#like i imagine it happened in his third month so both of them had time to get attached to the baby
malkaviian · 2 years
Thinking about the effects of Jayce's miscarriage in both him and Phoenix
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
My Favorite Customer
Summary: You’ve been buying weed from your new dealer for a few months now. Always leaving it in your mailbox while you’re at work, you two never cross paths until one Friday night when you come home early.
word count: 3k
Warnings: None really besides some kissing at the end. This just a little meet cute with our favorite weed dealer. (Not meant to be a series, just a fluffy one shot) mentions of weed obviously.
A/N: I missed Eddie and this idea came to me based off my real life of buying weed from my weed man for over a year. Have yet to come face to face with him, but there’s always weed in my mailbox when I need it lol. For my twin @boomhauer and thank you @superblysubpar for helping me find my Eddie voice again.
Lifting up the lid of your mailbox, the smirk that tugs at your lips can’t be stopped when a fresh bag of weed sits inside, his usual hand written note attached making your face hot. You look both ways before snatching the eighth quickly scuffling back into your apartment like you were hiding a pound of cocaine and not just enough green to last you a few days.
It had been like this for a while with Eddie. You’d call him up by the number given to you from Robin who swore up and down that he was the best.
You remember thinking his voice was cute the first time you heard it, and you started to wonder if he thought the same after the third call. A flirty edge hidden behind his words every time he’d pick up and realize it was you.
“Ahhh my favorite customer.” He’d tease starting to get these calls multiple times a week.
It wasn’t your intention to never meet Eddie, it’s just how it always seemed to happen. That first time you talked he could hear the desperation in your voice. The stress from the move here and starting your new full time job fresh out of high school, he could tell you needed to relax. Rattling off times he could come by, none of them ever lining up to match with yours.
“You got a mailbox or somewhere I could stash it?” He finally gave in after exhausting almost every other option.
“You’d do that?” You couldn’t help but be embarrassed by the obvious excitement in your voice and he just laughed.
“If the money’s there sweetheart, why not?” The nickname made your heart skip a beat biting your lip to try and hide your smile.
You don’t even know what he looks like.
So this is how it started playing out after that, you’d call with your order and he’d make you blush every time he’d kick the flirting up to ten.
Instantly comforted by his mellow voice, you found yourself looking forward to those few minutes so much that you weren’t sure if the amount you were smoking was from stress or from just wanting to hear his voice again. Then he started adding little notes to your deliveries and now you were almost positive it was the second.
His sloppy handwriting started appearing on each bag with the word ‘favorite’ always scribbled at the top.
Cheeks heating up the first time it showed up, you couldn’t stop trying to imagine what he looked like. Too scared to ask Robin, you knew she’d just follow your intrigue with a line of questioning of her own.
Settling for the vague faceless man you’d conjured up in your clever mind. You let the memory of his voice be the thing that secretly encouraged the movements of your fingers between your thighs every night.
Friday morning had you waking up with a smile, your stash low enough to do the thing you’d been thinking about since you hung up the last time. Taking a deep breath you dialed his number that you now had completely memorized. It only rings three times before his voice fills your end of the receiver.
“Is this who I think it is calling me this early in the morning?” The grin in his voice is evident when he answers.
Shuffling your feet nervously, the smile on your own face was starting to make your cheeks hurt.
“Do you always answer the phone like this?” You wonder if he can hear yours too.
“Only if I know it’s you.”his tone sends a shiver up your spine, legs pressing together on their own accord.
“And how’d you know that it was me Eddie?” You draw out his name sweetly, silently squealing when you hear the hitch in his breathing from it.
“Because sweetheart, you’re the only one who calls this early for weed.” catching the way he almost whispers the last part, you hear a gruff voice in the background.
“Boy if you don’t leave soon!”
“Sorry, is that a problem? I just wanted to catch you before it was too late.” The urge to crawl in a hole is strong as you slap your palm on your forehead.
Your eagerness to talk to him becoming more than obvious, the man yelling at him in the background definitely wasn’t helping your new bashfulness.
“Pshh are you kidding me? I love it. Get to start the morning off talking to my favorite girl.” He lays his response on thicker than syrup. Your palms start to sweat noting the way he didn’t say customer for the first time.
Your embarrassment subsides for a split second before the voice from before cuts in again.
“If I get another call that you were late again, boy I swear to -“
The line shuffles on the other end and all you can hear is the sounds muffled arguing before another loud rustle, his voice returning with more irritation in it than you’d ever heard before.
“You want the usual?” He’s short when he answers and you know it’s not supposed to be directed at you, but you can’t help but squirm.
“Y- yeah if that’s okay?” You didn’t mean to give yourself away by stumbling over your words, but when you do Eddie makes a quick recovery.
“More than, listen you have a good day at work today Sweetheart. I really gotta go, but check your mailbox when you get home.” Hanging up before you get a chance to finish saying goodbye you hear Eddie yell “I”m leaving alright?!”
Work was exceptionally slow for a Friday night, the unexpected thunderstorm that rolled through killed any possibility of a dinner rush. Cutting you less than half way through your shift, your giddy excitement couldn’t be contained. Friday evenings had become non-existent since you started at Enzo’s. So when the opportunity to actually have one came around you couldn’t turn it down. Stopping at Family Video on your way home, Robin helped you pick out something she swore was good while you did your best to ignore the eyes her friend Steve was giving you.
Strumming your fingers against the steering wheel while you listened to Kiss a little too loud, the heavy rain turned into something less than a light drizzle as your tires splashed through puddles. Planning out your evening alone you didn't even think of what this could mean as you pulled into your parking spot hours earlier than normal.
Too caught up in trying to land the notes to I Was Made For Loving You, you didn’t see the van parked in front of your small complex. Head in the clouds with the possibilities of the night mixed with your bad habit of looking down when you walked, you didn’t see who was right in front of you. The sound of the voice you’d been daydreaming for months about cuts through your mumbled singing. Stomach dropping to the floor when you hear
“Son of a bitch.”
Freezing in place, your eyes slowly trail up towards your front door. Standing at almost six feet tall was a curly haired metal head. Mumbling profanities as he struggled against the lid of your mailbox, his jacket looked caught on something. Broad shoulders covered by a battle vest adorned with a giant Dio patch, you still couldn’t see what his face looked like as he struggled with the sleeve of the leather jacket beneath. Taking in his ripped black jeans and scuffed white Reebok’s, your heart was already threatening to beat out of your chest. If his face was cute, you knew you’d be fucked.
A few more violent tugs of his arm, he finally breaks free as your mailbox creaks dangerously close to coming unhinged off the brick wall. His zippers jingle as he shakes out his wrist, flipping up a ring clad middle finger he chuckles proudly to himself before turning around. Big brown eyes meet yours like a deer in headlights, so cute they punch the air out of our lungs.
Yeah, you were fucked.
Brows furrowed under messy bangs his eyes go from your stunned face down to the keys in your hand with your VHS tape before he takes in your frame. Catching the way they linger just long enough to still be polite. He meets your shocked stare as something clicks in his head. A dimple filled smile pushes past his plush lips, yours threatening to do just the same at the sight.
“Eddie?” Surprised you were able to get his name out of your mouth, his face seems to light up even more as his suspicions were confirmed.
“That depends.” Rocking on his heels he crosses his arms over his chest “Favorite, is that you? Cause boy, you’re even cuter than you sound.”
Blood rushing to your cheeks hearing your nickname in person like this, you suck your bottom lip between your teeth at his compliment.
“That depends.” Looking up at him from under your lashes the dimples in his cheeks deepen at your response.
Twirling one of his curls over his lip, you notice all of his rings “What if it’s your favorite weed dealer?”
Cuter than anything you could have conjured up in your mind you were silently scolding yourself for not meeting him sooner. Straightening your shoulders a little you take a few strides closer to him, watching as his eyes don’t try to hide as they take all of you in.
“I’m sure you call all the girls that, but yes it’s me Eddie.” Smiling bigger than you can help, it’s his turn to take a couple steps closer.
“Nah, that nickname is just for you sweetheart.” Standing close enough to catch hints of corner store cologne trying to cover up cigarette smoke, everything about him made your brain short circuit. Looking down at the movie in your hand his eyebrows raise in disbelief before meeting your eyes again. “Alien?”
“Robin suggested it to me for my unexpected night off.” Flipping it over in your hand to read the back, you could feel his stare on your face rather than on the tape. “Ever seen it?” glancing up at him, he doesn’t try to hide what he was actually looking at.
Nodding, he grins down at you “Buckley’s got great taste.”
Catching the double meaning in his words an electric current that could light up all of Hawkins dances between your bodies. Static vibrating from your fingertips, you couldn’t stop the sigh that slipped between your lips.
The raindrop that hits you between the eyes is jarring, you blink fast before more start a slow and steady decent splattering all around. Raising a large hand up to try and shield his curls he looks annoyed that Mother Nature was cutting his time short.
“I hate to deliver and dash sweetheart, but I don’t wanna keep you in the rain.” Doe eyes taking in your face like he was trying to commit it to memory he moves to step around you.
Panic rises and constricts around your chest as you watch his retreating form, biting the inside of your cheek you work up enough courage to do something you’ve never done. Make the first move.
“Doyouwannwatchitwithme?” Words jumbled together and almost yelled as they fell out of your mouth, your mumbled nonsense stops him dead in his tracks. Turning around, having his full attention like this was making it even harder.
“Come again princess?” The new nickname threatens to send you six feet under when you feel your knees shake. Clearing your throat you gather whatever confidence you can muster under the intensity of his stare.
“Do you want to come watch this movie with me?” Using it as a makeshift umbrella you start walking backwards towards front door “I actually just got this pretty good shit delivered you should try it.”
The smile that breaks across his face is infectious, feeling it in the way your lips stretch so much it makes your cheeks hurt.
“Oh yeah? I mean if you’re talking about who I think you’re talking about, that guy’s got the best shit in town sweetheart.” The laugh he pulls from you, he swears it makes your face glow. “I’d be honored favorite, I thought you’d never ask.”
Your living room lays in a blanket of haze from two joints successfully smoked, touches lingering more and more as you two passed them back and forth. Half way through the movie you were giggling through cupped fingers leaning into him as you both sank deeper into the cushions of your couch. His bad jokes and over the top commentary kept you both laughing with shoulders pressed together for support. Neither one of you making any effort to move when you both finally calm down.
Peeking at him from the corner of your eye, you were mesmerized by how handsome he was this close. Your stare following the curve of his round nose to the fullness of not one but both his lips, a light sheen coating them from being freshly licked. The sharp planes of his jaw lead you to the thickness of his neck, catching the silver chain that disappears into his shirt.
Time is an illusion in your foggy brain - especially under his spell, losing yourself trying to remember every curve and scar on his face you stare long enough to to get caught. Chocolate eyes connecting with yours, the corners of his lips tug up and like looking in a mirror yours do you.
“Hey favorite”quiet enough for just you to hear, there’s a soft rasp in his voice from all the smoking.
“Hey Eddie”biting your bottom lip, his eyes watch the way your teeth scrape across the silk of it.
Leather creaking loud enough to hear over the sound of the movie and the rain outside, he drapes his arm over the back of the couch. The dip pulling you deep into the warmth of his chest.
“Is this okay?”for the first time you see a hint of nervousness in his eyes as he tries to read the expression on your face.
Nodding you slide a tentative hand up his chest feeling his muscle twitch under your palm, looking up at him you repeat his own question.
“Is this okay?”
His hand reaches up to cup the side of your face, the weed helping you melt into his touch as the pad of his thumb traces your cheekbone. Searching your eyes for any sign of protest he nudges his nose with yours. The heat of his breath fans across your parted lips as your eyes flutter closed completely overcome by him being this close.
“Sweetheart, if I’m reading this wrong please tell me now.” Your top lip brushes with his bottom when he asks the question and you think you might combust if you don’t close the gap.
Tilting your head just enough to get what you want, your lips move together like it was something they’d been doing for years. Each lazy drag setting your skin ablaze.
Swiping his tongue against your bottom lip he quietly asks you for more. Granting him access to something you’re sure you’ll never deny him, you don’t hesitate to let him deepen the kiss.
Tongues meeting each other in the middle, they battle for dominance as your fingers find their way into the thickness of his curls. Tugging slightly, you smile into the kiss when a groan erupts from deep in his chest.
With the rest of the world long forgotten, the two of you stay like this for longer than you can keep track of. Hands exploring curves and grabbing hips, it almost becomes too much when you nip his bottom lip.
Eddie’s the one who breaks away reluctantly when the need for oxygen becomes too much, and his body starts to react a little too strongly to your touch. The screen on the TV had gone blue long ago when the movie ended, leaving your dark living room in its pale bright light. The coloring of it all hitting his face just right.
Nudging his nose with yours he leans his head back against the cushions of the couch. Chocolate eyes looking at you through half closed lids, a lazy smile spreading wide across his kiss swollen lips.
“We should probably stop, and I should probably go.”jutting his bottom lip in a pout he catches the disappointment you try to hide flash behind your eyes. “Not that I want to, I just actually had other stops that I was supposed to make tonight, but it’s not like I was going to say no to you inviting me to hangout.”snorting like that was the craziest thing he could ever imagine, his face lights up when he earns a laugh from you.
“Yeah, I’d be pretty pissed if I was them.” Using his chest to try to push yourself up with your hands, he stops you from getting too far. Collecting your lips one last time, he only lets you pull away enough for your noses to stay touched.
“Besides having a few more drop offs, I’m hoping the next time I kiss you like that is after you let me take you on a date?”catching the nerves in his voice, you couldn’t actually believe he thought you’d say no.
“Bold of you to assume there’s going to be a next time.”raising a brow you do your best to remain straight faced as he narrows his eyes at you.
He brushes his lips lightly against yours again before asking “there’s not?”
Giving in almost instantly you add pressure pushing yourself closer, chuckling as he pulls away, you stop trying to fight the smile that’s threatening to spread across your own face.
“Fine, you caught my bluff.” Huffing in mock annoyance, this time he lets you push yourself up.
It still takes another thirty minutes for Eddie to work up enough willpower to get off the couch, your easy conversation and pouty soft lips making it a near impossible feat.
More stolen kisses and stumbled words fill the empty space on the walk to the front door followed by even more before he finally goes. Sweet just like the nickname he gave you, he couldn’t wait to make you his.
taglist: @munsonology @munsonmunster @elthreetimes
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mxtantrights · 1 month
Hello ☺️ I really really enjoyed the boxer jason and your over all jason imagines they make me feral. I was wondering if I could request one where the reader is like all about jason and he isn't used to it and she is like a big ball of sunshine always happy to see jason and will like drop a conversation as soon as he walks into the room and go on over to him.
a/n: anon, thank you so much for this sweet message and this really juicy request!! <333 I'll have to do you one better with this request, I hope you enjoy.
Mr.Stratford is talking about something. Something about his second dog and his third wife. Or maybe it's his third do and his second wife? You can't really tell. At this point you know that he's had three wives and five dogs. And he has so many funny stories about them. He thinks it's funny but you think it's a downright snooze fest.
You keep from yawning when you decide to move a bit. That way you'll have sight of the door and see who's coming in and out. You nod on as the man continues speaking, losing a minute of your life with every word he says.
It's not until a white tuft of hair appears in the doorway do the sparkles come back into your eyes. You hand the man your flute of bubbly and starts fast walking over to him.
Jason sees you coming and holds open his arms. You launch yourself at him. He hugs you back.
"Next time we show up together." you say.
"You just walked away from the mayor of Gotham." Jason says.
"He's got three more months left until reelection. So what." you answer and shrug your shoulders.
You look at him. Taking him all in. The hook of his nose. His eyelashes, that are truly unfair of him to have, and his eyes. His big brown eyes.
You slide your finger down the side of his face, his cheekbone, and smile.
"Is everything okay?" he asks.
You nod slowly, "yeah just can't believe you're mine. It's kinda crazy."
"You're the one out of my league." he tries.
But you counter when you get up and straddle him. With your thighs on either side of his waist you place your hands on top of his chest. He just looks at you, with that face.
He makes the same face whenever you greet him or talk about him to himself. Like he doesn't believe it. Like he thinks it's an illusion or something.
You remind him every day it's not.
"Jason Todd, you are so far out of my league we're not even playing the same sport. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I promise I'll wake up and earn you. Every day." you say.
Jason's eyes go a bit wide. And he holds onto your hands that are place atop his chest. You lean down and press two kisses to the back of his hands.
Jason comes to pick you up at work and it's like the sun is shining again. You fold up your apron and jog around the coffee counter. And when you finally meet him at the door, you stop mere inches from him.
He looks down at you with a smile.
"Hi." he says.
You smile even wider, "Hi Jason."
He shakes his head with a smile and brings you into a hug. You hug him back immediately. He rocks the both of you side to side. He also handles you away from the door to not bump into anyone coming into the coffee shop.
"Ready to go home?" he asks.
You nod as you snuggle further into his chest.
You lose him in a crowd once. once. It only happens once because after the two of you create a game plan. Contingencies upon contingencies to make sure it doesn't happen again.
When you and Jason are in a packed dive bar. Something about it being trivia night and also happy hour and also a celebration for surviving the latest scarecrow attack.
You're by the bar and he's trying to secure a table for the two of you. And you get a bit down trodden when you realize you can't see him near you. You start looking past the dozens of heads but you still can't find him.
So you do the one thing that you remember from a tv show once. You bend down and look at the shoes. As you crab walk through the crowd you pass by so many of them.
Until you can see his familiar brown boots. The noticeable scuff on them that you saw when he put them on just an hour ago. You pick yourself up and see his head amongst the others.
When you finally get within three feet of him you reach out and call to him. He turns around and he smiles.
"Thought I lost you." he says.
"Nope. I just looked for your boots." you answer.
"We've gotta come up with something else. What if I throw these boots away? Or if someone has the same kind?" he asks.
You put your hand on his cheek, "I'll always find you. The boots just made it easier."
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queenimmadolla · 6 months
A little sneak peak of a request! I was trying to finish this one before I got smashed but SOME PEOPLE did not like certain details, so I have to fix it. BUT this is proof that I do indeed be writing, I swear, I just grow very intensely annoyed when something doesn't turn out perfect and the way I want it immediately, so I throw it in The Vault! Just know, everything in The Vault will be released :)
𝐃𝐚𝐝!𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭!𝐌𝐨𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - angst, hurt/comfort 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 ♡
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You’d expected it to be dramatic.
  Your water breaking that is, but as you stared down at your toes, barely visible past your baby bump, pants darkening around your crotch and the liquid trailing down your leg to gather in a small puddle beneath you, you almost felt nothing, save for ennui. 
  Your last two pregnancies had been quite the spectacle; your first being dramatic in itself for the sole reason of being your first time bringing a child into the world. The second time almost killed you and your baby.
  You’d been wary of having any more after that, fearful you wouldn’t be able to carry to term and the possibility of losing your own life. It would mean you wouldn’t get to see Penny and Wayne grow up.
  It brought both you and your husband a sense of responsibility with your sex life that you hadn’t quite possessed before. There had been almost a four year gap between your oldest and (now) middle child and the gap between he and this baby would be even longer at about six.
  Pretty good luck, considering you hadn’t wanted to get pregnant for a third time, at all. Yes, you had been wary before but now, with things between you and your husband as they were, it seemed irresponsible and senseless to bring another child into the picture.
  Hell, conceiving your baby alone was a miracle. All you did was fight and ignore each other, made easier with the fact that Eddie was always away. Always missing school awards, always missing dance recitals and shows, parent teacher conferences, always missing out on your family. 
  Ever since Corroded Coffin broke through mainstream music, you and your children had to share your husband with the world. More often than not, it was the world who got to have him.
  It led to fights, vicious ones. Words and insults thrown out, screaming, accusations ranging from spite to infidelity, and magazines thrown around with their intentionally triggering headlines featuring pretty women in the same vicinity as the man who shared your vows. 
  The man who once was just a boy you greatly admired in school, sat a couple of desks ahead of you. The boy who approached you and then followed from then on. The boy who was the first to make love to you, not fuck. The boy whose heart you had broken in the past. The boy who welcomed you back with open arms. The boy who asked you the most important question of your life while surrounded by a sea of high school graduates, caps and gowns. The boy whose baby you had a year after that.
  You’d dreamt of a life with him, at his side while he pursued music with his band. And then life happened, and you were both surprisingly at ease with putting those dreams to rest, in favor of the new ones you welcomed in little bundles of blankets, smelling of baby powder.
  You never let Eddie fully give up on pursuing music, he still played shows whenever he could, waving and blowing kisses from the stage at the tiny people in your arms with large headphones over their sensitive ears to protect them.
  But that had been small venues, overnight trips at best.
  Fame was an entirely different monster.
  Fame was weeks away, and on occasion, months. When you had imagined your future with Eddie as a teen, traveling the world with him, there hadn’t been a family in tow. Kids.
  You had them now, and you couldn’t imagine your life without them. Wouldn’t want to. It was unfair of you, and completely untrue, but you thought Eddie might.
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caesium-55 · 3 months
Imagine Charles Leclerc who dated all your friends because he cannot have you.
It's not that you don't want him—God only knows how many times you wished to all the stars in the sky for you to have him—but it's because you were afraid. Of what? Of what would come if the relationship would not work.
"What if we'll work? What if we'll be happy?" he asked you that once, when you were both seventeen and he was steadily rising in his career as a racer. But you pride yourself to be an intelligent woman, always practical and never to be swayed by feelings. You would not sacrifice an almost two decade friendship over a what-if.
So while you pursue your career in architecture, he began dating your friends. It's petty. It's cruel. It's unfair. Not just to him or to you but the poor girls who thought he loved them when it was you he was imagining when he kissed them.
It hurt when it happened the first time. Then, you realized that you had to suck it up because this was the mountain you chose to climb. It was a good thing that you were always the best at keeping your emotions at bay.
