#so much and agreeing with him would make them look weak to their chat or whatever
snekdood · 1 year
why do ppl call shark3ozero a debate bro when like. I hardly ever see him actually debate anyone..? usually he’s just talking about current events?? is talking to vaush like twice really enough for ppls black and white thinking to be triggered about ppl????
#talk to vaush once immediatly gets labeled debate bro rip#Anyone Who Has Ever Talked To Vaush Is Problematic#dawg if thats true plenty of your favorite video essayists should be labeled problematic by you lol#admit you have a bias :/#i dont even like vaush but come on.#i think hating vaush and not wanting to be like vaush is a bad starting point for what kind of politics you hold#like thats deeply stupid. like you should form your political opinions based on how you FEEL inside not based on how much you hate certain#external people. bc at some point they're gonna say something you actually agree w but you'll be so blinded by your hate of them that#you'll either choose to heavily misinterpret it or do a complete 180 and decide that belief is bad now.#'w-well i only like the people who come on who disagree with him#!!' thats not fuckin true.#1. the leftists who come on and disagree with him he's USUALLY able to find some sort of agreement with someone about whatever#unless THEY'RE specifically being stubborn and pretending they dont believe something just bc vaush said he believes it and they hate him#so much and agreeing with him would make them look weak to their chat or whatever#that yeah. so no if you've actually ever seen his discussions w ppl YOU like who he disagrees with most of the time they're agreeing about#other shit.#2. plenty of the people who come on who disagree with vaush are nazis. also. because they dont like his leftism. you sure you only#like the ppl who disagree w him?#i hate defending him so much. like theres so much i dont even like about him now but the most frustrating things is ppl making up#reasons to hate him or full on getting all their info about him from neonazis who literally have an agenda to get rid of him#and so many of yall are often useless idiots for these types of neonazsis.
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lostmymind-0 · 7 months
Sugary sweet | LN4 x Piastri!Reader
Words: 2420
Warnings: diabetes, passing out, hospital
Note: I am not diabetic myself but one of my close family members is, so I wrote this off of how it is for them. I do know that it can be different for everyone and please tell me if I got something completely wrong 🙏
Part 2
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Lando theoretically knew that it was wrong to have a crush on his teammates sister. He knew that he should not hope for her to be at every race. He knew that it could destroy the friendship he had build with the young Aussi. But Lando could not help but admire Olivia Piastri, the twin sister of his teammate Oscar Piastri. The young girl was an engineering student and did an internship at McLaren, following their engineers and learning directly from them. The first time Lando met the young girl was at testing in Bahrain, where he also found out that she was Oscar’s sister. Both Piastri twins were rather quiet and introverted but Oscar was the more extroverted one even if not by much. Olivia only seemed to really talk when it was about the car and the engineering side of it. She barely chatted with others but instead watched what was happening around her. He mostly sees her when she is shadowing Andrew Jarvis or Will Joseph at race weekends. He tried to make conversation with her but always got interrupted by eighter an engineer, his coach or Oscar.
The Miami GP was the first time Lando got the chance to really talk to the young girl. It was a shitty race for both drivers and the mood in the garage was not too good. Everyone tried to figure out a way to improve the car for the next race in about twenty days. “How is the team treading you?”, Lando asked Olivia as he joined her to take a look at the data. Confused did the girl turn her head to the brit, looking at him with wide eyes. “Are you talking to me?”, she asked, her voice quiet. “Yeah, there is no one else here. So how is everyone treading you?”, Lando joked and repeated his question while leaning against the counter. “Good…everyone is nice to me.”, the girl admitted with flustered cheeks. “Good to hear that. What do you say to the data?”, “The wear on the tire is a bit much and the aerodynamics are also not too good.”, she said quietly. Looking at the data and recalling the race Lando agreed completely with her. They talked a little more about the car and data before Lando lead the conversation a little bit more to personal stuff. To her own surprise did Olivia felt pretty comfortable talking to Lando. Sure she also felt pretty flustered every time he looked at her but she just hoped he would not notice that. “Liv! Where are you?”, Oscar’s voice interrupted the two as he walked up to them. “I am here, Osc.”, the girl told her brother who looked his teammate up and down, trying to see what he was planning. “We are supposed to eat together, remember?”, he told his sister who nodded. Saying goodbye to the brit the twins left.
“How is your sugar? You seem a bit sweaty.”, Oscar asked his sister as soon as they were out of hearing from Lando. “I am fine. A bit high but I am going to correct once we are in the car.”, Olivia told her brother after scanning the small sensor that was hidden by her papaya shirt, with her phone. “How high?”, “232 mg/dL. But like I said I am going to correct it as soon as we are in the car.”, she told her brother but he was not satisfied. “That is pretty high. Why did you not correct it earlier?”, “Osc, my pump broke and I have to correct manually so I had not the time to do so. I am fine, stop worrying.”, the girl told her older brother by twenty minutes. Grumbling something Oscar accepted the answer and lead his sister out of the paddock. He had tried to get her to tell the team about her diabetes but the girl refused. She hated it when people asked her questions about it or treated her different. She also did not want to appear weak, as it was hard enough for a girl in this industry. Being disabled would not help to be taken as serious as a man, so she kept it to herself. It worked out well for now. No one knew, aside form Oscar of course.
As the race in Imola was cancelled due to flooding did McLaren call every one into the factory to try and solve the problems from Miami. The engineers worked their asses off to try and find solutions. Olivia was there the entire time, helping the engineers and learning from their work. They worked for hours on end when Olivia forgot to check up on her sugar levels. She already knew she was low. The fogginess in her brain and the feeling of being dizzy told her that she was in fact very low. But she could not go right now. They were going over the data with Lando and Zack right now. She tried to listen to what everyone was saying when her vision got cloudy. Right as she wanted to say something to Lando did her speech give up. “Lan…”, was all she got out before passing out. Panicked the brit caught her before she could hit her head on the floor. “What the fuck?”, Zack asked and ordered someone to get Oscar as well as calling an ambulance. Laying her down Lando kept her head in his lap, trying to wake her up. “Did she say anything about being not well?”, Zack asked the engineers she had been following. “No, everything was fine. She seemed tired but we all are so we thought nothing about it. Plus you know how quiet she is.”, one told Zack who nodded. Not long after did a panicked Oscar ran into the room. “What happened?”, he asked and kneeled down next to his sister and Lando. “She just passed out.”, Lando told his teammate, nodding Oscar asked, “Where is her phone?”. Looking around Zack found it on the table behind them. Handing it to Oscar, everyone watched the Aussi as he unlocked it and held it against her arm. A beep appeared before Oscar cursed. “What is going on, Oscar?”, Lando asked, worried about the girl he was holding onto his lap. “My sister is diabetic. Her blood sugar dropped very low, that’s why she is passed out.”, Oscar explained and Lando as well as everyone else was quite shocked to learn this. “Why has she not said a word about it?”, Zack asked the Aussi right as the paramedics walked in. “She wants to be taken seriously and worried that she would not be seen as serious if anyone knew about this.”, he explained and then explained to the paramedics what was going on. They gave her an emergency glucose shot and checked her sugars while waiting for the glucose to work. After about fifteen long minutes did Olivia regain her consciousness. “It is okay. Everything is fine.”, Oscar told his sister as she was still disorientated and unable to form words. Together with Oscar did the paramedics took her to the nearest hospital to monitor her and make sure she does not drop this low again. Lando followed them close behind as he could not stop worrying about the girl. “You like her.”, Zack noticed as his young driver was about to get into his car. “Who?”, “Olivia, you like her.”, Zack repeated. Looking at his boss the brit was unsure what to say. “Go and see her. OH, and Lando, tell her.”, Zack laughed before returning into the factory.
Oscar was not surprised to see Lando walking into his sister’s hospital room. She was asleep and stable right now. Her sugar level slowly getting higher. “How is she doing?”, Lando carefully asked. “She is doing fine. Her sugar is getting higher. Come sit down, she should wake up in a bit.”, Oscar said and patted the chair next to his. “I still don’t understand how this happened.”, Lando admitted, blaming himself for not noticing anything. “She most likely forgot to eat anything while working as well as checking her levels. So she slowly got lower and lower.”, Oscar explained, knowing how focused his sister could get. The two were living together as they went together to boarding school and then also moved together after. “And how did she not notice anything earlier or someone else?”, “She can get very low and still function some times, so it is very hard to tell from the outside. Especially if you don’t know. She most likely knew that she was low but thought she could make it a bit longer.”, “How low was she?”, Lando asked, curious. He did not knew a lot about diabetes but wanted to learn as much as he could. Thinking Oscar said, “Under fifty for sure. Her sensor just said low so it had to be below that. I would guess around 30. Maybe a little lower or higher.”.
After what felt like an eternity for Lando, did Olivia woke up. “Where am I?”, she groaned and sat up a little, now noticing the brunette sitting next to her brother. “In the hospital. You passed out from being low. Again.”, Oscar kind of scolded her, but the truth was that he was always worried about her and her wellbeing. Nodding the young girl tried to remember what happened exactly. “Please tell me I did not pass out in front of Zack and all engineers? Please, Osc.”, she whined, remembering where she was and what she had been doing as she passed out. “I am sorry but you did. I am going to get you some food and a nurse.”, he claimed and left his teammate and sister alone to talk. “You freaked me out, Pastry.”, Lando stated, making the girl blush. “I am sorry. I did not plan this.”, she mumbled, feeling a lot more shy as she was alone with Lando. “I think you also freaked out everyone else. But how are you feeling?”, Lando said and sat down next to her, where Oscar used to sit. “I am better. I should have taken care of my sugar level earlier. It is embarrassing to end up in the hospital because of this. Even more passing out in front of my boss. Do you think Zack will fire me?”, she now panicked. Chuckling at her panic Lando took her hand in his and calmed her down, “Zack wont fire you. No one is going to take you less serious now. Everything is good, love.”. Heat rushed into her cheeks as she heard that nickname. “Thank you, Lando.”, she whispered and looked at him. His eyes were beautiful as well as the little smirk he wore on his lips. “Do you like what you see, love?”, Lando teased her, leaning closer. As she turned her head to avoid his piercing look did his warm, big hand cup her cheek. Turning her head to him. Tension grew as they both slowly leaned into each other. Like magnets. Lando did the last step and closed the gap between them. Connecting their lips in a kiss. Slow at first to give her the chance to back out. To his surprise did she not back out but instead grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer. His hand was in her hair by now, holding her close to him. “What the actual fuck!?”, someone yelled, making the two jump apart. Lando almost fell off the chair as he turned to the door. There stood Oscar. A tray with food in his hand and a giggling nurse behind him. “Osc…I…we…”, Olivia stuttered completely flustered. Lando on the other hand tried his best not to giggle. The girl he had the biggest crush on just kissed him back so his ego was a little blown up. “I think I need to bleach my eyes out.”, Oscar stated dramatically as he put down the food next to his sister on the table. To everyone’s luck did the nurse intertwine, “Miss Piastri how are you feeling? I assume better?”, “Yeah…I feel better.”, Olivia said and bit her lip to try not to blush even more. “I am glad to hear this. We are going to check your sugar level one last time before we let you go.”, the nurse said and tested the sugar level one more time. It was almost completely back to normal. “Okay, we are going to keep you for about an other hour and then you are free to go home.”, the nurse said and left the three alone.
The hour was the longest in Olivia’s life. To say that it was awkward to sit in the room with your crush, who just kissed you and your brother who walked into said kiss when they were teammates was not the most fun. In hopes of help did she even text her mother. But due to the time difference did she not answer her. “Can we please address this? Or I am dropping again due to anxiety.”, Olivia finally said. Both boys looked at each other before looking at her. “Do you have serious intentions with my sister?”, Oscar asked Lando. It was not what Olivia had expected Oscar to say but it was a start. “I do. I really like her.”, Lando told him, in a tone Olivia did not knew from him. it was very serious and not a hint of sassiness in it. letting out a very long and overly dramatic sigh did Oscar say, “Fine. I will not say anything against this if my sister really likes you, what I think as she kissed you, but the moment you hurt her will I push you into the wall with my car. Now if you excuse me. I still need to bleach my eyes.”. With a kiss on the forehead did Oscar left Olivia alone with Lando. “So we both like each other. How about I take you out on a date? We can go out as soon as you are free to go.”, Lando said excited. Smiling a little Olivia took his hand telling him, “I would love to go on a date with you but I think I don’t have the energy to go out right now. How about we stay in and maybe watch a movie or something like that? Or game?”, “You game?”, Lando asked surprised. Feeling a little shy again she admitted, “A little but not on stream or anything.”.
