#like my characters ARE hot because they look like PEOPLE
dootdootwriting · 2 days
hii can you do where like the genshin impact boys lovers are like taller than them?
featuring: albedo, alhaitham, ayato, baizhu, cyno, diluc, gorou, itto, kazuha, kaeya, kaveh, tighnari, venti, xiao, zhongli, (separate) tw: light foul language (scattered throughout), mention of violence/fighting (childe), mention of chronic pain/illness (baizhu), haitham is autistic because yeah. type: fluff, sfw, hcs reader: tall, gn, no pronouns, no use of y/n a/n: i was GOING to do literally all of them but i gave up after tighnari sorry i just did NOT have it in me. if you want hcs of this same scenario with different characters, do feel free to request that!
also not using canon heights for this bc they don't . make sense to me so you get mY HEADCANONS. (close to canon at least i promise)
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not hard to be taller than him tbh, he's like 5'4
i can't see him particularly caring about height in an s/o, rather just personality. if he likes you, he likes you and that's really it, you could look like just about anything
you could be three feet tall and he wouldn't care as long as you were understanding about the unholy hours of the night he has to stay up to in order to do his work
he won't deny the fact that dating someone tall has its advantages, though.
for one example, he finds it particularly difficult when an ingredient he's trying to get to is too far up for him to reach
and yes, he could just summon his geo flower and have it elevator his ass up the tree or whatever, but it's so much more convenient AND so much more comfortable to just have you pick him up so he can get higher
also, it's insanely hot
probably would be into it
he's probably just a bit taller than average, i'd place him at about 6' or so
so it's not rare that he meets someone taller than him, it just doesn't happen every day
has no qualms about your height other than he finds it slightly annoying to look up at you when you're having a conversation
it's hard to be intimidating when the person you're talking to is looking down at you with an adoring smile, as you can understand.
other than that, if need be, he has the winery mansion adjusted to suit you
just some basic things like carving a bit out of a doorframe if you're prone to bumping your head on things. nothing too drastic
thinks it's hot
he's kind of a slut for people taller than him, i think. or just a slut in general maybe. either way, thinks it's hot
he's probably just a bit shorter than diluc, maybe at 5'11. diluc won't let him hear the end of it and it pisses him off
looks are the first thing he sees in a person. it isn't nearly the end-all be-all of choosing a partner for him (he really looks for someone with more mental acuity and wit), but it does play the part
being tall helps you with this
is the type to DEFINITELY be able to reach the top shelf and pretend he can't anyway so he can grin at you while you get things for him
did someone say short-ass twink?
he's like 5'3 sorry i don't make the rules. short.
so yeah, again, not hard to be taller than him.
he's so playful about it too
"oh nooooo~ they put the apples all the way on the top shelf so i can't reach them~ whatever shall i do!"
bitch, you can fly. be fr
it doesn't matter. if there's something you can do (even if he can also do it) for him because of his height, he'll bat his eyelashes and flash you a grin so you can't help but show off and do it for him
also makes sharing the bed a hell of a lot more difficult. venti already flails around all over the place, and having someone taller sleeping next to him...? forget about it. you're both waking up on the floor.
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probably like 6'1, and lanky too
there is no cabinet he can't reach, and besides he has changsheng to slither up in the rare situation that he actually can't reach something
however, the tables are turned on him completely when he's having a flare-up. a lot of the time, if he tries to exert himself reaching for something (or just getting out of bed at all), he'll dissolve into a fit of coughing and have to sit down
this is when having a tall partner really comes in handy, and you're more than happy to get him whatever he needs to help him calm it down
extremely grateful for your help, and lucky that he has you. anytime you get him something, especially when he's not feeling well, he'll thank you and give you a kiss
joining the "it's not hard to be taller than him" club at a whopping (not really) FIVE FOOT TWO
bro is SHORT short
this doesn't bother him as much as you think it might. in xiao's own words, "height has little effect on one's ability to fight," and therefore he can protect you and fight for you even despite how small he is
will pretend not to be thankful if you help him with reaching things, but instead sends you a short glance that only you can decipher as being grateful
going out with him is a little bit like walking with a small but on edge dog
i think in his human form he's about 6'3, but he gets to like 6'8 with his draconic features out. no, i'm not counting his horns, i think he actually grows when he relaxes and stops hiding his features
is impressed that you're taller than him, and, honestly, a little worried about your back
with this tall of a couple, he definitely has to adjust his living situation. for sure has his ceilings raised and doorways sanded so the both of you can fit
walking around liyue harbor with him is a SIGHT. two giant sized folks casually going out for a stroll along the waterfront, enjoying their date as if they aren't big enough for a seagull to accidentally fly into their faces
also likes having you do things for him. he's tall, he can do them himself, but he's lying if he says he doesn't like watching you reach to screw in a lightbulb or the like.
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he's probably around 5'11, so he's tall but it's not unusual for someone to be taller than him per se
he's kind of a cheeky lil bastard? he puts everything on ridiculously high shelves on purpose so that he can watch you get them for him
"oh, sorry to trouble you my dear, but it seems the brown sugar is just a few inches out of my reach. could i trouble you to grab it for me?"
"there are like eighteen other different shelves you could have put it on."
"are there? i hadn't noticed! oh, well :)"
also likes to show you off. pulls up to the function (important dignitary meeting) with his tall ass partner
little guy! he's probably around 5'4-5'5 so if you're even like average height you're probably a little taller than him
embarrassed about it, almost as much as he is about the whole tail cuddling thing
that isn't to say he doesn't love how gorgeous and tall you are (he does for sure!), he just is a little self-conscious about his own height
he WILL hide behind you if he sees yae miko approach. benefit #1 of having a tall partner: meat shield
also bonus for you: he is a dog, so when he wants you to grab something for him, he'll look up at you with the most adorable puppy eyes you've ever seen
good lord you must be insanely tall . i think he's probably around 6'3
the first time he meets you he's blown away. bewildered. incredibly flustered. possibly already in love.
he's used to being the tallest guy around, used to being the big guy in charge. so when he finds you, and has to look up at someone else for a change, he's stupefied (in a good way)
there are no shelves he can ask you to get things from that he can't already reach. instead, he likes to watch you just pick people up
he'll gather some arataki gang members and ask them to stand in a line and have you go back to back with each one just to measure how tall you are compared to other people
he WILL give bear hugs. if you're more lanky, they may break a few bones... so, beware of that
another almost short-stack, probably around 5'6
he hasn't ever really thought about his height, he isn't insecure about it or anything.
to him, your height is just another thing that he loves about you! he doesn't care much for physical appearance, it's what's inside that counts to him
and once he gets to know you, he finds everything about you stunning!
probably writes poems about how you look standing strong in the wind or something. really he'll write poems about you no matter what.
since you're taller than him, he enjoys being the little spoon. let him recite lines to you while you hold him!
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tall ass guy. prolly around 6'1
is surprised that you're taller than him, but other than that doesn't really care all that much
while he does care for physical traits such as height, he mostly values intelligence and wit, so as long as you can keep up with him in a conversation, you're good enough to date
he has parameters, you understand. you have to fit to a certain standard in a series of specific categories, including age, wit, compatibility....
he might be a little autistic.
my point is, height doesn't really factor in there
still enjoys being the big spoon, even if there's more of you or if you don't quite slot together ideally in that position
it doesn't matter if you're 8 feet tall, this guy Will hold you
putting him in around 5'5
despite his small stature, he's a force to be reckoned with. everyone around him knows it, even if he sometimes wishes they didn't care as much
has absolutely no trouble asking you to get things for him if he can't reach them. unbothered king.
this comes less from a place of him not caring about being short and more of a place of him knowing his limitations and understanding when he needs help!
doesn't really care about being shorter than you. well... unless you tease him about being short, then he gets a little miffed. he doesn't mind being the shorter one as long as he isn't just called short
doesn't mind being the little spoon if you suggest it
i wanna say he's about average height, 5'8-5'9 ish!
he's comfortable with his height. he doesn't really think about it very often
that being said, i do think he would be very into someone who's taller than him. i just get those vibes
PLEASE please lean in a doorway and look at him or something. he thinks it's so attractive
probably will ask you to reach up and get things for him just so he can like... poke you in the side??? for no reason?? while you do it
likes to show you off but is also shy about it. will hold your hand when you walk around in public but also really doesn't want anyone to notice. there are two wolves inside of him.
I AM A 5'6 TIGHNARI TRUTHER. idk. he gives 5'6 vibes and i don't know why!!!
honestly couldn't give two shits about his height. As long as he can get to the samples he's trying to study, he doesn't care!
Thinks every part of you is stunning, so to him your height is a part of that!
Looks come second to personality to him. This isn't to say he doesn't find you attractive, just that the second he actually starts to like someone all of a sudden oh, they're really pretty actually.
lowkey wants to do like, a family gene chart of you? He wants to learn everything about you, down to where all your different traits come from!
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What if a hot pirate-looking guy were to flirt with/ask out one of the brothers in front of the other? (Could be either one)
[I took a while to answer this one, so if you're still around, Anon, please let me know if you wanted a less evasive response. Given that it's Rafal though, I personally figured evasive would fit his character in this situation.]
Rafal: I've seen men attempt to muster up the courage to approach Rhian and flirt. None of them ever succeed though, when I'm around. [lightly] They double back from whence they came when I glance their way...
