#like its making me scream despite it being such a small little thing
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what if i went insane
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jo-com · 2 months
‧₊ ᵎᵎ 🍒 ⋅ ˚ ➛ A way to a dog lover’s heart
Lando Norris x Fem!reader
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Summary: Despite his personal problem with dogs; Lando took it upon himself to study more about dogs and how to win their favor so that he can win yours.
Genre: Fluff, wholesome moments, Dog lover reader (Let’s pretend that Lando dislikes dogs)
Note: there are some grammatical errors and that this is not proofread, hope you enjoy tho!
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ➛ My Masterlist
─────── ─ ⋆🍨。𖦹 °✩ ─ ───────
Ever since his childhood days, Lando had some personal issues with dogs— it was an unpleasant memory that he wishes to forget. For him it was a gruesome event that marked his fear of dogs forever. It made him scared to the point that being approached by them make his instincts act up and run away.
The so called ‘gruesome event’ he was talking about was, Lando getting bit in the ass by a small dog. So terrifying.
People find it funny, hilarious even, but for him it was an “Traumatic experience.” Well so he says.
He vowed to never touch an inch of them, but upon finding out that you were a dog enthusiast— even his fear of dog won’t get in the way of winning your heart.
“I am so happy that you also like dogs, it’s hard to meet people that are inlove with them, like i am”
Lando let out a lengthy cough, “yeah uhm i love dogs so much its crazy.”
Your face lit up at his words, feeling your heart content with the same love you guys shared for dogs. Never have you ever met someone like him, he is so different.
“Sooo, would you like to visit me sometimes? I’d love for you to meet my babies.”
Lando licked and puckered his lips, releasing it with a pop— his demeanor shifted into a uncertain one. You could sense hesitancy from the way he moved.
You then picked up on his action and your once smiling lips were now pulling into a frown. Does he not want to meet them? Or does he not want to be bothered by going?
His eyes flickered back to your almost pouting face. The look in your eyes clearly screams, ‘slowly loosing interest’, he became wary of your expression and quickly lightened the mood by blurting out his response.
“YES, I would love to meet them” he slightly yelled, his voice even cracking a little.
You giggled at his anxious face, “sure, it’s another date then.”
Lando sighed contentedly, seeing your face warm up to him once again. His pupils dilated into a heart shaped as he stared more at your breathtaking appearance— if that’s even possible? Nonetheless lando was both stoked and afraid at the same time. But it’ll all be worth it when he makes you his.
Lando’s heart skipped a beat as he contemplated whether or not to ring your doorbell; he has been standing there for like 30 minutes now and was so scared at the thought of being pounced by your hell hound. Only staring at your front door and doing nothing.
“Lando? What are you doing just standing there?” You asked, your eyes narrowed at his standing figure.
With your sudden voice, he was quick to go back to his senses and compose himself in front of you.
“Oh uhm… you see.. ah i was just taking in this beautiful house of yours.” Lando answered, showing some of his teeth with an awkward smile.
You looked at him skeptically but soon shrugged it off and gestured for him to come inside, to which he happily obliged.
His chest began to shake once again, waiting for your dog to come at him and do the same thing the dog from his childhood had done.
He stiffly walked towards your living room. Taking in the interior and design that you’ve come to a liking. Mentally noting the things you’d love and prefer.
He was then interrupted when he saw the biggest golden retriever that he had ever seen run across the other room to where Lando was now currently standing. His eyes widened at it’s sudden appearance— his whole body shaking in fear at it’s sight.
Once you saw your dog, you were quick to run towards her and ruffle it’s fur; feeling her tender fur rub against your palms, “Hi my baby, did you miss me? God you’re so adorable like always, yes you are” you spoke in a childish manner while kissing her nuzzle.
Lando stood awkwardly at the side. He gulp down the saliva that was forming inside his mouth. He didn’t know what to do at this point, he was scared shitless at your dog.
You stopped what you were doing and momentarily glared back at lando, “come meet my baby, isn’t she so cute?”
He bit down his lower lip— sighing heavily to muster up his strength and atleast show that he’s interested. Even if it was forced.
Lando then lowered himself and took a knee by your side. He was now face to face with the so called beast and was clearly rethinking the whole situation he’s in.
“Come on now, pet her she doesn’t bite, trust me.”
He nodded slightly, “yeah..she’s just a little ball of…cuteness?” With shaking hands, he finally laid his hand in her head— stroking them stiffly as his fear still resides in his mind.
His heart pounded inside his chest when your dog swiftly licked his hand. “Ohh i think she likes you.”
The sweat that formed in his forehead were now crashing down his face— what has he gotten himself into?
“I am not ready tho, will it be okay for you to wait?” You asked, your tone laced with sweetness.
Lando nodded his head, “Yeah, it’s okay. I mean i can walk your dog while you finish up.”
Your whole demeanor lit up as he uttered those words— feeling a sense of closeness forming around you two. You were speechless at his suggestion; not one single guy you’ve ever dated asked you that. Ever!
On the outside Lando looked cool as hell when he said that but on the inside well… he was shaking in fear, he didn’t even know why he said that. Why would he? When he’s scared of them. Even touching them triggers his anxiety. But if it’s for you..
“Yeah sure, if it’s alright with you to spend time with her?”
He shrugged, “what do you mean? I love dogs!”
“I FUCKING HATE DOGS” Lando screamed— his whole body shaking and numb from running.
You see, when lando took her out it was all going great…. not until two dogs showed up and started chasing them.
His breathing became uneven while the two dogs kept following them and barking out loud, not louder than Lando’s screaming voice though.
Even the whole neighborhood could hear him and looking at him with pure judgment. Whispering amongst themselves and enjoying the free entertainment that lando had put out.
“So how was the run?”
“Uh it was amazing, she was…great, nothing happened at all it was so peaceful” Lando spoke, his voice trembled from being out of breath earlier.
You then grabbed her leash and escorted the two inside— taking it off her sooner as she stepped in your floorboards.
A smile formed in your lips, seeing your dog run with glee and then back at The driver in front of you, “thank you, really. I hope she wasn’t a bother.”
Lando stared blankly at you, his mind wandering at the events that happened earlier. “Like i said, she was amazing, i hope to do it again next time!.”
Like hell he will.
I am back y’all😜
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nyarumie · 2 months
What if Soshiro's girlfriend was nice to Weapon 10 because it saved his life and instead of being flustered 10 also start liking her and now Soshiro feels like he has to share his gf with the suit!!
A small continuation to 'Suit Anomaly', based from this ask! (Click here for Part 3)
Author's Reply: Hi, Anon! This sounds adorable! His gf's semi rude attitude towards No. 10 was because of the injuries Soshiro got from their fight, but she's not a totally cold person so I can see this happening! I shall do my best ♡
Requests and messages are welcome on my ask box! I can also write for Narumi and Mina (。・ω・。)ノ♡
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Just a few weeks after the nationwide cataclysm orchestrated by Kaiju No. 9, you once again found yourself standing in the very same training facility right after a small kaiju attack from the previous day. This time, you’re equipped with your own numbers weapon just in case it goes haywire after all the damage it sustained.
“How does it feel?” you ask him.
“Still as uncomfortable as ever,” he said. “Can’t say this thing’s more tame now, it’s as battle hungry as always; but it kinda listens to me and has a l’il bit of common sense now.”
You snort, hearing No. 10 roar an “Are you saying I’m stupid?!” at him.
Knowing him, Soshiro just refuses to tell the truth: He’s grown comfortable wearing his numbered suit, despite the strain it deals on his body. It’s particularly crazy how he’s able to wear it and fight using it again just after a few days of being discharged from the medbay—any normal officer wouldn’t be able to walk after that destructive fight.
"Hmm… You both did well in yesterday's fight," you started, followed with a sigh, "But you didn't need to go all-out at all. They were just small fry!"
Soshiro comically scratched his head, "No offense sweetie, but I think you're just upset you didn't get to kill one yesterday. This guy wanted to wipe 'em all out for ya. Some kind of thanks for actively watchin' over the suit's repair."
"I didn't say anything like that!" it complained.
Soshiro crossed his arms and complained, "Ya keep dragging me to her area! Told ya she's as strong as we are, but you kept screaming at me saying somethin' like 'Oi, Hoshina! Ain't you gonna protect your little foul mouthed girlfriend?!'"
"Stop lying! I just wanted to get a higher kill count; you're being too lousy in battle!"
'Ah… compatibility aside, the arguments aren't stopping soon.' you thought.
You cleared your throat, getting their attention back to you. "If that's the case, then I extend my deepest gratitude to you both—but you don't have to worry about me!"
Proceeding to closely inspect the suit, you went down on one knee and thoroughly observed its tail, which had been severed during their fight with Kaiju no. 12. You started caressing it, seemingly deep in thought.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I told you I'm not a pet!"
Soshiro just quietly observed the scene, curious at your actions.
Going to stand in front of Soshiro again, you bent your upper body forward to meet the Kaiju's eye.
For the first time since he's donned this suit, you gave it a sincere smile. "I give you my deepest thanks for protecting Soshiro. You did well."
After a minute of solid silence, the tail started aggressively swaying around and a frantic scream from Okonogi caught yours and Soshiro's attention.
"Vice Captain! Platoon Leader! I advise you to end the monitoring session—the suit's rapidly overheating for no reason!"
Soshiro started pulling the tail, trying to get it to behave. "You cyclops! Keep still! My girlfriend's not flirtin' with ya, not with a Kaiju!"
"Cyclops?! I'm not even doing anything, bowlcut bastard!"
As you laugh at the entertainment in front of you, the Kaiju detection alarm goes off.
"Let's go. Make sure you let me kill some today, alright?" you said, mood heightened.
That being said…
In the midst of the battle, it took Soshiro a great deal of strength just to stop the Kaiju suit from rushing towards your aid.
The both of them started arguing again after the fight, as Soshiro saw how its tail was subtly waving when you approached them, as if asking to be caressed again.
"Ya don't get to ask my girlfriend to touch yer tail! I'm not sharin' her with you!"
"I didn't ask her anything! And would you look at that, she's already touching it!"
With a pout akin to that of a child getting their lollipop stolen, Soshiro said, "Dear, ya don't have to do that! I'm right here!"
You giggled, wanting to tease him a bit. "And I can see you well enough, 'Shiro. You'll get your kisses later, yeah?"
He groaned, continuing their seemingly never-ending argument.
Oh, you can get used to this.
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cvnt4him · 1 month
hurt/comfort with vigilante! izuku where he reunites with his s/o has been plaguing my thoughts 😭
Let me relieve you my darling<33
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You were in your room staring up at the ceiling, something you found yourself doing time and time again these past months. Insomnia was a bitch and it seemed to have taken over you as a whole, engulfing you in its dreadful misery, making you stay up despite feeling tired. You were stuck, all because of him.
Thinking about how your oh so selfless and caring boyfriend left you... and your friends of course. He held you close, incredibly close the night before he departed. He spoke such sas words with such huge meanings, yet you were so tired and in such peace in his arms, you hadn't even noticed he was saying goodbye. He knew what he was going to do and told you goodbye. It made you feel so guilty waking up the next morning to see everyone standing in the middle of the lounge with saddened expressions slathered across their faces.
They held pieces of paper that you didn't have. They explained to you what it said in a long story short and it broke your heart. Then was when you finally pieces together what he was saying to you the night before. it broke you terribly so.
Thinking about that horrible day made you turn over in your bed and cry. You cried and cried and cried into your pillow silently. Sniffling and hiccuping as far tears rolled down your cheeks, your eyes reddening from how hard you were crying. You were crying so much it hurt, your throat was aching and your head was pounding. You had cried for the rest of the night.
The day completely flew by in a blur, you didn't take down any notes during class, hardly interacted with anyone at all, didn't eat during lunch. You were completely heartbroken for so long and it's affected your daily necessities. Once you'd read online how a broken heart can kill, sometimes during the night when you're crying you think about that and it leads to a panic attack. Your nights are restless and cruel. How you hated them, but you didn't hate them more than you did the day. They were long and tiring and so so so draining.
You found yourself once again, lying restless in your bed. Thinking about your oh so cruel and selfless boyfriend once again. One thing that kept crossing your mind was if he still thinks about you. Or at all in that fact, you wondered if he still considered you his girlfriend despite the two of you not being near each other for about 2 months.
You sigh at the thought, feeling the annoying and painful tinge of tears filling at your waterline. Just before you could turn over and do your routine all over again you hear a knock at your window. You jumped, startled at the sound that erupted from the balcony.
You gulped and wiped what little tears you needed to and got up, legs wobbly and you stumbled your way to your balcony opening it and walking outside and looking out in the distance. You seen a night sky and a crescent moon, no stars but some clouds present. The trees leafs billowing in the wind, you take a deep breath in and let the crisp night breeze fan your face. Closing your eyes you exhale and suddenly feel extremely relaxed. Like this is what you needed.