Part 2
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stellocchia · 1 month
The fact that, oftentimes, even when the Sanses involved in all the Multiverse stuff still have living brothers they're supposedly attached to, those brothers still become irrelevant to their story has always saddened me a bit.
Especially because the Papyruses have the potential to be just as interesting as their brothers.
Like, imagine being Horrortale Paps and your brother gets taken away. Your brother who is the only one holding the little community you live in together. Your brother who is the one making sure that, despite the food scarcity, you still got something in your plate every day.
You worry endlessly about him. You spend days hoping he's still alive, holding fiercely onto that hope that has always defined you. And nobody else believes it. Sans had been starving himself for years, he was bound to drop dead at some point, they say. They all knew it would happen, and they didn't know how to comfort Papyrus when he still refused to believe it.
Papyrus learns to be a leader in his brother's absence. He learns to take charge, become more assertive, and stand up to Undyne. And yet, through it all, he still has the strength to remain kind. He still follows his passion for puzzles. He still cooks any chance he gets. His brother isn't there to act as a buffer between him and the world, so he has to adapt, but adapting doesn't mean giving up everything that is at his core.
And then, one day, Sans comes back. And he has some friends with him. He goes by Horror now, and he's got a bunch of new traumas to deal with. And his friends do too. Killer, Cross, Dust, they're all huddled together, hesitant to approach. Killer's putting on a front, he's all sharp edges and deceiving smiles, Cross is being all formal, he's walking on eggshells constantly, as if Papyrus would hurt him if he dared to step over a line that isn't even there, and Dust doesn't say a word. He doesn't even look at Papyrus.
Papyrus welcomes them all to his home. Horror seems uneasy at first. Papyrus is fine after all. He survived and he and Snowdin are both thriving as much as they can. For a bit, their chat is awkward and stilted, but, eventually, Horror asks: "You don't need me here anymore, do ya bro?". And Papyrus, who never gave up hope and never changed any more than he needed reassures him: "I don't need you, but I would like it if you stayed. I would like to know you're safe" and he's as loud as he's ever been, as bright and positive and, well, Horror can't say no to his little brother.
Cross, Killer, and Dust can also stay as often as they want. His brother has a big heart and he won't care about their bloody pasts. And, yeah, Killer and Cross will probably go back and forth between the Epic Sanses and Horrortale, but at least they have some stability now. At least they know that there is someone out there in the Multiverse who won't look at their scars, their high level, and their EXP and immediately think they're the scum of the Earth, and that's... well, that's nice.
On the other hand, imagine being Underswap Papyrus, and your brother was never taken from you, he chose to leave. And everyone assumes it must have been your fault. Perhaps you were too protective, and that's why. Perhaps you didn't support him enough. Perhaps you didn't get along. Perhaps you were straight-up abusive. The rumors abound both out in the Multiverse and in your own home because Blue didn't go quietly. He doesn't do quiet.
He said goodbye to all his friends while parading around with two literal gods and then he vanished into a golden portal. He dismissed all of your concerns and almost resented you for them. Because he's not weak he's not stupid and he can take care of himself. And you agree with all of those points, he's the coolest after all, but also you know nothing about the Multiverse and there are gods out there, so you can't know if being the coolest is gonna be enough to keep him safe.
Papyrus was never social. He got along with his brother, Ms. Muffet, and the man behind the door. That's his entire circle of friends. And now one of them is gone, and many more people than before have turned hostile. Because Blue is a nice person, he's nice to everyone, he's outgoing and social, of course, he wouldn't just leave his brother unless he did something to deserve that! Especially when everyone knows that Papyrus' HOPE is so low and that he's been struggling with depression for a long time. Blue wouldn't just leave.
Except he did.
Except he left.
Except he's not there anymore, because the Star Sanses could offer him glory and fame, and the love of thousands of AUs, and Papyrus could give him none of that. The only thing he could offer was his support for Blue's dreams and his unconditional love. And it was obvious to both of them that those two things could never be enough.
Papyrus doesn't change, because he was always well-rounded enough to make it by himself, just like his brother was. They were two whole people who never completed one another.
If they meet again, it won't be a sweet reunion like for the Horrortale brothers. It will be in the Omega Timeline if their AU ever gets destroyed. And they will be strangers making awkward small talk that will never develop into anything more than that, because neither of them wants the other to stay.
However, perhaps there in the Omega Timeline Papyrus can find a nice ending to his story. There are people there who are rejects just as much as he is. Who have wild rumors spread about them that are more or less founded than those about him. Other people who lost everything and are trying to find themselves with some help.
And maybe one day he can meet other Papyruses who dealt with being left behind, willingly or not. Horrortale Paps certainly wouldn't mind acquiring a lanky brother too
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 4 months
Part 6 of Butcher!Simon x gn!reader We get a glimpse of the boy's groupchat too, in this. Simon is still down bad. I feel like the quality of the chapters declined but I hope it'll get back to how it was soon Gonna toss this out there and hide < Part 5 | COD Masterlist | Part 7 >
So you don’t immediately agree to go to the concert with him. Which, you know, kinda sucks. It would have been so perfect but he gets it. You wouldn’t be allowed to bring your mutt with you and he’s basically still a stranger to you (insanity, because he feels about ready to ask for your hand in marriage) so it would have actually been a surprise if you said yes.
Somehow though, he has no idea how, he convinced you to go get a coffee with him some time.
“How about a deal then?”
You’d perked up, one brow raised skeptically (an expression which had him fight the urge to get on his knees) and asked: “What kind of deal?”
“We’ll go get coffee together. And if you decide ‘m trustworthy enough, you’ll reconsider going wi’ me.”
You’d tilted your head at that brows furrowed adorably and he’d desperately wanted to kiss the cute creases between your brows and smooth them away with his thumb.
He stood stock still as you seemed to appraise him, looking him up and down. Your gaze way more intense than he anticipated but he found that he didn’t mind being looked at as long as it was you looking at him (god, he hoped you never stopped looking at him, please don’t stop looking at him).
Then you’d nodded and he felt his shoulders drop, having held them tensely in expectation.
“I want to decide where”, you’d asserted and he’d immediately agreed with a: “Anything you want, sweetheart.”
He doesn’t know what he’d be doing if you hadn’t agreed. Probably mope around at Gaz’ bar because that would have meant his chances of getting to know you are pretty much zero.
You did agree though and Simon is about ready to slap himself when he catches himself in front of his mirror with two nearly identical black shirts. Since when did he turn into someone with “I don’t know what to wear!” problems?
Since you. Simple as that and he’d be embarrassed if he wasn’t alone at home. The thought of meeting you for coffee makes him smile. He catches the soft raise of the corners of his lips and curiously watches himself in the mirror.
It’s weird, seeing himself smile and suddenly he’s even more giddy. He can’t wait to see you and make you his (whoa, there, he's gotta convince you he's harmless first, harmless to you at least).
For a second he wonders if you're going crazy over what to wear too (probably not but he can hope) and then he decides that it doesn't matter. He gets to meet you, that's the only important thing.
Honestly you could show up naked and he’d be ecstatic (okay that’s a horrible example, because he would be indeed ecstatic). No, you could show up looking like you couldn't care less and he'd be thankful that you didn't forget about meeting him.
He looks at himself in the mirror, sighs over his thoughts and decides on one of the shirts.
It’s no use, no matter what he wears he can’t hide that he’s big and burly and he prays that you won’t be put off (you seemed fine at the shop but how will you feel in another setting?).
He’ll be damned if he doesn’t do everything in his power to make the date enjoyable for you.
His phone vibrates and he looks at a text from Johnny in the 'Tea is for the weak' group chat (Johnny the little shit made it and refused to change the name).
🧼: Can we meet up today instead of the usual?
Normally Simon would immediately be on board and feel horrible if he missed their weekly night out, but this time a smirk plays on his lips when he answeres:
💀: No can do, got a date
He sets his phone aside and a second later the chat blows up.
🧼: DATE?
Captain Price: Gonna need a debrief, Son
Gazelle: Tell me it’s the cutie you keep raving on about
🧼: No way
💀: Coffee date with the cutie
🧼: Thought you’d lost your balls along with your uniform
💀: don’t project, Johnny boy
🧼: Uncalled for!
🧼: Just checked, still got both
💀: Yet I'm the one with the date
Gazelle: How about we make it at 2200 so you can come too?
Captain Price: Sound good, want the details
💀: you’re insufferable
Captain Price: You better show
💀: Affirmative, Sir
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iznyangwoni · 1 month
STRINGS OF FATE, chapter four
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You’ve been to parties. Lots of parties. Well, formal ones for the most part. Its not like you haven’t been to other parties, you do remember going to a couple back in high school, but then again, it was high school and you were too much of a good girl back then to drink underage or anything else.
But this is completely different. The music is so loud its making your head hurt, everyone seems so drunk already and the smell of sweat and smoke is getting in your throat, if thats even possible.
There’s one good thing here though. Heeseung is there, looking at you with a little smirk on his face as he tells you to come closer to him with his hands. You smile at him, and say bye to Minjeong and Minju, not even waiting for them to answer before you walk towards him.
“hey.” Oh. He’s hot, he’s very very hot, and you’re very very weak. He offers you his drink, you have no clue what’s in it, but after all you already pregamed this a bit, and you certainly dont want to look like a loser in front of him, right? “You look pretty.”
You smile at that, your ears already getting red as you drink whatever he gave you. You do a twirl in your little white dress and he looks very much amused by that. “Well, thank you. This party is uh.. peculiar.” “Never been to a prince party before?” You just shake your head to say no, nothing to hide here, its obvious that you and Heeseung have two different interests when it comes to go out.
“Are your friends here too?” “Jimin and Chaewon are. Jungwon doesnt really like parties.” Well, that’s something you and Jungwon have in common. If it weren’t for Heeseung inviting you, you would’ve probably stayed home reading or swimming in the lake, but your here and as alluring the thought of getting inside the water is, you can’t really just run away.
Heeseung and you chat for a little bit longer, you already know that you guys dont really have much in common, you realized during those walks towards your classes when you ‘accidentally’ bumped onto him every morning, but its nothing that a couple of drinks cant help with. So you do that, its starts with the drink he gave you, then another one, and another one until you lose count and his blabbering about parties and castles and stuff is nothing but a distant sound.
You find yourself dancing with him, his hands on your hips, yours behind his neck. He’s still whispering things to you but you’re way too distracted to hear him. You wonder about a lot of things, where your friends are, if they’re having fun, you even wonder what Jungwon would do alone in his room when none of his friends were available, you really think you should be his friend. And god, you want to swim, so damn bad.
Heeseung’s hand under your chin wakes you up, you look at him in the eyes, you know he’s hot for a fact, but you can barely make his face out. “You look cute. Can i kiss you?” That takes you by surprise, kiss you? Isnt that going a bit too far? But then again, you’re drunk, and if a hot guy wants to kiss you why shouldn’t you agree.
You nod and he doesn’t think twice before going in. You’ve kissed only a couple of guys in your life, and with this third one coming in, you could make a list from bad to worst. It doesn’t feel natural, nor does it feel as magical as people like to describe it here. It just feels wet and confusing. You pull out after a minute, not really wanting to continue. “Should we go find a room?”
