#like i cannot wait for whole cake island
punkitt-is-here · 2 years
do you have a favorite straw hat or do you just rotate them all equally in your brain like 10 hot pockets evenly spaced apart in the microwave
Mostly the latter BUT I fucking adore Brook, Franky, and Usopp. They add SO much to the crew and I am consistently laughing at them and also completely delighted by them. My least favorite is Sanji rn because he does the coolest shit ever and then waxes poetic about pussy in the most cringe way the second any woman shows up. if he was gay this would fix everything
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unactive-shroom · 7 months
hi can i get ur valentines prompt #10 pls for a percy jackson x reader would love for it to be angst
Prompt #10: Forgotten ♡ (Specify Angst/fluff, please!)
“Your partner seems to have forgotten all about Valentines… or maybe, just forgotten about you.”
Character: Percy Jackson. Check out the Valentine’s event Here.
A.n: I’m sorry but I actually CANNOT write Percy like this there’s no way he’d do this. Have to add some fluff to this
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You stood by the dining pavillion, waiting. You were always waiting for him. Grover stood nearby, nervously watching you from a nearby pillar. After a few moments he took a step forward “y/n, I-” And then you saw him. Walking with Annabeth, laughing without a care in the world. “It’s fine, Grover. I’ll talk to you later.” You strode away from the Pavillion, heading for the shore to cool off. All morning you had waited for Percy, after he swore the night before that he had something amazing planned for Valentine’s, and he’d come collect you from your cabin in the morning. You’d waited like a fool for him, and he hadn’t even shown up.
You had just finished your brooding when you heard them - Percy and Annabeth - laughing and joking at some incredible joke. The laughter died as soon as it reached you. “Y/n! Hey, there you are! You weren’t at dinner-” You walked up to him, seething with anger. “Fuck you, Percy Jackson. I waited all morning for you, you ignored me at dinner, you disappeared for the whole day, until I saw you with Annabeth at dinner. Are you sure you even know who your girlfriend is? It’s Valentine’s day, and you completely ditched me. It’s over, we’re through.” Annabeth let go of Percy’s arm. “What? Percy, did you seriously stand y/n up on Valentine’s day?” Percy looked between the two of you. “What? No, Valentine’s isn’t for another week, right? Right?!”
Silence stretched out between the three of you, and as you and Annabeth looked at each other, Percy desperately pleaded “Seriously, guys. Is this why when I ordered the fireworks show from the Stoll twins for next week they looked at me funny? And the cake? Oh my Gods, please tell me you’re kidding..” Annabeth sighed and put her head in her hands. “The fourteenth, Percy. Come on, that’s today. How could you get it wrong?” “I don’t know! Even Grover asked me what I had planned today, Gods, I thought he wanted a favour or something.” Percy turned to you. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. Seriously. I swear I didn’t forget, I just mixed up the dates. I was practicing sparring this morning, too, and I just didn’t feel time pass. I promise I’ll make it up to you. Please don’t break up with me?” You laughed through tears as he pulled you into a hug. “mmkay. Sorry for shouting at you.” “That’s okay, I deserved it. I do have an idea though. How would you like to go to that-” He pointed at a picturesque Island far from the shoreline “-and have a picnic with yours truly? You haven’t had any dinner, and I’m sure I can get some dessert somewhere.” You both agreed to meet back at the same spot in 20 Minutes, and after that, spent a beautiful evening together, with plans to celebrate a ‘future Valentine’s’ in a weeks time.
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aachria · 3 months
I’m so invested in Sanji and Ed it’s not even funny (it’s very funny my friend is so annoyed I keep yapping to her about these two)
The idea that Sanji, someone who’s life stands on so much secrecy tells the one person meant to figure out secrets it’s so crazy. The irony that Sanji tries so hard to not rely on anyone else and prove his worth the whole series. Just to confine in the one or if not the most secretive person he can is crazy.
Obviously Ed already knows about Sanji’s backstory and WCI + Wano so they aren’t surprised. But the idea Sanji trusts Ed so much to tell them his mothers name is insane. The little meetings they have is just so heart wrenching to me I adore them so much
But it’s so silly at the same time! I mean latest chap, for quite awhile Ed is telling the crew to well- kill them. If something they don’t want happens and in this case they don’t wanna be anywhere near the human trafficking (explainable) and at the very end Ed somehow got themselves into a death pact thingy with Luffy
And it reminds me of Zoro and Sanji in Wano. Sanji telling Zoro to “put him down” if he becomes an emotionless machine. And Zoro agreeing and telling him not to die before he can do it himself. It’s just very silly that these two both are so ridiculously secretive and sacrificial that they both end up in a similar scenario is goofy af
I love the two dearly, Whole Cake Island is gonna hurt for me but I cannot wait. We still got awhile but just wanted to share my adoration for these two dumbasses
Me and Sanji, we're like this 🤞. Me and him and our privacy issues all skip in a circle holding hands. Oh and Ed is there too.
OK. So. Sanji is my darling little guy and he is also very pathetic which is exactly how I like my men. Anyway the fucking SWITCH UP from Sanji mentioning being from the North blue back on Jaya and side eyeing Ed to him voluntarily telling them shit he is fully aware they could figure stuff out from is something that can be so personal.
My guy is like a cat pushing something off the counter, seeing no repercussions, and just continuing to do it. He got no pushback from the North Blue comment from Ed, saw that they never used that to find anything out, and went 'oh so it's like putting something in the bank, got it,' and ran with that.
It's Ed not telling anyone anything about their past they don't assume and Sanji pretending his backstory doesn't exist doing the spiderman meme.
Sanji saw this little freak who knows everything and never tells anyone SHIT and decided that was close enough to a therapist it could work. My man is poking the bear over and over seeing how far he can push his luck and Ed is just letting that happen.
Little Mr. I Will Never Talk About My Feelings Ever Because They're A Burden™ telling Ed, the Trash Receptacle Of Info That Will Be Forgotten Until It's Important™, about his gay ass crush on Zoro and being rewarded with a smooch: is this what being emotionally vulnerable is like????????
Those two idiots are very important to me. I almost bungled a bunch of plot because I adore him so.
The parallels between Sanji and Ed with Zoro and Luffy AND in general are both hilarious and terribly devastating to think about. I have so many big feelings about those two.
Wholecake is gonna be A TRIP I am VERY EXCITED FOR IT and it's gonna be AWFUL for everyone involved. I have something so hilarious I want to do with that arc.
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officialstrawhat · 11 months
The Rose of Dressrosa- Chapter 3
Hello! As always please enjoy the next chapter!
Also, I just started Whole Cake Island and O. M. G.!
Trafalgar D. Law x Fem!Reader
Chapter List
After King Riku is dethroned, Doflamingo takes you under his wing and asks you to follow only one strict rule, "do not leave the palace alone". However, your sense of adventure is too great.
Law had only one thing in mind... Revenge. And you seemed like the best way to do that.
Warnings: Dark themes, manipulation, creepy doffy
Note: Gif is not mine. Not Edited.
Word Count: 1.2K
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Chapter 3
You entered the bookstore tugging the hood of your cloak as far forward as you could. Once the man at the front desk was unoccupied you walked over to him. 
“Hello. I just finished this book,” you set the brown leather back down on the counter. "This is volume two and only has tales of the South Blue and I was hoping to find the one about the Grand Line, you wouldn’t happen to have that one would you?"
“I can check.” He smiled kindly, pulling out the large inventory book. “No ma’am, sorry.” He said after a few minutes of flipping through thin pages. 
You purse your lips, “Do you know where I can find it ?” 
“May I?” He motioned to the book.
You gave him the book and he flipped to one of the last pages. “Just as I thought. Less than 100 copies were made of each. These books are so rare. Where'd you find this one?”
You opted not to tell him in the palace library but instead, “I used to read the one about the Grand Line when I was a kid. I was really hoping to find that one.”
“Well if you can't find that one there's always volumes one, three, and four out there somewhere” He told her, “You sure the one you used to read was about the Grand Line?”
“Yes. I’m positive.”
“Hmm..” the shopkeeper ran his finger on the inked words, “It says here there are only four books, covering only the East, West, North and South Blues. No Grand Line one. Sorry. We have other adventure stories in our myths and fairytale section. Feel free to browse.”   
“Thank you,” You told him feeling your heart sank. 
Since Doflamingo had taken ownership of Dressrosa, the Kingdom practically ran itself. Everyone in his family had their jobs and he heard no complaints so far. Thanks to his family's combined efforts he could sit in his luxurious office chair and stare out of his large window with no worry in the world. 
“Young Master,” a voice rang out in the silence.
“Monet.” Doffy greeted, not looking away from the window. “Report.”
“The money from the weapons deal has finally been transferred to our accounts, and it seems as though Caesar Clown has agreed to study devil fruits as well.”
“That all seems like wonderful news but I can tell there's something else on your mind.”
“Out with it then.” 
“This concerns your Rose.”
“What about her?” Doffy's eyebrows furrowed. 
“I think you may be going too soft on her.”
“Do you?” He asked dangerously.
“She’s no longer a child bringing you flowers anymore.” She told him calmly, she paused waiting for a reaction. Monet knew she was walking a fine line. She understood Doffys reasoning behind bringing you into the family, but if you weren’t yielding results during training and you weren't assisting with family duties, what use were you. 
When Doffy said nothing she continued, “She's almost eighteen and she has been blatantly disobeying your orders. If this had been anyone else there would have been consequences. You cannot keep giving her special treatment. Especially since she's not really a part of this family.”  
That did it. The Warlord rose from his seat, “She is as much part of this family as you or I,” He told the green-haired woman seriously moving over to stand next to the large window with a panoramic view of the west side of the island, “My Rose serves a purpose in a different way. Besides, I've already spoken with her.” 
“Really? Then tell me, Young Master,” Monet moved over to stand beside him, “Where is your Rose right now?”
When you walk out of the bookstore you glance at the small clock tower. 
 This was taking longer than you had initially thought it would. It may have just been by chance but you were thankful something caught your eye, in the crowd of people and toys, you spot Violet looking around the street. You weren't sure if she was looking for you or not but you were not going to stick around to find out.
Gulping, you enter a cantina whose entrance is in an alley, hoping this would shield you for a while at least until she leaves the area.
“What can I get ya?”  the bartender grunts as you sat on the stool.
“Uh-” You weren't much of a drinker, so you glanced at the dirty menu, “A sangria please.” he grunts again before walking away to make your drink. 
As he did, your mind wandered back to the book. Were there really only four volumes? And if these books were rare, how did your mother have a copy? 
You glance at a clock that was located above one of the risers that held all the glass bottles filled with alcohol and inwardly groaned. You were definitely going to be late to training now. Monet would tell Doffy, and Doffy would not be happy you knew that for sure. Pissing off Doffy was never on your to-do list but he could never stay mad at you for long. Right? 
The barman places the drink in front of you, “That’ll be seven berry.” 
Your eyes widened at the realization, “Oh, I don’t have any money.” 
The large man did not like this, “Then how did you expect to pay for this drink.” he seethed, “Oh I know. Planning on running up a tab, were ya. Hoping to cheat me!” 
 “I’m calling the authorities.” 
