#like i totally get needing to change shit for legal reasons
haysprite · 1 year
i know Susie has a school id where it says the year 1993 - 1994 therefor she would be a senior in 1996 but I do not care. Susie is still a 16 year old and a sophomore in my eyes. I don't know how but to me it's not fun where they are all the same age and besides most people who Susie is 18 are kind of creepy.
I love spending a whole 25 minutes of my morning writing a response, and then having it completely delete itself before I could hit post !!! It's so much fun !!! I totally don't wanna cry or anything !!! Lol anyway-
God yeah, I honestly just completely disregarded that part of the ID :o) Like her last name and natural hair color? Cool ! But the dates,,, Nahhh I don't think so! Like, I get *why* BHVR had to age her up (I believe they had to do it with the canonical 17 year old fellas from Licensed shit as well), but eughgjdlkfs it's still annoying as hell. I just wanna know why video games have different... Standards (?) compared to books and movies, if that makes sense? Especially considering that she's a *Killer* (so no violence is done to her), and not a Survivor enduring the shitty events of the Trials. I dunno, it just feels dumb to me.
There's just something about the idea of this diverse friend group of teens (age, background, etc) that's just really intriguing to me? Like imagining how they all interacted Pre-Fog (both in and out of school) as well as how participating in the Trials effects each of them/their motives for actively following the Entity's orders. I dunno, I feel like if they were all the same age (still all younger than Frank considering that he was the oldest at Julie's party), it just wouldn't be as interesting to me. You can just mess around with the dynamics a lot more, and also it just makes a lot more sense for her to be younger than the other three story wise, or at least in the way I write her ig.
You can bounce around this idea by saying that Frank was 19 when he actually arrived to Ormond or when he met the rest of the Legion, and not when he got taken into The Fog, meaning that he'd be roughly 21-22 in the end instead, but ehhhdlfksj idk ? It kinda takes the fun out of the whole concept of this rebellious group of teens who drank and smoked n all that stuff (I'd like to mention that Alberta's drinking age is 18 when bringing point this up). Also I feel like it just opens a whole 'nother can of inconsistency worms unless you played around with their Lore a LOT. Like obviously you can work with their Lore however you please, I'm not gonna stop ya considering how much I've personally rewritten n' whatnot (mainly for consistency, but still)! It's just personally not for me, but you do you, boo 😘
And oh yeah, agreed, I find that a lot people use the "But she's 18!!!" to their advantage... Like,,, Fine, sure, whatever, but it still rubs me the wrong way seeing gross shit of her considering the fact that she was most likely originally a sophomore (aka roughly 16). Like again, BHVR backpedaled like they usually do and changed some lore yet again, so technically these people off the hook (ha), but I still get bad vibes from it. There's SOOOOOO many other characters, both Survivors and Killers, that you're free to do whatever your little heart desires with. But Susie? Please just leave her be :( I personally get uncomfy with that stuff with all of them tbh, especially since they're still high school students (Frank and Julie I'm more lenient with since they're my age), but that's just me ig. If Daddy BHVR says they're legal, then I guess people can just do whatever.
I will also take this time to say that I don't personally enjoy violence against minors (whether they're super young or on the verge of adulthood)! I find it interesting to see what drives these characters to do what they do, but I don't like seeing them in any gross situations, including extreme violence/gorey shit (like on the Final Destination end of the scale, if that makes sense). I'll never include any shit like that in my personal work, including both art and writing (my art is a lot more lighthearted, but my writing, although generally SFW, does sometimes include gore n shit). Just thought I'd throw this out there!
ALSO I'D LIKE TO ADD SOMETHING THAT DRIVES ME NUTS AS WELL !!! Julie, yeah? Her first cosmetic, Suspended, is quite literally under the Collection Name "Fairview Senior", along with Frank's (I still personally believe them to be a grade apart, but I thought I'd add that as well). But then,,, Saturday Slasher (aka the Bush Party recolor) is,,, Under "Sophomore Jitters" ????? What ????????????? Why ??? For what reason ??? Like they were literally released 4 years apart, just make a new collection or add it to a different one that MAKES SENSE ??? Whatever ig, I don't come to DBD for consistent Lore anymore (or anything consistent, considering how much they've fucked up with Julie and Susie's models lmfao, that's a whole other rant for another day), but it still drives me nuts :o)
Again, I'd like to clarify that a lot of my personal views on this subject are very related to how I, Miss Cherry Haysprite, your local Frank/Julie enthusiast, personally interpret the lore! Their lore is so damn inconsistent that at this point I've just given up trying to figure out what's actually canon or not (maybe the comic will fix some of this, but honestly I feel like it might make things more messy), so I just go along with whatever I think fits and respect everyone else's interpretation! Honestly, one of my favorite parts about Fanon Legion are the different interpretations and how people enjoy writing them, whether or not I actually like said interpretations or not! They're just a fun group of characters to work with and I love seeing how people prefer writing them, especially compared to my own thoughts and ideas! I'm just one person with her own lil spin on things :3c I just personally wish there was more consistency and less backpedaling in the Canon that we do have :( But again, what can ya do lmfao
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virgincels · 5 months
tw - sa mention, noncon mention, dark content discussed briefly but not explicitly
hi okay sorry for the unfathomable amount of bullshit clogging the tags the past few days. i keep seeing it labelled as gilfhub drama which is pissing me off as i haven’t said anything at all, i’ve stayed quiet throughout unless you follow me and read my posts. while i haven’t outwardly inserted myself into the situation im the one being witch hunted ig, i’m making one last statement which sounds way too serious for this corny and unserious situation.
anyway, i'm mostly making this for my own benefit, because i would feel more at peace after posting this lmfao. first of all, I’m being called a pedophile which is a fucking insanely serious claim to make with no concrete evidence! i’ve never written underage characters. if you’ve mistaken my ddlg content as pedophillia i beg you to get your brain checked! your skull must be so thick it couldn’t be caved in with a baseball bat. other than that i mainly write about LEGAL age gaps bc I am 19 and leon is fucking 47 as of now he is the creep actually.
i’m being called a rapist and a paedophile and all sorts of shit. im a victim of sa, it’s happened both at the hands of someone i trusted and at the hands of those i didn’t know well. some of my writing is to cope with this, none of my fics have ever romanticised rape and made it seem like something flowery and cute and fun? i don’t know who pulled that out of their ass but my fics that involve this sort of content are usually about toxic codependent relationships, it’s quite literally about trauma bonding.
this moves me onto my next point - people say this content belongs on ao3 and ao3 only. i don’t know if you’re 11 and new to the internet, to re fandom in fact, as dead dove has been a consistent theme within re fics since forever. since i was a kid i saw fics like that and even as a fucking 10 year old i managed to scroll and mind my business. tumblr has always had dead dove, when it rebranded and the guidelines changed they messed up their tagging system. this means that even if you tag tw incest it’ll remove your fic from the TAGS not from tumblr itself but from the tags as a whole. however, if you tag tw noncon your fic will stay up, it’s glitchy and dumb and shouldn’t be seen as a reliable source on why dead dove isn’t allowed on tumblr. that’s never been the case ever.
