#like i said don't get in between a cat and their owner
beanghostprincess · 5 months
yasopp: i love all my children equally, i can't choose between tartar sauce and not-tartar sauce
This is something my mother would say about our cats
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ventique18 · 15 days
Shop owner 🌸 and 🐉 who comes by everyday to get something without fail. The first time you met was uneventful; just one normal customer amongst the many-- if a huge guy dressed in expensive-looking tailored outfits was the norm. You called him "sir" the first couple of times, but after a few pleasant conversations and comfortable laughter, you began to affectionately greet him with a "Hello, stranger." He flushed at that and immediately introduced himself because he always forgot to do so before. You laughed and proposed that "stranger" be your exclusive nickname for him, to which he reluctantly agreed. He eventually grew to like it.
If you sell flowers, he'll rotate between bouquets and mention that they're for his grandmother. If you're a pharmacist, he'll pick up vitamins and maintenance meds daily. You ask why he just doesn't get a bottle once a month, so he'll share that his father's a bit forgetful so he personally hands it to him daily. It doesn't really answer why he needs to buy exactly one tablet each, once a day-- but you're not one to press people.
If you sell...rice, he's basically providing 90% of your income by picking up several kilos every day. You ask if he's running an orphanage with how much he needs, but he just laughs and spills that he has growing brothers and they both eat like hungry crocodiles.
Honestly, you quickly catch on that he just likes talking to you. You don't really see him around outside of his appearances to buy something, so it must take a bit of effort to travel from wherever he comes from. So one day you jokingly mention, "You should just move next to me if my wares are that integral to your life. God knows we need more neighbors here besides retired old ladies and their noisy grandkids ringing my doorbell for shits and giggles."
"I wish you would move into my house."
"Sorry, what was that? The neighbor's music is a bit loud."
He smiles a polite "nothing" before bidding you farewell for the day. A week passes by and he doesn't come again. You wonder if what you said was off-putting to him, but you settle with the more positive thought that he must have a lot going on in his private life. You find yourself hoping he'd pass by again so you could apologize if your joke offended him in any way. Odd as your relationship is, you do think of him as a friend.
So when one day you're walking home from having visited the groceries, your surprise is immeasurable as you stroll by Ms. Betsy's house. Because instead of the cranky auntie who liked to yell at kids and hiss at visiting stray cats, there now stands a guy. A huge guy with equally huge shears shaping the bushes around shrubs of roses that you swear Ms. Betsy never had. A guy that you know very well.
You do remember that the auntie used to like droning about how she'd sell that house and fly to a different country as soon as the opportunity arises, but...
"Hello, stranger..?" You greet with an equal amount of hesitation, confusion, and relief.
He turns. You swear your stomach exploded into a fit of butterflies when a mischievous smile plays on his lips.
"Why, hello... neighbor. You were not joking when you mentioned the children who enjoy ringing doorbells."
You laugh, "Did I mention shopkeepers who ring their neighbor's doorbells yet?"
"That," he replies as he begins sauntering back to his house, "I do not mind." When his hand reaches the door knob, he looks back to you with a grin, "Would you like a cup of tea? You can tell me more about this mysterious shopkeeper over a tray of honey biscuits."
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lou-struck · 1 year
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They Said No... Part 2
Obey Me! x MC!
Featuring: Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
Part 1 HERE
Part 3 HERE
~We all get asked to do things sometimes that we do not want to do. And it's okay to say no, but sometimes you need a little extra help to get the point across.
Warnings: Pushy Demons, talk of pact control, Threats, Betrayal
The Avatar of Wrath has a bit of cat fur on his usually pristine uniform but has never been happier, RAD is hosting an animal adoption event, and he has spent most of his morning with the adoptable cats having the time of his life. The only thing he is missing is you.
You would love every minute of the event, and so Satan has made it his mission of the day to find you and bring you to the feline-filled classroom.
Stepping into the nearly empty corridor, he sees you sitting on one of the ancient stone benches, mindlessly scrolling through your DDD with one hand and toying with a button on your uniform with the other.
"Mc, there you are." a voice interjects before he can even open his mouth; you lift your head and look towards the owner of the shrill and unfamiliar voice. A Demon Satan doesn't care enough to recognize steps towards you. "I've been looking for you everywhere."
"Oh, hi." You don't meet their gaze, opting instead to stare at the ground in a way that tells Satan you would rather be anywhere else than talking to them. It irks him greatly, but he can't just interrupt yet.
"The brothers aren't here, so you can speak freely now. Did you see my messages?" they ask, taking another step towards you. "You know I've liked you for a while now, but I don't understand why you won't go out with me."
You look up at them apologetically but take a step further away from your not-so-secret admirer. "I'm so sorry, but my feelings are not the same; I've told you before that I am not interested, so can you please leave me alone.
"NO," the lesser Demons shouts, "you don't understand. I like you, which means you are Mine."
That is all Satan needs to hear, and his legs move forward on their own. His anger at this lesser Demon threatens to bubble to the surface as he approaches. Stepping between the two of you protectively.  
The Demon flinches but doesn't back down entirely. They open their pathetic little mouth to babble out some delusional retort, only to have their words die on their tongue.
"MC said they were not interested in the likes of you," he growls, his emerald eyes aglow as he stares down your harasser. "I suggest you leave before you manage to make me even angrier than you already have."
The Demon leaves satisfyingly quickly, leaving Satan with you. He notices that you look a bit shaken up but utterly relieved to be rid of that Demon. The wrath he felt earlier disappears as you throw yourself into the safety of his embrace. 
The cat can wait, but for now, he just needs to make sure you are okay.
Asmodeus is feeling particularly radiant today; the only thing that he thinks he can attribute this glow to other than the universe recognizing his beauty is that his elation to be going on this special little outing with you is showing for all the Devildom to see. 
How lucky are they?
He feels light on his feet as he walks down the cobbled streets of Majolish to the little bistro you promised to meet him at for your Devilgrammable date.
His Peach-colored gaze scans the plaza until it finds you sitting at one of the adorably small tables on the patio, your figure clad in the sweater he bought for you a few weeks ago. You just look so cute. He feels his heart flutter in a way that doesn't quite fit the Lust for which he has been known.
But you are not alone; standing over you is a demon he has seen you frequently talking to at RAD.
A friend of yours? 
But something feels off about the way you are looking up at them as if they are making you uncomfortable. As pretty and kind as you are, Asmo knows that you are trying very hard to keep your emotions undetectable. He has to know why.
Focusing on your conversation, he is able to hear what the other Demon is trying to talk to you about.
"Mc, y-you said we were f-friends," they whine in an exasperated voice. "Why won't y-you help me?" large tear drops run down their pearl-colored skin and onto the pavement below. 
"What you are asking me to do is wrong," you say calmly. "I would never do that to Asmo or anyone else for that matter."
"All you have to do is tell Lord Asmodeus to love me as I love him." they huff. "But you wouldn't even do that for me. I love him, and I deserve to have him for my own."
"I wouldn't be telling him you want me to order him to do it," you say. "I don't think I can be friends with you anymore."
The Demon waves your words off as if they were nothing of consequence, an action that makes Asmo narrow his eyes as he starts to approach. "I never wanted to be friends with some ugly human in the first place, I only wanted Asmodeus, and you were a means to an end. But it seems that you just want to keep all the Brothers for yourself."
"Even if Mc did want to keep us for themselves, they deserve to," Asmo interjects at last, hugging you from behind and placing his head on your shoulder. "I mean, just look at them; they are soooo cute."
The earlier cruelty that had been on the Pearl demon's face vanished in an instant as their cheeks flushed heavily. "L-lord Asmodeus," they breathe. "I didn't mean it like that; the two of us were just having a bit of a friendly disagreement, that's all."
All of the annoyance and irritation that Asmo had been feeling comes forward, and he exudes a threatening aura as he stares down the Demon, not caring enough to charm them into submission. "Yeah, no, I heard more than enough to know that you need to stay away from Mc." he sighs, lowering his voice enough to send a shiver down the other Demon's spine, and they rush away.
Now alone, Asmo turns his attention to you and smiles brightly as if nothing had happened. "Sorry I'm late, Hon; let's go and order our drinks; I think after that, we both need a little extra love."
Beel feels like he's going to die of hunger. Whenever RAD does schoolwide exams, he is not allowed to eat in the classroom. It seems like ages since he has last eaten. The test took him a lot longer than he thought it would take. But before he leaves to go to Hell's kitchen, he wants to find you and bring you along with him. He doesn't quite understand why, but food always tastes better when you are with him.
He hears your voice from down the hall, a happy smile resting on his face as he follows the sound. He says you sat at one of the long study tables in the common room, a mountain of books at your side, and one of your classmates standing over you.
"I'm sorry," you say softly. "But I told you before. But I have too much on my plate right now. You'll have to do that part of the assignment yourself. " 
Your classmate sighs, shaking their head in disapproval. "And I thought you were a nice MC, the kind of human who wouldn't hesitate to help out someone who needs it. You obviously don't have anything better to do, so just do my portion of the project. I'll pay you for your work."
Why is this Demon being so mean to you? 
Beelzebub truly doesn't understand why your classmate is treating you this way; you were very nice in turning them down. And he wouldn't want to do someone's project, either.
You clear your throat, "It's not about the Grimm; I just don't have time to do someone else's work. If you're struggling, I suggest you ask a professor to give you an extension." 
Your classmate is hovering over you now, trying to intimidate you with their size. "You don't seem to know your place, Human; when a demon asks you to do something, I expect you to bow your head and do it obediently."
The Scene before him is too much for poor Beel; angrily, he steps forward, placing a large hand on the other Demon's shoulder. "That's close enough, Mc said they did not want to do anything for you."
The Demon flinches as he turns towards Beel in shock. "B-Beelzebub, I'm sorry, but I needed to remind this human that we demons are superior.
Beel's hunger and anger have fused into one, and he looks down at the Demon with disdain. "Mc is and always will be more important than you; if anything, you should be doing their work."
"no, they don't; I just need them to do their own work." You interject
"R-right, thank you." They mutter, picking their bag off the floor and running away.
"Are you alright, Mc?" he asks, looking at you with a violet gaze of adoration. "That must've been pretty scary."
You nod and take his hand, "I'm okay now, Beel, thank you for stepping in. Can I buy you lunch as a thank you?"
"Could we go to Hell's Kitchen?"
"Absolutely," you smile, "anything for my hero."
Hero? He likes the sound of that for some reason; he smiles happily, picking up your books as the two of you walk side by side out the doors of RAD.
It's the stiffness in his neck that wakes Belpheghor from his nap. Maybe taking a nap on top of all of these decorative pillows wasn't that good of an idea after all. He sits up slowly, rubbing out the knot in his neck, feeling quite annoyed at the situation.
"Oh Belphie, you're awake." you smile, poking your head into the doorway, "I just placed an order for food. It should be here soon if you're hungry."
Just like that, all of his annoyance has vanished. "Thank you, Mc." he grins boyishly; moments like these make him happy to be awake. 
"No problem, I think they are getting close; I'll wait by the door until it arrives," you say before disappearing down the hallway. 
It's then he realizes that you probably had to order a lot of food since Beel is getting home from the gym soon and will need help carrying it all to the dining room once it gets here.
Belphie gets up from his seat and heads over to the front door where you must be waiting.
"You sure ordered a lot of food. Do you need any help bringing it in?" a voice asks. The delivery driver must be here already. 
"Yeah, I guess I did go overboard," you say good-humoredly. "But It will all get eaten, I promise you that."
"You're pretty cute, aren't ya?" The delivery man cooed, pulling back the bag playfully. "How about you give me your number, and then you get your food?"
You laugh nervously at his words. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."
"and why not?" They laugh cockily. "Are you feeling a little shy? Because that's cute too."
Belphie's jaw clenches as he wonders what is with this guy. How dare he try and take you away from him.
"I'm taken," you respond, the irritation slipping through your voice as you meet his gaze.
They scoff, tossing the bag of food on the ground roughly. "Aren't you just a fricken tease then? All I ask for is your number, so how about you be a good human and give it to me?"
Belphegor knows you could have handled this guy, but he was honestly so irritated he had to step in. "Ugh, you're so annoying. Mc already paid, so you can go on your way."
Your harasser is arrogant, not stupid. He knows that he has no chance against one of the seven avatars of sin. He shuts his annoying mouth and stomps down the steps of the House of Lamination.
You watch him leave with a relieved smile on your face, "are you okay, Mc?" he asks, grabbing your hand.
"I am now," you smile "Thank you for helping me, Belphie."
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soleilceirinen · 5 months
Scaredy Cat | modern!Tommy Shelby x fem!Reader
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Summary: your boyfriend and your cat don't get along, they hate each other. When you have to travel for work and there is no one else to take care of your cat except for Tommy, you can't help but worry. What will you find when you return?
Warning: mentions of past animal abuse (not anymore), the cat gets sick, Tommy swears as usual, etc. If some of this might trigger you, don't read. There are mentions of smut but no real smut.
A/N: English isn't my first language, sorry if there are mistakes!
Peaky Blinders Masterlist - Cillian Murphy Masterlist
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Tommy was very good with horses. Sometimes, just to tease him, you liked to call him 'Horse Whisperer Tommy'. He didn't find it funny at all. The truth is that he didn't get along so well with cats. 
At least, this man was incapable of getting along with yours. And it was funny because most of the time he reminded you of an angry cat himself, the rest of the time too, being honest. Sometimes, when you were on the couch watching a movie with Tommy lying on your chest and you scratched the back of his head right where his hair was shorter, you would swear you could hear him purring, melting under your touch. 
Your cat liked to make things difficult. The first time Tommy stayed over at your house, the cat took the space on the bed between the two of you, making it clear which was her territory and that you were hers. Every time he tried to get closer to you he was met with an outstretched paw that pushed him to the opposite side of the bed. You thought it was funny, he not so much. When you woke up you found Tommy's suit jacket full of orange hairs, crumpled on the floor. To this day the jacket still had traces of cat hair.
Moreover, how could you forget the day when Tommy was working on his laptop from your house and the cat bit the corner of the screen? Needless to say, Tommy couldn't continue working on whatever he was doing, which pissed him off so much, because the device stopped working. Your cat spent the rest of the day with a satisfied expression on her round face.
The rest of the time, the poor creature just hissed at Tommy every time she saw him. Eventually, she ended up accepting that neither of them were going to disappear from your life. At least you hoped it wouldn't happen in a long time. 
From the bedroom you heard your boyfriend talking, his deep voice too low to understand his words. You assumed that he would be talking on the phone, always busy with work, even in his sleep he kept mumbling meaningless phrases. 
You headed to the kitchen, after a long day at work you couldn't wait any longer to have dinner. Your cat appeared out of nowhere and began to walk between your legs, creating infinity shapes and wrapping her long tail around your calf. You bent down to scratch her belly when she leaned on the floor in the middle of the kitchen.
"You're so cute," you said in a childish voice, earning a sideways glance from Thomas, full of resentment.
"Cute my balls," he spat.
The cat looked at you with her eyes wide open, as if she were asking you ‘did you hear what he said?’ You jumped to your feet and put your hands on your hips, looking at Tommy with a raised eyebrow. "May I know what's the matter with you?" 
“Your cat, Y/N,” he muttered, turning to you with his hand in front of his face. On the back of it was a deep cut, no, it was a scratch. "Look what the evil’s spawn has done to me."
You glanced at the cat one last time, she looked back at you and licked her paw innocently. Letting out a sigh, you took Tommy's hand in yours to inspect the wound.
"What have you done to make her do this?" you asked cautiously.
He responded with a huff. "Nothing. She came out of nowhere and jumped at me with her claws out."
You nodded in silence and began to disinfect his hand. Your cat was like that, she didn't like men. Actually, she only liked you. Sometimes you wondered if her bad attitude was due to her previous owners, who didn't treat her very well. The thought of someone mistreating your cat filled you with sadness as well as anger. Fucking bastards.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, to him and to her, a tinge of sadness in your voice which didn't go unnoticed to Tommy.
When you finished covering his scratch with a bandaid, Tommy grabbed you hand in his and gave it a loving squeeze before continuing placing the food on the dinner table. 
You had always liked animals, when you were little you weren’t allowed to have pets because your brother was allergic to them. So, the moment you got a job in the city and moved out on your own, the first thing you did was go to the nearest shelter to adopt a kitten.
That was the initial idea, to bring a small cat home and raise it. However, when you saw the sad eyes of the orange cat watching you from inside her cubicle, you had the feeling that you were predestined to end up together. She was already an adult cat at that time but that didn't matter to you.
At the shelter they briefly told you that her former owners, whoever they were, had mistreated her and left her abandoned, half dead in a garbage can. A homeless man searching through the trash found her and took her there, where she was taken care of until she luckily recovered. You couldn't be more grateful to that stranger who cared enough to rescue her. Unfortunately, two years had passed since then and no one had wanted to adopt her. 
She instantly won your heart. You took her home and named her Cat, like Holly Golightly's cat in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Plus, both of them looked alike. Of course, Tommy complained that it was a ridiculous name for a cat, similar as if he called one of his horses Horse.
A couple of weeks after the scratching incident with Tommy, you were notified that you had to travel to another city for a week on behalf of the company you worked for, which was great because it gave you the opportunity to explore new places. The disadvantage was that your cat was old and had to take a pill every day, for life. You didn't trust anyone to leave them in charge of such a task, but not going on the company trip would mean losing the opportunity to receive a promotion in the coming months. You didn't know what to do but you had an idea.
That night Tommy was going to visit you, so you would make him a suggestion.
After having dinner, Tommy and you started kissing passionately. Everything with him was very intense. His warm, calloused hands ran along your sides under your shirt, leaving a trail of goosebumps over your soft skin. Your fingertips scratched the shaved sides of his hair and he let out a moan, pressing his lips harder against yours, never breaking the contact. 
You were starting to feel his bulge growing against your crotch, so you moved your hips against him, enjoying the friction. Now you were the one who let out a moan of pleasure.
“Fuck,” he murmured, burying his face in your neck as he panted. "Can't you make her leave, or at least make her stop staring at me like that?"
You looked at him slightly confused, following his gaze to the cardboard box where Cat was lying with her head resting on the edge of it, watching you without blinking. It didn't matter how many beds you bought her, none could beat the cardboard box. Rolling your eyes, you placed a hand on your boyfriend's face and caressed his sharp cheekbone, trying to get him to focus on you again.
"Just ignore her. Look at me," you said softly, kissing his jaw.
Tommy pulled away from you and sat on the sofa, running a hand over his face. "I can't, love. She's looking at me, killing my mood." He shrugged, looking sick.
You sighed, mentally saying goodbye to any possibility of Tommy fucking the hell out of you. "How bold she is, daring to look down on the great Thomas Michael Shelby."
He gave you a wide eyed look before frowning. "Are you making fun of me? Hey, where do you think you're going? Taking the beast to another room?"
"I'm going to get some water."
Once in the kitchen you took a couple of deep breaths, gathering the courage to talk to him. It was your opportunity to convince him to stay with Cat. You returned to the living room and sat next to him, crossing your legs on the sofa.
"Tommy, do you remember my work trip?"
He looked at you with a blank face for a few seconds until a spark of knowledge shone at the back of his eyes. "Yes, you're going away for a week. Is that right?"
You nodded, biting your lip. "Can I ask you a favor?"
His expression changed to one of suspicion. Usually you didn't ask for things, you didn't hesitate, so he knew you were about to ask him to do something he wouldn't like.
"It depends".
"You have to come in the morning to feed Cat, but not too much because she eats it all and gets sick," Tommy opened his mouth to complain but you were faster, placing the palm of your hand over his lips before continuing. "At night you come back and give her the pill with a bit of soft food, you have to pay attention and make sure she has swallowed it, okay? Also,  change her water, because when she has it for more than a day she won’t drink it."