Now, don't repeat what I'm about to say to a soul or you'll regret speaking to me at all, but—Rhian is actually one of the most sought-after bachelors in the Woods. I suspect it’s partly his looks and partly his position of power that entices potential lovers. Not that he knows. I intercept all love letters and fan mail before he ever sets his eyes on them. They usually arrive before he’s awake. He gets marriage proposals from complete strangers every week and it's infuriating. Thus, I send hexes back in reply to the return addresses.
[With disgust] The unfortunate side effect of my censorship is that Rhian's self-esteem suffers, but it’s better than the... alternative. And it's better than our getting swindled. That said, most pirates or others we don’t tend to see in person at all because they know I'll be there. So I tend to be a deterrent far more repelling than the hexes alone ever could be. [Rafal looks absurdly proud of himself.]
Indeed, we don’t see any suitors but the most intrepid and stupid—Rhian's "type," alas... Like the vulture who swooped in during my leave of absence and took my place. If it weren’t for me, this School would probably be overrun with men and women alike seeking Rhian out, the pests. Fortunately, we don't go on excursions off School grounds. Ever.
Rhian: [shrugs] I’ve certainly seen people, and amongst them, pirates, stare at my brother, but no one’s ever said anything to him directly. I have a feeling I know why though... and I think Rafal's been keeping something from me, now that I think about it. Our wastepaper basket is always full of shredded envelopes with their addresses blotted out in ink. But all Rafal said when I asked about the envelopes was that parents were complaining about the School's mortality rates, like they always have, no matter what reforms I initiate.
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armoricaroyalty · 1 day
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Armorican Peteran priests dedicated their whole lives to the church. Forswearing marriage and intimacy, they took new names and began new lives in service to the saints. The church hierarchy replicated the families they left behind: newly initiated Sons studied to achieve the rank of Brother. Parishes were run by Fathers, who answered up to the council of Patriarchs, who studied canon law and made rulings on Church issues.
Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
author's note: You hear that? It's the new character siren. We'll be seeing more of Brother Cyrus. He was made for me by @sirianasims because she's one of the very best when it comes to hot middle-aged men!
Transcript below the cut.
FREDERICK | [ offscreen ] ...she sent over a stack of CV's, like six or seven, and she said she wanted a final decision by the end of the week. EMILY | Is that a good idea? FREDERICK | [ offscreen ] Is what a good idea? EMILY | Picking someone off your sister's list for your private secretary. Like, how would you know they were actually loyal to you? FREDERICK | ...you're a genius. EMILY | It's common sense. You've got to be able to trust your inner circle. FREDERICK | So...who do you trust? EMILY | Hm...Josie? FREDERICK | [ offscreen ] Really? Josie? EMILY | Why not? People used to move from the press office to the private office all the time. FREDERICK | She's out right now, right? When is she back from maternity leave? EMILY | [ looks up, suppresses a laugh ] FREDERICK | What? EMILY | Nothing. Nice sweater, by the way. FREDERICK | What about it? EMILY | It's a little casual for going to church with the Queen. FREDERICK | Yeah, with my mom. EMILY | [ sighs ] I won't make you wear a tie, but could you at least wear a jacket? EMILY | You look handsome. I want people saying that, not that you're underdressed. FREDERICK | Yeah? What makes you so sure that they'll be talking about us? EMILY | [ laughs ] Oh, haven't you heard? EMILY | We are in, right now. [ indistinct conversations ] [ an expectant hush falls over the congregation. the murmurs die off. in the silence, someone coughs ] [ extremely loud organ blast ] [ processional music, loud ] FREDERICK | [ stage whisper ] Who's that young guy with Father Bertolt? ELISE | [ stage whisper ] That's Brother Cyrus. He was appointed in December. ELISE | [ stage whisper ] If you came more often, you wouldn't have to ask. SOMEONE RANDOM | Shhhh! [ processional concludes ] FATHER BERTOLT | Good morning, brethren. CONGREGATION | [ muttering ] Good morning, Father Bertolt. [ Bertolt continues speaking, indistinct ] [ Cyrus stares at Elise. She senses eyes on her and looks back at him, her expression unsure. ] [ bells tolling ] EMILY | ...that was a beautiful service, Father. The organ was...remarkable. FATHER BERTOLT | [ chuckles ] There's nothing quite like it, is there? FATHER BERTOLT | In fact, a lot of our engaged couples request it for their weddings. [ an awkward pause. Freddy shoots Emily a look. ] FATHER BERTOLT | ...you will be holding the wedding here, correct? EMILY | Er...actually, we've been looking at other venues. ELISE | What? This is the first I'm hearing about this. FREDERICK | Uh...sorry, Mom. I meant to tell you. We wanted something a bit bigger. ELISE | It's your wedding and you should do what you want, but...it's traditional! Your grandparents were married here, your father and I were married here, your brother was married here- FREDERICK | I know, but we wanted to do our own thing- ELISE | It's fine, it's your wedding, but- [ they go in circles. the priests exchange a look. ]
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kindaqueerngl · 2 days
do you have any funny will solace headcanons to share?
. Will named his guitar Gary ( Gary Guitar ) and so he'll randomly be like "yeah I'm gonna go play with Gary" and people get confused because he has a boyfriend
. he wears crocs with socks and has croc charms that say the cheesiest shit with inpirational quotes, your mom jokes, song lyrics and bisexual pride stuff
. he's got like a million pickup lines that he'll randomly spring on Nico ( bonus: he does finger guns and clicks his tongue afterwards usually following with a horribly done wink )
. he gets obsessed with people sometimes ( almost like a hyperfixation but with something real ) and will start droning on about how beautiful Nico is
. a stim of his is to excitedly fan himself but he always plays it off that he's fanning himself bc he's so hot
. you can't find a picture of him making a normal face it's not possible
. he gets the words marshmellow and mushroom mixed up so he'll acccidentally tell people that he went marshmellow picking or that he wants marshmellows on his pizza
. he gets those really annoying shirts with horrible slogans like "I'm a master baiter" with a fish on it, "I <3 HOT DADS" , and "if you can read my shirt good job you're reading my shirt"
. when he plays a A minor chord every fucking time he'll either say "a minoooooooor" ( like from not like us ) or he'll say "haha guys look I'm fingering a minor"
. he has like twenty thousand pieces of rocky horror picture show merch and he spends like all of his money on said merch
. he'll listen to a song and pick out the most romantic parts and tell Nico that it reminds him of him but Will really likes Alex G and Corbon Amodio and Cavetown so it's sweet and weirdly sad at the same time
. he can do really really good star wars character impressions ( specifically darth vader, chewbaka, and yoda ) and he'll scare the shit out of people by randomly making the yoda vs dooku noise ( if you're a real one you'll know what I mean by that )
. sometimes he'll talk to ananimate objects and make them talk back to him and one day Nico walks in on him talking to a pen that's stuck in his pencil case and Will yells: "OH MY GODS JUST COME OUT" and then he laughs to himself and does a highpitched voice for the pen and says "I...I'm gay"
. he'll say something flirtatious to Nico and then be like "shit autocorrect" DURING A VERBAL CONVERSATION.
. copes with humour so he'll randomly start playing blackbird by the beatles on guitar in a horrible voice and be like "haha get it because I have trauma with birds"
. jokingly says he's transphobic because he's from Texas so out of nowhere he'll be like "eeEEwwww TRaNs pEoPLe TheY'Re So GroSSSsssSs"
. calls Nico gay as an insult and Nico will be like "Will we've been dating for months"
. says no homo after like hot make out sessions with Nico ( scene: Nico and Will sitting in a bed shirts off with hickeys all over eachother and Will just out of no where "haha no homo though" end scene )
. uses gen alpha slang a ton ( like too much ) so he'll randomly yell "GYAT" at Nico or say that something's sigma
. has braces but eats popcorn and then spends hours trying to get bits out
I have more too
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Let's Forget About the Stars: Chapter 2
A/N: Another chapter for Elvis and Dove! I'm really loving writing a happy couple 😂. Those of you who know me know I usually torture my characters for at least a decade before I let them be happy, but not this time! Also, just a quick note about the nickname: that is a real endearment in Mvskoke, but I spelled it phonetically instead of in the right alphabet. Anyway, I hope you guys love them!
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, this gets a little sexy, erection, reference to masturbation, fingering, dry humping, orgasms, ejaculation, also racism and period-appropriate use of the word "Indian"
Word count: ~2.7k
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He kisses her again as the sun rises on them. And he's right. This is only the beginning.
Elvis and Dove spend the next few weeks in a haze of young love. They have to be careful about where they go and when because his fans seem to always find them, but for the most part they make a way. They spend as much time together as possible and at the end of each night he kisses her in his car outside of the ladies boarding house she has a room in. Every kiss builds in intensity and they struggle to stop themselves from taking it further. His hands roam over her body, squeezing her hips and even venturing to her breasts. She kisses his neck and nibbles his earlobes and they both moan and whimper so much it sounds like they're in pain. And they are every time they have to stop.
Elvis is convinced she's the woman he wants for his first time, but still he wants to wait. He's not sure what exactly he's waiting for, but he knows it's too soon now.
Dove is dying to give herself to him but she lives in constant fear that the second she does he'll lose interest. So instead, she gently pushes his hands away and he moves them to a more acceptable place and tells her goodnight, breathing heavily and dreaming of the day he'll be able to touch her however he wants.