On his first breakup with his first girlfriend, he was the one who told you first. He came by your house, the one next to his childhood home, and told you personally. You had shook your head at him, disappointed but not surprised.
"Who dumped who?"
"It was her."
"Good for her."
Then, he helped you cook dinner, you ate together and he left after. You spent the next morning comforting your friend, listening to her two-hours long rant patiently. Guilt crept up at the back of your skull because you were the one who introduced them both.
The next time you learned Charles was dating again, it was through Twitter. You shrugged it off at first, not interested at the news because the fans can be full of exaggeration sometimes. You trusted that Charles would personally tell you if he had found someone. Like he did before. Because Charles will never ever keep secrets from you.
Then, a week later, on the third Wednesday of the month where you, your brother, and your dearest Mama visit the Leclercs for the usual dinner get-together, and she brought her along.
"Charlotte?" you blinked in surprise when you saw her, pretty as always. "What are you—"
Then, Charles appeared right behind her and kissed her on the cheek.
Of fucking course, he chose Charlotte. Charlotte who also lived next door. Charlotte who had been your friend since highschool. Charlotte whom you shared similar interests in architecture and art. Charlotte who worked the same job as you. Charlotte who looked uncannily similar to you and you fucking know why Charles chose her. He had been searching for you in everything, in every person, and he seemed to have found familiarity in Charlotte's arms but it's not fair to her.
You resisted the urge to punch him the entire evening.
Dinner went great. Mrs. LeBlanc's cooking will always be one of the best things served on a dinner table but even if she cooked your favorite food, you barely had the strength to swallow it. The entire focus of the conversation was on Charlotte's and Charles' relationship and fuck, that made you feel like dying.
Is it jealousy? Is it guilt? You did not know. You wished it was the latter.
You confronted Charles later that evening, in the privacy of his childhood home. The familiar faces of his racing heroes are the audience of your entire debate.
"Stop this, Charles. Charlotte does not deserve this."
He is an asshole. Truly, an asshole. Unfortunately, you were the reason for him being like that.
"Why would I? I'm happy now."
"Are you truly? Do you like her?"
You saw his jaw tense, "I will learn."
"Stop searching for me in other people. That's not fair to them." You wanted to be the one who had the last say.
Then, they went steady for almost three years. And you thought perhaps Charles learned to love Charlotte as he said. You cried every time you thought about it. The four walls of your bedroom listened to you weep every fortnight when you felt extra lonely and your best friend was oceans away, chasing his dreams at high speed, and you imagined what it would be like to be in Charlotte's place.
In the morning, you became alright.
Another third Wednesday dinner and Charles brought Charlotte again, and this time, you wanted to be free from this. Charles was happy. Charlotte was happy. You can't be the only one unhappy. So you told him: "I'm happy for you. Thank you for loving Charlotte."
Then, he fucking broke up with her two days later.
He came by the apartment, told you the news before Charlotte even told you through text, and God, you felt like screaming at him then and there. Yet, you remained calm, staring at him blankly.
"She wasn't you."
"Fuck you, Charles."
From there, it became a full blown argument. Charles was emotional. You were too unemotional. A perfect balance.
"Why can't you just love me?" he asked, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Because!" you cut yourself off. You loved him. God, you loved him so, so much. But you will not tell him that. You cannot. So you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. As calmly as you can, you said, "Just stop, Charles."
He opened his mouth, probably to argue with you because he refuses to have you withdrawing from this argument. He let you run away a lot of times before. But not tonight.
And it was like a switch. Charles' fury dissipated at a single world that came from your mouth.
He turned around to leave and then opened the door but before he could fully exit, he asked, "Can I know at least? What is wrong with me that you won't even consider loving me?"
You let out a shaky breath.
"I don't know," you lied.
He nodded and left.
You knew he'll keep doing it. Dating girls who are either your friends or girls who look like you. Alexandra...Jenessa....Elodie. The last girl was Janine.
"I broke up with her."
You didn't even bother asking him why. Just handed him a chilled bottle of beer from the fridge.
"Because she wasn't you."
"I know," you said blankly. You're used to this. Used to the ache in your heart when he decides to date your friends or girls who look like you. Used to the anxiety that overcame you on the nights when you wonder if he finally stopped looking at his girlfriend while imagine you instead. Used to the guilty relief when he tells you they broke up.
It had been years. You're beginning to get tired. He should move on. You should move on. But whatever is holy enough residing in the skies above is just plain cruel.
"Why wouldn't you love me?"
"I do love you, Charles."
"As a friend."
More than that actually, you thought but never had the guts to say it out loud.
"You know I'm an awful human being, dating girls who resemble you because you won't like me back. It's the closest thing I could have of you."
"I know."
"You're also an awful human being, rejecting me and rejecting me and for what?"
"You're drunk."
"I know."
"That's my line."
He sighed.
"Is this because of what happened with Olivier?"
Olivier was another kid who lived in the same neighborhood. He used to be close friends with you and Charles. You started dating when you were both 15 but the relationship tragically ended when you were 16. The thing about Olivier is that he could not go back to just being friends with you and that devastated you because Olivier was such a good friend. You knew what it was like to lose Olivier—as a girlfriend and as a best friend.
God forbid you lose Charles, too.
You won't have anyone anymore.
When you hesitated, he knew he was right.
"Fuck it. Can't believe my happiness is stopped by a childish guy who cheated on you when we were teens."
"I won't cheat on you."
"That's not it, Charles."
"Then what is it?!" he was raising his voice again. "I have been stuck wondering what was wrong with me that you—you—"
He didn't even finish his sentence as he furiously wiped his tears.
"Just give me a chance, please."
Should you or should you not? It took years and six girlfriends. Should you free him from this torment and cage yourself with the fear of losing him every day?
366 notes · View notes
ghcstao3 · 5 months
reunion drabble based on this
Johnny shouldn’t be awake at this hour, but he is anyway, and that’s about the only reason he ever hears the knocking at his flat’s door.
He decides to ignore it initially, playing it up to his imagination as he plucks away at his thesis, just as he has been for the past several months, but then it happens again—sharp, abrupt, loud. Without a doubt someone is wanting his attention.
It's irritation that reaches him first, rather than some mild form of fear. Johnny takes his time getting up from his desk, stretching with a low groan and shaking the pins and needles from his foot. He figures whoever it is would be willing to wait—they must be, being that they're so inclined to disturb him at such an ungodly hour.
His slippered footsteps drag as he moves toward the door, his near-chronic exhaustion weighing heavy on his eyelids.
There's a third knock just as he reaches his destination. It sounds more desperate than the last.
Johnny turns the lock and swings open the door.
And suddenly he's more awake than he's ever been.
Except it isn't him, not really. Sure, his face is the same, give or take a few new scars. And sure, those are the shoulders Johnny had watched him grow into, and sure, that's the ugly tattoo that they both hate on his forearm—but it's not Simon.
His eyes were never that hollow.
For a moment, as Simon remains stock-still in his doorway, Johnny starts to think everything currently is just a figment of his imagination. That he's worked another too-late night and has just fallen into a grief-induced dream in the hopes of having Simon back any way that he can.
But then Simon speaks, and he sounds like his vocal cords have been torn to shreds, and Johnny doesn't think he'd ever imagine something quite so awful.
"I'm sorry," Simon rasps. "I didn't—I—"
Johnny wants to push this imposter away. He wants to pull him into the flat and never let go.
Instead all he does is stand there just as uselessly, shoulders slumped as a pooling sadness bubbles up into nothing more than a second, pitiable, "Simon."
And like that, the dam breaks. Something snaps, and with the silent tears that trail down Simon's sunken cheeks, there's a glimpse of him that returns. There's a glance of something Johnny recognizes just in time for Simon to come crashing forward into him, quietly crying into his shoulder and clinging onto his shirt like a lifeline.
It's second nature, to hold Simon in his arms. Even as conflicted as Johnny feels.
He coaxes Simon inside, gently kicking the door shut as he leads the man to the living space, their contact kept unbroken. It's become much less a home in Simon's absence, nothing more than a place to house Johnny in a city that felt so lonely without Simon.
And even then. Some nights had been too difficult to even manage that.
Johnny brings them to the couch, where Simon easily curls into him like he has so many times before, both in sorrow and otherwise. His head ends up in Johnny's lap, Johnny merely able to pet hair that's been shorn too short to card fingers through as he normally had. He lets Simon sob into his stomach, unable to offer anything more than soft hushes and words of reassurance.
The crying gradually slows as Simon eventually falls asleep, fists balled around the hem of Johnny's shirt.
He doesn't mind. He sort of just feels... numb.
Johnny thinks he should be feeling something—maybe relief, or hell, even joy—but he really doesn't feel much of anything at the moment. He's not sure what he could feel.
But as he continues to absentmindedly scratch his nails against Simon's scalp, he supposes it doesn't really matter here and now. He supposes it won't matter for another few hours, not until Simon has woken up to a better state of mind.
They'll have plenty to talk about—if this really is his Simon. Is still his Simon. And Johnny doesn't know if he looks forward to that.
He just hopes that for once, after this past miserable year, something could finally turn out okay.
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 10 months
feral hotch friday!!
ok ok so the song shameless by Camila Cabello the part where it says “there’s just inches in between us i want you to give in”
Imagine Hotch and reader having sm tension like everywhere and there’s like those looks and the slight touches and then one day in hotches office he’s about to walk out she’s walking in and there’s barley space between them and then he’s like fuck it and they kiss 🌚🌚
Warning: Brief hurt/comfort, pining, making out in Aaron's office 🤭, fluff, slightly suggestive at the end, I think that's all!
Word count: 1.7k
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
A/n: This feels feral in some soft of sfw way???? And I love it tbh 🤭. This one WAS proofread for a change! This one is sfw<3. Gave this more plot than I meant to but that's okay 🤭. Let me know what you think 🫶.
Forever tags: @greg-montgomery @boredelle @hotchsdoormat @ssahotchnerr @cr1minalskies @beardedhotchh @hotchnerbau @ssamorganhotchner @mrs-ssa-hotch @canuck-eh @luvehotch @callm3c0nfus3d
Hotch: @14buddy22 @pastanoodles11
Let me know if you want to be added to my tags 🫶
Months had gone by with this tension between the two of you. Something was there and it only grew with time. It was always lingering looks and touches that weren't entirely innocent. They lasted a little longer than either of you would deem appropriate.
You were attracted to Hotch as soon as you met him. He was a handsome man and not only was he good looking but he was smart and that just made him even better. The problem was that he is forbidden. He is a forbidden fruit to you just as you are to him and you both know it. It's why it never went any further than those long looks and little touches in the last six months, though they did become more frequent.
The first time it happened you had been working with the BAU for about a month. It was just his hand bumping yours when he reached for a file you had your hand resting on. It was a case everyone had been working hard on and yet no one could figure out who the unsub was. The team all sitting at a table going through stacks of files and when Hotch reached for the file accidentally touching your hand in the process, he didn't move it right away. You both looked at where your hands were touching and then at each other but after a moment he moved his away, file forgotten. You were both exhausted and neither of you really thought too much of it at the time. Even if you both felt warm and fluttery inside, the other didn't know it.
The second time something of this nature happened was when you were wearing something a little different from your regular work attire. It had been a few months since you'd joined the team.
You, JJ, Penelope, and Emily had all been out for a girl's night when another case came up. You didn't have time to change before coming in so you were stuck wearing a skirt that was a little on the shorter side and a top that showed a little more until you had the chance to get something more appropriate out of your go-bag. All Hotch had ever seen you in was your work clothes so to say he was a bit surprised by your more revealing outfit would be an understatement. He couldn't keep his eyes off of you and he knew you were aware but again neither of you mentioned anything.
Of course you both had other, smaller moments between but these were the ones that were most memorable for the two of you.
The third time was when you sat next to each other on the jet. This time it was after a case had ended poorly. Everyone felt very low. You had been on the team for five months now and the job finally started to crack you a little.
You were sitting in the back alone. It was a more personal case for you. It hit you a little harder than most of the team and Hotch could see that. He didn't know why it did, he wasn't even sure if you knew why it hurt you more. Maybe it was just really dark and it had finally taken a toll on you. Whatever it was, he wanted to be there for you. He wanted to offer you comfort even if you two weren't very close.
In truth, Hotch tried to avoid you sometimes. He didn't want to let his feelings and emotions win. Not when it could drastically change your professional relationship or put one or both of you in a difficult position regarding your jobs.
But seeing you alone and hurting was something he wouldn't let you go through. Maybe he couldn't stop the hurt you felt but he could keep you from going through it alone. So he pushed his feelings aside and sat next to you.
In all five months of being on the team not once had the two of you ever sat beside each other on the plane. Not a single time. Other places where he wouldn't be next to you quite as long? Yes. But never on the jet where it would be much longer and closer. So when he did, it shocked you. You looked up at him and he could see the tears in your eyes. He could see how your shoulders slumped and how defeated you looked. He had never seen you look this way and it broke his heart to see it now.
As soon as he put his hand on your shoulder you melted into his side and he held you close. It was a little awkward but it was still comforting. It was awkward because you two hardly ever spoke unless it was work related and the only touches either of you had ever shared were hands bumping or his resting on your lower back when he was moving around you or ushering you somewhere.
So feeling a bit odd the first time he completely embraced you was understandable. Especially when he hardly ever embraced anyone on his team. He likes you and he has you so close. He's holding you the way he's wanted to since the moment he met you, not with the circumstances he wished for but holding you and comforting you nonetheless. He would kiss you if he thought it could help but this is far from the right time or place for that. You don't need his lips right now. You just need his arms around you and that's what he'll give you.
From there the touches only continued to grow. To linger more and more. Happening more often. As would the looks. Everything between you two was tense but also...a sort of love story. Someone you want but can't have. Someone you need but is forbidden to you. It's not fair. There is clearly something there. It's clear to most but surprisingly no one has commented on it.
Hotch made it a point to leave the office a little earlier more often because he knew it meant running into you on the way to his car. Normally he would be there so late that everyone else was gone before he left. He tried to time his departure from his office just right so he would get to walk with you as you left. When you walked to your separate cars he would watch you for a moment before finally leaving.
You wouldn't say it was a routine for him to walk you to your car because it wasn't every single day. More like once or twice a week when there wasn't a case. And technically he didn't walk you to your car but rather walked beside you until you stopped at yours and he kept walking until he reached his. You always waved goodbye to him once you got to your car though. It always made him smile.
Or the number of times he brought you your favourite coffee. He would make sure to hand it to you instead of setting it down next to you. This way his fingers were bound to brush against yours as he transferred the cup to your hands from his. The way you always smiled at him and looked into his eyes as you thanked him. It brightened you up and in turn it did the same to him. He would always return your warm smile with one of his own. Of course watching you enjoy your first sip before telling you to have a good day and leaving to busy himself in his office.
He always did it during cases because it helped you relax when you were stressed. Knowing he was there and thinking of you. It may have eased the tension from the case but it only added to the weird little thing you two had going.
Today you had to drop something off with Hotch before heading out for the day. When you got to his office door you knocked before walking right in and to your surprise, Aaron was trying to walk out. You nearly collided with each other. Aaron gently gripped your arms to steady you after you had stumbled slightly.
Your faces so close together. Closer than they ever had been. Even when he held you on the jet your face wasn't this close to his. You could feel his breath fanning across your face and he could feel yours.
"Hotch! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"
You start to explain and apologise to him but before you can finish getting your words out you feel his warm chapped lips pressing against yours. For the first few seconds it is timid but once you realise what is happening and you are able to find your footing again, you kiss him back. It quickly fills with passion. You can feel the need and desperation as you both move your lips together. When he swipes his tongue across your lip and you allow him in you can feel the desire grow more and more.
The kiss only builds. Everything you and Aaron have been pushing down for months now finally coming to the surface. Your hands tangle in each other's hair as you both try to deepen it. One of his hands reaches around to your lower back and presses you against him more firmly before breaking the kiss. You both needed the break to breathe. All either of you can hear is the panting coming from each other.
He leans in and kisses you briefly before parting again and pressing his forehead to yours. Both of you are still trying to catch your breath. When he speaks you can feel the warmth of his quicker breaths against your lips and it makes you tingle.
"Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do that, y/n?" Another chaste kiss to your lips.
"No. But if it's as long as I've wanted you to then it's since we first met." He chuckles a little and kisses your cheek and then forehead. "That sounds about right."
"I wish you had done it sooner." You smile at him and he grins.
"Well, you have me now. Maybe we should get out of the office and see what else we've been missing out on?" He raises his eyebrows and smirks slightly. He still has you pressed against him. "Let's not waste another second."
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mrsjellymunson · 6 months
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[A.KA. Stupid And Nasty Tinsel-Related Activities]
A Festive 5+1 Eddie Munson Fic
Summary: 5+1. Five times reader embarrasses herself in front of Eddie, and one time she doesn’t.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
WC: ~10.5k (oops)
CW: 🔞 18+ MDNI!, SMUT, NSFW. Strangers to sort-of-enemies to lovers. Drinking, smoking, Eddie and reader call each other nicknames, loads of embarrassing situations, swearing, suggestive language, implied birth control, description of and discussion about a sex toy, flagrant and unnecessary use of the number 69, reader has a tattoo but it’s not essential to the story so you can ignore it if you want, bondage fantasy involving fairy lights, lap riding/dry humping, Eddie has tattoos and intimate piercings, fingering, unprotected p-in-v (always wrap it irl!), aftercare, fluff, the Upside Down hasn’t happened. I imagine reader & Eddie to be mid-late 20s and it might be the 90s, but hopefully I left it ambiguous enough that you can choose. I tried to keep reader’s appearance neutral, though I’m still new at this and I may have missed things - let me know if you spot anything (likewise typos or missed tags, etc). The elf outfit in the pic is for costume illustration only and does not indicate reader’s ethnicity or appearance.
A/N: Written for @bettyfrommars’ & @allthingsjoeq’s festive prompt party (thank you, guys!); I decided to smoosh five prompts 6, 8, 12, 14 & 15 together to create… whateverthehellthismutantthingis 😆 It’s my first 5+1, and my first festive fic, please let me know how I did! 🎄 I’ve taken artistic license with the format - if I’ve understood it, it’s way too long for a standard 5+1, and I don’t think they usually have 4+k of unnecessary smut at the end (‘What do you mean, Kittie? Smut is always necessary!’). I couldn’t bring myself to cut it because I’m a deviant and to paraphrase the song, it’s my fic and I’ll add what I want to 😂 Enjoy! 🥂🍷🎁
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Christmas was never your favourite time of year. You suppose that your early Christmasses were probably happy, but once your parents split and family politics came into play, the season just became less enjoyable all round. These days your mom and stepdad tended to use the extended break to visit your brother in California, and this year will be the third in a row that you’ve been left to your own devices. Not that you couldn’t go with them, but you just felt a little out of place and in the way, him with his scrapbook-perfect family and kids, you with your alternative interests and a dress sense that your stepdad once described as, “Far too much black for a family dinner. We’re not the Addams Family, you know”.
This year, though, you were optimistic. It’s your first year away at college in Indianapolis, and your roommate, Robin, who you get on outrageously well with, has invited you to spend the holidays not too far away in her home town, Hawkins.
Plus, Robin has taken it upon herself to, in her words, ‘“Christmas Carol the shit out of you”, after you’d told her about your disdain for the holiday season and that Santa stood for ‘Stupid And Nasty Tinsel-related Activities’. She’d declared that this year you’d have the “Best. Christmas. EVERRR!”, and she’s making good on it, despite the promise being made months ago when you were both soaked in tequila at the end of orientation week.
It’s going fairly well so far. You’ve met a couple of Robin’s friends, a nice girl called Nancy and Robin’s ex Vickie, and together you’ve had a shopping trip, a lunch out and a girls’ night in. You’re optimistic that the rest of her friends will be just as friendly and welcoming. Next on the ‘Best Christmas Ever’ agenda? Seeing a local band at a local bar…
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“Honestly, they’re, like, really, really good!”
“Really, Robs? This band that your friends started in high school are so good that they’re still playing dive bars in their home town?”
The bar is dingy and grubby, but it’s packed, Robin insisting it’s because the band is great, but you suspect it has more to do with the cheap beer prices.
You’re not averse to live entertainment, you just prefer places with a bit more space. More ambience, less… sweat? Ambiguous stickiness??
Half a beer in, you make the excuse that you need some air, not admitting you’re actually hoping to find someone to bum a cigarette off outside, feeling your most recent attempt at quitting is already on seriously shaky ground.
There’s already a couple of guys around the side of the building when you exit the front door, one in a torn flannel and another, his back to you, in a heavier-looking jacket.
You recognise Flannel as the bartender, a lanky, but not unattractive, somewhat worried-looking guy with a grungy haircut and ripped Clash t-shirt, who’s just finishing his cigarette and flicking it to the floor. As he leaves to go back inside he offers a cheery half-salute to his smoking partner and a, “See you inside, dude.” You assume the other guy must be a regular, and from the subtle glimpses you get as he flicks his ash, he’s about halfway through his cigarette.
Whilst he’s not looking you sneakily take in the view (your excuse being that you are a tourist here, after all). He’s tall, dressed all in black, with broad shoulders draped in worn-in black leather, long dark curls falling about them. You can’t determine the exact colour in the poor lighting of the bar’s neon sign, but they look shiny and well cared for, rather than lank and grimy like so many of your college buddies seem to think is the fashionable way to do it these days (ugh).
Trailing your eyes down his back, you see the hem of his jacket half-obscures a black leather belt that’s just visible sitting on his slim hips. It’s studded with silver rivets and adorned with a variety of draping silver chains that jingle at the slightest movement.