He gave you a small kiss on the palm of your hand. You removed it and looked at him through your lashes, expectantly.
"Anything else?" he asked, feigning boredom. You smiled. It had been very easy, you hadn't even had to convince him.
"Yes! You have to clean up her cat litter."
The day of your trip, you left everything ready so that when he arrived at night, Tommy would find things easily. 
He opened your apartment door and stuck his head in doubtfully, there was no sign of the furry little beast. He was having flashbacks to the last time he stayed over, when Cat started running around the house making weird noises as if she was possessed by Satan himself. Tommy still felt chills remembering how the cat jumped into the bedroom moving sideways with her tail twisted while she howled. You couldn’t stop laughing, used to see your cat doing that almost every day, but Tommy kept saying that he witnessed a demonic possession that night.
But at that moment there were no howls or strange noises. In fact, everything was quiet. One of those silences that he had experienced so many times in his life before. The kind of silence that does not bode well. Tommy squared his shoulders, he wasn't going to get carried away by his superstitious ideas. It was just a cat. He would come in, give her the pill and some water, and then he would leave. Fast and clean. 
As he approached the corner where the hallway turned to the left at a ninety-degree angle he stopped. Your cat liked to hide there before jumping like a lion hunting for its prey on Tommy's legs. He still had the scar from the last bite, he didn't want to take another one.
This time he was prepared. With a quick movement he stood on the next section of the hallway. But there was nothing. Frowning and feeling a bit ridiculous, Tommy walked through the house looking for the little beast until he found her lying on the sofa.
The cat was curled up in a ball, her head resting on the armrest. Only her green eyes moved following Tommy's movements as he approached her. She seemed kind of off and Tommy couldn't help but feel a tinge of empathy.
“Do you miss Y/N too?” he asked out loud. The cat blinked weakly. "This place feels weird without her around, huh?" 
Tommy didn't know what to expect, some kind of reaction or something. The cat remained still, staring at the wall. He gave her one last glance, shrugging and heading to the kitchen. You had placed a note on the refrigerator door with more instructions, attached with a magnet in a miniature version of the Eiffel Tower that Tommy brought you from Paris. 
He ran his fingertips over your handwriting, thinking. He was going to take you to France the next time you had holidays. The rest of the refrigerator was covered with polaroids of you smiling at the camera, the two of you together, you with your friends and family... and the cat.
'Ah yes, the cat.' Tommy remembered, turning around.
The food and water bowls were full, as if she hadn't touched them all day. That was strange, the feeling of something not going right increased. Grabbing a clean bowl, Tommy put some soft food in it and inserted the pill, completely camouflaged, before placing it on the floor in front of the sofa. 
"Eat," he indicated authoritatively. 
He was a man used to being obeyed in everything, everyone did except you. You were the only one who could handle him like a rag doll and he wouldn’t complain. There was no doubt that this cat was yours, she didn't even look at the food.
Tommy grunted, losing his patience. He grabbed the bowl with one hand and the cat with the other, pushing them together as much as he could. The animal did not resist, after a few minutes a third of the food was gone, including the pill, but she refused to swallow more. "As you wish," he murmured, leaving the remains of food next to the other bowls.
When he looked into the small laundry room where you had the cat's litter box, his heart skipped a beat. Everything was a mess, the floor was full of poop and vomit.
"Fucking hell," he muttered under his breath. Then he returned to the living room, ready to give the cat the reprimand of her life but stopped short. He hadn't noticed before but there were also traces of vomit on the living room floor. "Shit."
Just then his phone started ringing. Your name appeared on the screen. He cleared his throat and answered.
"Hello Tommy" your voice sounded happy although somewhat tired. "How are you doing, honey?"
"Good. I gave the pill to the beast, don't worry. Are you okay?" He spoke as fast as he could, trying to move the conversation away from the cat. 
"Yeah, it's a little boring you know, all day in meetings and now they want to go to have dinner but I don't feel like going. I haven't been able to call you all day, as you can see  I haven't stopped.” You let out a small laugh. ”Hey Tommy, thanks for taking care of Cat. It means a lot to me. I have to go, they came to pick me up. I love you!"
You hung up the call before he could say anything back. Leaving the phone on the coffee table, he walked into the balcony, feeling the cold wind against his skin.
Tommy leaned on the balustrade as he lit a cigarette, smoking slowly. You didn’t like him smoking inside the house, or smoking in general, but that was his problem and you couldn’t change it. This way the balcony became his territory. Once he finished, he went back inside, closing the door behind him. The last thing he needed was the cat jumping out the window. 
He started cleaning everything the best he could while debating whether to call you again and tell you everything, that something was wrong with your cat, or try to fix it on his own. Yes, he would do that better. Tommy was a man of resources, he wasn't going to ruin your trip and worry you if he could take care of it.
After making sure everything was clean and the cat had food and water, he left your house, relieved that he wouldn't have to spend another second alone with that animal. 
When he returned the next day and found both the food and water intact, he headed to the living room, where Cat was still lying in the same position as the day before. He felt his soul leaving his body. 
Tommy swallowed and sat on the couch next to the cat. He approached his hand slowly to touch her soft fur, expecting the cat to hiss like she always did when he got too close to her. That would mean everything was fine. But that didn’t happen, the feline's only reaction was shuddering and letting out a pitiful whimper so soft that if he hadn't been sitting next to her, Tommy wouldn't have heard it.
Shit, shit, shit. He covered his mouth with his hand, his brain working at maximum power. He had to do something. Being aware of how important that cat was to you, if something bad happened to her... he didn't even want to imagine your reaction. 
Without wasting another second, he dialed May Carleton’s number, the veterinarian who sometimes treated his horses. After explaining the situation, she told him to bring Cat into the clinic to take a look at her. Tommy picked up the cat in his arms, wrapped in a blanket, and held her to his chest like one does when cradling a baby. The poor thing let him do it, too weak to complain.
The drive from your house to the clinic was frantic, Tommy drove like a madman and once there he skipped the line in the waiting room, entering directly and leaving the bundle on the metal table. "Thomas, you can't sneak in like this," said May while putting on a pair of clean latex gloves.
"It's an emergency," he said, pointing to the metal table.
The vet's expression changed from annoyance to concern the moment she laid her eyes on the poor creature. "Okay, Thomas. I'll take over from here, why don't you wait outside?"
It turned out that she had eaten some plant that's poisonous to cats. This had caused her intestine and some other organs to inflame, or something like that. At least they had discovered it in time to help her.
The first thing Tommy did when he got back to your apartment was throwing away all the plants. The second thing was not taking his blue eyes off from Cat for a minute during the next three days.
At the end of the week you couldn’t wait any longer to go back home. You called Tommy several times but he didn't pick up the phone. Every time you had talked to him in the past few days he always told you that everything was going great. You had a hard time believing it. In about twenty minutes you’ll be home and you could finally hug your baby Cat and take a shower, in that order.
You stopped at the entrance of your home, leaving the suitcase and your shoes next to Tommy’s. He's here after all, you thought. The lights were off, all of them except for the one in the living room. You walked towards there and what you saw made your heart fill with love. 
Tommy was on the sofa, fast asleep. Curled against his side was Cat, sleeping too. She was holding Tommy’s hand between her paws. You covered your mouth with your hand, hiding your smile. They were too adorable. Never had you thought the day in which the two of them could get along would come. Seeing them sleeping together seemed like a dream. 
You took your phone and started taking pictures of them. The next week you would print one to put it on your fridge door, a new moment to remember.
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c-nstantine · 5 months
This Little Life
Description: Bucky loves his girl
Warnings: None, the reader's black but that's just my blog
Word Count: 0.7k
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Bucky and Sam's relationship couldn't be easily defined. Sure, they were partners in the eyes of the government so that the two oculd do their duties as superheroes. They both acted as Steve Roger's closest friend at some point but were they friends? Sam would've said no if it weren't for the endeavors that Bucky went through with him and Zemo. So, now, the two were a little more than colleagues but neither would admit to being friends.
"Alright, this was nice but I'm leaving now," Bucky said sitting his beer on the bar's counter and passing some cash to the bartender. He had finally gotten used to inflation prices without complaining.
"Dude, you've had one beer," Sam pointed out as he sipped on his third.
"Yeah, but I gotta get back to my girl," Same didn't have anyone to go to at night, but Bucky had her. He had Y/N, the light of his life. She didn't care how broken he was and she didn't try to fix him. She was simply her and in that it made him better anyway.
"Your girl?" Sam questioned. They've had this discussion plenty of times for the past couple of months. Sam was seriously starting to think that this was the off-brand super soldier serum getting to Bucky's head.
"Yes, my girl," He said with a smirk.
"The imaginary one you won't let me meet?" Sam reminded him with a knowing glance.
"She's not- She's very real. Look, I have a picture," Bucky used his non-mechanical hand to fish his phone out of his pocket and showed Sam the homescreen. It was a picture of her that Bucky had taken during golden hour. She wasn't looking when snapped the photo, but that just made all the better.
"Bucky," Sam said hitting Bucky's shoulder lightly. Sam didn't know Bucky had the charm or the gall to pull such a beautiful girl.
"I know she's gorgeous," Bucky said with a faint tinge coating the cheeks of the super soldier. Leave it to Y/N to have a man from the 1940's blushing.
"She's black. I didn't know you had game," Sam stated as an observation.
"Huh," Bucky spoke with wide eyes. His face was burning at this point.
"Come to think about it, you did really well at that cookout," Sam reminsced on the days that two had spent in hometown.
"Can I leave now?" Bucky asked again while rubbing his forehead.
"Sure," Sam said knowing exactly why Bucky would be running home so early.
- He crept in quietly. There was a good chance that she was probably still up but he wanted to be sure. Their cat, Alpine, purred as her owner returned to the shared apartment. The snow white cat wrapped herself between Bucky's feet and Bucky took that as a sign to hold her. He quietly kicked off his boots and tossed his jacket on a coat rack.
"Alright, where's your mama?" He asked the cat who simply snuggled into his warmth. Bucky sighed and walked into the living room and found Y/N watching one of her reality shows while curled up in a blanket. There was a glass of red wine on the coffee table and her smile had a faint haze.
"Oh, hey babe. I thought you'd be out later," She spoke looking up at him and squinted her eyebrows in confusion while at him holding their cat. He placed the cat on the couch.
"I can't just leave my best girl hanging," He said as he scooted next to her and wrapped his arm around her. She leaned into his touch.
"Best? I better be the only," She joked and nudged him with her shoulder a little.
"You know you are. You might have to meet Sam soon," He said it like it was the worst thing on Earth. It wasn't but Bucky tended to be a bit overdramatic.
"Oh, that'd be fun," She said. She paused her show to get a good look at him.
"Not really," He grumbled as he inhaled her scent.
"Don't be a sourpuss," She plucked his forehead before starting the show again. She knew he'd be lost and ask her at least fifteen different questions about the plot but that was perfectly okay.
"Yeah, okay," He was happy with this little life of his.
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yikesmary · 1 year
Is it alright to request a scenario with Wonu? Like imagine him having a cat before the two of you are together then one day you stayed at his house/apartment then you sit somewhere on the couch or floor making yourself comfortable then you felt a small weight from your side or lower back and saw his cat sitting or sleeping comfortably next to you.
I have a kitten and then he has been acting up like that since he stayed in my room 🥹
CAT DAD — jeon wonwoo x reader
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summary: whenever you go to your boyfriend, wonwoo's, house, his cat mimi. and he's totally not jealous because of this.
notes: ahhh i love this request so much!!! i added the last part where wonwoo's jealous because i think it'd be cute for him to be jealous. this was kind of short by my standards, however i hope i did this request justice!
join my taglist!
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"I'm starting to think there's another reason you come to my house other than to see me,"
"Don't be silly!" you said, and Wonwoo wished he could believe you if you weren't faced away from him, cooing at his cat, Mimi, while you were holding a cat toy and playing with her.
Somehow, Wonwoo felt like he was the third wheel in his own house. Ever since you had visited his house for the first time, Mimi always seemed to forget his existence. It was cute the first couple of times you visited, but now that you were coming over every other day, it seemed like Mimi couldn't care less about him.
It was to the point where he wondered if he was getting jealous of you or the cat.
"How about we watch a movie?" He suggested, which made your attention to the cat turn to him.
"Sure, what should we watch?" you asked.
You both had ended up deciding on a movie that both of you seemed to have watched a million times, but you always seemed to like it each time.
The both of you settled on the couch, while Mimi walked away into the hallway to do whatever it is a cat such as herself did in order to entertain herself.
As the movie went on, you found yourself resting your head on Wonwoo's shoulder while he wrapped his arm around you. You were about to fall asleep until you felt a weight on your chest. Opening your eyes, you were faced with Mimi, who was looking at you and meowed softly.
"Hello, pretty girl," you cooed, not minding at all at the cat's weight.
From beside you, Wonwoo scoffed and lightly glared at his cat, who he swore was looking smug at the fact that she was interrupting his time with his girlfriend.
"Okay, you can eat my food and steal my spot on the bed, but stealing my girlfriend is where we cross the line," Wonwoo told Mimi, picked her up, and faced her to him so she can know he was being serious.
"Wonu!" you gasped, but you couldn't seem to hide your amusement at your boyfriend's jealousy.
"It's her fault!" Wonwoo sulked.
You giggled at him but then kissed his cheek in order to make him feel better, loving the fact that you saw a hint of pink on his cheeks in both embarrassment and adoration.
"You don't need to be nervous, baby," you reassured him.
"I'm not jealous, she just seems to be forgetting who's her owner," he said, giving the cat a look.
"How about we put Mimi in between us so she has no choice but to interact with the two of us?" You suggested.
Both Wonwoo and Mimi were doing a stare off and secretly, you took a picture of the two of them doing it and sent it to Mingyu, who you had no doubt he was going to laugh at the picture.
Finally, Wonwoo looked away from Mimi's stare and looked at you. "The minute she starts moving towards you more, I get another cat and I'll spoil that cat better," he lightly threatened.
Gasping, you looked betrayed and covered Mimi's ears as if she could hear what he said.
"You wouldn't!"
"I wonder if I can ask Cheol where he got his accessories for Kkuma,"
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taglist (if your name is crossed off, it means I couldn't tag you): @belladaises @winterpaos @wonhuiful @minhui896 @baekhyunimochibbh @x-alightinthedark @whywontyousetfree @minghaossv @coffeesandrains @slaveofmydreams @bmkgemz @dandycharmer @outrologist @stagefrjghts @dahliatopia @exo-saranghajaaa @uhlatcha @watermelon-sugars-things @miniminimingi @venzline @kokorit0 @withloveyjh @mikopikotobiko @lockburn-castle @mrs-kamisato @userjunhuii @mypsychicpizzaworld @smileyneos @xuenihao @itsrachelsplace @yoonzinoooo @pepperonidk @jw-0717 @swinterr @blobfishbumblebee @againwithwonu @jeonride @violetvoo @maevadobreva
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suugarbabe · 8 months
completely fine if not!! just wanted to ask if in the end you were going to write the Mattheo x animagus!reader thingy i sent in some time back, but absolutely just out of curiosity!! i hope i don't come across as pressuring or similar, because i'm also very excited for your other projects and i can't wait to read them!!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Omggggg I’m trash I’m trash I’m trash! I swear I did have this done. It’s right here. I’m so sorry I had this in my Google docs and lately I’ve been working straight from my inbox so I forgot I even completed it. Please don’t hate me I’m so sorry love :((
One of your favorite things about being in your cat form was basking in the sun. It really helped whenever you were stressed, or anxious, or tired, or whenever you really just needed to get away from other people. Today's basking came from just needing to clear your head.
You stretched your little black paws out, letting out a soft meow like yawn before turning on your side right in a sun spot. You were nearly drifted off into a light sleep when you hear someone slump against the other side of the tree.
Curiosity getting the best of you, you slowly stalked around the trunk to see none other than Mattheo Riddle. He didn’t notice you at first, his head sitting in his hands and breathing deeply.
You nuzzled your head against his thigh, his head snapping up at the motion. “Well hello there, beautiful,” he get your head an affection pet, looking around the courtyard for another person, “Are you out here by yourself? Where is your owner?”
You nudged his hand with the top of your head. He laughed lightly, “Okay, okay, I get the picture.” He started to lightly scratch the space between your ears, earning an affection purr from you.
You stayed cuddling with Mattheo like that for a good hour before he had to go. He said his apologies to you, saying he hoped he ran in to you again soon. You rubbed yourself against his legs before he left, then you went and sat in the sun again.
Later that day at lunch, you were talking with Susan Bones when Mattheo came and sat down next to you, a rather large smile on his face. You rested your head in your hand as you turned to look at him, an inquisitive look on your face.
Mattheo caught you staring, “What? Something on my face, Princess?” You laughed, dipping your finger in the pudding bowl next to you before tapping his nose, “You’ve got some pudding right about…there.”
Mattheo’s mouth dropped open in shock, “Oh you’re gonna pay for that later, Y/l/n. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.” This sentence caught your attention, “Oh? And what has put Mattheo in a good mood today?”
His smile was smug, “I made a new friend. Well, she’s a cat. But she’s beautiful and cuddly and…you know what I should just show you. She seems to hang out in the courtyard.”
Mattheo grabbed your hand, dragging you out of the Great Hall. You gave Susan an apologetic look, but see only seemed to be smirking. When you reached the courtyard, Mattheo was disappointed to see the cat was not there. You tried to give him a sympathetic look, without giving away that you knew why the cat was no longer there.
The next morning Mattheo found you again, in cat form. Giving you cuddles and ear stretches and belly rubs. It was the most physical affection Mattheo had shown you, even if he didn’t really know it was you. But you couldn’t give it up, not with the crush you’ve had on him for the last two years.
At lunch the same day Mattheo tried to show you the car, again. But again, it wasn’t there. For obvious reason. It went on like this about every other day for two weeks. Mattheo would find cat you in the morning, he started talking to you, telling you why he was upset, or about his day, his worries.
You started to feel a little bad every time he tried to show you the cat and it not being there. But nothing could prepare you for what Mattheo was essentially confessing one morning.
You were laying in his lap, stretched out while he made gentle circles on your belly. “Have you ever had feelings for someone that you weren’t sure if they liked you back?” You looked up at him from his lap, your little black ears perking up at his question.
He huffed to himself, “What am I saying, you’re a cat. You just look for rubs and cuddles. Ugh, gorgeous I really like this one girl. But we’re such good friends I don’t know if I should tell her. I keep trying to show her you. I really want to have something just between us, think maybe it’ll bring us closer,” Mattheo picked you up, holding you so your body stretched down but your little cat nose and his were nearly touching, his tone turning to baby voice, “but you always seem to be gone when I bring her, don’t you beautiful?”
He sighed, setting you down. You felt so guilty. You had to tell him the truth, you started running towards a set of trees on the other side of the courtyard. Your mad dash away startled Mattheo, him getting up and trying to chase after you.
Once behind the pair of trees, you transformed back to your regular self. Mattheo peaked around the trees, jumping back slightly when he saw you, his face quickly turning in to a smile, “Y/n/n, did you see her? The cat. She came right this way.”
You looked at him with an expression he couldn’t quite read. “Teo…I, I am the cat.” Mattheo let out a chuckle, “What do you mean, love?”
You took a deep breath, looking down at the ground, “I, erm, I’m an animagus. A black cat more specifically. It’s why…why, erm, you could never show me her. Well, I was her.”
There was silence. You waited a beat, expecting him to be upset for keeping a secret or get upset for allowing him to be so vulnerable and essentially lying to him for the last three weeks.
What you didn’t expect was his arms to wrap around you, for him to pull you close and squeeze you tight before pulling back, “That is so bad ass.”
Your face broke out into a smile, “Really? You’re not, like, made or anything? I know I should’ve told you sooner but I just…liked being close to you. Even if it had to be that way.”
