#sanji got old SO FUCKING FAST
punkitt-is-here · 2 years
do you have a favorite straw hat or do you just rotate them all equally in your brain like 10 hot pockets evenly spaced apart in the microwave
Mostly the latter BUT I fucking adore Brook, Franky, and Usopp. They add SO much to the crew and I am consistently laughing at them and also completely delighted by them. My least favorite is Sanji rn because he does the coolest shit ever and then waxes poetic about pussy in the most cringe way the second any woman shows up. if he was gay this would fix everything
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luffysscraps · 11 months
Please I have baby fever! I NEED monster trio as dads headcanons. I blame Bluey for this. Thanks in advance 💕🤞🏾
Monster trio as fathers
Ft; Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
Cw; Fem reader. Nothing else just fluff.
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Luffy gets you pregnant by accident. But he’s not worried about it at all, he’s really happy. “We’re having a baby?! That’s so cool!” He’s very excited to be a father but knows little to nothing about it.
You two have a baby girl. And he’s so happy! He doesn’t care much about the gender of the baby. He’ll love his child no matter what. The second she’s out of you and into his hands he holds her up for everyone to see. “Look! Look she’s here!” He shouts while joyful tears fall from his cheeks.
His little girl gets only the best from Luffy. He bathes her, feeds her and changes her all the time. He feeds her a little bit too much, and she has a never ending stomach like her father. She’s almost always hungry resulting in baby chub.
A giggly baby! This girl loves to laugh! She laughs more then anything else and with her jokester of a father she gets more then enough daily giggles. His stretchy skin makes for a great toy! He can pull on his face and make funny faces. Give her a finger to tug and listen to her laugh as it stretches. And even great to chew on. She kinda ends up thinking every human is like that though and tugs on people randomly. And she’s got a lot of strength for a baby (I mean look at who her dad is.) The force of her tug was enough to trip Zoro.
But once she’s old enough to start crawling and waddling, Luffy’s always active with her, chasing her, playing tag with her and playing with her. Her baby chub quickly melts away with him around. She’s so playful, always babbling and tugging on his leg to chase her and Luffy’s always up for the challenge. She has Luffy’s big wide eyes and looks like a carbon copy of her father.
These two are always talking, like always. Even when she literally can’t communicate beyond a few words and the rest is babbles. He will sit there and listen to her for hours on end and respond to everything she’s saying as if she’s actually speaking. He loves hearing her voice, whether it’s her managing to say ‘papa’ or her spitting her tongue out at him.
He takes her everywhere with him. He’s always holding her close to his chest while exploring new towns and villages. Everyone tells him not to bring her into dangerous places but he doesn’t listen. So to calm everyone’s nerves a little bit, Franky makes him a chest baby carrier that’s reinforced with armor. That only ends up making it worse though because now he thinks he can take her exploring with him. Like this man sees no problem in adventuring in a scary, dark forest where man eating predators are everywhere with a baby. He slingshots back to the ship with her in her carrier giggling against his chest and he feels proud of himself. Only for Nami to hit him and tell him how dangerous that was. The only situation he hands her off to you or someone else is when he’s about to engage in a tough battle. He’s confident in his skills and knows he can win but he’s not taking any chances of his sunshine getting hurt.
Given she looks just like her father, (and the fact he practically shoved her in Koby’s and Helmeppo’s faces when their fleet showed up to apprehend them) the navy knows the king of the pirates has a child. They’ve been trying to wipe you off the map for some time now and the same goes for your daughter despite her only being months old. No matter they’re not getting their hands on her. Luffy is serious when anything has to do with his daughter and if the marines think they can pull a fast one on him and kidnap his daughter, He sends their whole fleet to a watery grave. Even taking out every nearby marine base in the area to send a loud and clear message to the marines. ‘Don’t fuck with his daughter.’
When she’s around 5 the two somehow manage to get even closer then before. With her newfound ability to talk and make sense while doing it. They talk for HOURS. About food, games, books, the sky, fishing, everything. He tells her tales of his adventures and how her papa became pirate king. The two are best friends.
In all honesty he wants another one, maybe two, or three if you let him. She brings him back to when he was a kid and he wants her to have siblings like he did. But then he remembers an important lesson that he passes down to his daughter.
Luffy sits on the thousand Sunny’s figurehead. His daughter sitting besides him and wearing her straw hat that he had passed down to her. The little girl carrying the legacy of the king of the pirates without knowing it. They’re both silent but it’s a comfortable silence. He then looks over to her with a soft smile on his lips, bringing a finger up to her cheek and poking her. He laughs and brings her closer to him sitting her down on his lap. Some wisdom from the past remerges while he watches the sunset with his daughter. And suddenly he begins to speak. “Here’s a little secret sunshine, once you share a bottle of sake, you can become siblings with anyone.”
“Really? That’s all it takes?”
“Of course it does! Your papa would never lie to you! So when you find your long lost sibling. Rejoice with them over sake. Alright?”
“Alright papa!” Luffy smiles and looks at the setting sun wondering what the future held for the little girl who had the world in her palms.
“Run that by me again…?” Just like Luffy, Zoro gets you pregnant by accident. It’s not that he’s scared or anything, you’re the only woman he’d want to have a child with. But it’s just that he’s not prepared. It was something he wasn’t expecting.
The two of you have a baby boy. In all honesty that’s what he was hoping for. You swear while you’re recovering from giving birth you heard him give out a small cheer in triumph when Chopper announced the gender. ‘Did he think this was a challenge?!’ He’s attached the second he holds him. His son melts his heart when he grasps his giant finger with his tiny one.
Although he wasn’t prepared he’s surprisingly good with a child. He changes him, feeds him and bathes him. Bonding over the little moments like washing out his hair for the first time. You swear you saw tears but this man literally forced the tear back into his eye when you pointed it out.
His son is silent baby. He doesn’t cry, he doesn’t whine. He only lets out small babbles every now and again when he’s trying to get your attention. You ask Chopper if he’s okay and he’s perfectly healthy. He just doesn’t show a lot of emotion. You can get him to laugh, giggle and smile if you try but on the day to day he is totally silent.
When Zoro has to watch him, he trains with him on top of him. Using his son as a little extra weight. It’s kinda adorable actually. He’s lifting up tons of weight above his head while the baby boy is sucking his thumb in the sling around his chest. He’s acting so tough while doing dead lifts. And every time he comes back down he gives his son a little forehead kiss.
When he begins crawling and waddling Zoro is determined to get him walking. He’s literally the best baby coach, always hyping his son up for the littlest things. “ ‘Atta boy!” “That’s my son!” “Did anyone else see that?! That’s my kid! He came from me!” Like- calm down he just clapped his hands. He supports his son in every little thing and helps him walk for the first time. Again he sucks up his tears and pretends he’s not crying. He’s so proud of the little guy.
He mostly hands him off to you when you guys are on a new island. He knows his son is safe with you, and with you carrying the baby he can protect both of you at the same time. Plus he’s known to get lost and one of his worse fears is getting lost with his child. If he’s lost by himself as least he knows you two are both safe. If he got lost with his child he’d be paranoid for his child’s safety. He knows he can protect him from any physical harm but he can’t use three sword style with him near. Plus he’d have to make sure he’s hydrated, and well fed, and it’s just a lot of stress on him. It’s better if you have him and stick in groups when exploring.
When he’s finally starting to walk on his own Zoro buys him a small wooden toy sword. And just like his father he’s skilled with a sword. He loves it a lot, he likes to swing it on anything and everything. He often knocks anyone who walks past him on their legs and his favorite victim is Sanji. And Zoro’s just like “Yes, Yes hit him!” You apologize daily to Sanji when you find your son has been beating him up all day. Your son is confused, Papa says yes and mama says no. So to please you both he hits Sanji when his father’s near and doesn’t when you’re nearby.
Once he’s 5 Zoro starts training his little boy. He’s not soft on him at all and respects him as a swordsmen. Although Zoro loved his teacher when he was younger he just had wished he had treated him like he was an equal instead of a child. So he instructs his son as if they are equal. Most think this would cause him to relent his father but your son has Roronoa genes and it just bonds him closer with his father.
Zoro’s sword clashes against the smaller sword as his son’s stance was getting tougher and harder to block. Nonetheless Zoro doesn’t let him win. He smacks the sword out of his hand and makes him yield. “That’s another win-“ Zoro goes to speak but he sees the slight tension in his son’s eyes and immediately bends down to the boy’s height. “What’s troubling ya kid?”
“I just don’t get it. I can defeat pirates twice my size, Marines, almost anyone, but I can’t beat you.” Zoro hears his son’s lament and it reminds him of a familiar feeling he had when he was younger. And before he can speak another word Zoro leans in and hugs him. “So? What does it matter. Maybe one day you’ll beat me, maybe one day you won’t. Maybe one day you’ll beat someone stronger than me… maybe you won’t. And that’s okay. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, and if you want to defeat me well it’ll take a lot longer and more practice.” Zoro picks up the green haired boy and holds him in his hands running a hand through his shaggy locks.
“Don’t pressure yourself. Just worry about what you can do today. Tomorrow will always exist.” Zoro says simply and that calms the five year old’s nerves. The male gives him a smile and ruffles his locks before going to leave the crow’s nest. “Alright now let’s find mama.”
Unlike everyone else, Sanji gets you pregnant because you two think you’re ready for a child. Keyword Is think. “Oh my love~ I’ve prepared the strawberries cream cheese and jalapeños you’ve request~!“ You don’t lift a finger during your pregnancy. Sanji does everything for you and forbids you to go exploring or fight during this time. For better or for worse you stay with the Sunny every time it docks. And Sanji prefers to stay with you every time but if he genuinely can’t and needs to help protect the crew he kisses you like it’s his last every single time.
You two have a baby girl and Sanji is ecstatic. He’s going overboard already, buying hundreds of outfits, toys and baby equipment. He bathes her, cleans her, feeds her and if he knew how Sanji would breath for her. You rarely get to see her and she’s YOUR baby. Like Sanji’s practically raising her all by himself. He does her hair, combing her long blonde locks back into two big pigtails. She looks just like her father, even having his ‘curly brows’.
She’s a shy baby. She’s a scaredy cat, and she cries easily. Sanji’s always there to help her feel better. He’s always there to rock her to sleep, and to play with her to stop her from crying. It takes a while for her to get settled with the crew as they all sorta scared her and made her tear up. But Zoro scared her the most for some odd reason. She starts screaming and crying whenever he enters the room and Sanji immediately gets pissed at him. “GET OUT OF HERE MOSS HEAD!” And your daughter is grateful her father’s there to protect her from that scary man.
He sits her down in a high chair nearby while he’s cooking. Making sure to keep her far away from any harm but close enough encase she falls out of the chair. She loves to sing and babble Melodies. She makes the perfect cooking partner. He listens to her sing while he works and hands off little cuts of food to her to taste. “Hmm this taste good?” He’d ask when he hands her a slice carrot. She babbles happily nodding her head while chewing on the carrot slice.
He’s a helicopter parent. He’s always making sure his baby girl is safe. He’s always checking that knifes are put away, and that she can’t play with anything dangerous. Hell he even bubble wraps some baby toys that are too sharp for his likings (calm down babe it’s a plastic fishing rod). He keeps her away from the railings, standing far back and holding her tightly so there’s no chance of her falling in. The worse thing that could possibly happen to him is if she ever gets hurt. Even small bumps or her falling down breaks his self esteem. “I’m a terrible father, how could I have let this happen.” He soothes her pain to the best of his ability but feels so, so terrible he let it happen.
He’s a picture dad. Whoever let this man get his hands on a camera made the biggest mistake of their lives because now they have to deal with him showing them baby pictures of her. Every single second of the day. “Oh! Oh here’s where she spit out her tongue at her food! And here’s her sleepy face! Isn’t she so adorable!” He gushes over her showing them pictures and taking up their life while his daughter is right there staring at them both. He takes pictures of every little moment and makes not just one scrap book, but multiple. On every island he makes sure to stock up on camera film because it’s most likely going to be gone by tomorrow.
Speaking of which when the Sunny is docked on a new island your daughter is with you at all times. Knowing Luffy’s attraction to danger and how he’s one of the strongest he often has to fight. He instructs you to run and hide in the safest place possible with your daughter if danger arises. He trusts you to protect her but when push comes to shove but he rather you both are safe while there’s danger around. And if you’re threatened, or worse. Your daughter is. Sanji will rip anyone who threatens his family apart and with no remorse. Even women. That’s how you know he’s serious.
When she’s 5 Sanji’s even closer with his little one. He buys her anything she asks for! It’s all worth it just to see her smile. (Nami never gives him allowance anymore since he spent millions of berry on a purebred horse rental for her). She’s the sweetest little girl around, and has a soft spot for animals. She wants to become a veterinarian even. And while Sanji knows little to nothing about animal care, he’s still his daughter’s biggest fan and supporter. But his world opened when he found his daughter we crying, he wondered why but then saw the dead squirrel in her palms. She must have snuck it back on the ship and kept it as a pet, but due to Sanji’s sheltering she didn’t know what was going on. He neglected to teach her about death, he thought such scary things and concepts could wait until she was older but it was clear he made a mistake.
“P-papa….” “Oh come here sweetheart…” Sanji engulfs her in a hug and pulls her into his lap while she cries into his chest. “I don’t know why he won’t wake up! I brought him food and water! B-but he hasn’t woken up in two days! I-I don’t know why but I feel sad! W-what’s wrong with Mr. Squirrel?” As his daughter cries and sniffles against him he doesn’t know where to start really. He stammers over his words before he starts. “Honey…Mr. Squirrel is dead…” “He stopped breathing and now he’s not here anymore. No one knows where you go when you die but he’s not with us anymore.”
“O-oh… well can he come back and say goodbye first?”
“I’m sorry sweetie but that’s not possible.”
“Oh well…. Can… can we die too? Is that gonna happen to you one day? And… mama? And me?”
“Yes sweetheart. Everyone dies. But it’s always at the right time, you’ll make memories you’ll never forget and when it’s time for your journey to end. It must meet its end.”
“I don’t want to die.”
“No one does. And if you could live forever I’d find a way for you too. But for now it’s something that happens to everyone and everything. There’s no need to be scared of it. It’s just apart of life. Don’t worry about it now my love, for now we can burry Mr. Squirrel and have a funeral at the next island. Would you like that my dear?”
The air is quite somber as the little girl processes what death is and that she can’t run away from it. Her tears come to a stop and suddenly she doesn’t feel that sad anymore now that she realizes it’s a part of life. “Mmhmm… I’d like that.” She whispers and Sanji smiles at her picking her up and exiting her bedroom. “Now let’s go find a shoebox to put him in until the next island.”