Every time she makes it to her room, she collapses on the bed, her body buzzing and pulsing on the edge of something she can't identify. Elvis is left in the drivers seat with a raging erection, trying to calm himself down before he has to get out of the car. Several times he rushes straight to his bedroom to lay on his bed and pump himself to a release, quietly moaning her name as he makes a mess on his hand. He's running out of self control, but he doesn't want to ruin what he has with Dove. She matters too much.
One night they're finding it particularly difficult to stop. They've said goodnight no less than four times, but they're still glued together, his hand slowly creeping up her thigh under her skirt, his dick so hard it hurts. She whimpers and backs away.
"Elvis, wait." He pulls his hand back and flexes it, groaning. "We have to stop."
His breath is hot against her as he tries to calm down. He kisses her shoulder and exhales deeply.
"I know, Dovey, I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Maybe we just... should?" Her heart skips when she says it. But she's started to wonder how much longer she can make him wait.
"No... no I want to wait until..." For the first time it dawns on him. He knows what he's waiting for. "You need to meet my parents."
"What?" The conversation took a turn she did not expect. In his mind, though, he can't do what he wants to do, ask her what he wants to ask her, until she's met his parents.
"You need to meet Mama and Daddy. Come to dinner tomorrow night."
"O-okay." The prospect is a daunting one for her. She's not sure what they expect of his girlfriends, but she's guessing it's not her. Hopefully, they're not too off-put by her background. "Elvis?"
He kisses her neck gently, trying not to start anything again, but desperate to feel her.
"Yes, Dovey?" She whimpers as he moves down to her collarbone.
"Is it gonna be a problem... that I'm... not white?" He backs up and looks at her sternly.
"No. My mama's people have Cherokee somewhere way back. But if it is, they'll hear from me about it." She nods nervously and he takes her face in his hands. "They'll love you. You have nothing to worry about."
He kisses her deeply and passionately and she presses her body against his. The heat comes back and before they know it they're both breathless and running their hands everywhere again.
"I need to get out of this car."
"Yes you do." He kisses her again.
"I really really do." More kissing.
"Mhmm." She pulls away from him slowly, peeling her body off of his, laughing softly.
"I'll see you tomorrow., Jumbee." She rubs her nose on his. He blinks and laughs.
"What did you call me?"
"Oh! I'm sorry. It's a term of endearment in my language. Like sweetie or honey. It's what my mom calls my dad. I'm sorry, I won't-"
"No, I love it." He nuzzles his nose on hers and then kisses her again.
Reluctantly, she pulls away and slides across the seat to the door, pushing it open to walk up to her front porch. Before she does, though, she leans down to the window.
"Goodnight, Jumbee." He smiles softly.
"G'night, Dovey." She turns and skips up to the front door and he watches. Then he leans his head back against the seat, touching himself gently and whimpering. This is definitely a night that he'll be sneaking into his room for some alone time.
The next night, Elvis pulls up to Graceland with Dove on his front seat. Up until now, she hasn't seen where he lives.
"Woah." Her mouth drops and he laughs.
"I forget how impressive it is if you've never seen it."
"This is beautiful. You didn't tell me you lived in a place like this." He can tell the house makes her nervous.
"We didn't always. This is new. Come on."
"Jumbee, I don't know." He turns to her on the front seat and puts his hand on her cheek.
"Dovey, baby, it's gonna be fine. You trust me?" She looks into his eyes and nods. He kisses her softly and then pushes his forehead into hers. "Come on."
He gets out of the car and runs around to the passenger side to let her out. She stands up out of the car and he puts his hand on the small of her back to lead her inside. In the foyer, she smiles awkwardly as he proudly introduces her to his parents.
"Mama, Daddy, this is Dove Morningstar."
"It's nice to meet you both." Gladys and Vernon smile and shake her hand genially. Gladys speaks first.
"Dove. That's an interesting name."
"Oh, it's actually a nickname. My real name is Eleanor, but they've called me Dove since I was a kid."
"Well, it's lovely."
"Thank you, ma'am." Vernon finally speaks up.
"And Morningstar. You're Indian?"
"Yes, sir. Seminole."
"Hmm." He grunts and Dove can't tell if he's disapproves or if he's just quiet. Elvis steps in.
"Dovey is a singer. You should hear her. She sings better than me." He puts his arm around her waist and pulls her close to him. Gladys smiles at the two of them, glad to see her boy so happy.
"I'd love to hear you sometime, honey. Maybe after dinner we can gather 'round the piano." Dove nods, smiling a little more naturally now. "Speaking of dinner, it's ready. Let's go sit."
Gladys turns and they follow her into the dining room. The rest of the evening passes in polite conversation. Elvis excitedly tells the story of how they met, leaving out all the kissing that happened on the rooftop. Dove answers questions about her family and her upbringing and listens attentively to the stories that the Presleys share. Overall, things go very well.
After dinner, they gather around the piano singing together. Gladys is indeed impressed by Dove's voice and her knowledge of gospel songs. Eventually, Dove sits on the bench next to Elvis and puts her hands on the keys. Elvis didn't even know she played, but he watches her in awe as she gently presses the keys, singing a hymn in her Native language. When she finishes, he leans over and kisses her softly, unable to stop himself.
"That was beautiful, Dovey."
"Thanks, Jumbee." She whispers it but they're close enough that Gladys catches her nickname for him.
"That's sweet. What's it mean?" Dove looks up at her but before she can answer, Elvis cuts in.
"It's an endearment in her language. She used it for me and it just kinda stuck." He smiles proudly again and Vernon sighs discontentedly.
"Son, can I talk with you for a moment?"
"Sure, Daddy." He gestures and Elvis follows him into the corner. Dove plays another song on the piano and Gladys sings along. At the end, she stops her.
"Honey, how do you know all these gospel songs?"
"Oh. My daddy is a preacher."
"An Indian preacher?"
"Yes ma'am." Gladys beams. She's proud of her son for finding such a good girl. "Play another one, baby."
Dove goes into another song and the ladies harmonize while the men talk.
"You're not serious about this girl, Elvis." Elvis looks at him in shock.
"I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
"You know you have an image to uphold now."
"Yeah, and? I know the Colonel wants me single, but I can't stay that way forever."
"It's not just that, son. This kind of... interracial relationship... it's not gonna be good."
"Interracial relationship?!"
"She's not white, son."
"And you think that's a problem?"
"I think it just might be more trouble than she's worth." Elvis raises his voice and catches the attention of both women.
"You listen to me, Daddy. I don't care what you or anybody else has to say about it. She is worth it and I am serious about her."
"Now, son, there's no need-"
"No, there is a need! I love her and nothing you say is going to change it!" He stops and looks around the silent room. Dove has stopped playing the piano. She whispers to herself.
"He loves me?" Gladys responds quietly.
"That's what I heard." She puts her hands on Dove's shoulders protectively, glaring at Vernon. Elvis crosses the room and stands her up to face him.
"Yes. I love you, Dovey and I don't care who knows it." A warm smile spreads across her face.
"I love you too, Elvis." He leans down and kisses her a little more passionately than he should in front of his parents.
"Come on, Vernon. Let's get to bed and leave these two young people to each other." Gladys goes to usher him out of the room.
"Goodnight, Mama." Elvis says it without taking his eyes off of Dove.
"You two don't stay up too late."
"Yes ma'am."
"It was lovely to meet you, Dove."
"You too, Mrs. Presley." She knows it's probably rude, but she can't look away from Elvis. Gladys smiles again and walks from the room with Vernon in tow. Once his parents are gone, Elvis pulls Dove into a deep kiss, pressing his body against hers. He whispers against her lips.
"Come up to my room." He turns and takes her hand, leading her up the stairs. Once they get to his room, Dove swallows nervously. "Dovey, it's okay. Tonight's not the night."
She smiles and he pulls her into another kiss. The kiss heats up and he walks her backwards to the bed. He lays down with her, running his hand across her stomach and down to her hip. She throws her leg over him and rolls her hips into his. He pulls back, breathing heavily.
"Okay, slow down."
"I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay, baby. I know it's hard to stop." A lightbulb goes off for him and he smiles. "Honey, what if we... did something... but not... that..."
"Like what?" He smiles slyly.
"Do you trust me?"
"Always, Jumbee." He moves his hand down to her knee, trying to stop himself from trembling. His hand slides slowly up her thigh to her hip under her skirt. Then, he walks his fingers over to her center. She whimpers.
"Elvis, what are you doing?"
"Just let me touch you. I promise we won't go any further." She nods. He fumbles a little but eventually gets his fingers under the edge of her panties, moving them down to the place where she didn't even know she was aching for him.
"Oh..." She moans softly as his finger finds her center and moves around the edges of her entrance. "Tell me if it hurts or doesn't feel good..."
She whimpers again as he carefully slides one finger inside her.
"Oh, God." He looks at her carefully.
"Yes..." He starts to move his finger in and out and she moans. He smiles and then leans in, kissing her neck gently. He's talked to the guys enough to know what to do next. His thumb makes its way carefully to her sensitive bud, making circles. Her back arches and she whimpers.
"Is that good, baby?" She makes a noise somewhere between a moan and a grunt and he smiles again. He seems to be on the right track.
Dove is overwhelmed with the sensation of his hand on her. Something is building inside her and though she doesn't know what it is, she wants it to continue to completion. In efforts to reach whatever the goal is, she grinds into him, inadvertently rubbing against his cock, which is already hard just with what he's doing. He whines and rubs himself against her again. His mouth moves back up to hers and he kisses her deeply, rolling into her a little harder. She feels his hardness against her hip and it turns her on even more as she grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him in close to her.
