#like i’m genuinely surprised that we haven’t done this yet??
kidovna · 1 year
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@ byler artists, can we make this a Draw This In Your Style event and tag it under #willbyersdtiys?
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pitchsidestories · 12 days
looks can be misleading II Beth Mead x Vivianne Miedema x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1928
a/n: the inspiration for this oneshot came from this adorable request here.
Playing for Arsenal had always been your dream, even as a little child. But now that you were actually here, at the Arsenal Training Centre, reality looked much different. You hated everything.
From the way the other players stared at you, taking in your tattooed arms when you were first introduced to team to the fact that they never seemed to shut up and kept yelling at each other.
As a person who liked it quiet and to keep to herself, it was all too much, too loud. Your social battery had been empty before the warm-up was even over.
So while your new teammates stayed on the training pitch, chatting away, you headed for the shower. Maybe if you were fast enough, you had a few quiet moments to yourself.
You could even be done before the others joined. You walked with quick, impatient steps towards the dressing room, missing the conversation right behind you.
“What do you guys think about the new girl?”, Leah asked the others, genuine curiosity in her voice.
Kim shrugged with a small smile: “I like that she doesn’t talk much.“
“Of course you do.“, Lia laughed, bumping her arm against the smaller midfielders.
“Hey!“, Kim protested.
Laura chimed in, the sweetest smile on her lips: “I like her. She’s so mysterious and her tattoos are cool.“
Katie eyed the young Austrian like she just said the most stupid thing she ever heard: “Nah, I think she’s a bit weird, ye know?”
“I think I agree. She didn’t even say hello when Jonas introduced her.“, Leah stated.
Beth who had been listening quietly, assured her teammates: “We’ll tell you how she’s with us at home.“
“Good luck with her.“, Manu grinned at her.“You know, I’ve gathered quite some experience with quiet, broody women.“ She inconspicuously nodded towards her girlfriend.
With a frown, Vivianne turned to her: “Wait, are you talking about me?”
“Who else would I be talking about, babe?”
Viv rolled her eyes with clear fondness for girlfriend: “Time to go home. Bye, guys.“
“Bye.“, their teammates echoed in unison. 
Beth and Vivianne were the ones that you would stay with until your own flat was ready to move in. If that meant days or weeks, who knew.
At least their apartment was close to the training centre and you had their guest room to yourself.
Sitting on your bed, you enjoyed being in your own company for a moment. A very short moment as you came to realize.
“Y/n? Do you want to come down and cook dinner with us?”, Beths called for you, her voice echoing from the walls and you wondered if the neighbours had heard her too.
You didn’t want to. But you also didn’t want to seem impolite so you joined them in their kitchen.
“I’m not great at cooking…“, you admitted.
“No problem, we can do this together.”, Beth assured you with an encouraging smile.
“Okay, sure.”, you shrugged.
“It’s easy.”, Viv added.
“Yes, you can start with cutting some veggies.”, her girlfriend advised you in an uplifting tone.
While you did as she said the Dutch woman cleared her throat nervously. “How did you like your first training session y/n?”
“Good.”, you answered monosyllabically as you focused on cutting the vegetables in front of you.
“And how do you like London? Do you have any family close by?”, Beth wanted to know curiously.
“I haven’t seen enough of the city yet to say if I like it and no, my family isn’t from here.”, you revealed. From the way you phrased your answer it was clear that you preferred to not talk about your familiar relations.  
“Oh.”, the blonde muttered surprised.
The rest of the cooking and dinner passed uneventfully. During the dinner Beth tried to get you to talk a little bit more, but that turned out to be unsuccessful.
“I’m going to bed, good night you two.”, you announced once you were done with eating.
“Good night, y/n. See you tomorrow.”, the English forward chirmed. She watched you leaving the kitchen with a loud sigh.
“She’s truly intimidating, Beth.”, Viv whispered when you were out of ear-sight. An amused twinkle was in her light eyes.
“Even you think so?”, Beth chuckled, resting the head on her girlfriend’s shoulder.
Reluctantly the Dutch player put an arm around the smaller woman. For a moment she paused before admitting thoughtfully. “No, I think what she really needs is time, it’s not easy to be the new girl in the team.”
“You would know, huh?”, the English forward gave her a teasing smile.
“Yes, I do actually.”, Viv acknowledged, pressing a soft kiss to her girlfriend’s blonde hairline.
In the past she had quite often confessed that the beginning of her Arsenal career was quite tough for her.
As a young foreign girl who already had made herself known in the national team the Dutch forward had to accustomed to a new country, different playing style and a fresh pressure which came with playing for such a big club.
“We’ll see.”, Beth answered hoping her girlfriend was right about you.
“Morning y/n.”, she greeted you warmly the next morning, next to her the young dog was already bouncing excitedly.
“Morning.”, you mumbled suppressing a yawn. It was clear for everyone that you were in desperate need of some caffeine.
“We’re taking Myle on a walk. Would you like to come with us? We can get coffee or something.”, the blonde offered smiling friendly.
“Uhm okay.”
“You don’t have to, obviously.”, Viv added quickly.
“No, I do.”, you smiled shily at them.
The couple seemed happy that you accepted their offer. You all shrugged on jackets and left for a stroll around the neighbourhood.
Beth and Viv walked slightly in front of you, politely giving you your own space while Beth kept talking and Vivianne just listened. You were perfectly fine just taking everything in and watching Myles’ floppy ears bounce with every step. You could feel a smile tug on the corner of your mouth.
When you reached the coffee shop, you offered to wait outside with Myle. Patiently, you sat at a table outside and rubbed your hands together. It was an unusually cold morning. Even the little dog at your feet seemed to shiver slightly in the cold air, despite the thick brown fur.
“Come here.“, you mumbled to yourself as you gently pulled Myle onto your lap, in hopes that your body warmth would help. She immediately curled up on your lap and let you pet her.
“Your puppy is really cute.“, you said softly as your two teammates reemerged from the coffee shop, steaming cups in their hands.
Beths’ face lit up as soon as she saw you two together: “Oh, looks like she likes you already.“
Myle lifted her head as if she was listening attentively.
You could feel your cheeks heating up: “She was getting cold so I warmed her…“
“That’s sweet of you. You like milk and sugar with your coffee, right?”, Beth smiled and pushed a cup of coffee towards you.
You gratefully reached for it, wrapping your hands around the warm drink. “I do. How did you get that?”
“I was hoping for the best. It was either that or black coffee.“, Beth laughed as she took the chair next to yours.
You sipped on your coffee and smiled: “Not bad.“
“Oh, so she can smile!”, Beth exclaimed happily.
You grimaced, slightly embarrassed.
"This is your and Myles' achievement, Beth.”, Vivianne told her girlfriend.
Beth laughed again and you had to admit, you could actually get used to that sound. “I think Myle deserved the majority of the credit.“
“She’s just so cute.“, you mumbled as you looked down at the puppy on your lap.
“Yes, she is.“, Beth agreed, her eyes wandering from Myle to your face.
There was something intense in her gaze and it made you immediately feel insecure, the blush creeping back into your cheeks, so you set the little dog down and got up from your seat, indicating that you would like to continue your walk. “Let’s go.“
Even though you were in London for almost a week now, you still preferred to run your laps away from others in training. You couldn’t focus on yourself when everyone kept talking. Besides, you didn’t care much for the gossip anyway that was so willingly shared during the warm-up.
As you ran by yourself, you didn’t hear any of the conversation Beth was having with her teammates on the other side of the pitch.
“Wait, are you serious, Beth? Are you still talking about her over here.“, Leah asked as she jogged alongside her teammate. She subtly nodded in your general direction.
“Leah! Of course I’m talking about her. She’s such a sweetheart once you get to know her.“
“One could think you’ve a crush on her, Beffy.”, Steph teased the friend grinning.
“I mean.”, the English forward run her free hand nervously through her blonde hair.
“Stephs not wrong here.”, Alessia commented with a cheeky smile.
“She’s kind of cute, don’t you think?”, Beth turned her head to look at her girlfriend, searching for the confirmation she needed.
“No, I do.”, Viv agreed.
“Well, this is going to be interesting.”, Kim remarked with a meaningful glance toward the couple.
The piece of their talk you did hear left you almost speechless.  “Wait, what?”, you interrupted them stunned.
“Oh, y/n.”, Beth sighed softly.
“I forgot my cleats I’ll be right back.”, you lied, you were desperate to get out of this uncomfortable situation as quick as possible.
“Shit.”, the Dutch forward cursed under her breath. There was a mutual understanding between Viv and her lover that didn’t need words, so they quietly followed you into the changing room.
“Y/n? If you feel more at ease not living at our home your place is ready.”, the younger of the two offered heavy heartedly.  
“Yeah, I’ll move out.”, you decided unable to look into their sad eyes.
“Sorry, for our teammates talk from earlier.”, Beth apologized biting her lip guiltily.
“Beth, Viv, stop.”, you demanded.
“We’ll leave.”, Viv nodded.
“No, I want to tell you something,. I like you two .. like a lot.”, you confessed it took all your bravery to say these words out loud.
You know your looks could be misleading, they made you appear tough: your muscles and tattoos were like your armour against a world which hasn’t always treated you with the kindness you and everyone really deserved.
But you were tired of being alone and the two women showed you a way to break out of the loneliness.
“We like you two.”, the Dutch woman assured you earnestly.
“Y/n, what are you trying to say?”, the blonde asked confused by the turn this discussion took.
“I don’t know what I’m trying to say, that’s the problem.”, you admitted.
“That’s okay.”, Beth replied.
“I guess thanks for everything. I’ll get my stuff later.”, you smiled sadly at them.
“Actually, Viv paused a second before continuing, you could stay with us.”
“Really? To be honest I’d like to stay at your home.”, you looked up surprised.
“Our home.”, Viv corrected you as Beth pulled you into a tight group hug.
“We got to keep her.”, the blonde hummed happily.
“Beth, I’m not Myle!”, you protested.
“No, but you’re just as cute.”, she answered giving you a kiss to your cheek which immediately turned red.
Despite the banter these two and the dog were the closet thing you had to call home.
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cece693 · 9 days
Bet (Klaus Mikaelson x M! Reader)
Summary: Thanks to your brothers, all you knew about the Mikaelson family was that they were dangerous and threatened your livelihood. However, when you're saved by the hybrid himself, he poses a bet to change your mind or be given insight into the cure.
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You paced the old parlor of the Salvatore boarding house, frustration bubbling inside you like an unwelcome storm. Damon had been shouting in your ear again, his usual rant about the Mikaelsons’ supposed evil nature still echoing off the walls. He was adamant: the Originals were nothing but a death sentence waiting to happen, and you needed to steer clear of them.
Stefan, meanwhile, had taken his usual route, trying to appeal to your emotional side. He claimed your search for the cure was pointless, a dangerous fantasy you needed to abandon. His eyes had softened, his voice dropping to that earnest tone he reserved for when he was about to say something ‘profound.’
“It’s over,” he’d said. “What we did centuries ago, what happened to you…it was for the best. We’re a family now.”
You'd barely managed to stifle your scoff. A family, he said. Easy for him to preach about family when he and Damon had been content to let Katherine turn them. You, on the other hand, had been set to marry Emily, a kind-hearted girl from town. All that was ripped away when your brothers decided to drag you into their mess, condemning you to an eternity you never asked for. You had lost everything. You hadn't chosen this life; it had been forced upon you.
“Look, little brother,” Damon had warned earlier that night, his eyes darkening as they flickered to yours, a flash of genuine concern slipping past his usual bravado. “Stay away from Klaus. He’s not the kind of enemy you can afford to make.”
“Damon, I’m not stupid,” you’d retorted, rolling your eyes in exasperation. “I just want the cure. If Klaus has any knowledge of it, I’m not going to let your paranoid warnings stop me.”
And that was why you found yourself in the woods outside Mystic Falls, pursuing the rumor that Klaus was near. Your heart pounded, a mix of anger and hope driving you forward. That hope turned into a nightmare when one of Katherine's minions appeared out of nowhere, tackling you to the ground. The stake in his hand glinted in the sunlight, aiming straight for your heart.
You struggled, trying to push him off, but he was relentless. Just as you braced for the end, there was a blur of motion, and your assailant was suddenly torn away. You gasped, scrambling to your feet as you saw Klaus standing over the broken body of your attacker. His eyes were cold, yet his posture was relaxed, almost as if saving you had been a minor inconvenience.
"You—" your voice came out rough, disbelief dripping from every word, "you saved me?"
Klaus tilted his head, eyes dancing with amusement. "Don't sound so surprised, love. Surely you didn't think I'd let Katherine have all the fun."
Your pulse hammered in your chest, more out of confusion than fear. Klaus, of all people? The monster your brothers had warned you about? The hybrid who supposedly wanted nothing more than to tear the Salvatores apart? You glared at him, trying to ignore the nagging questions in your mind.
"Why?" you demanded, pushing yourself to stand straight despite the throbbing pain in your side. "Why would you help me?"
Klaus stepped closer, his eyes locking onto yours with a piercing intensity. "Because," he said softly, his voice dangerous and smooth, "I have plans for you."
You tensed, instincts flaring again, but something in his gaze held you captive. There was a softness, a flicker of something deeper beneath the cold exterior. "Plans?" you repeated, the word bitter on your tongue. "Like what, adding me to your collection of enemies? Using me against my brothers?"
He laughed, a low, rumbling sound that sent a shiver up your spine. "So much suspicion. Your brothers really have done a number on you, haven’t they?" He took another step closer, his presence commanding and overwhelming. "But I assure you, my intentions are far more…personal."
Your stomach twisted in knots, both from his words and the weight of your brothers' warnings ringing in your ears. Klaus Mikaelson is a monster. He’s dangerous. Don’t ever trust him.
But here he was. Standing before you, having just saved your life.
"You expect me to believe that?" you asked, your voice harsher than you intended. "That you’re just here to help out of the goodness of your heart?"
Klaus smiled, his lips curling with dark amusement. "No, I expect you to listen. I know what you’ve been searching for—the cure." You froze. He knew. Of course, he knew. Klaus always seemed to know everything. But this was different—this was something you had kept close, something personal, driven by a desperation to reclaim your humanity.
Your mouth went dry. "What do you know about it?" you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
"I know more than you think," Klaus replied smoothly, his eyes gleaming. "But that’s not something I’ll simply give away."
Of course, there was always a catch. You crossed your arms, defensive. "What do you want from me?"
"Simple," Klaus said, taking a final step until he was just inches from you, his voice low and measured. "Spend time with me. Get to know me and my family. Let me show you that we’re not the monsters your brothers make us out to be. If, after that, you still believe we’re nothing but dangerous beasts, I’ll tell you everything I know about the cure."
You scoffed. "So, what—this is some kind of bet?"
Klaus's smile turned predatory. "Call it a wager, if you prefer. If I can’t change your mind, you get what you want. But if I do…" His gaze flickered over you, something unreadable in his eyes. "Then you’ll owe me."
"That’s it? You’re not going to force me into anything?" You raised an eyebrow, your suspicion still very much alive.
Klaus chuckled darkly. "I don’t need to force anyone into anything, love. I think, deep down, you're already curious."
His confidence rattled you. But beneath the fear and doubt, there was a flicker of something else. A sense of intrigue. Curiosity. After all, hadn't you already begun questioning your brothers' stories? You hadn’t expected Klaus to be anything other than a brutal monster—and yet, here he was, offering you a chance.
After a moment, you sighed. "Fine, I’ll take your bet. But don’t expect this to be easy."
"I wouldn’t have it any other way."
What began as a begrudging agreement quickly spiraled into something far more complex. Klaus introduced you to his family, and to your surprise, they were far more than heartless killing machines.
Elijah’s calm, noble demeanor immediately stood out. He was nothing like the vicious killer you’d imagined. And Rebekah—though quick-tempered and prone to impulsiveness—had a genuine vulnerability that reminded you of Stefan in a strange way. They weren’t monsters; they were people. Complicated, dangerous people, yes, but not the soulless creatures Damon had described.
Klaus...Klaus was the most perplexing of all.
He was still terrifying, no doubt about it—his temper as quick as ever, a constant reminder of the danger lurking beneath his every move. Klaus’s control over any situation was absolute, as though the world bent to his will, daring not to defy him. And yet, there was something about him that gnawed at the edges of the image your brothers had painted.
It started subtly, at first. His gaze would linger on you a fraction too long, his eyes softening for a moment before the familiar steely mask snapped back into place. In those rare, unguarded moments, you felt something shift—a crack in his unyielding façade, a glimpse of the man he might have been before centuries of betrayal hardened him into the creature he had become.
And then there were the nights when you found yourself alone with him, often under the most unexpected circumstances. Once, after a particularly brutal fight with Damon, you returned to the mansion bruised and exhausted. You had expected Klaus to gloat or mock your weakness, but instead, he was there, his presence both commanding and unexpectedly gentle.
You stumbled into the grand foyer, wincing with every step as pain radiated through your battered body. Klaus emerged from the shadows, his eyes sharp with concern. Without a word, he guided you to a nearby settee, his hands surprisingly gentle as he helped you settle.
"You should be more careful," Klaus murmured, his voice low and almost tender. He knelt beside you, his fingers brushing lightly over the bruise on your bottom lip. His touch was meticulous, almost reverent, and the contrast between his harsh exterior and this tender care was jarring.
You met his gaze, searching for the ruthless hybrid you’d come to know. Instead, you saw a flicker of something softer, an emotion you couldn’t quite place. “I don’t understand you,” you said, wincing as your words caused the sore area of your lip to tighten. “Why keep me around if this is all a bet? Why show yourself like this if I’m to be a pawn in your game? Don’t deny it, I heard my brothers speaking about how you plan to use Elena to get rid of your curse.”
Klaus’s expression hardened for a moment, the mask of his usual confidence slipping just enough to reveal the hurt beneath. He took a deep breath, his gaze intense as he met your eyes. “You think of me as nothing more than a manipulator, but there’s more to this than you realize.” Standing up, you watched as Klaus turned his back to you, in an attempt to hide his weaknesses.
“I didn’t plan for this to be a game,” he said quietly, his voice carrying a trace of regret. “My initial interest in you was strategic, but it evolved into something far more complicated. Yes, I need Elena to break the curse, but that doesn’t mean my feelings for you are any less real.”
“I don’t know what to believe,” you admitted, your voice trembling slightly. “Your actions are so contradictory. One moment, you’re this ruthless hybrid, and the next, you’re kind. I can’t make sense of it.”
“I understand your confusion. It’s easier for people to see me as a monster because it suits their narrative. But the truth is rarely that clear." You wanted to look at Klaus, so with much bravery, you stood up from the settee and walked toward him. His back tensed, yet you stood in front of him, his blue eyes darkened with a mixture of frustration and sadness.
