#like in his mind pillow fights always ended up with feathers coming out of the pillows and his magic said okay let's have that
imagineacoolusername · 10 months
@carryon-countdown day 5: fight
379 words, rated G. just simon and baz having an impromptu pillow fight in their room :)
Simon has been punching his pillow for a good five minutes now, and my patience is starting to wear thin. 
He’ll punch it for a bit, place it in bed and lay his head on it, get up as he sighs frustratedly, and start punching it again. 
After a few more rounds of this nonsense, I snap. 
“Snow. What the fuck are you doing.”
“My pillow is too high and hard.”
“I want it to be softer.”
“I’m making it softer.”
“By beating the hell out of it?”
He grins, “exactly.”
He then goes back to torturing his pillow, and I roll my eyes exaggeratedly, making sure he sees me, just to know how annoying he is. 
He suddenly goes quiet, and I internally thank Merlin for the moment of peace, however brief. 
“Oi, Baz!” he calls, as if we were kilometers away and not at all in the same room. 
I sigh heavily before turning to face him, but all I see is a white blur before the fucking pillow hits me square in the face. I stay frozen as the pillow falls on my lap, too perplexed to react.
“Come on, don’t be a wanker, give it back, then,” Simon complains. 
“Give it back? You’re the one who fucking threw it at me!” I don’t even know why I’m feeling so offended. 
Simon looks at me expectantly, making grabby hands at the pillow, still grinning like a madman. I do the most reasonable thing. I throw it to his face. 
“Oh, you’re fucking on, Pitch.” He laughs, and the next thing I know, I’m being hit not once but twice with pillows. The fucking bastard took my pillow as well. 
I get up from my desk, grab one of the pillows, and start attacking SImon, who in turn is both defending himself and attacking back. 
I want to say that he’s being ridiculous and laughing like an idiot, but to be honest, I am too, and it is great. 
Soon enough there are feathers spouting out of the pillows, which makes absolutely no sense as I know for a fact that they are filled with cotton. But fuck if I care; Simon is laughing, having the time of his life, and that’s all matters. 
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mrs-snape5984 · 7 months
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“I will love you unconditionally…”
“Come just as you are to me, don't need apologies. Know that you are worthy!” (“Unconditionally” by Katy Perry)
Feathers. Feathers everywhere. The teenagers were panting heavily from their previous childish pillow-fight, staring at each other with red, sweaty faces. But something about the whole mood seemed to change…shifting into something else…something unfamiliar. The sudden tension between Severus and Julia became palpable, wavering in thick air. His voice cut the awkward silence between them. “What is this all about, Jules?” Brushing the cheeky strand of hair - which seemed to have a life on its own…always falling over his left eye - out of his face, Severus glanced at her, narrowing his eyes. He didn’t know, what to think about her latest antics. Would she be the next person, who would abandon him? He knew it…he shouldn’t have gotten too attached to her….he shouldn’t have allowed her to break through his walls. “You’re pathetic, Severus!”, he scolded himself internally, coursing his heart for this feeling of hope, that he had given permission to grow in his chest. “You should have known better than that.”
“Sevy, I…”, her voice broke mid sentence, when she recognised the familiar expressions of annoyance and disappointment in his face. No…this was not supposed to happen! This was the moment, when Julia knew, that she couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She couldn’t lose him! Her friend! Her companion through thick and thin! Taking a deep breath, Julia took his hand in hers and revealed her deepest feelings for him. It was now or never!
“Sevy, from the very first moment, when I've seen you in the Great Hall...this way too skinny, raven haired boy with his adorably crooked nose and those beautiful - and yet so sad - obsidian eyes...l've been fallen head over heels for you!”, she blurted out…feeling her heart beating up to her throat. There was no way back for her now, that was for sure.
“Jules…what…”, but before Severus could react to her blunt confession, Julia stopped him from talking, shaking her head vigorously. “Listen to me, Sevy! Let me explain this to you. It’s…it’s your soul!”, she stuttered nervously, stumbling over her own words.
“Your soul has always seemed to be surrounded by some kind of magnetic field, Sevy. And my poor soul is constantly lingering on it…desperately trying to get attached to yours.” Julia’s cheeks went scarlet, but it was too late…she couldn’t stop herself from confessing her feelings to her best friend anymore.
“I’m like a goddamn moth…”, she uttered nervously, “and you…you’re the light! I…I can’t help myself…you…you’re all, I can think about!”
„I am…the light?“ Severus was speechless. Never would he have considered himself as a light…and especially not as a light to someone! But he couldn’t say anything further to his best friend‘s confession…not since Julia just didn’t stop talking!
„I don't expect anything from you, Severus. My love for you is…unconditionally…and…undeniably.“, she continued with her flow of words. This wasnt new to Severus, he knew Julia’s habit of losing herself in an endless stream of rhapsody over the most random things. But he had never expected to become the subject of her rambling speech…and she still didn’t come to an end!
„I will find you inside your own darkness, Severus...no matter, where you are…no matter, where you’re hiding yourself from the world! I want to be the light, that leads you home. I will break through the cage, you've built around yourself. And I won't ever let you go!“, declared Julia boldly before she interrupted herself, holding her breath. Suddenly, there was only one thought left in her mind: “Oh no…what have I done?!”
This was a little snippet from one of my more innocent stories, which I’m writing in my sleepless nights in order to cope with my own situation…and gosh, I’m so fucking nervous to share this with you all for the very first time.
Even though I’m someone, who always seemed to be quite self-confident towards others, I’m only a very insecure and overly sensitive person on the inside. My whole life, there was always one thought in the back of my head: What if I’m not good enough? What if I’m nothing but a failure?
And since I’m struggling with this cruel disease ME/CFS, which completely cuts me off from the life, I’ve used to known…my insecurities and vulnerabilities are growing even deeper. So, this is a sign of trust, you wonderful people of Snapedom! I’m trusting you with a tiny piece of my heart…a tiny piece of my true self.
My friend, the wonderfully talented artist @snake-queen7, drew this beautiful artwork of Sevy and Jules in the middle of their pillow-fight….and you did a fantastic job, my dear! Thank you for letting my fantasies come to life…for allowing me to feel alive again through your excellent art!
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
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twst-drabbles · 10 months
Idia 6
Summary: Idia’s been gaming for three days straight and Ortho’s had enough. But, since his brother was no longer listening to him, he called you, the janitor, to take care of the job.
(Anyone missed the Janitor AU? I did.)
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Idia had no plan. When he saw you, the janitor storm through his dorm and trigger his sensors that someone was coming close to his place, his mind went empty then became full with the realization that there was nothing he could do.
See, Idia doesn’t really think it was that big of a deal. Gaming for about three days straight was the normal for him, especially when you’re trying to grind in an MMO event and empty the store of all its goodies. He’s been doing that for years already. He’s proud that he doesn’t have the stamina of a regular noob.
…well he does, but that’s mostly for the physical stuff. Idia dumped all his stats into fine motor reflexes and a resistance to eyestrain. The only skills that matter when in gaming mode.
Anyways, your presence and that sure way of walking that is only present in the walk cycle of a 3D boss told him that Ortho is finally fed up with him. It’s not his fault that Ortho talked to him while he was in the middle of a battle! He had to give his full concentration because half the guild was missing for a holiday celebration!
…okay maybe it was his fault but Ortho should know by now that when Idia is in the zone, he is in it. Words just do not register if they’re not coming from voice chat. All Idia knows is that Ortho was there, said something about the janitor and that’s about it.
Don’t go looking in too deep why he heard anything about the janitor and not anything else. He can’t help it. All of the NPCs just wouldn’t stop talking about them after their fight with Headmage Crowley. A fight that he saw.
Say what you want but they have a mean grip on them. A nice mean grip… Wait! Pause! Not right now!
Point is, the janitor is coming because Ortho said enough is enough and since Idia has been sitting in this chair with rare bathroom breaks, his legs are absolute jelly. He couldn’t run even if he wanted to and he’s currently grinding for a rare weapon material. He needs it before the rate up ends!
He’s stuck!
And then, his doom slams open the door.
“Alright,” you scratched the back of your head, sighing like being in his room was a pain to be in, probably is, just look at the mess, “No hard feelings, Housewarden Idia. Just repaying a favor to Ortho. Just a small warning: I will be carrying you out of here.”
A potato chip fell from his lips and suddenly you were in front of him. He dropped his controller just as you heaved him over your shoulder like he weighted nothing more than a feathered pillow.
“Huh,” you bounced him and Idia could only peep, feeling the way your back and shoulder muscles flexed against his stomach, “wow, you really don’t weigh that much.”
Idia tried to say something but his tongue was tied up with so many notes he felt he was going to choke on it. The only noise that came out of him was this weird gag and he had to cover his mouth. What did he expect? The first phase of a boss battle always has some kind of debuff or status effect at play.
“And out we go,” and you, of course, are completely unaffected by this unnatural situation! How?!
Wait, but what about his grinding?
“Wait!” The words finally dislodged from his throat and he reached out to his PC, “I have to finish it! I need to finish grinding before the event ends!”
You listened, but you only replied with a “You really just ignored my warning, huh? Too bad.”
No! Why must you be so cruel?!
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stay-dazed · 10 months
stray kids as dads 2
notes: female reader, married. all the children are the same age as the last post, these are just extra scenarios :) i'm sorry if any seem rushed.
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chan: you’re so thankful that chan has the week off. not only do you get to spend quality time with your loving husband, but you also get to focus on specific things around the house that you just couldn’t before with most of your attention on taime. today chan’s picking him up from school which gives you the chance to clean under the kitchen sink for the first time in a little while.
and that’s how you find out that you’re completely out of mopping solution, which is what you were planning on doing next. well.. you could just hop in your car and head to the supermarket a couple blocks down to get what you need… or you could just call chan who’s already out and ask him to pick it up.
“hey baby, what’s up?” chan hasn’t changed his nickname for you since you both started dating 10 years ago now. He almost sounds exactly the same.
“hi mama!!” a little voice calls in the background.
a smile spreads across your face. “hi boys! oh i miss both my boys so much!”
chan chuckles and asks,” is that why you called? you miss us too much?”
you respond,” well yes but actually no. we're out of mopping solution and i wanted to mop today. could you pick some up on your way back, please?”
“of course baby!” chan answers happily,” we love going on side quests for our girl, don’t we taime?”
you hear taime excitedly agree from the backseat where he sits strapped in his carseat, and your heart grows just a little bit bigger. you stay on the phone to listen to your boys talk excitedly about the errand they’re running together.
"hey baby, do you want some i-c-e c-r-e-a-m? i'll get some and we can have it later tonigh- huh? it's nothing son, don't worry about it."
minho: minho is the most reliable and responsible man you’ve ever known. and your errand run will only keep you out of the house for about an hour at most. how bad can they be?
that’s what you said to yourself, until you got back home that is.
various toys strewn about on the floor, which isn’t uncommon, but added to that mess is a bunch of little white feathers coming from a pillow that’s popped open, having stood no chance against the pillow fight of the century. you meant to toss that old pillow out but apparently forgot to do so.
your attention is pulled away from the scene of the crime by a soft meow coming from doongie. he has a little decorative hair tie wrapped around his tail, and of course a tiny pink kiss mark on his forehead. you wonder if it’s too late to just slowly walk back out the door…
two pairs of twinkling eyes stare back at you from the couch, caught red-handed. you’ve always adored how jimin had her appa’s eyes. “looks like you two had fun while i was gone..”
“mommy!!” jimin says while running to you, pink paint still fresh on her fingertips.
you scoop her up in your arms, careful to not get any of the paint on yourself. “hi baby,” you say to her while wiping some crumbs from her last snack off of her face. minho continues watching you, a little hair tie slowly slipping out of his hair.
“i didn’t expect you to be back so soon,” he says,” um… i’ll clean this up.”
“i know you will,” you say and walk over to kiss his cheek. “thank you for watching her, honey. you’re a very good daddy.”
"i don't even know what happened. everything was just a blur of pink."
changbin: changbin is a strong man by every definition of the word, but when it comes to nari he’s an absolute pushover. that’s how the three of you ended up here, in a humble little pet store in town.
you stroll through a few aisles lined with tanks that house little critters, like hamsters and chinchillas. you and changbin follow nari's lead, occasionally remarking to each other about how cute the animals are.
but once you come across the reptile section, changbin is notably less happy. poor thing. you don’t mind reptiles yourself, but changbin is more wary of them. as well as insects, bats, amphibians, fish, some species of bird, and basically anything that isn’t fluffy.
“daddy look!” nari exclaims when she comes across the last case on this aisle, “lookit this one!” her hands are pressed to the glass, her eyes filled with excitement.
hesitantly, changbin makes his way over to her and kneels down to her height. “what is it, honey?”
a leopard gecko is what it is. a young one judging by the size of it. it’s a cute little thing, napping on a rock in its enclosure. and changbin is looking at it like he’s staring death itself in the face. “that’s.. that's very nice, sweetheart.”
“can we get it, daddy?” nari looks up at him with those sparkling eyes.
oh no.
changbin can’t look away from her puppy eyes and within seconds, he caves. with a sigh he says,” alright..” he looks at you, a defeated man.
you smile at him before adding,” remember baby, he's not a toy. we all need to do our part in taking special care of him so that he's happy and healthy.” nari nods excitedly.
so here you are, heading to the front of the shop to find an employee for help. you glance at changbin and note his distraught face. fighting back a smile you say,” well, at least you’re not allergic to geckos.
"y/n i don't think you understand, this is scarier than anything i've ever experienced in my life. even auditioning for jyp."
hyunjin: art has been a part of hyunjin’s life for years now. it adds meaning and emotion and thought. he’s tried various forms of media but found a safe place in painting. ocean landscapes, flowers, and you are his favorite things to paint, along with his new favorite: his dear joon.
you approach the art room with a glass of plum juice and a small plate of rice snacks in hand, something to give hyunjin a bit of energy while he works. you step into the room just as he’s adding a bit of color to a simple sketch of joon, regularly glancing over at her as she sleeps soundly in her cot that he put in the room with him for the time being.
“how’s it going darling?” you ask while placing the glass and plate on the desk next to him. you lean in to look closer at his work over his shoulder. of course it looks amazing. you wouldn’t expect anything less. the picture he captured is perfect, the lines soft and round, just as she is.
he sniffs and brushes some hair out of his face with the back of his hand. there’s specks of paint on his cheek and the tip of his nose. “it’s going well. she has such beautiful features, i feel compelled to paint her again and again.”
“mmm…” you hum in agreement and place a kiss on his cheek.
hyunjin basks in the warmth of your affection. he turns to you, his lips arched gently upward and his eyes adoring. you share his smile, your body leaning down in order to place another kiss to his lips.
a loud cry fills the air.
you and hyunjin pause and look at each other for a moment, then giggle together. hyunjin gets up from his desk and picks joon up out of her cot, holding her safely in his arms where he sways her gently in hopes to soothe her.
you walk over and reach to put the pacifier back in her mouth, calming her cries rather quickly. “i fear she’s going to be just as dramatic as you are, darling.”
"and? you say that like it's a bad thing."
jisung: jisung got a lot of well-deserved sleep on the first couple days of his week-long vacation, leaving him open to tons of fun today with his favorite little boy.
to start off the day, junseo has a yummy breakfast of juice, yogurt, and fruit slices while you and jisung settle on having the rest of last night’s leftovers. junseo’s face has a few lines of yogurt on it and his hands are sticky from the fruit. this is what happens when you let him feed himself as he insisted.
jisung looks at his boy and stifle's a laugh. “honey, look at him,” he says, his cheeks puffy with food,” isn’t he so cute?”
you giggle and reach over with your napkin to wipe junseo off as thoroughly as you can before he wiggles out of your grip. “adorable,” you agree.
junseo looks back and forth between the two of you and flashes a big smile, chewed up bits of fruit stuck between the gaps of his little baby teeth. normally you find chewed food disgusting (jisung makes sure to remind you of that fact often), but it’s just too cute when your baby boy does it, in all his glee.
jisung laughs out loud this time, and reaches over to gently pinch junseo’s chubby little cheek that closely resembles his own.
"the gene runs strong in the family. yes i am very proud of it, thank you for noticing."
felix: felix absolutely loves to swim, and he wanted more than anything to have theo love it just as much. but unfortunately, due to his smaller size, theo can’t swim yet. so he has an iffy feeling about the water. and as any good father would, felix tries his best to help him.
he fastens some floaties snugly to theo’s arms, trying to uplift him with encouraging words. “you got this, teddy bear." you reach over to rub a bit more sun screen on theo’s button nose.
“you won’t let me go, right daddy?” he looks up at felix with wide eyes.
“i won’t let go teddy, i promise.”
once theo is all prepped, felix begins to step into the plastic kiddie pool with theo sat securely on his hip. he enters slowly, the water coming up gradually to reach theo's elbows. the little guy keeps a strong grip around his daddy's neck, watching the water intensely.
“you’re okay baby, you’re doing such a great job,” you say from the pool ladder, smiling in excitement and pride.
theo looks at you nervously, then back at his daddy. felix smiles at him,” how’re you doing, son? do you like the feeling of the water? it’s nice when it’s hot out, right?”
with his free arm, felix scoops a bit of water into his cupped hand and lets it carefully drip down his son’s head and back. theo blinks quickly, adjusting to the odd feeling. that’s when you get an idea.
suddenly water is splashed in their direction, soaking felix’s back and successfully avoiding theo completely. felix turns to look at you, while theo looks up at him. you try but fail to hold back a growing smile. there's a moment of silence and stillness before theo smacks his hand into the water so that it sprays, getting felix in the face this time.
the backyard fills with laughter.
"well, at least he's not afraid of touching the water anymore."
seungmin: you leave the room of the party just a couple hours into it, feeling too drowsy to keep up the energy. the sound of belle singing and crayons on paper fade into the background as you reach the bedroom and find comfort in the bed’s soft blankets. seungmin doesn't mind that you sneak off to take naps when you need them. after all, you deserve it after the care you put into the home while he's at work.
so you expect to have a quick power nap on your own before joining your husband and daughter again. you slip under the comforter of your bed, feeling your body relax, your muscles slowly un-tensing. and just as you’re about to drift off, you feel the bed dip slightly. you open your eyes and blink the bleariness away.
“hi mama,” chin-sun whispers. she crawls under the comforter with you and cuddles against your side. sometimes you forget that she knows how to climb onto the ottoman and therefore onto the bed.
“hi baby,” you mumble, holding her close. hopefully she'll just end up napping with you.
the two of you lay together in silence for a couple minutes, and luckily chin-sun doesn't get rowdy. in fact her breathing starts to even out. little princess must’ve been running low on energy too. you once again feel yourself start to drift off.
then the bed dips once again, this time behind you.
you don’t even open your eyes this time. you lay still, feeling the comforter adjust and a pair of strong arms wrap around you warmly, securely. seungmin’s familiar scent is so comforting, his rhythmic breathing relaxing.
you crack your eyes open momentarily to see that the arm seungmin has wrapped around you reaches chin-sun. he rubs circles on her back with his thumb, slowing down gradually as he begins dozing off himself. his nose tickles slightly as it presses into your hair. finally, with your little family snuggled together, you fall asleep.
"sleep well, my precious girls.."
jeongin: jeongin has always been the type to do what he calls “shopping therapy”. a new necklace or pair of shoes, a small lego set to put together, or even just a basket-full of his favorite snacks. and once haneul came along, he had an even better excuse to get all these fun things.
of course he doesn’t overspend, he is a responsible father after all. but not everything he gets is necessary perse. like the stuffed fox taking your son’s place in his stroller and the bright butterfly painted on jeongin’s face. the sight catches you off guard. you walk up to them, having been separated in the mall for only 20 minutes.
haneul is obviously following in his papa’s footsteps in becoming the biggest stuffie collector you’ve ever seen. you don’t even think this one will fit on his little bed with all the others. and the face painting.. you can't tell if this is random or completely expected of jeongin.
“wow,” you say once you reach them,” looks like you two have been having fun."
haneul bounces in excitement, making it difficult for jeongin to keep a grip on his tiny hand. “papa! ‘im papa!” he’s points at the fox stuffie, looking between it and you.
“ohhh,” you nod in understanding,” did papa get that for you? that’s so nice hannie. and look at you, walking next to papa like a big boy!”
jeongin smiles. “we stopped by a toy store on our way back, and well, i couldn’t not get the fox for him.”
“and the butterfly?” “they were having free face painting today.” “ah.”
"so what if it was mainly children getting face paintings? having fun is not a crime, y/n."
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wifetomegatron · 1 year
i'm tired of studying, so here is a poorly written love letter essay on my infatuation with lonely women, birds in cages and transformers.
i have always had this fascination with the psychological ruminations on self-hood & identity. often, the stories closest to my heart have wealthy, waifish, women at the heart of their narratives. not always because they're relatable, but because from their point of view, the narrator is trying to hide something from the audience. to conceal the chaos and conflict that surrounds us with an illusion of peace —tethering on the edge of rose coloured glasses. alienated in this little bubble, a golden cage is still a cage.
and sometimes, to some people, the loneliest place on earth is a big house with windows high enough to reach the ceiling. because they echo back the depth of our aloneness. 
now, how does this relate to transformers? well, i have always been the kind of girl to combine two interests in one. and so i am aching to write about frivolous, indulgent women drowning in denial, forced to confront the isolation gnawing their hearts open like a sick, open wound. all because they get thrown into absurd situations where they cross paths with war-tired titans so detached from the idea of ever returning to a life before chaos.
one suffocates in peace while the other chokes on impossible dreams. 
i want a naive, prestigious, overly idealistic, investigative prosecutor from earth aboard the lost light, sent to keep an eye on megatron only to end up falling for him. because the moment she spends time alone with him: she gets a metaphorical slap across the face about her privilege and has to confront the sheltered, ignorant set of lenses she's been viewing the world through. whereas through her, the former warlord learns to tear down his walls brick by brick, starting with all the skepticism and temper. and the icing on the cake is that they learn from each other. there is a hole inside her chest, and he tells her he carries one too.
i want tarn to suffer a sudden lightheadedness from having walked into a bar on the shores of hedonia to spot a human woman singing behind the cloud of smoke and shadow. pearls and silver, glinting under the light like a forbidden present. her beauty comes from how lonely she looks with her eyes closed and mouth open, mic between her delicate fingers. tempting. alluring. it was like looking in the mirror. and the djd leader never learned to love anything else.
i want rung ( who in this hypothetical au is not primus for plot reasons ) to sit across a liaison who revels in the idea of sleeping alone in a big alloy ship because it takes her mind away from her empty childhood: where silk sheets and feathered pillows feel colder and harsher than any metal. the hug he gave her at the end of the session was the first time she was held and it didn't feel like he was there to hold her together. 
i want swerve to compliment her when she's tipsy and borderline drunk by the table of his bar and for her to hide her face and cry because she finally feels beautiful — truly, sincerely, beautiful. that out here, surrounded by an alien crew who couldn't care less about how she presents herself, pretty words suddenly don't feel transactional anymore.
i want this terrified and secluded bird inside of me to finally find a home within the arms of tall, metal mechs. mechs who are familiar with the vast, empty stretch of space. and is not terrified of lonely women and their quiet, self-destructive vices. and maybe that's why i love self-inserts so much, and writing on this blog breathes life into me — the nightingale in a cage meets a spaceman tired of fighting, and maybe only together can they find some sense of freedom. 
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stayxlix · 1 year
off the deep end. (02)
~(part two) the price of fate~
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pairing: rebel!felix x reader (f)
genre: non-idol au, post-apocalypse/dystopian au. wc: 11.6k
series rating: 18+ **minors do not interact**
chapter warnings: violent mature themes, mentions of murder/execution, death, oppressive government, fighting, weaponry (gunfire/knife use), injury, blood, angst, suggestive content, parental neglect, language, mentions of hunger/starvation, please lmk if i missed any!
a/n: thank you so so much for the likes, reblogs, and comments on part one, it really motivated me to sit down and continue the story. :) i hope you enjoy part two and as always please don't be afraid to let me know what you think ♡ ♡
~series masterlist~
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"being the mirror to someone's soul comes with a cost. every choice made when your fate is intertwined with another's comes with a cost. the very thing that brought them together is what would inevitably destroy them in the end, because neither of them could afford a price that high."
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Felix thought his heart might explode from the adrenaline coursing through his veins. 
He kept his focus on the seven bodies around him and the sound of strained breathing as their feet made contact with the earth. He counted them one by one and then again. Count to seven and then repeat. Positioning himself toward the back of the group, he kept each of them in his sight as best as he could through the darkness. He tried to ignore the gunfire behind him but it was getting harder as it drew nearer. As the bullets became closer. A thin layer of sweat covered the nape of his neck.
Felix thought his mind might explode if it continued to race even faster than his feet. 
The boys around him were concerned with only one thing, escaping unharmed, and Felix was too. But he had something else burning through his thoughts. 
He had a secret.
A secret that had somehow made its way back into his arms tonight, in a red dress that perfectly matched his blood stained hands. Standing in front of him, there you were. With your family crest around your neck like a neon sign from some other world. 
He didn't even know your name, but he knew how you tasted. He knew how soft your lips were and how your fingers wrapped in his hair just the way he liked. He remembered how your eyes looked when they reflected the moonlight, how your pupils dilated as you looked up at him underneath it. 
Felix never thought he would see you again but now, he knew who you were.
It was a very dangerous mistake he had made, kissing you in that alley. Maybe he would have made another, if Changbin hadn't come out from the smoke to collect him, shaking his shoulder to remind him where he was. Thankfully there wasn't time for him to ask questions. If there had been, he wouldn't have gotten the answers anyway. 
You were Felix's secret to keep.
When they reached the palace gates and their borrowed vehicle came into view, it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, second to you. Without a word between them, the boys threw themselves in one after the other. Felix was last to make it. He grabbed Hyunjin's outstretched arm and jumped in behind Chan who had taken the drivers seat.
"Did you find it?" He leaned forward, yelling into Chans ear while the older boy started the engine.
"We got what we could but Felix-”
He switched the car into gear and pressed his foot on the gas. 
"It was missing a piece."
Felix let out a defeated sigh and leaned back. There was no time for further questions given the current situation. As the vehicle jerked forward, Hyunjin pushed him down to help him avoid a bullet that just narrowly missed his head for the second time that night. He closed his eyes and kept his hands on top of his head as the speed picked up. 
Chan's response meant only one thing.
Maybe he’d get his chance to make that second mistake after all. 
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You opened your eyes lying on the cold stone floor next to your bed, having given up trying to sleep in it. The plush blankets and feather pillows made you want to scratch your skin until it bled. 
Three days. That's how long you had been confined to your bedroom. Judging by the changes in light and dark outside your window and the amount of meals that had been provided to you, as they sat in the corner untouched. You felt guilty for not eating them, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to.
Security in the palace was at an all time high, with two guards outside your door at all times. Whether they were there to keep potential threats out or to keep you from leaving, well, you couldn’t be sure. They seemed to be doing a pretty good job of both. 
You scoffed at your own choice of words. Felix and his accomplices hardly seemed like a threat to anyone but your father. You didn’t want to think of them that way, but it was hard to change what had been ground into to your head for the majority of your life. 
For three days you traced the shapes in the architecture above, pacing countlessly back and forth around the perimeter of the room. At first it helped, for a few hours, but the lack of sleep and confinement to the small space with only your thoughts to keep you company was starting to get to you.
The amount of times you had replayed the events of that night in your head was bordering on unhealthy. 
Every time you closed your eyes you saw him in front of you. Every time you questioned whether or not you had just imagined it all, you just had to blink and there he was. Invading your thoughts, making himself comfortable, and refusing to leave. 
You were beyond the point of pretending that you didn't want to see him again.
Felix represented the answers you had been trying so desperately to find on your own. He represented freedom, and no matter how small it might be, he represented a chance to help the people of the districts beyond the Inner Circle.
