#like i think you just like watching the first two weeks of any smp and then get bored
atthebell · 4 months
i can't get over people who still say they hate the egg event and "wish the qsmp was like it was originally" my dude the eggs were added not even two weeks into the server the entire thing has been the egg event. you are complaining about having nostalgia for TWELVE DAYS of a server that's now over a year old be fr you were never actually into the qsmp
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indigo-creates-chaos · 4 months
So I drew stuff-
I was bored at a meeting type thing two days ago so I did a lil bit of rough sketching.
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These are the results! I like Rae and Momboo the most. I don't know what went wrong with Icarus though lol, we'll just ignore them-
I also just did some rought coloring bc I wanted to, here's how that looks.
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I don't know whether I prefer the uncoloured or the coloured versions but I am glad I did the sketches in the first place.
This is my first time drawing any sort of specific fanart for a fandom and I am a little sad that it took me until days before the finale airs to draw anything related to fable smp, but it is what it is.
I kinda want to do a bigger, digital lineup with more characters but knowing me that's gonna take a long time (if it gets done at all). I'm posting about it here so I have more incentive to actually do it. I did want to get that finished by the time I watch the finale (not when it airs bc that's not possible), but I don't think that's going to happen, no matter how much I want it to. But I guess we shall see! For now, thank you for reading and have a lovely [timezone]!
This section is optional and mostly just an update.
About the finale. I will not be seeing it live and I will not see it when its posted since a) i'll have a guest over for a few days and b) its airing at 1am my time. Its probably gonna take another week or two for me until I can watch it because I am behind. I do know about Sherbs summary vod but now I might as well catch up by watching the other vods... all this to say that if you see me posting about old vods after the finale is aired, don't worry about it lol, just let me vibe in blissful ignorance. You'll know once I've seen the finale, trust me. I'm also going to continue being pretty inactive in terms of reading other posts on here since I don't want to spoil myself. Once I'm all caught up I might just spend some time reblogging a bunch of posts and talking about the acting and all that good stuff. But anyway! Thank you for reading the additional stuff lol and have a nice [timezone]!
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pinkseas · 2 years
A few transcriptions from Eret’s stream today (11/14/2022 Diving into Subnautica for the First Time pt2! We're stuck here! D:) where the DSMP was discussed that I felt were important
I want to quickly point out in case of misunderstanding that Eret did not once raise his voice, sound overly frustrated, or sound angry. He seemed a little bummed out by the things he was frustrated about, but at some points where in text it may look like he was mad he was very lighthearted, and he laughed more than a few times when exclaiming things. As I watched it he seemed more nervous than anything, trying to play it off a bit, but you can see and interpret the tone for yourself if you watch the timestamps.
1:14:20 "Yeah but technically we still need to do- I still need to do my ending thing, but, it's, it's complicated. Uhh... Yeah. We'll see. [...] What's quite frustrating is it was very much, they divided us into different groups, and said 'you guys have got to do an ending together' and... I didn't really have any connections with a lot of the people in my group so we had to make those connections and then it was basically only me planning stuff, no one else seemed to want to do it and... So, if I wasn't the one organizing it, it just didn't happen, and I've just not had the mental... capacity to manage that stuff all by myself. Other people have contributed as well, but only when I've been like 'okay we need to do this.' I don't want to take all the credit or anything, but it has been very very frustrating." 
1:16:25 "I definitely want to do something for the ending of my Dream SMP lore stuff because I feel you guys deserve something for that." 
1:18:18 "We still don't have a set date or any real plans for when season 2 is supposed to be, it's all been up in the air which is very annoying, we've had to move the date for when season 2 was going to happen several times and we still don't know. Dream hasn't said anything, he's being very uncommunicative which is frustrating." 
1:19:28 "I don't wanna talk too much about it, I don't wanna get too into it, because I mean Dream SMP is kind of what made me [...] what made me like have a following, basically, so I want to do it justice."
1:20:14 "Yeah Dream never really set any dates or anything for when it was to be done, the one time he did it was like, there was a meeting and he said 'okay the Dream SMP's ending in 2 weeks.' Like, you- you can't just say it's gonna end in two weeks dude! Like, we need time to prepare the ending!"
1:34:09 "The Dream SMP was very much, like, and I hate to say it but it was very much like the- the big fishes the people with the most viewers are the ones that actually get listened to, um and the ones with less viewers don't get listened to as much. You say 'hey I really wanna do this!' and no one replies and then someone else will go 'I wanna do this' and everyone goes 'yeah lets do that that sounds great!' um, it- yeah. I dunno. I dunno. I don't wanna sound sour or anything, um, I don't wanna sound like I don't appreciate everything that's happened I don't wanna sound like I am unthankful for where I am but, um. I definitely think there are ways things could've been done better, ways things can be done better, um. And I have voiced these concerns and they, I've not really been listened to. Which is frustrating. So. I dunno. It is what it is. Um, it is what it is."
I believe the discussion pertaining the DSMP specifically ends at this point, but I’m still listening to the vod and will add if anything else comes up.
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dreamsclock · 1 year
if you're accepting any sort of prompt um pirate au c!dnf perhaps? or just general pirate shenanigans of your choice? - 🦊
Absolutely !!! Not exactly your prompt but consider this as an AU: c!George and c!Dream on boat after prison breakout. They’re exploring the SMP….and not talking about prison/XD…..and definitely not falling in love. Enjoy :D
“It’s nice out here,” Dream says, ocean spray spitting in his face, “quiet, too.”
George hasn’t stopped looking at him since they’d boarded two weeks ago. They’ve said remarkably little to each other since Dream woke up: remarkably little, considering they’re the only two on the ship. Other than orders to keep them afloat and the occasional awkward conversation, they’ve been quiet.
Honestly, this is a good thing. And a bad thing. It’s both. George misses Dream, his Dream, who still appears in his dreams tauntingly and is so different from this version of Dream he’d found injured outside the prison. But the idea of speaking is a strange one: what, he wonders, is he even supposed to say? What do you say to someone you’ve technically kidnapped?
“It is,” he agrees, a tad awkwardly, leaning over the ship to join Dream, “nice if you like… I don’t know. Unending ocean.”
“Who’s fault is that?” Dream asks wryly, but there’s no heat in his voice for the first time in a long time. George swallows back the usual sharp defensiveness, and tries not to gaze at Dream, whose body is relaxed and loose. “I mean— You did pick the ocean. I don’t know what you were expecting.”
George bristles. “Next time I find you collapsed and covered in blood,” he says, “I’ll walk on by. Don’t worry.”
As if by magic, Dream’s face closes off. “You won’t find me like that,” he tells him, voice quiet, “not again.”
God, when had they both grown so old and predictable? Slouching over the edge of the ship, George stares down into the churning ocean, tries not to think about Dream's presence, warm, electric, beside him. Let’s talk about what happened back when I found you, by the way, he doesn’t say, because he’s not dumb: Dream won’t talk to him about prison, just like he won’t talk about waking up holding onto various items from his dreams. Nothing to say. At the end of the day, they’re predictable, but in the way long-separated lovers are. Dream gives, George takes, and they do not talk about the past.
It’s Dream that moves away first. Movements strung-out, jerky, the man pulls back from the boat’s edge, a sigh pushing from his lips. George watches his shadow as it retreats, and resists the urge to follow.
“Where are you taking us, George?” He asks, quiet.
George is silent, for a moment.
“Away,” is all he can say, and it’s the truth; “from everyone.”
Somewhere he can pretend the past isn’t the past and the present isn’t the present. Somewhere he and Dream can build a future together without this horrible hanging weight between them.
Dream has nothing to say to his weak response. Instead, quiet footsteps fall on the deck, and when George works up the courage to look around, Dream is gone, and George is sick, all of a sudden, at being alone.
Somehow, he feels like he’s failed a test, and it needles at him all day.
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rayisatadbitcrazy · 9 months
XVI The Tower
silly little secret life fic about lizzie dying that I haven't posted to ao3 yet
Fandom: Secret Life SMP
Characters: Ldshadowlady, Dangthatsalongname (Scott smajor)
General tags/warnings: Major character death, canon compliant, angst, trying to kill a man just cause your husband asked you to
Word count: 1424
Lizzie smiled as she hopped down the steps, her space buns grazed the cold stone. The target followed behind her, every few steps she cranes her back to look at Scott.
“Lizzie,” he didn't sound nervous. Good. False sense of security or something, “We've been friends for a long time.”
Oh? “We have.” The rough granite provided a good break of emotionless gray.
Scott took a breath, Lizzie could almost feel the staircase closing in on them as tension cut through the air, “I need you to be honest with me.”
“Yes.” Honestly, she didn't frame it as a question, a warm welcome for Scott to continue speaking. Something short. Something to just show she was listening.
���If I walk in here am I gonna die?”
“If you walk in? Like–do you think it's trapped?” She hadn't actually thought about that. What if it was trapped? She didn't trap it, but that wouldn't stop someone who'd been spending a lot of time in the end from trapping the end portal.
“Do you want me to go first?” Jeez, how long is this staircase? It seemed to go on forever, “And I'll show you it's not.”
“Eh, I think I want to go first.”
“You want to go first.” The smile was evident in her voice, although she could be far from happy, “Okay, you go first.”
Finally, they made it to the portal, Lizzie had become quite desensitized to the glow and whispers that came off from the eyes in the frame. It was creepy. But Lizzie loved creepy. And cute things. Cute-creepy! The portal was creepy-creepy, though.
“I can't believe I'm fulfilling all of my dreams by having people come to the end and my slumber party! Why couldn't everyone do this last week?” She sighed as she stepped up the stone brick stairs, a black void filled the middle of the portal, specks of green and blue and purple came out from it.
They nodded at each other, promising to see each other on the other side as they jumped into the slimy substance that transported them to the end.
The purple atmosphere greeted her, her heels clicked as she landed on the obsidian platform. This has proven to be a dangerous place, when she'd been here before to watch the dragon fight.