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sinning-23 · 11 months
Supa Freak (NSFW Headcannons)
Seggcy headcanons plus bonuses opla headcanons
Warnings!: i mean ... it says nsfw in the title bro...favorite position, volume, size, stuff like that, things they say during the act-
Anyway! Enjoy
Warnings: THESE ARE 18+ HEADCANNONS! Let’s be fr.
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-Okay so…..I’m not saying it’s always the quiet ones but-
-I feel like he’s not particularly picky when I comes to being intimate with you. If he can see your face or be able to had a handful of your ass in his hands he’s happy. (doggy w/ the mirror in front of you. best of both worlds)
-He’s not much of a submissive lover either, I think the closest you’ll ever get to that is riding him and even then he’s got control most the time.
-I like to think he prefers back shots because he likes the sound of your skin slapping because he’s fuckinf you that hard and fast. He also like then you can’t seem to form a sentence cause he’s reaching even the deepest parts of you.
-He’s not very loud btw. Like slight groans here and there. I think he’d be a pinch more talkative tho.
-“That’s it, take it.” Or “Justttt like that.” Or “You like the way I fuck you? Don’t you?”
-7”, shower, cut
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-Let him eat. And he won’t stop until he’s satisfied.
-That’s his go to honestly, if he’s not going to do anything else, he’s going to eat you out. It’s his favourite, you just taste too damn good. I feel like he’s the type to lock your thighs in place and hold your hips down so you can squirm away from in in an attempt to save yourself from overstimulation.
-Puts his hat over your face and has you lean alllll the way back. Loves seeing you like that.
-He’s a pretty good volume, and he’s never had a problem taking with his mouth full so jsut know you’ll get to hear everything he as to say about you and how good you are to him/for him.
-“Soooo good” Or “Fuck I could eat you all day.” Or “Stop trying to run from me, I’m not finished.”
-Had made you squirt on multiple occasions from his tongue alone. Call to a ‘special skill’.
-6.5, grower(ironic), uncut
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-He can laugh you out your panties we all know it too, don’t act surprised.
-I feel like he’s one to like good old cowgirl. You mean to tell him he can see your face AND feel/fill you up? Oh say less.
-I think his favorite part is watching you sink down on it, that little nervous look you get wondering if it’ll fit despite you having done this countless times before.
-Knows your thighs get cramped up so he will take it upon himself to lift you up and thrust upwards so you can have a break. But god is it hard to hold back when you’re so warm, and wet, and squeezing him so well. He wants to last but you’re making it hard to.
-Not much of a talker but will definitely moan and whimper. He’s too busy trying not to cum to talk. He’s got to fuckin focus-
-Oh the chance that he does talk it’s really to warn you or swear at how good you feel
-“F-Fuck.” Or “Wait I can't-I’m gonna-”
-6.5, uncut, shower
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-Against the wall (bitch I know yall saw him shirtless I'm sure that he's got enough body strength for the both of you.)
-Something about you being trapped gets him going. He makes sure you're secure against the wall too, his hands secure at your thighs and ass, holding you up, watching the way your body kinda recoils with each thrust.
-Just know he's marking you up, I mean all the way up. You're gonna look like someone strangled you by the end of it and, yes you did because he's got a thing for choking (giving or receiving) but also he can't seem to keep those pearly whites off the skin of your neck. Claims you're "too delicious not to taste."
-let him lick caramel off your titties.
-Isn't really loud, but isn't exactly quiet either. He's definitely more of a talker if we're comparing him to Zoro, but he also moans more.
-"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, give it to me mamas." or "Can you feel me right here chérie?"
-7.5, grower, cut
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-On a countertop. Somewhere she can have you sit pretty and let her do absolutely filthy things to you.
-That rose toy is NOT letting up by any means and you can bet she's already got 3 fingers stretching you out.
-She's the type to not only talk you through it but also praise you for lasting this long. Makes it a note to give you sweet, soft kisses because her fingers are about to bully another orgasm out of you.
-I think she's a fan of countertops because every time you get off there's a niceee shine over it and most likely a sizable puddle dripping off the side.
-"That's my girl, my pretty girl." or "I know, I know, let me make you feel good."
-5, has a vibrate setting(4 speeds), baby blue
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-Standing up, you bent over, him pulling your arms back, in front of a mirror, watching how your tits move when he thrusts into you.
-This man is fucking filthy, he will fold you like a goddamn lawn chair one second and eat you out the next.
-There is no true favorite honestly, as long as he gets to feel you squeeze around him and hear you tell him how good his cock feels deep inside you.
-You quickly learned why he's so cocky, its not without reason that's for damn sure
-He can be whiny and a mess when he's particularly desperate and in need of you to take control. Sometimes he's quiet and calculated, either in the mood to punish you for being a total brat, or he's frustrated/pent up. Total wild card. You just gotta be able to gauge which side of Buggy you'll have the pleasure of seeing tonight
-"Take this dick baby, fuckin take it." or "This pussy is mine, understand me?" or "Keep doing that honey, I'll even beg for it if I have to."
-8, grower, cut (ironic lol)
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-This man is a very tentative and intimate lover. I mean he really really makes you feel and fucking savor EVERYTHING he has to give you. He knows he has to leave again sooner rather than later so at least one of the nights if not all that he gets to stay with you are so dams passionate.
-He's a very heavy breather and groans a lotttt. Hell, he swears a lot too. He just can't believe how wet you are for him, how easily he can slide into you and feel you squeeze down on him.
-His favorite position I feel like has to be you sitting on his lap. It's easy to just slide in and have your back pressed to his chest. he can touch any part of you he wants, kiss your neck and shoulders, hold your hips, and run his hands up the plush of your stomach and chest. He can caress your thighs if they get sore, and he can spread them wider too if he wants.
-"That's my girl. Doing so good for me aren't you?" or "Ohhh god." or "Let me love you, need to show you how much I adore you."
7.8, shower, uncut
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tang3r1n · 6 months
here’s my list of anime dudes and chicks who’d fuck with eating ass and why;
(tw, i allude to dark subjects at some points, please be cautious and keep yourself and your mind safe <3)
animes; one piece, jjk, mha, aot
sanji— he’d be weird abt it, too loud, too wet, too gross abt it, idk man he’d be NEEEAAASSSTY.
zoro— not weird but he’d be like…so in love with your ass. like you gotta beg him to touch your clit cause he’s so focused on ur booty
law— hrrngh. hnnngfh- mmmmph.. love him. anyways, another one obsessed with ass but he’d be that sleaze who licks from your clit to asshole. like he edges you by just licking long stripes from one hole to the other reeeaalll slow. fingerbangs you like a MOTHER FUCKER while eating ur ass tho, like the kinda fast that looks like it hurts but feels fucking fantastic
luffy— obviously. no duh. no shit. he’s feral with it, but like law he switches between pussy and ass.. okay wait nvm he leans towards ur ass more imo, more stuff to actually ingest ig
doffy— he doesn’t wanna admit that he’s so fucking into ass, like the sight of a lil booty hole and he’s rock fucking hard, so he makes it a humiliation thing. like he’s making you feel pathetic and horrible for cumming from your ass like his dick isn’t sore as fuck and he’s cumming dry.
i really wanna say shanks. i really wanna fucking say shanks…. i’m saying shanks. he’d be lazy abt it tho, mainly eats you out to get your ready for his dick ngl, more of an ass fucker than an ass eater.
KIDD. KIDD. ON GOD. he’d be like doffy except he’s open abt LOVING ass AND humiliating you. he’s so fucking mean and on his knees slurping and sucking and fucking. deco loves biting your ass so hard you bleed. he’d fuck dry. yes he would.
hrrngk- nami<3– yall i have a PHAT crush on nami.. obsessed with her being obsessed over her bestie. anyways. FUCK. GOD. she’ll never fucking tell you abt it, never ever, but you can always feel her thumbs twitching near your lil pucker when she goes down on you, BIIIGGG into spanking tho. bitch leaves marks through jeans.
gojo— it’s gojo satoru, of course he’s into ass. he is THE man. THE MAN. he’s gonna eat ass, he’s gonna eat pussy, he’s gonna cum in ur mouth and make out, he’s gonna cum in your holes and eat it out. nasty mf with nasty desires.
g-..hm..yeah geto— he’d also be a humiliator. he doesn’t REALLY like ass all that much, doesn’t mind it, BUT.. it upsets you, makes you all teary and squirmy and he DOES like that. spanks so hard you welt <3
sukuna— fuck off you know why. i-i don’t have to say anything, ITS SUKUNA
mommy— I MEAN SHOKO— big bad mommy dom who makes you eat her ass then shoved all kinds of shit in your holes <3 loves doctor play and ‘taking your temp’ the old fashioned way <3 (god spit on me…)
aizawa— UUUUGGGHHHH :( i feel like he’s one of those men who loves fucking ass more than pussy, yknow? he’ll shove a vibe up there, turn it on full blast, and make you sit on his face while he eats you out and fingers ur pussy <3 a true gentleman who cums hands free when you squirt on his face and squeal then draws you a bath <33
fat gum— too easy. too fucking easy, gang he’s another everything man, loves it all.
ende-hm. en. hm. lemme sit on it for a second.
HOLY SHIT DABI— oh such an ass fucker, such an ass eater. he likes it for the taboo, naughty, gross aspect of it. the more you hate it the more he adores it. OH LORD he’d burn lil hearts on your ass so you couldn’t sit, make you lay face down and naked so he can eat your ass out while you’re ‘healing’ (he’s gonna do it again when they’ve scarred over.)
MIDNIGHT.— shes an either-or. she’ll let you choose which she eats out but both holes WILL be stuffed.
miruko— ofc dude. like. ofc. she’s got this carrot dildo you see, BABE JUST HEAR HER OUT PLEASE JUST LISTE—
eren mf yeager, BOTH yeager brothers— zeke is just an ass man, nothing really weird, just loves bootyhole. EREN NOW. eren’s like sanji. like literally so fucking loud and so fucking annoying and so fucking GROSS. there spit and lube everywhere, he’s drenched, whined and cries when you don’t let him fuck ur ass
jean(?)— also cried when you don’t let him go through the backdoor:( he’s such a crybaby, fucking your pussy so hard you can’t breathe while his thumbs are both hooked in your ass, i bet that’d feel weird as fuck cause he uses them to pull you back in.
hange— another obvious gross one. they’d be..so hot with it. god. i love team ‘girlcock hange’ btdubs. they’re the kind to finger you while DEMOLISHING your ass, spitting on ur pussy and rubbing your clit to tight and fast you’re dizzy all while they try and dig their dick deep enough to punch your gut.
yknow who is??
endeavor, i decided he’d be an ass fucker. ooohh yeeeaaahhh… he’s not weird abt it, but the SSSSECOND you say you wanna get your ass ate he’s tossing you on the bed and ripping off your pants. a snogger, shoves his face ALL up in there <3 another one who SPANKS AND SLAPS AND SPITS AND BITES. he’d be like hange, fucking the shit out of your ass with his.. yknow those like, big logs of ground beef you can buy at stores? enji, anyways, and he’s finger blasting ur cunt with two fingers cause they’re big enough that if he fisted you he’d prolly fucking kill you.
k done. can you tell i’ve discovered a new kink guys?????
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skatingbi · 8 months
Oh my god. Yall are insane. 700+ Notes for part one of this series alone is crazy (Crazy? I was- *gets shot*). So heres part 3. I'll probably have to publish all this onto AO3 soon bc shits getting outta hand, but I like posting on this silly little site so I'll still be posting on here.
Uhhh this was posted WAY later than I anticipated bc i had a gnarly depressive episode and had to enroll into uni, but there aint no way id abandon this series, its too fun and i love experimenting with my baby writing style as i call it.
Okay thats it, just thank u all sm for enjoying my silly little series :) u guys are so sweet!!
P.S. Constructive criticism is OKAY! I havent written fanfic in like...10 years so since middle school. Im a baby at this and I understand if I may have several errors so pls lemme know if theres grammar mistakes!
Sanji With Heterochromia Series Part 3 below 🔻
Sanji lied. He does like the idiot. More than he's willing to admit. A few days after their conversation, Zoro distances himself. It leaves a nasty feeling in his gut similar to nausea but different from actually wanting to throw up. It feels apprehensive. He's waiting for something, but he doesn't know what yet. Sanji hates it. He hates how confused he is and how much he actually wants Zoro to touch him again. He hates the burning linger of scarred knuckles on his cheekbone that follows him wherever he goes.
He hates these feelings because he never learned how to really process them. He doesn't know if he has to blame himself, his shitty excuse of a father, or Zeff. Well, maybe not Zeff. The old man had enough on his plate while raising him as it was. Sanji decides to blame it on Judge because honestly, the root of most of his issues stems from that shitty old man anyway. Placing the blame on someone does little to actually help, but it's a distraction from his growing realization of how much he cares for Zoro.
He cares for Zoro. No, he holds an unreasonable amount of affection for the scarred swordsman that haunts his thoughts now more than ever. Fuck questioning sexuality when it's undeniable that he's absolutely whipped for the big idiot. Theres no room for denial anymore, not when his touch had become branded across Sanji's skin for the foreseeable future.
Stress cooking does little to soothe him and it's the same with smoking. At least Luffy gets to enjoy snacks to his hearts content. Its the little things, he tries to tell himself. He also reflects on his conversation with Zoro. How he honestly felt afraid of what he felt when the swordsman confronted him. He felt afraid of someone genuinely caring for his emotional wellbeing. He's anxious over what that means, what it would do to him if Zoro truely meant what he said. All the things voiced about him and the implications that he's...handsome in the eyes of Zoro.
Sanji is emotional. It comes with him being sentimental as well. He's the black sheep of his biological family in every way. He loved too hard, and got hurt too fast. He loved even when it ended in betrayal. Secretly, he loves unconditionally. What would happen if he loved Zoro like that, and what if it already happened and he's too late to stop it? Would Zoro hurt him just like everyone else has? Would he be pushed away eventually after the thrill of their theoretical short lived relationship?
It keeps him up at night, that conversation replaying in his head as he stares at Zoro's sleeping silhouette. He falls asleep to his breathing, echoing throughout the room over everyone else's breath and snores. He wakes up every morning before the sun greets him and pretends nothing happened in his dreams where Zoro's gentle touch and admiration lingers softly over his mind.
Zoro knows. Well, not exactly. He's not a mind reader like how Luffy seems to be, but he knows that distancing himself from Sanji is actually doing the opposite of what he thought it would do. At this point, the swordsman isnt sure where to go from here.
