#like just a relatively normal person who loves supernatural and went with her daughter to her first convention
alsaurus-loves-dean · 3 months
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mefiman · 3 years
Hamato Family’s First Visit to the Hidden City
Story request by @rottmntrulesall. Hope you enjoy the story, bud! ^^
"C'mon, everyone! Hurry up!" Michelangelo's impatience was obvious in his excitement. He and his siblings were finally going to show their dad's relatives for the first time to the Hidden City for two reasons; one: to view the many wonders of the other world and two: to have a formal, proper meeting with Draxum's parents. The latter part had instilled some unease into the Hamato siblings, especially Saki who was wary about stepping foot into a mysterious world and was about to see for himself the father and mother of the "monster" who altered his younger brother many years ago.
"Are you sure this place is safe?" Hamato Kenji asked. Raphael glanced at his uncle, understanding his uncle's concerns. "We've been there a lot, Uncle Kenji! We did encounter a few dangers there before but other than that, the people there don't usually attack humans unless provoked." Raph assured his uncle.
"There are a lot of places to visit like the many resorts and spas if you want to have a massage and ooh, Señor Hueso's Run of the Mill Pizza where they make one of the best pizzas! I know the manager of that place, we're amigos~" Leonardo took the chance to quip in.
"I can't wait to see Grandpa Mons again! Wait till you guys meet him yourselves, he's the nicest, sweetest grandpa you'll ever meet! He's still as strong as he's gentle!" Mikey said happily.
"I wonder if Grandma Chemia has some wicked new inventions to show me!" Donatello exclaimed.
"This would be my first time seeing my grandparents, Arachne..." Ariadne whispered to her best friend, Arachne.
"You've never seen them before?" Her friend asked.
"Once when I was a baby... I haven't seen them for years." The yokai femme told Arachne.
"Alright, kids, you've shown us all that you're excited to bring us to visit the Hidden City, Mikey, can you open the portal now?" Splinter asked.
"Sure, Dad!" Mikey got to work quickly.
Draxum felt a tinge of anxiety inside himself. He could not recall the last time he visited his creators ever since he moved out of home to pursue his alchemy researching, away from his parents' constant arguments, half of which is about their preferred methods of raising him. It was a surprise how those two still manage to live under the same roof despite their obvious clashing personalities. He guessed that they tolerated each other just for his sake. His parents had never produced any more offspring after him and one of Arachne’s parents...
"Hey, are you okay, Dad?" A female voice asked him. Draxum jolted from his pondering to find that his daughter, Poison Ivy asking him out of concern. He just gave a small smile as he ran his clawed hands over her helmet. "Am fine, just thinking about your grandparents." He assured her. He marveled how Ivy much had grown from the last time he scientifically created her with his and Lou Jitsu's DNAs; she being so tiny as a developed newborn infant growing in a liquid chamber to a young lady around the boys' ages. From what he knew later on, Splinter raised her along with the Turtles. Ivy had lived her life at first as a normal human teenager until her yokai genes started appearing. The initial discovery of her origins did shake her world but over time, she had learnt to accept and use them to assist her brothers in their adventures. She was intelligent like Draxum and his mother with his father's gentle, mature nature as well as Splinter/Lou's sassiness. She loved to study on botany and coincidently, her powers involved using vines and summoning plant like monsters at will. She recently revealed her sexuality preference as a lesbian and had a girlfriend who is a fellow classmate and witch trainee/apprentice in disguise. Both her creators and siblings were happy for her. As of now, she was cradling her younger sister, Venus de Milo was giggling and squealing as April, Ariadne and Arachne cooed and tickled her belly.
The group watched Mikey draw a symbol on the wall at an alley. Once the symbol was drawn, an open portal revealed. The Hamato siblings' mouths went ajar, not believing what they just saw. "if you think that's mind blowing, you haven't seen nothing yet!" Mikey grinned. His three other brothers and the three girls each took hold of one of their Hamato uncles and aunts's hands. The moment they all jumped into that portal, they found themselves staring at a massive part of a what seemed to be a huge city. The sky above was unlike Earth's skies; instead it was orange with some brown. The architecture of the buildings there were monster shaped with some tall, castle like structures far away from the city. There were a lot of people of all shapes, sizes, colors and appearances walking, running, passing by each other, buying their needs or doing their usual business trades. The Turtle family allowed their Hamato relatives to take in their first view around them. Saki's eyes were bulging out of his sockets, he could not believe for his life what he was seeing. Anthropomorphic, mostly consisting of animal, everyday objects, monstrous and supernatural like individuals roamed every part of the streets around him, he felt as if he was having a strange dream that defied logic! Nori on the other hand, looked right and left, taking in interesting sights that captured her attention. Underneath a calm façade, Kenji was freaking out internally at the new, foreign view. Hiroki was squealing in delight similar to a child had just discovered a world made of toys and sweets. Her twin, Hikari was a bit calmer than his sister, feeling a thrill of danger running through his veins. Last but not least, the youngest Hamato sibling, Mei's stance looked poker face yet she looked around to see if there were any Gothic like people that she can interact with. The Turtles and the girls grinned, seeing the reactions of the others.
"What do you think? Surreal, huh?" They ask.
"I can't believe what I'm seeing..."
"Someone please tell me that I'm dreaming..." Saki mumbled, still not believing.
"No, you're not," Draxum replied, going straight to the point with an indifferent expression. "May we please hurry to my parents' house, I bet they're waiting for our arrival..."
"Oh yeah!" Mikey clapped both his hands once. "Lead the way, Draxy!"
Draxum sighed as he took the lead of the group. Along the way, there were a few whispers around and behind Draxum coming from the city people but Splinter and Ivy took hold of both his hands and gave a comforting, assuring squeeze, making him feel better. Ariadne gave her uncle a comforting hand on to his shoulder. They were soon out of the main city square to a further distance into the woods. They had to climb up a hill for a while until they reached a big mansion residing there.
"We are here at last. My childhood home..." Draxum said, looking at the grassy, serene valley below, reminiscing the times where he as a little one ran galloping around the field, cartwheeling with glee among the flowers and his sire teaching him the basics on how to defend himself the predator way. Both father and son spend their days in the early years, sparring with each other...
"Draxum, my son!" The former alchemist warrior villain snapped out of his memories to find himself being engulfed into the arms of none other than his dear, loving old father, Monsrage who brought his only son into a crushing bear hug which knocked the wind out of his lungs. "How have you been, my little baby boy? It's rare that you visit us but it's so wonderful to see you bring your family along! How delightful!" the older yokai gushed, his bushy tail wagging with unlimited enthusiasm like an excited puppy. Monsrage was rather huge and muscular with perked up, pointy ears, silky straight black hair unchanged through time and a fairly long beard to match. Like Draxum before, he wore a battle mask. He had a significant dark upperlip. His body had different shades of blue just like his son, Draxum when he was armored. Monsrage's eyes were the same like Draxum's. His feet in particular, was a noticeable difference. Unlike his wife and son, his feet were shaped like a lion's paws, fitting for him coming from a predator species.
"Father, it's great to see you... but can you please let go now? I can't breathe..." Draxum choked out, being smothered by his sire's busty chest. Monsrage immediately loosened his grip, apologizing profusely while checking to see if he had accidently broken any of his son's bones. Draxum shook his head, smiling a little. His sire had never changed all these years, still a concerned worrywart. And he bet his mother had not either...
Chemia on the other hand, was greeting the rest of the visitors with feverish energy. She was a redhead with shades of pink for her skin colour and her ears, long and drooped. Her eyes had a little twinkle in them, a part of her eccentric personality and plump, red lips. Like her husband, she wore a mask. Donnie, April, Arachne and Ivy were given a whirlwind hug the moment they came in front of her. Monsrage went back to the mansion with his son to give the new visitors, the Hamatos, April, and Arachne a warm greeting as well as welcome his beloved grandchildren with his signature bear hug and proceed to pepper their faces with smooches which they were delighted to have especially Mikey, Ariadne, Ivy and Venus. Monsrage and Chemia ushered them all into their humble abode. The Hamatos were initially skeptical about meeting Draxum's family but they were soon warmed up to them. Later on, the mansion was filled with guffaws of laughter as Monsrage showed them all baby pictures of his son which embarrased the poor warrior scientist. Donnie, April and Ivy were treated to Grandma Chemia's latest creations. Monsrage himself had a blast, playing with Venus and sparring with the Turtles and the girls. Arachne was delighted to meet her grandparents as a young adolescent, telling them about her achievements, adventures and that her own parents are doing well. The Hamatos became comfortable talking with Draxum's parents over some snack delicacies. Overall, everyone had a wonderful time at the Hidden City.
I had fun writing this! Was tiring but oh so worth it.
The Hamato siblings (minus Lou/Splinter) and Venus de Milo belong to @rottmntrulesall while Ariadne and Arachne are the OCs of @mikeykawaii/@mikey-ho. Monsrage, Chemia and Poison Ivy along with the mention of the witch girlfriend belong to me, @mefiman. I hope you don��t mind me incorporating your girls into this story, @mikeykawaii but I’ve been dying to add them in, especially Ari meeting her grandparents! ^^ 
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blueaura · 4 years
Lost and Found Ch. 8
A/N: Hello again! This chapter is a little shorter than the last couple of chapters but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Thank you for the feedback on the last chapter, it means a lot. Also, I’m making a seperate tag list for people who would like to be tagged in all of my supernatural stuff (one shots, dabbles, other series etc.), so let me know if you want to get on that. Also, Also - if any of you have any requests for one-shots or the like, I’d love to do that. Thanks to everyone who’s read and re-blogged it this far. As always, any tips and suggestions are welcome. Feedback would be amazing. Thank you and happy reading!
Summary: Sam and Dean meet a young hunter who is a little rough around the edges and they reluctantly take her under their wing. But she might be a little more connected to them that any of them realise. 
Word Count: 1.8k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
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Chapter 8
To Dean it felt like it took forever.
He watched Cas’s hand glow as if he were healing her, not even daring to breathe. Sam stood beside his brother in support. Cas had his eyes closed in concentration. Dean was looking worriedly at Y/N but she didn’t look like she was in any pain. He trusted Cas with his life and knew he would never knowingly hurt Y/N, but worrying came naturally to him and he had to make sure she was safe. There was an instinct there that he was usually used to associating with just his brother.  
Cas had only wanted to see her soul but as soon as he put his hand on her, he was bombarded with her memories. Her thoughts, her pain, her experiences – they were so loud. He had never felt so crippled by a human mind before. He was surprised by the intense anger he felt on her behalf. The girl didn’t seem to harbour much anger herself – there simply wasn’t any place for it beneath the fear, uncertainty, loneliness and hurt. He saw her memories like he had once seen Dean’s when he pulled him out from hell. Once he was sucked in, he couldn’t get out until she let him even though he felt like he was somehow violating her privacy. But, if he ever had any doubt that there was a part of Dean Winchester in this girl, the burning determination underneath everything else would have been enough to remove it. Even without seeing her soul, shining as brightly as her father’s.
Y/N was expecting pain even after Cas assured her that there wouldn’t be any. What she was not expecting was the warmth. It felt like she was bundled in the softest blanket and nothing could hurt her as long as she stayed in the cocoon of that warmth. It was bright light and hope and love and like nothing she had ever felt before. She almost didn’t want to let it go but she could feel the sensation trying to pull away from her. She chased it until she couldn’t. She didn’t know how long had passed before she came back to Earth, so to speak.
Cas’s hand slid from her forehead down to her cheek momentarily.
“I’m sorry for the hard life you’ve had Y/N. You are truly an incredible human being and I vow to protect you to the best of my ability from here on. I shall not let any harm befall you.”
The intensity of his words surprised her but she didn’t say anything. Dean, on the other hand, balked at the words.
“Wait, what just happened?” he asked, looking from Cas to Y/N and back again.
“What’s with the vow of protection? Is this some kind of Twilight imprinting bullshit?!” Dean’s voice grew more hysterical with every word, making Y/N muffle a snort.
“Dude, why the hell do you even know what that is?” Sam asked incredulously. Dean ignored him in favour of glaring at his friend.
Cas turned away from Y/N to give Dean his best imitation of Sam’s bitchface.
“No, Dean. I didn’t imprint on your daughter. I can assure you I have no intention of mating with her,” Cas sarcastically dead-panned, which would have normally impressed and even amused Dean but his brain had stopped working at that moment.
Daughter. Daughter.
There was a ringing in his ears. He could hear Sam calling his name, could feel the weight of his hand shaking his shoulder, but everything was muffled – the only thing he could focus on was the fact that he had a fucking daughter.
Of course, he had known it was a possibility – that was the whole damn point of the angelic test, but now… it was real. He was a father. Just like that. In that moment – he fucking hated Sandra.
Sam would have loved to say that Dean reacted maturely and focused on Y/N and didn’t freak out at all, but father or not, he was still Dean Winchester. So, Sam wasn’t all that surprised when instead of making sure his daughter was alright, Dean stormed out in the direction of the shooting range, or so Sam assumed. He knew his brother and he knew that it was how he processed things. Working on his car or shooting stuff was Dean’s way of dealing with the news and Sam was just grateful that he didn’t choose to turn to the bottle instead.
He watched Dean walk off but instead of trying to reason with his brother, he turned towards the other person affected by the news. His niece (Holy shit, he had a niece) was frozen in place, her eyes not really focused on anything. Cas looked at him worriedly and Sam realised that Cas hadn’t meant to drop the news in such a way. He smiled at him reassuringly, and walked to where Y/N was still standing.
Instead of calling out to her, he gently guided her to the library and made her sit down on a chair. She didn’t react at her which didn’t necessarily surprise Sam but worried him nonetheless. Cas brought a glass of water from the kitchen and Sam quickly thanked him before setting it down on the table and kneeling in front of Y/N.
“Kiddo? Hey Y/N, are you alright?” he instinctively asked and winced. Of course, she wasn’t alright. Her entire world had just turned on its head.
“Y/N, you with me?” he tried instead.
She looked at him without really seeing him. He had to repeat the question a couple of times before he even saw a hint of acknowledgement in her eyes. He waited patiently until she finally shakily nodded her head.
Her throat was dry. She reached for the glass of water blindly. Sam quickly picked it up and placed it in her waiting hands, watching as she took small sips.
“Where’s…” she trailed off, sipping at the water again just to have something to do.
“Probably in the shooting range. He’s… processing. But I guess so are you,” he said uncertainly.
“You have a shooting range?” She was clearly avoiding the big elephant in the room, but Sam didn’t take the bait.
“I’ll show you later,” he dismissed the topic change expertly. “How are you holding up?”
“You mean after learning that my mother lied to me my entire life?” she spat out. Sam winced at the tone but ignored the hostility, only squeezing her shoulder in response. She deflated at the lack of a fight. He simply waited.
“I don’t know,” she said finally. “I wasn’t expecting… I know you were all but convinced but I wasn’t. San- my mother always gave me the impression that my father was dead. Until a few minutes ago, I didn’t even have distant relatives that I could call family. Now suddenly, I… I don’t know how to deal with that,” she said, frustration heavily lacing her voice.
Sam noticed the hesitation at her mother’s name and stored that little piece of information for later. His heart went out to her, it truly did.
“Look, I can’t even begin to imagine being in your position right now. Or Dean’s, for that matter. Hell, I’m still reeling from the fact that I have a niece, and I’m not even the one directly affected by this! So, I cant tell you how to feel or what to do. That’s up to you. What I can tell you is that you’re family now, Y/N. That word has way more weightage in this household than it probably does anywhere else. So, whatever you’re going through, you won’t be alone. I’m here, Cas is here and when he eventually gets over his little temper tantrum, Dean will be here too,” Sam smiled wryly.
Y/N chuckled a little even as emotion clogged her throat, shaking her head at Sam’s attempt at levity. She was suddenly pulled into the tightest hug by Sam, but this time she refused to cry. She’d had way too many breakdowns in the past few days and she’d ignore the stinging in her eyes and the burn in her throat if it was the last thing she did.
Instead, she sniffled into Sam’s plaid shirt, realising this was the second time in as many days that she was in this position. She chuckled at that, and instead of pulling away burrowed herself deeper into the comfort of the embrace.
Sam squeezed her tighter and kissed the top of her head. This was his niece. He was a fucking uncle! What did uncles even do? She was probably too old for toys. He also didn’t see much pranks in their future, at least for a little while. He could teach her he supposed. She clearly needed education and didn’t seem particularly thrilled about any form of formal institution. Yes, he would be the brainy uncle, who answered all the questions. He could do that.
Eventually, she pulled away. Seeing the hopeful expression on Sam’s face, she managed a weak smile at him, trying to tell him that she would be alright.
“I think I’m going to get some sleep and… process all of this. Let me know if De-Dean comes back soon,” she stumbled a little, not entirely sure what to call Dean anymore. Was ‘Dean’ inappropriate? It was way too soon for anything remotely in the ‘Dad’ ballpark. She put it away as a problem for later, not wanting to deal with the headache that accompanied thinking about her new family.
“Yea- yeah! No issues, kid. Get some rest. Dean will probably be a couple of hours. Cas already went to him earlier. He’s good at making Dean sort through things. I’ll probably head over there myself in a few,” he said assuredly.