You met his eyes shyly, only to be met by his shining, “Y/n/n, this is seriously so cool. Merlin, I thought I loved you before but this is so amazing. You’re so amazing, beautiful, gorgeous. Human form and cat.”
Mattheo’s eyes widen at the realization of his confession. “I, erm, I’m sorry I-”
“I love you too, Teo,” you cut him off. He flashed you a dimpled smile, “Yeah?” You nodded your head, lifting up on your tip toes to press a light kiss to his cheek, which instantly flamed.
He looked at you with shy eyes, scratching the back of his neck nervously, “Now that you’re secrets out, don’t think we could maybe…erm, use your animagus to prank the other boys one day?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, nodding, “Under one condition.”
Mattheo placed his hands on your waist, “What’s that, love?”
You couldn’t resist the urge to be cheesy in the moment, “You call me officially yours, both human and cat form.” Mattheo’s smile widen impossibly larger. “That I can do, Princess,” he leaned in, stealing another sweet kiss from your lips.
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maezysworld · 2 months
test subject x the ghoul pt 1
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Pairing: cooper howard x fem! cat mutant & sniper reader (thats a mouth full lol)
I've never really written stories like this but i think this is a fun idea so ill try my best anyways please please please msg me if you have ideas and or suggestions (i am sensitive please be nice LMAO)
Warnings: slow burn, writer is dyslexic, might be slightly out of character, a whole lot of guns, not proof read
context: you are part cat due to being experimented on you have the cat ears and eyes along with all there senses (i do plan on making a full backstory)
your on the search for a doctor who has a large sum of caps over his head, you could care less about the caps you don't have a lot to do in this world so you take any opportunity you can to have some fun no matter how risky it could be. considering the amount of caps, you already know it will be quite the task but you don't mind playing with your food.
you've asked around the wasteland a little (not that a lot of people really said anything useful) but any information you got led you to a town called filly. you entered filly walking in trying your best not to draw more attention to yourself, the gasmask your wearing doesn't really help with that but you don't really need people knowing you have animal ears and eyes. you take in your surroundings as you walk with a crowd looking for the highest most excluded building you could see when a ghoul catches your eyes, you walk a bit slower admiring him for a moment watching him roll a vile in between his fingers before snapping out of your trans and picking up you pace again.
you get to the top of the building staying low to the ground making sure no one sees you up here before laying on your stomach and pulling out your sniper riffle. you sit and watch everything for about 7 minutes until a familiar doctor falls into you glance. you don't even bother lining up your scope to his head, you don't feel the need to someone else is bound to get him after you shoot him regardless but that's more then okay with you, you don't mind playing a waiting game.
you see him talking to a vault dweller just before an older woman who seems to run a shop approach them, you try you best to listen in but all you can seem to make out is the shop owner saying something about getting out of here. "this gasmask is fucking me over" you whisper with a sigh readjusting your arm a bit to be more comfortable.
suddenly the ghoul stands up, along with a few people just now noticing there's a ghoul in the town as they cautiously speed walk away from the area. the ghoul shouts something about this doctor having a hefty price over his head as almost everyone moves away from the man. a sly smile grows on your face now knowing hes involved with this bounty as well. the shop owner says something and before she can even finish her sentence the ghoul shoots the mans foot off, the poor vault dweller just stands there in fear and confusion, a wave of sympathy overcomes you knowing you were just like her you almost wish you still were.
the old woman shouts "i gotta 1000 bottle caps for who ever kills that fucker!!... but you dont get SHIT if i kill em first!". your not to sure why but after hearing that you start to focus your scope on anyone who starts to even look at him. the ghoul holds his gun out gun on the trigger ready to shoot just waiting for someone to make the first move as he looks around in a circle. a man in a black hat and googles pulls out his gun but before he can even pull the trigger the ghoul shoots him in the chest, his bullet exploding on impact. immediately after more people start shooting at him, he turns in a circle again shooting anyone who try's to get near him as you shoot the people from a distance. in all honesty you know he probably doesn't need your help but still you continue with out a reason to be doing so. you see someone trying to come at him with a knife from behind and just as the ghoul turns around to attack you shoot the man with the knife and the glare of your scope hits the ghouls eye and he looks up as you give a slight wave right before pointing to signal behind him as a brother a steel knight shows up.
you see the old woman and the vault dweller go run and hide into the shop bringing the doctor with him. you know you wont to much to the walking tin man so you decide to go down and listen in. you try your best to sneak in with out anyone seeing you but as the ghoul is on some broken steps you look over at him and with out a doubt he was looking dead at you before getting right back into combat. you ignore it and continue to snoop in on the others.
you keep your back pressed tightly agents the wall. hear the woman convince the vault dweller to take the doctor to moldaver, you've heard of the woman but have never had any encounters with her based off the things you've heard you know this will be a good time (you would have never found anything about this situation fun before the war). you start making your way out of the building after hearing that its plenty for you to go off along with now having both the doctor and the vault dwellers sent. you decide to hide in a ally and wait for things to die down before leaving.
after about 9 minutest you don't hear metal clacking or guns shooting you start to leave filly. you didnt get to far outside of the town before you hear a gun cock behind you "aint you a little over prepared?" you hear a mans voice with a southern accent referring to your gas mask. you turn to face the voice seeing the ghoul you've been eyeing this whole trip "doesn't effect you now does it? is the gun really nectary after i helped you?" you scoff offended but knowing youd do the same "now i aint ask you to do that for me, did i?" he says finger on the trigger. you think for a moment 'rude ass' you think to yourself "i guess not, but a thank you would be nice" you say with sarcasm in your voice. The Ghoul keeps his eyes upon you as you speak, the gun never moving. He lets out a short laugh at your attempt to engage. "You want a thank you for a job half done? bailed in the middle of a fight.. not that id thank you anyways i didnt need your help smooth skin. what's you goal here you tryn to steal my bounty" he says sounding more relaxed than he should be. "not necessarily, i don't want the caps if that's what your worried about." the gun never wavers even as you speak. "so just what do you want then?". "entertainment, not much to do in this world." you say with a smile on your face, not that he can see it. The Ghoul is surprised by your answer. He lowers his gun slightly, looking you up and down, but still doesn't trust you. "You ain't got better things to do with your time? Like finding food, or water, or caps?". those things are all fairly easy to come across for you, your sneaky and when you want something you take it. "lets say that all comes easy" Something you said intrigues him, and his gaze lingers on you a little longer. He shifts his weight to his left foot, and holsters his gun. "You saying food, water, caps just comes to you?". you relax abit more now that his guns down "i never said that, its just easy to get. now i have some information that may be of use to you, and im more then happy to give it under one condition" The Ghoul's interest is piqued. His curiosity getting the better of him, he nods his head. He wants to see if what you're peddling is actually worth something. "And what would that condition be?". you feel excited, youve never traveld with someone much less had company in years and the though of him agreeing (even if its not very friendly) makes you happy "i come with you on your bounty." He considers it, still not fully trusting you, but also intrigued by your offer. "And why the Hell would I want you along for a bounty hunt? Why should I trust you? What's to stop you from just turning on me? "he responds "you interest me, my weapons aren't out now are they? if i wanted to kill you i would have done it while i was on the roof" you say slightly muffled from your gas mask. He looks at you for a moment, thinking it over. He didn't like the idea of traveling with someone he didn't know, but he wouldnt mind the help from someone who knows how use to use a gun(not that he'd ever admit that). "Fine, we'll go after the bounty. But the second I even get a hint you're planning something, I'll kill you where you stand. We clear?". "understood." you say trying your hardest not to sound excited. He nods, then turns and begins walking away the dog standing behind him following. He calls over his shoulder to you.
please let me know what you guys think of this and im open to any suggestions and ideas ( i would also love name ideas for this) :)
notes: @s-lock-doctordonna I LOVED YOUR IDEAS AND I WILL BE USEING THANK YOU <3
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phoward89 · 2 months
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Dark!Coryo, Dark!Peacekeeper Coryo, Innocent!Reader, Delulu!Coryo, obsession, manipulation, toxic relationship, drinking, cussing, etc
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Chapter 4:
“You know, you might want to change into something more casual later- for when we go to the Hobb.” You told Coryo, who had an arm slung over your shoulders possessively while still carrying his sack over his shoulder. It had a few of his personal items in it so you didn't blame him for carrying it around instead of leaving it on your front porch.
“I will, darling.” Assured Coryo, walking with you towards the meadow. “So, how much farther to the meadow?”
“Not much.” You simply told him, spotting the vast green sprawling meadow and the large oak tree in the distance. Pointing it out, you said, “See, it's right over there.”
Gesturing to the meadow and tree up ahead, Coryo chuckled, “It's still quite a walk in this heat to get there.”
“The heat won't really start calming down for another month or so, but sometimes there's an Indian Summer.”
Having never heard of that term while living in the Capitol, he asked, “What’s that, darling?”
“An Indian Summer’s when it's unusually hot in late November, feeling like summer during late autumn.” You explained, causing the peacekeeper to nod.
“I hope District 12 doesn't get that this year.” Coryo grumbled, shuddering at the thought of breakthrough summer weather during late autumn. Ugh, he hates the climate of 12. He prefers the crispness of the Capitol; he's sure that you will too once he gets you there.
And mark his words, he's getting you there. No matter what it takes, Coriolanus is going home to the Capitol with you hanging on his arm.
“You and me both.” You told your new man, electing giggles and chuckles from the two of you. “You know, I still can't believe that I'm your girl.'' You admitted to the platinum peacekeeper when silence settled between you.
“Why not, Y/N? What's so hard to believe?” He asked, pulling you to a stop; tipping your chin up gently so that you'd look at him.
Coryo's crystal blue eyes bore into yours as you admitted, “I dunno, Coryo. I just wasn't expecting you to like me like that’s all.”
“Actually, darling, I don't like you. I love you.” Your peacekeeper confesses with a Cheshire cat grin.
He loves you? But you haven't known him for that long. And, yes, he's sweet and makes you smile- is handsome too, but you're not there yet when it comes to being in love.
“You love me?...” You trailed off in disbelief, your eyes wide as you stare up at him.
Coryo gently cups your cheeks in his hands, while confessing his undying love *cough* obsession *cough* for you. “Y/N, my sweet darling girl, I just knew it was love at first sight when we smiled at each other. That we're meant to be; I’ll show you my love and devotion every chance I get, my little dove.”
You felt a bit overwhelmed by his sudden love confession. You weren't expecting it. You know that Rein and Ashlie aren't going to be so accepting of your relationship with Coryo; that they'll flip if they hear him say that he loves you.
“You don't have to be shy, darling. You can tell me that you love me too.” Coryo sweetly smiled, tenderly swiping his thumbs along your cheekbones.
Coryo looked so hopeful, like a puppy that was excited to see their new owner, and you didn't want to ruin that by telling him you didn't know how to feel. That you weren't in love with him, yet.
Coryo was a nice guy; a good friend that went out of his way to protect you and keep you safe when you first met him. He was concerned about your safety walking alone in the district and he also had no family nearby. He seems easy to get along with.
Maybe you're just nervous because you've never had a boyfriend before?
“I've never told anyone that wasn't family I love you before, Coryo.” You confessed, hoping that would get you off the hook.
Actually, your family rarely exchanges those sentimental words. Life’s harsh in the districts, sentiments aren't viewed as important by your brother: survival is.
“I told you, Y/N, my darling, that you don't have to be shy with me when it comes to such things.” The platinum blonde boy told you, his baby blues shining brightly with obsession- although to you it seemed like adoration. He tilted his head slightly, only to ask in a too sweet tone, “You do love me, don't you, baby?”
You just couldn't say no to him. It'd crush him. Coryo seems so vulnerable right now. You couldn't be the reason that his bright cerulean eyes turned dull. So, you nod and tell him, “Yes, I love you.”
If only you knew how damning uttering those 3 little words would be.
Coryo was a bit unhinged; by telling him that you loved him back you had literally just tethered your soul to him. In this messed up, delusional, touch starved, admiration craving, power hungry, obsessive mind he truly thought that the two of you had some love at first smile bullshit. Coriolanus was desperate for somebody to love him, to be gentle, soothing, comforting, and just unconditionally kind to him, since he's never had that.
To Coryo love is to possess, to obsess, and to own somebody. He over thinks so, of course, he over ‘loves’. But, the thing is, the platinum blonde peacekeeper's so twisted that he doesn't even know what real love is, despite being shown it by his cousin, Tigris. Of course he’s sweet and soft to the object of his affection, it's only natural to be. Plus, if he was mean he wouldn't get the love he craves back, now would he?
Coryo pressed his forehead against yours, feeling like everything was right with the world since you vocalized your love for him. He knew how you felt, but hearing you say it was like heaven on earth. Oh, how he can't wait to ‘make love to you’ err fuck you nicely, to show you the depths of his feelings.
He decided that tonight, after spending some time at the Hobb, he'll have you.
“I'll show you just how much I love you tonight.” Coryo vowed before capturing your lips in a kiss.
Unknown to you and Coryo, Lucy Gray was under the tree in the far off meadow; watching what she assumed was lovers sharing secrets. Seeing Coriolanus twisting you around his finger made her heartsick. She couldn't stick around and wait for the two of you to join her under the meadow’s oak tree.
So, she slung her guitar over her back and took off towards the woods for a quick hike. The songbird was just walking to clear her head; give you and Coryo some time to defile her meadow, her safe space, before having to go to the Hobb and get ready for her show with the Covey tonight.
A show that she hopes you're not bringing Coriolanus Snow to.
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“It's beautiful out here.” Coryo told you, leaning against the oak tree while you nestled between his legs with your back resting against his chest. “But not half as beautiful as you.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
The word beautiful to describe you is an understatement in Coriolanus' mindset. To him, you're the most precious thing in his life. Your kindness and friendly demeanor makes you shine like a diamond in his eyes.
He's never met anyone quite like you before. Back in the Capitol girls are very superficial and shallow. They're caked in makeup, sprayed in artificial scents, and squeezed into the latest fashions- may that be corsets, velvetene jumpsuits, silk dresses, or sky-high heels. But not you.
You're genuine, bright, and vibrant in a world full of misery and falsehoods. You're a ray of sunshine in his life. You, in a way, remind him of his mother. From what little Coriolanus can remember of his mother, Demeter, he remembers how gentle and kind she was. How she always smelled of roses, how she was such a caring person; loved him unconditionally.
Yes, you remind him so much of his late mother. No wonder he loves you so much.
Looking up at the man whose arms were wrapped around your waist, you smiled, “And you're a very pretty boy.”
Coryo bent his head down and pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose. “Then, I suppose, we make quite the pair. A beautiful girl and a pretty boy.”
Sighing, you told him the harsh reality of, “Rein and Ashlie aren't going to like us being quite the pair, Coryo.”
Shaking his head, Coryo scoffed, “I don't care what they like or don't like, Y/N. You're my girl, so they need to accept that.”
“What if they never accept you?” You asked, hoping that he wouldn't make you choose between him and your family.
Little did you know that he wouldn't make you choose in that traditional sense. No, he'll make you think that he's supportive; paint your family out as the ones that can't get along with him. And when your family gives you an ultimatum, Coriolanus will be the one telling you that he's the only one that truly loves you; that'll always take care of you.
“Let's just hope that they do, darling.” Coriolanus said, taking one of your hands in his; linking your fingers together. “I love you and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Of course you're not going anywhere, you're stuck here for 20 years.” You reminded Coryo of the conditions of his peacekeeper duties.
Coriolanus prays to gods, he doesn't even believe in, that he won't be stuck in District 12 for the next 20 years. Honestly, to him that'd be a fucking living hell. The only thing he likes about the muddy, depressing, coal district is you and the meadow. Other than that, the district could burn for all he cares.
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Your house was empty when you and Coriolanus returned from the meadow. Rein and Ashlie had gone to the Hobb earlier than they needed to. Neither you nor Coryo brought it up, you both know they're avoiding him. No need to talk about it.
“I know it's not much, but this is my room.” You told Coryo, opening up your bedroom door and leading him inside.
Setting his bag down on the floor, he gave you a thin smile. “It's nice, Y/N.” His baby blues took in the simplicity of the room, only to say, “Looks like the bed might be a tight squeeze tho, darling.”
Coriolanus made a mental note to buy you a full size bed when he gets you your own apartment, closer to the barracks. And he's going to get you your own place. In fact, he'll be looking into it come Monday.
Your eyes widened. You didn't think too much of Coriolanus staying at your house for his weekend leave, but now you're realizing that he's expecting you to share a bed with him- being a couple and all. You feel like it's all very sudden; maybe too much too soon.
“I've never shared my bed with a boyfriend before, Coryo.” You admitted as the two of you went over to your bed.
Sitting down, he smugly remarked, “Of course you haven't, baby. I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had.”
The platinum blonde’s proud that you'll only know him as a lover. He honestly can't wait to claim you tonight.
And talk about tonight…
“How long do we have before we need to meet up with Rein and Ashlie at the Hobb?”
“I dunno. Few hours, maybe.” You shrugged.
“Ah.” Coryo simply nodded.
“I made a wild berry pie earlier, we could have a slice to kill some time.” You offered, figuring that Coryo might be hungry.
“I'd like that.” Coriolanus smiled. “How about you go slice us up some pie while I change into my denim fatigues, yea?” He suggested, causing you to just nod in agreement before leaving him alone in your room to change.
So, while you busied yourself with pulling the berry pie off the windowsill and slicing it, Coryo was getting changed. You'd just finished placing your plates and silverware on the wooden table whenever you heard the heavy bootsteps of your boyfriend coming from down the hall. As you grabbed the small bottle of cream, courtesy of your neighbor Tam Amber's goat, you heard Coryo enter the kitchen.
“The last time I had pie was before being sent here; my friend Sejanus' Ma gave me a slice when I was visiting their apartment.” Coryo told you, his baritone full of nostalgia, as he walked up to the table and took a seat.
“What kind of pie was it?” You asked, sitting next to him at the table.
“Blueberry; Ma Plinth put a scoop of ice cream on it too.” He answered, reaching for the bottle of cream set between your pie plates. Pouring some cream onto his pie, he said, “She sends Sej treats; he shares them with me and our squad.” Gesturing to your pie with the glass bottle in his hand, he asked, “Cream?”
Figuring that he was offering to pour some cream onto your pie, you nodded, “Yes, please.”
“Do you bake often?” He asked, pouring some cream on your pie.
“We can't afford baked goods from the Mellark bakery, so I have to bake pies for us.” You honestly told Coryo as the two of you began to eat your berry pie.
It was true, living in the Seam meant that you're so poor that it's a miracle your family has electricity. Hell, your family doesn't have hot water or a bathtub/shower in the bathroom. The bathtub's an old tin tub. You're lucky your shack house has plumbing for a toilet and a kitchen sink.
You live at the end of the line of the Seam; it's considered the poorest place in District 12. And here you are, sitting at your modest kitchen table sharing a pie you baked with a Capitol born and bred peacekeeper. You couldn't help, but start to feel a bit embarrassed at how poor you were compared to the platinum blonde boy sitting next to you.
If only you knew how Coriolanus grew up in a crumbling penthouse without a pot to piss in, eating watery cabbage soup and congealed potatoes for every meal. Then maybe you wouldn't feel so inferior.
Hearing you tell him that you can't afford to buy anything from the bakery breaks Coryo's heart. It also makes him feel for you in a way he's never felt for anyone before- ever in his life. Yes, what he feels for you is empathy.
Which is a feat in and of itself since Coriolanus Snow is not a naturally empathetic man.
“How ‘bout we go to the bakery tomorrow; I'll get you anything you want.” Coryo suggested, his tone saccharine as the corners of his mouth turned up into a slight smile.
The idea of going to the bakery to get something excited you. You've never been able to do that before because you've never had the money to. But now Coryo’s in your life and wants to treat you to something from the Mellark Bakery.
