plates. She felt his hands creep up her sides.
"Look. Look baby, I'm sorry. I know you're not the best with being affectionate with the girls and I know you struggle to figure out how to go about things with them. But I want you to know we're a team. I'm gonna start acting like it baby." His apology was smooth and deep in her ear. Still she could hear the honesty in his voice and tears bubbled up in her eyes.
The girls had a lot to do today. From Valentina's dance classes after school, the Amancia has a piano class and Alvita has science classes at her advanced tutoring company after school. And knowing she wouldn't have to be pissed off at her husband all day was a lot better.
"It's hard. I want to be closer to them so bad but I can't. I don't know how to be a good mom, or how to comfort them or teach them anything that isn't violence. All the books and youtube videos in the world can't teach you how to be a parent. I want to think I'm doing good so bad. I would fucking die for my girls. I would kill for them and end up in jail right next to my momma for them and I just can't seem to prove that to them. And it would be a lot easier to have someone for them to be angry at instead of me when they do something wrong." She sniffled, whipping tears from her eyes and turning into his chest.
He smelt so good. Like leather and the Dark Temptation body wash she picked up for him last time she went to Target and she made a mental note to buy it again. His strong arms wrapped around hers and he pressed a kiss to her scarfed head. One hand rubbed her back while she cried.
"Mama, the girls love you. You are a great mother. Just by being here you do more than so many people who up and run. They look up to you like you're the Sun. You're the only mom they have and I can see that they wanna be just like you. I'm sorry that I was being the fun parent. You know my entire life, I said I would be there for my kids for the good and the bad. And I've just been sitting back for the bad like my grandpa did. He left my grandma to struggle with me and Nick.
For a long ass time I thought my grandma was just hard on me for no reason. Now I know it's the stress of having to be with someone who's only there half the time and I'm sorry I put you through that."
When he mentioned his grandma his voice cracked. She pressed a soft kiss to his shirtless chest and she nodded against him, wrapping her arms around his smooth frame. She ran her fingers over a small scar on his back that he got when he was putting the cribs up for the twins.
"I'm sorry I pushed you off the bed." One of the girls was using the toilet, while the shower turned on again and it sounded like one of them (probably Amancia) was still in bed and she knew she'd have to get her up soon. A deep chuckle resonated through him and sent tingles through her entire body.
"It's alright, I'm sorry I was being a prick."
He stole a piece of sausage from the scrambled eggs and popped it into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed before giggling.
"Shhhh, Amancia might hear you." She teased, and he smirked down at her in response.
"Aw don't be pouty baby. You'll look so good in that tutu." Rio snickered, sipping from his wine glass and placing it back on their marble counter top. It was a mother daughter dance recital and she was less than thrilled to get this invitation. No actually. She was thrilled. She was thrilled to do something with her daughter, not with a fuck ton of people watching but she would never be ashamed to show off with her princess in front of the whole world.
Valentina was fidgeting around, doing little dance moves and dancing around with her little sisters. How could she say no to that? The woman would be prancing around on stage, matching pink tutu. She was married to a drug lord and helped run his empire with an iron fist. She wasn't used to being in the spot light and as ironic as it was.
"You don't have to do it if you don't want too."
The girls stopped playing. Valentina was standing in front of her mother who was sitting on a chair in front of their kitchen island. She looked like she felt bad for even asking and it put a knife in her heart. She realized then that she didn't hide her emotions as well as she hoped.
"No, no I want too! I was just thinking about how awful those other moms and daughters are gonna look dancing next to us. We're gonna eat them up, trust." Scooping up Valentina with a hug, she nibbled on her cheeks and kissed her silly. Her little princess squealed in delight and she twirled her around.
She needed a drink and a smoke. Rio chuckled as she pulled a cigarette out her pack and lit it. She stole a sip from his wine while she looked at the paper.
"Fuck, I can't make this rehearsal next week." She exhaled the smoke and Rio pushed the sliding door that led to the patio open next to her.
He slid into the seat next to her and heard the girls start up a round of Mario Kart. She rested a head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pushing an ashtray towards her.
"That's the first one. What do you have?"
"I have a mammogram, and I pushed this one back twice already." Rio always got nervous when she had to go to the doctor for any reason. Especially when it was a titty doctor as he liked to call them.
"Yeah thats important. I'm sure Val will understand."
"I feel awful. You know my grandma had breast cancer, and I'm sure I'm okay but I need to be sure. I want to be here for the girls as long as I can without my tits trying to kill me." Rio rubbed her shoulders. He stood up, now standing behind her and rubbing her shoulder blades.
"Don't worry about it ma. I'll go for you." He joked, nuzzling his face into her neck. Her phone rang on the counter and she saw it was one of her girls. Was it ironic that she handled sex work for her husband when she'd just die if one of their daughters was a hooker? Yes. It was also ironic that she was concerned about her tits killing her when she was in the middle of a cigarette.
"Mhm, sexy." She chuckled, running her hand over his crotch before turning around to face forward and. Her bit his bottom lip, brown eyes basically fucking her.
"Hello?" His hands slipped down her sides and up to her chest. Her breath hitched and her legs twitched.
"Go do something with the girls and stop groping me Christopher."
"Ouch." He laughed before kissing her neck once more and slipping out of the room.
"Why?" Rio glanced at his wife and back at Valentina.
"I don't want to go today." Valentina muttered while picking at the mac and cheese. Pulling her jacket on, she was preparing for the chill of approaching winter.
"What are we paying 400 dollars a month for then? I can't force you to enjoy it but you will go. Did something happen, is someone bothering you at those classes?" Rio questioned. His wife gave him a small glance as if to say 'thank you for stepping in'.
"Nothing happened at ballet. It was school." Valentina lightly kicked the bag with an engraved 'V' on it that they had custom made for her.
"People have bad days baby." Deep down he was worried. Oh God what if she got touched and didn't want to tell them and was running from ballet? What if she's being threatened with violence? What if she's been expelled and didn't want to say? That's just like Valentina not to tell them that. She mumbled something.
"Is someone bothering you? Is it a teacher? A student?" Rio asked putting down the rag he was using to wipe down the counter. Valentina looked down at the table. Now Rio was going to have to fight someones dad. Great, just what he needed.
"You can tell me whose bothering you or I can go down to that school and figure it out." Her mother, was now sitting next to Valentina and looking into her similarly brown eyes. They always looked so similar. Sometimes, when Rio looked at Valentina he felt like he was looking at baby pictures of his wife.
Then Rio noticed it. The small bruise on her arm. It was so small and the color of the bruise wasn't so bad that it was noticeable. Their kid got her ass kicked. He knew Valentina was always the more timid one of his kids, not like the fiery Alvita and calculating Amancia who never hesitated to strike (speaking off, he hoped they weren't fighting someone at after school right now) but he always thought she would never be in a fight. He didn't realize her timid nature would inspire someone's anger.
"V, did you get in a fight?" Tears filled her eyes and before he knew it his wife grabbed her car keys.
"It was Terra! It was Terra and I don't want to see her at ballet!" Terra. Of course it was that little cunt and her whore mom probably encouraged this. His wife has had beef with with Mrs. Lipston since last month at the last pool party they all got invited too by Mr. and Mrs. Kerian. Martha Lipston made her dislike of his wife's new swimsuit very well known to all the other moms.
She also made her approval of Rio's ability to open beers with his teeth very well known. Rio personally thinks Martha Lipston looks like a horror game monster with all her plastic surgery. She was just hating because his wife was fine as hell.
"Put your coat on and lets go." Her mom demanded. Rio glanced over, he knew where this was going. Because his mind was going there too, was actually thinking about planting drugs on Mr. Lipston and calling DCFS on them for child endangerment.
It was a whole family of assholes trust him, dude borrowed his fucking lawnmower and kept it for seven months. Who needs a lawnmower for seven months? He knew his shitty lawn wasn’t growing that fast. Rio refused to buy a new one and just let him keep it like his wife suggested.
Rio was really bugging out over his lawnmower too. He spent nights up, wondering what the hell he was doing with his lawnmower for so long. She’d wake up next to him, asking him if he was still worried about the damn thing? That lawnmower had emotional significance to him and he didn’t like it being gone for so long.
He insisted it was the principal and one morning Rio couldn’t see through the lawn and tripped on a rock. That was it for him, he had to beat down their front door as nicely as he could. Would you believe his lawnmower was broken? How do you break someone’s lawnmower? Why not just tell him that you broke his lawnmower? Rio had half a mind to take him to court over his lawnmower and almost did. That was the last time Rio tried to be neighborly to any of these people, it pushed him to give up on humanity itself.
"I don't want to go." Valentina sniffled and pushed her mac and cheese away.
"Some little white bitch isn't gonna beat the crap out of you, and you're not gonna do anything about it. No, you're going to smack the shit out of her and if her mom tries anything I'm slapping the implants out her chest." He could see the nerves from her. Deep down, his wife was doing this out of a place of fear.
Fear that her kids was gonna get hurt and next time hurt real bad. He remembers how they met too. It was high school, when she got into a fist fight with some girls who had been going back and forth with her and her friends for months.
When she got caught alone, she got knocked upside her head with a padlock and ended up with a mild concussion. He was in the nurses office because he was skipping class in there with a fake headache. When he heard about how she got hit but still held her own, he knew he needed some of that.
Even better was how a week later she hunted down each attacker and beat the snot out of them one by one. To her, the only way to be safe, was the be more dangerous then whatever was about to attack you.
"I'll get thrown out of ballet school mom, please just drop it." "
You'll go." She growled sternly and pulled her earrings from her ears She was ready for a fight but Rio could clearly see that his daughter was not. She must've been hit something fierce.
"I don't want to get kicked out!" Her tiny voice cracked and her mother stopped for a moment of hesitation.
"Enough. Just enough both of you. Valentina, your mother is doing this because she loves you. She wants that little girl to know she doesn't just walk all over you and get away with it. I'm not sorry to say in this house you don't get your ass beat that way and deliver no punishment.
You don't have to get her in class, but you will have to face her again. In school, ballet class or in the parking lot of your school. How you do it is up to you. Fight her, we can go to the school or whatever but don't take something like this laying down." Valentina looked down with a huff. He ran a hand over her small one and she glanced softly at it. Then he focused on his wife. She glanced down and was chewing on one of her nails.
"You know what I'm about to say. Our kid isn't a fighter like us and that's fine. We didn't fight because we wanted too, we fought because we had too every day. We had our share of people trying to whop our asses. You already know that we gave our girls a life where they don't have to fight every day. That's okay. That's what we wanted. You don't gotta force our girls into a life they don't want the way that happened to you. Okay?" She nodded, and looked guilty. Like she felt guilty about her fear of something happening to her little girl.
Rio glanced at the clock, and at this point they were late to ballet. The clock ticked away. Nails scratched away at the counter and Rio waited for one of them to say something. Valentina broke the silence.
"I want to get back at her. But I can't stop thinking about the consequences. What if she tells on me? Or I get kicked out of ballet?"
"So what if she does? If someone hits you, you hit them back. I promise we will not be mad at you no matter what you do baby." Valentina silently nodded.
"I'll get her tomorrow morning in math." Valentina's mother ran her hands through her daughters braids and pulled her into a hug. Rio couldn't fight the smile that spread across his lips. He would count this as a win in the dad book.
"Okay. Do whatever you have to do for you. And keep your head up no matter what."
An understanding from the mother who always felt she knew best for her kids. Some fight put into their daughter. An ass whopping tomorrow morning. Maybe they weren't the best parents yet, but at least they were getting somewhere.
Tag List:
If you'd like to be added to my Rio taglist please lmk in the comments <3
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shslbunnylover · 8 months
★★★𝙎𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝'𝙨 𝙝𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙨 (𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮 31: 𝘾𝙤𝙨𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮)★★★
Character: Melissa Schemmenti
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1 @marvels--slut
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Dom/sub dynamics, breast and slight nipple play, clitoral stimulation, eating out, swearing,
Genre: Smut
A/n: Have a Happy Halloween everyone! Thanks for all the support on my first kinktober!! Also no we will not talk about the current state of my hands-
Word count: 3.0k
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"What has gotten into all of you guys?" You exclaimed, dropping the pencil that you had been using to teach the kids that day's art lesson.
The kids were off the walls, and you could hear the kids from the other classes all across the school, you were so incredibly confused about what had suddenly happened.
You were good at keeping them well behaved, they truly did respect you...well...as much as a student can respect a new teacher.
The screams and squeals of the kids in your classroom were ear-piercing, leaving you to cover your ears as you tried to figure out what had gotten the kids all riled up.
Quickly running over to a group of kids, you noticed a bunch of candy wrappers all around the desks, making you stop in your place.
"Oh, crap..." You muttered, opening the door to your classroom to see if you could get some help, only to be bombarded by a bunch of kids, knocking you off your feet.
You flinched as you stumbled backward, only to be caught by a pair of red-gloved hands.
"You okay, hon?" Melissa asked with a concerned look, occasionally glancing over at the kids who were now running around everywhere.
You nod, incredibly flustered at the fact that her boobs were so close to your face thanks to the nature of her scarlet witch costume.
"Yeah...T-Thanks Melissa..." You muttered, looking down at your Ai Hoshino costume with a nervous smile as you stood up, blushing even more as you felt the redhead's protective arm wrap around your waist to keep you from falling again.
"No problem," She replied finally letting you go once all the kids had poured out into the entrance hallway.
You quickly ran over to the rest of your teacher friends, your skirt bouncing up and down the more you ran, leaving Melissa to get a slight view of your ass, leaving her blushing softly as she walked up to the group.
"What the hell is happening?" Ava exclaimed, looking at all the kids with wide eyes.
"They got into the candy! That's what happened!" Mr. Johnson exclaimed, walking over to the group of you. "Little miss witch over here was too absorbed in that damn phone, the kids stole the candy!"
"Alleged phone, alleged candy!" Ashley defended herself as Melissa shot a glare in her direction.
"Oh my god Ashley you dumbass..." You cursed, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you looked over at Melissa, who quickly wrapped her arm around you once again, leaving Ava to raise an eyebrow.
"Look there is no way we can teach the kids while they're like this!" Barbara exclaimed, dodging another running kid.
"I agree with Barb," Melissa replied, "But how are we going to get these kids to be in one place at the same time where they can get their energy out?"
"Yeah, it's raining out so they can't go outside," Jacob added before Ava spoke up.
"Hey! Little gremlins!" Ava exclaimed, "Free recess in the gym!!"
All of the kids stopped in their tracks, running quickly over to the gym, leaving the nine of you to follow suit and strip them of the candy so they wouldn't get even more riled up.
As you and the older redhead patted down your first batch of the sugar-crazed students, you looked over at her, still unsure about how to do it properly.
"Mel?" You ask meekly, nervous about asking her. "C-Could you help?"
"Of course hon," She replied, taking your hands in hers as she guided you, leaving you a blushing mess.
"Ah...Thank you, Mel..." You mumbled, looking off to the side as you could feel the dampness in between your thighs increasing.
"Alright, I think that's the last of them," Melissa sighed in relief, looking at you as she pushed the kid into the gym, sliding the candy into a pile with her foot.
"Now what are we going to do with all this candy?" You asked,
"Oh! I have a human si- I mean...A safe bigger than a breadbox in my classroom," The redhead replied, side-eyeing the camera and blushing as you giggled endearingly at her slip-up.
"Girl, can I use that? I've been looking for a safe place to keep my other safes," Ava asked, brushing her cape off to the side.
Ignoring her question, Melissa spoke once again.
