#like it's colored in as if it's just a regular northern nation
endiness · 5 months
this is such a copium crack theory lol, but like. what if the show uses toussaint in place of kovir. like, they both do kind of have similar qualities in that they're rich nations and that they're neutral when it comes to the war. so, like. what if instead of dijkstra going to kovir for help, it's radovid that goes to toussaint. y'know, at the same time jaskier is there. and then radskier. 🤪
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shanastoryteller · 3 years
happy holidays!!!! ❄️☃️🕯
can i ask for more yue/zuko? or anything atla :)
When Yue is fifteen, a Fire Nation prince comes looking for the avatar.
The ship waves a white flag and her father is terrified but he does not attack first. He remembers what happens to those who attack the Fire Nation first. What they receive, they give back tenfold.
They’re expecting a delegation, a procession, or even just a fireball to their face. Instead they get a boy her age with a golden flame in his hair. He walks ahead of everyone, and they defer to him. He sweeps his gaze over their warriors and she can read his derision in tightening of his face before he smooths it back out again. She wants to say he’s underestimating them, but there are a dozen firebenders at his back and maybe he’s not.
He says he just wants to talk to a few people and look at some records. He will not raise a hand against anyone who does not first raise their hand against him, and his people will do the same.
Her father doesn’t want to agree, is certain it’s a trick or a trap. But the Fire Nation is here and could melt away the very ground beneath their feet, so he agrees.
Yue is warned to stay away. Her father increases her guard around her. She’s supposed to stay in her room not being noticed until the Fire Nation leaves.
She sneaks out and finds the Fire Nation prince in the library, pouring over a scroll so old that only regular oiling keeps it from cracking. The scar across his face looks painful, especially with the way his eyes are narrowed. Her fingers twitch with the urge to smooth the scowl from his features, but of course that’s a ridiculous thought. She waits, but he does nothing but read, and she’s about to retreat back to her room when he says, “Are you just going to stand there watching me?”
Yue startles, thinks about running, but what is she running from really? A boy reading a scroll. She steps out from behind the shelves, edging closer. “Hello. I am Princess Yue.”
He looks up and his lips twitch up at the corners, the first almost-nice expression she’s seen from him. “I remember you from when I arrived. That explains why I haven’t seen you since. I am Crown Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, son of Fire Lord Ozai and Fire Lady Ursa.” She doesn’t know what her face looks like, but it elicits a full face grin. “But you can just call me Zuko.”
“Then you may call me Yue, Zuko,” she returns.
She’s on a first name basis with a Fire Nation prince. That’s not something she ever thought she’d say.
She sits next to him, looking at the scroll he’s been working on, and she frowns. It’s written in High Northern. “You can read that?”
“Better than I speak it,” he says dryly. For some reason the knowledge he can speak her family’s language is more startling than knowing he can read it. “I don’t suppose you want to help?”
What else has she to do? Her father won’t let her go to council meetings. He just expects her to sit in her room.
“Yes,” she says, pulling it closer, and tries not to feel a flush of warmth at the surprised glance he sends her.
Every day she meets Zuko in the library. At first it’s awkward and nervous and they discuss only the contents of the old scrolls. Then she asks a question, then more when he doesn’t get mad at her, when he doesn’t tell her to sit still and be quiet.
He tells her of his home, of his family, speaking of the Fire Nation and it’s people with a tenderness she’d always been told his kind wasn’t capable of. He talks of the ship he’s been living on for the past three years, his uncle and his crew and all the places he’s traveled. He tells her all about the four Air Nomad temples, something no one has seen in a century.
“You’ve been to every corner of the world,” she says, longing and envy coloring her voice.
“Almost,” he says, and there’s a strange look across his face. Sometimes he looks his age, but often he appears much older, the way his frown tugs at his mouth reminding her of her father. “You’ve never been anywhere but here?”
“I’ve never even left the city,” she says, trying not to sound as resentful as she feels. “Father says it’s too dangerous and I’m not strong enough.”
“Do you want to?” he asks.
She glares and shoves him in the shoulder. He’s so solid that he doesn’t budge an inch, until he seems to notice what she’s trying to do. Then he leans to the side and dramatically pinwheels his arms, as if he’s trying to keep his balance. “Oh, knock it off. Of course I do!”
“You could,” he says, smiling, and very close. “There are some pieces of the world I haven’t checked yet. You could explore them with me.”
“Sounds dangerous,” she says even as her heartbeat quickens in excitement.
He shrugs. “Yeah. But isn’t staying here dangerous too?”
“How?” she asks, distracted, already imagining standing at the head of a ship with Zuko by her side, with the sea spray on her face and the warmth on her skin.
“Being forced to live a life you don’t want without the power to do anything about it seems a lot more dangerous to me,” he says quietly, like he’s not sure he’s allowed to speak the truth in the air between them.
She grabs his wrist and squeezes, having to swallow twice before she can speak. He’s right and it terrifies her whenever she lets herself think about it. “My father would never allow it.”
He shrugs, looking very much his age just then, with the mischievous grin hovering around the corner of his mouth. “Your father hasn’t noticed all the time you spend here with me. How long do you think it would take for him to notice you’re missing? Our ship could be long gone by then.”
It’s such a terrible idea. Such a terrible plan. Her father will be furious.
She leaves a note, saying that she’ll be back, and she’s sorry, and she’ll be careful.
Then she lets Zuko smuggle her onto the ship. He tells her no one is allowed to go into his room without permission and she’ll be safe there.
She spends a full day there. Zuko insists on letting her have the bed and sleeps on the floor between her and the door, just in case.
The next morning she walks out on his arm. The old man who is his uncle, who is the great General Iroh, immediately starts sputtering and shouting. The crew doesn’t seem to know if they’re allowed to laugh or not.
“You can’t go around kidnapping princesses!” General Iroh roars.
“Of course not,” Zuko agrees, “it’s just the one.”
“I agreed,” she adds, and then has those eyes on her. “Don’t make me go back. Not yet.”
He looks between them and then deflates. “It’s Crown Prince Zuko’s ship. His word is final here.”
“What do you want to see first?” Zuko asks, looking down at her with a smile that softens his whole face, that makes him beautiful.
“Surprise me,” she answers, and he laughs, loudly enough that it nearly covers his uncle’s angry muttering.
Judging by General Iroh and the crew’s reaction, Zuko doesn’t laugh often.
She can fix that. 
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Representing China’s diversity
@hewwo-god-its-me asked:
Hi! I’m Chinese-Canadian, creating a secondary fantasy world completely based off of China and coded as such. (Don’t worry, I know China is a huge country with a vast amount of regional and temporal variation throughout dynasties; I have been doing/will be doing more research so as not to conflate these.) I’m not sure my question has an easy answer, but I think my question sort of extends into the creation of any secondary fantasy world heavily based off of real-world countries (hopefully!). Though media has popularized a particular “type” of Chinese person, in reality, China is a lot more diverse than “pale-skinned, black-haired”, and DOES have migrants from other parts of the world, including other people of color who aren’t Chinese. I want to reflect this diversity, since it seems disingenuous, inaccurate, and downright offensive to say that “X people do not exist at all”, especially since my story will take place in a time period analogous to our “modern” today. However, since my world is coded as Chinese, with the various cultures that exist taking inspiration from (and sometimes, almost wholesale being aspects of) real-life Chinese culture, I’m worried that, in this case, in trying to reflect this diversity, it will come across as assimilation/erasing their own cultural identities. Sorry!! I might just be totally overthinking this, but I’ve been thinking myself in circles about this for a long time now, and being Chinese myself, I thought it would be important to ask how other people of color would feel about this, and am totally open to discussion on the topic!
Han Chinese are the majority group in China forming approximately 90% of the population. They are the majority all over China and originate from northern China. 
I recently found out I was Hmong, so I will talk somewhat about minorities in China. There are 55 recognized minority groups in China, and Hmong is one of them. The Hmong have generally darker skin than the Han Chinese majority and mainly reside in southern China. They are also present more so in southeast Asia, but even there, they are still a minority and heavily persecuted because of American interference and the use of them as spies against communism during the Vietnam War in Laos. Many Hmong immigrated to the United States as a result. Because of Chinese imperialism, a lot of minority groups are suppressed. There’s also the Manchu, who founded the Qing Dynasty.
Perhaps you should focus on a couple of cultural groups in China but have it mentioned several times that there are even more groups different than the ones focused on.
–Mod Sci
So I would also like to note that even within Han people, there can be a range of skin tones. I’m Han myself and while I’m currently pale, I’ve been quite tan before when I was out and about in the sun as a kid, and my brother is also much darker than the rest of our immediate family. When my mom was telling me about growing up in Taiwan, I got the impression that tan skin was the default, as one of her friends stood out for being pale among everyone else. From what I remember, pale among Han Chinese is not necessarily the default; there were definitely darker-skinned kids in my Chinese school, and having pale skin was probably more the exception than the norm. 
–Mod Jess
I think it’d be incredibly difficult to cover every single cultural group of China but at the same time, obviously a singular pan-Chinese identity doesn’t exist as you’ve mentioned. During worldbuilding (while it is important to clearly code your groups), make it clear that these aren’t indicative of every group that exists in real life; The representation that you cover within the span of your story isn’t exhaustive and cultures exist outside of the main cast.
I think the biggest thing you should remember when doing this is that the media in the West usually doesn’t try to go beyond a single, homogenized Chinese identity. Even within Chinese diasporic circles, I haven’t seen too many attempts to go beyond just “Chinese”, which isn’t horrible because our cultures are super mixed! However, like I said, there’s a lack of exploration of China’s diversity.
Speaking from a Chinese-Singaporean/Taiwanese/Vietnamese/Indonesian standpoint, representation of Chinese diaspora from other East Asian and Southeast Asian nations isn’t something I see a lot of, either! Ethnic Chinese people live in Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines… and although I don’t like taking space from those who are marginalized by us in these places, we do exist outside of China and our cultures are influenced by other Asians as well.
Sci gave a great list of identities above that I haven’t seen much representation of above. I think that if you’re even taking a small step like this towards showing the diversity of China, you’re doing a lot already! 
–Mod Em
Firstly, I recommend reading about the mummies of Urumqi in Xinjiang, and their importance to Uyghur identity. 
Secondly, I recommend that you study Chinese history in depth, particularly:
The Silk Road
The Yuan dynasty (i.e. Mongols) 
The treasure ship diplomatic trade missions of the Ming dynasty. 
The Silk Road on its own resulted in regular interactions between many ethnic groups bound by trade, including many Central Asian Turkic nomadic and landed populations (of which the Uyghurs are a part). 
The Han are the majority ethnic group now and have arguably always been the supermajority (Depending on who you talk to), but to what degree this has been the case will vary from dynasty to dynasty up until the end of the Qing dynasty with the Manchus in the 20th century. Pay particular attention to when dynasties emerge and fall and which ethnic groups are mentioned when this happens. I think you will be surprised by what you find. Thoroughly studying a country’s history is generally the best way to fully appreciate its diversity. 
- Marika.
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jaanusbooktalk · 2 years
Rise To The Sun by Leah Johnson - Book Review
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9/10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
TWs: parental loss, gun violence, panic attacks, non-consensual image sharing
(TWs are in order of severity, please take them seriously!)
I finished Rise to the Sun 2000 miles in the air somewhere above the southeastern United States. I was, literally, rising to the sun. This book touched my heart in so many ways, and there is a disturbing lack of Pinterest boards about it? (Someone needs to get on that, asap).
I feel so lucky to have read so many amazing books about queer POC this summer, and this one is definitely at the top of that list. It’s been a long time since a book made me laugh out loud at a joke or exclaim “SERIOUSLY?” at a plot twist. A long time since I’ve felt in conversation with the characters instead of just watching them. Olivia and Toni truly warmed my heart (and convinced me to have an appreciation for live music despite having a general fear of crowds). If you’re a music fan, a festival fan, a romantic, or all of the above this is for you!
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“Three days. Two girls. One life-changing music festival.
Olivia is an expert at falling in love . . . and at being dumped. But after the fallout from her last breakup has left her an outcast at school and at home, she’s determined to turn over a new leaf. A crush-free weekend at Farmland Music and Arts Festival with her best friend is just what she needs to get her mind off the senior year that awaits her.