“What’s up with that anyway?” she asked, her earlier curiosity making it harder for her to keep her mouth shut.
“What’s up with what?” Sam sounded confused.
“Cas and Dean?”
Understanding dawned on Sam’s face, immediately replaced with a look of long-suffering exasperation. Y/N giggled at that, making Sam smile subconsciously at the sound.
“If you ever figure it out, let me know,” he sighed and with a last kiss to her head, walked away.
Y/N shook her head and walked up to her room. She once again took stock of all the things that supposedly belonged to her. The mattress was the softest she’d ever slept on. She had her own freaking room. She had food to eat and clothes to wear and a couple of guys who cared more for her than what she thought she was worth.
Maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t so bad.
TAGS: @vicmc624​ @carisi-sonny​ @zizzlekwum​ @geekqueen5​ @mondefantastique​ @lemondropirwin​ @hamildork​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @singingsongbird1318​ @strrynigxts​ @only-for-cee​ @now-its-time-to-get-funky
If anyone else would like to be tagged, please send me an ask (: Thanks for reading!
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amariaamaris · 3 years
Of Revelations and Shattering
Originally called, Bennett’s Saviors.
She was done, Bonnie Shelia Bennett could honestly say that she was totally and completely done. All of this started when the Salvatore’s first came to town, everything went downhill from there. 
Bonnie found out that she is a witch, Emily’s amulet (also known as her talisman) resurfaced, then the séance and Emily taking her body over, Damon ripping out her neck in anger, Stefan saving her life by giving her his blood, Anna and her vampire pets, opening the tomb, her grams dying, her help constantly being asked for and taken for granted, Katherine coming to town bringing a whole shit show, Elijah showing up, Klaus coming, Bonnie being forced to fake her death, then risk her life again to bring Klaus to the brink and Elijah betraying them, Klaus leaving and taking Stefan with him, Klaus coming back and forcing Bonnie to get him his answers, Mikael coming to town, Klaus killing Mikael, Stefan stealing Klaus’s family, Stefan forcing Bonnie to help him, finding her mother, waking Esther, Esther channeling from her family line, Elijah forcing Damon and Stefan to kill her mother, Esther and Finn running, Caroline being the only one to help Bonnie and her mom, Elena trying to claim victim, Abby skipping town, Klaus threatening and forcing Bonnie to break the link, Bonnie not being able to force herself to help Damon; hell how was she supposed to do that when she can’t even save herself? Elena giving her shit for not helping Damon; since when did Damon become more important than her friends? Then Bonnie’s friends consistently ignoring her until the need her for something. All of it came to a violent harsh head that completely made her emotions shatter out of her the moment she got back to her grams house.
It was the only place that she felt relatively safe and at peace in, but it only caused her already shattered heart to break more. Bonnie couldn’t stop the heart wrenching sobs the came out of her. She felt well and truly alone as she looked around at the dark house. All the doors to the outside world are closed and locked, along with the windows. Bonnie had enough control still about her person to make sure she locked the front door behind her.
The complete stillness in the house made her body shake, the lack of her grams light and presence made the house feel cold as ice; even though the thermostat said that it was at a warm temperature. Bonnie curled in on her self on the floor of the entryway. Her reality came crashing down on her; her grams is dead - the only person that was there for her is gone and she isn’t coming back, Abby left again, her father is never home and never checks up on his daughter, her friends aren’t even her friends anymore (other than Matt and Caroline), and the supernatural chaos that is going on in Mystic Falls is causing for her to be in over her head.
Bonnie may be a witch, but she isn’t experienced, hell she just found out she was a witch at the beginning of the supernatural bullshit. Bonnie finds herself wishing that her grams would have taught her from the very beginning. She has a sinking feeling that she wouldn’t have done even half of the things she did; if only she had the knowledge that most witches did by her age. 
Bonnie could feel her depleted magic swirling violently inside of her, causing her to tightly wrap her arms around her legs and bury her face against her knees. Bonnie welcomed the uncomfortable feeling of being on her side on the hard wood floor. Hot tears flowed down her face as everything became overwhelming, bonnie couldn’t stop the thought of wanting all of it to end. 
She felt her magic expand and contract, swirling around inside and outside of her. Bonnie felt as though she was outside of her body watching herself shaking, crying, completely losing it as her magic reacts to her realization and suffocating desolation. After she lost consciousness; it caused a chain reaction to snowball outwards.
Her grams’ house rapidly lost its temperature - quickly becoming frigid - causing all electricity to short circuit as the pipes froze and ice climbed and spiderwebbed across the walls. A shield of energy went out to the outline of the property to block anyone and anything from getting in. A violent earthquake started right under Bonnie and expanded out into Mystic Falls and the surrounding towns.
All the while her grams, Emily, and the rest of her ancestors watch on in worry, sadness, empathy, and guilt. They all know that Bonnie shouldn’t have to deal with all of this by herself, especially at her age and lack of education. All of them decide to keep vigil over there descendent. The temperature is decreasing fast and their worry is increasing as they watch Bonnie’s small body violently shiver in the cold.
Ayana walks to Bonnie’s body and hovers her hands over her shuddering form; gauging her energy and lifeforce. She pulls away soon after and exchanges a troubled look with Shelia. Soon after the look is exchanged Ayana disappears and the other Bennett’s gather closely around Bonnie’s body and hope that she can pull out of this.
Meanwhile, Ayana makes some ghostly visits to Bonnie’s so called ‘friends’, the originals that are still in mystic falls, and starts to look for the last white oak stake. Her first move was finding the white oak and destroying the last of it once and for all. Ayana would deal with Esther Mikaelson later, after all... Ayana has a bone to pick.
Ayana quickly finds the white oak stake and teleports herself and the stake to a safe place. She starts on the spell that had been in the making since the Mikaelson children had been turned. She watched as the spell took affect with thinly veiled pleasure. Ayana had never took such joy in watching white oak burn before. It helped that she knew that with this last white oak burning, it was getting rid of anything that could kill the Mikaelson family. After all, she always saw those troubled children as her own.
Once all of it burned to ash, she waved her hand and it scattered to the wind. By the time the nature around the area calmed; Ayana was gone and there was no sign of anything being different. By the time she reappeared she was in the Salvatore Boarding House. Ayana couldn’t stop the sneer that came on her normally serene features as she looked upon the Salvatore brothers and their doppelganger.
They were the root cause of everything bad that has happened to her descendent since day 1 of all this supernatural business. They were the ones that brought all of it to Bonnie’s front door; or rather their front door and dragged her descendent into the mess. Causing Bonnie to lose almost all of her loved ones, other than her father. The thought of Rudy causes Ayana to snort (heck the thought of even Abby does to).
Ayana shakes her head at even thinking of Abby, that was one woman who made her bed long before she was turned into a vampire. “Good Riddance.” Ayana mumbled to herself as her eyes rolled. To put it plainly... Abby Bennett is a disgrace to the Bennett line (her being a vampire is not the cause). 
The doppelgangers voice jerks Ayana out of her stupor. Her eyes coolly flick towards the doppelganger as she whines about the Mikaelson's. Both of the Salvatore's are quick to comfort her and tell her that Bonnie will help find a way to kill them. Causing Ayana to sharpen her eyes and scoff. Kill the rest of the Mikaelson’s? Had the Salvatore's not already caused enough pain and problems? They almost succeeded in killing Finn, thanks to Kol, Finn was able to get out of town. And to bring her descendent into it without asking her? Hell no, Ayana felt iron and determination fill her being. Those Salvatore's and Gilberts (yes both Gilberts, the male one is just as much to blame as the female) are not going to get anywhere near Bonnie if she had something to say about it (which she does).
Bonnie Shelia Bennett would get away from all of this, even if it ends in Ayana losing herself. Ayana gets a sharp and panicked message from all of her passed on descendants and takes one last look at the... creatures and much like the wind she disappeared just as fast as she appeared. Leaving the Salvatore Boarding house to fall further and further into darkness.
When she reappears she is inside the Bennett home. Ayana can tell that the temperature has dropped to negatives. She looks to her descendants hoping that one of them will explain to her what is happening. All of them look just as confused and worried as she is. Bonnie should not be reacting this harshly to being shown what they are showing her. Especially with her full potential in magic coming to her. Then, Shelia rushes through the crowd, “There’s something wrong... something seriously wrong.” before Ayana can even process Shelia’s words; Shelia is already dragging Ayana towards her grandbaby.
Once Ayana was within sight of her, she couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped her lips. Bonnie is shivering so hard that the small entry table is shaking along with the picture frame on top of it. Her skin was pale - deathly so, blue is starting to tint her skin; and her normally thick, rich black hair has streaks of white running throughout it. It also looks as though it could break with a feather light touch.
Right as Ayana went to turn her head to look to Shelia, she grabbed her arm, “No, keep watching... My grandbaby is suffering. Every couple of minutes more white covers her hair.” so Ayana kept watch with the rest of the Bennett's. What felt like hours was only a few minutes and before Ayana’s eyes; another streak of white overtook a piece of Bonnie’s hair. 
Ayana slowly shakes her head, “I’ve never seen something like this before...” she whips around to face all the other Bennett's. “How long has this been happening? I wasn’t gone that long!” Shelia just looks at her, worry overtaking everything about her. “Ayana, you’ve been gone for a week. You lost sense of time. Although you didn’t miss to much; other than the temperature getting lower and lower, then about a day ago the white started to appear, and of course none of my grandbaby’s friends have even bothered to try and check on her.”
Shelia is practically shaking with the fury that fills her being thinking of Bonnie’s “friends”. They don’t deserve her grandbaby and they most definitely don’t deserve everything that Bonnie has done for them. Shelia turns toward fully to face Ayana. “I don’t care what you have to do to help my granddaughter. I don’t care if you get the Mikaelson’s, in fact I would prefer them over her friends.” Shelia practically sneers the word friends, but just as fast as the fury came, sorrow and fear overtakes Shelia; causing her shoulders to slump.
Ayana doesn’t reply, she just disappears; leaving the Bennett's to watch as more white overtakes Bonnie’s hair. The moment Ayana opens her eyes again, she is in the living room of the Mikaelson mansion looking at Elijah, Kol, and Klaus. Elijah is reading a book that looks like it is about to disintegrate, Klaus is painting, and Kol is sprawled out on the couch playing around with his new phone.
Ayana takes a deep breath to steal herself and to bring more strength to her being. After all she hasn’t seen or talked to the Mikaelson children for at least 1,000 years. The moment Ayana feels steel come into her spine, she straightens and allows herself to be seen by them. “Elijah, Niklaus, and Kol Mikaelson you are going to listen to what I have to say and you are going to do what I ask you.” All of them whip to face her in shock and disbelief, their jaws are practically dropped to the floor.
Before they can say or do anything, Ayana starts speaking again. “I understand that you have a lot of questions, but there is no time left for my last living descendent. I need you to go to Shelia Bennett’s old house and find and help Bonnie Bennett. She’s dying and her friends cannot and will not help her. Go and help her now!” There is a long pause as they finally catch up with what Ayana said and their mouths close. “Please hurry, Bonnie Bennett is almost out of time.”
Before they can even open their mouths to respond... Ayana is gone and back with the other Bennett's. “Bloody hell.” The Mikaelson brothers all breathe at the same time. Their eyes go between each other and the space where Ayana used to stand. Klaus’s jaw works a bit as if he is trying to find the words that he wants to say. While Elijah looks stuck deep within his thoughts, Kol is staring off into space his mind working through what Ayana just told them.
The moment Ayana’s words click in his mind he can’t stop his outburst. “Bloody hell! Why are we just standing here. Come on you bloody wankers, I’ll drag your asses with me if I have to!” Then Kol is gone, speeding off towards the late Shelia Bennett's home; leaving his brothers gaping. They snap out of their state soon after and take off after their younger brother.
Right as the come up beside their brother, the notice a forcefield around the entire property. It’s a good thing humans don’t have enhanced abilities because they would all be freaking out. Klaus carefully reached out and brushed his fingers against the forcefield and felt sharp pinpricks against his fingertip as they travel to his hand and up his arm. An involuntary hiss escapes him at the pain as he jerks his hand away; he quickly exchanges looks with both of his brothers as he shakes his hand out.
“This isn’t going to work, we won’t be able to get through this. I highly doubt that the little witch would allow for the forcefield to be week enough for us to run through it.” Kol just gives Klaus a bland look upon hearing his words as Elijah studies the forcefield.
“Come now brother, where is your sense of adventure? Besides, I don’t believe the young Bennett witch is aware of what her magic is doing. Her magic recognizes us as a threat. We just have to only think of helping her. No ulterior motives and not have a hint of harmful intent towards her.”
Klaus scoffs and rolls his eyes “How exactly would you know that Kol? That just sounds like a load of shit.” Kol immediately feels his ire and years of resentment build up. “What else would you suggest brother? For the amount of witches you have had under your control and doing your bidding you really know nothing. Tell me brother, do you know anything about energy or witches unconsiouce protective magic?” At that Kol reaches towards Bonnie’s forcefield, blantantly ignoring Elijah’s warning of “Kol...” and puts his hand through it.
Then Kol calmly walks through and then turns to face his confused brothers. “See brother, control your thoughts and your intent and the magic will allow you to pass through.” Kol carefully reaches out and allows his fingers to run allow the magic - revealing in the dearly missed feeling that nearly drove him mad with grief. “Think of it this way brother, magic is alive and has a mind of its own. It’s only intent right now is to protect its wielder, it doesn’t go off of the past experiences its wielder has had with one person. Magic goes off of intent and energy of the person that is trying to gain access.”
Kol crosses his arms, after of course waving his arm towards the house as if to say ‘come on’. Elijah carefully reaches out and allows for the magic to run against him and through him. Checking his intent, his energy, his heart. Eventually it pulls away slowly and Elijah steps through and ends up right next to Kol. Klaus just studies them a bit, scoffs, and shakes his head. He allows his jaw to work a bit then roughly pushes out a breath and slowly reaches out again.
His hand makes contact with the shield and he feels the magic rise up to him fast and it feels like thousands upon thousands of little knives stab into him. Klaus grits his teeth to stop himself from yelling out. Then, the pain stops... and all he feels is a cool soothing wave go through his body as the magic leaves. Klaus steps through and Kol gives him a smug look and Klaus response is a mutinous glare.
As they get closer to the house they notice veins of ice and frost running all over the house. The front door is covered in a layer of ice, “In all the time I have spent with the witches... I have never heard of or seen something like this.” Before Klaus or Elijah can respond, Shelia appears to the side of them. “You can enter, there is no need for an invitation.” Elijah goes to say that they have to have one, but Shelia smiles a little and holds up her hand. “All of us Bennett witches are here, you don’t need an invitation from the owner because you have one from all of us.” Shelia’s eyes become sharp as steel, “Do not make us regret our decision, you will lose your invitation so fast that your head will spin.”
Immediately all three Mikaelson brothers feel like chastised children (the only Mikaelson that hadn’t done something to Bonnie is Kol and he was daggered almost the whole time) and obediently nod. Shelia automatically gets a smile back on her face and waves them toward the door and then she disappears inside.
Klaus harshly punches the layer of ice covering the door causing it to shatter like spun glass. Then Kol grabs the handle and twists harshly to break the lock and allow the door to swing open. The cold that rushes over them causing all of the Mikaelson’s to let an involuntary shudder run through their bodies. All of their eyes fall to the small shivering body whose hair is completely white.
All of their eyes widen in panic and shocked confusion, Elijah quickly takes off his suit jacket and moves toward Bonnie. Causing his younger brothers to shake themselves out of their astonishment. “Have you ever...” “No, never.” Their words trail into each other causing them to not realize who said what. The brothers are so invested in helping Bonnie that the don’t hear cars park on the curb in front of the house.
They silently decide that Klaus is the best one to carry Bonnie since he naturally runs hotter than his half-brothers. Once they step out of the house they can sense that the Bennett spirits have locked the house up tight and left the place; knowing that their last descendent would be taken care of. Kol, Elijah, and Klaus all tense up the moment the step onto the lawn. Of course the rest of the scooby gang decide that now is a good time to show up. They decide now that Bonnie is worth the effort. 
Klaus can’t stop the scoff of disbelief that escaped him he’s assuming they have deemed her worthwhile now that they need her help. By the looks on Kol and Elijah’s faces they are in agreeance with Klaus. Bonnie’s so called friends immediately crowd the forcefield causing the Mikaelson brothers to watch in thinly veiled amusement as all of them get shocked by it (except for Matt and Caroline, although they are not allowed through). 
Elena finally speaks, begging them not to hurt Bonnie and saying how if they want herself they can take her (they just had to leave Bonnie alone) causing the Salvatores to automatically negate what she said. Elijah cool voice quiets everyone. “Miss Gilbert, not everything is about you and if you paid more attention to your friends rather than whichever Salvatore brother you are sleeping with at the moment... You’d know that Miss Bennett has been in pain for a long time. While she has been getting closer and closer to deaths door this past week.” Elijah calmly tilts his head and plays with his cuff link as he lightly smirks. “You, Miss Gilbert, have been to busy spreading your legs for two different men to care for you supposed best friends.”