"Alright, Jacob, Barbara, Ava, and Y/n, come with me. Janine and Gregory, you stay here and make sure they don't escape,"
You all nod simultaneously, quickly making your way to Melissa's classroom.
"Say, where did Ashley go?" You pondered out loud, continuing to walk quickly to not waste any time.
"She left after you guys began patting down the kids for the candy, apparently she doesn't do well in stressful environments," One of the cameramen who was following your group replied.
"She apparently doesn't do well with anything," You and Melissa retorted simultaneously, causing you to tilt your head away to hide your now flaming-red cheeks.
"I'll stay with Ava," You added, watching as Ava grabbed a dodgeball before throwing at a kid.
"You sure hon?" Melissa questioned, trying to hide her obvious soft spot for you to the best of her abilities.
You nodded, looking away from her costume as you felt all of the moisture from your mouth fall to your core at the mere sight of her large breasts being caged in that tight red costume.
"Alright, we'll see you later," Barbara nodded, waving to the two of you as the group left to go find baby Thanos.
You stood in the gym for a while, out of breath as sweat poured down your face, internally cursing yourself out for thinking that you could handle playing dodgeball with a bunch of sugar-hyped kids.
You thought it was a good idea at the time, but it wasn't.
"Ava!" You exclaimed, shooting your leg up in the air as you saw a dodgeball hurling straight at her head, causing the ball to hit the ceiling before falling into your hand. "Pay attention! We can't tire these kids out if you get knocked out!" You groaned, throwing the ball quickly at one of the kids.
"Whatever!" Ava replied, throwing another ball as she looked at you, then back at the students, noticing them starting to become tuckered out. "I'm pretty sure we've already done it!"
Watching the last kid finally tire himself out, you took a sigh of relief.
"Finally, you mumbled, fiddling with your dress as you took another deep breath, turning around when you heard the voices of your teachers returning.
"Hey- Oh dear, what happened to your faces?" Barbara asked worriedly, noticing Ava's lack of an eye contact and smudged makeup, along with your lack of a wig.
"I did my job is what happened to my face," Ava replied, bouncing the dodgeball onto the ground before it returned to her hands once more.
Melissa quickly walked over to you, taking your chin in her left hand in concern, making you dart away to avoid her gaze yet again.
"Hon? Are you okay?" She asked, the position she had you in leaving you incredibly flustered as she continued to worry over you.
"Mhm..." You mumbled, still slightly tired from the running, but mainly just flustered.
"Did you guys find baby Thanos?" Ava asked,
"No, we came back to see if he retreated here," Janine shook her head.
"Excuse me? Adults?"
Still keeping a hand on your chin and waist, Melissa turned around to face one of the students, who had brought baby Thanos back into the gym.
"Chad! You found baby Thanos! How!?" Janine exclaimed, grabbing the candy thief by his shoulder so he wouldn't leave.
"I just followed the trash," Chad replied, smiling at his amazing impression of Mr. Johnson.
You chuckled softly, making Melissa turn around to face you once more, leaving you to look away the moment her beautiful green eyes made contact with yours.
Raising an eyebrow, Melissa pulled you in, whispering in a slightly husky yet incredibly seductive voice.
"My class. After school. Don't be late," She muttered, watching with amusement as your cheeks flared up with blush.
"So? Wanna tell me why those pretty little cheeks of yours have been so red today? Or maybe about how you haven't been able to look at me for more than a second?" Melissa smirked, shutting the door behind you, chuckling as she gazed upon you leaning on her desk, your pink tights highlighting your beautiful legs.
You shake your head, not wanting to even think about glancing at her beautiful costume that accentuated her beautiful curves.
"My cheeks have not been red," You tried to protest, a squeak from your lips cutting you off as the redhead walked over to you and placed her hands under your thighs.
"Are you sure about that? Because I think...just maybe...that my costume has something to do with it~" She teased, leaning into you so it was almost unavoidable to see her breasts and perfect cleavage.
"I-I-!" You mewled in surprise, beginning to apologize almost immediately. "I apologize! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable! You just looked so pretty!" You confessed, looking the older woman in the eyes as yours filled with worried tears.
"Oh, princess...You're so cute when you're all flustered," The redhead commented, brushing off your apology as if she didn't care about how flustered you had become over her costume.
Shaking slightly, your hand wrapped around her wrist, your other hand pulling her body onto yours as the two of you began to make out, your lips intertwining in a perfect embrace.
When you finally separated your mouths, your lips tasting that of each other as you both licked them clean, tasting the other once more.
"Fuck hon... You're good at that, you know?" Melissa smirked before kissing you once again, her hand falling to your breasts, pulling slightly at your clothed nipple to hear any sort of sexual sound released from your perfect lips.
You could only whine in response, a tiny gasp escaping your lips as the feeling of your dress being unzipped slightly left a single gust of cold air to brush over your back.
"Is this okay?" The older woman asked, pulling her expression from a more teasing and slyer one to a more considerate and loving one, even though her speech before was still filled with love and adoration for you.
You nodded, your mouth only allowing for you to release a needy whimper as you watched your dress pool at your waste, throwing your head back as Melissa pressed her lips against your nipple and swirled her tongue over the nub.
"Mmmm~ Fuck...Melissa..." You moaned, covering your mouth slightly with your hand as she continued to pleasure you on top of the desk, holding your hand down with hers so you both could remain in this position.
Her mouth continued to pleasure your breast, making you moan viciously as she nibbled at the sensitive tip of your tit.
"Your tits taste so good," Melissa hummed in contentment, looking up at you for consent before fully sliding off your dress, watching the pink fabric fall to your feet as she got down on her knees.
"Please...I need you inside of me," You whimpered, bucking your hips just a little bit as you felt the redhead sink her head between your thighs, slowly licking strides onto your dampened sex before beginning to toy with your clit.
The feeling made your head fall back, your hand tucking itself into her hair as you moaned.
"M-Melissa...Please...Please let me touch you," You whimpered, not wanting to be the only one receiving pleasure.
"Don't worry hon, we can take care of that later~" The redhead chuckled before sliding her tongue inside of you, your legs shaking at the sudden new feeling.
You were overwhelmed with the pleasure of the penetration. Her tongue was highly skilled, even with her lack of being with a woman in at least a whole decade, and she seemed to know all the right spots and rhythms to make you see stars. Her fingers stroked your clit with more pressure now, making you shake and moan uncontrollably. it was almost too much. You wanted to scream, but you could only produce lewd little whimpers and mewls that only made the wetness in Melissa's underwear increase.
With her free hand, she reached up and pressed softly on your nipples, punching the hardened nub in between her fingers. Between that, the punishing thrusts from her tongue, and the hot pressure on your clit, you couldn't hold the knot in your stomach together anymore.
"Please..." You begged her once again, your thighs clenching around her head as your legs rested on her back, your eyes fluttering shut as you began to feel your orgasm approaching your body like a tsunami.
Pulling her tongue away from your folds, Melissa looked up at you with passion and smugness as she began to speak, her fingers now working harder thanks to the more focus she had put on them.
"Already~?" Melissa asked teasingly, her smirk softening as she looked up at you, watching just how needy you truly were. "Then go ahead...cum for me," She smirked once again, placing her tongue back on your sensitive and heated core as she closed her eyes, working her magic once more.
The sensations overwhelmed you. The world went blank, and all you could feel was the warmth of your orgasm and Melissa's touch as she fucked you into pure submission.
Once you had been brought out of your blissed-out high, you looked down at Melissa, who was currently licking your thighs clean of cum before looking up to meet you.
"You liked that hm?" The redhead chuckled, standing up to dominate you in height as you were leaning down and back on the desk.
You nodded, smirking as you took a deep breath to fully retreat from your post-orgasm clarity.
"Yeah, one could say that tongue is one of your secret superpowers...wouldn't you say, Scarlet witch?" You teased, a soft blush scattering across your cheeks as you felt your body being pressed up against Melissa's once again.
"And I'd say you put on quite a performance...didn't you? Miss Hoshino?" Melissa smirked, looking at you with eyes of both love and lust. "Why don't you come back to my place, and we could have some dinner together?"
You nodded, kissing her on the lips once more.
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea~"
Let's just say you definitely wouldn't be able to do any trick or treating that night with the aftermath of your little dinner session.
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shiggybrainr0t · 27 days
you encounter a rude customer on your night shift at the convenience store.
a/n: just wanted to write something quickly !! this was inspired by all the times people obviously stole at my job and how often i let them get away with it because i do not get paid enough to care 🫶🏻 also shigaraki’s handwriting would look like a kindergartner’s and no you can’t argue. not edited.
It’s a stormy night the first time you see him.
Working 3rd shift at the convenience store down the block from your apartment meant you were going to see some dodgy characters every now and again. Tonight just happened to be one of those nights.
He looked like a drowned rat standing in the doorway. His hoodie was soaked through, which made it stick to his surprisingly toned torso. His long white hair was plastered to his face and neck, that were covered in itchy looking patches of dry skin and scars.
His eyes, a muted shade of red, narrowed your way as you propped on the counter lazily. With a huff, he completely ignored your muttered “welcome” and walked off towards the back coolers where you knew the energy drinks were displayed.
You shifted your eyes back to large windows at the front of the store and watched the rain hit the pavement outside for a little longer until something in the large round mirror placed specifically at the corner of the store caught your eye. The drowned rat was stealing.
And not very well. Honestly, you don’t even think he was trying to hide it. Various candy bars got stuffed into his hoodie pockets before he made his way back to the front where you were. He placed a single energy drink on the counter; its gaudy logo of a lightening bolt glaring at you in all its neon glory.
With a sigh, you scanned it before looking up at him. He already seemed to know what you were thinking, if the sneer on his face begging you to make a comment implied anything. In the split second you made eye contact with him, you decided that you really did not get paid enough to care if the cute but raggedy drowned rat stole some candy bars at one in the morning.
“That’ll be $4.24 sir.”
He seemed surprised. His facial expression smoothed out, and in place of the sneer was casual indifference and maybe a little bit of gratitude. He seemed really tired now that his face wasn’t curled up, and you could appreciate his good looks for what they were. He was shockingly pretty, even with the scars.
With crooked fingers, he counted out the exact change on the counter. Without ever speaking a word, he left the change scattered on the counter before turning around swiftly and heading towards the automated doors.
“At least leave me a candy bar!” This was said mostly out of spite for his rudeness, but later that morning whenever you finally left the store, there was a matcha Kit Kat placed on the ground by the door with a small note stuck to it. In honestly some of the worst handwriting you’ve ever seen, it only had one word written: thanks.
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zhongrin · 1 year
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli
◇ tags ◇ modern!au, formerdelinquent!zhongli, professor!zhongli
◇ a/n ◇ this au has me in a chokehold i swear
part 1 ⬙ part 2 ⬙ part 3
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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zhongli wore gloves now.
you presume he noticed that you saw his scars and how they aided you in connecting the dots regarding his identity, and so he chooses to cover them up.
well, that’s too bad. you think he has quite the pretty hands. you wonder, had you been brave enough back then, would you have been able to hold his younger self’s hand too? would his hands be smaller than they are now? would it have had the same deliciously protruding veins and the little scars, like that bump near one of his knuckles on his-
“is the tea not to your liking?”
you blink and freeze upon a familiar set of ambers staring you down. caught off guard, your cheeks heat up rapidly and you duck your head in favor of setting down the teacup a little too harshly against the plastic table of the staff’s break room. you feel guilty, like a child who just stole a forbidden candy, but you force your voice to sound normal as you settle your palms on your lap, gripping the material of your clothes tight.
“o-oh no, it’s great! uh- this is darjeeling, right?”
“ah, you recognize the taste? yes. these are the second flush leaves, and so if you noticed there’s a very distinct muscatel aroma-”
morax- no, zhongli launches into an explanation over the harvesting process of this specific darjeeling tea leaves, and you can’t help but drown yourself in the allure of his voice. you remember it being slightly a little more high-pitched than this, although it was rougher around its edges and delivered with a mostly stoic facade back then. in the present time, his voice is smooth and clear, like the undeterred trickle of a clear stream sourced from the tallest mountains.
at these moments, it feels as if morax and zhongli were two different people altogether.
you would have never thought you would be able to sit at the same table as morax like this; not even in your wildest dreams. and it all started with a simple invite for a “tea break”, one day. to return the favor for the chocolate, he had said. you brought a few tea biscuits along, and before you could dread the awkwardness that would result from your poor communication skill, zhongli had taken the mantle of the conversationalist. before you knew it, you were both so lost in sharing all the things you’ve done after high school with each other, you almost missed the recess-is-over bell.
despite almost being late to your classes, the next day, he told you he had procured new tea leaves for the both of you to enjoy. you could barely hold yourself back from jumping in excitement as you followed him to the same break room (huh, maybe that high school crush never really did left you completely). rinse and repeat, lo and behold, the “tea break” becomes a routine, and now both of your students know where to find you when they need to ask questions when the second recess comes by.
it’s not long before the young ones started using their young adult brains to concoct some theories about the two of you. you’re always together. you seem so close to each other in a way that other teachers can’t replicate. therefore, they’re quite sure there must be something going on between two of their favorite teachers.
“mx. [name], are you dating mr. zhongli?”
you cough and sputter at the sudden question that came out of nowhere. just five minutes ago, the girl had stopped you in the hallway to ask about the recent assignment you gave her class, so naturally, you indulged her questions and soothed her anxiety about not being able to complete it in time.
but to suddenly spring something like this on you??
“no, we are not. whatever makes you think so? now, if that's all-”
“but you’re always together! on recess and stuff… plus you walk home with each other too!” she looks up at you with innocent pair of doe eyes and gasps, “oh! is it because you're both already living together? that must be it!”
“no, no no no no! dear gods, you’ve got it all wrong!”
“then what is it?? mx! you’re hiding a secret from us!!”
well, yes, but no, you thought in frustration. you’re smart enough to know why zhongli does not want his past as morax revealed. and you’re now good enough friends-slash-coworkers that you want to prevent his career from being destroyed just because of the mistakes he made in his youth. so you choose to avoid answering the real question.
running away has always been one of your many talents, after all.
“our relationship is strictly professional.”
“there is nothing else to be said.”
“aw, mx, come onnn-”
“is there an issue?”
your timing couldn’t be worse, you yell inwardly as a clueless zhongli enters the scene. with one sweeping look across the area, you can already tell the majority of the students are listening silently at the exchange. no doubt whatever transpires today will spread all over the student body by the end of the day.
you would know. you were just like them once upon a time.
“mr. zhongli!” the girl beams, eyes starry, as she glances at the two of you in interest, “i was just asking mx. [name] about your relationship!!”
“our… relationship?” the man repeats, blinking, a look of alarm crossing his face.
“yup! soooo…. are you dating or are you married? it’s got to be either one of the two, right?”
you resist the urge to hide your head in your hands or to fake a sudden dizzy spell right in the middle of the hallway. you expected zhongli to recoil in disgust. perhaps frown and sigh, before continuing to chide the student for her overly active imagination-
-but you never expected him to chuckle in amusement.
“my, what an honor. so, do you think we look good together?”
“not just me! everyone does!! we totally ship- i mean- we’re totally rooting for you!! wait… so is it really true?!”
“unfortunately, neither is the case,” zhongli says calmly, and he checks his wrists before giving the student a gentle smile, and an equally gentle nudge in the form of her name. “why don't you move along? i believe you have your drama club practice soon.”
“oh, shit! right! bye mx. [name], mr. zhongli-” she gives you both a devious grin, “mark my words, this isn’t over!”
“language!” he calls out as the young girl speeds away, before turning to you, “are you alright, [name]?”