"Oh, Elvis, don't stop!" He pumps his finger into her harder and harder as he grinds against her over and over. The friction is pushing his foreskin back and forth over his dick and he feels the pressure building.
"Mmm... Dove, baby, it feels so good."
"Yes! Yes!" He moves his thumb faster over her clit, nibbling on her earlobe and rubbing against her hip passionately. The heat between them grows as the intensity of their actions increases. His fingers move deftly against her as his hips do the same. They both feel like they're about to burst with desire and love for each other. And then they do.
"God, yes, baby, fuck!"
"Elvis!" She moans his name loudly as she climaxes hard against his hand, pulsing around his finger just as he ruts against her one last time, shuddering and whimpering, filling his pants with ropes of cum. She rides out the high of her orgasm completely oblivious to the fact that he's doing the exact same thing. He realizes what happened, though and pulls away quickly.
"Wait? Where are you going?"
"I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry."
"What? Why?" She looks down at his crotch and notices the wet spot on his pants. "What happened?"
"I-I-I I finished..."
"Oh..." She giggles and he rolls his eyes, embarrassed. He tries to move away from her again and she grabs him. "No, it's okay Jumbee. That was really... it's okay..."
He looks up at her shyly.
"You really don't mind?"
"No, baby. I'm glad it was good for you too."
"Yes." She leans into him and kisses him deeply. He wraps her in his arms.
"I love you, Dovey. So much."
"I love you too, Jumbee." He nuzzles into the side of her face and kisses her cheek.
"You wanna stay? I can hold you all night." She considers what it would mean for her to stay all night with him. Then she looks into his eyes. He is her future. Why would she ever leave?
"Yes, please." A genuine smile spreads across his face and he jumps out of bed, going to his drawers. He grabs a set of pajamas and brings it over to the bed.
"You take the top and I'll take the bottoms. Then we can snuggle up and sleep all night just you and me." He pushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear and kisses her cheek.
They both change into the set of pajamas and then crawl into bed. He cuddles up behind her and buries his face in her hair.
"I'm so glad I met you."
"Me too, Jumbee. Me too."
They drift off to sleep together, Elvis's mind racing with plans of how and when to ask and visions of her in a white dress walking down the aisle towards him.
Until next time!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @everythingelvispresley
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antimony-medusa · 1 hour
*I emerge from several weeks of talking about conceptualizing my cubitos and who else populates their world and what the precise nature of the character is* Hello. Hi. It's time for my twice-yearly thoughts on RPF.
Okay so I was one of the people who was emailing Ao3 about it when we had all of MCYT wrangled into VBRPF going please please please please can we have our own server tags pleeeeeeease I promise it's not just video blogging rpf pleeeeeeease my streamer doesn't have wings in real life pleasssssseeee— and my general stance is that writing about Dream SMP characters is writing about characters, it's not RPF.
Not quite. It's not quite RPF. There is a meaningful distinction there, but it's not a really huge one. That distinction exists and is important to me in how I conceptualize those characters and whether I'm mentally going "okay I need to study lore streams for vocal patterns" for voice research or if I'm going "okay I need to pull up technocord logs " to get techno voice right. What I consider the authoritative canon "character" is a rp guy who spawns withers, not a real streamer in california with a little white dog.
But like I do multifandom exchanges and I wander into them with my cubitos clutched tight in my palms, and I see what other fandoms look like— and importantly, I see what other rpf fandoms look like— and guys, I think that line is legitimately blurry and I think that's literally fine. If I walk into a mulltfandom space with my guys they're going to squint at me and go "rpf fandom— kinda, I think" and I can go "hahaha, not quite", but also I do not blame other people for thinking this is RPF cause like— there are a lot of similarities!
What MCYT tends to classify as "RPF" is directly stories operating in a world where the characters are streamers, they post on twitter, they have lunch with the CEO of twitch. And anyone not writing that, is obviously not writing RPF. And that is not untrue, up to a point, but there is a broad category of fics that tend WAY harder into the pure fictional that are still considered RPF fandoms, if you actually check what other RPF fandoms are doing. There are 599 works in "Demon Shane Madej", many of which are in AUs that have no connection to the real world other than the character relationships, and they're still officially considered RPF.
I have a friend who's in a c-drama rpf fandom that has a rpf ship they really like, and a really popular thing is to take the various characters these actors have played (totally fictional characters from various media) and ship them together. And that's just a crossover of two fictional mediums, but because the thread connecting them is two guys in real life, that's considered RPF.
The banddom tags are absolutely COMPLETELY full of aus that are not set in the real world at all, no connection to the music industry, and what the people in those fandoms will say is like yeah, I have no idea about the real guy, I'm working with a character/persona who's put on for the stage and interviews and personas, and that guy is not REAL, who knows what the real guy is like, but like, I like the persona, I deal with the persona, and then they put that persona in an au where he kisses other personas— and this gets considered RPF.
Wrestler RPF is directly dealing with invented characters who are beating the bloody snot out of each other (hot), they have names like "the undertaker", dealing with scripted storylines, but it still get considered RPF.
And like, I look at myself as I am entering my fourth year of writing Technoblade most of the time, and what I'm doing here and— there are a lot of similarities in what I'm doing to what other RPF fandoms are doing. I'm a fan of the DSMP character but I'm also a fan of the guy, so I want to play in this extended universe, so I want to include nods to his other stuff. So I will pepper in a cheeky nod to the potato war here, I'll mention hypixel there, etc, kind of make an extended Technoblade universe. And I think that's not RPF (quite) because I'm working from a fictional canon that includes references to the potato war and hypixel etc, I'm just expanding on it, but like, this is literally what my friend in c-drama rpf does as well when she's writing aus about her guy. It's kind of close to RPF. That line is not really obvious to the casual viewer.
So I do not blame anyone else if they look at what we're doing and they go ah, nods wisely, you are a rpf fandom, I've seen this before, and we go um actually, hahah, you'd think that, but no, and then they nod and clearly do not understand how it's not a RPF fandom.
But the thing is it's literally fine if people think that, I think. RPF is not the end of the world. It's just a bunch of people working with people's various performancesonas and worksonas and having fun with it. Spoilers for mythbusters in the real world, but we now know that by the end of mythbusters adam and jamie were not really friends, but most of the mythbusters rpf keeps them as friends because that was the professional persona they provided for the camera, and that was the fictional world the writers wanted to live in. I don't think it's a problem if someone wants to write straight up streamer fic, you do you, and that's unequivocally RPF, but once you start getting into AUs and extended universes and bringing emduo content into qsmp and writing fic based on GIGS streams, the line legitimately gets WAY more blurry.
I think a bunch of fic (including my fic) can start to exist in a "both things are true" state where it's drawing from direct fiction but it's also drawing from a lot of stuff that other fandoms would consider RPF sources, and like, I don't mind this. I don't think it's bad if you're doing this too. We're not getting more DSMP content, the fandom police are not gonna turn up at your house if you want to pull strongly from minecraft monday for your fic. Do schlackity on QSMP. Do a DSMP extended future where tommy gets tubbo to marry him for a bit and then tubbo immediately demands a divorce. The canon of material we have to draw on is not something where big obvious lines exist between "rpf content" and "pure fiction" if you step at ALL outside of canon-compliant. Like fuck, in my very first DSMP longfic I included all these hermit cameos and mcc references which would make it RPF in any other canon, but also I was pulling strongly from the prison arc lore and beats and relationships for the core, which is NOT rpf, and at this point it is not worth the hassle in my head to draw a strong distinction between them.
It's kinda RPF. It's not quite RPF. It's fictional. It's based in the real world. It's all personas. it's drawing on off-lore-stream dynamics. It's drawing on scripted scenes where my streamer had his camera in lore mode. It's COMPLICATED to unpick and I legitimately think that's fine. RPF is literally fine, some people are gonna think we're writing RPF, it's not the end of the world. Just have fun with it.
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lilligantlover · 2 days
cs pride headcannons
happy pride month! this is to the gays, lesbians, queers, transgenders, nonbinaries, bisexuals, everyone!!!!! (except homophobes, get away) happy pride month and good job being so fruity! we love u ^_^
ok so basically i have headcanons for my fav pokemon characters, may drew harley n solidad but i never really did much with them but since its literally pride month right now i thought why not draw them? theyre more like chibi attempted weird ass doodles butttttttt
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first up, of course, our baby drew.
theres smth about him that just screams transgender.. hes ftm (female to male) since he didnt feel right in his body, but doesnt mind presenting himself in a feminine way. demisexual also because i dont feel like he randomly falls in love with people unless they know them well and have a good bond! and he obviously doesnt care about anyones gender whatsoever, doesnt have a preference either.
he goes by he/they pronouns and would rather not be regarded by feminine names, though he himself doesnt really care about how he appears to others
if someone comes out to drew:
someone: “drew, i have to tell you something.. im lesbian.”
drew: “thats nice”
drew is neutral about this stuff. he simply doesnt mind that much. though inside, secretly, he is pretty proud of whoever comes out to him; he does care.