people who write dead dove don’t have to be victims and they don’t have to be mentally ill, they are also normal people with jobs who pay taxes and have normal fucking lives. because it’s simply fiction. people who read/watch american psycho are not murderers or rapists. people who watch any form slasher horror are not murderers. people who enjoy resident fucking evil and like wesker don’t fucking believe in eugenics. i could go on and on and on and on about so many different examples in extremely popular franchises.
as aforementioned, tumblr’s tagging system fucking sucks, so to combat this i give a warning even AFTER i explicitly tag my fics correctly that says ‘tumblr has started to remove fics that use tw non-con, tw incest and any nsfw tags in general. for this reason, as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags so i can have the same reach as other authors, please understand that this fic contains dark content under the cut. reading this comes at your own risk.’ for some reason I didn’t specify remove from the TAGS not from TUMBLR because tumblr doesn’t care 😭 that was totally my mistake for not checking if that disclaimer made sense but i guess i hoped the following sentence (‘as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags’) made it clear that i was simply speaking about tags. not tumblr removing my content.
if you are genuinely adults on this app, you should know that on the internet sometimes you will see things you don’t like! because it’s the internet and everyone is on here with their own opinions and their own tastes. it is YOUR responsibility to cater to your own needs by blocking content you don’t enjoy. so what another dark content blog pops up? as soon as you see a content warning you don’t like, BLOCK THE AUTHOR? or ignore it! scrolling is very simple. it’s insanely easy to mind your fucking business.
i'm kind of tired of the endless harassment both in the tags and in my inbox! if you are genuinely doing this in the name of victims and in their best interest just know you’re harming other victims in the process 😭 i am not easily triggered but the shit in my inbox is really gross and i got called a racial slur like… is fictional content that’s easy to block so deep to the point where you have to stoop that low? everyone copes how they cope, it’s not wrong and it never will be, psychologists recommend dark content as an outlet, you can literally google this. therapy is not a fix, it can’t fix mental illness. sometimes it doesn’t help. in my case counselling made everything worse. the ‘get help, get therapy’ comment comes from a place of privilege, not all of us have the money, the support system it takes to get therapy. some of us have had experiences where therapists discriminate against us. in my case that has happened, im a woc in britain they don’t care about us not about our psychical or mental health LMFAO.
im sure im missing a lot of what i originally wanted to say here, but overall i honestly wanted to clear my name of the pedo allegations lmfao because i’ve never written anything like that about underage characters or readers. anyway if any of you have a brain you can block dark content creators in a few easy steps! sorry again for yapping in such a formless, inarticulate way but i'm kind of exhausted by all the stupidity 😭
overall, dark content creators shouldn’t be allocated a little hovel in the corner of the internet in which they should privately discuss matters. we’re allowed to post it freely because CONTENT WARNINGS EXIST. dead dove will always be a thing and always has been. just because i post my content doesn’t mean it’s open for harassment and death threats and rape threats or anything? you can be an adult and get on with your day! and if you really need an outlet go talk to friends with the same opinions as you! i see ooc leon fluff all the time everyday and i don’t give a shit, i move on because leon isn’t real.
i pride myself on characterisation and if you have so obsessively read my fics to point out and circle random words in red that don’t correlate like we’re in a fucking crime show, then you would know that half the time i actually flesh out his character, i hate posting smut alone. i simply like exploring topics that are dark both to cope with my own problems and because i think they’re interesting to write about. however, as soon as something is mildly dark and sexual you guys cry mischaracterisation. leon also isn’t lighting candles and throwing rose petals but I don’t fucking judge what people write because if I don’t like I don’t read!
i promise, posting screenshots of my fics untagged with no warning is more harmful as you’re showing it to people who didn’t ask to fucking see it. i promise that harassing me will do nothing for you, you’re literally just sending vile shit to a real person who has struggled with the things she writes about LMFAO sorry again for yapping. i genuinely want to move on and post my regular shit but this has consumed the entire leon tag and i feel like im partly responsible. if you did get through this thank you! it’s mainly just ramblings and not read over so excuse me once again
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unbidden-yidden · 4 months
And so as not to derail that previous post further, I'm taking my rant to this new post, but shit like that makes me so angry for so many reasons:
It's a hate crime against Jews, many of whom are totally uninvolved in the current situation
Let's say that hypothetically that this organization and every single one of its members was publicly advocating for the destruction of Gaza** or something: vandalizing a synagogue is still a hate crime, because you're not just targeting that community by spewing antisemitism, you are targeting all Jews. Every Jew. Every Jewish institution. Because the thing is that there is never an excuse for antisemitism. If you say that there is, what you're saying is that antisemitism IS okay as long as it's directed at Bad Jews or Jews you don't like. I can't stand Caitlin Jenner, but I'm not gonna call her out of her name or misgender her. Kanye is a walking dumpster fire of a human, but that doesn't mean I get to say racist stuff about him. And yeah - even Jews with the worst, ugliest opinions do not legitimize antisemitism. Come on guys, this is Social Justice 101.
And another thing: Let's assume again the worst about this group - they still don't have any power to actually change or stop what's happening in Israel. They are diaspora Jews who, unless they are randomly dual citizens, cannot vote and do not live there. Even if this antisemitic hate crime somehow inspired a deep reflection about who and how they are as Jews (massively unlikely for reasons that should be obvious), them taking up the torch of anti-Zionism does not have any legal significance. This act, in addition to being a hate crime, is one that is not even strategic in helping to shut down bad actors with actual power, nor is it at all calculated to build community bridges.
In fact, it is almost guaranteed to have the opposite effect: these vandals have not only made enemies of this community, but alienated any other potential Jewish allies.
But even if we set that aside, assuming that they don't care, it's massively counterproductive in that it will likely inspire more diaspora Jews to feel unsafe in that location and consider aliyah as an answer. If anything, these kinds of acts of blind hatred only reinforce the legitimate fear behind much of Zionism. You people just can't help proving again and again that Jews are physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially unsafe in the diaspora and need somewhere that is guaranteed to take us in when the next Kristallnacht happens.
It's also counterproductive, even if you actually just want Jews to die and don't care where we go; you actively want the destruction of Israel and all of the Jewish people because you're an antisemitic jackass you think it's somehow deserved: Normal people actually don't want that, and so if you're trying to attract other goyim who are decent people to your cause, associating pro-Palestinian activism with hate crimes is one of the worst things you can do in terms of PR and moral high ground.
Using Palestinian lives, deaths, and suffering as a bludgeon ignores them as real people and dehumanizes them and their struggle in the process. Anyone engaging in or excusing this kind of behavior is misusing their cry for justice as a get-out-of-antisemitism-free card, dehumanizing them by turning them into a weapon, and diverting much-needed energy away from things that actually help to doing PR cleanup and having to publicly distance themselves from these disgusting acts.
(**Please note that I am not saying these people were; in fact, I have yet to see a not-reactionary right-wing fringe Jewish group calling for anything but a return of the hostages and praying for peace in the region)
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sleepykyupid · 3 months
original callout post is by @menheratic !! if you want more info, please ask them. i am merely reuploading the original callout post of ezaki. please do check out the link of the jp community calling him out in 2019 ^^ https://togetter.com/li/1327770
! The following post talks about the various bad things that Menhera-chan's creator, Ezaki Bisuko, has done.