Toni is one week away from starting college, and it’s the last place she wants to be. Unsure about who she wants to become and still reeling in the wake of the loss of her musician-turned-roadie father, she’s heading back to the music festival that changed his life in hopes that following in his footsteps will help her find her own way forward.
When the two arrive at Farmland, the last thing they expect is to realize that they’ll need to join forces in order to get what they’re searching for out of the weekend. As they work together, the festival becomes so much more complicated than they bargained for, and Olivia and Toni will find that they need each other, and music, more than they ever could have imagined.”
TL;DR Two girls have a chance meeting at a music festival in northern Georgia and end up getting way more than either of them bargained for.
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Let’s talk representation:
This section is gonna be short - not for lack of rep but bc it’s pretty simple and I’m sleepy. This is not really an own voices review, so this is just listing the representation I saw and not my take on it.
Olivia and Toni are both queer Black girls (Olivia is going into her senior year of highschool and Toni into her freshman year of college).
Imani & Peter, the respective best friends, are also of color (not gonna elaborate on rep here bc spoilers).
I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community, so I can affirm that from my POV the wlw rep was good - realistic. It didn’t portray the relationship as something perfect or overly dramatic - it was like any other love story in all the best ways: flawed.
There is a character who experiences panic attacks, so 1. Please take those content warnings seriously (listed at the beginning of the book) 2. It’s accurate, painfully so.
And ofc I’m not gonna review a book by an author that isn’t of the communities they’re writing about, so this is an “Own Voices” book🤗
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What I Liked:
Whewww 😮‍💨 I could talk about this book for ages. To start, let’s talk about character development. When I say flawed characters I mean flawed characters and I loved seeing their growth and knowing that it didn’t need to all work out in the end, they would keep working with what they had.
Clear communication, good messages about life & living in the moment, some close to home moments for American readers dealing with the regular gun violence here, the works.
Rise to the Sun was written during quarantine and I think that’s part of why it inspires me so much- it makes me happy to know that during one of the loneliest times in the nation someone was able to write a love story this beautiful, celebrating human connection - the one thing we were missing so desperately.
There’s a special place in my heart for queer love stories involving music, especially duos. Maybe it’s the ex. choir kid talking, but someone singing a song with you is such an intimate and massive thing at the same time, & I think that captures music festivals perfectly.
I also really really can’t wait for the pandemic to be over now so I can go to my first concert! The last music festival I went to was a Reggae festival a couple towns over & though I don’t remember enough, this book awakened some good memories 🎶
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Why I couldn’t give it a 10:
Full disclosure, I was sure this was going to be a ten for over half the book. Olivia’s character was well done, I thought, because yes she was flawed but I was sure she was going to have a moment of realization/redemption. That moment came… but it wasn’t equal to the level of problem if that makes sense? Which has honestly been my problem with some books in the past.
I understand she has low self esteem and has been going thru it, but her automatic response to [redacted for spoilers] was uncomfortable. I had to put down the book and take a break, and convince myself to finish. I’m glad I did, but that was a major almost DNF moment. I think Olivia had some deeper problems beyond just being selfish and those weren’t really addressed? I would recommend therapy 😭
I’m so grateful for Imani’s character for calling stuff out and showing that friendships can be … complicated and definitely far from perfect. She deserved better.
I’m glad Olivia got her HEA but at the same time I wasn’t rooting for her as much by the time we got there. This was just my personal take on it so others may feel differently though, and I understand that!
It took a point off but overall I’m happy I finished the book and I loved how sincerely hopeful it was. Truly Rising To The Sun.
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I sincerely recommend this to:
Fans of Nicola Yoon (The Sun Is Also A Star, Everything Everything) ⭐️
People who are obsessed with Woodstock & music history 📖
Queer musicians 🏳️‍🌈
Folk music enthusiasts 🪕
Rupi Kaur fans (specifically her book Sunflower) 🌻
People who have seen Heartstopper📺
I promise you won’t regret picking up this book! Definitely check out some of the quotes if you get the chance😍
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(I also have a lot of drafts for reviews so there will be more coming soon after I finish my library books 😅)
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One of the most popular misconceptions about black history is that over time, America has gradually become less racist and more tolerant. That is not true. Since y'all want a BHM thread, here's a thread about the evolution of racism in America. First, let's dispel a few wrong beliefs. The first enslaved Africans did not arrive in 1619. They were just the first to arrive in the English colonies. Nearly a century earlier, in 1526, 600 Europeans founded the colony of San Miguel de Gualdape in what's now Georgetown, SC.
They brought enslaved Africans along with them too. But those slaves revolted damn near as soon as they arrived. That's right the first slave rebellion predates the Mayflower. Still, we must dispel another notion that American slavery was like British Slavery. Not quite. America's race-based slavery was different.
First of all, Great Britain never codified slavery into its laws. While it was never illegal, it was never illegal, it was never ensconced onto the Constitution like the "land of the free and the home of the brave." Secondly, the British slave trade wasn't exclusively race-based like America's. The British had enslaved people of every color, including buying slaves from the Barbary pirates, who enslaved people from Europe, the Middle East, Northern Africa and even Asia. When the 20 & Odd Negroes arrived in America, there WERE some indentured servants already here.
But the TWICE-stolen Africans, who came here couldn't read, write or speak the language. So, instead of treating them like indentured servants who were providing free labor, these white Virginians changed the game. The African's didn't get contractual periods of servitude. This new brand of white people were like: "Freedom? Oh, we don't do that over here." Then in 1640, an enslaved African ran away, along with 2 European indentured servants. A Virginia court sentenced them to 30 lashes and extended the white dudes' period of servitude by 1 year.
But the black guy got a different sentence: "...and that the third being a negro named John Punch shall serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural Life here or elsewhere." Remember, there were STILL more indentured white servants than enslaved blacks. In 1642 it got WORSE, not better, when the Virginia legislature declared that the children of enslaved black women would ALSO be enslaved. Then, those SC negroes made it even worse. In 1739, a group of enslaved Kongol soldiers formed their own army and started marching.One of the most popular misconceptions about black history is that over time, America has gradually become less racist and more tolerant. That is not true. Since y'all want a BHM thread, here's a thread about the evolution of racism in America. First, let's dispel a few wrong beliefs. The first enslaved Africans did not arrive in 1619. They were just the first to arrive in the English colonies. Nearly a century earlier, in 1526, 600 Europeans founded the colony of San Miguel de Gualdape in what's now Georgetown, SC.
They brought enslaved Africans along with them too. But those slaves revolted damn near as soon as they arrived. That's right the first slave rebellion predates the Mayflower. Still, we must dispel another notion that American slavery was like British Slavery. Not quite. America's race-based slavery was different.
First of all, Great Britain never codified slavery into its laws. While it was never illegal, it was never illegal, it was never ensconced onto the Constitution like the "land of the free and the home of the brave." Secondly, the British slave trade wasn't exclusively race-based like America's. The British had enslaved people of every color, including buying slaves from the Barbary pirates, who enslaved people from Europe, the Middle East, Northern Africa and even Asia. When the 20 & Odd Negroes arrived in America, there WERE some indentured servants already here.
But the TWICE-stolen Africans, who came here couldn't read, write or speak the language. So, instead of treating them like indentured servants who were providing free labor, these white Virginians changed the game. The African's didn't get contractual periods of servitude. This new brand of white people were like: "Freedom? Oh, we don't do that over here." Then in 1640, an enslaved African ran away, along with 2 European indentured servants. A Virginia court sentenced them to 30 lashes and extended the white dudes' period of servitude by 1 year.
But the black guy got a different sentence: "...and that the third being a negro named John Punch shall serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural Life here or elsewhere." Remember, there were STILL more indentured white servants than enslaved blacks. In 1642 it got WORSE, not better, when the Virginia legislature declared that the children of enslaved black women would ALSO be enslaved. Then, those SC negroes made it even worse. In 1739, a group of enslaved Kongol soldiers formed their own army and started marching.
As they marched, other enslaved Africans joined in. Led by a literate black man named Jemmy, they burned six plantations and killed two dozen white people. The Stono Rebellion scared so many white South Carolinians, they passed the Negro Act of 1740. It forbade slaves from gethering in one place, growing food and learning how to read. States across the South began passing similar laws. While outlawing reading and writing was significant, these laws had another provision.
They required communities to patrol for runaway slaves. SC had already created one of the nation's first slave patrols in 1704. But this time, they made it mandatory. In 1757, Georgia followed suit. In 1792, Ga even prohibited slaves from worshiping GOD. These slave patrol rolls were the bases of the state militias that fought in the Revolution. After America won the Revolutionary war, I'm sure slavery got better, right? As one well-known state senator from the great state of Maryland once said: "Sheeeeeit."
First, the states enshrined slavery into the Constitution. Many people point to the 3/5ths clause and forget about the FIRST restriction that the constitution placed on Congress in Article 1 Section 9: "We're gonna keep this slave trade thing going for at least 20 more years." This might not seem like a long time to you. But when the Constitution was ratified, the average life expectancy in the US was 38 years old. And, if you notice, the Constitution doesn't specifically mention the words "slavery" or "slave."
That's because the founders KNEW it was an evil institution. They KNEW it would eventually end. They just wanted to preserve it FOR THEM. Let's pause for a minute. Whenever we talk about black history and early America, we mention slavery. Some people will argue that America wasn't a white supremacist country. They'll even argue that slavery was a necessary evil. That should mean free black citizens had all the same rights as regular citizens, right? Hold up. Let me stop laughing.
This is the EXACT history that I'm talking about. The first free black people in the US had all the rights and privileges that were afforded everywhere else. There were places allowed black landowners to vote. By the Declaration of Independence, only white landowners could vote. Then the Constitution allowed states to choose, and most states allowed white landowners who owned a certain amount of property, but some, including NY, Penn and NJ, allowed free black property owners to vote. Then those states took THAT RIGHT away!
The 1790 Naturalization Act limited citizenship to any "free white person...of good character." By the time the Civil War rolled around, any white man could vote. SHOW ME WHERE WHITE SUPREMACY EVER DECREASED! At the end of the Civil War, the 13th Amendment Abolished slavery, the 14th granted black people citizenship and the 15th guaranteed them the right to vote. A LOT of people believe this is when Jim Crow began. Those people are wrong. ~ @michaelharriot
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lizzyisdreamy · 3 years
Goin’ on a date with Sung Jin Woo :)
In which our favorite S-Rank hunter takes you on a date, but with a little plot twist thrown in as well *Reader is gender-neutral as well* Word Count: 1.6k (yeah, i kinda got carried away, oops)
You remembered. How pretty the day was, as the sun cast gentle rays of warmth and the wind blew slightly as you made your way to the library to do your homework. 
It shouldn’t have surprised you. He’d wait outside, leaning against the wall just around the corner from the entrance, in the shadows. Not that it bothered you; your study sessions always ended in the late afternoon, so it was a given that he’d wait where the sun wouldn’t bother him. Everyday, save for Saturdays and Sundays, he’d walk you home from the library. To others, it might’ve been an odd sight.
Sung Jin Woo? The S-Rank turned National Level hunter? Walking a simple college student such as yourself home? Everyday? It was almost too good to be true. 
But it was true, and even if it was odd at first, you’d grown used to it. 
And you remembered how when you’d reached your doorstep, he’d reached a tentative hand out and placed it on your shoulder, halting you before you could disappear into your house. And while looking away, trying to hide the very obvious blush on his face, had asked to take you out on a date.
Of course you were shocked, because Holy shit, I’m getting asked out on a date by Korea’s 10th S-Rank hunter and may or not just possibly be the most attractive man on the planet.
He accidentally took your silence as a “No” and before he could disappear, you shouted out an almost too eager “Yes!” before composing yourself and saying with a breathless smile, “I’d love to go on a date with you, Sung.”
“Jin Woo,” he corrected, before he really did disappear in that odd way of his, and a shadow soldier of his appeared in front of you. You shrugged at him? It looked like a him. And he shrugged at you.
Fast forward a week, and you stood in front of your mirror, checking your outfit for what had to be the 10th time in nearly 2 minutes. Sung, no, Jin Woo, had said he’d text you when he was at your house, and it was beginning to near 7.
“What if he was just messing with me? What if he just said it to get me all excited and he’s gonna bring his friends too just to embarrass me? Maybe I should just cancel, because there’s no way a guy like him is interested in me-” You ramble, and before you can reach your phone, your best friend had moved herself from her spot on the bed to grip your arms.
