#like i think at a certain point you have to admit
can i req “who did this to you” + xiao + romantic
teehee 🫶
"Who did this to you?"
Xiao trembles with an energy he knows all too well. It's wispy and dark and miasmic, keening at the idea of tearing whoever or whatever roughed you up like this to shreds.
Despite your swollen eye and bruised knuckles, you only smile at him in response, not an iota of dejection swaying your form. It's one of the things about you that intrigues him, loathe as he is to admit it - you're never seen without a performance of bared teeth or stretched lips.
But even if you're unaffected, that doesn't change that you're hurt, that you've been threatened by some unknown force, and Xiao wasn't there to protect you--
"Well, hello to you too," you swallow, sensing his unease and repressed rage. "Um, nothing like that happened, promise! One of my friends is visiting in the area, and we decided to spar. Like old times."
Adeptus Xiao knows what sparring is, and he knows what injuries (maybe not mortal...) sustained from those lessons look like. He's fairly certain, despite you being his only human companion, that you're not supposed to be limping.
He can't touch you right now, as much as his impure heart flooded with sin yearns for it. Before he ever trusts himself to comfort you, he'll sit on his hands and remain still for centuries.
"This friend," he almost chews the syllables, "I require a name."
You purse your lips, looking out towards the melting skyline. "That's not how this works. He isn't a threat, okay? These are superficial wounds. Sometimes it just gets intense... if he'd gone easy on me, it'd ruin the whole point of the fight."
His eye twitches, and the voices recede, if only for a moment.
You are never without merit, despite how others may dismiss you. Xiao does know what it's like to be caught up in the throes of combat. Plus, you've tried to reason with him about 'how he gets'. Normally, being told off by a mortal would earn them his silent ire, but even he can't deny he feels like a scolded dog.
...but you are important to him, so he'll let it slide like he always does.
"If he truly wounds you," Xiao starts, considerate, "I need to know."
Blessed with your grin once more, you take a step closer. He's not scared of you, per se, but the Adeptus' hackles start to raise instinctually. What if he hasn't calmed down enough yet? Should he play it safe and go about his duties, if only to make sure none of his penance unjustly latches itself onto you?
Should he run the tip of his spear through every menace to Liyue, soaked in viscera, wracked with the phantoms of your injuries?
"Xiao," you whisper. "Listen to me."
No. He won't do that, because you're right here, and you are alive.
"I'll make sure to call you if that ever happens. I'm safe," he hears a bird cawing somewhere as you take ahold of his ring finger. Of course, it's devoid of any wedding band - customs such as that are below and of no use to him - but the gentle grip of your hand is close enough.
It's a silent promise; one that Xiao needn't repeat, but he will anyway.
You're fine - you're not to be taken from him. In order for you to trust him with your mundane secrets and joyous laughter, he needs to trust you to fight your own battles.
He only nods solemnly, recovering at his own pace. "Did you... achieve victory?"
Letting go of him, in a headache-inducing, booming voice, you boast, "Did you think I could show my face around here if I didn't?! These marks are nothing! You should've seen what he looked like after I wiped the floor with him! Honestly, all of my old pals have gone soft--"
Xiao is once again swept up in the whirlwind that is you. Curbing his overprotective instincts, your relationship is something he holds sacred. For as long as he's able, he wishes to relish in the dynamic, even if he's undeserving of it.
(...and perhaps also because he's a little concerned you may 'wipe the floor with him' too.)
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🏷️: @akutasoda, @aviiarie, @lowkeyren
a/n: i hope you enjoy where i took this, ray! i know it's a bit shorter than average ^^" but i did enjoy writing xiao in this setting. your support means everything to me! silly yaksha. barely proofed since i'm sleepy...
event post here
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chaifootsteps · 22 hours
This is literally just me being 100% petty, and I can admit that but—
It is fucking HILARIOUS to me that A24 had to shop around to find ANYONE willing to take Hazbin’s musty ass and Viv allegedly had to compromise certain things, to the point that the shows release was DELAYED because of it, meanwhile, TADC is so popular that fucking Netflix has come to Glitch like “can we please share your cartoon??? You will still have complete control b/c we know you don’t actually need us due to how popular you are, but please?”
The ONLY reason I find this funny is because I know that it’s something that would get under Viv’s skin. I think about the culture she must have enabled at Spindlehorse that made employees feel emboldened to tell other indie crews and creators to “suck a dick” and I can’t help but feel a little bit of schadenfreude.
Other indie studio’s successes are NOT Spindlehorse’s (or even Viv’s!) failures, but it’s so transparent that Viv thinks they are.