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next up, may!
may is an ally, no doubt. she loves everyone as they are! i debated making her asexual for a hot second, but scrapped it later as i didnt really liked that for her :P
she goes by she/her! she respects everyones pronouns, and if unsure if what pronouns to use she always uses they/them to avoid mis pronouncing. always shows up at pride conventions!
if someone were to come out to may:
someone: “may.. i have to tell you something. im non-binary”
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next up, our cunty harley!
hes bisexual and non-binary. he loves both women and men, and simply doesnt give a fuck about (his) gender. he goes by she/he/they pronouns since he really doesnt care what people regard him as. “gender doesnt matter honey!”
he doesnt mind looking feminine or masculine at all, so sometimes u see him skipping around in skirts and the other moment you see him in a suit. and honestly? we love that for him. pop off harley
if someone were to come out to harley:
someone: “hey, harley? can i tell you something? im gay.”
harley: “OOOOOO! so proud of you honey! welcome to the gays!”
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and lastly, solidad!
shes a lesbian. i dont care what you have got to say, solidad is a lesbian. she loves women, she loves feminine people. shes also aromantic because i can make her aromantic. she naturally loves platonically, but she can love (and feel) romantically, just not that often.
she herself is also an ally, of course, everyone in these headcanons are, but she is an ally. she supports everyone the way they are, no matter their sexuality, gender, race, background, whatever. she loves everyone. n that goes for may drew and harley also! solidad would probably be the most calm if you were to come out to her, though.
if someone were to come out to solidad:
someone: “solidad? i wanted to tell you that im bisexual..”
solidad: “oh, that’s wonderful! congratulations. i am so proud of you for telling me.”
happy pride month! make sure to love everyone the way they are. love isnt a choice, neither the way you were born or how you feel in your own body! youre good as u are!
im pretty much questioning myself, i mean, im sure im aroace but beside that? no clue. for now id just say im heterosexual, but i havent really fallen for people romantically or sexually so i dont know at all lol
school still isnt over, still have about a month left 💔 i hate the netherlands vacation time so much only 6 weeks for summer break is crazy
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finchesslingshott · 2 days
ACT 1     ⁃    SOBBINGGGG OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE YOU ORCHESTRA     ⁃    ok valjean i see you!! get the emotions!!!     ⁃    YES ENSEMBLE I SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU     ⁃    I DREAMED A DREAM. OH MY GOSH. HER VOICE. cry #1     ⁃    fantine death- THE EMOTIONSSSSSS. OH MY GOSH. cry #2     ⁃    cosette im sobbing i love you     ⁃    YES THENARDIERS YOURE SO ICONIC     ⁃    all together master of the house is a 5000/10 literally so funny     ⁃    THE SET???? THE FRICKING SET???!?!?!!?!?!??!     ⁃    VALJEAN AND BABY COSETTE SINGING TOGETHER BEFORE THE BARGAIN???? BRB SOBBING MY EYES OUT OHMYGOSH     ⁃    OHMYGOSH GAVROCHE. GAVROCHE. GAVROCHE.     ⁃    ok grantaire i see you!??! long haired drunk king??? get it i guess???!!!     ⁃    RED AND BLACKKKK IM CRYING THE HARMONIESSSSS - cry #3     ⁃    "listen!! lisTEN TO ME!!? L I S T E N  E V E R Y B O D Y" (really awkward pause) "general lamarque is dead.."     ⁃    me and my friend both said "womp womp" and were sobbing laughing     ⁃    i LIVE for the grantaire + gavroche duo like theyre such a cute duo i cant     ⁃    DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING OH MY GOODNESS HARMONIESSSS - cry #4     ⁃    oh my gosh the eponine/thenardier fight i love them so much what a traumatic duo     ⁃    IN MY LIIIIIIIIIIIFE I WANT TO BE COSETTE SHES SO HOT     ⁃    A HEART FULL OF LOVE THOSE HARMONIESSSSS THE END OHMYGOSHHHH - cry #5     ⁃    stars - so much better than russell crowe but thats not saying much - 1000000/10 i love you javert     ⁃    I. LOVE. TENORS. OH. MY. GOODNESS.     ⁃    ONE DAY MORE. OH MY GOSH. THE CHOREO. THE SET. THE CHARACTERS. THE HARMONIES. THAT STUPID RED FLAG. OH. MY. GOSH. - ♾️/10 i love you marius never change - cry #6
side note- i was sobbing at the end of "one day more" as intermission started and house lights went up i just looked up at my mom + friend and said "i freaking love tenors" through copious tears ANYWHO-
ACT 2     ⁃    THE BARRICADE????? THE SET????????????? OHMYGOSH????     ⁃    OKAY OH MY GOODNESS WHO ALLOWED IT TO OPEN WITH ON MY OWN THATS NOT FAIR - cry #7     ⁃    little fall of rain OHHHH MY GOSHHHHH MARIUS PONTMERCY I LOVE YOU - cry #8     ⁃    AND WHY ON GODS BEAUTIFUL GREEN EARTH DID "DRINK WITH ME" IMMEDIATELY PROCEED THAT IM SOBBING     ⁃    gavroche sprinting across the stage and hugging grantaire like his life depends on it, grantaire turning around dropping to his knees and just hugging that sweet little boy i love him grantaire was shaking i love him     ⁃    grantaire i love you why did you leave me - cry #9     ⁃    AND THEN "BRING HIM HOME??? RIGHT THERE???? WTFFFF????? - cry #10     ⁃    WHO SET GAVROCHES DEATH I WANT TO HUG YOU AND KILL YOU AT THE SAME TIME YOU PUT A SPOT ON MY BOY ON CENTRE AT THE TOP OF THE BARRICADE AND THEN JUST LET HIM SLUMP INTO GRANTAIRES ARMS??? BECAUSE YOU WANT TO HURT ME THAT MUCH???? - cry #11     ⁃    and ohmygosh the dead silence after his death like everyones in shock oh my goodness gavroche come back i miss you     ⁃    UGHHHH THE WAY THE ABC BOYS DEATHS WERE SETTTTTT I CANT THE SPOTS ON ALL OF EM IM SOBBING - cry #12     ⁃    ENJOLRAS BEING THE LAST ONE AND DOING THE ARM RAISE AND THEN JUST FLOPPING OVER NOOOOO BBY DONT LEAVE ME ILY - cry #13     ⁃    the guy putting gavroche in the cart with enjolras SOBBING I MISS THEM     ⁃    javert starting to emotionally unravel when seeing gavroche dead     ⁃    OK BACKDROP I SEE YOU ATE IT UP     ⁃    thenardier i hate you i cant wait for you to die say hi to judas ascariot for me     ⁃    EMPTY CHAIRS AT EMPTY TABLES MARIUS I LOVE YOU - 10000000000000/10     ⁃    when "phantom faces at the window" all thE ABC BOYS CAME OUT WITH ENJOLRAS AND GAVROCHE SPLITTING CENTRE AS THE FIRST AND LAST OF THE ABC BOYS TO FALL ON THE BARRICADE LITERALLY STOP - cry #14     ⁃    javerts suicide omw literally in shock like jaw DROPPED tears STREAMING - cry #15     ⁃    the EMOTIONNNNNNN     ⁃    ALSO THE WHOLE SCENE LIKE THE BACKDROP??? THE TECH??? THE LIGHTING???     ⁃    orchestra i love you never change ever marry me     ⁃    the wedding ate i freaking love mme. thenardier shes so chaotic     ⁃    "this ones a queer / i'll give it a try" (mr thenardier dips another dude like a fricking king ily)     ⁃    marius i love you marry me forget cosette MARRY ME     ⁃    fantine in valjeans death scene I LITERALLY CANT I LOVE YOU - cry #16     ⁃    EPONINEEEEEE FANTINEEEEE I LOVE YOU     ⁃    valjean pulling off his coat and being in white bcs hes dead now UGH     ⁃    the FRICKING ENSEMBLE AND ENJOLRAS AND GAVROCHE SPLITTING CENTRE AGAIN WITH GRANTAIRE BESIDE GAVROCHE UGH I LOVE THEM - cry #17     ⁃    VALJEAN WALKING BACK AND HUGGING JAVERT UGH TEARS STREAMING - cry #18     ⁃    THE FINAL CHORD - "tomorrOW (pause for five seconds) COOOOOOOOOOOMEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" - cry #19     ⁃    I LOVE YOU ORCHESTRA
conclusion: i dont think i've cried that much in years and i know this is what i want to do with my life also i love you grantaire
thank you for your time i'm gonna go cry now
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thecluelessdoctor · 7 hours
little warning: angry rants, MY OPIONION, DONT BE A DICK
alright people you all need to know
helluva boss is objectively a better show than hazbin hotel. which isnt a high bar to beat but still
look the animation is better, the songs are better other than a few, the story is better and more relatable, with more relateable characters than hazbin, the characters and the designs of them are better because they dont rely on stripes and dots to make everyone different, they just art. hell moxxie, milie, and blitz are all the same type of creature and yet they are ten times better and more diverse than the whole hazbin cast.
there isnt too many main characters. our mains in heluva are the I.M.P, and stolas. everyone else is objectively a side character. in hazbin however we have Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Husker, pentious, Alastor, soon to be lucifer, niffty, and all the villains like the vees and the angels. in hazbin they try to give the spotlight to the characters who dont need it, while not giving it to the mains as much as needed. in helluva, they do get side tracked alot, however endless its made clear that that episode is gonna be about xuz character, its mostly about our mains, esp blitz and stolas seeing how any more, they are the main event (lowkey cant wait for apology tour. full moon was... REALY good. ALSO VEROSIKA IS COMING BACK LETS GOOOOOOOO)
helluva boss tried to introduce all its villains naturally in season one. and it did. fizz got replaced with mammon so im interested to see where that goes
overall, helluva boss, isnt perfect. its a comedy telenovela basically. but thats its charm
its only strong suits are is music and animation. and even then. that isnt enough to carry a full ass show.
anyway, im Finnley, and i was supposed to be the cool hot one but the neurodivergence makes me like things a abnormal amount.