You hum, a small smile trickling to your face, tugging at the corners of your lips. Basking in this moment you're suddenly taken by surprise, whole body being grasped and flown into the air, you nearly scream but couldn't get a sound out as something, a hand wrapped around your mouth. You continued to try and scream through the hand covering your mouth before you hear a shushing sound. The person behind you shushing you as they held you close to their chest.
"shh.., it's okay. calm down. It's alright, I've got you.."
The voice, despite being muffled and somewhat deepened and groggy, sounded vaguely familiar. Scratch that, completely familiar, a voice you prayed you hear again. Every single night you prayed and prayed and prayed silently that he would come back to you, that he would come and get you. At least let you know he was okay.
Tears spilled from your eyes uncontrollably, you hiccupped and tried to catch your breath before you were swiftly turned around and your face was buried into his filthy chest. He reeked, he smelled so bad yet you couldn't begin to care. This proved it, he had thought about you. He cared about you. He..
" I love you..."
You couldn't muster words, choking on air as he rubbed circles into your back. You sniffed and wailed into his chest loudly. He brought you to the roof and sat you both down, holding you tightly.
"izu.. izuku.. how could- could you leave like that?! It- you—"
When you finally looked up to him you seen his dingy and dirty mask, it was ripped and kind of overed in muck and debris. Your wailing stopped as you looked at him, his face turning away. You pulled him back by his mask before trying to lift it slightly before he pulled it back down.
You tried again, a lot slower and gentler this time in hopes he'd let you see his face, it had been 2 months after all. To your surprise, he let you. You took his mask off lifting it over his head, once it was finally off his eyes were slightly squinted, it'd been a while since he took off that mask. Seeing through a dark mask all the time might have a bad effect on your eyes.
You sighed at his face, all sad and tired the bags under his eyes were worse than yours. He looked dead, pale, completely ghost like. It was startling. Your rat of sunshine who brightened everyone's day was dimmer, he was completely burned out. It hurt you to see him this way.
"y/n... I can't comeback.. not yet."
"wait what?! no no no no you- you have too! you-"
Izuku bit his lip trying to hold back his tears before he kissed you, his soft yet dried lips capturing yours and holding them there. He breathed in through his nose and held his breath trying to stay in this moment with you for as long as possible before it broke.
He placed his forehead to yours and his breath was wavery, shaking. He sniffed having a hard time holding back his tears. He wrapped his arms around you in a sweet embrace and snuggled his face in your neck.
"I'm sorry."
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AN: ah, a shitty ending to a shitty story. As much as I enjoyed creating this I feel like it's lacking a huge hint of flavour, alas I am too lazy to change it around. So enjoy!
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Just here to beg for a crumb-- just a little blurb about Marcus as a new dad? All those swimming lessons would have paid off before long, right?
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⤷ Credits: Pinterest
Marcus Acacius x Wife!reader | WC : 1.7k | Proof read : YES | Navigation | Notifications | asks : OPEN | Under a False Alter
Warnings: DUB-CON (Forced/Arranged marriage), Birth, insecurity, vulnerability, fluffy romance vibes with a hint of the reality of parenthood
A/n : Sorry this took a second but i hope you enjoy
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"MOTHERFUCKER!" you shouted, your voice echoing through the chamber as you clung to Marcus' arms, your grip iron-tight. Midwives swarmed around you, their practiced hands moving swiftly, their voices a blend of soothing reassurances and urgent instructions.
"It'll be alright, love," Marcus murmured, his voice steady despite the worry etched across his face. He wiped the sweat from your brow, his touch tender. "You're the strongest person I know."
"Strongest person you know?" you snapped, glaring at him through the pain. "If you had just kept your hands to yourself, we wouldn't be in this mess, Marcus!"
Marcus chuckled softly, though there was a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "I recall you being quite persuasive that night."
"Don't you dare put this on me!" you retorted, another contraction making you wince. "If you had any self-control, I wouldn't be screaming my head off right now!"
"Almost there," the head midwife announced, her voice cutting through the haze of pain. "I can see the head."
Marcus looked at you, his eyes shining with pride and awe. "Just a little more, darling. You're so close."
"Close to killing you," you muttered, though your grip on his hand tightened, drawing strength from his presence.
With a final, primal scream, you pushed with all your might. The room seemed to hold its breath as the midwives sprang into action. And then, a new sound filled the air—the cries of your newborn son.
Tears streamed down your face as the midwife placed the tiny, wriggling bundle in your arms. You looked down at him, your heart swelling with a love so fierce it took your breath away. Marcus leaned in, his arm around your shoulders, his eyes filled with wonder as he gazed at his son.
"He's perfect," Marcus whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You did it."
"We did it," you corrected, meeting his gaze. "And you owe me a lifetime of back massages and foot rubs for this."
Marcus laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Deal. And I'll start by being the best father I can be."
As you held your son close, feeling the warmth of his tiny body against your chest, you knew that whatever the future held, you and Marcus would face it together. This was the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with hope, love, and endless possibilities.
The midwives busied themselves around you, cleaning up and murmuring congratulations. You glanced at Marcus, who was still watching you with that same awestruck expression.
"Stop looking at me like that," you teased, though there was no heat in your words. "I look like I've been through a war."
"A beautiful war," Marcus said softly, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "And you, my love, are a warrior."
"Flattery will get you nowhere," you replied, though you couldn't suppress a smile. "But I suppose I can let you off the hook. Just this once."
"How generous of you," Marcus said with a grin, leaning in to kiss you. "I love you."
"And I love you," you whispered, feeling a deep contentment settle over you. "Even if you did get us into this mess."
"Well, it's a beautiful mess," he said, looking down at your son. "And I wouldn't change a thing."
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"Marcus, you can't hold him like that," you said, trying to suppress a laugh as you watched him awkwardly maneuver the tiny, squirming baby in his arms. Your son wriggled, his small fists waving in the air, clearly unimpressed with his father's attempt.
"I'm trying!" Marcus replied, a mix of frustration and amusement in his voice. "He's just so slippery."
You stepped in, gently guiding Marcus' hands to support the baby's head and body correctly. "There, like this. See? He's not that hard to handle."
"Easy for you to say," Marcus muttered, though a smile tugged at his lips. "You've always had a way with handling difficult creatures."
"Are you calling our son a creature?" you asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"Only the cutest one I've ever seen," Marcus said, his eyes softening as he looked down at the baby. "Alright, little man, let's get you clean."
You carefully poured warm water over your son's tiny body, making sure the temperature was just right. The baby let out a small, surprised squeak, his eyes widening at the sensation. Marcus chuckled, his large hands gentle as he helped you wash the baby’s delicate skin.
"He's not so bad once you get the hang of it," Marcus said, his voice filled with wonder. "Look at him. He's so small, but so perfect."
"Just like his father," you teased, running a soft cloth over the baby's head.
Marcus grinned, his eyes twinkling. "You think I'm perfect?"
"In your dreams," you replied, but there was no denying the affection in your tone.
As you continued the bath, Marcus took over washing the baby's tiny feet, his fingers incredibly gentle. "These little toes," he mused, "I can't believe something so small can be so perfect."
"Careful, Marcus," you warned with a laugh. "You're turning into a sentimental sap."
"Too late," he admitted, looking at you with a smile that made your heart melt. "This little guy has completely undone me."
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The days and nights blurred together as you adjusted to the whirlwind of new parenthood. There were moments of sheer joy and wonder as you watched your son grow and change, his tiny features becoming more defined with each passing day. But there were also moments of exhaustion and doubt, when the weight of responsibility felt overwhelming. Your pregnancy had been a mix of excitement and anxiety, each milestone bringing a new set of emotions. Now, holding your baby in your arms, you felt an intense love that was both beautiful and terrifying.
You marveled at his tiny hands and the way his fingers would curl around yours, his innocent eyes gazing up at you with trust. Those were the moments that made everything worth it, when the world seemed to stand still and all that mattered was the bond between you and your son. But there were also nights when he would cry inconsolably, and no amount of rocking or soothing seemed to help.
One particularly long night, as the baby cried relentlessly, you found yourself on the brink of tears. The exhaustion was bone-deep, and the frustration of not being able to calm him gnawed at you. "Why won't he stop crying?" you whispered, your voice trembling with fatigue and despair. You rocked him gently, trying every trick you knew, but nothing seemed to work.
Marcus appeared in the doorway, his hair tousled from sleep, his eyes instantly alert with concern. He had been your rock throughout the pregnancy and now, in the chaos of new parenthood, his support was unwavering. "Hey, hey," he said softly, crossing the room to you. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know," you admitted, your voice breaking. "I feel like I'm doing everything wrong. I can't even calm my own baby."
Marcus took the baby from your arms with practiced ease, his strong hands cradling the tiny body. He began to hum a gentle tune, swaying back and forth as he did. Almost immediately, the baby's cries began to quiet, his small body relaxing against Marcus' chest. Watching them, a mix of relief and sadness washed over you. Relief that your baby was finally calm, and sadness that you couldn't seem to provide the same comfort.
"See?" Marcus murmured, looking at you with a reassuring smile. "Sometimes, he just needs a change of scenery."
You sank into a nearby chair, the tears finally spilling over. "I feel like such a failure," you confessed. "I love him so much, but I can't seem to get anything right."
"You're not a failure," Marcus said firmly, kneeling beside you, still holding the now calm baby. "You're an amazing mother. This is hard—it's supposed to be hard. But we're doing it together, remember?"
You nodded, wiping your tears away. The weight of his words began to soothe the ache in your chest. "I just... I want to be perfect for him."
"And you are," Marcus insisted. "Look at him. He's healthy, he's loved, and he's got the best mom in the world."
A small smile tugged at your lips as you reached out to touch your son's cheek. His skin was soft and warm, and you felt a rush of love so powerful it almost hurt. "I guess I just need to take it one day at a time."
"Exactly," Marcus agreed, standing up and offering you a hand. "Now, let's get you both back to bed. I'll take the next shift."
You allowed Marcus to help you up, feeling the fatigue in your bones but also a renewed sense of hope. The journey of parenthood was far from easy, but with Marcus by your side, you knew you could face the challenges ahead.
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“He’s growing up so fast,” you whispered, a bittersweet ache in your voice as you took in the sight of your little boy, so full of life and promise.
Marcus nodded, his voice a gentle balm. “He is. But look at him—strong and happy. We’ve done well, haven’t we?”
You leaned back into his embrace, savoring the warmth of his presence. “It’s been an incredible year,” you agreed softly.
Marcus pressed a tender kiss to your cheek, a playful glint lighting up his eyes. “How about we make this weekend even more special? A trip to the sea, just the two of us.”
You turned to face him, excitement mingling with a hint of anxiety. “But what about our son? I don’t want to leave him.”
“Don’t worry,” Marcus reassured you, his voice soothing. “I’ve spoken with your mother. She’s thrilled to have him for the weekend. We’ll be close by if anything happens.”
You hesitated, biting your lip as you considered his words. The thought of time alone with Marcus was enticing. “It would be nice to spend time together,” you admitted.
Marcus smiled, the warmth in his eyes making your heart flutter. “We deserve a little break. And perhaps… we could start thinking about giving him a little brother or sister.”
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talkbycolor · 10 months
I deserve this
A/N; at this point its obvious that i inspire in rebzyyx songs
Pairing; "Your Boyfriend" x AFAB!Reader (cus people are scared of the word trans)
CW; reader becomes willing at the end i swear / unhealthy, obsessive and possesive love / sensitive topics such as mental health, depression, anxiety, fear of abandonment, dissociation, suicidal thoughts / a crazy concept: he talks about his emotions!! / non-con, violence, like, i cry while i masturbate
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It's quite blurry trying to remember how it all started, it seemed harmless to accept a date from a stranger, he gave you a beautiful rose and was quite kind to you.
Feeling that people could like you, that someone could be romantically interested in you, because of who you are, your personality, that they knew your… desires?
Because you had dreams, of course.
Your dream was to live, to live a quiet life, a stable, pleasant job, with good pay, a normal and peaceful life, where the deep emptiness in your heart was non-existent, years had passed and the monotonous feeling did not disappear, you had already accepted the pain, after all, if you felt that constantly it was probably because you did something wrong at some point, right?
But that was a personal dream that would never be shared.
And it's not like that matters now, not when you're in… A room, that's funny, your last memory is of Peter slamming you against the table to tie your limbs since their last date didn't end as expected and It was time to go home.
Return to an empty home, for what? Peter was more than willing to take care of you, why was he so scary? Accepting it would have made things easier, but you ruined everything by trying to run away, you even fought tooth and nail, that was too pathetic now that you remember it, maybe you DO deserve all the shit that is happening.
You could have saved yourself so much terror and attacks.
"PETER ENOUGH! PLEASE! LET ME GO! NO! NO! FUCK, PLEASE!" You tore out your throat with terrified screams and tried to claw at his skin until your fingers were bloody, biting the hands that tried to stop your screams, hitting his face with your elbows and kicking him away, crawling like a dying animal away from him. "PETER!" You sobbed sharply before losing consciousness.
But nothing worked, resisting only made all that shit worse and now you were tied up, in Your boyfriend's old clothes.