It’s sad, and I don’t like the petty feeling I have thinking about it, but then I remember the whole “far fetched and Lackadaisy can suck a dick!” and suddenly I don’t feel bad about it anymore. Would be sadder if it weren’t also so funny.
Anyway congrats to Gooseworx and Glitch!!
It's hilarious because all this time, Viv's fandom has been holding up her story as the ultimate in indie success, the top of the mountain, as good as it gets and the best anyone has ever done. Time and time again, TADC comes along and blows SH out of the water, and they do it without a new controversy every week.
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sugar-crash · 2 days
🏎️Turbo (Wreck-It Ralph) x (gn) Reader🏁
(Beginning Relationship Pt. I Edition!)
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(It took me fucking forever to find a picture from the movie of Turbo [far too cowardly to use fanart]. Which, as we all know, is fitting.)
- To go into deeper detail on this, your time dating Turbo when he was all high and mighty was… Eventful to say the very least.
- We don’t know much about how Turbo pre-RoadBlasters disaster besides the most obvious points: passionate, sore winner, an even sorer loser, hot-headed, and finally the cherry on this red-white cake; Spite.
- His passion for various things bleeds into the other things in his life, giving a drive that goes beyond the racing track, with the relationship he gains with you being one of those things with a lot of time and patience.
- Victory kisses at the end of the day are a must, even when listening to his frustrated woes from certain players playing game wrong, saying things like “I’M FATTEST RAT IN THE RACE! WHY SHOULD I SUFFER WHEN THESE MOTION DEAF TERMITES DECIDE TO PUT A COUPLE OF COINS IN MY GAME???” ….Yeah <3
- I think in many ways that if you get his trust so much to the point where you guys start dating, he just kinda expects you to listen to his aggravated rants and not do the same for you— Which takes a lot of time to rectify, in his mind he doesn’t think you “have it as bad” as him, as ignorant as that is.
- Yeah he doesn’t exactly get a trophy for “best lover”, that’s for sure.
- And his stubborn behavior doesn’t make that any better, takes him a while to get certain things drilled into his brain when he finally realizes what you’re saying isn’t “nagging”.
- Don’t get him wrong, I genuinely think he has the capability to care for someone else over himself, it just takes a whole lot of work for him to consciously realize that.
- PDA isn’t really much of a thing for Turbo (except for his “well earned” victory kisses) , he has a reputation to uphold as one of the most popular game characters in the arcade, though behind closed doors he basically demands the attention you give him at first.
- If you don’t like being ordered around and tell him as such, it takes a series of fights to realize being bossy in a romantic relationship (or any in general) isn’t exactly the best thing. The obvious in these situations isn’t to him, he has a very one track mind (pun intended) and doesn’t like change when it effects him.
- Which is very understandable, human even, I think that many of us, if we had a choice, would keep things just the way we like it. But— Life itself is all about change, conflict, differing opinions, etc. And while it is aggravating to no end, it’s something a person has to come to terms with.
- Someone like Turbo struggles with that concept, why can’t he act the way he finds more natural?? This stone set mindset drives many way, even the people from his game— Even you at times.
- He loves you to death, with the way he sticks close to you after hours, the way he gets a momentary soft look at you when he thinks you aren’t looking is perceptible to people who pay attention.
- Much like his latter self, King Candy, he has the tendency to hide things from you— Not in a way that maintains a noble or joyous persona, but in a way that tries to hide his softness for you, the desire to clutch you close and never let go.
- The feelings your mere existence gives him scares him, not that he would ever admit that, not even to himself.
- He hates that at times his feelings depend on how you feel, and trying to understand it only stirs the pot, touches of comfort are met with a scoff and some variation of “I’m not some fragile lamb you can comfort.” Though at that point his reactions aren’t nearly as explosive as they used to be.
- Over time I believe that with your help he is able to maintain more composure— Thinking before acting, which is something he is desperate need for.
- Your relationship is very hit and miss at times, but what is love without conflict? BORING, that’s what I say at least.
- Who he is as a whole is both a blessing and a curse, really makes a person think in a “What goes on in that asshole’s head? And how the fuck did he get with someone?”
- The time you have with him before RoadBlasters was installed was special, not perfect in the slightest, but you guy had your moments that one can look at later on with a sense of melancholy.
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(Abyiv-ahzapj! *SVBK MHYA UVPZL*)
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nina-ya · 2 hours
A/N: i was a little sappy writing this one ngl idk I just love law so much LMAO Pairing: Law x reader CW: none, mild backstory spoilers if you squint WC: ~800 Other versions: Luffy Zoro Sanji Law (more to come) • masterlist • ko-fi • discord server •
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Loving Law is not easy. It’s not supposed to be. He’s all sharp edges haphazardly taped and glued together, just waiting to fall apart at a moments notice. Every glance feels calculated, like he’s already three steps ahead in some mental game of chess that only he knows the rules to. But once you become a part of his life, once you’ve proven that you deserve his trust and care, you’re under his protection in ways that you may never fully understand.