Sure it would be a lot harder, maybe even impossible, to get out of the palace any time soon with the increase in security. Even if you could, the world outside would be a lot more dangerous now that the majority of District 9 knew your face. Not to mention how difficult it would be to actually find Felix again, but there was a chance. 
If you could actually manage some way to get out of the palace you would go back to the only place you knew he might be. There was no telling how he might react if he saw you again, now that he knew who you were, but if you were able to explain yourself before he tried anything then there was a chance.
No matter how small, there was a chance, and you were tired of waiting.
Right on schedule, the door to your bedroom cracked open. Just wide enough for one of the guards to slip in and bring you breakfast. You pushed the plate out of his hands as soon as he stepped inside. The guard next to him went to grab you, but you freed your arm just enough to elbow him directly in the face. When you made contact with his nose it was followed by a loud crack. He reached up to grab his nose and you slipped out of his grasp, bolting down the corridor in the direction of your father's office. 
If you could talk to your father then you might be able to convince him that you didn't need to be babysat any longer. If you were ever going to make it out of the palace again then you needed to start somewhere. Getting rid of the 24/7 surveillance outside your bedroom door was a start. 
When you reached the heavy door to his study you were surprised to find it unlocked. 
He always locked it.
Pushing your way in, you saw him standing with his back to you. His hands were grazing the books on a shelf in front of him and you noticed a large duffel bag at his feet. It was rare to find him alone, without the company of a general or a handful of guards. Gulping down the uneasy feeling that crept up your throat, you stepped inside. 
In his presence, even the silence in a quiet room was loud.
Your footsteps caught his attention as you entered the room. When he turned to look, the expression on his face remained unamused.
"You are supposed to be in your quarters."
He turned his back to you to again. 
"Are you going somewhere?" you ignored him, noting that the bag at his feet seemed to be half full of supplies.
He paused for a moment before dropping his hand from the bookshelf, letting out a sigh. 
"I need to leave the palace briefly, yes, but some of my best men are staying behind. You will be safe. You are to resume training as normal this afternoon and aside from that, you are not to leave your bedroom until I return."
"What do you mean you're leaving?”
He pulled a book from the shelf in front of him and tossed it into the open bag.
"As I said, I will be gone briefly, no more than one week. There is something I need to take care of and it requires that I be there in person-"
"Now?! after what happened?!" you slammed your hands down on the desk in front of you, leaning over it in an attempt to gain his attention.
A failed attempt, as he only paused his movement for a fraction of a second before returning to shift through the books on the shelves. He couldn't even give you the respect to face you when you were attempting to have an actual conversation. 
"Where could you possibly need to go so badly after what happened? Why can't you ever just be honest with me?! I thought things would be different now. I thought you would see me as..more of an equal." Your voice strained. 
You wouldn't have dared question him like this a month ago. For the most part, up until now, you had been a very obedient daughter. But you knew things you didn't before and your frustration with him had been given 72 consecutive hours to build up inside of you. Even more than it already had been after you found out the truth about the world outside. 
It wasn't just him though. You were frustrated with yourself.
Its not like you actually wanted him to see you as his equal. You didn't even care what happened to him outside the walls of the palace. You really didn't. In fact, it would be preferable if he left and never came back. Fell victim to the hands of some rogue group of thieves or died of starvation. How poetic that would be. Everyone in all 9 districts would be better off. You hated him with everything in you. But there was a small part of yourself that you hated even more. The smallest part, buried somewhere far deep down. 
The part of you that still saw him as your father. Even after everything you knew now.
But it wasn't just him and yourself. No, you were frustrated with Felix and his group of rebels for creating a new mess. For putting themselves in danger and starting a fight they would never win. You were desperate to make sure that they didn’t meet the same fate as so many others before them, but they didn't stand a chance. 
Not alone, anyway. 
You were pulled from your thoughts when your father turned and walked around the desk. He put his hand firmly on your shoulder and your body tensed underneath his touch as it wasn't something you were used to. It made you even more uncomfortable as his palm rested over the place where Felix had grabbed you in the alley that night, like he would somehow be able to sense the secret you kept there. 
Like he could feel the traces that the boy had left behind.
"My dear girl," there was nothing behind his eyes when he spoke. 
"Everything I do is for you, to protect you.”
Nothing in his voice, as empty words fell from his lips. Words that you had heard over and over a thousand times before.
"It is essential for me to leave this time. Someday you will understand. As for what happened…it was unfortunate, yes. A mistake. But it is being dealt with. You are not to mention it again."
It is being dealt with. 
Is that where he was going? Had he somehow already found a way to reach Felix and the others beyond the palace walls?
You sucked in a shallow breath as his grip tightened on your shoulder. His gaze was so piercing that you had to look away, for fear that the ghosts within it would come out to drag you with them. 
"U-understood," you kept your eyes trained on the wall behind him even though you weren't really looking at anything at all. 
"Good. Now go, you have training."
When he released your shoulder you caught a glimpse of the deep scar on the palm of his hand. He returned his attention back to the bag on the floor, removing a heavy looking gun from the wall and tossing it in.  Securing a second smaller one into a holster at his waist.
You wasted no time reaching for the door handle but just as you went to open it, he spoke again. 
“And y/n-" 
Your name felt like someone else's identity entirely when it came from his mouth. It always had. 
"We will further discuss your position as my equal when I return."
You let the door slam behind you. 
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The conversation with your father didn't make any sense. 
In the past, whenever he felt that someone needed to be silenced, his guards always did the dirty work for him. They would go out to collect and bring suspected rebels back to the palace, where he would take it upon himself to silence them for good. That’s how it had always been, but for some reason this time he was insisting on going with. 
If he had found Felix and the others that quickly, it didn't make sense why he needed a week when you could make it to and from District 7 in one night on foot.
If thats even where he was going.  
Maybe you were a fool to think that you would find Felix there again. After all, his accent certainly didn't match with that of someone from District 7.  Maybe your father was planning to track them down somewhere further, in the outer districts.
After chewing on your bottom lip until you tasted blood, replaying the conversation over and over in your head all afternoon, you came to the conclusion that it didn't really matter why he was leaving or where he was going. 
You just needed to get to Felix first.
That evening, as the sun began to set, three guards on beaten up motorbikes were the first to go. They left as scouts, kicking up a cloud of dust as as they sped off. When your father decided it had been long enough, he called together a very select group of guards and his closest advisors to join him in loading up a week's worth of supplies onto three large vehicles, along with enough weapons for a small army. 
They would certainly need it. 
They left without another word, but not before he made sure to shoot you one last unsettling glance as a reminder to behave. It almost made you reconsider what you were about to do. 
A few moments after they were no longer visible against the horizon, when you were absolutely certain that they wouldn't be turning back, you decided it was the perfect time. Now or never.
You stepped forward, breaking the silence. Waving your arms around, you cried out to the remaining staff about how it was so incredibly unfair that you weren't going with him as the future leader of the 9 districts. After all, it was your right to be a part of any and all business that involved what would belong to you some day. You put as much exaggeration into the act as possible, raising your voice and throwing a few objects that lie at your feet. You even faked a couple of frustrated tears, which was surprisingly easy to do.
After your meltdown, you stormed off to your bedroom with near certainty that you would be left alone for the night. Before he went, your father had agreed to remove the guards from outside your door (as you had strongly insisted), and even though your sudden outburst after his departure was very out of character for you, you knew that none of the staff left behind would be volunteering themselves to deal with you. 
You were counting on them to assume that your actions were just the result of recent events…or that you were finally starting to lose your mind.
Maybe it was little of both.
Either way, as suspected, nobody came to check up on you. 
Not even Jisoo, who was probably too busy with responsibilities of her own. You hoped she hadn't heard about the way you acted after your father's departure. It was incredibly embarrassing, but that was the least of your worries right now.
You had a different kind of responsibility to deal with. 
The atmosphere outside the palace was different tonight. Eerily calm, as menacing black clouds rolled in from somewhere far away. The wind whipped your hair in all directions and you couldn't even make out the moon, but you were thankful for the cover that the added darkness provided.
A storm was coming. 
After making your way out of the tunnels you headed out across the boundaries of Districts 8 and 9. With a significant amount of effort to avoid being seen, you found yourself once again inside the tavern that lie within District 7.  
Although the citizens of District 9 would have recognized your face if they had seen you, the population in District 7 was much more scarce. Even if anyone out this far had been given a very detailed description of your features, it was pretty likely that they wouldn't be able to recognize you from words alone. That, and you were almost certain that nobody from District 9 would have any business out here in the first place to be able to relay the information. 
So far, it seemed like you had been right in your assumption.
It was a long shot, but the alley was the only place you could think to go if you were to have any chance of running into Felix. After finding it empty, the tavern was the next closest place and it seemed slightly safer than wandering the streets back and forth, waiting for someone to recognize you. 
You would stay as long as you could, and then you would come back tomorrow and do it again. You had at least a week before your father returned, and you weren't going to waste the opportunity with him and a number of guards out of the palace. 
There was something peaceful about the silent, candlelit space. You let your mind wander, getting lost in the patterns made by the wood at your feet. It felt good not to think about anything for a while. It was easier to do here, where you didn't feel like yourself.
You rested your legs and sipped on a stale glass of warm water. Eventually, you approached the bartender, the same as before, with a handful of coins.
"My favorite customer."
You offered him a soft smile which he returned, before something behind you caught his attention. 
You felt it first. A familiar shift in the energy.
You knew he was there before you even turned around but when you did, it sent a wave of electrifying chills racing through your body. 
You risked everything to come back here with the sole intention of finding Felix, so why did the sudden sight of him leaning against the frame to the open door, sporting a worn out leather jacket and the signature bandana wrapped around his arm, make you so uneasy?
You didn't believe in fate, but if you had, you're sure this would've been a sign of something.
The bartender cleared his throat but Felix remained motionless in the doorway. The way his eyes bore into you formed a growing suspicion in your mind that it wasn't just a coincidence he had shown up here tonight too. The longer you looked at him, the more the uneasiness inside of you turned to relief. Relief that he actually had made it out of the palace after the raid.
Relief that you had been the one to find him first. 
Without wasting any time to consider how you should approach the situation, you took a step toward him. Then another, almost as if your legs were being controlled by some outside force.
The space in the doorway wasn't big enough for both of you and your shoulder collided with his as you went to pass by. You added a little emphasis to make sure he felt it. 
Before you were able to make it outside, he reached down and secured a firm grip on your arm.
You knew he would. 
His hold on your arm was tight, but not enough to hurt. Without giving a second glance back into the bar, he turned on his heels, pulling you with him. Solidifying your suspicion that he wasn't going to let you get away so easily. Not this time.
You shuffled down the street in his grasp until he turned into the alley where you first met. The spot where you kissed just a few feet away. 
As soon as you turned the corner, he threw you against the wall and you winced at the sudden pain in the back of your head from where it struck the brick. Before you had time to process what was happening, you sensed the cool blade of a knife against your throat. You looked down at it and back up at him with wide eyes. His cold expression faltered slightly when your eyes met, but it was short-lived as he applied pressure to the handle of the blade.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he growled.
You had been right about the accent. It was thick and added an element of mystery to his deep voice that was already unlike anything else you had ever heard before. 
Felix turned his head to survey the surroundings but there was nobody there for him to find. He probably suspected that your appearance tonight was nothing more than a trap meant to lure him out.
If it had been, it would have worked.
“There's nobody else," you choked out against the knife.
"Who the hell do you think you are coming here again?” his voice lowered even more.
"You know who I am." You held his stare as the intensity in his eyes grew. "If you'll just let me explain-"
"I should kill you right now to send a message." He interrupted, pressing the blade further into your throat.
"I think you've done enough of that already, don't you?"
Maybe it was stupid to try and taunt him, seeing as he was currently the one with a weapon to your throat. But if he knew you were nervous then it gave him even more of an advantage, and there was a very small part of you that was afraid he might actually use it. 
You tried to feign some sort of composure, as if the cool blade pressing further into your skin wasn't making your heart race.
As if his proximity to you wasn't making it faster.
"Killing me right now would be an incredible waste of an opportunity and judging by the little stunt you pulled the other day, something tells me you're not that stupid, Felix."
You made sure to stress every syllable of his name as it fell from your lips.
“How did you-" 
It was your turn to interrupt. 
"Maybe you should tell your friends to keep their voices down next time you raid the palace." You cocked an eyebrow at him, referring to the moment you discovered his name when you overheard one of his accomplices call out to him.
“If I wanted you dead, you already would be. Besides, It would make a lot more sense to take me as a hostage, you'd probably make enough profit to be able to move all eight of you into District 9.” 
He remained silent so you took the opportunity to add one more thing.
"Not to mention the fact that I saved your life. Twice now, actually. Or maybe you've forgotten that. You owe me, so just let me explain. If you're not satisfied with what I have to say, if you don't want to take me up on what i have to offer, then i give you full permission to slit my throat."
Felix's brow furrowed. 
The fact that you had somehow managed to help him evade death twice in such a short amount of time was the only thing keeping him from ending your life right then and there.
That and the way you looked at him, like nobody ever had. He was literally threatening your life and yet, you looked at him like he would never actually be able to do something so wicked. Like there was good inside of him. 
If only you knew.
Did you really think he had forgotten the way his breath hitched when you kissed him back the night you met, only a few feet away? Or three days ago, when you put yourself between him and a gun without a second thought. Something so beautiful caught between two deadly, violent things.
A ready weapon and himself.
Not to mention the way that you looked back at him after you'd done it, as if you were unsure of your actions until you met his eyes. Almost leading him to believe that you had acted to protect him. 
But Felix wasn't a fool.
Despite it all, in that moment he wanted nothing more than step forward and pull you away from the gun. Maybe even into his arms, just so he could be the one to keep you safe. He wanted it so badly that he almost took that step, letting himself forget his surroundings and why he was really there. Until Changbin came to collect him and you mouthed at him to go, dragging him back to his harsh reality.  
Much like now, when you swallowed and your pretty throat moved against the knife in his hand.
Hesitantly, he began to release the pressure on the blade. He lifted it and you let out a breath that you hadn't even realized you'd been holding in. Felix felt the smallest pang of guilt in his chest when his eyes fell to the faint mark that it left behind on your skin.
Finally, he spoke.
"You have until it starts to rain, princess."
His sudden use of the nickname made your knees weak, but you held your composure. Glancing up at the clouds that seemed to swell with rain, you knew you didn't have long. 
Clearing your throat, you decided you would tell him everything. Because having nothing in the first place means you have nothing left to lose. 
You began by explaining to Felix how you had been kept away and lied to for the majority of your life. You told him about the first time you left the palace walls and how it felt like you were seeing it all through someone else's eyes. How it ignited a fire within you to do whatever you could to help the people of the districts outside. Even if that meant going against your father and everything you had ever known. Even if it meant sacrificing a life that was never really yours to begin with.
You poured out your secrets to the stranger that didn't feel so much like a stranger anymore, considering the amount of time he had spent inside your head. 
At some point the two of you sat down on the ground with your backs against the wall so you could draw him a (very) loosely based map in the gravel to better explain the tunnels beneath the palace and the routes you had taken to and from the surrounding districts. Throughout your explanation, Felix remained silent, nodding occasionally to himself while staring at the ground at your feet.
You continued on, stopping only when a slender man with a dirt-covered face and tattered clothing appeared from around the corner. Felix noticeably tensed as soon as the man stumbled his way into the alley, and you saw a darkness take over his eyes that you hadn't seen in them before. He had never looked at you the way he was looking at the stranger in front of you now. 
Not when he had a knife pressed to your throat.
Not even when he realized who you were. 
You went to stand but Felix reached out to grab your sleeve, taking hold of it to stop you. He tugged lightly until you sat back down next to him against the wall. He straightened his back and moved forward slightly, putting himself just barely in between you and the stranger as he passed by. 
The hand that wasn't on your sleeve fell to the knife at his side.
Felix stayed like that. Moving nothing but his eyes as he watched the man mumble incoherently to himself, until he fully disappeared into the darkness at the other end of the alley.
The stranger was likely harmless, but the way that Felix reacted was a good reminder of how dangerous life was outside of the palace. It was a good reminder to keep your voice down when you were talking about things that could easily get you killed. 
After presumably deciding that it was safe enough to continue, Felix turned back to you. You scoured his expression for any signs of how he felt about what you had told him up to now, but you found nothing. 
He was hard to read, you'd give him that.
Just as you were about to ask him if you should continue, you felt it.
A small drop of cool rain against your cheek. Felix moved his eyes to where the delicate drop had landed. His hand twitched as if he were going to reach up and wipe it off, but you moved to swipe your sleeve across it before he could. Your faces were nearly as close as they had been the night you met, and if it weren't for the lightning that suddenly cut through the air above, you wouldn't have minded staying like that just a little longer.
But lightning is followed by thunder.
And tonight, the thunder was followed by a downpour.
You put your hands above your head which did nothing as the rain began to fall in heavy sheets. Felix stood and reached out to you, lifting his jacket with his other hand to loosely cover his own face.
"Come on, I know somewhere close we can wait it out."
You weren't given much time to debate his offer when another crack of lightning violently struck the air above. You reached for him out of instinct and he pulled you up. He linked your hand with his own as he turned and began to run. Your feet splashed through puddles that had already formed as you darted in the direction that the strange man from earlier had taken.
The alley was shorter than you expected, and when you reached the end you made a sharp left turn. The wind stung against your eyes, making it difficult to see, but you kept a tight grip on Felix as he guided you to wherever you were going. Not that you fully trusted him either, you just weren't very fond of the sporadic weather changes that plagued your world. Even behind the safety of the palace walls you had never liked the sound of thunder.
Another rumble shook the earth below your feet and you figured it was worth the risk.
Felix led you to the backside of one of the old wooden buildings that lined the empty road. There was no door but he seemed to know what he was doing as he hopped up onto the hood of what appeared to have been a car once. Half of it was missing, rusted away, which made it clear that it had been here long before either of you. 
He reached up to remove a loose board from the side of the building and it revealed an open space where a window might have been once. Felix pulled himself up through it and you followed his lead, stepping onto the hood of the vehicle. When he turned and reached down to you you grabbed onto his arm, now slick from the rain. He held you tightly and helped you up to join him.
The space inside was pitch black, briefly illuminated by short bursts of lightning through which you were able to make out a small, empty room. It looked like an attic with a square shaped area on the floor at other end of the room that appeared as if it would open if pushed from below.
Felix moved from beside you, taking a few steps to the middle of the room where he knelt down. He pulled up a loose floorboard and began to rummage through the contents inside the hidden space.
"Below us is the tavern that you like to visit."
You knew the pattern of the wood looked familiar.
"The bartender is a good man, he lets us crash here sometimes. As long as we don't draw any attention and are gone by morning."
Us as in, the other seven boys from that night?
You decided against asking, despite the growing curiosity.
Felix handed you a thin blanket to dry off with from the place where he had lifted the floorboard. You wondered if he had been here recently because of how much it smelled like him. You wrapped it around your shaking figure, trying to ignore the way it made you feel to be surrounded by his scent. 
He took off his jacket that was now covered with rainwater and pulled out a black hoodie that looked like the one he was wearing the night you met. 
Had he come here after leaving you in the alley? 
A bright streak of lightning followed by a particularly loud rumble of thunder interrupted your thoughts, causing you to jump.
Felix took note of your movement out of the corner of his eye.
"Don’t like thunder? Guess you don’t have to worry about things like that inside the palace.” He scoffed.
You ignored his comment, although you couldn't blame him for making it. 
“Look, everything I told you is the truth. There has to be something I can do to help you now that I know what it's like outside of District 9-” 
"You don’t know shit about what it's like out here, princess."
The darkness returned to his eyes as he turned to look at you from where he was kneeled down on the floor.
"You don’t know anything about us either. What if we’re not after the same things as you? What if we aren't the good guys?" 
He did have a point. But still, something told you to trust Felix. Something that you weren't really able to describe with words.
"I know enough. You risked your lives at the palace that night for whatever reason I still can't figure out, but I know you wouldn't have done that just to send a message. I saw the banners, it seems pretty clear what you're after. On top of that, you didn't hurt anyone while you were there. You easily could have, but you didn't."
"That wasn't my choice, it was Cha-“
He caught himself before going any further. You didn't blame him for not trusting you with any personal information, including that of his friends, although it did sting a little considering you had just poured out your entire life story to him.
"If it were up to me, you'd all be dead.”
You didn't believe him. You didn't quite believe that he had ever intended to hurt you tonight, either.
“Besides, if you think I'd ever be able to trust anyone with the blood that runs through your veins then you’re wasting your time. I will never be able to look at you without seeing the other side you got that?” 
He replaced the floorboard and stood, pulling the hoodie over his head. 
“That being said, its not entirely up to me. It won't change the way I see you, but I think there might be something you can help us with.”
Whatever it was, they must have been pretty desperate.
"Fuck," he pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes "I don't even know your name."
"Does it matter?
"No, i guess it doesn’t.” 
Not exactly the answer you were hoping for.
You glared at each other and for a moment the only sound was the heavy rain on the rooftop above you. Felix studied your face as if he was trying to read your thoughts. Small droplets of water fell from his hair, still wet from the rain. He ran his hands through it, shaking off the excess water. You heart skipped a beat when he did it. 
When you remembered how it felt in your fingertips. 
"I just need more time," he shook his head as if it was absurd for him to even consider involving you in whatever he was thinking.
Yeah, I understand."
After taking some time to dry off, you sat in silence until the storm had noticeably died down. You had almost drifted off to sleep when Felix stirred from his own place that he'd taken on the floor.
You reached to rub the fatigue from your eyes but it did little to help. 
"I need to go, Its getting late and if I'm not back by morning.." you trailed off. He could piece together the rest.
You handed the blanket back to him and went to take a step toward the entrance when you felt his touch for the third time that night. This time it was softer, almost gentle. Like the first night after you kissed in the alley.
Before you knew what you did now about each other. 
His hand felt warm against your wrist. It didn’t help that you were still shaking from the damp clothing that clung to your body, but you wondered if the rest of him would feel just as good pressed against you. 
You weren't expecting the close proximity of his face to yours when you turned. Locking eyes, he placed the handle of his knife in your hand.
"You need it more than I do," he murmured. 
"I can't-"
"Just take it. You’re useless to us if you’re dead.” 
Did that mean he was seriously considering your offer? 
You didn’t have the energy left to argue and he had a point anyway, you probably did need it more than he did as you had been so eager to leave tonight that you'd forgotten a weapon of your own. 
You nodded and it took everything in you not to move your gaze down to his lips, especially when he ran his tongue along them. 
While staring at your own. 
God y/n just think about literally anything else. 
You needed to come up with something to say to break the tension before you did something stupid.
"Uh-y/n, my name.”
"Well y/n," 
You had never liked the sound of your own name, but there was something about the way that Felix used it that did more than make your heart skip a beat. 
"You know where to find me again, but don't wait too long," he spoke while delicately folding your fingers around the knife, "there's someone I think you should meet."
"Tomorrow." You responded, tucking the knife into your waistband.
When you jumped out through the open space in the wall, your feet landed on the earth below with a soft thud. You traced your footsteps from earlier, heading in the direction of the alley, pulling your hood up.
Fighting the urge to look back.
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You nervously twirled the handle of Felix's knife in your palm as you made your way out through the tunnels below the palace once again, the air now stuffy from last night's storm. Inspecting the knife you noted traces dried blood at the edge where the blade met the handle. You wondered how it had gotten there. 
Self defense? Or something more sinister.
Had Felix been the one holding the handle?
Maybe you didn't want to know.
Not even 24 hours had passed since you'd last seen him. Having returned to the palace just before the sun began to rise this morning. It would have been difficult to keep your eyes open if it weren't for the adrenaline that kept you wide awake. 
There's someone I think you should meet.
When you contemplated who he might be bringing with him this time it made you anxious in a whole new way. If you had to guess, you'd bet all 9 districts that you'd soon be standing in front of who you’d suspected to be leading their group the night of the raid. Knowing that this new stranger would have less reason to trust you than Felix made your apprehension grow. You wondered if Felix would’ve told him about your first encounter in the alley. 
If he had, he probably would've left out a few specific details.
If he hadn't mentioned it at all then you had a feeling this new individual wouldn't be as easy to persuade as the certain freckled boy that you couldn't seem to let go of.
You didn’t understand Felix. 
He couldn’t care less about whether you lived or died. He had made that more than clear. So why did he continue to do things that made you question his intention? 
One minute he's pressing a knife to your throat and the next he's helping you find shelter from the storm, in a place that was safe to him. He said that he would never be able to trust someone like you, but he certainly acted like he did. At least a little, because if you had a sudden change of heart you could now think of three very specific places to tell your father to look for him.
One minute he’s telling you that you would already be dead if it were up to him and the next he’s calling you by a nickname that you didn’t totally hate. You would’ve hated it, if it had come from anyone else, but Felix made everything sound so sweet. 
Either way, it didn't matter how he felt about you if you couldn't even make sense of your own feelings for him. You weren’t supposed to be thinking about how his hands would feel wrapped around you, instead of the handle of a knife. How his voice would sound laced with pleasure instead of empty threats. 
You weren’t supposed to want to be the one to make him feel that way. 
Fuck. You needed to focus.
You had never left the palace two nights in a row, but there was no way in hell you were going to back out now. At least the weather appeared to have calmed down somewhat. It felt less lonely with the moon to guide you this time. 
Several miles later, you turned down the familiar path in District 7. Passing by the tavern, you noted that it was empty inside. If Felix wasn't there then you knew where to find him.
As you came up on the alley you slowed your pace to a walk, trying to calm your labored breathing. 
That’s when you heard them.
Two hushed voices engaged in what sounded like an argument. You recognized one of them right away as Felix. His tone was noticeably irritated, so you stopped to listen.
"We don’t have a choice," said avoice you hadn't heard before, but the accent was the same.
"We can try again." 
"No, we cant Felix. You know that. They'll be expecting it this time."
"I just cant believe you're actually considering this. I know we've had allies from the palace before but this is different. She's his daughter. Which means we're putting our lives in the hands of in one of them-"
"You're the one who brought this to me," the other voice cut back.
You didn't hear Felix again after that. 
Whoever was with him had a point.
You sighed out a heavy breath. With it came your pride (and all sense of sanity you had left) before you rounded the corner. 
As always, Felix found you first. 
When you turned to observe who was standing next to him, it confirmed your suspicion about which one of them had been leading the group that night.
The boy next to Felix looked a couple of years older, although not by much. He had dark brown hair that was shorter than Felix’s, with a muscular build and similar clothing. A backpack was slung around one of his shoulders and underneath light from the lantern above you could make out the faint outline of a scar embedded across the bridge of his nose. While Felix looked at you with fire in his eyes, the boy next to him exhibited an expression that was just as intimidating, but in a different way. 
You could understand how your father's guards might have been swayed by him. Even a little.
You shifted awkwardly and the older boy looked to Felix, raising an eyebrow as if asking him to confirm that it was you they had been waiting for.
"y/n, this is Chan. Our leader.“
You straightened your posture as Chan took a step toward you. 
“Felix has told me some things, but I’d like to hear them from you if that’s alright.”  He wasted no time, speaking calmly but with intent.
Even though Felix wasn't particularly pleasant at all times, his presence had become somewhat familiar. Chan on the other hand, well you knew nothing about him. You had no idea how he might react the things you had to say or the confirmation of your identity.
Still, coming here didn't feel like a mistake, and you'd had pretty good intuition up to this point.
You glanced to Felix who nodded, so you cleared your throat and began to give Chan a summarized version of what you had told Felix last night. There was no storm to interrupt you this time, so you spoke until you were finished and satisfied with your explanation.
“—And that's why I'm here now. Felix told me last night that there might be something I can help you with.”
Chan narrowed his eyes while contemplating your words. Your gaze naturally fell to Felix again but you quickly turned away. The last thing you needed right now was to lose focus at the sight of his jaw clenching.
