#like i know i need to slow down and learn different poses n stuff but at the same time
prawns-potion-brews · 9 months
🤍 “ Dance with me, mi amor! Dance with me on this fine night like it’ll be our last! “ 🤍
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Pardon my absence again ,, I bring a little practice sketch.
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angelmavmurdock · 3 years
The Boy Next Door
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inexperienced!reader x stoner!tom
(inspired by Ginny and Georgia)
The new house was a lot bigger than our last house. But of course that's due to my mother marrying a man 30 years older than her who owns some workout company. She's a gold digger is what I'm trying to say. Ever since I can remember, whatever guy she was dating dictated where we would live, where my brother and I would go to school, what I'd wear, how I'd act and even what friends I had. Or, lack there of. Always being the 'new girl' was beginning to get exhausting so I never really had friends. If I gained any friends then I knew that we'd get close then I'd move and we'd stay in touch for about a month before they move on and forget about me.
y/n. Always the new girl.
"y/n would you help us, please?" Mum asked in an annoyed tone, brushing past me with a box in her hands.
I rolled my eyes and sighed, walking to the car and beginning to lift stuff out and into the house. It was a huge driveway - unnecessarily large - and everyone on the street was the same. Everyone in the town was the same. It was a rich, suburban area. No place I hadn't seen before but we definitely didn't belong. My Mum just shapeshifted into whoever she thought Greg would want. Greg being my 'step-dad'. He's 63. My Mum is 33. How is that even allowed.
We unloaded everything from the cars and waited on the trucks arriving with everything else. Cameron and I scuffed our shoes as we strolled through the huge house, taking in everything and familiarising ourselves with our new home.
"I'm so glad I'm not at school anymore because being in a class with snobby assholes like these people would be shit." Cameron said, crossing his arms as he gestured to the family across the road.
I walked over to him and watched too. A family of 5 - two girls, one boy, Mum and a Dad - were dressed rather nicely in dresses and suits. They came out of their house and waltzed to their Tesla nonchalantly with their noses in the air. The eldest girl looked around my age. She would probably be in some of my classes.
"I'm not looking forward to Monday." I groaned.
We stood in comfortable silence, watching the Tesla inquisitively as it drove off with the family inside.
"Trucks arrived!" Mum called from the front door.
We both shared our sibling look with one another then walked back out with reluctance. Mum was standing in the middle of the driveway with her hands on her hips, watching as Greg approached the van and signed some forms off. Cameron and I walked down and stood either side of her. She grinned and wrapped her arms around us, rubbing both our backs simultaneously.
"I've got a good feeling about this, guys." She took a deep breath.
"At least someone does." I remarked.
She ignored the comment and we watched Greg do practically nothing. I mean he was basically an ancient artefact.
"I've heard your new school is wonderful. The pass grade levels are insanely good and there's a lot of people there to befriend." Mum spoke positively.
"My last 6 schools also had a lot of people to befriend but of course, I always lose them because we move so bloody much." I clenched my jaw.
"Well...this time it's different."
I scoffed, "You always say that."
"I swear this time!"
"And that!"
"y/n I don't know what you want me to do. Greg is a great guy who is supporting us fully! I mean, look at this place! Surely you can't be mad we're living here." Mum shook her head, removing her arm from my waist.
"I'd rather live in a box with just you two than live in a huge house with some random guy in a town I hate." I argued then stormed away dramatically up the driveway.
I got into the house and slammed the door, grabbing the banister and stomping up the flight of stairs. There was one flight then a landing then another flight. This house was too bloody big.
I finally found what was meant to be my new room and slammed that door shut. Just for good measure. I huffed and sighed as I leaned my back against the white, wooden door.
The room was stark white and empty, only a bay window to give some character. I might hate Greg and my mother and this whole situation but I loved this bay window. I snaked in between the boxes and suitcases and sat on the wooden ledge. I kicked my shoes off before sitting my feet up and watching outside. My room faced the front of the house so I could see the movers offloading furniture and boxes off while Greg stood helplessly.
I groaned and leaned my head back, closing my eyes, just wanting to crawl into a shell and hide.
A slam of a car door forced my eyelids open and I jumped slightly.
"Where do you think you're going?!"
I heard a woman's voice from outside. I looked outside curiously, scanning the street with my eyes to find where the noise was coming from. It finally caught my eye and I had to sit up and switch sides of the window to look properly.
A red-headed woman and a curly headed boy were standing in the driveway.
Our next door neighbours apparently.
The boy was around my age, maybe a little older. He stumbled a little as he walked up the drive, his mother - I think - watching from behind her car door.
"I'm going to bed!" He shouted back.
"Not now you're not, you have to talk to me, Thomas!" She shouted, slamming her own car door.
He hung his head on his shoulders, "I need to sleep, mum."
"Well I just had to bail you out of jail for marijuana possession and use so you better talk to me."
Oof, I thought. He was a stoner. A criminal basically. But he was attractive from what you could see. Dark brown curly hair, tall enough, a sharp jawline, a good body from where I was sitting and a good style too - a hoodie with a denim jacket and jeans. But he was my neighbour. And a stoner.
"Mum can we just talk later?" He pleaded, running a hand through his hair.
"Tom we will talk about this right now." She said sternly.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, turning his back to her and walking away. I watched him with a slight smile. He really was attractive.
"Thomas Holland you get back here right now!" His mother shouted.
"When I'm not on drugs, I'll talk." He stated.
His mother stuttered then just grunted in annoyance, allowing him to go inside.
I kept my eyes on him, my smile still on my face as he started to walk into his house. He suddenly turned his head with a confused expression then looked up. Straight at me through my window.
I froze in shock, eyes widening, mouth parting. He slowly smirked and nodded his head at me before going inside.
I sunk off the window ledge in humiliation, snaking to the floor and mumbling how stupid I was and how embarrassing that was.
"y/n! Come meet your neighbour!" Mum shouted up.
My ears perked up then I leaped up to look out the bay window. The boy next door's mum was standing outside, chatting to my mum.
I hardly learned anything talking to his mum. Her name was Nikki Holland, she had a husband named Dominic who was a comedian and a writer. She was a photographer. Along with Tom - the oldest - she had three other sons: twins named Harry and Sam and then Paddy who was a good bit younger. I can't remember the exact age. My mum had nosily asked her about Tom and that was the only part I listened to.
"He's 18,"
"Dropped out of school last year,"
"Says he wants to be an actor,"
"Oh today? He got in trouble from the police about...you know what, that isn't important."
"You look so young to be a mother to a teenager. How old are you?"
"And you're 18, too?" "Still in school?" "What do you want to do?" "Ah, smart girl."
The conversation was brief and slightly awkward. She was clearly stressed about Tom and his situation so I slid out of the engagement pretty fast and escaped up to my room.
During the entirety of the weird conversation, the movers had put my bed, mattress and desk into my room. It felt a lot more homier.
It was the next night and I had finished dinner and immediately gone upstairs. I was not participating in any sort of 'family time'. I sat down on my bed and scrolled through my phone aimlessly.
A thump outside drew my attention away and I looked to my right at the regular window which faced our neighbours house.
I sat up and squinted to see out into the dark. It was Tom. He was halfway out his window.
I didn't even realise our windows faced each other. And here he was, one leg out the window and his other following on. He had thrown a backpack down which caused the dull thump on the grass - which I only assume contains weed - and now he was escaping his house.
I got out of bed and walked to the glass, peeking out to see what he was doing.
He climbed impressively down the wall and jumped the last few metres, landing in a Spider-Man like pose. Admirable, I thought as he picked up his back pack and slid a skateboard out from a bush. He brushed it off then slotted it under his armpit.
He was sporting a black t-shirt with a dog-tag necklace and some distressed deep blue jeans with a denim jacket over top and a baseball cap placed on backwards that sat on top of his curly head of hair.
He looked around in case he was going to get caught then looked up. Directly at me. Again.
This time I didn't shy away. I just made a gesture and mouthed 'what the fuck?' then he laughed to himself and looked back up at me.
'Don't be so nosy, neighbour', he mouthed.
I squinted and shook my head in disapproval. He just smirked boyishly then walked to his driveway where he flipped his skateboard and skated off into the night.
I gulped and sat back on my bed, feeling my heart rate slow back down.
But curiosity filled my brain.
Where was he going?
Just as Sunday night came around, I had finished decorating my room. My pictures and paintings hung on the wall, along with some mirrors to fill the blank space of the white walls. My bed was cosy and was filled with throw blankets, fluffy sheets and way too many pillows. My desk was organised and my laptop sat atop the white surface, making it look a lot more professional than I had anticipated.
I had turned my bay window into a reading nook. A few blankets lay on the ledge and a couple pillows too, along with my current read.
I had seen Tom sneak out a few nights ago but I tried to stay away from the regular window, only ever sitting on the bay one because I couldn't see Toms room from there.
However, it didn't shield me from him completely.
I would see him outside in their front garden playing games with his brothers and sometimes I'd watch them from just over the top of my book. The way he played with their dog was cute. I had gathered her name was Tessa and I knew she was a staffy because we used to have one. He'd throw balls or sticks for her and sometimes she'd clamber on top of him with excitement. He'd dodge her licks but still clap her because she was excited after all.
Every once in a while he'd catch me looking down at him or I'd catch him looking up at me. Whenever it happened, it seemed as if everyone and everything disappeared. Like it was just us. Tunnel view. But then one of us would look away or stick the middle finger up or mouth 'fuck off'. Our unusual and silent rivalry was the closest thing to a friend I'd had in years.
But now, Mum, Greg and Cameron were going out to a nice dinner to celebrate the first week of living here. I thought it was an incredibly stupid idea so I decided to stay home alone and eat pizza.
They all left and Cameron immediately texted me.
Cammando: I hate you for leaving me
y/n: your fault not mine :)
I didn't really know what to do. I walked around the house and asked Alexa to play some songs but I couldn't be bothered dancing. I wasn't really in a dancing mood.
I just gave up and went back upstairs into my room. My windows were still open so before I got changed I went to close them and put down the blinds. I closed the bay window and then I went to the next one.
I looked straight ahead into Toms room and my jaw dropped.
He was hopping and hyping himself up in front of a punch bag...shirtless with gloves on. I watched as he punched the bag skilfully, moving his feet as if it was a choreographed routine. His damp curly hair hung onto his forehead and I could see glimpses of airpods in his ears. His back muscles tightened and flexed as he threw punches.
He moved around the bag and now I could see the front of him. He had a very visible six pack. I definitely didn't expect that from the stoner boy next door. If I thought he was attractive before...now I don't even know what I would call him.
Otherworldly, perhaps?
He suddenly looked up and I gasped, turning and slamming my back against the wall next to the window, wincing at the pain. Hopefully he didn't see me...
It was creepy to be staring at him. I shouldn't have done it.
I peeked back and he was back to beating the poor punch bag.
God, he was so hot.
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks and ears, burning with lust. I gulped and looked away, closing the blind to stop myself from looking anymore.
I got changed into shorts and a burgundy Cambridge University jumper that used to belong to my Dad. He gave it to me the first time he properly left for a while and I still have it even though I see him more often.
I hopped downstairs and played some music while I sorted the pizza and chips out to eat.
I sat and ate while listening to music. Once I was finished, I cleaned everything up then went back upstairs into my room, shutting the door behind me and jumping onto my bed.
I scrolled through tiktok aimlessly, just filling the time before it was an acceptable hour to go to bed as a teenager.
I switched apps to Instagram when I lay on my side, my back facing my windows. I scrolled through for a while but a certain picture caught my eye.
I had to blink a few times to really look.
It was my so called 'best friend' who I hadn't talked to since I moved twice after befriending her and my ex-boyfriend. My ex. My only boyfriend I've ever had. My first kiss, my first date...my first time. My only time. We only had sex twice. Three if you count foreplay but I faked it. Actually I faked it all of the times. He was never good at it and I had no idea how to go about telling him because to be honest, I had no idea what to do either.
But my ex-best friend and my ex-boyfriend? She didn't even tell me. She didn't even think to ask me.
They were dressed nicely and holding each other's waists. It looked a little awkward but most of those pictures are because they are being taken by parents.
I looked through the comments.
OMG! Hot couple alert! You two are the cutest just marry already yall are too happy it's been the best year of my life baby
"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, sitting up sharply.
They had been together for a YEAR.
"Ugh!" I groaned and threw my phone across my room, hearing it basically break against the wooden floor.
"Rough night?" A voice spoke from my window.
I screamed, jumping with fear and successfully landing my ass on the floor.
I panicked and grabbed the first thing I could use as a weapon. A glass of water. It would have to do.
I quickly flung the water at the intruder, "WHAT THE FUCK, GET OUT!" I screamed, my eyes closed tightly in fear.
I heard the water splash over them but they still came in. I just threw the glass at them. It thumped against them dully and then crashed onto the floor.
I slowly opened one eye and looked up at the figure who had just entered my room.
It was Tom.
He was in a grey t-shirt and black basketball shorts with a baseball cap placed on backwards, a backpack thrown over his shoulder.
He was taller than me by a few inches but we were basically at eye level.
"I was clearly looking for some company but you then threw water over me and then a literal glass." He spoke calmly, wiping a hand over his wet face.
"How the hell are you being so calm about this?! You just intruded into my home!" I exclaimed.
"Well, darling, I have a thing called weed. It's great for calming you down. You clearly need some." He slung his bag around and went to open it.
"W-what? No, I'm not smoking weed!"
He sighed and slung his bag back, "Well, why are you being so uptight about this I just wanted to say hello." He smiled boyishly.
I licked my teeth in annoyance. He was so fucking attractive but he was so fucking annoying and I didn't even know him.
"You need to get out. I didn't invite you in here so you are not welcome." I stated, crossing my arms.
"Okay, yes. But also- my mother nearly just caught me sneaking out so it's a cover if she comes round here."
"Why would she come here?" I asked.
"Because she's a mad woman who hates me having a life apparently."
"You're an 18 year old who sneaks out of the house to smoke weed. I wouldn't call that a life." I remarked.
He smirked, "You know what, I like you."
He sat his bag down then started to walk slowly around my room, inspecting my pictures and decorations intricately.
I stuttered, not knowing how to react to this whole situation.
"I'm sorry, what the hell are you doing?" I asked, brows furrowed.
"You're quite an interesting person, I must say."
I sighed and shook my head at the ceiling.
"Ah, this makes sense." He picked up one of my camera's.
I scoffed, "What's that supposed to mean?"
He sat it down and picked up the next one, shrugging with a smug smirk.
"You like looking at things."
I gulped, red rushing to my cheeks.
"Clearly very beautiful things." He said, referring to my pictures on the walls.
"I'm just honoured I'm one of them."
I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "You wish you were."
"Oh but I am, aren't I?" He challenged, sitting my camera down.
I licked my back teeth and watched with heavy breath as he paced towards me slowly.
"I've never taken a picture of you before." I said matter-of-factly.
"You might not have but you definitely love a good stare, don't you?" He asked, his left eyebrow quirked cockily.
I noticed the unusualness of it and then looked into his dark, dilated eyes.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said quietly.
He laughed lowly, "So you weren't staring at me earlier when I was working out?"
I stuttered as we came face to face.
"You're stubborn but I feel like I know you," He placed his fingers under my chin, tracing up my jaw and to my ear where he tucked some of my hair behind.
"Because I've been looking at you, too." He whispered.
I practically melted and a whimper left my mouth, eyes rolling back.
He chuckled, "Already needy for me I see."
I looked up at him as his thumb swiped over my lips.
This whole situation was insane. I didn't even know how we got here. I didn't know how to feel, either. I had never been turned on like this before.
He slowly pushed his thumb into my mouth and I moaned around it, tasting his skin.
"Good girl." He praised, taking his thumb out and replacing it with his tongue.
I moaned again, feeling his lips on mine. His hands gripped my waist and I tangled my fingers into his hair.
He tasted of weed but I didn't mind it at all. He pushed me backwards until I hit the wall next to my bed. He gripped my hips tightly and I kept my hands in his hair. He must have gone for a shower since his workout because he smelled fresh and clean and his hair was damp.
I couldn't believe I was doing this. I was kissing a stranger. Who climbed into my room.
"Wait-" He pulled away briefly.
"Is your family home?" He asked.
"No, they're out all night." I answered breathlessly.
He smirked, "Good."
He suddenly lifted me up and I squealed, automatically wrapping my legs around his taut torso.
His tongue slipped between my lips again and I welcomed it. He lay me down on my bed and started to kiss down to my jaw and my neck.
I gasped and tugged his hair when he started kissing a certain spot on my skin. He got the message that I liked it and started licking and sucking on it. I arched my back slightly, moaning as he worked his tongue and lips on my skin.
He left the spot on my neck but kissed over my skin as he started to lift my jumper up. Panic and nerves suddenly settled in and I grabbed his hands, stopping his movements.
"You alright?" He asked breathlessly.
I swallowed, "I uh...I've never-"
His eyes widened, "You're a virgin?"
"No, no. I've had sex it just...it just wasn't that great." I bit my lip nervously.
He encased my lips in his and I relaxed to his touch.
"Do you want to?" He asked against my lips.
"Yes, fuck yes." I practically moaned into his mouth.
"I just need you to guide me through it." I said in between kisses.
He pulled away, "I can do that." He smiled.
He started to lift my jumper off and this time I let him. I sat up and he removed it, throwing it off the bed. He admired the pink bralette I was wearing and immediately pressed his lips and tongue to the valley of my breasts. He nipped and sucked on my skin and I moaned as he palmed one of my boobs while leaving marks on the other.
He came back up and kissed me again but flipped us over so I was now on top. He sat up and shuffled back against my headboard and pulled me onto his lap.
He brushed my hair off my shoulders and cupped my chin, taking me in.
"D'you wanna try riding my thigh?" He asked lowly.
I gulped, "S-sure."
He smirked and I straddled his left thigh, holding his shoulders.
"Just rock your hips back and forwa-"
"Fuck," I moaned, the rubbing of the different materials causing my core to clench.
"Does that feel good?" He asked, his breath fanning over my face.
His hands rested on my hips and he helped my movements.
"Feels so good." I moaned.
"Yeah? You like riding my thigh?" He prompted, his hands making me speed up.
I fisted the material of his shirt in my hands as my mouth fell agape with pleasure.
"Riding my thigh like such a good girl." He praised.
"Fuck!" I hung my head back, his words going straight to my core.
He chuckled cockily, "D'you like when I call you that? Huh?"
I nodded, too flustered with these new senses of pleasure to speak.
His hand travelled up into my hair and tugged on it by my roots. A louder moan than I would have liked escaped my lips.
"I asked you a question, answer me." He said sternly.
"Fuck! Yes, I love it when you call me that." I answered pathetically.
"Good girl." He praised, letting go of my hair and rocking my hips on him.
I felt an immense amount of pleasure build up and it felt as if something was going to snap in me.
"Oh shit, I- fuck!" I furrowed my brows in concentration and confusion.
"R'you gonna cum, darling?" He asked, almost shocked.
"I don't- fuck - know!" I moaned, feeling the knot inside my stomach about to snap.
But before that could even happen I was being flipped back onto my back and Tom was ripping off my shorts and panties, diving in between my legs with lust.
His hands held my thighs and brought me closer to him. His lips attached to my clit and sucked, giving me a whole new feeling.
"Oh, fuck! Yes! Yes!" I moaned shamelessly, tugging his hair and fisting the bedsheets.
"Go on, darling. Cum in my mouth for me. Taste so good. Please, love."
The mixture between his words and his nicknames for me and the fact his mouth was working wonders on my core completely sent me over the edge: an experience I had never had before.
"Holy shit! Tom! Yes!" I subconsciously tightened my thighs around his head and my hands practically pushed him completely onto me.