Klaus snickers with a grin while Kol outright laughs; while the Salvatores lung at the forcefield and are flung from it (but after it fries them a little). While Caroline's mouth drops open, Matt’s eyes widen, and Elena let out a gasp with hurt in her eyes. Klaus quickly quiets when he notices that Bonnie is still freezing, he frowns as he brings his face closer to her. He realizes that the cold seems to be coming from the very core of her being.
Klaus turns his attention to Elijah and Kol; they quickly speak in the mother tongue and before any of the scooby gang can hope to react or say anything, Klaus is gone and Bonnie with him. Elijah and Kol can sense the moment the shield disappears with Bonnie leaving the area. Although, they can easily sense all of the Bennett ancestors watching and waiting. Elijah pierces the Salvatore’s with a cool and deadly look causing them to stop in their tracks. Damon and Stefan exchange disturbed looks as they both feel a shudder go down their spines. 
Elijah turns his head toward Caroline and Matt, “Miss Forbes... Matt, both of you are welcome to come to the Mikaelson home to check on Miss Bennett. We will be taking care of her wellbeing from here on out. So I suggest that you do not come up with some ill-advised rescue plan. If you cause us any problems or Miss Bennett any grief... You will be found at a later date. Salvatores... Miss Gilbert, you three are not welcome. If you cause problems at my home or for Miss Bennett. I’m afraid I will let go of all control I am exerting to not rip your hearts from your chests.”
Damon, Stefan, and Elena pale, before Caroline or Matt can respond to what Elijah told them; Kol and Elijah are gone. The entire scooby gang is left on the late Shelia Bennett's lawn, gaping at what just happened.
There is going to be a second part... I just feel like this is way to long! I might end up breaking it up into three parts? Anyway, I hope you like how it is going so far!
Peace, Love, and Joy! 
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lunaslashsea · 4 years
Crossover Fanfic Recs
The Addams Family/Harry Potter
'Family Values' by Ishtar Petunia Dursley discovers that taking care of two small boys is too much for her, so she passes the guardianship of Harry Potter over to a distant relative — Morticia Addams. With Harry growing up in a very different type of Family, Dumbledore desperately tries to get him back. But the Harry Potter who finally arrives at Hogwarts, along with his "cousins" Pugsley and Wednesday, will be nothing like what Dumbledore expects.
The Addams Family/Rise of the Guardians
'Nightmares for Christmas' by Neyiea Not all children are happy that their nightmares have disappeared, and as such North finds himself receiving a very unexpected letter several days before Christmas.
Big Hero 6/The Martian
'Big Hero Martian' by althor42 There would have been no rescue for Mark, if NASA had not noticed he was still alive. Unless of course, a certain Big Hero noticed instead.
Big Hero 6/Marvel
'Magnets for Trouble' by PitViperOfDoom Months after Callaghan's downfall, Hiro receives a surprise in the mail: a special invitation to this year's Stark Expo. With Fred for company, he leaves the protection of the city temporarily in the hands of the rest of the team and flies across the country to meet the man with twice the brains and bank account of Alistair Krei and several times the infamy.
But of course, it can't be that simple, can it? Really, after how his last expo went, he should have seen this coming.
Bleach/Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
'Teamwork for Hire' by junko After the defeat of Aizen, Ichigo has lost his superpowers but not his skills so he's been hiring himself out to any sports team looking for a strong player. When Nagisa Hazuki approaches Ichigo to join the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club, something piques Ichigo's interest…
Bleach/Harry Potter
'Crazy=Genius' series by blackkat Minerva McGonagall isn't about to let Harry go back to the Dursleys after his first year. She finds an alternative, and along the way, Bazzard Black finds that he might have more family left than he'd ever thought.
'Lost Boys' by glacis After the Triwizard fiasco, Harry leaves Britain behind for a new life. Uryuu befriends Ichigo at a much younger age. Sirius escapes. Points converge and lost boys find a family. Isshin fails. So does Ryuuken. Kisuke finds a friend. Ukitake covers and cleans up. Fate changes.
'There May Be Some Collateral Damage' by metisket Ichigo's been ordered to go undercover at a magic school to bodyguard a kid named Harry Potter, and this would be fine, except that he's about as good at bodyguarding as he is at magic. And he considers it a good day, magic‐wise, if he hasn't set anything on fire.
Bleach/Hunger Games
'Storm the World with Reckless Abandon' by SSAerial So due to one of Urahara's failed experiments that Ichigo unluckily got a full blast of (because life hates him and trouble is attracted to him like a clingy fangirl he could do without), Ichigo ends up in a dystopian universe where people take perverse pleasure in watching kids fight to the death. Which just, no. So Panem now has to deal with a pissed of Ichigo who's determined to stop the Hunger Games and pummel Snow to the ground. And Panem doesn't have a snowball chance in hell in stopping him.
Bleach/Lord of the Rings
'Behold the Flowing Years' by Straight‐Outta‐Hobbiton Ichigo escapes his dimension to start anew, away from the memories of death and friendships past that he can't seem to put to rest. Rohan is a beautiful country, and Théoden is a good king, but evil only grows stronger within the borders of Mordor, and Ichigo finds himself once more forced to protect those whom he has grown to love.
'Foreign Recruit' by SSAerial Ichigo doesn't know where to start. He has no friends, no family, no personal attachments to the world he got dumped into. The Soul King never specified what he was supposed to do in a world where technology is ahead of its time and aliens and secret governments exist. As for the people he has to deal with… Well, it isn't like he hasn't dealt with colorful personalities before.
'All My Ghosts are at Rest' series by Zakad An older Ichigo and Uryu leave Soul Society and all its problems behind to search for the near-mythical homeland of a particular Shiba ancestor. They find the Elemental Countries and one little boy who is desperate need of a family.
'Bite' by blackkat Orochimaru and his sons crash‐land in Karakura. Soul Society is most definitely not prepared for what's coming.
'A New Home' by Rain1701 In an effort to save her life and freedom, Hitsugaya Toshiro winds up landing head‐first in the Naruto universe two months before the start of canon. Not much stays the same after that.
'Soul of Fire' by Zeionia aka Disturbed After being betrayed by Soul Society, Ichigo and his sisters leave Karakura behind to find shelter with the remains of their grandfather's clan in the Land of Fire. Instead of the peaceful life they were hoping for, they reach Konoha just as a new danger appears to threaten the Uzumaki. Heart‐broken and tired of fighting, will Ichigo be able to protect his sisters and his new home?
'Stardust' by Vathara What if some Alterans found another way to survive the Wraith? Five thousand years before the Stargate opens, contact with creatures of energy changes the way of life for an Alteran colony…
Card Captor Sakura/Harry Potter
'Cardcaptor Harry' by LunaStorm In which both Albus Dumbledore and Clow Reed would have done well to remember that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in any philosophy… or predicted by the most imprecise branch of magic…
Doctor Who/Marvel
'Alien Taskforce' by TheSovereigntyofReality Just because S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers didn't listen to Tony after the Battle of New York, it doesn't mean no one did.
Downton Abbey/Marvel
'Tony Stark Meets an Extremely Unimpressed Time Traveler, or, Thomas Barrow Makes a Surprisingly Good 21st Century Butler' by Alex51324 In which Tony Stark ditches a boring party, makes an addition to the household staff, throws a much better party, and tries not to sexually harass his new butler.
Or, In which Thomas Barrow has a little trouble getting home from the pub, is generally unimpressed with many aspects of the 21st century, never thought of himself as a conservative dresser before, and may or may not be falling in lust with his new employer.
Gilmore Girls/Stargate
'Physics of the Spin' by Mhalachai Rory Gilmore always thought she was Christopher Hayden's daughter, but things are a little more complicated than that…
Good Omens/Supernatural
'Misfire' by VivatRex Crowley finds himself in another universe; Aziraphale goes to fetch him. In the meantime, Team Free Will has to figure out what to do with the 6,000 year old demon that won't stay in a devil's trap and keeps rooting through Dean's vinyl collection. Shenanigans ensue.
Gundam Wing/Naruto
'Worlds Apart' by Mieren Something went horribly wrong and Duo and Naruto are in the wrong worlds. Ninja vs technology. How could this possibly go wrong?
Harry Potter/Marvel
'Behind the Shield' by GeeEs It was a good thing the new scientist, Dr. Harry Evans, was working out so well. Because nothing else was going Fury's way. And that was before Loki made off with the Tesseract and some of his people. Maybe AU to Mortem Cantor by Kyandua.
'How Harry Failed to Conquer New York' by Impossible_Insanity
'I See The Moon' by hctiB‐notsoB While on the run, Bruce meets a young man who speaks to the moon. He's probably not quite the sanest friend Bruce could have made, but, well… beggars can't be choosers.
'Mischief's Heir' series by mad_fairy Mostly Harry Potter with the addition of Loki in the first parts
'Mortem Cantor' by Kyandua After losing everything he holds dear, Harry Potter is thrust into a new world; one with Superheroes and evil Villains that make Voldemort look like a kitten. Struggling to survive in this new world - and, meanwhile, gaining the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. - he attempts to live a NORMAL life. But, he is Harry Potter after all... what could possibly go wrong?
'On Punching Gods and Absentee Dads' by Enigmaris Harry finds out that his dad is alive, has been the whole time. Instead of being overjoyed, Harry's disgusted. His dad left earth and abandoned his friends. Every painful thing he's ever gone through can be traced back to one man. Now Harry's got super strength he can't control and an almost unnecessary amount of magical power. His dad might be living it up with the Avengers now but not for long. With the help of his friends, Harry comes up with a plan for revenge. Get ready Avengers, Harry's out to punch a god.
'Safeguard' by esama The Chitauri invasion launches a whole new age – for everyone.
Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho
'Devoted' by Ookami‐chan Loving someone means seeing to it that they receive nothing but the very best of care. In all things.
'Healing Soul' by Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf Canon, IY slightly alternate ending, BG blend but more manga than anime; YYH boys' last year of school but otherwise through series, anime only.
'By Any Other Name' by Deviant Nature Kagome's return after an unexplained, prolonged absence leaves her family with questions she refuses to answer except to assure that it's over. While she attempts to readapt to the present, Kurama is feeling the pressures of human society's expectations. But the solutions to his troubles aren't as straight‐forward as he had hoped. Note: Unrated version is on MediaMiner.net as 'Par Tout Autre Nom'
Harry Potter/Ranma 1/2
'Harry Hibiki and the Philosopher's Stone' by USA_Tiger On the night Voldemort attacks the Potter's home, a completely different person finds Harry before Sirius Black or Hagrid. Harry is found and adopted by Nerima's very own eternal lost boy Ryoga Hibiki! Soon Harry will be joining his classmates at Hogwarts but how will Hogwarts handle this kind of Harry? And how does it affect the prophecy, what is the 'power he knows not?
Harry Potter/Sherlock
'The Avalon Seven' by sifshadowheart Major Non‐Canon A/U, Harry is treated for abuse and massive injuries by John Watson as a John Doe. To help solve the mystery of the battered boy John calls in his partner Sherlock — whose father has much more information about his patient than John ever thought possible. Turning to an old acquaintance, Siger Holmes contacts the Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Wallace…Harry's rightful guardian.
First several chapters will be covering Pre‐Hogwarts years, story starts with Harry at age four so it'll be a while before any sort of slash or real conflict happens. Very political fic with lots of twists and turns. Because the plot‐bunnies won't leave me alone!
'Magnificent' by esama The birth of the Ministry of Magic and his relationship with the British Government.
'Whispers in Corners' by esama Everything started with a stumble — his new life in a new world as well as his surprisingly successful career as a medium.
Harry Potter/Sherlock/Star Trek
'Harder Choices' by sifshadowheart Post‐Avalon Seven A/U…a.k.a. This is what happens when plot‐bunnies start mating and multiplying.
Hadrian saves Earth…at a cost
'An Englishman in Konoha' by pupeez4eva Itachi Uchiha is a strange child, who regularly converses with things no one else can see, drinks far too much tea, and has a strong and unyielding obsession with being the best big brother ever (or, in a world where England is reborn into the Naruto universe, Itachi ends up a little…different).
The Hobbit/Sherlock
'All Things Old and New' by teacup_of_doom All around the world, people are remembering past lives. Bilbo Baggins discovers that Tookish streaks can span lifetimes — and can have unintended, hilarious, consequences.
Katekyou Hitman Reborn!/Naruto
'Force of Nature' by Ramabear (RyMagnatar) He had died— honorably, he'd like to think, despite living as a villain and an assassin for over half a century— and that, as far as Xanxus had ever figured, would be the end of that. No heaven. No hell. Just life when you were breathing and nothingness when you stopped.
Except that it didn't, quite, turn out that way. Except he came back as the son of the kindest, sometimes saddest father in the world. In both worlds. A father that he knew, without a doubt, to be his flesh and blood. All at once, Xanxus had everything he'd wanted as a child. A home. A family. Stability. And he was going to fight like hell and beat down anyone who tried to take it from him, no matter what his age.
(In which Sakumo raises a son who speaks multiple languages from birth, all of them gibberish to the poor single father jounin, spits vulgarity with the same ease as he does his praise and burns with an unshakable determination to build himself a family that will not fall, no matter who or what is thrown against it.)
'Uchiha Kyōya' by Tsume_Yuki In a world where Fugaku has three sons, he wishes he'd stopped at the one. There's nothing wrong with the youngest, it's just…
The middle child.
'In Which Neither Coulson nor Sherlock are Dead' by TheDullYellowEye … and John sort of joins the Avengers. While Coulson's recovering from being stabbed in the chest by a magical spear, Fury is rapidly running out of Agents willing to play babysitter for the newly founded Avengers. So he calls in Captain John Watson, late of the British Royal Army, and blogger and best friend to the infamously antisocial presumably deceased Sherlock Holmes.
Naruto/One Piece
'Lost Uzumaki' by Silver Dragonfly (lillikira) Shanks was used to strange meetings on the various islands of the Grand Line. However, this one was unusual even for the Grand Line. A Lost Uzumaki is found and Naruto has no plans of not becoming part of his family. (A Series of Snapshots about the finding of lost family.)
'One World's Tragedy is Another World's ...Gain?' by Foodmoon Pern goes to hell in a handbasket. Ir'ca tries to rescue the future of dragonkind by being a thief and somehow ends up in the Land of Fire. It's probably a good thing Kakashi handed over the Hat a while back...
'Deduction in Shadows' by GremlinSR Shikaku just wanted to finish his paperwork before lunch so he could squeeze in an afternoon nap. His plans are derailed by a six year old orphan when she sneaks into his office with proof that somebody has been kidnapping the children of Konoha and covering it up.
He never does end up getting that nap.
Or: A Holmes is reborn into the ninja village Konoha. Chaos ensues
Rise of the Guardians/Marvel
'Constellations of Old' by kuroi_atropos When the Man in the Moon recognizes Thor as a representative of Asgard, he decides to send the Guardians of Childhood to ask for help vanquishing the last of shadows, as well as a few other things he could use some help with.
'Winter Gods' by avearia The Guardians discover that, outside of Earth, many races actually worship Jack as a God. Meanwhile, the Avengers deal with the implications that come with an almighty spirit, otherworldly religions, and the revelation that Santa is real.
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queendom || hope mikaelson - chapter eight
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Summary: In which a tribrid falls in love with a human girl
Word Count: 2,411
Preface | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight
"SHE'S GONE." HOPE PACED across the room, her heart racing as she imagined what possible circumstances she had just put Angel in. She'd tried to fight against the monster, but regardless of what she did, it seemed as though nothing she did affected him. He was immune to every spell. Everything she did only served to exhaust her and stall him.
Unfortunately, Aunt Rebekah hadn't managed to compel Angel to stop acting calm. She'd simply stood there, quiet and accepting of what was happening in front of her. As if she'd known that the creature wasn't going to harm her. Hope had continued fighting after Rebekah had 'died,' but it was no use. He had managed to throw her across the room while she was doing a spell. By the time she had come to, Angel was gone, and the monster had gone with her.
There was a time when death was an unfamiliar concept to Originals. Hope's father, Klaus, had always gone out of his way to make it known that the Mikaelsons were immortal -- ironic, really. Simple death like the snapping of a neck or drowning, something that would usually kill an ordinary human being, would be an untimely nap for an Original vampire. As would a stake in the heart, or a beheading -- things that would ordinarily kill a regular vampire.
To be an Original was to be immortal. Though it seemed that even immortal beings can find a way to die eventually.
It had been about two or three hours since Aunt Rebekah's 'death.' She would be awake soon enough, and they would be able to search for Angel. Unfortunately, that would mean heading straight toward Statera, and the lack of supernatural beings in the town seemed to suggest some sort of magical border.
Or magical blockade of Unsullied Soldiers that would kill whatever supernatural being tried to enter the territory; but what was the difference?
A light began to glow from inside Rebekah's pocket. Hope sighed, reaching over and pulling the phone out of her pocket. She raised her eyebrows at the 'Salvatore School' contact name. How often did they reach out to Rebekah regarding Hope's grades or absences? Honestly, she was surprised that she had any emergency contacts left. Lately it seemed as though Dr. Saltzman was all she had in terms of an adult figure, though Josie and Lizzie were making that relationship particularly hard.