"Normally I would take more time to consider making a decision as detrimental as this. But something tells me you don't have that time and honestly, neither do we. You make a compelling argument y/n."
He reached around and pulled the backpack from his shoulder. Setting it on the ground, he looked to Felix and they shared a silent word before he unzipped it.
"This is why we were there that night."
Chan reached in and pulled out an old leather bound journal with one word on the front.
You’d heard of it only a handful of times before. An old tale that had been around as long as the districts themselves. It told of a place called Miroh, said to be as big as the palace itself, buried miles beneath the earth at a hidden location within the 9 districts. 
Supposedly, Miroh had been created by the first generation of your family when they founded the districts, as a kind of failsafe in the event that the past were to repeat itself. Should the world be destroyed again, there would be a way for a select few to start over. It was said to hold an unimaginable number of remnants of the world before, including more weapons and supplies than even your father could want. Anything anyone could ever need, and then some. 
But it was a myth. 
Nothing more than a glorified fairytale. Told by those in the outer districts when they were desperate for some kind of hope, thinking that maybe if they could be the ones to find it they would have a chance at a better life.
You didn't want to think about the number who had died trying.
Miroh didn't exist.
"Wherever you got this, it isn't real. You're chasing something that doesn't exist..it’s a myth”
"Kind of like you were, before we met,” Felix chimed in.
Chan ignored him. He handed you the journal and you took it reluctantly, afraid of what you might find inside. 
"y/n we got this from you. From inside the palace, in your father's study.” He responded.
Sure, the handwriting did look a lot like your fathers.
But it couldn't be.
"It does exist, buried somewhere between the outer districts. This journal is a written map with explicit details on how to find it and what it holds inside. Everything we would need to turn this world upside down and create a better one. But it stops here-"
He flipped through the journal in your hands until he reached the end, where it was obvious that a number of pages had been torn out. You ran your thumb across the edges left behind.
"It leads all the way to District 2 and then it just stops. This,” Chan picked the journal up, “is worthless without the missing pages. It means nothing without knowing how to find the entrance and how to get inside once we do. Without the rest, we could wander out there forever, passing over top of it without even knowing."
“And you think the missing pages are still somewhere in my father's study?" 
"Exactly. By the time we realized that the final part of it had been torn out it was too late. We barely made it out of there as it was. We didn't have time to look for more," Chan replied.
"But you might," Felix added.
Now it made sense why he seemed so conflicted when it came to you. Of course he didn't want to trust you but they were desperate. They needed a way to get back into the palace and you were offering them up a solution on a silver platter. They would never get another chance to break into your father's study, but you passed by the door every single day without knowing what lie inside.
"Fine. Let's say Miroh does actually exist. If it did and you were somehow able to get in, assuming I can find the missing pages, you'll need more than this if you want any chance against my father."
"Let me worry about that. We just need you to help us get here,” Chan said, pointing to the cover of the journal.
You brought your hand up to rub the back of your head where Felix had thrown you against the wall last night. Out of the corner of your eye you caught him shift uncomfortably.
"I don't have much faith that I'll actually find what you're looking for but I’m willing to try, there's just one problem. My father left the palace yesterday which means his study will be locked until he returns."
He always kept the key on him at all times. No exceptions. 
Then again, Chan had found a way to get in during the raid and you were certain that your father had been in the hall the entire time.
You were just about to ask how he had done it without the key, when Felix stepped forward, raising his voice. 
"What do you mean he left?!"
"I told you he doesn't tell me anything! I have no idea where he was going. To be honest, I thought he might have found you," you gestured to the boys, "but now I know that's not the case."
"And you didn't think to tell me earlier that he was just roaming around out here hunting for us?!" 
"I'm sorry I-" you took a step back but he pushed forward.
"Felix relax." Chan put his hand out against his chest to keep him from moving any further. "She probably has a lot going on in her head right now and you aren't exactly making this easy."
Chan turned to you. 
"Maybe this'll help. He reached down into the backpack again and pulled out a small brass object that glinted in the moonlight.
A key.
Your mouth fell open.
"We had a lot more people on our side, for a lot longer than you'd think y/n. A key can be duplicated, if you have the time and the means. But as I'm sure you know, our allies inside the palace gave their lives that night. Even with this it would have been impossible for us to get back inside. But now we have a second chance. We have you."
"You're seriously buying the innocent act?!" Felix interrupted yet again, but it was mostly just for show. All three of you, including him, knew that you were their last hope. After all, he was the one that brought you to Chan. He wouldn't have done that if he hadn't already accepted that they needed your help. He wouldn't have gone to the tavern every night after the raid in the hopes of finding you there if he didn't have a feeling that you were meant to be more to him than just a secret.
"What choice do we have?" Chan turned to him as you reached out to take the key.
The future of the 9 districts rested on the small piece of metal and whether or not you would be able to successfully find the missing pages of the journal. It also offered complete control of your future, which was beginning to outweigh every doubt in your mind.
With the key came a life changing decision. 
It weighed heavy in your palm. 
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Felix hadn't spoken again last night after questioning you about where your father had gone. Instead, he opted to sulk in the shadows while you finished discussing things with Chan. You really had meant to tell him about your father sooner, but you’d developed a dangerous habit of losing your thoughts when he was near. 
It still made you a bit uneasy that your father was out there somewhere, but at least the boys were aware now.
You might never be able to convince Felix that your intentions really were in their best interest, but there was a chance you could prove yourself to Chan.
You remained apprehensive that the key he had given you would work, until the moment that you pushed it into the lock to your father’s study and it fit perfectly. As if it really was hand-crafted for the space. You couldn't help as the corners of your mouth lifted slightly when you turned it and heard a soft click.
Taking one last glance down the corridor to ensure that it was clear, you pushed the heavy door open with the weight of your body.
The room was frozen in time, waiting for your father to return. You needed to be careful to leave everything exactly as you found it, which made the task of finding a small object in a cluttered space seem even more impossible. Like you told Chan, you had very little faith that you would actually find what they were looking for, but you had to try.  
You lit a small candle and started flipping through books, feeling for hidden spaces underneath the desk and along the walls, rummaging through cabinet drawers. You searched over and over again in the same places for what felt like hours. You even pulled down a map of the Inner Circle and a (rather pretentious) self portrait of your father from the wall, as if you would find some secret compartment behind them. 
You chewed on your lip, running your hands through your hair to remove it from your forehead that was now sticky with sweat.
Come on y/n. 
If your father had been paranoid enough to tear out the final pages of the journal to hide them in this room, where would he put them?
Where else hadn't you looked?!
You thought of Felix. After you found shelter from the storm in the tavern, he had lifted a floorboard to reveal a hidden space underneath that held his belongings.  
You thought of Miroh itself, supposedly buried miles below the earth's surface. 
How ridiculous it sounded. 
You looked down to the palace floor, made up of individual stone tiles, no bigger than the size of your hand.
Maybe the answer was beneath your feet.
Frantically, you knelt down and began pushing on each and every stone that made up the floor. You traced along the perimeter of the room before carefully making your way inward, ensuring that your hands came into contact with each and every piece. When you made it to the middle of the room, you followed around the desk.
After making your way around the entire room a second time, you stepped back. 
You were beginning to come to terms with the fact that you might have to return to the boys empty handed, when you realized there was one spot you’d forgotten. Right there in front of your face.
You bent and secured both hands on one side of the desk. it was almost too heavy for you and it made a scraping sound against the floor as it moved, but you were too desperate at this point to care. You pushed it until the entire area that had been underneath it was revealed. Falling to your knees again, you pulled on every single inch of the floor. Frustrated tears began to well in your eyes and you crashed your fist down on the ground.
It took a moment for you to process that it had shifted underneath the force of your hand. 
You sucked in a shaky breath before trying again, to confirm that you hadn’t just imagined it.
It was barely noticeable but when your fist came into to contact with the tile below for a second time, it moved again. 
It moved.
You put your head up, scouring the room for anything that you could use to lift the stone when you remembered that you still had Felix’s knife. Pulling it out, you wedged it between the tile and the space underneath it.
You lifted it just enough to get a glimpse of what lie underneath. A small bundle of papers wrapped in a thin red string. 
It was the most beautiful sight you had ever seen. Well, second to a certain freckled boy who just might end up changing his mind about you after all. 
You squeezed your hand in and pulled out the bundle of papers, quickly untying the string. Your heart felt as if it might actually explode out of your chest when you unrolled them and began to read. 
It was all there, just as Chan had said. You skimmed the pages with the final instructions, leading directly to the entrance of Miroh. Somewhere along the border between District 2 and District 1. 
He was right. It really did exist.
You skipped to the final page, noting that it appeared to be much more weathered than the others. It described that once Miroh was found and the entranced was unearthed, access to the riches held inside would only be available to those by means of a blood lock.
A what.
You flipped it over to reveal a poorly drawn diagram that resembled the outline of a hand with intricate lines drawn inside. The margins of the page were filled with scribbled notes and arrows, all in your father's handwriting.
Underneath the diagram were the words:
Blood lock.
Only to be opened by those with blood from the founding family.
Underneath the note you found two more words. Specifically, two names. 
Your father's own name and-
Your head was spinning and you needed to sit back against the desk to stay upright as the room began to close in on you. 
You had been shocked when you found out the truth about the 9 districts but this?! This was something else entirely.
If it was true, the information that you had gathered from the crumpled sheet in your hands meant that the entrance to Miroh could only be opened with the blood from a member of the family that had founded the districts.
Your family. And there were only two living members left in your direct bloodline. 
The realization came crashing down onto you at once. 
Why you had been kept hidden for your entire life. 
Why your father was so adamant on leaving this time. If there was something he wanted from Miroh then he had to be there in person to open the lock. 
The scar on his hand, that had been there for as long as you could remember. A physical reminder of the price to gain access to whatever lie within.
It all made sense now. 
You dropped the pages from your shaking hands. It didn’t matter if Chan and the others could make it there if their only chance of getting inside was with your father’s blood or yours. Seeing as the former was virtually impossible, it meant only one thing. 
They didn't just need you to find the missing pages so that they could get to Miroh
They needed you to get inside. 
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Before parting ways last night, you and the boys agreed that the next time you met would be in the room above the tavern. It was arguably much safer than discussing things out in the open, even if the alley wasn't exactly swarming with traffic. Better safe than sorry, as Chan put it.
All of your senses were heightened as you hurried through the alley. When the backside of the tavern came into view, you noticed that the panel had already been removed to reveal the entrance. It meant that the boys were already inside, and your heart pounded even faster when you thought of how Felix would react when he saw what you were carrying with you.
Just like he had done before, you jumped onto the hood of the car and reached up to the opening. It was considerably more difficult to do on your own, but you were able to pull yourself up just enough for Chan to notice your arrival. He came to help you the rest of the way through.  
"Thanks,” you exhaled the word out, still catching your breath. 
The atmosphere inside felt different than you had been expecting. Quickly taking a glance around, you realized that something, or rather someone, was missing.
Chan must have taken note of your eyes scanning the room because of what he said to break the silence.
"Felix isn't coming, he had something to take care of."
"Oh I wasn't uh..Here—" looking for any excuse you could to change the subject (and distract yourself from the sudden involuntary feeling of disappointment that washed over you), you pulled the bundle of papers from your pocket. 
You held them out to Chan and when his eyes fell to them his face lit up so bright that it could have illuminated the entire room. 
"y/n this is....Is it all here?" his voice dropped to a whisper.
You nodded and he shook his head in complete and utter disbelief.
"You have no idea what this means. Not only for us but for everyone out there. This changes everything."
“There’s more.”
You took out the final sheet with the information regarding the blood lock. Once Chan read it he would know that you were the key they needed to get into Miroh. Which meant that you would no longer have a choice. You would be solidifying your decision, picking a side. 
You did it anyway, handing it over to him. Ultimately sealing your own fate.
Chan skimmed over the page once and then again more closely. His eyes darted back and forth across the lines as he processed the information. You watched as the understanding crept its way onto his face.
When he was finished, he put down the page and slowly turned his head to look up at you. He was the first person in a very long time, maybe ever, to look at you like you had something to offer. 
It was then you decided that you liked Chan. 
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After a serious conversation with Chan about the blood lock and what it meant for the future, you agreed to meet again in a couple of days while you still could before your father returned. He needed time to inform the others of the bombshell you had just presented him with and you were more than agreeable. You were looking forward to getting some real sleep because, despite the fact that your future was more uncertain now than it ever had been, you felt more at peace than you had in a very long time. You felt a sense of purpose. Something you hadn’t been familiar with until now. 
Before Chan left, he told you that you were more than welcome to stay and rest a little while longer and you gladly took him up on the offer.
You hadn't intended on falling asleep, but when you opened your eyes again you weren't exactly sure how much time had passed. The darkness was still thick which meant that thankfully it hadn't been too long. You just couldn't afford to make the mistake of falling asleep again.
As soon as you sat up to stretch your aching muscles, the floorboards creaked at the other end of the room. Your head instantly shot up from your hands.
"Don't you have somewhere else to sleep? Like an actual bed in the palace."
A voice from the darkness. You couldn’t see who it belonged to but you knew. Like always, you knew. 
"I ran into Chan on the way here and I almost didn't believe him. Until I saw it myself."
Felix stepped out into the moonlight that shined through the open entry space. He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. 
It was then that you saw it. Even through the shadows, a deep bruise to his left cheek was visible. It spread to the area surrounding his eye, there was a cut at the corner of his lower lip, and a poorly wrapped cloth covering his right hand.
The sight of his bruised face made your chest tighten. It must have been the result of whatever had caused him to miss your meeting earlier. 
Not that you cared, you just..hoped it didn’t hurt as much as it looked.
It was you that approached him first. Handing him back his knife, you lifted your shirt slightly to reveal your own weapon hidden underneath.
“I was just leaving.”
You tried to fight the urge to gently run your fingers over the bruise painted across his skin. You really tried. But the way he leaned his head against the wall and looked at you was almost as if he were inviting you to do it. 
Small movement drew your attention to where he was fiddling with the cloth in his hand. 
Knowing you shouldn't, you reached down to take his hand into your own. 
Surprisingly, he let you. 
You unraveled the cloth to reveal a set of very bloody knuckles. As delicately as you could, you properly wrapped it around them, tying a tight knot at the end. 
Maybe you cared a little. 
And how incredibly selfish the thoughts that ran through your head were. It was wrong to care about him, even briefly, for the simple fact that it put him in danger. It was dangerous for him, and for Chan, and for everyone they cared about. 
Unfortunately for them, it was in your blood to make the wrong decisions.
Reaching up, you ghosted the very tips of your fingers along the outline of the bruise. His gaze dropped to your lips for a moment before he put a sudden stop to your movement, taking your wrist in his uninjured hand and holding it there as your fingers curled away from his skin. He lifted your chin, stepping away from the wall and forcing you to meet his eyes. 
"I don’t know what game you’re playing but if this is all some sick joke..If one of them gets hurt, I'll kill you myself.”
He leaned in closer, and when his hair brushed the bare skin of your neck you felt something stir inside your core. 
“Every choice comes at a cost, princess."
And then, Felix let go of your wrist and did something you never could have expected. He turned your head and closed the space between your lips. This time was different from the first when it had been rushed between strangers, and although you had felt something then too, there was more behind it now. 
More at stake, maybe, because the very reasons why you couldn't have him were what made you want him most.  They kept you from hating him no matter how hard you tried. And judging by the way he pressed his lips onto yours, Felix felt the same. 
You ran your tongue along the cut on his lip. 
Every choice comes at a cost.
He pressed his body into yours, rough hands pulling you in by the waist. Your own hands found themselves inside his open jacket, trailing all the way up his defined abdomen. Without breaking the kiss, you helped him to shake off the useless layer of clothing.
Felix was right. Every choice does come with a cost, and you had a feeling things were about to get very expensive. 
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Part 3
148 notes · View notes
fluffallamaful · 2 years
Consider: centaur hybrid Sam sitting on top of Dream. Like, only Dream’s legs, arms and head are poking out from underneath him. His front paws are idly cradling his head to give him a bit of a pillow, but also trapping his arms against the padded floor. Dream’s legs are poking out at about his hips. Maybe Sam is just kind of reading a book, enjoying the quiet. Maybe he’s quietly monitoring of every inhale, every heartbeat, every little twitch. Maybe this is some sort of time out, maybe it’s a “security measure.” Maybe Dream is nervous in this position, especially at first. But of course his entire body weight is pressing his prisoner into the ground, leaving him very, very stuck. (But it’s still so cozy…)
(Maybe someone else comes in and starts tickling his feet, the only real ticklish spot left exposed. And it just happens to be a death spot. Why not? Not like he’s going anywhere >:) ) (Maybe THAT’s the punishment. Maybe being cuddled like this is a regular occurrence, but the intense tickles are because he tried to escape or did something particularly naughty earlier that day.) (Punishment tickles really are top-tier.)
AHHHH nawwwww dweeeaaamamm buried beneath a fluff monster :((( it’s so cute that sam is once again taking his role and promise of being better at watching and monitoring dream so seriously. like maybe this all started because he wanted to read his book, but didn’t want to take his attention off of dream. and so he just simply lied on top of him 😂
(discussion below)
the vulnerability that dream would experience though my god 😵‍💫 like especially if he can’t see the doorway anymore? like he can’t check his surroundings? i assume he’d also be extremely confused by sam lying on him because what the actual heck do they not have security camera’s here? ironically i feel like sam wouldn’t listen to him when he asks though. too invested in the book 😅. so dream is just left to lie there in silence, feeling rather invaded and unnervingly helpless (though he is unbelievably comfortable and warm)
i’m trying to determine the plot of how quackity would determine that tickling dreams foot would be an appropriate punishment 🤔 perhaps he walks in on sam lying on dream by accident one time — equally as confused as dream. he asks sam what’s going on and only receives a grunted response, something about security and making sure that dream doesn’t wander off. quackity points out that he’s only got one leg, a sneering tone in his voice, but a woeful expression on his face (not that dream or sam can see). he rubs his thumb over dream’s foot as a pounding surge of regret gushes through him — a familar feeling at this point, but always haunting nonetheless.
the action produces an extremely surprised squawk from dream — who’s entirely blind to quackity from beneath his fluff blanket. quackity’s hand jumps back in panic, head snapping up when sam demands an explanation. he panics at first (doesn’t want to say that he was rubbing dreams foot in sorrow), but then decides that maybe he could put the reaction to good use. if dream’s bathes had taught him anything, it was that dream’s foot is extremely ticklish, and he wouldn’t mind hearing him laugh again…
he points out some nuisance that dream had caused that day as a cover up, letting his hand return to his foot. he traces feather light up the arch, and watches as dreams foot tries to waggle away, monologuing about the trouble that dream’s actions had caused to sam and himself. he asks sam if he thinks that dream deserves some kind of punishment? he lingers over a particularly sensitive spot on dream’s arch that he remembers from his lotion application.
sam’s first instinct is to fight against punishment, hair raising on end. but he quickly bites his tongue and takes a breathe so not to out himself. his head snaps down when dream starts to giggle beneath him,, cheeks puffed out and head turned into his arm in attempt to muffle some of his noises. quackity had started to scratch at his arch.
sam decides that he too would really like to hear dream laugh again. plus he hadn’t forgotten about the way that dream had continued smiling even hours after his bathe the other day. he looked happy :( but of cause he can’t just say that, he has to come up with a reason for quackity to continue that is actually believable. and so he plays into the bit. he starts listing the ways that dream had inconvenienced him with his actions as well.
and so quackity starts to absolutely go crazy with dream’s foot. he skitters, claws and scratches all over,, paying close attention to all the little spots that drive dream crazy. dream is absolutely howling, screaming out pleads and desperately trying to escape his centaur blanket trap. he says he’s sorry thousands of time, promising he won’t be a menace anymore until there are tears streaming down his cheeks.
at last quackity let’s him be, and sam climbs off him so dream can quickly sit up and rub away the ghost tickles. he’s still claiming he’s sorry, hiding his lingering smile into his knee. quackity leaves with the promise that if dream acts up again then he knows what will happen, and then dream is left to himself (sams still in the room but he’s not on top of him anymore).
he can’t stop smiling. he’s got a giddy feeling in his chest. his foot still tingles and he finds himself unable to lie still. his face is warm at the idea of having that happen again. at the idea of quackity’s promise being genuine. he has a thought that is no louder than a whisper that is telling him to act up again. it’s not nearly as bad as the torture, he in fact determines in hindsight that it was kinda fun. but of course he too has to hide this from sam and quackity as well
i can’t get over the panic that would occur from then on when sam lies on dream. like the fact that dream can’t see the doorway and everything. like he’d be lying there raking his mind to determine if he had done anything bad that day.
i like the idea of him not knowing whether he’s nervous or excited. and i like the idea of sam pointing out that his heart is racing. it’s just all super cute :(
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ravendruid · 1 year
"are you still with me?" for vaxleth!
Thank you for the prompt, friend <3 Please don't hate me for this. This drabble is set after the end of Campaign 1, more specifically a few years after Campaign 2, Episode 107.
Are you still with me?
Keyleth woke up with a startle from a loud thunder striking somewhere in the mountains surrounding her. Her hands were raised high in front of her shoulders, ready to cast a spell at the origin of the noise, however as she recovered her breath and took in her surroundings, Keyleth saw nothing but darkness, the only flicker of light coming from the stump of wax on top of her dresser, fighting for its life.
She closed her eyes and waited for the next thunder, taking deep breaths. When it reverberated in the air, she focused her mind on it, imagining the dark and stormy sky above Zephrah, the dark grey clouds, ready to let go of the rain, and, as Keyleth opened her eyes, it was as if her mind was in tune with nature itself. The clouds let go with another rumble, and rain poured down against the roof of her small abode. 
Keyleth allowed herself a smile. She knew she could control the weather and call for storms, but sometimes all she needed was the quiet moments of meditation and communion to understand what nature felt. It had been a while since she properly sat and communed, and being jerked awake by a sudden storm was the perfect way to remind her of it.
As the thunder calmed, so did Keyleth, who laid back in bed, facing the empty, cold spot once taken and warmed by another body. Her heart clenched thinking about him, his raven hair contrasting the white pillow, the warmth of his eyes always finding hers when she needed the most, the touch of his calloused hands and his skin on hers. Keyleth missed him every day, and she would for a long, long time. Her tears started falling, soaking the pillow underneath her head, as thick and fast as the rain outside. One with nature was her fate, the one she had chosen for herself, opposite of the one he had been forced into. And Keyleth took solace in knowing that one day when the time came, she would take fate by the hand and let it guide her to him.
The morning air was still humid when Keyleth stepped out of her house, mantle around her shoulders, circlet adorning her braided hair, and Spire of Conflux in her hand. The storm had long been gone from the mountains, but the grass still splashed beneath her steps, and Keyleth was sad to see a lack of birds in the trees. I can’t blame them. I would be upset, too, if the branches and leaves were wet. 
Keyleth took a deep breath before she closed the gate behind her, walking towards the town center where her parents waited for her to join them for breakfast before her morning meetings. She was happy and excited to see them together again after so long, to see that the tiny flame of love left during separation hadn’t extinguished itself, giving her hope that neither would hers. She couldn’t deny, though, not to herself, at least, that seeing her parents together once again, in love like the old days, had brought her a sorrow she had never felt before, borderline jealousy of their fate. She was happy for them, but at the same time, she could also see what she would be missing for the rest of her life.
A loud caw broke her reverie as a large, black feathered bird swooped above her head in a circle and landed on her shoulder, its talons curled in a way that would not carve into her skin. The bird tilted its head to hers, and Keyleth let it caress her cheek. Of all the birds, only the large raven that visited her every day would be brave enough to venture into the post-storm humidity of Zephrah. 
“Are you still with me?” She asked the raven, the corners of her mouth curling up slightly into a tight smile. 
The bird cawed again, nuzzling its beak against her neck affectionately, and Keyleth could almost hear Vax’s voice, “Always.”
Like the other birds, Keyleth hated the humidity since always made her hair frizzy, but at the same time, just like her raven, she knew she had to be brave enough to face the day ahead of her and every day after. As she turned a corner, she saw the two figures of Vilya and Korrin kissing and whispering sweet nothings, and even though her stomach churned, the pressure on her shoulder reminded her that Keyleth was not alone, that she would never be alone because he was still there and would always be with her.
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DMC: An Absurd Comedy (A Devil May Cry Fanfiction) - Haunted by Dreams Arc - Chapter 7
Location: The Dreamscape
Date: January 6th
Time: ???
The dreamscape was a twisted, surreal landscape that seemed to stretch on forever. No matter how far Nero, Felix, Corky, and V traveled, the scenery remained disturbingly consistent—endless corridors of warped architecture, filled with ominous shadows that twisted and shifted as if they had a mind of their own.
Griffon circled above them, squawking occasionally as he scouted ahead. “This place is a damn maze! If I had feathers for every time we’ve turned a corner and ended up back where we started, I’d be fluffier than a pillow!”
Felix, who was starting to look worn down from the endless walking, shot Griffon an annoyed glance. “You’re a bird, aren’t you supposed to be good at navigating?”
Griffon flapped his wings indignantly. “Hey, watch it, musclehead! Navigating a normal sky, sure. Navigating a nightmare dimension that’s messing with our heads? Not so much!”
“But you literally come from nightmares!”
Corky, who had been quietly observing their surroundings, sighed in frustration. “I’m starting to think this place doesn’t want us to find the core. It’s like it’s deliberately screwing with us.”
V, who had been leading the group with his calm, deliberate steps, paused and turned to face them. “That’s precisely what’s happening. Morpheus, the Nightmare Demon, is in control here. He’s feeding off our despair, our frustration. The more lost we feel, the stronger he becomes.”
Nero gritted his teeth. “So, that’s his name?”
The walls closed in, the shadows lengthened, and the temperature dropped, a bone-chilling cold seeping into their bones. Every so often, they would hear faint whispers, ghostly voices that seemed to come from all directions, taunting them, mocking their efforts to escape.
“Come on… This is getting old,” Nero muttered, his breath visible in the freezing air. “I’ve had enough of these mind games.”
As they pressed on, the dreamscape began to play even more tricks on them. They found themselves walking in circles, passing the same twisted statues and grotesque murals over and over again. No matter which direction they took, they always ended up back where they started, the air growing colder and more suffocating with each passing minute.
Felix was the first to break the silence, his voice dripping with frustration. “Alright, this is ridiculous. We’ve passed that creepy statue at least four times now!”
Nero, who had been leading the way, stopped in his tracks and turned to face Felix, his brows furrowed. “What, are you saying this is my fault? I’m just following the path!”
Felix threw his hands up in exasperation. “Path? What path, Nero? We’re going in circles! And, newsflash, you’re not exactly known for your stellar sense of direction.”
Corky, who had been quietly trying to keep her own frustrations in check, couldn’t help but snort at that. “He’s got a point, Nero. Remember that time you got us lost underground? We ended up fighting a giant centipede demon because you ‘swore’ you knew the way out.”
Nero shot her an incredulous look. “That was one time! And besides, we killed the centipede, didn’t we?”
Felix smirked, clearly enjoying the opportunity to tease Nero. “Yeah, but we wouldn’t have had to fight it if you hadn’t led us straight into its nest.”
Nero crossed his arms, his expression defiant. “Oh, and you’re so much better? Let’s not forget the time you insisted we take a shortcut in the Raptor News Tower. We ended up trapped in there for hours because you couldn’t find the exit!”
Felix grinned, clearly unbothered by the accusation. “Hey, we wouldn’t have met Phineas and never would have learned about Lilith being pregnant with Mammon’s baby. It’s like a butterfly effect.”
As the three continued to bicker, their voices growing louder with each playful jab, V stood off to the side, watching with his usual stoic expression. His cane was planted firmly in the ground, and his dark eyes were fixed on the corridor ahead. Griffon, perched on V’s shoulder, couldn’t resist throwing in his two cents.