“Here,” A tattooed hand puts down a large bill, “For her drink, and get me a bottle of whiskey.”
“Thanks,” you say guardedly. Not exactly loving the fact that some stranger had to come to your rescue.
“Don’t mention it.” The stranger sat on the stool next to you. It was at this time he got a better look at you, “You don't seem like the type to be at a place like this.” 
“First time for everything,” she said as the bartender brought the tattooed man his glass and a bottle. Looking at him more closely he didn't seem that much older than you. You looked at his hands again, this time actually analyzing his tattoos. Death, his knuckles read. 
“You don't seem like someone who's from Dressrosa.” You told him, raising your eyebrows.
“Just passing through.” He smirked, pouring the amber colored liquid into the glass  “I’m here on business.”
“Oh yeah, What do you do?” you sounded bored as you sipped your drink.
“I’m a ship's captain,” he stuck a hand out, “Law.” He used his real name. If Doffy didn’t like her out and about on her own, he was positive she would tell no one of their meeting. 
This peeked your interest and you shook his hand, “Y/N”. This man was from out of town, you felt safe knowing he would have no idea who you were. 
“Y/N,” Law repeated. “Nice to meet you.”
“So if you're a captain,” You say slowly, taking a sip of your drink, “does that mean you’ve actually sailed through the Grand Line?”
You tried not to sound too excited, but you couldn't help it. The thought of a life anywhere other than Dressrosa, it intrigued you.
“Most of it.” Law nodded, “Not many people can say that.” 
“Really?! Where have you been?” You didn’t even notice yourself leaning in closer to him. “How many Islands have you been to? Is it true there are Winter Islands? 
“Yeah, been to lots too. But I've never been here before.” he told you, before slyly adding, “Maybe you can show me around?”
He watches you smile and he smirks too. This was going to be easy.
Next Chapter
Taglist: @rebeccawinters @mj-airlines @awkwardspontaneity
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anachronismstellar · 2 months
IAAP: CH6 Wip Wednesday - 17/07
Helloooo everyone! Here is the requests for IAAP: CH6 for my wip wednesday this week! :D
Tagging everyone that requested this file: @aisalynn @somefishycat
@sourb0i @eriquin @auburnlaughter @adhdavinci
Hope you like it!
“I cannot say that I understand how you feel right now, for the situation is beyond many of my odd experiences at the Grand Line,” Jinbei cut right through his spiraling, settling next to Zoro on the tatami in a lotus position. “However, I have met my quota of first mates that were too hard on themselves.” Zoro kept his silence, waiting to see where this was going. He trusted Jinbei’s judgment of their crew, and he had been a valuable source of outside perspective in the past weeks. Now, of course, he was more integrated with everyone, Zoro couldn’t call it an outside perspective anymore, but still the older man had a good head on his shoulders. “I know it is not my place to interfere with your relationship with Sanji-san, and I know that you both trust your backs to each other without any doubt or question. However,” and Zoro didn’t know why he braced for the impact that would come.  Because he knew how his relationship with Curls looked like they would kill each other without blinking.  Sometimes, when the watch would get too quiet, and he had nothing but booze and stars for company, he would wonder what he would have done if he went to Whole Cake Island. And he knew, from the way Cook would look at him from time to time, that he wondered too. “I think it would be best for both of you to set aside any competition that you might have to solve this as quickly as possible,” Jinbei kept on talking, oblivious to Zoro’s wandering thoughts. “Believe me, I tried,” Zoro humfed, relaxing a bit when he realized that Jinbei wouldn’t say anything else on the matter. “But he is stubborn as a bull when he wants to, and right now he doesn’t want to see me not even if I grew a pair of boobs.” Jinbei shook his head in disapproval at the last comment, to which Zoro shrugged back. He knew it was true. “I actually believe that Sanji-san pays more attention to your opinion than you think, Zoro-san. But I’ve already said enough. Go get some proper sleep, according to Nami-san, tomorrow we will move the Sunny closer to the coast, and we will need all hands on deck.”
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yamatossideboob · 3 months
One Piece 1117 spoilers!
This week's philosophisings:
I fucking love Yamato hugging Daddy Cat, happy father's day son
So I did not cop this until I saw people raving about it but. Gin lives babes.
And he made it back to the New World with Dong Krieg and Pearl...
I'm genuinely stunned by this, I can't lie. Oda is stuffing in cameos from E V E R Y O N E.
This is so strange. On one hand I feel like I should be cross that Oda has not only cowarded out of ANOTHER character death, but the fact that 1) it's after 20 literal fucking years after we saw him last, which is genuinely just hilarious, and 2) its fucking GIN!!!!! OUR GUY FUCKING MADE IT!!! HE DEFIED THE GRIM REAPER BEFORE ZORO!!!!! DON GIN FOR LIFE BAYBEEEEEEEEE
also nice callback to the City of Gold myth from Skypiea
oh hi Saruyama lads
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Kujaku...
DRAKE??????????? glad you're alive I guess now you can do something interesting
This fella channeling the entire readership for what feels like months now
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One inch closer to gtfo Egghead, real den den mushi pace to this escape manouvre lmao
Nusjuro is easily the scariest-looking of the Elders, the fucked up skeletaur form is just peak nightmare fuel. fuckin SMT shit
'Fishman Jiu-jutsu Piggyback' doesn't quite hit the same as 'Fastball Special' but FUCK if it doesn't otherwise tick those Hype Shit boxes, gwan Jimbei and Mosshead
Zoro stanboys creaming themselves reading this, power scalers succing themselves thru their jorts at this display
Fr though good on swordsman repelling a fucking Elder to let the crew have more time to flee, ditto Jimbei on the slick catch
also Zoro sword deemed significant somehow woowee
shit, what are the chances we get another crew split a la Whole Cake? Doubt it at this late stage buttttttttt
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (thats Luffy yellin)
the Giants delight in their carnage yay yippee
I cannot help but read Bluegrass in a Cork accent.
I guess some VAs being not useless is good for stakes. On the Giants tho.
go Giant Robo... you gave us nothing.. lol I'm not yet convinced that the Iron Giant is kaput yet, it just seems too hardy for that even with the Elder assault going on. but that signal is banjaxed now, probably for good. Which suits me fine, Robin can still have her big moment in due time this way.
What's the deal with the D though... I can't wait til we finally find out... mamma mia
Thankfully another chapter is due next Sunday. This is likely the end of this colossal lore drip feed by Vegapunk, but next time will surely be immensely exciting now that we can finally get off the island and off to Elbaf! I'll meet ye there nakama!
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sun-archeron · 1 year
im so glad i waited this long to read one piece, bc if i had to deal with fishman island arc as it was being released i probably would've given up on it
like, i simply cannot stand sanji in that arc, and it took me getting to whole cake island arc to start liking him again
and i know its been said before, but its so infuriating that, aside for the perv thing, he is a great character,who can be funny without those annoying scenes
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itsuki-minamy · 1 year
"AYAKA – SIDE STORIES 01" (Part 03/04)
* List of Chapters
Human beings have certain qualities that they are born with, each has its own position and is designed to fit where they should.
"Mochi is a rice cake", "Society is a puzzle that compensates for unevenness", "Everyone is different, everyone is good". No matter who you ask, you'll probably come across one or two of those idioms.
Taihei Makita believes that there is some truth to this mediocre view of society.
But at the same time, there are people in this world who are truly extraordinary, people who cannot belong to the "professional", and there are tasks that only they can do. Makita also knows that such a person exists.
For example, Aka Ibuki, the head of "Ayaka Security", is one of them.
He still couldn't sense anything disturbing in the lights of the distant downtown area.
However, the reason why he seemed like this is because Makita has no spiritual qualities. A keen sense, due to a special practice or innate constitution, the possessor can see the flow of spiritual energy before it solidifies and manifests, what the local language calls "Ki".
How would you like this scene?
He wondered what the representative of "Ayaka Security", Aka Ibuki, sees.
Saying nothing, Ibuki took a chocolate bar from his pocket and chewed on it. It hasn't been long since he started waiting in that alley on the outskirts of town, but the garbage can next to him was already full of packing scraps.
Ibuki stuffed things into the spaces between work and daily errands. Since he was a child, he's always been a big eater, but lately he's been much hungrier than normal people.
He is not a giant like Makita. His physique wrapped in a suit is rather slender. As for where the food disappears, it probably becomes Ibuki's "abilities" and physical drive, in other words, the heat of the fight.
A strange scream was heard from the direction of the city center. A bestial roar was mixed with an unpleasant metallic sound.
"An Aramitama, it has materialized. Let's go there."
"I understand... Boss, I'm coming."
When Makita, who received the report, looked at him, Ibuki gave a slight nod and began to walk towards the light. His whole body began to feel strange. It was a high-pressure life force that glowed in the surrounding air like a mist of heat.
"Ayaka Security" is a security company whose service area is Ayaka and Ichinoshima Islands. That is their official position, but in reality they are a group of armed exorcists whose mission is to exterminate the materialized psychic disorder "Aramitama" and minimize the damage.
The distant screams began to mix with the shots, and then those driven to shoot appeared.
Hovering over a two-story building on the outskirts of the city, a huge "snake" with a thick body that looks like the trunk of a large tree, with two arms twisted like a rope. It has a mask-like head with a gigantic eye that splits vertically.
The members of "Ayaka Security" surround the squirming "snake" and chase after it. A team of about 10 people, focused on young people in their twenties. They are armed with large and small firearms such as pistols, rifles, and machine guns. It is a weapon that is sophistically approved for use under the guise of "a tool used in festivals held on the island". All bullets have undergone goryo exorcism and have a spiritual impact.
However, the anti-personnel firearms did not do much damage to the giant "snake". The "snake" rushed forward with increasing speed, as if it hated the hail bullets that were hitting its entire body. It was an impulse that tried to crush Ibuki who was standing in front of him.
Ibuki took out a large pistol from his pocket and fired casually.
The bullet landed on the "serpent's" forehead and its huge head was knocked off.
Ibuki's weapon, itself, was nothing compared to the firearms his subordinates possessed. However, the power of the bullets fired from there was incomparable. It is the difference in ability between the subordinates who use weapons imbued with the power of magic and Ibuki, who is a powerful magician.
In succession, two, three more bullets fired by Ibuki hit his torso, scraping the flesh of condensed vitality, and the "snake" soared into the sky as he raised an anguished voice, and then, eyes shining at Ibuki. He recognized Ibuki as his enemy.
A gigantic sickle head turned towards Ibuki, and his entire body was bent with terrifying power. In the next moment, it came out like a spring.
A fierce smile appeared at the corner of Ibuki's mouth. As he took a low stance and stomped his feet firmly on the ground, the vitality that enveloped his entire body began to emit a strange glow. In other words, he himself was a monster comparable to an Aramitama. The "snake" roared and jumped on another monster that appeared in front of him, opening his jaws. He was already too close for a gun. A poisonous fang like an iron spear would pierce through Ibuki's body at that moment. The pistol grip was hammered into the forehead of the "snake".
A strong blow like an iron hammer broke the mask of the "snake", the face of the exoskeleton with a single huge eye.
Ibuki uses a pistol to apply his own technique to the bullets and shoot them from a distance. If you are within range of realistic fists and legs, it is more effective to hit with meat.
