#like sure snow white scared me a bit as a kid but only when the evil queen was on screen cuz ummm hello evil is in her title
bootyful-seventeen · 10 months
its just wild watching the secret of nihm as an adult cuz that film terrified me as a child and had me sleeping with the light on for weeks
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watchmegetobsessed · 10 months
A/N: heeey look at that! im posting something new again!
SUMMARY: On the day before Christmas you realize just how much has changed in one year.
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Time has always been such a weird concept in your life. When you were a kid one year felt like a decade, week-long summer vacations felt endless and you could have sworn that you’d never grow up.
But then, of course, you did, like everyone else and time sneakily started to speed up. One day after the other, weeks turned into months and years and before you could realize, another birthday has passed, you got older even though the last one felt like it was yesterday.
One year can feel like a second, but it can also make such a difference and today, the day before Christmas you’re reminded of it. 
Waking up you’re not surprised to find the other side of the bed empty. The mornings when you could peacefully cuddle with Harry are now long gone, but knowing that he is somewhere out with your daughter makes up for all the missed moments together in bed. 
Stretching long you give yourself a couple more minutes to just rest and get your head ready for the day. The night wasn’t too rough, only had to wake up twice to feed Alma and she went back to sleep without a fuss this time. Maybe she can finally feel the Christmas spirit as well and her gift is to let you rest finally.
Sitting up in bed you turn towards the window and see that it’s still snowing, the street outside is clothed in the prettiest white blankets that’s almost entirely untouched since it’s so early in the morning. Your wish for Alma to have a first Christmas with snow is actually coming true.
Snatching one of Harry’s hoodies from the closet, you make your way out of the bedroom as you’re putting it on, noticing his voice coming from the living room the moment you reach the stairs.  Trying to be as quiet as possible you head down, hearing his cooing voice that’s for sure for Alma.
“See them? You like them? They are pretty, right?”
He has the most soothing voice as it is, but whenever he is talking to Alma it feels like it softens even more, as if that little girl melts the man in every possible way.
Well, that’s kind of the truth, Harry is smitten with his girl.
Harry is standing by the window that watches over the snowy street, the lights of the christmas tree reflecting in the glass because it’s still a bit dark outside. He is holding Alma in one arm, holding the curtains to the side with his free hand, gently swaying from side to side, a motion that always calms your baby, but only when her daddy does it. 
As you watch them in awe you think back to this exact day a year ago. It’s one to remember, because this was the day you found out you were pregnant and you shared the news with Harry. As much as you love your daughter, it’s no secret you weren’t planning her arrival so soon. Harry proposed just weeks before the pregnancy came into the picture and you both agreed to take some time just for the two of you, enjoy married life alone before expanding your family. Travel, explore, find yourself before becoming parents.
All those plans changed when the second line appeared on your test. 
Harry was surprised, maybe even shocked a bit. Not because he didn’t want kids, but because he was planning with another timeline that only included babies in 2-3 years. You talked for long hours that day and he told you he doesn’t feel ready, that he’s afraid he might not be the best father our baby deserves and he’s scared he might mess it up. You both cried and shared all your feelings and thoughts. 
It took time for him to settle with the idea of becoming a father earlier than he planned, but by the time the nursery was done, he was a changed man. Throughout your pregnancy he did everything he could to better himself and be ready for Alma’s arrival. He read every possible parenting book out there, always took care of you and looked for ways to be more present in this new chapter of your life together. 
Now it’s been four months since Alma was born and Harry is easily the best father you could ever wish for your baby and you’re so proud of him for everything he does for you and Alma as well. There’s no trace of that scared, doubtful man you sat on the couch with a year ago, the positive pregnancy test lying on the coffee table in front of you. 
Alma’s head turns, as if she had a sixth sense to notice when you’re around and she gives you a toothless grin as you make your way across the room. Harry turns and you see the same sparkle in his eyes when he looks at you that you saw the first time you met. He says he knew he would marry you one day the moment he laid his eyes on you. You believe him, because you felt the same way. 
“Good morning you two,” you smile, pressing a kiss to Alma’s forehead and one to Harry’s lips. 
“Morning Mommy, we didn’t wake you up, right?”
“No,” you shake your head. Alma visibly starts to wiggle towards you, Harry hands her over and she lays her head to your chest right away, her tiny hands grabbing onto the sweatshirt that smells like Harry. 
“Princess is kinda hungry, but I thought I could prolong breakfast a bit and distract her with the snow.” Harry smiles gently, running his knuckles down the side of Alma’s round face. 
“You like the snow, huh? We’ll see how much you like it when we’re outside in the cold,” you chuckle. 
You move over to the couch and Harry follows you, you sit beside each other, Harry’s arm instantly comes around you, pulling you against his chest as you settle Alma in your arms to feed her. This has been your usual for the morning feeding, but almost all feeding, because Harry loves being present in these moments. All those sleepless nights when she woke up every two hours and you had to sit in the nursery for most of the night to feed her, Harry was there every time. If you weren’t sleeping, he wasn’t either, even if all he could do was just be there, run his fingers through your hair and tell you how great of a mother you are, he never missed a chance to be present. 
As usual, Alma passes out in your arms once her tummy is full and you can’t help but just stare at her and think of how you can’t imagine your life without her now. 
Turning your head you find Harry gazing down at her as well with sparkling eyes and you wish to see him like this, so happy and content every day for the rest of your life.
“What?” he asks with a tiny, shy smirk, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Just… I was thinking about how much has happened in one year.”
Harry hums and you know he is thinking about the same thing from last year. 
“Yeah. It’s crazy. Can’t wait to see what the next one holds.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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the-spaced-out-ace · 7 months
okay okay hear me out. hatchetfield/ever after high au
i maaaaaayyy have been thinking about this since. the day i saw abstinence camp. in my defense dexven and lautski are the same ship and nobody likes either of these things more than me (/j) so like. rundown of ideas i had (and one piece of inspo from a gc i'm in)
Stephanie Lauter, daughter of the Evil King: Yeah, I'm just fully reusing Raven's backstory here. Steph's born into wickedness and expected to one day inherit her father's throne and oppress her people and possibly curse the future Snow White. Which earns her respectful fear from her fellow "evil" peers, fearful respect from most of her classmates, and dread from herself, because she doesn't want to be anything like her dad, for better or for worse, even if it means risking going poof. Doesn't really help she's just not a good student in the classes assigned to her and her father keeps telling her she'll be a terrible Evil Queen anyway. Would absolutely prefer to write her own destiny. Her current plans involve doing fuck-all as an adult.
Peter Spankoffski, son of one of the Generic Charming Families: More specifically, the ones from Beauty and the Beast. One problem. He wasn't exactly planned. His big brother has already lived out being the beast and a noble lady named Jenny broke Ted's curse yeeeeaaarrrs ago, so Pete's already seen what should be his story play out in real time. And given the assumption that Ted and Jenny's kid would take on one of their roles, Pete's not sure he even has a destiny. Pretty much ostracized by most of his peers for so obviously not having a destiny. He's the only non-villian not inherently scared of Steph, and when they talk it's all like "god, you're so lucky your story isn't a shitshow" "at least you have a story" and eventually they kinda further break destiny by dating because they are literally just Raven and Dexter in another font.
Ruth Fleming, daughter of The Mad Hatter: @mythuzalasheir3 suggested this one to me and I was so inclined to agree. Ruth is so Wonderlandian to me. She's theatrical, she's eccentric and not willing to turn it down, will just say what's on her mind as she sees it. Taking a bit from the books canon, she does sorta resent Steph at first for her father going off-book and poisoning Wonderlandian magic, but after Pete urges her to actually talk to her as they start hanging out more, she sees Steph isn't as scary as she thought and very quickly gets comfortable turning up her madness and speaking Riddlish around her like she does with her other friends. Speaking of which.
Richie Lipschitz, son of the Wizard of Oz: Yes. I really am making Pete the odd one out. Ruth is Wonderlandian, Richie is an (honorary) Ozian. Sue me. This basically stems from how Richie was in charge of taping the prank in the Waylons/putting on the music, so knowing he has special effects know-how, he is going to have a blast doing the hologram head thing in the Emerald City for a few decades. He also plans on introducing pop culture stuff to Oz, too, not just more science. Nerd. I think he's iconic for it.
(Side note: neither Ruth nor Richie can believe that they're just casually best friends with a prince, even though Pete really doesn't want it to be a big deal).
Grace Chasity, daughter of the Temple Woman from The Little Mermaid: Right. History time. If you're not familiar with the original version of TLM, after the mermaid brings the prince back to shore, a girl from a Christian monastery finds the prince, and he believes she saved him instead of the mermaid. And also she and the prince are married by the end. I chose this fully because she's very proud of the fact she already has an immortal soul, and doesn't have to do anything for a happily ever after other than be in the right place at the right time. She does not give a damn about who her prince is as long as they stick to the script. Basically, she's a Royal out of necessity more than anything.
Max Jagerman, son of another Charming Clan: More specifically, he's destined to be the Rapunzel's prince. He's in with Steph because he thinks it's a good idea to be on the good side of all royals in his class. But not Storiless Spankoffski. He does NOT fraternize with people whose existence could poof away a whole story. For as much as he tries to fit the example of Perfect Royals Accepting Their Destiny, he does still have a target of affection not in his story: Grace. Being much more stereotypically Royal than him, she keeps rejecting him due to not being interested and not even part of his story. Doesn't stop him from trying.
The Lords in Black, the heads of Ever After High: Everyone has a destiny. They're here to run the school and enforce them, and also dictate the destinies of the more ambiguous cases like Charming Number Twenty-Seven or "how do we find a replacement for a character who is dead." They say there's a spider in the basement but don't even worry about it, they'll take care of it eventually.
Webby, the Weaver in the Basement: Basically taking the place of Giles Grimm, her brothers have let her have less and less involvement with destinies over the years, so she's spinning up happier endings that hopefully won't go poof in solitude. Would definitely encourage Steph to follow her heart instead of her destiny.
Henery Hidgens as the Magic Botany teacher, and also former Jack of Jack the Giant Slayer fame: man I just think this would be funny
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ghostking4m · 11 months
Joe Burrow x male reader
Summary: Y/n reflects on his relationship with Joe in therapy. What his therapist doesn’t know won’t kill him.
“So tell me your favorite memory with Joe.”
Y/n didn’t know why he was wasting his time in therapy if he’s just going to be asked questions like this. It’s like he was being asked what his favorite childhood vacation destination was and it makes him feel like a little boy being mentally evaluated.
“I don’t know. I mean- there was this one time when I went to his game against the Kansas City Chiefs and we got this tornado warning. We were just sitting on the swings at this park and it was already cold and windy. The alarm started going off and the look on his face was like he was a character straight out of a horror movie.” Y/n said with a tiny smile and turned to his right to look out the window. “Neither of us had ever seen a real tornado, maybe in the Wizard of Oz, but never in person. Sure, we were both scared, but seeing his eyes wide with pure fear and his knuckles white as snow when he was gripping the chain on the swing was the most hilarious thing I had ever seen. He tried to convince me that we need to go and seek shelter, but I just sat there in the swing laughing. Eventually he sat down in the swings with me and just laughed with me. We even saw the tornado in the distance, but we didn’t move a muscle and we were luckily still safe. Well, no, that was kind of a lie. We did move, but it was only so we could play on the seesaw, then we just laid in the bark together. His arms were wrapped around my waist and I felt so safe. We were so close, not only in proximity, but also on an emotional level. We had feelings for each other, but we both refused to admit it. We were like teenagers playing 7 minutes in heaven, in the sense that we were like kids teetering with our feelings in the dark, both too afraid to make a move.”
Y/n felt a twinge of sadness deep in his heart when he thought of the memories. Remembering what it was like to face danger in the face with Joe hurt him a little more than he would like to admit.
“From what i’m understanding, the two of you stayed at the park in the middle of a tornado and risked facing the tornadoes wrath, just because you thought it was funny?” Y/n therapist asked him. It’s like he couldn’t believe that two people could be so in love that they just wanted to stay there and live in the moment, even if it meant being in the wake of a natural disaster.
“Well, when you put it like that, yeah, I guess we do sound a bit crazy.” Y/n chuckled in response.
“Like, don’t get me wrong, it was totally crazy to just sit there when we saw the tornado destroying everything in its path, but somehow it all felt like everything would be okay.”
“Why?” Dr. Wallard questioned Y/n.
“Because I was with him. I knew we would be okay as long as we were together.”
Y/n felt a jolt of electricity while he was onstage. Performing in Paycor stadium was something different for him to get used to, but he felt so comfortable in Paycor, considering how many games he had been here to watch, despite being a California native.
“So, you guys know I’ve been doing this thing at the end of every show where I play a surprise song. We have 1 song left, so what do you guys think the song is going to be?”
Y/n didn’t want the night to end, so he was more than happy to keep the crowd engaged. He heard people yelling all around him in the stadium. He heard Vicious, Sue Me, Because I Liked A Boy, Decode, but he had something else in mind.
“Jokes on all of you, because i’m doing a song that no one has ever heard, not even my team. I just finished the final master last night and I’m so excited for you guys to hear this song. Only three people in the world will know what this song is about, myself, the person I wrote it about, and my therapist.” Y/n joked as he was introducing the song. The entire stadium howled with laughter and cheers after he said that.
“This song is called Tornado Warnings”
“You always blow me away with your performances.”
Y/n knew that voice in the dark, if he were blind, even if he had his ears covered. Just the sound made his heart pick up to an inhuman speed.
“You just want to see me on my knees in front of you, Burrow” Y/n made a teasing joke in response.
“Well, I would never turn that down, but I mean it, you’ve always been such a captivating and talented performer. It was fun to come to your show today.” Joe pleaded. Y/n turned around and his breath dropped the second he saw those eyes, cool as ice. It never ceased to amaze him how much of an effect Joe’s eyes had on him.
“Thank you. That means a lot. Did you have a favorite song or part of the show?” Y/n asked him, trying to be as casual as he could.
“There was one song I heard tonight that I couldn’t get out of my head. It was something along the lines of you lying to your therapist. That seems like it’s the opposite of helpful, don’t you think?” Joe spoke, poking fun at Y/n.
“Yeah, but it was only ever for the lyrics. It fit the melody and theme of the song. I’ve been entering more of my popstar era than my songwriter era and now i’m just singing what fits the melody than making sure my lyrics are true to me.” Y/n said sarcastically. Joe could always see right through him.
“Right, because you’re a popstar, not a singer-songwriter who the internet claims is the son of Taylor Swift.” Joe said laughing. “Anyway, I really liked that song. I really liked being called a son of a bitch.”