“Real dream team, huh?”
V, maintaining his calm demeanor, tried to get their attention, his voice low and measured. “We should keep moving. The core is near, and—”
But his words were drowned out by the ongoing argument, as Nero and Felix traded barbs while Corky threw in the occasional sarcastic remark. Griffon, watching the scene unfold with mounting irritation, finally had enough. With a loud, piercing squawk, he flapped his wings and shouted at the top of his lungs.
The sudden outburst was like a bucket of cold water dumped over their heads. Nero, Felix, and Corky all stopped mid-sentence, turning to stare at Griffon in surprise. The bird puffed up his chest, clearly pleased with himself as he preened his feathers.
V gave Griffon a small nod of appreciation before addressing the group, his voice calm but firm. “Thank you, Griffon. Now, if you’re all done with your bickering, we need to stay focused. The dreamscape is reacting to our presence—it’s trying to throw us off balance. But that means we’re getting close. We need to press forward, together.”
Felix flashed a grin and said, “Alright, alright, we’re listening, ‘Daddy.’ What’s the plan?”
Nero grimaced at the term.
Before anyone could respond, the ground beneath their feet shifted violently, tilting at a steep angle. The entire dreamscape seemed to rebel against them, the walls warping and the floor buckling as if the nightmare itself was trying to swallow them whole. They all stumbled, struggling to keep their balance as the world around them twisted and turned.
V, unphased by the chaos, quickly regained his composure and pointed toward a distant, glowing point in the dreamscape. “This way! The core is near—we need to move now!”
As they scrambled to regain their footing, Corky called out, “Okay, Daddy!”
Felix and Griffon both burst into laughter.
Nero, thoroughly exasperated, shot a glare at Felix. “See what you did?”
With the dreamscape continuing to shift and twist around them, the group started moving, following V’s lead as they made their way toward the core. The closer they got, the more the nightmare seemed to resist them. The walls closed in, the shadows grew darker, and the air grew colder, making every step feel like a struggle.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of pushing through the oppressive darkness, they arrived in the heart of the dreamscape. The walls were lined with twisted, skeletal structures, and the floor was covered in a thick, inky blackness that seemed to ripple and shift like a living thing. At the center of the chamber, a throne of obsidian loomed, and seated upon it was the source of their torment.
The Nightmare Demon was a towering, shadowy figure, his form constantly shifting and warping as if he were made of the very darkness that surrounded them.
“Ah, the brave little heroes have finally made it,” Morpheus hissed, his voice echoing through the chamber like a chorus of whispers. “You’ve come all this way, only to fall at the very end. How poetic.”
“The vision of this truth is given to me in my mind's light,” V began, his voice steady and measured, quoting from William Blake’s Milton: A Poem. “‘For double the vision my Eyes do see, And a double vision is always with me: With my inward Eye 'tis an old Man grey, With my outward, a Thistle across my way.’”
“What is that, Shakesphere?” Felix asked quietly to Corky, for fear of appearing dumb.
Nero, ever the one to meet danger head-on, raised Red Queen, the blade crackling with energy as he pointed it directly at Morpheus. “Yeah, well, I’m not big on poetry. More into kicking ass and taking names. And I think it’s about time we took yours.”
Morpheus chuckled, the sound dark and hollow. “Such bravado. But do you really think you can defeat me here, in my domain? I am the master of nightmares, the harbinger of despair. You are nothing but pawns in my game.”
Felix, always ready with a quip, stepped forward, cracking his knuckles as Eryx ignited with flames. “Pawns? Buddy, you’ve got it all wrong. We’re not here to play chess—we’re here to flip the board and punch the king in the face.”
Corky, twirling Gladius with a confident smirk, added, “And besides, you should know better than to mess with a team like us. We don’t do despair. We do destruction.”
Morpheus’s eyes narrowed, his grin fading as he sensed their unwavering resolve. “You underestimate me. I feed on your fear, your doubt, your despair. Every moment you’ve spent in this dreamscape has made me stronger. And now, you will fall into eternal sleep, trapped in your own nightmares forever.”
Nero’s grin widened, his grip on Red Queen tightening as he prepared for the fight. “You talk too much, Morpheus. Let’s see if you can back it up.”
Felix, bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation, shot a glance at Corky. “Think this guy’s all bark and no bite?”
Corky chuckled, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “Guess we’re about to find out. Let’s show him what we’re made of.”
With a roar of fury, Morpheus unleashed a wave of dark energy that tore through the chamber, the shadows lashing out like living tendrils. The group scattered, dodging the attack as they prepared to face the Nightmare Demon head-on.
Nero was the first to strike, dashing forward with Red Queen blazing as he slashed at Morpheus with all his strength. The blade cut through the shadows, sending a ripple of energy through the demon’s form, but Morpheus merely laughed, his body reforming as if the attack had been nothing more than an annoyance.
“You cannot harm me! This is my world, my power!” Morpheus bellowed, his voice reverberating through the chamber.
Felix wasn’t about to let that stand. He leaped into the fray, his fists engulfed in flames as he pummeled the ground, sending shockwaves that cracked the floor beneath Morpheus. “Maybe it’s your world, but it’s about to become our playground, pal!”
Corky followed suit, charging in with Gladius and Imbokodo, her movements a blur as she unleashed a flurry of attacks. Each strike seemed to chip away at Morpheus’s form, the shadows recoiling from the force of her blows. “Let’s see how well you handle a nightmare of your own!”
As the battle raged on, Morpheus began to falter, his form flickering and wavering as the combined might of Nero, Felix, Corky, and V bore down on him. The demon’s arrogance was replaced by desperation as he realized that these “pawns” were far stronger than he had anticipated.
“You… you cannot win!” Morpheus snarled, his voice laced with panic. “I am eternal! I am—”
But before he could finish, Nero unleashed a powerful strike with Red Queen, the blade glowing with fiery energy as it cleaved through Morpheus’s form. The demon let out a scream of agony as his body disintegrated, the shadows dissipating like smoke in the wind.
In the aftermath, the chamber began to crumble, the dreamscape unraveling as Morpheus’s power was broken. The oppressive darkness lifted, replaced by a growing light that signaled the end of the nightmare.
Nero, breathing heavily, sheathed Red Queen with a satisfied smirk. “And that’s how you deal with a nightmare demon.”
Felix, wiping sweat from his brow, let out a relieved laugh. “Damn right. Guess Morpheus didn’t see that coming.”
Corky, still catching her breath, grinned at the two of them. “Nice work, team. Now let’s get the hell out of here before this place decides to collapse on us.”
With the dreamscape crumbling around them, the group made their way toward the light, ready to leave the nightmare behind. They had faced their fears, fought their way through the darkness, and emerged victorious.
Location: Elysium Lounge, Snowfield
Date: January 6th
Time: 10:55pm
Nero’s face stung like hell, and the sound of Nico’s voice cut through the haze like a buzzsaw. “Nero! C’mon, wake up, dammit!”
Another sharp slap to the cheek snapped his eyes open, and he bolted upright. “Nico, what the hell!?”
Nico let out a breath she’d clearly been holding in, her relief palpable as she smacked him lightly on the shoulder. “Finally! You were out for hours, man! I thought you were a goner.”
Nero blinked, trying to get his bearings. He was laying on a pile of pillows that reeked of perfume and opium—just like Lamia’s victims had been. The room spun as he shook his head clear, and he quickly noticed Felix and Corky stirring not far from him. They looked as groggy and confused as he felt. And then, just between them, was the Sloth Giant from earlier, snoring peacefully. Nero scrambled to his feet, his hand flying to Blue Rose, aiming it squarely at the giant’s head.
Nico jumped between them, holding her hands up. “Whoa, whoa! Chill out, Nero! Mouse is on our side!”
“Mouse?” Nero’s brow furrowed as he hesitated, keeping Blue Rose trained on the sleeping giant. Felix and Corky were slowly getting to their feet, rubbing their eyes and looking around the room with confusion.
Felix groaned, rubbing his temples. “Why does it feel like I got hit by a truck?”
Corky yawned, her voice groggy. “More like a parade of trucks… What the hell happened?”
Nero looked around the room, taking in the scene. Lamia’s body was lying lifeless a few feet away, her once seductive form now a twisted, broken shell. He glanced at Nico, then at the giant, then back to Lamia. “Wait… Who killed her?”
Nico held up her hands defensively. “Wasn’t me, I was busy trying to wake you three up.”
Felix, finally fully alert, glanced from Lamia’s corpse to the giant who was still out cold. “Mouse?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
The giant, clearly hearing its name, stirred slightly but remained asleep. Before anyone could respond, a familiar voice cut through the tension. “I did.”
The group turned to see Trish making her entrance, striding into the room with her usual confidence. She was dressed for the harsh Snowfield weather—a pair of sleek leather trousers tucked into long, heeled boots, a long fur-lined black coat, a muted red scarf, fingerless gloves, and her blonde hair was left uncovered.
V followed closely behind, now back in the real world, his expression as calm and unreadable as ever.
Nero blinked, his surprise quickly morphing into a mix of relief and curiosity. “Trish? What are you doing here? And V… you made it out too?”
Trish smirked, crossing her arms as she looked over the group. “Morrison called me. When Nico didn’t hear a word from you, he sent me as back-up. Lamia here almost done you kids in if I hadn’t shown up.”
Felix, still processing the situation, pointed at Lamia’s body. “So, you took her down? Guess that explains why she’s not trying to seduce us into another coma.”
Trish shrugged nonchalantly. “She was all talk, like most of them. But someone had to make sure she didn’t drag you deeper into that nightmare.”
Corky, rubbing the last of the sleep from her eyes, looked at V. “Glad to see you made it out too, V. We were kinda worried when things got a little crazy in there.”
V gave a small nod, his expression softening slightly. “Thank you, Corky. It seems we all made it out just in time.”
Nico grinned, clapping her hands together. “Well, looks like the gang’s all here. And with Mouse on our side, I’d say we’re in pretty good shape.”
Nero glanced at the giant, who was still snoring away. “Mouse, huh? That’s an interesting name for a giant sloth demon.”
Nico shrugged, her grin widening. “He’s not bad once you get to know him. Big guy’s got a soft spot for snacks and naps. Kinda like Corky.”
Corky huffed, crossing her arms. “Hey, I’m way more useful in a fight than that overgrown teddy bear.”
Trish stepped forward, her tone turning more serious. “Now that we’re all awake and back in the real world, we need to figure out our next move. Lamia’s down, but there’s still that King of Sloth, Belphegor.”
V nodded, his gaze shifting to the entrance. “Indeed. Belphegor’s influence is still strong in Snowfield. We need to take him down before he causes more damage.”
As they gathered to head back to the van, Nico looked back. “Nero, hey… can we keep him?”
“Who? That?” Nero pointed towards the sloth giant who took notice of everyone’s departure and was beginning to slowly climb onto his feet. “Uh-uh. He’s gonna slow us down.”
“But he led us to you guys!” Nico complained. “He’s actually far more helpful than he looks, trust me. Come on, Mouse.”
The sloth giant, now fully awake, blinked sleepily at the group, his large eyes filled with what could only be described as dopey affection. He seemed completely oblivious to the tension of the previous battle and gave a big, toothy grin as he lumbered towards Nico, his movements slow and lumbering as ever.
Felix raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. “Helpful? He’s a giant sloth demon. The only thing he’s gonna help us with is taking naps.”
Nico, undeterred, crossed her arms and stood her ground. “Hey, I’m serious! Mouse is a good demon! He’s loyal, he’s strong, and he’s great at, uh… well, taking naps. But also at carrying heavy stuff! Think of him as a demonic pack mule!”
Nero shook his head, clearly not convinced. “Nico, we don’t need a pack mule. We’ve got a van. A very fast van.”
Mouse, sensing the conversation was about him, let out a deep, slow rumble of a sound that was somewhere between a purr and a groan. He reached out with one massive hand and very gently patted Nico on the head, as if to say, “Thanks, buddy.”
V, who had been watching the exchange with his usual calm demeanor, finally spoke up. “Nico may have a point. Belphegor’s influence is still strong in this area. Having a local ally—one who knows the lay of the land—could be advantageous.”
Nero shot V a look that was half incredulous, half resigned. “You’re seriously considering this?”
Griffon, perched on V’s shoulder, chimed in with a squawk. “Hey, the big guy might actually come in handy!”
Felix chuckled, clearly amused by the whole situation. “Yeah, just imagine the look on people’s faces when they see us rolling up with this guy. It’s worth it just for that.”
Corky, now fully on board, grinned and gave Nero a playful nudge. “Come on, Nero. You know you want to. Think of it as a new adventure. Besides, you can’t say no to Nico. She’ll just pout the whole way back to the van.”
Nero sighed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at the slow-moving, beaming giant that was Mouse. The big guy did look harmless, and he had led Nico to them, after all. Maybe having him around wouldn’t be the worst idea… at least for now.
“Fine,” Nero finally relented, rolling his eyes but unable to suppress a small grin. “But if he slows us down too much or causes any trouble, he’s out. Got it?”
Nico’s face lit up with a triumphant smile. “Deal! You won’t regret this, Nero, I promise! Come on, Mouse, let’s get you settled in the van.”
Mouse let out a slow, contented sigh and followed Nico with a lumbering gait, his massive frame barely fitting through the door as they made their way outside.
As the group piled into the van, Corky leaned back in her seat, chuckling as she watched Mouse curl up in the back, taking up most of the space. “Well, this is definitely a first. Who knew we’d be traveling with a demon sloth?”
Felix smirked, stretching his arms as he settled into his seat. “Hey, as long as he doesn’t start snoring too loud, I’m cool with it. Could use a little muscle on our side for once.”
Trish, who had been leaning against the side of the van, arms crossed and her usual cool demeanor intact, glanced over at Nico. “We should head back to the safehouse. We need to regroup and come up with a plan before Belphegor decides to make his next move.”
Nico nodded, revving the engine with a grin that suggested she was more than ready to get moving. “You got it, Trish. Hold onto your hats, folks—we’re headed back to Viv’s place. Let’s see if we can’t figure out how to take down a demon lord over a nice cup of tea and some biscuits.”
With everyone more or less settled in, Nico threw the van into gear and hit the gas, the engine roaring to life as they sped off into the night. The van bounced along the snowy roads, Nico’s heavy metal soundtrack blaring through the speakers, as the team took a moment to catch their breath and process everything that had happened.
0 notes
samhelleborewrites · 3 years
Smiling softly at the orange cat, running my fingers through her fur, I was sitting on my window sill, staring at the night sky. Soon enough my furry friend climbs onto my lap, laying herself across my chest as I was leaning back. A soft hum came from me, using both my hands to pet her. Today had been a long day, having been part of the team for a good year now and nobody trusted me at all. I wasn't really surprised, a child with very strong powers coming from a criminal family trying to be good. I always thought they wouldn't judge but it would seem that I was wrong in the end. Pulling the cat closer to my face giving her a kiss on the forehead. A small meow came from her, lowering her back onto my chest. Whispering to her a small thank you for always returning and listening to me, getting a paw in my face making me laugh.
"You know, I wouldn't mind being an anti-hero or just someone how messes around with people. might even be better than working with the young justice, the only thing they do is look down on me for not coming from a normal family. you would think they would welcome me and happy that I'm using my powers for good instead of following my parent's footsteps, right?"
A small meow was sent back, wiggling her way out of my arms, jumping out of the window. I knew it, even animals get tired of me in the end. Looking and down I waved off the cat, closing the window and moving over to my bed. Turning on my laptop I pulled up a video that I wanted to watch. laying down I got myself comfortable, pulling the pillow against my neck, sleep taking me into its arms.
"Stay focused Black blood!"
Getting almost hit by another shot of Ra's al Ghul, I made wings grow from my back, using them to make a gust of wind knocking the wizard back. Standing over Robin, him being downed by one of Ra's people, I picked him up and quickly flew off. Putting him down away from danger, putting a force field over him if someone would come here, swiftly returning to the battle. Pulling Artemis out of an incoming attack, only to get an angry glare in return. Rolling my eyes, scanning the battlefield my eyes landing Ra's al Ghul himself. Rushing up to him, moving my hands in a certain way, magical robs quickly tying him up.
"Well done Zatanna!"
I couldn't believe my ears, did Superboy give her the credit?!
"That was my magic, Superboy!"
He looked at me like it was insane, but I quickly moved my hand to bring Ra's al Ghul over to me. He was starring at me trying to get free of the bindings.
"Impressive spell, better than baby magic over there."
Blocking the blast that was coming my way, it was stronger than I expected as I get pushed away from Ra's al Ghul. Looking over to see a boy my age with his hair looking like horns. That... that was pretty cute not going to lie.
"Thank you! But it would seem that you are not on my side."
He smirked, snapping his finger, my spell disappearing, leaving Ra's al Ghul free once more. Taking in a deep breath, the wings on my back straightening upwards, ready to fight the boy, only to get pushed out of the way by Zatanna. The boy seems to not like that as the smirk disappeared from his face being replaced by annoyance.
"And I was getting ready to have someone who might be fun to fight. But you had to show up, how boring."
Quickly covering my mouth before I let out a laugh, I looked away from the two. My shoulders were slightly shaking from holding back a laugh as I calmed down. Turning back I saw he was still looking straight at me, now a devilish grin on his face. Alright, he might be the more chiller villain I'm going to fight.
"Alright fight me then, if I win... you let me have Ra's al Ghul and your name as for you... Tell me your price!"
Stepping forwards, my wings relaxed, feathers trailing over the ground. That seems to make him happy, rubbing his hands together once more. Grinning I lifted my arms only for Superboy to step forwards, shaking his head."I will not allow this."
With a roll of the boy's eyes, he flicked Superboy away, a pull onto my waist, I was closer to the boy. A circle of ruins surrounded us, locking me away from the others.
"If I win, I want your name and... Mmh." He was tapping his cheek, with I now see, black sharp nails.
"And a day with you."
"I can agree to that."
"Then it's settled, ready?"
"Ready as I will ever be!"
White markings appeared on my skin as I lifted myself from the ground. I didn't need to say my spells out loud like Zatanna. Blasting the boy with my magic, making him jump back. Red lightning was shot my way, I just deflected it. He wasn't using his full power, a smirk pulled at my lips, rushing over to him. Going in for a punch a force shield blocked it, I flipped back, levitating high in the sky. Lifting my hands pulling lighting from the sky, feeling it go through me waking me straight up. Flinging it at the boy, he just put up a force field once more. Now! teleporting behind him, I round-house kicked him, him landing on his face making me laugh.
"And here I thought you would put a good fight!"
"Why you little.."
Catching the red flames, fuck too hot! Dropping it to the ground, waving my hands, quickly blocking the next one with my own force shield. Taking a deep breath, I lowered myself to the ground. Placing my hands on the ground, softly saying to the plants underground to wrap him up. Pushing my energy into the plants, they burst from the ground, quickly wrapping around the screaming boy. Flying over to him, taking hold of his face, leaning our foreheads together, I begin to drain him from his powers. Slowly his kicking and screaming stopped and he basically went limp in my hold.
"Good fight, love to fight you again, but then away from the city. Now mind me tell your name."
His tired eyes looked up at me, they looked like they were filled with wonder. I must be seeing things.
"Klarion Bleak."
"Charming name for a charming boy. But I must be going now, thank you for the good fight."
Waving my hands breaking the runes, walking over to the others. Eyes wide they moved out of my way. Rolling my eyes at them, I tie up Ra's al Ghul before entering the ship, Ra's al Ghul floating behind me. Locking him up I waited for the team.
"That was reckless of you!"
Getting another shouting by the one and only Batman.
"I know, but if it would mean getting Ra's al Ghul, I would do it again and again. Be happy we have him now."
I calmly replied, Taking off my jacket, staring up at the black-masked hero. His eyes stared me down, but I could care less, it has been like this from the very beginning. Noone trusted me and I could trust no one. It might always be like this, it's funny this is usually how villains are created. Being beaten to the ground by the higher-ups, them saying a big fat fuck you to them, and then turning to the dark side. HA star wars joke! A hand landed on my shoulder, looking up at superman.
"Don't do it again! Next time you will not be joining the team and be allowed outside."
Holding back my anger, just nod your head and go with it. After all the talking and debriefing was over I begin to make my way back to my room.
"Black Blood!" Looking over my shoulder at Artemis, giving her a small smile, but she didn't seem to want to return it.
"Don't touch me ever again."
"As you wish."
Bowing my head in a mocking way, I turn and entered my room a moment later. Taking off my hero suit, putting it away, I fell down onto my bed, curling up into a ball. My breath becoming on even, until I felt tears spill from my eyes. Stupid teammates, stupid grown-ups, stop world. Gripping the sheets, I squeeze close my eyes a growl leaving my mouth. Never will they see me as a friend.
Looking up from my book, seeing the orange cat once more, but it was raining outside. Rushing over, grabbing the towel from the kitchen counter. Opening the window, taking hold of her with the towel softly beginning to dry her off.
"What are you doing outside?! Why did your owner let you out?! It's raining!"
Just purring came from her, a fond smile pulled at my lips as I moved back over to the spot I was reading. which was right in front of the fireplace. She quickly took her seat on the pillow in front of it. I had used one of my older pillows to give her a spot to lay on in front of the fire.
"Just wanting to lay in front of the fire, you little sly cat."
A meow was my answer, making me roll my eyes. Leaning to her, kissing her forehead, before I got comfortable and began to read again. By my mind couldn't focus, they were busy thinking about a black-haired boy. Klarion Bleak. that sly boy had made its place in my mind and also maybe my heart. I had hadn't seen him since I had beaten him in a fight but I did see him through my teammates' eyes. I wasn't allowed to go on missions for a few months and was only allowed to watch from afar. Borning! So I just stay home, I could care less what the others think, I had given up on them, just like how they had given up on me. Running my hands through her fur, I put the book away.
"You know, I have had my mind on that boy I talked about. you know, Klarion. The team had a mission against him a few weeks back and I wasn't allowed to join! It was so unfair, I wanted to talk to him so badly! Fighting him was fun! I'm never allowed to spar against anyone! And I might have gotten a tiny crush on him..."
Hearing the words leave my mouth, I felt my cheeks burn. For fuck sake! I'm not some high school girl having stupid crushes... Alright, I might, but whatever. My furry friend rubbed against my hand, almost telling me to go on, talk some more.
"I can watch from my teammates' helmets or mask. And the few times they went against him, he... He really seems like that one villain you are happy to fight. He is just so fun and ready to have a good fight. My motto has always been 'Throw in a little chaos in the day if you find it boring!' and he is precisely that! That what I like about him. Then again he is chaos personified."
Laying back down, looking over at the widow a small sigh leaving my lips as I closed my eyes.
"Maybe when I go on missions again, I get to see him again."
Mission!!! Fucking yeah! It might be small but I'm more than happy to watch over New York today. Floating over the city, trying to look around for trouble makers. Letting my feet hit one of the rooftops just on the edge of the city. Rolling my shoulders, I try to let them relax.
"Hello there!"
Whipping around almost giving me a whip lace. Staring right into the eyes of the boy I thought I might never see again.
Lifting my hands, the tattoos on my body lighting up. But he quickly lifted his hands, shaking his hands.
"I'm here to just talk."
I should think better with that big smirk on his face but me being me, I let my hands fall and the tattoos turn back to black. Giving him a smile, I leaned against the edge of the rooftop.
"Go on talk, tall boy." He laughed, dropping his own hands.
"All talk and never being allowed on a mission."
"How did you-"
"Meow!" A familiar orange cat stepped out behind him.
"You little minx!! You told him about tha-"
realizing all that I have told that stupid cat, a deep blush began to crawl at my skin.
"You better not have told him about... you know!"
A smug meow left the orange cat.
"Tell me what? about the missions or about seeing me?"
Looking down at the cat, glaring at her for a second before looking back at the boy standing in front of me. Seems she might not have told him, I fucking hope so otherwise, it's going to be awkward!
Another laugh left his mouth, clinging his stomach. His pet walking over to me, jumping into my arms. Cathing the cat, I rolled my eyes at her, but I can't stay mad at her.
"Well, here I am, anything you want to know?"
Fuck! why must he be so smug and hot at the same time? Try not to look to effect by him by rolling my eyes.
"Is it true that you are chaos-personified? and that you cannot really be contained?"
Feeling how his ego was boosted, his smirked also seem to grow, taking a few steps to me. But I could care less, if he wants to hurt me, I know he would have already done so.
"Yes I'm chaos personified and to the second yes I can't be contained. I do like to know why you wanted to see me again."
Try to casually look away, taking in a sharp breath.
"Because you are interesting to me. You really seem to be like that one villain that I'm happy to fight. You... you just seem to be so much fun and ready to have a good fight. Fighting against you was fun, a good spar! A good fight for once!"
Looking back over to him, seeing him looking down at me with an unknown expression on his face.
"How about we fight again? Right now?"
"I can't I have a duty to watch the city."
An evil smirk came to his face, lifting his hands, clapping them. Screams soon to be heard.
"There! A little bit of chaos, tell them I'm here. Now let's fight~!"
Putting the cat down, quickly leaning over the edge seeing monsters beginning to attack the houses.
"Black Blood to base, Monsters have appeared in the city, Klarion seems to be the one controlling them. I will hold them back as much as I can!"
"We understand we will be there as soon as possible."
Putting up fore fields around the houses, I turned to Klarion, him smirking his face off.
"Well, what are you waiting for, tall baby!"
His eyes widen as I threw the first punch. Blocking it, hold my first in his hand, a loud laugh leaving his mouth. Throwing me off the building, I flipped myself over to be floating, turning to Klarion. Block his fire with a shield I threw a gust of wind his way knocking him off balance. Fire soon following that attack, but he just absorbed it, red lighting made it way over to me. Dodging it, I use my momentum to swing a black orb at him. Hitting straight into his chest sending him into one of my fore fields protecting the houses. It only stuns him for a split second before an energy blast came my way. Barely being able to dodge them, red lightning connected with my side, sending me to the ground. Harshly landing, I groan rolling over onto my back.
"Right you mortals and your easily breakable bodies."
Seeing him float above me, smirking. A grin pulled at my lips as I slammed the ground, rocks flying up into his face. Quickly moving above him, I try to blast him in his back, but that was blocked by him.
"Smart girl."
Smirking, I let fire dance in my hands, my tattoos finally lighting up. The red color of the flames slowly drained away leaving silver flames behind.
"nesohc fo eht noom."
My voice always sounds so strange when I let these powers fully take over. Lifting my hands above my head, I threw a big flaming ball at the boy who was looking at me like I was amazing. A small blush pulled on my face, but this was a sparring match, not a crush nation.
"ecarbme eht thgin!"
silver ropes wrapped the boy up, rushing forwards trying to take hold of his face like last time, only to get blasted back. My back hit the ground once more, rolling until I hit a car.
Growling I stood up, lifting myself from the ground. Looking up at Klarion, a smirk on his face. As the others came rushing to my side, but I pushed them all away from me. I could feel blood trail down the side of my face, dripping off my chin.
"I got this."
"No! look at you."
"I said I'm fine."
"Why must you always be this stubborn?!"
Ignoring the young league, I lifted myself from the ground. The silver flames leaving me slowly began to turn black, moving my hand a specific way. Black orbs surrounding my hands, then pulling them up to the night sky.
"ruo seof rehtiw htaeneb a olah fo denekcalb emalf!!"
A black halo covered the horrified-looking boy.
quickly flames beginning to cover his body, making him weaker and weaker. Lowering himself to the ground, trying to keep standing. Floating in front of him, with a flick of my wrist the halo disappeared, the flames slowly going out. Taking hold of his face, leaning our foreheads together.
I breathe out, letting my energy sink into him. Myself lowering onto my feet, the tattoos disappearing. My headlight, I pulled myself away from him. A soft smile on my face, before everything turned black, I could feel arms taking hold of me.