Sanji's actions contradict his words. Sanji stares at Zoro. Not so much that it's s uncomfortable but it's enough to be noticeable. Sometimes he swears he can see Sanji's eyes dart across his face and down to his lips before looking away. It's confusing. Didnt Sanji hate Zoro's advances towards him? Because thats what they were in hindsight.
Zoro was unconciously flirting with the cook in his own weird way. And yeah, he's a little stupid for not realizing the implications behind his actions at first, but it all started as genuine curiosity. He didnt mean for it to affect their rivalry. Now, he's not sure where to go from here.
It's driven him between a rock and a hard place and unforfunately for him, Nami decides to intervene again. This time, Nami drags Zoro to her and Robin's shared room on the Sunny for privacy and possibly interrogation. He's certain that this time he wont be able to escape. Unfortunate.
"Okay, so heres how this is gonna go," Zoro and Nami are now seated across from each other, where theres two beds and enough room for decent sized dressers on each side. Zoro sits on what he assums is Robin's bed with his arms crossed, "You will tell me everything- And i mean it! I will know if youre lying -and I will help you. Im sick and tired of you both being miserable and gay! It's giving everyone second hand embaressment." She demands, narrowing her eyes with a challenge for Zoro to protest or say no.
Zoro is smart enough to know what is and isn't a losing battle. This is one of those. Nami can be terrifyingly persistent once she sets her mind on something, and today it seems to be resolving the weird and awkward tension between him and Sanji. The swordsman resigns himself to his fate quickly and prepares himself to be trapped here on Robin's bed for the foreseeable future.
"Fine witch," Zoro sighs, "But if you tell anyone I will not be responsible for my actions." He huffs out in acceptance for his inevitable interrogation.
"Oh please like that'll actually scare me. Plus besties never snitch." Nami rolls her eyes. She gets comfortable on her bed and look at zoro expectantly. He rolls his eyes and relaxes his posture a bit.
Zoro starts talking, beginning with the first instance of his realization of Sanji having dual colored eyes, leaving out a lot of "unimportant" details. He mentions the second, and the third instance, and their conversation from a few days ago and how he tried to respect Sanji's establishment of a boundary and how he's confused now that Sanji stares at him. Nami listens with her chin resting on her fist and nodding along the way, surprisingly not interrupting once. He finishes speaking and he knows his face is red with embaressment, but he feigns nonchalance and waits for Nami's input.
"Zoro," Nami sighs, "Youre the dumbest bitch I know." She says while giving the man a look of sympathy, but not one that actually means it. More like the look of someone who is so incredibly done with your shit that they have no choice but to tell you so.
"What the fuck, Nami!? Im not dumb!" The swordsman retorts loudly.
"Anyways," his best friend ignores his arguing in favor of getting to the task at hand, "Luckily, this is fixable. For making the entire crew feel awkward for two weeks, I'm adding a 200 percent tax increase to your debt." She smiles mischeviously, and thats when Zoro realizes that one, he's never getting out of debt, and two, he's been forced to accept Nami's help in unfucking up his unconcious attempts to flirt with Sanji.
"First order of business is that you have absolutely no game." Nami begins with a shit eating grin to match the absolutely insulting statement. Zoro briefly reconsiders their friendship.
"Shut the fuck up I obviously do." He rolls his eyes. Nami gives him the look. The one where her eyebrows are raised and her chin is tilted down slightly, matching the frown. It's that look she makes when she's trying to say 'Are you sure?' or 'Reconsider what you just said.' and it grates at Zoro's already increasing agitation.
He decides not to entertain her with a reply.
"Anyway," Nami sighs, massaging the space between her eyes with her thumb and forefinger to stave off a growing headache, "Im teaching you how to flirt. No, you cannot work out in front of Sanji- dont give me that look you muscle brained idiot!" She says while looking at Zoro's ever increasing looks of annoyance and audacity, because first of all, no he definitely was not going to do that, and second of all, it could hypothetically work. Probably.
"Fine," He huffs. He'll let the witch do whatever. It's not like theres anyone else he can talk to on the ship about this anyway, "No promises that I'll actually do what you tell me."
"Fucking- oh my god why am I friends with you?!" Nami complains before flopping down on her bed, groaning loudly at Zoro's malicious cooperation. Zoro basks in the momentary power he has in this situation.
For the next few hours, Nami allows Zoro to stay in the womens quarters for the sole purpose of learning how to actually flirt. He's not sure if shes a reliable source, being a lesbian and also having a girlfriend already, but if he voiced this opinion out loud the redhead would probably kick him out. He only restrains himself because this room is the only one so far where he feels the least amount of awkwardness regarding his situation with Sanji.
Robin stops by every now and then and gives him a smile. It doesnt make him feel very comfortable but it's the thought that counts. She doesnt say anything about him being there, anyway. He makes an effort to at least not lay on the bed he's sitting on, though. He may be lazy but he does hold enough respect for the women in the crew to not fuck with their shared safe space.
Suddenly, it's the evening and dinner is around the corner. Nami shoves a barely enlightened mossy swordsman out of the womens bedroom to finally be free of that headache. Also known as a crash course to flirting with your rival/friend/whatever the fuck else they got going on.
Zoro makes his way to the gallery, taking his time to look out and observe the oncoming sunset that bathes the sky in shades of pink, orange, blue, and yellow. It would be a pretty sight to fall asleep to, he thinks, but the cook would kick his ass off the ship if he decides to sleep through dinner again.
Entering the gallery, everyone except Nami is already there. She's right behind him a second later and taking her seat at the kitchen table.
Numerous conversations are heard as food is served. Franky and Usopp are wildly talking about different types of projectiles the sunny could use, Nami and robin are talking amongst each other in low voices, giggling in between sentences. Chopper and luffy are laughing together, and Zoro goes to sit next to luffy like he usually does. Just as he sits down, the cook lands a kick to his mid back, making Zoro scowl.
"The fucks that for!?"
Sanji rolls his eyes while placing plates of food down for the crew, "For being late, dumbass."
"Nami is late too!"
"And? She'd never be late on purpose, Marimo." as Sanji speaks, he dodges the hilt of Zoro's sword to his side instinctively and has the audacity to give a cheeky grin.
Dinner passes by normally. Everyone's loud conversations meld together gradually and soon everyone except Sanji and Zoro leave. Zoro takes his usual spot beside the cook, drying dishes and leaving them on a towel afterwards so they can both put them away.
Zoro has half the mind to bring up Sanji's staring, but decides against it. It leaves the air silent, neither him nor Sanji speaking up as they finish their side work for the night. Even then, Zoro's unable to speak when Sanji immediately leaves afterwards without a word.
The kitchen feels empty without their bickering, and Zoro is determined to bring that life back into it. He just needs to figure out how.
Despite Nami's advice, Zoro has an idea. If the idiot cook doesnt see what he sees (His pretty face first of all, but Zoro thinks of his strength too. How Sanji easiely brushes off conflict like it's nothing despite the injuries that'll heal far faster than his own), then he'll make him see it. Frilly words never were Zoro's style, anyways.
One night before they all go to sleep and Zoro takes night watch, he corners the blond in the bathroom. Nami would probably be kicking his ass because of his timing, but a mirror is needed for his plan to work and the bathroom is the only place with one other than the women's bedroom.
When Zoro enters, Sanji turns to look at him before going back to washing his hair, his back towards Zoro. "Leave me alone, Moss, I'm im not in the fuckin mood," He grumbles to Zoro, who stands there waiting for Sanji to stop talking.
"Nope, I need a mirror for this and for you to listen for five minutes." Zoro replies, and when Sanji turns to argue his protests are gone from his lips when he sees a look of determination. Confused, annoyed, and also curious, Sanji doesn't reply.
Zoro walks up to Sanji until he's standing right behind him. The swordsman moves to kneel so they're relatively at the same height, but the stool makes Sanji slightly taller as he sits there and eyes Zoro warily.
"Whats going on with you, Moss? I'm trying to wash my hair." Sanji says, and Zoro can tell an insult dies on his tongue when he places his hands on Sanji's shoulders.
Zoro turns Sanji in front of the mirrior in the bathroom, the stool Sanji is seated on creaking lightly and scratching against the tile. Sanji remains speechless, still unable to brush off Zoro's palms on his bare shoulders like how he'd usually do.
"Tell me what you see, cook" He says, uncharacteristically soft underneath the edge his voice always seems to have. Sanji flinches when the swordsman's calloused hands tuck his frings behind his ear, displaying his face to them both.
"What the hell is up with you? Did Luffy hit your head too hard?" Sanji furrows his eyebrows at the mirror and looks at Zoro. Zoro huffs and rolls his eyes.
"Just tell me what you see about yourself, shit cook, I'll leave ya alone after or whatever." He grumbles back, the baritone of his voice vibrates against Sanji's back. It reminds him of Zoro's compliment, his face too close to his while they stand on the deck of the Sunny just days ago. He chooses to ignore how it makes him shiver.
He looks at himself in the mirror, and his first instinct is to look away. Zoro, being the perceptive bastard that he is, notices and squeezes his shoulders in a way thats strangely reassuring.
"It doesnt have to be fancy, cook, I know you like to use big words 'n shit so don't make your brain fuckin explode." Sanji bristles a bit at that but bites back a nasty insult so he can entertain Zoro's weird exercise on his own self reflection.
In the mirror he always sees his mom at first, but with both eyes uncovered and his hair pushed back for once, he sees himself. The first thing he sees is his eyebrows and eyes. He decides not to bring up his eyebrows.
"Well, for your information I see my eyes, but you already know that."
Zoro stays silent, and Sanji shuffles in his seat. He's suddenly aware he was literally in the middle of rinsing his hair of shampoo a few minutes ago and the entire situation is both awkward and uncharacteristic of Zoro in multiple ways. It's out of character, and he should have kicked out the moss ball when he had the chance, but now in the too small bathroom of the Sunny he feels like it's only him and Zoro. It leaves a weightless feeling in his chest, settling in with the creeping anxiety of looking at his own reflection. The contrasting feelings make him hesitate before he speaks.
"I see.." He hesitates, not knowing exactly what Zoro is getting from this or what he wants to hear, "My eyebrows, I guess. Wait, you've never seen both at once." Sanji chuckles at that, because his eyebrows are certainly something. The curl points in the same direction, but it's unnoticeable with how he wears his hair.
"Yeah, they're weird as fuck." Zoro mumbles, and the blond has to laugh or else the swordsman's voice would get to his head.
"Okay, I also see freckles. Those are new. Only started showing up when I joined you all." And Sanji now notices how the freckles cluster on the bridge of his nose, his cheekbones, and his shoulders. They're scattered everywhere else on his body.
Sanji starts to realize the point of Zoro's questioning now. He looks at the fogged mirror, just visible enough to notice how his blush not only spreads across his cheeks but also down his neck. Embarrassing. This whole situation is embarrassing not only because of where they are but also because he's realizing that Zoro is trying to make a point that is too close to unearthing his insecurities. He would have expected this from Luffy, but sometimes he forgets how Zoro's intelligence is masked behind his swordsmanship and how much he sleeps during the day.
And he's naked, but honestly thats the least of his problems at the moment.
"I see my hair, I guess?" Sanji tries to only focus on his face. Its not easier, but it also sets up a mental boundary. Zoro hums, looking at Sanji through the mirror. Sanji hesitates before speaking again, "My hair is actually wavy," He thinks about his mom's wavy blonde hair, and how he always thought it looked pretty even before she passed, "Its damaged, though. Straightened to hell and back with one of those hot combs."
Sanji thinks back to the hot combs. They were old as shit, the kind that needed to be heated up with a flame. The memories make him chuckle a bit, and Zoro smiles back. The same smile he wore when they sparred on the deck, with his dimples visible yet again to confirm to Sanji that he does have them.
His smile makes his heart skip a beat, like drums he'd hear in one of those old instrumental CDs he kept in his room as a kid. Before he has the chance to back away, to push Zoro out the door and forget this ever happened, Zoro straightens his back again.
He turns in his stool to look up at Zoro and he's not sure what the swordsman sees right now, but he's afraid to ask as his gaze is soft. So damn soft as he looks at him and his hand reaches again to pull his hair hair back over his eye like it was before. Stringy strands of heat damaged locks fall back into place.
Then he leaves. He just...leaves. The damn idiot just turns around and walks out the door like nothing even happened.
Thats the second time this has happened yet the first where Sanji is the one on the receiving end of it, and it makes him grab his towel to bunch it up in his fists and let out a scream into it as he processes everything. He processes how he was forced to notice how Zoro looked at him, and it was Zoro's own weird fucking way of saying "You're beautiful".
"He's so fucking ridiculous oh my god.." Sanji mumbles into the towel. His hair routine is officially long forgotten.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
You know I was thinking, how will Luffy about turning 20 and 21? Because when he turns 20, he wont be younger than Ace anymore, and when he turns 21, he'll officially be older than he ever was. Similarly, how will Law feel about turning 27 and becoming older than how Corasan ever was? It's something that was in the back of my mind. I knew some people who lost certain loved ones who were older than them, and when they got older than them... it just felt wierd, that's how they describe it. Bittersweet some have told me.
(Sorry in advance if this makes you sad)
I would yell at you and be angry at how sad this thought makes me, but on the other hand, I just love angst a very insane amount, so this is exactly the type of thing I absolutely love.
I think that Luffy doesn't focus much on age. He focuses on birthdays, of course, I think he'd love birthdays (both for the food and the meaning behind it. I personally think he loves throwing big birthday parties for the crew members because he likes celebrating that they're alive and growing together. Especially when it comes to Robin, Sanji and Brook tbh). But I think he'd feel uneasy when somebody makes a comment about how old and tall he's getting. Like, Sabo would make an innocent comment like "You're growing up so fast, Luf!" and Jinbe (for example) would compare him to Ace the way everyone does, with a proud smile and saying "You look so much like your brother, captain! Might even get taller than him!". And Luffy laughs at that because he's supposedly over Ace's death. He should be. But after a long while thinking about it in the middle of the party, I think he'd start wondering about growing up and the fact that he's getting older than Ace. That Ace will never experience growing up with them. That Luffy never got to spend his last years together because they were apart living their own adventures. And, you know, the fact that he's already accepted his death doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to feel older than your older brother. I think Sabo would notice right away that something's wrong and ask what's going on. And Luffy would just say something like "Ace was twenty when I let him die" (he still has to fix the wording. It's a work in progress) and Sabo understands because now Sabo can't argue against Ace about who's the oldest. Now Sabo is the oldest. And Sabo would try to make things better by placing his arm around Luffy's shoulder and saying: "Well, if it makes you feel any better, just think about his face if he knew you might get older than him! He'd get soo pissed about it! [...] And he'd be so proud of you for growing up, Luf. He'd be so happy, with that big smirk of his and the dumb tilt of head, y'know?". And Sabo just has the right words to make Luffy feel better about growing taller and older than Ace, because he knows that if he's looking after him somewhere, he's smiling wide.