You barely remember how you got to that place, or if time passed, anyway that doesn't matter anymore, from one day to the next you find a very small piece of clothing that turned out to be yours, time passed, your body grew but your mind didn't, they keep lying but you know that your life will depend on how well you do it.
And you're not doing it right, you tried to adopt toxic happiness but you couldn't even maintain it for a while before exploding, sadness was already an everyday thing and you just weren't feeling it anymore.
Just peace please, how hard could that be? It was annoying, you even felt angry for feeling so empty, because people were so rude and the constant rejection killed you socially.
It was hard to breathe, wasn't it?
"Love? Do you hear me?"
It feels like the end, your soul is bleeding, you wish your stupid job made you feel a little more alive and motivated to continue.
And now you have done so many things to escape from that monster that pulls you back to the room to devour you under the bed.
"Darling!" Your boyfriend's voice echoed through the room, making you look at him once and for all, your eyes tired despite having been unconscious most of the time.
"…" You wanted to respond, really, but what were you supposed to say?
"You must be exhausted, you didn't even touch dinner" It was a tricky phrase, he had tried to feed you since you were tied up.
"I already told you that I prefer to be called other way, honey" He responded with a smile and a definitely not irritated tone.
"I want to sleep" He left your lips, he was being so caring, taking care of your health.
He kidnapped you.
And you couldn't even thank him for it.
He knocked you out.
You really were an ungrateful shit, weren't you?
He locked you up.
You wanted to return the signs of affection.
Soon the ropes left your body, Peter helped you stand up and you both walked to the bedroom, he was still carrying a small plate with a light dinner, he refused to let you go to bed without having eaten dinner.
Once in bed, he made sure that you had a proper dinner, and he helped you change your clothes so that you would be comfortable in bed, he also did the same with his attire and now you were both lying down. It always made your stomach churn when he looked at your half-naked body.
"Dear" He murmured next to you while you tried to sleep as soon as possible, so many things had happened those last few days that the only way out was to sleep, you had probably already been fired from your job for not showing up. "Honey, love, darling," he said sweetly as his hand went up to your cheek, he simply looked at you with a huge and probably painful smile on his face, almost tattooed, you made him so happy with your mere presence.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, your mind still cloudy enough to refuse anything, so you just went up to kiss him, the room was very dark and there weren't even crickets echoing at night, the amount of silence was overwhelming… of course, that didn't count the lip-smacking they shared.
So it continued.
For a long time.
"Pet-…uhm, I mean, honey, I'm tired and I want to sleep" You interrupted the honey session.
"Please, you don't have to do anything, just let me love you, darling" his voice was soft, soothing to that darkness but not to the painful weight in your heart and the knot in your stomach, his touches felt strange.
You know that's wrong, you don't like it.
You didn't stop him, just like he said, you let him love you as you closed your eyes and a buzzing sound echoed in your head, like television static, your bottom clothes had disappeared, but that didn't matter.
You couldn't hear anything, you didn't see anything, your body reacted but your mind was very far from that place, you wandered through your memories, fantasies of a life you were never going to have.
It was really digging into your cunt, huh? Even when your mind wanted to flee somewhere else, it was undeniable how he held your thighs and you gasped heavily with each thrust.
His member was still dripping his seed, did he use protection? You don't know, you don't care.
It doesn't matter.
B e cau se s oon y o u w il l b e d ea d.
"Honey? Didn't you enjoy it?" Peter asked with a worried frown.
What the hell is wrong with you? Do you no longer have respect for yourself? You know it's going to hurt you.
Don't you mind dying? You lost hope and you don't even try to help yourself anymore, damned and pathetic attempt at being human, really unnecessary.
"Honey…" Peter caressed your cheeks and brought his forehead to yours, sighing softly and carrying your body to the bathroom in the room.
You didn't say anything either, you just felt how it was cleaning your body, the water was warm, the bathtub full of bubbles, and it smelled pretty good, like coconut soap. Peter hummed quietly as he treated your body with the utmost affection, you were sure he was whispering things in your ear but you were barely aware of your surroundings.
When your eyes finally focused on something you could see the ceiling of the room thanks to the moonlight, Peter was behind you, hugging your body, caressing your hair, and sniffing the soapy fragrance.
"You are so sweet, so unique, so kind, so special to me, a truly exceptional person, I will do everything to make you feel comfortable, darling, I love you so much, my adorable-…"
"… Yes love?" This time he didn't argue about that name, you were finally talking and that was good.
"I'm sorry I feel so alone, I know you're here but…" You wish you could give him an answer but that was something even you hadn't figured out yet.
"It's okay, honey, I'll be with you to hold you, forever."
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kamig4mes · 5 months
heyy, could you please write headcanons for how shigaraki would react/feel with a gn s/o who gives him small things that remind them of him? like, they see a red rock and give it to him bc its the color of his eyes, that kind of stuff
hey hey honey, of course! It's the first request from mha that I make here, although I must admit that I didn't expect it to be from shigaraki! ksdjdjsj 🤭 anywaay, I came up w/ a couple of things for this boy, I hope you enjoy it
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#pov: Shigaraki would react/feel with a gn s/o who gives him small things that remind them of him.
★ warnings: realistic hc, fluff, established relationship, affection, couple love, league of villains
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Realistically, you don't even know how you managed to get this guy to end up being your boyfriend. I mean, your mental dictionary is so broad and far-fetched but the words "love" "consideration" "passion" seem not to be included in it but here they are both! Celebrating even the smallest things you do for him.
Sometimes the gifts with the most emotional meaning are found when you least expect it.
They were walking hand in hand through some deep neighborhood of the city with a path to the forest when something suddenly made you brake sharply and scream.
"Oh my- STOP!!"
Shigaraki flinched when he heard you, alerting all his senses. You got rid of his grip to step back on the way to take something in your hands.
When you came back to his side he looked at you surprised, almost angry.
"Here, take it honey" your arms outstretched towards him with that smile adorning your face, he was looking at you like you were crazy "it's for you"
"If it's a fcking spider I swear to yo-"
"Who do you take me for? C'mon, just hold out your hands" he reluctantly does as you ask, rolling his eyes when you smiled in victory.
At first Shigaraki stiffened when he felt the light weight on his bare palms, moments later he relaxes when he sees that it was a small stone. But not a current.
"A red stone?"
"Yea', a little weird, isn't it? But.. It reminds me of the color of your eyes.." you confessed, feeling your cheeks (and his) burn red hot.
Shigaraki froze instead. The poor man didn't expect to hear you say that, and he never expects it! He's not at all familiar with this type of treatment and sensations that you generate for him, and despite having been dating for a couple of months, this type of affection is still unexpected for him.
Deep down, his heart warmed up like a torch, sending his brain the signal to shout out all the tenderness that you generated in him with that simple gesture. But he couldn't, he felt blocked and too shy to answer correctly.
Since your boyfriend was silent for what seemed like a whole minute, you rushed to bring his attention back.
"We must get back soon before dark, don't you think? We don't want to get lost" you laughed, awkward kissing his cheek quickly. You didn't need him to respond to your acts of love, you understood his heart perfectly. But, sometimes, you wished he would express his emotions more with you.
"And I'm so sorry for yelling earlier"
"Uh-mh, it's okay.." Shigaraki sighed, before linking his hands again and kissing the top of your head "let's go back home"
You learned to identify your eccentric boyfriend's tastes and understand his peculiar manias, but you suspected that you still had a lot to discover about his twisted inner world.
It was just another day of the year when, while cleaning inside the drawers of Shigaraki's bedside table, you came across a somewhat small and neglected notebook with his name engraved on the lid.
You decided to take a look at it, surprising yourself with the amount of sketches that were embodied inside. And you couldn't help but melt with tenderness when you saw that a large part of the drawings that filled that notebook were you portrayed. You rushed to leave it where you found it and get on with the cleaning. It seemed strange to you that that book was out of place but thanks to that cluelessness, you discovered that Shigaraki liked to draw.
From that moment on, every instrument/drawing material you saw reminded you of him. And without realizing it, you ended up buying an impeccable set of graphite pencils for him.
When Shigaraki returned home in the afternoon, a box with a note greeted him in the living room. He looked everywhere in your search, in vain. The white-hair then approached the table to inspect the gift.
"This reminds me of you, and I think it may serve you. All yours"
As he guessed, the calligraphy was yours. Upon unveiling its contents, the thousands of drawings inside his notebook whipped his mind, clearly remembering every moment he made them, especially those where you were: sitting in the living room, in bed asleep, with your back on the balcony, etc. Just thinking about it, his corners rose in a smile that, if you were looking at him, you would be disarmed of love.
"God.. So adorable..."
He may never ask you how you found out about his hobby, but that didn't interest him. Because the best piece of art he can have is you. It will always be you.
Luckily, you have in mind his love for sweet foods. It became essential for you to buy breakfast cereal, specifically the sweetest flavor that existed on the market because it seemed to be the only one that met the necessary sugar levels for him. It's the first thing you look for when you come back from shopping.
"Tomura, honey, I'm home!" you screamed once you entered his warm abode. Soon you heard how a few footsteps crawled down the stairs to receive you next to a kiss.
"You're back soon" Shigaraki took the bags from you and carried them to the kitchen, poring over their contents. When he didn't see it anywhere, he questioned you, "Did you buy it?"
"Of course, it was already running out"
Shigaraki examined your facial features to make sure you weren't lying.
"The one with the double honey-? "
"The one with the double honey and sprinkles, baby, here it is" and you waved the long-awaited colorful box.
Shigaraki blinked with a hidden surprise when you finished his sentence. He loved that you remembered the details about him, he loved feeling special and listened to. Especially if it was you.
The white-hair nodded before turning around to leave the kitchen and go back to his business, hiding from you that goofy smile that was starting to outline on his face.
Whenever you pass by a video game store, the impulse to buy a game from their range of tastes ends up taking over you in some way or another.
"What are you getting me now, puppy?" he mumbled a barely audible giggle as he took the rectangular gift and tore the wrapper "Is this another one of your jok- Oh.."
His eyes widened as he observed the package in his hands. That limited edition Mario Kart game that came out a couple of weeks ago had him so surprised.
"Damn, y/n.."
With his role as a villain, he had moved away from his gamer side quite a lot. But he made sure that no one touched his glorious shelf full of his best and favorite video games. And you were there to stock that dusty shelf, to remind him that that side of him isn't quite dead.
"Do you like it? Although it's not such an important thing"
"Isn't it such an important thing?!" Shigaraki raised his voice offended.
You shrugged your shoulder, feigning indifference even though his beautiful surprised little eyes had you internally screaming "I thought it was missing from your collection"
Shigaraki looked again the video game, his heart turning completely upside down, not believing that you could give him something so difficult to get in the first weeks of release, but you would do anything for him.
He subtracted the space between you, catching you by surprise when he pulled you by hugging you tightly.
"Thanks u, babe.."
As long as it comes from you no matter what you gave him, even if he doesn't show it to you verbally, he appreciates all your gestures.
You smile softly, stroking her hair "don't thank me, honey"
That's the way he was, shy, inexperienced, spontaneous and shy just like a little boy. But little by little that child was growing up, opening up to the affection that you offer him and experiencing the rules of love with you by his side because thanks to you the words "love" "consideration" "passion" were added to his mental dictionary with a clear and real definition, thus finding ways to show you all that love that he also has to give you.
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©2024 / ENJOY ♡ — I was as realistic as possible, I like hc's to be like that. If you liked it, don't forget to repost it so that it reaches more little people. Thank y, I love them!
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moodymisty · 6 days
Heya Misty! Your blog has cheered me up so many times since I found it last year. Genuinely, thank you for everything you share with us. Its always a ton of fun here! If I'm not too late for requests, could I request some pred/prey smut with Leman? Wolfdaddy can always use more love :) and I hope the future has nothing but blessings in store for you xx
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Author's note: BARK BARK
Relationships: Leman Russ/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Predator/Prey play, Oral (female receiving), Very light breeding kink
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The tree branches scratch at your skin through your clothes, boots trampling through the deep snow. It's up to your mid calves- considered a light amount of snow on Fenris. You can feel your own hot breath fan across your face as you run through it, stumbling through the woods with no sense of direction.
Russ had given you a few hour head start, with the implication that you wouldn't even last till nightfall. You hadn't disagreed with him, though there was a sudden blossoming of pride in you that wanted to prove him wrong.
But the sun is starting to set, the sky is turning purple and orange; That sense of pride is now replaced with fear, you have a feeling he's toying with you.
You keep hearing leaves rustling and branches breaking without a trace of why, but always from a particular direction.
You know he's toying with you.
For just a moment you dare to try to stop and catch your breath, feeling your heart beat against your ribs. Your body feels hot in your clothes despite the temperature, though taking them off would be suicide in this icy chill.
A terrifyingly loud crunch has you taking your hands off your knees and putting your head on a swivel like a rabbit, taking off again through the thick snow trying to make any sort of distance- before realizing that it isn't an option.
Through the last few trees you can see the edge of the cliff, dropping down hundreds of feet into nothingness. Your throat burns in pain, each heavy breath is like knives against it's dry flesh as you stare into the abyss.