Second shot, third shot and more. With each punch, Ibuki made a big swing and threw his grab, elbow, left fist, left and right knees with all his might. Furthermore, he plunged deep into the frightened
Aramitama, placed the pistol in his right hand on his chin in a boxing manner, and fired rapidly. When the magazine was empty, he dropped the pistol and hit the head and entire body of the "snake" with both fists. His rough appearance is exactly like a devil.
Makita gave instructions to the members who were chasing the "snake" and had them surround the demon and the "snake" from afar. If that happens, there is nothing they can do. Originally, the purpose of that mission was to drive the giant Aramitama away from the city and guide him to that place where his "boss" could wield all of his power.
An Aramitama up to a certain scale can be dealt with by members with the provided firearms. However, it's hard to deal with something that has grown to a monstrous size, like that, unless it's a real caster.
Although "Ayaka Security" prides itself on being Ikki Tousen, it is essentially a one-man team focused on and working to support the powerful magician Aka Ibuki. If you compare it to a Guso puzzle, Aka Ibuki is a gigantic distorted and sharp piece. He is irreplaceable.
"Oh, it's decided!"
One of the bloodthirsty members raised his voice.
A barrage of fists and feet strengthened by supernatural art finally shattered the "snake" mask. A gigantic eyeball the size of a melon, Aramitama's core was exposed and rolled out of the half-destroyed skull. If that is destroyed, the Aramitama will no longer be able to maintain his body, and it will become a stagnant life force and disperse.
Another eyeball appeared behind the giant eyeball.
"There are two cores...!"
Makita and the members were amazed, and Ibuki also took a retreat stance as a precaution.
The first eyeball of the "snake" formed a new skull with a thick vitality in the air.
The torso, like the trunk of a large tree, fell apart. It was originally made of two "snakes" twisted together like a shimenawa.
(This is bad...!)
In a head-on fight, Ibuki never loses, but the separation of the Aramitama in front of him was completely unexpected.
He started a two-on-one battle against the two-headed "snake". Just as Makita feared, the two coordinated snakes played with Ibuki, who was superior in strength. As Ibuki's eyes warned against one of the "snake" heads, the other ate from the side.
A living fist struck one of his long torsos, and the other, unharmed, became entangled.
Makita ordered the members to take cover, but the firepower was insufficient, and moreover, the line of fire was limited so as not to hit Ibuki, who was fighting with the "snake". It could not be called a decent force. There was no place for ordinary people to enter the vast arena of spiritual warfare.
As the armed members struggled to get their hands on it, Ibuki was quickly outnumbered. Originally, it is a style that consumes a lot of physical strength and is not suitable for long duration battles. Even as he did that, Ibuki's attacks were muffled and his defenses were weakening. At some point, he would receive fatal damage.
Not that there was nothing they could do. It would not be impossible to forcefully intervene in this battle between the devil and the "snake" to break the deadlock. But that puts some members at risk of injury.
"You can go. I'll stay a while and become a decoy."
The member who spoke earlier, Furin, told Makita.
"There are many people who can replace us, but there is no one who can replace the boss. Make no mistake."
"No, no, you are irreplaceable human resources."
Makita smiled wryly as if to fool his inner thoughts, but he had to make a decision immediately.
Finally, the fangs of the "snake" grazed Ibuki's shoulder, it didn't seem like a fatal blow, but his stance collapsed and his next move was delayed. On the other hand, the "second snake" had already built up strength in preparation for the next blow.
"Come on!"
As Furin jumped, something flashed overhead with a sharp sound.
Next, the head of the ''snake'', which attacked Ibuki, was flipped over by a great force and fell backwards. Fine droplets smelling of alcohol fell on Furin's head.
"What is this... alcohol?"
A young man approached from the street. He raised one hand in a nonchalant tone and held a long can of commercially available chuhai in the other hand.
"Hey, why are you here?"
Both Furin and the other members, looking somewhat relieved, called out to the man in the chuhai.
To Ibuki Aka's "younger disciples", Sagawa Jingi's face was familiar.
"When I was drinking in town, it seemed like there was some kind of chaos around here... so..."
As he spoke, Jingi climbed up on the wall next to him and sat cross-legged.
"Haha, I came to see you."
"Hey, if you're just kidding..."
Controlling the wind forest, Makita said:
"Please give your support to the boss."
"Well, it's alright. This brother will do his best~♪"
Jingi tipped the can over and spilled the contents on the ground in front of him.
No, the spilled liquid floated as if it had lost gravity just before hitting the ground, turning into a spongy transparent sphere. It is the effect of the moisture manipulation technique, which is Jingi's specialty.
As he did so, the two-headed "snake" regained its stance and attacked with a beast-like siren scream.
Responding to the simultaneous left and right attacks, Ibuki turned towards the head approaching from the left and punched out with his fist from the front. A blow that entered the center of the monocular, the impact shattered the "snake's" skull, and hard eyeballs protruded from the back of his head.
Another "snake" head attacked Ibuki's empty back. A fist-sized transparent mass hit the side of his head. It wasn't as fast as a bullet, and it wasn't as powerful as Ibuki's fist, but with just the right amount of power, it accurately hit the opponent's nose.
The time gained by Jingi was less than a second. That was enough for Ibuki to regain his balance.
Ibuki, who turned towards the remaining head, grabbed the center of the "snake's" head with his fist as before and pulled it out of the skull.
The life energy that made up the body of the "snake" that had lost its two cores quickly dispersed, and the yorishiro that was left in midair fell with a thud. It's probably something like the amulet you're dealing with in Ichinoshima Shrine It is a keyring with two bells attached to a small shimenawa.
"Well done, big brother. Congratulations!"
Jingi lightly clapped his hands and Ibuki loosened his grip as he undid the technique. His breathing was rough and his fatigue was dark, but his expression remained calm.
"But maybe you're trying too hard. Let's take it easy."
Jingi jumped off the wall, walked around after the fierce battle, picked up the Aramitama cores one by one from the ground, muttered something, and tossed them into empty chuhai cans. Then, for some reason, a handful of eyeballs were sucked into the small spout of the empty can. As if to check the contents, Jingi waved the can to his ear and heard the sound of small things rolling and a low moan.
"Wow, is this the same guy?"
Jingi picked up the "snake" yorishiro from his feet. A small shimenawa, wriggling like two entwined worms, jingling bells.
"Maybe it's because I used the shimenawa as a yorishiro... the veins of the two Aramitamas got entangled and their lives will be lost. Well, there's more than I can handle..."
"Jingi, I'll take care of that here."
As Ibuki extended his right hand, Jingi suddenly frowned and stared at his hand.
"No. I'll take this guy to Minoshima and make him calm down."
When Jingi mentioned the name of the place, the atmosphere of the place stiffened for a moment. The employees of "Ayaka Security" secretly looked at Ibuki's complexion.
After a short pause, Ibuki jerked his chin toward the path home.
"Do what you want."
Jingi smiled and nodded, then began to walk briskly. In contrast to Ibuki's behavior, which would intimidate even his direct subordinates, Jingi had nothing to defend. He is a unique respite from the sibling relationship.
"Well then, big brother and everyone, see you later."
Jingi slipped past the employees and walked toward the city. Just as he thought, he came running from a few steps away.
"Almost forgot! Big brother, pay for the chuhai you used in the technique just now, pay! 200 yen! 200 yen!"
"You're a child!"
Beside Furin, who reflexively retorted, Makita smiled wryly. Ibuki's expression also seemed to soften a bit.
Prompted by Ibuki, Makita took his wallet out.
"Here. Liquor fee plus attendance fee. Thank you very much."
"Oh, you have a million tickets! I love you, Maki-chan!"
Jingi waved the 10,000 yen bill he was holding between his fingers and literally danced away.
"Thanks big brother! Let's all play again!"
"It's not "Let's play again". We're working."
As Jingi slipped past the employees, he stepped into the darkness, jumped, and disappeared.
"Damn... as usual, he's an iffy guy."
"He's hanging out anyway, so he should work at "Ayaka Security"."
"Ah, regardless of personality, he is reliable as a fighting force."
"What do you think? He can't be a team player, right?"
As the main members of "Ayaka Security" said, Makita warned them with a wry smile.
"Don't say that. He must have his own way of thinking."
"No, that's not true, Makita-san."
"He only moves with immediate glue!"
"Haha, is that so?"
While laughing, Makita looked at Ibuki.
Ibuki stared thoughtfully into space as he rubbed his right hand, but after a while he pulled a chocolate bar from his chest and began to nibble on it.
Makita shrugged slightly and began to instruct the members to stand down.
Human society is a puzzle. While each other's distortions complement each other, they come together as one.
But Jingi Sagawa is not a piece by any means. Like water, like smoke, it seems to fit anywhere and doesn't fit anywhere. He slips through a small gap and drifts off again.
There are extraordinary people in this world, and there are duties that only these people can fulfill. Taihei Makita knows that such people exist.
Ibuki's "little brother", Sagawa Jingi, is probably one of those people.
Makita, who is an ordinary person, has no way of knowing what kind of duties he will carry on his shoulders.
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sanjisprincesswifey · 2 years
Hiya cherry! I saw ur requests for ur 500 follower event are open and I was wondering if I can request prompt number 7, 13, and 15 with Sanji and she/her pronouns please? Like maybe when they were in wci arc hehe angst to fluff please. Thank you!!🫶🏻💗
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note: anon these prompts together are just *chefs kiss* <3 you're an absolute genius! the ending was still kinda angsty, but implies fluff so i hope that's okay :)
♡: female reader. 700+ words. minor whole cake island spoilers! content warnings: angst and mentions of bruises and scars. sfw content.
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“when this is all over it’s just going to be you and me, okay sanji?”
the memory of your screams echo through sanji’s head as he desperately searches the rainy, desolate open forest for any sign of you or luffy. bodies of homies and big mom’s soldiers litter the area as he seeks to find two people; luffy and you.
his legs are trembling, maybe from all the running, maybe from his pathetic attempt to try and save you, he wasn’t quite sure.
“y/n? luffy?” he yells, his throat scratchy and hoarse from his sobs. the burden of his heartbreak weakens him to an almost pitiful state as he can barely stand anymore, the damp grass catching his frail body.
“y/n? where—where are you? please say something!” he wails, the burning of his throat is painful, but he knows he deserves it after what he did to you. “i—i don’t need anyone else! i just need…you,” he weeps, the shivering rattling his whole body, “you’re all i need.”
sanji lies on the ground, blond hair pressed against the grass, hand gripping his hair as his sobs echo across the vicinity. the thunderous rain can’t even drown out the pain of the sobs that rise from his chest.
“s—sanji?” a voice calls.
sanji’s head shoots up, desperately looking in the direction the voice came from. he spots a familiar head of dark hair leaning up against a toppled-over tree. he darts in that direction, almost tripping over his own long legs in his haste.
“luffy!” sanji tearfully says, dropping onto the ground next to him and tossing him the picnic basket. “w—where’s y/n? i—i, need to see her! where is she?” he begs.
luffy scoots to the side, revealing you right behind him, lying down on the ground with luffy’s strawhat in your hand. sanji gasps when he is able to get a clear view of you, bloodied and surely bruised underneath your clothing. sanji falls to his knees once again, the sting of the cuts in his skin not even bothering to him as he reaches out to you.