Loving Law is falling in love with the ocean at night. It’s unpredictable, dark, but there’s a certain beauty in the unknown that is him. He won’t admit it, but he will always catch you before you fall. Not because he’s trying to be a hero, but because losing anyone else is something he cannot quite handle. His love comes in the forms of subtle checks such as a quiet “don’t overexert yourself,” a lingering glance that asks if you are okay, or a warm coat tossed your wat in the middle of a cold night. He’s practical, pragmatic, but never indifferent. 
Loving Law is accepting that he doesn’t need to be saved, but sometimes he will let you stand beside him as the waves crash over him. He will let you in just enough to feel the weight that is constantly pushing down on him, but never so much that you think he’s burdening you. But you’re there to remind him that being strong doesn’t mean carrying everything on his own. 
Loving Law is loving someone who sees the world through a lens of strategy and survival. His love doesn’t come with flowery speeches or romantic gestures- it comes with an almost obsessive need to keep you alive. He ensures you have what you need and he never asks for thanks. He doesn’t need it. 
But then when you break through those hard walls he had built around his heart from loss after loss, you get to explore a much more vulnerable side to him. You get to learn about the despair that he has been put through, all of the rough battles he has fought to get to this point, everything that makes Law, well, Law. It’s not easy for him to do, and you can see this in the way he chooses each word carefully as if they may betray him. But when this does happen, you realize that there is a strength among the vulnerability, a wordless trust that comes from knowing that you wont use it against him.
And when he opens up, even if its just for a moment, you realize that he is not just giving you his trust, but he is giving you everything. Every piece of himself he thought was lost, every part of him that he thought was too broken to be loved, it’s all there, in the space between his words and the look in his eyes. And you couldn’t be more grateful to be the one he shares it with.
Loving Law is knowing that it may take some time to get through to him, but when you do, its more than perfect. There is a heightened intensity in the simplest of gestures such as the way his fingers graze over yours, the warmth of his hand resting at the small of your back, or the way that he presses his forehead against you staring into your eyes with a look that screams ‘i cherish you’ without having to utter a single word.
When his lips finally meet yours, its as if the whole world screeches to a halt. There is no rush, no frantic urgency, just a slow deliberate tenderness as if he is memorizing every inch of your mouth, the softness of your lips. The way he tilts your chin up, deepening the kiss with an inhale as if he needs to breathe you in. His hands are firm, one cupping your face while the other rests on your waist, keeping you close to him. His hands, calloused from years of battle, move with a surprising softness when he’s with you, as if he’s afraid of breaking something precious. Loving Law is finding safety in vulnerability. It’s the knowledge that while he may keep the world at arms length, he lets you in piece by piece until he allows himself to be fragile in your presence. It’s the softness that only you see in him, the way his hands tremble slightly when they brush over your skin, the way his lips can express so much in the soft presses against yours, the promise that despite all the loss he has endured, he will never let you go.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 3 hours
Silly Games for Silly People
Okay so I asked for some ideas for the big boy, and in particular Summoned!König. I got some great ideas from @callofdreams and so I hope they enjoy this! I am definitely taking more of their ideas for this series, and so we might have a few of Summoned!König playing some board games. I didn't play many board games as a kid, but I do have fun writing this. I am still taking ideas for Summoned!König, so please let me know any ideas you have!
CW: none
Wordcount: 1.4k
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Story below the cut
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Silly Games for Silly People
You glared at the eldritch monstrosity across the table, your breath baited as your hands tightened together. He glared back at you, arctic blue eyes mere slits behind his dark hood. He leaned in close, analyzing your every move. You did just the same.
“Just roll the dice, König!” you finally snapped.
“And how do I know this is not mortal trickery?” König scoffed, “you truly believe that I am unaware of your inner machinations? That I am not leagues ahead of you in every possible way? You cannot possibly begin to compete with the likes of me.”
“Oh yeah? You really think you’re all that and a bag of chips, don’t ya?” you grabbed the dice and shoved them into his talons.
“Have you never heard of the concept of ‘patience’?” König snorted as he shook his palm.
“Have you heard the concept of ‘sore loser’?” you retorted.
König raised an eyebrow.
“It means you’re being a bitch because you’re losing,” you explained with a smug smile.
König bristled and tossed the dice. He glanced over the numbers, promptly slamming his fist on the table with enough force to shake all the pieces of the game.
“Oh yeah, look who’s all high and mighty now, huh?” you grinned as he slid his token back over to one corner of the board.