Russ herded you here- he's trying to trap you and succeeding.
"I can smell you, little wolf."
The deep rumble of his voice echoes through the trees, and you don't bother to look around before running. The snot in your nose is frozen and you can feel snowflakes against your skin, the cloth of your clothing dragging in the snow.
"You want to get bred. Once I catch you, I will."
There's absolutely nowhere to hide out here- The only foliage is the trees and even if you had the strength to climb them, you would only trap yourself for him. The instinctual want to get higher is a thing you have to fight within yourself to keep moving.
Not that he would complain if you trapped yourself; You're sure he's being lackadaisical on purpose to draw this out, to try and simulate a hunt that would actually require some effort.
"You make such good prey,"
Russ' revert back to baser, wolf taught instincts has him overjoyed at the struggling of what to him is a small animal, one who's heart is about ready to explode.
"I wonder if you could ever last the night out here."
You suddenly stumble over in the snow, the cold ice stinging your palms like needles. Through the cloud of your own breath you try and get to your feet and keep moving along the edge of the cliff to somewhere else- anywhere else, but you end up just stumbling over again as your body begins to give in.
You feel the ground rumble beneath your hands and knees and instantly your heart begins to race, the prey instinct of being injured and exposed.
"I can smell you're bleeding,"
He says, emerging from between the trees. You quickly try and scamper to your feet, only to fall right over again into the snow. A scream catches in your throat as the thought of fleeing overtakes you.
Russ however simply laughs at the struggling of his prey and quickly moves in to snatch you up, tying you wrists together as you try to escape from him.
"Let us get this bounty back to the Great Hall then, shall we."
You scream as he throws you over his shoulder, gripping you by the thigh and trudging through the snow leagues easier than you could.
There's no motion you could possibly make to free yourself from him now, and your heart finally begins to slow down once your mind catches up with the fact that this play hunt is over.
It's terrifying how a change in context can turn him into an absolute horror; And you know he's only playing.
Despite it being so easy however Russ seemed to very well enjoy it, bursting back into the blooming warmth of the Great Hall boots thundering on the ground. He tracks in snow from his boots, it crumbling to dust all over the floor and making a mess of the rugs.
"Ahh, father!"
One of the wolves guarding the hall speaks up with a pep in his voice and a warm flush to his cheeks from the chill outside.
"You finally got your prize I see!"
Embarrassment blooms on your face in a sudden explosion when you realize that Russ apparently not only told his sons about this little game, but more likely bragged about what his prize was going to be.
Russ lets out a chuckle from deep within his chest you feel vibrate in your gut, nodding at his astartes.
"Tell Bjorn he's in charge until the morn, I won't be interrupted unless it is urgent."
The wolf nods back, and watches Russ leave in the direction of his bedchambers. You are able to watch the wolf as he departs, giving you a keen look before leaving himself to presumably tell Bjorn of his temporary duties.
The entire time Russ has quite the firm hold on your thighs and ass, taking the fruit of his hunt right to his den. Once he gets there you're thrown onto the massive bed covered in pelts with little fanfare, hands still tied.
For a moment, the way Russ looks down on you is with that same predatory stare you saw out in the woods, and your heart begins to pick up pace as he approaches and hefts his weight onto the bed.
"You're taking this far more seriously than I-!" He suddenly pushes you around on the massive bed, wrapping the fabric around your wrists to connect you to part of the headboard. "Than I expected!"
Russ gives you a large, fang filled smirk.
"What, do I seem the type to half ass things?"
He doesn't quite care about your response, only about the way you squeak when he grabs hold of your clothes and rips them off of you bit by bit, the fabric scattered about. The snow you had also tracked in on your clothes dusts around the bed, some of it getting on your bare skin and making a shiver run up your body.
Your breath comes out of your throat shaking and ragged as he presses his face to your lower stomach, laughing as he grips your thighs. You can feel him intake a good breath of air as his beard digs into your skin.
"You smell even better than usual- should do this more often."
You don't know how you feel about that; You're so tired from all the running that your muscles are screaming in pain; You don't think you have the strength to do much more than lie here and simply let him have his way with you. Not that he will complain about enjoying his prize in such a way.
His mouth drifts lower, large hands pushing your thighs apart and back. You let out a soft noise in your throat.
He then presses his face between your thighs, mouth covering your cunt. He listens to the way you suddenly squeal and kick your legs, hands still locked above your head. You writhe underneath him with no way to even grab something to ground yourself, your whines echoing in the massive, high ceiling room.
The course, rough hair of his beard scratches against the skin of your thighs and outer lips, surely leaving you with hot, scuffed skin that will burn for days after. Russ finds it amusing, and will sometimes after he's done and sees the raw flesh will lick and kiss at it- listening to you try and whimper at him to stop.
You feel the deep groan he lets out rumble against your core, tongue brushing over your clit. Your thighs are tight trying to close around his head but he doesn't let them, pressing them back and far apart. He closes his lips around your clit and sucks listening to you squeal and writhe underneath him, before pulling away and laughing at the way your hips try to follow.
He drags his jaw against your leg scratching the soft skin with his beard. He can't resist giving it a quick bite also, leaving dents in the soft fat at the apex of your inner thigh.
He returns his mouth to your cunt and continues, feeling his sharp fangs occasionally catch at your skin. He may never be the most coordinated, but he makes up for it with an enthusiasm that has tears in the corners of your eyes; Spit mixing with the juices that leak from you neverending.
Your stomach tenses almost painfully as he continues to lap at you, one hand leaving it's grip on your thighs to slip a finger past your entrance. You gasp and tighten around him, feeling the way his thick digit slips deep inside of you. It feels like he's trying to push up through your lower stomach with how deep his is, brushing deep towards your cervix.
Your one thigh pressing against his head now free, he slips a second finger inside of you and listens to you keen and writhe at the stretch. He chuckles, tongue dancing over your folds and overwhelming you until your stomach feels like it hurts so much it's going to explode; Clit throbbing underneath his tongue.
Your throat is raw from running for so long in the cold but this only makes it worse, letting out a ragged, shaking dry moan as you body goes limp and you cum on his fingers.
He continues for just a bit longer feeling the way you whimper at the overstimulation, milking every last bit out of you until there's nothing left.
Left panting and totally limp you feel his fingers leave your cunt, grimacing at the way they stretch you wider as they pull out. His mouth leaves and he wipes your juices, though it mostly smears them over his beard then actually cleaning himself.
Out of breath and limp you look up at him with wide eyes, watching as he starts to undress himself.
"Can you untie me first?"
You plead to him, watching as he undoes the top half of his clothes. You see his lower stomach, the trail of hair that leads down below his waistline and beneath his trousers.
"No. I quite like when my prey is tied up."
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Being Noah's twin and knowing the Autobot's before him
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Human reader
Buddy is Noah’s younger twin.
It all happened a couple years ago while Buddy was still in high school.
Noah had been going on and on about the army engineering program and the places he would go.
Buddy was close to shoving their hot dog in his mouth.
They knew with him leaving, things at home weren’t going to be the same and with no Noah at home…
It didn’t seem right at all.
They don’t know why they did it, but that night they snuck out of the small apartment and walked out.
Maybe they needed to get their head straight and accept that Noah was leaving.
Buddy didn’t know how long they were walking for, but soon enough they reached the docks.
It wasn’t too far from home, but far enough to warrant them to turn back and go home.
That was until they heard a whirling sound that sounded suspiciously like whining.
They tried to go back but the whirling sound grew a bit louder and more pitiful.
Despite their better judgement, they went to the noise.
Buddy couldn’t believe their eyes…
Maybe they finally snapped from the stress of finals.
A yellow robot clutching his ‘knee’ was making the whirling sound while two other robots were around him.
They looked concerned and tried to help Yellow.
Buddy took a step backwards and stepped on some loud bubble wrap.
Pink and Blue take out their weapons and point in the direction of the sound,
“Show yourself!”--Blue
Buddy shakingly steps out of their hiding place with their hands raised above their head.
All four of them stared at each other.
Buddy internally screaming at that response.
“Great, a human. Prime’s not going to like this…”--Pink
“I heard someone in pain and came to see…”--Buddy
“Yeah we’re fine—”--Blue
Yellow whirls in pain as some sparks come out of his knee.
Buddy looks at Yellow sympathetically.
“I’ve got a tool kit with me. I can try and see what’s wrong with your friend. I promise I won’t do anything funny!”--Buddy
Pink looks like she wants to retaliate, but Blue puts a hand out to stop Pink.
“Maybe squishy over here can see something we can’t. It doesn’t hurt to try.”—Blue
Pink finally steps aside with Blue.
Buddy slowly walked over to the bot’s sparking knee and took out their mini tool kit.
They used a flashlight and began their look.
A long twig stuck between some of the joints, that must have been the problem.
With a swift yank Buddy got the twig out of the joint.
They nearly cracked their skull but pink and blue both break their fall.
Buddy held up the twig in victory as yellow moved its knee much easier and without sparks.
“Ha! Got it!”--Buddy
“You did?”--Pink
Yellow beeps happily and gently pat Buddy’s head.
“Thank you darling—the pain—hurting like a—”--Yellow
“Got it! You’re welcome… umm do you guys have names?”--Buddy
“My--name is—Bumblebee.”--Bumblebee
Buddy smiles at the yellow bot.
“The names Mirage squishy.”--Mirage
“I am Arcee.”--Arcee
Buddy smiles.
“I’m Buddy. If you don’t mind, but what are you guys?”--Buddy
“Umm… I think its better to take you to the boss bot for that.”--Mirage
“Don’t worry we ain’t gonna eat ya or anything. We’re kinda like E.T!”--Mirage
Buddy deadpans.
Bee transforms into his alt mode.
“… E.T. never did this…”--Buddy
Optimus was not exactly happy to have been discovered by humans… but this one did help Bumblebee…
He decided to give this one the benefit of the doubt.
Over the next couple of years Buddy would start sneaking out and showing the bots Earth and the city while they shared their mission and their ways as well.
Buddy and Arcee, after the brief tension, were often seen driving around the backways on her alt mode talking about the city and its history.
Buddy and Arcee driving by a section of the docks.
“What about this place?”--Arcee
“Don’t know too much about this part, except the time me and Kris found 10 bucks and a pizza rat.”--Buddy
“What’s a rat.”--Arcee
Buddy and Mirage enjoy the little speedy joyrides around the city and a good game of ‘which hologram is mirage’ in the more secluded hiding places.
Buddy looks at the four holograms of Mirage.
“Eenie meanie minie…gotcha!”--Buddy
Buddy tries to tackle ‘Mirages’ pede but passes through.
“Ha! Try again Buddy!”--Mirage
Mirage picks up Buddy from the back of their shirt and stands them up.
“Best out of 25?”—Mirage
Buddy smiles as they brush off some dust from their clothes.
“You’re on!”--Buddy
Buddy and Bumblebee like to go out to the drive-in movie theaters, joyrides and stories from their lives before they knew each other.
“So, you came to earth before everyone? Even Boss bot?”--Buddy
“And this Charlie girl? She’s your friend?”--Buddy
“She was—my first—friend.”--Bumblebee
“You gotta take me to this Charlie so I can thank her for taking care of you.”--Buddy
Bee whirls happily.
“Ooh! The movies about to start!”--Buddy
In starts the ‘Terminator’ movie.
Optimus reminded Buddy a lot of Noah.
Older brother’s trying to protect their families, while also being the most stubborn beings in existence.
That must have been a reason why Buddy understood how Prime worked and got along with him so well.
Priem isn’t attached to a human.
No, he is not…
So, what he drove a couple miles to pick them up from a party when their brother couldn’t.
So, what if they let him rant about the war and they would rant about school and their family.
He isn’t attached or anything…
Buddy hurriedly climbs into Prime cab sniffling.
“Buddy? Buddy what happened?”--Optimus
Buddy curls up in their seat making themselves as small as possible.
“…Buddy? Are you all right?”--Optimus
Buddy sniffs.
“Noah… Noah and I had a fight and—and—I just need a moment Optimus…”--Buddy
Optimus wraps the seatbelt around Buddy loosely, the best way he could give a hug them.
“Take your time Buddy, I’m here.”—Optimus
Optimus plays Buddy’s favorite radio station.
“I’m here…”--Optimus
The day that Noah comes in Buddy was with Optimus and nearly begged him to not transform as their secret would be let out.
It was let out regardless.
Noah is just stunned that Buddy knew about the aliens for years!?
He wants an explanation.
“Listen, I can explain!”--Buddy
“You better!”--Noah
“Calm down, Noah it’s all fine.”--Mirage
“You don’t get to talk, you kidnapped me!”--Noah
“And you were trying to steal me.”--Mirage
“I’m sorry you were trying to steal him?!”--Buddy
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septimusmoonlight · 6 months
Anonymous: Idk if you've ever written anything abt this but I love the idea of some small foreign entity crawling inside my womb while I'm asleep and like. Fusing I guess? And just constantly fertilizing me to the point I'm always pumping out its kids. Makes me go straight to Niagara falls lol
I'm sure I have some permapreg like it somewhere around here, but it's always something I'm willing to explore <3
It's just an ordinary night for you, so you manage to get to sleep eventually. That's when your uninvited guest comes out to play. Maybe it was under your bed, or just outside your window, or somewhere else in your room that you don't check often enough. Whatever it is, the thing slinks out from its hiding spot on too many limbs and seeks out your available hole. It knows it has a good project on its hands - you can be turned into a good tool for it, something to pump out not-quite-humans infected with its genes.