Well-fitting, dark black jeans cover his legs, and a scruffy pair of heavy black combat boots complete the look. They're unlaced at the top and casually flare out, his jeans crumpling, effortlessly stylishly, in the tops.
The belt chains catch your attention again as he shifts from one foot to the other, making them swing, drawing your eyes to the seat of his jeans and showcasing a cute, tight, rounded pair of butto-oh! He’s turning around! Shit, shit, okay, be cool, and definitely don’t look like you were just checking out his ass…
He looks at you with surprise, he obviously hadn’t heard you come out. He’s taken slightly aback, but manages to greet you with a quick, “Hey.”
You reply, eloquently, “Hey.”
Leather Jacket gets out his lighter.
“You, uh, smokin’?”
“I was kinda hoping to bum one, actually. I’m supposed to be quitting, but you know how it is when you get around bars and booze.”
You shrug a little, suddenly feeling sheepish, and more than a little selfish when you realise your presumption.
“Oh yeah, I sure do. Think I’ve tried quitting about, what, five times now?”
He chuckles a little, shaking a stick out of the packet he retrieves from inside his jacket, offering it to you.
“You need a light?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, thanks.”
He leans in to spark his lighter, and you’re briefly engulfed by the scent of him. Old leather, hints of a musky, spicy cologne, whiskey, clean sweat, and, of course, cigarette smoke. It feels like a warm hug, but something else too, something more primal, enticing.
You notice his hands as he holds his lighter close to your face. They’re big, strong-looking and veined, his fingers adorned with chunky silver rings that glint and twinkle in the faint neon glow.
It all catches you off guard. You pull back quickly once your cigarette is lit, not ready to explore that kind of sensation right now.
He’s turned sideways to you again, leaning his back against the side wall of the bar. He smirks in your direction, a dimple popping in the cheek nearest to you, and you feel a little heat rise up your neck.
His gaze flows over your form, taking you in from top to bottom. Is he checking you out?
“I, uh, I like your boots.” He nods down towards your feet, flicking a little ash from his cigarette off to the side furthest from you.
You automatically glance down, like some kind of idiot who didn’t dress themselves less than an hour ago.
Sheesh, way to make an impression on the locals…
“Oh, thanks!”
You smile, genuinely pleased. You’re wearing your favourite pair, laced and buckled black leather New Rocks with a chunky, steel-coloured metal heel. You know the style doesn’t have universal appeal, which is of course part of the reason you love them, but it’s nice to have your taste appreciated by someone as cu- erm, as friendly as he is.
“I haven’t seen you around here before. You new in town or sumthin’?”
“Yeah, kinda passing through, I guess. I’m just here for the holidays, hookin’ up with a friend.”
He nods in acknowledgment, curls bouncing softly around his face.
You continue, “Apparently I’ve been promised the ‘best Christmas ever’, and they think they’re going to achieve that by bringing me to this divey bar to see some schoolfriend in a lame-ass metal cover band. I mean, god, no offence, but this town is hardly Seattle. I can’t imagine they’re gonna be Nirvana-quality, right?”
The guy snorts through his nose and then genuinely laughs. “Yeah, they probably are shit. Towns like this are full of wannabe rockstars straight outta high school, y’know?” You don’t notice how his lips purse as he suppresses a grin, as he continues, “Singers are the worst, always such assholes. Second only to guitarists, of course.”
You answer with an enthusiastic, “I know, right?!”, thinking back to the musicians you’ve dated since high school and how they were all convinced they were destined to be the next Eddie Van Halen or Steven Tyler. Thinking of a couple of guys in particular as you take a drag of your cigarette, as you exhale you mutter, “Christ, guitarists really are the pits.”
He snorts, smiling again, then drops his finished cigarette to the ground, crushing it out with the sole of his heavy boot. “At least with all their equipment and shit it makes them easy to spot.”
You gift him a smile and a small nod. “Yeah, I guess it does.”
“I’m heading back inside. Maybe I’ll see you later?” He quirks an eyebrow at his last comment.
“Yeah, maybe.” As he moves to open the door you add, ”Hey, thanks for the smoke!”
He turns back to you, his distractingly broad grin now fully on display, half-shouting back as he moves through the doorway into the bustling interior, “No problem, all you have to do is ask. I’ll see you later, Boots!”
You finish your smoke and get inside just in time to get to your seat, a tall stool opposite Robin around a high table, your back to the stage, as the band start up.
There’s a few complicated beats from the drums as the guy behind them warms up, and the bass and rhythm guitars thrum a few notes, garnering whistles and cheers from the crowd.
You wait for the cliché of the singer coming up to the mic and introducing the band, but what you actually hear is a low, self-assured, somewhat recognisable voice, that’s both commanding and sultry, that drawls, “You know who we are.”
Suddenly there’s a burst of impressive guitar work and drums, and the crowd erupts as the room is saturated with the opening chords to Black Sabbath’s ‘War Pigs’.
You’re impressed, and intrigued. This isn’t the ‘dodgy 80’s covers schoolkid band’ you were expecting. These guys sound… accomplished.
You turn on your stool, and notice a subtly familiar form at the mic. Less bulky as he’s no longer wearing the leather jacket, a ripped band tee now showing off his pale arms and clavicles, and black ink that you can’t make out adorning solid biceps and veined forearms. Guitar in hand, confident, brash, cute. Chains dangling from a studded belt, silver rings glinting, hair flying as he flicks his head, commanding the stage, readying himself to sing the first lines…
Oh shit…
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The band’s cover of ‘War Pigs’ is faster than the original, and they give it their own twist, making it heavier and grittier. After the (irritatingly brilliant) guitar solo Leather Jacket Band Guy even throws in a few lines from Deck The Halls, the audience going wild, and joining in enthusiastically when the ‘Oh Lord yeah’ is replaced with a ‘Fa-la-la’.
The rest of their set is a mix of covers and originals, all in a similar, heavy style, and as they finish to a rapturous throng you realise, flustered, that you couldn’t tear your eyes from the stage the whole time. Robin totally notices. You even let her get in a cheery, “Told ya so!”, as you reluctantly admit they weren’t completely terrible.
You spot the frontman (singer and guitarist, cue internal facepalm) jump down off the low stage, and you feel a little uneasy as you see him start heading in your direction.
You’re at peak embarrassment and can’t bear the thought of having to face him after what you said outside. You hadn’t even heard them play and you dissed the fuck out of them, him specifically. What makes it worse is that they were actually really good. The last thing you need is to have that thrown back in your face, in front of Robin, by their cocky lead guy.
Suddenly you want Spontaneous Human Combustion to be a real thing, turn you to ash so your only presence would be scuffed up on those heavy, unlaced combat boots, going unnoticed and carried out on everyone’s soles into the chilly night. But science and physics are apparently not willing to defy themselves for you this evening. Bastards.
Quickly, you get off your stool, mumbling something about needing the bathroom, and head off in a random direction, in your haste to escape not even asking where it is.
You chance a glance over one shoulder. Oh god, he’s heading straight for you…
As you stumble about in the crowd, you notice a free seat next to a guy at the bar. You hardly register that his coiffed hair and polo shirt don’t quite fit the vibe of the place, so desperate are you to build an alternative narrative that doesn’t involve the guy whose band you just dissed coming to talk to you. You’d said you were visiting a friend, he’s not to know it wasn’t a boyfriend, right? If he sees you with someone he’ll back off and leave you alone, right?? Surely he wouldn’t confront you with a potential Defending Your Honour™️ fight on the table. Right???
So, that’s the plan.
A really good, foolproof one? Um, no. But Band Guy is moving through the crowd, and you’ve gotta do something, fast.
You reach the bar.
“Hey, could you do me a favour real quick? A creepy guy’s been hitting on me, and I need to give him the message that I’m not interested. If I buy you a drink, will you act like you’re my boyfriend for, like, the next 30 seconds?”
He turns to you, and you notice his features. Golden skin, chiselled jaw, stunning hazel eyes, hair to rival the hottest supermodels’, a scattering of moles that look like constellations. Goddamn, he’s pretty. What is it with this bar? Is everyone inside it cute? Why have you never been to Hawkins before??
You give him a pleading look, and tentatively hold out one hand towards where his is resting on his thigh, hoping he’ll take it.
“Well, for a sweet thing like you, how could I say no to that tempting double offer?”
He smiles then, full and beaming, and you almost slip off your stool. A warm palm comes to cup over yours, and you manage to blurt out an order to the barman, saying, “Two of whatever he’s having.”
Just then, Band Guy reaches you. You do your best to swoon at Polo Shirt as your drinks get delivered, lifting yours and clinking it against his with a, “Hey, sweetheart, thanks for bringing me here”.
“Oh, I didn’t realise you were here with someone tonight.”
“Yeah, this is the friend I was telling you about. We’re spending the holidays together. Isn’t that right, sweets?”
Band Guy purses his lips, you hope in consternation, but it’s whatever, you just want him to leave you alone to stew in your mortification.
He backs up half a step, saying, “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to it then.”
Just as you think your devious plan has worked, Band Guy turns to Polo Shirt, slaps his open palm against his shoulder a couple of times, and saunters off, with a, “Nice to see you, Steve-o. Just checkin’ you're wanting a lift back in the van with the guys, like usual?”
Oh. Oh god. They know each other?!
He turns away, smirking back briefly in your direction to fling a casual, “I’ll see you around, Boots”, before continuing his path to the other end of the bar. You see him greet Flannel with a high five followed by a bro handshake, the latter making exaggerated air guitar movements and clearly congratulating him on a great performance.
If cringing caused bodily trauma you’d be in the ER by now, most likely on life support. What are the chances of embarrassing yourself all to hell in front of a cute guy you’ve only just met, twice in one night?
Also, wait, you totally didn’t just admit that you find him cute. Nope. No siree. Nah. Niet. Definitely not.
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Stupid Robin convinced you to take this stupid job in the stupid mall and now you’re stuck here smiling this stupid smile at all the stupid local kids in this stupid elf costume.
Stupid striped tights, stupid short skirt, stupid tight green tunic, stupid fluffy collar.
And yeah, okay, stupid self-induced hangover from stupid drinks last night thanks to stupid Robin’s stupid friends. Actually, they were all really nice, especially ‘Steve-o’ and the barman, Jonathon, neither of whom mentioned your embarrassing faux pas with Band Guy, which makes them total heroes in your book. Plus, Band Guy mercifully gave you a wide berth for the rest of the night by doing Band Stuff™️, so that was a win too.
At least the dress code for this gig stated ‘black footwear’, so you could wear your own boots. You’d never admit it out loud, but you think the combination of the red and white striped tights with your chunky, alternative boots actually looks kinda cute. It’s just as well, because you’d packed light (you and Robin joking that so long as you had your ”Pills and panties” you were good to go), and hadn’t brought any alternatives.
You’ve been at this for a couple of days already, beaming artificially at the kids as you try to corral them into some semblance of an organised line, and handing out stickers and treat bags for the ones who’ve seen Santa, putting your best singsong voice on as you ask for what feels like the millionth time, “So, what did you ask Santa for?”, and, “Have you been good this year?”
Your face has begun to ache with the effort of all the smiling, although the cheery mall Santa (a big, friendly guy called John? Jack?) takes up most of the slack, with a voice deep and gravelly enough to control even the worst-behaved little shits. You hope his day job uses it, it would be a shame for a voice like that to go to waste. He should probably be in sports, or acting, or law enforcement or something.
You can’t deny the money is coming in handy though. It’s reliably supporting your holiday booze habit, and you’ve even treated yourself to a couple of Christmas treats, some silver skull jewellery from a surprisingly well-stocked accessory shop, and something more, um, personal from the ‘specialist interest’ shop you’d found hidden away at the back of the mall’s upper level. The nice lady who worked there, Karen, even kindly offered to drop off your purchase at your staff locker later today.
You’re on the later shift, so Santa’s already here, and as you make your way out to the grotto area (which is essentially just a few old stage props surrounded by a few giant polystyrene candy canes; you surmise this might be one of the first years they’ve done this) you’re greeted by a predictable, “Ho ho ho!”. But today it’s a different voice than usual. Still deep, still booming, but not the one you’re used to.
As you round the glittery candy cane on the corner, the deep baritone gives way to a much higher, cheekier pitch.
“Ho, ho- hoooooly shiiit, I’d recognise those boots anywhere!”
Oh no… It can’t be…
“Heeey, Boots! I didn’t know you’d be one of my little helpers today!”
Even behind the fake beard you can see the smugness spread across his face.
You stop in your tracks, hands coming up to your face in a vain attempt to shield your embarrassed self from the impending, and, you’ll admit, completely justified, teasing.
Realising you can’t hide from it, you huff out a breath and amble over to him. He looks way too comfortable sitting on that ornate throne, like he’s used to such a position, somehow…
As you move closer you see that even beneath the tacky acrylic costuming, he still looks cute (damn him). He’s foregone the white wig and opted to display his own locks, chestnut curls cascading over his shoulders, and the white faux fur of his hat and beard create a subtle frame around his eyes. You observe their colour properly for the first time, and even in the harsh fluorescent lights of the mall they look like swirling pools of liquid cacao, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen anything quite like them before. They’re fixed on you as you walk to him.
You plonk down on a fabric-covered hay bale next to the throne. There’s no line of kids waiting as yet, and you’re relieved you can get this next part done without too much of an audience. Deep breath, pull off the bandaid, or whatever that stupid phrase is.
“Listen, about last night. I’m really sorry. I not only stole your smokes but also dissed your band before I’d even heard you, and that wasn’t cool. And that thing with Steve at the bar? God, you must think I’m such a loser. And, I know you probably couldn’t give two pebbly shits about what I think right now, but you guys are actually really good.”
He turns to you, looking down his nose and through his lashes at you.
“Hey, don’t sweat it, sweets. I did kinda bait you into that first part. And at the bar? That was… creative. I actually thought it was pretty funny.” Smirking, nodding and turning his face to the front again, he continues, “And for the record, we do play other places, not just this so-not-Seattle town.”
You risk a glance at him. The Santa suit is obviously too big for him, the collar wide enough to show off his pale throat for a moment before he turns back to you and the comically-fluffy beard obscures it again. You can see the outline of his taut, muscular thighs under the loose faux velvet of his pants, and his boots (those boots) are worn just like they were last night, unlaced at the top, casually stylish, the red fabric pooling around the calf and ankle. And to finish it off, there’s what appears to be a large throw cushion stuffed down his front.
It turns out he’s covering for (Jim!) Hopper, who’s apparently the local police chief (nailed it) and has been called out to check on some weird occurrences at an old research facility on the other side of town.
Band Guy Santa continues, sarcastically, “Pfft. Providing the town of Hawkins with security and safety instead of performing the frankly, essential, public service of dicking about in a Santa suit. Inconsiderate, right?”
“Yeah, totally”, you giggle.
“The organisers heard from Hop that I was somewhat… theatrical, so they asked me to fill in.”
You remember how theatrical he looked whilst on stage, and you feel your throat heat up, hoping he won’t notice you subtly pulling at your collar with a finger, or see the perspiration appearing on your décolletage.
“So, you may wreak your revenge now, sweetheart. I’m not exactly in a position to defend my sartorial choices right now, am I?”, he says as he gestures to himself, sweeping a palm up and down his garb. “Gimme your worst.”
You’d feel pretty bad if you laid into him now, not only considering your own current garb but especially with what you’d said last night outside the bar. However, he is giving you an opportunity to even the score for his manipulation, and it would be a shame not to take it. You decide upon a combination of cheekiness and diplomacy. (And not flirty. Definitely not flirty.)
“I dunno, that beard covers most of your face, which obviously does you some favours. But don’t do yourself down, you look… good in red.”
He swallows as you stand to move away from him, and you hardly realise that you’ve rendered him speechless, as you joke, poking at the obvious cushion by his middle,
“Although, I’m totally not buying this padding, you know,”
Suddenly a party of schoolchildren appears from nowhere, and before they get between you and you get too far away to hear, he stammers out, “Uh, I’m Eddie, by the way.”
You half-yell your own name back, adding with a smile,
“It’s nice to meet you. Have fun today, Santa.”
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It’s late afternoon and Santa Eddie is on his regulation break. You’re doing your best to herd the over-sugared, post-school crowd into some kind of order, when Mrs Santa (a lovely lady called Claudia) calls your name and says you can go on your break now too, if you want, and to please tell Santa that he needs to get back here and start doling out Christmas wishes.
You jump at the chance for even just a few minutes away from the diminutive hoards (though you could listen to Erica, one kid you do like, diss commercialism and the ethics of lying to kids en masse all afternoon), and make your way to the locker room.
Eddie’s still there, sitting on the central bench, beard pulled down under his chin, and he appears to be holding a package in his hands, though from the look on his face you don’t think it was one he was expecting. As you move closer and peer into the box, you spy the contents, and a bright red, glittery shape becomes visible.
Oh god, no. No-no-noooo…
It’s the order you placed from the shop at the back of the mall, but Karen’s obviously dropped it off next to the wrong locker - Eddie’s is number 69 and yours is 96.
It’s a dildo (of course it is). A Christmas-themed, flexible, long, thick, glittery, red dildo, with a gold lamé ribbon tied artfully around the base.
Eddie’s face is a picture of surprise as he turns to look up at you, eyes and mouth wide and eyebrows practically disappearing into his hairline. He’s holding the packaging, your name visible on the wrapping, nixing any hope you’d had of feigning innocence and pretending you knew nothing about it.
“Uh, I think this is yours. I’m so sorry. I-it was left by my locker and I opened it assuming it was for me, and then I saw your name on it, but by then it was too late…”
He sees you slump down into the bench a few feet away from him, face in your hands. You don’t know him well, but you decide to let him get whatever he wants to say out of his system rather than potentially make everything worse by trying to get him to shut the hell up.
His tone is mocking, but not exactly mean, as he continues,
“It’s a pretty one, really. Y’know, festive. I admire your choice of aesthetics and commitment to the season.
But you know, Boots, if you wanted to feel special inside this Christmas, all you had to do was ask.
Wait, do you also have an Easter-themed one? Is it a rabbit?”
He’s turned to face you now, far too pleased with himself for that final quip. Arrogant bastard.
The tears come in a wave, and you fold in on yourself, trying to hide your face even more. The heat in your cheeks feels about the same temperature as the colour of that fucking dildo.
“Hey, hey. I was only kidding.” He scootches closer to you on the bench. ”Look, there’s nothing wrong with it. Everyone deserves pleasure, it’s healthy. And I get it, Boots, it can be hard for girls to find a guy who actually knows what the fuck they’re doing. And, maybe you don’t even want or need a guy, you just want some special time by yourself, right?”
There’s a short pause, like he could be considering his next choice of words.
“And anyway, I actually think it’s kinda hot…”
This surprises you. You’ve never met any guy who didn’t take the presence of your toy collection as a personal insult.
You risk a glance in his direction, hoping your wet and stinging eyes don’t look as red as they feel. “You really think so?”
“Oh yeah”, he responds, crossing his legs as subtly as he can, shielding his lap. “The one you chose? It’s… sophisticated. The glitter gives it a real nice touch. And,” he drops his voice a little, continuing in an almost-whisper, “I’d love to see what you do with it.” He clears his throat and looks away, finding a convenient patch of plain wall to focus his gaze upon.
Confused, upset, and unable to fathom exactly what’s going on (is this just banter? Or is he flirting? Wait, does he like you??) you grab the box from him and move to stuff it in your locker. Trying to hide the crack in your voice, you call over your shoulder, “Claudia says your break’s over and to get your jolly ass back out there, pronto.”
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Oh shit… shitshitSHIT…
Stupid collar, stupid faux fur, stupid cheap zips! Goddammit!
You’re at your locker - the one that should’ve secretly contained your special Xmas gift to yourself - trying to get out of your stupid elf costume, but the zip won’t budge. The top of it is enmeshed amongst the stupid faux fur of your collar, and your frustrated, unsighted and fumbling ministrations appear to be making it worse.
You need help. An empathic soul to come to your aid and diligently untangle you from this costuming hell. But there’s only one other person here, and, even though your last encounter ended better than it could have, he’s still the last person you want to see right now.
Why tonight? Of all nights? How could this happen on the one night where the literal only person left in the entire fucking building is him??
You can only assume you’re on the real Santa’s shit list. Were you really that naughty this year?
Your brain rewards you with a brief, but telling, synopsis of your year so far: smoking blunts behind the library with Robin during study breaks, skinny dipping in a freezing lake on a dare, all that tequila, that brief foray in the back of a Camaro with that guy (Bobby? Billy?). Okay, you were no saint, but this? Come on…
Dejectedly, you drop your chin to your chest and let out a frustrated huff.
Looking miserable, and literally dragging your heels, you shuffle back out to the grotto, steeling yourself for whatever mocking banter Eddie will subject you to this time.
He’s leisurely rearranging the grotto area, and fiddling with the fairy lights behind.
“Hey, Boots. What’re you still doing here?”
Still not looking up, and flicking your eyes everywhere but in his direction, you mumble,
“I, uh, I need your help.”
“What is it? C’mon, you can tell me. We’re quite intimately acquainted now, wouldn’t you say?“
You can hear the smirk in his voice and you want to slap it right off his face. Your response comes out in a rush.
“MyzipisstuckandIcan’tgetoutofthisfuckingcostume, okay?”
“Well, honestly, if you want me to undress you, all you have to do is ask…”
There’s annoyance in your voice as you spit out, “For fuck’s sake Eddie, are you gonna help me or not?”
“Of course, Boots, I’m just messin’ with ya.” His voice drops to an almost-rumble as he instructs, “Turn around for me, yeah?”
His voice is commanding, yet soft and velvety. Parts of your brain turn to marshmallow, and you consider that you’d do almost anything he asked, if he asked you like that.
You do as he requests, your back facing him. You tilt your head down slightly, allowing him better access to the top of the zip, inadvertently also exposing the back of your neck.