“Petulant worm,” he muttered under his breath as he leaned back into the folding chair that was only barely supporting his weight.
“I think you just don’t wanna admit that I’m better than you,” you snickered as you finished another lap of the board and collected your cash.
“I could eviscerate you,” König huffed, “and yet you mock me over some mindless board game, the only way you could possibly even try to leverage any power over me.”
“I think you’re just mad I’m better,” you gave him a cheshire grin.
You grabbed the dice and rolled them out on the table. The dice rolled a clean five and a four, just enough to get you to that final spot you wanted.
“Alright, hand over Pennsylvania Avenue,” you held out a waiting hand.
König grumbled bitterly, but thankfully he passed over the square of cardboard with a disgruntled flick of his wrist.
“Wow,” you laughed as you tucked the squares down in front of you,” you’re actually upset about this, aren’t you?”
“I am not upset by some inferior construction of human hands,” König sniffed, “I am merely astounded by the arrogance you exude.”
“Arrogance?” you scoffed, “au contraire, my friend! I think I’m creaming you this game.”
König glared at you from behind his mask. You were fairly certain that he wanted to strangle you that moment. You were only more and more excited by how upset he was.
König silently rolled the dice on his side of the table. The both of you hissed when one red die rolled over the edge of the table.
“Cocked,” you called out as you grabbed it back.
When you brought it back to König, he seemed positively peeved by you.
“What?” you handed the dice back to him,
“That was a six,” he huffed, “I needed a six to get out of jail.”
“Okay but it rolled off the table,” you pointed out, “when a die hits something on the table or rolls off it, it’s cocked and you need to reroll it.”
“And who taught you that inane ruling?” König drummed his claws against the laminated wood table.
“I dunno,” you shrugged as you sat back down, “it’s just something my DnD group taught me.”
“DnD?” König perked up, “what game is that?”
“Uh…” you looked down at the monopoly board and back up at your eldritch partner, “okay so, we’re struggling trying to play Monopoly, you’re not ready for DnD.”
“I could just read a mortal’s mind and get a good grasp,” König countered.
“Okay but, like, that would be their version of DnD,” you explained, “DnD is different for everyone. And you are not ready for DnD yet.”
König looked back down at the Monopoly board with disdain, “I want to move on from this one.”
“So are you admitting defeat?” you grinned.
“I would never deign to do such a thing, Summoner,” König snorted, “I am simply stating an opinion. Is that such a unfathomable concept?”
“Well, when you’re complaining about Monopoly, it’s kinda funny,” you pointed out.
König grumbled under his breath as he rolled the other die, blatantly ignoring whatever you wanted to say.
“Hey look! A six!” you cheered as the die flopped onto the center of the board.
“Finally!” König exclaimed as he slumped back into his chair with a groan.
“Hey hey hey watch it with the weight there, big guy,” you snapped, “I don’t wanna have to pay for another chair.”
“Did they actually deduct the past one from your pay?” König eased himself up off the backrest again.
“Yes!?” you laughed, “they took out all of them!”
At the very least, König had the decency to look sheepish about the matter as he steepled his fingers together on the table, “I see.”
“You see? Yeah I sure saw it coming out of my paystub!” you laughed.
König cringed into himself, but politely moved on to ask, “Well, who’s turn is it?”
“Um…” you looked down at the table, “I actually don’t remember. You do, don’t you?”
“I see no reason to try and clarify,” König’s eyes glinted with amusement.
You, on the other hand, were as far removed from any sense of amusement as you could have possibly been.
“No seriously, König, who’s turn is it?” you asked again.
“Why should it matter?” König shrugged, “is this not a simple game?”
“Yeah but, like, I don’t wanna be rude and take your turn or anything,” you tried to reason with him, but he was persistent. After a bit of back and forth, you finally relented. König was content to lean onto the table as you tried to get him to budge, but as it was, trying to get an avatar of chaos to play by the rules was next to impossible. Instead, you had to be creative.
“Alright, let’s play rock paper scissors to see who’s turn it is,” you determined.
“Rock paper scissors?” König tilted his head like a cat, “tell me, what is that?”
“It’s a game where you kinda, I dunno,” you patted your fist against your open palm, “you make your hand either a rock,” you held up a fist, “a pair of scissors,” you extended two fingers, “or paper,” you held out your palm. You extended your fist and held it up, “you say ‘Rock, paper, scissors,’ and the next time you put your fist on your palm you make the sign you want. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock. Whoever wins gets the next turn. Wanna try?”
König held up one taloned hand and watched the lamp light glint off his black iridescent scales, then locked eyes with you, “It sounds rather simple. I think I can manage a round.”