"They call me a monster, a villain. And maybe I am those things. But I’m more than that. I’m someone who cares about the people I choose to let in." His hand hesitantly went to your cheek, and you couldn't help but lean into the touch.
"And you’ve…chosen me?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
A ghost of a smile touched Klaus’s lips. "Against my better judgment, yes. You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met, and I’ve lived a long time."
The intensity in his eyes made your heart pound. You wanted to hate him, wanted to cling to the stories your brothers had fed you, but something had shifted. He wasn’t just some ancient monster; he was a man with desires, hopes, and wounds he kept hidden beneath layers of cold indifference.
"Then tell me," you challenged "Tell me the truth. Is there really a cure, or was this just some elaborate game to win me over?"
Klaus’s gaze darkened with an intensity that spoke of deep emotions. He took a moment, the silence stretching between you as if he was weighing his words carefully. “There is a cure,” he confessed, his voice grave and earnest. “And if you still want it, I’ll help you find it.”
You searched his eyes, looking for any hint of deception, but all you saw was an unfiltered sincerity that was both unsettling and reassuring. “And if I take it?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. “What then?”
Klaus’s expression grew somber, the lines on his face deepening with the weight of his emotions. “If you take it, you’ll be walking away from your brothers, this life…from me.”
The pain in his voice was palpable, but he didn’t try to mask it or push you towards any decision. There was no manipulation, no hidden agenda. It was a raw, honest confession from someone who had been playing a complex game but now laid his cards on the table.
You were taken aback by the contrast. If this had been Damon or Stefan, they would have tried to convince you to stay, to forget about the cure and remain by their side. They would have manipulated your feelings, used every trick they had to make you change your mind. But Klaus—Klaus was offering you the choice without trying to sway you. He was hurt, yes, but his respect for your autonomy was genuine.
“I… didn’t expect you to be so honest,” you said, your voice trembling slightly. “You’re willing to let me go, even if it means losing me?”
Klaus nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving yours. “I am. Because I understand what it means to desire something with every part of your being and to be willing to make sacrifices to achieve it. If the cure is what you truly want, then I will help you find it, even if it means saying goodbye.”
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gallierhouse · 3 months
Some thoughts on Armand’s relationship with love, control, and his trauma. Armand’s relationship with Marius is the template for all his subsequent relationships. I know we haven’t met Marius yet, but of course Armand loves and loathes and worships and fears Marius in equal measure. Anything else would be surprising. Of course he loves the man who saved him, sold him, donated him, raised him, loved him, in whatever way Marius was capable of (“Amadeo” wouldn’t be in the painting if Marius didn’t), eventually tossed him aside, and then turned him (“the ones we turn always resent us for it”). I’m guessing that Armand half wants to go back to Marius (or whatever it was like with Marius, back in Venice) and half never wants to see him again. If he ever does see Marius again he’s probably going to shut down and try to avoid him, and the moment Marius is gone, he’s going to miss him and wish he’d acted differently. Marius, as far as I can tell, seems to be something between a master, father, and god for Armand. You see it leak through when he goes to Lestat’s play and in the way Louis comforts him. He treats Lestat like a child, he’s trying to seduce Lestat into joining the coven, Louis cups his face the way you’d comfort a child. His relationship with Marius is probably ultimately familial on some level, all the comfort and authority of a father, along with the abuse that comes with it. And we know that Marius sexually abused Armand and trafficked him to his friends, but that’s not incompatible with being a fatherly figure, it just means that the result it produced in Armand is probably a fundamental blurring of familial, romantic, and sexual boundaries, which does explain a lot of his behavior. When Armand reflects on what Marius was like, he says he “basked in his worshipful mercy,” and it makes sense. Marius saved him from the brothel, Marius held his life in his hands, Marius eventually gave him eternal life to save him from his illness. For Armand, he’s a god. And the thing about gods is that as much as you worship and revere and love them, they’re also objects of fear. That’s why you worship them. Fear and love go hand in hand. I think that mixture of fear and love, and the blurring of familial/romantic/sexual boundaries is essentially what explains all of Armand’s relationships post-Marius.
Armand is both tyrannical and loving towards the coven, but it’s the same thing. What he does to and for them is love. We know he’s abusing Louis in episode 5, but it is love. It’s punishment, it’s resentment, it’s hurt, and it’s love. When he talks about the “prison of empathy” he’s not being facetious. That’s genuinely how he sees it. All of this, Louis half-burnt to death, screaming for him to stop torturing Daniel, is love. Because if he didn’t love Louis he would’ve let him burn to death on the roof, if he didn’t love Louis he would’ve left him instead of taking care of him, and when Louis finally evokes their relationship to stop Armand from eating Daniel, Armand is genuinely hurt. How could you deny him this one thing? When all he’s done is love you? All he does is clean up after Louis, pick up the pieces of these broken and battered young men, pick up the pieces of Louis’ addiction. It’s love. And it’s not healthy and it’s not kind, and it’s selfish and it’s abusive, but it is love. I think, for Armand, punishment and abuse and servitude aren’t antithetical to love, but a necessary part of it. That’s the shape love takes for him. And when he asks Louis, “are you asking or making me?” I don’t necessarily think he’s trying to skirt responsibility or trap Louis by retreating into the safety of their BDSM dynamic. Louis obviously wants Armand there because he wants to share something beautiful with Armand. He’s asking Armand because he loves Armand and he wants to share something important and beautiful with him, Louis wants to be a family. But Armand’s obviously conflicted, he doesn’t believe in turning vampires, he doesn’t want to be there because he’s still caught between the coven and Louis’ love (if the story we’ve been told is accurate). I don’t think he retreats into the dynamic because he’s guilt tripping Louis or attempting to use the power of his sad amber eyes, he’s really just asking. Is this what you require of me? Is this what you want? To love someone is to obey them, to submit, even when it’s unpleasant, especially when it’s unpleasant. That’s how you show the value of your love. Louis detects this and immediately comforts him, and the way Armand responds is childlike. Louis is cupping his face, telling him it’s okay, Armand looks at him with a genuine expression of vulnerability. I think this is just the shape of love for Armand. Yeah, it’s fucked up, but that’s how he loves, and in turn, how he expects to be loved. So when he punishes Louis it’s not because he doesn’t love him, but because if Louis loved him, he’d take it. That’s just part and parcel of what love is for him. It’s why he doesn’t see the way he treats Claudia (or the coven) as abusive, that’s just love. You wouldn’t bother punishing someone if you didn’t love them, and their tolerance and acceptance of the punishment is proof of their love for you. It’s deeply masochistic. But he was trafficked and then raised by a man who continued to abuse and save him all at once. So it’s really only expected.
Ultimately, the reasons for his issues with sex and control and his inability to express agency are rooted in his abuse. It’s frozen his development and rendered him unable to express agency or even want without the comfort of submission. It’s also rendered him terrified of abandonment — which is probably related to being kidnapped by the Children of Darkness and taken away from Marius — which leads him to engage in self-defeating behavior. He desires submission, but he can’t truly submit, because he can’t let anyone leave him, so he must control them, but he can’t submit to them if he controls them. That’s the core of his power play with Louis. He’s the dominant figure (he’s older, stronger, in San Francisco and Dubai he essentially controls Louis’ life) but he plays at submission (their D/S dynamic) in an attempt to have his cake and eat it. He’s emotionally stuck being that scared child who worships this terrifying, loving, abusive father-master-god figure, and he alternates between trying to find the security of familiarity in being that scared child, and trying to emulate Marius when he’s projecting power. He’s a father, master and god to the coven, and the scared child to Louis. It’s all the same.
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golden-headband · 1 month
Writer!Reader x ESAU
AU belongs to to @emelinstriker and I must say. I apologize.
Warning: suggestive. Or suggests of something more R rated in the writing.
You had given a copy of your rough draft to each of your champions in hopes that they would give you actual critics. Stressing to actually tell you their genuine thoughts as if they weren’t written by you. You would not accept anymore of their praises unless it came with specific critiques. You knew you could do better.
They knew. But they would try their best to give their genuine, totally not biased opinion. They just had to bring up things they thought were…. “Fine” and things they thought could- emphasis on 'could’- be better.
However after a while, Macaque was looking a little….. hotter than the others. Wukong especially noticed the way his tail was moving. What could be getting him so excited? Macaque was certainly engrossed in the story, a pleased yet awed expression radiating off of him. Nezha was starting to get irritated with how much his tail was thumping on the ground.
“Could you calm down? I know Masters writing is wonderful but they told us to to be professional.” The pink champion finally turned to the purple champion. Despite also sharing Macaques eagerness in expressing to the world how wonderful their Master was, Nezha also took his missions (it was obvious he was seeing this as a mission) just as seriously.
“How can you say that?” Macaque turned with an excited smile, “Haven’t you gotten to the first bedroom scene!?”
The entire room went quiet. Deadly quiet.
“What?” Nezhas voice held a tone that Macque wasn’t expecting. His movements stopped, tail froze mid-thwack onto the ground.
“…. What… page are you on?”
Everyone shared the number they had last read, except for one. “I’m at the part with the two headed dragon.” MK answered, holding up one of the earlier pages. This twisted macaques face into confusion.
“…. Dragon?”
Wukong tilted his head slightly. “Macaque. What is the story you are reading?”
The purple champion turned to his sworn brother, and just as he opened his mouth, everyone felt a change in their masters emotions. They weren’t in danger, but they did seem in a panic. Before anyone could think to go to them, they felt their Master approaching the room they resided in. And they were coming quite fast. The door behind them soon slammed open. Even though they had sensed them coming, they were still surprised at the intensity the door had been opened.
Everyone faced their Master, looking quite frantic. Spotting Macaque immediately, walked over to him, knelt down, took the rough draft in his hands, and replaced it with another. “I’m sorry. This isn’t done yet. This is the story I gave everyone. I got them mixed up.” Was all they said before turning around and closing the door behind them.
Everyone remained silent. Macaque slowly turned to his copy and opened the page, gently flipping through them. “….. oh.” He said. Half realization and almost disappointed. “So… you didn’t read the rope scene?”
“THE WHAT!????”
Macaque would not leave you alone. He was silently begging you with those void eyes of his. He didn’t say a word, but you were certain what he was thinking.
Eventually you let out a sigh and turned to him. “Do you want to read the rest of the draft? It’s not even finished.” It was nowhere near as refined as the adventure story they had given the champions.
He gave an eager nod.
Much later you had spotted him reading it over, and much to your surprise, Wukong and Nezha were by his side, completely engrossed in it. All held a fascination as their faces grew much pinker than they should. You quickly hid, your back met the wall, and slid down to the ground.
“What the heck did you write!?” You heard Mink nearly wheezing. If an ink curse could wheeze.
“….. I kinda…. Like writing a heroine who is…. Dominant.” You heard the ink curse collapsed next to you and fall into a a laughing fit.
“Hold on, hold on, HOW dominant are we talking?” came his teasing grin. You didn't even have to look. The way he said it was plastered in your mind.
You almost didn’t answer, but you were pretty sure macaque wouldn’t keep quiet about it. You slid your head into your hands. “The chains and handcuff scene isn’t all the way finished. I just threw all my ideas into that last page.” Again. The ink curse equivalent of wheezing sounded by your side. You were not looking forward to him finding out about the collar scene. But you. At that moment. Couldn’t even let out a squeak of frustration. Why. HOW did you stack those copies improperly?
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kodydrs · 10 months
The Vice-Admiral’s Daughter - Portgas D. Ace (final / IV)
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a/n: IT HAS ARRIVED!! I’ve had AOT brainrot for the last month so I’m actually surprised a finished this today. But it is what it is. I changed the name from “the first time” bc the ending fits better with the new name. anyways, enjoy lol
warnings: fxm, ace x fem!reader, pirate!ace x marine!fem!reader, smut, mdni, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), fingering, thighs kisses (🫶🏻), not proofread, i’m bad at tagging
request: yes / no
ib: none
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You’d last seen Ace in the dark hours of the night, and apparently your pirate boyfriend wanted to make it a trend.
The sound of soft tapping on glass woke you, followed by your window freaking open. At first you panicked, until you saw a familiar spark of light illuminating his face.
‘Hey, princess.’ Ace whispers, standing in your window. You know he can see your look of disgust. The look wasn’t caused by him being here. More the time, and his constantly bad timing.
‘Ace. What the fuck? My dad is literally 2 rooms away.’ You curse, standing quickly to try push him out of the window. He stumbles slightly, nearly falling had he not wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
‘Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I’m glad to see you too.’ His laugh echos of your walls and you’re quickly to slap a hand over his mouth, bringing your other to his lips. He looks at you, up and down then frowns. ‘You never wear long pajamas.’
His voice is muffled, but not muffled enough that you can’t make it out. More muffled enough that no one else can hear him.
‘It’s been cold lately. It is winter after all.’ You huff, straightening out your long pants. Confusion still morphs his face, but he seems to brush it off.
With little to no effort, he lifts you onto his hip, your legs instinctively wrapping around him, and walks you both over to your bed. Against your will, your body keens into him, his body heat enveloping you.
You’re staring at the ceiling a minute later, lips pulled in a straight line as your boyfriend rubs his face into your collarbone and jaw.
‘You’re like a freaking cat.’ You hiss, adjusting the arm his head is resting on. He laughs at your remark, and you swear you hear him purring a few seconds later.
Despite the genuine annoyance that he’s unsafe in your house at the current moment, you adjust your arm, pulling him closer to you. He breathes quietly, peppering kisses onto your neck.
‘That’s more like my girl.’ His voice is soft and warm, gently fanning your skin. The arms around your waist tighten, and you finally fold, rolling onto your side to wrap both arms around his neck.
You’re looking at him, memorising all his features as he hands travel your body, leaving no part untouched. Lips reconnect with your neck, kissing up to your earlobe.
‘Do you want me in you now or later?’
Your face spreads into a smile, pressing your foreheads together.
‘I knew you didn’t just wanna cuddle.’
He also grins, shuffling up so you’re face to face.
‘I gotta at least pretend I’m not here just because I missed the sex.’ He teases, hands brushing against your waist, lips on lips. A giggle feels the room, and it’s only then you remember where you are. A hand quickly covers his mouth and the other brings a finger to your lips.
‘We have to be quiet, baby. If we get caught, you’ll be executed.’
‘Not with my trusty “Vice-Admiral’s daughter by my side.’ His voice is muffled by your hand, but you still make out what he’s saying. ‘But I’ll try my best to stay quiet. I promise.’
Large, calloused hands wrap around your wrist, pulling your restrictions away and pressing kissing to your palms. Kisses trace down your skin to your neck, the pirate leaving purple love bites on your jaw.
You moan lowly, hands running through his black strands.
‘What’s that moan for?’ He tantalised. ‘I haven’t even done anything yet.’ To emphasise his words, his hand runs along your torso, dipping past your waistband.
A soft sigh pushes your breath against his skin.
‘I want you to fuck me so bad right now.’
His eyes widen in surprise but he quickly recovers, grinning from ear to ear.
‘Damn, I adore you when you’re honest.’ He holds your hips and rolls, pushing you down onto the bed to crawl over top of you. Your hands follow him, stroking his sides with the back of your fingers. The ticklish feeling pulls a laugh from the pirate. He leans next to your ear.
‘Quite the flirt, aren’t ya?’
‘Always. Just for you.’
He smirks, kissing your cheek and just simply resting there for a few seconds.
It was soft moments like this that truly made you consider running off to sea with him. You missed every minute where you could be together but you aren’t.
‘Don’t worry, my love.’ He whispers. ‘I’m gonna make sure you’re satisfied in every way possible.’
The sound of metal on leather makes your insides twist and your back arches to the ceiling when cold air surrounds your legs. Cold air which is quickly replaced by a warm heat running up and down them.
‘You ok?’ He asks, fingers tracing your thighs before dipping between them. You whinge slightly, holding him. ‘Tell me if you’re not.’
‘I’m ok.’ You whisper, pulling his face to press your foreheads together. He slowly starts pumping his fingers out of you, and your teeth meet your lips, soft moans filling the space between you both.
Ace whispered quiet affirmations in your ear, telling you good of a girl you were, and how perfect you are.
‘You’re the love of my life, and I miss you when you’re not around.’ His fingers scissor inside you, and it takes a hand over your mouth to not cry out. Ace looks at you, eyes widened for a second before they squint to smile. ‘You’re so easy to please.’ He teases, bringing his cum-soaked fingers to his mouth.
You cringe, covering your face as a burning blush paints it.
‘I can’t believe you just did that.’ He laughs, kissing your neck to add to his already many decorations. He pulls your hands away, tracing circles on your palm with his thumb.
‘Are you ready, or do you want me to prep you more?’
You nod, finding comfort in his touch.
‘I’m ready.’ Your voice is barely above a whisper, and you can’t imagine how he’d heard you. But he did, and slowly he aligned himself before sliding into you, stretching your walls. Your lewd moans are silenced by a hand over your mouth. Even with prep, it felt like you were being torn apart. You lock eyes with your boyfriend, vision blurred from tears. Soft lips kiss over your face, comforting you into adjustment.
‘You tell me when I’m ok to move. And if you want to stop, just tell me. Ok, baby?’
You nod, hiccuping. You reach around, finding his hand and intertwining them. For a minute you just lay like this, cockwarming him. With a deep sigh, you lean up into his neck.
‘You can move now.’ You whisper, nipping at his earlobe. A smile presses to your cheek as he slowly drags his hips back, then snaps them forwards. A high moan echoes through your room, and you both stop, listening to see if anyone heard. When there was no sign of movement in the house, you nodded and Ace repeated the motion. You bit your lip harshly, most likely drawing blood as he ploughed into you.
If nothing else drove you crazy (but believe me, everything Ace did drove you mad), then the way he groaned into your ear was definitely it. Nothing got you more turned on.
‘Do you want me to cum in you or out?’ He groaned, pressing his forehead against yours.
‘W-Whatever you want.’ You pant, feeling your nails bluntly scratch his back.
The soft whimper that comes from him almost makes you release right there and then. He felt your walls clench around him, and a tired laugh escaped.
‘Holy fuck. You sound so good when you make noises.’ You say, arching your spine as a knot forms in your lower abdomen. ‘Such pretty noises for me.’
‘Oh shut the fuck up.’ A bit of teasing didn’t hurt. Over the past year-ish, teasing had become your love language. Not so much when it came to intimacy, but more just in everyday life.
‘Fuck. I’m gonna cum.’
‘Hold it a second.’
‘God, Ace. Please.’ Your nails were drawing blood now. Not a crazy amount, but enough to make him hiss. With a few harsh thrusts, you felt the knot snap, sending you over the edge, and it’s not long before your boyfriend joins you, planting his cum deep inside you.
Your mouth falls open in a silent moan while Ace bites down hard on your shoulder, a muffled grunt coming from him.