He continued riding me through my high until I unclenched my thigh and he pulled away slowly.
I lay breathless and in a state of shock and euphoria at the same time.
"You okay?" He asked soothingly, rubbing his hand over my bare thigh as he came up to kiss me.
"Yeah I've...I've never-"
"You've never came before?" Tom asked, baffled by me.
He kept his eyes on me but slipped a hand down to my core again. I bucked my hips against his hand with a gasp as he moved his fingers in circles over my core.
"You've never even touched yourself?" He asked lowly.
I bit my lip and shook my head.
"You're so wet for me, darling, fuck." He cursed.
He suddenly dipped a finger into my core and I moaned. He curled it up and I gripped his arm tightly.
"What d'you want?" He asked.
"I want you, Tom, please." I bit my lip.
He smiled and sat back, his hand coming away from my clit, leaving me feeling empty. He shed his shirt and I finally got to look at his chiselled torso up close. He then slid his shorts and boxers off and my jaw dropped at the sight of him.
He was semi-hard but he was already bigger than my ex. A lot bigger.
He pumped his member in his hand, "You sure about this?"
I stuttered, completely distracted by his actions than his words.
"What? You like the look of it? Hmm? Wanna suck me off?" He asked, his hand cupping my chin and sliding his thumb into my mouth again.
I moaned at his words and nodded.
"You want to suck me off, darling? You sure?" He asked, removing his thumb.
"Yes, fuck Tom, I wanna suck you off." I moaned.
"Good girl." He praised.
We switched positions so he was sitting against the headboard and now I was in between his legs.
"I don't know how to..." I said shakily.
"You're okay," He gathered my hair up in his hands.
"Do whatever feels natural and I'll tell you if it's good, yeah?"
I nodded and gulped, moving my mouth closer to his member. I pumped him in my hand a few times and I could almost feel him harden right there. I had done this part before, at least.
I lowered my mouth onto him, swirling my tongue around his lip. He hissed slightly and gripped my hair tighter. I slowly let my mouth down on him and came back up.
"That's it, good girl." He praised.
I moaned and continued bobbing my head slowly on him, finding a rhythm. I held his thigh for support as I got faster, easing into it.
"Fuck, darling, feels so good." He groaned.
The taste of him in my mouth was amazing, pre cum already escaping onto my tongue.
I slackened my jaw and took as much of him as I could then pumped the rest in my hand.
"Holy shit! Fuck!" He held my head there and thrusted up.
His member hit the back of my throat but I didn't mind it at all. He made sure I was okay then did it again. And again. And again. Until he was continuously throat fucking me. I enjoyed it, surprisingly. The obscene sounds my mouth was making was not only making Tom more aroused, but also me.
I felt some drool drip down from my mouth onto my chin and even onto his lower stomach but I didn't care.
"Fuck, love those pretty little sounds coming from your throat, baby." He groaned.
I moaned, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.
"Such a good girl."
But then he pulled me off of him. I looked at him in confusion but he flipped me onto my back sooner than I could say anything.
"Need to be in you before I cum, princess." He said, kissing me deeply, his tongue exploring my mouth.
"Ready?" He asked.
I felt his tip brush up and down my folds. I gripped his arms and nodded, closing my eyes to concentrate.
"Hey, look at me." He said.
I looked up into his gorgeous chocolate eyes.
"Breathe in," He instructed.
I did as he said.
"And out."
As I breathed out, he pushed into me slowly.
I moaned and arched my back at the feeling of him inside of me. His technique worked.
"You okay?" He asked caringly.
I nodded, biting my lip.
"You can move."
He started thrusting slowly in and out of me, my arousal making it a lot easier for him to move.
"So fuckin' tight, darling." He cursed.
I wrapped my thighs around his waist and he bottomed me out.
"Yes!" I moaned, my back arching so our chests were touching.
"Does that feel good?" He asked.
I hummed, "Faster, please."
He smirked, "As you wish."
His thrusts got gradually faster and my mouth hung open in a silent moan. He brushed past my g-spot with every movement and I scraped his back with my finger nails.
"So fucking good," I gasped.
He sped his thrusts completely and his head fell into the crook of my neck, leaving sloppy kisses on my skin.
"So big! Yes!" I moaned pornographically as he perfectly met my g-spot.
He reached a hand down and started rubbing my clit in skilful circles. I screamed out in overwhelming pleasure as I felt the now familiar feeling come back in my stomach.
"So good for me, darling. Been such a good girl. You gonna cum?" Tom whispered his praises into my ear.
"So close! Oh my god!" I curled my toes and dug my fingernails into his back.
"Come on darling. Feel so good around my cock. Feel so fucking good. You're a fucking angel, y/n. Fuck." He moaned.
I rolled my eyes back at his words. God his words.
"I'm gonna cum!" I squealed, eyes squeezing shut.
"Look at me when you cum, love."
I could hardly hear his voice anymore as I felt my second high approaching.
"I said-"
I gasped as I felt his hand around my throat, pressing the sides of my neck, activating some unknown pleasure button.
"Look at me when you cum all over my fucking cock." He grunted, his dark, dilated eyes staring into mine.
I kept my eyes on him as my high began to wash over me. His thrusts kept the same pace but his fingers moved faster, spurring my orgasm along.
"Yes! Fuck, feels so- yes!" I moaned.
I was extremely loud, I'm surprised the police hadn't come knocking asking about it.
My high seemed to be everlasting. Tom began to pull out but I kept my legs wrapped around him.
"Want you to cum in me, Tom. Please." I begged.
"You sure?" He asked, holding his orgasm back.
"Yes! Please! Need your cum in me." I moaned seductively against his lips.
"Fuck- so good for me- yes!"
I felt as he stilled in me, and as his cum painted my walls. His face contorted in levels of pleasure as he finished and I was finally coming down from my own high.
He pulled out after a second and collapsed next to me.
We both lay together, not saying a word, just listening to each other's breathing calm.
After a minute or two, he turned to face me.
"That- was so fucking good." He laughed.
"It was." I smiled back.
He reached a hand over to my face and brushed my hair behind my ear. I softened into his touch and hummed.
But that bliss was broken quickly.
"Hello?! We're home!"
I gasped, shooting up on my bed.
"Is that your mum?!" Tom whisper shouted.
"Yes! You need to go like now!" I whispered back.
He scurried off the bed and into his boxers and clothes, shakily putting on his shirt and attempting to put his shoes on quickly but leaving them untied.
I grabbed his backpack and handed it to him.
"Thank you," He smiled, taking it from me and heading for the window again.
He swung a leg out but then hesitated.
"Oh and uh-"
He held his hand out.
"I'm Tom, by the way." He grinned.
I smiled, shaking his hand.
"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you, neighbour."
"Nice to meet you, too." He winked, before climbing out the window, down the wall and back into his own house.
Nice to meet you indeed.
A/N: this is written for my amazing friend Caitlin and it's her birthday today! and she gave me all the details for this piece so i hope you guys enjoyed!
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Nightwing 79 Review
i said i would and i will. i did like this issue! not as striking and attention grabbing as 78, but i think this issue was meant to be a foundation one, laying out the groundwork for the future. overall, pretty good. also there wasn't enough bitewing. as promised, overly extensive metaphors and me reading too much into things under the cut
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i know i've talked about this cover before, but this particular thing is oddly important to me, so i'll talk about it again
this is me, once again screaming about how artists put nightwing in traditionally feminine poses and how every time i see it i just get whiplash. i mean, true, the main reason why is because nightwing is a so often sexualized character, and putting him in these poses just increases the objectification, which is a goal that dc producers have. but there are very few popular male characters that do this. the only one i can think of off the top of my head is deadpool, but that was so obviously a critique and a way to make fun of the media industry. when they draw dick like this, they’re being serious. they’re putting him in appealing poses meant to show him off, and that’s something that’s traditionally only been done to women.
it's a very direct and very loud breaking of traditional gender roles in media, especially for a character as high-profile and historic as dick grayson. colour also plays a factor in this. the entire background is pink. i was absolutely shocked when i first saw it, when the teaser came out, because i cannot think of any comic book covers of male comic heroes this high-profile where pink is even just prevalent in the cover, let alone the majority of the cover. the pink does look beautiful: it offsets and highlights the black and blue of dick's suit gorgeously, but does it with more finesse than orange or red. but the fact that the stylistic choice was made to accent and draw this cover with aesthetic and beauty in mind, completely ignoring traditional hard-set gender rules in art, was a conscious choice and one i wholeheartedly support.
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just another example of the sexualization i was talking about. i remember seeing harley quinn in this exact pose in suicide squad.
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so far, taylor's been pretty dead-set on bringing alfred to the forefront of importance in this series. he wants people to know how much he loves alfred's character, and how much the butler meant to dick growing up. he was dick's father too. but what i adore is how taylor managed to stress alfred's importance in a way that didn't insult or belittle bruce.
this is one of the best bruce and dick interactions i've seen, and it's done in one simple interaction. in this, bruce is tough and harsh. he knocked dick down hard, but then he reached a hand down and helped pull dick back up. let me analyze their dialogue for a minute
on your feet: this is bruce telling dick to get up. he's trained dick, he knows what the younger boy is capable of, he knows his limits, and he knows what dick can do. this is bruce telling dick i know you're strong enough to get up, so get up and prove me right
are you just going to knock me down again?: surface-level, it looks like dick's complaining. he doesn't like bruce's rough training, and he's tired of bruce knocking him down. but look at his face in this. he's smiling up at bruce, knowledgeable and a little hopeful. he knows that bruce is doing this to help dick better himself, he's completely on board with the rough training, because they both know the rewards are incredible. also, he's teasing. he's bantering with bruce. there's an ease in that joking statement, one that belies affection and intimacy. they've only known each other for a little bit, but they're already slipping into a close familial relationship.
it depends on how fast you learn: this is bruce bantering back. this is bruce not being a stoic, unfeeling asshole. instead, he's shown with the dry humor that a good batman writer knows is a staple of the character. he's teasing dick, telling him he'll basically whoop his ass if dick doesn't learn fast enough. it's incentive for dick to train harder, while also being lighthearted enough to tell dick that believes in dick and doesn't want him to push himself too hard.
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gosh i love the titans. also it looks like wally's staring at dick's ass.
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this was cute. a prod at dick's silly and playful sense of humor, while not dumbing him down for the sake of a laugh. instead, he's joking about food, which is stuff everyone jokes about. this is the kind of stuff that'll actually make me laugh, instead of just making me vaguely uncomfortable.
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bludhaven's almost always portrayed as a cesspool of a city. and to be honest, it really is. but this panel gives the city a meaningful history, while also giving us a reason for why dick moved there.
it talks of a time when people still thought they could beat the monsters. that if they fought hard enough, they could win the fight. it was a tentative hope that you could always overcome hardship.
dick's little "i like that it's still standing" shows how he still believes that, despite what the rest of the world thinks. despite everything that he's been through, dick is still tentatively an optimist, and believes he can fight the monsters of the world and win. it's a beautiful testament to his character, and i'm like that they added his signature element of hope back in. it used to be what he symbolized as robin, and despite his growth and character arc from robin to nightwing, this is one aspect of robin that i'm glad nightwing still has.
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remember when i said "things that make me vaguely uncomfortable??" yeahhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Shooketh Dick: A Sequel
(the expressions in this series are just,,,,on point)
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this was an incredibly sweet and kindhearted thing for dick to do, but i found it kind of,,,,,,,,desperate? maybe that's just me, but let me explain.
dick's suddenly a billionaire, and he has entirely too much money that he knows what to do with. it's also alfred's money, what the man left to him, so dick forever links it with alfred. in addition to that, he's back and bludhaven and looking at it with "fresh" eyes. (at least, from a different point of view since he got shot in the head. then mind controlled.) he's desperate to do something with the money and he's desperate to help the people around him that so obviously needs up, so he comes up with an on-the-fly solution that's a little impractical and a little crazy, but it still helps and still does some good.
to me, dick seems a little lost. he hasn't completely found his balance yet, and he's trying to do things that will. he tries charity, because that's what bruce did and it's what he knows, even though he admitted that he always thought bruce could have done more as bruce wayne than batman.
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they have a family group chat guys yall were right.
also, do i think that dick would ever actually get his wallet stolen?? no way in hell, he’d notice someone getting ready to pickpocket him a mile away. but i suppose it’s important to the Plot. 
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okay this is getting interesting. first blockbuster, now maroni (+ the weird heart stealer guy). i can officially say that i am intruiged
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this particular artistic quirk is shown a lot in this issue, and from this art team in general, but i feel like this panel is one of the best examples of it. it was stunning enough to take up a full page, and it’s well deserved.
the way they show dick moving is absolutely brilliant. as a reader, i like seeing these smaller versions of dick getting clearer and in more detail as they come closer to the screen. not only do they show depth in the picture beyond what a simple 3 dimensional piece of art does, it also shows the passage of time.
in addition, it showcases dick’s skill. dick spots these mobsters running after a group of petty thieves. he then, and follow me here, leaps off the roof of one building feet first, springboards backwards off the side of the adjacent building with his feet, gracefully continues his backflip, rights himself, shoots a line with perfect timing: just in time to soften his landing but not slow him down, execute said landing on top of a moving bus, keep running on the moving bus without missing a beat, shoot his grapple, use the grapple to swing, use the swing to build up momentum, then use the momentum to deliver a powerful blow to the mobsters. and he did all that fast enough to catch up with the mobsters, even though he was a ROOFTOP OVER. 
d a m n  s o n
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this panel, the very first in the issue, is also another example of that art style, but a little more distinctive. i love the way they showed dick’s different costumes through the ages, along with him simply growing up. it’s a little heartbreaking, but a lot uplifting to see how far he’s come. thank god he got rid of the red. now all we need is the fingerstripes, and we’ll be golden
discowing my beloved. also i can’t clearly see discowing’s hair but it definitely looks like it’s pulled back. it looks like he put it in a ponytail. guys. guys. dick had a ponytail omg. 
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he’s having a Hero Moment
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are you talking about the city, dick, or are you talking about you? the kgbeast, the court, the joker. dick fell to each one of them, no matter how hard he fought. he won in the end, eventually and with his family’s help. but i think he’s feeling a little low, a little defeated right now. it’s almost like he needs a win, he needs to feel victorious, he needs to feel like he helped someone (hence the food and the hotel room), just because he needs to remember what it feels like.
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these lines were supposed to resonate with you, and goddamn they did.
i looked at it from two ways. first, it’s the girl asking, begging nightwing not to hurt them. bludhaven doesn’t know dick the way gotham does, they’re still a little frightened of him. this child was brave enough to step in front of all of the other hurt and homeless kids and ask, to a strange man in a mask, if he was going to hurt them like the other men had. it’s heartbreaking, but commendable, and an echo of the city itself that dick’s decided to protect. they’re bloody and broken and terrified, but still gritty and brave enough to stare what they fear in the eye and ask it not to hurt them.
second, it’s dick seeing the question reflected in himself. recently, he got shot in the head and lost all his memories. while i think that the way ric reacted was a perfectly valid and human response to the situation, i think dick still regrets how callously and rudely he treated his family. then, he was manipulated by the court of owls, then he was brainwashed with a magic crystal by the joker. dick does have a guilt complex. it’s not a big as bruce’s, but it’s there. and right now, with this girl begging her not to hurt them, dick is probably thinking about all the times he hurt people, in control of his own actions or not, bc he “didn’t have a heart.” 
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little ambitious don’t you think, dick?
also just look at the sunset colours loOK at the they could not make this any more obvious oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddd
in conclusion, i need more of her
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 66-80
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Things in this batch start out a little slow, KM-wise, but seriously pick up around the Toronto episodes. It features the episodes where both RM and Jin ask if JK and JM are a couple, so it includes the giggly hand-push game that helped make me a jikook believer! 
As usual, let me know if I’ve missed anything or should take another look at something. :)
Ep 66 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 1" (Ep: 2 / KM: 1)
The one that I can’t help but feel would be more fun if I was more familiar with the comics involved, but the guys make it cute anyway
3:08 - This is a little hard to see because they use weird angles and cuts, but JK sings a piece of a theme song and JM catches his eye and sings with him.
9:23 - JK leans in over JM's shoulder to see how many people are on the comic book page
10:18 - JM does the same when it's JK's turn
BEHIND 10:29 - JM jokes around with JK and does the playful chest tap thing
Ep 67 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
BEHIND 7:28 - JM asks JK if there's a comic book he wants and says he'll buy it for him if so
Ep 68 "Heart Pang" (Ep: 1 / KM: 0)
The one where I can't for the life of me understand the board game they are playing
Ep 69 "BTS in Toronto Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where Jikook wear matching denim shirts while going to Niagara Falls, getting lunch, and playing games
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2:36 - RM says there are certain people who will struggle with the wake up challenge. JK and JM readily seem to admit it's them. 
6:29 - JM hangs back (to walk with JK?) when the rest of the group starts heading for the Falls.
8:06 - There's a "teleporting" moment where Jin is in between JM and JK, then the camera cuts away, then it comes back and jikook are next to each other. They stay next to each other as they walk on.
9:52 - You can see jikook interacting in the background.
12:25 - JM takes a photo of JK and gets him to giggle, then they huddle to look at the pic.
13:56 - JM puts his arm around JK and takes a selca in the background, causing RM to ask "what, are you a couple or something? Both wearing denim shirts?" He says it fairly seriously for a line that seems like it's supposed to be a joke and they don't laugh or say anything in response - it looks like JM looks away and flips his hair while JK shifts and awkwardly rubs his forehead. You can also see a quiet exchange after between RM and JM where RM says no to something, then nods at JK. Unclear if it's related, but including it just in case. 
15:25 - JK doesnn't try to distract JM while he did the staring contest like he did with Hobi. When Jimin passes, JK is the only one to clap. 
18:04 - Quick moment where you can see JK start to rub the arm of JM's shirt before the camera cuts away.
18:50 - JM laughs and touches JK's chest after JK loses the rocks paper scissor game, too.
19:53 - When the other five walk away and JK is doing something with his mic, we don't see where JM is.
22:02 - JK appears to help JM with something with his camera in the foreground.
BEHIND 4:12 - After JHope scolds JK for letting Suga pour everyone's water, JK goes to pour JM some water, then puts the pitcher down. JM seemingly tries to help him out by saying it's a new trend for the oldest to pour water. 
Ep 70 "BTS in Toronto Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where the guys go shopping, pick beds, and play games
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1:15 - JK slows down to walk side by side with JM.
2:00 - When JK messes up the game he was confident he'd win, JK laughs and playfully shoves at his chest.
7:23 - When JK loses a game and has to buy the others hoodies, JM sneaks a hat into the pile while JK has his back turned. RM rats him out.
8:01 - JM quietly puts the hat back in the pile, then walks over and hugs JK.
8:40 - JK walks over to Jimin to show him something (sunglasses he wanted?).
20:30 - When they're all joking around about whether they can fit four people on a bed, JK moves JM into an L-shape and then lays down nested with him.
BEHIND 0:09 - JK calls out "Jimin-ssi!" and tosses JM that hat he bought him.
4:49 - When the guys are all stretching and JM is in an inconvenient place, JK calls him "Jimin-ssi" again, essentially feels up his calf, and then pushes his upper thigh, all purportedly to get him to move over.
5:28 - JK kneels down behind JM, who's on all fours, and holds his hips to correct his position (I am literally just describing what happens in the clip, but I kind of feel like I'm writing porn, here...). JK then picks Jimin up to move him over a bit. Both giggle as JK starts to stand up and then the camera cuts away.  I can't even begin to think what exercising looks like for these two when there aren't cameras on them...