“i- yes. just a little frazzled. that was… unexpected…,” you say as normally as possible when all you want to do is to grab his collar and shake him because what the hell was that response and what did he mean by ‘unfortunately’???
“i see. as luck would have it, i have some tea leaves with a calming effect on my personage. and there’s never a rule to never drink more than one type of tea in a day. how about partaking in an extra cup in my office?”
“…. only if i get to grade some assignments while we’re at it.”
“sounds like a plan.”
as zhongli leads you away from the scene with his hand on your back, with you musing about the preparation for the nearing school festival, a unanimous thought united the students who had been watching the scene.
they’re totally dating, at the very least.
literally how are they not married?
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ headcannons: team stan with a careless friend✧.*
✧.* tags: college au
✧.* Characters: kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, stan marsh, eric cartman, butters stotch
a/n: I usually don't add cartman to these things bc he stinks+loser+annoying+suckmydick but I know he'd take advantage of someone who hod so sense of mortality so he gets a pass this time ig.
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He mistakes the carelessness for spontaneity and immediately assigns you as his go to “lets do something stupid I just thought of” partner
He’s a “try everything once” kind of guy so it’s perfect that you have no sense of self preservation
“Kenny stand on the other side of the field, I wanna see how far I can throw my phone.”
You both infuriate stan to no end
#annoyingduo in the best way possible 
Do NOT put the two of you in the same room at a party
All of a sudden there’s a 15 person game of just dance happening but there’s no screen?? You’re all just doing moves you saw on just dance
Everyday is a new adventure
Kenny probably has an eye out for you though
He can die doing something stupid and be back the next day but you on the other hand are not 
Gotta keep his partner in crime alive! There’s a bunch of other things on his “before I die (for real)” bucket list that you still need to mark off
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You just get caught up in the moment! You have such a wonder for life!
Kyle doesn’t get it sometimes seeing as he tries to view everything logically. 
He’s more like a babysitter when you both go somewhere
“You did not just spend $300 on knock off jordans from a random man on the street corner.”
“I did and they’re the comfiest shoes I’ve ever worn. He told me they’ll cure my posture problems.”
“Do you just believe anything someone tells you?”
“Coming from someone who almost cried when I didn’t use his Candy Crush referral code so he could get more lives, that’s really rich.”
Okay so he gets swept up in trends sometimes. At least he understands his own mortality!
After the third time you try to learn how to do a backflip and fail miserably, he has to leave the room to keep from screaming 
keeps a mental count of the things you do every day that should kill you
the current record is 14
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He doesn’t understand how you can just go through your day without a care
Are you not afraid of dying? That’s like 32% of his thoughts during the day
“Fuck I dropped my credit card down the drain. Stan, hold my ankles while I reach down to grab it.”
“I can literally see the used heroin needles down there.”
“Okay and??? Not my fault the city doesn’t have a safe use zone, I need that card!” 
One time you guys were leaving a store and the alarm went off 
Stan turned to ask you if you got the security tags removed but you we’re already sprinting halfway across the mall
Not because you stole anything, but because you saw jimmy, clyde, and tolkien walking out of a store and wanted to say hi
And then you spent the rest of the day being lectured by an underpaid paul blart wannabe
Stan was freaking out because he thought you would get arrested for causing a scene or something (they find any reason to arrest someone in south park) 
But all you did was laugh in that light hearted, careless way you always do
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Bro will manipulate your carelessness for all its worth
You are now the second person he calls when he has some stupid plot that needs someone who doesn’t understand the concept of death
If kenny’s busy, you’re on speed dial
Honestly, you’re probably the first call because you’ll do something stupid without needing to be paid! 
Free labor!
Wanna work at dicknbaus hot dogs for 14 hours with no pay? It’s free hotdogs! You’re in! 
Hes an exploitative motherfucker 
Thats all im here to say about it
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You’re going to give him a heart attack
One time you purposely kicked a medicine ball to see how far it would go and broke your foot
And he was more worried about your foot than you were!
“Oh jesus, can you move it?”
“Um… no I don’t think so. Lemme take off my sock”
“Oh damn, you’re right. That’s a nice shade though, I was thinking of painting my room that color!”
Unlike kyle, he can’t force himself to ignore your careless nature
He’s always worrying about you 
He’ll suggest you both go to first aid classes or cpr training whenever you hang out “just for fun!”
but really he needs to know that you at least have some first aid knowledge if you're going to keep running around like death is a social construct
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
looking for somebody- send me a gif of a character and I'll write a little baby blurb for it. — THIS :D
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word count: 1k
warnings: just that idk how I feel about this, oh and also like some casual conversations about blood and vampires and murder and whatnot, eating
summary: elijah stocking up the cabinets with all of your favourite snacks
"I'm starving," you groaned, as you and Elijah walked into the kitchen, his arm still snaked around your waist, blazer around your shoulders, lips against your temple as he kissed you briskly.
"Leave it to Niklaus to ruin our dinner plans," he noted and you smiled, pouting slightly as he let you go, moving to get the wine glasses from the cabinet, slow in choosing a bottle, trying to decide what best fit the mood.
"He always does this, you know..." you kicked your shoes off, though you felt you'd spent too much time picking them out to be abandoning them so quickly. "Truly, couldn't you ask your brother to keep his death threats until after they served the main course," he breathed a laugh at that, looking over from where he'd finally found what he deemed the perfect wine, amused as you twirled around the island in the center of the kitchen, always in a world of your own.
"I'll have a word with him when he comes back," he promised, stealing one more lingering glance before pouring the glasses midway, walking over to the island to cage you in, a shy smile finding your lips as you looked up at him. "Did I get a chance to tell you how marvelous you looked tonight?" you took a glass from his hand, humming both in acknowledgement of his question and at the sweet taste of the wine as it settled on your tongue.
"I believe you tried to do so right before Klaus jumped onto a table to make a dramatic proclamation," you noted and habitually grabbed his shoulder for support as he hoisted you onto the counter, careful, efficient, not even spilling a drop in the process, raising a brow when you didn't let go, tugging his collar back into place. "And then again before you broke that rogue vampire's neck for spilling blood on my shoes," he was the one to hum, a guilty sound, the reminder a silent reprimand from you even if you didn't point it out. "And then again when you insisted on coming home instead of stopping at the corner store to get me poptarts."
"You could've simply said yes," he tutted and though you were happy for the little moment with him, you were still hungry, feeling slightly grumpy for looking forward to a fancy dinner and then having to come home to nothing. "And you know that if we went to that store we'd have left with bags full of candy, not just poptarts," he was right, you knew, he knew, but hell if you'd admit that out loud.
He pulled away too suddenly, leaving you with a frown as he moved to one of the cupboards, not even trying to ignore the way your frown twisted into a delighted smile when he opened it to reveal boxes of poptarts flavours and other snacks you'd on many occasions begged him for in the middle of the night.
"What flavour?" he asked very casually, pulling a clean plate from the drying rack hovering next to the sink, a knowing grin, an arrogant grin if he'd ever held one, on his pink lips.
"Surprise me," and he did, making a great show of hiding the wrapper from you, giving you one as is and slipping the other into the toaster, satisfied when you sighed happily at the first bite. "Cherry," you concluded and he nodded, as if proud you'd guessed, as if it was some big mystery. "Sweet, like the wine."
"I take the pairing process very seriously, you shouldn't be so surprised," he informed you and took the hot pastry when it jumped out, placing it in the plate with a little thud, holding said plate under your hand to keep you from messing on your dress. You offered him a bite of the one in your hand, thumb brushing a sprinkle from his cupid's bow and of course he stole the opportunity to kiss your finger, then your palm, all the way up to your wrist until you giggled at the feeling. "You look ravishing tonight, my love," and he nibbled, it was a daring thing, so close to your pulse, teasing himself just as much as he was teasing you.
"Slow down there mister," you shook your head, faux disapproval as you took another bite, not even bothered by the bit of icing that fell onto your lap. "Poptarts first, more of that later."
"Ahh, priorities," he agreed, moving both your wine glasses out of the way, content to wait, to watch, appreciate you in your little bubble of bliss.
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lordarsonizzzzt · 1 year
Hey! I see requests are open so i thought id leave an ask. Idk id you would write this type of thing but how about Clef and other SCP doctors with a reader that ends up being their "work child" in a way
✮ You were new, a junior researcher and rather young. Clef was going to give you a 'welcome' by causing a breach.
✮ But when you crossed him in the halls you were surprise that he had an ukelele? He was taken aback at first, then you started talking about how much you love music and he felt a little bad when he though about what he wanted to do.
✮ So he started being nice to you, which was weird to literally everyone else.
✮ He would search for you to show you the new hawaiian shirt he bought (stole) and would give you his old one.
✮ If you actually wear them he's going to be happy.
✮ He would be protective of you, but you don't need to know that. Some other researcher is flirting with you?? He will have a little talk with them.
✮ Would call you kiddo a lot, sometimes when talking to other people about you he may let a 'my kid' slip, he would instantly regret it.
✮ Kinda feels guilty because he wishes he could give 166 the same attention he gives you, he thinks you two would be the best siblings.
✮ Would never tell you about his past, but he will talk about Meri.
⌛︎ But absent dad if you don't work at the foundation.
⌛︎ You were kind of new and young, but very smart.
⌛︎ You were assigned to help Iceberg and Gears around, you two didn't talk too much, Iceberg did tho and god someone shut this asshole up.
⌛︎ You two started getting close when he saw you were a workaholic,, like him.
⌛︎ Specifically after one incident happened, you came into work and were sick, you had a high temperature and were sneezing and coughing every few seconds.
⌛︎ He was confused as to why would you come in when sick, Iceberg was making fun of you asking if you were stupid or something.
⌛︎ He made you some tea and told you you could leave at anytime, he would prefer have you off work for a week to have you sick for a month.
⌛︎ You stayed anyways and that's when his dad instincts kind off kicked in, he told you to follow him and led you to his in site room, telling you to rest.
⌛︎ He then would drive you to your home and do a little grocery shop, mainly soups and some ibuprofen.
⌛︎ He took care of you until you weren't sick anymore.
⌛︎ Since then he started seeing you as his child kind of, maybe more of someone he should take care of.
⌛︎ He is always going to tell you how proud he is off you, whatever you do or decide to do.
⌛︎ Not the best at emotions, so he would ask Iceberg to what to do if you feel bad because, i don't know, you had a bad breakup.
⌛︎ Iceberg would tell him to buy you candies and he would take care of that person, whatever he means with that.
⌛︎ If you manage to get Gears to see you as his child, then Iceberg is most likely going to be some parental figure too.
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nope-v1an · 2 months
Enemy to Lover
Black Goku × F Reader
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HAIIII! this is my first post so thank you for reading it!if you can request others fanfic with other characters even smut!
/Comfort/Mention of SEXUAL HARASSMENT/
A song that fits the story - ♪
• Black Goku is secretly overproctective
• Black Goku gets annoyed easily
• Black Goku is pretty rich
( You and Black Goku were childhood enemies since he stole your favourite candy..but your mothers were great friends. Your mother had to go on a business trip, leaving you alone for a few days. But she didn't want that, so decided that you'd be staying at Black Goku's home.
Now you were there, standing in his house. You already knew this was going to be like hell, and even more like hell when his mother explained that the guest room was under maintenance, meaning you had to share a room with Black Goku..and one only single bed..)
Black Goku was frustrated walking in circles as he complained about how he will never share a bed with you even less in his bed..
Y/n looked at him annoyed as she sat on the bed,he says coldly sending chills down your spine « To be clear.No.. way i am sleeping in the same bed as you..Okay?!»
Y/n rolled her eyes and says annoyed «Like if i wanted to sleep with you?Who do you think you are?Some celebrity..? Come on,cut the act already,Jerk!»
Black Goku glared at Y/n as she called him a jerk,he walked closer to her holding her shoulders as he towered over her with his 6th feet muscular body, pinching the bridge of his nose he says irritated «Don't play with me brat,i ain't your mate,I have never hurt a woman but they have a first time for everything right, Princess ?»
Y/n frowned, pushing him away from her and said «Princess?..who do you think i am?You can be a jerk if you like but i am not your girl.»
Black Goku ran his hand through his messy dark hair looking somehow embarrassed when she referred to him as a jerk which was very unusual of him,he said stuttering «What..No?!.i am not like that i swear!»
Y/n says 'Just forget it,go to sleep.. goodnight' covering herself in the bed sheets,Black Goku mumbles «Leave me some space on the bed though..»
Y/n yawn as the room started to get cold she says «It's freezing..» curl up
Black Goku pulled closer as he spooned her and whispered «It's only because you are cold..nothing else..just stay close to me,Y/n..»
Y/n nods as she fell asleep,Black Goku stayed awake admiring her as he played with her hair,cuddling closer burying his head in her neck as he falls asleep
A new day began as Y/n woke up and ate breakfast, watching the television but she got bored and decided to head bacn to the bedroom
Y/n went back in the room but didn't found Black Goku so she decided to start looking for Black Goku,suddenly Black Goku came out of the bedroom's bathroom,a towel wrapped around his waist as he dried his wet hair with a second towel,he looked stunning his muscular tattooed body dripping with water,Black Goku looks at Y/n suprised,covering his chest but was still bold enough to says in a snarky tone «Enjoying the view,Doll?»
Y/n yelled at him to cover himself as Black Goku walks back to the bathroom ignoring her scoldings
25 minutes later Black Goku came back this time fully dressed as he looked at Y/n and says «Satisfied ?»
Y/n says annoyed «Pretty much.»
Black Goku says « We are going to the mall »
Y/n says suprised « We?You want me to come with you?no way.»
Black Goku says « It wasn't a proposition,we are going. » as he grabs Y/n's wrist and starts walking towards the door
Y/n says annoyed «Slow down idiot!»
Black Goku sighs and stops walking to listen to Y/n
Y/n says «Why so sudden ?»
Black Goku says « Mh,i don't know maybe because you only have two spare clothes.»
Y/n says confused « So you are telling me, you're going to buy me clothes ?»
Black Goku says «Pretty much.. also you better cover up it's cold outside put a hoodie or something i don't really care.» as he points out Y/n's shirt
Y/n says «I don't have anything else to wear and i-»
Black Goku cuts her off and said «Take my coat,i don't want you to be sick..»
as he removed his coat, throwing it onto Y/n
Y/n catches it and says «Thanks..i guess?» as she put the coat on,the coat was a little big but still fitted perfectly on her body
Black Goku mumbles quietly «Better with my coat..kinda cute» before starting to slightly blush,he sighs trying to calm down as he says «Let's go now, mhhh?»
Y/n says «Yep, let's go»
They started walking towards the bus stop,they arrived at the bus stop waiting around 13 minutes before the bus arrived, Finally they got in the bus which was pretty much filled
Black Goku leans on the bus's walls holding a metal pole to keep his balance,he keeps an eye on Y/n pulling her closer to him
Their body touching,Y/n could feel his breath
Y/n whispers «Could you stop breathing in my fucking neck you moron..?»
Black Goku rolled his eyes and whispered sarcastically «Yeah yeah whatever,Princess.»
After 27 minutes,they arrived at their stop as they were walking to the mall
Black Goku says «You know you can't hold a grudge against me for what happened in Primary school»
Y/n says «Ugh..I ain't holding a grudge, it's just you didn't have to fucking steal my favorite candy»
Black Goku stands in the way of Y/n before saying «You are such a liar,you are literally sulking right now..come on forgive me already!»
Y/n frown before saying «No and no,end of the discussion!»
Black Goku sighed
Y/n says «Okay,okay i will try.»