The team was staring at me as Wonderwoman stood next to me a smile on her face. This was the first time I met her, but her aroura was present. She was talking to batman and superman. The fight was fun, but the team was once more not happy with me.
"I will take them as my sidekick. They are worthy and I want to train them." Hearing those words hit my ears, I wiped my head around to look at Wonder Woman. Eyes wide, feeling pride swell up in my chest.
"Why would you ever want to take in a child from two criminals."
My shoulders dropped, head falling, I sigh, looking away. They weren't wrong, why would she ever. But feeling a hand lift up my chin, making me look straight up at Wonder Woman. A proud smile on her face, softly patting my cheek.
"And I couldn't be more proud of you. I can't believe you guys, that you think treating them like this, is the right way of treating them."
Feeling tears gather in my eyes, I looked away from Wonder Woman's face. But with a play full squeeze to my cheeks making my eyes snap back to her.
"Go pack what you need, Then we will be off to Themyscira. I will train you personally."
my eyes wide, I nod and ran off to my room. This could be it!
After having moved to Themyscira, Klarion began to visit me from time to time. Usually, once in a month or two, the woman here could basically feel when a guy steps on the island. But I began to worry, I hadn't seen him for over 5 months. Taking a deep breath, pulling my hair out of my face. Today, after 2 and a half years of training was my final test. Showing Diana that I'm ready to rejoin everyone, showing what I have become.
The first test was of Hand-to-hand combat, with Diana having trained me personally I beat the other Amazon woman without struggle. The second test was of patience, which I had plenty of, having to take the comments of the young justice, I had patience enough. So without worrying I passed that. Last was controlling my powers. We found out that the goddess of the Moon, Selene, had blessed me with her powers. Controlling those powers had proven difficult after we fully dove into them. I had hurt Diana accidentally and I didn't want to use the powers for a full week. But Klarion had shown me how to control it in a night. Giving me tips along the way. Remembering his words I passed the test.
"I granted you to be Amazon, Chosen of the eclipse. May that be your title. Chosen by the moon itself to protect this earth. Let your enemies win nothing but death."
She placed my new hero outfit in my hands, letting me rise. With a victory roar, the others around me shout out to me, letting me know I earned this with my own sweat, blood, and determination.
Returning to base in my new outfit, showing off the gold star and the silver moon on my outfit. The team turned to the opening portal, seeing us return. The team staring at me, a proud smile was present on my face. Diana placed her hand on my shoulder, the both of us walking up to batman and superman. Batman had apologized after a year with me training under Diana, as she had taken him to the island to show my progression. I had let go of the anger I felt towards him and accepted the apology. As soon as I was close enough, he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Congratulations, you did great."
"Thank you, Batman."
"You have earned your place among us."
Smile at Superman, it took some time to come around but he had apologized in the end. Smiling, he gave me a small hug.
"Welcome back your old teammate, Bl-"
"Moon light, please."
Batman nods, a small smile pulling at his lips.
"Welcome, Moon light."
The young teens were looking at me but Rocket stepped up first, pulling me into a hug.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, pulling back smiling at me.
"It's alright. we were young and foolish."
She nods stepping away from me, everyone began to re-introduce themselves and their sorry's except for stubborn little Robin. He will always be that little guy with too much ego. The others were beginning to have a fight with him over me. Telling them off, that he should take his time and I will see if he ever says sorry.
Rushing over to the orange cat, softly picking her up, pressing her against my chest. Telling her I missed her, only for her to escape my grasp, seemingly wanting me to follow her. Follow her I did, soon stopping in front of a hammered-off warehouse. Turning myself into smoke I went through the small opening of a board-up window. Reappearing on the other side I looked around, Teekl quickly sprinting off deeper into the warehouse. Rushing after her, rounding a corner seeing Klarion stand there cathing Teekl in his arms.
"Where have you been?"
"What do you mean visiting an old fri..."he trailed off seeing me stand there, a shy smile on my face.
"Where have you been the last couple of months, tall boy?"He whispered my name, Teekl jumping from his arms onto a box, loudly meowing at her partner.
"I'm sorry they locked off my magic for that island.... i-"He took a step to me, as I rushed over to him, jumping into his arms.
"I'm sorry for not letting you know."
"It's alright, you tall dummy. I missed you so much!"
Pulling away from him, he smirked down at me.
"Am I that irresistible?"
Pushing his face away from mine, rolling my eyes at his stupid joke. Taking hold of my wrist, lifting it to his lips, kissing my palm. My cheeks felt warm as he smirked down at me. Now or never you coward! Taking hold of his face with my other hand, I pulled him down to my height, placing my lips against his. He stiffened up, taking that as him not liking it, I quickly pulled back.
"I'm sorry, I tho-"
His lips crashed down on mine, dropping my wrist, instead, he took hold of my waist, pulling us close. Tilting his head to the side, deepening the kiss. Slightly opening my mouth, he immediately reacted, his tongue exploring my mouth. He tasted like sugar and a small hint of something more metallic. Pulling back, taking in a deep breath, his hand slipping up into my hair. After taking a few good breaths, he dove down once more. His tongue quickly exploring again, pushing me up against a crated. He was panting as I pushed him away, taking deep breathes myself.
"I have waited so long to do that."
He spoke, looking down at me, his hands exploring my sides. Leaning down, kissing alongside my neck. A moan leaving my mouth as he found that spot on my neck. Putting my hands on his shoulders pushing him away, my head was spinning with how fast he was going.
"Same here, lover boy, but slow down."
Out of breath, I gave him a small smile, he gave me back a genuine smile. Leaning down give me a quick peck on the lips. A small laugh left his lips, placing his forehead on mine. Pulling me impossibly close, a deep sigh left his lips. Pushing his head up, I softly kissed him again, standing on my toes. Soon the kiss turned heated again, pushing me to sit on one of the wooden crates. Laying me down, climbing on top of me, pulling back looking down at me.
"Your so beautiful."
"And you are so handsome, thank you for being in my life."
His eyes widen, looking away, clearing his throat, pulling on his tie. Laughing, he wiped his head down at me, glaring as I laughed at him. Leaning down his lips found the spot again, I almost choked on my own spit.
Let's just say that night I never felt more loved in my whole life.
Sorry for any grammar mistakes well if I messed up something from young justice, I haven't watched it in so long so if there are any mistakes let me know!
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
S/o’s birthday but locks themselves in their rooms because they don’t feel special [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Aether, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya & Venti.
Notes: Ayeeee! Since it’s my birthday today, why not make this? :))) I actually got carried away 🥲 this is around 3.5k words in total. Hope ya’ll like this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral (tho i think there’s a slight implied female hehe…)
Warning: probably some swear words here and there knowing me- and mild suggestive themes in kaeya’s part 
[albedo, scaramouche, xiao]
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Aether remembers your birthday more than he knows his- like srsly, he’s the kind that remembers his s/o’s bday more than his. He’s also the kind that celebrates it privately unless you want to celebrate it with others, which he doesn’t mind. He might have a hard time deciding what kind of gift you want, but sooner or later, he already has one (or multiples bc he can’t decide-). 
Imagine his confusion when your day finally arrives but he can’t find you anywhere, even Paimon, who was excited to celebrate your bday (“oohh~ I can’t wait to eat the cake!” - Paimon), seems confused. Probably the culprit in planting worry in the travellers head as she jumps to conclusion that you might’ve been kidnapped. 
Luckily, he checked your house before he could report it to the knights of Favonius or the Qixing (like any normal person should do really-). When he received no reply, he takes out the spare key you gave him and entered your house, an invasion of privacy he knows but it's an emergency- 
Knowing that you’re in your room when he can’t find you downstairs, he knocks on your bedroom door softly while calling your name. Imagine his (and Paimon’s) relief when the door cracked open. Immediately engulfing you into a hug, he lets out a sigh of relief. He then proceeds to ask you what you were doing inside your room when it’s your birthday. His heart literally broke when you stated your reason. Tightening his hold around your figure, he smiles bitterly, knowing that feeling all too well..
“That’s not true. None of that stuff is true. Everyone deserves to feel special on their birthday, most especially you. We’ve brought some food, and cake of course. Also some gifts from other people. If you want, do you want to celebrate it with just the two, or rather three, of us?”
You, who was a literal angel in his eyes deserve the world. He honestly wants to find whoever put that idea in your head but that was reserved for another moment. For now, his main priority is your happiness. Guiding you downstairs where Paimon was (she left when aether hugged you, knowing you two needed privacy. also the cAKE-), he watches as your eyes sparkle at the sight of the cake. 
Grinning softly he made sure you had fun with your birthday. Even though it would be more fun with more people, it feels more special if it’s celebrated with just the two of you. Staring you with pure adoration as you laughed merrily at the sight of Paimon stuffing herself with food. He couldn’t help himself but lean forward to place a kiss on your forehead and then on your lips, leaning back with a smile on his face. 
“Happy birthday, my love. May many more to come. Maybe next time, we can invite other people. Though I don’t mind if we’ll celebrate it with just the two of us only-” And Paimon! Don’t forget about Paimon!” “Yes yes. And Paimon.”
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Similar to Aether, he would most definitely remember your birthday. After all, it holds a special place in his heart, alongside his family. And since this boi is rich af, he would most definitely try to spoil you on your birthday. Piles of expensive (or just cheap yet meaningful) gifts, reservation to a high-class restaurant in Liyue Harbor, and all that glamour. 
Actually, he didn’t find it odd that he didn’t see you immediately, thinking that you overslept or just relaxing in your house. But he soon finds it weird when it’s already around 3 in the afternoon and no sign of your face in the crowd, something he raised a brow at but shrugged it off. It isn’t until it’s almost the time of the reservation he made when he finally realized what’s going on. 
When he arrived at your house, dressed in a suit similar to Zhongli except it’s entirely black and white, waiting for you to come out. After a couple of minutes, he soon got concerned and decided to enter your bedroom through the window (pls do not do this at home). Startled at the sudden appearance of your handsome yet cheeky boyfriend, he stares at you with eyes asking the questions he didn’t dare to tell. 
Knowing he will get his answer one way or another, you decided to tell him about your dilemma. After you finished explaining yourself, silence surrounds you, which is quite worrisome since your boyfriend is known for his rather talkative behavior. Blinking in surprise at the sudden embrace of the 11th Harbinger, his hug was rather tight but not too tight that it cuts your oxygen. Speaking in a low, faint voice, a surprising feat for him, you can make out what he said as clear as day. 
“I’m sorry. I should’ve noticed it sooner. I was trying to be a perfect boyfriend for you but I guess I failed in that aspect. You know, if you feel like you aren’t special enough to celebrate your birthday, then what about me? Me who stained his hands with the red blood of his enemies, always engaging in a fight, clashing with other blades. Insecurity is really an asshole huh? Let me make it up to you now. Let’s not anymore go to that stupid high-class restaurant, c’mon, up you go. You better dressed comfortably when I come back or else…”
Leaving you quickly before coming back immediately, this time in more comfortable clothing rather than the stiff suit he wore earlier. This time as well, he entered your house normally through the door. In his arms, he was holding a bunch of stuff and proceeded to dump it on the living room table. It was different kinds of movies in different genres, you spotted some of your favorite movies in them (makes you also wonder where he got these from since you don’t remember seeing these in the room he stays-).
He would suggest making a pillow fort, and while making the pillow fort, he proceeded to smack you with one. Which ensued a pillow fight between you two. It successfully made the both of you a laughing mess by the end, filled with feathers. Childe then carries you bridal style to the incomplete pillow fort and starts the movie you chose. Placing you in his lap and placing his head either on your shoulder or head depending on your height, cuddling you from behind tightly with a contented smile on his face. 
“You know what? This might not be how I envisioned how your birthday would go, but I’m not complaining. Happy birthday, comrade. My most adorable and most cutest and only love. I love you so much that you’ll be the very reason why I die so suddenly. So stop being so cute okay?” 
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(You two are living together in this one.)
Diluc has the probability of forgetting your birthday due to his busy schedule, especially if it’s starting to rise when your birthday draws near. He might neglect you for a couple of days, too engrossed in his work. When the day finally arrives, it completely leaves his mind. Like he’ll think of it as a completely ordinary working day. It isn’t until one of your friends told him to send you their birthday greetings that he remembered. And oh boy does he feel guilty, like srsly, he literally froze when he realizes what day it is today. And you know what that means? ✨Panicc✨
Honestly, I can see him buying the whole store XD. In the state of panic, his common sense just leaves him completely that he ends us buying practically the whole store. It would be sent to the Dawn Winery immediately as he buys some flowers from Flora, who also sent you her birthday greetings, which made him more guilty-
When Diluc steps foot inside the manor, he tries to search for you outside the gardens where he usually finds you but when he doesn't, he gets worried. Asking the head maid immediately about your whereabouts, and his concern and worry (and guilt) grew even more when he finds out that you haven’t gone out of your room. He quickly went to your shared room, with the flowers still in his hands, and knocked on your door. Calling your name softly and asking for permission to enter, when granted he entered the room as quickly as possible. But seeing the sight of you bundled up in your blanket made his heart crack.
Placing the flowers at the bedside table, he quickly made his way in front of you and kneeled down to meet your eye level. You can tell he was very worried about you with how frantic his eyes seem and the concern underlying it. With the way he was staring at you, you can’t help but spill your insecurity to him. The reason why you were hiding in his room rather than go out to celebrate your day of birth. Every word you spill made his heart break even more. Seeing tears started to leak from your eyes, he placed his two hands on your face wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Smiling at you gently and placing a kiss on your eyelids and on your nose.
“I completely understand, my love. Even I sometimes feel that way. Also to the point where I don’t want to celebrate my birthday even, but that won’t do my love. You are so special, you deserve your special day to be well special. If you want to simply lay here and sleep, then so be it. If you want to go out and do something, then I’ll happily oblige. Let’s obliterate those awful thoughts, and if those keep persisting, I’ll slice them up for you. I’ll keep picking you up when you fall. So, what is your command, my love?” (i'm so tempted for him to say master-)
Whatever your answer may be, one thing for sure, Diluc is seen smiling adoringly at you. Even the maids noted how soft the master is around you, particularly today. Whether curled up together in the bed, with him embracing you tightly to his chest and placing a kiss on top of your head. And if you listen carefully, you can hear him quietly humming a tune that his father (or mother) sang to him. Or you two outside in the garden, simply admiring the view with his hand around your waist. 
Either way, at the end of the day, he would wake you up or make you go inside for dinner. You haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch yet so you’re probably hungry by now. If you don’t want to leave your room or want to return to your room, he would understand and make the maids bring the food to you. When the maid(s) finally arrives with the food, you notice the cake on the tray. Looking at him as he chuckles, taking the trays from the maids. Humming a light tune, he scoops a spoonful of cake and holds it to your mouth, with a slight smirk on his face, eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“Stop staring at me like that, did you really think I would let the day go by for you to not celebrate your birthday properly? From what I know, birthdays have cakes in them, whether a huge cake or a cupcake. Say ‘ahh’~... Happy birthday my love. May next year be more enjoyable than now.”
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Kaeya remembers your birthday like the back of his hand, I think he’s even more excited than you really. Eagerly awaiting your birthday as he counts down the days, dropping hints and stuff to you birthday-related, and probably plans a birthday party for you. The knights immediately agreed on it, including a certain bard, traveler, and wine master (albeit more hesitantly). He made sure that this party would be successful, constantly checking on the plans and such. To the point that everyone was practically fed up with his constant questions. But they understand that he wants this to be a successful and enjoyable party for you. It got to the point where Diluc kicked him out of his Tavern after asking for the umpteenth time. 
When your day finally arrives, he was practically beaming with joy and excitement. To the point where he can’t hide it behind the cool and suave facade he wears. He quickly made his way to you, going along with the plan of distracting you as they started to prepare for the party. In his total excitement, he didn’t notice the rather gloomy atmosphere around the house. But when he arrived at your door, that is when he noticed how quiet your house is.
Now albeit worried, his excited smile slipping from his face and now replaced with a worried frown, he knocked on your door, calling you in his usual teasing voice. When he didn’t hear your response, the bubble of anxiety appeared in his body. Twisting the knob and finding it unlocked, he quietly and carefully opened the door. Seeing your back immediately, seeing your side rise and fall making him sigh in relief that you were still alive. Closing the door gently but made a noise to alert you of his presence. Taking a seat behind you, he ran his cold fingers on your back, watching you arching at the sudden coldness of his fingers. Smiling slightly, he asked what’s wrong. 
Turning around to face him, you buried your face on his chest, inhaling his strong masculine scent. Instinctively wrapping his arms around you, he played with your hair with one of his hands. Tapping on your head slightly, beckoning for you to answer his question. With no way out, you decided to come clean. You explain how you feel like you don’t feel like you deserve to be treated as special on your birthday and all that sort. His face was void of emotion as he stared at the ceiling with his unique pair of blue eyes. Outside he might seem emotionless. But inside, he was on the brink of insanity. Who dares to put such an idea on his s/o’s mind? Why would you think of that? Was this insecurity of yours also his fault?
“That must be the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re not special? Please. Don’t try to make me laugh with that joke ‘cause it’s not funny. You are a jewel, a star, a constellation. As rare as the gems, or rather visions. You can even rival the very sun with your smile. I know those demons in your head keep saying those words to you, the temptation is so tempting, right? Just succumbing to them to make them quiet. But that’s why I’m here, my dearest snowflake. I’m here for you. You’re so special to everyone, most especially to me. You mean the world to me. Anyway, enough of this tear-jerking stuff, we have a party to celebrate. And we can’t celebrate it without the birthday gal/guy now can we?”
Despite your protests, he lifted you effortlessly and carried you outside and into the dawn winery where the party was held. Placing you on the ground and pushing you forward where people from Mondstadt came and greeted you with happy birthdays. Smiling at the sight of you being overwhelmed at the warm greetings, and then chuckling at how bright your face became. Diluc nudges him to you, beckoning him to help you before returning to what he was previously doing (most likely trying to force a bard to not finish all the wines in the vicinity).
After a while in the party, Kaeya brings you to a secluded place with no people for air. Being in a party filled with people could be suffocating at times, especially if you’re not used to it. He intertwined his hands with yours and bends down to meet your eye level (or leans down if you have the same height as him-). He gives you a cheeky smile and proceeds to place a peck on your lips. Chuckling when you pouted and glared at him, wanting more kisses.
“My my, what a greedy vixen~ But it is indeed your birthday so I guess I have no choice but to oblige to whatever my birthday vixen wants me to do. Would you like me to strip as well? Haha. Kidding kidding. Happy birthday, princess/prince. May many more to come. Oh! I forgot. I heard from a certain birdie that you ordered for a personal performance from me~ would you like to get it now?” 
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Since we all know that Venti practically doesn’t do anything like every day, I would safely say that he would remember your birthday. Probably save some mora to buy you a gift for your birthday, even though it’s not as fancy as the people in Liyue (they all rich kids-), it’s still meaningful. He probably made a bracelet all by himself with the beads he either bought or also made by himself. Nevertheless, he was as excited as Kaeya for your birthday. Already prepared songs to sing for you when that day comes. 
Venti immediately searches for you when the day finally arrives, but his excited and bright smile vanishes when he can’t find you in the crowd of people. Raising a brow at your sudden disappearance, he searched for you everywhere, the tavern, the church, the headquarters, everywhere but your house. So when he finally arrives at your house, he was filled with worry and concern. Entering your room through the window like usual, he sees your figure sitting on the floor while reading a book.
He pouted at the sight as he made his presence known by asking you why you were here and reading a book on your birthday. He watches as you jump from where you are and turns to look at him, sighing at the sight of him. He slowly made his way to you and sat next to you, his legs sprawled across the floor. He takes note of the food around you, which was non-birthday festive, it was just ordinary food. Not understanding why you’re sulking in your room, he asked you what’s wrong. 
Venti’s eyes widened at your explanation, feeling the sadness leaking at the words you said. They weave themselves around his heart, squeezing it, making him have a hard time breathing. He shares your pain. He was your soulmate after all. He immediately engulfed you in a hug, stuffing his face on the crook of your neck. You were so vulnerable in his eyes. You were so fragile. He desperately wants to protect you from the pain. But looks like he can’t protect you from your own demons. 
“Even though I promised myself to not say or do anything that’ll make you sad, I just need to get it off my chest. I’m sorry you had to suffer through that, those demons that a simple bard that weaves stories into songs can’t erase. Alright, no more feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to get out and spend the rest of the day enjoyable, perfect for my precious Cecilia.” 
Without any warnings, he picked you up and jumped out of your window. Shrieking at the sudden fast pace, you instinctively wrapped your hands around him as he landed on the ground. Giving you a smug smile while saying “didn’t think i’d let you fall now?” Please slap him. Anyway, he laughed at your aggression and continued to run. Even if you ask where you’re going, he just says it's a secret. So might as well enjoy being in his arms as he continues to run (you swear you can feel the wind adding to his speed but that was just maybe your imagination-).
After a while, he placed you down and you realized where you are. It was Starsnatch Cliff, surrounding you were Cecilia flowers. Venti jumped on you, making you fall to the ground as he giggles. His hat flown back from the force of his sudden attack, he still has that stupid big smile on his face. Since his laughter is contagious, you couldn’t help but laugh alongside him. His eyes glistened with delight at the sight of your smile finally. Grabbing your hand and placing the bracelet he made, he pressed a kiss on your knuckle.
“This bracelet shall be a promise from me to you, a fellow bard to the fairest queen/king. I shall love you for eternity, this heart will only beat for you, and this body belongs to you. If you’re in dire need of assistance, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll be there, forever and always. Happy birthday, my sweet flower.”
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haleybrookewrites · 3 years
In Love With A Prankster
Chapter Two: Secrets Don’t Make Friends.
Year 2: 1990
Eliza couldn’t handle a whole summer at home without her friends. Yes, she loved her family and they all had a great deal of fun on summer break. But this summer was just a bit different. She had gone to see Fred and George a few times, not as many as she would’ve liked. But Eliza and Fred still wrote to each other as much as they could.
Hope you are having a great deal of fun with your family. Mum is hoping we can all get together before the term starts over. Ron is still upset that we beat him in the degnoming the garden challenge we created. George and I have been practicing for quidditch try outs. I hope we make the team, we’ve worked so hard. I hope to see you soon.
Eliza chuckled thinking back to the challenge the made up to see how far they could throw the gnomes. “Mum, can we go to the Burrow before the start of the term? Molly was wondering.” Andromeda looked over to her and took a moment to respond but in the end of the silence Andromeda nodded her head. “Sure, darling just let Fred know to let Molly know when to expect us.” Eliza smiled widely and walked over to the table where all her letters from Fred were and she grabbed he parchment and began writing him back.
Summer Holiday has been a blast. Nymphadora and Dad went to begin shopping for the new term, I got her old books from her second year so I didn’t have to go. Mum says we will be there and to let your mum know that we will be there. Freddie, you don’t need to worry about making the team I know you and George will make it! See you soon.
When Fred got Eliza’s letter he smiled. “Mum, they said they will be here!” Molly smiled widely and clapped her hands together. “Good I can’t wait!”
“Neither can Fred.” Charlie teased his younger brother and earned a pillow to be thrown at him. “Fred! No magical pillow fights please! Last time that happened my living room was full of feathers from pillows.” The boys laughed as they looked over at their mother. Arthur rushed in after a day of work. “Hello Family!” He walked right over to Molly kissing on the head. “Ted says he and the girls are coming to the house. That will be loads fun.” He said sitting down picking Ginny up holding her on his lap. “Daddy, will Dora be coming? I like when her hair changes colors.” Arthur and Molly laughed and he nodded letting her down. “Of course Dora will be coming!”
Ginny got off her father’s lap and ran to her brother Charlie and he messed up her hair. George sat on the couch reading ‘Quidditch Through The Years.’ He was so ready for the tryouts. He knew he and Fred were ready. He heard a knock on the door and looked over to Fred. “Your girlfriend is here.” He teased Fred and he rolled his eyes. Molly opened the door to reveal the Tonks, and Eliza standing there. She ran in and right over to Fred and George.
“Oi! You two look taller!” She smiled looking at the twins really looking them over. “Eliza, dear would you and Fred mind going out to the garden and getting some carrots for the soup?” Molly asked and the two nodded their heads and headed outside. Fred began grabbing the carrots and throwing them in the bag that Eliza was holding. She had zoned out thinking about the new year at school, her classes, if she would finally make friends other than the twins, would anyone find out her secret? “E?” She lifted her head up as she heard Fred’s voice a bit louder. “Hm?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” He looked at her and chuckled. “Do you think there are enough carrots?” Eliza looked into the bag and laughed softly. “Yes, I think this is enough.” He looked at her. Fred wasn’t always aware of things but when it came to his friend he noticed something was off. “Eliza is everything okay?” Eliza shook off his question and smiled at him. “Of course everything is fine! We start school soon, I am thrilled, I am excited for you and George to try out for the quidditch team. This year will be so much fun!” She said as they walked back into the house, she handed the carrots over to Molly who smiled generously at the girl. “Thank you dear.”
Everyone entered the Great Hall, one by one. Eliza had sat down on the bench Fred next to her, George and Charlie across from her. Eliza was smiling and talking to the three until Oliver came up and sat down next to her. “Oi! Fred, George are you ready for tryouts?” He asked and the twins nodded their heads. “Eliza, Hello darling.” Hearing him call Eliza darling made a ping of jealousy hit Fred’s stomach. “Hey Ollie.” Fred scrunched up his nose. Since when did she give everyone a nickname? “I couldn’t talk you into joining the team could I?” He gave her a dashing smile.
Eliza chuckled softly and shook her head. “Oliver, absolutely not! I have far to much on my plate as is.” She smiled and George nodded his head. “Yeah she’s the only second year to have one extra class.” Fred smiled, he was proud of the girl of course she took her studies very serious and that had inspired him from the get-go. When classes had started the twins were paying loads of attention only because Eliza made them. (In which she received a letter from Molly thanking her. The only class Eliza had real problems in were Potions, with professor Severus Snape. “Eliza, if you don’t mind keeping those two quiet.” Eliza looked up and raised her eyebrow. “But professor, I can’t control them.”
“Twenty points from Gryffindor.” Eliza gasped softly and hit both Fred and George on the leg. He would always find something off about her work, even though she had it down right perfect. “Oh come off it Professor, Eliza had the best in the class you’re giving it to Notts for no reason his didn’t even have everything you were looking for!” Fred shouted which cost Gryffindor fifty points.
Eliza had her nose in her book as she heard Professor McGonagall asking for her. “Eliza, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office right away.” The twins looked at her with wide eyes, never did they think that Eliza would be brought into the Headmasters office before the two of them. Of course they had detention for setting off dungbombs in the Prefect bathroom that was truly no fun. Eliza walked along side professor McGonagall. “Professor if this is about Snapes class I swear I didn’t say anything, although my potion was perfect.” She said and she gave the girl a simple smile. “No dear, nothing like that.” When she was in the office she admired Faux, he had just been from the ashes. “Beautiful isn’t he?” Eliza nodded her head and looked over to Dumbledore. “Eliza, I asked for you to come to my office because I have somethings for you. They belonged to your parents.” Eliza’s smile fell quickly. Albus held up a quidditch robe. “This was your mothers, wonderful seeker she was.” Eliza smiled looking at the robe, she put her hands on it slowly. “She was a bright girl, with a bright future.” He said and then looked into the box again. “This belonged to your father.” He held up a leather jacket, it looked rather cool. Eliza grimaced at the thought of her father actually wearing this item of clothing. “Your father was also very bright. He was very strong and loved with all his might.”