I think the Law thing is harder than this. Because for Law, growing up older than his own father makes him feel guilty. Survivor guilt complex type of shit, you know? He got out of there alive but Cora-san didn't and... And it's just fucked up and unfair and Law just fucking hates this specific birthday. Normally, he doesn't care much about growing up and his birthday, but he ends up having fun because it's just impossible not to do so when Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo always want to throw a party for him. But this time, when he realizes he's getting older than Cora, it hits him. Like a fucking truck. Because he doesn't feel mature enough. He doesn't feel like he has done enough stuff for Cora to be proud (which is stupid because Cora would be proud of him but, y'know, Law's thoughts). He doesn't feel like he deserves to grow up older than his own father. It'd be a hard thing to swallow, honestly. I think he wouldn't stop repeating the words "I love you" in his head, mixed with "Don't try to find a reason for somebody's love" over and over again, trying to make everything better. Because he knows he's acting stupid. But he just can't get over the fact that Cora was this young when he acted like a whole father to him. Law doesn't feel half as mature. But then Bepo (because he's just like that. Caring, loving, Bepo) says something about being glad Law is alive and with them, and it just shatters Law completely. I think Bepo would stay with him for a while in his room until Law just stands up and says something (very softly and trying to keep the waters calm, bc he knows how Bepo is) about throwing a little party. And I think that comment would make him feel a bit better, because Cora fought for him to be alive. He shouldn't waste the gift Cora gave him.
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oh-dameron · 1 year
Noodling on an "Oops! Back In Time!" story idea where the Straw Hats sail through a Grand Line anomaly or whatever and wake up as they were about thirteen years in the past.
Robin is seventeen, still on the run in West Blue. She'd wake up, run down the list of her nakama to decide who needs help first: Franky and Jimbe are grown men already, they're fine, they can handle themselves. The East Blue crew are all little kids. To the best of her knowledge the tragedies that shaped their lives haven't happened yet and won't for a while. They're safe for now.
Chopper is a baby reindeer, probably hasn't eaten his fruit yet. Brook is currently unreachable to her, without a ship or a crew, but Franky is right there in Water 7 with a fleet of battleships that he needs to get rid of before they can be used to frame Tom. Maybe she can assume he'll take care of it.
Sanji is still in Germa kingdom. He's not safe at all.
Robin, who only looks seventeen, pulls out her mad skills as a spy and top-tier pirate and member of the actual Revolutionary Army and hustles to North Blue in record time, snapping necks and serving cunt the whole way. She infiltrates the fuck out of Germa 66 and is on the palace flagship before you can say Security Clearance. Robin's not stupid enough to dangle the poneglyphs or the Ancient Weapons in front of Judge: that's a carrot he would never stop chasing. No, she claims to have details of Vegapunk and Caesar's work on artificial devil fruits, counting on spite to get her through. It does. Robin was at Punk Hazard and Dressrosa and Wano: she knows enough details to make it plausible, and she's a trained academic to boot. She can make it sound right, even if it's not her field, even if it's made-up nonsense that will hopefully have Judge chasing his own tail for years.
Meanwhile, every night she's sending eyes and ears all over the palace looking for the missing third prince. Officially, the kingdom is still in mourning for the double tragedy of losing their Queen and one of the princes in quick succession. Robin cannot find any trace of grief in Judge or his remaining children, even when she's invited to dine with the royal family (there are still two empty chairs at the table, and she's ushered into one of them as though it was nothing. Luckily, she's had decades of keeping calm in the face of casual brutality to perfectly hone her poker face).
It doesn't take her long to find the stairs going down, down into the dark. And there's a dungeon at the bottom, a barred cell containing an eight-year old child who looks so much smaller than his brothers. He's covered in bruises and there's a metal horror wrapped around his head and casual brutality be damned, there are two wolves inside Robin right now and one of them wants to sit down and weep and the other one wants to snap Judge's neck and then tear this castle down brick by brick. Except. Tiny Sanji is doing a one-handed handstand in the middle of his cell. It's a bit wobbly, and he tumbles off-balance when he sees her, but there's nothing wobbly about the smile on the little she can see of his face when he runs to her.
"Robin-chwan!" he chirps, hugging her through the bars. "I knew I couldn't be the only one who came back! I'm so lucky to be rescued by such a dashing lady!" He peers at her through the helmet, eyes huge and blue and earnest. "You got here so fast! Who else is with you? Are you OK?"
And it's just so Sanji, who knows as well as she does where the rest of the crew is-better, probably-to think that she'd go to anyone else before coming here. As though his problems could wait while everyone else is taken care of first.
"Now that I've found you I'm quite alright, Sanji. The crew is just you and me for now, but I'm sure we'll soon change that."
He does a little spin of delight at having her all to himself, and it's the simple glee of a small child spending time with a favourite person. Robin smiles, and retrieves the keys, and holds his tiny hand all of the way out of the castle as he chatters about how amazing she is and who they'll go to find next. They sail away, leaving the palace in flames behind them.
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
More random ships with our beautiful queen Sora -> Hancock x Sora, Makino x Sora, Corazon x Sora
Hancock and Sora propaly has a age gap like Mihawk x Boa, but hear me out: I hc that Sora had Reiju when she was between 19-22, so makes her having the 1234ji with 22-25, and when Sanji and her are saved by a eighteen Boa, she would have 30-33, more pra less the same age as Mihawk (and also, the DYNAMIC!)
Makino x Sora? Perfect. Sora ran away from Germa with Sanji and stop at Dawn to hide, Sanji finds the ASL+Makino while he is stealing some food and they go help him and his mother (bc Makino is worried about the boy). So both womens just start to live near in case Sora needs help and thry fall in love <3
Corazon x Sora? Pair of sweet blondes who LOVES their children. Sora run away with Sanji and finds Cora (who is with Law) decides to help them and end up falling in love with her. Later on he almost dies bc of Doflamingo but survives and lives with his wife in a small island.
Okay so Hancock x Sora. They are saved and brought to lesbian island. Sora has gotta be teasing Boa like Mihawk does but she makes good on her promises and absolutely flusters Boa. Boa absolutely claims Sanji as her baby as well again and they're a happy little family. Boa using her royal status to spoil them but this is the SASSIEST family. If Boa is still swooning for Luffy, Sora HAS to be looking at her wife with the most unimpressed look. When Boa comes back and whines to her wife their kid is dating Luffy and Sora has to remind her that age gaps can be weird and the way she was doing it was making it weird. Boa looks at her with confusion and Sora explains that Boa flirted with her first. They are absolutely those lesbians that uhaul'd and then got married, and grew old together, they are THE dykes of the pirating world. They have to have the best sex life too tbh.
Makino x Sora. Could you also imagine if this when Shanks is there? Like Luffy and Makino find this Sanji stealing food and then finds Sora after the second or third time. Shanks somehow hasn't lost his arm yet but absolutely plays THE WORST wingman to those women. Sora is somehow the biggest help to Luffy after he eats the devil fruit and then Shanks loses his arm and leaves. Makino and Sora are doing their best to mother these kids but then Luffy disappears and comes back with more??? In the interim the women have gotten together. Sabo knows the queen of Germa when he sees her because he's been to several Reveries but Sora tells him it's a secret or they will all die. She's not even joking and then pats Sabo on the head. When ASL see her kiss Makino for the first time they ask Sanji about it and he's like 'idk, she's better than my dad' which Ace says Makino is better than his dad too.
Sora x Corazon. This man and his lead poisoned son find Sora and Sanji, her sick and dying as well and Sanji starved and matted. Fuck it, they could all band together and survive. Right? Right. They're traveling and Law is getting sicker and Sora is plateaued in her illness so that's probably a good thing. Cora is carrying both of them as Sanji follows as fast as his little legs will carry him. They bond over the kids and the kids bond over death. Listen, their fucked up, all of them. They save Law and Corazon from Doflamingo and death. Sora manages to stop the bleeding and asks where the boys are. So when he is propped and set to live and hidden somewhere she goes and finds the boys. They settle on an island until the boys set off, even if they don't think Sanji is quite old enough to be a pirate. It's fine, Law keeps Sanji on ship duties only until he's like fifteen and now he's Law's left hand. Cora and Sora(fuck i love that) display their sons proudly and the kids hang new photos their parents send them regularly. Cora is usually holding his much smaller wife with a cigarette in his mouth while on fire and Sora smiling widely while dumping water on her husband's flaming coat.
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chenziee · 9 months
Of Murder bunnies and stray marimos
Second of my @zosanauzine fics! This one is a part of the digital NSFW add-on~ (Even though they only kiss and say fuck a lot, sorry xD)
The aftersales are still going and B/C grade books are in stock now too so check it out if you haven't!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
The sun was setting.
The sun was really fucking setting.
They were supposed to have met up hours ago; even Luffy had made it back to the Sunny on time—if only because Nami had told him to be back an hour earlier than everyone else—yet, the stupid swordsman was nowhere to be found.
Not that anyone was surprised but hunting for his… directionally-challenged ass all over the island was always such a waste of time. Not for the first time, Sanji wondered whether they shouldn’t just get a leash for him and tie him to the Sunny’s main mast. Limit his area of unsupervised operations.
Sadly, knowing the Marimo and his track record of making Chopper cry by removing his bandages, he’d just end up chewing through the leash and getting lost anyway.
“Nami~! Let me go explore more,” Luffy whined, drooping over the railing with a pout.
“No,” Nami refused without even looking up from her cartographic notes. “We don’t need two lost children to worry about.”
At that, Luffy stuck his bottom lip out even more. “But I’m so bored!”
“Let’s just leave Zoro here,” Usopp sighed from where he was laying sprawled on the lawn.
“I second that,” Sanji joined in without missing a beat.
More and more voices of agreement started joining in, including the Heart Pirates who had accompanied them on the journey between Wano and the next island, and Nami groaned, “I wish.” She paused to rub the bridge of her nose. “Anyone wanna go look for the idiot?”
“Sanji,” Usopp decided immediately.
Sanji froze in the middle of serving coffee to Robin before he turned to stare at the sniper. “Why the fuck should I go? Do it yourself,” he hissed, then turned back to the most important matter at hand. “Here you go, Robin-chan.”
Robin smiled, accepting the cup. “Thank you. But Usopp is right. You do have the uncanny ability to somehow find Zoro every time.”
"It's not like I—"
"Please, Sanji," Nami said then, giving Sanji an adorable pleading look.
Sanji knew it was on purpose.
He knew she knew he couldn't say no to a lady's request.
But somehow, Sanji couldn’t bring himself to care. He was a proud slave to love, after all. "Of course, Nami-san."
Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Usopp quickly covering his mouth to stifle his snort; Sanji simply clicked his tongue and threw his serving tray at his head. He was only slightly disappointed when Usopp barely managed to avoid the projectile before finally bursting out in uncontrollable laughter.
Sanji grumbled to himself as he made his way through the jungle. It wasn’t that hard to follow the trail of cut off branches and dead or unconscious animals but he couldn’t help but wonder; why him?
Why did he always have to be the one to go look for Zoro?
“Man, this is so fucking annoying!” he snapped, throwing a kick at the next animal to attack him. As if the stupid wandering mosshead wasn’t enough, why did he have to deal with the aggressive wildlife on top of that?
He was really quite done with this island; it had offered a nice variety of cooking ingredients but the bloodthirsty, man-eating bunnies got really old, really fast.
“Oi, Marimo! I know you’re around here! We need to set sail already!” 
Silence. Sanji couldn’t say he was surprised.
He lit himself a cigarette, taking a few drags before he tried again, “Hey, Number 32!”
“What did you just call me, shitty Cook?!”
There we go, Sanji thought to himself, quickly wiping the smile that pulled on his lips off his face. He did not just think Zoro was cute for immediately raising up to the challenge. 
Absolutely not.
So, instead he put on an annoyed expression before making his way through the bushes in the direction the voice had come from.
“There you are, stray Marimo,” he sighed when he made it to the other side and the Marimo in question came to view.
He was standing there, a few of the murder bunnies lying at his feet, a defiant look on his face as he asked, "What do you want, Curly?"
Sanji raised an eyebrow. "Do you realise what time it is? We were supposed to be long gone by now."
"It's not my fault you moved the ship," Zoro snapped.
He obviously tried to sound angry, but at the same time, his eyes veered off to the side, the man refusing to look at Sanji as his ears turned red—although that might have just been the setting sun playing tricks, Sanji chose to believe otherwise. Zoro crossed his arms over his chest before he grumbled something about hopeless crewmates who always got lost the second Zoro took his eyes off them.
Sanji rolled his eyes, biting back the laugh that threatened to bubble out of his chest. Always the same story, always the same excuse.
"The ship hasn't moved since this morning," Sanji said matter-of-factly. "Can't you just admit you're completely fucking lost?"
"No." He sounded so much like a petulant child that this time…
This time Sanji couldn't hold the laughter back. Shaking his head, he sighed, amusement still clear in his voice, “You’re hopeless.”
“Shut up! I’m gonna cut you,” Zoro growled, obviously not happy with Sanji’s teasing—or his glee—while his hand reached for Enma.
Sanji snorted before taking a slow drag of his cigarette, his lips twisting into a challenging smirk as he stepped forward, coming to stand right in front of the swordsman. “As if you could even find me, with your sense of direction.”
“As if I need to look for your ass when you’re right next to me!” Zoro shot back just before the tell-tale metallic sound of a katana leaving its scabbard reached Sanji’s ears.
Taking that as his cue, Sanji moved quickly. He bent his knees slightly, lowering his centre of gravity before shooting forward. Quickly taking his cigarette out of his mouth, he stepped far into Zoro’s personal space, then straightened up, pressing his lips to Zoro’s in a quick kiss.
Zoro froze, his reaction making a smirk pull on Sanji’s lips. “I win.”
Finally, Zoro woke up; resheathing Enma in the most unhappy fashion that he possibly could, the Marimo clicked his tongue in annoyance before he hissed, “That was dirty.”
“I don’t remember there being any rules against it,” Sanji said with a shrug. “Now come on, the others are waiting.”
Turning around, Sanji started heading back the way he came but before he could so much as reach the nearest tree, a hand on his wrist stopped him. He paused, his eyes dropping to where Zoro's fingers held onto his hand before slowly looking up at Zoro questioningly.
He was looking straight at Sanji, an unreadable expression on his face as his grip only tightened. Sanji wanted to ask what was wrong but as soon as he opened his mouth, he closed it again. Seconds passed while the two of them simply stared at each other, neither saying anything, unspoken tension rising until Zoro finally moved.