Black Goku smiled very slightly as he said «It took you a century to finally try..»
Y/n says «Don't make me go back on my words.»
Black Goku says «Okay, Princess»
Y/n glares at him and says «No nicknames»
Black Goku nods
Finally they arrived at the mall and entered the clothing shop
Black Goku says «What do you want to start with ?»
Y/n thought and says «Hoodies?so I won't have to wear your coat-»
Black Goku cuts her off and says «No..you will keep my coat on your body,got it?»
Y/n was left slightly surprised and says «Mhh,okay got it so why not some pants!» Black Goku nodded
They continued shopping and finally went home after Y/n bought 2 pants and 4 T-shirts,they ate and were watching the television
Y/n yawns
Black Goku says «Tired?let's get to sleep.»
Y/n says «Yeah pretty much,right now?okay!»
Black Goku says jokingly «Of course right now dumbass.»
They lay in the bed as Black Goku covered themselves with the blanket,he turned to the side and said «Goodnight,Princess»
Near 4am,Y/n woke up due to a terrifying nightmare,her eyes started tearing up as she sob,her body slightly trembling and sweating from fear
Black Goku woke up slowly as he heard the sobs,he looked at Y/n worried and says «Why are you crying..? come here»
Y/n came closer to him as Black Goku hugged her and whispered «Did you have a bad dream?you are all sweaty..need water?»
Y/n nods
Black Goku got up and went to grab a bottle of water, after some seconds he came back and gave the water to Y/n
Y/n drank the water and sighed
Black Goku says worried « Do you want to talk about it or..maybe some..uhm..cuddle?»
Y/n says «Cuddle..only for today though..»
Black Goku caresses her back as she sobs on his chest,his arm slowly wrapping around her waist as she puts her head on his neck, calming down as she finally falls asleep
Black Goku smells her soft fragrance as he continues caressing her back with one arm and holding her waist with the other,he was oddly enjoying the closeness with his 'childhood enemy'
A new day started and Y/n was excited
Black Goku says «What are you all excited for?»
Y/n says «So basically there's going to have a huge party downtown I'm really down for it!»
Black Goku says «Would they have..any man?»
Y/n says «Of course dumbass,i-»
Black Goku cuts her off and says « I am coming with you..what if you are drunk or some random person comes and disturbs you.!»
Y/n says «I mean you are pretty right.. okay some company wouldn't hurt!»
The evening
Y/n got dressed up and wore that gorgeous red silk dress,it hugged her curves with a V-shaped neckline
Black Goku says in a worried but possessive manner «Take my coat, I don't want any guys to look at you with lust or anything like this.» as he gave her his coat for the second time
Y/n says «But it will ruin my fit-»
Black Goku cuts her off and says coldly «And?I don't fucking care, nobody can look at your body except me.»
Y/n says annoyed «It's my body,i decides who look at my body not you.»
Black Goku says in a jealous manner getting a lil pissed off «Y/n. if anyone put their filthy eyes on your body,i swear i will fucking beat them to death.»
Y/n says worried «Haha..funny joke»
Black Goku smiled and said « I ain't joking with that,i will break their legs.»
Y/n says «..okay i will wear that jacket»
At the party,Y/n got drunk while Black Goku kept watching her like some bodyguard but he had to left because she asked him a new drink some guy came to Y/n while Black Goku went to get her a new drink
The guy was flirting with her as he played with thighs making her very uncomfortable,some panic setting inside of her as she started trying to push him back but with her drunken state it was no use,her eyes started to tear up as she realised she was defenceless.
Suddenly someone brutally yanked the guy's collar almost tearing it,it was Black Goku
Black Goku yelled totally pissed off,his knuckles clenching so tight it started turning as white as a ghost «Get the fuck away from my girl,Y/N go wait in my car,i am coming back i am going to deal with him..» as he gave her her drink and dragged the guy to some unknown place
Y/n went to the car as she waited for Black Goku,sipping on her drink a little worried
After 17 minutes,Black Goku came back,his clothes painted with blood splatters,some blood splatter on his face,he looked totally berserk.
Y/n was terrified at this sight,she says worried «What did you do to that guy...»
Black Goku smirked and said «Just what i told you i would do to anyone who laid an eye on you..i broke his pathetic hands who dared touch you»
Y/n says stuttering «Why would you do that for me..?»
Black Goku says «I didn't do that for you..»
Y/n says confused «Then who?»
Black Goku started to blush «.. nobody»
Y/n says «Nobody?..if you say so..» and started opening her phone
Black Goku stopped her by holding her wrist and said nervously «I love you, it's hard to admire but i love you. »
Y/n paused for a second « You love..me?»
Black Goku nodded before saying « I kept stealing your candy because i wanted you to pay attention to me.. since elementary school. »
Y/n lean closer,their eyes locked in
Y/n says «Really.?»
Black Goku says «Do you..love me too?»
Y/n says «Kinda..»
Black Goku looked at Y/n lips tempted before saying «could i?»
Y/n nods shyly
Black Goku grabbed the back of Y/n's neck slowly pulling her closer as he kissed her, deeply..and passionately
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END :3
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here to stay (Rhett Abbott x OC)
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Summary: Rhett catches one of Tessa's boys doing something he shouldn't and he decides to step in.
Pairing: Rhett Abbott x OC (Tessa Abernathy)
Word Count: 3112
Warnings: supporting oc characters, an attempted theft but nothing serious, skipping school, rhett being so in love already
✎……likes are great but comments/reblogs are even better!
✎……ty @newlibrary for looking this over for me
✎……masterlist on pinned
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The sun was bright and beautiful that Thursday morning, the Wyoming sky stretched in infinite blue. As Rhett drove into town, he could see the mountains far off in the distance — high peaks topped with snow. It was probably one of the last warm days before the weather finally turned completely into autumn. The winds picking up across the plains and the forests turned to brilliant shades of orange, yellow, and red.
But as he passed the sign by the side of the road that officially welcomed him into the city of Wabang, his gaslight came on.
He knew it would happen, it was one of the reasons he drove into town in the first place. That and using the internet cafe to sign up for the next rodeo that was passing through. 
No matter how much he and Perry begged, there was no way their dad was getting home internet installed at the ranch. The man still didn’t even have a cellphone, and just installing a cable dish was like pulling teeth. No matter how much Rhett and Perry tried to bring the ranch into the 21st Century, Royal Abbott liked things the old fashioned way.
Some days, Rhett thought he was just determined to run their ranch, and by some extension their family, into the ground.
The gas station was empty, considering the hour. All the farmers and ranch hands were still out in the fields, kids were still in school and parents at work. And no one was ever passing through Wabang. It was just another stop on a road to nothing. So Rhett had his choice of pumps as he pulled into the lot.
After making his choice, closest to the Smart Mart, he went inside to pay.
“Hey, Rhett, how’s it goin’, kid?” Mr. Myers greeted as the bell above the door chimed. 
“Hey.” Rhett threw up a hand to the old man behind the register, then he gestured back at the coolers lining the wall. “Gonna grab a drink real quick.” 
Mr. Myers nodded, and Rhett turned down one of the aisles. Trying not to get distracted by the Slim Jims or the pork rinds lining the shelves. 
Or the teenage boy lurking around the candy. Rhett checked his phone — it was only one o’clock. No way the kid was out of school yet. The boy glanced up at Rhett as he passed him by. Scrawny, backpack slung over his shoulders, dark hair, brown eyes large and full of suspicion locked on him until Rhett looked away first. And that’s when it hit him. 
He recognized that kid — he was one of Tessa’s boys. 
One of the few he met when they ran into each other a few weeks back. He was picking up something from the bank and she was taking a few of the boys out shopping for new shoes. They only stopped to talk for a minute, two teenagers lingering behind her back and throwing him dirty looks. 
But that kid had definitely been with her. 
Rhett grabbed an energy drink from the cooler. And he looked back just in time to see the kid snatch a candy bar from the shelf and stick it in his jacket pocket. Rhett looked back up into the boy’s face, only to be met with an unreadable brown eyed stare. Again, Rhett looked away first.
He didn’t exactly know what he should do. Eyes locked on the floor and fingers tapping against the cold can in his hand as he made his way back towards the register. Clearly the kid was skipping school and he just stole something. But was that really any of Rhett’s business? It sure as hell wouldn’t have been before. And he wasn’t entirely sure if it was his connection to Tessa, whatever it may be, that made him feel like he should do something in the first place. No. It was the fact that he could see himself in that kid.
All that anger. All that apathy. All that wondering what the hell the point was when he was going nowhere fast. 
In some ways he still felt all of that. But he was old enough now to realize what he needed back then. What might have helped him become a better man. Someone to encourage him. Someone to be gentle with their sense. Someone to tell him that everything was going to be okay.
And if in that moment he was it for that kid — who was he to just turn a blind eye?
When he made it up to the register, Mr. Myers wasn’t looking at him with the usual smile hidden by his thick white mustache. Instead, his bushy eyebrows were furrowed low over his eyes as he looked at something off to Rhett’s left. He had a pretty good guess as to what it could be. Rhett set down his drink, pulled his wallet from his back pocket to pay for it and the gas. 
“Hold on, Rhett,” Mr. Myers grumbled. 
Then the old man rounded the corner with a shout. Rhett turned, and Mr. Myers had the boy by the arm — his other hand buried in the kid’s jacket pocket. 
“Ah-ha!” Mr. Myers exclaimed as he held up the candybar. “Try to steal from me you little —  “
Rhett didn’t even realize he had anything to say, that he was going to step in, until his mouth was already open and words were coming out: “He’s with me, Trip. I’m payin’.” 
Mr. Myers shot him an unbelieving look, then glanced down at the kid one more time — who just glared right back before ripping his arm out of the older man’s grasp. Mr. Myers kept the candy and brought it back around behind the counter so Rhett could pay. Out of the corner of his eye, as he said which pump and how much money he would like to pay, Rhett made sure the boy stayed put. And he did. Hands in his pockets as he stared down at the floor, shifting from one foot to the other anxiously. 
“Have a good one,” Mr. Myers spoke warily as he glanced at the boy one last time. 
But Rhett paid him no mind as he took the drink and the candy and walked out the door. The kid trailing after him at a distance. And Rhett didn’t look back as he walked over to his truck, trying to think of how the hell he was going to handle this now that he was in it. 
“Hey!” the kid called out from behind him. “Gimme back my candy, asshole!” 
Rhett tucked the bar of chocolate into the breast pocket of his flannel, drink set in the bed of his truck, as he undid the gas cap. “Pretty sure it’s mine now — paid for it.” 
“And I stole it fair and square!” the boy replied, stood near the tailgate with his chin raised. 
“You got caught fair and square,” Rhett laughed back, inserting the nozzle and beginning to pump the diesel. 
“Whatever,” he grumbled back, “Can I have it back?”
“Ya could at least say thank you for savin’ your ass.”
“You didn’t save my ass.” 
“Yeah, I did.” Rhett replaced the nozzle and closed the gascap. “Trip caught ya. If it weren’t for me, he woulda figured out where ya live and he woulda called Tess — “
The kid stood a bit straighter, his chin dropping for the first time. “You know Tess?”
“Yep. Don’t think she’ll be too happy when she hears ya ditched school,” Rhett said, grabbing his drink and leaning his forearms across the side of his truck. 
“You don’t know she’ll find out.” 
“No, I don’t. But…She seems like the type to always find out eventually.”
The kid looked down completely and Rhett knew he was right. The corner of Rhett’s mouth ticked up in a smile as he took a steading breath. His heart pounded in his chest. He had no idea what he was doing, what words were going to come out of his mouth next. He just hoped they were helpful and maybe they were kind. 
“What’s your name, kid?” Rhett asked quietly. 
“Wyatt,” he replied, new shoe scraping against the pavement. “Wyatt Beeman.” 
“Come on, I’ll take ya home — if ya want.” Rhett nodded his head towards the cab of the truck. 
He didn’t look back as he opened the driver’s side door and climbed inside. It was entirely Wyatt’s choice. Rhett knew he was a stranger to him, and he didn’t want to force him into doing something he was uncomfortable with. He would understand if the kid just walked away. He slammed his door shut with a sigh, drink nestled in a cup holder and keys in the ignition. For a moment, he thought this was the end of it. He half expected to look in his rearview mirror and see Wyatt walking away. But he was pleasantly surprised when the passenger door opened and a navy blue backpack got thrown inside — followed by Wyatt himself. 
Grinning softly, Rhett started the truck as Wyatt closed the door behind him. And as he drove out of the lot towards the Boy’s Home, Rhett took the candy bar out of his pocket and tossed it into Wyatt’s lap.
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Tessa was up on a ladder on the porch when Rhett pulled up in front of the Boy’s Home. A pair of bolt cutters squeezed between her straining arms as she tried to break the remaining chain keeping the porch swing attached to the ceiling. At the sound of his truck door creaking shut, she looked over with a grin. 
But it instantly fell when she saw who else was getting out of his truck.
“Is it too late to drive around the block one more time?” Wyatt mumbled as Rhett moved to stand at his side.
“Yep,” Rhett responded on a sigh as he clapped the young boy on the shoulder and urged him up the sidewalk. 
A grin ticked up one corner of Rhett’s mouth as he watched Tessa climb down the ladder — bolt cutters held firmly in her grasp. She didn’t look mad, if anything she looked concerned. And if Rhett had any guess, that was a foreign concept to Wyatt. Someone being concerned about his well being and his whys rather than just being mad and disappointed that he did something wrong.
She left the tool by the front door and wiped her hands off on her jeans as the boys slowly made their way up the porch steps. 
Rhett thought she looked pretty. Even in her old jeans and button up tucked into the waist — kerchief keeping back her hair. Even if she wasn’t wearing a dress like the last time he saw her a week ago. When he bought her a thank you drink and she slipped away from him to go hangout with her friends with a lingering kiss on his cheek. When he left without getting his flannel back and he didn’t even care. When he went to sleep that night with his thoughts continuously wandering back to the feeling of her skin beneath his hand and the look in her eyes when he nearly kissed her — when she wanted him to kiss her. 
God, how he wanted to kiss her. How he wanted to know her in every way. How he wanted to live in her spring and smiles and warm laughter until Death came to take him. 
“Skippin’ school, again?” Tessa questioned, hands on her hips, when the pair finally made it onto the poured concrete porch. “You know you’re gonna have to talk to Linda, right?”
“Yeah, I know,” Wyatt sighed, gaze focused on her shoes. 
Tessa gestured for him to leave Rhett’s side and come under her arm. And Wyatt went willingly, head hanging. Rhett watched as she smoothed her hand over the back of his head of dark hair, all touches and looks gentle and understanding. 
Then she looked up at Rhett. “Thanks for bringin’im home. Um, if you don’t mind, could you come inside and explain what happened?”
“Yeah, yeah — I can do that,” Rhett answered, reaching up to pluck his stetson off his head and push back his hair. 
She smiled up at him thankfully before she turned, Wyatt still under her arm, and pushed open the front door. Rhett had only ever seen the inside of the Amelia County Boy’s Home from over her shoulder. It was nicer than he expected it to be. The front door opened into a long entry hallway with closed doors on the left and open entryways on the right that stretched back until it reached a set of stairs that went up to a landing, then curved back towards the door to whatever was on the second floor. The wood floors creaked beneath his booted feet and needed a good polishing. But there was a hall tree where he could hang his hat and a piano and a bookcase filled to the brim and then some. It was all very homey, dated, but homey. 
A heavyset woman with dark hair and glasses came out into the hall from the entryway near the stairs. She raised a brow when she saw Wyatt with Tessa, but then both of them shot up her forehead at the sight of Rhett Abbott closing the door behind him. 