“Hey, babes, relax. I doubt he would do that, and based on how you make him to be when he walks you home, he’s genuinely interested in you. Now look at me. Deep breath in,” you follow her lead, taking in a lungful of air. “-Deep breath out. There you go. You look great OK?” As if on cue, your phone pings, indicating you had received a message. “That’s probably him. Now get your ass outside, and blow him away, you hear me?”
With new determination, you nodded and after taking another deep breath, swung open the door-
-And your heart just about skips 10 whole beats before it decides to start functioning again. There he stood, dressed both nicely in some black slacks, a white button-up shirt with a jacket as well, all complete with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands.
And so, your date began.
“You uh, you look nice,” he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes roamed over you. “I uh, I remember you saying you liked (favorite flowers) so I figured I’d get you some...” he mumbles, shyly holding out the bouquet. You giggle at his bashfulness, reaching out to take them from him.
“They’re beautiful, thank you. I’ll go put them in a vase, then we’ll go.”
And then, you’re walking away from your apartment and into town, where he proceeds to buy you little trinkets that catch your eye from the open market that the two of you just so happen to pass by. 
“You still haven’t told me where we’re going, by the way,” you say, turning your head slightly to meet the eyes of your date. He laughs at your statement, before placing his hands over your eyes.
You feel him lean over behind you, hear him as he whispers in your ear, his breath sending goosebumps racing across your skin as it brushes a strand of your hair ever so slightly. “Do you trust me?” You can only nod in response, because wow. You’re pretty sure he doesn’t even realize what kind of effect that had on you. He chuckles lowly, and you feel a little more heated than before. 
He keeps his hands over your eyes as a bit of coldness envelopes you, before it’s intensified. You shudder at the sudden change in temperature; had he used that weird way of traveling he had? Right, shadow exchange.
“We’ll be here a while, hope you don’t mind.”
He finally lets you have your sight back and holy shit.
“Where-” Your breath comes out in puffs, and you smile at it. “Where are we?” You shiver a bit, seeing as you had obviously not dressed for the conditions set.
“Sweden, sunshine.” The nickname comes so easily to him that he doesn’t even realize it, but oh, oh you do. Your face burns furiously, and you quickly turn your head to look up at the swirling sky.
No, it’s literally swirling. It’s your first time seeing something so beautiful. There’s streaks of color that writhe around in hues of green, pink, purple, and blue. “I’ve never seen the northern lights. I promised myself that one day, sometime after college, I’d get out of Korea and travel. My first stop would’ve been someplace where I could make a fire and watch these all night.”
“Then let’s do that right now.”
He conjures some warm-looking coats, another glimpse into the unimaginable spectacle of power he possesses. You take it gratefully, before continuing to stare upwards in awe. Some movement catches your eye, and you look downwards, realizing that a forest roams below you, covered in a blanket of fog.
A sharp snap catches your attention, and you see Jin-Woo has just finished creating a fireplace, and has set a blanket on the ground for the two of you to sit on. He jerks his head, and you come to sit by his side, and another blanket is placed over both of your legs.
“I hope you uh, you know, like it.”
“Are you kidding me?” You turn to him with the most excited eyes and the widest smile he’s ever seen on you, and his heart begins to thump erratically. “This,” you lean down to rest your head on his shoulder. “Single handedly, exceeds my expectations for my first date.”
His eyes shoot over to you, snuggling into his shoulder, before his brows furrow in confusion. “First date? I’m your first date?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, my priorities were always school and grades, guess I never really indulged in dating. Not that I didn’t want to, I just, how do I say this? Never really put myself out there.” He immediately moves his arm, and your eyes widen when you think he may be rejecting you. At least until he puts his arm around your waist and pulls you close into his side. 
“Then I’m thankful for that. I hope I’ve made it memorable.” You laugh now, placing a hand on his knee. His breath hitches in his throat from the contact, but he forces himself to refocus as you look back up at him. 
“Memorable? You dummy, this is like, more, than memorable. I can’t even begin to explain it.” You smile again, and he doesn’t say anything. Just continues to stare at you, a small blush beginning to appear on his skin. “Has anyone ever told you that you look really pretty?”
The words are mumbled, and if the two of you were just an inch more apart, he might’ve missed it. “I thought it was tradition for the guy to compliment his date, not the other way around…” He smells like caramel, you think. “Eh, who cares about tradition anyways,” you retaliate. 
He leans forward slowly, until your noses are just barely brushing. Just a little closer, and you’d be kissing him. His hand comes forward to rest on your cheek, and you lean into it, closing your eyes momentarily. “Is this ok?”
“Yes,” you whisper. “More than ok.”
Slowly, he places his lips on yours, sweetly, softly. Thank the gods that your friend said no to wearing regular lipstick, and instead gave you some tinted cherry chapstick. Jin-Woo can taste the slight taste of cherry, and the thought has him giddy. You pull away, grinning softly. 
His lips were so soft. 
“That…” you trail off, resting your forehead against his. “That was perfect.” Your eyes dance with unbridled happiness, along with the light from above. Jin-Woo can’t help but agree as he leans in once more.
Sung Jin-Woo feels bad. 
So much so that Jin-Ho notices. A part of him tells him that it’s ok, because with Monarchs and Rulers pitted against him, he’ll need an ally, especially one that can make a difference. 
But he just can’t help looking at the big banner in front of him, placed by the system. It feels like it’s mocking him. Mocking him for what he’s done, and how he’s played you.
He likes you, he truly does. You’re a sweet, charming, college student with an easy going attitude that grounds him. He doesn’t want to hurt you, at all. Compared to him, you’re an angel. But you can’t hide who you are, what you are, from him.
Not in the slightest bit.
[Quest: Befriend and gain the trust of the Monarch of Peace has begun.]
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reinerispretty · 4 years
beneath the moon. (sokka x f!reader) pt5
thank u so much for reading and for all of your wonderful feedback :) i hope ur having a great day!
“You guys go ahead,” (Y/N) said. “I’m going to stay and help the other waterbenders.”
“Are you sure?” Sokka asked. “You were knocked out pretty bad.”
“I’ll be fine,” She insisted. Katara nodded and went over to Appa to climb into his saddle. Slowly, Yue backed away from her sister and walked over to Katara. Sokka was the only one who remained. He stared at her for a moment.
“Um, stay safe,” He said.
“You too.”
(Y/N) stood patiently in the Spirit World Oasis. Most everyone was forbidden from spending too much time here, for fear that someone would damage it, but it was definitely her favorite place in the entire North Pole. She remembered begging her father numerous times to let her bring her paints and easel in here, but he refused. It was a closely guarded Northern Water Tribe secret, but for what reason, she wasn’t sure. 
Yue had brought her, Katara, and Aang here in an effort to get Aang to connect with the Spirit World. Aang sat on the grass with his legs folded. She and Yue both let out a gasp as his tattoos began to light up.
“Is he okay?” (Y/N) asked Katara. She nodded, a smile on her face. 
“Don’t worry, he just crossed over into the Spirit World. He should be fine as long as we don’t move his body.” 
Yue looked around the oasis nervously. (Y/N’s) own hair rose on the back of her neck. She felt like something was wrong. “Maybe we should get some help,” Yue suggested. Katara shook her head. 
“No, he’s my friend. I’m perfectly capable of protecting him.” 
“Well aren’t you a big girl,” A voice that (Y/N) didn’t recognize chuckled. She watched as Katara’s entire body tensed. All three girls turned around to see a boy standing there. He could be no older than sixteen, with a scar on his left eye. His entire presence struck fear into (Y/N’s) heart, but she wouldn’t let him see it. “Hand him over and I won’t have to hurt you.” 
(Y/N) moved first, since his eyes were trained on Katara. She wasn’t sure who this boy was, but she knew his presence was a threat to Aang. She gathered water from the oasis and shot it toward him. He dodged her attack but Katara hit him with another blast of water. He kicked his legs into the air and shot a stripe of fire at both of them. (Y/N) ducked just in time to not be burned. 
Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Yue run for help. (Y/N’s) heart felt like it would pound out of her chest. This was her first real fight and she was scared out of her mind, but the rush of power she felt from the moon kept her steady. Both girls quenched his fire with their own water blasts. With Katara’s help, they captured the boy in a ball of water and froze him in ice. He quickly melted out of it and ran toward Aang, grabbing him by the collar. 
With a yell, (Y/N) raised a large wave and shot it at him, sending him backward. Katara froze the water once more to keep him imprisoned. (Y/N) bent over out of breath, exhausted from how much of her own power she had just used. 
Her eyes widened as (Y/N) watched the sun rise above them. Quickly she turned to the boy, raising her hands to fight him once more, but it was too late. He broke free from the ice and the blast sent both her and Katara flying backward. 
Katara landed against the gate of the oasis and slumped over unconscious. (Y/N) had been thrown back into the wall. She lay on the ground, coughing and groaning in pain. She watched as the boy picked up Aang and dragged him out of the oasis. She tried to crawl her way toward them but every inch of her body groaned in pain. Eventually, she succumbed to darkness. 
When (Y/N) awoke, she was staring into two bright blue eyes. Her first thought was that they were beautiful, but once she realized they were Sokka’s, she pushed him away. “Yep, she’s fine,” Sokka grumbled as he helped (Y/N) rise to her feet. 
Yue let out a sigh of relief before taking her sister into her arms. (Y/N) groaned, holding her head as her eyes searched their location. “Is Katara okay?” 
“I’m fine,” Katara assured her. “We made a pretty good team.” 
“Not good enough,” (Y/N) sighed, staring at the empty spot where Aang once sat. “Who was that guy, anyway?” 
“Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation,” Sokka said bitterly. “He’s been hunting Aang since we met him.” 
“Seems like a pleasure to be around,” (Y/N) said sarcastically. 
“I can’t believe I lost him,” Katara’s eyes welled with tears. 
“It’s not your fault,” Sokka reassured her. “You both did all you could. Come on, Zuko couldn’t have gotten far.” 
“You guys go ahead,” (Y/N) said. “I’m going to stay and help the other waterbenders.” 
“Are you sure?” Sokka asked. “You were knocked out pretty bad.” 
“I’ll be fine,” She insisted. Katara nodded and went over to Appa to climb into his saddle. Slowly, Yue backed away from her sister and walked over to Katara. Sokka was the only one who remained. He stared at her for a moment. 
“Um, stay safe,” He said. 
“You too.” He ran to the others, hopping onto Appa’s back and sending them soaring into the air. (Y/N) watched as they left the oasis, Appa growing smaller and smaller as they flew away. She put her jacket back on and buttoned it up. 
She ran back into her city to find it being overcome by Fire Nation soldiers. Their tanks ran over the ice, breaking the intricate sculptures and decorations that had been there for centuries. Her people were doing a good job of fighting them off by freezing their tanks and sending the soldiers back over the wall with plumes of water. 
(Y/N) walked through the city, trying to find anywhere that she could help. As she looked around, a Fire Nation soldier grasped her harshly by the arm. She shouted in pain, trying to wrench herself free from his grasp. “You’re coming with me,” He said, his voice warped from behind his mask. 
With her free hand, (Y/N) lifted the water from the canals and doused the soldier in it. He released her from the initial shock and (Y/N) grabbed him by the uniform, using all of her force to send him over the railing of the bridge and into the canal. The corner of her mouth tilted up just a bit as she watched him try to swim to safety. 
While she wasn’t a master waterbender by any means, (Y/N) still utilized the skills Katara and Aang had taught her to defend her home from the Fire Nation. She shot icicles at them from high above, either knocking them unconscious or pinning their uniforms to the ground. She shot blasts of water to knock them off of her feet, and the other waterbenders in her tribe froze them in place. They stared at her, surprised to see one of the princesses utilizing her waterbending talents to fight, but she just gave them a shrug and continued along her way. 
As she raised a wave to fight another Fire Nation soldier, the water fell to the ground, splashing at both of their feet. (Y/N) looked up at the sky to find that the moon had turned red. She tried once more to send a whip of water at the soldier, but nothing happened. Her face contorted in shock. 
“Nice try,” The soldier said, grasping her by the hood of her coat. She stomped on his foot with her heavy boots and he shouted in pain, releasing her. (Y/N) ran away as fast as she could, back to the Spirit World Oasis. She reached her destination just as Sokka, Yue, and Katara were arriving. 