Eliza gave Albus a look that gave the impression that she thought he was mental. “He killed people, Professor. I don’t think that counts as loving with all his might.” Eliza was four years old when she lost mother, and everyone associated with her mother. She had Sirius for only a few short months, after Marlene was murdered. “You should tell your friends about them. Especially your mother, they will see where you get your smile from.” Eliza shook her head out of confusion she was told her whole like to keep this a secret. “Secrets can only harm ones relationship with those around them.”
“I have been told my whole life not to mention this to anyone, cause if word got out about me I would be in danger.” She spoke as Andromeda told her. “Also once everyone finds out I am that monsters daughter, I will be ruined.” She whispered.
Albus took her into an embrace and held her tightly. “My dear, there are far worse men in this world than your father.”
“Alright how much trouble are you in?” George asked as soon as the girl walked into the common room, earning an elbow from his brother. “What? You were wondering the same thing, you haven’t stopped pacing for ages!” Eliza laughed softly and shook her head. This was the perfect opportunity to tell them, the two stared her down for what seemed like ever. “Dumbledore was just worried about my schedule is all, thinks I took on too much.” Fred stared at her, something was off about that but he let it go. “What’s that?” He asked about the leather jacket in her hand. Her eyes widened, she swore she left that in the office. “It belonged to Dora, I think it was dads before he left school.” Not a total lie, she reminded herself. Ted Tonks was her father in all the ways that mattered he was her father.
Time came for quidditch Try outs, that was the most nerve wracking for not the twins but for Eliza. She knew how badly they both wanted it, and she knew how badly she didn’t want them to be hurt. Of course, they made the team, they absolutely crushed it. Eliza couldn’t be any prouder of those two, except when they realized they could make their own fireworks, but they hadn’t perfected it yet. When the first game came around Fred was so nervous he could hardly stand it. “Freddie, would you calm down? You have been playing quidditch since you were born. You know what to do, and you will do it fantastic.” Eliza gave him a pat on the back. Charlie walked in the locker room he never really let anyone other than the team in but he made an exception for Eliza. “Alright Lads, listen up were going to go out there, and I don’t want anything else on your mind other than crushing Slytherin.” Everyone nodded. “You two, make sure I don’t get bloodied up to bad eh?” Charlie smiled at his younger brothers who now had smiles on their faces. Eliza ran to the stands and got to her seat.
The game started Charlie was zooming around following the snitch as well as Marcus Flint, a third year but he wasn’t much of a seeker but that’s all Slytherin had. Fred and George did amazing, Fred even almost wacked one player off their broom.
Christmas holiday was always one of Eliza’s favorite moments. Andromeda and Ted always made Christmas special for the girls. This time was no different except all the things Eliza had on her mind, she sat in her room with Sirius’s coat. Andromeda walked in and sat next to her. “I haven’t seen that thing since I gave it to him all those years ago. He wanted one so bad, but Walburga, your grandmother, refused any sort of muggle clothing.” Eliza smiled and looked at it as Andromeda held it up to her face taking in the scent. It smelled of smoke, and cologne. She smiled thinking about the boy she use to know, the man he had become, and then the man he was now. “He loved you, with all his being. You were his darling girl.” Andromeda said to her and placed her hands on the shoulders of the twelve-year-old. “Darling, we tell you not to tell the last name, not because we think you should be ashamed of it, but to protect you.” She said as she saw her husband walk into the room. “If Dumbledore thinks you should tell your friends then that is your choice and yours alone. No one will treat you any differently. I know we won’t and I know a couple of boys who will see you as their best friend until the end of time.” Ted spoke with his arm around her shoulders.
Now she had arrived at the platform to get onto the train just before it was time to board she pulled Molly aside. “Dear what has you so bothered you look a bit peaky.” Eliza loved Molly, she was gentle and kind, until it came to her twins, then she was ready to whack them with a magical spoon. “My mum and dad.” Molly glanced at Ted and Andromeda. “No, my real mum and dad. I was just wondering if I could get your advice on if I should…” Molly smiled at her in only a way a mother could. “I think the boys would be happy you told them. Fred and George see you as their best friend, and they will not treat you any certain way afterwards, I promise you.” Eliza smiled at her as she boarded the train and she listened to the twins go on and on about their vacation and how Charlie taught them a few things for the quidditch pitch.
“Lads, after practice, can we talk? I need to yell you something?” Eliza held some seriousness in her voice, the boy looked at her and nodded. “Of course, E.”
“We will come find you after.” George said as they both went off with the team to the pitch. Eliza waited for them in the common room, she finished her essay for Snape, her homework was all done and she had nothing else to do but wait. She had finally fallen asleep on the couch as she was shaken gently awake by Oliver Woods. “Darling why are you sleeping on the couch?” She looked around and sat up. “Oh I must’ve fallen asleep. Where are Fred and George?”
“They stayed back with Angelina and Katie to help clean up the locker room.” Her face fell and she let out a sigh. “Here let’s get you to bed yeah?”
Eliza had spent the rest of the time trying to get Fred and George’s attention, the boys were wrapped up in the new fame that came along with being on the Quidditch team. Her birthday was probably the worst she had to endure. “Happy Birthday, darling.” Oliver said sitting next to her at breakfast. Fred and George exchanged glances. How could they have forgotten their best friend’s birthday? They had dates that night, but still said they would be at her little get together. Charlie, Dora, Oliver, Percy, were all there but some how she felt a little crushed that the boys didn’t show up. They all talked and she sat with the group. “Eliza, I will talk to them.” Charlie said and kissed the top of her head. “Goodnight and Happy birthday.”
“Happy Birthday, Elizabeth.” Percy said as he began walking up the stairs along with Oliver and Charlie. Nymphadora walked out of the common room and glanced at the twins as they ran in. “E!” George shouted.
“Eliza we’re-” She shook her head and walked up the girls stairs and into her dorm.
The train ride home was full of apologizes and silence on her part. “Eliza, we are the worst friends in the world.” George said sitting next to her. “Please forgive us, we lost our heads this year.” Eliza sat quietly. “Please, please forgive us, Eliza.” Fred begged and moved from across from her to next to her. She put her bookmark in her book. “We are here.” She said and moved past the boys and off the platform. Charlie was already talking to their mother. Eliza gave her a warm smile, as she walked over to Ted and Andromeda. “I want to go home.”
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punkgrogg · 3 years
Doorway Duo pt.3
Pairing: Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader, Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Hybrid!BTS, Non idol AU, fluff
Warnings: Pregnancy
Summary: Y/n was abandoned by her long time boyfriend and moves back home to help prepare for the baby. She’s surprised to find two unfamiliar hybrids at her house.
Length: 3,074
Notes: Sorry I took so long! I had to split this update into several parts because I ended up typing out over 6,000 words so another part will be posted in a couple days hopefully I can fix my laptop by then.
Date Posted: 9/4/2021
“Share the heat,” Hoseok complained, tugging the blanket from my cocooned form.
October ‘s days were chilly but as soon as the sun set, it was freezing. I was propped up on the couch, surrounded by pillows and a king sized blanket tucked around me. Mom sat on the recliner to my left, the reason behind my assortment of pillows, and Hoseok was shoving his way into the occupied seat on my right. Well, my legs were occupying it.
“There’s a while couch right there ass hat.” I whined as he lifted my legs and placed them on his lap. This wasn’t so bad- he was warm- but the sibling bond between us made sure to complain.
“I don’t want to sit next to dad, he’s way too excited over the game.” Hobi pulled out his phone and scrolled aimlessly.
“When’s Namjoon gonna be here? His team is kicking ass.`` Dad was lively when it came to soccer. It was cute though and I loved how animated he’d get with each goal. But the kicker is that he and Namjoon rooted for other teams. Hobi, Jin, and I all sided with dad on the sports front but Joonie picked a shitty team that’s been coming up in the last couple of years. Maybe the heart attack he nearly gave dad ten years ago was worth it- if the pride in my dad’s eyes were anything to go by.
Joonie was our wild card, he seemed to pick the most difficult path just because he liked the challenge. He’d always do the opposite of what we expected, whether it was the sudden law school decision or boycotting Christmas one year. But today was probably the most surprising.
Jungkook apparently wasn’t a sports fan until this season started, my dad’s enthusiasm rubbed off onto him and now it was funny to see him white-knuckling a sprite over a bad call. Taehyung was taking a nap upstairs and mom was idly reading some seedy romance novel if the blush on her face was anything to go by. Well it was probably the shirtless man emblazoned on the cover that truly gave it away.
Hobi sighed and tossed his phone over onto the side table, he closed his eyes and melodramatically threw his arm over his face as he rested against the back of the loveseat. I rolled my eyes, “what’s it now buttercup?”
He huffed at my nickname, “Jimin isn’t responding.” He dropped his arm to pout at me as if I could help the situation at all.
“You know he’s probably working right now?” I nudged his arm with one of my feet.
His pout turned into a full blown frown as he made puppy eyes at me. “Yeah but that doesn’t mean i can’t miss him.”
“OH, so you’re going to finally admit that you’re dating him?” The delighted smile that ripped it’s way across my face made the frown completely fall off of his.
“Oh shit.”
His shock made me full bellied laugh, “Mom! Hobi finally sa-”
“Shut up! You tricked me!” he hissed as he covered my mouth, I smiled evilly as I licked the back of his hand to deter him.
“The baby.” Jungkook snapped, ripping Hobi's hand off my face. How did he manage to get across the room so quickly? Beyond me. There was a cloudy sort of anger in his face, one where he knew he shouldn’t be angry but couldn’t help it.
“Kookie, I'm fine.” I reached up to hold his wrist as he let go of Hobi's hand. He looked down on me tersely, his eyes colder than usual.
“Hoseok, how many times do your mother and I have to say to be gentler with your sister? You two are honestly getting too old for this.” Dad scolded, his hand on Hobi’s shoulder. I could see him curling into himself and suddenly I felt small.
“Dad, I'm okay, Hoseok and I were just playing. You know he’d never hurt me or the baby.`` I let go of Jungkook's wrist and tried to sit myself up more. It was hard this late into the pregnancy.
“You need to be more careful too, you’re way too rowdy these days.” he chastised me and I could feel the anger at being talked down to. I’m not a child anymore.
“No, this is my baby and my body, I get to decide when it’s too rowdy. We weren’t wrestling or fighting and I could easily breathe. We were doing nothing wrong, why are you acting like this?” My tone was cold and I forced myself up into a standing position. Jungkook stepped away from the couch so i could have enough room.
“y/n baby, you know i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings-” i cut him off; i was fuming.
“Well you did. You basically said that either my big brother is going to hurt me or that I'm incapable of judging how much energy I can exert. We’re all adults in this room, why did you two have to intervene?” my glare turned to Jungkook, he hardened his gaze.
“The baby’s hormones are-”
“No more baby excuses,” I cut him off. “I know he’s fine, he’s twisting and kicking just as he’s always been.”
“The baby’s hormones are-”
“Stop Jungkook.” I held up a hand, the anger bubbling up to the surface. I needed to cool down before I lashed out. I could feel the heat coursing through my arms and filling my chest.
“No, Y/n he’s right I didn't notice it till you stood up but the baby’s hormones have gotten really strong all of a sudden.” Hoseok chimed in. still seated, he reached out and touched my stomach. Mom crossed the room and shoved her way through Jungkook and dad to kneel in front of my stomach, accessing my state.
“What? What does that mean?” I cradled my bump, the fear seeping into my words. He felt normal there, my doctor told me if anything were to feel wrong then to trust my instincts and immediately go to the hospital. But this was different, nothing felt wrong.
Taehyung thundered down the stairs, “Y/n? What’s going on down here? I can smell the stress from upstairs,” he took a backseat to the worry on my mind.
“Is something wrong with him? Nothing feels wrong.” I turned to Jungkook, the worry overpowering the shame of the argument we had just had. He was the first to notice so maybe he knew what was wrong.
“I was wrong, holy shit, we should make a doctor’s appointment.” Hoseok suddenly exclaimed, he jumped up and held me at arms length by the shoulders. He looked down to my stomach with a shocked expression.
“Honey, get the keys we’re going to the hospital.” mom barked out. I didn’t even notice her leaving the huddle but she was back at the recliner as she tugged on some tennis shoes.
“No! It's okay! The pheromones are showing that she’s okay too.” Jungkook finally spoke up, he threw an arm around me and pointed at the baby.
“She?” The confusion in my father’s voice was only a mirror to the rest of the room.
“Yeah, the pheromones got so strong because there’s two.” Hobi explained as he crossed the room and relieved mom of her purse. He placed a calming hand on her shoulders. Shoulders that seemed to be leveled with her ears with the abrupt stress.
“You mean twins? It's a bit late to find that out don’t you think?” she all but hissed at her third son. Mom was visibly anxious right now, something I had never seen before. She was usually so calm and cheerful around us.
“Mom, you’ve said it yourself, y/n is bigger than most pregnancies.”
“I mean yeah but we’ve gone to the doctor twenty times over the summer and I think he’d find another baby in there.” I chimed in, coming to mom’s other side. I think it helped with calming her down because her shoulders lowered a bit.
“I can smell both, I can smell her all of a sudden alongside him.” Taehyung wrapped his arms around me, his head burrowing into my shoulder. His grip on me was tighter than usual.
“But Tae that doesn’t make sense.” I turned in his grasp, facing the snow leopard hybrid, my disbelief written across my face.
“He’s had a very strong scent and a very strong heartbeat, maybe he just masked hers.” Jungkook stepped into my bubble once again. He was on the other side of Tae but seemed to block off any others from joining in the clique.
“But the ultrasounds only show one baby.” I reasoned out, my right hand reaching behind me to rest on my mother’s shoulder. Accepting there was a second was terrifying, I was barely holding myself together for the one pregnancy. Adding on another? Was I eating enough? Taking enough precautions? Maybe dad was right in intervening today.
“Back in the day they couldn’t find Seokjin’s penis and told us we’d be having a girl. It was a bit of a shock when he came out.” Dad. Of course, I've heard this story before, ultrasounds weren’t always perfect.
“What should i do?” I was scared and it was evident in the shake of my voice, Taehyung only hugged me harder.
“Hey guys, what's going on here?” Namjoon’s voice shattered the tension of the room. Seeing him and the dark haired male next to him gave me a chance to breathe.
Hoseok flitted across the room, his excitement at seeing our older brother evident in the wagging of his feather duster of a tail. “Joon, you're going to be an aunt and an uncle.”
“Hobi that’s not how it works and you know it.” Mom chastised with a small shake of her head. Hoseok was a blessing to us all when tensions were high. “Who’s this?”
Namjoon seemed to freeze up a bit before throwing an arm around the guy hovering behind him a bit. Said man flushed lightly at the attention turning to him and in the soft light of the living room I could barely make out a pair of silky black ears atop his head. “This is Min Yoongi, he’s my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” I sputtered out, breaking the moment of silence that enveloped the living room. I could see dad from my peripheral making his way to the doorway with a smile.
“Yeah, problem?” Joonie’s eyes were narrowed at me but eased up at the grin I was sporting.
Pulling away from Taehyung a bit, I sneered at Hobi. “Hoseok- he told us about his boyfriend before you could. How does that feel?”
Hoseok groaned before stomping over to me to grind out: “Oh my god you're annoying and technically i said it first.”
“But you didn’t tell mom and dad.” I taunted, the faux misery on my brother’s face would fuel me for months. Taehyung sat on the loveseat behind him and tugged at the hem of my shirt for me to join him.
“They’ve met Jimin before though and according to you i’m not subtle.” Hobi argued, his hand on his hip. Jungkook followed Tae and I down to the seat and I was wedged between the two with my legs in Kook’s lap. He gently rubbed circles into my swollen ankles as Hobi and I glared at each other.
“Anyway, what's this about me being an aunt now?” Joonie interrupted the stare down with Yoongi by his side, our parents must have finally let them out of their interrogation.
“These three are suddenly claiming I'm pregnant with twins.” I explained with a flick of my wrist, the stress of the situation (that was only a few minutes ago) seemed as if it were twelve years in the past.
“Um, I can smell two scents too.” Yoongi’s soft spoken words brought back the fear.
“Holy shit, mom! What am I supposed to do? Should we go to the hospital?” I tried to push myself up into a sitting position but Taehyung held me gently to his chest.
“The babies are happy, I don't think they’re in danger. “He hummed softly into my ear. I could feel the sincerity behind his words. He rubbed a hand up my arm gently and started to purr. An attempt to ease my anxiety.
“Danger or not- we still need to confirm if there are actually twins. That’s a nightmare in itself. That’s double of everything I was sort of ready for. Wait, what if I give birth prematurely- don’t twins come early?” there was panic rising in my chest.
“Mom and Dad went to their room, they’re recovering from the unexpected news but Y/n it’s going to be okay. We’ll go to the doctor’s tomorrow, together,” Hoseok reminded me, he softly ruffled my hair as he leaned down to kiss the top of my forehead. Still I looked around the room for my mother. The one who holds all the answers to my pregnancy fears. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi, all stood above us three, all showing a different expression. Namjoon looked apprehensive, which was normal for him. Hoseok looked as if he were trying to tame a wild animal. Yoongi thought he looked stunned, his eyes blown wide.
“Hobi you’re banned from my ultrasound appointments. You almost broke the equipment.” I reminded him with a forced smile. I could still feel the panic but it was ebbing away. I wasn’t dying, I was safe. The babies were safe. Everything will be okay.
“That’s so rude, I apologized and everything.” he crossed his arms, generously taking the bait. Knowing that Joonie would laugh at his expense.
“We’ll go with you, we haven’t been able to go since Hoseok has been.” Taehyung declared, way too happy for me to decline, and I smiled softly at him. I was held up against his torso, his head just a few inches above my own. He leaned down and rubbed his forehead against my own.
“You’re going to scent mark my sister in front of me?” Namjoon sputtered indignantly, causing Tae to freeze all of a sudden.
“Namjoon, that’s not scent marking.” Hoseok laughed and shoved at his shoulder playfully.
“Actually, we feline hybrids scent mark like that instead of that mess you canine hybrids do. I scent marked Namjoon earlier in the same way.” Yoongi crossed his arms and seemed to glare down at Tae. I was a bit shocked to say the least.
Hoseok had explained it to me when we were younger, scent marking was a hybrid instinct, and it had two different connotations. There was a familial way and a romantic way to cover another person in their pheromones. Hoseok would hug us and hold our hands growing up to rub just enough of himself on us to comfort himself that we were his family. Especially when we were younger and playing with larger groups of children or when there was a big event. The familial way would only last a few hours and was more of a comforting thing for family and very close friends to help with bonding.
Hoseok had explained the more romantic way was to imbue another’s scent for a much longer time and it was done by stimulation to the scent glands which meant that they would lick each other’s scent glands. He had been tomato red explaining this to me when he had found another hybrid’s scent on me that was much stronger than his own. When I explained that I was just playing with a hybrid at recess and they hugged me he seemed to melt into the floor in embarrassment.
Taehyung was staring up at Namjoon with an indecipherable expression. The massage on my ankles had stopped at Namjoon's exclamation and my glance at Jungkook showed him to be in the same emotionless stare down but instead he was staring down Yoongi. He knew too, but why hadn’t he told me?
“She’s part of our pack, of course I would scent her.” Taehyung had no emotions in his words, the monotonous response seemed to aggravate my brother.
“Wait,” I held my hand up to the seething man before turning to his boyfriend. “I’m confused. Hobi said that licking my neck would be romantic scent marking and hugging was familial scent marking. Which would this be?”
My question caused all four hybrids to freeze up, Hobi’s face once again lighting up in embarrassment.
“Uh, he said that? Well, uh, that’s wrong.” Yoongi forced out, his face turning a light shade of pink.
“Hybrids themselves decide what the type of scent marking it is when they release the pheromones, and there’s a lot of different meanings that could exist. Typically a more familial scenting would be a hug- so that part is right- but also kissing the top of your head could work. Licking your scent glands isn’t a romantic way for scent marking, it’s more sexual.” Yoongi's face almost matched Hoseok’s at this point. “Romantically speaking there’s a lot of ways you can scent someone- like rubbing your necks against each other which is common amongst the canine hybrids. For us feline hybrids we rub our faces against the person, like he had done to you. The pheromones typically let us know, but he’s not releasing heavy enough pheromones for us other hybrids to notice, but rubbing his face against yours is claiming you as his in feline standards.”
“Oh,” I could feel the hybrid underneath me tense up as Yoongi's explanation came to an end. I glanced up at him to see him still staring down my brothers.
“I’m still a little confused but thank you Yoongi. Namjoon, Hoseok, I’ll take it from here, I don't need you hovering over us for this conversation. In fact, I think I'll take this conversation elsewhere, you three have fun watching the game. Joonie, dad recorded this and last week’s matches for you.” I worked my way into a standing position with Taehyung’s help and made my way to the stairs, both Taehyung and Jungkook glued to my sides.
“It was really nice meeting you Yoongi,” I smiled at him and waved my goodbyes as I made my way up. We made our way into my room, the two hovering in the doorway. Just like I had met them. I took a deep breath and settled onto the bed.
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kohakuarisaka · 3 years
Trial By Fire (chapter 2 of 2)
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Takami Keigo x (fem!)Reader
[ SUMMARY ] Hawks stopped by your apartment, asking for a patch up, and then asked for so much more.
[ WARNINGS ] R18+ for graphic sexual content and language. Role reversal: Keigo is a villain and Touya is a hero. Liberties were taken with Hawks’ quirk and is non-canon compliant. This fic is not nice to Touya. Reader and Hawks smoke. Reader has a quirk. Reader is a female with descriptive female genitalia. This fic contains graphic sexual content, including penis in vagina sex, oral sex, spanking, dirty talk, biting, degradation, and knotting. Consensual ♥
Keigo’s appearance in this fic was inspired by this lovely art piece!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
[ My BNHA Fanfic Masterlist ] ~ [ Also on my AO3 ]
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Todoroki Touya was a prince.
Being born to a top-ranking hero was almost the same as being born to royalty. Everyone recognized his name, his quirk might as well have been trade-marked, and he had lots and lots of daddy's money.
If that wasn't enough, Touya was incredibly handsome, too. He had a full head of stunning, bright red hair and beautiful, shiny blue eyes. His smile was charming and voice was hoarse and suave.
He was a skilled fighter, always topping the rankings at UA, the talk of all 'up and coming' news articles back in his teen years. His quirk was flashy and powerful, nearly unstoppable; but, he was also a dedicated hero that trained day in and day out to hone his combat skills.
The boy with the crimson wings couldn't have the fortune of being nobody. That would have been more preferable to his reality.
His father was a criminal, a thief and a murderer. His childhood home burned to the ground when an attempted arrest went horribly wrong, and resulted in half his body being permanently scarred by burns. But, no one would believe that a hero did that to a small boy, even if it was an accident. No, of course not.
No hero academy was going to accept someone with such a reputation, with a name like Takami, with a history of bloodshed, with the evidence smeared across his skin for all to see. He was in and out of foster homes for years before he could get his own place, funded by petty crimes and gang activity, the only way he could survive.
Touya was a prince-
-and Keigo was a gutter rat.
He wasn't the least bit surprised when you told him that Touya had asked you out, even less surprised when you told him that you said yes.
Of course you couldn't resist Touya. He was everything any girl could possibly want, and he could give you a hell of a lot more than Keigo ever could: fancy dates, lavish gifts, a nice family to go home to, a name with a shining reputation.
Touya could make you happy.
And so, Keigo stopped chasing you. He stopped hoping anything more would amount to your relationship. But, even if his life depended on it, Keigo could never stop wanting you, thinking about you, loving you. No one was like you, not by a long shot. No one understood him like you did.
But, you belonged to Prince Touya.
... ..
... ..
... ..
Hawks woke in a cold sweat, torn from a nightmare. He bolted upright, eyes scanning the room, panting lightly in a daze. His bare chest glistened with the evidence of his agony and his wings flexed out, feathers taut and sharped at the ends, defensive.
He glared at the unfamiliar walls, legs tangled in warm blankets. It took him just a moment to remember where he was.
There was a photo pinned to the wall by your desk: him and you at a spring carnival during your first year of high school. Your hair was longer back then and he had a black eye from a fight with some upper classmen.
The pillows and blankets on your bed were so soft and freshly washed, the scent of the fabric softener still wafting. You had dug out extra pillows and sheets for Hawks when made it clear he was intending to come around a lot more often.
Your apartment, your bedroom, your bed: that's where he was. The only thing missing from the room was you.
Hawks pulled himself out of a bed with a groan and snagged his sweat pants off the floor, where they had been discarded when he arrived. He decided to skip the underwear and just pulled the loose fitting pants on with a tired groan.
He didn't need to search the apartment to know you weren't inside. His feathers weren't picking up any vibrations from footsteps or breathing. It was too still, too quiet.
Confident of where you were, he opened one of the windows in your bedroom, nearest your desk, and shimmied onto the outer ledge, hoisting his torso through first before bringing his legs in until he was hanging outside. He kicked off the side, beat the air once with his wings to gain some momentum and flew up to the roof.
You let out the most undignified yelp when he floated up over the side of the building, bare feet toeing the edge where he landed, giving you an innocent, drowsy look.
"Holy fuck, you scared me," you hissed at him.
It was almost 1 in the morning, and you had slipped on a loose shirt and baggy shorts to head up to the roof for a smoke. Unsurprisingly, you were alone at this hour, able to enjoy the ambiance of the night without one of your neighbors mouth breathing or trying to strike up a conversation. They weren't bad people; but, you didn't want their company.
Even from up this high, you could hear passing cars, the soft squeaking of breaks and the occasional squeal of tires spinning on asphalt. Distant lights were constantly changing: traffic control, cars coming and going, people in and out of their crowded apartments.
"You're not cold?" Hawks asked as he approached you.
"Not really," you answered softly.
Despite that, Hawks flattened against your back. His hands dragged up and down your arms as if to warm them before winding around your waist. You felt more than saw his head droop over your shoulder. As he pressed in close, you felt what was his very shirtless chest fall against your back and the unmistakable outline of his cock against your behind.
"I see you didn't bother dressing," you scolded him, lacking any real malice.
"You like it," he challenged, reaching for your cigarette.
Before he could grab it, you brought it to his lips for him, turning your head to try and face him, despite the awkward angle. You watched him puff the end faintly before huffing out smoke away from you.
"Ohh," he hummed. "You bought the fancy ones this time."
"They're not fancy," you retorted gently.
He flapped his mouth, about to insist you let him buy the next pack. However, he caught himself, remembering how well it went last time. It had resulted in a fight, and you kicked him out, nearly pushing him out the window, not that he couldn't handle that, of course, and it was a funny memory, now that it was over.
Besides, if he was being honest, it was really hot when you yelled at him. Maybe not so much this time since it put him in the doghouse for a week. But, the makeup sex was definitely worth it.
You didn't want his money; 'blood money', you had called it. You adored him, maybe even loved him, wanted him, longed for him; but, you had no desire to take any of his dirty money.
You weren't delusional enough to think that that made you a good person, or somehow morally superior, not to Hawks, or anyone else for that matter. It was a choice that you had made for yourself, to try and get your life on the right track.
Maybe, letting Hawks into your bed was counter productive. He was a wanted villain, after all. Business could follow, even if he worked hard to prevent that. If Touya found out-
You shuddered at the thought, mind racing with the possibilities of what could happen. You didn't want to see Touya ever again, let alone talk to him; but, there was no guarantee that your paths would never cross again. Would he be mad? Would he try to hurt Keigo?
Sharply, you turned your head and kissed at his cheek, lips smearing across the burnt half of his face, as if trying to reassure yourself that that wouldn't happen. Hawks hummed, and you felt the vibration travel along his chest and throat and onto your skin.
"Don't burn your fingertips," he scolded you softly in a hoarse whisper, snatching your cigarette from the burning end.
You had been so lost in thought, you failed to realize the cinders were nearing your fingers, the flame having almost reached the end. You watched Hawks roll it between his fingers, drawing the paper into his palm where he crushed it. The flame died and he opened his hand, letting the wind carry the burnt remains away.