Y/n laughed and it felt so natural to be with Joe like this. Oh god, Dr. Wallard would be so disappointed in Y/n right now if he knew about this.
“No, that one was actually just a line that worked for the melody. I don’t think you’re a son of a bitch. Your mom is an angel.” Y/n said with a smile on his face. He slow started inching his way towards Joe and wrapped his arms around his waist, looking up at him.
“I’ll tell her you said that” Joe chuckled back. He wrapped his arms around Y/n and leaned down to kiss him. No matter what happened, no matter how hard either of them tried, they just couldn’t stay aware from each other. There was something magnetic, something out of this world about their relationship. Joe didn’t want to be with anyone else, even if they were officially in a relationship. “You know, sometimes I can’t tell if we’re in a relationship, just hookup up, friends with benefits, or if you just like kissing me.”
“Oh please! Don’t flatter yourself, Burrow. You look like the green giant from that vegetable company.” Y/n retorted. “If anything, YOU just like kissing me.”
“Cant argue with you there.”
Y/n thought about Joe all the freaking time. In the shower, driving to the grocery store, on stage performing, but his thoughts about Joe just hit a little differently when he was in his therapy sessions.
“If Joe were to tell you, right now, that he wants to get back together with you, would you do it? Would you reignite that spark that started your relationship in the first place?” Dr. Wallard asked Y/n.
“Oh fuck that! No. Absolutely not. I’m over that son of a bitch. I’m at a point in my life where I almost want to put all of that behind me and pretend like it never existed. I’m just gonna start telling everyone that we never dated, we never saw each other in the first place, we never kissed.” Y/n lied with no hesitation and absolutely no conviction.
Maybe some part of him thought that if he could convince Dr. Wallard that if he couldn’t see the lie that it doesn’t exist. Deep down, he knew that he wasn’t as mysterious as he thought and he’s not as good of a liar as he thinks he is. Dr. Wallard has GOT to be catching on as much as Y/n denies anything ever happened with Joe.
“You wouldn’t go back to the person that you described as the most epic love of your life? You’ve once told me that you think he’s the only person you could ever be with. You had plans or dreams to marry him. Do you still get those dreams sometimes?” Dr. Wallard investigated further.
“No. No. No. In fact, I actually met someone else. There’s a man i’ve been seeing who looks like Joe in a way, maybe it’s the eyes, but character wise, he’s nothing like Joe. He’s so much better than Joe. He’s like he was a predestined thought in Santa’s mind before he was even born and has been on the nice list from birth. He’s the upgraded version of Joe.”
“Does this man have a name?”
“I’d rather not say that right now. I don’t want to jinx anything, you know?”
“Ok. That’s a valid argument. Does this man have any green flags that Joe didn’t?”
“This man is nothing but green flags. Joe was like a walking red flag, or like a walking, talking, breathing natural disaster warning.” Y/n argued.
Y/b had to think a little more about his next response. He thought of Joe and his sweet kisses.
“Joe was a walking tornado warning.”
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Remember that one Jon chapter in ACOK in which he wargs into Ghost for the first time and encounters a manifestation of Bran as a weirwood?
When he closed his eyes, he dreamed of direwolves [..]
The call came from behind him, softer than a whisper, but strong too. Can a shout be silent? He turned his head, searching for his brother, for a glimpse of a lean grey shape moving beneath the trees, but there was nothing, only...
A weirwood.
It seemed to sprout from solid rock, its pale roots twisting up from a myriad of fissures and hairline cracks. The tree was slender compared to other weirwoods he had seen, no more than a sapling, yet it was growing as he watched, its limbs thickening as they reached for the sky. Wary, he circled the smooth white trunk until he came to the face. Red eyes looked at him. Fierce eyes they were, yet glad to see him. The weirwood had his brother's face. Had his brother always had three eyes?
Not always, came the silent shout. Not before the crow.
He sniffed at the bark, smelled wolf and tree and boy, but behind that there were other scents, the rich brown smell of warm earth and the hard grey smell of stone and something else, something terrible. Death, he knew. He was smelling death. He cringed back, his hair bristling, and bared his fangs.
Don't be afraid, I like it in the dark. No one can see you, but you can see them. But first you have to open your eyes. See? Like this. And the tree reached down and touched him.
I’ve always wondered about this but passage because the whole thing is so strange and a bit confusing.
So Bran reaches out and touches Ghost - we’re not sure where but I always just assumed between the eyes because he tells Jon that he must open his eyes and see.
People say that this was Bran awakening Jon’s warging powers but I’m not so sure. For starters, I think Jon was the first or the stark kids to warg; or at the very least, he was the first one to bond with his direwolf.
“Can’t you hear it?” Bran could hear the wind in the trees, the clatter of their hooves on the ironwood planks, the whimpering of his hungry pup, but Jon was listening to something else. “There,” Jon said. He swung his horse around and galloped back across the bridge. They watched him dismount where the direwolf lay dead in the snow, watched him kneel. A moment later he was riding back to them, smiling.
- Bran I, AGOT
Plus, Jon is already warging into Ghost at the time of the encounter so it can’t be that. If that’s not the case then, what does this mean? What is Bran doing if he’s not triggering Jon’s already active warging powers?
There’s also something else that is quite confusing. So Bran touches Ghost and the scene changes.
And suddenly he was back in the mountains, his paws sunk deep in a drift of snow as he stood upon the edge of a great precipice. Before him the Skirling Pass opened up into airy emptiness, and a long vee-shaped valley lay spread beneath him like a quilt, awash in all the colors of an autumn afternoon.
I’m not too sure about what just happened here. Are we meant to believe that Ghost is physically transported to the mountains? Or is Ghost experiencing the world on two planes: one physical and one metaphysical? Ghost’s real body remains at the weirwood tree but his consciousness is transported to a different place? But then this conscious has a corporeal form? I don’t get it….
Another thing to note is that Ghost seems out off by Bran because he smells of death. We know that Bran is in the crypts of Winterfell when this is going down so that would explain why he smells that way. So is Ghost afraid of death? Is he afraid of the dark? How much of the metaphysical is Ghost able to sense? If memory serves me correct, Ghost was also scared at the Fist of the First men because he presumably smelled death there too. It might just be animal things or it might point to something deeper.
Anyway, Ghost shows some aversion to what’s going on but Bran then tells him not to be afraid of the dark. He must first embrace it. And this is when Bran reaches out and touches Jon to open his eyes.
Don’t be afraid, I like it in the dark. No one can see you, but you can see them. But first you have to open your eyes. See? Like this. And the tree reached down and touched him.
So this is all happening while Bran is experiencing a very physical journey to the underworld (an important part of a hero’s journey). So can this be taken as foreshadowing of something that will come to fruition when Jon has to go through his own brush with death? What will opening his eyes to “see” mean for Jon then? Is it similar to when Bran gets all those visions while he’s comatose in AGOT? Maybe this is what will happen to Jon. He will also get visions that remind him why life is worth living; and why life is worth fighting for.
While he’s in a coma, Bran sees past the curtain of light and peaks into the Heart of Winter. The three-eyed-crow tells him that this is why he must live, because winter is coming. Bran then wakes up and names his direwolf ‘Summer’ - as in opposition to Winter. I think it’s possible that we get something similar with Jon. He might have to see what death actually looks like and make the decision to live again so that he can bring about the spring.
And if Jon has to see beyond death, how does that relate to Ghost being, you know, a ‘ghost’? One who exists in the boundaries between life and death. So does he see the living and the dead because he is a part of both? Is this what is needed for Jon’s role as one who will defeat death once and for all? He has to see and conquer death so that new life (spring) can emerge? This could be another reason why Jon has to warg into Ghost after death.
This also brings forth questions of the innate power within Ghost. Namely, how he functions as a vessel of “seeing” and “watching”. To watch is a very prominent motif in Jon’s arc. He is someone who is constantly in the shadows, seeing and watching. He joins an order of men named the Night’s Watch. And even more poignant is that the NW’s primary purpose is to watch for winter - and winter means death. Ghost is a watcher and as one who exists in the boundaries between life and death. Let us remember that he is found with his eyes open when all the other direwolves have theirs closed….
His fur was white, where the rest of the litter was grey. His eyes were as red as the blood of the ragged man who had died that morning. Bran thought it curious that this pup alone would have opened his eyes while the others were still blind.
- Bran I, AGOT
When Arya meets the Ghost of Hight Heart, she compares her eyes to Jon’s direwolf. And the Ghost of High Heart seems to be operating on some kind of magic that might be of the First Men- and the old gods. And the Ghost of High Heart can see things.
Arya spied the small pale shape creeping behind the horses, thin white hair flying wild as she leaned upon a gnarled cane. The woman could not have been more than three feet tall. The firelight made her eyes gleam as red as the eyes of Jon's wolf. He was a ghost too.
Not to mention, Ghost the albino direwolf has an obvious connection to Bloodraven. Bloodraven is powerful in the magic of the Old Gods and can also see things. Bloodraven, like Jon, is a watcher as he too joined the Night’s Watch and served as its Lord Commander.
His hair fell to his shoulders, long and white and straight, brushed forward so as to conceal his missing eye, the one that Bittersteel had plucked from him on the Redgrass Field. The eye that remained was very red. How many eyes has Bloodraven? A thousand eyes, and one.
- The Mystery Knight
It gets interesting when we consider the powers working within Ghost, and through him. The power of the Old Gods. See, Ghost is like a weirwood in wolf form. Literally.
And suddenly Ghost was back, stalking softly between two weirwoods. White fur and red eyes, Jon realized, disquieted. Like the trees …
- Jon VI, AGOT
And Jon thinks that Ghost belongs to the Old Gods.
Red eyes, Jon realized, but not like Melisandre’s. He had a weirwood’s eyes. Red eyes, red mouth, white fur. Blood and bone, like a heart tree. He belongs to the old gods, this one. And he alone of all the direwolves was white. Six pups they’d found in the late summer snows, him and Robb; five that were grey and black and brown, for the five Starks, and one white, as white as Snow.
Ghost’s red eyes are those of a greenseer. Again, one who sees beyond what others can.
“Those you call the children of the forest have eyes as golden as the sun, but once in a great while one is born amongst them with eyes as red as blood, or green as the moss on a tree in the heart of the forest. By these signs do the gods mark those they have chosen to receive the gift. The chosen ones are not robust, and their quick years upon the earth are few, for every song must have its balance. But once inside the wood they linger long indeed. A thousand eyes, a hundred skins, wisdom deep as the roots of ancient trees. Greenseers.”
- Bran III, ADWD
So does Ghost have the power of the old gods? Is he a vessel of the old gods? An emissary sent to aid Jon specifically? Ghost had red eyes that see, and Jon the watcher can tap into them to see as well. But what other power can Jon tap into, through Ghost’s red eyes that can see very far?
Direwolves, as we know from George R.R Martin, are magical creatures. But Ghost seems to be capable of much more than what is expected of a regular direwolf, even one bonded to a warg. I’m not just talking about his coloring but about certain ‘powers’ he seems to possess. For one, he is able to sense his siblings. He can sense whether they are alive or dead; he senses that Summer and Shaggy are alive, senses Nymeria is alive, senses Lady is dead, and also senses that Greywind is dead before Jon gets news of the Red Wedding.
There were five of them when there should have been six, and they were scattered, each apart from the others. He felt a deep ache of emptiness, a sense of incompleteness.
But that’s not all. There are instances of him going beyond just sensing his siblings. It’s almost like he can “see” them; not just “see” where they are but also “see” what they’re doing.
A wild rain lashed down upon his black brother as he tore at the flesh of an enormous goat, washing the blood from his side where the goat's long horn had raked him.
- Jon I, ADWD
His black brother was the closest, prowling over wet rocks and through dark holes in the ground. He had taken down a monstrous goat, a shaggy white goat as big as any elk with a long horn jutting from its brow, and he was gorging on its flesh, sharing the kill with his other half.
- Longer version from a deleted AFFC chapter; same scene as above but longer
In another place, his little sister lifted her head to sing to the moon, and a hundred small grey cousins broke off their hunt to sing with her. The hills were warmer where they were, and full of food. Many a night his sister’s pack gorged on the flesh of sheep and cows and horses, the prey of men, and sometimes even on the flesh of man himself.
- Jon I, ADWD
On the other side the wind was colder still, the wolf sensed. That was where his brother had gone, the grey brother who smelled of summer. With the cliff between them, he could not sense his brother, but sometimes when he padded down the long cold burrow under the ice and poked his nose through the hard black bars, he could feel him. The snow was falling where his brother was, covering all the woods in white. And there were hunters near, living men and dead men, and the ones who wore the shapes of men but smelled only of cold.
- Deleted Jon AFFC chapter
Is this what Bran awakened during the encounter with Jon? He awakened Ghost’s (and Jon’s) ability to “see” things like a weirwood can? And let’s remember that Bran was working through a weirwood…
Correct me if I’m wrong but ghost is the only direwolf that can do this, yes? Perhaps this is where Ghost being ‘a ghost’ comes into play. Because he can straddle the boundary between life and death, then that means he can see who is on either side (dead - Lady and Greywind, alive - Summer, Shaggy, Nymeria); it could also explain how he knows Summer is alive even though he cannot actually sense him. This could also explain why Summer is the only other direwolf able to sense which of his siblings is alive or dead; because Bran made a journey to the underworld, both figuratively and literally.
It’s quite speculative, but I think another reason for why Ghost can “see” his siblings is because they are in near death situations, or are in situations where death hangs in the air. Like when he “sees” Shaggy in Skaagos, Shaggy is wounded from his fight with the unicorn (and the unicorn is dead). In the last quote I posted above, Ghost can “see” the Others and Wights who surround Bloodraven’s cave and can identify that some are dead. Note that Ghost can also “see” the Others and even though they wear the shapes of men, Ghost can see that they aren’t really men because they smell of cold (and also bring death in their wake).
Jon isn’t anywhere near his siblings but he can see all these things through Ghost. Does this mean that Ghost is able to see beyond Jon’s physical constraints? Or that Jon, through Ghost, can cast his eyes far and see? But how far does that go? Is it just something to do with the pack? Or can it be extended to other people/places? After all, after the encounter with Bran, Ghost saw the wildling camp and that had nothing to do with his litter mates.
I just can’t wait to see how Jon’s resurrection plays out because this ability to see is something that could potentially be made stronger after Jon’s resurrection. Jon, like Bran, will have journeyed to the underworld and emerged from it. Perhaps the encounter with Bran was sowing the seeds for things Jon could do in the future. But there is still the question: does he need to warg into Ghost for this or can he do it on his own? If his bond with Ghost is multiplied exponentially after death such that they share a soul, does Ghost’s power transfer over to Jon? What are the constraints here?