Its body secretes sedatives that keep you fast asleep as it opens up your cunt with its tapered body, pulling itself deeper and deeper inside of you until it presses right up against your cervix. With a little extra force, it pops inside, sliding perfectly into place as it latches to the top of your womb. It quickly dissolves a portion of the inner lining so that its body can fuse to yours, and it even incorporates some of your DNA into itself so that your immune system doesn't recognize it as a threat. Within minutes, its skin and your womb flow into each other seamlessly, and it can begin its work.
It takes a little while to get your body up to speed on what the new plan is. The first round of hormones it secretes is meant to prepare its environment for its young in particular - they may be similar to humans in various superficial ways, but they are most certainly not the standard young a human should be bearing, and certainly at a rate far too fast for any human. Then, once your internal workings have been altered to its tastes, it starts releasing its seed into your womb - in fact, with bifurcated genitalia, it can simply insert a long probe directly into your fallopian tubes and bombard your unprotected ovaries with its sperm cells, fertilizing engorged eggs much faster than should be possible. In fact, new eggs are forming just for its purposes, which is normally an incredibly rare event - but, then again, this thing isn't producing humans, so human biology is mostly irrelevant.
The first cells start dividing late in the night while you're still peacefully sleeping, entirely unaware of how you've been changed. Permanently. Forever.
In the morning, you become acutely aware of the new developments when the first hints of labor pull you harshly into the waking world. You gasp and moan, clutching at your rounded, swollen belly. You're so large that you can't even adjust your position properly, and you're left to wonder, terrified, what must have happened last night for you to end up like this. You're not allowed to think much further about it, however, because the pain of a child pressing against your dilated cervix is a distraction from everything else, and you have to follow through on the urge to push before anything else can be done.
Labor is fast, in comparison to how long an active labor normally is, and it's agonizing as a result. Your body isn't used to being stretched open and pulled apart like this, much less from the inside out, so thoroughly claimed by something you can't identify - and yet, despite the pain, pleasure still washes over you, and you can't help but cum multiple times, delaying the birth as you clench hard around the inhuman child still sliding through your birth canal. Your cervix and cunt are stretched wide, wide open, torturous and euphoric at the same time, and you're tempted to linger at the crowning stage just to bask in the horrible, searing burn that comes from something just too big. Your body screams at you to bear down, though, so you do, your legs shaking as you cum again at the sensation of a newborn slipping wetly out of your newly-sloppy cunt.
As you lay back, fighting for breath, you can feel more weight gathering in your lower belly. Placing a hand on your midsection greets you with the sensation of your skin pulling tight under your fingers, an alien mass pushing out from within, filling up your womb with something you didn't ask for - and yet something that makes your skin burn with arousal, makes your eyes roll back in your head and your tongue loll out of your mouth when your cervix hugs another small body on its way out of you. The process seems to be speeding up - even as you're giving birth, another body stretches your insides.
These are just the growing pains as the organism that's taken you over makes sure its systems are in place properly. It's making sure that you can push out as many children as it commands, making sure that you're hyperfertile and loving it, making sure that the elevated pain response you're experiencing is simultaneously translated to pleasure so that it hurts and makes you cum at the same time. So far, everything is going well - but it wants to keep up the test run for a little while, pump out enough children to make up for its time outside of a human womb, when it couldn't produce young.
You're trapped in bed all day, screaming and sobbing through orgasm after orgasm as babies open you wide, an endless chain of children you can't identify, not at all human and yet with the appearances of oversized newborns. The way they can crawl immediately after birth - and climb up the walls, no less - tells you that you're not dealing with a weird human pregnancy; this is something entirely out of your wheelhouse, but you're finding it harder and harder to care as your brain learns more and more to enjoy your new position as a permanent baby factory, a sloppy hole for babies to come out of, an incubator. You're forgetting everything else you had planned for today, for next week, for the upcoming month, the rest of the year. Pleasure and pain, and this implacable urge to give birth over and over again, are quickly wiping out the desire to do anything else.
By the end of the day, things have slowed back down, but you're still giving birth at least once an hour. In between, you're rubbing your cunt, easily sliding a fist into your sloppy hole to keep yourself open for the next child that needs to come out of you. You're all too happy to stay like this, but when there's an extended pause, you take the opportunity to fall back asleep, exhausted without realizing it.
Then, you wake up, and your midsection is larger than it was yesterday morning. The morning sun says hello through your drawn blinds as you wail, squeezing out a batch of easily five or six newborns, apparently left gestating inside of you all night while the thing that took you over let you get some rest. It seems to have a good picture of the human limit, but you have no clue of any of this; all you know is that something happened to you, and it's the best time you've ever had in your life.
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bloop-bl00p · 2 months
Rewriting Sir Pentious justice for the snake boie
Doesn’t anyone find it weird how we’re gonna have the backstory of everyone in later seasons?
Not only do they hardly follow the redemption aspects but they also give us little to nothing about the characters. I can buy that Heaven is corrupt and/or unfair but rather than having Adam throwing curse words and profanities every five seconds, why not show it in elements of the main cast backstory?
Reveal that they were essentially in unjust situations where they had no other choice but sins to survive, the type of stories that’ll make the audience think “Is Heaven fair in its judgment?” then you have the reveal that the system is corrupted. It feels like common sense to me.
Anyway, Sir Pentious wasn’t that much of an asshole in my rewrite, we understand why he acted the way he did but he still fucked up.
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Madhav Karmakar was born in 1858. He was an Indian migrant in England who wanted to follow a partnership in engineering. Studying hard and else he worked ten times harder than the other students due to prejudice regarding his origin.
He made his way into a prestigious university and went out with his diploma ready to show off his skill but generally still faced racial discrimination. Throughout his life, Madhav had to do everything in his power to completely suppress anything that tied him to his country, fully adopting British mannerisms and culture, suppressing his accent, and else. At 17, he became an apprentice and started studying Mechanical Engineering, ending officially his studies at 24.
His hardship allowed him to work alongside others to develop steam machines and various ways of transportation. Despite having clearly mastered, and even ameliorated his domain, Madhav still had fewer opportunities compared to his colleagues and was paid less than the other regardless of the amount of work he put in.
What was first jealousy due to the unfairness of his situation quickly became Envy directed at his white counterparts. He started slowly destroying the reputation of his associates mostly by secretly sabotaging their work in various manners, introducing faulty designs, tampering with documentation, sabotaging equipment and tools, and anything really just to make himself feel better.
It lasted for years until one of his sabotages cost him his life. In 1888 at 30 years old, he caused one structure to collapse and the debris fell on him breaking his legs, he died screaming for help under the remains and suffocated because of the dust.
A few years following his arrival in Hell, he used his ingenuity to create steampunk-style machines in order to conquer territory. Problems, most of the lands were already owned by powerful Overlords. Madhav overestimated his inventions a lot so he got his nonexistent ass beaten all the time. He even gained the nickname Sir Pretentious though he still tries and insists on being called by his real surname (nobody does.)
The dude persisted, gaining the reputation of the village fool. Surprisingly for everyone he finally managed to get his hand on a very small portion of a territory… only for it to be snatched away by a punk rookie a week later. It would be easy for any Overlord to step up but they have their own business to take care of and some find it funny to see those two quarrel all the time.
Bit of a fun fact:
→ If I had to redesign him, he’d be fit with a large figure, we’re talking of the man who built this alone…
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.. I doubt the egg boys can lift things too heavy considering they are fragile. So yeah, Madhav isn’t a twink.
→ The egg boys aren’t literal eggs just small mechanical robots he built to be his minions, if they were to break they’ll be gears everywhere but he could still rebuild them later. He wishes he could make them a bit smarter.
→ Snakes are very often associated with lies and manipulation and everything related to it. That’s what Madhav has been as a human, an envious liar. But, snakes can also symbolize renewal and rebirth in other cultures, and since he’s gonna be the first redeemed it kinda fits. I don’t know if Viv knew this but shout out to her if she did.
→ Keeping the romance with Cherry, I can appreciate a really good Enemy to Lover but the way it was framed feels like Cherry only got interested when she learned he had two dick, which feels icky and disingenuous.
So, I thought of slowly making their relationship more of a “Are they fighting or flirting” type of thing. That and having Cherry make comments between their fight like “You’re getting better at this!” which flatters Madhav because he never really had recognition for his fighting skills or invention.
He’s still a bit stuck in the old-timey way of courtship, and considering those things could last 3 to 4 years, with him you can expect the slowest slow burn possible. Anyway, he still respects lots of British traditions, being a regular correspondent and sending letters and gifts. I can see him asking to go on a walk or organize Rendez-vous to learn more about Bomb when his rivalry gets more friendly.
→ His obsession with fighting Alastor comes from the fact that he didn't manage to get up the stairs as quickly as the deer did. So he’s envious and seeks to beat Alastor in a battle to prove he’s the superior one, but he loses every time. His last chance is to side with the Vees, but Vox doesn't even bat an eye when he is near. So just imagine how ecstatic he was when Vox proposed to him to be a spy. While the first weeks were fine, he found himself getting attached to the staff more and more. It was a genuine environment where few people actually recognized him as the brilliant engineer he was (I thought he could actually help with the hotel construction since the building is old and all) and they actually called him by his name.
Not siding with Vox will be the first step to his redemption, renouncing to act of his envious feelings and focusing on what he already had rather than seeking to destroy those above him.
→ His lisp gets worse when he’s lying, he obliviously maintains a whole evil British persona in his quest for respect so as he slowly starts to get genius he’ll slowly start to speak with more ease.
→ Regarding how he’ll appear once in Heaven, he’ll be a human. I find it strange that you don't get to get your human appearance once saved. Viv said it herself, the reason why sinners look like that is because their appearance is in correlation with their sins, life, and the ways they die. It’s a way to mock them.
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If this dude or girl gets redeemed, they’ll stay on a couch and that’s just sad, imagine you die go to Hell redeem yourself and you're still a furniture. Anyway, Madhav will get his human form back but with hints of his demonic form.
Kinda like Lovesart23 you should go see her videos and rewrite.
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myuni-moon · 2 months
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IT WAS JUST A JOKE AT FIRST. A funny little thing that you wanted to test, something born from your boredom and underlying fear of forever being unloved. You had written a letter of what you wanted your future partner to be like and put it under your pillow before going to bed - just like how the video told you. It was only going to be some manifestation, so how did you end up here?
You stared at yourself in the mirror, eyes shifting to every corner of the room reflected in it. There was something horribly wrong. You could feel it in your bones, that thrum of the unknown lurking in the shadows of your own mind. Something so real in your subconscious but so uncertain that it felt like you were going insane.
You gulped as you wrapped your arms around yourself. Were you going crazy? It wasn't like there was anything really wrong with you up until that point. Your mental health had actually been fine, and you're sure you hadn't accidentally been consuming anything that could be causing you to feel this way.
Maybe it was just stress or a weird week. It would blow over soon, becoming nothing more than a silly, little story you tell your friends when you get together once a month.
You sighed. You weren't going crazy; it was just a weird week. Yeah, a weird week.
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A chill went up your spine, making you quiver. Your eyes darted around. Still, you found nothing out of place, but you couldn't seem to shake away the ring in your ears. It became louder and louder until it consumed your hearing entirely. It felt as if you were underwater, cotton blocking up your ears and making your head feel fuzzy. The shadows in your vision started to shift.
"It's so cute watching you, pretty," a voice rang out. Something deep and almost guttural. It chuckled, watching you hold yourself tighter. You were wrong, it was real - unfortunately and horribly real.
"I'm surprised, you know, dear. I never thought such an innocent thing like you could summon me."
Your nose scrunched up in confusion. The fuzziness in your head spread down your body, locking your limbs in place. Anxiety clawed at your stomach. In no way did you ever remember summoning anything.
"What do you mean?"
It laughed again. A small pressure pressed itself on your shoulders, as if fingers lingered there. "Silly, little creature. You're so endearing, aren't you?"
Another weight settled on your other shoulder, another ghost of a hand on your skin. Even worse after, the brush of something solid against your back frightened you despite there being absolutely nothing but you reflected in the mirror.
"What are you? What do you want from me?" You whispered. You heard the click of a tongue next, followed by a tut.
"Don't be so alarmed, sweet thing. I won't hurt you. I was made for you after all. You're very lucky. It's not every day Cupid decides to grant a wish."
You felt a caress against your cheek. The semblance of an entity gripped at your chin, locking your head in its grasp. Adrenaline trickled down your veins and screamed at your muscles to move, but your body refused to budge. You wanted to scream. You wanted to call out for help - anything to get you away from whatever it was that latched itself onto you. You prayed to anything for help.