Or more accurately, pulled on Sanji's hand until he stumbled forward, nearly tripping over his own feet and tumbling to the ground.
Catching himself at the last second, Sanji glared at Zoro. "Oi, Marimo, what the fuck are you—"
Before he could finish the sentence, all words were stolen straight from his mouth when warm lips pressed against his own. Sanji's eyes widened in surprise; for a moment, he couldn't even process what was happening, much less react in any way. He simply stood there, letting Zoro kiss him, the hand that had been gripping his wrist releasing its grip to instead slide down Sanji's palm to lace their fingers together.
It was only when Zoro’s tongue ran over his lips that Sanji’s mind caught up. “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice deceivingly level considering the speed at which his heart was racing.
“What do you think?” Zoro said while rolling his good eye. He didn’t move away the slightest bit either and Sanji could feel every word, every breath on his skin, sending shivers down his spine. “If you were going to do it, you should have done it right.” As soon as Zoro finished talking, he leaned forward, closing the distance again.
This time, Sanji didn’t protest.
He returned the kiss easily, a small laugh escaping him as their lips moved against each other with practised ease, his cigarette slipping through his fingers and falling to the ground when Sanji’s hands automatically wrapped around Zoro’s shoulders. He’d have to remember to pick it up later… but right now, all thought escaped him.
The shitty swordsman was the only thing on his mind; the taste, the smell, the feeling of Zoro against him was familiar, warm and comforting, and it was something Sanji would honestly never get tired of. Just like he would never get tired of the butterflies that fluttered in his stomach every time Zoro touched him like this—not that he'd ever admit to there being any butterflies.
Sanji welcomed the hand that soon found its way on his hip, pushing him back and guiding him until his back hit a tree. Sanji gasped at the impact, a curse on his lips that got swallowed by the tongue that slipped past them. Sanji couldn’t say he was complaining.
Not breaking their kiss, Zoro let go of Sanji’s hand to instead reach upward. Seconds later, warm fingers brushed Sanji's cheek; he had to stop himself from moaning when Zoro buried his fingers in his hair, scratching the scalp slightly. 
Zoro was absolutely doing it on purpose, Sanji knew.
When he cracked his eyes open a little to glare at his partner only to see the cheeky glint in Zoro's gaze, Sanji decided it was high time to push back.
He pulled away slightly, just enough for Zoro to let him go, before going straight for Zoro's neck. Weak point for weak point, right?
Sanji relished in the gasp that Zoro couldn't bite back as soon as Sanji started sucking and licking at the skin just below the swordsman's ear.
But that wasn't enough for Sanji.
He let his hands trace the hems of Zoro's coat before finally slipping them inside, running them over the warm skin of his stomach, then his sides, pushing Zoro's coat open more and more.
Every sharp breath Zoro took, every slight tug on his hair… it was all just making him feel hotter, his skin tingling all over.
If they didn't stop soon…
Suddenly, something rustled behind them.
“Fucking seriously?!” Zoro groaned and Sanji could do nothing but agree with the sentiment.
Moving in tandem, both Zoro and Sanji pulled away from each other, Enma leaving its scabbard at an impossible speed while Sanji’s leg shot out, scalding blue flames licking at his foot. It took only a second for all the fucking bunnies who had attacked all at once to fall to the ground, whimpering after the pirates’ joint attack.
A single second… yet even that was enough to completely murder the mood.
Sanji sighed deeply, pulling out a new cigarette and lighting it, taking a long, long drag. Then another and another. Finally, after most of it was gone, he felt the frustration subside. He turned to look at Zoro, who was still standing there with his katana in hand, looking like he was about to slaughter the entire bunny population on this goddamned island.
Sighing again, Sanji took the few steps that separated them now. Closing his hand into a fist, he sharply knocked Zoro over the head. “Let’s go, Marimo. Or the ship will leave without us.”
It took Zoro a moment to move, but then he slowly put Enma away, his face twisted in annoyance as he looked back at Sanji. “You’re making this up to me later.”
“For what, the fucking bunnies? Forget it,” Sanji hissed before he turned around to lead the way back.
“For getting me all worked up for nothing, you ass,” Zoro grumbled and Sanji could only roll his eyes. "You're worse than the damn bunnies—" 
“Not my fault you’re such a horny Marimo. Also—where are you going?” 
Zoro froze at his words, slowly turning around, obviously searching for where the hell Sanji was talking from. Only when their eyes met, did he open his mouth to reply. “To the ship.” He sounded so confident when he said it, too.
Sanji wanted to rip his hair out.
“I’m literally leading the way! What are you, a toddler?!”
“What did you just say?!”
It was almost dark already by the time two animal noses twitched on the decks of the allied pirate ships.
“Captain, Black Leg and Roronoa are back!” Bepo called from the Tang.
At the same time, Chopper rushed off from where he was playing with Usopp and Penguin, jumping onto the Sunny’s railing to look out towards the island, waving one of his hoofed hands at the two. “Sanji! Zoro! You’re late!” He sounded entirely too cute considering the scolding tone in his voice.
“Fucking finally,” Law muttered to himself, prompting Straw Hat and Nico Robin—who were the closest to him—to snicker at his suffering. As if it was his fault that he had been forced to sit there doing nothing for hours.
“Chopper, can you throw us the ladder?” Black Leg called toward the little reindeer who immediately tapped his forehead with his hoof and ran off.
“What, not gonna show off with your Sky Walk?” Zoro asked.
As expected, Black Leg immediately snapped back, “Are you asking me to carry you up there, princess Marimo?”
Law couldn’t help but roll his eyes. These two really couldn’t go five minutes without fighting—or flirting?—awkwardly, could they?
Before the exchange could escalate, Chopper interrupted the starting fight. “Sorry, here you go!” he called as he dropped down the ladder. “By the way, are you holding hands so Zoro doesn’t get lost again?”
Immediately, complete and utter silence settled over the two ships. It was almost as if even the ocean froze in its tracks, the crashing of the waves fading away while eyes went wide and mouths fell open. Holding hands? Those two?
The same two idiots who had been dancing around each other for as long as Law had known them, the same two idiots who kept making their fighting look like foreplay, the same two idiots who had been filling the Thousand Sunny with unbearable sexual tension constantly? Without ever doing anything about it?
Were the innocent, uninvolved people like Law, the people who were forced to watch them… finally free?
The rope ladder creaked, and the sound echoed around the deck like thunder. No one moved, just waiting quietly in a trance until finally, Black Leg’s head poked out from behind the railing. First his hair, then his face.
His red, burning face.
He looked like a tomato with blond hair and if he wasn’t so stunned, Law would have laughed in his face at the sight he made. As it was, he could only follow the Straw Hats’ lead and stare blankly as the man reached the deck, his eyes glued to the floor; he still refused to look at anyone when he muttered something about dinner and all but ran to the kitchen.
“Impossible,” Nami whispered and suddenly, the spell broke.
“Oh my, I can barely believe my eyes! Although I don’t have eyes!” Brook said.
“We’re getting drunk tonight, oh my god! The tension will finally be gone!” Usopp shouted, his fists shooting high into the air with a relieved laugh and everyone else cheered in agreement.
Just then, Zoro hauled himself over the railing. “Oh, shut up,” he snapped, a highly annoyed expression on his face as he glowered at his crewmates one after the other.
“Hey, man. It’s your own fault we’re super happy about it!” Franky shot back, pointing an accusing finger at Zoro, then at the kitchen to indicate Sanji. “It was high time you two got together.”
Zoro rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to growl something back, but Chopper interrupted him.
“What happened? Why is everyone acting so weird?” he asked innocently.
A few glances were exchanged before Penguin oh-so-helpfully explained, “Because someone finally kissed and made up.”
“Eh?” Chopper let out, his face scrunching up in an adorable, confused frown. “But Zoro and Sanji have kissed before…?”
And the heavy silence was back as this time, everyone stared at Chopper in shock.
“What? What?!” the poor reindeer cried, completely panicked, looking around as if begging for answers.
“You’re fucking kidding me,” Usopp groaned, burying his face in his hands in despair. “Are you telling me we’ve been dealing with all this sexual tension even while it was being resolved? Is there no hope for us?!”
Nami, on the other hand, strode over to Zoro, poking at his chest angrily. “Why didn’t you tell us? When did this start? Do you know how much money I have riding on you idiots?!”
“It’s not my fault you bet on stupid shit!” Zoro hissed back, slapping Nami’s hand away. “And it’s not like we were hiding it when none of you asked!”
“Are you listening to this asshole?” Penguin said, strangely frustrated for a man from a completely different pirate crew.
Law raised his eyebrow while shooting Penguin a look. “You bet on this, didn’t you?”
Penguin only shrugged, not even having the decency to look ashamed. “What can I say, I can never resist drama that doesn’t involve me in any way.”
Law sighed. He was surrounded by idiots.
At that, Straw Hat started laughing. The sound was loud and carefree, reverberating around the entire ship and through Law’s chest from where Luffy was leaning against him, sounding like a happy chime that slowly made everyone relax.
Nami threw her arms into the air and huffed before leaving Zoro alone. Usopp let go of a deep breath and shot Zoro one last glare. Nico Robin only chuckled at the crew’s reactions, looking so relaxed the entire time that Law wondered whether she had had an inkling about Zoro and Black Leg’s relationship.
Even Law felt a tug on the corners of his mouth, a smile trying to force its way on his lips.
But then, something else dawned on him.
“Oh my god,” he groaned, his head falling forward until his face was buried in the crook of Luffy’s neck. “I’m never setting foot in the crow’s nest ever again.”
“Why?” Luffy asked.
Law marvelled at his innocence. “Why? Because they definitely fucked in there!”
“Torao, don’t be a baby,” Nami said, and Law could basically hear her eyes rolling.
“Well, excuse me for not wanting to touch anything that anyone might have fucked on,” Law snapped back, not even bothering to look up and simply hoping his voice would convey the disgust he felt.
A beat of silence passed.
“Torao…” Franky started slowly. “Luffy’s literally sitting on your lap right now.”
“I don’t see your point,” Law muttered back.
Law felt Luffy nod in agreement. “Yeah, we’re not fucking anywhe—mmmfff!”
“Not one more word in front of Chopper,” Nico Robin said firmly, a clear threat in her voice.
“Nico-ya, he’s a doctor. I’m pretty sure he knows how this—” Suddenly, a bodiless hand slapped over his mouth, probably in the same fashion as it did over Luffy’s.
“I don’t care. Not. One. Word.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake…
When Law finally looked up to give her an unimpressed stare, he startled at the glare she was giving him. Suddenly, he remembered who she was—Nico Robin, the Demon Child; someone who had been on the run from the entire world all alone for twenty years. This was a woman who had definitely killed before… and who certainly didn’t look like she was above murder now.
Law was ashamed to admit he was too scared to protest her demands right then.
Thankfully, before anyone else could notice how he froze in fear, a loud yawn attracted everyone’s attention. “If we’re done here, I’m going to take a nap.” Zoro announced, then took a step forward.
Immediately, Nami, Usopp, and Penguin turned to him, identical sharp, positively greedy looks in their eyes.
“Not before we find out who won that bet, you don’t!”
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babblingeccentric · 1 year
How Useful Each of The Strawhats Are At Getting Your Stuff Back From Your Shitty Ex
Luffy- destroys your ex's house, eats all their food, beats up your ex, and steals their dog. Weather you wanted him to or not. Only gets the items you told him an emotional story about back. For best results send him in a team Zoro- gets all your shit back plus some of your ex's shit that he wasn't sure wasn't yours. Visually intimidating. However if your ex starts a fight he's gets distracted by that and if your ex owns swords Zoro starts a fight and then calls your ex a mall ninja when he inevitably wins Nami- gets all your stuff back that isn't too heavy. Also steals all your ex's credit cards, cash, and jewelry along with their entertainment system and anything else valuable. She fences it all before she gets back to you and calls it payment for her services. Send her in with Zoro and Luffy to rein in their more distractible tendencies and for them to get the heavy stuff. Add in Ussop and you've got a crack team designed to ruin your ex's life. Also if she likes you she'll ruin your exes credit no charge, no need to ask. Ussop- Gets your stuff and also takes your ex's phone charger, toilet paper, remote, leaves their freezer unplugged, and does whatever else he thinks would be funny and vengeful. Sanji- Honestly terrible choice. You'd think with his white knight syndrome he'd be good but no. If your ex is male and you're a girl Sanji beats him up on sight while scolding him for breaking such a delicate heart and completely forgets about your stuff. The fight absolutely trashes your ex's place and breaks some of your stuff too. If your ex is a woman and you're a guy he gets your stuff while flirting with your ex and then forgets the box of your stuff on the porch when she blows him a kiss and he drops the box to catch it dramatically. If you're both women he's caught in a catch twenty two where he desperately wants to please both of you and in doing so does nothing helpful. I'm not even going to get into what happens if either of you are nonbinary except to say he gets really uncomfortably weird about it. Don't ask him to get your stuff just show him a picture of your ex and Sanji will ruin every date they bring to the Baratie for eternity. Chopper- Good choice! He can use his Walk Point or Heavy Point to transport large or heavy objects he can't handle in his Brain Point form, and he's thorough enough to get all your stuff without getting distracted and he's conflict avoidant so he's not gonna get in a fight with your ex either. If your ex tries to start a fight Chopper can either use Brain Point to go "you wouldn't hit a little guy whos so cute and also its my birthday you wouldn't hit a little guy on his birthday?" or use Heavy Point and your ex isn't stupid enough to fight a guy who looks like a gorilla Robin- Her devil fruit makes packing up all your stuff very fast and she is not easily intimidated. She's also very unlikely to get in any fights with your ex but if your ex starts a fight Robin can end it. However do not send her in with strawhats because she will just enable their destructive tendencies. She is NOT the levelheaded one. Franky- Has done this before for people back in Water 7. He's a pro and he will assemble a team. They may even be little robots he built specifically for this purpose. Even if he doesn't all his cybernetic enhancements make the job easy and he's both easy going enough not to start a fight and tough looking enough your ex wont start one either. Gets all your stuff with exactly the right amount of intimidating your ex and without causing you any problems Brook- Honestly kind of useless. He's a tall skinny dude who's too old and silly to be very intimidating, and he's not the heavy lifter that some of the other people are on the crew are. His biggest skill is that he is able to keep the rest of the team on track so I recommend sending him in with Luffy Jimbe- A big fucking dude which adds significantly to his intimidation factor despite him being honestly a pretty soft dude (in comparison to rest of strawhats). This also means he can take back furniture you left behind. He doesn't start fights but you can bet he ends them. The one your ex is most scared of at first because he both looks scary and has scary rumor swirling about him.