Oh. Of course thats what he wanted. You should’ve been smarter about this, you’re way too drunk to reject that offer in a normal way. “Uh.. I.. I don’t think..” Your head hurts by now, you can only think about going for a swim, you want to touch the water and see the lake, you dont really want to keep this up. But your words come before your thoughts. “Sure, let me go to the bathroom first.”
He smiles at you and lets you go, but what he doesnt know is that you’re far from searching for a bathroom, you just need to go to the lake right now, so that’s where you’re headed.
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sleepingdayaway · 6 days
just read your majoras mask post and i wish i could hug young link so bad😭 I then thought of what would happen if its LU and reader stumbles upon Time, who hasn't seen them since Majoras Mask. The reunion would either be devastating or really cute since hes old and seeing a parental(ish) figure again😭🩷
making a big strong leader be sad and cry for his parental figure fuels me with so much joy
It's a quiet night for the Chain as they all chatted amongst each other while setting up camp for the night. Wild is preparing a a fire, so he could make plans for dinner with Warriors helping him by going through the recipes that he saved on his slate. Wind, Legend and Hyrule are sitting together and speaking about their homes; Wind mostly talking about how he misses his younger sister and his grandma.
Twilight has left to keep an survey the surrounding area. Separate from the group so he could transform into his wolf form without the others knowing. Sky and Four are besides the cook and captain as they had a soft conversation about Sky's sword during his time in the Knight Academy, and when he was forging the Goddess Blade/Master Sword.
Meanwhile Time is sitting a bit farther away; not too far that he couldn't hear them but he's able to have his own space. He’s been feeling heavy these days as it takes a mental toll on him. Attempting to be the voice of reason isn’t easy even though he is in a body that now matches his mind.
Time doesn’t understand the heaviness that he has been feeling as their journey continues; the years long exhaustion seeping into his bones as he watches the rest interact with each other. A small nagging in his skull refuses to allow him a moment of relief. Urging him to get up and not stay idle which causes the older man to let out a sigh.
Which turned out to be a good idea when two sets of footsteps could be heard approaching the camp. Time turned to look at where the noise was approaching which in turned caused the rest of the hero’s to tense up slightly.
If old man Time notices something first, the others will follow suit. Instead of the noise of monsters which most of them can recognize; it was instead the voice of Twilight with a familiar one in tow. Everyone relaxed when they realized it was the Rancher, but were curious on who was he bringing. It was unusual for him to bring a civilian into their camp.
Except as soon as they were in view it made sense. The civilian was roughed up and had scratches and scrapes all over their body as if they had been running away from something. Although they acted as if they were fine, smiling and making exaggerated gestures for Twilight. A slight distraction one as would a parent would to distract a child from something
It seemed to work as Twilight was fully engaged in conversation and only broke out of it when Hyrule reacted first and approached them. They smile at Hyrule and began introducing themselves as the boy checks up on the civilian, upon seeing the injuries on them.
That voice. Time’s ear gave a slight twitch upon hearing them speak, as a sudden coldness enveloped his body. He knows that voice. Holy shit, Time fucking recognized who is speaking to Hyrule and Twilight.
Time needs to step away; as he felt his own body began to tremble at the memories of his past adventures with them. He can’t show weakness in front of the others. If he starts acting up then everyone will become suspicious of them even though they have done no wrong.
Quickly he gets up before approaching Warriors and muttered some excuse about him needing to take a walk. Warriors, who understands that Time had a lot on his plate recently, agreed and reassured that he and Twilight will keep watch over everyone.
In an instant, Time is walking away from the group as he felt someone’s gaze on his back.
The sun is gone by the time he returns to the camp.
Time curses himself for leaving for so long. He wasn’t supposed to be gone for a long time; he merely needed time to recollect his thoughts and get his act together before approaching them again.
The scarred man lets out as sigh once he catches sight of the campfire. His body slowly begins to relax once he spots the rolled out bedrolls that are occupied by the rest of the group.
As he nears closer he counts the ones who a sleeping, noticing that the only one that isn’t asleep is Wild. Said man is by the fire and already staring at the older hero and quietly goes up to him, “Time, you’re back.” He states softly, trying not the wake the others from their sleep.
Time nods and scans the younger man for anything that could be bothering him, “Yes, sorry for being gone until nightfall, it wasn’t my intention I just-“
“Needed to clear your head?” Wild interrupts with a small smile of understanding. In which Time lets out a small sigh before humming in agreement.
“Is everything alright? How was….the civilian that the Ranch hand brought?” He asked.
As if barely remembering about them Wild slightly shuffled on his feet, “They’re fine! It’s just that……”
The Hero of Time raises a brow at him, “Did something happened while I was gone?” He questioned as he placed his hands on his hips.
“No! Nothing bad happened it’s just, they were determined to repay us by keeping watch and letting us all rest,” Wild responds before turning away and looks behind him; Time follows his gaze. Sitting away from them on a log near the edge of camp is them; staring out into the woods and appears to be keeping watch as Wild says.
”Huh….. I would’ve assumed that one of you would be weary of letting a stranger be in charge of your safety.” Wild lets out a slight wince at his words, and a hand comes up behind his neck as he remembers what happened a few hours prior.
“You’re not wrong, in fact the Veteran was the first one to express his distaste at the idea who was then backed up by Wars.”
Wild explains how after the two voiced their opinions and how they’re greatful at the thought, but they didn’t trust them. The civilian nodded in understanding before they began interacting with the rest. Somehow as the sun was begun to set and everyone ate their meals; did they all began to grow tired as their journey from today hit them unusually hard.
Warriors pulled Wild to the side and explained how Time was still out there and how they might need to go search from him, but that was when the Civilian spoke up. Saying how they’re sure that he’ll arrive soon and to soothe their worries they’ll stay up to wait for his return.
Reluctantly, Warriors agreed as his exhaustion doubled before crawling into his bedroll and promptly passing out. Leaving Wild and them awake as Wild fights off sleep; keeping them company as they waited for Time to return.
“I know it’s ridiculous for a group of hero’s to lower their guard to someone unfamiliar, but for some reason…. I feel as if……”
“As if you know them from somewhere?” Said Time gently, now understanding where he was coming from. Wild nodded as he looked down, finally realizing how tired he was.
Time put his hands on Wild’s shoulders and gave them a comforting squeeze, “I’m here now, go rest.” He says softly with a slight tone of appreciation, “Thank you, for waiting Wild.”
The young man nodded before walking limply to his own bedroll and collapsing as well.
He watched Wild fall asleep completely as an attempt to delay the inevitable, but Time knew it was futile and he knew that they would still be waiting. After a few moments passed did he begin to walk over to the edge of camp where they sat.
He sat down next to them without thinking twice, but didn’t look at their face. He had a feeling that string holding himself together would snap if he looked at them.
But it would be broken anyway since they made the first move.
“I’m sorry for leaving without goodbye.”
Time tenses before dropping his face into his hands, letting out a silent sob, in an attempt to hide himself from view.
A gentle hand lands in his hair as it begins to comb through it, and once more he’s pulled back into his memories during his journey through Termina. Of the same hand running through his hair in the aftermath of a battle that took a toll on him.
Losing all strength that is holding himself together; Time collapses on himself and curls up to them. Losing all rationality and just wants to be held by them again as he clings on their clothes.
“It’s okay, I’m here now Link.”
Their voice calls out to Time as their other arm wraps around his back to hold him closer. As he cries to himself as the memories of Termina returns full force, the amount of times he failed the people of the town. The moments where he messed up and had to start over again-
He failed to save that girl’s father.
He failed to reunite Kafei and Anju.
He failed to protect Romani from those monsters.
He failed-
Humming interrupts his train of thought as he opens his eyes in shock. The feeling of a hand rubbing his back and another in his hair brings him back to them, as he leans his head on their chest.
Relaxing into their hold as he listens to their heartbeat and to their humming of a familiar song.
Someone else sings for his sorrows to heal.
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princessbrunette · 6 months
omg I love kitty!reader sm!!! she’s a lil weirdo just like me!! she’s probably v into witchy stuff and learning about the occult and magic! and jj is always letting her talk his ear off about whatever you’re hyper fixating on at the moment. I can totally see her randomly asking him super seriously if he’d ever taste her blood because she read in some spell book that it would bind them together forever and he’s just looking at her like “Do we wanna go to a graveyard to really seal the deal orrrr” because let’s be honest, that fact that you’re into strange stuff like him turns him on sooooo much it’s kinda funny
₊⊹ ᥫ᭡🐈‍⬛ ⁀➴
thinking about kitty!reader talking jj into making blood vial necklaces for eachother <3
it turns him on how devoted you are to him to wanna do something like that, so he agrees without much thought. only the next day you’re showing up at his place with a whole kit, little needles and syringes with empty vials tied to ribbons that you’d purchased all for this marvellous event. you’re giddy, and he’s increasingly nervous.
“and— and it’s even better ‘cos tonight’s a full moon.” you beam at him as you clean his arm, preparing to take some of his blood.
“okay so… am i like, gonna turn into a werewolf or somethin’?” he teases making you giggle.
you take his blood, pulling it into the syringe and he’s a total baby about it, yelping and wincing, rambling in order to keep himself cool. “y’know i watched this movie once about this crazy scientist who steals this guys blood and he like — he makes evil clones of him. i lowkey feel like you could do somethin’ like that, y’know. like — an army of evil boyfriends— i dunno—”
“jayj stop moving!”
“my bad.”
it comes the time to take your blood and he pretends he’s not feeling a little squeamish at this point, letting you lay against him as he slowly pulls the syringe up, filling it with dark red blood. you were never good at this kind of thing, getting weak and lightheaded, eyes fluttering as you drop more weight onto him. he blinks, craning his head to look at you.
“uh, hello— yoohoo— kittycat… this was your idea, rise and shine.” you smile weakly at the slight panic in his voice.
“m’just resting. feel a little weak.”
“okay, that’s normal right? yeah that’s — that’s like regular. this is a super normal thing to do.”
when he’s done he makes kissy noises, the same you would to a kitten to attract its attention and you open your eyes, sitting up and stretching your back a little. “mm, thanks jayj.”
“uh, yeah.”
you chat as he watches you pour the blood into the vials, so casually that he can’t help but feel in awe of you.
“now you have a piece of me forever.” you grin, canines glistening in the dim lamp light.
“y’know some couples just get matching tattoos but uh— this works too.”
₊⊹ ᥫ᭡🐈‍⬛ ⁀➴
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pablitogavii · 11 months
Our Special Wedding
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"Oh and don't forget aunt Darcy!" your mom said adding more unknown names to the list of guests at your upcoming wedding. Truth be told, you hated big crowds, and your whole life you chose to avoid them.
While at school everyone went to football game, you were happy in the library with a book. Even now, when you go support Pablo, you try to avoid crowding places due to your anxiety.
"And we will order three different flavor cakes! I have a lady who decorates them so well!" Belen added and you couldn't help but stay quiet twirling a white flower in your hand.
You didn't want this kind of wedding...you always dreamed of a simple one at the beach...with only those closest to you...your man...and eternal freedom. All of this was just...too much crowds!
Pablo was chatting with his dad who was telling him how proud he was that he finally settled down with a good girl. Pablo was glancing at you noticing your frowning face, and immediately excused himself to check up on you.
"How are things going here amor???" Pablo asked and you looked up giving him a weak smile not even having the chance to answer as the two women already did.
"So well! Don't you worry! Everything will be perfect!" they said but Pablo didn't listen looking at his girlfriend's not so satisfied face.
"Vale! Do you mind if I talk to Y/N alone???" he said and the women chuckled calling it "young love" before leaving to continue their plans. Pablo sat down besides you taking your hand and you looked up at him.
"What's wrong, mi amor? You don't look happy about this at all? If you changed your mind...?" Pablo asked terrified of your answer but he would never force you to do something out of your own will.
"No! Amor, I want to marry you so bad! I promise!" she quickly reacted not wanting Pablo to agonize over such questions when he should be happy.
"Then what's wrong, huh? Tell your Pablito, princesa...??" he said caressing your cheek and you sighed leaning closer into his touch before laying your head on his shoulder.