It started with a breath that tickled your ears, as if something really was behind you. The graze of lips followed after, and you were helpless to the unwanted advances. Something slithered around your waist.
The lights flickered, and you became vaguely aware of the darkened pair of eyes which appeared in the reflection. Another second of darkness, hands. Everything followed after that, until you were face to face with the hauntingly charming face of the entity keeping you in his grip. Dark hair and even darker eyes. He was the spitting image of a sinner, tempting enough to entrance anyone who looked at him, but the aura of maleficence around him made him feel lethal.
"Call me Lucian, darling."
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
Heyyyy!!! Since you're writing Maze Runner stories now I wanted to make a request. So it's a Minho TMR x female reader were Minho gets hurt somehow and the reader fixes him up and it's all cute and kinda hot. THANK YOUUUU
Promise Me This - Minho x Reader
Words: 1.2k
Summary: Reader, the keeper of the medjacks, is having a completely uneventful day. That is until Minho returns from the maze battered, bloody, and refusing to be treated by anyone but reader.
Warnings: Mentions of injury/blood/bandages, hurt/comfort trope, mentions of y/n, and some angst followed by fluff and a little bit of spice.
Note: This ended up kinda angsty, but I hope the comfort makes up for the hurt :)
Read on AO3
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Sitting at a small table in the med-jack hut, you lazily organized and reorganized the various baskets of medical supplies. Being the primary medic for a group of well over 50 teenage boys kept you on your toes, but today had been slow and quiet. Sliding the basket of gauze back into place for what felt like the millionth time, you let your shoulders slump. Running your hands over your face you couldn't ignore the sleepiness pulling at your eyelids. The sun had already started its descent towards the west walls, but you hadn't treated a single person. By some miracle, even your most frequent patients; the builders, slicers, and track hoes; had maintained being completely injury-free. You pushed your chair back and walked out of the hut and into the bright mid-day sun. Stretching, you hoped the sunshine and fresh air would wake you. A short walk later you decided to abandon your original plans and instead stride over to the hammocks for a rare but much-needed mid-day nap. - Your slumber had been entirely peaceful until you awoke suddenly. It took your sleep-riddled brain a minute to catch up to what was happening that caused you to wake so jarringly. Hearing the sound of boots against the earth and distant shouts, you mumbled a curse beneath your breath. So much for a slow and quiet day. Making your way out of the hammock and into the open area of the glade, you tried to piece together what was happening. Your fellow gladers were scattered around the north doors, the air vibrating with panic. Despite the chaos, three voices, one sounding pained, were cutting clear above everyone else's. You couldn't make out the words from your distance but something told you to hurry up and get over there. Your walk turned into a sprint as drops of adrenaline started pumping through you. Pushing your way to the front of the group, your heart dropped into your stomach. Like always, the runners, your runner, had returned just before sunset. Except this time Minho looked like hell. His clothes were filthy and ripped while his exposed skin was covered in an assortment of cuts and already-formed bruises. Worst of all he was incoherent and frantic, evading Newt and Thomas's desperate attempts to calm their best friend down. Your body froze while your brain screamed for you to run to him. Luckily, a rather out-of-breath Newt caught sight of you and breathed a relieved "Finally!" before leaving Thomas to bargain with Minho. Newt hurriedly made his way over to you and wasted no time catching you up on things. "There you are! Two runners dragged Minho back half conscious. We tried to get Clint and Jeff to look him over, but then he woke up and had us chasing him around the entire shucking glade. He's been yelling for you ever since." Without another word, Newt dragged you into the open area Thomas and Minho were occupying. Upon Newt's return, Thomas said something to Minho that vaguely sounded like "See? I told you she was coming." before he stood and moved next to you. "Something happened out there but he won't... or can't... tell us what," Thomas warned quietly before walking off over to where Newt stood off to the side. But you couldn't quite hear him over the sound of your heart breaking as Minho's eyes met yours. In less than a second, Minho was on his feet and rushing towards you. His crazed look changed to one of total peace as his gaze locked on you. You paced forward and met him halfway, pulling him into your arms. You stayed strong while he all but melted into your touch. Minutes later, you begrudgingly forced yourself to pull away, scanning his face for injuries while your thumbs brushed over his cheekbones. Thankfully, Thomas, Newt, and a few other of your friends took the time you spent calming Minho down to disperse the crowd, allowing you to shuffle Minho into the nearby med-hut without a problem. - Fifteen minutes later, he sat on the table with you standing between his legs while you bandaged him up. His shoulders slumped and his arms hung loosely around your waist. Exhaustion had fully taken him over. As long as you knew Minho, getting him to put on as much of a bandaid was harder than anything else you'd ever done. Yet here he sat perfectly still while you fussed over his wounds. Dabbing an alcohol-dipped cotton ball over his last untreated cut, you tried to swallow down the worry building inside you. "What happened out there?" You asked before your mind could stop you. The look in his eyes grew distant as a stiff silence filled the air. Making quick work of applying the last bandage, you reach your hand up and gently stroked the short dark hair at the back of his neck. Seconds stretched into minutes as his mind recounted whatever he'd encountered in the maze. "It was just supposed to be a normal run. Just like always-" he started, his voice barely above a whisper. "-and the grievers they... t-they..." His voice trailed off as a protective rage exploded in your chest. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here." you cooed, allowing him to take a deep breath before you continued. "How can I help you? What can I do for you?" "I just... I just..." Before your mind even registered what was happening, his lips were against yours. Your heart simultaneously raced and stopped completely. Kissing Minho was always electrifying, but this was different. This kiss was heavy, feverish, and protective. Sinking into the kiss fully, your hands traveled up his sides and around his shoulders. Careful to avoid the areas you'd just bandaged. His previously relaxed hold on your waist turned into his hands working their way under your shirt to grasp and kneed at your hips firmly. His tongue forced its way into your mouth. The action gaining a soft moan from both of you. This only adds fuel to his fire. Pulling you impossibly closer to him, your hands move down and across his ribs.  That's when feel him wince. "Shit, I'm sorry," you whisper to him.
You pull away, causing Minho to emit a low whine. He rests his forehead against yours breathlessly. Thoughts hazy with a cornucopia of feelings but his grip on you never falters. “I'm just a little sore. That's all.” He replies unconvincingly. Your expression sours and he sighs. “y/n, you and I both know It’ll take a whole lot more this to get rid of me. I'm fine. Really." When you hesitate to respond, He wastes no time pulling you back towards him, this time into a near bone-crushing hug. Securing one of his arms around your waist, the other moves to allow his hand to rub your back slowly in reassurance. As much as you fight it, you can't help melting under his strong yet gentle touch. Your head drops onto his shoulder and he smiles. The position now allowing him to place a kiss on your cheek before he leans further into your embrace. “I’m not going anywhere.” He whispers against your soft skin.
"...promise?" you challenge timidly. "Promise."
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lendeah · 9 months
Eclipsed Reverie
Pairing: AstarionxFem!Tav
Summary: As the final battle with the Nether Brain looms, Astarion and Tav share a bittersweet night together, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that it may be their last.
Tags: fluff, smut and a tiny bit of angst. Very soft Astarion :( also biting stuff!
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: NSFW (minors dni).
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Under the shadowed canopy of the Baldur's Gate night, Astarion and I found a momentary reprieve from the impending battle. We have been strategizing the whole evening, and at this point there is nothing more we can do except rely on each other. I look at the man next to me, wondering when did we go from strategizing allies to something more. The moonlight catches the contours of Astarion's face, revealing a vulnerability that transcends his usual cheeky demeanor. There's a shared understanding in the silence, and as our eyes meet, unspoken words linger in the air. Despite his usual aristocratic charm, it now feels damp and heavy. Even with his vampiric strength, he seems weakened by the recent events. The battle against Gortash had taken its toll, leaving both Gale and Shadowheart heavily wounded.
The air is heavy with tension, but a shared understanding lingers between us two. "Are you scared?" I break the silence, although I already know the answer.
"Terrified, actually." Astarion turns to face me, expression serious for once, his red eyes gleaming softly in the night in a way that's somehow comforting. "I know that we've already faced worse odds together, but this time feels different, you know? Like, if anything happened to either one of us, it would rip the other's heart apart."
I force a little smile. "Good thing you don't have a heart then, or I'd be worried"
He snorts softly, smiling back at me. "Oh, the ever-present stereotype of heartless vampires. But fear not, my dear, I still have plenty of heart left - just not the beating kind you may be envisioning." A small laugh escapes my lips at his words, breaking the tension between us.
After a beat, he looks at me and reaches my hand across the blanklet we are sitting in, his voice dropping to a whisper. "And you, my dear, are you scared?"
I hold his gaze, feeling a shiver run down my spine at the intensity. "Of course I am," I reply softly. "But I have faith in us, Astarion. We've faced so much together and we always come out stronger."
He nods "You're right," he says, a hint of pride in his voice. "We make a good team." he makes a little pause, and adds "Mainly thanks to me, of course. My lethal blattle skills are the only reason you weirdos are still breathing."
Astarion's usual smugness returns as he breaks the intense moment between us. I roll my eyes, knowing that deep down he's just masking his own fears with his bravado. But I also know that his skills in battle are not to be underestimated. He has saved our group from countless threats with his agility and cunning tactics.
"Let's just hope our luck holds out," I reply, trying to convince myself more than him.
"Oh come on, have a little faith in me," Astarion teases, nudging me playfully. "I may be a vampire but I'm not invincible. I need all the help I can get."
I chuckle, squeezing his hand. As we continue to bask in the moonlit serenity, a gentle breeze rustles the leaves above us, carrying with it the distant sounds of the city. From the rooftop of this abandoned building we are alble to look at the whole city, the small lights flickering in the night. I look at him, and find him staring at the view lost in his own thoughts. I fight the urge to scream how utterly frightened I am of losing him, of losing all our friends. Of not being able to save the people of Baldur's Gate. That everything we did, every death, was for nothing.
When his gaze returns to me, I can sense he sees past my facade, his eyes full of understanding and acceptance. "It's funny you are scared right now," he muses, his gaze searching mine, "there are so many things that you fearlessly face every day. Battling against a horde of mind flayers? Easy. Blowing up a whole building full of firework? A piece of cake. But sleeping among a throng of grunting and snoring druids? That's enough to make you quiver with dread." I laugh, thinking back to the time when I almost had a heart attack when I heard Halsin's snores, thinking there was a boar in the camp.
With a small smile, he pulls me to him, and lets his lips brush against my forehead in a tender gesture. The warmth of his touch soothes away some of my anxiety. I look up at Astarion, and the emotions I've been holding back start surging through me. "I can't bear to lose you," I say, barely above a tremble. He deserves happiness after all he's been through, and I just wish I could give it to him.
"It's funny you should say that... Because I'd say the exact same thing about you." His hand wraps around mine, his other hand moving up to gently cup my face. "I've tried for 200 years to find a purpose, a reason to keep going, and it was only when I met you that this aimless meandering had a goal. I've loved others, and I've been loved before, but never like this. Never with someone like you."
A surge of warmth fills my chest as I listen to his words, and I can't help but lean into his touch. Astarion's eyes are soft and full of sincerity, a side of him that he rarely shows. But in this moment, with the weight of the world on our shoulders, he is opening up to me.
"I've never felt like I belonged anywhere before," he continues, running his thumb along my cheekbone. "But with you and the others...I finally feel like I have a home."
In that moment, my vulnerability and affection shines through as a tear slids down my cheek. He pulls me closer, the embrace is warm and desperate, with my face pressed against his skin as if trying to take in every part of him. His scent is intoxicating - leather and smoke blending together - and I can't help but breathe it in deeply, etching it into my memory like a treasure. I tenderly press my lips to the bite mark on his neck, knowing it’s his sensitive spot. He inhales sharply, his breath hitching at the sensation of my mouth on him. I feel his hands grip onto me, needing to keep me close, and I end up nestled on top of him, our bodies fitting together perfectly like puzzle pieces.
"You know... I am not ashamed to admit that I have never felt the kind of attraction I feel for you. Even those first days in the grove with you... My heart was pounding, because I thought you were so incredibly beautiful. I was so drawn to you, it was like you were made just for me and me alone." I blush slightly in response, realizing I will probably never get used to this. Never get used to him.
"I liked you since you put a dagger in my throat and I headbutted you so hard you almost passed out" I whisper in his ear, with a small smile playing on my lips.
"That was an excellent headbutt, though. I couldn't believe you were able to stand immediately after that." He shakes his head, smiling as he presses a series of kisses to my hair, my cheeks, and finally, his lips find mine.
I sigh against him, his touch so very familiar, his mouth awakening something in me from the moment it touches mine. As our kiss deepens, I feel my body melting into his, my arms wrapping around his neck as his hands roam over my back and waist. The heat between us is intoxicating, and I can't get enough of him. My hands tangle in his hair, pulling him closer as our tongues dance together in a passionate rhythm. His hands gently trail up my sides, fingertips caressing my body softly through my clothes, while his tongue dancing with mine in a rhythm that I have become all too privy to.