He slowly gets you both through your highs, moving lazily inside of you. With tired eyes, he pulls away to look at your face, bringing a hand to soothe where you’d been bitten.
‘Sorry.’ He whispered, seeing how deep his teeth marks went. You shook your head, bringing a hand to his face.
‘It doesn’t hurt.’
You both wince as he pulls out of your wet cunt, flopping beside you, your body wrapped tightly in his arms. You nuzzled against his chest, feeling sticky and disgusting, but not having enough energy to clean yourself up. Neither of you had enough energy, and still Ace groaned and stood, moving to your door.
‘Wait.’ You whisper-shouted. ‘My dad-‘
‘I’ll stay hidden. Where’s the bathroom?’
You hesitated, but if he’d been able to get away for this long, then he must be good at hiding.
‘First door on the right.’ He disappeared for a minute or 2, returning with a wet cloth and a glass. ‘Thank you.’
He was gentle in the way he cleaned you, washing your thighs and planting soft kisses on them as he did so before cleaning your pussy. He kissed just above where your shorts had sat, before quickly cleaning himself and disappearing out the door again. You waited patiently for him to return, crawling into his body heat the minute he hit your bed.
‘You know.’ He whispered, playing with your hair. ‘If you came out to sea with me, then we wouldn’t have to worry about anyone hearing us. Or finding us even.’
You rest your chin on his chest, looking at his brown eyes.
‘I want to Ace.’ You start. ‘But an Vice-Admiral's daughter becoming a pirate would ruin lives.’
‘How so? My brother did it.’
‘But it was Luffy’s grandfather, and no one knew him as Garp’s grandson. I’m known as the Vice-Admiral's daughter.’
‘I know. But we could get you a new name. You aren’t bound to the one you were born with when you’re at sea.’
You sighed, closing your eyes.
‘I love you, Portgas D. Ace. And some day, I might become a pirate with you. But for now, I can’t. So you go off on your dreams, and I’ll wait here patiently for you. Ok?’
There was a sense of sadness in Ace’s eyes, but he smiled nonetheless, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. You chased his lips, pressing them against your own chastely.
It didn’t take long for you to drift off to sleep, the rise and fall of his chest, along with his heartbeat soothing you into slumber.
Like the last time, you awoke to no Ace. Only the sun coming through your currents, and a soft breeze coming through your window. It saddened you, but it was reality.
You didn’t see Ace again. You didn’t even hear about his death until long after it happened. And for some reason, you didn’t cry. You didn’t feel sad at all. For some reason, you laughed. Maybe it was because you’d never dealt with that kind of grief, or maybe because he didn’t have to run anymore. Whatever the reason was, it didn’t matter. He was gone, and you were still the Vice-Admiral’s daughter.
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taglist: @rotin0
© kodydrs
all rights and reserves are copyright to kodydrs on tumblr. this material is not to be copied or translated.
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hammity-hammer · 2 years
thinking about steve going to cosmetology school and learning how to be an esthetician and cut hair, because nothing matters to him more than making sure other people take care of themselves and feel beautiful in their bodies
and eddie is an absolute little trash man who doesn’t know the first thing about skin care besides that he should probably wash his face with something other than his bar soap that he uses on his body, so he gets some cheap face wash that doesn’t have too many ingredients, but he’s still not 100% sure if it’s good or not. he doesn’t take care of his hair much, either, just washes it every few days (he does know the difference between shampoo and conditioner, and vaguely how to use them) and uses some random leave in conditioner spray he found that helps his curls stay,, curly. 
and eddie spends most of his time getting stabbed by his coworkers and friends, because he 1000% would at the least work in a tattoo shop, but probably would wanna stab people and help them look and feel cool as fuck
so one day steve decides he wants a cute little nose piercing, because robin got one recently and it looked cool on her, so why wouldn’t it look cool on him? plus, best friends do everything together, right??
he goes to the same shop rob went to, and sees one of the most beautiful people he’s ever laid eyes on, and then realizes that the man he’s been making googoo eyes at is definitely about to be the one to stab him, and holy fuck if that doesn’t make him so nervous he almost passes out
and when he’s sitting on the chair so eddie can mark his nose for the piercing, he gets a real up close look at him and realizes that his skin is fucking perfect, and being the little skin care nerd he is, he asks him about it
“oh uhh... i just kinda wash my face every few days when i feel like showering? not anything special..” eddie says, throwing him an awkward smile before he sticks his tongue out the side of his mouth and concentrates on getting his mark perfect.
“i think... this might be the best spot! take a look, don’t touch your nose please, and let me know if you want me to move it!” he tells steve as he steps back and gestures to the mirror next to them. 
steve checks his nose out in the mirror and nods, “yeah! i genuinely have no idea how it’s supposed to look, so i trust you.” he takes a moment to look at eddie again while he sets up the rest of his station, and makes sure his clamp has the right tightness. “are you for real that you only wash your face every few days..?”
“i mean.. i don’t know why i’d lie about that? i just... am real busy and haven’t ever really done anything else?” eddie shrugs, “if you’d please lay back, i’m just about ready to stick ya.” 
they finish the piercing, with steve barely bleeding, but crying quite a bit, and steve’s on his way with his cute little gem sticking out of his nostril. 
eddie definitely thinks that’s the last he’ll see of steve, even though he was so gorgeous and asked... odd? questions? but he guesses that seeing the pretty man at a beauty supply shop made sense, all things considering. steve doesn’t see him yet, because he’s bending over to pick items out of a box on the floor and put them on the shelves he’s stocking, and thank god he doesn’t because eddie really can’t stop a giant blush from spreading on his face. 
“uh.. excuse me.” he coughs awkwardly, trying extremely hard to keep his eyes off of steve’s ass. “i was wondering if you guys have any of this one face mask i like?” he asks, holding up an empty bottle of an old mask that he got for free from nancy forever ago.
“oh yeah! that’s just over here, it’s a really good mask!” steve says with a big smile, leading him over to the brand that it belongs to. “that one costs about... $30, but seeing as you stabbed me and definitely undercharged me, it’ll be on me.” he smiles, taking a box and starting to walk to the front counter.
“wh- how do you know i undercharged you? what if we just... do really cheap piercings?” eddie stutters, surprised that steve had even noticed. he definitely did undercharge him on account of being a total babe, but steve didn’t even have ear piercings, so how could he have known? they don’t keep their prices visible, and he just kind of gets to charge what he wants as long as he covers the jewelry and tool cost.
“i definitely don’t think normal shops charge $15 for a nose piercing, dude. plus, my best friend got her nose pierced by you a few weeks ago and you toootally charged her like.. $50 bucks.” steve grins, scanning the face mask and his employee card. “and i do so appreciate the cheap piercing, so just accept this as a thank you. and, maybe, let me buy you dinner this week?” he smiles, writing his number on a receipt and handing it to eddie.
“sure thing, stevie. lucky for you, flattery works on me. i’ll give you a call soon, sweetheart.” eddie blows him a kiss with a wink and walks off, his free face mask and steve’s number in his hand. 
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 10 months
With time
✧𝐓𝐰𝐢n 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐥𝐨’𝐚𝐤
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✧Tw!!: mentions of death,sibling loss, lo’ak dies instead of neteyam, lots of crying, first time celebrating birthday without your twin brother, mentions of su!c!de, underaged dr!nking, mentions of alcohol,mostly angst with some fluff towards the end (if you squint),feelings of grief and depression and I think that’s all, enjoy this lil Drabble<33
✧Dividers by @benkeibear
✧ translation(s): Skxawng-moron,idiot , kuru-queue, hammerbrow fish- the goldfish that kiri was playing with in that one scene (idk how else to describe it😭)
(Listen to this to make it extra sad🥰)
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You woke up feeling the weight on your chest being even heavier than usual. Your face still wet with tears from last nights realization. That realization being that today was your birthday but not just yours, it was his too. Ever since the night he died, you haven’t left your side of the marui since.
Even though it’s been four months since your twin brother died, that day just keeps replaying in your head, the sound of your mother screaming, the look of absolute devastation on your older brothers face, the blood on your hands, the sound of tsireya crying, lo’aks cold expression, the way your father looked at you with complete disappointment and spat out a cold, “you’ve done enough”
Every time you thought about it you felt sick.
And naturally, being Navi twins you guys were connected more than normal siblings were, you felt each other’s heartbeats, felt when the other was happy or sad, uncomfortable or frustrated. So when you felt cold and utterly alone, you knew he was gone.
But yet there’s still times you hear his heartbeat, you feel how lonely he is and how much sorrow he’s filed with. And it makes you weak with sadness every time.
Being pulled out of your thoughts by a small pair of hands on your bicep shaking you back and forth, you turn around to see your baby sister staring back at you with a smile on her face, her eyes still washed with sadness. Yes, she was young, but she certainly wasn’t stupid. She knew how to read the room better than kids your age did.
“Sis, come on, get up! It’s your birthday!” She says while climbing onto you to give you a hug, which was something she did every year, but this one was more gentle and genuine than the others. You break the hug to place a hand on her head, lightly ruffling her braids,“Maybe later tuktuk, I’m still a little tired.” You say,weakly trying to hide the pain in your features with a fake smile.
She frowns at this, making you let out a soft chuckle as you go to push her off of you. Making her cling onto you more. “That’s what you always say!, please sis, can you get up? For me? For lo’ak?” She says while looking at you with puppy dog eyes. The slight mention of his name brings tears to your eyes, not ready to start this day without him.
“Sister, leave her be, alright? How about you go see what kiri is up to?” Neteyam says as he lifts the curtain to get into your side of the hut, holding it open for tuk to run out eagerly to find her sister.
Closing it, he glances at you before siting on your sleeping mat, “Sister, I’m-” “Teyam don’t. I can’t go through today with this fake sympathetic bullshit!, you guys were constantly on both of our asses for everything! You guys never cared about how we felt! How he felt! You know how many times he came to me telling me how dad made him feel like shit? Or how kiri was pushing him about certain things? Or how he caught dad talking to you about how he’s, “too reckless” and he “wouldn’t be surprised if he got himself killed”?”
His ears pin back to his skull immediately, knowing the exact conversation you were referring to. “Sister, you think that didn’t bother me too? I told him that lo’ak only acted like that because he wanted to be like him. But of course he didn’t listen. And do you think I wasn’t aware of how you guys felt? Why do you think I’d always have both of your guys backs whenever you got into trouble? Why do you think I came up with lies left and right to mom and dad so you two wouldn’t get your asses beat? I wanted to avoid making you guys feel like that, but I only have so much control y/n..” he says as he squeezes his his fists in anger, his feelings from that night bubbling to the surface again.
You move from your comfortable position to sit next to him, bringing him into a much needed hug. “Brother, I know you did. I know you try every single day. And I look up to you because of that. You’re stronger than I am. You keep pushing forward even though there’s so much shit happening to you, I don’t understand how you do it.” You say as you feel tears flowing from your face, the hug reminding you of how lo’ak used to hug you whenever you were in a mood.
“I do it because of you guys. Because of him. You guys are the reason I keep pushing. And especially the both of your skxawng asses” he says with a soft chuckle before breaking the hug, placing his hand on your head softly, something he did with you and lo’ak that became a comfort thing for the both of you. “You can do this today sister, I believe in you, we all do.” His tone making tears automatically spill over your eyes, and causing you to notice his tear filled eyes.
Looking for some sort of grounding you place your hand over his and squeeze, taking multiple deep breaths before speaking. “Teyam.. I can’t, I miss him so much. Everytime I wake up I feel so alone and cold, but I can still hear his breath, and his heartbeat. My pain is not only mine, but his too.” You say in between sobs, watching neteyams breathing get more shallow as he tries to hold in his tears. His features covered in concern.
“Oh baby sis..” bringing you into another much needed hug. He places a light kiss on your forehead before rubbing your back and gently swaying you from side to side,trying to calm down your cries.
Kiri walks in quietly, the feeling of your pain drawing her to your room. Her whole body goes slack and cold when she sees your state, making her glance at Neteyam. That feeling intensifying even more once she saw the pain in his eyes. She takes her place behind you, quickly inserting herself into the hug. Wrapping her right arm around your waist and the other overlapping with neteyams so she can hold him too,her chin resting on your shoulder.
“You feel him don’t you? His heartbeat? His sorrow? His breath? Like he’s just a word about to be spoken?” Without lifting your head you nod quickly, too mentally exhausted speak anymore. “I know how you feel sister. Take that feeling as a way of him telling you to keep going. Keep breathing for him, keep your heart beating for him. That sorrow will be gone once he sees that you’re living for him.”
Her words make you sob even more. Knowing she’s right, he’s always hated seeing you cry, and he did anything to fix it. Purposely making himself look like a dumbass, making you go on an ikran ride with him, asking you to go exploring with him, taking you to you guys secret spot, pinky promises. He did anything for you. And so did you.
A wave of calm suddenly hits you, making your sobs come to a complete stop, and your breathing becomes more level. Feeling the change, your siblings give each other a confused glance before looking down at you. “Sister?..” they both say in sync as you break the hug and get up, your features going completely cold. “I’m going to visit him..if that’s ok with you guys” you say while lifting up a blanket, revealing a stash of alcohol you’ve been keeping ever since his funeral.
Quickly you take a bottle and cover it back up, grabbing your hunting knife and putting on both you and lo’aks matching bracelets you made on your 10th birthday. Walking towards the curtain to leave, you’re pulled back by a gentle pull on your shoulder.
“Y/n..don’t don’t drink today. It’s not gonna stop you from hurting, and you know that.” Kiri says while gliding her hand down to your hand that was holding the alcohol firmly. “Yeah, I know that kiri, but it dulls it somewhat. And it stops me from wanting to throw myself off of a cliff so I think it’s worth it. Plus it’s my birthday! I’m allowed to drink as much as I want today!!” You say in a fake enthusiastic tone, your sarcasm reminding them so much of lo’ak.
“Y/n.” Neteyam says in a soft but stern tone, the one that told you that whatever he was about to say was gonna be serious. “Don’t drink. I know you’ve been hurting more than we have but we need you here. Lo’ak needs you here. You know how much he hates seeing you hurt.” He says as his voice starts to crack slightly, remembering all the things the three of them would come up with whenever you were anything but happy and content.
Feeling the tears well in your eyes again, you squeeze the bottle tighter, fighting the instinct to drown your feelings in the burning liquid.
Glancing over at them, your heart breaks seeing the genuine hurt on their faces because of the realization you’ve been drinking this whole time and they didn’t know. Sighing angrily,you shove the bottle into neteyams chest. “Fine, but when I get back just save me a bottle, because I know it’ll be gone by the time I come back.” You say while turning out of your room swiftly, leaving kiri and neteyam there speechless.
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Once you get to the spirt tree, you thank payakan and tell him that you’ll see him soon. Ever since lo’aks passing you’ve only really left your marui to go see payakan, knowing he carries the same weight as you do.
While swimming towards the tree, you mentally prepare yourself for this painful experience. You’ve been avoiding coming to the tree in the first place, because you knew how much it take out of you. And he knew the same.
Connecting your kuru to the tree, you’re brought to you and lo’aks secret spot back at your actual home. The only place that brought you two comfort. Tentatively, you walk through the clearing, lo’ak still not in sight.
“Lo?, where are you?” You call out, the sound of your own voice making you realize you weren’t 15, but you were younger. Walking towards a curtain of flora that led to a small river, you catch a glimpse of your brother, making you walk quicker.
Once you get there you see lo’ak sitting at the edge of river with his feet languidly swaying in the water, just staring into the water. Almost like he was waiting for something, or someone. You don’t say anything at first, just taking in the sight of him after not seeing him for months.
“Brother..” you say softly, not wanting to disturb his peace. His head whips in the direction of your voice, his expression lighting up as he gets up and walks towards you. “Sister!!, I thought you’d never show!” He says as he takes you into a hug, the sound of his voice making you giggle since he was also his younger self.
“Of course I did, it just took me a little time. You know I’d always come to see your skxawng ass” you say as you break the hug to shove his face with your pointer and middle finger. He giggles at that, his smile making the weight on your chest get lighter.
Grabbing your hand, he guides you to where he was sitting. Taking your seat beside him, you gaze out into the water with him.Nervously playing with your extra finger, you take a breath before talking about what you were avoiding for so long.
“Brother I’m-” you exhale slowly before continuing, noticing out of the corner of your eye how all lo’aks attention was turned to you. “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t be here. It should’ve been me that got shot that night. I was the one that put the idea into your head to go save spider. I should’ve just told you and teyam to go so I could’ve got spider by myself-” “Sister,” he cuts you off, your rambling making the pain in his heart worse. “It’s not your fault. You need to stop hurting yourself like this. It’s not fair to you. You need to focus on now. Not ‘what if’. And plus, It’s not like I would’ve listened to you if you told me to go anyway, there’s no way in hell I’d let that happen.”
Both of you giggle at the last part, knowing that he’s not lying. Once your laughs die down, you look down at your hands, that feeling of guilt still lingering in your chest. Glancing over at you, he notices how you’re playing with your pinkies, a telltale sign that told him something was bothering you.“Sister, what else is it?” He says as he leans back onto his hands, noticing how your shoulders slightly go stiff from his question.
Turning your body to face him, you don’t fail to notice the genuine look of concern in his eyes. “You know what day it is today?” You ask, making his expression completely drop. “Yeah, I know.” The words feeling like a weight on his tongue. “I don’t know how I’m gonna do today without you lo’. I can’t. It hurts too much.” You say as the tears finally spill over your face, the grief crawling back up your throat once again. “No, y/n, you can and you will. For me. Just because I’m here doesn’t mean you can’t live out there. Live for me, y/n. Stop letting yourself be consumed by grief and guilt. I hate seeing you like this and you know that.” He says sternly, making sure you know he’s being serious.
All you do is nod your head, not trusting your voice with the lump in your throat and the never ending tears that keep falling from your eyes. The sight of your hurting form makes lo’aks heart twist in pain. And the fact he couldn’t really do much hurt even more. “Come here, sis,” Placing his hand on your shoulder he pulls you towards him. Giving you a much needed hug, immediately making you sob into the crook of his neck.
“I miss you, twin” he says while resting his chin on your shoulder, letting the tears fall freely from his eyes. You let out a broken, “i miss you more” as the void in your chest grows the longer you two hug.
Once you finally calm down,you break the hug, now seeing each other how you guys remember. “Well shit..” you both say in sync, making you both laugh. “You look so grown. I don’t like it.” Lo’ak says as he admires you a little longer, a feeling of peace swirling in his chest. “Yeah,me neither” you say in a soft tone, once again feeling guilty for moving on without him with you.
Placing left hand on your head, and his right on your shoulder he looks at you with a soft smile on his face, “Y/n,you’ll be ok. I’ll always be watching you, and I’ll always protect you.” The tone of his voice making you inhale sharply so the next wave of tears doesn’t come. He raises his pinky finger towards you, waiting for you to do the same. You let out a soft chuckle at his childish behavior before obliging.