Another question that greatly interests me is, if Ghost is the one who not just senses but sees his siblings, is this indicative of a special place he has among the pack? Is he the pack leader maybe? Or perhaps the pack protector?
They arrived, flushed and breathless, to find Jon seated on the sill, one leg drawn up languidly to his chin. He was watching the action, so absorbed that he seemed unaware of her approach until his white wolf moved to meet them. Nymeria stalked closer on wary feet. Ghost, already larger than his litter mates, smelled her, gave her ear a careful nip, and settled back down.
[Jon] messed up her hair again and walked away from her, Ghost moving silently beside him. Nymeria started to follow too, then stopped and came back when she saw that Arya was not coming.
- Arya I, AGOT
Far off, he could hear his packmates calling to him, like to like. They were hunting too.
- Jon I, ADWD
He was no longer certain they were wrong. Every night Ghost prowled along the Wall, hunting for a way through, called by a brother he could not feel, a hunger he could not sate. And Jon ran with him, in the darkness of his dreams.
- Deleted Jon AFFC chapter
There’s obviously a weird power that’s active within Ghost that isn’t exhibited by the other direwolves. Not to mention his incredible intelligence which also isn’t seen in the other direwolves; the other direwolves are intelligent, but Ghost’s intelligence seems almost human.
A vast blue-white wall plugged one end of the vale, squeezing between the mountains as if it had shouldered them aside, and for a moment he thought he had dreamed himself back to Castle Black. Then he realized he was looking at a river of ice several thousand feet high. Under that glittering cold cliff was a great lake, its deep cobalt waters reflecting the snowcapped peaks that ringed it. There were men down in the valley, he saw now; many men, thousands, a huge host. Some were tearing great holes in the half-frozen ground, while others trained for war. He watched as a swarming mass of riders charged a shield wall, astride horses no larger than ants. The sound of their mock battle was a rustling of steel leaves, drifting faintly on the wind. Their encampment had no plan to it; he saw no ditches, no sharpened stakes, no neat rows of horse lines. Everywhere crude earthen shelters and hide tents sprouted haphazardly, like a pox on the face of the earth. He spied untidy mounds of hay, smelled goats and sheep, horses and pigs, dogs in great profusion. Tendrils of dark smoke rose from a thousand cookfires. This is no army, no more than it is a town. This is a whole people come together.
I get excited just thinking about how this could manifest with Jon as a commander of armies. He could very well become a commander who can see across enemy lines, can see their formations, who’s leading them, what sort of supplies they have, how big their numbers are, etc. It’s kind of a scary thing to have. Jon wouldn’t need to send so many scouts if he can just see things for himself. Plus it brings to mind Jon’s parallels with the Norse god Odin, who can see into all realms through his high seat Hlidskjalf.
One last thing to note, Bran says that Ghost was the only direwolf to have his eyes open when the wolf pups were found. This is obviously a nod to Jon being more mature than what is expected of him at the time, plus we must remember Maester Luwin asserting that bastard grow up faster than trueborns. But perhaps there is a magical explanation of that as well. It’s not just that Jon sees and understands the real threat from up north, but he can see on a metaphysical realm in a way that none of the others can.
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ananxiousgenz · 6 months
wahoo!!! yippie!!!! part 10 and over 10k written!! let's go!!!!
this part is like. lowkey weird to me. and i don't know why. lmk if any choices i made here were a bad/weird idea bc i feel like some of them might have been lmao
MY PERSONAL CARTE BLANCHE CREW: @smidgen-of-hotboy @ceaseless-watchers-special-girl @urjover @one-joe-spoopy @waters-and-the-wilde @demonic-panini @the-private-eye
Nureyev struggled to get his jaw working as he stared at the man across the room. 
It was Slip.
Slip Jackson.
How was he…. How was he here?
He knew he had known this man when they were kids. They had been close, Nureyev supposed, from the fragments of memories he had of him.
Until the winter got a hold of Slip, and he disappeared into the night.
Nureyev never saw him again.
Slip had changed. He was taller, of course, and not nearly as skinny, his hair shot through with white and grey, perfectly complimenting the neat black suit he wore. His eyes looked harder. Not so much careworn as workworn, sharp and clever. His mouth was set into a stunning grin. In the buttonhole of a suit jacket was a perfect, red dahlia.
Nureyev had to look away at that point. He couldn’t look at that dahlia without thinking of his dahlia, left behind on the surface, probably was wondering where he was by now. Probably out in the snow looking for him. Probably confused and scared and- why are you like this, why do you make these choices that hurt other people and only benefit you, what’s the matter with you-
“What’s the matter, Petya? Don’t you remember me?”
He shook off the guilt and tried to think. He couldn’t remember a lot of their time together. He remembered laughing, an echo of a feeling warmer than the glow of the sun, braiding flowers into long, auburn hair, and splitting an apple, fresh off the tree, with a small, bone-handled knife, the same one he carried now in his left pocket. Nothing concrete. Nothing to explain why he now stood in front of this man, who was now the king of the Underworld.
He shook his head slowly.
Slip’s grin slid slowly off his face. His voice was far deeper than Peter could ever remember having heard before. “What do you mean? I thought you’d be happy to see me again.”
There was a faint sense of panic bubbling up in him now. He began to get the strange sense that admitting his lack of memory was a bad idea, but he just kept shaking his head.
“Well, then. Allow me to jog your memory. My name is Slip. Slip Jackson. We knew each other as teenagers. We were practically inseparable. Spent every day together. We were in love. We were going to run away together until I caught pneumonia one night and passed away. That would be as much of the story as you know, I think.”
Nureyev liked to think he remembered most of the big pieces of his time with Slip, but the two of them being ‘in love’ was new. He examined his memories a bit more closely. He did seem to recall a few shy kisses, huddled in the alleyway behind a bar, and maybe a few cuddles. Nothing concrete. Nothing to suggest they were ever in love.
“What I would like to know from you, Petya, is why you didn’t come for me when I called.”
The confusion must have been obvious on his face, because Slip sighed deeply before continuing.
“Oh come on, I know it’s been a long time, Petya, but I didn’t realize you would have forgotten so much about us! Surely you remember our little games and the fairy tales we liked to tell each other.”
Nureyev opened his mouth to speak.
And then the vague fear cemented itself into solid, steel panic.
He couldn’t speak.
He couldn’t speak.
His throat and lungs had already felt strange, empty and airy and wet and sticky all at the same time, like the air in them wasn’t escaping through his nose but his throat instead. He initially thought it was just a side effect of being- dead? Was he actually dead? It didn’t matter. Whether or not he was dead, there was nothing coming out of his mouth.
He tried again in case it was a fluke, but with the same results. Nothing.
His voice was just. 
“Ah, I suppose I should have mentioned that to you sooner, Petya,” Slip said gently, ushering a barely conscious and panicking Peter over to a chair in front of the large mahogany desk at the center of the room. “Sometimes, the ways people die on the surface have…. side effects in the afterlife. I’m afraid your death is such a case.” 
He settled into his chair behind the desk and began shuffling some papers around. “I am looking into a way to get your voice back but chances of a good outcome are low, I’m afraid. Past experiments haven’t exactly been promising. But in the meantime, you are more than welcome to work for me! You wouldn’t be paid, but it would be something to do to pass the time.”
Peter was staring, mouth slightly open. He was pissed now, anger rising in his heart like a hurricane flood. What kind of bullshit was this? He got murdered by the henchmen of a childhood friend/lover who he barely remembered, dragged down to the Underworld, only to be told his voice is now gone, perhaps forever. All he wanted was a job. All he wanted was to get away from poverty and trouble.
And now he was right back in it.
Slip got up from his seat behind the desk and tried to block Nureyev’s path to the door, babbling something about giving them more time to find a solution and how all he wanted was for Petya to stay a while longer.
Nureyev punched him straight in the jaw. He didn’t give a shit anymore.
Slip stumbled backward onto the floor and Nureyev glided over him in two long, neat strides. He was out of the door and down the hallway in two more. By the time he had reached the front door, several of the henchmen who had brought him here earlier were barreling down the hallway after him.
But the funny thing about being dead is that you lose a lot of what makes you human. Heartbeat. Breathing. Pain. And without those, it becomes a whole lot easier to disappear.
And Nureyev had already been a master of disappearances while living.
He was already safely tucked away in a nearby alley by the time the executives charged out into the street in search of him. More of a ghost than any of the souls here could ever hope to be. He watched as they walked straight past him, never knowing that he was only a few feet away from them. He could reach out and brush the dust off of one of their lapels, but he stayed as still and silent as a stone statute. As soon as they were gone, he huffed out a quiet sigh of relief before the anger began to fade away and the reality of his situation hit him.
He was alone, penniless, and voiceless in a strange city a thousand miles from home.
He had nothing to his name except, well, his name.
He was helpless, a child who walked into the deep end of a pool too soon and was now floundering.
In spite of his best efforts, Peter Nureyev began to cry again.
What was that saying that Buddy was always so fond of repeating? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He supposed, in some sick and twisted way, that he deserved this. He had made this situation, and now he had to live with it. Gods, he hated that he was like this.
Pull yourself together, Nureyev. You’ve gotten out of tougher deals than this.
He took a minute to breathe and pull himself together. He had no plan, but was almost prepared to go before he noticed the figure standing off to his left, watching him. Instinctively, he leaped up and grabbed the knife from his pocket, holding it out in their direction. The figure raised their arms in surrender.
“Whoa, I didn’t mean to scare you! I’m sorry! I just- you were sitting here all by yourself, and well, I thought you looked a little lonely. Do you need any help?”
Nureyev opened his mouth to make a snarky comment in return, but no sound came out. He silently cursed his rotten luck.
“Ohhh, did you lose your voice?” The figure took a few steps closer into the light.
The knife nearly dropped from Nureyev’s hand once he saw the man’s face. This person was…. 
That was Benzaiten Steel. Peter would have bet his life on it.
He was nearly an exact replica of Juno if life hadn’t been quite so tough on him. Same wide and curious eyes, same nose, same jaw, same glimmer of mischief and compassion lurking at the edges of his expression, dressed in denim overalls, heavy work boots, and grease-stained shirt. Juno didn’t talk about his brother often, but when he did, it was always with no small amount of pain and grief. He had always wondered what had happened between the two of them that had caused Juno so much hurt. Now, perhaps he could find out.
Nureyev hesitated, considering his options, then nodded, and dropped the knife back down to his side.
“Shit,” Ben said, real concern lacing his voice as he dropped his hands. “And you’re new here too, aren’t you? I can’t say I’ve seen you before.”
Nureyev nodded again.
Ben blew out a long breath, clearly thinking. His brow furrowed in the same way Juno’s did when he was trying to work out a particularly tricky problem. Gods, he missed him.
“Okay then, you’re gonna stick with me from here on out, okay? Heyyyy, don’t give me that look. Everyone who comes down here thinks they can take care of themselves, but they can’t. They always need help. And I’m gonna be your helper! Oh, and where are my manners! My name is Benzaiten, but you can call me Ben. And because you definitely can’t tell me your name, I’m going to call you… Glass. Because your glasses are broken. Is that okay with you? I thought it would be. I am pretty good at naming things, if I do say so myself. I can fix your glasses when we get back to the party.”
A party? Down here? Nureyev narrowed his eyes. That seemed… suspicious.
“Ah. That’s right. Well, you didn’t hear this from me,” Ben said, lowering his voice conspiratorially, “but when the bosses aren’t looking, some of us like to have a little fun. A little wine, a little dancing, a few flowers here and there… it does wonders for the soul, I’ll tell ya. I’ll introduce you to the whole gang, Glass!”
The faintest of smiles crept across Nureyev’s face. Perhaps something worthwhile might come out of this disaster after all.
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tawneybel · 11 months
Song of the day: “Jack-o’-Lantern-Man” by the Bravery. 
Tomorrow’s my birthday. I’m going out to get vaxxed, then get brunch and dinner. I’m slowly redecorating my room, so I got some posters but won’t unwrap them until tomorrow. Also bought more winter clothes. Wearing black jeans rn. The first jeans I’ve worn in years. I don’t usually like wearing pants lol. 
Finally saw Skinamarink. Expectations were met. It blew me away. Like, an entire essay could be written on why I liked it so much. Watch it if you value aesthetics over plot in film. I do. 
At least when it comes to horror movies. I tend to watch horror and read (murder) mystery. Not so much the other way around. Whereas mysteries are plot-driven, horror media can either rely on plot or visuals/descriptions and be enthralling.
One problem I have with a lot of films is their cinematography. It often seems to take a backseat to plot, dialogue, and score/soundtrack. Which is why I love aestheticism. Well, that and symbolism. Deeper meanings are great, too.
I adore all the fan theories Skinamarinkers (?) are coming up with. Normally, “he’s in a coma” fanons bore me. But the dad said Kevin bumped his head, then the rest of Skinamarink is basically a hundred minutes of nursery nightmares. Faces aren’t shown properly.
MAKE SURE TO WATCH WITH SUBTITLES. (Unfortunately, the director’s commentary doesn’t have those.) AND THE SHORT PROOF OF CONCEPT HECK BEFOREHAND. It’s on YouTube. If you like it, you’ll like Skinamarink. Also, it unnerved me a bit more.  
Skinamarink made me feel so many things. Excitement. Nostalgia. Sympathy. Nostalgia. Fear. Well, mostly just fear when the phone got those toony eyes. There are a couple jump scares, but the movie’s more about slowly mounting dread. Plus making viewers pity the protagonists.
I feel like I’m super biased towards Skinamarink because it taps into my nostalgia. The amount of media it makes me want to reminisce about... All those “child(ren) up against a bogeyman” stories.
Those parallels between the classic cartoons and what the Voice in the Dark does to Kaylee and Kevin. The same Fisher-Price toy phone we had. Classic cartoons that were on either VHS or LaserDisc, watched in our snug basement. “The Cobweb Hotel” creeped me out so badly as a kid. At least I had my great-grandmother’s elephant figurines to watch over me. Dad’s cuckoo clock, too. 
The commentary mentions there are some anachronisms, like with the toys. Skinamarink takes place in 1995, but has that orange LEGO brick separator from 2011. Which just makes it more personally relatable to me.
My family’s always been practical, using things until they break. I have a DVD player that’ll turn twenty next year. So it wouldn’t surprise me if someone else has the VHS player somewhere. The only movies I remember watching on LaserDisc were The Wizard of Oz and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. But Oz is one of my all time faves and got watched a LOT. We had a bunch of obsolete or antique things and new things.