Just the thought of it puts a smile on your face.
“I’d like that.” You told Coryo before taking another bite of pie.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence while eating pie together. It felt nice, just spending time with him. If only you knew that he'd be making sure that he's the only one you ever spend any of your time with, ever again.
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It was dusk whenever you and Coryo emerged from your house to go to the Hobb. He kept a protective arm wrapped around you while walking to your destination. You got a few judgemental or dismayed looks from people wandering around- mostly headed to the same place you are.
The Hobb.
“So, is the Hobb a bar or a nightclub?” Coriolanus asked as street lamps started to appear, signaling that the two of you are entering the Merchant Sector of the district.
Coriolanus knew that Lucy Gray and her Covey performed shows at the Hobb, but other than that he didn't know much about the place. He wondered if it was something like Pluribus’ nightclub. Or maybe it's smaller, more plain since it's in 12 after all.
“No.” You shook your head. “It’s an old abandoned coal warehouse that's been turned into a large black market and dance hall. In the very back there's a wooden stage made of crates that my neighbors perform on; there's also a makeshift bar that separates the market part of the Hobb from the dance hall part.”
“Lucy Gray's your neighbor?” Coryo asked, his baritone full of anger and resentment, as you walked along the cobblestone streets of the nicer part of the district. “I hope you're not friends with the little songbird.” He said very condescendingly.
“Of course I'm friendly with her. Why wouldn't I be?” You told him, only for your brows to knit curiously. Looking up at the platinum blonde, whose buzzcut brightly glows like a halo due to the streetlights, you ask, “Have you heard about her?”
“No, I had the unpleasant experience of meeting the manipulative little bird-boned girl myself in the Capitol.” Coryo spat out, as if the words were sour on his tongue. The peacekeeper wouldn't leave it be. No, instead he went on a rant of, “She's no victor, just a manipulative whore living off her charms while I'm forced to serve here. If it wasn't for me getting her out of that arena and back to her Covey, she'd be dead in a den of rainbow snakes.”
Oh no…The lightbulb went off and suddenly, you figured out that Lucy Gray batted her eyes at him and he wooed over her; causing him to cheat to ensure she became the victor. You don't have a tv, so you don't know what happened, other than Lucy Gray saying that she had to sing for her life and use her snake charming skills at the end. But now you're pretty sure that Coryo cheated; somehow got her scent aka pheromones to the snakes to make her a friendly familiar to them.
You didn't like snakes, but you knew enough about them from what you read in your apothecary book. So you know that your boyfriend had to get your neighbor’s scent into their cage or something before the snakes were dumped into the arena. Dens and pits of snakes will attack strange scents; especially when they feel endangered or threatened.
And now you know why Coryo looks at you like a puppy. He literally has no one, but his friend from home, because he was drafted into Peacekeeper service as punishment for cheating: for rigging the games for Lucy Gray's survival.
“You dropped something of hers into the snakes’ cage, to get them familiar with her pheromones.” You stated, not asked, in a whisper as you spotted the arch up ahead that marked the end of the Merchant Sector and the entrance to the warehouse and coal headquarters.
Coriolanus looked down at you, a proud, but slick smirk on his face. Your background in apothecary aided you in your aha moment about how he cheated. Of course you're smart, you're his girl. His other half. Only his girl would be intelligent enough to put the puzzle pieces together about what he did without having to see the physical evidence.
You're smarter than those fake twists back in the Capitol. Kinder and more beautiful too.
Oh, how he's blessed to have you by his side. He wonders if this is how his father felt when he met his mother? His father was gone a lot, ironically General Crassus Snow was the Commander here in 12 and refused to have his wife and son live in such squalor; would take leave to make family visits, so he doesn't remember much about him. But he does remember how his father's cold icy eyes would lighten up slightly when his mother was by his side; how his deep, stern voice would soften by a slight octave while talking to her.
Yes, the way Coryo feels about you has to be the same way his father felt about his mother. It just has to be; nobody can tell him otherwise.
Coriolanus knew that he couldn't tell you the exact truth of what happened to land him here in 12 as a Peacekeeper, but he also knew that the best lies were actually twisted half truths.
So, he spun you the half-assed truth of, “As my Academy graduation project I was assigned to be her mentor in the games. During one of our strategy meetings, she cried and I wiped her tears with my handkerchief; then when I learned the snakes would be unleashed in the arena, I placed the handkerchief in the terrarium.”
“You got caught when the cleanup crew found the hankie on the floor because it had your name or initials on it, right?” You concluded as the two of you walked under the arch; entering the area the Hobb was in.
“Yes.” Coriolanus nodded. It's just his dumb luck that he has the same initials as his late father; that he had to use his father's old handkerchiefs because, despite being talented with a needle, Tigris couldn't afford to make him shirts and handkerchiefs- the material has to be used sparingly and wisely.
“Then Dean High-as-a-kite-bottom sent me here as punishment.” Your boyfriend hatefully hissed, sounding like a snake about to strike its enemy.
You wanted to ask why he called his dean what he did, but you never got the chance.
Turning to you with disapproval blazing in his baby blues, he ordered, “I don't want you hanging around Lucy Gray or the Covey anymore. She's no good, Y/N.”
“But, Coryo-” You started to object, only to be roughly cut off by Coryo's bitter snap of, “A girl like her, a lying, manipulative whore that sings on live Capitol TV about living off her charms; whoring herself out, while her ex runs off with the Mayor's daughter, isn't somebody I want my girl to be around.”
Dragging you towards the warehouse people were flocking to, Coriolanus seethed in a sickeningly sweet baritone, “If I say you can't talk to somebody then you better listen cause I love you; just wanna keep you safe.”
Not wanting to ruin the night, which was meant to be a good time dancing with Coryo at the Hobb, you nod and squeak out, “Okay.”
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Coriolanus feels that the Hobb's a crowded, dirty, dingy, smoke infested, shithole of a dive bar. Hell, calling it a bar's a bit much since the place’s a warehouse turned into a bar with dancing and live music- courtesy of Lucy Gray and the Covey. Being in a tin building meant that the clanking of boots on the wooden dance floor loudly echoed into the air, bouncing around in the platinum blonde peacekeeper's head like a pinball.
He didn't like it one bit. He'd rather be back home in the Capitol at a proper nightclub. Oh, he makes a mental note to take you to a posh nightclub when he takes you back to the Capitol with him- when the time comes. And hopefully it comes soon because he doesn't know how much longer he can handle living out in the districts like some filthy scumbag peasant.
The excited smile on your face makes him crack a smile. Despite the Hobb being a shithole, being out with him made you happy. You're proud to be seen with him, so he decides to stop getting lost in his head and just enjoy the night with you.
A night that's going to be full of drinking, dancing, and fucking.
The fucking will be after he takes you home, but he's sure that you'll enjoy that too.
As he guides you down some rickety steps that are so rusted he's afraid they'll buckle under his weight let alone yours, in order to get to the main dance floor of the Hobb, Lucy Gray spots you. She nearly fumbles her song at the sight of Coriolanus’ large hand in yours, your fingers laced together, as he leads you downstairs to the dance floor. The look in his eyes unnerves her. His crystal blue eyes seem dark, sinister almost, with an unchecked emotion.
One that Lucy Gray's only seen gleaming in not so nice men.
She continues to sing, watching as Coriolanus spots somebody seated at the tables against the wall. Her worried brown eyes follow you as Coriolanus leads you over to where a big-boned young man with a dark buzzcut and a baby face was sitting. His fellow peacekeeper rose from the table, only to clasped Coriolanus on the shoulder before giving you a friendly hug. The small he gave you and Coriolanus was warm and genuine.
Lucy Gray just hopes that Coriolanus' friend can keep you safe from the cold blooded snake. Because any young man that can lead on a girl, who's afraid to die, and convince her that he cares so she'll stay alive to win him a prize is a man that'll do and say anything to get what he wants.
You're her neighbor and friend; she'd hate for something to happen to you because of Coriolanus.
“Thank you, thank you, everyone!” Maude Ivory called out to the crowd as soon as her cousin finished her song. “This next song, well, you all know it; it's a good’un to do some two-steppin’ dancing, to.” The blonde tween cheerfully announced, stomping her feet. “So, 12, let's have a good ol' time tonight! Let's have it for Lucy Gray Baird and the Covey!” Maude Ivory shouted, causing the rest of the members of the Covey to appear on stage with their instruments in hand.
“Sej, can you get us some drinks? I'm gonna dance with my girl.” Coryo told his friend, who reminded you of a big teddy bear, before dragging you off to the dance floor.
Sejanus didn't even get a chance to blink let alone give his best friend an answer. But, seeing him spinning you around on that dance floor with a look of love in his usually hard eyes and a bona fide smile on his face made it hard for Sejanus to be annoyed with his friend. Without giving it a second thought, he left the table to go grab some jars of moonshine for you and Coryo.
Leaning against the bar was your brother, Rein. He was nursing his umpteenth jar of shine for the day while Ashlie, his girlfriend, worked the bar. He spotted you on the dance floor with Coryo, smiling and giggling as he spun you around with his fancy Capitol moves. Showing off like some big fucking hot shot.
Rein just shook his head and tipped back his jar. He wasn't drunk enough to watch you fall victim to some peacekeeper's affections and advances.
But you know what they say:
Like mother, like daughter.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @nowitsmissing @edb954 @astarborntowrite @devils-blackrose @gentle-aesthetic-bby @elizabeth-nobennet @harvey-malfoy @hannahrachel
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neverinadream · 3 months
True, But My Bed Is Closer
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Summary: Christian struggles to find the right words when asking you to stay over for the first time.
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: Nope - but the idea comes from something @pulisicsgirl said yesterday 🫶🏻
Warnings: fluff, pre-established relationship, neighbour x neighbour, sommelier!reader, consumption of alcohol, talks of alcohol, i'm not a sommelier and far from ever being a wine expert so if something is wrong just ignore it, not edited, rushed ending
Notes: i don't know what this is and truth be told, i don't like the ending 🫣 anyway, hopefully you enjoy it. feedback is always appreciated and requests are open
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"That can't be true."
"And I'm telling you it is," you reply, dropping your hands into your lap, "remember, which one of us is the expert here?"
Christian shakes his head, laughing light-heartedly as he reaches for the bottle of wine. The bottle was stained black, the type that came with a cork, and the label was printed in gold lettering. The company's logo stood out to him the most when he was trying to find the right bottle. It resembled a wax stamp, with a crest printed in the centre. He topped off both of your glasses, emptying the bottle of its very last drop, before passing you your glass.
"Cat pee?" He watches you take a sip, subtly glancing at your mouth as you lower your glass and lick your lips. "I don't believe you."
"Okay, maybe I've exaggerated a little, but-" A giggle bubbles in the back of your throat as you watch him playfully roll his eyes. "-but-! It did smell like cat piss." You take another sip, scrunching your nose as you remember the smell.
"And people liked it?"
You nod your head, cradling the glass between your hands. "It won awards."
"Do I even dare to ask how much a bottle of 'Le Cat Pee' costs?" Christian asks, draping his arm over the back of his couch, turning himself to face you. He kept his glass steady in his other hand, occasionally lifting it to take a sip.
"Not unless you want me to phone for an ambulance because you've gone into cardiac arrest." His eyes widen to the size of dinner plates, a droplet of wine dribbling down his chin as he takes a sip. You pretend you don't see it, hiding your smile behind your glass. "It's not the most expensive wine on our list though," you mumble, taking a quick sip, "we have bottles on that list that cost nearly a thousand euros, if not more, and there a people who are far too happy to pay for them. Sometimes I want to tell them they're stupid for buying bottles that expensive, but you know what they say, the customer is always right."
"Jeez," he blows out hot air and nods to the bottle at his side, "and I thought I was paying too much for that bottle."
You set your glass down on his coffee table, making sure to rest it carefully on the coaster and replace it with the empty bottle. You knew about the company that made it, even visited the vineyard where the grapes grew last summer, when you wanted to introduce more local wines to the list. You and Eva, a waitress with a bubbly personality who always wore bright pink lipstick, and aspired to be a sommelier, had spent the afternoon touring the vineyard with the owner's eldest son, Edoardo, quickly getting tipsy on samples of wine and giggling at Edoardo's terrible jokes.
It was a family-run business, spanning back multiple generations, making it perfect for a family-run restaurant. But the owner's oldest thought differently, putting an end to your idea before it could even be considered.
"The labels are all made by machines now," you say, sitting the bottle back down, "but, originally, they used to put actual wax stamps on the bottles."
He chuckles, running his thumb delicately over the curve of your shoulder, drifting up the base of your neck. "Of course, you know that."
"Sorry," you apologise, looking down at your lap, "sometimes I can't turn it off." You knew not everyone cared about the history of wine, no matter how fascinating you thought it to be.
"Don't." He dips, kissing your shoulder and then your neck, breathing in the sweet sugary scent of your perfume, before drawing back to look at you. There was a slight red tinge to your bottom lip from the red wine you had been drinking. He was itching to reach out and run his thumb against it, but settled for leaning his head against his hand instead. "I like it." You give him a shy smile. "You're too smart for the likes of me."
"Oh, I don't know," you shrug your shoulders, glancing up at him, "you're pretty smart too."
"I'm pretty," he cracks a joke, making you giggle, "but I don't know if I'm smart too."
"Seriously?" You snort. "I've been here two years, Christian, and I make a fool of myself every time I try to speak Italian. Just the other week, I think I offered a threesome to a man and his wife." You scrunch your face and groan, remembering it like it had happened yesterday.
Christian had to agree, laughing quietly under his breath. You had as much grace with the Italian language as an elephant did performing ballet.
"But you've been here, what, eight or nine months and it's already like your seventh spoken language."
"Fourth spoken language," he corrects, putting his glass aside to take your hand. He slips his fingers through yours, his chest swelling when you squeeze around them. "But who's even counting?"
He lifts your joined hands and kisses the back of your hand, his lips lingering against the warmth of your skin, before lowering them a second later. A chance encounter on the stairs seven months ago had led to what was probably the best four months of his life. And you couldn't agree more.
You never thought you find someone who you could trust after the messy relationship you had with your ex, James, but Christian had yet to prove he wasn't worthy of that trust. He listened to you when you talked, clung to every word you had to say, made you laugh, made you smile, but importantly he made you feel seen.
"Did you always know you wanted to be a sommelier?"
You shake your head. "No, I didn't even know it was a thing until I was like nineteen. I wanted to own and manage a hotel."
He looked surprised. "Seriously?"
You pull your joined hands onto your lap, using your free hand to trace lines on the back of his hand. "My dad was a concierge and, even though it wasn't allowed, he'd sometimes take me to work with him. To a six-year-old, that hotel lobby was like paradise."
He watched your eyes light up as you recounted the memories of dressing up in parts of an old uniform, standing next to your dad as he greeted guests. The sleeves were always too long for your arms and the hat kept falling into your eyes, but it never stopped you from trying to copy your dad. Growing up, all your friends wanted to be a pop star or an athlete, but you just wanted to be like your dad.
"I would make myself dizzy in the revolving doors, run up and down the giant staircase, terrorise the grouchy receptionist," you giggle, your smile softening as you spoke about your dad again, "But, when it was time to leave, my dad would pick me up onto his hip and he would always say, 'Bug, one day, I'll have a hotel much grander than this.'"
Your face flushes and you present him with a smile. "Yes, Bug."
"So?" He lifted his head off his hand and stretched his arm back across the couch. "Did your dad get his hotel?"
He fakes a gasp. "My girlfriend is a dropout?"
"No," you shake your head, "he got ill, so he took early retirement instead; he and Mum have just finished their second cruise. He now wants to visit as many countries as he can, dragging my poor mother with him." You release his hand and reach forward for your glass, taking a sip. "So, anyway, I decided I'd go to uni, maybe try and get a degree in hotel management. But by the end of the first year, I realised I no longer shared the same dream as my dad."
"Your-?" You wipe your mouth, nearly spitting a mouthful of wine back into your glass. He had caught you off guard, calling you his girlfriend. "Uh, yes," you decide not to fuss over it, "your girlfriend is a dropout."
"So, let me guess," he shuffles closer, bumping his knee against yours, "you backpacked your way through Europe, where you fell madly in love with some guy you met in France - no, Amsterdam - who wore sandals and rode a bicycle?"
"Not even close," you giggle, taking another sip, thinking that would've been more fun than having to deal with George. "I moved back home, got a job in a restaurant and hoped I'd wake up one day knowing what I was meant to do."
You tell him about the first sommelier you had met, a tall, lanky fifty-something-year-old man, with thinning, white hair and a constant smell of whiskey on his breath. At best, he was a functioning alcoholic, who snuck quick swigs of whatever was open behind the bar when no one was looking. He slacked heavily on his duties, sometimes showing up to work halfway through the dinner service. And when he did show up, he snapped at the waiters for offering customers the wrong wines.
"One night, we were serving a brand new menu, just trialling out a few new dishes, and George never showed. He wasn't answering his phone and none of us had the time to go by his apartment, so I did the next best thing - I broke into his locker."
Christian tilted his head, stifling a laugh. "That was the next best thing?" He challenges you. "To break into someone's locker?"
"He kept his notebook in there," you explain, leaning over to set the glass back down, the last bits of wine swirling around the bottom, "except his handwriting was terrible, even worse than yours, and I had to guess most of the pairings. I did the best I could with what I had. The night was still a mess, and George got me fired for damaging his property, but I liked it." There it was again, Christian noted, as the same light from earlier twinkled in your eyes. "I liked slipping into the role of a sommelier, trying to bullshit the customers the best that I could. It was fun."
He slipped his arm around your waist and caught a glimpse of his watch, his chest sinking when he saw how late it was. "I'm glad you found your thing," he mumbles, pushing the sadness down. He brushed his lips gently against your hairline, humming as you leaned into him.
"So am I," you agree, not wanting to imagine your life without a hundred different bottles of wines all bouncing around your head.
You prided yourself on knowing the difference between a white wine from France and one from Italy. You liked being able to tell people about the grape that was used to make the wine they were drinking, even if they particularly didn't care. You knew red wine went best with a stake, that sparkling wine went best with fried seafood, and that champagne was once much lighter and pinkish in colour.
You were a nerd for all things wine related and you loved it.
You loved that it brought you to Milan and that Milan brought Christian to you.
Christian looks back at his watch, the soft ticking acting as a reminder that your time together was coming quickly to an end. Soon Christian would be leaving for Texas, taking him away from Milan for a week or so, and you would be leaving for a two-week stay in Inverness to help an old friend plan an event for some prestige wine society.
"It's getting late..."
"I know," you sigh, tipping your head back to look at him, "but I guess it's a good thing I only live across the hall." You stay rooted to your spot and Christian shows no signs of getting up. "Means I don't have far to travel," you whisper, drumming your fingers against your lap.
"True," he hums, settling his hand on top of yours, bringing your drumming fingers to a halt, "but my bed is closer."
Your mouth opened and closed, a broken hum and an, "oh," being all you could muster up.
"Shit-!" You watch as he scrunches his nose, the peeks of his cheeks quickly turning an embarrassing shade of pink. "I'm sorry," he groans over the giggle that slipped past your lips, your hand flying up to quickly catch it. "I swear that sounded a lot better in my head," he nervously laughs, turning to look at you, "I didn't mean to just blurt it out like that."
"It's okay," you nod your head, giving him a small smile, "and technically you are right; your bed is closer than my apartment."
He tries not to smile too much, playing it off as calmly as the fluttering in his chest would allow. "Yeah?" His voice cracks, but saves himself with a quick cough. "You sure? What if you find out I'm a terrible sleeper or that I snore too loudly?"
You shrug your shoulders and reach for the last of your wine. "Who's to say I won't be the one snoring loudly?"