“Where’s Aang?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Inside!” Katara informed her. They crossed through the gates and watched as Aang stood face-to-face with Admiral Zhao. The man held a bag that writhed and twisted. 
“Don’t do it, Zhao,” Aang demanded. “Destroying the moon won't hurt just the Water Tribe. It will hurt everyone, including you. Without the moon, everything would fall out of balance. You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world.” 
(Y/N) inhaled a sharp breath as she realized what exactly Zhao was holding in the sack. The fish within the oasis weren’t regular fish: they were the spirits of the moon and ocean. They were the ones who had given her the gift of waterbending. They were the ones who had saved Yue’s life when she was just a baby. 
“He’s right, Zhao,” An old man said. 
“General Iroh, why am I not surprised of your treachery?” 
“This is no treachery,” Iroh said firmly. “The Fire Nation needs the moon just as much as the Water Tribe. We need balance. Whatever you do to that spirit I'll unleash on you ten-fold. Let it go, now!“ 
Zhao hesitated for a moment and (Y/N) watched as slowly, he let the Moon back into the oasis. She exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding. But suddenly, Zhao released a loud shout and sent a column of fire down on the Moon spirit. 
They all watched in horror as all of the color and life of the world dissipated. Everything around them was now black and white. (Y/N) lifted her hands to her mouth in horror. 
“There’s no hope now,” Yue cried. “It’s over.” 
“It’s not over,” Aang said, but it didn’t sound like his voice. It sounded like the voice of thousands of people. (Y/N) and the others watched as Aang’s tattoos and eyes began to glow the same brilliant blue hue that she had seen earlier. 
The water within the oasis began glowing the same color. Aang entered the water and it formed around him, lifting him up into a giant blob that resembled the ocean spirit. It traveled through the water that led out of the oasis and into the city. 
(Y/N) and Yue rushed over to the pond where the koi fish had once swam. The fish of the Moon spirit lay floating at the top, a deep red burn etched into its skin. The old man that had stood up to Zhao, Iroh, held the fish in his hands before placing it back in the water. 
“Maybe...maybe I can heal it,” (Y/N) said hopefully, but her voice wavered despite herself.  She reached her hands toward it, but Katara grabbed her wrists. 
“It’s too late,” Katara whispered sadly. “It’s dead.” 
Iroh turned to look at Yue, noticing how her eyes remained blue despite the world losing its color. “You...you’ve been touched by the Moon spirit. Some of its life is still in you.”
“Yes, you’re right,” Yue said, her face turning the most serious (Y/N) had ever seen it. “Maybe I can give it back.” 
“No, absolutely not,” (Y/N) said, just as Sokka said, “You don’t have to do that.” 
“It’s my duty,” She told them both. (Y/N) shook her head furiously. 
“Your father told me to protect you,” Sokka pleaded.  
“I have to do this.” Yue said decisively. (Y/N) grabbed onto her sister’s hands, shaking her head. Her eyes welled with tears that spilled over one by one. 
“Please, Yue, no,” She begged. “It-It can take me instead. Please, you can’t do this. Please, Yue, I can’t lose you!” (Y/N) had spent her entire life looking after Yue. She had tried her best to protect her. But in this moment, she felt absolutely helpless. 
Yue held her younger sister’s face between her hands, forcing her to stare into her eyes. Yue’s own eyes filled with tears. “You promised you’d support me, no matter what,” Yue said. Her voice did not waver once. “You have to let me do this.” 
(Y/N’s) lips quivered, her body shaking with sobs. “I can’t, I can’t let you go. I don’t want to.” 
“I love you,” Yue whispered, kissing her sister’s forehead. “You have no idea how much I love you.” Yue turned away, placing both of her hands onto the koi fish. (Y/N) reached to pull her away, but by the time her hands landed on Yue, it was too late. The koi glowed with a bright white light and Yue collapsed into Sokka’s arms. 
“She’s gone,” He said quietly. “She’s gone.” 
(Y/N)’s first memory of Yue was when she was four years old. She had sat in her bed in the middle of the night, crying and crying over a scary dream she had had. It had been a reoccurring experience and the elders had assured her parents that if they did not succumb to her cries, her nightmares would pass.
She remembered her door opening just a bit, the light of the moon shining onto her bedroom floor. Five year old Yue poked her head into the bedroom, clutching her blanket. (Y/N’s) cries had calmed into shaky breaths and sporadic tears as she watched Yue crawl into bed with her. “It’s alright,” Yue had whispered to her as she wiped away her tears. “I’m here now. I’ll always be here.” 
The pond of the oasis glowed with a bright white light and from it came a ball of glowing energy. It formed into the shape of Yue, adorned in a beautiful white dress. She leaned forward and held (Y/N’s) cheek in her hand. “I’ll always be with you,” She said with a smile. She turned to Sokka and whispered something in his ear. “Goodbye, Sokka,” She said to him, before pressing her lips to his. When they pulled apart, she rose into the air and the bright white light of the moon returned to the earth. It showered them in its light, like Yue was smiling down on them. 
(Y/N) pulled her knees into her chest and sobbed into them. Katara wrapped her arms around her friend, resting her chin on her head as the girl cried and cried. 
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theblogdesign · 3 years
Medicinal Mushrooms Health Benefits
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Medicinal Mushrooms Health Benefits Mushrooms have a second. With over 5.1 million known kinds of growths on the planet, you would believe that some could be valuable to us people. Luckily, valuable is putting it mildly.
There are numerous sorts of mushrooms that have stunning medical advantages.
A considerable lot of these have been known to Eastern doctors for millennia.
They are burned-through in numerous structures from new to powder.
Thought to help everything from low energy levels to malignant growth, it’s just been generally as of late that they’ve begun concentrating in Western medication.
Liable for life as far as we might be concerned …
Maybe ‘second’ can’t be said genuinely.
Since parasites are ALWAYS there. Truth be told, researchers accept that we really share a typical ancient progenitor with these muggy occupants.
Furthermore, they are to a great extent answerable for common life as far as we might be concerned.
Going about as nature’s waste gatherers, they burn-through dead plant matter and afterward discharge supplements into the dirt so that new vegetation can develop. Basically, they devour passing to make life.
In view of this, envision how troublesome it has been to limit to only 5 intriguing parasites for this rundown!
Reishi-The Big Red Immune Booster
Lion’s Mane-The Shaggy Brain Savior
Chaga-delightful inside
Psilocybe Cubensis – Mood-lifting Magic
Turkey Tail-The Cancer Combatting Kid
We plan to go past your standard white catch mushrooms you sprinkle on your pizza (albeit those are incredible as well!) .
In this way, here are 5 mushrooms you should meet, from hallucinogenic to resistant boosting.
1 Reishi-The Big Red Immune Booster
This sparkly, crimson mushroom fills in warm and damp environments in Asia.
It is recognized by its level kidney shape and has for quite some time been a staple of Eastern medication. It is known for:
Improve your safe capacity – Test-tube examines have shown that Reishi can emphatically influence the creation of white platelets (the phones that secure the resistant framework) .
Against Cancer Properties – Reishi is prominent in the advancement of disease therapies.
This is on the grounds that regular executioner cells (the white platelets that battle disease and malignancy cells) are fortified when the concentrate of this growth is directed.
Against Anxiety – Reishi is known to manage adrenal capacity, keeping you quiet when the battle or flight reaction is set off pointlessly.
Battles Insomnia – Reishi has been utilized in Eastern medication to battle sleep deprivation for quite a long time.
Reishi is remarkable in stores and can’t be eaten new on the grounds that it is hard and woody. In any case, it tends to be bought as a powder supplement.
2 Lion’s Mane-The Shaggy Brain Savior
The Lion’s Mane mushroom is right now the sweetheart of the renewed mushroom world.
A white, unpleasant, marine-life thing, reasonably it poses a flavor like lobster or crab when cooked.
While delectable, it’s the therapeutic properties of Lion’s Mane that are energizing researchers. These include:
Synapse Growth — Lion’s Mane has been found to animate the development of new synapses because of its capacity to invigorate the creation of nerve development factor and mind determined neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
The higher your BDNF level, the quicker you learn and the more grounded your memory.
Memory amplifying glass – considers have shown improved psychological capacities in subjects.
These early tests showed improved transient memory when Lion’s Mane extricate was directed to the members.
Temperament Enhancer – In an investigation of menopausal ladies, half of the gathering got bread rolls containing Lion’s Mane remove, the other a large portion of a fake treatment.
The ladies with the Lion treats revealed improved sensations of prosperity and temperament.
Lions Mane can be burned-through new, yet is frequently taken as a powder supplement.
3 Chaga-delightful inside
The Chaga mushroom fills in the virus environments of Russia and Northern Europe.
Outwardly, this organism resembles a piece of charcoal, however within it is delicate and copper-shaded.
It’s otherwise called ‘dark mass’, ‘birch big hauler’ or ‘clean conk stem decay’ – all of which seem like more proper names for a substantial metal band, as opposed to a marvel mushroom!
In any case, how would it be able to respond?
Loaded with Antioxidants – The Chaga mushroom positions as the food with the second most noteworthy cancer prevention agent properties on the planet. (After chocolate!)
Mitigating – The high cancer prevention agent content makes Chaga a calming that battles free extremists and forestalls cell harm.
Improves Metabolism and Cardiovascular Health – Chaga contains betualine, which brings down cholesterol and equilibriums glucose.
Builds Healing – Those cancer prevention agents likewise support cell recovery, advancing recuperating and life span!
Chaga mushroom is typically taken in powder structure.
4 Psilocybe Cubensis – Mood-lifting Magic
Psilocybe Cubensis may not watch especially strange, however don’t let that fool you.
This little organism is really the most famous kind of wizardry mushroom. Containing the hallucinogenic mixtures psilocybin and psilocin, they have been utilized for centuries to prompt normal stimulating impacts.
Despite the fact that they were made illicit in numerous nations during the 1960s, this law has as of late been upset or assessed in numerous spots.
This is because of the tremendous therapeutic potential that this organism has!
Here are a few instances of what makes Psilocybe Cubensis supernatural …
Nature’s stimulant — Studies have shown that microdosing psilocybin can improve an entire host of psychological wellness issues, including sadness , PTSD , OCD and persistent enslavement .
Assists You With being Your Best Self – Psilocybin microdosers report more elevated levels of innovativeness, center and energy.
This, yet it can likewise make you all the more amicable! Clients additionally experience more elevated levels of sympathy and relationship abilities.
A New Kind of Therapy – Guided psilocybin meetings are acquiring fame, where a prepared proficient aides the patient through a hallucinogenic excursion.
These meetings have been appeared to accomplish comparable work to long stretches of psychotherapy.
Psilocybin can be devoured in different structures.
In any case, it is as yet illicit in numerous nations, so check the legitimate status in your place of home.
5 Turkey Tail-The Cancer Combatting Kid
Turkey tail mushrooms, (so named in light of their brilliant similarity to the Thanksgiving bird) additionally have high cancer prevention agent properties like a portion of different mushrooms we recorded previously.
Nonetheless, what truly makes Turkey Tail hang out in clinical investigations is its capacity to battle malignant growth.
Presently, obviously, it can’t be professed to be a fix, yet new examinations show exceptionally encouraging outcomes in helping the battle, for example,
It restrains the development of malignancy cells – both test-cylinder and creature considers have shown that Turkey Tail concentrate can repress and smother the development of certain disease tumors.
Works with Existing Treatments – Studies have shown that when Turkey Tail separate is managed notwithstanding chemotherapy, the recuperation rate is expanded.
What’s more, the incapacitating impacts of chemotherapy are likewise decreased by the parasite’s resistant boosting properties.
Useful for your guts – Turkey Tail has probiotic properties that animate the creation of good stomach microscopic organisms and repress the terrible ones, like E. coli.
Turkey tail is generally devoured in powder structure in a case or in a color.
Last idea
So! These are only 5 of a not insignificant rundown of therapeutic mushrooms, and surprisingly the ones we’ve referenced have significantly more excellencies.
In the event that this interests you, we suggest that you discover a few mushrooms for yourself!