6:55 - JK reads out the words on the Jimin shirt they're all wearing, which happen to be, "BTS Park Jimin, I love you! I root for you! I'm ARMY!" with a huge grin on his face. Jimin laughs - no one else does - and then jokes that they should wear the shirts back to Korea, prompting JK to tell him "bye!" and wave while giggling. 
7:37 - Jimin shows the parts of the shirt design he would change by poking JK's chest, and then JK and JM share a fairly steamy look until RM interrupts. 
7:52 - JK folds up the shirt so JM's face looks weird and Jimin points to him doing it and laughs. No one else does.  Man, these two were really in their own world this whole Toronto trip, weren't they?
8:02 - JM tries to give JK some advice on the game he's about to play. Before starting, JK starts what seems like it's going to be a silly pose, but ends up being him dragging his fingers down his face, neck, and chest. Sadly for JK, JM wasn't looking. Happily for us, we can look as much as we want. 
8:18 - When JM wins a game, JK claps for him. You can probably guess by now that he's the only one who does. 
10:09 - JM steals a piece of steak, then JK does some cross-cut teleporting to come over and sink down into a chair next to him. JM overdoes making his eyes look big and innocent (perhaps hoping to get caught and scolded?).
10:35 - JM makes Jin move when he takes JM's seat next to JK I feel like just the Behind for this episode needs it's own jikook rating! And most of it is watching JK lead the guys in a workout. If you're going to watch just one Run Behind, consider making it this one!
Ep 71 "BTS in Toronto Part 3" (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The Toronto one where the guys have dinner, have breakfast, and play games
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14:28 - Maybe nothing, but just to note it - in this and the next shot, you can see JM heading towards where JK is lying back on the couch after losing a game, then there's an abrupt cut and everyone is in a totally different position. 
29:20 - JK tells JM the "super-pancake" he made is for him since he has to do the penalties. 
BEHIND 6:59 - JM says that he thinks JK will want to eat and calls out for him.
Ep 72 "BTS and Mafia" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The one in which we learn that BTS is so terrible at the Mafia game that it almost comes back around to being impressive 
3:10 - When Jin says JK is suspicious because he isn't talking, JM defends him, saying "you know he doesn't talk much." 
8:34 - JM seems to direct his appeal to be spared to JK.
18:16 - JK compliments how well Jimin is doing at the game.
20:13 - After Jimin says he's ARMY, JK asks, "do you like me that much?" Then there's a quick cut and Jin is doing a Jim Halpert face at the camera.
28:03 - Confusing maybe-moment - let me know if it's clearer to anyone else! - but after JH is sending finger heart guns, JM points gun fingers directly at JK for no apparent reason. 
BEHIND 2:39 - Before they start playing, JK predicts that JM and Jin will be good at the game.
Eps 73-76 “Run BTS Drama Parts 1-4″ (n/a)
The ones where BTS spend four episodes making a “comedic” skit
01:09 - After JK explains that he had a wisdom tooth taken out, Jimin adds the info that they had to take out the whole root.  09:10 - Even though V is the "director" of Jimin's scene, JK speaks up and takes over the role, saying that directors use informal language and repeating twice in informal language "Jimin, let's go!" He continues speaking informally when Jimin messes up and JK scolds him.  11:40 - When it's JK's turn to deliver a line and he gets nervous about remembering it, JM reads it out loud for him. He also says as soon as JK delivers the line that he did the best job and adds to Hobi, "he doesn't get embarassed, I told you."  16:26 - It's a little hard to see for sure, but it looks like Jimin votes for JK when it's time to choose who should be the skit's director. I'm going to be totally honest with you guys - I didn't rewatch these episodes past this. I first saw it months ago and remember being disappointed and fairly bored through most of it past the first half of the first episode - I don't find the skit funny and the behind-the-scenes stuff isn't amusing enough to make a four-part episode about. I’m sure there are others who completely disagree with me and no judgment if you don't share my opinion! But I'm doing this guide for fun and I don't want to spend two hours rewatching them. 
I don't recall a ton of jikook beyond the above - I think there's a moment in part 3 where JK is getting tired and Jimin offers to take over slating for him. So, anyone who is a fan and knows / finds more jikook moments, please let me know and I will update this guide to reflect that. Otherwise, let's happily move along. :)
Ep 77 “Food Guest Part 1″ (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The weirdly-named ones that are prob better translated as "food connoisseurs" but the specifics of the foods theme don't really matter because JIKOOK  
07:41 - When Jin says JK and JM will be competing in a palm-push game, JM says he's already lost (because JK is strong).
07:55 - I'm fairly certain that, if you're a jikook-er, you've seen this moment. It's so unabashedly flirty a description can't really do it justice.   JK and JM are supposed to be playing a game where they put their palms together and shove to see who can make the other lose their balance. JM shoves lightly at JK's chest before they even start the game, then both start giggling. Still giggly, JM asks if JK's ready and JK says he is. JM pushes at JK's palms and JK just swings his arms back as they look at each other and smile. Jin interrupts to ask, "are you a dating couple?" (that's the most direct translation - V app translation is "are you two together?"). JK and JM both laugh, the latter so hard that he spins around, thus losing the game. 
17:08 - JK is staring so intently at Jimin on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth that he completely misses RM trying to give him a high five. Jin has to call for JK to please respond to RM before JK looks away and returns the high five, laughing and apologizing. He looks back immediately after. 
BEHIND 0:58 - JK gives JM a shoulder massage while holding his chest as JM makes satisfied noises. I've seen this clip in compilations before, but hadn't realized it was also from  this episode. It's really the gift that keeps on giving! 
4:29 - Just prior to the above palm-push game, JM reaches out to do something to JK's sleeve (I think?). The camera cuts before we see clearly.  
4:31 - Slightly different angle of JM and JK giggling at the start of the palm-push game.
7:11 - Reveals that RM actually tried to high five JK and was ignored TWICE before Jin called JK's attention away from JM on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth. 
Ep 78 “Food Guest Part 2″ (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
15:00 - JK jokingly asks what the answer is and Jimin giggles at him as the on-screen text says, "how adorable." Unsurprisingly, the others are less enamored. (JK's biggest fans = 1. Jimin  2. Run BTS on-screen text writers)
BEHIND 9:56 - JK watches JM dance playfully, then wiggles his own hips, seeming to want JM's attention. Jimin smiles and starts to say something that gets cut off. 
10:03 - JK films JM as JM dances and smiles while looking into the camera. Jimin is doing silly dance, but JK zooms in on his joyful face. He quickly licks his lips as he watches. 
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syilcawrites · 4 years
Angry confessions,,,like accidental angry confessions,,,confessing angrily,,,
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a/n: hello it’s been a while but I finished!! I kind of based it off of “are you in the clouds or the rocks right now” hope that’s okay huhu.
summary: Link.exe stops working because Zelda accidentally confesses to him in the midst of a heated conversation :~)
a carved heart on the back of your hand
Link hates the rain.
It wasn't supposed to rain today, but it did, and now everything is ruined.
Zelda wrestles her wrist from his grip once they stop at a nearby run-down house; his right hand is still trembling and it feels like his muscles and tendons have been ripped from his left arm. It's better than feeling nothing at least—he can still feel the fabric of his sleeve against his skin. Link rolls his shoulder slightly, wincing. It's not broken.
She sighs out with an irritable huff, and he hears the Hylian Shield he gave her earlier clatter between them.
"Why did you do that."
He shrugs as he stares at the broken stone wall in front of him. He can't stop shaking his leg. "We should wait," he says quietly.
"I'm ready. You even said I was ready!"
"Why do we have to rush this?" He braves a glance back at her, and it's just as bad as he thought—she's fuming—face red with her chin held high and her lips twisted into an angry frown. She wants to rush back into things—rush back into correcting Hyrule, to make up for all those lost years. He gets it. Of course he gets it; it's exactly how he felt when he first woke up. There was a sense of duty he knew he wanted to follow through with even though he lacked any of his memories.
"There's a centuries' worth of responsibilities I have to catch up on. And to survive in this Hyrule of today, I need to learn how to carry my own weight." Zelda looks away from him, her frown deepening as she crosses her arms. She squeezes her eyes shut for a brief moment before she glares up at him. "And you—" The anger returns to her face as she takes a step toward him. He flips around to face her completely, holding up his hands in slight defense. "Do not jump in front of me like that again. It was completely irresponsible of you to rip the shield from my arm."
It was dangerous, even he will admit that. He knows she's capable—her precision with parrying is nothing short of amazing—but Guardians who could still slither around were different from the ones who were immobile.
And when it crawled on top of an empty body of a decayed Guardian, it aimed down directly at her forehead. Which isn't anything new, no. It always aimed for the head. That's how it usually goes, and he knew that. He knows that. But what if the Guardian slipped because of the rain? And then just like that, it could've hit her in the chest, arm, leg—whatever. It could've hit her.
Last-minute parrying is probably one of his least favorite things to do, but his legs were already moving through the sluggish mud and his mind was trailing too slow behind his feet.
Guardian, rain, Zelda.
Those were the only three words chasing each other in his mind at that moment. And the next thing he knew, he had the shield in his arm, the Guardian had toppled over, and Zelda was yelling at him.
He doesn't regret doing what he did.
"It was the rain's fault," he says. The rain got into his eyes, his ears, his nose.
"What rain?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "It wasn't raining."
"It was raining," he trails off, unsure now.
Was it raining?
"Link, you know that I love you, but for Hylia's sake!" Zelda exclaims, narrowing her eyes as sharp as knives. "What you did was extremely, unfathomably—and might I add ridiculously—reckless and dangerous."
Love. Not loved, but love, as in a I love you right now kind of love.
"Wait, really?"
"Yes really!' she exasperates, groaning as she rubs her temples. "Sure, Calamity Ganon is gone and the Guardians are a bit weaker now, but that doesn't erase the high threat that they still pose."
"No that's not—" Link quickly averts his gaze to her feet. Wait—he's supposed to be the triforce of courage. He shifts his gaze back up at her, and it takes every inch of his strength to maintain eye contact. He's been through death—he almost lost his head to a laser beam about five minutes ago—so this isn't… it shouldn't feel worse, but it does.
He gulps.
"You love me?" His stomach flips. He wants to drag the words that he has haphazardly thrown out into the wild back into the deepest parts of his mind, because now she's looking at him with a very, very weird expression: mouth twisted, eyebrows strained, nose scrunched.
And his voice sounded scratchy, so scratchy when he said that. He needs water, but there's no water near them because they drank the last of it early afternoon before they made their way to Hyrule Field. Outskirts Stable should have some… or maybe—what was closer? Riverside? But Akkala has the best water, so maybe he should go there instead. She did say how it tasted cleaner than other areas. It would be quick, in and out within two seconds tops if he used the Sheikah Slate. It's Autumn and the days are shorter and—
Link pats his hips frantically.
The Sheikah Slate is attached to Zelda's hips. They've been switching off, and of course, of course she has it today.
Link exhales. This is a-okay, shrug it off. It's not like she'll bite his fingers off if he asks for it—the both of them are probably really parched right now anyway since they just ran for who knows how long. And he knows Zelda, she'll definitely realize how perceptive and practical he's being with his proposition, and let him go swiftly without much argument.
"Are you thirsty?" he asks confidently, breaking the suffocating silence between them.
"Excuse me?"
"I can get us some water in East Akkala Stable, if you give me the Sheikah Slate."
"Well, I suppose so…" She unhooks it from her hip slowly, fumbling with it a little when it catches onto the metal of her belt. "Oh—!"
Link quickly reaches out for it before it can hit the ground—but Zelda does too, and then their hands touch. Link draws back immediately, and the Sheikah Slate smacks against the face of the Hylian Shield before bouncing off onto the broken pavement they're standing on. Link almost slaps his cheeks—their hands always brush against one another. Why'd he react like he got shocked by an Electric Wizzrobe?
"I'll be right back," he says quickly, swiping the Sheikah Slate up. His fingers hover over the screen as he licks his lips—how does he turn on the screen again? Tap it once? Twice? Five times? If Hylia is out there can she help him remember, please?
"Three times."
"Huh?" Link snaps his head up.
"Tap the screen three times to open it up," she mutters as she picks up the Hylian Shield from the ground, her eyes still on him.
"Thanks," he says, staring back down at the blue-lit screen. Akkala, upper right. Click the glowing icon and press yes. He looks back up at her, and she's situated herself under a part of the broken house, with the shield resting against her legs and a hand placed against the sheathed dagger attached to her hip. "I'll be quick," he promises, as the blue light begins to eat away his vision of her.
Zelda's face scrunches up like she's about to burst into tears.
He blinks, and instead of seeing her torn face, East Akkala Stable sits in front of him. And now he's definitely sure it's raining because this time he can feel a light, cold drizzle pelt against his skin. "Idiot," Link whispers as he tussles his bangs with frustration.
He just needs to be away for a second—it's hard thinking clearly when he's with her for some reason, and it's even harder trying to mask his emotions around her. In all of those memories, he was as stiff as a plank of wood. Even he couldn't read his own expressions when he remembered them. And sometimes he can manifest that part of him back, but with Zelda…
If he lingers too long in that feeling of emptiness, he knows he might stay like that forever. Most of those memories were filled with quiet conversations and sad smiles—he doesn't want to create more between them.
Link pulls out both of their water pouches as he nears the nearby spring reservoir, opting to avoid the stable altogether—he sighs again as he crouches down, sticking them into the water. The bubbles rise and burst with that awful glugging sound. He pointed out how weird it sounded to Zelda one time, and they both watched the pockets of air float and pop to the surface of the water as if it was the greatest thing in the entire world. He figured that the simplicity of it mesmerized the both of them. It seemed like she appreciated it when he pointed out random stuff to her—it's what initially drew her out of her half-dazed stupor for weeks after they defeated Calamity Ganon.
He sits by the water for an extra twenty minutes after he finishes filling up the water pouches, just soaking in the light drizzle dripping down his hair; leaking into the seams of his clothes, until he can feel it soaking into his skin. The rain washes away his thoughts.
He really hates the rain.
When Link returns, he finds her stabbing into the edge of some random piece of log with her dagger, a little ways away from the worn-down house. He can't tell if she's stabbing it out of anger or out of pure concentration. He raises an eyebrow as he comes closer, noticing that she's not actually stabbing it, but carving something.
"Zelda?" he calls out. She jumps at the sound of his voice but doesn't turn around.
"You're back already?" she asks, briefly glancing over her shoulder at him after a heartbeat. If she thought he was quick with his water trip, then she really was in the zone. "Wait—don't come closer."
He pauses about ten lizalfos' away from her, holding both of the water pouches in his hands. He watches with growing curiosity as she continues to stab and jab at the piece of wood a couple more times before she sheaths her dagger back. She rips something out of the log—hard enough for her to fall down onto her bottom, and Link instinctively takes a step forward with an arm slightly outstretched to her.
"Hm." She stands up as she looks back at him again, her expression troubled. "Why are you drenched from head to toe?"
"It was raining," he says, pressing his arm back to his side, "actually raining this time." He jogs over to her to close the distance between them. A humorless smile quirks upon her lips as she turns around with her arms behind her back.
They stand there awkwardly for a few moments.
"Well?" Zelda eyes his hands.
"Oh—" Link almost hits her arm as he quickly extends his hand out to her.
"Thank you," she says, grabbing it. She stares at the lip of it before holding out her other hand to him. "You said you lost that rock during the fight with Calamity Ganon?"
Link furrows his eyebrows together.
"The… that one rock you found on Death Mountain. The heart-shaped one. You called it your good luck charm?"
Oh, right. Somewhere in the midst of flying up in the air and running everywhere like a madman around Calamity Ganon, his heart-shaped pebble had fallen out from inside of his Champion's Tunic.
"Well," she says, tightening her fist, "I'm sure this is certainly not the exact way it looked. A craft such as wood carving takes years and years of practice, so this is the best I can manage." She still hasn't opened her fist—in fact, her knuckles have gone white. "You know that I always put my best efforts into whatever I am doing."
Link nods, waiting for her to drop the object into his palm. "Everyone knows you put your all into everything you do."
With a sigh, she opens her hand, and the small object falls into his palm with a light thud. It's a crudely carved heart-shaped piece of wood. It looks more like a weird hexagon, but at a certain angle he can see the heart in it. It looks nothing like the heart-shaped pebble, and that's exactly why he loves—
A short laugh escapes his lips before he realizes it.
"I'll make a better one once I get more practice!" she insists as she puffs out her cheeks. "I don't want your luck to run out, so just keep it for now."
"No," he says, running a thumb against the unevenly rough surface of it, "this one's perfect."
"Perfect? You insult me Link," she scoffs. Wisps of hair escape from her carefully pulled back braid, framing around her cheeks. Absentmindedly, she brushes it away from her skin, but it keeps falling back into the same position.
He wants to cup her cheeks, but both of his hands are occupied.
"I—" They both begin, pausing. Zelda purses her lips, but she keeps her gaze level with his eyes.
"I love you too," he blurts out before she can say anything, and presses the wooden heart against his fluttering chest. Red blooms onto her cheeks immediately—it's faint, but there. Maybe it's from the cold, since the wind picked up two minutes ago.
Her surprised expression melts into a soft smile—a smile with her lips slightly parted, carrying a sort of gentleness that is usually masked by the weariness of the world.
It's one of his favorite smiles.
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slater-later · 3 years
Wet Dreams
Clarence (True Romance) x Elvis Presley Smut
Hi Guys,
This is: 18+ with some heavy smut
This is a bit of a rough fic, so please feel free to skip to wherever you want to go! I’m rusty.
Clarence has the hots for the King of Rock N’ Roll and his naughty brain has a few ideas of his own.
(Note: O’Connors is a fictional horse racing bar in downtown Detroit. You can get bar grub, place bets, and get shit-faced. It’s an Irish pub from an earlier True Romance fic.)
Maybe it was the couple of beers Clarence had drunk or the couple of hours he had spent, laying down on his couch, sifting through old comic books. At least, that’s how it started. The warmth of beer, and the quiet peace of a lazy Sunday afternoon, had him craving for more refined tastes. 
He sifted through his collection of gay porn magazines. They were up on the shelf with his collection of comics. Once he found a good one, he plopped back down. Yanking his jeans down and freeing his hardening cock.
He sifted through the pages and pages of men, hunky and muscular, pushing the other over. They were desperate to shed every inch of clothing they had off of their bodies. Trying to get a taste of each other, from all ends.
His favorites were the gritty pictures of them fucking, desperate and needy, and reveling in the pleasure of each other. Doesn’t every man love an attentive lover, with his between your thighs, doing the good lord's work..?
There was that, and the photographs of big, ready holes. Ready and primed to be consumed by an awaiting partner. Back arched, posed on all fours, head turned and starving for a kiss. Clarence would be hard-pressed to admit it, but in the heat of the moment, he’d love being the one to fuck the shit out of it. He wished it, huffing as he beat his meat to the um-fteen time. It was his favorite pose. He liked to think about how his dick would feel, being wrapped around and being consumed by such sweet heat. He’d sputter a line of curses as he topped him, working slow and reaching over the others' body as he topped him. 
Yearning for the intimacy of the love he really wanted. And the sin, to the hell to sin, and to the Hell of pleasure.
Perfume always smells sweet, but musk is intoxicating. 
Now, he always had a thing for chicks. He loved a good broad with big tits, a fat ass, a lady who knew her shit. But, sometimes, well! It wouldn’t quite do it for him. He had a scratch, he needed to itch and had a longing for different kinds of pleasure. 
He had a favorite one in mind. A face of a man that would bubble in his mind and follow him in his dreams. Quick to come, fast to linger, and he was always, begging, for more.
Clarence had learned at an early age he was bisexual. It was something he enjoyed exploring, particularly at nightclubs. There, there was no need for words. No explanation was needed or needed to define who he was. He was himself. A person amongst the sea of people and living in the moment. 