"Um...they are so excited about planning...but..um I.." you didn't know how to say it because you cared so much about both of your moms.
"You don't want that kind of wedding?? Is that it?" he said knowing he was right because he was thinking exactly the same thing once he saw the long list of people he barely even met. You just nodded sadly.
"I'm sorry...but...I and crowds don't go well...and...and" you were worried Pablo will hate you now but instead he was kissing your lips to shut you up.
"Amor, I feel the same way! I am so sick and tired of crowds! I just want there to be you and me...and our closest family...maybe somewhere open?" he said like he was reading your mind and you smiled knowing he was indeed your soulmate.
"Like the beach?" you smile and he nodded kissing the top of your head.
"Exactly! Don't you worry yourself, princesa...your husband will take care of this" he spoke and your whole body contracted when you heard him say that.
"M..my h.husband.." you repeated after him with a blushing cheeks and he smirked nodding his head and kissing your forehead.
"Mhm..your future husband preciosa...and you're my beautiful future wife" he spoke making your stomach fill with butterflies in that moment as you smiled bigger and he leaned down to kiss you.
Pablo explained to them how I felt, and they immediately understood wanting this to be our special day and agreeing to do all we want.
"I'm so sorry, I know how excited you both were about planning it" you say feeling a little guilty but both women hugged you at the same time.
"We love you so much, querida! Both of you! And we just want you to be happy together!" they said and you smiled looking at Pablo's proud smirk.
"Husband- the problem solver!" he said and you giggled still blushing hearing him calling himself that. It was the most exciting "strange" you ever felt!!!
"Best husband in the world!" you say now making him blush when everyone awed and he went back to his dad as I giggled.
Some post wedding photos coming up ;)))
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It felt like a dream 💕
aurorapaezg: most beutiful weddding I've seen 🥰
belengavira: special day for special love!
pablogavi: I love you❤️❤️
y.n.gavira: I love you more❤️❤️
gavifans: aweee🥺
mikkykiemeney: your smile worth everything🥺💗
pablogaviraagirl: her name says gavira now!!!😍😍
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Mi hermanito, what else can I say than you found yourself an angel to look over and protect you 🤍 I'm proud of a man you became and I know you will take good care of her! Love you both so much!!🔓🥺
y.n.gavira: I love you ❤️❤️
pablogavi: hearing you say this means everything! thank you hermana mia❤️❤️
belengavira: mi baby 🥺
javibegines: beautiful couple❤️
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It's not a dream, amor...you're really mine, Mrs. Gavira 🔒❤️💍
y.n.gavira: my husband 😍
pablogavi: my wife❤️❤️
gavigavi: they're so beuitufl😍😍😍
gaviragirls: happy pablo!!!🥺
pedri: felicidades hermano!❤️
ansufati: grande gavi!
frenkiedejong: it was time youngster😂😎❤️
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He's the kind of husband that wants to make my dreams come true🥰
pablogavi: always amor❤️❤️
belengavira: perfectos!
gavifans: it's so cute they wanted a small weding! y/n looks happy💗
Hope you enjoyed🥰
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lav-bee · 3 months
Dr. Stone x Reader
You Flinch Because of Them
Character/s: Tsukasa, Hyoga
Warnings?: Flinching 🤷‍♀️ not anything that should be triggering, more of a hurt comfort type fic 👍
‼️Also, spoilers for season 3 in Hyogas part‼️
💛- read as platonic
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- It’s known that Tsukasa is a very nice and charismatic guy. And honestly, ya, he is.
- But you have to admit he’s still a bit intimidating to be near him. The man can kill wild animals with his bare hands, that’s crazy!
- Because of this knowledge, you try to keep your distance. You would never want to accidentally get on his bad side.
- Of course Tsukasa noticed this but he couldn’t understand why you avoided him.
- He knew you didn’t hate him. Why else would you be nice whenever you two would have a small chat?
- There was tension between you guys and he didn’t like that. So he thought the best way to solve this is to have a private conversation…. In the forest… no one to see. Ah yes, this totally isn’t freaking you out at all!
- Not only were you already tense from him bringing you out here alone but a wild animal showed up and attacked.
- It wasn’t a big deal, Tsukasa dealt with it easily.
- After the sudden scare, he turned toward you and lifted a hand to give you a head pat. He paused, seeing you suddenly flinching away, and everything made sense.
- “Oh, I see.”
- His hand dropped to his side and he took a step back to give you space.
- There’s not much that he can change about himself to make you feel at ease, he knows this. But he still tries to be more mindful, slower, when you’re around.
- “Please let me know if there’s anything I can do, I don’t want to let my appearance stop us from knowing each other.”
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- Finally, the fight with Ibara has ended. And the Kingdom of Science had found an ally with the villain Hyoga.
- It was a wobbly alliance, but you had to admit it turned out just fine
- Even though Hyoga fought for most likely selfish reasons, there was still a spark of admiration for the man
- Before, during the Stone Wars you couldn’t help but be amazed when he held his spear. He just looked so cool!
- And of course this made you want to learn too.
- Asking to be trained by him was nerve wracking and you weren’t sure if he’d accept. But surprisingly, he agreed. Anyone is welcome to learn as long as they train correctly.
- And now here you both are, alone in the training room. The others had taken a break but you wanted to push yourself just a bit more; you were finally making progress.
- Hyogas ways of training definitely weren’t for the weak hearted. You’ll have many bruises and blisters by the time the day’s over.
- Suddenly, your balance was swept from beneath your feet and you landed on the hard floor boards with a thud
- Hyoga moved his spear and for a moment you thought he would hit or stab you with it. A random reminder of how cruel he once was
- Your arm quickly went to block your face for… nothing?
- “That won’t do. How do you expect to fight against your opponent if you freeze up?”
- When you let your arm down, Hyoga had his hand out for you to take.
- “I won’t ask why, but it’s best we take a break.”
- And that’s not an option, he will make you take a break.
- He won’t bring it up, and he won’t treat you any different. More so keeps it in mind to try not to let it happen again.
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theamberfist · 3 months
Heartstrings | Alastor x Cupid! Reader
Queerplatonic! Alastor x Cupid! Reader
Description: When an angel shows up to the hotel that seems particularly close with Alastor, everyone is suspicious. Lucifer takes it upon himself to investigate the strange situation.
(Notes: CW Alastor) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is implied to be AroAce spec) (Alastor is implied to be AroAce spec) (Reader is an angel) (Reader is Cupid) (Part 1/3)
❀ My contribution to the Alastor QPR tag!! I've had the idea for an Aro/Ace/AroAce Cupid for a while now ❀
Words: 2,746
"Thank you, Alastor, for having your...friend leave." Charlie said, clearing her throat as she approached the Radio Demon, who stood not far from the hotel doors. Now that she and Lucifer had finished singing and making amends, everyone had dispersed to go back to what they'd been doing before. She knew it would still take time for her relationship with her father to change completely, but she was more hopeful now than ever that that could happen one day.
Now that Lucifer had agreed to help get her a meeting with heaven, he was back to looking around the hotel and talking with the guests with his new view of the place. He was trying to believe in her dreams, and she appreciated the effort as he took a newly-baked cookie from Sir Pentious' tray. 
"Hmm?" The Radio Demon finally replied, turning from where he'd been looking at the doors to face her now, "Oh, it was no trouble. Mimzy has a tendency to overstay her welcome, you'll find."
Charlie nodded. "Even so, we really appreciate it. And don't worry about the wall; I'll have it taken care of." Alastor quickly waved her off.
"Nonsense!" He exclaimed, snapping his fingers and instantly fixing the broken piece of building, "If I'm to be associated with this little project of yours, I'd like to keep it professional-looking!" Charlie paused, then nodded at that.
"Right." She said awkwardly, recalling how he'd never seemed to care about the look of the wall when it had been destroyed before. She was about to ask if there was a particular reason he wanted the place to look nice now when her father suddenly called out to her from the other side of the room. 
Turning, she debated whether or not to join him for a moment. It felt like there was something happening that Alastor hadn't informed her of; something she should know, but she also wanted her dad to like the hotel as much as she did. Luckily, the Radio Demon made the choice for her.
"Go on and finish your tour of the hotel without me." He said, gesturing for her to go to Lucifer. It was a big switch from when he'd insisted they do so together earlier, but she decided not to question that. 
"Alright," she said with a weak smile, turning to head over to where her dad and Vaggie were chatting by the couch now. She stopped for a second, though, glancing back at the deer-like demon, "You know, Alastor, you could join us." She suggested with a reassuring smile, "I'm sure my dad won't mind, and if he does...he'll get over it!" Her tone told him she was trying to be inviting but he simply shook his head.
"That's quite alright, dear." He replied, turning his gaze back to the door, "I'm expecting an important visitor later." That gave the princess of hell pause, along with everyone else that had just tuned into their conversation.
"Oh?" Charlie asked carefully, her stomach churning, "Another friend of yours?" Alastor's grin only widened.
"You could call them that," he replied slyly, not offering any more information. After meeting Mimzy, Charlie was nervous to see who else the Radio Demon might be close with, but with Lucifer still visiting the hotel, as well as the display Alastor had shown earlier to protect it, she assured herself it would be fine, no matter whom he'd invited. 
So, she joined her father and her girlfriend by the couch to chat about her plans for the future of the hotel; including a few lesson plans she had in mind for the residents. 
Both her father and the rest of the hotel guests were very interested to hear what Alastor had said about the guest he was expecting, but even she had little information to offer them.
It wasn't until a while later, when there was a knock at the hotel doors, that everyone perked up. Alastor, having been staying nearby the entire time, was the first to answer as everyone else in the lobby waited with baited breath to see who it was. His smile only widened when he opened the door; still hiding the visitor from view with his own form.
"Right on time, darling!" He exclaimed cheerfully, and it was now that Charlie could make out what looked like a faint pink glow form behind his body. Alastor stepped forward, seemingly pulling the other person into a hug, though the sight of their arms around his back gave her little clue as to who they were. She hadn't heard their response to his greeting, either. It was odd enough for Alastor to be so eager for someone to visit, though, much less hug them so comfortably. 
Finally, the Radio Demon stepped out of the way of the door, allowing his personal guest to step inside the hotel, which they did. That was when everyone in the room got their second shock of the day.
You were an angel; literally. With your golden halo, beautiful wings, and the pink glow around your body, it wasn't hard for them to put the pieces together. What didn't make sense was why the hell someone like you would be Alastor's guest.
Charlie gasped at the sight of you; sheer awe in her eyes, but she wasn't the only one. As you entered the hotel and Alastor closed the door behind you, Lucifer shot up from where he'd been sitting next to his daughter on the couch with wide eyes. He practically shouted your name, making you turn from the Radio Demon and in his direction now. 
"Haven't heard that in a while," you admitted with a delicate smile, "Most people just call me Cupid these days." That made the king of hell's eyes widen even further. 
"You got the job?!" He asked in awe. You shrugged.
"I guess so?" From the look on his face, you probably should have been more enthusiastic about the accomplishment, but since it was what had been taking up nearly all your time for so many years now, all you could feel was indifference. "It's good to see you again, Luci." The king's eyes sparkled for a second before he seemed to regain his composure and cleared his throat. 
"Good to see you again, too." He replied as calmly as possible as the hotel residents glanced between him an you in shock. 
You were about to say something else when Alastor finally spoke up, catching your attention instead. "Dear, we should be going now," he told you, looping your arm with his, "You're only in hell for so long, after all!" Your smile returned now and you nodded.
"Right." You looked back at Lucifer and the hotel residents as Alastor began leading you back to the door. "Nice catching up!" You called. Charlie opened her mouth to speak but Alastor cut her off, barely turning his head enough to look back at her.
"No need to wait up!" He called, and with that, the two of you were gone; closing the doors gently behind you. 
The room was silent.