"Kiss me," you breathed, so wrapped up in the moment that you didn't care that you were outside.
He obeyed with a growl, hands grabbing at your waist harshly to spin you around. One hand flattened at the space between your shoulder blades, holding you tightly to his chest while he arched down and captured your mouth.
You heard and felt his wings beat the air, powerful and unyielding: an intentional display of dominance, most likely, that should have made your eyes roll and not your heart flutter. But, you had always been soft for Keigo, and this advancement in your relationship had only made that worse, until you became putty in his hands.
He clearly really liked to play with putty. It was bad enough that he was constantly twisting and turning your body to see what kind of positions he could put you in: something that you, unfortunately, found far more arousing than you should have. He loved to poke and prod, see what kind of noises he could get out of you. He also loved to see how far he could push your limitations.
"Baby," Hawks growled against your mouth, eyes hungry as he took you in.
"Let's be crazy," he suggested, low and hoarse, with a slight edge that made him sound like a stupid teenager again.
He tugged you in close, shamelessly rubbing his erection against your closed abdomen, and making his intentions known.
"Hell no," you retorted, smoothly, sure, but lacking in any real confidence in your rejection.
"Come on," he urged, hands and arms sliding away so he could skirt away from you.
You watched Hawks step towards the edge of the roof with the kind of confidence you would expect from a man that could fly. He casually sat down, rotated to sit longways, one leg spread out for balance while the other rested right at the edge. He leaned back, spreading one wing out along the gravely rooftop, while the other drooped over the side, feathers long and fluttering in the breeze like a crimson, tattered flag.
Hawks crossed his arms behind his head and laid back in full, looking boneless as he stretched out. He peered up at you with a wicked grin, eyes bright as they reflected the distant street lights.
"You're fucking ridiculous," you snapped at him, realizing too late that you were smiling dumbly at the shamelessly display in front of you. Your words lacked any real weight. Rather, you sounded amused or impressed, not angry.
God damn it.
"You love it," Hawks retorted with a soft laugh.
"No," you commanded, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Come on," he urged, rolling your name off his tongue like it was a delicious, sinful delight. "It'll make for a great memory - great story. Tell all your friends you fucked some guy on the edge of the roof. No risk: you know I won't let you fall."
"I wouldn't say 'some guy', even if I had friends to tell," you said to him grumpily, settling a weak glare on the winged villain.
Hawks removed his crossed arms from behind his head, placed one hand on the roof for balance, and leaned up. His cocky expression was gone, replaced with something soft, almost nervous, like he feared he misheard you.
"You'd tell them it was me?" he asked.
"Obviously," you uttered back.
A genuine smile found its way onto Hawks' face. Maybe, he was more deceitful than you gave him credit for. Maybe he knew damn well that you couldn't resist that face, that smile that lit up your heart, those mismatched eyes. Only foolish girls let themselves believe nonsense.
Maybe, you could be foolish sometimes.
You approached Hawks and he leaned back, excitement clawing its way onto his face as he realized he was going to get what he wanted. You smacked his chest and he fell back with a rough laugh.
A slight tug pulled his pants down enough to spring his cock free, already fully hard and leaking against his abdomen. Some distant thought was that you should have been surprised; but, Hawks had proved to be quite the animal, with such a miniscule refractory period and ready to go without much persuading.
You carefully slid on top of him, one leg braced on the roof against his side, while the other dangled over the edge. The weightlessness had you reeling back with a frightened whimper. Hawks grabbed your leg and pressed it tight against his side, keeping you planted on his lap.
"I got you," he whispered soothingly. "I got you, baby. I won't let you fall."
The bastard could fly. He was used to feeling weightless, to feeling nothing beneath his feet. You were not, and the very real risk of slipping over the edge was ever present when you felt the breeze, felt the lack of something beneath your heel.
However, when you planted yourself on Hawks, who was partially dangling over the side, you felt grounded. He felt sturdy and strong beneath you, no fear in his posture, arms and legs firmly planted, wings spread out to balance himself. He wasn't waddling back and forth with uncertainty.
It barely took you a second to relax, to feel safe when his hands gripped your thighs, holding you securely against his weight. Of course he could catch you; but, you doubted he would let you fall in the first place.
Sooner or later, you were going to have to learn to tell him no; but, that didn't have to be today.
"Have you done this before?" you dared to ask.
"Not with a partner," Hawks answered quietly.
You barked out a laugh at his answer, and watched a cheeky grin appear on the villain's face.
"What? Can a guy not jack off on the roof?" he barked.
"You're fucking horrible," you chuckled, slapping at his bare chest.
"I didn't splooge over the edge," he added on.
"You're ruining the mood," you scolded him.
Still, despite those words, and the obviously fact that he had in fact not ruined anything, you reached between your legs and grabbed at the hem of your shorts. They were wide enough that you could just pull them to the side-
Hawks choked on his next breath. You glanced up at his face. His head was angled down so he could steal a look at your sex so effortlessly becoming bare.
"Fuck," he wheezed, as if he hadn't seen you naked dozens of times by now.
Bare of underwear, fabric loose enough to just shift aside, you angled your hips until his cock caught on your folds. Hawks moaned when your wet slit trailed across his length, literally dripping over him.
"-ooohh, you're wet," he hissed softly, sincerely surprised at the discovery.
"You fucked me just a few hours ago, you animal," you retorted smoothly. Your level tone contrasted sharply with the sudden whimper that escaped you when his tip hooked on your entrance.
"Heh. Made you scre-"
Ah, you loved when Hawks gave you perfect opportunities to cut him off. You shifted your hips and sank down, enveloping his length in moist heat, and Hawks' words dissolved into a weak moan. There was no ache, as you were still prepped from earlier, likely still leaking some of him, as well.
Hawks wasted no time laying a hand against your lower abdomen. His thumb dipped between your folds and flicked skillfully at your pearl. The harsh texture of his calloused fingerprint had you whimpering and twitching. His other hand gripped your waist and guided you slowly up and down his length.
"Look down," Hawks instructed, not demanding, not crude, but soft and guiding. His eyes displayed a sort of devotion and hunger that had you helpless to do much other than obey.
Your eyes directed to the ground below, over sweeping floors, dozens of windows and a couple fire escapes. This high up, the ground looked so far away, cars like pill bugs you'd see waddling along the concrete at the community garden. Something electric shot through you, catching your breath in your throat, and Hawks let out a hoarse curse, hips shuddering.
"Fuck, you got tight," he hissed.
His hand let go of your sex and lifted up to cup your face. He turned you to face him, nudging your cheek lovingly with his knuckles. Immediately, you realized, it was his burnt hand.
You turned your head to kiss at his skin, tinged red from thick scar tissue and wrinkly. Slyly, he dipped his thumb into your mouth, the same that had been dipped beneath your folds.
"Don't be scared. I got you, baby," he cooed while you sucked the digit clean.
You smiled and laughed softly, popping his thumb out of your mouth with a lewd, wet noise. "Normal people are scared of heights, pretty bird."
"You're special," he protested, dragging his thumb across your bottom lip.
That praise had your heart fluttering, and you mentally scolded yourself for acting like a school girl.
He pressed down and dipped his thumb back inside, coaxing your tongue out until it lulled over your bottom lip. Normally, you swatted his hand away when he did things like that. But, it was difficult to resist when he was looking at you like that. One gold and one milky eye took you in with a heated gaze while he gently panted through slightly parted lips.
"That's a good girl," he praised, dragging the pad of his thumb over your tongue.
You likely looked ridiculous like this, impaled on his lap with your tongue hanging out. You almost wanted to smack him and tell him to quit; but, Hawks' hand retreated before you could tell him off.
That same thumb returned to your pearl, pressing down with just the right amount of pressure. He lifted his lips a little, encouraging, the corners of his lips threatening to break into a pleased grin. You gently moved along with him, finding harmony in a steady rhythm that had pleasure sparking at your guts.
Your eyes wandered, taking in his aroused expression, exploring the plains of his muscular chest, across the burnt skin on one half of his body, to the red feathered wings that jutted out from behind him. You didn't look over the edge again; but, the sounds of the city were ever present, reminding you of where you were.
"Someone could see," Hawks suggested darkly.
You shuddered, head lulling back, and let out a weak moan. You didn't consider yourself much of a voyeurist; but, that was oddly exciting. You were covered up well enough. They wouldn't see much of you, but the act couldn't be mistaken for anything but what it was.
Hawks shifted his hand away from your pearl and grabbed at your hip, long fingers curling around the thickest part for purchase. You didn't have a chance to consider the lack of stimulation before one of his feathers replaced his thumb, twirling and flicking insistently at your nub.
You moaned again, and let yourself go partially limp, somewhat held up by your hands braced against his chest, but more so by his stronger hands holding your center. You couldn't keep up with him, letting his hands guide you up and down to his length to his liking.
"-know how good it feels," he continued, some strain in his voice as pleasure spewed in his core.
He lost balance a little and the wing drooped over the edge flapped once. It wasn't particularly strong; but, it was enough to startle a jolt and soft yelp out of you.
Your hands slipped, and you were suddenly chest to chest. Hawks bent one leg to lift you higher on his lap, shifting the angle enough to bring him deeper and amplify the pleasure. His cheek slid against your neck and his lips met your jawline.
"You want them to know what a slut you are?" he snarled, less of a question and more of a suggestion.
The sensible side of you wanted to deny it. What good could possibly come of that? The feral side of you, that Hawks so expertly brought out, disagreed. You weren't ashamed of him. You were the happiest you had been in years. He made you laugh, he made you smile, and he made you come harder than you ever thought possible.
He kissed and bit a burning hot path across your jaw, drawing some loose skin between his molars beneath your ear, before wandering across your throat. He mouthed at your pulse, and the reality that he was a wanted murderer rang loudly in your ears.
You didn't recoil of fear or disgust. You moaned, loudly, arching your back and exposing one of yourself to him. He had to resist the urge to lift your shirt and bite at your breasts. If not for your modesty, than because your poor nipples had already been quite thoroughly assaulted not too many hours ago.
His dominant hand slid up your thigh, long, thick fingers effortlessly venturing up the leg of your shorts. He curled his hand around the back and dragged the pad of his finger along your union, gathering slick and remnants of his earlier venture.
Your cloudy thoughts didn't consider what he was doing, until that finger, now wet and slippery, was suddenly circling your other hole. That had you letting out a confused gasp. He didn't press in, just traced the tight ring of muscle curiously, and took your noise positively.
Hawks knew well enough, but the mischievous glimmer in his eyes gave it away.
"Aww. Did Touya never touch you here?" he teased.
He pressed in slightly, being answered by your muscles flinching tightly, if your lewd expression didn't tell him enough. You looked confused, maybe even a little annoyed, but the arousal was still present, thick behind the glare you tried to give him.
As inviting as the heat was, he didn't venture beyond the pad of his finger, which felt like a lot more than it actually was. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel good, either. You didn't know what to make of it, but found yourself arching into the touch, and downright mewling when he slipped out and returned to circling the ring of puckered muscle, which surprisingly did feel good.
"O-obviously, that's not-" you hissed at him.
Still, through all his teasing and adventuring touches, his hips never ceased, forcing his cock into your sopping wet cunt again and again. The wet, fleshy sounds was loud enough to drown out the bustling city beneath you.
"No more than this," Hawks promised in a hoarse whisper, hot breath fanning out over your throat.
His fingertip eased back in, met with blistering tight heat, and you let out a strange noise, confused and perhaps a little discomforted. No, that was definitely not a place you were used to being touched. But, he wandered that territory carefully, ever akin to your desires. As new as it was, there was no denying the way that touch made your skin prickle.
"You like it," he observed slyly. "Dirty girl."
It probably would have sounded more teasing if he didn't already sound so debauched, thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to touch you as much as you enjoyed being touched. He had you wrapped around his finger. That much was certain. But, you weren't oblivious to the power you held over him.
"Keigo," his name slipped past your lips, breathless and dripping with lust. It wasn't really forced; but, you were intent on getting a rise out of him. "Keigo," and again. "Oh, Keigo," and again.
His teasing finger stopped and his hand shifted to grab at your meaty behind with an almost bruising grip. His pace was suddenly punishing, bouncing you in his lap almost ferociously while his hips pivoted to chase the sensation. He had you wheezing out breathless moans while he grunted and snarled beneath you.
"Close," he suddenly grunted, the word little more than a rumble in his throat.
"Yes," you agreed, deliriously high on the pleasure he pummeled into you.
It was impossible to know how he managed to hold off long enough to get you there first, or if it was specifically the tightening of your walls that got him there. You were mewling and twitching long before he howled out, and the heat of his seed burst inside you.
He was making a mess. You could feel it dripping down your thighs, sputtering out from his thrusting and leaking over his abdomen. Hawks didn't care, obviously, turning his head to kiss greedily at your mouth while his hips kept moving.
When he pulled back, you found yourself disappointed at the realization that he hadn't knotted. However, there was no way you were going to say that out loud. His ego was swollen enough already.
Careless to the mess, he lifted you off his length and helped you to your feet before adjusting his wet pants to at least clothe himself. Your combined fluids had made a mess all over the crotch of his pants, no doubt worse now that he tucked himself away. Your shorts were no better, and you could feel his seed leaking down your inner thigh.
The high wasn't quite over and Hawks was sporting an attractive red tint along his shoulders and chest, blonde locks an absolute mess. Still, at this moment, your focus was solely on getting back inside and cleaning up.
"You're the worst," you scolded him, sounding incredibly fond despite your insult. You took his arm instead of his hand and guided him back into the building.
Hawks swallowed a laugh and, together, you stomped noisily down the stairs. No one passed you by. If anyone spotted you, it went unnoticed. You hardly needed to drag Hawks, who was right on your tail. As soon as the door was opened, he pushed you inside, one arm wound possessively over your waist.
"Keigo!" you whined, flinching when his head ducked into your neck and gnawed at your skin.
"You got me riled up," he growled, pressing into you so you could feel how hard he still was. The sticky mess of his wet pants felt gross; but, you couldn't be bothered to care.
You wanted to tell him off; after all, you had done nothing, and he had done that to himself. But, you felt a tinge of discomfort at your core, aching and eager to be filled again. Your clit throbbed between your thighs, eager for more contact.
Hawks manhandled you onto the nearby wall, taking you by the elbows to plant your hands on the smooth surface. You didn't hesitate to make your consent known, arching your back and propping up on your toes as he roughly dragged your shorts down.
The fabric pooled at your feet, leaving your oozing sex presented to him. Your felt and heard his wings flap, so widely that they smacked against the walls in the small space. Knowing full well what he was doing, the sudden intrusion wasn't quite as surprising; but, still, he managed to force a startled moan out of you.
"Fuck," he snarled, forehead falling against your upper back.
His dominant hand reached around, circling your pearl as he found a steady rhythm. His seed from earlier oozed out, and it was equally disgusting as it was amazing. His free hand gripped your hips, holding you still so he could use you to his liking.
It felt amazing, and each shift of his hips punched a broken moan out of you. It didn't take long for you to feel it, the swell at the base of his cock, catching on your entrance, slowly working you open to take his growing knot.
"You want that, don't you?" he uttered harshly, tilting his head up to breathe the words into the space right above your ear.
Even though it was unnecessary, he made his point clear by shoving it all in, as deep as he could, and grinding, rolling his hips to let you feel the swell at the base.
You removed one hand from the wall, curved your arm back and reached blindly, skillfully finding his hair. Your fingers grabbed a fistful, rough but not enough to hurt him. Hawks snarled when you tugged him in, nails gently biting into his skull.
"You better," you whispered, demanding and hoarse, and apparently delicious enough that he had to stop his thrusts and tilt his head in for a kiss.
Suddenly, the closeness was everywhere, back to chest, thigh to thigh. You tilted your head back to make it easier to reach, and let Hawks kiss his way into your mouth possessively, first with soft lips before his tongue edged the soft skin apart. He dragged along your teeth before trailing your palate like he was tasting something divine.
Eventually, he was satisfied, parting from your lips with a loud pop, licking his own lips as if he had just enjoyed a delicious meal. He carefully peeled back, cock slipping free from your heat, hands letting go when he was confident you wouldn't fall.
An open palm collided with your behind, and the sound echoed around the apartment, drowning out your surprised squick.
"Get on the fucking bed," he all but snarled, the words clawing out through gritted teeth.
Your legs, steadier than you expected, carried you to the bedroom. Hawks, however, tackled you onto the mattress before you could make it, forcing you onto your back with his weight.
He chuckled into your skin and you squealed with laughter. Despite the impact, he was surprisingly gentle, mindful of his strength. Crimson wings flapped, nearly smacking into the ceiling. You briefly feared that he would get hurt on the ceiling fan, but immediately determined that he would be more likely to break it than be injured by it.
He peeled your shirt off, leaving you nude beneath him.
"I've made you such a slut for knots, hm?" he observed, leaning up on his knees to hover over you, and give you quite the view.
His cock was an angry shade of red, thick and heavy where it hung between his legs, almost tinted purple on the tip with the need for release. He had just a moment ago, and it made you wonder if the lack of knotting left him unsatisfied.
The beginning swells of his knot was an enticing girth right at the base, stretching the velvety skin of his shaft, and also tinted a dark shade of red. He was glistening all over, the tip oozing pre as if he hadn't come just a moment ago.
"-and I've made you a slut for me," you teased back, carefully placing your legs on either side of his waist.
He skillfully slipped into you with a pleased snarl, body slotting over yours carefully. He might not have been a giant, but Hawks was still bigger than you, enough to shadow you and leave you feeling small. He rolled his hips slowly, giving you a taste of that swelling before he began a steady rhythm.
Noises punched out of you, whimpers and moans and broken sounds that were almost his name. He balanced on his forearms, one on either side of your head to cage you in, while his legs planted on the bed and his tense abs did most of the work.
"So fucking good. Gnhnn - I don't deserve you," he babbled, uttering the words harshly into the space above your ear, tickling at your hair. "Beautiful and f-fucking perfect."
Hawks was a talker with almost no exception; but, still, despite having heard it all many times, he still managed to get a rise out of you, sweet nothings that made your heart flutter and skin prickle.
"Say you're mine," he demanded, tilting his head down to gnaw gently at your throat.
You swallowed, managing to catch your breath long enough to utter weakly, "'m yours, Keigo."
He lifted his head and dragged his forehead along your temple, huffing out dramatic breaths with each thrust of his hips. A bit more experienced now, you knew when he was close, when the catch became almost too much, the fullness dizzying and almost frightening. Your eyes fluttered open long enough to see his lustful stare, admiring the beauty of pleasure etched across your face.
You dragged your nails down his back, crying in ecstasy when the sparks ignited and pleasure soared through your core. Hawks' dominant hand roughly grabbed a fistful of the sheets, a frustrated grunt bursting from his throat before he roared, likely loud enough for the neighbors to hear.
His thrusting ceased, less he timed it incorrectly and missed this. You made a very distinct noise at the intrusion, the same sound every single time, and it echoed so loudly in his mind. He felt overwhelmed with pride, that he could make you make a sound like that, so utterly debauched and in beautiful ecstasy.
Hawks' own moans, that came out of him like a chuffing tiger, were drowned out by your delicious whimpering. If the fullness wasn't enough, his cock jerked and spurted thick, hot streams of his seed. You could feel each twitch, until he shifted forward, as deep as he possibly could go, and finally stopped.
The muscles of his knot tightened as they finished expanding, locking your cores together. Hawks' head dropped and smacked onto the sheets by your ear. You tilted your head back, nose pointed towards the ceiling as you panted, and felt his rough, staggered breath as it burned your throat.
You felt more than heard the rumbling of his chest where it pressed down on yours. It was unmistakable: the sounds of a satiated beast. The thought had you stuttering out a breathless laugh.
Hawks' nose nudged your cheek and he hummed questioningly.
"You're purring," you answered softly.
"Oh," he answered bluntly.
Luckily, he didn't try to stop it; or, he was consciously unaware of it. Either way, you hoped he wouldn't stop. You loved the sensation of being trapped with him, impossibly close and stuffed like a used sex toy. Just as much, you loved knowing that he was pleased. Shameful as it all was, he had a way of making you feel shameless.
"Baby," he cooed, voice soft and breathless, a little hoarse, like a dying engine. "Are you okay?"
Your arms and legs were still around him, clinging tight like you didn't want to let go. You were strung out and limp, sinking into the sheets, head lulled back and clearly, very pleased. Still, Hawks kissed at your jaw like he was uncertain.
"Are you okay, pretty bird?" you repeated back to him, turning your head to meet his lips with your own.
He kissed you back as opposed to answering, the soft rumbling continuing until you felt it in your own throat. One of his hands tangled in your hair, kneading gently at your skull. Eventually, he peeled back and stared down at you, mismatched eyes unwavering, like you were a specter that would disappear if he glanced away.
He was the one who would be gone in the morning, leaving only an ache in your tummy to remind you that he was here.
But, you knew he would come back.
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vidalinav · 3 years
Life’s a Beach (1)
I underestimated how long this fic was, so I smashed them together. I will continue just posting snippets and writing it like that (and then smashing them together), but since most of you will already have read it, I will include a bonus scene at the end. My thank you for putting up with my unconventional writing process. 
Summary: Tarquin comes to town and Cassian is jealous. 
Cassian doesn’t like when Tarquin visits.  
Never mind the ban from the Summer Court or that at one point, blood rubies pilfer their court. Never mind that Summer crowns him holier than the seas and the sun. Cassian doesn’t like the ease in which he walks. He may not have his usual royal garb, but he glides along the Sidra. The mighty king out for a stroll.  
Nesta looks like his queen.  
His mate is bright and beaming, huffing laughs and smiling wide as she praises his ideas. Cassian has ideas, too.  
But Nesta isn’t interested in his ideas as he follows them around. Nesta just continues smiling. Her skin glows with the sun, the apples of her cheeks turning a pretty shade of apricot as Tarquin notes the dying rays. Are you a poet Tarquin? Cassian wants to ask, but knowing the High Lord, he just might be and Nesta fucking loves poetry.  
Her cheeks remain pink and Cassian resists grabbing her hand and dragging her back to the house. You’ll die of heatstroke; he might say if she protests. But no.  
He won’t.  
He promises to be on his best behavior.  
Even so, Cassian can’t help eyeing buildings as they pass. Just break one, he urges. One and we can ban you from the Night Court. But that might mean, Nesta spending some time in Summer, with her good friend Tarquin, who makes Nesta beam like that, make her cheeks red like that.  
All Cassian sees is red.
All Nesta looks at is Tarquin.  
“You know, I never thought someone as young as you would be so conniving.”
Conniving? Cassian isn’t paying attention, but at the word, he’s ready to deem it insulting enough to fight Tarquin if Nesta so much as gives him a look. But Nesta only listens as Tarquin speaks. Cassian can’t even read her expression. It’s blank as she stares.  
“I admire that quality,” The little high lord says.  
Admire someone else, buddy.  
Nesta only snorts, the words making her laugh.  
The light plays with her eyes as she smirks. They look bluer today. Less silver. Cassian has to think that it has something to do with Tarquin. Tarquin who brings out the blue in Nesta’s eyes, who brings pink to her cheeks. Never mind that it probably has more to do with how bright it is today.  
“You’re too smart,” he remarks, and Cassian wants to roll his eyes. Nesta is too smart, too smart to be hanging around with some pompous flatterer. “No wonder you’re good at this game.”  
“What game?” She asks, lightly, but even Cassian can hear the caution. Her voice slowing as if coaxing an answer from his lips.  
“The game we all play. These situations that have us playing with life whether we want to or not.” Nesta lilts her head curiously, waiting for further explanation and Cassian waits too, because he’s not sure he understands. Tarquin looks like he’d rather not speak of it, but he continues even so.  
“Fae are good at games–invented them really. Court politics, morality, marriage, and bargains. I have to believe you’re good at them. Not just because I’ve seen you, but because I know what Eris offered as soon as he had you in his arms… It’s always the smart ones who win these games–the most clever.”  
Nesta rolls her eyes as if his words offer no great importance, “It’s never the smart ones who win.” She counters. “Not the ones who are strongest or the most magically gifted or the one who smiles the sweetest while she glides across the floor. There is no game that you can win by being the most beautiful person in the room… No game I’d want to play anyways.”  
“Then who does win?” He urges. Tarquin almost sounds desperate for the answer, and Cassian has to wonder if Nesta has woven a spell around him too just as much as Eris.  
“Whoever’s luckiest,” Nesta shrugs simply, “So there’s no point in trying so hard… We all end up in the exact place we were always supposed to be in.”    
She doesn’t sound happy about that either, and something about the tone makes Cassian want to hold her close. Make her remember that it’s a joy to be here. To be together, even if it is with another male who skin beams with the summer sun.
I’m lucky to have you. 
He hopes she knows.  
“Then you’re lucky,” Tarquin notes, “And blessed. You’re blessed and lucky. Smart and clever.” He laughs as if brushing the seriousness off, “Is that why you’re so good at cards? Azriel was moping last night. I thought that had something to do with you.”  
Nesta lifts a casual shoulder, a soft smile playing on her lips. Cassian thinks even that is a play–some move she knows will help her counter his attack. “Azriel loses because he wants to win and it’s easy to win against someone who’s already shown their cards.”  
“Motivations are everything.”  
“Yes,” Nesta nods frankly, “so why are you here?”  
Cassian wants to know, too.  
Actually, Cassian wants to push him into the Sidra and see if pretty fishman can float, but he’ll take Nesta’s verbal spar in any case. If he runs back to the House with his tail between his legs, Cassian will consider it a win for the both of them. His lovely strategist.
But Tarquin doesn’t run. Cassian doesn’t think Tarquin will ever run from Nesta and that simple fact makes him furious. That there is another male in this world who will see Nesta and not balk, who will know Nesta and not grimace.  
Cassian is not the only male who stays. Not for the power or the beauty or the poise, but because underneath all of that is a female who can conquer as much as she can tame. Whose voice sounds like the sea, whose eyes are crystal clear waters, whose mind rages against the tide.  
Tarquin breathes in ocean air.  
Every morning, he fishes on the coast. Every evening, he sleeps to the humming sea. Who would know Nesta better than someone who dreams of waves?  
So, it doesn’t come as any surprise when Tarquin looks to him, as she asks her question. Why are you here?  
“Because I want to know you.”  
A fool’s choice.  
“I’m not foolish enough to claim you,” He adds, “and I’m not foolish enough to think you’ll ever be claimed, even if you have a mate. No offense, Cassian.”
Offense taken.  
“I’m not even foolish enough to think I can even begin to know who you are or what you’ve been through… But when you looked at me that day in the Summer Court, and asked me to help your family, offered me anything that you could give me alone.”  
What? Cassian looks to Nesta, but she promptly ignores him, staring at Pompous Prince Tarquin.  
“I’d never seen anyone want so badly. I wanted to know what that felt like. Know what stirred so deeply in your heart that you looked at me like you’d give me the entire world for just one yes.”  
Tarquin raises a shoulder and Cassian tries not to swallow so loudly. He thinks he might have to shove a fist down his throat to stop his screaming, “You’re a question I keep mulling over and I’ve yet to figure out what the answer is. I don’t even know if I could know the answer if it stared me in the eyes, but I would like to learn. To feel half of what you feel, to learn how to love so truly.”
Cassian replays her answer as he sleeps. He goes over it and over it and over it again. At some point, he wakes her up in the middle of the night, shaking her shoulder.  
“Nesta,” he whispers, “Nesta? What did you mean?”
His mate only groans, her brows furrowing, as she burrows further into blankets. Cassian knows he’s playing in dangerous territory, but he can’t stop thinking about. It’s driving him insane.  
“Nesta, what did you mean?”  
He says it once louder, shaking her again. Nesta only juts out her elbow, hitting him in the rib. Cassian holds in the heavy moan as he clutches his chest, and Nesta settles in her sleep.  