Here a japanese summary of all the shit he did so far, including but not limited to:
• registering Yamikawaii as trademark
• sending his fans after gyaru YouTuber Usatani to harass her into a suicide attempt over unknowingly buying a shirt with stolen PPG fanart he drew
• himself buying products with stolen art, even promoting their sales, because it’s totally ok when he does it
• the reason why Usatan’s original design was changed aka it was a ripoff of Cult Party’s iconic rabbit mascot that was designed by their artist Maromika-chan
• wrote a whole guide on how to legally get away with sex work as child
• proof of him tracing art for the more detailed MCH artworks
• how he attended the Menhera Exhibit only to smear misogynist bullshit with blood on maxipads
• complaining about how anime for little girls are evil feminist agenda TM because ain’t nobody need men to be saved anymore
• boasting about being a fashion designer only selecting the finest fabrics for his merch when it’s actually made by the japanese equivalent of Redbubble
• “parody” works featuring child characters like Chibi Maruko-chan prostituting themself, the message being all women are whores regardless of age for the right amount of money
• the small “terms and conditions” shield he has at his con booths where you agree that you need to buy anything you touch
• how he setup an earthquake victim fundraiser only to keep the money
• telling his english fans they are not allowed to use any of his art for private use, like as icon, unless they pay him
• how he wants to move to the US when he turns 30 because of all the evil haters TM in Japan
• copyright claiming everyone left and right
• japanese Menhera speaking out about he keeps hurting the community
In regards of the maxi pads:
TW, CW // nooses, misogynistic text in red on maxipads
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Our favorite being the second row second one, “Abortion is murder”.
Some more recent event: When he started harassing and hating on disabled people after Tokyo Fashion translated a Tweet of his because being disabled is discriminating yourself.
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It’s like a trainwreck that refuses to end, now with 100% more crypto on NFT while shitting on those who warn about the dangers.
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His NFT sales can be found here: https://foundation.app/@bisuko_ezaki
For some reason, after 7 years, he also decided to re-release the infamous wrist-cut bracelet to sell at events. The leader of the Neo-Decora group bought one for example:
TW // Bracelet that imitates sh, includes blood
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Also keeps doing collabs with “Tokyo Uragawa” under Yamiko so Seigi (Mental illness is justice), which focuses on self-harming girls as fetish objects.
TW, CW // drawn sh
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Recently, he also wrote a long-article on his definition of Yamikawaii:
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Still not sure where overseas people got “this is about mental health awareness” from, might be based on mistranslations because the word for mental health and illness is one in the same, and his definition is about glorifying mental illness. In fact, this is why he was banned from Tumblr because he kept posting other people’s self-harm photos to his aesthetic blog Menherabusu.
Next up: Made suicide baiting posts over his following decreasing in the hopes of getting attention, fans sent him photos of cute animals to cheer him up, and he decided to post about destroying the pictures.
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Tbh, this list could go on forever as he does this kind of bs on an almost daily basis now, but apparently people don’t care enough to stop throwing money at him.
Meanwhile the Japanese community made a whole Wiki for tracking all of his drama considering how much it is by now.
TW // mention of shotacon
Decided to nickname himself Shotabi, the name being a combination of Shotacon and Bisuko, while using nsfw anime edits of male child characters in sexual situations as decor for his selfies.
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Is it ok to still like Menhera-chan?
Sure, the problem is really only Ezaki himself and his increasing problematic remarks fueled by his ego, the manga is a lot older than him being like that.
Fun fact: Ezaki actually hates Menhera-chan because it's the only thing he ever gets approached for by the media, he constantly rants about this on Twitter. If you have noticed, he barely makes new MCH content anymore (unless he gets paid for it) and mainly reposts old artworks and fanart (without permission) instead because it's the only way he can still get attention as his other works, like the misogynist Manapisu, which is just him hating on women as "dumb wh*res" as a manga, flopped badly.
Just try to not fund his bs by buying new goods.
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tanadrin · 8 months
@zvaigzdelasas arguing in replies is annoying, so i am just going to put this in a post
Khmer Rouge wouldn't have been what it was without the US overthrowing Sihanouk bc of his perceived socialist sympathies and instituting & upholding the violent Lon Nol regime. You are in the imperial core in 2023, you are not in Angkor Wat in 1970
not my main point, which is just that revolutions (at least in the classic sense of storming-the-barricades or even just extraconstitutional shenanigans) are chaotic situations with unpredictable outcomes. you can get lots of positive changes. you can get lets of shitty ones. they're great for authoritarians and fascists in equal measure to sainted socialists or w/e. they do not solve the problem of having to do politics, but the rhetoric around the One True Revolution acts like it's the end of a long process, and not the beginning of a new, much more dangerous one.
if by "revolution" you just mean "major set of reforms carried out by winning control of existing political structures," sure, that's a lot less risky. but this would involve engaging with those wicked corrupt and nasty institutions of liberal democracy people are always so scornful of.
liberal democracy has pathways for lasting change [Citation Needed]
since the middle of the 19th century the US and Britain have seen massive improvements in income distributions, the creation of and the expansion of the welfare state, universal male suffrage, women getting the right to vote, (in the US) black people getting the right to vote, gay people going from criminals to a minority with rights protected under the law (including gay marriage), plus a laundry list of smaller but still important and lasting democratic, economic, and social reforms. yes, progress is not monotonic. no, no party is credibly threatening to (say) reimpose legal segregation in the US, or strip women of the right to vote anywhere in Europe. "nothing ever gets better" is an absolutely deranged take, especially when a lot of the reason things have gotten better is leftists willing to fight for improvements even if they fell short of total communist revolution.
You're aware of the world historic wave of reaction going across the western world like, right now right
Obviously! And I love the idea that a communist society would be magically free of prejudice or reactionaries leveraging it for power. Because it wouldn't be! And socialist countries generally have a human rights record that reflects similar issues!
(here I said even this language of "imperial core" involves assumptions which are silly and which i'm not willing to grant. marxists use the word "empire" in a way which is not actually very useful and has little explanatory power)
"within the geographic distribution of the highest value added surplus" very obvious explanatory power when the question is one of control over global labor capacity
i don't know if you're being deliberately disingenuous or what but the marxist use of the term "imperialism" is in fact much more sophisticated than that
and i think it's wrong in important ways, especially in the postcolonial period. the usage originated when colonial empires in the literal sense were very important; now, not so much. while there are important postcolonial dynamics of exploitation worth talking about, i do not think the framework of imperialism as articulated in the 19th century is anywhere close to sufficient, and it should be abandoned.
also don't wanna get bogged down in the weeds, just pointing out that one of the really irritating things about arguing with communists is you use words in annoying ways that inhibit rather than facilitate analysis.