Going back to the toy phone… There was a Bruce Coville Magic Shop book that had a witch call the protagonist and her little brother on one. Jennifer Murdley’s Toad? And I’ve seen creepy art of Fisher-Price phones before.
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Disclaimer: ED IS WRONG. CANADIANS NEED TO GET WEIRDER. I hope Skinamarink inspires people to make more weirdass movies.
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It was a wintery night. It was cold enough for the gray rain to become ice and later snow. I couldn't even go outside. The door was blocked by 1 meter of deep white snow.
 My dad and me sat on the couch while my mom made hot chocolate. We sat silent until my bff caled and said ‘did you hear the news’ i shook my head and said ‘no not yet’ she told what ‘kids at the age 12 have to go to a camp from tomorrow. We can't choose, everyone has to go, Even you! We have to leave at 12 noon tomorrow.
I was shocked, a camp!? 
chapter 1
Hi everyone, I'm nyx and I am 11 years old. So this is a world far away from the time you are now in. I am going to tell my story so let's start.  
It was a wintery night. It was cold enough for the gray rain to become ice and later snow. I couldn't even go outside. The door was blocked by 1 meter of deep white snow.
 My dad and me sat on the couch while my mom made hot chocolate. We sat silent until my bff caled and said ‘did you hear the news’ i shook my head and said ‘no not yet’ she said that ‘kids at the age 12 have to go to a camp from tomorrow. We can't choose, everyone has to go, Even you! We have to leave at 12 noon tomorrow.
I was shocked, a camp!? I was sure this wouldn't get any worse so I ran to my parents and told them, they were in shock, we cried. The day went by and I went to bed at midnight, I was 12 the next morning. I was so scared of what was going to happen that I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in a car. I pulled
The rope from my hands, I tried to look around but it was dark. The only light I saw was where two men were driving the car. I snuck close to the men who were driving and I grabbed one of them by his neck. He choked and yelled at me but I put my nails deep into his neck and I saw blood dripping. As my nails were so sharp as a knife someone grabbed me, I poked my nails in his face, he screamed. 
I was so mad that I yelled out ‘where are we going!?’ Nobody answered, then I saw why there was a man with a gun in his hand. ‘Sit down young lady, right now!’ and with that said I sat down and stared.
 When we finally stopped I saw nothing, everything was black, probably because I had something on my eyes. I felt someone pushing me towards something and they took the towel from my eyes. I saw a big house and lots of small caravans. The men pushed me in a caravan and I saw 3 other kids who looked sad like me. The men shoved a suitcase under my bed and walked away without anything to say. The kids in the room said  “welcome number 4’, My name is’ ‘ssssst we can't say our names.”  It was late in the night I was so scared that I got cold feet. I had to go to bed but I was so scared that I was shaking but I had to go to bed.
I started to cry “I don't want to be here ! I want to go home” the others sat next to me and made me stop crying.
I heard rain tap against the window.
I fell asleep as the rain tapped and tapped. The next day I woke up on the ground feeling that my back was sore.
chapter 2
The guard stormed into the house and yelled “everyone in a line” . I was at the back .I was standing outside when suddenly a snake bit someone and everyone was screaming except me. I loved snakes. The training was canceled and the snake died. The next hour was even worse: the big kids had made a fire. The whole camp was burning and so a kid just died. 
I was standing and just waiting for someone to save us when someone yeled “ follow us ! ”
i ran to the voice and followed it 
into the fire i almost burned but the voice kept yelling follow me , i fell and i was about to die when someone saved me. I was shocked when I woke up. I was in a pastel world. I saw a lake with cookies and milk and I felt a soft ground. I was laying on a marshmallow. I knew it was in the real world, the world we were at war with. How did I get out of the camp? Why was I here? 
I closed my eyes and fell asleep…
When I woke up I was in a cotton candy pink house. And in a pink dress there were people staring at me so I opened my eyes. 
there was a mushroom next to my bed and he said” *%==| !;% `|. [`,
and I knew what it meant. It was”hello are you nyx” so i sead “`%?” which was yes.
I looked at the mushroom and I couldn't resist the smell of mushroom and I took a bite.
and woosh… I had elf ears and a rainbow dress. I loved it, I tried to stand up but I didn't stand. I flew into the sky through the roof. I was in the sky when I heard a scream and flew back through the roof. When I was back I saw black and then I fell down, down the black hole when finally I saw light. But the moment I stopped. I fell further deeper into emptiness and I was screaming when finally stopped. And I looked up but in a millisecond I was falling again. I saw light and I thought, “I can fly”. i felt my wings 
How does it feel when you fly?
what can you see?
what does the scenery look like?
chapter 3 
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pieman1112 · 5 months
In the water planet or whatever Rebecca called it, the family decided to swing by for a couple of days before they return to Ylisse. The children were running around happily, exploring everything. Luckily, the older kids were able to join this time.
Elenore--older Lucina decided to lay low and enjoy sitting under the shade of an umbrella. She was interested in catching up with her mother and grandpa.
Jack--older Thomas assigned himself to be the kids guardian (totally not to impress the ladies there with his super caring personality. yes)
Rose--Maria, went with Chrom to fetch drinks and snacks. Anything to stay by her father's side a little bit more.
The girls swim wear were picked by their mother, even the older girls. She wanted to make sure they are all looking pretty. The two Thomas were picked by Hunter. He made sure to pick something durable knowing Thomas and his ...habits of pranking.
"Mother, have you got picked on whenever you came here?" Lucina asked curiously. The answer was obvious.
Rebecca had made the suggestion to Chrom about extending their trip in the UEG a little longer by stopping on one of the resort worlds that attracted millions of the UEG citizens. They had originally visited Earth to meet up with the future children who left with Hunter a while ago and this would be one more way to enjoy their company before heading back to Ylisse.
The resort world itself was a master craft of terraforming. It had been claimed in the UEG's mid region of its territories. A simple continental planet that had been transformed with atmospheric scrubbers and weather control modules that kept each section that was going to be designed in optimal conditions for the areas. It had beaches that were always sunny, ski resorts that always had fresh snow, amusement parks with rides for all enjoyers, and an artificial ring around the planet that acted as a luxury resort. Their stop today was going to be to the beach to enjoy the beautiful white sand and crystal clear blue water.
Hunter and Rebecca were sitting on some beach towels next to Elenore to catch up on everything that was going with her training in the UNSC and just in general from since she left Ylisse. Rebecca was laying back on the towel, soaking up the rays of the sun, when she heard Elenore's question. She sat back up and faced her future daughter, pondering for a moment before answering.
"There were a couple of times in all honesty. One time, when I was a child, your grandfather brought me to the beach and the only thing I wanted to do was build a sand castle. I had my little pail and shovel, grabbed some sand and started to build. There was a group of boys who thought it would be funny to throw their volleyball into my castle. They acted like it was an accident at first so I tried again and again they threw the ball into it. This repeated for a little bit. It was after the fourth time that your grandfather had gotten involved. To say they were scared would be an understatement. After he chased them off I was about to build my sandcastle and had a fun time until we left."
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prettyboypucey · 3 years
Weird ~ G.W.
Summary: George is gorgeous. Charlie is a meddler. The snow is cold. (this summary sucks...just read it) 
Pairing: George Weasley x Y/N 
Word Count: 2,404 (who do I think I am?) 
Warnings: mentions of bullying. mentions of food/eating. george is unknowingly triggering? reader cries. idk? let me know if i missed something. 
A/N: part 2? maybe? translations are for romanian via google translate. do not come for me if they are hella wrong. 
Translations: draga - darling; dragoste - love; tampit - stupid 
     I had never been normal. From the time I was a toddler I had stars in my eyes and dirt on my knees. While the other kids in my grade were playing with dolls and dressing respectably, I was riding imaginary dragons and wearing mismatched socks with dungarees and a butterfly headband. Normalcy evaded me even further when at 11 years old, I got a letter declaring me a witch.
     When I first came to Hogwarts I spent the majority of my time alone. It appeared that even children who could wave a stick around and makes things fly wanted nothing to do with the colorful little girl. Meeting Luna Lovegood in my second year was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Here was a girl who allowed me to be exactly who I was with no judgments. And then she introduced me to Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley, and suddenly that little girl who thought her only friends would always be the rocks she painted faces on, had found her people.
     Of course, being friends with Ginny Weasley meant knowing her many brothers. So after graduation when I went off to Romania to work with dragons it made me feel slightly better knowing Charlie Weasley would be there. He quickly took me under his wing and became the older brother figure I had never had. After working together for three years, and electing to stay at the sanctuary for the last two over the holidays, he had finally convinced me to come home with him. I was reluctant to leave the sanctuary - the one place I truly feel safe (despite the massive fire breathing creatures).
     Charlie had warned me that being with one or two of the Weasleys was very different from being with the entire Weasley clan. Obviously I knew Charlie and Ginny, Ron had always been nice to me, and I had met Molly a handful of times in passing. However, Bill was known to be quite intimidating, Percy was supposedly very no-nonsense, and the twins (albeit never cruel) had a reputation of being hell-raisers.
     Apparating to the edge of a marsh with Charlie by my side I could see the rising structure haphazardly balanced slightly ahead.
     Pausing, I glanced at the back of the familiar red covered head, “I don’t know Charles, maybe I should just go back. I really don’t want to be a burden.”
     Charlie very quickly rounded behind me to continue guiding me towards his home, “No, no, no, no, no. No. You’re not a burden to anyone draga. Keep your head up and if any of them give you grief - remind them of the giant, winged beasts you can feed them to.”
     Quickly placing a kiss to the side of my head Charlie bounded ahead again to open the door and announce your arrival. Before I could toe off the first boot to leave next to the dozen other pairs in the entryway, a pair of arms had flung around my neck.
     “Y/N! I missed you so much!”, Ginny pulled back, keeping her grip on my shoulders, to inspect for any major injuries.
     I held onto her elbows, keeping her close, “Hi Gin, I missed you too. A lot. I’m loving this new look by the way.”
     She reached up to brush the now short locks behind her ears. A grin on her face as the two of us looked the other over for the first time in months. Ginny was wrapped in a pretty baby pink sweater with shades of red and white running through it. The material was soft against my palm as I hooked it around her crooked elbow to follow her into the living area.
     “You know”, she started, “I was starting to think maybe Charlie had let you get eaten or burnt to a crisp in the land of dragons. It’s been so long since you’ve come to see me or left the sanctuary.”
     “I’m sorry Ginny. It’s just that after everything, I had to keep myself busy.”
     Ginny’s smile softened into one of understanding. The war had taken a part of all of us. Although Fred had recovered after many months, that fear of almost losing such a vital part of their family had rocked the entire Weasley family to its core.
     “I get it, I do, but I worry about you. I just want you to know you’re not alone Y/N.”
     I pulled the girl into another tight hug, “I know.”
     Ginny pulled away first, clearing her throat, “Okay! Now that’s out of the way - it’s time to introduce the one and only Y/N L/N to the Weasley’s.”
     I hummed, “Hmmm and which of us should be more scared?”
     “Oh definitely the Weasleys.”
     Meeting the Weasley family had gone much better than expected.
     Molly had opened her arms and home to me as if I was one of her own children. By the time the night was over she had me stuffed full of warm food and drink and donning my very own coveted Weasley sweater, the lavender initial in the middle marking it as my own. Arthur had been very interested in my muggle parents and upbringing, questioning me about the functions of a rubber duck. Bill and his wife Fleur were the most stunning couple I have ever seen, and not nearly as intimidating as people portrayed them. Fleur was pleased when she found out I spoke a bit of conversational French and promised to have me over to Shell Cottage (apparently they have an amazing collection of wind chimes that I am dying to see). Percy was a bit more refined. Completely polite and friendly but he seemed reserved. Ginny had explained in one of her letters how much guilt Percy carried after the Battle of Hogwarts over how he had behaved in the years leading up to that day.
     The twins were much different than I remembered them being from the few times we were around each other in school. The physical differences were clear - George’s missing ear and Fred’s dragging limp were both signs of the prices they paid in the war. More than that however, they had matured greatly. They were still happy and made sure to pull at least two pranks over the night, poor Molly nearly lost her voice after they blew up the turkey. However, there was something in their eyes that had been dimmed. Especially in George.
     His twin almost died that night, and it reflected in George’s eyes each time he looked at his older brother. It was clear that he was still afraid because whenever Fred left a room George followed, never letting his brother out of his sight, and if he happened to lose track of him a panic began to swirl in his brown orbs.
     I was in the middle of watching as George yet again made his way to Fred’s side, clapping a large hand on his twins shoulder and throwing his head back in laughter.
     “So which one are you staring at dragoste?”, Charlie whispered as he appeared out of nowhere.
     I ignored the burning in my cheeks as I looked away from the scene in front of me.
     “I am not staring at either of them tampit.”
     “Mhmm, sure, absolutely, I believe you.”, after a quick pause he said, “It’s George isn’t it?”
     I turned and scoffed at him, “No!… How did you know?”
     Charlie let out a chuckle, “Because I know you my little dragon. I also know my brother, and just between us, he definitely likes you as well.”
     At this I let out an incredulous laugh and glanced back to where George was now telling a story, his hands moving animatedly. There was no way that George Weasley had even a remote attraction to me. He was kind, strong, clever, and so bloody gorgeous it truly was a privilege to look at him. And I am…me. Nothing special. Just a girl who had more dragon friends than human ones and whose hands were covered in scars and callouses and whose socks never matched and had never even kissed a man before. So no, there was no way that George Weasley would ever like me.
     “Hey. I know that look Y/N. Stop those thoughts right this bloody second.”
     “Charles it really is annoying when you read me like that.”
     Throwing his arm over my shoulder he began to lead me towards the twins, “Yes I know and I am sorry in advance but this needs to be done. Fred!”
     Charlie’s voice had gone from a rushed whisper to a jovial shout when we reached George, Fred, and Ron by the fireplace. George’s smile as he turned to look at us sent a million butterflies off in my tummy.
     “So Freddy, I was hoping you could help me out with a top secret project tomorrow for mum and maybe show me around the joke shop. I heard you added some new displays that I want to check out.”
     “Sure Charlie”, Fred glanced at George as he spoke, “I’m sure we can make some time for our favorite brother.”
     Ignoring Rons protest, Charlie gripped my shoulders and pushed me in front of him, “Actually George I was thinking you could stay here and show Y/N around the area. She mentioned wanting to talk a walk tomorrow and I would hate to disappoint her on her first Christmas out of the sanctuary.”