But she chose to ignore him and focused her beady eyes back on Wyatt. “Truant again are we?”
“Yes,” Wyatt sighed, Tessa squeezing his shoulder. 
“Let’s go have a talk then,” Linda said, a bit more on the stern side but still kind. “In the living room — come on.” 
Wyatt sighed again, head thrown back as he sluggishly marched into the open doorway immediately to their right. Rhett glanced inside to see a few couches, an armchair, and a tv st into an old wood cabinet.
Tessa watched the boy under her care go with a small smile and a furrowed brow, hands shoved into her back pockets. Then she seemed to come to herself and looked up at Rhett. 
“Here, we can chat in the kitchen.”
She led him down the hall and into the doorway Linda came out of. It immediately spilled into the other end of the living room, where Wyatt was now sitting on the couch with his arms crossed. But with a sharp left turn and through another doorway, they were walking through the dining room. There was a huge cabinet with glass inlaid doors filled with china — the plates and little cups rattled ominously with every step they took. Rhett wondered if there was something wrong with the foundation of the house. Another doorway at the other end of the dining room, and they were in a brightly lit kitchen with a spacious breakfast nook — windows all around and a bowl of fruit on the counter. 
“D’you wanna drink or somethin’? We’ve got water or lemonade,” Tessa said as she rounded the kitchen counter, already taking a glass down from a cabinet.
“Uh — yeah. I-I’ll take a water.” Rhett glanced at the round wooden table, unsure if he should sit.
“Thanks again — for bringin’ him back here,” she said as she filled one glass with water and another with lemonade.
He smiled in his small way. “‘Course.” 
“Where’d you find’im?”
“Um, Trip Myers’ gas station.”
“He try to steal somethin’?” she asked as she came back around the counter, a glass in each hand. 
Rhett swallowed, thinking back to the conversation he had with Wyatt in his truck. Then he finally muttered with a shrug, “Nah.” 
He went on to explain the whole series of events, leaving out the part where Wyatt got caught trying to steal a candy bar and Rhett stepped in. Instead Rhett said that he bought him the chocolate of his own volition. He promised the kid he wouldn’t tell her about it, and he wasn’t a man to go back on his word. The whole time he spoke, he kept his eyes focused on her jean clad knees and the way they nearly brushed his own as they sat angled towards each other. All the while something bubbled and brewed in the back of his mind like a teapot on the verge of singing. 
He had some inkling as to what it could be. He was pretty sure it had been there since that night at the Handsome Gambler. Only now he didn’t have dim lighting and booze to make him feel more confident. It was daytime, he was sitting in her kitchen, and he was just Rhett Abbott. A cowboy who brought bare to nothing to the table and didn’t really feel like he deserved someone like her. 
But who was also too selfish to let her go so easily. 
They finished their drinks and he thanked her for her hospitality. Then she led him back out into the entry hall and to the front door, going so far as to come out onto the front porch with him. 
“Gotta get back to work on getting rid of this old thing before it gets too cold,” she said as she shut the door and picked up the bolt cutters again. “S’shame, I love porch swings.” 
Rhett didn’t even realize he was going to say anything until his mouth was already open and words were coming out: “D’you wanna go on a date — sometime?”
There it was. The teapot was singing. It overflowed onto the stove with a sizzle and some steam. With Tess staring up at him wide eyed and the bolt cutters limp in her hand. 
“What?” she questioned. 
“Uh — “ Rhett smiled, shifted on his feet as he finally gained the confidence to look her in the eye. “I think you’re one hell’uv’a woman — and I’d like to take ya on a date…If ya want.” 
He watched, relief flooding his lungs in a huff, as the biggest grin he had ever seen stretched her features. Her blue eyes crinkled at the corners, her cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink as a soft giggle poured out of her. She put a hand over her mouth to cover it up, looking away from him for a moment, and he wished she wouldn’t. But it made him laugh too as he nervously adjusted his hat. 
Then she took a steadying breath and said, “I actually have tomorrow night off. Would you wanna…Do somethin’ then?” 
“Yeah. I’ll uh, pick you up at six?”
“I’d like that.” 
They exchanged numbers and said their goodbyes. And Rhett walked back to his truck feeling lighter than he had in his entire life.
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liaaacantwrite · 2 years
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Series)
Chapter Two: Just the Two of Us
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part one! part three!
(A/N: i know billy may be slightly out of character, but this is just for fun! i think most people, especially people as young as billy was, are capable of being kind and loving if they’re shown how to do those things, and he clearly wasn’t. this is just a silly little story that i’m writing for myself, and i’m glad other people can also enjoy it! so thank you so much for all of the love on chapter one! hearing appreciation for my writing is what inspires me to create more. so thank you so much, and enjoy chapter two!!!!)
It was strange. Billy usually found himself annoyed with people around 10 minutes into meeting them. Sometimes quicker, and that seemed to be happening more often in Hawkins than California.
Not with his new friends, though.
Lunch was actually fun. Jonathan had accepted him so quickly, immediately launching into a story about when he was locked in the bathroom during a fire drill. Billy felt like he could actually be himself, open up (very slightly as he didn’t really know these people) to the first people to be genuinely kind to him in years.
He’d met Robin while walking (Y/N) to her next class after lunch. Her ramblings were pretty funny and she wasn’t intimidated by the older boy. Actually, she seemed to embrace him rather quickly.
“All I’m saying is if you want my mom to like you, let her pay for the pizza. Otherwise, she’ll think you’re calling her poor.” They were discussing Saturday night, the day after Halloween.
“Can I give her some Halloween candy I stole from Mike, Lucas, Will, and Dustin?”
“Yeah, or we can just eat it.”
“Who’s that?” Billy spoke up for the first time in awhile.
“They’re these kids I babysit sometimes.” A code word for saving the world together. “Very sweet, but so annoying.”
“They come in sometimes to play with the puppies at work. Bye, dorks.” Robin added, waving goodbye as she walked off to her class.
“I never did ask where you work, by the way.” Billy double checked his schedule, trying to find the correct room. He had spent the majority of the previous day in the front office taking placement tests.
“You couldn’t see the logo on my scrubs last night?” (Y/N) teased, her tone light.
“It was obstructed by mud, doll.”
“I work at the animal shelter. You should definitely come by sometime.” She stopped walking, finally arriving at her class.
“This is your class?” Billy was grinning from ear to ear.
She nodded.
“Well, I think I won the lottery, princess. It’s mine, too.”
He followed his friend (he liked to think of her as one) inside, the bell ringing as he took a seat next to her. He took a moment to take in her side profile, the gentle slope of her nose, the curve of her lips. Her eyelashes, which stuck out straight instead of curling up, hiding their length. Her hair was braided, falling over her shoulder. She chewed on her thumbnail as she waited for the teacher to come in.
She pretended she didn’t notice him staring.
“Hello, everyone. Sorry for being late.” An elderly lady walked in quickly. “Ms. Hopper, will you take attendance?”
(Y/N) was Mrs. Thompson’s absolute favorite. She had called the police once after she fell and became enamored with Hopper, who had come to check out the scene when his patrol officers were all busy. Hopper, having a heart of gold, decided to have dinner with the lonely old woman and he brought along his only daughter (at the time.) This had been years ago, and she couldn’t believe that the sweet little girl who she had made brownies with was in her class.
“While attendance is being taken, we have a new student in our class. Mr. Hargrove, will you please come to the front?”
Now, normally, Billy would have just sat there and flipped off the teacher. But (Y/N) looked at him in such an expectant, hopeful manner that he couldn’t bring himself to disappoint her. So, he brought himself to his feet and stepped to the front of the room.
“Hi. I’m Billy.” Mrs. Thompson smiled and placed a hand on his arm.
“Where are you from?”
She nodded, letting go of him. Looking around the class, all the girls (except the only one he actually knew) looked absolutely ravenous as they drank in his physicality. Playing with their hair, chewing gum, sitting perched in just a way to make their breasts stick out. The dudes looked intimidated, but overall curious. He walked back to his seat, feeling slightly ridiculous, but any sense of embarrassment flew out of the window when (Y/N) flashed him a toothy grin and held out her fist for a bump.
He obliged.
“What’s bothering you?” Robin slid up to her best friend, placing a caring hand on her back.
“What? Who said something’s wrong with me?”
“Uh, your expression? You’ve been frowning at that inventory report for the past 10 minutes. What’s up?”
(Y/N) took a deep breath.
“My dad didn’t come home last night. Do you think you could ask your mom to drive me by the station on your way home? I can ask one of the officers for a ride if he’s not there.” She chewed her thumbnail, eyes downcast. She hated asking for help.
“Of course! He’s probably just busy, you know? Although, it’s weird he didn’t call. But don’t you live out in like the middle of the woods? Do you guys even have a phone? Maybe he was getting laid! That’s gross. Although, he probably needs it.”
Listening to Robin brought a sense of rationality to (Y/N). Hopper was probably fine, and if she couldn’t find him today, she could ask Eleven to find him. Although, if something bad did happen to him, she really didn’t want El to see that. She’d seen enough bad shit, and it always made her feel bad to see her little sister’s nose bleed.
The shift carried on pretty gracefully. A chihuahua bit Robin, but she just laughed it off, and a new cat was found in the alley behind the local church. The dog food shipment was running late, so Robin had to call their supplier and chew them out, and the cat food supplier sent the wrong brand, so (Y/N) called them and complained as well.
At around 15 minutes until the end of their shift, the one and only Billy Hargrove strolled in.
“Evening, ladies.” He smiled as soon as he spotted them.
His smile seemed extremely perfected, like he had spent a pretty good amount of time in the mirror rehearsing it. She figured he had some stupid name for it, too, like ‘the Ladykiller’, or ‘the Pantysoaker’. It was manufactured to impress girls, not to actually show joy.
“Hello, Billy. Come to clean the kennels?” She chided, not looking up from her adoption reports.
“You know me so well. I love cleaning up dog shit.” He leaned against the counter and looked down at her papers. She snatched them away from his gaze.
“Yeah, you’d be fucked if I knew who adopted Mr. Mittens, huh?”
“Royally. Now, do you wanna see some dogs?”
He nodded and started to lead him to the back area where the dogs were kept. Robin just kept reading her book.
“Do you have any old dogs?” He wasn’t sure why, but he’d always had a soft spot for geriatric animals. His mother had an old ass border collie and as a kid, Billy would fall asleep on the dog nearly every night.
“Yeah! There’s this one dog, we don’t really know her breed, but I would guess she’s part lab part pitbull? Anyway, she’s around 10 and she’s so sweet and sleepy. She’s in the green room, actually.”
She felt excited, showing him a part of her life, even if visitors weren’t allowed to see dogs this late. There was something about him that just screamed out at her, begging her to keep digging and find out what he was keeping under the surface. Maybe it was the way he glanced around nervously but immediately mustered up the confidence of 10 men as soon as he realized he was caught.
Christ, she’d known him 2 days at this point and was already feeling poetic about the whole thing.
“Hello, Peach!” She knelt next to a tan and white dog that rested in the corner of her kennel. It was actually pretty spacious, and she had multiple toys and food bowls around the area.
“Her name is Peach?” He thought it suited her pretty well as the dog slowly walked over to (Y/N), legs shaky but eyes excited.
“Thank you! I picked it.” She unlocked the kennel door and stepped inside, waving Billy to follow.
They sat on the floor with Peach and spent a good amount of time loving on her. She very much appreciated it, especially when Billy scratched that one spot behind her ears. No words were said to each other, only loving phrases toward the old dog.
“Who’s a good girl? Are you a good girl? Aw, you’ve got such pretty eyes.” Billy cooed, losing all sense of cool as the dog’s tail wagged faster than ever. He knew (Y/N) wouldn’t judge him anyway, so he moved to where he was laying on the floor, both hands petting Peach.
“I hate to break up this absolutely adorable moment, but my shift ended 5 minutes ago. I really need to clock out or I’ll get in a ton of trouble.” (Y/N) stood, holding a hand out to help Billy up. He took it, mostly using his own legs to stand but appreciably smiling at her.
“I always forget how much I love dogs.” The smile didn’t leave his face as they left the green room. He waited for her she clocked out, watching her speak to Robin for a minute, seemingly arguing about something. He couldn’t help the way his ears picked up his own name.
“Just ask Billy!”
“No, he drove me yesterday.”
“You think he doesn’t want an excuse to parade that little Camaro around?!”
“You just don’t want to ask your mom to drive me.”
“I can want two things!”
Billy wondered if (Y/N)‘s dad didn’t come home again. He hadn’t even met the guy and his opinion of the police chief was starting to sour.
She walked up to him, her hands behind her back and chin up high. Her eyes were closed as if she was gathering courage and, unbeknownst to Billy, she was flipping Robin off behind her back.
“Hey, Billy. Look, I’m so sorry to ask you for this, but my dad didn’t come home again and I was just wondering if you could drop me by the police station? I can have an officer take me home, so don’t worry about that.”
Billy checked his watch. It was 7:10, and his curfew was 8 on school nights. He figured he could make it, and even if he didn’t, Neil could honestly go to hell. He’d just sleep in his car and deal with the consequences another day, hopefully on a day that Max had already fucked up.
“Sure, princess. You don’t have to look so embarrassed.” He winked and opened the passenger door for her. It took every ounce of willpower in his body not to look at her ass as she slid into the seat.
As he walked around and got into his own, she had already started hyperventilating.
“I am embarrassed because now my dad looks shitty when he’s actually wonderful, and I’m upset because I don’t know where he is, and I’m nervous because I’m just a nervous person in general, and I’m tired because I didn’t sleep last night waiting up for him, and I’m angry because he hasn’t fucking called, and this whole situation is just turning into a huge clusterfuck!” She slammed her hands on the dashboard and started crying.
“Hey, doll, it’s alright. We’re gonna head over there and check this shit out, alright?”
“I promise I’m not usually so needy.”
“I wouldn’t mind if you were.”
Billy started to drive, already mostly knowing his way around the town after spending so much time just aimlessly driving. She turned the music up and hummed as she stared out the window.
She was absolutely terrified at the thought of Hopper being missing, of the Hawkins Lab shit coming back. She was even more terrified at the thought of taking care of Eleven by herself, something she was willing to do, but not exactly excited about.
Billy, on the other hand, was confused. He’d never enjoyed doing things for other people in California. He liked to keep to himself and pretend to care just enough to get laid. Honestly, the girls didn’t mind what he said much, anyway. They were honestly just as cruel to him as he was in return. He was just a hot bad boy to them, a way to rebel against society. Eventually, they’d all marry their band nerd high school sweetheart, and Billy would probably end up in jail or dead. At least, that’s what Neil loved to point out. ‘Walking STD’ was a favorite name of Neil’s, and Billy absolutely hated it.
“Thank you, Billy. Honestly.” She unbuckled and started to open the door, but stopped when Billy opened his own. “Why are you getting out?”
“I’m coming with. You know, in case something happened?”
They stared at each other for a moment. Her eyes were glassy, still not completely finished crying. His were intense and grounding as she steeled herself to enter the police station. She took a few deep breaths, still staring intently into his baby blues and she nodded.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
They walked towards the double doors of the station and she gripped the sleeve of his denim jacket.
“Everybody knows me in here, so we should probably be able to tell what’s happening just based on their reactions.”
She took it as a good sign that no one had pulled her out of class with bad news.
“After you.” He pulled open the door for her and she stepped in.
“(Y/N)! What are you doing here?” The receptionist, Gloria, beamed at the pair.