“she fought with me, as much as she could anyway. and she got hurt pretty bad, but she insisted on waiting for you here with me. she said she wouldn’t move an inch,” luffy informs, resting his head on the log behind him.
sanji brushes some loose strands of your hair back, lips quivering at the sight of you. you stir at his touch, mumbling something under your breath. “mmm? sanji?” you ask, rubbing your eyes awake.
“i’m here, my swan. i’m here and i won’t ever leave you again, i—i promise,” he assures, allowing you to rest your head in his lap. you only hum in response, and he can only assume it’s from your lack of food or medical aid.
“i’m just glad you’re back, i missed you,” you mumble, the rumbling of your stomach louder than luffy’s. sanji cringes at the state of the food he had brought for you too knowing it wasn’t sufficient for a woman of your beauty.
luffy holds out his hand to you, the mush of foods together causes sanji to furrow his nose in, disgusted that he brought something of this nature to you. “here y/n, you need to eat,” luffy suggests. and before sanji can smack it out of your hand, you grab the food and take a bite.
in shock, he watches as you take a handful of the mess of food and smile brightly at him. “mmm sanji, this is delicious!” you cheer, happy to have his food back.
sanji cannot stop the onslaught of tears that fall down his face as he clings to your fragile body, “i’m so sorry y/n,” he whimpers, salty tears falling and staining your already ruined dress.
“it’s okay,” you giggle, “just don’t leave again, okay?”
he shakes his head, “i won’t, i promise,” he assures, kissing the back of your hand in plea.
“i’ve lost so many things, but i can’t lose you,” you whisper, looming in and out of consciousness due to your wounds as you weakly reach up to cup his cheek.
he clings to your hand, nodding his head feverishly, “you won’t lose me.”
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like, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! (✿◠‿◠)
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sakuraoora · 2 years
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WARNINGS: Fluff, cuddles & kisses, headcanons, short like all the anemo boys
NOTES: today’s my birthday, so I wanted to write something to commemorate the occasion! I hope you enjoy ;; this is the first piece I've written for a while because of writer's block, so I apologize if it’s not the greatest or the longest!
TAGLIST: @kissmorax
(if bolded, it means I cannot tag you, so please redo your @!)
Wanna join the taglist? Fill out this form, or send an ask!
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Xiao —
“Huh? It’s your birthday? Well… here. Take this, it’s a butterfly I made that’s infused with adeptal energy. It should keep you safe… and by the way, happy birthday, (name) *shy smile*”
Doesn’t know what to do
He doesn’t do birthdays, not after what, 2000 years?
Makes you a small butterfly charm out of leaves that’s infused with adeptal energy
Make sure that you keep it on you at all times & promise that you’ll call out his name when you need him, or he’s gonna be nervous 24/7 (A/N: my precious traumatized emo boy <33)
Spends the day with you, making flower crowns out of qinxin <3
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Venti —
“Happy birthday, (name)! I heard mortals these days bake cakes whenever it's their birthday or a loved one’s birthday, so I made you some apple cake! Although… I’m not the most experienced when it comes to baking so it turned out as a pie… *nervous laugh*”
Drags you to the Angels’ Share and plays a song for you in front of everyone
Heard that cakes are common for mortal birthdays, so he makes you an apple flavored cake (not, it’s really more like an apple pie LMAO)
That one embarrassing friend that tells everyone — even random strangers — that its your bday even if they didn’t ask
Lots of cuddles and kisses <3
Would totally make dvalin give you a ride on his back
Do you know the scene from aladdin in “a whole new world” where aladdin and jasmine fly over the city? Yeah that’s what i’m imagining venti would make dvalin do
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Heizou —
“Oh? It’s your birthday? Well, that’s delightful! Why don’t we go and find an escape room? Wait no– here, let's go to Amakane Island– I’ll get Yoimiya to set up some fireworks! *grin*”
Had to resist locking you up in an escape room full of puzzles and gifts, but ultimately decided against it.
Makes time from his busy schedule to give you attention on your special day <3
HUGE FLIRT. Even more than usual.
Brings you to a cliffside to watch the waves + fireworks!!
(he’s also there because he’s investigating a group of treasure hoarders that he thinks will show up at the bottom of the cliff but you don’t need to know that because it might ruin your special day)
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Kazuha —
“Oh? It’s your birthday? Well, happy birthday traveler. I hope this year is going to be a good year for you. I wrote a haiku for you, would you like to hear it?”
Writes a haiku for you!
“Sun and moon rejoice
Birds of dawn sing songs anew
Far from home, with you”
– Kazuha’s birthday voiceline
Brings you on an expedition to find cake for your birthday at liyue harbor
Probably has tried making the cake himself, but it didn’t turn out the best (and he’d only let you to have the best)
Once you’ve gotten the cake, the flavor being anything of your choosing, he’d take you to Guyun Stone Forest, on the very peak
Probably princess carries you up while boosting himself up with his vision
Watches the scenery with you for the rest of the day <3
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Aether —
“Oh– today is your birthday? Well, happy birthday, (name). Would you care for a walk on Watatsumi Island with me?”
Seen a lot of different ways people celebrate birthdays!
Probably would bring you to Watatsumi Island!!
Brings you on a tour of the island if its your first time there
Watches the sunset with you, his hand wrapped around your shoulder
Would love to capture the moment with the kamera
(He’d keep the picture with him at all times… you’re just that special to him, yk?)
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Gilmore Girls Quote RP Meme
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requested by the lovely writer and person @offorester
"I'm afraid that once your heart's involved, it all comes out in moron."
"Well, you know my babbling capabilities are infinite."
"This town is like one big outpatient mental institution."
"Reality has no place in our world!"
“I live in two worlds, one is a world of books.”
"It’s all any of us wants, to find a nice person to hang out with ‘til we drop dead."
"Breathe in, folks. Smells like Fall."
"Why did you drop out of Yale?!"
"Every day that you breathe, you make my life harder."
"People are particularly stupid today, I can't talk to any more of them."
"It’s all any of us wants: to find a nice person to hang out with till we drop dead.
"If you're going to throw your life away, he better have a motorcycle!"
"It's a show?" "It's a lifestyle. It's a religion."
"I'm fine. I'm just being dramatic. It's what I do."
"You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs, gathering dust, with the rest of her potential."
“And if eating cake is wrong, I don’t want to be right.”
"You're going to kiss me now? So incredibly predictable."
"Are you ever gonna ask me out? You flirt with me. You act like you like me."
"I just take a book with me everywhere. It's a habit."
"You're a book tease."
"You've got such a great brain!"
“A little nervous breakdown can work wonders for a girl.”
"People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute."
"Coffee, please, and a shot of cynicism."
"Life's short. Talk fast."
"It's not too much food. This is what we've been training for our whole lives. This is our destiny. This is our finest hour."
"I don't know if she ever realized the person I most wanted to be was her."
“I hate when I’m an idiot and don’t know it. I like being aware of my idiocy.”
"Because I love you, you idiot!!"
"I want to live my life so I can read an in-depth biography about myself in later years."
"It’s times like these that you realize what is truly important in your life."
“I need coffee in an IV.”
"Well, if you expect that muffin to fly back to the kitchen by itself you better go get it a cape."
“You have to sleep, it’s what keeps you pretty.”
"I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie."
"Every relationship is just a big honking leap of faith."
"I have liked you for some time now and I don't think this feeling is going to go away."
"It’s just my favorite time of year. The whole world changes color.”
“Everything’s magical when it snows.”
"Oh my gosh, he kissed me."
"I love you, you idiot."
"It is what it is. You, me."
"No men. Just lots and lots of Chinese food."
"It was a great kiss. If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences."
"But marriage is not about always being happy. It's about compromise."
"The Long Island Ice Tea makes you do things you normally wouldn’t do."
"This thing we're doing here -- me, you -- I just want you know I'm in. I'm all in."
"God, that's terrible. It's like drinking a My Little Pony.""Yeah, I'm fine, I'm great. It's a big, fat, happy sunshine day for me."
"You know what I just realized? Oy is the funniest word in the entire world."
"You gotta realize the only way out is in a body bag."
"I'm attracted to pie. It doesn't mean I feel the need to date pie."
"You've got to be patient and wait for what you want to appear, then pounce."
"It's always best to tell each other major life events, so there's no awkwardness."
"You have to tell me why we're committing a felony before we do it."
“Yes, I left behind a glass slipper and a business card … just in case the prince is really dumb.”
"Every relationship is just a big honking leap of faith."
this thing we're doing here, me, you. I just wanted you to know I'm in. I am all in."
"Having babies doesn't mean you can't be rock and roll!"
“I cannot do this alone, I need my mommy and I don’t care who knows it.”
"I'll help you shower when I become a superhero."
"Relationships need verbs."
"If you're going to throw your life away he better have a motorcycle!!"
“You’ve got such a great brain!”
"Mom, you've given me everything I need."
“I’m fine. I’m just being dramatic. It’s what I do.”
"We're almost there & nowhere near it. All that matters is that we're going!"
"I had a meeting at the bank earlier, they like callers."
"I smell snow."
"Oy with the poodles already!"
“Nothing says coffee like six in the morning!”
“Mom, you’ve given me everything I need.”
"You gotta realize the only way out is in a body bag."
“There’s plenty to do tonight that we can be mortified about tomorrow.”
“I’m going to have to quit drinking coffee! And I love coffee — I really love coffee!”
“I need caffeine. Whatever form you’ve got it. I haven’t had any all day. I’ll drink it, shoot it, eat it, snort it, whatever form it’s in, gimme.”
"People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it's one less minute you haven't lived."
"It's club soda,."
"Oh God, I hope nothing's happened to him. You get so attached to their little faces, sometimes you can hear them talk to you at night."
"My books look sad. Can books look sad?"
"I'm here because I enjoy books, and because I read books."
"Gnome kicking says a lot about a man's character."
"No, it's National Baptism Day. Tie your tubes, idiot!"
"Excuse me. There is a phone call for you and if I'm to fetch you like a dog then I'd like a cookie and a raise."
"Then give me a boa and drive me to rino because I'm open for business!"
"Oh, people die, we pay. People crash a car, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay."
"Cranking Metallica. Is that some sort of drug reference, it's not funny."
"Really? You can see the driveway with your head way up in the air like that?"
"Tell her I gotta take another crack at that closet. I think I hung my Tool t-shirt next to my Metallica t-shirt and they don't really get along."
"I gotta tell you, out of all the nutty barn-raising shindigs this town can cook up, this one wasn't half bad."
"Oh, do you see the books? Feel it. Feels good, right? Now smell it. Nothing, nothing smells like that."
"We could go to a bookstore, I'll watch you browse for six or seven hours."
"Coffee, please, and a shot of cynicism."
"I can't believe we get to sit around and talk about books and get graded."
"We're almost there & nowhere near it. All that matters is that we're going!"
"I don't like Mondays but unfortunately they come around eventually."
“I’m not broken. Maybe just a little chipped.”
“There’s plenty to do tonight that we can be mortified about tomorrow.”
“I can go from zero to studying in less than 60 seconds!”