He exhales (is it a bit shaky?), and you feel the heat of his breath on your nape, the sensation raising goosebumps along your spine and worrying your legs a little. It’s all you can do to not drop to your knees right there and then. You let out a tiny gasp and try to cover it with a deep swallow.
Eddie works gently on the collar of your garment, fiddling with the fur and disentangling what he can. As he works you continue to feel his breath on your neck, and you wonder if he has any idea what it’s doing to you.
Seemingly satisfied he won’t make it any worse than it already is, Eddie grasps the tag with his fingertips and places the palm of his other hand on your shoulder blade, the heat of it radiating through you so intensely that you have to scrunch your eyes closed and try to ground yourself.
With a quiet, “You ready?”, Eddie begins to slowly lower the zip.
It dislodges under his delicate touch, and although the zip is now completely free-moving he continues to pull it downwards ever so slowly. You feel another frisson of excitement, and even though you could at this stage probably quite easily take over and get out of the garment yourself, you don’t move away.
As the opening reaches your shoulder blades, you feel something else. It’s featherlight, barely there, but you think you can feel the knuckle of one of Eddie’s bent fingers brushing the skin of your back as he pulls the zipper slowly downwards.
Part of you thinks you should be freaked, after all an almost-complete stranger is touching you without your consent, but somehow it doesn’t feel weird. It feels… nice. Safe. Right.
The lower the zip goes the more of Eddie’s breath you feel on your back, and as the sides separate the edges of the colourful tattoo on your shoulder blade become visible.
Eddie's breath stutters at the sight, and as his knuckle passes over your bra strap and connects again with your lower spine you abruptly shake yourself out of your reverie.
Clutching the front of your tunic to your body, you move quickly away from him, stumbling back towards the locker room and mumbling, “I’ll take it from here. Thanks Eddie, you’re a lifesaver.”
Plonking yourself down on the bench in front of your open locker, you take a few deep breaths, trying to centre yourself before you get changed and wondering how on earth you’re going to be able to face him again tomorrow, the (yes, you’ll admit it now) hottest Santa you’ve ever seen...
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Back in your own clothes (black, wide-gauge fishnets, an old tee from a punk band that no longer exists, and a flared black skirt - much better) you’re about to scurry out with your head down when you hear muffled grunts and groans from the main floor. What on earth is going on out there?
You amble back out to the grotto area, trying to appear nonchalant and like this is your usual route out of the building.
You see Eddie’s combat boots sticking out from behind a pile of fake snowballs. They seem to be twitching.
You move closer until you can see his entire form. He’s lying on his back, immobile, completely tangled in fairy lights. You can’t help but start to giggle, not least because for the first time since meeting him it’s he who’s the one in a compromising position.
He’s struggling, likely making it worse, and he starts as he sees you, barking out, “Oh god, Boots, you scared me! Well, laugh it up, fuzzball, I guess it’s your turn to rag on me now.”
“What on earth happened? Are you hurt?”
“I said I’d help rearrange these lights, so I was up that ladder, moving them around, when the rung gave way. The lights were the only thing I could grab onto when I span, fell, and, well, here we are!”
He gives you a broad but sarcastic grin, realising the absurdity of his predicament, trying to spread out his palms in a jazz hands kind of illustration but only managing to do it with one, the other trapped at his belt line by a string of dazzling pink lights.
“Um, you need a hand?”
“Uh, yes please.”
You take a moment to appraise the situation. You see the broken ladder, the tangled piles of lights, scuffed-up fake grass and unruly piles of snowballs.
As for Eddie, he seems unharmed, if a little bruised in the ego (and, perhaps, the elbows). He’s still wearing the Santa suit. Well, most of it. He still has on the hat for some reason, and the trousers, but he’s discarded the beard and jacket, presumably for reasons of temperature regulation or ease of movement, and his ‘belly’ cushion is nowhere to be seen.
And his top half? Well, his top half is now adorned only in a tight, white tank top.
You swallow as you take in his torso. He looked good on stage that night at the bar, but you never really got to see him this close up. Or this well lit.
His skin is almost as pale as the fake snow that litters the area, but there’s a creaminess to it that just makes him look, well, edible is the only word you can think of. Apart from ’lickable’. Yep, that would work too…
He’s solid, well defined, but he’s not stocky. You imagine that years of carrying amps and band equipment around has toned his muscles rather than bulked them.
And the tattoos… Oh. God.
You’ve always had a thing for people with alternative tastes, but this guy takes the cake. Swirling black ink in a variety of designs and styles covers his pecs and biceps, with smaller but no less elaborate designs adorning his forearms.
You notice a subtle glint under the colourful strings of lights that enwrap him, and spot that one of his nipples is pierced, the ring of metal just barely visible through the taut fabric.
Your eyes drift to his hands (those same hands that entranced you that first night), and although there’s no rings tonight (you guess ‘Badass Santa’ wasn’t the version on the mall’s wish list) his hands are no less attractive, still strong-looking and veiny, and you spot a number of small finger tats that you hadn’t been aware of before.
His position and the fact that he’s still struggling mean his abs are tensed, with his arms trapped in front of him, making them, and his shoulders, really pop.
Your thighs clench and you feel a heat bloom in your core.
He notices you staring, and for a moment seems to revel in it, but eventually breaks you out of your trance, asking, “You gonna help me get out of this, or what?”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course, um, lemme just…”
You decide to start at his feet, reasoning that’s where the tangles are the least bad, and at least if his feet are free he’ll be able to sit up.
That decision has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you’re enjoying seeing him sitting, bound, tied up for you, and imagining what it would be like if he was naked…
Shit. Fuck. Concentrate…
Eventually you free him from the majority of his confines, your fingertips and the backs of your hands brushing his skin and the fabric of his clothes occasionally. As he’s able to sit up, his hair tickles you as you work, his scent invades you all over again, and the two of you share glances and timid little chuckles as you move around him, both aware that you’re closer than you’ve been before.
Eventually he’s completely freed, and as he stands and steps out of the final loop of lights he flops exhaustedly backwards into his golden throne, eyeing the pile of entangled lights and running a hand over his face, mumbling, “Shit, there’s no hope for them tonight. I’ll deal with it all in the morning.”
You stand to the side of the throne, wanting to check he’s ok, and in a bold move that you weren’t expecting he lifts one arm and takes the tips of your first two fingers in his, gently raising your hand in a silent instruction to come closer.
Mirroring your earlier comment, he says, “Thanks, Boots. You’re a real lifesaver”, adding, with a hand against his forehead, “I would’ve been here all night, could’ve starved to death. They'd've found my mummified remains in the morning.”
You find yourself stepping towards him, and with your free hand try to give his pec a playful slap, murmuring, “You’re so dramatic. No, wait, theatrical!”
The slap fails though, as he rapidly brings his other hand up to the back of yours, trapping your palm against his chest. You can feel the heat of his skin, the slight sheen of sweat just noticeable as your fingertips breach the low neckline of his top, the heavy thud of his heartbeat.
You don’t realise how close you’ve become, and you gasp as your knees touch the side of his. He gently grabs the hand that’s on his chest and pulls it to his side, and to stop yourself from toppling forwards you have to step around him, ending up standing astride his legs.
Your eyes lock, and something changes. For a long moment neither of you move, and you feel your breathing rate speed up.
Not breaking eye contact, Eddie slowly moves your arm up to his shoulder, and you find yourself climbing onto the throne with him, straddling his thighs.
He breaks out that low, rumbling voice again, as he murmurs,
“That’s it, Boots, come sit on Santa’s lap.”
As you lower down onto him, you feel the heat of his thighs through your thin tights, and then the contrast of the chill of your metal-coated heels against the backs of yours.
You also feel something bloom in the pit of your stomach. And further down. A warmth, heat, need.
Eddie moves one hand to hold the back of your waist, pulling you gently, moving you further up his lap towards him.
You feel the unmistakable bulge of his arousal between your thighs, and as he moves you closer you gasp as you feel it nudge your mound.
You look at each other for another long moment, aware that this is very new territory. His eyes flick between your eyes and your lips, as he asks, quietly, “Is- is this okay?”
It’s all too much and simultaneously not enough. You definitely weren’t expecting any of this, but at the same time you find yourself desperately nodding, needing more of him, of Eddie.
You answer by slowly rolling your hips lightly against him, your lips parting slightly.
The few layers of fabric between you aren’t enough to dull the sensation of his cock pushing against your centre, and you feel it gradually pressing between your folds, your growing slick making the movements easier.
Suddenly, his bulge nudges your sensitive bud.
You gasp again at the sensation, making Eddie exhale a long low, warm breath over your torso, before he speaks again.
“Boots, can I kiss you?”
You take a breath, considering how this could all go. You could walk away now (albeit with shaky legs and damp thighs) and leave any possible awkwardness or complicated entanglement in favour of a simple, uncomplicated holiday with your friend.
But then you look into his eyes again, as his hips gently buck and nudge you once more, and your decision is made.
Breathing out, you reply,
“Fuck yeah, Santa.”
Wearing a soft, sly smile, he gently brings one hand to the back of your head, bringing you to him as he moves forwards, chocolate eyes roaming your face, scanning your eyes and lips.
Noses bumping and lips millimetres apart, he pauses for a moment before closing the gap, pressing his soft, plush lips to yours. They feel divine, soft and velvety, and this close you can smell everything him now, with the subtle addition of something faintly minty.
You kiss him back, and then you both press forward harder, parting your lips at the same moment, the tips of your tongues touching and dancing before sliding past each other and deepening the kiss, your teeth bumping gently and hot breaths mingling.
It’s wet, hot and needy, your hands grasping his shoulders, and his arms pulling you closer to him.
The rolling of your hips gradually becomes stronger and more forceful, and he bucks harder up into you. You need more. Breaking the kiss for air, you take a couple of lungfuls, toying with the drawstring on his red pants before asking, bold and more than a little cheeky,
“How are you feeling? Still entangled? Do you need a hand getting out of these, too?”
“Yeah, fuck, I’m feeling very… entrapped, kinda claustrophobic. Might be in shock from such a traumatic experience. I might need to loosen my clothing a bit, y’know, for medical reasons.”
You give him a smirk, and untie the cords. Raising up on your knees slightly, you slide your thumbs hands into the waistband of those and his fitted, black boxers (fuck, is there anything about this guy that isn’t sexy?). He quickly takes the hint, lifting his hips off of the throne and allowing you to move his garments down to his thighs.
As you work his member gets caught on the elastic of his boxers, and as it releases from the fabric it springs back onto his abdomen with an audible slap. You can’t help but look, and you’re not disappointed. It’s pleasantly, but not overly, big, thick and veiny, curved slightly and with a large flared head. The tip is shiny and pinky-red, and as you stare it twitches away from his body and a tiny bead of precum leaks from the tip. You’re surprised, but also delighted, to spot a shining pair of steel balls decorating a frenum piercing, and that there’s a few pretty dot and line work tattoos near the base.
It’s beautiful. You want to tell him so, but he grabs you and pulls you in for another deep, passionate kiss, his length trapped between your bodies, hot and pulsing.
You melt into the kiss, tongues slipping and sliding, lips rubbing, noses smooshed against each other and enjoying it for as long as you can both do without air.
Needing another deep inhale, and also wanting to get your hands on his delightful cock, you sit up again, slipping one hand between you and grasping at his length. Eddie hisses, then moans,
“Oh, Boots, you’re gonna fucking kill me.”
You enjoy the feeling of him in your hand for a few moments, relishing the heat and hardness, before you position the palm of your hand behind his cock and push your centre towards him again, trapping his length between your hand and belly.
More thrusts of his hips moves him between you, your slightly adjusted position now pressing him firmly between your clothed folds, his cock dragging the fabric across your clit. You can’t help but let out a high whine, and you feel his cock twitch again.
“Too much fabric. Wanna feel you.”
His voice is gruff, desperate, wanting.
You lean back a little, resting one hand on the arm of the throne, keeping your other hand wrapped around his cock. You’re not sure you ever want to let it go.
His hands move from your ass to your thighs, running over them and squeezing. When he reaches the part exposed by your lifted skirt he growls, feeling the skin of your hips and belly through the mesh of your tights.
Suddenly, his chin dips and he gives you an almost evil grin. His eyes remain connected with yours as the tip of his tongue peeks out of the corner of his mouth as he pushes some of his fingertips through the holes, grabs tightly and pulls.
You freeze as the sound of snapping fabric echoes around the grotto, cool air now gracing your belly and inner thighs. You gasp, not only at his actions but because you packed light and don’t have any other tights with you. But as Eddie’s thumbs trace up to the crease of your thighs, dangerously close to your heated core, all thoughts of packing and capsule wardrobes are erased. You want, no, need him to touch you.
With a smirk, you say, “Please touch me, Santa. I promise I’ve been such a good girl this year.”
His jaw goes slack and he looks at you in awe. You notice how black his eyes have become, the beautiful chocolate hues all but obscured.
He flicks his gaze to your core, black satin panties with lace edging fully on display. He runs one thumb pad up your very centre, feeling the smooth, silky fabric, your heat, the dampness that’s already apparent.
“Christ, baby, is this all for me?”
“All for you, Santa. I’m pretty sure you’ve been a bad boy this year, but you deserve a treat anyway.”
His eyes flick to yours again briefly, his lips curling into a lascivious smirk, before returning to the beautiful display between your legs. He hooks his thumb around one lace edge and, much more gently than he handled your tights, moves the soaked satin to one side.
With a tenderness and reverence that you’ve never experienced before, Eddie parts your folds with his thumb and runs it delicately from your wet lips all the way up to your clit. His eyes are fixed there, jaw slack, and you genuinely think he might drool.
As he connects with your sensitive bud you keen above him, eyes closing and head rolling back.
“That’s the spot, huh?”
You come back to look at him, and manage to breathe out, with a lilting giggle, “Fuck, yes.”
He moves his thumb in a small circle, and your mouth falls open in an O, your brows furrowing slightly.
“You want me to keep going, Boots? All you have to do is ask…”
You’re lost, gone, away in space, and you don’t have the capacity to chide him for his cheek. All you can manage is a breathy, “Please Eddie, please keep going.”
His thumb speeds up slightly and he gradually and gently increases the pressure, and you can feel the coil in your belly tightening already. Fuck, he’s good at this.
Your hand remains clamped around his dick, squeezing it occasionally, his hips rutting up into your fist at a leisurely pace as he watches you fall apart on his lap.
He moves his other hand from where it’s been resting on your hip, and, widening his thighs slightly to create space beneath you, brings the tips of his index and middle fingers to your hole. You’re sopping wet and swollen, lips almost sucking him in just from the slightest touch.
He looks to your face again as he asks, “Is this okay?”
You manage a rapid, shallow head nod and a, “M-hm”, and he slowly plunges two fingers into you, scissoring them and generating a low groan from you, which in turn causes a harsher snap from his hips.
“Jeezus, Boots, you make the most delicious sounds, wish I could record them, listen to them on a loop. Fucking hell.”
“Maybe you can, you’re a musician after a-all…”
That’s the last thing you can say for a while, the combination of Eddie’s smirk, his talented fingers pumping in and out of you, his glorious thumb movements, the feel of his cock in your hand and his hips bucking beneath you all conspire to bring you to your peak.
You grip the arm of the throne hard, nails denting the pile on the velvety fabric. Your eyes close and your vision goes black before becoming a thousand tiny fairy lights, a firework igniting in your core and spreading throughout your body in the most delicious waves as you spasm around Eddie’s fingers.
You don’t notice you’ve been groaning until your senses return, and you feel a slight roughness in your throat. Eddie continues his movements, though slower, and helps you ride out your aftershocks as you pant on his lap.
Only when you start to twitch in discomfort does he remove his thumb from your clit. He slowly pulls his fingers from inside you, and to your surprise brings them up to his lips, pushing them fully inside his mouth and sucking greedily, closing his eyes and humming at your taste. Popping them out with a wet smack, he says,
“My god, Boots. You taste better than sugar cookies and cotton candy combined.”
Your arms feel suddenly weak, and you flop forwards, forehead on Eddie’s collarbone. You feel his warm, broad palm on your back, rubbing gently, soothing you.
“Y’okay there, sweetheart?”
You manage a little squeak, and mumble a tiny, “Mmph, yeaaah…”, as he chuckles lightly.
After a few moments you sit up a little, gazing into Eddie’s blown chocolate eyes through an endorphin haze, and you notice your cheeks are tense, in what must be, given Eddie’s somewhat lovesick expression, a goofy smile.
You realise you’re still holding on to his dick, and give it an experimental squeeze, to test whether your muscles are responding to signals from your brain (yeah, that’s definitely the only reason…). Eddie’s hips buck up, and you sneak a look down to see more precum leaking from the tip. You gather some with your thumb, circling it gently over his slit.
Eddie inhales with a hiss. His strong arm around your back goes to pull you in for another kiss, as his other hand reaches up to the hat atop his head, pulling it off and discarding it amongst the tangled fairy lights.
You move towards him for a deep kiss, releasing the grip on his member and running your hands around his (surprisingly muscular and delicious) neck and into the hair at the base of his skull, tangling your fingers into the curls and tugging gently, earning you another moan.
Shifting your hips along his thighs, you press your soaking folds against Eddie’s turgid cock, and the combination of sensations causes Eddie to break the kiss and emit a loud, low groan. His arms tighten around your torso and he moves his warm mouth down your jaw and neck with wet kisses, then lightly bites the top of your shoulder.
You sigh, knowing what you want.
“You ever fuck an elf, Santa?”
Eddies still mouthing at your collarbone as he mutters into your warm skin,
“Goddammit, you’re incredible.”
You move backwards slightly and Eddie takes the opportunity to reach behind him, grabbing the back of his tank top and dragging it off, dropping it carelessly to the side of the throne to join the lights and his hat.
Fuck, his chest is glorious too.
Bringing a little of your lower lip between your teeth, you run your palms down his solid torso. You want the opportunity to play with that nipple ring and examine each and every one of his tattoos, but right now there are more pressing desires on your mind.
He lets out a shaky breath as you brush his abs with your fingertips, shift your position and line up his swollen head with your eagerly awaiting hole.
“You sure about this, Boots?”
You look up at him, at his blown dark eyes and pink, kiss-bitten, shiny lips, and quirk an eyebrow as you run your fingers into his hair and murmur, “Oh yeah, Eddie. I want you to make me feel… special inside.”
He gasps as you angle your hips and sink down, pushing the head of his cock inside of you, gradually taking his thick length.
He kisses your lips once more, humming, as you acclimatise to his girth, then grins lasciviously as he thrusts his hips upwards, filling you completely. You’re close enough that the moans you let out mingle together and your breaths become shared, eyes locked and mouths agape.
You roll your hips, sliding Eddie’s length in and out of you at a gentle pace. You can feel every ridge and vein as he enters and pulls out, and you’re sure you can feel his frenum piercing dragging against your walls.
You can tell he’s holding back, consciously stilling his own hips and allowing you to set the pace. But this doesn’t last long.
Voice gravelly and ragged with lust, Eddie mumbles,
“Shit, baby, I gotta move. I wanna fuck you so bad, Boots. You gonna let me fuck you?”
Mouth close to his ear, you breathe out a small, “Please”.
It’s all he needs.
Grabbing your ass and squeezing hard but not harshly, Eddie pulls you down onto him as he thrusts up from below. His pace is ruthless as he lifts and drops you, matching his rhythm as he grunts and mumbles incoherent curses. You can’t make out much, but you do hear,
“Fuck, baby, you feel so divine, taking me so well, Jeezus Christ.”
Fuck, he feels amazing.
You remember his cock tattoos, and imagine how they might look, shiny and covered with your slick, disappearing in and out of your glossy lips.
This image, combined with a particularly hard snap of Eddie’s hips causing him to angle slightly differently and start to nudge that special place inside of you, causes you to let out a loud gasp, and your mouth drops open as you try to form a sentence.
“Oh fuck Eddie, I’m- I’m…”
“You gonna cum all over Santa, pretty girl?”
He continues thrusting at that delicious angle and you feel your legs start to tremble.
“Fuck! Y-yes, ye-ess!”
Heat building in your core, you just about hear Eddie mumbling,
“Shit, you’re squeezin’ me so tight, I’m not gonna last much longer. Where do you want…?”
Before he can even finish you’re blurting out,
“Inside me Eddie, please.”
You bounce on Eddie’s lap as his thrusts become deeper, faster, and then harsher and less rhythmic. You grind down onto his pelvis, your clit rubbing against his pubic bone and his thick, dark pubic hair, as his cock continues to bully your most sensitive spot.
Suddenly your muscles tense, thighs clamping around him, your forehead pressing hard into his, as his hips slam up into you. You let out a low whine as you peak again, vision blackening, all your muscles tensing as your walls clench around him.
Eddie follows almost immediately, thrusting harshly upwards and pulling your hips down onto him, and you feel rushes of warmth as he groans and empties himself inside your fluttering cunt.
There’s quiet for a moment, and all you can hear is your panting breaths and the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears.
You sit in silence for a few minutes, foreheads feasting against each other, heartbeats slowing and breathing becoming more regular.
Breathlessly, and without full clarity, you sit up slightly and mumble “Fuck, Eddie, that was…”
Eddie chews a little on the inside of his lower lip, and with the widest, sexiest smile you’ve ever seen, replies softly,
“Merry Christmas, Boots.”
After a few moments spent pecking kisses on various parts of your face, making you giggle, Eddie eventually helps you to lift off his slowly softening cock. He leans over to retrieve his discarded tank top and uses it to help clean the mess you both made between your legs.
You unpeel yourselves from the golden throne, feeling sure the heels of your boots have left marks in your ass, and he aids your passage back to the locker room on wobbly legs, helping you wash and making sure you’re ok.