     I interrupted the rejection coming from George, “No please, I would hate to be a bother and make you be stuck with me all day. I’m sure Ginny can take me.”
     George smiled and shook his head, “No it’s completely fine Y/N. I would be happy to show you around.”
     “Okay great! It’s settled then!”, Charlie looked rather too pleased with himself and obviously missed the look exchanged by his identical younger brothers.
     The next morning the Burrow was a flurry of movement as everyone began their day. Apparently Charlie and Fred weren’t the only ones on their way out. The others still had some last minute gift shopping to do and Ron was spending the day with Hermione’s muggle family. After breakfast, a quick wink from Charlie, and a slam of the front door - George and I were alone in the house.
     The two of us stood facing one another in the living room for a few awkward moments before George spoke, “Well, um, did you want to head out as well?”
     “Oh sure! Yes, let me just grab my boots really quickly.”
     George led me out the door and onto the snow covered path towards the small, iced over river. Nothing was said for a while, the only sound was the crunch of snow under our boots and the occasional sniffle from one of our red noses. I was mentally imagining all the ways I was going to kick Charlie’s ass when he got back for suggesting a walk in the middle of winter when we came to the top of a hill and stopped.
     Everything as far as the eye could see was blanketed in sheets of white. Stomping my boots down into the fresh snow, I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as the snow gave way underfoot. Feeling a pair of eyes on me I remembered that I wasn’t alone and turned to see George watching me with an unidentifiable look on his face.
     “Sorry, sorry. That was - I don’t know why I did that. I liked the feeling of the crunch of the snow I guess. Sorry.”
     George grinned, “You don’t have to apologize. It was cute.”
     I could feel my face flush at his words. His smile grew even wider at the sight of my heated face. My gaze dropped from his pretty face down to my boots. I could feel the thick socks I had on beginning to grow cold and wet from how long we’d been outside. Looking back up I could see George’s deep eyes glaze over. Assuming it was because he had been apart from Fred so long I glanced out at the view one last time before turning back the way we came.
     “We should probably get back. We’ve been gone a while and my toes are getting wet. I feel bad enough that Charlie forced you to do this anyways without you getting frostbite or something. I’ve had frostbite, it’s not fun. And now I’m rambling. I’m sorry. Sorry”
     George was shaking his head at me and said, “You are so weird.”
     Ouch. My chest tightened and the small smile I had been wearing dropped from my face. If I had been able to see past the tears forming in my eyes that were making my sight blurry, I would have seen George’s face do the same. Unfortunately, all I could focus on was that word. Weird. Strange. Abnormal. Freak. 
     Weird weird weird.
     The walk back was silent. A thick tension surrounded you both as thick snow flurries began to swirl down in the midmorning air. Just as thick was the lump forming in my throat as I fought back tears. I know I shouldn’t let his words affect me. He’s just some guy. But deep down I also know that he’s not just some guy. This is George fricking Weasley. With his stupid perfect face and gorgeous eyes and his loyalty to his family. I couldn’t help but be enamored with him from the moment I walked in the Weasley’s front door. So it hurt to hear the man I liked call me that nasty word that has haunted me my entire life.
     When we finally reached the Burrow, George tried to reach for my arm but I pulled away and ran into the house. I could hear that some of the others had returned and really wanted to avoid a confrontation. Once again, luck wasn’t on my side. Charlie came walking out of the kitchen and saw me in the entryway. His face immediately became concerned at the sight of me and he lowered the sandwich he had from his mouth.
     “Draga?”, Charlie’s voice followed me as I finally reached the stairs and launched upstairs.
     As I reached the first landing I heard him speak again, his voice rough and hard.
     “What did you do?”  
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inupibaldspot · 3 years
Our Snowfall
Pairing: Baji x Reader
Request: OPEN
Note: I cried writing this I’m in so much pain rn 😭
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Baji slowly opened the door,revealing room of white color, with faint sent of medicines and anti-septic's.
Earlier he was playing catch with Mikey outside, but Mikey wanting to show off threw the ball too hard making the ball zoom across the sky as it breaks the window to a hospital room.
Baji was about to shout at Mikey only to find the blonde boy had disappeared without a trace. And now Baji was on a mission to get his ball back.
“I’m sorry for breaking your window.” Baji bows his head from the door.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Baji blinked in confusion. The voice was that of a young child and not an adult like he was expecting. He raises his head to see a small figure ,who looked really weak.
The person smiled. “The ball is on the table there. It would be best if you left before nurse comes back.”
Baji nods as he walks in and takes the ball. He notices that the broken glasses pieces were already picked up and clean.
Baji turns to look at you. “My name is Baji Keisuke. What is yours?”
Your lips curl into a weak smile. “My name is Y/N…”
Baji walks towards you. “Are you sick,Y/N?” His expression was somewhat worried.
You nod. “I’ve been here forever.” You laugh. “Mama told me I can’t go outside because I get sick easily so I stay at the hospital so Mr. Doctor can help me…”
Baji frowned. He was always an active kid who spend most of his time playing around so when he heard that you don’t get to go outside,it made him sad. “Is it okay if I visit you sometime.”
Your eyes widens as color appears on your cheeks,you then smiled brightly. “I would love that!”
True to his words,Baji immediately visited you the next day.
Ever since Baji entered your life,your life has been full of colors. Baji would always talk about how he spend his day,he would talk about his friends and all the crazy thing they would do.
He would always visit you,never making you feel lonely. Along the way he even introduced some of his friends. First he brought Mikey along and then the next Mitsuya and Pachin.
You were scared at first when Baji said they were in gangs but when you got to know them,they were just dorks,lovable and funny dorks.
“I heard this time we are going to have a white Christmas.” You said as you looked outside.
Baji who was cutting apples for you, stopped as he looks at you. “Are you going to be with your parents?”
You shook your head. “Both my mom and dad are going to be busy with work so they said we can’t celebrate it with me this time.”
You smiled as you turned to look at Baji. “But the nurses said they’re going to set up a Christmas tree so I’m excited!”
Baji looks at how your eyes brightened when you talked about the Christmas tree. You looked so happy talking about and that made you seem so much beautiful.
“I’m sure it would look so pretty-“ Your words came to a halt when you started coughing. The coughing never seemed to die down making Baji rush to your side and when it finally did,there were blood in your hands. He looked at you in horror but you didn’t seem to panic,rather you looked as if you were think ‘Not this again.’ As if this happened regularly.
“I’ll get the doctor real quick!” With that he rushes away.
To your dismay the Christmas tree was smaller than expected but nevertheless you enjoyed the cake your parents ordered for you,you ended up eating them with the grandma next door.
Maybe it was because you weren’t with Baji today,the day felt bit gloomier even-though it was such a joyous day. You missed Baji. 
Just when you were about to sleep,tiny knocks were heard at your door. “Psttt, Y/N.”
You look at the door confused. “Baji what are you doing here?”
Before you knew it,Baji makes you wear a thick jacket and cover your neck with a muffler not answering your question.The wide grin on his face perked your curiosity more.
He then kneels in front of you,his back facing you. “Get on!”
Baji turns to you and he gives you a grin. “I’m going to show you a huge Christmas tree.”
Baji and you then sneak out of the hospital as he carries you to the main town. You gleam at how beautifully the place was decorated. The air outside was cold but it was so fresh, so much frsh as compared to the air in your hospital room.
“It started snowing!” You shouted excited as you raised one of you hand to try and hold it,only for it to melt as soon as it touches you. “The report was right! We’re having a white Christmas!” It was your first time actually being outside when it was snowing, normally you'd only watch the snow from inside.
Places were beautifully lit, decorated with lights filled with joyful atmosphere. Some with their family others on dates. As people start to stare at the sky taking in the entrance of the snow.
“We’re here!” Baji stops walking as he nudges his head at a particular direction.
There at a distance was a huge Christmas tree, decorated with fairy lights, colorful bulbs and small other decorations. “Wow…”
“Beautiful isn’t it-“ Baji stopped speaking as he looked at your expression. Your eyes gleamed as it shone,from all the lights, you nose and cheeks slightly flushed from cold but the most beautiful part was your smile.
You burrowed you face against Baji’s neck,making him feel ticklish but he didn’t mind it rather he love it. “Thank you Keisuke …” He could feel your breath against his neck.
“I’m so glad I could spend the Christmas with you…”
“I hate school!” Baji shouts as he messes his hair in frustration. “I don’t know why I have to study this bull shit!” Baji was currently in you room as he worked on his homework while you were reading a book. A pleasant way you guys would spend your time together. It has almost been two years since you guys met.
You laugh at Baji’s expression as you set down the book you were reading. “Come on now~ Don’t say that..I think school must be fun.”
Baji stops as he realizes what he did. You were someone who could never join school after multiple incidents of you passing out or getting rushed to hospitals when you were a kid.
You couldn’t experience school like he did. Baji huffs as he goes back to his books. “Fine… I’ll aim for twenty marks this time.”
“Twenty? That’s not even the pass mark.” You laugh at him. “How about you go for thirty at least.”
“Thats not the pass mark either, Y/N!“
You were about to say something when a sudden thought came into mind. “Keisuke … I actually was watching tv yesterday and I saw someone making a pumpkin themed cake…”
“So I thought I’d want to eat that but I don’t think I can complete it by myself. So how about you join me…?” Your cheeks flushed red.
You were basically asking him out on a date.Sure you guys spend time together alone but you never once made an offer like this to him. It has been months since you figured out you had feelings so Baji but you never really acted on it.
Since the thought of you getting rejected and in turn losing a beloved friend scared you to no end.
“Sure!” You turned your head quickly at his reply. Baji was smiling as well as he continued. “When would it be?”
You smile as you brought your hands together, excited. “I was thinking of October 31..”
“Ah… I don’t think I can join you then…” Baji replied regretfully. “How about November 1?”
“Sure!” As long as you could spend time with Baji, you were happy.
But then that day never came.
That day you waited for Baji to enter the room,with an untouched cake box on the table. The door opens to reveal Mikey,Draken and Mitsuya.
“Baji…Baji died during our fight against Valhalla …”
Would it be funny if you said you ate the cake while you cried? Probably,but that’s what you actually did. Stuffing you mouth with the soft creamy treat as tears pool you eyes.
Days after were as if a curtain closed closed your window, everything felt so much dim and it didn’t help that your condition seemed to worsen.
You were losing weight at an alarming rate,coughing up more blood at frequent rates. You grew increasingly weaker as you parents even took time off their jobs to nurse you.
But at certain nights you would wake up in tears,as you could barely breathe as you searched for Baji,hoping to see him with you in the room. “Keisuke…”
It was a peaceful winter evening ,the air was cold and places were quiet as white snow gently falls in the ground.
People outside were looking and hoping that the snow would set properly. Kids were already outside as they excitedly play out, parents in their homes were making food to warm themselves up.
“Stay with me Y/N!”
People were rushing all over the room as you dad hold your crying mom.
You head felt as if it was going to burst,a strong sense of nausea filled you. Everything you hear and see seemed so muffled and blur.
Despite you body feeling limp, it was twitching. You breathing which was rapid at first seemed to now slow down,accompanied with a strong aching pain.
Then suddenly all those suffering at once disappear.
You entered into a white place,as if each and every part was covered in snow.Your body felt light with no presence of pain that you were feeling just a second before.
 You walked around too see that in a distance was a very familiar person.A person who made you life so much brighter. A person who you enjoyed every moment spend with him. A person you loved.
That person turns around as he expression turns into a frown.
“Why did you join me so early?”
You smile as a tear rolls down your face. “I guess I missed you too much,Keisuke.”
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sandbees · 3 years
Okay I was thinking about how the other charathers that Arent the great Seven would react to the NRC students in the house of mouse AU. Like i can Imagine Azul asking Ariel if She wants ti make a deal with him and Ariel Is like "lol no", or the First year see Cruella de vil at One of the tables and they are like "She look so much like Crewel that She's giving us PTSD" or kalim and Aladdin becoming buddies :D.
Well, let me put in some headcannons then:
Word goes around that some of the Great Disney villains come to visit Yuu and everyone gets jealous.
So now whenever Yuu goes to work they always get asked to have them visit their world.
So, Yuu just says, “Meh ok, you guys can visit me whenever just ask one of the Great Seven or go through the mirror in my dressing room-“
And suddenly Yuu gets someone they met from the House of Mouse ever other day. It’s literal chaos and Yuu doesn’t know if they should feel exasperated or flattered.
Anyways, here’s some interactions between the dorms and some Disney Characters:
Heartslybul: Obviously when Alice comes to visit, she comments on how Heartslybul reminds her of the Queen of Hearts’ garden. When Yuu mentions that they paint the roses red, Alice sarcastically asks, “Does the dorm leader behead people who don’t paint the roses?” “...Well, he’s more lenient now but...” “...You’re serious?”
Ace and Alice get along swimmingly, basically quick quips and a lot of teasing. Yuu regrets introducing them to each other because they know the two are going to get into some sort of trouble. Deuce also gets along with Alice, though he can get lost in Alice’s rambles in imagination.
I think Alice would get along with Trey and Cater. I mean, they both give big brother vibes (Trey more than Cater). Trey would give Alice some tarts and Alice is like, “....He’s cool.”
Cater is going to take a bunch of pictures, and Alice is very curious about the device he’s holding (I don’t think phones or the internet existed during Alice’s time so...). Cater ends up teaching Alice about the internet and phones.
Riddle...ohhh noo. Once Alice broke one of the 810 rules and Riddle lightly scolded her for it. Alice thinks most of the rules are ridiculous and while Riddle has toned down on being strict, he’ll quickly get annoyed with Alice questioning the rules. There’s rules for a reason! The dorm was founded on these rules!!
Savannaclaw: It’s Simba, obviously. He’s curious to see the dorm after his...nefarious uncle. It’s much more nicer than he expected, though he’s a little off put by the dorm’s...rowdiness.
But he’s impressed with the Magishift practices they have when Yuu showed them.
He likes Jack, right off the bat. Jack has this sense of justice that he can relate to. I think they would get along pretty well. Oh, and probably how strong and buff Jack is.
Simba is wary of Ruggie, due to him being a hyena beastmen. He has...bad memories of hyenas. His wariness is correct, since Ruggie has tried to swindle Simba and Yuu to do some of his work. Does the relationship get better? Only if Yuu makes them hang out with each other haha.
Leona reminds Simba of Scar...to a certain degree. Lazy, cunning, and has this look where it seems like he could be planning something nefarious...