And so, you both extended a fist and chanted, “Rock, paper, scissors!” and extended your hand.
You let your fist drop in horror.
“König that’s not what you’re meant to do.”
König frowned, “Aren’t I meant to make my fist look like the object?”
“König you’re meant to do the hand sign. Not… Not that,” you cringed as you heard his bones snap back into place.
“I apologize.”
“Wanna try again?”
“Seeing as my first attempt left much to be desired, I see a great need for another,” König mused.
You chanted again and extended your fist. König, on the other hand, held out an open palm.
You glared at him and thinned your lips into a line, “Alright, best two out of three.”
“Vas!?” König scoffed, “are you telling me that we need to play again?”
“Just to be sure!” you huffed, eying the red and white dice hungrily.
König clucked his tongue and made a trill that sounded like bubbles rushing to the surface, but he held out his fist again.
“Go ahead Summoner, see how well this works out for you.”
You learned quickly that trying to win a game of chance against an avatar of chaos was, sadly, not as easy as you hoped.
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Konig Dump
Alternate Universe Stories
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tanadrin · 1 year
Honestly what you said about corporal punishment made me wonder about amputation in, say, Saudi Arabia. Like, do they put comparable amounts of administrative thought into what ultimately resembles, in effect, Michael Madsen sawing a captive's ear off with a razor?
I don't know about Saudi Arabia, but I do seem to recall that if a victim or a victim's family chooses the lex talionis option in Iran, medical professionals get dragged into amputating the limb (or even in one case, extracting the eye). It's merciful in a way--obviously if you're going to cut off someone's limb, doing it in sterile conditions under anaesthetic is better than not--but it also feels like a parody of medicine, dragooning doctors into explicitly causing someone distress that is supposed to last for the rest of their lives.
The psychology of executioners and torturers is complex--people will, at the end of the day, find a rationale that lets them exist within the system they work in and also sleep at night, if they can--but needless to say, I think it is very rarely good for someone or their worldview to have to normalize inflicting a high degree of suffering for its own sake as acceptable in any context.
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
Leo getting hit with a truth curse but instead of forcing him to admit to super sad or worrying things it’s things like “it was me who broke the remote” “I saw Mikey prank Donnie and helped hide it because it’s way funnier if he didn’t know who it was” “I rip my clothes to look more like Raph’s because he’s really cool” “my stripes aren’t even red they’re pink!”
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#plot twist he COULD be admitting angsty stuff but he’s pushing the less oof truths forward instead on purpose#raph: hey leo what do you want for dinner#leo: *about to bare his soul on all his internal torment but pivots* I’m afraid of snakes#(no but fr Leo’s stripes being technically more pink instead of red is cute ngl)#(a very reddish pink to the point that in certain lighting it looks red but at the base they’re p pink)#(i also am very fond of the idea that Leo doesn’t just have questionable taste in fashion he also just loves Raph a lot and looks up to him)#but yeah I think that something like this would be 99% Leo admitting to unimportant things or admitting to how much he values everyone#like they all KNOW Leo loves them and he’s talked them up enough for them to know but it’s different when he’s like#‘I just wanna read my comics with you guys around - it’s my favorite place to be’#or again just random bs that doesn’t REALLY have a lot of weight like#‘I like using my portals to prank random people around the world’#‘I’m worried about being a bad influence on hueso jr’#‘sometimes I kinda wanna see hypno’s plans succeed’#‘it’s been way too long since I found this out and honestly it’s embarrassing but I actually don’t have a di-‘#SORRY COULDNT HELP MYSELF#(<-but did u know that that pink rather than red observation actually ties into this headcanon as well if u know about red eared sliders)
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vaugarde · 2 months
transphobia aside, its also a huge pet peeve of mine when people are like “oh tee hee i havent actually engaged with the canon material at all aside from maybe a few clips on youtube, but ive decided the canon is stupid shit anyways and fanon is all that matters!” like not only does that just feel disrespectful and rude for no good reason, especially in the context of indie creators, but it personally annoys me as someone who always overthinks this shit and has several tabs open when im just making headcanons or whatever, let alone writing a fic. like you just dont care? what’s the point, then?
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compacflt · 1 year
I've read the original version of WWGATTAI and I was wondering why you later decided to have Pete sleep around during their "break up" or rocky patch. I think in the first version he just flirts with others but later tells Ice that he'd burst into flames if he actually slept with anyone else. Did you see it as cheating or did you see it as them being in a very real separation that both were aware of?