As you gather your things he changes into his street clothes. They’re not dissimilar to last night, though he’s foregone the chain belt and has chosen a somewhat more fully intact shirt, and he watches you as he slings on his leather jacket.
Almost ready, you look down forlornly at your gaping tights, the hole barely covered by the hem of your skirt. Eddie chuckles, and tries to lighten your hosiery-related mood.
“Perhaps I could buy you a new pair? Maybe at lunch tomorrow we could go visit your favourite shop, and you could pick out something nice?”
The image of Santa and one of his elves nonchalantly browsing the displays in a sex shop amuses you greatly, and you tell him so, but he insists he would totally do it, if you wanted to.
There’s a pause as you retrieve your coat and go to put it on, and as you do he adds,
“Well, I’d call it a Christmas gift, but… I’d actually prefer to get you something a little nicer. If you’re around. And you’d let me, of course.”
You’re surprised by Eddie’s unexpected tenderness, and the implication that he might want to continue… whateverthisis. You don’t want to presume anything, but there’s certainly a little tingle in your belly at the thought.
You reply, sardonically, “Sure, I guess. So long as it’s not red and glittery, I think I've had enough things like that to last me for a little while.”
You both snort-laugh at this.
As you start to walk together to the staff exit at the back of the mall, Eddie offers to take your bag so you can fasten your coat and put on your hat and gloves.
Trying to sound casual, he asks, “Sooo, how’re you gettin’ back to Robin’s?”
“I was gonna take the bus, like usual.”
Eddie looks at you sideways, slightly bashful.
“Could I, maybe, give you a ride? We can stop at Benny’s on the way, if you’re hungry. It's a diner”, he clarifies, remembering that you’re not from around here.
Your tummy flips, and not just from the thought of a milkshake and fries.
“Yeah, sure, I’d like that.”
Eddie smiles that wide smile again, and you see his cheeks turn a little pink. It’s odd, him being all shy and self-conscious after what you two have just done, but somehow it’s also incredibly endearing.
As he walks you through the parking lot, still carrying your bag and toying with a stray piece of tinsel that he found in his pocket, he says,
“Y’know, I’d still really like to see what you do with that Christmas dildo.”
Thinking back to how he looked all tangled up, you smirk back at him as you think of how you’d quite like a redo of him all tied up for you.
As you reach his van, you lean against the passenger door and coyly look at him.
“Well, maybe I could show you. Could we, maybe, do something after work tomorrow?”
With the sweetest dimpled smile you think you’ve ever seen, Eddie cocks his head to one side and lifts a hand to run the tip of one forefinger along your jawline, as he replies in that low rumble,
“Oh, Boots, you should know by now. All you have to do is ask.”
🎄You may not yet be completely sold on the whole idea of The Holidays™️, but you’ll have to admit to Robin that this might well be the start of your Best. Christmas. Ever.🎄
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Thanks so much for reading! ILY 🥰
Please support your content creators by not only liking but also commenting and reblogging - it’s so important. If you liked this there’s a good chance others will too, and comments and reblogs are the only way posts get seen. Consider it a Christmas gift to your writers and followers 😍🎅🏼 Thank you, and Happy Holidays, however you celebrate!
Resources: Proof that Deck The Halls can be sung to the tune of War Pigs (and vice versa), plus the ‘Fa la la’ 😊🎄
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Hi I absolutely love your writing! I devoured all you fics in record time. I've seen a lot of things about a shy & insecure reader x Cassian but I was wondering if you could do one with Azriel instead? Az is my favourite batboy and I'm also quite shy and insecure so I wouldn't mind reading one. Although I know you probably get a lot of requests with how great your writing is so its ok if you don't like the request I'm content just reading your amazing fics.
Meant to be together.
Azriel x f!Reader.
Summary; Reader believes that Azriel deserves better than her.
Warnings; angst, insecurities, mentions of sex.
Hello! Thank you so much! You didn't specify which of Cassian's fics you like so I let my imagination take charge of the whole fic. I hope this is what you had in mind, if not feel free to request something else. I really hope you enjoy this like I did!
You changed your mind yet again about the dress you tried on and threw it on the pile of the rest of them. You were getting ready for dinner at the house of wind and since it is the third time you will hang out with the inner circle your nerves are going crazy. You met Azriel a few months back when he literally fell out of the sky and landed on his back in your garden.  He never told you how it happened. After helping him into your house and cleaning his wounds he fell asleep and the next morning he woke up with you next to him wide awake and staring at him. You had stayed the whole night by his side monitoring his breathing and checking for any bleeding. He observed your worried pale face with black circles beneath your red eyes and the bond snapped. You blushed when he told you that you are his mate and for the first few dates you avoided his gaze like your life depended on it. Azriel didn’t really have a problem with that, he is shy and quiet too so your whole behavior helped him cope. And now after some months of building trust and love he decided to introduce you to his family and make you a part of it.
You huffed and threw yet another dress on the pile when the familiar beating sound of wings filled your small apartment, Azriel came in through the window and stood next to the pile of clothes staring at them. He looked so out of place in your small room, his body and those beautiful membranous wings taking up most of the space.
“Angel, you look perfect in everything just pick one dress” he sighed and stared at your bare back.
“No I don’t…I just need a few more minutes to find the right dress. I’m sorry” you mumbled and searched the closet.
He knew that if you didn’t find a dress that made you feel good, you’d probably hide behind him for the whole night so he didn’t pressure you and hummed an okay before laying down on your bed.
You tried one of the dresses that used to belong to your mother when she was about your age and finally you felt pretty, a grin appearing on your face as you twirled around.
“What do you think?” You asked Azriel who was gaping at you.
“I think that you should join me here and skip dinner” he licked his bottom lip and opened his arms in a silent invitation. You blushed and stared at the floor.
“That’s not polite what will your family think about me…” your voice was soft.
Azriel smiled at that and got up, he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist pressing you against him.
“You’re so cute” he cooed and kissed your nose making you blush harder and hide your face in his chest.
“Okay let’s go” he chuckled and picked you up.
The flight was silent, and you enjoyed the view of the city, it soothed your nerves. You landed on the balcony of the house of wind with a thud and entered the dining room. Everyone you knew was there and two females you didn’t recognize.
“Oh great you’re here” Feyre exclaimed “y/n these are my sisters, Nesta and Elain”
Both females were stunning, and you stared in awe as they smiled.
“Hello, nice to meet you” you smiled back.
“You are Azriel’s mate, right?” Nesta asked and glared at Elain.
“Yes” you replied and glanced at your mate who was watching his brothers bickering about something.
The females didn’t say anything else, so you took a seat and stared at your napkin not sure what to do. Azriel sat next to you and soon everyone was eating.
You glanced around and noticed the longing looks Elain was sending to your mate who didn’t have a clue since he was way too lost in his food. You moved your eyes on the table again and didn’t dare to look at her again. Such a beautiful female, her and Azriel would make a great couple if only you weren’t in their way. Your heart ached at the thought, and you lost your appetite. Azriel noticed that you were playing with your food and nudged your foot with his own. You pretended you didn’t notice and kept staring at your plate.
“Are you okay?” He whispered in your ear.
You shook your head and leaned closer to him.
“I want to go home now…” you whispered back. He only nodded and excused the two of you saying that you weren’t feeling well before picking you up and flying you home.
You walked inside and quickly turned around blocking Azriel from entering. He furrowed his eyebrows and took a step back.
“I’m sorry to do this now but I don’t think this is going to work”. You said softly.
“What?” He exclaimed “why?”
“I’m sorry” you repeated and tried to shut the door, but he was faster than you and his scarred hands pushed the door open again.
“No. You don’t get to do this, we will talk this through” he growled and walked inside shutting the door behind him.
“There is nothing to talk about Az… we are from completely different worlds. I’m a loner while you have so many friends and family”. You whispered.
“You can be a part of it too, and if you don’t want to then I will stay with you. I will spend less time with them.” He said with a pleading look.
“I think that Elain likes you, she is such a beautiful female, and she fits into your family really well. She will make you happy.” You confessed and ignored the ache in your heart.
“What are you talking about? Elain has a mate and even if she didn’t, I wouldn’t care. I only want you. You are the most beautiful and amazing female I’ve ever met. Your calm and quiet personality keeps me grounded, you make me feel safe and comfortable and I would rather spend my whole life locked in this apartment with you than anywhere else without you.” His voice broke at the end, and he stared at you with a pained expression.
“Are you sure? I just want the best for you.” You whispered.
“You are the best for me, I don’t even know what I did to deserve you. You are the light in my darkness.” He wrapped his arms around you pressing you against him as he left a soft kiss on your head.
“You give me a reason to live” you confessed and pressed your cheek on his chest. You could hear his heart beating faster at your words and his scarred hands rubbed your back.
That night he made love to you again and again worshiping your body and whispering sweet promises. That night he proved to you that you are meant to be together.
Requests are open but delayed!
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micia-posts-stuff · 3 months
Spoilers for Spy x Family chapter 96
(Part 2) Now let's talk about the dance and the thing.
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Damian blushing hard is always funny and adorable, look at him! The poor boy doesn't know what to do with all these feelings! Also it's interesting that we get yet another instant of Anya shivering when she perceives his feelings towards her. We saw it happen first very early on, in the chapter where she had to apologize for punching him, and we saw it recently in chapter 88 when they were in Henderson's office. It's a recurring thing at this point, wich makes me think she'll understand what it is in the future, not any time soon, but for now she still perceives that something is there.
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This is so cute, the boy is having a whole flashback to them holding hands (there is also the light novel but it's not included in the events of the manga sadly). He was so nervous of being so near her and holding hands, he wants to dance with her but he's also totally panicked, so precious!!!
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Yesss goofy dancing!
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Look at his expression!!!!! The little smile when he thinks of Anya's family! The yearning for something similar and the hint of sadness because he knows he can't have it. SOMEONE GIVE THIS KID A HUG. HE'S SO SAD. And the way he opens up to her! Like tell me they're not friends! Tell me he would say that to anyone! You can't! This closeness they have, even tho it's unconventional, it's so important to him. This is very similar to the scene after the bus hijacking. Anya has officially been established as someone he opens up to. Even though he still thinks Anya is after his family (and he's right), he also understand there is something different from other people. And even after he denies what he just said telling her "he totally wins because he learned from a pro" Anya understands he was being sincere before and that was just a way to cover up how he really feels. And it would have been sooo easy for Endo to just make her be angry at that comment, but he didn't and I'm so happy, because this moment is very important. Because it's an honest moment between them, where they really open up to each other, wich bring us to...
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Listen. Being a Damianya shipper, I was obviously looking forward to this chapter. But no amount of hype could have prepared me for THIS. I'd never have imagined we would get one of THE reveals, but I'm totally here for it. First of all I KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE HIM YESSSS
Second the fact that happened not only during their dance BUT DURING THE CASQUÈ, chef kiss, straight out of of fanon, amazing, incredibile, show-stopping. (Also on a two pages panel!!!!!)
Third and most important, the fact that it happened. As people pointed out this doesn't help Anya's mission in the slightest, in fact it puts it in danger. Anya has tried to hide this secret from anyone. But NOW she tells HIM. This is not a high stake moment, a moment where she confesses out of necessity. No, she tells him now because she saw he was being honest with her, because he was showing her his feelings, because he really touched her. And she told HIM because she knows he would be able to understand her, because she saw through his facade. She has been starting to see how similar they are a while ago, but it was highlighted particularly during the bus hijacking. Not only, as underlined in the quiz, they both love their fathers and are doing everything to impress them and for them to love them, but she also can relate to his loneliness, because of her life before the Forger family. When he said "your family...sounds nice" She saw in him the same thing she felt back then. That's why she decided to tell him, because she knows he won't reject her, like she's afraid other people would. And in these months she was also able to see his true self underneath the facade and yes they always end up fighting, but she is clever enough to recognize his sincerity when it really matters. She has learned to know him and decided to trust him with her biggest secret.
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And Damian obviously doesn't believe her ahah. I mean I don't think anyone was expecting otherwise, it's only logical. BUT a couple of things. First of all the first expression he made, he maybe didn't believed her after thinking it over, but for a moment the thought was there, the suspicion has definitely been planted in his head. Second, this wasn't just a slip-up by Anya, it may have come out naturally in the moment, but she definitely ment to tell him. If it was a slip-up she could have easily played along with Damian and say something like "yeah I was joking, it was a line from my cartoons" But no she doubled down! She got angry that he didn't believed her and called her dummy, she definitely wants him to know! This is important because from now on she can act with the notion that she told Damian. Like if she needs him to know that someone thought about something, she can tell him! Even if he doesn't believe it, she told him already so it's just a matter of having him trust her. I don't know if she'll try to convince him or if something will come up later where they'll need to work together using her mind reading abilities, but I hope he'll believe her sooner rather than later because it would be so interesting! Imagine all the shenanigans they can go through together if he knows of her mind reading abilities! Imagine the struggle of hiding his crush once Damian finally admits his feelings to himself! It would be such a cool dynamic! I do understand Spy x family has the tendency to always return to the status quo and that's fine, it's a slow burn, but now something major has ctually happened! It would be kinda lame for this massive thing to change nothing about the story and be swept under the rug. Like it's fine if some little moments don't change things too much but this is THE MIND POWERS REVEAL! It needs to have an impact.
Now I'm really interested in seeing their povs. I want to see if Anya will regret telling him, since she was so worried that people might discover her powers. Maybe this could finally lead into Anya's backstory. And I really really want Damian's pov, because as soon as we see him seriously thinking about it he will have to realize it's true. He already had his suspicions and there are not many other explanations about the knowledge Anya has. Plus if he doesn't realize it now based on the past, he'll have to realize it in the future when Anya relies a bit too much on her powers, wich is something that happens fairly often. Like if something like old maid happens again, there's no way he won't think about what she told him.
And last but not least
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Endo usually uses these little boxes to show us the actual progress of the mission. He has put friendship to ??? before, so he could have left it ambiguous if he wanted to, but he didn't. He confirmed this was an important progress in their friendship, despite Damian not believing her and them arguing at the end. Wich makes me a bit more hopeful that something will come from this.
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pandorasfavorite · 3 months
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AN: if you know the line...no you don't
Dominik was a traditionalist and was raised as a gentleman. He always opened the door for you and treated you with the utmost respect ever since you both were children. He was the sweet guy you knew and he hasn't changed his ways towards you ever, at least not until 8 months ago...
You've supported Dominik through all his successes in his life, meaning you were there when he won the NXT Championship. Under the beaming lights, he raised the title above his head, and his eyes bored into yours. His face was stretched into a huge smile, he couldn't look away. You waited for Dominik inside the stadium - you were overwhelmed by how proud you were - then finally he ran out towards you. Dominik was sprinting towards you with his title in hand, and he was dripping in sweat.
He crashes into you and wraps his arms tightly around your waist, swaying your body from side to side. You let him embrace you momentarily before pulling back just a bit to see his face. You put both hands on his face, wiping away the dirt that managed to stick to his skin. "You did it!", both of you have huge grins that take up your whole expression. He lets go of you to show you his title that he had grasped in his hand, Dominik holds it in one hand but his other is sitting on your waist. "Beautiful right?", he says admiring the gold plate, his eyes flicker to you for approval. You can only nod up at him with the soft smile that only he got to see.
"I can't tell you how proud I am, Dom", you praised him. His hand is still stuck to the side of your hip but other than that the space between you both felt too large, Dominik felt the same way. "Why don't you just show me instead?", he proposed cockily, the same old Dominik. Normally you would've laughed his suggestion off or just rolled your eyes, but at that moment it felt serious. It felt as if it was no longer a joke but something that was bound to happen. And with that, you took a step closer to Dominik, you lifted up and came face to face with him, kissing him softly. Dominik's title was hanging in his hand close to the floor, the moment your lips touched his you heard the small clatter of it hitting the floor.
He lifted his hands to bring your face closer to his, pushing your lips more against each other than you ever imagined them to be. You both pull away breathlessly and you can't help but ask, "What now?". Dominik laughs and pulls your lips back to his, you share another kiss with the same passion and love as before. Your breath is taken away and your heart feels as if it is about to run out of your chest. Dominik is filled with immense pride, it feels as if his life is finally coming together and shaping up to be his version of perfect.
A few months later everything really did fall into place. You both lived together before even getting together (the perks of being best friends), and the sex was nearly every night and that speaks for itself. You and Dominik didn't have expectations for children and it hasn't even been brought up considering you both just began dating not too long ago. But you found out and told Dominik the moment the test came back positive. Safe to say he did cry and kiss your stomach a trillion times.
Another 5 months have passed since you both found out, and you're finally into your third trimester. Your bump is showing completely now but Dominik never fails to tell you how great pregnancy suits you. Now you are lying on the couch with your legs propped up and attached to Dominik's chest. His hands are draped across your round stomach, rubbing up and down sensually. As he sits there, he is distracted by you. His perception of love was that it felt like being completely devoted to the person. And that's true but what Dominik felt was so much stronger, he couldn't even place the idea of being with anyone else. When he looks at you, truly everything goes to static, that was love.
"Baby", he whispers to you. "Hm?", you are still sucked into the T.V just barely paying attention. He shifts from under you, his heart rate picking up at what he was about to say. "I've never loved anyone, the way I love you", he says and to him, it felt like he had to say it. You move to the side a bit to try and look up at him, but the angle is weird. You push off of him and sit up, he slides you to sit into his lap instead. You sit with him, your arms wrapped around his neck. You both do this a lot... sitting and looking at each other and somehow it's never awkward.
"Marry me", Dominik proposes, his gaze never flattering. You giggle and peck his lips, "Ok". Dominik shakes his head, his eyebrows turning inwards a bit, "No baby I'm serious" he moves out from under you. He gets on one knee in front of the couch. He grabs your hands and starts his admission, "I know it's out of the blue, I mean I don't even have a ring. But I can physically only love you , I want to marry you and have this baby with you. Please, Marry me", you look at him with shiny eyes that are blurry with tears. You sniffle and nod your head, "Yes, yes. 100% yes", you laugh through the tears. Dominik lifts up and hugs you. He's never felt love like this before.
You hold his hand, "Before the baby, let's get married before the baby". He is surprised to say the least, but he finds himself nodding all the same. "Ok, when? Like in a week?", he asks. You give him an erratic look, "More like in 2 days". His mouth falls open in a sort of shock but again he finds himself agreeing with anything you say. He'd marry you tonight if the courthouse wasn't closed.
With that you both planned the quickest wedding possible, Dominik found temporary rings and called Rhea and Damian to be witnesses. Having a bunch of people there wasn't a huge desire, after all, you and Dominik felt a calling. You put on your mother's wedding dress, it was a bit tight but nothing that could hurt you or the baby. Rhea came in to help you with makeup and zipping up the dress. The venue was just a field full of flowers and an arch in the middle where you and Dominik would stand.
You could walk down to Dominik whenever you wanted and you went instant, any measure of time other than now was too long. You saw the way his eyes were welling up with tears and the proud smile from Damian behind him. You imagined your wedding day with Dominik in a different setting at first, but the image of him standing at the altar was just the same. You stood in front of him, pushing back your own tears when you conjoined hands. The priest began and asked for vows, you started "Ever since we were kids I felt something towards you that I could never place, now it all makes sense. We make sense, I love you", a tear rolls down your cheek. The priest gestures towards Dominik, "With you, I feel like I can finally begin what I wanted for myself. No measure of time with you will be long enough, so let's start with forever". You both say 'I do' with no hesitation, the suspense building up steadily.
"With the power invested in me, you may kiss the bride"
Dominik swoops you up like the first time he kissed you. He attaches himself to you and his lips do the same. In that moment surrounded by rows of flowers and clear skies, you both felt the familiar static that Dominik calls love. You pull back for air only to be pulled right back in for another sealing kiss. No amount of time would be long enough with him either.
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lokisprettygirl · 4 months
Deadly Locks (Detective! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon Au) (Dark )
Read Chapter 7 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 8
Summary: Tension grows between you and Daemon amidst the killer being caught, learning the truth about his mother's past and your date with Pierce.
Trigger Warning: Rape and torture, 18+ , smut, It's a crime thriller so there would be some squeamish dark stuff, read at your own discretion, mention of rape, assault and murder, miscarriage, Speeding and driving under the influence, Reader has long hair, Daemon's hair is up for imagination, Cigarette consumption, some geographical errors
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“Mam, would you like to order now?” You were asked for the third time in the last hour and you no longer had the energy to respond. He wasn't coming, you knew that. It was your birthday and you were at the edge of your patience with him, you had called a bunch of times and texted over and over again but he wasn't answering, he had told you this morning that things would change tonight, that he'd make them better but as usual he wasn't there.
“Ummm sorry I don't think he's coming so I'll just leave, sorry for wasting your time” you apologized to the server as you got up and walked out of the restaurant, it was raining heavily and the sound of the rain blocked the sounds of your heart breaking. You knew you had to let him go, his job would always be his first priority and you'd always come second to him. What had happened in the last few months, if that wasn't enough to make him want to be with you when you needed him the most then what will?
You knew you had to break both of your hearts tonight and let him go because being with him was bringing you more pain than happiness these days, he was never there with you.
And you were done, you were finally done.
Daemon was anxiously awaiting a call from any of his acquaintances or colleagues, hoping for an update on the case. He had been waiting for more than twelve hours since the Barber Killer was apprehended but he had received no new information.
He was pacing back and forth in the living room and you didn't know what to say to him, the energy between you two had been awkward since last night when you told him that you had agreed to go out on a date with Pierce. There was no dancing around anymore, you had made it official that you were moving on from him.
“Daemon maybe you should just–’ you opened your mouth to speak but he cut you off,
“Don't you have to get ready for the date? It's 6 pm already” he raised his brow and stared down at you so you sighed.