"Don't answer my phone," Rebekah choked out, weakly gasping for air. She held her hand out. "Give it to me. I don't trust you using a phone to speak to anyone except your Aunt Freya from now on."
Hope sighed, begrudgingly handing the phone back. "You just came back from the dead. Do you really think you're in the mood to be speaking to Dr. Saltzman right now?"
"Trust me, darling, we go way back." Rebekah slid the call button, holding the phone up to her ear. "Rebekah Mikaelson speaking... Yes, I have Hope with me right now... What's happening with that map?"
It was easy to forget that her own aunt had been a student of Dr. Saltzman's at one point. Hope sighed, reaching into her pocket for her own phone. Admittedly, she wasn't supposed to have one, but Uncle Kol had always enjoyed bending the rules.
"Yes, I understand," Rebekah responded. "We'll be there as soon as we can."
As Rebekah went to hang up the phone, Hope looked up. "I have to go back to the school, don't I?"
"Well, grand theft auto isn't as bad as turning a werewolf into a hybrid -- so yes, you'll be going back to your regularly scheduled classes," Rebekah responded. She reached for her purse before noticing the disappointed look on Hope's face. "What's wrong? When you were younger, all you wished for was to go to a school for supernaturals. Your father didn't donate three million dollars to the school out of the goodness of his heart."
Hope simply shrugged in response. "All I 'wished for,' was to have friends that knew what I was going through; but no one does. I thought I wanted to be surrounded by supernaturals because it would be where I fit in the most; but ever since Mom died, it's like I would give anything to be human for a day."
"Being a human doesn't protect you from death, love," Rebekah whispered, running a hand through Hope's auburn waves. Only a few shades darker than that of Rebekah's late mother, Esther. The Original Witch -- before she'd tried to slaughter half her family.
"My mom died because she was a hybrid. My father and my uncle died because they had to get rid of a supernatural being called the Hollow that had been preying on me since I was seven years old. Those aren't issues that normal humans go through, Aunt Rebekah." Hope swallowed back tears, stinging at the burning sensation of doing so. She pushed herself off the bed to avoid crying for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. "Let's go."
The ride back to Salvatore School was relatively silent if you didn't count the blaring Frank Sinatra music. Rebekah always said she never enjoyed modern day radio; likely due to the ninety year nap Hope's father had forced her into in the 1920's.
Hope bit her lip, scrolling through Instagram and waiting for a post from Angel's account. Any sign that she was alive and not eaten by the rabid beast that was all she could hope for at the moment -- she would even be glad if she found out that Angel had blocked her. A sign that Hope hadn't been the cause of another person's death.
'Due to her often disastrous past, she has resigned herself to isolation, considering it the path that will provide the least heartbreak in her life. She sees loneliness as less of a burden... than her formative experiences of loving so deeply and losing so terribly.'
A direct quote from her psychological assessments from earlier this year. Dr. Saltzman had the students do one at the beginning of every school year. This was the first time she'd managed to prove the files wrong.
"Is this the part where I apologize?" Hope raised her eyebrows, eyes flitting over to see her aunt's reaction.
"Hope, I was friends with your mother. She knew what it meant to apologize when she knew she was wrong," Rebekah responded, not taking her eyes off the road. "I would hope you didn't learn how to apologize from your father."
"How could I?" She muttered in response, despite knowing very well that Rebekah had supernatural hearing. "He died when I was fourteen and he only spoke to me for two years of my life."
"Your father never learned what it meant to love someone unconditionally." Rebekah seemed to spit the words out as if they were poison. For a brief moment, Rebekah's eyes become glassy, the street lights highlighting her tears.
Hope dropped the conversation before it became it became more intense. Unlike the rest of her family members, Rebekah had always been the person who defended Klaus in Hope's presence. Kol and Davina had never held back when it came to insulting him -- and though Hope couldn't blame them, that didn't mean she was happy about it.
As the gates of the Salvatore School began to open, Hope braced herself for the the endless judgement that came with what she had done. Even stepping inside of the school made her feel as though she were trespassing, entering somewhere she never felt like she belonged.
The Salvatore School: a school for witches, werewolves, and vampires, yet couldn't fit in a tribrid. On paper, it would've made sense.
The two girls were immediately greeted with Dr. Saltzman, his daughters, Raphael, and Kaleb. The diversity in greetings was almost comedic. Dr. Saltzman looked largely disappointed, and slightly shocked by Rebekah's presence. Clearly whatever past they had was complicated, to say the least.
As if reading Hope's mind, Dr. Saltzman stated, "You tried to kill me."
"Your friends killed my brothers and your attempts on Nik and Elijah's life were innumerable. I'm here for Hope's protection, not yours." Rebekah spat, almost disgusted by Dr. Saltzman's reaction. "I will apologize for nothing."
Josie stepped forward, shocked. "You tried to kill my dad?"
"Succeeded, really," Rebekah shrugged. An amused look comes to her face as Josie steps in front of her father protectively. "Love, please. All of my brothers are dead -- rest in peace -- and I am a step closer to becoming human. What would I gain from murdering this poor old man?"
"You're Rebekah Mikaelson," Kaleb stepped forward in awe. "I've read about you in the books -- you and your brother. You guys are, like, the founding fathers of vampirism. Why would you want to become human?"
A sad look crosses Rebekah's face, though it disappears as quickly as it comes. Before she can respond to Kaleb's school boy crush, Lizzie scoffs. "Really? So we're just gonna let Hope off the hook after she literally almost exposed an entire school forsupernatural? All because she brought her stupid aunt."
Hope's eyes began to glow gold, signaling her werewolf gene to step forward. She flashed them at Lizzie as she took a step forward. "Don't say that about my family."
"Guys, we have bigger issues to deal with right now," Raphael pointed out. He walked back the map, pointing toward the town Angel and Hope had met at. "I was watching the map earlier. Trying to figure out what was going on, and what those spots were. I saw a really bright light" -- he glanced up at Hope. The stronger the supernatural abilities, the brighter the light -- " leave Mystic Falls and head to this town. A couple hours later, I saw one of the darkened areas leave the border of Statera and followed you, Hope."
"It wasn't following me. It was following Angel," Hope explained.
"Yes, Kol, I was sure to check that she was human," Rebekah said into her phone. After a moment, she sighed, setting the phone on the table and turning the camera on. A group video chat appeared and Rebekah turned the camera to face Hope. "Say hello to your niece."
She turned her head to see the faces of her Aunt Davina, Aunt Freya and Uncle Kol. Hope's last living family members. She raised her eyebrows to greet them, putting on a tight smile. "Hi, everyone."
"There's our little troublemaker," Kol greeted. "Now, tell me, how exactly did you meet this girl? And why a human? There's always so dramatic."
"Don't mind him, Kol's just saying that because he eats every human he comes into contact with," Rebekah muttered. She turned to Hope for a brief moment. "It's one of the reasons Davina's died so many times."
"That was a fault of a hex, not I," He argued. "And if we're keeping track of dead body counts, exactly how many men did our befallen Niklaus kill on your behalf?"
Hope flinched at the mention of her father. "Her name was Angel. I met her through Instagram, I used the location tags."
Part of Hope felt guilty that Aunt Davina even had to hear this story. She had told Hope stories about a boy named Tim, who she'd met when she was around fifteen; a boy who Hope's father had killed because she had had the nerve to stand up to him. Davina had once told Hope that she regretted ever reaching out to Tim again -- how if she had just avoided going to one of his concerts in the French Quarter, he might've survived.
Yes, Hope had heard all of the horror stories that came with falling in love with a human; for a brief moment, she didn't care. All she wanted was to feel normal for once. To have someone that didn't look at her like a freak. The tribrid; the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson; granddaughter of the Original witch; the girl who was destined to never fit in, no matter how hard she tried.
"Would it be fair to consider her human?" Freya questioned, "If she's being protected by this creature, she may descend from witches."
"If there were supernaturals living in Statera, the map would've shown us," Hope responded. She bit her lip, staring down at the map and tracing the dark border that had grown, surrounding Statera and making it that of a fortress.
Lizzie shrugged. "Or you could've messed up the spell."
"This spell has worked every other time we've needed to track down a new recruit. Why would it be an issue now?" Hope sighed, covering her face. "Look, do you guys remember the Vietnamese legend about the Unsullied? The supernatural guards who were supposed to protect their people during the Dark Ages? It said that they disappeared, but their owners left on boats, right? Maybe they came here."
"But why Virginia?" Davina questioned. "If they wanted to protect their families from armies and supernatural species, why choose a town an hour away from the birthplace of the Original vampires? Why choose a place so close to the water that it could be attacked without a moments hesitation?"
"The logistics don't matter right now," Josie pointed out. "What matters is that we need to go to Statera and see what's going on."
"What? And risk your lives?" Rebekah raised her eyebrows. "No. My niece is not going to fight one of those beasts again."
"We kind of don't have a choice," Hope hissed. "I need to know she's still alive."
Kol cut in, his voice cold and harsh. "Hope. Your survivor's guilt is not an excuse for putting yourself in harm's way."
"Didn't we kill you?" Dr. Saltzman murmured before shaking his head. "Hope's right. Statera is an hour away from Salvatore School. We need to make sure we know what's going on there, and whether or not those monsters are a threat to us."
Lizzie scoffed. "Yeah, let's all listen to Hope. The reason we're in this position in the first place."
Hope grabbed the phone and hung up before her family members could retaliate. Rebekah bared her fangs at the blonde witch, as if daring her to keep going. Hope reached into her pocket, grabbing Dr. Saltzman's car keys, throwing them in his direction.
"Enough with the family drama. Let's go."
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Kidge werewolf au
Family edition
*Pidge and Keith had been together for a couple of years, and Pidge had accepted the “mate” thing rather quickly. In wolf terms they were already a married couple.
* neither one of them are really into making a fuss about things, but Keith still wanted to give Pidge something, so he saved up some cash and bought her a ring. It was a simple band with a crescent moon on it. (Not silver, for obvious reasons)
*literally everyone who has ever known them is shocked. Pidge had never really talked about her love life, and suddenly she walks into work with an engagement ring. Like wtf did you do this weekend, Pidge??? Her family is also surprised when she tells them. They knew she had a roommate but as far as they knew it wasn't serious. the only one not surprised is Matt cause he's visited a few times and figured it out. Keith's dad isn't surprised, cause this asshole saw it coming a mile away. The Kogane family is small. The only other relatives they really have is Texs sister, her husband and son, Shiro. Who was pretty much the only person besides his dad that Keith could trust growing up. Everyone thought Keith would never want to get married or anything of that nature. His aunt is so happy and welcomed Pidge with open arms. 
*Pidges family wants to come visit right before the wedding, “you'll barely notice we're there!” And Pidge quickly realised the weekend they plan on coming is the full moon, and she tries to convince them not to stay at the house. The spare room is a mess, there's dogs everywhere. Why not stay in a nice inn? She even offers to pay. But her parents insist she shouldn't waste her money on them and they come to the house as planned. Keith has to leave before sundown with the excuse that he has to work that night. When in reality he's gonna go into the woods like normal and pass out at his dad's in the morning.
   “Keith been gone for awhile, they must work him like a dog.”
   “Haha that's one way to put it.”
 *the wedding is a small thing. Just family and a couple close friends. They rent out part of a cute little rustic inn and have it outside on a lovely autumn afternoon. Tex and Pidges parents are crying. Shiro is Keith's best man. All the decorations are very minimal and simple. 
*They're married for about a year when Keith figures it out before Pidge. He and Kosmo could tell very early in that Pidge was pregnant. However Keith didn't want to say anything in case he was wrong or something happened. But as soon as Pidge starts getting morning sickness and gets doctor confirmation, Keith had never smiled so wide. 
*Its almost like a switch went off inside him. Lone wolf Keith was now alpha super dad and was prepared for whatever Pidge or the baby would need.
*He painted the nursery, cooked dinner, and any spare moment he had was spent rubbing Pidges growing belly and cooing at the baby.
*Pidge didn't know what to do with all this extra attention, but she saw how happy Keith was and let him be.
*Even when Keith went full werewolf, there was no escape. He kept close to the house, nuzzled the baby bump and curled up with her protectively. 
*Keith wasn't the only one though. Tex became world's best grandpa and helped Pidge with things Keith didn't know the connections to.
*When the pack was still around, many of of Krolias friends were having children, and then Krolia herself got pregnant. That's how he learned there was a specialized clinic in the next town over for supernatural beings that they would go to for check ups and delivery. Keith remembers going there for his childhood checkups. 
*Because it was so difficult to get appointments there, Tex helped them set things up and give contact info for the midwife that used to deliver children for Krolias pack. 
*the midwife still remembers Keith and gushes about how grown up he is. Apparently he was one of the chubbiest babies she had seen with a mess of curls on his head.
*The mystery wasn't whether or not they were going to be a boy or girl, the real question was if it was going to be wolf or human. Keith had explained that in the case of human/ wolf relations, offspring either had the condition or they didn't. None of that half breed nonsense. 
* According to Krolias journals, there was ways to tell if children carried the wolf gene. But they were all old stories about conception or birth being on full moons, or having the mother hold silver or take a tonic with wolfsbane and things of that nature. Pidge obviously wasn't going to risk her babies health for superstitious beliefs. Let it be a surprise.
*They had a girl. With black hair and golden eyes.
*Keith cried.
*They named her Cassandra. 
*Keith suggested spelling it Kassandra. Beause Krolia, Kosmo, Keith, Kaite. Pidge shut it down though, on the grounds they were not gonna turn their house into “Keeping up with the Koganes”.
*the dogs love her, borderline obsessive honestly. 
*there's just three nanny dogs running around the house. Pidge or Keith will usually lay her on her mat and the dogs will lay beside her and keep an eye on Cassandra while they do house work. It seemed like out of the three, Cassandra favored Kosmo most. Her parents wondered if it was a sign she was a wolf. 
* It took time for children to change. Usually they start to show signs of the condition after age five. Though both Pidge and Keith noted she got extra cranky around the full moon and the obvious connection she had to other canines. If Cassandra was a werewolf, it would not be a surprise. 
*Pidge is usually the one busy with work, so Keith is often left to take care of Cassandra during the day. His dad had to lend a hand a lot at the start after Pidge went back to work. It wasn't until then that Keith realized he knew nothing about children. He had a new found respect for his dad who did this all by himself. 
*Cassandra was a cheery and energetic little thing. The dogs were her best friends, and she liked to visit her mom at work where she could see the wolves they were taking care of. 
“Mommy, she has a tummy ache.” A four year old Cassandra had said when she visited one of the wolf enclosures. Pidge had the female checked out, and sure enough she had an infection in her stomach that was swiftly treated. Pidges colleagues liked to joke that Cassandra was the “Wolf Whisperer”, Pidge laughed along with them, despite that she knew the much more likely truth.
*it was around this time that Cassandra started to want to go out with Keith on Full moons. She liked to howl and pretend she was just like her father. However, her fifth birthday came and went and still no signs of change. Keith argued that maybe it would not happen until she was older. Then she turned six and still nothing. They began to think that maybe Cassandra's behavior was learned from Keith and Kosmo and not at all from being a werewolf.
*One night when she was almost seven, Cassandra began to wail and throw a tantrum in the backyard. Keith was about to change and run off into the woods like he did every month, and she wanted to come along, shouting that it wasn't fair. Keith and Pidge tried to comfort their daughter, explaining why she couldn't go. 
* “I want to go! I'm a wolf too!”
   It broke Keith's heart to hear Cassandra cry out like this. But he knew if she hadn't started to turn by now, it was very likely she never would.
“Cassandra, you are not a wolf.” He said sternly.
“Yes I am!”
“No. You're not.”
“Yes. I. Am!” She screeched. And just as she did a pair of fangs sprouted from her mouth and claws came out. Her eyes turned into those of a canine. Keith could feel his own begin to take on the same form as Pidge stared in shock.
Maybe she was a wolf after all.
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scaip · 5 years
Yui Komori's portrayal of the Haunted Heroine trope: loneliness
This is a random flow of thoughts of mine, concerning Yui's past relationships with others. Most of what I say will come from Haunted Dark Bridal, there is also information from More Blood and Dark Fate.
In Shu's route from Dark Fate, we get to learn from Yui more information about her past: before being sold sent to the vampires as a sacrificial bride, Shu is told about her lack of relatives and how Yui only lived with her adoptive dad.
If I recall correctly, it is also in Shu's route from HDB when Yui is given a new cellphone, with the Sakamaki siblings' numbers on it. Shu tells her not to contact people from her past.
Let's recall some information about Yui:
- Cordelia is an unreliable narrator, but we learn she was a baby with a heart disease, and her parents were told she died. It could have happened when she was a stillborn, or until she was around two years old. No one remembers stuff from their toddler years.
If there is enough organization, then it wouldn't be hard to handpick a still born baby or a toddler from a mortuary's hospital. If not just taking it and having the hospital staff informing the parents of the "dead" of their kid. We know about the deep extension the demon's network in the world of humans, and let's remember Karl Heinz is a politician under the name of Tougo Sakamaki there.