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nerdieforpedro · 8 hours
Those Damn Hot Dogs
Chapter One of Therapy for the Well-Adjusted
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Word Count: 1859
Warnings: Nerdie doesn’t know how the FBI works (despite watching all the crimes procedurals), one gun shot, insulting hot dogs 🌭, random book reference, a wee bit of blood, yelling & cursing
Summary: Marcus Pike was mandated to go to therapy. His journey there was very bumpy. We meet Dr. Mint and Vernon! (both OFCs)
Notes: I started this because I wanted Marcus to be a bit unhinged. Like why not? 😀
But also because I’ve had some bad experiences with therapy and some very positive ones.
Plus I enjoyed the doctor’s names way too much. I’m on my mess with puns. 😉
If you feel you need therapy or counseling, you should research the best cost effective options for you and make sure that your therapist is someone you feel comfortable with. Vibes are important in this case.
Main Masterlist/ Marcus Pike Masterlist
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Marcus is talking with his therapist, Dr. Mint. He never thought he would need to see one. Not that people don’t need to see them or take their mental health seriously, they should and he does. He has to. He’s an FBI agent. Although he is in art crimes, there’s still quite a bit of shady characters, deals and crazy crap that people will do to have their art or hide how they got it.
The journey to Dr. Mint took Marcus two months from the incident to now.
The incident in question was something he never expected. Marcus Pike prided himself on being able to roll with life's punches, no matter how gut-wrenching they might be. Prior to ‘the incident’ his team were investigating possible pieces of art that were thought to have been smuggled into the country. Supposedly from California over to the East Coast. That should have been his first clue, the mention of that state. He was briefed about two consultants coming to assist since they had dealings and information of the particular ring of smugglers.
Patrick Jane and his wife Teresa Jane.
The amount of time Marcus had put into this case had been the last few months. Tracking leads, making connections, reviewing financials, flights, etc. He implored his superiors that they didn’t need their help. They’re making headway toward busting these guys without these two, especially one of them’s penchant for causing property damage and being a PR nightmare. The higher ups said that his team had enough time to find these guys and they haven’t so this case needs to be closed now. Pike didn’t understand the urgency, these were typical smugglers, not traffickers or people or drugs, but he had to back down. He would take many deep breaths and interact with them as little as possible.
Of course Patrick Jane asked to be on my team. The vest wearing, tired brown shoes having hot dog water looking bastard.
Agent Pike knew he’d have to grin and bear it. He’s a professional and a special agent. Unlike this prick, he can’t just do as he pleases. There are rules, regulations and he would like to stay gainfully employed at a job he loves. Patrick Jane nor his hot dog water loving wife Teresa will make him lose it.
The first two weeks went fine. Limited interaction, and all about the case. The third week was when they finally caught the smugglers at their warehouse. A mix of Marcus pulling up prior maps of an area outside of DC on the outskirts of the state of Virginia and Patrick seeing a pattern in pieces they were taking. The bust was running smoothly, all of them were caught except one. Marcus was chasing him and the idiot ‘not an actual agent’ Patrick decided he was somehow going to help chase the perp as well in those slippery ugly brown shoes.
It was his own fault.
Not Pike’s. He called in that he saw the suspect, let them know he was in pursuit and was chasing them. It was Jane that called himself trying to be some action hero popping out from a nearby alley to chase the same perp. Pike yelled at him to move, Patrick chose not to listen. His ass paid the price. Literally.
Some might have thought Marcus did it on purpose, especially if they knew the extremely sorted history between Patrick, Teresa and Marcus, but he truly did not. The suspect had pulled a gun and was trying to shoot Marcus, he dodged and shot the perp in the calf, disabling him enough for Pike to run over and clap cuffs on him. He then called for an ambulance.
Pike heard Patrick cursing as he was laying on the ground. Marcus thought maybe he just fell, but there was blood, not from the suspect. Jane was bleeding from his ass, the bullet had grazed him before hitting the suspect. Before Marcus could hold it in, and remain professional he laughed. Not a chuckle or snicker but a full, down on both knees next to the perp laugh. Which made the smuggler laugh as well. Teresa and the other agents made their way over and wondered what an agent and criminal could find so funny. Mrs. Hot Dog became hysterical that Patrick was bleeding so of course he leaned into it, shaking where he hadn’t been before.
Marcus and the suspect watched and looked at each other, “That’s some bullshit my guy.” Pike agreed. Standing up holding the suspect in front of him, he took him over to be booked and processed.
Patrick was taking his sweet time getting off the ground and Teresa was beginning to yell at Marcus, telling him that she’d have his badge for harming her Patrick.
Marcus Pike had enough. He requested to not have them in this case, asked to be reassigned, and has kept interactions to a minimum. He didn’t ask Patrick to chase a suspect. He’s a consultant. He’s not supposed to be doing it anyway!
Uncharacteristically, Marcus yelled and told Teresa to “keep her hot dog water looking man out of the way of FBI business. Had he not been here, the suspect wouldn’t have shot him. Jane needs to stay in his lane and keep all his hot dog foolishness over there.” Teresa was going to say something else, “You don’t say shit to me. You left me then, how am I supposed to know you’re going to do your damn job in the field if you didn’t even have the backbone to tell me no face to face or over the phone. You didn’t ask what actually happened! Put a bun on him to soak up his blood and hot dog water.”
Everyone was silent, even Jane.
No one expected Marcus to say anything, let alone admonishing Patrick and Teresa’s behavior. Everyone knew it was a lot but Pike had been a consummate professional during their entire time here.
Teresa was mortified and started to cry. Jane finally got up and limped over to the supervising agent who just told him to go over to the ambulance to get checked out.
No one directly addressed it, not until the Jane’s were gone and they threw a party. Marcus was invited but he declined. He’d been put out on administrative leave and was at home tuning his bass guitar. Wondering about what they said. They suggested he take some time off, cool his head and could come back after some counseling session.
Marcus had tried to go to the FBI one but it ended on a weird note. The initial meeting went well, but the small older woman asked for a hug. She said that Marcus resembled her former husband. He politely declined and told his supervisors that it wasn’t going to work with the FBI’s counselor.
Pike now had two weeks to find one he could see and clear him. His colleague Mark, suggested one that had helped him and his wife during a rough period in their marriage:
Dr. Mint of “Mint and Julep Counseling: Helping therapy go down smooth.”
The name and the tagline made Marcus chuckle and highly suspicious so he researched them, Mark vouched for the group of counselors and doctors. It’s worth a try. It had to be better than the last one.
Marcus wore his red flannel shirt, open exposing his white t-shirt underneath. Rubbing his hands on his dark wash jeans, getting the sweat off them, he opened the glass door leading into the reception area. The colors were neutral: white, tan, gold and gray. There was a friendly older gentleman at the desk who wore and striking green sweater and had bi-focals, peering at Marcus upward, maybe trying to look through the upper half of the glasses.
“Good afternoon sir, here for an appointment?”
“Yes I am. New patient for Dr. Mint. Marcus Pike. Nice to meet you sir.”
“Oh! You’re early, that’s nice. Wait there. Did you want some water? I’ll let them know you’re here. Should be finishing up with the previous patient shortly.” The gentleman informed him and Marcus took a seat on one of the black leather chairs.
He waited about ten minutes, he’d been fifteen minutes early. It was easier to find than he thought and it was in a stand alone building rather than in a strip mall. It was near a Panera and a Dunkin’s so Marcus had some landmarks for it.
Dr. Mint has sepia bangs which seems to be their natural hair color. The rest of their hair is cut close and is dyed a deep plum color. Normally Marcus might have taken a pause given that they’re also wearing a cream sweater that looks one size too big for them with black slacks and loafers, but they shake his hand and have a strong grip. Pike respects this and follows the good doctor to his office. The agent figures it can’t be worse than the last therapist. Dr. Mint is a few inches taller than Marcus but thin, willowy he might say. Something about him invokes trust, could be their sharp jaw and or that once they sit and Marcus begins talking about what happened with the two hot dogs, he sees something in their dark brown eyes that he didn’t with the other therapists. Dr. Mint didn’t think he’d lost his mind.
Pike’s luck has finally changed.
The doctor thanked Marcus for coming to see them and hoped that he would make a future appointment. They also stated that given the pressure he was under and the specific circumstances, they weren’t sure there was a right way to approach the situation.
“I mean, it is kinda funny. If you think about it, Dr. Mint.” Marcus departs their office and makes an appointment for later in the week with Vernon, the front desk gentleman. On his way out, he held the door for a woman in a cobalt dress, she thanked him and smiled. Pike felt his eyes linger on her for a few moments as she went to the desk and checked in with Vernon too. She sat down, crossing her legs at her ankles after setting her black tote back in a chair next to her. She was on her phone for a few and then pulled her bag into her lap, making herself smaller despite the waiting room being empty save for the man behind the desk.
Marcus wondered what brought her to this place, it could be anything. Her blue dress stuck out in his mind and he remembered there was a book about a woman in a blue dress, what was it called? He stopped to grab a salad and soup from Panera before heading home.
“Wait…” Marcus pulled into his parking space outside of his apartment building. “Devil in the blue dress, I think it’s by Walter Mosley. Wasn’t that a movie too? Maybe I should watch it tonight.” As tonight’s feature was decided, he set about trying to find which streaming service it would be on.