Finally, Charlie turned to her father with a dumbfounded expression. "That was Cupid?!" She exclaimed, nearly hyperventilating now, "What are they doing down her? With Alastor? I mean, I'm sure he's capable of making all kinds of friends, but an angel? And why would he not tell me when he knows what we're trying to do here-" Before she could spiral, Vaggie placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. 
"Who the hell was that?" Angel finally asked. Lucifer, who had yet to speak, narrowed his eyes at the door.
"An old friend of mine," he admitted simply.
"What were they doing with Alastor?" Vaggie asked carefully, "And in hell? I thought Cupid only ever worked in the human world." 
"They do," Lucifer replied bitterly, "But I intend to find that out for myself." 
"Dad..." Charlie started now that she'd calmed down. The king of hell ignored her, though, as he headed for the door to follow you and Alastor.
There was no way you'd spend time with the Radio Demon willingly like that; surely, he was playing some kind of game. Whether it was an attempt to make you fall from heaven like Lucifer himself had once done or just a way to use you and your angelic powers, the king of hell would not stand for it. 
You two had been friends before he ended up down here, and he would be damned (a second time) if he let you suffer the same fate he did.
Lucifer darted between buildings and across streets as he followed after you and Alastor, who happily chatted and walked arm in arm. Ever time the former angel's gaze landed on you two, his eyes narrowed again and his fists clenched. 
The fact that you seemed so relaxed despite being in hell only made him more suspicious. Of course, no one would approach you, angel or not, so long as you were on the arm of the Radio Demon. That just meant Alastor really had managed to gain your trust if you'd been willing to come all the way down to hell just to visit him, and the trust of an angel wasn't something the Radio Demon should have had.
Lucifer mentally grumbled to himself as he followed the two of you all the way to Cannibal Town. Not only were you an angel, but you were also apparently Cupid now; meaning you had even less reason to spend time with the deer-like demon. Your entire job was to help humans fall in love, and Alastor had made it very clear on multiple occasions that he was repulsed by romance. 
Finally, the two of you made it to what looked like a small clothing store in Cannibal Town. Alastor held the door for you and you entered with a smile as Lucifer glared at the place. It looked exactly like the kind of store he would have expected the Radio Demon to shop at; all the fashion looking like it came from the 1920s and 30s. The clothes you wore, though, didn't seem to have a particular timeframe attached to them. They could work for any year, which he guessed probably came in handy, considering your job brought you to the human world often. 
After waiting a few minutes, Lucifer came inside and quickly darted into a nearby rack of clothes before either of you could spot him. From there, he watched you walk around the store; picking out a few outfits you must have thought the Radio Demon would like. 
Lucifer held back a growl at the sight; Alastor had even managed to manipulate you into doing his shopping for him. 
In the end, you decided on a red suit similar to the one he had on already, though slightly more modern. When the deer-like demon approved it, you smiled and headed straight for the shop counter. 
You bought the clothes and then left the shop together, with Lucifer quickly following behind. As he pushed through the doors, though, he stopped upon seeing you both standing there expectantly. You crossed your arms as your gaze landed on the king of hell; your angel wings flopping slightly to show your irritation. Alastor still smiled, though his eyes were narrowed similarly to your own. 
Lucifer let out and awkward chuckle before straitening his posture and adjusting his suit jacket. 
"So you have been following us." You sighed, shaking your head as if his concern over the situation was completely unwarranted. "Did you need something, Luci?" 
"I..." Lucifer trailed off before finally clearing his throat, "I'm just keeping an eye on my heavenly guest; is that such a crime?" Neither you, nor Alastor seemed convinced. The Radio Demon stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder for emphasis.
"I assure you, your highness, we're quite fine on our own," he practically spat, "Had I had any ill intent towards our dear Cupid, I would have shown it already." That didn't exactly comfort the king but you spoke up now.
"Luci, I'm fine." You assured him with a gentle smile, "I've known Al for years, now." This made the former angel's eyes widen; how could that even be possible?
"Seven years, to be exact." Alastor added smugly, making the king of hell grit his teeth. 
"You're friends with a demon?" Lucifer asked in surprise. No one in heaven would have even considered being around a sinner like this, and yet you seemed so comfortable. 
"I'm friends with you," you nodded before turning to glance at the Radio Demon, "Al and I are partners." He nodded, making Lucifer's mouth drop open even further. 
He wouldn't believe it; he couldn't believe it. You, Cupid, were supposedly dating the Radio Demon himself? There was simply no way; Alastor had to have put some kind of evil spell on you.
"It's fine, Luci, really." You went on, but he wasn't having it.
"You're telling me you two are dating?!" He finally managed, ignoring how Alastor's glare deepened, "For how long? Have you been coming down here to see him all this time and I didn't know?!" 
"How like you it is to make such an assumption, your highness." Alastor commented, leaning on his cane disapprovingly.
Seeing that Lucifer was about to spiral, you stepped forward and gently grabbed him by the shoulders. 
"It's okay." You said softly, "We're not dating; we're just partners. And this is actually the first time I've been able to come down to visit." That seemed to calm the king of hell, but only slightly. At the very least, now he knew the Radio Demon hadn't trapped you in a relationship, though he still didn't understand what you meant by partners.
"I'm fine." You repeated, sensing the animosity between the two of them and knowing how big of a shock this probably was. It would have surprised everyone in heaven if they'd found out you were this close with another angel; much less a demon. You weren't exactly known for your relationships with others.
Finally, Lucifer calmed down and you glanced down at your wristwatch. "It's almost time for my next shift," you sighed before turning back to Alastor, "Want to come with me?" His smile instantly brightened and he nodded.
"But of course, darling!" With that, he snapped his fingers and the clothes you'd bought earlier appeared on him; making him look a bit more modern than before. You'd insisted on the choice, considering it would make the humans more suspicious if someone that looked like they were from the 30s appeared randomly. 
Behind you, Lucifer seemed shocked all over again. Sensing his concern, you turned back to him with a smile on your face. 
"Don't worry," you said, "I'll have him back soon enough; I know all the sinners are kind of your responsibility." Clearly, your understanding of his feelings was a little off, though he appreciated you trying to comfort him. 
Alastor extended his arm to you again and you took it with a smile before conjuring a pink portal in front of the two of you that Lucifer could only assume would take you to the human world. He wasn't about to let you disappear so suddenly, though.
"Uh, is that allowed?" He asked, popping up beside you in concern and gesturing at the portal, and then to the Radio Demon. There were, of course, types of hellborn demons and heaven born angels that were allowed to venture to the mortal plane like you were, but he'd never heard of that courtesy applying to sinners. 
You turned your gaze back to the king of hell with a shrug. "We've done it before," you admitted. This only made his concern grow. How and when had you done this before?
"Wh-what? How?!"
"Way too much power and not nearly enough supervision." You admitted with a shrug before finally turning back to the portal. "Anyway, it was good to see you again, Luci! We'll have to do tea and catch up some time!" And with that, you and the Radio Demon disappeared into the mortal plane, leaving a very confused king of hell behind. 
The more he thought about it, though, and knowing what he knew about you, he realized this surprising partnership made a lot of sense. You'd always been a wile card when it came to the angels; even when he'd still lived in heaven. He guessed you thrived on one another's chaos.
Still, the Radio Demon and Cupid themselves; who would have guessed?
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champagneher · 2 years
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BASED ON | them spending their New Year's Eve on a party with their friends and sharing their New Year's kiss in front of everyone. GENRE | f!reader x idol!yoongi, established relationship, drabble, hidden relationship. WARNINGS | none.
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The relationship between ____ and Yoongi to their friends could be described as full of flirting on both sides, with lots of teasing and hidden feelings. Both were always commenting on each other, either in a joking manner or looking to touch a nerve with the other. Pissing Yoongi off was no easy task, and ____ enjoyed finding something new to tease him with from time to time. Yoongi on the other, hand enjoyed seeing the frustration on her face when he looked completely unaffected with what she spent so much time preparing and swearing would make him lose his mind.
With Yoongi working on finishing his album and you with the holidays being when you were busiest with your work as a photographer, your friends hadn't heard from you for a while. Well, you had talked through the group chat you all had, agreeing to spend New Year's Eve together to welcome the new year in a special way. Other than that, no comments with any tease or jokes had been thrown by either you or Yoongi, which made them think that you had finally confessed your feelings for each other, or one had annoyed the other so much that you hated each other. There was no middle ground.
Chae: so we all gonna go to Soyeon's before 9pm, okay?
Soyeon: Yes! Don't be late so we can have dinner and tHEN alcohol, so we can remember at least something the next day :)
Jake: tell that to ____, she's gone after two bottles
Yoongi: Should I bring four or five bottles of champagne?
Jihyo: I think with four we're gonna do good
Jake: o.O
Chae: what now Jake
Jake: Sooo nobody saw that?
Joon: Stop being annoying
Jake: I just said how ____ is weak with alcohol and Yoongs didn't back me up :O
"Aah Jake is annoying when he wants to be," Yoongi complained, putting down his phone and leaving it on the small circular table in the living room. He stretched out his limbs as best he could on the couch, holding your legs that were in his lap.
After a short silence, you nodded your head, realizing the reason for his comment. You locked your phone and looked at him.
"Well, he has a point." You shrugged.
"What do you mean?" his full attention was now on you.
"Oh please, Yoongi."
"What?" he asked, even more confused.
"You never passed up an opportunity to tease me about my drinking skill."
"Skill? What skill? You're gone in thirty minutes-"
"See?!" You laugh, trying to feign seriousness, but you always find it difficult with Yoongi's obvious face. His brow furrowed, his eyes looked even smaller than they were, and his pink lips slightly parted in disbelief.
"Aaah," he grumbled. "I don't tease you all the time..."
"Obviously, now you have the wonderful opportunity to say it to my face," you teased him with a grin as he blinked rapidly, suddenly feeling shy at your suggestive tone of voice. "You're lucky."
"Me lucky?"
"Yes. Lucky you."
"Lucky I might be if you'd let me kiss you in front of our friends."
You let out a sigh and slumped back on the couch, things weren't as simple as they seemed.
The relationship between you and Yoongi itself was very new. Both of you having known each other for quite some time, but always under the light of friends annoying each other. Nothing more than that. But everything changed when the pandemic hit, and suddenly you found yourself talking to Yoongi every day, all the time. Both of you looking each other for the support you needed during those difficult times. Remembering the moments you both shared, laughing when a joke between the two of you came up again, or when you simply talked about music and your days of doing absolutely nothing. Yoongi showed you a side of him that you had never seen before and that you were grateful to be able to appreciate now. You let down your walls with him, you felt understood and appreciated when even your family couldn't show you the support you always longed for. Yoongi became your family in an instant. When you were finally able to leave your homes, the first thing he did was come to see you at your flat, where you spent hours talking about everything and nothing at the same time. The days went on and on, and before you knew it, the two of you were sharing days and nights together.
You could never tell your friends, and you never understood why. There were always pros and cons that they both went over in their heads, difficult not being able to say them out loud because of fear, but they both knew they were there.
Yoongi felt braver lately. And that was the effect you had on him. He felt that he could do anything, face anything and no matter what the outcome, he would be fine. He supposed that was falling slowly for someone, but, on Christmas Eve night, he realized that he was already in love with you. Spending Christmas with his family, all he wanted was to come to you and share gifts and a nice meal together.
Your insecurities always hit you. You mean, among your group of friends, you always talked about everything without any restraint. Remembering how your male friends, including Yoongi, talked and bragged with the models they had been with, people of high status, women who were practically princesses, of course hit your insecurity nerve. They would always make friendly bets on which idol Yoongi would end up with, and you were no idol. You weren't even close. So, what your friends might say or think about your relationship was seriously scary for you.
You could never tell Yoongi, but you knew he was suspicious of your thoughts, because - you mean - he's Yoongi. He might be quiet and all you want, but he was a very good observer, and he had certainly noticed how the joking tone you were making with who he would end up marrying had turned sour.
Hell, he couldn't help but stare at you at all times while saying that he might end up married to someone different from who they thought, but that he wanted more than anything by their side. Couldn't you see it? He wanted nothing more than to be by your side always. He was sickeningly in love with you, and you still had doubts that he would go with someone with a job like him, when that was the last thing he wanted.