When he felt bold, he would tap a man on the shoulder and ask him to dance. Lean over to his ear and flash him a compliment before he solicited his offer.
It was easier the drunker he got. That’s how it started, at first. It took him some time to adjust. To build up the nerve to ask with only a few beers in him. Lightly buzzing and clear of mind to not get himself in too much trouble and thick in the good stuff.
It wasn’t an every-weekend kind of thing. He wasn’t one to fancy the nightclubs in Detroit. But once in a while, in a hole-in-the-wall kind of place, he was needy. He was sick of tending to himself.
So far, he hadn’t had that much luck. Spending nights at O’Connor’s with a beer in hand, chatting up lads in the corner booth, and whispering naughty words into his ear hadn’t worked out too well. They kept on taking his flirting as passing play. He was fun for now, but in the moment, they were reluctant to go home with him.
The comic book store wasn’t much better. He had to be sleuthy.
You only live once! And experiences had to be had. It was part of growing up, ya know?
And, anyway, if he scored out and got a guy to dance with him, he was thrilled! He liked the electric play of bodies as they dance, grazing as they turned to the thrum of the speakers. In a way, it crashed out the world around them. And somehow, he would find himself, engulfed by the lips of his dance partner. His hand in their hand, as they pulled each other close. Aching for more… 
The silence in his apartment felt loud once they left. The sound of life turned up when you get so close to having something you want. 
And it walks right out the door.
As many smokes he would have that morning, it wouldn’t rub away the frustration with his morning cereal. Forking it into his mouth and he rewound the tapes and wondered, what went wrong? Why can’t he, find someone, and keep them?
But one of the constants in Clarence’s life was his love for Elvis. Infatuation, really. He adored the man and his music, he did make really great music. He loved the flashy outfits and the jirraiting hips. 
The music wasn’t what got him, but Elvis’s quiet, gentlemanly demeanor. Clarence wished he could step too with Elvis himself, grinning ear to ear, as they sang. Maybe even be dipped, as the King drawled, to the gentle ballad of “Can’t Help Falling in Love” as the church bells rang.
Elvis was a man of music, of class, of romance, and of utmost respect. A sweet gentleman like that, deserves to be treasured, am I right?
*** Dream World Clarence ****
He stepped foggily forward, his body carrying amidst the dim lighting and sea of liquid bodies. Dancing with the poll, sliding themselves against the cold hard metal as they slowly stripped off the last bits of their remaining clothing, to the delight of the entranced crowd. It was a sea of people, sitting around small tables while they sipped their drinks, eyes locked on the beauty as they spun around, locked into the music and swinging their beautiful jewels into the air.
It was finely dirty but a respectable joint. The one that is kinda seedy but with enough self-respect and decently to know what they gotta do, do it well, and not give many shits about the rest. If it ain’t broke, why fix it? The room was packed.
Clarence's feet carried him towards the back, eyes scanning the room as if it eats the room. To know every inch around him, as if, to ground the world around him before it fell apart.
A drunk fella bumped by him, Western boots clacking as he caught himself from having a tumble. He straightened himself up, fixing his white cowboy hat back into place with a face, quickly wiping off something funny on his thick mustache. Clarence caught a good look at him, as the man stepped away, locking eyes with for a moment, as he sucked the residue off his fingers. A turquoise bolo tie hanging around his neck.
Clarence guided himself to the restroom, a few men stepping from the bathroom together looking flushed. He was in a haze, a fog, where he left to the devices of his own body. Carrying him where it pleased, where his subconscious, desired.
He pressed his hand against the door and it swung open- revealing a line of urinals and a few stalls. A tall, tan man was relieving himself. Dressed in black, with his medium-length hair pushed back with what had to of been a hand full palm of product. 
He stepped over to the urinal, a stall between them, and popped open his pants. Pulling down his underwear to expose himself, and began relieving himself into the urinal. 
The other man began humming a soft tune, tapping his foot as he glanced off his shoulder, catching a look at our friend Clarence. And liked what he saw…
His plump, pouty lips softly coed~
“~I'm a steamroller baby~ I'm 'bout to roll all over you”
Clarence’s head spun so fast at the man that it could have fallen right off. Those words- that drawling tone- were unmistakable to his ears. A cocky smirk lit up his face, as he zipped himself back up. Turning and following the man as they both went to the sink.
Elvis smiled, grabbing some soap and washing off his hands, smiling as he softly sang.
“~I'm a steamroller baby~ I'm 'bout to roll all over you~”
“Presley-?” The lips hung off his lips in a whisper, his eyes locked with the man as Clarence rinsed off his hands. Watching the other dry off, whipping a hand through his hair and popped his raised collar.
“I'm gonna inject your soul~With some sweet rock 'n' roll~
Presley stepped closer to him, still holding that wicked smirk on the man as they faced each other.
Clarence’s voice joined his, watching as Presley ran a finger along the edge of his coat’s zipper. Pulling it softly open, Presley’s eyes on his finger as he inspected him. Eyes slipping to the golden shades tucked into the hem of his white undershirt. His pink Hawaiian shirt open, as his hand slipped up underneath it. Fingertips brushing against his skin, Clarence’s skin shivering in delight. Stepping closer, into his touch. As the hand slipped higher, and around his hips, Clarence was pulled close.
Clarence’s head felt loose, drawn by the love he had fawned over for years. He didn’t want to let this go- to let this opportunity slip through his hands.
He grabbed Elvis’s jaw and pressed a hot kiss to Elvis’s lips. His hips were pulled hard against him, as they locked with smiles on their face.
Their words joined with a booming backup band as they sang, the fingers of a devil dancin’ away. “I'm a cement mixer~ A churning urn of burning funk~!”
“I'm a cement mixer~A churning urn of burning funk~ I'm a demolition derby~ A hefty hunk, steaming junk”
Clarence laughed into Elvis’s mouth, and they began to dance. Hips swaying as their fingers locked, shoes tapping to the drum of a blues guitar and thump of a steady drum. Elvis plucked Clarence’s gold sunglasses from his shirt, slipping them over his eyes.
“I'm a steamroller baby~ I'm 'bout to roll all over you~ I'm a steamroller baby~ I'm 'bout to roll all over you~ I'm gonna inject your soul~ With some sweet rock 'n' roll~ And shoot you full of rhythm and blues,” Clarence laughed as he twisted around, being spun into the air before being yanked into the arms of Elvis. Hips locked as they swayed and grounded, voices ringing out!
“I'm a napalm bomb~ Guaranteed to blow your mind~ I'm a napalm bomb~ Guaranteed to blow your mind~! If I can't have your love now baby~ There won't be nothing left behind~!” 
Clarence twisted around to face Presley, hooking his arm around his neck and bringing him down to kiss him. 
The two quickly unfurled into a mess, Clarence being scooped up and thrown against the sink counter as the other pushed off Elvis’s white suit jacket as their lips crashed. Wiggling off Clarence’s pants down to his ankles as hot, velvety kisses were pushed to his neck. A hand in the other’s thick black hair as his mouth slipped down to his prize, Clarence’s head spun. Finally having his sweet dreams come true- having dirty and hot sex with the King himself.
He would bottom and desperately hold onto the memory. He didn’t want his dream to end wanting to finish- to feel his soft worn hands against his body- and cursed himself when he awoke. The gay porn mag slipping off his face as he stirred. Eyes foggily flickering as he shifted to grasp himself fully. He slowly stroked his dripping cock, and huffed as he threw his face into the cushion. Shutting his eyes, and trying to conjure up the fever dream.
To lose himself, in his lust.
It would take him long. Quickly cumming with a hard crash, his back arched and knees bent towards himself as he jerked. He came over his chest, splashing a few drops on his face. Slipping his tongue out, and opening his mouth, imagining that it was the others’ sperm as he gulped it down. 
Finding himself deeply satisfied, and relieved, in his journey. 
Clarence collects magazines with Presley’s centerfolds and interviews. Had a couple of tapes of him and particularly his concert in the ’70s while he was in Hawaii. His father introduced him to Elvis and he’s enjoyed his music ever since.
Totally collects his records. Has them framed up on display in his apartment- an Elvis shrine. 
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the19thduckpotato · 4 years
In the Shadow of a Smile (Pt 4)
Part 3
Toshi's thoughts rambled aimlessly again.  Why did she have Izuku stay?  Something to do with me?  He grimaced.  I really wish she wouldn't.  I can take care of myself... Is that a fact, now? Listen.... Further thoughts were cut short as Izuku jogged up.  Toshi's face split into a warm grin.  "There you are!"
Izuku grinned back, falling into step beside Toshi (three short steps to each long one). "Hi!" He fumbled with the opening of the strawberry popcorn, munching on a few kernels. I wonder if he can have any... I know he can have sugar in small amounts, but... he does have his own kind of popcorn. Best not to offer n put him in the position of refusing, he'll sneak a few kernels of mine on his own if he wants some.
Toshi smiled down at his fan student son protege, amused by their comparative steps.  He tried to shorten his own steps and looked about.  "See any store you'd like to visit?" is it strange that I want to give him every good thing that he deserves?  Am I allowed to do that?  Well, i mean, I'm All Might, I can do whatever I like... not that I'd ever abuse that. He watched Izuku.  It'd be blatant favoritism.  But he deserves it.  But that would paint an even bigger target than he already has on him.  Which he definitely does not deserve. Toshi's steps slowed more as he let Izuku get ahead of him. I wish... And he squashed that thought immediately, startled that he even thought it.
Izuku looked around. "Aaahhh..." His eyes popped wide when he saw a certain storefront. "Ooh!! There!!" He bounced and pointed, though he quickly snatched his hand back as he remembered Pointing Was Rude.
Toshi's head snapped up and he squinted.  What in the...?
Izuku turned and grinned up at Toshi excitedly. "Can we go there??"
The blond looked amused verging on jovial laughter.  He almost teased Izuku about was there really a need for more plastic All Mights in the dorm? Just because you feel crummy is no reason to pick on the kid, even jokingly.    He picked this store, now let's learn a little more about what makes Izuku happy. "Of course.  I've been meaning to find myself a Chibi Aizawa eraser topper."  He winked.
Izuku smothered a laugh. "He's underground, they don't make merch of him!" Wait what am I even gonna buy in here, they sell All Might merch, and I'm taking ALL MIGHT in here, that's so cheesy and weird! Can I just look at stuff? Will he think it's a waste of time if I do? Oh no, why did I pick this?? Because you were excited, that's why. Because he asked and you answered, now shut up and Deal With It. Hhhnnngg.... "Do... do you maybe wanna find somewhere else though, because I know it's probably weird and-- and maybe there's somewhere else you'd rather be and I'd 100% like to go with you n honestly I don't even know what I'd want to buy from here, I was just looking...." Izuku grinned and rambled sheepishly as they got closer to the store, both wanting to go in and very much not.
Toshi just casually steered his charge into the store without breaking his slowed stride.  "Weird?  I want to see what's selling.  And who is."  He wrinkled his nose.  "I'm not overly fond of the whole marketing aspect of this job... but I get it."  He picked up a plush grinning All Bean and half smiled.  "Small mementos of the people you look up to.  Reminders that mean different things to different people.  If seeing my face plastered everywhere gave people hope, then so much the better." He didnt like the idea of some of his fans being denied that hope simply because they didnt have the money... but he also knew the heroing business was lucratively expensive. "--oop!"  He pointed at a pile of gray scarves and grinned impishly.  "Yessssssss."
Izuku gave a high-pitched laugh when he saw, then ducked and hoped no one heard him. He grinned back at Toshi and nodded. His gaze flitted around the store, landing on a Crimson Riot hoodie in a rack of clothes. "Oh! Kirishima would love that!" He pointed again.
Toshi picked up one of the scarves--it was much shorter than the real deal--and tossed it about his shoulders.  He affected a regal pose.  "What do you think?" he said, trying a droning Aizawa impression.
Izuku squeaked and hid his grin in his hands, shoulders shaking with silent laughter. He lifted his head, composure regained with a straight face.
"Blah blah, stop showing off, blah, I never get any sleep, blah, I have 20 cats and they're all named Mittens--"
Izuku's mouth twitched. He repeated the process.  Shaking his head, he mumbled shyly, "Noooooo... we can't make fun of him...."
"I'm sorry," Toshi snorted, trying to look apologetic.  "That was disrespectful." Jerk. Toshi's ears tinged red as he set the scarf back.  "You know what I'm looking forward to?"
Izuku looked up curiously, surprised at how quickly Toshi put the scarf back and how sad he sounded at the end. "--Oh?"
"When shops like these are filled to the brim with green.  Then I can be the big collector." If you even make it that-- "I'll be able to cite facts about my favorite hero, snatch up first editions, maybe get an autograph if I'm lucky."  He smiled hopefully at his kid.
Izuku squeeeeaked, hiding his face in his hands one more time. He quickly flew to Toshi, hugging his arm tightly. Of course you can you can have so much more than that you can have me, right there, oh please let me still be there--
"Heck, I know just the people to talk to about--i mean, if that's the way you'd like to go.  Merchandizing and all."  Toshi shrugged shyly.  "You're already making an impact now, just wait till you're well known.  People will be demanding Deku merch, heh." He looked about the store, all the current heroes familiar and easy to spot.  He blinked and saw different heroes now, the kids from UA.  Not just Izuku, not just Class 1A, but all the students. He blinked again, eyes stinging. I want to see that.
"Whuh-wuh... uuuhhh... I mean." Izuku lifted his head from where it was hidden against Toshi's arm and blinked. "Yeah, I'd rather talk to your people than try to do it on my own, but..." You mean you want HIM to talk to them and you not say anything, like a shy little puppy.... ...Look, that's a long way off though.... He didn't contradict himself. "I mean, maybe let's cross that bridge when we come to it. I don't know if that's even legal yet, I don't even have my full license...." Can unlicensed heroes even have merch deals? I mean I'm not unlicensed but it's only provisional....
Toshi grinned knowingly.  "I already know you're going to need merch.  No rush, of course... but if you keep going at the rate you already are, well."
Izuku muffled a long wobbly squeak against Toshi’s side.
"And to think that lil old me got to be fortunate enough to be the Great Deku's first fan.  Man," Toshi whistled.  "Am I ever lucky!" And for what it was worth, he meant every word.
Izuku could tell, and the fact made his heart feel all weird and tied up all the sheepish brushing-off he wanted to do in long confusing ribbons mixed with thanks. "...But-- you made Deku, though... I'd be nothing without you." Well, not nothing... I'd still be a person. But I wouldn't be a pro without you. I'm still not there, yet, but I hope... one day....
Toshi gazed at him fondly.  "Do you really still believe that?  That passing you--"  He paused, mindful they were in public, and gestured you know.  "--the, ah,  heroic torch would have been the same no matter who it was passed to?" "A Quirkless middle schooler?  What are you thinking?!  Such a boy could never serve as the Symbol of Peace!!" Toshi had coughed thickly but still proudly responded with, "He really has this burning desire to help people." And yet, Mirai had refused to listen, hanging up on his former partner. "...I picked you on purpose.  And each passing week only reinforces my decision.  Please do not doubt that.  Deku exists because you exist, firstly.  I just gave you a helping hand, that's all."  He grinned and brushed one bang away.
Izuku smiled softly-- mostly with his eyes. He rested his forehead against Toshi's arm, trying to think of words that would both satisfy Toshi and yet still be true. "Not... exactly the same, no. But I think... the other children out there... have just as much... potential. As I do."
"They do." Toshi tousled Izuku's hair.  "And would that I could help all of them the same way.  But..."  he held up one finger.  "Power is a tricky thing.  It has an effect on people and not always good.  The most well intentioned person can still do terrible things. "So it isn't just a matter of being suitable.  You earned my trust by not blabbing my secret.  You inspired me to action when I believed I could do no more.  You...well.  You made me want to live again.  Something that not even All Might could do.  So who's the strong one now, eh? "Frankly, kid, I'll be honest--i don't think there's a whole lot of people like you out there.  Don't sell yourself short."
Izuku gazed up at Toshi in wonder. He tried to think of something to say... his mouth twitched into a smile. "But I am short!"
Toshi just stared for a moment. S t a r e d.
Izuku slowly unsmiled himself. Not sad, but confused... "...Not funny?"
Then burst into a roar of laughter, helplessly trying to gasp, "well of course--heehee--next to me--"
The smile came back full force. Izuku burst into laughter too-- "Well YEAH, you're a GIANT!!" He looked up at Toshi with the brightest grin.
Toshi tried to regain his composure, looked at Izuku, used his hand to compare their heights, wheezed more laughter. "I'm onlyheeheehee seven fooahahaha oh no help--"
The laughter was incredibly contagious, Izuku hiccuping out noises that were a cross between a donkey and a chihuahua.
Toshi made a desperate noise at Izuku's noises, his laughter getting more out of control.  Tears squirted out and he weakly grasped at his kid's shoulder.  He was dimly aware others would be staring but the floodgates had opened and he could only ride the wave at this point. This marvelous wonderful wave.
Izuku's face was starting to hurt, but he was happy, SO happy. He tried his best to support Toshi but he, too, was a floppy noodle of hilarity.
Toshi fought to get himself back under control, his laughter finally tapering off into snickers, then slowing down to an occasional giggle.  He took a deep breath and checked on his kid.
One last snort.
Toshi's eyes widened.  Ohno. He clapped one hand over his mouth but his eyes still twinkled.
A tired giggle. Izuku enjoyed the feeling of being in the moment, still leaned against Toshi in a half-hug. He didn't dare look up, though, or he knew he'd start laughing again.
Toshi cleared his throat and casually thumbed the edges of his mouth.  "Well now we have to get something," he grinned.  "What's your pick?"
"Oh!" Izuku's gaze snuck toward the rack of jackets. "...Hmmm...."
Toshi's head followed his gaze.  "Oh look, a denim jacket!  Best Jeanist, you cad."
Izuku giggled, though he didn't quite get the joke. He stepped over to the rack, peeking through them and looking for-- well, maybe I can wear it... but what if Kacchan sees me? But... well, I can wear it in my room n stuff, at least. Or in places like this. As long as I hide it before I get back.... His fingers brushed over sleeves to check the texture and pushed gaps between the jackets to see if any were All Might-themed.
Toshi blinked and smiled, hands in his pockets.  He waved at the few people who recognized him then returned to watching Izuku dig through jackets.
Most of the All Might merch seemed to have been snapped up already, but Izuku's face lit up when he saw-- "Ooh!"
"Hmm??"  Toshi tilted his head and arched his neck.  "What did you find?"
Izuku pulled a thick Silver Age-print hoodie off the rack, running his hand over the inside lined with a soft fluffy material. "This is great! Lookit!" He held it up and grinned, bouncing on his toes excitedly.
Toshi looked pleasantly surprised.  "Well whaddya know!"  He held out his arm for Izuku to drape it over.
Izuku placed it over his arm, still bouncing. "Can I try it on??"
"Heheheheh, sure, go on." He quietly made a mental note to get Izuku's size and dig into his limited edition wear later.
Izuku picked up the jacket again, taking it off the hanger (making sure to put the hanger back on the rack for now) and unzipping jacket, holding the ends of his sleeves and wiggling his arms in. It was a little big, but he could grow into it.
Toshi was definitely feeling the dad feels right about this time.  His kid proudly showing off his jacket. The breath hitched in his throat for a moment. "Looks great on you," he managed with a delighted smile.
Izuku looked up, smiling brightly. He clapped his hands together in happiness, looking down at them with much interest when he felt how the parts of the sleeves covering his hands muffled the impact. After inspecting this sensation for a few seconds, he looked back up, asking with a shy grin, "So uh... can I, uh..." he ducked his head then brought it up again, "...can I have it?"