He chuckles, picking up his glass and polishing off what remains, using his knuckle to wipe the corner of his mouth clean. "No, you don't look like a snorer," he says, resting his head back against his hand, "you look more like a talker. I'll probably wake up to you talking about wax stamps on wine bottles." You smile at him for remembering your silly little wine fact. "Do you want to open another bottle or...?"
You shake your head, feeling like you had hit your wine limit for the night. Any more and you might just consider turning this night into a night of firsts and not just a first.
"Then do you want to go to bed?" He asks, taking your glass and discarding it with his to the coffee table.
"I would love that."
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Football Taglist: @thoseboysinblue @kickinganddriving @lizzypotter14 @brasiliangp @chilwellspulisic @notsoattractivearenti @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @masonsrem @landoslover @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @kathb59 @emcv1427 @gagaslonina @afterpills @pulisicsgirl @ricciardhoe3
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237 notes · View notes
bossbtch1 · 6 months
Cat and Mouse Pt. 1
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Summary : You're the notorious Black Cat, a cat-burglar who initially caught Spiderman's attention. Engaging in a thrilling cat-and-mouse game with the web-slinger, the stakes escalate when you stole from the Avengers, prompting them to send the Winter Soldier to capture you.
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x f!reader as Black Cat x Peter Parker
Tags : Eventual Smut, Witty, Cunning, Sly, Banter, Flirting, Teasing
Words : 11k+ (This is why I have to divide it into 2 parts lol)
A/N : Big thanks to @nayala for this fantastic request! Writing this story has been an absolute blast, especially with the witty and flirty banter between the characters. I've decided to spice things up by introducing Peter Parker, aka Spiderman, to the mix, considering Black Cat's connection to the Spiderverse. Quick heads up, Peter Parker here is 18, as there'll be plenty of playful flirting and teasing from the reader. But fear not, the smutty goodness will be reserved for our dear Bucky. Enjoy the ride!
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You were the infamous black cat, an elusive thief that was known to be very dangerous and seductive. It was easy for you to sneak past any guard, get in and out without a trace, and have them clueless as to who was responsible for it all.
You had been following your father's footsteps, wanting to continue his legacy, and become the greatest cat burglar of all time. So far, you've made a name for yourself. However, there was a small problem that you faced. You met by one of the biggest and most troublesome obstacles yet. The ever famous Spider-Man.
You noticed he had been watching and following you for the last few heists. He thought you didn't know he was there, but you could sense his presence. You wondered when he would try and take you on. You pretended not to know, you wanted to play his little game. You were a master at this little game of hide and seek you had with him.
You could see the excitement and anticipation in his body language, the way he would move and watch you, his excitement only grew as he continued to follow you. He was getting more confident with his moves, as well. You couldn't help but to chuckle to yourself seeing him, "He's getting more bold," you mumbles to yourself while watching him swinging with his web, "and a little less sneaky."
One night, a particular target caught your attention. It was a ruby gemstone, the largest one of its kind in the world. It was so enticing, and you wanted to add it to your collection, so you went on your merry way to go get it. It was also the time has come for him to show himself and try and put an end to your little games.
 "It's time," you said as you prepared to enter the store.
The night was young, and you could feel the electricity of the air as you snuck through the night. You climbed onto the roof of the jewelry store, making your way to a window, and slipped inside. You landed on your feet and immediately made your way to the door. You peeked outside, the coast was clear. You slowly opened the door and looked both ways. Once again, no sign of anyone.
You began to make your way towards the room with the jewellery and was working on cutting the glass of the window you were going through with your claws. The security in this building was awful, it was so easy turning off the alarm and drugging the security. After that you quickly put the jewellery stone inside your suit but were interrupted by a web being shot onto your hand.
"I would like to politely request that you not do that." Spider-Man said, hanging from a web above you.
You couldn't help but smirk, turning around to face him. "Well, look who decided to join the party. Pleasure meeting you," you said with a hint of sarcasm. "But I would like to politely ask you to kindly fuck off" With a swift motion, you pulled out one of your claws and sliced through the web.
"I don't think the owner will like the way you broke the window. Or how you plan to take what doesn't belong to you."
You sighed, looking around at all the glass now on the floor, "Well, I guess I'm gonna have to do a little more damage control."
"I can't let you do that, Miss-,umm" Spider-Man trailed off, unsure what to call you. “Miss Black Cat.”
"Miss Black Cat," you chuckled with the nickname he called you. "Wow, so fomal. And, really, I'm just here, minding my own business, doing my thing."
"Breaking and entering is illegal," He pointed out.
"I'm just doing the owner a favour, they didn't have proper security installed. So really, I'm doing them a favour." You shrugged as he swung down to the ground, landing gracefully amidst the shattered glass.
Spider-Man pulled on the web, pulling you closer. "That's not how it works."
"It's not?" You asked, placing a hand over your heart in faux surprise. "Well, shoot, here I am, just trying to be a good Samaritan. Thought I was doing the right thing. What a shame."
"I guess they weren't counting on having the most notorious jewel thief in New York City."
Your laughter filled the air as you grabbed his web. "Flattered, really." With a swift motion, you ripped the web off your wrist and pulled on the end still in his hands, drawing him closer. You traced the contours of his mask with a teasing touch. "You're quite the fan, huh?"
You could tell he was embarrassed, because he stammered for a bit before answering. "What? No, I'm- I'm just- I'm trying to-"
You pressed a finger to his lips. "It's okay, no need to hide it."
He shook your hand away from his face, "Well, it is kind of my job to know you. You're one of the few people I actually have to keep a close eye on. Especially with all the trouble you've caused."
"Trouble? Well, you know, darling, they say trouble is just another word for fun," you teased, twirling a lock of your hair with a flirtatious smile.
He regained some composure, tried to steer the conversation back to seriousness. "Fun or not, breaking the law has consequences. You can't just waltz in and decide what's right."
You tilted your head, examining him with a glimmer of mischief. "Oh, but I beg to differ, Spider. I've been doing it for quite some time now. And honestly, where's the thrill in following all the rules?" Then you shoved him, you began walking away, but you could hear him following you.
"No, no, no, you're not leaving. Not until you give back what you took."
"Um, okay, uh, no thank you," he muttered, shaking his head.
"What? Don't want to see what's underneath?" you teased.
He shook his head, flustered. "That's not—no. I'm—no. I'm not doing that."
You flashed a playful smile. "Alright. Suit yourself."
"Look, let's make this quick and easy for both of us," He urged, attempting to bring the situation back to seriousness. "Just give me back what you stole, and I'll let you off."
Your grin widened as you stopped and turned to face him. "Oh, Spidey, always in a rush. Where's the fun in quick and easy? But fine, you can check. I've got nothing to hide… except maybe a few secrets," you added with a wink, keeping the playful tone alive in your exchange.
“Fine, you leave me no choice." He shot out two webs, aiming for your legs. You dodged, jumping back, landing on your feet.
"You're fast," he remarked, genuine surprise in his voice.
"And you're predictable," you quipped, shooting a grappling hook that latched onto his arm.
You skillfully reeled in the grappling hook and, with a swift motion, tossed him aside. He tumbled and hit the ground, but Spider-Man was on his feet in an instant, standing before you. "You're stronger than you look," he admitted. Undeterred, he shot out more webs, attempting to ensnare you, but you deftly dodged each one.
"Oh, and you're not as strong as you think you are," you retorted with a smirk, seizing the opportunity to run at him. A well-placed kick to the chest caught him off guard, sending him flying into a nearby wall. As he struggled to get back on his feet, you couldn't help but taunt, "Come on, where did that spirit of yours go?"
He shot out more webs in an attempt to capture you, but your agile moves allowed you to dodge and roll away. "Well, that was unexpected," he remarked.
"You're not the only one who can do acrobatics, sweetie," you laughed, staying one step ahead utilizing the momentum to turn a stumble into a graceful run toward the exit.
"Hey, wait!" He called out, shooting a web at the door. He tried again, attempting to catch you, but each time, you skillfully evaded his web shots. Undeterred, he continued his pursuit, shooting webs that you effortlessly dodged.
With a quick cut of the web and a deftly handled device, you pressed a button and slipped through the roof. "This isn't the last time you're going to see me, Spidey. See you later."
"Well, I guess there's always next time," He muttered, watching as you disappeared into the night.
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It had been a few couple of days since you last saw Spider-Man, and you were actually glad. He was cute and all, but his constant need to try and stop you was really getting annoying. The next time you met was a few weeks later. You were stealing a painting, when once again you were stopped by Spider-Man.
"I thought I told you, I'm not interested." You said, before he could say anything.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"We have a history. We go back and forth. And we both know how it's going to end. So why don't you just make this easy on us both, and just turn around and leave."
"I can't. Not while you're doing illegal activities." He said, as he shot his webs at you. You managed to dodge, but that only resulted in him wrapping them around the painting instead.
"I appreciate the concern, Spidey, but you really should consider a new hobby. Maybe knitting?" you quipped, your tone dripping with sarcasm.
He shot you a wry smile, acknowledging the banter. "Breaking the law isn't a hobby.”
With a nonchalant shrug, you retorted, "Well, you have your hobbies, and I have mine. Let's agree to disagree, shall we?"
He seemingly undeterred, finally managed to free the painting from the webbing. "Look, I can't just let you go around stealing things.”
"Why?" you asked, strolling through the museum's long hallways.
He followed after you. "Because stealing is wrong," he said, as if stating the most obvious thing in the world.
"Who says?"
"Oh please, society is messed up anyway," you scoffed, continuing down the hallway with a nonchalant air. Uncertain of your destination, you pressed on. "Besides, stealing is such a strong word. I prefer borrowing."
"And how long do you plan on keeping these 'borrowed' items."
"That depends. How long does a loan usually last?" You said, before you cut the painting from the wall and took off running. Spider-Man was following close behind and managed to get ahead of you.
"You're not leaving with that."
"Then come and stop me." You challenged.
He shot his webs at you, and managed to take you down, but you weren't going to make it that easy for him. You got free from the webs and ran off once more. The game went back and forth, until the painting was covered in webbing and completely ruined.
"Now look at what you did. Again." You said, pointing at the ruined artwork. "Don't you have anything better to do, than follow me around, and ruin my plans?"
"Nope, and I don't know why you keep stealing. And I can't just turn a blind eye to crime."
You tilted your head, a sly smile forming on your lips. "Crime is subjective, Spidey. What's a crime to you might be art to someone else. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?"
He shook his head, clearly not buying your philosophical spin on the situation. "You're making this more complicated than it needs to be."
"That's my specialty," you replied with a wink, deftly snagging another painting, this one being the most valuable. You effortlessly slipped into the shadows, aware of him trailing close behind. Jumping out of a window, you landed gracefully on the roof, greeted by the sprawling city lights below. "Hey, wait!" he called, climbing out the window and shooting a web to pull himself up.
"Why don't you just relax for a bit? Take in the view. It's pretty nice, isn't it?" you suggested, taking a few steps back, still fixated on the illuminated skyline.
"Um, yeah, it is." He said, slowly walking towards you.
"Just look at all those buildings. So shiny. So tall," you remarked, gazing at the New York view. "Too bad they're probably full of assholes."
He was unsure how to respond, choosing silence over an awkward reply.
Turning your attention back to him, you teased, "So, are you an asshole, Spidey?"
"What? No! I'm not an asshole.”
"Well, that's good to know," you remarked with a mischievous grin. Without missing a beat, you began sprinting towards the edge. Just before leaping off, you playfully left him with, "See you later."
He swiftly shot a web in an attempt to catch you, successfully snaring your arm. "I can't let you get away."
"You could if you tried," you teased, smirking, "But I suppose I can't blame you for having an unrequited crush on me."
"A crush? What the- I'm not- that's not-."
"How cute." Without hesitation, you jumped off, clutching the stolen painting, and landed gracefully on a lower building.
He swung after you, a mix of frustration and determination etched on his face. "Hey, wait a second!" he exclaimed. "That's not fair!"
"It is," you replied, looking up at him. "You should have expected that, considering we've known each other for a while now."
"Yeah, well, you should expect that I'll come after you."
"That's what make this fun." You laughed, before running into the alley and disappearing into the darkness. The two of you continued chasing each other, and you were enjoying every minute of it. You had never been caught, and you were glad that you finally had a worthy opponent.
You soon realized you were heading towards the water. You jumped off the pier, and landed on a boat. You then quickly hid behind the wheelhouse. He couldn't find you, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try. You heard him climbing on top of the roof, and you held your breath.
He was close, but you knew he wouldn't see you. You knew this, because you had done this many times before. You were an expert at this.
"Dammit!" he yelled, a clear sign of frustration. "Not again! Where'd she go? Why do I even bother?"
You had to hold back your laughter, as he continued looking for you.
"Hello, Mr. Stark, sorry for calling you late at night." You could hear Spider-Man talking on his communicator. He was talking to Iron Man. You had heard about him before, but you had never met him.
"Do you know what time it is? You should be in bed," Tony scolded, his voice coming through the communication device.
"Yeah, well..." Spider-Man sighed.
"Don't tell me you're chasing that Black Cat again?" Tony guessed, cutting straight to the point.
You couldn't help but smirk at the mention of your name. 'Oh, so you've been filling him in on our little game. How cute.’
He hesitated before responding, "Maybe? She-"
Tony swiftly cut him off, his tone firm. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop chasing after her?"
"I know Mr. Stark, but she-"
"But nothing. She's not someone you should be chasing after," Tony stated, not allowing any objections. "She's not your concern, Peter. Now go home."
'His name is Peter huh.' You were a bit disappointed to learned his name, you were enjoying not knowing his identity, it made everything more exciting.
Peter sighed. "You don't understand, Mr. Stark. The Black Cat, someone has to stop her.”
"And that someone is not you. You've got better things to worry about. No need to worry about low level criminals. Leave that to the police. It's not your job to worry about that."
'Low level? Oh, you wish.' You couldn't believe your ears. Did Tony Stark just call you a low level criminal? 'Ooh, you're going to regret saying that.'
"Mr. Stark, she's dangerous," Peter said, as if trying to convince Tony of the dangers you posed.
"No, she's not. She's just some chick who's into cat burglary. Leave her to the cops.”
"But-“ Peter whined.
"What did I say? I don’t want to hear another words from your mouth." Tony's tone was serious, "Go home. Don't make me get the suit."
He sighed, "Yes sir."
You had to keep yourself from laughing.
"Good. Goodnight kid." Tony ended the call.
"Night." He mumbled.
You waited until he was out of earshot, before you stepped out of the wheelhouse. What Tony just said about you hurt your pride, it was like he didn't consider you a threat. As if you weren't worth the attention. Well, now he was going to get your attention. And you were going to make him regret those words.
"Well, I guess I'm gonna have to pay him a visit."
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You had spent 3 weeks staking out the Avengers Tower.  You knew the building had advanced security systems, so you had to be extra careful. The plan was simple. You would steal something to get Tony's attention and proved him wrong. Then, you'd make sure he would notice. After all, you weren't some low level criminal.
"I got this." You said, as you took out a device, which you invented, and attached it to the wall. You activated it, and watched as a hologram appeared. It was a map of the building, showing all the rooms, and where the security cameras were.
You were surprised by how easy it was, and you began to wonder if they knew that you were coming. "Okay, the camera's will be off for a minute." You said, as you climbed into the open window. You made sure to stay close to the wall, so you wouldn't be seen.
You were wearing all black, and had a mask over your face. You also had gloves on, so you wouldn't leave any prints. The hallway was quiet, and empty. It seemed like everyone was either asleep or gone. You could hear voices coming from a room down the hall.
You stopped when you reached the end of the hallway. You heard footsteps coming your way. You looked around, and saw a vent above you. You took out a device that would give you a boost, and used it. You jumped into the vent, and quickly covered the hole with a metal cover.
"Okay, now what?" You asked yourself. You crawled through the vent, and kept an eye out for anything. You soon found that looked like a lab, and it was filled with computers, and other strange gadgets.
"This looks like it's the right place." You said. "Now, to get to work."
Before you could make a move, a man entered the room, catching your attention. Long hair cascaded down his back, metal arm on his left side. You didn't know who this man was, but there was something about him, that made your heart race.
The man had his back turned to you, and he didn't seem to notice you. He sat down at a computer and started typing. He looked so hot sitting there, with his hair pushed back, and his muscles flexing as he typed.
You wanted to know what he was working on, so you crawled quietly to the next vent. This one was right above his head, and you could see the screen clearly. It was an algorithm to track a specific energy signature.
'Hmm, interesting.' You thought. You were tempted to steal the drive, but you decided not to. It would have been a shame if it went missing. 'Maybe later.' You thought.
Immersed in your observation, a voice abruptly shattered the silence. "Bucky?" a voice questioned, causing both you and the man, apparently named Bucky, to startle.
"Nat?" he responded. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to check up on you," Nat said with genuine concern. "How are you doing?"
"I'm okay," Bucky replied without meeting her eyes, his focus resolutely fixed on the computer. "I'm working on something."
“Are you still trying to figure out where that energy signature was coming from?"
"Yeah." Bucky responded curtly.
"But, it's late, and I think you need to relax."
"I don’t need to relax. I need to find that energy signature." Bucky snapped.
"Bucky, you have all been working non-stop." Nat pointed out. "Me, Steve, and the others are having drinks at the bar, why don't you come and join us."
"Come on, it'll be fun. We can get a drink, dance, and just have a good time."
"I don't have time to have fun, I need to focus." Bucky growled.
Nat approached him, "Taking a break doesn't mean losing focus, Bucky. Sometimes, stepping away for a while can give you a fresh perspective."
Bucky shot her a skeptical glance. "I don't see how a night out will help me find this signature."
"You might be surprised," she quipped, a playful glint in her eye. "Besides, we all could use a break, especially you. Come on. Work can wait, it's not going anywhere."
Finally, with a resigned sigh, he relented, "Fine."
Observing the scene unfold, you couldn't help but be intrigued by Natasha's persistence. A twinge of annoyance crept in, surprising you with its intensity.
"Alright, let's go," Nat declared, seizing Bucky's hand and pulling him out of his seat.
As they exited the room, an unwelcome sense of jealousy tinged your thoughts. 'What's wrong with me? Why do I care if he joins the party or not?' you questioned, puzzled by the unexpected surge of emotions. 'I don't even know them.'
You watched them walk out of the room. As you watched him leave the room, you thought about how hot he looked, and how much you wished you were at that party with him. But you had better things to do, and you couldn't afford to be distracted by a pretty face.
You waited until they left, and then crawled out of the vent. You took a few minutes to look around the lab. It was pretty standard and had everything a lab needed. But you couldn't find anything worth stealing, which was a disappointment.
You were about to leave, when something caught your eye. It was a small metal box, with lock on it. You figured there must be something important in there. Maybe you could find some new tech to play with.
'Oh this look important.' You thought. You walked over to picked it up. It was surprisingly light, and it had a small keyhole on the side. 'Damn it. I guess I'll have to pick the lock.'
You were good at picking locks, but it was time consuming, and you were on a time limit. You carried the case to a table, and placed it down. You were about to pick the lock, when you heard footsteps approaching. You quickly moved to the nearest vent, and slipped inside. You held your breath, as the footsteps got closer.
"You forgot something, Barnes?" A male voice asked
Curiosity getting the better of you, you edged closer to the vent, peering through to identify the individuals. You also didn’t recognize him.
"Yeah, the case," Bucky replied, lifting it from the table. "Why is it on here? I didn’t put it on the table.”
He seemed skeptical, throwing Bucky a knowing look. "You sure about that?" he asked.
"Positive. I wouldn't put it here. I wouldn't risk someone stealing it," Bucky asserted, his tone resolute.
"You sure about that?" Sam asked, giving him a knowing look.
"Positive. I wouldn't put it here. I wouldn't risk someone stealing it."