Marcus felt he made a good choice today.
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Hot dog haters 🌭: @megamindsecretlair @jessthebaker @avastrasposts @jeewrites @josephquinnswhore
@bishtrouille @readingiskeepingmegoing @survivingandenduring @morallyinept @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
@soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @rosecentaur1916 @rulexofxnines @inept-the-magnificent
Chapter Two
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one of the things i always feel guilty about is empathizing with certain historical figures who, more or less, turn out to be a spawn of the devil. sulla's familial relationships always intrigued me because in a way, i see parallels between our lives. i cannot turn out a maniac like him (perhaps not as large scale but corruption spreads like a disease anywhere) yet it is still a fig in the tree, ripening slowly and it scares me.
Anon...I'm not your therapist, but I'm posting this because I suspect a lot of people on here have similar fears.
There are many reasons why you might feel drawn toward a "bad" character or historical figure:
Escapism. When I was a teenager I loved Alucard from Hellsing. Not because I wanted to run around killing people like he did, but because it was fun to imagine being invincible. It's another form of playing pretend.
It may help you process difficult feelings or thoughts. As a kid, my classmates and I sang songs about bombing our school and decapitating the teachers. (It was a different time.) In play therapy, kids often fantasize about killing their parents - even if those parents are good people. Because again, it's not about really wanting to kill, it's about letting out feelings of frustration, in a symbolic and nonviolent way. Catharsis.
Maybe it feels validating to see a character who shares some of your feelings or experiences. It's a form of representation. Also cathartic.
Intrusive thoughts. Repeated thoughts of "What if I do [bad thing]?" usually occur because your brain knows it's bad and is trying to avoid doing the bad thing, not because you secretly want to do it. Just having these thoughts, but not wanting to act on them, does not make you more likely to do it than someone without these thoughts. It can also be a symptom of OCD.
Maybe the character was engaging in a book or TV show you saw. I suspect a lot of Sulla's popularity comes from novels like Masters of Rome and Roman Blood, where he is fascinating and well-written.
Maybe you just think he's hot. There's a reason why the "bad boy" is such a common love interest in romance fiction, and it's not because the readers are too clueless to notice he's a bad role model. It's pretend.
We're often drawn to the forbidden and taboo because they're taboo. It's like watching horror movies. By exposing ourselves to dangerous or scary topics on our terms, we retain a sense of control, and can learn to cope with those feelings.
If you have low self-esteem, your brain might just be inventing reasons why you're a bad person, and if it weren't Sulla it'd be something else.
Whatever it is, there's a part of yourself that needs space to feel, to breathe, to express itself. If you try to reject it, you'll just keep holding onto this shame and fear. A lot of people do that. They often become judgmental or controlling of others because they're projecting their own judgment and shame outward.
Instead, I suggest drawing a line between your thoughts and your actions. Thought crime isn't real. You cannot harm or help people just by thinking something, so applying morality to thoughts is pointless. As long as you act toward people with kindness and respect, you're golden.
I noticed a lot of Christian language in your message (moral corruption, the fig tree, spawn of Satan). Try looking into non-Christian religions and philosophies. Look at what Epicureans, Daoists, Buddhists, and other cultures have to say about being a "good" or "bad" person. Then decide for yourself who you think is right. This will make you more confident in your own judgment, and less easily influenced by people trying to shove their moral baggage onto you. (If you need a starting point, I've always loved Stephen Mitchell's version of the Dao De Jing. It's short, beautiful, and gentle.)
Try to go easier on yourself, anon. The very fact that you worry about this is a sign that you have a good heart deep down. The most dangerous people in this world aren't those who admit to having "bad" thoughts, but the ones who refuse to consider they could ever be wrong or bad.
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silusvesuius · 10 days
nelvas Problematiq*eyes roll back into my skull* *falls flat on my face with cardboard cutout physics* ((7 hours later)) *wakes up in barren wasteland* I know everything now.
#text#hold on having automated nelvas truths#i think if t*lvas ever got a girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever (actually he'd be ashamed of being gay ithink but i'll have to think -#- about it🤦‍♀️) n*loth would get so mad at that fact he'd try to hurt his feelings first by saying he's not doing well enough on his work a#- then belittle his relationship in general. The jaw clenching eye rolling white hot rage he feels in himself anytime he hears t*lvas -#- laughing is CRAYZ 😂😂😂😂😂 i fink he'd just hate seeing him happy for any reason because it makes him cringe (in a very broad way)#not because it's t*lvas but bc he just has inset problems that make him hate happy people but it;s worse when it's t*lvas 😊 you feel me#anyways he'd just kill dat girlfriend and spend an hour getting rid of her body. or actually he might be the type to stage it so that -#- t*lvas sees it and is insanely hurt :) so in turn he can use that hurt to soften t*lvas' feelings toward himself when he shows him very -#- very veeeery fake and mild 'support'. that'd traumatize t*lvas so bad that he wouldn't even be against being close to neloff in any way -#- cause he's too busy crying and grieving IO808ITORE5JUDFKGLK bye#nelvas is so powerful because they are the only people in each others vicinity and neloff's grasp on t*lvas is just strong#why are you holding his arm like that bro nobody is gonna take your elven twink away from U#anywasy Yeah.... *proud face* *looking @ my nails*#the natural tsundere to yandere character development pipeline is unrealllll#Neloff is a Jealous Sim
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i don't think you've made a solaris design yet.... but am i allowed to request solaris anyways. or will i get beaten with two billion hammers until i die. for this.
No hammers for you, these asks hold me accountable to actually design the characters...
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Filled a double page spread with just her...thus the 'Oops! All Solaris'
On THAT note, +2 sketchbook pages filled, 6/30 completed. I have 2 weeks until my hand in so I gotta pick up the pace. Blimey.
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I’ve seen a lot of different “hot takes” about adult animation because of recent events that I don’t really want to get into on this blog. Mainly that all adult animated cartoons are vapid, derivative, ugly, nihilistic, cynical, shallow, etc., etc. But there ARE good adult cartoons out there, almost all of them get completely ignored.
There’s The Simpsons, Futurama (especially the earlier episodes for these shows), Castlevania, Close Enough, and BoJack Horseman. Then there are shows I haven’t really watched like King of the Hill, Bob’s Burgers, Inside Job, and Final Space. And there are likely quite a few that I’m missing, these are just off the top of my head. And of course, Close Enough, Final Space, and Inside Job just got canceled without getting much of a chance to get their feet off the ground.
And yes, I know these shows have fans. But if I’m being honest, their fanbases are so fucking tiny (with some exceptions). You rarely see people talking about these shows in the wider animation fan community. It feels like these shows are very much ignored outside of a small group of people. You have people screaming for good examples of adult animation, when the good ones we have are ignored and then get canceled.
And yes, I know these shows are flawed, but everything has flaws and problems. And if you actually watch these adult cartoons, you’ll find that they tackle a lot of meaningful subjects and actually have surprisingly positive outlooks on life. Not to mention that shows like BoJack Horseman and Close Enough have wonderful LGBTQIA representation that rarely gets discussed, if at all.
And you know what? The “art style” argument irritates the hell out of me. I personally don’t think any of these shows look ugly. They have art styles that are unique, that suit the show very well, and quite a few of them are diverse in terms of body types and race. Boiling everything to “ugly” is pretty shitty, given how many talented artists work their asses off on these shows.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t criticize adult animation, but I think it’s insulting to reduce an entire genre to “everything is terrible.” If you look into the history of many of these shows, the creators worked their asses off to get them greenlit, and are insanely passionate about telling great stories. It’s frustrating to see people boil everything down to “all adult cartoons are nothing but sex jokes and ugly art.”
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rithmeres · 6 months
yes, the plans that i could not share with you (because the haters would sabotage me) were that i was taking on LACC in my vash getup :)
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i have so few pictures of myself but i got so many compliments (especially on my arm) and plenty of other people took pictures of me. and normally i don't like attention but i will be honest with u. under these circumstances i loved it. my arm held up really well through 8 hours on the convention floor and i have never been prouder of anything i've made. it's articulated incredibly well, no part of it gave out or required repair, it's never uncomfortable or a nuisance to wear, and i have enough range of motion to do relatively complex things like tying my shoes.
originally i was not planning to try to meet anyone famous because 1) it's expensive and 2) the lines are long and 3) i feel weird and annoying approaching literally anyone for any reason BUT. the spot where i met up with my sister just happened to be right next to johnny yong bosch's table. right when he started signing things. so i said LOL ok i'll do it.
it was super chill, i asked him how it felt to get the call that they wanted him to come back 20 years later for a trigun reboot and he said it almost didn't happen -- that since they recast everyone else for stampede they considered recasting vash as well (and i said WOW i'm so glad they didn't) and he said he really enjoyed getting to come back and explore a darker take (i forget if what he said was a darker take on vash's character, or just a darker trigun in general) but it was briefly surprising 2 me that he considered stampede to be a darker version but i get it, especially when u consider that there is not a lot of comedy in those 12 episodes to balance out the grief.