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oh shit someone who read the original shitty version 😭😭😭😭😭😭 okay thanks for sticking with me that long firstly
okay—that part of the story was the first part i ever wrote (besides the epilogue which was actually first) so i just didn’t know how it would play out, so there’s that—I didn’t think through the consequences of ice’s betrayal at ALL so that’s the whole reason why i went back and edited it
Secondly, (see here for another post about this), no, I don’t think of it as cheating. they weren’t in a relationship (like they Were but they also weren’t). they were in a situationship that got out of hand. if ice is jealous/butthurt about maverick sleeping around then he is coping & seething and should be made fun of
thirdly, mavericks an unrealistically handsome single guy in his early forties who may have just wasted the last decade of his life on a man who betrayed him/his family & basically dumped him & left him, so not unexpected that he would retaliate by sleeping with other people.
fourthly, as maverick says above, “it’s a distraction,” “[it’s someone who is] not you. I just can’t seem to shake you. I don’t know what else to do.” he feels like he is out of options & he himself is too cowardly to break things off with ice so he’s waiting for ice to break things off with him. him sleeping around = a.) satisfying a physical need that ice used to fulfill before he left b.) shopping around for other people c.) retaliating for ice’s betrayal d.) trying to provoke ice into breaking up with him e.) attempting to distract himself from how much he misses ice
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a-gay-little-cat · 8 months
walking in to rephrase my thoughts from discord but i was just thinking about tiger getting checked up by his ripper n yknow one could consider tiger a 'borg in cyberpunks terms sure hes not super insane looking like smasher, he likes looking human and theres almost an art to having all these enhacements and reinforcements all neatly tucked away for no one to see yes you have the obvious visible cyberware on his face, his body, the tail but its nowhere near as extreme as you see elsewhere at times, hell, look at someone from maelstrom
all in all he looks.. tame, very stylized sure but you might not exactly expect this all going on in there
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emdotcom · 1 year
You. Nuance now.
You can like shit that has problematic shit in it, without being a bad person. You don't have to give me a list of EVERY bad thing a piece of media you enjoy does, & why it's bad, but it DOES help to be mindful of that shit. You're allowed to enjoy your bad thing. You don't have to explain it or qualify it to anyone -- you know it's bad, we all know it's bad.
That said, if you watch something with bad shit, people will indeed judge you, or want you to not talk about your thing, or may even avoid you/block you for posting about it. While I know that feels bad, it's just a fact, bud. Those people don't directly want to hurt you, they just feel real strongly, & I think they're allowed to feel that, & I think they're allowed to act on that, to a certain point.
FURTHERMORE, there is a fucking line that you do not, do not, do NOT cross! Where that is will be different for most people, & fuzzy for all. For me, I can tolerate a lot of shit, but another person may not. I also think there is a definitive line you don't cross, which is media that is actively hurting somebody. I find it helpful to ask, "Is consuming this thing harmful? Can I hurt somebody this way?" I.E. you buy the queen terf antisemitism & transphobia game, beaming money DIRECTLY into the queen terf 's bank account, which sh has publicly, VERBALLY said she treats as a person accepting her shit beliefs, & she will then use the money to lobby horrendous bills. You are not enjoying garbage, at this point. You are actively doing something wrong, & you fucking know it, & I don't have the time nor the desire to waste another single goddam breath on telling you that any further.
I am not saying that you are required to go invest in problematic things. I am not saying you need to see something you KNOW will upset you. I am saying you are allowed to keep a list of media that you will never, ever touch, that you hate enough that you will not even talk to somebody about it. I am saying you can block a person over liking a piece of shit media you fucking hate. I am saying you can have a list of things that bug you so badly, that you immediately drop something just for having it, & you don't have to qualify anything on that list to me, or explain why -- you can just avoid that thing -- that's just fine. I am saying you can like something with bad shit in it, & I promise you do NOT need to give me a 5k words essay on why it's bad -- this isn't school, you're not getting Oops I Like Something Bad 😞😔 homework.
I am saying you are human. You are meat & bone, with a bit of electricity running through it. You are fallable. You are allowed to like something that isn't good. You do not have to be forever pure, forever flawless marble, because you are not made of stone, & even if you were, marble is worn down & away, with time. Nothing is infallible or perfect, in this world, & that's nice, actually.
I'm also saying, what a fucking miserable way to go through life, seeing everything that is not perfectly pristine as a sin, as a crime, as something that even an association with makes you guilty. There's so many things to see, to read, to watch, to share, & you're being FUCKING CATHOLIC ABOUT IT??? DO I NEED TO REPENT?? FOR LIKING SOMETHING NOT 10000% CLEAN?? SHOULD I PAY MY FUCKING TITHES OR JUST GET THE LASHES. GRABS YOU. MAIMS.
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snekdood · 1 year
why do ppl call shark3ozero a debate bro when like. I hardly ever see him actually debate anyone..? usually he’s just talking about current events?? is talking to vaush like twice really enough for ppls black and white thinking to be triggered about ppl????