Once both of you pinkies are holding onto one another, he grips your shoulder tighter. “Promise me, that you won’t give up on yourself, that you won’t push everyone away, that you won’t drink your feelings away. Promise me that you can get over this feeling. That you will live through this feeling.”
You squeeze his pinky even tightly as you feel the tears well up in your eyes, realizing that time will make no difference to how much you miss him. But it will for how much you will grow through this feeling.
Tugging his pinky towards yours, you nod your head ‘yes’ before saying, “I promise. I promise I’ll do my best for you. I promise that I’ll try for you.” The words making a smile appear on his face. He brings you into a loving hug, the warmth of comfort washing over both of you guys.
“Happy birthday,twin” you guys say in sync again, a soft giggle coming from both of you. Breaking the hug, he grabs your hands and squeezes them tightly “ow! That hurts!” “I don’t care! I want you to have fun for me today alright? Celebrate us! Spend time with everyone that loves you and gives a shit about you. You deserve it!” he says through his laughs, making you smile softly at his childish demeanor.
“Alright I will!! I’ll come visit you again tonight and I’ll tell you all about today!” You say in a giddy tone, noticing that this has been the first time you’ve been somewhat happy since these last 4 months.
“You better” he says while rolling his eyes dramatically, knowing he did it to make you laugh. Once your laughter dies down, you both look back at the water. Not wanting this moment to end already. “I love you,bro” you say while bumping your shoulder against his, making him laugh and do the same to you. “I love you more,sis” he says with a soft smile on his face, one that replaced the one on yours.
You two stay like this for a while, just basking in each others presence and invading each others space. Thoughts of leaving suddenly crowd your head and the second those thoughts occur, your brother says something about it.“Y/n go spend the day with them. You know how they get on our birthday, plus they’ll make you feel better.” He says in a delicate tone, a soft smile on his face from remembering how much they loved celebrating your birthdays. You sigh softly, before reluctantly standing up.
He gets up with you, bringing you into an affectionate hug. Without breaking it, he whispers “I’ll miss you,sister.” With complete sadness laced in his tone. A tear falls from your face from the sound of his voice,“I’ll miss you more than you’ll ever know, brother.” You two stay like this for a while, until it starts getting harder to breathe, a harsh reminder of the truth.
Breaking the hug, you give him a look that lets him know that, making him hesitantly let go of you. “I’ll see you later tonight brother, I promise. I love you!” You say while turning around to leave, hearing him let out a little ‘I love you, too’ before you leave.
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Once you reach the surface you catch your breath, calling out to your ilu and mentally going over your interaction with your brother to avoid acknowledging that void in your chest.
It’s a peaceful ride back home, until you start getting in your head about ‘having fun’ today without lo’ak. Because it wasn’t just your birthday, but his too. And celebrating without him just doesn’t feel right, even tuk knows that.
But right when you start having those doubts, a group of hammerbrow fish swarm around you and your ilu, stopping you in your tracks. One of them swims up to your face and flicks your forehead, making you furrow your brows and shove it away. They swim around you and you ilu for awhile longer before leaving, one of them staying back a little longer to look at you.
The whole interaction left you with a smile on your face, knowing that it was definitely lo’ak telling you to calm down, and to stop worrying about unnecessary things. Making hope swirl in your chest.
With time, you know you’ll be okay.
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A/N~ this took SO LONG to write oh my fucking god. But we made it!! And I hope you guys enjoyed this (and this is my first angst fic so pls cut me some slack if some phrasing gets repetitive😔) because I did, didn’t enjoy the tears I cried while writing this but it was worth it🩷 if you made it to the end and you’re reading this I wanna thank you so much for reading this whole long ass fic, must really love me huh😏?? LMFAOO but anyway! Otw to write for kinkmas now🏃🏽‍♀️💨
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elisysd · 7 months
3. Wonder why you took a risk on a broken heart you cannot fix
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Purple Irises - Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton 
Another DNF. On a track he loved and had witnessed him achieving great performances. But now, being out after not even a corner, it was painful. He knew he couldn’t have done anything to avoid it but still, it was a bitter feeling. And a feeling that didn’t go away when he saw you waiting for him, your mic ready. He hadn’t talked to you ever since that day at the restaurant, didn’t ask for your number, didn’t ask for your social media, didn’t ask for anything and a part of him regretted it. Kind of. He had promised to show you not everyone was untrustworthy but didn’t even think to ask for a means to contact you. He knew it was stupid but he hated empty promises. He was man of his word and to think he could let you down like everybody else was unsettling for him. 
He moved to you, Silvia by his side and gulped, bracing himself for a petty question that surprisingly didn’t come through.
“A very sad day for you Charles, can you tell us what happened with Lance?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t been able to watch the images yet but I guess he thought he had space and clearly, it was not the case.”
“Two DNF in three races, it’s not the start of the season you hoped it would be. What are your plans for now?”
“See what went wrong and try to learn from it with the team. That’s the best we can do and we will come back stronger next time.”
“Thank you Charles.”
As she was cutting her microphone he saw you looking at him.
“I’m sorry about the race. Truly.”
“No teasing this time?” he asked, surprised.
“I’m not a heartless monster.” you replied as Silvia pushed him to go talk to other media.
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The meeting with her team went nice. They talked a bit about race, debriefing each other's interventions of the day and looked at what they should have done better. You were happy when Marion told you that you had improved, your questions sharper and more precise, and happy, you had decided to wander the paddock in search of new information or to meet interesting new people. That is something you’ve always liked to do, hanging out somewhere to get the atmosphere and to have conversations with people who could provide you with new enlightenments about contracts, performances or any changes inside the teams. You had learned it while being in New-York, during one of your internships while you were covering  basketball games where your boss had told you to let your ears wander. A few words that you were clinging onto. Near the Mercedes hospitality, you had not expected to run into Mick who was coming out of it, a bottle of water in his hands. Out of habits you smiled at him, giving him a little nod which he took as an invitation to talk to you.
“Hey! I saw you around, right? The new interviewer for French TV?”
“That should be me, yes. Y/N, nice to meet you.” you greet him.
You found it surprisingly easy to talk to Mick. The discussion flowed, laughter could be heard from the other side of the paddock and soon the sun was setting. He was friendly, caring, and offered her to sit somewhere so they didn’t have to stand in the middle of the way.
“You know, I’m going to a bowling place tonight with some friends. Do you want to tag along?”
“I don’t know. I’m not sure it’s very professional of me.” 
“No pressure, of course. The offer stands but we all need to let go from time to time.” he added, winking at you before leaving.
You spent another half an hour debating with yourself on whether or not you should go. You could use some friends for sure, and Mick is not a bad guy, you know it.  He doesn’t have any hidden agenda behind his kindness, he just genuinely wants to get to know you and be your friend. And you saw how some journalists are buddy-buddy with the drivers, including in your own team. So why couldn’t you? You took a deep breath and decided that for once, you would have fun. And it had been a while since you had gone to a bowling area. You quickly went back to your hotel room to change into more comfortable clothes and you met Mick there. You recognised Esteban there as well and you were not surprised, you knew the two drivers were closed. 
You had fun. More fun than what you expected coming here. You sucked at bowling but it didn’t stop you from laughing. You also enjoyed Esteban’s calm confidence and how laid back he was. You told him you felt sorry about his crash with Pierre, Alpine could have realized something amazing out there.
“I know, I’m gutted. It’s not the start of the season we hoped it would be, for sure. But the season is long, so we have time to improve.”
“I’m sure it will keep on being better, Esteban. Trust your team.” Mick said, coming to them, a grin on his face. He sat down next to you before turning his head in your direction. “I’m glad you decided to come. I wasn’t sure you would.”
“I’m happy I did, it’s been a while since I’ve felt this relaxed.” you confessed. “I don’t have many friends, I’m not good at making connections.”
“Well you have us, now.” Mick shrugged.
“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll betray you?”
“Do you intend to?”
“No.” you admitted after a few seconds.
“Then it’s all good.” he smiled.
“You trust people easily, you know. A little too easily.”
“A few years ago, I wasn’t like that. I was doubting everyone and everything. I thought people only wanted to be around me because of my dad and not because of me. And then I decided to stop caring because usually those people end up leaving at the first obstacle. It’s better to give people a chance than being closed off. My friends are basically my second family, my home away from home. I’m a family guy, it’s tough for me to be away from them, so that’s why my friends are so important.”
“I’m not that close to my family.” you confessed and your heart wrenched at the thought.
“Because of your job?”
“That and I made a few mistakes in the past that really altered our relationship. And a lot of regrets, mostly about my brother. When you’re halfway across the world, it’s tough to be there when he needs you most. I should have been there for him.”
“It’s never too late to fix things.”
You gave him a sad smile and a shrug. You don’t want to bother him with your complicated family’s stories. And frankly, you don’t want to think about them.
“I understand you know, the regrets. I have so many when I think about my dad. I’ve never told him I loved him enough,  I should have told him everyday. I even regret things that are so far ahead in the future, like my wedding, my first kid… I often think about how he won’t be completely there to see all of that.” he bitterly said. 
“At least he is there. Even if it’s not how you want it.”
“I guess.”
When you ended up leaving, after this very heartfelt conversation, you felt somehow relieved. Maybe he was right, you didn’t have to assume the worst about people. You took your phone out of your pocket and looked at your lock screen. A picture of you and your brother. You smiled tenderly, you missed him. 
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Coming back to Paris and to your flat felt weird after such magical weeks. The gloomy weather made you regret the sun on your skin and you definitely didn’t miss the messy public transportation. Your days were filled with preparing the next races, organizing a few livestreams here and there where you invited fans to talk about the first few races of the season. And thanks to your connection at Alpine and the good relationship you had started to build with the drivers you even managed to get an interview from Pierre where you get to talk about his first weeks in his new team. It had been a nice and chill discussion more than an interview and you were happy to see that people had liked the concept and hoped you would keep it going with other people.
Despite how happy you were feeling about your week, it had still been a busy one and you couldn’t wait to go home and hop in your shower to relax before going out again to meet your best friend in a nice parisian restaurant. You arrived earlier than her and got to your table as the waiter gave you the menu and asked if you wanted to drink something. You ordered a Martini and started to wait for her, scrolling on your phone to pass the time. But as if fate had decided to play with you tonight, right when you decided to lift your chin, you saw him entering the restaurant. Charles Leclerc. And in good company if you could judge by the brunette walking right behind him. A date you thought to yourself. You unconsciously sat further down in your seat in hope he wouldn’t recognise you. You couldn’t help but give him little glances, your curiosity getting the best out of you. It didn’t last long, though, as your friend soon arrived and Charles wasn’t in your mind anymore.
“You have so many things to tell me and I have so many questions for you!”
You laughed. She has always been your number one supporter no matter what you were going through in your life. You didn’t expect anything else from her. Happily, you told her everything, even the slightest detail.
“So, who is the hottest? And is there anyone who is single?” she whispered to you as if you were both part of a gigantic conspiracy.
“I don’t know, I don’t really think about it. And I don’t have the mental space for that.”
She knew what you were implying. She knew all too well. She put a hand on yours and squeezed it gently before diverting the discussion to a lighter topic. The conversation flowed until your friend received a call. She quickly apologized to take it in a quieter space and came back a few minutes later, biting her lip, visibly worried.
“I got a call from my mom… my grandmother fell at home and she hit her head. She is at the hospital… I’m sorry I have to cut our dinner short, but…”
“Dont. I understand. Go.” you reassured her as she threw her arms around you and kissed your cheek before making her way out.
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He was fed up. Clearly, he was not having the time of his life. The girl right in front of him had been sent by Ferrari and Silvia in another attempt to set him up with someone. No pressure, she had told him, she just wanted him to meet her and who knows? Maybe they would hit it off. And if it wasn’t the case, then she would leave him alone. For now. So he had agreed, a few weeks of peace seemed like a good option.
But he was bored out of his mind. The girl, who seemed nice, he had nothing against her, was agreeing to everything he was saying and was waiting for him to hold the conversation. He hated that. He needed someone who could challenge him, someone who didn’t care about who he was and clearly the brunette in front of him wasn’t what he wanted. They weren’t even at the main course that she had already mentioned the growth of her following and the new opportunities being seen with him would bring her, if they decided to date. He hated it. And he didn’t intend to spend one more minute in her presence. When the waiter came to take their order, he looked him straight in the eyes.
“You know, come to think of it, I’m not hungry. Can I have the bill instead?”
He knew it was a dick move, and if his mother would hear of it she would most certainly give him an earful. But it would still be more enjoyable than sitting there. He apologized, quickly made sure that the girl knew he had no interest in going out with her another day and made his way out to pay. That’s when he noticed you, alone, sipping on your drink. He could laugh. Out of all places, he had to cross your path. As if acting on their own, his feet carried him to your table.
“Fancy, seeing you here.” he said, making you look up. He expected to see a surprised look on your face but it wasn’t the case. You didn’t take your eyes off of him, making him slightly uncomfortable. “What are you doing here, all alone? A date who hasn’t shown up?”
“I was supposed to meet my friend but she couldn’t stay for long, an emergency came up. So here I am, sipping my drink, alone. It’s okay. I’m enjoying my very own company. And that very tasteful assortment of pastries. I most likely won’t be able to eat that alone, though.” you shrugged, putting a piece of chocolate cake in your mouth.
“You know, I’m in a mood for sweet… care to share?”
You were about to offer him to sit with you when he quickly recalled that his date was still there.
“Actually, would you mind getting a doggy bag and going elsewhere to eat? I kind of want to get the hell out of here.”
“Your date wasn’t that good, I assume then.” you said as a matter of fact.
“How did you…”
“I have eyes. I saw you.”
“You saw me…” he repeated, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I was facing the door.”
And suddenly he felt stupid about trying to see a deeper meaning in her words than what she intended to.
Out of the restaurant, they both wandered along the docks, enjoying the fresh air and the almost empty streets, the bag of cakes between them as they were sharing in a natural way. Almost as if they had done it all their life. Charles told her all about his very bad date and enjoyed making her laugh.
“Glad to see my very poor and inexistent love life is entertaining.” he smiled.
“It really is. I mean, look at you. You have the fame, the money, the good looks you could have anyone you wanted and here you are, having the exact same issues as us common people.”
“Believe it or not, but dating has become harder and harder the more famous I become. Whatever that means. We are all searching for the same thing, at the end of the day and famous or not. We want someone to complete us. Someone we feel good with.”
“Yeah, it’s not easy to find.”
“Clearly not.”
They kept walking in silence, enjoying each other’s company.
“I’m shocked you don’t try to pry or snoop around. You could ask so many questions about the season and try to get insides… but you don’t. Why?”
“I’m outside of my job hours. Right now, I’m just Y/N and not Y/N the very insufferable journalist. And you hate my questions, it’s me who should be shocked that you want to hear them.”
“I don’t hate them, I just don’t understand why I seem to be the only one to be on the receiving end of your bluntness. Every freaking time.” he defended himself.
You let out a sigh.
“They are legitimate questions and they are always validated by the team before being asked, if something was out of line they would tell me and I wouldn’t ask them.” you simply said.
Charles felt that there must be something else, something she wasn’t saying but they didn’t know each other well enough for him to dare ask her. From the corner of his eye, he saw her repressing a yawn.
“It’s late, do you need someone to drive you back home safely?” he asked.
“No.” she immediately said. “I mean, it’s kind of you, really. This whole hour talking felt nice but I’m not sure it’s something that should have happened. I know I can make friends with drivers, and some journalists do it, but I don't think I can, personally. That’s just not how it works for me. It would make my job harder and I need a clear mind to focus.” you tried to explain, perfectly aware of how hypocritical you sound.
“Do you say the same things to all drivers or do I receive special treatment?”
You opened and closed your mouth. You didn’t want to lie to him and somehow he read it in your eyes that it’s not that you didn’t want to have friends among the drivers. You just didn’t want to be his friend. And somehow it hurt more than what he expected.
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Author's note: Happy first GP of the season! To celebrate it, here's the new chapter! I hope you liked it.
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Taglist: @itsjustkhaos @thirstylion @cmleitora @charizznorizz @sltwins @boherahpsody @herondalism
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m3nt4llyr4v3d · 6 months
Gonna ramble here about something that’s been buzzing in my head since the introduction of Beezlebub
Do the sins have children? Can they? I honestly kind of expected there to be hundreds of sin children running around. Exaggerating of course, but I’m kind of surprised there aren’t any ( that we’ve seen so far). Maybe it’s my basic ass understanding of the sin of Lust, but I’m a little surprised Azzy doesn’t have children (that we know of, I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if later they say he’s had 100s without him even knowing). Makes me wonder who could’ve been his lovers in the past, if he had any. ALSO I do want to know where their hellborns came from or if those hellborns would be considered their “children”
That also kind of leads me into my next point, just how old are they? Like, this is mostly a Bee issue, but it’s slightly an Azzy and Luci thing as well: they don’t seem that old at all? Even though Luci has been there since the beginning of humanity, he looks and sometimes acts as old as Charlie (I know Charlie is like 200 or smth but that kind of translates in show to being in her 20s). And Bee doesn’t even seem like she’s been around before 2000, at the very most the 1970s. I never get the sense that they’ve been around for centuries, eons even. What did they look like at the very beginning? How did they dress? What were their personalities like, because Azzy and Bee especially seemed to adapt to the times very well, so I imagine they were VERY different back then
Which kind of brings me into my next point, what are the sins? Who are they? Where did they come from, since there was no war (to my understanding)? What exactly do they do? What is their relation to each other, to humans? What are their relation to the Ars Goetia? Who even are the Ars Goetia in this universe? How do they affect the world, if they do at all? Also, how do they feel about the whole, humans are stuck in one ring thing? I get that they can’t interact with the Hazbin cast for copyright reasons, but it makes me wonder what they, in universe, were thinking when hell went to WAR with heaven because of shit happening in the pride ring, and if they thought about butting in at any point.
Also, how do they feel about the class system? I mean Bee’s hellhounds are the lowest class and are basically treated like animals. I get that an entire class system probably can’t be dismantled overnight, even if you (theoretically) are one of the most powerful beings in hell, but can they even do anything do anything about it. Are they upholding it?