Toshi's eyes shone with joy.  I finally get to spoil my kid! "I don't see why not!  Anything else you might like?"
"--Oh!" Izuku's eyes and mouth went round. Surely that's too much!! I couldn't even think of anyth-- wait, yes I could! "Well-- actually... I was wondering if we could pick out some stuff for the others?" He thought of the Crimson Riot jacket, knowing Kirishima would love it, and wondered if he could find something of Kamui Woods' or even Snipe's for Shouji. "Not, like-- all twenty or anything... but maybe..." he bit his lip and stared into space, a plan formulating. "Maybe we could hunt for stuff, like, over a while... and save it until we have one for everybody? Would you like that?"
Toshi's entire face lit up at this suggestion.  "That's a fantastic idea!  And anything we can't find on our own, I'm sure I could dig up somewhere else." He shook his head in admiration.  "You're one in a million, kid, you know that?"
Izuku tilted his head and gave a scrunchy, lopsided smile. "What, really?" For coming up with a gift idea? Everyone will be doing it come Christmas. A thought occurred. "Well, technically, I'm one in 7 billion...."
"Even better.  And to think, you're my kid now." oh no wait, what did I just say oh no OH NO He stammered out a quick apology.  "I-I mean...ah...err... what I mean to say, y-young Midoriya--" He could feel his ears burning.
Izuku went limp in shock, and his eyes grew wide as saucers, practically sparkling. His mouth started to wobble.
"Hey wait, nonono, what did we say about the waterworks?!"  He frantically gestured at the boy, acutely aware of being watched now.  "UH--"
Izuku shot forward, wrapping his arms around Toshi and squeezing tight.
Toshi stiffened in shock then relaxed his muscles, ruffling Izuku's hair.  "Hey now..." I care about you I care about you a LOT and I know I'm terrible at speaking my true heart.  I never told Master and lost my chance.  I never told Mirai and lost my chance.  I don’t want to lose my chance with you, I couldn’t bear it. "Kid..."
((Part 5))
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empresspeacock · 5 years
Find the White Wolf Pt. 3
Summary: Geralt goes missing and you’re determined to be the one who finds him and brings him home
Pairing: Geralt x Reader
Warnings: Violence, language, slow burn smut
A/N: I have only watched the show on Netflix, I have never played any of the games or read any of the books. If I break canon, that’s why. Plot based on my imagination, so you do not have to watch the show to enjoy.
Link to Part 1  Link to Part 2  Link to Part 4
Word Count: 1908
Welllll great. Just great. Geralt could understand what you were saying. So he knows that you have no plan of escape for him. Maybe he's been saying save me to everyone who chooses him? That doesn't sound very smart. He knew what you were saying.
"I will try my best," you eventually say. You turned back over and tried to go to sleep. It took you a long time because you were racking your brain on how to make an escape plan or how to at least get more information for an escape plan. You must have fallen asleep eventually because when the sun beaming in from the window fell on your eyes, you woke up.
You turned around to face Geralt. He was still there. It wasn't a dream. In the sun, you could now see more scars than you saw last night in the candlelight. Gods, he had a lot of them. Some were clearly older than others. And frighteningly some were new. They must have beaten him at some point for his "attitude problems". You couldn't help but feel pain in your heart for him. You have to get him out of here. The main problem was how. How the heck are you supposed to get him out of here?
The sun began to shine some more on him and he stirred, smiling in his sleep. Then with a start, his eyes shot open. He started to lift his head, then groaned, closed his eyes, and lowered his head.
"Are you okay?" You ask.
"No." He huffed.
Of course he's not okay. That was a dumb question. He's been captured, enslaved, and put under heavy sedation for fighting his captors.
"Well, is there anything I can do for you? Immediately I mean. Obviously I need to help you escape, but like, would you like some water? Something eat maybe?" you babbled out.
"Both would be nice," Geralt murmured.
Great, he can speak full sentences now. So he's not as sedated as he was last night. But you still haven't come up with a plan for him. Maybe he's been devising a plan of his own since he's been captured? And you're the final piece to his puzzle he didn't know he needed to complete his grand plan of escape? Or did you pose a new risk for him since he'd likely have to protect you most of the time since you can't fight well. Not with swords at least. You can throw hands when the time requires it, but fist fighting is much different from sword fighting.
You got up to get him a cup of water from the pitcher on the dresser. As you poured, you asked "How sedated would you say you are right now? And how much do you remember from last night?"
"Well, my head fucking hurts and my limbs still feel really heavy, so I guess I'm still sedated. As for last night, not much." He said.
Not much? So he doesn't know you don't have a plan yet! Excellent.
"I do remember you don't have much of a plan yet though."
Jesus fucking christ, this guy just had to rain on your parade, didn't he.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I don't have a plan for escape yet no, but I do have a plan for how to get more information." You defiantly say as you walk over with the cup of water. You sat on the edge of the bed next to him and held the cup close to his mouth.
"Oh?" He said while sitting up slightly and then took a few sips of water.
"Yes. I have the option of toting you around on my arm as eye candy while I gamble or play various other games."
"No." He immediately said in a low, sexy voice. Okay, well he wasn't trying to be sexy in the moment of course, but gods, the slight gravel to his voice, the bass, it just made your heart do a backflip even if he was shooting down your plan.
"Yes. Unless you have a better plan," you shot back.
He simply glared at you.
"Exactly. So here's what I'm thinking. In order to convince them that they do not need to further sedate you and hopefully give you time to work the drugs out of your system, you will need to act like you are obedient to me. If you-"
"Nope. Absolutely not. I am not doing that," Geralt interrupted.
"I'm not going to make you actually do anything. I'm just going to make some jokes about putting you in your place, how you've learned to be submissive, stuff like that, and that I'm enjoying your company now that you aren't sedated. Now will you please stop interrupting me? You haven't even heard my plan yet and you're already shooting it down!" You were very frustrated at this point. Here you were trying to help this guy escape, he didn't even have a plan of his own, but here he was rejecting yours. You put the cup down on the nightstand and stared down at Geralt. How dare he? The nerve of this guy.
"I don't have to hear it because I already don't like it." He replied.
"And how much do you like being a prostitute?" You narrowed your eyes at him. You tried to keep your breathing low and even, but your temper was definitely starting to get the best of you.
Geralt simply continued to glare at you. You could see his facial muscles move as he clenched his jaw.
You stared at each other like that for what felt like an eternity, but was probably just a couple minutes until someone knocked on the door.
"Are you awake and decent?" a gentle female voice said from the other side.
In a loud voice you called out "Yes, we're awake but not decent. Just a moment please." Through gritted teeth you seethed at Geralt "Now listen here. You follow my lead and pretend to be submissive. When you come up with a better plan, we can flip the narrative and follow your plan at that time. Until then, just be quiet and try to look pathetic." You got up and walked to the door. You opened it up just enough to poke your head and part of your torso through the door.
"Geralt is still getting decent, how can I help you?" you said in the best apologetic voice you could manage.
"Breakfast will be ready soon, did you have a good night?" the handmaiden said in a voice much too chipper for the time of morning.
This time you spoke in your best Karen voice. "No, actually I did not. Y'all made my companion too sedated and he wasn't able to do much of anything other than grunt. He couldn't even get his dick up. I am very disappointed in the service I've received so far."  Hopefully your plan works, because if not, you don't have too many other ideas.
"Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. If you'd like we can switch out your companion for a new one and-"
"No. I want this one. He's the only one I'm attracted to. I just want him to be less sedated. Even better if he's not sedated at all. I like them better when they put up a struggle." You quickly interrupted.
"Yes, certainly. I will speak to Mera and when you come down to breakfast, we should have a solution for you by then." She made a slight curtsy and walked down the hallway.
You closed the door and turned around to face Geralt. You set your face to look as serious and as threatening as you could. Given the monsters Geralt has fought in the past and the fact that you admitted to him that you can't even fight well, you doubted you looked much like a threat to him. But you meant business. "You can be submissive for a few days and then we make our great escape or I can leave you here, find more members of my family, then try to gather some witchers, come back, and then break you out of here. Something that's probably going to take at least a month. Your choice."
Geralt smirked and lightly chuckled. "I suppose I don't have much of a choice do I?" he said after a few moments.
"No, you do," you said, this time with a little attitude in your voice. "But you need to make your decision now, because I'm not going to waste precious time and energy on something that you're not going to commit to and then cause the plan to fail."
Geralt looked at you with the smirk still on his lips, but his eyes clearly said he wanted to throttle you. After about a minute he said "Just how submissive am I supposed to be?"
"Enough to sell the act."
"That's not an answer."
You rolled your eyes. "How am I supposed to have an answer to that question? That's not something you can easily quantify." You walked over to the dresser to change into the new set of clothes provided for you. Whether Geralt made up his mind or not, you were going to eat breakfast, and you're going to eat in fresh, clean clothes. He watched you pull out some of the clothing and hold it up to yourself to see which one fit best for a couple minutes before finally saying "Fine. I'll be submissive for two days. If your plan isn't working, I'm dropping the act."
You turned your head to look at him. "And then you're going to do what, exactly?"
"If your plan isn't working, I will have figured it out by then."
"How reassuring." You rolled your eyes again and went back to browsing.
"My brain isn't exactly in the best condition to think right now, which is the only reason why I'm going along with this in the first place." He grumbled.
Finally, you found something that fit. You started to walk toward the bathroom to change and then stopped in front of the bed to look at Geralt. "You still have the option of waiting for me to go get help."
Geralt moved slightly. Was he- did he wince? You don't know him well enough to read his body language yet.
"No, no that's- that's not an option" he stammered.
Okay, so definitely a wince. What did these people do to him to make someone so strong, so fearful? You didn't want to imagine. You continued walking to the bathroom. You didn't know what to say to him. You got changed and came back out to the bedroom. To your surprise, Geralt had changed too. He was leaning on one of the bed posts for balance with his arm wrapped around it.
"Ready to go to breakfast?" you say. He didn't look so good. His face was pale and sweaty from effort. How long did you take to get changed? You didn't think it was that long, but you were lost in thought, so maybe you took longer than you realized.
"As ready as I'll ever be" he mumbled.
Did he have the energy to follow what you had come up with? Well, I'll just tell him and if he thinks he can't do it, hopefully he'll tell me.
"Okay, so here's the plan."
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haiyuta · 5 years
live stream part.2 || Felix
summary: Your boyfriend felix is a camboy and he wants to introduce you to the streamer life. read pt 1 here
word count: 2.0k || Genre: smut, kinda vanilla, on stream, fingering, touching his abs cause duh, freckle kisses cause I want to kiss them sooo bad. 
a/n: I heard everyone wants for this soooo here it is lol. I like this one I think I did okay. but all the love for the first made my heart like burst with love. Thank you enjoy!!! (limited editing sorry uwu)
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Fuck you think you love this dude. From the way, his smile lights up the room to his dorky jokes. To his deep voice and his naturally handsome face. You've been with Lee Felix which you soon learned was his nickname he liked to go as for 6 months already. After learning he was a camboy he soon asked you out. 
Felix being a cam wasn't much of a problem. You never told him you watched him that night letting him believe you were completely ignorant of him being a cam boy. Wanting to see if he would be honest with you. He told you quickly what he did for money. In his words "I talk to the camera jerk off and get money" he explained to you on the second date. Also explained it helped him get through his final year of college. 
Sighing you looked at your clothing. A black skirt for easy to take off for this stream and a tucked in shirt. Blushing as you thought about going on the stream and actually being intimate with him. You've been on the stream before a simple eating one with him. The fans seemed to love watching you do domestic stuff like eating and joking around. Most of the comments loved you on camera praising you guys as a couple. Of course, hate comments did come through but you were indifferent to them at this point. You had Felix they didn't. 
Smiling you heard Felix whine your name out as you left the bathroom. "Ready babe," he said at you leaning on the bed. His legs were wide open in a pretty hot pose. A new set up in his room as the camera was now angled on his large bed different from the chair set up he normally had. 
Blushing you nervously walked out the bedroom "is it on," you whispered at the camera. Raising an eyebrow and gave you a short nod. 
"Yup," he let out a deep chuckle as he sat on the end of the bed. His eyes lingered on you in your little outfit making you shiver at his gaze. He soon looked back at the chat and talked lightly with them. 
Nervous as ever you went around the lighting and camera sitting on the bed next to your boyfriend. leaning over you whispered at your boyfriend "This feels so awkward."
He smirked tilting your head at him. "Just relax and pretend no one is watching," he said placing a small kiss on you. Smiling you nodded trying to shake off the jitters. 
When you came into the camera view the chat went off telling you how pretty you looked today and such. "Isn't my girl a beauty," Felix accent made the word beauty sound extra cute as he picked up your leg putting it over his. His movements were fluid as he wrapped an arm around your waist holding you close. 
He was amazingly causal with the camera. Both of you talked about your past days with recently talking about moving in with each other and your dates. The goosebumps rose off your skin as Felix hand laid on your back holding you up and one on your thigh. His thumb caressing your exposed skin with much care. 
You become much more comfortable with the camera as time went on. Just pretending it's not here and enjoying your boyfriend. 
The care of his hold sparked that flare in your eyes of want. Gazing at Felix as he talked his hair was now a light color but still pushed up revealing his forehead. His freckles dusted making you want to kiss them. 
So you did. 
Leaning over you placed a kiss on the side of his face right on his freckles. Felix knitted an eyebrow his eyes soft. "what was that for babe," he asked smirking lightly. 
Raising your hand you touched your freckles on the other side of his face. "I just love your freckles they're so cute," you commented brushing your thumb across them. 
You could hear pings of donations go off kind of throwing you off but you tried not to look. Felix turned his head and smiled at the comment. "You guys are so cute together," he smiled and thanked them.
"Y/n just loves my freckles," he said slightly boosting. He pulled you closer "I just love her lips they're so soft," his eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips. 
Leaning over he captured your lips in a soft kiss. He was quite the kisser as his lips met yours. Tilting his head slightly he deepens the kiss at the new angle. You moaned into the kiss in which let Felix push his tongue gently in. The movement fluid as you tasted one another in the open mouth kiss. 
Felix's hand rubbed your thigh affectionally as you made out with one another. It was sensual and knowing people were live looking at the two of you kiss one other fueled you more. 
Pulling away for a second Felix smiled and leaned away glancing at the camera. "Hm, my girl knows how to kiss," his deep voice making you want him more. 
"You're not so bad yourself," you mumbled your eyes hazy with want. 
The chat went off with wantful people as they egged you to on to keep going. "Do you want to," Felix said in a low whisper. 
You hummed a small yes. Grinning at your consent he lifted your skirt up a little showing off your ass a little. His large palm smoothed over your ass lightly pinching it. "Felix," you gasped playfully. 
He knew your body so well as played and teased you. His long fingers grabbed at your skirt pulling it up revealing your lace panties. He shifted you into his lap facing you to the camera. So, you were on full display for the camera. Blushing you looked away from the camera focusing on the way his body held yours. "Open your legs up," he mumbled. 
"So everyone can see," he whispered seductively in your ear. With ease, you lifted on leg up more than the other. His fingers danced across his thighs as he played with your skin. "My girl skin is so soft and warm," his deep voice rang through the air. 
Leaning over he gave your head a loving kiss showing he was still caring. His fingers placed themselves to the slit of them as he teased you. Those long fingers lightly pressing into you but not giving you what you want just yet. 
"Look at them giving you praise," he mumbled eyeing the chat on screen. People loved what they were seeing as donations and heart came through. Random people watching you and your boyfriend was odd but did fill you with arousal. As they touch themselves to you guys. As they gave money at you guys. 
"Felix," you whined out just wanting more. His strokes with so slow and so close. 
"What does my girl want," he chuckled at you his hold on you strong. 
"Please touch me," you mumbled in need. 
He hummed "touch you that’s it," he teased out his accent coming off so smooth and deep. 
A needy sigh left your lips "can you finger me," you admitted in a lewd manner. 
Felix smirked giving you a kiss on the neck glancing at you "since you asked so nicely," he agreed. Lifting your skirt up for full display his fingers slipped passed your lace panties as he touched you. His soft was tentative as he fucked you with his fingers. 
Your mind whirled from his touches and you slightly grinned at the face 6 months ago you were self-pleasuring yourself to him and now he was giving you pleasure. His gentle strokes made were so thick and needy. 
"Do you like my fingers fucking you good," Felix asked. His pace speed up making you cry with want. Those long digits as he thrust into you.
"Yes Felix," you moaned out. "So good."
Letting out a moan you sighed resting your body onto his as you wanted to come soon. "The chat loves your moans," he said. "I love your moans to they make me so hard," he commented. 
Before you knew it, he stopped his motions going slower. "But I want us to come together alright babe," he spoke casually. You whined at him stopping. 
"Felix you jerk," you whined at the lost. 
He just smirked "Sorry babe I want you to come over my cock than my fingers," he grinned. Winking at the camera he pushed your back into the bed. You stared up at Felix on full display. he looked so handsome at this angle. His hair a little messy his fingers still slick from fingering you. 
"I can't get enough of you," he said as he unbuckled his pants. "I bet the stream is going to love watching me fuck you," he winked at you. 
"Felix, I need you," you whined edging your hips closer to him. Pulling off his shirt he revealed his abs. He knew how to draw people in his body was so nice it was firm and slim. Your fingers found their way to his abs loving the way they felt under your fingertips.
"I love when you touch me," he grinned. His fingers pushed passed his pants down as he came closer to you. 
Your eyes rolled back as he entered you. He was just the right size in your opinion as he fucked you slowly. You forgot about the camera the people watching all you could think about was him. Already aroused from touching this finished you as he thrust into you at a medium pace. 
His large hands grabbed your hips as he lifted you closer to him. "Felix," you moaned your head in a dreamy state as you got closer.
Felix let out small cruses as he fucked you and praised you with how pretty you look under him. Leaning over his face was so close as he frowns his brow in need. His moans were hot and deep making your stomach flutter. 
"Felix," you whined your legs shaking from your coming orgasm. The heat filled your stomach and vibrated through your body as you came. Your body was numb with pleasure as Felix fucked you his pace sloppy at this point. 
"Fuck you feel so good," he said. A low groan left him as he came his thrust slowing down as he deepens his hips into you more and more ". You let your head lay on the bed spent. 
It was quiet for a moment until you heard Felix leave you "you were so good," he told you with so much love.
Looking at him he pulled his sweats back up leaving his shirt off. You admired him as he signed off turning off the stream and making sure the camera was off. 
"Good job you're a natural," he said turning off the camera lights. 
Smiling you grabbed a wipe making sure you cleaned out his cum that was already spilling out. "Thanks," you blushed realizing you probably just had sex in front of 200 people. 
Laying on the bed Felix sighed with a small smile. "Time to see," he whined. "And cuddle of course," he teased wrapping his long arm and holding you tight. 
"So, Y/n you’re going to move in with me," he said grinning at you. Laying down next to you he was so warm his hold making you feel safe.
Rolling over to look at your handsome boyfriend you sighed. "Moving in that's a big step," you said staring at his deep brown eyes. A step you never took with another lover before.
"It’s a step I want to do with you," he said. “Waking up next to you every day and all that,” he grinned.
“We see each other every morning from out places,” you teased.
Felix gave you a look “true but I still want you to move in,” he explained.
Smiling you sighed "Okay only after my lease is up okay," you agreed.
A large smile lit his face "Fuck that makes me happy," he told you leaning over to give you a soft loving kiss. 
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wildefire · 5 years
Gotta Be Prepared
This is for @teamcap4bucky‘s 2K challenge. I was cleaning out my docs and saw this, and had an immediate reaction of “COME ON MAN” because I was supposed to have posed this 80 million years ago.