The conversation after that moment was left in the thin air, concentrating on making dinner and then Yoongi making love to you in his room.
On the one hand, you knew that Yoongi didn't want to keep pretending to be just your friend among his group, since that meant listening to your girlfriends trying to get you to go on blind dates with one of their friends. Hell, if Yoongi didn't gnash his teeth every time he heard Jake or Chae telling you about the qualities of some guy they know with whom -according to them- you'd be the perfect match. Yoongi would be your perfect match, and he had to bite his tongue to keep from telling them that all they were saying was bullshit.
You didn't need someone to buy you all the most expensive gifts, you needed someone to listen to you. You didn't want a doctor or a lawyer, you just needed someone to love you and be your best friend at the same time. And he didn't want to brag, but he knew he had more money than any of those characters who wanted to steal you from his arms, and as you told him, he was your best friend, so.
The day passed quietly, on the morning of the last day of the year you decided to go back to your flat to get ready for the night. Obviously, Yoongi was against that idea, saying that the two of you should spend the whole day together, because he knew that at night he would have to pretend again not to be crazy about you and just call you "a friend".
That feeling of wanting to shout to everyone that you were his partner was never a part of Yoongi, he always loved his privacy, he still does. But, his possessiveness over you sometimes got the better of him. Obviously, he didn't expect to announce it to the whole world, he just wanted his friends to know about the two of you. Nothing more. The rest would remain the same, the outings, the drinks, the banter. But like you being an official couple. He was getting tired of having to leave the comfort of your bed in the morning and then pretending to arrive at lunchtime with your friends to chat about their weeks. Or making fun of you - in a friendly way - with your friends when all he wanted to do was put his hand on your leg and then tell them it wasn't true and get teased for being so gentle and soft with you.
Even though Yoongi accepted that you still had your doubts about telling everyone about you, the desire to be able to kiss you tonight at the stroke of midnight was permeating his chest.
You arrived a little early at Soyeon's house to help her with the final preparations for the New Year's dinner. You were barefoot and in your silver dress that you knew Yoongi would love, since he happened to see it a fortnight ago in a shop on his nightly runs with you, and commented on the pretty shade that would contrast with your eyes. Not to mention that it matched you perfectly, and let the imagination do the rest.
"The others should be here any minute, I think we've got everything ready."
"Yep," you agreed with your friend, arranging the cutlery on the table.
After a brief silence, Soyeon just watched you with a grimace that said she was ready to confront you. "So…"
"So…" you smiled at her, encouraging her to continue.
"You and grandpa."
You looked at her confused, what was she talking about? "Me and my grandfather?"
"No!" she laughed. "You and Yoongi."
"What?" You looked at her puzzled, turning your whole body to face her. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on, ____. I've known you since we were 10. I think I can tell when you're in love with someone. And I can also tell when someone, especially if that someone has the emotional range of an asparagus, is in love with my friend. Which is kind of obvious." She shrugged her shoulders, satisfied with your surprised face. She had figured it all out. "You know, at first I thought you'd tell me after a couple of weeks, then I thought, oh, maybe in a month? But it's almost 3 months now, and I'm assuming it's even longer with you guys?"
"I- Soyeon…"
"I don't want to rush you into anything nor do I want to force you to tell anyone or am I going to tell anyone. I just want to tell you that I love to see you happy and loved like he loves you. You deserve it, and I'm so, but so proud for you."
"____, you can tell a mile away that tangerine man loves you." She laughed, making you do too and lower your gaze to the floor. Everything he was saying was giving you a lot to think about. "We went through a lot when we were young," this time he moved closer to you to place his hands on your arms in a comforting way. "And when you are happy, I want everyone to see how beautiful my friend is when she's enjoying her hard work and all the good things she deserves. If you are happy, show it and don't hide it behind that hateful expression every time someone jokes about how good Yoongs would look with someone else when he only has eyes for you."
11:50 struck the night, only 10 minutes left for a new year to begin. Talking to Soyeon - or rather her being the noisy friend that she is - about your relationship with Yoongi, really gave you the last thing - that you didn't know you needed - to digest and accept that you really, at last, were living the life you'd always wanted, and Yoongi played a key part in that equation.
They were all together on the balcony of the flat that provided a beautiful view of the city of Seoul. Each with a glass in hand, ready to welcome the new year. They were talking to each other while Jake set up the audio system where they would listen to the countdown.
"Come on, Jake, didn't you study for this? It's the only thing I asked you to do!" Soyeon got angry, approaching the boy who was still moving some wires looking for the best way to listen to the channel.
"Calm down, woman. I already did. I'm just looking to make it louder."
You laughed, walking past him to where a certain someone was leaning on the balcony railing with her eyes lost in the city.
"They're something else, aren't they?" You commented as you casually joined his side.
Yoongi looked at you for a few seconds and then looked back to the front. He just nodded.
You let out a sigh, feeling the courage you had gathered over the past few hours slip through your fingers. Holding on to the last of what you had left, you snuggled closer to him and laid your head gently on his shoulder. You could feel his body quickly tense and then release the air that had built up in his lungs and relax into your touch.
"What are you doing?" he murmured, almost inaudibly. He cleared his throat and shifted his weight on his feet. "The others are going to say something."
"The night is beautiful," you bit your lip. "Soyeon is our friend, and she really helped me today."
"What are you talking about?"
"I want to start this year being really happy, Yoongi." You broke away to stare into his eyes. His eyes reflected confusion but excitement at the same time. You knew he was building an illusion in his chest, and you didn't want to destroy it now or ever.
"Okay, one minute left! I'm going to faint!" Chae shouted, running from the dining room with a bottle of champagne in his right hand and his glass in his left.
"Finally!" Jake smiled victoriously as the channel host could be heard announcing the seconds remaining.
Yoongi looked at them not even for a second and then looked at you expectantly. All of your friends were now closer to you, though everyone was in their own world.
"I always thought I would be the most open in showing affection," you grimaced, ready to tease him. "But who knew my boyfriend would be the real softie."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, but couldn't stop a small smile from forming on his lips.
"Let's start this year in the best way."
"I'd love that," he smiled and stood right in front of you, gently cupping your waist.
"Happy New Year Yoongs," you smiled softly at him, you really started the new year with a strong love in your chest, and you couldn't be happier about it.
"Happy New Year, kid." His soft smile turning into a full one of his, showing his teeth and making his eyes narrow, almost hiding the shine in them.
Feeling the euphoria running through your veins, you approached him as slowly as you could -which was almost impossible- and you joined your lips with his, looking for that first kiss of the year with him that you always wanted to have. Yoongi didn't stay behind and joined his body with yours, turning the kiss deeper.
The noise and celebration of others remaining in the background for you, while you immersed yourself in your world. If you had paid even a little attention, you could have heard the gasps of your friends when they saw that the two of you were making out - almost disgustingly, some would say - starting the new year together.
"Well, I didn't see that coming." Jake commented to then receive a soft smack from Soyeon who was looking at her friend happily.
"Oh, fireworks! We should dance After like!" Chae screamed.
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thank you so much for reading! let me know what you think.
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seramilla · 5 months
Seraphiel thinks that heaven has the high advantage against carmilla but they are proven wrong. Lucifer is not entertaining the idea of his family being executed simply for trying to protect themselves against the extermnations. And as for sera and Emily, they willingly fell so there are no crimes held against them.
So he decides himself to go have a little "chat" with seraphiel and the arch angels.
Lucifer stands in the middle of the angelic courtroom. He hasn't been here in, what? Eight thousand? Ten thousand years? Normally, he's never allowed in Heaven, under any circumstances. That's the way it's been ever since he fell. However, it was unusually easy to request an audience with the High Seraphim this time around. Normally, he meets with Heaven ambassadors at his Hell embassy. On equal ground, in his own turf; but cocky and overly sure of himself, Seraphiel had demanded they meet here, of all places.
Seraphiel hadn't even given him the benefit of a podium. Lucifer stands there, in the same damn square tile on the floor where he'd stood when they passed judgement on him, all those millenia ago. It's an attempt to make him feel vulnerable and weak, Lucifer realizes. But the little king has already been through literal Hell and back in is long existence; it will take much more than this, he thinks, to make him feel uncomfortable.
Seraphiel looks down at him from his pedestal. He's taller now, just like Sera, but without the sincerity and kindness that's always been present behind her eyes. His jaw and nose are sharp, angled, bird-like, and strong. His hair is the same white, cloud-like curls his sister possesses. The main difference in their features is that maniacal, twisted grin on his face. Sera had never wanted to see Lucifer fall; Seraphiel, on the other hand, had been giddy for it. One less Seraphim in the way to his direct line of power, Lucifer suspects. And now with Sera gone, the cocksure angel has finally gotten his way.
"Greetings, Morningstar," Seraphiel booms across the courtroom, forcing his voice to carry so he can be heard by all in their presence. Hellfire, this bastard is so full of himself, Lucifer thinks. "I see you are here on behalf of one Carmilla Carmine. I told her we would not be entertaining any changes to our agreement."
Lucifer chuckles. "Agreement? The way I read it, she didn't have the chance to agree to anything. Your terms were quite clear."
"Indeed," Seraphiel says, less amused with him now that Lucifer's had the gall to talk back. "I also seem to recall that I said any attempts to change the terms would be considered an outright refusal. I should kill all of them right now. That would be my right."
Lucifer smiles. That same wicked, signature smile that makes him so intimidating to his subjects, even now. This maniac in front of him really is just a petty, childish, ignorant little know-it-all, Lucifer thinks. Seraphiel is no Sera; he can't even keep the details of his deals straight.
Lucifer laughs. "I seem to recall the deal I made with your predecessors shields me and my family from your people's judgement. That includes the Exterminations and any other random act of retribution you may have against Sinners. Is that something you forgot?"
"Yes, your family has absolute immunity, for now," Seraphiel confirms. "That doesn't include the Carmine woman, her offspring, or anyone she invites into her home."
Lucifer laughs even harder. He leans on his cane, showing for all the world he knows he has nothing to fear from anyone here.
"Well, see, that's where you're wrong," Lucifer mocks, looking up at the frowning High Seraphim from underneath the brim of his large, white hat. "You may not be aware, but my daughter recently entered into a relationship with Emily. You know, your other sister? The one you said would never amount to anything? Ah, yes, I know you remember her. She stole the subcommittee seat right out from under your nose, didn't she?"
"You fucking piece of--!" Seraphiel stands, starting to shout. But when every eye immediately averts in response to his sudden outburst, he sits down again, trying desperately to maintain his composure. Lucifer sees his struggle, relishing in it, and uses that moment to drive the final point home.
"Yes, that Emily! Aaaaaanyway, she's dating my daughter now! Isn't that amusing! Which makes her family, for all intents and purposes. Which makes Sera family by proxy. Meaning that you can't do shit to either of them. And honestly, if I were the type of guy who thought revenge was worth it, I could have the elders court-martial you right now, for injuring one of Sera's stepdaughters. "
"Wait, that's not--!" Seraphiel starts, but Lucifer interrupts him again.
"Your contract is with me, not Carmilla, Philly, my boy," Lucifer continues. "My contract precedes anything you could draft up with her. I'm sorry, but my hands are tied." Lucifer jokingly shape-shifts his arms until they're tied together tight, like an exaggeratedly large bow tie, to drive the point home. "My family is safe. My entire family, even the ones who enter through romantic relationships. And since now the one who drafted up that contract is also in my family, well, I'd say you're shit out of luck. And if you ever come after one of them again, I will take it up with your superiors. Capiche?"
Lucifer waits for an answer, but when he doesn't get one, he smiles. "Wonderful! I'm glad we understand each other. Good to see you again, Philly! The pleasure's been all mine!"