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l-uxbrumalis · 3 years
(jodie whittaker, female, she/her) Welcome to Lakeview, georgina baker! We hear that you are 38 years old. You’ve been in town around a year? You should get to your job as a newspaper journalist. I hear that it fits your ADVENTUROUS and BIZARRE personality. Don’t be out on Route 9 alone! (fiadh, 23, she/her, gmt)
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basic information
full name: georgina sophie baker
nickname(s): george, georgie
age: thirty eight
date of birth: 25th december
hometown: huddersfield, england
current location: lakeview, maryland
ethnicity: white
nationality: british
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her/hers
orientation: there has never been anyone more gay
religion: no thank you
political affiliation: left
occupation: newspaper journalist
living arrangements: a small apartment because she’s a broke bitch
language(s) spoken: english and a tiny bit of german
accent: british
physical appearance
face claim: jodie whittaker my angel
hair color: blonde
eye color: hazel
height: 5′6
build: regular
tattoos: none, yet
piercings: ears
clothing style: quirky
usual expression: smiling
distinguishing characteristics: //
physical ailments: none
neurological conditions: none
allergies: eggs
sleeping habits: oh she sleeps beautifully, so good
eating habits: will have what she wants, when she wants, she does not care for people who judge others on their eating habits. there is also something else she likes to eat..
exercise habits: no thank you, if she’s running you had better run too coz something is chasing her
emotional stability: so so, she has her moments where she’ll sit with a hugh grant film on and just sob
sociability: she is more into her own time, but loves to chat, if she gets you chatting you’re going to be there a while
body temperature: she doesn’t really feel the cold, she’s a northerner she doesn’t care
addictions: caffeine
drug use: likes the occasional shroom but nothing too major
alcohol use: not to an excess where it would be worrying but she likes a drink
weather: cool summer evenings
colour: blue or yellow
music: anything that she can dance to
movies: sci-fi, she’s a huge nerd
sport: quidditch?
beverage: coffee
food: fish and chips
animal: she loves pigs, but also loves bacon so she feels bad 
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kumail-fan · 3 years
CIVIL WAR  |  BIOGRAPHY Philip Sheridan
CIVIL WAR  |  BIOGRAPHY Philip Sheridan
Philip Henry Sheridan was once depicted by Abraham Lincoln as "An earthy colored, thick little chap, with a long body, short legs, insufficient neck to hang him, and such long arms that if his lower legs tingle he can scratch them without stooping." Still, "Little Phil" rose to enormous force and acclaim before his inconvenient demise of a respiratory failure at age 57.
He is generally acclaimed for his annihilation of the Shenandoah Valley in 1864, called "The Burning" by its inhabitants. He was additionally the subject of an incredibly well known sonnet named "Sheridan's Ride", where he (and his acclaimed horse, Rienzi) make all the difference by showing up without a moment to spare for the Battle of Cedar Creek.
Like Patrick Cleburne, Sheridan rose rapidly in position. In the fall of 1861, Sheridan was a staff official for Maj. Gen. Henry Halleck. He later became officer general in the Army of Southwest Missouri. With the assistance of persuasive companions he was selected Colonel of the second Michigan Cavalry in May, 1862. His first fight, Booneville, MS, intrigued Brig. Gen. William S. Rosecrans such a lot of that he, when all is said and done, was elevated to Brigadier General. After Stones River he was elevated to Major General.
Sheridan's men were essential for the powers which caught Missionary Ridge (close to Chattanooga) in 1863. At the point when Ulysses S. Award was elevated to General-in-Chief of the Union armed forces, he made Sheridan the authority of the Army of the Potomac's Cavalry Corps. This moved him from the Western Theater toward the Eastern Theater of activities. From the start, Sheridan's Corps was utilized for observation. His men were sent on a key striking mission toward Richmond in May 1864. At that point he battled with blended achievement in Grant's 1864 Overland Campaign.
During the Civil War, Virginia's Shenandoah Valley was an essential asset to the Confederacy. In addition to the fact that it served as the Confederate "breadbasket", it was a significant transportation course. The locale had seen two enormous scope crusades as of now when Gen. Ulysses S. Award chose to visit the Valley indeed in 1864. He sent Philip Sheridan set for make the Shenandoah Valley a "desolate waste".
In September, Sheridan crushed Jubal Early's more modest power at Third Winchester, and again at Fisher's Hill. At that point he started "The Burning" – annihilating stables, plants, rail lines, production lines – obliterating assets for which the Confederacy had a desperate need. He made more than 400 square miles of the Valley dreadful. "The Burning" foreshadowed William Tecumseh Sherman's "Walk to the Sea": another mission to deny assets to the Confederacy just as bring the conflict home to its regular citizens.
In October, be that as it may, Jubal Early found Sheridan napping. Early dispatched an unexpected assault at Cedar Creek on the nineteenth. Sheridan, nonetheless, was ten miles away in Winchester, Virginia. After hearing the sound of mounted guns shoot, Sheridan hustled to rejoin his powers. He showed up without a moment to spare to get everyone excited. Early's men, nonetheless, were experiencing appetite and started to plunder the unwanted Union camps. The activities of Sheridan (and Maj. Gen. Horatio Wright) halted the Union retreat and managed a serious hit to Early's military.
For his activities at Cedar Creek, Sheridan was elevated to Major General in the customary armed force. He likewise got a letter of appreciation from President Abraham Lincoln. The general enjoyed extraordinary Thomas Buchanan Read's sonnet, "Sheridan's Ride" – to such an extent that he renamed his pony "Winchester". The Union triumphs in the Shenandoah Valley came in the nick of time for Abraham Lincoln and aided the Republicans rout Democratic applicant George B. McClellan in the appointment of 1864.
Throughout the spring of 1865, Sheridan sought after Lee's military with hounded assurance. He caught Early's military in March. In April, Gen. Lee had to empty Petersburg when Sheridan remove his lines of help at Five Forks. Furthermore, at Sayler's Creek, he caught very nearly one fourth of Lee's military. At long last at Appomattox, Lee had to give up the Army of Northern Virginia when Sheridan's powers obstructed Lee's break course.
At war's end, Phil Sheridan was a legend to numerous Northerners. Gen. Award held him in the most elevated regard. In any case, Sheridan was not without his issues. He had stretched Grant's requests to the edge. He likewise eliminated Gettysburg legend Gouverneur Warren from order. It was subsequently decided that Warren's evacuation was ridiculous and inappropriate.
During Reconstruction, Sheridan was named to be the military legislative head of Texas and Louisiana (the Fifth Military District). Due to the seriousness of his organization there, President Andrew Johnson pronounced that Sheridan was a dictator and had him eliminated.
In 1867, Ulysses S. Award accused Sheridan of mollifying the Great Plains, where fighting with Native Americans was unleashing devastation. With an end goal to constrain the Plains individuals onto reservations, Sheridan utilized similar strategies he utilized in the Shenandoah Valley: he assaulted a few clans in their colder time of year quarters, and he advanced the far and wide butcher of American buffalo, their essential wellspring of food.
In 1871, the overall regulated military aid ventures during the Great Chicago Fire. He turned into the Commanding General of the United States Army on November 1, 1883, and on June 1, 1888, he was elevated to General of the Army of the United States – a similar position accomplished by Ulysses S. Award and William Tecumseh Sherman.
Sheridan is additionally generally answerable for the foundation of Yellowstone National Park – saving it from being offered to engineers.
In August 1888, Sheridan passed on after a progression of monstrous coronary failures. He was covered at Arlington National Cemetery.
Read more about  Philip Sheridan
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carnistcervine · 4 years
For the WIP game: touched or water (or both👀👀👀👀)
Hello Pandora, welcome to box. :3
Zuko Foster Care AU Outline *Unsurprisingly, Zuko blows up at his psychiatrist, Joo Dee and sets her office on fire. Her smile is unnerving, and it doesn't fade or flinch as she calmly uses waterbending to put the fires out before security comes in and gives him a shot of something that suppresses his firebending.
Platonic Soulmates Gaang AU Outline *When Katara starts to waterbend, Kuruk mentors her. Being dead, he cannot waterbend himself, but he can at least pass his knowledge unto her.
*Every soul has a specific color unique to it, but each nation has a hue/hue range specific to it. Water Tribe - Blues, ranging from deep navy and sapphire to electric blue. Earth Kingdom - Greens, ranging from deep emerald to neon yellow-ish green. Fire Nation is Golds, ranging from dull golds, to brilliant, intense golds. Air Nomads is Grey, ranging from shining silvers, to a whole variety of light and dark greys.
Phoenix Chaser AU Outline -At first the people of the Southern Water Tribe are terrified of the angry, burned firebender. Then he starts asking about some mythical Fire Nation creature, and they can barely contain their laughter. Has no one told this idiot that phoenixes aren't real? And why would he think he could find one at the SOUTH POLE? They stop laughing when his fists catch fire.
-Incidentally, he does come to investigate the prison ship after the earthbenders revolt and leave, finding Katara's necklace. He remembers the Water Tribe girl wearing that exact necklace and wonders what she was doing on an earthbender prison. He decides to return it to her as he does owe her for getting her pest of friend to leave his ship.
-His uncle insists upon checking out a pirate ship. Zuko must concede that being well traveled, the pirates may know a thing or two about phoenixes. While Zuko is desperate enough to believe in phoenixes, he's not gullible enough to trust pirates and understands very quickly that their just trying to make a quick coin off him. However, he does overhear the pirates conversing about a stolen waterbending scroll, and an air nomad. The waterbender!
-Zuko laughs because this is obviously a joke, right? How is he supposed to teach firebending to an airbender. The airbender claims that he's the Avatar. Zuko doesn't believe it. The Avatar disappeared a CENTURY ago, this kid is obviously still a child. The waterbender says that the boy(Aang) is absolutely the Avatar, he can also bend water, and has gone into the avatar state more than one time. Zuko still doesn't believe it.
-Much to Zuko's surprise the waterbender and the airbender decide to show off to Zuko and, the airbender is actually the Avatar!
-When they aren't looking, Zuko makes a break for it. The waterbender freezes his feet, but he manages to melt the ice before they can get the ropes out and promptly runs off.
-The Gaang manage to find Zuko in time to watch his ship explode. They fish his unconscious body out of the water and Katara heals him. He's still injured, but he'll at least live. With his uncle's blessing they take off with an unconscious Zuko in tow.
ATLA Modern Highschool AU Outline *He(Aang) ends up rooming with the prince and princess of the Southern Water Tribe, and the Fire Prince at the prestigious United Elements Academy.
DarkAvatar!Bolin AU Outline -Bolin is concerned, but convinces himself that it's just stress and nightmares. After all, he's just an earthbender, it's not like he's somehow become the new Dark Avatar. Then, one day while he and Korra are messing around, she splashes water at him and he bends it.
Avatar Zuko AU Outline -Eventually a small rag-tag group of Water Tribe kids are discovered with one of them airbending. The world assumes that the airbending Water Tribe boy is the Avatar(he's not but shhh). Zuko latches onto this, see he's not the Avatar, that kid is. Iroh knows that it's entirely possible the boy is just a lost airbender dressed in Water garb, but humors his nephew anyway. It's an opportunity to get an airbending teacher if nothing else.
-In the Southern Water Tribe, a young airbender named Ara receives a vision about the identity of the Fire Nation Avatar from the spirits. At sixteen, he'd only just mastered airbending and the spirits were demanding him to locate and teach the new Avatar. With the blessing of his elders, he departs from the Southern Water Tribe with his two friends, Katara and Sokka. He accidentally blows his cover as a non-bender when he airbends to defend Katara.
-In this AU, there are hidden airbender sects in the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes. They managed to evade death by pretending to be non-benders and regular nomads.
-When they get to the North Pole, they initially attack because Zuko is Fire Nation, but stop when he starts airbending at them. Zuko didn't mean to airbend, he was trying to firebend, but air responded instead and the Water Tribesmen, seeing as this is actually the Avatar, just start laughing at him.
Another Avatar Zuko AU Outline -The airbender, Avatar Aang dies when he drowns at sea. The waterbender, Avatar Korra dies protecting her tribe during the southern raids. The earthbender, Avatar Xin Hu perishes alone in the Si Wong desert. By the time he draws his final breath, the firebender, Avatar Zuko is born into the world.
-When he struggles with his firebending, they step in to offer help or advice. When Korra offers to show him a few moves, he gives her a look. She's obviously a waterbender, what in the world could she teach a firebender? She just smiles at him and says that if he weren't so cute, and she weren't incorporeal, she probably would have decked him for being so oblivious.