#talk to vaush once immediatly gets labeled debate bro rip#Anyone Who Has Ever Talked To Vaush Is Problematic#dawg if thats true plenty of your favorite video essayists should be labeled problematic by you lol#admit you have a bias :/#i dont even like vaush but come on.#i think hating vaush and not wanting to be like vaush is a bad starting point for what kind of politics you hold#like thats deeply stupid. like you should form your political opinions based on how you FEEL inside not based on how much you hate certain#external people. bc at some point they're gonna say something you actually agree w but you'll be so blinded by your hate of them that#you'll either choose to heavily misinterpret it or do a complete 180 and decide that belief is bad now.#'w-well i only like the people who come on who disagree with him#!!' thats not fuckin true.#1. the leftists who come on and disagree with him he's USUALLY able to find some sort of agreement with someone about whatever#unless THEY'RE specifically being stubborn and pretending they dont believe something just bc vaush said he believes it and they hate him#so much and agreeing with him would make them look weak to their chat or whatever#that yeah. so no if you've actually ever seen his discussions w ppl YOU like who he disagrees with most of the time they're agreeing about#other shit.#2. plenty of the people who come on who disagree with vaush are nazis. also. because they dont like his leftism. you sure you only#like the ppl who disagree w him?#i hate defending him so much. like theres so much i dont even like about him now but the most frustrating things is ppl making up#reasons to hate him or full on getting all their info about him from neonazis who literally have an agenda to get rid of him#and so many of yall are often useless idiots for these types of neonazsis.
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retvenkos · 2 years
olive dearest! I listened to your skz recommendations (the ones you dropped in your last ask, I will tackle your playlist later) and can I just say I love them!!! I really love ice.cream's chill vibes, even though it had the affront of reminding me I can't whistle and i am Deeply Embarrassed By It :( they for sure make very catchy songs and I'm gonna be deep diving into their discography sooner or later <3 at the very least to understand all the CELESTIAL lore, asjbfjqsbfj
my mutual 🥺🥺🥺 liked the song recs???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 the k-pop song recs????? love for the mutual! love for a thousand years!!!
lol, no, but also yes <3. i'm soooo glad you liked them, clara, and because you said such nice things,,,,, let me really quick make a playlist for you <3 because my skz playlist is quite literally 79 songs long, and while you are a kind and dedicated person, i cannot possibly expect you to really Do All That.
so here's a short little playlist for you. i'll name it something catchy and give it a nice cover picture soon <3 i kinda chose these songs at random but they are verifiable bops and also i tried to include most of their more like,,, ballad stuff. because while i know you could rock out to charmer, i went with a more ~ice.cream~ inspired theme.
also, i made this in literally 2 minutes, don't question why i chose the songs i did, i have no answer for such behavior.
and bestie, i can't whistle either but i am Not embarrassed about it and instead legitimately weep over songs that have whistling in them. there's just something so,,,,, powerful about the mournful whistle in a song (side eyes my love for tokyo by rm).
and you want to understand CELESTIAL lore, bestie???? what would you do if i told you that i made a skz powerpoint for my cousin that you could totally look at if you wanted to???
asdfghjhgfdsdfghj not to make PowerPoints my thing once again (you don't realize, clara, that when i was in junior high and early high school i made powerpoint layouts in the summer. for fun. instead of going to hang out with friends like a normal teenager. as a hobby. i cannot stress my nerd status enough. i also can never get the skills i once had back,,,,, what happened to the vision i once carried 😫) but if you ever need an introduction to a k-pop group,,,,,,,, i can make you a powerpoint <3
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outlying-hyppocrate · 2 years
imagine being like. human. i'm just a silly little creature. happy cryptid. occasionally a very sad cryptid who ponders its own existence and questions his sanity but. that's mostly during the winter months. we do not speak of the winter months. except for the fact that we are in them and. fuck never mind. i just need some tea and a bit of will wood to ensure my serotonin levels go back to normal and i can be. happy cryptid
#random thoughts#i also do this when i have deprived myself of food for a certain amount of time. don't worry. i am making spaghetti#there will be sauce. with an obscene amount of garlic. i apologize to potential vampire boyfriends#my stomach hurts though so. maybe i'll eat later#but FUCK. i don't want it to be cold#hng. microwaved pasta is just Not As Good. yknow what i mean. it tastes much better fresh#perhaps i will simply eat it cold. i will put parmesan on it. then it will not melt. melted parmesan makes me cry because#i'm a pathetic piss baby who can't stand the texture. or maybe it's the autism diagnosis i don't know#do not mind me. i am simply discussing whether or not i should eat my spaghetti#wait. why did i say making? i haven't even made it yet. lmao#yknow what? no spaghetti for today. i'll just suffer i guess#admitting to pain irl in any way is embarrassing as fuck for some reason? like i felt like i was going to die in french class#the lights were so bright and everyone was so so loud but i couldn't wear my sunglasses in class. hng. and then of course#it stressed me the fuck out. and then. stomachache. at that point i was ready to cry#then my friend saw me and asked if i was okay. i just said yes. she believed me. i think#still suffering. not fun. not fun at all#WHY THE FUCK AM I SO OFF TOPIC. credence you need to stop. please just post this already#actually wait. i will post this. and then just make the sauce. i will put it in the refrigerator and eat it the next day#it is similar to tomato soup. except. cold. and obviously thicker. i don't know why it tastes good. hng#on my way to make the sauce. goodbye everyone