Sam chuckled. "Okay first of all, who in their right mind will steal from the avengers? Second of all, you're forgetting that you are in the Avengers Tower and not in the woods somewhere."
The irony of Sam's remark didn't escape you. Bucky did give off “live-in-the-woods” vibe, and you suppressed a laugh at the mental image.
"It's a possibility, Sam," Bucky insisted.
"Yeah, and I have a chance of getting a million dollars and marrying Beyonce." Sam retorded with a grin on his face.
"What's that got to do with this?" Bucky asked.
"Nothing, just making a point." Sam said.
"And the point is?"
"That you're overreacting." Sam playfully smacked Bucky's shoulder. "Chill out, man. You'll give yourself an aneurysm."
"Shut up."
Sam laughed, unfazed. "Whatever you say, Grumpy. Now drop the case and let's get going."
"You're an idiot." Despite the protest, Bucky complied, dropping the case just as Sam suggested. A triumphant smile crossed your face—your plan was back on track.
Sam shrugged, maintaining his easygoing demeanor. "At least I'm a happy idiot."
Rolling his eyes, Bucky turned around, making his way towards the door. Sam smirked and, after a quick glance around, strolled out. "Hey, maybe we'll find you a date!"
"Sam, for the last time, I don't need a date."
"You're going to die alone."
"No I won't, because I won't be dying."
Sam chuckled. "Okay, Mr. Smarty Pants."
"Stop calling me that." Bucky shot back, feigning annoyance.
You waited a few minutes to make sure he was gone, before crawling out of the vent. A sly smile played on your lips as you cradled the case in your hands. "Oh, Sam, you really are an idiot."
You put the case into your bag before walking out of the lab, and into the hallway. You knew there were cameras, but you had disabled them before entering the room. No one would know you were there. You exited as you came in. You had made sure the coast was clear, and you climbed down the side of the building. You landed softly on the ground, and placed the case in your backpack.
"Well, that was easy." You said.
You started walking home, and you couldn't stop thinking about Bucky. You wanted to see him again. Maybe next time, you could stay longer.
You entered your apartment, and locked the door behind you. You went to took off your bra as you went to the kitchen, and made yourself a cup of tea. You sat on the couch, and grabbed the briefcase you stole earlier.
"Let's see what you have in store for me." You said.
You carefully removed the lid, and peered inside. You saw a metal and picked it up. You could feel the weight, and the cold metal. "Is this the famous vibranium?" You went to examine to confirm, and yes it was vibranium. "Damn, this is going to fetch a nice price."
You examined the rest of the case, but it was mostly just papers and pictures. You closed the case, and placed it on the table. You leaned back, and sipped your tea. You finished your tea, and went to take a shower. You cleaned yourself and changed into a fresh set of pajamas.
The realization dawned on you that the Avengers were likely aware of the missing case by now. It was all part of the thrilling game you reveled in. Your mind danced with curiosity about their reactions—shock, anger, confusion? A mischievous smile adorned your face. "This is going to be fun."
Before your departure, you had strategically placed cameras and bugs in the vent to capture their reactions. You powered up the laptop, switching to the hidden camera feed. Lying down on the couch, you patiently waited.
Soon enough, Tony and Bucky appeared on the screen, frantically searching for the missing case. The heated exchange caught your attention. "What the hell are you talking about!? How did it happen? Who did it?" Tony yelled, frustration evident in his voice.
"If I had a clue, we wouldn't be tearing this place apart, would we?" Bucky retorted angrily.
"Gosh, you look so hot right now," you couldn't help but quip with a grin, thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of watching Bucky riled up in the chaos you had orchestrated.
"Where did you last see it?"
"Right here! On the table, but it's not there now!" Bucky snapped.
Tony continued paced around, his arms flailing as he continued to express his incredulity. "This doesn't make any sense! We have state-of-the-art security, and someone waltzes in and takes the vibranium right under our noses? How is that even possible?" Tony shot him an accusatory look.
Bucky, on the other hand, leaned against a table, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. “What are you implying?” His steely gaze bore into Tony, his voice laced with irritation. "You think I had something to do with this, Stark?"
"I'm not saying you did, but it's awfully convenient that you were the last one with the case."
Bucky pushed off the table, walking closer to Tony, a scowl on his face. "Yeah, and I have no idea where it is. So what does that tell you, Stark?"
You watched with an amused smile. "It's like watching a soap opera, but better"
Tony sighed, his expression softening. "We have to find it. And fast."
"You think I don't know that, Stark? You think I wanted this to happen?" Bucky snapped back, his frustration evident. "Maybe if you spent less time throwing parties and more time on security, we wouldn't be in this mess,"
"Let's just stop yelling at each other and figure this out. The longer it takes us, the worse the situation gets." Tony urged, attempting to diffuse the tension in the room.
The two of them sat down on the couch, their heads together in a serious discussion. Tony pinched his bridge nose, "Friday, do a full scan of the building and search every corner. I want to see everything, and I want to see it now! Also, gather everyone immediately.” Tony commanded.
"Yes, sir," responded Friday. "This person is highly skilled, sir. They managed to bypass our security system and erase all camera footage from the lab, even the security tapes. Let me go through all the security feeds. This may take a moment."
As you watched the drama unfold on the laptop screen, you couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline. The thrill of outsmarting the mighty Avengers fueled your excitement. "I wonder how long it will take them to figure this out," you mused to yourself, reclining comfortably on the couch.
Interrupting the tense atmosphere, "I could only manage to acquire this footage," Friday announced, and a holographic screen materialized. Both Tony and Bucky fixed their gaze on the video as it played. The stolen vibranium case was clearly visible, andthen you made your dramatic appearance, crawling out of the vent.
Tony, with a grim expression, paused the video and zoomed in on your image. He rewound and replayed the footage several times. "Shit. That's Black Cat," Tony groaned, his frustration evident. "This isn't good."
You couldn't resist a triumphant smirk, knowing you had successfully elevated your status from a low-level criminal to a formidable adversary in their eyes. "Not feeling like such a low-level threat now, huh?" you remarked casually as you heated some food in the microwave.
As Natasha and the others entered the room, you clapped your hands together with a mischievous grin. "Now, let’s get this party started!"
Natasha furrowed her brow, immediately getting to the point. "What's going on here?"
Tony pointed at the empty space where the vibranium case had been. "Someone stole the vibranium.”
Clint, the archer, chimed in, "How did that happen? And who stole it?"
Bucky, looking visibly frustrated, answered, "Black Cat apparently."
Clueless, Sam blurted out, "A cat? What do you mean? How could a cat steal a case that big?"
Your laughter bubbled up—it was both hilarious and a tad sad to witness the confusion.
Bucky snapped, "Not a literal cat, you idiot. Black Cat is her alias. She's a thief, and she's a damn good one." His frustration flared as he continued, "This wouldn’t have happened if you two didn’t force me to go to the party I didn't even want to attend in the first place. But no. You forced me, and look where it got us." Bucky's voice resonated with irritation and anger.
"Bucky calm down." Steve tried to calm him down, "We didn't know this was going to happen."
"Calm down!? Stevie, you are telling me to fucking calm down? Somebody stole our vibranium, and we don't know where it is or what they want with it. We don't know if they're planning on using it or not."
"We'll get it back. I promise."
Your laughter echoed in the background, knowing they were in for a surprise. Their confidence amused you, and you couldn't wait to witness their reactions.
"And how the hell are we going to do that!? We have no clue who she is or what she look like. We don't even know where she’s located."
"Actually someone might." Tony said.
The room fell into a momentary hush as they processed Tony's revelation.
"How the heck would that kid know anything about this?" Sam questioned, his skepticism evident in his tone.
Tony leaned against a table, folding his arms. "Let's just say he and Black Cat go way back."
You chuckled, "little spidey is in it for the action, huh?"
Natasha raised an eyebrow. "And why haven't we known anything about her until now?"
"Because I thought she wouldn't be a problem, I never expected this." Tony admitted.
"Well, that was dumb," Natasha remarked bluntly, not one to mince words.
"Yeah, thanks," Tony replied, a hint of sarcasm coloring his tone as he met Natasha's direct gaze.
“That's what you get when you underestimate me, Stark,” you said as you casually chewed your food.
"Mr. Parker is on the way up sir." Friday announced, you kinda didn’t want to see his face but you couldn’t help it but find out this way.
You weren't exactly excited to see spiderman's identity, you were enjoying about not knowing who he was, but now that the cat was out of the bag, you were going to find out.
The elevator doors opened and out came a short brunette boy.
"Who would've guessed." you said to yourself.  You had thought that underneath that mask he was some badass who was super cocky and was a complete player, but no, he was just some nerdy, cute boy.
"Um Mr. Stark what's going on?" He looked at all the avengers gathered in the room, confused by the unusual meeting. "Why is everyone here? Is something wrong? Am i in trouble? I swear i didn't do anything bad! I was studying when Friday called me and-"
Tony interrupted him, "Hey relax kid. You aren't in trouble, but we are. And we need your help."
"Really?" Peter was surprised, he didn't think he would ever have the opportunity to assist the Avengers, and yet here he was, about to do exactly that.
"Yes. Tell us all you know about your little friend, black cat."
"What? Why do you want to know about her?"
"Well, we have a problem with her. She stole a case full of vibranium."
Peter's eyes widened, and he practically jumped out of his seat. "I knew it! I knew she was gonna do something like this! See, I told you, Mr. Stark, she's trouble! Oh my god, this is crazy. I can't believe this is happening. I told you we should catch her, she—"
Tony raised his hand, cutting off Peter's rapid-fire commentary. "Alright, calm down. We are going to." Peter blushed, his cheeks flushing red, embarrassed by his own outburst. “So, what do you know about her?"
"Nothing. Just what you already know. She is highly intelligent, resourceful, and adaptive. She uses high-tech gadgets to assist her in her crimes, and she has an arsenal of advanced weaponry, including shock nets and explosive collars."
"So we are dealing with a supervillain?" Clint asked.
"No. She doesn't have any superpowers, at least none that I know of. She's just an average human."
"Anything else?"
Peter scratched his head, racking his brain for additional information. "Not that I know of. When we met, we fought, and she escaped. It happened a few times. She's very skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She has a sharp tongue, and she's also very witty. She always disappeared, and I couldn't track her down."
"Do you know how to contact her? Or where she could be right now?" Bucky asked.
"Contact her? Well, she's not exactly on speed dial," Peter replied, furrowing his brows. "And as for where she might be... your guess is as good as mine."
Steve crossed his arms. "We need more information. If she's been elusive so far, there's got to be something we're missing. Any patterns in her heists or specific targets?"
Peter rubbed his temples, racking his brain. "Not that I've noticed. It's like she picks targets randomly. High-value items, but no discernible pattern."
Your grin turned into a full-fledged smile. "Oh, darling, if only they knew."
"Perhaps we need to bait her," Natasha suggested, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the situation. "Set up a tempting target and see if she takes the bait."
Peter frowned, clearly not thrilled with the idea. "It's risky. She's unpredictable."
Unbeknownst to the team, you chuckled to yourself. 'Unpredictable is my middle name.'
"Alright any details that you want to add?” Steve asked him.
Peter shook his head, "No, that’s all I know."
Tony dismissed Peter with a wave, "Thanks for sharing. Now, you can go home. I'm sure your aunt is waiting for you.”
Peter, confused, interjected, "Wait, what? I thought you said we are going to catch her."
Tony clarified, "Yes, what I meant is the adult. Now go home, kid. It’s getting late."
"But Mr. Stark I'm an adult! I'm 18!" Peter protested.
"You are hardly an adult. You still live with your aunt and go to school. That's not an adult. Now go home. We'll let you know if we need your help."
"Come on Mr. Stark please. You are always talking about how great it is to have me on the team and how I'm a great asset, and how I can do a lot of good. Well this is the perfect opportunity. I can be a huge help in catching her." Peter pleaded, his earnestness evident in his wide-eyed gaze.
You smirked hearing his request, "Little spidey wants to play huh."
Tony sighed, contemplating the Peter's request. "Look, kid, this isn't a game. It's dangerous, and you're still learning the ropes."
"But I can handle it! Please let me prove myself.”
Tony crossed his arms, considering the proposal. "Fine, you can go after her.”
Ecstatic, Peter beamed, "Thank you, Mr. Stark! You won't regret it, I promise!" His enthusiasm was palpable, and you couldn't help but smile at his excitement.
However, Tony added a condition, "But in one condition. Someone needs to accompany you."
Peter protested, "What? Wait, Mr. Stark, you know I can just go on my own, right?"
"That's exactly why I'm sending a babysitter with you," Tony retorted. "Considering your track record, I can't risk you turning this into a solo escapade and ending up as a headline in the Daily Bugle."
Before Peter could voice further objections, Tony shifted his attention to the assembled team. "So, any ideas?"
Bucky chimed in, "Maybe we can comb through her previous crime scenes, see if we can unearth anything useful."
"Good idea," Tony acknowledged.
Natasha added, "I'll see what I can dig up."
"Great. Now let's get to work."
As the team started to disperse, heading towards their respective tasks, you couldn't help but grin, “Showtime.”
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You knew that the Avengers were actively trying to find you after your last heist, stealing their vibranium was definitely not what they were expecting. You were pretty proud of that achievement, however, you knew that the Avengers would come for you, and that meant you couldn't risk being out and about yet, no matter how much you wanted to go on your little heists, you missed the thrill. You were in hiding, waiting for the buzz to die down and then you could resume your usual schedule.
You had nothing better to do beside plan your next heist, which you'd already done. So, you spent most of your time watching the Avengers from your little cam, seeing what their plans were. But not until Bucky found out about the camera and bugs you had planted.
You were currently on the run, making sure you stayed off the grid. It was hard to be on the run, not when the Avengers were on your ass, and you were getting bored. You had to get back into the swing of things. It was risky, and dangerous, but you couldn't help it. You craved the adrenaline, the excitement, and you missed the chase, not that the Winter Soldier didn't chase you. You knew the moment he found you, the others wouldn't be too far behind.
Not long after that, Bucky keenly aware of your surveillance, confronted you through the camera feed. His intense blue eyes pierced through the lens, and a self-assured smirk played on his lips. "I know you're watching. You think I won’t find out?" he taunted. "You might as well show yourself, sweetheart. We both know I'm going to find you one way or another."
You smirked back at the camera, a shiver running down your spine as his voice resonated through your entire body. You knew he was right. If there was one person who would find you, it would be him, but you were not one to make it easy for him. You'd give them a little bit of a challenge, even though it would ultimately fail, it was still fun.
Bucky then started to walk towards the camera, “I'll find you." You could feel his words reverberate through you, his gaze penetrating, and you almost felt like he could see right through you. Your heart started racing as you imagined him coming after you, and the thought was more exciting than it should have been.
He moved closer, and closer, and closer, and then his hand reached out towards the camera.
You held your breath.
The picture went black.
You rolled your eyes and shut off the screen. He was not wrong. You'd been playing this game of cat and mouse for months, and you'd be lying if you said it didn't make you just the slightest bit curious.
What would it feel like to kiss the Winter Soldier? Or to feel his metal hand around your throat as he fucked you? You'd been lusting over him for a while now, but you knew the moment you met him it was a bad idea, not to mention that the Avengers were out to catch you. However, the thrill of possibly being caught was enough to keep you going.
You groaned and tried to get rid of those thoughts. This wasn't the time to fantasize about your enemy. No, you needed to focus on planning your next move. And what a perfect move it would be.
The Avengers were gearing up to attend an event hosted by a high-ranking political official. They would have all the security they needed, and a lot of their attention would be on the guests. A perfect opportunity for you to steal the artifact that arrived from Russia last week.
You had already made contact with a buyer, and they were very eager to get their hands on the object. All you had to do was get past the guards and the security systems. It would be easy since the avengers and cops would be preoccupied.
It was going to be the heist of the century.
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The night of the heist was here. The sun was setting, and you could feel the excitement building inside you. This was your night, and you were going to make sure it was a success. You had spent the last few weeks scouting the area, planning every move meticulously. You knew exactly where you needed to be, and how long it would take you to get there.
You had everything you needed, and now all that was left was to wait. You took a deep breath and looked out the window. The city was quiet, a calm before the storm. You could feel the anticipation, the excitement, the tension in the air. It was going to be a night to remember.
You smiled to yourself, unable to contain your giddiness. This was the moment you'd been waiting for, and you couldn't believe it was finally here. You walked over to the door and placed your hand on the handle.
You opened the door and stepped outside. The cool air hit your face, and you breathed in deeply, savoring the feeling. After staying quiet for awhile, finally you were back in your element.  You moved silently through the shadows, your steps barely making a sound. You were a ghost, invisible to the world.
The museum was within sight, and you could see the guards standing guard. They were expecting you, but they had no idea what was about to happen. Your smile grew wider, and you quickened your pace. You reached the perimeter fence and quickly scaled it, dropping down on the other side.
You were in.
You made your way towards the entrance, keeping your head down and sticking to the shadows. The guards didn't notice you, and you slipped past them without a sound. You were inside. Now all you had to do was find the artifact and get out before anyone noticed you.
You moved quickly through the halls, searching for the artifact. You reached the room where the artifact was being displayed, and you could see it sitting in its case, protected by an impenetrable glass.
You had done this many times before, this was your forte. You pulled out your equipment, and with a few quick movements, you had the glass open and the artifact in your hands. You couldn't help but feel a surge of triumph as you held it in your grasp. You had done it.
As you quickly put the artifact in your bag, a sudden interruption jolted your attention – a web shooting through the air. Turning, you found Spider-Man, his presence not entirely unexpected. A smirk adorned your face as you teased, "Hey, Spidey. Miss me?"
He didn't answer. Instead, he shot another web at you, trying to capture your hands. You ducked and avoided it, the grin never leaving your face. You had expected him to come after you. “We need to talk.”
"About what?" you countered innocently.
"This whole thing."
"What whole thing?" You asked, playing dumb.
"You know what I'm talking about."
"I really don't. Maybe you should elaborate."
"The way we keep running into each other, the way you always seem to slip through my fingers. I'm starting to think you're enjoying this."
"Well, it's hard not to when you look so good in that suit," you smirked.
"Is that all this is to you? A game?"
"Isn't that what it is?"
"I'm trying to stop you."
You chuckled, reveling in the cat-and-mouse dynamic between you two. "Oh, Spidey, you're adorable when you play the hero. But deep down, we both know you enjoy the chase as much as I do."
Spider-Man sighed beneath his mask, the frustration evident even without the facial expressions. “You're stealing valuable artifacts and vibranium from us. You are causing chaos. I can't let you continue."
Your smirk betrayed a hint of mischief, but you were running out of time. Your current heist had attracted more attention than anticipated, and your mysterious buyers were becoming increasingly impatient. With the Avengers hot on your trail, escaping quickly became a priority.
"As much as I'd love to continue our little chat..." With a swift motion, you tossed an EMP, electrocuting Spider-Man and causing a temporary distraction. "...I'm afraid duty calls."
Peter lay on the ground, momentarily paralyzed by the electric shock. "You won't be..." he groaned, "...getting away this time..."
"You might want to save your energy, Spidey," you said as you walked past him before you ran toward the exit. You ran off, heading towards the exit.
You were almost there when you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around, and your eyes widened as you saw someone standing there in front of you, towering you with his height.
His gun pointed at you, his metal arm reflecting the light from the lamp. His dark brown hair was messy, like he had just rolled out of bed, and his blue eyes were narrowed, staring you down.
You loved that look.
"Looks like someone in a hurry.” He asked.
You smiled. "Just excited to get home."
"I bet." He took a step closer, and you could feel your heart rate quickening. His proximity was making you nervous. "Hands up, Y/N.”
“Oh, you know my name," you purred, your heart beating faster, the adrenaline rushing through your veins. "I'm so flattered."