-Iroh remains Zuko's firebending master, and a call goes out for the other three masters to teach the Avatar. Pakku becomes Zuko's waterbending master, a Dai Li agent named Kyun becomes Zuko's earthbending master, and a strange sage from a secret airbending sect hidden in Ba Sing Se named Youra becomes Zuko's airbending master.
Avatar Sokka AU Outline -Aang dies in the ice, and Sokka is born to the Southern Water Tribe.
-Far as he's concerned, he's just a normal guy and all this spiritual, water-magic stuff is just a bunch of balogna. He doesn't even believe in spirits.
If Sozin was a good person AU Outline *Aang is found by the son and daughter of the Southern Water Tribe's chief.
*The people of the Water Tribe are all surprised to see a living airbender. The world seems to be under the impression that they all vanished with the Avatar. Some theorized that they either floated off into the aether, or maybe just died from a sudden plague.
*While touring the place, Aang notices a large crowd gathering around the docks. He makes his way through to find a Fire Nation ship. Aang wonders what the Fire Nation is doing in the Southern Water Tribe, when he overhears them talk about looking for the Avatar.
*Aang manages to convince the Water Tribe sibs that he's not the Avatar, but still refuses to confront the Fire royals. Aang's skittishness makes Katara fear the worst, and she promises to help protect Aang from there.
War Erasure AU Outline -It doesn't take too long for word to reach the Air Temples of a young airbender afflicted by a terrible madness. Apparently, said airbender is traveling in a group with a blind earthbender, and two Water Tribe kids. The Nuns plot to drug the group so that they can be sent off for treatment. Zuko overhears the plan and the group escapes, but only barely.
Thoughts of Reason, Thoughts of Treason Chap 6 “Uh, er… It’s a term that refers to firebenders. Like, a compliment. For firebenders, the sun is the ultimate source of our bending and our life.” Zuko touched a hand to his chest, over his beating heart. “To say that a firebender holds the sun, is to say that they are warm hearted and full of light. There’s also a saying that firebenders with really gold eyes, like mine, hold the sun in their soul.”
“The Avatar’s right.” Zuko rasped, attracting the attention of the Water siblings. “The movements of a real airbender are much more deliberate. Like someone who can actually control the air.”
The Calm Before Outline *Aang demands to know who the spirit is. The spirit tells Aang that he’ll give up his identity if Aang has a little bit of the food and water.
*Without the war, the Southern Water Tribe is gorgeous, prosperous. Utterly, unspeakably beautiful. Much like the northern one.
*One day he and some other monks are helping an old lady that lives in one of the villages down at the base of the mountain/island. The group is walking across a dry riverbed when there’s a sudden flood of water. Acting quickly and on instinct, Aang uses his water bending to divert the water flow and save the old lady’s life.
*Katara tries to distract herself by practicing her waterbending with the fellow master benders of the south and hanging out with her mom.
*Sokka devises a plan that involves Katara’s waterbending skills. They secretly, slowly store more and more supplies in a hidden boat. Then when they’re finally ready to go, Katara bends the snow and whips up a snow storm. While everyone is distracted, the duo make their way to their boat and Katara bends them out of there.
*Of course Katara takes this time to study more waterbending forms.
*They debate as they fly over to the Sea of Lost Souls. The water is murky and the coral hands seem to be moving, the remnants of cosmic energy spiraling around in the abnormally dark waters.
Zuko's Invisible Friend Outline *Zuko has a difficult time comprehending this concept and asks Agni if he’s ever sad that no one can celebrate his birthday. Agni is genuinely caught off guard by the question. He fine with not having a birthday, because the mortals do have holidays in his honor, but he can’t help but feel a little touched at how sheerly empathetic Zuko can be.
*They go down so Katara and Aang can practice waterbending.
*So Aang goes right back to waterbending with Katara.
*Zuko tries to ask Agni what he means when he’s pulled back into his body because he got completely soaked by cold water and all of their supplies have been “practiced” away.
*Having his connection to Agni suddenly cut with cold water like that means that it’ll be a hot minute before Zuko can communicate with the ancient spirit again.
*Zuko figures that since he found himself on the fire lion turtle, maybe his friends are on a water one.
*However as soon as they reach the north, the waterbenders imprison Zuko for being Fire Nation.
*The water warriors scour the city for the lost firebender, and the Gaang act all mad that they lost the Avatar’s firebending master.
Raging Spirit AU Outline *The water warriors are suspicious of Iroh, but the Gaang vouch for him, so they decide to trust him.
*They all take on soldier uniforms to disguise themselves as they enter into Fire Nation waters.
*So finally, she goes and everyone eats together like a Water Tribe family and it’s so fucking cute, I can’t take it.
*The thriving settlement looks much more like the North Pole, especially with all the waterbenders running around.
*Tanokka offers to tutor Katara on the old ways of Southern Water Style.
*Tanokka says that it’s a side effect of dream bending. Nothing in the dream is real, so the water lacks the weight it should have.
~Katara practices Southern Water Style under the tutelage of Tanokka.
A Testimate To Good Publicity and Societal Forgetfulness Outline *After that, he(Wan) gained air, water and finally, earth. And the Avatars following him were also born into the cycle by the order of the elements he learned.
The Lady in Alabaster Chapter 1 A massive inferno greedily chewing up the dainty little home while the Water couple who lived there watched on, the orange of the flames even consuming the blue in their wide eyes.
Legend of Korra REwrite Outline ~By age sixteen Korra’s mastered water, earth and firebending. But has shown no aptitude for airbending.
~They enlist the help of the Fire Nation, and both Water Tribes, who happily oblige.
Korra vs Amon REwrite Pain surged through her body as he took control of the water in her muscles, causing them to spasm as they were pushed and pulled against the wills of her nerve impulses.
Okay, so maybe going after a bloodbender on a full moon was a bad idea, but she’s a waterbender too!
(You get the whole paragraph bc fug it) “Amon of the Equalists.” The Avatar spoke, voice layered over by another that was feminine, but distinctly not Korra. “Or shall I say Bloodbender (Amon’s real name I dun remember lol) of the Water Tribe, son of Yakkone.” Her tendrils ripped the mask away and wiped the make-up clean. His followers gasped at the truth. “You have demonstrated a lack of regard for not only the balance of this world, but also it’s keeper.” Her voice was calm, but still somehow betrayed a seething rage. “And for this crime, I shall strip you of your power, forever!” The burning white spread from Korra’s eyes and enveloped her being, then spread to Amon.
Badvatar AU Outline -At the age of twelve, having mastered airbending, Aang ends up finding out he can waterbend too.
-What happened was a terrible storm hit the temple, and one of the younger students with weaker bending had been hit by a powerful gale. He would have been fine, but the ground was slick with water and he was going to fall to his death. Aang didn't think he could get the elder's attention in time so on pure instinct he reached out and suddenly an arm of ice had ensnared the boy and the torrential rain, seemed to slow slightly.
-Toph lives a quiet, repressed life with her oppressive and neglectful parents. In secret, she sneaks out many nights to participate in Earth Rumble fights. Then one day, her interest is piqued when she finds an airbender in attendance with the supposedly "kidnapped" son and daughter of the souther water tribe. The two kids seem happy enough, it must be a situation like hers, where their parents think that their kids are helpless and just assumed that they had been kidnapped when they willingly ran away.
-At the festival, Zuko meets an odd group. An air nomad, two water tribe kids, and an earth kingdom girl. It clicks to him that these are the "kidnapped" children he heard the servants gossiping about. He is almost caught by Azula, but his new friends help him give her the slip and he officially joins the Gaang.
-Meanwhile, in his cell, Aang had become sullen and withdrawn. The monks who came by to give food and water would try and speak to the young Avatar. They found that he was engaging with them less and less. They worried that the Avatar's condition may have been worsening.
Catching the Embers Chapter 1 His(Aang's) waterbending companion was defending him.
She coated her arms with water and lashed out at him with water tentacles.
Until finally, she broke through his fire and roped him with her water. Zuko felt himself lifted up and then thrown across the cavern into another pool of water. The water quickly rose up and encased his body.
“I trusted you.” The waterbender hissed. “I thought you had changed!”
“You thought wrong.” With a charged up blast of fire, he blew out of his watery prison.
The icy cold water slammed him right against the hard cavern wall, but if he was being totally honest, it didn’t hurt that bad.
Catching the Embers Outline *She just shrugs and leaves a bowl of water for him, saying that she figured he was thirsty.
*Despite being very thirsty, Zuko doesn’t drink the water out of spite.
*Once he tries to get up, the family doctor looks Zuko over. He makes him drink some water and gives him some broth to drink, but overall gives him a clean bill of health.
*Iroh remains silent, he wants to test the waters a bit. Thinks this over, maybe see if Zuko will listen.
*Suddenly there’s a flash of lightning, and Zuko and Aang are standing across from each other in a pool of water.
*Aang’s expression is blank, his eyes hollow. Crimson blood reaches out into the water around him.
*The sages have the guards drug Zuko’s food and water, so that he doesn’t try anything when they look him over.
*As a peace offering/apology for what his(Iroh's) forefathers did to Katara and her tribe, he gifts her with as much of the Water Tribe loot that the Fire Nation took as she wants.
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skamamoroma · 4 years
Sending love to @londongirl2001 for tagging ❤
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? Haha starting off random, i see. It’s a peachy colour with white bits.
2. a food you never eat? Shellfish. I’m allergic and have been since I was a kid. I haven’t a clue what it tastes like!
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? I’m a bit of both. I run quite warm but if I get properly cold I take FOREVER to warm up. 
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Cleaning my bathroom. THE EXCITEMENT. Contain yourselves!
5. what is your favorite candy bar? I’m guessing candy bar can relate to chocolate because, if so, Wispa. Hands down.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yes but not loads... I’ve been to a few football matches and I used to live in Wimbledon so I’ve been to the tennis before. Other than that, I’m not a bit sports person.
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Quarantined for 34 days alone. It was probably me singing I think!
8. what is your favorite ice cream? Pistachio al gelato! 
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Cloudy lemonade. I’m a little addicted at the moment and have been drinking it warm when I had a really bad cough/hayfever and fatigue with honey!
10. do you like your wallet? It’s a little blue thing with a star on the zip. I’m not really one for designer stuff or fancy leather stuff... but it suits me and works. I’m kinda only ever interested in if something is cute and practical...!
11. what was the last thing you ate? A chocolate chip cookie!
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Oh I don’t even remember what clothes shopping is like haha. But I did treat myself for a few new bits for staying inside from Monki recently (aka the place half of my wardrobe is from)
13. the last sporting event you watched? Oh god knows. I think 6 Nations rugby in a pub in Brighton.
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Basic sweet from the cinema. I’m not a huge popcorn person.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? To my group of best friends.
16. ever go camping? LOADS when I was a kid, a few times when I was a teenager and at a few festivals then I genuinely can’t remember after that...
17. do you take vitamins? Hahahaha. I have a hormone condition and I’ve been taking a ridiculous amount of supplements for that so yes. Loads. 
18. do you go to church every sunday? I’m atheist so, no. 
19. do you have a tan? I’m painfully Northern so no. I’m pasty and this whole staying inside thing is meaning I’m practically translucent!
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? OH GOD. This is hard. I have to betray my Italian food loving soul and say chinese food. Mainly because there’s more of a mix aka veg/carbs
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? Nope, but I do drink fizzy drinks (whenever i have them at home) out of a huge goblet glass
22. what color socks do you usually wear? ALLSORTS. I have quite the ridiculous sock selection. I’m wearing some today that say “you crafty bitch” that one of my best friends bought me when we were in Brighton
23. ever drive above the speed limit? Oh definitely. Hardly ever intentionally but I’m sure I’ve done it a few times. 
24. what terrifies you? I used to have quite a few morbid fears that would impact me hugely but I taught myself to get over two of them (flying and needles) which I’m so proud of myself for doing... but I think seeing those I love suffer is right up there, spiders/bugs in general and then I have a few weird ones like trypophobia and a touch of claustrophobia. 
25. look to your left, what do you see? My kitchen!
26. what chore do you hate? I really don’t mind most chores but I hate to iron clothes so I rarely do it and also I taking the rubbish out... otherwise, I am a bit weird and I like to clean around my flat. 
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? Normally TV shows!
28. what’s your favorite soda? Lemonade - all kinds!