Still, Cassian can’t give up now. “When you told Tarquin you’d think about it, what did you mean? Nesta?”  
Cassian grasps her shoulder, shaking her lightly, “Nesta!”  
“What?” Nesta yells, leaning up so fast, she almost hits her head on his chin. “What do you keep yelling about? I’m trying to sleep!”  
Even furious and half-asleep, she looks beautiful. The strap of her nightgown slips down one shoulder, and he trails the movement as if his own fingers push it down. Nesta crosses her arms, and he swallows down the want. Not an appropriate time, Cassian.  
She raises a brow, “Well?”  
“I wanted to talk,” he says simply.  
Nesta looks to the clock on the wall, glaring at him exasperated. “At two in the morning?”  
“Good a time as any.”  
She looks mad that much is true, and Cassian wishes to appease.  
His mate is tired, so he’ll fluff her pillows, rub her shoulders while she relaxes enough to tell him exactly what she means when she tells Tarquin she’ll think about it. As if his I want to get to know you is an offer she can’t refuse.  
But as he fluffs her pillows, Cassian can only think of Tarquin.  
He would have waited to speak to her, prioritizing Nesta’s health over his wants. Just this morning… or yesterday morning, the High Lord of Summer makes sure to ask Nesta if she’s eaten as she reads her book on the couch–a fact he finds rude to say the least–and when she says no, he offers to make breakfast for her. Oh, so generous of him. Never mind that they have a House who cooks their meals.  
Cassian scoffs as he thinks about it. What High Lord plays chef? And who is he to ask if Nesta’s eaten as if his mate isn’t being taken care of?  
He yanks at the pillow, beats at it, punches it. He can’t help but imagine Tarquin’s face. He can see feathers jutting from the cushion, and still he hits. The cloth lays in the cinders on the bed before he stops.  
Nesta sighs at the mess, grabbing one of the pillows from his side, clasping it to her head.  
“What are you doing?” Cassian asks.  
“Hoping I suffocate enough to pass out.”
Her voice is muffled, and he grasps at the pillow. Her hair is a ruffled mess. It splays out on the pillow in waves. Cassian can’t help but breathe at the sight of her and the sound is a sigh of relief.  
She’s his… Or as much as Nesta can be his.  
She chose him.  
Nesta with her matted hair, the side of her cheek pink from where she pushes up against the pillow, her silver nightgown making her skin glow in the light of the moon, chooses him.  
Shouldn’t that be enough?  
Cassian rubs at his face, feeling all too shameful. “I’m sorry. I just–” He takes in their bed, feathers littering the duvet. Suddenly, he feels like a little kid. What was he doing beating a pillow like that? Waking Nesta in the middle of the night? 
“You’re jealous,” Nesta says.  
Her voice echoes in the room, and Cassian frowns at the words. Of course, he’s jealous. That much is obvious. He’s always jealous.  
Nesta is beautiful and powerful and smiles like she grants the sun its light, and males flock to her like moths. Not just any males either but stupid princes and arrogant High Lords and stupid, arrogant Tarquin!
Nesta only grabs at the pillow in his hands, setting it under her head as she closes her eyes. He waits for her to speak, but he can only hear the ticking of the clock, on and on as time passes.  
Nesta doesn’t say a thing.  
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say. You’re jealous and you go back to sleep.”  
The pretty pink of her lips purse, but she doesn’t even open her eyes as she says, “If you were looking for comfort, you shouldn’t have woken me up at two in the morning.”  
Well… damn.  
Cassian settles back at his side, crossing his arms as he stares at the ceiling. He’s one less pillow down, but that doesn’t bother him much. It’s the thoughts that don’t quiet even for a second. Stupid mating bond.  
That thought though has him looking to Nesta. No, he loves that mating bond. He loves her. And even if Tarquin wants to impede himself like a wall between them, Cassian will still love Nesta Archeron.  
He closes his eyes repeating those words as if they’re a lullaby that will let him drift off to sleep. I love Nesta Archeron. I love Nesta Archeron. I love Nesta Archeron.  
The words don’t comfort him even a little.  
But Nesta sets her head on his chest. She tucks herself in to the crook of his arm and Cassian squeezes gently–he tries not to hold on too tight.  
She must sense his surprise. Whether that be from the bond or because Nesta knows him like that back of her hand, he doesn’t know. But she blinks one eye open, looking at him with bright grey and all his fears are assuaged.
“You should hold me since you woke me up.”
Cassian can only blink, nodding his head as she wraps his arms around her, and he settles in. He can hear her heart beating and he can hear her soft breathing and Cassian can go to sleep to this. He can.  
Cassian will hold her until she tells him let go. Cassian will not let go.  
Still… he can’t help it.  
“I bet Tarquin can’t hold you like this.”  
Cassian only gets mouth full of feathers.
Tarquin tells Rhys that he’s going to stay for two weeks. During this time, they’ll talk of treaties, draw up some plan of trade, some easy comings and goings of Night Court and Summer Court residences. Cassian tells Rhys that they don’t need a treaty. Throw him out now, he thinks.  
“Is something going on with you?” Rhys asks, leaning back in his chair, ever the High Lord. Cassian is starting to hate High Lords.  
Cassian crosses his arms, grinding his teeth. He’s in the sitting room in the estate. Amren solves a puzzle as if nothing about this meeting is important at all. Mor talks to Feyre by the dining room, gossiping rather than listening to Rhys moan about Tarquin and peace treaties. Nesta, not that she goes to these meetings, is out doing gods know what with Tarquin who wants to view the city.  
Take me to all your favorite places, he says. Cassian rolls his eyes just thinking about the way Nesta’s light up. Bookstores and restaurants and museums. She knows them all. Nesta goes with him, first. Why does Tarquin care? Is he planning on buying a winter house in Velaris?  
Cassian’s blood runs cold at the thought.  
“He’s jealous,” Azriel says, throwing a scroll at Rhys which he easily catches.  
Mor’s head jerks up at the word, even Feyre smirks with interest.  
“No,” Cassian dismisses, but he’s never been a good liar. His voice pitches high and Rhys eyes him with humor, “I… just think that we don’t need Summer Court resources, when we have an abundance of them already.”  
“You’re also banned,” Amren comments helpfully, “I would say that makes you the most biased towards these dealings.”  
“Your boyfriend is from the Summer Court; wouldn’t that make you the most biased?” Mor asks. Amren simply shrugs.  
“I mean have we considered that. That male banned me and now we’re opening our borders?”  
“Our borders have always been open,” Feyre says, not so helpfully. The look she gives him has him sinking in his seat. “Also, you wrecked the central magistrate.” 
“They’ve rebuilt it,” Cassian argues.  
“You mates are all the same,” Amren groans loudly, “She’s not going to fuck Tarquin.”  
“Shut up Amren!”
“That’s the best you can do? I’m sure Tarquin’s more eloquent.”
“Amren,” Feyre says, giving her that motherly reprimanding look. An expression that Cassian supposes comes with the motherhood package.  
It does the trick.
Amren sneers, but she settles back where she sits on the floor, picking at her puzzle. Cassian has the sudden urge to knock the pieces off the table, just for the comment alone.
“Nesta loves you, Cassian,” Feyre says, her voice light and calming. Too bad it doesn’t calm him, and he doesn’t want to talk about this now even if she goads. “What’s there to be jealous of?”  
Cassian already knows this answer. He knows this answer this morning, the other night, the minute summer enters Velaris spring. It’s not that Nesta loves him. Cassian knows Nesta loves him. It’s that he lets his guard down. He forgets the most crucial information of all–
Nesta is easily lovable.  
Sure, she might give a sneer or two at someone who annoys her well enough or beat the living daylights out of someone who threatens those she loves, but Nesta is an easily lovable dork.
She laughs at stupid things and it’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard. She’s a goofball! He swears she knows every book in that library. She absorbs information like a sponge, will rant for hours about everything she learns. Her thoughtfulness knows no bounds. They’ll be off at the market and if she sees something that looks like Gwyn or Emerie or himself or whoever, she has to have it. She has to give it to them. They go to get cinnamon buns and she orders enough for the priestesses. She remembers everyone’s birthday. She learns the name of every patron and their families and their language and their holidays. It’s not hard to love Nesta.  
Who would not love Nesta?  
So yes, he has something to be jealous of.  
“You look stressed,” Mor notes, her eyebrows raising.  
Amren nods, “You look like you’re going to fight someone.”  
“Or puke,” Azriel adds.  
“Just don’t fight Tarquin,” Rhys concludes, “I can’t ban you from the court, but I can certainly make sure you’re away in Illyria while he’s here.”  
“You guys are really supportive, you know that?”
“Well at least we’re not trying to steal you’re girl,” Mor teases.  
Cassian gives her a glare, but she only laughs a bright sound.  
“I’ve never seen you jealous,” she says.
“I’m not jealous.”  
Azriel raises a pointed finger, “what about that one time you threw that rock at that window?”  
“Or when you broke that male’s nose,” Rhys suggests.  
Amren rolls her eyes, setting down a piece of her puzzle, “How about the last time we all went to a bar.”  
Mor, Azriel, and Rhys look to each other, contemplating the words. Cassian watches as they nod their heads slowly.  
“Oh yeah.”
“You’re right.”  
“You were jealous then, too.”  
“I was not jealous,” Cassian insists.  
Thankfully, Feyre–sweet Feyre offers him relief. She raises her hands, and Cassian thinks he’s glad to have such a loyal sister-in-law. “Guys, he was not jealous.”  
Thank you, Feyre.  
“He was territorial.”  
The others voice their agreement before Cassian has a chance to speak–to defend himself from this defamation of character.
Not that he can defend himself.  
He remembers that day all too well…
It’s the first Nesta goes to a bar with them. The first time she goes to a bar in a while, and she’s nervous. But she looks beautiful. So damn beautiful that he thinks he might suggest staying in. She has on a black dress with these tiny straps and a necklace that makes him want to trace her neck with his tongue until she’s mewling and soft and pliant. But she’s nervous, so he only kisses her forehead.  
We don’t have to drink he says. I won’t drink either, he promises.  
Cassian turns out to be a bold-faced liar.  
He’s drunk by the time the first band plays. He keeps gobbling down the drinks. Nesta gets them for free. Martinis, vodka sodas, gin, and whiskey. All manners of shots. Every alcohol keeps floating her way. The males seem to think they only need to find the right one. The one Nesta prefers and they take it as a challenge. He remembers asking if she even needed their money all those months ago, and she only shrugs a shoulder. Haughty and much, much too beautiful.  
Nesta offers to send them back, but Cassian gulps them down one by one before she can even call over the waitress. I can take it, he says.  
Once again, Cassian is made a liar.  
They have to carry him out of that bar. At some point, he remembers flying over the city as Rhys and Azriel chase him through the streets.  
The only way they get him down is by Nesta calling for him. An easy trick, he thinks. If they asked him, they should have tried that first. Of course, he answers his mate when she calls.  
When he meets her, crawling back with his wings drooping to the concrete, Nesta only opens her arms as if she wants him to hug her. Cassian hugs her. He… climbs on top of her, really.  
But she combs her fingers through his hair and Cassian hunches over to lay his head on her shoulder and the next thing he knows… he’s lying in bed, a glass of water and some headache powder on the side table.  
She’d hit that nerve in his neck.  
Cassian wants to scoff just thinking about it.  
“Where is Nesta anyway?”  
The question has Cassian grinding his teeth, he can hear the noise in his ears. With fucking Tarquin.  
“She’s out,” he says instead.  
“Out where?”  
“Out to museums,” He lists thinking of all the places Nesta enjoys. “Or picnics.” All the places that Nesta will smile at. “Or restaurants.” All places Nesta will bubble up with laughter, that she’ll blush with glee, that she’ll gaze at wistfully with that bastard Tarquin. “Or maybe romantic boat rides. The one in that fucking swan.”  
Cassian doesn’t even know he grabs on to the throw pillow, but the next thing he knows the cushion is torn in half and the stuffing falls out like billowing snow.  
The others look at him strangely, but it’s Feyre who takes a cautious step towards him, taking the pillow from his hands.  
“And when will they be done?”  
Cassian rolls his eyes, looking to the clock. “I meet them in a half an hour. We’re getting lunch,” he mocks in a voice that doesn’t sound anything like the High Lord of Summer.  
Feyre hums in answer, her eyes widening innocently. Cassian stares in suspicion.  
He watches as the others look to each other, too. Azriel to Mor. Mor to Rhys. Rhys to Feyre. Feyre to Amren. And then all of them look back to him.  
It’s Mor who bounces brightly, “I want to go!”  
“I’m going, too,” Rhys announces.  
Feyre crosses her arms, “You can’t go. I’m going! Someone has to watch the baby.”  
“Let Nuala and Cerridwen watch the baby! I’m supporting my brother.”  
“I’m supporting my sister!”  
“Oh, for cauldron’s sake,” Amren groans, “just bring the boy!”  
Cassian frowns as they start packing up around him, yelling at each other for their coats and… baby carriers.  
Amren only pauses to laugh at the look on his face.  
“It could be worse, you know,” She says, her voice something she probably thinks sounds soft and comforting, “Tarquin could have already made some move. What do males say these days? Oh right, I want to get to know you or something equally as vomit inducing.”  
Cassian simply picks up the throw pillow to his left and screams.  
The evening of their first outing, Cassian can’t button his shirt. He should've taken that as his first sign that things would inevitably go wrong. 
“Are the buttons winning?” Nesta asks lightly. Cassian huffs a curse, hiking the shirt over his head. It gets stuck around his neck and he groans out a response.
Fine, he thinks. I give up. 
Nesta laughs at his slumping shoulders. 
“It’s the wings,” He says, muffled through the cloth. His wings drift up and down as if huffing themselves, showing her that they too are thoroughly annoyed. “This shirt isn’t made for Illyrians.” 
That’s a lie, but Nesta only hums. 
“Well... as much as I like you topless and I do like you topless.” Cassian can feel her hands trailing up his ribs and he squirms at the ticklish touch. “I don’t think it would be appropriate for public outings.” 
“You mean you’d be jealous,” He breaths. Nesta pulls the shirt down, unbuttoning and buttoning it again. His mate makes it seem far too easy, and she smirks up at him when the shirt is fully on. Her lips painted in red. 
The fresh air is cool in his lungs without the noose of dress ware, and he winds his arms around her, breathing in her scent. “All those females looking. Males too. What would you do if they propositioned me?” He urges, holding her closer, bringing her hips to his. “Cassian, Cassian, take me in your arms.”
He dips her low as if they’ve finished some waltz, and lifts her high until her leg is around his waist. That’s when he notices the slit in her gown, running all the way up her thigh. 
“They’ll chase me through the streets, you know. I’m a very hot commodity.” 
Nesta doesn’t even laugh. In fact, she merely lifts her eyes, her expression blank in that very Nesta way of hers.  
She fingers the collar of his shirt and Cassian can’t help but follow her hands. He thinks of every place those fingers can touch. “You wouldn’t be so difficult to catch. All it’d take is some buttons.” 
Cassian roars with laughter and Nesta smiles at that. A small turn of her lips. 
She turns back to the vanity, though he can’t say she’s not already perfect. He’s about to say so too, but that’s when he notices the dress. 
It’s hugs her every curve... the way Cassian only wishes to hug her. The black brings out the gold in her hair, in her sun-kissed skin. There’s a slit, Cassian knows, and tiny, tiny straps. 
Cassian moves towards her without a second thought. How anyone can think when they look at Nesta Archeron, he doesn’t know. He grasps her arms, dipping his head low. He places a reverent kiss on her shoulder and Nesta looks at him through the mirror, blinking up at him with those big, magnificent eyes. 
They’ve never fucked in front of mirror before.  
Cassian makes a note. 
“You know, we can always skip this... thing. Who would even notice if we're gone?” 
“Considering it’s for us, I’d say plenty.” 
She says the words with enough disdain that Cassian frowns at the tone. She  looks away as he catches her eyes.
“Do you not want to go?” He asks, dropping his hands. 
“I want to get this night over with,” she says, with a certain bite that has him backtracking. He runs over the day and all things she can be mad at him for, but he finds nothing, so he doesn’t understand.  
The night is for them. 
To celebrate her more than anyone. There’s been so many celebrations for her these past months as if they’re making up for lost time. Cassian doesn’t mind. Nesta should be celebrated. And Nesta doesn’t seem to mind, though she’s rather quiet during those outings. 
That’s not unusual. 
He used to think Azriel was the most introverted of them all. But Nesta beats him by miles. 
“I just don’t like that we always have these. Why can’t everyone just leave us alone?” 
Cassian stares at her reddening skin. The way her eyes dart back and forth, trying not to look to him. His frown deepens at the way she hides. 
He thought they were past this. 
Cassian is the first person to admit that he doesn’t know Nesta. Not in the way he wants to and Nesta seldom tells him much. But he at least knows her well enough to know that when she gets upset, it’s rarely what she says it is.
So Cassian takes inventory. 
They’re going to a get-together. They’ve done that before. They’re wearing formal clothes. They’ve done that before. They’re meeting the same people. Yes, that’s correct. The only thing that’s different is... the location? 
“You have a problem with the restaurant,” he guesses. 
Nesta merely lies her chin on her palm. 
“It’s new... they have good food... so I hear. It’s got great music, which you like. It’s got a bar,” Cassian’s gaze whips to her, “Is it the bar?” 
Nesta rolls her eyes, but he can see the way her cheeks flush a bright pink. The color softens something inside of him, makes him want to hug her and hold her and get rid of every bad thought in her head. 
The bar. Of course. He sees the way she cringes at alcohol, the way she shifts in her seat when a dinner turns into an after party. She doesn’t even like most of their holidays for that reason, because they all get drunk and she sits in the corner not knowing what to do. Nesta hates being embarrassed.
She can drink if she wants, he tells her, it’s her choice. They won’t judge her for it, he affirms, but... Cassian can’t guarantee that and Nesta knows that’s a lie. Nesta doesn’t even touch liquor. 
Cassian feels his chest start to sink and he must show it on his face, because she scoffs. 
It’s bad enough she doesn’t want to go to the city most days. She’s told him it’s because she’s scared to face who she was, afraid that she’ll be back there soon enough. Cassian can’t reassure her well enough. We can face it together, he says. We can face it all. But it’s been baby steps and these outings are the only times she pushes her limits. 
Cassian shifts her around, laying his hands on her cheeks, rubbing at the heated skin. “We don’t have to go if you don’t want.” 
“I don’t want to be a coward.” 
Cassian shakes his head, “you’re not going to be one if you go and you’re not going to be one if you stay.” 
Nesta sighs, and Cassian kisses her forehead because he doesn’t know what else to do. He doesn’t know how to instill in Nesta that she’s the strongest, bravest person he knows. How does he convince her of a truth that’s so obvious?  
She isn’t going to change her mind that much he knows, but damn him if he let’s her wallow alone.  
“I won’t drink,” He offers, “We can play cards, dance a little... I promise I’ll try not to step on your toes again.” 
“I want you to enjoy yourself,” She says, her lips pouting in that way that makes him want to kiss her nose and her cheek and every place that he can touch. “To have fun.” 
“You are fun and I enjoy myself plenty with you.” 
Little does Cassian know that the enjoyment of the night is him knocking back barrels of drinks, stripping to his underwear, and running head first through the streets. 
To be continued... 
LOL. This fic is insane. Because not only do you get snippets before you get the final chapter, you get snippets in the final chapters. Snip-ception. 
Tagged:  @my-fan-side, @sophilightwood, @nestaarcher0n, @duskandstarlight, @soitsgorgeous, @ekaterinakostrova @swankii-art-teacher, @lordof-bloodshed, @arinbelle, @thewhelk, @daisy-in-danger, @highqueenevankhell, @lovelynesta, @sirendeepity, @champanheandluxxury, @ladynestaarcheron, @moodymelanist, @teagoddess99, @spoilersteph, @angelicvoice19, @bo0kmaster69, @drielecarla, @generalnesta
I think that’s it. Also know that if you asked to be tagged on snippets, I am going to tag you MANY TIME throughout the day... so be cautious about that. 
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itssleepyrabbit · 4 years
hi! wow i super love your art and i don’t have enough dabihawks in my life 🥺 was wondering if you had any fic recs for them?? 💕💕
aah thank you so much!! 💕💕 💕💕
BOY IF I DO HAVE!! alright buckle up this might get long (most are fluff and SFW~ i’ll put a NSFW warning but be sure to look at tags in all of them!!)
Bed I made (lie in it with me) by  silverwordswrites
“Touya is in desperate need of a plus-one for his brother's wedding and Keigo is infinitely curious about the man who he was sure used to hate him in college.” 
-- the summary says everything and honestly it’s one of the most romatics dabihawks fics i’ve read.
He Doesn't Love Me by  Fatally
“Dabi doesn't love him. He's accepted that thorny truth, swallowed it down and let briars grow in his chest, drinking down his blood like water.Or: The one in which Hawks settles for pining for his entire life and doesn't realize Dabi's been staring at him the entire time, too.” 
-- I love pinning Hawks with a burning passion.
sweetheart, is that you? by  fuckendeavor666
“dabi and hawks say i love you (without actually saying i love you) in five different ways.“ 
-- This is my absolute fave dabihawks fic
Deck the Halls With Boughs of Folly by  DrAphra
“In which the League has acquired a new fancy mansion -with all the heating and food and plush beds they could possibly need - but they still prefer to spend the day out in the wilderness with just each other. Plus Hawks.“ 
-- Honestly all Aphra’s dabihawks fics are more than worth it but this one has a special place on my heart.
fuck, im so young - orphaned
“Todoroki Touya writes poems.
Words upon words of heartfelt confessions, letters of sing song fantasies, syllables of feelings he never got to say out loud.
When Todoroki Touya hits sixteen, he burns himself to death.
When Dabi hits twenty four-
He meets Hawks.” 
-- i don’t know how to explain but this fic it’s pretty
Feathers and Feelings by  Toboe1087
“Hawks keeps leaving feathers on his pillow, and Dabi's about had it.
(like hell he'd let anyone else have them, though)”
-- Dabi preening Hawks feathers is a blessing
(this is not a) swan song by  bittermoons
“"Who's your favorite, then?"
"Hawks." Touya doesn't miss a beat. "Definitely Hawks."
"What? Seriously? How come?"
"He has his flaws, but at the end of the day, he's trying to do good. It's something he always strives for. Dabi, on the other hand...if it weren't for Hawks, he wouldn't be a hero, that's for sure."
[Or: How a secret is revealed, and what comes afterwards.]”
-- Adorable no quirks AU with manga artist Touya and oblivious Keigo! Another author i adore pretty much all dabihawks works.
You can't trap the sky in a bottle by thyandra
“Letting Toga organize the accommodations for their trip might have been a mistake. This particular truth becomes obvious to Keigo as he opens the door of his hotel room for the first time. There, staring back at him mockingly, is a single, king-sized bed. It’s only by virtue of all the years spent perfecting his poker face around his adoptive parents, that he manages to keep his face straight. At his side, Touya clicks his tongue. “They must’ve given us the wrong key.””
--(no quirks AU) I really love they way Dabi and Hawks are written here i can’t express it in words and so so much pinning
A Tale as Old as Time by  EloFromMars, Gotcocomilk
“Dabi and Hawks are hit by the most improbable Quirk: both are yeeted in Fairytales land and have to rely on each other to get out of this.“
-- this was such a fun read omg
A Romance Written All Over Your Body by  minatsukinoamayo
//NSFW mind the tags!//
“Hawks is assigned to infiltrate the League of Villains in order to expose them. Hawks usually never fails a mission, but Keigo usually never falls in love, either.A story of how Hawks falls from grace to become a villain, because hero society has failed them all.
5 times they're not in a relationship and 1 time they are.“
-- you know those fics you say “one more chapter” and it’s 3AM
it caught spark in your eyes by  youareoldfatherwilliam
//Mature - Implied Sexual Content//
“Keigo’s quirk is powerful, but sometimes it comes with unintended side effects.
Or: A 5 + 1 fic of five times the more…instinctively bird-like parts of Keigo’s quirk took over accidentally during his relationship with Dabi, and one time it happened entirely on purpose.“
-- I was screaming about this particular fic on twt the other day pls give it a read if you can it’s so so so good! Any fic that has Hawks with bird traits has a special place on my heart
The Others by  threesipsmore
//Mature - 2 sexual scenes, nothing too explicit but they’re there//
“"Skeptic's starting to think he’s more important than me,” Toga sneers, an acidic edge to her voice. “Making decisions on his own, sending out birdie without even talking to me first.”
She’d simply acquiesced to cooperating with Skeptic, but from day one the complaints had never stopped. In this tiny room layered with sushi and cakes, Dabi was forced to listen to her whining.”
-- You go birb, you get that man
Equivalent Exchange by  inexchangeforyoursoul
“Keigo blinks the blurry oblivion away from his eyes, although some part of it is oddly stubborn and to stay indefinitely. There's three things he's certain of: first, he’s alive. Second, just by looking at the bed and windows he can tell this is no villain hospital or torture room. Third: something feels wrong. Very wrong.
The silence… is deafening.
To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
If so, what of a bird that has lost its wings?”
-- i had so many feelings reading i can’t physically explain them to you also PINK HAIR DABI PINK HAIR DABI
dabi's 5-step guide to being a better parent than endeavor by  twinkfrankenstein (orphan_account)
“A little voice inside his head whispered spitefully about how this was no place for a child, and how he was making a mistake and would only traumatize the kid, yada yada. He responded with an equally spiteful-
“Fuck off, its not like I planned to do arson today.”
(or: how Dabi becomes a good dad just to spite his own, realizes he kinda sorta maybe likes Hawks for realsies, begrudgingly admits the League cares and finally comes to terms with his protective side. Not in that order.)“
-- this legit made me laught out loud idk what else tell you
The Todoroki In-Laws by  aphrodaisyacs
“Over 10 years after the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front, Rumi, aka the part-time hero Miruko and the proud wife of one Todoroki Fuyumi, decides it would be an awesome idea to create a groupchat with the significant others of the other Todoroki siblings.
Maybe things would be easier if its members weren’t two Pro Heroes, a former one and a rehabilitated villain, but…Honestly, where’s the fun in that?”
-- this is not dabihawks focused but it’s so funny pls
With Being Petty Comes Consequences by  CursedUndead
“"When we were saying fuck pro heroes, I didn't think you literally meant FUCK them," Tomura grumbles, kicking over an empty beer can.
"Pretty judgmental for someone fucking a pro twice their age," Touya says.
Tomura squints, and says, "Ten years is not twice my age."
Or, after spending Enji's money, Touya is forced to babysit for the number 2 hero to pay him back. Touya makes it his life's mission to fuck his new boss.”
-- this only has 4 chapters but i know it’s going to be one of my faves
The Truth series by  AmethystUnarmed
-- Hawks gets hit with a truth quirk and starts to be actually free by the power of love, friendship and a bit of crime <3
The last entry is on-going
and if we sit and count it up it's really not a lot by  sincerelysamedt
“Hawks finds a bento box in his messenger bag and almost cries.
"Is that a loving wife bento?"“
-- please PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD READ THIS ONE /sobbing noises/
steal your heart by  darlingest
“When infamous thief Hawks announces that he is going to steal the heart of Endeavor's son, everyone expects him to prey on Shoto Todoroki - nobody suspects Touya to be the actual target.“
-- Villain Hawks and civilian Dabi are my guilty pleasure and this one it’s so soft too i’m- djsahfdjkfhadf
darling, thank god it’s this universe we’re in (and you can annoy me as much as you please) by  juurensha
“ Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and moves all four of her children into a small apartment next to a boy with wings as red as the hair of her eldest son. “
-- This was one of the first dabihawks fics i ever read and, to this day, i come back to it when i feel i need the extra burst in happy feelings and check their other works too! Honestly all are such a good fucking read
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