ANYWAY he was impressed with my arm and i asked him if he would sign my coat :) so he signed the lining but he was also like u know what, i'm gonna give you a second autograph just because. so he signed a print for me as well (free of charge!!) and the print with the blue signature matches my famous paintings that i always film in front of (that's providence baybee)
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other stuff from the con under the cut
cosplay notes:
i saw 3 other vash cosplayers (a 98 vash, a stampede vash, and a purple coat vash) and no shade but i definitely had the best arm build. peace and love to all of them though
i saw 1 1/2 wolfwoods. 1 was the aforementioned mullet wolfwood from yesterday's post (ww if you’re out there ww) and the 1/2 was the 98 vash cosplayer’s gf in some kind of goth-ish dress and she was carrying a punisher
mullet wolfwood if you're out there i regret not getting a picture with you so much. i am deeply ashamed and i have no excuse because i ran into you twice and both times i was too embarrassed to ask for a picture. i just want you to know that your punisher was swag and your earrings were yolo and we would look very good together
i expected to see a lot more trigun tbh. los angeles where u at. 4 vashies at a convention of 120,000+ people is nothing. one guy even walked up to me like wow i love ur vash, i haven't seen a lot of trigun at this con and i was like I KNOW i thought i'd see a lot more
theeeee costume of all time award goes to the cad bane cosplayer i saw on the balcony. spare hand in marriage dude (gn) you looked so good
second place for costume of all time goes to the other mother cosplayer who had button eyes and these crazy finger appendages and never once broke character even while waiting in lines
i took 100 points of psychic damage from this one guy who (and im not kidding) was at least 6’4’’ and wearing platform boots and was dressed as the mfing onceler. with the stupid top hat he was fr 7+ feet tall (i saw him duck to get through a doorway).
someone was there as the brawny paper towel guy?? just walking around in a beard and flannel carrying a pack of paper towel rolls?? go off king
i saw 5 nightwing cosplayers but only 2 were biblically accurate (had ass)
the nanami sweep at this convention was so real u all SHOWED UP. and everybody ate. i saw at least 12 nanamis and not one of them was a flop.
i have never seen so many spider-mans in my life
other things:
fig. 1: this extremely hot captain america on a very large poster was about 2 make me act unwise. hi gorjus................................. nice eyebrows
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fig 2: i saw this sign a couple blocks away from the con and i did a triple take. 🔥🔥🔥TRIMAX MENTIONED🔥🔥🔥
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fig. 3: i saw all 4 hobbits in panel and can confirm elijah wood’s laugh is ten times more infectious in real life. before they were even done sitting down, dominic monaghan switched around all of their name cards so that none of them were seated behind the right name. as u might imagine much of the panel's content was reminiscing about LOTR, but i heard some stories that i hadn't heard before. they also talked about video games, other projects they are working/have worked on, how their kids feel about their dads' LOTR roles, how much they love ian mckellen, and how they would love to see something happen for the 20th anniversary of ROTK this year. sean astin (the legend) took shots at the stranger things writers (basically said joyce could never be happy with hopper) AND EVERYONE CLAPPED LOL. billy and dom talked about the best food in NZ, their show billy and dom eat the world, and the unfortunate events that led to the friendship onion's hiatus. it was a ton of fun to just watch them be themselves with each other, you can tell that these guys are all so fond of each other and love each other so much.
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and finally, fig. 4: i bought these beautiful prints from @/batinyourbelfry and the skeletal washi tape from @/skeletalacademia (both on IG)
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torgawl · 18 days
everytime i think about the new chapter the more and more i like it, it really consolidated yuuta and gojo's characters. the revelation of how the higher-ups were taken down and the set-up for the scene with gojo and yuuta's conversation about what their plan was for gojo's body, in case he lost, might just be the part i find most interesting. all in all, the chapter really highlights the underlying difference between the violence of oppression and the violence of resistence and revolution.
when it comes to yuuta and the archetype of his character he is the pure embodiment of love in the series. if yuuji is able to reach sukuna because he was one with him (love as oneness), yuuta's entire exitence has sorrounded love and, specifically, love as a curse. sukuna's surprise at yuuta's antics come from a place of not understanding love and therefore being unable to conceptualise that yuuta would go so far as betray his own humanity for it. he can't conceive how love can drive a person like yuuta, who's sweet and kind-hearted, to a place as cursed as this - emphasised by the sheer horror and heinosity that is seeing the usage of gojo's dead body with yuuta's innocent expression. but we know that yuuta's journey has always been marked by this concept of love as a curse, starting all the way back in jjk 0 where yuuta's unwillingness to let go of a deceased rika caused her to linger in the world in the form of a cursed spirit. one that yuuta learns to let go of by the end of the story. a lot of what he learns in that moment is about consent and mutuality in love (hence his domain expansion name), and although rika's soul passes and gets freed she is able to manifest her will into her vessel that continues to protect yuuta until this day. yuuta asking gojo for consent to use his body not only consolidates this mutual exchange and respect that he has for those he cares for - which are his main driving force - but is also exactly what separates him from someone like kenjaku, who body hops with total disregard for who they were originally. so there's that layer of irony behind yuuta having rika consume kenjaku to copy his technique and make use of it in a equally disturbing but more compassionate way. which in itself can serve to both question if intent plays a role in absolution and introduce, once again, the idea that humans and curses are not so different, as explored between mahito and yuuji in shibuya with them mirroring each other.
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in regards to gojo i think his aknowledgement of his own inertia when it came to the revolution that he was leading was the cherry on top to consolidate who gojo really was as a person. gojo's greatest character flaw was arguably that he simply wasn't radical enough, allowing his students to be targets under the influence of the higher-ups. he had reasons not to kill them, as he explained before in the series, but he still failed to weight the consequences of his own actions and how no one is rewarded by working under a broken system. and i feel like having the youth he guided watching as he killed them is also quite significant as they're followers of this new revolutionary ideology.
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i think the shock or impact these violent or twisted acts by the hands of those forced to survive within the status quo (like maki slaughtering her clan, gojo killing the higher-ups, yuuta taking over gojo's body) as a reaction to the violence they're subjeted to by this same system serves some purpose. and i think this is the reason the higher-ups are these anonymous faceless figures, barely-there personalities who have such a big influence in the lives of so many people. even in the real world, and we can think of systems like capitalism and how it exploits people in such a casual way and it relies on that exploration to survive, we sort of take for granted that violence coming from those institutions, having our attention driven away from the minority that's upholding these systems to other things instead. that violence is more "acceptable" because we've been conditioned to it whereas the violence in response to those acts is always met with more scrutiny. and that kind of contextualises why shoko and nanami, for example, much like gojo, aren't really revolutionary with their ideals either - or rather, do not get that priviledge. the difference being gojo was someone these higher-ups were actively afraid of, because if he wanted to, he could have done more. and that's exactly why the instant he was sealed it was the perfect opportunity for them to do whatever they could to prevent him from coming back and place new-drawn targets on the backs of the people gojo was protecting. the gruesome nature of maki slaughtering her clan or the off-putting way people react to yuuta discarding his own humanity and going against what he believes is right to make sure gojo's legacy continues is almost forcing this question of what are people willing to stomach in the name of survival and change.
gojo remembering geto in that crucial moment ("i was falling behind" or "i have to catch up") and just having in mind how they were both so young and naive is so incredibly bittersweet. geto had radical ideals, no matter how misguided. he looked at the world and he had this unshakeable conviction that things couldn't continue to be the way they were. he reached incredibly misplaced conclusions, yes, which came from a place of great pain and alienation, but gojo finally stepping forward to follow that same path, to be more radical, also sort of confirms that things could have been so different if only gojo had the same level of consciousness back then; that they could have found a way better solution together instead of the tragedy that ensued. the parallels between them add an extra layer of wistfulness to their bond, too. their fates have and always will be so intertwined, in such a beautiful and tragic way. and i think geto's unwillingness to force gojo to take a certain path will always be one of the biggest proofs of his love towards him. at the end of the day, even knowing gojo was who he was, geto always seemed to want to protect gojo's path from being stained like his.
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at the core, jjk really is a story about revolution and humanity; a story about love and curses and how love is the most twisted curse of all (which has been reinforced over and over again). the fact some are rewarded and some are punished for taking certain paths under the same system is there to convey a very specific message. i really love the incorporation of eastern philosophies within the story and the role horror plays, too. the usage of the genre to deepen the impact of these themes and the way things are introduced with the intention to provoke almost visceral reactions in the readers (much like yuuta's own reaction) also makes the message much more impactful. i think this chapter was great!!!
#idk random rant because i really like 261 and my stsg heart is in shambles i adore them so much and they make me hurt so bad :')#btw people cancelling shoko and hating megumi is so silly#like idk characters aren't one dimensional and shoko much like gojo didn't seem to believe he would lose either#she can care about him and still place him in a pedestal one thing doesn't invalidate the other ashgdaj#she looked so freaking good in the chapter and people started hating her?! give her a break!!! she deals with death everyday since her#adolescence. it was also clearly not that serious?! i thought gojo's comment was lighthearted shdash#that hot woman is commiting medical malpractice and literally doing the impossible. that's so cool!!! feminism :3 let's focus on that#oky but seriously. people do care about gojo!!!#gojo himself doesn't really allow to think of himself as human not even posing the slight possibility of not getting out of it alive...#the power imbalance between him and everyone else except geto is the point#and it's why sukuna was able to have the most balanced fight with him in the first place because of the alienation power brings#can we talk about how yuuji casually asks gojo to put limitless down so he can touch him and yuuta loves gojo so much he is willing to let#go of everything to make sure he didn't die for nothing? he was not unloved. did you see everyone's proud faces cheering him on??#he's their pookie. a very annoying one but still a pookie#gojo satoru#okkotsu yuuta#jujutsu kaisen#jjk 💭
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