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anachronismstellar · 2 months
Wip Wednesday: IAAP: CH6
Let's goooo guys! My requests for IAAP: CH6. This one is a hard one (Sanji's past is a whole ass trigger warning for itself) but anyway-
TW: Canon starvation, Canon child abuse, panic attacks
Thank you for the requests: @zyrafowe-sny @eriquin @auburnlaughter @adhdavinci @trappedinmymind @stonemaskedtaliesin @kidsomeday
I'm going to put this one under the read more just to be safe!
Zoro was drowning.  The trapped air tried to escape his throat as water made home in his lungs, salt mixing with copper. He couldn't make sense of up and down on the treacherous sea, body sinking like a stone no matter how much he forced his legs to move. He was drowning but he couldn't make himself move, he could only wait for- there- A big hand grabbed him, pulling him from the water, dragging him away from the waves. And this time he didn't have to do much to grab the rock, holding with all his strength so the waves didn’t carry him back.  He knew that it wasn't him that was fighting death. Ok, he knew this now. But it wasn't his fault that Cook's memories were so disconnected that he could barely follow.  In a blink the sun was scalding his head, the dull knife on his hand laughing at Zoro as Curly watched Red Leg's back, frozen on the spot. “Go away, little aubergine.” Then again Red Leg's back was turned to him, this time however they were in a nice kitchen, the monster on his belly asleep for now. “I'm telling you, old man! I know that I can do it!” “You can't even season your food! Go away from my kitchen before I send you to your room!” He turned around, running full speed towards the door, crossing it, only to come back to the kitchen once more, this time taller, stronger. “Move old man, it’s my turn to prepare the mise en place!” “Over my dead body!” Cook threw a kick, without holding back his strength, but Red Leg blocked at the last second, both falling into a fight that was getting too serious too fast. Again, Zoro knew that it was coming, still he couldn’t move fast enough, Zeff’s powerful kick hitting him right in the head, making Zoro black out and then- He was crying. The place was so dark he couldn’t see properly, but he knew he was in a cell, his back against the wall, a clunky mask over his face, making it hard to lift his head. He was crying and he was so small- he felt like his wrists would snap at any moment,  and again that whole on his stomach, a monster that kept gnawing and gnawing his belly- holy shit why was he so fucking hungry- “You just need to do as he says, why do you never do as he says?”
Zoro turned to look at the girl on the other side of the bars, expecting tears, a reaction, something, but her eyes were empty as if she hadn’t had a soul. “I’m trying-” he sobbed, tears pooling on his cheeks, the salt and the metal irritating the skin, itching like hell.  And all he could do was to pull the mask, the sensation of being slowly smothered by it making hard to breath, he couldn’t breath, he- “Zoro-san?”
I did the whole text because I think it works best with this scene, it's made to be confusing, but if I broke it apart it would look insane dshifhdusf
anyway, thank you again for the requests everyone! <3
and if you got here and want to see more of this, don't hesitate to send me an ask! :D Make me write!
See you next Wip Wednesday!
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kabbal · 7 months
I got tagged by @belphegor1982 for a Find the Word in your WIP game! the rules are very simple: Find the words from the list in your WIPs and post the paragraph they belong to.
For me that was easy since I only have three wips at the moment, and two of them are very long. Still, i have one word missing. damn
I'm tagging @kaantt, @garnetrena, @chonaku-things
Your words will be fruit / air / empty / loud / fall (translate them if your wips are not in english of course)
chase - from an upcoming chapter of my Call of Duty multichapter fic The Owl and the Nightingale
“He was betrayed. They made him come with promises of peace, bread and wine, and they ambushed him. Chased him down into the woods and cut his head off to bring to king Edward.”
No wip with that word, i'm afraid
fast - from my main wip of the moment, a yet untitled fic for the Sanji/Zoro pairing from One Piece
Germa was never so good at spies, but whispers travel fast in the underworld. It makes Sanji sick, even now, to think of all the gratitude he has for the mean old man dissected upon a table to strategize about how to bring him back with the least fuss. Germa always had a way of making love feel dirty.
minute - yet again from my zosan wip
As much as the Germa fleet boasts its greatness, there’s only so much space on a ship, and they reach Sanji’s rooms in a matter of minutes. The bed is pristine, the door unlocked. Reiju’s hand is cold when it touches his arm.
whole - from my hot toxic wlw call of duty wip, untitled as of now
“You’re the only person to ever protect me, in my whole life,” Dolores says, oh so very soft. Her lashes are fluttering, her body unfurling as she opens her legs wide. Valeria feels like she’s about to fuck a butterfly.
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onlytibki · 2 months
One Piece characters as PJO-style demigods
Qualifiers: no PJO storyline. This is half from a reincarnation-type concept I'm playing with but I won't go into details for that; the other half is being figured out as I write this.
Jimbe - merman. Why mess with a classic? He's a graduate of Camp Fishblood, maybe a legacy of the royal family (son/grandson of Triton or something) somewhere along the line.
Brook - clear-sighted mortal (legacy of Apollo?), favored by Aurora since he greeted every sunrise with music. got her permission and support to pull an Orpheus and play with his old band one last time. unfortunately, while Aurora's blessing let him survive walking through Hades, it didn't prevent him from withering (see her husband, Eos). yo-ho-ho. walking talking afro skeleton. Mist has to pull double-time hiding all that from mortals.
(alternative - he died with his old band but successfully Orpheus'd himself out to go find the Laboon equivalent. unfortunately, he had to return alone.)
Franky - one of two: (1) son of Hespaestus. (2) cyborg cyclops. oh maybe both!! Hephaestus had a kiddo with one of his cyclops workers and we were all graced with this blue haired one-eyed insane fireproof disability mechanic
Robin - Athena, naturally. Researcher, strategist, dedicates her life to knowledge. Mortal parent is a professor. Unfortunately, in one of those twists of irony--she can't weave/create/build to save her life.
Chopper - no listen he's literally still a deer. Was being hunted by Artemis but when she got hurt (as hunters sometimes do) he turned around and brought her healing herbs and both Artemis and Apollo blessed him and turned him into a satyr, sorta. Boom: walking talking doctor deer son.
Nami - clear-sighted mortal. made fast friends with local water nymphs as a kid. main character energy so strong they had to let her into camp.
Sanji - Legacy of Eros/Aphrodite on his mom's side. Judge steps into the Roman Emperors' shoes here, so Sanji gets the same kinda trauma Meg McCaffrey does, plus abusive siblings for flavor. Zeff is a former combat vet and cannot see through the Mist but can spot a traumatized kiddo in need from 50 yards out
(alternative - Zeff's a fucking redeemed Laistrygonian, a la Tyson but with 2 eyes. Tried the cannibalism thing. 0/10 would not recommend. Spotted a traumatized kiddo and went "is anyone gonna adopt that?" and didn't wait for an answer. Restaurant serves demigods and monsters both with a standard 'no fights inside' rule.)
Usopp - satyr. he met Chopper first, and later led Sanji and Nami to camp.
Zoro - Mars. Yes he's the only Roman. This poor man got so lost after dying that he ended up in the neighboring pantheon. In the story concept, he bests everyone in New Rome and then goes on "a little walk" to find the rest of the crew and ends up having to cross the entire country following the rising sun because of course that's where Luffy would be
Luffy - I know I said I wouldn't get into details but Luffy's always so goddamn hard to fit into other canons so he ended up central to the storyline. Luffy's reincarnation is as a sun-god, but without any believers he's asleep. As the crew comes together he wakes up more and more, and when they're all standing in one place, he finally wakes up entirely.
on a metaphysical level, he grabs their hand and yanks them to join him in the next adventure - returning to the OP world (years into the future), apotheosized into a new pantheon:
Luffy - sun/freedom/victory; Zoro - night sky/masculinity/ambition; Nami - day sky/femininity/skill; Usopp - plants/artists (especially storytellers)/bravery; Chopper - animals/childhood/medicine; Robin - life/knowledge-keepers/history; Franky - fire/builders/progress; Brook - death/musicians/love; Jimbe - water/guardians/community.
0 notes
sugxrslushy · 3 years
Hi hi, it’s me the Corazon ask anon from the most recent post! Loved it btw! So sweet and hot and just unf, my face now: (^་།^) (got that good old sanji nosebleed) and now I can’t help but double dip, this time with my no. 1 husband, Zoro! Spice again please? Maybe with virgin reader? Perhaps marimo is also inexperienced? (Not totally by choice but mainly because he’s so training for obsessed) you don’t have to of course, just throwing out a wanted idea to help get the creative process going!
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♢ a/n: ahhh I’m so glad, it was a joy to write! thank you for the fun little prompts for this one, I was getting burnt out towards the end of the event so it helped to have an idea of what to do. you didn’t specify gender in this one but because you last asked for a male reader I stuck with it, if there’s any issues with that lmk and I’ll redo this <33
♢ six of diamonds - “does it make you nervous when I stare?”
♢ warnings: N/SFW MINORS DNI, amab m!reader, talk about virginity, frottage, handjob
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“Does it make you nervous when I stare?” Your breath fans over his tanned skin and making it tingle. His face darkens, the warmth radiating off his cheeks becoming more noticeable. You straddle his hips, making yourself comfortable in his lap and trying to hold back a moan when his cock brushes against your own.
“No,” he grumbles, saying all too fast for him to not sound defensive. “It’s just weird seeing you naked like this.” It wasn’t like you hadn’t seen each other’s bodies before, it wasn’t technically the biggest boat so it happened sometimes and Zoro seemed to have no sense of shame.
Yet you could understand, it was the first time for the both of you and seeing each other like this was certainly something else. You couldn’t ignore the warm feeling forming in your gut upon seeing his muscular body in this light. Gods, you stop yourself from grinding yourself against his cock and moaning loudly. Zoro curses under his breath, his rough hands holding your hips in place.
His hand slides across your sensitive skin, taking the both of you in hand and stroking in tandem. You buck into his hand, whining loudly at the warmth of his hand around your cock and the delicious friction brought on by him jacking you both off. His length is so warm against yours, pulsing with drops of precum rolling down his length.
“Fuuuck, Zoro.” You moans encourage him to continue, getting a feel for what he was supposed to be doing and continuing pleasuring you. It feels so good, almost knocking your breathless when his thumb rubs along your slit after the next upstroke. An embarrassing amount of precum drips from you, slicking up Zoro’s strokes.
“Like that?” He asks, silver eyes looking for affirmation. You cry out and nod, trying to fuck up into his fist as his pace picks up. You’re humping against the marimo, panting open mouthed against his skin and then sinking your teeth into his collarbone. Zoro moans deep from his chest and spills into his hand with you following not long after.
tag list: @cjm-cookiethief @acesmarigold @smallhybridart @sanjithesimp @doublebird @cipher-p0 @lyriczhou
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
The Voyage So Far: Whole Cake Island
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano
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sanji is such a self-sacrificial idiot. and i know that’s not exactly a ground-breaking statement, but it does define the entire first half of whole cake island, so it may as well be reiterated here: sanji does not value his own life as much as he should, and fails to grasp that other people care about him outside of what he can offer them, which is why he’s so surprised when luffy later comes charging headlong into big mom’s territory.
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zou is a really good little arc, and it also mirrors the themes of whole cake island in miniature. the minks collectively make a massive sacrifice and risk absolutely everything to protect raizou, and wci is essentially all about loyalty and sacrifice, whether its sanji giving himself up to protect the strawhats and zeff or luffy and the strawhats facing impossible odds to rescue him to pedro giving up his life to get them all out of there safe.
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huge fan of this panel partly just because it’s cute and partly because it’s a great visualization of just how dysfunctional the heights are in one piece.
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zou is one of my favorite settings in one piece just for the sheer creativity of it. zunesha is so massive and so mysterious and so strange. and she really looks unspeakably old just from how she’s drawn, looming over everyone and everything, eyes hollow and empty, an entire forest and an entire people growing on her back that have been there for thousands of years. it’s just so neat and so wildly inventive.
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this applies to zou as a whole, but i think it’s really cool how all the little threads that will become important during wano are set up so effectively even before whole cake island starts. we get this shot here of kidd beat to shit and then forget it because so much happens between here and when he shows up again in wano, but then oda punks us into caring about him and killer so much and this retroactively becomes very important.
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ever since his introduction sanji’s always been a character basically defined by his adherence to his principles: always feeding the hungry, never wasting food, never hurting women, never using his hands in combat. he’s probably the most firmly principled person on the crew, and that’s more obvious in whole cake island than in any other arc except maybe baratie.
sanji is very stubbornly good, which puts him in acute contrast to his siblings and their general cruel apathy. it’s something i really like about him.
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i’m a huge fan of big mom’s introduction, which is also our introduction to tottoland in general. it’s cutesy and colorful and musical while simultaneously being deeply creepy, with lyrics about killing people for ingredients and making jam out of blood, which is a great summary of the core of big mom’s character. she’s an old lady all in pink who lives in a cartoon fairy-tale land- but she’s also a deranged cannibal, and all those singing trees and flowers are animated by the life she steals from her citizens as tax.
whole cake island draws on a lot of fairy tale motifs (especially with brulee), and the contrast that saccharine appearance creates with how fucked up the actual content is is super effective and memorable, i think.
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honestly i find most of the content of sanji with the vinsmokes just plain upsetting, which i’m sure is intentional, so i’m not going to go into it a lot here, but i am including this panel of him kicking niji in the face.
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sad as this scene turns out, luffy’s absolute thrill at finding sanji and the corresponding bafflement of the vinsmokes as to how the fuck he even got there always kinda makes me grin.
i always love seeing people’s underestimations about luffy get thrown right the hell out the window- because let’s be honest, he’s easy to underestimate, he’s like a five and a half foot tall rubber teenager and not very physically intimidating and all, and then he goes and pulls off the impossible without blinking.
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the thing that makes luffy unique as a captain has always been his willingness to rely on his crew, and his willingness to openly admit that reliance, like he did all the way back in arlong park. most of the other contenders for the pirate king’s crown we’ve seen- big mom, kaidou, crocodile once upon a time- have been stubbornly individualistic people who explicitly shown not to care for their crew and allies, generally seeing them as disposable.
luffy is the opposite of all of them, because his crew are everything to him, to the point of being willing to sacrifice his dream for them. and the loyalty he wins from them in return is unmatched, as opposed to big mom and kaidou, who both get cheerfully betrayed not just by their own crewmates but by their own children.
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brook is really cool in whole cake island, and honestly it comes at just the right time for him as a character. ever since his introductory arc in thriller bark until this point he hasn’t gotten a ton of focus, so it’s great that he gets to be the mvp here and demonstrate exactly why he’s a strawhat pirate and how much he’s grown over the timeskip.