Scratch that thought. This whole world had proven to Lizzie that it was unforgiving.
She was murdered. That wasn't kind or fair. She didn't deserve any of the crap she got slapped with last week. Today she swore revenge on everyone.
Everyone but Joel. Joel. That's why she's here. To kill Scott for Joel.
Scott was already across the cobblestone bridge that led from the floating stone to the main island. The yellowy endstone was bright in contrast to the almost ashy-purple air, she squinted as she balanced across the two-block wide bridge.
Click. Click. Click.
“Ah, do you remember when we were last here, and the Ender Dragon was here? Wasn't it great?” She reminisced, following Scott up a makeshift staircase that had been mined out for the sake of easy access to the mainland.
Scott held out a hand, helping Lizzie up before she took off running, “Now follow me, just over here!”
Lizzie laughed, leading Scott to the furthest cliff side of the floating island. Honestly, she would've thought Scott smarter than this. Following a red name, to the end, to the void, to the edge overlooking certain death, was kinda stupid.
Oh well, if he wanted to make her job easy she wouldn't complain.
“There's something I need you to see!”
“To be fair, this works for me,” Scott's monotone voice almost echoed here. “because Jimmy's been hunting me down all day. So…”
“Oh yeah, he's never gonna find you here!” She bounced, leaning up and down on her heels as she waited for Scott to catch up. “Nobody is ever going to find you here!”
Scott laughed, his hand shot up to cover his mouth and his eyes crinkled as he closed them, “Why'd you say it like that?”
“Say it like what?”
He looked away, the beginnings of a sentence he'd never finish left his mouth.
“Okay! Follow me!”
This part of the island ended in a point overlooking the vast emptiness of purple. Just purple.
“Oh, this looks like the edge of the world.”
“Yeah it's just down here, “ Lizzie fished an ender-pearl out from her bag, holding it in her hand. “Follow me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, follow me. It's just–is it?” She peered over the edge, pretending to search for something specific. She only found a void.
“I don't think I want to.”
“It is! It's right there!”
Scott is smart. Whatever she thought before was a lie. He walked over, water bucket in hand, “Can I place some water down? To be safe?”
“I was gonna give you an ender-pearl to be safe!” She huffed, holding up the small crystal-like balls. 
“Oh, yeah? That'd be good. Yeah, I'll take that.”
“Just in case. Here's the ender-pearl.” She dropped it down on the edge of the cliff, watching with wide eyes as Scott swiftly went to collect the item.
The moment he turned his back, she grabbed her axe and swung, the metal of her weapon clanked against his diamond shoulder plate, leaving a wicked dent in the blue armor.
“Lizzie!” He gasped, slipping past her.
“Oh.” She looked guiltily at her feet, shifting them slightly. “This has not gone very well.”
“You did three hearts of damage!”
Oh! “Wow! That's quite a lot!” She swooped in and attacked again, this time she didn't hit as hard as she meant to, leaving a scratch on an elbow pad he wore.
She almost hit him off the edge. She saw the fear in his eyes. And oh gods. It was delicious. Fear and tension fed her as her eyes darted all around Scott. Pairs of glowing purple eyes shine from behind him.
If she killed Scott, not only would Lizzie be getting revenge for herself, but she'd be helping Joel. It was a win-win for the only two important people involved.
“That was one heart of damage.”
“Oh…” She looked down, “That's not a lot…”
“No–” Scott tried to begin, but was shoved to the side.
Lizzie screamed, large hands gripped her throat. She met Scott's gaze for a moment before she was thrown backwards. Her elbows scrapped the uneven ground, cutting open the skin that grazed the stone. Her blood stained the ground as she slid across it and off the edge. She tried her best to grip the side, but the creature came for her throat once more.
The enderman banged her against the ground, beating her face into the stone. She wildly gripped for something—anything—ws she got pushed closer and closer over the sudden edge of the island. It grabbed onto her as they fell into the void, forcing its hands around her throat. Tears welled up in her lashes, she clutched the goopy item in her hand, the calming blue-green failed to do anything.
She stared at it in its ugly distorted face, its glowing purple eyes, stunning it for enough time to push it away from her. 
She fell, only being able to attempt to catch her breath as the creature flailed just next to her, more concerned with the fact that the was void eating away at it than how Lizzie glanced at it.
Scott stared down at Lizzie as she fell, watching as the oxygen left her lungs and the void consumed her.
Her hands were the first things to numb in the cold, turning purple. It hurt. It hurt so badly.
This is all a bad dream, she decided. All a bad dream.
She's going to wake up at her sleepover, the whole server surrounding her, Joel holding her hand, cake with candles in the middle of her house.
The tingling pain moved from her fingertips to her bloody elbows, then her shoulders and chest. Her lungs collapsed. She couldn't breathe. The creature had stopped screaming. Maybe it accepted its death.
She couldn't think straight, the lack of oxygen got to her, making her dizzy. She had to force her eyes to stay open.
The ender-pearl! She knew it wouldn't work, but she tried anyway. Throwing it as hard as she could, up at the island.
This was embarrassing. Her whole life was embarrassing.
The last thing she heard was an explosion, muffled by the noise of the wind in her ears. 
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ghostlemon36 · 1 year
Hellooo! I’m here to attempt to give you a summary of the qsmp so far! There are already some recap videos out there, some made by the qsmp itself, but so far I do not think any are up to date with the current arcs?
Ok so, spanish speaking and english speaking YouTubers wake up on a train one day heading to a vacation island! They make it there and get weird messages from a duck telling them to restore power to the island. However, there is a gigantic wall separating half of the people. The weird duck (which we later find out is the manager/spokesperson for the federation) tells them one rule, and that is not to press the big red button on the wall.
So of course people go to press the button. (The YouTuber Vegetta managed to do it first) AND THE THE WALL EXPLODES! The duck tells the people that they broke the one rule on the island and now they are unable to leave.
So for two weeks they build their bases and get to know each other. (I believe important personal lore happens for iRoier during this time as well, his friends betray him? I am unsure.)
Then one day, they are presented with dragon eggs. The duck makes an announcement that when the wall exploded, it woke up a dragon and it flew away, leaving her eggs behind. The islanders are paired into teams of two to take care of an egg together.
Each egg only has two lives, and they have to be taken care of and have tasks done everyday or they die of neglect. These eggs are played by admins, so they act like full characters. Over the next few weeks, three eggs will die. Juanaflippa, the daughter of ElMariana and Slimecicle, Tilín, the child of Quackity and Luzu (no one knew if Luzu or Wilbur was the father because both were absent at the time.) and Trump, the son of Maximus and DanTDM.
The eggs are in increasing danger as the island gets more dangerous and more things aim to kill them. There is an entity seemingly made up of binary code that kills eggs, taking them down to one life.
One day, there is a storm on the island and a ship crashes to the shore. On this boat are five YouTubers from Brazil, Cellbit, Pactw, Mike, Felps, and Forever. They are given an egg and they name him Richarlyson. These five are absolutely thrown into the thick of everything.
Cellbit starts investigating the Federation and starts a secret organization called The Order. He ends up getting kidnapped by the federation and tortured, but gets a bit of information about the island in return.
Felps also gets kidnapped later on because the streamer was going to Japan for two weeks. (There’s a joke in the fandom that getting kidnapped by the federation is getting sent to Japan, because I believe this has happened 2-3 times.) And Cellbit starts investigating his best friends disappearance.
I’m going to stop here with the summary because there is just So Much. (Qsmp feels like the One Piece of smps to me) I’ll do my best to summarize from here another day >:]
But this summary is around 1/3 of the story so far, and the story is still going! I recommend jumping into watching vods or streams because every perspective is different and not knowing much about the story does not effect much in my opinion! There’s a new islander that may be a good pov to watch if you want to get into streams, her name is Bagi and she is wonderful.
This was so nice of you to type out agskahjahajaa I’m dying a little you’re my new favourite person (/lh) I would die for you this is amazing
I should jump onto Bagi streams, she seems funny as hell from what I’ve seen, thank you so much anon omg
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c-ronus · 4 months
ok I've seen alot of people give kind of there story of how they got into fable so to the best of my memory here's mine:
Tw: mentions of death and cancer
So i found fable around 3 strikes that was my first lore stream that I remember and I found fable in general when I was about to go into my first year in secondary school and I was alone I had no friends from my primary school with me and I was scared that I'd be bad at making new friends. (spoiler I was and am) I was scrolling on tiktok and I kept getting this videos of an smp called fable smp and there was this one cosolayer that I recognised from their technoblade cosplay (I used to watch cosplay compilations on YouTube before tiktok) so I followed them and didn't think much of it.
A little while later I was on twitch waiting for an mcc to start and I saw someone streaming and I recognised not only the cosplay that they were in but also the user name: sherbertquake56 so I decided to check them out and they where bloody awesome.(I started following them on November 28th 2021)
Then 3 strikes happened and I was hooked I joined the discord and was just chilling watching sherbert perspective, but then I got busy with school and was struggling to keep up but I tried my best, it didn't help that I could never watch them live but that didn't stop me. But over the next few months I did kind of stop watching it was coming up to Christmas and I had alot of exams but then in April I'm not sure exactly what dragged me back but it was heyhay, who again I recognised from the cosplay compilations I used to watch spicificly the dream XD cosplay as that was the first cosplayer that I saw that looked like me, so on April 8th 2022 I was dragged back into fable then later in June 6th 2022 I found ghosty, and those where my people and I was happy, it was summer and it was great.
But then around half way through my second year at school my best and only friend left and I was alone, again but again I found so much comfort in watching fable on days when I truly thought I had no one and it was like that for a while. I finished out my second year and I want alone anymore, although physically I was still quite lonely I had friends, Fable brought me first Bean and from there it cascaded into so many people I now consider family (rora and wonder to name two) and I was ok with that I knew I wasn't alone and that I had people and is still have them so much so that in a few days (4 days from when I'm writing this) me and bean will have been together for a year and that's unreal to me.