Steve Rogers x (Female)reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mention of minor injury and alcohol, swearing.
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Life being an Avenger was… interesting. You fought, you seduced, you fought some more, and a majority of the time you loved what you did. You were just a normal human, but you did think of yourself as a little above standard… which is why, currently, you’re running a training op with SHIELD trainees. In the woods. You know, just the normal stuff. 
Wrong. You were up against a team that was mixed with the Avengers, and trainees. Of course, you weren’t quite against having mostly enhanced people coming after you. Except, you were you; cocky, secure, confidant, and most of all, you really wanted to win. 
Each Avenger had their own squad of trainees that they coached and helped out- which was quite beneficial to both parties, because trainees were well-versed in some things that some of the avengers couldn’t do. (SHIELD trainees could, and would run kill missions for SHIELD against HYDRA or AIM members, or run a capture of someone too high-profile for the Avengers to go after, with the whole sokovia accords thing. The Avengers couldn’t operate in Berlin, but SHIELD agents could because, you know, the whole “dead” organization thing. Most were operating under some form of intelligence committee, namely agencies like INTERPOL and the CIA- sometimes the NSA.)
The woods really are pretty in springtime. Especially in upstate New York, where there's a different vibe to everything. More calm, less chaos. Sadly, you didn’t have time to climb the Oaks, or look at the pretty flowers. You only had time to quietly tell your teammates orders, and observe your surroundings. 
“Alright guys. So, this is the plan. Run like hell. Bucky and Steve are fast as fuck, and they also know how to move suddenly, so zig-zagging won’t work. The main goal is to outsmart them. Do whatever you can to get them to not come after you, but, please don’t let them catch you. If one of you goes down, I don’t get the chance at the spa day, and neither do you. Who you really want to watch out for, though, is Natasha. She’s silent, and, as you all know, deadly. If you see her, you best be sprinting as fast as you can. Don’t hide, it doesn’t go well. Clint can see a mile away, but if you make it difficult for him, he may give up, but it’s not likely. If you see him, he can see you. If you can’t see him… well, he may be able to see you. Stay in groups of two. If one goes down, the other does too. I’ll be with y’all. Now, be free!”
At that, your team runs off in their partners. You decided that you’d have fun, and climb a tree and be Tarzan for a minute. Once you’d gotten to the strong branches, you stood up, get your balance, and began to run. You jumped from tree to tree, branches whipping your face and leaves getting caught in your hair, but you didn’t care. You loved it. As you jumped to the ground, you heard your earpiece crackle.
“Y/n, what do you do if your teammate sprained their ankle?”
“You do exactly what you’re doing right now. Where are you?”
“A clearing with three oaks and a patch of lavender. I think we’re near a creek?”
“I know where you are. I’ll be there in two minutes tops.”
You looked around, making sure that nobody was near you. They weren’t. You ran forwards, and took a left, jumping over a fallen log and rolling under another. You stood up, and froze- you thought that you’d heard a voice that most certainly not your teammates. Better get there fast, you thought. You continued running, and took a few more jumps and bounds, over small canyons, or dips in the ground. You burst into the clearing, and saw your teammates. 
“Ryan, Quincy, are you both sure that you weren’t followed,” you asked in a whisper. Both looked at you with wide eyes, and then at each other. Newbies, they didn’t know. You sighed, and motioned for Quincy to hold out her ankle. It was sprained, pretty badly. You took out an ace bandage from her backpack, as well as some aspirin. You wrapped her ankle, and made her take the painkillers. It’d help with the soreness a little later, and with the pain now. You hoisted her up, and brought her to a log. 
“I’m gonna have to call Rhodey, so he can take you to the infirmary. I’ll take up being Ryan’s partner, and you don’t have to worry, you won’t be punished. You guys are new, and this means that you can learn from it, and be stronger.” You took out a walkie-talkie, and spoke into it. 
“Rhodey, I need a lift out for one of my teammates, she sprained her ankle, and can’t participate in the game.”
“I’ll be there in five, can you put a tracker out so I know exactly where she is?”
“Already out. See you after, Rhodey.” “See you after. Good luck, Y/n.”
You turned off the walkie-talkie, and put it back into Quincy’s bag. “So long, dearie. You’ll be right as rain once you’ve been put into the machine.”
Her expression was between scared and confused. You looked at Ryan, and jerked your head to the right, and began to run. You could hear him swear, and hightail it after you. Your earpiece crackle again, and this time it was FRIDAY, letting you know the point of which you would be winning at. You stopped, and so did Ryan. 
“We’re going to go to that tree on the left, and then we’re gonna have to Tarzan it for a second, if we wanna be in the clear of Barnes and Rogers. They typically guard the first Mile around the checkpoint.”
“Tarzan it?”
“We’re going to be running around in the trees, as well as jumping from tree from tree. I know that you have telekinesis. That is useful, and this is a good test to your ability to multitask.”
He nods, and you leap up into the tree, aided by a telekinetic boost. The both of you begin to run, Ryan following your directions. You begin to slow, and Ryan stops your movement, and keeps you steady on the branch. 
“Ok, so game plan. We’re gonna get out of the trees, and we’re gonna make a break for it. If one of the two soldiers show up, run as fucking fast as you can.”
“Got it.”
The both of you ran, and it was glorious for the time that lasted. Soon you saw a giant blonde man running for you, and you swore. 
You shouted at Ryan “GO, GO, GO,” and kicked your speed up to a full-out sprint. He went left, and you went right, both in a dead sprint. You could see the checkpoint ahead, and Ryan did too. Neither of you let up with your speed, and you dove forwards. So did he, and you both made it. 
“Holy shit, I just outran a supersoldier! Y/n, I just outran a supersoldier!”
“Congratulations, Ryan! That’s a feat that not many accomplish,” you said. “Our team has won! Now we don’t have to do 3 am’s for the next week! And, I get a spa day too, which is pretty awesome.” You looked at Steve, who was just… standing there. 
“There was a prize for us?”
“Yep. We just didn’t tell you, because we wanted it to be fueled by the need to win, not for a proposed outcome other than winning.”
“Makes sense, I think.” At that moment, Steve turned his head, and sprinted in the direction of which he’d come. You noted this wearily, and so did Ryan.
“Yeah, I don’t get it either. I’m driven on a reward-based system. Do this workout, eat some cookies. Deadlift this weight, get my hair dyed, that sort of thing.”
“I’m not sure what my drive is, to be honest.”
“That's fine! You’re still young. I think. How old are you?”
“Yeah! You’re still young! You have time. For now, just follow your gut, and, of course, your orders.”
You could hear the undergrowth crunching and twigs snapping as people ran towards the two of you, hoping for security and safety. You wished them the best, but you knew that your team had already won. You grinned as you saw Bucky barreling towards them, running faster that anyone (except for Steve) could. You saw that it wasn’t anyone from your team, and had no qualms about them getting tagged. Just as Barnes was about to grab them, one of them crashed, head over heels. Game over. You smirked, left the circle, and offered your hand. “Do you need Advil? That looked like a rough fall.” The trainee grabbed your hand, and pulled herself up. “I’d love Advil. Maybe a margarita too.”
“Ha! I think that can be arranged.” 
“Advil, please.”
“I got you. Take off your bag.” She took it off, and sat down on the ground. You took out her water bottle and the pills, and handed them to her. “Sometimes my ability to foresee this type of thing comes in handy, right?” She nods as she swallows, and then there's an awkward silence. Oh, forget this, this is NOT it. You get up, look around, and sigh. 
“I don’t think that anyone is going to get here soon, so I’m gonna bounce. I know that y’all are probably pretty tired, but I’m antsy as fuck-” Lie “-so, I’ll see y’all later. Toodles.”
You walk away from the trio, and begin the trek (three minute walk) back to the compound, and you take out your phone for scientific purposes (to scroll through instagram) as you walk. You get so engrossed that you don’t hear the pounding feet and crunching leaves, which signal the incoming (typical) supersoldier. You only know that someone is behind you when you get tackled, and go tumbling towards the ground. As you “hit” the ground, you realize that someone had thought that you were still playing. You just weren’t sure yet. You suddenly realize that you’re laying on a rather muscled chest, and you realize that you’ve been there for a hot minute. You roll off of their chest, and look. Steve. 
“Did you just try to kill me? ‘Cause you’re doing a fantastic job of almost doing so. The blonde oaf just stands up, smiles, and hugs you. 
“No, I just wanted to say hi to my best girl without an audience.” You sigh, and melt into him, relishing in just how good of a pillow he is. He releases you, and you look up at him, to see him smiling down at you, with those brilliant eyes of his. You smile back, and reach up to give him a quick peck on the cheek, but he turns at the last minute and you end up kissing him on the lips. It was short and sweet, which was just how you liked it. 
“I love you babe.”
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nomnomsik · 5 years
To Catch a Dream - (7)
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Summary: It’s difficult for Yoongi, who’s completely infatuated with you, to quietly remain your college friend. With a slow appearance of unusual tendencies in him, he realizes what he needs to do to attain his dream. However, jealousy and possession are universal in everyone. 
A/N: “Perhaps the reason this night looks so beautiful Is not because of these stars or lights, but us” -Mikrokosmos
After winter break, Yoongi had moved out of his dorm and now stayed in his apartment. Jimin had wished him a farewell, hugging him from behind. Yoongi groaned, telling him that he was heavy and that he would still see him at the campus. It’s not like he would never see Jimin again.
Now, Yoongi lived in the city, barely enjoying his lavish apartment that had nothing except for a bed, a table, a framed photo on top of the table, and a small cooler that served as his fridge all in his living room. Despite his parents having enough money to buy every single floor in that apartment building, his living space was empty. He couldn’t be any happier though. He loved it.
Unluckily for him, his commute to his suburban college was much longer, unable to join you in the early mornings. It was always made up though when you two exchanged a quick kiss in the hallway, before hurriedly splitting ways, rushing to your next class. You would watch as Yoongi spotted you, his fingers coming up as he undid his mask. He would place it into his pocket, his cheeks silently pink, as you two exchanged a soft kiss.
For the past six months, Yoongi had never believed in his life that he would experience this intense joy ever. Balancing college life and your relationship wasn’t that much of a struggle as you were usually always with Yoongi in the first place. Whenever you took a glance of Yoongi as you both studied together, you saw him in a different light. Is this what love was? Is it the feeling of stability and trust that only increased with great intensity when his soft eyes met yours?
You would often go on dates with him in the city, holding hands as you shared memories together. The day would end as he led you into his empty apartment. The curtains would be open, his room towering high above the city. The lights of hundreds and maybe thousands of buildings and cars would illuminate the city night. Yoongi would sit next to you on his bed as he stared out the window with you, his fingers locking with yours as you looked over at him with a sweet smile. The smile that was made for him just as your dreams were made for yourself. Those nights occurred frequently, until one day, you gave yourself to him, trusting him, and letting both of you become each other's firsts.
Now that you were a senior in college, you had no more time for playing around. Just like Yoongi, you had your own dreams and aspirations that you chased after. Your Senior Thesis pushed you over the edge, forcing you to wrack your brain if you had any hopes of graduating. It was unfortunate for both of you that you just didn’t have the time to meet up as often as before. Yoongi understood and didn’t seem to mind, preferring to occupy himself with his own Senior Thesis. He would shut himself in the laboratory to plan everything he wanted out and talked to the professor for guidance.
On a particular morning, you walked into the mathematics building, covering your mouth as you yawned. With your bag slumped over your shoulder and your eyes barely open, it was indeed a very typical morning. When you turned the corner, you were met with a familiar looking figure, Jimin.
He gave you a smile as he peered at your cute sleepy figure, adoring the way you rubbed your eyes to get a better look at him. “Good morning, y/n. Did you not get enough sleep?”
You grumbled, not confirming or denying. When you finally took a good look at him, you squinted, seeing his unusual choice of clothing.
“I thought you said you hated wearing this stuff.”
Jimin gave you a small smile, understanding your sympathy for him. He again wore a dress shirt that was neatly buttoned and surprisingly ironed. It was white, with black stripes that decorated it vertically. Instead of his typical jeans, he wore tight leather pants that accentuated his waist and thighs. His belt secured everything in place. His golden blonde hair was brushed and straightened, not covering his eyes this time, but parted so that they fell near his ears. You couldn’t lie, he looked amazingly attractive.
“My parents gave me a surprise visit. I almost had a heart attack, but yeah. Forced me to wear this stuff again. Do I at least look good?”
“Yeah, I guess you can say that.” You jokingly teased, earning a chuckle from him.
“Here, I’ll pose. Send me a picture.” Almost out of thin air, Jimin whipped out some shades and put them on. He gave you a bright smile, holding up a peace sign next to his face.
“You’re being ridiculous.” You laughed, but still pulling out your phone and snapping a picture. “You look so dumb wearing shades inside of a building.” You laughed even harder as you stared at the picture, your hand coming up to cover your mouth.
“Send it to me. Quick quick quick!” Jimin nagged, nudging your shoulder as he wanted to join in on the fun.
“Okay okay. Learn to have some patience, jeez. Perfection takes some time.” You pointed out, holding in a laugh before hitting the send button.
With a ding, Jimin looked at his phone, breaking into a laugh himself, his whole body falling down with him as he squatted near the floor. Jimin tried to speak again, but he only broke out into another laugh. When he snorted, you both laughed in unison, your finger pointing at him. You brought your hand to your stomach, trying to stabilize yourself and not cry from laughing so hard. His eyes were squinted as he held his phone in front of his face with the picture plastered on it.
“I’m dying.” You cracked up as Jimin set the picture as his wallpaper, holding it up proudly. Taking several deep breaths, you finally calmed yourself down, but a smile was still on your face. Jimin gave you a wave, heading out of the mathematics building and off to his dorm.
Unbeknownst to both of you, Yoongi had seen the whole encounter, Jimin running into you first before he had the chance. He silently watched from around the corner, his heartbreaking. Could he ever make you laugh like this? He clenched his fists, biting his bottom lip in frustration as he ruffled his messy hair. It was a tight feeling in his chest that didn’t sit right with him. Yoongi had always known your particular taste in men, trying to slowly accommodate in some ways. From changing his clothes, he slowly adjusted, not wanting to give away the fact that he was slowly shifting to your tastes.
It was guys like Jimin that piqued your interest from time to time. Jimin’s physique was impressive, with his face soft-looking and innocent, to his body which screamed muscular and athletic. His hair, always sporting different colors and hairstyles, which displayed his confidence in his looks. His outfits, trendy and classy at the same time, solidified his role as a group of the popular folks. Jimin was in no way modest about the way he dressed, always choosing to display his wealth. In comparison to himself, Yoongi had no choice but to feel inferior. He wasn’t dumb. He knew how both men and women swooned over him, even happy enough to hook up with him even if he never spoke to them ever again. It was so irritating to him that Jimin displayed such a weird interest in you despite promising him that he wouldn’t make moves. Jimin was a man he couldn’t trust.
Your laughter and joy which he so selfishly wished to be only his. You were something he never wanted to share because you were the only thing he had. He loved you so dearly that he never wanted to think about you leaving him or being taken away from him. Why did people always have to get in his way, trying to take the things he cared about away from him?
He turned away, preferring to go back to the laboratory to work. The professor looked up from his desk as Yoongi stepped in, ushering him in. Yoongi was well acquainted with him, being the senior he was. By now, the professor knew Yoongi was fully capable of managing himself. Yoongi quickly slipped on an apron and gloves as he opened several cabinets that held certain chemicals.
Grabbing a beaker and flask, Yoongi went on autopilot, his mind still reflecting back to your encounter with Jimin. He pipetted the clear liquid into a flask, measuring it up to 50 mL and placing on the black countertop. His hands clenched the glass equipment tightly as he remembered the way your loud laughter carried its way to his ears. It annoyed him more than it should have. A prick like Jimin… Someone like him shouldn’t even have talked to you. He was a playboy, someone who was going to take advantage of you one day.
His hand instinctively reached out, grabbing the clear bottled liquid. As he uncapped it, he was about to pour it in before he heard a gasp. Before he was able to turn his head around, his professor shouted.
“Yoongi! Don’t pour that in!” He stood up, making his way over to him, grabbing the bottle from him. Yoongi stood there stunned as he watched his professor take the bottle away from him. The professor sighed in relief. “Thank goodness. Yoongi, you do know this is bleach right?”
Yoongi looked over to where he grabbed the bottle, shocked at his mistake. “There’s no way-” he started until he realized the bleach bottle was adjacent to the stacked bottles of rubbing alcohol and vinegar.
“If you were to pour that with this, you would’ve made chloroform. Please be more careful, Yoongi.” His professor’s voice was laced with a bit of disappointment that sliced a part of Yoongi’s heart. Even though he was his professor’s favorite student, it still hurt to make mistakes. A perfectionist at heart, he despised failure. It felt like he was being laughed at. His mind always bringing him back to the moment in his life where both his parents yelled at him for being nothing but a failure. It reflected that maybe his parents had a point. Maybe he truly was a failure like they had told him. Maybe he was wrong for going down this path. Maybe he would live his life like the failure he was, only making his life worse.
“I’m sorry…” He mumbled, his hand instinctively coming up to his shirt as he tightly gripped it. “I t-think I need a minute,” Yoongi mumbled, pushing the door open and scurrying out. He ripped the gloves off his hands, bringing them up to his face as he felt tears roll down his face. Sniffling, he wiped them off with the back of his arm, hiding in the corner of the hallway.
Could he ever do something right?! By this point, you were going to leave him too. There was too much baggage that came along with him. He furrowed his eyes as his anger built up, almost exploding violently as he slammed his fist on the walls of the hallway.
“I’m not taking any risk. She’s mine.”
Chapter 8
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Imagine Going Trick-or-Treating With Sid and Your Son:
@bitweird1 said: “Maybe one where (The reader isn't one of the "Monsters") It's in the future and Sid is playing around with his and the reader's little kid with his super speed and it's super fluffy and cute?❤”
A/N: This is an old-ish request but it’s spoopy season now, I haven’t written creatively since this semester has started, and the last season of Gotham is officially on Netflix; I haven’t finished it yet, so I don’t know exactly what happens at the end, but “one of Gotham’s darkest times” used to mean the beginning of the blackout but now means the return of Jeremiah after the chemicals accident, so this takes place a few years after the show ends. Also, yes, I turned Gotham into a festive Halloween town; let me have this.
[Y/S/N] = your son’s name
Happy Spoops!
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    “Ah, Halloween,” Sid murmured, a small smile gracing his pale features, “The one time Gotham seems to be at peace. The place must have been made for it.”
    “Pretty sure it’s the other way around,” you replied teasingly, “Halloween was made for Gotham. That stuff about Halloween existing before it was founded? Conspiracy. Gotham was never founded, it just appeared one day in olden times and with it the spirit of Halloween. And the spirit of weirdos in flashy attire who like to rob people.”
    Sid snickered before briefly getting distracted by a large, lit up witch balloon that was posted outside of a high-class suit shop.
Gotham was often considered the city of darkness, of pollution and corruption; on Halloween, however, it was--unknowingly, to the outside world--the city of life and laughter (for once, not the bad or chemically-induced kind). On a regular day, it already looked like someplace out of a gothic Halloween film, with its tall, dark buildings, its year-around fall-like weather, its abundance of gargoyles, and its high population of crazies sporting fashion that fit into the categories of both classy and absurd. When Halloween came around, that aesthetic was cranked up from eleven to thirteen; the gargoyles were polished, string lights of various Halloween icons hung from every awning and window sill, cobwebs were draped across light posts, and it appeared had all crime and evil in the city had stopped--even though even the most clueless person in Gotham was aware that was not so. Regardless, it was a rare time where Oswald Copplepot, the notorious Penguin, would genuinely smile at children--he even kept candy at his clubs for trick-or-treaters--and you were sure that at one point you saw The Riddler, shiny green suit and all, helping a smaller-than-average child sneak more than one candy from a public ‘Grab one!’ candy bowl that was just a little too tall for them. 