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oda is generally really good at introducing and handling characters contained to a single arc/saga, but i do think he absolutely knocked it out of the park with pedro. he has an interesting backstory, compelling motivations, and basically an entire sub-arc ending in his death that never distracts from the main plot, but only ever adds to it.
pedro really feels like a fully realized character who’s had a whole life offscreen, who we just happened to catch at the very end of his story. i think that’s super impressive.
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i really love this moment, because for me, this is the moment where whole cake island becomes a tremendous arc, and where the tides begin to turn and the dominoes begin to fall, one after the other. this is sanji hitting absolute rock bottom. the one ray of light he pinned all his hopes on was a lie, and he can’t even light a fucking cigarette.
but one piece is, very often, a story about picking yourself up even when you feel like you can’t.
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i think there’s something lovely about how much one piece emphasizes the value of honestly asking for help. luffy waits for nami to ask for help, and for robin to say she wants to live, and for sanji to admit he just wants to go home, and then says, “okay, i’ll make that happen.”
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it just makes me so happy how happy the stawhats are to know sanji’s back with them. it reminds me a lot of how they all brush off robin’s thanks after enies lobby. sure, they’re going to have to crash the wedding and confront big mom directly and might all die, but who cares? they’ve got sanji back. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, i love how much they love each other.
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i think the gangster outfits are super fun, and i love that oda is committed enough to his aesthetics to come up with an excuse to put them all in formalwear. it pays off, they all look extremely snappy.
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i know i just said it in the dressrosa posts but i’m reiterating it here because this is my favorite example of it by far: i love when oda does this split-screen thing with his panels. the contrast between the two halves of pudding is so severe and yet they’re so clearly the same person i honestly just find this pair of panels fascinating to look at.
this panel also kind of gets at my favorite thing about pudding as a character, really. i know she’s a little controversial in fandom, but i’ve always found her entertaining (at least post-reveal), especially in the contrast between her unhinged evil side and her genuinely sweet romantic side and her post-wedding tendency to randomly ping-pong between the two.
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i just always like reminding people that sanji is fast enough and his observation haki good enough to dodge a surprise attack, while thoroughly distracted, from katakuri.
sanji in this arc tends to get shit from a certain side of fandom for being ‘useless’ since he doesn’t have a big climactic fight despite being the focus of the arc, which i think is thoroughly missing the point. sanji is still plenty capable in combat, as demonstrated both here and later, with chiffon and oven. it just happens that his strength isn’t what saves the day ultimately, because combat ability isn’t everything, which is the entire point of the vinsmoke backstory/subplot. sanji saves the day just by being kind.
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i’ll admit big mom’s flashback isn’t one of my favorites, taken in isolation- there are some parts of it that kind of unresolved (at least as of now- i still suspect they’ll be followed up eventually), and in general, although there is a tragedy to it, it doesn’t quite hit the way many of the other more effective flashbacks do. that said, i do think it does a really good job of succinctly explaining why big mom is the way she is in the present: she’s a child who was never told no, who never grew or matured past the disappearance of her adopted mother. that’s it, and that’s enough.
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i’ve always been a little bit in love with how seriously and consistently one piece handles its themes of found family, and sanji outright disowning judge in whole cake island is maybe the most outright they ever get: family is found, not made. you owe nothing to your blood and are never beholden to your abusers.
and i just like that a whole lot.
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i do think the tamatebako is one of the best uses of chekov’s gun i’ve ever seen. we’re first shown it at the end of fishman island, it’s revealed it got sent off to big mom rigged with explosives which is a minor “oh fuck” moment, and then it gets forgotten about, because the entirety of punk hazard and dressrosa happens in between! which is a lot!
i remember when i reached the moment in whole cake island where we’re reminded that that bomb still exists and is still waiting to explode, i just started laughing hysterically out loud, because i’d completely forgotten, and now that i remembered i was just delighted to know it was going to definitely go off at some point, almost certainly in a very satisfying way.
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pedro is, if i remember right, the first time the imagery of the coming dawn that will become quite important in wano really has attention drawn to it in-text- the recurring motif is there before this, of course, dating all the way back to the names of the first chapter (romance dawn) and first island (dawn island), but this is the first time it’s actively addressed in-story.
in doing so, oda essentially presents a fresh mystery for us, but one that has been set up so consistently ever since chapter one that it feels like it fits perfectly into the world and story.
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luffy’s been punching way above his weight class ever since crocodile all the way back in alabasta, fighting enemies who clearly outmatch him but always managing to win anyways, but his fight with katakuri is maybe the clearest the sheer differential in strength ever gets, because katakuri’s powers are similar enough to luffy’s that he can pull off pretty much all of luffy’s techniques, but better. so luffy has to fall back on the two things that have always been his greatest strengths, again all the way back to crocodile in alabasta: innovation and sheer fucking stubbornness.
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one thing i love about one piece is how no character is immune to being clowned on. absolutely nobody. everybody looks like an idiot sometimes, and it makes everything so much more fun than if the series took itself more seriously. katakuri basically actively tries to avert this by building up a fearsome, flawless, and utterly no-nonsense persona, but it winds up failing hard because it actually only makes the contrast and surprise of his actual personality and vices that much funnier.
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i’ve always loved this one panel of carrot going sulong, because she just looks so monstrous, like a true werewolf. the same goes for the shift in big mom’s design when she starts going truly mad with starvation and gets even more threatening-looking (below). i just think oda should let women be monstrously scary more often.
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i do really love that the entire climax of whole cake island hinges on the degree of trust and faith the strawhats, and sanji and luffy specifically, have in each other. they’re all facing massive challenges that would seem insurmountable to an outsider- luffy facing down a yonkou’s commander with a bounty of over a billion and sanji remaking a massive cake that took months to plan and make in just a few hours, the others evading big mom’s full forces and big mom herself for a full night- but none of them have even a shred of doubt that the others can manage it.
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i wrote a meta post awhile back about one piece’s concept of ‘honor in a pirates’ fight, and what it came down to is this: honor can never be expected between pirates, but the best of them will show it anyways, and it can be a very telling judge of character. nobody would expect katakuri to do this, and luffy even calls him an idiot for it, but he has enough respect for luffy as a strong opponent to do it anyways, and that’s how we know for absolute certain that even though he’s an antagonist, he’s also a good, honorable person.
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i really like the gesture of luffy leaving his hat over katakuri’s mouth, especially because until this point, we’re never even given any indication that he’s really noticed it, let alone that katakuri is insecure about it. he never reacts to or comments on it (which is in itself kind of unusual from someone who tends to nickname opponents by their appearances as often as luffy does) one way or another.
and then he does this, confirming all at once that he did fully notice and understand, he just doesn’t care. which i think sums up one of the more under-appreciated aspects of luffy’s character- he’s generally way more observant than people give him credit for, especially when it comes to people, it’s just that he has a very different sense of what’s important and what’s not than your average person.
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i love the sheer contrast between big mom’s delighted, rapturous singing as she devours the wedding cake against the violence taking place on screen as her army rains fire and hell down on the thousand sunny. it parallels her initial introduction at the start of the arc perfectly, and is just an excellent way to close out the arc with a bang.
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i said it earlier but it bears repeating here, for a different reason: luffy is not very physically intimidating. he’s shorter than most of the other main characters, he’s a lanky teenager, he dresses casually and his most identifiable accessory is a farm hat.
but then there are times when he looks like a captain, like a future pirate king, and it just looks so natural on him. i can never get over it.
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i really like that, after spending a whole arc demonstrating just how different (and how much better) sanji is than the vinsmokes, it ends like this- showing us just how similar he’s grown up to the man he’s chosen as his real family, and just how proud zeff would be of him.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} – Cherry Blossom & Tangerines – Trafalgar Law x Y/n – Part 5
Modern AU. Trip to Jeju Island, SK. No spoilers.
Female reader. No physical descriptions. Everybody is +18, canon ages. Chopper is human.
Tw: NSFW, blindfolding, soft sub/dom, unprotected sex (this is just fiction, pls wear protection). Fluff. A little bit of ZoSan
A/N: I haven’t had the chance to visit South Korea due to Covid, so everything included is pure research. Excuse me in advance if there is something that’s not 100% accurate! Keep in mind is purely inspired ♥
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31059467
Word Count: 4.5 K
» List of parts: {P1} {P2} {P3} {P4} {P5} {P6}«
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Chapter 5
“Y/n it's our turn, let’s sing!!” Vivi told me, while pulling me from my arm. “Vivi, wait”, I said. I kept watching how Law was still hugging the girl. “What is it?... Oi!”, Nami said, also witnessing the scene.
“Don’t go, just… wait”, I begged my redhead friend who was ready to kill him. I saw how the mysterious woman and Law laughed together. Zoro didn’t even care, he was more drunk than anything else.
The girl was ruffling his hair, pinching his cheeks. Law didn’t even look at me. I didn’t know if he was just simply so amused about the girl that he simply forgot about me, or, he was doing this on purpose, knowing that I’ll be watching, maybe to let me know he wasn’t going to commit to me in any way.
“That’s it. I’m leaving”, I stated. Vivi, Robin and Nami insisted on me shouting at Torao, but I couldn’t. I was so hurt, and, besides that, I wasn’t even his girlfriend, so I had no right to reproach anything to him.
The girls came with me, and we drove home. The boys didn’t realize we had left until long after we weren’t at the karaoke bar, when Sanji texted Nami asking what the hell had just happened. “Sanji, you should ask your stupid ass friend Torao, what the hell is he doing with a bitch?, plus, go get your boyfriend too, she is right next to him”, Nami said via audio.
Sanji sent an audio back, “Nami-swan! Zoro is not my boyfriend… wait, you were talking about him, right?, whatever, Torao is still with her, I’m gonna see who the hell is she and kick the hell out of stupid Law for hurting Y/n-chwan”.
I drove as fast as I could, at that point I only wanted to bury myself in bed and cry my eyes out. I was silent all the way. My friends knew there was no point in saying anything else, so they just strung along with me.
We got home, and Robin offered me some tea, yet, I politely turned the offering down and headed almost running to my bed. I covered myself up to my face, and pitiful tears sprouted from my eyes.
I heard my cell phone ring several times, I knew it was probably my friends asking if I was all right. But I didn’t have the strength to even see the screen.
“Why did you choose to hurt me like this, Law?” ... I whispered to myself, unable to understand why I was in that position, why after all the romantic stuff he has done for me he didn’t even care I was there…
I reached my phone and simply turned it off, I was fed up with it ringing. Some minutes, perhaps half an hour passed until I fell asleep, crying.
Suddenly, Nami’s loud screams woke me up. “TORAO, WHAT THE FUCK? WHY ARE YOU BRINGING THIS SLUT HOME?”.
I didn’t hear Law’s voice, but I did hear someone climbing the stairs, quickly, almost running.
The door opened suddenly with a loud sound, like someone kicking on it. I was still in bed, and the bang of the door made me take an upright position instantly.
There he was, the villain of my story with tears on his eyes, hopeless, shaking. “Y/n-ya!!! it’s not what you think, let me explain…” “STOP, what type of lie are you going to spit out from your stupid mouth?, plus, what the hell? I heard Nami saying you brought that girl home. Have you been drinking? Are you drunk? what the fuck?” I shouted at him, also crying.
Suddenly, before Law could say anything else, I saw a brunette, tanned, tall girl, with big eyes that resemble Law’s ones. She looked at me, smiling and peacefully said, “Hello Y/n, my name is Lami. Trafalgar, Lami”.
I opened my eyes, and mouth… “Trafalgar?”.
“That’s right! I’m Law 's sister! Nice to meet you! I’m sorry if you got things wrong!” she said to my stunned me. “Oi, brother, she is so pretty!! Even more than in the pictures!”.
“Oh God…”. I was somehow relieved that Law wasn’t flirting with a girl, yet mortified because not only me, but all my friends had called Law’s sister a slut… a bitch.
“I am… I am really sorry… And, uhm, N-nice to meet you…”, I said, wiping the tears on my eyes. “It’s ok, darling! I’m leaving you alone so you can talk in peace, I’ll be downstairs!”. “O-ok”, I said sniffing.
Law slowly approached to the left side of my bed and sat there, next to me, in silence. I wasn’t capable of saying anything to him, either. I had put up a show, he probably thought I was a toxic girl, jealous or even worse things. I had mistrusted him. It was probably the end of something that hadn’t even started.
Suddenly, Law hurled himself on me, hugged me and nuzzled on my lap. “I thought you wouldn’t believe me, I’m sorry, I really do. Lami lives in Jeju and I wanted her to meet you because she is not traveling to Seoul any sooner, we just decided that we will be meeting at the bar so… so you could get to know her”. He said, still with his head buried onto my legs.
“Law…”, I began to cry again. I petted his hair and told him “I am the one who should be sorry. I- I thought you were a bad guy, a typical man that doesn’t care about the girls. I am sorry…”. I felt horrible.
I could hear downstairs my friends laughing, Sanji and Zoro fighting, Luffy shouting. Luckily everybody would make Lami feel comfortable, after all. Law was still sobbing over my lap.
After several minutes I decided to speak up. “Law, stop, you are not the one who should be crying asking me for forgiveness. You did nothing wrong. I was completely mistaken. I hope you will be able to forgive me someday”, I said, gaining composure in order to make things clear.
He sat back, looked at me with teary eyes and asked, “someday? There is nothing to forgive. I want to be with you, I … L…”
“Oi, you two, stop crying, Lami is leaving”, said Nami leaning on the door frame, smiling at us. As she left, and Law wiped the tears off my cheeks, we stood up from bed. I was still dressed so we headed downstairs right away.
“Sis, let’s go, I don’t quite remember how to get your home from here, so you tell me”, said Law. Lami looked at him with loving eyes, and said, “My big brother is always taking care of me, I missed you doc”. Law’s cheeks became red, and he hid under the white with black spots cap he was wearing.
Lami said goodbye to everybody, except me, “she probably hates me”, I thought.
I was going to wish her a good night, when Lami held my hand and pulled from me. “Let’s go sister-in-law, come with us!”. I followed them into the car unsure if Law wanted me there, because he was still embarrassed as hell.
I let Law’s sister sit on the passenger seat, and I sat on the back seat behind Lami. A few seconds after Law started the car Lami said, “Oi, Y/n! did you know that Law has never ever introduced a girlfriend to the family before?”. I choked a little when I heard her say “girlfriend”, and simply chuckled. Law told her to stop, but Lami continued telling me how “emo” he was when he was an adolescent, making fun of his sibling.