Like everything tho it wasn't ment to last, that summer my family found out that my granny had cancer it hit everyone like a pile.of bricks, it seemed like she was doing well, we had her so much longer than we thought we would, but in December we lost her and fable was there again but so we're my friends.
I'm now almost finished my third year at school and in 2 weeks I have my first set of state exams and although there won't be any new fable stories to watch I know that the streams I've come to love and find comfort in will be there and so will my friends. I'm still not great at makeing or keeping friends but I think slowly I'll find all of my people and it will be good.
So thank you fable smp, to the cast I can't wait to see what comes next from you in your next story or adventure! and to the community, over all I was very quiet with my presence in this community like I am with all of them but in my little corner I was so bloody loud about it and I can't ask for a better community for that!
wewo this was fun :3 (ok I'm done being sappy about fable I promise)
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Nobody realized just how much of a pushover Dream had been early-SMP until Foolish took over.
Dream had basically two rules: no griefing and no stealing. (Characters canonically don’t know about the end, so we’re ignoring that one.) And he barely enforced either of them. Foolish, on the other hand, has a list of rules and very strict punishments for each one. And now everyone gets to confront just how lax the previous “tyrant” had been with them a la Foolish being an ABSOLUTE MONSTER.
- Quackity steals Bad’s stuff for fun, just like he normally does. Dream maybe used to try and talk it out, before he was…uh. Anyway, Foolish shows up and picks the duck hybrid up by the collar of his shirt, forcing him to give everything back to an irate Bad before sitting down and doling out a good thirty minutes of tickles. Quackity begs for mercy at several points, but the rules and their consequences were all marked down fair and square. (Bad is watching with a satisfied grin on his face from nearby. Bout time the man got what he deserved.) (Foolish offers to let Bad, as the wronged party, join in. He steps back and even uses his godly magic to hold him down effortlessly, as if with invisible cuffs. Quackity gets his first real taste of just how torturous demonic claws can be.) (His sides, the soles of his feet, and the backs of his knees are all terrible, but it’s his wings that end up being the worst. So of course it’s where Bad sticks around.)
- Sapnap attempts to burn down Ponk’s lemon tree again. He barely even gets started before Foolish shows up behind him, puts out the fire effortlessly and then pins him to the ground. (For such a fiery, competitive little shit, it turns out Sapnap can’t stand having his tummy tickled. Foolish coos about it being a very cute death spot.) (Foolish nibbles into his ribs for a few minutes. Sapnap is full on sobbing by the end of it.)
- Dream gets stalked a bit for the first few weeks by hunting parties. Then Foolish finds out just as they’re about to catch him. The perpetrators are given the wrecking of their lives.
- Misbehavior is still rampant, even if things are slowly getting better. Foolish starts getting creative.
SOUPIE POOPIE!!!! 😭 tue return of the brotherly foolish au :D
yes it’s not really talked about enough how lenient dream was with his rules when it came down to it. it took quite a fair bit of prodding for him to snap, and it was even after he had explained himself several times
so indeed how incredibly confusing for some of our arrogant little smol bean characters to have someone actually go forth with their ruling
(more belwo)
i still constantly think about how you had quackity try to remain defiant against foolish. like purposely breaking the rules just to prove himself, and trying his hardest not to break or give in. and AH bbh as a ler is soooo much fun coz you can imagine how teasy he’d beeeee. and also how he’d be trying to make quackity say things that pressed foolish’s buttons further. like it’s an extra layer of concentration required for quackity to not fall for bbh’s tricks (also my god the nails on the soles 😵‍💫😵‍💫 weeeeeeeee)
and SAPPY!!!! i feel sappy would do the same thing right? like he’d try and defy foolish and hold back his defeat? but then i hardcore hc that with sap he’s just so quick to break and go squeaky with tummy tickles 🥺 it’s such a cute spot for cooing as well. like sap just gets absolutely tormented and he can’t do anything to stop it coz those were simply foolishs rules.
i have the image in my head of sap whimpering out little giggled pleads and foolish doing his “oh reaaally?! that’s crazy. too bad you broke the rules then huh!” also the rib nibbblesssss 😖 or ribbles as i liek to call them :D i also hc sap to have super tickly ribs 😍 just any spot that makes him curl is the one i hc him to have lmao. armadillo boy. pangola.
“creative” you say 👀 where’s you mind going here soupie 👀 how intriguingggggggfggg
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chaolie · 2 years
FWT Week 2022, Day 4 - Fake-Out Make-Out
Phew! This one is a bit late in my timezone but no it's not, okay? Anyway, I usually avoid going into any detail about kissing because I lack a lot of uhh let's say knowledge about it, but I think I did great! You can also find this on my Ao3!
This is a continuation of 2 other prompts! [1] [2]
Characters: Fundy, Dream, Wilbur Words: 1.7k Summary: Fundy and Dream almost get caught together. Almost.
It quickly became routine for Fundy to sneak out of L’Manburg to meet with Dream. Grabbing his jacket, finding a small gift like a flower or some berries, and going through the gate the moment he saw it unattended were all things he could do automatically most evenings, and later, days.
A lot changed within the first two or so weeks of them dating.
They started out meeting under the cover of the night every two to three days, and started almost all of them with trying to teach Fundy how to use a sword without hurting himself, only getting to the more date-y activities after they were both exhausted. Gradually, these two objectives for their dates shifted, and now they rarely bothered even bringing the swords out.
Instead, they just sat together, talking for hours, joking and laughing, sharing the small meals they managed to smuggle to their date spot, and occasionally cuddling through the colder nights. Soft hours spent together before they’d need to go back to their dull lives, and the War between their nations.
Things seemed to be improving on that front, though.
Fundy wasn’t entirely sure what was happening, but his father certainly stopped looking as stressed as he had for months, and the atmosphere in L’Manburg seemed almost cheerful again. They still kept watch and sometimes someone would go “spy” on the Greater SMP, but as far as he could tell, no actual fights broke out since the day he and Dream met.
That, in turn, made it possible for them to go on dates even more often and during the day. Fundy still had to sneak out for those, but doing so in the broad daylight made it feel less risky somehow. He did get caught a few times, either leaving with flowers in hand or returning with his face still red… but even if it was his father catching him, the consequences were… minimal.
Previously, he probably would’ve gotten grounded for as much as crossing the gate, but now it was just… a lot of pestering for the next hour or so. “Who’s the lucky one?”, “When will I meet them?”, “How did you two meet?”, “Have I ever told you how your mother and I used to…”, the stream of questions and stories seemed endless, but it was much better than the alternative. 
Even if he had to lie about most of the questions. 
Besides, it almost always ended with a “Well, I won’t intrude on you two, take your time,” from his father, and he seemed to keep his word on that. That, and Dream seemed to find hearing about these interactions truly hilarious, so who was Fundy to complain? As long as his father thought he was happy, everything seemed to be getting only better, and no one ever came anywhere close to catching them together, he was very content with his situation.
Their near-downfall came to them in the shape of a jukebox, a disc Dream borrowed from a friend, and a brilliant idea to try dancing together.
“Do you know what song it is?” Fundy asked while he watched his boyfriend slide the disc into the jukebox.
“No idea,” Dream answered with a smile.
Fundy got an actual answer a few seconds later, when the first few notes of “Blocks” filled the air.
“Hm, not bad,” Dream hummed quietly, nodding in approval. After a moment of consideration, Fundy joined his side and tapped his shoulder, getting his attention.
“Care for a dance?” he asked with a grin, holding out a hand. After a second of surprise, Dream laughed lightly and nodded, taking his hand.
“...Is there an official dance for this one?” he asked after a brief pause, clearly trying to recall any mention of it.
“Probably,” Fundy shrugged, gently pulling him away from the jukebox to give them more space. “But I don’t know it either, so… let’s make something up?”
With a nod, Dream took Fundy’s other hand and started to sway, trying to fall into the rhythm of the song. Fundy took just a couple of seconds to admire the sweet, thoughtful expression on his boyfriend’s face before joining in. It started out fun, with the soft music drowning out the usual noises of the forest, letting them focus on nothing but each other as they tried to find a way to dance without stomping on each other’s feet. It was far from graceful, but the sweet smile on Dream’s face was more than enough to keep Fundy trying.
After a couple of re-listens, they almost had it! They were so close to going through it without losing balance, hitting their heads together, or any other issues! Maybe one more try after this, and it’d be just perfect-
“Fundy! Is that you?” his father’s voice rang out very close by.
Even though the jukebox continued playing, there was almost the noise of a record scratching in Fundy’s brain.
Oh no.
He looked at Dream in panic, trying to figure out if there was anywhere for the man to hide, if this was the scene his father walked in on he’d be absolutely grounded, and- Dream seemed to share his want to disappear instantly, and Fundy watched him reach for the spot he usually had an ender pearl or two “just in case”, but there was nothing there- Nowhere to hide Dream, no way for him to escape, so what-
Well. With probably less than 10 seconds to spare, Fundy’s mind finally came up with something. A last-ditch effort of salvaging this to some extent. Wilbur’s “I won’t intrude on you two” promise was suddenly fresh in his mind. He’d probably leave them be if he just didn’t realize that it was Dream next to him, but how could he-
“Okay, trust me on this,” he whispered, quickly pulling off his jacket and throwing it over Dream’s shoulders in an attempt to cover that awfully eye-catching green hoodie of his.
“Wha-” Dream cut himself off when Fundy pulled him closer.
There was a slight pause when their faces were oh so close, and Fundy watched as in the last moment, Dream’s expression lit up in recognition and his lips curled briefly into a smile.
Wilbur wouldn’t recognize Dream if he didn’t look at them for more than a second, and with this?