And these are things that, for example, the AfD aren't trying to roll back?
you know you can look up the AfD's party platform online? like it's full of stupid, awful, xenophobic shit, and they are rightly reviled, but "return to the constitution and political structures of the German Empire" is not in there. i think the fact that even the biggest party of right-wing reactionaries can't imagine rolling back the clock more than a few decades is noteworthy--there are political gains over the history of modern leftism which are now so universally respected literally no one remembers we had a fight about them once.
like, obviously things have gotten better for the vast majority of people in germany, britain, or the US since the 1870s, and i don't know what we accomplish by pretending otherwise? except maybe creating some kind of martyr complex where we pretend leftism (and the labor movement in particular) is much less effective than it actually is.
i am going to mute replies to this and my other posts in this series, because on this particular morning i would rather have a root canal than argue about the word "imperalism," and i suspect this is the kind of argument that could go on literally forever. i do not think we are likely to persuade one another, but i have laid out why i find the contemporary marxist perspective on these things deeply unpersuasive (to the extent i can without rehashing a bunch of old posts), so i feel like i have said my piece.
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howlingday · 7 months
Vytal Festival Tourney
Ironwood: Welcome, Remnant's finest of Huntsmen and Huntresses. If you're here, it means you have been invited to the Vytal Festival Tournament. But before we begin, let me make one thing clear: These games will be unlike any other you've played before. Take all the rules you thought you knew about these games and throw them into the wind!
Ironwood: To begin, each participant will be given a tracking card- (Gunfire and screams) Whoa! What the hell's gotten into you people?!
Guy: You just said no more rules!
Ironwood: About the game, not society! Everybody just stop, okay?! Everyone stop! Brothers, what's wrong with you people?! Like, there was no hesitation there! Clearly some of you were just looking for a reason! And some of you are already armed, which is also VERY concerning! I was just referring to the Academy Games. You know, the whole reason we're here? I'm just here to determine what's tournament legal or not.
Guy: So if I shot into a crowd with a semi, is- is that not allowed?
Ironwood: No, that's not allowed! Why do I need to tell you that?!
Guy: Ah, but what about in regards to the tournament-?
Ironwood: Why do you think that changes anything? No! It's not allowed in any way outside the tournament!
Guy: Is it because I used a semi?
Ironwood: Alright, guns are no longer legal to use in the tournament! In fact, let me just make this even clearer so there's no sort of confusion on my stance on this.
Guy: What about swords?
Ironwood: I feel like that's worse.
Gal: What about a sword with a battery charge?
Ironwood: Again, worse, and why do you have that?
Dude: Acid attack?
Ironwood: No.
Chick: Molotov cocktails?
Ironwood: No!
Person: What about taking someone's heart medication and swapping it out for placebos and watching them slowly succumb to their illness and rot?
Ironwood: No, and I want eyes on whoever said that.
Girl: What if you already killed people with hammers? Like multiple people using carpenter's hammers before this rule change? Does that, like- Does that bypass it? Like, uh... Like, is that good?
Ironwood: What the fuck?
Boy: No, that makes sense to me.
Other: That's pretty good logic right there.
Ironwood: None of you are seeing heaven.
Guy: What about traps?
Ironwood: No- A-Actually, yes! Traps are legal! However the rule is that you have to set it during the- (Explosion goes off, Car wails) Do I even have to ask-?
Guy: Car bomb.
Gal: What about nuclear weapons?
Ironwood: ...
Winter: No.
Ironwood: Oh, come on!
Winter: Sir!
Ironwood: Listen, I don't even think they could do it, but I think if they can try, then- Okay, fine! Fine! No nukes! ...But I am open to discussion for it.
Guy: Uh, sir, I have a question for you.
Ironwood: Sure. Whatever. Fuck it. Ask away.
Guy: So if I understand what you're trying to say is that all these rules are in regards to the Academy Tournament.
Ironwood: Oh my god! Yes! Finally, somebody totally gets it!
Guy: So by following that logic, this rule change only applies if you're taking part in this tournament yourself, but not to the rest of us, right?
Ironwood: ...I mean, technic- (Riot ensues) Alright, fuck it. Fuck this tournament. Everything's Color War Vacuo again. Whatever! It's not like we spent a billion fucking lien on this thing! (Sighs) Fucking Mantle...
Winter: Mantle?
Ironwood: Yeah, Mantle. Where else is the tournament is being held. Actually, where are we, anyways?
Winter: Um... Los Angeles, California.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*hands you an emu skull* an idea
Small au? Promt? Idk, but brain dead + Dami at rich kid summer camp. The absolute chaos these three would rain down soon the camp, especially if Danny couldn't have his legal name changed yet and so he was forced to be in a girls cabin.
Some things I have worked out already are that the Waynes are important enough to give the boys private 'cabins' that are made for two people normally so Danny would probably be invited by Tim to bunk with him.
After a week or so Danny is probably head over heals for Tim and absolutely goes full on flirt mode, Tim is very flustered and had no idea what to think about the cute boy who sleeps in the same cabin as him that flirts with him constantly.
Dami rocks the shit out of anyone who deadnames/misgenders Danny, Danny has no idea.
Eventually Danny sneaks out to stargaze and Tim sees and they end up falling asleep on the cabin roof.
Also there was a canoeing trip and the three got paired together and they kept tipping over constantly.
- Icarus
Ty for the skull Homie. Icarus this is just wonderful.
I’m a very big camping person myself. I love the outdoors and going to overnight summer camps was a big part of my childhood. I’m gonna go on a lil ramble for a tad but I promise there’s a point to it.
One of my favorite camping trips ever was when we had to canoe roughly… It was either two or seven miles of river. Genuinely can’t remember which. Either way it was meant to take four and a half hours total to canoe. It took us two. Reason being was because it started raining a half hour into our canoeing. Fifteen minutes later it started thundering. Lightning could be seen in the distance. What you’re SUPPOSED to do is immediately get to the shoreline and wait for the rain to stop. Yeah that didn’t happen. The rain was forecasted to last the entire rest of the day and there nearest camping site was our current destination.
And so we paddled. We laughed and sang Disney and Christmas songs in the middle of summer at the top of our lungs. We all were soaked to the bone and yet we were having the time of our lives as thunder boomed overhead. We paddled our asses off but we eventually got to the camping site. Like at the moment being cold and wet and staying in a tin boat while lightning flashed across the sky wasn’t very fun, but in hindsight? That was the most memorable experience I’ve ever had during an overnight summer camp.
I need there to be a similar situation for Tim and Danny. Just something that’s like “oh this fucking sucks.” But they make the best out of their situation. They go sailing on a 420 and suddenly the wind dies directly in the middle of the river they’re on/really far away from shore? They just sit and wait and happily chat until their Camp Councelor tows them back with their motorboat.
The girl cabin issue is honestly a pretty big problem. A lot of girls will go immediately “yeah. Fuck that.” And immediately find a different solution for Danny. Tim offering his cabin cause there are extra bunks would have the camp staff would no question put Danny in there if they’re still part of the same camping group.