“Hey, Gloria. Listen, my dad hasn’t been home in a few days and I was just curious if you’d seen him?”
“Oh, yes! He’s been hard at work with some infected pumpkins. It’s pretty silly if you ask me, but he’s been trying to get to the bottom of it. I think he’s actually in his office if you need him!”
“I’ll be in the car if you need me.” Billy sent (Y/N) a reassuring smile and left as she walked towards her dad’s office.
The door opened loudly, waking a sleeping Hopper at his desk.
“Are you kidding me? You don’t come home last night and when I come to find you you’re sleeping at your desk?” She was angry all over again, but still relieved he was okay.
“I told Gloria to call you at work so you could find a ride home.” He rubbed his eyes and yawned.
“Well, clearly she didn’t! We were so worried about you! And I had to walk home, until some jackass splashed me and I got a ride!” She slammed her hands against his desk.
“From who?” He looked up from whatever the hell he was doing, now getting mad himself.
“It doesn’t matter. What matters—”
“It absolutely does matter. What, because you didn’t want to walk home, you’re gonna put her in danger?” There was a rule against saying Eleven’s name public.
“I was covered in muddy water and it was 45 fucking degrees outside!”
“Language! And I don’t care how cold you were, you could have put her in danger.”
“So, freezing to death isn’t danger? Walking 10 miles alone at night isn’t danger? Having a fucking—”
“—panic attack because I’m thinking you’re dead isn’t danger? You’re gonna put me at risk because you’re too lazy to actually call me yourself?!”
“I was walking around 3 different pumpkin patches for 5 hours last night. I told Gloria to call you. I did my job! You can not blame me for her not doing hers.”
“Your job is to be my father. When you remember that, we’ll be glad to have you home.”
She stormed out, slamming the door as hard as she could behind her, satisfied when she heard a picture frame fall off the wall. Walking as fast as she could, she carried herself out of the station and into the parking lot to where Billy was waiting.
He looked at her frazzled state as she entered the car. He could tell from her expression that things didn’t go well.
“Drive, please.”
Hopper had returned at about 2 am, completely exhausted. He used his keys, not wanting to wake the girls as he let himself in.
He set down his keys and shrugged off his jacket before looking around. The TV was still on, but the girls were nowhere in sight. He ventured deeper into the house, stopping outside Eleven’s room. As he opened the door, his heart rate quickened when he noticed she wasn’t in there.
“Oh, fuck.”
He dashed into his older daughter’s room, sighing in relief as he saw both girls cuddled together in the bed. Eleven’s arms were wrapped tightly around her sister, their faces looking so peaceful as they slept. He took a moment to just stare at them and kneeled next to the bed. He took one of their hands each and just held them for a minute. He felt extremely guilty, especially for how he treated (Y/N) in his office. She was right. He should have called her himself, but he was caught up in the case again. He felt so ashamed for making her walk alone at night. He knew how dangerous it was out there, and he knew he could never forgive himself, even if nothing bad actually happened to her. He started to cry softly and kissed each girl’s hand.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I love you.”
He sat for a few more moments just reminiscing on all of the good moments he had with them. Driving (Y/N) to the zoo and seeing how absolutely batshit insane she went over all of the animals, baking a cake with Eleven, watching bad movies with the both of them way too late at night and laughing way too much. He wouldn’t ever take them for granted, and he would always come home to them.
He stood, walking towards the door.
“I love you, too.” (Y/N) spoke softly, snuggling into her sister even more as she went back to sleep.
He’d really hit the jackpot when it came to his daughters.
The next day was Halloween, and no one at Hawkins High really acknowledged it besides a few parties happening that night. Billy had obviously been invited to them all, but Jonathan and (Y/N) hadn’t. Not that they cared, and even if they had been asked, they wouldn’t go. They were both planning on being with their younger siblings.
“Come on. I’ll even wear a matching costume with you.” Billy begged her.
“Where are you even going to get one? I’m pretty sure all the stores are sold out.” She took a bite of her sandwich.
“I’ll make one.” He stated matter-of-factly.
“Since when can you sew?” Jonathan laughed, finally looking up from his homework.
“You really need to do your homework at night. I’m getting sick of seeing your chicken-scratch while I’m eating.” She lightly pushed the notebook, causing Jonathan to roll his eyes.
“Look, you guys come to the party with me for 10 minutes. Then I’ll drive you both home. Deal?”
She took a second to consider. She really did want to spend the evening with El. And having a night of fun with her family would be a good way to get over the argument with Hopper. But on the other hand, she had never been to a party. Steve had offered to bring her a few times, but she always declined.
She looked at Jonathan. The perk of being friends with someone for 10 years was being able to communicate with only the eyes.
He gave an ‘it’s up to you’ glance and went back to his work.
“5 minutes.”
“Deal.” Billy grinned.
Hopper was actually very open to his daughter going to a party. He figured she needed to just let off some steam and be a teenager for awhile. Plus, he really didn’t want to watch whatever horror movie she would subject them to in the spirit of the holiday.
Billy pulled up to the cabin (rather, an area about 5 minutes of walking away, as Hopper didn’t want to risk anything) and couldn’t believe his luck as his eyes landed on her.
She was wearing a knee-length black dress with a light blue sweater over the top. It wasn’t revealing in the slightest, but the way her hair fell over her shoulder, the way he could see the reflection of the moon in her eyes was absolutely maddening.
He wasn’t wearing a costume either, just some jeans and a leather jacket. He opted for no shirt, a decision that didn’t really make sense for October, but a decision nonetheless.
He really couldn’t figure out what it was about her that was so amazing to him. He’d admired her honestly and wit, sure, and she was obviously beautiful. He liked how intwined with his own life she had become, and how she wasn’t ashamed of letting him in. He liked how he knew she would accept him no matter what. But he didn’t know what compelled him to stop that night, what made him insist on taking her home. He had never done something like that before. Fate, possibly, or divine intervention had to be it.
“Let’s get going. I plan on being back within the hour.” She gave him a wicked grin as she pulled open the door and slid into the increasingly familiar seat.
“Not even gonna tell me how beautiful I look?” He teased, putting the car into drive.
“Nah. You already know it.”
They talked for a bit on the drive, mostly just teasing back and forth and giving directions to Jonathan’s house. He wanted to reach over and grab her hand, her thigh, anything.
She, however, was very anxious about the whole thing. She didn’t want to go now that she was in the car, on the way. She was thinking of every possible bad scenario, everything that could go wrong.
“You okay?” Billy asked, turning onto Jonathan’s street.
“Just anxious.” She but her thumbnail.
“What if there’s a pool and I get pushed in?”
“Why are you even thinking about that?” He parked beside the house she pointed at.
“Because that’s how my brain works.”
Jonathan walked out, Will in tow. They were laughing as they walked to the car and as she rolled down the window.
“Hey, guys, I’m just gonna take Will to Mike’s so he can go trick or treating. I’ll meet you there!” He smiled and turned around to his own car.
“Guess it’s just us for a bit, doll.” Billy grinned and sped off, secretly excited to spend a bit more time alone with her. It’s not that he didn’t like Jonathan. He really did, more than he expected to. It’s just, he really liked her too.
“Don’t get so excited. Five minutes and then we’re leaving.”
He didn’t really think she would only stay 5 minutes. Honestly, he really wanted to see what she was like around other people. Was the special treatment (like sharing lunches and crying in the car) reserved for him? Or was she like this with everyone? He certainly treated her better than he did most people.
“Sure, princess.”
@renaroo123 @maaciimoo @ria132love @lem0ns77 @krys-orion @dgrangaa
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xxlordalexanderxx · 5 months
8, 29, 23, 29 for RP topics please!
Send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics! ⭐|Accepting
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Aight, so I got a lot of strong feelings about these.
8: Reblog karma
While I appreciate that this is a thing that some of us are trying to practice, it also needs to be accepted that people are not always going to send things in. That's just how it is. I personally practice reblog karma, but not everyone will. But, at the same time, don't sit here and complain about never getting shit in your inbox when you don't recuperate the gesture. Getting memes fed to you on a whim may work out at first, but after a while that will eventually wane. The same energy you put out here is what you will receive in the long run.
29: Blocking
Blocking could be done for a few reasons, but at the end of the day it means "Leave me alone, I don't want to see your stuff or interact." It does not mean block evade and continue to harass and demand a reason for being blocked. You are not owed a reason for being blocked!!! I commend those who manage to work out issues like adults and talk things over, we need more of that honestly. But if someone blocks you you need to accept that and move on. I can see if said person is a long time friend and you might want to have a conversation first.
But if someone blocks you and this person has no significance to your life, move the fuck on, you don't need that person. There other people on this bitch of an earth to write with, people come and go in life all the time, the one's who stick by you in the end is all that should matter, the people who are willing to settle things like ADULTS are the one's that should matter. Go where you are celebrate and quit wasting your time trying to kiss the ass of someone who wants nothing to do with you. Leave folks alone.
23: Another RPC you’re no longer part of
I only was ever part of one fandom, and many of you may know that is the Wreck it Ralph fandom. In its hayday it was very fun, I ran a popular King Candy Bug blog that a handful of you are just now realizing that I was Candycaneforest-lurker and later Lordcandycane. For a while it was bliss, until it was not. To make a long story short I ended up having a stalker for about a year who also stole my art and dealt with entitled folks who thought they were owed my time. I even had a person who went and made a whole-ass Youtube video on me and complained about ME not giving them attention when I had hundreds of people I interacted with.
For as much fun and delight I gained from this fandom I suffered in it too. I still carry scars from being mistreated and harassed which still affects me to this day. This is why I shy away from people who get really attached to my characters or constantly want to interact with me personally because that's how my stalking started, it may not be the intention but I need folks to be chill with those kinds of things, take it easy. I'm glad you like my stuff but I don't do strong approaches well. I never bothered to get in another fandom since. I enjoy things from various IPs quietly.
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darling-in-wonderland · 8 months
Kill Your Darlings (Redux)
(in collaboration with @twistedchatterbox ‘s event, Spooky Chattering 2023)
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AN: If you were one of the five people that read the original Kill Your Darlings, then strap in because this is a reimagining that is way more cracked than it’s archived original counterpart. And if you weren't, well, you're not missing much. This version is leagues above the og and way more fun. Reader is my yuusona, Darling (she/her), who is very in love with Idia (but feel free to live vicariously through her like I do). Other characters in this little (*cough* 7k word) fic include Azul, Ortho, and Grim (with a little bonus scene at the end with Crowley) Vil is mentioned quite a lot, but makes no appearance.
CW: more of a dark comedy than anything, but there are still points of tension, anxiety mention (in response to the tension), feelings of being stalked/hunted, minor injuries/blood, and one (1) fbomb, meaning that it could safely be rated pg-13.
AN2: Also i am super new/unaware of fanfic etiquette so if there's anything i've missed/should label differently/etc, please let me know! now, without further adieu…
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It was a day like any other, really. Foggy, but hey, I like overcast weather so I’m not complaining.
“I guess I never realized that the fog here is different from the fog back home,” I muse to Grim while we walk to class.
“Myah? Whaddya mean by that?”
“The fog back home didn’t stick around this much, I don’t think.”
“The fog here isn’t really that sticky, Darling.”
“Whatever you say, Grim.” I give him some pets as we walk. “Also, before I forget, I have Board Game Club after classes today. Remember the plan?”
“How could I forget?” he grins. “You offered me five whole cans of tuna to help you with this scheme!”
After the events of that phantom bride- oh how I hate her still!- I can’t afford myself the luxury of pretending that Idia doesn’t know that I like him anymore. With the lengths (and songs) I went to without hesitation, there’s no way he doesn’t know; but it’s polite to tell him point blank in no uncertain terms. I mean, that’s what you do when you like someone, right?
The plan is that Grim is going to distract Azul somehow to make him late to the club meeting. Hopefully this will mean that Idia and I will be alone, allowing me to tell him how I feel in person without anyone else there to watch.
Before I left the dorm, I made sure to spritz a bit of perfume on me, just something that makes me smell a bit like candy. I’m only thinking of this because I left the bottle on the stairs since I was running late to class, but I’m always running late to these early morning classes. Anyways, I need to remember to put it back in the bathroom when I get home. 
After classes with Grim, we diverge on our separate paths; Grim to distract Azul with some random fetch quest and I to the Board Game Club to confess my love to Idia, though hopefully not in song while holding a heavy flamer this time.
I show up early to the club meeting, jittery and anxious. When I was out there white knighting and wedding crashing, I was so hopped up on anger, adrenaline, and the anxiety that my Sister of Battle armor would run out of battery too soon that I didn’t even notice that I kept singing the lyrics to “A Grave Mistake” wrong. When you meet the girl whose love you stole… Cringe, but I feel more on edge now than then. Why does this of all things make me anxious?
Time refuses to march on to my best nightmare, so I stay frozen in place as I pace the floor.
And then I hear the door creak open, forcefully shaking me from my thoughts and making my heart pound harder. I see the blue flames of his hair before I see him. I sit down and start nervously shuffling a deck of cards to keep from spontaneously combusting.
He eventually notices me and takes off his headphones. He too avoids eye contact. We haven’t spoken much since that phantom bride left. 
“Magic?” I ask him, holding up the cards.
“Uh... sure,” he responds flatly, pulling out a deck of his own.
My brain is on fire, screaming at me to say something. Now is my chance! But I go to speak and find that my lips are welded shut as I draw my hand, only just now realizing that the deck I’m playing is my Ezuri, Stalker of Spheres deck. I feel bad, until I see that he brought his Juri deck and decide that it’s time to destroy him with toxic and proliferate keywords.
He notices my commander and smirks. “Feeling competitive today?”
“I have some things I want to win.”
Our eyes meet briefly and I feel my heart stop. I bury my face in my opening hand, but out of the corner of my eye I see his hair swiftly turning pink.
“Your hair looks purple today,” he stammers out.
“It’s purple everyday.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry.”
The game continues on as normal.
I manage to ask him, “So, what’s your Halloween costume going to be?”
“Haven’t thought much about it yet.”
“Halloween is in four days, Idia,” I remind him. When I say his name, the tips of his hair turn pink. He’s so cute. I still can’t believe he’s single.
“What about you, Darling?”
Hearing him say my name makes my brain short circuit.
“Oh!” I snap out of my daze. “I was thinking Springtrap or Ennard or something like that since the ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ movie comes out today.”
“That’s today?” his eyes light up with excitement. Now’s my chance now’s my chance now’s my-
“Yeah,” I smile. “I’ve already made plans to go see it. After this club meeting its gonna be one hour at Pomefiore to cover my arms with nose and scar wax.”
“With Vil?”
“Who else? He’s gonna help with the scars I have to put on the back of my neck.”
“Oh,” he retreats back to his normal energy levels. “That makes sense.”
And there goes my chance.
We finish the game without talking (aside from reading the cards to explain the cards). He won, obviously.
“Get rekt,” he grins. I can feel my cheeks get hot.
“I took a bad opening hand,” I justify my loss to him. I really want him to think I’m good at this game (even though I am painfully mid).
“Yeah, I saw that mana drought.”
“I had Oko, Thief of Crowns, in fairness.”
“Ohhhh,” he remarks sarcastically, “that makes it totally worth it.”
“If it had paid off I would’ve destroyed you,” I threaten him toothlessly.
“Sure you would’ve.” As he fidgets with his life counter, he says, “I, uh... you mentioned that you wish you had more hands to hold things as you cut out patterns the other day.”
“Especially with Halloween coming up,” I lament, realizing too late that he’s probably dropping hints for something. 
He sets the counter down. “Wait here then.”