“Oh, I can’t stop drinking the coffee. I stop drinking the coffee, and I stop doing the standing, walking, and words putting into sentence doing.”
"If it was physically possible to make love to a hot beverage, this would be the one.”
"Give me a burger, onion rings, and a list of people who killed their parents and got away with it. I need some heroes."
"Who cares if I'm pretty if I fail my finals."
"I can be flexible, as long as everything is exactly the way I want it."
"Oh yeah, I've got gold stars plastered all over my forehead."
"Well, I'll bring dick up on the internet and see what comes up."
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
Talk to Me in Korean (Advanced Edition)
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Your boyfriend’s English is basically better than yours at this point.
After an amazing birthday, he decides to use his newfound skills to get ahead and begin planning next years celebration.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Genre: established relationship au, domestic au, idol! jk, this is a part three to my other talk to me in korean installments but they don’t have to be read in order :)
A/N: Hiiii I’m back??? Hopefully??? This past month has been ROUGH (but like 2020 am I rite?) so I’ve been having a ton of writers block but as always, Jungkook has a way of pulling me out of all of the that. I’m sorry this is like my 50000th domestic jk story in a row ok??? I CANT HELP IT, ITS HIS FAULT. okiii anyway I love you, it’s 3am- this is unedited and im so sleepy. I love you again. 
Warnings: smut (18+ only plz), more so dirty talking than anything but stillll 
Fresh coffee.  
It’s the first thing Jungkook smells when his eyes peek open.  
His flush against the white cotton of the pillow that still holds the scent of your shampoo.  
He literally can’t help the grin that erupts onto his lips as he remembers exactly how the night before played out.  
As he remembers exactly where he is.  
He remembers that his members had organized a surprise dinner for his birthday party which included the finest selection of meat, veggies and various other side dishes money could buy.  
Not to mention, they ended the evening the introduction of a giant banana milk themed cake.  
Despite stuffing himself till near immobilization as well as being surrounded by his best friends, nothing could have prepared him for his final gift: you.  
The boys had flown you in from out of town and organized for your arrival in the middle of the party.  
Jungkook may have shed a few tears as nothing could have made him happier than seeing his beautiful girlfriend pushing through the doors of the venue.  
Once the boys had gone to home, Jungkook had taken you up to his room to finish off the evening with birthday sex.  
Predictable? Maybe.
Did either of you care? Absolutely not.  
It had been 3 months since the two of you had seen each other and he was nothing short of desperate for your touch.  
Now however, he’s experiencing a different kind of bliss as the smell of bacon begins to waft in through his cracked bedroom door.  
His smile broadens as he realizes very quickly that the same beautiful woman who had made his birthday so special had woken up early to make him breakfast.  
He cannot begin to imagine how lucky he is but, he plans on using his day off to show you how much he appreciates you.  
In a million different ways...
Running a hand through the raven locks on his head, he pushes himself to a sitting position. Upon doing so, he notices the faint red marks over the valleys and curves of his stomach whilst simultaneously feeling a hint of pain across the middle of his back. He smirks to himself and curiously runs the tips of his fingers over the aggravated flesh of his stomach.  
What a night...
He finally stands up, moving his body in every necessary direction to stretch out the soreness in his muscles before taking note of his current attire.  
Given the events of last night, it surprised him that he had even managed to pull on the pair of white boxer-briefs that currently adorned his figure. He assumed he had fallen asleep naked.  
Jungkook experiences a pivotal moment then, completely on his own.  
He realizes that he doesn’t want to put anything else on.  
To some people, this wouldn’t be a big deal but to Jungkook, its everything.  
When he first travelled to Seoul, he was too shy to remove his shirt in front of his hyungs, let a lone strut around the dorm in his boxers.  
But with you, he’s finally starting to realize that not only is he comfortable with you but, he has a massive desire to express that to you.  
He wants you to have parts of him that no one else has.  
He wants you to know that you’re the only one who gets him this way.  
Without the fancy clothes, the layers of makeup, the band aids on his tattoos, the carefully scripted words and persona...
That you alone have all of him.  
He chuckles to himself, running a hand through his hair once again as he picks on himself for making such a big deal out of something so small.
But he knows that you’d get it and that quickly squashes any of his desire to make fun of himself.  
As he approaches his bedroom door, he feels the ghost of nerves directly in the pit of his stomach.  
Why was he nervous? You’ve literally seen him naked before.
He’s been inside of you more times than he can count so why was he overthinking going out to greet his girlfriend in his boxers?
He rolls his eyes at himself, “Because you’re weird, that’s why...” He mutters to himself before finally pushing open the door.  
His kitchen is off to the left, slightly tucked behind a bit of wall and he is annoyed with the layout of his apartment because he is getting in the way of immediately seeing your pretty face.  
When he does see you however, it’s entirely worth the wait.  
You’ve got a portable speaker set up a safe distance away from your work station emitting a bit of soothing music throughout the kitchen along with a pot of fresh coffee on the island with his favorite Iron Man mug sitting right next to it, awaiting his arrival. There’s a few pans on the stovetop sizzling with various breakfast items that Jungkook doesn’t care to notice at first because his eyes are far too concerned with you.  
And boy does he desperately wish that this was his daily life...
Your wear minimal clothing as well but there are fuzzy socks on your feet and a bit of bedhead adorning your crown and that’s really all that he needs to see to conclude that you are the most fantastic thing to ever grace the planet.  
“G’morning...” He nearly mumbles, placing a hand on the counter.
He ensures his voice is soft enough not to startle you and thankfully his presence emits nothing more but a smile from your lips.
You turn towards him with the same smile, eyes raking over his body shamelessly before returning his greeting, “Good morning birthday boy. Did you sleep ok?”
He chuckles lightly, his head cocking to the side in confusion, “My birthday was...yesterday yeah?”
Your smile grows at his question as you make your way over to the sleepy man before you.
“It was.” You concede and as you near his figure, you slide your hands around his waist, “But I wasn’t with you the whole day so, I’m trying to make up for lost time.”
Immediately, he grins boyishly his capable hands sliding up your body to pull you flush against his.
“But you already gave me so many presents...” He insists, leaning towards your lips, “Remember last night?”
You take a moment to admire how good his English has gotten and silently applaud him for managing to lead such an incredibly busy life and learn a second language all at the same time. You try your best not to vocalize your praise to often though because you know how shy it makes him.  
Before you can answer, he presses his lips to yours, humming gently in his throat and promptly smiling into your mouth.  
As you indulge in him for a moment your fingers gently brush the tan skin across his back. Your touch sends a shiver up your boyfriends back which then gives you no choice but to return the smile present in your kiss.
“Duh...” You murmur which prompts a delighted chuckle to escape his mouth, “How could I forget? You were like superman last night with all that stamina...”
Your observation causes your boyfriend to frown playfully as he points to the mug sitting atop the counter.
“Not superman- Iron Man.” He insists, still holding you close, the warmth of his presence infecting you.  
With a snort, you pull back slightly to catch the glint in his eyes, “I don’t know how me comparing you to Ironman would make much sense babe but, if you want to be Iron Man then how am I to deny you?”
Jungkook smirks, already satisfied with his response before he’s even uttered it.
“I’m like Iron Man because he is a machine...” He wiggles his brows at you, “...and so am I.”
After the look of incredulity that crosses your face, you have no choice but to laugh, leaning slightly away from him to indicate that you have to head back to your breakfast before it burns.
“Alright fair enough-” You concede, still giggling a bit as his grip tightens on your body, his own beautiful smile still present on his mouth, “I gotta finish cooking, or else we’re gonna have burnt bacon for breakfast.”
He shrugs, unimpressed as he uses his inhuman strength to hug you tighter,  “Bacon is bacon.”
This prompts more laughter as he reluctantly walks to the stove with you, your body still encased in his grip.
“I can’t cook with your mega muscles constricting my arms-” You point out, craning your neck slightly to try and meet his gaze, a ghost of a smile on your lips, which is still locked onto a mixture of mischief and joy.
With a furrowed brow he leans in slowly before pecking your lips quickly and finally releasing you, “What is constricting?”
His question is asked from near the coffee pot, his hands gingerly moving his mug closer to him.
He is VERY careful with this particular mug.
“Constricting is like when you squeeze something really really tight-” You explain softly, taking the now well-done strips of bacon out of the pan before laying them on some paper towels.
He’s pouring himself a cup of coffee, his eyes narrowed in focus as he nods, “Ohhh ok- you mean like how snakes do?”
“Yeah exactly!” You smile brightly, turning towards him with encouragement on your face, “that’s why we call certain kinds of snakes constrictors because that’s how they kill their pray. Honestly, it wasn’t the best word choice on my part because, people definitely use the word squeeze more but-”
He shakes his head then, his eyes still focusing on preparing his cup of coffee, “It doesn’t matter- you taught me another new word without even trying to.” He assures you before a cocky smirk comes across his face, “I bet I know more words than Namjoon-hyung now...”
His comment makes you laugh as his competitiveness is something you adore despite the fact that you don’t fully understand it.
“Oh for sure, you probably know more words than I do honestly, with how often you practice.”  
Jungkook smiles broadens at your praise, his eyes finally flitting up towards you, “Probably.”
He laughs along with you now, the sound of your giggling sending warmth into his heart as he brings the mug to his lips.
“You’re a brat.” You point out simply, still smiling because you literally do nothing else with this kid as you begin to fry up the last batch of bacon.
Suddenly, you feel his presence behind you, his strong arms wrapping around your waist whilst his nose burrows playfully into your neck, “Noooo an angel.”
Snorting again, you pretend his lips near such a sensitive area doesn’t affect you as you continue with your current task, “An angel? What on Earth would make you think that?”
Your teasing prompts a bout of snickering to leave his lips as he hugs you tighter to him, the soft scent of his hair sending a wave of comfort through you.
“You call me a good boy all the time...”
Although his comment is meant to be innocent, the way he intentionally lowers his tone causes your thighs to press together.
“I do,” You admit, trying to keep it together as you crack a few eggs into an awaiting pan, “I don’t know if that makes you an angel though.”
Jungkook senses the change in your voice and rather then shy away from the direction the conversation is heading, he decides to go with it.  
“That’s true-” He murmurs and it’s then you can feel the smirk against the curve of your neck, “Especially since you only call me that when I’m making you cum huh?”
This causes your eyes to grow wide and given that your flirtatious boyfriend is staring at you already, there is no way for you to hide it.
So instead you play along, enjoying this new side of him more than you care to admit.
“Exactly.” You mutter, giggling to yourself as you feel a bit of heat on your cheeks, “Go set the table or something- you're going to make me burn the kitchen down.”
With a cheeky giggle, he seems satisfied with his mission to fluster you, placing a kiss to your cheek and rushing off to do as you’ve asked him to.
Breakfast passes without any more of Jungkook’s reckless behavior and you’re thankful for it because, you sincerely doubt that you’d be able to focus on your plate when you have a foul-mouthed buffet sitting across from you.
Jungkook insists on helping you clean up whilst also reminding you once again that his birthday was yesterday and that he doesn’t want any more special treatment.
All he wants is to be with you today.
You honor his request by sitting up a massive mountain of pillows and blankets in his living room and situating yourselves in front of his flat screen.