Desire sweeps over me like a wave crashing against the shore, my senses heightened to the point of almost overwhelming. I force myself to pull away for just a few seconds, needing to catch my breath and take in the sight before me. His once bright, piercing eyes have now transformed into pools of darkness, consumed by an insatiable hunger. I look at his lips, parted and glistening, showing those fangs I have grown to love so much.
"My love," I whisper, my voice trembling with anticipation. "Would you like to feed on me?" It's a question I have asked countless times before, but each time feels like the first, igniting a fire within me that can only be quenched by his bite.
There's a flicker of surprise, and then satisfaction, on his face as I ask him. His eyes flicker downward, his gaze wandering down my neck, tracing every vein he'll find there. His nose flares, breath growing heavy and my body thrums with anticipation and excitement. When he looks back at me, the hunger in his eyes grows, and with a small chuckle, he lets out a slow breath.
"My dear... You know I could never say no to such delicious meal."
My breath hitches, as his hands confidently and carefully press me onto my back, his fingers gently removing the collar of my shirt to reveal my neck. I take a deep breath, bracing myself for what's to come. He brushes away a strand of hair that has fallen across my face, just like he did the first time he fed on me all those months ago. His strong hands hold me steady as he leans in, and the warmth of his breath washes over me. I have to fight the urge to squirm as his lips press against my skin, trailing down to my collarbone where his teeth break through the surface. A sharp sting pierced my skin, and I can’t help but let out a moan. I can feel his tongue swirling around the wound as he feeds, his breathing becoming more labored with each passing second. My heartbeat races with excitement as Astarion's teeth sank deeper into my neck, drawing out more blood. He growls softly, his grip on me tightening as he feeds greedily. The world around me begins to fade as the vampire venom courses through my veins, clouding my mind and heightening my senses. He bit again, this time just below the first wound, and I could feel myself growing weaker yet more alive at the same time. The lack of blood starts to get to my mind, making me lightheaded. It was both terrifying and arousing, knowing that I was being drained of life while also experiencing a rush of pleasure unlike anything else.
He keeps the bite going for just a little bit longer, before eventually pulling away.
"Mmmm. I always worry that I'll drink too much from you, but you always seem to make it through just fine?" he says, his voice rough with desire.
I laugh groggily "I think I enjoy myself a little too much when you drink from me".
Astarion chuckles softly, a hand stroking my neck affectionately.
"As much as I hate to admit it, you're quite delicious. There's something about your flavor that keeps me coming back for more." he purred, flashing a sly grin. "Just like how you can't resist my charms. Always coming back like a pretty little pup."
I roll my eyes playfully at his cocky remark but can't help the small smile that tugs at my lips. My thoughts are interrupted as Astarion shifts closer again. His body presses against mine and I can feel his breath on my face as he leans in. Our eyes lock for a brief moment before our lips meet in a passionate kiss.
He tastes like blood and something else entirely that is uniquely Astarion. It's an intoxicating combination that leaves my head dizzy with desire, making me want more.
I reach to the back of his head and curl my fingers in his soft strands of white hair, giving it a sharp tug. He groans, and I deepen the kiss, electricity cursing through me as I grab at every piece of him that I can. Every kiss grows longer and deeper, and I cling to him like I will drown without him, wanting nothing more than to spend what's left of tonight buried in his touch. His breathing grows heavier, but his grip on me is firm, steady. His hands wander over my body, one trailing down my waist and the other moving upwards slowly, to slide beneath my shirt.
"Mmm - my my, look at you." His whisper is filled with a teasing affection. "It seems like the venom has already put you in a mood." My breath catches and I lock my legs together. His grin grows wider as he watches my eager reaction. His hands keep caressing my body softly, and his voice is lower than usual, his words almost a growl. "Feeling a bit overwhelmed already, are we?"
I can only nod frantically as he leans in for another kiss. Our bodies move together in a rhythm that feels familiar yet new every time we're together like this. I moan in response, my head swimming with the taste of him, the feeling of him everywhere, and his smell, gods, that smell. He separates for a second, removing both my shirt and pants in a swift move, and leaving me exposed in nothing but my underwear. Every nerve ending in my body hums with anticipation as I await bare before him.
The way he looks at me, the way his eyes wander over my every curve, is intoxicating - and not just because of the venom. He traces his hand over my skin, his fingers slowly caressing every inch. His fingertips gently graze over my chest, brushing against the fabric of my underwear, and then his hand slips underneath the bra. I squirm beneath his touch, my breath catching, my excitement clearly showing as I arch my back. "Y-you are still fully dressed" I say, as I reach for his shirt. But before I can even lift the fabric, he grips my wrist firmly, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Oh no, my dear, you see... I have a different plan."
With a sudden movement, he presses his lips to the still sensitive skin under my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His tongue flicks at the punctures, his teeth gently nipping at it, until I can’t focus on anything else but the sensation of his touch. The weight of his hands on me was almost suffocating, but at the same time, it only adds to the pleasure coursing through my body. Overwhelmed with pain and pleasure, I let out a moan, louder this time, thanking the gods for being in a secluded area far away from the rest of our companions.
"I-I need to see you". I gasp, my thoughts scattered and my body yearning for him.
"Need?" Astarion leans in again, his voice dripping with honey. "Oh I know how much you need me." A mischievous glint dances in his eyes as he continues, "But don't forget about want and desire - I promise I can fulfill all of your cravings." His grin widens, as if he's sharing a delightful secret.
His hand tightens slightly, and his grin only widens. "Now, would you like to try asking me again, but with more pleading?"
"Please" I whisper, my voice barely audible even in the quiet of our secluded spot. Astarion's smirk widens even more, and he leans in close until our noses are almost touching.
"Please what?" he taunts, his hot breath tickling my skin.
My cheeks flush with embarrassment as I realize that he wants me to say it out loud. To admit how much I crave him, how much I need him. But then again, isn't that exactly what I want? To let go of all inhibitions and give myself completely to him?
"Please...I need you," I murmur, feeling a mixture of shame and arousal wash over me.
Astarion's smile turns into a satisfied grin as he loosens his grip on my wrist and leans back slightly. "Good girl. That's perfect." he purrs, before he pushes back, slowly stripping the rest of his clothes off, till he's just as exposed as I am right now. "Do you have any idea just how exhilarated I am right now?" His words are playful, his eyes twinkling as he leans forward. "All of this, this energy that's in my blood... and it's all your fault." He leans in again over my body, his breath fanning my lips "What are you going to do about it, my dear?"
I can’t help but feel a thrill run down my spine at the thought of being able to turn the tables on him for once. I reach out and grab onto his shoulders, pulling him closer until our lips were inches away from each other.
"I'll show you," I whisper.
"I bet you will…” Astarion leans in, his breath hot and sharp as he inches even closer. Then he pulls back, a devilish grin on his lips. It's clear he's enjoying this.
With a quick, fluid motion, I thrust my hands against his chest and roll on top of him. Despite the chaos and danger of our quests, I can't help but feel grateful for the physical strength and endurance it has given me in moments like these.
I take the moment to admire the beautiful lines of his body, the way his pale and smooth skin seems to shine under the moonlight, the curves and planes of his stomach and chest. My eyes linger on the stretch just below his navel and traveling south. My mouth waters at the sight of him, never used to his beauty doesn't matter how many times I see him like this. His muscles flex and tense under my gaze, and he watches me, his breath growing as ragged as mine is. He smiles widely, enjoying my staring at him so intensely.
"Enjoying the view?" He smirks at my admiration. "Is that all I am to you? A beautiful body?"
My own lips turn up in a sly smile as I tease him. "Well, let's just say you're not bad, but have you seen Gale without his shirt on? Now that is some tough competition."
I was expecting to see a jealous reaction, but instead he bursts out laughing. "You are a menace! I am a gorgeous, beautiful creature. Gale is... not unattractive, I suppose. But he also looks like someone glued bird wings to his hair and called it a day." He reaches out with a hand to gently trace his fingers down the lines of my stomach. "Mhmm..." I release a content sigh and take my hands to his chest and shoulders, caressing the smooth expanse of skin there. "Although I admit, I am way more curious about Wyll" I say, and then turning my voice into a whisper I add "You can grab his horns if you get really into it"
He laughs again, his mouth curling into a mocking smile. "Oh, you're curious about him, are you?" He shifts below me, his hips pressing against mine."Well, I should warn you - his horns aren't the only sharp part of him. He has a very sensitive spot, and he might just stab you if you try..."
I laugh lightly "You stab me everyday with those fangs of yours, so I think I'm used to it"
His voice growls low and deep, sending shivers down my spine. "Is that so?" he asks, the words dripping with a mixture of amusement and challenge.
My own breath catches as I feel his hips rise to meet mine again, the fabric of our underwear the only barrier between us. The sensation of his erection pressing against me in just the right spot sends a jolt of electricity through my body. "Maybe you should go to him instead, then" he taunts with a smirk, a knowing glint in his eyes. "But, then again, what would he say if he saw you like this?" His words are punctuated by another forceful thrust and I can't help but release a small moan in response. "Wrecked and bruised. Marked by me"
An uncontrollable moan escapes my lips as I start rocking my hips back and forth, the friction sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. I find purchase on his chest and scratch the skin there, hard enough to leave a mark.
"And you would like that, wouldn’t you?" His breath catches as my movements become faster, more aggressive. He knows what he's doing, and he enjoys seeing how it affects you. "Would you like for him to see you like that, with my marks on you? Knowing what we did? Would you want him to know that I had you first?"
"Yes, I would love for him to know that," I confess out of breath, as I struggle against the intense urges that fill me.
He lets out a low, guttural groan and appears to be finished with our playful game. He swiftly maneuvers my body back beneath his own.
With a quick and eager movement, I discard my now ruined underwear and he follows suit, shedding his own. My legs curve around his waist, drawing him closer to me as I feel the heat emanating from his body. As my hands roam over his back, I can't help but trace the raised lines of scar tissue, a reminder of battles fought and won. My heart swells with love for this man, and I plant gentle kisses along his shoulder, speckled with tiny freckles that resemble a dazzling constellation. Gods he is so breathtakengly beautiful. "None of our companions would make me half as happy as you do" I murmur against his pointed ear. His body tenses, and I can feel the emotions warring within him. "I know," he replies softly, turning to capture my lips in a deep kiss.
His hand squeezes down against my thigh, his fingers slowly working their way up my leg. His eyes find mine again, a flicker of recognition in them. And then he thrusts in deep, our hips colliding in loud smacking sound. My hips buck forward to meet his, the friction making me a wreck.
"Astarion," I whisper, arching my back and wrapping my arms around him. He groans and leans down to catch my lips in a searing kiss, and we both find ourselves struggling for air. My hands grip his shoulders, nails digging in slightly as my body responds to the intensity of the moment. I am panting as his thrusts start becoming harder and harder each second. Pleasure ripples through me, every touch turning me on fire. I glance up at him, and find his eyes tightly shut in concentration. "Please look at me," I whisper, my voice trembling with desire.
His eyes fly open at my plea, and I can see the raw pleasure mirrored in their depths. The way my body moves against his elicits soft moans from him, his gaze dropping down to take in the way our bodies fit together perfectly, the spot where our bodies connect. When he lifts his eyes back on me, is with a look of adorarion. His chest rises and falls rapidly as he leans in, pressing his nose against mine in an intimate gesture.
"I love when you beg for me, darling" he whispers, as his hips begin moving even harder, his thrusts quicker, rougher, and his body is so close now that it's almost like we are merging into one being.
Astarion's words send a shiver down my spine, and I cling onto him tighter as he continues to move inside me. Each thrust sends shocks of pleasure through my body, igniting every nerve ending and driving me closer to the edge.
"Please," I moan, my voice barely above a whisper as I tilt my hips up to meet his. He brings his fingers down to the place where we are connected, and touches my nub with vigor. I cry out at the feeling, my nails now fully scratching his back. His free fingers dig into the skin of my hips as his pace quickens, his breaths coming in shallow gasps. My teeth find their way to his neck, and I bite down with wild possessiveness. My brain buzzes with pleasure, and I can’t control the sensations coursing through me. The orgasm hits me like a bolt of lightning, causing me to open my mouth in a silent scream and cling onto him with my locked legs. My whole body tenses, as the ecstasy doesn’t seem to end.
His fingers dig into my scalp, his breath is fast and shallow and his eyes are locked on my face. I feel his body tense, the pleasure of my orgasm driving him right to the edge - but he doesn't let go, not yet. I feel him start to lose control of his thrusts, and after a few hard pumps his body seizes and with a rough groan. With a final gasp, he collapses on top of me, holding me close as we both catch our breath. We caress each other’s bodies, helping to ground ourselves again.
When he opens his eyes, they sparkle with satisfaction and amusement. It’s such a familiar gesture that I get suddenly overwhelmed with my love for the man before me, and can’t help but reach for him as I start to cry heavily over his shoulder. Astarion's strong arms wrap around me, holding me close as I cry against his chest. He strokes my hair gently, whispering soothing words as he lets me release all of my emotions. Tears and snot mix together as I sob, my body shaking with the weight of everything that has happened.