“I'll just take a raincheck…I think we should be–” he cut you off again and this time you were visibly upset by the snarky tone of his voice. You wanted to say that you needed to be with him today because you needed him and he needed you but he wasn't even listening to you.
“Just go..go out . I'm sure you are excited ”
“You're right …I am excited indeed , it's not as if the guy who abducted and raped me and wanted to kill me got caught today or anything”
You got off the couch and slammed the door shut as you went inside to get ready. He sighed deeply as he could tell he had hurt you somehow, he just didn't know what he had done, he was the one who should be upset, you were going out on a date with a guy you liked in the very least, he should have been the one to feel hurt.
The next time you came out of the room you had a dress on, he remembered the dress, he clearly remembered the dress.
Daemon had received an urgent call from the 999 dispatch center, alerting him that you had called in regards to a possible intruder in the house. He was immediately dispatched to your location, having received a promotion to the officer position just a few months prior.
He hastily approached the front door, knocking on it with urgency as he stepped onto the porch. The house was relatively new and lacked a security system because none of you were able to afford it just yet.
As soon as you opened the door he saw the Blue dress you had on, it wasn't immodest but it wasn't innocent looking either, plenty of naked flesh was visible for his eyes
“Darling are you alright?” he asked you softly, worry was evident in his voice.
“Mmm i knew they'd send my favorite officer” you mumbled seductively before you pulled him inside by grabbing the crisp collar of his navy blue uniform.
“Are you fucking joking?” He asked you making you chuckle in response, “You made a 999 call because you wanted me to get here?”
“Yeah?” The smirk on your face infuriated him and made him want to kiss you at the same time.
“You are insufferable at times, you know that? Insufferable and reckless..you're scrappy and you think it's really cute don't you?”
“Is it not officer?” You asked him as you pressed him against the door so he groaned before he cupped your cheeks and flipped you around..
“You know you could get arrested for this hmmm?” He whispered in your ear so you smiled.
“So arrest me” you pulled your wrists up and he took the handcuffs out to tie your hands behind your back before he turned you around and pulled your dress up, his lips latched onto your neck immediately. It was the sight of him in the uniform that turned you on so heavily, he was so tall and so handsome, it made you want to do illegal things at times just so he'd punish you like this.
“I'll give you what you want.. and I'll give it you good but the next time you'd even think of pulling some shit like this I swear to god I'd fucking make you sleep in the jail for a week” his voice was sharp and commanding which only made your panties soaked
“Goddd keep talking officer” you moaned loudly so he chuckled before he lowered down your drenched underwear and unzipped his cock, you let out a loud gasp as he entered you in one quick motion,
“You're unbelievable my scrappy girl” his voice was barely a whisper in your ear and you weren't any better,
“but you love me”
“I do…I love it when you're being this way”
“Fuck me officer daemon please”
“How do I look?” You asked him so he cleared his throat as he snapped out of the memory lane.
Pierce was going to pick you up from Daemon's house and he had chosen to take you out for dinner to a fancy restaurant. You were glad you had made an effort to put a dress on.
“So ummm how are you ? Like really how are you…cause I saw the news and it must be hard” he asked you so you gave him a smile.
“I don't want to talk about myself..how are you doing” you asked him and he eased up a little, he was really nervous about the date, you could tell. He was a nice guy but you weren't able to give your undivided attention to him when your mind kept drifting towards the menace that was your ex boyfriend Daemon.
About half an hour later you looked to the side and spotted a similar face in the window, he immediately ducked away in an attempt to hide so you put your fork down and excused yourself.
“Give me a minute…I'll be back“
You placed the napkin down on the table before you made your way out of the restaurant and turned to the left to face him.
“What do you think you are doing?”
“I'm enjoying a smoke” Daemon said to you so you rolled your eyes.
“What are you doing here?” You asked him and he chuckled
“Just making sure you're safe”
“I'm not your responsibility –”
“You are…i promised..I gave you my word”
“Well you promised so many things before as well but you broke them over and over again so it really doesn't make a difference…just go home”
You huffed before you turned around and went inside the restaurant again to say goodbye to Pierce because you knew Daemon won't really leave and you won't be able to concentrate on the sweet guy in front of you because the truth was you were still hung up on the love of your life and there was no denying it anymore.
Pierce was sweet and amazing but you didn't want to lead him on especially knowing that you still held feelings for the man you had broken up with two years ago.
He looked like a sad puppy as he offered to drive you home but you assured him that you'd reach home safely and you waited for him to get out of sight before you stormed out of the restaurant and Daemon glared at you.
“I didn't mean to cut your date short” you snickered sarcastically as he said that.
“Uhhhuh is that why you were being so discreet about being here?”
“I just wanted to make sure you were safe”
“Take me home daemon”
On the way back home none of you said a word. An argument was about to ensue and it has been years since you had argued with him.
As soon as you reached home you went to his room to change and he sat down on the couch to calm his nerves, he didn't lie when he said that he was trying to keep you safe but he was also driven crazy by the thoughts of you enjoying your date with Pierce and falling for him in the process.
“I didn't even want to go” you said to him as you stormed out of the room wearing a night robe, your face was ridden of the makeup you had worn and hair was tied up in a bun, you looked so beautiful and so homely as if you belonged to him.
“Then why did you say yes to him?”
“So I can move on and turn a new leaf”
“I want you to move on darling but not with him or anybody else” you glared at him as he said that.
“I broke up with you for a reason dae-”
“I can change”
“I don't want you to change yourself for me. Look…before this thing happened to me i..” your eyes teared up as you spoke to him making it difficult for you to continue but you knew you had to say this to him “Before I suffered through this thing I had a warped understanding of your job and what you do and how important it was. At times i didn't really understand that it's because of people like you that this world is somehow safer for people like me and I don't think i gave you that benefit of doubt, that understanding that–”
“Stop..y/n stop..” he walked towards you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders to pull you closer to him “You were there for me when I was nothing, you were there for me when I got shot and was bedridden for days.. and i wasn't there for you when you needed me.. time and again I have let you down – we lost our–” his voice choked on his tears as he remembered the incident that had sealed his fate and made you drift further away from him “We had a miscarriage and i should have been there for you to take care of you and i wasn't..i deserved that..i deserved you wanting to leave me and look for someone who'd treat you better than this”
“But I can't move on ..you ..I miss you so much…everyday, every night in the past two years i have missed you-” you confessed to him your true feelings and his heart skipped a beat.
“I can change not because I have to..but because I want to..I need you sweetheart –”
“I saw the ring ..I saw it in your closet”
His grip on your shoulders loosened as you said that.
“So? That's your response?”
“I don't know what you want me to tell you”
He stepped away from you so you groaned internally. Why was he being so difficult?
To Save him the further discussion his phone rang and it was Otto, he was called to the precinct in relation to the case so you gave him a smile and looked away.
“Go..it's important”
“So are you..come with me”
“I don't think I want to go there ..i don't want to see him”
“You should..that bastard is not speaking, he hasn't said a word until about an hour ago when he asked to see me..so come with me.. I don't want you to be alone here” you nodded as he said that.
“I need to change” you walked past him but he grabbed your arm
“We will continue our talk if that's alright with you”
“Okay..i didn't want to hurt you daemon”
“I never wanted to hurt you either but I'm sorry that I wasn't any better” he kissed your forehead so you closed your eyes and cherished the lingering touch of his lips before you walked away from him to change.
As you both reached the station Rebecca was already there and she seemed terrified, no longer there was a look of smugness on her face which you didn't really understand the cause for, sure you were afraid to be in the same place as the killer as well but she seemed terrified of something else.
Corlys took you and Rebecca to the interrogation room, Daemon followed as well, you stood outside the glass wall and you could see the killer on the other side, he couldn't see you ofcourse but that didn't make it any better. They had placed a similar mask over his face and the moment the killer's eyes opened, you were struck with a jolt of anxiety and instinctively took a step back. You could feel your heart racing and your breathing becoming shallow. It was as if the reality of the situation was sinking in for the first time
“It's him..that's him..that's him” your lips trembled as you spoke so Daemon walked closer to you and linked his fingers with yours.
“That's him Daemon…i ..oh god”
“Ssshhh it's okay you're safe sweetheart” he cooed in your ears as he wrapped his arms around you
“That's not him” Rebecca intervened so you turned around to look at her, Corlys and Otto were intrigued by her statement as well.
“That's not him?” Corlys asked her so she denied again.
“That monster raped me and beat me up everyday, i would recognise his eyes and that's not him” she said as she stormed out of the room leaving everyone confused.
“It's him daemon trust me”
“I trust you okay?” Daemon asked Jake to take you outside and as soon as you were gone he glared at the killer with a complete look of hatred.
“What does he want from you?”
Otto questioned him so Daemon turned his head to look at him
“I don't know. I need to speak with him..i need to interrogate him”
Corlys tried to interrupt the discussion but Otto shot him a look and allowed Daemon to investigate.
The murderer was handcuffed to the table as Daemon entered the investigation room, he ripped the mask off his face and his eyes flickered as he looked at his features for the first time. They indeed had similar eyes, not just the color but shape as well.
“I have been wanting to meet you brother” the killer spoke smugly which only angered Daemon further
“I'm not your fucking brother”
“Oh but you're..well not really mine but you're little Jamie's brother aren't you”
“Who's Jamie?” Daemon asked him as he sat down and composed himself. He had to stay professional and treat him like any other criminal to get as much truth out of him as possible.
“Jamie is the one that got us in trouble..you think I'd have gotten caught being a bloody idiot?”
“I'll ask you again, who's Jamie?”
“Arghhh some detective you are”
The killer's relaxed demeanor was hard for Daemon to wrap his head around. Despite the abhorrent acts he had committed, his calmness seemed to defy reasons. It was a chilling reminder of the killer's ability to compartmentalize and maintain a sense of composure even in the face of the most heinous actions.
Otto and Corlys were baffled seeing the interaction between the two, a psychiatrist was watching the interrogation to evaluate the killer.
“Jamie is one of us, he's in here” the killer pointed towards his head “now I don't allow him to come out very often because you see he's not like us. He's a child, a fucking nine year old”
“What do you mean by us?” Daemon asked him.
“Us ..me and mother” the killer chuckled
“You really think this is going to work? That pleading insanity is going to get you off the hook?”
“I never said that I killed those women, have i?”
Daemon rolled his eyes in frustration as the killer gloated. He got up and he was about to head out when killer spoke again,
“You confessed to Detective Corlys” He chuckled as daemon said that
“Ohh he's just trying to upstage you my guy .. besides it was Jaimie who said it…not me..and I need a lawyer”
“You are lucky she kept you..she didn't keep me, she abandoned me” Daemon turned around to look at the killer who suddenly seemed so different and guilt ridden, his eyes were teary and his voice no longer held the arrogance.
As Daemon stepped out Otto followed him and asked him for his opinion which only made Daemon chuckle bitterly
“Well get that man a lawyer..why don't you?” Otto sighed as he realized Daemon was still pissed at him for the suspension and for not believing in him.
“It was nothing personal, I'm your senior..you need to show me some respect around here”
“Yes sir, definitely, well I need to go home and be with my girl since the case is not mine anymore”
Otto sighed as Daemon walked out, as soon as he saw you he wrapped his arms around you protectively to escort you out of the station.
“Rebecca, she left the precinct in such a hurry –” you spoke to him but he dismissed you.
“It's not my problem darling…they'll handle it”
“It's your case, you have worked so hard on it–”
“It's not my case..can we just go home now?” He asked you so you didn't argue further..
“What did he say, did he confess?”
“He's beating around the bush..trying to fool everyone with the theatrics”
“Did you see his face?” You asked him so he sighed and nodded.
“Are there any similarities between him and your mother?” you asked him curiously and you noticed how his jaw had clenched and how his knuckles were straining so harshly on the steering wheel.
“He's my half brother-”
Every hair on the back of your neck stood up as he let out that information so nonchalantly.
“My mother was twenty one when she had a child, that's when she had her first episode, as soon as he was born she got obsessed with this idea of raising him like a girl, the father supposedly died and she was left with the child alone for years in a house in the middle of the woods, he didn't go to school so he never really knew whether he was a girl or a boy”
“I don't understand..”
“She met my father during a grocery trip when she was thirty..that's when she realized that she didn't want to waste her life away like this and they got married, she never told him about the child she already had, she said that she had abandoned that nine year old in an orphanage somewhere outside the city and she never looked back” your mouth stayed open as you processed the information, his mother was mentally unstable, there was no denying that but what she had done to that poor faultless kid was purely evil.
“Okay but…ummm how do you know it's him? How are you so sure? That child she had, he could be anywhere” You asked him and his eyes teared up in response. A part of him felt for that boy she had abandoned like a trash as if her own kid never meant anything to her, but that child grew up to be something so horrible, he understood his hatred towards women who were around the same age as his mother was when she had abandoned him but he didn't understand his need to kill and torture other women who never meant anything harm to him.
“The location to the killer's lair..the one that made me find you..she had sent me that anonymous mail with the exact location..that's how I know”
“You need to tell them Daemon –”
Your eyes widened in realization as he said that. You didn't even know what to say to him anymore.
“She'd be taken away–”
“And she fucking deserves it..she made a monster out of him-”
“No he did it himself..”
“Daemon -”
“He's going to confess sooner or later and he can talk about his mother if he wants to”
You nodded in disbelief as he said that, he was trying to protect her.
“Sorry..i thought you wanted to get justice for those women that died so brutally and for me and your mother is equally responsible for that..if she had any inkling about this then she should have come forward after that first woman died..but she waited and watched them die to save her own arse”
His eyes welled up with tears as you said that, he knew he was in the wrong here and he knew he had to fix it. After everything he had been through he had vowed to always do right by people and now he was disappointing the only woman that had been his rock since he had met her, he can't have that, he'd never forgive himself if he was to hurt you like this again.
As you both reached home, you stepped out of the vehicle and went inside quickly to get away from him but he followed you immediately..
“Just don't say anything..don't make it worse” your voice came out in broken whispers and that only made the guilt unbearable for him .
“Listen to me” he grabbed your arm to turn you towards him so you glared at him.
“No you listen..you suffered.. because of her, all your childhood you suffered, you were abused and bullied and arrested, you suffered Daemon but you grew up and you learned the right from wrong, you are a good man but it's not because you were raised like that because life gave you every reason to lose your way and go insane but you didn't ..you want to know why? Because you are a good man ..deep down..from here” you placed your hand on his chest right where his heart was so he wrapped his arms around you to hug you as tightly as he could.
“But not everyone responds to trauma the same way you did ..he never had a chance, he had no one to teach him good from evil. I get that but you have to remember that he chose evil..there's so much hatred in that man and your mother is the reason for that”
Your voice trembled as you spoke, you knew he'd have continued to hurt other women if he hadn't been caught. There was no saving someone like him. He was too far gone.
“I'm sorry darling I'm sorry.. I'll do right by you I promise..I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you” he mumbled softly so you clutched onto him and once both of your tears had stopped you pulled away from him to look at him.
“I need a shower…my skin is crawling after seeing him-” you said to him as you walked past him so he nodded.
You grabbed a towel and stepped inside the shower, you had left the door open, though you had no idea why. As you stood under the hot shower some of your worries slowly dissipated, the nagging fear you had when he was out there roaming freely in the world was gone for now and you felt so light ..
You gasped as you felt his fingers around your waist before he pulled you closer to his body, he was naked as well.
“Is this okay?” He whispered in your ear so you nodded and turned around, your fingers traced over his features as you looked up at him, that's when his fingers curled around your wet locks and he pulled you in for a kiss, you responded to the kiss with equal passion as your arms wrapped around him. Your tongue invaded his mouth first and he was taken away by the sheer intensity of the moment, he had been wanting to do this ever since he had brought you here but he didn't want to hurt you, he wanted to be patient but he really needed you tonight and by the looks of it perhaps you needed him again as well
“We need to talk baby–” you mumbled against his mouth as he picked you up and pressed you against the wall
“We will talk” he mumbled before his lips latched onto yours again so hungrily “I love you..i still love you as much as the day you had left..even more” he whispered between the kiss, making your heart flutter in response.
Maybe there was hope for you two, maybe things weren't as bleak as they seemed in the light of the day. Maybe you were ready now to walk two steps further and meet him halfway if he was willing to do the same... because at the end of the day having him by your side was much better than not having him at all.
Daemon was drenched in rain from head to toe as he walked into the restaurant to find you but they informed him that you had left just now, on the drive back home he found you walking yourself home at such late hours so he immediately asked you to get inside but it was as if you weren't even listening to him.
His heart suddenly felt heavy at the silence because he feared the worst, he feared that you were done with him now and there won't be any other chances.
As you both reached back home you stood in the middle of the living room and just glared at him mindlessly while he tried to dry you up with a towel. This is what made it so hard for you to just up and leave because when he was there with you he was everything but you had to acknowledge and accept the truth now.
“I'm done..we are done..it's done okay?” your voice held no emotions whatsoever as you uttered those cruel words to him.
“Don't say that please don't say that” he immediately went down on his knees and began to apologize but he could tell that you no longer wanted his apologies, he knew he had broken his promises enough times to finally push you away from him.
“This is how it's going to be..for the rest of our lives..I'd wait and you won't show up..I'd wait for you to show up everyday, I'd always be the one waiting and waiting and i don't want to do it anymore”
You said to him as you walked past him and he was numb, so numb that for a moment this felt like a vivid nightmare that he hoped would end as soon as he's awakened.
“Y/n don't go please..” his words made you halt in your steps for a moment but then you were gone, you didn't look back, not even once.
The night of your birthday was supposed to change your lives but he wanted it to change for better, for once in his life he wasn't late because he was working himself to the bone, he was late because he was stuck at the jewelry shop, they had messed up with the ring he had chosen for you and he wanted it to be perfect, he was going to ask you to marry him that night but you didn't give him a chance.
You were done. You were finally done with him.
Note : I hope the back and forth flashbacks aren't confusing. There's hope for these idiots
@daddylokisqueen @iamavailablesstuff @123forgottherest @mcufan72 @shuichiakainx @avalyaaa @ajthefujoshi @tatertati-fangirl @urmomsgirlfriend1 @fudge134 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @ammo23
@hangmanscoming @tmlbdv
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clangenrising · 6 months
Month 9 - Leaffall
“Go home,” Russetfrond insisted for the third time. 
Nightfrost shook her head again. “If Razor comes back, you’ll need me to be here.” She was still rattled from the encounter with him and Ghost earlier that day. It wasn’t just that the city cats had come so close to their home, that Razor had been so close to starting a fight, that they had clearly intended to return. It was the way that Razor had leaned in close and tasted her scent like he owned it while making a threat in the same breath. She knew that he was probably just trying to upset her but that information didn’t make it feel any better. 
Even from her small interaction with him, she could tell that Razor was a tom who had power and liked to wield it. She wasn’t going to let him catch her or her Clan unawares. And so she had stayed out when Russetfrond, Sparrowpaw, and Ospreymask had come to relieve her and intended to join Goldenstar and Branchbark for the night shift. Her replacements had been less than pleased.
“We need you to rest,” Russetfrond said, stomping out in front of her path. “If they show up now you’ll be no use anyway.” 
“I’ll be fine,” she grumbled. She tried to ignore the fact that her paws had been numb for a while. 
“Nightfrost, please,” Ospreymask cut in, leaning up against her side. “We’ve got it. If something happens we’ll send Sparrowpaw to get you and you can come right back.” 
“Yeah!” the apprentice piped up. “Please, Nightfrost?” 
She looked at him, his bright golden eyes shining with the courage of youth, and she imagined him breaking between Razor’s teeth. “No,” she shook her head firmly. “No, I’m fine. I want to stay.” 
“Fine, then,” Russetfrond huffed, squaring his shoulders confrontationally. “Maybe I’ll send Sparrowpaw to find Sagetooth instead and she can talk some sense into you.” Nightfrost glared. He had picked the one cat she knew she couldn’t argue with and she knew it wasn’t an empty threat.
“You snake,” she growled, half joking. 
“Yeah, yeah, go curse me out back in camp,” he said. Sighing, Nightfrost turned towards camp. She didn’t like being beaten but even more she didn’t like that he was probably right. Already, as she crunched her way through the snow, she felt exhaustion starting to creep into her bones.
“Rest well!” Ospreymask called after her. She flicked a disgruntled ear in response. 
Her paws felt like clumsy chunks of ice at the end of her legs as she picked her way through the snow drifts. Now that she had agreed to return to camp, the desire to curl up and sleep was starting to take hold of her mind. She closed her eyes, imagining Yarrowshade’s warmth and weight against her flank. 
Oh, stars. Yarrowshade had been waiting for her this whole time. She groaned at the thought of facing him now. She had been so harsh with him lately and she hated it. She knew he didn’t deserve it, but for some reason, his insistence on his continued friendship with Scorch had been getting on her nerves. She knew she was being petty about it. She knew she was being unreasonable. That didn’t stop her from taking her frustrations out on the both of them. She’d started scheduling them on separate patrols, started inserting herself between them every time he tried to reach out. 
She was hurt. How could he stand to be around her now that they knew the truth?! Didn’t he understand what she had done? Did he care more about her than his Clan? She knew that wasn’t fair. Yarrowshade was a relentlessly kind cat. It was one of the things she loved about him. Like Goldenstar, he somehow saw something worth caring for in Scorch, something she was probably too guarded to see. 
Was she jealous? Maybe. She didn’t think that he was interested in Scorch like that. He had promised her he wasn’t and she was inclined to believe him. Still, she realized, she was jealous that he cared about her at all after everything she had done. How could he still spend so much of his time worried about a cat who had been so favored by Razor? 
Razor. She shuddered again at the thought of him. Or maybe she was just shivering. She sniffed hard at the snot dripping from her nose. The longer she walked the more she felt like she might collapse. Luckily, she could hear the sound of cats speaking up ahead. She spied a dip in the white sheet of snow and knew she was nearly home. She sighed in relief. 