"You should be," he growled, stalking towards you. "Because I've been thinking and looking about you a lot."
"Oh, really?" You licked your lips. "I can't say I'm surprised."
"No, you're not." His blue eyes were staring at you, his gaze piercing through your soul. "Now, why don't you tell me what's in the bag?"
"It's not your concern, Bucky," you replied.
"I beg to differ." He cocked his gun, and it clicked as he pulled the trigger. "Now, tell me."
"If I tell you, would you drop the gun?"
He shook his head. "I won't shoot unless I have to, but I can't promise anything else."
You knew you couldn't beat him not with his reflexes. The only way out was to use the element of surprise. You were about to make a move, "Don't even try, Y/N." He warned. "Hands up now."
You decided to play along, and you dropped your bag and raised your hands above your heads. He walked up to you, grabbed the bag. He didn't check the contents, just kept the gun pointed at you. "You're coming with me."
"And what if I don't?" You challenged him.
"Then I'll make you," he growled. "Now, turn around, hands behind your back."
You obeyed, and he pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket. He grabbed your wrist and spun you around, pinning you against the wall. His body pressed against yours, and you could feel the heat of his skin through your clothes. "Oooh, kinky," you said, biting your lip. "You should take me to dinner first."
He was still quiet and shook his head, locking the cuffs around your wrists, pressing his fingers against your pulse, feeling how fast your heart was beating. "That can be arranged," he said, his lips brushing against your ear. "Now, be a good girl and walk."
Your heart skipped a beat as he led you towards the elevator, his grip on your arm firm and unyielding. "Don't try to do anything stupid," he said, his voice low. "You'll regret it."
Peering up at him, you met his intense gaze with determination. "Giving up isn’t my style," you retorted, a hint of defiance in your tone. "I'll find a way out sooner than you think."
"I wouldn't expect anything less," he chuckled, a deep resonance that seemed to linger in the air. "But hate to burst your bubble, sweetheart, you're not going anywhere. I'm not letting you go."
You laughed, the sound echoing through the museum. "You have no idea who you're dealing with," you said, a mischievous grin spreading across your face.
"We'll see about that."
As the elevator doors closed, Bucky pressed the button for the main floor. Silence enveloped you both, your body subtly pressed against his. A coy smile played on your lips as you broke the quiet. "You know, you're a terrible babysitter."
"What?" Bucky turned his gaze to you.
"Little spidey was still upstairs," you replied, a smug smile forming on your lips. "I tucked him into his little nap."
Bucky casually shrugged, "He's a big boy, he can handle it."
"I don't know, he looked really tired," you said, "Maybe you should check on him."
"I'm a bit preoccupied right now," he replied.
"You should hurry then," you insisted, "Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to the dear Spidey."
His eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on your arm.
"What's the matter, Bucky?" you whispered, your voice dripping with taunt. "Are you concerned about little Spidey?"
"Watch it, Y/N," he growled, a low warning in his tone. "I can always toss you in a cell, give you a nice, hard time."
"I didn't expect you to be into that kind of thing," you quipped, a playful glint in your eye. His stern expression softened for a moment, caught off guard by your cheeky remark.
He sighed, his jaw clenched. "Why are you like this?"
"Like what?" you asked innocently, cocking your head to the side. "Adorable and sexy?"
"Insufferable and cocky," he grumbled, glancing away as if trying to resist the charm you exuded.
"Well, it takes one to know one," you said, your laughter echoing in the confined space. He shook his head in mild disbelief, unable to completely conceal the hint of amusement tugging at the corners of his lips.
The elevator doors opened, revealing the lobby surprisingly empty. You were half-expecting the entire Avengers team to be waiting for you. Bucky wasted no time, his grip firm on your arm, as he pulled you out and strode purposefully toward the exit.
The cool night air wrapping around you. You could hear the sounds of traffic and sirens in the distance, the city alive and vibrant. "Are we taking a walk?," you asked. "It's a bit cold for that."
"Don't worry," he said, his fingers brushing against the pulse point in your wrist, sending a shiver down your spine. "We're going to warm you up."
He led you down the sidewalk, the streetlights casting shadows on the buildings. You could see his car waiting in the distance, and you wondered where he was taking you. "Where are we going?" you asked, looking up at him.
"Back to the tower," he replied, his voice low. "We need to get some answers from you."
A mischievous glint danced in your eyes as you teased, "I thought I was going to a cell.”
"No," he clarified, shaking his head. "I have something else in mind."
A playful smile graced your lips as you bit down on the inside of your cheek. "Whatever could it be?" you teased.
"You'll see," he muttered, opening the passenger door of his car.
"How gentlemanly of you," you remarked with a smirk.
He helped you in the car, his fingers brushing against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. You sat in the backseat, your wrists still handcuffed, his scent invading your senses.
You tried to think how could you get out of the cuffs without his notice, but he was too attentive, his eyes constantly watching you. You decided to distract him by bombarding him with lots of questions, "How long have you known my name?," you asked.
His gaze shifting to yours. "A few weeks," he replied. "It's been a while."
Your lips curled into a sly smirk. "So, you've been keeping tabs on me, huh?"
Bucky's response was measured. "You could say that."
Grinning, you playfully added, "I'm flattered."
He shot you a sidelong glance, his eyes taking on a dark and intense edge. "Don't be."
Amused, you let out a throaty chuckle. "Why not?" you prodded.
"It wasn't for a good reason," he replied.
Casually, you dismissed the seriousness of the situation. "I don't care about that," you teased, your voice laced with playful indifference. "It's nice to know someone has been thinking of me."
A snort escaped him, and he responded, "It wasn't like that."
Feigning innocence, you raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so you didn't want to have me all for yourself?" His silence fueled your amusement, prompting you to continue, "I mean, who wouldn't want a piece of all this?" With a playful gesture, you emphasized the cuffed wrists.
“You’re crediting yourself a little bit too much, sweetheart.” His response was cool and collected as he turned his gaze towards you, conveying a sense of unreadable determination. "When I have the time, we're going to have a nice, long conversation."
Leaning forward, you kept the playful tone. "I'd like that," you whispered. "But first, let's play a game."
"We're not playing games," he asserted, his tone firm.
"Afraid you'll lose?" you teased, a glint of mischief in your eyes.
"Hardly," he replied, a smirk gracing his lips. "I'm just not interested in a game where I'm the only player."
"Oh, there will be other players," you said, your voice dropping to a sultry tone. "In fact, they're right behind us."
He glanced in the rearview mirror, and his eyes widened as he saw the cars following him, their lights flashing. "What the hell," he muttered, his grip on the wheel tightening as the unexpected turn of events unfolded.
"Looks like we have company," you said, a smug smile on your lips. "And they don't look very happy."
The pursuing cars closed in, their headlights casting an eerie glow on the darkened streets. Bucky's jaw tightened as he navigated the car through the winding roads, trying to shake off the relentless pursuit. "Who the hell are they?" he growled, his eyes flicking between the road and the rearview mirror.
"Oh, I don't know. I didn't invite them." You leaned back in your seat, feigning innocence.
Bucky shot you a skeptical glance through the mirror, you raised your eyebrow, “What?” His gaze was dangerous, “You know I’m not the only one who fancy art in this city.”
Bucky grunted in frustration, his gaze narrowing as he focused on the road ahead. "How many are there?" he asked, his voice rising. His foot pressing the gas even harder.
"Ten," you replied, a mischievous twinkle in your eye. "Give or take."
He swore under his breath, the pursuing cars drawing dangerously close, their engines roaring like a pack of hungry wolves. "Shit," he exclaimed, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. "I'm going to lose them."
You shook your head. "No, you're not."
A feral determination flashed in Bucky's eyes. "How do you know that?" he snapped, his gaze shifting from the road to the rearview mirror.
"It won't work," you said, shaking your head knowingly. "There are too many of them."
"I'll find a way," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.
As the tension in the car escalated, you couldn't help but enjoy the thrill of the chase, reveling in the chaos you had sown. "You know, Bucky, this is much more exhilarating than a quiet night at the museum."
“Can you just shut up for a moment?” he grumbled, a vein pulsating in his forehead.
“I can if you give me the key to the handcuffs," you suggested playfully, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "I could be of assistance, you know."
"Not a chance, sweetheart," he replied, his grip firm on the wheel as he executed a sharp turn.
"Come on, it's not like I can go anywhere." You raised your hands, the cuffs clinking against each other, a subtle jingle amidst the chaos. "But a little cooperation could benefit us both."
He didn’t answer you.
The car lurched forward as he swerved around a corner, the wheels squealing. "Nice driving," you said, leaning back against the seat. "But you're not getting rid of them."
"What are they after?" he demanded, his voice tinged with urgency.
"So," you said, smirking, "My little guess is they want what I have."
"What the hell do you have that they want?" Bucky asked, his knuckles white on the steering wheel, his gaze unwavering on the road.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out," you said, smiling.
Bucky shot you a disapproving look. "This isn't a game, Y/N."
"Oh, but it is," you countered, your eyes gleaming with mischief. "Life's just one big game, and we're all players, aren't we?
He turned and glared at you. "Not now," he said, his voice sharp and edged.
"Always," you said, your tone matching his.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Bucky grumbled, his eyes never leaving the road. The gravity of the situation was evident in the tightness of his jaw and the firm grip on the steering wheel.
"Guilty as charged," you admitted, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "But hey, it's not every day you get to be part of a high-speed chase with the infamous Winter Soldier."
He shot you a stern look, his expression a mix of annoyance and concern. "This is serious, Y/N. Just fucking tell me," he said, his knuckles white.
"Sure," you praised with a grin. "But after we address the elephant in the room?" You jingled the handcuffs for emphasis.
Bucky sighed, realizing he couldn't ignore the issue any longer. "Fine. But no funny business." He threw you the key, the metal flying through the air.
You leaned forward, your lips dangerously close to his ear. "Can't make any promises, handsome," you said, catching the key.
As the cuffs fell away, you rubbed your wrists. "Freedom suits me," you remarked, stretching your arms for emphasis, a playful glint still present in your eyes.
"Now, are you going to tell me what's in the bag?"
"About the bag," you continued, eyeing the bag in the back seat. "Inside is an ancient artifact, said to be forged by the gods themselves."
"And you decided to steal it because?"
"What if I told you I had a good reason for what I do? A cause worth fighting for?"
He let out a harsh laugh. "I find it hard to believe you're some kind of modern-day Robin Hood."
"You may change your mind," you said, a smirk spreading across your face.
The car swerved sharply, the tires screeching, as he pulled onto a side road. The situation escalated as the pursuing cars began firing shots. The urgency in the air became palpable, and you knew you had to act quickly. "Now give me a gun so I can help you lose them," you insisted.
He laughed, a mix of disbelief and amusement. "You think I'm stupid?"
"Not stupid, just stubborn."  You jumped into the front passenger seat. You opened the glove compartment, a gun sitting inside. "There we go," you said, pulling it out and loading it.
He glanced over at you, his eyes widening. "How did you know that was there?" he asked.
You grinned, the metal of the gun cool against your fingers. "A lady never tells her secrets."
You started shooting, the glass of the back window shattering, the men yelling in the car behind. "I'll cover you," you said, "Take the next turn."
He nodded, his foot pressing the gas pedal even harder. The car roared, speeding down the street, the other cars following close behind. You could see the turn ahead, the lights bright and blinding. He took the turn, the tires squealing, the car swerving. He gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white. "Hold on," he said.
The car lurched, the metal groaning as he swerved around a corner. You could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins, the wind whipping through the shattered windows. You hit some of them but they were still too many of them.
"They're still on our tail," you said, looking over at him. “Fuck, I’m out of ammo.”
Bucky, focused on the road, swiftly tossed you his gun. "Make every bullet count."
"Got it." You fired off another round, the sound deafening.
The pursuing vehicles continued their relentless pursuit, and you knew that if you didn't act fast, the odds would be stacked against you. You fired off another round, the impact shattering a tire, the car veering off the road.
"One down," you muttered, reloading the gun.
Bucky's eyes were narrowed as he took the next corner, the car skidding.
The pursuing vehicles remained undeterred, continuing their pursuit. You gritted your teeth, frustration mounting, the sound of gunshots ringing in your ears. A series of well-placed shots managed to incapacitate three of the pursuing cars, causing a chain reaction as some collided into each other.
“Nice job, Y/N.” He complimented you, his tone laced with a hint of admiration.
The satisfaction of successfully hitting some of the pursuers was short-lived as four additional cars joined the fray.
"Shit, there's more," you said, your eyes narrowing at the sight. "Where the hell did they come from?"
"Don't worry," he said, his voice tense. "I've got a plan."
"Let's hear it." With your usual resourcefulness stretched thin, you looked to Bucky for a solution in the unfamiliar territory of a high-speed chase.
"You're not gonna like it," he said, his tone serious.
"Try me," you challenged.
He took a deep breath. "We're going to jump," he declared, his gaze unwavering on the road.
Laughter bubbled up, and you shook your head in disbelief, grappling with the audacity of the plan. "You're joking, right?" you quipped, shooting him a skeptical look.
"I wish I were," Bucky replied, a hint of grim determination in his eyes. "We need to lose them, and this is our best shot."
“Are you insane? This is the worst plan I’ve ever heard.” Your gaze flickered between Bucky and the pursuing cars, the gap narrowing with each passing second. The high-stakes nature of the situation left you with little choice. "Beside jump where? We will die if we jump right now.”
“There’s a lake ahead, we can jump into it. We will lose them that way, but it will also leave us vulnerable. It's a risk, I know."
You sighed, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "This is beyond reckless, Bucky. What if it doesn't work? We could end up at the bottom of that lake."
He shot you a confident grin. "Trust me, Y/N. I'm good at what I do. It's the only way to shake them off our tail." His hand grabbed your hand, and his grip was firm, but not painful. "What? Scared?" He teased you, his tone playful.
"It's not fear, it's concern for our survival. Crashing into a lake at this speed sounds like a recipe for disaster."
“Come on, I thought you like the thrill. Just think of it as a leap of faith."
"I don't have much of a choice, do I?"
"Not really," Bucky said, a grin spreading across his face. "Ready to take a leap of faith with me, doll?"
“Fine, let's do it. But if I die, I'm going to haunt your ass forever," you declared, squeezing his hand tightly.
"Fair enough," Bucky replied, his smile widening.
He took a deep breath and pressed the accelerator, the engine roaring, the needle climbing towards the red zone. You watched in silence as the pursuing cars grew larger, the headlights flashing in the darkness.
With your heart pounding in your chest, you took a deep breath, bracing yourself for the inevitable impact. The car barreled toward the edge of the cliff, the headlights illuminating the path ahead. The lake below was dark and foreboding, the water churning, the waves crashing against the shore.
As the car neared the precipice, Bucky glanced at you, "Ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," you responded, your voice shaky.
"Hold on tight," he instructed, his gaze fixed on the rapidly approaching edge of the cliff. The car's engine roared, and the wind rushed through the broken windows, tousling your hair.
You stole a quick glance at Bucky, his expression unreadable but resolute. "Any last words of wisdom?" you quipped, trying to mask the nervous flutter in your stomach.
"Enjoy the view," he replied, a sly grin forming. "It's about to get interesting."
As the car teetered on the brink, Bucky's foot slammed on the brakes, causing the vehicle to skid to a stop just at the edge. The abrupt halt sent you both lurching forward, hearts pounding.
He turned to you, an amused glint in his eyes. "Thought I'd give you a little scare."
"Are you serious?" you exclaimed, a mix of relief and exasperation flooding through you. "We could have died!"
Bucky chuckled, his laughter blending with the distant sounds of pursuit. "But we didn't. Sometimes a fake-out is all you need."
The sirens grew louder, and you both knew the charade couldn't last. Bucky glanced at the lake below. "Ready for the real thing?"
With a nod, you steeled yourself for the plunge. "Let's make it count."
Bucky released the brakes, and the car descended, gravity pulling it towards the dark water below. The wind rushed past your ears, the cold water engulfing you, the sound of the engine dying. For a moment, all you could see was darkness, the cold water enveloping you, the weight of the car dragging you deeper.
You fumbled with the seatbelt, the pressure of the water making every movement sluggish. Bucky's gloved hand reached over, assisting you in the frantic struggle to unfasten the restraint. Then he kicked the car's door, hastening its descent as the water rushed in. You couldn't breathe, the weight of the car and the water pressure keeping you submerged.
Amidst the chaos, Bucky signaled for you to follow him while the relentless pursuers continued to fire at the sinking car. However, your mind fixated on the artifact, you tried to reach it, you weren't going to leave it after risking so much to acquire it.
Bucky, seeing what you were trying to do, grabbed your arm silently urging you to leave the bag behind. How could you, though, after the life-threatening ordeal you'd just faced? Bucky swam towards you, grabbing you by the waist and dragging you out of the car. He shook his head, signaling that there was no time for anything. You knew he was right, but the artifact was so close...
You shook your head and swam away to get the artifact, your lungs burning. You weren't going to leave without it. The car was almost completely submerged, and the gunshots from above had ceased. Bucky reached for you, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards him. He shook his head, but you pushed him away.
You swam towards the car, reaching for the artifact. Your fingers brushed against it, but you couldn't grab it. ‘Come on, come on.’ you thought to yourself. With a final burst of effort, you freed the bag and kicked toward the surface, the light growing brighter.
Bucky helped you up, the pair of you gasping for air. You looked at him, your heart racing, the artifact clutched in your hand. You'd done it.
"Y/N, are you okay?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.
You nodded, the chill of the water seeping into your bones. "I'm fine," you replied, your teeth chattering in the cold. “What about you?”
"I've had worse," he replied, a wry smile playing on his lips. "We should get to the shore before they figure out we're still alive."
With the artifact clutched tightly in your hand, you swam toward the lake's edge, Bucky by your side. The pair of you trudged through the mud, the cold water weighing down your clothes. Your feet were numb, your muscles aching. You had no idea how far you'd swum, but it had felt like an eternity.
He guided you out of the water, his warmth a welcome contrast to the frigid air. Wrapped in his solid embrace, you both moved towards the side of the road, the distant sirens growing louder by the second.
"Here," he offered, extending his leather jacket to shield you from the biting cold.
"Thank you," you murmured, grateful for his thoughtfulness.
"No worries," he replied, a soft smile on his face.
The pair of you were quiet for a moment, the sound of the police sirens getting closer. You knew the authorities would be looking for the crashed car, and you knew you didn't have much time.
You pulled out a syringe from your pocket and injected him with the sedative, knocking him into the ground. You looked down at him, he looked up at you, his eyes filled with confusion and betrayal. "Sorry, handsome."
Within second, he fell unconscious. You looked down at his sleeping face, your heart swelling with affection. You knew you'd never see him again, but you hoped that he'd have a long, happy life.
You gently kissed his forehead, your lips lingering for a moment. "Thank you, Bucky," you whispered. "For everything."
And with that, you disappeared into the night, the artifact in your hands, the weight of a successful mission bringing a smile to your face.
But a little part of your heart remained with him, the memory of his warmth and kindness. You knew it was foolish, but you couldn't help but wish for a different life. One where you could be with him, a normal life with a man who would cherish you and protect you.
"Maybe in another life," you sighed, and the reality of the mission set in.
You left him there, your feet carrying you to safety. You knew he'd be angry, you had a job to do, and you were going to do it. You looked around, the sounds of sirens filling the night. You slipped away, disappearing into the darkness.
To be continued....
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I understand there's no smut in this part, and I've left you with a bit of a cliffhanger. Don't worry, though! I promise the next part will more than make up for it. Bucky is on his way, determined to find her. Stay tuned for the steamy sequel!
Thank you so much for reading! if you enjoyed this, please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
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mikobeautifulheart · 2 months
Hiii (’◡’) I really liked that fan fiction of choso where he's jealous over the kitty but I think it would be so cute w nanaaamii plz plz💗(*ˊᗜˋ*)
Ahhh thank you for reading my fic (and liking it) 🥰.