Idk those are my two cents from going to camps a lot as a kid
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chuuyanakaahara · 11 months
THANK U SO MUCH FOR INDULGING ME (<- you don't understand i have three different documents + a spreadsheet open just with notes on the timeline and world-building)
ok ! ok so the series is called "retribution for the dead", and the name is actually a play on dazai trying to get retribution for oda's death in the only way he knows how - by fixing the circuit. it actually has five installments (each has a different ship focus; retribution is sskk focused; the installments are about tachizaki, kousano, skk, and then fukuzawa + ranpo (platonically ofc) respectively)
the basics:
the portside - yokohama's street-racing culture, commonly referred to as the circuit. the circuit is compromised of meets, highway races - which are 2-3 races down flat stretches of highway, and touge races - which are essentially winding mountain passes. the portside is able to afford all of this because a) racers bring their own shit and b) they're known for the maybe-not-so-legal import & export of cars.
the agency of repairs - the mechanic shop founded by fukuzawa after he retired from racing to take care of a very klepto fourteen-year-old ranpo, who did try to steal his car.
NOW, how they got into racing varies from character to character ! atsushi's is the only one we actually get to see, and he gets into racing because he moves to Yokohama into a shitty apartment and his neighbor happens to be dazai. and dazai happens to ask if he needs a job and when atsushi's like "well... i don't know anything about cars", dazai goes "that's fine!"
dazai also introduces atsushi to the portside, since it is so closely entwined with the agency. he was banking on atsushi being fascinated by it. and atsushi was! then dazai takes atsushi to his own workshop and says "hey, here's this totaled car. you can fix it up for practice, but if you get it running, you can race it."
important to note that not only does dazai not offer to teach atsushi anything about cars, atsushi also doesn't know how to drive.
the reason dazai wants atsushi in the portside is because he wants to make a rivalry. he wants atsushi & akutagawa to be at each other's throats and he wants it to trump everything else the circuit has going on.
because, you see, the circuit is much more bloodthirsty than it used to be. there's more death, more carnage, more wrecks; it's about living fast and dying hard when it used to be about cars and specs and value. it is somewhat dazai & chuuya's fault the circuit is so bloodthirsty, but they're both retired.
dazai wants atsushi & akutagawa's rivalry to get so big, so all-encompassing, that it changes the circuit's mentality and culture.
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bazooka-overkill · 4 months
ive been working on actually tallying each boxer's infraction count becuz i don't really think that rlly popular video does them justice. i'm still working on it so any suggestions to add or change one are welcome /gen
list under cut :3
i was considering adding that none of the boxers are seen shaking hands after losing a match but then i remembered theyre probably fucking dead due to little mac
infractions will count in total between contender and td. i.e. glass joe kills a man or some shit in contester, and then hits the quan on little mac's body in td. in total glass joe has 2 infractions, rather than contender and td be two separate characters 
little mac: 9(?)
note: his tank top is allowed in minor circuit, known as a “singlet,” but he’ll have to remove it in major and world circuit. i’m counting two infractions for that. also has a coach in his corner (doc)
no mouth piece (birdie had one in super PO so idk why they removed it?)
underage (ban until he’s legally allowed to box)
im iffy on his star punch as he jumps(?) to do it. (jumping isn't mentioned in boxing rules, but you will get warned by ref if you jump and attack)
faces his back towards opponent when he does a star punch (does a little spin teehee)
ducks so his head is below opponent’s waist/belt line(? might just be a perspective thing)
tank top in major and world circuit. see note
too young to hold a belt/title, so three infractions(? not sure if this is an infraction or something else entirely)
glass joe: 2
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
glass joe TD: 2
did some research and headgear isn’t allowed period. +1 infraction for joe
his hair also peeks out of his headgear. even if headgear was allowed, he can’t have his hair poking out
von kaiser: 6(?)
no coach/trainer in corner 
no mouth piece
improper wear (pants, boots)
hits with inside of glove during his attack attack thing
may or may not have some sort of ptsd regarding children so um. yeah. would probably be banned until he got therapy sooooo
mustache is more than 10 cm in length(? someone fact check me on this please)
von kaiser TD: N/A
yeeyee ass haircut (placeholder)
disco kid: 3
note: i love this guy. im also not counting his disco ball becuz it’s really just theatrical intros and gives a little swaggah to his fights
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
honestly the only thing i can get him on are his headphones. even though they’re audibly playing music, they’re still against the rules
disco kid TD: 1 (so far)
leotard. no clear line between waist and lower half
too cool (placeholder)
king hippo: 7
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
no weigh in and most likely no actual license
head covering (crown)
ear clap move
indecent exposure (? can i even write him up for this or is this a legal issue)
shoes are not boxing approved, seem to be slip ons
king hippo TD: 2
bandages are allowed in the minor circuit, but not at the world circuit
fat /j
piston hondo: 4
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
head covering (head band)
unsportsmanlike behavior in the ring (bowing w/ eye contact. it's subtle but i'm still counting it)
piston hondo TD: 0
nothing! at least that's what i think.
bear hugger: 5
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
improper attire (overalls give no clear discern between his waist and legs, so low blows are hard to tell. plus his boots)
beard (needs to be clean shaven or well groomed)
does an ear clap move (need a hug or whatever the fuck he says before it i dont care)
bear hugger TD: 2
bringing a squirrel into the ring (im gonna count this as bringing someone into the ring willingly, as the squirrel has boxing gloves on and isnt trying to run away from the ring. the squirrel is willingly fighting and understands what is happening)
head covering
great tiger: 10
note: his head covering is for religious reasons, so it doesn’t count towards infractions. i also won’t be counting his magic carpet as he only uses it during intermission to entertain the crowd and it isn't seen in his actual fights.
another note: his clones, in my mind, act like actual people. great tiger is shown controlling them, but during intermission they can be seen lounging around and talking. this may just be theatrics for the crowd, but i see it as they’re all separate people. 
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
leaves his corner of the ring
5 infractions (for each clone he spawns, 5 being the max he can spawn. i also want to point out that a boxer can only have three corner men at a time, so great tiger having 5 people/clones, much less while he’s boxing, is basically cheating within cheating. aran ryan much lmfao)
pants go below the knees
mustache is longer than 10 cm(?)
great tiger TD: dead
did little mac kill a man in this fight (placeholder)
don flamenco: 5
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
spraying perfume on himself between rounds
head covering (toupee LMFAOAOOOAOA BALD ASS)
personal branding on his shorts
don flamenco TD: 2
turns his back repeatedly, which counts as being knocked down
emo /j
backhand punch
aran ryan: banned (12, still counting)
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
loaded gloves (DQ)
due to the fact that he was able to load his gloves, i’m willing to bet his fists aren’t properly wrapped and weren’t examined.
headbutting (DQ. also uses the ropes to gain leverage for said headbutt, so two for one combo there)
hits with elbow
once knocking little mac down, does not go to farthest neutral corner while ref counts
refuses to make an attempt to fight at certain points (his taunt)
breaking of WVBA property (seen in his contester win animation)
personal branding on shorts. unless a clover is his sponsor’s logo, it isnt allowed
attacks the ref in his intermission cutscene (banned)
i KNOW theres more i just cant THINK OF THEM GRR
aran ryan TD: 4
brings a fucking flail into the ring. im counting his flail as two infractions, both for bringing a foreign item into the ring. one for the rope and one for the glove. i’m willing to bet that the purple glove is still loaded, but im not sure of that but im counting it so FUCK YOU
steals little mac’s gloves. idk if this is a criminal charge or an infraction
tries to get a hit in right as he’s going down
soda popinski: 7
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
improper attire
doping (the soda)
foreign object (soda bottles)
also giving him an infraction for drinking the soda during his matches 
mustache is longer than 10 cm
soda popinski TD: 4
foreign object (soda crates. im giving him three infractions, one for each crate of soda he brings in)
hits the side of mac’s head with a punch (DQ)
bald bull: banned (4)
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
anger issues, would have to get that sorted out before anything else
attacking a ref (perma ban)
bald bull TD: N/A
being bald
super macho man: banned (9)
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
as much as i want to keep looking at his ass (WHO SAID THAT) i gotta write him up for improper wear. also adding that he has personal branding on both the front and back.