As she headed down into camp, she found Yarrowshade standing by the nursery talking softly with Smokyrose. The moment he saw her, he sat up straight and stared as if he’d thought he’d never see her again. She smiled fondly. 
“Nightfrost,” he started then, realizing his mistake, said, “Excuse me, Smokyrose. Thank you.” 
“Anytime, dear,” purred the mediator, turning a kind eye in Nightfrost’s direction. She slipped inside the den as Yarrowshade stood to meet Nightfrost at the edge of camp.
“Hey,” she mumbled. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, eyes wide. “When you didn’t come back, I…” 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” she said. “A little cold, but fine.” She sniffled again and swiped her tongue over her nose to clear the snot away. 
“Why don’t we go see if Sagetooth has some herbs for your nose,” he said, “and then we can curl up in the Warriors’ den with a fat dove, yeah?” 
“Sure,” she nodded. She didn’t particularly want to go see Sagetooth, but she was so tired. She didn’t have the energy to protest. 
Yarrowshade smiled and pressed his pelt against hers, spreading warmth through her thick, frosty fur. Together they padded to the Healers’ den and Nightfrost felt at home, perfectly fitted to his side. 
“I think I love you,” she mumbled without thought. 
Yarrowshade stopped. “What did you say?” 
She blinked, drowsy, and said again. “I think I love you. I don’t know why it took me so long to say that.” Yarrowshade was staring at her, open jawed. She smiled. What a ridiculous adorable face he had. 
“Nightfrost, I…” he laughed breathily. “Wow! I’m sure you don’t need me to say I love you too.” 
“It would be nice,” she hummed. Stars, her eyes were so heavy. 
He smiled and stepped closer, pressing his forehead against hers. “I love you too, Nightfrost. I have for a long time.” She leaned into his warm touch, purring, and he purred in kind. She bobbed tiredly and he laughed as he reached out to steady her. “Woah. Let’s get you inside before you pass out, alright?” 
She nodded and leaned against him again, letting him guide her into the warmth of the Healers’ den. Oddstripe was sitting in the back of the den, carefully winding cobwebs around a stick. Sagetooth supervised from her nest, probably resting her old joints after the storm. She looked up at the both of them with a scowl. 
“What do you two need?” she asked. 
“Nightfrost has a runny nose,” Yarrowshade laughed, his tail twining with hers. Sagetooth sighed. 
“I can handle it,” Oddstripe offered, but the old healer shook her head.
“No, no, you stay right there. I’ll handle it,” Sagetooth said as she heaved herself from her nest and plucked a few mint leaves from the stores. She padded over and placed them in front of Nightfrost. “Chew those.” Nightfrost obeyed, already salivating over their menthol smell. She purred at the taste and settled down to warm her freezing paws under her belly as she did. Yarrowshade curled up beside her, also purring. 
“You’re awfully cheery,” Sagetooth observed with a frown. 
“I am,” Yarrowshade chuckled, glancing at Nightfrost. 
When he said nothing more, Sagetooth grumbled and rolled her eyes. “Alright then. You’ve had your mint. Off with you.” 
“Aww, you don’t want to enjoy our company?” Yarrowshade said playfully. 
“No,” Sagetooth said flatly, turning away. “I have no time for lovesick fools.” 
“Is it that obvious?” Nightfrost asked with a tinge of embarrassment. 
“With Yarrowshade?” asked Sagetooth. “Always.” 
Yarrowshade chuckled and stood. “Okay, okay, we’ll get out of your fur.” He looked at Nightfrost and she smiled. She couldn’t wait to go take a warm nap beside him. 
“Thank you,” she said and Sagetooth grunted. Nightfrost moved to stand and then hissed in pain. Suddenly her paws felt like they were on fire. While she was sitting on them, they had started to prickle, but she had thought nothing of it. Now that prickling stung up through her paw pads under any kind of weight and she thumped back onto her side. 
“Are you alright?” Yarrowshade asked. 
“My paws are stinging,” she said, lifting one to give it a lick.
“Ah-ah!” Sagetooth snapped, interrupting her. “Don’t you touch those paws! Let me look at them.” She padded back over and took one paw in both of her own, tilting it gently to look at the pads. “Tch! Your skin is nearly black! What were you doing out there?” 
“Protecting the border,” Nightfrost said lamely. She stared in disbelief at the stinging flesh of her paw pads. The exposed skin had started to turn black and necrotic. 
“Why didn’t you come back sooner?” Yarrowshade fretted, “Weren’t you in pain?” 
“No, they just felt numb,” she replied. 
“Fool child,” Sagetooth scoffed. “Tuck those back underneath yourself. We need to warm them up immediately.” Nightfrost obeyed. If only her shame could heat her paws and not just her face. 
“Oddstripe,” Sagetooth continued, “We’ll need those cobwebs and some fresh garlic.” 
Oddstripe shifted awkwardly. “The squirrels got to the garlic patch, remember?” 
“Fox-dung!” Sagetooth cursed. “Horsetail then!” 
“We’re still out,” Oddstripe said, ears pressing back guiltily. “I can go find some though.” 
“In this snow?” Yarrowshade asked. He looked very pale. 
“Great,” Sagetooth shook her head. Her tail twitched back and forth as she thought, eyes flickering over the ground. “Alright. We’ll clean the wounds and bandage them tonight. Tomorrow, if it isn’t snowing, we’ll both head out first thing in the morning in search of horsetail. Maybe you can get your kits to lend a paw.” 
“Of course!” Oddstripe said. “Between the five of us we’ll definitely find some, Sagetooth, I promise.”
Sagetooth frowned at him. “Don’t promise things you can’t control.” 
Oddstripe deflated under her stare. “Right. Sorry.” 
Nightfrost shook her head again. “I can’t believe I let it go so far. I didn’t think I was out there that long.” 
“You were gone for a long time,” Yarrowshade said softly.
“And it only takes half an hour for frostbite to set in,” said Sagetooth. “You’re lucky its not worse.” 
Yarrowshade settled down beside Nightfrost again, curling around her and starting to groom her shoulder. “It’ll be okay,” he said. “Just… get your rest.” 
“Thank you,” she sighed, butting her head against his. “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” he said back. “I’ll be here as long as you need me.” 
“Thank you,” she breathed against his fur.
“It’ll be okay,” he said again. “Right?” He looked up at Sagetooth. The healer pursed her lips and sighed. 
“We’ll do what we can,” she said. It wasn’t very reassuring. But she supposed that she preferred that over a promise Sagetooth couldn’t keep.
UPDATES: - Nightfrost stays out too late and returns with frostbite. - Nightfrost and Yarrowshade confess their feelings and become mates.
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Friends Don't Kiss Like That
Words: 1,791
Summary: You never wanted to force him to put a label on the relationship you shared, because even if it was purely physical, you didn't want to give it up. But maybe you should have just talked to Jesse about your feelings, because it turns out that the two of you had slightly different views on the way things were.
Warnings: implied sexual content
Note: i absolutely love this fic and i've been hanging onto it for months because i didn't want to lose my joy over it, but i think it's finally time to share it with the world.
Clone Troopers Masterlist
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He never stayed too long, even though you wanted him to. Unfortunately when you worked on a Jedi Cruiser, there were only so many ways that you could disappear at the same time without it being too suspicious. It was already one of your saving graces that Jesse already had a reputation for taking long showers, and that his brothers never suspected that this is where he went when he disappeared.
The other saving grace was the fact that you had private quarters, and you didn’t have to worry about anyone barging in while you participated in some much needed stress relief with one of the battalion’s ARC troopers. There were always a few times that you managed to convince him to stay a little longer and lay with you, but those moments were few and far between. Usually it ended with labored grunts, slightly sweaty kisses, and whispered promises to do this again soon before he had suited up once more and looked both ways down the hall before returning to the barracks for the rest of the night.
You never knew exactly how he felt about you, because no label was ever put on your relationship. It was both polite smiles in the mess hall and secret love bites left in places only you and him would ever see, professional and intimate all at once. You didn’t even know how to approach the topic with him, because what were the options? Clones could get in big trouble if they were caught in relationships, and you didn’t want to lose your job at the GAR. It was almost easier if neither of you said anything, because then you didn’t have anything to deny should something happen and the secret came out. You weren’t together, even though you desperately wanted it to be the opposite. Wartime meant that people would have to make sacrifices, and this simply had to be one of them.
You were currently laying on your bed with him, having put some of your clothes back on after you finished. He was in nothing but his black body glove, the different pieces of plastoid that made up his armor scattered all across your room. “What do you want to do when the war is over?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” was your response. “I think I’ve spent so much time in the GAR at this point that I can’t imagine my life without it.”
He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could say anything, someone knocked on your door. His eyes widened at the sound, and you were sure that you had a similar expression on your face. It was the middle of the night, who could possibly be knocking on your door at this time of night? You stilled, hoping that if you didn’t move a muscle then whoever was at the door would simply try to reach you in the morning (at a more reasonable hour).
But the sound came through again, and you just quietly tiptoed out of bed, pulling on the tops and bottoms to your GAR-issued sleeping clothes before starting to approach the door. It was then that you realized something: Jesse’s helmet (which was pretty damn recognizable) was sitting on the table next to the door, and it would be instantly visible to whoever was on the other side when you opened it.
The knock sounded for a third time, and you quickly grabbed Jesse’s bucket, throwing it to him on the bed. You must have not done a good job in aiming though, because you heard a thunk (followed by a whispered swear), which you tried to cover up with a loud “one moment!” - hopefully to appease whoever had decided to bother you at this time of night.
Hoping that your appearance didn’t give away the activities you had been previously engaging in, you grabbed the handle of the door and cracked it just enough to get a peek at who was standing outside, and you were met the face of Captain Rex. “Captain!” you said, your voice jumping higher than it usually was. “What can I do for you?”
“When he got a look at your outfit, Rex frowned. “Did I wake you?” he asked worriedly, looking down at his wrist to check the chrono that rested there. “Oh, I didn’t realize it was so late.”
“It’s okay,” you said, feigning a yawn and hoping that Rex really did think you were asleep previously, and so he didn’t step inside and see one of his ARC troopers slightly sweaty and laying in your bed. You stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind you (you’d rather Rex see you in your pajamas than him realize Jesse wasn’t in the barracks like he was supposed to be). “Is there something important I need to know?”
“I just stopped by to give you some forms,” he said. “Most of the men on the ship right now have a mandatory training session tomorrow to brush up on hand-to-hand combat skills and I wanted to ask if you’d be willing to help with some of the more administrative things while I’m there.”
“Of course, that is my job after all,” you said. “If everything is digital, why don’t you send it to my datapad and I’ll take a look at it tomorrow.”
Rex nodded and held out a small stack of flimsi to you before responding. “I came to bring you these too, they’re the only ones that aren’t digital, and I’ll send you the rest when I get back to my office.”
You nodded in response, and the captain turned around to leave. “Rex?” you called out, causing him to stop and look at you. “Go back to your room and get some sleep.” He made a small noise of indignation, but did turn around and start to walk in the direction of his quarters, which you counted as a win (even if he was just doing this to make you think he was going to sleep and would actually make a detour at the last second).
When you stepped back into your room, Jesse was still laying on the bed. “That was close,” you said.
“Too close,” Jesse said. “I should probably head back now.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but any reasoning you had died in your throat. You weren’t together, who were you to keep him here? And what if your selfish desire to cuddle with him all night got your relationship found out? There had already been one close call tonight, you didn’t need any more. So instead of saying anything, you just nodded, watching him collect the pieces of his armor from around the room (where they had been hastily discarded when he arrived) and put them back on.
With a smile and kiss to your cheek, Jesse was gone, and you really wished it didn’t have to be this way.
Life on the Resolute went on, and soon you were once again laying in your bed with him, having just finished a particularly steamy rendezvous in your private ‘fresher. In nothing more than your underclothes at this point, you just stared at each other, and you dreaded the moment where he would tell you that he had to leave.
But instead, the conversation took a whole different turn. “I think the boys are starting to get suspicious.”
“About us?”
Jesse shook his head. “I don’t think they realize you’re part of it, but they’ve started to realize that I sneak away from time to time.”
“Oh,” you said, heart sinking as you considered the options from here. “We can-”
“I think it’s time to tell them,” Jesse said, and you just looked at him with a confused expression. “They were bound to figure it out eventually.”
“Tell them what?”
He looked at you with an odd expression on his face. “That we’re together.”
It took a moment for you to register his words. “We’re together?” It definitely wasn’t your finest moment, but in your defense, there didn’t seem like a better way to say it. For so long you had pined for something more with him, for the kisses and soft glances you shared to allude to something other than a physical relationship, and now you were finding out that you had possibly mis-interpreted this entire thing?
“I thought we were,” he admitted quietly. “Unless there’s someone els-”
“No!” you responded, cutting him off. “I just- we never talked about what we were, so I assumed you only considered this a physical thing, and that we were friends in all other senses of the word. I always wanted more, but didn’t want to lose you.”
Jesse’s expression softened, and a quiet laugh escaped him. “Cyare,” he said, leaning in real close. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I certainly don’t kiss my friends like I kiss you.”
“Then why didn’t you ever say anything to me?”
“I thought you wanted to keep things under wraps.”
“I wanted to protect you!”
“If you’re referring to that rule against clones being in relationships, I wouldn’t worry too much about it,” he said, leaning to place a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth.
You were not as blasé about the whole thing. “And why is that?” you asked, eyebrows raised.
“Because the general is in a similar situation right now, so I think he’d understand. And I trust my vode with my life, they wouldn’t say anything. Besides, I think Rex already knows, he said something to me about you the day after he showed up here in the middle of the night.”
You sighed quietly. “I know, but I still worry.”
“How about this, we can wait a little more, but if someone asks, tell them the truth,” Jesse suggested.
“That’s a good idea,” you said with a nod. “Although…”
“Although what?”
“You haven’t actually asked me anything about progressing our relationship.”
His eyebrows raised at you in mock disbelief, but he played along. “Well then, I have to fix that.”
“I’m waiting.”
“Will you-” a kiss was placed on your forehead.
“Do me the absolute honor-” now his lips moved down to your cheek, kissing you once for each word.
“Of being-” a kiss on your nose this time.
“My girlfriend?” His lips ghosted over the corner of your mouth, and you knew that he was being a little infuriating on purpose.
“Yes, you idiot,” you said, wasting no time after that to pull him closer to you and kiss him soundly.
Jesse groaned into your lips, and you had a feeling you might need to shower again after all was said and done, but you didn’t care one bit.  
- the end -
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justrainandcoffee · 20 days
Against all odds (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc) part 8
Crossover Peaky Blinders - Hunger Games
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Masterlist. Parts One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven
Summary; This is the end of the victory tour for Nina but the beginning of something new. || Alfie finds a method to talk with other rebels. || Nina learns the truth about the fate that some victors had to pay, including Alfie.
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse.
Words: 3.6 k || I know the part of the districts it's a bit rushed but I was afraid that if I continue writing I was going to need a third part and I didn't want to. Thanks for lending me your ocs (apart from the well known girls, I added Matthew Sutton who belongs to @emotionalcadaver . If you don't know him, just imagine someone like Lawrence but younger. Both are equally disgusting.)
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A month before the victory tour.
Three pills was all Rose needed to left him out of combat. Pharmacist said one, but she really needed him sick, so she increased the doses.
There, in the bathroom after three laxatives, was Lawrence Evert, sweating and asking himself what did he eat to cause him that inconvenience.
It was the auction night. The moment he and one of his best friends, Matthew Sutton, were waiting. That young girl from district 9 should be his.
His intestines growled and Lawrence with them. He was too weak to even stand up. He looked himself in the mirror, he was pale like a ghost.
On the other side of the door, his wife was humming a song. Lawrence asked her to stay, but she refused "our president expects us," she said and he couldn't complain about it. Snow was more important.
Without Lawrence, the one who remained was Matthew Sutton, his best friend. Maybe Matthew was younger than him -he and Rose were almost the same age-, but both men share the same taste for the new victors. That's why they used to buy the same champion. But as far as Rose knew, his husband did things much worse than Matthew. Probably because he spent more time there.
That Matthew tried to approach her didn't surprise her.
"What happened with your husband, Mrs. Evert?"
'He has a diarrhea so intense that he's shiting on himself,' she thought.
"He's… indisposed."
"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Are you here on his name?"
"No. I'm here for myself as always. And I work alone, Mr. Sutton."
Lawrence's smile disappeared. It wasn't new that he didn't like when women had the word, but he didn't dare to say anything. His friend was an idiot, but at also gave him access to places that he couldn't go otherwise. And pissed off his wife, wasn't part of his plans.
If anything new happened, it was that other people besides Rose wanted Alfie. Probably because Darius Armstrong, the auctioneer, presented him as "the mentor of our new victor." There weren't many offers, but enough to raise his price like never before since Rose was part of it. Over her dead body other person than her was going to be with him. Rose ended paying three hundred thousand dollars for him. But that was nothing compared to Nina.
It was really early, before the sunrise, when the smell of fresh bread woke her up. Still with her eyes closed, she stretched out her arm to find Alfie next to her, but the bed was empty.
Alfie was in his kitchen when he felt her arms around him followed by a kiss on his bareback. He smiled.
"Good morning, luv."
"Good morning, Al. Why are you awake so early?"
"Because I had an idea last night. So I got up an hour ago and I started to bake."
The weekends they spent together in the Capitol every month were usually filled with moments like that: Alfie waking up before her to prepare the breakfast and to bake her favourite bread. But this time he had a different idea.
"Look at this," he said.
Alfie showed her a basket with fortune cookies.
"I love them," Rose replied, "and they look tasty… but I don't understand."
"Because I didn't explain you yet, pet. Listen, you told me something last night, right? And I said that I knew who could join us. We can't openly speak about this but that doesn't mean we can't communicate with each other."
"Oh my goodness!" Rose opened her eyes wide "we can hide the message inside the cookie!"
"Exactly. Today I'm going to gave Lucy and Tommy a couple of these and a recipe. Then, I'm planning to do the same with Aveline Young from 11. Evie and the ones from 8 and 3. And Jack later. They need to learn to bake, at least just fucking cookies. I don't care."
"Are you sure about the one from 2?"
"Yes. Believe me, he's not the kind of victor you could expect from district 2. He hates Snow."
"Okay then. Cookies and a recipe for them. You're a genius, love."
"I'm not going to deny that, Rosie," he replied kissing her.
By the time that Alissa started to rush all of them to go to the train, Rose and Alfie already have already written all the messages to put inside the cookies and also had some time for both of them.
Nina had left food and plenty of water for Winston in her house and with everything ready, the new victor and the rest of the group went to district 12.
The train stopped in the station a couple of hours later.
Except Alfie and Alissa, no one of them had been there before. There wasn't much difference between that place and district 9. Both were in the top three of the poorest places of Panem. Thin people could be seen everywhere and most of them were young, because old people almost didn't exist.
"Remember what I said," Alissa said to Nina, "read the cards, smile and thank them."
"It's bullshit."
"Maybe, girl, but they expect that. Then alone in the train, you can keep complaining but not here."
Nina snorted, but picked up the cards and put them in the coat that Rose gave to her.
The van with the group and two peacekeepers accompanying them, just in case, parked behind the Justice Palace. It was similar to the one in district 9, except maybe for the walls and the carpet. While Nina went with Alissa and the hairdresser to fix her hair before the presentation in front of the people, Alfie saw the opportunity to greet his friends once the Major left them alone.
"Welcome here, Alfie."
"Thanks, Tom. Long time since I was here, no one but the major were here back then. And I think it was another one."
"It was, yes. This one became Major around seven or eight years ago. It's a good guy. Guess the rest is the same as you remember," Tommy continued.
"Miserable as ever," Lucy said.
Alfie couldn't deny that. The poorest district, they say. And above them for only few differences, were 11 and 9. So he knew very well the faces of the people approaching the stage. Famine, desperation and sadness was a good way to described those places.
"How's the girl?" Lucy asked.
"Fine. Well, you know… she's not fine, like we aren't. But she's trying. What other options she has? Poor girl. This nightmare has to end soon, guys. Ya know? My wife and I…" Alfie stopped for a moment when the couple looked at him raising an eyebrow "…I married her, last year. Yeah, I know she's already married and ours isn't legal and yet…"
"Who cares? If you and she are happy then it's fine and valid, Alfie. We're not going to say anything."
"I appreciate that. And I have something for you" Alfie said, giving them a cardboard box with fortune cookies. "There's the recipe inside it. I highly recommend you to learn to bake, if you don't know how."
"Thanks for the cookies, Alfie, but…" Tommy frowned looking at him "baking? Why?"
"You'll understand when you open the cookies. Not here, later and alone in your house. Take it as a present from district 9 to 12, for now."
Alissa started to panic so that meant that Nina was about to gave her short speech greeting and thanking the district for letting her to be in. Alfie left his friends and approached the escort who was more anxious than Nina. He was the one who remainder her to stay calm. Alissa nodded.
Fortunately for all the group, despite her own concerns, Nina did it well.
At night, they were ready to go to district 11.
"I'm a bit scared," Rose confessed to him when they found a moment alone in the train.
"Aveline Young. She hates me. And she's like twice my height."
Alfie's laughter resounded across the bedroom they share. "Are you serious?"
"According to the things you told me…"
"Avie won't do anything. Don't worry, luv. Besides you don't need to interact with her, I will. Just focus on helping Nina and try to keep Alissa as calm as possible."
Things in district 11 were a bit complicated than in 12. People there were more rebellious and ready to show the capitol that they wanted Snow's head, knowing that the man was watching. So, a nervous Nina tried her best to say the words she needed to say and went behind the scenes as soon as she could.
"You did fine," Rose said as Nina sat down on a sofa that was there.