I get that there’s 3 sins we haven’t even seen yet, so we’ll probably get more lore and worldbuilding when more of Helluva comes out, but it really makes me wonder. Despite me not watching it anymore, I’m weirdly jittery to see Belphegor, specifically to see what’s done for their attitude
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toomiieimagiines · 1 month
hi hi there! sooooo, how about some Tsukasa cuddling headcanons? Feel free to ignore if you’ve got better ones! Have a super awesome day! >:D
YOU ALL ARE A BUNCH OF DIRTY DIRTY TSUKASA LOVERS!! WHAT IS WITH HIM THAT YOU LOVE SO MUCH! ToT love a good cuddle hc…. was honestly excited to see it… (can we address how he dresses sometime? what a cutie pie…. honestly, i didn’t really favor kasa before i started writing for him!! he’s so darling!!!>_<) AND SORRY FOR THE MINI HIATUS!! life’s been kinda hard recently!! ^_^||| sorry for it being kinda short!
EDIT: i forgot to add tags like a scatterbrain…. -.- i hope people can still see this…
Tsukasa Tenma cuddling hc’s (+ more!)
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Too hot to handle… (LITERALLY)
So so warm, an actual walking furnace, YET HES FREEZING!
“Honey, it’s so so cold please…” (whiny (HOW SURPRISING))
“‘Kasa, baby, I’m sweating…”
LOVES and I mean LOVES to cuddle
Who would believe me if I told them he’d pounce on you at any given opportunity? (OMG wuttt??? that’s soooo unlike him!!)
“Sweeetheart, I just miss you!”
“Honey, please when do I ever ask you for anything??”
Trust if he’s sick he makes it your problem too, like pls unsick me!!
Smells like shortbread
You honestly don’t know why because the only time he wears cologne is if he’s going somewhere fancy, and it’s never sweet
Maybe it’s Sakis weird love for baking, maybe it’s a little fairy who likes to sprinkle him with it while he sleeps, he doesn’t really know.
Favorite positions are ones where you’re facing eachother
Doesn’t really like spooning, he doesn’t find it as satisfying
He likes your heartbeat!!! Is that a crime?
Will genuinely NEVER let you get back up after
He will fight you… Its infuriating
Didn’t know I signed up for cuddling sheetmetal, thanks for the warning!
Honestly, he’s so boyfriend tho it’s insane…. like yes yes of course you’re my boyfriend!
AGHHHA HES SO CUTIEEE!!! i enjoy leaving these drabbles after my hcs!! it makes me feel like i actually did something! keep requesting, sorry if i haven’t gotten to yours yet!! there’s been so many! thank you so much!^w^
Rehearsal sucks, anyone who’s ever done anything knows it, and so does Tsukasa. He’s exhausted, and he knows the one thing that’ll recharge him.
He sends you a text akin to “please let me come over before I die and it’ll be your fault”, and who could say no to that!? That’s how you ended up with a mildly sweaty Tsukasa laying on top of your previously perfectly made bed…
“You’re too warm! I can lay with you, but this is ridiculous!” You squirm, trying to pry the boy off of you. When did he get so heavy?! It’s like a bag of bricks is holding you down!
“Please sweetheart, when do I ever ask you for anything?!” He whines, wrapping his arms even tighter around you.
“Five minutes ago you asked me to scratch your back, you asked me for a drink from the vending machine because you didn’t wanna get your wallet-“
“Never mind!” He cuts you off, covering your mouth. “It’s the last time, I swear! I promise that I won’t ever again!-”
You look up at him, unimpressed.
“For the..” he looks away dejectedly, taking his hand off your mouth, “rest of the time I’m here…”
You snicker at his sudden sheepishness, “what happened to the passion, ‘Kasa?” Your fingers run through his blonde hair, twisting it around your fingers.
“You put the fire out… If you could see my eyes right now, you’d see they’re gray and dull….”
You smack his head playfully, “don’t bite the hands that scratch your back.”
He just sighs, burying his head deeper into your neck. He’s warm, REALLY warm, but you can’t find it in yourself to mind anymore. It really is times like these that make you appreciate him the most. He’s not performing, he’s not playing, he’s just kinda there, and you’re kinda there too. Everything can be so much, but life feels mundane and boring when you two are like this - in a good way! It feels domestic.
“I love you, Tsukasa. Y’know that?” You lift his head up, looking into his eyes. Damnit, he’s looks kinda sweet. It almost makes you feel bad for teasing him… Almost.
He leans into the touch, eyes closing again. His voice is uncharacteristically soft when he replies, “I do. I love you too, a lot.”
A beat passes,
“I’m aloud to fall asleep, right?”
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lonely-lost-soul · 1 year
Dawn over the Horizon
(Diluc x Bartender Reader) MINOR DNI
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Angel’s Share was a beautiful bar owned by one of the fiercest men in Mondstadt, Diluc Ragnvindr. However, many of the inhabitants of Mondstadt dubbed the true owner of the bar (y/n), completely denying that Diluc owned the bar. Not because you were a frequent patron or a drunkard but because you were one of the oldest bartenders and just so happened to be Mondstadt’s biggest fan. Since Diluc had decided to take some time away from the city to go on a needed quest with Aether, he had placed you in charge of taking care of his creation. You grinned fondly at Venti, a bard and a regular at the bar, who was currently face down on the counter.
“Please, just one more round! It’ll be on me!” 
“One, we both know you can’t afford it, and two, I shouldn’t have let you have one drink, let alone three, considering what your tab looks like,” You scolded, ruffling his hair as he whined softly, looking up at you with his sweet baby blues, you remained unphased. “I’ll get you a blanket and water and set you at one of the tables,” You said softly, reaching under the bar to grab the blanket you made specifically for the bard. “Before Diluc kills me,” your voice entered a soft, teasing tone as you led Venti to one of the chairs in the back and wrapped him with a teal and white knitted blanket. He whined about not needing to be babied before promptly falling asleep, holding a half-empty bottle of dandelion wine like a teddy bear. You let him rest as you locked the door and began to officially clean up for the night, stacking the chairs not occupied by a slumbering bard and mopping up the floor. All tasks you hated doing, but they were all necessary to ensure the cleanliness standard Diluc held. You jumped, hearing the bell chime, your grip tightening on your mop. You could’ve sworn you locked the door. The dagger you carry around for protection was left uselessly under the bar, “We’re closed-”
“It’s still messy in here. I hope you haven’t done the closing duties yet, Spitfire.” 
“Diluc,” You breathed a sigh of relief, turning to your “boss” with a small smile, “Welcome back home.” When you greeted him, he scanned the bar for typical patrons before his walls broke. You watched the tension drain from his shoulders; his steely eyes melted into the simmering warmth he reserved for you. Diluc crossed the bar floor in only a few broad steps and wrapped you in his arms. You laughed against his chest as he rested his chin on top of your head. He mumbled something into the crown of your head, and you moved to look up at him, “What was that?”
“I’ve missed you.” Your heart melted at the genuine love in his tone, 
“I’ve missed you too, Firebrand.” His large hands rested gently on your hips as he moved his forehead to your shoulder. Being a pyro vision holder, he always ran on the warmer side, while his brother ran colder. You always joked that he was your heater, especially on the colder days in Mondstadt; the constant breeze always made it feel colder than it was. His knuckles moved to graze at your side, sliding slowly under your dress shirt, causing you to hum and lean into him. “Hm…’luc… I’m still at work, you know.” 
“We’re closed. The boss won’t mind.” His voice was teasing as he nipped softly at the flesh on your neck. 
“Oh? Do you know him? I’ve never met the man himself.” You felt him chuckle, his chest vibrating against your back. 
“Believe it or not, I’m the owner, and I think it’s okay for you to slack off.” 
“You? No way you seem too old to run a bar.” 
He barked a sound that was a mix between a huff and a scoff, “Old? Watch your tongue, Spitfire.”
“Yeah, old,” you prodded, “taking advantage of your bartender who’s meek and helpless and wasn’t blessed with a big scary pyro vision.”
“Meek and helpless, my ass. You keep a dagger under the bar, and I’ve personally seen you kick people stronger than me out of the bar.” 
“You spying on me, Mr. Ragnvindr?” You gasped in mock surprise and could practically feel him rolling his eyes at the comment. “How scandalous of you,” You let out a squeak, feeling his teeth bite at your neck, 
“Stop being a brat.” He commanded his tone stern and commanding; the authority in his voice warmed you from the inside out, “I haven’t been gone for that long. Did you forget your place in such a short time?” His other hand came to cup your jaw, his fingers drumming against your cheek tauntingly, challenging you to say something he disapproved and you loved how it made you squirm with need. “I wanted to be sweet to you, pamper you since I’ve been gone. But your sharp tongue makes me want to rethink that plan,” You felt the hand on your hip travel higher until your shirt rested just above your breasts. “Oh, that’s new,” He traces his gloved fingers over the red lace of your bra, causing you to shiver as his palm ghosted over your nipples. Your breathing hitched as your eyes fluttered back in your skill, and Diluc hummed pleasantly against your neck, “I like it. Did you have them made just for me?”
“Yes.” You whimpered, feeling his hand dip below the cups and roll your pert nipple between his fingers, causing you to whine out his name, “Only for you.” 
“That’s my good girl,” his lips kissed your neck too tenderly as your legs rubbed together with need. You felt his hand on your breast grow warm, causing you to moan as he sucked marks into the skin on your neck. You let out a small yelp as his other hand skillfully unbuttoned your pants and slipped beneath your matching underwear. “That’s my girl. Make some noise for me,” his pointer finger found your clit with the precision of a man who knew your body like he knew how to wield his claymore. You sucked in a breath through your teeth as his finger skillfully teased the spot, causing you to slump against his chest,
“Diluc!” you whined, “Don’t tease me, put them inside. Wanna be full,” You looked up at him through your lashes, cheeks flushed, looking destroyed by his simple touches. He hummed, his tongue sliding up your neck to nip at your ear,
“Not yet. You haven’t earned it. You’re going to need to beg.”
“That’s not fair!” 
“Is that backtalk I hear?” He pinched your bud between his two fingers, causing tears to well up in your eyes. You whimpered, needily shaking your head, causing your hair to bounce, and you heard him snicker in your ear. “Good girl. Get up on the bartop bitch,” he commanded, unbuttoning his shirt as you scrambled up on the counter, skillfully removing your top and sliding your pants down to your ankles. Diluc hummed, taking your chin between his fingers now that you were at eye level with him; he noted how blown out your pupils were and how you were practically buzzing with need and restless energy. “Look at you, practically drooling for me,” he purred, rubbing his thumb against the bottom of your lip; your eyes flickered down to see just how hard he was, just how pent up he was from your reactions. 
Pride swelled up in you as you took his thumb in your mouth, rolling it between your tongue, and his entire body shivered at the sensation. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard I'm gonna splinter the bartop-” Both of you heard glass shattering, and your blood froze in your veins. Both of your eyes darted to the sound, Dilucs’ claymore materializing in his hand, ready to defend your honor. 
“Don’t stop now; it was just getting good.” Venti slurred, still very drunk, if the wine bottle shattered at his feet was any indication. “Nice tits (y/n),” He winked, and your face turned red. Diluc snarled at the man throwing his coat over your body, 
“Venti. Out. Now.” 
“Can’t I join in the fun?” 
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pimosworld · 8 months
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The ties that bind
Pairing-Dave York x f!reader x Frankie Morales
Series summary- Dave is a private investigator who tracks down soulmates. He’s tasked to find Frankie’s, but what happens when he finds you and wants you all to himself?
CW-18+,MDNI,NSFW, angst,fluff,(m) masturbation,talks of loss of a parent and spouse, kissing,lots of music references, PTSD,slow burn
A/N- If I knew what was going to happen with Dave and Frankie I’d tell you but I don’t yet. Santi and Alicia (that’s all I’m going to say). Reader has some tough decisions to make.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter IV
You were starting to worry that Dave hadn’t contacted you since your lunch date. He didn’t really owe you anything. As much work as you’ve done on yourself you can’t quell those thoughts that run wild. What had you done wrong? He seemed genuinely interested in you, but maybe you were reading too much into things. 
  Your shirt clings to your sweaty skin, another unbearable hot and humid Florida day. The only difference is the store ac went out again and the repair man won’t be able to come in for a few days. 
Your current predicament is the only distraction from your own mind threatening to drive you crazy. 
  You contemplate closing the store for the day as you stare up at the poor excuse for a ceiling fan. Slowly whirling the warm tepid air amongst the room. The sound of the soft crackle of the speaker can be heard signaling the record is done but the back of the store might as well be a mile away. 
  Your phone buzzes and you glance down seeing Dave’s name on the Lock Screen. Part of you wants to ignore it but you told yourself you would work on not getting upset over trivial things. 
  “Hi hummingbird.” He sounds a little distressed and you prepare yourself for the let down. “I’m sorry I haven’t called…or texted.”
  “There was an emergency and I had to go home. I know that’s no excuse but I want you to know that I’m sorry and I’d like to see you again when I get back.” It’s all rushed out like he’s out of breath but he sounds sincere. 
  You were honestly expecting him to ignore you and the apology is something foreign to you. Taking accountability is admirable….but. 
  “Did Mrs. Dave need you home with the kids?” You hate the bitterness in your tone but the heat and your emotions are running high. 
  He sighs deep on the other end. “I know you have no reason to believe me. I’m not married and there’s no one waiting for me at home.” As much as it hurts to say out loud it’s the truth. “My last name is York by the way.”
  “I’m sorry.” You let out an exasperated breath. “I don’t mean to be so crass. I really like you and that scares me because I know next to nothing about you.” 
  “If you give me a chance I promise I’ll tell you everything.” You can sense the desperation in his voice. “I actually have something planned for you if you’d like to spend some time with me tomorrow night?” 
  It’s sweet that he’s already thought of you. You really want to see him again and you know Alicia will be busy with Santiago anyway. You hope what you’re feeling are the good kind of butterflies at the prospect of spending more time with him. 
  “Okay…I like surprises.” Your voice perks up a little at the end. 
  “Great, I’ll meet you at the store at 7. It’s not a far walk from there.” 
  You’re curious and excited as to where you’re going. You find yourself nervously fidgeting with the hem of your shirt as you wait for one of you to hang up. 
  “I’m gonna hang up first so we don’t end up doing the thing.” You hear him chuckle on the other end with a faint ‘bye hummingbird’ before you end the call. 
  Frankie has had a day to calm down and clear his head. He decided against Santiago being his lookout for Dave. He wanted to have this experience all on his own without the threat of an altercation or further involving Santi who is now majorly distracted. 
  Santi and his connections called in an anonymous tip about Dave’s house being compromised which will surely put him out of commission for a few days. 
  Plenty of time for Frankie to swoop in and have you forget all about Dave. 
  It’s really so simple…he just needs to tell you who he is, how he met Dave and leave the ball in your court. Things aren’t ever really that simple. 
  It stings a little as he exits route forty one and sees the ‘Welcome to Naples’ sign. You were right under his nose but you might as well have been on the other side of the world. What were the odds that he’d ever find himself here let alone walking into the place you worked. One in a million he thinks. 
  He cranks up the ac in his Jeep as if that’s going to quell the heat trying to penetrate his skin through the windows. He probably should’ve done his hair instead of wearing his hat but now his sweat soaked curls are trapped underneath. 
  He subconsciously brushes his thumb along the roses where his ring used to be as he sits on the street where you work. His fingers tapping some song that’s been stuck in his head against the steering wheel as he practices what he’s going to say to you. 
  Fuck it just go
  The sun beats down on him as he slams the door to his Jeep and crosses the cobblestone street. He takes a few deep breaths not quite the way his therapist instructed but close enough as the window with the plants comes into view. 
  He had a plan to peruse the store if you were busy with other customers. He had a general outline of how he would approach you if you were alone in the store. He was however not prepared for the sight of you standing at the window as you flipped the closed sign. 
  You can’t take this anymore, it’s too hot and no one has come in for hours. Your boss can shove it for all you care. He can’t even be bothered to check in once a month. Closing up shop and going to the beach with Alicia sounds like a much better way to spend your afternoon. 
  You peel yourself off the chair at the front desk and grab your purse. As you flip the closed sign on the window you lock eyes with a rather handsome and distressed looking man. 
  He looks like he’s seen a ghost as he scrubs his hand behind his neck nervously. You’re not sure when the record store became a beacon for hot middle aged men but today was certainly not the day to entertain anymore. You hastily fix your hair and smooth out your shirt, while trying to put on your brightest smile. 
  “I’m sorry, we’re closing early. The ac is on the fritz and I just can’t sit here anymore.” You’re not sure he heard you as you wait for him to respond. “If you…want to come back tomorrow I can set something aside for you?” 
  “You’re so beautiful.” He says like he’s in awe as you give him an inquisitive look. 
  “I think we have that one,it’s just not available as a single. You’d have to buy the album.” He laughs as he realizes what he’s just said out loud. 
  “I ugh…sorry. I meant…never mind.” Fuck he’s totally bombing this. “You know I can take a look at it if you want. I’m pretty good with my hands.” That sounds worse than he intended but he can’t stop the words before they leave his mouth. 
  You glance over your shoulder at the empty store as you bite your lip. 
  He seems to notice your apprehension. “I’m not a creep or anything.” He takes off his hat running his fingers through his gorgeous curls. 
  “Hmmm, that sounds like something a creep would say.” You grin at him and lean back against the door signaling for him to come in. “I would appreciate it honestly, I have no idea when they’ll be able to come take a look. Then I’ll have to wait for approval to have it fixed and it’s just a whole thing.” You stop your incessant rambling when you see him taking in the surroundings. 
  His hands are on his hips as he stares at the posters on the wall. He’s broad and his shirt stretches taught along his back. He rolls his shoulders and turns to see you still standing in the doorway gawking. 
  Now who’s being a creep
  You clear your throat and fix your face to a neutral expression as you gesture for him to follow you toward the back. 
  Goosebumps trail along your arms as you walk in front of him, it’s assuredly not cold enough to cause such a sensation. His cologne and sweat is flooding your senses… perhaps you’re ovulating or something similar to desperation. 
  “You’re gonna have to talk handyman, I can’t stand the silence.” You tease as you peer at him over your shoulder. “Or maybe I can put some music on. What’s your preference?” 
  He tries not to focus on the way your hips sway when you walk and of course any music he’s ever listened to has left his brain entirely. 
  “Queen.” He blurts out and you laugh. It’s so disarming he relaxes his shoulders a bit. The letters of the cities are hard to make out on the back of your shirt but he can tell it’s Queen from the design. 
  “You cheated handyman.” Your voice drops to a flirtatious tone that he can’t ignore. You lift the dust cover and place a gently used record into a sleeve of The Essential Mozart.
  He leans on the table next to you, so close his breath ghosts over your neck. “So you're a classical gal.” 
  You snort as you raise your eyebrows. “No one’s ever called me a gal. And yes I enjoy the occasional Mozart, Debussy, Bach—.”
  “Okay now you’re just showing off.” You notice the dimple in his cheek when he says it and the way his arms look as he fold them across his chest. 
  “I’ve gotta put this useless music degree to some use.” You absentmindedly thrum through the records on the display until you find the one you want. “ aha…Queens greatest hits.” 