The next thing they knew, their lips were connected and their bodies pressed together while they staggered, trying to find balance. Their arms were wrapped around each other, Dream’s hands resting on Fundy’s back and side, and Fundy used one of his own to keep the jacket on his boyfriend while using the other one to run his fingers through the man’s hair.
For a moment, the world ceased to exist around them. There was no reason they had to start this, no consequence, just the warmth of each other’s bodies and the softness of their touch, a beautifully fulfilling sensation that could last forever-
“Fun-” Wilbur must’ve reached their date spot, but his words faded into a surprised sputter. “Oh, I’m so sorry-”
Fundy pulled away from Dream’s lips and for a moment, he couldn’t bring himself to look away from his boyfriend’s flushed face. He was sure he was not much better, he could already feel the heat radiating off his cheeks, but Dream was just so…
Right, right, his father was still here.
“Dad!” he feigned surprise, turning to look in the man’s direction. Wilbur was already forcibly looking away, staring awkwardly off to the side and red from embarrassment. “...Why are you here?” he kept up his act, and the man shook his head.
“Tubbo mentioned seeing you leave and drop this, I just wanted to, uh,” he stuttered, and Fundy spotted a single flower in his hand. It must’ve fallen out of his bouquet when he was leaving. “I see now, I’ll… uh, I’ll head back, if you need me, I’ll be… in the van? If you want to talk?”
“Yeah. Sounds good,” Fundy nodded. His heart was still in his throat for multiple reasons, but he couldn’t help feeling like the situation was just salvaged.
“...Do you want me to leave the flower…?”
“No, no, it’s fine, I- I got him more,” he explained briefly.
Without another word, Wilbur turned around and left, and Fundy never felt as relieved to watch him going away. The crisis was averted, the world wasn’t over, they somehow managed to hide this for another day.
After a moment spent just watching the place his father was just in, Fundy felt Dream’s hand gently wrap around his own. He turned around to see his boyfriend still bright red but with a grin on his face.
“We should get almost caught by him more often, if that’s the plan for that,” he decided and no, actually, the world might’ve as well ended. Fundy reached up to hide his face in his hands.
“...Look, I’m…!” he sputtered. That was a split-second decision, and it worked! However, even thinking back to that kiss seemed to dull all of his senses and fill his heart with an unsoothable longing for closeness to Dream, and he kind of needed his mind. His boyfriend laughed at his reaction. “I still need to talk to him about this, you know?” he groaned.
“...Right,” Dream seemed to collect himself. “...I’m just saying, if you survive that, we should do this more often,” he continued. Fundy uncovered his eyes to look at him and… oh, how could he say no?
“We can do that without getting caught by my father,” he suggested, and Dream nodded in feigned consideration.
“Maybe,” he hummed. “...That’s probably smarter.”
“Thank you,” Fundy sighed.
That sigh turned into another breath of relief when Fundy realized that his father would not be interrupting this date again. He looked at his gorgeous, handsome boyfriend, and found a very fond smile growing on his face.
Dream was still wearing his jacket. That was not something he was going to point out just yet, if only to see how long it’d take him to notice.
Besides, he looked good in it.
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
Blog Stuff
^ Like, "FYI if you want to block tags" stuff
Little announcement here: Factor It In is on hiatus for now, probably for the rest of 2023. I know where the story is going overall and I know where the next chapter's going, but I struggled more than expected with the "Torus" voice (took like 6 weeks longer than the other chapters and all of it painful :'D)
I don't want to face a timecrunch struggle with TJ and Rose POVs (two characters who will be new to me), so I'm taking the bi-weekly update stress away and putting the 'fic on hiatus for now. But I wrote 77k before a hiatus was needed so I'm proud of that <3
We've got some 130 Prompts coming up as well as "Unicorn Years" for Origin in September (and hopefully a special Friday the 13th piece in October). In other words, FOP stuff is still bi-weekly as usual.
-> As a reminder, the 130 Prompts are posted in the order they are for a reason. You don't have to read them all if you don't want to, but extra context is always nice. If you've been dragging your feet on "Looking Back" by any chance... I might recommend that before the next update, which is "Sentry" ;)
On the "off" Friday I'm planning one-shots for various fandoms, especially shorter character studies. Really want to practice capturing a variety of voices, some quicker one-shots, and maybe I'll try some characters I don't use a lot. Or I'll be self-indulgent and focus on my faves... who knows.
Hoping to post more Come What May as well since you guys were excited to see it back <3... and it would be nice to actually finish a non-one-shot 'fic for the first time in. 7 years.
It's probably been obvious, but I also took a long hiatus from digital art. Traditional art is more comfy for me and I've been trying new digital programs, but haven't fallen in love with anything (i.e. I've been a vector artist for 10 years and moving from my safe space to different programs and styles is... painful).
I think I'm ready to start pushing my comfort zone, but be forgiving of my digital style because I'm playing around with new tools and this is a big jump for me, ha ha. I think I'm going to do some silly, low-stress fanfic doodles with very little attempt to make them look good, just testing stuff out.
I miiiiiight have a few PMV / animatic ideas, so we'll see
By nature of me posting art for my own 'fics, spoilers be upon ye if you're not up to date with my writing. Relatively recent stuff and/or stuff I consider "big" will get the #ridspoilers tag, but stuff I wrote 6+ months ago is less likely to get the tag, so that's how that goes.
-> #Dog's Life spoilers will get a unique tag because the weekly updates and drama make me say "Yeah, a special tag makes sense," so if that's a 'fic you think you want to read someday without spoilers, consider blocking that sooner rather than later :)
-> I'm also adding a #Pixels Imperfect tag to stuff from that universe (and I'll go back and add it to the chapters I already posted). "Pixels Imperfect" is the series name on AO3 for my digital gremlin Traffic SMP content (Everyone can freely wander around New Star Station outside the game and just puts on their roleplay hats when they go in, everything under this series fits under one umbrella of universe canon, etc.)
-> #Neighborhood Watch is the series name for "we take the roleplay lore seriously, this is their life, no digital world and no roleplay hat to take off" Traffic SMP content. I haven't posted anything for it yet, but I've got stuff in the works (I'm playing with a couple "making every season as canon as possible in one storyline" pieces and </3 it's big divorce speedrun hours for Clocker fam rn)
As for the other 'fics, I've been posting stuff like Origin, the 130, and Knots for 7 years and I feel okay about how that's going- I don't normally get spoiler Asks, but my general rule is to wait 1-2 weeks before I say anything spoilery on my blog. I think that's been working fine and we've got a good system, so I'm not changing anything there.
Lastly - and this is also part of the reason Factor is going on hiatus - it sounds like Traffic SMP Season 5 is just around the corner. For my followers who don't know much about this Minecraft deathmatch series, the creators only play for a few weeks - I think the shortest season was 6 weeks and the longest was 8 - and each creator puts out one episode a week (usually Friday).
So, it's a pretty short chunk of time and I don't want to be juggling too many things while it's coming out. I think this year I want to jump in and create some nice content while it's ongoing instead of just doodling off to the side and keeping it to myself... I need to dig up my old liveblog doodles I never shared, hm.
-> The traffic story canon gets reset every season (i.e. it's unscripted play, there's no continuous plot, and each season starts relationships from scratch), so if you've been enjoying any of my Traffic SMP reblogs, consider looking into it and riding that wave while episodes come out for a couple weeks and we can be hype together <3
-> Stuff for that season will be tagged #traffic spoilers, which is the tag I use across all the seasons, and I'll make a new post with my Season 5 spoiler tag once we get the name reveal.
-> As is traditional when I liveblog, I'll also use the tag #Riddle watches Traffic so you can block that too if you like. Just wanted to let people know in case I have any Traffic SMP followers who want to go in blind and don't want to risk seeing my posts before they have time to block my spoilers tag. #traffic spoilers still covers everything, including new season.
-> I also need to look into maybe switching from Traffic Life SMP as my blog tag to Traffic SMP because I think that's. the right name and it would probably be smart to tag properly... hm.
I think that covers everything I wanted to say. I'll add a list or link to my pinned post as well so people can figure out what to block for spoilers and stuff.
Thanks for enjoying my blog!
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innestahtinen · 5 months
Something about spoilers for Renegade Nell.
At the end of episode two, when the rider emerged, I really thought I recognised it, but wasn't sure what from. Something was ringing in the back of my head, going "Wild Hunt". Probably from a fanfic i read a while ago, whatever, moving on. So afterwards I went and had a look at the wiki page and looked at previews for all the associated characters, and landed on the conclusion that the sickass creature was Herne. I then half forgot about it because of other media; a Shaun of the Dead, a bit of the The Thing with a healthy topping of tiredness. And we get to the next episode the next week; and my dad goes; 'oh yeah, there was that thing on the horse', and I'm starting to think "there's no way she beats it, it's that much bigger, it's more overtly supernatural. She's just going to have to find a way to divert it" and then she cuts the head off.
And I felt... cheated? of seeing the characters try to figure out how to get away from the hill creature.
And then in the royal meeting, when they confirmed that that's what it was meant to be, I can lean over and go; "Wha-hey, that's what I said."
And that makes it all worth it.
Did run through the Horrible Histories Monarchs song to double check which Queen it was.
My times kinda been taken up going through the Life Series's, because I've started watching Cleo, BDubs and Etho since the start of Season 10, I missed Impulse's first two seasons, because I don't think I was watching him until Season 8 and Pearl -ish. I added her halfway through S9 and went, there's too many episodes, I'll wait, and instead watched three perspectives of Empires S1. So I put all by session, in order, and it was 145 videos, and 108 hours... and now at 85 and 34. Like Big B. Martyn annoys me, he hasn't done anything, I'm just annoyed by him. I miss watching Mumbo, but I'm not going back, see previous reason. Am halfway through Last Life, on session 5.
Didn't watch the stream weekend, started at 12:30 am, and I had a shift at 5. Sorry, but no. Also I haven't watched any live livestreams since around the The Deep End smp days, so 2018-9.