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ame-to-ame · 2 months
the thing abt btr is i really wanna see more characterization/ ixn but i don't think anything i write will be able to capture the essence of the source material :(
#i think i just have to also finish the manga at some point but... i hate to admit this... but i don't like 4koma...#i tried to read newgame or something at some point and i just couldn't. 4koma is sth I'd consume with a meal but i can't read it#if that makes sense. like i can't have it as a story. i enjoy the milgram comics and they're basically 4koma but. it's not as a story.#but it's also kinda my issue of not willing to break too far away from canon like i have hcs or scenarios i associate w certain characters#but i feel. idk. guilty writing it if it “breaks character” too much. even w aus i try to stick close to canon and find good parallels#it's just idk. reverence for source material bc usually i like the stuff i write for! i enjoy it! i want more of it not sth different#the most ooc hc i have is hrk being trans bc i think there's no way they would have that be canon but. idk! We'll see!#but also when it comes to btr rahhh idk which pairing to write abt and the issue is I'm usually not a multishipper!! but!!!#everyone in the series adores bocchi so much. and obv it's a series abt bochi's growth so we have more focus on how the others feel abt her#but the moments of understanding shared btwn bocchi and ryo. the sharing of secrets and vulnerability btwn bocchi and nijika.#the way Kita supports and pushes bocchi forward. like. all of them are so shippable!!! i want it all!!#at the same time there's the very canon admiration kita has for ryo and the way only ryo calls her ikuyo.#and in canon how ryo rejects invitations from everyone else but has nijika as her only friend like. as someone who. is okay w being alone.#like idk this is me projecting but the way she falls asleep on nijika the way she says sukithe way nijika so easily gives her the fries#i find it hard to believe they are not bickering gfs. like. they make out every night.#like idk rahhhh i just. i really like all the dynamics!!! i want to write i want to consume but i want to do it right#holding characters i like a lot in my hand just like. mm. do i make you happy or do i. give you so much angst.#i really wanna write sth angsty for the sake of self projection and getting things out of my system but i like all my pairings too much orz#i get an inkling of an idea and then go but no.. i can't do this to them... they wouldn't do that... they're good kids...#maybe i just go really ooc for once just so at least i know i can and i feel less. strung abt it.
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theghostofashton · 6 months
#i keep thinking about that post from yesterday abt like someone using a ratio of 1 kudos to 10 hits to decide if a fic is worth trying#the notes are full of people criticizing that method (rightfully)#but i also think there's something to be said about the critiques writers get for caring about stats#yet at the same time people admitting shit like this#like how can you scoff at writers for being upset their fics have low hits or kudos or whatever#if that is how people decide what fics are 'worthy of their time'#as someone who for a period of time had such an unhealthy relationship with stats#it really is just such a vicious cycle like you always want more and you keep increasing the number in your head#you're aiming for a certain number regularly until that number becomes consistent and then you want more#it just never stops and you find yourself focused more on that than anything else#there was a point where i was writing whatever i could rushing stuff out in like an hour because i was so desperate for comments#i'm so glad to have let that mindset go but like#if we want to let it go entirely as fic writers readers need to also not be saying shit like this#if you don't want stats to matter stop insisting that they do#there is genuinely so much that goes into why certain fics get more popular and others don't#having so much to do with what's going on in the fandom or what happened in the media or what the fic is about#it's variable and inconsistent as fuck and that's why tying your self worth to it is guaranteed to be upsetting#sometimes just the way people go in on fic writers for......daring to want people to read stuff we worked hard on is just so. beyond words#it is natural and normal to want attention on something you've created when you share it publicly. there is nothing wrong w that#idk idk what my point is here just. be kind to fic authors#read fics with 'low stats'#read things that look interesting remember every person posting fic is just someone who loves the thing they're writing about#so much that they wanted to share it with you#don't lose sight of that#neha rambles
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