  He scoffs as he takes it from your hands. “I would hardly say it’s useless by the collection in your store.” He flips it over and gives you a questionable look. “And I would hardly call these the greatest hits.” 
  You snatch it back as you narrow your eyes. “Not my store. Although I’ve dreamt of running my own.” 
  A momentary glossy expression crosses your face as you carefully place it on the cloth. He watches as you delicately handle each piece like you’re plating a five star meal. You gingerly place the stylus on the edge as he hears the  familiar sound of record buzzing just before the music starts. 
  Is this the real life?
Is it just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide no escape from reality 
  You turn to him, arms crossed mirroring his stance as you lean into the table. A bead of sweat glides down your neck as he follows it to the v in your top before his eyes meet you again. 
  Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
  He throws his hands up in mock surrender. “Fine, I stand corrected. But you have to admit there’s a few questionable picks here.” 
  You brush past him and he gets a whiff of something strawberry, maybe your shampoo. “I’ll admit it when you fix my ac handyman.” You wink and he’s no longer disguising that he’s checking you out because you’ve been shamelessly checking him out since he stepped foot inside. 
  He follows you into a small stock room, mostly empty boxes and a shelving rack with old paint and a few picture frames. He can see the old unit in the corner as you bend over to open the side panel. Fuck. You’re making it very hard for him to keep his mind in an appropriate place as you stand and wipe your hands along the back of your jeans. 
  “I’ll be honest, I have no idea what I’m looking at. I’ll get out of your way.” It’s too small in here as you awkwardly maneuver past him and he brushes against you murmuring apologies as you hold your breath. 
  He somehow already found a flashlight amongst the odds and ends on the shelf as he crouches down to take a look inside. You watch the way his shirt lifts up slightly revealing a small sliver of skin on his back. 
  “Now who’s being quiet.” His muffled voice comes from inside the unit. 
  “I just didn’t want to be a distraction while you’re working.” You hear an uncomfortable grunt as he sits back on his heels. He smirks at your stance as you lean casually on the wall with a perfect view of his ass. 
  “Mhm I’m sure…” He turns his hat around and it somehow gets impossibly hotter. “Listen, you can distract me all you want if you happen to have a screwdriver?” 
  You chew on your lip as you think and then start rummaging through the shelves when you find one amongst an abandoned project. 
  “Will this work?” You hand him a flat head and he looks particularly pleased as he takes it from you. 
  “This is somehow exactly what I need.” He resumes his work and you wince as you hear some questionable noises coming from within. “There’s just some ice build up on the evaporator coils.” His voice raises a little so you can hear him over the sounds of ice chipping from metal. 
  “Whatever you say handyman.” You pull out your phone to check the latest text from Alicia. You’ve been giving her subtle updates just in case he decided to turn into a weirdo. 
  “Francisco.” He says as your finger hovers over the send button of your last text. You watch him rise and lift his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face. 
  You’re staring at the way his soft belly dips into the front of his jeans. You wonder what it would feel like to run your fingers along the seam of his boxers. 
  “Breaker?” The corners of his lip curl up into a smile as he catches you mid thought. “I need to see if this worked.” 
  “Sure ya…right over here.” You stammer out as you point him to the small box on the wall. 
  He flips a few switches and the sound you make when the air comes out of the vents is bordering on sinful. 
  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You’re ecstatic and he’s got that satisfied look on his face with just a tinge of pride. 
  It’s a flicker of a moment as he hands the screwdriver back to you. Your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest when you see it. 
Distinctly your hummingbird tattoo on the inside of his right wrist. There’s no way he can’t know. Things were too easy with him, it’s almost laughable that it feels just like they said it would. 
  You turn to leave and stumble searching for the door handle, he pulls you back just as you're about to faceplant. “Slow down there. I can’t fix you if you break.” His voice in your ear and his hands on your waist…it’s all too much. 
  “Sorry I’m a little clumsy at times.” You grip the handle with an unsteady hand as you step out into the hallway. “There is a bathroom at the end of the hall if you need to wash up.” He offers a polite thanks as he takes in the concerned look on your face. 
  He stares at his reflection in the small bathroom mirror wondering where he went wrong. Everything was going so well. It was almost too easy. Maybe he was coming on too strong. He takes off his hat and splashes some water on his face. He’s looked better, but he’s definitely looked worse. 
  Get it together Morales
  He sees you when he returns seated in the lounge chair. The music has stopped and your foot is nervously tapping on the floor as you finish texting and place your phone face down on the table. 
  Your face is expressionless as you look up at him. “Have a seat please.” 
  He’s trying to think of something to say but he’s lost for words. 
  You cautiously grab his hand as he sits in the chair next to you. “Can I see?” He nods and holds his breath as you turn his arm over. Goosebumps raise on his skin as your soft hands trace the patterns of the wings on his forearm. Your breathing hitches as a small jolt of electricity runs through his veins. 
  He notices the roses on your ring finger. Roses meant for someone else, yet they look so perfect on you. Like they were destined to be yours.
  “Why roses?” You say, your voice barely above a whisper. 
  He clears his throat and shifts in the chair. “They were my ex-wife's idea. I didn’t dislike them.” He sees your shoulders drop a little at the confession. 
“Why a hummingbird?” 
  He sees you smile then, while he waits for your answer. “My mom…she always said I had endless amounts of energy.” You tilt your head and point to his other arm. “What’s with the hawk?”
  He tenses a little and his fingers flex in your hand. “Sorry, if this is too much.” 
  “Don’t be.” He quickly interjects “I’ve wanted to know for so long…everything about you.” 
  “I don’t even know who you are.” You try to keep your voice steady as he stares at you with those deep brown eyes. “You don’t even know my name.” 
  You tell him then…he has to pretend it’s a name he hasn’t heard before. 
  How does he even begin to tell you? Telling you about Dave would ruin everything. 
  You stand from the chair before he has a chance to start. “Do you maybe want to talk about this over some drinks? I owe you at least for fixing the ac.” 
   He relaxes at that as the air of flirtatiousness returns to the room. “If you think I’m letting you pay you are sadly mistaken.” 
  In the few brief seconds you had to yourself, Alicia practically screamed at you to go for it. Her tone let on that she may know more than you think but you shelved that for the moment and decided to be spontaneous. 
  You hold your hand out. “Let's go handyman.” 
  He snickers under his breath. “How long are you going to keep calling me that?” 
  Your hand in his feels right as it should, when you lead him to the front of the store. Dropping it briefly to grab your purse and keys to lock up. 
  “I doubt Francisco is your real name, so we’ll see.” 
  After the initial shock wore off of learning that Santiago was the one who tipped him off to you, you settled into the idea of how nervous he must have been to approach you. 
  You’ve got a crash course over the last hour in Francisco Morales. He prefers Frankie and you think that suits him better. He was a helicopter pilot in the military but now he flies commercially. His apprehension when you first mentioned the Blackhawk tattoo was something he wasn’t sure he was ready to address with you. 
  The way you listened so intently to his story of how proud he was when he first joined, he left out some of the more gruesome details of his time in the service. When he retired he wanted to commemorate it somehow and you were the one that ultimately helped him with his decision. 
  Your hummingbird was your first tattoo, your mom actually let you get it when you were seventeen. It was one of the last things you did with her before she passed. Frankie wanted to match. The guys gave him shit for it but seeing the way your eyes lit up when he told you made it all worth it. The whole ‘birds of a feather’ sealed the deal. 
  This isn’t quite how Frankie thought he would be spending his afternoon. He followed you out the store as you confidently led him to one of your favorite spots along the beach. A small bungalow bar overlooking the shore. Despite you having told him you weren’t from here, you seem to be a regular. The older red haired waitress Trudy gestures to your usual spot that's open and sends a wink your way. 
  You ran through all of the stereotypical questions, favorite color, favorite movie, favorite food. Hobbies, dreams and aspirations. He didn’t laugh when you mentioned you were afraid of the dark. You didn’t laugh when he said he was afraid of the rain.
  You talked about your dream of owning your own music store, getting to curate things to your liking. Much like you did at your current job…but it didn’t belong to you. 
  Frankie didn’t necessarily give off rich guy vibes but he let on that money was no longer an issue. He recently became part owner of the company he currently flies for. 
  It’s so easy, like long lost friends catching up. The way you listen so intently as you rest your head on your hand. He catches you often looking out into the water like you’re waiting for something. 
  Maybe he’s trying to make up for lost time or perhaps he wants all his cards on the table in case you determine that his baggage is too much. You don’t really think it’s baggage when he tells you that he’s in recovery and his ex wife left him for her soulmate. He’s been putting in the work to better himself, and if she hadn’t left you would’ve never met him. 
  In between the plate of shared nachos and beers the conversation shifts to you. You decide since he’s shared such intimate details about his life that it’s only fair you return the favor. You tell him about your mom…the reason you believed in soulmates in the first place. Your mom and dad, highschool sweethearts. Somehow destined to spend the rest of their lives together. When she got sick it all happened so fast, too fast for you to come to terms with the fact that your dad had already moved on. 
  The idea of soulmates left a sour taste in your mouth after you moved out of your dad and step moms home to go to college. It’s why you think you were so inclined to not find yours. People fell in love everyday and lived happily ever after without theirs. 
  You and Frankie’s stories are so similar in some ways. 
  You signal for the bartender to bring you another round before you tell the rest of your story. A comfortable buzz runs through your veins as your foot brushes the inside of his calf under the table. 
  You gasp as he grabs your ankle and places it in his lap. “Ticklish?” You shake your head as he raises an eyebrow at you. His fingers trace the gun tattoo and your body betrays you as you nearly kick him in his stomach. “The jury's out, maybe I should keep testing.” 
  “No please.” You giggle and his hands travel further but stop just before the crook of your knee before he gently sets it back down. 
  “So…what kind of gun is that?” You ask cautiously as you tilt your leg to the side. 
  He sighs deep. “It’s an M sixteen…it was a dare.” He hangs his head a little, knowing how that must look on someone like you. 
  “Oh right of course.” You say sarcastically as Trudy drops your drinks off at the table. 
  “Can I get you two lovebirds anything else?” She clicks her pen to the pad as you both lock eyes and burst into laughter.
  “No Trudy, we're fine, thanks.” She sends you a mischievous smile as she tends to the other patrons. 
  His eyes widen as you take a rather large sip of your drink. He can tell you have something to say so he waits patiently as he takes you all in. The way you squint your eyes when you’re thinking, the way you tap your foot when you're nervous. How bright your smile is and how everyone you seem to cross paths with has a special connection with you. It’s why he’s not prepared when you tell him about your ex. 
  “The gun was the last straw.” You trace the lines of condensation on your glass. “He couldn’t take anymore reminders that I wasn’t his.” 
  “You don’t belong to anyone.” His voice is stern as he takes your hand. “I would say sorry but…it’s his loss.” He gently presses his lips to your fingers and you have to fight to keep yourself calm. 
  “Ya…hers too.” 
  You squeeze his hand as you take in a sharp breath. He sees it then, the thing you were waiting for. As the sun sets through the palm trees and the yellow bleeds into red and orange. It’s a task not to watch you instead of the aquamarine water and the gentle waves kissing the shore. 
  Something so simple, that so many people take for granted and he thinks this may be the most perfect day he’s ever had. 
  Without second guessing himself he leans in close. “It feels wrong if I don’t kiss you right now.” 
  Your face is mere inches from his and you’d be a fool not to admit that you wanted to kiss him in the stock room earlier. “What are you waiting for?” 
  His lips are soft against yours, it’s like he’s breathing you in with each passing second. Your hand plays with the curls at the nape of his neck as he cradles your jaw. You don’t care if anyone’s watching right now because you’ve dreamt of this moment a thousand times. It’s electric, sending a shiver down your spine and he groans as you pull away biting his bottom lip. 
  Your forehead rests against his as you catch your breath. “I didn’t want to give anyone a free show.” 
  He chuckles and pecks your lips one last time. “We certainly wouldn’t want that.” 
  The walk home felt like you were floating. His hand in yours as he tugged you close. Stealing kisses whenever he could. The heat of the day was long forgotten as the gentle breeze rolled in with nightfall. It scared you a little how fast you fell into this domestic bliss with someone you just met. But isn’t that how it’s supposed to feel? Isn’t that why people are made for each other? 
  As you approached your apartment you could see from below the light was on, no doubt Alicia waiting up for you to hear all about Frankie. 
  “Well this is me.” You point up to the loft as you await the dreaded conversation that you’ve been wanting to avoid all afternoon. 
  He can sense your shift in mood as you rock back and forth on your feet. 
  “Frankie I…really want to see you again. I want to see where this goes.” You sigh as you look down at the pavement. 
  He grabs your hands in his as he steps into your space. “But?” 
  “But I met someone recently. I’m supposed to see him tomorrow.” You shrug as you look up at him. “I’m not the type of person to just abandon something, it’s not in my nature to be that cruel. I want to at least see it through, even if that means I’m letting him down easy.” His face is unreadable as you wait for his response. 
  He swallows thick trying not to let on that his blood is boiling. He can’t tell you who Dave is, he’s too far gone. 
  His hands drift from yours as they travel up your arms, your heart rate picks up and your eyes are wide with desire. His large hand cradles your face as he caresses your jaw. “Like I said…you don’t belong to anyone. You’re free to do what you want, all I ask is that you give me a chance. Do you think you can do that?” The way he asks you and the look in his eyes you would say yes to anything. 
  You nod your head in his hand as he licks his bottom lip, still tasting your chapstick from earlier. “I wouldn’t mind something to think about on my date.” 
  His eye twitches slightly at the word but he quickly recovers. “I was hoping you’d ask.” His lips meet yours again and the way your body fits against his is almost too much. Your hands grasp at the back of his shirt as he consumes you. You can’t help the moan that escapes your lips as you feel the obvious bulge in his pants, a little overwhelmed at how quickly he’s got you falling to pieces. 
  “Get a room!” He inhales sharply as you laugh against his lips. Your laugh grows at his obvious confusion because of course you recognize the voice of your best friend. 
  “Ignore her please.” You half whisper as you kiss the small patch on his cheek where the hair is missing. “I don’t know how Santiago is gonna handle all that.” You gesture up towards the open window. 
  “Oh I’m sure he’ll find a way.” He pulls you into one last hug and reluctantly steps away. You have to distance yourself from him or you just might invite him up right now. “Don’t have too much fun tomorrow.” He says it in a teasing tone as he walks backwards, not wanting to tear his eyes from you. 
  “I’ll try.” You wave at him as you hear Alicia buzz you up to your apartment. 
  “How.could.you.keep.that.from.me.” You mercilessly hit your friend with a pillow as your crowd over her on her bed. 
  She laughs as she blocks your futile attempts at causing any permanent damage. “Once he told me it was too late to let you know.” She tilts her head feigning innocence. “I’m so sorry.”
  “I’m so sure.” You huff as you roll over laying next to her. “I’m so fucked.”
  “Not yet.” She laughs and dodges your last blow with the pillow. “I’m just kidding. I’m glad we can finally go on some double dates…maybe tomorrow?” She wiggles her eyebrows at you playfully. 
  You sit up against her headboard as you tuck your legs beneath you suddenly feeling a little ashamed. “Well…I’m actually going out with Dave tomorrow. I told Frankie and he seemed to be okay with it.Now saying it out loud it sounds a little ridiculous and to be honest with you, I have no idea what I’m doing.” You facepalm as you throw your head back ending your rant. 
  She sits up next to you and gently pulls your hands down, giving you that look that only you know a friend would give. She knows your mind is running a million scenarios of what you should be doing and how you should be acting. Trying to be ten steps ahead of every situation so you don’t find yourself in the one that landed you here. 
  “Listen to me.” She rubs your hands softly grounding you. “You don’t have to figure it all out yet, you’re just going on a few dates. As long as you’re upfront with your intentions with them, and they agree, what more could they ask for?” She sees you staring off into space not quite grasping her words. “Babe, you just met Frankie.”
  “Ya and I let him stick his tongue down my throat. In public. Twice.” 
  “No one said you can’t have a little fun. And just so you know, I’m very jealous and very happy for you.” She nudges you slightly as you sink back under the covers. She rolls over to her bedside table and turns off the light. “I take it you’re sleeping here again.” 
  “Your bed is so much more comfortable than mine.” You whine as she laughs and gets under the covers. 
  It’s quiet for a moment as you think over everything you learned about Frankie. How fiercely he loved his friends. How passionate he was about his work. How he loved so deeply despite being hurt. How easily he opened up to you and how comfortable he made you feel. You trusted him with things you hadn’t told anyone but Alicia after just a few hours of knowing him. You also can’t stop thinking about his lips, and they felt against yours. How you fit perfectly in his hold like you were meant to be there. 
  The phone on her nightstand buzzes illuminating the dark room. She laughs as she stares at the text and sends a quick message back. You’re trying not to eavesdrop as you move your head on the pillow trying to make out some words. 
  “Santi says hi.” She says as she turns toward you with a smirk on her face. 
  “Oh…he’s Santi now? Well tell him I said hi.” You reply half in a whisper. 
  She clears her throat. “He also said you might need Frankie’s number if you want to see him again.” 
  You groan as you roll over realizing both of you forgot to exchange information in your haze of the whirlwind afternoon. 
  “How do I look Fish?” Santi holds his arms out with a stupid grin on his face. 
  “Like an asshole.” Frankie grumbles on the couch with his arms crossed in defiance. 
  “Look hermano it’s not my fault you didn’t tell her.” Santi grabs his keys from the table and Frankie looks on at him wide eyed. 
  “How is this not your fault? What was I supposed to say!”  He stands and Santi holds his hands up trying to calm his friend. “Oh hi…I’m your soulmate. I hired someone to find you for me. They did, and now you’re sort of daring them.” He rips his hat off aggressively, running his fingers through his hair. “Fuck.”
  Santi regards him cautiously. “Sorry Fish, I didn’t mean it like that.”
   Frankie sighs heavily through his nose as he plops back down. “I know Pope…I'm sorry. You like fine by the way, I hope you have a nice time.” He grits out the last part. 
  Santi punches him lightly in the shoulder “I know that was hard for you to say so I appreciate it. Plus you said so yourself she really likes you. Don’t think about it too much.”
  Easy for him to say. He was about to go on a date and Frankie was gonna sit here and try not to stew. 
You’ve consumed his thoughts over the last twenty four hours. He knew meeting you would be overwhelming but he did not anticipate falling head over heels, rom com, quintessential love at first sight, completely crazy for you. The thought of Dave being anywhere near the parts of you he wanted to explore made his blood boil. His mind ran wild last night with the scent of you still on his clothes. The way your body felt pressed against his, the way you said his name Francisco like some forbidden secret. 