"People was mad."
"But not at you. They're mad at the head of this, right? Don't worry, darling," the woman smiled at the girl and hugged her. "Next district will be easier, I promise."
Aveline was standing next to Alfie and the other two victors that the district had. But only the both of them were talking.
"Maybe I was wrong," she said.
"About what?"
"About her. I still have my suspicions, but- I realized today that maybe she's not like her husband."
"She's not. I told you."
"I saw her eyes looking at you earlier or now the way she's talking with Nina. You can't fake love. Nor the affection."
"I'm not that idiot either, to fall in love with a monster, Aveline. She's a good woman, she loves me as well and she does care for the kids. I wish you could know her better."
"One day."
"Yes, soon. You have the cookies, you'll understand better once you ate one. And use the recipe."
Same as happened with Tommy and Lucy, Aveline was intrigued by his behaviour but knowing Alfie's thoughts she didn't ask anything else and kept the box to opened it in her house.
If there was something good about visiting each one of the districts, at least for Alfie and Rose, it was the time they could spend together. The first moments they cared about the hairdresser and the makeup artist, but as the days passed, they didn't anymore. And it was usual to see them together, in arms of each other, Alfie usually holding her or sometimes resting his head on her lap, while she was caressing his hair.
It was raining in district 10 when they arrived. The floods that happened there a lot of years ago, crossed their minds, if that was the case then probably they won't be able to visit it, but luckily it was mild and an hour later, they'll be able to leave the train and go to the Justice palace. As always, it was Alfie who talked to the victors and in this case it was Eva who was waiting there.
"I… We have a similar box for Jack as well," he said to her when Eva accepted the cookies. "Try to convince them to bake, because I don't know if I'll succeed. Or maybe when, you know," Alfie lowered his voice "you're together you can do it together, when you find time."
"You're planning to do bad things," Eva said, "first the mysterious address, now this. How do you know I'll accept?"
"Because you're smart."
The man winked at her before paying attention to Nina who was going to the microphone in middle of the stage, once again.
"I'm in," Alfie heard her voice next to him.
"That's good, Ev."
Not all the districts received a box. Even when Alfie did know all of them he wasn't sure about the reception of their idea in some of them, so for now he only spoke with those he really knew.
Before they could realise, all the districts were visited. Only one remained: The Capitol.
Alfie found Rose in her compartment, the one they share, sitting on the sofa. Her eyes were full of tears and she was sobbing.
"Why are you sad?"
"I hate this. This," she said moving her arms, "the train, the distance, the prohibition. The system… I hate the system. Did you hear the word democracy?"
"Only in books. Banned books," he clarified.
"Me too. They said it worked, it has its flaws… but people somehow had freedom. But we were born in a world where restrictions are the norm. And it's fucked, so fucked up! After tomorrow is over. I can't see you again until next month and… I can't do it anymore Alfie, why? It's not fair. It's… I- Sometimes I fantasize about escaping and going with you. And after this trip, even more."
"It'd be worse, luv. Look at Eva and Jack. He risks his life to see her and the baby. At least we can see each other legally and often. You could protect Nina, something that other people can't do. But you're right. It's unfair. I wish you could escape, but you can't. Not now at least. But life can't be always so awful, pet. Come here," Alfie opened his arms and wrapped them around her. She clutched at his shirt. "It's okay, luv. We're still together."
"I love you."
"I love you, too, Rosie."
Alfie moved one of his hands to her head and caressed her hair, she hid her face on his neck.
"Alissa wants…" the door of that compartment opened, after few knocks and Alfie could see Nina's head.
"Tell Alissa to fuck off."
"I told her."
"Then tell it twice. Fucking hell, she can be a pain in the ass sometimes! I just want to spend time with me wife. Fuck it!"
"That's what I said but you know her. I'm sorry to interrupt."
Nina left without saying another word and Alfie tightened his embrace.
"Maybe she wanted to say something important," Rose said as she kissed his neck.
"No. She wants to remind me how to behave in front of Snow. Like I don't know what to do with that prick," Alfie lifted her skirt "but I can't. I don't have time for her bullishit. I have other priorities now."
Rose chuckled and removed his hands from her legs to take them in hers and guide him to their bed. Alfie was right, they still had time together.
By the time the sun started to shine again, the train was arriving to the Capitol. But lying together on the mattress, sleeping soundly, neither of them realised where they were until later when someone called them saying that the breakfast was ready.
The clothes that Nina wore the previous days had nothing to do with the dress that Rose prepared for her to the last night. That special moment in Snow's mansion. They expected to see something unique and that's what she did for her.
The mansion was full of people, lights and music when Nina and the rest arrived. They were willing to talk to her. The new victor. The new jewel.
A month before the victory tour.
Without Lawrence screwing her plans, Rose could offer for Nina as she and Alfie planned. Even when Lawrence's friend was making things really difficult.
As any new tribute, Nina's price started on a quarter of million dollars. And it was Matthew Sutton who made the initial offer for her.
And then it was another one that Rose didn't know. And Matthew again.
Same as Lawrence, Matthew was nothing but a waste of time for society. But they were willing to show how powerful they were.
She remained quiet, she was waiting the opportunity to pay and protect her. Even if the word used by Darius Armstrong was another one.
800 thousand dollars.
Two of the bidders gave up. It was not worth paying almost a million dollars for just a skinny girl. But Matthew wasn't ready to give up.
The offer reached the million and keep raising. But it was a pause after a million and a hundred thousand dollars.
"Quite an extraordinary number!" exclaimed Darius. "Any one else? Mr. Sutton, it seems this is your day! 1…2…".
"No it's not his day. The day and that girl… are mine." Rose finally spoke and made an offer that she knew Matthew could never match "Three millions."
"What? Hey! It's not fair! I… I was offering for her!! This bitch is mine!"
"Language, Mr. Sutton!" Darius pointed at him with his hammer "Mrs. Evert offered before I counted three. It's a valid offer."
"Pay more if you want her," dared the stylist.
"Fuck you! Fuck you!"
Matthew stood up and left the room slamming the door behind him.
Rose smiled. With luck, he was not showing his nose again for a long time.
Three millions was all she needed to keep Nina safe. And doubled it for doing it for another year. Alfie was going to be happy.
"Your husband is here?" Alfie asked approaching Rose at the table where was the food. Nina was dancing against her will with one of the me there. Alfie had an eye on him but his grumpy expression was probably enough for the man to understood that he needed to behave with her.
"I guess. Somewhere. Probably next to some politicians. Not Snow, Snow can't stand him. Probably the only thing we have in common."
"I'd like to meet him, ya know? And probably punch his face while greeting him."
She couldn't help but laugh "I'm sure you will. But," she whispered, "you know you're my only husband, right?"
"I do, luv."
He just squished her hand. Too many people, too many strangers looking around to do anything else.
A voice interrupted them. "Alfie!"
No. No.
Rose saw the panic in his eyes when he turned around and saw the woman who bought him a decade and a half ago. The old woman was wearing a pink dress and was holding a glass of wine in her hands.
"Alfie, my prince, it's me. Do you remember me? We spent a good time together years ago, handsome."
He didn't reply, he didn't move either. He was staring at her with hatred in his eyes.
"You don't need to be shy about that, baby. It was long time ago and…"
"Shut up!" Rose put herself in middle of them and pushed her away from him. "I said shut up. He's mine now, I paid a good money for him and I do whatever I want with him and my orders includes him not talking to anyone. So don't try, don't ever think try again to be next to him again, did you hear me?"
The woman opened her mouth but didn't say anything.
Nina who just arrived there had a perplexed expression in her face.
"Come with me, now" Rose ordered. "You too, Alfie."
Leading the way, she and both victors of district 9 and went out to the gardens. The smell of the white roses welcomed them.
"Can you explained me what the fuck is going on?" Nina demanded.
But this time Rose ignored her. Alfie was quiet and she had the idea that he was about to explode with furious in any minute. And that's what happened.
A bench that was there ended upside down and some rocks, heavy enough to broke a skull ended up on the other side of the garden.
"Alfie, Al… sweetheart. Al…" Rose put a hand on his arm and he stopped but he wasn't calm at all.
"Why!! Why the fuck she's still here! Why the fuck she's still alive!"
"I don't know. Life is not fair, Al. It's… I don't know. I don't even know what to say."
When he sat down on the cold floor, Rose knelt down next to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry, Al. I wasn't expecting to see her here, you know. I didn't think about that. She's disgusting, she… I'm sorry, sweetheart. And what I said to her… I hate the word 'paid' but I needed to say something. She was…- Al."
"I do. I knew her the first year I came here. She was so horrible, the words she used… how proud she is. I never told you because I couldn't. And the following years I simply ignored her. It never occurred to me that tonight, she…"
"I know, Rosie. You know her..."
"Not your fault, luv. Not your fault." Alfie put his head in his hands and stayed there.
Nina, the only one who remained on her feet, was staring at both of them trying to understand something.
"You need to know something. And it's not pleasant at all…" Rose said looking at her.
And finally Nina knew what was happening and by the time Rose stopped talking, Nina was sitting next to them as well. The dress that Rose made for her was wet because of the snow around them, but she didn't care.
"I never knew that Lawrence was part of that," Rose said, "never, until Alfie told me the first year I knew him. And it wasn't until a couple of years ago that I could be part of that and I could…"
"She could buy me. Because as Snow said 'any member of the Capitol can do that with any victor.'" Alfie said. "But I agreed with that. I consent it, of course I did."
"But you didn't consent this woman…" Nina talked more for herself than the rest. "I'm sorry, Alfie. I do, I'm sorry. No one deserves that."
"It's okay, kid. Long time ago."
"She'll pay for it, Alfie. I swear to God, she'll pay for it."
Rose also told Nina that even when she didn't say that it was okay, now Nina was safe with them now.
"I understand, it's okay. Thanks."
"You don't need to thank me. If I let him to put a hand on you i simply couldn't live with myself. I couldn't allow it."
Nina nodded. It wasn't the protocol and probably Alissa will be pissed off, but they didn't care. The rest of the night they stayed outside until it was time to them to go back to district 9.
This time only Alfie and Nina got in, the rest remained in the platform. It wasn't the night they were expecting.
He was about to kiss Rose on the cheek when she moved her face and their lips met. For a few seconds they kissed as they were alone.
"See you soon, luv."
"Take care, right?" Rose tried to ignore the lump in her throat "and I see you soon, Al."
He caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead before getting in the train. Sadness and a sense of injustice was stuck in the hearts of all of them.
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evilvvithin · 2 years
Track you down
Pairing: yautja (feral) x f!reader 
Warnings: gore | blood | violence | killing | x yautja so.. monster horniness | sexual tension | alcohol mention | size difference 
Summary: What could happen during an ordinary dog walk?
Words: 2,497
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Notes: Not set 300 years in the past but nowadays world (not directly 2022 in particular, just modern times in general). I’ve never written anything that wasn’t about slashers so I didn’t want to fully jump straight into some monster fuckery and just came up with this even though I’m goddamn horny for feral boy. Call this a warm up for upcoming future fics about him.
Planned this as a one shot, but seeing how it turned out I think the second chapter would be essential. Depends yet on feedback mood and everything.
Slamming the doors behind you, you rushed home. It was a Friday evening and you finally finished work. The only thing you wished for now was to enjoy some time with your dog waiting patiently for you at home. 
He was wagging his tail like crazy like you've been gone for months and not just a few hours. Swapping your bag for dog leash, both of you left the house and headed towards the forest. It wasn't really near where you lived, but it wasn't far either. 
You loved to go there whenever you had a chance, to clear your mind and relax while breathing in the nice fresh air. The forest was always silent and calm with occasional bird chirping and leaves moving around due to wind. You expected to hear some yelling from a distance since it was friday and some people loved to party away from the town, but it was more silent than during normal weekdays. You didn’t think much about it, you were here to chill after all.
As you walked deeper into the forest your usual route, the usual bird chirps turned into clicking noise. You furrowed your eyebrows at the noise, it sounded really weird. Out of place. You couldn’t think of anything that would resemble the noise, you never heard anything quite like that before. 
"Just my imagination." 
You said it out loud and your dog turned back at you and tilted his head. You smiled and grabbed a random stick laying next to you, throwing it into a distance. He ran after it quicker than a bullet, bringing it back to you within a single blink of an eye.
"Good boy!"
Patting his head you grabbed the stick out of his mouth and threw it again, further this time. Wasting no time he followed it, but suddenly stopped in the middle of his run.  He loved this activity and he followed whatever you threw no matter the circumstances. The fact he stopped like that and didn't want to go further was weird. His ears were rapidly shaking as they followed some sound you couldn't hear. His behaviors made you feel uneasy and you called him back to you. He hesitated until you yelled the command for a third time, finally rushing to you and looking behind him a couple of times. 
"Let's go a different way."
You had a weird feeling of someone's eyes burrowing into the back of your neck and the hair on your arms stood up. You didn't see nor hear anything, yet the uncomfortable feeling didn't go away. Your dog constantly looking back like he was on guard only made the feeling stronger. Your pace increased to almost jogging. On the nearest pathway split you decided to go right instead of left. It was shorter but you didn't like going through there. The forest got darker around you and more dense you could barely see the sky. Your dog seemed calmer now, whatever was back there must've been gone by now. 
Walking peacefully for several minutes, loud shouting cut through the air. Drunk shouting. Once you got closer, the trees disappeared and you were met with a decently big grass area. You didn't remember it being here at all, but it was some time since you walked this route. Right in the middle there was a bench, surrounded by 5 drunk men. You called your dog to you so you can pass by them together. Drunk people scared you, especially drunk young men in groups like that. Every encounter you've had with them so far, they were only vulgar and aggressive, shouting all kinds of stuff at you. With a dog right by your side, you felt way better. You cursed yourself for choosing this path. Whatever animal made those clicking noises before and made you feel so uneasy would leave you alone. Nothing dangerous lived in this area anyway.
Thinking about your precious encounter, you heard the noise again and this time it seemed closer. Your dog was on alert, sniffing the air rapidly. 
"Hey! Kitty!"
The drunks finally noticed you and the smell of alcohol hit your nose. Inhaling deeply, you ignored them and the clicking noise and kept walking. 
"Look at her! Dude!"
"Wait, wait. Come on!"
They slowly got up from the bench and blocked the path in front of you. You had plenty of space to just walk around them but you already didn't like where it was going. 
"You can't just leave, kitty!"
One of them grabbed your arm, laughing. Your dog immediately growled loud, exposing his teeth. 
"Let go-"
A loud noise stopped you mid sentence. It was like a shot, deafening. You knew your dog was scared of loud noises like these, you always had a hard time during New Year fireworks. He wasn't by your side anymore. He got scared, ran away in panic. 
Those drunks acted like they didn't hear anything at all.
"Who's gonna protect you now, huh? Let's have some fun!"
Their laugh vibrated in your ears. All you thought about was finding your dog.  
"Let go of my hand or you might regret it."
Your voice was calm and low, you really didn't want any trouble. You took self defense and fighting lessons which these guys didn't know. Seeing them, you knew you could easily take them down if you needed. 
"Regret it?"
Another round of laughter was heard and the rest of them started to surround you. When you wiggled your arm off the man's grip, another one grabbed your shoulders from behind. Within a second, you lowered yourself and threw your elbow into the guy's stomach, kicking the guy in front of you hard into his knee. Both of them growled in pain and anger.
"You little bitch!" 
Another one of them grabbed you from behind and pushed you to the side, making you fall. Your eyes widened as you realized you bumped into what seemed like an invisible wall instead of falling to the ground. The clicking noise was loud now, right in your ear. You felt hot air on the top of your head, reminding you of someone breathing. 
"Get her!"
The man who pushed you before sprinted at you. Moving out of the way, you tried to just run away from all that but before you could get any further, the man landed on your back making you hit the ground with his weight on top of you. The air got knocked out of your lungs and you gasped for it. Breathing heavily from the fall, the man got up and turned you around with his foot, holding you down by placing it on your stomach.
"Time for fun, boys?"
You closed your eyes, calming yourself down and regaining the access to the air and strength. You heard them laughing again and dug your nails into the guy's leg, making him curse and let go of you to soothe the pain. 
You heard low growling through his cursing, followed by faint shimmering of electricity. As you stood up to be ready to defend yourself again, you saw a red glow from the corner of your eye. Red laser jumping on you and the man. 
"Hey bro what's that?"
They weren't laughing anymore but instead sobered up suddenly, looking around themselves frantically. The red lasers were starting in the middle of air, high above the ground. They had seemingly no source. One of them waved his hand through the lasers. Nothing happened. He walked forward, following the red line, before his hand bumped into something invisible. 
Everything happened so fast. He gasped in shock and then choked on his own blood, as a large sword-like blade pierced through his chest like it was butter. You froze in place and weren't able to react. Everyone around screamed their lungs out but you were too deep in the forest for anyone else to help you. You saw something shimmering with red and then you saw it. The invisible wall you bumped into earlier, the source of the unnerving clicking sound. The creature was uncloaking, partly covered in blood. 
One of the men tried to run away but was quickly caught up by a net, pinning him to the ground and tightening around his body. The creature moved its mandibles making a deep growling sound as it watched the net tighten more and more, cutting into the man's skin. It seems pleased, enjoying it. You tried to yell to run but no sound came out of your throat. The creature grabbed another guy by his neck and slashed his throat with blades it had attached to its gauntlet. Slashing a few more times, the head stayed in its hand while the body fell onto the ground with a loud thump. It threw the decapitated head into the direction of another one of the men creating a bone cracking noise as it landed on his head, making him fall lifeless to the ground.
Your mouth opened wide in shock, you watched the last guy getting speared and raised in the air as if he weighed nothing. It threw him to the ground with such force you heard bones cracking. While the man was gasping for air, unable to get any due to blood flooding his lungs, the thing used its gauntlet to cut the skin on his back. Up and down, up and down. It then borrowed its hand inside and slowly pulled out his spine. 
Your stomach was twitching at the sound of flesh and bones. At everything you just saw. The creature seemed to nod at the spine after it managed to fully pull it out undamaged, observing it like some kind of a trophy. You've seen hunters do it after they shot some majestic deer or so. It remembered you were still there and turned its head to you, standing up to face you at its full height. 
You could've run a long time ago or at least tried to, but seeing what happened to the men you knew you wouldn't get far at all. You couldn't escape this thing. Fighting it wasn't an option either. It had inhuman strength and lots of weapons you've never seen before. 
It stood in front of you, slowly tilting its head. Was it thinking about how to kill you? You observed his gauntlets and brownish skin, covered in blood. Black thin dreadlocks falling onto its shoulders. And then the mask it had. Reassembling an animal skull, it was covering the whole face except mandibles. You noticed there were no eye holes but it seemed to see perfectly. Maybe it had some built in vision? 
You felt your legs again and took a step back, to which the creature took multiple steps forward. Your heart was racing. Was it playing with you? Why weren't you dead already? 
"Do something!"
You yelled at it, not able to bear the tension and silence anymore. If you were about to die, you wanted it to be quick. The creature made some kind of a purr noise and walked towards you, grabbing your neck. Did it understand what you said or did the yelling trigger it? You felt the wetness under its hand from all the blood it was covered in. Letting go of the spine, its other hand grabbed some of your long hair and seemed to inspect them. A chilling sensation ran up your back. Was it smelling them?!
Your vision became blurry, it wasn't choking you but it wasn't holding you gently either. The survival instinct kicked in and you dug your fingers with all force into its hand in an attempt to lower its grasp. It didn't even notice. You formed a fist and lunged towards its face. It stopped you by grabbing your wrist with ease and groaned at your action. It lowered the pressure on your throat and breathed in heavily, while your wrist was being crushed in its other hand. This time he pulled your hand to its face, inspecting it the same way as your hair before. 
Your fear was gone at this point, if it truly wanted to kill you, you'd be dead by now. Only feeling left was the uneasy one from the unknown. Uneasy and turned on. The feelings mixed together, leaving you confused. You were calm now in its hold, not resisting anymore. The creature seemed to be pleased and let go of your neck. It trailed its claws down your neck, leaving little scratches on its way. Rather than thinking about what just happened, your mind filled with the thought of how tall, ripped and strong this thing was. 
"What are you?"
Your voice was silent. It purred back at you in a rhythm that sounded like it was mimicking your speech, tilting its head once again. Releasing the hold of you, it walked towards a red bloody mess on the ground that used to be a human not so long ago and dug in to find its net weapon. It was now just a small disc object with a couple of red lights. You stood in place, watching it, fearless. It walked back to you and handed you another disc shaped object which looked identical to the net weapon. You hesitated for a long time, was it giving you a weapon?
"Thank you."
Grabbing it from its hand, it beeped twice. The creature stroked your cheek with its sharp claw, just like normal people do. 
It growled the word, barely understandable and left a bloody scratch on your cheek. You just blinked, not understanding anything. Squeezing the disc in your hands, you watched it pick the spine with the head still attached to it back up and then cloaking itself. You heard the typical clicking sound for a moment still, before it fully disappeared in the distance. Was it gone? Was it watching you still?
Dog barking woke you up from your thoughts and you saw your dog sprinting to you, wagging his tail. 
What did it mean? Yautja? 
You looked around and fought the urge to vomit at all the flesh, blood and organs surrounding you. You didn't only feel disgust, but also heat. Not from the fear or dead bodies but different type of heat from the encounter with the creature. You felt like your body was burning. You felt confused but privileged it let you live, almost wishing it stayed longer so you could get to know what it was. 
You couldn't tell anyone about this, no one would believe you. You had to get away now, pretending like you just came back from an average walk with your dog. There was a small lake nearby you used to wash away the blood it left on your neck and hands. The scratch on your cheek was still slightly bleeding and burning. Clenching your fist around the beeping disc, you sprinted towards home as fast as you could. 
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