He glides out of the room as quietly as he entered. I crumple up in my chair. What a wasted opportunity.
When I was younger, I used to spend my free time outside catching butterflies. There was a slight degree of skill that went into it. If you ran up too quickly, the butterfly would get scared and fly away, but if you went too slow, you would lose your surprise and it would fly away then too.
It’s five minutes past. Where is he? My heart is beating out of my chest. What if something happened to him? I should go find him. My anxiety is fueling my paranoia, springboarding me to the worst possible conclusions. Maybe he died, or worse, I already scared him away for good.
It’s been too long. I’ll go find him. I set down my cards and start making my way down to Ignihyde. The halls of the main building are eerily empty. There must be a logical explanation for all of this. I’m bad at time and I haven’t checked my phone in a while, not that it would matter now because I don’t know how long our game of Magic lasted. He’s probably fine. He’s probably fine.
Despite all my logic, I still can’t seem to shake this paranoia. I hear screams of terror wafting down the halls. Film Club must be watching a horror movie for the spooky season. I hope so, at least. Against all good judgment, I push on. I wish literally anyone was here, some big guy who could do the fighting for me if things got tough, like Jade or Floyd. 
Amidst my thoughts, someone grabs my hand and yanks me around a corner.
I shriek and cover my mouth before I realize that it’s just Ortho.
I almost let my body relax, but then I see the fear in his mechanical eyes.
“Ortho?” Panic rises in my voice like bile. “What's wrong?”
“It’s Idia. He’s sick.”
“Oh, is that all it is?” The tension in my shoulders releases, but only a little. “From the sounds of the screams, I thought that gladiatorial games were back in fashion. Where is he? I can help take care of him.”
“Sick isn’t the right word,” his voice is hard and serious as he flits through words in his databank. What has this kid seen?
“What movie is Film Club watching today?” I ask him as some more screams bounce off the walls of main hall.
Ortho looks me dead in the eyes. “Film Club didn’t meet today.”
I hear Idia cackle off in the distance, this time sending chills up my spine rather than releasing butterflies in my stomach.
“Ortho?” I ask, that old fear bubbling up once more.
“Yes, Darling?”
“Do you know what Idia was going to show me?”
“He never told me,” Ortho remarks. “But I did find a word that I think fits better than sick.”
Everything feels prickly and bad. The blood vacates my face as I hear another one of Idia’s cackles in the distance. Of all my worst case scenarios, none were like anything of what Ortho said next.
“Well, what word is it?” I ask him, panic leaching into my voice.
“Possessed. I don’t know what could’ve caused it, but...” His voice trails off, as if he’s having trouble coming up with a proper hypothesis. At least, that’s what I was hoping.
His eyes grow wide, his mechanical whirring hushing. The hand around my wrist clamps harder. The tips of my fingers are starting to turn a bluish purple.
“Ortho?” I whisper. “My wrist-”
I hear the soft tap tap tap of some boots prowling down the adjacent hallway. I can feel the temperature rise with each tap.
“Darling…” I hear Idia’s voice rasp, a mechanical grinding amidst his organic vocals, “I know you’re hiding here…”
My eyes are watering. I can’t turn around. I can’t even blink. My breath catches in my throat. Has he turned the corner? I can’t tell.
By the shadow on Ortho’s face, he must be looming right above me.
Ortho’s tugging on my ever-numbing wrist, a silent plea for me to run, but my body refuses to move from its position. This is my worst nightmare, and I can’t even wake up.
“Seems I’ve found you,” I feel hot breathing on the back of my neck. “And with Ortho, no less.”
I feel his hand land on my shoulder. I can’t even find the voice to scream as Idia’s grip gets tighter on my shoulder.
Ortho yells something I don’t make out and finally yanks me from my spot, flinging me onto his metal back. I cry out in pain as I’m ripped from Idia’s grasp. I feel something cold and metallic and sharp scratch up against my cheek. I hear him howl in frustration as we make our getaway. 
Ortho and I end up hiding out in the empty classroom on the first floor where the Board Game Club meets.
“That’s a lot of blood, Darling,” Ortho remarks.
I reach up and touch my cheek and find that my face is slick with blood. My fingers are covered in the viscous red liquid.
“It’s just a scratch,” I inform him. “It’s not that bad.”
“Are you sure?” Ortho asks me, searching around for something to clean up the blood.
I laugh nervously. “I have more blood than this sitting on my bathroom counter.”
“Isn’t that blood fake, Darling?”
“And peppermint flavored, but that’s besides the point,” I awkwardly wave the question away. “You’re programmed with medical stuffs, right? Do you have a bandaid?” 
“My lab body is back in Ignihyde,” he informs me, “so I don’t have any of my medical supplies.”
“Okay. That’s okay.” I see the Magic cards left abandoned on the table. The panic starts creeping back into my brian. We won’t stay hidden forever. Idia was originally coming back here. “I should’ve told Idia how I felt while I still had the chance.” “What was that, Darling?”
“Nothing, Ortho,” I try to smile. “Nothing.” 
I close my eyes to try and think of a better place to hide, but I keep thinking of what I could’ve said to Idia before he got possessed by... whatever it was that possessed him.
“That’s quite a bit of trouble you’ve got yourself into,” a familiar voice cuts through my thoughts as its owner gently places a bandaid in my hand. “I can help, for a price.”
I open my eyes and see Azul staring back at me. I beam, my eyes starting to well up as he hands me a tissue. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s time for Board Game Club,” he answers, an edge lacing his voice. “Or are you asking about why I was late. I think you know why.”
From the satchel I didn’t notice before now, he holds up a very angry Grim.
“I kept him stalled for as long as I could, myah!” Grim responds, not thrilled about being held by the scruff of his neck.
“Uh, guys?” Ortho asks, but none of us hear him.
“For the band aid stuck to your face and the tissue now covered in your blood,” Azul continues, “all you have to do is tell me why Grim showed up to the Monstro Lounge and started pulling the table cloths off the tables and swinging from the chandeliers once my employees caught on to what was happening.”
“Grim!” I take the mischievous cat weasel thing from Azul to scold him. “I told you to distract him, not trash the Lounge!”
“Guys?” Ortho pipes up, but Azul pays no mind.
The school’s resident mob boss continues, “So, why did you send Grim to trash the Lounge?”
“My plan was to get Idia alone to tell him that I have a crush on him,” I confess to Azul.
“A crush on him?” Azul teases me. “Greaaaat taste there, Darling.”
And then Grim asks me, “Did the plan work?”
I laugh nervously. “Not exactly...”
“Guys!” Ortho yells at us from the open window. “Idia will be here any second! At least according to my tracking.”
“What?” Azul asks, almost offended at the fact that we didn’t tell him something sooner. 
“Idia’s possessed,” I summarize for Ortho.
Grim hops back in Azul’s satchel and asks from there, “Possessed by what? One of the ghosts?”
“We don’t know,” I respond, the panic creeping back into my voice as I remember the problem at hand. 
Ortho pipes up, “Yet!”
I nod hastily, “Yet, yet is good.”
“Guys…” Panic creeps into Azul’s voice like mold. “I don’t think we’re alone anymore.”
That’s when my ear zeros in on the sound of boots on linoleum and something metal scraping against the walls. I didn’t get a good look at whatever he was wearing when I last saw him. Maybe with his new personality he got a new wardrobe, too. I don’t know.
Looks like we’re about to find out as he starts throwing his body against the door Ortho barricaded from the sound of it. The first thud makes me jump, with each subsequent hit causing my adrenaline levels to rise.
“Good time to jump out of the window,” Azul remarks between thuds, “unless we all wanna end up sleeping with the fishes.”
I can’t bring myself to move. The barricades loosen and once again I am frozen. I have to see what he’s wearing. I have to see if anything about his design changed. I have to know what possessed him.
“Henchman!” I hear Grim yell above Ortho and Azul’s pleas, “I command you to follow us.”
The door breaks open.
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I catch just enough of a glimpse of Idia, only a mere silhouette surrounded by fiery red with a bloody crimson light from the center of his head piercing through my being; a horrible, horrible glimpse, but enough of a glimpse to will my legs to work again and jump out of the window.
“We should run while we still have something resembling a lead,” I anxiously quip as Azul groans.
“Azul,” Ortho rolls his eyes. “Your only other option is dying.”
Grim pokes his head out. “Can I ride with Ortho?”
“Fine.” Azul hands Ortho the satchel. “It’ll make running easier.”
“Don’t worry,” I clasp a hand on his shoulder, “I know a shortcut.”
We share a smile, but the moment is shattered by a mechanized roar from Idia. “Oh you sussy baka!” Robotic tendrils shoot out from the window, just barely missing us. “Where did you vent off to?!”
I don’t acknowledge what he says, rather grabbing Azul’s hand on instinct as a signal to get him and Ortho to start following me. 
I’m not the best at running, but at least my theatre kid energy makes me better at it than Idia.
“So where are we running to?” Azul wheezes after a few minutes of nothing but woods.
“By the looks of it, Ramshackle,” Grim responds, chilling oh so smugly in his little satchel.
“Narrishackke,” I correct Grim.
“Is now really the time to try and make Narrishackke happen, henchman?”
“It’s not gonna happen,” Azul manages to get out before collapsing against a tree. 
I stop running and ask Ortho, “How far away is Idia?”
He calculates for a second before responding, “Idia will catch up to us in roughly ten minutes.”
“Okay,” I squat down to conserve energy, “so we have some time. We can formulate a proper plan.”
Grim hops out of the satchel and starts pacing. “We have to figure out what’s turned him into such a bloodthirsty monster!”
“Ghosts?” Azul muses.
I shake my head. “Unlikely. He still talks like himself.”
“There were those mechanical tentacles,” Ortho recalls. “And he was wearing some sort of hat.”
Grim rolls his eyes. “So he wanted to be dapper? Big deal!”
I dig deep in my memory for a detail that’s nagging at me. “Ortho, was the hat glowing?”
“There was some sort of red camera lens attached to it,” he replies.
“Like a headlamp?” Azul asks.
“No,” I continue trying to think, “More like-”
I’m cut off by the sound of falling trees and cracking wood.
“I thought you said we had ten minutes!” Azul hisses at Ortho.
Grim climbs back into the satchel and hides.
Ortho looks concerned as he rechecks his math. “I didn’t think he could move that fast.”
“A side effect of this possession?” Azul thinks out loud.
Another roar from Idia shakes the birds from the trees.
“Guys, we’re so dead if we don’t get out of here soon,” I snap them out of their conversation and start running again. Ortho nods and follows close behind me. 
Azul takes too long to get up off the forest floor. At the speed of light one of those tentacles we saw earlier wraps its metallic phalanges around Azul’s wrist. 
“Guys! It’s got me!” he cries, fear lacing his voice like bleach.
I turn to Ortho and tell him, “Take Grim back to Ramshackle. He knows the shortcut.”
“Be careful, Darling!” Ortho chirps before zipping away.
I rush over to Azul who’s still wrestling with the mechanical hand around his arm. 
“You should’ve gotten away while you still had the chance!” he weeps, voice catching in his throat.
“And leave one of my best friends behind?” I remark as I start my attempt to break the tentacle’s grasp. “Fat chance!”
“Do you even have a plan?!”
I continue to stomp on the tentacle, using my foot to create the tension necessary to try and get this thing to snap. “Not at all!”
I survey the scene as it stands. The noises from the forest are getting louder. If I don’t get Azul out of here fast, I can almost guarantee that more tentacles will come for us.
I start trying to pry the fingers of the metal claw off of Azul’s wrist.
“If it breaks, it breaks,” I mutter under my breath.
“I’d rather you didn’t break my wrist,” Azul gripes through the pain. He then takes the cue and helps me pry with his free hand. 
A red glow is coming from the foliage. 
“We’re running out of time!” he cries out. 
“Oh for the love of- Just yank your wrist out!” I scream, my panic getting the better of me.
Azul clenches his teeth and does so. He shrieks in pain as the claws scrape his wrist so hard that royal blue blood starts dotting the ground below. I pull him away from the tentacle and run before it can grab anything else. I lead Azul off the trail, hoping that Idia won’t be able to find us amidst all the trees.
Once the sounds of his jaunt through the woods fade to near inaudibility, I stop running to examine Azul’s injury. His face is pale as tears continue to pour down his cheeks. 
“Good news,” I tell him as I wrap the sleeve of my blazer around the wound, “it looks to only be surface level. Keep some pressure on it and then I can get it bandaged up once we get to Narrishackke.”
“Ramshackle,” he corrects me with a touch of laughter in his tone.
I smile. “I said what I said.”
We move carefully through the woods, only by the Seven’s protection or some unrelated miracle that we make it to Narrishackke before Idia. Ortho and Grim look overjoyed to see us.
“Glad to see my henchman is still in one piece, myah!”
I tell Ortho to take Grim upstairs to keep watch and to bandage up Azul’s wrist.
“But Darling,” Ortho gently takes my cold hand in his, “what will you be doing?”
“Keeping watch downstairs,” I respond solemnly. “We still don’t know exactly what’s caused this.”
“Be careful with him, then,” Ortho cautions me.
I nod and start my vigil. “Nothing would hurt me more than making him suffer.”
Ortho takes Grim and Azul upstairs and I double check all of the downstairs locks. The ghosts seem to be keeping their distance today. I guess whatever this is is too much for even them. I could use their comfort now though.
Why is it that the one day I want something to go right everything goes catastrophically wrong? I can’t even cry properly right now, lest I drain what little moral is upstairs with the sounds of my sobs.
What if we can’t fix him? What if all of this is permanent? What if I can’t put him back together? After all the phantom bride stuff, things were starting to look up. I should’ve just left when he did to start getting ready to go to the movie. I have two tickets. I could’ve invited Vil.
Through my sobs, I start to sing quietly in a futile attempt to ground myself or summon the ghosts to my side, or even just to right this upside down world.
“Is it a crime to kill,” the melody of the song passing through my halfhearted sobs in a heart wrenching staccato. “if we’re only sinking deeper and love can’t stop the fever?”
A knock on the door startles me from my thoughts. I frantically look for something sharp and pointy.
“You open that door and I’ll kill you!” I threaten the person on the other end. I don’t care if it’s Crowley himself, I'll stab if he opens the door.
All I find is a pencil. I’m doomed.
“I finally leave my room,” my best nightmare’s voice scrapes against my ears, “and this is how you react? RUDE.”
He slams the door open, confirming my worst fears.
“Darling!” I hear Ortho call from upstairs. “What’s wrong?”
I can’t even open my mouth to scream as I stand in the shadow of the Prefect of the Underworld standing in my doorway, his halo of fiery red hair devilishly backlighting his face, making him look like a fallen angel. I just start crying again as I shakily hold my pencil out in front of me.
I don’t want to hurt him. He’s not himself. But he’ll hurt me if I don’t do something. But I don’t want to hurt him.
He slowly walks towards me, his boots making a heavy thud with each footfall. I slowly back up towards the stairs. My hands tremble, still holding the pencil pathetically between him and I.
“It’s game over for you, Darling,” he bares his fangs in a twisted grin.
In this moment I understand why moths fly towards candles and burn up in their fiery light, for I too am now a moth staring down a candle, every part of my mothy being crying out to be enveloped by the warm, inviting light. Oh how I’d love to grant my cells their wish and let them collapse in the melted candle wax; but, unlike a moth, I have a job to do. I can’t give up now!
The lens attached to his bowler hat glows brighter, as if a light could be filled with rage. If I try to run now, he’ll just grab me and rip my throat out with his teeth.
“I thought you felt differently about me, Darling,” he continues, “but my eyes have been opened. There’s only one thing that could love me as much as you claim to.”