I also played through all of The Big Con, which was pretty good, especially for the low price of free. Go and get it, even if you don't like the genre, or look of it, my Epic library's full of games that I'll probably never play, but it's good to have them on the off chance.
Were the two guys in the theatre Garth and Wayne from SNL?
'Nymphs are maybe the most extreme version of this, because of course it is from the word nymph that we get the term nymphomaniac, which I suppose is a sort of fantasy creature in it's own right.' - J.J. McCullough, 4th March 2024 (from a video about little guys)
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dsmposting · 2 years
im posting the au b4 i watch any of the lore streems bc Jesus christ iwill NOT be normal. i bet
uuuhh so here is the,summary of it (also only going to b referring to c!dsmp members from here on)
it starts w tubbo acting kinda suspicious and purposefully avoiding talking abt or addressing his feelings (also literally anything about ranboo or michael. i hc that eret n phil usually step in n watch him 4 tubbo) as he walks around the smp kinda aimlessly until he sees tommy and they finally start talking again! and tommys been rlly worried abt tubbo bc they dont see each other as much n tubbo makes a rlly brief comment like "that wont be a problem for very long anyway" and toms assumes its just bc theyre reconnecting n plan on talking more often, but smthn about the way he says it feels wrong. he shrugs it off though
a couple days pass and tommy wakes up to find a note in his chest from tubbo!! and he says he has smthn rlly important and exciting to show him!! so toms takes a while to get ready and at some point stops bc he hears a huge fucking unnatural explosion sound waayyy off in the distance and he's like "oh thats bad. oh fuck wtf" and runs to the spot tubbo told him to meet up at to make sure tubbos okay and then . freezes in fear
bc the community house is blown up Again, but way worse than ever before. shit is on fire, the hole in the ground is way too steep and theres these weird snowy particles stuck in the air that make him feel funny when he touches them. the worst part is that tubbo is standing on a cobblestone tower in the middle of the crater and smiling at him like nothing happened.
tommy stares at him and asks why he looks so happy before tubs notices him and practically starts glowing w/ excitement. "oh my god hi!!! i didnt think youd show up already!! do u like what ive done w the place?? :D" and tommy just starts fucking shaking like "tubbo what did you do. why are you doing this" b4 tubbo does this big monologue abt how he finally finished developing a new weapon All on his Own and that now it could just be him and tommy again, but with no dream or sapnap or literally anyone else to get in the way this time!! and how he's so excited because now everything will make sense again and he doesn't have to think about things that ruin his psyche anymore and they never have to be apart again. at some point during the monologue tubbo starts staring at the sky, so tommy takes the opportunity to start tearing down the cobblestone tower while his best friend is distracted and forcibly interrupts his monologue to just fucking sit there and hug him. tubbo cries, probably for the first time in nearly a year, and tom tells him that he doesn't need to do all this crazy shit to keep them from splitting apart. hes still freaked the fuck out by everything that happened though and tubbo tells him that even if they repair the community house completely there will still be radiation in the area around it for, yknow, possible decades.
tommy realizes they could get caught for this and decides on the spot that the two of them are leaving. when tubbo asks what he means by that he starts spitballing a plan to say goodbye to phil and eret and everybody they still give a shit about and then run from the smp. tubbo takes a lot of convincing but eventually realizes it'd be safer for michael that way, and agrees to move away with him. tommy makes a point to say "if fuckin wilbur can do it, so can we." tubbo asks if they're just taking his orders out of habit again, and tommy reassures him that the decision they're making is their own because if he would never move to Fucking Utah; tubbo adds that he'd probably punch him in the dick if he ever saw him again anyway and tommy nearly cries laughing
they take Maybe a week doing what toms calls a "moving out speedrun" in which they start saying goodbye to the ppl they care about and this is p much where my idea ends. still have no idea how id tackle the ranboo situation at all but fuck it theres real lore now ig
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beacon-lamp · 3 years
hermitcraft propaganda: a season 8 addendum
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so.  you wanna hermicraft because someone told you it was a fun, lighthearted vanilla minecraft smp series?  
do not proceed.  instead, please refer to the season 7 masterpost for more information.
you wanna watch hermitcraft because you wanna see these family friendly minecraft veterans go batshit feral with a beaming smile on their face as the world shatters around them? 
welcome to hermitcraft season 8.
Where Do I Start Watching?
start with grian.
watch the ceo of buildmart in his natural habitat, building a breathtaking base and playing pranks on his friends.  his videos are always a good mix of building and shenanigans with the other hermits.  he also tends to instigate a ton of chaos.  in general, very entertaining to watch.  has absolutely zero redstone knowledge/content though 
(if you’re looking for someone like grian but slightly to the left and who also attempts redstone, try bdoubleo100).
check out hermitcraft recap.
zlopxp and pixlriffs write and upload weekly recap videos on everything that has been happening on the server.  if you’re truly lost on where to start, start here.  when i first got into hermitcraft, i would watch the recap videos to see what everyone was up to.  and if something someone did sounded interesting, i would then check out that hermit’s episode/channel.
official hermitcraft website with links to every member’s channel
more information on every hermit’s attributes and general vibes
official hermitcraft wiki
for more info.
If my intro wasn’t enough to convince you and you want more info, here are
(Some Changes To) The Basics
“vanilla” minecraft
gameplay is still, for all intents and purposes, in survival vanilla minecraft all megabuilds and redstone engineering were created in 1.17 vanilla minecraft
completely new world.  everyone starting fresh.  
as always, you Do Not need to watch any previous hermitcraft seasons to start watching season 8.  each season can be essentially seen as its own independent series
so just jump right in and start with episode 1.
shorter season - 6 months
in the past, hermitcraft seasons have lasted around a year, if not longer.  season 8 only lasted 6 months, starting on june 19, 2021 and ending on december 22, 2021.  
and at an average upload speed of 1 video per week, this makes the season a lot easier to binge.  if you’re looking for something to get you through the content drought over the holidays, look no further than a hermit’s season 8 episode playlist.
here are mumbo’s comments on the shorter season, if you’re curious.
minecraft proximity chat mod enabled
this was a new feature added this season that elevated the inherent collaborative nature of hermitcraft and really brought the place to life. there were a lot more spontaneous interactions between the hermits as they didn’t necessarily have to plan a discord call in order to talk to each other.  
two new members: Pearlescentmoon and Geminitay
go give them some love, they did wonderful their first hermitcraft season!!
base-sharing and close-knit districts
in the past seasons, everyone would build their own base in their designated corner of the hermitcraft server.
this season, all the hermits were confined to the same island/continent and had to get creative.  many formed districts with their immediate neighbors.  some pairs decided to share a base.  
there was a lot more collaborative building projects this season given the space limitation.
no centralized shopping district
most hermits built shops near their bases or in their districts.  some have small pop up stands around the island.  others have travelling businesses.
massive breathtaking builds and genius redstone engineering  
it is still hermitcraft after all.
More Important Additions
Server-Wide Lore.
lore?  in my hermitcraft?  it’s more likely than you’d think.  best of all, it gets really fucking angsty at the end.  
(to be fair, there has always been lore in hermitcraft, but they were typically self-contained story arcs that were neatly wrapped up after a few weeks)
the Moon Big plotline began around 4 months into season 8, on november 9, 2021 in grian’s s8 ep 21, and continued on until the very end of the season.  
the implications of this plot may continue on into season 9, but we won’t know until the season starts.
xisumavoid also has an entire plotline this season involving his villainous alter-ego Evil Xisuma, who has made an appearance in previous seasons. feel free to watch his videos this season, as his lore also involved several other hermits.    
Hermatrix: An ARG (Alternate Reality Game) by Rendog and Docm77
listen.  i watched doc’s episodes this season, and my brain could barely understand his game-breaking redstone engineering, let alone the entire arg he and ren crafted this season.  
so i will graciously defer to the experts on this one.
hermatrix explained by ssilentwillow
hermatrix page on the hermitcraft wiki
check out the hermitcraft reddit for even more info.  and the r/hermitcraft discord has channels specifically dedicated to the arg, if you’re interested in that. 
note: the ARG does influence the lore in their episodes, but you do not need to understand it to watch ren or doc’s episodes this season.  the arg is also only relevant in their episodes and does not influence the other hermit’s episodes/perspectives.
Some Final Comments
season 8 is by far the most experimental and creative hermitcraft season to date.  everything, from the insane builds to the mind-bending game-breaking redstone to the increased amount of collaboration between hermits to the overarching plot to the end of the season, has been absolutely Incredible to watch.  it’s still a lot of fun.  it’s still mostly lighthearted.  it’s still basically vanilla minecraft.  it’s still the hermitcraft we’ve all come to know and love, just with a bit More. 
i wholeheartedly mean this when i say this season has seen some of the best minecraft smp content on youtube.  
if you’ve made it to the end of this addendum, i hope you check out hermitcraft season 8.  you won’t regret it.  and if you do, please feel free to come yell at me in my inbox.
as always, for more information, go to @hermitcraftpropaganda​.  or shoot me a message.
see you all in season 9.
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
Pocket Knife Prince
Pairing: c!Technoblade x gn!reader
Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] You’ve liked Technoblade from the moment he joined Pogtopia, but you could never quite bring yourself to confess. Who knew it would only take a pocket knife and some potatoes to change that?
Warnings: minor cursing & one slightly out of pocket joke
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: this a repost of an older story i had posted a while back. this story takes place back when technoblade was still allied with pogtopia. i hope you enjoy! <3
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You huffed as you pulled yourself up another rung on the ladder, your arms straining as you did your best to keep yourself balanced. You still couldn’t fathom why Tommy thought it was a good idea to dig straight down.
“I’ll hit a cave, eventually,” he had told you as he grabbed a pickaxe, already starting to mine away at the space beneath his feet.
“Maybe,” you had said. “But what if you hit a lava pool? Do you really want to burn alive?”
“Oh, I have a backup plan in case I fuck up.” He held up a bucket of water, grinning at you. “Bam. Fucking foolproof.”