also didn’t follow ref’s instructions to go back to his corner; can be seen in the little cutscene between rounds
uses camera to take selfies
wearing jewelry (gold chain and earrings)
i also want to point out that he may have some tanning lotion on due to how FUCKING SHINY HE IS COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSE
super macho man TD: N/A
racist (placeholder)
mr sandman: 2
no coach/trainer in corner
no mouth piece
thats it. thats literally the most i can get on him /srs
note: this is the BIGGEST fucking stretch i’ll make on this document but maybeeeeeee the way he’s stretching the ropes in his contender intermission could be an infraction??????? not really becuz he doesn’t break them but ugh idk it might just be more of a “the ropes r very fragile so plz dont do that mr sandman world champion sir” than an infraction LMFAO
i also noticed that when he gets knocked down, a subtle song that sounds like what those little carousels that go above a baby’s cot starts playing. cute and its a nice reference to his name 
mr sandman TD: 0
note: the "make up" under his eyes are eye bags, not eyeshadow. mr sandman may be emo in td but not like don
my references
“According to rule 4.2. 5.2. 2 of IBA Technical & Competitions Rules, “a boxer can have a beard and mustache, but either must not cover the neck and must not be longer than 10cms.””
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pokemonleagueofficial · 10 months
Larry has like three jobs total, are you sure you pay him a reasonable amount?
listen ive been privy to basically everyone's wages (I mentioned unions once and geeta made sure to share w me everyones salary and it's changes for the past few years and offered whatever else would be helpful if I wanted to start a union) ((girlboss btw)) and he gets paid like. pretty well. he's just like that. most gym leaders can afford to just gymlead, but it gets kinda boring as shit. so when the league doesn't need em for exhibition matches or whatnot, they gotta do SOMETHING between challengers. especially the stronger guys (tulip, kofu). so
I know, at least in paldea, a lot of folks work less and get paid plenty to exist on that lessened work. afaik there's also a lot financial freedom for trainers, given most human food-stuff is Cheap and camping is extremely safe and legal basically everywhere (and free).
like idk why y'all are a lil obsessed w paldean finances. people are fine. it's not perfect but it's getting there
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bidaubadeadieu · 10 months
that post going around about why murdering one (1) exec of British petroleum is worth millions of tons of CO2 is so dumb and ppl are eating that shit up. I hesitate to respond to that post because I simply do not want to spread it, but no matter, you've heard arguments like this before. because I work on climate policy for a living, allow me to ask a few comprehension questions:
- why assume that the sudden death of a company official would decrease production of oil by 1% for a month? why not 0.5% or 0.25%? Whether there is any decrease and how big that decrease is are empirical questions, you can't eyeball it. The other scenario, reducing production by 25% for a day, is preposterous unless all the employees are taking a 2 hour mourning period.
- is this belief not inconsistent with the other commonly held belief on the left that CEOs are parasites and don't do shit? If value is derived from labor, do you honestly believe that 1% of BP's revenues (totaling over 100B each year) are attributable to one person? Even a few people?
- you can go online and search BP's org charts. BP has nearly 100 people with just the title "senior vice president", spread across a dozen business units like "innovation", "advocacy", "finance", "legal", and laughably, "sustainability". Anyways, which of these units contains the person you're going to shoot dead? How are you dealing with the fact that they have intentionally padded these groups to insulate from sudden shocks?
- the energy industry is, famously, characterized by inertia. The whole reason they are in this mess is due to their inflexibility. In a time of crisis, such as missing leadership, they're going to keep on chugging! The people who supposedly steer the ship are dead, and the people who actually know how to work the oilfields are still alive, couldn't that make transitional change less likely?
- ah yes! All those oilfields! BP has dozens of them, spread around the globe, filled with hordes of middle management. how, logistically, do you think that this change will happen? will it be that each worker presses buttons on the rig 1% more slowly? Or will it be that new oil sites are 1% slower to be sited and begin operation. These things employ thousands, operate sometimes for decades, and remember, they have production quotas to fill.
- what about demand? killing oil execs doesn't reduce the number of people trying to fill up their cars and keep the lights on, because oil consumption is largely inelastic. if production was lowered by 1%, the company will raise prices (just as they did during the pandemic) to maintain profit levels. In order to introduce elasticity to the market, we need real alternative choice in energy source and tech we use in our daily lives, which means subsidizing renewables, electrified transit, and regenerative agriculture, aka boring wonk shit when do I get to kill?
- this experiment has been and is already being run. In 1992 an Exxon exec was murdered and clearly that didn't solve anything. 30 years later, the guy that did it is still serving time in a prison in NJ. Russia has had a string of oil execs deaths lately for reasons I don't pretend to totally understand, but likely relating to the Ukraine war and exerting control, and no, they're clearly not worried about production declining or this hurting the Russian economy.
In short: No, this problem isn't fucking solvable by a well-placed bullet or two, or five.
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astraltrickster · 11 months
Thing is, AI is a nuanced topic. Most big tech advances are. I think the only one I've EVER been super close to that was almost 100% cut-and-dry was NFTs and the "metaverse" sucking ass, and even THAT...well, the former at least originated from an extremely poorly thought-out implementation of a potentially good idea (i.e., an anti-attribution loss registry to counter the damage of unsourced reposting, since convincing people outside of artist communities that YES that shit is rude as fuck BECAUSE it has the potential to be actually damaging is like talking to a wall).
There are good uses of it. There are horrible uses of it. We made the necessary breakthroughs in calculation at one of the WORST possible times, socioeconomically speaking. That doesn't mean we can unmake them. It's putting nearly every single common ethics violation in the world of tech as a whole into the spotlight, from the lack of protections against datamining to the abuse of outsourced labor in moderation work and much more. It didn't invent any of them, and in fact is BETTER about some of them than many other things we just let slide (and shouldn't). Technology marches on, in this form or any other. It changes industries and workflows. It CAN be for the better. The BOSSES always push to make it for cheaper and worse. This isn't the first time it's happened - not even in your lifetime if you didn't have to lie about your age to get here - and it will not be the last. It's just the most visible relative to its absolutely horrendous timing.
I'm in agreement with...some of the more technically-oriented circles I work with irl that it can be genuinely useful. I PERSONALLY do some hobby work in trying to make it more human-positive, for both accessibility and safety, as well as where that overlaps with just...fun. I'm in agreement with both the popular attitude among actors and commercial artists that the way corporations want to use it is absolutely fucking disgusting, and the recognition that a lot of people out there (especially on the fucking bird site) are being total fucking assholes with it. I'm in agreement with labor organizers that we need to place contractual and cultural limits on how it can and should be used. It's a complex subject!