Ok, maybe not that bad, but Simba is weary of Leona. He kind of expected a character similar to Scar since this is the dorm based on him but...still. It’s really odd. It’s kind of rocky, but if Cheka comes over to visit, well...it could get better.
I mean, Leona does find Cheka annoying and calls him a brat but...Simba can tell there’s no malicious desire towards Cheka, which raises Leona’s “evil people don’t interact” list. That doesn’t mean Leona’s in the clear, but he’s ok.
Octavinelle: Surprise, surprise, it’s Ariel! She comes over, human legs and all. (Don’t worry! She got them from the nicer sorcerers). She wanted to visit Yuu and see how great NRC was! They had fun, and then they went to Mostro Lounge.
Ariel is terrified of the Tweels. They give her this...off putting feeling and they’re very intimidating. She does not trust them at all. She does like how they get up close and how they speak as if she’s some poor soul waiting to be taken advantage over.
That’s also why she does not trust Azul at all. He reminds Ariel of Ursula - especially when he tries making a contract with her. Uh-uh, no way. Never again.
This leads to Ariel dubbing NRC a dangerous place for Yuu to stay at. Why doesn’t Yuu come live with her and her family back at her world? Surely it’s much more safer than here! Why, Melody already sees Yuu as a big sibling so why not just stay at the castle permanently?
Ursula fumes at the thought of her enemy trying to take Yuu away and become their parent. That’s her role, dammit!
Scarabia: Kalim invites Aladdin, actually. It’s the most funniest scenario. Yuu mentioned to Kalim about the street rat that wooed the princess and Kalim says, “:00 WE SHOULD INVITE HIM!!” Jamil sighs and facepalms.
It’s actually going great! Aladdin is kind of shocked at the big party that Kalim threw, but it was a great welcome. He’s shook that Kalim apparently trusted Aladdin enough to show him the treasury room. “It’s open for all of the dorm to use! I don’t need much of it!”
Wasn’t NRC rumored to be a villain’s school??? What is this ball of sunshine doing here???
Actually, the Scarabia duo are good in his eyes. Sure, a little rough around the edges with Kalim being a bit too naive and Jamil being more of a watching snake, but they’re better than what he expected. Aladdin gets along with them pretty well!
And then they go on a carpet ride when Kalim introduces Aladdin to his magic flying carpet.
Yuu and Jamil scream at the two of them to get down as they fly across the night sky.
Pomfiore: oh no. Oh no no no. Snow White visiting Pomfiore is like...Neige visiting.
Vil is cold to Snow White, and she knows why. She’s seen the images that Yuu had of this “Neige Leblanc”. He certainly reminds her of her younger days. Which is why she completely understands why Vil is so standoffish of her.
What she doesn’t expect is Rook singing her praises and also kind of...watching her. It’s low key creepy but Yuu says it’s normal and since he doesn’t mean any harm Snow White lets it slide. They do have a good conversation though. Snow White learns to understand Rook’s...eccentric hobbies.
Epel and Snow White go together like apples and oranges. They go pretty well together, but they have contrasting differences. They could be passed of as siblings with their cute looks, as much as Epel hates to admit it. Though I’d like to think they have this “Soft big sister with a gremlin of a little brother” dynamic. Or “Big sister that is harmless but has a badass little bother” dynamic. Just...a cool sibling dynamic, basically.
Ignihyde: Hercules comes by when he hears that a dorm was based off of Hades. He had to see what it was like. He expected the doom and gloom, but he didn’t expect all the technology.
He and Ortho go along swimmingly. I mean, he’s pretty chill around the more upbeat and cheery dorm member, at least. (Seriously, the others were such buzzkills). He also gets a good impression on Idia when Ortho affectionately talks about his big brother! Wow, so the kids here do have a heart! Unlike Hades-
Ok, so as much as Ortho talks so highly of Idia, Hercules does not see how Ortho does. I mean, Idia is a complete shut in and gloomy recluse! Why do you stick around him?! It isn’t until he speaks his mind about that comment does Ortho turn into a crazy murder machine. (“How DARE you speak of that about my brother!!”) Yuu has to save Hercules and the entire dorm before Ortho blows up the school.
So now Hercules sees how inseparable the two are and how much they care for each other, which yeah, that’s pretty cool. (Is also low key jealous, how come his half brothers weren’t like that?)
Diasomnia: Aurora visits with Maleficent. Both do not share ill will after their stories are completed. They actually do make amends. So Maleficent invited Aurora to see her grandson, and Aurora politely accepts.
They have tea with Malleus, and it is a very pleasant conversation. Aurora gets along well with Malleus, even suggesting maybe she should invite him and Maleficent to her kingdom one day. (Maybe when she gives birth to a beautiful baby. Maleficent liked that)
Lilia is also a fun one to be around! Aurora was so surprised by his scare that she had laughed. Ah, what a funny fae! Why, she hadn’t laughed this hard since...well, never. She likes Lilia and will come by if she needs a good laugh.
Poor Sebek though....he acts all uptight around Aurora because she’s a Queen and also aquatinted with Maleficent...he must be respectful to her at all costs! It takes a long time for Sebek to at least act a little casual around her. Maleficent says it’ll take some time, though Aurora isn’t sure if that time will come on her lifetime...but for the meantime, she is still happy to be around Sebek’s presence and have pleasant conversations with him.
Aurora and Silver...ok, let me say this: they got along during a sleepover. The Diasomnia gang + Maleficent and Aurora had a sleepover in the dorms to “better know each other”. I also think Aurora would feel sympathy for Silver if the conversation of him tending to fall asleep came up. Heavens knows she still has her sleepy spells even after her curse was broken.
Also- wofhenod I just imagine Aurora and Silver walking in the forest together and a bunch of animals surround them. (Yuu finds them and cries when they actually attracted a bunch of adorable puppies (or whatever animal you find cute). Cute, adorable animals that are so gentle with them that they start to cry due to stress from being at NRC (Silver and Aurora look at Yuu with concern and gently start comforting them)
Winfendien Suddenly I want a twin dynamic with Silver and Aurora. Even a sibling dynamic would be cool. Just two sleepy siblings that won’t hesitate to kick your ass.
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fanfictionsandtea · 3 years
Peaky Blinders AU where everybody smokes weed instead of tobacco
The Shelbys first discovered weed through an ex-soldier of the colonial army (East India Company).
Thomas was sceptical at first because he knew what opium could do to your body. He was scared that his brothers would get addicted to that new drug he knew little about.
John on the other side was not afraid at all. Behind Tommys back he smoked a bowl of the good Kush and immediately fell in love with Mary Jane.
He began to meet more often with the ex-soldier who was already an experienced pothead and grew his own weed in his backyard.
He also began to smoke on his own and soon discovered the medical benefits as well. After a fight the first thing he would do was not to bandage his wounds but to light up a bowl of his favourite strain.
One day Thomas and Arthur drove to Johns house to suprise him.
When he opened the door the smoke that was trapped in the room escaped in a cloud like manner. His eyes were barely open and looked very irritated.
"What happened to you?", Arthur asked perplexed.
"Oh, I know that bloody smell. John, tell me you are not smoking that fucking flower!", Thomas growled.
"Calm down, Thomas. It helps me with the pain from all the fighting."
"Really?", Arthur asked, "Do you think it could help me with my back?"
"Sure, come in."
John prepered a great bowl full of White Widow. He started laughing as Arthur coughed his soul out of his body. Arthur fell into Johns armchair. He closed his eyes and had a big smile on his face. John was happy about his positiv reaction of sudden relaxation and prepared another bowl for himself.
"John, are you fucking kidding me?", Thomas said with an agressiv voice.
"You should try it, Tommy.", Arthur replied and started coughing again.
"C´mon you´re smoking your bloody opium every second night and now your judging me for smoking some pot."
"Drugs are bloody dangerous, John!", he shouted.
"Damn, Thomas, keep it quiet.", Arthur complained.
"It´s not dangerous. Well, it´s not worse than a cigarette. Weed has a lot of medical benefits. It can help you with pain, stress and even anxiety and depression among other things. It makes all the bad thoughts go away. Try it at least before you judge me."
"Alright, prepare me a bowl."
Thomas first experience was amazing. The weed got his creative juices flowing throughout his body. He started planning to grow his own weed to be financially independent and when an idea hit him like a train. Money. He could sell weed amongst all his friends and enemies to make them dependent on him.
"Guys, we´re starting a new business."
Thomas managed to get some seeds from connection to Amsterdam. At first they only grew weed in there backyards but they expanded quickly into green house complexes specially built for their farming efforts.
Polly was facinated by the new plant. It helped her forgetting about all the bad things that had happened to her in the past. After growing her own marijuana plants she realized how much she loved gardening and began to get deeper into the art of botany especially in regards to crossing different breeds. Her weed became to known as the strongest in all of Birmingham.
Isaiah, Finn and the other boys stopped snorting snow, which Thomas saw as a big improvement of the family.
Ada and the communists natrually loved it, too. They worked together on giant publicly owned fields to support their commune.
Johns oldest boy sometimes snuck out to steel some weed from Esmes purse even though John was always ambitioned to keep children away from drugs.
"I told you a thousand times that pot is only for cannabis patients and adults!" (What up YouTube YouTube what up Jolli Olli comin atcha for CustomGrow420... go check him out)
Alfie Solomon was a bit sceptical at first but he didn´t regret trying it. After blazing he had some beautiful intimate moments with his god.
Everyone was happy and soon the weed wave spread all across the isles and beyond to all corners of the British Empire.
But one day John talked to a guy who gave him shrooms.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.6
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
ch.5 - ch.7 (finale)
The air was still quite nippy and crisp, but the afternoon sun sparkled on the white snow and made the atmosphere pleasant to stand in if the Main Sequence Star was shining directly on a living organism, like it was on Stan from where he stood on the porch. He sighed tiredly as he dug into his hoodie’s pocket for a fresh cigar and lit it with his Zippo-style lighter. He knew he probably shouldn’t smoke with a kid in the house, but after the few days he’s had, he needed and had well earned a smoke-break.
The door opened and Stan hid his cigar by his side, his right arm glued to his hip to hide the newcomer on his left, but when he saw it was an adult, he relaxed and took another puff. “M’trying to quit.” He mumbled.
Ford snickered. “Yeah, it looks like you’re trying really hard.”
“Don’t be shitty.” Stan said casually.
“Mind if I lend one? I can replenish you in a few minutes.”
Stan stared at his goody two-shoes of a twin and handed him a cigar and the lighter. “You smoke?”
“Not often. For a celebration or after a long day.” Ford answered as he lit his borrowed cigar. “Maybe twice a month. Thrice?”
Ford looked down at the lighter in his hand, and he was surprised when he recognized it. He can clearly remember seeing the tiny silver box in a store and thinking Stanley would like it as a Only One More Year of High-School present. “I gave this to you.”
Stan smiled as he took it back and pocketed it. “Yeah, it’s a good lighter. Only needed to change the flint a few times.”
“Hey guys!” A small voice called from inside the house. “Do you like vanilla or chocolate?”
The twins looked at each other, smiled, and called back. “Both. Both is good!”
“Both it is!”
Stan chuckled and shook his head. “Knucklehead… I knew she had to be family just by looking at her!” He bragged proudly.
“I suppose I was too distracted by the fact that a cold girl was at my doorstep to recognize the family resemblance.” Ford reasoned, shrugging. “I wanted to make sure I did the right thing. I didn’t exactly feel like getting arrested for kidnapping.”
Stan barked a laugh. “Yeah, you got a good point.” The conman yawned and stretched his arms over his head. “Guess I’ll head out tomorrow.” He mentioned offhandedly.
Ford stared at him, a little saddened and disheartened by this fact that was news to him. “You’re leaving?”
“I mean, yeah?” Stan equally stared at his brother, confused and not daring to be hopeful, but still. “What?”
“I just…” Ford hesitated and busied his mouth by taking a hit of his cigar. With everything that has been said and how well he and Stan have been communicating, he really didn’t feel like ruining it now. He relaxed his shoulders and said with his eyes on the snowy woods. “I was really hoping you would stay.”
Stan looked dumbfounded, like a child discovering candy for the first time, but he looked away and down at the porch floor. “Oh.”
“I’ll of course be taking care of Mabel until Dipper comes back in time for her…”
“He might not.”
“We got over our grudges. They can do the same.” Ford said firmly. “Still, you have a point. Dipper might not be able to come back. Regardless, whether it’s for a short time, a long time, or for the rest of my life, I will take care of her. I might not be the best for her, I can acknowledge that…”
“C’mon, Sixer, don’t be like that.” Stan scolded lightly, giving a sympathetic look to the nerd. “What else can you do, y’know? There’s no way in hell you’re gonna give her up, I’ll kidnap her and run away to Canada before I let you…”
Ford laughed and waved a hand as he smiled. “No no, I promise I won’t.”
“The point is, she loves you. Clearly. And it takes two, and I’ll be busy with my research, especially once the snow melts and the anomalies become more active in the spring and summer, but…” Ford bit his lip. This was a bad idea. If he makes it seem that the only reason why Stan needs to be here is because of Mabel, if or when she’s gone, then Stan will have no reason to stay. And there were many reasons why Ford wanted Stan to stay.
Despite how much of a social-cripple Ford was, he knew that Stan was homeless. His frequent traveling and how full his car was right now was enough proof of that. And Ford hated that for his brother.
But there was another, bigger reason why Ford wanted Stan to stay. So he better just say it.
“Do you know why I went to Backupsmore?” Ford asked.
Stan’s facial expression darkened as he looked away and he shrugged. “Cuz I fucked up your project?”
“No,” Ford answered plainly. “I may not have been accepted into West Coast Tech, but there were so many other colleges that wanted me. I could apply to Yale or Harvard or any college from New York to California and instantly be accepted.
“But I didn’t.” The author added grimly. “Stanley, when you left… When you were gone, I was a mess. So many days I just lied in bed without meals or sleep. Ma was hysterical. I failed most of my exams and only barely scraped a C in the ones I didn’t fail. My GPA dropped significantly and I even lost my Honor Roll. Thankfully my past grades were enough to let me graduate with a 3.2, but my clean record was stained and a lot of prestigious colleges didn’t want me.
“All I wanted at that point was to get as far away from Glass Shard as possible. Luckily there was a small college outside of San Francisco that practically accepted everyone and had a wide range of studies to offer, so I applied and was accepted by graduation day.”
“Good for you.” Stan grunted.