With that, Lucifer turns on his heels, spinning his cane in a wide arc and whistling as he exits the courtroom. He can hear Seraphiel trying to protest behind him, while a couple of the angels on his subcommittee attempt to keep their leader under control. Seraphiel shouts out after him, something about how slimy he is, and about getting even. But Lucifer is already out the door, opening a portal to his palace, ready to tell Carmilla the good news.
It's always good to read the fine print of every contract, Lucifer recalls. He, the silver tongue and father of lies, is particularly good at finding such loopholes. He's especially proud that it had been his own daughter, bless her heart, who'd pointed this particular one out to him. His precious Charlie. His sweet, talented, brilliant apple of his eye. He's so very proud of her.
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chaosteddybear · 1 month
Philia 4 an Agape 1 for Mix!
Aw thank you! These are great ones for Mix! I juuust answered Agape 1 for him so I hope it's OK I decided to answer it for Hexx here instead?? 🤭
Philia 4: Is your OC able to build close friendships with people very different from themselves? Perhaps in terms of culture, age or personality?
Absolutely! As a matter of fact, it's even quicker for him than building relationships with people like himself. Culture and age - of course. He really gets to the meat of who someone is, taking these things into account as they affect their perspectives but not much besides that. So focusing on personality -
He really admires the unburdened, for example, and he usually wants to take them under his wing. Study them. Make sure they are able to stay this way and never change or become vulnerable due to their choice (or lack thereof) not to focus on protecting themself. A certain rogue demon. A certain witch. He must protect. And if the world they're in (depending on au) does suggest that they need to learn to protect themselves as well, he will try his absolute best to ensure it's done in a way that he can be proud of.
He is also fascinated by people with obviously inflated egos who brag a lot or talk a big game - which he doesn't do at all - and he will engage in admittedly flirtatiously teasing ways. He will look forward to chatting with them too of course! As annoying as they may be.. And depending who you ask, this may or may not qualify as being "like himself" so maybe it doesn't fit here or maybe it does 😳
He really admires people who are creative and outgoing in ways he never really indulges in. He will want to be around them more..
And one of the things that he admires most is when people want to change the lives of those they don't even know for the better. Mix will roll right over for this. He himself usually just focuses on his own pack, because it's all he can manage. Someone striving for more power, influence, loftier goals than him? Well, if he agrees with those goals, he might get pretty darn weak. Especially mixed with other things he loves.
Wow it was really fun to think of things Mix loves in others that he doesn't possess himself. 😳 I will keep thinking about this too, to be honest! Give him a little therapy session tbh.
Agape 1: Does your OC wish to make the world a better place? How far do they see that as being their responsibility? What lengths would they go to in order to help achieve this?
No ��😈
However, I suppose they do accidentally sometimes? One time they fixed the broken weather in a beach town because nobody would go in the water anymore! Nevermind that their motivation was to bring the food out to them, of course.
They also will support literally only Raphael's and Cian's plots, which may improve the hells, but they're doing it for them, not for the hells 😂 (tag @dmagedgoods for Cian heh)
The ask
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e5 recap: swedish elon and his logan roy tribute band
time is a flat circle and we are back to ken hyping himself listening to rap, driving to the office.
anyone feeling nostalgic yet?
he is immediately caught off guard by the fact that roman and shiv are already there.
also he seems like the worst boss ever.
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i really don't like ken when he is not hitting rock bottom.
(there is a movie about a sleeping robot in a cave that takes up too much time in this episode. let's not get into all that)
the old guard checks up on the CE-bros before their trip to norway.
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matchy matchy&lt;3
turns out mattson wants them all there (why wouldn't he?) so THE GANG IS GOING TO NORWAY! lets bleed the swede!*
*as a norwegian, i approve this message
mortality has set into team krank, as they put on compression socks before the flight.
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krank is not here to have fun. krank has no young mistress to impress. krank is serious.
shiv has noticed ken's leaks to the media from last week because she is boss. it's the comeback we've been waiting for.
but most importantly, she is waging a very important war against tom and his stupid new sneakers:
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the sibs say they can kill tom for her. that's brotherly love.
hugo is not having a good time.
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i am tho.
gerri rallies the troops by shitting on europeans.
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yes mommy tell me i'm weak because i have free healthcare! sit on my face
gerri for CEO. always.
they accurately depict what it is like driving in norway:
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(this is why i don't have my licence)
the gang arrives in the motherland and it's beautiful, but rainy (so authentic) and are all like WHY THESE WOOD CABINS SO SMALL?!
ironic because jeremy lives in fucking denmark.
anyway, whatever this is:
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the trip up to mount olympus is interrupted by con saying he can send a picture of their dead dad to the group chat.
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nobody wants to see it.
also, marcia is putting logan in a kilt like the fucking bay city rollers and con had to cancel a room full of working class whites in cleveland. the sacrifice.
they give con carte blanche for the whole funeral thing, which is probably a terrible decision.
the funeral is going to be one big campaign rally, i'm serious.
the others have to settle for a nice lil scandi brunch spread. what a hard life.
i don't say this often, but i would be hugo in this scenario, piling onto my plate like it's nobody's business.
karolina has a cute lesbian moment.
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she says something in swedish at some point, but let me tell you, i understand swedish and i didn't even pick up on it. no shade to dag, but lol.
hugo doesn't understand how ski jumping works.
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i thank the writers for putting this joke in there, even if literally no one other than random scandi people will get it.
it's like the opposite of danny boyle's the beach<3 give back to the community<3
roman enters negotiations and puts his fingers in the caviar.
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you think i didn't notice? after all this time, you must know i notice everything.
the CE-bros make the village elders proud, as mattson offers 187 per share as long as he gets ATN.
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also, gerri does a second take looking back at roman. these are the crumbs i am destined to live on, i guess. roman doesn't want to give up ATN tho, probably because 1) his dad wanted ATN 2) his dad told him he wouldn't make it at pierce and belongs at ATN 3) he is, somehow, the most rational of the siblings right now????
speaking of rational: how are we feeling about the shiv/mattson potential here? i honestly have zero objections.
shiv is like fuck yeah, sell ATN, that shit is toxic.
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agreed, but who gave mencken an open line to ATN-meetings? sounds like something logan told cyd to do during one of those late night calls.
"even dad had a line" rings true zero percent. pass.
get rid of atn. word is, they don't even have tucker carlson anymore? just keep a sweater, much less racist.
we get some important leo dicap representation:
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and greg is the bringer of all that is exposition, telling us there is a kill list with 8 to 9 names, ever evolving.
now, as most readers of these recaps would know, i would like to avoid spending any time on greg whatsoever (made even more poignant by the recent rumors about nick), however, this must be one of the best exchanges of dialogue ever made:
greg: da fam shiv: da fuck
that's all.
tom tells the swedes that americans don't care about the rest of the world and it's funny because it's true.
and alex being like "you're ALL related?!"
i see you, succession writers, i see you.
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mattson calls waystar a parts shop and has a good take on right wing media:
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"i dont think news for angry, old men works"
instead, he opts for bloomberg grey: simple, cheap, huge, ikea'd to fuck. i do love ikea.
he calls the sibs a tribute band which is harsh. even for a scandi, it's fucking harsh.
GERRI. IN. SAUNA! (chant with me)
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i will never forget what the succession writers took from me.
krank out here just chilling.
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i've never shipped anyone more.
we are introduced to ebba. i can tell i'd have more to say on this in any other situation, but it just feels weird (all norwegian know each other, i guess).
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anyone else here for the shiv/mattson dynamic?
i'm sorry, i kind of ship it????
ken wants to tank the deal and roman immediately calls him out on his destructive bullshit:
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and then immediately caves.
"i think we are good at running the ship" they say after doing it for approximately 24 hours.
i wish i had their confidence.
also, pinky can't dance, according to ken, so they keep shiv out. meanwhile, she gets cozy with lukas, who asks her about her marriage (bad) and tells her he sends liters of blood to ebba (also bad).
shiv shows us why she is paid the big bucks for political advice:
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we don't see the end of their night, so i'm just going to assume they fucked. because she's worth it.
also, talking up gerri and karolina? girlies stick together<3
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big bi vibes here. huge. idc if she's pregnant and drinking.
meanwhile, the CE-bros use greg to leak that the negotiations are souring. why would you trust greg with anything?
in an attempt to fuck the deal, the CE-bros show a terrible film to the swedish team, as if being scandi doesn't mean you've sat through enough terrible cinema already....
we get the strangest fight in tv history:
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lol @ us for thinking this was an important moment for the two of them and then it's a fight about white sneakers and fat earlobes.
i sure hope shiv fucked lukas.
roman receives a photo of his dead dad and it doesn't really put him in the right place to negotiate with mattson:
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leave it to kieran to make an emmy-worthy speech across from alex skarsgaard peeing.
the plan was: tank the deal, but in a subtle way. what they did: try and tank the deal, but in a not very subtle way. did the deal tank: no.
i hope you understand.
the question is, if a deal collapses in the woods and no one hears it, is it a SEC violation?
mattson ends up offering 192 per share. karl jizzes his pants.
shiv gives the little spelunker tom a lil treat, telling him to fire cyd.
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then she asks him out?
and ignores him again because she is taking a call from mattson?
idk my dudes, but i'm into this shiv comeback.
mattson seems happy and flirty and i sure as shit hope this goes somewhere.
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as long as it doesn't involve liters of frozen blood.
i have a feeling it will be all good vibes until he learns about her pregnancy. there's always something rotten in the state of denmark (or norway, or sweden, but it's all the same).
the waystar-team receives the kill list after the offer and it's very stressful for a few people who made themselves suffer through a session in the sauna:
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not on the kill list: karolina gerri tom because shiv fucking did the thing!!
oh, and karl and frank are on the kill list, but i think they are just fine.
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maybe the real treasure was the compression socks we made along the way.
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
Hii! I wanna say congratulations for the 300 followers, your writing is honestly amazing and you're def my comfort writer <3
Anyways, for the celebration request, can I get arranged marriage fluff with Motonari? I've been feeling in need of Motonari fluff lately, and I already know it's gonna be amazing with your writing skills and our favourite pirate king!
Again, congrats in 300! I honestly think you deserve way more than that 🫶
Thank you for your support, sweet anon! And thank you for this request! I love this pirate so much! And there needs to be more fluff with him! So, I am happy to contribute to that fluff.
Alright so here we go! Motonari and arranged marriage fluff!
The Pirate and The Princess
It had been two months now that Motonari had entered into this arranged marriage with the Oda Princess. Two months since she had come to live with him. He had let her know from the beginning this was nothing more than a political arrangement, that it was a marriage in name only.
Of course, the princess had known that even without him stating it so bluntly. She was his wife legally and in name…but that was all there was to it. In truth, she was little better than a hostage, a pawn in this political game to secure the alliance…to make sure that the Oda didn’t do anything Motonari didn’t agree with…and to ensure that Yoshiaki never came back into power.
“This marriage is just a means to an end. I never wanted no wife.” Motonari had told her, his tone harsh, though she didn’t flinch.
“I’m not an idiot.” She had told him, fixing a glare at him. “You think you’re some kind of catch or something? Please, I never picked this arrangement. You are the LAST person on earth I would pick.”
“Well, at least we’re on the same page then.” Motonari had replied, surprised by the fire in her eyes. He had mistaken her for some shy weak little thing…but it appeared she had been more.
“Lady Mouri, perhaps I can show you to your chambers.” Hiroyoshi had said, interrupting them.
“That sounds good.” She had said, getting up to follow the old goat, showing him a genuinely kind smile…something that had irked Motonari.
After that, the princess had given him the cold shoulder. Though she would smile and chat up Hiroyoshi and his crew, being totally sweet to them…and looking at Motonari with utter contempt whenever they would cross paths. 
It had honestly gotten under Motonari’s skin. “Why’s she always gotta look at me like that? Why’s she always got that sweet smile fer everyone else?”
“Perhaps my lord, you could try being kind to the Lady Mouri.” Hiroyoshi had said, to him as he brought Motonari some documents with some new trade agreements.
“The hell you talkin’ ‘bout ya old codger?” Motonari had groused.