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? I don’t have a car as I live in London so I can’t do a drive-thru and I don’t really go to many fast food places to be honest. I only ever really get fast food when I travel on trains or the odd home delivery
30. who’s the last person you talked to? MYSELF. 
31. favorite cut of beef? I’m not a huge meat eater in general but I do like steak every now and then. 
32. last song you listened to? Always Will from the musical Bright Star
33. last book you read? My Italian dictionary....haha
34. favorite day of the week? Friday or Saturday - or Wednesdays when I have Italian class!
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? Good lord, no. My brain gets scrambled.
36. do you like your coffee? OH GOD. I love coffee in so many ways. I’m a real iced latte fiend. I love a Cappuccino after a meal. I love mochas on the regular. I like a good milky coffee in the winter at work. TONS.
37. favorite pair of shoes? I have a pair of pink converse I love and my Birkenstocks in the summer. 
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? OH GOD MY SLEEP PATTERN IS SCREWED. Normally, around midnight when we’re not in a global pandemic!!! 
39. at what time do you normally get up? For work, around 7.30-8. Now.... christ on a bike, any time. 
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets. 100%. My favourite sunsets I’ve ever seen were in Italy (I watched so many from the top deck of the boats on Lake Garda) and in Iceland at the Glacier Lagoon near Diamond Beach. Both were ridiculously beautiful.
41. how many blankets are on your bed? Only my quilt but in the Winter, I have a pink sparkly blanket I put over the bottom :)
42. describe your kitchen plates. HA. My kitchen wear is what I call ‘granny chic’. I have so many mismatched plates but all of them are either pink or pastel colours, I have citrus fruit side plates and floral crockery. Even all of my cookware like casserole dishes etc are patterned and granny-ish!
43. do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? Gin. Hands down. I love it with allsorts. I’m a bit picky though and have my favourites. I like to drink it with garnishes though. Juniper berries, pink peppercorns etc. Also, I love a Shandy every now and then and I love certain brands of sweet sparkling Italian wine. Also cocktails. My friends always say I’ll drink anything pink.
44. do you play cards? Not really. We were never really a card playing household so I never learned but I am a board game person!
45. what color is your car? I don’t have one. I live in London and really don’t need one AND can’t afford one. I used to have a little black Micra called Daisy though!
46. can you change a tire? I could once upon a time but I’ve forgotten!
47. what is your favorite province? Province is difficult to work out for the UK... I guess it’d loosely translate to ‘region’ and that’s DIFFICULT. I guess I’d say the North East of England. 
48. favorite job you’ve ever had? I LOVED working in a bookshop when I was at Uni. I’d wanted that job for SO long and I adored it. I also love my current job a lot of the time too. 
49. how did you get your biggest scar? My old dog. He had sharp nails and scratched the back of my hand but it wasn’t his fault!
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? I haven’t interacted with another human being today in person but, via the wonders of social media, I gave advice to once of my best friends about life etc and I THINK I helped a bit and gave her support so I’m hoping that made her happy!!!
I’m tagging : anyone who reads it - tell us things, I love reading about people! (also, feel free to ignore, of course!)
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
dog park date
a bonus chapter to this mini series 
i couldnt help but to write this out after mentioning their first date in the second chapter. i couldnt even find the motivation to write the third chapter until i finished this one. so here it is lol.
Sunday morning.
She's spent a ridiculous time in front of her bedroom mirror, frustrated by her lack of clothing and the anxiety she's begun to feel. It's true, she's not done this in a long time. Once, she had sworn off dating and men in general. After Joffrey, though, who could blame her? Joffrey had been of a caliber all his own- arrogance and violence all wrapped up in one single man. And yet... His smile was charming, his golden hair like that of a hero from a story book. Sansa had fallen hard for him and in the beginning, things had felt perfect, almost too perfect.
Looking back, there had been signs- of course there had, but she was blinded by the brightness of being in love for the first time. She recalled the first time they argued, about a night she spent with Margaery, far later than the time she had thought to be home. The fight ended when Joffrey smashed her phone in a fit of rage. Sansa had fled their shared flat that night, opting to spend a night at home instead, though she never told her parents the truth of her stay. She wishes she'd never gone back to that flat, back to him, but she had... And it was the worst mistake of her life.
Knock, knock.
Sansa turns towards the door, pulled from the past and the tangle of her thoughts to face her younger sister who stands there, dark hair pulled back in a tight top knot, Nymeria hovering in the doorway behind her. "You're gonna be late," she says as she steps further into the room, avoiding the discarded clothes that litter the floor. Clearly, her usually well dressed and fashionable sister was struggling. Sansa makes a face at her and turns back to the mirror, once again surveying the reflection it shows. "You look fine," Arya goes on as she sinks onto the bed, though she must shove over a few shirts to find a spot to sit. Nymeria lays down beneath her feet, though her eyes do not close as she too blinks up at Sansa. "It's just a walk in the park."
"I seem to remember someone who worried about what they wore on their first date with Gendry...." Sansa shoots her sister a smirk in the mirror, triumphant when the young girl blushes despite herself. Arya is not easy to poke fun at- except when it came to Gendry. "You really think this is alright?" She turns back to face her little sister, arms outstretched to give her a better look. It takes a moment but then Arya nods, giving her a quick thumbs up. Sansa sighs but gives a single nod of her own, knowing at this point she didn't have time to change again anyways. This was it. "Don't forget, Jory will pick you up at noon to go see mum," Arya nods, following after Sansa as she heads out of her bedroom.
Arya had come to live with the month before. Her little sister had always been a bit on the wild side, like their aunt Lyanna, their father said, but ever since their mother's illness had resurfaced... Arya was having trouble dealing. And so Sansa had decided it was best for everyone if Arya came to stay with her awhile. It seemed to be helping... at least, Sansa hoped it was. "I'll see you tonight, alright?" Sansa smiles down at her little sister and raises her hand in a wave as she clips Lady's leash into place. "Later!"
Out into the sunshine of the late morning, Sansa allows Lady full control of her leash, keeping  surprisingly slack grasp for a dog like Lady. But her sweet Lady was gentle, soft, quite unlike the way she looked and quite like the name she's been given. The wolf dog was often assumed to be prone to violence- wild animals, people on the street would say, but Lady was far from it. Truthfully, all of the pack had turned out quite docile, though Grey Wind had always snapped his jaws when irritated, though fitting for Robb's companion. She could still remember how Robb would snap in an instant, laying to waste any bully, grown or child, with his sharp wit and intelligence.
Her thoughts turn from her brother instead to Jon, who has caught her gaze just up ahead of her. He's knelt down on the corner, just outside the gate that leads into the local dog park, grinning as he pats his great, white dog on his head. For a moment, all of the breath leaves her body; here in the sunshine, she catches a glimpse of him she's yet to have. Jon wears a white t-shirt, basic but it suits him, and it reveals to her what she's been wondering all this time- just how muscular was he? Turns out, its the perfect amount. His dark curls are tightly secured in a knot at the back of his head, something she's very attracted to, and his dark jeans look well worn, as if they're his favorite pair. "Sansa, hey." He notices her almost too quickly, rising up from where he knelt as she approaches. Before she can respond, Ghost is surging forward and Lady is greeting him just as excitedly, as if they were long lost friends. "Well, they like each other, huh?" Jon jokes and Sansa laughs, the sound sending waves of pleasure down his spine.
In truth, he's not sure how he managed to stand up and speak to her. She's a stunning vision in her light colored denim, skin tight down to the ankle, her top a slightly oversized graphic tee that's been ripped down into a sharp, deep neckline, tantalizing him in the worst (and best) of ways. Her red hair is pulled back in a sleek ponytail on top of her head and the length of it still amazes him. "No gun today, huh?" She asks, her voice bringing him out of his stupor.
"No," he laughs, shaking his head as they fall into step along the pathway. It's prime time for the dog park and so there comes laughter and voices from all around them, the barking of different dogs floating along the breeze. "Even I get a day or two off a week." In truth, he gets three, but that's because of the long hours. "How about you? What kind of work do you do to score weekends off?"
She blushes, surprising him, and she licks her rosy lips as if she's thinking about what to say. "Well, I'm a student, mostly," she admits with a quick smile, loosening her grip on Lady's leash so the dog can catch up with Ghost, who runs ahead. "I had a job but..." She can't admit that she had to quit her job because of Joffrey so she says the first thing that comes to her mind. "It was interfering with my studies, so I'm just taking a break until the end of the semester." Now, that wasn't entirely a lie, anyways.
"You must go to U of W, huh?" He asks to which she nods. "What are you studying?"
"I want to be a music teacher," she grins, thinking already of the small children she's guided through a spring concert during her time as a student teacher this last semester. "For little kids." She thinks a lot about taking an extra course or two, to add music therapy to her degree, but with her mother being ill, she's barely had the time for her regular classes, let alone a few additional ones.
Jon thinks back to those two nights at the bar, the sound of her voice always an echo in his mind... "Any kid that has you for a teacher would be pretty lucky," he admits without hesitation, bringing another rush of color to her cheeks. They turn onto another path, this one leading to a fenced off chunk of land that the dogs can run leash free. When Lady and Ghost are rushing excitedly out into the open, the other dogs in the distance barking as they approach, the two of them find a seat on one of the benches that sit against the fence. "I meant to ask... Your mom, how is she?"
Sansa blinks, genuinely surprised by the question he's just asked. She sits up a little straighter, their shoulder brushing as she shifts. "She's doing great, actually, I think hopefully she'll get to go home in a few weeks." The most recent prognosis had been a good one and Sansa can only hope that it's a matter of time before she's considered "well" again. "My father will be glad to have her home and my brothers, too." She smiles, thinking of the little boys she's left behind in the North, at home.
"That's great!" Jon says, truly meaning it, recalling the heartfelt wish of her last song. "Where does your family live? You're not from down here," like him, her voice carries the distinct Northern accent, though from differing areas. "Northern, am I right?" He thinks she must be from the Vale, that red hair of hers certainly reminded him of the Tully's in Riverrun. "Where are you from?"
She blushes again and looks away, momentarily distracted by the sound of Lady's bark. "Well, I told you my name was Sansa Stark, didn't I?" She shoots him a somewhat sheepish glance, blue eyes shining in the morning sunlight. That's right... Jon realizes, recalling that night when she had told him her name, though it hadn't registered with him what that might have meant.  "My father is Eddard Stark."
"You're the daughter of the Warden of the North?" Jon exclaims, unable to contain his shock at what she's just told him. So he was right about that Tully red hair, considering who her mother was. Though united under a single king, the kingdom of Westeros was divided into nations, governed by someone chose by the king himself, to rule in his name, as of course he could not be in every nation at once. The governor of each kingdom was like a king all his own.
She cringes, unable to help it, though she smiles all the same. "Yeah, he is," she confirms with a quick nod. It's not that she's ashamed of who she is or who her family is, but being attached to the Stark name, to the name of a family who's head runs an entire kingdom... It can be daunting. The expectations were higher, she was raised differently than the other young women she attends University with. With that comes privilege and coming to school here has opened her eyes to the many blessings she's been given in life. But.. Even so... She had always wanted more than what her parents had wanted for her. Coming to university had been her only way of rebelling against them, choosing to study music and pursue a career of her own outside of running the North.
"That's incredible," Jon kicks himself mentally for not realizing this sooner.  "So your family lives up North still?" He's somewhat surprised that Eddard Stark had allowed his daughter to stray so far from home. It was rumored that the Stark's were untrusting of those outside their bubble of the North, of Winterfell. Though, Eddard Stark's oldest friend was their King, Robert Baratheon, so Jon supposes he felt he could trust his daughter would be safe in the South.
"My father lives North still, with my brothers, and my mother.. Well the best hospitals are here in the South, so..." She trails off, raising her shoulders in a shrug. "I moved here for school because I wanted something of my own. Being part of my family..." Another pause, a strained sort of smile toying with her rosy lips. "I've been what they wanted my entire life. I wanted something that was only mine, not something they gave me or something that they wanted me to want. But... When I left, that's when Robb... That's when Robb was killed. And not long after that was my mother's first diagnosis." It was also when she had first met Joffrey. Sometimes, irrational as it is, she can't help but to wonder if she was the cause of her family's pain and Joffrey had been her punishment. She had moved to King's Landing despite her parents wishes and Robb had come along to "protect her" as he'd put it, deciding to enroll in the University alongside her. Before anyone knew it, he was dead and their mother was ill. "I'm sorry," she's blushing again, "that was a lot to dump on you." Again, she's struck by how easy it is to talk to him.