With the curtains closed and the scent of Jungkook’s sea breeze candle wafting throughout the room, the two of you begin watching a movie together.  
However, halfway through the movie, the plans begin to morph into something else entirely.
Armed with newly found confidence, your boyfriend begins kissing you, his hands making their way towards your hips.
The pace of your breathing picks up rather quickly when he suckles your bottom lip between his teeth, nibbling against the swollen flesh.
“For my birthday- next year...” He whispers into your mouth, eyes fluttering open as he nudges your nose, “I want to kiss you all day.”
His request causes you to smile, your hands slowly sliding up his neck to tuck into the hair at the back of his head, “Whatever you want.”
Your response causes his eyes to sparkle with mischief once more, delighted at how willing you are to give him whatever he wants, “Oh- it’s whatever I want hm? Just like that?”
The way he’s speaking to you makes you a little light headed and rather than try to reign back his bout of authority, you decide to run with it, “Just like that.”
Your response is spoken into his mouth, the kiss between you breaking so he can maneuver you onto your back. For a moment, he braces his hands on either side of your head, his perfect body hovering over you, with only the long strands of his hair and the thin silver chains around his neck reaching for you.  
“What if-” He grins before grinding his hips against you, the swollen bit of his boxers rubbing against your clothed core, “I wanted to be in here all day? Would you let me?”
Through the waves of pleasure, your eyes squeeze shut for a moment before you nod, your fingers beginning to wander up the outsides of his forearms.
“Whatever you want...”
His grin is stable but the pace of his breathing is quickening, indicating his excitement.
He wants more out of this conversation though and decides to press you further.  
“Would you let me put my face down there all day too? You wouldn’t have to cook for me if you did...” He points out before his grin morphs into a smirk as he leans down towards your lips, “I’d get full off your pussy wouldn’t I?”
The switch in languages also indicates his level of arousal as his mentioned before that English is far more difficult when he’s wrapped up in his emotions or in this case, his desires.  
Using your nails, you lightly tickle your way up to shoulders tugging playfully to see if he’ll come to lay down on you fully but he doesn’t budge. He merely chuckles and grinds against you once again.
“Patience...” He parrots a phrase that you often utter to him when roles are reversed in the bedroom and the glimmer in his eyes informs you that he is eating up your reaction to him.
“But I want you...” You whine to him, hoping his thing for hearing you speak his language will be enough to break his resolve but he isn’t ready to give in just yet.
“That’s too bad jagiya, I’m not finish planning my birthday just yet.” Jungkook whines mockingly in return, the innocent curls framing his face contradicting his salacious demeanor, “I want to know how many marks you’d leave on me- maybeeeeee...” He draws out the word as his teeth tuck into his bottom lip, “25? One for every year of my birthday?”
Since attempting to tug him down didn’t work out, you decide to wrap your legs around his waist to further some sort of contact between you two.  
“Twenty five? Your stylists would kill me...” You point out giggling, pushing your now damp panties against the swell of his length beneath his boxers.  
Rather cockily, Jungkook snorts and leans down once again to brush his lips over yours, “I don’t give a fuck what the noonas say, they know how to cover me up and, even if they can’t- people are just gonna have to deal with it.” Another smirk forms on his mouth before he sucks your bottom lip between his teeth, “it would be really hard for them if they fired me don’t you think?”
You gotta admit, his new found attitude is turning you on. It’s not like Jungkook to be so cocky, despite the way some people may think and although you know for a fact that he’s putting it on for you, you have no problem sucking it up anyway.  
“Definitely. BigHit would have hell to pay...” You concede, your words slightly muffled due to the current location of your bottom lip. Once more your hands tangle their way into his hair and you take advantage of this position to kiss him, hoping that will be enough to convince him to drop the teasing.  
He kisses you back with enthusiasm, his lower body relaxing slightly as more and more of him presses against you.  
“You’re wet.”  He whispers, his eyes still closed whilst he continues to peck at your bottom lip, “Are you ready for my dick now?”  
With his inquiry, he grinds against you once more, sending a shiver of pleasure up your spine.  Your surprised that he spoke the second sentence in English as he usually would have switched fully to Korean at this point.  
“Namjoon’s really been rubbing off on you lately...”  
This insignificant comment lights a fire in Jungkook’s chest and prompts him to quickly pin your wrists above your head. His features hold a bit of disapproval but, mostly they hold that competitive look that is so uniquely Jungkook.  
That “I’m going to win just to show you how good I am” kind of look.
“Why does everyone assume that Namjoon is the most perverted huh? Just cause he talks about it the most? He writes a few dirty lyrics and talks about porn and suddenly he’s the only one who wants to fuck? Jagiya- do you want to know why I look so distracted all the time?” He giggles in an almost maniacal fashion, a dark smirk prominent on his lips as he cocks his head, “It’s because I’m usually thinking about fucking you. Everyone always thinks I’m so shy- so innocent, but you’d let them know huh jagi?  You’d let them know how fucking dirty I am wouldn’t you? I don’t think ARMY could handle it if they knew the truth...” Jungkook offers that same type of laughter once again before kissing you once more, “Now answer my question- are you ready for my dick now?”
His words and behavior stun you a little bit but mostly it just sends more arousal to your core and ruins your odds of putting these pair of panties back on when the two of you are done.  
“Yes sir...” You giggle, saluting him playfully as you wrap your legs around his waist again, “I’m so ready for you- please? Can I have it?”  
Your pleas work immediately on your boyfriend, who is already struggling with his level of arousal and before you know it, he is fucking both you of you into orgasmic bliss.  
It’s over too quickly but it’s the kind of fuck that you know it going to prompt a round two.
Or maybe even a round three or four if you’re lucky...
Jungkook’s head is on your chest now, his arms hugging you tightly to his body, his post-orgasmic glow riding him of any of his previously cocky attitude.  
“I like this.” He murmurs, licking his chapped lips and nuzzling between your breasts.
You smile fondly down at him, “Cuddling?”
He shakes his head, his eyes beginning to flutter shut, “Not just cuddling- but you, being here, at my house with me.”
With a kiss to his forehead, you use your free hand to brush his hair from his eyes, “I like being here with you too.”
There is a bit of color that finds it’s way to Jungkook’s cheeks as he utters a suggestion, “You should stay here with me. I will move my stuff around for you...”
It’s such a simple notion and yet it nearly moves you to tears but before you’re able to breach the topic further, his eyes fully close as he relaxes his weight completely.  
Without clarity regarding whether or not he can hear you, you utter your response into his hair,
“Sounds good, roomie.”
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
4 // Coney Island for our boy Tyler
from the evermore prompt list
“The question pounds my head, What's a lifetime of achievement / If I pushed you to the edge?” - coney island
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He couldn’t possibly be doing this.
As you and your three children, five and under, stood waiting in the hallway, you found yourself glancing at the clock hung on the wall every thirty seconds or so. With each minute that passed, the sinking within you opened up wider, threatening to swallow you whole.
Tyler should’ve been home by now. The game ended an hour and a half ago, and you and the kids had left the arena with a couple minutes left to ensure you’d make it home in time to pull off the surprise. The kids had burst through the door to grab the cards they had made earlier in the week, and you headed to the freezer to retrieve the cake you’d arranged to have sent all the way from Tyler’s favorite bakery in Brampton.
You sighed as you heard the kids excitedly buzzing around the first floor, wishing that you could feel even an inkling of the giddiness they had ahead of their father’s arrival. Things between you and Tyler had been strained for many months, and you had to battle your own bitterness to even acknowledge his birthday at all. You told yourself you were doing this for your kids. For the kids — not for him.
But as the clock neared 11 with no sign of Tyler, anxiety hummed within you. He had bailed countless times in the last few months — hell, in the last few years, if you were being honest with yourself. But today was his 35th birthday. The kids had been at school and daycare all day and hadn’t yet been able to give him the traditional birthday hugs and kisses that had become customary in your family since your oldest was born. He knew you were here waiting, the kids now long past their typical bedtimes.
There was just no way he could possibly do this.
Just as you were about to suggest that the kids head upstairs and put their pajamas on while they waited, your phone buzzed in your back pocket, the blood draining from your face as the hope drained from your heart.
The kids were still giggling and bouncing around, entertaining each other, blissfully unaware of the chaos brewing inside you. You took the opportunity to silently slip through the French doors into Tyler’s office to take the phone call.
Of course, it was him. You wondered what excuse he would carelessly toss your way this time around.
“Hello?” you answered, keeping your voice low.
In the background, you heard a commotion, jovial voices sounding like those of his teammates.
“Hey,” Tyler said dryly. “I, uh, I just wanted to let you know that some of the guys and I decided to hop a flight to Vegas tonight instead of going with the team tomorrow. So I won’t be coming home.”
You leaned against his desk and laughed humorlessly, switching your phone to the other ear.
“That’s great,” you breathed. “That’s just fucking... that’s fantastic, Tyler. Thank you for telling me now.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, this is why I don’t tell you shit,” he threw back. “I’m always the bad guy.”
Red hot rage boiled in your throat as you growled through gritted teeth, “Your children are waiting for you, Tyler.”
You heard him sigh, seeming to weigh what to say next. When he said nothing, you pushed. “What am I supposed to tell them? Huh? What would you like me to tell our kids, who have been waiting all day to see you and hug you and kiss you and eat birthday cake with you? Should I just tell them Daddy decided he’d rather go drink and gamble and party with his friends than come home to us?”
“No!” Tyler spat. “That’s not true. I—“
“Oh, it’s not?” you asked, your voice inadvertently rising. “Then tell me, Tyler, why the fuck are you doing it?”
You heard him draw a breath, expecting an immediate rebuttal, but instead you heard only his teammates calling for him.
“I have to go,” Tyler said, his voice raspy. “Tell the kids I love them and I’ll be home after the game tomorrow night.”
“You’re joking,” you huffed. “You’re really going to do this?”
As you spoke, tears brimmed in your eyes and you gazed across the dim room at your framed wedding photo that sat on the bookshelf. The two people in the picture looked like strangers to you now. You doubted you would ever know them again.
“I gotta go,” Tyler repeated in monotone. With that, he hung up.
Anger surged through you, and you allowed a few broken sobs to pass through your lips before shoving your phone in your pocket and swiping beneath your eyes to dry your tears. With a deep breath, you forced a smile and walked back into the hall.
“Mommy, where is Daddy?” your three-and-a-half year old daughter asked. You scooped her up and kissed her smooth cheek, devastated that Tyler could choose anything over these moments with your kids.
“You know what, Uncle Jamie asked Daddy to come with him early to Las Vegas to, um, to get in lots of good practice before they play the Golden Knights tomorrow night,” you told her as you smoothed your five-year-old son’s hair, the disappointment visible on the faces of these eldest two. “But, you know what? He told us to go ahead and have a slice of birthday cake before we go to bed. How does that sound?”
At that, they all cheered, even your newly two-year-old little boy, who clapped excitedly beside his brother, bringing a sad smile to your face.
“Can we still sing Happy Birfday?” your daughter asked, twirling your hair around her little hand affectionately and shattering you further.
You weren’t sure how much heartbreak you could handle at this point. You kissed the tip of her nose and nodded.