He continues to advance on me, pushing me up the stairs with his presence.
“Are you going to hurt me?” I ask out of the blue, as if I’ve seen this scene before.
I see a pink plastic cylinder on one of the steps through my tears. A candy scented body spray, within arms reach.
“Oh, I’m not going to hurt you, Darling,” the robotic sheen on his voice makes him sound like a vocaloid. 
I never moved that bottle of perfume back up to the bathroom, and I’d say my life is at least worth the seventeen thaurmarks the bottle cost.
Idia continues, “I’m just going to bash YOUR FUCKING BRAINS IN!”
He lunges at me, but that Shining reference telegraphed his moves so much even I was able to dodge him and  spray what feels like half the bottle of body spray in his face, causing him to recoil and retch. I pump a few more sprays for good measure and bolt upstairs to Ortho, Grim, and Azul.
“I’ve got more info!” I inform them as I lock the door and wedge a chair under the knob.
I was in the middle of redecorating my guest room, which means furniture is rather scarce. Aside from the chair I just wedged under the door knob, the only place to sit is the floor. Thankfully, there’s still places to hide. 
“Well, spit it out!” Grim commands.
“It’s gotta be the hat! Think about it,” I postulate, “first, he tells me he’s got something for me. Ortho, when you found me in the hallway, was Idia wearing a bowler hat?”
Ortho thinks for a second before his eyes widen and his apertures dilate. “Yes, he was!”
“And then something scratched my face as we fled,” I continue. “After that, we started seeing the tentacles.”
“The same ones that scratched up my arm!” Azul exclaims.
“But how is this proof that the hat possessed him and not something else?” Grim asks.
I take time to remember Idia’s exact wording, but Idia beats me to the punch, yelling from down the hall, “Fine! I never needed you, Darling! I’ll just keep this gift for myself!”
“Yeah, that works as evidence,” I remark as he cackles.
“So we have to rip that hat off,” Ortho states. “At least to prove or disprove our hypothesis.”
“I have a plan to get that hat off his head,” Azul announces. “Darling, you’re going to hide and get the jump on him. Us three will distract him so that you can knock his hat off.”
“Any idea what I can knock it off with without braining him?”
Just then, there’s a loud thud against the door.
“No time,” Azul responds. “You’re smart. You’ll think of something.”
I nod and move the chair back to where I decide to hide just as Idia kicks the door off its hinges.
He starts to growl, “There you are, Azul! And Ortho, too. How wonderful.”
“H-hi, Idia,” Azul stutters, eyes wide.
“You don’t appear to be at the club meeting today,” Idia rasps menacingly. “That’s not very poggers of you.”
“I had some,” he shoots a glare at Grim, “things to deal with at the Lounge.” 
“A shame, really,” he sighs maliciously, “because based on that look you gave Darling earlier, I would’ve assumed that you would’ve wanted to hang out with her.”
“What are you going on about?” Azul asks, genuinely confused.
“Don’t play dumb!” Idia shrieks, moving closer to him, and therefore me. “I saw the way she looked at you through Doris. I know what I saw!”
Grim pokes his head out from behind Azul. “Myah? Who’s Doris?”
He grins and gestures to the bowler hat enveloping his face. “She’s Doris. I found her in some storage room around campus. She promised she would help me and she opened my eyes.”
Just walk a little bit closer. Just walk a little bit closer and I can knock that evil thing off of your head.
And then Ortho asks him, “But what does this have to do with Darling?”
Idia whips his head around and focuses on Ortho with laser-like intensity. 
“Darling,” Idia runs over each syllable in his mouth like a flavorless wad of gum, “is a tease. She may act like she likes me, but Doris and I know better. There’s any number of guys she likes more than me. Like Vil,” he turns his attention back towards Azul, “or you.”
Azul sighs, “I’ll have to pay her back for this, but I have photographic evidence that Darling likes you.”
Idia scoffs, “Like I would believe you over Doris! Get pwned!”
I tighten my grip on the chair I’m hiding behind to keep from screaming. You’ll have to pay me back in a lot more than Monstro Lounge drinks if you leak those DM’s, Azul!
At this point, Idia is looming above the still seated Azul. Once Idia’s distracted again, I’ll strike. Now is not the time to miss my chance overthinking everything. 
Azul grins mischievously. I’m almost more terrified of whatever he’ll say next than this “Doris.”
“Okay, so what if Darling likes me then?” Azul asks. “Are you just that terrified of me liking her back? Of the possibility of me treating her better than a loser like you ever could? I mean, if Vil couldn’t keep her happy, then what chance do you have?”
He’s a good liar, I’ll give Azul that. I know he’s lying and I’m still a little pissed. 
Of course, Idia doesn’t take any of this well, letting out a mechanized screech as he lunges towards Azul. 
“Well, Azul!” A new rage alight in the red lens on the hat, “looks like it’s time for you to show the audience your flashback sequence!”
Now! Now’s my chance!
Time feels like a thick jelly as I spring up from behind the chair to knock that hat off of Idia’s head. The sound grabs his attention as he turns to me.
“Found you,” he growls, a devilish smile painted across his face.
Using nothing but momentum and lucky timing, I manage to tackle the unsuspecting gamer and rip the hat off of his head. Before we hit the ground, I fling it into the wall. I can hear it spark and sputter in the background. 
I gently brush his now blue hair out of his face. The tension in his face melts away when he’s asleep. Based on what Ortho’s told me before, this is a rare site to see. His face is so damp. It looks like he’s been crying for an hour or so. Poor guy... 
Ortho taps my shoulder. “Darling?”
“Yeah?” I respond, continuing to brush Idia’s pretty blue fire hair out of his face, gently cupping his face in my hand, running my thumb over his cheek. He’s so... beautiful.
“I need you to get off of him so that I can perform a medical examination,” Ortho continues. “Just to make sure that the hat was indeed the culprit.”
“Oh, right,” I snap back to reality and get up to sit by Grim and Azul.
I don’t talk much. Azul walks me through the recent changes he made to his Urza deck, but it all goes over my head. I hold Grim in my lap and give him pets. I can’t seem to find where I threw that bowler hat.
Idia eventually comes to, given a clean enough bill of health by Ortho. Azul immediately rushes to Idia’s side to apologize for baiting him by calling him a loser earlier, while also telling Idia that he will not be giving him any emotional compensation for it.
I see the way Idia looks at Azul, and I can only wonder if a quiet guy like him could ever want to be with a high octane girl like me. He smiles, and laughs, and takes Azul’s hand. I must just scare Idia. He’s never that calm with me.
It all comes back to butterflies. My heart feels like a butterfly crushed underneath a hunter’s boot.
“You alright, henchman?” Grim asks me.
“I will be,” I respond, dejected.
I get up to go get Idia a glass of water. Seven knows he needs it.
I grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it up with tap water from one of the good sinks in the dorm. I should get him a snack, too. So, I set the glass of water down on the counter and rummage around for a bag of chips or something.
I feel a low rumble, like a car driving by, only shorter. Not to mention cars don’t drive out this way. My heartbeat picks up the pace. I drop what I’m holding and look at the glass of water on the counter. There are faint ripples on what should be a still surface. There’s no way... 
As the rumbles become more pronounced, the ripples do too. I start to pray that I’m wrong and that this sound of thunder is only attached to a storm, but there’s no way. There’s no way!
I race back upstairs to the others and blurt out, “There’s a t-rex coming.”
“What are you talking about, Darling?” Azul pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Do you not feel the rumbling?”
“It’s probably just a storm,” he continues.
Ortho pipes up, “According to the local weather report, it’s clear skies for the rest of the day.”
“Well,” Azul tries to save face, “there’s got to be a logical explanation for this that isn’t t-rex.”
And then a mechanized roar like something out of Transformers rocks the dorm. I look out the window.
And I see it. I see the terrible lizard king himself. I see the beast trampling through my forest. And I see it heading straight for us.
“Dammit, Doris,” I hear Idia mumble. “I just needed you to hold sewing patterns in place, not this!”
“Doris?” Grim asks, “What does that cursed hat have to do with this t-rex?”
“She told me that she had a plan if things went wrong,” he continues. “And I guess getting slammed up against a wall counts. I have no idea how she could’ve gotten a t-rex but it doesn’t surprise me that she did. I should’ve known that hat was sus.”
“You didn’t build it?” I ask him.
“I found her in one of the storage rooms. She was broken, and soaking wet, so I fixed her up.”
The t-rex has gotten closer and at this point I can now see the tiny little bowler hat on its massive reptilian head.
It roars again; an earth shattering, mechanical scream as it starts to bull rush the dorm.
I sprint across the hall, too panicked to tell the others to do the same. Thankfully, they all had the same idea I did.
From across the hall, we watch the t-rex smash a hole in the side of my guest room. Note to self: twist Crowley’s arm to make sure he repairs that.
The boys ready themselves to fight this fierce beast. As always, it’s my job to keep them on track.
Grim looks up at me, crackling with excitement. “What’s the plan, henchman?”
“Try not to kill it,” I say, “but if you must, make it instant!”
They ready their pens and start slinging as many spells necessary to take the beast down. 
I was doing my part by singing “Walk the Dinosaur,” since it’s the only dinosaur song I can think of, not to mention a bop.
It was a ferocious battle, with Idia’s defense being the only thing between them and a fate similar to that of the lawyer from Jurassic Park. Azul manages to sharpshoot the bowler hat dead in its lens with a jet of water so pressurized you could powerwash the grime off of Narrishackke with it. The thing eventually roars its last as it is soon felled by my team; falling to the earth with a thunderous crash. We go out to investigate, but the hat is nowhere to be found. 
I examine what I thought was a corpse of a t-rex, only to find that it’s somehow only been knocked unconscious.
Azul sees the gleam and my eyes and asks me, “Do you want me to shrink the t-rex down for you so that you can keep it as a pet?”
I nod rapidly. “I’m gonna name him Nathaniel.”
“Of course you are,” Azul sighs. “This won’t be cheap, you know.”
“I figured,” I say as I text him an IOU. “Next time I have my wallet, come talk to me.”
He nods and starts getting to work. Grim and Ortho wander off to continue looking for the hat, but I have something more important to do.
“So... Idia,” I slide up next to him, wringing my hands anxiously, “ I know you said earlier that-”
“When I had the hat on?” he cuts me off, voice pinched. “Darling, whatever I said about you when I was possessed by Doris, just, pretend I never did.”
Now’s my chance now’s my chance now’s my-
“Then, would you like to come see the ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ movie with me?” I ask him. “I originally bought two tickets, and you’re the only person I know that cares about this series as much as me.”
His hair turns bright pink tip to root. I can practically see the 404 error screen plastered on the walls of his mind right now. 
“I wouldn’t want to intrude!” he finally exclaims. “You probably bought that ticket for someone else!”
“I did,” I confess. “For Grim. Because I was going to drag him along if you said no.”
“But you said you were going to get all dressed up for this.”
“Plans can change, and if we leave now we’ll arrive just in time.” I smile, extending my hand for him to take. “And I’d rather have you there than some nose and scar wax.”
He grins; nervously, excitedly, dreamily. He smells like candy. He gently takes my hand, as if I’m a Warhammer model he’s afraid of breaking or an unsleeved Black Lotus card. His hand is so soft, and warm, and wonderful. I’m holding his hand! I could cry if I wasn’t already so giddy.
I see a moth flying away in the distance towards some unknown light. I smile. The dust from the t-rex is still settling, making everything look hazy and dreamlike. And yet, I’m so lucky. Eat your heart out, Eliza! Eat your heart out, Doris! Eat your paradoxical heart out, Eckles!
The next day, Azul and I meet up to talk to Crowley about what is to be done about Narrishackke.
“Oh! So that’s what happened yesterday afternoon,” Crowley laments. “Has the press caught wind of this?”
“Not yet,” I respond, still worn out after the events of yesterday.
“We’ll leak it if you don’t answer some questions first,” Azul applies some pressure.
“Ortho did record everything,” I state.
“Fine, fine,” Crowley reclines in his office seat. “What is it you would like to ask?”
“First, where the hell were you?” I ask, doing my best to censor my language.
“Oh, well I was in my office. I initiated lockdown mode when it notified me that there was a prehistoric creature roaming the woods.” He smiles. I can feel my blood pressure spiking.
“How nice for you,” I respond, pissed.
“Next question,” Azul takes the floor. “What was that hat Idia found?”
“Unfortunately, I don’t know,” he sighs. “I would check the library or ask one of the ghosts if you really care.”
“Okay, final question,” I ready my statement, “what are you going to do about the damage Nathaniel caused to House Narrishackke?”
“She means the ramshackle dorm building she and Grim are living in,” Azul pipes up. 
“And I named the t-rex Nathaniel,” I state proudly. 
“I’ll just give you a blank check,” he says quickly, exasperated. “Aren’t I just so generous?”
I take the blank check from him, “Yeah, generous works.”
After we leave the office, Azul asks me, “So what else are you gonna charge Crowley’s card with?”
“Whatever it takes to deck out a room for Nathanial,” I beam. “And an Emrakul, the Promised End.”
“Why?” he asks me, baffled. 
I smirk. “I still have to beat Idia in a game of Magic.”
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lilmissnatcat24 · 7 months
Turn Left Ch 24- So You Found Out You're Fucking Your Best Friend. What's Next?
Garrus decides how to move forward after a shocking-- and horny-- discovery. ((HORNY CHAPTER ALERT!!!))
Relationship: Femshep/Garrus Vakarian
Archive Warnings in author's note
Additional tags: enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, slow build, alternate universe- canon divergence, detective noir, sex club, anonymous sex, canon temporary character death, murder mystery, drug use, dom garrus vakarian, whump, smut, heavy angst, alien sex, dual pov, an overly sexual elcor named candy, earthborn, ruthless, fake/pretend relationship, dead dove: do not eat, identity porn, minor character death
Detective AU mixed with identity porn mixed with so much whump my fingers are bleeding
(or, start from the beginning here)
lil text blurb:
No, really, what was next? Was there a guidebook that Garrus could read that tells him exactly how he should proceed? Had anyone else at Sailor’s Delight ever gotten themselves into a situation like that before? Maybe there was a documentary he could find, or a how-to manual. Maybe he’d call Candy. Maybe she would know what to do. She’d probably just grab her ankles and ask Garrus to fuck her, but after that maybe she would have some advice. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that there was no one as stupid as him in the entire galaxy that could have gotten themselves mixed up in the situation he found himself in.
Maybe he was overreacting. Maybe he was jumping to a conclusion that wasn’t there. Maybe Shepard bought herself menthols from across the galaxy because she likes to smoke. Yes! That was it! Who cares that it coincided perfectly with when Garrus bought Commander menthols? Menthols exist in the universe! They weren’t mutually exclusive to him! Or, maybe Shepard had a roommate, one with milky white skin and freckles and that same round ass. Yes, that had to be it. Shepard stole the menthols from her roommate, who just so happened to be the person Garrus was fucking. Or, scratch that, Shepard just stole them because she’s a raging kleptomaniac. She saw them sticking out of someone’s purse, and couldn’t help her grubby little fingers from swiping them. Maybe Shepard killed her. Maybe she had a pile of dead bodies sitting in her apartment right now, and one of them just so happened to have the ill fated pack of menthols in her pocket. That seemed likely. Really, it did… that was, of course, if you didn’t think hard at all… 
Fuck .
And it also was just purely coincidence that Shepard and Commander were both biotics… and both addicted to red sand… and both the exact same size… and everyone in his life was saying that they could smell her on him…
Fuuuuuuuuuuck . 
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