Here we go
Tw: none, just fluff. But not edited.
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It all started after a hard day's work. Another overtime.
Nanami sighed as he turns the key and steps inside your shared apartment, he really needed to just feel you right now.
"I'm back." He mumbled kicking off his shoes.
He dosent hear you move or respond...weird. He walks into the living room, sunlight comes in golden rays settling on your sleeping figure. His mouth upturns into a smile.
Until it dosent.
There on you peaceful rising chest was a white fluff ball, it's form also rising up and down. It took his spot.
Feeling something around you, your eyes slowly open to see a very exhausted Nanami.
"Welcome back Kento" you say sleepily sitting upright the white fluff now in your arms.
"What do you have there?" He asked.
You were to tierd to tell how he asked the question. Was he upset? Angery? Hard to tell.
"Oh this guy. I found him on our window sill this morning and he was injured."
Right on que the cat lifts one of its paws up revealing a small bandage wrapped around it.
Kento thought a vain in his head was going to burst when the cat turned to face him only to snuggle right under your face and reveal its big blue eyes.
There was something wrong with this cat. Cats don't just show up injured on a 6th floor apartment window. Cats don't smirk and hit people's nerves.
And most importantly they shouldn't look like a carbon copy of a white haired co worker that passes him off.
"He looks better already." Kento mumbled glaring at the cat.
"You know I actually have a cut here to" He said lifting his shirt up only too show half of his torso with a deep wound on one side.
"Oh Kento, why didn't you go to Shoko?! She would have foxed this in a minute!" You said putting the cat aside and getting up to grab your patch up supplies.
"She was on break and I wanted to see you." He sighed.
"But I see someone beat me to it." He glared at the cat.
You brought over a box and started attending to the wound.
"Kento what if it got infected? What if you made it worse? You cant just ignore this like it's nothing!" You said as you finished disinfecting it.
He only watched as the cat jumped off the couch and weaved between your legs.
"Aww isn't he the cutest." You said looking down at the cat.
"If you say so darling. How long is he going to be here anyway, i'm afraid his owners might begin to miss him"
"Actually he's a stray, he doesn't have anyone Ken, isn't that sad!"
"mm very, what do you suppose we do about it?" he asked glaring into the cats back.
"We should at least look after him until he heals, and I know this apartment doesn't allow pets but I spoke to the land lady and she said I can keep him here until he's better" You beamed only making him sigh.
He can't make you sad when you were this excited about having a cat, TEMPORARILY.
"Okay. We can keep him for now, but I need to rest and that means me and you. No cat."
The cat meowed loudly from the other room.
"I mean it."
"Okay Ken!" You said just glad you could keep the cat.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: Tehe thanks for the request anon and sorry it took so long :( have a good whatever time.
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motherofdogs1010 · 8 days
Siren II (Dark!Thomas Shelby x Reader)
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Summary: And so a game of cat and mouse begins...
Warnings: 18+ only, eventual NONCON/DUBCON smut, forced marriage, dark!Tommy, obsessed!Tommy, singer!reader, eventual pinv sex, eventual pregnancy, dark shit will be happening
A/N: Song used: Say Yes to Heaven- Lana Del Ray
I just wanted to say I love the support you all have towards my writing, it means the world, but I wanted to say that I do take mental health breaks! So anytime I take from posting is because I am focusing on that!
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
Part I
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Her eyes widened a little at the sudden appearance of a man in a suit standing in the doorway. He was only a little taller than her, maybe by a inch or so with a dark-colored pageboy's cap on his head as a cigarette hung from his lips; she could see the sides of his head were shaved very tight against his scalp but his cap hid his eyes so she couldn't see them.
But she could feel his eyes still and it made her feel on-guard as she cleared her throat.
"Hello", she responded back, "can I help you?"
"Forgive me", the man said, pulling the cigarette from his lips. "I'm Thomas Shelby, owner."
"I thought Harry was the owner", she said, confused.
"I bought him out recently", Thomas stated, Y/N still eyed him cautiously.
The man screamed danger and she felt a little uneasy under his blue gaze as he smirked at her apprehension.
"I just wanted to let you know that you gave quite the performance. You have quite the voice."
"Thank you, Mr. Shelby", she responded before clearing her throat. "It's time for me to go."
She could still feel his gaze on her as she hurried out of the Garrison, even in the current safety of her home, it was like she could still feel his deviled gaze on her body.
A few days had passed since the meeting with Mr. Shelby and it seemed like wherever she turned, she'd find a man with a peaked hat following her. Always a different man trailing enough behind her that she was sure they were supposed to remain hidden, but her eyes always caught them.
She figured it was best to pretend they weren't there, a sinking feeling telling her that if she acknowledged them, things wouldn't turn out well for her. So she took many turns and circled the same route. It made no sense to throw them off so they wouldn't find her way back to her apartment.
Today, she was at another pub that she sang at, known as The Drunken Griffin. It was larger than the Garrison with a proper stage where they had a band play for its singers and she was hoping this would help as she stood at the microphone. She had to make sure she didn't get too close since the microphones were so sensitive as she heard the melody the band began to play.
If you dance, I'll dance And if you don't, I'll dance anyway Give peace a chance Let the fear you have fall away
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Tommy sat in the hidden back of the pub, a cigarette dangling between his fingers as a cold whiskey sat in front of him. She was dressed in black again, her hair framing her as she sang to the watching crowd.
I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you
His mind felt quiet as the troubling thoughts of Kimber, that new Inspector Campbell and the stresses of Ada running off with Freddie Thorne began to melt away.
Say yes to Heaven Say yes to me Say yes to Heaven Say yes to me
Tommy had been having her followed for the past week, but the little minx seemed to have caught on to that.
If you dance, I'll dance I'll put my red dress on, get it on And if you fight, I'll fight It doesn't matter now, it's all gone
It was only a matter of time now...
I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you, mm I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you
He definitely had his eye on her...
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kisscara · 1 year
Hello! Can I request scara with a s/o that really loves cats, like they stop by cats on the street to pet them and regularly feeds the cats around their area and adopted a cat or two? love how the re-write is going btw! Ty!
cat fever [scaramouche x gn!reader] ⎯⎯ modern au, fluff
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it's scaramouche's first time stepping foot inside of your house.
it's also his first time meeting your five cats, which includes two kittens.
"kuni, you're not truly my boyfriend if you haven't memorized my lovely felines by name," you giddily say, dragging him into your bedroom.
scaramouche doesn't get you.
what do cats have, that he doesn't? he's got everything down pat, besides the obvious things like physical characteristics of course. from the large ego to the sharp glare, he's just like a cat.
maybe that's why you were so drawn to him the first time you two met.
"kuni, this is ako!" you bend down to pick up a small brown kitty with white fur trailing up from its stomach to its mouth.
"she was born two weeks ago. isn't she cute?" you grin as you present the hyperactive kitty to scaramouche. he experimentally pokes the tummy and it purrs in response.
you press a kiss to her head and set her back down onto the floor of your room. scaramouche tilts his head, muttering, "how do you sleep at night with all of these?"
you ignore his question and sit down, allowing two cats to leap into your lap. you smile up at him.
"the black one is sayo and the brown one is lisa. lisa is ako's mom," you explain, patting their heads. scaramouche sits by you and almost instantly, does another kitty welcome herself onto his thighs. scaramouche flinches and you giggle, "that's rinko. don't worry, she's just excited to have another visitor."
scaramouche hesitates before giving it an awkward pat on the head. this cat of yours has beautiful pitch black eyes and gray fur. it seems to favor your guest. scaramouche rubs the ears and rinko mewls. you beam, "see, they aren't that bad!"
suddenly, he feels two paws pushing at his waist. "oh, there's yukina. he's the only male out of all of my cats and kittens." you usher the white cat over with a tsk, "yuki, come here, baby." yukina is lured towards your call and he crawls by your side instead.
ako cries out of lack of attention and scaramouche looks at her in pity. carefully, trying not to make you notice, he gestures for the kitty to join you two.
but nothing slips past you when someone else is with your cats. you tease him in a lilting tone, "have you grown a bond with one of them already?"
scaramouche sputters in a flustered state. "n-no. i still like dogs better." and he says all of this while eagerly petting rinko and ako's heads. you frown, "don't end up liking my pets more than me."
he suddenly raises a brow with a sly smile, "i never said anything whenever you'd run off to greet a street cat."
you look elsewhere, forcing a laugh, "oh, really? i don't recall such an event." scaramouche hums, "not only that, but you spend most of your allowance on things like cat toys instead of gifts for me."
you accusingly gasp, "isn't my affection enough!? plus, i do give you gifts... just not as often as i give them to my cats."
sayo curiously looks between you and him. lisa licks at ako's head in the middle of it all.
you cross your arms and huff, "and you're basically saying my kisses and hugs aren't worth the price of inanimate objects." scaramouche places his hand on his face, "i guess you got me there."
your jaw drops in shock, "so it's true?" he shakes his head in amusement and leans over to press a kiss on the corner of your lips.
you blankly stare at him as he resumes his previous sitting position. yukina meows. "wait, one more time. you didn't get it properly." at your remark, scaramouche laughs.
he sits closer to you and cups your face in his hands before slotting his lips into yours. sayo, getting the signal that something bad was happening to their owner, tugs at scaramouche's shirt. however, rinko knowingly mewls and doesn't interfere with the situation.
scaramouche pulls away and you clasp your hands together, sighing with your eyes closed, "what gift could possibly be better than that, kuni?" he smiles, "a ring." you wave him away, frantically saying, "it's too early, don't get any ideas yet!"
a little later, scaramouche agreed with helping you feed the cats.
"there's a name on each bowl and it's important that they eat from their own because there's a specific amount i give." you place pieces of meat in every bowl and scaramouche wordlessly watches while rocking rinko in his arms.
the cats, perceiving the fact that their food was in the process of being readied, politely wait for you to finish up. you lead every single one to their designated bowl and allow them to eat up for dinner.
you hold up one finger, saying, "let's do a practice run." you point to the black cat. "what's their name?" you glance at scaramouche and he silently ponders. "that was... erm," scaramouche squints his eyes and rubs his chin. "obviously ako." he proudly smirks, crossing his arms.
his reign of victory fades away when you bluntly say, "wrong." you crouch down to pet the cat and correct him, "this is sayo. she probably doesn't like you anymore, now that you've mistaken her for ako. she's a very picky one when it comes to people."
scaramouche's shoulders sink and he utters, "reminds me of myself."
you laugh and stand back up. "maybe you should help me give them a bath. it might be easier to tell who's who when their fur is soaking wet and they're trying to escape the suds and the water!" you playfully prod, emitting a sigh from the male.
"don't cats hate baths? are you trying to get me killed?" scaramouche raises a brow.
you frown, "oh, i'm not that heartless, kuni! you can borrow my arm length gloves; i don't use them anymore since they got used to me bathing them." you hand him the said gloves and he puts them on. "thanks... i guess."
but oh boy, giving your cats a bath was probably the biggest obstacle scaramouche had to experience in his entire life.
he didn't get how you could just kneel there, bending over the side of the tub as you calmly dealt with their tantrums like it happened everyday, which was possibly the reason why you were used to it by now.
although, you were right. it did give scaramouche a chance to find out which cat is which, with you giving him commands the entire time.
"kuni, watch out for yukina! n-no, that one's rinko! ah, is that a dead mouse? wait, can you get lisa for me? kuni, that's ako!" yeah, it was a wild time.
scaramouche groans and plops onto your bed out of exhaustion. you sit next to him and laugh, "i'm guessing you should know their names by now." ako is in your arms and her teeth dig into your finger over and over. scaramouche notices this and looks at you.
do you have a high pain tolerance or something?
as if you read his mind, you say, "ako is teething; it's natural for her to have the need to bite into things. she doesn't bite too hard so it doesn't pain me or anything." you prop the kitten to sit in your lap and you coo, "isn't that right, ako?"
ako mewls in response. scaramouche murmurs, "i see." he adds, "i can't believe you can manage five cats all on your own. i thought you weren't even capable of keeping me alive." his lighthearted joke emits a giggle from you.
"oh, hey!" you add with a grin, "you can be my cats' father!" scaramouche suddenly deadpans, "what?"
"yeah, i'm their parent and that means you're their father now." you give him a swift kiss on the cheek, leaving the male speechless. scaramouche sighs, "i never would have imagined being a father of five..."
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© kisscara
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rooksamoris · 6 days
Amora, thoughts on this? And how can it be applied to the scarabia duo
omg my cousin sent me this video too!!
in regard to JAMIL <3
he definitely gives me cat person vibes (literally everyone in the middle east/north africa is a cat person from armenia to oman to algeria). i headcanon that scarabia has a bunch of cats around the place. jamil carries heavy baskets of laundry while kittens brush by his bare ankles as he walks about.
its so funny to sit beside him while the cats hide under his hair.
"Ah--out of my hair," he grumbles, pulling the kitten away from his hair. Its tiny claws were clinging to the thick strands, tangling them up with its excitable movements. When he sees the amusement on your face, he rolls his eyes and places the kitty in your lap, gently. He was always so mindful of how he held them, "Pull their hair instead, Za'afaraan (saffron)," he commands. He named the cats in Scarabia after spices. How cute.
i bet he and his family would go on park days too. it's a quick and cheap way of them getting to enjoy each other's company, but it is always so short lived. his responsibilities to kalim are all consuming.
Najma leaned over and glanced at her brother's phone, "Can't you put that down for a minute, himar (donkey)?" she asked, gesturing to the ma'amoul (date stuffed biscuit) and chai that was in front of them. His father had bought it from the souq (market) and his mother made the tea. It was the recipe she had taught him years ago. Jamil rolled his eyes, and shoved his sister's cheek away, "I need to make sure he stays at the estate." He kept his gaze away from his parents. There had to be some sort of tension and guilt... "Yeah, whatever..." Najma trailed off, before sipping her own tea. Her fingers traced over patterns on the sheet they sat on. Ornate swirls and floral motifs. Her unsaid words were weaving their way into the designs, never to be said, but to be seen in her dark eyes. When was the last time they had even spent family time like this? Her brother sighs and breaks his ma'amoul in half, "Here," he says, setting his phone down. Hopefully for longer than a few minutes.
as for KALIM!!
im sure he loves all animals, but cats?? he loves them, especially big cats. you can't tell me that the al-asim family don't have their own version of raja from aladdin. it gives jamil a heart attack at first, but soon enough this tiger is kalim's favorite thing in the world. the tiger ends up trained to protect and coddle kalim. whenever he's in the scalding sands, after greeting all his siblings, he rushes into the fur of his tiger.
"Ra'isa!" he yells, as he leaps against the large tiger. His arms wrapped around her back and then he nuzzled his cheek to its fur. There was a grin on his face as Ra'isa began to curl her body around him. You just stared in a mix of fear and apprehension. You glance between him and the tiger that was cuddling up to him. Of course, you expected chaos when you decided to visit the Scalding Sands with your boyfriend, but this? "Uhm..? Kalim..?" When his ruby eyes notice the look on your face, he laughs and grabs your hand, pulling you closer, "Don't worry. Ra'isa is very friendly with people I like," he reassures, guiding your hand over her fur. Ra'isa leaned into your touch, sensing her owner's adoration for you. When she curled her head in your direction, her face found its way to your belly, clearing signalling for your to scratch behind her eyes. Kalim leaned against the big cat, watching you with a look of joy. His two favorite people were getting along.
kalim's family is MASSIVE. i don't imagine they all go out too often due to how much security would be needed, but they all definitely have chaotic tea parties. you'd think with all that wealth the kids would not have to fight over who gets the last piece of ma'amoul or the last bite of fatta tamr (yemeni dish. its just small pieces of bint al-sahn mixed with minced dates and honey).
Kalim was holding up a box of assorted Turkish Delights away from all of his younger siblings who immediately rushed to his side when they heard he had brought them. He laughed as they reached up their short arms for the box, "There's enough for everyone, just get into a line," he said. The box was full enough to give each of them three pieces of the treats, and yet they still argued about who would get the first piece.
overall, yeah. arab men aren't scary. they literally kiss their homies good night, since when you greet a friend or are leaving for the night, you kiss each other's cheek.
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moonselune · 4 days
Can I get an Astarion X Reader with a Bhaalspawn Reader who just collects very disturbing trinkets
Astarion x catlike!Durge is just absolutely perfect. I love it.
Astarion x Durge!reader: How kind of you...
Your affinity for collecting the odd and grotesque had always been a part of you, a peculiar habit that others found disturbing but which you indulged in nonetheless. As a Bhaalspawn, your life had been anything but ordinary, and your tastes reflected that. To you, these macabre trinkets were fascinating remnants of a dark past, each piece a testament to your survival and resilience.
Astarion, ever the charming and enigmatic vampire spawn, had quickly become the center of your world. His appreciation for the finer, more luxurious things in life was well known, but you couldn't help but share your own form of treasures with him. After all, they were tokens of your affection, brought to him like a cat leaving a dead animal at its owner’s feet.
One evening, as the campfire crackled and the night settled around you, you approached Astarion with a new addition to your collection. He sat by the fire, elegantly flipping through a book, his pale skin glowing in the flickering light. You cleared your throat, and his crimson eyes lifted to meet yours, a smile playing on his lips.
"My love, I have something for you," you said, holding out a small, preserved hand, the skin shriveled and mummified. The fingers were curled into a grotesque semblance of a grasp.
Astarion's smile faltered for a fraction of a second, but he quickly recovered, his gaze flicking from the hand to your eager expression. "Ah, another... unique find," he said, his voice as smooth as ever. He carefully took the hand from you, turning it over in his own. "It's... quite the specimen."
You beamed at his response, pleased that he appreciated your gift. "I thought you might like it. It's from an ancient tomb I found nearby. The preservation is remarkable, don't you think?"
"Remarkable, indeed," he replied, his tone even and composed. Inside, however, he struggled to suppress the shudder of revulsion that threatened to show. He had grown accustomed to your peculiar tastes, but some things were harder to stomach than others.
A few days later, you approached him with another offering. This time, it was a jar filled with pickled eyeballs, the murky liquid sloshing around as you handed it to him. "Look at these," you said excitedly. "Perfectly preserved, and from different creatures, too!"
Astarion accepted the jar with a strained smile, nodding appreciatively. "How... fascinating," he managed, holding the jar delicately between his fingers. "You certainly have an eye for detail."
You didn't notice the slight twitch in his lips as he forced the pun out, too delighted by his acceptance to catch the subtle signs of his discomfort. "I'm glad you like it," you said, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "I find these things and think of you."
His heart softened at your words, the genuine affection in your eyes piercing through his initial repulsion. Despite the nature of your gifts, the sentiment behind them was touching. "And I appreciate every one of them," he said, setting the jar aside and pulling you into his arms. "Your thoughtfulness is... endearing."
"I can tell it grosses you out a bit," you teased, nudging him playfully.
Astarion chuckled, a hint of relief in his eyes at your understanding. "Perhaps a tad," he admitted, holding you close. "But it's the thought that counts, and I adore that you think of me even when you're out gallivanting in the woods."
You leaned into his embrace, feeling the warmth of the fire and the comfort of his presence. "Maybe next time I'll find something a bit less... gruesome."
"Or perhaps just as gruesome," he replied with a smirk, "as long as it comes from you."
You both laughed, the moment of levity breaking the dark spell of your trinket. Despite the eerie gifts, Astarion knew that beneath your morbid interests lay a heart full of love and loyalty. And for that, he was willing to accept even the most unsettling of tokens, because they were a part of you.
Bless him, I think as much as Astarion loves the gifts he does have decor standards - or so he thinks- we see those jars of blood Astarion, clean up after yourself for godssake. Enjoy! - Seluney x
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