For a moment, Jon is silent. "I kind of understand what you mean," he admits after a moment more. "I grew up mostly on my own," he shakes his head when she looks up surprised, mouth opening to apologize. "But I never felt like I had something of my own. I didn't have a family, so I didn't have much. I guess that's why I joined the Special Forces." Back then, he had hoped to find family among comrades, to find something worth fighting for. Worth living for. "I came South to find what I've always felt like I was missing." He's never told anyone these things,  but looking into her clear blue eyes, Jon knows he could probably tell her anything.
Sitting there in the sunshine, staring into his eyes, Sansa knows something is about to change. She can feel it in the air, hear it in the whisper of the wind. She opens her mouth to speak,  but she can't find the words to say. In truth, it almost feels better without words. It's as if they understand each other, despite the silence of the moment. No moment has ever felt like this before, super charged with electricity that flows through her veins. She wonders if he can feel it too.
He can.
It takes everything in him not to reach for her, to touch her hand, to feel what her skin feels like against his own. They fall back into easy conversation after a few more moments of static silence and Jon finds he quite enjoys the easy going sound of her laughter. He wills himself to be wittier, if only to bring another smile to her face.
Later, when the morning has faded into early afternoon, they stand at the bottom of the stone steps that lead up to her home. "I had a lot of fun," she says, bobbing on her feet, ponytail swinging with her every movement. "And it looks like they had too much fun," she giggles, gesturing down at the dogs that have laid themselves down on the sidewalk at their owners feet, tired out from a long morning of running and playing.  
Jon chuckles as he tugs on Ghost's leash, urging the dog back up onto his paws. "Maybe next time we'll have to leave the slowpokes behind, I guess they can't keep up." Sansa feels her heart skip a beat. Next time? He wants there to be a next time?  "I'll call you, okay?" He goes on and she pulls herself from her mind, nodding quick. "See you, Sansa."
"Bye, Jon." She feels almost... Empty... Yes, that's it, empty, when he walks away from her. Perhaps he feels it too, for on the corner he pauses, turning back around to look for her. She still yet stands there on the sidewalk and so she raises her hand in a silent gesture of goodbye. Jon returns her wave and then disappears around the corner, leaving her with no other choice but to head inside.
When she steps inside, she finds Arya laying on the floor in the den,  Nymeria beside her. "Hey." Her younger sister calls out, raising herself up onto an elbow so she can turn to face Sansa as she sinks down onto the couch. "Mum says hi," she rolls over and sits up to pat Lady who has dropped down onto the floor beside Nymeria. "So..?"
"So what?"
Arya rolls her eyes, leaning in to give Sansa's calf a gentle punch. "Sooo, is there going to be another date?"
A smile toys with Sansa's lips before she gives a single nod. "I think so. I hope so."
[ x x x ]
It's as she's dumping the dishes from dinner into the sink that Sansa hears her phone beeping with an oncoming call.  
Wiping her hands off on a dish towel, she waves a smirking Arya away and can't stop her heart from skipping a beat at the sight of the name on the screen. "Hey," she says when she answers, sounding way more easy going than she feels. In truth, she's fearful that her heart might beat right out of her chest there in the kitchen.
"Hi," Jon's tenor vocals are smooth through the phone. She can almost imagine him on the other end, leaning against his kitchen counter, Ghost at his feet. "I know there's some rule about waiting to call, but I..." He trails off and surely he must be shaking his head to clear his mind. "I couldn't wait."
"I'm glad you didn't," she's barely breathing as she sinks into her usual chair at the table.
On his end, Jon is smiling, her admission giving him the confidence to continue on. "I want to see you again. Soon." He can't keep her out of his mind, out of his heart. Somehow, already, she's found a place within him. "Tell me when."
A beat of silence and then comes a response.
"Tomorrow... Tomorrow evening."
Jon inwardly rejoices and he nods, though she cannot see him. "Tomorrow. Seven thirty? I'll pick you up." When she says yes, Jon feels true joy rush through him. They talk for a few moments longer before hanging up, though almost at once Jon feels that almost familiar feeling of longing. How can someone he knows so little have such a magnetic pull upon him?
That night as he crawls into bed, Jon hears his phone buzz on the side table.
Reaching for it, he smiles when he opens the message, pleasantly surprised to see a photo before any words. She must be laying in her bed, the only source of light from that of her phone as she snaps the photo; Lady is laying across her chest, clearly passed out after her long day. He glances down at Ghost asleep on the floor beside his bed and smiles. Good night, is all it says, but it's enough... It's more than enough.
Just before she dozes off, Sansa hears her phone beep. Good night, sleep well, I'll see you tomorrow, is all he's written, but it moves her unlike anything else ever could. Such a simple message, but somehow, coming from him, it means something new. Something wonderful. It is the start of something new and exciting.
The start of something special.
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falle-ness · 4 years
Hi, for the not from US ask thing - 1, 6, 8 & 16? :)
Thanks for the ask))
6. Okay, as for the song, I'd say I just hate certain freak singers, like, for example, Dzidzio or whatever.
Just choose any song, lol
8. Ukrainians get confused with Russians :D Or basically the way the Eastern Europe folks speak and understand each other seem to be pretty much confusing for those who come from English-speaking countries.
We all are from different countries, yet we are able to do this kind of magic: Ukrainians are able understand (some even speak) the Belarusian language, Polish and Czech, and also vice versa sometimes. A lot of Ukrainians speak Russian and once Russian and Russian literature was taught in schools. I had this subject at school; and I'm kinda bilingual since in my family the grandma from Mom's side used to speak only Russian, though she was born in Ukraine, but the rest of her family was from Russia, they fled here from Kursk, the city in Russia bordering on the northern west with Ukraine. And in our family Russian was always favoured more. I still don't consider myself a native speaker of Russian, but if I want to, I could pass for a Russian XD
More funny it gets when you get people from Moldova, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, all those ex-Soviet countries in one room together and put there some foreigner who is confused af why all these people understand each other and speak one language - Russian.
So, back to the question. It was a time, when someone heard Ukraine, they always assumed it's a part of Russia or whatever. Now, ofc, our country has been on the world news for so many times, less and less people confuse it... But yeah, people from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine always have this kinda problem xd
16. Maaan, I really hate that stereotype that we all love salo. Salo is a traditional, predominantly Slavic food consisting of cured slabs of fatback (rarely pork belly), with or without skin. I like it, yeah, but I can't say I'm a big fan. Or that we all drink 'gorilka' - almost similar to 'vodka' in Russia.
Some assume that we're almost as poor as Africa and people here are hobos, but it's not, though, I admit, our government could've done better job with salaries for people... Just as the rest of the world, we have a civilized, democratic and pretty much chill (except the war on the East, but the rest of the country is chill) society. Btw, there's no such thing as aggressive racism here, no one will beat you for no reason if you're black. At least I never saw anyone in any city I've been to to give a damn about your skin color.
Yeah, I admit, people here tell jokes about that, but they never actually mean it. It's just the way they are. They tell jokes about 'moskals' - a derivative term for Russians. Or any other nationalities,or anything,or about themselves. No one gets offended, I guess if we didn't joke about anything, we'd go crazy. We're very self-conscious, and love a good irony))
If you call me a 'saloed' - salo-eater, I won't be offended, I'll just joke back at you :D
Once I lived in a city where lots of black folks came to study at the fly academy, and no one gave a damn, all treated them as regular folks.
What stereotype is true, is that lots of our girls and young women travel and end up hookers or human-trafficking victims. And well, most of the time that happens because such girls willingly agree to all the promises of a luxury life.
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autisticsuperpower · 4 years
We Need To Do Better, I Need To Do Better. #BlackLivesMatter
Here we are now more than a week later.
Civil unrest.
Nation wide now turned world wide protest.
Police Brutality happening in a continuous and never ending cycle.
George Floyd
Breonna Taylor
Ahmaud Arbery
Dion Johnson
Eric Garner
Sandra Bland
Michael Brown
Trayvon Martin
Just some of many names that have been brought to my attention over the past decade.
What’s always been a part of my attention is that there are rules.
When you break a rule, such as senselessly killing someone, there are consequences.
I’ve seen and heard many powerful speeches and posts from my fellow friends that are African American, that are fellow social justice advocates, and regular citizens like me who are fed up with the constant police brutality that has been going on over the past many years.
I’ve also seen and heard some “excuses” from others that these were justified or that these were simply mistakes.
I don’t believe that these police officers and white men with weapons made mistakes.
I believe that they all knew EXACTLY what they were doing.
I believe that they all KNEW they were in trouble when the cameras began rolling on them, but they continued to do it anyway.
There’s not really much to debate about when you see almost all of America, including myself, outraged over these senseless murders that keep happening time and time again.
There’s a lot of understanding into this.
I’ve been listening to so many people over the past few days expressing their anger, their breaking points being reached.
I’ve been listening to the African American community, really thoroughly listening to all the communities that have been affected and have had their lives torn apart by police brutality and systematic racism.
I’ve been thinking a lot in recent days a lot about privilege, a lot about class, and a lot about injustice.
I’ve also been thinking about silence and the repercussions of that.
You see, in order to truly understand and to be an ally of POC, I have to truly step into other peoples’ shoes and get more depth of what life is really like for other people.
Many of you know that I grew up as an Autistic straight white male in a small suburban town in Northern California, but what a lot of you may not know is 1) the demographics were and are still mostly white and 2) the level of ignorance was and still is pretty high.
Many of the people from my hometown don’t understand at all what other walks of life including the Latino, yes, the Autism, but most especially, the African American communities, face on a regular daily basis, and to be honest, they just don’t care and/or refuse to educate themselves.
The level of ignorance hadn’t stopped then and it still hasn’t stopped.
I’m hearing and seeing many insulting comments on TV and on social media regarding, “Oh, they shouldn’t be protesting like this” and “Oh, they shouldn’t be protesting like that”, especially on the topic of looting.
I understand that looting’s not comfortable to some, but let’s be very clear: Racism’s not comfortable to everyone, and having too much privilege is not comfortable to everyone, either.
I’ve been outraged for a long time with how justice has not been served for victims of police brutality, for instance, the officer that choked Eric Garner to death was never charged, the officer that shot and killed Trayvon Martin was acquitted, the officer that shot Michael Brown and left his body bleeding to death in the streets was never charged, and the officers that brutally beat Rodney King were acquitted.
I’ve been outraged for the past few weeks that White Trump Supporters can carry their assault rifles, their military weapons, and threaten local politicians to reopen their barber shops, their salons, and their gun shops without any consequences from the police, while Black Lives Matter supporters that are protesting peacefully are being teared gassed, pepper sprayed, and shot with rubber bullets and shrapnel.
I don’t want my future students that I’m about to student teach think that it’s acceptable for law enforcement or high positions of power to brutalize other cultures and ethnicities for just playing with a toy that looks like a weapon, that it’s okay to call 911 on a colored family for simply having a barbecue in the park. I don’t want my future students to think  with these racist acts of violence towards African Americans that “this is what it is”, because it’s not the way it is.
The reason why I’m saying all of this, is not just because I have many good friends that are African American, but also because their feelings and voices are meaningful to me. Every time I’ve watched these murders by the very people that are supposed to protect us, I think of my friends that are having to fight for their rights to go jogging around their neighborhood or to ask help from strangers. Their rights to have mental health crises, sell CDs, or can go to Church or to a club on New Year’s Eve. Their rights to relax in their own home and breathe without the fear of being harmed or killed.
This has gone on for far too long, and this has gone long enough.
This systemic racism is wrong, it affects everyone, whether they see or not, and at this point, the local and national governments need to step up and make vital changes that will not undervalue POC. If they’re not willing to do so, then it’s simple: we’ll vote them out, and I’ll start with voting out the dictator-in-chief this November just like how I voted against him 4 years ago.
Tamika Mallory said it best that this cannot be looked at as an isolated incident. People are saying enough is enough. And as a white man, it’s time for me to stand up and say that I see you. I hear you. I stand with you. I’m fighting with you and for you. You have a right to be heard and you deserve to be heard. And that’s why I say “Black Lives Matter!” 🖤
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