“Sure, baby,” you obliged, sniffling. “We can if you want to.”
To some, it was sure to seem sudden.
To you, it seemed like it had been a long time coming.
When you heard the door slam and the dogs start barking, you knew the time for a reckoning had finally come.
“Hello?” Tyler called into the house, his voice echoing off the high ceilings. You didn’t bother to provide a reply.
Eventually, after you heard him drop his bags and greet the dogs, he climbed the stairs, and you hated the way your heart rate sped up automatically. He called your name, but again, you gave no response. He eventually found you in the bedroom, alone and silent.
“What are you doing?” Tyler asked, eyes scanning the suitcases lining the wall. “Where are the kids?”
You sighed, sitting back on your haunches and pausing folding your clothes.
“I’m packing, Tyler,” you answered, unable to look him in the eye. “The kids are in Fort Worth with my parents.”
“What do you mean, packing?” Tyler asked, brow furrowed as he took quick steps toward you. “Packing for what?”
You leaned back on your palms, rolling your head to try to ease the ever present tension in your neck, preparing for battle before slowly standing to your feet. You crossed your arms across your chest and found his startled gaze.
“Packing to leave, Tyler,” you answered, faking confidence. “Last night was the final nail in the coffin for me. I cannot, and will not, continue to do this to my children. To myself. I just, I won’t.”
Tyler’s eyes were wild as he came closer, grabbing your upper arms desperately.
“Baby, please, I don’t—“ he began, stuttering. “How can I fix this? How can I keep you here?”
You pried his fingers from your biceps and shot him an infuriated look.
“You know what would have been a good start?” you fumed. “Coming home to see your children on your birthday. Spending the night with your family instead of hopping a flight to Vegas. But Tyler, honestly, this has been over long before last night. Let’s not kid ourselves.”
As you moved past him to gather a bundle of your shoes from the closet, Tyler was hot on your heels.
“Listen,” Tyler said pleadingly, holding his hands up in front of him in surrender. “I know things haven’t been good lately. But please, just... just don’t do this. Don’t do this to me.”
You spun around in a blur, the ice in your gaze freezing Tyler in place.
“Do this to you?” you scoffed. “What about our children, Tyler? What about me? Huh? Do you think I actually want to leave the father of my kids? Of course I fucking don’t. Never in a million years could I have thought that this would happen. But here we are. Living separate lives. It’s about fucking time I just make it official.”
Tyler was nearly panting now and he heard his heartbeat within his own ears, spinning his wheels as he wrestled with what to do, what to say, next. You pushed past him with a newfound sense of urgency to finish packing as quickly as possible and get the fuck out.
Finally, Tyler found his voice again, though it was choppy with subdued sobs.
“But what does all of it matter if you’re not here?” he found himself asking as he watched you zip the bags. You shook your head from where you knelt on the floor.
“Maybe you should’ve asked yourself that earlier, Ty,” you suggested angrily, glancing at him in fury.
With that, Tyler sunk to the bench at the end of the bed, beginning to hyperventilate as he watched you stack the kids’ bags on top of your own. He held his head in his hands and begged, “No, no, please, don’t go, please, please forgive me,” as you readied the last of the belongings you were taking with you.
You started to feel your resolve wearing thin, tears threatening to spill and weaken the brave face you were pulling. You forced yourself to cross the room, pull off your rings, and place them on top of Tyler’s dresser. He watched on helplessly, and as you leaned back against the familiar piece of furniture, you finally summoned the courage to say the words you’d been preparing in your heart for months now.
“I fell for this illusion of this life I’d get to live with you, Ty,” you began. “This life filled with this passionate love we found when we were so young, and evolving into this everlasting commitment to growing a family together, not to mention never having to worry about earning a living, and getting to watch you do what you love night in and night out, with our kids. But somewhere along the line, that illusion finally faded for me. You coaxed me into this life and then you left me here.” As you spoke, tears fell from Tyler’s brown eyes, filled with sorrow and regret. It used to wreck you when he cried. Now it just made you angry. You pressed on.
“I go to bed at night and you’re not here, and I wake up and you’re not here, and even when you’re here, you’re not here. I don’t even think you wanna be. Our kids don’t even think you wanna be.”
Your voice wavered as you delivered those words, and Tyler hung his head.
“You used to be the one place I wanted to be, Tyler,” you continued. “And for a year now, I’ve broken my soul in two looking for you. But I can’t find you. I can’t find the person you used to be. You leave me hanging every single day. Despite the times I’ve begged you over and over again to come back to us. I won’t let you continue to disappoint our family like this.”
You wiped your tears away with the backs of your thumbs and pushed off the dresser, approaching the suitcases and preparing to begin the hardest task you’d ever had to attempt — living a life without Tyler.
“I’m sorry,” he cried in despair, sniffling as he watched you approach the doorway.
“I’ll always love you, Tyler,” you offered softly. “I just can’t do this anymore.”
As he watched you walk out on him, Tyler questioned everything he thought he knew about the life he was leading. What’s a lifetime’s worth of accolades, awards, and achievements if he pushed the ones he loved to the edge?
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lemomnade · 4 years
The Dream SMP as stupid things my friends and I have said Part 1
(All taken from a document of funny moments with some actions or locations changed for dramatic flair)
Quackity: I’m not scared of him.
Technoblade: You should be.
Quackity: I sleep with a knife under my pillow.
Technoblade: I sleep with a knife in my hand.
Philza: I have gained monk-like patience from being on this SMP.
*Technoblade spawning wither noises*
Philza: I am like a god-level-kindergarten supervisor.
*Tommy screaming*
Philza, reaching for water bottle: Gimme my patience juice--
Wilbur: *presses button*
*cut to “It’s all gone!” and angst*
Philza: *Scooting away from Ranboo in his panic room* Ranboo, that makes it sound like you're in the maffia
Technoblade: Goose has become a sign of rebellion and anarchy. And considering the nature of Untitled Goose Game… it’s not wrong.
Technoblade, several minutes later after nearly staging a revolution on the SMP: The goose is a god that is to be worshipped. I am his priest.
Philza: What are you doing?
Wilbur, while sipping a red substance from a wine glass: Drinking.
Philza: What are you drinking?
Wilbur: Well, technically it’s out of date cranberry juice… but in a way, that makes it aged wine *sips*
Dream: Someone’s being rude. Do you need to go to Church Prime?
Philza: Are you okay?
Wilbur: I’mplayingacharacterthatsadomesticterroristandits SO FRICKIN GAY!!
Wilbur: Roleplay stuff.
Philza: ...ah.
Tubbo: Wait, Alaska is connected to Canada? I thought it was an island!
Technoblade: *in a corner writing his evil agenda, desperately trying to spell terrorist correctly and failing*
Tommy: I’m mad at you.
Dream: Why?
Tommy: I had another dream.
Dream: *sighs* What did I do this time?
Tommy: You and Techno kidnapped Tubbo, took him to your house, and chopped his head off.
Technoblade: And you were laughing maniacally the whole time.
Tommy: Yeah.
Dream: Sounds fun. *to Technoblade* We should do that some time.
Technoblade, at the same time as Tommy: Yes!
Tommy, at the same time as Technoblade: NO!!
Philza, eating with Technoblade: So, what’d you do today?
Technoblade: Well, let’s just say politics suck and baguettes are not particularly useful for sword fighting.
Philza: *chokes*
Dream: *in a crab pose*
Tommy: *looks at him*
Dream: I am your demons.
Punz, half of the server following him, now behind Dream: And I am yours.
Dream: *leaps*
Eret: Do you want to hear my new philosophy?
Tubbo: ???
Eret: If I cannot be bisexual, then I shall be die-sexual.
Tubbo: *wheeze*
Dream: If a sacrifice needs to be made, I’m willing to have the children take the bullet.
The minors on the SMP: You’re always willing to have me take the bullet! And if there isn’t one, you shoot one at me!
Tommy: Dream’s not keeping his chestplate on and it’s making me mad.
Dream, writing the SMP: All the other SMPs are boring
Wilbur: This ones got some zest to it
Technoblade: *rubs his fingers together* Gotta love ze ZeSt~
Tommy: *is trying to kill Dream* I wanna smite this thing but I can’t HIT IT!
Video: *explains how a volcano can become extinct and never erupt again*
Tubbo: So volcanoes just die?
Tommy: Yeah, like Wilbur Soot.
Technoblade: *Hugs Ranboo*
Ranboo: Friendship!
Technoblade: Sure.
Technoblade: Let’s have cake for lunch!
Philza: We can’t do that.
Technoblade: Why? No one’s gonna stop us.
Philza: *gestures to government*
Technoblade: *pulls out wither skulls* Did I stutter?
Technoblade: *talking to the voices about Carl*
Tubbo: ???
Philza: In case you’re confused, Karl is also the name of his horse.
141 notes · View notes
Pairing: Sam Wilson x reader
Summary: Sam comes home from a mission and needs a remedy
Warnings: None
Word count: 1232
A/N: So, a few days ago, @bibbidibobbidibucky posted this and that got my muse out of her hiding place so here’s “Baking”!
You heard the door to your apartment on one of the residential floors of the tower open and a soft thud of something being set down in the small hallway.
“I’m in the living room, love!” You called out and a second later, Sam poked his head in the door.
His brows were drawn together and even from the couch and with only the slightest part of Sam looking into the room, you could see the tenseness in his neck and shoulders. Now, you were both glad you hadn’t been called on that mission and, well guilty wasn’t the right word but it was close, because maybe if you had been there, something would have gone differently and the mission would have gone a little bit better.
“Could we bake something?” Sam asked in his normal voice, but you knew him better.
That was his code for “This was a shitty day but I need to do something but I also need to calm down but I can’t just sit somewhere.”
“Of course. We’ll have the whole kitchen to ourselves and in the morning everyone’s gonna wake up to sweets.”
Yes, it was 1 am. Yes, you had stayed up all night to wait for him. But it didn’t matter, of course, it didn’t matter. He’d do the same for you.
Down in the kitchen, the incredibly big kitchen with every appliance you could wish for. Sam wordlessly got out the basic ingredients. Sugar. Flour. Baking soda. Butter. Salt. Vanillin sugar. Each ingredient had its place on the left side of the kitchen island. In the middle were the blender, all kinds of spatulas and other utensils. On the right were the different cake pans.
“What do you wanna make? Any preferences?” You asked.
“No, you choose.”
Turning back to the cupboards, you got almost everything out you could get your hands on. Cream cheese. Chocolate. Nuts. Peanut butter. Coffee powder.
“Coffee powder?” Sam looked at the additional things in front of the basics.
“Yeah. You trust me?”
You two were a well-oiled baking machine by now. Sam prepared the ingredients. Chopping up nuts, breaking chocolate into pieces to put into a double boiler with butter, folding in the different ingredients in the bowls. You did everything that involved machines and utensils. Sam spread out the different kinds of batter in the different forms.
Tonight, the cheesecake batter came first. Then batter for the cappuccino nut cake. The brownie batter was the last.
As the tins were in the ovens, you sat Sam down at the kitchen island.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Several seconds passed.
Sam took a deep breath and finally looked at you.
“I couldn’t protect him. I feel like I failed.”