- In the period of time until Yui reaches no more than 2 years, Richter gives her (or rather, has a doctor do it) Cordelia's First Blood heart.
- Then, she is given to Seiji for adoption, and she is raised by him until she reaches 17 and is sent to the vampires.
We know Yui was raised in a rather isolate way. She surely went to school, but didn't seem forge close very friendships with people.
-In Kou's manga adaptation from his More Blood route, Yui doesn't know he is a known idol... Or much of the japanese idol culture. She tells him she is not into that stuff.
There is also the fact Seiji Komori is... A catholic priest with a daughter. Let's that sink it. Catholic clergy has to practice celibacy. The DL world either doesn't follow that rule or the writers from Rejet chosed to portray the Christianity is Catholic™ trope, mixing Orthodox, Protestant and Anglican practices in there.
If I recall well, Yui was also told her "mother" died by Seiji. She also didn't have other relatives. So, as I said before, she was raised in a rather isolated manner:
-No extended family from Seiji's side.
-The lack of close friendships. In HDB, we don't see her recalling past friendships.
-She did knew clergy members:
In HDB, when she makes a phone call to a priest in order to ask for help and is told by the person on the other side to not call them again and that she is on her own know (I admire Yui for not falling into desperation).
Yui follows the Haunted Heroine trope, that, according to The Bible TV Tropes:
A heroine haunted equally by her own past and the uncanny events around her.
This character continually pops up in films involving ghosts or supernatural characters. She moves into Haunted Headquarters without any idea of what's in store for her. She seems attractive, capable and altogether normal until...the strange noises from the attic keep waking her up. Or that Creepy Housekeeperkeeps making cryptic comments. Or her kid starts going on about some Imaginary Friend who might not be so imaginary after all. The Haunted Heroine typically comes equipped with a kid (or younger sibling) that is inevitably the first one to notice the supernatural goings-on, possibly because kids are supposed to have more imagination. It won't take long however, before the woman realizes she's being haunted.
So, let's check:
- Haunted by her own past: subverted. Well, more likely, haunted by the past of other people. Yui is blessed with suck™: if what Cordelia said is true, then having a First Blood's heart transplanted into her saved Yui's life, but also pushed her towards a life of loneliness (and fear and abuse, later).
If Yui was taken from a hospital, then there was research going on. People just cannot randomly receive someone's else organs, even if those are non-humans. Rejet won't necessarily elaborate on that since the focus of the story is what happens to Yui once she starts living with the vampires.
- Uncanny events around her: ABSOLUTELY
- A work of supernatural characters: Yep. Vampires first, First Bloods next and a vampire-ghoul later.
- Moving into the Haunted Headquarters without an idea of what's in store for her: ABSOLUTELY. She is sent to live with "a friend" of her paternal figure because he suddenly has to leave the country. And things get terribly bad from there.
- Seeming attractive, normal and all together: DiaLovers is this mix between an otome and survival horror genre, as I read here, in tumblr.com. Yui Komori is your average pretty teenage girl who is sent somewhere else.
- A kid who keeps her company: nah. No younger siblings or cousins.
- Slowly building the fact something creepy is going on: zig-zagged.
Yui is outright told she will become roommates with a bunch of vampire half-brothers. But WHY is something Yui will get to learn as the player reads all routes.
First, what is a Sacrificial Bride. Then, there's the fact our protagonist not only has the heart of the mother of three of her roommates but that the spirit of said woman is slowly getting stronger to take over Yui's body, with different degrees of successfulness through all the routes.
Yui is alone with a bunch of guys who can torture and murder her. The theme of loneliness is very present in DL. No family, no friends to rely on.
When Yui interacts with her schoolmates, she doesn't appear to form bonds with them. Obviously, the wouldn't believe her. Or she would get punished.
Yui tries to escape but always fails. Has six dudes and an adult (Richter) after her steps, their familiars probably on the watch too.
No one to tell her what she feels, what is going on. Her previous relationships with others are not fully elaborated, but they don't seem very deep. Yui tells Shuu she was aware of her loneliness before and, let me say this: outside of the boy she pursues on a route and the actions of the brothers as secondary characters in other routes, we don't see Yui enjoying a female companion.
There are exceptions for Cordelia and Christa in Dark Fate but that is another game and won't elaborate here.
The thing is that loneliness remains. And such a thing is deeply ingrained in the Haunted Heroine Trope. Uncanny events, psychological damage, fear, and isolationism. Creepy supernatural stuff happening to the main character and the fact it is not easy (or just impossible) to escape the situation.
Yui gets to elope with her guy in some routes and dedicates herself entirely to them, but the fact they are in a setting with dark themes doesn't ease the loneliness they could feel. It is okay to have someone to love, but friendships outside the couple relationship are something healthy.
While she is in love, Yui knows things are not perfect. She does what she can in a situation with the tools she can reach. Obviously, after falling in love she willingly chooses to be with her guy, but she also has to deal with the issues he carries.
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which story should I work on?
+ So a lot of these are untitled for now, so I just put the name of the shows/movies/comics as the titles. 
+ Most of my characters are female/non-binary teenagers who are typically Hispanic, mixed, or black, but I’m thinking of stories that include other gender identities and other races. I can and will write for men and other races, these are just the ideas I have for now. Also, I mostly write teenage characters for those people who like reading stuff about a parent/child relationship like Tony Stark x Daughter, y’know? Since I am a teenager, I like reading and writing about older characters as father or mother figures, or sibling figures, rather than stories about dating. Personally. 
+ I hope you enjoy the summaries of my stories. I’m not great, but I tried my best.
+ requests for reader inserts are open as well.
Bat-family (Jason Todd x Sister!Original Character)
Summery: Amelia Rodriguez, aka Purple Starling, first met the Bat family when she was a beginner vigilante. She roamed the streets helping other kids in need. She was also a homeless kid, but wanted to help the very little ones. One night she ran into Batman and Robin (Tim Drake at the time). She helped them fight off some attackers and Batman offered to take her in. Later one, she gets into  a fight with Bruce and joins the Red Hood. The rest you will have to read... 
This story will be full of comedy, but also angst. I think you’ll like it.
Marvel (Avengers x Kid!Original Character)
Summery: Camren Rivera was born a mutant. Angel-like wings protruding from her back and extraordinary powers coursing through her veins. As a child she was kidnapped by HYDRA and forced to learn how to fight. She was very involved with the Winter Soldier, making him teach her how to fight (this begins when she turns 10, but she knew of him before then). At age 13, she’s rescued by SHIELD and they help her get back to a semi-normal state before putting her in the care of Iron Man. 
Very focused on the main Avenger storyline as well as the Captain America one. 
Marvel (Avengers/Winter Soldier x Teen!Original Character) 
Summery: Jessica Cordova grew up as a generally happy and bouncy child. She loved animals and playing in the mud. Most of all, she loved playing jokes on the adults. After the death of her parents, she is heartbroken and scared. At the orphanage, she rarely talks or eats and the therapists don't know what to do. At age 13, she starts to look into the death of her parents. She searched and investigated for a full year until at age 14, she went a little too deep and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. HYDRA, the reason for her parents’ death, kidnaps her and tortures her until her already broken spirit is demolished. Her fire for justice is dissipated. Eventually, they notice this and decide they can make her useful. They set up a training schedule with their best soldier. They put her intelligent mind to the test as well, finding her to be very good at puzzles and problem solving. During this time, she notices what they do to the Winter Soldier and slowly, as she gets closer to him, she gets her fiery spirit back. She’s determined to help him get out of this situation as well as herself. Though she doesn’t get the opportunity, because she’s captured by SHIELD and interrogated. She even talks to Steve Rogers about what she saw in there. She’s then put in Avengers/Stark tower as her temporary home. She’s thankful she’s out, but she’s also worried about the Winter Soldier. A couple month later, he comes after her new family and she comes face to face with him again. 
Captain America and Avengers story lines (CA:WS, Avengers: AOU, CA:CW, and Avengers: IW)
Supernatural (Winchesters x Teen!Original Character) 
Summery: Lizette Harrison was raised by a pair of famous hunters, Anarosa and Kordell Harrison. Even with the dangerous life constantly chasing them around, she’s raised to be relatively normal until the age of 12 when they decide to teach her about the life they live. Barely a year later, her parents vanish and she is sent to a nearby orphanage just outside of Lebanon, Kansas. She stays there until a group of 4 vampires attack the orphanage. She manages to escape and runs to a far away motel. With their phone, she dials the number she found in the back of her mother’s journal. The Winchesters come and pick her up, letting her stay at the bunker. Over some time, they all become very close and Lizette is like a little sister to them. Eventually, they also find out what happened to her parents. 
Starts season 11 and continues on. Very involved with Lucifer, Jack, Crowley, etc as well as the Winchesters. I thought a “They find that taking care of a sarcastic, typical Gen Z teenager is an odd experience.” thing would be funny with Dean, Sam, and Castiel. So like, them dealing with a Gen z kid.
Among the Grey [a Star Wars story]
Summery: Anakin Solo, a young girl trapped within the First Order by her older brother and the Knights of Ren, simply can't choose the light or the dark. Living a life of danger was never what she wanted, but it seems like she has to for the greater good of the galaxy. 
Starts pre-tfa and continues on.
The Dark Knight [Joker x Teenage!Original Character]
Summery: Natalie Hernandez is an extremely intelligent and observant 15 year old girl who is dedicated to becoming a detective. She lives in a small, dirty apartment with her deathly ill mother. One day, she runs into a man at a bookstore with Glasgow scars and immediately connects his makeup-less facial features to those of the Joker. She’s curious and introduces herself as if she doesn’t know who he is. She just wanted to know how he talked up close, memorize his mannerisms. She thought it would be the last time she saw him, but unfortunately she sees him several times later until they oddly become close. At the same time, Batman has seemed to take an interest in her skills. 
I really couldn’t figure out how to summarize this story.
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layla256 · 5 years
Key to Her Heart Chapter 1/52: Halloween
So, some context first. My friends and I decided to do a 52 fanfic challenge this year, one prompt each week. The only rule is that you must adhere to the prompt, one post a week, and they all must be in the same universe. So, for example, if you have been writing marvel fanfic all year, but you think a prompt would be GREAT for Supernatural, you have to somehow fit the Supernatural universe into the MCU. 
Now, because I hate myself, I decided I was going to write an entire series consecutively with only a basic outline of my AU and no knowledge about the future prompts.
But, either way, I think this’ll be a fun adventure into writing for me. So behold the first in my Spuffy AU Key to Her Heart. I’ll probably post this on AO3 and EF as well.
The prompt this time was:  Our hero (or heroine) loses his memory.   Who will help him find his way back?
And doesn’t that just scream “Halloween episode”?
WARNING: At one point at the end of this chapter, Spike makes the assumption that Buffy was raped in the episode Reptile Boy. While no detail is given and Buffy reveals that there wasn’t any rape, it’s still an issue mentioned and I don’t want to blind side anyone with it.
Spike wasn’t a traditionalist. He never pretended to be one either. No matter how much Dru had wanted him to be, that just wasn’t something he cared about. All that chanting and ritual? It just wasn’t him. However, if there was one rule he was willing to take seriously, it was the one about Halloween. You don’t start shit on Halloween. It’s everyone’s fucking vacation day. Sure, if a tasty snack wanders by he isn’t going to say, “No thanks, I’m dieting today!” But he also understood that, at a certain point, causing problems on Halloween was just being a dick.
Spike can respect an asshole (he is often one), but being a dick is an entirely different story.
So, you can imagine the conflict he felt when Dru told him that someone was, as his mother would have said, “making shenanigans” that were going to deliver the Slayer into his lap. On the one hand, he had his principles dammit! He had said he would respect the Halloween rule when he first learned of it. However, on the other hand, he was an ancient, evil vampire and he did whatever he wanted! Not to mention the fact that the slayer was a royal bitch who had it coming.
Eventually, Spike made a compromise with himself. He’d go out and enjoy whatever chaos occurred because of this newcomer. If he saw the slayer? Great. Dinner and his Dark Princess back at her best again. If he saw the person responsible? A beating and lecture that would make his father weep with jealousy.
He hadn’t been planning on what he would do if he ran into her however.
She looked beautiful, although he knew from experience at this point that she always did. Her normally well-kept hair was completely falling out of whatever adorable braid she’d managed to coax it into that night. The crown of what looked like Daffodils was almost falling completely off her head. Her make up was relatively un-smudged, but that probably had more to do with the fact that she wasn’t wearing much, just a light dusting of gold across her eyelids and a similar color on her lips.
However, the thing that caught his attention wasn’t just the confused look on her face, but the dress she was wearing. Unlike the tight black number that had been haunting his dreams since that God-awful frat party the week before, this dress matched Buffy far better. The creamy silk of the one-shoulder dress looked gorgeous folded and wrapped around her body, accentuating every curve while hiding the important parts from his gaze. The golden rope around her waist synched it all in, drawing his attention to her hips and that luscious ass that—
And he was going to stop that train of thought right now.
She looked at him with no recognition and a hint of fear, making him want to cast himself on the nearest cross. Worried that she was upset with him for the party, he shrunk his shoulders, held his hands up, and tried to seem as non-threatening as possible.
“Pet I—I would never hurt you. You know that, right? Please tell me you know I would never hurt you.”
While the confusion didn’t leave her hazel green eyes, the fear definitely did. “D-Do you know me?” She asked hesitantly, looking around them with wide eyes. “Do you know who I am?”
Spike’s brow furrowed. “Of course I do, luv. You’re—”
He was cut off as one of her friends came running towards them looking a bit odd while followed by the other one, who wasn’t moving normally. Too stiff.
“Buffy!” Red called, waving her arms wildly at the girl in front of him. “Buffy, thank goodness you’re ok!”
 Spike was stuck on baby-sitting duty, and he wasn’t sure how upset he wanted to be about it. Red, who was a very hot ghost for some reason, had run off to find Buffy’s pseudo Watcher, leaving him to look after the Whelp and Buffy, both of whom had turned into their costumes, leaving confused shells behind.
“So I dressed as a goddess and now I am one?” Buffy asked again, still trying to grasp everything after the short run-through Willow had given Spike. “That does sound rather . . . disconcerting.”
What’s disconcerting is you using that kind of language Spike thought, but he kept it to himself. He knew there was a bright mind under all that blonde, and he wasn’t going to be one of the many people discouraging her about it.
“So, fill us in,” Whelp ordered, showing more initiative that Spike had ever seen in the teen. “What is the situation like?”
Spike sighed heavily, not wanting to really get into it. “Look, I wasn’t here for the mess that was last year, alright? So you lot are getting the cliff-notes version and nothing more. Got it?”
The goddess and soldier before him nodded, though Whelp looked like he wanted to argue the point more.
“Now, I don’t know about you Whelp, but I know that little miss amnesia over there moved here about a year and a half ago after her parents split. She met you and Red and you little Happy Meals have been friends ever since.” He noticed Buffy scrunch her nose at the term “Happy Meals” and couldn’t help but smile knowing there was still some of her in that costume after all. She always did get on his case about it.
“Why would my parents split apart? Surely if they loved one another enough to marry—”
“Cliff notes version luv,” Spike reminded her gently. In all honesty, he didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth. That when Hank and Joyce Summers had been confronted with the very real issue of the supernatural Joyce had dealt with it through mild panic, heavy drinking for two days, and silence while Hank had simply attempted to ship Buffy off to the funny farm. Thankfully, the idea of her daughter being sent somewhere like that for something Joyce knew was real had snapped her back to herself pretty quickly. However, Buffy had blamed herself for the divorce ever since, and Spike, evil though he may be, didn’t have it in him to hurt her like that.
“So you lot wound up getting involved in most of the nasty business here on the Hellmouth since good ol’ Watcher thought you might be a Potential.”
Once again, Buffy’s brow furrowed in the most adorable way. “Potential what?”
Spike shook his head. “Potential Slayer, luv, like that Faith bi-bint Willow mentioned she was getting. One girl in every soddin‘ generation to cause vamps like me all kinds of headaches. They thought you were one for a bit, but turns out you’ve just got major magic going on.”
Whelp shot up. “‘Vamps like me’? You’re a vampire? Then why are you helping us?” Spike saw him reach for his weapon, but waved him off.
“Easy there Rambo. My issue’s with the Slayer and her lot. I got no quarrel with you all.” He looked at Buffy with a single smirk. “Told you that the first night we met actually. You and Red threatened to light my highly flammable ass on fire if I tried to take a bite out of you. Been nothing but banter ever since.”
Buffy smiled, “So we’re compatriots then?” she asked cautiously. “Through humor and fear?”
Spike barked out a laugh. “‘Compatriots’, sure. I gave you my word that, long as you and your lot stayed out of my business, you’d be safe as houses. Yer Mum’s got permanent protection too, in case you’re worried.” No need to mention how pointless he thought it was, seeing as how the woman bashed him over the head with an ax right after thinking he was attacking Buffy.
Buffy nodded her head gratefully, more of her hair spilling out of her braid. “Thank you very much Spike. That puts my mind at an ease.”