  His hot shower ran cold as he stroked himself to thoughts of you. Imagining the way your lips would feel wrapped around his cock. The way your breast would feel on his bare chest as grind down on him. The soft moan that escapes you when he bit down on your lip and how you would sound if you didn’t have to be so quiet. 
  You awoke something in him he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
  He can’t think about it anymore sitting alone on Pope's couch half hard. He needs to go home and hope sleep comes easy tonight so he doesn’t have to think about the prospect of losing you before he’s even had a chance. 
  The last two hours have been chaotic to say the least. You both needed to get ready at the same time so of course the hot water ran out. Alicia blew a fuse in her bathroom trying to blow dry her hair so now she was in yours while you sat on the floor in her room in front of her floor length mirror doing your makeup. 
  Judging by the pile of clothes on her bed you don’t think she was planning on bringing Santi back to the apartment. Perhaps she wasn’t planning on returning either as you notice a small overnight bag placed next to her door. 
  She rushes into her room and grabs the bag before placing a kiss to the top of your head. “I gotta go hon, he said he’s coming up but I don’t want him to think I’m messy.” She wildly gestures to the state of her room as you meet her eyes in the mirror. 
  “He’s gonna have to figure it out at some point.” You state dryly as you finish your mascara. 
  “Not tonight though.” She fixes herself once more before addressing you. “Please try and have fun tonight. Call me if you need anything, you know I’ll be there in a heartbeat.” 
  “I got it Alicia.” You laugh as you wave her off. 
  “Oh and don’t wait up.” She yells out over her shoulder before slamming the front door. 
  You breathe a sigh of relief  that you’ll at least have a few moments to yourself before meeting Dave at the store. You loved your friend but you could tell her nervous energy was bleeding into your mood. So many emotions were running through your head. This would be your first real chance at getting to know him. You were giddy at the thought that he had a surprise planned for you. In the five years you spent with your ex he’s never once planned a surprise. It didn’t really bother you but it was just one of those things you assumed you would never get to experience. Looking back on it now you realize it’s a blessing in disguise that he broke up with you. You had put up with so much apathetic behavior that it became second nature to put yourself last. 
  Your phone pings on the floor beside you and you glance down to see Dave’s name. 
  Dave: Can’t wait to see you hummingbird 
  You sit for a moment trying to come up with a clever reply when another text comes in. 
  Frankie: I hope u have a nice time tonight 
  This can’t be your life right now.
                          can’t wait to see you too 🥰
  You double check that you sent that text to the correct person.
                   I promise I won’t have too much fun 😘
  There’s a feeling you can’t pinpoint at the moment. You’re not sure if it’s even right that you’re feeling this way. To be the object of two men’s affection is a situation you never thought you’d find yourself in. It would be a lie to say that you’re not riding this high. The end game however is something you haven’t quite worked out. 
  The sun is just starting to set as you make your way down the familiar street towards your work. Checking your reflection in every car parked alongside it like it’s somehow going to drastically change. He didn’t really give you very many details so you opted for a long black sundress and some strappy sandals. Your phone and lipgloss tucked neatly into the brown cross body purse Alicia got you for your birthday. 
  His back is to you when you see him, his hands in the pockets of his tight blue jeans. Almost sensing your presence he turns to you with that devilish smile on his face. He’s in front of you in a few brief steps, his woodsy cologne invading your senses and a hint of aftershave. The black short sleeve button up pulls taught along his biceps and you have to stop yourself from reaching out and grabbing him. 
  As if on cue he pulls you into a tight hug, you wrap your arms around his waist feeling his muscles flex in your grasp. He sighs long and deep like your embrace was the only thing keeping him from losing his sanity. He doesn’t say anything for a while as you both just sway for a moment, like two lovers who’ve gone weeks without seeing each other. It’s so comforting you almost forget about the impending doom of having to tell him about Frankie. You decided on the walk over that you would be upfront with him from the beginning. Just in case he wanted to call things off. You didn’t want to come off as some girl who wanted a free date from him just to break the news to him at the end of the night. Ultimately you would leave the decision up to him and go from there. 
  “Hi hummingbird, I missed you.” He speaks softly into your hair as you try to stay on your feet. 
  “I missed you too.” He pulls back slightly to look into your eyes. It feels wrong but it’s true, you did miss him. 
  “I hope you like what I have planned for us tonight.” His eyes twinkle when he mentions it again but you can’t quite meet his gaze. “Something on your mind?”
  You take a deep breath and put a little more space between you as he holds your hands in his. “I have a lot to say before we go on our date so just give me a moment okay?” He nods once acknowledging what you said. 
  He’s stoic on the outside but internally he’s starting to panic. You didn’t say you didn’t want to go on the date but there’s clearly something wrong. 
  “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you and getting to know you better, but I have to be clear about some things since you’ve been gone. I’ll spare you all the details but…I met my soulmate yesterday.” His hands tighten their grip a little but you don’t seem to notice. “I know this may sound confusing but…I’m not going to just drop you for someone I just met. At the same time, I feel like it would be crazy to not give my soulmate a chance.” 
  You stare down at the ground hoping it will stop your rambling and give you the words you practiced in the mirror that are coming out all wrong. “I understand if this is too much-“
  He cuts you off as he tips your chin up with his finger. He’s comfortably stepped into your space again and you wouldn’t know by the look on his face that he’s seething. 
  “I haven’t felt this way about anyone in a really long time, and I’m not about to back down from a little friendly competition.” Your eyes are challenging him when you don’t pull away. He leans in, his lips barely ghost over yours like he’s waiting for permission.
  You’re not sure what reaction you were expecting from him but it certainly wasn’t this. You’re sick of trying to predict what your life is going to do and instead decide to go with the flow. 
  You kiss him first. 
  It almost knocks you off your feet how different he is from Frankie as he takes back control. He’s more sure of himself like he’s kissed you a thousand times. His hand travels behind your head, while the other grabs your waist. You gasp at how close he has you pulled into him as you taste the hint of mint and something else that’s entirely Dave. He chuckles a little at how he’s already got you so worked up. If it’s a competition you want then it’s a competition you’ll get. 
  “It’s not really customary to kiss before the date.” He’s a little breathless and you laugh as his muscles twitch beneath your fingers. 
  “I don’t think anything we’re doing is customary.” He huffs at that, yet you have no idea the full weight behind it. 
  “I’m just glad I haven’t lost my touch…it’s been a while.” He laces his fingers with yours. “I hope you like what I have planned.” 
  “Oh I’m sure I will.” 
  You don’t care how ridiculous you sound as you scream the lyrics to don’t stop believing at the top of your lungs. It’s just one of those songs no matter how many times you hear it or how many times it gets overplayed, you can’t help yourself. 
  Dave is doing his best to hide the fact that he’s been singing every song word for word as he hovers close behind you in the crowd. 
  He was a little nervous at first when you arrived at the venue…picking a concert for a first date was a bold move. He’ll be replaying the excited jumps you did on a loop in his head when he revealed it was a Journey cover band. He remembered from the first time he walked into your store and somehow got lucky when he saw a place on the waterfront hosting the special event. 
  You’re a stone's throw from your impromptu date with Frankie the previous night. The setting is much similar as you look out onto the water. Your stomach does a flip every so often when he possessively shields you from someone getting too close, or the way his hands instinctively wrapped around you during the slow songs. 
  Thankfully he made time before the show to get some dinner at one of the many food trucks outside the venue. You’re excited giggles when you said you wanted to try everything so that’s exactly what he did. You both shared a little from each one and of course donuts for dessert. You also shared a lot with him about your life. No doubt hoping he would reciprocate. 
  He rarely if ever talked about his wife with other people and most wouldn’t consider the topic a great first date conversation. Except for you. The way you made him want to open up and be better at sharing. It wasn’t awkward at all, in fact it felt a little freeing. If only he could tell you that’s how he found you. Resigning his life to helping people find their soulmate, it’s really his karma that he’s now competing with Frankie. He did this to himself and now the question lingers in the air of how he found you and why don’t you know about who Dave really is. He’s not sure what kind of game Frankie is playing but it’s making him uneasy. 
  His phone vibrates in his pocket as he glances down to see the aforementioned name. 
  Francisco: I hope ur having a nice time let’s talk soon
  He hears a small gasp from you and immediately breaks out into a cold sweat. He tucks his phone into his pocket hoping he hasn’t been found out this way. 
  You’re staring at him with those sad eyes half pouting and it’s quite possibly the scariest and most adorable thing he’s ever seen. “It’s the last song.” 
  His eyes tell a different story than yours as he takes your hand. “We’ll just have to make the most of it then.” He spins you in his arms and you feel a bit like Cinderella, you’re time at the ball running out soon. 
  When the lights go down in the city 
And the sun shines on the bay
  It’s hard to enjoy your favorite song when he’s singing it so sweet in your ear. His face nuzzled in the crook of your neck as he sways with you. Your stomach is doing flips for an entirely different reason now because you know at the end of the night you won’t be calling it off with Dave. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
Taglist- @missladym1981 @legendary-pink-dot @brittmb115 @christinamadsen @heavennumber2 @anoverwhelmingdin @guelyury @hannahkatharine @heareball @vabeachazn @frogjumps-world @jessthebaker @littlenosoul @adriennemichelle98 @syrupsstuff @pixielou5
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qveerthe0ry · 4 months
Lions Ain't the Kind - Part 3.5
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Summary: Frankie asks you about transitioning Pairing: Frankie Morales x NB/Gender-fluid! AFAB! Reader Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: 18+ mdni, talks about gender non-conformity, talks about gender dysphoria, mentions of transitioning, mentions of HRT and gender affirming surgery, chest binding, use of packers A/N: I said I wasn't going to post anymore of this series until July but I was WRONG! I wote this for @romanarose 's Pride Event. Week 2: Transitioning. I realized that writing this little snippet would actually add a lot of depth to reader and explain more about what their gender identity means to them (while also reiterating that Frankie is a perfect little sweetie pie)
“Do you ever want to get surgeries? You know, like, gender affirming ones?”
You pause Netflix to turn to Frankie, shirtless and looking at you with genuine curiosity. 
“Why do you ask?” 
His brows draw up.
“Just wondering. This is all kinda new to me, I guess, and I’ve done some research… I just know it’s an option and— yeah, I mean— I really am just curious.”
The backs of his knuckles trace your arm, and goosebumps form there. 
“That’s a bit of a loaded question, honestly. Do you want the short answer or the long answer?”
He smiles, soft, and you swear he’s an angel with that halo of curls framing his head. 
“I wanna know whatever you wanna tell me.”
You smile too, tangle your legs with his under the sheets and get relaxed for the conversation you’ve never been so comfortable having before now. 
“So… basically, I think the pros and cons completely stalemate each other. You know? There are things about hormones and surgery that I’d enjoy. But… because I’m so fluid, I’d also sometimes not enjoy them. Does that make sense?” 
Frankie nods, “I think so, yeah.”
“And that’s the thing— Right now, there are things about my natural body that sometimes I like, and then sometimes those same things make me uncomfortable.”
“Dysphoria?” He asks, a timid and sad tone weighing down the word. 
“Yeah— exactly. Look at you, Mister Research.” 
A bashful dimple appears as he ducks his head. 
“So, there’s things I have that help. They’re temporary… but… so is the dysphoria. I think, for me, the best decision is to lean into those temporary aides. I mean for one, it’s cheaper. And much less invasive. Why go through all of that just to be in the same boat, y’know?”
“Yeah, I get that. I’m sorry you have to compromise, though. Sounds… Not easy.”
You shrug, but you’re smiling, because it’s quite thrilling to have someone so understanding in your corner, and your bed, and your life. 
“Thank you. You’re right, y’know, it isn’t easy. Especially when it comes to dating. So it’s really nice that you’re… Well— that you’re you.”
A surprised breath leaves him as his eyes light up. 
“It’s nice that you’re you, too. I like you, everything about you.”
It’s silent for a moment as you stare at each other, smiling, sunny, giddy almost. 
“What— umm… What are those things that help? You don’t have to tell me, but… If you want to, I’d like to know.”
You nod. 
“Yeah okay.”
You take a deep breath and debate on what would be easiest to start with. 
“You know how you asked me what those marks were on my back yesterday? In the shower?”
“Yeah, you said it was just indents from your blanket. Were they not?”
You shake your head. 
“I use this stuff called transtape. It’s used to bind your chest, you know? So it looks flat? Sometimes it leaves little marks— like a bandaid would.”
“So it’s like a binder? But… tape, instead of a garment?”
“Exactly. I was wearing it that day you… it’s why I haven’t really let you touch, yet. It’s kind of unsexy to explain in the moment.”
“Why didn’t you wear it in the shower? Should I not have looked?”
Worry creases his brow, but you huff a laugh and grab his hand. 
“No, it’s okay. I wanted to shower with you, and I needed to replace it anyway. It— I mean, like I’ve said, sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it doesn’t. I felt like we were in a rush, and it wasn’t… sexual. And I felt comfortable with you like that. I knew you wouldn’t gawk or… comment, or anything. I liked being able to just be myself with you, and having you still see me as me.”
“Oh, okay. I mean… I liked what I saw. Is that… okay to say?”
You roll your eyes and laugh.
“Yes, you’re allowed to like my tits, Pretty Boy.” 
He flushes, but his eyes glance down to your chest in a brief flicker. 
“You’re wearing the tape, now?”
“I am. Do you wanna see?” 
“I— I mean, yeah. If you wanna show me.”
So you do. You slowly slide your shirt off, and you bare yourself. You feel confident, which is new, in a situation like this. 
He stares, like he’s studying you. His eyes take catalog of the different pieces, the way they’re shaped, the way they hold everything up and back and flatten. 
His fingers twitch under yours, and you squeeze them before letting go. 
“You can touch,” you whisper. 
He does. In an instant, his fingers gently trace the edge of the tape, then his palm covers it all, right over your heart that’s pounding. 
“You’re so… fuck, I’m sorry, I don’t wanna be weird. You’re just really hot.”
You do preen a bit, even if you don’t want to admit it. He makes you feel so good about who you are. 
“That’s not weird. I think you’re hot too, so it’s good we’re on the same page.”
He hums, traces his middle finger down the center of your chest, so light it tickles. 
“What else?” 
“There’s more, right? More… aides?”
You nod slowly. 
“You know what a packer is?” 
He nods slowly. 
“I’ve read about them. I haven’t seen one.”
“I haven’t worn one around you. It could be confusing at first, right?”
You feel sweat start to prickle at the back of your neck. 
“It could be, yeah. I get that. You can, now. You always could have, you know?” 
“Yeah, I know, now.”
He clears his throat, and gives you a signature Frankie grin, and the room starts to feel a little less stifling. 
“If you want to show me, I’d like to see. I wanna know everything about you, when you’re ready for me to.” 
You debate for a minute, how to show him, which one to show him, before you get out of bed and duck down to grab the box that’s under your bed frame. 
“I have a few, they’re all different,” you start to explain. 
You set the box next to him, then crawl into bed too, and unhook the latches on the lid. 
He sits patiently as you open it, and you’re afraid to look at him when they’re revealed. 
“That’s a lot of penises. Peni?”
You choke on an awkward, startled laugh and shake your head. 
“I know, I know.”
“No, it’s cool. I wish I could have a different dick for each occasion.”
And he’s laughing with you, not at you, and you finally brave a look at his face. 
His eyes run curious circles around the inside of the box, but when he notices you watching him, his gaze falls on you again. 
“Tell me about them.” 
So you do. 
You explain that the smaller one is easiest to wear in public without feeling awkward, but still feeling euphoric. The mid-sized one is usually for the odd occasion where you go out to clubs or bars or other queer spaces. The biggest one, you tell him, is for when you’re just at home, and you want to be able to look in the mirror and see you, on those days where you need to be as masculine as possible. 
“What about this one? It’s smaller too.” 
“It’s uhh… well, it’s a 3-in-1.”
“What does that mean?”
You pull it out of the box to show him the back of it. 
“So this is like— so I can pee standing up. And then this” you say, grabbing the rod that’s lying in the box, “is to make it hard. So I can penetrate, or ‘jerk off’ with it. I don’t wear it out much, except for maybe when I’m gonna be out all day and I don’t know the bathroom situation.” 
You look up to find his eyes and mouth both wide. 
“That’s sick,” he says, then swiftly adds— “in a good way. I didn’t know that was a thing.” 
You hum and nod. 
“Do you… wish you were wearing one? Right now?” 
And it’s kinda weird, the way he asks so innocently, but you really do. Especially with the way you’re shirtless and taped up right in front of him. 
“Kinda, yeah.” 
“Can I see it? You can say no. But— how does it work? Like, is it secure?” 
You place your 3-in-1 back in the box, and grab your medium sized one. 
“Let me show you.” 
You’re already wearing your favorite briefs to pack with. You have a lot of pairs and they’re comfy with or without. So you shed your sweatpants and get up on your knees to show him.
“There’s a secret pocket in here,” you tell him, “these aren’t good for the 3-in-1, since the pocket is between the packer and my skin. But I have different underwear for those.” 
He nods, and watches you pull the waistband down to show him the pocket. 
“You could keep snacks in there, too.” 
You laugh at the silly look in his eyes. 
“Not sure they’d be that good, all pressed up against my crotch.”
“I’d eat ‘em,” he says, and wiggles his eyebrows for good measure. 
“Noted,” you joke, “so— yeah, I just, put it in here.”
And you do, sliding the packer into place and fiddling the waistband back.
“I mean, usually I look in the mirror to make sure it looks right, adjust it so it doesn’t pinch anything when I walk.” 
He nods as he stares at your crotch, and his hand reaches out to wrap around your thigh. 
“And it feels good? To have that there?” 
“Yeah, when I’m dysphoric. Just having that weight there, it feels real and right.” 
He smiles at this, so wide, so sweet. 
“Wear it around me. When you want to. I want you to feel that way, always. Okay?”
Your throat feels a little thick, and your eyes sting a bit, but you still smile. 
“Okay,” you whisper. 
“C’mere,” he whispers back. 
You close your box and place it on the floor, as quick as you can. He pulls you to him tight, and it feels incredible, to have all of your bare skin against his own, finally, nothing but your tape in between you. 
He kisses you without a bit of urgency, just lax and syrupy. His hand is firm against your spine, pressing you to him, and you feel dizzy when he pulls away. 
“Thank you for showing me everything,” he says.
“Thanks for… just… being cool.” 
He chuckles, then coaxes you on your back, so his head can take its coveted position back, over your chest. Your naked, flat chest. You hold the remote toward the TV, intent on unpausing your show, but he stops you. 
“Can I hold it?”
“The remote?”
“No— your dick. Just to keep it warm? No funny business.” And he’s looking up at you with those damn eyes again, and how could you say no to that?
last part/next part
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miksy63 · 5 months
Slow and Steady 
18+ MDNI
Warnings: fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), sub reader, dom Kirishima, unprotected sex.