Because of that complexity, I don't mind AT ALL if someone comes to a different conclusion about using it for small-time funsies than I do.
I DO mind when people resist the shitty usage via reactionary sentiment ("this tech is LAZY and DEGENERATE and ANYONE who uses it for ANY reason is a GREEDY ENTITLED SMOOTHBRAIN PARASITE!" - let's play "count the dogwhistles" btw!), blatant ableism ("there's NO ONE in the WORLD who's SO disabled they ACTUALLY need this to help with anything from basic communication to self-expression, or if there are it doesn't COUNT because the COMPUTER did it, not THEM!"), misinformation about how it works (e.g., the copy-paste myth - if that was how it worked ChatGPT papers wouldn't be absolutely full of fictitious citations and AI hands wouldnt look Like That, you realize this, right?), missing the forest for the trees (please do call out asshole usage of AI but not to the point of just forgetting that people were stealing other artists' WIPs to "finish" and making hoaxes and deepfakes and lean-staffing and cheating people out of credits LONG before we had this way to do it and they WILL continue to do so with OTHER new tech as well, an asshole will be an asshole no matter what tools they have; fighting the tech instead of the assholery will only let it happen again as soon as the method changes), using frameworks to fight that asshole usage that are ACTIVELY counterproductive (if it's legally declared that using your work as less than ONE BILLIONTH of my starting point, or developing a style too similar to yours, is infringing on your copyright, this will have WAY more negative impacts than positive; I sure hope the author of your favorite thing isn't the type to go full Anne Rice or JKR; plus even when ignoring the assistive usage of AI as we very much should not, GPT detectors throw a lot of false positives at non-native English speakers, so crackdowns against its usage end up hurting a lot of very vulnerable people far more than they hurt the people using it to do actual tangible harm), or just plain using it as an excuse to bully random other people who individually have about as much power to impact The Issue as dropping a soggy pea on the floor does.
...I also mind when people go full There Is No War In Ba Sing Se about it, but that's not a problem I encounter as much here on tumblr.
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so the blog from this post blocked me from what I can see, sad
they have a myriad of other posts on the topic, some of which I found more points I wanted to refute, here's some notable ones
and here's a few particularly relevant/incorrect quotes in those
"Parents have total legal and environmental control over their children. The actions of a child are the parent’s responsibility."
"You can not create a situation where a child is totally dependent on a parent for help, and then blame the child when they need help that they’re not getting."
"You cannot be a parent and blame a mentally ill child that you are not helping for their mental illness and accuse that child of abusing you"
"If a child who is a minor is violent toward their parent it is the result of mental illness, abuse, or neglect– and it is the parent’s literal job to rectify any of these problems."
"If a child is mentally ill and violent whose responsibility is to to help them??"
"Get the fuck off our blog if you think there’s some reason besides abuse, neglect or mental illness that a child who is a minor would “abuse” their parents."
"There is simply no ethical way to frame any violent actions of a person against someone who has total control over them and their environment as ‘abuse’ no matter the circumstances."
so, have you found the issue? they think abuse = bad person, an action taken purely because you're evil, no sway from the world, including the victim, has made you do this. and they think that I essentially said "children can just be demons who want to harm because they're demons :)" when what I actually said was that a situation absolutely can arise when a minor child has power (for example, having drugged a parent, having a very immobile and severely disabled parent, etc) and a situation where a minor has beaten, raped, abused, etc doesn't mean that they didn't do the thing they did, just because the adult had power or was partially accountable in allowing the child to get to that point. that it was definitely rare, but these situations and outliers and weird cases beyond generic assumptions based on what we see on paper do happen. and the kicker is that I don't view "abuse" as being just synonymous with "entirely to blame", I think every abuser would ultimately not be doing it if you changed things, environment, a mental health issue, radicalisation, etc, they're all ultimately just made into abusers, they aren't wretched cursed souls. so when I explain that leaving an immobile parent in their own shit to go in your friend's van and smoke weed is neglect, I'm not saying that there's anything evil in the kid, I'm not saying the victim couldn't change the outcome, I'm not saying any of the words these little explosions from this blog put in their detractors' mouths, that's because I'm using abuse to mean fucking abuse. that's it. some nonsensical strings you've attached about deserving blame are genuinely not my job to account for. minors can be abusive, and blaming parents for failing to save the minor from themself isn't actually an invalidation of the fact that an abusive action and/or repeated pattern took place. I'm not talking about an autistic kid swinging their arms around, everyone has made it clear we only actually mean drugging and raping, murdering in cold blood, or situations of that level. anons (not me, I don't send asks on anon because personal reasons) have explained this to you. the idea a parent takes full responsibility if they're raped, because they got birthed into a system that limits the power of children is absurd.
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rumbleonthemill · 9 months
Ok so, this is a returning problem now in this community, some people glorifying and centering around trauma, and mainly, the kids’ trauma, just to self-legalize the adults being the biggest assholes in the franchise.
but here’s what’s actually a fact. Neighbor cannot keep his son tamed, that’s the bigass deal. I’m fucking tired of certain people just focusing on how much the kids, who trespass and break laws, suffer. In the eyes of a cop, it is still breaking the law, they don’t fucking care, why you did that.
Just Neighbor went through two fucking traumatic events after each other, that we see he can barely cope with. The evidence is there in HS after Diane’s death(him sitting in a dark room, actually staring at fucking nothing, unable to even move!!!) and him digging Mya’s grave (man’s completely broken, despite being strong af, he can barely lift up the shovel. And yall are forgetting that he wants to protect his remaining family member, he doesn’t want to directly hurt him!)
Aaron tries to escape twice, in hn and then in hn2, he actively works on betraying his own dad(collaborating with a fucking random ass journalist who simply wants to take him away…sir, what will you do with a kid?! But then he poof changes his mind! Sit down and think!) , instead of staying on his fucking ass and waiting for something to happen and figuring out, that the thing happening with BOTH OF them is a horrible situation. But it feels like he wants revenge on someon, who’s going through the same.
either the cage was built because of smth that was scrapped OR because there was no other way to keep him in one place! He can pick the lock, people. He will escape again. And mind you, he’s given everything possible from a bed to toys, he’s not just tossed in an empty room ffs! is neighbor bad at communication? Yes! But does he want to harm his son? No! If he wanted to harm him, then he’d tie him up in a fucking empty ass room, leave him there, he would not give him stuff and bandage, even. Aaron even betrays his dad entirely in hnvr, that’s why I don’t give a fuck about him anymore. He literally stabs him. All he should’ve done is wait and trust. They went through the same shit, his dad is visibly in pain and suffering in the game from the kids, the Petersons were ALSO losing their remaining family members, and in the end he successfully gave his dad away too, and now he whines about staying alone. Fucking cunt.
go and get along with your manipulative fucking demon friend, good luck.