Yeah, sure, you thought to yourself with a grimace as you continued to haul yourself upward. You might not have died while digging down, but I might die while climbing up. 
Pausing, you reached behind you to adjust the strap of your back with a cry of frustration. This is way too heavy—I should have gone back earlier.
You looked back up again, squinting for a second before your eyes lit up. At long last, light! You were at least somewhat close to the entrance, now. “Just a bit more climbing,” you muttered to yourself as you reached up once more, “and then you’ll be able to take this stupid bag off.”
A few moments later, you gasped as you finally dragged yourself out of the vertical tunnel, standing up on shaky legs. Without even an ounce of hesitation, you swung your pack off your back, dumping it onto the dusty earth ungracefully. Your muscles practically screamed with relief as you rolled back your shoulders, a wide smile stretching across your face.
“Hey, boys!” you shouted, your voice echoing in the tall ravine. “Guess who’s back?!”
You heard some rumbling, then a tuft of blond hair peeked out from one of the overhanging pillars. “Big [Y/N]!” Tommy shouted, waving at you. “You took for-fuckin’-ever to get back.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, crossing your arms over your chest. “It’s not my fault we needed so much stuff.” You narrowed your gaze. “Also, your ladder idea sucks.” 
Tommy scowled. “My ladder idea is fucking genius, you bi—”
A new voice cut in. “Tommy, that’s enough.”
You smiled triumphantly as you watched Tommy immediately shrink back, his tone quieting as he grumbled defeatedly, “Yes, Wilbur.”
Giving him a quick ruffle of his hair, Wilbur strolled down the ravine’s cobblestone steps down to the bottom. He pulled his hands out of his coat pockets as he flashed you a grin. “Welcome back, [Y/N]. How was the trip?”
You offered him a weary but satisfied look. “Oh, you know. Dark. Dusty. The usual. But…” Bending down, you flipped open the top of your pack and pulled out a smaller sack, shaking it in front of his face. “…I got all that gold you wanted! There’s probably a little less than seven stacks in there, which will be plenty if we want to make some golden apples.”
Wilbur blinked at you, his eyebrows raised in surprise as a smile began to tug at his lips. “Not that I doubt you or anything,” he said, “but where in the world did you manage to get nearly seven stacks of gold?”
You shrugged nonchalantly, dropping the bag into his hands with a hum. “In a cave.” When he stared at you in stunned silence, you quirked a brow at him. “What? It’s not like it was hard.”
He was grinning now, shaking his head. “You’re batshit crazy, [Y/N]. That’s incredible.”
You smiled sheepishly at his words. “For the record,” you pointed out, “I didn’t do it all in a single day or anything. I was gone for, like, half a week.”
“That’s still really good work, alright?” He reached over, playfully punching your shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
You winced, shooting him a dirty look. “Ow, that hur—”
“Oh, you’re back.”
Your head whipped around at the sound of low, rumbling voice. Your frown vanished at the sight of Technoblade standing a few feet away from you, a basket of potatoes held in his gloved hands. You felt your heart swell and a bright grin replace your scowl as you bounced over to him. “Hi, Techno!” you chirped.
He smiled back at you, his gaze kind. “Hello.”
From behind you, Wilbur let out a distressed noise. “Jeez, you seem so excited to talk to him but barely batted an eye at me. Did you miss him that much?”
You stuck your tongue out at him, trying to hide the flush of your cheeks. “More than I did you.”
Tommy cackled as he walked by, adjusting the straps of the pack in his hands. “Ouch. Maybe you should get some ice for that burn, Wilbur.”
Wilbur grimaced, opening his mouth to retort when his gaze suddenly lit up. “Actually,” he said, turning, “speaking of ice, who wants to go with me to the Nether to destroy some of the SMP’s and Manberg’s ice roads?” A devilish grin split across his face. “I figured that it would slow them down a bunch and they’d spend less time focusing on us, so it’ll be easier for us to get into contact with Tubbo.”
You blinked at him, then sent him a teasing smile. “Wilbur, this might one of the only good ideas you’ve had since starting a drug cartel.”
“Thank y—wait, is that a compliment?”
“Man,” Technoblade sighed, rolling his eyes at him, “just take it as one and let your ego coast on that for the next six months.”
“Anyways,” Wilbur said, ignoring him and moving on, “who wants to come with me?”
You shook your head, shifting your weight from foot to foot. “No thanks. I just got back from a long, long mining trip. I think I’m due for some time off.”
Wilbur nodded. “Alright, fair.” His gaze moved to the figure standing next to you. “Techno?”
Technoblade simply raised the basket of potatoes in his hands. “Nah. I’ve got my hands full here.”
Wilbur made a face, a hint of desperation seeping into his eyes. “You can farm potatoes any time,” he said, his voice raising a pitch or two. “How about you just come with m—”
“Why don’t I just go?”
Wilbur froze, and he turned with a shaky smile. “A-Are you sure about that, Tommy? You sure you don’t just want to stay in the ravine with [Y/N]?”
Tommy shrugged, flipping the stick in his hand. “Not really. It’s not like I have anything better to do, anyways.” He nudged the pack at his feet. “I’m even packed and ready to go, too.”
Wilbur swallowed, and you could have sworn a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. “You really want to come?” he added, sounding more and more uncertain with each word that passed his lips.
“I dunno, Wilbur,” Technoblade spoke up, quirking his lips at him, “but it almost sounds like you don’t want to bring Tommy with you.”
Tommy gasped, looking appalled. “What the hell, Will? Of course you want me to go with you, right?”
Wilbur turned on his heel, dragging a tired hand over his face. “Sure, Tommy. Let’s just say that.” He strode away toward the stairs, practically stomping his way up to the second floor. “Just give me a second to grab a pack,” he sighed, waving a hand behind him. “I’ll be down in like five minutes.”
Tommy threw his hands in the air, waving his stick. “Fuck yeah!”
Technoblade let out a quiet chuckle, turning on his heel. “Well, I’m gonna go back to farming.”
You glanced at him shyly, trailing after him. “Can I come with?”
His step faltered, and he turned to send you a fond look. “Always.”
Your heart lit up at the sight and you grinned, following him into the garden room. The entirety of the floor had been replaced with dirt, tiny streams of water weaving their way around the potato patches. You let out a quiet hum as Technoblade set the basket of potatoes on the ground, grabbing a hoe from its place on the wall and walking over to the makeshift field. Digging the blade of the hoe into the earth, he pulled back and repeated the motion until the soft, dark soil was exposed to the air. Leaning back against the wall, a soft smile crept onto your face as you watched.
You remembered when Technoblade first arrived in the Dream SMP, all those months ago. You had been sitting in the ravine, peeling an apple with a pocket knife as you chatted with Wilbur, when Tommy burst in with a deafening shout about “the blade”. Raising your head, you had opened your mouth to make a snarky retort, but the words died in your mouth the minute you laid eyes on him.
He looked like a prince—a handsome one, at that.
While Wilbur had jumped down to greet Technoblade with a friendly hug, you had simply stared at the newcomer, pocket knife in your hand and apple slice in the other. As Tommy brought Technoblade over to you and asked you to introduce yourself, you remembered that dizzy pink feeling rising in your chest as you blurted the first thing that came to mind.
“Want an apple slice?”
You had expected him to be confused, shaking his head and pulling away with a disgusted look. But instead, his gaze flickered to your hand.
“I’d rather have the knife.”
You had blinked at him for a moment, stunned, then burst into laughter, outstretching your hand with the pocket knife handle extended toward him. He had offered you a small, awkward smile back, gingerly taking the knife from you. When his hands brushed against yours, that hazy, rosy feeling swelled in your chest again.
Ever since that moment, you’d only fallen harder and harder.
It was difficult to put into words just what drew you to Technoblade. Of course, he was pretty, but you weren’t that shallow. He had an awkward charm to him, something that seeped into every aspect of his being. He was hardworking, determined, sarcastic, and oh-so very real. You couldn’t name one thing about him that you didn’t like, really. You loved his laughter that came in brief, giggling bursts. Every time he smiled, you couldn’t help but smile back. He never failed to keep you guessing, and you loved every second you spent with him.
You weren’t sure how far you’d fallen at this point, but you knew one thing, and it was that there was no going back.
“Hey,” a new voice said suddenly, pulling you away from your thoughts. You turned, watching Tommy stick his head into the room. “Can I have some potatoes for the trip?”
Your eyes shot to Technoblade, who paused for a moment, then nodded, gesturing to the basket at his feet. “Sure. You can have a couple.”
Tommy grinned, strolling in to lean down and pluck three potatoes from the pile. Standing back up again, he toed the basket, tossing and catching a potato in his hands. “Hey, Techno,” he said, “don’t you ever get tired of farming these things?”
Technoblade paused, patting down the dirt he had just covered another potato with. “Eh, not really.” His eyes flickered with contentment, and you felt your lips twitch. “I like it.”
Tommy frowned. “But,” he said, “it’s so fucking boring.”
You gasped, shooting him a glare. “Tommy! That’s mean.”
“What? Am I wrong?” He flung his arm out to point at the tilled dirt, clearly unimpressed. “All he’s doing is the same fucking thing over and over, again. We’re in a war, [Y/N]. Why can’t he just spar with me or something?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, deadpanning. “Tommy, the last time you sparred with Technoblade, you lasted less than ten seconds.” 
He grew quiet. “Okay, well, you didn’t have to put it like that, but—”
“What? Am I wrong?” you said, mimicking him.
A second passed. Then two.
“���touché, [Y/N].”
“Tommy!” Wilbur’s voice echoed from the top of the stairs, his head popping out from between the railings. “You ready to go?”
Without missing a beat, Tommy whipped around, rushing out of the farm room and slipping up the stairs. “I’m coming!”
A smirk tugged at Wilbur’s lips. “Heh.”
“Wha—oh, Will! That’s fucking disgusting.”