“No! The point is, I…” Ford groaned, feeling like he was failing, but he had to try. “I understand if you don’t want to stay. I understand you have your own life and things you want to do, and I can live without you again if I have to, but… I really, really don’t want to. Yes, I know that part of growing up is going in different directions and being independent and all the other bells and whistles, but it doesn’t have to be. So, if you can tolerate living under the same roof as me again, and if you’re okay with it, I want to offer you a job.”
Stan raised an eyebrow at the six-fingered man. “What kinda job?”
“The committee gives me monthly boosts so I can continue my research. As long as I prove to them once a year that progress is being made, I have a good income coming in. It is a big job, exploring the large woods, climbing mountains and waterfalls, combing the lake, mapping the Enchanted Forest, and hunting down monsters and anomalies to learn more about them. I’ve always managed to make it out of trouble alright, but… I need a partner, and I want to keep it in the family.” Ford smiled at the last sentence.
“What are you saying?” Stan sneered, not daring to believe, not daring to hope, but that stupid smile Ford had…
“I’m saying I want you to do this with me, Stanley.” Ford said matter-of-factly. “I can share the grant with you after bills are paid and groceries are purchased. We can renovate the small room on the ground floor to be Mabel’s bedroom and you can have the entire attic as your own space.
“I know it’s not sailing around the world, but… Please. Will you give me another chance?” Ford pleaded with a soft smile.
Stan grinned and shook his head. “Shit, Sixer, you’re a better salesman than me.” He looked him in the eyes. “Okay. Yes. I’ll stay.”
Ford’s cheeks puffed with happiness as he smiled, his lips pressed together, and he looked ahead, happily daydreaming his future. Being surrounded by weirdness for a living was amazing by itself; doing it with his twin and raising their niece together on top of it was better than anything he could have imagined.
Stan was watching him and laughed good-naturedly, then held out a hand to him. Ford blinked at it like a startled owl, but then returned the smile and sealed the deal with a high-six.
Both brothers stood contently outside with their cigars for a minute, but then heard a bowl clatter on the floor. Mabel must be making a mess in the kitchen, which was fine.
What wasn’t fine was the sound that followed of a body falling on the floor.
Ford raised an eyebrow and called calmly, “Mabel, are you alright?”
They both expected a quick “yeah, sorry, I’m okay,” and maybe an explanation to follow, like she tripped getting down from a chair or something. But there was no reply.
“Mabel, sweetie?” Stan hollered, trying not to sound mad or scared or anything but cool-under-pressure, but this voice trembled with fear.
Still no answer.
Ford and Stan quickly discarded their cigars and bolted inside. Racing like children for cookies, they soon stood at the doorway of the kitchen and were horrified to find Mabel sprawled on the floor on her front, her hair scattered over her face to hide her expression, and her legs and bottom-half of her body slowly fading.
Literally. Fading. Mabel was fading away. She was disappearing like a stain on cloth.
“MABEL!” The men screamed and were immediately on their knees beside her. Ford scooped her up into his arms and felt her pulse and looked over her.
“What happened to her?!” Stan cried out. “Pumpkin, what’s wrong?!”
Ford’s eyes widened in panic as a horrifying realization slapped him in the face. “Mabel… You changed history.”
The tired girl nodded with her eyes closed. “If… If you guys had a fight… and never made up… in my timeline, then I guess…” Mabel paused to yawn tiredly. It didn’t hurt, but she was really sleepy now.“I guess that timeline doesn’t exist anymore, huh? I guess I don’t exist anymore.”
“WHAT?!” Stan yelled and took Mabel’s hand and squeezed it. “We have to do something! You’re family! You’re… We can’t just let you d- not exist!”
Ford held Mabel tighter and closer to his warm chest, making her smile. She swore she could hear his heartbeat. It was too fast. She would have to fix that. Poor Ford was also shaking like a leaf. Mabel could fix that, too.
“I’ll exist.” She smiled up at her uncles. “In a few years.”
Ford bit his lip. He shouldn’t ask this, it was probably dangerous to learn about the future, but the worst was already happening. What else could possibly happen that was worse than losing his girl? Ford couldn’t help but ask, “When?”
“August 31st, 1999.” Mabel’s eyes dazzled. “You’ll meet Dipper, too.” She shifted her eyes to only Stan and whispered, “Did you know you were there? You came to see us when we were born?”
Stan’s eyes watered as he smiled at the new piece of information. “I did?”
“You did. I came out first. You were so proud when I kicked the doctor in the jaw.”
Stan made a watery chuckle and wiped at his eye. “That’s my girl.”
“Dipper came next. He was blue. Umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.”
“Was he okay?” Stan asked.
“He was fine. You knew he would be. You never doubted.”
“I never will, pumpkin. I swear.”
The fading is now much worse. It was spreading over Mabel like a virus. Her legs were hardly visible to the naked eye, and even her shoulders were losing color. This Mabel is almost completely gone. 
Ford, pressed for time, bit his lip as tears flooded his eyes and he cupped Mabel’s cheek and cradled her. “I… I can’t let you go! We just started to become a real family! Wh-What am I going to do without you?!”
Mabel smiled and used the free hand not holding Stan’s trembling hand to caress Ford’s jaw and lower cheek, then cupping his face so her fingertips grazed his sideburn. “It’s okay, really. I’ll see you again, and next time it’ll be when both of you come to see us. Totally worth it.” 
Ford held his breath, and shut his eyes, a tear escaping from each eye and sitting comfortably in the corners of his windows to his soul. Stan hiccuped a laugh and rubbed her hand between both of his. Both of them were doing everything in their power not to cry. 
To that, Mabel laughed and said, “Boys are stupid. It’s okay to cry.”
The cursed power of Mabel. Making people be honest and breaking dams.
Ford curled into his niece, his face sloe to her heart, and cried gently. He wasn’t ready, but he didn’t think he could ever be ready for this.
Stan laughed with tears streaming down his face and he kissed Mabel’s tiny fingers trapped in his hold, then held their hands close to his bowed forehead and just focused on feeling her pulse between his palms.
It only lasted another minute.
Ford was mortified when his chest sank and his arms were empty. He threw himself back and stared at his lap and felt sick to his stomach to find his little girl missing.
Stan’s hands also clasped together and he squeezed tightly, his fists against his trembling lips as he cried.
The genius who always seemed to know what to do didn’t have a damn clue what to do with himself. He growled in his throat, squeezing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth, then let out a painful howl and moan that most definitely disturbed birds and made a deer or two gallop farther away.
Ford removed his glasses and held his knees, sobbing his heart out. Stan blinked his tears off his eyes, resulting in them rolling down his face, as he watched his brother completely shatter to pieces. He had seen him upset before, sure; all those years of bullying, of Pa’s outbursts and sometimes physical punishments, hopelessness that he was actually worth something. You don’t spend seventeen years with a person and not see them break every so often, granted the blessing to help them put themselves back together again.
But Ford didn’t need Stan to swoop in and fix it. There were no bullies to punch or parents to stand against or jokes to crack that would make this okay. All Stan could do was throw his arms around him and bury his face into Ford’s shoulder and cry, too. 
So that’s what they did on the kitchen floor for over an hour.
Dipper blinked to try to see, but all he saw around him was inky blackness for miles. His heart raced as he looked around for his sister. “Mabel? Mabel! Mabel, answer me!”
The boy scrambled and collapsed out of a portable potty at the fair. He blinked his eyes rapidly to adjust to the sunlight, scurrying off his hands and knees, clutching the warm time-machine in his hands. Wendy was still admiring her price and Robbie was still sulking, and Waddles was still trying to get away from Pacifica.
That didn’t matter! Mabel was stranded back in time! But how far back?! When was Mabel?! Dipper started jamming the button, but the machine wasn’t working, and it was soon swiped from him by a black-gloved hand.
“Mason Pines,” A gruff voice commanded above him and Dipper looked up to find two new guys with that Blendin guy. The two other guys were muscular and guarded with high-tech armor. 
“You are under arrest for violating the Time-Traveler's Code of Conduct and for jeopardizing the timestream.” The man labeled as Dundgren stated as serious as death.
“Do you have any idea how many rules you just broke?!” Blendin squawked. “I’m asking. I wasn’t there with you. It was probably a lot, right?”
“Wait, wait please!” Dipper begged as the two members of the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadrent each grabbed the boy by an arm. “My sister! She’s still back there! We have to get her!”
“You have the right to remain silent.” The man labeled as Lolph informed robotically. “Anything you say can and already has been used in the Court of Time-Law.”
“Let me go, Mabel needs-...” And Dipper and the three time-travelers were blasted forward in time.
In the endless space of time, Dipper was levitated off the ground by a giant baby using the power of his forehead-hourglass to trap him in a baby-blue field. Members of the the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadrent circled the two, and Blendin stood with his arms crossed over his chest and smiling smugly as the kid who caused so much trouble was getting what he deserved.
“You and your sister have broken the eternal laws of space-time.”
“I’m sorry!” Dipper cried out, trying to fight the energy circling him, but it was futile. “I’m sorry! Do what you want to me, just help my sister!”
“Your sister does not require help, nor do you require punishment.” Time Baby informed as he held his feet. “You are lucky the events that occurred do not change anything drastically. However, your timeline has shifted and therefore this reality’s version of you and your sister are no longer viable and will cease to exist.”
“What?!” Dipper squeaked and looked down at his body to find his legs disappearing. “No no NO! What’s happening to me?!”
“You and your twin sister will be born again on August 31st, 1999, but too many things are different in your timeline for this version of you to continue to exist.”
“W-W-What did I do wrong?! What did I change?!” Dipper cried out as his whole body was drained of color. “What changed in our timeline?!”
“Your uncles have amended their bond thirty-four years ahead of schedule. As unfortunate as this is, your sister miraculously delayed the plans of Bill Cipher by an entire millennia.”
“What uncles?!” Dipper asked, panicked as the fading reached his neck. “Who’s Bill Cipher?!”
“If you wanted the answers you sought out, you should have been patient.” Time Baby scolded. “We all get the answers we seek… in time.”
“P-P-Please!” Dipper begged as he appeared as a ghost. “Please! What did Mabel do?!”
Time Baby cruelly stayed silent, testing Dipper’s strengths, but he was dying, anyways. Might as well.
“She met the Author of the Journals. Your missing uncle.”
Dipper’s eyes widened. “Mabel…” He rasped, and then he ceased to exist.
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doodler-jpeg · 3 years
Life [Wilbur Soot/Fundy]
Pronouns: she/her or they/them [you’re referred to as wife, mom,, that stuff, but you can change those if you want]
You hummed as you strained out your clothing beside the river near your home. A smile graced your face, [Eye Colour] eyes glinting happily in the warm sunlight of that fine summer day. Autumn would soon turn the land into a seemingly barren wasteland, though, so you decided to savor every last bit of happiness the hot days brought you. 
Hanging the large amount of clothing upon thin clothing lines, you dumped out your bucket and made sure nothing got in the lake. Walking back inside of your home, you set the buckets in the corner of the cozy cottage and walked back outside. Your brown boots thudded quietly against the cobblestone path that lead into the woods around your home that would eventually be covered in snow.
A sudden childish giggle made you turn to the fields that were a ways away from your house, right in front of the sparsely scattered trees to the right of your little house. You furrowed your brows in confusion as a blur of yellow, white, and red rushed over to you.
“Hello there.” You couldn’t help but stare as the child looked up at you silently. “What are you doing here, little one?” He only blushed, his face flushing a vivid red before he ran off. You shrugged and continued your trek into the forest.
You watched as flakes of snow fell delicately onto the muted green coloured grass, bundled tightly in a burrito of quilts that you and your mother has made together. You shuffled slightly from your position on your warm bed, closing your eyes as you waited for sleep to consume you.
It seemed life had other plans, though, as a faint light came toward your home, edging closer and closer until you could make out a figure, their clothing a great contrast to the paw snow. They were shivering visibly, clutching their arms as their lantern shook in their hand.
You frowned as you peeled your blankets off of you, pulling your boots on quickly. Grabbing a lantern cage, you lit the candle inside of it and hurried outside, feeling nervous as the figure hurried over to you.
Soon enough, they were standing in front of you, a miserable look on their face, their eyes red and puffy as their teeth chattered together.
“Come inside,” you didn’t care for introductions or your safety. This person seemed nice. “I’ll start a fire. Uh- there should be a few blankets on the sofa. Would you like anything to drink? Warm milk, tea? I’m not gonna offer coffee because it’s late, so I’m sorry about that.”
“Just water, please,” they croaked out. “I’m sorry for the intrusion. I was headed off in search of territory to claim. Turns out I chose the wrong day. God, it’s cold.” You let out a quiet laugh as you carefully tossed some wood into your fireplace, lighting the material on fire. Almost immediately, the flames grew and you sat up, placing your flint and steel on the fireplace mantle.
“I’ll go get you your water. Go warm up.” You urged before you walked into the kitchen to get the brunet some water.
““And then Tommy ran off!” Wilbur howled with laughter as he told the story of how he managed to lose his father in the forest close to his family home. ““Phil was looking for us for hours!” You smiled at the story as you carefully sewed up your friend’s heavy coat, making sure the patches were relatively the same colour as the rest of the jacket.
“You never really tell me about your family, so why are you telling stories now?” You commented, threading the needle in your hand through the fabric and back out of it, pulling the thread tightly. You snipped it with your scissors, placing the needle down to look for any other holes as Wilbur flushed a bright red.
“W-well— one day, I want you to meet my family, so- this sounds so fucking stupid. Never mind, forget about it.” He covered his face in his hands as you bummed, picking up a patch and laying it out on the brown fabric.
“What you’re saying is that you would introduce me to your family because you like me that much, huh?” No answer came from Wilbur, though he did let out a flustered groan as you chortled.
You placed a kiss upon your new boyfriend’s cheek, causing the brunet to laugh as he shrunk away from your lips
“Stop it,” you only grinned at the man, kissing various areas of his face in retaliation. Wilbur laughed harder, pushing you away gently as his face scrunched. ““It tickles!”
You grabbed his face in your hands and he looked into your eyes for a moment before you began attacking his face with kisses. When you pulled back for a break, Wilbur copied your actions from earlier and rubbed his thumb across your cheeks with a smile. He leaned his forehead on yours and let out a breathy sigh, closing his eyes as he basked in the moment.
“I love you so fucking much, [Y/N].”
““Dont be scared, darling,” Wilbur mused as he gently rubbed his thumb in circles on the back of your hand, lightly squeezing every few rotations. “Techno’s made sure to keep any weapons away and Tommy might be a little less wreckless. I’ll make sure to tell them during dinner.” You nodded uncertainly, playing nervously with the bracelet Wilbur had made you way back when the two of you first started as friends.