Bloody hell, Red needed to hurry up with whatever plan it was she had for fixing this mess.
After that, things eventually quieted down a bit. Soldier Whelp went into the kitchen hunting for “provisions”, leaving Spike with a curious Buffy.
“Spike,” she said cautiously, tilting her head as she looked at him. “Spike, why were you concerned that I was afraid of you when we met? If we are friends and you have upheld your end of our bargain, then surely I would have no reason to fear you.”
Spike sighed heavily for what felt like the thousandth time that night, running his fingers over his gelled hair in frustration. He’d honestly been hoping she wouldn’t ask about that.
He could lie to her, tell her some made-up story to keep in the goddess’s good graces for a while longer, but he immediately shook the thought off. He might not mind it, but Buffy would be offended. She’d see it as a manipulation. While she won’t come out and reprimand him for it, he’ll still be subject to those disappointed eyes. Like last time.
“You, well, pet, that is—” he cut himself off with an angry growl. Rip the bandage off. “You’re upset with me. I went and killed some blighters who absolutely deserved it, but you didn’t appreciate it. Haven’t spoken to me in a week for it.”
Buffy’s head tilted once again for a moment, considering. He hated when she did that. For one thing, she looked bloody adorable. For another, he could never tell what she was about to say. “What was their crime?” She asked finally.
Spike blinked at her twice. “What?”
“Their crime.” She repeated simply. “You ascertained that they deserved their fate, but what crime did they commit to deserve such a thing?”
Spike couldn’t tell her. He couldn’t explain the pain on Buffy’s face when she’d told him of the drugs they’d put in her drink, they way they’d dragged her about as they saw fit.
She hadn’t come out and said it, but he knew that you only drugged a girl for one reason and one alone. That in and of itself would have earned them a solid beating session with him (he’d never much liked rape, even after being turned), but the fact that they’d done it to Buffy, kind, innocent Buffy who went so far out of her way for her friends and family, even an undead monster like himself, was unforgivable. There was only one appropriate punishment, and he certainly didn’t regret being the one to give it out.
Thankfully, he was saved from explaining as the crown completely fell off of her head, and Buffy, blinking as if to clear a fog, looked at him with recognition for the first time. “Spike?” she asked her nose once again being too freaking cute for words as it scrunched. “Ugh, what happened? I feel all magic-y.”
“Thank Eric Cantona, she lives to butcher the mother tongue once more!” Spike grinned and swept her into a hug, swinging her around once before dropping her onto the ground.
“Spike, what’s got you all ramped up? You’ve been all with the brooding worse than Angel lately.” Despite her words, a bright smile took over her face. “Ever since Willow, Cordy, and I almost got sacrificed to that snake demon thingy last week—”
Spike gripped her shoulders tightly, eyes tinted yellow. “Wait, what? What sacrifice?”
Buffy rolled her eyes. “Remember? The frat party? I was all with the crying and the depresso girl and you went on a completely unnecessary warpath through the whole freaking frat?”
Spike felt the distinct need to lay down. A sacrifice. The boys hadn’t raped her. Just a failed sacrifice. That he hadn’t even known about.
Yes. A kip was definitely a requirement right now.
So that’s the first chapter! In this AU Buffy is the key as opposed to Dawn, and Faith is the Slayer. This is actually a thought I had back in high school when I first watched the series and couldn’t get my hands on anything past the first third of the fifth season and none of the Angel series, so recognize that a lot of my characterization won’t stray from my feelings about characters past around the Dracula episode. While I’ll be referencing and maybe even writing about things in later seasons (maybe even the comics, I’m not sure yet), my main influence are going to be those first few years. For example, I am perfectly aware of the fact that Faith gets a redemption and becomes a great Slayer and a good friend to Buffy. However, I had seven years to sit and stew on how much I hated her before I could get my hands on the later seasons, so . . . yeah.
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iamsaha · 6 years
Jean opened her left eye first and then her right. She always woke up like that. Picked it up from her Mom. Both their bodies liked to wake up as slowly as possible. With both eyes open, she was now able to see across her room to the calendar on her door. She wasn’t so foolish as to forget her own birthday, but she still had it circled in red pen with a cake doodled in the middle. 
It was 8:00 A.M. That meant Jean had been 12 for 8 hours already. She jumped out of her bed like she had springs on her rear and went through her morning routine as quickly as possible. Once her hair was done - she went with a ponytail today - and teeth had been brushed, Jean ran down the stairs. Her socks nearly made her slip on the wood but she kept her balance. What kind of dancer would she be if her body didn’t listen to her orders?
“Happy Birthday, lovely!” Her Dad hugged her. He had the stomach of a rich man, making it always nice to hug him. Like belly flopping onto a gel-filled beanbag and sinking into its kindness. 
“Thanks, Dad.” Jean smiled, her chin resting on his chest as she looked up at him. “Where’s Mama?”
“In the kitchen making your birthday pancakes.” He let go of her and kissed the top of her head. “I will see you two tonight for dinner. Bye, Lucille!” He called over his shoulder to his wife as he walked to the front door.
Jean waved him off before going to the kitchen and sitting at the table. “Good morning, Mama.”
“Good morning, lovely.” Lucille set the plate of pancakes in front of Jean. The one on the top of the stack had been given a whip cream face. If she had been paying attention, Jean would have seen that the face was actually a skull. “Happy Birthday!”
“Thank you.” Jean spoke around the pancake, syrup, and whip cream. A laudable feat considering how small her mouth was. 
“Slowly!” Lucille shook her head and laughed. “You’ve got plenty of time. No need to inhale your food.”
“I’ve waited for five years for this day.” Jean started on her second pancake. “I don’t want to wait any longer.”
“You’re that excited to be 12?” Lucille attempted to look curious but her eyes twinkled knowingly. 
“No!” Jean, being only 12, fell for the bait. “Your promise!”
“What promise?” 
“You said I could meet your dance teacher on my twelfth birthday.” Jean deflated. “Did you forget?”
“No, lovely. I didn’t forget.” Seeing her daughter’s voice go quiet made her regret the teasing. So sensitive. Just like her Dad. “I was just playing with you.”
“Good.” Jean finished the third pancake and put the plate in the sink. “Let’s go!”
“Go?” Lucille remained in her seat. “You’re meeting him. Not me.”
“But how am I supposed to get there? I can’t drive.” Jean said. Then she brightened. “Are you letting me drive myself?”
“Of course not. You’re walking.”
“He lives in the neighborhood?”
“Not exactly.” Lucille rested her head on her hand. She looked sad. Like she was thinking of an old friend. “Do you trust me?”
Lucille knew that Jean wasn’t nearly old enough to truly understand trust. Still felt nice. “Then I need you to walk three blocks east, three blocks north, then three blocks west.”
It took Jean a minute to run through what that entailed. “Can’t I just walk three blocks north from here?”
“Nope.” Lucille laughed. “Trust me.”
“Okay...” Jean shrugged. 
This is why you had to be twelve to first meet Lucille’s dance teacher. Old enough to safely make the walk on their own. Young enough to blindly trust their parents. Lucille undid the necklace she was wearing and motioned for Jean to stand in front of her. “This is your birthday gift.”
“But this is yours.” Jean didn’t look like she would willingly return the necklace if her Mom wanted her to. She was raised right though. She would give it back if asked. 
“Not anymore.” Lucille sighed. The gold necklace itself wasn’t important.  It was the pendant dangling from it that meant anything. Shaped to look like a coffin and set with small emeralds, it was a morbid gift to give a twelve year old. Lucille didn’t care and neither did Jean. “After you go three blocks east, three blocks north, and then three blocks west you’ll see an iron gate. Walk through it.”
Jean put the necklace on and flinched. Was that laughter she had heard? It sounded so happy.
“You’ll be scared after you walk through.” Lucille continued, pretending she didn’t notice Jean jump. She had done the same thing when her Dad had given her the necklace. “You don’t need to be. Past those gates is the safest place in the world.” Lucille held a pinky out. “Nothing bad can happen to you there.”
“Okay, Mama.” Jean wrapped her pinky around Lucille’s. 
Lucille kissed her daughter’s finger before letting go. “See you in the evening, lovely.”
Jean hugged her and left the house. You wouldn’t find any butterflies in her stomach but you may find a hundred bumblebees buzzing around. With flying insects in her belly, Jean marched steadily east. In the morning she had felt like skipping. Her Mom was an amazing dancer, even appearing on TV shows and teaching famous people. After taking her first dance class at age seven, she had asked her Mom if she could meet the person who taught her. Lucille had smiled and said, “Of course, lovely. I promised him that he’d get to meet you.”
Jean marched north. As if she was actually walking up to the arctic circle, a wind flew past her that chilled her down to her bones. It didn’t seem to care that she was wearing a thick sweater. After the wind finished tugging on her ponytail and drying her lips, it moved on to bother someone else. The chill didn’t leave her bones. It remained, making her uncomfortable along with the bumblebees. You would think the bees would be bothered by the cold and leave but that wasn’t the case right now. 
Jean marched west. With each passing step the sun grew closer and closer to the horizon. It was the morning. The sun shouldn’t be doing that. Jean didn’t notice, being too preoccupied with the discomfort of her stomach and the anticipation of meeting her Mom’s teacher. When the sun was split in half by the horizon and the sky looked like a purple campfire, Jean stopped in front of an iron gate. It looked like any gate you would find guarding someone’s backyard. This one, however, was guarding a cemetery. Why in the world was the dance teacher at a cemetery? Was he visiting a dead relative? She very nearly turned back. If she did, she would miss the chance to meet her Mom’s dance teacher and become just as good as her. She would also return to the safety of her home and not be surrounded by dead people.
Plus, all this was very weird. Jean was positive there had never been a cemetery here before. 
Being young enough to believe in the supernatural, Jean turned the cold, rusted handle and walked into the cemetery. She had never been to one before but she had seen them in movies. The trees were always dead, the grass was always wilting, and the gravestones were always chipped and forgotten. This one looked exactly like that. There were even crows flapping around. A few of them cawed at her and then returned to their crow business; whatever that meant.
Remembering her Mom’s promise that she would be safe, Jean walked farther into the twilight cemetery. Brown leaves crunched underneath her sneakers and long caterpillars crawled over them. Fortunately for all parties involved, Jean didn’t see them. As she walked, more of the crows began to pay attention to her. Their calls sounded less like cawing and more like loud whispers. They were greeting her with ‘Hello’s ‘Hi’s and ‘Welcome’s. After hearing enough, Jean was finally persuaded into returning their greetings. They seemed nice. She raised a small, shy hand and waved. “Hello.” She wondered who had taught these crows to talk. Maybe it wasn’t just parrots that could do that. 
The cemetery went completely quiet. Even the air seemed to forget to blow in her ears. The crows stopped greeting her, the leaves stopped crunching, and the distant bells that had been ringing stopped. Jean hadn’t noticed them until they abandoned her. Bumblebees returning to her stomach, Jean looked around with wide eyes. Was she not supposed to talk to the crows? She looked back at them. “Sorry!”
Behind a large tombstone, the leaves began spiraling. They should have been rustling but they remained dead silent like the rest of the cemetery. Faster and faster they got, rising until they towered over the tombstone. When Jean couldn’t see through them to the other side, the leaves began to turn pure black.
The bumblebees turned into actual fear and Jean stumbled back, tripping over herself and landing with a soft grunt. The leaves she landed on still didn’t make a noise. It was like being in the library but the quiet was oppressive not comforting. Tears in her eyes, and Mom’s promise forgotten, Jean crawled backward. It would be smarter to get up and run normally but this is a twelve year old girl trapped in a clearly haunted cemetery. Grown men would behave exactly the same. Possibly even more stupidly. 
“Sorry.” Jean cried when she backed into a grave, head bumping into the stone. “I’ll leave. Please don’t hurt me.”
“Hurt you?” A jovial voice came out from the tornado of leaves. “Why in the world would I hurt you, lovely?”
Jean wanted to scream. She really did. But instead she was about as loud as her surroundings. Standing behind the tombstone was a tall skeleton. The black leaves draped over its shoulders like a cloak, hood settling on its white head. Three spikes jutted out the top like a crown. Jean had a feeling that the spikes were part of the skeleton’s skull. 
“Hello.” The skeleton stepped out from behind the tombstone, showing off just how tall it was. It gave off the impression of being a lanky individual and it wasn’t because it only had bones. “I am the Bone King. Who are you?”
Jean found her voice. She used it to scream.
“Oh dear.” The skeleton cocked its head to the right. “I understand that I’m quite scary looking but I promise I mean you no harm.”
“Wh-what?” Jean stammered. “A-re you?”
“I told you. I’m the Bone King.” The skeleton was beginning to sound amused.
“Bone King.”
“Yes.” He nodded. “And your name is?”
“Jean Louise Nica.” She blurted out. Kids. Teach them all you want about stranger danger and they’re still going to give their full names out to the first supernatural being they see. 
“Hello there, Scout!”
“That’s not my name.”
“I know that, lovely.” The Bone King laughed. It sounded just like the one she had heard when she put on the necklace. “I was referencing a book... Never mind.” He shrugged. “May I step closer or will that scare you more?”
Jean remembered that her Mom said that she would be safe here. “You can come closer.”
“Wonderful!” The Bone King sounded genuinely pleased. He strolled over, long arms swinging lazily. “Let me introduce myself as a gentleman should.” Standing a few feet in front of her, the Bone King bowed deeply while looking her right in the eye. His left arm stretched straight outwards, and his right hand slightly curled while held near where his belly would have been. “Welcome, Jean Louise Nica. I am the Bone King.” He straightened. “You can call me Clark. Everyone does.”
“You can call me Jean.” She got to her feet and curtsied, stretching the sides of her sweater out like a dress. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, lovely.” Clark was smiling. She was sure of it. “Who sent you to me... Hold on. I think I can guess.” He stepped closer and leaned in. Jean surprised herself by not screaming and running away. “Hmm... stringy brunette hair. Green eyes with yellow flecks. Small, sharp nose above a small mouth. Ah!” Clark straightened. “You’re Lucille’s daughter! She kept her promise!” Clark clapped. It sounded like two bundles of chopsticks hitting each other. “How wonderful! You’re as pretty as she was when I first met her. And both of you are twice as pretty as her Father.”
“Are... Are you Mama’s dance teacher?”
“Of course!” Clark said. “What else did you think I was? A King?”
Jean laughed. To Clark, it sounded like the bells that were once again ringing in the distance. “You’re silly.”
“Thank you.” Clark smiled. “Did Lucille say that I would teach you how to dance?”
“Yes.” Jean nodded. “Can you? Please?”
“Why should I teach you?”
“My Mama dances really, really well. She’s famous.”
The dark pits of Clark’s eye sockets stared down at her. “Do you want to be famous?”
An adult would have noticed the underlying warning. “I want to dance.”
“Good!” Clark seemed satisfied. “I would love to teach you. But you have to promise me something.”
“What?” Jean asked eagerly.
“You must give me your first born child.” 
Jean gasped. Is that why her Mom sent her here? Or did she have an older sibling that she didn’t know about? 
“I was just playing with you.” Clark laughed, remembering Lucille making the same face. All his students did. Apparently being a skeleton made people believe you when you said things like that. “The promise is something else.”
Jean sighed with relief. “Mama always does that.”
“She learned more from me than just dancing.” Clark said. “And you will too.”
“What’s the promise?”
“After I have finished teaching you, you must find me a new student.” Clark said. “When you do, give them your necklace and give them the same instructions that your Mama gave you.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.” 
“What happens if I can’t find someone for you to teach?”
“Absolutely nothing.” Clark shrugged. “I cannot punish you for not keeping your promise. Nor would I want to.”
“You’re a really nice person, Clark.” Jean smiled. “I promise. I’ll find someone.”
“Lucille said the same thing. As did her Father.” Clark said. “Seems as though I can trust your family.”
“Yep! We’re all really nice like you are.” Jean nodded confidently. Humility isn’t something you learn until later in life. “Grandpa died. But does Mama visit you?”
Clark’s shoulders sagged. “No she does not.”
“Aw why?” Jean frowned. “Aren’t you friends anymore?”
“Of course we are. My students will always be my treasured friends.” Clark’s metaphorical heart swelled with pride. His students were all such lovely people. “But after they turn twenty years old, they may no longer visit my cemetery.”
“Why?” Jean’s frown deepened. She was beginning to really like Clark. She didn’t want to leave him in eight years. 
“That’s how it is, Jean.” Clark sighed. “How it has always been.”
“Whoever made the rules is really mean.”
“That He is.” Clark chuckled. “Enough talk about saying goodbye. We haven’t even had a proper hello and there’s only one way to do that.”
“How? Where do you think you are?” Clark held out a hand. “Dancing, of course.”
Jean grinned and took his hand. It was warm and, to her astonishment, gentle. The tombstones all moved to form a large circle around them and the leaves flew away to reveal a polished wood floor. The crows took their places on the trees that were now draped with small, white lanterns. From their open beaks, music filled the air. It wasn’t like anything Jean had ever heard before. It sounded happy and sad all at the same time. It made her want to hug Clark tightly but also run around the cemetery chasing him. 
It made her want to dance.