“But it was funny,” you called out after the youngest.
“Fuck off, [Y/N]!”
Beside you, Technoblade let out a laugh, his eyes curving into two crescent moons as he set down the hoe and picked up a shovel. With a fond smile gracing your lips, you took a step toward him, leaning down to take a closer look. There was something so endearing about knowing someone as powerful as Technoblade had a hobby as mundane as farming—farming potatoes, to be more specific. 
You liked it. A lot. You liked him a lot.
You wondered how much longer you could go without saying it aloud.
“Hey, Techno,” you murmured, watching his ears perk up at the sound of your voice, “could you teach me the best way to plant potatoes?”
He paused, his shovel planting itself in the earth as he turned to look at you, his lips parted in surprise. “Y-You actually want to learn?”
You bobbed your head, praying that your face wasn’t growing any warmer. “Of course. Fighting’s fun and all, but there’s more to life than just bloodshed.” You flashed him a bright grin. “Besides, an army needs food to fight!”
With a small grin, he gestured for you step closer. “You want to make sure you dig about six to eight inches down,” he explained, gesturing down the hole with his finger. “If you don’t dig deep enough, then the potato will be too close to the surface, and if you dig too deep, it’ll have a harder time reaching the top.”
You nodded, your tongue swiping over your lips in concentration. Technoblade let out a brief cough, turning away with a slight flush to his cheeks as he grabbed a potato from the basket next to him. “Then,” he continued, “grab a potato. You’ll want to cut it in half down the middle and plant it so the cut side is facing downwards.”
Sticking a hand into his pocket, he rummaged around for a second before pulling out a familiar pocket knife. Your eyes flashed with recognition as he flipped the blade open and sliced through the potato with ease.
“Is that,” you began slowly, your tone tentative and gentle, “my pocket knife? From when we first met?”
Technoblade’s hands faltered as he sliced, his gaze flickering to you with a bashful look. “It’s—um, yeah. Does… does that bother you?”
You immediately shook your head, waving your hands in front of you. “No, not at all! I-I was just wondering. I haven’t seen it in a while, that’s all.”
He lowered his chin, and you could have sworn his cheeks were pink. “I’ve been taking good care of it,” he admitted quietly, his gaze not meeting yours. “It’s important to me.”
You blinked, your heart beating faster in your chest. “It is?” you whispered.
He nodded. “It is.”
You wanted to curl up into a ball and squeal. It only took two simple words from him to send you into a flurry of awkward smiles and blushing whines. You couldn’t believe just how far gone you were.
Technoblade stretched a hand toward you, half of the potato he cut clutched between his fingers. “Here. You try planting one.”
With a shaky hand, you gently pulled the potato from his hands, nearly flinching at the feeling of his skin brushing against yours. Carefully, you reached over and set the potato face down like he had instructed. You pointed your hand toward the pile of dirt lying just beside the hole, about to start covering the potato when his arm shot out in front of you.
“Wait,” he said suddenly, making you freeze in place. “You don’t have gloves on. I don’t want your hands to get dirty.”
You sent him a small smile, waving a hand dismissively at him. “A little dirt never hurt anyone.”
He didn’t budge. “Please. Let me.”
That fuzzy feeling was back, and you pulled back. “Okay,” you whispered, your stomach swarming with butterflies as you watched him cover your planted potato with his hands. For someone who made a lot of jokes regarding human ethics, he was far more caring than he let on.
“Y’know,” you said softly, glancing over at him, “it’s really cool watching you do this, even if Tommy thinks it’s boring.” A small smile flitted across your face. “There are all these specific conditions that you have to know to have the most efficient farm with the best percent yield of potatoes—it’s honestly kind of surreal just how much brainpower actually goes into farming.”
Technoblade stared at you, his eyes reflecting something thoughtful and warm, and another thought popped into your head. You felt your cheeks begin to grow warm at the words swirling around your head. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you opened your mouth, again.
“I-I, um,” you began shakily, suddenly finding the scuff mark on your shoe very interesting, “I really hope you know how smart we think you really are. How smart I know you are. Because you are. Smart, that is.”
You must have been trembling, you could almost feel it. Why was it so hard to put your feelings into words? At this rate, you were never going to be able to confess how you felt. Just how much longer could you drag this out fo—
“Hey,” he said gently, his voice pulling you out of your thoughts. You turned your head, your lips parting as you looked at him in surprise. The moment his soft gaze met yours, a spark of electricity ran through your veins, and you shivered for an entirely different reason.
“Thank you,” he murmured, tilting his head at you. “I appreciate it.”
Suddenly, he squinted his eyes at you, his carmine gaze narrowing. “Oh wait, you’ve got something on your face,” he murmured, inching closer in to take a better look.
“Oh,” you said, a hand immediately darting up to your cheek, “that’s probably just some dust or soot or something. You know, from the mines.” You wiped at your face with the back of your hand, embarrassment shooting up your spine knowing that you probably looked dumb. “Did I get it?”
He frowned, pulling off his gloves as he leaned closer. “No, here let me just—”
Suddenly, his hand was on your face, your cheek held gently in his palm. Your heart came barreling to a stop, your entire body freezing like ice. 
He was so close.
The pads of his finger were warm and calloused, yet they held a certain softness to him as his thumb slowly swiped just under her eye, careful to brush away the dirt that marred your face. Like a moth drawn to a flame, you found yourself unable to look away from him, hyperaware of the goosebumps that shot up your sides as his gaze met yours. A prince—he really did look like a prince.
For a moment, the two of you simply gazed at one another, a silent question hanging over you.
Before you could stop yourself, you opened your mouth.
“Can I say something kind of crazy?” you whispered.
“Of course,” he whispered, not moving his gaze from yours for even a heartbeat.
You sucked in a deep breath, screwing your eyes shut. “I…” You swallowed. “I really, really want to kiss you, right now.”
A moment of silence passed, and you held your breath, tension digging itself into your shoulders. Oh, I’m totally about to get rejected. This was such a bad idea. What was I even thinki—
“Can—” He started then stopped, and you could have sworn his cheeks were pink. “Can I say something even crazier?”
You heart leapt. “Yeah, totally,” you breathed.
He turned back to look at you, and you felt something deep in your chest click. “I really, really want to kiss you, too.”
Your eyes flew wide, and you couldn’t stop the giddy grin forming on your face. Almost imperceptibly, Technoblade dipped his head down close to yours, his crimson eyes darting across your face as he took in your every feature. As he leaned closer toward you, a question silently flashes in his gaze. 
Can I…?
You smiled and nodded oh-so subtly, just for him to see.
Yes, yes, yes.
Ever so slowly, he leaned down toward you, and you felt your eyelids flutter shut. Just then, his lips met yours, soft and tentative like a deer taking its first, shaky steps. Electric ran down your spine at his velvet touch, your hands reaching up to wrap around his neck and touch his cherry blossom pink hair. His crown tumbled to the ground off his head, rolling a few times before coming to a full stop, but neither of you particularly noticed, far too enraptured with one another to care.
This was everything you could have possibly asked for.
A moment later, you pulled apart, gasping for air as the two of you gazed into each other’s eyes. His hair had been mussed by your touch, his lips parted and puffy from the kiss.
You didn’t think he could look any more princely, but he still managed to prove you wrong.
Clearing your throat, you cast eyes away in shy embarrassment. “I feel like I should also clarify that this means I like you,” you added in a rush, fidgeting with your hands. “Like, way more than I thought I could ever like a person.”
Technoblade let out a sigh of relief, lips curling at the corners. “Oh, that’s good. I like you, too.” Your heart did a backflip in your chest, shouting in celebration as he added, “I was sort of thinking we were just gonna kiss and never talk about it, again.”
You shot him a quizzical look. “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic.”
He sent you a crooked smile, but his gaze was fond. “Only kind of.”
You weren’t quite sure how many minutes passed in comfortable silence, both of you simply basking in the other’s warm presence. It was nice—this was nice. You wouldn’t mind staying like this for a while longe—
“—y it, Tommy, just say it!”
Your eyes shot wide open in panic. Across from you, Technoblade’s expression mirrored your own.
They were back.
“I’m telling you it’s okay, Tommy—you can call me ‘Wilby’ if you want to!”
Flailing your arms in a panic, you immediately began to backpedal to the other side of the room, Technoblade picking up his shovel and beginning to shovel as fast as he could.
“You’re still going off about this shit? Jesus Christ, I don’t want to call you ‘Wilby’, oh my fucking go—”
Wilbur crooned as they stepped into the garden room, “Aww, Tommy, my little gremlin.”
“Shut the fuck up, Wilbu—”
“B-Back so soon?” you prompted, pretending to have been looking at the potato field with great focus as you turned to face them.
Wilbur turned away from Tommy, the smile sliding off his face. He nodded with a sigh, adjusting the pack on his back. “We almost got to the portal, but Antfrost saw us, so we had to book it.” 
Technoblade paused his movements, deadpanning with an unimpressed tone. “Tragic.”
Tommy scowled at him. “Don’t sound so cocky, bitch. You didn’t have to outrun like, half of the SMP all the way back here without getting tracked.” Suddenly his gaze shot to the ground, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “And why’s your fuckin’ crown on the ground?” he muttered, snatching it from the dusty floor and tossing it back over to Technoblade.
“No reason,” you said half a beat too quickly.
Wilbur’s eyes flitted back forth between you and Technoblade, taking in the sight of your flushed cheeks and Technoblade’s disheveled hair. Then, a sly, scheming smile crept onto his face. You gulped.
Oh, he totally knew.
“Tommy,” he said, the shit-eating grin still plastered to his face, “how do you feel about going on another trip with me?”
Tommy’s head whipped around, his eyes swimming with confusion. “Another trip?” he parroted.
Wilbur nodded, still smiling. “Yep. Another trip. Let’s get going, yeah? I’ve got something wonderful in mind.”