We finally arrived at Lami's house. It was a traditional Jeju stone house, with big windows and a typical korean roof construction. On the entrance was a tall guy wearing a cap with “PENGUIN” written on it, waving at us. Law parked the car next to a black Hyundai Ioniq.
“Oi!! brother-in-law!!! How are you? It’s been a year my dear friend!” the guy at the door told Law. We descended the car, and the guy hugged Law in a way “man” do. Lami introduced me to the man, he was his boyfriend, and they had been living together for a few years, and apparently before dating Lami, Penguin knew Law since they were little.
We went inside, and had coffee while chatting about everything. I didn’t feel uncomfortable at any moment, Lami and Penguin were really warm people.
Law’s sister and I headed to the kitchen. It was a perfect opportunity to ask her about their parents so I thought of the best way to bring up the subject. I didn’t need to, because it was the first thing that Lami mentioned.
“Y/n, I’m sure my cold brother didn’t tell you anything about our parents… right?”, she said. I was helping her putting some mochi onto a plate, so I looked at her and said “Not really… At first I thought Rosinante was his father, but then I realized that his surname was Trafalgar, not Donquixote”.
“That’s right, Rosinante is something like Law’s dad. When my brother was 10 years old, my parents passed away in a car accident. They were both doctors, the best ones of this city. Law looks exactly like my dad when he was younger…”, she stopped for a little, and continued, “We stayed with our grandparents at the moment. After two years, Law became really ill and had to be taken to Seoul for some doctors to cure him. Luckily, Rosinante was a volunteer at the children’s hospital where Law was being treated. After six months of intense treatment, he recovered and forged a friendship with “Corasan” who took care of him… Oh sorry, I meant, Rosinante. Corasan it’s just a nickname Law gave him during… the chemotherapy...”, she concluded.
“Oh… poor baby…I’m sorry for your loss too, Lami” I said, feeling a lump in my throat. “Don’t worry, we are all right now, time has passed”, she said, grabbing my hand softly and smiling. She continued, “but let me tell you something, I’ve never seen Law with that type of twinkle in his eyes in the 24 years I’ve known him. He loves you; I can sense that. Plus, when you left the bar earlier, he became so desperate, he was truly worried about losing you”.
I blushed instantly, yet, I was so happy of hearing how he probably loves me that I giggled. And Lami, too.
From the living room we heard Law calling me, “Bab… Y/n-ya, let’s go home it is pretty late”. “Ah… my sweet loving brother and his ways…”, Lami said with a sarcastic tone, rolling back eyes. We both laughed and headed where the boys were.
“Oi Penguin, do you have a bottle of cold water? I tend to get thirsty when I drive”, Law asked Penguin and looked at me with some sort of look I can only label as… horny?. “Right, bro, let me get you one”, said the cool cap guy and headed to the kitchen. “He gets thirsty?” I said to myself a little confused, but dismissed the thought as my attention went to Lami who was showing me a photo of his brother when he was a little baby.
The happy couple invited us to the lantern festival that was taking place the next night at the historical center of the city. They told us to bring all of our friends too. We were excited about it, so we accepted the invitation and left the house.
During the ride along a road by the sea, Law asked me, “Babe, can you please turn the GPS on?, I don’t really know where I am going…”. I searched for my phone in my pockets, but realized I’ve left it at home. “I didn’t bring my phone… give me yours”, I told him. He grabbed his from the black jeans pocket and gave it to me. “Law, your phone is dead…”, I said, trying to turn it on.
“Yeah, my battery died after calling you twenty times when you left the bar…”, he said, kinda joking. “Oh…”, I gasped, and continued, “Well, let me enter the address on the car sat nav”.
I approached my hand to the little screen when Law stopped my hand and smirked. “It would be a shame if the computer wouldn’t work and we ended up lost…”.
“You clearly had this planned, right?” I said arching a brow. “Me, planning things? that’s not something I usually do…”, he said in a sarcastic way, but with a sexy tone that made me somehow fidget on my seat.
I came closer to his face and almost talking next to his ear I said, “Let’s get lost”. Law licked his lips, placed his right hand over my lap and said “Heh, sure… I can’t resist myself anymore”.
He suddenly turned the wheel and took a little road that took us to the beach. Finally, my lover parked the car, luckily it was a deserted zone, a cliff area, and there weren’t any houses or places nearer.
The beach ahead of us was lightened by an intense moonshine, the sea was choppy so the waves hit hard on the cliffs.
Law threw his seat back and patted his lap, “Strip for me, and come here, baby”. “Ah, so we are fucking on the car, nice…” I thought and began to take my clothes off.
“Don’t take that off, yet. You know that little bandanna you have on your head could help us…”, he said to me after I jumped over his lap. I felt a rock hard bulge under my core, he was already so ablaze for me.
He then untied the cloth that was holding my hair, smirked at me, and said “may I?” while covering my eyes with it.
“Lay you back on the steering wheel, baby girl”, he ordered me. I remember instantly how he likes to dominate me, so I followed his order to a “Yes, sir”.
His fingers ran from my mouth to my neck. He kept lowering them softly caressing my flesh. I could barely feel the touch of his fingers over my skin. He wasn’t talking, and I was unaware of what was coming next, I was blindfolded, but surrendered completely to this man.
All of a sudden I felt a cold sensation over one of my nipples, “Uhg…” I moaned, throwing my head back. Then the chilly stinging feeling moved to my other nipple. God, what is that?... and suddenly remember Law asking Penguin the cold water bottle. “Damn you, Law”, I said to myself but only being able to verbalize moans and grunts.
He began to trail an icy path from my breasts to my lower stomach. My heated skin mixed with the cold water that began to melt over my flesh, felt like a sweet torture.
“Your hot body is making the icy water melt and wet my jeans… or is it perhaps your own arousal for your Master, baby girl?”, he said to me, while running a thumb over my clit.
He then penetrated me with two fingers as he only knew how to, took them off and asked me to open my mouth. “Taste yourself, baby girl”, he commanded me, and I opened my mouth and sucked.
I heard - and felt- how he unzipped his jeans, and slowly took his member out. I could feel how he began to softly hit his manhood over my sex. He was playing with it, but my body couldn’t wait for it to be inside of me.
“Is it getting hot in here, huh?” he said and unbuttoned his black shirt. I knew it because he then grabbed my hands making me caress his skin. My hands wandered along his chest, but my mind was only focusing on how much I wanted to be penetrated by this man.
I was drowning in lust, I needed him to do something, but he didn’t. “Law… Sir… What are you doing?... fuck me, I want you to fuck me…”. He laughed, and violently but gently enough he pinched and twisted one of my erect nipples. A strike of intense pleasure hit my center, and it was so unexpected that I only purred at it.
He then ran his inked fingers through my hair and pulled me closer to his face, this time he wasn’t being gentle, he was being rough… and I loved it. “What do you think you are doing? I am the one who gives you orders in here, are we clear?” he said, whispering with a grunt in my ear.
“Y-yes sir, I- am sorry…”, I said, stuttering. “Good”, he said and kissed me. We made out, hard, feverishly. I could feel over my entrance how his sex became even harder.
He suddenly put his hands on each side of my waist and lifted me up a little bit, so I could place my knees on each side of the seat. He used his right hand to guide his pennis inside of me. It was just the tip of it, he was enjoying how I was probably miming the words “fuck me” repeatedly. After a few seconds of torture, he grabbing me again from my waist, pushed me down against his lap. “Ugh..” I said, opening my mouth, throwing my back to the steering wheel, so hard that I made the car horn sound.
I wanted to be penetrated, and he did it so roughly, yet so pleasantly.
I began to ride him, back, forward, up, down, tracing circles with my pelvis. My left knee hit the emergency brake handle, it hurt but I didn’t care. I placed my hands over his strong abs, letting all of my senses focus on the pleasure, imagining the expression he had on his face when I heard him groan.
Law pulled my hair and threw my neck back, again making me hit my back on the wheel, and used his hips to bang me, hard, burying himself into me. Every thrust made my body react with little spams; I was being sent to heaven.
Law untied the bandanna that was covering my eyes, and said in between the thrusts and an agitated voice, “I want to see your precious face when I make you cum”. My eyes slowly returned to its functions, admiring the sweaty thorax of Law, the way his stomach would go up and down picturing his rapid breathing. His face showed a red glowing, he was more than aroused. I was too, and as I reached for climax, placing my right hand over the steamy glass of the car window, Law did too with a hard “Huh”.
He bathed my insides once again. I remained still enjoying the warming sensation inside of me, trying to erase any worry at the time.
Law placed a hand on my back and pulled me closer to his chest, while lying his neck over the headrest of the yellow Sonata.
I rested my whole tired body over his, enjoying the touch of our warm skins, the scent of his body, with my lips wandering along his neck, leaving soft kisses over its skin.
“We should go back home; they might get a little bit concerned…” I told Law, still over him. “Yeah, you are right, let’s go back…”.
It was 4 am so once we got home and opened the door, we entered stealthily. I walked behind Law when he suddenly stopped, and I fell over him. “What is it, Law?!” I whispered, “I don’t know, this is kind of a slumber party…”, he whispered back at me.
Suddenly all the lights turned on. Everybody was sleeping on bare mattresses on the floor of the living room.
Little by little our friends but Zoro and Sanji woke up.
“Oh my god, finally…” said Nami and everyone began to laugh. They weren’t laughing at us, but at Sanji and Zoro who were sleeping cuddled.
Law looked at them and looked at everybody else and said, “Excuse me, is this something new to you? Oi Mugiwara-ya, tell them every time you three get to sleep at home they do the same”. Luffy nodded, still laughing.
No matter how much noise they made, nor Zoro or Sanji woke up, they seemed to be happily enjoying sleeping like this, so we didn’t want to bother them anymore.
“Let’s go back to sleep, guys. Y/n and Law you can sleep upstairs, we left Law’s bed intact”, said Franky winking at us. “Thank you!!” I said, and we went upstairs jumping through the multiple legs of our friends.
We climbed up the stairs, and went into the boy’s room. I was undressing when suddenly Law offered me a big loose t-shirt. “Don’t get me wrong I love your naked body, but what if the boys enter the room and see you naked?”, he said. “Oh, Law, are you jealous? hahaha”, I mocked him. “Well, let's not discuss jealousy…”, he said frowning.
I grabbed his white loose t-shirt with some kind of black power ranger called “Stealth Black” printed on it and put it on, giggling. I could have sworn he was a geeky nerd, and that was the proof.
Law and I jumped into his bed and muffled up with the bedding. He hugged me, kissing my head. “Thank you for making this the best holiday of my whole life…”, he said. “Thank you for paying the bus ticket that time…”, I whispered with my face pressed up against his chest. We both laughed and soon after fell asleep.
I woke up with the sounds of some birds chirping on the window. Law was still asleep beside me, with his ruffled hair, his cheek pressed against the pillow with his mouth open, snoring softly. I couldn’t help but drool over that image, so handsome even like that, the intimacy, the person I wanted to wake up to each morning.
I placed my head over the tattoos of his chest, following with my index finger the lines of ink on his skin. I remained there for a few minutes hearing his heartbeat, drunk of his skin scent.
Softly he began caressing my cheek, still without opening his eyes. He was probably half asleep yet.
I felt a million butterflies trapped on my stomach, I was so in love, I had fallen for this guy, hard. I felt a little guilty, I mean, how was I supposed to fall in love so quickly with a man?... I guess it was just love at first sight…
Law’s hand stopped moving, and suddenly I heard him mumble something like, “Mmmm- hum - I-I- love you Y/n-ya”. I widened my eyes, “did he just say he loves me? “I was completely surprised and even unsure if that was what he said or if it was just my imagination.
Some minutes later, he opened his eyes, slowly. “Good morning, baby girl”, he said, kissing my forehead. I was immobile, watching his face still trying to process what he had just said. “What is it?, are you sleeping with your eyes open? you are gorgeous but that would be a little creepy”, he said, surprised.
“N-No, uhm, I am awake, yes. Good morning”, I uttered. “Are you ok, Y/n-ya?”, he asked with a confused expression. “Yeah, uhm… Law… Do you sleep talk?”, I inquired him. “Oh… did I? I’m sorry... I do, yes. Sometimes. What did I say?”, he said this time with a worried expression. “Oh, no, nothing, I thought I heard something but I don’t know. It’s nothing”, I said, trying to settle the matter.
We remained cuddling up a little bit more, until we heard movements downstairs. They were probably waking up, so I decided to go to my room and get ready for the day.
“New pajamas”, I thought while taking off Law’s shirt. I folded and put it on my suitcase, I wasn’t willing to give it back to him.
I went ahead and showered. I let the warm water bathe my skin while thinking about Law saying “I love you” while he was asleep. Was he really? Did he really feel that or was it just a dream?... I guess I should wait…
After the bath, which clearly made me more anxious than relaxed, I went downstairs to the kitchen where Sanji was already preparing breakfast. I decided to help him with setting the table while chatting about the lantern festival of that night. Nami, Vivi and Robin joined us and were pleased that Lami and Penguin invited us to such a pretty event.
Our last day in Jeju passed with us visiting the Samseonghyeol Shrine, which is the oldest historic site in Korea. That place is considered as the birthplace of three demigods of the island, founders of the Tanma Kingdom that governed Jeju Island before the Joseon dynasty took over.
At noon we came back from the city and began to get ready for the festival that night. I received a message from Lami, “@TraffLami.06 > hello Sis! How is the day going? Is my brother treating you right?. Listen, we usually wear “hanbok” to the festival. If you want to too, you can rent them from a friend's shop. I send the location. See you tonight! ♥”. I got super excited for it, I loved cultural clothing and I wanted to see Law wearing those clothes too. I told my friends and we all agreed on renting one. Law, being the warm boy he was, wasn't so sure about it, but with a little kiss and a little begging I could convince him.
The night came and we all drove to the historical centre of Jeju. The place was all garnished with paper lanterns, string lights hanging from some bridges, lit inflatable displays, food courts, typical music being played that mixed with the buzz of hundreds of attendants that were enjoying the night.
I was wearing a hanbok in yellow and orange tones, while Law used a green and black one. He looked like a typical groom; I couldn’t help but fantasize a little about us getting married someday.
Luffy of course ran to the food stalls followed by everybody else, Zoro went ahead and attacked the stall where they were offering some kind of soju and Law and I waited for his sister and Penguin to arrive at where we were.
Law was more silent than usual and his face showed concerned. I thought at first about him missing his parents or family, maybe the festival triggered some memories, so I held his hand without saying anything. He squeezed my hand, and began to sweat.
“Are you ok, doc?”, I asked. He looked at me, I could sense he got really nervous and finally mumbled, “Y/n-ya we need to talk…” …
Part 6, FINAL
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