A/N: FINALLY finished this now that finals are done!
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When you and Eijirou first start dating, you see him as this adorably shy man who treats you like a princess. 
You’re walking together in the mall and the large redhead turns to you with a shy grin and an outstretched hand “Do you mind if I…hold your hand” he asks you sweetly as you giggle and interlace your fingers with his. 
In the changing room you stepped out from behind the curtain asking “what do you think, Eijirou?”, you were a little nervous to see his reaction. Kirishima looked up from his phone with the biggest smile and tentatively reached out for you, giving you time to pull back if you wanted to. When you only stepped closer to him with a bright smile, he placed his hands respectfully at your waist, taking in the soft silk baby blue dress you wore with heated cheeks. “[Y/N]...look at you…you’re gorgeous” the redhead speaks so genuinely, completely unafraid to express his true feelings…the perfect gentleman. You smirk and reach up to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.
When you get the the checkout and smile at the cashier before searching in your purse for your card, Eijirou smoothly pulls out his wallet and taps his card, grinning at you goofily when you turn to him and pout “Eijirou…you didn't have to…”. Kirishima only continues to look down at you grinning and boops you on the nose “You’re too pretty to pout Angel”. It was the first time he called you that, and with the way it made your face heat up and had you unable to look him in the eyes…it just kind of stuck.
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“So have you and Kiri had sex yet?” Mina asks, eyeing the redhead in question from her spot on the lounge chair. Feeling your face heat up, you raise your sunglasses to sit on top of your head, turning to eye Kirishima as well, watching him sipping on a beer, standing in the pool laughing with Sero and Kaminari. Crimson eyes meet your own and you quickly look back to Mina “No…we haven’t…” the pink haired girl raises a brow and you continue “Eiji’s just so…good and the most patient man…we’re taking it slow”. You turn back to Kirishima “Besides…I’m kind of shy about the whole thing and we’ve been together for 8 months now…I don’t know if he wants me that way…”.  Mina gives you a sly look “Trust me…if that man’s sex drive is anything like it used to be…he wants you” you gawk at her and swat her arm, laughing “Mina…please!!”. Although it makes you think…will you have to make the first move on him? Is he shy?
Eijirou is definitely not shy.
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When he finally lets your relationship get to the next level, Kirishima pleasures you so intently, with so much purpose that it’s almost too much. And his eyes… that crimson gaze, locking eyes with you, watching to make sure you’re okay as his hands slide down from your waist to grip your ass. He kisses you deeply, your tongues swiping against each other, battling for dominance, a battle you quickly lost. Kirishima kisses you breathless until you pull away, panting and dizzy. He cups your cheek, making you look up at him “you’re not tapping out on me already are you Angel?” All you can focus on is his smirk and his sharp teeth.
You’re so shocked because this is NOT what you thought Kiri would be like. You’d expected the man to be much more…shy…that you’d be the one to take the lead. So seeing how eager Kirishima was, you were pleasantly surprised that you were able to ease into his touch and let him take care of you.
Kirishima is such an attentive lover, cradling you in his lap, leaving soft kisses on your temple and watching your reactions, even as he has two fingers knuckle deep inside you. Kiri’s made you cum 3 times before he’s even taken his cock out, you’re sprawled out beneath him and panting, while he rests his head on your thigh, lapping at your clit until you start to whine. “Eiji…stop teasing…I-I wan’ you…” your fingers grip onto his red locks drawn back into a loose bun. The large man looks up at you with a sharp smile, his face glistening with the taste of you “Hmm? what’s wrong baby?” he squeezes and rubs your spread thighs “you gotta use your words Angel”. The redhead noses at your neck and you can feel his breath “tell me what you want baby…”. 
When you finally bring yourself to look into his crimson gaze, Kirishima thinks you look so cute, your eyes glazed over and struggling to look him in the eye, you shyly beg to feel him “wanna feel you inside…want your cock…please Eiji…”. The way your bottom lip pushes out in a pout, there’s no way he can say no to you.
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Kirishima pulls himself out of his boxers and rubs his length over your wetness, grinding against your clit, groaning and making you squirm “mmm…Eij don’t tease” . He looks down at you with a flushed face and smiles, guiding his length to your entrance before looking up at you “sure you’re okay Angel” he pants. You reach up to cup his cheek and nod softly “I want this Eiji…”. That’s all it takes before he sinks into your pussy, agonizingly slow, making you feel so full, to the point you wonder if he’ll even fit, gasping at the feeling. Kirishima groans at how tightly you squeeze him in, rubbing your thighs and spreading them wider to fit him inside. You rest your head back against the bed, your eyes beginning to water as you feel Eijirou’s cock push deeper into you “mmf…E-Eijirou…m’ so full” you whine so sweetly, making the redhead smile. “S’okay baby…you’re almost there…” you were not almost there… but Kirishima just wants to comfort you.
By the time Kiri gets himself fully inside you, there are tears running down your face as you whimper needily up to the large redhead on top of you “you…you can move” you pant breathlessly, the pain you were feeling giving way to an intense pleasure. Kirishima slowly starts thrusting himself in and out of your walls, the desire to give his Angel absolutely anything she wants consuming him as his red eyes looked more like black to you. Taking a hand to his head and gripping softly onto the red strands, you look your boyfriend in the eye “Eiji- wan’ you to make me feel good…please” you beg desperately for your release. 
Kirishima huffs amusedly at your begging “Is my baby getting greedy? Too greedy for your own orgasm that you forget all about me?” the large man pouts teasingly down at you as he makes his thrusts sharper, each one reaching deeper into you. “Don’t I get to feel good too, Angel?” Kirishima continues to tease, speeding up his pace, loving the sound your pussy makes each time his hips slam down against your own. “I-I-ahhh” you’re cut off by a high pitched squeal when Kirishima shifts your hips, bringing your legs higher up and his tip nudges that special spot inside you repeatedly. “Wan’ you to feel good to Eij…” you slur, it’s getting hard to form words, let alone thoughts with the intense pleasure your boyfriend is giving you.
As your walls clench tightly around him, Kirishima rests your legs on his shoulders, moving his hands up your belly to squeeze your breasts, brushing his thumbs over your nipples as you let out high-pitched moans “Babe…I’m-!” your boyfriend cuts you off, with a thrust that was much deeper and harder. “It’s okay Pretty… let it out” the man coos at you, his breaths starting to come quicker and his groans becoming louder. Like the diligent boyfriend he is, Kirishima thrusts into you without pause, bringing you into your bliss as ecstasy runs through your veins “Ohhh…Eijirouuu!” you cum with a loud cry of his name. The redhead continues his thrusts, panting sharply, but allowing his Angel to ride out her orgasm, only stopping when you twitch in sensitivity. Kirishima slowly pulls his flushed cock out of your heat that grips him tightly in the aftershocks of your climax. Removing his hands from your breasts, your boyfriend gives himself one…two….three pumps before cumming right above your pussy, bracing himself afterward with a firm grip on your hips.
“Fuckk” Kirishima lets out a satisfied curse, trying to gather himself. Your panting form is splayed out before the large hero, messy with his cum on your stomach and Kirishima smiles, a wide toothy grin. A grin that looks way too innocent for the way this man just handled you. Tilting your head up tiredly, you give Kiri a look of pure confusion, not having expected him to be so…thorough…. When it came to sex. Seemingly reading your thoughts, the redhead chuckled softly, a happy sound that was purely Eijirou. 
“Weren’t expecting that from me huh, Angel?” he cages you in, putting his arms on either side of your head, bringing his face close to yours, from this angle, his ‘innocent’ toothy grin looking a lot more sinful than it did hours before. You look up at your boyfriend with heated cheeks “Not really…” you pant. Kirishima tilts his head “wanted to wait until it was right…didn’t want to show you that side of me right away” he leans in, kissing you deeply and swiping his tongue into your mouth. As you moan, he pulls away, chuckling as you chase after his lips “What can I say? I like to take things slow and steady” the redhead smirks before getting off of you to grab you a towel. He returns to give you thorough aftercare.
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fadingreveries · 6 months
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (Pt. 6)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia as Riley competes for the Crown Prince! Will she accept his proposal, or will someone else win her heart?
Word Count: 2.3k
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
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The two of them walked to the bonfire, settling into comfortable silence. The guys played by the water nearby while Riley and Liam sat together by the fire on a thick, sturdy log. Riley warmed her hands, while the two of them appreciated the crackling flames which glowed bright orange and yellow. She looked at Liam, his calm face showing how perfectly content he was in the present moment. 
“Tonight’s been quite the adventure,” Liam quietly admitted, chuckling. “I never thought my night out on the town would end up like this. You’re really something else, aren’t you?”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” Riley responded, blushing as she looked down at the ground. 
“Believe me, it is. Spending time with you tonight has been the most fun I’ve had this entire vacation,” Liam confessed, his hand tilting Riley’s chin upwards so their eyes met.
However, this piece of news made Riley slightly frown for Liam. “That’s sweet… But I guess that means you haven’t really been enjoying yourself very much.”
“It’s been wonderful, but there’s something missing. I really wanted to do one thing in particular while I was here…” Liam began, unsure. It was his turn to flit his eyes away. 
With a gentle touch of her hand on his arm, Riley softly inquired, “And what’s that?”
“It’s… well… you’re probably going to think it’s silly, but I’ve always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty… It wasn’t really in the guys’ plan, so we just never got around to it. And now it’s my last day here…” Liam revealed, a sullen expression taking over his face. Then almost like an instinct, he composed himself. “I don’t mean to sound so ungrateful. It was thoughtful of my friends to throw me this bachelor party. They’ve done their best, but I’m not in the mood to celebrate.”
“Wait a second, it’s your bachelor party?” Riley’s eyes looked as if they would pop out of their sockets in shock. Her heart sank in disappointment. Her attraction to Liam was one-sided after all. “Congratulations.”
“If you knew the whole story, you might not congratulate me so quickly,” Liam commented, shaking his head. 
This confused Riley, making her scrunch her eyebrows together. Wasn’t an engagement something grand and worth celebrating? “Oh?”
“I actually don’t know who I’m going to marry yet… only that I’ll have to pick my fiancee by the end of the year,” Liam explained, wincing as he remembered the importance of the start of the social season. 
Pressing for more details, Riley asked with intrigue, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
The more cautious part of him insisted that in reality, he was in a defenseless situation with no bodyguards to supervise him. He was supposed to hide his true identity from anyone who asked here.
But the part of him that longed to share his genuine self with someone as understanding as Riley won over. He couldn’t lie to her, not after all they had experienced together in a short amount of time. 
“The truth is, Riley…” Liam started, taking a deep breath before revealing, “I’m the Crown Prince of Cordonia.”
“You’re a prince?” Riley echoed his words, as she paused. It was a surprising tidbit of news, but it didn’t alter how she viewed Liam as an honest, sincere man. “This doesn’t change anything. I don’t care what your title is. You’re still the same guy I met earlier this evening… Caring, thoughtful… I’ve seen a lot of customers come and go, but I’ve never seen any guys at his own bachelor party be concerned about whether the waitress was having a good night.”
Relief flushed through Liam, as a genuinely happy grin made its way on his face. “You don’t know how rare it is to hear someone say that. You’re the first one, in fact… It seems the more I talk to you, the more I like you, Riley. It’s strange… I’ve known my whole life that I have to take up the duties of the monarchy. I’ve always wondered how that’s shaped me, who I might’ve been without the crown. You could be anything, do anything. What drives you, Riley?”
A thought-provoking question like this deserved a deep, authentic answer. Riley closed her eyes, dreaming about what it was that her heart desired. Then she opened her eyes, confessing, “What I really want is… to fall in love. Love is what gives life meaning… the connections we make… the hearts that we touch…”
Touched to hear a very honest, genuine answer, Liam smiled kindly at Riley and softly uttered, “That’s beautiful, Riley.”
Looking out at the surf, the two of them saw Maxwell, Drake, and Tariq splashing in the water. Tariq only stayed as close to the shore as possible, only a few feet away from the water. Drake and Maxwell, however, had waded into the water until it was up to their waists and decided to splash Tariq from where they stood to try to get him to join them. 
“Got ya, Tariq!” Maxwell gleefully chortled, splashing more water in Tariq’s direction. 
Tariq yelped, backing up more on the shore. “I told you, these shoes are leather!”
“Aw, lighten up, Tariq. You’ve got, what, a hundred pairs?” Drake sarcastically joked, a teasing smile on his face matching Maxwell’s.
Back at the bonfire, Riley commented, “Looks like your friends are having fun.”
“Good. I’m happy for them. They deserve to have fun,” Liam genuinely admitted, admiring how carefree they appeared. “Tomorrow, it’s back to Cordonia for the start of the social season.”
With the corners of her lips tugging up into a smile, Riley remarked, “But it’s not tomorrow yet…”
Her cheeky smile was contagious and soon, Liam found himself with an identical one. “What are you suggesting?”
“You said you wanted to see the Statue of Liberty. Let’s do it! I know a place where we can catch a boat tour. Best view in town,” Riley excitedly suggested. If Liam only had this one night of freedom, she wanted to make it a special, unforgettable one for him. 
Liam’s mouth hung open, as if he couldn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth. “Right now? But it’s way past midnight. Won’t all the tours be closed?”
“Oh… right. I forgot how late it’s gotten,” Riley responded, slightly frowning. But when she saw a glint of disappointment in Liam’s eyes, she knew she had to at least try. “In that case… you’re lucky I can call in a favour.”
“A favour? And just like that, you can get us on a tour boat after midnight to see the Statue of Liberty?” Liam laughed in disbelief, trying to make sense of how serious Riley was. He found this girl never seemed to run out of surprises and he slowly found himself gravitating to her sense of adventure. 
Riley shrugged her shoulders, but giggled. “Well, maybe a few favours, actually, but I have some friends who owe me. It won’t be easy, but I know this is important to you, so… let’s go!”
“Right now?” Liam inquired, his eyes still wide with surprise. 
Riley nodded in the direction of his friends, explaining, “It’s only getting later every minute we wait. Besides, it looks like the guys are busy enough. I bet they won’t even notice you’re gone.”
It was a big risk, Liam realized. He was about to go on a midnight excursion with a girl he had never met before to see the Statue of Liberty in a city he had only visited once or twice in his lifetime. He was continents away from home, from the supervision of his father, and from the eyes of the public. Despite his overthinking, Liam already knew the direction his heart wanted to take him. 
“You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?” Liam asked, although he was positively sure that he knew the answer to that question. 
She could see the anticipation gleaming in Liam’s eyes. Riley shook her head, her smile turning into a grin. “Nope.”
“Then I happily surrender to your demands,” Liam answered, as they shared a laugh together with the glow of the embers reflecting the warmth depicted on their faces. 
Somewhere along the way, the two had skipped the small-talk phase without even knowing. They discovered how easily their words and stories came out in the presence of someone who seemed equally as fascinated with their life just as the other was. 
“So you gained almost twenty pounds because you ate too much baklava in protest for it to be the only dish served at dinner?” Riley repeated, trying to suppress a laugh. 
“Leo tends to exaggerate that part whenever he tells that story. Everyone at the palace found it amusing, waiting for me to give in and have something more substantial. To be fair, I was only eight-years-old so my protest didn’t last as long as the effect I intended it to have. In the end, I ended my objection when I realized how much trouble I must have caused for the kitchen staff to find enough baklava just for me. Besides, I found it was closer to ten pounds, which I immediately shed off after two weeks,” Liam explained, shaking his head with a bashful smile. “Either way, it’s a story he never lets me live down. Now, I believe you owe me an embarrassing story in return.”
Riley paused for a moment, trying to think of a story that would rival Liam’s. Then she looked away in embarrassment and nervously giggled. “When I was six-years-old, I believed I was destined to be royalty. I told people I was the long-lost princess of a distant kingdom. I only showed up wearing princess gowns anywhere I went whether it was at school or grocery shopping. For the longest time, I was convinced that I was going to kiss a frog who would turn into a prince, and we would live happily ever after. My parents would bring it up every year on my birthday in front of everyone, asking where my prince was. I would always answer that he was out there somewhere, waiting for me to find him.”
“That doesn’t sound so terrible. It’s rather endearing, actually,” Liam commented, as a pink flush deepened her cheeks. “It’s fascinating that you still seem as starry-eyed as a child compared to how you are now as an adult.”
“And I think it’s sweet that you prioritize others’ feelings out of the goodness in your heart back then as you still do, like tonight,” Riley added, making Liam bite back a tender smile. 
A short while later, Riley and Liam were at the docks overlooking the city skyline. As the two of them rested their hands on the metal rails, Riley let out a content sigh. “And here we wait?”
“For?” Liam said, waiting to see what other surprises Riley had in store. 
“A magical boat I’ve summoned just for you,” Riley joked, cheekily putting her hands behind her back. 
Letting out a little chuckle, Liam commented, “Not a bad view.”
They could hear crickets chirping in the background and fireflies dancing in the cool breeze of the wind. The stars in the sky shined even brighter than the numerous lights on all the skyscrapers. They could see the silhouettes and shapes of all the buildings waving in time with the peaceful calm waters. 
“Now, I’m dying to know why you’re so eager to see the Statue of Liberty,” Riley started, turning to glance at Liam. 
“Can’t you guess?” Liam pushed her to continue, an inviting smile on his face. He had known Riley for less than twenty-four hours, yet he felt like she could figure out the answer already. How strangely comforting was it to know that he had met a girl who seemed to know him in the same way that he felt like he knew her from another lifetime? 
“You want to see the Statue of Liberty because… she symbolizes freedom,” Riley answered, before flitting her eyes at Liam for a sign of possible confirmation. 
“Freedom is something that I’ve always wanted,” Liam confessed with a knowing smile. Then he wistfully looked out at the deep waters in front of them. “But I’ve always known that my role would require me to give up much of what I desire.”
“You’re the prince. Can’t you do what you want, at least some of the time?” Riley pointed out. For a boy who was so selfless and caring about others, she found it a little miserable that it didn’t seem like people valued Liam’s own feelings and desires. 
“As a member of the royal family, my actions reflect on my house and all of Cordonia,” Liam explained, almost word-for-word how his parents explained it to him all those years ago. Then he frowned, looking down at the ground. “It’s something I’ve never been allowed to forget. No matter how badly I might want to.”
Liam stared at Riley for one long moment, and she turned up to stare into his eyes. With one gentle hand, Liam reached out to caress her soft cheek. In response, Riley had lightly placed her hand on Liam’s arm. They were inches apart from each other as they glanced up at the other’s eyes and down at their lips.
Just then, the two of them heard the blast of a horn. Looking out across the water, they spotted a tour boat pulling up. 
“There’s our ride!” Riley exclaimed, taking Liam by the hand as they ran together for their special boat ride.
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: @kingliam2019 @princess-geek @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973 @tessa-liam
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