“You couldn’t protect who?”
“The guy we were supposed to get out there.”
“But I didn’t hear anything about someone not making it. The med bay was on standby the whole time and even now, there’s no one there being treated because of something belatedly happening” You wondered.
“I was supposed to get to him when the way was cleared and then get him out to the drop off point. On the way out, I had to start flying, because part of the structure started to collapse and just as I was taking off with him in my arms, he got shot in the leg.”
“But you got him out.”
“Y/N, he got shot on my watch. I couldn’t even protect him with my wings! Not even with the new, bigger ones!”
You took Sam’s face between your hands to force him to look at you.
“Sam. Look at my face.” He did as you asked. “Can I walk you through what I just gathered from you telling me this?”
He nodded.
“You and the others had a mission to get a guy out of where he was held and to drop him off. The others cleared the way and you were tasked with actually getting the guy. On the way out, you needed to fly out, because walking wasn’t an option anymore. You and the guy got out. You’re unharmed and he got shot in the leg. Right so far?”
Sam nodded again.
“Could you have taken off safely or at all with just one of your wings spread all the way and the other spread but more or less hanging vertically?”
“So, you did the one thing you could to get both of you out of there safely. You said it yourself, walking wasn’t an option anymore.”
“But if I had bigger wings-“ He started.
You stopped him with a finger to his lips.
“So? What would happen then? You’d give over the mantle of The Falcon and become what? The Angel? Or what- what’s this winged horse called? Sleipnir?”
“Sleipnir has eight legs. No wings in sight. You mean the Pegasus.”
“Right. That.”
“But, bigger wings mean more protection.”
“And if something would happen then?”
“I wouldn’t let anything happen.”
“Sam. You and I both know you cannot guarantee nothing ever happening on any mission ever.”
“Look, it’s admirable of you that you wanna help everyone and don’t wanna see anyone hurt unless there’s a bigger cause, but you have to look after yourself, too.”
“I do!”
“I mean, really look after yourself. Giving advice to veterans is awesome and so you know what advice to give. Can you try to do that for me?”
Sam looked down at the kitchen island and was silent for a long time. The timers on the ovens dinged before he looked up at you.
“Yes. I can.”
“That’s all I ask of you.”
You didn’t remember who, but someone had bullied Tony into buying one of those simple coffee machines to stand right next to the fancy one. One that just brewed the coffee and nothing more, just black coffee and now you brewed the coffee needed for one of the cakes.
You took the tins out to cool down so you could put the peanut butter cream on the brownies, the mascarpone coffee cream on the nut cake and the liquid chocolate on the cheesecake and then put everything in the fridge.
“All done. Wanna go back to bed?” You asked.
“Yeah. Thank you for this” There was Sam’s smile again.
When you laid in bed, and you were close to falling asleep, Sam turned to you.
“Did we forget something? I feel like we forgot something.”
“No, we put all the stuff in the fridge, we cleaned everything up, no flour’s coating the kitchen…”
“Remember the flour accident?”
“How could I not? Better that than some accident with eggs…” You laughed.
Waking up more or less early the next morning was surprisingly easy and you both ambled down to get your fill of coffee and maybe something to eat. The kitchen was filled with people. Half of them were awake and the other half just slouched against the countertops with coffee in their hands.
“Does it smell like cheesecake to anyone else? Or brownies?” Steve yawned. “And-“
“Don’t say coffee” Wanda mumbled sleepily.
You and Sam looked at each other from the corners of your eyes.
“Who is always putting the coffee grounds in the sink?” Now, Tony was fully awake.
“I told you we forgot something” Sam mumbled to you.
“Still better than exploding flour” You said dryly.
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ikleesfiction · 4 years
I just wanna feel alive with you
Fandom : One Chicago Word count : 1,488 words Pairing : Jay Halstead x reader; Will Halstead x Natalie Manning Author's note : This is the second one shot of "Will you follow through if I fall for you" fic continuation. It would be better if you read it first. But if you don't, here's the quick summary.
The Manning/Halstead family hears the doorbell ring in the evening. Owen runs from the kitchen to the door, yelling, "It's Uncle Jay! It's Uncle Jay!"
"Stay right where you are, Owen! Do not open the door by yourself!" yells Natalie back from the kitchen.
Will puts the last salmon on the plate and then moves to open the door, ready to welcome Jay and his girlfriend. Jay told him yesterday that he will bring you to dinner tonight. These last couple of months, Will and Natalie have met you a few times at Molly's. Natalie welcomed you back with open arms, but Will still has some resistance. He doesn't exactly disapprove of you for his brother. Will is just waiting for any sign of you changing your mind about staying. Jay told Will that he is happy and asked Will to give his girlfriend a chance. That's why Will agreed to host dinner tonight at their house.
"Hi, Dr. Halstead," you greet Will politely. Will crosses his hands in front of his chest. "We brought cheesecake?" you offer Will the box on your hands.
"What kind of cheesecake?" Owen pops out behind Will's back.
"Uh, New York, Strawberry, Oreos, Salted Caramel and Hazelnut Chocolate," you describe the content of the box. Seeing Owen's eyes widened in amazement and Will's unimpressed glare, you continue to explain with a grin, "They all look great. I cannot just pick one,"
Owen gives Will's pants a tug, "I like cheesecake," He tells Will, afraid that Will is going to reject your offer.
"I know, bud," Will replies to him. "Let's ask Uncle Jay and Miss Y/N to come in," He opens the door wider to let their guests in. Owen quickly latches on you. He drags you (and the cheesecake box) to the kitchen area. 
"If she's trying to get back on my good graces, sugar-crashing Owen is not the correct way to go," Will says to Jay after closing the door. 
Jay smirks at Will, "Hey, you're the one who asked us to bring dessert."
"A momentary lapse of judgment." Will solemnly admits.
You and Jay volunteer to wash the dishes after dinner is done, while the family shares a few pieces of cheesecake between the three of them. Once the cakes are finished, Will and Natalie take Owen to get ready for bed. Owen hugs you tight before going. "Thanks for the cheesecake."
You hug him back and land a kiss on his baby cheek, "You're welcome. Sweet dreams, Owen."
You and Jay then move to sit on a couch in the living room. You have a mug of tea in your hand, while Jay has a plate of New York cheesecake in his. A rerun of the Blackhawks game is playing on TV. You put your tea down and start to steal small bites of cake from Jay's plate. But apparently, Jay is not too engrossed by the game as much as you thought. He moves his plate away from your reach with a laugh, "Why don't you take your own piece?"
"Yours is better," You say with Jay's fork still in your hand. 
"Oh yeah?" Jay leans in closer to kiss you. His tongue is asking for an entrance that you gladly give. His kiss is even sweeter than the dessert. You only pull away when you hear Will's clearing his throat loudly, letting you know that they are back in the room. "Hmm, that one tastes the best," Jay hums to you before he sits back on the couch. 
Will and Natalie sit on the other couch. She has a pad on her hands and seems to be preoccupied with it. 
"Work?" Jay asks Will, pointing out in Natalie's direction.
Will shakes his head to negate, "Wedding preparation." Jay nods his understanding. 
"Hey, Y/N, do you know anyone who could DJ at our wedding?" Natalie looks up to ask you. 
"I could do it," you casually offer the engaged couple.
"What? No way, you're.." Natalie starts to reason. But Will interjects from her side, "We cannot afford your price." 
"I'm not planning to take fees," you feel insulted that they even think you're going to charge them. You glance at Jay for his support. Instead, you see Jay frowns at you rather than at the couple. "What? They're my friends. I won't take their money!" you exclaim.
"I know you won't." Natalie quickly sorts it out and throws a glare at Will. "But as you say, you are our friend. I won't have you working at our wedding reception. You'd be our guest, should enjoy the party." She continues to explain.
"What she said," Jay gestures his hand, agreeing at Natalie's words. "And I'd like to dance with my date at the party. Can't do that if she is the DJ, right?" He throws his arm around your shoulder and kisses your temple.
"Oh, c'mon, that is so not fair. Now I have to rescind my offer," you fake a disappointment, but your lips are twitching with an almost smile. "Okay, I'll ask around, see if anyone available," you tell Natalie.
"Thank you," Natalie taps something on her pad. "Yeah, just make sure their rate is in our budget," Will adds.
Natalie unsubtly elbows Will. He winces a bit, "What? Do you know how much she got paid per show? It's more than what I earned for a week full of surgeries!"
"Well, that's an exaggeration." You retort.
"How do you know how much she earned?" Jay raises his eyebrow at Will, curious.
"You don't know??" Will screeches.
"I do. But y/n is my girlfriend. We talked about this kind of thing. You, on the other hand, weren't even excited to talk to her until last week," Jay divulges to the floor. Will sends stinky eyes to his brother for ratted him out. You pretend to gasp in shock, but Natalie is just laughing at her fiancé. 
"When I decided on a smaller wedding, I thought it would mean fewer things to take care of. But they still seem endless," Natalie puts the pad aside with a loud sigh. "What about you, Y/N? What would be your dream wedding like?"
"City Hall Wedding," you carelessly reply. Jay gapes at your response. You take advantage of his distraction to snitch his last piece of cheesecake.
"Oh, c'mon, be serious!" Will gestures his hand to you, half perplexed, half annoyed.
You drink your lukewarm tea to chase the stolen cheesecake down. "I am serious." 
"You, who could afford a destination wedding on some private island with 500 guests, prefer a city hall wedding?" Will states his doubt.
You roll your eyes, slightly amused, "I'm pretty sure I cannot manage those things you described,"
"You know what I mean. You got a private jet. Got paid for 30k per gig. Your current net worth almost hits eight-figures. You can afford more than city hall." Will tries to get his point across.
"Okay, first of all, I do not have a private jet. It was chartered by the company since it was cheaper than paying plane tickets for the whole touring entourage," you sit up straight to explain. "Second, it's not about what I can afford. It's about what I want to do. I don't like big shindig, hence city hall wedding." you counter Will's argument.
"Unbelievable." Will shakes his head in disbelief.
"Now, if you ask me where would I go for my dream honeymoon? Of that, I could talk your ears off," you wink and grin at the engaged couple.
Natalie looks interested. She puts her hand under her chin, "Alright, I'm listening.."
Jay takes you back to his place, even though you moved to your own place a couple weeks ago. You sit cross-legged on Jay's bed, completing your nightly regimen of skincare. Jay already lays at his bedside with one hand behind his head.
"Are you being honest about the city hall wedding?" Jay blurts out from your side. 
"Why?" You ask him back.
Jay shrugs, "Just curious."
You pack your kits in a toiletries pouch and place it on top of the bedside drawer. "Well..." You lay on your side, facing Jay. "The most important thing is to whom I will be married to," Your fingers trace Jay's skin, from his shoulder to his arm. "I rather have a good, strong marriage that lasts forever than a fancy, dreamy wedding for one night." You hold up Jay's hand and kiss the back of it.
Jay groans and moves on his side to look at you, "Ergh, this is why they paid you big bucks for writing songs. You're a sap."
You laugh in response, "But you love me."
"Of course I am," Jay says with absolute certainty. His hand plays softly with your hair before framing your face. "One day, yeah?"
You kiss his palm and copy the sentiment, "One day."
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