After what feels like an eternity, my cries turn to sniffles and then eventually stop altogether. Astarion pulls back slightly, cupping my face in his hands and using his thumbs to wipe away the remaining tears on my cheeks.
"Are you okay?" he asks softly, searching my eyes for any signs of distress.
I nod, giving him a watery smile."It's just..." I gasp "I love you so much" I finally manage to say, my voice cracking with emotion. "I wish we didn't have to go tomorrow. I wish you could stay safe at camp"
At my words, a soft smile plasters on his face, and he pulls me closer, one arm wrapped around me in a protective embrace while the other hand gently strokes up and down my back.
"Oh my dear," he whispers softly. "Don't be sad. This was the only decision we could make, the only right choice for us." words dripping with love and reassurance."You taught me about making the right choices, remember?" He playfully smirks, his fingers brushing away some stray tears from my cheeks. After a few seconds, he adds "I promise you, we will come back from this all in one piece. We always do."
I nod "I know. I just wish we didn't have to be the heroes for once"
"I know, my dear," Astarion says with a sad smile. He kisses my forehead and I rest my head on his chest, his breathing calming me down little by little. He lazily draws figures on my back, as I do over his pec, laying in comfortable silence. The quiet is soothing to us both, after the intense moment we just shared. I can't help but notice that he's tracing a little circle on my back, the pattern of one of his many scars. This makes me smile to myself somehow, like I'm feeling even closer to him, if that's possible.
After a few seconds of silence, he looks down at me and his fingers fall still. "I love you, you know." he says "More than anything or anyone."
"Even more than your hair?" I ask teasingly, as I caress his face with my finger.
He feigns shock and puts a hand to his chest. "Don't be foolish now. Have you seen my locks? No one could possibly love anything more than my magnificent white curls."
His words are playful, but his expression grows serious "You are the most valuable thing in my life. The only one who's ever truly seen me, as I really am. The only one in the whole world who I don't have to hide a single piece of myself from." He tenderly presses his lips against the tip of my finger, sending a wave of fluttering butterflies throughout my stomach. His love for me is palpable and it fills me with warmth and joy.
He leans in and kisses me gently, his lips soft against mine as he pours all of his love into it. My heart swells with emotion as our lips move together in perfect harmony. In this moment, it feels like nothing else matters except for us and our love.
When we finally pull away, we both let out a content sigh and rest our foreheads against each other's. We fall asleep like that, our bodies intertwined in a mess of limbs as if we are one.
The warm rays of sunlight gently wake me up, and I find myself still wrapped in Astarion's embrace. His arms are tightly around me as if he's afraid to let go, and I can't help but smile at the sight.
I take a few moments to admire his sleeping figure. He has his eyes closed, with thick lashes falling over his cheeks. His hair falls lightly over his forehead, and I resist the urge to tuck it behind his ear.
I trace my fingers over his chest, feeling the rise and fall of it with each breath. In this peaceful moment, I am filled with gratitude for having him in my life. He has been my anchor through so much chaos and danger. Something inside me melts at the softness of his sleep, and in that moment, I can't help but wonder what things would be like if he were to stay with you like this - if I could have him, completely, without any worry about the world ending tomorrow. And you will I tell myself when you defeat that damned brain.
A soft snore escapes Astarion's lips and I chuckle softly. He stirs slightly, nuzzling closer to me as if sensing my presence. "Good morning," he mumbles against my neck, his voice husky from sleep.
"Good morning," I reply with a smile.
"Hmm. You're a cruel one, to wake me up when sleep is so nice. But I suppose I can allow that because you are cute."
"I couldn't stand your snoring any longer. I wonder how someone so beautiful can produce such horrible sound" I reply, trying to hide my amusement.
"Oh? I always thought my snores were just endearing! It's your fault, for being so sensitive that you can't just learn to live with them. Maybe I should just snore louder to drown out your complaining instead." I pretend to look wounded, but end up laughing uncontrollably. "You are the worst" I say, leaning against his chest.
"I'll admit, my talent for irritating you is very much a learned skill." He chuckles, then looks down at me as his arms slip on to my waist. "Besides," he adds with a grin, "I was only half joking with that last bit. I'll be sure to snore in your ear a little harder tonight. Just to make sure you get properly annoyed, hm?"
I playfully hit him in the chest, and then I grimly realize the sun is almost up, which means we have to leave. I sadly sigh as I untangle myself from his warm embrace and get up.
"We should probably get going," I say, trying to hide my own reluctance.
We quietly collect our clothes and dress ourselves, deep in thought at what awaits us. Silence fills the air between us two, as both of us take in the morning air. I feel the tension of the upcoming battle, and the dread is a weight upon us that makes it almost difficult to breathe. Our understanding is palpable through just a fleeting gaze and a silent nod. His warm hand reaches for mine, the gentle intertwining of our fingers conveying more than words ever could.
And at that moment, I can only hope that the next time my eyes open, he'll still be by my side. Hand in hand, we finally face the coming storm, the echo of shared whispers lingering in the air, a testament to the fragile beauty found in the darkest hours.
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ataraxiaspainting · 9 months
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Yan Chrollo x F Reader.
Synopsis: No matter how much soap is used up, even when the bars are all dissolved in the bathwater and the bottles are empty, you know that from now on all you will be is dirty. You will never be clean again. Never.
Warnings: Yandere themes, heavily implied non-con, past violence, manipulation, and kidnapping.
Word Count: 1k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Memoir #02 [06.12.09] by Maria Pseftoga (feat. May Roosevelt)
I Can’t Handle Change by Roar
A Burning Hill by Mitski
No Surprises by Radiohead
A Pearl by Mitski
Liquid Smooth by Mitski
Six Forty Seven by Instupendo
I Love You Like An Alcoholic by The Taxpayers
Bumblebees Are Out by Jack Stauber’s Micropop
Bathtub by The Front Bottoms
"Now the time has come. I put two bullets in my gun. One for me, and one for you. Oh darling, it will be so beautiful." – Misery (1990)
The steam rising feels so thick it nearly suffocates you. That does not stop you from burying yourself further into the water, up to your nose and nearly filling up your ears. No, if anything, the steam makes you want to drown in it so much more. You contemplate putting your entire head under, screaming into the water until no bubbles rise to the surface.
But the demon wearing pale human skin would stop you before your escape attempt is successful. That is what he always does, after all.
Your white wool towel and his gray one is placed on the same rack, on your side. On one of the hooks behind the door are your pajamas, the color of strawberry taffy, and small buttercups on both the top and lower parts of the set. There are twenty-two on the shirt and nineteen on the pants. You know this because you have counted them many, many times before, the first-time being weeks if not months ago, when you thought the worst thing Chrollo could do to you is slap you or ignore you if you ever hit him. If you ever succeeded in that department, with his lightning-fast reflexes. You can only remember being that fortunate enough maybe… a maximum of four times, you think, before you stopped, after your initial fears of him killing you were brushed off, and after your survival instincts adapted to fit this particular situation. 
Rebelling by fighting him is not going to help. You know that it is something ingrained in every human, getting physical in the face of a threat, whether it be a real one or not. However, upon your initial confinement in this place, your primal instinct also urged you to escape. You constantly remind yourself that this is impossible due to the numerous locks on the door and Chrollo's ability to summon a seemingly omnipotent book out of thin air. You are unable to flee, thus your survival instinct must adjust to an alternative strategy. Nevertheless, it fails to do so, prompting you to ultimately confront different adversaries altogether; Chrollo's caresses, presents, and offerings of quality time.
But now seeing where that got you now, you regret not attempting to jump out of his car and run for the hills, not caring if he was behind you or not.
“...” You are silent as you push back further and further until the crown of your head feels the porcelain wall. “...”
Chrollo, in turn at your silence, simply puts some water into his cupped hand, letting his thumb play around in it for a little while before releasing it back from whence it came. “Now, what did we learn today? You don’t plan to be silent the rest of the night, do you dearest?”
You're uncertain about your plans, but one thing you do know is that drowning him in the bathtub is not one of them. Despite your desire to do so, you acknowledge that you wouldn't come out victorious. Presently, you feel apprehensive about what lies ahead. If this isn't the absolute depths to which Chrollo would sink, then what could be?
“...” Your mind wanders at a languid pace, not in a slithering manner, but rather with a slow crawl. It looms menacingly, poised to devour you entirely, leaving you voiceless. To prevent its dreadful consumption, you divert your attention to the objects surrounding you, to anything but the one who holds you captive.
“...If you don’t want to chat now, that is fine,” This time, Chrollo scoops water into his palms and gently pours it over his hair. “You can always do so when we get out.”
The water is still clear, so clear that you can still see the bottom of the bathtub. The salts he put were lavender scented, you think, because something floral is in the steam and the small bits of water that make their way into your nostrils and mouth. There is lemon balm, peppermint, and rose petals floating about too, but one or two of them have clung to your body like seaweed you would accidentally walk near when you went into the ocean’s tides, causing you to squirm to get them off. Chrollo most likely finds this amusing, because he does not think much else of you, does he?
“...” There are seventy-three tiles in all on the bathroom floor that are in plain view, not counting the ones underneath the rugs, the bathtub, cleaning supplies, shelving, and the toilet. “...”
You could recount them again instead of putting water over your head too. “Do you want to do anything related to aftercare aside from this?”
“...” Rather than uttering a word, you choose to count the uncovered tiles on the bathroom floor. “...”
The occurrence can be summed up by a single word: dissociation. To shield you, your mind disentangled the emotional pains from the physical ones, rendering you void of sensation, numb. This was done to prevent you from comprehending the true nature of what transpired, what just happened, when his patience snapped and he tied you to the bed by the wrists, ripping and ripping until–
You and the devil are side by side. 
“There is no need to repeat what happened today, correct? Then everything will go back to normal. Just hope for your well-being that you remember this.” 
“...I will. I will.” The sound of your voice brings a smile to his face, and he cups a handful of water in his palms.
The liquid flows down from your hair, mimicking a gentle rainfall, only to rebound and retreat to its origin. This rhythmic cycle persists, until unexpectedly, your body surrenders to a state of tranquility, defying the will of your mind. Your head tilts backward, and for a fleeting moment, you feel weightless, as if hovering above the water's surface.
Your mind will now be cleansed of the undesirable side of Chrollo, hopefully ensuring that you never have to witness it again.
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alliovera · 9 months
Hellloo!! May I request a (platonic obvi) wukong x child monkey reader? Maybe she gets found hurt and wukong gets attached taking care of him,like he gets a kid! Cuz wukong as a dad would be silly!!:3 (I'll send a romantic ask after this,wukong is so cute)
THANK U SM FOR REQUESTING! I really hope you like this and sorry it took some time </3
gn!child reader
(Slight crack)
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He knew he probably shouldn’t have promised to take care of you, but he couldn’t resist- you were just so cute! Despite everyone telling him it was a bad idea, he stuck to his role as your new ‘dad’.
And he never regretted it … until your first tantrum.
The lady bone demon caused a lot of destruction in her pursuit, and your family just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. All things worked out eventually as you ended up being saved by the Monkey King and gang.
At first, you were wary of him. A random, loud Monkey trying to claim being your father? Weird! But over time he earned your trust by actually (surprisingly) not sucking at parenting.
You cried and kicked as Monkey king struggled to figure out what to do. You had never acted this way before! It was all his fault though. You wanted to go into Megapolis and play at a park, but he just wasn’t in the mood to fly alllll the way over there!
Honestly, he would’ve just gotten up and taken you if he knew it would end like this. He’s so stressed as never having been on the receiving end of a melt down (usually its him throwing the fit).
In desperation he dialed Mk’s number, letting it ring for a few seconds before his friend picked up, “Hey Monk-“
“-Kid! You gotta help me! They wont stop crying and screaming and.. and they won’t listen to me!” Wukong rushed out. Your screams in the background told MK all he needed to know.
He laughed, “What did you do?”
“Nothing! Why is it always something I did?!” He sighed and caved - explaining his laziness.
“If you don’t wanna take them, offer them something as compensation. Like a snack or something… i dunno?”
Wukong ducked as a doll wizzed by his head. “I tried that already! Didn’t work obviou- OW!” He shouted as a small monkey figurine hit target.
That was it! He quickly finished up his conversation with Mk and ended the call, going over to try and sooth you for the tenth time.By then your tears had dried and your sadness became little baby anger. You gave Wukong the meanest glare you could muster (it did nothing as it was too cute to be scary).
The two of you stood in an imaginary duel, no one wanting to make the first move. After a bit, Wukong surrendered and slowly approached you. He crouched down to where you were sitting on the floor, “Look, i’m really sorry but we can’t go..” He panicked when your face scrunched up again and tears started to form, “Butbutbut! We could always call up uncle Macaque and have him take you!”
That finally put you in a better mood as you jumped up and raced around to try and get ready. Wukong smiled slyly and patted himself on the back for another successful day of parenting. (You were happy and he got to inconvenience Macaque. A win win)
[Feedback and critique is appreciated!] :D
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