    You and Sid were walking hand in hand through the crowded streets of the city, blocked off by the GCPD to allow people to roam without worrying about traffic. The two of you gently glided through a sea of costumed children and adults alike, scurrying like rats to their endless destinations of the night. You yourselves had a mission, and it took the form of a little boy trotting ahead a yard in front of you, in a vampire costume that was much too expensive but absolutely worth it. He was a carbon copy of your partner in features, down to the slightly larger than average ears and a jawline noticeable even through still-present baby fat, with your eyes and jaw-length hair a couple shades lighter than your own, currently slicked back in classic Dracula fashion. He was a few years old, born during one of Gotham’s darkest times but raised well and loved fiercely. Love was a trait well passed on to him, too; it showed in the copy of his father’s impish smile and the gentle kindness when he helped another child, dressed as a fairy, pick up their candy after tripping. 
    Unfortunately, for a speedster, your son was clumsy. He’d started running soon after he’d started walking, which, if Sid wasn’t a speedster himself, would result in far too many random and bizarre injuries for your liking. Still, over the course of raising a meta-child, you’ve gathered a special form of anxiety every time your child tripped or lunged or made any sort of jerky movement; you could never tell whether it was going to be a small knee scrape or you child disappearing and reappearing on the other side of town with a twisted ankle and a bloody nose in a matter of seconds. 
    Now was one of those times.
    Not long after the fairy child had gone on their way and the three of you started walking again, [Y/S/N] himself tripped; apparently, Gotham needed to touch up the cracks and potholes in its roads. When your son got spooked, his instincts, and thus powers, kicked in and this was no exception. One minute he was stumbling ahead in front of you, the next he was gone and no one but you and Sid noticed anything more than a breeze. 
    As the world for [Y/S/N] sped up, your world slowed down; you didn’t have superpowers running through your veins, just the fear of not knowing where your child would end up or if he would be able to stop himself without hurting himself. You were suddenly far too aware of your own spiking heartbeat and the clamminess of your hands, and you were so distracted by the spot where your son had been that you didn’t notice Sid’s hand was no longer in yours.
    Only when you got a text did you notice that not one, but both of your boys had disappeared.
    Sid: He’s alright. Scraped up hands and knees, and missing a shoe, but he’s alright. Ended up in the garbages behind Gotham Bar. Almost scared Bullock to death, but now we have his entire candy stash as reward for ‘one good prank.’
    Then another ping. 
    Sid: Grab his bag, I think it’s time we head home. 
    Relieved but still overwhelmed by parental worry, your hands shook as you picked up [Y/S/N]’s discarded bag of candy and began quickly making your way through the crowd.
    At home--a reasonably sized cabin-style house in the forested country outside of Gotham--you leaned against the bathroom door frame as you watched Sid take care of his and your son. [Y/S/N] sat on the closed toilet seat, wrapped in a hooded towel with his hair damp from the bath he’d finished a few minutes earlier but his fingers sticky from the partially melted candy bar he was currently eating, while Sid knelt in front of him. Having already patched up [Y/S/N]’s hands with brightly colored bandages, and bandages on the bridges of both their noses in speedster solidarity, Sid was working on double-checking [Y/S/N]’s knees for any stubborn flecks of dirt or debri that had refused to be scrubbed away in the bath. Seemingly satisfied, your partner’s concentrated scowl turned into a pleased smile, and he added a couple more bright bandages to your son’s collection. At the same time, [Y/S/N] finished his candy bar and Sid took an extra moment to wipe the excess chocolate from his fingers. 
    “Now,” he said, rising to his feet and smoothing the gathered wrinkles out of his sweater, “if you are capable of standing--”
    [Y/S/N] interrupted by half-jumping and half-falling off the toilet seat and landing in a superhero pose, hands on his hips and chest puffed out. “Heroes are always capable of getting back up after a fight!”
    Sid shot an exasperated look your way, your reply being a snicker, before continuing “--and are willing to walk safely to your room to get dressed, we can put something on the television and eat some of our hard-earned winnings.”
    [Y/S/N] grinned and straightened his towel like a cape before trotting to the doorway where you stood. He briefly stopped, seeming to think about something, before he hugged you and nuzzled his face into your stomach. “Sorry for scaring you.”
    You and Sid shared a soft smile, then you ruffled the boy’s hair. “No problem, kiddo, you’ll get the hang of it soon. Besides, Halloween’s about spooks, isn’t it?”
    [Y/S/N] looked up at you with large eyes that matched your own and grinned again. He detached himself from you--you almost didn’t want to let him go--and you moved to let him pass, watching him as he began trotting down the hall to his room. 
    Then a different pair arms wrapped around your waist from behind, and you leaned back to rest your head on Sid’s shoulder. He nestled his own into your hair.
    “We did a good thing,” he mumbled, and you shivered slightly at the feeling of his warm breath. 
    “We did a great thing,” you replied, a goofy grin appearing on your face. You pointed down the hall, where [Y/S/N] paused to pull another candy from the hood of his towel--when did he hide those there?--before carrying on his way. “That thing? Great. A good thing right there.”
    Sid snorted. “Dork.”
    It was silent for a moment, two parents relishing in each other’s embrace and the idea of watching TV in a warm house with their child rather than running around outside until the late hours of the night. It was a warm and soft and safe little space the three of you inhabited together-- until the sound of your child’s footsteps began speeding up. Then they kept speeding up until you no longer heard them; instead you heard and felt a quick gust of wind, accompanied by a muffled crash--then an also muffled “I’m okay!”--coming from [Y/S/N]’s room at the end of the room. Normally such a sound would be concerning, but [Y/S/N] liked stuffed animals over any other toy and you and Sid had learned early on to make accommodations for your speedster son. While your heart still pounded, you were overall a lot less worried when it came to [Y/S/N] speeding around inside the house. 
    “Well that lasted a whole of a minute,” Sid said with a chuckle, releasing you from his embrace and starting down the hall; you whined at his leaving before smiling and trailing after him.
    “Can’t keep a hero down, I suppose.”
    “Yeah, what is it about that?” Sid questioned. “If he’s a superhero, why did he choose Dracula? Why not Batman or something?”
    “Because Batman is just a fursona, and also doesn’t have super speed,” you answered, then cackled at Sid’s confused look forming over the word ‘fursona.’ “It would have been really cool if he had dressed up as Batman, though, and then Batman saved him before he scared Harvey to death or something. Talk about meeting your heroes.”
    Sid’s confused look deepened, then turned into one of disbelief. “You don’t believe that Batman is real.”
    It was your turn to return the look of disbelief. “Of course he is?”
    “He’s so obviously a myth created by the GCPD to keep criminals in check. And failing miserably, might I add.”
    “Obviously?” You were sure your eyes were bulging out of your head now. “You can be experimented on by a crazy doctor who literally brought people back to life, but Batman’s a myth?”
    “Who would call themselves Batman willingly?”
    “I mean, fair,” you paused, “but Penguin’s a genuine person.”
    “He didn’t call himself that willingly, though” Sid pointed out matter-of-factly. “He embraced the insult and made it his own. Plus, we’ve actually seen the Penguin.”
    “People have seen Batman too!”
    “Rumors and shadows.”
    You floundered for an argument, but the end result was your mouth opening and closing with no words coming out.
    Sid grinned, and you scowled. “You’re joking right now, aren’t you?”
    “No, he’s definitely not real,” Sid chirped, “You’re just cute, believing your ghost stories.”
    “He’s so totally real! And who says ghosts aren’t too?”
    This argument continued until the two of you reached [Y/S/N]’s room, where your son was already back on his feet and changing into a bat onesie. Naturally, he sided with you, and soon the two of you were able to force Sid to accept defeat.
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jadelovingjems-blog · 6 years
Surprising Revelations
Ship- Jade/BTS, Jade/Jin, Jade/Taehyung
Word Count- 1559
Warning- Pretty long description of dance and moves she pulls. Will post links on what the heck I just typed.
Overview- Jasmine tells that she could breakdance and now everyone wants to see. Doesn’t know why it’s such a big deal when Jimin and Hoseok can do the same thing.
Line- “Really?”
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It was one sentence.
Two words.
Three Syllables.
Eleven letters.
She didn’t understand why it was such a big deal.
“I breakdance.”
Jungkook choked on the water in his mouth, Taehyung patting his back. Hoseok looked surprise, the same as Namjoon, who had noodles sticking out of his mouth. Jimin looked as if he finally found the answers to life’s questions, same as Yoongi for some reason. Seokjin just smiled and nodded.
“You what?”
Jasmine picked at the noodles in her ramen bowl.“I breakdance. As in I could do flips on the ground and stuff like that.”
Jasmine shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing, which it really was in her eyes. Sadly, the same couldn’t be said for the boys, who stared at her with amazement. She chuckled lightly.
Jimin closed his eyes and then opened them,mumbling under his breath.“Well, that explains a lot.”
“Oh come on, you two,”Jasmine gestured to Hoseok and Jimin,“do the same thing as me.”
“It’s something we didn't expect.”
Namjoon spoke up, noodles no longer from out of his mouth.
“Weren’t you told about what I can do?”
Namjoon scratched his head. “Well,that wasn’t one of the things we were notified about.”
“They must have wanted to surprise us.”
Seokjin still had a smile on his face as he spoke, finding general amusement in the situation.
“They did a good job then.” Yoongi chuckled.
“So,what were you told I could do?”
“That you do ballet, hip-hop, house.”
Jasmine looked confused. “Is that all they told you?”
Namjoon hummed. Jasmine’s confusion changed to a soft smile. They’ll learn more about what she can do later, right now, she thought, it’s only time for one fact to be learned.
“You can add breakdancing onto the list now.”
Taehyung spoke up this time, smile on his face. Jasmine felt her cheeks warm up slightly as his little joke, turning her attention on to her ramen bowl. She began to poke at the noodles with her chopsticks as she tried to distract herself from him. She thought the topic would change to something else, but she was wrong.
“Can you show us?”
Jungkook looked at her expectantly. The two were on better terms, talking more too each other, but not as much as she would with Hoseok or Jimin. Still, it was better than nothing.
“Your breakdancing.”
“Oh!” Jasmine threaded a strand of hair behind her ear.“If you want.”
A chorus of different versions of yes came from the boys and Jasmine couldn’t help but hide her face slightly in shyness. It was just breakdancing, what makes it so special?
The rest of the groups time at the ramen shop was spent in excitement for Jasmine’s little show, hurriedly eating and paying for the food. As they exited the shop, they were all hit with chilly March air, all pulling up their jacket collars and tugging down their hats. Jasmine trailed behind the group, trying to formulate what the heck she was going to do. Would she explode with all of her power moves or give them a little tease?
Jasmine let out a little sigh as she shoved her hands into her pocket, lifting her eyes off of the pavement below to look at the trees on the sidewalk. Some where gaining their leaves back, but most stayed bare. She lifted one hand out of her pocket to graze the leaves as she walked past, picking a leaf off of tree and staring at it.
“You okay?”
She looked to her left to see Seokjin. She smiled lightly.
“Yeah, ‘m fine.”
Silence came between the two for minute or so, both just enjoying the gray sky.
“You don’t have to do this.”
“No, I want to. I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal that I know how to breakdance.”
Seokjin chuckled.“It is a harder dance to learn.”
Jasmine couldn’t deny that. It took her a year to finally be able to do a flare, not an air one sadly.“Well, you’re not wrong.”
“Plus, you don’t see a lot of females practicing the dance either.”
Jasmine let out a little huff.“I just don’t want them to be too excited.”
“Well, you might need to break it to them when we get there.”
Jasmine laughed at his joke, giggling behind her scarf.
It didn’t take long for the eight to reach the dance practice room in the building. It also didn’t take long for everyone to get situated in the room, jackets and hats strewn on the wall closet to door. Jasmine walked over ti the speaker and hooked it up, opening the youtube app and clicking a skrillex song. Right In. One of her favorites. As she waited for the ad to pass, she walked over to Jungkook.
“Is it okay if I could borrow your hat?”
“My hat? Oh sure.”
He handed her the snapback, which she slid on her head, adjusting it slightly as she moved to the center of the room. When the ad was over and the song began, she started to dance. Her body grew a mind of it's on when it came to music Skrillex is no exception, legs slowly inching backwards as the song was beginning to reach the drop. And when the drop finally hit, Jasmine smirked.
She ran and slid on the floor,shifting into flares,seven in total, before turning into the 2000s spin. When she heard “Come on!” from the song, she shifted in the 1990s,one hand out and bent and the other holding all of her weight. A couple seconds later, she starting moved into the air chair for a couple of spins before kipping up, landing on her feet. She started to dance to the melodic part of the song,backing up again. The smirk on her face never left when she heard the song’s beginning to repeat,head sliding on the floor and freezing, legs posed in the shape of an L. She lowered her legs and began to flare again, shifting into windmills after three rotations. When she felt herself get a little bit too dizzy,she slowed down and flipped up. She knew the next move would be the death of her but she did it anyways, toprocking until the beat dropped, where she did too.
Airflares. The most difficult move she could do besides the taisuke criticals she learned from her brother. She considered it her best move and she decided today would be the day to bite the bullet and do it. She flared up and began to hop around, remembering what her brother told her about the move. It didn’t take long for the familiar “Come on!” to be heard, which she thanked silently as shifted into the taisuke criticals. She did a good amount of those before turning into the 1990s again, which she used to begin to spin on her head. When the melodic part came back on, she brought one hand back and bent it, spinning on her elbow. As the song’s ending reached her ears, she flipped back up dancing until the end, where she did an aerial flip to finish it off.
The cheers were deafening, claps and whoops erupting in her ear. She wiped the sweat off of her brow as she was surrounded by her gleeful members.
“How are you not dizzy?”
“That was amazing!”
“You just wombo comboed the floor, Jazz!”
“You did great!”
“How are you seriously not throwing up right now?”
Jasmine giggled as she was bombarded with questions, trying her best to answer all of them.
“I get used to it. Thank you! I wanted to do it earlier but you wanted us to go home. Thank you. At this I’m surprised I haven’t.”
Hoseok hugged her tight. “We are keeping her.”
“We know.” Namjoon chuckled.
“Who taught you how to do that?”
Jasmine turned to look at Taehyung,who had a big smile, with a racing heart and smile as big as his.
“My brothers. We all went to the same dance school.”
“You should teach us.”
She giggled lightly. “I wouldn’t be the best teacher. I’d flop like a fish.”
“Well, you never know until you try.”
At this point, the group was beginning to pack up their stuff. Jasmine handed Jungkook his hat back with a thank you as she shook her head,smile still on her face.“Okay okay, but right now, i need to lay down. My head is spinning.”
Taehyung rubbed her head lightly,hand threading lightly through her hair to rub her scalp. Jasmine was stunned, breath hitching and eyes going wide slightly. She felt her body succumb to his touch and heart racing much faster. She let out small whine when his hand left, patting her head lightly before removing his hand entirely.
“I hope that helped a little bit.:
“I-it did. T-thanks.”
He gave a smile before walking out the room, leaving Jasmine alone. Or so she thought.
“You like him don’t you?”
Jasmine jumped back when she heard Seokjin’s voice from her left. She brought a hand to her heart.
“You scared me!”
He chuckled lightly.“Is it true?”
He began to walk out the door.“Yeah,okay.”
Jasmine fumbled after him.“I’m being honest!”
Links: Breakdancing Moves
First Dance Break
Second Dance Break
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camachameleon · 7 years
Cam’s Voltron Fic Rec 1/∞
VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms. ( ** =  favorites )
  **Moonset Deep by MilkTeaMiku (fairydens on tumblr)
Word count:  80,000 (32/?)
Summary:  All his life he’d been told to make sure he was never seen – it was what all the children were taught from the moment they were born. Never let a human see you, never fall in love with a human, and most importantly, never kiss one.
For Lance, humans were a mystery. He’d lived beneath the surface of the ocean with his shoal his entire life, and had intended to remain there. He knew the danger humans posed to his kind, and what would happen if he came close to one. That’s why, when he found one drowning, his first instinct was to save him.
He’d never been good at following the rules anyway.
Comments: Klance featuring merlance! and human!keith. Also there is so  much  good art based off of this fic. I love the world building in this story, the details make this fic seem so real you almost forget it is fantasy. The progression of their coming together is very natural and not forced (I’m a sucker for slow burn). A song that always makes me think of this fic is called Oceans Away by A R I Z O N A.
  In All The Stars by Tea Party on Ice (A_Conscious_Dreamer)
Word count:  5,568 (1/1)
Summary:  Shiro liked to downplay his memory loss for the other members of the team, but Keith knew better. He knew because there was one significant thing Shiro had forgotten—his soulmate bond with Keith.
Keith could live through that (maybe) but the Hanahaki Disease, however (the rare result of a neglected soul bond) would be a little more difficult.
Comments:  Sheith Soulmate AU bc its kinda my thing. Also I really liked this scene:  “A large hand on his shoulder as Hunk leaned closer. ‘You alright, man? It wasn’t the food, was it?’
He went to respond—I’m fine—but found himself coughing instead, large dry heaves that irritated his throat further and made his breathing stutter and gasp. Swallowing heavily as they died down, he opened his eyes to reassure everyone but froze in horror instead.
Scattered on his lap, on the table, the floor, and gathered on top of his meal like garnish were petals of a deep, deep red—Keith’s favourite colour, the colour of passion…and of death.
His death.”
  **The Quintessential Bond by avidbeader
Word count:  40,637 (14/?)
Summary:  Quintessence is the source of life for all things in the universe. Its harmonics vary with each individual. But Terrans have a unique feature where the quintessences of two people can blend so thoroughly that the two are connected in body and spirit. So far there has been no provable weakening of the bond due to distance once it is awakened. But now, two soulmates are about to be separated by an entire solar system for over a year.
Or, my take on a Sheith soulmates AU.
Comments:  Soulmate AU bc this is me. Also, definitely one of my favorite voltron fics of all time. Honestly don’t understand how this doesn’t have more views? The amount of thought that went into the plot and the characterizations and the science stuff is phenomenal. Also Keith+Pidge broship is my thing. Song recommendations to set the mood... Moondust and Cosmic Love.
   Lifeline by spicygenou
Word count:  1,751 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith has always had an approximate idea of when his Soulmate and he would meet, the words revealing more than just their flirtatious personality. Likewise, Lance knew that his words would be something corny, based on how his Soulmate reacted. This is the story of how they finally met.
Comments:  Klance. Soulmate AUs are my thing ok? And this one is especially adorable and fluffy. Also coffeeshop AU in a way.
   **Ignorance is Bliss by YouAreInAComaWakeUp
Word count:  172,675 (30/30)
Summary:  As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew?
Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he’s the less-evil one, too, so that’s always a plus.
Comments:  Klance with Ghost!Keith and Human!Lance. I LOVE THIS FIC. I got so attached to all the Voltron characters all over again in all new ways, even the minor ones. Like, these characters in this story had such depth, and were so multidimensional that I will never see them the same again. All of them were so completely brought to life and for me, reading this was a life-altering experience. Also, there is a bunch of fan art based of this fic, and its all linked in chapter descriptions so don’t forget to check those out too. I really loved this amazing animated video from my favorite scene in the entire story.
Might want to read the warnings for this fic before reading just in case.
   Don’t Fret by Qpenguin98
Word count:  5,643 (1/1)
Summary:  It starts with a headache. Keith gets sick.