Before Tommy could even react, Wilbur had grabbed onto the handle of his pack, dragging him back and up the stairs. “Wilbur! What the fuck? Where are we even fucking going?”
“On a trip!” Wilbur sang as he trudged up the stairs with Tommy in tow. Throwing one last glance over his shoulder, he sent you a knowing wink. “You two have fun, now.”
You gaped at him as he walked off, Tommy still kicking at his heels when they vanished from sight. A moment passed in silence before you turned to look at Technoblade, again.
“He knows,” you whispered, half in awe and half in horror.
Technoblade grimaced back at you. “Oh, he absolutely does.”
A beat of silence fell over you. Your eyes locked onto his carmine ones, and something seemed to click just then, a smile crossing both of your faces.
Indeed, Wilbur had just provided you with the perfect opportunity.
Who were the two of you to not take it?
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Telling friends (pregnancy series)
Series masterlist
George is on call with Dream and Sapnap like he usually is while I sit on the bed behind him doing some work on my laptop. He hasn't told either of them about the baby yet which has surprised me because he tells them everything including some things that I wish he hadn't but they don't seem to care. I have told him that he is allowed to tell them whenever he wants he just hasn't done it yet.
"Love can you come here for a minute" he asked
I got up and sat on his lap like I do all the time when he asks me to come and sit with him. He kissed my cheek and put an arm around my waist leaving a hand on my belly even though I'm not showing yet.
"Can I tell the boys about the little one?" He asked
"Of course you can you don't need to ask me this is your baby too" I said
He smile and unmuted himself so I went to leave him be but he kept hold of me so I stayed with him getting comfortable in my place on his lap.
"I have some exciting news for you guys" he said
"What is it? Don't tell me that you and y/n are engaged" Dream said
"Not quite but she is pregnant" he said
"What" Dream exclaimed
"No way we get to be uncles" Sapnap said
They continued to fight about who would be the best uncle before congratulating us and wanting to know more which George told them maybe with a little too much detail on some parts but again they weren't fazed.
Me and Clay are sat in our bedroom while he talked to George planning things and I sat watching Netflix and occasionally chiming in with parts of the conversation. The two of them were talking about filming and streaming and trying to plan out days in the next few weeks where they could get together to do those things.
"What about the 17th at like 3pm to film your video?" George asked
"No that won't work y/n has and ultrasound at 3:15 so it will have to be later" clay replied
Clay turned round as soon as he realised what he said because he hasn't told any of his friends yet but because we talked about it with family and between the two of us it has become second nature. He looked so panicked probably because he wasn't sure if I wanted to tell other people yet even though I really don't mind him saying it.
"Shit I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to say that" he whispered giving me a hug
"It's ok you can tell people if you want to I'm not bothered" I assured him
He went back to his computer to explain himself to George who was beyond confused and concerned that there was something wrong with me. I'm very close with George and Sapnap to the point that when anything is wrong they also get concerned.
"Is y/n ok? Why does she need an ultrasound?" George asked
"She's fine she's ok the ultrasound is because she's pregnant" Clay said
"Oh my god no way congratulations" George said
The two of them talked about it for a bit and I left them to it only jumping in if they were talking about things only I really know.
Sapnap and I haven't told any friends yet not really for any particular reason it is just a lot to keep worrying about what people are going to say when they find out, the worrying just makes me so exhausted on top of general tiredness. Sapnap has been wanting to tell karl out of all of his friends because he knows that he will be supportive and helpful especially because he knows Chris well who already has a baby. I was up for him talking to karl so he said he would tell him when they are next talking alone which happens to be today.
He wanted me to be there when he told him because he will admit that he doesn't really understand some things so I was there to tell some more of the details. He let me sit on his lap because it was comfier than the other chair in the room and he's been big on keeping me comfortable.
"Bro there's something I need to get off my chest" Sapnap started which seemed really over the top
"What is it? Is everything alright?" Karl questioned
"Everything's fine its just that y/n is pregnant" he said
"Thats great I'm so happy for you two how are things?" Karl said
We talked with him about how things are going and he gave us a little bit of advice which he had learnt from Chris but was mainly just reassuring which is just what the both of us especially me needed.
Alex is making a big deal out of telling everyone at once because he doesn't want to have to repeat himself over and over again telling different people at different times so he has managed to get if not everyone most people on the smp to get together this afternoon and we are going to tell them all at once.
I'm not so keen on this idea of making it such a big thing with everyone there at once especially in the afternoon because I'm normally quite tired by that point and having to talk to everyone at once sounds like a real ordeal. Alex has assured me that he will do most of the talking but he wants me to be there to hear everyone's reaction.
At around 4:30 everyone got into the call thinking that this was something serious or to do with the lore that Alex has been doing so no one has really made any jokes or anything and it feels so odd to be in such a serious environment when you are about to say this really big news. Despite that Alex started talking and saying that he has some big thing to say which got them all intrigued.
"We're expecting" we both said together
A mess of words and screams came through the speakers none of it could be made out as anything in particular but soon they kind of took turns in saying things so that we could understand what they were saying. All of them were very nice some made a few jokes because thats just how they are but it was all in good spirit.
Karl is filming for mr beast gaming today which usually means if I'm free I get to go with him or at least visit him after filming. Karl brought me with him with the plans to tell all of them about the pregnancy today which he has been dying to do but just haven't had a good chance to.
They finished filming and were sat down for a bit before filming another video which gave us the perfect chance to tell them. Karl had wanted to tell them before any other friends because he spends so much time with them and Chris was the one that encouraged me to take the test.
"We have some news for you guys" I started
"Y/n's pregnant" karl finished
"Wait I was right when I said that a few months ago" Chris said
"Yeah we actually took the test that evening" I said
"That's so great" Jimmy said
"We can make cool content now" Karl said
I gave him a look at that comment even though I know he's just joking but I wouldn't be against making one or two videos with them just not doing a bunch of weird challenges.
Naturally when telling friends Wilbur wanted to tell Tommy, Phil and techno first because they are all very close. He wanted to get them all together in person but it just wasn't possible so we decided to do it though discord instead. Wilbur got them all together to call this afternoon and he has his plan all prepared.
When the call started I let him talk to them for a while before I came in the room after Wilbur texted me. I came and sat with him and said hi to all of them handing Wilbur what he wanted under the desk and out of view of his camera.
"Oh I took this cool photo the other day let me show you" Wilbur said
He grabbed hold of the ultrasound picture I got for him and held it up to show his camera and watching his friends faces was so fun. Phil's reaction was my favourite he looked like he was about to cry out of pure happiness the others were just shocked.
"Congratulations you two this is so exciting" Phil said
"Wait so you guys" Tommy started
"Tommy don't finish that sentence" techno said anticipating something bad
"Fine but that's seriously so cool" Tommy said
All of them were very excited for the day they get to meet our little bean and demanded updates all the time which Wilbur is more than happy to give them.
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lazyartist04 · 3 years
I had half a thought (tm) and uh... Dreamsmp actor au anyone?
Wilbur is a mid level celebrity with a strong music side gig along with being an actor. He’s been in the field for quite a few years and has a bad habit of coming off as condescending even when he doesn’t mean too.
Tommy is a rising actor and his role in the Smp is his first big role... ever really. He’s very excited and a tad shy working on such a big set with such expensive props and cgi but our boy is trying his best guys.
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Technoblade is an all around acting star who’s capable and willing to do just about any role. Hero, Villain, Side Character, cheesy Rom Com Villain. You name it, he’s probably tried playing it. His fanbase is just a ravenous because he doesn’t technically ‘star’ (as in one of the main characters) in many shows or films. However, he is in a lot of stuff. Many of his fans will just watch a show to see him because he has a habit of going dead on social media for weeks. This is literally all they get. His stage name is ‘John Doe’ because he though it would be hilarious. You go to the red carpet have Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, And Benedict Cumberbatch and all of a sudden, holy shit, here comes ‘John Doe’.
Phil is, quite literally, just Tommy’s hella supportive dad. He only has a role because he’s actually pretty good at acting a Techno took a shine to him and strong-armed the writers into including him. It worked surprisingly well and that’s why Dadza doesn’t appear until the tale end of Pogtopia v.s. L’manberg.
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Michael is Techno’s little brother and tries to follow in his footsteps. He often ends up playing as a younger version of Techno whenever such a role is necessary for a show. This is actually his first role where he hasn’t been canonically related to Techno is some way.
Dream, or Clay, is often dubbed a Chameleon because no one’s 100% certain what he actually looks like? Man has played a rather major part in so many shows and he’s looked completely different in all of them. Not to mention his habit of showing up to major events dressed as whatever character he’s played is most relevant at the time. Is a master choreographer and actually knows how  to swordfight. Attempts to do all of his parkour stunts but those are only backed up by two years of gymnastics when he was five. It doesn’t end well. Much like Techno, his fans will watch shows featuring him but rather than this being due to a lack of content, it’s more of a Where’s Waldo situation where they try and find which character he plays before the ending credits. It’s harder than you think.
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George and Sapnap are his co-stars on a series of movies called ‘Manhunt’ that are most similar to a mixture of Fast and Furious and Saw. Or maybe Maze Runner if you’ve seen it.
BBH is a voice actor who’s characters are often various monstrous and almost purely cgi. He often acts as a medic for Clay when he hurts himself attempting one of his stunts.
Foolish is in much of the same boat as Bad. Minus playing Doctor.
Schlatt is 100% both a renowned actor for villains, has voice acted at least one disney-villain esk villain, and is also co-director for ‘The Smp’ and it’s spinoff, ‘Tales from the Smp’.
Ghostbur has an entirely different voice actor.
Purpled is both a character and the stuntman for both Tommy and Tubbo due to how similar he looks to them, being nearly identical to Tubbo when wearing Tubbo’s costume wig and horns. This is mostly on Schlatt’s orders and he just makes do. Especially since he gets so much money for it.
That’s all I really have now, um... ask questions if you want? Bye!
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