I’m done with Aaron in the new lore. I end up hating characters I used to like, because everything’s being overwritten.
aaron not being able to cope in HS was a character, but him literally actively working on to KILL his dad, just because he cannot think (and yes, he’s old enough to think!) is just bad.
and don’t get me started on the kids, who fantasize about killing a man, break in, break out (they could’ve done everything they do in hnvr with the help of a cop, and no, the cliché of adults not believing them is not an excuse)and then in a totally separate game, they break in to a park to steal shit, and then they fantasize about killing the man again! They could just leave a fucking dangerous amusement park they have no reason to be in, but noooo. neighbor brought a wrong decision with Nicky ending up in his basement, and he has to bring it again and again, because apparently kids in RB have nothing better to do, than overthink his existence and literally attempt to cancel the man by breaking in from multiple directions, call the cops on him as in the AS, and then people are surprised the Neighbor is mad? Wow! maybe it’s FOR A REASON?! HN showed how unnecessary they are, Nicky did escape just with the help of Aaron.
So if anyone from here just wants to say “but uh adults bad, kids suffer, trauma, they good, neighbor needs to suffer” then fucking leave me alone. You don’t understand shit, you don’t want to look at the other perspectives. you only hyperfocus on kids having traumas, and glorify something horrible in the first place. Adults do suffer. They do go through trauma they may not be able to cope with. And if you don’t believe me, then I honestly wish you to experience it from first hand someday, because then it means there’s no other way to convince you. I’ve lost all of my patience towards people who want to argue or cancel others because of such fucking thing. Trauma doesn’t happen to everyone, but the ones who are lucky enough to avoid it, keep whining that the ones who went through it, are doing the coping wrong. And everything wrong. Fuck you. If you’re so fucking smart, then lemme see you cope with things correctly. Ffs.
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
College AU promised Day part 2: The thrilling conclusion.
Despite classes being cancelled due to the solar eclipse, Winry is at the hospital doing one of her shadowing shifts. When she hears that an Alphonse Elric has been admitted, she assumes it has to be a mistake (if one of the Elrics was going to end up hospitalized, it would be Ed) but bursts in to find Al semi-conscious. After an interrogation (is this what your mom had? I don't know. Does Ed know? I haven't told him yet) and some furious lecturing, she tries to call Ed. Ed and Al's sole source of family income is a classics professor, and they were rural kids - Ed's phone is shit and can't handle the current strain on the system. Eventually Ling manages to get through to Greed just as he's returning with everyone's coffee.
Upon hearing the news, Ed is ready to sprint all the way to the hospital, but Riza offers to drive him. It wouldn't hurt Roy to get his eyes flushed, and the campaign is doing fine without him. Olivier got the LGBTQ center and her hockey team to pound the pavement, and Havoc had a friend with a food truck that is now driving around throwing fliers out the back. (I once saw two guys dressed as Santa's elves riding a golf cart shooting t shirts out of a t shirt cannon near the student center for no reason I was ever able to ascertain. A political food truck would not get me to raise an eyebrow.) If anything Roy is a liability.
So, everyone piles into Riza's car and arrives at the hospital. When the desk attendant asks who's family, they call bullshit when Greed announces he's Al's cousin until Ed confirms it. ("How many cousins does he have?" they ask. "A lot," Ed says, not stopping to wonder which of the chancellor's other kids uncharacteristically showed up.)
Back on campus, faculty senate is meeting. Hohenheim has the laborious results of years of research. He's built a case against the chancellor he hopes will be ironclad. It's almost his turn on the agenda when his phone rings. This is the most unrealistic part of this AU honestly - could any version of Hohenheim own a phone? Maybe the administrative assistant sticks her head in to say that someone called his office line. His kid is in the hospital. And for once Hohenheim chooses to be a halfway decent parent, walks out of the faculty meeting, and heads to the hospital.
Meanwhile, Wrath is pretty annoyed that someone stole his car?! but arrives at the quad anyway to learn that his opponent... menaced his sibling and then bailed? Is this a forfeit? He's not sure. It's almost time for his speech - it's scheduled for right after the totality - but as he gets on stage he sees someone approaching. It's the religious studies graduate student who's been banned from most buildings but, critically, not the quad yet for loudly protesting the administration's behavior. That's right. Everyone else may have gotten distracted, but Scar is here and he's got all the archival research they've been doing. He has proof that the administration colluded with the military to create harmful chemical weapons, and that Wrath was an accomplice. And since the quad is also a great place for everyone to gather to watch the eclipse (the chancellor even advertised the university as a good place for watch parties in order to build his brand), there are a lot of witnesses to this revelation. Given the scandal and need for further investigation, elections are postponed. (This is why SGA had to pass a resolution that it was a different month once. We had to postpone the election due to scandal, the bylaws said the elections HAD to happen in a specific month, so we legally changed what month it was.)
Obviously this AU is set in a fantasy universe where people experience consequences once their actions are brought to light, much like in Leverage. IRL Father would get a $600,000 severance package, be hired at another university within a year, and write a thinkpiece for Heterodox Academy about the woke mobs destroying higher education.
Ed arrives at the hospital around the same time as Hohenheim and is mad at both him and Al. I honestly never decided whether Al is developing what his mom had or has another health condition going on, but between Ed and Winry they get him stabilized somehow. This probably involves Ed doing some kind of transfusion so now he is also stuck in a hospital bed or at least forced to sit down and sip juice.
As Roy's getting his eyes cleaned out, the rest of his campaign texts him to let him know that the election has been called off. Hughes had already been buying supplies for an election night party, and Elicia has a checkup at the clinic anyway, so he brings all the food with him. Winry uses her hospital connections to pull some strings, and everyone ends up eating pizza sitting on the Elrics' beds.
Campus police track down Wrath's car in the hospital parking lot, and he shows up with a few officers to try to catch the thief. Greed, motivated 50% by roommate loyalty and 50% indignation that he didn't think to do that first, announces he did it. This makes perfect sense to Wrath. Although he's in no position to press charges at the moment, campus police does not look kindly upon carjacking, and Greed finally achieves his goal of getting expelled.
In the aftermath, Al is recovering, the brothers are cautiously talking to their dad, the board is running a search for a new chancellor, and when the special elections roll around, Roy loses to a poli sci major who's a non-traditional student. Specifically, he is Riza's grandfather who decided to take advantage of free tuition for seniors. This is humiliating for him, but his friends agree it is probably for the best.
The end???
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ahappyphjl · 6 months
no but i'm dead serious when I say this, realistically it would make total sense for dnp to be married (either now or at some point in the future). I don't think their relationship needs it and they're probably the type to see marriage as a piece of paper and meaningless (which, in their case, yeah that would be right). BUT it would probably just be convenient yknow ? because of legal reasons and shared stuff etc.. like they might as well. It would be easier if they're building their dream home together and share everything and are life partners and all that gay shit
yeah i get where you're coming from! i agree marriage can have its benefits and traditionally it would make sense since dnp have been together such a long time. that being said, as much as i love to half-joke about them getting married, i still doubt they would, cause they've made it so clear in the past that it's not something they personally value or need. phil especially has been strictly a marriage is a piece of paper kinda person in the past, and i wouldn’t see him changing his mind easily. but mindsets can change, and we've definitely seen dnp change quite a bit over the years (or at least their public personas), so who knows! phan wedding 2024, 2040, or never lol. anything rly is possible! as long as they’re happy im happy 🥰
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