Wilbur rapped his knuckles on the door, his other hand never once letting go of yours as the two of you waited. A bit of shouting was heard through the door, slightly muffled, though it was evident that it was coming closer.
The door was flung open by a blond boy, his blue eyes shooting us to meet Wil’s not even a second after he opened the door. A grin was on the boys face as he turned and shouted for Phil [who Wilbur had told you was his father]. Soon enough, a blond man with a bucket hat trodden over, frowning at Tommy.
“Listen, motherfucker, you may be living here, but I’m not gonna fucking let you live if you keep fuckin shoutin.” You froze nervously and glanced over at your boyfriend. He just sent a small, awkward smile onto reassure you before he turned to look down at the two.
“Are you really gonna argue in front of my wife?” Wilbur piped in, feeling himself become giddy as Tommy and Phil shot their heads over to look at you.
“You brought a girl over?!” Tommy yelled in surprise as he stumbled back, eyes wide as he observed your movements skeptically.
“Wil? Can you come over here real quick? I just need to talk to you.” Phil forced a smile as he grabbed the taller man’s ear and yoinked him over to a different room, leaving Tommy and you alone.
“Hi,” you smiled nervously, raising a hand in a half assed wave.
“Do you happen to be American?” The blond asked, leaning his face over to stare at you.
“I mean- I’m a water nymph. I don’t really know if that counts because we usually just have different accents, but we never take into account where anyone’s from.” You laughed, scratching your cheek.
“Well where are you from?” Tommy urged, crossing his arms.
“To be specific, I came from the North Sea right by the Netherlands. I don’t really think that’s important though.” You shrugged.
“So you’re Dutch? Speak it.”
“Im not necessarily Dutch, I was just born in the North Sea, Tommy- I think you’re a Tommy. You seem like a Tommy.” You cleared up, ““The only reason I learned English was to communicate with certain humans.”
“Okay.” The boy sighed, shoulders slumping forward as you let out an amused chortle, “I’ll leave you alone. For now.” Tommy backed up, turning into a room while a big, burly pig person ducked under the doorway, a large sword in hand and an uninterested expression on his face. As he turned to the door, he spotted you and his eyes widened momentarily before going back to their half lidded position.
“Who’re you? Phil didn’t- oh. Oh, today was that day. Oh my god, how could I forget it?” The hybrid smacked his forehead harshly, ““I’m so sorry.”
You laughed, waving your hand dismissively as the pig moved to the side to let you in. You carefully stepped into the warm house and the tall hybrid closed the door behind you.
“Dinner’s nearly done, so you can go sit down in the living room. If you need anything, Phil has ears all over the place. Just look at those crows.” Techno motioned over to the few crows that perched themselves on the window, letting out quiet caws. You waved at the birds and they flapped their wings in response.
“They seem nice.”
You sat next to your husband, hand intertwined with his as Phil smiled over at the two of you.
“So, anything new happening with you two?” The blond man inquired, placing his hands on the table. 
““I mean,” Wilbur laughed, turning over to look at you. “Would you like to tell them, dear?” You nodded, a grin on your face as you sat as straight as you could.
“I’m pregnant,” you said, your voice surprisingly calm. Tommy let out a shocked ‘‘what the fuck??’, while Techno choked on his food, slamming a fist onto his chest.
Phil was quiet, eyes wide in shock as he took in the information.
“Pregnant? With Wilbur’s kid?” You nodded, swinging Wilbur’s hand as Tommy cheered.
“Im gonna be a fuckin uncle! Yeah! I’ll be the best damn uncle ever!” He cackled, leaning back as Techno snorted.
““Can I teach them PvP?” You and your husband glanced over at each other before shaking your head.
“Maybe when they’re old enough to know what they’re doing.”
““Hello, my precious baby,” you cooed gently, holding the newborn as they let out a quiet sigh. ““My baby. You look just like your father.” A warm but tired smile was on your face as your baby opened their eyes, brown meeting [Eye Colour].
“Love, is the baby okay? Is she doing alright?” Wilbur called nervously through the door, to which you laughed.
“Yes, they’re doing great,” placing a gentle kiss on the baby’s nose, they brought a hand up and lightly tapped their nose.
““Fundy! Come here!” You cheered, reaching your arms out to the toddler. They giggled, waddling over to you. Their scab covered knees were littered with bandages and the red overalls they wore were much unlike what Wilburs would have wanted your child to wear, but it was your kid! They deserved the best!
““My precious baby,” you placed a kiss on their cheek, causing the brown haired child to giggle and wipe the kiss from their cheek. You grinned, littering their face in kisses as they squirmed, ““My little champion!”
“Yah! Cham-champion!” They babbled, bringing up a finger to chew on as you set them down and smoothed out your dress. 
““Alright, sweetheart, papa will be here soon, so make sure to tell him what you want to tell him, alright?” Your boy nodded, a goofy grin on his face as he reached over to one of the toys you had brought.
You cradled your son’s head as he sobbed, shaking his head in denial as to what had just happened.
“He-he’s gone, mama!” He choked out, wrapping his arms around you tightly. His tears stained your shirt, though the feeling didn’t bother you as you rocked your son back and forth, combing your fingers through his hair.
“Fundy, it’s okay,” you cooed, ““He doesn’t have to live with all the mistakes he made in the past anymore. Who knows, maybe he’ll come back?” 
““But what if he doesn’t? That was his last life and- and it’s gone! My dad’s gone!” Letting out a pained wail, he continued to sob. And you let him.
He had gone through so much.
““Who the hell are you and what are you doing around my son?” You sneered, standing in front of your son as the transparent figure stared at you curiously.
“You don’t remember me?” They asked, voice echoing as they tilted your head. “I- [Y/N], it’s me! Your husband! I- I am your husband, right?”
“My husband didn’t push away his son and focus on a failed country more than his own fucking family.” You loaded your crossbow, aiming it at the ghost. ““You didn’t come to his birthday parties, didn’t get him anything, you barely paid attention to him when your country was in the spotlight! You’re no husband to me.”
“Mama-” Fundy gulped nervously, ““Mama, please.”
“You know what, whoever the fuck you are? You’re no damn husband to me and you never will be. Now leave me and my son alone, for fuck’s sake.”
The ghost was silent as you turned, leading the man beside you toward the house at the top of the hill, though a small smile made its way onto his face.
“She’s the one I married?” He murmured, moving his hand to where his heart was, “Was she really the love of my life?”
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floofs-headcanons · 3 years
Hello hello! Both of your have such awesome writing! I had so much fun reading the headcanons and scenarios of the bodyguard AU! Could I request either college AU or a soulmate AU or your choosing for Zoro? Whatever you feel like writing! Thank you!!
College & Soulmate AU; Scenario
Character; Zoro
Word Count; 1,718
Thank you so much, we’re glad you liked it !! But no, but let me tell you how we screamed at each other for literally half an hour when we saw this request. There were too many good soulmate AUs we ended up using a generator aksjdhas.
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The first time you and your soulmate touch you get stuck together for a while.
December is when you find him sleeping on campus grounds. He’s resting on one of the outdoor tables, book open, with arms covering the pages. Snow is falling, and you’re cold even with a heavy fur coat and umbrella keeping the white specs from melting into your hair.
You’re not sure if you should wake him up despite the fact that he was wearing nothing other than a T-shirt and some jeans, but he doesn’t seem very bothered. Well, that is until he sneezes. It’s followed by some incoherent grumbling and nearly scares the shit out of you, but it’s enough for you to decide to help.
“Hey,” you poke his cheek with the butt of your umbrella, not too fond of touching strangers. “Hey!”
He doesn’t stir, and you’re left wondering if anyone else has tried to help him before you showed up and ended up leaving it be because he wouldn’t budge.
Still, you couldn’t leave him here in this type of temperature; so you decide to leave your umbrella behind. It’s long enough to lean against the table and shield him from the ever piling snow without directly touching any part of his body and possibly bothering his rest- not that you think it would. He didn’t flinch even when you yelled at him.
December is when you’re working at Shakky’s bar late into the night to pay off your college tuition.
Those loans wouldn’t pay themselves after all and the salary was good. 
The company at the bar itself was interesting to say the least. You could never truly say you had a dull night while working there. Be it the slurring drunks and their awful attempts at pickup lines, to the terribly sobering tales that would be shared across the counter; it was an eye opening experience. 
Tonight would be much like any other- at least, that’s what you had thought until a familiar man comes through the door. 
He seemed well- that was good. You didn’t give it too much thought, after all, you were on the clock and this was a rather popular bar for the student body to frequent. From the way Shakky greets him, he must’ve been a regular long before you had begun working here.
Setting down the glass you had been mindlessly polishing, your attention is drawn towards a customer sitting near the back of the bar. He’s a bit louder than the other customers, but you were pretty used to that. Eustass Kid came in all the time and drank until he either passed out or his blonde haired friend carried him out forcefully. At the very least he wasn’t bothering anybody.
“Excuse me,” the green haired man raises a hand, successfully catching your attention. It seems he was done talking to Shakky by now.
“Yes?” You make your way over, an award-winning customer service smile tugging at the corner of your lips. “What can I get for you?”
He ends up getting a few, maybe more than a few, beers. This man sure could drink.
December is when your car decides it needs its own break from the cold winter snow. It thankfully doesn’t break down anywhere too traffic heavy, and there’s an auto-repair shop not even five minutes away.
“Oh, hello,” you greet, surprised to see a familiar face working here. He’s wearing a tank-top and some slacks, and this time you think the attire is appropriate given how much he was sweating.
The owner, Franky, had more than generously came to pick up your mobile and gave you a ride along the way, saying it would be done the same day. I have a reliable repairman, he said more than just a bit too loudly for comfort.
The male glances up at you for a second before going back to finish up on the vehicle he was already occupied with. “Hey, there.” You’re not too sure if he recognizes you- it’s a hard to not recognize him- but that’s fine, you just needed your car fixed.
It doesn’t take him very long to finish up on his current project before moving onto yours. He thankfully doesn’t ask any questions, it seems like the owner had already filled him in, and just starts working.
“You know,” he spares you a glance, picking up another tool. “He said it’d be done the same day but it’s still gonna take a few hours. Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“Unfortunately not,” you sigh. The only plans you had were to go back home and take a long, long nap, but there was no way you were going to walk back in this type of weather. For a while, you’re standing around a little awkwardly, fiddling with the fluffs of your sleeves before he speaks up.
“If you want you could sit inside where it’s warmer. There’s a TV and some magazines you could read to keep you occupied.” You debate that for a bit, looking through the glass door to the waiting area, but ultimately decide to stick around for a bit longer.
“It’s fine,” you say with a smile. You could wait inside later, for now you’d want to wander a bit. It’s not every day you’d get to go to an auto-repair shop and you’ve always been a bit curious with how often Kid yells about it in the bar. “Would it be alright if I take a look around?”
He gives a grunt of approval and you make yourself comfortable, roaming the workshop. It’s quite big, and you hadn’t noticed ‘til now that the walls were painted in vibrant blues, red, and yellow. It matched the owner’s eccentric personality.
“Oh,” a stand hidden to the back of the shop catches your attention; a lone umbrella resting on its handles. Yours- to be more precise. “You use an umbrella during snow time?” You hadn’t bothered to ask for it back, the thought never really occurred to you. Considering they weren’t that expensive buying a new one wouldn’t be much of a hassle. If anything, you were more surprised he’s kept it around.
The male clears his throat, stopping whatever it was he was doing to your car and wipes his hands down with a towel. “Actually,” he admits sheepishly, “I’ve been meaning to return it to you. I just kept forgetting.”
You raise a brow, “You knew it was mine?”
“I’ve seen you use it around campus before,” he admits. “Not a lot of people use an umbrella while it’s snowing, and the color’s pretty vibrant so it’s hard to not notice. I had wanted to give it to you when I visited the bar, but you were constantly busying yourself so I never got the chance.”
A chuckle escapes your lips at his little confession. He seemed like such an intimidating guy, with the furrowed brows and scar over his eye, but he was a lot more awkward than one would expect. “Well,” you catch his attention. “I’m working there again tomorrow night if you want to come give it to me in person.” December is when you’re sparing hopeful glances at the door every time the bell chimes.
“Expecting someone?” Shakky teases, coming behind the bar and pouring herself a glass.
“Something like that,” you mutter before making your way past her to attend to someone in the corner of the room. It’s the same person from around two weeks ago- he’s louder this time, but there were also less customers tonight and no one seems to be complaining any so you let it slide. “Yes? How may I hELP-?!”
What you can’t let slide is how he forcefully grabs your wrist and essentially drags your body to lean over the table. “Ah, damn,” you’re used to drunks, not idiots. He has a permanent grin plastered over his lips and his grip on your wrist tightens. “I can’t let go! Guess we must be soulmates!”
There is no explaining the disgust that washes over your face. “Sir, I’m asking you politely to let go.”
Everyone who goes here knows that it’s simply an unwritten rule to not fight unless you wanted to be beaten half to death. Not by you- dear lord no- Shakky on the other hand was ruthless and you’d never want to end up on the other side of her fist.
“Huh?” He slurs, “didn’t I just tell you that I can’t let go?”
“I’m telling you-” before you’re able to get anymore words out another hand wraps around the older man’s wrist, successfully shutting you up. For a second, the dread of it being one of his friends rises, but it’s quickly crushed by the voice that follows.
“I’m sure you’re not deaf. She said let go.”
The bar is dead silent for a few seconds before the man roughly releases his grip on your arm. A bit gentler would’ve been nice, you internally grumble, rubbing the sore area.
“Hey there, could I ask exactly what you were trying to do with my precious barkeep?” Your boss comes over, leaning against the table. She gives you a wink and a slight nudge of her head towards the break room and you don’t think twice before leaving the scene, your green haired friend following close behind.
“Is your wrist alright?” He questions as soon as the door closes. “My bad for being late, I got held back by some work Franky wanted done.”
His hand reaches out to gently hold your wrist and a spark of electricity shocks you both. Usually, your first instinct would be to flinch and pull away, but he has a firm grip.
“Uhm,” you glance down, then back up at him. “It’ll probably bruise tomorrow but it’s nothing to worry too much about...”
His face is unreadable, and after a couple seconds his ears turn a faint shade of red. “I can’t let go.”
You chuckle at his poor attempt of a joke. “C’mon now, we just went through this.” You lift your free hand to pry his fingers off your wrist only to feel the same electric shock as earlier. It doesn’t hurt, only stinging enough to really initially surprise anyone, but you quickly realize he wasn’t trying to pull your leg.
“So,” he awkwardly lifts his other hand. “I brought your umbrella.”
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