Comments:  Klance sickfic with lots of cuddling. Serious, but fluffy.
  i toss and turn by knightly
Word count:  6,749 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith is sick, and someone comes to check in on him.
He’s just about to try to smother himself again when his door whooshes open. His eyes dart automatically towards the door, and he squints at the figure. It’s tall and skinny and dark, which leaves only one person it could be. Lance.
His heart does a tiny little kick in his chest, and he has to redouble his efforts not to cover his face again. Of all of the people who would come to check on him, it would be Lance.
Comments:  Another Klance sickfic because Lance taking care of Kieth while he’s sick. Lots of fluff and cuddles.
   Shared Stars by Kitsune_Moonstar
Word count:  2,313 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith’s had the little cluster of stars on the inside of his wrist for as long as he can remember. He didn’t know if it was a human thing or just a him thing, but it was one more thing that made him different from the rest of the Blades.
Comments:  Another Sheith Soulmate AU featuring a BOM raised Keith. Found this one through the Dads of Marmara tag. Interesting take on an alternate first-meeting where Keith meets Matt and Sam before Shiro. Matt & Keith bros are always welcome. (if you find more Matt & Keith friendshipfics pls gimme thnx)
  My Constellation by Kalira
Word count:  5,862 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith’s heart leaps when his mark changes to show Shiro’s name - and sinks with the fear that Shiro’s will never show his. But is a mark really necessary to fall in love?
Comments:  Sheith Soulmate AU. A little heartbreaking, but the fluff overpowers it in the end.
   Soulmarks and Skidmarks by FallingNarwhals
Word count:  9,753 (7/?)
Summary:  Keith didn’t want much. A steady job, a place to call home, and maybe figure out the soulmark on his ankle that kept him emotionally tied to a stranger.
Hunk is fresh off of a bigoted and terror ridden Earth all but clutching his degree by his fingertips, and decides that the small outpost town is perfect to live.
And neither of them can deny the small throbbing of happiness though their marks.
Comments:  Heith Soulmate AU with lots of world building. Also Mechanic!&Racer!Keith and Mechanic!Hunk. I was getting some slight SW:TPF vibes while reading this, but maybe thats just me.
    The Man in the Mask by kitausu
Word count:  1,076 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith finds himself at a party he doesn’t want to be at but with a man in a mask he maybe wouldn’t mind getting to know better
Comments:  NSFW. Also Heith bc Heith is life.
  Mirage by LavenderWife
Word count:  18,307 (5/5)
Summary:  Keith and Lance crash on an alien planet. With nothing but desert for miles and their lions broken, the two must learn to work together if they have any chance of surviving the planet’s mysterious inhabitants and getting back home.
Comments:  Some good fluffy and action-packed Klance bonding. Includes some whump and flexible!Keith. These two standoffish and competitive goofballs are forced to rely on each other a lot in this fic and in turn start to open up about their fears and insecurities. The amount of desperation and vulnerability Keith and Lance are forced to show the other while on the run is physically tangible here and I love it.
  Kiss From a Rose by BossToaster(ChaoticReactions)
Word count:  14,176 (6/6)
Summary:  5 times Shiro got kisses from the team, and one time he returned them
Comments:  SHIRO KISSES AHHH but seriously he’s so adorable and the team giving Shiro (platonic) kisses is my kink.
 **A Long Time Ago (We Used To Be Friends) by Mikiri
Word count:  32,580 (1/1)
Summary:  Originally Keith was supposed to have been Shiro’s copilot for the Kerberos Mission. They bonded over the thought of being on a mission together. But that all fell down the drain when something was found wrong with his blood. The fall out of the mission failure changed Keith forever.
Comments:  Gen with lots of Holt family + Shiro + Keith bonding bc both these goofballs need more love and the Holts agree so they are basically adopted now. The original Garrison Trio woo! This is part of the Haven’t Thought Of You Lately At All Series which is waiting on its next installment and I am so excited for bc this may be my favorite voltron fic out there. What can I say I am a sucker for the Holts/Keith bonding storyline. Some tone setting songs are One Minute More, I Lived, and my fav, Brother by Kodaline.
  VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms.
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narisjournal-blog · 7 years
Saileen (Sam x Eileen)
Word Count: 1,702
A/N: This was fun to research. It has taken me far longer than I had intended, but here it finally is. Enjoy, and please give feedback!
Eileen appeared at the door to the bunker gym and leaned against the door frame, watching Sam. 
It was a pleasant sight, seeing his muscles pulled taught, rippling across his back and tensing through his arms as he did his push-ups. 
She watched him until he noticed her presence. He looked up, flicking his hair from his eyes with a smile that dimpled his cheeks, and stood up.
‘Eileen,’ he said. She could see the concentration in his eyes as he thought about what to sign.
'You like what you see?’ He signed slowly, saying the words at the same time.
Eileen laughed. He was trying so hard to learn as much signing as he could, and the fact that he was using his knowledge to flirt was adorable.
'Not bad,’ she signed, then smirked. 'Bet I could still beat you,’ she signed, using her voice as well this time. 
'Oh yeah,’ Sam said, a cocky smile on his face. 'Why don’t you come closer and we’ll see.’ He signed 'come closer’. 
Eileen stepped through the door and stretched her arms, flexing her shoulders. She gathered her hair into a ponytail.
Sam watched her, taking in how casually beautiful she was. She wore a vest and workout leggings that clung to her form. 
She twisted her waist from side to side and reached down, folding her body in half to touch the floor. 
A back stretch, Sam told himself. Not at all trying to throw him off his game. 
He eyed her suspiciously while he stretched his arms out. She fixed her eyes on him, a challenge in their midst.
Sam smirked. 'Bring it.' 
Eileen approached with soft footsteps on the pads of her bare feet. Her stance was already poised. Sam was pretty sure she could spring into action in an instant.
They circled each other, eyes locked intensely.
Sam moved first, aiming to get some hits in and then lock onto her arms for a pin. The size difference would be to his advantage, he thought. His long arm reached her easily as he landed his fist not even an inch from her face.
Eileen knew he would think he had the advantage. She always got off to a good start because most people underestimated her.
She blocked his punch, knocking his arm away and using the motion to launch into a round-house kick that brought her in closer to him, but still kept her upper body lent away from him. Her foot connected with his stomach.
It threw him off balance for a split second, which enabled Eileen to move in closer to him and land a few more jabs to his stomach. He was firm, she realised, and it hurt her hand more than she had expected.
But she managed to hook her foot behind his leg, making him buckle and land on the floor with a thud. She couldn’t hear it, but she felt the give of the boxing-ring floor.
She didn’t wait to see if he was alright. It was Sam. Of course he was. 
Eileen mounted him swiftly, straddling his torso and throwing punches at his face. She skimmed his cheeks just enough to let him know she could hurt him without actually doing so.
Unfortunately, Sam was prepared. He sat up and grabbed around her waist, pulling in close to her. He ignored the smell of her perfume and how good she felt in his arms. This was about winning. That other stuff could come later.
Sam pulled Eileen down against him, trapped her leg and pinned her against him by locking his arm into hers. He threw his weight to roll her over so he was then on top of her. He threw a punch that brushed against her cheek.
Eileen tried to bridge out of the hold by raising her shoulder, but Sam pushed his large hand against it and shoved her back down again.
Fuck, she thought. He was strong.
His other hand pinned her other arm to the floor and his weight trapped her hips so she couldn’t move them. She strained against him, but ultimately, she was pinned.
Eileen held out for three seconds before tapping and Sam relaxed the hold. 
'Fuck!’ She exclaimed. 
She looked up to see those big hazel eyes gazing down at her. For a moment, she wondered if he might be about to lean in for the kiss. 
But then he smirked and said, 'Aw.' 
Her jaw clenched and her determination set. 
You’re going down, Sam Winchester, she thought. 
She resisted the urge to bring her knee up and slam it into the delicate place Sam had left open while he knelt over her. She could win fair and square. 
'You might wanna reconsider kneeling like that,’ she said, giving a pointed nod.
Sam scrambled quickly to his feet. 
'You wouldn’t…’ he frowned at her.
Eileen pushed herself to stand and shrugged. 
'Won’t have to,’ she signed, saying the words too for Sam’s benefit. 
She adopted her ready pose, face set as she stared Sam down. 
She was fair. She made sure he was ready before she went for her strike, but she left him no time to get complacent. She had him dodging and blocking her kicks so fast he wouldn’t have time to think. 
But a lifetime in this job and, like her, Sam had learned to think fast. He landed a blow to her stomach, long arms reaching her easily. 
But she had a plan. This was where the defence thought they had the upper hand; where Sam would think she was so set on her storm of attacks that she would be unsteady to defend. 
He was wrong. As he launched himself forward to go in for a pin by grabbing her arms, Eileen moved swiftly. She threw herself onto his back, wrapping her lags around him tight and bringing her arms up to wrap around his neck.
He held her off to begin with as they tumbled to the floor. Eileen was grateful for the give in the floor as her back struck it. It still hurt though.
But she held on tight, her strong thighs her greatest asset. Sam squirmed, trying to get her off him, but she held firm. He tried to slam her against the floor again, but in so doing, he loosened his grip on her arms and she was able to wrap them tightly around his neck. He was wise to it, though, so he kept his chin down. She wasn’t able to get her elbow under his chin.
Sam Winchester would not go down easy, and he was a stubborn bastard.
He wriggled and squirmed and managed to move round onto his knees, with Eileen still holding tight on his back, her body wrapped around him like a spider monkey.
He threw himself back to slam her against the floor again and try and force her to let go, but she took the blow a second time. She could feel her muscles straining now, though.
Sam managed to writhe and get his arm under hers, so she lost the grip of her arms. She landed on her back, legs still locked in a vice around his waist.
It seemed she was in the same predicament as before, but she had far more leverage and advantage this time. She threw herself up at him, using the strength in her abdomen, and twisted her body to move her arm round behind his back.
She pushed her hand down against the back of his neck and managed to lever herself round, loosening the grip of her thighs for only a second as she adjusted.
She had him on his belly, legs once again constricting around his torso, his arm pinned against the floor and as he struggled to release it he lifted his chin.
It gave her the opening she needed as she tightened her arm and got him in a choke hold, his face pressed against the floor.
He grunted heavy breathing for a few seconds, his face turning beetroot red before Eileen finally felt the thud of his tap against the floor. She loosened her grip and exhaled deeply.
‘Oh God,’ Sam breathed. He rolled over onto his back, chest heaving from the exertion. Eileen loosened her legs and sat back, still straddling him. She looked down at him with a grin.
‘Told you I could beat you.’
‘Fuck,’ Sam panted. ‘That was… impressive. Where did you…’
Sam turned at the sound of a slow clap coming from the doorway, and Eileen followed his gaze. Dean was stood watching with a giant grin on his face.
‘Am I interrupting, Sammy?’ he smirked.
‘No. Nope. Nothing to see here,’ Sam garbled, waving his hands frantically to indicate it was nothing.
‘Really? ‘cause it looks like you just got your ass fully kicked by a chick.’
‘That’s exactly what you saw,’ signed Eileen, saying the words as she did. Dean bent over double laughing at his little brother’s expense.
‘Ima go tell Cas,’ Dean said, continuing to laugh as he dashed off back up the stairs.
Sam groaned. ‘Hey, in fairness, I got you first.’
Eileen tilted her head. ‘I guess,’ she shrugged. She signed ‘draw’ as a question to see how much Sam had picked up.
Sam gave a nod. ‘Fine. Draw.’ He signed it back to her.
She smiled, satisfied at his use of the sign. Sam brought his hands down to rest on her thighs.
‘Are you gonna let me up any time soon?’
Eileen only smirked down at him.
Sam realised that the last thing he wanted her to do was let him up. Her thighs were warm against his hands, and he explored them as she looked down at him.
No words were exchanged, but their eyes locked. Eileen leaned down and brushed the hair out of Sam’s face, tucking it behind his ear. She placed a tender kiss to his lips.‘Ten minutes,’ she signed. ‘My room.’
Eileen stood up and headed out the door, leaving Sam to stare dumbfounded after her. After a moment, he smiled to himself and stood up.
‘She’s gonna be the death of me,’ he said to the empty room.
Everything: @quixoticcat​ @afanofmanystuffs @trashforwinchesters @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend @featheredluci @natasha-cole @greenappleeyes Saileen: @elma-shay
If you want to be added to my Everything list or Saileen list, shoot me an ask or a message! The more, the merrier!
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some-rfa-imagines · 8 years
I just recently got out of a 5 year mentally abusive relationship and was wondering if you could do prompt of the main 5 reacting to MC going through the same thing and trying to learn love again.
Ohh I’m so sorry! I hope you’re surrounded by many many people who support you through this. I’m here to talk if you just want to vent or anything! Many hugs from my corner of the internet!! 
Also, please remember, if you think you’re in an emotionally/mentally/physically abusive or just abusive in general relationship, please reach out. Talk to someone. Escape. These types of relationships are not healthy and you have to remember to put your health above your partners, especially if you’re in this type of relationship. Your happiness is incredibly important, okay?
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Here you go!! I’m going with a Fem!MC (and a gender-neutral partner) again, but just request again if you’d like gender neutral pronouns or anything different and i’ll edit it! Oh, it also got a bit longer than just a prompt… you guys, tell me if you want a pt 2 because i think i’ll only write a little bit in terms of getting used to loving again
The first and last time the RFA met your partner was at the party. For the eleven days prior, your partner had been very pissed that you had to stay in an unknown apartment. They’d jabbed at your new friends in the RFA and almost threatened to come and drag you back to your shared apartment when they heard that there was a bomb with you. They then demanded that you bring them to the party with you, just to make sure everyone there knew that you were their ‘property’.
Once you arrived, you introduced yourself to Jaehee who was marking off guests at the door. You’d told only her in advance that your partner was going to be joining you, just to make sure she didn’t turn them away.
“Oh, MC, it’s lovely to meet you, thank you for throwing such a brilliant party.” She smiled brightly, handing you your VIP pass and you returned her expression with a weak one. Your partner glared at her, to which she didn’t respond, and wrapped an arm around you.
“Hi, I’m (partners/name(p/n)), this girl’s partner.” They spat out the word ‘girl’ when they came to it and you flinched slightly. Jaehee sent them a tight-lipped smile (which really seemed to come out as a grimace).
“Yes. Pleasure. Please, go in, I’m sure the rest of the RFA and all the guests are dying to meet you, MC.” She stepped aside to let the two of you pass. Once you’d walked out of her earshot your partner murmured to you.
“She was rude, don’t talk with her anymore.”
You almost choked on air, stuttering as you responded. “W-What?”
“You heard me. Why would she even want to talk with you anyway.” They rolled their eyes and you two continued further into the venue. Yoosung spotted you first, running over with a grin.
“MC!” He shouted, slowing to a stop in front of you. “I thought it could be you. I recognised the VIP pass. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Yoosung - the one with the star on the messenger!” He moved to give you a quick hug and you returned it hesitantly. Soon enough, your partner pulled you back forcefully. Yoosung looked surprised. “Oh, I’m sorry, we haven’t met yet.” He said before whispering to himself, “I thought I met all the guests.”
Your partner glared at him (which they seemed to be doing a lot today), pushing themselves in front of you. “I’m (p/n).”
“Nice to meet you!” Yoosung held out his hand and they shook it tightly. During the whole conversation from then on, you were wishing you could melt into the ground. (P/N) held a cold and cruel air about them and continued digging into your self esteem, insulting you subtly or being just plain rude. Yoosung tried to speak up about it but you weakly told him it was alright and you were used to it.
Every other interaction was the same for the rest of the night. Every thing you did, they ‘corrected’ you, pointed out the flaws or acted as though you were a child. 
During V’s photo auction, Jumin pulled you aside to where the rest of the RFA stood, away from your partner (for which you were increibly grateful) under the guise of ‘private RFA business’. “MC, listen. We all believe that this is for your best interest, but, your partner is emotionally and mentally abusive.” They all nodded. You stood, frozen in shock for a second.
“Wh-Why are you telling m-me this? Th-This is just how they n-normally are, th-they only need my h-help and s-support…” You whispered, tears threatening to fall from their places on your lower eyelashes.
“Because, MC,” Seven started, “we all care for you, your health and your happiness.”
Zen nodded, adding on. “And this clearly isn’t good for your health. You looked like you were about to cry the entire time!”
Jaehee put her hand on your shoulder, turning you to her. “We’ve all had our hard experiences in our lives and this is just one of yours. It’s okay, MC, we’re here for you but we just can’t stand by and watch (p/n) drag you down like this. You’re a beautiful and powerful eagle, you deserve to spread out your wings and be free, not be trapped in a net.” You felt the tears drip onto your cheeks and then down onto your chest.
“Hey, c’mon, don’t cry. We’ll help you, okay?”
“Yes,” you whispered, making no effort to wipe away the salty tears, “thank you.”
Once all the guests had left, you confronted your partner. The RFA surrounded you, all looking dangerously at (p/n). “(P/N).” You said, your voice cracking from it’s somewhat-confident facade, letting the fear seep through. “I-… I want to b-break up.”
“What?” They seethed, causing you to flinch lightly.
“I-I think this relationship isn’t w-working out, and I’m-I’m very unhappy.” You said, shrinking back into the RFA who surrounded you.
“Unhappy? If anyone’s unhappy, it’s me! If this relationship isn’t working out, it’s all your fault. You never listen to me, always take my teasing to heart far too much, you’re so sensitive and you’re a pest in general!” They had started to move closer to you during their anger, raising their arm up. You winced and pressed yourself into Zen - who stood behind you -’s chest. He wrapped his arms around you and the rest of the RFA moved forward protectively.
“Excuse me, you just threatened to harm one of the RFA on private grounds. I’m going to have to ask you to leave the premises immediately or you will have to be escorted by security.” Jumin said cooly, standing tall. Your now ex-partner seemed to shrink away slightly before squaring their shoulders and huffing, turning away angrily. Jumin turned back to you. “Assistant Kang and I’ll see to getting all of your belongings out of their apartment before they can break or ruin any of them. If you wish, you may come along to make sure the movers get everything.”
This caused you to smile lightly, unwrapping yourself from Zen. “Yes, that would be great, thank you.”
Jumin nodded, pulling out his phone to call someone. “Of course, I will make sure you have security with you at all times in that apartment and from there we can make according arrangements. Assistant Kang.”
Jaehee nodded, also pulling out her phone. “Yes Mr Han.” She then turned to you. “I’m going to do everything to make sure you have the best interests. Please excuse me.” She briskly walked away a couple metres to make some calls. Seven tapped your shoulder.
“The Defender of Justice will keep an eye on you from the shadows! I’ll watch you through the magical CCTV to make sure you’re in the clear Agent MC!” He pulled a pose which caused you and Yoosung to laugh and Zen to just face palm. “Also, maybe, somehow, (p/n)’s bank accounts will get locked, you know, randomly and totally not at all related to me hacking them.”
Yoosung and Zen then turned to you as Seven went to go pet Longcat (who was, for some reason, still there). “We’ll watch out for you on the streets and stuff!” Yoosung chirped, smiling brightly. “I can walk you or go with you to your work/school/etc to keep an eye out, if you’d like!”
“And I will help you out with anything, grocery shopping, fish-shaped-bread shopping, in big crowds, anything! As much as my beautiful self will attract attention, I’m trusting Mr Trust Fund Kid to do some law-stuff to keep them away from you.” Zen winked.
You smiled gratefully, rubbing the back of your neck. “Thank you so much guys.”
“Remember, we just want you to be happy, healthy and keep smiling. We care for you, MC.”
You sighed in relief. Maybe everything would brighten now that you’d removed (p/n) from your life. You were so glad you’d met the RFA. (Even if you had to deal with a bomb //tomatoes are thrown at Puffle)
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