With Clark’s hand on her waist, Jean twirled around and around the dance floor. Clark did not have to say a word of instruction. He would move one way and Jean would know how to complement it with a movement of her own. Their feet seemed to float with how soft their steps were. As they danced, leaves swirled around Jean and replaced her sweater and pants with a maroon ball gown. Her sneakers became white heels and long white gloves covered her hands and arms. Even her hair was braided instead of remaining in a ponytail.
In his dark eye sockets Jean couldn’t see anything. As expected. She could, however, feel a deep kindness and joy. Having her in his arms and dancing with her seemed like the greatest gift he could be given. Years of loneliness had finally been banished by the ever-so-wonderful Jean Louise Nica. Another friend for him to treasure in his arms for eight years, then in his heart for eternity.
“Aaaand....We are done.” Clark dipped Jean as low as possible and then helped her stand normally. 
“Awww that’s it?” Jean pouted. Already her beautiful new clothes were fading back into leaves and leaving her with her original, boring outfit. “We just started.”
“Just started?” Clark’s right eye socket stretched up like he was lifting an eyebrow. “We have been dancing for three hours.”
“What?!” Jean spun around to look outside. It still looked like twilight. “No it hasn’t. It looks the same outside!”
“It always looks like that in my realm.” Clark said. “It is time for you to return to your Mama.”
“Can I come again?”
“Are my bones the shiniest in the land?”
“Then you may return.” Clark nodded exactly one time. A deal had been made. “You may return every day for the next eight years if that is what you wish. And each day we will dance a different dance.”
Jean didn’t want to go. If she left, that meant tomorrow would come. And the day after. And so on until she was twenty years old and could no longer visit Clark. She had only known him for three hours but Jean loved him deeply. Only as a child could. “I’m not going.” She pouted and latched onto him. It should have been bumpy and uncomfortable but instead it felt like hugging her Dad.
“Jean,” Clark hugged her, patting her head softly. “You must. Your parents will want you to return, right?”
“Okay.” Jean sniffled. 
Her tear filled eyes nearly made Clark cry. Instead, his shoulders slumped. “See you tomorrow.”
“You promise you’ll be here?”
“Of course.” Clark patted her head again.
“Okay.” Jean wiped her face. “Bye, Clark.”
“Bye, lovely.”
Jean hugged him one more time before walking as slowly as she could out of the cemetery. Clark watched her until she stepped through the gate. Then with a bittersweet sigh, he faded into the leaves. Tomorrow couldn’t possibly come quickly enough. 
If you are under twenty years old and you find a gold necklace with an emerald studded coffin for a pendant, you are in luck. Walk three blocks east, three blocks north, then three blocks west. Step through the iron gate and say hello to the crows. The Bone King will arrive and you will be taught how to dance. And in the process you will make a dear friend. 
Go on. Clark is waiting for you.
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truly-soulmates · 7 years
Update on the Supernatural AU Part 1
Since it’s been a while since I posted the idea for this AU so I thought I’d give an update on the story and characters.
So there will be One main story and a lot of side stories. The main story will focus on all of the ships but mainly Terrornuckel, H20Vanoss, MiniCat and NatePat. I might add Brohm back as a main ship but idk
The side stories will be: Voices (Brohm) Midnight Drop (CartoonzxSatt) Victory (Jon/Evan and Luke/Satt’s backstory) Backtrack (Minicat) Gone (Brock and his family’s backstory) Out of all the idoits here, why am I stuck with you three? ( Fluffy/Just stupid Derp Crew, Zeroyalchaos)
There are others but I can’t choose a good title for them. (I’ll probably edit this later and add them)
As I stated earlier, I would show you the rough drafts of some of the characters backgrounds and motives for the story.
Hunters would include
House Fong: Evan, his husband Jon, his half-brother Mark and Mark’s fiancee Jack continued the family’s name as the most feared name in the community, that is until the Winchesters came, took their title and got Jon and Jack killed. Now, two years later, it’s just Evan and Mark and they want revenge on Jon Winchester for ruining basically everything. But that might have to wait when they get word of a Vampire nest in South Carolina.
The Patrick’s: Brock wasn’t meant to be a hunter, in fact he tried to avoid it, but hunting ran in the family so there was no avoiding it. When his parents were killed by a Wendigo he was only 5. His oldest brother, Mat (16), and his sister, Krista (12), were gone on their own hunt and his brother, Leon (10), was on a hunt with their uncle. He was left in a motel room for a week before Leon came back and found him in a corner of the room, crying, and holding a dagger close to his chest. Since then, his siblings raised him. If Brock was honest, losing his parents broke his heart but he could never say that aloud, not when he’s a hunter.  When Mat left the their group to start anew with his husband Nate and their two kids, Manu and Keshet, Brock was heartbroken once again. Mat was his mentor, basically his dad, and now he was gone but that was okay because his sister and other brother was still there. Then, two years later, she had to leave as well. Krista “left” the hunting life for a peaceful life in the U.K. with her husband, Nikolai, and two kids, Grayson and Theo. All that was left of the group was His brother Leon, his wife Ella and Brock. Then, in September, Krista came back to the group with her son Grayson. Brock found out two months later that Nikolai and Theo were possessed and then promptly killed by John Winchester. Once again, Brock was heartbroken but now he’s pissed. Hunting kept taking everything from him.  And that’s not the worst of it,now it might take the guy he’s fallen for. He may have fell for a Werewolf, maybe…. Yeah, he’s definitely head over heels for this werewolf. He’s so fucked……
Tyler “Wild” Wine: Tyler was made for the Hunter life. He was born and raised for it, and no one could stop him from getting the title of second fear after he took down Murmur, a powerful son of a bitch. But that all changed when that damn John Winchester showed up and ruined his hunts. Tyler lost everything but he got over it when he met Craig, a simple guy who was dragged into a shit situation. Tyler abandoned the hunter life for a bit just to settle and work things out between them, by a bit he meant two and a half years.  When he finally convinced his husband to let him hunt again, he was so excited even more when he found out that Luke was on the same hunt as him. Now he can hunt again and he can come home to his lovely Husband of two years and to his beautiful 4 month old son, Percy. There’s only one problem though, they’re hunting witches and those witches are the last people they expected.
The Pattersons: An old Family, like the Fongs, was mainly ran by first born sons Luke and Jon, twins, while they’re half-sister, Glory, could have a normal-ish life. Jon left after two years of leading to marry Evan Fong and combined the two families. Luke soon married as well, but he married a non-hunter named Mike who he met while hunting a ghost. While Luke was busy teaching Mike how to hunt, Jon was “ killed” during a Vamp nest raid.  Now, after a couple of years, Luke is finally getting out of his depression thanks to Mike and his little angel Irene. He is ready to hunt again. But he never would have guessed that his first hunt would be his own husband.
The Sharps: a relatively new name to the Hunting community but that was expected when Nate married Hunter whose family was and is popular in the Hunting community. When Nate first met Mat is wasn’t a good first meeting, Long story short Mat saved Nate from being eaten by a Rugaru and then promptly knocked him the fuck out and that happened when he was 17! (The same time when Mat’s parents were killed) They met again years later when Nate, after a few years of hunting after Mat saved him, was helping Bobby Singer do some research on Sireins. When they met again, Mat may have stared at him for a good ten minutes and then as soon as he got caught he immediately turn to run but ran into little eight year old Brock, who was carrying three heavy books and then dropped them on Mat’s left foot. Nate had a really good laugh, got a date with said moron who got books dropped on him and then got hit upside the head for “lollygagging”, it was a good day. After that, they just kept running into each other until they finally settled down together, Nate was 26 while Mat was 24.  Now they have two wonderful kids, a son named Manu and a daughter named Keshet, who Nate will protect at every cost, even if it means killing a few.. “monsters”…yeah, monsters.
Jon was always a wild card while Luke was a natural leader. You could ask anyone and they would tell you that the Patterson twins were born to be perfect hunters. While growing up, Jon was always the one learning elegant and “Show-offy” moves as Luke always said.  Not that those moves would help him a week after he learned them. He was barely 14 when his father let Luke and him hunt some hellhounds a few towns over. At the end of that hunt, Luke became more tactical while Jon a taken on a mask to hide the scars of where the hound had got him. About two years later, Jon met Evan Fong in a bar trying to get information on a new hunt. From the moment they saw each other, they were always together, even when they weren’t together romantically. But when they did start dating, they were a even more deadly pair because they now had another reason to live.  But now…Jon is alone, well he has Ze and the others but you know what I mean, and he’s a blood sucker but that’s fine. He’ll wait for Evan, no matter how long it takes.
Werewolves: (Only need to finish Max’s and then we’re good here) -Ryan, if you asked him, didn’t always get along with the voice in his head. Yes, voice. He wasn’t crazy and no, he doesn’t have multiple personality disorder, he just has a voice who talks to him; kinda like lovers do. The voice wasn’t always there, it just kinda start talking one morning and Ryan just went with it.  When he was bit by Brian, it was an accident he swears, the voice was still there and this time he finally got a name from it. It’s name was Bryce. Ryan wouldn’t ever say it aloud but he fell in love with the voice. Then came the day he ran into a new Hunter, he says new because Max didn’t recognize him. This hunter had tied him down and performed an exorcism, the whole time Bryce screamed and begged.  Years have passed since then and Ryan misses Bryce daily. But now, after so much time, he heard him once again. He’s gonna find that voice again. And Brian, will you stop laughing, he’s real!!
-Brain doesn’t really remember most of his “old” life and by old he means that he doesn’t remember anything before he was 15, when a Werewolf bit him. But he really doesn’t care, he has his pack and that was completely fine until he met them, Two adult hunters that took Ryan, basically tortured him and then, sloppy, left behind  a “trail”. ( Their scents, blood, numbers and most of their fake names) So he took it upon himself to get even with them. That was before he met him, his moon. Brian had just bought some raw meats when he ran into man who smelled like gunpowder, sandalwood and rosemary. Since then, Brian keeps taking this guy, Brock, on coffee and library dates, he could possibly care less about his original reason for being there. That is until he meets Brock’s family and find out that those two hunters are not only married and have two kids but one of them is Brock’s brother and the other is his brother in-law. Now Brian has to decide if he really wants to avenge his packmate or if he wants to stay with Brock. -When Max was born he was given to his Dad because he was a bastard, he was accident that happened on a bad day. He knew this because his Father told him about his Mom and her family and Max honestly didn’t mind, she was a hunter and so were his half-siblings while Max and his Dad were both werewolves. But he did remember his mother’s smell, sandlewood and peppermint. Max grew up with a pretty normal lifestyle until his Father bit the boy nextdoor, Brian. His father ran away and Max had to teach Brian how to be a werewolf, which was pretty easy. And then years later, Max had to deal with teaching Ryan which was much harder because of his “Friend” .( Max swears Ryan is crazy) Then came the day two hunters showed up and took Ryan away. While Brian was hell-bent on finding him, Max was more concerned about the fact the one of the Hunter’s had the exact same smell of sandlewood coming from him as his Mother did. When they found them, Max met his half-brother. While trying to free Ryan as Brian keep the hunters busy, one of them snuck up on him, tackled him and tried to stab him but Max recognized his scent, kicked him off of him and heard the other hunter scream his name. Matt. Now, here he is with Brian facing his half-siblings and doesn’t have the heart to tell Brian the truth about his crush’s family. Also, not to mention the really cute guy that he keeps seeing everywhere but that’s not the problem.
Witches Craig, more commonly known as Mini, is a very powerful blood kitchen witch and is the head witch of his own coven. He could take out any hunter that is until Tyler found him. As soon as Craig laid eyes on the giant hunter, he knew that he had to have him. So, obviously, that meant he was going to trick home into loving him but to his surprise he didn’t have to, the Hunter already loved him. Now that he has the Hunter and their son, Craig is perfectly happy and can live a normal life; kinda. Who said that he still couldn’t continue his magic?
Mike, known as Satt to other witches, is a Hellenic Tech witch.  He never expected to get a family, he expected to be shot one day just for being him. Since being him lead him to being abandoned by his “family” for being trans, lead him to Witchcraft and lead him to his Coven. But when it lead him to Luke, he never expected the Hunter to fall for him, to marry him or for him to give Mike a beautiful daughter named Irene. Mike never saw that coming, but Luke one-day pointing a gun at him? He definitely saw that and he hated it.
Lucas wasn’t always a powerful Celtic Witch. Before he was very weak and could hardly make a decent hex bag. But that was all before He meet John, a Gecko Familiar, who changed his life forever. Now, years later, Lucas is extremely powerful and is working with Mini and Satt to keep themselves safe, only if John would fucking behave.
There will be a second part to this since there are still many characters that I would love to show you guys and part of one of the side stories!! (Hint: It’s about the favorite blue wearing boy) -
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obstinaterixatrix · 7 years
Replies hours late with Headcanons and an Essay
I’m too tired of having to type out my responses on my phone and this one might get (haha will get) rly long so.
Haru mentions in the cruise dungeon that she’s not actually very good at speaking with upperclass people since she’s usually just silent or exchanging pleasantries. => She probably spends most business shit observing people and their mannerisms. I think she def reads too much into people? If the phantom thieves weren’t combat buddies who are saving the world through supernatural means and like it was some normal HS au, I feel like Haru would be a lot more. Distrustful of all of them? Maybe even to a point where she’d doubt their shitty lying as also being an act perhaps? The newspaper chick mentions how it’s actually pretty hidden that Haru’s a daughter of such a big CEO. I felt like. It was a pretty bad first impression for Makoto to make that “Yeah you’re haru. Daughter of that CEO”. Sure she was going to follow up w/ her dad’s palace but kind of gives a “ah so that’s what she cares about” feeling. It doesn’t matter in the end but that’s an example of how I feel Haru might read too much into it. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it. Hey Atlus it’d be nice if Haru wasn’t so shafted so I didn’t have to spend 20 minutes looking into single interactions. (One of the space port lines has ann asking if Haru’s okay and haru’s I’m not… but then follows up with a I’m not going to forgive him! But I really wonder…)
I do vaguely hc that in the beginning Haru has a bias towards Protag thanks to Morgana and the fact the protag is a cat (haru’s a cat person but she’ll leave room in her heart for one dog dw Makochan) and that’s partially why I’ll accept her confiding in just the protag at first but also. Even just adding say Futaba in the rank 1, any of the other thieves gardening with her and Akira so her link doesn’t feel so. Isolated? Her link’s good and stuffed as is But i would’ve loved to see at least some form of Haru learning to rely on the thieves more.
I can compare anyone to everyone if I try hard enough but yeah Yusuke’s my fav for Haru. I actually like. Akechi. (persona shitty fathers, unawakened power, awakenings against said father, distrust) and Futaba (guilt over death). Persishables by signalbeam is still good and I wish I could’ve seen more of the “we changed our family’s hearts” club. Granted, I’m impressed Atlus even remembered Yusuke enough to have him comment on Haru’s situation. If Haru gets married in a western style though i’d absolutely. Let Yusuke do all the “father” shit. I like them as friends who kind of just understand each other in a really soothing way. Talk to each other about dating (relatively) impulsive people while doing floral arrangements. Yusuke was probably the first one to realize Makoto and Haru have a Thing and in a story where it’s 10k slowburn, he’s probably the one who went “I will gladly aid you in creating Valentine’s chocolates for everyone else but do you not want to make something special for Makoto?”  Yusuke’s really sweet. He’s my favorite boy. Like obviously I’m biased towards Niijima sibs but I feel like if anyone were to help Haru with any of the. post death related traditions Yusuke is also good choice.
On a side note, we  never really. Find out when Haru holds that funeral do we? (They don’t even have anything to cremate…) There’s some pretty strict east Asian standards involved and they never model Haru in anything that’s remotely dark enough to count as mourning outfits… I can’t remember off the top of my head if we know remotely anything about her mother either besides dead but I’m going to presume it was an arranged marriage for the sake of Kunikazu to propel himself. 
This is getting really long and I just did a word count and it’s like 700 words so. I’m going to leave this here. I have a lot of haru opinions that i still have not been able to wrangle into a tangible form so my apologies if this gets a bit hard to understand/jumps around a bit. (Doesn’t help I tend to jump around writing) If you need any clarification you can ask.
I LOVE THESE HARU OPINIONS THEYRE GOOD AND I AGREE. Haru being the most brutal/homocidal of the p thieves is usually played for laughs but it's basically the only time she's able to let loose, like, at all. As the newest member she's probably often background thinking of Her Place In The Group and What's Acceptable or When She's Being Too Presumptuous, but wailing on a shadow? It's simple. Doesn't need thought.
Even though Haru's Soft she's definitely prone to looking pessimistically at people's motivations, I think. She tries to be kind, she knows people can be kind, but she also knows life can be catalogued into a series of transactions that either increase or decrease available assets. I think you're right, it'd definitely be way harder to befriend Haru in any normal circumstance - she's not exactly a social butterfly at school, & it's absolutely a conscious choice.