“Nothing, my lord.” Hiroyoshi had replied. “You know, I was talking to the princess the other day…apparently she was working as a seamstress in Azuchi before she came here. It was something she rather enjoyed.”
“Am I s’posed ta care about somethin’ she likes?” Motonari had asked.
“Just thought it was an interesting tidbit, my lord.” Hiroyoshi had answered. “Though, I did hear that she was a highly sought after seamstress. Highly skilled and very passionate about her work. She brought in lots of new business to Azuchi.”
Motonari had looked up at the old man, intrigued by this, lifting one white brow. “That so?”
“Very so, my lord.” Hiroyoshi had answered.
“Get ‘er some fabrics then.” Motonari had said. “And sewin’ stuff.”
“Of course, my lord.” Hiroyoshi had replied, a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face.
“Don’t go gettin’ no funny ideas. It’s just good business.” Motonari snapped.
“No ideas at all, my lord.”
It had only taken another few days after that for the princess to come knocking on his council room door. “What?” Motonari had called as she came in, carrying something in her hands.
“I…just wanted to give you this…as a thank you for the fabrics and sewing notions.” She replied, bowing and handing him a small wrapped parcel.
Motonari looked at her as he took the package. “That ain’t nothin’ ta thank me for. Hiryoshi said you were a good seamstress. Just a good business move.” He replied, waving her off.
“Still…I really appreciate being able to get back to it and having something to do.” She replied. “I think I was beginning to drive poor Hiroyoshi crazy constantly asking him for something to do…and well also… I think we got off on the wrong foot.”
“What are ya talkin’ about?” Motonari asked.
“Just…I know this arrangement is all political and I don’t expect to EVER fall in love with you or for your shriveled black heart to start beating and beating for me…but maybe we can LIKE each other even if we don’t LOVE each other…and maybe be friends.”
Motonari blinked in surprise at her words…was…no one had ever come to him with such a crazy offer before. “Ya got flowers fer brains or what?” He had asked her.
“Ugh…I can’t believe I even tried!” She groaned as she got up in a huff. “I thought…I don’t know what I thought.” She was then quickly leaving the room. 
Motonari watched her go, not saying a word. It irritated him that she left so quickly…but he couldn’t quite figure out why. He looked down at the package she had given him…finally he decided to open it. Inside was a small handkerchief that matched the fabric of the cape he usually draped over his shoulder and was embroidered with the Mouri crest on the corner.
The fabric was perfectly cut and sewn well. The embroidery was intricate and clearly that of a skilled hand. “Ah…dammit.” Motonari had groaned, running a gloved hand through his hair in agitation. “Dammit all ta hell.”
The next night, Motonari had gone to the princess, carrying a tray with some tea and a freshly cooked meal he had made. “Here.” He said, as he sat the tray down in her room, where she sat working on her sewing.
She had looked at him, confusion in her face. “What’s this for?” She asked.
“Hiroyoshi said ya been workin’ all day…ain’t had much ta eat.” Motonari had answered, honestly not even sure why he was here.
“I…suppose now is a good time for a break.” She had replied, placing a loose stitch in her work to save her place before neatly folding it and setting it aside.
“Well, enjoy.” Motonari said, awkwardly heading for the door.
“You…you aren’t going to join me?” She asked, her words stopping him in his tracks.
“Well…I thought…nevermind.” She replied. “Thank you.”
Motonari let out a groan as he turned back around to her. “No, tell me what’s on yer mind.”
“I just…I thought maybe…this was you…maybe agreeing to what I said the other day…about us trying to just like each other…get to know each other.” The princess answered. “Where I come from… people share meals and get to know each other.”
“I still think ya got flowers growin’ in that head o’ yers…but maybe we can give it a try.” Motonari found himself saying.
And thus began a new ritual. Every night the pair would sit down to dinner together…a dinner Motonari made as he wouldn’t eat food others had touched. This was something Motonari had surprisingly come to look forward to. They would talk and… well they would bicker quite often. Motonari would tease her and get her riled up…and she would bite back…which was something he found he enjoyed.
Though if Motonari were being honest, the thing he enjoyed the most would be at the end of one of their bickering sessions. The princess would sigh and shake her head…but she would be wearing the most beautiful smile. Her eyes would be warm and full of light…and Motonari was entirely unaware of the warm look he would give to her in return.
On this particular night, after finishing their dinner the princess let out a sigh. “I guess you’ll be heading off then?” She asked.
“Don’t tell me you’ll be missin’ me, flower girl.” Motonari teased her.
The princess scrunched up her face. “I wouldn’t go THAT far…but… I just… get bored.”
Motonari chuckled. “Well, if yer bored, then hows about we go on a little adventure?” He found himself suggesting.
She looked up at him, her eyes narrowing in playful suspicion. “What kind of adventure?”
“Only one way to find out.” Motonari replied, grinning in spite of himself. “What do ya say, flower girl?”
“I say… I must be utterly insane because… it sounds like fun.”
It was a short time later, Motonari and the princess were leaving his castle, Motonari leading her through a path in the forest. “Watch yer footing. It can get kinda rough around here.” He warned her, as he held a small lantern to guide them.
“I’ll do my best.” She replied.
They walked a little further before Motonari found himself reaching a hand back towards the princess. “Here, don’t need ya fallin’ on yer face…despite how funny that might be.”
The princess blinked as she looked at Motonari’s outstretched hand, still clad in his white glove. Though they had never expressly discussed it…she was aware that he didn’t like to be touched. She’d been aware of the physical distance he purposely kept between them. She’d also seen him keep that same distance with… well everyone. She’d even witnessed him violently through off an overly-flirty lady of the night. It wasn’t too hard to pick up on the fact that Motonari didn’t like to be touched.
“What? Somethin’ wrong?” Motonari asked.
“W-won’t…you be…uncomfortable?” She asked, looking up at him, her eyes wide in the low light of the lantern and the moon.
It was then that Motonari seemed to become aware of himself…aware of what he was offering. Was he really about to let this other person TOUCH him? His hand was still hanging in the air between them. He thought hard about this now…but to his surprise…the idea of the princess’s hand in his…it didn’t make his skin crawl. It didn’t make him break out into a cold sweat. He didn’t know why…but SHE was okay.
“It’s…okay.” He told her, a surprisingly tender look in his eyes, his crooked smile soft. 
“Are…are you sure?” She asked, still hesitant. “If it would make you uncomfortable, I can walk fine on my own…and even if I were to trip, I’m not THAT delicate that a little tumble would hurt that bad…wouldn’t be the first time…”
She was rambling, he could tell. “I said it’s okay…but only if it’s you.”
A small gasp escaped the princess as she looked up at him, her eyes somehow going wider. “O-okay…” She was then ever so slowly, placing her hand in his.
Motonari’s gloved fingers curled around her delicate hand…so much smaller than his own. Her hand felt warm in his palm…and he was surprised to find…it actually felt pleasant to hold her hand. He turned forward once again and lead her through the forest, making sure to keep her from tripping as they went.
Soon they were coming to a clearing that led to a small cliff’s edge. “Stay close and watch yer step.” He told her as he led her up the cliff.
“You’re not gonna throw me over and claim I fell are you?” She joked, though Motonari could detect a hint of nervousness in her voice.
Motonari looked at her, lifting a brow. “No.” He answered. “Yer shakin’ there m’lady. I promise I ain’t takin’ ya out here ta hurt ya.”
She shook her head. “That’s…not it…I uh…I may…have a little fear…of high…places.” She admitted sheepishly, looking down at her feet.
Motonari still held her hand in his. He found himself giving her hand a gentle squeeze. “Don’t worry, I got ya.”
She looked up at him, surprised to see how gently he was looking at her right now. His hand around hers was warm…and surprisingly comforting. “Okay…” 
Motonari led her up the cliff, keeping her hand in his the entire time. “Now…have a look at this view.”
The princess turned and looked out. The cliff overlooked the ocean, and her breath was instantly taken away. The large full moon and the millions of twinkling stars were reflected on the water’s surface, broken only by the ripples of the gentle waves and the ocean creatures moving below the water. It looked as if the sky truly never ended.
“It’s…wow…it’s…” She gasped, as she took in the view.
Motonari watched her, unable to keep himself from smiling. Her eyes twinkled as if holding the light of the stars she was gazing at. As he looked at her, one word flitted through his mind completely unbidden…
“Beautiful.” The princess’s voice said, completing her unfinished thought.
Motonari couldn’t help himself and his lips were moving before he could even think better of it. “Yeah, beautiful view.”
The princess turned to him, her cheeks reddening as she realized Motonari was watching her and not the ocean of stars in front of them. 
It was there in that moonlit night, a garden’s worth of new flowers began to bloom.
@zulablaise @limonzu @kisara-16 @oda-princess
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usoud-tournament · 1 day
Welcome To The Tournament!
This blog is exclusively to run the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny Tournament based on Lemon Demon's song sharing the same name! This post is to straighten out the rules and details to hopefully avoid too many questions.
How the bracket order was picked out:
I did my best to do the pairings based on the order which the character first appears in the song. All of the characters in the song are fighting against each other in the first round with the exception of Monty Python's Black Knight, as we're having a mini-round with him in order to let the two Gandalfs duke it while still keeping the number of brackets enough to make sure everyone has a match. The other exception is Mr. Rogers, as he won in the original song, and I am putting him in the third round to give some other fighters a chance to fight without his interference with the polls.
How the character versions were picked out:
I knew that there would be fights and questions with many of these characters if I left what version was fighting ambiguous, so I looked around for the most well-known versions of these characters, favoring the versions which are most popular in their respective fandoms. Believe it or not, I'm not in every fandom ever, so I apologize if you don't agree with my picks. Similarly, the strengths and weaknesses are gotten from the specific version's character Fandom Wikipedia page. I apologize if I got any strengths and weaknesses wrong. The exception to this 'only one version of the characters' rule is the Power Rangers, as the song specifies "Every Single Power Ranger" Therefore I did not want to exclude any versions. I got the help of a friend to understand the Power Rangers MO and try to balance their strengths and weaknesses to make sure they didn't roll over everyone else in this tournament.
What age are they?
Some of these characters are still living or quite old, and some characters' ages fluctuate throughout their media. Because of this, I am making a blanket statement that all of these characters are fighting during the prime of their careers.
Where are they?
Based on the opening line of the song, all of the characters will be fighting in Tokyo City Earth, they are allowed to leave this starting location as much as they are able.
There is no specific motivation for all of these characters, other than they were placed in Tokyo and have sufficient incentive to fight each other. For example, Superman could think that his opponent is a threat to Earth, Terminator could think his opponent is trying to stop his mission to kill Sarah, etc. However, characters with moral backbones will still follow their moral codes, and a character wins a fight if either A. They kill the other character or B. They convince the other character to not fight.
Poll Logistics
I know it will be impossible to make these fights truly unbiased, but I want for as many people as possible, for them to vote based on who they think would win in a fight, not who they like most. Otherwise, the final results will be based on who has the biggest fandom. What I want from this tournament is silly arguments about how these characters would fight each other, not a survey on who people like more. Every poll will last a day and each round will happen with every pairing going up against each other in the same day. However, the next round may not happen immediately after the last one. I'll try my best to be on top of it, communicate if and when the next round will be, etc. But I'm just a humble college student and I don't want to make this tournament a part-time job
I am not in all of these fandoms, but I am in some, and I also want to engage with people in the comments. However, I do not want to skew results. So I am not going to reblog posts encouraging people to vote for one character or the other, but if any cool fanart comes out I will be reblogging that. I will also be chatting with people in the notes, but not reblogging anyone to chat so it doesn't show up on the blog page.
Finally, every poll will be tagged with the characters in them, which means this poll will be showing up in a lot of different fandoms. It is not my intention to annoy people by popping up in their feeds when they just want to look at fanart or fan posts. Therefore I'm tagging every post of mine #USOUD Tournament and #Ultimate Showdown of ultimate destiny. If you don't want to see me ever again, block those tags.
Happy fighting!
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