When you put it that way, it really does make sense. I think it's frustrating because we already get scripted group scenes! We already know that Yusuke and Haru can work together for arranging the garden! And one of her ranks involves visiting Sojiro, so it'd just be nice! If more people could just... be there too.... it's a shame there's not as much establishing Haru with Ann or Ryuji.... BUT I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOUR ASSESSMENT ON HER RELATIONSHIP WITH YUSUKE, they just understand each other and can talk stuff out. You have good taste in fave boys. Signal's fic is good, the Yusuke + Makoto dynamic was so solidly. Amicable green card divorce, I love it. Yusuke gets along with both of them so well, and Makoto's like in the middle of him & Ryuji in terms of impulse control. Yusuke would definitely find Haru's perspective on romance really helpful.
we def didn't learn anything about. Her mom. The specifics of what she handled. Presumably the funeral didn't happen too long after death. Oh but we know the grandpa coffee shop thing.
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gp11 · 6 years
Alien Or Human Abduction ?
Location : Todmorden, Yorkshire, UK Date : June 11th 1980  
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Zigmund Adamski, by all accounts, was a well-liked, unassuming, polite man with a good reputation in his neighbourhood of Tingley in West Yorkshire, England. He moved to England, with his wife Leokadia, from his native home of Poland in the early sixties (some accounts place the emigration to the UK at an earlier period eg. 1945.) They apparently blended-in quite easily with the local population and for many years carried-on a normal family existence. Zigmund, a 56-year-old coal miner at the nearby Lofthouse Colliery (subsequent details about his medical condition at the time indicated that he was receiving treatment for a bronchial condition, supposedly due in part to his working life in the coal dust atmosphere of his workplace and through also being a heavy smoker.) It was reported that the treatment was going well and didn't impede on of his day-to-day life. Events, however, were about to take a sinister turn for Zigmund on June 6th 1980. At approximately 3.30pm on the 6th, Zigmund had left the house to visit the local shop. Whilst on the way there he met and engaged in conversation with a neighbour and then, after saying their goodbyes, Zigmund then carried on to his destination.   The Remains The next person to see Zigmund Adamski was a man called Trevor Parker. Trevor was the son of the owner of Tomlins Coal yard, beside the Todmorden railway station ; this was at 3.45pm on June 11th. Police Constables, Alan Godfrey and Malcolm Agley were the two attending officers at the scene.   In a December 2017 talkradio interview with the Unexplained host Howard Hughes (the interview can be heard on the archive of Howards excellent podcast "The Unexplained with Howard Hughes" at this link, theunexplained.tv ) Alan Godfrey tells his account of the events. According to Alan, Malcom was the senior officer and he scaled the railway sleepers up to the top of the coal pile first. Alan went up next and described it as such... "The eyes were open, the arms were down by his side and across at the stomach. He was lying as though he just went to bed." Alan goes on to describe the sinister and eerie burn marks on the skull, he described them as "black individual burn marks" and explains.. "As I moved the head over to the left..., at the nape of the neck, there was a bigger type of burn mark; but it was weeping... and there was this ointment, a greeny - yellowy substance that had been smeared over it." Alan maintains his belief that the site of the discovery was not where Mr Adamski died. "He didn't look right, he appeared to have been dressed after death. He was wearing an outer jacket and underneath that, a white string vest." Another interesting observation was irregular fastening of the jacket; the buttons were mismatched to the wrong buttonholes. Alan states in the interview that neither he, Malcolm, or another attendee at the scene (the three main witnesses), were called to the inquest. Instead, to his knowledge, a police inspector attended in their stead, and when asked by the coroner James Turnbull as to whether the deceased had actually perished at the scene, he answered in the affirmative. The pathologist, Dr Alan Edwards performed the post-mortem examination at Hebden Bridge (nearby market town) at 9.15 pm  and cited the cause of death as a heart attack or possible heart failure.   The Investigation From their subsequent enquiries, the police concluded, from what they could find, that Mr Adamski had never even visited Todmorden before.  They couldn't establish any prior contact with anyone from the area, or connect any acquaintance of Mr Adamski to any venues or businesses in the area. As Alan states in the interview... "As enquiries were done at the time..., he had a loving wife, a loving family, he was a nice guy, he was well liked in the area. The day after he disappeared he should have been giving his God-daughter away at her wedding, so he had no reason to go anywhere. He went down to the local shops to get some groceries and never returned. He went missing for five days." Alan recalls the coal pile as being quite steep and remembers thinking that it would have been quite a trial for a person, or persons to carry a body up to the top and lay it on its back.   The Burn Marks The main burn marks were actually around the crown of the head and the one on the nape of the neck was described as being larger than the others. Samples were taken of the ominous greenish-yellow ointment like substance that had been applied to the burn on the neck and sent to the home office laboratories for testing. Alan states that the report came back as substance unknown.   Other Interesting Points Alan says in the interview that while being present when a statement was taken from Mrs Adamski, he noticed the photograph of Zigmund in the room. In the photograph, Zigmund had a large crop of very thick wavy hair. When he was found, his hair was cropped tight - and not very well done, as Alan noticed. Although the inquest delivered an open verdict, the official file became classified.  Apparently requests have been made to release the information, but all denied... James Turnbull, the coroner, who after long deliberation, pronounced the cause of death as a heart attack, said it was the biggest mystery of his career. Cause of death was not registered until the autumn of 1980 Zigmund had been missing for five days but he had only one day of beard growth. His clothes were in good condition but his shirt, wallet and watch were missing. There was no record of him attending any hospitals within the five-day period. The post-mortem results from Dr Alan Edwards record the time of death as being between 11am and 1pm on the day of discovery. The burn marks were established to be at least two days old.     Family Feud  Another important thing of note was that at the time there was reported friction within the family circle. A relative had taken out a restraining order on her husband and shelter was provided by Zigmund and his wife Leokadia. It had been believed by some that Zigmund had been subjected to some kind of revengeful abduction by this estranged family member and possibly died of a heart attack during some form of punishment.   Summary To this day, the Adamski case has maintained a prominent position on the historical footnotes of the great unsolved. It still arouses passionate debate among  believers and skeptics alike. Whilst the skeptics of supernatural or extra terrestrial interference, propose that it's just a case of a family argument that may have gone wrong, through the accidental death of Zigmund; the uniqueness of the event has turned believers of possible extra terrestrial interference into skeptics of a more natural solution. For some, common sense questions that, who, in their right mind would take on the arduous task of depositing a body up a 12ft pile of coal/anthracite somewhere between 11am and 3.45pm, in broad daylight, on a summer's day? (Trevor Parker, the man who initially discovered the body at 15.45 had been in the coal yard from the time he opened up a 8.00am until 11.00am. He was adamant in his statement that the body was definitely not there before 11am.) Would it not have been sufficient to just dump a body anywhere in the coal yard and try to remain concealed? Even if the area may not have been busy at that time, think about it... If you were trying to conceal your involvement in an abduction or a person's death, why stand atop a 12ft hill of coal, beside a railway station, trying to dispose of the body? - (Bear in mind, for a comparative illustration, that the average double-decker bus, measures at 13'6"-14ft in total height.) Someone standing on an open-top double-decker bus - giving them a head height of approximately 13 ft 6', would be easily visible from a wide radius over most walls/fences and easily visible at a fairly long distance. Now think about an average height man (working on the assumption that it was a single man) around 5 ft 8' to 6 ft, standing on a 12 ft hill, giving him a possible head height of roughly 17-18 ft; would the perpetrator of a crime risk that level of exposure?   As a final note on this strange account... If it wasn’t worrying enough that a nice, well thought of man like Zigmund could just simply disappear from his every day life and end up dead, on a coal heap, 20 miles away from home; the case and the official files relating to it were deemed classified and removed by the authorities.               Read the full article
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readingsanctuary · 6 years
This months haul is a little out of control. I knew it would possibly be higher than normal because I always buy books while I’m on holiday, but this time it’s worse because I started panic buying books to take with me, because it felt like a good way to fix my reading slump. It only sort of worked, in that I managed to read a few graphic novels. I didn’t do so well with full length books.
Giant Days – volumes 2 & 3
Susan, Esther, and Daisy started at university three weeks ago and became fast friends. Now, away from home for the first time, all three want to reinvent themselves. But in the face of handwringing boys, “personal experimentation,” influenza, mystery-mold, nu-chauvinism, and the willful, unwanted intrusion of “academia,” they may be lucky just to make it to spring alive. Going off to university is always a time of change and growth, but for Esther, Susan, and Daisy, things are about to get a little weird.
I’ve been kicking myself for only buying the first volume for months, so when I finally had the chance, I picked up these from one of my favourite indie comic book stores. I’ve already read both of these and I really enjoyed them. I love the episodic, slice of life format, and the humour that works really well with the fun art style.
The Backstagers – volume 1
All the world’s a stage . . . but what happens behind the curtain is pure magic literally! 
When Jory transfers to an all-boys private high school, he’s taken in by the only ones who don’t treat him like a new kid, the lowly stage crew known as the Backstagers. Not only does he gain great, lifetime friends, Jory is also introduced to an entire magical world that lives beyond the curtain. With the unpredictable twists and turns of the underground world, the Backstagers venture into the unknown, determined to put together the best play their high school has ever seen. 
I’ve been wanting to pick this up ever since I read and reviewed the first issue from Netgalley, and loved it. The only reason it’s taken me so long to get to it is that I’ve struggled to find a copy in stores, and I prefer to support physical stores wherever I can. I’ve already read this and I’m in love with the series. I need to get my hands on the second volume soon.
The Ancient Magus Bride volumes 2, 3, 5, 6, & 7
Her name is Chise Hatori, a penniless orphan troubled by visions. Sold as a slave to an inhuman mage, she is about to begin a strange new life, filled with magic, fairies, and other beings of a fantastical nature.
So, I clearly have a problem. This series has sucked me in, in a big way. I loved the anime, and I’m planning on slowly making my way through the manga. I’m having slight difficulty locating volume four in stores, so I might have to order it online.
Bruja Born – by Zoraida Cordova
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Three sisters. One spell. Countless dead.
Lula Mortiz feels like an outsider. Her sister’s newfound Encantrix powers have wounded her in ways that Lula’s bruja healing powers can’t fix, and she longs for the comfort her family once brought her. Thank the Deos for Maks, her sweet, steady boyfriend who sees the beauty within her and brings light to her life.
Then a bus crash turns Lula’s world upside down. Her classmates are all dead, including Maks. But Lula was born to heal, to fix. She can bring Maks back, even if it means seeking help from her sisters and defying Death herself. But magic that defies the laws of the deos is dangerous. Unpredictable. And when the dust settles, Maks isn’t the only one who’s been brought back…
This was a last-minute purchase before I went on holiday because I started panicking about what books to take with me, due to my reading slump making me ridiculously fickle. I mean, I was planning to wait and put it on my birthday wishlist, but I am glad to have this in my hands, even if I haven’t managed to read it just yet.
Lumberjanes: volume 1
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At Miss Qiunzilla Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s camp for hard-core lady-types, things are not what they seem. Three-eyed foxes. Secret caves. Anagrams. Luckily, Jo, April, Mal, Molly, and Ripley are five rad, butt-kicking best pals determined to have an awesome summer together… And they’re not gonna let a magical quest or an array of supernatural critters get in their way! The mystery keeps getting bigger, and it all begins here. 
Collects Lumberjanes No. 1-4.
I am always seeing this series recommended, and have been meaning to check it out for a while now. Since I’ve been reading more graphic novels this month, I decided to pick this first volume up and see why so many people love it. I have already started reading this and so far I’m enjoying it. Hopefully this becomes a series that I love, and want to continue on with.
Spinning Silver – by Naomi Novik
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Miryem is the daughter and granddaughter of moneylenders… but her father isn’t a very good one. Free to lend and reluctant to collect, he has loaned out most of his wife’s dowry and left the family on the edge of poverty–until Miryem steps in. Hardening her heart against her fellow villagers’ pleas, she sets out to collect what is owed–and finds herself more than up to the task. When her grandfather loans her a pouch of silver pennies, she brings it back full of gold.
But having the reputation of being able to change silver to gold can be more trouble than it’s worth–especially when her fate becomes tangled with the cold creatures that haunt the wood, and whose king has learned of her reputation and wants to exploit it for reasons Miryem cannot understand.
I simply could not resist this stunning hardcover when I saw a signed copy in the bookstore. I’ve seen so many glowing reviews, that I’m confident I’ll enjoy it. I’m even more excited to get to it now that I’ve finally read (and adored) Uprooted. I just hope I don’t wait another three years before reading this one.
The Accident Season – by Moïra Fowley-Doyle
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A bewitching, dark and beautiful debut novel about a girl living in the shadow of a mysterious curse.
It’s the accident season, the same time every year. Bones break, skin tears, bruises bloom.
The accident season has been part of seventeen-year-old Cara’s life for as long as she can remember. Towards the end of October, foreshadowed by the deaths of many relatives before them, Cara’s family becomes inexplicably accident-prone. They banish knives to locked drawers, cover sharp table edges with padding, switch off electrical items – but injuries follow wherever they go, and the accident season becomes an ever-growing obsession and fear.
But why are they so cursed? And how can they break free?
I’ve been intrigued by the idea of the book for years, so when I saw it in a second-hand book store while I was on holiday, I didn’t think twice. I feel like this is a very autumnal book, so I’m hoping to read it in a few months time, possibly in October, since that’s when this book takes place.
Love Letters to the Dead – by Ava Dellaira
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It begins as an assignment for English class: Write a letter to a dead person. Laurel chooses Kurt Cobain because her sister, May, loved him. And he died young, just like May did. Soon, Laurel has a notebook full of letters to people like Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Amelia Earhart, Heath Ledger, and more — though she never gives a single one of them to her teacher. She writes about starting high school, navigating new friendships, falling in love for the first time, learning to live with her splintering family. And, finally, about the abuse she suffered while May was supposed to be looking out for her. Only then, once Laurel has written down the truth about what happened to herself, can she truly begin to accept what happened to May. And only when Laurel has begun to see her sister as the person she was — lovely and amazing and deeply flawed — can she begin to discover her own path in this stunning debut from Ava Dellaira, Love Letters to the Dead.
This was another second hand book store find, it was more of an impulse purchase than the other books I’ve bouhgt this month. I don’t know too much about it, but it caught my eye, and after reading the first few lines, I was interested enough to want to keep reading. I have no idea what to expect from this, or how I’ll feel about it, and if I’m honest, I’m quite looking forward to going in to it blind.
S.T.A.G.S. – by M.A. Bennett
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Nine students. Three bloodsports. One deadly weekend.
It is the autumn term and Greer MacDonald is struggling to settle into the sixth form at the exclusive St. Aidan the Great boarding school, known to its privileged pupils as S.T.A.G.S. Just when she despairs of making friends Greer receives a mysterious invitation with three words embossed upon on it: huntin’ shootin’ fishin’. When Greer learns that the invitation is to spend the half term weekend at the country manor of Henry de Warlencourt, the most popular and wealthy boy at S.T.A.G.S., she is as surprised as she is flattered.
But when Greer joins the other chosen few at the ancient and sprawling Longcross Hall, she realises that Henry’s parents are not at home; the only adults present are a cohort of eerily compliant servants. The students are at the mercy of their capricious host, and, over the next three days, as the three bloodsports – hunting, shooting and fishing – become increasingly dark and twisted, Greer comes to the horrifying realisation that those being hunted are not wild game, but the very misfits Henry has brought with him from school…
This book I bought out of curiosity. I’ve seen some quite mixed reviews that have only made me more intrigued about this book. I’m not sure I would have paid full price to try this book out, but since it was cheap in a second hand book store, I decided to give it a go.
Record of a Spaceborn Few – by Becky Chambers
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From the ground, we stand. From our ship, we live. By the stars, we hope
The incredible new novel by Becky Chambers, author of the belovedThe Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet.
Centuries after the last humans left Earth, the Exodus Fleet is a living relic, a place many are from but few outsiders have seen. Humanity has finally been accepted into the galactic community, but while this has opened doors for many, those who have not yet left for alien cities fear that their carefully cultivated way of life is under threat.
Tessa chose to stay home when her brother Ashby left for the stars, but has to question that decision when her position in the Fleet is threatened.
Kip, a reluctant young apprentice, itches for change but doesn’t know where to find it.
Sawyer, a lost and lonely newcomer, is just looking for a place to belong.
When a disaster rocks this already fragile community, those Exodans who still call the Fleet their home can no longer avoid the inescapable question:
What is the purpose of a ship that has reached its destination?
I finally have this book in my hands! I can’t even tell you how happy I am that I finally have a copy of this book. It is my most anticipated book of the entire year, and I am so excited to read it, although I do feel compelled to take things slow and savour it. I’m just so very, very happy that this book is in my life!
So, that’s my excessive book haul for the month. I have no idea where most of these books are going to live, I’m kind of overrun by books at the moment. What books are you excited about this month? Have you read any of the books that I’ve hauled this month? What did you think of them? I love hearing from you in the comments! 
Want to chat, about books or anything else, here are some other places you can find me:
Twitter @reading_escape
Instagram: @readingsanctuary
July Book Haul This months haul is a little out of control. I knew it would possibly be higher than normal because I always buy books while I'm on holiday, but this time it's worse because I started panic buying books to take with me, because it felt like a good way to fix my reading slump.
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